#lmk chidi
malikselfindulgence · 7 months
Marek and Chidi are the type of besties that have never been seen interacting in a public setting (Chidi gets nervous) but out of nowhere someone is like “hm wonder where they went” and text them if they’re free Friday for a hangout. Chidi texts back in the group chat “sorry. Can’t. Girl’s night” then sends a picture of her n Marek in the middle of fighting for their fucking lives in the Backrooms or something then show up Saturday completely fine
- @honeysgalaxy
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THISIS SO FUCKING FUNNY 2 ME HELLO . They're besties who hang out by hunting prey for Sport . Their friendship transcends societal norms . This is parallel play at it's peak
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punknicodiangelo · 7 months
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I have a relationship web app so I did my LMK mutual's SIs!
Morshid is Blaze's SI and Marek is Rose's! They share @malikselfindulgence
Chidi belongs to @honeysgalaxy
Li is @marblesrambles 's SI and I'm sorry she's removed from everyone else I'm just not sure how Li and characters other than Macaque interact other than that they're friends 😭
Morihinze is @jasontoddssuper
And Li Huan (or just Huan) is mine! I think it was Malik who chose the ship name for them lol
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hermanunworthy · 11 months
omg u tried coming up with a dndads tgp au???? i wanna know more ...
yes!! scary as eleanor, lincoln as chidi, normal as tahani, and taylor as jason!
at first i made willy and hermie michael and janet bc of the whole scary manipulating willy thing and also i was like "oh i could make normal jason bc of his jaguars thing and also so that i could include oakworthy" but michael gets redeemed and jason ended up being taylor. so idk. my friend suggested i could make hermie michael bc hes a demon and all that but then who would janet be? OH i could make her mae hailes now that i think about it.... dang that reminds me how long has it been since we last saw mae in the podcast?? i keep forgetting about her. but omg wait yeah i think im onto something here. okay i like these character assignments now. OH BUT obv jason x janet wouldnt be a thing in this au but that goes w/o saying. i might make another post about this sometime idk i gotta think about it more but lmk ur thoughts lol i just ended up stream of consciousness rambling
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tsa-smth · 3 months
I want to draw clothes!
(And learn random facts while doing it)
You submit:
a LMK character (OC do count!)
nationality/ethnicity headcanons and/or their traditional/classical* clothes of your choosing
random clothes of your choosing, maybe traditional/classical too
I draw 1-2 sketches of that character:
in an traditional or classical outfit based on your headcanons
in random clothes you would have chosen
*For example, it can be something ancient, it can be a shirt someone came up with decades ago
You can submit through whatever way you’re comfortable
References are really appreciated
Characters will be more lego-ish or humanoid depending on the references and my motivation
Fat chance I’ll also leave links with information about the outfits for the curious
Wave #1:
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|| #1 - Yumian || #2 - Mayor || #3 - Chidi || #4 - Zhao ||
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character tag game
Rules:  Name three characters who live in your head rent free and why?
I was tagged by the lovely and talented @midnightseance! Thank you so much! I had kind of a difficult time narrowing it down to three (my head is very crowded and no one’s paying rent, lol), so I thought I’d pick some characters who I don’t talk about as much here but nonetheless think about constantly. These are in no particular order 😊
1. Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place)
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Chidi is a character I relate to probably more than I should, lol, but wow, I love his whole character and arc so much. He is indecisive and awkward but so committed to doing the right thing, and cares so openly and deeply about both ethics and the people in his life. He has convinced himself that he always takes too long to think, but we see that he doesn’t hesitate to step in when one of his friends is in danger. Watching him grow over the course of four seasons was just so wonderful to see, and the part in season four when he gets all his memories back (”shut up, I’m confident now”) is something I like to watch whenever I’m sad. 
2.  Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows Duology)
Honestly, I could’ve put any of the crows here because the character writing in those books is A++ and I adore them all Netflix please don’t mess it up, but I’m basic, so here’s Kaz. One of the most compelling things about him as a character is that the story is very explicit, right from the beginning, about who he is: he’s ruthless and calculating and he isn’t secretly a good person beneath it all. But he is a person. And throughout the story we gain a better understanding of him (though he likes to think he’s unknowable), the people he cares for, and the clunky, awkward ways he’s never quite able to tell them that. He’s cunning and determined but also multifaceted, sympathetic, and even understandable on occasion (particularly the moments where he turns into the heart-eyes emoji for Inej Ghafa because same) I adore him and his development, and “is my tie straight?” makes me melt into a puddle every time. 
