#i dislike lukas SO MUCH
fishymom-art · 1 year
i finished season 4 of magnus archives and i am NOT okay
everyone's traumatized, but 4 lesbians, a muffin gay and a terrified asexual got a little win so that's good
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kiramyssu · 29 days
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*aliens your stage...
I'm not a big fan of the Sua one (I just doodled that because I was bored) I need to draw her fr at some point.. but I really like the Hyuna & Mizi one!!:] it was my first drawing of the year but I edited some stuff recently (like putting glasses on Mizi and the colors), also Luka with my OCs Liecher and Liezel because I think they look alike (kind of)...
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carpetbug · 3 months
Chewing on older Luka and shaking him around in my mouth like he's a chewtoy he looks so cool. I channel that energy for when I get on T, I wish to become him. Feral anon to Luka pipeline‼️‼️
manifesting that for you 🤞🫶 tbh I draw luka the way I do cause my only goal with him is to find him hot, since I think canon luka is a wee bit atrocious (sorry luka stans i still love you)
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problematic fave havers reading perfectly rational takes on their faves, in tears: yeah thats fair
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nualaofthefaerie · 4 months
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How about we stop interpreting the Cat King into something he is not and start listening to Lukas Gage about his own character instead?
Because it's genuinely concerning how some people view him, and at this point, I am starting to believe you people are so hostile towards him because he disrupts Painland, which he doesn't since Edwin can very much like two people at the same time (most people in real life do).
Lukas also sees this shit... It's obvious he loves this character and worked very hard to make him complex and three-dimensional, only for people to misunderstand him completely and start treating him horribly, which I'm sorry but it's completely bullshit.
So less "I don't like him because he makes me feel icky for no apparent reason" and more media comprehension.
Gif belongs to @isabellaofparma 🪷🩷
I think every person should be allowed to, of course, continue to dislike him. He is a complex character, and as such, he is the whole spectrum, and that rubs people in ways. However, I did mean to provide a different point of view than the one that had begun to take prevail and I felt was a bit unfair towards what Lukas wished to portray. I will not change or edit the original phrasing because that is how I felt when I originally posted this.
I do enjoy reading everyone's opinions. The ONLY thing I will not tolerate on this post is personal insults on both sides. Do not have those under my post. I'm an adult. I can't have people fight over fictional characters with personal insults.
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nutler--kleinja · 2 months
My depiction of the title “CURE” for alnst round 6.
the meaning of this “Cure”, isn’t really a cure. It’s not a direct one, but in actuality, it’s a very twisted cure; a way of realising everything wrong.
The “Cure” for ivan, was finally clearly expressing his feelings for till. Letting go of all his worries for the one he loves, and that way, he’s “cured” through death. he sacrificed himself for till, and he finally got to do something for him, and let him live as he wants.
That way, he could finally find the “cure” of his “sickness”, being his unrequited emotions for till. That way, his quote “shallow emotions” could be let go.
As for till, his cure, was letting go of Mizi and realising what ivan did for him.
it is quite obvious how much he likes mizi, though for him, it’s a less “deep” type of love, like Ivan’s. it’s more a “she’s so sweet, I want her”, type of love; or maybe, the thing he could be in love with was the concept of being loved. i want likes so ill be writing more about this is another post lmao ill send the tumblr link in the comments
By finally understanding that Ivan had liked him, he could finally realise the true extent of their relationship; even if you can’t tell clearly, it seems obvious to an extent that he’s very close to ivan, with this drawing from vivinos being the outright proof if it.
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Many a time, there is something where people are in denial of their feelings, or don’t even realise their presence i can relate she was so nice and sweet too i miss her and that could be the case with till.
his “illness” was never understanding how much he really loved ivan, because Ivan’s form of expressing his emotions was through physical violence(beating him up), being obsessive, or just weird in general. So, it would be natural that because of this, till consciously tries to make an effort to dislike ivan can relate again
There’s a common trend in eyes with alnst.
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Mizi and Sua in round one, who were singing for the sake of living with one another, had a passionate and innocent look in their eyes, almost glowing. You can see the light in their eyes.
