#long ge looks like he could fix my car
endof-vanity · 2 years
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gay people showing up at brunch dressed like they’re going to completely different events
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littlesmartart · 4 years
Going off of Jin House: Home of Designer Kids - in the Jiang household, you were lucky if a kid was still wearing pants before they jumped into the lotus pond. Again. Children were well dressed when they had to be, but what's the point of spending the extra money if it's just going to ripped off and tossed into a bush at the first opportunity?
yeah Yanli just don’t really.................. get the designer thing (the Jiang family all do care a lot about their clothes! they just don’t mind what the label is so long as it looks good. Jiang Cheng probably spends the most money on his wardrobe but that’s just because he really likes properly tailored shirts), but they have enough kids that no clothes really go to waste, they can just get passed around, and their whole friendship group sort of starts picking up kids at pretty much the same time so she either passes them on to their friends, or asks JGY for the best place to donate them :)
anonymous said:  modern!JZX has a Moment of Realization when he finds out that JGY (who has been added to the family business once it comes out that he's one of JGS' bastards) has been donating most of his (large) paycheck on stuff like women's shelters, food pantries, resources for poor students etc. This contributes to his re-evaluation of his life choices and also he starts donating to good causes as well. 
JZX: oh god we barely contribute to society at all! we’re leeches! leeches! right, okay, we’re- we’re gonna fix that, we’re gonna fix so much - A-Yao, you used to be poor, what do poor people need? cars? another library? I’ve got my chequebook ready, what do the poor people need?
JGY, who regularly has “meetings” with up and coming political candidates, and somehow they always leave those “meetings” considerably more pro-sex workers, and queer kids, and ready to donate to community projects that benefit the poorest areas: ...it’s okay Zixuan-ge, I’ll... [pinching the bridge of his nose] I’ll draw you up a list, hmm?
anonymous said:  JYL makes a Rule in the Jin household that for every dollar JZX spends on fancy brand name products, he has to make an equal donation to a charitable cause. He decides he wants to give himself a fancy-ass car for his birthday and Planned Parenthood gets one of those enormous PR cheques and some breathing room.
JZX: also A-Yao, this is what I’m spending on A-Li’s birthday present this year, and you know the rule...
JGY, who does half of their accounting because he’s a control freak who’s bad at delegating: ...............I’ll contact the mayor and tell him that the city can afford to revamp the tube system this year after all, shall I?
anonymous said:  wwx buys Jin Ling a pair of tiny converses. they're probably knock-offs because baby.
anonymous said:  WWX is just covered in tiny Jin babies in Gucci and he's all :/ I could sell this child's outfit for a month's worth of rent money...
sdslgdkjslk WWX talks a lot of talk about that sort of thing and then he gets a sugar daddy starts dating Wangji...
more modern AU
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Not So Golden Opportunity (BAON)
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Summary:  Usually Stretch likes getting packages in the mail, but there is always room for an exception.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established Relationships, Hurt/Comfort
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
The knock on the front door wasn’t much of a surprise, not when it came at delivery o’clock. Stretch always had packages coming in, everything from equipment for the lab to a new t-shirt that declared he was a ‘Karaoke King’, there was always something for their delivery person to drop off. At any given time, there was enough cardboard stored in their garage waiting to get dropped off at recycle to make one heck of a box fort, and that was on his list to do with the neighborhood kiddos one of these weekends.
So, the knock on the door? Not a surprise. What they were delivering on the other hand—
“uh, wow, thanks, marty,” Stretch said, a little dubiously. Marty let out an agreeable honk and meandered their way back to their little mail truck, leaving Stretch standing there with an enormous armful of flowers from an unknown source. Couldn’t be from Edge. Sure, he’d given flowers a few times, but Edge was more of an in-person sort of guy when it came to presents.
Welp, there was only one way to find out, wasn’t there. Time to get his Velma on and look for some clues.
Stretch carried the massive thing inside and plunked it down on the coffee table to give it a closer look. It was actually a very nice floral arrangement, even Stretch could see that and he didn’t know shit about flowers or décor. Tiny sprays of white, bell-like blooms and ferny green things surrounding several huge blooms of golden flowers, the likes of which Stretch hadn’t seen in years, not since they were Underground.
Hm. Golden flowers.
The card had Edge’s name on it, but Stretch didn’t bother sneaking a peek. Mystery solves, there was only one person who would’ve had this delivered to their door and he probably made it with his own fuzzy hands. The real question was why that asshole was having flowers sent to his husband, thank you, and the only way to find out if he needed to start making plans to yank out hunks of fur with his bare hands was to ask, with the minimum of simmering jealousy possible.
“babe?” Stretch called. Edge was in the kitchen, making preparations for their new cupboards to be installed next week. “hey, c’mere a minute!”
He’d expected Edge to be pleased, he did like his flowers, heck, maybe even excited in that adorably subdued way he had, and much as Stretch could have done without any surprise packages from Ass-gore in their house, eh, he’d deal with it if they made Edge happy.
The last thing he anticipated was for Edge to stop cold halfway out the kitchen door, the fleeting expression of disgust crossing his face quickly shifting to blankness. Edge wasn’t exactly the most emotive guy out there, but Stretch was pretty good at reading his facial version of charades and right now there wasn’t so much as a twitch of the eye socket or a curl of his mouth as he said, low, “Please put that in the garage.”
