#little ninja of knitting
I absolutely love your writing! I just found your blog and i saw you were taking request so i was wondering if you could write about Remy, wade, and logan reacting to their s/o wearing lip plumping lip gloss? Like they didn't know about it and gave them a kiss and then suddenly their lips are tingling lol
Certainly! Here are some headcanons for Remy (Gambit), Wade (Deadpool), and Logan (Wolverine) reacting to their S/O wearing lip-plumping lip gloss without knowing about it:
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Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
- Remy leans in for a playful kiss, his signature smirk on his face. The moment his lips touch yours, he feels an unexpected tingle. He pulls back slightly, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
- "Cher, did ya cast a spell on ol’ Remy?" he jokes, still feeling the sensation on his lips. He’s amused, but also a bit intrigued. He’s kissed you a thousand times, but this one was… different.
- After a few moments, he chuckles softly and starts to piece things together. "Dat new lip gloss o’ yours, eh?" He gently swipes his thumb across your lips, his red-on-black eyes sparkling with mischief.
- He can’t resist teasing you, leaning in again to kiss you more passionately this time. "Well, if dat’s de price I gotta pay to kiss ya, mon amour, I’ll take it." He doesn’t seem to mind the tingling, finding it an interesting new sensation.
Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
- Wade kisses you with his usual over-the-top enthusiasm, but the second his lips meet yours, he pulls back, eyes wide with mock horror. "Babe, what the hell?! Are my lips supposed to feel like they’re being attacked by a thousand tiny ninjas?"
- He immediately starts rubbing his lips furiously, acting like he’s just been poisoned. "Oh God, is this how it ends? Killed by lip gloss? Not with a bang, but with a tingle!"
- He starts monologuing as if he's in a tragic play, "Oh, the agony! The betrayal! Wade Wilson, taken down by his own lover’s lip products!"
- Once you explain, he breaks character and bursts out laughing. "Oh, a plumper, huh? You really know how to keep a guy on his toes, don’t ya?" He’ll then insist on kissing you again, just to "make sure he’s built up an immunity."
Logan (Wolverine)
- Logan’s kisses are typically rough and full of passion, so when he feels that unexpected tingle, he pulls back with a low grunt, his brows knitting together in confusion.
- He’s immediately suspicious, wondering if it’s some kind of weird mutant ability or an effect of something you ate. "What the hell did ya do to me?" His voice is gruff, but there’s a hint of concern in his eyes.
- Once you explain, Logan’s gruffness melts into a grumbled, "Should’ve warned me, darlin’." He rubs his lips with the back of his hand, the tingling sensation still lingering.
- Though he doesn’t say much, you notice he’s a little more careful when kissing you afterward, giving a small smirk as if he’s acknowledging the prank you pulled, even if it was unintentional. And despite himself, he might even admit that he doesn’t hate it—though he’ll never say it out loud.
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koisuko · 5 months
Hello, I was wondering if you would write a romantic Smoke x female reader, about Smoke trains the reader self defense but they start to flirt and become handy with each other?
Yesss, more Tomas lovers!
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Tw: handsy behavior, flirtation, may contain lewd suggestions, fem reader, no use of y/n
You are far from incapable of taking care of yourself, and Tomas knew that. But having a boyfriend who was both a ninja, and had ninja enemies, he was worried for your safety. Often times, his mind would run wild with ‘what if’ questions. ‘What if I’m not there to save her’ ‘what if something happens to her’ ‘what if she gets taken, or worse’ and many more. So, to set his mind at ease, you agreed to train with him and learn some basic self defense. It couldn’t hurt to learn something new, and maybe you’ll be able to fight along side him…someday.
Every morning, you two would wake up early to have the training grounds to yourselves. Tomas wanted to make sure that you felt comfortable, and wouldn’t be shy or embarrassed if you made a mistake in front of others. Plus, you two would have alone time to be yourselves without any on lookers giving awkward side-eyes.
Today, training was done a little bit earlier than usual. The moon hung high over the sky, bathing the courtyard in an almost ethereal glow. The calls of night life offered a backdrop to the sounds of grunts and exerted breaths. “Good, again.” Tomas repeated, repositioning himself opposite of you with a twirl of his Karambit. Blankets of heavy smoke swirled around his figure, moving to settle beside him on either side. You nod, careful to perfect your defensive stance. The role was simple, Tomas wouldn’t go easy on you, as promised, and you would work on your defense as if against a real enemy. “Remember,” he spoke, “don’t be afraid to hit me, okay?” You hesitated at first, but nod reluctantly. With the confirmation out of the way, he charged at you, running low with his karambit held at his side. You tried your best to keep your confidence, but seeing him run at you was intimidating, causing your stance to falter and allowing him an opening to attack. Before long, your back collided harshly against the ground. The sheer velocity nearly knocking the wind out of you. Tomas kept you beneath him with his thighs firmly closed around you, forcefully keeping your arms at your side. His arms caged either side of your head, and the close proximity of his lips to yours was making you blush. "Do not hesitate, be sure of your actions or you create an opening for attack." His words bounced off the skin of your cheek. The best part of this whole situation, he seemed oblivious to the effect he was having on you.
He paused in his movements, giving you a questioning look. His head tilted to the side as his eyes trail along the contours of your face. He was confused, concerned even, at the red hue swallowing your cheeks and your parting lips gasping for air. “What’s wrong?” Tomas asked, his brows knitted together. The only response you could give, was a pathetic squeak, squirming beneath him while turning your face away to provide at least some space between the two of you. To your surprise, he grasped the base of your jaw, turning your gaze to meet his once again. “Do you need a break?” He was still blissfully unaware, the stupid look of concern still written on his features. “I-I’m fine, Tomas,” you replied. Tomas loosened the pressure of his thighs on your body, giving you the prime opportunity to use your weight and strength to reverse the roles. With a thud and a grunt, he was now beneath you, your face still flush with embarrassment. Tomas was surprised, is eyes shot wide from the sudden turn of events. “V-very good, you did well!” He blushed at the sudden power you had, his stutter causing you to giggle in response. “I think I like you better from this angle,” you smirked, placing a hand on his chest. You pushed yourself up, reaching out to help him. You could feel the slick sweat of his palms between your clasped hands. He was nervous, in a good way of course. Tomas unknowingly had a love struck smile on his face, hearts nearly visible in his pupils. He cleared his throat awkwardly, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. Tomas took a deep breath to gather courage before approaching, gingerly placing a hand on your waist, “you did well today.” For a split second, he admired the shape of you, every bump and curve that created you. His eyes trailed back up to meet yours with a tender smile. “Let’s get some rest.”
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xtreklx · 1 year
Nightmares ~ Ninja Turtles x reader
Scenario: bayverse Turtles x reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: SFW, angst + fluff
A/N: hey guys :3 thank u AGAIN for all of the love on my latest writing! it's so kind and also motivating for me, so keep an eye out for more! I just started a new job but I have a bunch of WIPs so it's rlly hard not to just sit and daydream during my shifts 🤭 but anyslay here's a little self-indulgent scenario for how the turtles would react to their partner having a nightmare. I thought of this after having a nightmare teehee. enjoy!!
~ Leonardo ~
"Y/N? Wake up for me, princess."
You sat up with a start, your chest puffing up and down as heavy breaths left your body. At first, you could barely see what was around you, reality blending together with the horrifying dream you were in mere moments ago. But you came back to your senses as you looked around your bedroom and made eye contact with your boyfriend, who was sitting up next to you on your bed. He was watching you with worry on his face, ready to spring into action. It made your heart swell to see.
"Are you alright?" Leonardo asked you, his blue eyes boring into yours, and you nodded as your face scrunched up with incoming tears, letting your feelings of both fear and relief consume you. He wrapped his strong arms around you gently, pulling you into his lap and holding you against his plastron. You took deep, even breaths, trying to calm yourself down and keep the tears in, and he began to slowly rock you from side to side.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He softly inquired as his hand began to brush smooth strokes down the back of your head. You sighed into the movement, your eyes closing softly. "I don't think I really need to. It wasn't real; my anxiety is just getting the better of me, that's all."
You let out another sigh, the breath quivering slightly, before opening your eyes and looking up at your maskless boyfriend. His gaze was soft, his ocean irises etched with concern but understanding. He didn't say anything, but nodded at you, keeping you in his embrace. You reached your hand up to his cheek, stroking it softly.
"I'm just really scared of losing you. I don't know what I'd do," you whispered, voice cracking and fear taking over. You had unconsciously let go of the tears and allowed them to prick the corners of your eyes again. Leo's gaze hardened with a determination, pulling you impossibly closer to him. His hand moved to cup the underside of your chin, gesturing to look him in the eyes.
"I swear on my honor, princess: you will never have to find out."
~ Raphael ~
You yelped as you woke, your body giving a shake. You pushed yourself up slightly onto your elbows, frantic, and breathing heavily. The frightening nightmare was still in your system, but as you looked around, your mind slowly crept back to the real world. You were in your boyfriend's bedroom, the red covers of the bed you were on and the knitting table in the corner being a dead giveaway. As your mind relaxed, realizing that it had all just been a dream, you closed your eyes for a minute, breathing in and back out a deep sigh of relief.
You returned to reality through taking deep breaths, and you slowly reconnected with your senses; particularly, your hearing. In the background of your momentary freakout had been Raph's low snores, and they came back to you now, growing louder in your brain as you grew more aware of them. You couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. Obviously, nothing had disturbed your 'sleep-like-the-dead' boyfriend.
You slowly opened your eyes back up to look down at the source of the sound beside you. Raphael slept on his stomach to your right, his arms bent upwards at his sides and his head turned in your direction. Normally, when you slept next to each other, he liked having you pressed up against his side as he slept on his stomach, so that you were partly under his massive shell. He liked to say that this was because in any emergency you would be protected, but you knew that was just masquerading his desire to be as close to you as he could be. He was not very communicative at times, sure, but as your relationship grew, you learned how to read his silent admittances of love and desire.
In all of your nightmare commotion, you had moved away from him, so you scooted closer to his side now, laying on your side to face him. You peered up at his sleeping face from your position, maskless and truly at peace, despite the angry snoring implying otherwise. You smiled to yourself as you looked up at him, glad to know that he was getting some much needed sleep.
Suddenly, movement shocked you as Raph re-adjusted in his sleep, and his massive arm was thrown over your waist, tightening and pulling you impossibly closer. You didn't make a sound, hoping not to disturb his slumber, but his snores continued as he held you close.
