#loft clearance near me
handyrubbish · 10 months
Rubbish Removal in Brunswick - Handy Rubbish
What are the methods of disposing of rubbish?
There are several methods of disposing of rubbish, each with its own advantages and considerations:
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Landfill: Waste is buried in designated landfills. Modern landfills are engineered to minimize environmental impact, but they can still contribute to pollution if not managed properly.
Incineration: This method involves burning waste at high temperatures. Energy can sometimes be recovered from this process, but it can also release pollutants into the air if not controlled effectively.
Recycling: Materials like paper, glass, plastic, and metals are sorted, processed, and turned into new products. Recycling helps reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserves resources.
Composting: Organic waste, like food scraps and yard waste, can be composted. This natural process turns organic matter into nutrient-rich soil conditioner.
Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Plants: Some facilities use waste as a fuel to generate electricity or heat. This process can reduce the volume of waste and produce energy, but careful management is needed to control emissions.
Biological Treatment: Methods like anaerobic digestion and bio-drying break down organic waste using microorganisms. These processes can produce biogas or stabilize waste for easier disposal.
Reuse and Repurposing: Items in good condition can be donated, resold, or refurbished instead of being thrown away. This reduces waste and extends the lifespan of products.
Each method has its benefits and challenges, and the most suitable method often depends on the type of waste, available infrastructure, environmental considerations, and regulations in a particular area. Many places adopt a combination of these methods to effectively manage and reduce the impact of rubbish disposal on the environment.
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let’s talk about 9-1-1 buddie headcanons:
- eddie gets rid of his truck. christopher is getting older and wants more independence so he gets something with better clearance. and I’ve decided that something is a dodge durango. eddie is actually really into it. can’t stop talking about the fold down seats and towing capabilities. buck teases him and calls it his soccer mom van. then immediately starts researching CP-friendly soccer leagues for chris.
- buck strikes me as a podcast kinda guy. I feel like a lot of his random facts probably start with information learned via podcast and then researched separately on google or wikipedia. 
- luddite eddie my beloved. but not like luddite luddite. eddie’s a millennial so I see him as okay with all the 20th century technology he grew up with and just not all the newfangled smart home/internet gaming stuff. 
- abuela gives eddie an old turntable and a box of records and he falls in love with it. likes to play spanish love songs while cleaning on the weekends.
- eddie breaks up with ana. he does it quietly and cordially a couple weeks after the sniper incident.
- buck and taylor date for a little while but never really take off. and it’s super important that it’s buck who makes the decision to break up. they both have very busy lives and different priorities. and taylor acknowledges she probably shouldn’t have kissed him in the first place. she just hated to see buck so broken and wanted to comfort him. they decide they are better as friends.
- bosko and eddie friendship rights! eddie actually apologizes to her and they become gym buddies. lena stops going to the junkyard fights and finds an MMA gym that she’ll take eddie to. during the pandemic they somehow find themselves doing socially distanced tai-chi in the park. they keep it up once the gyms reopen.
- side note: lena does in fact get a cat. he’s a huge floofy maine coon named sarge who absolutely adores eddie. rubs his head all over him and immediately worms his way into his lap when eddie visits. he hisses at buck tho and lena finds it endlessly hilarious.
- demisexual eddie! I like the idea of lena no-nonsense asking eddie if he’s ace one day and eddie just having an internal panic attack but not being able to figure out why. karen gently brings it up few months later and he’s just deny deny deny. then he overhears david telling michael that he gives off ace vibes and that’s the last straw. so eddie pulls a full buck and starts researching just to prove everyone wrong. except it’s like a lightbulb clicks on and yeah. maybe there’s something to this.
- eddie and karen have a book club every other week. usually novellas or a short story collection. queer theory and literary fiction. the occasional poetry book. at some point they invite david to join them. they also have a not-so-secret romance novel exchange because they are big saps.
- eddie is also a sucker for a really good cup of black coffee. has a favorite hole-in-the-wall cafe where he buys beans in bulk. buck calls it his diesel fuel drink and grimaces at the taste. he prefers simple oatmilk latte from the place near the station. and yet buck always seems to know what days eddie will be running late and rushing to work and has a cup from said hole-in-the-wall coffee waiting. despite it not being on buck’s route. 
- christopher loves buck’s loft. buck keeps a stash of toys and coloring books in his coffee table trunk for when he visits. chris sees the stairs as a fun challenge and will often ask to go up and sit on buck’s bed to watch the city. or sit on the patio while buck bbq’s dinner for the three of them. he thinks it’s the coolest house ever.
- buck actually rides his bike. it’s not just for show. especially after the pandemic hit. he likes to go out in the mornings. drives to a nearby trail on his days off and enjoys the scenery while the sun comes up. sometimes eddie and chris meet him there after his ride and they have a breakfast picnic.
- the diaz-buckley-han’s share one netflix account. it’s technically buck’s in that he pays for it, but when maddie moved to LA he set her up with her own profile. then logged into his account at eddie’s one day and never logged out. renamed the profile buck & eddie after he setup a kid’s profile specifically for chris. then after learning about maddie and chim’s not-dating buff-fridays, buck put both their names on her profile as a prank. and then it just stayed that way. jee-yun even has a profile despite being a literal infant that doesn’t watch tv. maddie cried when she saw it.
- buck takes the legal guardianship thing very seriously. he’s already really involved in essentially co-parenting chris but he starts getting really nervous about asking invasive questions about chris’ medical history. so eddie sits him down with chris and the three of them talk about it. eddie very specifically asks chris if he’s okay with sharing that kind of info with buck. because even tho christopher’s a kid eddie always wants him to have a say in his own health decisions. then he has a more in-depth convo with just buck about insurance and bills and doctor’s visits. makes sure buck has access to all of it. 
- chris played secret matchmaker. went to his old friend santa claus and asked if buck would stay forever. santa came thru, as always.
- also carla knows. buck starts spending more nights at the diaz house and one morning she lets herself in and sees buck coming out of eddie’s room in just a pair of sweatpants. she gives him a coy eyebrow raise and buck blushes. then she just laughs, pats his cheek affectionately, and says your secret’s safe with me buckaroo. when a bleary-eyed eddie wanders out a half hour later she pushes a cup of coffee into his hands, waits a few moments, looks eddie dead in the eyes, and points at buck. I see you took my advice. eddie chokes on his coffee.
- speaking of carla she is family. she and her husband are regular guests at the 118 get-togethers, holidays at the firehouse, and family meals. she occasionally takes on other clients, but she’s mostly exclusive to the diazes these days. esp as christopher gets older and wants more independence. she’s been around since he was 7 and he’s comfortable with her. she stays his home heath care aide until she retires. then she personally vets a new one. because not just anyone will do for her boy. they throw her a huge retirement party.
- gonna jump into the future because christopher absolutely names his daughter carla shannon buckley-diaz. there isn’t a dry eye in the house.
- and I don’t actually see chris calling buck pops or anything. he’s just his buck. tho I can see eddie asking christopher if he wants to hyphenate his last name when buck officially adopts him. buck’s his hero so chris is 100% onboard. 
- buck and eddie don’t have more kids. eddie never wanted more and buck is surrounded by the ever-expanding horde of firefam kids. they love their little trio.
- also eddie is hilariously terrible with other kids. he just. doesn’t know how to talk to them. he’s literally the best father ever with christopher, but any other kid and he’s all awkward hello small human. it’s also the reason the team sends buck to handle kid rescues. he knows how to speak to kids and they light up around his sunshine energy. but then there are certain kids who just glom onto eddie. usually the quiet ones. they find something about his calm dad presence very soothing so they just cling to him until buck can coax them around. 
- I do not see the buckley-diazes getting a pet. buck and eddie work long shifts and it’s not fair to put that kind of extra responsibility on carla when her job is to care for chris. however, as chris gets older he does get a mobility service dog to help with counterbalance. she’s a golden retriever named stella and she’s a very good girl. 
- buck proposes by accident. they’re at the park with christopher and marriage just sorta comes up during one of his infodumps. eddie is eating his sandwich, nodding along, and just casually says of course I want to marry you. buck stops talking. christopher giggles. eddie panics. but when he looks at buck he’s all puppy-eyed and hopeful. you do? eddie nods. chris chimes in with a stage whispered ask properly buck and say yes dad. so they do.
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a series of fortunate events
summary: the three times the line between friends and ~something more~ is blurred and the first time that line is demolished.
word count: 1.5k+
warnings: language, mention of harassment
a/n: dang right i stole the title from my favorite children’s book series! what’s it to ya?
