#livestock therians
em0dog · 6 months
i want more farm creature friends if youre a livestock species or a farm work species i need to be friends with you so bad
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otterwithatophat · 7 days
I love the sheep at work, he's so silly (his name is Clark)
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He used to be so nervous around people when I first started working here, and now when all the goats leave after feeding time he's the only one who sticks around for pets.
He's also the first to run up when I'm the one feeding them
Clark <3
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spore-pack · 1 year
so yeah i was wrong about the wolverine thing BUT new theriotype unlocked:
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karakachan dogs !!
also known as bulgarian shepherds :))
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starryemberskinposting · 11 months
shout out to all the sheep, cows, chickens, pigs, etc that i as a border collie was made to guide :3
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canineentity · 1 year
I think having bpd AND being a dog is so wild because of the pure nonsensical projection my brain likes to do with my fp
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caveat-canine · 2 years
coyote urge to pick up a chicken and Run
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I'm like if a Dragon was also a Border Collie and also also a Great Pyrenees but also also also an Angel
Does this make any sense? Is this anything?
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safaridays · 5 months
no, you don’t need to wear your mask/tail to school.
i wish young nonhumans didn’t feel compelled to be ‘out’ at school, especially when it’s a dangerous environment. i keep seeing posts along the lines of “wore my tail/mask to school! people berated/teased/put their hands on me, but it’s ok”.
no, it’s not.
like.. i understand a mask or a tail can be a very validating thing for some people. and i’m not saying NO ONE should wear them at schools. but i just keep watching this mounting trend of young therians insinuating you need some physical accessory or to do quads to be a ‘real’ nonhuman. and then it leads to things like this and it makes me incredibly sad.
i’d known i was alterhuman since late elementary school, actually. it’s a huge part of my life even now, years after graduation. there wasn’t a reason for it to be brought up, so i never did. it was a closely guarded secret to me, but it didn’t feel like a weight i was carrying. i always thought “no one needs to know i’m an animal if it jeopardizes my safety. so, oh well”.
“but, how will people know that i’m an animal?”
they probably will. they probably already do.
i was the designated ‘animal’ person my entire school career despite not ever handling animals in front of anyone. if there were pets, lost wild animals (baby rabbits, birds, lizards), or sometimes even loose livestock that got onto campus, it was always me who had to go tend to them.
everyone wanted me in their group in environmental science. if a project called for animal illustrations, the same thing would happen. it was certainly weird because i was also a ‘weird kid’ and not especially desired to be around outside of that, lol. but i was never harassed for it. it made me feel very validated, actually.
i had fun during gym running and fiercely destroying the opposing team in field hockey. i taught everyone which plants were okay to forage (and we snacked on them when we had to sit on the lower field for practice). every day i was hyperaware of the limbs i had that weren’t quite there. friends noticed my ears twitch and my nose wiggle at certain stimuli. i felt nice walking on two legs. i felt nice because i felt animal and i didn’t have to prove it to anyone.
really like… just do what makes you happy. i admire the bravery it takes to so earnestly wear your identity on your sleeve like that. that’s very impressive. however, there is NO obligation to do anything like that if you understand that there will be a reaction that poses a threat to you.
i want our kids to be safe, too. you don’t have to feel dysphoria over being discreet. sometimes it’s the safest option. and sometimes, that can be really fun, too.
study everything you can about your ‘type. wikipedia and animalia are good resources. ramble about them to anyone who will listen. jokingly refer to yourself as one in friend spaces. wear discreet clothes that remind you of your ‘type. find a nice private place outside where you can run and explore and look at plants and smell the air and feel like yourself. but by no means do you have to prove yourself. you know you.
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shoutout to all my therians who are pests. crop eaters. livestock stealers. trashcan raiders. garden destroyers. attic dwellers. nuisance creatures. safety warnings on footpaths and road signs. threats to property and safety.
you are allowed to exist.
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celestiallyslimy · 2 months
tips for cat therians !
ok, yeah, disclaimer; these tips will not include quads, gear, and are closeted therian+city therian friendly! however, these are mostly directed for domestic cats, so sorry to my wild cat friends :(. if you're against alterhumans/furries/quadrobists, please insult me through the reblog feature, thx!
