#lockdown engagements
world-of-wales · 1 year
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23 MAY 2021 || The Duchess of Cambridge joined the 'Nursing Now' virtual event to mark the conclusion of the 3 year program.
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windydrawallday · 2 months
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Bonus THANK YOU doodle for the @tf-bigbang team and my writer pal @ivycorp . And to every participant in the event this year for making the process not just bearable but SUPER WELCOMING I meet lotsa of creative pals, making me wish to keep everyone in my pocket! I hope we cross paths again next year 💚💚💚
🦡 [Here is the Illustration I did for the event!]
🐦 [The amazing story Ivy threaded to go along it!!]
Thank you so much for such an amazing experience! xoxoxo
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kneworder · 1 year
tua3 was so tough. within the year it after it came out -- june 22 2022 - june 22 2023 -- just 2,679 works under the fandom tag were updated on AO3. that may seem like a decent chunk, but compare this to the relatively even distribution between july 31 2020 - july 21 2021 (the year after season 2 came out), where 5,326 were updated, and february 15, 2019 - february 15, 2020 (the year after season one), where there were 5,637. tua used to have one of the most vibrant, collaborative, active fandoms i've ever had the pleasure to be in, and the sheer mediocrity of season 3 seemed to just take a wrecking ball to that community pretty much overnight. literally cut its fanfiction output in half. still makes me sad.
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transboysokka · 11 months
damn I do wish I’d been on this site during the pandemic when all y’all people in lockdown countries discovered atla for the first time, that renaissance must have been amazing
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allgremlinart · 7 months
I know this blog makes it seem like the only two forms of media I ever consume are. atla or Batman. but really it's more like. there's a great swath of media I enjoy that I just couldnt be fucked to make anything for.
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pynkhues · 2 months
are you just never going to answer gg asks again or what
I mean, you're assuming I get all that many asks about GG these days. The show ended three years ago, and while it's still one that I love very dearly, I don't know if I have all that much left to say about it - I answered a lot of asks while the show was airing and in the year after it, and I wrote a lot of fic for it. While there are still some wips I'd like to finish one day (and it's those that I still sometimes get asks about), the truth is I haven't worked on them in a minute and don't know when inspiration will strike again (because inspiration does still sometimes strike - I even posted a new fic back in January).
I don't know. I'm allowed to be excited about other things, and sending an ask like this doesn't exactly make me want to run back to what's left of the fandom.
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6ebe · 2 years
f1 fans are so funny they’ll be like MY driver has this red flag and this red flag and this red flag and he has bad right wing politics avoids tax cheats on his partners is an open misogynist his gf is 10 years younger than him and a teenager he doesn’t believe in covid but it’s ok he’s my baby boy <3
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cambria-writes · 23 days
Watching other people talk about how miserable fandom has become in the past few years meanwhile I’m sat in my little corner away from everyone like
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flaskoflethe · 25 days
Well, got prescribed cypionate. No idea how much it'll cost, or if insurance will cover it but I kind of don't care? I went through the fucking wringer to get data to prove what I was on wasn't ideal for me. This isn't metaphorical; 2 hours after injection, my levels are ~300. A day after, 500. 2 days after (nominally ~2 hours after peak), 600! 3 days later, 250. Not sure what my actual trough value is yet, but given I get severe nausea below ~350? I'd have to be injecting daily, and that's just not safe for me.
So, fuck it! Cypionate's curves look much smoother, and depending on how I metabolize it I might actually be finally getting close to successfully fine tuning some aspect of my biology :3
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bluecookiesabi · 6 months
You ever feel like you'll never find romantic love in your life
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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3 JUNE 2020 || The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William spoke to volunteers from Conscious Youth and Machynlleth Community Corona Response to mark Volunteers Week.
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stopthefeeling · 7 months
Just spent the past 4 hours watching the back half of 2018, what a golden era that was
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goatyoat · 9 months
34 & 35 for the artist ask game?
Qs from this post!
34. whats something you still like from your old art?
hmmm, this might be a cop-out but my clear dedication to trying new things in an attempt to learn and grow as an artist. There's not any one specific thing I like in old art, but looking at it I can see my growth as an artist, and I can see where I was trying different ways of doing line-art, shading, stylizing, etc.
35. if you had one piece of advice to give your younger artist self, what would it be?
