#lmk buddha
violetsmokes · 2 years
Wow okay, so some of you actually like my au idea so here I think I'll go over how exactly Macaque becomes the Monkey Queen, immortal, and a different punishment instead of everyone getting a mountain thrown on them. Comment, leave some questions or suggestions <3
First things first Macaque is just as immortal as Wukong, it's why during his fight with Wukong he doesn't die. Macaque ate the peach, drunk the wine, and took the pill. He fought heaven and they tired the same punishments to kill him, no luck but someone did get their hand bit and spent the rest of the day wondering if they got magical money rabies. The smirk Mac had didn't help. Wukong didn't get trapped under a mountain for 500 years, no Buddha decided to use a different punishment for the to monkeys that seem to be attached at the hip. "The hero and warrior were like the Sun and Moon." Buddha trapped Wukong in the Sun and Macaque in the Moon. Wukong could only walk the Earth in the day while Macaque could only walk in the night this kept the two separated for 500 years untill Wukong would leave for the Journey of the West. Side note getting trapped in the Sun and Moon had a few unforseen consequences, such as our monkeys gaining powers usually connect to the Sun and Moon. Powers such as the ability to control fire and water along with healing abilities, they can now control Sun and Moon when either one loses control of his emotions. Yes this is why Buddha will not fight them again. He didn't realize the punishment would somehow make two already overpowered monkeys even more OP and is afraid that fighting them again would tear the universe to shreds. No he will never let the monkeys know this mainly because his think Wukong would tear the universe apart for fun and Mac keeps no secrets from his mate. Buddha doesn't know how to tell the Jade Emperor that if the monkeys go crazy again then there is nothing anyone can do to stop them. He is 68% sure the Jade Emperor already know tho.
So that how we get two OP immortal monkeys but how does Macaque become Monkey Queen because currently his is still know as the King's Warrior. Well when Wukong leaves for the TJTTW Macaque for the first time ever doesn't go with him and stays to guard Flower Fruit Mountain and to care for the monkeys. Well a troublesome Baboon King hears about a beautiful mountain with rich fruit and water and many other resources. He hears how the king of this mountain had left for long journey leaving his beautiful mate and their hoard of monkeys without a leader. The Baboon King gathers his army and heads straight for Flower Fruit Mountain when they arrive he sent and small group of baboons to attack any near by monkeys. This quickly gains Macaque's attention and he confronts the Baboon King who tells Macaque to surrender and be his mate or the baboons will enslave the monkey army and kill the cubs. Macaque is given one day to make his choice and being the warrior his is chooses to fight for the only home and family he's ever known. This leads to years and years of a bloody and vicious war but also this is when Macaque makes an alliance with the Spider Queen and the Scorpion Queen trading food and gems for venom, weds, and a few illusion spells. Meanwhile the Baboon King was growing crazier by the day, especially when his general and number one supporter died is battle. A battle that took a heavy hit on the baboons, many missed home and were growing desperate and defeated. The new general just want this war to end and was ready to surrender. This general and many of the other baboons were losing respect in their tyrannical King. Finally the war came to an end when Macaque lead a small group immoral monkeys to ambush the baboons camp leaving them open to a large attack from the rest of the monkey army and hopefully driving the baboons off Flower Fruit Mountain for good. The attack went as planned until the final battle between Macaque and the Baboon King, the Baboon King was losing and noticed his general had managed to sneak up behind Macaque and yelled for the general to strike Macaque but as Macaque turn to defend against an attack the Baboon General dropped his weapons and raised his hands is surrender begging Macaque to let the remaining baboons leave the mountain. This gained the attention of every monkey and baboon as they paused to see what was happening between the leaders. The Baboon General's surrender angered the King and in a manic cry threatened to kill the general and any baboons that didn't fight. With that the baboons turned on their King dropping their weapons and bowing before Macaque, the general knelt down and loudly proclaimed Macaque as the Monkey Queen followed by the monkeys bowing with the baboons and everyone chanting for their new Monkey Queen as he read out the former Baboon King's crimes and landed the killing blow. From here the baboons and monkeys joined forces and lead by their new Queen built a strong kingdom on top of Flower Fruit Mountain.
