#lmao im the first one i love seeing my friends cats tho
elfsyellowflowerzart · 2 months
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hey this is a long shot but ill draw a one character fullbody flat colored cleaned up sketch like the things above for anyone who wants to give me 15,000 treasure in flight rising i need to expand my lair, i can finish the art today 👍
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kiss2012 · 2 months
tsc thoughts under the cut cause i finished
i literally cannot wrap my thoughts around my overall opinion of it i feel like i absolutely need to reread it first
but also i need to reread tfc because I MISS TFC SO BAD ➡️ girl who reread it last may. i do think i spoke tsc into existence by doing this because i hadn’t looked at the trilogy since 2019 and then all of a sudden i decided to reread and found that unfortunately they still make me batshit crazy. what is in those books.
however i do like tfc better 🤷🏽‍♀️ so if i did reread tfc after this and read tsc again i would just want to read tfc again
this is not fair to say at all because tfc is a whole trilogy and this was only book 1. and i rlly need to start saying aftg instead of tfc cause it’s getting confusing because like i do think tsc is better than tfc (the first book). however i just…like aftg better? i feel like it’s more fun which is probably a weird thing to say considering it’s a lot More than tsc is. and obviously this book was more about jean’s recovery. but more happens in aftg. idk we’ll see tho
i do love jean and the trojans but i miss neil and the foxes every page. i feel like it’s harder to connect to the trojans because there r so many of them. and idk sports so the three coaches is probably normal for a team of this size i really wouldn’t know lol but i couldn’t keep the coaches straight in my head either
point is the foxes r my everything 4ever. i love jean jeremy cat and laila and i see what she was trying to do by introducing the floozy line (cute name) however i dont really have a strong feeling about them because we met them for like 5 minutes
i do love nabil tho why is he not part of the floozy line :(((((
i think cat and laila were absolutely perfect. they’re given a lot of depth especially cat and they’re so important to me. they’re better here than in fanon i think but i feel like fanon did get their personalities and relationship down mostly right. apart from cat not just being called alvarez LMAO bless neil only calling her that and fanon having no choice but to do the same because no one agreed on one single name. i remember sara was one that i saw a lot but i like catalina way way better i love cat <3 i love laila <3 their friendship with jeremy <3
an evening breeze rainbows open roads friends 😭😭😭😭😭😭
bi jean is so dear to me
also jean rooming with cat and laila (and then jean) literally perfect omg. no one ever put that in fics but i think it was the best thing to do. sorry for having to compare tsc to fanon im not trying to say one is better than the other at all but what you have to understand is how many fics about jean post tkm are out there and how many of them i read so my mind is going to go there. i wasn’t rlly obsessed with jerejean but i was (and am) a jerejean girl. and i had (have lmao) very high standards for fic so i stand by a lot of those fics WHILE still standing by everything tsc is
by which i mean i cannot get poc jean out of my head thanks to that one fic where he is moroccan. in that same fic jeremy was also spanish and i sort of adopted that into my image of them so i am trying to let go of it but i mean even the hatfords being pakistani still lives in my head despite how unlikely it is. and most of the time i pictured jeremy with golden hair (sometimes curls) so even though i think nora’s compromise being to have naturally brown-haired jeremy bleaching his hair is hilarious and iconic. sort of impossible for me not to picture him with golden hair.
however when jean was all startled and went “blond” when he saw jeremy’s hair. reader i died
english major jeremy is still a gift to me personally
kevin bargaining and arguing for his history major..my baby…the mentions of kevin and kevin’s actual appearances in tsc are everything. the postcards and magnets…kill me
every time neil showed up i lost my mind i love him SO MUCH!!!
see my problem is i wish the foxes showed up more even though it makes no sense for them to. i want kevin jeremy and jean in a room together. i will kill for jean and allison interaction especially if they talk about renee (yes i am holding onto renison still). i want jeremy and cat and matt and dan to hang out. i need laila to meet andrew. i need more renee I LOVE RENEE we did get a good amount of her though i think. she was everything.
genuinely think the way jean and renee was handled here was so perfect. i totally see the merit of it if they end the series together. i also see why jean might end the series without being with anyone romantically. but narratively i cant help but feel jerejean is what makes the most sense. the reason i liked them in the first place is their narrative appeal. and they were genuinely so good in this. so. idk. can’t think about that too much.
i have some problems with the writing like i did with the og series but um the thing is i cannot view these books objectively because they impacted me so much at a young age. i will say i wish tsc could have had a professional editor lol.
i also have some issues with the pacing tho because i did not expect it to end there at all? im so glad she started it where she did but when it ended i was like WAIT WHAT
i have a feeling the reason riko did what he did with the backliners is because he saw jean looking at kevin. could be wrong here but judging from how often jean talks about learning his lesson about looking at guys too long. well.
the main thing for me is that i don’t see how we’re going to get to championships in 2 books if this book only covered till the summer. you could argue exy games arent that important for jean’s story but i do think they are insanely important for jeremy’s story. and if he’s a pov character i want more about him!! that man is keeping his issues locked up (I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THEY R) but we can tell he loves exy and he needs to win his last year
my memory of the extra content is so dim and some of it i have voluntarily chosen to forget or just not consider plus i think some of it will/has changed. but i think i remember reading that trojans win for their last year and i Need that to happen. cause in my head it went: foxes win neil’s first year and trojans win neil’s second year and jeremy’s last year. idc for the rest i want neil to have won championships twice or at least once as captain so that’s what happens in my head.
like i need more about jeremy teaching jean to love exy again and more about jeremy’s apparently complicated family issues with exy???? jeremy let me in.
anywayy. this book feels like a fever dream and im going insane
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adhdduckie · 1 year
jjk headcanons ( as people in a class)
ft. Toge, maki, yuuta, nanami, todo and sukuna.
pt 2 of jjk headcanons ( as people in a class ) pt 1 here
my masterlist here
( should be studying for exams but procrastination so oh well)
Toge we all know hes such a sweet misunderstood boy. We love him tho. He's definitely gonna have either the worst grades you've ever seen or he's gonna be in the deans list ( honours list? depends where ya'll at) we all know how he talks in ingredients, but that's not gonna stop him from having a bunch of friends that hang out around him just for his aura yk. He's gonna be the sweetest boy and he'll remind you of a little cat. His handwriting, it's gonna be so cute. i feel like he has little stars on the Is instead of the usual tittle. he writes small and slightly cramped but it is so easy to read. When writing essays i feel like he'll have so many pages of all these tiny tiny words. I think he's definitely got an affinity for the sciences and maths. I think that there would definitely be many people who would be interested in him romantically, but he's only going to have eyes for one person. ( maybe i'll write a fic abt that ( x reader maybe ) )
Maki Zenin
def a girl boss. so proud and pretty. I think she would be a jock like yuuji but man shes got some of the best grades you'll ever see. she's gonna be really intimidating to everyone when she first introduces herself in class, but that isn't going to stop a bunch of guys from going up to her and being rejected ( lmao at their pain) her handwriting i think, would be like close to calligraphy. She's so extra like megumi but special in her own way, like her z's would be crossed. I think that she would be quite good at drama and acting but her preference would be in musical theatre, and hell she's good at it.
