#lol I’ve had these for ages now
8golden-harvest8 · 1 year
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Here have some khux memes I made ages ago
with a bonus Sora
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serdtse · 2 months
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fagidarity · 8 months
okay new plan for the day i’m gonna draw slimeriana
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evermoredeluxe · 6 months
i know everyone always talked about timothèe chalamet and zendaya getting together, but idk tom holland is just much more charming imo
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bbreaddog · 1 year
Tagged by @jmrothwell! 💕
Are you named after anyone?
I’m not entirely sure… I have a very vague memory of my mum telling me my English name came about bc it sounded similar to a Chinese singer… but I don’t trust my memory and I’m too afraid to ask again 😬
I don’t think I’m named after anyone re: my Chinese name. Digressing here but was recently reminded that it’s a typically masculine name and that made me feel something… my English name is quite feminine so…
Wondering how my parents came to that conclusion when naming me… wondering if they knew from the start that I had both masculine and feminine energy and needed my names to reflect that or something… much to think about
When was the last time you cried?
Last night 🥲
Do you have kids?
I don’t have my own, but sometimes I refer to my students as my kids. Not for sentimental reasons tho, it’s just easier to say less syllables 👍
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, not at all (deadpan) (lying) (so much)
Sometimes I will deliver things in a way where even I can’t tell whether I’m being sarcastic or not
What sports do you play/have played?
God, my school valued sports so much that I’ve probably tried every sport under the sun.
Ones I regularly trained in at school: tennis, basketball, softball, netball, table tennis, swimming
At uni (all dance genres): tap, jazz, ballet
I did yoga and Pilates for a bit after graduating, but I haven’t been able to do much physical activity the past two years for health reasons 🥲 I would so love to be able to do dance classes again. I really found my groove in third year uni about it and I miss that a lot
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Idk, their clothes I guess
What’s your eye colour?
Rich soil, calligrapher’s ink, a stargazer’s dream. The distance between our feet and the ground. The part of the ocean that lets no light because she loves us too much. The place in time that promises safety, protection, stability.
Endless, endless, and full of possibilities.
(Let me romanticise my black eyes, dammit)
Scary movies or happy ending?
Happy endings for SURE. I absolutely cannot do anything scary. I can’t even watch The Owl House bc the monsters in it look too scary 😭 I’ve been recommended it so many times by so many people, but I just cannot 😭😭😭
Any special talents?
Being naturally good with kids? I know I’m a teacher and this will sound really awful, but I………..don’t actually like kids. Obviously I still treat them with kindness and respect, and I can tolerate them enough to do my job properly. I can (and do) bond with them and form meaningful relationships with them. Takes a village to raise a child, and I’m part of the village, y’know?
Idk what it is, but kids just like me for some reason, without me having to really try. I find just being my usual sarcastic self who doesn’t hide when I’m pissed off is somehow very charming for kids
Jokes aside, it’s definitely a skill I’ve had to develop and refine, especially for teaching. But I’ve just been naturally good with kids since forever—I think being part of the eldest cousins pack in my family has helped a lot in that regard, bc most of my cousins are 8+ years younger than me. So, experience, I guess.
Where were you born?
In a hospital
What are your hobbies?
I am in dire need of new hobbies that aren’t physically taxing on my arm, but currently:
Drawing, reading, writing, baking, singing, playing violin or ukulele, sewing/patching
And this……is technically one of my jobs but I also just do it for fun: acting/scene/script analyses
Gif makers I am making out with you so hard bc i do so much acting analysis from watching individual gifs. IT’S JUST. SO GOOD. EVERY CHOICE IS DELIBERATE, and you can see that in a 2 second gif. You won’t believe how much you can take away from a fleeting, seemingly insignificant moment in a piece of cinema memorialised into a gif lovingly made by a passionate fan. Gifsets are arguably what got me into acting in the first place
So like obviously having a degree in acting means i am also just a huge huge nerd about scene/script analysis too, and it’s so TASTY being able to draw up a whole character profile, backstory, personality, objectives and obstacles, and so many more minute details. From like. A 3-word sentence spoken by a background character that never comes up again. IT’S SO GOOD. I could keep going on about this but this is also getting very long so I shall end it here
Do you have pets?