You smiled to yourself again and focused on the sound of Raph's snores to lull you back to sleep, knowing that you were safe from all harm with him by your side.
~ Donatello ~
You gasped as you woke up, shivers still shaking your body. You came to your senses quickly, realizing that none of it had been real, that it all had been a dream. But it didn't stop the feelings of fear and pain from bubbling into reality with you. And it didn't help that the one person you needed most wasn't by your side, where they were supposed to be.
You sighed out of frustration as you got out of your boyfriend's bed, tears stinging and threatening to spill. You slowly stood up and made your way out of his bedroom towards his lab space. And there Donatello was, hunched in his desk chair, typing furiously away on his computer and glaring at the much-too-bright screens through his tortoise-shell glasses.
"Donnie," you called out to him, voice cracking as you rubbed your eyes, not as accustomed to the brightness as his were. The sound caught his attention immediately as he turned toward you, eye ridges furrowed. "What is it, dove?" You glared at him, frustrated, the sting at the corner of your eyes growing stronger.
"You're not in bed," you stated simply, sounding almost insulted. Despite your tone, Donnie could see the wear that sleep was having on you, and smiled at you softly. "I just need about twenty--"
"I had a nightmare." Your voice cracked again, and the tears did what tears do best. The smile fell off of Don's face as he opened his arms for you, and you stumbled into them as sobs raked your body. He lifted you slightly so that your legs straddled his lap as you cried into his collarbone. You wrapped your arms around his neck and burrowed your face further into his skin. He stroked your back, shushing you softly and whispering comforts into your ear. "It's alright, dove. You're here with me now, I have you."
Your sobs grew softer as he continued to pet you, softly rocking himself and you from side to side. You stayed like that for a few minutes more, and he smiled to himself again as your breathing continued to even, happy to see that you were starting to feel better. "Listen, let me finish up here and then I'll take us back to bed, okay? Does that sound like a good plan?"
You didn't answer, and as Donnie pulled you away from his chest, he saw that you had already cried yourself back to sleep. He chuckled to himself before replacing you, leaning forward to his computer to save his work before standing up from his desk chair, your form still wrapped around him.
~ Michelangelo ~
Michelangelo awoke with a groan, turning from his side to lay on his shell and rubbing his hands over his eyes. Something had just hit him in the face, causing him to wake up. He rolled back over to his side, deciding that it was nothing serious and about to go back to sleep, when the same small thing hit him on the plastron. Two more times.
He opened his eyes to see you thrashing around next to him in his bed, your face scrunched up as you mumbled incoherently. He stared at you for a moment as his groggy brain tried to process what was going on. You had to be sleeping, right? Is it a dream? He sat up on his side of the bed and was dumbstruck for a moment, unsure of what to do. What if he tried to wake you up and it didn't work? Would that make it worse? Or what if he woke you up and you got mad? That would definitely make it worse.
Mikey decided he had to find out, as your thrashing got more violent while he watched. He reached his large hand through your waving fists to reach your shoulder, softly trying to shake you awake. "Angelcakes? Wake up, babygirl," he spoke to you softly. It took a moment of shaking your shoulder, but you startled awake with a yelp, eyes wide and flickering around his bedroom before landing on him.
You sat up slightly so that you were leaning on your elbows, taking a deep breath. "Oh wow," you sighed out. "What a brutal nightmare. I haven't had a dream like that in ages." Your voice cracked as you spoke, partially from sleep and partially from the terrorizing images that wouldn't quite leave your brain yet.
Mikey's brow ridges furrowed for a moment. Out of all the turtle brothers, he was the one who went through nightmares the most often, and he knew exactly how you must be feeling. He watched as your eyes began to well up with tears, and it pained him to see you upset.
His large hands went to cradle your face, tough thumbs softly stroking the apples of your cheeks. "Hey, I'm here with you, angel. Nobody else, just me. No tears. Please?" He smiled at you softly as he whispered to you, before his face lit up. "Hey! Whaddya say we go get a midnight snack to get your mind off of it? Food is always good for clearing the mind~"
You couldn't help but chuckle, matching Mikey's dopey grin with one of your own. You cherished him so much; he always knew exactly how to cheer you up. "Let's do it," you responded to him. He got out of his bed and offered you his hand, guiding you into the kitchen and making you laugh at his jokes all the way. By the time you were chewing on a cold slice of pizza, you had forgotten what the dream was even about, all your focus on the sunshine boy in front of you.
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verysium · 7 months
blue lock boys as assassins (au i guess?), i hope you could include Oli, Yuki and Barou!
anon you have me at crossroads because the very idea of an assassin AU spawns an infinite glitch of possibilities....🤔 like mafia underground syndicate assassin? or like solitary mysterious hitman type of assassin? or even better could this be ninja/shinobi stealth warrior assassin? i'm going give a general description though:
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oliver is the laid-back good guy. escorts you to the bar, drinks on him. claps every passerby on the back as if he personally knows them. you think he's alright. not too handsome and just the right amount of ruggedness. he offers you a good time, so you two hit off for the night. and that's where everything starts to go downhill. one shoot-out, intense knife fight, and grueling police chase later, you pant for dear life against the side of a brick wall in some torn up alley because it turns out your one-night stand was actually an assassin for japan's largest underground syndicate.
you grip your broken heel tightly in one hand, body collapsed against the brick cornerstone as you seethe, the condensation of your gasping breath forming tendrils in the cold night. you reach up a hand to wipe the sweat off your face. it comes back red, the meticulous hours of applying your makeup wasted when you see the damning smears of lipstick. this was not the type of fun you signed up for on a friday night.
"oliver, what the fuck was that?"
he laughs sheepishly, cocking his gun back with ease before he lights up a cigarette, palm cupping the flame. he turns, then walks over two bodies without blinking, suede shoes clicking against the cobblestone. you're angry at him, but he doesn't care, wrapping an arm around your waist, nose buried in your hair.
"just a side hustle, sweetheart. come on, let's get you home."
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yukimiya is the sweet, unassuming literature student. he came home from university to help his grandmother out over the summer, manning the front counter of her antique oddities shop. you like him. he's awkwardly charming, a little too zealous for the job, but still endearingly kooky. you have him pinned down as the sad poet type. the kind of person who wears the same knitted cardigan every day, complete with horn-rimmed glasses and 1940's gingham elbow patches. he can handwrite a sonnet in less than a minute, gift-wrap your purchases in record time. you let him buzz around you while you make your daily visit to his shop, listening to him talk about the collections of radioactive glassware, the vintage phonograph in the corner, and the rare edition of Gutenberg bibles sitting silently in the old book section.
"you know, you really don't have to do that."
he peers up at you owlishly, dark brow furrowed before you point out the spool of twine in his hand, the way he's carefully folding the newspaper around the edges of the new vase you purchased. he laughs, shrugging off your concerns with a wave. you catch a brief whiff of his cologne, the subtle scent of mint and toluene. maybe a hint of vanillin too.
"don't worry about it miss! gift-wrapping is a free service. i'll even add two complimentary trinkets if you'd like. we have a clearance section that's been slow to sell. you could even take a few for free."
"i'm alright. thanks for the offer though." he nods, fingers delicately tying a bow before he places your vase in a bag, fluffing up the tissue paper on top. you smile to yourself when you see the intricate lettering of the card he snuck in. must've been another one of the love poems he wrote. you know how the saying goes.
roses are red. violets are blue.
by the time you step out the shop, the door chime twinkles in the distance, a peal of bells to signal your departure. from behind the windows and glass paneling, he watches your figure trail down the sidewalk, winter coat fluttering in the wind. his eyes darken beneath the tortoiseshell frame, finger moving down the yellowed pages of his accounting book before crossing off another name. he doesn't even look up when he hears the loud honking and screams, the sound of a body hitting the pavement.
one is dead, and so are you.
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barou is probably the most obvious one. very upfront about the work he does. the only caveat is that you can never trace his work back to him. he cleans up way too well. always shoots his targets through the eye because it's less of a mess that way. leaves absolutely no evidence at the murder scene. i picture you as one of the unfortunate victims caught up in the fray. collateral damage, as he likes to call it.
"you know, i've never met someone so equally stubborn and stupid."
you glare at him, throat sore and aching as you scream through your gag, cursing him out in every language in existence. he merely stares down at you, arms crossed and eyebrow arched in amusement. you struggle for a good minute, flopping around like a fish as you try to free yourself from your bonds. how the hell do you go from taking an errand trip to the grocery store to getting kidnapped and tied up in a man's trunk?
"what's that? couldn't hear you from all the noise."
god, you want to strangle him. you heave a breath, swallowing the bitter taste of your own spit when he finally unties the gag, your lungs gasping for air.
"i said...you think i'm the stupid one? you're the one who tied me up!"
"because you wouldn't stop squealing like a pig."
"you were trying to kill me!" he snorts derisively at your comment, his red eyes piercing and haughty. the loud thump of the trunk door closing reverberates throughout the parking garage before you find yourself face first on the pavement, body dumped unceremoniously on the ground. he looks down at you dismissively, wiping the dust off his hands.
"nah, i'd save myself the hassle."
your eyebrow twitches in irritation, jaw dropping at that violation. oh, it was personal now. he deserved capital punishment. strangling would be too merciful. you try to get back on your feet, a task that proves all the more difficult with your legs bound and arms twisted behind your back. he merely waits, as if knowing when you'd finally give up, sinking at his feet in defeat.
"you done?" you nod your head, slumping down into the concrete. your voice becomes small and sheepish by the time you raise your face to look at him.
"can't you just...let me go? i promise i won't say anything." he rolls his eyes, swinging you over his shoulder in one fell swoop, locking the car with a resounding beep. you start to panic when you feel him carrying you to the garage exit, vision swirling with nothing but concrete and the solid sound of his combat boots.
"wait....wait! i swear to god! please just let me go. i won't tell a soul."
"nope. can't have any witnesses." you feel a handkerchief come up at engulf your nose and mouth, the sweet smell cloying and sharp. you start to squirm in his arms.
"wait! no...please! if you touch me again, i'll scream." his grin is the last thing you see in the darkness, sharp canines brushing against the shell of your ear.
"oh, you'll do so much more than scream, darling."
