squad-724 · 5 months
Did anyone ask for more centaur Wild West au? No? Well too bad;
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Llamataur Tech! He’s a smith and tinkerer, happy in helping 99 on the ranch with repairs.
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Elktaur Crosshair. One night he returned to the ranch with a rifle and good quality cowboy hat and refused to elaborate. He hunts and scares any predators that could try to kill the sheep or chickens on the farm, especially at night when the sun doesn’t burn his skin or eyes
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Mustang centaur Hunter. Alongside Wrecker he helps with the sheep and chickens on the farm, ya know, shaving them, carrying hay, gathering corn on the field and eggs in the chicken coop.
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Clydesdale centaur Wrecker and baby lamb Lula, a sheep that lost her mum and no other would take her, so Wrecker raised her instead. Lula then refused to sleep with other sheep, instead sleeping with the taurs (mostly Wrecker). Wrecker, like Hunter, takes care of the sheep, he also helps with plowing the fields
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satomikristen · 5 months
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I can shoot tiny versions of myself from my hoof.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
I know about your half-llama illegitimate son
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another early work from when i had just watched Centaurworld and had my tablet for like barely a month!!! its such a delightful series full of whimsy and just plain fun, musicals are cheesy in the most lovely ways
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charlienightingale · 1 month
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Centaurworld brainrot :3 (this is me the girlf @cappyapollo ) she is the cattaur and I’m the llamataur :3
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rainbowdelicgalore · 2 months
You know what would've been cooler than Tom Jones looking the way he did in the Comics?
If he instead was a gigantic and borderline eldritch biblically accurate Llamataur (with glowing golden wings that can pop up on his Llama body's back like magic at will) whose top human half looked more like his character he played in the Emperor's New Groove (esp the sunglasses and big ass afro)
Without his sunglasses, his eyes are now just shining orbs of light that turns people mad if stared at for too long (he also has a third eye that only opens rarely)
If seen far away, his afro can be often mistaken as a normal Llama's head and upper neck
Oh yeah, and this horrifying freak of the supernatural world just so happens to be Scout's Animal Spirit Guide after Scout comes back to life in the Comics!
(And unlike Tom Jones when he was alive, this Angelic Eldritch Bastardization of him is MUCH more Violent, Animalistic, and Harpy-Like in Demeanor when feeling threatened)
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desertmile · 4 years
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Another taur this time a llama.
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cruelfeline · 3 years
I've been thinking about... how to say... about how animators and writers convey to us, the audience, that this situation is a Big Deal for a character. And I don't mean in, like, a clear verbal way. I mean more in the sense of expression and body language and... emotional conveyance. Essentially: how do show creators successfully elicit the desired emotions in us. And why do they sometimes fail?
I started thinking about this while watching Centaurworld, of all things. I was watching a character-backstory-flashback moment and reflecting upon how this was the way to drive home the impact and gravity of a war. Compared to... say... well. How Mermista, for example, was handled in SPoP.
Anyway, let's take a look!
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So. This is... actually, I think this is our first view of the character Wammawink. Fluffy, pink llamataur-thing. ...maybe alpacataur-thing? I'm not really sure.
Anyway. She's very cute. Very bubbly. Very bright. Throughout the series, she expresses numerous emotions, but a fairly consistent undercurrent is that she is animated and energetic and vibrant.
So when we get to the flashback showcasing the tragic loss of her village, the stark difference in her portrayal serves to emphasize the emotional magnitude in the situation.
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First, she's small. A child (cria?). And while this can't really be conveyed via screencap, I can tell you that the way she moves and carries herself is markedly different from what we normally see. A dramatically slowed gait and arms held conspicuously close to her body accentuate how small she is, really highlighting the sense of vulnerability. Which is different from how we normally see her.
Normally, Wammawink is the leader of her herd. She is their surrogate mother. She is loud. She takes up space. She protects everyone.
She does not look like this.
And because this moment gives us a Wammawink that is vastly different from what we are used to, we understand, both consciously and subconsciously, that something horrific has happened. And that this horrific thing has dramatically affected this character.
Let's now look at Hordak, because of course I can't have a post like this without mentioning him.
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This is one of our earlier views of Hordak, all the way back in season one. And while he gains more personality and more "humanity" throughout seasons 2-3, he still maintains a sense of strength and resilience. Of dignity.