3. Kit Walker (American Horror Story: Asylum)
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For the exact opposite reasons as the above, lol, I love Kit because he is such a consistently and unflinchingly good person. Like, the entire season is really just various people taking advantage of the fact that he’s trusting and kind, but he never stops caring and trying to help other people. I always remember the part in the second(?) episode, where Lana sabotage’s his and Grace’s escape attempt because she thinks he’s a serial killer (long story), and he takes both his own and Grace’s punishments for it. And THEN, the next time he sees Lana, instead of being understandably upset because he legit got beaten because of her, he just tells her that if he believed the things about himself that she does, he would’ve done the same thing and holds no ill will towards her whatsoever. He’s just a precious golden retriever of a human being, and deserves so much better than the hand he gets dealt. 
Tagging (without obligation!): @the-bi-sokka-club, @allthingsfayz, @jettreno, @lovesongmp4, @steveharrington, @ordinaryfruitpunch, and @jeyfeather1234​
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petoskeystones · 4 years
the mike schur-verse fic i want to write
okay so b99, the office, parks and rec and the good place are all in the same universe-ity
get it? because they all go to the same college,,,
parks gang all lives in one big house together just off campus. accounting major ben, poli-sci/history double major leslie, nursing major ann, business major tom and jean-ralphio, art major april (chris, andy, donna, and ron are undecided). they’re all best friends and leslie makes everyone pancakes in the morning and they have movie nights together. the sapersteins and rich kids that live iun a house next door to them
The Office characters all live in the dunder-mifflin dorm hall (it’s co-ed for story purposes). mostly business majors of course- jim and dwight are roommates, michael’s the RA, erin is michael’s adopted sister. art student pam is dating football star roy anderson, business major jim is dating cheerleader katy. dwight is “assistant (to the) resident assistant”. david wallace is the student in charge of the administration oiffice and michael calls him whenever there’s the slightest issue happening, jan is the senior girl who michael’s in lover with. holly transfers halfway through the year from another school
the football team is the warehouse workers, andy dwyer, terry jeffords, and jason mendoza. chris and ron are student assistant coaches
michael realman is the philospohy professor who also helps out in architecture classes sometimes. eleanor cheated on her tests to get into a presigious philosophy and ethics class, chidi is the “”golden boy”” with straight a’s and was valedictorian, tahani’s parents paid her way into college and she desperately wants to prove herself, jason is on a football scholarship. jason and eleanor are best friends
janet is the savant genius girl who graduated college at age 16. she’s micheal’s assistant and they’re best friends even though she’s 22 and he’s in his late 60s. like, her apartment (which is super minimalist and the only decor is cacti) is a block away from his huge, cluttered, academic mansion and they have dinner together all the time and have a great father-daughter relationship. janet befriends team cockroach because they’re pretty much the same age
team cockroach got its name when a HUGE cockroach was in eleanor and chidi’s apartment and they freaked out and had to call tahani and jason to help them get it out and it took them ten minutes because it went behind a couch
b99 crew! criminal justice majors (NOT cops, 1312, but i couldn’t think of any other major for most of them so if anyone has any suggestions lmk) excpt charles (culinary arts) and gina (dance). jake, gina, rosa, and charles are roommates, terry is a football player, holt is dating the TA for the most respected classics professor, amy lives alone and spends all her time with jake, gina, rosa, and charles
crossovers? i kind of want an arc where eleanor and jake participate in a dna-related project for one of amy’s classes and discover that they’re half siblings. michael and leslie are friends. terry comes to parties at the parks gang’s house that chris hosts for the football team and brings some of the 99 (they’re called the nine-nine in this because the apartment building they live in is called the 99). pam and april are in the same art show a few times. jason and andy are friends. 
i have a few plots planned out (it’ll probably be a collection of stories)- roy cheats on pam with katy, and j&p have to deal with the fallout. the angela/andy/dwight Happens. i can’t decide between annslie and benslie, but there’ll be a lot of parks gang domestic fluff (making breakfast together! falling asleep on the couch during movie nights! leslie&chris friendship, becaue we all need more of that!). michael scott’s chaotic disaster of a love life. janet goode, a literal member of mensa, falling for a man who once kissed a BAT on a DARE. dad feriend!terry jeffords. jason dating tahani in a spectaular move of compulsiove heterosexuality and reboudnig from a crush on a cute TA. eleanor making out wirh chidi when they were both vlackout drunk, something only janet remembers. peraltiago accidentally adopting a cat? rosa and gina possible dating?
cameos from the Greendale Lucky Seven and the occupants of Loft 4C, maybe, because I can’t not include some of my favorite sitcom disasters
anyways. if literally anyone is interested in this let me know and if there’s any plotlines, crossover or otherwise, you want to see i’m open to suggestions. 
