#living my emo teen dream
amor-est-potestas · 7 months
(For context, I'm a pasty white guy with naturally dark brown, long - down to mid-back - hair)
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babygorewhore · 5 months
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You are the only Exception
Eddie is your brother’s best friend. Who often reminds you Eddie would never go for you. But one night on a last minute change, Eddie takes you to a concert. Where he finally confesses what he’s always wanted to.
Warnings. None! Less than 1k. (Who am I?) thank you to my love @take-everything-you-can for giving me so many adorable thots for this one!!!
Your brother's best friend was Eddie Munson, someone you’ve had a crush on for years but your brother wouldn’t ever let you be alone with him for more than five minutes.
“Dude, you’re a princess and he’s just not into that.” He would say, but you didn’t care. You still admired and obsessed over him.
Tonight was the night of the paramore concert, something your brother promised to take you for your birthday. You half hoped Eddie would have joined but you didn’t voice it. You looked at your outfit in the mirror, the cropped black paramore shirt and plaid pants. Your boots gave you a few inches and your hair was styled out of your face from anticipating sweat.
Your makeup was perfect for the hot lighting and you took a million selfies and posted them all.
But a knock at your door caught your attention.
“Hey um im really sorry but I won’t be able to take you tonight.”
You spun around, prepared to scream at him when your brother held his hands up.
“But before you freak out, Eddie said he would take you. He’s downstairs. And don’t be weird. I know you have some stupid crush on him.”
You threw a shoe at him which hit him on the arm as he rolled his eyes and left. You smooth your outfit repeatedly out of nerves. Oh god. Eddie was taking you to a childhood dream concert?
As you came down the stairs, you saw Eddie talking and laughing with your brother and his smile briefly dropped and turned into something softer before he snapped into place.
“Hey, rocker girl.” He greeted you as you came closer. He reached to play with your hair and your brother smacked his hand.
“Man, come on. She’ll throw a fit if you mess up all that hairspray. She’s living her emo kid fantasy right now.”
Although he didn’t mention that it also included kissing Eddie Munson, your eyes flickered to his full lips that were casually upturned. Eddie was wearing all black with an oversized jean jacket. To your surprise, he held up two wristbands. They both said paramore.
“Kinda hard to get ahold of these but I got them. Here,” he reached to slip it on your hand and you swallowed as his ringed fingers touched your skin.
“Shall we?” Eddie held out his elbow and you curtsied.
“Lead the way, sir.” Your brother turned up his lip and you gave him an innocent look as you both walked out of the door.
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Your heart thudded the entire drive and as you both situated in the growing crowd near the stage. You rose to your tip toes and back down to ease some of the anxiety when you felt Eddie’s hand go to your lower back. “It’s okay. They’ll be out soon.” He said to your ear and you felt goosebumps.
“Trust me,” he pulled back, speaking louder. “I’m an expert.” You raised your eyebrows as he started grinning.
“Oh? I didn’t realize you were such a superstar, Edward.” He put a hand over his heart.
“You wound me, princess. Playing for five drunks has made me way better than some punk pop band.” He playfully rolled his eyes.
You smacked his shoulder lightly as you heard the crowd roar. Spinning, you saw the band walk out center stage. You met their screaming and started jumping as the guitars played with their opening song.
“Are we ready??” Hayley called out and you started clapping.
As the show continued, you shed tears and your favorite songs from your teen years were played. Finally, your favorite song. The Only exception began. You raised your arms and then felt another pair wrap around your waist. You felt his jacket on your bare flesh and you turned your head. Eddie was smiling at you, his lips turned up in the lights. The shadows across his face did nothing to conceal the yearning in his brown eyes.
You leaned into him, enjoying every second as the years of pining came to mind. His hands gently traced your ribs. His cool rings pricking your skin that was hot.
“You are the only exception.” You all sang out and you instinctively pulled out of Eddie’s hold but his hand slid into your pocket. And then he started aggressively head banging.
You gasped and then cackled. But then Eddie leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You turned and cupped his face. Meeting his kiss with parted lips as you briefly forgot about the crowd.
He pulled back and pecked your lips a few more times. “Let’s keep watching, sweetheart. Gotta face your brother when we get back.” He smirked.
“He can get over it.” You giggled and faced the stage again.
“Oh and by the way,” Eddie said against your ear again. “You’re not too much of a princess for me, sweetheart. You’re the only exception.”
Tagging @xxhellfirebunnyxx @lesservillain @emsgoodthinkin @reidsbtch @slvt4jamesmarch @marchsfreakshow
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My 2024 Trend Predictions
Disclaimer! Trends are bullshit!!! What’s “in” and “out” is totally subjective and fashion is an art form, public opinion and new crazes have no impact on the real art and following trends is your choice. Trend cycles are sped up so violently by capitalism and fast fashion as a beast, fashion is supposed to be fun.
This list is my opinions as a 19 year old boy who spends too much time online and read too much vogue as a kid. I am not an expert, I just like to talk.
Indie Sleaze
I’m already seeing this one happening, the colored tights under shorts, the fur vests, I think especially with the popularity of saltburn and it’s aesthetics we’ll see a lot more of this in the beginning of this new year. Graphic t-shirts with ironic phrases were already big in 2023, glitter and silver makeup especially is on the rise, this is already happening and I am excited. I fucking love indie sleaze. Nostalgia is a huge impact on trend cycles, I think we’ll see a lot of 2000 and 2010s trends seeing as the generations looking up to teens following those trends in their childhoods and longing to live those lifestyles are now old enough to embrace that dream. I think for people more into alternative fashion this will translate into a emo and scene resurgence that I’ve already been seeing.
This is based off the nostalgia again, I think a lot of folks who gravitate more towards cottage core-esque fashions and aesthetics are going to start embracing twee. 2024 is going to be a year of embracing cringe and quirky “individualism”, it is the year of the manic pixie dream girl, is is the year of pissing off boring men with “annoying” femininity. I think cutesy patterns, lace, buttons, diy big jewelry and hair accessories are gonna be on the rise. I can see girls making videos about their craft nights on tiktok already. Skater skirts, Peter Pan collars, bangs, Jess from new girl eat your heart out.