One last bit before I end of this post with some songs. After the war and rebuilding a kingdom Macaque misses Wukong and is worried about his mate. He had been gone for so long and they hadn't heard anything. The monkeys were both hurt and angry, they loved their Monkey King but felt betrayed that he was always leaving the mountain and causing trouble. It didn't help that during the long war Wukong had not been seen or heard from at all. When Macaque announces that is leaving to find Wukong his monkey generals try to convince him to stay and opened up about how they should forget about the Monkey King for betraying them. Macaque sees through the anger and finds their pain in being left behind and their fear that if Macaque leaves then he will never return. Macaque reminds everyone that Flower Fruit Mountain is his home and as long as he is Queen Wukong is King and that he will bring Wukong back for good. Everyone respects their Queen and knows to trust his words. Macaque leaves unaware of the mess Wukong has gotten himself into and the Journey East he will soon face.
WOW MY GOD THIS WAS A LOT! And I have so much more! How Wukong and Macaque met, the actual journey to the east, does MK or Bai He play any roll, Mayor is still a fucking gremlin, Macaque and Tripitaka become friends and respect eachother!?!?!??!??! But as promised some songs that go along with the AU one in way or another.
This just matches with the punishment between Wukong and Macaque and how the only time then could see eachother was when the Sun and Moon shared the same sky.
Remember the small ambush on the baboon camp well Macaque gives a similar speech to his troop like Odysseus. But I guess the last bit of the song could be considered foreshadowing. For what? That is for another post, but incase anyone wants to know what Macaque fights for its for his King and their home.
For this one its mainly at the end of the song, 3:06 onward, were Odysseus confronts the cyclops. Yes Macaque gives Baboon King the same speech before kill the lunatic.
Part one https://at.tumblr.com/violetsmokes/thank-you-sasunaru22fy-and-everyone-who-got-me-to/uuaxds90kupm
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Can you please tell me what abilities sun wukong have because am always confused about it i even hear some people says that sun wukong is omniscient and omnipresent and can control time or that he is is a boundless character
At no point in JTTW is Monkey ever depicted as a boundless character with omniscience, omnipresence, and control over time. Anyone claiming that has never read the novel. Never ever trust any online claims about Sun Wukong unless a cited quote is provided.
Having said that, I am slowly compiling a comprehensive list of all of Monkey's magical abilities and skills, complete with corresponding Chinese terms and citations. However, I am nowhere close to being done (and won't be for years), so I can only give you a general list at this time. But I will link to my past articles where applicable.
The following is based on a list I wrote a few months ago for someone looking to make their D&D campaign more authentic.
Immortality - He has six layers of immortality. But these are more like layers of invulnerability. As a "bogus immortal" (yaoxian, 妖仙) he is still susceptible to injury and death because he hasn’t yet achieved Buddha-nature and broken free of the wheel of rebirth (see note #1 here for an explanation).
Invulnerability - He has an adamantine hide that can't be pierced or hurt by earthly or heavenly weapons and elements (this doesn't count the times that he allows himself to be cut). This is thanks to all of the immortal foodstuff he had eaten in heaven being refined within his body by his samadhi fire, giving him a "diamond body" (jingang zhi qu, 金鋼之軀). Sometimes he uses this invulnerability to freak out demons by blocking a sword strike with his bald head. However, he can still be hurt. For example, he is twice wounded by special elements born from spiritual cultivation, samadhi fire and wind (the book treats cultivated and heavenly elements as two different things). Also, one villain, a scorpion demoness energized with Buddhist dharma power, is able to successfully penetrate his skin by stinging him in the face with her tail.
72 changes - He can transform into anything. The only flaw is his tail, which doesn't always change the way he wants it to. Or, a character recognizes him because of his red butt.
Cloud somersault - This allows him to fly 108,000 li (33,554 mi / 54,000 km) in a single leap. The skill is actually a metaphor for instantaneous enlightenment, for those who achieve it will immediately arrive in the Buddha's paradise.
