#but she’s becoming fun now that she’s getting older like she has favorite songs and favorite things to wear it’s cute watching her
rowanisawriter · 10 months
Hi, I have some questions!!!!
6) Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
13) Which story has the most lore?
19) What are some things that inspired your stories? Real events? Maybe a dream?
25) What’s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read?
(And how are you doing? 💕)
hiiiii ad thank you bestie!! 🥰
answering these writer asks!
6. any ocs without stories?
nooooo due to my very weird need to have the story before the oc, this never happens to me!! i do this all backwards, i get an idea for a story and then create the oc kind of shaped around the story?? like i never have a character, i have a place to put a character in a story and then just work the character until both they and the story are working together. so i haven’t had any like extra ocs laying around haha
13. story with the most lore
my fics are sooo canon compliant lol i don’t think i have anything that really has its own lore, maybe ceasefire?? just by virtue of being my only “sequel” although it is its own standalone story, it does still have callbacks and characters and themes dragged over from attrition…
19. story inspired by real life
probably heretic!! i wrote it because all the religious trauma in bg3 was very familiar lol and i was raised in a very conservative environment and longed to kill and replace god, so although the story is all magic and make believe, the emotions behind the decisions the characters made, their fears and everything is all very real and i used my own experiences to flesh all of that out!
25. favorite genre to read/write
ROMANCE. i love love, i really don’t want to read anything that doesn’t have any romance in it, and i don’t think i’ve ever written anything without romance, love is the point of everything anyway so why wouldn’t i want to sprinkle it in everything 🥰
(i’m doing good lol my kid is in the middle of potty training so that has been going ….. fine… lol basically i’m in complete shock people have more than one kid like how and why??? this is so awful?? i love my kid but my nerves have been completely frayed at this point and i feel like another kid would give me a nervous breakdown, when i see parents with multiple young kids like at the grocery store i legitimately feel my fight or flight kick in… i must have ptsd LOL anyway i’m doing good ever since i decided only one kid for me!!!!!)
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bookdragonideas · 6 months
Here's the thing. I'm a girl, and as a girl, I really like it when girls are portrayed in fiction. Especially fantasy.
But so much fiction/fantasy mixes up 'girls' with 'unstoppable forces of female badass' and there's not necessarily anything wrong with having a character who is an 'unstoppable forces of female badass'. But it gets old real quick. And it is not the same as portraying normal girls, or having good female characters.
And that's one of the many reasons I love Avatar the Last Airbender.
Because all the girl characters have flaws and weaknesses and sometimes act like idiots or jerks. They get emotional and make mistakes. They lose fights or arguments or are just wrong sometimes. Some of them are amazing warriors, and some aren't. Some are powerful or special and some are normal, with nothing special about them.
And I Love that.
I was around the same age as Katara when I first watched Atla. And I instantly connected with her as a character. I loved her optimistic attitude and her fighting spirit. And I could relate with her anger, and with her maternal instinct. I admired her fighting skills of course, but I loved how the show portrayed her compassion and kindness, the way she could both beat up a bunch of bullies AND enjoy a relaxing day at the spa. She was a baddass warrior that should never be crossed. But she was also a normal teenage girl who had a lot of the same internal struggles and problems that I did.
(I never connected to Toph on the same level, but I did relate to her on a few things. She's an adorable trash gremlin who would commit any crime for fun and I love that. But she struggles with being both independent and letting people help her, and I still struggle with that sometimes. I've learned that sometimes, you can help others by letting them help you.)
Yue is, in my opinion, a perfect example of a type of hero that seems to be disappearing. She is not a warrior. She is not a fighter. She's not even a bender.
Yue is a perfect princess, a perfect daughter. She is extremely feminine in a rather older sense.
And she was the only one who could save the world. She gave up everything for her people. She saved everything, everyone, the entire world. Without ever becoming a fighter.
Yue is a perfect example of a girl who was never more than a girl, and how that's okay. Not every girl has to be rough and tumble and fight for her rights in order to change everything. Sometimes it's okay to just be a quiet obedient girly girl. Sometimes that's all it takes to be a hero.
And I love that. Yue is strong in her own way. She is unique and interesting. She appears in only a few episodes and yet manages to be one of my favorite characters.
Song is another great example of this. Song is a healer in a small town. We don't see much of her but we see her compassion and empathy. She is gentle and generous. A healer not a fighter.
She watches Zuko steal her ostrich horse and does nothing.
Is that because she's kind and generous and knows he needs it more? Or is it because she's a healer girl who knows she can't actually stop those two from taking the horse? Maybe neither, maybe both. I have always thought that the scene where Zuko steals the horse and only the audience knows she saw it is one of the most thought-provoking in the series.
Suki is a badass warrior woman who is an awesome fighter and good leader. She is one of the best non bender fighter we see in the entire show. She was one of the smartest, most efficient, and powerful characters we ever saw.
She kissed a boy she had just met because she thought he was cute.
Now don't get me wrong I love SokkaxSuki. Its one of the best couples in the show.
But Suki totally did the old 'love at first sight' thing. And that is awesome. Because when she kisses him she delivers one of the best lines, not only from her, but, I think, in the entire show.
"I AM a warrior, but I'm a girl too."
Being a warrior doesn't mean that she isn't also a teenage girl. She might be a fighter, but she still gets crushes and likes to flirt with cute boys. And hey, she picked a good one. Not every boy is going to come break you out of prison.
Anyways, let's have more realistic girls in fiction. And please enjoy the next 24 hours.
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totallybakedcake · 2 months
Hello! I just can't get this idea out of my head and I just need to let it out. Considering the rivalry between gen and soshiro, I think it would be funny if they found out that their younger siblings are dating. Could I please request gen and soshiro's reaction to their younger sibling dating the other's younger sib? It would be even funnier if their sibling has the exact same personality as the other.
I am sorry but I changed a idea for your fic it's like Gen's little sister x Soichiro because I didn't want to make Hoshina another younger sibling if he already has one I could add. Hope it doesn't bother you so much!
I sort of you this idea to bring me out of writer's block so not my best. Sorry for that..
Listen to this song while reading? I listened to it while writing this and had fun!
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It had been 100 days. It had been 100 days since you and Soichiro had been dating, but you hadn't told your older brother Narumi and his younger brother Soshiro. Sweat would pour down each time you tried to even consider telling Narumi that man would become a nuisance whenever even one of the Hoshina brothers was brought up. To even think he will let you be in contact with Soshiro, he would end up even using the number 1 weapon to decimate them.
As you tried to find out any option where Narumi would not be a brat, a pair of arms wrapped around your figure and pulled you to the lap. "Soie?" I called out to Soichiro, who had plates full of your favorite meals, as he smiled gently and kissed your forehead.
"What's with that look, cupcake?" He cupped your face, pressing a few kisses before feeding you some stew. He knows you can get tense quite easily.
"It's just…" Your voice trailed off, trying to collect all the thoughts before speaking again. "Wondering how Gen-Nii will react to us dating, you know. After he hates your younger brother and isn't very fond of you,
Soichiro also knew it was about time to tell the brother duo about his and your relationship. It also concerned him, but he knew it would turn out alright. "It will be a cake walk, silly! Just lax a little and enjoy the view." He pinched your nose before letting those thoughts go away.
That turned out to be awkward.
"THE FUCK?" Gen was speechless. How the hell could his adorable sister be in a relationship for 100 days with one of the Hoshina brothers when he had clearly mentioned a gazillion times that he hates them to the core of their existence?
"Name, are you serious? Why the hell didn't you tell me you were with Hoshina Soichiro? What if they hurt you, make you uncomfortable, or might not be able to protect you from dangerous things?" He hugged you too tightly, trying to hide you from Soshiro, who was as confused as Narumi.
"I never say something to you, but to be in a relationship with someone like this dude's sister is not something I expected!" Hoshina pointed at you, practically ready to murder Gen.
He went towards you and placed a hand on your head. "I don't mind a little sister. Commander Narumi, you should make your sister happy while she is dating, isn't it?" Gen then all at once calmed down, not wanting to make you more annoyed or to show Soshiro he actually cared for you.
It ended up as both of them leaving you and Soichiro alone, going to a cyberpunk cafe where both of them would spend their day together and make bets. Didn't both of them hate each other? but now they are going to spend their day together.
As he walked towards you, Soichiro placed his hand on your head, rubbing your hair as he spoke in a soft tone.
"I told you not to worry!" he said, as a hint of a grin crept on his face.
"That maniac," Gen yelled out angrily. Showing you his calm side was not true at all; inside his heart was a fire that was spreading. He needed to get revenge, no matter what it took.
"Don't worry, bro, I've got you all covered. Here is what Soichiro doesn't like and his strange habits." Hoshina pulled out a list and showed it to Gen. He was once helping Gen because he also knows how it feels to see your sibling be annoying and not do things properly.
"Dare to even think about something like that, and you will pay." They jumped as both of them turned their heads around.
It was Okonogi and Mina, ready to kill them with glares. "If they break up, you will see your end." Their voices were enough to send shredders down Narumi and Hoshina's spines.
End of this saga, as the two of them never did something like this.
Wink, wink, Mina and Okonogi.
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Also I am starting this new thing where I tag some random followers
A bunch of thanks for liking all my posts, even following me! Truly feel so happy
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jaemmphilia · 1 year
★ 𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 ★ || b.c
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★ summary: an accidental confession gone wrong, and fate forcing you to meet the one person you never wanted to see again.
★ characters: bang chan, cannon y/n (he/him pronouns and a masculine frame), holland (the sweetest gay idol in the entire world)
★ warnings: lots of hurt, the reader is an idol, and his stage name is Mars (for the sake of the story, reader also has a last name), so much heartache, grab your tissues bc channie is about to break your heart...this story doesn't follow exactly how chan became an idol, so for the sake of the story, he moves to korea after high school, internal homophobia, mentions of depression, reader has an anxiety attack :(
★ word count: 3.7K
★ requested?: yes, thank you to @cheeseflirty47
★ binnie's thoughts: ohhhh this one is a doozy, yall... i love writing angst so much, and i'm no stranger to rejection and heartbreak, so this is gonna be a little personal for me, so i hope i do it justice...I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE BUT I STRUGGLED SO BAD
★ disclaimer: this fic in absolutely NO way represents the stray kids members as people. this is just for fun, so don't take it to heart. just enjoy!
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Having a dad who grew up with his best friend from diapers all the way into adulthood, meant that you were required to get along with his best friend’s son. It didn’t matter if you and Chan liked different things, you had to get along with him, according to your old man. Lucky for the both of them, you and Chan got along perfectly. You were both born in the same month, just 3 days apart, with Chan being the older one. You two did everything together growing up, mischievous little boys who rolled in dirt and played with bugs. As you got older, you both realized how much music meant to you.
Music was a staple in your home, your mother was in her school’s choir, and she was in theater. Your father was in a band that he formed with Chan’s father and two other friends, and they would perform for the neighborhood whenever there was a cookout or barbeque. So it was no surprise that you picked up on their musical talent, at such a young age on top of that. 
You and Chan were going on a fishing trip while your mom was on a three-day trip with her middle school music class. You and Chan are playing with the wrestling figures that you brought along with you in the back seat, the two of you making punching noises with your mouths as your characters duke it out. The radio plays softly in the car, your dads making conversation as the car rolls smoothly on the road. Suddenly, your favorite song in the entire world, The Girl is Mine, by Michael Jackson featuring Paul McCartney comes on the radio and you gasp, immediately kicking the back of your dad’s seat. 
“Dad, turn it up!” Your voice calls out, ignoring the super important heavyweight champion match you were previously having with Chan. Chan just pouts, he was so so close to winning. He had your character pinned in a finishing move, and was about to count to three. 
Your dad turns up the radio a little with a shake of his head. You wiggle from side to side in your seat, the music taking over you as you begin to sing the lyrics. As your little voice fills the car, Chan’s dad looks at your dad with an incredulous look. Since when did you have such a good singing voice, and why are they just now hearing it? 
“What? You didn’t know my boy had the voice of an angel? Believe me, I was surprised too.” Your dad says, a cocky tilt to his voice. Chan’s dad lets out an awed whistle. 
“He sounds real good, mate,” Chan’s dad starts, taking a sip of his soda as he looks at you belting your heart out in the back seat, “Do you think he’d be famous one day?”
Your dad has definitely thought about you growing up and becoming famous one day. He would be so proud, but he would never force you into a life of fame if it wasn’t something you wanted. “Yeah, but I feel like it’s too soon to think about that, you know? He may not even want to be a singer when he gets older.” Chan’s dad hums, and then he hears another voice joining in on your singing, although it’s much quieter. He breaks out into a smile, knowing that the voice belongs to his very own son. He knows Chan is shy about singing in front of people, so he’s glad to know that you bring out that side of him. He's really happy that you and Chan are close. 
Things remain the same as you and Chan get older. You both have ventured into high school. You still hang out with Chan every single day, you study together after school, and then you ride your bikes to the park and you play a little bit of soccer (or football, whatever you want it to be) until it’s time for you to part ways for dinner. 
Things do change when Chan gets a girlfriend. Vanessa Clovers. A pretty girl with wavy black hair that stops at her shoulder. She has tan skin, probably from playing softball for the school. She had soft blue eyes hidden behind a pair of thick glasses, her teeth covered in silver braces. She was known as one of the prettier girls in your grade, everyone wanted to get with her. Well, everyone but you.
 Chan had expressed interest in her to you before, and you felt this weird rumble in your stomach. You just dismissed it as you being hungry, and you clapped Chan on the back, encouraging him to go talk to his crush. As you watched him approach the girl, you turned back to your open locker, your eyebrows furrowed. You couldn’t understand why you were feeling so… angry. You turned your attention back to Chan, who is deep in conversation with the girl. She’s laughing at something, her arm coming up and playfully slapping Chan’s arm. You close your locker quietly and rush off to class without Chan, something you’ve never done in your life. 
You were guilty. You were guilty because you hated Vanessa. You hated her because she had something you so desperately wanted, she had Chan. She got him before you did, and she makes him happy. You want to be the one to make Chan happy in that way. You want to be the one to kiss his cheek and hold his hand. You hated her for no good reason, she never did anything wrong to you. She was actually nice to you, and oftentimes tried to have a decent conversation with you. All you could really do was muster a fake smile as the ugly green head of envy consumed your being. 
Considering that your birthdays were only three days apart, it only made sense to combine your birthdays together. This year was really no different. You shouldn’t be surprised when Vanessa shows up to the party, a black gift bag in her hand. She makes a beeline to Chan, who’s standing at the grill talking to his dad. She wraps her arms around Chan, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and you can hear a soft happy birthday, baby, fall from her glossy lips. You roll your eyes before you could stop yourself, looking down at the table you’re sitting at. You all of a sudden don’t want to be here, not when you can see Chan and Vanessa sucking faces just a few short feet away from you. Your younger sister must know that something is bothering you, because she walks over with a slice of cake. 
“Stop moping around like an idiot, it's your birthday party too, remember?” She says, plopping down in the seat next to you, setting down her own slice of cake. You’re so glad she’s here, she always knows when something is bothering you. She always gives you something you like, rolling her eyes while telling you to, “get over it, loser.” All you can do is chuckle at her bluntness, your arms tugging her close as you hug her. She may hate when you hug her or pretend to give her a kiss, but you know she’s glad to have you as her older brother. 
“I’m not moping around. I just don’t feel like celebrating, that's all.” You say, stabbing the red velvet cake with your fork, placing the small bite in your mouth as your sister lets out a scoff mixed with a laugh. You roll your eyes at her dramatics, watching as she points her plastic fork at you. 
“You’re just upset that your only friend is busy with his girlfriend. You feel like this birthday isn’t for the both of you, you feel like it’s only for him.” She says, hitting the nail on the head. It makes you cringe internally. 
You’ve never been good with change, whether it be drastic change or something as small as dinner plans being switched to something else. It always throws you off, making you groan dramatically (dramatics run in your family unfortunately) and complain about the sudden changes. 