quiet boy reborn. Man, he's gotta be the most awkwardest boy you're ever gonna know, but he's also very shy and kind. Would not hesitate to beat someone up if they've hurt his friend. personally, he would be the one i would like to be friends with. His grades are above average for someone who doesn't spend a lot of time studying, and his friends get so annoyed about that. His handwriting would be cute and childish, but still really neat. I think that his laptop background would be a collection of images of his friends, like him and rika when they were really young, and everyone else is several different locations. When you first see it you instantly know he's a really good friend, and would cherish everyone. Gotta paint his nails. idk but i would want to so badly
he's practically the professor. Super serious, constantly asking questions and getting answers right. His exams results are like in the 99 percentile which is like insane. HE is so consistent with his grades, like damn bro what else you do with life?? He looks so tired and done with life half of the time or he's just sipping on his coffee. I think he drinks two cups of pure expresso in the morning and has a cup of tea for the rest of day, in his fancy little cup. His handwriting, i don't know how to describe it but it's like so extra. Definitely prioritises his handwriting over contents of notes but he does well either way.
you would never see him in class. He's got like some crazy excuses, but i swear you're not even aware he's in your class until you get paired up for something and he's like, "wanna meet up? if you get it wrong Im doing it myself" I think he would be so annoying to work with but like if you're friends with him he would actually be quite helpful. You would have no idea what his handwriting is like. He's never written a thing in his life for school and he's happy about that. He skips out on school a lot to go see the model meets like takada. No clue how he even passed high school if ur in uni together.
bro if i was in school or uni with this man i would instantly drop out. He's a fucking pain in the ass and i hate him sm rn. But i'm sticking to the head-cannon. His grades- probably pretty good, maybe like a genius or something but so irritating. His looks gain the attention of many girls, but his misogynistic and shitty personality pushes a lot of people away. He's a pain to work with for group projects, would totally run off and do the work himself and get everything wrong and blame everyone else for not doing anything when he wouldn't let you help. He's fine, but like not impressed with him. His handwriting would be old and traditional and if you live in japan, he would write in traditional Japanese. and practically no one knows what he's writing.
lemme know if you have any suggestions for anything else i should write! hope ya'll enjoyed, have a nice day/night!
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batemanofficial · 5 months
tagged by @gayassbenaffleck (thanks!!! :3c)
1. are you named after anyone? yes! im named after one of my moms favorite authors
2. when was the last time you cried? uhhhh tbh i don't really remember but probably when i was cramming to finish my thesis film LMAO
3. do you have kids? no human children but i have a very large and very stubborn dog and a very judgmental cat and i love them both very much
4. what sports do you play / have you played? i played every sport under the sun as a kid (soccer, basketball, gymnastics, cheer, fencing) (not all at once tho!!) but didn't really enjoy any of them for very long bc i am a couch potato at heart 👍 i love to take long walks tho so that's how i get my exercise
5. do you use sarcasm? me? no! never! [lying]
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? their sense of style! i really enjoy expressing myself through what i wear (<- girl who is wearing sweatpants and a t shirt i got for free) so i love to see how other people do the same!
7. what’s your eye color? grey! they used to be bluer when i was a kid but now they're kind of greenish grey. i have that yellow/amberish ring around the center which i think is kinda cool
8. scary movies or happy endings? scary movies!!!!! im rly into 70s/early 80s horror atm (david cronenberg my best friend mr. cronenberg)
9. any talents? writing, cooking, drawing, sewing, video editing, haterism
10. where were you born? kentucky! im on a mission to erase that horrible banjo riff that everybody seems to use in films abt kentucky from existence
11. what are your hobbies? i do a lot of crochet, and im getting back into cooking now that im out of school! im in my hashtag bread era :^) i also draw (im rly into écorchés atm) and sew (im making a jumpsuit as we speak! dont tell my boss that i sew on the clock)
12. do you have any pets? see number 3!
13. how tall are you? 5'8" :P
14. favorite subject in school? english and history! i am not a stem girlie by any stretch. i just got my degree in film production tho!!
15. dream job? anything where i get to work on a film set (i do post production/video editing right now and it SUCKSSSS) or anything in a kitchen! i could be a line cook for the rest of my life and be satisfied tbh
tagging: @bat-bestie @brainde4th @keevan @adelidae @sleepingfancies @shelbybunny @elevatortheory
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hyugaruma · 6 months
WOOHOO MATCHUPS!! ok uhh for my personality i would say i'm an extroverted introvert, if that makes any sense? i don't mind hanging out around people, i enjoy hanging out around people i like, but sometimes my social meter can go down reaaaal fast. i don't like socialising that much, but if i need to or want to i can converse pretty well (i guess). im quite blunt, im not afraid to say what i think needs to be said, as i feel that hiding things only leads to more problems. i know when things don't need to be said and when to keep my mouth shut tho. i usually balance out the people i'm hanging out with: if they're all quiet introverts im the talkative social one, if they're all loud and chaotic im the quiet one with common sense. idk why i do it its just easier to balance things out, it comes naturally to me. I'm also usually the protective one of the group, if someone looks at my friends funny i'll be the first one to glare back, or shield my friends from them. heck i'll even pick a fight if i need to, come at me bro. when it comes to standing up for others, all my shyness and social awkwardness goes out of the window lmao. i can also be a bit too sensitive at times, my emotions are quite strong, leading me to cry even though i definitely do not feel the need to 💀. it's humiliating honestly but i just ignore it and act like there's no tears at all. other than that i can usually push my emotions to the side and think logically, the best i can in that situation anyways
for my interests and hobbies, i like gaming and consuming fictional media, mostly manga and anime, although i don't mind other genres as well. my current hyperfixations are high&low (duh) and tokyo revengers, so u can kinda see a theme going on huh... i'm also a huge music enjoyer, i can listen to anything (except for love ballads. idk why i just can't rlly stand listening to them), but my fav genres are pop, kpop, and jpop. I'm also an actor! I'm aiming to get into the entertainment industry in the future, although my parents want me to take a more "solid" degree first just so i'm able to support myself financially (they're not wrong honestly). i think i'm pretty good at acting teehee (i'm rlly good at lying too :P).
there are many things i dislike, so many that i can't even think of any, but i guess the most important ones are discrimination like homophobia/transphobia, sexism, racism, etc. ik it seems like a no brainer, but i absolutely cannot accept a partner who does any of these. it's not that hard to be a decent human being. ive already mentioned most of the things i like up there, but others include cats, plushies, kuromi, food (i LOVE food. small stomach tho), and many more that i again cannot think of.
i hope this is enough info, lowkey feel like ive overshared so apologies for that, i've never done a matchup before 😅 thank you so much!
p.s. i love ur writing, i'm glad there's still writers like you who keep the community alive <3 thank u for all ur hard work! and sorry again for writing so much T-T
tysm for requesting, and also for the kind words :-)) and don’t apologize, more is always better for me to work with!!
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I match you with… Miyauchi “Binzo” Kouzou!
