#lol toddlers are so evil
rowanisawriter · 10 months
Hi, I have some questions!!!!
6) Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
13) Which story has the most lore?
19) What are some things that inspired your stories? Real events? Maybe a dream?
25) What’s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read?
(And how are you doing? 💕)
hiiiii ad thank you bestie!! 🥰
answering these writer asks!
6. any ocs without stories?
nooooo due to my very weird need to have the story before the oc, this never happens to me!! i do this all backwards, i get an idea for a story and then create the oc kind of shaped around the story?? like i never have a character, i have a place to put a character in a story and then just work the character until both they and the story are working together. so i haven’t had any like extra ocs laying around haha
13. story with the most lore
my fics are sooo canon compliant lol i don’t think i have anything that really has its own lore, maybe ceasefire?? just by virtue of being my only “sequel” although it is its own standalone story, it does still have callbacks and characters and themes dragged over from attrition…
19. story inspired by real life
probably heretic!! i wrote it because all the religious trauma in bg3 was very familiar lol and i was raised in a very conservative environment and longed to kill and replace god, so although the story is all magic and make believe, the emotions behind the decisions the characters made, their fears and everything is all very real and i used my own experiences to flesh all of that out!
25. favorite genre to read/write
ROMANCE. i love love, i really don’t want to read anything that doesn’t have any romance in it, and i don’t think i’ve ever written anything without romance, love is the point of everything anyway so why wouldn’t i want to sprinkle it in everything 🥰
(i’m doing good lol my kid is in the middle of potty training so that has been going ….. fine… lol basically i’m in complete shock people have more than one kid like how and why??? this is so awful?? i love my kid but my nerves have been completely frayed at this point and i feel like another kid would give me a nervous breakdown, when i see parents with multiple young kids like at the grocery store i legitimately feel my fight or flight kick in… i must have ptsd LOL anyway i’m doing good ever since i decided only one kid for me!!!!!)
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nonochan21 · 1 year
Thinkin about Peepaw Nier and Ethan.. I feel like they'd get along great with each other, just two dads looking for their daughters (that got kidnapped, and said fathers die at the end of their games but we don't talk about that)
Might doodle something later mayhaps...
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flowery-mess · 3 months
Just a dad Noah thought...
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I think I sent this once to @starsomens as an ask, but I can't stop thinking about it lol
Imagine having a baby boy with Noah, after some time he starts going to shows with you with his big noise canceling headphones on. Everything is cute, Bryan takes cute family pictures for you, little waves from the baby to fans, until... he becomes a toddler and wants to be just like his dad.
Wears those fake tattoo sleeves, matching outfits, makes up words for BO song, until one day.
You and Noah are chilling in the living room, little Sebastian toddler comes in, in his black outfit with those tattoos on and wants to pretend that he's Noah at a show, so you and Noah are pretending to be fans, laughing and all that, until this little human you two created screams "THIS IS DETHRONE YOU FUCKS" into your faces and then takes off to his room with evil laugh, because he knows what he just said.
You and Noah just turn to each other, not sure if you should laugh or not and eventually you do.
And I'm pretty sure if you tell that to the rest BO crew they will demand performance from your little human every time they see him and because they are the 'funny uncles' they will let him say curse words when you and Noah aren't in the room. And he loves that.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Fake Uncle is brilliant! Love it!
Bruce: so the uncle was real?
Tim: yup
Bruce: but he's an evil uncle???
Tim: yup
Bruce: why did you never tell me??
Tim *blinks: it never came up. Duh.
Well, for the Drakes. I was thinking they'd be aliens as well. But even within their culture they were aloof. Like maybe as strategists but not someone with a family circle. They had no clue what to do with a child. But, their king handed them a baby with his final breath. Earth looked safe, so that's where they went.
I'm sure they were baffled by earth human customs. I imagine raising children is different on earth. They were, however, good at negotiations, so they worked their way up the social ladder, hoping to give Tim a better life (not quite princely, but close).
I really like the idea about them searching for artifacts to teach Tim about their home!!! Good idea!! I'll have to use that!
The Drakes tried, but I think they mostly threw money at Tim. New bike? Sure. Want to learn Mandarin? Why not? Want a new nanny cause the last one was rude? Of course, your highness! Immediately!
New nannies happened all the time because timbo was a brat and fired them for petty stuff as a little kid.
Kori would be a fun add-on! Maybe she offers Tim slightly wrong advice culturally.
K: -and do this! It's very important!
T: does it.
Staff: Noooooo! This is WRONG!
T and K: confused.
Tim was trained that he was a prince, but he also was taught that it was very, very unlikely that he would take the throne. (The Drakes died later)
EXACTLY! That's along the lines I was thinking, but I'm not super great at making up funny traditions yet. Lol.
You are CORRECT about Tim "not being able to change rules" and "unstable position". It makes sense for the AU.
Ridiculous subjects are in the plan!
Subject: I have brought you this gift Your Highness. *bows with jar of slime.
Tim*is concerned: it's moving?!
Subject *shocked: Of course, Highness! I would only bring you alive Grummk!
Tim: .....ok....thank you?
Damian would be fascinated and JEALOUS me thinks.
I am so vibing with the Drakes trying their best and being so clueless as well. I'd love to see a scene or two of Janet and Jack just arguing with each other as toddler Tim causes chaos in the background.
Janet: "Is he climbing the tree in the backyard?"
Jack: "Yeah. I saw an article about human kids and trees or something."
Janet: "Is he climbing the tree that the gardener sectioned off for safety?"
Jack: "Yes?"
Janet: ".... I'm sure it'll be fine."
Tim ended up with a broken arm.
I liked the court scene you had! Stuff like that would be hilarious to read ^^
Are there any differences between Tim/the Drakes and humans? It would be funny if it's something small, especially that all humans have (like the ability to taste cinnamon or something). Just traits that Tim is able to get away with by leaning into his "I was neglected by my 'parents' and thus have no clue how to do normal human things like the human I totally am." Any physical traits (like a blue birthmark) could be cool as well.
Tim, if you wanted, could also bond with Kara and Clark about being an alien raised on Earth.
I think Damian could become an advisor for Tim. That would be kind of cute to see. They could also bond about being heirs of empires that they thought they would never actually inherit.
Dick could charm/be a court performer if he wanted to do that. Alfred would definitely get his hands on the kitchen staff to ensure Tim is properly being fed. Barbara would beef up Tim's security.
Cass would probably play pranks on Tim's "army" while Steph gathered blackmail on the planet's high society (and pull pranks on the ones that pissed her off).
I don't know enough about Helena Bertinelli, but maybe she would treat it as a fun vacation to intimidate rich people?
Duke might be interested in learning more about Tim's home world and what it's like to space travel. He would also be the one to accidentally set half the castle on fire.
I don't know if you'd like your AU to have all the Bats, but there's some stuff they could do.
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softlysuga · 4 months
satan's sweetheart [ch. 1]
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You’re a demon. One day, you’re summoned into a living room, and an exhausted woman quickly rambles about needing to get to work and being unable to find a sitter before flying out the door. Now, you stand in your summoning circle, a toddler staring wide eyed at you.
pairing: taehyung x female demon!reader genre: fluff, crack, smut (but in the other chapters) rating: pg-13 wc: 2.7k
warnings: mentions of the underworld, death (like the Reaper), pagan activities? i mean the woman literally summons a demon LOL
note: prompt is by @writing-prompt-s! i thought it was actually fcking hilarious and half the time i was writing i was like wtf is this LOL also thank you to @jtrbluv for beta reading! my d1 tumblr moot ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ ♡.°₊ˎˊ˗
-> let me know if you want me to make a taglist for this fic or any other fics :)
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There’s a tugging sensation at your stomach, and your lips curl into a smile. 
