#llama centaur
satomikristen · 5 months
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I can shoot tiny versions of myself from my hoof.
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myrathefarmer · 4 months
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Centaurs :P 🐮🐻🦡🪻
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
I was turned into a dog by a family of vampires (who were very goth), and I sort of forgot who I was before, or maybe I just had to pretend that I did in front of the vampire family. But I still sort of remembered who I really was, but I was trapped as a dog with them for centuries. None of us aged. They also had a rhino and a centaur as their pets. They looked like a pony and a llama (respectively) to everyone else. Don’t know the story behind that.
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karetyto · 1 year
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On the road again!
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stiffyck · 9 months
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S8 scar is a llama btw. This was an attempt at drawing him.
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usssnarfblat · 2 years
If the Disney Renaissance had happened 50 years earlier...
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ladyphoenixnineai · 1 year
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Llama at the Beach
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daily-outsiders · 18 days
can be centaur or normal hybrid as you do, no preference!!!! but i just need more of it in my life................. 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
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day 39: llama owen!
okok i know you said either like my normal hybrids or like a centaur. but. but. i’ve been reading a LOT of percy jackson lately, and grover is my favorite character, so.. satyr llama owen!!!!!!!! yippee
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justthelark · 26 days
this needs no clarification
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Darkside (Pt. 2)
(Part 2 to If you love me, let me go, or the Wasteland Au)
The crest of the sun had just begun to peek over the edge of the wall of Life City. Only a few citizens were wandering the streets of the sleepy city, setting up shops and stalls for the customers. Town hall lay dormant, peaceful for now. But soon, it will be filled with hostile and aggressive arguments, insults, and annoyed hybrids.
As per Mayor Scar’s integration plan, all outsiders had to attend classes to learn how to be model citizens.
That’s how every day, for eight hours, Scott had spent the last two weeks. Scott tolerates the quote “lessons” only because it allows him to see Ren and Grian. Pearl was there as well, formally known as Blood Moon. But her owner had somehow managed to calm the wolf centaur down to someone nearly unrecognizable.  Most of the time it is just them ignoring or arguing with Scar.
Jimmy, Martyn, Tango, and Cleo tend to come back to the hall to find the crimson having done something to Scar and were found chilling in Grian’s room, much to their dismay. They never hurt Scar, he’s usually locked in a closet or locked out of the hall, they even had him stuck in a chair due to super glue the quad had made from flour, water, mud, and sap.
They weren’t allowed flour unsupervised after that.
Waking up to someone licking his face, Scott groaned out, “Owen…please. I’m trying to sleep.” The llama huffed and nudged him a bit more aggressively, bleating into his ear. The cyan-haired llama hybrid sat up, rubbing his ear. “Fine, fine. I’m up.”
The llama huffed again and then began to eat the hay that Scott had been using as a bed. Shaking his head, Scott chuckled and got up, stretching out, and looking around the stall he called a “room”. Jimmy reluctantly agrees to allow Scott to live in the barn because both Tango and Jimmy can see the effects of Scott being locked and chained up in the house.
He had fallen into a deep depression, barely eating, not speaking, and refusing to come out from under the bed. The llama hybrid was sleep-deprived as well, so it was only so long before Tango set up a room-like cell next to Owen’s stall. It was a stall with a padlock on the door and had hay for bedding instead of a mattress, much to Scar’s disapproval. The first night showed much improvement, much to the Ranchers’ delight.
A few compromises were made for him to stay in the barn. First, he had to have meals in the house, unless he was sick.  Second, he needed to shower every day, at least once, due to smelling like a llama, which Scott honestly didn’t mind smelling like. And last, he had to attend the “lessons” without fuss, unless, again, he was ill. Scott readily agreed because he got the chain off and had somewhere comfortable to rest with a fellow llama by his side.
Owen worked as a personal alarm clock as well.
The llama would lick him or annoy him until he got up for the day. Which was a blessing and a curse because he didn’t have a snooze button or off button. Scott walked over to the stall window, looking through the bars as Jimmy opened the barn door. Jimmy smiled as he strolled over to the door, pulling a key out of his pocket.e
“Good morning, Scott! How are you? Sleep well?” He asked as he unlocked the stall door, opening it for the perky llama man. Said llama man nodding with an eye rub.  
“Yes. Now food.” Scott replied simply. Jimmy shook his head.
“Nope, you shower and get dressed first. You smell like the barn.”
Scott grumbled under his breath but dipped his head in acknowledgment because he didn’t want his little bit of freedom taken away. Jimmy’s gaze softened as he walked with him, guiding him towards the house.
“Tango is making your favorite, strawberries and waffles.” Jimmy tried to cheer him up. “So, the faster you shower, the faster you get strawberries.”