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try growing catnip at home! in small doses (such as tea), it's perfectly fine! if you practice witchcraft, catnip represents friendship can be used in spells.
give small little gifts to your friends, bonus points if it's food.
cats are carnivores, so lean towards meats. pretty much all cats eat small animals, like rabbits! 3a. for outdoors domestic cats, try leaning more towards poultry such as chicken, geese, turkey, etc. and fish! 3b. for indoors domestic cats, poultry, beef, pork, and other flavours common in cat food is good! 3c. wild cats are known to eat livestock, which means pretty much a lot of the above, and on occasion, deer! try out some venison! and if your theriotype lives near areas with bodies of water, eat some fish native to that area!
head outside for daily exercise! cats need exercise too!
keep good hygiene! cats love being clean! trim your claws, brush your hair, wash your skin, brush your teeth!
if you can, try out sports! bonus if it helps with things that would make you thrive in the wild! (for example, running for stamina, and speed)
cats are known for being acrobatic! go and do an obstacle course, challenge yourself!
dont sit staring at a screen all day! go do some bird watching or people-watching
cats are hunters. if you have school, see if you can sneak up behind your friend and scare them while walking to class.
go outside during darker hours, and take a listen to what you can hear. crickets? cars? people?
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studioustoker · 2 months
I think I've figured out what my most prominent theriotype could be??? Long ass post so cutoff for convenience but I am always interested in hearing others experiences and perspectives when it comes to this.
Since learning about therianthropy I've been questioning some kind of canine. For a while I thought it could be a coyote (which is still not entirely off the table, more on that later), but now after months of mulling it over I believe myself to be some sort of livestock guardian or herding dog; a farm dog! It makes a lot of sense to me and feels like a very comfortable label. I've been able to "see" myself more as I've been practicing meditation and focusing on finding my theriotype(s), and I feel phantom shifts for paws, fangs, even fur much stronger now since learning more about farm dogs and their traits. I'd never really been into dogs like I like cats so a lot of the information I'm learning about dog breeds is very new, BUT I am somewhat considering the possibility of specifically being an Australian Shepherd or koolie (or a mix thereof). I've been using a lot of guided meditations for focus and introspection and they've honestly really helped me learn visualization of my wants and needs when it comes to my identity.
But let me just say I have never experienced this before. I literally have no idea how to explain it.
I don't really consider myself a religious or spiritual person, and I'd have no idea where to start if I was interested in researching spiritual therianthropy. But as I continue to learn more about myself and alterhumanity, I am starting to consider the possibility of there being something more than only the psychological component to it for myself.
I don't think that I am ONLY a farm dog either, and I am still learning more about my other possible nonhuman identities. I'm super interested in learning about the experiences of spiritual therians so if anyone has anything they'd like to share (something about your journey to your identity as a spiritual therian, how your therianthropy relates to your spirituality, etc) I'd love to hear it.
For now though I am just SUPER excited about finally feeling like I've figured something out and I am super grateful to have found spaces like this and others like me :)
anyways this is probably the closest to what I see myself as :3
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okay thank u for reading this long ass post <3
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hidden-among-stars · 6 months
A follow-up poll from my other poll (if you haven't answered that one yet, please do if you feel so inclined!)
Note that there is no "view results" option - this is to keep results from being skewed too far in the "view results" direction. There are some questions beneath the poll that anyone is welcome to answer in reblogs or tags or comments, though!
Secondary optional questions that anyone can answer in reblogs, comments, or tags (feel free to answer as many or as few as you'd like):
Do you feel like your nonhuman identity influences the way you feel about meat/other animal products? If so, could you explain how?
How do you generally feel about animal agriculture? Do you believe there is a way that it can be done ethically?
How do you feel about hunting?
How do you feel about trapping?
Where does your information about how animal agriculture, hunting, and/or trapping works come from?
If somebody asked you about where they could find information about animal agriculture, hunting, and/or trapping, what organizations, individuals, or websites would you refer them to?
If you have a carnivorous nonhuman identity and have no problem with eating meat/animal products, would you ever consider hunting or being part of slaughtering animals for your own food? Have you ever done either of those things? If you have any desire to or if you already have, do you feel like your nonhuman identity might influence/has influenced how you might feel/felt about participating in it?