“I hate how well you know me, Liz.” You mutter, tugging at your hair as you indulge in the delicious cake in front of you.
“I would consider it a blessing, big bro.”
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You should consider today to be a good one. Vanessa is out of town for some family trip, meaning you have Chan all to yourself. Which is why you should be happy, but you aren’t. You and Chan are chilling out in his room, the only sound in the room being Chan strumming on his guitar. You can faintly hear the hums coming from his mouth, his body swaying side to side as he plays. The two of you haven’t said much to each other, just a short greeting and a side hug. You can’t help but feel like a stranger in the room you’ve been in dozens of times growing up. 
You look around the room, noticing the changes Chan has made to his space. Something pink catches the corner of your eye and you turn your head to look at it. A shirt, a tank top to be more specific. You already know whose it is, and it makes your stomach turn knowing that she’s been here. 
Did she sleep in your spot on the bed? 
You shake your head to get rid of the idea of her sleeping in your spot on Chan’s bed, the churning feeling becoming stronger, making you want to spill your lunch. You decide to just focus on your phone, scrolling through social media. This goes on for hours, until Chan’s phone rings loudly in the once quiet room, scaring the both of you. 
“Fucking hell,” Chan mutters, grabbing his phone. He lights up when he sees who's calling, his cute dimple appearing on his face. You watch him with a soft smile, wishing that it were you making him smile like that. 
“Hey, gorgeous! How’s your trip?” Chan says, holding his phone up to his ear. You try not to listen to their conversation, knowing it isn’t your place to be nosy. But, you are your mother’s son, you can’t help it. You listen as they talk, your heart breaking as Chan talks to Vanessa with such intimacy. 
As their conversation comes to an end, you’re stuck with your thoughts. Thoughts of wanting someone so desperately that you would do anything to be with them. You would change every single thing about yourself if it meant Chan loved you the same way you love him. You don’t stand a chance against someone like Vanessa. She’s everything you aren’t. Maybe things would be different if you had been born a girl. If only you weren’t attracted to the same gender, maybe you wouldn’t be in this predicament. You wouldn’t be hanging on to something that will never be, a small fire of hope so close to being blown out by the harsh wind of reality. 
“Man, I miss her so much.” Chan says, placing his phone down as he looks at you with this lovesick puppy look on his face. It makes your head hurt knowing it’s not directed at you. 
The words spill from your lips before your brain has time to stop it. 
“I love you, Chan.” 
No. This isn’t supposed to happen. Not like this. Your body burns with anxiety, your eyes feeling wet as tears gather. Your mouth is dry, your jaw slack. You start to sweat as you look at Chan’s face. 
You can’t deny the look in his eyes. Humiliation, disgust. Oh, no. You start to sweat, your hands shaking slightly. You can’t seem to bring yourself to do anything.You’re frozen, eyes locked on Chan as his own eyes dart around the room. 
“You know I’m in a relationship, and I’m not into guys.” He says, not looking at you. What he says next makes you want to crawl into yourself and rot away into nothing. His voice is harsh, his tone like a rock. He’s never spoken to anyone like that, much less you. 
“Even if I were into guys, I wouldn’t date you. You’re my best friend and you’re like a brother to me, that’s just weird.” 
You can literally taste the disgust in his voice. So potent and loud, it makes you dizzy. You bite back a sob, tucking your bottom lip in between your teeth. You feel like if you attempt to even say anything, you will throw up. 
“Besides, Vanessa was telling me about how you don’t like her. She said she heard you talking bad about her to your sister at our party. What the hell, Y/N?” Chan says, his expression quickly switching to angry. 
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. You know she’s lying, you have never said anything bad about her. Well, not out loud. You want to defend yourself, but your mouth won’t move. Your brain is screaming at you to say something, anything. All you can do is look down at your shaking hands as Chan scoffs at you.
“You aren’t even going to deny it? So what she said must be true. I can’t believe you, Y/N! She’s never done anything wrong to you!” 
You can’t even defend yourself. You sit there as Chan expresses his frustrations to you, his words hitting you hard. He hates you now. All because of some girl that entered his life two years ago, when you’ve been there the whole time. 
“Get out, Y/N. I can’t even look at you right now.” Chan says, opening his door and motioning for you to get out. You hesitate, your legs feeling like the stiffest bowl of jello as you stand. 
The tears don’t stop as you make your way out of the Bahng household, ignoring Chan’s mom as she greets you from the living room. She hears Chan’s door slam and she frowns. Something must have happened, the two of you have never argued. Of course the two of you had little disagreements as kids, but it was easily solved with talking and hugging. She knows this is not a talking and hugging situation. 
You rush home, your vision blurry with salty tears that sting. You enter your home, making a beeline to your room. You close the door softly, not wanting to alert anyone of your arrival. You don’t want to see or speak to anyone. You try to catch your breath, choking on the sobs that come out of your mouth. You grip your chest, feeling your heart racing under your hand. Your heartbeat reverberates in your ears, your body shaking as you drop to your knees. You hear voices in your head, berating you for confessing to Chan. They call you names, they point out your flaws, your weaknesses. 
You wish it would stop.
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You honestly didn’t expect to meet Chan again. Especially not after your debut as a solo artist in South Korea. You recently made your debut and everyone loves you. You go by Mars, one of your nicknames growing up. You’re known for singing soft songs, the words relatable and full of emotion. Your debut album was a hit, causing you to gain fame fairly fast. Your fans liked that you were authentic, not some tasteless blob molded by an entertainment company for money. You were also one of the first openly-gay idols. 
That day you left Chan’s house was the last time you ever saw him and his family. Just a few short months later, they packed up and moved to South Korea. When you found out, it broke your heart, knowing that the last interaction you had with your best friend was a negative one. 
Your sister had found you in your room, you were struggling to breathe as your entire body shook. She immediately called for your mom frantically, not used to seeing you in such a panicked state. Your mother managed to get you to calm down, helping you breathe properly before you passed out. After that, she took you to see a doctor, and you were diagnosed with anxiety disorder and a mild case of depression. Your mother was supportive, she got you into therapy and you slowly got better, but there’s still times where you don’t feel 100%. 
Which brings us to now. An award show. Everyone is there, all of the people you idolized were right in front of you, and a few of them actually expressed excitement about your debut album. You thanked them, telling them that their music inspired you to start making music yourself. 
As you’re sitting in your seat talking to Holland, another idol under your label, and a fellow openly-gay idol, you hear some commotion coming from behind you. You turn your head and see a group approaching you. Normally, that wouldn’t bother you, but when your ex-best friend and previous (he still is) crush is in the front, you tend to freak out a bit. Your eyes go wide and you whip your head to face forward, causing a laugh from Holland. 
“What’s got you so freaked out? You didn’t see a ghost, did you?” He asks, turning back to see what you were freaking out about. All he sees is the group Stray Kids, taking their seats behind you. He turns back around to you, taking in your wide eyes and the way you bite your bottom lip. The pieces start to come together.
“Oh,” he starts, “You are totally crushing on one of them.”
“What, no way! That’s ridiculous!” You sputter, your face heating up. 
Holland just laughs, his hand clapping you on the shoulder. 
You sit on a stool in the middle of the stage, a large piano in front of you. You are belting the words so passionately, the lights shining down on you, heating your body up, making you sweat a little. Everyone in the crowd is moved by your performance, but every time you open your eyes, you keep looking at Chan. 
His face is unreadable, almost as if he knows the song is about him and not some old flame like you claimed in every interview. The lyrics just feel too familiar to him, his mind going back to his teenage years with you. He misses those times with you, laughing and messing with your little sisters. He feels bad for how things ended between you, and he wishes he could apologize. He’s heard your entire album, he’s had it on repeat for weeks. He’s not an idiot, your debut album is about him. He has to find a way to talk to you and apologize. 
Finding you was easy. He catches you backstage after your performance, watching as you talk to a pretty blonde guy. You’re smiling, toothy and bright, and he feels his heart skip in his chest. Where did that come from? He walks towards you, catching your attention. 
He watches your eyes go wide, your entire body freezing as you stare at him as if he grew two heads. He thinks you look silly like that, and he can’t fight the smile on his face. 
“Y/N, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” He says, mentally kicking himself for being so damn awkward. 
You hesitate, your eyes looking everywhere but at him. You noticed that Holland isn’t at your side, and you remind yourself to flick his forehead when you see him. “It has.”
“Do you have a moment to talk? Maybe we can get some dinner and catch up?” He asks, his voice hopeful as he tilts his head at you. Your heart flips at the way he looks, his brown hair flopping to the side. 
You wonder if this is a good idea. You could easily get hurt again, but you would also like some closure. There’s so many questions running through your head, it makes you dizzy.
“Uh, yeah, sure. Dinner sounds nice.” 
You and Chan leave after the awards show, and you go to a secluded sushi restaurant. The air is awkward, but it passes quickly when Chan brings up the time you both filled his parents bathtub with frogs you captured in the mud. You can’t help but laugh, reminiscing about your wild child days. 
“Y/N, I missed you. So much.” Chan says, his eyes on you, not once looking away. You feel your face get warm, and you try to fight the smile creeping onto your face. 
“Chan, I missed you too. But I can’t forget how you spoke to me that day. It really hurt that you believed Vanessa over me.” You say, ignoring the aggressive bounce of your leg as you tell him how you felt that day. 
Chan cringes when he hears that name. “Right, Vanessa. We actually broke up not long after I…kicked you out.” Chan says, and you gape at him. 
“If you don’t mind, why did you break up?” You ask, picking at the loose strings of your sweater; a nervous habit you picked up from your anxiety. 
“It turns out she lied about you being rude to her because she was jealous of how close we…were.” Chan sighs, taking a sip of his drink as he rolls his eyes. You were right all along. She wasn’t to be trusted. 
“I always knew she was the jealous type. She thought I couldn’t see when she would glare at me whenever you and I would talk,” You say, pointing your chopsticks at him. “I never said anything bad about her, that was Liz.” 
Chan laughs at that, knowing that your little sister had quite the attitude. It makes him miss Hannah and the rest of his family. 
“You aren’t still mad at me, are you? Because according to your album, you sound like you hate me.” Chan asks. “If you aren’t mad, then I’d like us to pick up where we left off as friends.”
You thought about it for a second. You would finally have your best friend back in your life, but not in the way you truly desired. Could you live with that? Sure, it can’t be too hard. You’ll always have other people in your life. 
“Yeah, we can go back to where we left off. We’re brothers for life, right?” You ask, a gentle smile on your face as you look at Chan. He smiles back and you both make a toast to rekindling a once broken friendship between brothers.
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igetthedisneybox · 9 days
Tell me more about Magnus (Merida's adoptive son)
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Backstory (as of now):
Magnus is the grandson of the Witch from Brave.
His mother, Alfreda, was traded to the Witch as a baby as payment for a spell, so she raised her as her own.
Magnus was the result of Alfreda falling in love with a knight from DunBroch, Kalan McKenzie.
The Witch did not approve of Alfreda's taste in men, so she banished her from the cottage. She and Kalan made a home alone in the woods, and eventually had Magnus.
Kalan ends up dying in the line of duty when Magnus was a baby.
Alfreda raised him until he was eight years old, when she started to get terminally sick.
She went to the Witch for help, and she basically told her that she was gonna die, but it's toooootally fine, because Magnus gets to be a prince and stuff.
When she died (her spirit turned into a wisp) Magnus was horrified, so he ran away from home.
He got very lost in the woods for several days, during which he almost died himself.
Meanwhile, a much older Princess Merida (because I can't kill off Fergus, he's still alive) is roaming the woods, when she sees a trail of Will O' the Wisps leading into the forest.
She follows them, and finds a half-dead Magnus.
Merida rescues him, and nurses him back to health. She and Fergus recognize him as Kalan McKenzie's kid.
When he wakes up, he lives in the knight's part of the castle for a bit, but he and Merida really bond. (She likes/ is good with kids because of her brothers).
Eventually, Elinor brings up that, even if Merida's not gonna get married anytime soon, she'll still need an heir to take the throne.
So she picks Magnus.
He doesn't call her "mum" until he's a bit older and healed from his trauma, though.
He has curly red hair and brown eyes. He looks similar enough to Merida, that some people think they're actually related. Though, Merida's hair is more orange, while his is more red.
He's fifteen when his story takes place
He's pale, scrawny, and has many freckles.
His face claim is Kyle Breitkopf
I don't have an animated edit for him yet, because 3D models are hard to work with lol.
Personality and Fun Facts:
He holds himself to very high standards, to feel worthy of being adopted by Merida, and to make his birth parents proud.
He pushes himself way too hard to be a good sage, prince, and knight, when all he really wants to do his just be a kid.
His theme song is "Proud of Your Boy" from the Aladdin Broadway show.
I like to imagine Merida becomes friends with the sons of the other lords, and Magnus continues that tradition by being friends with their kids.
He, like Merida, is an expert archer.
He has a pet Scottish deerhound called Beowulf, who's the pup of Merida's dog, Slingshot.
His horse, Saorise, is the filly of Merida's horse, Angus.
He doesn't fear magic like some people do, and instead embraces it.
Descendants Au:
He goes to Auradon prep, and is probably on the tourney team (though he's not very good at it).
He would probably be against the VK's coming over at first, but once he gets to know them, he'd switch sides.
He, Carlos, and Jane would get along very well.
His favorite class would be Enchanted Forestry
Might add some more later, this was fun! Thanks for the ask!
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Meet the Writer Tag!
(Thank you so much to @mysticstarlightduck for tagging me! Sorry I took so long lol)
This is me!
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(I don't normally wear this many accessories/jewellery lol. But I wish I did! I love it sm)
Three Fun Facts About Me:
I have never been in a relationship before. Ever. The only experience I have in that department is through other people's stories, not really my own. And by that, I mean that I'm used to watching my friends/people around me getting in and out of relationships, and listening to songs about romance and love and heartbreak... but not really relating to them due to not having any of those experiences myself (but it's alright, tho. It'll happen when it happens! In the meantime, I always have my made-up ships from my writing lol).
My favourite book growing up was "Matilda" by Roald Dahl. I thought Matilda was such a cool girl growing up lol. And lowkey relatable in a lot of ways. No, I wasn't a child genius. But she kind of fits into the archetype that I always found comfort in due to being that kind of person myself. Smart/intellectually curious, bookworm, introverted/independent, genuinely kind and has a heart in spite of being seen as cold by others (another example of this is Huey from Boondocks. Been rewatching some episodes of that show recently and wow... forgot how crazy it was lol. It's good, tho).
Christmas is my favourite holiday! 🎅❄️🎄I do get why some people may dislike it, I guess (like, my younger sister isn't a fan, and she's explained why... I get it. The over-commercialisation of it takes a lot of the "specialness" out of it, you know? Distracts from the actual meaning behind it and all. Plus, it can suck if you're just feeling sad and lonely during a time of celebration for everyone else. Aside from that, technically Easter is more significant if you look at it from the lens of which Christian holiday is most important). But I love the joyfulness and festiveness. Makes me feel all jolly and cosy inside. Plus, I love singing Christmas carols. And presents. And Christmas movies. I just love Christmas lol.
Favorite season:
Autumn. Or fall, as some others prefer to call it. That's when my birthday is!!
(Second place is summer because that's holiday season. Plus, that's when my sister's birthday is.)
Continent where I live:
I live in the UK, so Europe.
How I spend my (free) time:
Writing (duh)
Writeblr stuff (tag games, making OC playlists, answering questions, communicating with followers and having discussions with them about writing, etc)
YouTube (mainly watching videos... but I do want to start making videos myself at some point. Stay tuned for that, I guess)
Studying/school assignments (I'm in university)
Listening to music
Watching movies/TV shows
Eating lol
Are you published?
No. It'd be cool to be, though. Pretty sure I've mentioned this at least once before, but I want to self-publish the Stephanie Smith saga once I'm done with it.
Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert. 100% introvert lol. I feel most comfortable within myself when I'm by myself. As a kid, I was so painfully shy that the thought of going up to someone and asking a simple question would terrify me lol. As I got older, though, I was super duper lonely, and I realised that I had no real friends because I was keeping myself all closed off in a tight shell, so I'd literally force myself to open up and become more social and make friends with other kids. I practised it, like how you do with any skill. Now it's not so bad. I'd say I can carry a conversation with someone fairly well, even if I don't know them so well.
Favorite meal:
Ooooh.... this is hard. I love most foods lol.
I think I'll go with something a little bit more traditional. I'm Kenyan, and one of my favourite meals that I've grown up eating is chapatti and stew (any kind of stew, or soup. But my mum would usually make this stew with kidney beans. That was a big hit growing up). Haven't had it in almost a year, tho.
Aside from that, I love pizza. And Nandos.
Tagging: @clairelsonao3, @exquisitecrow, @mister-writes, @winterandwords, @mjparkerwriting, @e-everlasting-g, @erieautumnskies, @annethewittywriter, @writingwithfolklore, @ashwithapen
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mikunology · 1 year
Mikunology Reviews: Boku wa Hatsune Miku to Kiss wo Shita (2013) (Pt.2)
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Alright, here we are with Part 2, where I will chat about the album's second half! Let's get to it!
Part 1 here
Ii, Er Fanclub: I think anyone who vaguely knows of Mikito has heard this one, if it's not ROKI. XD This is another more goofy, fun track about Rin and Gumi being fans of Chinese culture. And I love it! It's a great song, the back-and-forth between Rin and Gumi is so fun to sing along to - the inclusion of actual Chinese words is really fun as well. The drums are great here too. There's not really much I can say on this one that isn't just regular praise?? I highly recommend checking out it's PV by the wonderful Yori and Ryuusee! (Actually, I do have one comment I want to make: unpopular opinion, but I like this original Rin & Gumi version a lot more over Giga's Miku & Len mix. The goofy charm of the original song just jives with me more, although Giga's tuning is stellar.)
Wednesday Blue: This is another remaster, this time of one of Mikito's much older Miki originals. This is more typical rock'n'roll-style track, and it's a bit noisier than Mikito's usual fare. Unfortunately, I do think it's my least favorite on this album: it's a bit…all-over-the-place, compared to Mikito's later work? The Miki vocals are clearer and a bit better than the original NND upload, but they're still notably clunky in some places which can kinda take me out of the song. That said, the song as a whole isn't bad or anything, and it's actually pretty catchy after a few listens - it's just kinda clear this song was written by a less experienced Mikito. (Not to poke fun - everyone starts somewhere!)
Setsuna Plus (Momentary Plus): And here we are, back to Miku Dark again. This song is a bit more abstract in terms of lyrics, I think, but I still find myself coming back to it. There's not much I can say about this one either, honestly? Other than that it's good and that I like it - it has that usual great atmosphere again. However, I do have a slight criticism, I think - as much as I love the way Miku sounds here, I think this song could have done with a bit more powerful vocal instead, after hearing a few covers with characters like Amaga Eru (who can be pretty loud in her base voicebank).
Sarishinohara (Distant Fields): I remember not being too keen on this track at first for some reason? I don't know what was up with me because this song is really lovely XD This is a rock song about the forbidden love between a boy and his best friend and classmate, who has become an idol (and since idols can't date, she can no longer see him). There's such a tragic, melancholic feel to this song that really gets across the pain the boy is in, both in that he can no longer be with the girl despite her being "everywhere", in a sense, both in the instruments and in Miku Dark's vocals. Personally, I find this to be my favorite in the "Sarishinohara" trilogy, since 1) I think the melody is a bit easier to get into compared to the others and 2) just the sheer vibes.
Secret DVD: Ah, this one…the spicy one. A more straightforward rock track with a bit more "vanilla" Miku voice instead of Miku Dark, about doing sexy things. I actually like this one quite a bit despite the mature subject matter - it is pretty catchy, and the guitars are really good here. There's a part in the second verse where there's a harp-like strum and it's really satisfying. I also gotta say, something I always appreciated about Mikito's more sexual songs is that they're usually written in a manner that actually makes the act sound romantic rather than…well, you know. XD (*looks at REOL and Umetora*) I recommend this one for the music alone even if you're not into the song lyrically.
Salad Banya Cauda: Now for something completely different! XD This is one of the very few completely album-exclusive tracks, since I believe all of the tracks on this list have been released with PVs with the exception of this and Gariben Hirose no Shouri. This isn't really a rock track at all - it's a cute little folksy-type song with more acoustic instruments and simple Miki vocals (with the exception of some electric guitar between verses). I like it, though! It's a cute song, it makes you feel like marching through some sunny trees to find some berries or some adventure. However, I do think it can come as a surprise given the vibe of literally everything else. I think you might enjoy it, still!
Gariben Hirose no Shouri (A Geek's Huge Victory): OK, back to rock - this is the other completely album-exclusive track, and honestly? I've come to like it quite a bit. It has that signature nice Mikito J-rock vibe, with some lovely Gumi tuning to go with it. There's not much I can say about it that I haven't said for other songs on this CD, though? Just more of the same good stuff, I suppose. XD However, I really like the end part, where Gumi starts singing some "lalala"'s - something I like about Mikito's rock songs is that some of them feel like they could be played at the end of movies or as ending themes to anime episodes, and this is definitely one such song with the way it plays out.
Sayoko: Ah, this is another famous one. Sayoko is a soft J-rock track about severe depression, and once again uses Miku Dark - I think this is a really brilliant use of her, though, it really fits the song's theme since Miku sounds so melancholic and tired here. The melody is again a bit more understated, but it also really fits. I'm running out of things to say about the music itself XD I really think this song has a great calming vibe to it, despite the sad lyrics…I think someone could find it a great comfort, especially if you relate (like me!).
kiss: Finally, the last track, and the single collaboration on this CD: featuring the great Vocarock producer keeno! Together, he and Mikito form Mikeeno! (I love it when producers do that.) Predictably given their respective work, this is a slow, calm rock ballad about love. Now, I'm not the hugest fan of rock ballads? But I really love this one: the lyrics are really sweet and wistful, the lead guitar is perfect and Miku Dark returns to the gentle sound usually associated with both these producers. If you really like songs like "glow" or the slower songs I've already talked about on this album, you'll definitely love "kiss".
And that, my pals, is the whole CD! Yeah, all in all, for a first album, I think this is an amazing start for Mikito-san and an absolute must-listen if you are an enjoyer of Vocarock. Sure, he isn't the hard-rocking 164 or Utsu, but the soft and atmospheric yet fun and lively tunes by Mikito are incredibly worth hearing. Thanks for reading my first album review, please let me know if you enjoyed it ;v;
now if only I could get this album physically orz
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ladyniniane · 1 year
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FE OC WEEK DAY 1: Introduction
I’m so excited to participate in @fe-oc-week! Please note that English isn’t my first language.
Allow me to introduce my FE3H OC, Maeve!
❧Name: Maeve Fresnay
❧Age : 21 years old in 1185
❧Affiliation: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
❧In short: A magician serving lady Gladys of house Eilyn, a vassal of house Fraldarius. Maeve joins Dimitri’s army after the time skip as a part of the reinforcements brought by Rodrigue. Sweet, elegant and sensitive, she isn’t a soldier by vocation but is willing to protect her friends and bring an end to the war. A skilled singer and musician, Maeve brings a lot of color and joy to her lady’s entourage. She may not look like much, but possesses a lot of inner strength and bravery. She has been separated from her older sister and his looking for her. She also gets along very well with Dedue and later falls in love with him. 
❧Click here to read her story! (It's in French, but it should still work with the help of a translation software ;) ). 
❧Apparence: She's 1m70 tall, with pale skin and long wavy black hair that she ties up in a bun (with hairpins that can be used as weapons) or keeps unbound when she can. Her eyes are dark brown, her face oval and her nose slightly upturned. Her smile gives her dimples. Her clothes hide her battle scars. 
She usually wears a knee-length tunic, pants and boots with her magic staff tucked in her belt. She always has a pouch embroidered with a robin that her friend Vigdis made for her. While fighting, she wears a gambeson and armor pieces to protect her limbs, allowing her freedom of movement and substantial protection. As a civilian, she always wears elegant dresses, her favorite colors being red and blue.
Maeve almost always wears make-up, especially red lipstick (this detail was inspired by a real historical female fighter: Kumander Liwayway!). She does so because she wants to keep some beauty and color in her life. This coping mechanism allows her to stay in control of her appearance and hide the damages caused by the war. In battle, she also wears dark eyeshadow to give herself a more ferocious appearance and bolster her confidence.
❧Theme song : Free, Florence and the Machine + Passacaglia della vita, Stefano Landi
❧Her pinterest.
❧Personality: Maeve has a luminous personality. Smiling is her way to stand against adversity and she's at ease in most social situations. She likes having fun and has a passion for music. She often sings or plays her lute, finding pleasure in playing for others and entertaining them. Open-minded and curious, she enjoys learning new songs and meeting new people.
Due to her sensitivity, she’s extremely receptive to other people's emotions, sometimes to the point that she absorbs them like a sponge. Her mind works very fast and she’s plagued by anxious thoughts, that can even become morbid and tries to hide them with more or less success. To deal with this, she needs to find an occupation or talk to someone as she hates being lonely. She can cry after difficult events as she releases all her pent-up emotions.
Her receptivity allows her to assess complex situations. Maeve is indeed lucid, clever and observant. She’s for instance able to analyze the information regarding the Tragedy of Duscur and suspects Lambert’s opponents of being the true culprits. She shows a lot of emotional maturity for her age and knows how the world works. 
One of Maeve’s major traits is her bravery. Even though she's now used to fighting, she was scared at first and laments the use of violence. Yet, she won't give up and will stand alongside her friends. This is another proof of her generosity. Despite all the horrors, and even if she sometimes feels like it’s too much, she will never give up. In combat, she’s efficient and focused, capable of much courage. 
She wants to be seen by all as a reliable ally and secretly has self-esteem issues. Being the youngest member of her friend’s group, she was at first the "little sister" and the one with the least battle experience. She doesn’t want to be seen as such and feels bad when others have to reassure and comfort her. 
She likes flowers, pretty clothes, make-up and accessories. She tends to accumulate objects and is sometimes tempted by some impulse purchases. The circumstances of the war have, however, taught her to deal with these these.
Read her introductory chapter!
Strengths: Reason, faith
Weaknesses: Heavy armor, bow
Maeve possesses great offensive power. She favors fire and thunder spells such as Thoron, though she also uses Sagittae. During the story, she learns to master Ragnarok.
Her faith list is more limited, with practical spells such as Ward. She’s notably able to cast Seraphim, making valuable contributions against demonic beasts or the Titanuses. 
Maeve is, to her regret, a mediocre healer. She can only treat superficial wounds and only with great effort. 
Her older sister taught her unarmed self-defense and the use of a stiletto. She’s able to pull out her blade very quickly and take advantage of her foe’s surprise.
Stay tuned for her relationships and backstory!
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timmymyluv · 2 years
fourth of july (you & I were fireworks)
the summer i turned pretty au.
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timothee chalamet x fem!reader
warning(s): mentioned of sex, hookups, miscommunication, fear(s) of unrequited love, childhood friends, slow burn, loss of virginity, insecurity/comparison to previous partners, 18+ content
summary: the summer you glow up and become more attractive than ever, everyone wants you but you’ve always wanted the same person- timothee. 
word count: 4.4k words
notes: i want to dedicate this to my friend and darling jen @thestarsaregivenonceonly , my beloved angel and sending her all the healing l, loving energy I can muster and to one of the first writers I encountered here.
and my muse, my twin flame, my idol the one and only @imnotoverlyobsessive, who writes so vigorously and passionately that I have so much to learn from her and can only admire her more and more daily.
please enjoy this! had lots of fun writing this <33 to all my MUTUALS, my darlings ,readers I've never met before, this is my song to you too. ❤️
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It was the fourth of July
You and I were
you and I were fire, fire fireworks
that went off too soon
And I miss you in the June gloom too
It was the fourth of July
You and I were
you and I were fire, fire, fireworks
I said I'd never miss you, but I guess you'll never know
Where the bridges I have burned never really led home
On the fourth of July
Gentle touches, warm eyes, tequila nights, bonfires. As you descended upon Cousins Beach, it was like those years apart never mattered. You’ve been counting down the days your eyes would meet his again, glancing upon your calendar in late June fondly, yearning yet slightly fearful, anxious on what could go wrong.
When Timothee appears in front of you, it is nothing like what you have prepared yourself for. Shallow breathing, dilated eyes flickering between the space between your eyes and on your nose to your lips, words unspoken yet heavily hanging in the air.
You had no expectations that he, the mega movie star, would even want to associate with you when he was flying high with famous A-listers, but he came. He came for you.
In his unbuttoned, worn out dress shirt, he admires you in your flimsy, floral print sundress, hugging your curves perfectly in a way only he would appreciate. Eyes glossy as he twirls you to ogle you properly, emitting giggles from your pretty lips.
Strolling hand in hand, under the fairy lights and away from the maddening crowds, following the coarse, still warm sand under your bare feet as both of you set aside your shoes and sandals inside.
Drinks in hand as you danced and swayed to the music booming on the speakers from one of your friends being DJ for the night.  
A swan, a late bloomer they called you. A caterpillar who took too long before she left her cocoon and flew as a butterfly. Your awkward phase lasted long before your adolescence and spilled over into your young adult years, but when you did - everyone could not help notice your beauty.
It was almost vain, even annoying and frustrating that people would only notice you now that you were physically attractive and fit into societal beauty standards, but he saw right through it all.
Even when the painful braces were on your teeth, hair untamed, wild and free, or acne were all over your uneven skin, Timothee still found his way by your side.  Crawling on carpets, baby proofed to the nines, you had barely began to learn how to walk before you were reaching and yearning for Timmy’s only slightly older toddler self, quick on nimble feet, the pattering of little toes, a constant sound in his beachfront home.
I'll be as honest as you let me
I miss your early morning company
If you get me
You are my favorite "what if"
You are my best "I'll never know"
Tired, sleepy eyes yet blissfully happy as you watched the sunrise and let the evening pass into morning. Running around like children once again in the familiar beach, where so much has changed yet simultaneously stayed the same.
Your mothers were the best of friends, who swore their own children would be as bounded by their souls as much as they would be. From crawling toddlers and babies swaddled in wool blankets, you experienced every milestone in your lifetime in those summer months beside Timothee.
You learned to walk in his mother’s inherited vacation home by the coast in Cousins Beach, crawling and racing after the older Timothee who had been walking before you. Always speeding miles ahead of you, you always felt like you couldn’t keep up. He still made your breath catch, panting and breaking out of sweat trying to match his gangly, long legs.
It was as cliche as it could get- having a gigantic crush on your mother’s best friend’s older son but here you were. It felt like you never grew up, still as self-conscious, so eager to please, so attentive to keep his eyes on you.
You didn’t sleep the first night you were over at Cousins Beach, even after you dried up when he and his friends threw you into the cerulean blue cliffside pool, bleach burning into your eyes just the way you liked and the same bitter taste you remember as a little girl.
After passing out from a sleepless night, you wake up without him by your side, yet his warmth and glimpses of his perfume still trailing. Your heart breaks slightly, whimpering thinking he’s left you at your most vulnerable yet there is still hope.
Sneaking down the stairs, not wanting to wake up your moms drunk on champagne, you catch his sister about to leave for the same beach party and she excitedly brings you along with her, as if she was waiting for you before making it there.
Pulling down your brand new, too short mini sundress at its hem, you nearly regret buying it with your insistent, stubborn best friend Taylor who wouldn’t let you leave the store without it, but with the stares you get- it was worth it.
