#lmao YESS
slicedblackolives · 4 months
This is random but one time you made a post about how eggplant haters should try baingan bharta & I scoffed bc I thought I wouldn’t like eggplant in anything. But I had it recently & it was in fact good 😭😭 still an eggplant hater but I like baingan bharta now
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strictlyoc · 1 year
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@uncxntrxllable asked: ❛Suck my ass.❜ to Cheyenne from Bailey for his tlou verse (I couldn't help myself it's a very Bailey thing to say)
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"That's really how you're gonna treat me after I found a can of Spaghettios?"
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virgothozul · 1 year
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Jsdcbbccbhcb !! Merci !! tant de personnes ont réagi au précédent post en français ahahahah 🤣 c’est incroyable ! je ne m’attendais pas à tant de réactions merci merci ! Thank you everyone for the attention on my last post !!!
This is when Miles drops at the police station like a prince, a whole year later, nonchalant about his hiatus. And Phoenix is most likely losing his 💩 3 feet away.
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ink--theory · 1 year
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forbidden love type of beat
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thegrindragonart · 11 months
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I FINALLY GOT MYSELF TO FINISH THIS. those vines were so daunting but i did it orz
@ayyy-imma-ninja when i read The Vault the next morning i woke up with this image in my head and knew what i had to lol
fantastic writing and i look forward to every update uvu
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rainofthetwilight · 7 months
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repost of a redraw I did of that one nya mural I drew a few months ago! tried to make the design look similar to the old one, but everything else? nope lmao
this was really fun to do tbhh, haven't drawn portraits in a while and this is a good start to try again
here's it compared to the original one btw!
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wild-magic-oops · 9 months
Gale: Occasionally, I miss adventuring. Traversing to forgotten places, exploring history, righting wrongs. Not so much sleeping out in nature though. I do prefer our bed considerably more, I must say. And it's not that I'm not enjoying my life, far from it, let me assure you. But the thrill of adventure is sometimes so alluring.
Durge: Let's go an a short adventure then, just the two of us! To a place few had traveled to, most likely rich in history, probably hiding some rare books and artefacts. And it would be doing everyone a favor in all honesty.
Gale: *successful insight check*
Gale: Sounds suspicious... but alright, I'll bite, what do you have in mind?
Durge: ...Destroying Bhaal cults...
Gale: ...
Gale: That's a bit more intense and murderous than what I had in mind but you know what - alright, let's do it.
Durge: <3
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mercymaker · 4 months
isn't it the adhd moment of all time when you're trying to contribute to the conversation by telling a personal story relating to the topic
but it just comes across as you making everything about yourself
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 9 months
*dresses bro up ask a pretty prince*
Here *gives him salami*
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BRO: What the fuck.
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ratboyhole · 1 year
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omw to poison some girls abusive husband then give her her first orgasm of her life 💖✨️
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eidolons-stuff · 1 year
Xavier: "What the hell is this??"
Yoko: "We are all taking turns in watching over Wednesday"
Bianca: "and you"
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1ts-izzy · 1 year
☆ currency exchange
Almost every kid in Denver knew that you could bribe Vance to do whatever you wanted, as long as you paid him in quarters. Most people saved up money to pay Vance to beat up other kids, but more often then not some favours were different.
Bruce Yamada has had a crush on Vance since sixth grade, when Vance asked to borrow a pencil. At that time he had only been held back once, and was a year older then Bruce. Vance had grinned at Bruce, and from that moment on Bruce had fallen head over heels for Vance.
The raven-haired boy would hang around the Grab'n'Go, watching Vance secretly play pinball.
The idea to ask Vance out on a date came from another girl who also had a crush on Vance. She brought Vance at least $5 in quarters, and asked him to go on a date with her. Fortunately, Vance said no. He asked her to return with more money next time, at least $15 in quarters if she actually wanted Vance to go on a date with her.
Bruce had saved up for months, doing spare jobs such as mowing the lawn or washing dishes for extra cash. He kept every quarter he owned locked away in a piggy bank underneath his bed. Eventually, it seemed like Bruce had enough quarters to successfully bribe Vance to go on a date with him.
Bruce mentally prepared himself for days, trying to think of the perfect way to ask out his long time crush. On the day Bruce had finally gained enough courage to ask Vance out, he grabbed his sackful of quarters and walked down to the Grab'n'Go. Bruce's heart was beating fast, terrified of what could possibly happen. It was the 70's, and people weren't so forward thinking. What if Vance said no? What if he made fun of me? What if he beat me up? What if... Bruce was interrupted from his thoughts as he reached the door of the Grab'n'Go, taking a deep breath before entering the shop.