“the garage?” Stretch repeated doubtfully. He looked down at the extravagant display of floral dominance in his hands and wondered if he’d heard that right. “you sure?
“Yes, because someone might notice if you put it right into the trash.” That blankness cracked, a little, enough for Edge to snap out, “Just get it out of the damn house!”
Yeah, okay, got that message loud and clear, especially since Edge was starting to look a little glowy around the hands, like he was considering a little impromptu, and violent, floral rearranging. Stretch grabbed up the offending bouquet before it could end up as target practice and shortcutted out into the garage.
Like the rest of the house, it was neat as a pin, no oil stains on this concrete floor and all the tools neatly put away on the pegboard. In the back corner was the motorcycle, shrouded in drop cloths and waiting for Edge to be able to take it out for a spin again. Didn’t seem like putting the flowers anywhere special was part of today’s theme, so Stretch stuffed the thing into the furthest spot, away from Edge’s car so he wouldn’t have to see it when he came out on his way to work tomorrow.
Job successfully achieved, Stretch dusted off his hands and teleported back inside. Edge was already gone from the living room, no surprise there, but he hadn’t gone back to the kitchen. A quick, not-at-all-frantic search found him sitting out on the front porch and that wasn’t really a surprise, either. But the cigarette in his hand? Now that blew past surprise all the way into flabbergasted shock. Far as Stretch knew, Edge hadn’t bummed a smoke in months, his general attitude towards smoking was distaste with extreme prejudice. It took a helluva lot for him to give into the urge for a quick fix to a nicotine craving. Whatever his issues were with the flowers, whether it was the gift or the person who sent them, they were bad.
“babe?” Stretch asked, cautiously, still hovering half in the house. As worried as he was, he wouldn’t push, ready to leave if Edge wanted to be alone.
Edge only shifted the cigarette to his other hand and patted the concrete next to him in silent invitation. A little relieved, Stretch came out and sat down. He dug his own cigarette out of the crumpled pack and the two of them sat hip to hip, quietly smoking. Overhead, the sky was endless sea of deep blue broken only by the occasional streak of a puffy cloud. A nice day, too nice for the unspoken questions hanging heavily in the air, but Stretch didn’t ask them. Edge would talk when he was ready and if he never was, welp, that was fine, too. Edge wasn’t the only one who could be supportive, Stretch was more than willing to take his turn under the weight.
It wasn’t until Edge tamped out his cigarette in the ashtray Stretch kept out on the porch that he spoke.
“I’m sorry,” Edge said finally. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“i think i’ll live, babe,” Stretch replied, dryly, “the wounds were superficial.” He gave Edge a gentle nudge in the side with his elbow. “you okay?”
Yeah, okay, that wasn’t pushing, thanks. Besides, it was a stupid question, because the answer was obviously going to be a ‘yes, fine’ and that’d be it.
Except that he didn’t get the obvious answer he expected.
“Not right now,” Edge said. His sockets were half-closed and instead of their yard, he seemed to be looking miles away. “I will be.” They sat in silence for a while longer, Stretch watching people walking by, waving as required and leaving Edge to his thoughts. He was lighting a second cigarette when Edge finally spoke again, softly. “Golden flowers.” The faint hitch in his voice could’ve meant nothing, if the person he was sitting with didn’t know him so well. “I haven’t seen real golden flowers in years.”
Stretch considered that. “i’m taking it they weren’t sorely missed.”
“Hm?” Crimson eye lights briefly flicked his way. “No, not at all. I hate the blasted things.”
Stretch only took a long drag and exhaled slowly, blowing a smoke ring up into that blue, blue sky. He didn’t ask or urge him to talk, simply being there if he chose to. And Edge did, slowly, as if choosing every word with care. “The only place in Underfell where golden flowers grew was the king’s chamber in New Home. My memories of that place are…not pleasant.”
Not pleasant. Yeah, like lava is a wee bit warmish or the Titanic sprung a little leak. Indisputable truths: water is wet, the sky is blue, grass is green, and any meeting with the king of all Monsters in Underfell was not pleasant.
The explanation made perfect sense, really; if Stretch’d had a minute to actually think about it instead of dividing his attention between ditching the flowers and then finding his wayward husband, he probably would have figured it out on his own. Perfect sense, yep, and that was why Stretch was torn between temptations. First, to grab Edge and hold him close, to keep him there in his arms and do whatever it took to chase away any of the mental ghosts that were creeping in, to be the protector for one damn time. And then there was the equal temptation to take that little flower arrangement on back to the source and see if he could find any handy place to stick it, because right now, he was ready to cram it so far up someone’s fuzzy buns that they’d need their dentist to help get it loose.
But Edge wouldn’t appreciate either of those options. All Stretch could do here was sit here, be here, and hope it was enough.
Stretch was so lost in his thoughts that he startled at the touch of a gloved hand as it settled gently over his bare one, sharp fingertips blunted by fabric lightly stroking his own. “He didn’t know, love. He mentioned to me in passing that he’d started working on floral arrangements again for the summer and that he’d be sending them out to Embassy employees, and I completely forgot.”
