#long ass post omg
firefl1ezz · 5 months
coroika au idea
people might have done this before but. coroika au where the shadows won. i don't see enough shadows content and i want more so why not make an au for it ??
WARNING: gets dark. i like dark stuff. so it gets dark lmao. tw's in tags.
in short the idea so far is that the shadows win the final battle and take over the square. they're not entirely sure what to do with it at first - they sort of thought goggles and his team would win based on his track record with high ranked and high powered foes - but they manage to clear the area of all the "original" (or what i like to call outerworld) inkfish. They let most of the shopkeepers stay if they please (quite possibly forcing sheldon to stay, since they need weapons if they're going to fight their own turf wars (which, what else is there to do with their time?)) but they absolutely cleanse the area of any colourful ink kids.
this lasts for a while. a decent amount of time actually. the shadows come and go from the tv screens of deca tower as they please and/or need and they have their fun. eventually though, they start running out of radio waves to suck the energy from. they try various other sources such as the splatoon equivalent of phones as a sort of mobile battery, other tv displays and even lightning, but all of what they try is temporary at best. they find ways to channel lightning to deca tower as well as other places, but lighting obviously isn't permanent, and it often comes with rain, so having inkfish biology means they cant stand around in a storm and just hope to get zapped in case it starts raining.
in slight desperation, the shadows decide to take their chances with both the splatlands and the inkopolis plaza. the shadows from deca tower form two teams of the strongest players and battle it out for both locations. the battle at the splatlands proves to be a bit of a struggle against the best 8 and their increasing skill, however their own shadows are no match for them. both areas are successfully taken over by the shadows, and it provides them with enough radio waves to maintain their existence a little longer. they figure with so much energy they can discover new techniques as well, which leads to the discovery of more than just the leg tingling throw electric waves we see in the manga. this could be anything from giving someone a harmless little electric nip to their fingers to full on electric shock.
eventually, the same thing happened as what ended up happening in inkopolis square. the leftover radio waves start running out and becoming unreliable, and the shadows find they need something more.
by this time, the outerworld population that once inhabited these now shadow ridden areas are beginning to hide out in the square again. ink kids in the splatlands and the plaza will soon follow. once the shadows find out, they're immediately pissed off. they thought they'd cleansed the area of all non-shadows! but one smart shadow realizes that they can use these freshly found terrified souls for their own benefit. the plan is to threaten to kill the original inkfish if they don't comply, whilst complying simply requires them to begin an unconsensual and untrained voiceover job. they're forced to commentate on the shadow's turf matches in order to generate more amplified radio waves. word soon spreads to areas outside of the square and barely two weeks later sees the shadow community thriving again.
skip ahead a bit and the shadows find themselves hungry again. they're thriving in terms of radio waves, but they're absolutely starved in terms of entertainment. they aren't like goggles, blue team, even other teams who have been convinced to see eye to eye with the opinion that turf wars are for "fun". sure, they could be fun and entertaining, and they kept the shadow's energy up in terms of radio waves, but they were only fun for so long. some shadows already seem to have ideas for more entertainment.
having forced some of the outerworld population into commentary roles, the shadows figure they can do more. they begin to force them into other things too. talk shows, podcasts, turf war challenge which in some way forces the participator/s to face off with their shadow/s. you name it, they've thought of it.
but it still isn't enough. they're hungry in other ways. physical ways. they're starving. the food supplies are running low in all areas, and most shadows are running on rations, if that. so they turn to cannibalism. though, can it really be called "cannibalism" if the shadows are made of radiowaves and the inkfish are made of ink? that's how they justify it, anyway. the make sure to never eat someone entirely. after all, they might still need them as commentators later down the track. if they do, however, spawn points close to eating areas have been mandated and generalized as a part of shadow society, so no inkfish will ever die. in theory, infinite food.
