#so it makes sense that he has swk’s abilities
uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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Macaque 🤝 Peng
Somehow being able to survive getting blasted by a descendant of one of the most powerful dragons known in existence
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lmkwritings · 2 months
Hi! I hope your ok, I hope you’ve had something to eat.
I was hoping I could request SWK, Macaque and Nezha with an s/o who is blind but has a sort of sense to feel around them, like toph from atla. In headcan form please!!!
If you are uncomfortable writing this u can ignore/delete this!
im do glad you said hc because i was gonna do that anyway 😊
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will not underestimate you
constantly coming down to visit you
he wears a special bell that rings a certain way to let you know he’s near
loves taking care of your hair and/or helping you with colors
will read books and ancient tomes to you
he has special stitchings put in a discreet position on your clothes so you know; the color, type of shirt, and pattern.
it’s adorable
you can smell when he’s near- he’ strongly smells of flowers and sometimes of rain
it’s nice
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he loves it when you “feel him” by tracing his face
touch starved. will cuddle you for hours
he understands your fear of heights and flying
starts napping on rocks and the roots of trees so you can always find him
shows you how to fight even when blind
makes special pathways for you through his mountain
creates a tunnel system under the ocean and too the city so you can find and reach him always
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he understands the blindness
is absolutely fascinated with your ability to “see” via the earth
shows you how to fight blind
helps you train your hearing until it’s really good
can and will read to you
poetry, ancient history, stories and his own past included
regales you with everything
loves attempting to describe colors and shapes
will hold you hand to “guide” you
he will never underestimate you, constantly rolling his eyes or glaring at people who do
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
Heart and Mind: An Analysis of Tripitaka
I've been wanting to write this since…since I came across some good ol' Tripitaka discourse in the LMK fandom ages ago. Couldn't remember the specifics, but as y'all probably know, it falls under the "Is him an abusive master" and people's strongly worded retort to that question.
On one hand, I dislike the "abusive" take because so often, it is an excuse to reduce a character to an 2D caricature for cheap angst purposes, and both JTTW and its historical context deserve more nuances than that.
On the other hand, I don't agree with some of the defenses either——that Tripitaka is Kind and Wise and The Virtuous Monk, Actually, and people who said otherwise just had their views colored by adaptations, or were ignorant westerners misreading the book.
Because trust me, Chinese readers absolutely have gripes with Tripitaka too, and sass him mercilessly.
We may have a better idea of the historical context, namely, the common usage and acceptance of corporal punishments, but quite a few of us don't think he's a good Buddhist either.
Instead, I'd like to focus on his allegorical role, and how it ultimately forms the basis for my interpretation of his character.
It is commonly acknowledged that each pilgrim represent an aspect of the enlightenment seeker: Monkey is the Mind, Dragon Horse the Will, Pigsy the Desire, Sandy the Determination/Ideation.
Tripitaka is either the enlightenment seeker as a human, or the Heart, the Compassion.
But how can someone represent Compassion when his behaviors don't look all that compassionate, when he seems to care more about what a good Buddhist looks like on paper than in spirit?
How can a compassionate man punish his disciple with a migraine spell and disown him twice, be okay with some violence but not others?
Well, to answer that question, I feel like you have to look at Tripitaka in conjunction with SWK, and what the monkey represents. He is literally the Mind Monkey, the boundless potential of human intellect, and that, by itself, is neutral.
In the word of one of the best poems in JTTW:
"He could be good; he could be bad; present good and evil he could do at will. He'd be an immortal, a Buddha, if he's good; wickedness would cloak him with hair and horn."
To put it simply, SWK is one's wits, one's problem-solving skills, the ability to discern good and evil on a cognitive level.
Whenever Tripitaka, the Compassion, is deceived, it falls to the Mind to see the opponents as they are, and take action to protect the human from harm.
But just as blind compassion without judgement can be exploited by evil, the reverse is true for a mind without compassion, driven solely by their own ambition and whims and practical knowledge.
The Mind knows that robbery is a crime, so these robbers deserve death, but has no idea how disturbing it is for a regular guy to witness six people being brutally murdered in front of him.
The Mind knows that abandoning your wife and family to become a bandit is shameful and unfilial, but cannot comprehend why the bandit's father may not want his son killed for these offenses.
The Mind knows right and wrong, but has trouble seeing the human behind those acts, and why one should care in the first place.
And to see what the Mind looks like without any of Compassion's restraint, one needs to look no further than SWK's "Second Mind", the Six-eared Macaque.
Just like how "Heart" sounds like a lame power for a character, Compassion isn't flashy, nor as useful in a strictly ultilitarian sense. In fact, having compassion makes you vulnerable. It hurts. And unscrupulous people will absolutely use it against you.
So why hold onto your weakness and wallow in it? The world doesn't need another sanctimonious wuss, it needs strong, clever people making hard sacrifices, ruthless, logical decisions! Tough up! Stop caring, and you'll never be hurt again!
Much like a certain crowd who think basic human decency is somehow political propaganda, perhaps, when SEM struck Tripitaka, he was trying to do the same thing.
Kill the embodiment of compassion, the sniveling, useless, fragile human that keeps holding SWK back. Replace him as the true Mind, the one strong enough to break all bonds and seize glory with his own two hands.
But without compassion, without humanity, one is no longer a whole person, and cannot reach enlightenment. In fact, just like how Buddha would only give the True Scripture to Tripitaka, if you are not brave enough to make yourself vulnerable, to suffer and feel other's suffering, you will never transcend it.
At best, you can have some pale imitations of the parts you have willingly shut out from yourself.
And that's what SEM does. He thought he could do it on his own, singlehandedly replace SWK and reap the benefits of enlightenment, but he is no Monkey Awakened to Emptiness.
He is just empty; cut off desires because it is base, cut off determined ideation because it is foolish, cut off compassion because it is weak, cut off the altruism and curiosity and creativity from the mind, and you are left with a grand total of NOTHING.
A shadow of a self, desperately clinging onto external validation and stolen stories, reading the pilgrim's travel paperwork out loud as if that would actually make the journey his.
Tripitaka needs to trust SWK and learn from him, because compassion, much like good intention, doesn't solve problems on its own, and mercy is not the same as enabling harm.
SWK needs his master's guidance, because even at his most selfish and impulsive, he cares, and only by extending that care to others and accepting the vulnerability that comes with it can he truly mature and become awakened to the ultimate truth.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
One last bit of ramble: I feel like there is something to be said about Tripitaka's tendency to trust Pigsy, and how the pursuit of enlightenment is often derailed by worldly desires.