Trust Edge to know exactly what direction his thoughts were headed, right off the grid and into a little righteous revenge. Didn’t help that the things Stretch wanted to say to that excuse weren’t exactly helpful. Things like, Asgore should have been able to guess, homey reminders were only good for people who actually liked their past home, and maybe a reminder to pay some fucking attention to anything besides his own personal popularity contest was in order. Or how about suggestion for a visit to emphasis the whole ‘we don’t send my husband any gifts without pre-approval, asshole’.
None of those options were actually useful and either might actually get him banned from the Embassy this time, so Stretch kept ‘em to himself and only said, “i know.”
Then he let out a squawk as that gentle touch on his hand turned into a firm grip around his wrist and he was abruptly yanked over into Edge’s lap. He barely managed to put out his cigarette before it landed anywhere unpleasant. It took a little creative, and occasionally blatant, wriggling to get situated but in the end, he was settled across Edge’s femurs and snuggled in. His own hands were perfectly G-rated, Edge’s only slightly less so but it wasn’t like anyone on the street could see the hand he’d slipped under Stretch’s sweatshirt and settled over his sternum, right where his soul would manifest if he summoned it. Neither of them did, not yet, not out here in front of the broad daylight and the neighbors. The barest suggestion was enough for right now.
“I’m all right,” Edge murmured, and the warmth of his breath against the curve of his jaw was a tempting distraction. But Stretch wasn’t gonna forget to hand over a carefully selected piece of his mind to Asgore the next time he saw him.
Next time fuzzy ass wanted to send a present, he could stick with a gift card.
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Fics I read this week!
I started this right after posting the last one, so I’ll hopefully keep it up. A lot of the multichapter fics are ones I subscribed to that finished. A lot of the one-shots are under 5k words, with some being 100-word ficlets.
Not Rated:
Wei Changze's weird day, by Weiyingbestboy
Wei Changze was minding his own business, when four potential time travellers dropped out of the sky. Literally.
Serenity Cave, by Anonymous
The travel home had been mostly silent. Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian competing for who could say the least amount of words.
Then, as they’d been walking along the mountain path, just a little past the gates of Cloud Recesses, a hole suddenly opened up in the ground beneath them and they fell into a small rock cave. Then the hole shrunk until it was barely big enough to poke a sword through. Just enough of a gap that they had a bit of light and wouldn’t suffocate, but definitely too small to escape through.
The earth had swallowed them.
In the middle of an argument, Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian get trapped in a cave.
In Which Lan Xichen Returns to the World, by AshurbanipalJones
Lan Xichen ends his isolation after the death of Jin Guangyao.
In Which Lan Qiren Requests an Audience, by AshurbanipalJones
Lan Qiren wants to discuss Important Matters with his nephew. His nephew is kinda not having it.
Mercy Meet Vengeance, by ShanaStoryteller (7th in a series)
The first time Wen Qing meets Wei Wuxian, she has a white sash around her waist.
Rated E:
Thirty-three Lashes, by Winglesss (20 chapters)
Yiling Laozu is dead. He's been dead for over a thousand years. For over a thousand years Lan Wangji has been wandering the world alone, helping where he's needed.
It's when he meets a mysterious cultivator and a strange curse starts to torment his body that the past and the present start to mingle, igniting emotions Lan Wangji almost forgot he was able to feel.
curiosity is the beginning, by everyearning (noctiphany)
He's just curious. Wangi's brother always said he had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He also said it was going to get him in trouble one day.
Rated M:
devil from heaven, by incendir (3 chapters)
He would like to think that he knows what Lan Wangji could enjoy, if he’d let himself do so.
(or, wei wuxian's road to discovering lan wangji's yiling patriarch kink)
in this lifetime, by hauntedotamatone
Lan Wangji must reach him. There is still time. All he has to do is reach him. They’ll take A-Yuan and whoever remains and they’ll go as far and fast as they can. The world is vast, there must be a place for them somewhere, and if there is not, then he will carve one out from nothing if that is what it will take.
“Wei Ying!” he calls out to him over the roar of the flames and the familiar and terrible sounds of battle. At first, he thinks that Wei Ying is ignoring him or otherwise does not hear him. Then, his fingers still over his flute. He looks up with those empty eyes, unseeing. There is no hatred in them, but there is no affection or recognition either. There is nothing at all.
Lan Wangji has a terrible nightmare for the first time in years. For the first time in years, he does not wake up alone.
We Are Family, by Duochanfan (13 chapters)
Jiang Yanli heard the words spewing from Jin Zixun's mouth and said enough. After putting the man in his place she leaves the Hunt with her brother and Lan Wangji. The three come across Wen Qing, and with that simple meeting, they change what could have happened to something else entirely.
until it's time to see the light, I'll make my own with you each night, by backbones
His husband would never go back to sleep if he sensed something was wrong, and he always did. He knew him better than he knew himself, sometimes, and maybe that was why that feeling was so foreign it was horrifying. He wanted to keep that part of himself close, a well-kept secret, and now, deep down, he knew it was too late for that.
Or: After having a nightmare in a deep sleep, Wei Wuxian has a surprise visit from an old childhood habit.