now where are our main characters, you ask? goggles, rider, vintage, emperor, ocho. they're all hiding in different areas. most of the best 8 are hiding out in alterna. they're convinced none of the shadows will find them there since only mitsu knows about it (and now the rest of the best 8) but only time will tell. other splatlandians are hiding in the grizzco building. none of the shadows know how to participate in salmon run, nor do they want to. they see no point, and there's always a possibility of dying permanently there. wire is the only member missing of the best 8. he's managed to mostly safely move down to inkopolis square to support rider, his older brother. they both later move even further to inkopolis plaza with the s4. they keep themselves hidden in the shoal, seeing as the shadows don't need to rest there after matches. the x blood and team emperor (including laceless) find themselves hidden in octo valley, only thanks to vintage's time as "agent 4.3". it takes them a while to get along, but they eventually have to force themselves to so that they don't get found. lastly, hachi's team and blue team manage to make it back to the deep sea metro to hide there. this is likely the safest place, since the shadows won't know how to get there. at most, they would know if it's existence, but it's so deep underground no shadow would ever think nor want to go down there.
most other background, side or less strong characters can be seen hiding out around other places of these three locations. abandoned buildings, dark alleys and abandoned shops, and very rarely abandoned turf maps. there's always a chance the turf maps will be returned to, however, so only the strongest and/or dumbest outerworlders end up there. some smaller character can also be found stuck with other groups of survivors, or even flipping between groups depending on location and safety.
by some means, most likely forms of social media, groups will form alliances and attempt to make plans to take down the shadow nation as much as they can. anything will help at this stage, or so they think.
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jade-len · 5 months
you know it's bad when i read svsss and tgcf, stories about just two guys falling in love and getting together, and think, "god i wish i were in between them."
gay little domestic cottage core life with binghe and qingqiu? please and thank you. being sandwiched by hua cheng and xie lian, two pretty men who are hundreds of years old? i am blushing, kicking my feet and giggling
and again, it's not even that i would want only one of them. like in both of the relationships, the two love each other too much to the point it'd feel wrong if they were separated! it wouldn't feel complete, so you gotta be with both of them!
but that's the thing; i just?? i feel so incredibly guilty whenever i think about being loved by these mxtx couples??? like it's so stupid but i feel like i'm intruding in on something and it's like, everyone else seems to just want them together only, not wanna be with them. like it's fuckin taboo or whatever
i feel like with any other character from any other media it'd be fine to simp for and write/read x readers of them, but when it comes to these books, it's off limits! no way, what are you, crazy? yes, yes i'm unhinged and desperately want their love and affection simultaneously. i want to be in a happy little poly relationship with these overpowered beautiful men with long hair.
i can't be the only guy or whoever to feel this way?? to wanna be kissed by these characters? sandwiched?? i have two hands for christ sake and they all look so happy together and im just like "lord i wanna be with them so much". someone tell me i'm not alone cmon <\3
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limonjarritos · 5 months
LITERALLY LIKE- MY MAN FELL HARD AND INSANELY. LIKE WHO DOES THAT? I wouldn't have it any other way. Just the way that as soon as Rody came into his life he was like 'I need this man to be so whole-y mine.'
When I was playing the game my pet theory was that he fell for Rody's brand of love, for how he loved Manon (he did say that he spoke of Manon when they first met) and Rody's personality.
(read more because I am so annoying about this game vv)
Something something, how Rody loves so intensely to the detriment of himself (Manon told him to stop giving, to for once in his life realise that he needed to take care of him self and be stable. He can't just account for the other person's needs <- barely know her but I get why Rody was head over heels). How Rody's love is similar to his cooking, burning, burning himself, burning and oh so overwhelming. And I do think Vince wanted the feel of that burn for himself, wanted to feel the warmth and devotion of which he had been so devoid of. To understand what it was he was lacking. How love and cooking go hand in hand in the story, how Vince's dishes were devoid of love, how he can't taste. How Rody's love surely would be strong enough, would be the missing ingredient to allow him to finally taste something. (Also lack of taste going hand in hand with what looks like depression of some sort, or perhaps just apathy for life. How bland his own life may be. How such a love, such a person could perhaps bring some taste to his life.) Vince seems to have killed Manon as a form of trying to show Rody a similar type of love. Giving him something, giving him a meal made out of Rody's own love. A gift since he couldn't give his own brand of love in a way that matters, couldn't give it without showing his own brand of devotion. I do think he 100% had an underlying jealousy and hatred of Manon, how Rody was still stuck up on her. How she never once mentioned Rody when her and Vince dated (though outside of Vince's pov I'm pretty sure Manon was just doing the healthy normal thing by not mentioning an ex?? but Vince is soooo gone) which is obviously a sin (he doesn't seem to take kindly to people who are mean to Rody. Such as the article and Rody's old college classmate) and proof she wasn't deserving enough of Rody's love. But alas she was still a gift and show of love to Rody.