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116t98 · 4 months
Canon things I just remembered about the guys that I wish I saw more of in fandom stuff:
K'sante just. has his drawing tablet with him at all times ig (he's just like me fr)
Ez likes/tries to pet Sett's ears
Phel recruited Kayn, and presumably understands/respects his process of working with Rhaast in isolation better than anyone ever has
Phel can read a person just by looking at them and hearing their music (which is probably why he gets Kayn)
K'sante "wrote, produced and directed mvs with experience in acting and filming", so I'm assuming he had a stint in acting at some point
Sett knits as a hobby; he likes making little dolls for his momma
Kayn makes weird food combos like the '87 ninja turtles
Despite hanging out with Kayn, Ez and Phel the most in the mv, Ernest is mainly taken care of by Yone (who also cast him in the mv)
Sett and Ez "almost blurt something out" about future plans in the nylon interview, so they're both the Tom Holland of the group (if they ever come back and riot doesn't have them almost spoiling their next song in the teasers, I'm gonna be pissed)
Kayn likes pandas
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itz-me-brett-duh · 1 month
Part 3 Random tmnt Bayverse questions and my thoughts: Clothes/Gear?
(Side note: These are just some of my theories but feel free to leave your own 😊! Some fluff! Also if you have any suggestions I’m always open to them. I’m a new writer and I wanna appeal to more readers! Also everyone is aged up 18+)
What clothes/gear would they gain outside of the films? What accessories do they have now? How often do they change clothes? Do they remove all their gear after an important mission? Do they remove all their gear to sleep/relax? Do they keep their masks on at all times? Where do they get their clothes/gear?
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After meeting a few humans our turtles would get greater access to cleaner and newer clothes and fabric. Leo likes traditional prints and Ninja clothes/gear. He doesn’t really doesn’t care much for fashion. You don’t care how he dresses either, he looks hot in all his ninja gear. Although if you had to ask him to wear one thing it would be a suit and tie. He would look so hot 🥵 in it. Boy, you would like to live that fantasy.
I think Leo is always striving for improvement. So I feel he would learn to master other weapons as well. He wouldn’t choose his brother’s weapons, but something else. Something smaller and easily attachable to his gear. He could use it as an emergency in dire situations.
Like all his brothers, Leo changes clothes once a day, when not in the middle of a big mission. He always takes a shower right after a workout, mission, or anything to do with physical activity. It helps soothe his aching muscles. He never really changes into comfy wear. His idea of comfy is him in just his boxers, in his bed, snuggling with you. The rest of the time he is wearing his clothes. His gear stays off, unless on a mission, sparing with his brothers or splinter.
He used to wear his mask all the time. He felt so proud of himself and his team. But now it’s become quite old and ragged, he takes it off when in the lair. He leaves it neatly folded in his nightstand drawer. He occasionally uses it to cover your pretty eyes during sex.
He knows his gear is precious and made by Donnie or fixed up by Master Splinter to be given to him. Therefore he treats it with the utmost respect. You love how much he cares. Just like he does for you. You love how much he respects your boundaries. It may seem like he has control. But he always carefully notices how your body reacts. He knows when to not do something and when it feels good for you.
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You know how Raph is good at knitting? Well he’s also good sewing. He works with Donnie to repair clothes to fit their abnormal massive bodies. He messes up sometimes and curses out anything in the vicinity.
He usually made things that were practical not fancy. But sometimes he would fix and beautify any clothes that he happened to rip off during sex. He made those one shorts you have a little shorter and tighter, so he could enjoy more of your ass 🤭. Also he will make his brothers and him cool clothes if they pay the right price. He makes things for himself to impress you, even though you told him he doesn’t need to.
Raph would probably carry an emergency first aid kit with him during missions and steak outs. Him and his brothers have dangerous jobs and you never know when one of them may get hurt. Raph, even after all these years, gets hurt on every mission. Even though you tell him to be careful, he always comes home with a bloody wound here and a bruised wound there. You help him patch up. Now having a first aid kit would put all your worries to rest.
Raph loves it when you help him out of his gear. After a long mission his muscles ache and your gentle touch soothes him. After, you take a shower together. It’s not always sexual. Sometimes you just wash and wipe away his pain. The hot water and your presence reminds him that everything is okay. You both go to sleep after he puts on some sweat pants or pajama bottoms.
He used to hate himself. With or without the mask. But seeing the way your eyes look into his, with nothing but love and hope, well his heart has changed. He usually leaves his mask on in the lair but for most of your more intimate moments he takes off his mask. He takes off the mask both physically and emotionally. His wall comes down and it’s just him and you. You and him.
Raph’s gear, like him needs fixing. Donnie constantly repairs it. Raph cares for it. He does. But in the moment, when all hell is loose. The people he loves and the city of New York is more important than any objects.
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Donnie repaired an old sewing machine so that Raph would have any easier and less angry time with fixing up clothes. Donnie is figuring out a way the turtles can wear shirts. Mikey volunteered to be the test subject, if Raph would repair any clothes he liked for the time being. Raph reluctantly agreed.
Donnie’s trying to make the whole shirt thing look good. Even though the turtles have thicker skin than humans, his skinny ass gets cold in the winter 🥶. He doesn’t just drink coffee to stay up but to warm him up from the inside out. Plus you’re always showing him funny science memes, and some of those would make the funniest T-shirts.
Donnie is always acquiring new gear. He’s always tinkering in his lab coming up with new inventions. Whether for fun or to solve an important issue. You could spend all day listening to him discuss all his ideas and inventions. He’s so cute 🥰! And he’s your nerdy boy! He also makes his brothers and you little equipment to keep you all safe. He really is just the sweetest and coolest guy you know!
It doesn’t seem like he removes his gear but he does. He just has everything on at basically all times. He usually doesn’t sleep. His brain runs rampant with ideas. With a coffee in one hand and whatever piece of equipment in the other. He seems unstoppable. But eventually after enough sleep deprivation and the longing to nuzzle up to you, he goes to bed. He takes off most of his gear and thinks about showering. It’ll have to wait till morning, he is too tired to do anything. With the last little energy he has he’ll play some background noise to get him into a long deep sleep. Believe me he needs it.
In the morning you find him snoring lightly. His glasses and mask still on. Carefully, being sure not to wake him, you take them off and set them on his overcrowded nightstand. And with a quick peck on his temple you leave him be.
Donnie welds much of their gear out of scraps of metal. He looks pretty hot with his welding mask on. Maybe he should try wearing it during sexy time. He can weld your bodies together anytime he likes 😉.
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Mikey our Prince Charming, loves wearing cool clothes. He loves expressing himself through cool little fun patterns. He likes wearing funky socks, his favorite ones are the pizza one’s you got him on his birthday. Since the turtles can’t wear shirts yet. Mikey relies on accessories to feel like the cool 😎 turtle he is.
Mikey doesn’t so much as aquire new gear but bedazzles his old gear. Of course he get’s stuff from Donnie, but he makes his own crafty creations. He has glitter bombs just to make “missions more magical” or, the more likely scenario, to annoy Raph. He made his nunchucks glow in the dark once with some paint, and even let you put rhinestones on part of his shell. They all eventually fell off but hey, they were fun while they lasted. Donnie seriously regrets buying Mikey that adult science kit sometimes. He gave Mikey too much mischievous power. Fucking glitter bombs!
Mikey takes off the little gear he has. Then he takes off all his clothes and jumps into bed naked with you 😂. He should be tired but he’s not, and he tickles you before removing his mask and the gold chains around his neck. You both laugh before he starts to tickle you In more intimate places. You push him away still giggling. Why? He’s stinky! Mikey runs to the shower and takes the quickest one you’ve ever seen. He waggles his brow bone at you before kissing you. He’s a charmer and he always succeeds in his mission.
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mixelation · 8 months
i was like "i should towards finishing my fics on ao3" and then i opened google docs and wrote some other nonsense instead
anyway here's the minato-and-naruto quasi time travel thing i keep threatening to write
The problem with Hiraishin accidents was that they tended to be… strange. Most jutsu accidents ended with an explosion or a blade slipping or something like that. Hiraishin accidents ended with you standing in random places, sometimes with random pieces of clothing missing. 
Minato was a little surprised to end up in a park, but not immediately worried. He was still in Konoha, and all of his clothes were in place. The interesting part was that when he tried his experiment, it had been 2 PM at the height of summer. Now it was dark and markedly cold. 
He was in a park near the outskirts of the village. Hokage monument loomed in the distance. 
Minato blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the dark. This end of the park had a playground for children. It had several street lamps, but half of them were out. He was currently standing next to a slide, which was covered in graffiti. These details seemed odd to him, as he’d been an advocate for Konoha’s park maintenance. Konoha sinking all their funding and manpower into the Third Shinobi War meant Minato had grown up playing on rusty and half-broken equipment, and he’d promised his unborn son that he’d have nicer places to play. 
Minato was never going to get to be a father, and he saw this as all the more reason to support infrastructure changes to improve the village for families that did have children. He owed it to baby Naruto. 
Ah, well. This park was pretty far out. Maybe it was somehow getting missed. Minato mentally filed the problem away to address after he’d figured out if he’d… blacked out for a while, or whatever had just happened. 
There was one other presence in the whole park. A little kid was playing in a sandbox. Minato wondered where the kids’ parents were, this late at night. 
Minato approached the kid, making sure to make enough noise to be noticed. The kid froze in the middle of making some sort of… sand pile… and looked up at Minato with suspicious eyes. 
“What?” the kid demanded. He had light colored hair sticking out from under a knit hat. He scowled at Minato very seriously, which was adorably hilarious on such a young face. “What do you want?”
He must not recognize me, Minato decided, amused. It was dark, and the kid was pretty young. 
Minato squatted at the edge of the sandbox. There were random patches of grass in the sand. The kid puffed himself up, his scowl still in place. 
“Hey, kid,” Minato said. “I need some help. Can you answer some questions for me?”
“What questions?” the kid asked. “I’m allowed to be here, you know!”
Minato felt his stomach tighten slightly at the wording. It was so close to how Kushina used to talk, and this kid was about the age Naruto would be… 
Get a grip, Namikaze, Minato thought. This type of distraction was probably why he’d screwed up the Hiraishin to begin with. He needed to focus. Lots of people probably happened to speak like Kushina. 
“Actually, the park is closed after dark,” Minato said gently, and the kid looked scandalized. It was very cute. Minato winked. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. Afterall, I’m here after closing too, aren’t I?”
