#little guy can be a master manipulator if he wants and chooses it for good ig
nofacednerd · 8 months
I love episodes like this where were occasionally reminded that the main four are actually extremely intelligent, especially Boimler who's usually just used as comic relief (mostly in earlier seasons)
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junnieverse · 8 months
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➙ synopsis: you had known from the beginning that your relationship with jungwon was far from perfect, many would simply put it as toxic because of how manipulative he was but you were too blinded by love that all the lies and deceit felt meaningless. it was too late before you realised how dysfunctional it all was, love wasn't logical after all.
pairing: yang jungwon x gn!reader
genre: angst, lovers to exes au
word count: 1.1k
warnings: not proofread, jungwon is toxic (and so is your relationship with him), reader cries at some point
a/n: this is officially the first one done for the series! I hope you guys enjoy it, reblogs are highly appreciated too! :)
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Everything had seemingly came crashing down and you were stuck right in the middle of the storm.
It felt like everything you knew that he'd told you was just acid burning through a surface.
Yang Jungwon was no saint. He may have looked like one but, looks can be deceiving.
Everyone had warned you about him and his manipulative ways but you were smitten.
You had fallen for him and hard, nothing anyone said could've stopped you from letting go of him and the deep connection you had.
You were brainwashed, yes, but what made you feel stupid was how long it took you to realise that your relationship with Jungwon really meant nothing to him.
He simply drew you a picture of everything you wanted, the picture perfect relationship with the most perfect boyfriend but you couldn't see the cracks in this little fantasy.
You were mislead into a fake reality that seemed so perfect that you were afraid of losing it.
Only after you saw the truth behind it all did you realise how much control Jungwon had over you.
He made you doubt the obvious and simply believe and stay in the fantasy he'd painted out for you because 2 + 2 actually equals 5 right, it didn't make sense at first but then again nothing in your relationship did and so you just chose to blindly believe whatever and every grain of critical thinking seemingly dispersed slowly.
"I really am a fool huh. I could've stopped it from going on for so long but I let that master manipulator have his way." you say laughing bitterly as your best friend sat beside you rubbing your back comfortingly.
Constantly seeing the signs that he was never a good influence to have around and yet you ignored the warning signs because he made you 'happy'.
You had heard all the rumours about him and yet it went through one ear and right through the other choosing to not believe the truth behind everyone who was trying to protect you from getting hurt.
"Jungwon, who was that girl I saw you with the other day with your friends?" you ask him looking down nervously.
"Hmm? Oh that was... a friend of mine." he says monotonously as he walks past you not bothering to say anything else.
You knew deep down that it was better to trust your gut instincts and they were telling you that he wasn't being completely truthful yet you once again turned a blind eye to your boyfriend mistreating you because the following day he would shower you with gifts and tell you how much he loved you.
He deserved just that much forgiveness right.
You were blind in love and this little world you both had was enough for you.
All you needed was Jungwon to feel complete you thought.
It was evident that you were holding onto something that wasn't pure and sincere, your relationship with Jungwon was nothing but lies and deception but you still saw 'the good side' in him.
How he lead you to believe he was changing, becoming a better man for you.
And yet, the more he lied to you, the more you started believing the things he'd say.
"It's possible for people to change. Jungwon is changing just for me, don't you guys see it?" you tell your friends thinking fondly of him as your friends shared a knowingly worried look between one another.
"(Y/n) snap out of it, Jungwon keeps messing with your feelings, he's gaslighting you." one of them says trying to calmly express herself.
Leaving him wasn't any easy either, you'd been committed for a solid two years now and you weren't willing to throw that away.
He would call you less, he was less affectionate, he was staying out with friends more and he was gradually gravitating away from you.
Everytime you finally had enough of him and would call him out, he somehow found a way to win you over to give him another chance.
"You know I would never hurt you baby. I had too much to drink and did something stupid but you know I'll always love you." Jungwon said holding your hand in his as he wiped your tears with his other hand.
He sure was convincing you thought, he knew which exact poisonous words to use just to have you running back to him.
It was nothing but broken promises and the same story.
He would mess up, you would call him out, you both would get into an argument and he wakes up the next morning begging for forgiveness but never owning up to what he did.
You couldn't let yourself keep suffering like this anymore.
Nothing made sense, you thought he was the perfect guy you fell in love with in the beginning but now you don't know who Jungwon became, better yet maybe this was a side of him he hid from the very beginning like everyone warned you about, but you were slowly losing yourself through the dysfunctionality of your toxic relationship with him.
The fantasy world he'd created for you was crumbling down and you started to see him for who he really was.
You started to see how distorted everything he'd say was only after you finally chose to see the truth.
You thought it was a bright and magical island but this fantasy had it's faults, from the green skies to the red grass... how didn't you see this all before.
"God I'm so stupid." you say thinking back to your past relationship.
You tried making him happy, that was your main goal your entire relationship, to see Jungwon smile and be the reason behind it.
It made you blame yourself thinking you couldn't even keep your own boyfriend happy.
He trapped you.
It all felt like endless drowning and you didn't know when you'd hit the bottom.
Jungwon made sure he had you wrapped around his finger just so he could use you as he pleased and wiggle his way back into your life by painting a false picture of someone he never was... and you fell for it each time.
You both had so many problems in your relationship, very clearly your problems were unsolvable and you just kept trying to make something out of nothing.
Who was to blame but yourself.
You put yourself in this position, you could've stopped it all from the beginning when you realised how all Jungwon did was mistreat you but you didn't.
Because you 'loved him' ?
He couldn't even give you just that much back so why did you put yourself through so much heartache.
"This whole love thing is fucked up." you say looking at your best friend who nods beside you.
Love was never logical but you had to learn it the hard way.
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SERIES TAGLIST: @enhastolemyheart @jungwonscafe @firstclassjaylee
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mythicmalasada · 11 months
Hello so here r my personal Lyney characterization thoughts:
-I think he’s definitely a “crafty” sort of character. He’s a bit deceitful I suppose. However I do think that he genuinely enjoys doing magic/performing!
-Performing is a “mask” for him. He’s liked genuinely fucked up (anyone associated with the Fatui is fucked up anyways) but he’s able to hide it
-Definitely a family guy c: he loves his siblings a lot
-surely resorted to..less than ideal methods for the sake of his siblings
-I think he’s done bad things but I do think he has a good heart. I don’t think he’s always silly goofy. Like there are moments where he’s very sincere
I LOVED THESE!!! i wasn’t expecting an ask abt him but i was so pleasantly surprised!!! thank u for these srsly and feel free to send more im so insane and this feeds my brainrot
i agree!! i imagine he’s very cunning and thinks everything 1000% through. he’s a master of manipulating situations to his benefit. everything is a game to him that he has to perform his best at and win
i also picture him having picked up magic tricks as a quick way to win money in the orphanage (which i wrote a bit abt in my fic). he does enjoy magic both for the aspect of swindling people to get what he wants but ALSO ! just genuinely making innocent people (esp younger kids, which remind him of his siblings/himself as the kid he never could be) happy
i also think he’s a little insane….. perhaps not in a violent way like childe (in relations to fatui) but in a way that he’s been so utterly tormented by having to choose between two evils in order to survive and protect his siblings and he’s bound to just. Break. go absolutely batshit screaming collapsing to his knees laughing
for sure a family guy!!! he loves his siblings so much. it’s not confirmed ofc but i think lynette is his biological twin (also a robot but) and they met freminet in the orphanage. this is said on the official House of the Hearth wiki:
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… which just makes me believe that even more.
“less than ideal” is one way to put it . i’m so so excited to see his actions in the archon quest, where his loyalties lie, etc., how far he goes to protect his siblings, how far he can be pushed to sacrifice and perform flawlessly until his facade shatters
i love morally gray characters 💔 though he’s obviously done some questionable things he’s protecting his FAMILY, the only ones he has left. he’s sacrificing everything so his siblings can have it a bit easier. completely giving himself away so they can have a better sense of self. taking all the spotlight just so all the danger is directed at him. i love him so dearly 😭
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finalmemes · 9 months
THE CABIN IN THE WOODS. [ 2 / 2 ] roleplay sentence starters of the 2011 film. feel free to edit according to scenario / pronouns. tw: violence, drugs, death, murder, horror, manipulation.
there's always next year.
they're like something from a nightmare.
no. they're something nightmares are from.
you get used to it.
should you?
a couple more minutes, who knows what might've happened?
dude, be thankful. those things are terrifying. and the cleanup on them is a nightmare.
yeah, well, they may be zombified, pain-worshipping, backwoods idiots, but they're our zombified, pain-worshipping, backwoods idiots.
i'd just like to see them fall on their asses, for once.
there's too much riding on this.
come on, like you wouldn't want a piece of that.
can we not talk about people in pieces any more tonight?
are you feeling lonely, [ name ]?
i never did buy that ring.
i have a theory about all this.
[ name ], do you wanna go lie down?
don't push me around.
you seriously believe nothing weird is going on?
[ name ]'s just drunk.
you're not seeing what you don't wanna see.
pop-tarts? did you say you have pop-tarts?
[ name ], i love you, but you're really high.
we are not who we are.
i'm gonna go read a book with pictures.
you speak latin?
weird how it all comes back.
well, it's a weird kind of night.
i'm sorry about tonight.
what are you running away for?
did i get a little beer on your shirt? i guess it'll have to come off, huh?
your basic human needs disgust me.
it's so dark. take me inside?
show us the goods.
you understand what's at stake, here?