On the personality topic (thought I forgot about that did you?), Rody is such a brash and kind person. A perfect foil for Vincent's more stoic nature. Rody willing to try and befriend Vincent, running into the kitchen to talk to him. He showed a bit of said love to Vince by trying to befriend him and how could Vince not want more? (why wouldn't Vince try to reciprocate in his own way. Make him happy) I mean he seems pretty feared by his cooks, and the people at the party have mentioned that Vince is pretty ruthless, not at all a person many wish to get to know. But Rody is willing to, yet Vince wants his undivided attention...
Okay wow this has gone on way too long uhh I'm 100% open to further discussion especially if I forgot something! And I haven't really looked too much into the game past playing it, so any reveals the creator may have given I'm mostly unaware of and would love to be informed of more!
Anyways tiny Vincent attack!
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lucky38-2077 · 20 days
OC Interview: Vincent Ibarra & Naota Vasile
Tagged by @dreamskug It was really fun to do this and thank you for tagging!🖤🖤
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V: Most people call me V. Some people I've known since I was little still call me kid, but I guess I'm not a kid anymore, am I? Naota: My family and friends often call me Nao.
V: Male. Naota: I am a demiguy.
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V: Don't know my exact birth date but I heard it was middle of December. So the thing with the archer? Sagutti...something. Naota: It's Sagittarius, V. (yeah that it!) Mine is Capricorn.
V: Why do people even care about the height? I don't know, haven't checked since teenager. Naota: I'm about 5′ 7″ and V is a little taller than me. I think... he could be around 5′ 9″. V: WOW. I'm learning about myself here.
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V: I like men. Naota: I... I think the closest one should be Pansexual. Do you have preference? If you don't mind talking about. Naota: I really don't know, and it doesn't matter to me anymore.
V: Nobody knows who my parents were at all. Valentino is my thing. Naota: My father was Italian and mother was Japanese. I feel close to both. V, have you ever tried to look for your biological parents? V: Nah, have my family already. I've got old man Padre and Mama Welles. But don't you even think about a thing between them. They are good friends, nothing more.
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V: Green grapes and lemons. Well I don't enjoy eating lemons, but love lemonade. Naota: It's hard to choose... apples, oranges, cherries... V: And season? Summer. Not because of the weather, because I can play in water a lot. Naota: I like winter. I feel cold easily but it's still my favorite. Warm clothes, soft blankets and hot... Wait we have another question for that, please save it! Naota: Oh.
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V: Not really interested in, but red or yellow ones are pretty. Naota: I do love flowers. Peony and hibiscus are my favorite. V: Don't forget a desert rose, D-rose. Desert rose- Adenium? Is there a story about it? I'd like to hear. Naota: Um... my partner gave it to me as a gift before. I still have the pot and it means a lot to me. And D-rose? V: The whole family calls him D-rose because of it. (Looking at Naota) You're blushed, amigo. Naota: ....
V: Hmm never really thought about that. I think my man uses kinda perfume. No clue what it is, but he smells good. Naota: Fresh ones such as herbs. I like the smell of flowers, too.
V: Soda. But coffee is also good. Naota: Hot chocolate... oh this is why you stopped me earlier. Yes, I like winter and I like hot chocolate.
