#lockedloki's writing
doodle-pops · 2 years
hi hello, just recently started following your blog and I love your writing! do you have any silm/lotr/Tolkien fic writers or blogs you recommend? thank you <3
Update: 27/05/24
Oh thank you very much for your kind words. There are tons of blogs I would recommend that have wonderful content:
New Blogs (27/05/24)
These other blogs have been inactive for some months, others years, but you can still pass through and view their content. It's great btw:
@icarus-fell-in-spring (moved to ao3 under eomer-eadig)
If there are any other blogs anyone would like to recommend, send in the ask or comment down below.
Edit: I realised as new blogs are popping up, I should keep track and put a time stamp for proper recording.
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lockedloki · 3 years
Hello! Could you do headcanons for Boromir and Aragorn with a short and shy human SO? Thank you!
A/N: Sure can do, Chief! Some fresh HCs comin' right up!
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He loves resting his his chin on your head as he hugs you, no matter what the position. It gives him the sense of home.
He's scared of losing track of you in the tall grass, but he'll use his dry humour to deflect that it's because he's a hasty man with looooong legs on a Mission™. It is not.
He did lose you once in some tall grass, but he was given a near heart attack by you just appearing next to him all of a sudden. He from then on out calls you his "soft soled hobbit"
He likes holding your hand in his whenever the situation allows for it, and he could spend hours tracing the lines on your palms.
You have sparring matches and at least now, thanks to you, he knows how to block a fist or knive if a hobbit were to suddenly grow murderous (after being denied third breakfast one too many times)
He tends to be protective over you because not only are you Smol™, you're a shy bean too
Buuuut, he does like making fun of your height though by resting his elbow on your head and/or shoulders.
... Or lifting you up completely when you can't reach something high up. He tends to laugh a lot when he does this, so you tolerate the indignity of being lifted up like baby Simba, if only for the sake of hearing his laugh be so full of pure joy
Tying in to the previous hc, he loves physical touch, and with his loved ones it's amplified, so this is all just a huge bonus for him :)
Waking up to the image of you drowning in one of his shirts might just one day cause this man to combust from love, and he's not shy to let you know how beautiful he finds you, regardless of whatever flaws you have
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lockedloki · 3 years
can i request nsfw maglor headcanons if you're comfortable with it? i love all your other work
A/N: asdfghjldkalsjlal thank you!! yeah one steamy bard under the cut! also,,, if there minors following me, know that it's put under the cut for a reason.
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I think he'd be into shibari! Especially with tying up his partner and letting those musician's fingers work, if you know what I mean (smug)
Also! Somnophilia with consent given beforehand is just one of the hottest things to him! The amount of trust from both parties just,,,, wow... Gets him revved up real quick!
He has a public sex kink and almost getting caught hypes up his arousal so much! Having to keep the noises down, even when the action doesn't stop??? Even, and especially, if his partner goes harder????? drool worthy daydreams right there
Whenever he has to, really has to, keep the noise levels down, he tends to bite his lower lip a lot and squeeze his eyes shut.
He's not super loud, but he is vocal - little gasps and grunts and praises and a whimper here and there that lets his partner/s know he's enjoying himself
Adding on to the previous point: whenever he's super close, he tends to go rigid and start to tremble as the waves of his orgasm hits him, letting a few gasps or whimpers slip, maybe even a swear if the sex was really good
Turn On's and Turn Off's
He gets so turned on by back muscles, it's an issue having to oversee his troops training. He also gets real hot under the collar with any low cut dress or shirt, especially if the wearer gives him a cheeky smile when he's noticed staring.
However, one of his worst turnoffs is poor hygiene - especially poorly looked after hands and nails. He also can't stand degradation, he needs to know he's being a good partner and spanking is also a no-no: he has musician's hands, after all. Although he loves semi-public sex, outdoor sex is just not for him. Why would he want to roll around in grass and dirt and bugs when he has a perfectly comfy bed - and sturdy desk! - for them to use?
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lockedloki · 3 years
Hi I was wondering if you could make HC's about Curufin, his wife(the reader) and and a child!Celebrimbor.
A/N: Oh yes!!!!! I gotchu babe! enjoy this i had in my drafts for a while!
