#lmao jesus this was a nightmare to play
obeymematches · 1 month
MC acting oblivious!
since you're accepting hcs now, how about an mc whos a big tease/bully (aka mammons worst nightmare lol)? im quick to realize when someone has a crush on me and when i like them back i turn into the biggest tease on earth until the other person confesses. im good at acting oblivious so its always "wait, they cant possibly know i like them, right??" poor, poor souls lmao. so im wondering how the brothers+undateables would handle an mc like that! keep up the great work! 💕
Hi, good to see you again !!! <3 
okay i love this so much lets go ! 
Okay so in his case it’s mentioned several times that he is in love with the MC so this ain’t just some crush he’s being teased about but that’s one of the reasons why he loves you so much.  
He is rather guarded emotianlly as his pride isn’t going to let him just fall for anyone. But once he does he is not going to deny it!  
Lucifer is someone who will ask you out on a date without a warning. The only thing you might notice beforehead is that he spends suspiciously lots of his time with you. (by a lot in his case I mean something in between 30 and 60 mins every second day. he’s a busy man) 
Him: My schedule is tight today but I would like to spend time with you, MC, would you care to join me at a confectionary?  MC: sounds like you’re very busy, are you sure about that? 🥺 Him,  slightly offended but still lovingly: Yes, MC. Let me express myself better... would you please have a date with me today? MC: oh....um-
● oh god, oh jesus, oh no
● We all know The Great Mammon has a hard time admitting his feelings out loud, with words, bluntly.
● So the way I see it, the situation is about to be Awkward As Hell.
● Mammon is clearly sweating, butterflies occupying his entire stomach, he fiddles with his nails.
● Him: So MC, I was thinking- I mean I'm thinking- wanna go skating with me tonight?
MC: Oh that's a very romantic idea- but I think friends don't just go skating, you know.
Him: Friends??! I don't wanna be just your friend MC-
You: Then? Then what?
Him: Goddamn I- I just want to be yours- Jesus ya are makin' it so difficult MC, it is not easy as is!!
● ahh the frustrated face he makes through this conversation isn't just a facade. He really is stressing right now.
● Him: MC.... there is something I must tell you. And you only. Please listen and don't tell anyone!
MC: Don't worry Levi, I too hate people who gossip-
Him: No it's not like that. I have a desire in my heart that I must share with you as you are the most special person I ever met and I can only hope you feel the same way for me and- I feel so embarassed but I've been meaning to ask you this- would you be my partner? My player 2?
MC: well if you wanted me to play you could have just said so like you always do-
Levi: What?? Is that what you understood? No MC you don't get it! Ahhh I knew I shouldn't have asked you my chances with you are close to zero-
MC: Wait Levi I'm so sorry-
● You could tell he was acting different these past couple of days. He was texting you more, he offered to spend more time with you- it was obvious he likes you.
● He knocked on your bedroom door and as you liked him just as much as he liked you, of course you let him in.
● I think you acting like you don't know what's going on turns him on? Like he know you ain't stupid. He knows you like him at least a little bit too, otherwise he wouldn't be here talking with you.
● Him: So MC, are you free now?
MC: Well, it depends on how you define "free" I think.
Him: Oh quit it please.
MC: I would if I knew what you were up to right now-
Him: Alright. You are going to make it more complicated, I see. In this case, meet me at 4PM at the common room. Please. I'd like to take you on a date if you're free.
MC: Inside the house? Weird if you ask me-
Him: ...... you are right actually. Let's meet at the park then. Don't be late.
● Again he would absolutely love you acting like you noticed nothing when he couldn't be more clear about what he wants.
● He knows this game though & he is quicker than you are.
● Him, cuddling you: So MC I have been thinking about us....what are we?
● MC: We are.... the best. Me, a human, and you, a demon.
Him: Nooooo, you know that's not what I meant!!!
MC: Well I don't know what you mean Asmo. Aren't we though?
Him: Aren't we what? A human and a demon?? Ahhhhg stop playing with me MC!
● Ohh babe is going to believe you actually don't know what' going on-
● I think he'd find it funny when he realizes you were just acting like such-
Him: MC. I like you.
MC: Okay, I like you too. That's why I'm your friend.
Him: Yes we are friends I know... but to me you are the first person I want to talk to if anything happens, good or bad... you are on my mind all the time, no matter what- I haven't felt like this in my entire life- you are the most special person to me, MC.
MC: Ohhh... I didn't realize-
Him: I only went out with Mammon yesterday because I thought... I was hoping you'd be there to, that you'd join... I just wanted to spend more time with you. But you weren't there. Let's go somewhere together today- I mean, if you want to-
● MC you are about to annoy him to deatg to be fair.
● Depending on his mood he might join you though!!!
Him: So human- I mean MC. Let's hang out today.
MC: We already do.
Him: I meant as a date, stop playing stupid.
MC: I don't like being called stupid. Is this how you are asking me out on a date??
Him: See I knew you knew what I meant!
MC: Why would you ask me on a date though, aren't we just friends?
Him: .....
Him: We could change that- I want to be your one and only.
MC: Well if you are my one and only friend I might get lonely when you're too busy for me though-
Him: Stop it don't say another word. Are you coming today or not? MC? You listening?
MC: you just asked me to shut up-
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grimy-cat · 1 year
Hello! Here is my request! Can you do a Sunny x ghost reader[btw I have seen your Wattpad lol]
oh jesus i cringe everytime i re read it anyway here u go
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Sunny w/ a ghost!reader HCs
TW: Death, ‘Suicide’, Trauma, angst lmao
(Since you mentioned my wattpad, I’ll make it based off the dead reader one..god help me i love angst)
Similar to HellMari, you as a ghost would scare the absolute hell out of him.
(Minus the exaggerations Sunny’s mind would play on him)
He loved you and he killed you.
His sister doesn’t look at him the same anymore. She knows the truth yet she’s quiet about it.
She wants to protect the friend group from having their hearts more broken than they already are, she wants to protect her brother.
Basil is aware too. He treats Sunny like fragile glass like one wrong word, one wrong move, will cause him to shatter into unfixable pieces
He doesn’t want to go outside and face the friend group after what he did, he wants to stay in his fantasy world, where everything is okay.
Where you’re alive, when everyone’s mental state is before you “killed” yourself.
Mari doesn’t let him though, she doesn’t want him to destroy himself from the inside out.
Every night if he’s not in that dreamworld, he’s being plagued by nightmares of you.
Hallucinations follow him around like pests, whenever he looks into the bathroom mirror..
He sees you behind him with a deformed neck and a horrifying look.
So he’s not sure if you’re one of those hallucinations or you’re actually there, standing at the bottom of the stairs.
The fear and guilt that’s he struck with when he looks down at you from the top of the stairs is unbearable. His mind instantly brings him back to when it happened.
The fear almost renders him immobile, almost. He ran back to his room and hid under the covers, trying to get back to his dream world and the hallucination will be gone in the morning.
But it doesn’t go away, because it’s not an hallucination. It’s you.
Not in flesh and blood but with translucent skin, a ghost.
It takes him a while before he can actually approach you at night.
Even then, he can’t look at you in the eye.
The last time he did was when you were swaying in the wind with your feet hovering over the ground.
Eventually you tell him that you’re only here because of unfinished business.
His mind races and he thinks about what you could mean about “unfinished business”.
It’s been four years since Sunny killed you and all of a sudden you show up? Just now?
“Sunny, I’ve seen you suffer for so long because of what you did. Even though you murdered me, I just wanted to let you know that I forgive you.”
“Find the strength to forgive yourself like I’ve forgiven you, and move on with your life. It’ll be difficult, but I believe in you Sunny. You’ll always be my friend.
And with that, you disappeared.
That was your unfinished business.
To comfort Sunny, a selfish boy that had murdered you.
You were always kind and perfect compared to him, a selfish murderer who can’t even look his friends in the eye. Your friends.
But you believe in him. After four years, he finally starts to forgive himself.
He found the strength to forgive himself.
He found the strength to save Basil.
Sunny found the strength to come clean about your death.
Your murder.
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kkyaka · 12 days
Chapter 2: Mending and Breaking
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Summary: Aomine continues to repair his relationship with his son, but after finding out about your relationship with his teammate, his jealousy further strains his relationship with you. Word Count: 8,706 Warnings: aomine is lowkey delusion lmao, oc is aomine's teammate, trip to the fair, slight flirting kinda, aomine is really jealous and petty, angst towards the end, aomine is drinking if i missed anything please lmk!
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When you wake up in the morning, Taj is still sleeping next to you, so you carefully get out of bed, making your way to the bathroom. You go downstairs, immediately spotting Aomine on the couch, and he must hear you because he gets up, walking over to you, looking even worse than he did last night. "I'm not apologizing," you state, having already played this conversation out in your head as you tried to fall asleep.
"I don't expect you to. Matter of fact, you shouldn't," he states. Honestly, you spent a couple of hours laying in bed and replaying what you said to Aomine. You were going back and forth wondering if you were too harsh or if you should've said more. "What should I do?"
Your brows pinch together. "About what?"
"Taj," he answers. "He thinks I don't like him." Maybe your words last night were enough.
You sigh. "Baby steps, okay? If you try to do too much too soon, it'll only make him shy away," you explain. "We can try and go something today since he doesn't have school, and you seem to be off?" You raise the question because it doesn't look like he's dressed to go anywhere basketball related.
"Yeah, we're close to the off-season, and we're out of the finals, so..." He shrugs and you nod in understanding. "He's still sleeping though."
"Well, he'll probably sleep for a little while longer since he was up late last night," you say.
"What was he doing in your room?" Aomine asks softly.
"He said he had a nightmare, but I didn't ask what it was about," you answer, turning your head to the side to yawn. Aomine doesn't respond, and you look at him for a split second, and you can't remember the last time he looked so defeated.
"I saw that you have the kitchen pretty stocked," he speaks up through the silence, and you look in the direction of the kitchen, pointing over your shoulder as you respond.
"Yeah, you had, like, no food," you huff. "So, I bought enough to last us for the week, but I'll have to go again."
"I'll pay you back. I didn't even think about that, I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it, Aomine," you say, waving him off.
"Seriously, how much was it?" He sounds firm, and you run your hand over your neck.
"I can't remember. I think I still have the receipt somewhere." You walk over to where your jacket is, searching through the pockets until you find it. You hand it to him, and he unfolds it, looking for the cost. He walks away, and you watch him go, just standing there as you blow a sigh out through your mouth, puffing your cheeks out.
He comes back with a check in his hand, and you grab it when he hands it to you. Your eyes widen as your jaw drops when you look at it. "I definitely did not spend this much money."
"Well, you did more than you usually do this time, so..." he trails off.
"Yeah, but still," you chuckle. "Jesus, Aomine."
"Seriously, take it. I'm not gonna let you give it back. And I'm technically your boss, so if I say you have to take it, you kinda do." You softly shake your head, smiling against your will before you fold the check, putting it in your bag.
"Well, thank you."
The both of you stay silent as the conversation dies down, and you both look at the stairs when they creak a bit, seeing Taj slowly walking down them. "How'd you sleep?" you ask, walking towards him.
He wraps his arms around you. "Okay," he mumbles. "I had a dream where he fought a dragon."
"Really?" you muse, crouching down to his level, and he softly explains the story, making quiet sounds alongside his storytelling.
"And then we got to keep him in the castle with us!" he quietly concludes.
"That sounded like a really awesome dream!" you whisper. "What do you want for breakfast?" you ask after he nods.
"Okay, I'll get everything ready. Go brush your teeth and wash your face, alright?" He nods, walking back up the stairs, and you smile as you watch him go, standing up, and when you turn to go into the kitchen, you see Aomine with a bitter smile on his face.
"It seems like he can only smile like that with you around," he confesses.
"Well, you can start to make that happen," you sigh, not even bothering with trying to comfort him because he won't benefit from that, and you don't think he wants you to do that. He nods softly, and you touch his shoulder before you walk into the kitchen.
Aomine follows you a little while after, sitting at the island as he watches you get everything out. Taj comes back down the stairs with the stool from the bathroom in his hands, putting it down in front of the counter. "Perfect timing, Taj. I just got everything set up." You kick over the step stool you got for him, and you have him start measuring out the pancake batter. Aomine finds himself sitting back at the island as he watches both of you. You and Taj watched Encanto earlier in the week, and he's been obsessed with the soundtrack ever since, so you have it playing while you fix the pancake batter.
Aomine smiles as he watches you and Taj sing the songs, both of you dancing when you can. Aomine gets lost in watching you and Taj interact, and he wonders if he could've had days like this all along. He thinks about where he would be if he didn't end things the way he did back then. He never got over you, and it can't help but feel like it's fate that he's found you again.
He wonders if he had met you earlier when he found out he was a father if Taj would be like he is now with him. You probably would've knocked some sense into him, and gotten him on the right track, but when he thinks about that, he can only think about how much he relies on you. And he's not sure if that's a good thing.
"Are you eating pancakes, Aomine?" you ask, looking over your shoulder, and you see that he's zoned out. "Aomine." You try again, but he still doesn't hear you. You make sure that Taj isn't going to make a mess before you walk around to where Aomine's sitting. "Aomine," you say softly, putting your hand on his shoulder, and he jumps before he quickly turns his head to look at you. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, just got lost in thought," he sighs.
"I asked you if you're gonna eat some pancakes," you repeat, smiling at him. He nods, returning the smile, and you walk back over to Taj. "You gonna eat eggs, too?" you ask, and Aomine nods his head right after you speak, still with you and not in his own world.
Taj doesn't like eggs even though he loves cracking them open. He abandons the pancake batter after he's done stirring to crack the eggs which you help him with. While he whisks the eggs, you start to heat up the griddle. You keep an eye on Taj to make sure that he's not making a mess.
"Hey, Aomine, can you cut up some fruit for me?"
"Of course." He's quick to stand, and you already have the cutting board and knife out, he just has to get the fruit. You already cleaned them, so the only thing he has to do is cut.
"You can handle that, right?" you tease. He smiles, huffing as he rolls his eyes. Taj has been doing really well with making the eggs, so you just watch him cook, only helping him to dump the scrambled eggs onto a plate when they're done.
"Good job, Taj!" you praise, and he smiles up at you before immediately turning his attention to the pancake batter. You pour out the batter onto the griddle, making sure that Taj is keeping his distance so that he doesn't get burned. When one side is cooked, you stand behind Taj, your arms around him so you can help him flip the pancakes.
You both cheer loudly when he flips them without problems, and you tell Aomine that if he wants anything else to get it out of the fridge. You have Taj put the syrup on the table before getting his plate, and you give it to him when he comes back. You grab the breakfast meat from Aomine, and he frowns at you.
"I'll finish this. Take a plate and go sit." Aomine looks over his shoulder at his son, suddenly feeling really nervous. He turns to look at you when you hand him a plate of food. "Remember, no basketball talk." He doesn't move, and you turn him around before giving him a little push. "You got it, Aomine. Just talk to him."
Aomine picks at the plate before he walks over to the dining table. He sits across from him, and Taj looks nowhere near as happy as he does when he's with you. Aomine clears his throat as he tries to find something to say, and he notices Taj about to cut his pancakes.
"You need any help?" Aomine tries.
Taj doesn't even look up when he answers. "No, I got it." Aomine sighs internally, counting down until you get here. You walk in with cups in each hand, and you set one in front of Taj, giving the other to Aomine.
"Hey, Taj, why don't you tell your dad about what you did at school earlier this week?" you mention, urging Aomine with your eyes before you go back into the kitchen.
"It's nothing really," he whispers before he eats a strawberry.
"I bet it wasn't," Aomine responds. "Lay it on me."
"I read a book that was above my reading level, and it wasn't really hard for me to do."
"That's great, Taj. Was it a chapter book?" The question seems to surprise his son, and if Aomine wasn't looking, he definitely would've missed it because he can see Taj's eyes widen just a little. Taj nods, taking a sip from his cup. "What was it about?" Aomine carefully presses.
"Dragons," he answers, the word coming faster than his previous responses. Aomine wants to mention the dream Taj was telling you about, but not once did he mention him, so he decides against it for fear that it'll erase his progress.
"What do you like about dragons?"
