#lo headcannons
lore-olympus-saga · 1 year
Loki and Demeter (LO Headcannons) #1
“I can explain.”
“Can you?”
“If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie”
I was looking up incorrect quotes and this would be Demeter and Loki’s relationship in a nutshell since they have many things in common but their personnality are extreme opposites.
It would be so interesting to have these two talk together, especially since Loki really lived what Demeter fears the most: the harm of their own children.
But even with this, it’s not in Loki’s nature to overprotect on the contrary. Go out there, stir some shit up, that’s the only way you’ll learn. He would rather go and murder whoever harm his kids (unless he’s stuck like with his loyalties to Asgard) than shelter them. As a God of the vikings this isn’t really surprising.
Demeter wouldn’t understand how he could claim loving his children let letting them face such terrible fates and Loki don’t see how building walls around Persephone is going to help her in front of real danger.
But deep down, I know these two would respect and understand each other more than their peers. After all, they’re both mothers.
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duckitity · 7 months
Día de los muertos!
(Quackity x Reader)
You're dating Quackity and he takes you to your first Dia de los Muertos!
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You and Quackity have been dating for a while now.
You were also a streamer, so most of your friends knew already, even though the relationship wasn't completely public.
One day while you were both streaming together, you jokingly told him about how you were waiting for him to invite you to Mexico.
The told you he would love to take you for El Dia de los Muertos, and that he would even buy you the plane ticket for you to go.
Both of your chats took it as a joke, obviously.
I mean, it was kind of a joke at the beggining, but not really.
Since he actually did it.
You didn't really mind, you were genuinely excited for it.
When you finally arrive to Mexico, he picked you up at the airport.
He greeted you with a hug and a kiss, and you could tell how excited he was.
He explained you everything he knew about the holiday.
He told you about the meaning, some traditions, some foods.
Almost as if he had waited years to talk about those things with somebody.
He also wanted to make sure you wouldn't feel lost, or left out. Since his whole family was going to be there, and he knew it could be a little overwhelming.
You thought it was really sweet of him.
His whole family was really nice to you.
You cooked typical mexican food with him and his mother
You helped him decorate the altars.
You have never seen so many colors in your life.
And then the day finally arrived.
His sister did your Catrina makeup,and help you dressed up.
It was beautiful.
When Quackity saw you, he couldn't stop smiling.
He thought you looked absolutely gorgeous.
And you couldn't stop smiling at how happy he looked.
"Thanks for letting me share this with you."
You had the best first Dia de los Muertos with him and his family.
Hi! Just wanna clarify something, im not mexican, so if there is anything wrong with anything i wrote about el Dia de los Muertos, i would apreciate it if you let me know <3
Also, english is not my first language, so, the same thing goes for anything about grammar or something similar. :)
And thanks for reading, hope you liked it. <3
Feel free to request for any ideas you would like me to write about, or ask me any question.
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rayyasha · 8 months
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Can't stop thinking how stronk they are
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girlsandgta · 2 months
Hiyaaaa!! hope ur doing well friend <3 was wondering if I could request some headcanons for being Michael's niece? - maybe you're visiting from out of state, im wondering what would it be like to be in the de Santa household and who would you meet? :0 thanks friendd no worries if not - 🐞
of course!!
• though mikey has a pretty stone cold exterior, he has a soft spot for you :)
• his house always smells amazing, thanks for amanda’s essential oils and eva always cleaning.
• tracey would always be practicing makeup looks on you, but she’s super good so you don’t mind
• when tracey isn’t with you, jimmy and you play righteous slaughter and smoke that funny stuff 😉🍃
• amanda and tracey go shopping with you all the time, trying new perfumes, getting your hair and nails done together, you’re one of them after all :)
• they have a “spare” room that you use (it has all your favourite music posters on the wall and they let you decorate it, it’s basically your room)
• michael and you go for little outings to cafes and the beach, and just talk about anything and everything.
• amanda and you play tennis and do yoga together
• you and tracey drive around in her car and she takes you to all the best spots to party, and introduces you to her friend group
• when you have to leave again, tracey definitely cries her eyes out and even jimmy gets his infamous “hay fever”
• you meet franklin and trevor, they’re super friendly, and trevor usually hangs around at michael’s anyway
• jimmy and you go on bike rides together in his desperate attempt to loose weight, it’s hilarious watching him complain and whine about being out of breath
hope you liked them :)!! thanks for the request <3
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agoosewithinternet · 2 years
Take my AA sexuality headcannons with out any context
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solcatre · 8 months
Solo aparezco para decir que para mí North y Toothiana son ex esposos. No me pregunten cómo llegué a esta conclusión, porque ni yo sé.