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family headcanons
Curufin is very very excited over being a dad and loves showing Celebrimbor cool stuff he made, and his day is made when one of you ask for a further explanation. This makes walks through the forest, market, wherever so much fun for him because you two enable him so much. He's not big on PDA, but that's just his own opinion. There isn't a moment where he isn't touching his family in some way - hand holding, piggybacking, absent minded temple kisses - he's a real cuddle bug in denial.
dad and baby
Curufin has a sensitive sense of smell, even for an elf, so diaper changing is free entertainment whoever lucky enough to witness it. He refuses flat out that you do it, because - and I quote - "Beloved, this came out of you. I'll do the dirty diapers, even if - don't you laugh at me Tyelpë! - even if I have to wear a clothespin. I'm a Fëanorian, I'll survive! I hope..."
the godfather
Tyelko says that because Tyelpë is named after him (he isn't), he should be godfather (he's not). Instead Curufin, sick of everyone interfering with his smithing just to explain why they should be godfather - or godmother, in Aredhel's case - names Huan goddog. Huan takes this very seriously - he curls around Celebrimbor and anyone who values their hands will leave them alone. You find this very cute and sketched it to show to Curvo one evening. He smiled smugly and said he was right in choosing Huan as godparent-slash-goddog - Huan's thumping tail evidence at his pride for being chosen
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lockedloki · 3 years
ooooo can i make a request for domestic life with feanor? like gossiping, shopping, daily life? i hope this is okay? your writing and fluff always bring a smile to my face 💓💖
A/N: asdfghjldkalsjlal thank you so much for your kind words! I'll do headcanons first, and then later maybe a drabble, (i have some Ideas™), is this okay?
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Fëanor is petty. And when he gossips, it's usually with someone he trusts and who understands that this is his way of unloading his frustrations with someone.
He hates lies and rumors, so he sticks to "conveying truthful information". Yeah right. He would never intentionally spread misinformation, and he will correct you if you two gossip about something he knows already.
Fëanor loves little stores with trinkets and what not! He respects other craftsmen, and will not hesitate to give constructive criticism, if they should accept his offer for it. He's loved by the people as he supports small businesses and beginner craftsmen, regardless of their status.
That being said, he hates self-important people in the markets with a fiery passion, and it always seems like a brawl might break out if he comes across one of them. Fëanor is not known for standing down, after all.
He's also super easy to lose track of when shopping! He gets so absorbed in his discussions with people about smithing and what-not that he loses track of time and it ends up being a merry chase through the marketplace as you both constantly miss each other just-just. It's like something out of a looney tune: You stick your head out down one aisle, and as soon as you give up and turn around to search another aisle, does Fëanor appear in that same aisle looking for you! This tends to go on for some time, his sons have started a betting pool on who'll find who first from their vantage point at a rooftop café nearby.
Daily life
Fëanor has a wack sleeping schedule. It's unhealthy but good luck trying to get him to apply self-discipline regarding his own bed time! Some days he won't sleep at all, and on other days he slips into a coma like sleep. He loves cuddling, so if this is used as an incentive.... oop
He hums absent-mindedly when he works, whether in the smithy or the garden or the kitchen. He hates the quiet - it reminds him too much of the time after Miriel's death when the castle's halls were so silent, he had nightmares that it was him that went to Mandos Halls and not his Ammë.
He loves making meals together! It might evolve into a little competition on whose dish is the better one, but it's all in good fun!
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lockedloki · 3 years
Can I request Mairon dressed up as Annatar then starting his thing in Eregion, but then his old first age enemy, reader arrives to the place and recognizes him immediately. Reader however plays along and doesnt say anything, but then starts pranking and annoying him, like a child. He tries to endure it and not accidentally reveal his true form out of anger. Elves starts to get suspicious because reader is so at Annatar, which usually ment something was up since reader usually is calm and chill
listen,,, the meme potential this request had overwhelmed me and i am but a weak homo sapiens <3 so please enjoy some enemies to annoyances content in the form of memes
(anon this ask made my day and so i humbly offer memes in return bc i cant add on to the genius of your mind) (also,,, i hope youre okay with this, if not then just send me an ask ❤️)
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BONUS: the people of eregion are confusion??????? why is annatar getting bullied???? he said it doesnt bother him????? but his face????????? what?????????? how y/n and annatar know each other???????????????????????