This one goes out to me specifically in sophomore year of high school (I believe I was 16 at the time): DO NOT QUIT DRAWING. YOU ARE GONNA END UP GOING TO AN ARTS COLLEGE ANYWAYS. DON'T QUIT NOW. (Also start drawing animals again man, you know you want to)
Thanks for the ask!
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do-rey-me · 11 months
you are the world.
as you lay dying in a hospital bed
we take a moment to breathe in
(we do not know this is a dangerous thing yet)
the air free of the chemicals and beeping and rushing we have grown accustomed to
we try and eat something that is not bland
the shops are closed
as you are dying, the world is dying with you.
when we had first arrived, the staff had thought i was old
they had me sign paperwork and give medical information for your stay as your next of kin
they looked in my eyes and saw my future
(Apollo was God of prophecy and medicine both)
knew i would command your fate into the ground
knew i would not condemn you to that terror of cremation
your family arrives
(black birds following armies, knowing that a feast will be served)
they always do, for matters they consider important
first arrives your sister
(i forget which one)
she is kind to me, of course
she dances around the obvious, of course
she is surprised that my mother and stepfather are there,
although she tries to hide it
at some point, there is a meeting around whether or not
you would want to have donated yourself to help others
(why is that information not already available?)
i don’t know for certain what you would say, but i tell them to do it anyway
(forgive me, for not asking)
(forgive me, for not saying hello)
(forgive me, for waiting until i was grown to talk)
your sister tries to give you your Last Rites while my family is away
the Priest, the Doctors, they all tell her no
she tries anyway
(i understand, she is trying to help)
(i understand, she does not know you)
your Mother arrives.
(so does her husband and my uncle)
i don the armor ive been welding for my (your) life (death)
I greet her with respect, we go through the motions of grief before death
(i do not give her my True Name, i do not eat of her food, i do not give her any debts)
(i am a changeling child, i know her kind well)
i prepare myself for real battles to begin.
the rest of the players trickle in
the family
your friends
(your friends go through your house, giving most to me. neither side asks, so no debt is owed)
(i do not have to go myself)
(it is one less battle to fight)
my mother becomes my second-in-command easily, as if she never even stopped
she is water, flowing and changing
she is rock, steady and tethering
here is how the war is fought
in uncomfortable hospital chairs, we talk, your family and i
your mother takes charge on her side
i take charge on mine
we are outnumbered, but we have legal power over your decisions
and their time is running out.
as per the rules set long ago, we must remain respectful. polite.
they are your family. they raised you. you are their precious son.
(you were born out of wedlock. you abandoned the faith. you raised a queer.)
my mother abandoned you. my stepfather must hate you. your friends are irrelevant.
(you were my mother’s best friend. you got my stepfather to branch out. your friends built a boat to burn for you)
but me? i am your child. you are my precious father, my world, who i am losing.
so when i tell them that you would want to be buried without a box, to feed the earth and let the worms eat your flesh?
they cannot oppose me directly.
most of your family ignores your brother, my uncle
they can’t understand the words he says so they think him infantile
when they aren’t ignoring him, they are Handling him
they tell him you are dying in little words
“Pete isn’t going to be around anymore soon”
they say in falsetto tones
they do not let him grieve. they do not let him love.
i do not let the rage boil under my skin
i do not let myself mourn that with your passing he will be taken away as well
it will not help him. it will not help you.
i often can’t understand what my uncle says either, but that’s not new
the wind likes to play tricks on me, tying words into knots before they reach my ears
i am one of the few that treats him like the eldest child he will soon be
he is one of the few that treats me like the child i shall still be for two years yet
so between battles, sitting amongst the corpses of words, we sit in silence,
and we draw
your death is scheduled
it has to be, to harvest what they can from you, to save who they can
there is ceremony to what comes after
they bring the body up, and we walk down the hall with it
doctors and nurses line the halls, giving respect to what we have lost
giving respect to what you have given that will save others
the only sound the whole way is my uncle’s sobs
i don’t know if he hates that it was a child, your child, who was the one comforting him
and so the world ends.
the funeral seems dull in comparison to the honor walk
sure, your family made a scene,
but my mother took the narrative back
and anyway.
by that point the fight was over
your wishes were respected
i had won.
the next day,
we went home.
and we didn’t come out.
and so the world ends.
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tamaharu · 11 months
why is talking to parents about mental health stuff so nerve wracking like im just informing them that im planning to get an adhd assessment so they could help with insurance and im like oh man i should be shot for this
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pikslasrce · 1 year
me: damn bro why do i feel so miserable all of a sudden
also me:
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