Amo pensar que se casaron y todo, pero que luego Tooth se dio cuenta de que le gustaban demasiado las mujeres. Al final ambos quedaron como buenos amigos, pero cuando discuten todavía se notan esas vibras de que estuvieron casados.
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Headcannon: Ex husband and ex wive vibes. Ahora partners in crime.
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hanna-cookie · 1 year
I. HAVE. AN. IDEA. (cod mw2 guys x jotaro! Male Reader)
HEAR ME OUT.....WHAT ABOUT MALE READER JOTARO??? (You guys can change his age to whatever you want or change his age like in the anime)
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Where the marauders would live in America
James- 45 ish minutes out of Los Angeles. Which way? Not toward the ocean idk i've only been to Los Angeles once. He would have grown up in the hills/ mountains with the whole world as his backyard. Once he got older he moved around a lot to get new experiences and learn more. Every placed he lived he loved and he eventually settled down to live near his friends however nothing could stop him from going to his childhood home every year.
Sirius- Washington DC. But he only technically lived there. His family would be the type to disappear for the summer to their summer home, and he was definitely sent to a boarding school. And all the other holidays his family would vacation at their property in up state New York. He moved out as soon as possible and probably moved to New York City or a bigger city on the west coast. He would never in a million years go to any of the places he lived as a child.
Peter- Connecticut. I've only every driven through there and it makes so much sense for him but weirdly. His parents were definitely the type who commuted into New York City. He lived in a smaller upper middle class town with weird street names that had no life. However, he would not move out if he had ANY say in the matter. It was home to him :)
Remus- He grew up in Appalachian Pennsylvania (idk if that the best way to say that) on the west side of the mountains. Probably lived in some old tiny house with a long dirt drive way in the middle of nowhere. The winters fostered his love for reading as he never like going through the pain of dressing warm. His town pained him, as it was the only place he would ever feel truly comfortable and at home in but once he graduated high school he also felt restricted by the confines. After graduating he moved to Seattle to try and see if it would go away but it would never did. There was always a part of him that wanted to go back and escape but he had grown to much and no longer fit in the walls of his home.
Anyway those are my hc. I've lived in the US for my entire life and thought I might as well do this. I have hc for were other characters would live if anyone would like to see those? I would also love to see yalls ideas
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
Rewatching some of Riverdale season five and just wondering how Tabitha was even attracted to Jughead in the first place? He's so annoying, my god. But also I ship it.
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lore-olympus-saga · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons for Loki's Wives in the LO Universe?
I'm often more of a Loki/Sigyn shipper than a Loki/Angrboda shipper tbh.
Oh my, do I? (yes, so much xD)
First and foremost In my headcannons Loki is polyamourous and also genderfluid. It’s accepted and known in this universe. 
For Angrboda and Loki:
Angrboda is his first wife and it’s quite the friendship/romance type. They’re both jötunn and spend a lot of time playing with magic and runes. 
Since Loki is bound to Asgard he spends less time with her because she disagrees on his loyalties but that doesn’t mean they stopped caring about each other.
 In the LO universe they’re still allies but it’s strained due to their children’s fate in which Loki failed to protect them. Angrboda 
I sadly don’t have much more about them :( even though I love Angrboda
For Sigyn and Loki,
Their relationship was more complicated to start off with. I’ve imagined more of an arranged marriage for them.The classic trope strangers to lovers really.  
At first Sigyn was really scared and repelled by the jötunn, completely influence by the horror stories Asgard has spread about jötunheim. 
After their wedding, Loki didn’t even dare to touch her because she was scared of him. He’d rather leave her for months to travel with Odinn because he didn’t see the point in staying with someone who hated him.
 It’s only with time and with the few moments they shared when he stayed at their home that Sigyn got to understand him better and started to realise that maybe he is more than the rumors that surrounds him. 
Sigyn stays an ansgardian so she’s a good fighter. I’d like to think that Loki and her will fight side by side and can protect each other just as well.