Even at his lower moments, such as finding out that Catra betrayed him and potentially killed Entrapta, his tears are balanced out with anger and raw, vicious power.
So when we see him reunite with Horde Prime, we know that the situation is serious.
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Never have we seen Hordak look this small, kneeling submissively on the ground. Never have we seen him shake in fear. Never have we seen him make such a vulnerable, agonized expression, seen him beg and plead.
And so we know that his distress is real. We know that he is legitimately terrified of Horde Prime. We know that he is truly suffering.
He is so different from how we usually see him, that we know that the situation is dire.
Now, let's turn to Mermista.
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This is how we are introduced to her. She has that stereotypical apathetic-teenager vibe. Kind of annoyed by things going on around her, wont to grumble and moan about things. Not very demonstrative.
It's an okay character trope for her role in the show - she's not center to any really dramatic situations - and it does give us something stark to contrast against should we ever need emotional impact from her.
So! Do we get that? Mm. Well.
Salineas' fall should be a Mermista character moment akin to Wammawink witnessing the destruction of her village. And so we should have the same sort of stark shift in character. We should see Mermista in a different light, as we see Wammawink. Or as we see Hordak. We should look at her and think "my word, that's not how Mermista is; she must be so hurt."
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Which... doesn't really happen. The chief portrayal of her post-Salineas - moping in a bathtub - really isn't the emotional character shift that we need to really sell that the fall of Salineas hurt her.
now one could bring up her falling to her knees upon first seeing Salineas, and that's valid, but that scene is stolen by Glimmer so fast, that the effect is ruined for me
Her demeanor remains consistent with her prior portrayal. There's no difference in how we see her. There's no moment where we see her act unlike herself. She doesn't turn small and sad and vulnerable like Wammawink does. And she doesn't turn submissive and shaking and terrified like Hordak does.
Instead, she just... remains apathetic, blah-teenager Mermista. And so the destruction of Salineas falls flat. It doesn't provide the same emotional payoff as seeing Wammawink's village in ruins, or seeing Hordak tremble before Prime.
Without that altered demeanor, that visible change in character, we don't get the sense of enormity that Salineas' fall should invoke.
Which is why, unlike the former two examples, it just fails to instill any sort of emotion within me.
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xensilverquill · 3 years
just remembered a little fun fact today: llamas and alpacas are often used as guard animals to other livestock irl. will straight up kill a fucker if they can.
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now what loveable overprotective pink llamataur does that remind you of
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ngoc12thefangirl · 3 years
Centaurworld Season 0 (aka the Prequel)
I feel like we really missed out on a season of Elktaur, after falling in love with the princess, going to the different Shamans and asking for help to turn himself human or for help to somehow be worthy of the princess. 
- Visiting Waterbaby; she sets him up to destroy her house boat as part of her secret test to observe him, also to use his frustration tears for a spell. The toolbox she gives him is enchanted to sabotage him and he gets frustrated but still tries to stay positive because he loves the princess and really wants to know what he could do so she can love him. But he still cries his frustration tears. Waterbaby uses the tears to open a chest to get her wand and fixes her houseboat. Then she sings him a song about how love isn’t one act but it’s an ongoing act, it’s part of you and sometimes when you share it it’ll get shared back but there’s nothing he can do to make someone love him. He can just be himself and love will come on its own. He’s not happy with that answer and moves on to see the next shaman. 
- Visiting the Tree Shamans; he asks the tree shamans to turn him into a human and they sing to him that it may be what he wants but it’s not what he needs. He is turned away but as he walks through the Llamataur village, they sing about fragile things and trust, how we are so fragile as people and it’s easy to keep yourself guarded to feel safe and to not get hurt, but although we’re fragile as people we still need to trust others to be feel safe and protected. That we’re fragile things, but we can be brave to trust someone new and love and friendship will come to us in unexpected ways. 
- Visiting Judge Jacket; he ends up in the Moletaur jail and is put on trial. As he’s ushered into the trial, his antlers keep bumping into stuff and his antlers get stuck in some of the hanging lights of the moletaurs. Judge Jacket starts laughing and that’s when the Elktaur breaks out of his serious shell and starts being silly and makes jokes about centaurs and his everyday life. As he continues singing a comedy show, his jokes start to slip into seriousness about how he doesn’t like being a centaur. But when Judge Jacket starts getting angry, he snaps himself out of it and resumes the rest of the song about #CentaurProblems. 