Scott visibly perked up at the mention of the red berry, his tail wagging. He had never tasted something so sweet and juicy before, being one of the only good things in the Life City. “Okay. I’ll accept this.” He laments. Jimmy giggles and opens the door for him.
Scott didn’t even try to get away from them anymore. He learned that trying to escape alone goes nowhere. Granted, even if he did have a chance, he wouldn’t want to leave his friends behind again. Even Pearl had become somewhat of a friend to all of them, easily relating to the sucky situation they all were put in. So, they all agreed to play nicely with the Lifers.
Bolting to the guest room, he grabbed a clean uniform for the class that Scar had issued all of them, tailored to their specific needs. Scotts was normal, minus the tail hole in the trousers. The uniform consisted of gray pants, a black blazer with red, green, and yellow accents, and a white long-sleeve undershirt. The llama hybrid ran back to the bathroom to begin getting ready.
After the quick shower, Scott got dressed. He looked at himself in the mirror and tamed his wild hair. Once he deemed himself presentable, he left the bathroom. He throws his night clothes into the laundry room as he passes before heading to the kitchen.
Jimmy and Tango were chatting in the kitchen when he entered. They both turned to him when they noticed him.
“Good morning, Scott. You can sit down. I’m just finishing the last batch of waffles.” Tango invited with a kind smile. “The strawberries are already on the table for you.” He tacked on after a second.
“Okay, thanks,” Scott replied as he sat down at the dining table.
Scott grabbed a strawberry happily from the large bowl in the center of the table. Unable to contain his llama side, he popped the whole thing into his mouth. Juice dripped down his chin as he savored the delectable fruit as he chewed. He didn’t realize he had closed his eyes until he opened them once he was finished with his mouth full, wiping away the juice with his sleeve.
Jimmy gave a disappointed frown. “Scott, small bites and please use a napkin instead of your sleeve.” Scott just rolled his eyes at him but did what he was told with his next few strawberries.
The Crimson llama was still quite hurt about the Ranchers' betrayal of him. He would be civil to them but would give them the cold shoulder if they asked him to join them in a bonding activity or try to explain their reasoning. However, he didn’t hate them.
He could never.
Jimmy, the kind and caring guy that he is, does everything in his power to try to make Scott comfortable. He has been the one to try to cheer Scott up using flowers, trips, or food to show him that being a lifer isn’t so bad. Tango, in his way, shows his affection by allowing Scott to help around the farm when he is stir-crazy. He shows him how to cook and work complex Redstone mechanics, which goes over Scott’s head most of the time.
But it’s in those times that it hurts Scott the most. Neither understands that they are showing Scott a life they could have had if they had kept their word. But now doubt and broken trust have fractured their relationship in an immeasurably way. Tango and Jimmy have been trying desperately to fix it, but it’ll take time. Something they don’t have before they lose Scott forever.
Shaking away his thoughts, he noticed the waffle on the plate in front of him. Scott glanced up to see Jimmy looking at him worriedly with Tango glancing at him through bites.
“Sorry, just lost in thought.” He apologized before he started eating. Both seem to lose some tension in their shoulders. Jimmy begins to eat his waffle now that he has confirmed Scott’s comfort.
Honestly, Scott felt a little bad about the two farmers. They love him, which before the incident, perhaps he could have reciprocated the feelings. But not anymore. Neither understands that the hybrid feelings. He does like some of the perks of the city, but he feels confined. He is meant to wander, and be nomadic. The lessons feel too domestic. He is part animal, and animals like to be free.
Scott's eyes drifted to the door window, looking out towards the gate as he chewed the waffle slowly, holding it with his bare hands, no syrup.
Tomorrow night they would escape.
They all had been planning this for the last two weeks whenever they managed to get away from Scar. They would quickly hide the evidence of anything being suspicious if they heard any footsteps heading towards them and pretend to be playing cards or just talking. Today they were going to go over last-minute details then they were out of here.
Finally, they all finished their breakfasts. Scott got up and grabbed his required bag and slipped it over his shoulder. Jimmy cleaned off the table as Tango when saddling the horses. As much as the llama wanted to help, he was called over to Jimmy to help wash dishes. He did so begrudgingly, knowing this was a tactic to keep him clean.
Once the dishes were cleared and cleaned, both made their way outside where Tango was waiting. Scott ran up to his horse, he called Bubbles, petting her affectionally. She nuzzled into his hands, snorting happily. He hoisted himself over the sweet horse and settled him into the saddle. Tango had already mounted his horse and trotted over to him. Jimmy followed suit quickly, mumbling something about being late.