A summoning. Finally. 
Relaxing, you let the sorcery of the summoning whisk you away from your dwelling and hear the familiar pop in your ears as you enter the human realm. Dust setting, you open your eyes, hoping to feast your eyes on your next meal. 
“Who dares to summon—” you boom in your demonic form, clouds of smoke entering the room and a glow of evil cloaking your figure. Of course, it’s all theatrics.  
“I’m so sorry, I tried calling for a babysitter but no one was free,” a frazzled-looking woman interrupts, “and I know, you’re probably like, well, can’t you ask family—”
The woman scrambles to find her keys and belongings, slowly lugging her bag to a door. You stand a few feet away in the middle of a summoning star adorned with a few candles and eerie-looking symbols. There’s an offering of fruits and leftover Halloween candy, along with an edition of the Grand Grimoire. 
“—and I did! I asked Taehyung to come over, that brat, always shirking from his responsibilities, but he said he’s in the middle of a basketball game? Can you believe him? I had asked him to a month ago, and he still managed to forget! Ugh, younger brothers. Anyway, it’s not like I can ask my parents because they’re dead.” 
Surprised, you cut the theatrics and unwind into your natural form. “I mean, Old Reaper spares no one,” you chuckle, shooing away the clouds and lightning. “He’s kind of a nasty fellow, that one. Always so grumpy.”  
The woman freezes, one hand in the midst of putting on a shoe. She turns around, stunned. “You changed.” 
You frown. “Did you expect me to stay in that form forever? It’s actually quite energy-draining— I much prefer this one.” You look down at yourself, confirming that you’re in the correct form. “I mean, I can turn myself into a cat if you would like. Or an elephant, if you’re really feeling up for it. I would be quite loud, though.” 
You’re not quite sure what humans do or do not know. Usually, summonings are quick and short, usually ending with you feasting on the souls of the summoners or the immediate banishing. But this isn’t the usual summoning; there are no teenage kids screaming for their mothers, nor men wrapped in capes who think they’ve found their calling. 
A clatter draws your attention away from the woman and you find a toddler tucked away in a high chair. The child couldn’t have been more than two years old, teething on a strawberry with the remnants of its breakfast laid out in front of her. An oatmeal-covered spoon is on the ground next to the chair. 
Stepping out from the pentagram, you wave your hand and the spoon flies off the ground and lands on the high chair. The child gurgles in delight, grabbing the spoon and throwing it off yet again. 
“This child seems to lack intelligence,” you observe, spinning back to the woman. “Why would it throw the spoon back down? I thought you humans liked using them.” 
The woman unfreezes with a start and continues putting on her shoes. “W-well, you know how toddlers are, always doing something you don’t want them to.” She adjusts herself before putting a hand on the doorknob. “I’ll be back in a few hours, it will be a very quick grocery trip. I just need some…peace.” 
I raise an eyebrow. “You want me to look after your offspring?” 
“Just for a bit. I’ll be back in a jiffy, alright?” She opens the door and steps out. “There’s food in the fridge for her, diapers are in the drawer under her crib. Just keep her unharmed and alive.” 
And just like that, she’s gone and you’re left with a human baby with a distaste for spoons. You look at the child again in curiosity. Tight, chestnut curls are tied up in two pigtails and her chubby cheeks are stained with strawberry juice. You gently pull at a curl, watching it bounce back into place after you release. 
The child notices this and places your finger into her mouth, gently gnawing on it while cautiously measuring your response. 
“Silly child,” you reprimand gently, pulling your finger back. “That’s not food; if you eat my hand, you’ll get dysentery.”
You snap your fingers and conjure a little black binky for her to gnaw on instead. “Here.” You stuff the binky into the child’s mouth and after a bit of confusion, the toddler starts chewing on it contentedly. 
A smirk crosses your face. “How curious. I wonder what else I could do to you…” 
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You sense the presence of another soul before you hear the jingling of keys. They’re inserted into the door, and it opens with a swing. 
“Addie? I’m here— sorry about the wait, the game ran a little long…”
You observe the new figure, a man, clumsily take off his shoes and shove them in the shoe rack. He stumbles towards the living room, dropping a bag off by the couch. 
“Are you looking for the child?” you murmur. The man freezes. 
“She’s in her jail,” you continue, floating down from your perch on the ceiling. “I suppose you would call it a crib. The child seemed to grow tired of our games, so I put her to sleep. Temporarily of course— I’m not the reaper.” 
Softly landing on the carpet, you stare at the man’s shocked features, seemingly frozen in time. You tilt your head in confusion. “Well, don’t be too worried. She’ll wake up whenever she feels the need to. I just…coerced her into a nap. It’s not like I can do much else.” 
You extend a hand. “You must be Taehyung. The tired woman mentioned you.” 
Taehyung glanced down at your hand and slowly reached for it. Shaking it, he gulps, “Wh-what? Who?” 
He points from your perch on the ceiling to you. “What?” 
“Oh, that,” you wave towards your previous spot. “I’m just more comfortable that way. It’s usually how I lounge in Erebus but I thought it would make you too uncomfortable to see me like that.”
“Erebus?” He whispers. “Is that like…the underworld?” 
You shrug. “Yes and no. It’s more like another dimension, really,” you say, inspecting his face. “You seem to be sweating. I forgot how temperamental humans are.” 
You chuckle. “It's a little hot in here for you, isn’t it? I tend to run a little warm and the heat might be radiating into the room.”
A bead of sweat drips off Taehyung’s temples and he swipes at it, unfreezing himself. “Oh, I-I guess? I mean, now that you mention it, it’s a little warm.” He shakily looks you up and down. “What are you even? A demon? Oh my God there’s a fucking demon in Adeline’s house…” 
“Ah, so Lily is the child,” you muse. “So Addie— or Adeline, I suppose— must be the mother.” Swooping past Taehyung, you ignore his noises of disbelief. Landing on the kitchen counter, you pour him a glass of water. “She’s in her jail, like I said.”
You beckon a chair to follow you, instructing it to sweep Taehyung into it. He’s pale as a sheet, scrambling onto the chair as he lands in front of you. You hand him the water. “Sip.” 
He obeys, gulping down the water. After he finishes, you take the glass back while he looks at you warily. 
“Why are you here?” he asks, clearly uncomfortable. “You’re not from this world, are you?” 
“No, I’m not. Adeline summoned me to become her babysitter around an hour ago, and she simply left me with her offspring,” you snort. “You humans always do the funniest things.” 
“Wait, what?” 
“I mean, hey, good for her for summoning a blank demon— class III nonetheless! Very baby-safe, I can assure you.” 
Taehyung’s brows furrow. “Addie…summoned you?” 
“That’s what I said, didn’t I?” You chuckle. “At first I was as confused as you are right now, but she quite literally said ‘care for my baby, demon! I will be back’ and left,” you air-quote with your hands. “Said something about being unable to find a babysitter, and I was curious enough about the little one to stay for a while.” 
“So you’re not…stuck here?” 
“Well, no,” you roll your eyes. “I can leave whenever I want. Just how you can leave and enter a door,” you gesture towards the hall, “I can leave and enter this dimension. The summoning just thrusts me here against my will. I can go back whenever I want.” 
There’s a bit of a silence as Taehyung collects his thoughts. You listen to the buzz of the refrigerator and the quiet ‘tick-tocks’ of the grandfather clock down the hall; you’re surprised how soothing the monotonous noises are. Maybe the humans are onto something. 