- Visiting Johnny Teatime; the cattaurs steal his belt and his tools and his purple tie. The stuff they steal is offered up as part of the ornaments hanging on the Be Best Sash for Johnny Teatime’s Be Best Competition. Elktaur has to sing about how he’s the best and why he deserves the sash. The song initially starts off as a downtrodden song about how despite being a centaur, he wants to be better than he is right now for the girl he loves. Thinking of the princess, his song jumps into an upbeat song about how he’s not the best, but the princess makes him feel like he’s the best and he wants to be the best for her. Unfortunately he doesn’t win but he manages to steal his stuff back after they award the sash to the winners. 
- Visiting the Last Shaman; he goes to the whaletaur, asking for help to be human or to make the princess fall in love with him. But as he’s asking he’s realizing that what he’s asking for sounds super selfish. He can’t force her to be in love with him, but he wants to be human. The Whaletaur explains that any magic they do to change his appearance would only be temporary and that the princess would never love him for lying to her. Elktaur gets depressed and the Whaletaur offers to swallow him up. As he’s about to be swallowed up, the princess who had been at the beach spots him and grabs him and asks what the hell he was thinking. He can’t tell her his true feelings but tells her that he wasn’t feeling well lately. The princess, not knowing the severity of his feelings tries to cheer him up by telling him that her father wants to throw a “Riftworker of the year” celebration for him and she’s brought an invite for him.
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cripple-punk-dad · 3 years
Centaurworld spoilers
Ok so I have a ton of questions about the world building in centaurworld. Where do the Minotaurs come from? Who is the nowhere king? How old are the centaurs? How long have the humans been at war? How long were the centaurs at war? Did humans and centaurs ever fight together? Who is the mysterious woman?
The earliest time we technically know about is shown by the Beartaur's mural and the murals in the castle overtaken by the Nowhere King at the end of the season. Here are some notes about that:
-WammaWinks is the last of warrior species of Llamataur right? This is shown by the mural on the Beartaur's wall and by all of his figures.
-Technically we don't know what they were wiped out by but it's assumed that it was the Minotaurs that are attacking Horse's world because she thought she was home when she got transported back in time in "What you need"
-We have a distinct lack of information about the war the humans are currently fighting, although we do know that the Minotaurs just appeared out of nowhere and started killing the humans off.
-we can assume the Minotaurs aren't indiginous to either world since they're called invaders or invading warriors. (Side note: Horse also claims to recognize the Nowhere King's theme song)
So we can assume that centaurs and humans fought the Minotaurs (?) . But for how long?
-Horse says in the first episode that she's known fighting her whole life. That's probably around 8-10 years.
-Rider is either a young adult or an older teenager around 18-22 years old. So it's safe to assume that the war with the humans has been going on for at least 30 years.
-It's unknown for certain if the humans and centaurs fought together or separately but based on the mural we can assume they fought together in ancient history, or at least during a time forgotten.
This brings me to the herd. We never get any sort of age for any of them, so we don't know how old they are. We do know that:
-Wammawinks was alive near the end(?) of the conflict, though she was a child. I'm assuming it was near the end because there's no mention of a war when they all meet up with Waterbaby and we learn that WammaWink was training to be a shaman.
-We also know that Glendale was alive during the war, as they mentions the war during the first episode. Considering the other's reactions to them saying that shows that all of the herd knows about the war too.
-The only time we see a wide variety of centaurs is actually in Centaur Valley, in the bubble made by WammaWink to protect her herd, and when we enter cattaur valley.
-There's honestly not a lot of centaurs populating the world, which leads me to the belief that the war killed a great many centaurs.
-However, no one in the herd seems to recognize what a horse is or what a human is except for WammaWink.
Where am I going with all this? Well, a huge theme in the show is hiding away from, repressing, and masking trauma and true feelings. This theme is repeated in almost every episode.