Rated T:
Wei Wuxian Discovers Bisexuality, by arcaladiwoompa
AU where WWX decides he quite enjoys being passionately kissed against a tree by an unknown assailant and acts on it instead of just sitting there going herp derp I wonder who this very strong cultivator could possibly be.
Rescue, by WithBroomBefore (6 chapters)
Post-Sunshot fix-it AU featuring Jiang siblings taking care of each other, among other things.
Over the Rotted Bridge, by vailkagami (41 chapters)
Lan Wangji saves the Wen remants from execution but is killed in the process. The Yiling Patriarch loses himself in grief and rage and the determination to bring him back no matter what.
The world is not on his side in this. It is not on either of their sides when he succeeds. But The World is not all of its people, and some things can always be salvaged from the ruins.
Across, by vailkagami
An epilogue to the story "Over the Rotted Bridge", set in the far future. Cannot stand alone.
Centuries after the fall of the cultivation world, Wei Wuxian and Wangji return to the burial mounds for the last time.
Completion, by youjezebel
Lan Wangji misses raising A-Yuan. Wei Wuxian wants to be a father. In the end, everything works out perfectly.
Second Nephew, by vividneonmanias
"You need to stop talking to Wàngjī," Lan Xīchén told him, in the uncannily stern tones of a Sect Leader and not a nephew; "and preferably stop talking about him, if you cannot control yourself."
In the years following Wèi Wúxiàn's death, Lán Qǐrén learns to hold his tongue. But he still wants to know his second nephew. Some things need to be said; some questions need to be asked.
oceans, drowned in starfire, by stiltonbasket (10 chapters)
Lan Wangji breathes.
There is a tattered red ribbon trailing through the water beside him, and below him, a crooning, echoing song that clears his mind and stops him from struggling against the waves.
Lan Wangji breathes, and sleeps, and wakes again.
When he opens his eyes on the beach to find Huan-ge and Shufu crying over his body, he hears a lifeguard say that he was underwater for almost half an hour. ___
Tired of life in the business world, Lan Wangji returns to his mother’s old house to pursue a career as a novelist and search for the mysterious fisherman who rescued him after he nearly drowned on a whale-watching trip twenty years ago.
He wasn’t expecting much more than a quiet refuge to serve as inspiration for his work, and restore his spirits after half a lifetime spent in the city. But when a lost merbaby washes up on the beach in Caiyi, Lan Wangji realizes that his childhood savior might be closer than he thinks.
adding shadows to the walls of the cave, by Fleetling
It didn’t take Wei Wuxian long to see what he was pointing at, and as soon as he did, the smaller man turned back to face their juniors. “Cave!” he shouted across the thunder of the raindrops hitting the muddy path. “Hanguang-Jun found us a cave! We’ll stop to dry off, and head out again once the rain has stopped!” Beside him, Lan Wangji inclined his head in silent agreement. The bickering of the juniors cut out as they focused on making it the remaining short distance on the slippery ground.
They all huddled into the entrance of the cave, taking refuge from the rain, but waiting for directions before heading in.
Ouyang Zizhen ran his hand over the wall, feeling slight bumps and indents below his fingers. He brushed off the dirt, reading the characters revealed. “The lovers’ cave,” he read, shaking his head with a smile. Probably a local pair who came here occasionally. It was a bit romantic, when one thought of it. It also probably meant that the cave was safe - no lovers would hide away in a cave that contained resentful energy or other dangers.
Say It Until I Hear You, by DrowningByDegrees
Lan Zhan does not say what has him rattled, but neither does he retreat. He concedes by fractions, an embrace he does not shake off, a shaky sigh when his forehead comes to rest against Wei Wuxian’s collarbone, a wordless surrender when Wei Wuxian gathers him closer. Wei Wuxian doesn’t know precisely which ones, but there are ghosts in bed with them tonight, sorrow and regret and all the might have beens they cast aside so long ago.
Dull Comforts, by Just_Another_Mystery
Five times Làn Sīzhuī pondered the existence of a parent he does not remember having.
Downpour, by milesofheart
The way Wei Ying had looked at him…warily, expecting a fight, steeling himself for Lan Wangji to denounce him. Waiting for the worst from Lan Wangji.
Lan Wangji’s heart cracked down the middle and his whole body shook as he wept now in the rain, the mud of Qiongqi Path seeping into his once-pristine robes.
on the importance of home (and all it implies), by nixtothou
The Burial Mounds are empty.
Wei Wuxian had expected this, yet for some reason it still hurt to see.
The Best Place to Study, by adrian_kres
Lan Zhan decides to study in the law library this time. He leaves with a boyfriend.
Rated G:
cadillac converter, by mdzsed
lan zhan's car starts making weird noises so he takes it to get it repaired. the new mechanic does not look like he knows what he's doing. good thing lan zhan is no fool.
or: lan zhan makes a complete idiot out of himself but hey, it scored him a date with a handsome mechanic so it's all good.
a small spark, by sebfish
It had started, as many things did, because Wen Qing was worried, and Wei Wuxian had learned early on that she wouldn’t budge until she’d gotten her way.
Winter in Cloud Recesses, by Sarehz
Winter in Cloud Recesses was cold. Really cold. It was a chill that penetrated Wei Wuxian's bones and reminded him of that period after his parents died when he shivered alone in the streets.