He’s a wild card and she’s very soft and peaceful. They complement each other even if it means they butt heads more than most. 
During the events of LO, Sigyn would be pregnant. She’s expecting and doesn’t really like to see Loki so interested in Olympus’s mess.  Plus Loki and her are both worried of how their children will be welcomed by the other gods since that until now no offspirng of Loki’s have been kindly treated.
In the event this LO au, Kore has to take shelter in Asgard and since she’s quite close to Loki she’ll get to spend time with Sigyn who’ll be a sort of guide in the politics of the Asgardians. 
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(Here’s a little prototype of Sigyn’s design. All bundle up and cosy with her husband)
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There’s no reason for Janus to drink wine
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tacosdefresa · 4 days
Headcannons de Hara y Tesu porque quiero cambiarme el nombre a Elsa Polindo
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-Es superdotada, pero esta cualidad fue desaprovechada por María
-El hecho de que haya estado en un mundo rodeado de hombres, y que solo le hayan enseñado a pelear le hizo mal, por lo que desarrollo una personalidad impulsiva, María se dió cuenta de esto e intento "arreglarla" (pero ya era algo tarde)
-Aunque no haya aprendido mucho, y sea algo ingenua, según yo tendría un buen pensamiento lógico-matemático aunque también algo impulsivo
- cuando de niña se ponía mal, María le daba juegos como cubos Rubik, ajedrez, sudoku, etc.
-sabe sumar, restar, multiplicar, y dividir números de hasta 10 dígitos
-posiblemente sea una de esos analfabetos q sabe leer un poco pero posiblemente su propia letra (o número, los números también sirven como letras)
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-Tiene ACI (Altas Capacidades Intelectuales, hay diferencia entre eso y la superdotación) esto si fue aprovechado correctamente, solo que no lo fue en la parte de matemática
-Al no saber mucho de matemática, se le es difícil aprender sobre este tipo de tema, casi como si tuviera discalculia, pero no tanto
-igual después de todo esto, es bastante astuto, y tiene un muy buen pensamiento lógico-emocional y también compasivo
-de niño cuando se ponia muy nervioso, tomaba una vela, la encendía, y hacia pequeñas esculturas con la cera que goteaba de ellas
-también es bueno en el ajedrez como Hara, solo que ella es mejor que él
-le enseña a Hara a leer letras a cambio de que ella le enseñe a leer números
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-Hara es intersexual/hermafrodita, poliamorosa, y omnirromántica
-Tesu también es poliamoroso, pero es panromántico
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Hehe, me gustó hacer esto (si alguno tiene algún headcannon a ver no sea mezquino, comparta) :3 + :4
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Gabi Would Totally Head An Episode Based On Showing About Dias De Los Muertos
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During the reboot, there would be more emphasis on diversity so they would introduce holidays like Dias De Los Meurtos to kids through Gabi who is Mexican. She would put up an oftenda and have the others join in as well. The whole neighborhood would have a huge celebration with the holiday. She might even invite her family to celebrate.
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sohannabarberaesque · 11 months
More in the vein of the Hair Bear Bunch than Yogi Bear, perchance.
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G-Lo Could Have Been A Better Fit To Confront Flex
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Seriously, Bicep was wrong to think she couldn't have been a good resistance to Flex. Then again guy seems to underestimate and underappreciate his sidekick.
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Of course when he arrogantly thought he could confront this guy (thinking he was just Flug) he ended up pummeled, due to the fact that the Black Hot Organization was focused on defeating on musclebound heroes and could out-strength them.
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As seen here with Flug, just trying to out beat him physically will be a big challenge. On the other hand, if you remember how G-Lo is composed of G-Lo she could bounce off this guy's attacks easily and he would get exhausted.
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Another obvious weakness he has in comparison with Flug is his lack of intelligence which anyone who was very creative and smart about their powers would use to their advantage.
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Also another thing that could have made G-Lo good against him the most is the fact that he has problems with opponents who can out maneuver him. As seen here with Demencia, he has a hard time with opponents who use speed and agility to best him. Given the fact that G-Lo can expand her body about she could easily get him frustrated and end up even hurting him and as a result she can turn his own strength against himself or fatigued from not being able to get her.
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As a result, I could see G-Lo being able to beat this guy even though he would at first underestimate her like so many others.
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i need to write [DATA EXPUNGED] w L.anik again, have some angst but make it T4T or something
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