#lk novel
lockandkeynovel · 11 months
Milo Sullivan’s Dossier File
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Oh? Mr. Gardiner’s roommate you say?
Milo Sullivan grew up in a troubled home within the Moon District, not far from the Capital. He spent the first seven years of his adult life in the Royal Service Academy in an attempt to make something of himself, trying to separate from his difficult past.
After spending seven years hearing his roommate at the Academy, Silas Gardiner, talk about how wonderful the Moonlight Kingdom was, he decided to request the Étoile Royal Estate for his permanent assignment.
Seeing how well the two complimented each other, and with his daughters safety being of the utmost importance, King Henry Étoile brought them both on to be Princess Selene’s personal security detail; a job in which they both take great pride.
Thanks for help naming them guys, I love them 🥺
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melodygatesauthor · 11 months
Lock & Key - Moodboard
This moodboard tells a story...
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But what does it say?
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arachnidiots-a · 9 months
SPIDERS issue #3.
Spiders (2023) #3. New powers, an unwanted bond, and a broken window - Roxy and Liam are closer than they’d ever imagined they could be. They’ve got a lot to discuss, including that both of their most trusted confidants are apparently… roommates? The two have got to figure out at least how to handle their newfound abilities and each other before they’re back to running again. If there’s anything that Roxy and Liam do know for certain it’s that while they may have lost the scientist collective, for now, they will be back. -- written by maggie & birdie!
liam sits on the fire escape, legs dangling over the edge with a lack of fear that only unknowing toddlers tend to possess about danger.
back lit by the warm light of martin’s room, she sits, eyes shut, and listening to the faint sound of dishes being washed. she wouldn’t have ever noticed it before, not over the sounds of the city, but it’s just another thing that’s new. a shiver runs through them, no shit that it does on a mid-october night when liam’s dressed in joggers and a distressed tee. they’re not layered in the slightest.
feeling compelled, their posture straightens and no more than a minute later does roxy appear— emerging from the broken window. she approaches nervously, when liam turns towards her, with a forced smile that doesn’t quite reach their eyes.
in an awkward exchange they both give a “hi”.
“i, uh, i thought you might be cold, so–” arms extended, she holds out to liam a msst sweatshirt that’s clearly too big for roxy–one of peter’s. liam takes it with a grin, prepared to pull it on. “it’s peter’s, so it’s massive–”
pulling it over their head, their face scrunches in a light disgust. “—and fucking reeks. holy shit.”
they both laugh, and liam still pulls it over despite the fact it’s most certainly been used as a post workout sweater.
“if you want a different one–” she shifts in place.
“roxy, it’s okay. this is great.”
a few moments of silence pass in between them before roxy starts turning towards the hazard of a window.
“okay, well, i’m gonna-”
“do you wanna sit?”
roxy freezes, and then nods, finally taking a seat beside liam, who scooches over to allow her. it’s a smooth, thoughtless motion as if they’ve been making room for roxy all their life. both of them fidget in silence, unable to sit still with how worked up they are.
far off, an alarm sounds. roxy flinches. instinctively, liam’s hand lands on roxy’s back.
quietly roxy blurts out, “i feel like you just burped me.”
with that, liam simply breaks into a fit of laughter, arm pulling away. “what?”
“like when moms burp their babies, y’know?”
“no. i know what you meant–did i hit you?”
“kinda, yeah.”
their laughter dies quick, eyes dropping down to stare at their hands. liam balls her hands into fits and unfurls them again, and roxy watches, studying.
what is happening to them? 
"it didn't hurt or anything. sorry- it was just a bad joke."
"not a bad joke," she assures, "just one of those weeks."
roxy can't hold back another joke, mumbling, "a terrible horrible no good very bad week."
liam lights up. "no way. i fucking loved that book."
"yeah?" a beat, "seriously, liam, it didn't hurt."
"why-” why is roxy bringing it back up? “oh," their head falls in their hands upon the revelation that the tightness in their chest is no longer just theirs. "oh god, that's gotta be the worst fucking part of all of this." roxy feels it too.
"sorry- it feels wrong, but-"
"it's out of our control."
"which is totally fucked."