You may have noticed that I haven't really mentioned the mysterious woman or the nightmare king. They clearly have a history together and they, along with Waterbaby, seem to be the only ones who actually know the past of the worlds. The mysterious woman is the only human we see capable of performing magic, and she's clearly older, probably in her 50's.
The nightmare king is welcomed by the Minotaurs as if he was known to them, probably he was a former leader. Considering he formerly knew the woman, perhaps he was once a centaur or human that was consumed by dark magic?
I think a long, long time ago the centaurs and humans must have had a great war between the Minotaurs, and trapped them in the In-Between place. Time went on and both sides forgot about the war, but the key pieces and the temple remained. This is where things get a little iffy. Something happened that released the Minotaurs into centaurworld, where they were fought back once again. My guess is the mysterious woman was stuck in centaurworld or something and she went to make a deal with the nowhere king, and opened both sides of the portal. The Minotaurs fled through to the human world, but the woman realized her mistake and trapped the nowhere king in the In-Between before fleeing back to centaurworld. So now the humans had to deal with the Minotaurs and the centaurs remained trapped in forced bliss until horse was transported through.
There are still so many un-answered questions but this is my theory for now!
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mandareeboo · 3 years
Prompt Wamma and Horse on a date with Horse having her armor and reigns.
"Did you double check-"
"They're all asleep, Wammawink. Relax." Horse toddled out of the grass with a roll of her eyes. The armor and reins she'd once bore proudly hung awkwardly around her cartoonish body now; the chestplate almost brushed the ground, no longer held up by a muscular stature, while her saddle was just a little too big and wiggly. The reins didn't quite fit into the curve of her muzzle, leading them dangling like too big pants. "Honestly, do we have to do this like this? I feel like an embarrassment."
Wammawink shushed her, rubbing her muzzle soothingly. "Oh, babygirl, never. You just look so handsome in your armor."
"I look better when I fit in them," she tsked, but beamed under her praise. "Back home, Rider would always show off to the village girls by having me walk past them, all shiny and stuff. I got lots of apples."
Wammawink led her over to the river, happily settling in with her front hooves dipped into the cool ripples. Horse loafed down next to her, looking up at the stars with vague interest. "Your village must have been very proud," she hummed, but moved on before the topic became too somber- they both knew how hard it was to talk about home as a place. "I sure hope I can meet this Rider person of yours, Horse. She sounds very nice."
"She's my person, you know?" Horse asked, rhetorical. She'd realized pretty quickly that the centaurs didn't quite understand. "I dunno how the rift will work, but I hope you'll get to see her before I go home."
"Oh, let's not talk about goodbyes tonight." Wammawink leaned on her side, running pudgy pink fingers through her fur. "Sometimes, when I feel sad, I like to imagine that the war is over, and you wouldn't have to fight anymore."
"That'd be... pretty anticlimactic."
"Hmm, maybe. But then you and Rider would want to stay, and find new adventures. And we would all travel together. Can we just... imagine that?"
Horse hesitated. She didn't want to give Wammawink the idea that might be reality. But she also really did like Wammawink, and the herd, and maybe even a little piece of her liked Centaurworld. "I'm not great at imagination games, babygirl."
"That's okay," she said, fingers tightening. "I'm the best at making up happy endings."
She leaned over to nuzzle her chin. It was something she'd done plenty of times with Rider, and even with the awkward angle it garnered a chuckle out of the llamataur. "We'd follow the stars," she added hesitantly, blooming under the full force of Wammawink's smile. "Zulius would probably try to give Rider a makeover. Glendale would steal some more silverware off Durpleton's plate while he played tic-tac-toe with her. And every night we'd share gigglecakes while Tail tried to make Ched laugh for real."
"Ah, what a wonderful ending," Wammawink said, eyes fluttering shut. "Tell it to me again?"
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lovemealiveblog · 3 years
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Me, a bit of a kinky bitch and my thought process throughout this scene;
No way.
I want to state for the record that this is in fact, the best joke anybody has ever put in a thing ever. I feel so dragged every time I remember this was a thing. I can’t believe they got me to kin a bubblegum pink llamataur.