Glancing back at Taehyung, he seemed to relax a little. He fiddles with his hoodie string, gnawing at the end. “Wait so, you won’t hurt us? You said something about being baby-safe.” 
You chuckle. “Yes, I’m very baby-safe. I’m a blank, class III demon. Blank— as in I haven’t developed into a specialty yet— and class III— meaning I’m equipped with the bare minimum of demonic powers.” You shrug. “So yeah, I can do things like make you fly or summon existing objects, but not much else. I’m more of a spirit, really. At least for now.” 
Suddenly, you sense a shift in the air and you glance over to the baby monitor on the fridge. Taehyung follows your gaze and jumps up. “Oh, Lily’s awake!” 
He looks over at you, albeit a little warily, and slowly starts walking towards Lily’s room. “Don’t move,” he instructs, pointing a finger at you. “Or else.” 
You put your hands up. “Alright,” you giggle. “How scary!”
Taehyung glares at you and disappears into the hall. He comes back a few minutes later carrying little Lily in his arm, one hand wiping the drool off of her face. Her eyes light up when she sees you. 
“Puff!” she squeals, reaching for you with two hands. Taehyung holds her back, confused. She’s squirming in his arms, trying to peel away. She whines in annoyance.
You smile. “Yes, child. Puff.” 
A wave of your hand conjures little soot sprites out of the air, the dust bunnies blinking in surprise. The jingle of their movements delight Lily, making her clap as they float down towards her. They scatter around her as she makes attempts to snatch them with her chubby hands. Taehyung keeps her just shy of doing so, though, and it frustrates her. 
“What are they?” he asks, concerned. “Are they your pets or something?”
“They’re soot sprites,” you say softly, waving your hand again and they disappear. Perhaps you should’ve warned Taehyung. “They’re quite harmless, really. Usually residing in abandoned country homes, they’re magical creatures made of soot. They don’t do much but work and exist.” 
Lily wails in dismay as the creatures disappear. You smile apologetically. “I was using them to entertain the child before you got here,” you explain, “which is how she’s so familiar with them. It got her a little dirty, but she seemed to like them enough.” 
“Huh. Cool, I guess.” 
You look over at Taehyung, a little surprised at his reaction. It seems like he’s opening up to some of your antics, which makes you smile a little. 
“Do you mind if I conjure them again?” you ask. “For…Lily.” 
You’re trying to get used to calling the child by her name. 
He nods and places the child on the couch, where you bring the little sprites back. Lily’s eyes widen and she instinctively reaches for them as they float around, surprised once again. 
You and Taehyung both watch her in a comfortable silence, but you can still hear Taehyung’s wheels turning. 
“You know, you can just ask,” you start. 
You shrug. “I dunno. It’s not like you see a demon every day, let alone have a demon babysit your niece.” 
He chuckles softly. “Yeah, I guess so. I’m just trying to process it a little, but I’m just glad you aren’t sent here to hurt us.” 
“It’s not like I could if I wanted to, anyway,” you add. “It’s kind of a development-slash-hierarchy thing. Kind of like your version of puberty? Long story.” 
Taehyung’s lips quirk up. “What do you mean?” 
Before you can answer, though, you hear a jingling of keys and the woman from before swings the door open, shuffling her bags in. She looks around, eyes landing on you and Taehyung. 
“Tae!” she exclaims while shutting the door. She turns back to face you two, walking towards the living room. “And…the demon…-ess? Demoness?” 
“Demon is fine,” you affirm. 
She smiles warily and turns her attention to Taehyung and slaps him on the shoulder. 
“Ow,” he winces, “what was that for?” 
“That,” she starts, swatting away the sprites and picking up her child, “is for neglecting your babysitting duties which ultimately led me to summon a demon.” 
She glances at you. “No offense.” 
“None taken.” 
“But you summoned her yourself!” he splutters in defense. “Freedom of choice and everything—” 
“Don’t even start,” she interrupts, glaring daggers. 
You whistle. “This woman is scarier than me, Taehyung. I would watch out if I were you.” You glance at Adeline. “No offense.” 
She winces. “None taken.” 
“Well, it looks like my services here aren’t needed anymore,” you clap your hands and the soot sprites disappear. Lily frowns. “Not that it was something I expected, but it was kind of fun.” 
Adeline turns to you and smiles softly. “Thank you for everything— I know it was a bit of an inconvenience, but I’m very glad that it turned out how it did. Please come back anytime you want.” 
You laugh. “I’m not sure if I’ll take you up on your offer— I have a lot of training to do back in Erebus— but thank you anyway. Your offspring, Lily, was quite enjoyable.” 
You wave to little Lily— who waves back— and you start walking towards the door for a more “natural” approach to leaving. 
“Wait, hold on.”
You turn around and Taehyung catches up to you. “Are you never coming back?” 
You shrug. “Unless there’s another summoning or if I have a personal reason to. Summonings are tricky, though, it’s a gamble on which demon you’ll get. It runs on an internal lottery system for all demons, so I wouldn’t bet on your chances.” 
He deflates. “Ah.” 
“Maybe you’ll see me, maybe you won’t.” You smile. “It was nice knowing you, though. I’ve learned more about humans today than I ever had at the academy.” 
Taehyung furrows his brows in confusion, but before he has a chance to say anything, you’ve snapped your fingers and disappeared. 
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Like before, you let the winds whisk you back to Erebus and you enter with a pop, feet landing on the soft carpet of your room. Glancing at the window, you notice the blood moon starting to rise and your roommate stirs in her sleep. 
Interesting, you think, shaking your head as your horns grow back. You touch them to make sure they’ve come out properly and your wings also make an appearance, the dainty gossamer erupting from your back as you stretch. 
A sigh of relief leaves you as you settle into your own bed, thinking back at what happened. You’ll surely have to go to the Dean tomorrow to explain your absence, but it shouldn’t be something you’re punished for. These summonings are growing more common so quite a few students have been missing this week—  but it’s not something the administration is worried about…yet. 
You roll over to your side, remembering the look on the woman’s face. She was calm for a human— too calm maybe— when she summoned you. Grumbling in confusion, you think. Maybe they’re getting too comfortable with contacting the demonic dimension. 
But you fondly remember how Taehyung’s reaction was much more standard, and you chuckle recalling his sheer fright at the concept of Erebus.
He almost reminded you of a puppy. 
“How cute,” you murmur. 
Yawning, you make a mental note to go to the mortal realm more often. It could do you some good. 
Eyes heavy, you close them and everything goes black.  
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fairytale-poll · 10 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Linh Cinder:
Her glass slipper is her prosthetic foot. She's a cool badass mechanic queen. She's named Cinder because her aunt set her on fire as a toddler but she survived. She's a a cool cyborg with psychic powers, and she's also a really good mechanic.
She's a cyborg and she's from the Moon
She is a badass mechanic who is also a cyborg and did not intend to get dragged into this mess. She becomes a fugitive of the law, running from the prince who is also her romantic interest and is just objectively the best.
I love a sarcastic character and I love a good confrontation scene and she's great with both
she's a cyborg she's a mechanic she's a princess she's a fugitive she's the best.