Magic hairs - He can change any one of his 84,000 hairs into anything he wants (tools, random objects, living creatures, etc.) These include hair clones, which are autonomous copies of himself that can range into the tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions. However, he only deploys these on a small scale in the novel. He never uses the power to its full stated extent.
Super strength - His greatest feat is carrying two mountains while running "with the speed of a meteor." But there are characters physically stronger than him. For instance, Monkey cannot escape the grip of the Great Peng bird once he is caught in his powerful talons.
Martial arts - He is proficient in armed and unarmed combat, being able to go toe-to-toe with deities with centuries more combat experience than him. "Short Fist," a historical style, is listed as his preferred boxing method. But he mainly relies on his magic iron staff for fighting.
General magic - Monkey is shown capable of calling forth gods and spirits, growing or shrinking to any size, parting fire and water, creating impassable barriers, conjuring wind storms, casting illusions, freezing people in place, putting anyone to sleep, unlocking any lock, bestowing superhuman strength, bringing the dead back to life, turning invisible, changing someone's appearance, traveling to and from heaven and hell, etc.
Magic Eyes - He can see through illusions. But this isn't always portrayed consistently, for I know of several times where Guanyin fools him, and even a god of the soil, a lesser deity, is once able to do the same thing.
Medicine - He can diagnose maladies and concoct medicines to solve the issue.
You can see that omniscience, omnipresence, and control over time are not listed. I think the problem is that people are confusing Sun Wukong at two different points in his character arc. The powers listed above come from the journey itself (ch. 13 to 100). The omni-level powers would come after he achieves Buddhahood at the end of the novel (ch. 100). However, it's very, very important to know that the story ends before Sun Wukong, now the "Victorious Fighting Buddha," performs any feats (i.e. he has no feats as a Buddha). I'm sure people could assign him powers ascribed to other Buddhas in religious literature, but what happens after the story ends is beyond canon.
I hope this helps.
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pitofpurple · 7 months
Sun Wukong’s Point of view
Thinking about how Sun Wukong declared himself “Great Sage Equal To Heaven”. Not above heaven, equal. He wasn’t claiming to be better than the gods, just equal. He was asking to be seen as a peer and from his point of view he probably couldn’t see why that was so offensive. He was certainly as strong as the gods, (he proved that later on when he beat Li Jing, and Li Nezha) he was well versed in Taoist philosophy, and he was made from the heavens so why was he seen as less than!
In his eyes all he had done was know his worth and not know the proper etiquette due to his upbringing (He was literally raised by animals).
Imagine his hope when he was excepted as an equal. He thought he had finally proved himself, that now he would be taken seriously.
But it was all a lie. A ruse made to truck him into complacency. They didn’t see him as an equal, and they never would! he could win a fistfight with the emperor and still be seen as of lower status. So he decided to make them regret thinking Sun Wukong could be pushed aside and forgotten. he caused as much mischief as he could while also racking up immortality. That way even if they tried to get rid of him they couldn’t. This later worked against him as Bhuddha himself found a way to get rid of him without death.
I imagine him thinking over his life in his head wondering where he went wrong and sure, he would redo a few things if he could but he still didn’t understand why he wasn’t worthy of being an equal before he went of his rampage. and it would take 500 years for someone to show him why and tell him how to be better.
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dorothygale123 · 10 months
You are a fisherman.
You're just sailing around, doing fishermen things like casting nets and getting sunburned when you see something odd on the horizon. It's a small raft. Poorly made, too. Gosh, and is that a monkey on it? Who put that poor monkey on a raft and set it adrift?! So of course you go over to help the poor thing. It's what any decent person would do, after all.
This is no ordinary monkey.
The second it's close enough, the crazy thing jumps you, steals your clothes, gets back on it's raft and goes about it's merry way.
You learn a valuable lesson about leaving suspicious monkeys well enough alone.
So goes the tale of the poor fisherman Sun Wukong robbed on his way to civilization for the first time.