If anyone is curious as to why I'm asking these questions, I'm a therian who is studying sustainable agriculture and food systems, and I'd like to write an essay about the intersection between my therianthropy and how I experience my part in the food system, but also about the general community's experience with their own intersections between nonhuman identity and diet in general (if there are any at all)
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cityan1mal · 4 months
hi! I'm a dragon therian and I'm an omnivore! my diet consists mostly of fish, berries/fruits and meat, and I don't have any dietary restrictions
Ooooooh I was hoping I get A mythical creature.
From what I've read dragons mainly eat meat, large animals like gators and livestock. Though smaller dragons eat varied diets. Also some eat inorganic materials. Very interesting.
(I actually super love dragons and have since I was a kid I'm so happy I have one in my asks)
Reccs under cut
If you can't source Gator meat I recommend eating some chicken with a side of dried fish for that tough skin chew
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If you want the sharp bitter taste of a raw berry you found in the forest (assuming your breed is carnivores)
Get some raw cranberries. They won't taste good though.
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If you're more metallic and craving gems I recommend rock candy. You can always get gemstone candy but rock candy will be easier to find
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Want something more ashy and smoky?
Grill a watermelon!!! It will still be raw red and juicy like a cow you picked up out of someones farm. But have a smokey flavor (Or make a med rare steak but this is more FUN!!)
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puddin-dear · 9 months
The Old Barn
The thoughts of a therian, by Tapioca
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Every time I think back to my life as a barn cat, one singular memory plays in my head. I leap off the old fence, which I can never recall what exactly was the color of the thing. I bound into a grassy field, did it have hay or flowers? Only the old me knows. I pad into the even older barn, which I believe was a dull red. I can’t exactly make out what the entire scene looks like, but I can imagine what my past must’ve held.
I imagine theres a house next to the barn, where the old farmer must live in. Was it a guy? I think it was. I find myself calling him the old farmer, it seems the entire place was decades old.
I enter the barn, the interior’s layout I cannot fully recall. I wonder if there were other animals with me. Perhaps horses? Sheep? Goat? Cattle? Pigs? Chickens? Did my farmer grow crops or raise livestock? Only he and the old me know.
I wonder if there was a herding dog that worked alongside me, a coworker, a companion, a friend. If there was, I think they’d be a collie. A black border collie at that. I’m sure the herder would be the old farrmers best friend when off duty, sleeping in the mans old run down house while I settled on the hay of the barn.
I have no hard feelings for this theoretical dog, I prefer my hay bales over their dog bed. My freshly caught prey over their kibble.
I wonder what prey I caught, whatever I was put on this barn for. What population was I set to control? Mice? Of what kind? Rats? Squirrel? Chipmunks? Moles? What rodents plagued the old farms crops, or livestock?
I wonder what kind of bugs scattered across the barn walls and floors. Centipedes? Roaches? Beatles? Ladybugs? Moths? Flies? Were there spiderwebs in the corners? Did I swat at them as they tried to run by?
How many kits did I have? Did the old farmer let me keep them? Did he give them collars? Did he give them names? What was my name? I hope it wasn’t some glamorized spanish name like “Luna” or “Sol”.
Did my farmer speak english? Spanish? Japanese? French? What race was he? Was he a colored man? Or was he a white man?
Did this man have a wife? a partner? a husband? Did he have friends? Did I ever meet these possible companions of his?
I wonder if I had any companions, perhaps the barn was large enough to need two barn cats? I’d imagine there’d be an orange cat with a blue collar named something like “Sparky”. I’m sure this Sparky would be a hyper cat. We’d probably get along well.
Who even was the other cat involved with my kits? Not that it mattered, they’d never be allowed around my precious kittens anyways.
I wonder how my kits are now? They’re probably dead, I won't lie. I wonder if any of my kits had kittens? Did my bloodline continue? Is there a descendant of mine somewhere out there?
I wonder if this descendant of mine is also a barn cat? Or a street cat maybe? A softer house cat? Do they know how to hunt anymore? I hope this possible kin of mine still knows how to catch the swiftest of birds and the cleverest of mice.
I have so many questions one will never be able to answer for me. Questions only me, the old farmer, his dog, my kits and Sparky will ever know. Perhaps its better to keep it that way. To forever be left wondering on my life once was.
Even with that thought though, I still find myself longing to return to the old barn with the old fence. Wishing I can run up to the old farmer and rub my fur against his legs as he greets me with a warm smile and a gentle headrub.
I long to run alongside the herding dog as they work, hoping to cause a little bit of playful chaos.