“Humble” Classy/reverse flexing
People are getting tired of the insistence on being “classy”, I think in 2024 we’re going to see a lot of celebrities trying to seem humble and average and down to earth. I think we’ll see a lot of brand mixing, super expensive designer paired with cheap every day brands, I think we’ll see this in clothes and especially in food. I think we’ll see a lot of branding for fast food popping up alongside that “classy” aesthetic. I think that this will also show up more with thrifting becoming popular again amongst influencers but specifically thrifting for designer/up cycling designer (badly). They’ll sell it under a veil of sustainability, it’ll be infuriatingly shallow.
Lightning Round
Pom poms
Feathers (especially hair feathers)
Fur in mens fashion
Metallic makeup
Grungy makeup looks
Full coverage foundations/matte foundations
Peplums (somehow)
Skinny jeans
Jewel toned nails
Short nails
Dainty chokers
Statement earrings
Wood/leather jewelry
Vintage anime merch
2000s/2010s brand mascots
Mod style
70s resurgence moments throughout (this is wistful thinking I just love the fashion of the 70s)
My Trend Timeline
End of winter into spring- indie sleazing our way into the new year, I think it’s a versatile enough fashion that can be easily executed with what people already have from previous trends in 2023. Everything is set up rolling out into the warmer months.
Summer- I think this is going to be prime time “trashy” early 2000s party girl kind of time. We got a little of it last summer but I think it’s going to really hit this year. Whale tails, chunky low lights, messy makeup, bedazzled jeans. I think we’ll also see some keywest kitten esque looks from the preppier side of things, lots of bright colors and fun jewelry. I think we’ll also get a lot of vintage Americana moments, once again we got a bit of it last year and I think it’ll be brought back.
Fall- peak twee season, especially nearing the holidays. I think we’re gonna see a lot of rich color this fall too, jewel tones, beautiful deep greens and reds, not a lot in clothing but I think definitely in makeup and accessories. Around this time I think the preppier leaning folks will get back into skinny jeans. I think vintage graphic Ts will also get popular around this time, something easy but still interesting. Men’s fashion doesn’t cycle through as quickly so I think the kind of 70s aesthetics I’ve seen a lot of dudes into will continue (but I think they’ll also get in on the indie sleaze, I think for mens fashion it will stick around for fall). I think we’ll see more textures, lace, fur, leather, etc.
Winter- this is right around when I think the forced “casually classy” down to earth bs will start. Twee will continue amongst a smaller group and we’ll see a lot of cute diy gifts and stuff for the holidays, this will also impact the up cycling I think we’ll see from influencers and celebrities. I think hyper-feminine aesthetics will really kick back up, Pom poms, whites and pinks, skirts and big sweaters, Ralph Lauren teddy bears everywhere. It’ll be contrasted by a new interest in grungy/intense makeup looks, thin brows and dark lips, messy eyes, glitter.
I’m very excited for these all to turn out totally wrong and for me to make a fool of myself! But who gives a shit, I’m just saying this all for fun. Happy new year everyone!
- Valentine <3
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treymeow · 3 months
Now I dont mind too much if Shadow ends up joining the Wachowski family (Im kinda hoping Shadow gets taken in by Stone, if hes let off the hook for one reason or another, or by Wade. I think Wade adopting an emo pre-teen would be funny (sonic is 12 in my head, at least in STH2))
But whatever family he does join, if it happens, i want him to force them into getting a cat. Cuz come on, hes totally a cat person. And no im not projecting ACTUALLY.
Also him not being taken in by the Wachowskis makes for more sonadow plausibility (/pos) cuz then they wouldnt have the same "parents" and have this weird sibling thing going on.
I also doubt he would want to live with them after all of the events that will go down. And I also doubt he would like them enough to willfully be taken in by them anyway.
He could also, which i think is what they might do, be taken by G.U.N, because he's technically government property right? Idk how they're gonna do his lore in the movies tho.
I doubt Rouge and Omega are gonna be there, maybe Amy will appear (i hope she does, she really should've been introduced earlier but it is what it is, if they couldnt they couldnt whatever), which makes me sad cuz i LOVE team dark and their trio and sibling like relationships im a bit of a sucker for that shit.
Also wondering if they will include the Black Arms DNA and if they will portray it in the movie (i doubt it but one can dream(the portrayal i mean, im 50/50 sure on them actually including it)). I love Shadow's aspect of being two different kinds of aliens.
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autiezo · 3 months
The idea of Emo Teen Jean Vicquemare lives rent-free in my head
[It comes from @slonechnik 's DE AU where Harry's still a gym teacher and Kim has to go undercover as one of Harry's new students, for an RCM case. JV's 15, so Kim's 24 and Harry's 25]
It's so fucking funny picturing Jean V. trying to talk to Undercover Cop Kim. I'm gonna strive to make JV such a cringy loser. BTW, I think emo kids are cool, but not Jean lmao.
Anyways, here's a list of JV emo teen headcanons (below the cut):
- Nicknames himself “The Dark Mare”, based on his surname Vicquemare (reference to in-game Narrator's incorrect pronunciation of his French surname)
- No one used to respect Jean or call him by his preferred ‘title’, calling him “Jelly Boy” instead. That is, until the Hex incident happened. Jean finds that any student using his actual name, ‘Jean’, is disrespectful; unless he gives them exclusive permission, then that means he really likes that person. He also loathes being called by his initials and all of Harry's nicknames for him (e.g. Mean Vicky, J.V., Emo emo emo, King Void.)
- If Jean is late for gym class, Harry will jokingly and loudly mimick an alarm that goes, "Emo emo emo" to announce the teen's arrival. Jean a.k.a The Dark Mare obviously hates this. In Harry's defense, HDB does this specific alarm thing for all the regular latecomers. Every student has their unique, mocking call.
- JV hates Harry with a burning passion, despite the man genuinely wanting to support him. JV also does everything to weasel out of group sports.
- When he was 13, he used to get bullied and shoved in lockers a lot. So he has learnt how to pick locks from the inside and outside.
- He has also stabbed his bullies with a sharpened metal fork before, to the point where he made them bleed. Thrice. Harry helped him to prevent JV from getting expelled. Jean did bite his bullies several times, and has bitten Harry before. Harry laughed it off and said, “Son, you can bite me anytime if it helps you relieve stress. You have my permission, I don’t mind”. Which appalled Jean, so he doesn’t bite Harry anymore.
- This is the Hex incident. One day, Cuno's uncle (Kubo) stole Jean's diary and tried to read it out loud to everyone, but J.V. used big words Kubo doesn’t understand, so only part of JV’s secrets got out. J.V. got mocked severely, and Kubo + his gang of idiots ripped JV’s diary into several pieces. Jean yelled that he’d curse them all.