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Till in round 2 had a crazed but, yet again, passionate look in his eyes, showing how he was singing for his obsession or infatuation with mizi.
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ivan in round 3 had a calculative yet as i said before, passionate look in his eyes, because of his love for till, while having to appease the audience he was performing for.
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however, Luka in round 5 had a dead look in his eyes, to show how he didn’t have anyone to sing for.
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Mizi’s eyes in round 5 had a glow, but the look in her eyes was dreamy and dazed, showing how she was still thinking about sua’s death.
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Hyuna’s eyes in all-in didn’t have the usual glow to it, yet it was still lifelike in a way, showing how she was singing for herself and herself only.
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Ivan’s eyes in round 6 were yet again, calculative, much more dead this time, but there was still a hint of light in it, showing how he was singing this last song for till’s sake, for him to win.
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On the other hand, till’s eyes in round 6 were dead and misty, showing his suffering after mizi’s death, without any will left.
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yet, after ivan’s death, till’s eyes had a distresssed look to them, yet at the same time, he had a glow of how he looked in round 2, when he was fighting for mizi.
His “cure” was realising everything about ivan, and hopefully in round 7, trying his best for him, so he himself could live on for the sake if ivan.
It’s less of an actual direct positive meaning of cure, but more of a roundabout way of passing the message; of a realisation of their own emotions, and finally letting go.
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If we are talking about popular ships we dislike I gotta say my biggest is Elias/Peter. It irks me because it's basically treated as canon, probably because their VAs have talked about it, but there's absolutely nothing in canon to suggest they were romantically or sexually involved.
The thing is their relationship is interesting to me. They have a sort of one sided rivalry where Peter is trying to thwart Elias's plans and Elias is pretty easily playing him. Actually as I'm writing this I'm realizing I could get behind one-sided Peter/Elias, with Elias being the only person Peter cares about at all but to Elias Peter is just another pawn in his plan.
But I don't like the fanon version of their relationship because it's so out of character for both of them.
ohh yeah, i absolutely get that. lonelyeyes is a fun ship overall, but it's also the source of some of the more obvious mischaracterizations of both characters.
i hate that so much fanon content just. completely mischaracterizes peter in order to make him this stoic, quiet, easily annoyed figure, when in canon, he's pretty much the opposite. he's overly cheerful in an empty way, he's extremely talkative but never says what you want to hear, he's such an excellent portrayal of what the lonely really is and i hate that people just ignore that in favor of a trope. he's not shy, he just genuinely loves being excluded socially and thrives on others' discomfort. he's not lonely, he's of the lonely. he's the guy at the party that makes you feel like you're not supposed to be there. he's the guy that reminds you, with a wide grin and genuine joy, that you'll always be alone.
peter lukas is an excellent character. the fanon portrayal of peter lukas is a different guy entirely.
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For their profiles, I like to imagine them as information the aliens give out to the public to get to know them for marketing and such. So that means they were interviewed before hand about themselves, and some alien had to write it all down, which given their answers I can only imagine how that went.
Alien: "So what do you dislike - "
Till: "A l i e n s."
Alien: "Um."
Till: "I hate them all."
Alien: "Uh, okay, so this is supposed to endear yourself to the audience so maybe you shouldn't - "
Till: "Especially Urak; ugh, I can't stand him! I fantasize about killing him everyday; I wish he'd just choke on the air he doesn't even deserve to breathe!"
Alien: *tries not to look at Urak, who brought Till here and is literally standing right there*
Alien: "Sorry, you said you like...toothbrushes?"
Mizi: "Yup! 🥰"
Alien: "...why?"
Mizi: "What do you mean? Because they clean my teeth?"
Alien: "Well, it's just that's not very personal."
Mizi, completely sincere: "Brushing teeth is a personal activity though? Does someone else brush your teeth?"
Alien: *just moves on*
Alien: "Oh! You dislike rudeness?"
Ivan: "Yes?"
Alien: "Sorry, it's just that your file says you follow around that other boy, Till?"
Ivan: "Uh huh?"
Alien: "Well, his file doesn't exactly make him seem all that polite."