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the first time it happens is completely by accident. you’re mates––nothing more––so when he asks you to go with him to the oscars you tease him about his lack of a proper date, but ultimately say yes. it is the oscars after all. you find your dress (a pale lilac chiffon gown, only eighty pounds on the clearance rack at h&m), begrudgingly allow him to purchase your plane ticket, and pack you bags. 
after a long flight and full saturday of sight-seeing and overpriced meals in the city, sunday evening finally rolls around. you get ready in the comfortable silence of your hotel room. introvert that you are, it’s easier to get ready alone knowing you’ll be out until the wee hours of the morning. plus, the solitude gives you a moment to collect yourself in private. you’re nervous, naturally, but it’s likely he’s ten times as nervous as you. the thought forces you to get your emotions under control; you’re here to be a support, not a burden.
he knocks on the door at five p.m. sharp. grabbing a pair of earrings, you hurry to the door and pull it open, turning your back as you search for your shoes amidst the pile of clothes on the floor.
“that would be a riot if i forgot my shoes,” you say dryly. one hand shoves the back of your earring into place while the other tosses a shirt out of the way. “could you imagine me showing up barefoot?”
you rise from where you’re crouched near the floor and turn to face him. what you see stills the air in your chest. he’s painfully handsome in his suit, and there’s a part of you that likes his short hair, but that’s not what stops you.
he’s staring at you with a mixture of awe and adoration. so much so, heat rises to your cheeks at his open gaze. you want to look away because if you don’t soon you’ll surely start to sweat, but you can’t. his stare holds you frozen.
clearing your throat, you motion to your gown. “i got it on sale.” it’s lame, a foolish attempt to ease the heaviness in the room. if anything, as his eyes move from your face to your body, the heaviness only grows stronger.
“it’s... nice.”
a moment longer and you know you’ll burst, both out of confusion and excitement, so you find your shoes, slip them on, and shove him out into the hall with a quip about being late.
still, once you crawl into bed well past midnight, buzzed and content, you replay his look over and over because friends don’t look at each other that way and the idea alone sends a nervous thrill down your spine.
the next time it happens is barely worth mentioning, but it’s kept your wheels spinning and your heart thumping for days despite the moment’s smallness.
you’d gotten coffee together, caught up on a few weeks, and shared a laugh. it’s nothing out of the ordinary. but there’s one moment––the moment that nearly drives you to insanity––which you cannot shake.
from his place at the table, he can see out the window over your shoulder. as you talk, he watches the road outside, his eyes trailing the passersby. he’s always been that way, a people watcher. you like his thoughtfulness, but sometimes it can drive him to distraction.
you snap your fingers in front of his nose. “hey, earth to gwil. i’m just about to get to the best part of the story.”
“wait.” he sits forward, grabbing the hand still hovering in front of his face. his fingers curl around yours, and he squeezes your palm in a silent message. “that lady dropped her grocery bags and that guy’s about to help her.” 
you twist, hands still entwined, to look out the window. sure enough, an older woman, tomatoes and fruit and cardboard boxes littered around her feet, is helped by an older man. the scene is sweet, like something about of a film.
you face him again. “that’s cute.”
he sits back and shrugs before taking a sip of his coffee. “finish your story.”
as you finish, your hands remain meshed together on the tabletop.
the last time is happens––and when you know one of you has to make the first move or else you’re fucked––is on holiday. your families have gone to the shore as one large unit for years and this summer is no different.
one evening, you follow him, your sister, and his siblings to a nearby pub. you’re tired after a long day of doing nothing, but he convinces you to come. something about trivia night and the smile on his face, the eagerness in his voice, breaks you down despite your initial protests.
you’re just grabbing another pint from the bar when a hand slaps your ass. you jolt out of surprise, beer sloshing over the rim of your glass to wet your arm. torn between the offender and the trail of beer spreading across the counter, you freeze, uncertain. the offender takes the mute reaction as encouragement, and he leans against the bar next to you.
“hey.” his breath is foul, a mixture of bad beer and garlic. you cringe and reach for a pile of napkins. “nice ass.”
“fuck off,” you mutter.
“just bein’ friendly, that’s all. you don’t gotta be so uptight.”
“i’m not uptight.” you level him a glare and upturned brow. “i’m simply not attracted to anyone who thinks a good pick up line is slapping a complete stranger’s ass.”
“is everything okay here?”
on some level, you wish he would let you handle your predicament on your own. you’re a big girl. surely you can handle an asshole without someone coming to your rescue. but he looks concerned, his eyes darting back and forth between the offender and your angry features. he sidles up next to you, weaves his arm around your waist like it’s the most natural thing in the world, and gives the offender a once over. he’s taller than the offender, which not uncommon for him, and tonight he uses his height to intimidate.
worry flashes over the offender’s face. he gestures between you and your rescuer with a meaty finger. “you know him?”
before you can answer, he answers for you. “she’s my girl.”
you feel your face react before you can stop it. your eyes go wide in surprise, your jaw slackens but doesn’t fall open, thank goodness. the hand you slowly bent around his back goes hot. 
he’s just playing a game, you tell yourself. he doesn’t mean anything by it.
the offender huffs, pulls at his beer, and sulks off. 
his arm remains snug around your waist, his fingers fluttering over the exposed skin of your hip. you shift, nerves forcing you to look elsewhere.
“thanks,” you say. “but i could have handled it.” that’s the pride speaking, but also the anxiety.
he moves to help mop up the spilled beer. “sure, but i meant it––you’re my girl and i look out for you.”
you still and look up at him under your lashes.
your mind is made up.
later that same night, you resolve to demolish the line between friend and lover once and for all. you’re tried of wondering and dreaming. you’re already too far gone to care about the repercussions. god, you think you probably love him already. 
the house is quiet, asleep, as you tiptoe your way across the floor where your sister lays on her air mattress. he’s lucky enough to have scored his own room this year. he was fastest out of the car when you parked, and he beat his brothers to the loft above the cabin. it’s semi-exposed––you can peer down over the railing to the house below––but he’s alone and that’s enough to keep you moving. 
he’s awake, which surprises you. there’s no door so as you round the corner, you can see him sitting cross-legged on his bed. a small table lamp shines across the book in his lap. his hair is mussed, as if he’s woken from an unhappy sleep. the floorboards creak under your feet, and he looks up, sleepy eyes peering through his glasses. when he realizes it’s you, he sits up straight.
“hey,” he whispers.
“couldn’t sleep?”
you shake your head.
“me neither.”
he sets the book aside and rubs a hand down his face, elbows propped on his knees. his sleep shirt––a godawful t-shirt with the phrase dad jokes? i think you mean rad jokes written across the front––is too small for his muscular shoulders. it tightens around his back as he moves.
“gwil, i think...” you nearly loose your muster when he looks at you. years of memories play through your head, and you wonder, if he rejects you, what will come of those memories.
but then he stands. he reaches for your wrist, circles his long fingers around it, and pulls you close. you stumble toward him. just before he lowers his head to kiss you, his fingers propped under your chin, he smiles.
“me too, kid.”
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Witness : 2
New Assignment
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moodboard created by @chuuulip
Character(s): dark!Bucky, later dark!Steve, too
Warnings: this is a dark!fic, it contains non/dubious-consent elements. Some violence as well at the beginning. It goes without (and with) that this is 18+.
Summary: Our reader deals with the grief and paranoia of what she has witnessed, but she finds herself drawn into the belly of the beast.
Notes: I am reposting this fic here. It was originally on ao3 but now it’s on tumblr too! If you read, I love feedback and would love any comments you have. And if you can, please share! Anyhow, enjoy :)
You didn’t sleep that night. You could barely remember returning to your apartment. Turning off your car, locking it, punching in your security code at the front door, climbing the six flights to your bachelor loft. You could recall your door clicking shut and the chain sliding into place. Sitting down in the only chair and staring at the blank television screen. The sun rose through the window, at first a blood orange, softening to an amber, and finally the soft yellow of the morning.
Your alarm chimed, dampened by the leather of your bag. You leaned over the arm of your chair painfully and reached for the handle, dragging it up and over onto your lap. You dug inside and dismissed the ringing reminder. You were not scheduled for any tempwork today but you hadn’t rescheduled your alarm; as you often cursed yourself for. You were about to drop your phone back where you got it when a notification flashed across your screen.
‘Did you get home okay last night?’ Allie texted, another following quickly. ‘I didn’t hear from you.’ You were home, alive, but were you okay? You blinked, swallowing through the dryness of your mouth. You unlocked your phone and quickly replied with a fib; ‘I’m fine. I must have forgot and fallen asleep.’ She answered swiftly, ‘Good. I was worried. There was a robbery last night near my building. The guy was killed.’
I know , you thought, instead sending a singular ‘Oh,’ and shocked emoticon. You locked the phone and tossed it onto your couch, well away from you. You were stiff when you stood, a sleepless night sat in a cheap Ikea armchair was ill-advised. You stretched, trying to shake the cloud away from your head. It was as if you were seeing the world through tinted glasses.