She's a mechanic she's the lunar princess she has two prosthetic limbs she's supposed to be dead. Her best friend is an android who's a fangirl of her boyfriend (Kai, the emperor). Her ball was actually her showing up to keep Kai from getting seduced by her aunt (who's queen of the moon) and then killed. Instead of losing her slipper she just lost her entire foot. (That's all just in the first book.)
look man, if you've read tlc you know why but if not: cinder here goes through a lot, from living in a shitty household to leading a rebellion and witnessing what's practically a massacre (TWICE), getting stabbed in the mc'freaking heart and surviving, being a wanted fugitive, Oh, and also, she loses her goddamn FOOT instead of a glass slipper lol (albeit the foot is a prosthetic, which i might've forgotten to add, her left arm and (i think) leg are metal due to getting BURNED as a toddler by her somewhat power hungry aunt)
She's SO cool she's a mechanic and really clever and also an amputee and her prosthetics are very cool and she has fun space adventures with her little gang of found family and is also the heir to the crown on the moon and is trying to get control of it from her aunt (who's a dictator) so she can help the moon people be less oppressed! tl;dr she's a girlboss
She literally got set on fire. Shes a cyborg. Shes such a girl boss that her love interest kept her severed prosthetic foot as a memento. She is a revolutionary [against her will] and a politician [also against her will]. Shes a skilled mechanic, and called the queen of a super-powerful alien race with the ability to manipulate people’s perceptions of reality ugly TO HER FACE. Queen does not give a shit and just wants to hang out with her robot bestie and her dork ass boyfriend who is also the leader of an entire country. Shes iconic, she is the moment.
she's a teenage cyborg who works as a mechanic and is secretly royalty - a badass and i love her!!
Kickbutt cyborg Cinderella princess
Cyborg and mechanic is a fun new twist on classic Cinderella! (At least when I read it and it was new). Plus she’s got her Prince/Emperor all wrapped around her fingers before the ball!
she's cool as fuck that's why!! cyborg cinderella in a cool-ass future sci-fi world, she doesn't have glass slippers so she loses her ill-fitted cybernetic foot, she has a gun in her cyborg hand (mostly uses nonlethal projectiles), she has cool sci-fi magic mind powers, she's from the moon, she's a mechanic & she's smart as hell, she literally forms a ragtag team of other fairytale inspired characters & dethrones the evil queen of the lunar monarchy. also her prince charming is cool & funny & they're so sickeningly in love their feelings could power the sun. anyway vote Cinder ✨️
cinder is a mixed cyborg mechanic who has acquired beef with both her stepmother (adopted) and her bio aunt (tyrant queen levanna) and manages to escape their attempts to keep her down (including arson when she was like. 3 years old) and ultimately overthrows her aunt in a revolution lead by her and the other fairytale retellings (red riding hood and wolf, rapunzel and her ‘prince’, and her cousin snow white and her prince) and establishes a democracy! i enjoyed the series growing up and i personally think that cinder is very cool :]
The first book in The Lunar Chronicles is a retelling of cinderella, and my gosh it’s amazing. Cinder is a cyborg and faces a lot of prejudice, and it’s interesting to see that even in the future, where the book is set, there’s still so much discrimination, and Cinder faces it so well. She’s smart and snarky, and has such character growth and cares so much and akhjfqwthbj
shes cinderella if cinderella was a cyborg and also secretly an alien moon princess. fucking amazing series everyone should read it. It's very common for Cinderella retelling that "girlboss" her end up sending the weird message that victims of abuse should simply stand up for themselves <3 I really like Cinder because she's spunky and snaps at her stepmother, but it doesn't. do her any good? It just makes her stepmother worse. Also one of her stepsisters is nice, I love Peony.
Cyborg Cinderella, long-lost princess of the moon, revolutionary against the evil queen.
she’s a cyborg! instead of losing her shoe on the steps of the palace her entire foot comes off 👍 thats hard as fuck she’s so cool
Because she is so cute in this, I love her outfits before and after the transformation, and this movie is just such a good adaptation of Cinderella
the 1997 cinderella movie is the best one ever to me like. you have whitney houston as the fairy godmother and brandy is so so so pretty and she's such an amazing cinderella. 10 minutes ago the best cinderella song of all time ever she sounded so good<3
does this movie even NEED propaganda?
Brandy Cinderella with Whitney Houston! Need I say more?
Brandy plays one of the best iterations of Cinderella actually
I just think she's neat. Also she looked the best in the ball gown
One of the most iconic Cinderellas of all time, Brandy brought tenderness, earnestness, and heartfelt poignancy that transformed the story and emphasized its humanity and themes of dreaming for the future. Her voice is celestial! The power of her performance is undeniable! As a lifelong Cinderella fan she was always one of my favorites.
A lot of children grew up watching this movie around the holidays.
This is my favorite version of Cinderella and Brandy absolutely KILLS IT as Cinderella!! Her voice is so sweet and beautiful. And her dress!! I love her peplum. ALSO HER BRAIDS MAKE A BUN AND ITS SO ADORABLE. just look up the soundtrack for this movie PLEASE
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egg-emperor · 9 months
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"Sage has been saying she wants to do more family activities." Now THIS is the kind of Eggman and Sage dynamic concepts I enjoy!
I like how this is what he feels is the perfect thing for them to do together, something that he himself already enjoys but with her. And you know he'd add his evil touches to them to make them deadly and destructive or useful for him in other ways and do his dirty work as usual. In joining him in that, Sage can learn the ropes of how they work and what their purpose and function is in serving him hehe
I also like how he expects her to be capable for it to be the kind of activity they do together, something complex that requires skill and precision with building machinery. As opposed to the idea he'd do safe toddler grade activities with Sage and she can't create anything beyond scribbly crayon drawings or something lol. She's intelligent like her father and mature (less like him lol), so she should join him in his interests!
Also that's implying that they haven't been doing a lot/enough together 👀 As expected, he's selfish and self focused, he's a very busy man in his evil ambitions and he's never giving it all up for anything, not even to become a full time dad :P He hasn't been joined at the hip with Sage in recent official media and this is also implying that it doesn't happen off screen. His life doesn't revolve around her and he's still his own character. Great stuff all around!
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
showing mellie’s birth gave way to my evil thoughts 😈 what if reader died during birth and simon has no idea.
coming home to a new baby he has no idea exists and a dead wife, winnie crying unconsolably under roach’s sympathetic but helpless eyes, and is now having to take care of a toddler and a newborn. shower us with angst keri!! bwahahahha!! 😈😈😈
you’re evil. i love it. oh i thought about killing missus at all turns. i think about it. just a warning lol
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There were thousands of missed calls from you when Simon turned on his cell phone.
There were dozens of returned ones by the time he had pulled into the drive, not even caring that he left the car unlocked. The house was lit up, he raced up the steps and slammed his key into the lock before turning it. He threw open his door, not caring that his daughter could be asleep. Something happened and he wasn’t there.
“Y/N!” He called, walking down the hallway into the living room, eyebrows furrowing as he saw his good friend, Roach, leaned against the back of his couch, cradling something in his arm and holding his daughter against his side. Winnie came running from Roach’s side, sobbing. Simon picked up his daughter, her face red, splotchy, and full of tears.
He pushed some hair from her face, cupping her little cheek and speaking calmly, “Winter, what’s wrong?”
Her little body trembled, she shook her head before diving into his neck. He held her to his chest, one hand cradling her head as be looked to Roach, the baby Roach held in his arms had your hair color, your beautiful skin, dressed in an olive green onesie.
She didn’t. She couldn’t have been… Fuck.
“Y/N!” He called, moving towards Roach’s form leaning against the back of the couch. “Y/N!” He called upstairs, looking up it to see no lights on. He almost took a step up but stopped when he heard a cry.
The newborn in Roach’s arms began to fuss, little arms moving as they cried out. Roach could only gaze at Simon’s face, his own eyes full of tears.