Taj looks down at his plate as he finishes up his pancake like he's thinking of what to say. "How big they are, and how many colors they can be." Aomine nods to show he's listening, and the boy keeps talking. "Some of them breathe fire that's red, and others breathe fire that's blue, and that's hotter than red fire."
Aomine feels so many things at his response, and he nearly slumps in his seat that Taj is actually having a conversation with him right now. You walk in with the bacon and your plate in your hands, your cup being held by your teeth. You raise your eyebrows at Daiki as you set everything down.
"You telling him about the dragons?" you ask as you sit next to Taj, and you look at Aomine, giving him a hopeful look. The conversation goes by a little faster now that you're there, but Taj focuses most of his attention and responses on you. Every now and then, you have him tell Aomine things, and he quickly realizes that he has to have a mediator to talk to his son.
Aomine just decides to listen to you and Taj talk because, at one point, it starts to get too much for him. You seem to notice, but you don't draw any attention to it. When you're all done eating, Taj helps you with loading the dishwasher and washing the stuff that doesn't fit or can't go in it. Watching Taj after hearing what you said only makes him feel even worse, and for a split second he wonders if this is all worth it. He wonders if he's already done too much damage, if he can come back from it. You're giving him hope, but he doesn't know if he can have it in this situation.
You glance at Aomine as Taj talks to you, and he's zoned out again. You can only assume that he's thinking the worst, so you try to think of anything that could get him out of that. "Is there anything you wanna do today, Taj?"
"You're not leaving?" he asks, and you shrug as you shake your head.
"Not if you don't want me to. It's the weekend, so I figured you'd want to do something fun today."
"Can we go to the fair?" he asks suddenly. "I saw it on TV one time!" You have a vague idea of what he's talking about, so you look it up on your phone. It's actually not that far away, and you turn to Aomine, seeing that he's still sitting at the table in his own world.
"Aomine," you call, and he quickly looks at you. "Taj wants to go to the fair. You up to go?" You give him a subtle look, silently telling him that this is chance, and he gets it immediately, nodding his head as he stands.
"Sure. That sounds fun."
"Go ahead and get dressed, okay?" You tell Taj, and he quickly nods, running up the stairs and to his room.
Once you're all dressed, you all get into the car quickly since it's getting colder outside. Taj talks the entire trip there, and you can't help but smile and laugh as you listen to him. You rest your elbow on the console as you turn around to look at him as he talks, and Aomine finds himself smiling as well.
He focuses on you and Taj's conversation because he knows that all he'll think about his how you guys seem like an actual family, and how this is the only thing he's been thinking about the past couple of years.
He tries to tell himself that it's just a fantasy, that there's no guarantee that you'll even be here for the rest of his life, but when he's in situations like this, he can't help it. If you asked him months ago if he thought he would ever be in this situation, he would think you were crazy. He honestly couldn't believe his luck when he finally saw you again after all these years, and he's making it his mission to not fuck this up again.
Taj is bouncing excitedly as Aomine finds somewhere to park. It takes a while since it's the weekend and a bunch of people are here, but when finds one, Taj is already out of the car and waiting for the both of you get out. Taj grabs your hand as you walk toward the entrance, and he's bouncing on his feet the entire time.
You don't really worry about getting wristbands for the rides since Taj isn't tall enough to ride most of them anyway, so you focus mostly on the games that they have there. You can tell Taj is overwhelmed once you walk in, not knowing where to go first. You laugh softly as you guide him in one direction, deciding just to eventually make a full circle back at the entrance. As you walk, he looks at everything, and you continue moving until he finally finds something that he wants to do.
The booth with the skeeball catches his eye, and you let him lead you over to it. Aomine pays for his turn, and Taj says that he wants you to play with him, so you go to pay for your turn, but Aomine is already ahead of you. "You didn't have to do that," you whisper, and he just gives you a shrug as he smiles.
You roll your eyes, your attention quickly diverted to the game since it's starting. Taj struggles at first since he doesn't have enough strength to get any of the big points, and Aomine steps up behind him to help him. He helps throw the balls with enough force that they get into the top holes, and he's laughing the entire time. You glance over to see Aomine smiling as well, and there's a small part of you that's relieved since he hasn't smiled like that in the last couple of days.
You end up winning once the round is over, and you get to pick a prize, but you let Taj pick what he wants. He picks the dragon that's hanging on the side, and he jumps excitedly as the person at the booth hands it to him. He grabs your hand as you all walk away, keeping a tight grip on the plushie.
You play more of the games that Taj wants to play as you walk by, and Aomine pays for your turn every single time. "Aomine," you warn softly.
"Don't worry about it," he discloses, pushing towards the booth so you can play the game. Neither you or Taj do as well with the rest of the games, not winning any prizes, but Taj seems happy enough to just be playing them. You're looking for some more games to play when Aomine suddenly pulls you towards the basketball booth. You roll your eyes, but follow him anyway.
"Which one do you want?" he asks Taj, and there's a big wolf sitting in the corner being the hoops. He happily points to it, and Aomine pays for his turn. You already know Aomine's going to do well, doing tricks as he tosses the ball in, and Taj watches in awe as Aomine runs up the score.
He does so well, that all of you get prizes, and Taj wants all of you to get the same one. You all walk away happily with your matching plushies, and Taj suddenly runs ahead to another booth. He stays in your sight, so you and Aomine slowly walk up to see what he ran over to.
"I want this fish!" he exclaims, pointing to the one he wants.
"Bud, these things are super rigged," Aomine sighs.
"Look at the colors!" he shouts, completely ignoring him, and Aomine shakes his head.
"I'm not good at this," you admit, so Aomine tries at it. He doesn't succeed the first few times, and he sighs heavily before he pays the person again.
"Aomine, you've been at it for fifteen minutes," you tell him. You don't even know how much money he's spent.
"I almost got it," he murmurs, fully focusing on the game.
You don't know how much time passes, and you watch amused as Aomine tries turn after turn. Taj's excitement starts to dissipate the longer you stand there, and right as you're about to call it, Aomine shouts loudly. "You did it!" Taj gasps, and Aomine sighs heavily, letting his head fall.
Your mouth is open in surprise as Aomine hands the fish to Taj, and you've never seen him smile so wide. "You're awesome!" Taj says, hugging Aomine.
He laughs. "You're welcome, Taj."
He softly puts his hand on his head, leading him away from the game, and Taj holds the bag up to his face, smiling widely. "You spent so much money on that game," you note.
"You're telling me," Aomine cries. "But, he's happy, so it was worth it."
You're all starting to get hungry, so you make your way over to the copious amounts of food trucks. You find somewhere to sit, and you both smile as you watch Taj look at the stuff that he's won. You look at Aomine, who's smiling just as wide, and you softly touch his hand.
He looks at you, and you smile when his doesn't fade. "It's good to see you smiling," you tell him quietly.
He moves his hand a bit so he can squeeze yours gently. "Thank you for this." You nod slowly, and Taj soon gets your attention, telling you that he's done eating. There are a couple of kiddie rides further into the fair, so you hold all of the stuff while Aomine rides with Taj. He takes turns with both of you, and both of you take pictures. He sees the carousel next, so Aomine holds the prizes while you and Taj find the one that he wants to ride.
Once it starts, whenever it gets back around to where Aomine is standing, you wave to him, showing Taj where he is. Aomine waves back every time, filming the both of you as he does so. He actually rides it a couple more times before he's finally had his fill, and you decide to ride the ferris wheel as the sun starts to set.
Taj sits with you across from Aomine, and as the cart gets higher, he starts to get a bit more nervous. By the time you get to the top, Taj is huddled next to you, his face in your shoulder. You laugh softly as you move him into your lap, and you quietly try to urge him to look. You're about to reach the top, and Taj finally takes his head out of your chest.
"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, Taj. I promise," you reassure, and he slowly peels himself away from you, leaning over a little to look down.
"We're so high," he whispers, looking at the fairgrounds.
"I know, right?! You can see everything!" you muse, pointing out a bunch of different stuff to him. Aomine's mostly watching the both of you, enjoying the sight in front of him way more than what's outside. Once you to the top, the cart stops moving so that you have a chance to look, and Taj hesitantly slides out of your lap, holding onto your hand as he steps closer to the window.
"God, it's so beautiful," you whisper as you look at the sunset over the fair.
"Yeah, it is," Aomine finds himself mumbling even though he hasn't looked outside since he sat down. He's staring right at you, and thankfully you don't notice, your attention on Taj.
You take pictures, and you all take one together before it starts to go back down. Taj is sitting on your lap again when it starts moving, but you can tell he's a lot less nervous than before. He starts to doze off by the time you reach the bottom, and Aomine picks him up from your lap as you carry all of the prizes.
By the time you're making your way back to the car, Taj is asleep in Aomine's arms, and it's quiet as you walk. Aomine carefully straps him into the car, being cautious so that he doesn't wake him. "Did you have fun?" you ask Aomine as he drives off.
"Yeah," he answers with a nod of his head. "Thank you again for doing this."
"Don't mention it," you say lightly.
"I think Taj had the most fun, though," Aomine comments, and you chuckle softly as you turn to look at Taj.
"Yeah, he'll probably sleep for the rest of the night," you say, smiling at the way he's holding onto the stuffed dragon.
When you get to the house, Aomine carefully picks Taj up, and he stirs a bit before he goes back to sleep, his cheek mashed against Aomine's shoulder. You both take your shoes off before you walk to Taj's room, changing him into his pajamas before you lay him down.
"Goodnight," he whispers, and you rub over his forehead softly, kissing him on the forehead.
"Goodnight, Taj," you whisper back, and Aomine echoes it before you both walk out of the room, softly closing the door.
You sigh heavily when you're out in the hallway, and Aomine follows you to the guest room as you pack your stuff. "You're leaving?"
You cover your mouth as you yawn. "Yeah? You're here, so I don't need to be," you laugh softly.
"You can stay one more night. I don't mind."
You stop packing your stuff, looking at him. "You sure?"
"Of course," he states. "I would hate for you to go home so tired."
At that, you yawn again. "Alright. Thanks, Aomine."
"Sure. Goodnight."
"Night, Aomine."
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"Girl, you're, like, the hot topic of the gossip right now," your friend says, and you frown as you set the phone on the counter, putting it on speaker before you turn the faucet on.
"What are you talking about?" you ask before you start to wash your face.
"I mean the tabloids, they took pictures of you and Aomine at the fair." You're quick to rinse and dry your face, and as you look at your phone, you see a text from here. You click on the message, seeing that she sent you a link to a magazine company. You click on it, and the first thing that comes up is a picture of you, Aomine, and Taj walking with the wolf plushies in your hands.
"I didn't even know they were there," you whisper as you scroll through the article.
"All of our friends keep asking me about it," she laughs, and you roll your eyes as you close it out. Of course, it's the usual, "new love interest?" type deal, and speculating if you're Taj's mom. You don't have the energy to deal with that right now, so you focus on getting dressed.
"Well, tell them that there is nothing to ask about. Nothing is going on between us."
"Well, I expected that. But his son is really cute, though. And you were right, we looks just like him."
"I know, right?" you laugh, sliding your shorts on. "They only difference they have is their personalities," you add, smiling when you hear her laugh.
"So, how is all that going, anyway? With Aomine, I mean," she asks, and you sigh as you fix your shirt in the mirror before walking out of your room.
"Besides it being awkward every time the conversation stops?" you question. "It's not that bad, I guess. It could be worse."
"Has he even apologized for what he did back then?"
"No," you sigh heavily. "And I don't really wanna have that conversation anyway. It's all in the past."
"Alright, if you say so."
You don't respond, figuring out what you want to eat. You look down at your phone to see a text from Aomine, and you roll your eyes when you see it, wondering if you talked him up. You frown a bit when you see that he's inviting you to his game at the end of the week, and your first instinct is to say no.
You tell your friend about it, and of course, she immediately tells you that you should go. You send back a text asking if Taj wants to go, figuring he asked you because Taj said something about it. You raise an eyebrow though when Aomine says that he hasn't even asked him yet. You've never been to a professional basketball game before, and you're not really a fan of watching pro, but you think it'll be a fun experience.
If Taj goes, I'll go
You send the text, locking your phone before setting it on the counter as you look through your fridge for something to eat. You talk to your friend for a couple of more hours, finishing the call shortly after. You see a text from Aomine, and you sigh just a bit. Guess, you're doing to a basketball game.
You honestly forgot how chaotic professional basketball games can be. The second quarter's barely started, and you're already overwhelmed. Since Aomine gave you the tickets, you have to sit right by the court, which you never understood the desire to do that in the first place.
Taj actually seems to be pretty entertained, so you bear with it for his sake. The camera pans to you every now and then, but thankfully, they don't seem to move the camera directly in front of you. You know that people are talking especially since people recognize you with and without Taj. You barely go out with Aomine at that, and people can still point you out.
You hold Taj on your lap as you watch the game, occasionally reacting to something ridiculous that happens like a bad call or one of the players being dramatic. The opposing team calls a timeout, and you focus your attention on Taj, asking him if he wants anything to eat. You've barely gotten the question out when one of the servers walks up to you with some food.
"Oh, we didn't order this," you tell them, but they still hand it to you anyway.
"One of the players bought it for you," they respond before they walk away, and Taj starts to eat as you scoff. The timeout ends, and you make eye contact with Aomine, who winks at you before walking back onto the court. You roll your eyes as you run your tongue over the inside of your lip, trying to hide your smile, but you fail almost instantly.
You make sure Taj doesn't spill anything as you eat, placing everything you and him finish on the empty seat since he's sitting with you.
He cheers whenever Aomine scores, which is pretty often, and they actually have a pretty good lead. When he looks over at you, he waves causes Taj to wave quickly back as he runs back to the other side of the court.
Watching Aomine only makes you think about how you use to watch him in high school, and how he always found your eyes in the bleachers whenever he scored. You always thought he looked the most relaxed on the court, and watching him today, you don't think any different. He still looks just as hot as he did back then, you can obviously see that, and you look at something else as you try to divert your thoughts.
The game is starting to wind down, but the other team came back, so it's getting a little too close for comfort. You find yourself on edge as you watch, and you look down at Taj when he gets your attention. You're obviously not looking at the court, but you suddenly see the ball rolling in your direction as the cheers from the stadium get louder. You can see player running at you, and you look up in time to see Aomine saving the ball just from going out.
You jump as you wrap your arms tight around Taj, but Aomine turns around, stopping himself with his hands on his chair just in time. "You okay?" he smirks, and you push him softly on the chest.
"Go play, Aomine," you order, and he kisses Taj on the forehead quickly, standing straight up, but he doesn't walk away without giving you another look.
"Bye, Dad!" Taj shouts, waving as he leaves, and Aomine looks over his shoulder to smile at him before paying attention to the game. You sigh heavily, starting to feel warm all of a sudden, and you ask Taj if he's okay to try and curb those thoughts you're having. You try your best to not show how much he affected you, but it proves more difficult than you expect. Luckily, Taj starts talking, so your smile can be blamed on whatever he says.
The game ends with Aomine's team winning, and he tells you to meet him outside of the locker room before he disappears. You set Taj down as you stand, and he helps you collect the trash. You walk off the court, finding a trash can near the locker room, and you wait for Aomine to come out. Taj talks excitedly about the game, and you hang onto every word.
They take a while, which was expected since they started to slip up at the beginning of the fourth quarter, and after some time, some of the players finally start to file out into view. Taj bounces on his feet as he waits for Aomine to come out, and he lets go of your hand, sprinting over to him once he sees him. "You were awesome, Dad!"
"Thanks, bud," he says warmly, picking him up. You smile as you watch them, and you jump when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
"Funny seeing you here." You turn around, gasping loudly as you jump into them.