The next day, Kubo got into a car accident, which resulted in him never being able to play football again. Someone’s parents divorced. The gang proceeded to lose at football against the girls' team three times in a row. They begged Harry to talk to J.V. so he did. After much of Harry’s pestering, J.V. reveals that his curses didn’t actually work since curses are specific and they didn’t do what Jean commanded. Jean refused to tell Harry his secrets and said he just wanted everyone to leave him alone. And so, a deal was struck, and everyone stopped being mean to Jean, but people avoided him a ton. Rumours did spread, so many students really did believe that if they upset Jean, they’d be cursed.
- Jean actually has great parents and an ideal emotional support system outside of school lmao. Loser.
- Does actually get decent grades in school. He advanced two years in education
- makes his own emo music and song lyrics. Gave up on his music dreams after studying Literature and Music in community college, when he realised that being an outsider musician won't support himself financially. At age 21, he became a cop and joined the RCM at the same time as Harry (HAHAHAAHAHA)
- Has a lil gay baby crush on Kim but would never admit it to himself. He's also terrible at hiding it. Kim is the only ‘student’ he'd allow to call him by his real name.
- Secretly loves disco music but pretends to hate it. Will subconsciously bob his head up and down to disco music slightly if it plays for long enough.
- Has two pet cats he adores and drops the emo/cool guy facade for. JV pretends and boasts to everyone that he actually wants a pet snake instead, but he's a fuxking LIAR
- Has a chronic need and desire to seem 'cool' whenever people are around(except his family)
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zwy01 · 1 year
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Luzia doodles!!!
I drew my noblesse oc from my Millennium AU, Luzia Tradio! She is the first child of Kei Ru and Claudia Tradio, and the older sister of Jia Ru. She goes by the nickname Lucy, along with a few others.
1. Luzia painting!!!! Damn these were meant to be like really quick paintings yet one by one they gradually became more polished. I just can’t help it. Rip consistency. Anyways here is she is! Luzia is smart and sharp, and is always busy cooking up something… figuratively and literally. Not the see-through-it-all manipulative smart like Raegyn, nor is it the nerdy academic smart like Izar. Instead, she very smart in the dark arts. Forbidden knowledge, potion and poison making, artifact crafting, curse casting… you name it. Anything that’s probably banned by the Lord, she is exceptionally good at. She has enough talent to match and even surpass her grandfather Lagus in this aspect. If Lagus lived to witness her work he’d be proud and she’d have a blast working with him on the off-limits stuff. Unfortunately he is very dead, so she pursues his legacy in secret. Her main goal is to find the stuff he left behind, and maybe even enhance it. She’s not interested in Lukedonia at all, she just genuinely likes that shady illegal stuff. It fulfills her soul. She’s probably staring at her next target right now. You should run.
2. Lucy in her very secret underground lab studying the properties of various ingredients. She’s probably in the middle of reading her old notes and trying to change things up a bit to see how the end product shall change if she uses different ingredients from last time. She’s very very focused. Being a Tradio also means she can summon the same vines that Lagus and her mother can, and she uses them as extra limbs to help nagivate her tools. Very convenient ability for fetching stuff when she’s too lazy to walk around.
3. Baby Lucy!!! As grumpy as Lucy has always been since the moment she was born, she was very very cute as a baby. Kei and Claudia as new parents were more than thrilled to dress up their bab in beautiful clothes. While they loved watching their little (not) angel hop around in cute outfits, Lucy herself just thought it was super boring. They’re kinda itchy and she wants to take them off, but her parents are happy so…. Ugh. She’s letting you off the hook just this one time. Good luck trying to get her to cooperate next time.
4. Teen Lucy with her baby sister Jia. Lucy is NOT amused with this… “horrific thing” that suddenly decided to latch itself onto her like superglue. Claudia’s not being of much help right now. ps in the past Lucy did not wear edgy goth clothes and instead wore the same styled “standard” girl clothes as everyone else. She burned all of them the moment she turned 200 and has worn exclusively goth clothes in public ever since. Claudia remembers smelling smoke and recalls thinking their manor was burning down. In reality it was Lucy and her garbage disposal lol.
5. Lucy with her giant Alois plush!! She made it herself lol. She has made tons of voodoo dolls so her needle work is quite good. But this one is special. In fact it’s the first doll she has ever made that isn’t a voodoo doll. Alois would be so flattered if he knew. Lucy enjoys cuddling with her plush. Meanwhile she’s (still) dreaming about her Al except this time he’s proposing to her. They haven’t even confessed yet. Girl is totally unaware that in reality she could just take initiative lol.
6. Just a funny crack AU/parody where Lucy is gets into modern goth-emo fashion and does band. She’s super popular and her fans love her grumpy and unfriendly persona, because she’s so cool and distant. Meanwhile they don’t know that that’s not a persona, that’s literally just how she is lol. I guess if it works it works. Tickets to her live shows are in super demand and always sell out, and rumors say that she always has a VVVIP seat that’s fenced off from everyone else, reserved for a certain someone, whom she hopes comes to see her. And he does. Every single time. In this au-au/parody she confesses to him through a song lol. She’s basically serenading him. She even wrote the lyrics herself this time. Soo special. Alois is beyond touched. He has ascended. After the concert ends they just go backstage and finally make out lol. And the song itself? Well despite its super weird lyrics it becomes a hit. Luzia becomes super rich, quits band, buys some island and moves there with none other than her new boyfriend. Lmaoo
7. Another crack AU/what-if scenario where Alois and Luzia get together and have kids! Two cute kids, a girl and a boy. Lucy being the edgy person she is names her boy heir Lucifer. Can’t get any edgier than that. Meanwhile Alois names his girl heir Lucinda after his beloved wife. Both of these kids are affectionately called “Lucy Juniors” by their parents. Aww. So cute and happy. While this doesn’t happen in the “main” storyline of my Millennium AU, both Alois and Lucia have probably fantasized about this at some point, when they haven’t even confessed to each other yet lol. If this is the future you want at least one of you needs to take initiative lol.