[ name ], man, you gotta wake up. your shit is topsy-turvy.
i'm gonna go for a walk.
okay. i swear to fucking god, somebody is talking. or i'm pretty sure someone is.
what are you saying?
what do you want?
you think i'm a puppet, huh?
you think i'm a puppet. gonna do a little fucking puppet dance!
i'm the boss of my own brain, so give it up.
i thought there'd be stars.
we are abandoned.
jesus, what happened?
where are you hurt?
we've gotta get out of here.
i'm not leaving here without [ name ].
what is that thing?
we gotta lock this place down.
no matter what happens, we have to stay together.
watch the master work.
we should split up.
i'm on a reality tv show.
my parents are gonna think i'm such a burnout.
help me! help me!
this is where he killed them.
this is where he kills us.
let's just check the walls, okay?
you like pain? how's that work for you?
remember when you could just throw a girl in a volcano?
how old do you think i am?
the evil is defeated!
fuck you! fuck you! fuck you!
any word from downstairs?
you guys are humanity's last hope.
we're dark on the whole sector.
what the fuck do you think i'm doing?
look out! get out of the way! make a hole!
[ name ], what is going on?
we can't go back.
there's no way across.
what're we gonna do? jump?
i'll get help.
i'm coming back with cops and choppers.
he hit something.
[ name ] was right.
there's gotta be another road.
you're missing the point.
please, do not go nuts on me, okay, [ name ]? you're all i've got, now.
you're celebrating?
how can the ritual be complete?
it's so strange.
i'm actually rooting for this girl.
tequila is my lady! my lady!
you knuckleheads.
i'm just giving you a hard time.
turn the fucking music off.
that's impossible. everything was done within the guidelines.
[ name ], come on.
what is this place?
i had to dismember that guy with a trowel.
somebody sent those dead fucks up here to get us.
do we wanna go down?
where else are we gonna go?
they made us choose. they made us choose how we die.
take him out first.
how does that help us right now?
good work, zombie arm.
this should've gone differently.
i can only imagine your pain and confusion.
what's happening to you is part of something bigger.
you've seen horrible things. an army of nightmare creatures, but they are nothing compared to what came before.
this is part of a ritual.
they don't just want to see us killed. they want to see us punished.
we work with what we have.
the sun is coming up in eight minutes. if you live to see it, the world will end.
you can die with them … or you can die for them.
you have to be strong.
you feeling strong?
i'm so sorry i almost shot you.
i'm sorry i let you get attacked by a werewolf and then ended the world.
giant evil gods. i wish i could've seen them.
that would have been a fun weekend.
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mythicalartistx · 10 months
Lately I've been appreciating Vanitas more...
Honestly I just really like his character cause it's kinda sad...
Okay liking a character because it's sad isn't a good thing but—
Hear me out.
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I really like the idea of him being forced out of Ven and basically kinda in a similar situation as Repliku.
Just a sad silly little guy who deserves so much more than what he has to deal with.
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Then here are the Unversed.
The Unversed are little enemies that are like heartless except they come from Vanitas and he can control them and whatnot. Then each time someone slaughters one of the Unversed with the keyblade, Vanitas himself gets hurt and it's just sad.
And honestly I want a pet (flood) Unversed. They seem so cute just like heartless (shadows).
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Fandom kinda weird about Vanitas...Makes me uncomfy
The hardest part about him is that the fandom and people who like him make him out to be this twisted, messed up character that does uncomfy nonconsensual things.
And it's so annoying because he such a great character and when I look up random art or just things about him, I don't want to see that.
I can look up fan things of Sora, Riku, and like 90% of the other characters and find decent cool things, but with him it's really hard to.
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Wayfinders and Darkness
He does bad things to the Wayfinder Trio because he's darkness and everyone always says darkness is bad.
Until Riku came along
You're told darkness is bad and is dealt with doing not so good things you'd probably become a morally grey character/ not so good person to others.
He probably feels isolated.
Then there's Xehanort trying to get Vanitas to do things for him as well as using the Wayfinders to manipulate them to darkness.
Then he's told to reconnect with his other half to forge some kind of ancient χ-blade for the purpose of creating Kingdom Hearts
Vanitas does bad things and uses the darkness for evil but you also weren't showing why doing good things is better.
Since you can use darkness for good and evil, while also using the light the same way. All those masters were told use darkness is bad and didn't do a thing about the stuff happening Eraqus, Odin, and
Yen Sid (he's probably one of the better ones but still had both Sora and Riku take that exam when it was obvious something was going to happen)
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Sora offers a 2nd Chance
Then in KH3 Vanitas along some others wants to find Ven and realizes this through encountering Sora.
It isn't until the final battle where Sora offers him a chance.
He tells him, You can be who you want to be. Basically kinda like Sora in COM telling Repliku, you are your own person too.
Then Vanitas tells Sora but I am Darkness and that is who I choose to be.
Sora realizes Vanitas wants to be darkness and decides that.
Vanitas chooses to fade away and the others understand his choice.
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HC + Future installments
They gave him a chance, well Sora mainly and I think with that he could come back in the future a be a morally grey/ decent character who's neither good or bad.
Kinda like Riku but a little bit different.
Like he will probably use darkness but he might help them some as well.
He's done some bad but he could also do good.
That is why the fan trio — The Lost Trio would be so fun to have more of.
I think them interacting would be so interesting to see since they all are really similar. Plus it could just be like this wholesome thing
And another thing that makes them so great is because it's like the reversed Destiny Trio
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forunholy · 7 months
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lee junho. 33. cis man. he/him. ┊┊ cerberus corp has been watching HANBIN PARK. some of the public has dubbed them ZEUS because of ELECTRICITY MANIPULATION gifted by HIS CAR CRASHING INTO A POWER LINE. having been an extra ordinary since 2017, they’re doing a good job at hiding BLACKOUTS & INABILITY TO CONTROL HIS POWERS. when they aren’t working their day job as a CORPORATE LAWYER, they are fond of BOXING and are never seen without HIS WORK PHONE. at first glance they seem THOUGHTFUL & DILIGENT, though their close friends know them to also be WITHDRAWN & CALLOUS. they consider themself a ANTI-HERO
name:  hanbin park. nicknames:  han. age:  thirty-three. date of birth:  november 15th, 1990. zodiac:  scorpio. place of birth:  seoul, south korea. current residence:  greenwich village, manhattan. gender:  cis man. pronouns:  he/him. sexuality:  pansexual. occupation:  corporate lawyer.
faceclaim:  lee junho. height:  5'11". tattoos:  none. piercings:  right & left ear. distinguishing features:  faint mole on the bridge of his nose.
positive traits:  diligent, thoughtful, independent, perceptive, intelligent. negative traits:  cold, withdrawn, callous, self-serving, rigid, resentful. mbti: intj - the architect. likes:  law, routine, cats, hot black coffee. dislikes:  messy spaces, incompetence, cerberus. fears: being left behind, failure. hobbies:  kickboxing, working out, cooking. habits:  cracking his knuckles, running a hand through his hair.
near death experience…  he'd blame his front-wheel drive car on the crash. it was raining and he'd been far too busy to stop and check his tires. a junior associate, working his ass off just to make it, as if he didn't graduate from one of the most prestigious law schools in the city. he was shoe-in from the beginning, studious and level-headed just like his father was. just as withdrawn too as the years passed by. he'd lived, but not nearly enough when the crash happened. the smoke from his car, sparks lighting up the dark, raining sky. hanbin could barely see, let alone know the pain he'd experience stepping out of his car, foot splashing in a puddle and immediately feeling a jolt of electricity course through him. he hated it, shook just thinking about it. yet some days, hanbin wonders if the pain he experienced then can compare to the aftermath.
power…  being powerful was a curse in his mind, even if he was entirely biased after seeing the person he loved choose power over blood. as cautious as he's always been, he's secretly ruled by his emotions. something small as a little fright short-circuits his fusebox. something as big as a case gone wrong has his hands itching for release. burning in anger and damaging anything he touches, the sound of glass shattering in his office a distinct sound in his early days. as the corporate world became one with him, he became more cutthroat, determined to win and determined to be on top, using the smallest portion of what he actually knew to intimidate anyone, learning it was not only objects he could break, but people too.
as for its use, it varies between mind and touch. when he's angry, enraged with nowhere to place his anger, his mind will affect what's around him. something as simple as a lightbulb dimming out, or as severe as blowing up a vehicle near him or his apartment complex losing power. if he learned to master his manipulation, the effects could be much greater. his hands are his primary weapon, what he feels he has control over. a touch is a piercing shock, hurting both objects and humans the moment he touches them regardless of force.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities…  he lacks control, feeding off his emotions far too often and never knowing the bounds of what he can do. hanbin doesn't want to be a bad guy, but he makes far too many bad choices. hurting someone to get what he wants, enough to leave a scar as a souvenir. the corporate world is corrupt and cold, he's only doing what he has to do to make it. but then there's the blackouts. the pure and viseral anger that makes him lose sight of what's around him, paths of destruction in evidence. hanbin wakes up dazed and weak, bits and pieces the only thing for him to latch onto.
codename…  it's fitting, though he'd roll his eyes hearing the name zeus. given to him by his coworkers who are well aware of his brother, pointedly comparing the lawyer to the god. the youngest son, god of lightning, and self-righteous all while being morally skewed. hanbin thinks it's all a bunch of bullshit.
a best friend (definitely a civilian sorry to all my agent baddies </3). someone who's probably a little morally grey like him but they can easily confide in each other about anything. might be the only person to know about hanbin's blackouts.
flings/exes/hookups. hanbin has been in maybe one or two serious relationships in his life, mostly because he is so work-driven that it's hard for him to give his attention to anything that's not just causal. as reserved as he is though, he does definitely have a soft spot in his body and perhaps someone finally got him to smile??
enemies. maybe those that know he's greedy and uses his abilities to get ahead rather than help anyone.
i'm so bad at connections but anything and everything pls
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holywizardheart · 2 years
💘Your secret admirer💘
Tarot reading 🔮
The pictures aren't mine ❌
Please don't take it too seriously. 😄This is a common layout for everyone. You can choose one of three options and take what resonates.💜
Enjoy your reading 🥂
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📎Pile 1📎
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The description of the person💫
Hello, pile 1 are you ready for this reading? Well then let's get started! Okay, guys, a person here knows how to build relationships, it doesn't matter if it's a partnership or it's related to business. The person is educated and carries with him a huge amount of knowledge. They can give good advice and help people. Quite active does not stand in one place. If it didn't work out the first time, then he never despairs. Mentally strong and able to resist difficulties. There may be talents in teaching and can explain situations clearly without unnecessary aggression. A person is certainly calm and balanced and can also engage in volunteering. I can confidently say that this person has iron patience.