Unlike the demons they encountered, however, Pigsy is not the personification of mental obstacles that must be destroyed, because you cannot destroy bodily needs, nor the very human tendencies to slack off and avoid trouble.
You should stop listening to its advice, sure. Poke fun at it, absolutely. But what Pigsy represents is part of the human condition, just like every other pilgrim, and also something one must make peace with.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
YELLOW1!!1 it's been a hot minute since I sent in an ask!
Since pokemon has really come to bite my butt, I wonder what kinda pokemon Mei and Macaque would have! (I'd guess Mei would have a gyrados for some reason, but it makes sense to me and that's good enough!)
the LMK storyboard director (Ashe Jacobson) actually made pokemon cards for the LMK gang based on her hcs of them! Although they were made during S1/2 and likely don't reflect current ideas or fanon (also too many legendaries for my taste). Also no Sandy card :(
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Things I do love about each though:
He/They pronoun MK. MK having bunch of little monkey pokemon. Plus a Krabby for some reason. Also Age: Unknown foreshadowing... instead of the legendaries I could see him having a Ground type like a Gligar (cheeky bat pokemon based on a tyoe of Japanese yokai) or a Swinub (snow boar piglet).
Red Son out here with all the pronouns and a bunch of poor Bug/Steel types about to get melted XD. Honestly surprised that he doesn't have a Tauros. The Houndoom seems like an Erlang pokemon though, Red Son seems more of a Torchic kinda guy. I could also give him a legednary like Chi-Yu; a little piece of primordial fire based on the Chinese Great Peril of Hundun/Confusion.
Mei def deserves a Gyardos - no fault to Rayquaza but no legendaries allowed. Rapidash is perfect for her, but perhaps a shiny to fit her theme a little more + she def would be a Shiny hunter. Sceptile is a more subtle choice since it's a lizard pokemon with one of the highest base speed stats (450) and has sword-like leafy protrusions. I've seen ideas for her having a Blitzle (electric zebra pokemon) as well since it just seems like a Her pokemon to have.
I just love Tang having Shedinja (the cicada husk pokemon) partially because it falls into a little theory I have of him >:3 + Golden Cicada connection. Chimecho is also based on a type of shinto warding bell used to scare off spirits - a useful pokemon for a priest/superstitious nerd to have. The Hoothoot is adorable, he's just here cus of nerdiest. Spoink is based on a bible verse about casting wisdom to those who won't appriciate it (pearls before swine) so thats pretty Tang-coded. The Shuckle makes me think of Noodles and the infamous "don't fuckle with the Shuckle"-meme because of it's ability to become the most lethal attack pokemon under the right circumstances. Tang deserves another non-legendary tho so lets give him an artifact pokemon like a Golett or Baltoy for him to nerd about (and struggle to carry).
Pigsy has pigs. You know if Gen IX was out he'd have a LeChonk no question about it. The Munchlax is super adorable since is a hungry baby pokemon (reminds him of MK?), and the Clefable could be a hint at his amazing singing voice. Blipbug is a ladybird larva aka a "bookworm" pokemon - you know he got that one cus of Tang. The Ambipom is interesting tho - extra hands in the kitchen obvs, but maybe hinting at his incarnation's connection to SWK. I could def see him having "food"-type pokemon around too like Smoliv, Milcery, and/or Tatsugiri.
+Tang and Pigsy both have a pokemon that reminds them of eachother omg; Spoink and Blipbug. Perhaps the Spoink is (Pigsy's) Grumpig's baby?
Wukong using his flattering game art for his ID is very in-character of him XD. Most of his pokemon are really on the nose too - Infernape is legit based on him after all. I excuse the use of legendary pokemon (esp Landorus since it's a earth/cloud god pokemon) for him too since thats what he is. The most recent legendary pokemon is uber-Wukong coded tho - Pecharunt, based on the Peaches of Immortality combined with the japanese folktale of Momotaro + japanese death mythology. I could see Wukong also walking around with a bunch of horse (Mudsdale) and fruit pokemon (Boundsweet, Cherubi) as well. Maybe even having a team thats made of up pokemon that remind him of his old friends.
Macaque having a Zoroark and Zarude is super genius. Zoroark is a mimicry pokemon (based on kitsunes/huli-jings) and that checks out with what Macaque tried doing in the novel - also reminds me of my hc that Jiuweihuli took him under her wing. Zarude is a spooky legendary monkey pokemon obvs, but it's introduced in it's debut movie as "Dada" by the human it raised - sorta foreshadowing how the FFM baby monkeys really love Macaque. Gengar and Marshadow are great choices for his shadow powers ofc - with Marshow having a "lantern" kind vibe to it. Grimmsnarl I think was choosen based on it's Gigantamax form - it looks a lot like Macaque's Smoke Monster form. I could also see Macaque having a few Sneasels - little dark types based on a wind Yokai. I think that while he'd like sound/music-focused Pokemon, his ears are too sensitive to be around the moves - he'd start running the second he sees a Whimsur.
+Macaque and Wukong have Eevee-lutions that evolve based on high affection depending on time of day. Like the Sun and the Moon everybody. Oddly enough in the pokemon "I Choose You!" movie, Marshadow is considered a "guide" for those chosen by Ho-Oh (which Wukong has), early foreshadowing how Macaque becomes a legit mentor to MK.
Jin and Yin just have duo pokemon that work best together. These two def would buy both versions of a pokemon game so that they could play and trade together. The two NInetails is a cute reference to their mom - the OG Nine-Tailed Vixen. They need a Gourgeist for their Calabash tho.
This is the best i can do rn for poor Sandy; I used a mix of microsoft office word shapes, Imgflip, and the Pokecharms Trainer Id generator (I couldn't figure out how to change the trainer to a custom image).
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I gave him Mantine and Lapras cus they're gentle "Ride" pokemon who like carrying people across water. Polteageist cus Tea and secrets. Smergle cus of art. Vivillion cus of the blue butterfly in "To Catch a Leaf" and the Dewpider cus Huntsman. Some more ideas include Dhelmise (the seaweed anchor pokemon), Misdreavus (cus of his necklace), and/or Machamp (wrestling theme in the Scroll of Memory). Lots of cat pokemon too - him and Nanu would get along. He's not a fighter at all - and neither are his pokemon. Don't underestimate them tho - they hit hard.
Additionally; Nezha has all snake pokemon + I can see him having a Charcadet. He's got a Phantump and a Dratini too but don't ask about them.