You made your way to the bathroom, trying to pull the elastic from your ponytail which had sagged to the nape of your neck. You broke it in your efforts and hissed, throwing it against the mirror. Your eyes met those of your reflection and you blanched. Your eyes were dark with fatigues, your skin almost sallow, face puffy from tears. You looked like a different person; felt as much.
You reached over, past the shower curtain, and twisted the old four-pronged faucet which gave a whine of metal on metal. Water spattered onto the tile and you withdrew your arm, slowly undressing as you avoided another glance at yourself. Shoes, socks, blouse, pants, underwear, all in a pile in the corner. You would have to throw those out. They felt tainted.
You stepped under the steamy flow and it embraced you, melting the ice which had formed along your muscles. As your hair absorbed the water, you leaned your head back and breathed deep; as if it were the first you had drawn since the night before. As if it were your first and last. You shuddered and the tears began again; melding with the drops falling from the shower head.
By the time you felt clean, if you could call it that, your head throbbed from crying. You stepped from the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel. You secured it at the top of your chest and went to fetch a trash bag from the kitchen. You dropped your clothing into the plastic liner and tied it tightly, dropping it by the door. You would toss it later.
You dragged your feet to the next room where your bed awaited, the sheets and blankets still askew from your last slumber. You fell upon the mattress, hair damp, towel loose around your form, and closed your eyes. Sleep came quickly, out of physical necessity, rather than mental clarity. Your rest was tumultuous and filled with vision of blood and your own demise. It was the most exhausting sleep you had ever experienced.
The first week was filled with grieving. You went to work, did what was needed, and returned to your apartment to mull in silence. You were still overcome with the haze; so detached from all around you. You could pretend it was normal; smile, say hello, ask “how are you? Oh me, I’m good. What can I do for you?...”
The second week was when the fear set in. The nightmares had become more clear and you couldn’t help but look over your shoulder wherever you went. Even in your own apartment. What if you had been seen? What if it had been a trap and they had seen you as you left? What if you hadn’t waited long enough? What if they found you?
You told yourself it was merely paranoia. As it was, you weren’t important enough to be a threat. In your own life, you were little enough to be noticed by the people in the fluorescent-hued offices you were sent to. If you had been found out, would you not have been dealt with by now? You just needed to get over it. Move on. You were alive...and that man was dead. Even if he was a criminal, a drug dealer, a murderer himself; he was dead.
It was another early morning but as of late, you were always awake before your alarm could hasten you. A bowl of yogurt, some granola on top, with a glass of orange juice, some toast and jam. Same breakfast every day. Dress in the dark, unplug your phone, pack your work bag, slip on your flats, a jacket over your arm in case it rains. Keys, stairs, car. Fuck, you hadn’t checked your new assignment.
You sighed and dug your phone out of your bag, your email shone brightly from the screen in the lowlight of early morning. You pressed on the first email; that day’s date, and waited for the winding circle to load. Stark Tower, front desk. Monday to Friday assignment. Special pay, $22/hr, clearance required before commencement. Report to security office upon arrival.
Your phone slipped from your hand but you caught it before it could slide down your leg and onto the floor. Why hadn’t you read it before you said yes? Because that was your habit. You had nothing else in your life so you took whatever would pay. These last weeks, you had merely accepted anything which crossed your screen. Hell, you had worked enough jobs that you could handle it all. Dentist office, insurance company, high-brow CEO. It was all the same. This would be no different.
If you saw those men again, the ones you dreaded even thinking about, what would you do? Nothing. They didn’t know you saw them; couldn’t know. You had nothing to fear. Would you even see them? The odds that they would be at Stark Tower the week you were there were slim or that they would have any reason to stop by the front desk if they did. It was just another job.
You dropped your phone back in your bag and started your car. If you didn’t go now, you’d scare yourself out of it. It was all in your head. Maybe it was. Maybe you hadn’t heard that man die. Maybe you hadn’t seen Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes with their guns pointed at him. Maybe, maybe, maybe...but you had.
You pulled up to Stark Tower; there was a parking garage below. You were stopped at the window and reported your purpose. “Return here with your credentials and we’ll give you a proper pass. For now, take this temporary one,” The man in the booth instructed, handing your a slip. You drove on ahead and found an empty space. You killed the engine and hung your head for a moment, gathering your wits. Reaching for your bag, you forced yourself out of the car and locked it, looking around the parking garage with a gulp. It was different than the concrete maze behind Allie's building. This one was as pristine as the rest of Stark Tower; shining, metallic walls and pillars, lines formed by electronic lasers across the tarmac. Who knew a parking lot could be so fancy?
You found your way to the stairs which the arrows told you led to the public entrance. You held onto the rail as your feet were heavier which each step. You pushed through the metal door and found yourself at a door just inside the foyer of Stark Tower, opposite the automatic glass doors which lined the front. You looked around, the digital lettering reading ‘Security’ catching your eye.
You crossed to the desk, stopping before the glass which separated personnel from public. “Hello,” You greeted as the man turned to you, his dark uniform marked with a simple label across his left lapel denoting his department. “I’m a temp sent from Blue Binder Temp Agency.”
“I.D.” The man demanded and waited for you to produce your wallet. You slipped your driver’s license through and he typed into the computer just to his left. He held up the card and squinted. “Y/N?” He turned to you, “I need a second form of I.D. to confirm.”
You dug around and offered him your birth certificate. He inserted both your license and certificate into a slot and they were swiftly kicked back out, a copy of both appearing in a tray below. He returned your documents and typed once more into his computer. “Fingers on the desk along the outlines.”  You looked down and red dots appeared on the metal ledge before his window in the pattern of fingerprints. You placed your hands as he advised and the red dots flashed and disappeared. He pointed to a small black dot along the metal lining his window, “Look at the camera.” A flash caught you off-guard as your eyes found the small device and his printer began to work once more.
He held up a plastic card, attaching it to a lanyard and slid it through the slot. Your picture, name, and clearance were listed on the front; the other side was only a barcode. “Scan this for entrance and at the parking garage. You’re all set.” He looked over your head and waved, “Next.”
You stepped aside as the person behind you moved before the glass and you looked around. Where exactly were you suppose to go? You turned back and the security officer caught your eye, rolling his own before pointing across the foyer. You followed his finger and spotted the large, circular desk opposite him. Ah, yes, that empty seat must be for you.
You crossed and found the hinged section of desk meant to swing open and allow you to get behind the mammoth. You spotted a vague red square just beside it and scanned your newly-acquired ID card before slinging it over your neck. The desk unlocked and you opened it, stepping inside and closing it behind you.   You tucked your bag beneath the desk at your feet and sat in the large rolly chair. It was by far the most comfortable that you had been allotted in your work. You booted the computer, reading through the briefing left for you in a file upon the desk. It was straightforward enough; your usual work. Greeting, handing out maps, reading from the list of frequently asked questions. A greeter more than a clerk. Well, it was easy work for good pay. You couldn’t complain.
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mesmercollective · 5 years
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“You know most of those who will enlist aren’t even ready to take on a dragon, right?”
“No one is being forced into this,” Sage’s sultry, throaty voice carried through, accentuated by the plumes of smoke escaping her lips, “They have a choice, Cicely.”
But the raven-haired chronomancer at her side did not seem convinced.  Lofting a dark, angular brow, she addressed the cigarette-sucking blonde once the last of the summons went out via Mesmer Mail. A flurry of enchanted butterflies made their way across Tyria, delivering the missive to each Collective affiliate.
“It’s not that simple.   Many of them will go just to prove a point, to prove that they can.  Others will simply....think it’s their -Destiny- to fight for Tyria.   Nothing in that letter heeds a warning that they may not come back.  There’s no game plan.  You’re trusting those out in Thunderhead know what they’re doing.  We’re talking about a -dragon- here, not Joko, not the Toxic Alliance, not the Mantle.   A dragon.  The Crystal Dragon.”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, Cicely.”  Another puff of her cigarette made Sage pause between words, her glossy crimson lipstick leaving a stain on its mint-flavored filter.   “Like I said, they have a choice.  You remember what the Vigil taught you.  Some must fight so that all will be free.”
“May be free,” Cicely corrected her.
“Sure.  And they don’t -have- to go.  Plus, it’s not like it was my doing to begin with.  Take it up with--”
Sage’s words were again cut short, but not by a need for her vice this time.  Storming inside the office came a frenzied River, leaving a trail of lilac lights bursting in her wake as she Blinked even closer to the two fellow mesmers.
“I’m going,” was all she offered, holding up the memorandum, its enchanted ink still shimmering.