Binzo prefers people who are honest and upfront about their feelings and thoughts, and doesn’t really believe in sugarcoating things, so he would like that in a partner as well. Also, if you ever picked a fight with some asshole in front of Binzo, he’d fall in love with you all over again, like holy crap he would be all heart-eyes emoji over it. Maybe unpopular opinion here, but I see Binzo as being an introverted extrovert type, so I can see the two of you balancing each other out well. Binzo is all for good action plots so he’ll definitely be down to binge some Tokyo Rev with you. Also, this dude eats like a horse (do horses eat a lot? idk), so if you like food he’ll probably take you out to eat, like, all the time.
Alternate Matches: Odajima Yuken, Tettsu
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wednesdaytoo · 5 months
@coffinbutch tagged me for this! 15 questions + 15 friends! (coffinbutch you are so brave for doing all 15 tags. im gonna take the coward's way and ask any mutual to consider themself tagged if they want to do it!)
long under here
1. Are you named after anyone?
yea! im named after my abuela who died waaay before i was born
2. When was the last time you cried?
3 days ago
3. Do you have kids?
nope! i work with kids (teenaged) and they're fine, i enjoy them, but that's plenty of Kid for me -- i don't need to have my own in my home everyday. id love to be a lesbian uncle tho! which i already kno is Not gonna happen from either of my brothers, so my only chance is my wife's younger sister haha (we were just talking abt this yesterday lol)
4. What sports do you play/have played?
hahha i don't think i've ever played a sport like Officially, like outside of PE classes. i like badminton tho, and B and i are trying to learn how to play pickleball (we suck)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
i suppose on occasion i sarcast
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
hair & clothes? face? im a simple guy
7. What's your eye color?
the inner part of my irises are yellowish-brown and the outer edges are grey-blue. ppl dont usually notice it unless theyre quite up close tho. from a few feet away i think they look grey and that's what i'll usually mark for eye color, or blue if that's not an option
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
i could go for either, but i think i lean slightly more toward scary movies, especially bc i love vampire movies so much. like when we watch a dracula movie and u have one of those "the monster is defeated! hooray!" endings, does that count as a happy ending movie?? we root for drac tho so it's a let down!
9. Any talents?
idk im pretty good at whistling !
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
movies, video games, insect/arachnid related things (catching, collecting, pinning, reading abt, etc), sewing/embroidery when the mood strikes me, reading (trying to get back into it at least!), listening to music/discovering new bands, sorting/cataloguing things
12. Do you have any pets?
3 cats (hopey, bullets, and cocoa) + a baby tarantula (avocado) <3
13. How tall are you?
5'6.5" or 168 cm!
14. Favorite subject in school?
in high school my favs were probably trigonometry and ceramics
in college i'd say science (esp entomology, ecology, botany, and astronomy) and foreign languages (i took french, japanese, ASL, and spanish)
15. Dream job?
see one of the above hobbies and then pay me $100/hr to do it :-))
no but fr even tho my current job has its annoyances, it's usually so chill. some days i just text B from work like "here's a bracelet i made today" "made u a candle today" "it was slow and i mostly just read in the library" "i drew a cute poster." two weeks ago we came in for a couple hours to decorate little pouches with custom vinyl designs on our new cricut. the next day we went roller skating lmao. even the actual "work" is enjoyable (i help students w/ their schoolwork, mostly math, which is fun to me, or entering info into forms/spreadsheets, also kind of fun to me bc i can listen to music while i do it). buuut i dont make a lot of money. if they paid me $100/hr and gave me some benefits, i'd be set!
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ceebit · 1 year
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okay let me do my new year post now bc i will most definitely be dragged out to party and then promptly pass out 😭
2022 has been a rough year for me, emotionally and physically. i went through a lot this year, academically, personally, mentally—by far one of the worst years i’ve ever pocketed. without getting into details, i hit my lowest point. and not to sound like that, but through kpop i found hope again. like a temporary crutch of sorts.
i joined kpopblr four months ago on september 19th! this blog hit its 4 month mark on the 19th this month, and while i didn’t openly celebrate that milestone on here, i took the time to sit back and really look on how my life has changed since then.
i’ve made so many good memories. and with those memories, i’ve met so many good people here. people that deserve more than the world for being friendly faces (despite not seeing y’all lmao) during my up and coming days. so i gotta shout y’all out because i wouldn’t be as comfortable in this space without u all.
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@wonwooridul @seungkwan-s : the first official friends i made here. none of this would have been possible without u two !!! i love u both so so much please. 🤍🤍🤍
@hansolz : for giving me an invite to the caratblr server ): we don’t talk as much but never got to express how grateful i was (and still am) for opening that door for me. i really can’t thank u enough <3
@ the caratblr server : ik im the worst at being active in there but i’m so so happy to be there. being exposed to so many talented creators from writers to giffers and all those in between—it’s been so much fun getting to know u all (from the times i remember discord exists, at least 😭)
@minghao-s : rose my kpop lighthouse………. u are literally the reason behind everything here. i think fondly on that two hour boy group introduction a lot. thank u for taking the time to guide me through all of that. and for taking ur time with me ??? my memory is NOT the best and i do be forgetting things, but thank u for pulling and knocking sense into me ^_^ and ultimately being 1/2 mutuals who like to actively plot my k-demise…..
@wuahae : cat beloved </3 i had to mention the reason why there’s a significant sunwoo shaped crater in my skull. u are at fault for my recent lack of sleep and lack of appropriate decorum during the waking hours. (affectionate) jokes aside thank u for tbz infodumping at odd hours of the night and indulging in my relentless questions <333 hope u get ur vampire media one day 🫶🏽
and to rest my beloveds : @txtkids @caratonce/@silvmoonsky @haylo4ever/@dokyeomblr @haylo4ever @huiranghaes @naptimed @otlwoozi @theloserphenomenon @aceofvernons @woosanhui @98linerz @strawberri-uyu (and if you’re not here i’m so sorry 😭) thank you for filling my dash and literally making tumblr worthwhile each time i long on. my experience woukdnt be the same without y’all. love u all to the moon and back <3
to my readers : you are the reason i create!! the reason i find inspiration to continue to write. thank you for the endless tags and asks and reblogs and comments and everything. if i could hug all 800+ of u, i would. squeezing u all with so so so much love thru this screen. <333
and to my anons : thank you for some of the funniest moments i’ve ever seen in my life. you all r the reason the ask function was made. even if you haven’t come off anon, just know that i cherish each and every single ask you’ve sent to me—responded or not. (terribly sorry if i haven’t, tho… sometimes my brain tricks me into thinking i already have 🥲) hopefully some of you gain the courage to reveal yourselves so we can be friends :)
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okay let me wrap this up before i start crying. tmrw starts a whole new year of kpop for me and all of you. here’s to more writings, creations, laughter, and good memories to come.
with love, from (hopefully) your favorite joshua-changbin-sunwoo juyeon-and-now-hongjoong enthusiast,
cece <3
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dazaisdior · 9 months
sharing my selfship info for no reason (yes it’s different from luma (oc) ship info)
scaralumxiao [reminder they both date me, not each other] [cw: mentions of hentai, eating issues]
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we’re all seniors in hs and are always seen with each other. like ppl look at us and are like “do they ever separate?” like no lmao
bc all of us have gone through intense trauma, we find comfort and safety in each other. others might find it annoying with repetitiveness, but we find sm comfort when we tell each other we’ll never leave and we’ll love each other forever.
