#live birth
neonblack · 1 year
How crazy would it be if humans laid eggs instead of giving birth to live young?
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lilleluv · 1 year
What Is Viable/ Non-Viable Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in a woman’s life. However, not all pregnancies progress to a full-term healthy delivery. In some cases, a pregnancy may not develop normally or may cease to grow, leading to what is known as a non-viable pregnancy. In this article, we will explore what viable and non-viable pregnancies are, what causes them, and how they can be diagnosed and managed. What Is…
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immoren · 1 year
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moominsuki · 7 months
the pic of bakugou as a newborn makes me think of you both going into the future and you revealed pics of your little baby boy being born on social media and public mags and he’s literally the spitting image of katsuki - down to the wrinkly old face and open mouth that’s already yelling.
“why does our baby look like that?“
“like what? looks fine to me,” shrugs bakugou, sifting through the magazine that showed pictures of you and bakugou - a decade older - holding your little chap.
“like all wrinkly and scrunkly… he looks 85!”
“no one told you to have a baby with me,” bakugou grumbles.
“well, i at least would’ve liked to have been present at the birth… katsuo looks nothing like me!” you say, stifling a laugh at his grumpy face - his grumpy face that then sports wide eyes as he grabs the magazine back from you and finds the name of your new baby.
“katsuo, huh…” and you watch him stare intently at the faces in the pictures: your tired eyes with a content smile and his bleary eyes looking down at the mop of blond unruly hair swaddled in a blanket - a blanket he recognises to be something that you currently own back in the present.
“they say ugly babies always grow up to be the cutest,” you hum, and you point at katsuo’s eyes. “can’t believe he took YOUR eye colour and not mine! was i even involved in the process at all?”
katsuki chuckles at that, all chuffed, “the bakugou genes are just that amazing.”
“i better pray that he ends up with my quirk and not yours… i don’t want him to start blowing people up if he gets your personality too!” you say offhandedly, walking away and leaving katsuki to show the magazine back in the stand as he chases after you.
“oi! don’t say that and run off! hey, y/n!”
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milkywayes · 1 month
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GARRUS VAKARIAN: DATABASE IMAGE ACCESS. > PT. 1 : 2160, 2166, 2170. > all files backdated according to user preferences: (terran_coordinated.calendar).
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arachnerd-8-legs · 1 month
really disappointing that bunjywunjy had to be pestered twice just to quietly remove their reblog after using their huge platform to encourage garbage like raving about the lesbian estonian soviet flag and how 'new pride flag just dropped' so people could go 'ooh pretty' about a flag that was forced onto us by ppl who wanted our culture gone and oppressed us for about a century in total if not more.
to say nothing or not show anything of the truth about that flag and quietly remove the reblog felt more like it was done out of obligation (and you didn't agree) rather than care for the subject matter that is still a fresh wound in our country's memory. it's only been 33 years since it ended.
I'd rather you make the mistake about something you didn't know (eastern european history is easy for westeners to overlook, because we're not a big country like them, we're not england or france or spain or germany) and admit/apologize for said mistake or even just outright state that you don't actually care rather than say nothing and quietly remove something so that people would stop talking about it
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ink-the-artist · 11 months
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Mermaid eggs
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terriblegam2r · 3 months
I saw what you did there Andy and Danai and/or costume department.
“It must have been something else then” ❤️
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gummi-ships · 5 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Main Road
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not-the-aesthete · 1 month
“ For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse.
So collapse. Crumble.
This is not your destruction.
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This is your birth. ”
Zoe Skylar
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spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
okay we've seen geralt react to tiny milek but can we also see little ciri react to baby milek 👉👈?
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Not quite a baby anymore, but I'll come to that one day!! But they are siblings 🥺 (in all versions of that universe honestly)
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dragonzzilla · 1 year
The whole "A male is only born to the Gerudo once in a hundred years" presents a fascinating psychological crucible
By accident of birth, you're othered from the rest of your people. There is literally no one else like you. No one alive at least. You are born in the shape and in the shadow of long dead monarchs, Great Men.
But what does it mean to be a man in a society that is otherwise comprised entirely of women (I do not believe in gender essentialism; but I do believe in societal pressures). You are a boy and are constantly reminded of it. A boy without a father, without brothers; and when you become a man, you will never have sons of your own or even nephews. You're a single drop of masculinity in a ocean of mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, nieces; awash in femininity but forever separate from it. You are a man and that makes you king.
Before you're out of swaddling, you're placed on a pedestal. Elevated, in some regards. Afforded the greatest privileges available to your people. But they're not quite your people. However thinly it is presented, there's always going to be a degree of separation from everyone you know and care about. Your otherness is constantly reinforced, celebrated even. You're going to be a king. And you don't get a choice in the matter. You must stand alone, forever.
There are other men in the world, but they are not Gerudo. There are Gerudo, but none of them are men. The only people who could understand your struggle exist only as imperious statues and aspirational legends. They are Gerudo men, just like you, but they're not people anymore. They are kings, conquerors, shapers of history, children of destiny, great men. You are a man and that means you are destined for greatness.
Try not to crack under the pressure.
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saccharinerose · 6 months
In a conversation the topic of childhood comes up and the human part of the Fontaine cast (Wrio, Clorinde, Navia) is hit by 3 consecutive mental sucker punches when Furina, Neuvilllette and Sigewinne all reveal one after another that they have Never Been Children
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jupio · 5 months
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fancy seein' you here
(click for the full image quality)
pov you have never done a nature/grassy foreground so it takes you >6 hours and several tutorials and then you STILL have to ask your brother bc it looked Over Rendered and you cant work out how to fix it (basically just screenshots of the process)
+ cursed horse
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7 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
0 episode since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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robotsandramblings · 6 months
Hobie giving the middle finger
aka..... flipping the bird
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these animators i s2g
[bird symbol covering his middle finger is flipped upsidedown]
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