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lockedloki · 3 years
Hi, is it possible that you can write the older elves comforting a reader who’s having a tantrum? Odd request, I know but I’m going through a lot right now and I’m very close to breaking every single plate in this house. :) many thanks🙏
A/N: I am sending you good vibes, a virtual hug, and forehead kiss your way❤️ also 3rd age Middle Earth "old" elves comforting a reader having a breakdown
Cirdan is probably the oldest elf in Middle Earth in the 3rd Age, so he undoubtedly has seen and dealt with breakdowns and tantrums before. He encourages you to let it all out in a way that won't harm anyone, and that's most likely by smashing cheap plates he had specially ordered for times like these (*coughcertainyounghighkingscough*). When you're done with spending most of your energy smashing plates and throwing curses around, he's right there with a comforting hand on your shoulder and a handkerchief to dry the angry tears you didn't know were there. He'll then let you decide whether you want to him to stay and to tell him why you were so upset earlier, or if you'd rather want him to leave you on your own for a while. He has these soft, wise eyes that has seen so much grief in his life, it's impossible to think that he wouldn't be able to help you with whatever you are facing right now.
Galadriel would try to remove whatever triggered you from your environment, and if that isn't possible, she'd swiftly remove you by taking you on a stroll through the Golden Woods to a hidden meadow. This meadow is the same one she used to bring Celebrian to whenever she had a meltdown as a elfling. There is a small fountain with cool water where you can sit and listen or run your hand through the falls, and Galadriel would sit nearby on a old bench, nearly overgrown by vines, keeping a worried eye on you as you calmed down from the excitement earlier.
Celeborn would see if you're up for sparring with him, otherwise he'd take you to the kitchen to help him bake some bread. He'd have you knead the big lumps into a smooth dough, and by the time you're finished, your mood has also improved to the point of where Celeborn could take you into his arms and hug you tightly, all while you follow his instructions of 'in... out... in... and out...' It breaks his heart to see you so worked up, knowing there is only so much he can do for you. But he'll try, damnit, he'll try.
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lockedloki · 3 years
Hello! I saw that requests are open, so do you have any headcanons about Celebrimbor?
A/N: I do! I'm gonna do appearance, personality, and relationship headcanons, so buckle up buttercup!
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He has a faint dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks, but it's hard to see unless you're up close or concentrating on it
Second age Celebrimbor has a piece of his left ear missing - a "gift" from a Fëanorian fanatic who feels Celebrimbor betrayed his family and their " "ideals" " (i love those murder bastards but honestly, they were consumed by the Oath. ) He also has a few smaller scars on and around his hands and forearms, courstesy of being a smith and a warrior
He has blueish green eyes with a speck of brown near the right pupil.
He's a huge empath, and I think that made it easier for Sauron Annatar to gain his trust and his pity, he's just a poor ol' elf, wanderin' the wilds after his home was sunk by the War of Wrath... And oh! Alas! He used to be a smith of great skill! Counted high amongst his peers for his fine work with metals and jewelery!
He has a love of puns as seen in LOTR with the gates of Moria, and I think that extends to him snort-laughing every time someone tells a dumb joke, even if he's heard it a million times.
He also has a secret drawer filled with messy doodles, short poems and lyrics and stupid stupid jokes
I think one of his greatest fears is of being cast out by everyone he's worked so hard to be accepted by <3
So please don't imagine him jerking himself upright in the middle of the night, panting, with tears running down his face as he clutches his hand over his mouth to try and muffle the sobs wracking his body
He's a people-pleaser, and cannot stand the thought of someone being upset at him. He's got so much anxiety in general, and it seems being in a relationship with the one person who he absolutely cannot fail or dissapoint aggravates this.
His secondary love language is gift-giving, as it's a bit easier to show than his primary, which is touch. He's so touch starved and touch repulsed at the same time, but by starting with handholding and working it up to hugging each other tightly there is a big improvement in his general mood
He's scared of having kids of his own, but if anyone asks he'll just say he doesn't want any. He's super good with little ones, and all the kids in Eregion adore him. He doesn't know it, but he'd love holding a tiny new life born into his own family with his S/O
And there you have it! Some A-grade Celebrimbor headcanons, sprinkled with angst and fluff!
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lockedloki · 3 years
Hello, I'm having a really bad week and I was hoping if you had any father headcanons for Elrond and Cirdan
A/N: Hi Honey, I'm so so sorry this is late, I hope life is treating you better now at least, but if it's not, have some headcanons❤️
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Soft and super gentle hugs are Elrond's speciality!