"Chris! Oh, my God!" He hugs you back, picking you up for a split second before setting you down. "I didn't know you could actually play like that," you tease, and you laugh when he shoves you lightly.
"That's because you never came to any of my games," he counters.
"I did! But you didn't even play."
"Way to bruise my ego." You laugh, turning around when Chris' eyes go past you. Aomine's walking up with Taj in his arms, an unreadable look in his eyes. You frown slightly, wondering what's on his mind, but he speaks before you can even think about what it could be.
"You guys know each other?" Aomine asks, and you can hear an edge in his voice as Chris wraps his arm around you.
"Of course. She's the reason I'm here after all."
"Okay, that's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" you question after you roll your eyes, and Chris looks down at you.
"And how is that? You were the one that encouraged me to even consider going pro." You shake your head. "What made you come to this game anyway?" he asks.
"Aomine invited me since Taj wanted to go," you tell him, and Taj wiggles in Aomine's grip, telling him that he wants to get down.
"You were awesome, too, mister!" You laugh as Chris crouches down, holding his hand out to give Taj a fist bump.
"Thanks, little man. But I wasn't as awesome as your dad," he responds, and when you look at Aomine, he isn't smiling like you thought he would be.
"Alright, let's get outta here. I'm beat," Aomine announces softly, and Chris stands up before all of you walk out of the stadium. Taj holds your hand as you walk to the car, and Chris walks alongside of Aomine.
"So, am I only the only one that thinks it's a coincidence that she looks just like Taj's mom?" he asks, which puts a sour taste in Aomine's mouth. "Or does Taj's mom look like her?" he follows up, and Aomine gives him a look that causes Chris to immediately drop it.
You're buckling Taj in when they walk up to Aomine's car, and once you're done you close the door, walking over to the driver's side. "You got any plans tonight?" Chris asks once you come into view, and Aomine's hands ball into fists in his jacket pockets.
"Thankfully, no," you sigh. "I plan to do absolutely nothing tonight."
"Just nothing?" Chris whispers in your ear, and you laugh as you shove him.
"Thanks for inviting, Aomine. It was really fun," you say. "Congrats on the win."
"Thanks for coming," he responds lowly.
Chris throws his arm around you again, and Aomine follows the motion. "See you later, man," Chris says lightly before you start to walk away. You wave to Taj when Aomine opens the door to set his bag in the back. He slams the door with more force than he meant to as he watches the two of you walk away.
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Finding out that you and Chris know each other definitely put Aomine in a bad mood. He tried his best not to show it, but he can't help but glare at his teammate at practice. He has so many questions, but he doesn't think he wants to know the answer to it. He knows that at the end of day, he doesn't have a right to know about your relationships, but that doesn't mean he can't be curious about it.
He can only blame himself though; thinking that there was a chance that you weren't seeing anybody. He was focused on trying to win you back that that became the last thing he thought about. He knows that he can't be mad, but the selfish and jealous part of him is pissed. He wonders your thing with Chris will last as long as you're here, and if it does, does that mean he'll never get the chance to be with you again?
He shakes his head, knowing that dwelling on this isn't good for him. It doesn't seem like you and Chris hang out all of the time, or maybe you just don't mention him that much in front of Aomine. What are the chances that you knew one of his teammates though? In the back of his head, he regrets inviting you to his game.
"Hey, you wanna go pick up Taj while I finish everything up?" The question jumps him out of his thoughts, and he looks at the time on his phone to see that Taj's is about to get out of school.
"Yeah," he sighs, getting off of the couch. He grabs his keys without another word, and he drives to the school, turning up the music from the radio to try and tune out his thoughts. He pulls into the pick-up line, and he smiles when he sees Taj walking down the hill a few minutes later.
"How was school today, Taj?" he asks once he gets into the car, only driving off when he hears the click of the seatbelt.
"It was awesome! y/n brought cupcakes this morning, but I didn't know until my teacher brought them out after lunch!" he explains. "Everyone sung happy birthday to me," he sighs, and Aomine doesn't even think about his inner turmoil as he listens to how happy his son sounds.
"That sounds amazing, Taj. I'm glad you had a good day."
The conversation Aomine overheard between you and Taj has been playing in the back of his head these past couple of months, and when he went to practice the next day, he immediately made it known that he couldn't be at practice or training that day. He made sure that nothing was going to come up; there was no way he was missing his son's birthday this year.
Of course, only thinking about that made him realize how he missed them the previous years, and how he always tried to make it up to Taj in a half-assed way. He kicks himself for that, but he knows now that he won't ever do anything like that again. He gets this weird sense of deja vu as he thinks about that, and his memories quickly take him to when you broke up with him. He's quick to listen to Taj's conversation, not wanting to take that painful path down memory lane.
When he pulls into the driveway, Taj can see that your car is in the driveway, so he's excited to tell you about his day. He runs towards the house as Aomine locks the car, and he waits patiently for Aomine to open the door. You're in the living room as soon as the door opens, and Taj is running towards you, nearly knocking you down.
"Thank you for the cupcakes!" he yells, and you laugh loudly, your head falling back momentarily.
"Of course, Taj. Did you have fun at school today?" He nods quickly, telling you the events of his day at school. You follow him to his room as he speaks, and Aomine waits until Taj is out of sight before walking into the kitchen. The decorations are already set up, and he bought the cake yesterday, which he checks to make sure it's in the fridge.
Taj said that he didn't really want a party this year, but you and Aomine decided to do a small party for him anyway. He hears the doorbell ring, and he walks to the door, frowning as he wonders who it could be. All of the happiness he was feeling is zapped out of the door when he sees who's on the other side.
"What are you doing here?"
"I heard it was Taj's birthday, and y/n invited me," he answers. "Is that okay?"
"Yeah, of course. Sure, come on in," he says, stepping to the side to let him in.
You come down the stairs, smiling widely when you see Chris. You walk over to hug him, and Aomine looks somewhere else in the house. "You made it!" you say softly.
"Of course. I had nothing to do tonight, and who doesn't love parties?" You laugh as the doorbell rings again, and you look past Chris before you walk towards the door. "Oh, that must be Tyson and Kayla."
You were right, your niece and nephew hugging you as soon as you open the door. Your friend and her husband is behind them, and you give them a hug as you let them in. You introduce everyone to each other right as Taj comes down the stairs. His steps slow as he looks at everyone who's in the room.
"Hi, Taj!" Kayla says, and the kids walk over him as he stops.
"What are you guys doing here?" he asks, and you walk over to guide him towards the kitchen. He gasps loudly when he sees all of the dragon decorations all over the kitchen, and you sit him down at the island.
"Happy birthday, Taj!" You all say as Tyson and Kayla sit next to him.
"I know you said you didn't really want a party, but I wanted to have a small one anyway," you tell him before you get the cake, which is also in the shape of a dragon. He looks at it, his eyes shining with happiness as you put the candle on the cake, lighting it shortly after.
You all sing happy birthday, and once you're all finished, he quickly blows out the candle. You all clap before you start to cut the cake, asking Chris to get the ice cream from the freezer. Everyone is having their own conversations as they eat the cake and ice cream, and Chris is standing next to Aomine, and Aomine can't hold his tongue anymore.
"So, what'd you guys end up doing after the game?" he asks quietly, fiddling with a piece of his cake.
"What do you think?" Chris muses, and Aomine can't hide his glare. "We were just catching up," he finishes with a shrug, going back to his cake, and Aomine wishes he didn't ask. He can't help but look at you again as you talk to your friend, and the fear of losing you forever starts to bubble up in his chest. He doesn't think he's ever felt so helpless in his life.
The kids play until the sun starts to go down, and you call them back in since it's getting colder as the sun starts to disappear. The party doesn't last much longer than that, and Tyson and Kayla give Taj one last happy birthday before they make their leave, and Chris stays to help clean up.
"Did you have fun today?" Aomine asks Taj, who looks like he's two seconds from falling asleep on the couch.
"Yeah," he mumbles, and Aomine smiles as he picks him up, taking him to his room. He helps him change into his pajamas before putting him into bed. "What'd you wish for?" Aomine asks him.
"Why not?" he frowns.
"Because you were here for my birthday. That's all I wanted." Aomine can't help but smile, his heart swelling as he softly runs his hand over his forehead.
"Well, I'm glad your wish came true," he says warmly.
Taj gives him a sleepy smile. "Is y/n coming?"
"I'll go get her. Sleep tight, Taj," Aomine says softly. He turns the light out before closing the door, and he makes his way downstairs. He sees you and Chris talking, and you're laughing quietly as he gets into your space, and Aomine tries his best to keep his jealously at bay.
"Taj wants to say goodnight," Aomine interrupts, and you give him a nod before you make your way upstairs.
"So, is she Taj's babysitter?" Chris asks and Aomine just nods. "You think I can steal her away Friday night?" he asks suddenly, and Aomine nearly tells him no. He bites his lip to stop that from coming out. "We don't have anything on Friday, so I thought I'd ask."
"You don't really need to ask me," he responds, forcing out a laugh.
"Alright," he says lightly right as you come down the stairs.
"He's out like a light," you chuckle, pointing over your shoulder. "I'm glad he had fun today. You did good, Aomine," you say, pushing him lightly on the shoulder.
Despite the conversation he just had, he smiles. "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you."
"Of course, you could have." You walk over to the door to grab your stuff. "You need anything from me?" He shakes his head, and Chris opens the door for you.
"Thanks for having me, Aomine."
"Yeah, no problem. Goodnight." You both echo him, and he doesn't close the door right away when you leave, watching you for a little bit longer until he can't take it anymore.
Aomine is surprisingly anxious when Friday comes. He can't stop thinking about it no matter what he tries. He's sitting on the couch, watching an old basketball game when you both come through the door. Taj hugs you once you close the door, knowing that you're going to leave. "See you later, Taj."
He runs to his room, and Aomine stands up, walking over to you before you can even leave. "Hey, um," he starts, and he can't believe he's actually about to do this. "Something just came up tonight," he lies. "My coach suddenly wanted me to meet with him, I don't know why."
"Seriously?" you ask, your body slumping a little, and Aomine tries and fails to ignore the guilt that's rising in him. "Well," you start with a sigh.
Taj comes back downstairs, and he frowns a little when he sees that you're still here. "Looks like you're stuck with me for the night, Taj," you tell him. "Your dad has somewhere to go."
"But what about your date?" he questions suddenly.
"You're going on a date?" he blurts, and you laugh a little as you shake your head.
"Those were not my exact words," you say to Aomine. "But, I'll just have to cancel them," you say to Taj. Taj stands there for a second, looking at the floor.
"How about I hang out with Tyson and Kayla?" he offers. "Can your friend watch me?"
You smile softly. "Really?" He nods quickly. "I can stay here with you, Taj. I don't mind."
"But you've been watching me a lot longer than you usually have. You should go have fun." You laugh at his words even though he does have a point. Since Aomine started having more away games out of the state, you're basically a full-time nanny now.
"Alright. I'll call her and see if she's free." Taj nods as the phone rings, and Aomine doesn't think he's ever felt worse.
His son is more mature about this than he is.
Your friend picks up and you explain the situation to her. Aomine's heart drops when it sounds like your friend can watch Taj, and he knows there's nothing he can say to stop you.
You hang up the phone. "She said she'd be happy to have you." Taj jumps excitedly, and you tell him that you'll be back in a couple of hours to come and get him. Aomine doesn't have any words, and he barely says anything to you as you leave.
Aomine almost wants to say something, anything to try to get you not to go, but he knows that you will catch onto what he's saying. When you walk in though, he's speechless as he takes in what you're wearing.
"T-Taj will be down in a second," Aomine stutters and you nod, looking down at your phone. He can only assume that you're texting Chris as your fingers tap at the screen. "You look amazing."
You smile at him, and he wishes he was the one taking you somewhere. "Thanks. I hadn't had a chance to wear this, so I thought tonight was the perfect time."
Taj comes down the stairs a couple of seconds later with his bag packed, and he walks up to you. "You look so pretty!"
"Thank you!" you gasp with a wide smile. "You ready to go?" He nods quickly, and he gives Aomine a quick goodbye, and Aomine can only silently watch as you both walk out of the door.
Aomine doesn't usually drink, but he didn't know what else to do. His thoughts were loud in his head, and there wasn't anything that could help him tune it out. He's only had half a beer and he's already feeling warm.
It seems like time slows down as he waits for you to get back, and he nearly jumps out of his seat when he hears your car pull into the driveway. He quickly moves the beer into the kitchen, out of sight, and by the time he's sitting back on the couch, you and Taj are walking through the door.
"Did you have fun?" Aomine asks, and Taj nods quickly.
"We played so many games, and their mom cooked us dinner! It was really good!"
Aomine laughs softly despite his heart feeling like it's on the verge of breaking. "That sounds awesome."
"Did you have fun tonight?" Taj asks you.
"I did! Thank you for freeing my night, I really needed it." That only makes Aomine feel even more like shit, and he feels anger start to course through his veins alongside the alcohol.
"You're welcome!" he says proudly as he hugs you. You laugh before he makes his way to his room, and you turn to Aomine once he's out of sight.
"He's probably gonna be up for a while since it's Friday night," you tell him, but Aomine doesn't respond. "Are you okay?"
"You really couldn't watch him tonight?" he suddenly asks, and you bristle at his words.
"Excuse me?"
"You couldn't cancel your plans just for tonight?" You raise your eyebrows as you look at him like he's crazy.
"Would you rather me leave him with some random ass stranger that you don't know?" you counter, keeping your voice down. Aomine goes to say something, but you cut him off with a scoff. "Please, and I mean, please, do not tell me you are upset that I hung with someone tonight that wasn't you."
Aomine freezes as he's caught red-handed, and you huff in disbelief as you shake your head. "Unbelievable." You look at him, and he almost wants to break the eye contact. "You have no fucking right, Aomine. There is nothing wrong with what I'm doing. I am allowed to have relationships that don't involve you."
"I-I know," he tries, and you take a step closer to him.
"Do you?" you press, and he can tell you're pissed.
"I'm sorry," he sighs quietly. "I'm really sorry."
You scoff again as you shake your head, leaving him and making your way to Taj's room. Aomine sits there, realizing what he's done, and he can only figuratively kick himself.
You spend some time with Taj before you finally call it a night, and you make no move to say anything to him or even look his way as you make your way out of the house.
And the only thing that Aomine feels is guilt and shame.
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kunaigirl · 6 months
Story time!
As I'm sitting here enjoying some potato chips (since my sense of taste is slowly coming back from COVID) I was very suddenly hit with a super specific childhood memory I forgot I had.
When I was a kid (I think I was 8 at the time?) I was eating some of these same kind of chips after attending my church's Sunday school class. I was a pretty religious kid, but especially after Sunday school when discussions about Jesus were super fresh on my mind.
So I'm eating these chips and playing on my gameboy advance at the same time, and I was so engrossed in my older sister's copy of Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland that I set the bag on side table, totally not noticing it was barely balanced on the edge. 3 seconds later it obviously falls and spills chips all over!
I paused the game and sat for a second, totally bewildered about how it could've fallen/spilled when I JUST set it down. Was there a breeze I didn't notice? Was it a ghost? A true mystery. And then it hit me.
Jesus must've wanted some chips! I remember clearly thinking that it made perfect sense. Jesus used his amazing God Powers™ to take some! I said out loud "DUDE you could've just asked! I would've shared some with you! They're my favorite flavor!" and then I cleaned up and carried on playing Kirby like nothing happened.
...And now here I am, 28 years old and recovering from COVID, eating the same flavor of chips, suddenly struck with a vivid memory of a time back in 2003 when I fully believed Jesus Christ stole potato chips from me and made a mess that I had to sweep up.
TLDR; When I was 8 years old I was convinced that Christ Himself came down into my living room and stole my chips, and after cleaning up the mess He made I casually carried on like it was just any other Sunday LMAO
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 11 months
~incorrect quotes cuz idk what I’m doing with my life lmao~
Mass: I hate you with every inch of my body.
NY: Pfft- that’s not a lot of inches.
NY: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute f*ckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges
Florida: My ultimate goal is to punch God in the eye, just to spite him one last time.
Georgia: Oh, fiddlesticks. 