His Face, by AshayaTReldai
Among Su She's possessions was found a qiankun pouch containing a sheaf of sketches of Hanguang Jun, inspiring a lifetime's exchange between Wei Wuxian and his husband Lan Wangji, studies of his face.
anger, by theninjacat
Beloved Old Lines, by Preludian_Staves
A quiet Wuxian was a creature Qiren had learned to never trust in mixed company.
I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight, by Sarehz
Wei Wuxian was sitting on the roof. Again. It had become his go to place recently when he had to attend these sort of boring meetings where all the Sect Leader's met up and congratulated each other on defeating Wen Ruohan and blah blah blah.
Unexpected, by WithBroomBefore
It is not, from Lan Wangji’s perspective, an unpleasant kiss. He has no particular objection to kissing people, though admittedly he has only ever done so as a prelude to activities that involve various other bits of the body. And it is Wei Wuxian; nothing involving Wei Wuxian is awful. The kiss is...fine.
Modern AU, just some aroace/aro queerplatonic roommates finding the words.
An Accidental Clothes Thief, by Preludian_Staves
He should have probably realized what he'd accidentally done before starting work on a new talisman.
Groupie, by Speechless_since_1998
Being the manager of a band was hard work, but someone had to do it. And Lan Xichen was the only one able to keep members of his brother's band in line.
A Silver Thread, by DizziDreams
Lan Wangji is brushing Wei Ying's Hair before bed, when he sees it, glinting like a fish through the dark glassy waters of a deep pool:
A single, silver hair.
The sky is overcast and I'm sorry, by hamlets_ghost (8th part of a series)
Wangji's brother is gone once again.
A-niang explains.
Follow the sound of pipe, follow this song, by fairyprincess2
He took the last steps needed to reach the opening and there he was, black and red clothes flying with the wind, hair bound up in a ponytail with a red hair band. He was standing with his back facing Lan Wangji but it was him, he knew it was.
(In)Hindsight, it's obvious, by Potatoes_Radishes 
Lan Qiren woke up undisturbed, calm and refreshed, that was enough for him to immediately know something was odd, mainly due to the lack of noises during the night that made him suspect it, he grumbled away his frustrations regarding what he assumed would have been another prank as he got up to get dressed.
When he left the bathroom and moved outside, a very different set of robes awaited him, one he hadn’t worn in years. He finally took a notice of his surrounding, the room was different resembling the one from before their rebuilding, not caring about his state of undress as he open the door almost on the verge of panic, the first thing that rang out in the morning was a loud yell of “WEI WUXIAN!!!”
Rated E:
taking over you, by sassybluee (3rd in a series)
Before, he’d once fantasized about giving in—shutting Wei Ying up with his lips, stilling his limbs with his own forehead ribbon. He imagined himself making demands. And then Wei Ying went missing. Wei Ying was presumed dead. And Wei Ying returned from the Burial Mounds. By then, Lan Wangji’s desires had long since cooled, and all that remained was longing. Longing to ease Wei Ying’s suffering. Longing to help him know he was not as alone as he seemed to feel. He would have gladly given him everything back then, if he knew how to ask for it. Would have surrendered his body to show him he cared.
And now?
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian explore married life, and all that entails.
Rated M:
Keep Holding On, by abCEE
As they reached an inn and Wei Wuxian got them a room with three beds, the world seemed to have frozen for Jiang Yanli when her brother suddenly fainted and Jiang Wanyin was just fast enough to catch him before his body could hit the floor.
"Wei Wuxian!"
In which after the Lotus Pier Massacre: Wei Wuxian was greatly injured by Zidian, Jiang Yanli left the inn to buy the medicines and food, and Jiang Wanyin distracted the Wens.
(With a bonus of Wei Wuxian knowing the title of the song and more things ensued inside the Xuanwu Cave that may or may have not involved Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon)
Canon diverged from there.
Sacrifices Made with Blood, by NocturnalFriend
Lan Wangji knew it was too late, there was too much blood on Wei Ying's hands already. Still, if he asked his brother for help, surely. There was a way to rescue the man who held his heart?
Or: Trust is not easily given and all to easily shattered. Lan Wangji learns this in the worst way, when Lan Xichen gives into the demands of the cultivation world. Although nobody could have predicted the whims of fate, giving them another chance at righting things.
lan jingyi vs. the laws of time itself, by agloeian (2nd in a series)
His kick has dislodged some stray fragments of Guanyin Temple's destroyed ceiling beams. Jingyi stares at them as he kneads his toes through his boot. They’re as red as the blood that stains the floor beneath him, sharp and splintering. Wind whistles through the wood and stone, though there’s a flickering too - the sound of paper fluttering in the breeze.
A talisman written in blood.
Lan Jingyi finds a way home.
Dream a little dream of me, by Moominmammashandbag
Lan WangJi braced himself.
“Wei Ying.” he said.
“You are not dreaming. This is real. You have been rescued.”
“The kissing bit comes first!” said Wei Wuxian impatiently.
“But…I cannot kiss you if you think you are dreaming!"