The kid relaxed into a pout. He eyed Minato up and down, and Minato tried to look as friendly and unthreatening as possible. 
“You’re a ninja!” the kid finally said, visibly brightening. “You have a hitai-ate!”
He pointed. Minato grinned. 
“Sure am,” he agreed. 
“Then why do you need help from me?” the kid asked, eyes wide. 
At this point, it would have indeed been faster and more efficient to just teleport back to his office and ask an adult questions. But this kid was very cute, and Minato liked talking to the youth of Konoha. 
“I had a jutsu accident,” Minato said, very seriously. The kid’s eyes basically bulged out of his head. Adorable. “I’m afraid to tell any other ninja, in case they make fun of me. But you won’t make fun of me, will you?”
The kid got so excited he actually ended up on his feet, waving his arms intensely. Sand flew everywhere. 
“No way!” the kid yelled. “Everyone makes mistakes, you know! That’s what the old man says whenever I mess up, and I mess up a lot, you know. I don’t like when people make fun of me! So I won’t make fun of you, and if the other ninja make fun of you, I’ll beat them up for you!”
“Whoa, whoa!” Minato said, putting his hands up. This kid was enthusiastic. “That’s very nice of you, but you don’t need to beat anyone up for me, promise. Why don’t you hear my questions first?”
The kid took a deep breath. 
“Okay,” he said. 
“Do you know what time it is?” Minato asked. The kid shook his head. “Well, do you know what time you left your house?”
“I dunno,” the kid said. “But I didn’t come here from my house. I came from the Academy, you know! I’m training real hard to be a ninja too!”
The kid rambled for a bit, and Minato frowned as he listened to the story. The kid had had detention after class, after some prank he’d pulled on his teacher, and then he’d come immediately over to the park. He said he liked coming at night when the park was empty, because other children often wouldn’t let him play with the “good” equipment. 
“Usually I have to wait until after dinner,” the kid was saying. “But in winter it gets dark real early, you know!”
The kid did know the date. 
“Can you tell me… the year?” Minato said slowly. 
The kid told him.
If the kid was right, Minato had gone back in time five months. So that was… a new way for the Hiraishin to be messed up. What a terrifying discovery. 
When Minato, lost in thought, didn’t ask follow up questions, the kid was unperturbed. He continued to ramble about his ninja training. 
At least, if Minato really was back in time, it was only five months. If he couldn’t figure out how to undo it, he could just lay low those five months until his past self also winked out of time, and just step right back into his life. Unless that wasn’t how time travel worked…? Tobirama had written some theories on time travel and seemed to think it didn’t work that cleanly… 
“...and then I’m going to be Hokage!” the kid cried, pumping a fist in the air. 
Minato grinned, despite the situation. This kid was a riot. How had he not noticed him before? 
“I’m sure you will be,” Minato told him, reaching forward to place a hand on the kid’s hat, like he would to ruffle hair. “Thank you for helping me.”
Minato stood. He wanted to go to his office as soon as possible to get to work verifying he had time traveled, and maybe consult Tobirama’s old writings, but he also couldn’t just leave this kid alone. He’d drop him off at his home as quickly as possible, he decided. He’d love to see this kid’s reaction to realizing who he was. Or to getting to see his famous Hiraishin. 
“Hey, kid,” Minato said. “My name is Namikaze Minato. What’s yours?”
The kid didn't seem to recognize the name at all. But he beamed up at Minato, showing all his teeth. 
“This means we’re friends now, right?” the kid said. “I’m Uzumaki Naruto!”
The kid continued to ramble about how cool it was to have a ninja for a friend, but Minato couldn’t hear him. 
He couldn’t hear anything. He couldn’t see. He couldn’t breathe. 
Was this a joke? A sick prank by a villager? Or attack, even? A cruel, evil genjutsu, maybe? 
Minato suddenly wanted to flee, or maybe he wanted to fight, or to disappear forever. He had no name for this emotion, but he did push out his senses, tapping into his Hiraishin network. It lit up in his mind, scattered across the village. 
It was wrong. There were fewer markers than there should be. And… one extra one. 
Minato's gaze turned back to the kid in front of him. The kid had one of his markers in him, burning brightly at his stomach. 
“Hey, hey,” the kid said, taking Minato’s hand and tugging. “Are you alright, mister?”
Minato tried to dispel a genjutsu. Nothing happened. The kid was still staring up at him with blue eyes the exact shape of Kushina’s. 
“Na… naruto,” Minato said, the word feeling too intimate to be spoken out loud. The kid just blinked curiously up at him. “I… I need to take you home. Where are your parents?”
“Oh,” Naruto said. “Don’t worry about that! I don’t have any, so I can stay out as late as I want, you know.”
Minato stared at him. 
He sat on the edge of the sandbox. 
He stared at the kid some more. 
“Are you okay?” the kid asked, dubious. 
“Do you know who the Hokage is, Naruto?” Minato asked weakly. 
“Oh, yeah!” Naruto said. “Old man Third!”
“It’s not the Fourth?” Minato asked weakly. 
Naruto shook his head vigorously. “Nope! ‘Cause he’s dead.”
Minato did not have Tobirama’s theories on time travel memorized, but he had read through them. One theory was that true time travel wasn’t possible. Time was just infinite probabilities, constantly diverging with every decision anyone ever made, and one couldn’t go back in time because time simply wasn’t linear like that. 
But one could hop into a different probability. A different timeline, where things played out just slightly differently.
Minato also knew there was no way to fake a Hiraishin marker. His past self in this timeline made one and put it in this boy, the same way he’d wanted to do for baby Naruto when he realized the baby had to become the Kyuubi’s next container, before everything collapsed into Minato’s first and greatest failure as a father. 
Minato put his head between his knees and concentrated on breathing. 
“Whoa, mister!” Naruto cried and helpfully patted his back. “Are you sure you’re a ninja? You don’t seem very tough.”
Minato laughed weakly, staring at the dark grass from between his knees. “You said you wouldn’t make fun of me.”
“Yeah, well…” Naruto stuttered out. 
Minato sat up and looked at his son. It was too dark to see every detail of Nruto’s face, but now that Minato knew to look, he looked just like Kushina. He even had the unusually chubby cheeks Kushina had hated as a kid. 
He wanted to hug him, to kiss his cheeks and beg for forgiveness. 
He also knew that would probably freak the poor kid out. 
“Sorry, Naruto,” he said finally. “I have… I have more questions. Can we go inside somewhere?”
Naruto squinted at him. 
“Are you some kind of loser ninja?” he asked. “You’re crying.”
Minato laughed. He was crying. How embarrassing.
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halogalopaghost · 10 months
Heck it, TMNT 2003 Raphael Ninja Turtle headcanon time
Leo and Mikey are subject to any and all verbal ridicule. He will straight up say "you are ugly and I wish you'd never been born you piece of garbage brother" to the most minor offense
BUT. If Leo so much as stubs his toe he is all over it, he's the first responder on scene and he's taking a full set of vitals, he's rolling out the red carpet to the infirmary to put a hello kitty bandaid on it and kiss it better
Mikey is subject to both verbal abuse and laughter at most minor physical injury
Donnie is immune from both
He'll joke around with his dad, Splinter isn't totally immune to teasing and verbal abuse, but he is so fucking gentle with him physically. Like, he will hold his arm while he's going up and down the stairs at the farm on days where Splinter's leg is bothering him, he'll make tea for him and insist he doesn't get up, the whole nine yards. Splinter loves it but sometimes even he is like "okay please you are being so so clingy"
If anyone dares to even look the wrong way at Splinter, Raph will murderkillmaim them so fast. Casey gets squarely slapped in the face for disrespecting Splinter on accident exactly one time, and then he watches his fuckin mouth after that because wow, that little green dude is kinda scary when he's mad...
Raph has a high pain tolerance and a low pain threshold. Meaning he feels pain rather quickly—cuts, strained muscles, headaches, it hurts faster and more intensely for him than it appears to for others. But since he can tolerate the pain, it usually goes unacknowledged. When Donnie finally figures this out he comes so close to just putting a bubble around him. Indefinite house arrest, not allowed to get hurt ever again.
He's autistic with a side of ADHD, RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria), and PDA (pathological demand avoidance). His "anger issues" are just.....that.
He struggles with identifying emotions, and articulating them by extension. This is part of the reason he's such a tactile person; he could say he loves someone, but he'd way rather just hug the living daylights out of them. He could say he's angry, but he'd rather go work his punching bag for a few hours.
LOVES film noir. Eats that shit up constantly. He picked up a lot of speech patterns from watching those old movies, and maybe a little bit of that accent too tbh. He calls April a dame exactly ONE time and gets laughed out of NYC entirely (by his brothers. Even that early on, April can smell the RSD on him)
Loves Christmas. Loves sweets and gift-giving and being warm and knitting, Christmas is just the natural extension of that. And he likes the focus on being with your family/quality time.
Does NOT like Christmas music
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internet-rat · 2 months
Kite in a relationship headcanons pt. 2
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SFW headcanons:
-He is a big cuddler and snuggler for sure. Whenever he is taking a rest from work he likes to lay on the bed or on the couch with you. The long man is an excellent big spoon. He is so warm and he smells like the forest.
-Loves taking naps together. It is one of his favorite things. He is usually pretty nervous and spent many nights of his life with very little or low quality sleep. But with you he feels so calm and safe, he gets that good sleep. Like, really good sleep. He will drool on the pillow and talk in his sleep. He always says weird shit in his sleep. "Man, there is an owl stampede..."
-Enjoys cooking together. He is not the best cook, but he learns quickly. And he can mince onions like a ninja. He is the best at outdoor cooking though!
-Loves having his hair brushed. He will return the favor. He is very good at it and very gentle.
-As stated before he is very ticklish. It is kind of funny to watch him flail around if you tickle his waist or his armpits. If you sneak up on him and do that he will make a surprised noise like "HEUHJHH!! Y/N NO!". He is going to try and get revenge, so watch out
-If you knit him a scarf or a sweater he will wear it all the time and be all proud like "y/n made this!". He is cute!
-If you are on a walk and he sees a toad he will pick it up and show it to you. Pet the toad.
-When you are sad he will not leave you alone until you tell him what is wrong. He is very stubborn, so it is impossible to stop him if he wants to comfort you. If you are crying he will hold you close, stroke your hair and tell you how much he loves you and all the things he loves about you.
-Slap his ass. He will flash you a teasing smirk and blush. He might also return the favor.