bc of past relationships, we try our best to not be toxic. like instead of having our issues affect our relationship in a bad way, we share our issues and bond over wanting to work through them together.
scara helps me with schoolwork and catching up bc i get overwhelmed and fall behind a lot.
during our free periods (we have the same ones thank god), we hang out in the wellness center (a place where students can relax during free periods, lunch, or they just need a break. also there’s counselors there to talk if we need to) and mainly chat, play video games, or watch youtube videos.
we hang out after school a lot and we mainly spend the night at xiao’s place bc zhongli doesn’t bother us.
i give love letters to them and they give love letters to me bc they love seeing how flustered i get over them (im so weak for love letters omfg).
forehead kisses>>
during sleepovers, we get high and i force them to watch spongebob conspiracy theories and hentai with me. we laugh and judge hentai together and get no real arousal or pleasure out of it. it’s just something i do for some reason when im high and brought it into the highs i spend with my bfs <33
they listen to my weird and random rants when im high, like they’re genuinely so random but also real at the same time.
they both keep their houses stacked with foods i enjoy so if i come over i always have something to eat (in fact they make sure i eat at least a full snack/meal each time i come over).
zhongli always greets me when i go to xiao’s and even gives me head pats (head pats from father figures>>)
they always act so stubborn when i go over to one of their houses without the other :( but they get over it with a few kisses <33
i always wear their hoodies, sweatshirts, and sweatpants. my friends always know when i wear my bfs clothes vs mine.
they both secretly keep photo albums of me but don’t tell me because im so self-conscious and would tell them to delete them. (i have no place to speak tho bc i have photo albums of them too)
we’re cat parents. i have two cats named ronnie (after my grandfather, i miss him :( ) & rosalina, xiao has a beige cat named tofu (after almond tofu), and scara has one named kuro.
we don’t do this as much now bc ive abandoned my switch (i miss it everyday) but we play mariokart. i main rosalina (for obvious reasons) and toad (first comfort character tbh), xiao mains green shy guy (he went with mario at first and i told him to at least go with someone interesting), and scara mains tanooki mario bc i didn’t talk to him for a whole day when he used cat peach for a race (my jealousy issues are horrible).
both of them kept an endless supply of monster energy before they dated me and when they started dating me and found i loved it sm they shared it with me (they would never share it with anyone else tho).
they each bought me one kuromi plushie (i have too many plushies on my manga shelves).
out of the three of us, only xiao can drive. but we always walk to gas stations & stores. on one weekend, he took us to a cool bookstore a couple hours away from where we live.
scara’s always so jealous when xiao keeps his hand on my thigh when he’s driving.
we slander my toxic ex friends together.
their weakness is when i play with their hair and my weakness is when they call me ‘love’, ‘darling’, & ‘sweetheart’.
we have our own playlist.
i don’t have LED lights in my room (i have a xiao lamp that’s kinda LED but that’s all) but they do, so at night, we turn them on red and blast chase atlantic. next concert near me again we’re going to. (we’re all mad we didn’t go to the first one i went to together)
stoner thruple <33
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kinda the same as luma (oc) & dan heng. both seniors. he helps me with schoolwork a lot. tries to motivate me to go to physics but it’s really difficult being in that class :( especially bc he’s not there.
we’ve had sm sleepovers it’s gotten to a point where i can’t sleep without him. i need him to hold me close and stroke my hair, whispering about all the things he loves about me until i fall asleep.
we share our manga collections with each other (we don’t let ANYONE touch our mangas).
he puts up with watching the deadpool movies with me.
he tucks my hair behind my ears and tells me i look better this way, and i tell him no, give him an annoyed look, and untuck the hair. (the little action flusters me tho)
tea drinker couple
he keeps pipeline punch at his house just for me.
we recommend each other songs.
he watched ‘the vampire diaries’ just for me.
he can drive and i can’t so whenever im going through shit and text him i need him, he always zooms over.
he loves it when i walk around his house in his black shirts and my shorts.
he rubs my shoulders when im stressed.
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err adios
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of-dream-land · 1 year
For this post ... If you haven't been asked yet, Magolor ~
YESSSSS omg this is perfect bc i have a LOT of hcs about magolor
attraction headcanon: i see him as pansexual !! leaning maybe a little more towards guys though
gender headcanon: i think he just doesn't rly care about that. like he says he's a guy out of convenience but i don't think he cares or thinks about that too hard
a ship i have with this character: oh boy. oh MAN. i have quite a few ships with magolor LOL so ill just go through all of them and explain my reasoning behind them i guess?
magoranza: GRAHHHHH.... i love them a lot. i think its my number one ship w him. i like to think that its smth that happens very gradually too. maybe they don't really like each other at first/find the other a little annoying but then eventually they get closer and catch feelings idk.... i like to imagine them as part of the same best friend group (w marx and susie too) so they get to spend more time that way since theyre together more often. also i just think they contrast each other nicely!! like ally who turns out to be an antagonist + antagonist who turns out to be an ally....auauauau
magochilly: THEY'RE VERY CUTE...!! its a little particular tho bc i dont necessarily like/agree w the way it was portrayed in the manga (making magolor this obsessive over chilly is very weird and creepy) but i think the fandom version of magochilly is adorable so im choosing to make my own too. i kinda just see them as magolor being all loud and open abt his love for chilly and chilly just being a little shy abt it but reciprocating when its just the two of them bc hes not used to pda and all... idk!! its very sweet to me
magoroach: so like. this one kind of started as a joke LMAO,,, the little animation scene in the main menu of star allies where daroach steals the lor and magolor runs after him kind of defined their entire relationship to me ngl LOL. like, magolor is a snarky piece of shit but daroach is someone an even BIGGER snarky piece of shit and i think thats smth magolor doesnt expect so he gets riled up p easily by him. i dont rly ship it that seriously tho i mostly see it as like,, smth they just Have eventually but its never that serious
magometa(?)/metalor(?): i dont know the ship name but LMKSDJJSDKL THIS SHIP IS FUNNY TO ME bc i already have a hc that meta knight fucking HATES magolor after the events of krtdl, so their rs to me is basically just the "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" meme. again more of a joke ship that i plan on making very specific fanart of eventually but i dont rly ship it that seriously
thats all for the ships. ahem. back to normal business
a brotp i have with this character: MARX!!!!! i think marx and magolor are best friends but in the way that they can't stand each other. they hate each other but they're always together. they enable each other. they bring out the worst in one another. if one of them died the other probably wouldn't care. they complete each other they start shit together they-- YOU GET ME. i love them. best worsties. worst besties. etc etc. i could talk abt their dynamic all day they mean so much to me
a notp i have with this character: m*rxolor im sorryyy (censoring so it doesnt end up in research tags)... there's nothing wrong w the ship! it's just not my cup of tea bc i see their rs as strictly platonic. also obvious one but him and kirby bc kirby is a child and i hc magolor to be a young adult so.
a random headcanon: i like to imagine that magolor has more cat-like attributes that arent just shown on his appearance. like he probably has a cat tree in the lor that he just uses for fun. he reacts to lasers the same way cats do. he probably purrs idk? if u dangle smth in front of him he'll stop what he's doing to catch it
general opinion of this character: I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHH he might be my current fav character of all times :] he's so fun and cringe (lovingly) and loveable!!! he makes me very happy. i could talk abt him for hours i could draw him for hours i could watch video essays abt him and abt kirby's return to dream land for hours too he is my everything my little meow meow my nyagolor (heart emoji) (heart emoji) (egg emoji) (gear emoji) (cat emo
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femzai · 9 months
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“ you are, by far, the brightest star. ”
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⋮ sigzai hcs as a first post !!