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“River, stop.  You’re being absurd!  You’re nowhere near being able to handle that sort of mission.”
Sage’s words caused Cicely to dubiously side-glance at her partner, “Oh, so, literally what I just said minutes ago.  Hello, Hypocrisy.  Were she not your daughter would you still--”
“Not now, Cicely!”  Holding up a perfectly manicured hand, the elegant blonde tried to stifle her companion while addressing the young mesmer before them, “We need you here, River.  And that’s not negotiable.”
“You do not need me here.  You just don’t want me to go!”
“And maybe I don’t!”   Sage hissed, finally putting off her nearly finished cigarette, the ashtray eerily resembling some exotic sculpture off a Branded shard.  “I have lost one child already, I will not lose both.”
“It’s what -he- would’ve done and you know it!  Why can’t you just---”
Another interruption.
This time, the door burst open so forcefully with a chaos blast its source -clearly- had the clearance to saunter about using that sort of aggressive magic within the Collective headquarters.
All three women turned to face the incoming chaos, with Sage rolling her eyes and sighing, clearly exasperated, “Oh, for fuck’s sake, does -anyone- ever knock anymore?  Do we need to reinstate the rule of no Blinking nor portaling through closed office doors?  What do -you- want, Sebastian?”
“What the fuck is this?”  The nobleman, who was usually extremely polite, spared no time to calm his temper, glaring at both Sage and Cicely.  “Explain this!”
Slamming the memo down on Sage’s marble-topped desk, he drew in a deep breath, allowing for his usually steel-blue eyes to stop flickering a faint violet hue as he continued to pointedly stare at the women.
“It’s optional.”   Sage stressed, yet again, remaining as collected as possible.
“Optional my ass.  Are -you- going?”  The angry man pointed an accusatory index at Sage, then at Cicely, who threw her gloved hands up in a surrendered manner.  
“Is -she- going?”  He asked again, this time gesturing towards River.   
The latter rolled her pale hazel eyes, “She doesn’t want me to.   Even though it’s what David would’ve wanted.”
The young, deceased chronomancer’s name still conjured all sorts of paternal feelings within Sebastian.   But he quickly brushed them off and focused on the matter at hand.
“You two.”  Again, that blame-filled finger-pointing.  “You’re either out there with the rest of them or you resign. At least one of you should be.  You can’t have it both ways.”
Offering River  --an innocent as far as he was concerned-- one last glance and a brief nod in farewell, the Larkspur took his leave.
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“I’ll be seeing you out there, Sage.  Or at the funerals.”
(( @mimimoulin @zozo-amused  @ursulaquellhorst @odelynv @isiabelle @bries-alts @flashfire344 and anyone else I forgot that might be out there/interested in having been in the Kralk fight/in the know of MC stuffs, oops, more incoming!))
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ikesenhell · 6 years
The Night We Met
This is the Professional Integrity series, part seven. For all other parts and additional IkeSen works by me, see here.
She came back around in the RV and picked him up from the coffee shop. Appropriately shamed for his ridiculousness, he was quiet and gentle to her for the better part of two hours. 
“Are you sure you want to go there?” She asked for the millionth time, as if he were struck with the same fear as she at the island. 
“Absolutely.” He slid into the driver’s seat and scooted the chair back, a ritual now. “And if it isn’t home for you anymore, we’ll find you a new one. That’s the point of your trip, isn’t it?”
Her smile was sunlight incarnate, and then it wobbled on the seam of her lips and she buried her face in her hands. 
“Woah now.” He cupped his hand over hers. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled. “The idea of not having you around anymore was... I was more upset than you know. It broke my heart a little bit.”
God, he was such an idiot. 
“I’m sorry.” It felt like a pathetic little cop out of an apology, but he told himself he would make it better. “I promise I won’t leave you.”
“You’d better not.”
It was several long hours before they reached a campground in the farthest northern reach of Michigan, right near what they called Mackinaw City, confusingly enough. It sat on the edges of Lake Michigan, and there, across the water, he could see the little speck of land suspended between them and Canada. Crisp, clean air swept through her hair, sending it in long ripples around her face. 
“There’s a ferry you have to catch,” she educated him. “It takes a bit, but that’s the only way on or off the island. No cars, no bridges, just that.”
“We’ll go tomorrow. For today, we should just set up the RV in the campsite.” 
So that was what they did. They played classic rock and grilled outside in the shelter of some trees, dancing back and forth around the table after she started an impromptu game of tag. Maybe there was something to the idea of her being ‘home’ up here--he didn’t know if it was the rush of being back by her side, within arm’s reach again, but she was aglow in ways he didn’t know people could be. It felt like every part of her body was glitter and gold, a dream haze like a halo around her. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” She giggled at him from the sink, scrubbing up some dishes. He crammed himself in beside her, dutifully drying them. 
“Like what?”
“I dunno. It was just a nice look, is all.” 
Mitsuhide smiled, but had nothing to say to that. 
The next day they boarded the ferry around ten AM. She shivered, but not from the cool morning air. 
“Scared?” He asked.
He understood what it felt like to be so terrified of something you could love. Without commentary, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in tight. 
Mackinac Island was just as small as she’d claimed. The town they docked in was tiny, barely one main street and a small side offshoot for an apartment complex, a country club with golf course, a hotel, and--well, that was pretty much it. Everyone had a bike or a horse. 
“It’s just like I remember.” The Princess sounded equally likely to laugh or cry, her eyes welling with tears regardless. “It’s just, just like I remember.”
“Then let’s make the most of that, huh?” He motioned at her. “Let’s rent some bikes and pedal around the island.”
The path was smooth and even. They circled around the small mountain in the center of the island and skirted between the white rocky cliffs, their archways jutting out into the lake. They ate a small lunch in a local shop and she dove in and out of local curio stores, which bored him, but her expressions were so delightful he had entertainment regardless. Dusk was falling by the time they circled back around to the far end of the island again, settling onto a pebble beach. 
“Reminds me of a song,” he mumbled.
“What song?” She asked. 
“Bah, it’s probably only the artist name, really. Lord Huron, The Night We Met?”
The Princess blinked at him. “Never heard of it.”
“Mm. It goes like this.” He cleared his throat, dredging up his long unused singing voice, and quietly murmured the lyrics to her. “I am not the only traveler who has not repaid his debts, I’ve been searching for a trail to follow again--take me back to the night we met.”
“I didn’t know you could sing. Would you do the rest?”
Oh. He felt a little on the spot, but he quietly accommodated her, bringing his head in to sing more. “ And then I can tell myself what the hell I'm supposed to do--And then I can tell myself not to ride along with you.”
Her eyes were boring into his, holding every last inch of stray sunlight, and he tucked her hair behind her ear, murmuring the next lyrics lower than he meant. “I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you. Take me back to the night we met. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you. Oh, take me back to the night we met.”
“Mitsuhide.” She whispered, and put her hands over his cheeks. “Mitsuhide, please don’t ever leave me again.”
“I promise,” he swore hoarsely. “I promise.”
That night, another night terror. He was on his feet in the RV only shortly after it started, buoyed by the need to soothe her restless heart. 
“Princess.” He murmured, touching her head, and she awoke with a start. 
“Mitsuhide,” she choked, and grabbed his hand. “Mitsuhide.”
“It’s me.” He answered, feeling more and more every day like a knight in service to his lady. “It’s me.”
“I--Would you--”
He didn’t need her to finish the sentence. 
Swinging himself up into the loft bed, he crawled in beside her, arranging his long body along hers. It was cramped for certain--there wasn’t much clearance, not much at all, but it was enough for him to wrap an arm around her waist and pull her in tight to him. He could hear her heartbeat. Her shampoo smelled like lavender and juniper berries, and she felt so soft that he swore it had to be a crime to touch her skin. 
But she didn’t pull away. Instead, she rolled over to him and put her face into his chest. 
“Mitsuhide,” she whispered, scarcely audible in the darkness. “Would it be very inappropriate of me to ask you to kiss me?”
Oh. Shock shot so hard through his body that for a long moment, all he could hear was ringing in his ears, his fingertips knotting nervously into the sheets. 
“Absolutely.” He answered. “We have a bit of a power differential. I am, after all, your bodyguard.”
“You’re right.”
But he pushed her back against the mattress and coiled his hand in her hair--her long, beautiful, perfect hair--and measured the shape of her face with his fingertips, leaving no space untouched. She gasped and writhed under him; he pinned her hip down with his. 
“I almost had the idiot idea to leave,” Mitsuhide hissed greedily. “You’re not getting away from me now.”
“I--” She sounded delighted and terrified. “I’m where I want to be.”