You’re no longer the awkward, gawky, out of place ugly girl you felt when you felt the warmth of the stares of the teenage boys and girls around you, either in awe of your beauty, jealousy or both.
Everyone wants to offer you a drink, valuable, contraband alcohol stolen from their parents cupboards, scarce for the night, just to get your attention. Yet when everyone wants to dance with you, talk to you or get to know you, the mysterious girl they apparently have never seen before on this island (you’ve been to this beachtown every summer since your birth, it’s just that puberty seemed to have blessed you in a way that even had them stunned)
Even swaying in the arms of another at this party with red plastic cups, you keep drawing your vision back to him. Even when you are smiling and giggling with another boy or girl in your  company, you can feel the heat of his gaze from miles away.
Yet when you try to meet him half way, meet his intimidating glance with your own, he pulls away and pretends you’re not in the same room as him. And it fucking hurts, as much as you hate to admit it. It’s like he was ashamed of you or what?
When you get too close, when he flies too close to the sun, he pulls away. He always feared commitment, being tied down, missing out on the opportunities life could give a man as great as him. That he’d miss the crashing waves tied down by your anchor if he stuck by you.
Cramped up in his dark room while you were in the beach house, chatting with his mom, playing cards with his dad, swimming with his sister, it was like he never existed and it confused you, even when he would distance himself, you were only determined to come closer.
You hated how much he had a sway over you, a spell cast all over you subject to his whim. Pouring liquid courage down your throat, admiring its burn and bitter taste just to forget him, to get lost in your delusions, beyond the shallowness the party could provide you for the moment.
He would only go to you when it’s convenient, when it suited him, not when he had the rest of the world to his disposal, all on his knees for a quiver of his attention. Yet all of yours was touted towards him. And it sucked, wanting him and become just like everyone else. That you had to get in line, in the infinite queue towards him when you were there first before the line even existed.
Oh, I'm starting to forget
Just what summer ever meant to you
What did it ever mean to you?
His mom Nicole always said she felt that you were destined for her son, Timothee, the moment you were born. Pacifier in his mouth, wrangly curls chopped in a neat bowl cut as he was in his mother’s arms, clawing around her neck like a koala as they looked down on you lying peacefully in your cradle.
You hated the false hope you’ve been given with a chance with him, knowing he was always going to fall for another girl (or guy who knows) who just isn’t you. You’ll always be his younger sibling who he’d belittle, annoy and coo at just like you were little toddlers again.
“Are you seeing anyone right now?” It came out of your mouth before you could even fully think it through, scolding your own nosiness and persistent curiosity that you couldn’t fully itch.
Yet he nonchalantly shrugs. “Not at the moment. I’m not looking for anything serious or to commit to anyone. I can barely look after myself.”
A part of you wants to crumble into the ground, another is jumping for joy that he wasn’t in a relationship with anyone else, but that was the problem. He wasn’t looking for commitment from anything at the moment, and here come your dreams shot down before they could even fly.
You remember him smugly telling you about the time he lost his virginity to the girl he really liked, his first girlfriends, god his first heartbreaks. It always confused you how a guy so intelligent, so beautiful, so dynamic, so passionate, so loving- can have his heart broken so suddenly like a car crash out of nowhere.
And in a way, you understand why he’s so guarded now. No longer the boy who wore his heart on his sleeve, all open and raw for anyone to come hurt and attack anytime.
Sitting shotgun as he drives you towards the town to import last minute snacks from the mini shops for your mother’s annual holiday party, he puts on your favourite songs as if he still knows you so well like the years long ago.
You know he isn’t playing these songs for himself as these aren’t his cup of tea, but when you’re both singing along before you park alongside a convenience store to run out with tons of chips and pop sodas, it’s like you’re a bunch of silly teenagers again.
Yet when his eyeline meets yours, you shut down, looking away in fear, all those years, all those memories, pining after him hopelessly coming back again. Just when you think you’ve moved on, you’ve grown up from such behaviour, that you’ve washed yourself clean of his trace- you can still smell him on you.
“You look really good, Y/N.” He says earnestly, a look in your eye so familiar yet so new it scs you.
“That’s all people notice about me nowadays anyway. I figure out how to dress to my features and suddenly people actually notice i’m there. Well thanks guys.” you roll your eyes, hoping the sarcasm in your tone hides your insecurities rising to the surface.
Crossing your arms, you see him frown at you, and you’re confused on why he’s even more moved by this situation than you.
“It sucks they’ve only started to see what I’ve seen the entire time.”
“What?!” Your head whips around so fast you’re afraid you’ve gotten whiplash, and when his palm grips your shoulder, you needed to pinch yourself to see if you were dreaming.
“Yes, you’ve always been stunning Y/N. But there’s way more to you than just your looks. You’re beautiful, but so charming, intelligent, talented and so, so much more. Don’t let them get to you, Y/N, alright? You’ve never cared what others think, why start now?”
“Well, um, thanks for that pep talk, I guess? Thanks for that but I don’t know. I always said I didn’t give a fuck about that, but it gets to me sometimes, you know?” You hated how self conscious you were again after years of building yourself up, voice quivering like a petulant child again.
He reaches over from the driver’s seat, embracing you in a comforting hug, his pillowy lips pecking gently over where you’re neck meets your shoulder, and maybe he has seen through all of it, the veneer, the show, the appearances, even when you thought he’d only notice you now that you got hot and had a glow up out of nowhere, even much later than you expected.  
Later that week, you see a pretty girl who looks nothing like you and has everything you aren’t sneak out from his bedroom, and your heart shatters in a million pieces and you wish you never seen such a thing, a fellow debutante with everything you could only dream of but him.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of it
I just got too lonely, lonely, whoa
In between being young and being right
You were my Versailles at night
Fireworks in hand, holding sparks in the darkness as the sun has long set, only the island lights aflame, but your heart beat in a hundred miles per hour, cheeks rosy and your palms fidgeting as you ran around by the coast, colours exploding into the sky like the tension that could be cut through with a knife.
Sand stuck between your toes as he chases after you like a game of tag, your giggles and shrieks of delight drowned out by the explosions that echo so loud like the drum beating in your ribcage.
Painted in specks of white, red, and blue, with splotches of yellow galaxies of stars here and there, you are a dream to be beholden in your spaghetti strapped all-white dress, sun kissed skin inviting and tempting.
His hands hover all over yours, exploring curiously as he whispered sweet, honeyed words to your amusement, teasing, pulling back, enticing then tempting him to get him to want more.
“Let’s get out of here, yeah?” You knew what you had with him would change forever, things would never be the same after this moment. And you wouldn’t care for anything else in the world no matter how this turns out.
He leads you towards the cottage by the villa, an intimate, separate hut extending from the garden and leading into the ocean, seaside with wooden benches built on either side, mahogany hued roof, and reclining sun beds soft to the touch.
Feeling feverish as he tugs you along excitedly, the warmth of his rough, large, domineering hands, you can’t shake off the excitement coursing through your veins, and know your teenage self would be in disbelief that such a situation had even occurred.  
“I’m a virgin. Still. Haven’t I told you this?”
“You, you?” He tilts his head in disbelief, and you wish you could wipe off that expression on his face. You wish he’d be mocking you in pity instead, but he’s in such shock.  
“I don’t want you to pity me, or get me checked off your list of virgins you’ve deflowered or whatever-”
“Wait, wait, that isn’t true. I want you, wholly. Whatever has happened in the past, I don’t care but I just want you, as you are, as you’ve always been.”
“And besides, I’m surprised a catch like you, the entire fucking package, hasn’t gotten some is unbelievable to me.” 
Gaze hovering over your lips, breathing so hard you can feel like minty breath, cool against the warmth of your neck. Eyes flickering as if asking for permission to come even closer, lips ghosting over yours.
With a nod, he was yours and crashing his mouth into yours, kissing you with such a ferocity, intensity that you had never seen from him, like he had saved it for you.
Like a crashing wave, he takes you to heights you’ve never reached before, engulfing you in a bliss you want to electrify into your brain, into every fibre of your being.
The straps of your dress fall down your shoulder blades, as he takes off his shirt to admire you with darkened eyes.
As your dress falls to the ground, he engulfs you in another all-consuming kiss, as you nervously fumble with his swim trunks, feeling his hardness against your thigh already. When you reach towards his member, he pushes you away with an assuring hush, hooking your bra off effortless with nimble fingers while the other tugs down your underwear in one, swift push.
Guiding you against the cool ground of the private villa, you lay on your back, observing him with yearning, yet fearful eyes, so unsure and afraid yet trusting simultaneously.
“Do you want this, my girl? Can I please you, worship you, please? Say no and I will pull away from you completely-” He begs so desperately, so weakly like you control him spell binded, yet still so aware of your boundaries and consent.
Shaking your head, you could never refuse. “Wanted this more than anything. I always wanted it to be with you.”
Parting your legs firmly with a possessive grasp, he licks up around your inner thighs teasingly, making you cry in desperation, before he lunges into your folds voraciously, inserting finger after finger slowly as his muscle swallows your essence like a golden, precious elixir.
He makes you reach your peak at least three times before reaching down for another passionate kiss, fondling, pinching at your nipples and massaging your breasts before he sucks on either breast so intensely you’re afraid that in your sensitivity, you will reach another orgasmic state.
For the first time in your life, you’ve never been so sure of something. Reaching towards his cock so confidently, like you owned him, he groans in satisfaction with deep shut eyes, crumbling like dominoes with your gentle touch.
“Do you have a condom?”
“Yes, yes. Of course.”
“And i’m on protection, as well.”
Forearms on either side of your head, skin flush against yours, rushed breaths as he shakingly guides himself into you slowly, so gloriously, so carefully not to hurt you, and you moan so loudly you forget yourself and lose yourself to your senses.
Knees determinately holding him forth against the hard ground as he thrusts inside and outside of you so devotedly, so vehemently as if nothing separates you from him, him from you and you become one.
When he meets his climax, he meets your eyes intentionally, as if wanting to tie his soul to yours and letting the gates flood open in a way he had never let anyone in. As you bask in the afterglow in his arms, as he pulls out and lays beside you with a firm arm around your shoulder, you had never felt so vulnerable, so raw in your life.
With those longing stares in your eyes as he catches your breath, wanting to say so much but not being able to utter a single word in admiration for your beauty, your candidness after such exchange of throes of passion. He smooches you all consumedly once again.
My 9 to 5 is cutting open old scars
Again and again 'til I'm stuck in your head
Head my downward spiral, never mind I'll be drowned
And I'm the holy water you have been without
You ignore his calls, his texts. Heck, you could barely look his mom in the eye when she speaks to you when you live in her home, for goodness sake! Returning to your bedroom the morning after, you want to shower off every reminder of his scent, of his essence, but he is so ingrained into your being, a longstanding owner of your heart it was to no hope.
A few trust fund boys had asked you out from town when you were invited to a sleepover by one of the private school girls who usually went to the Hamptons at this time of the year.
With flower crowns adorning your pretty hair, your hair half-braided up and the other half let down loose, you were the centre of attention after years of being the wilting wallflower, and it felt nice for a change.
Their mansions and vacation homes furnished lavishly by their barely home parents, hoping the money and wealth could mask their absences and inability to control their lonely, wild children with too much at their disposal and no one telling them no at any turn.
As you were snacking by the cold boxes of ordered pizza by the island kitchen at those marble countertopped homes, you came across an old friend whom you had lost touch with. Tom, or Thomas Holland, was his name.
You were in middle school when you met him at the Roman themed council Model United Nations conferences, when your chosen character was one of his allies for the scheme you were all dared to solve, ending with him winning Best Delegate at the end of the night, and having made you as a new friend.  
Hailing from England, it was unsurprising for you to lose contact from him because of the Atlantic that separated you from each other, and with as forgetful as kids can be, losing emails and phone numbers was why you haven’t seen him for so long, but it was like you hadn’t been apart.
Every time you would reminisce on old stories and catch up on life, from his siblings, his amature golf career, everything felt so easy and effortless. So unlike whatever was looming between you and Timothee at the moment.
His mother was in town because she was on the Alumni Committee for the town’s debutante ball, and you snuck out with him at parties and barbecues after day long meetings and information sessions on this year’s deb season.
Nicole and your mother had organized for you to go to this year’s debutante ball, even if your mother never raised you on the idea of it the summers you grew up here, but you couldn’t refuse. Every boy at those parties wanted to be your escort for the night, proposals and requests falling left and right like abundant rain fall, yet you gracefully turned them down because you knew it felt wrong.
‘What the fuck are you doing here, Y/N”
“I’m allowed to have fun too, Mr. Big Shot Movie Star! Just because I’m not always perched on to you like some loyal pet, doesn’t mean I can’t have a life outside of you.”
“You won’t talk to me, I’ve tried to contact you but you won’t respond back to me-”
“Why don’t you get that I don’t want to talk to you right now, Timothee. Please…”
“Did last night really mean nothing to you?” 
“You’re lying!” 
“I’m not!” You were yelling, screaming at him for everyone to hear for all you can, but these were the lies you were telling yourself to find peace. 
You sob into your pillows until it soaks through that night, eyes swollen as you toss and turn in your sheets, clutching your blanket but nothing could hide the sorrow that came over you.
Tom had asked to be your escort for the night and go on an official date as you watched whales with his binoculars, feeling the sting on his behalf no matter how kindly you tried to refuse his feelings and want to stay friends.
You could not ignore how his face fell at your rejection, but with a kind, knowing nod as he accepts it and wishes to stay in your life by any means, even if he could not have your heart but remain a trusted friend.
“It was all him, wasn’t it? Timothee?”
“What- what do you mean? He’s just a childhood friend-”
“Everyone knows what you feel for him, Y/N. It’s okay, I’ve accepted it long ago, I just wanted to hear it and confirm it for myself. He doesn’t want anyone else but you either. So please, for my sake, be happy and go for him.”
And all my thoughts of you
They could heat or cool the room
And now don't tell me you're fine
Oh, honey, you don't have to lie
I wish I'd known how much you loved me, hmm
I wish I cared enough to know, um, hmm
I'm sorry every song's about you
The torture of small talk
with someone you used to love
“I need you.” By the shore of his beachfront home, sand clinging to your skin and the tang of saltwater crashing into waves pouring into your every fibre of being, he poured his heart out to you desperately, still wracking heart wrenching sobs that pulled at your own heartstrings.
“I don’t want you to need me. I want you to want me.” You firmly insist, impatient of all the waiting and sick of playing all his games.
“I’ve liked you all of these years, Y/N. I just never thought you could see me that way. I thought I could numb that away by being around others, seeing others, but all I could see was that they weren’t you-’
“You don’t mean that- Don’t lie to me-”
“I would never.
“I’ve had a crush on you for years, since I was a little girl, for as long as I remember. Could you not see that? Don’t go to me just because I’m available, because you pity me-”
“Don’t ever say such bullshit again, Y/N..I’ve wanted no one but you! No one else can do it for me, I wish you could see that. Give us a chance please, I can’t go on like this..pretending like we aren’t meant to be, like you don’t love me as much as I do to you.”
“Then who was that girl?”
“What girl?”
“The girl leaving your room the other month. Who was she to you?”
“She was no one. I had to turn her down because it was just a careless fling to me to forget you, but she liked me. I have never talked to her since that night, I promise.”
Against your better judgment, you jump into his arms and kiss him passionately, fervently like it was the last thing you would do on earth. Your lips sucking over his, your tongue hovering and exploring his mouth wildly, you two were like fireworks.
Gone too soon, shone too bright all at once. Even with all the sparks, the tension, the passion, the red, burning sensations, shades hued brightly in red, only about him. Shades of red paled in comparison to the raging thunderstorm that courses in your system when it came to him, as he did to you.
You were his sparkling explosions against his landscape of the dark, galaxy star studded sky. Forever had you imprinted into his skin, into his bloodstream, only you, tasting you, feeling you, loving you forever.