The trio began to make their way towards the town hall at a quick pace. They rode through the narrow streets that led to the interior city.  Scott couldn’t help admiring the small shops and morning people that milled around them. Flowers and colors were everywhere compared to the scarlet sands of the wastelands. It only grew more colorful as they went deeper into the city.
Soon the hall appeared ahead of them. Scott dismounted Bubbles, giving her a loving pat on her flank. Tango and Jimmy both stay on their horses.
“Have a good day in class Scott,” Tango called with a smile as he grabbed Bubbles’s harness.
“And please don’t glue Scar down again,” Jimmy added. “It was a pain to get him off that wooden chain.” Scott couldn’t help but feel proud.
“No promises~” Scott called back, laughing at Jimmy’s pale face. Tango shook his head.
“Just get in there, you’re late as it is. I don’t want Scar giving me an earful for you being late.” Tango shouted with an amused and slightly serious tone.
The llama stuck out his tongue at Tango before bounding up the steps and entering the city hall. He took a sharp left down a hallway, following it down to the very end of the hall. He pushed open the door to find Scar in the middle of some boring manner talk.
Scar looked up and grinned, clasping his hands together, “Ah, Scott. Nice of you to join us  !” He gestured towards his seat. “Please sit, I was just explaining the concept of good table manners.”
Huffing, Scott sat heavily in his seat, feeling a smug satisfaction every time, he saw the scar that had appeared where his saliva had burned Scar. Grain gave him a lazy wave of his hand, head down on the table, clearly bored out of his mind, wings partly tucked. Ren wasn’t much better; he looked like he was trying to give Scar his attention but was cleanly falling asleep behind his sunglasses. Pearl sat with her wolf body lying down, being too big for a chair. She had her head in her hand, blinking slowly as she too felt compelled to nap.
Scott sighed as he settled in for the long, boring morning.
Grian was startled as the bell rang for lunch. He looked around frantically as his wings puffed in fright. He relaxed when he realized where he was, catching his breath before he relaxed. Scott seemed to notice and gave him a small reassuring smile. Ren and Pearl were still knocked out cold due to being nocturnal most of the time.  
Glancing around, Grian didn’t spot Scar anywhere.
“Where’s Scar?” He questioned Scott.
Scott hums as he stands up, stretching. “He went to grab the lunches.” He sighs as his back audibly cracks, making Grian cringe. “Also, you have drool on your face.” The llama pointed out.
Grian wipes his face and stands up as well. “So how are we going to keep him this time?” Grian asked, looking at the llama expectantly. Scott looked around the room before smirking to himself. The llama hybrid went over to a cabinet and grabbed a gray roll of something. “What is that?”
“No idea, but I’ve seen Tango use it in the barn to hold a pitchfork together so it’s strong,” Scott explained.
“Huh,” Grian replied. “So, pin him down and use it to attach him to the floor?” Grian suggests. Scott gave him an odd look.
“Well, I wasn’t thinking to use it like that,” Scott admitted. “But I think your idea sounds funny so let’s do it.” The llama grins devilishly.
Grian mirrors his expression.
Of all the things Pearl was expecting to wake up was not Scar yelling as Grain and Scott attempted to get him to the floor. Pearl flickered her ears in amusement as she watched the bird man struggle to hold down the human while the llama boy tried to put something gray on his limps. Pearl got up and trotted over and sat down her great wolf body onto the man’s chest.
Said the man letting out an “oof” as he lost his breath. Seeing his opportunity, Scott swiftly placed gray stuff all over his limbs, all attracted to the floor. Ren, who seemingly had just woken up as well, looked at the sight with amusement. Pearl got off him and moved to stand by the llama hybrid.
Getting his breath back, Scar exclaimed, “Where did you get duct tape!? And where did you learn to use it!?” The human struggled futilely on the floor in the tape. Scott simply shrugged.
“Found it and Tango fixed a pitchfork with it so I thought I could use it on you. And it worked.” He gave a snide smirk. “Thanks for lunch by the way!”
Scott grabbed a box labeled with his name and began to head to Grian’s room. Grian followed, hopping on Scar’s stomach before grabbing his lunch box.
“That was for the boring lesson, now we’ll be in my room, socializing.” Grian chirped as he left. Ren got up and followed him, but stepped around him and grabbed his lunch.
“Later dude. Have fun laying on the hard wooden floor.” He said as he left as well.
Scar looked up at Pearl. “Can you please let me up?” Pearl snorted at the absurdity.
“Nah, mate. This is your well-deserved karma.” She stepped around him, grabbing her lunch as well but used her tail to smack him in the face before she left. She exited the room and bounded down the hall towards Grian’s room.