8. Andddd something funny at last to wrap up this doodle dump!! This is Lucy’s response to just about everyone, when they ask for a handshake, are just trying to talk to her, etc. To put it in a nice way, this is her non-verbal way of saying “hello” and that she has noticed your presence. You should be honored. If she truly didn’t care about you she wouldn’t have even bothered to flip you off. Oh my queen <3
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suchacomet · 7 months
Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
(By @winter-asleepening, tagged (kinda) by @feelssogoodinmyarms )
sorry for this being long and for jumping in on this out of nowhere, i got excited and i missed talking about this show now that i’m once again in my yearly spring awakening phase thanks to seeing a local production yesterday :)
1. How were you introduced to the show?
i was an emo kid trying to find musicals i liked bc i started doing theater in high school, i saw american idiot was made into a musical, and followed the john gallagher jr rabbit hole to a b00tl3g of obc spring awakening. this happened to be in 2014 and when i heard about dwsa on broadway i conned my mom into taking me to nyc to see it (i didnt tell her how sexual it was i just said “it’s about teens coming of age in germany set to rock music” and she had Words for me during that intermission lol)
2. Seen a production live?
yes, four: dwsa, a local college production, and two productions at local theater companies in the areas i’ve lived
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
y’all already know it’s moritz…. i imprinted on him when i was 14 and have never stopped being obsessed with him as a character. but i think it’s more likely i’d get the chance to play ilse before moritz and i would love to play ilse as well
4. Favorite male character
mort steeple :) i have never gotten enough of this dude, ever
5. Favorite female character
wendla <3 she’s such a good character when she’s played with the right amount of joy, stubbornness, and curiosity
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
dwsa all the way. i appreciate obc for what it is but dwsa is my definitive best revival/adaptation ever ever ever
7. Favorite song
comet on its way :) christ such a whole, like, deal 🙄😏
but if you force me to pick “a real song” that “is actually in the show” then… i think a production that has a really good “and then there were none” is killer bc it means 1. they’re focusing on my favorite boy moritz and 2. they have an adult woman who plays fanny gabor compassionately but flawed in a way that underscores the show’s themes around adults not trusting kids with their own minds and bodies. which i greatly enjoy
8. Least favorite song
this is unfair of me bc it never fails to make me cry and it has one of my favorite lyrics ever in it (window by window you try and look into this brave new you that you are) but it’s “the guilty ones” bc i think “there once was a pirate” is better. my hot take is that dwsa is only version of spring awakening i’ve ever seen where i actually prefer their use of guilty ones instead of pirate
9. Favorite quote/line
musical: so maybe i should be some kind of laundry line / hang their things on me / and i will swing ‘em dry / you just wave in the sun through the afternoon / and then see / they come to set you free / beneath the rising moon - don’t do sadness it’s just such an evocative description of feeling hopeless against all the pressures of life and perfectly encapsulates being 15 and desperate and just wanting a little bit of relief. plus the way daniel durant and alex boniello performed this is so killer. moritz stiefel i love you
play: “don’t let’s be sad […] if we recall this in thirty years, perhaps we shall make fun of it.——and yet everything is so beautiful. the mountains glow; the grapes hang before our mouths and the evening breeze caresses the rocks like a playful flatterer.” from hans in the vineyard scene. augh it’s just so tender and lovely in a way that the musical doesn’t have the time/ability to address, with the acknowledgement that yes this moment is temporary and who knows if ernst and hanschen will “make it”. and yet. everything is so beautiful. also PROOF THAT HANSCHEN ISNT A CREEP OR MANIPULATIVE HE IS ALSO A TEEN BOY IN LOVE FUCK YOU STEVEN SATER
10. Favorite TV performance
always and forever dwsa touch me on seth meyer i have seen it at least two hundred times and i’m not exaggerating
11. Favorite cast member(s)
daniel durant always always always. he is such a talent i’m so glad his career seems to be taking off, he’s genuinely one of the best actors i’ve ever seen in my whole life.
12. Favorite cast member moment
can i say 1st national tour cabaret where the boys performed comet on its way in order to bring up comet on its way again. if not it’s when i gave daniel durant a painting of him as moritz at stage door and i was a shy anxious teen who learned just enough asl to say “hi” and “thank you” and “will you sign my playbill please” and he was SO sweet to me and lovely and he hugged me and i know actors do that kind of shit all the time and i’m sure he doesn’t remember it but it really made my whole life when it happened :’)
13. Do you write fan fiction?
not outside of personal catharsis pieces that have never seen the light of day. i made an aloto/vineyard scene web weaving post though that i do think goes hard
14. Do you make fan art?
i still love the moritz and then there were none piece i did a few years ago but i haven’t done a whole lot past that… that may change though i want to get back into drawing
15. Do you cosplay?
no, but spring awakening costumes have 10000% influenced my real life fashion and hair decisions. lol
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
i just saw this GORGEOUS performance of dds/bw where ilse sobbed through her verse of blue wind and the rest of the cast like gathered around her and slowly peeled away to represent her memory/longing for real connection and the reality of her never really having that at all, and really underscoring that her spoken lines about her new life in the artist’s colony and wanting to take moritz home are just posturing to hide how lonely she is… so right now i think blue wind