It is difficult to establish a deep connection with him. It is also impossible to convince him. The person is ordinary and does not differ in appearance. But a conversation can be a very interesting and exciting activity. Or maybe he might have an extraordinary personality.
What does he like about you?💕
You will never deceive anyone or manipulate people. On the contrary, you reveal the truth to others. He likes your directness and honesty. You'd better tell the bitter truth instead of lying all the time. In addition, if you are engaged in creativity, then he admires your talent and skill. He believes that you are a master of your craft and know what to do in difficult situations. You can be a hermit or you like to be alone. You also respect other people's boundaries and demand such an attitude towards yourself. You can be introverted and often stay at home. He also likes your brilliant mind and attentiveness. It's as if you're looking for a hidden meaning in everything and every detail. You can often get lost in your thoughts and think a lot. Some of you may prefer to meditate in your free time.
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💸Pile 2💸
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The description of the person💫
Hello, my Pile 2 welcome to the reading. I'm glad to see you on my blog. So let's see who is this person. I'm going to say that this person is definitely in love with you. And he has some hope for a future with you. A person is very enthusiastic and is the master of his life. A loyal friend and comrade, and passion are boiling in the blood. Hard work and finances play an important role. In addition, he has enough vital resources and money, and he does not need anything. Perhaps a person can be rich, or at least wealthy. He never gives up on new opportunities and prospects. He is even ready to experience even radical changes and shifts.
Sometimes he may doubt himself and does not believe that everything will work out. Here comes the disappointment in himself or he thinks that he is not trying hard enough. Can be sensitive to criticism, and even be dependent on people's opinions. Very much in need of praise and approval from others. This person can have ADHD.
What does he like about you?💕
The person sees you as quite experienced in terms of the partnership or you just know how to work with people. You also easily find a common language with others. He likes that you are always moving forward. Nothing will stop you in life, you go as a winner. Also, the energy of rivalry and competition comes from you. I'm hearing the song "Shine bright like a diamond" by Riana. Sometimes you won't give up a little game. Here you can have a lot of fire in the natal chart. No matter how difficult the path was, you always go only forward. You never doubt yourself. You are ready to work for your dreams and desires. You are also moving quickly towards your goal. Perhaps he wants to become like you and wants to learn something from you. He admires your complete self-confidence.
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🌟Pile 3🌟
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The description of the person 💫
Hello, my dear pile 3. Welcome to my reading. So let's start it quickly. A person does not like to sit in one place and often changes himself. Can change the environment and place of residence. He can leave people without even saying goodbye. He likes to live in his castles in the air and dream of a grand events. He can work on projects that are important to him and perhaps even with groups of people. Here we have an optimist and a visionary. Collects money and does not like to waste it. A little comes out as ignoring or a person who doesn't care about other people. He may suddenly isolate himself from people. Moreover can also have problems with self-esteem, I think he tries not to show it in front of people.
A person sometimes worries too much and can often experience stress. But despite this, this positive attitude always comes from him. In life, he is a really lucky and happy person.
What does he like about you?
You are always open to relationships and partnerships. Express your feelings and love for the person vividly. Perhaps you know how to morally support a person in a difficult moment. A good strategist and planner. He likes that you take your time and go slowly to the goal. It is also possible that many men are attracted to you and he is also interested in learning some information about you. You can also be popular in men's companies. You are also not afraid of change, you can even give up something in return. You often attract people's attention to yourself and are the centre of the spotlight.
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selkymaiden · 1 year
i was tagged by @50sjello tytytyty 💕💕💕💕💕🍓 also hehehe love reading about ur ocs
i tag: @grotusque, @stjarnskrik, @schreiberpablo, @thetiniestyeti, @kiryukazumas, @mediocredoots, @shatteredthrone, @morticianbot, @jesterrlavorre , @vissenya , @crystariumleves Don't feel the need to do it! It's just a fun oc thingy.
✨ favorite oc ✨
Damn, it really do be changing depending on the hyperfixation. But I will say the one who shows up the most in my tags, or I think of a lot when I see a quote or photoset has gotta be Neptune. I go back to her at the end of the day. I'm a sucker for Fallout and she's my strongest in personality 🗣️
runners up: Leto Hawke, Sophie, Galina, Koshka- I can't choose.
❣️newest oc❣️
Ohhhhh Sophie!! 🐍💕 She's very self-indulgent and for a time I was like 'Oh, she's just self-insert' cuz I really like [redacted] but then she became her own character. I always did like the DC comics and if they can write canon characters doing wild ass shit then I can have an OC who can be OP also.
runners up: Mina Q., Nimue.... Too many ladies
⏳ oldest oc ⏳
Leto Hawke. Dragon Age 2 came out in 2011 so she's been around since then. Although I have had a guy named Adrian but I don't even post about him, I do have a Pinterest board but he's not from any series, he's just an oc that floats about.
💥 meanest oc 💥
Koshka. Or Anita Hardy, my black cat sona. Instead of a spidersona, I wanted a villain so black cat it was. 😼😸
runners up: Galina, Norma Ann, and.... maybe Sophie when she's fed up with everyone.
💘 softest oc 💘
OH! June Muldoon. My Sole Survivor. She's been through a lot but has kept the softest heart- It's why she's the General of the Minutemen and will help all kinds.
runners up: Queen Mab my Warlock from Destiny 2
☢️ most aloof/standoffish ☢️
Hestia Lavellan. My Inquisitor is an Elf and already knew what she was half getting into when she became the Inquisitor. As she's not a human and is considered lower class or less PLUS she's a Mage. So everything has been stacked against her from the start.
runners up: beatrice amell, Galina
🎉 dumbest oc 🎉
Oh wow uhhhhhhh probably Gigi. My Deputy from Fary Cry 5. She's got heart and spirit and wants everything to work out but flkawjerjkl girl the choices she be making are hilarious! ☠️☠️💩
runner up: Will, Leto (a lil, yeah).
✔️ smartest oc ✔️
Sophie. She's quickly made a spot as a sort of master manipulator. But usually for the better of G****m or at least her own little world, and she certainly can play with the other Rogues now and come out untouched and that's even without cheating and using the supernatural. 💅
runners up: June Muldoon used to be (she made every faction work together in the Commonwealth by playing them), Galina (very good businesswoman), Pluto Twelve (Neptune's little sister)
👼 ocs i’d be friends with 👼
this is easy basically all my Fallout ocs cuz they've all seen shit but at the end of the day they are so chill and will hang out.
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marvelstars · 1 year
Fathers and Sons - Masters and Apprentices
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I think the fact George Lucas got inspiration to create Star Wars from old movies in which Samurai appear while also adding his own social commentary about the use of tecnology and weapons of mass destruction by imperialist goverments mixed with a little bit of mystical/fantasy is what makes Star Wars so special for many people but it´s also the reason why we as a fandom have such different takes on the story.
For example, I uderstand Obi-Wan´s mission once Anakin turned to the darkside, was to kill him , as his master, it was his duty to do so and it was what Yoda, his grandmaster, ordered him to do acording to their tradition, because that´s exactly what they have done for generations to deal with Sith and because Anakin betrayed them and so Obi-Wan did his best to kill Anakin and was angry enough at him to give him a slow death by burning instead of making sure he died quickly, because he feel angry and betrayed by his former student and that´s completely understable, this kind of themes are actually quite common on Samurai stories.
This is why I see Obi-Wan and Anakin relationship as a master - apprentice, not father and Son, because while there was definitely some scenes that pointed that way and Anakin certainly tried his best to give Obi-Wan this role, the truth was that in practice both of them choose to keep their boundaries and keep their relationship as master - apprentice as the main one, this doesn´t mean Obi-Wan didn´t care for Anakin, he in fact loved him a lot but it means he didn´t see him as his Son.
Both of their duels had this martial approach, they are part of the etiquette on all Sith vs Jedi duels. That´s supposed to happen, my problem with Obi-Wan is just when it comes to him manipulating Luke to make him kill his father using his own father´s memory to do so, this definitely is underhanded anyway you look at it and while grief/sadness/negation explain Obi-Wan´s choice it was still underhanded, so it was an actual good thing Yoda came clean about this issue once Luke formally asked them to be clear about it because he trusted Yoda and Obi-Wan more than Vader for obvious reasons.