When she got there, she found her allies eating their box lunches. Scotts ate nearly all fruits and vegetables due to meat being hard on his digestive system. Grain had a mix of nuts and seeds, some meat scarps for him as he was an omnivore. Ren had a burger of some sort, biting into it happily. Pearl settled beside Ren and opened her box, wagging her tail as she had a nearly raw steak in her box. She grabbed it and started tearing into it eagerly.
Everyone was quiet as they enjoyed their food. It wasn’t until everyone was done completely did Grian pulled out the escape plan.
“Now let’s get down to business. We’ll go over the plan once more.” Grian looked at Ren. “When Martyn heads to bed, you’ll creep down the stairs get the key from under his bedside lamp, and leave through the front door after grabbing your things.” Grian looked down at the map he was holding, tapping on a marked house where Ren lived. “From there, you’ll go head to Scott’s place and grab the sharp clippers and free Scott and the horses.”
Grian turned to Scott. “When Ren frees you, you’ll supply the horses with everything we need and grab your gear. Then you head to me with the metal snappers. I should have grabbed my stuff by the time you have arrived, then you just need to free me.” Grian looks at Ren and points at the map. “You’ll go break Pearl out from Cleo’s with your claws to pick the lock.” Grinning, Grian finishes up, “Then we can get out of here. We just need to wait for the guard switch.”
Pearl gives a wolfish grin, “Sounds great to me. We can blow this popsicle stand.”
Scott looked at Grain and nodded, “I think that covers everything.” He speaks. Ren frowns.
“Wait, when is the shift change?” The werewolf inquires. Grian bites his lips.
“That’s the problem. It happens right before sunrise, so we need to be quick. And that’s why we need the horses.” He explains, glancing at the Pearl. “You can run faster, right?”
Pearl crosses her arms, insulted. “Of course, I can. You insult me Grian.” The parrot snickers and smiles.
“Great. So, we’re sorted.” He clasps his hands. “Now what?”
Scott pulls out a deck of cards, “Go Fish?”
Jimmy pulled his horse to a stop in front of the town hall. Tossing over towards Tango, he asked, “So where do you think Scar is today?” He asked as he dismounted his horse.
Tango looked over and snorted, “I don’t honestly know. It’s honestly impressive what they can do.” The other rancher followed Jimmy’s actions.
Jimmy tied his steed up to the fence before heading up the stairs. He shook his head slightly before sighing, “I can’t even disagree with you. The glue was incredible.” The dirty blond turned back to the other. “We probably should hurry, I bet Scar is waiting for us to free him.” Tango quickly followed his partner up the steps and headed inside.
The pair glanced around the hall before heading towards the classroom.
“Yo Scar, you here?” Tango called out, before opening the classroom door.
“I’m here!” Came the reply. “Help me, please!
Jimmy looked around confused before he saw the poor mayor. He was practically wrapped in a layer of duct tape to the floor. It took everything in Jimmy’s power not to burst out laughing. Tango excused himself before he erupted into laughter in the hallway. Scar gave him a pleating look.
Holding his laughter back, Jimmy managed to ask, “I see they did it again. How this time?” The farmer knelt, pulled a knife out of his back pocket, and began cutting away the tape, being extra careful not to nick Scar.
“I went to grab the lunch, then Grian ambushed me when I set them down on the desk.” The green-eyed man complained. “Scott then appeared with the duct tape I had on the cabinet and started taping me down. When I was almost free, Pearl sat on me!” Scar sat up, most of the tape off him.
Tango came in looking a bit sheepish, “That may have been my fault. I showed him how to use the stuff.” Scar brushed himself off.
“So, I have you to blame for this.” Scar threw up his hands as he scowled. “Thank you so much, Tango.” He said sarcastically.
Tango huffed. “We’ll reprimand Scott. Jeez, don’t get your panties in a twist.” Tango tacked on, “Plus it was Grian who tackled you.”
Scar sighed, “I know. It seems like he is getting more mischievous and chaotic recently.” Jimmy frowned slightly.
“Do you know why?” Jimmy questioned. Scar shrugged.
“Nope, but I am hoping it’s because he is settling in.”
The group of humans moved towards Grian’s room. They walked back through the main hall before going down a hallway on the opposite side of the classroom. They walked past the door leading to Scar's office, where the prison is still full of other hybrids waiting to be essentially adopted. Soon they reached the door and opened it.
What awaited made all of them fawn over the sight. All the hybrids were curled up in a pile on the bed, asleep. Pearl was curled around all of them, under the pile. Ren was lying across her wolf body, snoring slightly with his sunglasses askew on his face. Grian was in the center of the pile, wings draped across everyone, making sleepy chirps. Scott was on the other side of Grian, pressed tightly between Pearl and Grian curled into a small ball with a small smile on his face.
