#lityerses x apollo
dogwaterpoopyboy · 1 month
america yah
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nervoustoastthing · 9 months
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cabin10diaries · 3 months
litpollo is so great cause its showing both their character developments <3 like, lester as apollo wouldve stricken lityerses or like exploded him guts inside out by that point. lityerses under the instruction of midas wouldve killed them all and not have shown an inch of remorse. but lester instead forgives lit which allows lit to grow and become a better Stable person and they become better people together
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Making bad jokes
1. If Will and Nico make a company will they call it WillCo
2. ShE’s a ComMuniSt!
3. You died to give him a gift to add to his collection but when he heard you died he threw away the whole thing
4. The Way station used to be boring but now it’s Lit
5. Honey snakes are scared of bad singing
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mountjude · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for Lit's age,height,weight,etc.?I like to imagine him as 17-18,but I need more
I imagine him at being like, somewhere between 18-21, I think I headcanoned somewhere that he's 5'10!
I imagine he's pretty muscular (canon) but he's also got a little flab on his tummy
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 9 months
The Dark Prophecy AU is here! :D
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the-l1ghtningthief · 5 months
im curious to see what the people want. if anyone actually votes for this i will write a (likely shitty) series of oneshots about them
(not gonna use ship names for simplicity)
i set it for a week, please consider voting it would really mean a lot to me <3
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collagedotorg · 14 days
Collage Masterpost Part 1
This list will be organized by genre/fandom, and within those sections each collage will be individually linked. This Part Covers Riordanverse and Part 2 will have everything else. I can't pin them both but the link to Part 2 is here: Masterpost P2
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Grover Underwood
Nico di Angelo
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Piper McLean
Hazel Levesque
Frank Zhang
Apollo/Lester Papadopolous
Thalia Grace
Luke Castellan
Will Solace
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Zöe Nightshade
Bianca di Angelo
Clarisse La Rue
Silena Beauregard
Charles Beckendorf
Lee Fletcher
Michael Yew
Katie Gardner
Chris Rodriguez
Meg McCaffrey
Castor & Pollux
Ethan Nakamura
Lou Ellen Blackstone
Travis and Connor Stoll
Malcolm Pace
Alabaster C. Torrington
Cecil Markowitz
Sally Jackson
Camp Half Blood
The Broken Trio (Luke, Annabeth, Thalia)
Camp Jupiter
Hylla Ramirez Arellano
Sherman Yang
Drew Tanaka
Chiara Benvenuti
Damien White
Miranda Gardiner
Paolo Montes
Julia Feingold & Alice Miyazawa
Jake Mason
Holly & Laurel Victor
Kayla Knowles
Nyssa Barrera
Ellis Wakefield
Lavinia Asimov
Valentina Diaz
The Seven (Plus Nico and Reyna)
Cabin 13
Cabin 14
Cabin 16
Cabin 19
Percy Jackson x Taylor Swift
Percy Jackson and the Olympians on Disney+
The Kane Chronicles
Sadie Kane
Carter Kane
Walt Stone
Zia Rashid
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Alex Fierro
Magnus Chase
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Holi-day two; Dear Mr. Claus,
Day two of our holidays! Mind you, Santa is mentioned in here so it is not as neutral as it possibly could be :)
Pairing: PLATONIC Lester, Lityerses, Meg, Will and Nico x gn!reader Warnings: None! Word count: ~800
- Asnyox
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In the end, to surprise of most of the campers, the Hermes cabin won! The managed to get an impressive number of light-up statues standing, and somehow, they got permission from the dryads to carefully decorate the entire woods. Besides earning bragging rights and a break from camp duties, they were also allowed to pick the next days holiday activity, within reason of course.
Right before lunch, Lester arrived at camp together with Lityerses and Meg. You had been aware that he wanted to visit, however you hadn’t known when. So, when he pulled you towards the Apollo cabin table during lunch you weakly tried to complain.