Texas: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let's watch the f*cking language.
Texas: Truth or dare? 

Loui: Truth. 

Texas: How many hours have you slept this week? 


Loui: Dare. 

Texas: Go to sleep. 

Loui: I don't like this game.
Gov: You remind me of the ocean. 

NY: Because I'm deep and mysterious? 

Gov: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
Gov: Why would you think any of this was a good idea? 

Loui: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. 


Loui: You literally bought me. I don’t know how you keep forgetting this-
Mass: I'm not funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking.
NY: *playing Stray*
~a lil while later~
B-12: *is f*ckin’ dead*
~a lil while later*~
Cat: *does the slow blink before leaving the place where B-12 died*
NY: *jaw drops slightly as tears run down his face* What the f*ck man?! I-is this h-how it ends?!
*credits pop up*
Loui: Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
Delaware: Why do you fuss over them like they’re three year olds? 

Connecticut, exasperated: WHY?!? 

Connecticut points at Mass: HE TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR! 

Connecticut points at NY: HE NEARLY JUMPED 20 FEET OFF A CARPARK! 


Delaware: Ok ok calm down I was just asking-
California: Hey, can you do me a favor? 

NY: Sorry, I have to go do literally anything other than this. 

California: You don’t even have a legitimate reason? 

NY: Oh, no, I do. 

California: Well, what is it? 

NY: You see, I simply don’t give a f*ck.
Florida: Wasn't icarly that guy that girlbossed too close to the sun because he was down for Apollo? 

Mass: ICARUS?!
Loui: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- 

Gov: A doll. 

NY: A cinnamon roll. 

Florida: A sweetheart. 


Loui: *blushing like an anime girl* ...stop it-
(HUGE cuss warning ⚠️)
Mass: Hey, Yorkie? 

NY, playing a video game with the squad: What? 

Mass: Can I share something with you from earlier today? 

NY: Wh- what is it, Mass? 

Mass: Well, I sent you a text early in the morning. 

NY: Mhm. 

Mass: Because I have to go out of town for a weekend this month. And, so I was like- I won't give specific dates, but I was like, I don’t need this kid panicking again cuz he has no idea where tf I went.

NY: Yeah? 

Mass: Your response. 

NY: *trying not to crack up* 

Mass: At 9:30 in the morning. 