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V: 6 or 7? I'm not a morning dude so probably wake up later than most people. Naota: I used to have a sleeping problem but it's getting better. V: Thanks to the biiiiig cuddly teddy bear. I have some plushies on my bed too. How big is it? Naota: No! It's... not... a plush. Let's move on.
V: I like both, but with my baby Nibbles I'm currently a cat person. Naota: I've been always fond of cats.
V: I want to go to the most beautiful, clean beaches in the world, not ones that are full of trash. Not sure if there is any left. Naota: I haven't thought about it. But with my family now, wherever will be great.
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V: Rocky Balboa. If you want to talk about this with me, we should make another schedule. Naota: Unico. He's a baby unicorn who has a power making people happy. He's also very cute.
V: Do you need more than one?? Naota: Yes, V. I usually have two blankets, more in winter. V: What? I mean. WHY? Naota: It's warm, comfortable... V: Man. I don't get it.
V: I can hold my breath pretty long in water. Without any gear or cyberware. My record is 6 minutes 28 sec. Naota: That's amazing, V. Indeed. Do you train for it? V: Maybe a little? Think I was born with it. I just feel comfortable in water. How about you? Naota: I can't think of anything... I'll pass. OH.
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I think most of people I know have already been tagged, but if there's anyone interested please go ahead!🤗
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And this is Unico Naota mentioned, in case anyone was wondering. The idea just came up with when I saw the question. It was pure coincidence Naota has pink hair like Unico and I like it🤣
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How do you feel about Leah Sava Jeffries as Annabeth Chase, and why should we throw Leah a huge parte for being the annie we always deserve but never got much of
HELL YEAH ARE YOU KIDDING ME LEAHBETH IS THE BEST THING THATS EVER HAPPENED TO ME THIS ENTIRE YEAR OH MY GODS AND GODDESSES im fully self aware that "i look like i would have been an annabeth kid" and its because i FOR SURE WAS WHY WOULDNT ANYONE BE she is The Character the MOMENt the ICON of the AGES and leah is adapting her energy to screen so ???? perfectly ?????? like did rick just shake the book and she fell out ??????? what sorcery is this?? ??????
no but in all seriousness leah is killing it as annabeth and its super clear that she did her research and understands the character (in interviews she talks about how she read annabeth povs in later books and did research on greek mythology and athena so she could understand the lightning thief not just from percys pov but from annabeth 🥺🥺 she so annabeth coded irl i adore her) and it genuinely shows like ive microanalyzed all her expressions because her facial acting has so much DEPTH and LAYERS and OH MY GODS leah deserves all the parties and we are so privileged to have her as our annabeth chase <3 imagine being that talented at like 13
im super excited to see what additions she makes to the character in this adaptation!!! already i think she's really highlighting annabeth's battle strategy smarts over just booksmarts which EVERYONE ALWAYS FORGETS ABOUT SHES NOT JUST A BOOK NERD SHES A FUCKING GENERAL HEAD OF THE ATHENA CABIN MOST FORMIDABLE DEMIGOD AT CAMP AS A 12 YEAR OLD the duality is giving me LIFE and i love how she gets to boss around percy and grover (leah also talked about loving to get to be in charge and competitive as annabeth which shes SO REAL FOR THAT shes such an annabeth type) BUT ALSO YOU ALREADY GET TO SEE HER VULNERABILITIES AND INSECURITIES AND THE WAY SHE CARRIES HERSELF THAT MAKES HER SIMULTANEOUSLY COOL BUT ALSO IS A REFLECTION OF TRAUMA AND POOR EMOTIONAL COPING yeah basically shes not just giving us annabeth shes giving us annabeth but MORE and its making me understand her character BETTER and in a NEW way (and if you have anything to say about her portrayal in the show i will genuinely pull up with a full ass powerpoint slideshow because IF YOU MEDIA COMPREHEND FOR TWO SECONDS AND KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER CHARACTER IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE AND ITS SO JUICY AND JALKDJFKBL)