“I promised Hazel that-“ “Nope, we are here now, Hazel can wait.” Apollo smiled, as he forced you to sit down.
So, as you sat between Lester and Kayla during lunch, Connor stepped forward to announce today’s activity.
“Dear gentle people, we as humble winners of the cabin decorating competition,” both loud booing and applause were heard from the audience, “After an intense debate, the Hermes cabin decided the recognize one of our members tremendous efforts in getting us this win. Everyone, give it up for Klaus!”
This time there was no booing as people applauded. The elf eared individual waved awkwardly with as he smiled at the praise.
“Now, this is why Klaus has come up with the next activity,” Connor continued when the applause died down, “Which will be, drums please…” Connor paused, as you could here the Hermes cabin drumming on their table, “Writing letters to Santa!”
As the campers around you made loud sounds of confusion, one voice across from you stood out the most, as Lityerses asked to no one in particular.
“Who is Santa?”
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After a while, the writing utensils were distributed to each table. Nico had sat down next to Will after Conner’s speech, and Meg moved away from the Demeter table in order to join Lester in this endeavour. You might think that it was to have fun together, however she more so seemed delighted at Apollo’s suffering.
“Why are we even writing these letters? Santa isn’t real.” Lester grumbled and you gasped. “You can��t say that in front of the children!” You hit Lester on his head, and he let out a small ow. Meg rolled her eyes at your comment, as she was the youngest, yet knew that Santa did not exist.
“Wait,” Nico looked up from his writing, “Santa doesn’t exist?” If your eyes weren’t betraying you, you could see some hurt on Nico’s face, hidden behind the indifference that he normally wore.
“You didn’t know?” Apollo gapes at Nico. Nico shrugged, looking down to continue his letter. “I found out about his existence mere weeks before finding out that the gods are real,” Nico explained, “It only made sense that the guy is real then, right? I mean, someone here never corrected me.” Venom was in Nico’s tone. Will carefully rubbed Nico’s back.
“I’m sorry sunshine,” Will apologized, “You seemed so excited about Santa.” Nico simply grunted in response, still vigorously working on his letter, trying to ignore the disappointment that he felt.
“Why wouldn’t he be excited anymore?” Klaus popped up behind you. You could see Percy’s head perk up from the table next to yours, only noticing because he quickly turned around and stared intensely at Klaus, who now had put a hand on your shoulder. Lityerses, who had barely written down anything, nor had spoken after his prior question, broke his silence.
“Lester said Santa isn’t real, Nico didn’t know, and no one explained who Santa is to me.” Lityerses’ face was full of confusion, “Please, do I write this letter or not? What does this guy even do? Why does he care about me?” his voice cracked a little at the end of the sentence.
“Oh, dear Lityerses, Santa is a jolly person who gifts presents to those who have been kind during the year! Do write the letters, I love reading letters-“ Klaus coughed, “and Santa surely loves to do so too!”
Klaus stepped away from you, and walked towards Apollo, putting both his hands on Apollo’s shoulders, and positioning his face next to Apollo’s ear.
“And Lester, dear, lying is not a kind thing to do,” you saw Lester gulp as Klaus spoke softly, “so you better make up with a kind act or who knows what Santa might do.” Apollo quickly nodded in response; Klaus smiled.
“Great! Be sure to finish your letters before dinner!” he jollily walked away. You laughed at the horrified face Lester was making, and as you once again looked at Percy, he seemed to be having the same scared expression.
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rainbow-angel110 · 2 years
For the character bingo, Lester.
For the ship bingo, let's go with... Apollo X Lityerses.
Lester!!! The dumbass. Wet rag. Pathetic man. A kitten in a cardboard box on the side of the road. I love him.
He was kinda annoying in the first couple of chapters of Book 1, but then slowly turned around in the final few chapters, and never looked back. Sure he's got his moments and that sometimes he complains here and there, but you can't deny the fact that the man had GROWTH. That last book made me sob.