PIF has a swarm of Castform following her since they can't be blown away by her winds (she treats them like baby wind spirits). DBK has like fifty Tauros of different breeds' and a few Miltanks + a Scovillain who provides him with peppers.
Erlang has a Houndoom and nothing else... except maybe a Lotad who reminds him of his greatest regrets.
Chang'e owes a few bunny pokemon (Scorbunny, Buneary, Azumarill, Bunnelby etc) and an Alcremie, plus a bunch of stray Clefairy-line pokemon (moon origins) and Minior (meterorite/star candy pokemon). She also has a little Rowlet plush that she hugs tightly whenever she goes to sleep (Hou Yi's starter).
I feel like animal demons dont really "own" pokemon cus they see them as fellow demons/monster species. Wukong is an except since his are probably old friends/decended from pokemon he knew back on FFM.
this got a little away from me sorry - I love pokemon too <3
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imminent-danger-came · 7 months
This may be a reach but
Both MK and Mei having something inside them that could be world-destroying, god-killing, and being afraid of it (with a bonus of Wukong hiding it from them both but idk if u think swk knew of the monkey form beforehand)
Bonus with Mei and MK having someone that can/has helped with training and mastering their abilities (Redson & Wukong respectively)
Oh boy, do I think SWK knew about MK's origins!
I've been a believer in this since post-s3, with there being plenty of evidence throughout the first 3 seasons to support it. Cause like, imma be honest, the show doesn't make sense if Wukong didn't know. I think by this point we can assume that choosing and training MK to be his "successor" was a cover story—Wukong LITERALLY couldn't have picked anyone else. I never really bought the whole "Monkey King gave you his powers!" explanation, especially when one of the first things he says to MK in AHIB is "Listen kid: You fought demons, and you didn't die, and you made it here! Not just anyone can lift my staff, but you did." And even MK had a different thought, thinking his powers came from the staff until 3x03. How would Wukong have even "given" MK his powers, like logistically anyways. There was just a lot that didn't line up! And then s4 came along, and implied "Yeah MK was born from the stone, and Wukong was there" and I was like, oh yeah that makes total sense.
And I'm also a believer in the Samadhi Fire Mei, Jade Emperor Azure, and Monkey MK trifecta of having uncontrollable, world-ending power (which they must also act as a "container" for). And you know, had the person losing control of the Jade Emperor's powers in 4x14 been one of MK's close friends, he would have been able to save them, I have no doubt. He already did so with Mei in 3x10—Mei wasn't even supposed to be able to withstand the samadhi fire. But she did (Yellowtusk "But he is my brother! I owe him my life!" parallel for the win, "No! Mei is my best friend!", YOU GET ME?). And it's like, in 3x10 MK standing by his friend was a good thing but in 4x13 Yellowtusk standing by his friend was bad. In s3 the gang trying to get the Samadhi Fire was "good" (even though they didn't really use it to defeat LBD by the end lol), and Azure trying to get the Jade Emperor's power was "bad". You see how the lines are blurring here. At the start of Monkey Kid, it's all monster of the week and "we have to stop the bad guys!". Now by this point it's "[blank] isn't necessarily a bad guy..." and "Every choice has consequences for someone", even the "good" ones. Is anyone hearing me.
And then don't even get me STARTED on "I can't be! I'm just MK!" "The Monkie Kid?". Because, I'll have you know Subodhi names Wukong in Journey to the West. I just read that chapter. And then in 4x06 he labels, or names, MK as the "Monkie Kid". And this "reason" just FEELS like it's going to involve a great amount of power, something that is...uncontrollable, even. And this time, this time when MK looses control, Mei is going to be the one to get through to him, aka Samadhi Fire Part 3. Like
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py-dreamer · 8 months
Shadowalkers Au
Ok so I said I was gonna make this so here we go...
(I literally came up with this idea in the subway help) (I'm going to assume y'all have watched the movie)
Basically: Lmk cast in Wolfwalkers.
There is a little bit of different lore here
For starters, they're not wolves anymore. (it just didn't really make sense to me to make them into a different animal especially since both celestial primates can do the 72 transformations like it's no biggie) They're more like the enormous f*ck you smoke monster that Macaque introduced in his first episode. So you're a person when you're awake and a shadow when you're asleep.
Macaque takes the role of Mammy here and Bai He the role of Mebh Xiaotian plays Robyn and Wukong as Goodfellowe, ok? ok.
Bai He gets to be a little gremlin, Mk is big brother, Wukong is Good Dad TM and while not in here as much, Mac is also Good Dad TM
Now Mk and Wukong are regular stone monkeys from a far away mountain (SWK doesn't have all his OP taoist superpowers here). Their old home was burned down and they were forced to move. Wukong was already serving as a disciple under master Tripitaka when he took in a baby MK as his own. Tripitaka sadly perished in the fire.
The new town they move to is called the Diyu ruled under the 10th king in a long line of monarchs (why the background seemed so dark and a bit sinister in the last pic). Wukong serves as a hunter to get rid of all the shadow creatures in the nearby woods who seem to have a mind of their own.
But why get rid of them? Well you know how in the mythos, the Diyu was the land of the dead? Well in this au, Shadowalkers are known to be real but very rare and they have the power of healing and are said to be able to control the line between life and death. See what I'm getting at here?
Now because of Wukong's intense fear of death, and in this au he'd already been taught by the monk and now has a son of his own to worry about and without the layers of immortality to shield him, I figured, he'd be a lot more cautious and closer to Goodfellowe in this way. He'd still be more carefree and playful of course but he's still under the firm grip of the command of the king. (the circlet thingys on his gloves also signifies this)
The majority of the population here are humans since I wanted to single out Mk and SWK here and it just made sense so for the majority of the time, they wear cloaks so as to not frighten everyone.
Ok so about the abilities of the shadowalkers, oh boy,
One, they can heal. Two, they have their smoke monster like forms. Three, they can travel through shadows themselves and mare most powerful at night. When they travel in the shadows, they're flat like the surfaces they travel on. And like in the movie, a bite from a shadowalker can turn you into a shadowalker too.
Also concentrated light can hurt them. So for example a flame-tipped arrow can hurt them but not a small ray of sunlight.
Mk sneaks out after his dad one day (idk who could play the role of merlin here) and somehow finds Bai He and gets bitten in the woods. They bond and it's just an adorable thing yada yada.
At night, Mk finds out he's become a shadowalker and finds Bai He. She teaches him their ways and he returns home only to be found by the town who freak out. Wukong himself tries to impale him with his staff but fails. Mk is able to escape and make his way into the palace.