i think about that shot of her looking at percy using medusas head through the screen porch ALL THE TIME. and her delivery of "grover can you tell your friend to pull himself together" LIKE THATS WHEN SHE TURNS TO HER PROTECTOR FOR HELP AND IT HAS A LITTLE BIT OF A SASSY IM-BETTER-THAN-YOU-PERCY VIBE TO IT BECAUSE SHES HIDING THE FACT THAT SHES SCARED AND UNCOMFORTABLE TO TALK ABOUT HER RELATIONSHIP WITH HER UNAVAILABLE MOM (and percy sees right through that just as she sees right through percy and oh my gods if i get started on percabeth ill never shut up)
anyways thanks for giving me an opportunity to go on a mini rant about leahbeth i could say so much more because when i say ive analyzed every frame my girl is in i am NOT joking
but ill just end by saying that anyone who is upset by show annabeth being black literally did not understand her as a character or the percy jackson books in general so they can stfu and get their little butthurt wrong opinions out the door bc they dont belong here anyway <3 rick and becky also talked about how they hired black sensitivity readers to help write annabeth's blackness more authentically into her character in the show so very much hoping that they do that well! and im overall just super excited to see what changes they make to adapt my favorite character to a new era, a new medium, and a new audience!
go treat yourself to some leah interviews because i actually adore her and will protect her and annabeth (though arguably theyre one and the same) with my life <3
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kennabeth · 6 months
dustfinger will think or tell someone else the most grossly romantic shit about roxane but to her face the best he can do is "why are you here"
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
Bakugou loves it when you wear colored lipstick. He likes when you wear makeup in general, if it means he can sit there and watch you during the whole process. But his favorite is when you put anything colorful on your lips—stick, gloss, liner. Anything that makes it an unnatural color, something that makes your pretty mouth pop and vibrant.
In those instances, he’s practically insatiable when it comes to kissing you. He’ll watch you apply some bright purple on your lips in the mirror before some big event, and immediately is ducking his head down to sneak a kiss. He doesn’t like taking pictures much, but he’s gladly taking mirror selfies with the neck of his shirt pulled down to show the possessive lipstick stains you’ve left on him. He ignores your whining and protests when he practically manhandles you to kiss off your lipstick because, goddamnit Katsuki, you ombré’d this lip and it took really long and it looks too good for him to keep kissing it off!
You thought that maybe he would hate the lipstick transfer, but if anything, he begs for it. Wants a kiss on the lips when you’re wearing red, a kiss on the neck when you’re wearing pink, a kiss on the collarbone if it’s black, and maybe even a kiss a little lower if you don’t mind messing up your makeup.
He’s polite enough to wait until you’re about to wash it all off to ask if you could reapply the color on your lips. You didn’t understand why at first, not until he’s kissing at you feverishly and pulling away scraps of clothing until you’re both laying there naked, him covered in colored lipstick stains and you in love bruises.
And does he have the most orgasmic nut of his life when you pull back to kiss at his leaking tip and he catches sight of your stained gloss around his base and on his pubes? Definitely. And does he ask you to do it again the next time you put on makeup? Definitely, again.
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rockabyedaisy · 3 days
Fanfic Idea: Ever After High Christianity Au
So I’ve been thinking alot about a possible Au where the all the characters were in a very christian/catholic setting.
I first got this idea like a year ago when I listened to this song. (Please listen, it’s so good!”
“Can we say goodbye to, to the lies you told.”
“I believed your stories, at least the blind in me, You gave my eyes what they wanted to see”
“You act like your god and you’re trying to hard, but I need it. I was supposed to believe her, now I’m back to believing.”
Apple is confronting her mother for all the lies she has been told. How if everyone remained pure, fair, and good, everyone will have a chance in heaven and God will love all. But things changed for apple, things she has witnessed has made her realize she put her faith in the wrong hands of her mother and older authorities in her church. She is finally putting a stand against them for her and her friends, while also re examining her relationship with god without denouncing herself as a christian.