Mass: "motherf**king Jesse Eisenberg jesus Christ motherf**king Facebook movie jesus can you believe this sh*t" 

NY: *laughing* 

Mass: No- no- no punctuation. Random capitalization. 

NY: You just made me dieeee hehehehehe... 

Mass: So I respond, "I have no idea what we're talking about right now." 

Mass: 45 minutes pass. I get a text from you. 

Mass: "goddamn created Facebook and frickin’ lawyers and sh*t right f**king winklevoss twins goddamn rowing the boat f**k yo sh*t i cant even f**king believe this sh*t have you seen this sh*t f**k I just watched this sh*t f**k Jesse eisenberg man" 

NY: *wheezing with laughter* 

Mass: I respond "York, you're scaring me." An hour passes- 

Mass: You respond, "motherf**king spiderman Spiderman you put in the time f**k put in the time motherf**king built stuff with his bare hands friggin’ best friend sh*t jesse eisenberg" 

Mass: "im very tired" 

NY: *struggling to breathe* 

Mass: And- and I'm just like, "No- no worries, kid, I'll- I'll do most of the talking at the meeting today-" 

Mass: IMMEDIATE, like, response, like I'm talking 5 seconds later, 

Mass: "no man ill just talk all day crap man you have to be so interested in the sh*t I have to say about the Facebook movie f**k dude I just watched it a year and a half ago f**k Jesse Eisenberg man he f**ked over Spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins rowing Trent Resin or did the soundtrack f**k this guy who invented Facebook I don't like dying I can't think of who the heck invented Facebook All I can think is who played the guy who invented Facebook who the hell invented Facebook" 

Mass: And then, in all capital letters, two hours later, 

NY: *falling over with laughter* 

NY: *is a squeaky giggly wreck on the ground now*
Mass: Why do you hang out with me? 

Loui: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me! 

Mass: … 

Mass: I feel a bit sorry for you.
NY: What’s up? I’m back. 

California: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead. You got shot three times and stabbed 5 times. 

NY: Death is a social construct.
Georgia: Can we go to a haunted house? 

Loui: What’s wrong with the one we live in? 

Georgia: Wh-what? 

Loui: Goodnight, Father.
Loui, holding a knife: You know you’re talking a lot of sh*t for someone who has 2 perfectly good eyeballs each cost about $16,000 on the blackmarket. 

Alabama: *I’ve never heard silence quite this loud*

Loui: *smirk* That’s what I thought. *gets up and walks away twirling the knife like the bada$$ b*tch he is*
Alabama: *gulp*
Texas: Woooo buddy- I know your life just flashed before your eyes huh?
Alabama: Y-yea….
Gov: What did you two do? 



Gov: You’re not in trouble, I just need to know if I have to lie to the police again or not.
Loui: You can de-escalate literally any situation by asking ‘are we about to kiss?’ 

Loui: Doesn't work with getting out of speeding tickets, though.
NY, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it- 

Kentucky, whispering: Should we call the exorcist? 

Loui, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick. 

Georgia, appalled: Call the exorcist.
NY: Mass is off at an appointment, so while he’s gone, I’m going to cut the sleeves off all of my shirts. 

NJ: Why? 