"totally and completely fucked." liam can’t help the small question dancing in their head. who’s to say that what liam is feeling is theirs? maybe it was roxy’s to begin with. they shoot a quick look at the other wondering if the same curiosity sits with her. or if maybe roxy can simply feel this too.
roxy pulls her sweater sleeves over her hands, breath fogging. "’m kinda tired," she admits.
liam picks up their head, turning it towards her. "no way." there's an obvious amount of sarcasm from the two words alone, "you? tired? but we've been getting nothing but sleep!"
"i'll walk you home if you want," they offer, sitting up. 
"i was actually gonna offer you my pull out couch, if you wanted to stay over."
it goes unsaid, that while they might be able to go back to their beds, the nightmares are going to keep them both up. 
"yeah, okay, but," liam points below, "mind if we stick to the ground for now?"
"oh we can stick to ground, yeah."
liam leans, bumping roxy's arm. "oh my god."
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critical-quoter · 4 months
'Lord Jesus, remind me to never settle for anyone who doesn't look at me the way you look at Natalie.' Natalie's brows pinch together. 'H-how does he look at me?' 'With fire and forever dancing in his eyes, babe. He looks at you like you're his lifeline.'
Best Laid Plans - L. K. Farlow
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danglovely · 4 months
Danganronpa IF thoughts.
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I enjoyed it because I enjoy Mukuro. She's super fascinating because her whole identity is wrapped up in Junko.
I guess I should really try to explain why I like Naekusaba, but I don't get it either.
Actually, in the context of this story, Mukuro and Makoto only have each other. That's not a reason for a romance to develop, but still.
I did like that Sayaka atoned and Kyoko was the one to connect with Mukuro about what was happening. That seemed right.
Ummm, Junko, really harsh. Like, yeah you clearly did love Mukuro because you pulled absolutely no punches in trying to hurt her.
I do enjoy knowing what Mukuro thought the plan was. She definitely didn't think she was getting killed.
The world is way better in this universe because Mukuro is out hunting evil people and she's probably great at it!
I don't know how this ends, relationship-wise. I root for Naekusaba because I like Mukuro, but even in fiction it seems like Makoto works closer with Kyoko and it's tough to predict against Naegiri in any timeline where she survives.
As I've said before, Makoto and Mukuro protect eachother better than anyone else does in this timeline, so never say never.
Gif sourced from LK-Sixtyfour. Here's hoping they eventually completely animate DGIF, or the group that was making a visual novel out of it does.
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tricornonthecob · 8 months
I am quite dehydrated
LK 112: Enter The Unhinged Ginger
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The animators really want you to know she's got Great Lash
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Dramatic, pensive moon-staring, a motif as old as time.
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"Sarah honey you're looking like the heroine of an Ann Radcliffe novel. You feelin' okay? You wanna talk? Maybe get some ice cream? ...you wanna do a self-guided tour of a haunted castle?"
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What the fuck they were there the whole time???
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Henri is going to kill King Josh.
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Its okay Henri, France has a king you can merc, too.
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There he is y'all! Pirate, Walgreens manager, bridge engineer, pamphleteer, and maker of ladies' lingerie! Author of Agrarian Justice and an unhinged but apparently detailed-enough-to-be-two-volume plan to invade Great Britain! The unhinged ginger himself, T-Paine.
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ehhhhhhhhhhhhh there was a better way to word that
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The way she says "individual," you know she's holding back some spicy roasts.
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He gets so squeaky when he meets celebrities. Like a Zebra Finch.
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They zoomed in on her face while she was narrowing her eyes and ominous music was playing. Sarah's going to kill Thomas Paine.
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oh my god he eats like I do.
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holy shit did he inhale the drumstick
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I'm sure that's supposed to be wine or madeira or something but it looks like orange Fanta.
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Go off, T-Paine. You would have loved tumblr dot com.
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James your fanboi is showing.
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Walter Cronkite put some sass into that line.
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Sarah's about to flip the table. Honestly I would, too if I had to listen to someone chewing with their mouth open (sorry, Paine.)
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you know you probably shouldn't be passing around a manuscript at the dinner table.
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why the fuck is Sarah just eating broth. The girl needs some proteins for all that running she does in heels. Or is she eating just a bowl of gravy?
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"she's so pretty when she's going off :)"
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what a fun little detail. Henri, the one who's always going on about being hungry and wanting to eat, is sharing all of his food with Paine.
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"Don't call me a child, old man."