“Where is my wife?”
Roach didn’t stop crying.
Fear plumed from his chest, anger fanned the flames as he shouted, “Where is my wife!”
Footsteps came from the front door, Simon’s heart lurched in his throat as he turned around to see his- Captain. Boonie hat rung in his hands, tears in his own eyes.
“Price, what-“
“Set Winnie down.”
John Price spoke with a softness Simon has never heard before in his life. Chills ran up his spine, the daughter loudly crying in his ear was drowned out by his heartbeat. Her little arms wrapped around his neck, tighter than they ever have before.
“John, where is my wife-“
He put up a hand. “Simon.”
The confused husband silenced, just wanting to know where the love of his life was. John met his eyes, and for a wordless moment, Simon felt grief. Sadness.
“The baby Roach is holding is your newborn daughter, Melody.”
His stomach dropped, eyes widened in surprise as he turned around to look at the creature again. She was so little.
With just a blink, he was back in that NICU - tubes and wires coming out of this little pink… thing in an incubator.
Another blink and he was back in his home, gazing at the little baby that looked just like you. His hands held his four year old tightly as he turned back to face Price, who was now a few steps closer. His face full of sorrow, tears running down his face as he stated in the military voice he was used to hearing, “Y/N didn’t make it out of the hospital.”
Simon’s head began to spin, around and around and around as he could barely take in small breaths.
“What are you saying?”
Price’s hand rested on Simon’s shoulder.
“Y/N is dead, Simon.”
The air went frigid. His lungs constricted, his head felt like a pound of bricks smashed against it, and he could hear his heart shatter into a million pieces on the ground. His knees locked, his hands froze, all he could feel was the familiar weight of holding his child.
“I learned right after you left the base half an hour ago. I called you, you didn’t answer.”
He felt nauseous. Dizzy. Like blood was oozing from an open wound in his chest, he felt exhaustion like he has never felt before. His bones were dipped in acid, his muscles constricting painfully - he felt like he was decomposing in that spot.
Would flowers grow if I died right here?
If I died right now, would you lay beside me for the rest of time?
If I live, how could I ever look at this place the same? How could I gaze at my daughters and act like I don’t see you in them?
If I live, how do I pretend that you’re still here? How can I remember the way you hold me if I haven’t seen you in months? How can I ignore the way your laugh haunts me, even when you were still here?
Winnie’s cries were loud, his entire body felt only pain, yet no crying wounds opened his skin. The only thing he couldn’t feel was his heartbeat.
If I live, how could I ever thank you for what you have done for me? What could I do to make you be proud of me?
There was ringing in his ears, he pressed his daughter to his chest and cheek. The Lieutenant has been beaten, stabbed, burned, suffocated, waterboarded - any torture method under the Sun, all without a single cry of pain because he forced them down. Now, as he stands in his living room, he willed for his throat to drag out a pain-relieving scream.
He made no noise as he fell to his knees.
How do I raise our daughters with the same grace and resilience you have? How do I tell them about you, their beautiful mother? How can I explain to them that I wasn’t here? How do I explain to my children that I broke a million promises to you?
How do I stop these tears?
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Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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hphm-jeniferltheman · 7 months
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𝔸 𝕎𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕪.
Name: Hiwaga Copper
( hiwaga meaning: magic or mystery)
Nickname: Hiwa, Waga, Higawa, Chicken, Coward
Birth date: June 29, 1997
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Ethnicity: Half- American, Half- Filipino
Alignment: ...Neutral Evil
Personality Type: ENFJ
Always gets confused as a girl who wears red in slytherin
Height: 160 cm (year 1-2) to 175 cm (year 5)
Weight: 60 kg
Eyes: Reddish Brown with a hint of Blue ( his eyes glows to blue when casting heavy magic/curse)
Hair: Originally Black dyed in Red, the black hair starts to grow in time, Long Hair in a Half bun (standard look)
Skin Tone: Tan
Body Modifications: he looks thin, short at first and has long hair making him look like he has a body of a girl
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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝒶𝑔𝑒
A wizard who barely seen using magic. well there is a reason for that
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
1st Wand: Unyielding 9 in. Cypress Wood with Unicorn
Tail Hair Core
2nd Wand: ??
Quidditch Position: Seeker
Club: Dance and Garden Club
Boggart Form: Clown
Riddikulus Form: Clown suffering with pranks ( the suffering gives him joy for some reason pls forgive him)
Amortentia: Cranberry
Patronus: Swarm of Butterflies
Patronus Memory: Her Mother and Father dancing
Favorite Spells: Concealment Charms
Least Favorite: Dark Magic, Charms, mostly everything ( he dislike magic)
Misc Magical Abilities: Legilimency and Retrocognition
He appears to be weak, coward and harmless, but don't be fooled. He is a slytherin for a reason
Bad traits: Distrustful, Mischievous, Deceptive, Liar, Secretive, Observant, Agent of Chaos, Manipulative, Overthinks too much (when it comes to people he cares getting hurt)
Good traits: Helpful, Hardworking, Approachable, Cautious, Skilled at reading people and understanding their vulnerabilities
Hobbies: Gardening, Dancing, Photography, Cross dressing
Likes:Gardening, Sweets, Family, Dancing, Chaos in Hogwarts, Photography, Muggle way to do things, Privacy, Tricking Others
Dislikes: His magic, Witches and Wizards, Duels, Being Surprised, Emotionally Attached,Bad luck, Preying on his secrets, Transportation
Father: Ben Copper
He has a love-hate relationship with his father for he is always away most of his childhood due to working abroad. Ben kept it a secret that his work is related to magic making Hiwaga not learn that wizarding world exist until his magic awakened. One of the reason Hiwaga has bad first impression of magic
Mother: ???
Some Muggle lady. He loves his mother so much that he despises others prying about the details of her mother. He is scared of the idea of what would the evil witch/wizard would do to her once they know her. Did I mention Hiwaga overthinks too much?
Little Brother: Lua Copper
Hiwaga also keeps it a secret that he has a little Brother. He doesn't have any magic and is a muggle. Lua was a toddler when Hiwaga enrolled in Hogwarts. But some of his friends knew when they visited to his house. He has no control on this one because it was his mother who invited them and yet the friends still don't know the name of Hiwaga's mother lol.
Not sure to use the term "friends" because Hiwaga is just using them... at first
It was Cassandra who Hiwaga first met at hogwarts instead of Ivy. At first he even become one of Cassandra's sorta henchman with the Frey twins. Hiwaga seems like a pushover where Cassandra keeps ordering him around but Hiwaga is actually the one using her as a shield when something bad happens and to make him look weak and harmless by others, which is a success. Though they bond with their interest in plants.
Frey twins
The Frey twins dislike Hiwaga being one that Cassandra trust because they thought of him as weak, coward and probably useless. Thanks to this, Hiwaga find them easy to control to create chaos and the twins are easy to blame for it. But he keeps in good terms with them for this
Ivy and Daniel
Hiwaga started with the group of Cassandra and after he helped on finding ivy, he started to hang out with Ivy and Daniel and become his "friends". Hiwaga is interested of the two's secret and wanted to get involved with it. Also he felt that he can use the two for potions and charms and perhaps in searching of their secrets, he will discover something related to his secret as well. The longer Hiwaga spends more time with them, his negative perspective of witch and wizards changes.
Robin and Kevin
Hiwaga finds it fun and interesting of the two's relationship. Despite Hiwaga disliking the idea of romance on himself, he is very invested to the slow progress of the romance of the two and sometimes, he secretly creates a scenario for the two to have a progress on their relationship.