-David Attenborough documentaries and chill.
-He is a romantic and is planning how to propose to you!
NSFW headcanons:
-This man is lowkey quite feral beneath his stoic exterior. When he has been away on a mission for a while and gets home to you he will take you on the nearest surface. Makes very sexy noises when he is all pent up and needy like this. Growls and bites your neck while he fucks you deep. "You are fucking mine, y/n!"
-Cums deep inside you and stays inside you until he is ready for another round. Kisses you and plays with your clit until he is hard again. He loves filling you with his cum.
-Will absolutely lose it when you cum around his cock. His thrusts will become sloppier and more desperate as he makes you ride out your orgasm.
-Has a breeding kink like no other. If you both agree to have children he will cum inside you as much as possible. Does not want to cum anywhere else. Folds you like a piece of paper while fucking you until you see stars. When he cums he will say in a desperate and breathless voice with each thrusts as he pumps cum inside you "get pregnant, get pregnant, get pregnant-"
-Being on your period will not stop him from wanting you. He does not find it gross at all. If anything, he loves how slick it makes you. Fucks you in the shower so you two can make a mess together~
-It is easy to get him riled up. All you need to do is feel the muscles on his arms or his chest and tell him how strong he is, or how good he looks and he will become a needy mess.
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shiorimakibawrites · 1 year
Baking with Love
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Last-minute final entry to Mandy's Sweater Weather Challenge presented by @she-likesorchids.
This one uses the prompts - baking/cooking together combined with the "You taste like cinnamon" and "Your hands are freezing."
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 1,287
Summary: Matt Murdock and You make pumpkin bread and cookies.
Tags/ Warnings: Established Matt / Reader relationship, Tooth-rotting fluff
Tagging: @bellaxgiornata thought you might enjoy some Matty fluff.
Baking with Love
You sighed with relief when you entered Matt’s building. You were very happy to be out of the wind. It hadn’t been a long walk but your cheeks, nose, and ears felt like they had been scrapped raw by the biting wind. Your hands weren’t much better. You had tried to switch your tote between your hands so each got the chance to hide in your pocket but it hadn’t helped much.
The door to Matt’s apartment swung open just as you were about to reach for the knob. Matt, of course, having likely between aware of your approach for at least a block. He did this trick all the time but it still managed to make you jump each time. Judging by the grin on his face, Matt found your reaction just as amusing as he always did.
Along with any other time he sneaked up on you. Which happened a lot. Because in addition to being a lawyer, Matt was also a ninja. You keep threatening to make him wear a bell. Which only made him laugh harder. He is so lucky that he’s cute.
He looked especially cute today. First, he was smiling wide enough for the dimples to come out. That was always going to be adorable. Second, since he was at home and neither of you was planning to go anywhere until later, he hadn’t put on his dark glasses. So you got to see his lovely hazel eyes sparkling with mirth. Third, he was wearing a snuggle sweater.
Cable-knit and dark brown in color, it looked incredibly soft. You hoped you’d get to find out later. There were plans to snuggle together on the couch under the blankets, after the baking was done, but you knew how easily those plans could get disrupted for either lawyer or vigilante reasons.
If the former, you would sigh but accept the situation. Unless it was Burke, Winthrop, & Associates being themselves again. If you had to spent your snuggle time working through another pile of motions that dance right up to the edge of being frivolous from those bastards, you might actually kill someone.
As for the later . . . Daredevil might end up being the last of their worries. You might not have Matt’s fighting skills but you had connections. The benefit of feeding the local vigilantes like the semi-feral cats that they are. You could delegate your vengeance.
You also enjoyed how that sweater clung to those board shoulders and hinted at the solid muscle of his torso. That he had paired with jeans that showed off his perfect ass was just a bonus.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Matt greeted you as he ushered you into his apartment. It was toasty warm in there. You sat down your tote on the bench and flexed your hands. Then winced. It might have been a short walk but it was long enough and air was cold enough to leave your hands stiff and aching.
You did another little startled jump when your hands were engulfed by Matt’s hands. His big, wonderfully warm hands. He started massaging the backs of your hands with his thumbs.
“Your hands are freezing,” he said. “Still can’t find your gloves?”
“No,” you said. And sighed. “I’ll find them eventually. I know they are somewhere in my apartment. They have to be.”
“Not giving up?” he asked, almost casual. As if we weren’t discussing the gloves he had given you for Christmas. The ones you distinctively remembered packing when you put away your fall and winter clothes this spring but were inexplicably missing from the box when you opened it last week.
“No,” you said firmly. “I really like those gloves. I’m not giving up on them.”
You silently prayed that Matt got the message that you weren’t just talking about your gloves.
“Thank you,” he said softly, squeezing your hands and looking a little misty-eyed.
You smiled. Looks like he got it. You squeezed his hands back. “Hey mister, where’s my kiss?”
He laughed as he dropped your hands in favor of cupping your face. His thumbs stroked your cheeks, then he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. It was a slow but thorough kiss. The kind of kiss that soon had your hands gripping his upper arms. That sweater was just as soft as it looked. Definitely going to kill anyone who prevented snuggle time.
The unfortunate need for air meant the kiss had to end. You tried not to pout about that.
Matt kissed your forehead and murmured, “You taste like cinnamon.”
You hummed, then remembered. “The coffee cake has cinnamon in the streusel topping.”
“And you didn’t bring me any?” he asked with a mock pout.
“Sorry but I was running out of space in the tote,” you said. You leaned up and kissed his forehead. “Maybe one of these cold night, Daredevil will come to my apartment looking for a little snack.”
“Maybe he will,” Matt said with a grin. A grin that shifted into something coy. “And afterward, he might also have some cake.”
You felt your face get warm. Along with the first stirrings of arousal. Your voice was a little breathy when you answered, “Sounds like a plan. I look forward to seeing it in action.”
Matt smirked, the cocky smug one. He knew the effect he was having on you. But he let his hands fall away from your face. He stepped to the side of you and reached the tote bag. Curiously weighted it in one hand.
“What’s all in here?”
“Cookbook, mini-loaf pan, cookie sheets, parchment paper, pumpkin puree, apples –”
“I thought we making pumpkin bread?”
“We are but I saw a recipe that I want to try for apple cinnamon oatmeal cookies. Thought that we could make those too.”
“Those do sound good,” Matt said with smile.
You both got to work.
Since the whine of the motor in your hand-mixer, especially at point-blank range, made Matt wince, the butter and sugar would need to be creamed by hand. Since Matt had giant arm muscles and superhero stamina while you didn’t, you gave him that job.
While he did that, you peeled, cored, and chopped apples. Then tossed them with a little lemon juice to prevent them from oxidizing and because it enhanced the favor of the tart apples. You might occasionally gotten distracted by Matt’s . . . everything.
Like that play of muscles under that sweater while he did the creaming.
Or his ass when he had to bend down to retrieve a larger bowl – you had underestimated how big of a bowl you need for the pumpkin bread dough. Which, it seemed to you, happened a lot with pumpkin. At least it wasn’t pumpkin pie. You always seemed to end up with more batter than you had pie shells.
But what caught you eye the most was that sweet, dopey smile that kept returning to his face. This was the most relaxed you had seen Matt in a while. You supported what he did but that didn’t meant you liked seeing him frustrated and stressed.
But the soft, loving look in his eyes after you kissed his forehead and said “I love you” that – that really made your heart flutter. And it was in that moment that you knew you wanted to marry him.
Matt’s predication proved to be accurate. The cookies were delicious. You are definitely adding those to your fall treats, you thought as you snuggled against Matt on the couch. Your predication about the sweater was also accurate. It was wonderfully soft.
“What are we watching, sweetheart?” Matt asked. It was your turn to pick the movie.
“Hocus Pocus.”
Ending Note
They are making the pumpkin bread and cookies for Foggy, Karen, Marci, Claire as well as their circle of vigilante friends – the Defenders, Frank Castle, and Spider-Man.
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valkriii · 2 years
𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜
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warnings // anxiety
❝ How the guys would react to the reader getting overwhelmed and hiding themselves away ❞
The day felt dreadfully long, being worked to the bone and damn near verbally abused by customers all day for 8 hours straight. To top it all off you still had a little party to go to at the lair with the guys, yet it was the only thing to look forward to, to get you through your hell of a shift. When the guys offered of course you agreed, you couldn’t tell them no and especially your boyfriend, despite the day you had you assumed the party would lift some of the weight from your shoulders. Oh how you were wrong, not realizing exactly how drained your social battery and mental had been. While trying to still show face and be social with everyone else you felt the tightness in your chest begin, leg tapping impatiently as your eyes darted around. You couldn’t focus and it began to frustrate you as you gave a shaky breath, the setting becoming more overwhelming by the second with the music, laughing and high energy in the room amongst the guys along with April and Casey.
“I-I’m going to go to the room for a bit… I’ll be back”, you excused yourself before rushing off almost immediately.
You’d be insane to think Leo hadn’t noticed your unease, he was a ninja for Christ sake—
Even despite your fake laughs and smiles to play along with the others Leo saw through all of it, hence why he kept you close to him most of the time
Whenever you excused yourself to his room and basically ran off ALL alarms went off in his head
Excused himself not long after to go check on you after watching your antsy behavior become more and more obvious through the night
Wanted to make sure you were okay. NEEDED to make sure you were okay
Once he stepped into his room he saw you sat on the edge of his bed, hunched over with your hands covering your face as you took shaky breaths and soft whimpers escaped.
He quickly shut the door behind him and rushed over to you, internally panicking—
What was wrong??? What happened?? Did he do something? His brothers?
“Hey hey… you okay?.. what’s wrong?…”, Leo spoke so softly thinking if he spoke any louder you’d shatter
Yes, your little cries and whimpers were breaking the leaders heart
When you explain that your day was really hard and everything felt like to much and it overwhelmed you Leo couldn’t help but frown
Sits besides you before pulling you into his lap and coddling you, gently rubbing your back and letting you gather yourself
“I’m sorry… you didn’t have to come if you weren’t up to it Hana.. it would’ve been okay. You come first, you always come first..”, Leo’s words coaxed you out from your anxiety filled meltdown as you leaned your body entirely into him.