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Thomas Paine is the guy you invite to a holiday dinner to cause a scene that you're too cowardly to cause. Also goddamn is that a nice fucking fireplace.
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Tommy you really shouldn't hold your manuscript so close to the chandelier.
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Oh my god Tommy don't forget your now-greasy manuscript
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His reaction is honestly a similar reaction I had when I read Common Sense. "This reads so much easier than I was expecting! Why didn't everyone write this clearly at the time??? Hey babe come read this shit!"
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"yeah he's kind of a dick. I've talked to him about it before."
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"Okay but if it really is fire, this company should be the one to publish it" Girl's not gonna let some politics interfere with shrewd business acumen. She's got the lobes.
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nadthink · 21 days
Selamat Hari Buku
Aku baru menyadari bahwa aku memang sudah suka membaca sejak SD dulu. Pas SD didampingi buku buku LKS. Selalu dibaca sampe habis kecuali LKS PJOK dan Senbud haha. Dulu juga pernah aku membaca arti surat Yassin, saking bete, akhirnya ada bacaan ku baca saja buku Yassin itu. Ada satu buku yg tetehku punya, itu buku lawas sekali. Yaps, aku membacanya juga. Walaupun aku tidak mengerti wkwk. Tapi ada halaman yg ku tandai karena berisi doa yg terkenal. Doa sapu jagat.
SMP didampingi buku buku ensiklopedia yang ada di perpus, komik dr temen, tapi ga rajin, tapi selalu ada buku yg ku baca. SMA sudah naik level, udah baca bukunya Ust Felix Siaw dan Novelnya Kang Abik, tentu saja dr minjem. Karena ga pernah menyisihkan uang untuk beli buku. Pun ga kepikiran aja buat beli. Tapi pas ke IBF untuk pertama kalinya pas SMA dr situ sadar bahwa ternyata buku itu banyaaaakkkk. Akhirnya mulai pinjem buku lebih banyak. Baca lebih banyak. Kuliah juga masih suka baca buku, pinjem perpus dan teman teman. Sudah bisa juga beli buku sendiri tapi ga banyak, kebanyakan buku buku dakwah dan pergerakan 😭
Setelah kerja alhamdulillaah.. masih dibersamakan dengan baca buku. Agak beda sebenernya selera bacanya. Dulu bacaanku mayan berat; Api Sejarah, MINHAJ, Syarah 10 Muwashafat, pokonya mah yg dakwah dakwah. Skrg sudah agak beda bacaanku berkutat di self improvement, nasihat islami dan novel. Tapi aku sadar bahwa aku memang membutuhkan semua buku ttg Self Improvement.. Beberapa banyak mengubahku.
Maha Baik Allah yang telah mengijinkanku menjadi pembaca. Semoga sampai tuapun, Allah menolongku agar tidak pernah bosan menjadi pembaca..
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I haven't finished drawing all of the cast members yet but I don't know when I'll get the rest of them done so have 3/16 of them
{Info under cut}
Calcifer "Bingo" Yoshimi - Ultimate Jester (tends to get mistaken for Ultimate Clown instead)
Rosalinda "Rosa" Gonzailez - Ultimate Baker
Dinnah Alaxander - Ultimate ER Doctor
Shhhh, I totally didn't misspell there names only to be stuck with how they're spelt now. Pshh. I would never-
Anyway, here's the gist:
I do plan on writing this out but I'm unsure if it will be in a novel format (with illustrations) or a comic. But I have to finish drawing all these characters first so fkd;ajfdkljafkl; Anyway! Basically this takes place in America and all these characters are (so far) planned to be college students. But then the next thing they know is that they're all trapped in a Military Bunker where this black and white Gecko lizard thing is trying to get them to participate in a killing game. The usual, basically.
I've been planning it out with my brother for the past while and I've been having a lot of fun with it. He came up with the Mastermind, the Gecko lizard thing, and 1 of the 16 members. Which I'll hopefully remember to share fkdl;ajfdk;lajf;lk
So yea. Welcome to Danganronpa: One Last Story. Or DR:OLS for short. I'll be tagging it as DR:OLS for the mean time for my sanity though.
-Mod Angel
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dolores-slay · 10 months
Also in the other news I finished Mo Dao Zu Shi main novel, onto extras now! It was SO good and I'm gonna miss this setting badly, I know xianxia is high fantasy technically but this fits perfectly in the 'just enough supernatural to make things interesting but the main driving force of the plot is still human emotions and relationships' groove that is tbh my fantasy favorite.