⋮ this was a req by a friend tho!!
⋮ (first time postin on tumblr…)
⋮ i’m halfway thru bsd so.. no spoilers pls!
⋮ i don’t kno shit abt sigma so this will be fun
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
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(as a femzai truther, shes everything to me so… forgive me if i use she/he on him its like reflex!!) dazai definitely jokes/teases with him so much, till sigma gets a bit annoyed and he starts like scoffing going, “ I.. solemnly swear, I will never do such a thing again! ” and then clutching his chest as if shes gonna die while holding onto sigma as a apology LMAO
i’ve seen the clips on tiktok with the dance scene and they are the cutest genuinely.. probably if they were sharing a home together, dazai definitely initiates a dance every time a good song comes on like a radio or speaker :))
i feel like in that little asylum they are in (idfk ouu) dazai makes do with it! flirting casually, touching and holding sigma close.
she’s definitely like the sorta guy to know origami, i feel like theres scraps of paper from the little asylum they are in. 100% making paper crafts for sigma with the stupidest smile on his face.
“Hmm ♪… ! Another flower for you, dear. Do you like it? I think I messed up at a few places .. but does that really matter ? It’s the thought that counts. (╹◡╹)♡”
to mix it up!! to think out of the canon (like the place they r in :3) i feel like dazai doesn’t try to offer sigma to die with her too often, getting a small understanding on how he wants to live still even though dazai himself wishes to die.
playful with the poor fucker, super overdramatic (like i said earlier) (+ super overdramatic with everyone lowkey) but around sigma he definitely tones it down a bit, maybe to not freak him out completely. (i feel like sigma is autistic, staring at him with my big ol’ eyes said it all.)
did you all see how dazai grabbed sigma by his waist? and you know how in number 4 how i said she definitely holds sigma? the waist is his favorite part no questions asked. probably lightly runs her hands around it, then she grabs it casually. a calculated attack and she pretends it wasnt!!!! >_>
hair playing is a thing!! like.. actively!!! twirling a strand or braiding it aimlessly definitely happens.. i swear it does, definitely goes both ways too! it could be a simple touch but it says a lot in terms of love language.
ahh what to do.. what to doo with this silly.. *shakes him violently.*
based off of his wiki (without spoiling myself fr) i can see him being a bit dependent on dazai (most definitely in a relationship of course), wanting to be there constantly. pretending to not worry until he does behind closed doors
being teased or like being joked with makes him a bit confused or angry, he doesn’t take the teasing lightly but he lets it slide for silly dazai
his like confident little act gets tiring at times for the silly goober, (definitely the autism hm..) unmasking around dazai comfortably when able to. probably enjoying the little moments where he can be himself and see how nothing changes with dazai when he is.
guys.. he definitely secretly enjoys the touch of when the little shit grabs him by the waist. he just complains about it because its always sudden i swear.. like he genuinely lets it happen when he can tell it will, however!! he’ll act surprised every time lowkey..
“..Again? You never rest with this, you know.. And you think you’re sneaky too do you..?! whatever.. It’s not like you’ll stop. (・ω・`)”
i love half domesticated half the actual storyline, so im sprinkling one in (thanks to my pookie frederick for this one literally.) “sigma taking cats home except that there's almost 15 of them and dazai feels bad saying no.” are its exact words and its so cutesy…
ive seen that anime clip where dazai literally stopd ontop of sigmas back to fix a outlet and i giggled a bit. dazai definitely unnecessarily be asking to get on sigmas back and poor sigma is like.. “Right… ( ^_^ ;; )” but acts of service is a love language for the silly :3
now that i think about it, sigma goes out of its ways to go do things for dazai. maybe like picking something up or whatever, its definitely something worthy doing to show at least some appreciation and it doesn’t go unnoticed i swear!!
the little things in dazais dont go unnoticed either!! i feel like just by being around each other, sigma has just like automatically catches some cues from dazais expression or mannerisms. something about it that makes him understand a bit.. (probably telling when hes gonna be a freaking idiot and try to kill himself AGAIN LMAO.)
- wa wa authors note!!
⋆ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ — whaddya think?? :3 its genuinely my first time so idk.. and im recent in the fandom so ill def do a intro soon!!
i dont have a set aesthetic yet as i dont use tumblr posting optioms but ill find it out soon :) so thats it… >_>
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particular-one · 1 year
HIIIIHIII Could i request a matchup .....? Enstars, twst and hypmic pls ...!!!
name is kitten or 🐏 emoji! i preferably dont use pronouns but she/her it/its are ok. i have no romantic preference in terms of fictional characters hahaaa.
my mbti is INTP, tho i tend to be the most "extroverted" one if placed in a room with other introverts. im also a 8w9 + virgo if that helps. also AB blood type though i dont see many people who believe in that stuff on here.
uhmmmm my personality. im pretty sociable for an introvert, but can get burnt out super quickly IRL (but i can talk for hours over text). due to the autism i cant express myself IRL but i make up for it a lot through the internet by being uhhh a real character online.
im like a bimbo with autistm and ADHD basically, airheaded cutesy girly, bad at filtering myself so i can definitely be rude/mean asf .. super bad attention span.. always with a friend. i Can like get carried away and get very mean to people im not friends with. overall im very temperamental and ive always been like "pretty girl but comes off rude/fake but shes also the class clown kinda". since humor just comes naturally to me kinda.
hobbies include: arts (drawing, making art dolls, sewing, designing outfits/costumes, fashion, ect). i used to do dancing and track running but had to stop due to health complications (im super low energy and cant be as active as most ppl). I LOVE idols so much too.
What i look in a partnerrr?? Uhh nobody shorted than me (162cm) just cuz i cant see them romantically no matter how hard i try. anything is ok honestly as long as I can talk to them for ages and theyre not too loud/chaotic. overall want someone to be as equally as down bad as i am with them for me (if not more haha)
misc ... uhh my favorite love language is acts of service. i dont have to force myself to do anything i struggle with like putting thoughts into words or trying to act affectionate (tho i do get cuteness aggression). i love recieving words of affirmation lmao i need the reminding that they do love me !!!!.
i lovee cats, BOBA i kind of have an addiction to it. cute stuff cute ppl ect... i dont rlly like public affection (its cringe asf seeing couples act lovey dovey in public Sory Im not doing that).
I WROTE SO MUCH SORRY i didnt even notice Please forgive me. uhh last bit of trivia umm. if i were half-animal id have bunny ears and a tail... or id be a deer. THATS IT OK SORRY.
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hi kitten! rrararararraa a hypmic AND enstars request?? im so excited :> and don't worry about rambling, it gives me a better idea on who i can match you with! hope you like them!