17. Word of Your Body or the Reprise?
reprise when it’s done earnestly, but i do really love the lyrics in woyb
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
my junk! i love seeing the different ways it’s staged between georg and hanschen and the girls, plus it’s the only time the girls get to be horny
19. Explain the Song of Purple Summer
it’s a metatextual message from the story of spring awakening to the audience that underscores the themes of open and honest communication being the key to healthy people and relationships, it’s asking the adults in the audience to believe children (when they say they’re gay, when they ask for information and want to be given all of it, when they ask for help and say they want to die), it’s a message of hope to the kids in the seats who relate too much to the kids on stage, telling us that it will get better
20. Explain the Song of Purple Summer (wrong answers only)
horses fuck and have foal babies idk <3
that was very fun thank you for indulging me. if any of mine olde spring awakening/dwsa mutuals are still around please consider this me tagging you <3
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angabby-zzz · 7 months
The vocal synths are so silly in my head like . Idk (i realized it was longer than i thought itd b so read under cut lol)
Luka: most goddess-like vibes youll ever see and is somehow both silly sleepy zoned out millenial girl and mega unsettling out of nowhere like shes a ghost lady haunting whatever building shes in. Will find her A) sleeping in random places or B) reading at cafe. C) would be just you getting jumpscared by her sudden appearances like girl we need to put a bell on u
Meiko: party girl with very cool rock band member vibes. Pathetic wet cat but sooo hashtag mother. Loves the world so much and will constantly be drunk crying about it
Kaito: also pathetic wet cat but in a han jisung of stray kids way (silly yet mega cool and charming way of being most of the time.) Basically just silly kpop idol core. Hes a loser to the vocal synths though the idol stuff is kinda what he sees himself as
Miku: mean ish teenager girl whos very into being popular and liked but isnt totally an ass to her friends n stuff all the time. Will not hesitate to shoot insults at anyone. Usually hanging out at mall or trying to best rin and len at something with teto and neru. Being a girl and like 16 obviously shes like constant worrying about herself and the world (think end of hatsune miku or something)
Rin/Len: troublemaker teens just doing their own thing tbh. Inseparable duo that side eye / insult each other at any given opportunity (obvious sibling energy)
Teto: nicest cringefail girl with a dream. One of mikus “minions” if we want to be silly and reference triple baka. Scene and probably draws oc / self insert x canon (shes living the best life tbh)
Neru: anti social hashtag emo 2 cool 4 school girl (not rlly cool hardly anyone notices her) who cant get her eyes off her phone. Also one of mikus “minions” but not as nice or into it as teto is. Smart girl she probably holds grudges for so long and always finds something to complain / add a sarcastic comment about
Gumi: cool queer older cousin type. Teto looks up to her cuz shes into the same kinda stuff as her and is cool (as i said b4.) not rlly anything 2 say i think miku doesnt get along w her often (or at least when tetos around cuz she loses attention from her)
I dont think about any of the other vocal synths or fanloids (nor know that many) but i think zatsune miku would be like that post “hopefully i dont meet my evil twin today” and the only times she shows up is as a funny gag where miku quickly banishes her to the shadow realm and resumes with her day. Mikuo is mikus secret twin brother she never talks about cuz hes also popular ish pretty and charismatic boy but in a daniel dark inside way instead of regina george way. I want to do smth with calne ca but idk what
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youremyheaven · 19 days
She was and is really pretty. When she was a teenager, one of her family friends, who was a small time movie producer, asked her to be in one of his films as a heroine. Obviously her ultra trad family did not let her 😪 😔 which is a shame bc my mom's a very filmy person and always dreamt of being an actor and she even named me after one 😭🤧
idk what it is our moms r so pretty, the indian women syndrome ✨✨✨
my mom when she was younger looked like a madhuri dixit dupe! she’s a leo with an extra girly girl in her who’d dress tf out of me for every occasion, annual days?? beat dressed, birthdays? always in them tutu’s
I s2g I feel like a whole generation of Indian would-be actresses ended up being our moms and vicariously living through us by channelling all that Venusian-ness (including its harshness 😮‍💨rip) into us
i feel like all gen x moms are soooo pretty??? like damn 😍what was in the water in pre liberalisation india??
my mom often told me about how she'd buy all the filmy magazines to get the gossip 💅🏻 and my grandma once showed me an old scrapbook my mom had made full of cutouts from mags of different actors that my mom was into 😭😭 it made me so emo bc i was just like that as a teenager and for so long i thought i had nothing in common with her only to learn from my grandma that my mom and i are pretty much the same person but in different eras and different circumstances and having made different choices (our charts are similar too 👀)
everytime i would yap to my grandma, she'd tell me how much i reminded her of my mom as a teenager and it made me 🥺😭😩she was just a girl with hopes, dreams and wishessss UGHHHH
(if she were in her teens now i just know she'd be on reddit or stan twitter lmao) whenever i think of my mom as a little girl i want to screammmm UGH she deserved so much better 😭😩😩
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
The (After)Life of Haibane Renmei: Part 1
Haibane Renmei was my favourite anime as teen, a trait I am definitely not alone on, for how it showed up at the right time. I was young and introverted (still the latter, not the former...) but while I knew how to socialize I kindof didn’t know...why? I was late to figuring out how to care about people, and I only really started to figure that out in my teens. Haibane came along for me right at the height of that struggle, being released in 2002 and growing into prominence in the western anime fandom in 2003. I was 16 I think when I first saw it, and it was hugely inspirational for me. First anime I showed my high school girlfriend when we weren’t even dating yet, jesus she definitely liked me if she put up with that (the wisdom of hindsight); “Its…slow?” “Yeah but give it 5 more episodes, trust me”.
Why I am not alone on torturing prospective partners with Haibane comes from the way what the show hit the expectations & desires of the early 2000’s weeb space. It was a fantasy series, sure, but the most grounded fantasy series you could imagine. The stakes are entirely personal and emotional, its episodes focused on first Rakka’s, then Reki’s, internal struggle to justify living with and depending on others. The fantasy setting is built up, but only incidentally - instead it serves to isolate the characters, to render Reki & Rakka unable to connect to outsiders in a way far more powerful than the modern world can provide. Rakka’s “plot beats'' are things like burying a dead bird in the bottom of the well and listening to riddles on the Circle of Sin from monks and just thinking about them, and the climax of the series is portrayed with full magical realism, but in actually is just Reki having a panic attack in her room - throwing dramatic paint on the walls doesn’t actually change that. You get all that edgy cred - oh all the Haibane are suicide victims getting a do-over and their names & dreams are derived from their suicide method of choice? Fucking metal - but its mostly off screen, the average Haibane is living a happy life. Its all so grounded, hell even down to the color scheme; sepia-toned in an era of hyper-bright digipaint anime.
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Full kino - Lo-fi edition. 
Digging even deeper into the themes, I think Haibane, for western audiences, was ahead of the curve in its level of internality. Haibane is a hyper-deep dive into the question of how to relate to others, “the struggle of being known” and how wounded people build healthy relationships. The finale is just all lines like this:
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Vintage depression-core I know, but it works for the show. The duo’s angst is resolved simply through coming to terms with it, not through overcoming it. Reki's fears don’t go away at the end, Rakka simply accepts them as part of Reki, which is what she needed to start accepting them herself.