Spoilers (and nsfw stuff) below the cut:
Also I lk love that the main pairing are so kinky? And not reduced to just that but with a complex and loving bond, communication doesn't always work perfectly but they both do their best! I like that it's acknowledged in the final scene of them sleeping together too, they're blundering a bit and things get awkward sometimes and it's okay! Wangxian my woowoos uwu love them LOVE THEM!
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leigh-kelly · 2 years
Since I have some new followers, I just wanted to take a second to reintroduce myself!
Most people who have been around for awhile just call me LK, I’m a lesbian, and met my wife J in the Brittana fandom. We were married last June, and we have two cats, Lulu and Chuck, and a dog Dex.
I cook a LOT, and I’m currently learning how to properly can. I have a giant pot of fermenting sour pickles in our kitchen right now.
I’m a high school English and Theater teacher in the rural south. I’m a New York native, lived in NYC for nearly a decade, and had a whole bunch of careers before I became a teacher.
Boston College alumna, love queering canonical texts by women (my specialty is 19th and early 20th century American literature). I’ve written probably 2 million words of Brittana fan fiction, and converted one into a novel I published in 2018.
Sometimes I give advice. I work with a lot of queer youth, and I think that we’re all always figuring out who we are.
My inbox is always open to chat!
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breezy slide by bdg and louie zong >>>>>>
okay starting with a given. cute outfit today <3
my sisters had a few of their friends over and i joined them a little bit and that was fun aslkdjfas;ldf got to teach them a card game that's better with more people and it was delightful :D
did several dishes 💪
cleaned up my room a bit!! including moving my crochet bag to a different spot that i've been meaning to do for ages laskdjfa;selja
mint chocolate chip ice cream!!!
quesadilla and chips with salsa for dinner <3
got to chill and have tea with my dad :]] he managed to find me some dream tazo tea which i've been missing sm 😭 @ tazo tea company if ur reading this. please bring back dream tea i love it
spent an hour or two on nerdykeppie.com / etsy a lil too losing my mind over the pretty pride dresses and skirts and then more general cool pride stuff lks;djfa;lskeja;lkfja;lekfj
did some surgery on my sock monster friend!! he's been with me since i was like 5 or 6 and is so dear to me 🥺 i've stitched him up before but most of them were not as neat as today's work LDJKF i also gave him a bit more stuffing in one of his arms while i was at it and it's kind of novel for him to a) have any squishy stuffing and b) have a solid arm instead of "joints" where the stuffing's super thin alksdjfsa;l
been really enjoying the breakup lists by adib khorram !! started it last night and been chugging away today i think i'm like 2/3 through? it's v good 👍
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lockandkeynovel · 11 months
Silas Gardiner's Dossier File
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Got his little stamp of approval from the Royal Service Academy 🥺
Silas Gardiner always wanted to serve the kingdom he grew up in, so when enrolling in the Royal Service Academy, it only made sense that he request his assignment be in the Moonlight Kingdom, serving the Étoile Royal Estate.
Having been a service member for ten years, he's known Selene since she was only a child, and as her personal bodyguard, he's sworn to protect her at all costs.
Author's note: My face-casting for Silas, (Marc who still needs a name), and Jake is...you guessed it, Oscar bb. It's just that this is what I'm imagining while writing. Saw this pic and said...that looks like (Steven) as a bodyguard if I've ever seen it.