As much as they wanted to let the mutants sleep, they were supposed to be trouble. Tango was the one who shook Scott’s shoulder. The llama whined as he sluggishly woke up, sitting up carefully to not disturb the others. When he realized who woke him up, he gave them a sleepy sheepish smile.
Tango picked him up and said, “Don’t ‘hey’ me mister.” He said, “You know exactly what you did.” The blue-haired man just whined as he was slung over Tango’s shoulder. Scott waved to the other awakened hybrids as they left the room.
Jimmy followed Tango out as he carried Scott out. “You said you were going to be good.” Jimmy chastised him. “But instead, you duct tape Scar to the floor.”
Scott grumbled, “Scar is boring. All he did was talk about manners.” Tango shakes his head.
 “I know it’s boring, but you need to still be respectful of Scar.” Sighing, he shared a look with Jimmy as they left city hall. Tango sets Scott on Jimmy’s horse, much to the llamas' confusion.  “That’s why something is going to change.”
Jimmy sits next to him. “This is going to sound bad, but the other day, we agreed that you need some sort of punishment for these shanghaies. And that is why we are going to move you back into the house.” The visible panic that crossed Scott’s face made Jimmy’s heart hurt. Grabbing his hands, the farmer continued, “It’ll only be for a week, darling. It won’t be so bad.”
Scott began pleading, “No, please. Don’t put me back in the house. I’ll behave better please.” The llama’s eyes watered with unsheathed tears, causing Jimmy’s resolve to fracture. “You can do anything else, but please. I can’t sleep or feel comfortable in the house. Take away my water or food but please, let me stay in the stall.” Scott begged.
Jimmy looked over to Tango, wearing a conflicted expression. Tango seemed to share a similar reaction.  Neither of them predicted this strong of a reaction when they were planning this. They were expecting angry words and fighting, but not pure desperation. Scott seemed terrified of going back to the house.  Jimmy bit his lip.
“We’ll talk more when we get home.” Jimmy decided.
The trip was silent they made the trek back to the ranch. Scott's mind was buzzing with thoughts. He didn’t want to go to the house. It would ruin any plans of escaping they have been planning for the last two weeks. His ears were pinned to his head at the thought of going back to the house. The other two would occasionally glance back at him with guilty expressions as Scott hugged himself tightly.
When the llama hybrid said he would give up anything, he wasn’t kidding. He hated being locked in that room. Only himself in that small tight space. A shiver ran down his spine. He would rather be under a tree in the crimson than be back in that room unable to leave as his only will. The stall is bearable because Owen is with him. The llama is an emotional support animal.
The sudden stop of the horse realized that they were back at the house.
The blue-haired man leaped off the horse’s back and ran towards the barn, not bothering to stop as his name was called by the other two. Running into the shed, he ran to his stall and slammed the door, flopping into the hay and curling up, tears pooling in his eyes.
The llama man didn’t even look up as footsteps approached his door. Owen had leaned over the stall and was nuzzling Scott’s cheek, never liking to see the man sad. The llama snorted at whoever opened the door and bleated out at them.
“Scott…” The blue-haired hybrid didn’t even look up at Tango’s voice.
Scott mumbled, “Go away,” He pressed himself deeper into the straw, “I refuse to leave this barn.” Owen stamped his hooves with an agitated blet as the footstep closed in on him.
“Scott please, we just want to talk.” Jimmy’s voice responded.
Scott sat up and snapped at them. “Leave me be! I just want to be alone!” Tears freely ran down his face as he glared at the startled and shocked faces of Tango and Jimmy. Owen, sensing Scott’s anger and hurt, began spitting at the two. Both left the stall but Jimmy paused outside of the closed door.
“We’ll talk tomorrow morning when you have time to process this.” Jimmy sounded apologetic. “I’ll be back later with food. We are sorry we upset you darling.” He left after that, leaving Scott to wallow in his misery.
After a while, Scott stood up from his bed, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, a new fire in his heart. Owen blets in concern for him, nudging his side. Sniffing, “I’m fine. I promise.” He patted the head of the animal before beginning to gather up his belongings into his original scarlet to prepare for the night.
The hybrid was tired of people pulling him this way and that. Gritting his teeth, he shoved away some ration he had been staving and filled his canteen full of water out of the water trough. He changed out of his uniform and into his colorful coat and homemade patchwork pants. His fedora was hanging on a nail on the stall wall. He snatched it off the hook and placed it on his head.
He looked at his reflection and felt more like himself than he did in a month of being there. He felt the bitterness from the betrayal rising in his chest, mixing with the new outrage. Who do they think they are to cage him like a misbehaving dog? Scott clenched his fist tightly, leaving crescents in his palms. When they are gone, they’ll see. They will all see you can’t tame the untamable. Spite coursed through his veins, after all, if he’s anything, he is petty.