What if that was a story. Apple, the most devoted of them all, realizing the toxic influence and chokehold not only her mother, but their church have on everyone and their children. Raven, an atheist, looking to expose the hyprocrisy and corruption of the church and show how it has harmed not only her and her mother, but also the children who she and Apple goes to school with. Milton, old fashioned and strict headmaster and priest of a prestigious and religious boarding school, battling with a teenager over the principles of what is right and wrong. Dexter, Ashlynn, Lizzie, and everyone else’s lives are about being manipulated, abused, and exploited as well as how they deal with it or rebel from it in their own ways.
This story will tackle subjects of religious trauma, femininity , early marriage/engagements, abuse, mental illness, christian family dynamics, generational trauma (Yeah I know it sound like a whole ass series, and it could be)
I saw how more people are talking about Apple and Raven having metaphoric religious trauma, and I was so motivated to move forward with this idea and wanted to say something like, “OK, but what if it was literal, …and worse.” :D✨
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skrunksthatwunk · 10 months
kuwabara sketch dump bc i had a dream where he was just sittin there last night and i love him and i miss him :((
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clownsnake · 11 days
okay nonbinary character in Orv alert. slay
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okkottsus · 11 months
how does it feel to be proven right after so many months queen https://www.tumblr.com/okkottsus/705204170367582208/i-usually-dont-mind-ppl-having-different?source=share
PLSS i was like 99% sure nagi was doing everything for their dream since i watched the anime but to have it stated so bluntly in canon for the second time even in his inner thoughts feels really good
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
more domestic josh thought:
him letting you pick a movie, so you pick a cartoon disney movie he hasnt seen before. the two of you are cuddled close in bed, he has your legs in his lap and he’s rubbing circles on your hip. the fairly lights on, and he’s making the silliest comments. “if you were stuck as a frog, i would totally convince someone to turn me into a frog too. or i would kiss you. then we can both be frogs. and use leaves as our mode of transportation”
i definitely think he makes up random tunes in his head, so when he’s doing a chore, or if you’re grumpy he will sing a song about it. “my munch, is in a crunch. she’s gotta get her work done, and it’s a bunch! she’s very grumpy, and probably wants some lunch!” to which he serves you some fruit and a sandwich.
him folding laundry while you lounge on you shared bed and watch him. he loves folding, and you do the laundry so it’s a perfect trade off! he’s so meticulous about it. if the fold looks ugly, he will completely restart that fold. he even remembers the one time you told him it’s important to keep your bra cups from being crushed, so he stuffs all your socks in them for the time being, until you can put them all away properly.
going to homegoods with him!!! he would be amazed. he remembers when you bought a blanket with dogs in a halloween costume once, so now he insists to keep up with the theme and will buy a blanket with dogs according to the nearest holiday, so for easter hed put a blanket with dogs in bunny ears in the shopping cart.
brushing your teeth next to him after a long day, and him making the goofiest faces in the mirror. he’d pretend to be rabid before spitting out his toothpaste just to make you laugh. when you reach over to grab the floss, he’d grumble about how much he hates flossing but still take some because you’re flossing too.
him noticing your medicine supply is low. he’d go up to you, and say he wasn’t snooping or anything, but he noticed your prescription is running a bit low, so you should call the pharmacy soon.
while cooking, he would sing the ratatouille song to himself. he’s butcher most of the words, but you understand the point.
he’d love to watch you play animal crossing. he’d ask so many questions! “munch, why does that owl talk so much?” “what are those stars in the dirt?” “why did you miss that butterfly!! what if it was worth a lot of money??” (it’s a common butterfly)
did u …… did u know I have a blanket with dogs in Halloween costumes on it
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grimowled · 23 days
What kind of duties does Stolas have to the Ars Goetia?