There were very few western TV shows on air with this focus on interiority at the time. Shows about social relationships often premise their drama on big events and external occurrences (and are normally romances). More exciting…but less relatable. *Certainly* for the emo kids, who were burdened by existence, not specific events, in a way that never seemed solvable. And while there was maybe a few similar western media properties around, in the early 2000′s you couldn’t think of *anime* like that that western audiences were watching. The earlier eras of anime we got were heavily biased towards action shows, with a dash of comedies or romance. And for a certain kind of nerdy online type it being anime was critical, we liked anime, we liked its design sensibilities, its beauty & idealism, its easy flirtations with fantasy and the unreal. A show like say MTV’s Daria, with all its ugly cynicism, is great but it's not filling the same role. Haibane in particular was realistic enough to be a mature story, not a “friendship, yay!” tale, but still have anime’s Romantic touch. The Haibane are just us...but they have wings and a halo, ‘cause they are just a little more magical than us. Relatable and aspirational, at the same time, the magic combination that lets one sink their identity into a character on a screen. Haibane helped a class of people be seen.
All this leads to Haibane having the ultimate rep of being “not like other anime”. Trust me, you heard this alllll the tiiiime on the anime forum/blogosphere. It is so meditative! It doesn’t have any fighting! No fanservice! If you liked anime’s aesthetics, but hated a lot of the baggage that the genre came with in the form of its tropes, Haibane had you covered. It was the most unique show you could find on air that was still comprehensible, grounded the way the “mindfuck” pantheon (Eva, Lain, FLCL, etc.) could never be. It was the mature, hipster pick for those of us sneering at the shlock of Elfen Lied and co that the other half of the emo teens demo was embracing at the time.
For all of these reasons, I loved it, it was my favourite show of all time. It was a love letter to the depressed internet teens we all were, and no one else was writing with the same pen for that target audience. It was the only show in town.
Or so we thought in, ya know, 2003.
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skydalorian · 5 months
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Favourite Character Bingo - 2023
Characters I first encountered in 2023 (not necessarily part of media released in that year).
These are intended to be ordered loosely according to genre, moving from classic to contemporary horror, sci-fi horror, thriller horror, on to drama, comedy, then comic/cartoon and fantasy. Naturally, plenty of these don't quite stay in their own prescribed mould and could be considered fitting for another genre, but this is MY PARTY and I make the rules >:(
The hardest thing I've ever done may just be forcing myself to choose only one Baldur's Gate 3 character. If this was ordered by fondness for the characters, Astarion would be up top, but it's not and I'm petty so he's last and least.
As may surprise no-one, the prevailing trends are trickster archetypes, gothic looks, autism coding, and sympathetic or misunderstood status and/or rebellion. Also Billy Crystal is there.
Listing below the cut!
Countess Marya Zeleska - Dracula's Daughter (1936)
Mrs. Danvers - Rebecca (1940)
Lady Sylvia Marsh - The Lair of the White Worm (1988)
Nevena - You Won't Be Alone (2022)
Kim Diamond - Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)
Brynn AND the Aliens - No One Will Save You (2023) (as an interacting set of characters, not necessarily as interesting actors singularly)
Violet and Corky - Bound (1996)
Andrea "Dre" Greene - Swarm (2023)
Gunther - V/H/S/85 (2023) - Goth boy who saves the day through his prescient lucid dreaming and rebels against being falsely cast as the villain, hell yeah.
Willard - Willard (1971) - would be in the top three if this were sorted by level of favoritism.
Gerd Wiesler - The Lives of Others/Das Leben der Anderen (2006)
Primo - Big Night (1996)
Walter Tattersall - Yellowjackets (2021-) - of call the cast and I fixate on THIS GUY. Got me again, Elijah!
Willie Jack Sampson - Reservation Dogs (2021)
Barabara Howard and Melissa Schemmenti - Abbott Elementary (2022-) - My god these two gripped me. Just give them an entire season. Gregory can be there too.
Gregory Eddie - Abbott Elementary (2022-)
Sally Albright and Harry Burns - When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Raven - Teen Titans: Beast World (2023-) - solely for her design; I am practically floating at the departure from emo/punk Raven and a return to a more whimsical gothic look. Another artist draws her looking like Billie Lourd and I'm into it.
Sharon Apple - Macross Plus (1994/1995)
Spider-Punk/Hobie Brown - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
The Medicine Seller/Kusuriuri/薬売り - Mononoke/モノノ怪 (2007)
Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3 (2023) - He's my best friend, he's my pal, he's my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy, and I've been so excited for you all to see his whole schtick since way back in 2020.
Runner Up's: Shin Hati (Ahsoka), Mirror Woman (The Art of Mirrors) - don't ask, Nearly everyone else form Baldur's Gate 3 but especially all the companions and the Emperor oopsies I'm a sucker, Padraic (Banshees of Inisherin), Mary (Carnival of Souls), everyone from Dungeon Meshi but esepecially Marcille and Senshi, Lorne Malvo (Fargo), Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell), Brigitte (Ginger Snaps), The Harppy (Harpya), Joel and Ellie (The Last of Us; kept out because of the Zionist higher plot), Dracula and Clemens (The Last Voyage of the Demeter), Martin (Martin), Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death), Father Amorth (The Pope's Exorcist), Deer Lady (Reservation Dogs), Elora Danan (Reservation Dogs), Adam (SAW), Carl (Skyman), Kris (Solaris), Kurt Kunkle (Spree), Sammi Curr and Eddie (Trick or Treat), Bitch Cat (V/H/S/94),
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sometransgal · 1 year
do you have any music recs? i’m so bored of my current stuff
Ah that's tough without knowing your tastes but I'll go with my main crowd pleasers first and my weirder ones second
Crowd Pleasers:
Orville Peck - Fantastic queer country music and a great place to start if you think country is bad but are willing to have your mind changed. Try his first album Pony out!
Motionless In White - If you had an emo phase and like heavier metal then i highly recommend them, I've listened since i was a teen and I've always enjoyed. I recommend starting with their album Infamous
Ghost - Consistently described as Metal for people who dont like Metal but honestly I think there's something for everyone to enjoy as long as you can jive with their spooky satanic aesthetics. I personally love their album Impera
Against Me! - Look if youre on my blog you've likely heard of Against Me, theyre a trans leftist phenomenon but just in case you haven't definitely give them a whirl! I especially recommend the album Transgender Dysphoria Blues
Bad Cop/Bad Cop - All woman punk band that I enjoy quite a bit they're album Warriors was my shit back when i was 20
Ramshackle Glory/Pat the Bunny - If you like folk punk you've probably heard them but if you havent I say give them a whirl. I prefer Ramshackle Glory but since they only released a few things if you want more try Pat the Bunny out since he was one of the members. Their live album Live the Dream is great.