He gives amazing hugs! Because he didn't grow up with a lot of physical affection, he wants his kids to have what he didn't/couldn't
Him and Celebrian have a tradition where they make a huge family/christmas bed in his chambers on the floor and everyone joins in the super fluffy nest where they all take turns to tell stories
He can be kind of aloof as a father but he tries really hard to make his kids feel loved in other ways, he scared of getting attached, and this is connected with how he raised Gil-Galad as his own and how Círdan was one of the last people to talk with him before his death
He's scared of something happening to his kids, but whereas Elrond's more proactive in trying to prevent it, Círdan feels frozen. All his life he's seen good people be killed and fucking continents sunk and Valar rampage and kill - and he knows there wasn't anything he could've done about any of it, but that doesn't make the survivors guilt any better.
Some days, he smells of old wet wood and sand. Other days, of iron and grief.
He loves doing woodwork with his kiddo, even if they're just whacking away at a piece of driftwood with a toy hammer
He loves holding his kid's hand! Whether it's in the market or just in the halls of his house, he loves having that physical link to them.
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lockedloki · 3 years
Hello- please may you write elfs comforting reader, I have hard time right now- very painful and tough heartbreak- thanku you
A/N: Oh I'm so sorry darling!!! I hope this helps soothe your heartache at least a little❤️ I'm going to do platonic Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen, okay? If anyone wants a continuation of the other elves send me another ask❤️❤️❤️ (i adore this gif)
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Elladan would focus on trying to make you forget all about your heartache! He'd take you on adventures, even if it's only sneaking around the House, snickering and ducking behind corners, walls and vases everytime a servant heads in your direction after the two of you sniped fresh bread rolls from the kitchens. You'd soon discover that it doesn't hurt as much as it did before, and the realization that your best friend is responsible going out of his way and putting his duties and responsibilities aside to be there for you brings you more comfort than you can deal with.
Elrohir, being the more serious twin, would take time to sit next to you, and to be a shoulder you can cry on. He knows that sometimes the only way to heal a broken heart is to let your emotions out and to let your heart deal with the rest. He'd give you your space, but he'd check in regularly on you and would make sure that you ate and that you are taking care of yourself, often joining you in an impromptu self-care session, that later turns into a weekly ritual for the two of you. Sometimes, you can catch him out of the corner of your eye watching you with worry subtly etched on his face, and you know then that no matter what, as long as you have 'Ro in your corner, you'll be just fine.
Arwen would cry with you. Your pain is now her pain, and she won't let you carry it alone. She's the most fierce regarding dealing with your ex, giving them a cold glare and steering you away before you can even notice them there. She turns super protective over you, and although it sometimes feels suffocating, you know she only means well. You two end up laying in the garden, with your head on her lap as she retells of one of the greatest pranks she and the twins managed to pull on Erestor, and soon your sadness is forgotten between peals of laughter as the stories she tells - along with her gesturing - become wilder, riskier and funnier as the pranks escalate from dyeing Celebrian's hair - a yellow to rival Glorfindel's - to managing to empty the stables entirely in a single night by hiding all of the horses near the rim of the Valley where a pen had sloppily been constructed, only to be discovered by Glorfindel and him asking to join in the prank in exchange for his silence! She makes you laugh so much and instead of feeling a heartache at night, the only ache you feel is the ache of sore stomach muscles.
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lockedloki · 4 years
Hello! May I request a fic with Glorfindel? Where reader has a head injury and throwing up? Something of the sort! I just got into my first car accident and slammed my head into the window so I’m very much in pain 😂
A/N: Oh shit! Are you okay???? No worries, one (1) protective and worried™ Glorfindel coming right up!❤❤❤
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At the sound of your restrained groans from your shared bedroom Glorfindel jumped into action, leaving papers strewn accross his desk and nearly knocking over his pot of ink in his haste to get to you. He quickly righted the inkpot again, and then nearly tripped over the desk's leg. Cussing under his breath with swears that would have made Círdan blush, and rubbing his now throbbing shin, he limped as fast as his legs could carry him, only to be met with a sight that made his heart ache: you, with a pained expression and your eyes screwed tight, hunched over a bucket and shivering as another wave of nausea hit you.
He was reminded again how fragile you could be as he shuffled in next to you to soothe circles into your back with one hand and holding your hair back with the other as you started vomiting again. Should anyone have walked in on you two at that moment, they wouldn't be able to discern who was in more pain - you, with tears leaking from your shut eyes as you quietly sobbed and leaned into Glorfindel's side, or Glorfindel, who was wearing an expression so distraught and eyes distant as he cautiously cradled your bandaged head against his chest, securely holding onto you as if you'd disappear the second he stopped embracing you.