My dog :-) and 3 very perseverant fishies 💕
How tall are you?
Enough to reach the top of a door frame on my tippy toes
Favourite subject in school
Studio Art, but only bc my school cut the Drama dept while I was there :/ I did still really love Studio tho—maybe too much? Idk it definitely contributed to my arm issues bc I had to do a folio each for both Art and Studio Art (two diff subjects)
Dream job
No job. I do whatever I want. I heal whenever I need. I live free of capitalistic responsibilities. I live. I live. I live.
I tag (no pressure to do this): @noworneverphantom @fiddlepickdouglas @drifting-in-otter-space @badsalmonella
#mine#tag game#thanks for tagging <3#it has been a day and an age since I’ve had any energy to do anything like this#I’ve taken the first week of term off this week bc i am still. having major major health issues. and it is not fun#it’s not relaxing if you’re thinking about what you could be doing is it?#yeah… it’s hard#re: last question ‘dream job’ <- if i absolutely had to choose it would be acting for sure#but between teaching and my health… it’s very rare that I’ll be able to do anything super meaningful career-wise in acting#I’ve turned down so many auditions to the point where my agent no longer gives me anything#maybe like one brief every 6 months now#it’s… sad. i love acting so much#but even if i quit teaching. it’s not a stable career. there’s no guarantee of a job#and it’s expensive being an actor#even more so being a disabled actor#and i like teaching. there’s a lot to gain from it. maybe not financially lol but personally. there’s a lot I’ve learnt that i can apply to#many other areas of life. including acting. so there’s that.#but teaching is not my forever job. i feel like. my health isn’t even cut out for teaching#I’ve had to take so many weeks off. i always feel guilty for leaving my kids when i do#it’s hard not to feel responsible for them even tho I’m only 30 minutes of their weekly schedule#there’s a lot to. unpack here. but we don’t have time for that#this is supposed to be a fun lil tag game but it’s 11:40pm so I’m shifting into unfiltered mode#alright well there’s that#this was legitimately fun to do tho even after all that#i love being tagged in things. even if i don’t get a chance to get to them#pls tag me in more things#<3#personal
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aceofstars16 · 8 months
Me: *writing out a long reply*
The reply thing: it’s too long
Me: ….guess I’m not replying then lol
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voiceshearingyouloud · 10 months
I’m always wary of saying my partner and I have good communication because since everyone talks about communication as the most important thing and saving grace of a relationship I’ve kind of mythologised it in my head and been like well, there’s no way we’re that good at this. But then I remember that communication is the process of continually talking about your feelings when you’re hurt or when you need something or when you’re happy, and talking about what your plans are for the future of your relationship and your thoughts on your past together and I’m like. Yeah we do kind of ace it on that
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springweaver · 1 year
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Finally finished another scarf! Its been on my loom since December and also I think its possessed by the devil maybe. Motivation to work on this was so scarce, the weft I used is so thin that it felt like I was never making any progress, and due to a mistake I must’ve made while putting the warp on, I had some really fun tension issues almost the entire time :))))) You can definitely still see how the scarf is kinda warpy, haha. That being said, I’m still really proud of this, and happy that I can finally tackle some other projects!! (I am finally free…)
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
I love when things go wrong with my sims 2 game because I universally never know what’s happened. My game kept crashing and I was like “maybe it’s this simple mod I’ve had before that’s never crashed my game” no girl maybe it’s the ✨faulty camera replacement✨ you just downloaded
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cullens-babe · 2 years
I got scared that the import didn’t work, but then he said, “She,” and I was SO excited so like.
I’m so ready to see my Hawke. I really hope my appearance actually imported and I’m not just the prebuilt Hawke. If I am then I’m gonna be so sad😭.