A low giggle soon grew into a laugh that turned into manic insane laughter. After all, they put them through. Being petty would be merciful, but no. Scott wanted revenge. Owen gave a pleasing baa to him to see him laughing, not understanding. The chains and trying to force them into submission, treating them with fake respect but still expecting them to fall in line? Yeah, no.
Scott turned to Owen and stroked his wool as he came up with a plan for revenge, while he waited for Ren to come for him.
It was well into the night before Scott heard a rustling outside his cell. Scott perked up as Ren unlocked the door for him. He gave Ren a grin. “Took you long enough.” The llama teased the wolf. Ren rolled his eyes.
“Sorry dude, Martyn was being extra clingy tonight.” The wolf apologized. Scott brushed it off.
“It’s fine. Now I’ll get the horses out, you grab the saddles.” Scott grabbed the keys from Ren and unlocked Owen’s stall then moved onto the horses. The llama pushed open his stall and followed Scott, leaving Ren confused, but the guy didn’t question it.
Scott grabbed the three horses from the stalls as quickly as he could. He even took precautions by tying rags over the hooves while Ren saddled them.
Next, Scott went to the far side of the barn where all the tools hung. He looked at all the tools before he found the bolt cutters. He grabbed it when something else caught his eye, a lighter. He debated to himself before he snatched it as well and shoved it into his pocket. He headed back over to Ren and Owen.
“Got it, take Blossom and head over to free Pearl. I’ll bring Bubbles, Buttercup, and Owen to free Grian. We’ll meet you in the center of town.” Scott related as he mounted his horse easily. Ren saluted, doing the same to his horse.
“Got it, my dude. I’ll be back faster than a fart.” Ren announced before he took off. Scott sighed, amused by Ren’s antics. Scott led the horse and llama pair out of the barn, leaving it empty.
Pausing, Scott looked at the barn before pulling the lighter out of his pocket. He ran his thumb over the little ignition as he stared at it, before looking at the barn again. Spite shot through his mind as he opened it and tossed the lighter into a hay pile on the side of the barn. Scott ran away before he could watch it set a flame.
The blue-haired man managed to get to the town hall in record time, especially with the two animals in tow. He hopped off the horse and climbed over the fence to Grian’s window with a little difficulty but managed when Owen bucked him over the last foot. He used the chain cutters to snap off the lock then rapped on the window, letting Grian know he was there.
The avian burst out of the window, startling a surprised laugh out of Scott. Grian picked him up by the shoulders with swiftness and flapped over the fence, dropping him onto his horse and landing on Buttercup, his feather ruffled.
Grian looked a bit panicked, “We got to go! I may have done something quite stupid.” Grain urged his mount into a near sprint. Scott followed swiftly, Owen keeping up relatively well for a llama.
“What did you do!?” Scott called to him as he kept pace.
Grian bit his lip, “I may have... uh… accidentally alerted Scar when I was…” He mumbled the last part.
“What?” Scott asked as he didn’t hear him.
“I tried to steal his shiny pendant…from around his neck…when he was asleep.” Grian finished looking sheepish. “And he may have woken up.” Scott groaned as he facepalmed but knew he couldn’t say anything after the stunt he pulled, smoke was already starting to waft through the air.
“Let’s hurry, I bet the others are waiting,” Scott replied instead as he pushed his horse to a full sprint, Grian following suit.
As the blue-haired llama guy suspected, Ren and Pearl were waiting for them. Both looked bewildered as they flew down the street towards them on horseback. Scott called out to them as he and Grian dashed past, “Go! Go!” Neither needed to be told twice before they were with them.
The group charged toward the gate, no one faltering as horns sounded around them. If anything, it made them go faster. The closer the gate became, the more smoke filled the air, and a large plomb bellowed up from the air in the direction of the ranch.
Pearl called out, “Scott! What the heck did you do!?” A laugh in her voice of astonishment.
“A heat of the moment of decision you could call it,” Scott admitted as pressed close to his horse’s back.
Grian gave a startled laugh as well. “You can say that again. Did you set the barn on fire?” He questioned.
The trio blinked at the straight answer they got but didn’t question it any further. After all, who are they to judge a bit of revenge?
The buildings thinned out as when they came up to the gate. The open was clear of guards, much to their surprise. But a glance to the left was the answer. The lighter had done its job, it lit the hay up which had spread to the barn. The frame was engulfed in flames, sending black into the near-dawn sky.  The whole guard was firing the fire along with Jimmy and Tango.