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ shu's first meeting with you was not actually the first time he's seen you. your handiwork with fashion had piqued his interest for the longest time, but he never actually knew that it was you behind those pieces. so imagine his surprise when he finds out that the genius behind the designs was in fact, you! though shu came off as fussy at first, especially since he wanted to get close to you to observe how you perfected your designs, he gradually found himself enjoying your company more and more. when he finds out about your interest in idols, this amuses him greatly, considering he is one. he'd be the last to admit he likes you, but his behavior ends up changing for the better when he's around you. as a partner, shu can be a bit extravagant with the way he shows love, but he always remembers to keep it in private to respect your preference. he's a perfectionist, so he likes to plan out your activities together down to the tiniest detail, but that's because he wants you to have the best time. shu can be rather straightforward with his words as he doesn't beat around the bush — he doesn't have a filter at times either — but everything he says about you, he truly means them. shu likes admiring you while you're busy at work (he says he's doing it because he wants to see how you do things but secretly it's because he likes watching you do something you're passionate about) but there are days where the both of you would be in the same room working on your respective designs together! he asks for your inputs and vice versa, it's usually the most fun he has.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ jamil was not your biggest fan when you first met — if he were being honest, you almost reminded him of kalim, and having another kalim was never good. still, you often get paired in tasks together that he had to get to know you eventually, and was he wrong about not liking you. though it took him quite a while to warm up to the idea of being in your company, he actually found himself looking forward to talking with you. surprise surprise, jamil's definitely the type of "he fell harder" in this situation. as a partner, jamil is most definitely not the publicly affectionate type. though it might seem he's keeping your relationship lowkey, it's mainly because he didn't want people (read: kalim) to make the biggest fuss about it. though he doesn't take you out that often, he's very loving and caring in private. though jamil never enjoyed the idea of serving someone, with you it was different. he'd find himself enjoying to cook your favorite food, help you out in your tasks without a word, and to make you feel as comfortable as possible. character development for him, tbh. when you tell him of your craving for boba, watch this man continuously try and succeed to making boba tea tailored to your preference.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ nemu actually met you through a chance encounter in a mock rap battle during the tdd era as audience members. it was your personality that drew her in, but she was actually surprised by how blunt you were, but if she were being honest, your humor makes her laugh a lot. your relationship means the world to her, especially since she made sure that samatoki didn't interfere as much as possible. she loves her brother, but he can get carried away when it comes to her. nemu's definitely the one who ended up liking you first, but she's unsure on how to express this to you. as a partner, nemu is very, very sweet. she's scared of messing anything up, so she carefully plans everything in advance. when she finds out that you like cats, she actually comes forward with the idea of adopting a cat together with you! it became your bonding activity, with two of nemu's favorites in the entire world: the cat and of course, you. she has your favorite boba order/s memorized and likes to surprise you with getting some. nemu's the encouraging type, so expect a lot of comforting words from her. she's also the type who likes bringing you out to shop, whether it's for your art materials or for clothes, nemu likes hearing your inputs on the items you buy (or consider buying) and takes note of them so she can surprise you with them in the future.
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ambrosykim · 1 year
since im suddenly so intrigued by them: adele and f. 2, 6, 7, 15, 29, 30 for the couples ask!
heehee thank uuu!! i'll give u a lil bonus adele fact: i've only recently discovered she's a lesbian, and also might be, like, wayyy more butch than previously thought (that's why he's trying out he/him pronouns rn) this got really long omg
2. Do they like each other's friends? Do their friends like them?
first of all! adele is besties with morgan (as much as those two can be friendly, they are that with each other) but that's pretty much where the friendliness ends lmao both nat and ava exasperate adele so much; nat is overly nice (and adele sees her as a bit fake lol) and ava is just too controlling, like dude it's no big deal i can smoke inside it's fine 🙄
and i think both nat and ava find her a lot for similar reasons, he's too closed off for nat's liking (even tho farah can def bring her out of her shell) plus! she disregards the rules? that's illegal you can't do that! as for ava, i think she might see adele as competition for leader? (don't tell adele that, it will go to his head lol) bc adele made morgan like her so fast and hes just so chill about most things, ava might be afraid they like him more than her (obv not, but one can never be too anxious!)
6. Do they have pet names for each other? Do they like them?
farah: babe, baby, cupcake, pumpkin and the like lol (look, you *know* that farah has a bunch of pet names for adele, especially using the more outrageous ones in public to try to make her blush (he's very pale so if farah succeeds, adele is literally like a tomato) but unfortunately for farah, adele can control herself 😤)
adele: she uses my love the most often (or just love), but the rare times she says farah's name he pronounces it so carefully that it feels like a love confession in itself (especially if she says it while holding farah's hand and looking into her eyes??? hooo boy)
7. What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
farah: most favourite is how serious adele can get if the occasion calls for it, despite being a very chill person usually. least favourite is how long it takes adele to get ready for bed (10+ steps skincare routine. hour long baths... look she has her routine okay?? his hair does not look like that just on its own!)
adele: most favourite is farah's energy! he could literally listen to her talk all day, and would entertain any of farah's ideas and if she wanted to go somewhere, adele would already be in her car like where do u want me to go
and least favourite... also farah's energy, but socially lmao but for real, adele is like a cat personified, if she didn't have to have social interaction, he would just be vibing by herself all the time. so now that farah is suddenly around her a lot, she is both fascinated and horrified by her energy (and in social situations he just ends up following her around lmaooo so farah just has a 5'11 shadow following her around like 😶
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
adele is always fidgeting with her rings, and ever since they got together, he just fidgets with farah's hands instead? and in turn he lets farah take her rings off and subtly massage her hands and then slowly put the rings back and 🥰🥰🥰 i dont remember what the question was lol sorry this is not it anyways <3
29. Where is their relationship lacking? What could they do to improve it?
maybe communication? i know i've said that adele is pretty straightforward in her feelings but um... not all the time lol he tends to sulk around a bit instead of telling farah if something's up with her :'))
30. Where is their relationship the strongest?
how much they have each others' backs. adele is always down to clown with farah but would 100% murder someone for her, no questions asked (even tho farah could do that herself, idc it's romantic🥰)
the relationship questions for reference
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jrueships · 2 years
hi, what do you think of mj x scottie pippen, release ?
I LOVE mj x scottie, i love the old bulls in general, just like personality wise and how they worked. I love writing them cus of it, but only if they're just chillin or something. i don't need to worry about dates and timeliness n too many perceptions, so i don't really talk abt em that much, but i DO enjoy. That ship is rlly cute and needs more content, my onion!!! I also love them as an ot3 with rodman! Obviously tho i gotta love the bulls SPECIALLY the big 3 cus, Chicago, BUT EVEN IF YOU NOT FROM THERE.. you've heard of them! they were big just in GENERAL! might not have been the originators of all, but they were big enough to highlight the way..