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dracosollicitus · 4 years
Last Line Game
tagged by @leaiorganas ! I’ll see if this can even come close to how good your line was!!!!
Rule: post the last line you’ve written and tag as many people as there words in that line.
(I went for the SW draft on my computer although I can’t tell if I edited that last or if I edited my soft stucky fic last)
With the saber to his face, Kylo Ren divides; Ben Solo multiples in the chasm, reaches up from the darkness and whispers: “...Rachel?”
(This is from “The Last of the Skywalkers” aka the SWST rewrite I really need to just finish and stop fretting over — basically the plot of TFA and TLJ is the same except Rey is confirmed as Han/Leia’s lost daughter and she has to face her beloved brother in the final battle in EpIX.)
Im cheating and counting BS and KR as one word each, so that’s 21! Meep! Wish me luck
@aimmyarrowshigh @therebeccaw @supremequeenofthenerds @brightboisterousbananas @batuuprincess @branlovestowrite @i-said-goddameron @imsfire2 @masd-1138 @deliciously-difficult @damerey-4-me @orlesiantitans @broedym @thewintersoldierdisaster @possibleplatypus @starlight-and-seafire @moonandstars020 @bouquet-roserade
Okay that’s 18 but I always get worried that some people aren’t actively writing and I don’t want to stress anyone out tagging them and if I did tag you don’t worry if you aren’t writing anything right now or don’t want to share! I just panic tagged some people whose thoughts I enjoy!
Also, if you’re a writer for a good hearty ship I love (damerey, stucky, kastle, FinnRey, Jedistormpilot, hanleia, rebelcaptain, CaptainSwan, Aziraphale/Crowley, Chidi/Eleanor, Korrasami, etc) Pls hop over to my inbox and lmk of your delightful fics // if you’d like to be tagged in things!
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malikselfindulgence · 7 months
Chidi can talk to animals but not for any deep narrative reasons I just think it would be funny if she could talk to Mo and Mo doesn’t respond because she is mean ♡
- @honeysgalaxy
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Thisimmediately made me think of the shrimpathy post oh my god . Pov youre on a date w chidi and ask her about her hobbies . Mo being mean to Chidi is so funny 2 me . She tries to throw baby Chidi into the ocean to get rid of her but Chidi just has the time of her life instead
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buckbylightning · 4 years
i was tagged by @vcastiel (and i think someone else sorry ily)
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
top 3 ships:
dean and cas
chidi and eleanor
finn and poe
lipstick or chapstick:
last song:
my mind is for sale by jack johnson
last movie:
the company musical recording from 2011 
castiel novak’s office, this is dean by emmbrancsxx0 (aka the lovely @dochollidayed) on ao3
doom patrol (2016)
superman rebirth (2016)
mister miracle (2017)
watchmen (1986)
i’m tagging: @grayson-dick, @fierydeans, @dochollidayed, @starlightcastiel​, @fierydeans​, @twoheartsoneclara​, @pluckydean​, @huckleberrycas, @ultravioletcas
feel free to ignore/ lmk if you don’t want to be tagged in things!
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anasticklefics · 4 years
How would you feel about a Good Place fic? Maybe Chidi and Eleanor where Chidi is being indecisive all day and it’s driving Eleanor nuts, so she starts to tease him and tell him to decide, so he gives her that knowing look and “decides” to tickle her? I have feelings about ler Chidi,,, (I hope this is detailed enough and if it’s not pls lmk!!!) // @tickle-bugs
@tickle-bugs As much as I’m enjoying the show I’ve decided that I’m not going to write for The Good Place, so I’m passing this along to @peachytickles! 
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theclaravoyant · 6 years
For those who don’t know me, this is a multishipping blog. If you have questions about my tags regarding this you’re welcome to ask but some common ones are: - skimmons covers platonic and romantic Jemma & Daisy, bioquake is exclusively romantic - fitzdaisy covers platonic and romantic Fitz & Daisy, skitz is exclusively romantic - I use ‘Eleanor x chidi’ and ‘Eleanor x tahani’ rather than mashed names in TGP lmk if there are others you want to know about
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schmiidt · 6 years
who kissed who in the good place? pls lmk
i think you’re referring to my gifset? and if so then Eleanor and Chidi
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malikselfindulgence · 8 months
Hi this is Chidi when she was just wee tot
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