He finds a humongous smoke monster in a cage (aka macaque) and deduces that this must be Bai He's missing dad. But when he tries to free him, Mac tells him to get Bai He and leave cause it's to dangerous and Mk gets found by the king himself.
He wakes up in his person body and tells whoever plays Merlin to find Bai He and leave. She doesn't believe this and runs into town to find MK who's working and reluctantly does what she's told but feels betrayed.
Then she hears word that they were going to execute a giant shadow creature that the king had caught and runs to find it as she realized that they were talking about her dad.
She finds him all caged up and to stop her from getting hurt, Mk calls over to the village kids that he's caught the monster and they put her in a wooden cage (noo...the babies...)
Bai He breaks out anyways, runs to her dad and Wukong is told to catch the girl but Mac ain't having that no no no.
He goes from 0 to 100 and bites Wukong in the arm, giving Bai He the chance to escape but being locked up again in the process. Bai He declares war on the town and runs off.
We have the whole confrontation scene between MK and his dad and Mk frees Mac and they run off to escape. And FINALLY Macaque can reunite with his daughter (see I can be nice...)
...before getting impaled by Wukong's magic staff (nevermind)
(how on brand)
Bai He flees with the shadow creatures and the dying spirit of her father while MK tries to follow after them with Wukong holding him back. Mk falls asleep and transforms in front of his dad before the army caught up.
We have the whole climax battle between the imperial forces of the Diyu and the shadows + WUKONG GETS TO TRANSFORM INTO HIS 3 HEADED KAIJU WAR FORM HERE WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(if you couldn't tell, I have a soft spot for this gremlin)
Then we have my personal favourite scene where the kids heal Macaque and HE'S ALIVE AGAIN YAY
They welcome Wukong into their troupe and FINALLY are able to leave and find their new home...
flower fruit mountain
Gosh that was a mouthful! I'm gonna go to bed now before I get yelled at...
I'll see if I update this au much with like redrawn scenes from the film or headcanons and such but idk, but feel free to drop any ideas in the comments!
(come to think of it, I should also make one of these for shennanigans in space..)
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shadowlight501-2 · 2 years
Somniphobia AU
(Yes another Mac based idea leave me alone idk what I'm doing either lol.)
In this AU Macaque has an extreme fear of sleep, Somniphobia, because each time he goes to sleep he can feel himself being killed by Sun Wukong.
Before he died he had insomnia due to having nightmares of his best friend and eventually lover, killing him. This was tolerable however because he had Sun Wukong at the time to reassure him it was a dream and had him near to listen to his heartbeat which always let him get a goodnight sleep no matter how bad of a nightmare he had just experienced was.
Then SWK left for the journey. Mac was alright the first while but then eventually started getting less and less sleep. He would help the generals out with stuff, harvest food past moonlight hours, hunt for hours on end in the middle of the night only to be found whimpering fainted somewhere random and typically dangerous and unsafe the next morning, or even afternoon. His patterns become worse and worse as time goes by and he starts to get more or less meaner to others and sometimes not even saying things that make sense.
When Sun Wukong comes back he finally gets a good night's sleep, after Sun Wukong dragged him to bed with him. He gets a nice night finally sleeping for once, no bad night terrors and no bad screams in the middle of the night for the mountain. Then Wukong leaves without telling him. He tries to be okay with it but his sleep gets ten times worse, he falls asleep alot now due to how exhausted he his, each dream to feeling like a whole day but only being 15 to 30 minutes at a time.
The longer this goes on the more pain the nightmares create, the worse the death becomes. Everything is just pain. And eventually he starts waking up in different locations each time. One day he woke up as he was getting punched in the face by one of the generals who then explains how he's started sleepwalking and on the wise way possible. He'll pick a fight with any and everyone, he'll hurt people and laugh about it. They all know this isn't Liu'er and that he truly can't help it but they don't know what to do.
So one night against the others, who just opted to finding some way to help him sleep properly, he left. He went as far as he could as to not harm anyone else. The more he went on the more he'd wake up covered in blood clueless to what he had done but trying to find some way to fix whatever was going on with him. Untill he heard voices.
He started hearing voices in his head, it was like when he first discovered his shadow abilities only now instead if lullabies and hopeful words, it was words of loathing and violence. He didn't know how to make it stop untill he thought of how he knew he could sleep when he heard Sun Wukong's heartbeat. So he decided he would join his mate's journey in hopes that getting peaceful sleep could prevent at least the sleepwalking. Worse case Sun Wukong has to hold him down until he wakes up but either way this was probably the best way to go about it with little other ideas. He just needed to tell him when he got to him what was happening and all would be good, things might get better...
The next time Macaque wakes up, he's about to die by the hands of Sun Wukong. He can't move, he can't react, he's having sleep paralysis. There was nothing he could do, he doesn't know what he did but he can't imagine it was good. He brutally dies by his forever partner's hands and weirdly enough, the pain was welcomed, because this would fix things, because he could finally sleep, he could finally be at peace.
But wait that's not how this goes.
He was forced back to life only it's been way more than decades. He doesn't get revived until season 3 this is to mess with Sun Wukong. The only good thing with all this is that Macaque dosn't feel the need to sleep so long as he has LBD's power inside him, but he also has less choice then before so all he can do is try to be weaker than he already is and half-butt everything he's told to do. He doesn't trauma dump and instead just theatrically encourages the others to beat him, I mean he has no desire to live, he had much more peace being in the eternal slumber that he was in. He doesn't expect to be living past the defeat of LBD. In this Mac has no interest in necessarily being free, but due to not being clouded by bias he can see what SWK is planing and the same thing he did before happens, this time on purpose because he didn't think SWK would survive having the Fire inside him and just grabbed the thing that already has some of it. If she can survive with a portion of the Samadhi Fire the chances of her surviving with all where much larger than Sun Wukong who could easily die from it, or at the most be in constant pain due to it as his body heals as fast as he burns or something like that. So he still tries to run away. That whole thing happens and he leaves.
Macaque is in shock that he's not dead yet, and shocked that he doesn't feel tired, but he's not getting his hopes up. He plays like he doesn't have the sneaking feeling things will go back to how they where and things continue almost the exact same. Once LBD is defeated Mac dosn't say for celebrating he just leaves without a trace.
Now to new stuff.