I think is fine to talk about this without making Obi-Wan an evil man but also not tackling him as this wobby man who only wants peace and didn´t want to hurt anyone, because I don´t think that´s true to the character in the story. ObI-Wan is nice, warm and approchable but he also can be quite cold and sneaky when he puts his mind to end his enemies, that´s how he is. He´s the kind of guy who makes jokes about his name and helps a teenager get home but who their first reaction to his charge getting threatened at a bar is to cut off limbs. That´s who he is.
Lucas made the commentary about how the end of ROTS, when Anakin is burning and seems to raise his robotical hand a little to ask his master for help(without words), Obi-Wan rejects him right there and then because it´s was his duty to do so, telling him he was supposed to be the chosen one and then it´s when Vader completely lest go of Obi-Wan and tells him he hates him.
Obi-Wan and Anakin scene is meant to mirror Vader and Luke scene on Return of the Jedi, lest remember Luke tried to save his father but also almost killed Vader when he threatened to turn Leia to the darkside, Vader and Luke are virtual strangers to each other but they do recognize each other as family, as father - Son, so Vader´s choice is the opposite of Obi-Wan´s at that moment, he chooses beyond his role as a sith, beyond his role as the leader of the Empire, to save his Son because he´s come to love him as his father and want´s Luke´s to live so he´s able to show the kind of compassion he showed him to other people in a galaxy in which there´s so little compassion, he already knew he wasn´t going to live beyond defeating Palpatine by his own choice, he was also a Sith and he would share his master fate.
It isn´t a casual choice by Lucas that kid Anakin talked in the phantom menace inspired by his mother "the biggest problem in the galaxy is that no one helps each other" Anakin tried to model himself after this motto as a jedi and he in fact was like this at times but he fell to the darkside, while Luke became a jedi who lived by this motto without even meeting his grandmother and knowing very little about his father but their legacy lived in him, this is why he recognized himself as a "Jedi like my father before me", he is the kind of Jedi who helps people no matter their circunstances.
So in the end, Obi-Wan and Anakin - Vader and Luke are meant to be relationships that mirror each other but that are ultimately different, Obi-Wan - Anakin have shades of a father - Son relatioship without truly being one, while Luke and Vader started as mutual adversaries but came to see each other as father and Son as their most important bond.
I also think this is what makes Luke´s approach as a Jedi different to the one the old order did, because the old order was martial in their approach and while they talked about compassion "their lightsaber was their life" their approach was their lightsaber first and words later, while Luke´s approach was lest talk first and use the lightsaber later and when push comes to shove, keeping oneself linked to their principles is more important than the lightsaber, Luke didn´t get to this point by himself, as a rebel agaisn´t a facist goverment his approach was violence first, talk later, yoda´s training had a lot to do with his change of heart but ultimately it´s Luke the one who choose how to approach his father in a different way and that made all the difference, because Vader expected violence and revenge not compassion.
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Since you did the horseman, alright to ask on how Ulthane, Samael, Lilith and an angel charater of your choice would feel to the Nephillim reader? Please.
Oof, quite a bit of conflicting views and beliefs there. Never wrote about these guys before so lemme see what I got
. The Old one has surely been around since the first creation of the Nephilim race, probably present during the war for Eden as well.
. And so to see a young Nephilim survivor centuries after the fact, oh boy.
. Nothing can really surprise this maker, but after being around Humanity, I'm sure he even he is open to the possibility.
. Nonetheless, still quite surprised to come across one that isn't the Horsemen.
. Mind you beside his tussle with War, Ulthane never really had any bones to pick with the Horseman in general. In fact he was more than willing to help Fury so long as she helped him. He was quite welcoming in fact.
. If the Nephilim is not aggressive or shows any intent to do harm, I'd like to think Ulthane would take the same stance as he did when first meeting Fury.
. Except maybe a little less confrontational and would want to show that he means them no harm. He can only imagine what the Survivor had to go through just to be there, and so being antagonistic would do more harm then good.
. Besides, he seems to have a soft spot for wee young ones. Guaranteed he would try to help them if they gave him the chance.
. While he had no direct involvement with the creation of the Nephilim, you bet he is quite invested in seeing what Lilith's experiments would end up evolving to.
. More than likely to see if he could possibly use them as a pawn in his schemes. He was more than willing to recruit Strife and War during Genesis, just to unveil what Lucifer's plans were. And had no qualms with manipulating War so that he could get his power back during his imprisonment.
. While he has no love for the Angel/Demon Abominations, nor for The Horseman initially acting as the charred councils enforcers, even he can respect the potential that is there.
. Encountering a young Nephilim Survivor would be quite amusing to him. So amusing that he would not consider them a threat, they're young and thus pose no danger to his plans.
. So long as the young Nephilim keeps it that way, Samael would leave them alone, unless they prove themselves to be useful, then might take a chance and try to sway them to his side. Better to be safe than sorry after all.
. Samael has lived long enough to know which ones to keep as enemies, and to keep as potential allies if the need arises. He's a demon not a fool. Always one step ahead for the most part, as long as they don't try to play Hero.
. Everybody knows how desperate Lilith was to try and get Death to resurrect the Nephilim, and that Lucifer personally tasked her with manipulating behind the scenes to make it happen. Her failure was met with an excruciating punishment.
. The sheer possibility of another Nephilim surviving that isn't within the fold of the Charred Council is something Lilith would immediately pounce on.
. No matter if the young Survivor holds any animosity towards her or not, she would 100% turn the charm up too 1,000 just to make sure they are on her side.
. The only advice is that no matter the affiliation of the Survivor, proceed with caution. Lilith would do just about anything to secure one of her creations (Bi-product or pure Nephilim)
. An initial first meeting would include all the Temptations and false Promises she can muster. Treating them like her own child to try and get their guard down. Promising them whatever their innermost desire so to keep their invested interest. Perhaps even swearing to help get revenge on those that had wronged them.
. All manipulation of course, but like I said, Lilith is the conniving temptress that will do anything to achieve her master's bidding.
(Angel of my Choosing)
. He most certainly has been there during the war for Eden, and first hand witnessed the execution of the Nephilim race.
. And so to come across a young Nephilim Survivor would make even this Angel shocked.
. The only Nephilim he has had any tense alliances with are the Horsemen, the very ones who carried out the act. And so the Angel is understandably wary of where they came from or how they even survived. Probably would think it's a trap from Lilith.
. But upon closer inspection, might tone it down a bit.
. Azrael is not the type of angel to condemn beings based on the sins of the other members, and quite frankly is one of the more forgiving and understanding.
. In all honesty Azrael is the best angel to ever first come across as a survivor of a war faring race. At least is the more amicable of Heaven's inhabitants.
. Is more than likely to hear them out, and offer an olive branch to show hospitality and build an alliance not based on fear or the misunderstanding of ones origin. They cannot help being the mix of angel and demon, and so Azrael would not persecute them.
Thanks for the ask!
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uuchanjustice · 1 year
Ekubo Week Day 5 - Broccoli
(Dimple & Mob, word count: ~600)
It was a warm August morning. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, Shigeo Kageyama was walking to school, and despite being extremely overqualified and underappreciated, he still hadn’t quit his job.
“So he paid you in broccoli seeds? Not even 300 yen? And he called you with no notice?”
“Yeah,” murmured Shigeo. He continued facing forward while talking to Dimple, as if he didn’t notice the spirit, but they both knew he was listening.
“And you don’t see a problem with this?” Dimple flew circles around Shigeo’s head. “You could be doing anything else with your time, and yet you choose to rush out to the country for some seeds?”
“It’s not about the payment,” said Shigeo. “It’s good for me to practice using my powers in a constructive way.”
“Don’t quote Reigen at me. He doesn’t appreciate you, Shigeo! He’s just using you for profit!”
“But he also only got vegetable seeds…”
“Not the point!!!” Dimple faced Shigeo, floating backwards to match his pace along the sidewalk. “The point is, you don’t have to do things for people just because they ask. If you live like that, you’ll never have time for yourself! What if Reigen calls you while you’re at your club? Would you choose him over improving your body?”
Shigeo hummed. “I guess… if someone was in danger, I wouldn’t want to ignore that…”
“But is that what YOU really want to do?”
Shigeo stopped walking.
Dimple pressed further. “Yeah, I bet it isn’t, right? Then you should tell him that you’re not his little minion to order around. Take control over your life, Shigeo!”
Shigeo looked at Dimple with slightly narrowed eyes. If his eyebrows were visible, Dimple was sure they would be furrowed. “Master Reigen told me the same thing once,” he said. “That’s why I joined the club in the first place. And he saved Ritsu and Hanazawa and me from those guys… he doesn’t just care about money.”
 “So he gave you some decent advice. That’s just how he makes you dependent on him.” Dimple waved his arms around to emphasize his point. “I used to run a cult, I know manipulation tactics when I see them.”
“And aren’t you doing the same thing?” Shigeo’s voice was cold.
Dimple blanched, but recovered quickly. “What makes you think that?” he laughed.
“You want to use me to become God.” If Dimple didn’t know Shigeo, he would be afraid that the kid was about to exorcise him. “You literally told me that.”
Dimple paused. He didn’t want to admit it, but the kid wasn’t stupid; he clearly knew when he was being used. He’d never fallen for any of Dimple’s schemes to get more popular or use his powers to impress Tsubomi. Which made it all the more frustrating that he even answered Reigen’s calls at all.
“You’re right,” he said finally. “I do want that. But at least I’m honest about it. And besides, it’s in your best interests to work with me, Shigeo. What does this Reigen guy do for you that I can’t?”