“I don’t see the logic in that.” said Wei Wuxian. “I obviously want you to kiss me or I wouldn’t be dreaming about it!
Rated T:
Love Song In Reverse, by timetoboldlygo
Wei Wuxian gasps back into life without a single memory left. His friends, his siblings, his home — all lost to the fog in his head, nothing more than a mystery slipping through his fingers. What else was there to do but carry himself around in bits and parts, trying to become whole, a letter waiting to be written? He is – he is Mo Xuanyu, isn’t he? In this body, with these people. This family. He has to be Mo Xuanyu, he didn’t know anything else, even if the name sounded wrong. That was all he had.
Well, that and Hanguang-jun.
Lan Wangji, for his part, has had his taste of love and lost it. In all his grieving and searching, he didn’t expect to find another.
Wei Wuxian gets resurrected, loses his memories, and falls in love.
Here We Go Again, by Alliandra
He looked over to where the swordswoman was still fighting, but her focus seemed entirely locked onto that fight so it was unlikely that she could have had anything to do with the energy drain. He was still wracking his brain for something else to do to assist, so this thing didn’t kill them both, but now he was feeling weak, dizzy and currently not far from helpless.
It has been several months since the events at the Guanyin temple and Wei Wuxian is wandering around on his own. After he helps a stranger kill a very dangerous beast he uncovers what seems to be a conspiracy aimed at ending his life. He heads back to Cloud Recesses with his new companion in tow, looking to get Lan Wanji's help in working out what is involved.
Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling made a surprising discovery under Koi Tower that may well be linked to the threat against Wei Wuxian's life.
Can they all work together to find out what is going on and put a stop to it, before something disastrous occurs?
A Teacher’s Oath, by MaelStromm
Deep down, only one thing really matters.
It is not being a good Lan, despite what the entire cultivation world may think, nor is it "sucking the fun out of life" as some disciple had once said.
More than anything, Lan Qiren is a good teacher.
Despite too many to count prejudices and the boy's chaotic behavior, he'll burn his ribbon before he lets this genius be wasted.
Or :
An AU where LQR gets along with WWX and somehow ends up having to deal with far too much drama.
I've Heard of Second Chances, but This Is Ridiculous, by velvet_green
One of Wei Wuxian’s experimental talisman arrays sends himself, his husband and his brother to that mythical land of long ago – the Gusu Lan lectures of their youth.
Wei Wuxian is amused. Lan Wangji is silent. Jiang Cheng is angry.
And their younger versions are mostly just very, very confused.
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sunnyie-eve · 3 years
Six | Branzino
[Series: Complicated | The Amazing Spider Man
Word count: 1559
[ Slight Angst, Slipped Feelings ]
At school Peter tried talking to Madeline but she would just walk off because she knew he wasn't going to say anything she wanted to hear.
"You two are still not talking?" Gwen walks up to her.
"Yes, last night we had an argument." Maddie sighs, opening her locker.
"Well my mom wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner. She's making branzino. You should really come over. If Peter is gonna be a crappy friend to you at least your cousin can become your new best friend." She laughs.
"Sure, I'll come over for dinner." Gwen gets happy. "Alright see you tonight." Gwen walks off then sees Peter so she rushes after him.
"Hey. How's it going?" He asked her.
"Where are you headed?" She asks him, coming up with a way to make him and Maddie make up.
"Uh, Monday, B track." He takes out his earbuds.
"Oh, it's Thursday. Umm do you like branzino? Like, a fish." She asks him. "Well, if you want, you can come to this address at, uh, 8:00 tonight. My mom's making branzino. Oh and I forgot it's apartment 2016. I forgot to write that part down. See you there." Gwen smiles, hoping that he and Maddie will fix their friendship at dinner.
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Later during the day Peter was first to show up at Gwen's place. "You made it." She smiles, opening the door for him to come in.
"Your doorman is intimidating." He steps into the room.
"Yeah, Maddie said the same when she came over for the first time." Gwen brings her up.
"You two are getting close?" He asks.
"Yeah, I guess you haven't heard w-," She's cut off by her dad.
"You must be Peter. Gwen said you would be joining the family tonight." Peter nods his head then shakes his hand. "Dinner is ready but we're waiting on Maddie." George tells them then walks away.
"Maddie's coming over too?" Peter looks at Gwen.
"I thought if I could get you to come tonight you both could make up." She explains to him.
"I've been trying all day to say sorry but she won't listen to me." Peter sighs.
"Because you won't tell her the truth and you are worrying her. She cares so much about you and you are keeping her in the dark." Gwen says as there was a knock so Simon runs to the door letting Maddie in. As soon as Madeline sees Peter she turns to leave.
"No, you two will talk this out after dinner." Gwen grabs her, pulling her inside, shutting the door.
"Maddie's here!" Simon tells everyone as they walk into the dinning room.
"You're just on time Maddie." Helen smiles as they all take a seat.
"Take my seat." Gwen takes the middle seat so I had to sit across from Peter.
"Aunt Helen, I'm surprised at how well you can make this. My aunt Quinn tries but fails every time." Madeline laughs, confusing Peter.
"Aunt Helen?" Peter looks up at her.
"Yeah, I never got the chance to tell you. Gwen's dad is my mom's brother and I just recently found out." Madeline explains to him.