So he finds this abandoned dojo and makes it his home he then he starts working at the theatre. All seems okay but he can't let himself sleep, not when the worse could happen. He meets the girl again and she thanks him for saving her. She then becomes a regular at his plays under the promise that she tells no one he's there. As time goes by he gets tired and more sleepy but refuses to fall asleep. He discovers coffee and energy drinks so he lives off of that to stop the possibility of sleepwalking. Than the girl notices his progressively worsening condition and pesters him untill he tells her. Her response is asking MK and the others for help. He resides this until he realizes how bad he got before he died and goes with her to talk to the group. The group thought he died after LBD was defeated so they're a little shocked but welcoming to the new friend. They end up going to Sun Wukong for help, at least that's what they want to do but Macaque refuses to get SWK's help.
Then the group is basically on a time limit to how long Macaque can keep himself from sleeping. They don't know if he'll just sleep normally, have a nightmare, night terror, or sleepwalk like he used to. So the unknown worse case possiblity is really what's dragging everyone on edge about it.
Eventually Macaque wakes up inside Sun Wukong's home and is completely confused to what just happened. Last thing he remembers is he was walking home with some take out from Pigsy's and now jese here. Then he panics, sees he's completely clean and panics less, looks to his right and has a heart attack because Sun Wukong is staring at him.
Macaque is questioned for a bit and refuses to answer untill Sun Wukong starts talking about the last time he saw him, when Mac died. Now this Macaque immediately starts talking about. He tells him what he planned on doing and how he suddenly was there, he then accidentally continues to tell him about the entire thing.
SWK just tells him to stay with him and that they'll work through this together. He never tells Macaque what happened while he was sleepwalking. The shadow Monkey got so caught up in everything else he forgot that he sleepwalked to begin with. The two talk alot about the past usually because Mac wanted to talk about it and know what exactly he did to make SWK kill him. He never gets much answers just that Wukong understands Mac had no control over what was happening.
The two discovered Mac listening to Wukong's heartbeat still made him sleep peacefully and like a normal person that didn't have a sleepwalking issue that could kill people.
Now the rest of the AU is domesticated couple/family stuff while they try to find a way to help Mac sleep without Wukong.
And Wukong is trying to fuigure out more about the shadow that possesses Mac without telling him.
That's it for now. I hope to draw some of this.
Oh yeah and I like the idea that Mac constantly puts something weird inside Wukong's morning tea as he drinks horrible tasting coffee mixed with a plum flavored energy drink.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
This is why to me, it dont make sense when theres claims of “tang sanzang is swk father figure” WHEN PATRIARCH PUTI IS RIGHT THERE
i like to think that wukong’s had more times spent in class bc he could not stop wanting to learn(even tho he was there to achieve immortality, he still crave knowledge that goes beyond his home
He was like patriarch puti favorite student (found son right there! I just think sun wukong was the first(?) and last one to ever teach him the forbidden arts of immortality bc no one got his riddles man
I always see Wukong and Sanzang as equal figures considering how there are so many other factors that give them legs up over the other in only certain areas like experiences, power, information, and such but in different subjects, leading to how the growth of their characters they have to be humbled to realize they don't know anything. Sanzang has spent his whole life as a monk and is an expert at it but he knows little of magic and demons while Wukong has had years of training and war tactics but has never been a monk or has had much compassion for others. They both had to find their faults to start to work on them, having they even learned from each other in some ways.
But yeah Puti had all the authority over Wukong as a mentor with age, knowledge, experience, hell even power. The man was the ultimate 'wise figure that should be listened to' that is not only trustworthy but full of knowledge and trustworthy information. Mater Ptui never needed to change or grow because he has already lived his life to where he is at the peak and thus teaches others.
I always love to think Wukong tonight the other studies there too easy and that he wanted to be challenged hence why he always breezed through his courses and didn't want to 'master' them. 'A jack of all trades but master of none kind is better than being a master of one 'of deal that made him all the more powerful as he always KINDA knows hows to fix an issue and has so many abilities that he doesn't use again or just uses once.
Wukong really was the overachiever kid in class. Teacher's pet.
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unseelie-robynx · 2 years
LBAU Anon again. Yknow, I’ve also realized that since it seems like Wukong is VERY much on board with like, merchandising his image, I can absolutely see him using that as an avenue to get the record’s remixes out there. But! Back to the Little Brothers AU! Two things this time. One, imagine Baby Brother’s pillow somehow gaining the ability to grow and shrink but still being harmless. Two, Baby Brother just thinking Little Brother’s ears are the Coolest.
I think he'd want to be careful with the music still, maybe something on an undercurrent/ sublevel of something else he released, that has an audio embedded into the remix that is just like, confirmation that he's the hero so people don't question him and maybe something to help confirm the spreading public perception of his two little brothers. But I think he's also aware enough to know he can't get sloppy, or he could lose everything, and so he's careful not to push things too far, or get to ambitious/ open-ended with what he's changing with the music on a wide scale like that.
but also, the sheer confusion on SWK's face when he finds that Xiaotian's pillow staff can change size now would be hilarious. He doesn't understand how this happened. He doesn't know how this *could* happen. It makes no sense. But it's a thing, and it is happening, and... well so long as it's not dangerous.... and his baby is supper happy playing with it... and Liu Er is super cute letting himself be pulled into the game and 'defeated' by Xiaotian with his staff so... it's probably fine.
and speaking of Liu Er, I can just imagine how confused he is by his Baby Brothers obsession. He's under a lot of brainwashing to believe Big Brother, and Big Brother says his ears are good but Macaque has a lot of trauma around them, and since he's never had any direct brainwashing about his ears (yet) it's still not exactly what SWK probably wants from him. The appearance is there, but not the internal stuff.
but the metal image of Xiaotain like, trying to use flowers and leaves to make ears like his big brother (since he has two big brothers he should probably have some sort of internal differentiation between them, but I'm not sure what it would be, since he's probably like, mentally maybe 2 or 3 in this AU) and he gets so upset when they fall off and don't stay and he pouts and mopes and it's adorable.
at least it is until he finds some scissors or a knife. until he tries to make his ears like his brothers. Liu Er hears him cry out in pain and races to him, finding him holding the side of his head sobbing from where he managed to knick into one of his ears (having the mind of a child doesn't change the fact that he has the strength of an adult with SWK's powers in him).