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Now I didn't do the ship one..... because I don't remember Lityerses........ I'm so sorry dude, I have failed the bingo game 😔 (and on the second ask I've received fuck-)
I need to reread ToA, that's a fact.
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hazardous-lightdas12 · 7 months
A Masterpost of All my Artwork:
Apollo Art:
Apollo Comic Design Expressions
Celebrating Diwali
Tutu Skirt
Mermaid! Apollo
Apollo in a Rainbow dress
Apollo x Branchus
Hades-Style Portrait
Cyrene picking him up, Bridal style
Gently caressing Will Solace as he coaxes him to a coma
Expression exploration
Copollo Pirate AU sketch
Animation of him brushing smth off
Pole Dancing! Archer! Ribbon Dancing Apollo series:
Ribbon Dancing around a Pole
Shooting Arrows
Artemis in chains sketch
Daphne Pop-Art Poster
Artemis shooting a bow
Lityerses and Josephine
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naerysthelonesome · 3 years
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Movie Night / Modern day au, Pure FLUFF.
Unravel me, slowly / Mild hurt/comfort, Fluff, Implied sexual content at the end. There’s kissing... lots of it.
The Sanctuary Scene / Alastair's POV.
The Sanctuary Scene (part 2) / Alastair’s POV
Missing Hours / Some of the missing hours from the Sanctuary Scene.
I did not choose this life / Angst. Alastair is dead.
Arcade / Kitty angst song fic
Hoax / Song fic. Hurt/comfort? Thoughts and feelings.
Stay / Mostly just Alastair x Charles angst.
Not just breathless / Idk. I just think they’re neat.
Percy Jackson Universe
Time spent together: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Slow burn, modern day au with an unreliable narrator.
Before I Go / A Jeyna song fic
(A drabble is a short work of fiction of precisely 100 words in length)
The Shadowhunter Chronicles
I knew you’d end up liking that cat (Thomastair fluff)
Am I not good enough for you? (Kamala Joshi // Arianna angst)
Book recs/reviews:
The Giver
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 4 years
💛Litpollo💛 Soulmate!AU
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Every creature is tied to another by a red string, to their soulmate. Usually, gods don't have this kind of connection to anyone, but Apollo does. He's ashamed of this red string linking him to Earth and has no interest whatsoever to go look for the one at opposite of it, they'll soon be dead anyway, like everyone down there. But never does the string disappears. It's only after he was turned into a mortal by his father and came across Commodus' new prefect that Apollo suddenly got the answer he never tried to look for.
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the-wisteria-house · 3 years
Lityerses X Reader
Requested by:The lit simp
You had came to waystation as a young pre-teen.
It was your home,and it's where you got claimed by Hecate.
So when Lit came into your home after all he's done. You obviously had a problem with that.
When he admitted he put a tracker on the Griffins you exploded.
"You did what?!" Rage coursed through your veins. Objects around you started to float.
Luckily Apollo stopped you from killing Lit.
But that didn't stop everyone else from wanting his head.
You knew there was too much at stake after what Apollo has told you all.
"Guy's wait!" You yell before one of the huntresses could stab him. "I hate to say this, but he can be useful." Though you're words fell on deaf ears.
You thought the young man was done for until Josephine stepped in, and offered him a place to stay.
You saw how moved he was. You knew he was being genuine, and a part of your heart softened.
But you still had an emperor fight though.
Once dinner was ready you brought Lit a plate, and calmly spook to him.
You didn't really talk about anything too personal. You just made comfortable small talk.
You knew he'd talk to Emmie about the armies you'd be facing. So you didn't see the point at poking at him any further.
You didn't exactly trust him. But you'd have to get used to him sometime soon.So why not now?
"So, you're a child of Hecate." He didn't really stated it as a question.
"Yeah." You simply respond.
Your conversation continued. Not going in any particular direction.
Little did you both know that one conversation would lead to many others.