@blackqueenstarseed1​ @softhecreator @ohmysw33 @imnotoverlyobsessive @mondieumat @chanotel @starberry-cake @timotheel0ver @chalametsimp @hellomadamebutterfly @themonsterheloved @chal-latte @s-we-e-t-t-ea @zelleriz @strawberriescherrieskiwi @fangirl125reader @xoxoloverb @us3rd1stort1on @thebetawolfgirl @chelseamendes99 @yomidebby @esmaada @princessandtheflea @thestarsaregivenonceonly @meetmyothersouls
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rpersearch · 6 months
Hi there! 
My name is Shiro, and I’m looking for someone who’s just as self-indulgent and passionate as I am for reverse harems. I want someone who enjoys large amounts of men who want to romance our characters and can play upwards of 20 characters, as I will be doing the same. 
Info about me ~ I am a 22-year-old woman (she/her) who lives in EST. I am in university and work, so my responses will vary. However, I try to respond when I can, as role-playing is my hobby. 
Rule #1. You must be 18 or older! I am not role-playing with children. 
Rule #2.  Please be able to respond multiple times a week. Nothing kills my vibe more than waiting for a response every two weeks. I understand we have lives outside the internet, but I’m more likely to forget and become disinterested in the role play as time passes.
Rule #3.  Ladies, gents, non-binary folks: this will be a double-up role play if I haven’t made that clear yet! 
Rule #4. I am a semi-literate to advanced literate role play. BUT don’t force yourself to write more than is necessary. I’d rather have quality over quantity. I’m fine as long as I have something to work with. Now, onto the fun ~
Ouran High School Host Club
Ouran High is a school for the extremely wealthy or, in YC’s case, the highly talented. However, no amount of talent will help when YC accidentally drops an eight million yen vase in a music room. The vase was the property of Ouran High School Host Club, a group of attractive young men who, for a fee, provide their time and affections for their lovesick clientele: the female students. Fascinated by this strange new specimen, a poor and clumsy commoner, they force YC to work for them until the debt is repaid, but they get much more than they bargained for…
Disguised as the opposite gender, YC has come to Kyoto searching for their missing father. This doctor developed a magical elixir that increases the drinker's speed, strength, and healing abilities. Instead of their father, they stumble across a battle between the Shinsengumi and the Furies, evil vampire-like creatures of their own making.
Kamigami no Asobi
YC discovers a mighty sword that transports them to another world. There, this ordinary high school student finds themself face-to-face with the mighty Greek god Zeus, who has an unusual request: remain in the dimension he has created and attend a school of legendary proportions. Zeus acts as dean for a school of young, misguided gods. The bond between humans and gods has weakened, and it is now up to YC to teach the gods about love and what it means to be human.
When Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa, Rin, and YC were in elementary school, they swam together in a relay race and won the match. As Rin was on his way to Australia to train to become an Olympic champion, the gang decided to bury their trophy in a time capsule and retrieve it when they all had grown up. Now, Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa, and YC have reunited in high school and decide to dig up the prize. But on the way there, they run into none other than Rin, and he's determined to show Haru who's the best! As a result of this fateful meeting, the four friends decide to start a swim club, along with fellow classmate Rei, and their rival's little sister Gou as the team manager. Can the gang hold their own against Rin and prove their skills at the Prefectural Tournament?
Uta no Prince Sama
When YC gets the chance to take the entrance exam for Saotome Academy for the Performing Arts, it seems as though they’re one step closer to their dream of composing songs for their favorite singer, Hayato. However, this is no gleeful high school musical experience, and YC is hiding a dreadful secret that may silence their musical ambitions forever. And even if they do get into Saotome, the competition will be more brutal than going on Japan’s Top Idol!
Dance with Devils
YC has the perfect school-to-life balance, but all of that’s thrown into chaos when they discover that several of their handsome male classmates are actually demons in disguise.
When YC regains consciousness in an unfamiliar place, they have suddenly lost all memories of everything that happened before August 1. What is this place, and what were they doing there? Who are they, and what sort of life had they lived?
Vampire Knight
Cross Academy is a school with a difference: in a unique and experimental setup designed by the headmaster, it has a Day Class consisting of ordinary humans and a Night Class filled with vampires. YC and their friend Zero Kiryu are school prefects whose job it is to make sure the secret of the Night Class is always safe; they patrol the school grounds at night and supervise the switchover of classes at dawn and dusk to prevent any 'accidents' from happening. While Zero is suspicious of vampires and hates the idea of sharing the same space as them, YC admires the Night Class for their beauty and sophistication; they are especially intrigued by their charming leader, Kaname, because he once saved their life. However, as YC quickly learns, not all vampires are amiable like the Night Class, and as terrible events unfold, YC must ask themself whether in a world where vampires are the hunters and humans are the prey, peaceful coexistence can really be achieved.
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maybeconnorwashere · 1 year
He identifies as a demiboy with pronouns they/he
He is a vegetarian
He is gay and demisexual
Basil isn't his birth name, he chose it when he realised he was ftm
He has freckles over his cheeks and nose becuse of how much time he spends in the garden. In the winter they fade a little bit
After the good ending he dyes his hair blue
He has dyslexia and adhd (this is literaly just me projecting)
He prefers cats over dogs and ends up adopting a ginger cat. He calls it tomo
Has a Nintendo switch that he saved up for, his favorite games are stardew Valley, coffee talk, deltarune, and botw
His Polaroid camera broke so he gets a new digital one
He has a bit of an obsession with scented candles and owns too many. Most of them are some kind of forest scent
He drinks peppermint tea religiously
Is actually a really good cook (not as good as hero but still close)
Has really cold hands so he wears gloves/hand warmers in the winter
After the good ending he becomes really close with sunny again.
Loves studio ghibli, his favourite film is 'when marnie was there'
Sometimes writes letters to sunny instead of texting him. These letters will have photographs in and pressed flowers etc.
He has his ears peirced. Aubrey went with him to get them done.
Wears gold jewellery instead of silver.
Has really old friendship bracelets he never takes off
Tried to learn how to crochet but couldn't focus on it long enough
He listens to cavetown and mitski (and taylor swift but that's his secret)
Carries around crystals for luck
He only ever wears converse and has had the same pair for years. He can't let go of them.
Still sleeps with stuffed animals
Hums to songs when doing jobs
Always forgets to do homework so he ends up doing it last minute, on the bus.
Can't go anywhere without headphones, like is never seen without them
Sometimes when he needs advice he will call hero. (His older brother fr)
He visits maris grave often to place flowers for her. He still feels guilty for what happened but knows she would have forgiven him and sunny so he tries to not give himself a hard time. He often tells her about how sunny is doing.
Plays genshin and mains venti
He has blonde eyelashes and eyebrows that match his hair naturally
Had to have braces at one point
Watches horror films alone for fun. (Everyone finds this a bit disturbing but it's harmless)
Will cry when he finds anything overwhelming, positive or negative.
Wears cardigans all the time, some of them are from his grandma
Really loves sweet food and doesn't like sour things at all
Has a surprisingly high spice tolerance and will eat spicy food without any problems
Has a photography account on Instagram
His lockscreen is a picture of pot plants in his garden. The one in the centre is a white tulip.
Has a small collection of CD's in his room and prefers to play them instead of listen to music online.
Has an annotated copy of 'the picture of dorian grey'. Hero bought it for him becuse of the character basil in it. He loved it and has read it multiple times.
Sunburns easily so he wears sunscreen constantly
He's a little bit afraid of dogs but gets over it when he gets to know them
Gets car sick on long journeys so he sleeps to avoid it
Mint chocolate chip is his favourite ice cream flavor
Shows up early to everything so he can't be late and miss out on something.
Had a pokemon phase as a kid
Loves bugs, especially moths. he takes pictures on his phone whenever they land on him.
Spends most of his time at school in the library as he doesn't have many friends there. (Aubery doesn't bully him anymore after the good ending but has a new friend group, kel also has a new group)
Goes to therapy now !!!
Relationships with the main cast after the good ending :
Aubery - doesn't bully him anymore and talks to him outside of school (Took him to get his ears peirced and helped him with dying his hair)
Kel - not close anymore, they don't speak often but he will always say hi when seeing him.
Hero - becuse he is at college they don't see each other often but they have exchanged phone numbers and basil calls him often.
Sunny - similar to hero becuse he moved away but still extremely close with him. Basil considers him still to be his best friend. They call often and meet whenever they can. (Honestly he still has a small crush on him)
Mari - he goes to her grave quite a bit to talk to her. Despite everything he still tells her about everyone, what they are up to and how they are getting on. He finds it peaceful talking to her like he used to before the incident.
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braveclementine · 1 month
Tumblr media
Warnings: 18+readersonly, fem x fem smut, nudity, slight mentions of touching, mostly obscure references
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Steves reaction to Penny telling him that she was pregnant with his child was probably one of the happiest days that Penny had. He couldn't speak for a full minute, before pulling her into a hug and pretty much sobbing his heart out in happiness. He then didn't let go of her for hours, cuddling her and kissing her to his hearts content.
Penny also finally got to meet Elizabeth's kids. They were all really adorable and so unique. Mateo had his fathers dark colouring and eyes, but had softer hair that was more like Elizabeth's. Elijahs' daughter Kisa had a beautiful yellow-brown skin tone, with dark black-brown eyes to match Elijah's. She also a head of fluffy black hair, and her face was structured like Elizabeth's.
Elijah had also given his daughter a Chinese name that Penny could neither spell nor pronounce. She figured he'd probably done that on purpose so that it was something special between him and his daughter. So that, no matter what the group dynamics were, she would always know that he was her father.
Bucky's daughter Rue looked the most like Elizabeth with her hair colour, her face structure, and so on. But Bucky's blue eyes had been copied over onto her and she also slept the most.
December apparently also meant that Elizabeth had become a bouncing ball of excited energy. She had things planned every single day for the Christmas month.
One day they were building gingerbread houses- which turned into an orgy after Wanda tripped and got icing all over her arms and Rhodey and Loki had immediately started sucking it off of her.
Another day they went ice skating, which was a ton of fun and then they got hot apple cider and gingerbread men from a vendor.
Over a weekend, they went to a couple of different zoos and aquariums to just see the different light displays and animals.
And then two days ago, Elizabeth had made them all watch Scrooge. Penny had only seen the movie a couple times as a kid, and not really liking older movies, hadn't really watched it. But that day she had, cuddled up between Natasha and Thor. She had enjoyed the movie immensely.
Until Elizabeth wanted to learn the dance in the movie.
And now, today, Elizabeth had dragged all the girls out Christmas shopping.
Okay. . . dragged was a bit of an understatement. They had all wanted to get out of the tower for a while now.
So now they were out shopping and Penny was stuck. She had gifts for literally everyone except Steve and Bucky. She had no idea what to get them or what they would even want. What did you get two people from the 40s without offending them with old men gifts?
Looking around the crowded mall, she spotted Elizabeth who, unsurprisingly, was looking through Christmas candy.
"Got everything?" Penny asked.
"Yep." Elizabeth beamed. "I was just looking for candy to add to the presents. You got everything you need?"
"No." Penny said glumly. "I have nothing for Steve or Bucky. Gosh, even finding something for Elijah was easier than them."
Elizabeth laughed and turned to Penny. She pulled out two old records and handed them to Penny. "Here, take these. The Mills Brother record is for Bucky because it has the song 'Paper Doll' on it. And the other is Louis Armstrong, who is Steve's favorite old time singer right now."
"Aren't these the gifts you were going to give them?" Penny asked in confusion, marveling how they were such perfect gifts. She felt a little upset that she didn't know her soulmates well enough. Maybe they needed to stop focusing on sex so much.
"Yeah, but I can get them other things." Elizabeth shrugged. "Besides, you're their soulmate so you should probably give them the meaningful gift, not me."
Penny really was tempted, but she also didn't want to take it. She wanted to get something for Steve and Bucky on her own.
"Thanks, but I just need suggestions." Penny answered back.
Elizabeth nodded, putting the records back into her bag.
"I swear." Elizabeth groaned in disappointment, "The only Christmas candy is bloody candy canes and green and red m&ms-"
She froze and Penny stiffened, wondering if there was trouble. Then, she nearly shouted, "I GOT IT!"
Penny literally jumped. "STOP That! You're giving me a heart attack."
Elizabeth grinned at her, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder. "Sorry."
She grabbed peppermint Hershey kisses and a bunch of the green and red m&ms. "I'm just going to make Peppermint Pretzel Bites. Now, where are the pretzels?"
"We're in a mall, not a grocery store." Katya said, coming up from the side, making both of the other girls jump.
"Jesus!" Elizabeth snapped angrily. "It's not Halloween Kat!"
"You're just unobservant." Violetta added in a bored voice and then winked at Penny. "All set?"
"Nearly." Penny said glumly.
"Let me guess." Kat said with a grin, "Rogers and Barnes?"
"How'd you know?" Penny asked.
Violetta rolled her eyes, "Because the only one who gets them good gifts every year is Sam and Elizabeth."
Penny felt better that she wasn't the only one anyways.
Elizabeth shrugged. "I just think, 'what would I get my grandfather'."
They all laughed and then moved on to find Ghaida and Trang ogling over weird jewelry in Hot Topic. Trang was pairing different ear to nose chains on Ghaida.
"What is that for?" Penny asked.
"In India, wearing a nose chain is a sign of womanhood and elegance." Ghaida explained, holding still as Trang connected it. "But all of the ones I have right now are like hoop rings. I want one that actually connects from my nose to my ear. The ring ones feel trashy to me."
"Oh, can I ask?" Penny asked awkwardly. "Why don't you have a bindi dot?"
"Cause I'm not married." Ghaida answered. "You're only supposed to wear the red dot to show you're married. But some have broken our ancient traditions and simply wear it as a beauty trend. I find that offensive, and I won't do it myself."
They hadn't really talked about marriage, had they.
She knew Elizabeth was married. And Steve, Bucky, and Sam were married. Thor of course had married Sif. Natasha and Bruce were married. Wanda and Vision. Tony, Loki, and Stephen had married. But none of the others had. Katya and Lan hadn't yet. She wondered when her soulmates would want to marry her.
But Ghaida would never marry, would she. Because her soulmate was dead. Penny felt guilt at asking the question. It had been insensitive.
"Don't sweat it." Ghaida said suddenly and Penny looked over at her. "It's always better to ask than to not. I know that."
Penny nodded and then moved on to where Elizabeth was scanning a bunch of Harry Potter things wistfully.
"Why is Hot Topic always so expensive?" She grumbled, checking a really cute Hufflepuff mini backpack purse and then moving away from it. She joined Wanda at the entrance to the store. Penny giggled, watching as Natasha snagged the bag, a Hufflepuff sweatshirt and sweatpants, and a few Hufflepuff jewelry, paid for it, and slipped it into her bag.
"Dude," Nat muttered, "I literally never know what to get her. I always wait till I hear her say she wants something."
Penny laughed again.
"Are we all done?" Nat asked. Everyone was laden down with bags. Penny felt a regret of leaving without something for her two older soulmates though.
"Nearly." Elizabeth said. "Do you guys mind taking mine and Penny's things out to the car? We have one last stop to make."
"Sure thing." Wanda said. They divided Elizabeth and Penny's things up between them. Then, Elizabeth was looping her arm through Penny's, nearly running through the mall.
"Where are we going?" Penny huffed, nearly tripping over her feet.
"Spencer's." Elizabeth said, a wicked grin on her face.
Spencer's looked like a rather forbidden store and Penny blushed as Elizabeth dragged her past gag t-shirts and shot glasses. In the very back of the store was sex supplies.
"Have you and Bucky done anal play yet?" Elizabeth asked with no filter.
Penny blushed bright red, twirling around to make sure no one had overheard her. "No! Shut up! Someone-"
Elizabeth waved her hand, uncaring, and then handed Penny a beautiful silver but plug with a red gem on the end of it. Penny admitted it was perfect.