He didn’t care if he went straight to hell for it. He’d laid the pomegranate seeds on the table and she had taken them, one, two, three, like a drug, and he was only cementing that choice with his own. Casting his professional integrity to the wind, he dragged her in by her waist and kissed her as hard as he could. Oh--she tasted like air, and a million miles, and the wide expanse of the whole sky mixed with ozone and lightning, and every moment he spent locked against those sweet lips was another he fell in deeper. She wasn’t just the atmosphere--she was the whole galaxy. 
“Mitsuhide,” she gasped, and it was so pure and honest that it nearly broke him. “Mitsuhide.”
“Please,” he choked against her mouth. “Please let me kiss you more.”
She didn’t answer him, but he took the insistent press of her lips to his as answer enough. 
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aabidhussainn1000 · 2 years
House Clearance Near Me
House Clearance Near Me
We offer man and van House and Flat Clearance services in London. We will clear your home of unwanted furniture and all junk on the same day or scheduled
House clearance service. Full & part household clearances, free quotes, same day & next day service, clearing your home of all unwanted furniture and junk from anywhere in the home. We do all the loading.
Our on site house clearance team will clear any junk and rubbish anywhere in and around your property. If you are selling or letting your property and just want a few items removed or a complete house cleared of all its contents, just let us know and we will have it all removed and disposed of properly. We are a registered waste removal company. House Clearance Near Me
The Expert House Clearance Company in London
Your Local House Clearance Service Specialists
Welcome to houseandflatclearance.co.uk, we are the leading company for house clearance in London for all household junk and old furniture disposal from your London house or flat and all surrounding areas for house Clearance in Essex and Hertfordshire
Quick Guide to Our Clearance Services
We can clear from a sofa or a bed and mattress to a full house or flat at very short notice, once we establish what needs clearing and how many rooms need to be emptied we will send a clearance team and large lorry or big clearance truck for your property clearance.
If you are in a block of flats on any floor with or with out a lift, we will send the correct team to deal with your clearance as with all our house clearances.
Quick Guide, Bedroom Furniture Disposal Service
As part of our bedroom junk and furniture disposal we will clear all old bedroom furniture such as old wardrobes, beds, side cabinets, chest of drawers and remove and clear all lining, empty cupboards, bag up loose junk and any other bric a brac lying around the bedrooms. If you have any oversize furniture, we will dismantle where required as part of our bedroom clearance service to leave the room empty of all loose furniture and junk.
Quick Guide, Living Room Furniture & Junk Disposal Service
Our Living room furniture and junk disposal service is part of our household clearance service, we will remove and clear your old sofas, arm chairs, display cabinets, shelving units, televisions, coffee tables, storage cabinets, lamps and all loose junk in cupboards and anything lying around the living room that needs clearing. we can also dismantle any bulky furniture that can not fit through a door or hall way as part of our house and flat living room clearance service.
Quick Guide, Old Kitchen Furniture & Appliance Disposal Service
Old Kitchen furniture and junk disposal is part of our clearance service, we will remove all unwanted old kitchen furniture, such as table and chairs, cupboards, kettles, microwaves, toasters, pots and pan, plates, cutlery and empty out any cupboards that need to be emptied, we can also dispose of all fridge, freezers, cookers, washing machines, dishwashers, dryers and any other electrical appliances that require clearing as part of our old kitchen furniture and appliance service.
Quick Guide, Loft and Cellar Emptied Clearance Service
If you have a cellar or a loft that requires clearing and emptied we are able to clear this area of your property, our team will remove and clear the space for you, we will clear all old junk, furniture, bric a brac, books, paper work even old xmas trees, our clearance team will do all the loading as part of our loft and cellar clearance service.
Quick Guide, Garage And Shed Clearance Service
Visit for click:===================== ============https://houseandflatclearance.co.uk/
0 notes
idontlikesummer · 7 years
Japan 2017 Trip 1.2 (?)
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Yeah, it’s fast, haha. But I had to rush back to Japan because of a family event at the tail-end of July. Buying a plane ticket for a trip the next day is literally the most spontaneous thing I’ve done in my life. This 6-day trip is a lot less exciting than the previous one because we’re not technically there on holiday, but it was still somewhat of an experience. I traveled with my family this time—mainly my brother and mom, since my dad couldn’t make it to Tokyo with us. I won’t be including as much details here as my previous trip, since it really was a rushed trip! But if you’re still interested in some undiscovered parts of Tokyo and my ramblings on childhood, feel free to read on!
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This is my first time taking a transit flight! We went on Thai airways for the first time! Stopped at the Bangkok for an hour, hehe.
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We sat near the window seat! I was really nervous at first since I’m really bad at enduring turbulence, but this was hands down the BEST ride I ever had. Forget about the turbulence, the plane didn’t even SHAKE. Regardless, my anxiety just wouldn’t allow me a night’s rest, so I didn’t sleep for one night! 
I also ate garlic pork rice in the morning! It was really good! The first time I ate in a plane for ten years, I think. After touching down, we rushed to Ueno to take the shinkansen to Sakudaira station, where my paternal family lives.
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We always take Asama line to my family’s hometown. It used to be a white bullet train with blue and red lines, but now they changed it to gold and blue ;w;. My brother and I were lamenting since the colours we associated with our childhood is gone.
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To those interested, this is how the old train looks!
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Chicken bentou at the Ueno station! It seems to be a very child friendly bentou.
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View of the countryside where my paternal family stays! It rained a lot the few days we were there, so in spite of it being summer, the weather was very cool and pleasant. There was also a lot of fog! We used to play by a river near this area as kids, but it seems that there are a lot of plants creeping around the area this time and it’s hard to reach the river, so I couldn’t really get a picture of it. I feel a bit wistful and poignant staring at this scenery, since I haven’t been here for years. I hope I can come back more often from now on. It really is a very lovely village.
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More pictures! I was fascinated by this signpost because it seems that a lot of people living in this village have the same surname as the words on the post.
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Apparently, my aunt told me I was named after this flower! It was in full bloom when we arrived
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Some really NICE dinner at the event. Most of the food here was sashimi! We ate sashimi for three straight days
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There was a slug in the bathroom HAHA. It didn’t really move so I didn’t mind it much.
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We went back to Sakudaira station soon after three days. These boxes of tomatoes were relevant to my interests! One whole box only costs 80 yen which is REALLY cheap!! They are really big too, just in case you’re wondering!
So we took the train all the way back to Tokyo again! And we docked at Shimo-Ochiai station, where we rented AirBnB! THIS PLACE IS SO GOOD. Would highly recommend if you’re staying in Tokyo! It’s a two-storey house with really homey décor! And the host (who is really friendly and professional!) lets you pick one of three rooms. We decided to pick the Japanese style room on the third floor! You can find the link to the AirBnB here!
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This is how it looks! You can exit the doors on the right to go to the balcony!
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The kitchen and dining area! We sat here to have supper every day while we were in Tokyo!
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I caught a sticker of Yayoi Kusama’s pumpkin on the door!!
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Naturally, since Shimo-ochiai was a stop away from Takadanobaba, I decided to drag my family to the polar bear’s café!! They are having a different sale right now. It seems that they are having a panda fair atm!
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Now they have calendar coasters!
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When I found out that they were selling a limited edition cappuccino with coffee art of panda disguising himself as polar bear, of course, I had to go get it
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I had the salmon stew that Polar Bear made Grizzly in episode 25!! It was REALLY good!! My mom got the same thing, and my brother took the katsu dish!
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Now they placed hats on the life sized penguin and panda HAHA
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We went to eat at a sukiyaki restaurant with Belle!! (and no we didn’t order what was in the picture because we couldn’t finish that). It's called 木曽路 (Kisoji) and to anyone interested I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT because of the quality of its meat and its generous portions!
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In sukiyaki, after cooking the meat, you’re supposed to dip it in raw egg. It sounds intimidating but it’s really delicious!!
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VEGETABLES (that my brother refused to eat because he doesn’t eat his veges)
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Lok at all the vegetables sizzling in the pan. The onions were my favourite!
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And they served the udon last before the dessert! It’s really quite a lot of food! But it’s all delicious so thank God that we could finish everything
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I didn’t manage to get a picture of the sizzling meat in the pan so have a look at it on the restaurant menu.
THE FOOD IS REALLY GOOD. Literally everything here, especially the beef, was melt in your mouth heaven.
NEXT DAY (Harajuku and Shibuya)
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We headed straight to Harajuku to eat since we left the house later than planned today. The first vegetable juice I drank in my life is Pokemon vegetable juice!
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YUZU RAMEN. This is the craziest ramen I’ve ever eaten! It was not bad!! Apparently, it’s one of the more popular ramen joints in Harajuku. It was already jam packed by the time we arrived!