Alien: "Uh, well anyway - "
Alien: "So what do you dislike?"
Hyuna: "Hmm, nothing really. I'm pretty chill with most anything!"
Alien: "Alright. Well, Luka is coming in after you so - "
Hyuna, gags a little in disgust: "UGH. 😡"
Alien: "????"
Alien: "So, what do you like?"
Alien: "Uh, what do you dislike?"
Alien: "...Any talents?
Luka, immediately: "The splits."
Alien, happy to finally have someone with normal answers: "Oh, you didn't really mention much about what you dislike; what would that be?"
Sua: "Oh, I'd have to say strangers."
Alien: *a stranger, and is now trying to figure out if that was a dis or not*
Sua: "😇" (it was)
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ceo-mochee · 7 days
Right I'm gonna say it cus I've seen and heard enough.
If you ship something toxic, Do NOT complain when people hate it.
(NOTE : Do NOT send me hate asks/comments if you choose to read this, cus I really do not gaf if you hate me for this. It's just my opinion and I wanted to get it off my chest.)
If the ship your shipping is a healthy pairing and people are hating you for it, then sure you have a reason to be upset. However if you're shipping something like Romesse, Aidesse or I don't know...... AXDEN.... (which are pretty toxic ships in general (my opinion)) then yeah people have a right to hate the ship.
I will agree on some part that attacking people is not a good thing, and this goes to both sides. People who don't like your ships shouldn't have to force you to change that, but at the same time if people hate on the SHIP itself (and are NOT namedropping people), then why should you be so worried? I literally watched one of my moots get attacked by someone because they wrote about not liking Axden.
Hell I'm even gonna take a quick minute to slander this ship now. Why? Cus it's pretty toxic- Aiden bullied Axel and tried killing his friends, do you reaaaaally think Axel would be friends with someone like Aiden, let alone get in a romantic relationship with him?? Yeah I don't think so either.
Here's the thing tho, this is just MY OPINION. If you disagree, COOL! But making a huge fuss about it and attacking others who disagree is only fueling that belief that "its not the ship itself, it's the shippers that are the problem." Getting pissy cus you CHOOSE to read someone's opinions and decide that because you disagree, and believing that you should go send anonymous asks attacking said person is also just making yourself look real pathetic.
I'm sorry, but if you're gonna get sensitive over a fictional pairing getting hate, then I don't know what to tell ya. s
I, of course, may or may not be the one to talk. I've shipped Axel and Lukas together for a long while and I may or may not have been hurt by some people's opinions myself, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go off with my pitchfork and torch and bombard someone with hate asks/comments, you know how much easier life is when ya just silently disagree with one's opinions and move on? It's amazing lemme tell ya.
So far I've only seen this happening with the ship Axden (Axel x Aiden), which is pretty damn bonkers if you ask me. Why can't y'all just accept the fact that no matter how much you preach, self project onto characters, or fuss about your own opinions, not every single person is gonna agree with you. My ass already got turned into a damn PTSD trigger to one person (who I'm of course choosing NOT to namedrop) cus I disliked that ship.
"I know Aiden bullied Axel but... but I made it to where he redeemed himself!!!"
Okay??? Still doesn't change the fact that you're getting upset that people are understandably uncomfortable with that ship mate... do you understand how happier we would all be if you'd just BLOCK people who disagree instead of burning an innocent user at the stake because they dislike a toxic ship.
Like seriously if you're gonna get upset and attack someone for not liking a (pretty toxic) ship that you like and not just like- Idk- BLOCK them... then you're probably already a lost cause my friend.
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ginzburgjake · 8 months
How did Jon and Martin meet in the dark arts au?
Ohoho I’m so glad you asked!
Martin is... the least knowledgeable student of his cohort (through no fault of his own, but because Prof. Lukas came across him when Martin was already 18, a school dropout and joylessly working at Tesco). He has to fast-track learning the basics, and Jon, conveniently, is the best option at hand (i.e. the most skilled, has no other engagements besides studying, has already passed the exams for 2 of Martin’s subjects).