Scott called over to the others, “Get going, I’ll catch up with you, take Owen with you.” The other three shared a look as they slowed down, just barely before seeing the look in Scott’s eyes and decided to continue. Scott watched as the others left the city until he made sure they were well and far away.
The llama hybrid turned back to the fire. A strange scent of calm washed over him as he watched the flames eat away at the old wood. He must have stood there for a good five minutes before he caught Jimmy staring at him. The blond-haired human was covered with soot and grime, tears in his eyes. They stared each other down for what felt like an eternity.
Jimmy was the one to break it. “Scott! Get back here!” The human screams in anguish.  
Scott simply bowed his head to him, sad that it had to come to this. He turned and urged his horse into a trot, a free man once again, now with plenty of friends. Scott glanced back when he reached the place where he first saw the city. In his heart, he hoped that they never have to deal with another Lifer again, but in his mind, he knew his actions had consequences. He sighed and caught up to his friends who were waiting for him, who all rode into the rising sun.
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squad-724 · 3 months
Hope you don't mind me sending another ask, but if there's anything about the Centaur Wild West au you'd be willing to share, I'd love to hear it :)))
For the designs, you can jump here
And there's a snippet too:
Marcus, known in the town as Ninety-nine, woke up to the ranch soaked in water after yesterday's storm. His animals, a small herd of sheep, a few goats, and all the chickens, took shelter in the new barn, the old one was filled with holes and not good at insulating heat. A few minutes after the sun rose he let them all out, before taking his cane to check what was damaged and needed to be repaired or replaced after the storm. He doubted he was going to afford all of it, but not replacing a faulty water pump meant death for his stock.  Lost in his thoughts he missed the traces left in the mud before the old barn. Three sets of hooves and four wheels. Blind to the danger inside the building he opened the front doors. For a moment, he stood there just to comprehend what he was seeing. In the center of the barn, away from the walls that were still wet and cold, were three taurs, one of a horse, one of an elk, and one of something wooly, a sheep or llama perhaps. There was also a wooden wagon, to which the centaur was still wearing a harness.  All of them were thin, painfully thin, with pronounced ribs and hips with skin stretched over them. Their fur was matted and dull, human skin covered in sunburns. Unkempt hooves, overgrown hair, and scars; those taurs were runaways. And for some reason, they hid in 99’s old barn. It took the elktaur only a few heartbeats to be back on his legs, even if those trembled after the sudden movement. The rancher's blood ran cold when the young man pointed at him with a crudely made pistol. The rest noticed 99 only a few seconds later, centaur trying to bolt but getting himself wrapped in the wagon harness, and the third one’s legs buckling under him as soon as he stood up. Poor boys. 99 slowly raised his hand, feeling how his worn-out shoulders protested about that movement. “Easy,” he whispered, not breaking eye contact with the elktaur. He knew escapees were desperate, ready to kill anyone who seemed like a threat. Even if the pistol was ugly, he didn't doubt it worked. 
Wild West + centaur au; the Batchers are taurs of different species that ran away from their owner and found safety on 99's farm. Years later, the old man saw a little centaur foal being dragged behind a group of zygerrians, and informed his adoptive sons about it. The next day the wagon, far away from the town, was found with all its occupants dead and the foal missing. I think you know who did that.
Unfortunately, some trackers recognized that the attackers weren't on horses and other animals; they WERE those, at least halfway. Which resulted in some hunters finding Wrecker, Tech, and Omega during a trot, Wrecker was captured while Tech carried injured Omega back to their farm.
Crosshair immediately ran to the town, but he was just late to see the train that had his biggest brother trapped in one of the wagons ride away-
The story would be the batch chasing after it, trying to find where it took their brother, and finding some friends and foes along the way.
If anyone's interested I would absolutely love to make a few more drawings for it
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georgi-girl · 1 year
More Trolls Character Fusions
A continuation of my SU inspired Trolls fusion list. Note that when two trolls from the same tribe fuse, they just become a bigger version of their species. When trolls from different tribes fuse, they gain extra limbs and appendages.  
Biggie + Cooper = Big C. A fluffy, muppetesque llama centaur. with four stumpy legs, long furry midsection, and extendible arms. Covered in blue fur with indigo dreadlocks. Always smiling and making jokes. Uses he/him pronouns.  Song style is based on Tiny Tim and Weird Al Yankovic. 
Poppy + Viva = Star. I hope this isn’t presumptuous, but I’m seeing them as friends. The fusion has dark pink skin, star-shaped orange hair, and a white leotard with a blue tutu. Also has stockings with dance slippers. Partly inspired by Rainbow Quartz. Voiced by Selena Lopez. Uses she/her pronouns.  