Liu Er of course is panicking and freaking out and sobbing, and the distress is enough to let a few things break through and Macaque has glamored his ears again without realizing it.
of course SWK finds them not long after and everything is a mess to be sorted out, and Xiaotian isn't let out of his sight for weeks and since all his attention is on his baby he doesn't pay much attention to Liu Er, and so doesn't notice the glamor until he's finally settled down and plopped some things into Xiaotian's head that make it impossible for him to hurt himself.
of course, SWK gets mad at Liu Er, and maybe gets loud with him, leading to more tears and sobs from Little Brother about how it's his fault Baby Xiaotian got hurt and how awful he is and how he hates his ears, leading to SWK needing to give him a nice long music session to scrub that all out, and make it even harder for Liu Er to use magic, and also directly addressing the unresolved trauma around his ears.
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falsementor · 1 year
a character study thing, but it contains spoilers for the special!
what's really making me insane is the juxtaposition of macaque in season 4 / the s4special and his previous appearances in the show, where he was batshit crazy.
like. okay. as far as we know, THIS is the youngest we've seen macaque, right? he's much different than the first introduction we had to him. attentive, soft spoken, introverted for sure (he's all by himself here, until wukong finds him - which makes me think he has the tendency to run off and hide from others as it's reference multiple times)
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wukong of course, has an infectious like energy and brings out the playfulness in macaque. he gets him to loosen up and helps him not worry so much, to just relax and enjoy himself, and their life. macaque is always a little uptight, because he has such incredible hearing. he's the one with the braincell the majority of the time. wukong is the impulsive troublemaker, but macaque is always there to bail him out and get him out of that trouble.
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wukong is usually the instigator of their shenanigans, as he mentioned in this scene 'correction: WE'RE really going through with this, like always!'
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and macaque, he tried expressing his uncertainty about challenging the jade emperor to wukong, who either wasn't listening or likely waved it off because the others were hyping him up so much.
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he quieted those concerned when wukong reassured him that they would return home and live out the rest of their days in peace together.
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when peng gave him shit for not commenting on sun wukong's apparent 'betrayal' and he tried to tell them to consider other options, he was silenced immediately. and now, with the reveal of what was likely the catalyst for his falling out with swk revealed, the argument they had under the mountain, it's clear that NOBODY ever took him seriously, nor appreciated him and what he did. if anything, he became a scapegoat. for daring to speak up and protest against his peers.
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macaque is wise, he's wiser than what people give him credit for. he HAS to be, he's the one with omnipresent hearing! he's called the six-eared macaque for a reason! his ability to even hear into the future grant him enough insight to know when shit isn't a good idea, to know when things are going BAD and he needs to do something. he's a planner, and he KNOWS this. he's incredibly observant, able to recognize the monkey king's flaws and fears even when wukong himself cannot. and even despite that, he never gave swk shit for his impulses until wukong decided it was MACAQUE'S fault swk was trapped under the mountain. he was fed up with taking all this bullshit from the people he cared about. from people who were suppose to care about him.
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and when sun wukong was finally freed, what happened? macaque, probably was still bitter, but clearly he still cared. he probably still had hope, maybe wukong would have come to his senses and they could finally live out their dream together. but... no. wukong had a new destiny to follow. a destiny that didn't involve macaque like he promised.
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he was abandoned. and it's very clear as the show has expressed multiple times that this was GUTTING for macaque. he was alone, and had no remaining support system left. what happens when someone is left by themself with no one to help them through such heartbreak? they become extremely vulnerable and can spiral into this pain and darkness, but even worse than that, they can miss the warning signs for when something evil takes advantage of them. macaque eludes to this in shadowplay, when he gives MK shit for not noticing his friends were missing and in trouble.
i'm still following the theory that macaque was possessed/influenced by the lady bone demon during jttw. she saw his crumbling friendship with swk, and realized that she could use it to her advantage. it would explain why macaque talks like something really bad happened to him that wasn't just being left behind by swk, but something else that ultimately lead to him being killed, forcing him into a debt to LBD he never wanted part of. it's already shown that LBD's influence pulls out the darkest thoughts from people to the forefront, and macaque? he was not in any stable state of mind! not like before, where he wasn't letting his anger and pain and bitterness cloud his judgement. before he had his heart broken. he was suffering, and she took advantage of this.
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and that's where we get this motherfucker. outcast by his sworn brothers, turned on by his best friend and later suffered the ultimate betrayal through death, taken advantage of by evil demons, now full of vengeful anger and hatred for the monkey king and everyone who worships the guy. after everything he did for those he loved, he got left in the dust. never championed for his goodness and light he once had, just forgotten.
macaque went from a soft, quiet, rational soul to a chaotic madness ridden bastard, reflecting sun wukong's worst qualities as he accepted by this point, he really was just the monkey king's shadow.
and i just think that's neat.
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oworasmodasus · 2 years
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While people are waiting on my mini comic that I’m workin on I thought I’d show how the characters look in color and a little bit about them! Oh also some things I should let you guys know of, in the comic my Lego monkey kid oc(fang) is married to macaque and Wukong who are also in a polyamorous relationship so there is shadowpeach aswell as OCXCANON Moon and Min are their kids I’ll explain more of the way the kids were created a lil later… Mk is also an elder brother figure to min and moon and he is adopted by swk and macaque and fang.
This comic will just be centered around the lil fam until I am more able to make a better story! FANG IS AN ADULT he’s practically as old as sandy pigsy and tang are …er.. well around their age group sense it’s not really said how old they are but he’s old enough I promise! The time period of this is around let’s say a few years after the battle with LBD
Now, back too talking about my characters a lil bit. Moon is the second eldest son his pronouns are he/him he has the same abilities as macaque except with his own twist and he also has fangs mix of abilities, but he ain’t op both powers take a toll on his body. The only thing he got from wukong was his hair color and his lack of communication skills…
Min is the youngest she goes by she/they she has similar abilities with fang and macaque’s ear abilities she has wukongs eyes and is able to use a lil gold vision but the downfall is that she can’t really control it. She got her wings from fangs genes and majority of her abilities honestly…she does have her own twist but she struggles a lot sense the only thing she can handle is flying anything else is way to hard for her to control.
While min looks more like a demonic monkie moon looks more like his elder brother Mk he got more of his human like features from fang. Moon is oddly self conscious of this sense he feels like he looks nothing like his dads, so he feels inferior because of it.
I have a lot of other things I could talk about for hours but I know not many people are here for that so you’ll see the characters more in the comic :)
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yen-doodles · 7 months
Ever thought redesigning mlb characters?
Or hear me out…
Mlb characters if they are characters in lmk
Or lmk characters if they are characters in mlb
Yeah, I have thought of redesigning MLB characters. I actually have an old sketch for a Ladybug redesign, though I have a different idea now of how I would design it than back then.