Shigeo didn’t respond at first. Dimple huffed and continued following him to school. A few minutes later, he spoke again. “I think… Master Reigen is important to me. And so are you. That’s why I listen to both of you, sometimes.” Dimple realized that he had stopped walking. “But I can still make my own choices.” The hand holding his school bag tightened. “I choose to work for him. Just like I choose to let you follow me around.”
Dimple scoffed. “You’ve got weird standards for companionship, you know that?”
“Of course.” Shigeo glanced at him, smiling slightly. “That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?”
“Hey, watch the sass!”
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wongyuuu · 1 year
Boys Planet - 1
Honestly, what a shit show. Were they competing to see who is the worst? Because this can’t be possible. One of the Masters said that the production team did a really good job at finding trainees, like where?
I’ll mention the battles and pick a favorite, then I’ll say my current top 9. This is not in order of preference, it’s just the order I remember them.
Burn it up – Wanna One
No one really stood out to me, the vocals where bad at some points. I can’t really choose one for this.
Danger – BTS
I really like how no one really knew this sing. No one knows dark era bts and I feel so especial because I do and that’s my second favorite album by them. Moving on... Both were kind of bad too. The i-land boy, I Chan (I think), he messed up baaaad, I was cringing while watching. Don’t remember much of G-Group tho be honest, so I would say that K-Group was better because SeungHwan did a great job with the little he had.
Aju Nice – Seventeen
I’m sad again, I didn’t like either performance, I feel like K-Group was slightly better because of their main vocalist was really good but the other boys was really not it, I do know that he was in bad condition but still… idk
Hot Sauce – NCT Dream
Let’s start with the fact that I hate this song, with passion, so I’m biased into hating the performances. So I say neither, tending a little bit to K-Group because Hanbini was sooo good
Love Me Right – Exo
This might seem impossible, but I really thought that Hui was gonna fuck this up for his team. He was trying too hard, too much. What he wanted to do didn’t match the song, at all. Though as whole K-Group was more consistent the performance, both vocally and dance wise, Jay’s high note was better, it fit the song better.
Kill This Love – Blackpink
This fight was unfair, K-Group didn’t stand a chance. They did a great job, Gun Wook worked them to be really powerful, with big movements but it was a lost battle. Keita really did a good job of putting this team together, he chose them for this song in specific. K-Group did their best but the result of obvious. I feel like this team should have won the Studio Choom and M!Countdown stage but it is what it is.
Back Door – Stray Kids
ha…. I am basic ass bitch sometimes... Ji Woong had one line and a dream, minimum effort, maximum achievement. The struggles Yujin went through also touched my heart. Tae Re is such a good vocalist. And the guy who was center, he did a good job too. I think it was funny how everyone was sort of trying to mimic Hyunjin’s facial expressions, both in K and G groups.
And here's my top time (against you're about to see how basic I am) .
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This is my last vote. It had some changes since I started to vote because I didn't have a good top 9 in head. So yeah. I like how this looks, I feel like this could be a great group. Some of you may argue that it doesn't have many global trainees but if we have to be honest, once the final gets here, Koreans will vote for the Korean trainees only so we will get lucky to see even 3 global kids here.
And here's a not so popular opinion:
I WANT and HOPE mnet will manipulate the final group. Koreans vote with their ass and global fans vote for the meme kid.
Koreans made Lee Da Eul, who might have a sweet voice when singing in his tone but is terrible in every other way, 6th in the ranking (he dropped to 13th in the announcement that was made today and honestly that's still too high for him). And because of what? Cause he looked cute in his profile photo, one of the few who looked okay.
And global fans? Are even worse because they dont even vote for someone whos cute, they vote because "ah, hes funny". Their voting for Do Ha, a really nice boy if you ask me, but, much like Da Eul, can't really sing and can't really dance. And the other My House boy, the one in red, he also isn't good but keeps getting votes because he seem funny.
And we can argue that the industry needs to change, people have to sing in their key and so on, however for most boy groups, their main vocalist sings very high. Chen, Jungkook, Eunkwang, Jay B, Jongho, Sungmin, Taehyun, DK, Heesung they all sing very high. I can't even think of a main vocalist who couldn't reach those high notes. And the dancing, although I am the first to admit that 4th gen is too focused in dancing, needs to be good, it's one of the essences of kpop.
So mnet, manipulate away. Make me hate someone, make me love someone. Actually manipulate the results (in a way that people can't tell that it was manipulated, still having X1 war flashbacks). I don't care, I want a good group, whatever it takes
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iwoulddieforienzo · 10 months
ienzo and vanitas study! im curious
HOKAY so I'm not sure I can give you a Study. per se. Because I personally don't really Understand Vanitas on a deep level and I tend to think of him in terms of what he represents(?) for other characters. BUT I WILL TALK ABOUT SOME THOUGHTS I HAVE ABOUT THEM. below the cut bc this got Long and Rambly
SO. the Big Thing that Vanitas and Ienzo have in common is their lives being completely and utterly dictated by The Same Guy. Mr. Xehanort himself. GRANTED Ienzo also had to contend with his shitty dad polycule but at the core of it all, they were both used and manipulated by a man who fully expected both of them to die, who wanted at least Vanitas to die, and lost any childhood they could have had in his infinite pursuit of Kingdom Hearts. Both of them were very, very young when Xehanort stole their identities and bodies and set them on a futile quest to get back what was theirs, all while working for/seemingly being at least partially raised by the man who killed them in the first place. Both of them are in a shaky, uncomfortable place at the end of KH3 (assuming that Vani reforms) where neither of them knows who they are or what they want. Neither of them knows how to be a person, and neither of them have ever really wanted to know, but they're being forced into it because all the people who controlled their lives, whether indirectly or directly, have completely fucked off, rejected them, died, or decided that they were going to be a Good Boy now. And neither of them can handle it!
Vanitas spent his entire existence desperately trying to re-fuse with Ventus. Vanitas would rather fade into darkness than exist independently. But now he has to exist on his own and contend with the fact that his entire being is based on someone who does not want him and everything he has ever done was futile. He's angry and tired and hurt. What scraps of an identity he built for himself were all based on spite and Ventus. So now what.
Ienzo, too, has never really had an identity. I think it really says something that Ienzo can't really conceptualize the idea that he was too young to have any fault for what happened at Radiant Garden. Obviously there's a couple reasons for that, but the one that's important here, I think, is that the only thing he had to define himself at the time was his intellect and the fact that he was, technically, a scientist. He ran around in a little lab coat and was involved in experiments; of course baby him thought he was a coworker instead of purely a ward. He was too little to have even figured out if he liked sports, never mind that he seemed traumatized even back then. Xehanort DID NOT HELP, and it is very likely that Ienzo was groomed by him. (not for sexual reasons, mind, just his utter loyalty). And then he was stripped of his heart and emotions for the next 10 years. All he knows about Ienzo is that he was a smart scientist who caused the fall of Radiant Garden, so that's who he is now that he's whole again. And this is an impression he got from the other apprentices, not any memory he has of being Ienzo.
Moreover, thanks to Xehanort (and basically every other Adult at the time) both Vanitas and Ienzo think that they're fundamentally broken in some way, incapable of ever being fully human in any meaningful way, and evil beyond saving. How they respond to this is different, of course, with Vani choosing to embrace being The Bad One as spitefully as he can while Ienzo just silently turns all his anger towards Everything inward.
So. Where does that leave them?
Vanitas, I think, would find himself infinitely frustrated by Ienzo's passive acceptance of everything that happened to him. Vanitas is bitter and angry, all the time. He's known that his life was messed up from the moment he came into existence, has hated his Master from the moment he was capable of it, but went along with the ride because he had an end goal and Xehanort, seemingly, could get him to it. I think he sees himself in Ienzo, willingly being strung along by whoever has grabbed his leash despite how he really ""should know better"" (in Vanitas' deeply questionable opinion). I think he'd also be bitter that Ienzo got to be whole again while Vanitas will never be whole (again, in his deeply questionable opinion) and how he seems to have his shit figured out (more than Vanitas, anyway). But I also think he feels a weird sort of.. kinship? responsibility? over this kid who is so much like him. He can kind of sense Ienzo's secret rage, and sympathizes (um. in a distinctly Vanitas way) with Ienzo's fear of keyblades. Buuuut.... hes also, just a little, frightened of him. Because Ienzo is powerful, and dangerous, and the only thing keeping him from being Zexion again is Ienzo's manufactured guilt and common decency. Vanitas could physically fight off any Organization member, but there's hardly anything he can do about illusions.
Ienzo, meanwhile, would probably like Vanitas well enough? Ienzo doesn't really let himself have opinions, not unless hes talking to his shitty dad polycule, so what exactly he thinks about Vanitas can be hard to extrapolate. But he does find himself mildly frustrated by Vanitas' inability to take responsibility for his own actions - Vani continues to struggle to see himself as a complete person and tends to blame others for the things he does. In a, "Ventus refused to fuse with me so all the pain I inflict on his friends is his fault" kind of way. (But of course, this comes more from Ienzo's need to take on responsibility for everything bad that happened ever rather than any moral frustration with Vanitas' actions) But, Ienzo's used to dealing with jackasses, and is more comfortable around rude assholes than he is kind and polite people, so he doesn't mind Vanitas' Attitude. Ienzo likes that Vanitas is so straightforward about what he wants, and doesn't bother having any secret intentions (unless he wants to start a fight). Ienzo, having grown up as a heartless creature of the Dark, is more comfortable with Darkness anyway. (And Darkness is more comfortable with him, but that's another story.) But Also. A very large part of him is Immoral Scientist so while hes trying VERY HARD to be Polite about it I do think he is tempted to strap Vani down to his vivisection table, and is generally fascinated with his existence.