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everyone wonderin why russ is doing so badly on the lakers vs when he was on the wizards don't understand the importance of Girlboss and Malewife.. they never will.. PG and BEAL did! They WERE the malewives to Russell's Girlboss and life was GOOD! unless another girlboss outgirlbosses your girlboss (dame😐.), LUCKILY... that wasn't a problem scottie had to worry about n ESPECIALLY mj. He made that CLEAR! You wanna be Like Mike? GIRLBOSS!!!!! mj is such a scumbag, i enjoy him in a carnal sense. He's also aware he's a scumbag though, which always makes scottie's random beefs with him so funny because Michael just never gives a shit. He DOES give a shit about scottie though, just not about the part of him being a dick. He knows that already. N if he didn't... that'll be concerning
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SO LIKE this is im typin this outside n there's just a bigass fly lookin at me.. i think it's h*mophobic.. anyways tho they show so many good scottie michael moments on the last dance.. MWAH ! But ANYWAYSANYWAYS heres the one out of the MANY times of Michael pickin on burrell.. he's tellin him not to be dogfood as per usual or whatever n burrell is looking at scot all baffled. Like 'is this SERIOUSLY how he shows love??? If so, that's worrying!! You should know, he actually LIKES you!' N scotties trying to sympathize with him like 'it is, but only if you're 'friends' with him. He likes to bully friends because he was never socialized properly as a child and the only way he knows how to entertain himself is being evil. Not with ME though, or RODMAN. He respects us as actual people because we're gay. Don't worry about it' <- the actual dialogue from the encounter, trust me, i got a personal signed copy of the REAL last dance on DVD that i watch in my car (do NOT ask for evidence dude just trust me)
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Scott (bald) is reasonably confused, maybe a little fearful. Maybe he wants to be in the ot3 as well but mj won't let him because there can only be one milkdud head in the poly? He just doesn't know mj's ways, only Pippen does! Only pippen understands!! (Rodman does too but he doesn't actively use that to talk to mj unless he messes up on something. He's kind of like the wild cat you see outside that won't go in your house, won't let you touch it, n is always up to something. If it gets hurt though, it'll show up on your porch first though) BUT ANYWAYS bald Scott will never be able to understand because MJ won't let him! MJ will only let pippen get him, as much as he denies the fact! AND PIPPEN, who gets him, sees that bald scott is being a stinker by VISIBLY plugging his ears trying to get mj even more upset at him LMAO. He's trying to be playful with him n he can be as playful as he wants! Mj's still gonna be as mean as HE wants! Cus they ain't on like that! Never will be, sorry! Spots been reserved <3
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scottie, who KNOWS how mj is, moves his chair up to block bald scot's antics from mj's vision cus he knows that'll just make him madder. I love scottie i love mj i love rodman, they've got such distinct personalities but all gel nonetheless. scottie having so many siblings so he's so supportive n protective n caring n a great listener! He can be very easy in the background n just want things to go well for everything n everyone.. unless he gets done dirty n he processes later that he's been done dirty n reacts wrongly at the too late time. He walked as a mentally ill libra so kd could run!!!
Mj is also, of course, insane. You know the unspoken best friend jokes vs just friend jokes? Where you're meaner to your bestie cus they know it's a joke that hits funnily no matter how harsh it sounds? But with friends you keep it light cus you don't wanna seem too mean to em n scare em off? He uses that methodology but flipped. HE STILL TEASES scottie but.. you can see how much he has a soft spot for the guy 😊😊 and how scottie has a soft spot for mj <3 they get each other!!! EVEN THO scottie has inferiority complexes and mjs an asshole who wants to be known as asshole. They got along when no one thinks they would! They get along when no one thinks they DO!! They themselves don't even know how! Mj the asshole who is only ACTUALLY nice to scottie, and not fake nice during a golf game so he can destroy you with your guard down, being asked what's wrong with scottie rn, what's he talking about, what does mj think about his book, everyone hating scottie because of his out of anger actions, and mj not 'taking it personally' and destroying him..... just being like 'yeah I understand lol whatever' ... scottie having teammates complain to him about mj's tyrannical reign, being asked what's wrong with him, how is mj even human, and scottie just shrugging and saying it's nothing with a smile...
They understand each other on vvvv THIS kind of level
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and i LOVE it!!!! IT IS SO FUNNY TO ME. Rodman also fits into that with the same views. Always being asked his relationship with them, how they view him, him not giving a shit. They got along!!! The old bulls are a favorite because they are literally Guy who needs therapy x Guy who needs therapy x Guy who needs therapy. They're all fucked up insane and they don't care. I love that for them because they love that for each OTHER‼️‼️
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Everyone wants their girlboss and malewife understanding, none can have it unless they are truly FIT for THE TITLE!!! Six rings were won because of 3 gay people. I love these photos lmao scottie always looks so chill, just chillin, and mj is looking terrifying as always your majesty, but is also always making contact with pippen somehow. No matter what. Menacing expressionless ruler of an unstoppable army/crime organization and his elegant, calm second hand !! That he actually values very much and would consider his best friend! The first words in his ear! His babygirl, even!
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Tw old people lol BUT YES they ARE insane they ARE in love and they DO kiss! How? We don't know. They don't know. They just Do
... also bonus ot3 content because they are also poly
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Pippen not wanting dennis on the team originally because he's insane and jordan wanting him on the team because he's insane. Then pippen eventually realizing he likes dennis on the team BECAUSE he is insane. That's their whole relationship. Mj scottie and rodman. Terrorizing the courts AND the therapists!
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They are unhinged, they are dysfunctional, they are in love <3
#i rest my case!!!!#heres jus some of my fav other mj scottie girlboss malewife moments tho#mj pulling scottie away from being mobbed for an interview with a bunch of reporters on their tails#so romantic <3#mj saying scot doesnt have time to talk and scot turning around to talk anyways#hes too polite!!#n mj just pulling him out of there then calling for the rest of the pack LMAO#but he knows reporters ! he has to hes MJ! they were probably gonna be on some bogus questions#scottie didnt need to waste his time on!!#if anyone else except rodman tried what scottie tried on mj (talkin to the reporters when he said not to) he wouldve cussed their asses out#ON camera n smacked em upside the head!!#not scottie tho 😊 scottie just gets a tug. a mighty tug but a tug! he treats HIM nice!#for mj standards...which are low but hes TRYING#theres also when scottie was being interviewed on his injury in a med room i think#n mj is just. There. watching him get worked on drinking a cola n commenting on the interview#pointing out stupid questions so pippen doesnt have to entertain them.. watching how the trainer treats him#i liked that one a lot cus it showed how he could make bald look beautiful via charisma confidence n his care of others (scottie)#also his country was rlly showin out in his accent that time. i need to find the video on utube cus it was my fav vid#mjs girlbossness! scotties malewifeness! rodmans!! ...rodmanness!#the big bulls brought so much to the stage n WON while doing it#their ot3 winning a ring walked so jrue giannis middleton could run!#their alpha beta omega swag influenced jimmys abo enjoyment‼️#their switch4switch4switch swag!!!!!!#i will always note their INSANE greatness and by insane i mean actually. unwell tho.#ted asks#big bulls#ted drabbles#rodman#pippen#mj
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wooahaes · 2 years
i have a friend who did the same, her mum and dad do not like tattoos so she got a very small one in a place they'd never see </3
thank u!!! i want some more :( and thank you so much, love 💝🥺🥺
omg yes 😭😭😭 i just watched that wine party clip and it's genuinely the funniest thing ever, just hoshi going WINE PARTY so confidently has me SCREAMING 😅
i watched a video of him get so offended with a carat when they said he wasn't their bias anymore 😭 i was like MY POOR BABY but honestly his reaction was so funny and cute :(( seen so many clips of him and fans on tiktok and HE'S JUST SUCH A CUTIE 💖 i biased jeonghan first and he's definitely still a big bias for me <///3
my disapproving ppl aren't ppl i live with/see super often, so i think as long as it isn't on like... an obvious part of my body, i should be good? if anything, i can probs get coverup for whenever i'm around them lol but i want like. a lil paopu fruit somewhere on me just bc kh is something deeply important to me. or maybe a lil sunflower? just a small thing that'll make me happy.