"And then here." She said, giving her a box that had three, rose coloured, flower decorate butt plugs. They all had different shapes and ridges to them and Penny blushed the same colour as them.
"Why am I getting these for Bucky?"
Elizabeth smirked and picked out a cock ring and raised her eyebrow. "Would you rather give him this?"
"Are you trying to give me a bruised ass?" Penny hissed.
"Do you trust me?" Elizabeth asked seriously.
"Of course." Penny answered.
"Great, than give him this. I'll help you with the decorating and presenting." Elizabeth said, turning back to the wall and hummed, "Hmm, maybe I should get one too. Elijah will get a kick out of this. Go pay for your stuff."
Penny was blushing bright red as she headed up to the counter, not able to look the receptionist in the eye as she paid, and then was going to head out of the store without Elizabeth when Elizabeth came up with her arms full of very tiny, shot glasses. They were all different, shapes and colours.
There was one that looked like Stitches' head from Lilo & Stitch. There was one that said "You're Pretty when I'm Drunk." There were some decorated from Demon Slayer. There was one that looked like an Avacodo and another one that looked like that Asian lucky cat thing. Some were circular, some were oval, some were even square.
Both the clerk and Penny raised their eyebrows.
"I thought you had gifts for everyone." Penny said.
Elizabeth shrugged, unabashed, "I like to go all out."
As they headed back out of the store, Penny said, "So that's a sex shop."
Elizabeth laughed, "Not quite, but basically, yes."
🖕🚠 т丨m€ ŜⓀᎥƤ 👇🦧
"You know I still don't have anything for Steve, right?" Penny asked as she added pearl earrings to her ears. They were going out to church tonight- those of them that were Christian and Catholic anyways- and Penny had gone down to Elizabeth's room because Elizabeth had said she wanted to help Penny with the gifts.
Elizabeth's own gifts were neatly wrapped and placed in the corner. Penny couldn't even count how many there were, but they were all neatly tagged with identifications stickers and they also seemed wrapping paper coded. . . but surely Elizabeth couldn't have come up with. . . 36 different kinds of wrapping paper could she?
Elizabeth hesitated, and then went over to the top drawer of her dresser and pulled out something, putting it on the bed.
Hesitantly, Penny opened it up.
Inside was a thin sheet of paper with an address. There was a photo in the top corner, which showed a beautiful, new gravestone. On the stone was 'Delilah Rose Rogers' And the epitaph underneath nearly made Penny started to cry just from reading it and knowing whose daughter she was.
𝘈 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘣 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘮. 𝘚𝘰 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦
"Who chose it?" Penny asked softly.
"I did." Elizabeth admitted, holding one arm in her hand. "It was either that or 'If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.' But I thought that one was to personal. Because Sharon didn't love her."
Penny nodded. "Why don't you give it to him though?"
Elizabeth stared at the paper sadly. And then she met Penny's eyes. "Because I'm not the right person."
And Penny knew from her conversations with Elijah and Stephen, that it was true. The right person really did matter.
🥸🔩 Ť𝒾𝓶𝔼 𝓢𝐤𝓲𝓟 ♐️🧕
Penny stood between Steve and Rhodey, holding her candle as the congregation sung silent night. Penny couldn't sing though. Ever since Elizabeth had given her the single piece of paper, her throat had been stuck in a choked feeling. Like any moment she would start bawling. And the song that was playing struck the atmosphere right.
Penny leaned into Steve and he put his arm around her. She turned her head into his side, smelling his comforting scent. She could feel the vibrations in his chest as he sung quietly, his candle flickering in his hand.
On the other side of Steve, Bucky was holding Rue in his arms. He was cradling her, his metal arm tucked around her protectively as he rocked side to side, his eyes closed, looking like he was in his own little world.
"You okay sweetheart?" Steve asked quietly.
Penny just hummed a response, not wanting to say yes and lie, not wanting to say no and worry him. Steve picked up on it anyways, his arm tightening around her.
When they sat down and blew out the candles, Steve pretty much pulled her into his lap, without actually doing so of course.
Penny snuggled into him, nearly falling asleep, before they were all heading home and were soon back in the tower.
The others that hadn't gone to church had been busy while they were gone. Steaming cups of hot chocolate and apple cider and cold eggnog and grape cider were sitting on the tables, topped with whip cream. There were Christmas cakes and small trays which consisted of pepperoni, salami, cheese, crackers, olives, and grapes.
Pietro was the one designated to hand the presents out, and soon everyone was going in a circle, opening presents.
Penny noticed that every person usually got only one present from one person. But it seemed everyone had at least five gifts from Elizabeth and Penny felt herself smiling for the first time that night.
The presents eventually started to dwindle and Penny got more and more nervous. She could tell Elizabeth was nervous because she was playing with her fingers constantly.
Finally, Penny's gifts were given to Bucky and Steve.
Bucky opened his, stared inside the box, and snapped the lid back shut, snapping his head up so that his eyes met Penny's. Tony started to snicker, guessing pretty well what was in the box and Penny blushed red.
Steve on the other hand, started to cry, tears trailing down his cheeks. He looked up at Penny with red rimmed eyes.
"If you hate it, it's my fault." Elizabeth blurted out, clearly anxious. "I was the one who suggested it as a gift."
Penny was almost glad she said that because she was starting to regret the gift now.
Bucky and Sam stared anxiously at Steve, trying to see what it was, but Steve folded the paper up, sticking it in his pocket, before walking over to where Penny and Elizabeth were almost sitting next to each other, pulling both of them into a hug.
"Thank you." He whispered quietly enough that only the two of them and maybe Bucky and Loki could hear. "Thank you so fucking much."
"I love you Stevie." Penny whispered.
"You're welcome Steve." Elizabeth murmured quietly. "If you want, we can go early tomorrow."
Steve just nodded. Elizabeth kissed his cheek and pulled away slowly, leaving Steve and Penny by themselves.
"Let's go upstairs, yeah?" Sam asked quietly, having come up to the two of them.
Steve carried Penny upstairs and into the bedroom. He sat on the bed, cuddling her for the longest amount of time before he finally pulled the paper out of his pocket and handed into to Bucky.
Bucky unfolded it, with Sam reading it over his shoulder. "Oh punk." Bucky murmured softly, putting the paper on the bedside table and climbing on the bed with them. Bucky pulled Steve into his arms and Sam wrapped his arms around Penny's waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "We'll go tomorrow, okay?"
"Yeah." Steve choked out. He cleared his throat, "Who chose the epitaph?"
"Elizabeth." Penny answered.
Steve nodded, wiping his eyes. He looked over his shoulder at Bucky. "What'd Penny get you jerk?"
Bucky smirked, grabbing the box and carefully pulling out the rose coloured butt plugs. Penny blushed and nearly whimpered out the words, "Can I blame Elizabeth for this one too?"
"Oh no doll." Bucky smirked, holding the second one with started with a small bulb, and then had three more, each one increasing in size. "No, this is all for you."
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confettifalling · 6 months
Hi! For the ask game: 1, 2, 3, 8, and 13. :)
hi! tysm for asking (and for coming up with this game, it’s so fun)! :)
1) How did you become a Big Time Rush fan?
i saw an episode one day on nickelodeon. i remember seeing the title on the guide and going, huh, interesting name. is this an action series? (and the answer was, of course, no….but also yes, because they’re always getting kidnapped and knocked out and running from crocodiles and being roped into british spy missions. and then just shrugging like, huh. whelp. that was something. anyway. back to learning harmonies. #justboybandthings.) i pretty much watched one episode and was hooked. i also remember my mom coming in and going, this is really cute, like a present-day version of the monkees tv series your grandfather loved. and then later, i realized that was absolutely intentional and scott fellows was directly inspired by the monkees, and i watched a few of those episodes too, which was fun. 
2) Who’s your favorite member (and why)?
even when i was a kid, kendall and logan were my favorites. i didn’t really see many interviews of them back then, so i was just basing it off the tv show, tbh. now that i’m older, those two are still my favorites. they have gorgeous voices (and dimples!)  and i love how kind they are, like logan being so happy to be an uncle and talking about how he wants to pick out 3 good albums to gift kendall’s daughter so she can grow up with those songs, and how kendall is always posting some kind of photo or video with an animal, whether it’s calling over stray cats, stopping to say hello to a dog, gently petting a chicken, holding lemurs, kissing a donkey, or cuddling a pig. i was so excited to see the videos of kendall and logan together at the iheart radio awards last month, and was laughing at them blowing kisses to the camera and logan announcing that he was kendall’s baby first before maple.
3) What are your top three favorite Big Time Rush songs?
my number 1 slot always goes to no idea, particularly their live madison square garden version. their vocals are truly so beautiful and have only gotten better over the years. when i heard the finale, my jaw just sort of dropped, it was like when i was a kid and heard an iconic disney song like a whole new world for the first time again. it’s such a great feeling and not many songs and voices can sort of stop you in your tracks like that. my 2 and 3 spots are always in flux, so i’ll just say i’ve been listening to dale pa’ya and not giving you up a lot lately. (and also the acoustic version of i know you know.)
8) Who’s your favorite character from the show?
that’s hard, but i’m going to go with lucy. she’s really fun and i’m a fan of other shows the actress has been in as well. plus, according to tv canon, she’s what got us paralyzed (which i love and i’m so happy the boys finally officially released.)
13) What’s your favorite picture of Big Time Rush?
i like the ones where they’re goofing off, like this one:
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i need to know what this deleted scene was, considering they’re in their not giving you up outfits. big time relationship services ended up being a pyramid scheme? money laundering via office supplies and teddy bears? they made criminally catchy bops?
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dreamofbona · 1 year
rewrite the stars - sim jaeyun
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summary: Choi Y/N has always dreamed of being an idol, and now her dream is coming true. As part of monster rookie girl group MAJ1K, she’s topping the charts, performing incredible stages, and feeling love from fans. She’s willing to do anything and everything to live her dream as an idol, and following the dating ban isn’t supposed to be an issue. She cares more about being an idol than she cares about love… until she meets Jake. From bumping into each other in company buildings to congratulating wins to eventually becoming MCs, she starts dreaming of something else. 
alternatively: can anyone resist sim jaeyun? + he likes you back. except you’re idols so drama.
pairing: jake x idol fem!reader
other characters: enhypen, kim chaewon, huh yunjin, jang wonyoung, txt, other hybe + starship artists
warnings: swearing, management is kind of evil so maybe threats of sabotage (will edit as we go along)
word count: 4.2 k
Chapter One:
“Hello everyone, today we are here with the group that has cast a spell on the world with their music and charm, MAJ1K!” you and your band-mates smile and wave as Sunghoon announces you.
“How about we introduce ourselves?” asks Wonyoung, Sunghoon’s co-MC and your group’s maknae.
“1, 2,” starts Chaewon, before you all join in. “Cast a spell! Hello, we are MAJ1K!”
“MAJ1K have made a very successful debut and stolen everyone’s hearts with their debut song ‘Magic’. How does it feel to have this magical, mysterious concept?” asks Sunghoon.
“It’s very refreshing,” says Chaewon. “In IZONE, I got used to doing more defined concepts, the kind that many groups do, like cute, elegant, girl crush. In MAJ1K, we’re making and exploring our own unique concept, so I’m having fun being creative.”
“Yes, yes,” agrees Wonyoung. “How have MAJ1K’s newer idol members enjoyed the stages?”
It’s Yunjin’s turn to answer. “It’s a lot of fun. I am really enjoying putting on beautiful stages for our fans. While training to debut, I always dreamed of performing on a stage like this. I got to experience it a little bit on Produce 48, but since then I’ve been in the practice rooms, so it’s nice to perform for fans again like this. It encourages me to become the best artist I can and put on a really good performance.”
“Yes, performing for fans is my favorite of the experiences I’ve had as an idol,” says Sunghoon. “This last question is one I’m sure a lot of people are curious about, especially W1ZARD and MOA.” 
You laugh, already knowing what he’s gonna ask you.
“Y/N-ssi, how is it to be under the same company as your older brother?” asks Sunghoon.
“Ah, it’s pretty amazing to be honest,” you respond. “I’ve always been close to my older brother, as we are the closest in age out of all of our siblings. He’s been giving me good advice and encouraging me throughout my training and now that I’ve debuted, he tells me what I’ve done well and gives me advice for improvement. I’m really glad to be part of HYBE because it lets me see him often.”
“That’s so sweet. You and Soobin sunbaenim have an enviable sibling relationship,” says Wonyoung.
“Thank you MAJ1K for talking to us today,” says Sunghoon, ending the show. “Make sure everyone to give MAJ1K a lot of love and support for their debut.”
“Thank you,” you and your band-mates say together, and the interview is over.
“Congratulations again on your debut,” says Sunghoon. He bows, polite as always, and walks away, likely to change and leave for the day.
“You did amazing,” Yunjin says to Wonyoung. “I’d already watched some of your interviews but coming in person was a different experience.”
Wonyoung blushes, “Thanks unnie. It was strange to be both an MC and an interviewee today.”
The four of you walk to your green room, changing into comfortable clothes before getting in the van to head to your dorms, done with promotions for the day.
You pull out your phone, opening up Weverse, quickly posting a selfie you’d taken earlier, with a caption thanking fans for their support. Then you open up Twitter, wanting to know what the public’s thoughts were on your group. You knew it wasn’t a good idea - having been a fan yourself, you knew that Twitter was a toxic place - but you couldn’t help it. 
You opened up Twitter on your junk account, one you’d made purely for keeping up with news.
@majikdaily: MAJ1K have successfully ended promotions for the day. Spotted leaving Music Bank.  Pictures were attached of you and the girls leaving the building, covering your eyes to block flash from cameras, otherwise waving and smiling.
@queenchae: chaewon talked about izone CRYING
@wolfgyu: y/n and soobin’s relationship sounds so sweet CHOI SIBLING COLLAB WHEN?
You laugh at this one. You’re sure that you and Soobin will do some TikToks together at some point to promote your respective groups. You make a mental note to talk to him about it.
@penguinhoon: they’re so obviously using enha for clout #BoycottMAJ1K
You frown at this one. It’s not true, and you’re wondering where this person got this idea. You quickly find a thread by another account, listing ways that they believe your group is using ENHYPEN.
@enhalover: They debuted a week before ENHYPEN’s anniversary. They’re under HYBE, so they must’ve known that the biggest rookie group of the year was approaching an anniversary, but they purposefully took all the hype for themselves.
@enhalover: They’re gonna make people forget about ENHYPEN’s one year.
@enhalover: This group was made to replicate ENHYPEN. They’re also under a joint venture label.
You laugh. This is ridiculous. If MAJ1K had been created to replicate ENHYPEN, there would be seven members in the group, not four. And you were under a completely different label, a joint venture, yes, but a joint venture between two Korean companies, not a Korean company and a Japanese company like with ENHYPEN. You see tweets in response to these claims saying just that, that this account is out of its mind, that it’s absurd. MAJ1K is its own group, and it has nothing to do with ENHYPEN.
You’ve never known what to think of ENHYPEN. You knew Heeseung because of Soobin, and he was incredibly kind and talented. The rest of the members, you didn’t know much about. You hadn’t watched I-Land, too busy training for your own debut, and while you’d listened to some of their music, you weren’t actively up to date with them.
You hoped that what their fans were saying wasn’t a reflection of them. You felt ridiculous for it, but part of you started to dislike ENHYPEN - their fans were ridiculous, and it’s not like they were that incredible of a group. Were they incredibly successful? Yes. But they were also a boy group under a major label that had debuted without competition - the only real competition ENHYPEN had was TREASURE, and that group was so inactive they didn’t really count. ENHYPEN were rookies and only had to compete with rookies, and it wasn’t all that impressive that they did well. They were the only consistently active Big Four rookie. It would’ve been more impressive if they had flopped.