Now for the weirder/far less crowd pleaser-y stuff
Days n Daze - More folk punk! Theyre a lot of fun but folk punk isnt for everyon and Days n Daze isnt for everyone either
Moist - If you want to listen to what the ages of 12-16 sounded like to me you should give Moist a try. Theyre indie canadian grunge and while maybe not the greatest ever have a special place in my heart. I recommend starting with their album Creature.
Heilung - How does one describe Heilung... they're basically just dark viking music with heavy pagan elements. They're whole goal is to make music that sounds like you're back in time during a pagan ritual and it works great. Also because theyre a band with that as a descriptor i should say they've explicitly told white supremacists in their audience their music wasn't for them.
Also here's an added bonus of a link to my top 100 on Spotify from last year, there's a lot of random shit in it so who knows if you'll find something you like or not
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
Nostalgia Defense
I was going to wait to write this blog once I fixed my personal website's blog but, I hit a bit of a roadblock in the coding so, hello tumblr. The topic of this blog has been on my mind for ages and I think I just have a good way of expressing it.
The web revival movement brings up a lot of nostalgia, its definitely the driving point for a lot of folk. And it can be painful to some extent- yearning for the early web to come back, even though it cant. The movement brings me a lot of heartache too, but it also pushes me back to everything I wish I could have again.
If you were closeted or had 'over protective' parents that halted you from doing things you wanted to, I think its a relatable feeling. Being an adult now, I look back at my young years and wish I could have done so many things. The early 2000s nostalgia hits especially hard with how its become an "aesthetic" for many younger than I now. They're living the aesthetic they never experienced, and I am seeing the experience I never actually got to have being turned into a dream for teens wishing they had it too- but I never had it either. Not in the way I would have wanted.
I got on the internet, sure. I saw the older web. But what I missed? Its everything else about the public appearance of that era. I never got the cool fashion- I wasn't allowed to be scene or emo as much as I wished. I never got to go to all the concerts for my favorite rock and emo bands. I never had a website of my own. I didn't use old school forums because i was shy and thus had next to no social interactions. i didnt have a means to draw online for years, i dont have any classic early 2000s furry art. etc etc etc. The 'public' side of it, like concerts and clothing hit most though because thats what a lot of kids are distant to and see as some cool past thing they wish they were alive for. When reality is for me (and I am sure many others) I was alive then, and I didn't get to have that experience.
That alongside diving into making my own personal website has been building this feeling... and I have been trying to understand it. Because this kind of nostalgia hurts. It sucks that it hurts- it makes me upset and angry, and I feel like part of me wants to throw a tantrum about it and cry and hurt so loud. It sounds ridiculous but nostalgia has a grip on me, and I think its ever stronger due to the 'loss' of a proper childhood due to traumas/abuse etc.
So what conclusion have I come to? What can I do about this???
Well, I am sitting here now realizing, I can still do all that- or most of it. I am making the website I never got to make. A while back I got to see two of the bands I never got to see as a kid who are still active-- it was the best time I ever had and it hit me so hard to finally hear them live. I am getting the clothes and fashion I was never allowed to own. I think somewhere in my head I was always being dragged down by the past that was long gone, and thats fair- but it isn't really gone if I go and relive it now.
I will always be sad that I didn't have this as a kid, but there is no reason to not do it now. I will go wear the early 2000s clothes I wanted when I was 13. I will go to a Skillet concert or an Evanescence concert. I'll make my personal website to reflect all the ones I saw years ago. I can be nostalgic but I can't let it upset me and dread the present day, because the present day can be whatever I want it to be right now.
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dkniade · 9 months
Band naming schemes are cool ‘cause I remember back when I watched anime like Noragami pre-2018, its first opening is 午夜の待ち合わせ (Goya no Machiawase, “Midnight Rendezvous”) by Hello Sleepwalkers. I thought that “Hello Sleepwalkers” is a cool band name, so around that time I named my fictional band “Black Paper Shards” I think. Some sort of edgy rock band haha
If I remember correctly, the three members (all based on people/characters I’ve seen in my dreams) are all in their teens
lead guitarist/singer
warm brown/orange/beige colours
leather (?) jacket, hoodie, tight pants
inspired by Pokémon GO’s Team Instinct leader, Spark
Juki (probably written as 樹希…?)
originally the group was a boy band but somewhere along the line I decided to make her a girl instead
cool and skilled, kind of a tease
black & some neon pink accents in clothes, deep green
somewhat emo (?), tank top (?), detached sleeves, baggy pants
inspired by Hatsune Miku
bassist/rhythm guitarist (I think?)
polite but distant loner, quite soft on the inside
cool brown, blue-grey, dark green (?)
hoodie or wind jacket (?), dark pants
I sketched this last night. I wonder if my past self would feel happy at this…?
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Frank: BPS? “Beats Per Second” sounds rather extreme.
Connor: No no no, it stands for— (strikes a pose) Black Paper Shards⚡️
Frank: …
Frank: Ok I’ll join your band
Juki: (huh that’s a quick answer)
Looking at it now, if you’ve got a trio band consisting of a lead guitarist/vocalist, a drummer, and a rhythm guitarist/bassist, and they intend to preform live… Then it’s more convenient in one song for the guitarist to switch between lead and rhythm on the same guitar, and bassist stick with the bass huh…
Now knowing the upcoming anime project (and virtual band I guess) GIRLS BAND CRY (some pages have saturated background colours) the fictional band in that anime, トゲナシトゲアリ (TOGENASHI TOGEARI) consists of five members which would be more convenient… Vocalist, guitarist, bassist, drummer, keyboardist
🤔Has there been band stories where the vocalist is a singing voice synthesizer software…? (e.g. concept like software & voicebank but not necessarily VOCALOID in particular) Like, basically same idea as VOCALOID concerts but with a set band and set singer(s)? Oh, but then there needs to be a software engineer/tuner…
It’d be nice if BPS gets another guitarist. I think I had a concept of a guitarist that’s basically the personification of a guitar I’ve got? In my mind’s eye, they look something like IA (the Vocaloid) but with orange accents instead of pink, with a long braid at the back I guess?