Silences you with peppered kisses to your lips immediately when you try to apologize, “you wanna take a warm shower and relax a bit?”, he always knew how to make you feel better
Raph noticed you acting a bit off but assumed it was due to you just getting off of work
Of course he asked how your day went and you gave him a plastered smile with ‘great’
Didn’t want to push or pester you so just kept an eye out
Whenever you excused yourself and scurried away Raph gave a questionable look to the others before setting his drink aside, “I’ll be back”
Raph stepped into his room to see you balled up in the blanket he knitted you so you had one when you stayed over
Your breathing was all to fast with soft cries and sniffles escaping you
“Baby doll what happened?”, Raph’s voice was laced with worry as he rested a hand on your side where you laid bundled up, he could feel you trembling
Oh his heart broke for his baby
After you explained how your day ACTUALLY went and how the party just overwhelmed you he felt SO BAD—
Raph simply climbed into the bed with you and opened his arms into which you climbed into instantly, accepting the bear hug your massive boyfriend gave you
Raph always gave THE BEST hugs and they were your favorite things, bringing you back to your senses instantly
Your boyfriend let you ride out your episode of anxiety in his arms, cooing gentle words to calm you while his hand gently rubbed your back
“Dont EVER do anything if ya ain’t feeling good okay?… I’ll always be here to take care of ya”, Raph being soft and comforting to you always made you melt
Cups your cute face in his hands and peppers kisses against your lips before wiping away your tears, “grab one of my shirts and get comfy… we’re snugglin’”
Donnie knew when your mood was off
Considering Donnie knew you like the back of his hand with how much he studied you (not in a weird way) and paid attention to you over the year you’ve been dating, he caught on to when you weren’t feeling good instantly
Checked on you here and there in which you would try to give him a nod and stiff smile, he wasn’t buying it
Donnie didn’t even give you the chance to run off, escorting you out himself as he guided you to the lab
All the signs were there and you were going to spill—
Once you two were in privacy Donnie looked down at you and cupped your cheeks, hazel hues locked with your own filled with the utmost concern
“Are you okay?”, Donnie’s voice was so sincere and concerned
Cue the water works—
You start crying almost instantly, babbling out what was wrong between cries as Donnie silently nodded and wrapped his arms around you.
Donnie simply held you and rocked you gently as you let it out, “you’re okay.. todays over. You can relax now..”
Donnie was such a sweet pea when it came to taking care of you
When you began to relax, Donnie brushed your hair out of your face and looked down at you as he wiped away any stray tears from your cheeks
“Do you wanna go to the room and watch a movie?.. we can eat movie snacks..”, Donnie always knew how to put a smile on your face
Considering Mikey was the one who organized the party tonight he was all to happy to have you there as well
Everything seemed to be going smoothly, everyone laughing and joking, enjoying their time but he couldn’t help but notice you not really joining in on any of it
Was the party bad? We’re you not enjoying yourself? Everyone enjoyed themselves at his party! Especially his girlfriend!
After you excused yourself and disappeared, Mikey couldn’t help but frown at your absence
Mikey didn’t want to be a bad host and leave his guests but his girl came first!
After announcing he’d be back he strolled to his room, “hey! Why’d you disaaa…”
Mikey’s words drifted off when he saw you hugging yourself and shaking a bit with soft whimpers
Similar to Leo, his own mind was going haywire with panic about what could’ve happened to cause this, did he do something?
Mikey walked up to you and automatically wrapped his arms around your waist as he hugged you close
“Hey angelcakes… did something happen out there?”, Mikey usually had an aloof upbeat demeanor but it faltered when he saw his girlfriend in distress
You tried to brush it off for Mikey but obviously there wasn’t any hiding it anymore—
Mikey don’t take excUSES
Makes you spill what’s actually wrong
Mikey is pretty knowledgeable about anxiety considering he actually tends to get it at times himself
“We can always stay in here if you want”, stays with you the entire time till you’re calm, the guests can entertain themselves
//just something to throw out there to get my mind off the fact life is kicking my ass right now. If Mikey seems off it’s cause I 100% don’t know how to write for him properly
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
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clothes are one of my favorite things to draw so i couldn't resist drawing the kids in their silly little disguises :] and a doodle page featuring a pizza slice drawn by my brother and a few trucys because i am ill about her
[Image ID: Digital fanart of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There are two pages, both drawn with expressive, wobbly lineart.
Page 1: A scene of Mikey, Leo, and Klunk from the 2003 cartoon. Both of the boys are fully clothed and are not wearing their masks. Mikey holds Klunk up in his arms, letting Leo reach over to scratch Klunk's cheek. They both look at the cat with fond smiles, while Klunk has his eyes closed contentedly. Leo is wearing a blue knit hat, a blue scarf, a green-tinted overcoat with patches on the elbows, and slightly distressed blue jeans. Mikey is wearing a green and white trucker cap, an orange scarf, an oversized pale brown hoodie, and reddish-brown cargo pants.
Page 2: A cluttered doodle page featuring multiple rough sketches of Mikey, who is now drawn similarly to the style of the Mirage comics, but with some design influences from 2003. Across the page, he's shown in various poses: fighting with his nunchucks, throwing his fist happily in the air, eating pizza, and wearing a button up shirt with a guitar strapped around his back. The background is filled with stars, gummy bears, and pizza. There are also two drawings of Trucy Wright from Ace Attorney, who the artist depicts as a Black girl with curly hair. End ID.]
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sharksandjays · 1 year
Alright here we go, another ramble. (I'm gonna be known for these by now aksdj)
This time it's about the OG four. So as I was thinking about them today I really thought about how much of a connection they have compared to their connection with Lloyd, Nya, etc.
(Now look, this ramble has no hate towards them, in fact, I think that Lloyd, Nya, and Pixal have their own little mini family dynamic going on that I absolutely adore!)
But as I was thinking about It I realized it was because its true. They do have more of a connection, because they have more of a history. Especially with the OG 3, they had known eachother for a while (the timing is debated but I personally think years) before Kai and his sister were introduced, and whenever they were, Kai was accepted almost immediately. Those four were raised together in a confined space, trained together, and went on missions together. Of course they'd be tight knit! Nya was with them, yes, but in the show they hardly interacted (evident with the fact they didnt notice she was the samurai) and she had her own room while they all slept in one. She would also usually hang back on missions, usually alongside lloyd whenever he finally joined the group.
Those four definitely have a real connection, and I think in a way it could be power based. You see, the element of Creation used to be encompassed in a single person, Master Wu. I'm not necessarily sure how, but I perosnally believe that Wu seperated his power as a teen and hid it within 4 individuals, similar to what he did to the golden weapons. (this is why we rarely see him use his powers now, and when we do theyre very small scale.) But because of this, these four people would naturally be drawn together! Their elements crave connection, creation. We see this with the fact the tornado of creation can exist, its literally the connection of their elements.
They are soulmates, all four of them. This isnt polyninja agenda (or is it) its just facts. Lloyd is their baby brother, Nya is their little sister/soulmate, Pixal is a welcome part of the family, etc. But these four are what started the show, what made the ninja ninja. That's why i appreciated Hunted so much. We saw them just being them four again, their relationship and interactions with just eachother, something we rarely see nowadays with ninjago's obsession with them and girls.
I dont like to phrase it as a "boy club" that Nya phrases it as in skybound. I just think its what happens when you stick four little kids together in a confined space and raise them like that. They just tend to connect on a deeper level than those around them.
Anyways. OG Four Soulmates Agenda.
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thefallennightmare · 2 years
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Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death.
Summary: Reader would do anything to make her parents happy and that included agreeing to an arranged marriage. She never expected it to be to one of New York's most feared Mob Boss: Bucky Barnes. He is anything but loving towards Reader however when her parents are mysteriously killed, Bucky makes it his mission to find out who were at fault. And in the process, ends up coming close to losing Reader.
Authors Note: To be honest, I'm not too sure about this one and I even wanted to get another update out, but the day got away from me. Tags for this will be open, just shoot me a message or comment if you're interested!
Tags: @alexxavicry @mdpplgtz03 @broadwaybabe18 @samsgirl93 @cherryflavoureds-blog @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @capsgrantrogersclqrosmgc @loumaaria-blog @queerqueenlynn @pampeop @cjand10 @purplerain85 @savannahcole99 @evanstanhoney @sebastianstansqueen @portrait-ninja @honeyglee @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @lilya-petrichor @valsworldofcreativity @buckycallsmeaslut @romanoffjohansson @themayzittcha @sapphiredreamer26 @buckybarnessimpp @itjustkindahappenedreally @mavrellover91 @esoltis280 @playboystark @legendarytrashcopeclipse @pansexual-4-all @elizacusi-blog @dnc331 @tee-swizzle @lovsalpkn @yourfavunsub @madebylilly @cerberusmybeloved @lclove2012-blog @onelmstreetett @tesseract69 @monique2281 @wayward-gypsy @wholesomewhorelol @ozwriterchick @pono-pura-vida @bogwaterswamp @s0urw00lf @daydreaming-mood @maggiemae5 @big-heart-ninjasblog @alexa4040 @screaming-les-bean @loustan90 @buckys2lut @marnle
Arranged Masterlist
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I sat on the edge of the bed, eyes glued to the open suitcases at my feet. They lay scattered across the floor and I had a shirt tightly grasped between my fingers. I felt frozen as I did the best I could to toss it into the suitcase but failed. With every thought of leaving, I realized that I didn’t have anywhere to go. 
My parent's place was still a crime scene and I had sold my old place. The only place I could call home was here, Bucky’s. But even then, it didn’t feel like it. 
I did a quick glance at my phone, wondering if I had a text from him, but sighed when there were no new messages. It had been a couple hours since our fight and there was a part of me that thought he would have chased me back, apologized, and told me the truth; about everything. 
The deep purple marks around my wrist caught my eyes and I began rubbing it, hissing at the slight pain. 
“Asshole” I grumbled to myself. 
“Who’s the asshole?” 
I jumped from the bed, quickly to my feet, and felt my heart pace quicken at the man in the doorway. Even with the small smile on his lips, his eyes were still filled with sorrow. 
“Hi,” I breathed. 
Bucky pointed to my wrist. “Does it hurt?” 
I hesitated to answer because of the way he looked at me, regret now clouded his iris’. 
“A little,” I admitted. 
Bucky sighed before nodding towards the empty suitcases at my feet. “You’re really leaving?” 
I gave him a half shrug. “Would you even care if I did?” 
His own shoulders slumped. “Of course I would, doll.” 
“Sure,” I nodded. “That’s why it took you two hours to come back home after I left?”