Amber Khanna and Duncan Snyde ( My HPMA OC )
persistent people who thinks knows Hiwaga's secret and they probably could help him. But Hiwaga doesnt trust them at first and is being stubborn by letting them clean up his evil doings.
💥Troublemaker Buddies : Thomas (@tojiriki ), Rowan Lee (@raccoon-lair ), wren and grey @/tracynbutters_ and @/hazeldeznut ) 🤔Friends with Suspiciousness: Ryan Winger (@mina1007 ), Carlyn Jade Khanna (@krinkitori ) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑Probably half sibling : Rowan Cahill (@redhairedgryffindor ) 🫂Can't-afford-to-get-them-involved-in- his- trouble Friends: Nadia Winger(probably theres more) ( @mina1007 ), Lucy Davis (@/chessy.ev), Brian Haywood ( @catohphm ), Asha Khanna (@krinkitori ), Simona Aaron ( @/hohoyayaeiei), Marta Waltsher ( @ themilkshanghai)
<< Hiwaga is still open to form new relationship with other OCs, it can be good😇 or evil 😈>>
More info/ Background (?)
His magic awakened experience went horrible that leads to cursing himself and his mother. As a kid who doesnt know magic at first, he blames himself so much that after he learns about magic from his dad, he become scared of it. But he turn his scared to hatred of magic when he enrolled in hogwarts.
His magic most of the time is destructive that sometimes hurt others unintentionally in a way he doesn't like and he find it difficult to control it except if his intention is to hurt them.
He dislike witch and wizards for they can use magic that benefited them and yet hide it from the muggles. He finds it selfish and doesn't trust them
He didn't plan to enroll at hogwarts at first, but he started seeing vision of the past. A memory that seems to not exist but can help him to stop the curse he put to himself and to his mother.
His dislike of wizarding world makes him find joy to see it in chaos.
Though in time with spending more with other witches and wizards, he will change his perspective and sees his evil act should be minimized so it won't affect to people he slowly cares about.
When he cursed himself, some of his hair turned into blue. To avoid remembering it, he dyed his hair red and wore a glasses.
He always got candies in his pockets
He likes helping or assisting others. It is his way to observe people or to gather information
Hiwaga's love for dancing is influenced when he saw his parents dancing in their living room when he was young
This will still be updated soon but for now thats all for him
¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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imagionationstation · 5 months
I wanna make a dumb au where the turtles have powers (maybe from the mutagen)
I really wanna make Raph and Donnie’s powers based off the phrase “See no evil” and “Speak no evil” cause o think it’s cool lol
for Raph was thinking clairvoyance. “See no evil” Idk dude.
I don’t got any ideas for this and wanna share like lol
No such thing as a dumb AU.
Silly AU? Yes. Crack AU? Absolutely.
No such thing as dumb, tho. I will not hear such blasphemy.
Okay, okay, okay- lemme see.
The full phrase is “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” and that means we get three powers. But that leaves a brother without super powers. And we can’t have that. SO, I propose a different approach.
I meet your demands.
Raphael and Michelangelo: Clairvoyance
Donatello and Leonardo: Telepathy
They are quadruplet brothers, but twin supermutants.
What does this mean, you ask?
They share similar powers, but they use them in different ways.
Raphael (see no evil) is able to glimpse future events, but he only sees good ones. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t predict the bad. He saw that they’d get to leave the sewers for their Fifteenth Mutation Day, but he didn’t know that they’d see April get kidnapped or get dragged into battle. And he can’t see the good that comes to far into the future. Splinter says won’t be able to do that until he learns to embrace the possibility of good when things seem dark.
Michelangelo is his opposite. He can only witness the bad, no matter how much he tries to see the good. It terrifies his family when they can’t tell the difference between his predications and his nightmares. (Their lives are too insane for them to question giant purple squirrels.) The nightmares all seem real to Mikey. And he doesn’t have a prediction and then it automatically comes true hours later. It could be minutes, hours, weeks, or even months. At five years old, he has a nightmare about Leo getting beaten by large animals and a man in armor. He forgets about it until their days in the farmhouse.
They can’t see the future at a whim, though. Only through random dreams/nightmares or during intense medication (which they hardly ever do because of how much they hate it).
They both wish that they had the powers of the other. Raph, because seeing the dangers are the best way to protect his family, and Mikey, because he hates never knowing which horrors will come true. But neither of them dares to admit it out loud.
Leonardo (hear no evil) can hear people’s thoughts, but he only listens when they’re loud or clear. Very few people (Shredder, Splinter) can block him. He can’t read animal minds, but he does get a general sense of emotions. Forcing himself into another person’s thoughts is extremely harmful, especially when they can’t fight back. They aren’t sure how, but he tried once when he was just learning to adapt to his powers, certain that Raph was lying to him. It was once and very brief. Raph had as splitting migraine for a week. It’s very effective when it comes to missions, though it can get annoying. He can only safely pick up on strong thoughts near him, which means that while he can’t hear the entire city, he can hear a legion of Footninja’s thoughts clearly. It can get overwhelming. He has to manually make the choice to stop hearing, and it can get distracting to shut them all out while mid-battle. Despite their initial challenge, he’s grateful for the day that they begin to use Footbots.
He respects his brothers right to privacy… Mostly.
Donatello (speak no evil) can broadcast thoughts and emotions to others. It can be done as an unconscious and a purposeful feat. When he was a toddler, his family always knew the minute that something upset him. It started as a general feeling of needing to be by his side, and as he got older, it transformed into words, subconscious calls that Donnie swears he never gave. He can broadcast over a certain distance, but it’s strongest when the minds are close by. He learns, as a teen, on complete accident, that his power to broadcast is also the power to manipulate. It’s more dangerous for him than it is for others. Even the smallest compelling suggestion drains an intense amount of energy, so his brothers are firm in keeping him from doing so. At least until he’s able to do it without potential deadly consequences.
These brothers are closely connected at all times. Not only because they prefer to be pared in the battlefield (If Leo picks up on a new danger or comes up with a change in the plan, Donnie can broadcast to the others immediately), but they can always sense one another, no matter how far away either is. It terrifies Donnie the day that Leo enters a coma and he doesn’t feel him again for months.
There is no A-team or B-team because they’re too busy trying to figure out which “twin team” is the more powerful. Neither of them takes the comparison too seriously, until the day they do, and Splinter makes them spend the week completely separate so they learn why having more than one kind of duo is important.
I deem it the ✨No Evil AU✨
Not a dumb AU. I adore this. This kind of concept fuels me.
Putting these AUs into words is an excellent reason to be alive.
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klemsk-a · 2 months
S2a undermines the concept of redemption so badly it makes me want to cry.
Megatron changing for the better is interesting because it’s complicated. He used to be a warlord, a tyrant, people suffered directly as a consequence of his actions. Unfortunately ES fails to show us these consequences. The closes we have are Starscreams words and that is far from showing us anything.
There are no flashbacks, no actual conversations. Nothing but the present and most of it is from childrens perspective.
This lack of nuance is frustrating. For all we know Megatron might’ve acted exactly the same, but changed factions therefore he is a good guy know.
And this “autobots = good, decepticons = bad” morality is so on the nose in s2a it’s actually kind of pathetic.
The new season needed a villain, and all the hatred for cybertronians apparently evaporated (everybody else just had a change of heart ig and the only 2 people who actually disliked them are dead) and the cons were “always” bad so it doesn’t matter.
It allows the writers not to think about Megatron and problems accompanying his redemption because his victims are terrible so… it’s all fine, don’t worry 👍.