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as a prince of the ars goetia, stolas' position is saddled with a variety of duties, as well as endowed with powers and resources to perform these.
he operates mostly between three domains - astral, hell and mortal realms. his duties can be divided in the following categories:
☽ research stolas prizes intellect and knowledge above all things. his research includes:
the discovery and impact of prophecies (and by extension, keeping tabs on prophets) and related astronomical events
the study of portals
the rituals and magical value of precious stones
the uses and effects of plants and herbs
any form of transcribed magic: contracts, tomes etc.
his research on these topics is considered fundamental and thus makes him a valuable asset to his fellow goetia.
☽ soul collection: more on this topic in this post about sinners.
☽ training and commanding his assigned legions of hell all infernal legions technically belong to the morningstar regents of hell, and as one of their commanders stolas is entrusted with training and bolstering them. mostly on stand-by, infernal legions are the first line of defence in case of non-sanctioned heavenly attacks and internal revolts / civil war.
☽ ad hoc tasks from his superiors while he is technically ranked below other demons, for example the seven deadly sins, he is only allowed to take orders from his infernal regents and goetian king, though he is discouraged from antagonising any of the sins.
these tasks can be varied and not necessarily connected to his domains and regular duties; his regents may call upon his services at any time, they take absolute priority over anything else he may be doing and he is bound to carry them out regardless of how he feels about them.
☽ paperwork yes, that too! as a demon specialised in academia stolas is well-versed in contract magic, tome-based magic and prophecy as his fields of research. he is often called upon by other demons to review and advise on such forms of written magic, as well as drafting contracts. due to his meticulous attention to detail, he's very good at finding legal loopholes, and he will use this power liberally depending on whether he likes the contract owner or not.
☽ siring a goetian heir ensuring the goetian line is secure should anything happen to him. and that duty has been accomplished with the birth of octavia, his princess.
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nomaishuttle · 9 months
sometimes u put yr playlist on shuffle a song comes up and you have to put another song in the queue immediately as soon as it comes on bc it makes you think of that song
#this is abt aura by ghost and pals Sry everytime i hear it im like a fiddle This is just like devil went down to georgia and then i have to#put devil went down to georgia in the queue#i think its a fiddle innit.. it sounds like a fiddle but im also NOTORIOUSLY bad at telling instruments apart. <- guy who once couldnt tell#if something was a guitar or a piano i actually rly rly rly rly dont wanna get into it okay.#i guess you didnt know it but i am a fiddle player too 😏😏#sry. the other thing this post is abt is kiss me and ladies in their sensibilities sweeney. obviously those r connected#but if ladies in their sensibilities comes on by itself i quite literally couldnt be assed so everytime i have to put kiss me on instead an#add lits to the queue. bc them together is like the best song i ever heard its just that the beginning of lits is just kind of boring It#does get stuck i my head sometimes but the supreme part is the end thats Basically just a reprise of kiss me#but also theyre kind of the same song anyways at least o wowww i was just typing in tempo with the fiddle that was awesome. at least on the#2012 soundtrack aka the best one talk to the hand or dont i dont wanna hear it. well i do want to hear it it being the 2012 london cast#recording of sweeney todd starring michael ball and imelda staunton. ANYWAYS!! in that one the songs lead in to eachother#ive listened to all the other soundtracks but idr if they do that.. well ill tell u the movie doesnt bc it doesnt have kiss me. which is#just so. the johanna anthony romance doesnt rly have much substance in the first place and yr taking away like. their duet together. ok....#AND yr taking away the end part of lits? the best part of that song? whatever its fine its fine.#if anybody is curious my ranking of casts is 2012 > obc > movie > 2006 i fucking hate 2006 or 2005 or whatever i hate it sm it makes my#blood literally boil im sry. i fucking LOATHE it idk what it is well i do but this post is already 5000000 years long. idt the new one is#out fully yet... i was ok with the songs i have heard but idk where id rank it yet. i should prolly check if the full things out yet omg so#me and my lampstie (way of saying my siblings name if theres something deeply wrong with you) can listen :]
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mavspeed · 1 year
hi everyone! new cloaked chapter (hopefully) coming next week. really excited for this one and I’m so sorry for the wait lmao, but I’ve gotten my head in order and well on my way on getting back to schedule. soooo get ready I guess
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