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nanaboaf · 1 year
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Hayoo sapa disini suka baunya buku baru cung tangan✋✋✋
Hamba hamba, yuppss gatau kenapa bauny buku baru itu bisa ngehipnotis aku untuk menghirup wewangianya ngala ngalahin bau bensin gitu wkwk, terlepas entah itu buku lks, paket, novel dan yang lain tapi tetep baunya enak poll
Oke sekian makasii babayyy🍒🍒🍒
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mccarthymolly · 1 year
listen hk,uh,ww,ok,hm,wt,uh,ok,watch,liste,hm,uh,
Dk,hmkhmuh,ww,dk,uhok,ww,wait uh,hm,ww
Csnt hm,dk,uk,j,o,ji,i,
K hm ww h k hk no i yh hm k uh k uh k hm no lc ww j khj,ww hk hk ok no ww hm ok
Hm volunteer ww hk hkok ww no uh hk j ok so smll. Ok mybe dk ww bml I'll
Ww uh no ,report,uhkl no ok ww hk j
Ww j k j dk hk kj ok hm o kj hk uh eh no hj o u o ww ed lec uh dk, hm k j
Rural n adults, saying i gay,g k
See ww k dk b gd,hm,yh, js gilms, dk,ww, hk j,ww, hm k ok, dk,no,jkh,uh,ww, those kind interruptns, hkuj ww
Grpthink, invisibl b wrse b ja choose cmmn minority? J ku nin dk h jj
Teeth nt holistic wwuhwt noh
Ww h kjn
K hm ww dk uh fd no hm jn dk hm w ttl uh hm dk uh hmu k no, joke yh, hm k n in ww
Hm u don't value it either bc nt hlp, ww, prsr dk, j ku jyh
Even then,yh,nt waiting for right ppl, model issues
Wwuh no dnt hv,no,jmuh, indirect, fr u nt me,uh dk, say outrighter,hj
Hmww khmuh no dk ww h kh yh jmhoj
Dk, hm k jww hk ujdkuj
Fd,tlk w memories,hlp,uh,who,um,uh, memory fr wt,uh,no,hw tell,uh,idea v evi,no,ww,uh,no, no h ww yh omg y
Making n selling capital we no,uh,hm,yh,uh,hm,n,i,
Hm ok n hi n
Hm think of mr rogers lk theorist,hmj,,j,ok,uh,no,hm,k,ww,yh,uh,ok,m,
Xmpsl hm, get wronged n then do sth, bad if wrong or right said
Nt famlr
Uh fd,
Hm ppays then di
exercuses smll b nt hm,dk,eh,eventually no. If smll then fresh n not expected, b cn u be creative when going into polluted field, r u naive,j,,phol counsel hm dk uh no
Meaningfule h
Ww eh no, dk,uh,ok,j,m,
Ok nt forget b dk ww uh how
Is ac saying abt a thing of um
Block uh no dy hk
U think i ba dor swuare or deep lk limited n macho reserved. Uh,tf id this rom novel,wwj,k,,
No, bd network yh,
Hm uh,dk,h,m,
Reading aloud ww y ,k,j
Wate rok hm ww,uh,sweet,uh fruit scared,uh,ltr uh,dk,not eat,hm u hd,,k,d k j, ww,k,uh,hmyh,uh,no,phil,ww,y,no,hm,uh,o,k,yh,uh,dk,ww,y,uh,eh,dm,k,
Hm yh col,hm,uh,ww, all prior lf, lk brief feelings but nt of tjis n rpibably nt get to this bc in schl setting or advanced n precosciousness maybe,hm, nt be given schl or anti schl b care,hmww,uh,no,j,o,j,k,uh,ok,wwj,k,d k, j
Careful ok hm uh, k, o,k, sweet n crunch n water,hm,uh,
I havrnt, but feels weird to separate arts or things, lk youd be btr
N sth, uh harsh,hm,
Noh, ww,k,
0 notes
cetaknovel0 · 1 year
PROMO, HUB 0812-5228-075 | Percetakan Lks Murah Malang
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HUBUNGI KAMI 0812-5228-075 CV. Danis Jaya Abadi Printing adalah Pabrik biaya cetak buku isbn, Pabrik biaya cetak buku novel, Pabrik biaya cetak buku saku, Pabrik biaya cetak majalah, Pabrik biaya cetak majalah full color, Pabrik biaya cetak novel, Pabrik biaya mencetak buku, Pabrik biaya percetakan buku, Pabrik cetak agenda murah, Pabrik cetak buku a5Kami telah berpengalaman menangani Klien kami dan telah mencetak ribuan eksemplar. biaya cetak buku saku Malang, biaya cetak majalah Malang, biaya cetak majalah full color Malang, biaya cetak novel Malang, biaya mencetak buku MalangSelain dari kota Malang klien kami juga berasal dari luar kota di antaranya : Ende, Flores Timur, Aceh Barat, Aceh Barat Daya, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya, Aceh Selatan, Aceh Singkil, Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Tengah, Aceh Tenggara, Aceh Timur, Aceh Utara, Agam, Alor, Ambon, Asahan, Asmat, Badung , Balangan, Balikpapan, Banda Aceh, Bandar Lampung, Bandung, Bandung