"Oh, meleth nîn..." Glorfindel struggled to find the words that could even start to convey how much it pained him to see you so fragile and weak from your accident. He tucked a stray strand that had fallen free from your loose pony tail behind your pointed ear and pressed a soft kiss to your temple as you trembled from the nausea, pain and exhaustion that wracked your body.
He knew, that if it was remotely possible, he would bear the blinding pain in your place without any hesitation. He consoled himself with this thought as he set about humming an old, old lullaby used to calm elves in the Gardens of Lorien. Gently repositioning you, he laid down next to you, still cradling you close to him and rubbing slow circles between your shoulder blades.
As your shivering died down, and your face started to slacken with sleep, deep down in his fëa he admitted to himself that not even the Balrog's fiery claws could ever come close to the hurt he feels looking at your beautiful face twisted in pain.
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lockedloki · 3 years
hi !! could i make a request for dating and marrying finrod headcanons? Just domestic bliss and post-rebirth fluff? If that’s okay, Thank you so much!!
A/N: That is 100% cool frend, i love me some happy elves!
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Let's say for some angst you were his s/o before his death in Beleriand. Your relationship started out as being close friends that would cover for the other whenever they got in trouble, such as having poor aim and accidentally hitting the back of Prince Orodreth's head with a spoon. As your friendship grew, from shielding each other from another's wrath to becoming co-conspirators, so did the love you felt for each other. And as the years went by, you realized that you were daydreaming more and more about waking up next to Finrod every morning, but sadly, it was not to be, as barely a week after you brought this up to Finrod, was he called upon by Beren to help him steal a Silmaril. You joined his team and became one of the ten to perish by Sauron's hand. Finrod was devastated by your death, and some historians believe that it was not just his oath to Beren, or his strength and power as an elven king of the line of Finwë that helped him kill the wolf bare handed, but rather his grief and anger at your demise that propelled him to try and join you in the Halls of Mandos... Luckily, once the two of you were reborn, you wasted no time in getting married.
Finrod loves doing the menial things required to keep a household running, such as grocery shopping, laundry and just making the beds with you! He strives to not only be a good spouse, but to also be your best friend! He loves being involved with your everyday life, and communication is really important to him in a relationship. As such, he loves it when the two of you get to gossip other the most trivial of things that happened in each other's day. He would unironically say "spill the tea" and "oh worm? " whilst laying on your bedroom fainting couch eating those little chocolates. Married life with Finrod is a breeze, because the both of you have gone through some stuff and by sticking together, the two of you have learned how to support the other through anything.
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lockedloki · 3 years
Would you be willing to write for Eonwe?
A/N: Yes!!!!! I would love to! Here, have 5 random headcanons for him for now!
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His favourite snack is is sunflower and sesame seed bread rolls!
He's scared of drowning because his wings got waterlogged, and thus dislikes it severly whenever Manwë tasks him with delivering messages to Ulmo's maiar at the coasts. He doesn't show it, but Manwë still picks it up because all his maiar have a close relationship with him
He acts like he doesn't, but he loves puns and wordplays and he has an amazing musical laugh once he gets going!
He loves doing aerial acrobatics/tricks, and his favourite move is diving down and rolling away just before hitting the ground
He's dyslexic and he has dyscalculia!
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lockedloki · 4 years
How would married life with Fingon be? Headcannons, cute fluff and general please? How would he be as a husband and as father? Any funny stories/incidents? Thank you, I like your writings :)
oh boy oh boy this is right up my alley
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married life
Fingon is a very loving husband and he adores being near you all the time, but that is not always possible with his hectic schedule as Noldo Prince - and later High King - so even if you merely join him in his study and do your own thing like reading or simular while he does his paperwork, it brings him so much joy when he looks up from reading and signing his tenth treaty with the Sindar to just see you vibing near him. He knows it's not easy being his spouse with all of his royal responsibilities, but seeing that you understand and you won't give up on spending time with him, or demanding more than he can physically give you (even though he really wants to), it truly warms his heart and makes him all the more enamored with you.