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If you ever get the chance to eat Kakuni (braised pork) in Japan, DO IT. I promise you a slice of heaven
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We went to Meiji Jingu just like last time, and we shopped a bit in GAP! Before long, we were hungry, and since my brother and mother couldn’t walk so much, we decided to go to Doutour coffee soon after shopping at GAP.
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Don’t let the cheap prices of this joint fool you. Doutor coffee is everywhere in Japan and for GOOD REASON. Honestly this was the best BLACK COFFEE I’ve ever had. I think they roast their beans really well!
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We went to Marion crepes after that! It's in the middle of takeshita street, so we had to walk a bit to get there. I also managed to shop at this place called good day! It sells the best clothes in the entire street in my opinion!
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Life is good. A toast to marion crepes
We walked quite a bit after that! My brother went to do some shopping in Adidas, and we walked to Shibuya from there. Once again, on the way, I stopped by Alice on Wednesday, a quaint little shop which sells Alice in Wonderland merchandise! My family was really tired from the walk, so I decided to bring them to eat cow tongue rice.
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It is as GOOD as ever. By the time we finished, everything in Shibuya was closing, so we had to go home after that. But the adventures of the day don’t end there!
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It turns out there was a mini supermarket at the place we were staying. I got really carried away looking at their meat! I MEAN LOOK. All these are perfectly red and they only range from 200 to 800 yen!!
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Their bacon and ham are to DIE for. But that’s enough excitement for the day. I bought some roasted pork to eat for breakfast the next day (but sadly I didn’t take a picture of it)!
NEXT DAY (Shibuya)
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There was a melon bread shop near the shimochiai station! Apparently they specialize in melon bread with CREAM
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This is a mini model of the melon bread. I’m excited already
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The REAL THING. This is the best melon bread I have ever eaten HANDS DOWN. I love how you could just randomly walk around in Japan and go to a random shop, and everything you try is delicious.
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I want this vending machine in my house
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We decided to look around in the Tokyu Shibuya supermarket since my mom always talks about what nice food these supermarkets have. True enough, look at these omg
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They didn’t have a price tag on these watermelons so I assume they’re not for sale. Pity!!
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I am literally screeching at how fresh these prawns look
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From the roof top of Tokyu!
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We went to a Tempura restaurant at the top floor! I was really carried away looking at this thing while we were waiting for the food
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IT WAS SO GOOD. I ate the set at the bottom! It was really refreshing and thirst quenching, since it’s cold noodles! They also used wild vegetables for the tempura (they didn’t have the typical stuff like sweet potato and pumpkins), so it was a really pleasant surprise! I didn’t know what I ate I just ate them all
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I decided to eat kakuni again! I really want to try making this back at home. It’s such a good dish I’m obsessed
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Immediately after we went back to the basement to have dumplings. Travelling with family is always about eating
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Kimi no na wa posters outside the Tokyu building! It seems that the bluray just got released! We walked around a bit after that and visited the shops my family wanted to go. Including Loft
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In the meantime I got carried away taking pictures of graffiti outside the shops lmao. Halfway through, my family decided to take a rest at Starbucks, while I went to Shibuya 109 in the meantime. They had clearance sales all throughout the building so I managed to snag some really good deals from this shop called Ingni!
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Before long it was time to eat (AGAIN). If you’re ever in Shibuya Tokyu please eat at this restaurant! It’s called Maisen, and it serves tonkatsu (Fried pork cutlet). I think this is the best tonkatsu I’ve eaten all my life. Usually I only get the air-flown version of the food here, so eating it at the restaurant itself was a GREAT experience!
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TOPS cake! It’s a chocolate brand in Japan that my entire family adores! I’m not one for chcocolate but even I loved this! It’s really worth a try if you’re in Tokyo! We ate this with our host, and we had a great chat!
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Of course I’m a glutton so I ate extra things for dessert.
NEXT DAY (Shinjuku and Shibuya (Don’t we always go back to Shibuya?))
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Arrived in Shinjuku! Apparently this shop is a Singaporean brand! Fancy seeing you here!
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SHINJUKUUUUUUUU. I came through this exit about five years ago with my father! It really brings me back to the good old days tbh
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Remember this guy from my previous trip? I saw this whole stash of Totoros at tokyu hands in takashimaya, so naturally I put my own totoro in the middle of them to snap a shot HAHA.
After this we went to meet up with my cousin who was in Tokyo! We travelled the day with her after that! First, we needed to eat, so we had to take the big lift up to the highest levels in Takashimaya. I had a bad experience with lifts before, so I excused myself and decided to take the escalator.
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We ate tempura again! The last tempura was ice cream, if you’re interested! It wasn’t bad! But I did prefer the tempura from yesterday.
After this, we decided to look around in Shinjuku! We went to Tower Records, Don Quijote and Gap! And after a while we decided to go back to Shibuya again (lol)
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Now I actually managed to get a proper shot of the Shibuya cityscape! I love this place so much.
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We went to the basement of seibu to try out some food! Most of the shops close at 8pm, but the restaurants close later. We went to this Western buffet restaurant, and I took pictures of some of my more presentable salad plates. Lmao. Everything else after these three plates was just chaos.
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Some of our mini-main courses!
After this we had to go back home ;w;. We said goodbye to our cousin and went back to Shimo-Ochiai! She was very nice to send us off at the platform despite holding so many things in her hands. I haven’t seen her for 8 years prior to this, so I hope we can see her soon again!
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But the day hasn’t ended yet! Our host was very kind to buy us tarts on our last day! These cheese tarts are from a company called BAKE—which is apparently one of the most famous producers of cheese tarts in Japan. The quality of the tarts are REALLY good!!
FINAL DAY Departure
Nothing much to say other than us going back to Singapore! We left the house before peak hours so we didn’t manage to say goodbye to our host for that one last time ;w; The trip to Narita was mostly uneventful and I slept a little on the train..
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Last meal in Japan at Narita airport! Porridge is great because I get quite airsick easily, so I can’t swallow too much oily food before a flight!
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LOOK AT THE DECORATION. I love all the attention to detail tbh
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Half an hour before the flight, I decided to swallow this down. It’s not bad! I wanted to save it for when I touched down in Singapore, but it seems that they don’t allow water on planes
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This is just a little tidbit! But my grandma used to make us this thing called Matsutake gohan (it’s basically mushroom rice, but the mushroom they use is a special kind that only grows on mountains in autumn)! My aunt made this for us to bring back to Singapore so I was really happy and touched. She gave us enough to feed my family for three meals!
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Also, I managed to eat the cup noodles I got from the cup noodle museum in my previous trip! Look at all the Hiyoko-chan narutos!!! I really hope they sell the original cup noodles in Singapore soon. It is my favourite flavour of Nissin cup noodles!
But yeah, that’s about it for now! This trip was really rushed so there were lots of things I didn’t take pictures of. But thanks for reading all the same!
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thebrownkniz · 5 years
Lyra M. Starling
The back fire of an old N-6 woke me from a deep slumber. It's fumes seeped through the open screen above my bed creating a pink, swirling haze. Holding my breath, I rushed to the living quarters. Personal cruisers weren't allowed to fly at that altitude within the Compound for this very reason. I leapt onto the grand, bay window that sat facing the Intell. Through it's frost bitten panes, I could still make it out.
"3 - AF0"
Outlining the I.D. number in the condensation, I let out a deep breath warming the glass making the information more visible. 
Even with the neon water droplets dancing down the window panes, I followed the perp's tail lights towards the city limits and out of sight. Stretching out from my position, I fidgeted around looking for my notebook. I always leave it on the coffee table but somehow ended up under the couch, across the room from me.
"Three, dash, A, eff, zero." I thumbed through the pages, perching on the arm of the couch. 
"Mhm, must be new." I scribble down the I.D. number and small description.
Red Body
Single Seat
Double Tail Engine
Tail Wing
Back Fire
The simulation wasn't scheduled to begin for a couple hours. Jumping back from the window, to the back of the couch, swinging on the doorframe of my sleeping quarters, I silently landed on my bed.
I couldn't tell you what I had been dreaming when the engine woke me earlier. My heart had been pounding and all the hairs on my body were on edge. Usually I have vivid dreams but this, this one was different. It felt...different.
I laid there for a moment lost in past memories, when suddenly a sense of dread filled the air. I couldn't pinpoint the scent at first but left a bitter taste in my mouth. It reminded me of a childhood full of rough housing and scraped knees.
Trying to snap out of it, I could hear quickened footsteps rounding the corner to the alleyway. Harsh breathing echoed off the empty building beside ours through my still opened screen. I poked my head up for only a spilt second but I knew it was him, "Mifune."
His brassy, iron door slammed shut my under my feet, rattling the floor. Mifune was the older gentleman that lived on the bottom floor of our building under mine. He was an average height and build, for a mammal, with sun kissed skin and brown hair that he slicked back behind either ear. A rugged and dirty beast yet always sporting clean cut facial hair.