Bro my tags are so long so PLEASE read them. I will not retype them into my post bc I’m on mobile so please-
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bibleofficial · 1 year
apple health motif saying ‘ur activity changed over past 5 days’ like yea NO SHIT glad u NOTICED - but i’m looking at it now & im truly realizing how far apart my classes are now considering i would average like 7k steps everyday 😭😭
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singlecrochet · 2 years
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anyway. This is gonna fucking rule
#never made these before because I always associated them with like. seven layer dip or whatever that cheese thing is which I am not into#but the recipe I’m loosely following is just graham cracker choc chips walnuts sweetened condensed milk and coconut (five layer bars?)#which are things I like in combination. best part of working in an environment where 90% of regular customers are over the age of 70#is the lady who loves baking but hates eating sweet things so brings us baked goods regularly. she brought in these and I was like#fuck my coworkers and ate way too many 💀 and then went out and bought ingredients and now I finally have the chance to use them lol#anyway the entire house smells so fucking good I can’t wait for these to cool.#also unrelated but i look so cute today fyi. I’ve got on a homemade skirt that’s a similar pink to my hair with a nice flower patter#and a blue sweater that used to be my moms. and I had a lovely morning with my mother as well since she got to go into work later than the#rest of the family today so we went out. my brat cat is finally settling down and I’m going to chill and watch tv for a bit I think while#the bars cool. listening to mcr mad gear and the mussile kid on repeat the last 24 hours as well so I’m in an epic mood for real#like. lubrication. can you turn off all the lights so I can see. etc#anyway Idk why I’m saying sooo much I’m just feeling chatty and self obsessed I suppose haha#followers u get first pick when I’ve sliced the bars. enjoy.#speaking#text#pics#food /
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
Hi! Against your tags as always are delightful!! The fun thought of the Dylan au pair idea with the usntdp boys +Mo and razor are that Mo actually hung out with zebras at the combine I think when he needed friends and didn’t know folk! So it would actually sorta work! It’s a hilarious and wonderful concept!
first of all 🥺🥰😭💕 you’re so nice and second of all OH MY GOD BELOVED ANON hold on,,, getty images don’t fail me now i can’t believe mo & z hung out at the combine i’m going batshit bazonkers i can’t even-
okay update somehow i straight up forgot jack hughes was in this draft year & while i couldn’t find any pictures i do know that mo was super beloved (funny, personable, charming) at the combine, which is super interesting to think about with trevor “fawn response” zegras and i want to put them both in a little glass jar (a lakehouse fic) and shake them up and study them (write unnecessary side interactions in a fic that’s objectively about neither of them)
#ok ok ok i know what i said but the other part of this is that i was at work today & full lightbulb moment out of NOWHERE went#dylan outsider pov of the kids trying to match make him with everyone they set him up with the dnr guy & the hot lake neighbor & the dilf#but it turns out he’s already dating someone (zach??) &i mean. this is the perfect little magnifying glass w/which to study mo/z interaction#NO ❌ WRITE ✍️😤 ONLY!! vivid daydreaming 🤧 have never felt the weight of being roasted by my horoscope so hard#liv in the replies#I’VE NEVER FELT NORMAL ONCE I HAD THIS POSF AND THE OTHER POST IN MY DRAFTS THEN S A W LARKS BEING BABYSITTERLY @ PETRY’S W/COLE#is this manifesting? is that allowed? can i return it &ask for something else? although cole is charming me gradually (it’s nick i love him)#@universe that sign can’t stop me idk how to READ (by which i mean write. or garner fortitude to follow through and/or execute a fic idea)#distilling the essence of Someone down to who they would be when they were ten years old isn’t gonna cause any instances of self-realization#i’m absolutely not having any kind of moment thinking about characteristics to keep for the younger versions of them & what their ‘base’ is#part of the appeal of de-aged fic (not in this context but in like actual ones lol) being that it’s triggered by a stressor/trauma & the#point is that they’re reverting to a version of themself that’s telling them something they need to know a lesson in who they are/their need#for a love/understanding/feeling yourself smaller in a way like you did back then to the point that it manifests physically#but flipping that in a way ig bc this is them (younger in fic) but not De-Aged (that’s not the point here) it’s just coincidentally a vessel#to imagine the interactions of mo/z as de-aged ten year olds as a proxy for their vulnerability at the combine & that one d/z couch poem—#OKAY that’s how i know it’s time to go to bed that’s a. completely different train we are not hopping on right now GOOD NIGHT#i’m so. i’m so. ????????????????????????????? babe ur kids leave for one summer & you’re having empty nest syndrome