And ooh, both ideas sound pretty cool! MLB would probably be easy design wise— at least talking civilian forms since we have a lot of canon designs with similar outfits to go off, I'd say. So, to have the designs count as canon accurate to the art style would be easy. I think the hero outfits would definitely be a lot different, considering that LMK has bulkier designs and uses a lot more armor than MLB. It makes sense due to the fact that MLB is a magical girl adjacent show. Those don't ever use much armor and have slimmer designs besides from ruffles and bows mainly, MLB hero forms are latex aside from some additional accessories and padding on the boy's designs.
For LB, her main weapon would still be her yo-yo and would fall into the same mythical weapons like the Monkey staff, the wind fan, and the lantern Mac used in LMK. Lore wise, maybe the yo-yo could be something Nüwa made—since she's sorta a creator god— I think—and was stolen accidentally by Tikki or at least given to her from Nüwa. CN, however, since his main ability cataclysm doesn't connect to his main weapon, I would replace his baton with big bulky gauntlets. To sorta not make another really strong staff like weapon. They would have the same effect as his in show cataclysm does.
In the case of LMK, if they were in MLB, it's both easy and difficult. The roles are the easy bit. MK would very obviously take the monkey kwami, Mei the dragon, and Red Son the bull. MK would stumble across his kwami in a similar way he does with the staff and LB and CN do in their shop. Him only found out later that SWK, the past holder, had been the one to place it to be found. Mei and Red Son would have had it past down generational. I picture Tang as the guardian that takes care of the kwamis, which would make a link to Tripitaka since he was the guardian in swk's time but wasn't able to pass it down. Tripitaka would've given Swk his miraculous. The rest becomes a bit more complicated. Considering none of the main have the Ladybug or Cat miraculous, it makes it hard to accomplish evil in a similar set up to MLB considering they wouldn't be able to get rid of akumas. At least the more known way. LBD makes the most sense to have as hawkmoth, meaning the mayor could be the peacock holder. Maybe originally, Mac has the fox miraculous, but to mirror when LBD gives him a power up in s3; he could take hold of the peacock miraculous. Who knows!
This was very nice to brainstorm, but I fear if I think about this anymore.. I'll have another au to add to the list :')
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
Random idea that I thought you might appreciate. The showrunners really leaned into the horror aspects of Macaque's powers in S3Ep4, and I can't help but think about how much nightmare fuel he would be with a more unhinged personality. Like say, transplant the personality of Freddy from Nightmare on Elm Street into Mac and he would be truly terrifying, maybe even more than LBD. LBD at least operates on some sort of logic, but Mac would be motivated only by his own twisted sense of humor.
ok so part of the reason i love canon macaque is that hes literally Just Some Guy. his motives start and end at selfish 'ive been hurt, time to make other hurt' and thats it. like. everyone knew the story of DBK, and once DBK gained power again his plan was 'take over the city and rule'. same for spider queen, who wants to rule the city and LBD who wants to (control?) change the world but macaque doesnt want any of that, he has no higher purpose hes literally Just Some Random Guy that even MK doesnt know. so like him going off the rails? COMPLETELY unpredictable, noone would know what hes doing next, least of all him! its gonna come across much more joker-esque than evil warlord or controlling monarch (disclaimer- i havent seen with any media with the joker in since heath ledger and under red hood djdjdkddjd so its not a specific version joker im talking about) im gonna talk about the actual powers and then the horror part below a cut so it doesnt get too long
and, like you mentioned, his powers were done SO well in s3, the amount of times he dips in and out of the shadows, steps backwards into them, completely used to how they work, and how he changes the atmosphere when he turns up? MY GOD some of my actual favourite use of powers like that ive ever seen in media. hes COMPLETELY my aesthetic, and i LOVED how they used his powers in ep4, bathing everything in magenta and stark black, and the voice acting when he sings out 'its just you and me now~' WAS SO FUCKING COOL IM STILL REELING. NOW IMAGINE THAT SITUATION IF HE ACTUALLY WANTED TO HURT MK rather than just scare him. THATS TERRIFYING cause his powers are so so good for chaos, hes got bandages that can grab people, he can teleport, step in and and out of shadows, make whole buildings/vehicles out of clones, and while theyre in there he can just? drag them into the abyss?? and this is all stuff he did when he wasnt really hurting them that much, i dread to think what else he'd be able to do if he was out for blood.
and he already uses the scare factor quite a bit but like, the ability to separate people like that is really really good for horror. and hed think it was SO funny to do it. AND THE CONSTANT TALKING? hed watch some run through a shadow maze and just laugh at them and tell them all the ways they could die. i dont even think youd have to change his personality that much, just make him a bit more violent. (although im aware weve only seen him in the show at his very worst (around swk, the person who killed him, in s1&2, and then desperate and trying to escape an abusive situation in s3. this doesnt absolve him of anything but weve definitely only seen him at his worst times))
can you imagine? being stuck in the dark? void in all directions and the remains of the room you were in just cutting off in artificial darkness? you dont know where you are, you dont know where HE is, theres one light and youre staying under it in some illusion of safety because you KNOW he thrives in the shadows and maybe, just maybe if you stay in the light youll stand a chance. youre trying to stay quiet despite knowing he already knows where you are, trying to control your breathing and listen for him. is he circling out there just beyond where the light touches, waiting? can you bring yourself to step into the shadows or are you going to stay under the light until it- flickers. and flickers again. and then goes out. because it was an illusion of safety to begin with, and this was just a game for him, and he thinks is funny when he kills you. :D i love horror
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caramellody · 2 years
I honestly expected at least a good 2-3? paragraphs for this au concept but OOPS i made it a proper au
basically the tl;dr for what im about to say is that the 4th ring hits tripitaka as as it was originally going to, that gets passed on through reincarnation to tang. bad times ensue
now for the longer ramble: courts still out on wether tripitaka dies on impact when he gets hit by the true fire, but i dont think he'd live for much longer. at least not without aome sort of divine power keeping him on some sort of life support.
regardless Sun Wukong feels REALLY guilty about it. and its one of the things that haunt him. and durring the events of season 3, he prays he doesnt walk into some random guy who just so happens to be the reincarnation of tripitaka because if they, in theory, did exist, they would have such a bad time.
but no need to worry about that! its all going to be fiiiine~
SWK not being aware of tang being tripitaka's (and for that mater, the golden cicada's) reincarnation mostly comes from the fact that Tang is well...Tang. hes very much not like the master he once served. add that to the fact that swk just flat out tried to not have as many talks with the fanboy scholar and it kinda makes sence why he probably wouldnt have seen it comming. or maybe he knew and he was denying the truth until it started back at him in his face.
regardless the thing was in tang the whole time and add that to the fact he never really activated his golden cicada powers until season 3 means that both the true fire that was implanted in him and his golden cicada ability that he had inherently, whatever it may fully be, are so intertwined due to centuries of being dormant that they're kinda fused into one.