I could hear the steamy water rushing through the chilled pipes down to his floor. Mifune comes and goes for extended periods of time, but without a doubt, no matter what, he always takes a shower the moment he arrives home. If the water doesn't start within minutes of someone entering the room, then I know it's an unwanted guest.
"Mifune, you sons of ah bitch!"
A large male threw a bolder at Mifune's window, missing.
 "I'm gonna fuckin' kills ya if you don't have my credits!" Throwing another patch of gravel and missing yet again. 
"You hear me, boy?!" The silver-tongued male in the purple suit howls has he bites down on his gar letting out a cloud of smoke from every hole in his face.
His goons bang on the door once more before entering. Their boss threw his gar on the ground and returned to his escourt cruiser parked in the alleyway, where he waited until they were fished ransacking Mifune's place. At this point, I can't imagine Mufune owning anything of value with how many times it's been broken into like this.
I don't understand how this behavior is allowed within the Compound and to someone in the program. I cut my own thoughts off, Mifune wasn't really apart of the program, he merely lives in our building. No one seems to notice him expect for me. I mean, not that I'm noticing him; he tends to keep to himself and I'm just home, often. I'm pretty sure that Miles told me he was born on Earth and would have to be hundreds of years old in Earth's rotation and has lived here for just as long.
Tap, Tap, Tap.
Three small taps came from the other room breaking my train of thought. I wasn't sure I had heard them at first then I heard them again but a touch louder. 
"Knock, Knock, Knock!"
I peeked around the corner from the doorway. I could see the light from under my door flicker as someone stood anxiously.
"I know you're home," he growled softly as I pressed my hands against the door, quietly peeking through the peek hole.
"Hey!" He banged on the door once more making all the hair on my body stand perfectly at attention.
I slowly unlocked the bolt and hopped back to the couch as he busted open the door slamming it closed quickly behind him. Without looking at me, he rushed to the bay window.
"Close your curtains. Here, help me close the curtains." He danced around the room tracking filthy water behind him when he suddenly snapped back me catching me a little off guard.
"Hush." He growled with his golden eyes cutting through the darkness.
"I didn't- I haven't said anything."
It didn't take but a moment for the yellow, flickering light to fill my apartment with caution. My body slid down the wall keeping my eyes locked on Mifune as he lowered his body to the floor just under the window. Even in the yellow daze, I knew water wasn't the only thing dripping off him.
"Are they, after you?" I asked calmly.
His eyes shot a glare at me,
"Sh- Wait. What?" He crawled toward me like a sweet puppy, "Hey," he whispered, "I know how this looks. This is my blood; you have nothing to worry about. I promise, I ju-"
We could hear the marching of people outside the door going up the stairs past mine and Jaydee's loft to the attic room; maybe six or seven beings, at least.
"You can come out now or we will enter the facility." A male's voice announced.
"Psst. Who lives in the attic?" Mifune was now sitting next to me eyes locked on the ceiling. I looked away from the ceiling back at his face, I had never been this close to him before. He may be an old soul but not necessarily an old man. 
"I have lived here since I came here," you could hear the busting sound of the wooden doorframe as they marred in the door; "no one lives up there."
"Uh, clearly someone does," Mifune smirked crawling back towards the window. I could hear people outside my door once more, then Jaydee's voice coming from just outside his place. "Hey, what's going on out here?" I pressed my face against the door with my eye locked at the peak hole.
"Sir, this is a personal matter and I will have to ask you to please go back into your living quarters." It was the same man that spoke from before.
"Raiding our building at five in the morning and busting down a door to no one's room is a personal matter?" Jaydee's glowing white hair set ablaze into a fiery red.
"Jaydee, don't." I rushed to him through the crowd of people, "Don't make things harder on you than it has to be."
It wasn't until I reached him did I notice who the crowd of people actually were. Multiple Peacemakers, a few Angels and a pair of Halos.
What was going on here? Peacemakers do not come to the Compound.
The only person that had spoken this whole time was a Peacemaker dressed all in white with a yellow band around his left bicep. When he turned to walk away, they all made their way through the front gate and back to their cruisers. It wasn't until then did I wonder where the hell Miles was during all this. He was always missing the "action" around here.
"Hey, are you okay? What happ-"
"I'm fine." Jaydee snapped starting up to the attic room, hair still a blaze.
"H-have you seen Miles?" I yelled up the twisted stairwell.
"Nope, haven't seen that Rat since day before yesterday."
With his front door wide open, I grabbed his staff from just inside the doorway. He's room felt- I got a feeling something was wrong and raced up the staircase to the attic room where Jaydee was still standing in the doorway.
It was a dark and gloomy room, covered in a thick untouched sheet of dust. A long table ran along each of the four walls with one small tipped over stool in the middle. At the far end of the room near the floor, was a small window covered by an old piece of sheet.
There was no way someone was living up here.
"What the hell?" Jay murmured under his breathe behind me. "I can't get a reading for the room, someone has completely cleared it. Peacemakers can't even do that fully, you know?" He ran his hand over the table, leaving a trail in the dust, picking some up and moving it between his fingertips while pondering the situation at hand.
"Maybe the Peacemakers got clearance, somehow."
"Lyra, Lyra, Lyra. Don't make me laugh, honey."
He snatched his staff, "Hey." Only it was too late, he was already gone.
Teleporting must be an extremely useful gift to own. When we met he told me that he has always been able to do this since he was a young being. I mean, you could be right in the middle of having a full blown conversation with the guy then, poof! That's Jaydee Ryvers for ya.
I stood there for a moment examining the room when I noticed that the stool was now sitting upright. Thinking that was odd my gut feeling returned as I rushed out of the open doorway. I took a deep breath and turned around half excepting something to have been chasing me.
The dull attic light reflected off something under the table that caught my attention. I hadn't noticed it before either. It looked as if it were a small nut or bolt-like item. I power walked over and bent down to grab it when the metal door slammed against the broken frame causing my body to jolt, smashing my head against the bottom of the table, and dropping the item.
The item had left a small trail in the dust where it rolled away to. I stood with haste looking around the room when I noticed only my footsteps where left in the dust, "Odd." I put the item in my pocket and walked to the entryway. Peering back into room one last time, even my footsteps were now gone.
I peeked into Jay's open room on my way down to my floor, but then heard him and Miles talking downstairs. I slammed my opened door heavily behind me and plopped down on the couch, the simulation had finally started up.
Maybe I should call in that plate now. I reached into my pocket, pulling out the item. Holding it up to the light, I noticed a small flash of coding on the inner lip. I had that horrible feeling something bad was about to happen again but the feeling didn't keep me from drifting off to sleep; with the warming light beaming on my face, I didn't even stand a chance.
0 notes
paildramonnn · 7 years
Daiken Week | Illness
Catching up!  Takes place in this universe, although no prior knowledge is necessary to understand this. <700 words.  Still no proofreading or plot in sight.
So far as Tokyo apartments go, theirs isn’t so tiny.  It’s a few hundred square feet, with the mattress tucked up into a shallow loft on one end.  They have to crawl in, not enough clearance to even sit upright, and they clamor over each other a few times a week to be on the outside.  But it keeps them from having to make room for a futon every night or sacrifice the floor space full time for a bed.  It’s close quarters, to say the least, especially for two people who have never really shared a bed before, but they’re through the worst of it.  They think.  And then Ken nudges Daisuke awake at three in the morning because he won’t stop turning over and over, jostling Ken out of sleep.
Daisuke grumbles, “I just fell asleep,” but Ken is too irritated to let it go without some recompense.
“You’ve been kicking me for an hour.”
“Mm,” Daisuke replies, and shifts over onto his side to maneuver away from the wall and further into Ken’s space.  It’s well into July and they only have a sheet on the bed, duvet folded up and tucked away until such a time as the air conditioner becomes absolutely necessary.  But it feels plenty cool now, with the balcony door pushed open to let in the breeze, the sound of late night traffic.
He drifts back off before Ken can shoulder him away, sighing, feeling bad about it but not letting Daisuke squirm in close again.
“It’s too hot,” he says, fending off Daisuke’s hold.
More often than not, this is the kind of grappling that turns into sex.  They’re still very much into the novelty of being able to do that whenever they want to, of not having anyone around who might overhear or, god forbid, walk in on them.  Daisuke in particular revels in this new freedom and has taken to hanging out around the apartment in just his underwear a lot.  Ken is more modest which, really, Daisuke thinks is hilarious.
“‘S cold,” Daisuke whines, and lets Ken elbow him away only after the puppy eyes have failed.  Much more effective in daylight, and when his head isn’t spinning a little from the effort of keeping it up off the pillow for more than a second.