You sigh to yourself, trying to push the negative thoughts away. It’s incredibly hypocritical for you to think this way about them considering you’re in the same boat, you tell yourself.
“Does it bother you?” Yunjin’s voice startles you. She laughs, “Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” you say in response. 
“Does it?” she glances at your phone, before glancing at you.
“A little? It’s annoying above everything else. Fans need to calm down.” You respond. “ENHYPEN aren’t even that big of a group - yeah, they’re successful, they’re going to be one of the big groups of the generation, but they’re a year old.”
Yunjin laughs, “Don’t say that to their fans, they’ll tear you apart.”
You laugh, “Yeah, they would. I’ve never seen people so upset about the date an artist debuts on.”
“They have nothing better to do,” says Yunjin, agreeing.
Soon enough, you reach your dorms, and head inside, taking turns showering and getting ready to go to sleep.
“Good job today everyone,” says Chaewon, yawning. “See you tomorrow.”
The next day, you have another promotion, this time at Inkigayo. You get to the building in the morning, walking to your green room and putting on your outfits for your first stage. MAJ1K is promoting two songs, the title track and a b-side, at each broadcast station until you drop the music video for the main b-side, after which you’ll promote that. 
You sit in your chair, stylist fixing your hair before moving to your makeup. You put on your outfit, and you’re the first one done so you sit in a random chair in the room, looking through your notifications. There are texts wishing you good luck from family and friends, texts from random school peers who are desperate to get into your good graces now that you’re famous, and notifications on Weverse from fans, ranging from “You’re so pretty” to “Sleep well” on your selca from yesterday. 
Pretty soon, it’s time to perform and you all walk down the hallway to the stage. You perform. Fans cheer. You change. You wait. You perform. Fans cheer. You do an interview. You change. You leave. You shower. You sleep.
It’s the same cycle, day after day for a few weeks, until promotions finally end. Along the way, you win a few awards, do fan-signs, and get gifts. And it passes by so fast.
“I’m so tired,” says Wonyoung on your last day of promotions. “I’m also kind of sad though.”
“I get what you mean,” you respond. “It was exhausting and I’m ready for a break, but it was fun and we’ll never have this again. Like, debut MAJ1K promotions. Next time it’ll be a comeback.”
And so your break begins. It’s not that much of a break - content has been pre-filmed for the fans, and plans for a Season’s Greetings, comeback, and New Years Eve performance are being discussed. MAJ1K is more successful than Tunez expected it to be, so they’re ramping up plans, trying to increase appearances and put you four everywhere. You have the potential to be the 4th gen girl group. 
“We have to make everyone interested in them,” says the head of your PR team. “Their only real competition for 4th gen are Itzy and Aespa. And I’m sure we can defeat both groups.” He goes on, talking about making sure your concept is more creative, interesting, and cohesive than those of the groups he’s just mentioned. He talks about maintaining a clean image - no dating, no foul language, no offending anyone. “Be the most neutral group you can,” he instructs. “MAJ1K should have no flaws.”
That shouldn’t be an issue, you think to yourself. You’re not interested in dating, and you always do your best to respect people and avoid foul language in public. This isn’t something I have to worry about, you decide. 
MAJ1K is booked for the New Years Eve concert. ENHYPEN, TXT, SEVENTEEN, and FROMIS_9 are also performing.
“Y/N, there you are!” you spot Soobin and wave to him. You’re backstage, in a hallway, getting ready to go on. Fromis are currently performing (and doing amazing, you’ve always loved their music) and you make quick conversation with your brother while waiting. “Are you excited? First concert.”
“Yeah, I’m super excited! It’ll be fun! I’ll have my fans and hopefully yours as well cheering me on!” you respond.
Soobin laughs, “I told them to cheer for you. Maybe your fans will cheer for me too.”
“I’m sure they will,” you say. You hear Fromis end their last song, and are gestured to the stage by your manager. “Well, it looks like it’s time. See you afterwards.” You give your brother a quick hug before joining your members backstage.
MAJ1K performs three original songs and a cover at the concert. You cover WJSN’s ‘As You Wish’, a suggestion by a Starship representative on your team as a way of cementing the fact that MAJ1K is equally HYBE and Starship. Your team is insistent on making sure everyone knows, as it’s beneficial for the group, HYBE, and Starship, encouraging fans to explore. The last song you perform is a ballad from your album, and you walk around the stage, waving to fans. You notice a MOA with a slogan with your and Soobin’s faces on it, and you smile and wave to them. You also notice some fansites of yours, and send some smiles and finger hearts their way.
You try to wave and smile at most of the audience members, but you can’t help but avoid the ENGENEs you see in the crowd. You can’t see very much anyways - the light is on you, and the audience is dark - but when you see ENGENE bongs, you turn away. 
MAJ1K’s set ends, and you and the girls walk off stage after bowing and thanking the audience. 
“You did amazing, Y/N,” says your brother. TXT is next, and he’s adjusting his in-ears, making sure his hair is neat. You know the fans are going to go wild when they see him - his blonde hair is incredibly popular. 
“Good job, Y/N,” say the other TXT members. You grin, thanking them. The other TXT members are like brothers to you - back when they were all trainees, they came to your house often to hang out with Soobin. The five boys are tight, and they all refer to you as their younger sister.
“I bought a slogan of yours,” says Huening Kai, holding up a slogan.
You roll your eyes, “I didn’t know you were such a big fan.”
“I am,” says Kai, grinning, before handing it to you and moving to get on stage.
TXT perform and do incredible as usual. They’re a force to be reckoned with in the industry, and you know they’ll go down in history as one of the boy groups. They perform six songs, from ‘Crown’ to ‘Run Away’ to ‘Blue Hour’ to ‘Lovesong’, as well as two b-sides. You smile as you watch from backstage - you’re so proud of your brother, you’re so proud of these five talented boys who you have the privilege of knowing.
“They’re incredible, aren’t they?” you jump, startled. It’s an unfamiliar voice, and you turn to come face to face with an ENHYPEN member. Jake. You hate that you know that.
“Yeah,” you say, keeping your response short, curt.
“They’re so inspirational,” he continues, eyes on the TV playing their performance. “BTS made me want to become an idol; TXT motivated me to stick with it.”
“Cool,” you say, not knowing how to respond. Why he’s telling you this is besides you.
“They’re all so cool as well. So good at performing, they write great music, and they’re amazing with the public. Making appearances and whatnot.” 
“They’re not that cool,” it slips out before you can control yourself. You can’t help it - this is your older brother and his crazy friends that Jake is talking about. 
“Oh, right, you’re siblings, right? Soobin hyung’s your brother,” Jake says. “That’s cool - you have someone on the inside of the industry.”
You furrow your brows, making eye contact with him. Mistake. His eyes are melted chocolate, and you see both sincerity and a spark of humor. Most of all, you see life. He just looks so alive in a way you can’t explain. You close your eyes, refusing to let him get to you. He’s just like every other male idol, he has to be attractive, it’s part of his job. “Are you calling me a nepo baby?” you counter. He’d mentioned having someone in the industry. It’s infuriating. You don’t like him. He implied that you’re only here because of your brother, so you don’t-
“What? No,” he responds, looking horrified. “No, I’m sorry if it came across that way. I was just saying that it’s probably nice to have someone who knows what it’s like. Being an idol can be lonely, like my family is so supportive but they don’t know what it’s like. No, I mean you’re obviously not here because of him; you’re here ‘cause of you. I saw your performance, you’re so talented. I was blown away.”
Now you feel bad for him. You feel bad for wanting to dislike him. Shit. You’re supposed to dislike him. 
You raise an eyebrow, “I didn’t know the mighty ENHYPEN watched a rookie girl group’s performance.” You try to ignore everything he’s just said - he’s just a kind idol. It was cute though how fast he tried to explain himself… No. He’s just a nice person. You still don’t like him.
Jake blushes, laughing. He looks at the ground, before looking back at you, “You’re in my company. I have to know your music. And it’s really good.”
You’re quiet for a moment, and Jake raises an eyebrow.
“This is the part where you say you like our music too.” he says.
You laugh, “Isn’t the point of compliments to say something nice without expecting something in return?”
“Do you like our music?” Jake asks.
“I like what I’ve heard.” you answer. 
“What have you heard?”
“The title tracks. Also ‘Let Me In’ and ‘FEVER’.” you respond.
Jake shakes his head. “Disappointing.”
“I’ll listen to your albums in full sometime,” you say, trying to appease him. Despite your dislike for ENHYPEN, you don’t want to offend one of your seniors.
“Next time I see you, I hope you’ll have heard more.” he says. You nod. “Alright, well I’ve gotta go now. We’re up next. Nice talking to you, though.”
You nod, and he walks away. Should you have said it was nice talking to him, too? You shake your head, it wasn’t nice. Even if it’s the polite thing, you’re not doing it. If their fans aren’t polite to you, you don’t have to be polite to them.
“I saw you talked to Jake sunbaenim,” Yunjin says, teasing, wiggling her eyebrows. You’re at the dorm after the concert. All four of you are in your pajamas, eating takeout at the kitchen counter.
“He came up to me and started talking to me. I have to be polite, he’s a senior.” you explain yourself. “It was honestly so annoying.”
“You didn’t look annoyed,” says Chaewon.
“Well trust me,” you say, “I was.”
“I don’t trust you. You’re lying to us, but you’re also lying to yourself.” says Yunjin. 
“Why would I lie about this?” you ask. Yunjin shrugs, continuing to eat her meal. 
Dinner continues, talking here and there, mostly eating. You’re all tired from both performing and the mental stimulation of interacting with so many artists. Besides talking to Jake, you’d also hung with TXT, conversed with SEVENTEEN (you were surprised you survived that), met Fromis (you screamed), and even talked to some of the BTS members. Jimin congratulated you and the members on your debut, and you froze. 
That night, you have a hard time falling asleep. Are you lying to yourself? Do you dislike ENHYPEN or have you tricked yourself into thinking you dislike them? And most importantly, why does Jake from ENHYPEN have such pretty eyes?
The next morning, you wake up to Yunjin frantically shaking you. “Wake up, Y/N.”
You frown, rubbing your eyes, “What is it?” You stretch, trying to wake up.
“Get ready as soon as possible,” there’s an indecipherable look in her eyes. “Management wants to talk to us immediately. There’s an issue.”
You drag yourself out of your bed, brushing your teeth and picking an outfit in record time. You settle with a crewneck and jeans. You brush your hair before slipping a beanie on, hoping it’ll hide the fact that your hair is kind of a mess. You grab your phone, check the time, and then see that you have a lot of notifications.
“Is something happening?” you ask the girls, walking into the kitchen. “Why do I have so many notifications?”
“Don’t look at them,” says Chaewon. “Come on, let’s get going.”
Now you really want to look at your notifications. You still obey your leader, however, tucking your phone in your pocket.
The ride to Starship’s building feels like forever. Today’s meeting is being held there because it’s closer to your dorm. The van is silent, no one saying or doing anything. You and the girls are aimlessly looking around, except for Chaewon who’s staring at the floor.
You’re relieved when you reach the building. The four of you walk inside, heading to one of the meeting rooms. You pass some of the Monsta X members on your way in - Jooheon sends a sympathetic smile, and Shownu looks worried - and you’re getting a really bad feeling.
“We have multiple things to discuss today,” says your manager. “First off, the performance last night.” You’re expecting a “well done” considering all the compliments you’d received both from other artists and your fans. “Pathetic. We looked at the official recording, and the live to lip sync ratios were awful.”
You frown, “I thought we mostly sang live?”
“Did I ask you to speak?” he asks, and you shake your head, looking down at the table. “That’s what I thought. Chaewon did the best, with a 90% to 10% for singing live to lip syncing. Yunjin was 80 to 20. Y/N and Wonyoung were both 60 to 40. You two need to improve. Immediately.”
You’re starting to get annoyed. You’d had the New Years performance a mere week after promotions for your debut had ended, and your voices had gotten sore. It didn’t help that you were running on low sleep and a weird idol diet. You don’t bother saying anything, however, knowing it’ll probably do more harm than help.
“Second item of business,” your manager continues. “We made it clear that this group has to have the cleanest public image in the industry. Be neutral, be friendly, be kind. Don’t start things.” He’s looking directly at you now. “Y/N, everyone noticed how you were ignoring ENGENEs. You’re really lucky that ENHYPEN were nothing but kind on their live last night.”
“What live?” you ask. Did they talk about you? 
“They had a live,” your manager says, sighing. “They were asked about you guys, one of them said he had a good conversation with you and that you were funny.”
“Oh,” you say. Jake mentioned you. On a live with his fans and members. The room is starting to feel really hot all of a sudden. Are you blushing?
“That appeased the fans,” continues your manager. “Be careful in the future, treat everyone the same. I don’t care what issues you have with who - as an idol, you are kind and welcoming to everyone.”
You nod.
“Last thing: we’ve decided that you’ll be having a comeback on February 14th. The album will be called Love is Magic. Preparations will start soon, so be ready. We’ll have you all go in the recording booths in a few days, and then start with choreo and shoots. We’re also planning a fan-con for mid January as a way to promote you before your comeback.”
All four of you nod. Internally, you’re kind of upset. This is a very fast comeback. Usually there’s a longer break between comebacks. You’re also kind of upset that you weren’t even asked, you were told. 
“Will we be able to write for this album?” you ask. Your manager rolls his eyes, looking annoyed.
“Maybe in the future,” he says. “This album is too important. It’s your first comeback after an incredibly successful debut. If you want to cement yourselves as the fourth gen girl group, you’ll have to leave it to us. We have professional writers for a reason.”
You nod, disappointed, but not surprised.
The ride back is louder than the ride to Starship. Yunjin voices her disappointment about not being able to write, Chaewon agreeing with her. You say that they were unnecessarily harsh about lip syncing, and the other three agree. Wonyoung looks agitated, and you feel bad for her. She’s been an idol since, what, 13? 14? She’s been living such a fast, high-profile life for years, and she’s not getting a break even now, after so much hard work. Instead, she’s being treated like a newbie, like she doesn’t know what she’s doing, which may be true for you, but not for her.
You get back to the dorm and lie down on your bed. Now is when you pull out your phone, scrolling through your phone, looking at Twitter.
@jakejake: she’s so rude. Completely ignoring us. I feel bad for jake - he had to talk to her
@applehee: there’s always that one bad sibling. this time it’s choi y/n
Admittedly, that one hurts your feelings. Comparing you to your brother, that’s low. You can’t help but to think it’s true, and that hurts more.
Some people do come to your defense, however, and that makes you feel better.
@y/nismyqueen: yall need to cut it out. Jake literally said she was funny and that they had a good convo. She’s probably scared of looking at you guys because yall are insane.
@maj1cian: feeling bad for y/n. Her brother’s super popular, and she’s constantly being compared to him. It doesn’t help that engenes have it out for her - enha said good things abt her and yall are jealous and making shit up
You continue scrolling, eventually finding clips of the performance from last night. There are sweet captions and descriptions, fans talking about how “MAJ1K slayed” or “y/n’s vocals have me screaming” and eventually you’ve forgotten about the hate.
You can’t help yourself, and you find yourself looking through the ENHYPEN hashtag, before eventually looking for Jake-specific content. There are pictures of him, fan-made edits, quotes, and rants from fans about how much they love him. 
There’s also a really funny, cute thread discussing the similarities between the idol and golden retrievers. 
You eventually find yourself opening Spotify, following ENHYPEN, and pressing play. 
They make good music.
taglist (send an ask/dm/comment):
copyright: this is my original work, so don't steal it. thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
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wwillywonka · 4 months
2023 Wonka movie and Clara Oswald for the reverse ask game?
for this ask game!