Their relationship begins with disliking each other. Jon is passive-aggressive and exasperated by Martin’s inability to answer the simplest questions. He behaves like Martin’s whole presence is anchoring him to the floor while Jon’s in a rush (even on days when they’ve got no homework due).
Martin, in turn, thinks Jon a snob and a prick, no wonder he’s got no friends. Both of them are juggling much bigger issues the other isn’t aware of.
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P.s. I decided from now on to do little sketches for the Dark Arts asks :)
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lotus02lavish · 23 days
Pls do Lukas x reader headcanons!!
《 Replied: High school is killing me. Anywho, I shall casually throw this request to y'all with love, YEET-》
↬[Minecraft Story Mode (MCSM) Video Game ⚔ Romantic & Fluff 💕 Headcanons 🧠]
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"Wow. Never knew you cared so much."
Dating Lukas would include:
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🏇🏼 Horse riding together! The classic ride off to the sunset, racing giddily to the forest, sometimes one of you fall down because distracted focusing on one another and get stuck on the trees.
🎯 Him teaching you how to do archery.
"Gee, you're my cupid, y'know?"
"Shh, stay focus on the target, ;)"
Playing "The Building Dare" game. The two of you are too competitive with passion; although Lukas might let himself lose a few times, seeing you happy is already a prize for him to gain.
Using stealth mode to steal his jacket causes Lukas to chase you until he tackles and tickles you down, which forces you return it to him. But, wait, he realizes you look more attractive wearing the Ocelot jacket. So, yeah, he does not mind you wear it more often now.
🌻 Lovingly giving you a tall and big sunflower on valentine's day
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📖 Going to a library and peacefully being bookworms as you rest your head on his shoulder and he leans to your head.
Enjoyingly hearing him speak about his narrative of writing stories 24/7 a day, he accepts your opinions and criticism since he likes you being his listener or reader of his work more than anyone else.
(Gotta put the random modern au category right here): Lukas strongly dislikes horror movies, he would rather spend movie nights with you by watching the family-friendly or comedic-romantic genres. His favorites are obviously: Grease (1978 version), Bridge to Terabithia, and Tangled.
He will never let you out of his sight whenever there might be danger lurking around during the adventures you two would spend.
🌧 When it is raining that both of you forgot to bring an umbrella, you quickly jump to his back for a piggyback ride, and he hands you over his jacket to cover both of you. Then you shout, "Ok, let's go!" as he tries to run while screaming in sync to find shelter.
✧̣̇ . ⋆ ✶ ˖ · ˳ . ✦ . ˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ✧̣̇ . ⋆ ✶ ˖ · ˳ . ✦ . ˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ✧̣̇ . ⋆ ✶ ˖ · ˳ . ✦ . ˚
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Aku Cinta Dia - Chrisye
"Hati yang berbunga Pada pandangan pertama Oh Tuhan tolonglah Aku cinta, aku cinta dia."
"Flowering heart At first glance Oh God please I love, I love her."
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fairyqueentitana · 2 months
Let's talk about Marinette
Marinette Dupain Cheng is the main character of The Miraculous Adventures of Ladybug and Chat Noir. As my cousin has recently found this fandom, I rewatched it. I have several issues that I need to address, but we shall start with Marinette's first.
The obsessive behaviour linked to her crush, Adrien Agreste - not many understand how creepy this is. Still, Marinette believes she is so in love with Adrien that she resorts to highly obsessive and stalker-like behaviours. A key example is that she keeps a large copy of his personal schedule, then she has multiple photos of him. Luckily, all these photos seem to be from his modelling or group hangouts. Then there was that sniffing the clothing scene. It was frankly very disturbing. If this is indeed what the creators think is normal behaviour for a girl with a crush, I am worried for the boys their girl's crush on. Then I worry about the young girls who said they relate to her behaviour. Her crush is obsessive and creepy luckily as time goes on I see her following more normal behaviours.