Ken squints at him, reaches out across the half a foot he forced between them, and presses the back of his hand against Daisuke’s cheek.  Daisuke tilts into the touch despite the dizziness, and Ken squints harder.
“You’re warm.”
“Cold,” Daisuke whines again, out and out grumping when Ken fends him off a second time.  “Since when are you anti-snuggle?”
Ken is on the near side of the mattress tonight.  He doesn’t have to climb over Daisuke to get down out of the loft, just scooch down toward the foot and catch the stairs with his heels.
(He never jumps down, doesn’t want to disturb their downstairs neighbors.  Daisuke has made a game of crouching up tight against the highest step and leaping as far as he can.  Ken refuses to measure his distances or let him mark up the floor so he can measure them himself.)
“If I had known there would be a no snuggling rule, I never would have agreed to live with you,” Daisuke says, raising his voice as much as he dares in the middle of the night, with the balcony door open and Ken still perfectly in hearing range.  “It’s not too late to trade you in, you know.  There’s the boy at the cafe.  With the nose ring.  I bet he’d snuggle all night long.   Like an octopus.”
Ken comes halfway up the stairs with a half-empty bottle of water and a couple of aspirin.  “The boy at the cafe?”
Daisuke reaches for the water, the medicine, for Ken himself.  He makes greedy, needy little noises until Ken climbs all the way back into bed, until he lets Daisuke curl up around his hip, rest his fever-warm cheek against Ken’s stomach.
He’s almost dozed off again, already half sunk into a dream, when Ken nudges him awake.
“Which cafe?”
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unclebeggar93-blog · 5 years
September 15, 2018
You can never go wrong with a white lace dress. I linked to a few similar styles above. I love the dramatic sleeves and detail in this white lace dress for under $100, and this white lace bell sleeve dress is a classic that would be perfect for dressier looks. These striped pumps are similar to mine, and they are on sale for under $70.
I love tying a jacket around a simple dress to give my look a little something extra. It’s easy to create this look in the fall when colder weather means you’ll need a jacket or light sweater near by. I love this light wash jean jacket for the fall, and these sneakers are a staple for me all year long. They are easy to throw on to create a cute casual look in a pinch.
Navy is a great alternative to black, especially in the fall when you’re still wanting to add more colors into your look. My dress is older, but I linked to three similar dresses above. This lace midi dress has amazing details, and it would be killer for dressing up for holiday parties too. My nude pumps are still available, and they come in a few different color options.
My camel sweater is back in stock! This sweater comes in two different colors, and it’s perfect for fall. I’m a sucker for all things camel, and I love how it looks with these lighter wash jeans. But I also really love the mocha color it comes in. It’s another color that is versatile and easy to dress up in lots of different ways.
We’ve made it to the middle of September! There are lots of great sales for fall going on, and I have your weekend roundup below. It’s time to start thinking about warm weather booties and sweaters! Have a fun weekend everyone!
Anthropologie  //  Up to 40% off select fall favorites + extra 20% off sale items
J. Crew  //  30% off full-price styles + up to 75% off final sale items
J. Crew Factory  //  Up to 50% off fall faves + up to 65% off clearance with code SHOPTOIT
Ann Taylor  //  40% off your purchase with code FRIENDS40
Loft  //  30% off tops and sweaters + extra 50% off sale styles
Lord & Taylor  //  Buy more, save more with up to an extra 30% off
Old Navy  //  Up to 40% off select
Banana Republic  //  40% off your purchase
Macy’s  //  25-60% off select
Pottery Barn  //  Fast free shipping with code PUMPKIN
West Elm  //  20-30% off all bedroom furniture + up to 60% off select
Source: https://www.elleapparelblog.com/2018/09/instagram-roundup-weekend-sales-63.html
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
Things I’m Loving Friday #248
Hello, hello! Something about Labor Day weekend always feels like the end of summer to me even though 90 degree temperatures linger around here for a while and fall doesn’t officially begin until September 23. Do you guys have anything fun planned?
We don’t have any concrete plans on our agenda and going with the flow of the weekend sounds pretty great to me. We may get together with friends on Sunday and I’m also hoping to spend some time near water whether that be the pool or a lakeside beach near our house. Bring on the sunshine!
And now let’s move right along into my weekly Things I’m Loving Friday roundup featuring some favs from the week. As always, I’d love for you to share a little bit about something that is making you smile today.
Enjoy your weekend!!
Things I’m Loving Friday
Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel Protein Powders (Chocolate Coconut + Vanilla Coconut)
I discovered this protein powder through positive reviews on Thrive Market and it’s quickly becoming a staple for me whenever I make smoothies. I love the flavor (I think it’s definitely more coconut-heavy than chocolate or vanilla) and it blends well with various smoothie ingredients without making my smoothies taste the least bit chalky. For anyone who might be looking for a delicious whey or dairy-free protein powder, this one might be worth a try!  (For what it’s worth, I still use and love whey protein powders but this is a good alternative!)
Burn Boot Camp Upper Body Workout
Thursday’s upper body workout at Burn Boot Camp was one of my all-time favorites! I LOVE a good arm workout and dropsets are my all-time favorite so yesterday’s workout was right up my alley! To complete the workout, we went through four six-minute stations that incorporated dropsets of two different exercises. Once the workout was over, I immediately typed it up in my phone to keep on hand for myself to repeat in the gym in the near future because I loved it so much!
Healthy Cereal Bars
If you love cereal bars you must make this recipe! I initially stumbled upon Running with Spoons’ recipe for Healthy Rice Krispie Treats a couple of weeks ago when I was looking for a dairy-free sweet treat to bring along with dinner to a friend who just had a baby. The recipe is simple and sticks together thanks to nut butter and honey and seems to work well with a variety of cereals and nut butters. I’ve had fun swapping in various nut butters and cereals to try different combinations but I think my favorite combination so far has been Justin’s Vanilla Almond Butter paired with Honey Nut Cheerios. YUM! Quick tip: Don’t skip the tip about placing the bars in the fridge to allow them to cool. That seems to be essential for keeping them together!
Chase’s Backpack
I’m including Chase’s toddler backpack in today’s roundup because I received no less than 10 messages on Instagram asking about it when I shared a picture of Chase with his backpack on Instagram Stories. Isn’t it adorable!? It was actually a gift for Chase’s birthday last year from his friend Ella and he used it all last year for school and will be using it again this year as well. We love it! I reached out to my friend Laura (Ella’s mom) for backpack information and she ordered it on Etsy and there are lots of different color/fonts available so you can easily create the perfect backpack for a little one in your life!
Labor Day Weekend Sales
Below you will find a short roundup of some Labor Day weekend sales that caught my eye!
Old Navy: 50% off all jeans, dresses, tees, sweatshirts, and hoodies (FYI for those with rather small/slim kiddos, our favorite jeans for Chase are on sale! They’re actually toddler girl’s pull-on jeans but work great for slim boys, too.)
Wayfair: Up to 75% off clearance
Target: Up to 30% off plus an extra 15% off rugs, bedding, home items, furniture and patio items (These shoes aren’t on sale but I was SO excited to see them for $32 because they look JUST like the $175+ shoes I’ve been coveting from Free People! I ordered them immediately!)
LOFT: 40% off with code LABORDAY
Macy’s: 20% off with code WKND
ShopBop: Up to 70% off
Around the Web
Fitness: 7 Ways to Master a Push Up + Modifications / Total Body Resistance Band Workout
Food: Mix and Match Sheet Pan Dinners / Chocolate Zucchini Banana Bread / Healthy Granola Cookie Dough Bars/ Parmesan Caesar Chicken / Dairy-Free Cheesy Broccoli Chicken Casserole
Friday Flashbacks
For today’s featured flashbacks, I figured I’d roundup a few yummy recipes I think would make a welcomed addition to any Labor Day cookout you may have on the agenda this weekend!
Appetizers + Salads + Side Dishes:
Black Bean and Brown Rice Salad
Greek Yogurt Rotisserie Chicken Salad
Winning Cornbread Recipe
Simple Shrimp Dip (One of my most popular recipes ever!)
Cold Quinoa Salad (A great prep-ahead recipe that’s light and tasty!)
Easy Cilantro Shrimp Appetizer
Sweet Treats: 
Chocolate Chip Almond Butter Bars (Always a HUGE hit with dessert-lovers!)
Gluten-Free No Bake Chocolate Icebox Cake
Paleo Lemon Cupcakes
Butterscotch Bars
Question of the Day 
What is one thing that is making you smile this week?
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/things-im-loving-friday-248/
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Specialized College - Gain Experience As You Learn
Specialized College - Gain Experience As You Learn
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china2arab-blog · 7 years
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