Fingon absolutely loves being domestic with you, whether it's just the two of you cleaning your chambers together, or making each other their favourite drink with a stolen borrowed snack fresh from the kitchens, or even just waking up at 2.34 am to stare at your ugliest sleeping face and reminiscing as he tucks a stray strand behind your ear about how lucky he must be to have met you that day long ago in that golden field...
He really wants a lot of kids. He really, really does. But it's just not safe. So you two settle on having just one now, aka little Ereinion. He absolutely adores him, and it broke his heart when he had to send your kiddo away to the Havens for safekeeping. He broke down crying just as soon as the riders were out of sight, and your tears promptly joined his.
Fingon likes to think he can handle spicy food, but let's face it: Alqualondë spicy mussels is very very milder compared to Doriathrin spicy escargot... there were jokes being made about his face matched his cousins red hair for months afterward, by his family and the Sindar
okay so maybe this turned out more angsty than first intended...
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lockedloki · 4 years
Could you please write a fluff ficlet about Maedhros learning he'll be a father soon? Probably back in Valinor, way after everyone is released fron Mandos, and everything is peaceful? Just let's give them some fluff, love and peace... Thank you
[i love a maedhros who has found peace and happiness<3]
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The feel of getting dirt underneath his fingernails was a sensation Maedhros would’ve never have thought he’d come to enjoy, but then again, he never thought he’d see the end of that wretched Oath. Its costs can still be felt, even reborn, as Mandos had judged that he should still bear his scars from Beleriand. He pulls out another pup of the succulent to replant, but stops and sits back on his haunches to admire the pale little thing. It’s scarcely as big as a thumb’s digit on his still remaining hand and yet, it already shows signs of flourishing.
His thoughts are interrupted by the clearing of a throat, and he glances behind him to see you back from the market and leaning on a tree with an easy smile on your face. Your eyes are sparkling with something he can’t place, and he makes to get up, only to be stopped by you holding up a hand and coming to sit next to him. Up close he can see that you have something hidden behind your back. You notice his curious gaze and release a giggle at his interest. Your laughter has a way of making him feel truly free from the past, and he can feel his eyes crinkling too.
“I’ve got a surprise for you,” you motion with the little brown box now in front of you. “But,” you interrupt still grinning, “you can’t tell anyone else what it is.” You scoot even closer to him so that your thighs are touching. This close, he can almost feel your excitement shooting off of you like one of those maiar “fireworks” the two of you watched from the roof a few weeks ago during the celebrations in town.
“Now my curiosity is thoroughly piqued… Come on then, let me see what curio you brought back this time,” he answers as he settles himself into a more comfortable on the slightly wet grass from this morning’s dew.
You respond by letting the little box plop gently into his lap and stare expectantly back at him with your cheek smooshed on the back of your hand.
Eru above, you’re so beautiful.
There is not a single jewel in this world capable of comparing to your brilliance as you look at him with eager eyes, and your fëa actually shines through and brushes against his with tendrils of love and trust and impatience.
“Come on now! Open it!” you urge him on, with a look that says If you don’t open the box soon, I’m gonna do it for you. A pigeon coos overhead in one of the branches, as if agreeing with you.
He opens it slowly, as if trying to savour the thrumming of your anticipation to his reaction.
A puzzled frown is thrown your way as he pulls out a tiny shirt. His eyebrows knit together, and he opens and closes his mouth as if to ask you ‘What is this?’ Your grin grows bigger by the second and will probably outshine Arien soon. You’ve brought back a fair share of strange knick-knacks, but this one must be the weirdest yet.
“Although I’m flattered you feel this shade of green will go with my complexion, I am afraid it won’t fit,” he states with confused smile.
That apparently broke the camel’s back as you release a peal of laughter so loud it startles the nosy pigeon from its perch up above. Maedhros can’t help but stare at the sight of you; from the shaking of your head as you disagree with him, to the tears blurring your vision, and your snorts as you try to calm down but only succeeding in laughing harder, and finally to you clutching delicately at your stomach with both hands…
And the realisation feels as if he’s been struck by one of Kano’s broken trumpet notes.
“You’re carrying?!” he asks, but the sight of his eyes nearly popping out of his skull and his voice a similar pitch as when he was still an adolescent ner, just sets you off again.
You manage to nod a “yes” through your howls of laughter and it’s all answer Maedhros needs.
“I’m going to be a father? I’m going to be a father!”