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lunalucykat · 8 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Thanks for tagging me @menkhu !!! :) :D
coke or pepsi: my soda of choice is Dr Pepper, but if i HAD to choose between these two then Coke
disney or dreamworks: i really don't know. I don't keep up with these studios anymore. Maybe Disney???
coffee or tea: coffee
books or movies: movies
windows or mac: sorry, born and raised with Macs....
dc or marvel: neither lol. I really don't do superhero stuff, but I GUESS DC if i had to choose
x-box or playstation: nintendo lol
dragon age or mass effect: i've never played either of these so i dont have an opinion
night owl or early riser: born to be a night owl, forced by job to be an early riser... catch me waking up at 4am to go to work...
cards or chess: cards
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
vans or converse: i own a singular pair of vans, so i guess vans lol
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: sorry, i don't know what this is in reference to
fluff or angst: why not both? :3c
beach or forest: beach. It's been so long since I've see the ocean, I wanna go back
dogs or cats: dogs
clear skies or rain: Clear skies! I used to be one of those emo teens that would always say rain on this question, but now that i'm in my extreme late 20s I understand the importance of sunshine
cooking or eating out: tough question. SOMETIMES I like cooking, but also most of the times I'm lazy as fuck so I do get carryout a fair amount
spicy food or mild food: mild, my stomach can't handle a lot of spice unfortunately
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Boy do i LOVE the aesthetics of Halloween, but Christmas is really the best. I love the lights and warmth and music and food and family during the WORST season (winter. I hate winter so GD much)
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: either invisibility (because i'm a nosy binch that loves dropping eaves) or shapeshifting
animation or live action: i generally prefer animation
paragon or renegade: idk what this is, sorry
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: could not care less
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: oof! I don't really have favorite quotes. But at the current moment I can almost perfectly recite the whole of Live Action One Piece (not joking lol) There's a lot of talk about believing in yourself and following your dreams which is really nice though. I do also have legit quotes from Octopath Traveler that I like: "Even grown-ups need a good cry from time to time." -Alfyn Greengrass. And then as a more funny quote that I love from Octopath: "O, woe is me, doomed to never realize the full depth of my good looks and charisma!" -Cyrus Albright. Because I am very humble lmao
youtube or netflix: very rare for me to NOT be watching YouTube
harry potter or percy jackson: Percy Jackson
when do you feel accomplished: i guess when i make a joke and people laugh :)
star wars or star trek: I don't have a strong feeling on either of these really
paperback books or hardcover books: hardcover
to live in a world without literature or without music?: i love writing, but i am almost always listening to music. I don't think i could live without it
who was the last person to make you laugh? almost positive it was TJ
city or countryside? small city/town?
favorite chips? i like just plain but salty tortilla chips that i can dip into hummus or queso or what have you
pants or dresses? my favorite thing is to wear shorts over leggings. Pokemon protagonist lookin' ass!
libraries or museums? museums
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks
Dream job? lol...lmao..... YouTube/ Twitch streamer lol.
What gives you comfort? unwinding in my room. late night chats with TJ. my dog. watching whichever show i'm really into at the moment (rn it's One Piece)
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? Oof... Like in general? Because I know there are songs I like to sing just because they're fun to sing... But I don't really know if i have any songs where the lyrics really jump out at me in a meaningful way. Well, okay. All of the Simple Plan songs I have meant something to me for sure as a little emo teenager, but, hmm.... For current me? Dreams by the Cranberries has been one of those songs where I really just soak in the vibes and listen to it, so I'll give you a nice lyric from that. "Oh my life/ is changing every day/ in every possible way. And oh my dreams/ it's never quite as it seems/ never quite as it seems"
Do you believe in ghosts?
Tagging: Literally anyone who wants to do this!!! Seriously! It's pretty fun! But in order to try and keep it going (cause I know almost no one will just do it if I don't tag them specifically, and i Get It) But I'll tag @bitter-like-coffee, @pawelcyril, and @electric016
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just-missunderst00d · 9 months
I've had this blog for who knows how long and I never wrote a text post to pin lol so here we go...
Hi! My name's Jess, I'm from Argentina and here's a few things about me:
✨ AFAB, bisexual. She/her pronouns. Don't really mind when or if people use they/them.
✨ I'm in my 20s (easier than to update every year, though who says I'm getting older 👀).
✨ Italian and Spanish heritage. My grandpa (born in Sicily) says there's some Turkish on his mother's side, and maybe some Viking/Normandie sprinkle lots of quotes on the last one.
✨ In case you haven't noticed already, I have ADHD. Went undiagnosed for 25 years so yea, that was fun. I also struggle with depression and anxiety.
✨ I wasn't raised a socialist, I found Spend Rich Money dot com at a formative age and that did the trick.
✨ I've been studying witchcraft and the occult for almost 10 years now and I'm a practicing (ish) pagan since mid 2022. Started working with Odin and Freyja. Tried avoiding Loki for a while but it was futile, the chaotic energy was too strong, and they were SO persistent. They even took my partner's appearance in a dream.
✨ I have 5 tattoos, for now. I used to have a piercing on my ring finger. It was awesome, until I almost yanked it out and then it wasn't. Now I have two small scars on my finger as a reminder of my youthful stupidity.
✨ Elder emo, turned goth babe. I very much enjoy horror movies, loud metal music, playing videogames and taking photos of pretty much anything. Specially food. I love food. Love cooking and baking.
✨ Yes, I'm a kitchen witch. And I'm also a Taurus, how did you know? Taurus sun, Piscis moon and Capricorn rising.
✨ I can't whistle and I hate cheese.
✨ Did I already mention that I LOVE football? Actual football, not the abomination the U.S. citizens call "football". No, I refuse to call them the A-word. America is a whole continent. Argentinian who loves football!? shocking I know. My favorite football club is Club Altético River Plate, a.k.a, El Millonario (the Millionaire) ironic, I know. Us fans are either called Millonarios/Millos or Gallinas (🐔) . Proud to be called any. Still, EAT THE RICH.
✨ LOTR and D&D kinda nerd. I can recite 90% of LOTR Fellowship of The Ring extended version BY HEART. It's my comfort film, alongside with Scream. I read The Hobbit as a teen, long before the movies (which ignoring a few CGI malfunctions blew my mind, you can fight me).
✨ I can kinda sing a little.
This is getting too long so here's me, because I don't think I show my face here very often:
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Old pic from last summer (jan-feb 2023).
Anyways, if you made it this far, you might as well follow me. I reblog lots of artsy stuff and some witch tips. All pics I post are mine and tagged #me or #mine. If otherwise, credits are always given. DON'T STEAL PEOPLE'S ART. And that includes AI generated images.
May you have the day you deserve ✨
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