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ishizu-ka · 2 months
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The Gworls!! I could cry I was so worried it’d take so long to draw portraits for them and yet here I am 😭🤧
in order (left to right): Sage Alyonushka, Nephelai Keyarah, Priestess Zaira and Neophyte Iah
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yamujiburo · 1 year
I probably should have started doing this forever ago but I wasn’t sure how long I was gonna stick with drawing these comics. But I guess we’re in it now! This will be continually updated~ EVERYTHING UNDER THE CUT
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This post is required reading about Team Rocket’s ages since that’s usually a question that comes up a lot LOL. As for Delia’s age, she is said to be 29 in Takeshi Shudo’s (original writer on Pokémon) novel that built out the world and characters of the anime.
Next, I feel like this chart helps give the vibe of what these characters relationship is (all just headcanons except for their names and ages)!
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Here’s a post I made detailing how Jessie, James and Meowth initially start living with Delia. It also goes into what each character does in this AU. Before going into the post, you might enjoy this fanfic my girlfriend commissioned! It’s based off of said post and is a more enjoyable read.
Here’s also a list of headcanons!
Here’s all the comics I’ve done! The order of most of them are pretty ambiguous and up in the air but I put them in the order I kinda see in my head! There are some that do take place before Jessie and Delia start dating though! Also a few comics that have several parts but the “next” and “prev” links will be in each comic. So I’ll only link the first part of those ones in this masterpost.
Fast Food
Making Eyes
First Kiss
During Relationship
Big Bed
Pet Clown
I’d Like To
Lipstick (not a comic but some fun extra dialogue for this)
Stare Down
Shovel Talk
Invisible Walls
Date Night
Face Blind
One Motto Away
Delia’s Got a Cold
Mr. Jessie Ketchum
Hands Off Pikachu!
Wine Nights with James
Beauty and the Beach
Turning Point Arc
Where Do Babies Come From
Head Scritches
Love Life
Ace Trainers
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Gift for Delia
Gift for Jessie
Jessilina Fan
Journey Arc
Cooking Twerp
Cooking Advice
Serperior Facts
Cassidy’s Cabin Arc
Father/Son Bonding
Study Help
Happy Valentine’s Day
Daddy Daughter Double Battle
Married Life
Arbok/Weezing Reunion
Snake Eyes
I’ll update this with links to my other miscellaneous drawings later! 
What does "Hanamusa" mean?
Hanamusa is a combination of Delia and Jessie's Japanese names, Hanako and Musashi respectively.
When does this AU take place?
It takes place sometime after the Mezase Pokémon Master/To Be a Pokémon Master series. So all the events that happened in the series, unless retconned within the series, happened. Ash is 10 at the start of the comics.
What's the status between Jessie, James, Meowth and Giovanni/Team Rocket?
Not great terms since they were fired, but also not the worst terms. Giovanni just let the three of them go without any further issues. I will say that I've always loved the theory that Giovanni keeps Jessie specifically around because of her parentage and he as a soft spot for her that he keeps a secret. I feel like Matori was the one that got the three of them fired and Giovanni wasn't able to make an excuse for them this time (without showing nepotism/special treatment) so he was forced to let them go.
If you headcanon Delia as a lesbian, how did Ash come to be?
Delia was young when she had Ash and I hc that she just didn’t really explore her sexuality much! I myself didn’t realized I liked women until I was 18 and didn’t know I liked ONLY women until like 2 years ago. She got married, had a baby and realized after her husband left that she liked women (trans people exist obviously but I’m also interpreting Ash’s father as a cis man).