"Oh." He stares at his food trying to figure out how to eat it.
"Did you catch that spider guy yet?" Howard asks his dad.
"No, we didn't catch him yet. But we will. He's an amateur... who's assaulting civilians in the dead of night. He's clumsy, he leaves clues... but he's still dangerous." George explains to everyone.
"He's assaulting people? I'm not sure. I mean, I saw that video... with him and the car thief, and... I think most people would say that he was... providing a public service." Peter speaks up.
"Most people would be wrong. If I wanted the car thief off the street, he'd already be off the street." George tells him.
"So why wasn't he then?" Peter asks.
"Let me illuminate you. The car thief was leading us to the people who run... the operation. It's a six-month-long sting. It's called strategy. I'm sure you're aware of the term? You've heard about that in school?" Everyone starts to feel uncomfortable.
"Obviously he didn't know you had a plan." Peter adds.
"You seem to know... a lot about this. Know something we don't? Whose side are you on?" George starts to get annoyed.
"I'm not on anyone's side. I saw a video on the internet..." Peter gets cut off.
"You saw the video on the Internet. Well, then the case is closed." Madeline sighs.
"Well, no. I'm just saying if you watch the video... Maybe send you a link? It looks like he's trying to help."
"On the Internet he's being made out to look like a masked hero." George keeps going at it.
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"No, no. I'm not saying he's a hero. I don't think he's a hero at all." Peter tells him.
"What are you trying to say?" George asks.
"He's trying to help. He's trying to do something the police can't." Peter eats his food.
"Something the police can't? What do you think we do? Sit around eating doughnuts... with our thumbs planted up our asses?" The girls try to stop him.
"He stands for what you stand for. Protecting innocent people from bad guys." Peter tells him.
"I stand for law and order. That's what I stand for. Okay? I wear a badge. This guy wears a mask like an outlaw. He's hunting down criminals that all look the same... like he's got some sort of personal vendetta. But he's not protecting innocent people, Mr. Parker." Madeline had enough.
"He did protect an innocent person last night. He helped me in a dark alley. I was taking dinner to my aunt at the hospital and on the way there two men stopped me. I didn't have money to give so they wanted something else. I cried out for help and he showed up." Madeline makes Peter look her in the eyes.
"The two who had a giant arrow pointed where they were." George sighs.
"You might not consider him a hero but I do. He saved me for a terrible fate if he didn't show up in that alleyway. Excuse me." Madeline gets up from the table, leaving the apartment.
"Go check on her." Gwen shows Peter where Maddie went.
"Is that what you wanted to tell me last night?" Peter walks out on the roof to her while Gwen watches from afar.
Madeline nods her head wiping her tears away. "Why didn't you tell me?" Peter pulls her into a hug.
"Why don't you tell me things anymore? Are you tired of me? Do you not like me anymore?" She cries to him.
"Of course I'm not tired of you. I could never be tired of you." He cups her face.
"Then why are you keeping things from me? I worry about you so much."
Peter shakes his head, "I just can't tell you. I want to but I can't. Just don't worry about me." Madeline moves away from him. "Maddie." Peter sighs.
"Tell me how am I not supposed to worry about my best friend I'm in love with!" She snaps at him not realizing what she said.
"You're in love with me?" He walks up to her, making her back away.
"No, I didn't say that. I gotta go." He grabs her hand pulling her into a kiss. She kisses him back but stops running away scared everything is ruined now.
"Maddie." Gwen sighs as she runs past her. "Peter, that's not making up with her that just made it worse. What is the thing you can't tell her but you want to?" Gwen sighs.
"I can't say it because I don't know how to say it! I wanted to... last night...after the alley."
Gwen gets confused. "You after the alley? I'm confused. You didn't know until now but now you knew about it?" Gwen paces around making Peter show her who he is by using his web to stop her from walking. "You're Spider-Man... You saved Maddie last night." She was shocked. "You told me your secret before her!" She slaps him.
"If she knows she will worry about me so much more." Peter sighs.
"She should know. She's your best friend, who you have feelings for. You just kissed-," Gwen gets cut off by his lips. She does kiss back and he lets her go. "Why did you do that?" She hits him.
"I wanted to see if I felt anything with you like I did with her. I'm sure it was obvious I had a crush on you." Peter runs his hand through his hair.
"I did, Maddie and I talked about it. I've always known you liked her more. You two are meant to be together. You're perfect for each other. You need to tell her everything." Gwen walks back towards the door but Peter jumps off the building knowing something wrong is happening.
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penguintransporter · 4 years
Winning The Game Called Love (Hector Bellerin) PART V
Part V of this little piece that I enjoy writing so much. It is a bit longer, but if you ask me, totally worth your time. The entire story was inspired by the outfit in the picture, so I wanted to post it. Also, I kinda want to dedicate this chapter to one and only @varanest​ because of all the support I got, and of course all you anons that decided to write me - you have no idea how much it means to get encouragement for one’s work. Anyway, this was supposed to be the last part, but I think there will be one more after this because I don’t want to leave you hanging (epilogue maybe?) Let me know what you think...
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
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Aida wrapped her long coat tighter around her body, trying to stop herself from shivering even if she was well aware that she wasn’t doing so because she was cold.