On a nicer note I think that Vani met baby Ienzo, though I’m not sure when. Not for very long, probably just wondering why his floods were gently inspecting this kid and being inspected in return. I also think that they’d be very good friends. I tend to gently push the two of them together in aus when I can, and I think they’d be surprisingly good for each other!
Vani’s like “where’s your FIRE where’s your RAGE you were WRONGED, you should BITE PEOPLE ABOUT IT!!!” and Ienzo keeps him in check while also not trying to fundamentally change him or even really make him “nicer”. Vanitas, I think, would be very curious about the world once he reforms but weary of being around anyone associated with the Light, and he knows they don’t like him and it’s mutual, but that doesn’t mean he appreciates being hated everywhere he goes. But Ienzo doesn’t hate him, and in fact, seems to rather like him, and is happy to answer any questions Vani may have about anything. He doesn’t seem to want anything out of Vanitas other than to ask some questions about his existence every so often. Most of the time, my sort of.. headcanon, I suppose, though it’s more like a fun scenario, of how they meet again and become friends is that Vani sort of slinks around Radiant Garden for Light Warrior Reasons and Ienzo, who can smell him and therefore always knows when he’s nearby, starts sloooooowly gaining his trust by being overall very friendly and polite but keeping his distance. Vani’s like a weird, spicy little stray cat and Ienzo is metaphorically (but also sometimes physically) feeding him until he follows him home and refuses to leave. I think they’d figure out how to Person together, with Ienzo helping Vani discover what he is outside of Ventus & Xehanort while Vani pushes Ienzo into unpacking his emotions about his fucked up life and breaking free of his self-inflicted stifling of himself. They’re shockingly functional! (and also touch starved as hell and I like to imagine Vanitas randomly deciding to latch onto Ienzo and refusing to let go. Ienzo doesn’t even care he’s just like “hi Vanitas :)” and moves on with his day with a whole ass gremlin attached to him. They’re sillayyy)
Sorry for getting back to you late I completely passed out after writing the opening :,D hopefully this makes sense lol. boy howdy this is Long but I hope it’s at least kind of what you were looking for??
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ursbearhug · 1 year
Okay, so on a side of a little other project I have, I'm going to say this;
I know that you cannot influence ending much. I'm saying this now that I have finished the game. And I'm hazarding a guess that there are many "crossroads" you cannot affect either (which pains me to no end. Caspar... I'm so sorry my boy). That being said your actions ultimately affect villagers nevertheless (i.e. getting them laid or getting them burnt at the stake. Choose your own adventure amrite?) and how you performed will change the outcome for their lives. To me, that is satisfactory.
I've been making some fun off Life is Strange (though only the first game, to an extend BTStormm, I've never played/seen the others and I do not intend to) for a while now; as most people I've seen have. Life is Strange is advertised as "your choices matter" and it is a lie. Life is Strange have 2 linear endings and everything in between does not matter in the slightest. Whether or not you decide to help What's-her-face throughout the game, does not change anything. If you go with ending one, she's there but who cares. If you go with ending two, she and many others are be-gone-thot-ed and nobody cares. I kind of stay true to my word that you play LiS for two reasons; you want to fuck Chloe in hopes that once you dick her down she will finally shut the fuck up and won't be such a bitch; or you play for the art style. I've seen a lot of people clown on LiS for the... Unconvincing and non-stellar animations and facial expressioness, but I'm not that stuck up. As long as game looks decent and is not blowing my computer, I don't care. I'd much rather have very rigid and hardly human expressioned LiS models than have yet another Witcher or Something-something of the West type of graphics and style that can cause heat death of the universe.
Choices in "Penitent" matters. Because if you've been mean to that one guy at all times, he will refuse to help you 9 hours later (real life 9 hours, not in game ones). Or if you've been encouraging something they might end up dead (Ursula please forgive me). I'm guessing the ending will be exactly the same no matter what but the point is that your choices matter on other planes. By being good pagan I am I got two people burnt at the stake. Because I'm such a good matchmaker I made sure Master Smith has loving wife of his dreams and dozen kids, also of his dreams. Because I'm bad investigator I had to pick between one bad killing and the other bad killing. Yeah, somebody probably would want 36 different endings but considering that almost EVERY single dialogue choice can be matter of "this will be remembered" (at first playthrough), programming and setting 36 different endings might be tad difficult. That strikes nice balance. There is one concise ending (that you might be able to manipulate? As I hope I'll learn in time) but your choices matter in the moment and in the very end. (Which again ain't the case in case of LiS; because whether you beat someone's ass or not, Max might be bitching about it for 10 seconds or not and who cares if you be-gone-thot them hoes?)
Visuals are on fucking point. There is a lot of beauty in these simple graphics and style they went with. Animations in some cases are really smooth (for the rigidness the 16th century illumination-esque models enforce) and really quite captivating in some moments. Music happens to sometimes be very good too. However, as said before I'm not really game music nerd. I've not noticed the ambient sound, but the choir music was bees fucking knees. Plot wise and narration wise, it was also very entertaining. I have not seen any of it coming. Not the way it was delivered anyway. I was right about a lot of stuff though, so hurray for being perceptive! 15-16th century Bavaria is *NOT* my field of expertise, I loathed my paleography classes and overall much of Christians and medieval times are not things I can speak in great details. Things that I can comment on have not really been glaring. I have almost but fogot latin by now, but ancient latin (which, again, is different from the medieval or church one. Not uber different but still) was correct and nothing obscenely offending. When they referenced my home country in it's 16th century glory, it was on par with what I've been taught in school (there are two prominent characters from there as well, one of them even from the same city as my previous univeristy, so I feel more honoured than ever probably). I don't know much about 16th century medical knowledge but whatever was mentioned does fall into *my* medical knowledge.
Overall, for what it is worth (my opinion that is) the game is entertaining, it has more or less 23 hours of gameplay (which, for it's price; is a lot) and it has been real treasure to play.
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
A/N: Hello my nerds, today is my Birthday! So to celebrate my unfortunate birth, I'm doing a special scenario post for my Ab!Boys!
What do the boys from Aberration get you for your birthday?! (GN!Reader!)
These are NOT cannon to the storline.
Warnings: VERY DARK CONTENT. Yandere Headcannons ahead. Mentions of skinning, non-con cum-eating and video recording, stalking, murder, mutilation, manipulation, etc. If you are uncomfortable with these types of things, DO NOT READ. Proceed with caution, as I do not feel bad if you choose to do so while being warned.
You're seated on the bed, staring at your simple but beautiful ankle bracelet Tokoyami bought for you. Smiling, you fiddle with the gems, entranced by the sparkle that reflects off them.
Your head snaps up to see your boyfriend sticking his head through the door way. A love-sick smile grows on your face. "Fumi, you're back!"
He chuckles before slipping through the door way and sits down on the bed, hands behind his back. "Do you remember what today is?" Your face scrunches up in thought before shaking your head. He sighs warmly at the cute look on your face. "Today's your birthday, my starlight. And I got you something."
Tokoyami moves his hands from behing him and your eyes light up upon seeing the book he hands you. "Fumi, thank you! It's beautiful." Your hand traces over the cover, following the lines of the ornate designs. "It looks so familiar..." you mumble.
Tokoyami swallows the lump in his throat. "It's one of a kind, love. Would you like me to read it to you?" He tries to steer the conversation away from your feeling of familiarity, not wantinf you to realize it's one of your old books from before he took you.
You nod excitedly and climb into his lap. His arms circle around you and hold you tight, as his thumb grazes over your anklet, eyes boring into the gems that track your every movement.
"Happy Birthday to my Pebble~ Happy Birthday to my Pebble~"
You glare at the redhead smiling and dancing in front of you as you tug at your restraints. A low huff leaves your lips. "Can you stop? I don't want you celebrating my birthday."
Kirishima stops dancing and gives you a puppy-dog stare. "But why? It's the day my beautiful wife was born! It should be a day to rejoice!"
"Kirishima, I'm not your wife! I'm nor your girlfriend! I'm not anything to you!" You sit up in the bed you were restrained to, only able to move so far forward. "You drugged me, kidnapped me and are currently holding me against my will."
Kirishima watches with a mixture of sadness and anger at your defiant attitude. He hates it when you struggle. He doesn't understand why you're so reluctant to be here! With him! Your husband! That's when he remembers your gift.
"Oh! This is a perfect time to give you your birthday present!"
He drops to his knees and crawls under the bed. You hear rummeging underneath you and your terror spikes. You knew what he kept under the bed, so this couldn't be good. As he comes back up, he's holding a pair of black leather cuffs.
"Surprise! I got you new cuffs!" He climbes onto the bed and straddles you. "These are so cool because instead of being just normal cuffs, they have these two little metal rivets that will shock you whenever I want!"
Your eyes widen and your mouth opens to scream. Kirishima is quick, however. He grabs your face with his hand, hardening it so your scream is muffled. His face geta closer to yours, that sickening grin never leaving.
"Baby, you don't like it? Do you want something else? Don't worry! I have another gift in mind. How about a fresh, bloodied heart that was ripped out of the chest of that mean boss of yours?"