He embraces you as tears of laughter turns into tears of joy. His lower lip is trembling as he pulls away to frame your face with his hand(s). “When did you find out?” he asks as he tries to stem the flow of tears from both of you by swiping a still muddy thumb beneath your eye. You smile up at him as you catch your composure again.
“I found out this morning from Nestariel in town.” You fidget with the hem of one his sleeves. “And I wanted to surprise you. Surprise!”
He reacts by kissing you and pulling away only to rest his chin on your head. He strokes your back with a shaky prosthetic and tenderly rests his left hand over yours on your stomach.
“I’m going to be a father…”
He kisses your forehead in reply, and you feel his tears leave copies on your skin. His shoulders are trembling, and you can tell he’s trying to suffocate his sobs. You free your other hand too as you fully embrace him, as if the absence of space between you two would drown out the grief.
His fëa latches onto yours and you soothe him as best you can, and all of a sudden, his anguish is replaced as his fëa grips yours and finds a tiny, tiny piece that is most definitely not yours, and certainly not his…
Yes! That’s them!
That’s our little Star!
 His eyes find yours again and your teary smile in affirmation at his unasked question is enough to start the waterworks again.
Maybe the sun is starting to get to him, or maybe he’s just high on happiness, but his little Starshine reaching out to him makes him feel as if his past doesn’t exist.
A/N: I have a ton of random hc’s regarding elves and u can totally tell by how i made bonded couples not be in constant touch with each other’s fëar. i like the “suprise i’m pregnant!” trope too much...
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lockedloki · 4 years
How do you think the elves would take meeting a skin-changer for the first time? However instead of a bear it's a great cat with burnt orange and black striped fur (in other words how would our pointy eared friends feel about seeing a skin-changer who instead of a bear turns into a tiger?)
A/N: Heya! Aw man, I LOVE tigers! You didn’t specify which elves, so I took the liberty of picking some randomly! If this isn’t what you wanted, just shoot me another ask when requests are open again! Xx
• He probably walked in on you in your tiger form whilst you were sunbathing high above on one of Rivendell’s cliffs that overlook the Valley.
• His first thought would probably be to try and quietly back away and to go find some guard or other, but if you changed back then in front of him, he’d be so overwhelmed!
• After you calmed down the panicking elf and assured him that no, you’re not gonna try and eat him, and yes, Lord Elrond knows you’re here, he’d probably still look like a deer caught in headlights.
• And I mean! He’s gotta sit down, this is some wild shit. Skin-changers were said to have all been killed, save for Beorn, but he’s a bear! 
• He’d probably look like he’s struggling to comprehend that there is more than one type of skin-changer, but as soon as his voice starts working again, you can bet your bananas he’s going to ask you where do you think you are going to stay for your visit? Out here in the elements? Oh hell no! 
• “Come, I’ll have a room prepared for you in the House, and tjit-tjit-tjit! No arguing! If you truly feel inclined to offer something in return, you could tell me more about your adventures as *vaguely gestures* a… big striped cat?”
• Elrond was still busy with the construction of Rivendell when he first met you. He was so tired, and he just felt the need to get away from all the noise of construction and complaints and people, so he made his escape one morning before the sun had even risen above the horizon. 
• His so-called escape led him into one of the unexplored parts of the valley rim a few hours later, and he decided to rest his feet in one of the mountain streams that trickled down into a dark bottomed pool. 
• Unluckily for you, the one moment there you are, minding your own damn business, just soaking in the cool water and feeling it flow through you before another day of hunting for a home, and then the next moment someone nearly shoves their entire freaking foot in your snout! So of course you react by unthinkingly shooting upwards and doing your greatest impression of a breaching whale! 
• To say Elrond hadn’t screamed like a Hadeda* at your sudden emergence would be lying, and we do not lie in this House!
• After he could get his -now thoroughly soaked- hair out of his face and lower his hunting knife, he saw that this orange creature was just as spooked of him as he was of them! 
• As you slowly edged your way to a nearby sapling growing through one of the cracks to get to your towel and now clean clothes, Elrond had not removed his eye from you. Mostly because he was still kind of in shock. So you grabbed the towel. And left the clothes. (got the reference?)
• He knew something was up he saw you drag the towel behind a sun-coated boulder, and his suspicions were confirmed when out you popped -covered in your towel- to ask him shyly if he’d mind throwing you your clothes. 
• He fainted.
• (*A Hadeda is a type of bird, google them! You won’t be disappointed!)
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