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I was sick and felt like crap. But I got to the section of my book with Wukong in it and was all like "Monkey time!" I won't go over his full origin here because several other, more knowledgeable people have already done so (I recommend OSP's JttW videos), but there were two tidbits I wanted to share. The first was the story of that unlucky fisherman, and the second was something that happened during his little bet with Buddha.
You see, we all know that Wukong tried to jump out of Buddha's hand and wrote his name on the 'pillars of the universe' to prove it, only for those pillars to turn out to be Buddha's fingers. However, my source claimed that the finger Wukong specifically wrote on was Buddha's MIDDLE finger.
Feel free to use your imagination as to how the almighty and merciful Buddha showed this cocky little monkey exactly where he wrote that. The way I'm thinking definitely isn't canon, but it sure is funny.
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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adcmans · 7 months
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Guys so what if SWK meet Buddha from Record Of Ragnarok I think there interaction will be funny
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I had this funny idea so imagine Swk stealing Buddha’s candy and Buddha just hit him with his staff
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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Macaque 🤝 Peng
Somehow being able to survive getting blasted by a descendant of one of the most powerful dragons known in existence
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thechildbesuffering · 2 years
idk about you guys but i like to imagine that buddha himself removed wukong’s circlet post journey to the west, and that any flashback where wukong isn’t wearing the circlet is a result of him not wanting to remember that he wore it in the first place.
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Alrighty, I'm Watchin Lego Monkey Kid Which Means I'm Prolly Goin To Get Real Annoying About It Pretty Soon, This Has Been A PSA.
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hellany · 7 months
Rahula in record of ragnarok would be a demigod of the cosmos or god of obstacles and has 2 pet lions.
I dont know why but I imagine him having mk's personality from lego monkie kid.
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The Monkey King's Names and Titles
I've made a list of over 35 of Sun Wukong's various names and titles from Journey to the West (Xiyouji, 西遊記, 1592). It also covers common insults directed at him by assorted characters.
Obscure entries include:
His REAL name according to heaven
His rank within the hierarchy of cosmic immortals
His magic species
I'll update the list if more come to mind.
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So I've actually seen an interesting theory that the Scroll of Memory is actually a joint project between the Underworld and the Zodiac. The Zodiac's a timekeeping tool with people being associated with certain animals, we've seen a lot of Zodiac symbolism, we've even met a former member of the lesser Zodiac (Kui Mulang, who is associated with the Tiger)...etc. A monkey is even a member of the Zodiac.
Now, you've pointed out that it seems that there is a connection between MK and the Underworld. But I'm gonna raise the question: with this theory, what do you think of the possibility that it might be pointing to MK's connection with the Zodiac?
I honestly know so little about the Chinese Zodiac that I feel like I don't have an answer to this.
I will say that I tried to do some research into the Scroll of Memory and it's JTTW origins and found that...there aren't any! As far as I can tell the Scroll of Memory is not part of JTTW, it's a LMK original.
What I did find however is information on Meng Po, the individual who "ensures that when you are reborn you can start with a clean slate". She does this through giving you a sip of her Five-Flavored Tea of Forgetfulness so that as you leave Di Yu (Chinese Hell, of which there are 10 Courts) you can reincarnate without any memories of your past life.
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Didn’t you almost lost to Rin? I feel like she could be.. “The Wandering Spirit, Masker of Identities”
“Hmm…True…and she did tun a Trial against one of the 10 kings…and convinced the Jade Emperor…”
Jade Emperor: She was only lucky I didn’t want to get your kind extinct.
“How come you don’t want that? I thought you’d be stoked?”
Jade Emperor: Bo…Buddha would have MY ASS if I let you all die.
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amnesia-wukong-au · 3 months
Just spreading lies… i didn’t listen…
Azure: Hm…
Macaque: HRGH!
Azure: ?!
Azure: *Blocks Macaque’s staff*
Azure: (He’s strong?!)