NY: He’s like 90% of my impulse control.
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junk-thrillz · 7 months
I wanna hear you talk more about Cody because he makes me insane.
Anon, I would LOVE to talk about Cody. He makes me insane too, he's been one of my favorite pnat characters since I first got into the comic (he was my ultimate favorite until Violet shoved him out of that spot a few months later). Putting all of this under a Read More because it got to be a LOT
It's hard to say what his initial appeal for me was. I think I mostly loved his whole theme of masks and actors and mysteries! The school store scene and its surrounding scenes was my favorite part of pnat basically from the moment I first saw it, and I was DELIGHTED to find out that all of these background characters had insane, hidden depth to them. Cody was especially delightful because him being a dhampir is a crazier fucking reveal than even the school store's existence itself, and once that was revealed it was like a layer of his character had been peeled away. Suddenly his status as the nice, responsible boy was turned on its head, revealing an underlying personality that's a million times more jaded and hurt than was ever previously comprehensible and FUCK it was just so!! Good!! I don't think it was ever about him being a monster, I think it was about the reveal and the intrigue.
I've always loved digging into his character. Before Chapter 8, Chapter 5 was the majority of what we had to go off of for his characterization, and what was in Chapter 5 was already a goddamn goldmine of information. There's a reason why Chapter 5 is my favorite pnat chapter (though my favorite page in the whole comic is in Chaper 4 lmao)!
In the centuries-old past of late 2020, your local weirdo Junk was incapable of separating Cody and Violet from each other in aus, analyses, headcanons, etc. They used to be tied for my favorite character, and it was because I was (and still am) fascinated by their dynamic, the way their respective complexes and insecurities and emotional walls cause problems for them... their argument in Chapter 5 was my favorite scene-within-a-scene for a very long time. All this to say that there's a reason I keep bringing up Violet in a post about Cody; it's still really hard for me to consider one without the other. I love the way they're both protectors (knighthood theming goes crazy in this comic), and I love the way they differ so fundamentally in why they're protectors and how they approach that sense of protectiveness. I love the way Cody jumps to revenge during the Hijeff situation, and I love the way Violet counters that with appalled confusion.
God, can we talk about the revenge thing? The way Cody behaves is fascinating. He's very clearly picked up certain behaviors from his dad, but he thinks that makes him some sort of evil rather than understanding that everyone is a product of their environment. Compared to his dad he's just so... fundamentally kind, with his heart in the right place, but he can't see that because he's 12 years old, in a horrible situation with a horrible parent, and a complicated social situation at school and and-
I'm really glad that he has nice things he can cling to. I can't imagine the nightmare it must be to live in that house. He's got fun clothes he can wear at home on the weekend, he gets to go over to Jeff's house, and those might seem like small victories but they are still victories. I really hope he gets out of there soon. Jesus Christ
Oh oh oh, let's talk about fancontent! I'm going to talk about my own stuff, because there are a lot of very old ideas that will probably never see the light of day otherwise. In the post I'm assuming you came from, anon, I mentioned how I'd mischaracterized my way into the right characterization, and by that I mean both my earliest and most recent interpretations of him really played up his cutesy, smiley demeanor. Very anime girl esque vibe, very over exaggerated movements, very 'actor in a play' type energy. I would often come up with au's that would shove him into some sort of magical girl role, often paired with a healthy amount of body horror for the tonal dissonance. It was, of course, also an excuse to put him in cute, fun outfits. To this day I struggle to draw him in normal outfits that don't make him look like the leader of a magical girl. (If you want a funtastic magical girl au that was actually made for me, check out astralibrary's AU over here.) One of my favorite au's I've ever made was one in which Cody was a magical warrior from another world who fell through a portal and ended up in an ordinary, spirit-free Mayview, where he then had to rely on Violet to get him through the day normal-guy-style. Looking back it's one of my favorite au's in part BECAUSE it involves so many shenanigans revolving around Cody trying to be normal and failing miserably. I believe it to be accurate to canon LMAO
I have so much more I could say about him but I think I've hit the point where I can't put my thoughts into words. To wrap it up, here's a compilation of my favorite Cody panels and bits of official art;
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^Chapter 8 Page 44!!
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^Chapter 5 Page 44!!
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^Chapter 5 Page 58!! I love the way the blur makes his ear look pointy!! You can even see his fangs, a bit!!
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^Chapter 5 Page 57!! I love Zack's expressions for him so much
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^Chapter 5 Page 165!! "So embarassing", he says, as if he isn't VERY invested
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^Chapter 5 Page 167!! Top ten panels that permanently altered my brain chemistry
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^Chapter 5 Page 283!! This panel made me nauseous the first time I saw it. Kill your dad, Cody
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^Chapter 1 Page 33!! A classic. I love his Chapter 1 look a lot. I love how he's climbing on his chair/desk
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^I have an emotional attachment to his old cast page photo.
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^CHAPTER 5 PAGE 48. This panel inspired the tiger spectral cody au (not my au, if you haven't heard of it before), and thus made me insane
I think I might have hit the image limit. I got carried away. Here are the honorable mention pages
Anyways. Thank you, anon, for giving me an excuse to go absolutely insane about Cody. I did NOT know this post was going to get THIS long, but once I started it was like I couldn't stop LMAO. I hope you enjoy this thought dump, feel free to send in more asks if you want to ask about something specific/want more lovingly crafted Cody content. If I ever manage to upload a fic to Ao3 with Cody in it, it'll be dedicated to you in the author's notes or something LMAO
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bladesmitten · 5 months
oh yeah on the dorian slavery thing im just like. for one bioware rlly had an explicitly indian coded man get schooled on racism and classism by white brit elf characters and dai and dragon age in general is such a fucking mess ideologically that im just. Eugh. dear god. and for two im. Astarion. just the entirety of astarion. his whole thing the "the only problem with what cazador did is that he did it to me" and what he was Before he got turned and put in the torment nexus for 200 years etc im just like. yeah at least dorian ends up trying to do political reform i guess and doesn't Openly Advocate for the party getting slaves of their own so just. yeah. at least there's that. man video games are a nightmare now that i think of it jesus christ
FHEJDNDDJDK bioware... man. that sure is something to put in your game! and yeah when you put it that way, astarion is worse. the guy who has explicit prejudice against the gur and gnomes. and it's often played out as a Quirky Character Trait instead of getting to call him out on it and him unlearning that prejudice 💀
fantasy racism done like this is just so............. unnecessary. lmao!
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xamaxenta · 1 year
so my coworker spilled some soda concentrate and uh. well,
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Viscera Cleanup Detail moment
but yeah that. looks like a murder.
also I had to clean it up and it was so fuckin viscous, it took ages LMAO
Jesus you just unlocked a memory for me playing that game was a fucking nightmare for my brain
Where is that one intestine piece? WE JUST DO NOT KNOW
And the bastards squished behind the darkest fucking plant pot on the goddamn map like bro wh how am i supposed to know its there ???????? Hated the entired experience LMAO theres alot of games i wish i refunded within 24 hrs ARK SURVIVAL GO FUCK YOURSELF 65 USD IM NEVER GETTING BACK FRM YOUR BROKEN ASS
How the fuck did they spill that im trying to process that i know accidents happen and you guys are legit on your feet your entire shifts which barbaric and messed up but bro… (i say this but ive never worked in food so idk what the bag looks like maybe it was opened wrong?)
But why did you have to clean it up ? Its their mess unless youre a team player like me (derogatory im sorry) and just wanna be helpful and stuff
Rip your shoes tho youre never getting that shit out between the crevices
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Hi :3 I was wondering if you had watch the new episode of helluva boss any thoughts or at least any thoughts/thots for Chaz or Crimson.
My procrastination is so bad I literally waited until like today to actually watch the new episode
I keep mentally tossing around what kind of special powers Reader could have that would make them like idk more interesting since all sinners are unkillable and I kind of keep circling back to "well if they're in limbo maybe they're not beholden to 'the rules' and can travel the rings' besides whatever other special powers they may have". Maybe Reader can be helpful in killing Hellborns since they have respawn mechanics and the other IMP members dont?
In terms of Crimson I actually think his behavior is going to be a lot like Val is going to be tbh, except with Val I think, unless you're a business associate or rival/enemy, that he wins you over emotionally or waits until he has something on you before he shows his darker side, since the Overlord is also a drug dealing mafioso of the Pride ring (also what's the deal with like shark people being criminals? Is Mammon a shark or something aquatic too? And when's gender daddy Asmodeus coming back, him n Val can pass me like a blunt 😩❤️). It's kind of stereotypical Mafia shit, everyone has ranking, loyalty is everything, obey orders unflinchingly, don't you dare talk back. Like I'm literally watching Crimson grab Moxxie's face and my stoned ass is sitting here like "sigh but Val grabbing Reader like that as he threatens them to 'fix their face before he fixes it for them' because theyre scowling and glaring at him while they serve him drinks and he forces them to smile 🥰" like big scary men got me acting unwise
I for one think it would be very funny if the Chaz introduction happened and in some alternate universe he's winking to Moxxie and Millie and just *finger guns at Reader* "and don't think I'm gonna forget about YOU either ;)" as Reader just visibly changes colors with embarrassment while IMP all turns to look at them, Reader flustered all "It was ONE TIME, I was really drunk, and--"
Like his stupid ass "sexually charged musical ballad" actually made me laugh like he could've maybe actually got me with that shit 💀like did you listen to the credits where they play the rest of the song. Laughing my ass off in my bedroom at 5am because the song suddenly ends with him saying all sing song "im finished" (cumming). and then Blitz says later in the episode that he's absolutely horrible in bed... lmao... can you imagine getting drunk and putting out for this man and then he wakes up and you're gone, note behind all "thanks for the fun time kthanksbye" meanwhile he's blowing up your phone, basically crushing on you, wanting something much more than just a really awkward one-off bang. I can only imagine what would happen to Reader if they were working for Val and someone very forward like Chaz or another ex shows up and the Overlord is getting jealous af because they're just being very openly flirtatious with you, maybe even brazenly mentioning some of the things you guys did together/in bed (also jesus the apples and oranges NIGHTMARE of having either Val OR Blitz know what you like in bed 💀 the teasing. The merciless fucking teasing. They would both clown on your ass so hard. You're just trying to have a glass of water in the IMP break room and in comes Blitz "wow you're really guzzling that, just like Chaz said you really liked giving h-" *insert not so playful strangling of your employer*)
Poor Reader constantly surrounded by demons hellbent (lol) on humiliating you and watching you get embarrassed because it's just so fun to watch you squirm until you're practically ready to cry 😩👌
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
@archangelsammy is right they would cancel you for samifer but also I think twitter'd cancel you for off-color trans hcs too (aka for having good opinions <3)
Which, ftr, is stupid and I very much enjoy them. Archangels + complicated relationships with gender my beloved
Reason #436 I have never gone on Twitter: my gender thoughts r too powerful.
Also yes yes yes archangels and complicated relationships with gender, my much beloved! I was actually thinking about that this morning, plus apartmentverse thoughts, leading to me realizing like. I have, in separate fics, talked about Adam and Nick being trans, and there is literally no one who could stop me from carrying that detail into apartmentverse in order to examine just how it would be to exist as a creature with no sense of gender (or to have one that cannot be translated to any sort of human-adjacent concept) but to have a body that was, at one point, kept by someone to whom it mattered very much how they presented.
In my head, the easiest word to apply to all of the archangels is agender (or, maybe less to Gabriel, who does have experience with human gender and has fun with how he can play with it, but that doesn’t mean he’s all in on human gender, more that he’s figured out how to translate his internal experience into ‘ha ha skirt go swish!’) Sorry, Gabriel tangent.
Anyway, what I’m saying is, agender is the right word because from a human perspective, they don’t experience gender. But they are living in a world that is soo concerned with gender at all times, and there’s a sliding scale of what things they might want to change about their presentation and how the world looking in affects them. I’m thinking like. Raphael getting irritated with the insistence on gendering them as female, not because they’re bothered by that specifically, but by being gendered at all. Would not be less irritating for them to be seen as a guy in their Donnie vessel, you know? Which is alienating in a world where they are already a stranger due to Not Being Human!
Whereas Michael has these memories of Adam’s where being perceived femininely hurt, it was upsetting and Adam made efforts to prevent it, and yet Michael does not carry that same pain when he is seen as a woman. If anything, it would probably bother him more to be infantilized with terms like ‘young lady’ and such, because he is literally the oldest person in any given room. Or bother him most if he’s out with his siblings and gets referred to by someone at a store or something as a sister because his role as the oldest brother is sooo firmly tied to his identity, but it’s in such a weird way where brother has ceased to be a gendered term? If that makes any sense. Like the experience here is that Michael is being misgendered. Technically. But his internal experience can’t really work it out that way because he doesn’t exist like that, but ‘sister’ just Is Not What He Is. it’s complicated! It’s. You know. A system doesn’t care about how you identify, only how it can perceive you, and because Adam died and got brought back at nineteen and lived in the early aughts, it’s not likely he got access to hormones or anything until he was basically an adult, so his body gets gendered female more often than male. Would Michael choose to continue that? Out of respect for Adam’s wishes or for himself? Because the thing is Michael isn’t even! A Guy! He’s just Michael. His gender is Brother. His gender is Son. (oh the evil alternative of him being seen as like. Gabriel’s younger sister. Is him getting seen as Nick!Lucifer’s daughter. Absolutely nightmare scenario for him. He will cease to function for hours.) So, maybe he would want to go back on T. Maybe not. I haven’t really worked that out yet for my fic lmao.
Okay, okay, Jesus Christ, I rambled a lot here, but point is: Archangel gender is weird. Having to live in a gendered system is even more weird.
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brokenhardies · 2 years
Foolsuke AU Prologue
This is more of a test as I am writing Chapter One currently!
word count: 2512
@darth-caillic​ @sterling-writes​ @ryutabas​ @reirvival​ @arrthurpendragon​ @foxesandmagic​​ (want to be added or removed? send an ask or a dm!)
also including @inkwell1013​ @thebigpapilio​ and @mushroomfusion245​ (sorry for bothering yall with this lmao)
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The casino was abuzz with activity. Patrons gambling their life away in the space-age-style building quickly turned to one another, murmuring in fear for their safety and lives. Hunchbacked guards wandered the locale, posted in various areas as if to block the hallways from whoever was invading the casino. Suddenly, the doors violently opened, as a collection of police officers entered the building to witness the chaos. A man in front of the officers, dressed in a suit, placed a walkie-talkie to his ear.
“We have entered the casino. The whole floor is panicked, but there are no signs of any Phantom Thieves. We’ll scour the perimeter for them.” 