I long to catch prey alongside Sparky, before taking the rest of the day to feed my kittens and teach them what I know.
Maybe spend some time with the livestock, just for a little bit.
But for now, i’ll rest in my human nest. I’ll eat my human food and attend my school classes. I’ll speak to my human friends and play my human video games.
I’ve accepted my humanity, i’ll admit. But that doesn’t change the ache in my heart as I long to touch the grass with my paws once more.
Thanks for reading, I wrote this earlier as I was thinking of my past as this barn cat, the same questions that constantly repeat in my mind and so on.
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caveat-canine · 2 years
coyote therian bf + farmer bf whos natural instinct is hatred towards coyotes
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muzzleoleum · 3 months
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁ִ ࣪𖤐My Enclosure࣪𖤐ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁ִ
Hello :) For the sake of this blog you can call me Bones or Carrion, or honestly anything that's just what i could come up with. This is my Non-Human blog and there will be more info under the cut :)
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As I said this is my non-human blog!! However I will be posting more than just non-human related things. Please don't refer to me as human, and I use he/him pronouns :). I also have a partner!! My DMs are also open if you would like to chat!! (18+ only though for dms thank you :))
My non-human identities are as followed:
࣪𖤐 Lycanthrope
࣪𖤐 Werecreature
࣪𖤐 Wolf
࣪𖤐 Dogkin
࣪𖤐 Irish wolfhound Therian :)
I do not wish to debate any kind of identities whether that is my own or someone else's, my time can be spent worrying on other things and i'd rather not waste my energy on discourse.
I am diagnosed with autism, OCD, c-PTSD, Prolonged psychosis and manic and depressive episodes, and other symptoms like dissociation and derealization that don't fit into a disorder. I am suspected to have schizoaffective by my therapist and psychiatrist, but we have not gone through the diagnostic process. I am also recovered from anorexia, do not interact if you are pro ED or sh, or if you are anti recovery. With all that said, I will talk about my experiences, and I will sometimes need extra clarification or tone tags, I might not always be articulate but I will try my best :)).
I am also physically disabled. I have been disabled my whole life, most of my family is disabled, so any ableism will either be called out or blocked.
Uh more about me, I was doner conceived (egg), and I am very very passionate about doner conceived rights for everyone, and I probably will talk a bit about that. I have a lot of weird genetic and like other shit that i don't really want to get into but that's something about me. I'm very queer, I'm trans, I am taken by my lovely partner <3 I love posting about them and stuff like that. I love to draw, even if i'm not super consistent with it. I love painting as well. I love punk music, and folk music a lot. I go to a lot of local shows in my area, and i love my community. I love cowboys and cowboy culture considering that a whole part of my family are modern day cowboys (ranchers and rodeo cowboys, plus some livestock farming). I'm very into wolf conservation and ecology, as well as studying wolf behavior and social patterns, and pack systems ect. I will probably be going back to the wolf sanctuary I visited last fall but i've been meaning to find one close to where i live where i can volunteer. I also have a lot of strong opinions about a lot of different things.
I will post about my opinion on things, my personal experiences, Mood boards, Cute wolf and other animal photos, and probably other random stuff too.
My DNI is not suuuper strict, Just absolutely no bigotry, No racism, Queerphobia, Islamophobia, Intersexism, anti-semitism, pro israel, ect. I am pro Palestine and I am pro Palestinian resistance and liberation always. Any bigotry or dog whistles will be blocked. I also don't want people coming on here with anything like "humans deserve to die" or "humans are the cause of everything bad so they deserve to cease to exist" Yall that so quickly turns bigoted and I will not stand for that, I will not allow stuff like that that can so quickly become eugenics or other beliefs like that to fester on my page.
Please don't flirt with me even as a joke, or make sexual jokes or comments to me personally, it makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
With that as well, Minors can like and repost things, I do not want any minors messaging me, it makes me uncomfortable, While this blog is not an nsfw blog, I will curse and I will talk about things that are more mature in nature things like my experiences with trauma and mental health, and other things that might not be the most appropriate for a minor to look at in detail, Please keep yourself safe, and don't follow if you are only looking for cute wolf content, because i might post some cute wolf photos but i'm also an individual who talks about my own personal experiences and other shit.
I will block if I feel necessary, it might not be anything personal to you.
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Thank you and I hope you enjoy the blog :)
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