How she deals with the Lila Rossi Problem - What concerns me about her situation with Lila is that she does not inform her parents at all. I understand not telling Ms.Bustier as the woman is an enabler and push-over. However, it seems to indicate that Marinette's relationship with her parents is not as perfect as once portrayed. Hiding her status as Ladybug and the guardian might be the reason, but in a way it isolates her. The high-road advice from Adrien that she follows is also infuriating and how her friends basically ignore her telling them the truth due to their belief she is jealous. Marinette has no clear support, and it shows how hard it is for her. Her friends believing Lila over her is the first true introduction to betrayal. Yet she does not grow much from it, showing that Marinette herself is holding on with a lot of hope in them but not vice versa.
Her relationship with Luka - We get a chance to see her in a proper relationship. However, it's coloured by her acceptance of Adrien being with Kagami and the fact she is growing as a person. Luka seems to be a great person for her and she acknowledges this,however, is ruined by her responsibilities as Ladybug. She eventually has to say goodbye to Luka when he leaves Paris for both her and Chat Noir's sake. Marinette is always going to be tied to Adrien even when she moves on, which is annoying. It allows her no growth.
Her relationship with Chat Noir - I understand they are teens and occasionally will make decisions using only their emotions and later regret it. However, I find Chat Noir/Adrien's assistance to be with Ladybug even when she turns him down a bit uncomfortable. He has not crossed any boundaries, but he seems to have no concept of well understanding that he needs to stop. Marinette often does keep up the banter, but she is very clear that she and Chat are not a couple. Even when he is with Kagami, he still hits on her and I'm uncomfortable with that. Marinette has a problem actually saying no and I'm starting to notice it.
Just because you like someone does not mean you do everything they say - Adrien tells her not to expose Lila, and she holds back. He tells her he is disappointed about the farewell Chloe party and she immediately wilts. She changes herself and her opinions to cater to him. It is something a lot of us can relate to but also realise was wrong. How many of you can say that she should have explained to him why his advice and lecture were wrong?
Why tell Alya her identity? - I get she was stressed and felt like she was drowning but Alya was one of the persons that encouraged her obsessive crush, runs a blog hoping to reveal her superhero identity and who so easily believed Lila over Marinette. Best friend or not, she had other options like her parents or even Luka (before he found out and left) An anon recently assumed that I disliked the show based on my criticisms of Marinette but I don't. All good characters need flaws without flaws a perfect character is boring. However, there are some things I feel compelled to comment on. Marinette is a teenager going through it, but every time she shows growth and takes several steps forward, the creators pull her eight steps back. Marinette deserves true growth that shows aka take a hint from the fandom we are screaming at this point.
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cloverandstuff · 2 months
First up, we have Mizi! Our lovely little pink-haired lady who was the most cheerful and optimistic of the bunch.
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Lets starts with some of the basic stuff and then we'll love on to the more complicated things.
[Please be aware that I am using everything that is freely available and I may not know anything about any of the paywalled Patreon Posts and such]
Canon and Basic Information
Mizi grew up in the Anakt Garden with Ivan, Till, and Sua. We can assume that Luka and Hyuna were in a different 'batch'.
If you go to the official Alien Stage website that showcases all of the members profiles, we can find some information about Mizi.
Now, we have to be careful cause this can both be canon but also also from the POV of the alien caretakers.
This page says that Mizi is 22 years old, 162cm tall and weighs 50kg. This is all facts. What's also there is her likes and dislikes.
She doesn't have any uncrypted dislikes that we can read but there are some likes which are available for us to read. They are the Anakt-made artificial flower and toothbrush. This is what was available to me on the Official Alien Stage website.
Alien Stage Official Website
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However recently, the official profiles were released that showcase more information! Here, we find that Mizi's birthday, which is still questionable due to the way that human pets are obtained, is on the August 20th.
We also find that her ID no is 020205, and thats she is affiliated with the 50th Anakt Garden.
Here, we can find that Mizi's disliked consist of vegetables and studying, which are relatively abnormal for the situation she is in.
This is all infortmation that can easily be obtained from the official site for the show. It may or may not be well known, but they are shown under the character's profile description.
Her segyein parent is named Guardian Shine and it is stated in the artbook that the scene of Mizi saying goodbye to her was described as "a mother seeing her daughter".
Semi-Canonical (Still mostly Canon)
Now we reach the parts where Im analysing a little but its seems pretty much canon.