“I had some things to take care of,” Bucky informed. 
Don't say it. Don't say it. 
“Hm, did this happen to deal with Natasha?” 
Bucky let out a deep breath while pinching his eyes shut. “Y/N, please.” 
“Please what?” I shrugged. “Did you know she was going to be there tonight?” 
He nodded, not missing a beat. 
“I could say the same thing about Walker.” He returned back. 
I bit my lip, knowing he was right. 
“The differences between our exes being there tonight was that I had no clue John was going to show up,” I defended. 
Bucky ran a hand through his hair and motioned towards the bed. “Can we talk?” 
I knitted my brows. “Are you going to tell me the truth?” 
“I can’t,” he sighed. 
I turned swiftly on my heels and walked into the closet, ripping down all of my clothes and tossed them into the suitcases. It wasn’t neat by any means but I didn’t care. The faster I packed, the faster I would leave Bucky. 
Even if I had begun to fall for him, I refused to let myself stay in a marriage with secrets. Ever since I was little, I watched the kind of marriage my parents had together and vowed to have something exactly like that. 
“Y/N,” Bucky said as he did his best to get in the way to stop me. 
“Why should I stay, Bucky?” I questioned, stopping briefly. 
He shrugged. “Because.” 
I scoffed. “That’s your reason? ‘Because’?” 
Bucky lips parted, wanting to speak, but I ignored him. The only words that would come out would be another excuse as to why I needed to stay or why he couldn’t tell me the truth. 
“You’re such an ass, you know that right?!” I asked after throwing a large pile of clothes into the suitcase. 
“How can you stand there and continue to lie to me about everything?” I emerged from the closet; another large pile of clothes being tossed at my feet. 
“Do I not mean anything to you?!”
I tossed yet another large pile, however, I didn’t realize that not only was I grabbing my clothes but I began grabbing Bucky’s as well. I had been so engrossed in yelling at him that now I wasn’t even packing, simply making a mess. 
With a jacket gripped tightly in my hand, I stared at Bucky who stood there like a statue, not moving or speaking. I raised a brow to urge him to say something, anything. 
Not a single word came from him. 
“God! You infuriate me so fucking much!” I screamed as I threw the jacket at him. 
His vibranium hand caught it before it even grazed his face. I stared at him dumbfounded at how quick his reflexes were. 
“The serum,” he informed me. 
I scoffed. “Of course.” 
The jacket fell from his hand before he stuffed them into his pants pockets. “Are you done?” 
“Excuse me? You’ve got some fucking nerve,” I snarled throwing the next closet thing I could find. 
He caught the pillow before throwing it back onto the bed. “You’re starting to piss me off.” 
“GOOD!” my voice bellowed. 
I hastily grabbed the pile of clothes, throwing it all towards him. He merely stepped out of the way, the clothes raining down to the ground. 
“Stop throwing shit,” Bucky demanded through gritted teeth. 
I ignored him and went to toss another round of clothes but he was two seconds ahead of my actions. Bucky had me pinned up against the wall, hips locking me into place. But for added measure, he had also pinned my hands above my head with his flesh fingers. 
“Let me go,” I writhed in his grasp. 
A hiss fell from his lips as he felt our hips press deeper together. 
“If you don’t stop moving, I’m going to toss you onto the bed, rip your clothes off and fuck the attitude out of you.” Bucky groaned into the crook of my neck. 
A moan fell from my lips at the image of him doing exactly that. 
My actions halted, accepting defeat. 
We stared at each other, and Bucky reached for my chin, cool vibranium fingers dragged along it. 
“Are you going to leave?” He questioned. 
“Are you going to tell me the truth?”
I ignored his hypnotizing gaze, not faltering. 
“I’m afraid,” he admitted with a deep breath.
My face softened. “Of what?” 
Bucky released my hands and ran a hand over his face. “You leaving.” 
A soft chuckle fell from my lips. “I’m already thinking of leaving, Bucky. But that’s because you’re not telling me everything.”
“I don’t want you to think the worst of me, Y/N.” Bucky swallowed hard, eyes glossing over with tears. 
I gently cupped his cheek, my thumb grazed over the hairs. “Why don’t you let me decide that?”
There was so much uncertainty in his face and I could tell that whatever he was keeping to himself was heavy, something that he wasn’t divulging for my safety. While I appreciated Bucky trying to keep me safe, I thought the best way to do that was to tell me what he had been hiding. 
“Please?” I begged. 
With a deep breath, Bucky nodded and reached for my hand. “Come on.”
I didn’t say anything, simply linked our fingers together and let him guide me out of the room, down the stairs, and down the hall towards his office. Steve was already sitting on the couch, hands clasped together. 
“What are you doing here?” I asked. 
Bucky motioned to the spot next to Steve to sit and I obliged. 
Steve gave me a small smile. “Bucky thought we both should be the ones to tell you about the serum.” 
Bucky was leaning against the front of his desk, legs stretched far and arms over his chest. Next to him on the same desk was an open briefcase, six vials of blue liquid nestled tightly inside. 
“Is that it?” I asked while pointing to it. 
Bucky nodded. “It’s taken Steve and I years to perfect the formula, to make it exactly like the ones that we have running through us.” 
“What does it do?” 
Steve spoke next. “We have super strength, rapid healing, and super hearing.” 
“Why did you guys do it?” I wondered, my gaze jumping between the two of them. 
The two men shared a look and when Bucky nodded, Steve pulled out a picture from his pocket and handed it to me. 
A gasp sounded from me as I recognized the two men in the picture; except they didn’t look like they do now. 
Bucky didn’t have as many muscles as he does now and he was clean shaven in the photo, not an ounce of hair on his face. 
But what really shocked me was Steve’s appearance in the photo. He was a lot shorter and so skinny. I could trace my fingers over his ribs. His hair was shorter and just like Bucky, no hair on his face. 
“You two?” I asked. 
Bucky nodded. “Steve was the first one to be injected.” 
My eyes fell onto him, who kept his locked on his hands. I placed a gentle hand on Steve’s knee which forced him to look at me. 
He shrugged. “I was tired of looking like that. I wanted to be like all the other guys that the girls couldn’t stay away from.” 
My heart hurt at his words. Steve was a very attractive man, even in this photo. 
“Why did you do it?” I asked Bucky. 
“It was the only way I would have allowed him to do it,” Bucky said. “I wasn’t going to let Steve do it alone.” 
Even with the circumstances, I smiled at how good of a friend Bucky was to Steve. But there was still a part of this entire thing that I was confused about. 
“Why did you create it? Does it expire or something?” 
Bucky hesitated. “You said you wanted the truth, right?” 
I nodded. “Please.” 
“I wanted to create an army, be the best group in New York,” Bucky admitted. 
My shoulders slumped. “You created this serum to put fear in other mob gangs so they don’t mess with you?” 
He nodded. “Anything to survive, Y/N.”
“I’m guessing Dr. Banner was the one that created it for you?” I asked. 
Steve nodded. 
“And Stark wanted what with it exactly?” 
Bucky spoke next. “He thought it would be a great thing to sell on the black market. He’s been after me for years in order to get the formula. Tried everything.” 
Something clicked in my head and suddenly felt so guilty. 
“Natasha?” I wondered. 
Bucky nodded with a slight smirk. “Stark thought that if he sent her to work me over that I would give up the formula.” 
“You didn’t?” 
He shrugged. “She’s not really my type.” 
There was an intensity behind his eyes as he looked at me, slowly rolling his tongue over his lips. I felt myself get hot in my spot on the couch the more he gazed towards me. 
“I feel like an idiot for assuming there was something between the two of you,” I admitted. 
Bucky extended a hand towards me and I accepted, allowing him to wrap his arms around me. 
“I’m sorry for earlier,” he lifted my bruised wrist to his lips, peppering kisses over my skin. 
My body began to tingle all over at the sensation. 
“There’s something else I want to know,” I said with a soft voice. 
Bucky nodded so I continued. 
“What happened tonight with your worker, Jason?” 
His body went rigid in my grasp and with the look he tossed over my shoulder towards Steve, I knew what they were silently saying to each other. 
“Please don’t lie. I saw you take a gun from your safe earlier,” I said. 
Bucky’s hands were placed on my hips and I could feel his chest rise and fall with the deep breath he took. 
“Steve found out that Jason was trying to sell the serum on the street for some extra cash,” Bucky informed me. 
“Why did you take the gun? To scare him.” 
He shook his head. “This wasn’t the first time we caught him trying to sell it.” 
I gulped. “What did you do to him?” 
“I had too, doll. I couldn’t let him risk everything that I worked so hard for.” Bucky said in a hushed tone.
“So you-,” the words fell off, me not being able to finish the sentence. 
Bucky softly nodded. “I killed him.” 
My blood ran cold and the color drained from my skin, realizing my fear of what happened had been proven to be true. I knew who Bucky was when I was forced into this arrangement but hearing him confirm what was always rumored about him made me question everything yet again. 
I stepped out of his grasp and began taking a few steps back from him. There was an unreadable expression on his face as he continued to watch me walk farther away from him until the back of my knees smacked the couch, me falling onto it with a soft ‘oomph.’ 
Steve, who was still seated there, went to reach for me but I smacked his hand away. The noises of their breathing and the fireplace crackling with warmth was drowned out with the static of my brain as I did my best to comprehend what Bucky had admitted. 
The revelation of him creating this serum to make an army of super soldiers meant nothing to him revealing that he killed someone. 
“Was he the first?” I asked, voice breaking slightly. 
Bucky didn’t say a word, only placed his hands on his hips. 
He didn’t need to say anything though. There was always that thought in the back of my mind that he had killed before but I never wanted to think of it or even believe it. 
“I don’t understand,” I shook my head with confusion. “Why did you have to kill him? Couldn’t you have fired him?” 
Steve was the one who spoke next. “No, he knew too much. It was the only choice.” 
I shook my head yet again, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. “He was just a kid, right?! You didn’t have to fucking kill him!” 
“Doll,” Bucky started. 
“Stop!” I snapped. “Stop trying to work your way back into my heart with that sweet name. Every time I think we work past something, I find something out that fucks everything up!” 
I was on my feet with a start and my hands shook at my sides, with either rage or shock I wasn’t too sure. My chest began to constrict, the air getting caught in my throat and as the room began to spin, I stumbled over my feet. 
“I don’t feel so good,” I muttered while squeezing my eyes shut. 