However, the Phantom Thieves they were searching for would appear soon enough, as they didn’t notice an individual perched outside the stained glass window above them. A tall, lanky, teenager, who almost appeared underfed aside from some lean muscle. They had long, dark blue hair tied into a braid that dangled by the side of their ear, and steely grey eyes hidden by a white fox mask, decorated with red lining and accents. The mask covered the upper half of their face, stopping just above their nose. Their outfit was quite sleek – a dark blue jumpsuit beneath a lighter blue kimono style jacket, a red and white obi linked to a similar coloured fox-tail decoration that dangled down their back. They had on deep red gloves and white heeled boots, that made them look quite clearly like a ‘thief’, as mentioned prior. 
They had managed to commandeer a floating platform, which they were perched on currently, holding their body to make it appear smaller and almost nonexistent. They looked into the casino, a slight smile across their features. Alright, here goes.
Suddenly, much to the surprise of the officers below, the teenager jumped through the window, snagging a cord onto one of the chandeliers on the roof and swinging over the patrons below, as some screamed in horror as the manifestation of their worst nightmare appeared before them. They swung upwards, holding the chandelier as they waited for the officers to chase their silhouette. 
“Good!” A young, feminine-sounding voice exclaimed in their ear, “Now start running!”
And so they did, jumping from chandelier to chandelier as another voice began to comment on the action before – more masculine, somewhat rough. 
“Jesus Christ, Fox,” He growled, “You wanna draw more attention to yourself?”
“It isn’t my fault that you have no semblance of aesthetics, Roger.” The teenager - Fox - muttered, causing the other voice - Roger - to scoff.
“Dude, you could’ve gotten us spotted!” He exclaimed, “I’ve been getting some weird readings, it’s too risky to do that sorta shit!”
“I think the window plan was an excellent idea,” Another soft feminine voice, more mature than the first one, chimed in, “After all, they wouldn’t think to chase us up here.”
“We’ll talk about semantics later, Panther-senpai,” The first voice began, “For now, we just need to move on!”
Fox grinned in response, continuing to jump across the chandeliers and finding a spot to run across the lobby lights. Turning corner to corner, they quickly noticed that they were being followed. Their eyes widened as they sped up.
“They’re catching up.” They said, their voice surprisingly calm. “Should I deal with them now or focus on running?”
“I’d suggest finishing them off,” Another young male voice, somewhat smarmy or arrogant, but with an obviously friendly tone, “We’ll retrieve the briefcase on our end, you just need to play distraction.”
“I thought that was our job, Ace?”  A dry, masculine voice commented, causing the smarmy teen - Ace, apparently - to scoff in response. Another voice cut in, a feminine one, somewhat gruff but almost in more of a tough, leader-style tone, like a top detective sergeant in a police procedural.
“Alright, Ace, Raven, cut it out.” Fox could almost hear the eye roll from this team member, “I see a balcony a few steps away, just jump down.”
Fox nodded and did as they were told, flipping over the balcony and landing, proudly, on their feet. That’s when they looked up and noticed that the guards that had been chasing them settled into hunched-over, monstrous forms. They had snarling grimaces on their face. It was clear these weren’t ordinary police officers or security guards. No, these were Shadows. 
“Shit!” Roger exclaimed, “Shadows! They’re pretty weak, but it’s still an effin’ chore.”
“Not to worry Roger, I can handle them.” Fox smirked, “I’ll give you the signal if I need support.” 
As they said this, the men in suits arched back, dissolving with a sickening crunch into red and black goop. The goop then merged into one, finally congealing into a terrifying-looking corpse, dressed in a red cloak, holding a puppet in its left hand. To anyone else, this would be terrifying. However, Fox wasn’t exactly ‘anyone else’. Without much of an announcement, they grabbed their mask by the side, causing a pair of bat wings to start to form. Then, with a sudden pull, a demonic figure appeared behind them. 
The figure was tall, almost tengu-like in appearance. It also seemed to be made of fire, fire swirling around it to form skin and hair as bright yellow eyes glowed through the deep red-to-blue gradient flames. Its legs were sharp and somewhat curved, almost knife-like in appearance. It was monstrous. And this teenager could control it with ease. They grinned, snapping their fingers and bringing the demon to attention, pointing towards the corpse-like creature as suddenly, it erupted in flames. This didn’t get rid of it, but it did cause it to stumble, and considering it had a healthy burn on its body, it would likely get more hurt if it tried anything. It also attempted to throw an attack at Fox, but they dodged, it, continuing their assault.
“Alright, everyone!” Roger exclaimed, “Head to positions! Route B is the way to go!”
With one shot from Fox’s assault rifle, the creature vanished into nothing. They placed the rifle into the holster on their back and began to sprint, looking behind them. The guards had caught up. Quickly taking a sharp left, they exited into the backrooms, looking around the area to try to find another route. It was clear that escape route one had been compromised. Fox grumbled something under their breath, but quickly looked up. There was a grapple point. They swung around, snapping the cord to the grapple point and flipping upwards, jumping to the top of a collection of shelves in one swift movement. 
“Roger,” A polite, feminine voice began, “Are you still getting those strange readings?”
“Hang on, I didn’t get a chance to check…” Roger grumbled, before suddenly, he gasped, “Thanks for reminding me Blanc. Fox! There’s someone close to your coordinates, I’m not sure if it’s another Shadow or what?!” 
Well, that seemed quite stressful. Fox quickly darted around a corner, finding a stairwell that they travelled upwards… And quickly saw that Shadows had followed them. Their eyes widened. This wasn’t how the plan was supposed to go, considering they’d discovered an escape route with the rest of their team, and it seemed to work fine. Obviously, crashing through the window was a bad decision. But they couldn’t help it. They swallowed, taking a couple of steps back as they grabbed their mask - preparing to summon their Persona again - while hearing Roger’s increasingly loud cries getting louder and more panicked. 
“Shit, the reading’s getting closer!”
However, before the panic could settle in, Fox noticed a figure entering from a door on the other side of the room. A young-looking teenage boy, with messy black hair and bright, cerulean eyes. He wore a black gymnastics-style leotard, a yellow bandana around his neck and a deep blue cropped jacket that covered his arms. Much like Fox, he had a mask – only his was a black domino mask. On his feet were a pair of slouched, brown boots, and he was holding a scimitar threateningly towards the shadows. The shadows quickly turned, looking at the strange interloper who entered the room, before he suddenly swung around, doing a cartwheel before firing at one of the shadows with a slingshot. The pellet hit the shadow between the eyes, forcing it to dissolve. Another shadow ran towards the boy, but he swiped the scimitar upwards, slicing the creature down the middle. 
He turned to face Fox. “I figured since you’ve helped me out so many times, I’d return the favour.” 
He smiled, marching towards Fox, as the shadows dissolved behind him, settling into the forms of a strangely hairless bird adorned in gold jewellery and a pair of humanoid cheetahs wearing red capes and wielding dual swords. A shadow guard behind him attempted to run at him, but he kicked off the creature’s chest, throwing his scimitar in the air and catching it with ease as he hit the floor, catlike and graceful, as the shadow disintegrated without much effort.
“We’ll do this together!” 
That’s when he summoned his Persona – a barrel-chested individual, tall with broad shoulders and lithe legs, holding a rapier in one hand and its head concealed by a helmet. It appeared almost superheroic, a long black cape that fluttered in the wind that seemed to form when it was summoned. Next to Fox’s own, it seemed much larger, but its magic was delicate, as the two leopards found out when they were knocked down in a blaze of light. As for the bird – one shot from the boy’s slingshot felled it. He turned to face Fox.
“Should we do it?”
To which Fox nodded, causing the pair to dive in and defeat the creatures with the might of their combined abilities. They all dissolved into nothing, their personas vanishing back into their mask. 
“Thank you for the assist.”
The boy rubbed his hand behind his neck. “It was nothin’!” He grinned, his voice a smug purr, “You seemed surprisingly helpless there… Like how I was.” He leapt up onto a crate, looking back at Fox. “Hey! I know I’m not part of this team, so I shouldn’t get involved, but… Don’t forget our promise, okay?”
“I won’t.” Fox stated, waving at the boy as he vanished into the darkness. There was an awkward pause as the remaining members of the team struggled to comprehend what they just saw.
“Jeez,” A young woman’s voice commented, sounding somewhat nasally, “Didn’t know Inari had that many friends.”
“Look, that doesn’t matter now,” Roger continued, “We have to save our own skin!” 
There was still time to escape, as Fox darted up the stairs and around a corner, dodging multiple shadow guards who seemed to appear out of thin air. Good thing they were good at hiding, something they had managed to hone in spite of only being a Phantom Thief for a short while. That’s when they saw the exit, marked with a large sign. They paused, even if this may have been a trap, the slightest hesitation could result in them all being captured. So, in spite of themselves, they raced through the door and exited onto a balcony area, running across the top of the balcony. And that was when they heard it…
The sound of sirens and helicopter blades above them. Oh no. They continued to run, but they were taken off guard by the sudden sounds, and suddenly - tripped over thin air, tumbling over the balcony and falling to the floor. They heard Roger scream their codename, but it was the last thing they heard before the signal cut out. Officers surrounded them, as they looked up in surprise. Now, pinned down, one removed their mask, revealing the teenager beneath the disguise. The officer smirked.
“Tough luck kid,” He stated, “You’ve been sold out.”
Fox groaned, bowing their head. If they knew it was going to come to this, they probably shouldn’t have tried. 
It was a few hours later that SIU prosecutor Kunizaku Okumura entered the interrogation room, and what he found there wasn’t what he had been expecting. A young person dressed in a Shujin Academy uniform, hair tied in a dangling side braid and silver grey eyes filled with scorn and anger. To be fair, he was expecting the leader of the Phantom Thieves… Not what amounted to a teenager. They had bruises covering their face, and they looked like they’d been through hell. 
“I didn’t expect it to be you.” He commented, causing the individual - Yusuke Kitagawa - to look up, their teeth grit in pain.
“Life is full of surprises.” 
Okumura sighed. “Now’s not the time for witty comments.” He sat in front of the supposed leader of the Phantom Thieves, “You’ve been through quite an ordeal, I can tell. Anything can happen in here, and I can’t do anything about it.”
Okumura paused, looking down at the floor to see a syringe filled with white liquid. His eyes widened. The officers here doped the kid, then beat them up. His stomach dropped as the individual before him turned to face the syringe. 
“Oh, that?” They began, “According to them it’s a ‘truth serum’. Makes me more ‘willing’ to tell you what happened. I think it’s a placebo effect, but, if that is the case, I still have been given an entire cocktail of drugs on top of that.”
Bastards… There was no time to dwell. “You will be answering my questions for the rest of this,” He continued, “We don’t have much time, so answer my questions quickly and honestly. Now tell me… What was your objective? Why did you cause such a major incident? It didn’t seem feasible as a simple ‘prank’, but there wasn’t a chance to assemble this case for prosecution.”
Yusuke coughed. “We weren’t completely untouchable, Okumura-san.”
“Yes, but did you honestly expect people to believe this ‘other world’ exists through just reading reports?” Okumura stated, “You seem quite coherent, so I’ll make this quick. When and where did you discover this other world? How is it possible to change one’s heart? I need your full account; start from the beginning.” 
There was a pause, brief enough to be noticeable. Yusuke looked down at their fingers, rapping against the table. It was hard to think, their head was swimming. Must be the drugs. Or just exhaustion. That’s when a blue butterfly entered their field of vision;
“You are held captive,” A voice began in the back of their head, “A prisoner of fate to a future that has been sealed in advance. This is truly an unjust game… Your chances of winning are almost none. But if my voice is reaching you, there may yet be a possibility open to you. I beg you, please overcome this game… And save the world. The key to victory lies within the memories of your bonds - the truth that you and your friends grasped. It all began that day, when the game started a year and a half ago…”
With the butterfly urging them, Yusuke paused, taking a small breath in. 
“It began April 11th…” 
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filmnoiress · 1 year
top 5 reasons Ben Hawkins is gay GO
let's goooo
his entire life he's had this secret which he's ashamed of and is terrified of anyone finding out about, when his religious mother found out she was disgusted by him and called him a freak like the narrative of ben's powers double so well for a hidden sexuality
2. similar to that even his powers connecting to the weather-in black blizzard in the scene where he keeps denying who he is to lodz in a dialogue with lines like this:
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the dust storm keeps raging, blotting all the colour out, and it's only when ben accepts who he is for just a moment that the storm stops and he steps "out" (of a house that resembles the one he lived in with his mother) to see
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this bright colourful world outside. and the storm resumes immediately when he starts backtracking. like this does just work as a general metaphor for accepting who you are but do you see what i mean. also the person who keeps trying to get ben to accept who he is is lodz, an older man who claims to have experience with the supernatural (or gay in this metaphor lol) and really wants to share this experience with ben
3. sorry i have to say this but the way every older dude character is obsessed with him lmao. lodz justin john carrol lynch the maskmaker like what was the reason. he's like if the way people talked about tommy shelby on here was actually canon. the scene between ben and stroud literally plays out like a proposition. the whole subplot where ben keeps trying to avoid sleep and lodz keeps waiting for it so he can "share" in ben's dreams...ok nightmare on elm street
4. his alleged love interest is sofie played by clea duvall who has never played a straight character in her life. tiny baby comphet bearding if i've ever seen it
5. jesus allegory. you can't do the messianic archetype and be straight
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Nah I didn't meet the kid and I never will, cause I really dislike his mother, she's a bitch and messed with my friends 🔪 that's why I said she's a weirdoooo. I haven't spoken to her in ages, I just see her around. Also they live in fucking , I'm not going there.
I thought the final would be a total disaster, but thankfully shit picked up! Argentina deserved it though, can't deny it. Honestly grown up footballers acting like kids will never not be funny and embarrassing lmaoooo. I get Mbappe's frustration tbh, his teammates did nothing to help him, I would be pissed as well, but come on don't be a little bitch about it... okay but every time I think of PSG I can't believe they have Mbappe, Ramos, Messi, Neymar...and they're still pretty mid 😬 seeing Ramos with Messi and Neymar doesn't sit right with me ngl I feel betrayed 😭😭😭😭
Yeah Neymar is good when he's good, but his acting skills....☠ MAN GET UP! Since I'm a Madridista I saw it ALL from Neymar when he was in Barca and 🤡 I was just reminded of this situation, proof even Seonghwa isn't perfect thankfully I have Jongho
Do you remember them playing footie? Sanhwa sucked so bad <3 also The way I didn't know this happened?!
Ofc the final is in FUCKING LA, I bet Ateez will play during the match or some shit lmao. Bring a huge ass Ateez flag, Seonghwa's pc is a must too!
Yep MOTH is too long, unless you're really into to the political aspects, which I like to a certain extent, but the author is dragging it. The characters need to be more fleshed out, but I can't complain since Tasir is getting a lot of attention.
Yes, he is 🥰
Fuck Dior, Lego is more important! Ateez collabed with some Lego knock off though
My friend asked me three times if the track list I sent was a joke aisuiauusanjausaggaag the remixes are so random?! How tf do you even pronounce Halazia, it sounds like a Webtoon made fantasy land or... a disease. Anyways the Prologue tho aaaaaaah, Seonghwa?!?! T-posing like the Jesus himself Taemin! I told you he was giving crucifixion omg. Yeosang chained... Yunho inside the ⏳?!
Krystal and Minho were always fighting for their lives. 2nd gen was build different in general
Bestie, ETL in real life sounds like a nightmare (any type of romantic relationship tbh), considering I don't wanna be in a relationship how would I survive with someone I especially dislike 😭 I'd whoop their ass
This isn't Bob this is Wreck it Ralph lmaoooo what made him go that hard. 🤔 I haven't even seen that show and they're coming out with a new one, please STOP
Kai is scared of Seulgi as he should be! Are they fighting for the bear emoji or what ☠
TY not being a pathetic sweet little man? 😯 That's new!
Yup I told you, BBC is scared shitless, I hope the girls are happy and they don't treat them horribly because of it... But the passive aggressive statement 🔫 - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Nah I didn't meet the kid and I never will, cause I really dislike his mother, she's a bitch and messed with my friends 🔪 that's why I said she's a weirdoooo. I haven't spoken to her in ages, I just see her around. Also they live in fucking , I'm not going there.