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ryin-silverfish · 5 months
Heart and Mind: An Analysis of Tripitaka
I've been wanting to write this since…since I came across some good ol' Tripitaka discourse in the LMK fandom ages ago. Couldn't remember the specifics, but as y'all probably know, it falls under the "Is him an abusive master" and people's strongly worded retort to that question.
On one hand, I dislike the "abusive" take because so often, it is an excuse to reduce a character to an 2D caricature for cheap angst purposes, and both JTTW and its historical context deserve more nuances than that.
On the other hand, I don't agree with some of the defenses either——that Tripitaka is Kind and Wise and The Virtuous Monk, Actually, and people who said otherwise just had their views colored by adaptations, or were ignorant westerners misreading the book.
Because trust me, Chinese readers absolutely have gripes with Tripitaka too, and sass him mercilessly.
We may have a better idea of the historical context, namely, the common usage and acceptance of corporal punishments, but quite a few of us don't think he's a good Buddhist either.
Instead, I'd like to focus on his allegorical role, and how it ultimately forms the basis for my interpretation of his character.
It is commonly acknowledged that each pilgrim represent an aspect of the enlightenment seeker: Monkey is the Mind, Dragon Horse the Will, Pigsy the Desire, Sandy the Determination/Ideation.
Tripitaka is either the enlightenment seeker as a human, or the Heart, the Compassion.
But how can someone represent Compassion when his behaviors don't look all that compassionate, when he seems to care more about what a good Buddhist looks like on paper than in spirit?
How can a compassionate man punish his disciple with a migraine spell and disown him twice, be okay with some violence but not others?
Well, to answer that question, I feel like you have to look at Tripitaka in conjunction with SWK, and what the monkey represents. He is literally the Mind Monkey, the boundless potential of human intellect, and that, by itself, is neutral.
In the word of one of the best poems in JTTW:
"He could be good; he could be bad; present good and evil he could do at will. He'd be an immortal, a Buddha, if he's good; wickedness would cloak him with hair and horn."
To put it simply, SWK is one's wits, one's problem-solving skills, the ability to discern good and evil on a cognitive level.
Whenever Tripitaka, the Compassion, is deceived, it falls to the Mind to see the opponents as they are, and take action to protect the human from harm.
But just as blind compassion without judgement can be exploited by evil, the reverse is true for a mind without compassion, driven solely by their own ambition and whims and practical knowledge.
The Mind knows that robbery is a crime, so these robbers deserve death, but has no idea how disturbing it is for a regular guy to witness six people being brutally murdered in front of him.
The Mind knows that abandoning your wife and family to become a bandit is shameful and unfilial, but cannot comprehend why the bandit's father may not want his son killed for these offenses.
The Mind knows right and wrong, but has trouble seeing the human behind those acts, and why one should care in the first place.
And to see what the Mind looks like without any of Compassion's restraint, one needs to look no further than SWK's "Second Mind", the Six-eared Macaque.
Just like how "Heart" sounds like a lame power for a character, Compassion isn't flashy, nor as useful in a strictly ultilitarian sense. In fact, having compassion makes you vulnerable. It hurts. And unscrupulous people will absolutely use it against you.
So why hold onto your weakness and wallow in it? The world doesn't need another sanctimonious wuss, it needs strong, clever people making hard sacrifices, ruthless, logical decisions! Tough up! Stop caring, and you'll never be hurt again!
Much like a certain crowd who think basic human decency is somehow political propaganda, perhaps, when SEM struck Tripitaka, he was trying to do the same thing.
Kill the embodiment of compassion, the sniveling, useless, fragile human that keeps holding SWK back. Replace him as the true Mind, the one strong enough to break all bonds and seize glory with his own two hands.
But without compassion, without humanity, one is no longer a whole person, and cannot reach enlightenment. In fact, just like how Buddha would only give the True Scripture to Tripitaka, if you are not brave enough to make yourself vulnerable, to suffer and feel other's suffering, you will never transcend it.
At best, you can have some pale imitations of the parts you have willingly shut out from yourself.