Reggaeton Trio (Tresillo, Marimba, Tambora) = Taino. Named after the Indigenous people of Puerto Rico. Androgynous features, Pastel body with tie-dye patterns. Uses they/them pronouns. Speaks mostly in Spanish. 
K-Pop Sisters = Korea. Inspired by the five Ruby fusion. Big, shiny, with pastel rainbow hair and an all-white leotard. Uses she/they pronouns. Speaks mostly in Korean. 
Branch + Hickory = Brick. Incredibly handsome, with four arms, green skin and dark violet hair styled in a cowlick. Wears a vest made from orange leaves and black pants. Uses he/they pronouns. Music style based on early Elvis. Also sounds like Elvis. 
Branch + Barb = Screech. (This fusion is strictly platonic, I wouldn’t ship these two if you paid me.) Dark blue skin, four eyes, gigantic indigo mohawk. Wears black leather jeans and denim vest. Inspired by the SU fusion Sugalite. Uses the pronoun It. Warlike berserker. Song styling is Goth Rock. 
Barb + Hickory = Studly. (I can picture these two as friends) Goat centaur with light orange skin, shaggy red hair that covers his eyes, and two left arms. Wears a brown vest and studded wristbands. Hunky stud. Uses he/they pronouns. Very Tarzan-like, even speaks in third person. Grows more savage the longer they’re fused.  Song style (surprisingly) is Tibetan Throat Singing
Hickory + Poppy + Branch = Blum. Something special for my favorite ship. Named after the German word for Flower. Beautiful deer centaur with brown skin, CYM streaked hair, three yellow eyes with pink petal eyelashes. Uses neopronouns ee/em/eir. Very kind and loving. Speaks in rhyme. Song styling is folk covers. 
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coquettedragoon · 3 months
I appreciate Centaurs being honestly really well thought out in things like the infrastructure aspect of the Duchy, especially tying it to how royal status changes the social perception. One question I had was if mermaids would exist in a similar way to centaurs? or if this universe is just mammals. I apologize if that was spelled out and I missed it.
centaurs are strictly hoofed mammals along the lines of cows/llamas/horses/deers and related species, but mermaids could definitely exist elsewhere.. the world of coquette is within the orbit of a single gas giant so its only a very small slice of things, bc of circumstances with the war signals are all jammed in and out so they don't really know what other societies are out there
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franki-lew-yo · 7 months
Animals and things we still don't have (properly) as Pokemon:
Waterdeer and Pudu
Kiwi birds
Sea monkey shrimp
Chess Pieces
Naked Mole Rats
Shoebill Storks
Cuckoo Birds
Rocket/Toy Rocket
Vampires and Jiangshi
We need more:
gazelles and antellope
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strawberry-clownie · 8 months
Okay why I’m in a hyper mood and its on the mind, there’s something I wanted to discuss. So as I got into the second movie, something bothered me from it that I haven’t really found, probably because TBT is everywhere currently and I am late, but, every other species of Trolls were different with mythological elements. Classical Cherubs, Country Centaurs, Techno Mermaids……Llama Funk? Yeah idk about them but moving forward, the Rocks being so much like the Pop Trolls bothered me. Like yeah I get that wasn’t even in the minds of the guys making the first movie when they did, but like…. :( I hate it. So there’s one I thought would be interesting in concept that fits with Rock to me; Vampires. But more specifically, vampire bats. I mean they had Ozzy and he bit the head off of a bat COME ON.
I have a Barb redesign in the works with that concept but like, its there. They were what looks like in a cave at the Rock concert at the end, and imagine the cool gem aesthetics that go in caves? How different they could look? Its mostly tying into my adopted Branch au, but like. Whats more rock then being winged bat vampires?
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stiffyck · 9 months
how did you decide which species to use for your centaur scars? :0 some are self explanatory like camel but i'm REALLY interested in giraffe and antelope
Honestly it was just based on vibes dkgkdkgkd
I picked out some animals with hoofs and sorted them to each life series based on what I thought would fit. There's no proper research because I am lazy and couldn't bother FJVKDKGKDK
My first picks were:
3l- Llama or a camel. I decided to go with camel and thought s8 scar could be a Llama because that would make him dying to a Llama even funnier.
Ll- mountain goat or a reindeer. Reindeer didn't really fit the vibe for ll scar.
Dl- zebra or okapi. Went with zebra because I knew I wouldn't be coloring them and okapi would look better colored.
Liml- gazelle or a bison. Gazelle... well. Those legs would NOT support him. They'd crumple under him. Bison was another fun option I wanted to go with but it didn't really fit. I kept looking for different animals and found out about the antelope and thought it fit perfectly.
Sl- honestly no clue how I thought of that one. That one was the first I drew and I had that design for a while. That's also the design that made me think of this whole idea in the first place!
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