This is mainly be circulating around the patreon posts by Vivinos and other such stuff. I will try my best to link everything I can.
First up, the lovely messages that everyone gives!!
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This is where I got the lovely translations from!
Now, if we read through all the messages that Mizi gives the others, we notice one thing very quickly; all her messages are all very long, detailed and often seem sincere. At least, more so than any of the others.
She will compliment them in earnest and go on a bit of a ramble, as though she's writing down whatever immediately comes to her head. They are all still very kind and sincere, showing just how good of a person Mizi was.
In the messages board for her, it seems that all the note-makers knew Mizi and thought very positively of her. Another thing that two messages mention is the fact that Mizi has in fact seen the ocean and speaks of it very fondly.
Next up, the Diary Entries from Field Day!
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This Official Patreon Post (This is freely available)
This is where we get a glimpse into other talents that Mizi has besides music. It seem pretty obvious that Mizi is the most athletic out of her group, seeing how she placed first in several of the events.
She also enjoys and shows pride in her accomplishments. She talks about how she can't wait to write to her guardian about it.
While we are aware that the guardians do keep track of thw children, Mizi is the only one out of all of them who seems to be in contact with them on her own volition and actively looks foward to it. This furthur cements how good of a childhood Mizi seemed to have with her guardian.
Now, we look at the interviews involving Mizi and Sua
The Official Post about for the BTS Interview of Sua and Mizi
In this, we'll be placing more focus on Mizi. But I will be doing Sua after this.
Mizi, throughout the entire interview, seems to be genuinely excuted to be a part of alien stage. She doesn't seem to realize the true horror of the event for humans.
It also makes it clear just how much of her dream goal seemed to involve Sua. She wanted to perform with Sua on the big stage ever since she was little.
These two spent their time watching the night sky when the celings opened up and talk about what they could see. They also spent their mandatory playtime together, singing most of the time.
I'll go into more detail about the aspect of their relationship eventually but for now, it's more about Mizi.
It's also made clear that despite everything that Mzi was passionate about, she despised studying and was bad enough at them tha she required extra classes.
She also shows a fascination with her home planet, Earth and would declare the spaceships she couldn't see clearly as Earth.
We also now know she needed glasses because her vision was horrible. She got them while she was in the Anakt Garden.
Mizi very specifically says 'parents' in the interview, ans not her guardian. This seems to go to show just how close of a relationship she had to her guardian. She is excited to hear from them, cares about their opinion, and shares her wants with them, which they actively supply for.
And the final part, which I think could be the most heartbreaking;
Mizi is fully unaware that those who losein Anakt Garden will die. She believes that if she loses, she will just go back to the Garden. She fully believes that if she won, it would be with Sua, wanting to perform with her for as long as possible.
She didn't know about the truth of Alien Stage and it doesn't seem like ayone bothered to correct her on this.
[This will be continued but i had this in the drafts for so long, I thought I may as well post what I had]
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
For the ask game: Hyuna!!🔥
favorite thing about them:
Man, what's not to like... she's just a fantastic character all around, probably the most likeable character in my personal opinion! I love her perserverance and her incredibly strong sense of self. Her character design is also just so incredible, probably the most unique and distinct character in the cast (shades?? almost 6ft?? abs??? a prosthetic leg???)
She's just so badass.... save me noona......
least favorite thing about them:
I don't really have anything that I dislike about Hyuna honestly. Maybe a cause of concern would be her habits of drinking and smoking but hey she's grown and reclaiming her freedom so really she can do whatever she wants with her life!
favorite line:
This might be a weird one but "A bird is set free​" from All-In has always stood out to me. It carries a certain feeling and just perfectly encapsulates Hyuna. The shot that's presented during this line is one of my favorite Hyuna frames too.
(Honorable Mention: "c-cheers!" man I love Hyuna.)
MIZI AND TILL!!! I love the idea of Till acting as an adopted little brother to Hyuna (is this a Hyunwoo coping mechanism? Who knows). Of course her fellow rebels Dewey and Isaac as well! I also think Hyuna and Ivan would get along (suprisingly enough). She'd have a hard time figuring him out at first, but eventually they'd warm up to each other and probably be gym buddies or something.