"You see this right here?" Your cowroker holds her hand out, showing you and your fellow employees her brand new diamond ring. "He finally proposed! It was about time. It took him awhile to get an ACTUAL ring worthy of me, though. But it's so expensive and beautiful, EEP!"
Keigo watches as you roll your eyes for the thousandth time. He could tell you were getting annoyed, and I mean, who wouldn't? Your coworker has always been a complete bitch to everyone, a lot directed at you.
"Oof, it just sucks that Y/N can't seem to find someone. That's probably the only way they'll be able to look a little less," she looks you up and down. "Er, homeless."
Keigo watches from his perch as you flip her off snd walk away. His hands clench tightly into fists, desperately wanting to knock a bitch out. That's when it hit him. It was your birthday today! And now he knew just what he wanted to gift you.
"Bye guys, and thank you!"
You wave to your friends after they drop you off at home. They had taken you out for dinner for your birthday and you bad fun. Definitely something you needed after the crappy morning you had.
As you walk up to your door, you notice a small package waiting for you outside. You smile, wondering of it was your long distance partner sending you a birthday gift. You carefully open the package, but once you see the contents, a scream is ripped out of your throat and you stumble away from the box.
Inside, what a severed finger with an absolutely beautiful diamond ring still on it. You failed to notice a small blood-covered note flitter to the floor.
'Happy Birthday, babybird. I hope you like it.'
Tamaki stares at you from behind a tree. He's been following you for a few hours now, just basking in all your wonderful glory. He stares at you with nothing but pure love and adoration in his eyes, wishing he could actually get up the nerve to speak to you.
Finally you're off of work and headed home. He really hates seeing you talk to all those really pretty people. What if you were to get a partner?! That wasn't him?! He whimpers at the thought, hands clenching and unclenching.
The sound of your name snaps him out of his thoughts. He watches as your friend, whom he deemed not-a-threat yet, skip up to you.
"Are you doing anything for your birthday tomorrow?"
Tamaki's face turns pale. Your birthday! How could he forget the most important day of his life?! The day his precious bunny was born. You would be so disappointed in him. He reluctantly scrambles away from his hiding spot and runs home to get your gift.
You stand in your doorway, a package sitting on your front steps. You tilt your head in curiosity and pick it up. Opening it up, you find the most adorable stuffed bunny you've ever seen. And a note.
"Y/N, Happy Birthday! I hope you like this bunny, I thought if you when I saw it. Love, your secret admirer."
You squeal slightly and hug the soft fluff, thinking this was from your flirty coworker. You bring it up to your room and sit it on your bed next to your other stuffies.
Tamaki stares at the screen on his phone, his face bright red at the hug you gave the stuffed bunny. It actually felt like you were hugging him! His happiness was through the roof. He knew you would love it!
But his attention now is back on you as he watches you slowly take your clothes off, one by one, to get ready for bed. His tongue practically falls out of his mouth, watching your bare back closely.
One day, he swears he won't have to watch through the camera.
Chronos watches you closely over the top of his book. You glare at him with tears in your eyes while huddled up in the furthest corner of your human sized cage. Hugging your knees tighter to your chest, you turn your gaze away with a sniffle.
"You know the boss wouldn't want you to cry on your birthday."
You roll your eyes and grip you legs tighter. "I doubt someone who keeps a human in a cage really cares about when they want to cry." You sigh. "Besides, he probably doesn't even give a shit if it's my birthday. I don't even give a shit, at this point."
"Of course I care."
The hair on your body stands up on end as the voice of your captor appears. Fear shoots through you upon seeing his masked face. In one hand he has a gift bag, the other stuffed in his pocket.
"Why wouldn't I care about my pet's birthday?"
He squats to unlock the cage and gestures you over with his finger. You swallow the lump in your throat and crawl out to him, knowing the consequences if you don't follow his rules. He sits down in his chair and pats the side of his thigh for you to kneel next to him.
He opens the gift bag and pulls out a dog collar. A part of you wanted to gag at the thought of being collard to this maniac. But another part of you couldn't help but think how absolutely gorgeous and expensive this collar looked.
"Oh, it's beautiful... Master." You wanted to slap yourself for calling him that, but you had no choice. The last thing you want is to be punished.
Kai hums with approval at your words before buckling the collar around your neck. He finsihes it off with a small padlock to the back, so no one can remove it except for him. A gloves finger grazes over your neck in admiration before looking over to Chronos.
"Prep them for a routone cleaning."
The calmed state you were in was once more replaced by terror. "No, please Master! I've been good, I promise! Please dont do this!" You scramble backwards, away from the two masked men. But Kai was quick and hooked his fingers under your collar, dragging yoi back to him.
"You know this is a must, pet. I need to make sure every inch of you is cleansed before I send any more time with you." He taps the side of your collar with his free hand. "And there is no use attempting to run away. This will forever track any movement you make from here on out."
Kai throws your body over to Chronos, who throws your struggling self over his shoulder.
"Oh, and Happy Birthday, my pet."
You stir in your bed, hearing your boyfriend's voice.
"Darling, wake up~"
Eyes open to see a blurry red and white haired man softly smiling down at you. You stretch your body out and yawn with a cute smile.
"Mmmm Sho, good morning~"
Shoto sighs softly, admiring your beautiful features. "Guess what day it is today. It's a very special day."
You tolt your head, trying to remember the exact date but you are the sure. It's been while since time actually mattered.
"It's your birthday, darling! Happy Birthday! I've got something fun planned for you~"
You sit up, your chains rattling against the bed frame. "You do? I'm so excited! What is it?"
Shoto holds up his black card. "We're going shopping. I'll be getting whatever your heart desires."
Your eyes widen. "Wait, does that mean I actually get to go out? Really?!"
Shoto's smile falters before returning to a softened look. Slight guilt flashes in his eyes. "Darling, you know I can't let you go outside. It's not safe. No, we're doing online shopping~" Shoto grabs his phone and crawls behind you, sitting you in his lap. "Here lets look through some sights and get you some cute stuff."
"I want my darling to have everything they want, so they don't want to leave~"
You stay huddled up in the corner of the room, knees to your chest, not even daring to look at him. Dabi frowns at your defiant behavior. He knows he took you without your permission, but that was so long ago. Shouldn't you have been broken in by now?
"Little Mouse."
You continue to rock back and fourth on the floor, chains clanking together. Dabi sighs, annoyance starting to eat at him. He walks over to you and grabs yoi by the throat, lifting you up.
"You are to respond when I'm speaking to you. Understand?" You let out a little squeak and quickly nod your head with widened eyes. He sits you down on the bed and gives you a lazy smile. "That's better. Now, I have something for you."
He opens the closet door to bring out a box. He places it in front of you. "Happy Birthday, my little mouse."
"Oh, yeah. That's today." You mumble quietly. Kmowing Dabi, this gift was going to have some sort of catch but curiosity got the better of you. But curiosity turned into regret immediately as you throw the lid and scream.
Inside the box were a pair of boots. But they weren't jusf any pair of boots, they were handmade. It was human skin staples together, making them look just like Dabi himself.
"What, does my little mouse not like them?" He smirks before climbing on the bed. He grabs your legs and pulls you down towards him with a manic look on his face.
"That's fine. How about I burn my name into you instead?"
You jolt up in bed, suddenly awakened by a nightmare. Looking next to you, you see your boyfriend's side of the bed empty. A whimper escapes your lips as yoi trt to calm your racing heart.
"Angel?!" The door to the bedroom slams open, Bakugo's quirk popping in his hands and waiting to attack whomever touched his precious angel. He looks around frantically but notices nothing except your heavy breathing and sweat covered body. "Are you alright? What happened?"
You motion towards him with a sniffle and grabby hands. "I had a dream that you locked me back up in the basement again for days, without you." He comes sits next to you on the bed and pushes the hair out of your sweat covered face. "It was dark and silent and terrifying. Please don't do that again! I would miss you! I've been good, I promise!"
Bakugo sighs and pulls you into a hug. "I know, Angel. You've been doing so well, I'm so proud of you." He plants a kiss on your head as you relax into his arms. "I have a surprise for you actually. Stay right here."
You nod your head, watching him leave the room for a moment, your ankle tugging on the chain that attached you to the bed. I mean, it's not like you would get very far. Bakugo comes back in with a plate of cake and a candle.
"Happy Birthday, my beautiful angel."
Your eyes light up as he sets the piece of cake in front of you. You blow out the candle and take a bite, savoring the taste. "Kats, this is so good! The cake is so fluffy and the frosting is creamy and sweet. Thank you!"
Bakugo watches you with a lovesick grin on his face. He goes to adjust the tightness in his pants as he watches you devour his specially made cake without hesitation.
"Yeah, it's been super weird. I've been finding these little pieces of jewelry on my bed almost every night the past week."
You continue cleaning the counter as you explain to your cowroker the weird things that have been happening to you. She gives you a strange look.
"Are you sure you haven't misplaced your jewelry on your bed and just forgot?"
You turn your head to give her a dumbfounded look. "Uh, yeah. I think I would remember putting jewelry I've nevee seen before on my bed at the same time every night."
"Well, I don't know! It's just so weird. I don't have any other rational explanation." She suddenly gasps. "What if you have a stalker?!"
"Shh, don't say things like that." You hiss at her but a part of you is wondering if that might be true.
After your shift ends, you wave goodbye and begin your journey home. Unbeknownst to you, an energetic blonde watches as you walk home, excited for you to see your final birthday gift.