(this is unlike mei's situation, where she constantly used her dragon abilities throughout the series proper. so in a way the true fire of samadhi and her powers were seperate since she was adept with the latter. Tang doesnt get that luxury.)
the few times it appears in season 3 also have his original power affected in a way, the times he pulls up his shields they posses a golden firey quality to them. and when the golden cicada appeared before him, it burns up rather then disolve into sparkles. and tang could tell something was very wrong if he starts the ritual, but MK was down and everyone else was being held at a grip by macaque. he was really left with two REALLY bad options.
Swk and nezha dont make it in time thats for sure. swk specifically was in such a rush to stop the ritual he didnt realize tang collapsing to his knees as his ring was triggered. macaque is very much like how he was in the episode proper. but hes also just a smidge more terrified because whatever is burning the glasses man alive is no longer just the true fire.
SWK and Nezha figure this out too. and Swk specifically is almost hollow to a sense. to everyone else, when Tang really rips into wukong, its tang venting out his frustrations of just how much swk has failed mk, a friend in the heat of a moment venting how much hes failed everyone. to Sun Wukong? it it brings him back to the journey, to the times tripitaka would call him out on his bullshit, and he knew it was unwarranted for the most part.
not this time. he knew he fucked up.
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sobek-support · 7 years
More Headcanons
So @00-jackielantern-00's part of the art trade got me thinking about things and various headcanons.
Didn’t realise how long the list got so some will be put under a read more. Hope you enjoy~
Sobek loves looking after Bastet's cats. They're just as lazy as he is and so they can be found spending most of their time laid in a warm spot or sleeping. 
They like to sleep on his back and sometimes on his soft belly.
He says he doesn't have a favourite but he really does and that cat gets to sleep on his head where its warmest. 
Bastet adores watching him look after her cats as he's so good with them and soon enough word gets around to the rest of the gods. 
It’s always obvious when Sobek has looked after the pets because they are always so happy and well groomed. Sometimes they even have their nail painted to look even fancier. 
Initially it was only a coupe of gods as they were a little nervous about leaving their beloved pets with the giant croc but, after watching him from afar they saw how good he was with them and relaxed. 
It also helped that SWK spent a day there, even though Sobek knew it was him.
Word got around to the rest of the gods and suddenly everyone who had a pet was asking him to look after them. So Sobek's pet daycare was founded. 
All of the dogs are kept together and they all get along, however they are separated if they begin to scrap. As lovely as Sobek is, he is still very intimidating but would never harm any of them. All he has to do is glare and they behave themselves.
The cats and dogs are all kept separate for obvious reasons and have their separate areas which cater to all of their needs. 
Each pet has it’s own themed space for the pantheon it’s from. 
All the pets have allotted times for when Sobek spends time with them (when there’s a lot of pets there) but if there’s only one god’s pet(s) he will spend most of his time with them. 
Amuzen Caab's bees have their own bee hotel/hive with a load of flowers that help with pollination and to make them more comfortable. There is 1 one AMC’s hives there also just for extra comfort.
Arachne's spiders have a similar thing thing but they are kept separate for obvious reasons. They have a secluded area so no one accidentally destroys their webs. Arachne made them a special web so that they can all stay on it.
Tusky stays with the dogs as that's who he's most comfortable with. He likes their energy and their sense of pack. He even plays fetch with them.
Ao Kuang's spirit noodle dragons have a high rock that they like to sit on and relax. They have a certain aloofness about them though they like Sobek's company. They sometimes follow him around and curl up on his head when they feel lonely. 
Chang'e's rabbit is very fearful of most of the other pets and so will sit with Sobek as much as he can. However he does like to hangout with Erlang's dog. He is getting better though and has been seen to sit near Aphro’s birds.
Guan's horse and Hichiman's horse both have their own separate paddock and stable. They compete for Sobek's time a lot and try to be the best horse in looks and ability. 
Aphrodite's birds all have their own bird houses which is very luxurious. They are allowed to fly wherever they wish within the boundaries of the daycare. 
Poseidon's Kraken enjoys the daycare due to the warm water and sun that they can bask in. Sobek and the Kraken have swimming competitions. Kuzenbo's Kappa sits from the sidelines and watches. 
The kappa once tried to drown Sobek, only to realise that the croc was glaring at him under the water. The kappa has not made this mistake since. 
Raiju is very careful when he plays with the other dogs, he accidentally shocked a couple of them and made them look like balls of floofy static. 
Suku is the most pampered pet out of them all. Bastet's cats look up to them in admiration and then bug Sobek for an equally luxurious pad. 
Suku loves getting ear scratches from Sobek, his claws are just right to give the best scratches ever. They are nearly on par with Ah Puch’s nails.
The dogs have to be separated from Suku, they like to mock the dogs and so in order to get some peace and quiet, Sobek put a large space between them all as well as a divider.
Camazotz's bats are given a cave away from others due to their sensitive hearing. They are not allowed near the spiders or bees. 
Kaldr is a very relaxed dog and likes to hang out in the shade most of the time. Though he does offer get worked up by the other dogs and proceeds to case them around, all in fun though. 
SWK sometimes goes to the daycare in his animal forms for pampering. He thinks that Sobek doesn't know but he really does, though he allows it anyways as he thinks it's kinda funny and it's nice to have another God around. Plus have you ever heard tiger SWK purr? Sobek will not confirm or deny it but it’s rumored to be a very relaxing sound.
Loki has tried to get Sobek to let Fenrir to stay but he won't allow it, due to the fact that he's too aggressive and boisterous with the other pets. 
Ratatoska has also tried to get some pampering at the daycare, he is also not allowed due to the squirrels fib telling nature. He doesn't want the other pets to fight because of Ratatoska's lies. 
Sobek gets nothing from this apart from company from the pets and enjoyment from them. Though the other gods respect him greatly for it and see that he's got a softer side.
Sobek’s pirate parrot is a permanent resident of the daycare and acts as a guard parrot when he’s not there. He is a menace and should not be taken lightly when encountering. 
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