Fast forward a few months.
It was clear to everyone that Lit was in love with you.
Well to everyone but you.
He'd awkwardly flirt with you,but you've never seemed to notice.
One day he got fed up.
When you we're passing the storage closet someone grabbed you.
"Hey!What the Had-muph" You're yelling was cut off by someone's soft lips crashing into your own.
"Gods why can't you see how I feel about you!?" You recognize the voice immediately.
You stood there dumbfoundead. What dose he mean?
Why did he kiss you?
"You kissed me....why?" The confusion was evident in your voice.
This frustrated the young man even further. "I-did you not hear a word I said? I'm in love with you!"
You look at the Greek trying to see if he's being honest.
When you looked at him you saw love,passion and desperation in his eyes.
"I love you too."
That's how it all started.
You and Lit would stay up late, and relax by the griffins roost.
He liked watching the baby griffens play. Though he'll quickly deny it if you ask.
When you told everyone about your relationship they were all shocked.
"Well I knew he was in love with you.But he finally got the courage to say something?" Leo says humor evident in his voice.
Lit was clearly offended. "What's that suppose to mean!?"
"Congrats sis." Josephine slaps your shoulder lovingly. "If he hurts you I won't hesitate to beat his butt though. I may be old but I still have moves." The older woman grins at you. Though you can tell she's a hundred percent serious.
This terrified Lit.
You and Lit over all had a healthy relationship.
You trusted that'd he'd stay loyal which he always did.
He had some trust issues when you first met, but since you were friends before you got together those issues were already resolved.
So Joephen never had to beat his butt.
You'd both stay up late into the night talking about anything and everything.
You loved hearing about his life in ancient Greece, and he loved hearing you explain how you controlled the mist.
But no matter how much trust he had in you he still didn't trust some men.
If a guy was getting to close to you or heavily flirting. He'd glare at him,and get alittle frisky.
If someone flirted with Lit it would make you uncomfortable, and if they go to far you'd intervene immediately.
He's your man!
And you are his girl!
Was that any good? I'm sorry if it was kind of short.😬 I hope you guys enjoyed it. Feel free to leave feedback in the comment section. Stay safe everyone!!!
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mountjude · 2 years
bestie, i'm sick! i sound like i've been smoking a pack of cigarettes everyday for 30 years and i feel like i have tuberculosis. could i resquest our angery boy (lit) with a sick s/o?
lityerses with sick! s/o!
literally doesn't know what to do
gets all the apollo kids in your room
"help them"
once they tell him what to do he'll be less panicky
refuses to let anyone in your room
standing by your door like 🧍‍♂️
call his name and man is RUNNING
he'll kiss your forehead and spoon you if you want
if you dont he'll sit by your bed and hold you hand
hes gonna get mad at whoever got you sick
"leo. you did this didn't you."
leo: 🏃‍♂️
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kawaii-kozume · 3 years
Lityerses x Reader HCs
He is so dang touch starved. When you two started talking, he was very aware of where you were and how close you two were standing. He's gotten better with time and he's so clingy now.
He touches you all the time. A hand resting on your waist, your shoulder, fingers brushing against your hand or leg. He loves you sitting close, thighs pressing together, or sitting on his lap or vice-versa.
He's not hypermasculine, okay? He 100% loves to be cuddled and held and assured that he's loved. He's from ancient times, they were all queer back then, c'mon.
Training with him goes one of two ways: The first is that you put up a good fight and end up keeping up and he gets intimidated/doubts himself and then gets upset about it. Or, the second way, is one to be explored on my 18+ blog 😁
After settling at the Waystation, he really likes spending time in Emmie's garden. After all, he is a child of Demeter and the smell of dirt comforts him. He also loves being able to see the city below through the windows.
He likes to take you to the garden to share his view with you. Especially at night when the city lights twinkle back at the two of you.
If you want more detailed headcanons, send me an ask with your godly parent or like any info you want me to include!
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