Once you step through the door of your house, something feels off. Having a weird feeling, you immediately but slowly make your way to your bedroom and turn on the lights. That's when you see a small but long white box placed on your bed, this time with a note. You carefully open the box to reveal a gorgeous necklace with a small black and yellow lightning bolt charm. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you reluctantly open up the note, hoping to finally uncover some answers.
"Happy Birthday, my dear. You can call me Kaminari. And soon, you will be all mine."
You turn around upon hearing the closing of a camera shutter but see nothing. Thinking it's all in your head, you shrug and continue to walk to your parents for your birthday dinner.
"Shit, that was too close." Midoriya mumbles under his breath as he hides in a set of bushes just beyond your vision. He scrolls through his camera roll, looking through every single shot to make sure he's got what he needs.
"These aee perfect! Oh they're going to love it!" He checks to make sure you're long gone before he scrambles out of his hiding spot and runs home to make your gift.
You unlock the door to your house and step inside with a sigh. As much as you love your birthday and seeing your family, sometimes they can be a little much. Now it's time for you to sit back and relax. You change into your pajamas and turn on your comfort movie with a drink in hand, when suddenly your doorbell rings.
"Who the hell is here at 10 at night?"
You carefully peek through the peep hole in your door, not seeing anyone. Slowly, you open the door and look down to see a neatly wrapped gift. You know you probably shouldn't take a strange gift off of your doorstep, but curiosity gets the better of you.
Taking it back to your livingroom, you open it to reveal a scrapbook. Anxiety raises through your body as you open the first page. Eyes widen in horror the further you flip through, non-consentual pictures taken of you and your family litter the pages. Not only are there ones from being out in public, but private, intimate moments that no one should have seen. But the moment you found a lock of your hair glued to one of the pages was the moment you called the police.
Shinso squats infront of you as you stare at him with dead eyes.
"Kitten, I have a surprise for you today."
You shake your head, mumbling. "I don't want it."
Shinso caresses your cheek with his hand before giving it a quick slap. You try ti3 jerk your head away but he grips your cheeks, squishing them together. "Stop being a brat, you don't even know what it is yet. Now, stand up."
You don't even get a chance to stand up yourself as Shinso hauls you up by your face. "I'm taking you out for your birthday."
Your eyea widen in fear and you shake your head. "N-No, please. I'd rather stay here. L-Let's do something together here. Please."
Shinso clicks his tongue. "Come now, kitten. I'm letting you go outside. We don't do this very often, it's a special treat. Is it not?"
You shake your head. "Please, no, everytime you take me out you-"
You go silent, mind fogged over and once again, under his control. There are moments when he mind-controls you to where you don't remember anything the morning after and those moments are awful. But when he feels like being extra cruel? He finally takes you outside, taking you out to eat, to see a movie, to go shopping. You're under his control the entire time but you remember everything. You are right there, fully aware of whats happening around you but can't do anything to ask for help, to save yourself. And it's terrifying
A tear rolls down your cheek as you follow him out the front door, his hand in yours. He smirks, knowing you could never leave him.
"Happy Birthday, Kitten."
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
hi!! can i request a platonic yandere erasermic with a student reader??
Platonic Yandere! Erasermic:
Thanks for requesting! I love yandere Erasermic so much 😤😤 👊
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Platonic Yandere! Erasermic:
The BEST platonic yandere couple to have!
You're a student at UA, part of class 1A. You're Aizawa's favourite student. You're just so polite and so sweet. Always so eager to learn and try out new things. And even the class would notice his special treatment of you. "You forgot to do your homework? Hmm, alright you can submit it to me tomorrow. Denki you forgot to bring your homework? Go run 5 laps right now."
Hizashi would often hear about you from his husband. You sounded like a good kid. But he really became interested you when you came looking for Aizawa in the staff room, but you found him instead. Hizashi started talking to you, really just rambling about the most random things. He was expecting you to just leave and go look for Aizawa, but he was pleasantly surprised when you started talking to him too, easily carrying the conversation. Your eyes would light up when you were talking to him. And since then, you would always give him your complete, undivided attention whenever you guys spoke, no matter what the topic was. You'd sometimes be rambling, and then suddenly forget what you were talking about. It was just so cute!
Gradually, these two would become obsessed with their favourite student. They'd also become very protective of you. When it was time to choose an internship, Aizawa rejected all offers from different agencies on your behalf, lying to you that you didn't get any offers. And then you'd become so sad, near tears and then Aizawa would offer to train you himself, that he sees potential in you. Of course you'd accept, you'd get to train with Eraserhead, a rare opportunity!
When you'd be training with Aizawa, he'd go easy on you, but he'd still give you great tips on how to improve yourself and control your quirk. You still haven't been able to beat him once though. Since you'd be around Aizawa a lot, you'd also meet his partner, Hizashi, often. And since you would accompany Aizawa on his late night patrols, you'd have dinner (made by Hizashi, who's more than happy to cook for you) with them at their place a lot, and it always ended up with them offering you stay the night, and you sometimes did.
Their obsession love would continue to grow the more you spent time with them. And then one night, the couple would be discussing about expanding their family, and then they both knew it, right then and there. Its you. You'd be the perfect addition to their family, the perfect child! You're so kind, soft spoken. Outgoing yet shy and reserved when meeting new people. But you're just so naive, too innocent for your own good. And they've both seen the ugliness of the world, the worst in the people. They cannot afford to just stand by idly and risk you getting tainted by this filth.
It was decided that night that you had to become a part of their family. They'll make your parents disappear, they have both the money and the skills to do it. Maybe they'll say that your family was taken or killed by some villians, or better yet, they were caught doing something illegal. But don't worry, you can stay with them for as long as you want. When you try to refuse, that you can stay with a relative, they'll tell you that it's for your own safety. They don't want the villians to complete their unfinished business. Plus, they are more than capable of taking care you, and since you didn't want to risk another family member's life, you agreed.
You'll be having the best time of your life. They'll spoil the hell out of you, Hizashi especially. Aizawa does too, but he's just more protective of you.
Hizashi is a great cook! He'd learn to make your favourite dish too. And if you like something from a restaurant, he'll take it as a challenge and try to replicate the dish, or make a better one! At school, all 3 of you would sometimes have lunch together, you always bringing Aizawa's lunchbox along too, since he often forgets it. If you try to cook a dish for them, they'll treat it like its a Michelin star dish!
Aizawa would be the more protective one, always the harder one to convince to let you go out with your friends, especially at night. Hizashi would always convince him in the end, they're gonna follow you anyways so why stop you? Aizawa's a bit possessive too. He doesn't like it when you talk about other pro heroes, you're his little girl, you should be looking upto him. He won't say anything about it though.
Hizashi would love to just talk to you; you guys would often gossip. Oh and you always go to him for any fashion advice. Since he also has long hair that he styles up a lot, he can do your hair too! Just show him a picture of what you want, and he'll style hair exactly like it. Aizawa likes to do your hair too sometimes, but he only knows how to put it in a simple braid.
They're will be a lot fun activities for you to do with them. You can be having karaoke nights with Hizashi, Aizawa watching you guys with just pure adoration in hie eyes. You can play video games with Aizawa, which he is scary good at, especially at Among us. Family game nights are a must!
If you have any other hobbies or passions, you'll have 2 dads, cheering for you. They'll get you the best supplies available. If you win an award, any award, no matter how small, they'll tell you how proud they are and put your achievements either on the fridge or somewhere where everyone can see it.
Of the two, Aizawa would be the to quickly pick up on your mood. He knows when you're lying, when you're sad, or when you've just had a bad day at school. Hizashi would notice too, but it would be Aizawa who would know if you needed some space or if you needed to talk it out; they've always it clear to you that the latter option is always open.
Once they find out whats the reason you're feeling so down, they'll comfort you. You guys would often cuddle on the sofa as a funny movie played on the TV. Once you've gone to bed, they go and eliminate the cause of distress. Oh did you fail a test? Its okay, they'll tutor you personally. Oh did your favourite character die? Cry it out sweetie and let's go buy some of the character's merchandise . Oh did someone confess their feelings to you and you don't know what to do? Don't worry, he's taken care of.
Dating isn't an option. They'll be quick to reject him/her, listing reasons to you exactly why they're not good for you. Of course, nobody deserves their baby. But if you do go against their wishes, and still get an s/o in secret, they'll find about it. If they're thinking about how to separate you guys, and you walk in all heartbroken because your s/o broke up with you, with no persuasion from the couple; on the inside they'll be both glad and mad. Hizashi will be comforting you, cooing sweet nothings in your ear, while Aizawa would be standing with a "I warned you" look on his face at first but then he sees your red, teary face, your lips wobbling, your eyes full of pools of tears, and immediately his stern exterior would melt and he'll gather you in his arms and let you cry into his chest, while his mind will go to "MURDER". You're their sweet girl, their precious little baby. How dare someone play with your feelings like that. Your ex better sleep with one eye open.
If you do somehow find about what really happened to your parents, and you try to run away from them, not only will they have you back in their arms within the hour, they'll take you somewhere countryside. Its always been noisy in the city anyway. They'll try to explain to you, that they really just did all of this to protect you and that it should show how much they love you and care about you. No physical punishment will ever meet you. No, they can't bear the thought of hurting you! They'll use manipulation to control you, and they are master manipulators. They do so much for you, aren't they enough?
Just be happy they still allow you to roam around the countryside, and not had you locked up in your room. School would be off the table for a while, as will any connection to your friends. Its about time they all had a family vacation anyway.
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I'd let Erasermic adopt me in a heartbeat, ngl. 👊 Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this! Requests are OPEN. :)
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