I thought the final would be a total disaster, but thankfully shit picked up! Argentina deserved it though, can't deny it. Honestly grown up footballers acting like kids will never not be funny and embarrassing lmaoooo. I get Mbappe's frustration tbh, his teammates did nothing to help him, I would be pissed as well, but come on don't be a little bitch about it... okay but every time I think of PSG I can't believe they have Mbappe, Ramos, Messi, Neymar...and they're still pretty mid 😬 seeing Ramos with Messi and Neymar doesn't sit right with me ngl I feel betrayed 😭😭😭😭
noo bc i expected the fight like netherlands v argentina's match, mbappe v de paul sdgfhkgsfds ur right! they did their team was exceptional this time, def better than last times,,, LMFAOO RIGHT I FIND IT SO HILARIOUS BC THE NINJA TURTLE id honestly do the same 😭😭😭😭 tbh if di maria played the entire game, france wouldn't even have a chance,, we were rIGHT THEY DID HAVE A TALK, bro hyped himself up only,,, bro's def in his villian arc at psg now jhbds,,, HEY HEY PSG HAD A GREAT SEASON this next on might be crazy bc messi's got no stress and that man's dangerous w/ neymar mixed in and ramos??? pheww LMFAOOOO NO BC WHEN I SAW RAMOS WAS LIKE BRO??? UR THERE?? U OUT OF ALL??? SAME CLUB?? so much fun to see them together lmfaooo  new season gonna be great <3
tbh the best thing about this wc is the amount of memes, THE HUMOR PPL HAVE FHWKHDWK internet is undefeatable 😭😭
Yeah Neymar is good when he's good, but his acting skills....☠ MAN GET UP! Since I'm a Madridista I saw it ALL from Neymar when he was in Barca and 🤡 I was just reminded of this situation, proof even Seonghwa isn't perfect thankfully I have Jongho
LMFAOOO his cameo in the money heist jOKES,, yeah he's great when he plays plays, going to psg probably wasn't the best choice but his last season was crazy too, copa america that last 20 mins vs argentina bro was majestic,, but its shitty to see the amt of times players tackle him roughly and get nothing but when he does the same its a straight red card,, like is he supposed to sit and smile??? 😭😭 OH UR A MADRIDISTA FHQKHEJ IM A BARCA (ATM PSG-ING) FAN SO MY SIGHT IS DIFFERENT FBNEHDKWHDJC THIS IS SO FUNNY I KNEW I STANNED THE RIGHT GUY MY MAAANNNN,, want old barca and old madrid back to see them play against each other annnnnd ur stance on this... haaland coming for mbappe dbdb
Do you remember them playing footie? Sanhwa sucked so bad <3 also The way I didn't know this happened?! //// Ofc the final is in FUCKING LA, I bet Ateez will play during the match or some shit lmao. Bring a huge ass Ateez flag, Seonghwa's pc is a must too!
need a football exclusive show but for kpop idols only, forget isac i need them to create their own team names (barceoul, madrisan for busan fbsdjbf) w jerseys and take it all seriously and have two idol groups against each other,, I THINK ITS EITHER LA OR MEXICO CITY! ateez going to charity matches WHEN WHEN,, PLS ME HOLDING A WHITE ATEEZ FLAG ON NATIONAL TV BJHSBLJSDF, i just see messi walk in and he sees the seonghwa pc, im gone
Yep MOTH is too long, unless you're really into to the political aspects, which I like to a certain extent, but the author is dragging it. The characters need to be more fleshed out, but I can't complain since Tasir is getting a lot of attention.
see the author just needs to balance it all out, one part political, one part latil, majority on the actual harem,,, the empress webstoon could've also been like that but it honestly got boring,, LMFAOOO AS LONG AS TASIR IS IN THE PICTURE FDSHHJF
Yes, he is 🥰 //// Fuck Dior, Lego is more important! Ateez collabed with some Lego knock off though
anon... how long is that webtoon, the plot and everything, im reading this bc its that long haired hwa from ur friends dream 😭😭 YEAH LEGO >>>> DIOR,, it looks like a harry potter ft ateez collab tbh
My friend asked me three times if the track list I sent was a joke aisuiauusanjausaggaag the remixes are so random?! How tf do you even pronounce Halazia, it sounds like a Webtoon made fantasy land or... a disease. Anyways the Prologue tho aaaaaaah, Seonghwa?!?! T-posing like the Jesus himself Taemin! I told you he was giving crucifixion omg. Yeosang chained... Yunho inside the ⏳?!
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭🤚🏼 we’re all on the same boat it seems 😭😭 blue bird is my hope atm <33 UR RIGHT IT SOUNDS LIKE A FANTASY LAND but that crucifixion thing sent chillsssss 😳😳 i was so amazed IT DID LOOK LIKE A TAEMIN LORE AHKFJQKDHWK HWA TAEMIN ERA INCOMING HELLO,,, so im confused, halateez gone?? brain fried tbh
Krystal and Minho were always fighting for their lives. 2nd gen was build different in general ///// Bestie, ETL in real life sounds like a nightmare (any type of romantic relationship tbh), considering I don't wanna be in a relationship how would I survive with someone I especially dislike 😭 I'd whoop their ass /// This isn't Bob this is Wreck it Ralph lmaoooo what made him go that hard. 🤔 I haven't even seen that show and they're coming out with a new one, please STOP
NO SERIOUSLY U JUST SEE THEM DOING THE MOST RANDOM THINGS TOO?? KRYSTAL ICE SKATING MINHO RAISING A KID??? 2nd gen was so unhinged <33 no ur right, it sounds like a u realistic trope, sure rivals to lovers sounds fine but etl would just turn into enemies to wrestling,, imagine having to deal with what y/n’s deal with in etl fics??? i could never, kudos to all the y/n’s tbh <33 WRECK IT RALPH AU JCBCKCKC PLEASE DID U SEE WHAT THEY DID TO BOB 😭😭
Kai is scared of Seulgi as he should be! Are they fighting for the bear emoji or what ☠
AS HE SHOULD !!!! DESERVED !!!! i think it’s a fan made bear emoji fight 😭😭😭
TY not being a pathetic sweet little man? 😯 That's new! //// Yup I told you, BBC is scared shitless, I hope the girls are happy and they don't treat them horribly because of it... But the passive aggressive statement 🔫 - DV 💖
a pathetic little man 😭😭 submissive and breedable 😭😭 PLS FBWKDBAM i hope the girls at least get something out of it,, smelling lawsuits for january,,, wait but those who bought the album….what about them 😭😭
no he’s literally what idols should do
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backhurtyy · 2 years
I sent another ask maybe a week ago but you were in Europe and I think tumblr ate it anyways lmao. The job I got was DOOKIE it stunk, my coworkers were a toss up between older and hypocritical like getting people in trouble for every little thing and then showing up hours late to being younger than me and opening talking about hentai with customers around like it’s nothing, but it’s okay cause I have to leave it anyways. My dad has to leave for his job for 3 months give or take so it’ll just be me and my brother and neither of us can drive lol. He was my ride to work so I’ll just be vibing until he comes back unless I can find something super close to work at. BUT my hamster did escape because he chewed through his roof the other day and my brother found him, he was out less than two hours but now I’m watching him like a hawk. Overall though I am doing pretty well, I keep looking at all my drafts and feeling them judge me as I start something new or ignore them for a video game. I have however been rotating one of my ocs in my brain like a music box ballerina, I love him too much. I started a game I played when I was like 12 and I can see a lot of similarities between that and my ocs stories even though I didn’t remember the game at all and I’m like. This game required my brain, didn’t it? But I’m doing good I’m hanging out, how have you been it seems like things have been eventful - 🤍
no it’s still sitting in my askbox i’m just the worst and never found a good time to answer it 😭😭😭 but that sucks SO MUCH i’m so sorry it was so awful!!! your coworkers all sound so shitty, jesus. like okay y’all are just really gonna be like that??? at WORK??? HENTAI??? AT WORK??? and hello hypocrisy… i don’t blame you at all for hating it or leaving, they sound like nightmares. and i guess at least you didn’t love it and then have to be sad when you have to leave while your dads gone??? a tiny silver lining i suppose lol.
NOT HAMSTER HOUDINI 😭😭😭 i’m so glad you guys found the little menace hehe. i’m also glad you’re doing well!!! i feel that on the drafts and stuff, i have so many wips but i keep starting new wips like in the past week i’ve started three more steddie fics and now i’m like. i need to actually finish them. please. and yesssss the good old viddy game revisit!!! that’s kinda cool to me that you notice similarities, like it tells you just how important that was to you when you were younger and just. idk i love seeing imprints of your childhood later on in life???
anyways i’m good, i’ve been moving in to my house on campus which has been hard. i’m living halfway between my house and my parents house which is weird. but that’s mostly cause i don’t have my bed frame yet, but it should be here on monday. i think after that i’ll be able to move fully into my house and settle in before the semester starts. and otherwise i’m just chilling at home watching movies and stuff, nothing much is happening since i got back from europe!!!
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im not very sure if you're doing abcs for the trio but if u do could u pls maybe do C N O and S for vlad? <3
No worries! I don't see why not, my knowledge is just a little more limited for them is all~
Hope you enjoy these, lovely! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aight y’all it’s time for me to put on my clown shoes as god intended
Though man, what a delightfully rainy day today to write =v=
Fluff ABCs Template here
Cuddling -- How does he like to cuddle?
He is a simple man, with simple needs.
That being said, I think he’s one for a lot of gentle affection. Despite appearances–I mean hell, he literally wears a necklace of thorns–he’s actually a very tender lover. Loves hand-holding, scooting close under umbrellas, making shapes out of the little beauty marks that dot her skin. He will take any excuse to hold her and run with it.
Ideally, I think he prefers privacy above all else, most typically in his room in the castle. This side of him, so soft with his love for her, belongs to her and her alone. He refuses to let anyone else kill his immersion the moment (cue Charles dragging Faust away from doing something disruptive and stupid), or indulge in the sight of her so rosy-cheeked and loving. Loves dropping little kisses to the crown of her head, her shoulders, the backs of her hands. He’s waited so many long years to be able to hold her close like this, to feel the heat of her blush and the tinkle of sweet giggles when he nips and pecks at her pretty skin. All of this, every single second, is beyond value to him…he cherishes each memory close to his heart, crystallized fragments of joy in a life so bereft of it.
His favorite position for cuddling tends to be a kind of side lean. Usually she’ll be lying down (or turned towards him, sometimes) while he’s on his side beside her (usually against a wall or the back of a sofa). He loves that he can gaze at her as much as he likes this way, he really can’t get enough. The person he was searching for all this time, right here, no sign of leaving…
Nightmare -- What is his worst fear?
Oh boyo boy. Oh boy...
Honestly, I really don’t see anything horrifying him as much as losing MC. I don’t think he’s a man above fear. He hates being abandoned, he’s afraid of the world being torn apart by humanity’s indifference.
But nothing compares to the shattering fear of losing MC.
I think he has a very particular intense fear about losing loved ones because of the nature of his life history. He is still deeply affected by his entire clan being wiped out by hunters, leaving him alone to carry the weight of that legacy and loss. While he couldn’t help but give his heart to the woman who saved him, the reality of his terror is undeniable. After so many centuries of searching, after so many years of feeling hollow and alone…Even now, he has never come to terms with the way his family was ripped away from him. To know the gentleness of love again, to finally have a hand to hold only to lose it…
Well, I really can’t imagine the terrifying result of that. I imagine he would be far beyond reason.
Whenever he has bad dreams of the very same fear, he is nigh inconsolable. He holds her very tightly without saying a word (which is unlike him) and she'll know not to let him go for a while. She murmurs calming things, promises of things they'll do together in the future, strokes his hair and rubs his back. They only leave the bed when he's feeling somewhat stabilized again, but even so he'll hold her hand for longer than usual days after. Embraces her more, finds any excuse to hide away.
Oddity -- What is one quirk he has?
I think one part of him that is overlooked is that he is a man very interested in the nature of contradiction, the duality that resides in all things–himself included. Some parts of his preoccupation are more obvious than others. For instance, he loves flowers due to the nature of their ephemeral beauty, but also enjoys trying to preserve them to let their appeal survive. There’s also the fact that flowers can look or smell lovely, but can harbor poisons strong enough to kill grown human beings. (Not unlike him.)
He is a vampire in which the front-end of his operations is a cathedral, and I imagine that was a purposeful move as well. There are so many angles to consider here, namely two obvious ones that come to mind. There is the non-threatening concept of the cathedral: in which people assume it is a safe haven, a place to seek care/assistance/prayer (not entirely so in this case, even if Faust plays priest.) There’s the possibility that vampire hunters are typically supplied by/supported by the church (not sure if this is the case here, but it is a common trope). That would mean Vlad would be using the face of the very human institution that ruined his life to enact revenge, to say nothing of the potential risk of hunters seeking sanctuary only to run into a den of vampires.
There is also wondering whether or not he purposely wears that necklace of thorns ;;;;; (For anyone unaware, there was the whole Jesus wearing a crown of thorns specifically as an extension of humiliation, branding him the “fake king" of the Jewish people.) My contention here would be that he is basically saying “lmao, I’m your suffering saint now.” Or maybe he’s just really into masochistic jewelry, I have no idea.
He appears to have a kind of obsession with subverting norms/conventional expectations, and I have to wonder if it runs with his general underdog theme…
Secrets -- How open is he with her?
Despite his generally guarded nature, with MC he is entirely transparent when they’re in a relationship. Unless he doesn’t want to scare her or simply feels something would be best shared at a later time, he makes no real attempt to hide anything from her. If she asks and he knows the answer, he’ll spill.
(Okay but sometimes it gets hilarious, because say Faust has been trying for years to get info out of him about some stupidly specific thing. And Vlad is always very evasive, dances out of reach, plain ignores him. MC asks and he’s just like “oh yeah, in 1582 I remember–” It’s a wonder Faust never throws hands about it, pisses him off so much LMFAO)
Before their relationship was established he hesitated more, largely because the nature of his existence and his ties to her were a lot to take in at the time. I think he prefers not to overwhelm her whenever possible. It’s very much a kind of “I won’t info drop on you thoughtlessly, but if you ask me a question I’ll do my best to answer with the truth.”
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steveandbucky · 2 years
not to armchair psychology a tv series from 1994 but it's insane to me how circa 2018 everyone decided that Ross Is The Worst as if???? like ok u hate him. cool im not a fan either. but the Problematic Behaviour™ discourse jesus christ if you've seen the show enough to catalogue A Series of Problematic Behaviours™ you should have probably noticed that the entire group is fucked in the head
the obsessive-compulsive germaphobe with an eating disorder? the one who was the victim of emotional abuse as a child? the scapegoat? like it's anxiety due to adverse events during formative years and the adult behaviours are unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with the loss of control lol but haha monicuckoo
the golden child (who is still mistreated) and grows up to be selfish and entitled???? who's surprised??? and the whole being "jealous and controlling and paranoid" criticism which is like, pretty plainly explained in canon, when someone points out that he changed after his wife cheated on him. how is that funny lmao like again i never liked ross he just wasn't very funny but uhh
people who were hellbent on the fact that ~ rachel deserved better~ as if she's not an insecure narcissist lol. neglected, dismissed, ridiculed her partner, pulled the classic "im not breaking up with you but we need a Break" and then accused him of cheating (he didn't shut up), intentionally sabotaged 2 of his relationships (& inadvertently, another one). the definition of "i don't want this toy but no one else is allowed to play with it either"
i guess things like chandler's Parents Issues are more in your face, hard to miss, but like, he switches between insecure-avoidant and insecure-dependant like. go to therapy maybe. "oh i have commitment issues" no u have trauma. the man never makes a single healthy choice in the entire series i mean. big yikes i mean what? go to therapy?
oh the dumb but pretty “womanizer” the one who's apparently "a sweet guy" and "a great friend" as if he doesn't spend 10 whole years objectifying his female friends lmao?????? you'd be friends with a guy like that?? like what. isn't that like every woman's worst nightmare? and this guy got a spin off show.. i mean idk maybe he's not mentally ill but he is a raging misogynist who treats women like shit so idk
also phoebe is a compulsive liar so there's that
thank you for coming to my ted show in conclusion, i hate that people were being mean about one character when they should have been mean about all of them
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