And that's what SEM does. He thought he could do it on his own, singlehandedly replace SWK and reap the benefits of enlightenment, but he is no Monkey Awakened to Emptiness.
He is just empty; cut off desires because it is base, cut off determined ideation because it is foolish, cut off compassion because it is weak, cut off the altruism and curiosity and creativity from the mind, and you are left with a grand total of NOTHING.
A shadow of a self, desperately clinging onto external validation and stolen stories, reading the pilgrim's travel paperwork out loud as if that would actually make the journey his.
Tripitaka needs to trust SWK and learn from him, because compassion, much like good intention, doesn't solve problems on its own, and mercy is not the same as enabling harm.
SWK needs his master's guidance, because even at his most selfish and impulsive, he cares, and only by extending that care to others and accepting the vulnerability that comes with it can he truly mature and become awakened to the ultimate truth.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
One last bit of ramble: I feel like there is something to be said about Tripitaka's tendency to trust Pigsy, and how the pursuit of enlightenment is often derailed by worldly desires.
Unlike the demons they encountered, however, Pigsy is not the personification of mental obstacles that must be destroyed, because you cannot destroy bodily needs, nor the very human tendencies to slack off and avoid trouble.
You should stop listening to its advice, sure. Poke fun at it, absolutely. But what Pigsy represents is part of the human condition, just like every other pilgrim, and also something one must make peace with.
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amelheth · 12 days
Wukong in DBS...?
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Got hyped thanks to Wukong game, watched recap of some stories from Journey to the west, finished 4th and 5th season of lego monkie kid....
I absolutely love how this ape singlehandedly pissed off every god possible.
Sooo... i thought, what if DB had similar figure? (Not Goku).
A godly monke that pissed off every god and got sealed by Zeno (local buddha), a.k.a every what if youtube channel about "what if goku was trapped in hyperbo..." you know the deal.
Idea was that there was a monke god in oldest times born from the core of a mystical planet appeared out of nowhere, possibly one of early prototypes for super balls Zalama made (yes i do think Zalama is the dragon's name, he has to have one. Namekians copied balls from big one, not created originals)
Monke. Born from ball. Makin trouble and befriends angels and zennie. Angels dislike him, too careless and destructive, but rivals in strengrh or even surpasses a bit the grand priest.
Immortal too.
Gets sealed by Zeno when Zeno gets bored of his shenanigans on a random planet.
Tho he probly already jumpstarted op monke race of his image that scattered and became saiyans, i dunno.
Also, why Wukai? I wanted to name Wukong, but Goku is already Wukong (in japanese its goku, chinese, wukong). Didnt wanted to confuse.
Design inspired by lego version ofc. Game is cool, but too serious.
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Also, recolor of old fanart of LMK Wukong but not lego.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
What if Y/N had the ability to release sleeping gas?(It can either help others sleep or if it's like enemies, she would release it and make sure that it'll give the enemy's nightmares/Illusions).
Hey everybody as a celebration Of Poppy's playtime Chapter 3 coming out yesterday thought I make this enjoy
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(Lmk Wukong) He didn't Know. Like at all He thought he was just Thought he was sleeping peacefully now that the Dangers were over. But no it was thanks To you his wife of well im guessing 500+ years. You have a sleep smoke ability To not only put people to sleep , but to give them sweet dreams due to the Poppy flower smells. But You can also make it to Where you can Make people see horrible hallucinations if they were clearly an enemy. For that's a happen you use heavy doses But it's your loving husband so you use a light Dosage so he can sleep peacefully. You really He doesn't have to know about your ability And you really want to keep it that way until You guys were attacked by Another one of his enemies. The Other demon was putting up a good fight against your husband so you decided to step in you told Wukong to hold his breath and don't breathe no matter what Easy for him to do Since he's well immortal , but he still wasn't sure what you were about to do and When he saw a large creepy smile appear on your face which freak him the Hell out and see a navy blue smoke leave from your Mouth and on to the other demon. That's when he witness the effects The demon began to laugh hysterically , derangely insanely and then scream in terror and pain for a whole freacking hour then fall over and die. He then slowly looked at you in horror But he saw tears come out of your eyes when you saw his reaction. He clearly gonna have a talk with you about your ability. But right now he wants to go comfort you so You don't think he's afraid of you.
