lily-learns-finnish · 2 years
Finnish sayings that work in English
Here are some sayings which work more or less directly in English and in Finnish (with a few exceptions where the translation isn't directly the same, for example "the picking raisins from the pulla" one and "pulling on the same rope"). I haven't given the meaning of these since I am assuming people know them either from English or from Finnish, but just ask if any of these are new to you.
ottaa ohjat käsiinsä = to take the reins
pitää omana tietonaan = to keep [some information] to oneself
osua naulan kantaan = to hit the nail on the head
 ottaa paineita = to take pressure
painaa mieltä = to be weighing on one's mind
laittaa kaikki peliin = to go all in, to put everything in the game
pelastaa nahkansa = to save one's skin
pitää päänsä = to keep one's head
pitää pää kylmänä = to keep a cool head
poimia rusinat pullasta = to cherry pick [to pick the raisins from the pulla]
purra ruokkivaa kättä = to bite the hand that feeds you
olla puun ja kuoren välissä = to be between a rock and a hard place
nähdä parempia päiviä = to see better days
laskea rimaa = to lower the bar
nostaa rimaa = to raise the bar
asettaa rima korkealle = to set the bar high
ryömiä kiven alta = to crawl out from under a rock
silittää päätä = to pat on the head
pelata varman päälle = to play it safe
vetää lyhin/lyhyt tikku = to draw the short straw
vetää yhtä köyttä = to be pulling in the same direction [to pull on the same rope]
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ano-po · 4 years
I realized how i use "Dude", "Guys", "Bruh" way too often and I realized that it's not right.
To address you, my filipino mutuals, in a non-binary, all-inclusive fashion, I will call you all...
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miuna-lngblr · 6 years
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polylingualpassion · 5 years
Re-cap of Month 1 Celebrating The International Year of Indigenous Languages by Learning Cree
Re-cap of Month 1 Celebrating The International Year of #Indigenous #Languages by #Learning #Cree #IYIL2019
The United Nations declared 2019 The Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019) in order to raise awareness. Inspired by the facebook campaign facilitated by LindsayDoesLanguages, I’ve taken to sharing my journey with Cree on social media. I’ve been following along with Neal McLeod’s 100 Days of Cree and pinning away. After a full month of learning, its high-time for review, so i’ve gone back and…
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sleeplessangels · 6 years
Send me shit/ talk to me in German I gotta practice
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Excited for the visit at my local technical uni!
Hope we can have a look at the lecture about aero - and spacecraft engineering 🌠💌
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hvid-czerwona-love · 7 years
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lousadalisa · 6 years
Language learning through songs!
Music is a great way to practice your target language, I listen to music a lot in my free time and even at work; There have been times I study new vocab and get to recognize some words thanks to music. I wanted to share with you some of the playlists I listen to. Now then, Lyrics are also a great help when learning a language, I suggest “Musixmatch”, it’s free to download and to sync with Spotify.
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You can also find the most played songs, on the top charts playlists, like this one:
Top 50
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welshlearner · 6 years
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Yfory dw i wedi bod yn Bwyleg iawn. Maen nhw wedi colli ond gwylio‘r gêm gyda ffrindiau roedd hwyl.
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watermelon-dude · 6 years
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lily-learns-finnish · 2 years
"minua nuorempi"
A useful structure in Finnish is the "minua nuorempi" form, which translates to mean "younger than me". To make this form the first word "me" is placed in partitive form ("minua") and the second word "younger" is in the basic form ("nuorempi").
There is thus no need for anything else such as "kuin" (than). The fact the first word is partitive is enough to indicate the meaning. Some more examples:
häntä pidempi = taller than him
meitä fiksumpi = smarter than us
This gets a bit more complicated when this form is placed into a longer sentence. The partitive part remains completely unchanged, but the second part must be conjugated as required by the sentence. If you know how to conjugate adjectives in Finnish as required for the sentence, this is done in the same way (which makes sense because these are just -mpi words are adjectives in the comparative form):
Lähetin sen minua fiksummalle ihmiselle. = I sent to a person who is smarter than me.
Ostin sen häntä pidemmältä mieheltä. = I bought it from a man taller than him.
Used with genitive form
A small rule (for written Finnish) I've noticed is when using the "genitive form" such as is needed for "puhua jonkun kanssa" it is better to use "itse" than "minua":
Puhuin minua nuoremman pojan kanssa. = I spoke with a boy who is younger than me
Puhuin itseäni nuoremman pojan kanssa. = I spoke with a boy who is younger than me.
Another example:
Hän meni naimisiin häntä nuoremman miehen kanssa. = She married a man younger than herself.
Hän meni naimisiin itseään nuoremman miehen kanssa. = She married a man younger than herself.
I have also noticed this form can be used with "adverbs" (nopeammin) as well as "adjectives" (nopeampi). So for example:
Yritä tehdä se minua nopeammin! = Try to do it faster than I am!
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For English-speakers, Romanian is easier to learn than German. That’s cool! You (as in you American or Englishman) should speak Romanian after 24 weeks of study. Check it out!
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miuna-lngblr · 6 years
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polylingualpassion · 5 years
Where to Scrape Together Enough Resources to Teach Yourself Beginner’s Cree
Where to Scrape Together Enough Resources to Teach Yourself Beginner’s Cree
The mainstays of any language-learning program are a basic introductory phrasebook, a reference grammar, and a dictionary. The following are my personal selections for my adventure into Cree:
“A Cree Phrase Book“ from the course “Introduction to the Cree Language” based on the dialects of Manitoba developed by Brandon University’s Department of Native Studies.
EastCree Interactive…
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brittnihongo · 7 years
Learn how to count using the 個・こ counter with some dancing, singing donuts! :D
ぐるりと・turning in a circle
ぽちゃん・ぼちゃん・Splash, plop
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jemappelleshelly · 7 years
Ceci ma première post original! 
Je m’appelle Shelly et Je suis naiveau A1 dans le français . 
J'apprends le français dans Duolingo et Linguist.
J'étudie la physique et l'ingénierie électronique à l'université. Ç’est mon dernier an! :)
J'aime danser la salsa et la bachata (Et j'enseigne les deux). 
Je n'aime pas ignorance.
(Grammar mistakes are probably various - Please correct me if you can! <3)
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