Perhaps it isn’t this way and I majorly misinterpreted the show.
The existence of the chaos terrans really makes me doubt it tho. It also makes me incredibly mad.
Aftermath literally comes into existence, has no idea what’s going on, who is everyone and they’re all fighting. So he does too. And immediately gets called terrible, basically the evil version of the terrans.
That because you aren’t from a perfect family you’re evil? That is what I got out of it.
Terrans = whole Emberstone = good
Chaos terrans = broken Emberstone = bad
For a show about acceptance and empathy that is a terrible plot point 😀
The episode with Aftermath and Jawbreaker (was extremely boring imo but that’s not important) gives you the impression they’re going to further develop Aftermath. Have him questioning orders and thinking about his choices. But no, he STOLE the entire water from a cave in one tank (how did he even manage???)
Spitfire is an even worse example.
On her first day alive, she gets told that if she wins a race she gets to go on an autobot mission.
She wins, by endangering Alex, and they tell her she won’t get the reword. It’s all understandable but the writers clearly don’t know anything about raising children or children in general.
Yes Spitfire did a bad thing and has to be taught that her behaviour was bad. No they cannot be mad at her for not immediately understanding and agreeing with them. That’s why children (especially toddlers) are infuriating. They don’t know better so you have to teach them, but they will find a loophole to help them get what they want (obviously depends on a child but we are rolling with Spitfires personality). Now depending on what they’ve done to get to it you either reward them or punish them. Because they don’t necessarily understand what they did wrong, even if it’s obvious to you, it can be hard to explain in a way that satisfies a child.
Spitfire lashing out and attacking Twitch is common for kids who believe that someone got something they deserved. It’s especially common if a kid has problems with aggression.
That could’ve been an interesting character development and a good message. Sometimes children won’t be easy to deal with (as all the terrans are, sure they can make bad decisions but ultimately they don’t cause much problems), sometimes they have unpleasant personalities or behavioural problems but it doesn’t make them evil. Being there and loving a child isn’t enough to raise them, discipline is needed and so is patience.
But no.
Aftermath and Spitfire are chaos terrans so they are evil by proxy. Too bad lol.
Twitch and Thrash needed to learn everything. So did Nightshade, Hashtag and Jawbreaker. There was a great deal about self discovery.
Aftermath and Spitfire already have alt modes (at least Spitfire I don’t actually remember Aftermath) and they are just terrible, no good people.
Case closed, problem solved.
Oh. And then they died so…
Unlucky 🤷‍♀️
Redemption in media, especially kids media is important. It sends a message that you can in fact mess up in life, make a couple (hundreds) of mistakes and still come out on top.
But redemption is earned, and it can be (and often is) hard to changed for the better (as opposed to changing for worse).
You shouldn’t change for those you have hurt but so it won’t happen again, so you won’t hurt others again.
Some will come back, some will not.
It IS important that you try nonetheless.
Because no matter what explaining isn’t excusing and no one is born evil.
This show is so FRUSTRATING to me because I cared, and still do obviously (I wrote two versions of this but accidentally deleted the first one so had to write one again).
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I really hope S2b will be back on track about acceptance and redemption.
I think Starscream deserved better but sincerely hope they (autobots) will get a hold of him, and him and Megatron will actually talk.
At least let Starscream have his father-daughter relationship with Hashtag, please 🙏.
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drops-of-moonlights · 8 months
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The full Donkey Kong Country cast! Except the ones I couldn't be bothered to draw! Let's get on with them. (DK and Candy were in the second batch)
Diddy and Dixie remain mainly the same, though Diddy I based off his movie design solely because I couldn't get the crop top to look right. Still a couple as indicated by their matching nail polish.
Cranky has a vest and sweatpants under the red shawl he has in the movie, while Wrinkly I gave a similar setup but in green and with a sundress. She's still dead in my 'verse, but her ghost appears in this design instead of a nightgown.
Chunky and Kiddy! Since in my 'verse everyone's a little older Kiddy goes from a toddler to a kindergarten/first-grade aged kid, who is still just huge for no reason. Chunky is his big brother around Diddy's age and since the movie portrayed Chunky as having some peach fuzz I gave him a bit of scruff on his chin. He ended up pretty cute I must say!
I'VE ALWAYS HATED TINY KONG'S HAT. IT'S SO UGLY. So I fully removed it from my design lol. I kept the same general idea of her teen design but aged it down just a smidge so you can easily tell Dixie's the older one of the 2, while also making her blonde hair dyed for some extra variety. instead of a crop tank top and sweatpants she has an off-the-shoulders top and a skort for some extra variation.
As for Lanky Kong I leaned into his namesake, and if he looks just a SMIDGE evil that's because I had TheMentok's video on the Kongs in the background as I drew and that might've influenced me just a tad lol.
Funky my beloved! I went full into his original full-surfer design, to get something different since Funky canonically hates going adventuring. I gave him a belly gained from just chilling on the beach most days lol. Also he has hair now! With him I set out to not just make him a clone of DK that wears clothes.
Lastly, King K. Rool and Lord Fredrik! With K.Rool I mixed his regular design with his Super Mario Sluggers design and also gave him a LOOOOOONG tail because crocodile. He wears a cuirass over his chest and gut. As for Fredrik all I did was give him some boots his design was strong enough already.
Now for extra 'verse lore: K.Rool rules Kremling Island, Fredrik rules the nearby Snowmad Island. these two alongside the Kong Isles form the Jungle Archipelago Kingdom. All three nations have beef with each other but since the recent Peace Treaty between the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms they've moved to a "cold war" sort of status where no one is openly hostile to one another but they still hate each other lol.
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freakymcnastys · 2 months
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“meet the grahams” - a mha book - headcannons!!
general headcannons:
sero and bakugou are hispanic 🤷‍♀️ sorry yall i don’t make the rules
sero specifically is puerto rican (on his dads side)
bakugou is dominaican, on his moms side because that is a dominican mom if i’ve ever seen one 😭
i can totally see those two getting into it during hangouts because sero called him a pendejo (stupid) and they’re just yelling at each other in spanish💀💀
tokoyami is a hardcore mistki lover and his favorite is the puberty album (i bet on losing dogs is his anthem 💔💔)
1A does friday night karaoke
mina and tokoyami singing “bring me to life” by evanescence-
ok hear me out… bakugou SECRETLY likes mitski (“i want you” and “class of 2013”)
every other friday night sero and denki take editables (provided by sato in 1B) and go to the aquarium
class 1A has a secret tiktok account
junko and chiaki stream fortnite sometimes
aizawa recommended that they do weekly bonding things so every week 1A gathers in the common room and they play boardgames or cook or watch something
uraraka and tsu are the biggest bakers known to mankind!! like they skip activities to bake cakes and cookies for everyone
1A has a minecraft server but junko and sero got banned for being too freaky :(
hawks x dabi is cannon in this because it’s my (kats) roman empire so be excited for the juicy drama
junko’s headcannons:
enji has def said to junko that shoto should’ve eaten her in the womb ☺️
“i know it’s over” by the smiths is so sero x junko core <33
whenever junko was on her period she literally REFUSES to get up for day 1 and makes sero or shoto go to the convence store to buy her like snacks and stuff
she’s actually really good at 21 (card game)
plays on sero’s ps5 (tlou2 and sims4)
her pfp on twitter is a pic of endeavor with a red cross over it (🚫) and the name is “dni endeavor”
hangs out with natsuo more than the rest of her siblings
her and shoto have to fight the twin telepathy allegations ☹️
wasn’t sure what sero meant by “netflix and chill” until he sat her down to have the whole birds and the bees talk 💀
chiaki’s headcannons:
has a picture with metallica (she was like a toddler)
toshinori has camcorder footage of her when she was younger running around in UA and it’s tucked in a box somewhere
“duvet” by bôa is literally bakugou x chiaki :)
chiaki's favorite game is resident evil and her king is leon kennedy
her devil (which is apart of her quirk) is always present behind her but only when she takes her eyepatch off does it actually do anything other than loom behind her LOL
the biggest drawback of deal with the devil (her quirk) is that every time she overuses her quirk it takes a year off her life starting at 100...and bakugo doesn't know this until someone says something
not to make her an mc...but she didn't take the regular entrance exam cause her quirk is so powerful so when she gets there everyone is like "who tf is this weirdo" and yeah she's so mysterious
she's an academic weapon but you would never know cause all the time she's playing video games.