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Anyway because I think it needs more attention and I just binged it, if you are into cartoons I would strongly suggest watching Centaurworld. Reasons why:
- The music is fantastic - the animation is great as well - the plot is a warhorse from a PG castlevania gets isekai’d into a centaur-themed adventure time - and when I say centaur-themed, I mean everything is centaur-themed and it’s kinda great - also the protag is called Horse. Just Horse - her goal is to return to her world because she misses her rider, called Rider - despite the short time Horse and Rider have on screen together, I was invested I really wanted them to reunite and their bond is shown throughout the story - seriously both Horse and Rider adore each other despite Horse not being able to talk in her original world - she is joined by a kleptomaniac with a hammer-space in her stomach, a giraffetaur that looks like the Windows start-up sound is the only thing in his brain, a tsundere bird-man that bigoted against horses, a fabulous zebrataur in love with his own reflection, and a motherly overprotective llamataur who can kickass when pressed and has PTSD - I’m also going to include Waterbaby because I love her - all the weird cartoony stuff is happening in-universe and our protagonist reacts accordingly - GOD THE ANIMATION - GOD THE SONGS - 🎶You’re okay, you’re alright🎶 - the fight animations when Rider is on screen is glorious - the VAs are some real talents and it shows both in the singing and the acting - we will have a song about talking farts, and then a tender reprise of a meaningful song sung to a traumatized war orphan, and then an epic ballad about being terrified of changing so much that the one you love won’t recognize you even after reuniting - seriously the tonal whiplash is intense, but it somehow works? - a lot of subversions of traditional fantasy plot beats? It’s not too obvious, but stuff like the protagonist needing to “prove themself” even when the mystical person holding the key to their goal is clearly in the wrong is given a good middle finger - Wammawink I love you so much - actually I at least like almost all the characters and none of them were really dislikable to me, at least by the end - lots of nightmare fuel wrapped up in a rainbow cotton-candy coating - suicide whale - 🎶I am Comfortable Doug🎶 - the NOWHERE KING god he’s so cool and creepy and his song - lots of reprises that make me feel things - shut up I’m not crying YOU’RE CRYING - 🎶We are all just fragile things🎶 - whatever the fuck the mysterious woman and the Nowhere King have
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Centaurworld Cricket Crew! Au - Chapter  12: Scrunch O' Bunch
Well, after a long and hard time getting Ranboo out of whole, he felt pretty bummed out. He wasnt able to convince the badgertaur, ”aka The Milkman”, like Aimsey had. He hadnt came up with the Festival at the rift like she did. He was terrible at recruiting an army!
“Im bad at centaurworld things, Aimsey. Even if I look like a two burnt marshmellows had a dumb kid and even if i sing i still wouldnt have been able to convince The Milkman or any of the holetaurs.” He confessed to Aimsey, who looked nervous too.
“I’ll admit i’m a bit nervous with something as big as this. Your good at centaurworld things your way Ranboo, dont ever doubt yourself.” Aimsey reassured him as she started pacing to think of ideas for the Festival.
“Maybe bring some of your shaman magic out for it Aimsey?”
“Oh we need fireworks!”
“No, me and Micheal hate fireworks! it makes it very hard to hear!”
“Shut up bee bitch!”
The constant bickering and excitement ended with Billzo and Ranboo yelling jokingly to run at each other, a seemingly harmless game after scrunch o’ Bunch and more reassurance from the llamataur and his partner & son. However, when Ranboo lept with soft claws unsheathed to land on The llamataur, a bright beam of rainbow-clolored light engulfed the two, leaving a frozen billzo.
The winds were crisp with death and destruction. Where had he gone? The taurnado was back and…larger? Ranboo looked to see a much younger, cute looking llamataur just like Billzo reaching out for older llamataurs swept up by the giant taurnado, each stuck in a trance of peace and contentment with their fate as they were dragged further from the boy. Dear god had this been what happened to Billzo in the past?….
Suddenly Ranboo was back to the world he knew, Billzo snapping out of the frozen position he was in. What just happened?
“Boo’s second spell!” Tubbo sang with joy as he hugged the big cat, completely lost and confused.
“You’ve got backstory powers? Bitch that ain’t fair, big man innit should have hotten new magic before you.” Tommy chittered in fake jealousy as he stomped his little raccoon paws on the ground. Ok, Tommy was definitely next.
“No wait Ranboo RANBOO YOU DONT WANNA TORPEDO INTO MY BRAIN!” Tommy hissed as he swiftly dodged a charging Ranboo, who landed right into Freddy’s backstory instead.