Wonka 2023
i like the wonka prequel. i don't love it, i don't think it's good, but i like it. if charlie and the chocolate factory wasn't my special interest, i think i would have watched it once, thought it was silly but a good time, and moved on. if the character wasn't supposed to be willy, i would even say he's a perfect fantasy family christmas movie protagonist. but alas, it's poorly written, has horrific acting, and worst of all, the most outdated body-shaming jokes i've seen since the early 2000s. that being said, i do genuinely listen to some of the songs regularly because they're fun and sweet and a simple escape from... everything that's happening in my life right now. it captures (some of) willy's characteristics well, in a blinding innocence/cover-the-hurt-with-humour sort of way that makes sense for a prequel. it gave me noodle who is an interesting charlie parallel and thus gives fuel to my headcanon fire, especially when considering where the hell she is during original canon. it gave me canon slugworth, ficklegruber, and prodnose, something i've been wanting for years. at the end of the day, it gave me more willy wonka content to think and write about, which is the actual only thing that keeps me going so i can't complain.
Clara Oswald
listen. i used to hate clara but it was literally you who convinced me to like her. the thing is, i was a HUGE river/doctor shipper in ye olden days of 2013-2015 as a literal child and found myself in online communities where it was either choose river or clara OR be cyber bullied. river is still one of my favourite dw characters, but now that i've rewatched her episodes as an adult (as recently as yesterday when i was making that gifset), i can see how much she represents a Particular Era of doctor who that truthfully doesn't really hold up. what the fuck does "hell in high heels" mean. meanwhile, clara and the doctor have some true fucked up toxic co-dependency, become one another, two souls intertwined, not platonic not romantic but a secret horrible third thing relationship going on and that has become My Shit. the older i get, the more irredeemable i want my favourite characters to be because it makes them more interesting. don't give me vanilla, don't give me a hero, give me a villain hardened by war. heaven sent favorite episode. That One Edit You Showed Me >>>>>>.
clara/eleventh doctor has no rights though.
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moderntimeadventure · 2 years
Welcome to the Modern Time Adventure AU! It’s basically an interpretation of what Adventure Time might be like if it took place nowadays. Before getting into it you may want to check out this FAQ to figure out some basics of the AU. Enjoy!
Yes yep yeah I've included events and characters that appear in both the original show, distant lands, and a teensy bit from the comics, so if you're looking for something spoiler free, this isn't it.
As far as I'm concerned, there isn't really one. Mostly it's everyone being stupid and having fun but I hope to also included some sideplots based off the original show plots, such as certain relationships, events or scenarios happening.
What's different?
Honestly, I think the biggest thing that's changed is the timeline. It's my AU so I decided I can do whatever I want, so the occurrence of the events slightly different .. but other than that there are some small changes with character specifics that aren't really worth mentioning in detail here.
Does Finn lose his arm in this AU?
Short answer, yes. Long answer, I do feel it's important to Finn's character and arc that he loses his arm, however the basis of the AU is the gang having fun and I didn't want to make it too angsty. Also, Finn is only 15 here and the current thought is that he won't lose his arm until he's older, around age 17 like in the show.
About me:
Hiya my main is @mispelled and Adventure Time has become really special and close to my heart recently, I know I'm late and the fandom is pretty much dead but. I don't really care, I'm gonna have fun anyway :)
Primary characters:
Finn, Jake, Bonnibel Bubblegum, Marceline, Phoebe/Flame Princess, Fern,
Secondary characters:
Simon Petrikov/Ice King, Peppermint Butler, BMO, Neptr, LSP, Susan Strong, Frieda, Tiffany Oiler, Cadebra, Spader, Blaine, Huntress Wizard, Betty Grof, Prismo, Lady Rainicorn, Kim kil whan, Charlie, Viola, Jake Jr, T.V.,
Characters that I've included but aren't really part of anything important:
Jermaine, Sweet P, Tree Trunks, Mr Pig, Aunt Lolly, Uncle Gumbald, Cousin Chicle, Neddy, Earl Lemongrab, Lemonhope, Gunther, Martin Mertens, Minerva Campbell, Hunson Abadeer, Joshua, Margaret, Billy, Canyon
(warning: this is going to be very long. You've been warned)
Character Specifics
Finn Mertens (he/him), 15. Idiot teenager who lives in the treehouse in Jake and Lady's backyard. Jake often sleeps there too because Finn will sometimes get nightmares. Likes plants. Favorite color is blue. Aro ace. Finn and Phoebe dated for a bit and then had a fight and broke up, didn't talk to each other for three months, and since then have made up, now they are besties.
Bonnibel Bubblegum (she/her), 17. Very studious, serious about her future. Favorite subjects in school are science and technology, but also enjoys home ec. Has a pet mouse named Science. Loves Marceline's songs but wouldn't admit it during the time they weren't talking. Questionable morality. Autistic and has anxiety. Favorite color is pink. Ace lesbian. Lives with her Aunt Lolly and Uncle Gumbald, cousin Chicle and foster siblings. Has a twin brother Neddy who doesn't live at home. Helps out in the candy shop most days after school
Jake Dogg (he/him), 32. Dad Humor ™. Also fart jokes. Plays the viola. Sneezes loud as heck. Gets very passionate about things he cares about. Likes going for long walks. Bisexual. Is Legit the best dad and brother ever. Loves his kids and his wife and his brothers sm!!! Isn't officially married to Lady but calls her his wife very often. Stay-at-home dad but tends to do random jobs during the day while most of the kids are at daycare/school. Finn's official best friend and bro. Fave color is yellow but dark blue is a close second
Phoebe Flame (she/her), 15. Hot temper, daddy issues. Has an older brother named Flint but isn't close with him. Found a passion in freestyle rapping and often raps with Neptr. Finn called her "flame princess" while they were dating (because of her last name and her temper) and he sometimes still uses the nickname to antagonize her. Favorite color is orange. Bisexual. Growing up her father was super overprotective and low-key abusive. She ran away from home for a bit but they made up eventually and now have a tense relationship on the mend.
Marceline Abadeer Petrikov (she/they), 18. Acts angry and punk but is actually a major softie. Writes music and takes inspiration from mitski, girl in red, chloe moriondo, cavetown and the red hot chili peppers. Had a vampire phase in middle school and still has a soft spot for YA novels. Favorite color is red. Bisexual. Has played in a band but has come to realize she prefers writing alone. Has insomnia which is when she writes her songs. Ambidextrous, which explains her ability to play bass with both hands.
Simon Petrikov (he/him), 58. Former Professor of Archaeology. Likes penguins. Plays the drums. Getting over a mental breakdown involving amnesia
Fern Campbell (he/they) 15. Finn's lil brother. Only reconnected with Finn recently because neither of them knew the other existed. Autistic. Nonbinary. Has a lot of angst™. Feels like he needs to one-up Finn at all times and live up to his reputation. Questionable morality and anger issues. Has a green thumb and really likes plants. Favorite color is green.
BMO Dogg-Rainicorn (he/they/she), 5. Adopted kid of the Dogg-Rainicorn family. Very imaginative, likes to play pretend. Has an imaginary friend, "Football", and plays soccer in an after school program. Is in Lady's first grade class
Pepper Mint Butler (he/they), 6. Very smart (especially for his age). Likes to use big words and will sometimes swear. He's That Weird Kid who knows random facts about creepy things. Plays DnD. Draws comics (which the rest of the cast likes to read and discuss at length). Lives at the Gumbald Foster Home. Is in Lady's first grade class.
Neptr Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him),11. Adopted kid of the Dogg-Rainicorn family. Super smart. Small for his age and uses a wheelchair most of the time. Loves pie and is in Tree Trunk's good books, often hangs out at her pie shop. Beatboxes with Phoebe.
Lady Rainicorn (she/her) 31. Works as a first grade teacher during the day. Mother of seven. Such a good mom and teacher. Speaks Korean at home, but English while teaching. Pansexual. Best friends with Bonnie and they'll sometimes get together to talk shit and eat junk food.
Charlie Dogg-Rainicorn (she/her), 6. Likes witchy stuff, mythology and tarot cards. Twin to Jake Jr. Is in Lady's first grade class
Jake Jr Dogg-Rainicorn (she/they),6. Daddy's girl. Twin to Charlie. Is in Lady's first grade class
T.V. Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him), 4. In the same dare care as Sweet P
Viola Dogg-Rainicorn (she/her),2. Very sweet, wants to be an actress.
Kim Kil Whan Dogg-Rainicorn (he/him),6 mon. Literal baby
LSP (she/her), 16. High school junior. Gossip girl. Often acts low-key bratty, sassy, attention-seeking and willfully ignorant, and enjoys texting on her phone but actually has depth that she doesn't like to show on the outside. Marceline's insider informer
Frieda (they/she), 27. Very open to different things, likes trying new hobbies. Always working on a different project. Very involved with helping Susan and has become a regular visitor at the Amnesiac Support Group. Sapphic and in a relationship with Susan
Susan Strong (she/her), 27. Super loyal and has strong intuition about who to trust. Likes picking people up. Has a golden retriever personality. After a fight with Frieda as teenagers, she stalked off and was involved in a car accident, leaving her with amnesia and aphasia. Subsequently ended up in the same ward as Simon and after a whole bunch of shenanigans was able to reconnect with Frieda several years afterwards. Hasn't recovered her memories but has strong feelings of intuition and remembers knowing Frieda from before. Sapphic and in a relationship with Frieda.
Cadebra Daniels (she/her), 6. Pep's #1 best friend (but he'll deny it). Loves sleight of hand magic. Super hyper and has ADHD. Is in Lady's first grade class
Tiffany Oiler (he/they/she), 23. Plays the viola. Old friends with Jake who acted as an older brother figure until Finn came along. Has a mini rivalry with Finn about being Jake's bestfriend/brother. Has soon come to respect Finn and now they get along, if somewhat grudgingly. Has been adopted by Joshua and Margaret Dogg
Blaine Jay (they/them), 6. Spader's best friend. Has become grudging friends with Pep and Cadebra, and often feels like they need to earn Spader's attention. Is in Lady's first grade class
Spader Petersen (he/him) 7. Frenemies with Pep. Used to be really stuck up but has taken it down a notch since then. Has sensory issues with noise so he almost always wears noise cancelling earphones. Carries around a rock named Larry. Is in Lady's first grade class
Betty Grof (she/her), 54. Simon's fiance and Marceline's mother figure.
Huntress Wizard (they/she), 16. The emo/scene kid at high school who has a mutual platonic crush on Finn. She ends up bonding with Fern after they realize how much they have in common. Aro
Prismo (they/he), 33. Fashion designer, has his own homemade pickle brand, "Prismo's Homemade Artisanal Pickles". Plays the banjo. Best friends with Jake from their college days when they dated. Pansexual. Somehow always has an answer to every question, though it's not always correct. Will often get the gang to model his clothes for his brand
Jermaine Dogg (he/him), 34. Jake's biological brother, Finn and Tiffany's adopted brother. Artist and keeper of family heirlooms.
Mr Pig (he/him), 64. Married to Tree Trunks, Sweet P's adopted father
Tree Trunks (she/her), 65. Pie shop owner and Sweet P's adopted mother
Punchy Gumbald (he/him), 43. Bonnie's uncle. Runs a collective foster home and small candy store, "Candy Kingdom". Husband to Lolly, father to Chicle
Sweet Pig-Trunks/Sweet P (he/him), 3. Adopted kid of the Pig-Trunks family. Has nightmares. In the same dare care as Viola
Chicle "Crunchy" Gumbald (they/he), 19. Bonnie's cousin. Six foot four. Self conscious about his laugh. "The funny one™". Away at college most of the time, doesn't always feel comfortable being at home with the foster kids.
Lolly Manfried Gumbald (she/he), 42. Bonnie's aunt. Runs a collective foster home and small candy store, "Candy Kingdom". Wife to Punchy, mother to Chicle
Hope Lemongrab (he/him) 11. Earl's little brother. Foster kid of the Gumbald Foster Home.
Earl Lemongrab (he/him) 16. Autistic. Foster kid of the Gumbald Foster Home. Needs glasses but never wears them.
Martin Mertens (he/him) 40. Finn and Fern's scumbag biological dad. Con artist. Has brain damage.
Neddy Bubblegum (he/him), 17. Bonnie's twin brother. Autistic. Currently residing at a separate care facility
Hunson Abadeer (he/him), 50. Marceline's scumbag biological dad. Business man™.
Minerva Campbell (she/her) 39. Finn and Fern's biological mother. Doctor.
Margaret Dogg (she/her) 63. Jake, Jermaine, Finn and Tiffany's mom. Runs a detective firm with Joshua, her husband.
Joshua Dogg (he/him) 62. Jake, Jermaine, Finn and Tiffany's dad. Runs a detective firm with Margaret, his wife.
Billy (he/him) 35. Finn's celebrity crush
Ok phew that's over for now
Specific Situational things that are important:
Canyon (she/they) 33. Billy's girlfriend
Finn and Fern were born to Minerva (doctor) and Martin (former con artist) Mertens. Incident happened where Martin and Finn were confronted by Marten's past clients (people he'd cheated), they ended up running. Finn was found and adopted by the Dogg family, Fern grew up alone with his mother who never told him about his brother. Martin returned to his con artist ways. Minerva tried to search for her missing family but never found them, and tried to move on with her life.
The Mertens
Finn and Fern didn't know the other existed, being separated as babies. They eventually met by accident when they bumped into each other at [an event]. After the fact, Fern took matters into his own hands and stalked Finn down via the internet.
Mertens brothers reunion
Joshua and Margaret Dogg run a private detective investigation firm. They have four children- Jacob, Jermaine, Tiffany Oiler and Finn Mertens
The Doggs
Jake and Lady are not officially married but live as if they are. They have five biological children, Kim Kil Whan, Charlie, Viola, Jake Jr and T.V., as well as adopted children BMO and Neptr. Finn lives with them, usually opting to stay in the tree house. Jake is a stay-at-home dad but tends to do random jobs during the day while most of the kids are at daycare/school. Lady works as a first grade teacher
The Dogg-Rainicorns
Punchy and Lolly run a collective home where they care for foster children. Some of the residents of the home include Pep, Earl and Hope Lemongrab, Bonnie and (formerly) Marceline. The Gumbalds also own a small candy store called "Candy Kingdom" where the kids will help out after school.
The Gumbald Foster Home
After Marceline's mother died, Simon, who was a close friend of Marcy's mom, took her in as his own. Marceline lived with Simon and Betty, his fiance, until soon after taking her in, Simon began experiencing a mental breakdown/psychotic episode that lasted a couple months, and is still recovering. Betty attempted to reunite Marceline and Hunson Abadeer, who wasn't interested in raising his kid. After the attempt ended in disaster, Betty was unable to care for Marcy and longer and she was transferred to the Gumbald Foster Home while Simon was committed to a psychiatric ward. Only when Simon was on the road to recovery and was released from the hospital did Marceline return to living with him and Betty.
The Simon/Marceline relationship
Simon had a mental breakdown/psychotic episode which ultimately resulted in dissociative amnesia. Marceline created an insert oc for him called The Ice King to try and help them both while dealing with the situation. Simon did get professional help but the amnesia remained for quite a while. He now attends an Amnesiac Support Group, which Susan also attends.
The Ice King Incident
Marcy and Bonnie were good friends throughout elementary school and the beginning of middle school, until they started to fall apart because of Bonnie adopting more responsibilities in her life (including helping her brother Neddy, dealing with family dynamics, the foster home, and accepting responsibilities at the candy shop) and as a result, Marcy felt ignored and left out especially because that's when she needed a friend (while going through her own issues with Simon's mental downfall). The two had a big fight and didn't talk for a few years but they're patching up their relationship and aren't dating yet, but both have feelings for each other.
Marceline/Bonnie relationship
Kara and Frieda were good friends as teenagers but after a fight, Kara stalked off and was involved in a car accident, leaving her with amnesia and aphasia. She subsequently ended up in the same ward as Simon and after a whole bunch of shenanigans involving changing her name to Susan, they were able to reconnect several years afterwards. Susan hasn't recovered her memories but has strong feelings of intuition and remembers knowing Frieda from before.
Susan/Frieda relationship
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