“Y/N, sit down,” Steve tried to help me back onto the couch. 
I smacked his hands away. “I need some air.” 
I didn’t make it far, however, before a dark cloud encased over me and the last thing I heard before I fell to the ground was Bucky calling my name. 
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mouwrites · 11 months
Hi. Could you do a platonic Cole x baby reader from Ninjago please? I had this idea that was so cute. So, during a nice calm day at the Monastery, Cole finds an abandoned baby at the bottom of the Monastery steps. The baby is sick and very adorable. But... baby has a tail and little clawed hands and feet. So Cole decides to be Papa Cole again and adopts the baby reader. If you don't mind that is
Of course I don't mind! :D I just hope this is up to your expectations haha
Word count: 969
Ninjago - Cole Adopts a Mystery Baby (You)
The sun cast its friendly afternoon rays on the monastery, warming the skin of the ninjas enjoying a cup of tea within. It was days like this that made them grateful for an open training arena. The full view of the cerulean sky brushed artfully with fluffy clouds was captivating; the perfect way to unwind after a rather vigorous sparring match.
While the others opted to sit or lay back while they relaxed, Cole, feeling rather spry, paced absentmindedly around the area. Frankly, he was ready for another match. But he knew his companions wouldn’t be ready to face him for a while longer, so he took to exercising himself.
As he sauntered past the gates, he heard a faint noise. It was quiet, but he was sure he’d heard it. He stopped in his tracks, eyebrows knitting together as he waited for the noise to sound off again.
There it was. Almost like a kitten crying. No, surely that was a human baby’s cry. And it was coming from outside.
Cole pushed the doors open, scanning the area. He wasn’t sure if he should be looking for someone with a baby or a baby alone. On the off chance that it was the latter case, he closed the doors behind him and began a more thorough search.
The noise got louder as he descended the stairs. What began as a faint cry, barely audible above the wind, gradually became an ear-piercing wail. Lower and lower he descended. Louder and louder became the cry. Cole was about to cover his ears when he spotted a little bundle at the very bottom of the stairs. 
He practically jumped down the remaining steps, crouching down to pick the infant up. He looked around, trying to locate the child’s mother, or otherwise some adult responsible for it. But there was no one.
He directed his attention at the baby. Its cries were waning now that it was in Cole’s arms, and he noticed how its strained face was softening. Its huge e/c eyes locked onto his face, scanning it with the innocent curiosity of… well, a baby.
“Hi there,” Cole cooed with a smile. “Where’s your mama?”
The baby cooed, wriggling its arms free of the tight swaddle to grab at the fabric of Cole’s gi. 
He divided his attention between the baby and searching the area. He spent a good 20 minutes pacing around, hoping to find someone who had misplaced their child. Yet, the longer he looked, the less he could help wondering: Who would do such a thing..?
The baby started to make uncomfortable noises. Cole tried repositioning it, but that only seemed to make it worse. “Okay, okay, let’s go,” he patted its back, trying to soothe it while he hurried up the stairs.
The doors opened before he even reached the top. Kai looked out with an annoyed expression, probably wondering where the crying noise was coming from. His face softened when he spotted Cole bouncing up the steps with a screaming baby in his arms.
Before Kai could accuse him of anything, he shouted over the infant’s screams: “I found it at the bottom of the steps! I think it was abandoned!”
Kai just nodded. He placed his hands over his ears. Everyone else followed suit, except for Cole, who was occupied holding the source of the noise.
As he shifted the baby to one arm, the blanket fell to the floor. Stooping down, he snatched the f/c fabric and wrapped the baby rather clumsily. Realizing what he was trying to do, Kai approached, hovering his heated hands over the baby. It cooed at the warmth, finally ceasing its screaming. Apparently, it was just cold.
Everyone sighed audibly.
“You said you found this thing?” Jay inquired, approaching warily. “Look at its hands!”
Cole hadn’t noticed before, but on the tip of each sausage-like finger was a pointed claw. He was suddenly grateful that it had grabbed at his clothes and not his skin. Now that he was looking more closely, he also noticed a tail curling out beneath you. 
“So you’re not a human baby,” he murmured. “Then what…” he stopped when its eyes opened, looking deep into his. “Aw, who cares? You’re adorable.”
The more concerning thing he noticed was the way the baby’s face stayed flushed as the minutes passed. He placed a hand on its forehead. Frowning, he determined that it probably had a fever. He’d need to get some medicine (was there medicine for babies? He’d have to do some research…). 
As he fiddled with the blanket some more, he noticed a slip of paper pinned to its hem.
“Y/n,” he read. “Y/n. Is that your name? Cute name for a cute baby.” 
Then, figuring the best thing for any sick creature was rest, Cole took the baby to his bed. He placed it in the center, smiling when its pained expression softened a little.
Cole watched the rhythmic rising and falling of its chest. He was absolutely enchanted by this mysterious little creature; its h/c peach fuzz, the s/c baby fat that made up its tiny form, its little claws… he’d hardly known the thing for an hour and he was already in love.
With a pang of sadness, he whispered: “Who would do this to a precious little life?” His brows furrowed. “Whoever it was, I hope they never come back. They don’t deserve a baby if they’re just going to abandon it.”
The baby grunted, its head lolling to the side to face Cole. A bubble of drool popped on its lips.
Cole chuckled quietly. “It’s okay, kiddo. You’re safe now.” Then, placing his finger in its palm and letting its chubby fingers curl around his, he added: “I’ll take care of you.”
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Thank you anon for your request! And thank you reading, take care fellas <33
(divider by saradika)
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turtle-bun · 1 year
“This iteration of the Turtles and this iteration of the Turtles wouldn’t get along cuz of this!” “These two iterations wouldn’t get along because of that!”
(Please note I wrote this BEFORE watching Mutant Mayhem which is why they aren’t in it. I just forgot to post it lol 😅)
Rise!Leo: You all are so stern and serious. I feel like I should start being more stern and serious. Should I?
BatmanVs!Leo: Please don’t, it’ll be hell on your already waning mental health. /hj
Bayverse!Leo: I feel we need at least one funny Leo to break up the collective seriousness of the rest of us.
87 Leo: I thought me and my brothers counted as the “funny” version of all of us?
12 Leo: You guys are more of a “silly” version of us…sillier? Like the concept of turtles being ninjas is already silly as it is. Which there is nothing wrong with that, just that your cartoon logic is just very hard to keep up with sometimes.
87 Leo: That’s understandable.
Mirage Leo: I’m just jealous that you all get to be in color. Black and white gets so boring once you learn there’s color!
07 Leo: But your universe does have this cool graphic design to it that I’M very jealous of.
03 Leo: Of course, you fucking would be you dramatic edgelord. /j
07 Leo: I know the fucking EMO of the group did not just call me an edgelord! /j
Rise!Leo: Omg we love an E-girl!
12 Leo: *wheeze of laughter*
87 Raph: I just don’t think it’s fair that you guys get to be tall, is all! It’s discrimination! /hj
12 Raph: Practically working against your own kind! /j
Rise!Raph: *snorts* I don’t think that’s a bodily function we can control you guys!
Bayverse!Raph: It was a conscious decision on my end.
Rise!Raph: *chokes with laughter*
87 Raph: You goddamn bastard! /j
Bayverse!Raph: Cope and seeth my dude.
07 Raph: Now look, 87 I know it’s very difficult, especially for you, but we gotta be the bigger person here.
87 Raph: I will kick your goddamn ass, kid!
03 Raph: Well, good for you in being the bigger person. I will continue to be small and petty my entire life!
*Collective snorting laughter from all Raphs*
87 Raph: No, no, wait! You are not allowed to be funnier than me!
03 Raph: Tough break, shorty, I have to have SOMETHING other than punching shit.
87 Raph: Take up knitting! I don’t care! Just keep away from my bit! That’s like my entire personality! /hj
03 Raph: See you joke about that but I am fucking GREAT at knitting!
Bayverse!Raph: Amen to that! I ain’t spend half my damn life in the Hashi and NOT be able to knit a fucking epic scarf!
07 Donnie: Are you saying I worked a 9 to 5 job FOR NOTHING!
BatmanVs!Donnie: I honestly did not think that embezzling funds from rich corporate assholes plus the Shredder and his Foot Clan was an actual option we had!
12 Donnie: I am actually so mad that I did not think of that!
Rise!Donnie: Honestly, I didn’t think of it until like a few years back because our dad is still, somehow, getting royalties from his Lou Jitsu movie days. But I also have expensive taste in equipment and needed a little pocket change.
03 Donnie: I could have actually bought a Play Station when it came out instead of having to fix up the broken one Mikey found in the dump!
87 Donnie: I’m just now realizing how much stuff we had to make from scratch just because we couldn’t afford it.
Rise!Donnie: That’s true. But like also you guys still made a bunch of cool stuff with JUST junk you found! That’s amazing!
Bayverse!Donnie: Thanks but we could have made even cooler stuff if we had your type of funding. I mean, look at this shit! *excitingly pointing at Rise!Donnie’s battle shell*
Rise!Donnie: Please understand that YOU have made holo-screen, intercom, wrist watches, that connect to your motherboard home computer. All of which you MADE WITH JUNK! How is that not amazing?!
07 Donnie: Amazing for you probably. But if I were to do that shit myself I wouldn’t sleep for a week!
BatmanVs!Donnie: I second that! One sugar daddy please!
Rise!Donnie: *wheeze of laughter*
03 Mikey: I still can't believe you met freaking BATMAN! Like holy shit dude!
12 Mikey: *sobbing* I’m so jealous! I’m forever jealous!
BatmanVs!Mikey: Yeah, it was pretty cool. But YOU (03 Mikey) met the entire Justice Force! And became a member! Your legacy was so awesome Silver Sentry’s grandson took up your name!
03 Mikey: Yeah but you road in the BATMOBILE and got to press all the buttons!
Bayverse!Mikey: *sulking on the floor* LIFE ISN’T FAIR AND I HATE IT HERE!
Rise!Mikey: *pouting* I never get to meet my heroes! And when I do they turn out to be insane!
12 Mikey: Bro same! Chris Brandford was just a giant jerk!
87 Mikey: Bugman was pretty cool, though maybe a little weird. Still, he was no Justice Force or Batman!
07 Mikey: *whining* I just want the life you have! Why does god ALWAYS have favorites?!
Ronin!Mikey: *dramatic sigh of jealousy* He truly does.
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