hoshi confidently being wrong is the energy i strive to have tbh... hoshi teach me ur ways thank u <3
omg... he can never find out tht i biased him when i was first getting into svt... esp because i left him for hoshi... and technically also woozi and vernon. i feel like one of those might be more forgivable based on how close he and vernon are but dsfkhsdf hes so cute tho!! i adore his reactions to things + he has like... the coziest vibes. i watched his vlive a few months ago when they were quarantining in japan and he had this whole lil moment of making a video message for asahi from treasure and it still warms my heart :( he's SO loving and supportive of other groups. i think he was the one who found out tht trsr was (lovingly, bc they're genuine fans of svt and gose) imitating the group a lil in a live once and started supporting them after he listened to their music. it was the same live he listened to jikjin during and im still like !!! over it. i need a treasure-seventeen interaction within the next year :(
i think for me it was genuinely seungkwan-joshua-vernon? bc i can't just pick one lmao. joshua bc he's the only man in the world who can understand sunday morning, seungkwan bc he's seungkwan who wouldn't love him, and vernon bc idk i just appreciate a lot of his down-to-earth, mature advice on things (like learning to not measure happiness and accept it as it is instead).
then hoshi horanghae'd his way into my heart and woozi went wooahae once and i was like oh NOOO my heart... and also wonwoo and vernon kind of fight for that top spot lmao men who love cats <3 (in all honesty tho: both of them are extremely hardworking people who are passionate about what they do. also they're both incredibly funny in their own ways. i've said it before, but having 3 biases in svt means that the rest of the group are bias wreckers lmao i love all of them a lot)
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libretitamortal · 2 years
Hey, I made that Yuuichi sketch-thing you reblogged.
First off, thank you <333
I made it a while ago cuz it's hard finding Tomodachi Game artwork or fan content (or at least for me lmao) so I decided to make one myself
I feel like Yuuichi would frustrate Light a lot, and that would be seriously an interesting interaction to see! For Yuuichi and him I feel like it would be like 2 cats fighting each other for their pride and fun, rather than L playing a cat to chase the mouse, Light (ik it's more complicated but that's it simplified). And also, I haven't finished the manga yet so I might be wrong, but Yuuichi has the ability to make general "friends" or alliances. Hence him taking all of the punishment for Kokorogi, and forming a bond with Tenji. It's not really friendship, but it's more than Light using and treating people like Takeda as his subjects
Again, haven't read the manga completely so I'm probably wrong. Just Yuuichi doesn't have a god complex while Light does. I think that played a huge part in Kira's demise. But idk who would actually win because of course they both have their flaws
Sorry lmao I just wanted to rant about this to someone :D
Have a great day <3
Hello <333 i really loved your yuuichi sketch i can finally say it directly to the artist aaa <33
I feel you, finding tomodachi game content is really hard without the anime on the air (i wouldn't know tho i entered the fandom like three weeks ago but you get what i mean jsjdj) so we keep the tag alive with asks.
But yeah totally!! They would be like two cats fighting for the best spot in the livingroom with the first rays of sun.
While Light is a great manipulator, Yuuichi is great at reading people...to manipulate them, so any attempt on lights side i feel would go like
Light: i'm going to use him against my enemies without him knowing
Yuuichi: lmao this guy wants to use me against his enemies. I'll play his game and see if he's of any use to me.
I just want to see how yuuichi gets on lights nerves with all the faces he has in his arsenal (insert cat meme). And you're so right, while Light uses people and never gets any further than that, yuuichi worries about his friends (his thoughts at the end of the second game is all i need), but he doesnt trust them anymore poor thing
On the other hand light could just go: damn it! He's using me. He thought i wouldn't notice? Haha loser now try to guess your heart condition in the next 40 seconds.
And so far (in the manga) yuuichi hasn't shown any sing of having a god complex, and its unlikely, hes very grounded in how he sees himself jsjdjd he really says yes im poor yes im a monster but those things are unrelated...kind of.
Anyway thank you for giving me the chance to talk about both of them ^-^. Have a great day too <333
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knoxmares · 2 years
Enjoy reading all this 🤩
Yeah i get it dw , good good talking about the things that hurts you to people who you trust is always better than keeping them to yourself , and im sure you’ll get through whatever just fine 😊
Well yeah as the youngest i do get alot of privileges , being the favorite and most spoiled etc but still I remember even as a kid I always dreamed of having a younger sibling cuse I thought it’d be very cool to take care of em , also my dream has always been to go pick up my younger sibling from school , looking all cool and impressing their friends and it’s still is , just waiting for my nephew to grow up so i can do it! Gon show all them kids how cool i am 😎
Awww your relationship w your sister sounds so adorable , same as me and my older sister im very close to her actually the one im more comfortable w in the family we always hang out together , I’ve spent alot of time w her compared to my brother
And yes as a child we were never really close even as a teenager i remember from age 14-15 she tried to get close to me but I entered my introverted phase and wasn’t really talking to her much but ever since I turned 16 we became much closer , and now we’re always together talking everyday and all
I want a tattoo but have no idea whats the shape i want , once im allowed to get one I’ll see the shape i want
That’s actually quite adorable i like this kind of people , i really liked bees as a child but scared of em now but still adore bees somehow
I don’t understand art but it’s very interesting looking (is that how u say it?)
The vampire teeth ones i just looked em up and ngl pretty sick 😯
Also one last thing , getting the tattoo like does it hurt 🤔
i will gladly read every word love <33
that’s so funny that you’re going to treat your nephew like your pseudo younger sibling bc my sister talks about doing something similar. i crushed her dreams of being a cool aunt tho when i told her i’m never having kids </3
ik your nephew’s friends will be so impressed tho and jealous bc your nephew gets to hang out with someone so cool ;))
it’s totally fine that you don’t know what tattoos you want now. you’d probably change your mind about them anyway. ik i did. some of the tattoos i thought i wanted at 18 i consider lowkey cringe now lmao
bees are adorable ! esp bumblebees ! i adored them as a kid and would honestly get a little jealous if one landed on a friend vs me
i think the pain you feel when getting a tattoo really depends ( 1 ) on your pain tolerance and ( 2 ) where you’re getting it. the tattoos i’ve gotten didn’t really hurt at all. just kinda felt like repetitive lil cat scratches until i got used to the sensation.
but with that being said i got them in low pain areas and personally have a higher pain tolerance. i did have a friend who got the area under their tits tattooed and they said it hurt so bad they had to tap out of the session early. so TL:DR if you’re worried about the pain, just start off with a smaller tattoo on a less sensitive area !
ngl getting your nipples pierced will probably hurt more, so just get that done first so the tattoo seems like nothing !!
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