BaratProduk yang dapat kami kerjakan :Buku penghubung siswaBuku tulisKalenderMapNotebookPosterUndanganCetak Buku AgendaCetak Buku Hard CoverCetak Buku NovelCetak Buku Print On DemandCetak Buku SakuCetak Buku TahunanCetak Buku WisudaCetak Buku YasinCetak MajalahCetak Majalah Full ColorCetak ModulKami siap bekerja sama dengan intansi pemerintah maupun universitas di antaranya : dinas arsip dan perpustakaan, dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan, dinas perpustakaan umum dan arsip, Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan, Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Perlindungan Anak, Kependudukan dan Keluarga BerencanaAlamat CV. DANIS JAYA ABADIPerum. Graha Dewata R8 Kav. 1-2, Dusun Klandungan, Landungsari, Kec. Dau, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65151(Dari pos jalan kembar perum graha dewata belok kanan. Ada tulisan blok kota)https://goo.gl/maps/LxrMViC6anvm79kz7Hubungi kami :Bp Nimbar : 0812-5228-075Atau klik link : https://wa.me/628125228075Ibu Dina : 0822- 5706-0163https://wa.me/6282257060163Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cv.danisjayaabadi/Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@danisjayaabadiprintingTiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@danisjayaabadiprinting
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jasapercetaknovel · 1 year
HASIL CETAK LEBIH BAGUS, HUB 0812-5228-075 | Cetak Buku Hard Cover Malang
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HUBUNGI KAMI 0812-5228-075 
CV. Danis Jaya Abadi Printing adalah Pabrik cetak buku a6, Pabrik cetak buku agenda, Pabrik cetak buku agenda custom, Pabrik cetak buku art paper, Pabrik cetak buku berwarna, Pabrik cetak buku cepat, Pabrik cetak buku custom, Pabrik cetak buku full color, Pabrik cetak buku hard cover, Pabrik cetak buku hardcover
Kami telah berpengalaman menangani Klien kami dan telah mencetak ribuan eksemplar. 
biaya percetakan buku Malang, cetak agenda murah Malang, cetak buku a5 Malang, cetak buku a6 Malang, cetak buku agenda Malang
Selain dari kota Malang klien kami juga berasal dari luar kota di antaranya : Banggai, Banggai Kepulauan, Banggai Laut, Bangka, Bangka Barat, Bangka Selatan, Bangka Tengah, Bangkalan, Bangli, Banjar, Banjarbaru, Banjarmasin, Banjarnegara, Bantaeng, Bantul, Banyuasin, Banyumas, Banyuwangi, Barito Kuala, Barito Selatan, Barito Timur, Barito Utara, Barru, Batam, Batang
Produk yang dapat kami kerjakan :
Buku penghubung siswa
Buku tulis
Cetak Buku Agenda
Cetak Buku Hard Cover
Cetak Buku Novel
Cetak Buku Print On Demand
Cetak Buku Saku
Cetak Buku Tahunan
Cetak Buku Wisuda
Cetak Buku Yasin
Cetak Majalah
Cetak Majalah Full Color
Cetak Modul
Kami siap bekerja sama  dengan intansi pemerintah maupun universitas di antaranya : Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Dinas Ketahanan Pangan, Dinas Perumahan Rakyat dan Kawasan Permukiman, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang, Dinas Kesehatan
Perum. Graha Dewata R8 Kav. 1-2, Dusun Klandungan, Landungsari, Kec. Dau, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65151
(Dari pos jalan kembar perum graha dewata belok kanan. Ada tulisan blok kota)
Hubungi kami :
Bp Nimbar  : 0812-5228-075
Atau klik link : https://wa.me/628125228075
Ibu Dina : 0822- 5706-0163
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cv.danisjayaabadi/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@danisjayaabadiprinting
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@danisjayaabadiprinting
Vendor percetakan lks murah, Perusahaan cetak buku isbn, jasa cetak buku Malang, Pabrik harga cetak buku kenangan, Pabrik harga cetak buku a4 full color, Perusahaan percetakan hardcover terdekat, Perusahaan cetak buku hardcover, Pabrik cetak buku pod, Perusahaan cetak buku spiral, Pabrik cetak buku kertas seni
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