A young chocolate labradortaur and raccoontaur were currently running from an angry mob of hermitaurs, angered by their cheating in the hermit wars for the sash. Could you blame Tommy for wanting to steal something that shiny? Mans gotta steal! Now the two were hesding towards a highly secured fortress hiding a 17th century styled city filled eith aristocratic centaursTM. Freddy knew they weren’t the nicest, but at least the could try. He heard the prince, Eret, was not as much of an eccentric fool like the current ruler of the horsetaurs. Big gates crashed open as a guard was trying to keep a feral raccoontaur from mauling his arms off, his gremlin showing through foam and tommyinnit-styled energy.
“Let them in!” A horsetaur with a crown and glasses, dress in all ordered the guards as they were let down then picked up yet again. A small, toddler horsetaur with an orange coat and a fox mask looked eagerly to Tommy, dread filled his bones.
“I guess we can keep them as pets, isn’t that right dear Fundy?” The ruler asked Eret and the smaller horsetaur, Eret giving an unsure look.
“I guess if that means they can stay then.” Eret agreed as Fundy ran to the two and tugged at their fur in excitement.
They didnt last a fucking day there.
After having to constantly carry food for those gluttonous centaursTM, Fundy, being ridiculed, did Freddy mention Fundy?! They decided it was time to go. They couldn’t live in a place like this. Eret, in their goodbyes, promised to change things once he was in charge, hoping to invite them back again. Freddy doubted it. Tommy believed it. Just so long as this sheeptaur named Aimsey could be safer for them both, he was happy.
Ranboo finally returned to give Freddy a big hug for helping pull through rough life with centaursTM. To see Eret almost forget that promise he made was…understandable, as horsetaurs were. Tubbo and Micheal, vibrating with excitement, Ranboo could tell the wasptaur wanted Ranboo to see what he had in store.
Rain pounded against the hive as Tubbo tried getting his newest toy to work. His father was far too busy to pay attention or stray from his work for SCHLATT CORP. Once he saw Tubbo’s new invention, he’d pay better attention!
“Dad! Look at this new thing I made! it sings and comes out of a box and-“
“Shh! Not now Tubbothy!” the hornetaur whisper-yelled from his desk, making a report to the bugtaur company per usual.
If Tubbo wanted to get him to notice, maybe he had to sing?
“Please sir-“ He was met with another shush. No. He has to keep trying.
“Please sir!”
“Tubbo!” Two strikes, not a moment to lose and not a moment to gain. Maybe if he just..
“Please sir!”
“Tubbothy! That is it!” The angered Hornertaur threatened as he took the box in the young wapstaur’s hands and threw it out the hive entrance. NO!
Rain and mud were the only things he could make through the tears as his father gave a disssappointed look, dry and clean up above.
“I will never say anything nice, until you do things the way i want you to.” he muttered before retreating back into the hive, leaving a wailing Tubbo in the mud as he flew far from his old home.
“Leave me alone! Thats my toy that I made, dickhead!” Tubbo yelled at the raccoontaur, eyeing the box with wide-blown pupils. He seemed nice. A lot nicer than his father ever was.
“Geez Tubbo! I didn’t think your dad could be that much of a jerk but yeesh! Also you like inventing stuff?” Ranboo asked, hugging him and Micheal as the wasptaur processed what had happened.
“I’m seasoned in the art with many nukes to go.” Tubbo joked as he cried in Ranboo’s paws.
“So, is everyone ready to start getting this festival on the road, or do we need a little more time?” Aimsey asked The duo, both nodding with the pig minotaur toddler cradled inbetween them.
“Is it too late to want to be the bunch master?” Tommy muttered to Freddy as the two led the herd into a race.
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valkylander · 3 years
Wait, maybe you didn't notice this but,
horses and llamataurs are separate species
Plus, Horse is Wammawink's spiritual daughter and she regularly refers to her as her "baby girl" in a way that is clearly meant to be parental rather than girlfriendy.
Add to that the fact that Wammawink is more than 50 and Horse is in her late teens at the most and has only been sapient for a year...
But despite this, I think the ship is good and we should all enjoy the cute Wammahorse cuddles~
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