Hyuluka is the given of course since they're paired together.... while I don't have any particularly strong feelings about it in a romantic sense I find their relationship incredibly interesting to analyze and think about. Hyuluka and Ivantill are really in the same boat of obssessive perfect guy x rebel who does not like them back 😭
A ship that I genuinely do find adorable (and super underrated) is offrec/actor Hyuluka!! Offrec Luka seems much more chill and down-to-earth but also kinda jaded because he had to go through the whole idol thing which he hated. Offrec Hyuna is bright, innocent and the youngest of the cast which I find really cute.... there's this one offrec fancomic I like where Luka gets flustered because Hyuna approached him and then immediately deflating when he finds out she just wanted an autograph 😭 cute
Honestly haven't seen many other Hyuna ships besides Hyuluka.
random headcanon:
Hyuna has accidentally seriously fucked people over with her voice mimicry talent. At one point she was begged to stop doing it because she kept freaking people out.
unpopular opinion:
Okay, this one is a bit long and kind of less an opinion and more of a story, but I will admit that at first I really did not like All-In. LISTEN TO ME OKAY SAVE THE GUILLOTINE FOR LATER.
I fell off of Alien Stage after ROUND 5. I saw ROUND 1 and ROUND 2 and while I found them interesting, I didn't really think about them that much. ROUND 5 was the only one that caught my attention enough for me to come back to the video maybe 4 or 5 times after my first watch, even searching about Alien Stage on social media and stuff. Still, I wasn't too invested yet.
When I saw All-In freshly released on my Youtube page I was like "oh hey it's this thing again. there's a new one? okay" and out of curiosity I watched it.
I don't know what it was, but something about All-In just did not click with me at first 😭 I remember feeling as though it sounded kind of dissonant? Like something was a bit off with the instrumental, maybe it sounded a little low in volume or something. The rhythm of the song threw me off a little and I could not for the life of me explain why. This is purely personal by the way, I'm no professional music analyst or anything, it just seemed weird to me personally at first.
But that's the thing. Because I found it so strangely off, I kept coming back to the video (it helped that the visuals were absolutely banging). Everytime it showed up on my homepage I would just sit there and watch it entranced like a zombie and I couldn't even explain why. At one point I woke up at 1AM, opened my phone, and watched All-In completely unmoving expressionless unblinking in the dark of my room, then shut the phone off and immediately knocked out again. Once again I cannot explain this. That video had me in an absolute chokehold no joke. Eventually I started to understand it more and it really grew on me, to the point where I played it in the shower on loop and then proceeded to start the rest of my days with the damn thing. I began to get curious about the deeper aspects of Alien Stage, took the plunge, and now we're here.
Anyways, that's the story of how my opinion on All-In went from "this sounds kinda off" to "this is the best thing to ever be created by human hands". All-In is now one of my most favorite ALNST songs and Hyuna absolutely killed it in her debut video. Sorry I couldn't understand the true extent of your genius back then queen, but at least I do now.
song i associate with them:
Eight by Sleeping At Last
When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things,
I see the familiar
I was little, I was weak, I was perfect, too
Now I'm a broken mirror
But I can't let you see all that I have to lose
All I've lost in the fight to protect it
I can't let you in, I swore never again
I can't afford to let myself be blindsided
favorite picture of them:
It's come to my attention that Hyuna was being taken away by the guards. I didn't notice because she just looked so cool in this shot 😭
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cancerian-woman · 2 months
What do you think about Enzo? I find him Boring 😭
In short: I don't like him that much. None of that is MM's fault lol.
Long Answer: To me the writers never knew what to do with Enzo really which is why he has that long phase of disliking Stefan, Lily problems, Caroline/KC.20 and then being placed with Bonnie. He's different characters all wrapped up into one. Sometimes he's Damon other times he's Klaus. When Damon and Klaus are already very similar to their cores.