She loves having really colorful braids and she loves putting them in fun lil hairstyles :3 she usually lets denki pick because he thinks her hair is so cool
whenever she had to take her hair down/out of braids she invites the bakusquad to help but only katsuki, mina and sero are allowed to since denki and kirishima aren’t allowed to use scissors 💔
- love always, kat + devina <3
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pumpkinpie59 · 11 months
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official introduction post to my au, interstellarverse!! some partial name credit to @fandomhop ,, thanks for the suggestion!
info and character design sketches under cut!
so basically,, the turtles were taken from splinter by the utroms when they were only toddlers
however being the little stinkers they are, 3 of them were accidentally teleported to other parts of the universe while donatello stayed with the utroms
leonardo was found by the slandonians (jhanna’s race), raphael was found by the triceratons, and michelangelo was found by the neutrinos
the utroms kidnapped the turtles since they were one of the first mutations on earth that wasn’t mandated by the utroms themselves, so they wanted to keep tabs on how the mutation worked and how stable it was
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so donatello was basically their test subject, tho not in a dangerous way more in a,, he stays at the lab and they do regular check ups while he’s watched by a caretaker most of the time
however the main scientist was krang, and he noticed that donatello was ,,, remarkably smart for his age
so he took him as his own child while he was a young boy, vowing to teach him everything he knows and making him his right hand as he begins to start his evil plans he’s been steadily building up to in secret
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leonardo grew up beside jhanna, as a warrior in training. his mentor found promise in him and he was eventually elected by the people to defeat moriah and take her place as slandon’s king
so he has a bit of a complex where he thinks he should be in charge when he eventually becomes a team with his brothers lol
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raphael was raised by traximus, who was a soldier until he discovered how corrupt the triceraton leader was and rebelled. he was forced into imprisonment as a gladiator and raphael was ripped away from him. raphael is very smol in this au so he’s very much an outcast. he feels like he constantly has to compete to earn himself a place among them
he is good friends with my oc iya tho (who i felt i needed to add to this au bc i love her)
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michelangelo was raised while the neutrinos and utroms were at war. he however grew up on the streets
he found friendship with a group of kids also without parents, the neu-trio :3 so he, zak, dask, and kala are all rebels in the neutrino world. michelangelo finds issue with authority bc in his experience, all the authority wants to do is fight and hurt
he is a bit of a pacifist until one of his loved ones is in danger
the plot kicks off when donatello sees in person just how much damage krang causes to ppl. and he runs away and bumps into michelangelo, seeing someone who looks like him for the first time,,,
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tadpolebobatea · 3 months
live slug reaction Chapter 211
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thats… not what loop 100 tella looks like. lmao. anyway. Kills me that the only people unchaste worked on are Loop 100 Sean (not mentioned above, he’s dead by now) who is cartoon levels of asshole villain, of course he doesn’t have a loved one. And Tella someone who’s main character trait is his dedication to his boss. Who he holds as more important than anything else in his life, and who’s main conflict is worrying over said boss. tell me tozuka!!!! What is devotion if not love!!! Come on man!!!!
(I’m working on “he wasn’t being honest about what he wanted (i.e not wanting to fight god, not wanting billy to fight god) in his relationship with billy so it wasn’t sincere. Partners talk to each other rather than just being told what to do or something. But I am just coping here)
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Poor boy. Dragged into being into being an unwilling Guinea pig… geez. So the crux of this chapter for me is if the ability is going to work on tella. Because I’m invested in-
What the fuck is that
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Me when there’s a new chapter
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BillyTella nation! we’re so back! It’s so over! results inconclusive!!! (Classic tozuka non-answer… don’t worry tella, i believe you care for billy)
Also oh my god. KURURU I WOULD KILL FOR YOU BBGRL. Grinning little gremlin!!! (Did she brainwash them into playing death metal as well? Or is she death growling over them playing regular idol backing music)
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unclear what this means for kurukae yuri nation… I think we might still be on? Narrative foils are fair game
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No further comments
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get his ass (hi Veronica. Glad to see you’re still like… alive 👍)
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I 100% buy this lol. He’s friends with creed who tried to kill him (and succeeded in killing his squad last loop). Billy is just like that…
Veronica being a mercenary does add another layer to Billy’s whole steal the disc and become the worlds enemy angle. And how it was like:
The reader: Wdym you’re going to be a supervillain. Billy you have a wife at home???
The wife in question, probably: FUCK EM UP HONEY!!! Get they ass!!
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can you 2 maybe stop smoking around your toddler? Oh and glad to see Mui just being slid in next to the wives. Real casual like.
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Glad that my joking prediction of a mlp equestria girls evil battle of the bands is coming true. Good for them (also that kururu eye close up goes hard)
Well good luck girls, unchaste has none of the weaknesses it had last time. Good news for the “Unchaste would be busted if the activation wasn’t so strict” girlies. We were right. This is not exactly good news for The gang though 
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thegreymoon · 4 months
The Story of Minglan
Two children??
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When did the second child happen??
I hate how this drama just sidelined all the Sheng siblings and gives us NOTHING on them.
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Oh, baby 😢
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Also, Minglan as a character and this actress are both excellent.
LOL, she can't even pretend properly.
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She looks like a toddler caught elbows deep in her mom's makeup.
Show that shiny spine, Minglan!
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Once you try to kill the people she loves, she does not mess around.
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Oof, I love this new powerful her!!
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This was amazing! 🔥🔥
That's right, Minglan! Don't let them sweep this under the rug!
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Go on, Minglan, beat that drum! She really thought that she could poison people unimpeded and with no consequences like her evil sister whose entire useless family failed to hold her accountable!
Enough is enough!
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He wants to hit her again so bad but he doesn't dare!
Also, you have got to love how Minglan is a "good child" and "best daughter" when it is beneficial to him, and how he is so willing to kill or disown her when his shitty reputation is at stake.
That's what you get for following the lead of your shit sister.
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Just because her spineless husband won't divorce her doesn't mean yours won't divorce you!
Also, this actress is amazing! Absolutely incredible performance!
LMAO, I feel like these old nannies are the most sensible people in any house, always saving their masters from their own idiocy 😅
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Oh, Nanny Liu, she's an imbecile.
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You're yelling in vain.
Oh my god. How stupid must you be?
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Imagine letting your sister whose own marriage is a septic tank of toxicity and whose own house is a hellhole manipulate you into blowing your own marriage up like this.
And Sheng Hong was super willing to sweep it all under the rug.
And she's still in denial.
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She seriously has rocks for brains and is then shocked and offended nobody will let her manage the household. The last time she managed the household, she set up an illegal money laundering operation for her shit sister which cost her all privileges and she still hasn't learned anything.
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