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(NR Wukong) He tries to be as understanding as possible. He remembered what you had done all those years ago. He was never mad at you. Because you were simply defending yourself and him. But he's still aware of the ability of your sleep smoke. And neither of you knew you were gonna have to use it again because of the demon Thugs that attempted to attack the garage The second he saw the blank deranged Threatening smile on your face. He told Li to run inside and hold this breath While he quickly put on a gas mask and stood back That's when you released your Smoke Into the area towards the demons. The second they breathe Everybody began to laugh and cried arrangely and And for a whole freaking hour before they passed out possibly dead. Li Who witnessed what happened knew how dangerous you could be But he never imagine that you were this Lethal.
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(HIB Wukong) Do you know about your ability but only the good part. Do you use your ability to help him and Liuer sleep peacefully without nightmares from either of you. And you normally are the one who is up to look out for danger, and that's exactly what happened that night. Some demons came in the middle to Chi and robbed the village. They chose to do a stealth mission. Not knowing that you were the only one in the village awake , you spotted immediately and went into action. You got into a good position when the demons invaders were still unaware of you. And that smiled wide and released the smoke into the field. They were in, and all of a sudden, they began laughing and laughing. It were laughing hysterically insanely derangely, and they started screaming and horror and pain. This went on for a good hour before they all finally died of laughter. Everybody in the village woke up just in time to see the dead bodies of the would-be invaders. Wukong looked up to see you and your wide range smile. That's when he knew exactly what had happened and why he should never get on your bad side.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) You two were together for a long time. You were there when he got into a fight with the jade emperor and buddha. And you were there for when he got sealed under the mountain. You literally stop by every day just to blow some sleeping gas till so keep him calm and let him know that you're still visiting every day. In fact , master tang was the one who met you first before he got to the monkey king. He heard about your mini legend about the sleepinguess you release. But he also knows the danger you can bring with it, so he presented the opportunity to join the journey to your husband, who you both let out of his seal. One night, you guys were attacked by a group of demons,they were pretty strong. That's when you put your ability to good use. You told everyone to hold their breaths. As long as you can and get as far away from you as possible. They saw a big creepy smile Appear on your face and when they got far enough They witness your ability and the demons that attack them began to Laugh derangely hysterically and sadly you name it and Thirty minutes and they started to scream and pain and horror from the illusions they received before they died. All everyone but master tang and your husband looked in horror at your power. Knowing never to make an enemy out of you
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(Netflix Wukong) You're a well known and popular in the village known as the sleep demon. You always release your sleep smoke into the village to help the villagers get good night rest. And the children of the village good dreams to have. It was very special, and it helped your bond with your fellow neighbors. Wukong loved your abilities and admired how it was really helping out with the villagers. You always made sure that he has all the good dreams you can give him but One night though when you weren't feeling particularly Sleepy and he was asleep that's When demons decided to attack at night Everybody was Still asleep from the smoke you released earlier , so it was up to you to take care. When you made the village look at you, that's when the demons thought you would be an easy target considering it was just you, and they thought you were the village protector or something like that. But that's when they noticed your eyes were blank. Staring into everybody's soul, and that's when you smiled wide and creepily. Asking if any of them were sleepy. The demons laughed at you for asking. And we're going to kill you and make quick work of you. But that's when you release the navy. Blue smoke is darker than the smoke you always use. And that's when the demons knew something was up, but it was too late for them. For they each began to laugh hysterically, loudly, and sadly. Derangely, you name it. And then they started screaming and pain and horror and fear. Waking up the village finally, and this went on for a freaking hour and each and every one of them died. The villagers ran outside to see you. Looking back at them with your normal face. But the dead bodies of the demon army in the town center. Wukong Continue to this day to ask what happened. But you always remain silent, for you felt he will never be ready for what you can truly do.
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