Who do you think Ash’s dad is?
I don’t know and I don’t really care to explore it. I’m going off of the novel interpretation that he’s just a deadbeat that left to be a trainer, failed and never came back because of the shame. He’s not important.
Isn’t Giovanni Ash’s dad?
That’s a common misconception that people remember wrong from the Pokémon Live show. Delia mentions she dated Giovanni but then left him and his gang after meeting Ash’s father. I also don’t consider the live show canon personally! I follow The Birth of Mewtwo timeline where Madame Boss founded Team Rocket.
Do you think Delia and Giovanni dated at least?
Nah, I think he’s too old for her? I always got the vibe from The Birth of Mewtwo that he was quite a bit older than Jessie and it’d be sus if he was dating Delia when she was married to, and had a child with her husband at 18/19. He’s a bad guy but not a BAD guy.
You mentioned you still ship Jessie and James. Why not make a Jessie, James, Delia polycule?
I have a few reasons I’ve mentioned before! 1. I’m in super deep with this AU already and I feel it’d be very confusing for casual viewers of my stuff if James was added into the relationship haha. 2. I’ve drawn Jessie and James together since 2011 and took this AU as an opportunity to try my hand at writing them as queer, platonic besties bc I love that interpretation of them a lot as well. 3. I’m not poly myself and the way I write this ship is largely based off of my experiences with my girlfriend. I just know I’d favor the Jessie/Delia of it all which isn’t fair and not a good interpretation of a poly relationship. All that said, I DO super enjoy seeing peoples’ poly headcanons and art!
Who does James end up with in this AU?
No one. He's aroace and is happy to be single
Do Jessie and James have all their Pokémon in this AU
I think they have all the Pokémon that they did by the end of Mezase Pokémon Master (all their Pokémon that were left at HQ). Most of their released Pokémon have stayed released and the Alola Pokémon are still in Alola. I bring back Arbok and Weezing post-Jessie and Delia getting married. I may bring back Chimecho, Growlie and Cacnea if I think of an idea I like!
What are Meowth and James up to in this AU?
Hop back to the top of this post under the "Where to Start" section. All your questions will be answered.
Does Ash travel with anyone at this point of his life?
I don't have anyone in particular in mind! I could see him making new friends (Nemona???) or traveling with different combinations of old friends. Like him, Misty and Goh, him, Dawn and Cilan, him, Serena and Lillie etc.
Will Delia ever get over her phobia of snake Pokémon
Not fully! I think overcoming fears is fine and good but I think real PHOBIAS are much harder to get past and I don't want to cheapen it. She slowly gets used to Jessie's Seviper specifically and gets to the point where she can pet it comfortably with Jessie in the room. But otherwise, still scared and would need that same amount of time per Pokémon
Is Jessie gaining weight or is it just me?
Not just you! Jessie puts on a bit of relationship weight overtime as you'll see in the later comics in the timeline. Jessie grew in poverty, never knowing when her next meal would be and that continued into her life as a Team Rocket member. Once she was able to settle down (with a woman who runs her own restaurant no less) she's able to live a healthier lifestyle with regular meals and puts on some weight because of that.
Does Jessie ever feel self conscious about gaining weight?
Nope! She feels happier and healthier and hotter. She's also unreasonably excited to clear out her old clothes and get a new wardrobe.
Would Jessie and Delia ever have kids together or adopt?
Nah, Ash is enough for them! I have come up with hypothetical kids for them but they're not canon to this AU. Just a fun little thing for me.
Will you ever put this on webtoon?
Nah. People mostly ask me this because they want to read everything in the order of the timeline but to my knowledge, you can’t reorder chapters or installments which would defeat the purpose. I also don’t think nintendo fan stuff would fly there. Also, also it’s just extra work and another place to upload and I want to keep this all fun for myself~
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possession1981 · 9 months
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