Ian vouched for Michael M. which is why he stayed longer than season 5. BE is more about what Enzo needs than Bonnie. They were together for years, yet Damon is so centered in their relationship because he screwed them both over. I probably would have supported them if the relationship if it was done because the writers cared for Bonnie romantically but that isn't how it is presented. Bonnie's "epic" romance is told all in one episode and then the rest is half of a season with the remaining episodes of her fawning over a ghost. Never mind the stockholm syndrome that forced them together anyway. Even in fan edits Enzo is given more reasons to like Bonnie than she is of him. They were never granted a "sex scene" but even that one moment has Bonnie doing the work. Kat Graham is 5ft2 you mean to tell me Michael couldn't carry her to a bed or something?
It's just annoying when other women were fawned over: Elena, Caroline, Cami, and Hayley were giving one or multiple interests those relationships were done with intent due to having some compassion towards those women. Those relationships center so much of those women. Bonnie gets a half-assed romance with a non-fleshed out character as a "here damn" ship.
You asked about Enzo, and this turned into anti Enzo/Bonenzo rant. Sorry, but BE is the only time his character had some consistency which was adding onto the many ways the series doesn't value Bonnie. Yes, it's nice that Bonnie got some happiness but in the end it just aided into her suffering. Enzo could be lined up with Bonnie's other romances and I swear outside of him lasting 3 seasons you wouldn't see much a difference: Luka M, Ben and Jeremy. All side characters or unimportant because the series doesn't see Bonnie as such.
Kat amazing acting in Enzo's death, and the fact that a future with Enzo was dangled over Bonnie's head like a toy is part of the reason people mourn them so much to me. The show wrapped and we never hear about Bonnie's life for the rest of the franchise.
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xariarte · 3 months
obviously I have to ask for dillon brooks for the blorbo babygirl chart 😌💕
you were the only one who requested a player so thank you 💖
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do i personally take on these players as my own blorbo babygirls? no*. they've all done terrible crimes. but it was fun to imagine them as potential horrible blorbo babygirls for Tumblr nba science.
*ok nvm i took on one of them as my own blorbo babygirl under the cut but the answer might be surprising to ppl
my justifications/explanations:
ant: he has done crimes (homophobia) but somehow i still adore him
trae young: also not pure of heart but in my heart he is. also unfortunately i do love him. would i kiss his forehead um well that's debatable actually 😥
booker: ironically i do like booker! but he's kind of a douchecanoe. has pure of heart tendencies except his team has done crimes to beloved teams
harden: i find harden interesting...also he has done nothing wrong (he def has)
gobert: an annoying bastard. love him. i have my reasons for that (doesn't list them)
bobby: i do love bobby's dawg energy even he's done crimes on court
cp3: i don't want him dead but he's kind of a bastard
lamelo: i don't like him at all but sometimes i'm like ? why are you like that
embiid: i do adore embiid despite him doing crimes to my beloved raptors team. he's obsessed with shirley temples, adores maxey (like the rest of us) and is deeply funny. i would take him on as my personal bad babygirl blorbo. 😃💖
luka: he complains way too much!!! but i actually really like luka. however he deeply annoys me on court. that bastard. 😭
irving: i hate this man but i like watching him play
grayson allen: he has done dirty plays (has apologized though) but i still don't like him. intriguing three point shooter though.
brooks: my love and hate are intertwined for this guy, like a perfectly balanced scale. but that would mean any adoration that i have for him isn't pure bc it's mixed in with hatred. he's also my anti-blorbo, bc after the rockets season ended, i was grateful to not be bombarded by content of him, but that didn't last long and now i am seeing him everywhere, so that's that. 😂 (oh and of course he deserves all his consequences)!
pat bev: he's actually so unethical it's terrible! but i do love pat bev. however he needs to pay for his various crimes and i stand by that.
draymond: i do like parts of draymond but mostly i dislike him for his various crimes.
tristan thompson: he is deeply unethical: 1) he is from brampton ontario (the worst suburb), 2) he cheated on the game, and 3) he refused Team Canada for years until they finally qualified for the Olympics and now he wants to play...he's neither a blorbo or a babygirl to me but I'm sure someone out there feels differently (esp. since he's conventionally attractive) so he's on the chart. 🤬
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