Bruce spotted the curly haired blonde immediately, as the loud noises of the pinball machine attracted Bruce's attention. Fortunately the shop was mainly empty, which allowed Bruce to feel a little braver in asking out his long time crush.
Hesitantly, Bruce tapped Vance on the shoulder.
"I have some um... some quarters for you to do something for me. If that's okay?" Bruce stated, fiddling with his hands behind his back.
Vance turned around from his game, and grinned at the idea that Bruce Yamada, Denver's golden boy, was asking him for a favour?
"Sure" Vance muttered, trying to mask his excitement with pretend annoyance.
"I have at least $20 in quarters. Would you go on a date with me?" Bruce blurted out, his face flushing in embarassment.
Vance stood there in shock, his brain trying to process what Bruce just said. Bruce Yamada just asked him, Vance Hopper, on a date?
"Oh. Um, sure." Vance commented, hiding the excitement that he was feeling inside. Vance has had a crush on Bruce since the beginning of sixth grade, from the second Bruce introduced himself to the class. The first time Vance ever actually spoke to Bruce was near the end of sixth grade, when Bruce lent him a pencil in third period.
Bruce grinned, showing off his perfect teeth.
"I'll pick you up on Friday at seven?" He asked Vance, still grinning.
Vance nodded, now blushing a deep shade of red.
Bruce walked out the store happily, a new spring in his step. He was going on a date with Vance Hopper!
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strictlyoc · 2 years
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@xwildatheartx​ asked: “Is it hard being such a hunk?” Kat to Matias for reasons 🤣🤣🤣
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      “Sometimes it is,” He smirked. “Must be hard for you too, being as beautiful as you are.”
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panncakes · 6 months
from a novel reader before show, i hope that the show does a better job at explaining sun's backstory and limitations than the book did. while we did get sun's perspective, it was a lot more to do with her direct relationship with ongsa/earth (which like duh its the point of the book) but the only flaws that we learned that sun does is that she is irrational and jealous but its sorta played off in a cute way instead. hell we didn't even know that sun had a brother until the last chapter - i mean he was completely erased from the show that's how insignificant he is. we get this line in the book along the lines of "i also have my flaws" but like we never learn about them. so i'm hoping the show does a better job at emphasizing that cuz now sun is shown as this perfect character which makes sense becuase we are getting ongsa's POV and in her eyes sun is perfect but i just want a deeper dive into her character. comes back to the point that some people were making that sun doesn't feel like a main character in her own show, we don't even know which of her friends is which tbh.
i honestly don't really think sun is a main character on the same level of ongsa tbh (or she hasn't been; pov shift could still happen). she is the main love interest for sure but this is very obviously ongsa's story and i think that's been pretty obvious and i also think that's absolutely fine. often gmmtv is a little better at having one main character and one love interest than balancing two main characters in my opinion (or at least in romcoms).
that being said i do hope very loudly alongside of you we get a bit more of sun's personality once all the pretense drops and as ongsa gets to know sun more and more. we know she is feisty and naive and a little bit stuck in her popular girl bubble so there's some foundation to explore flaws and i really hope we get to.
i think there's a real opportunity to shift into sun's pov once she finds out ongsa is earth and focus on how sun deals with it rather than focus on ongsa (perhaps get a little more insight on why she's so willing to trust a faceless stranger on the internet) so i hope they go down that road! i also hope we get to see her feisty and reckless a little more; focus on the aspects of her character that aren't just sweet and nice
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unluckyprime · 6 days
Hi! I just wanted to say I saw your cicada artwork and honestly it shook something loose in me that I feel may never be put back in place and thank you so much for that.
I wanted to ask for your permission to turn that piece into a cross stitch pattern (just for myself). I think the repetitive motions with this message/image is a fun thing. Totally respect your decision to say no! It is your artwork! I’d share the pattern with you once I had made it though, obvi.
I also can’t guarantee I’ll necessarily capture the exact feeling I get with that image in a cross stitch pattern because of the different mediums and the fact that cross stitch is blocky so it might come out slightly different. That, or I’d have to make it HUGE which is another option. Depends on how well it would translate to squares/minecraft-ification
Again, that piece of art is strikingly profound and beautiful to me personally and I never thought cicadas would do that to me (a person living in the south who appreciates them, but sees them all the time)
Also fun fact: Georgia tech learned cicadas pee in a stream, which is usual for creatures their size! It’s amazing! The video they posted shows it! It’s so weird and wonderful! This truly is the year of me loving cicadas more
hi- this is so sweet THANK YOU!! cicadas mean so much to me so it’s really touching that someone had an emotional reaction to the piece 💛💛💛💛
PLEASE feel free to make it into a cross stitch pattern for yourself- and please show me if you do, I’d really love to see it!!
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Reigen is already trying to think of excuses to pet him
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