Her battered Dr. Martens boots echoed as she walked along the edge of the vast parking lot, and except for few expensive-looking cars parked randomly and a very bored security guard, sitting in his small cubicle, watching Fawlty Towers – it was completely empty. 
Aida pulled her phone out, nervously checking the time, but deep down she was just doing it in order to see if there was maybe a text message from Héctor, telling her where to look for him.
What if this is all just a prank?
Was he watching her now, laughing his arse off?
Just as she was about to jump on the train of doubtful thoughts and untrue conclusions, she spotted him – her heartbeat speeding up ever so slightly.
Héctor was leaning on the wall, illuminated by the spotlights surrounding the exit doors – eyes trained on his phone as he lazily moved his thumb across the screen. Aida’s stomach did a quick flip as she stopped for a second, observing him from from afar - letting the familiar rush of excitement run through her, followed by yet another shiver. 
This time she didn’t even try to make herself believe that it was because of the low temperatures.
Deciding that she had been creeping on Héctor for too long – not that she could be blamed in the first place, Aida started walking towards him – her heart beating loudly in her ears, masking the noise that her boots made. Nervously, she smoothed down her clothes, exhaling softly.
Héctor looked up at her as she approached – a slow grin appearing across his face as he slid his phone in the pocket of his trousers. Aida smiled back feeling her bile rising as she quickened her pace, and before she could say or do anything, Héctor had already pulled her into one of those hugs that made any other hug she received less important. 
Surprised by the sudden and unexpected contact, Aida wrapped her hands around him awkwardly.
It was a mistake, she knew it, but she couldn’t help herself – inhaling deeply, she let her guard down for just a few seconds, enjoying their closeness. Aida could tell that he recently had his post-match shower, both by his scent and the wet tips of his hair that tickled her face as they hugged.
“Nice to see you,” Héctor spoke, breaking the hug, and Aida, for the lack of better reaction, smiled softly as she took a reluctant step backwards. There was nothing more she wanted than to stay in his embrace for much longer, but she had to maintain healthy distance – after all, they weren’t even – heck, Aida didn’t even know what they were.
Still, that pretend distance that was supposed to keep her feelings in check meant nothing once Héctor gave her a cheeky once-over, grinning like an idiot. Not knowing what to do or say, Aida nervously pulled at the strings of the hoodie she was wearing – suddenly feeling warm throughout her entire body. 
She was blushing.
You’re acting like an idiot, Aida.
Héctor smirked at her – index finger moving closer to her chin only to tug the string out of her grip gently, muttering something in Spanish. 
Or was it English? Catalan?
“I hope you don’t mind me wearing it in public,” Aida muttered, smoothing down the hoodie while avoiding looking at him. When he didn’t say anything, she continued, trying to sound like her normal self that seemed to be lost somewhere between her feelings for the handsome right-back and the intense brown of his eyes, “I really enjoyed the match, thanks for inviting me.”
“All of it? Or just the last fifteen minutes that I was out on the pitch?” Héctor teased, giving her a small wink. Aida felt that familiar warmth wash over her yet again as he pointed at the exit doors behind him. “It’s a good thing that we won, then. That goal was a proper beauty.”
Aida, deciding that her sarcasm might be her best bet, gave him her best fake surprised face as he stepped forward, opening the doors for her and holding them in place. “Wait, what?” she asked, suppressing a smile, “are you trying to tell me that you weren’t the lads in blue?”
Héctor laughed lightly, adjusting the red beanie on his head, and it made Aida stop for a second when she realised how well put together he actually looked – despite playing a major game just an hour before. From the choice of his clothes to the tiny details like his cross earring and few statement rings on his long, tattooed fingers. 
Stop staring.
“You humour me,”  Héctor retorted as Aida she squeezed herself next to him and took a few steps towards the glint of light that was coming from the world outside.
“Look, I will stand here and all you have to do is try to kick the ball past me,” Héctor instructed, still crouching in front of her where he was adjusting ‘the ball’.  
She enjoyed the silly competitions - never failing to make a fool out of herself willingly or not, and she had nothing against some football, despite being very, very bad at it, but as Héctor tried to explain the challenge, Aida noted two problems.
First – the ground beneath her boots was slightly muddy, sticking to the soles of her boots, and second – the ball that Héctor was fixing wasn’t actually a ball, but  a pine cone that he kept hitting as they walked through the park since they arrived.
For some reason or another, they ended up in Highbury Fields – taking the empty pathway along the rows of naked trees and wintery bushes, and despite the silence between them, Aida enjoyed their stroll as she stole glances at him every now and then like a lovesick schoolgirl. The park seemed to be very quiet just for them, with only occasional passerby that didn’t even spare a second look at the professional footballer and a petite brunette with rosy cheeks next to him. 
“It’s ridiculous,” she commented, adjusting her hat nervously. “I know it doesn’t look like it, but I have two lefts attached to my body.”
Héctor chuckled at her, glancing quickly at her. “You just have to believe in yourself.”
“Easy for you to say,” Aida huffed, “it’s like competing against, I don’t know—have you seen yourself on the pitch?”
“Few times, but I am glad to find out that you did as well,” Héctor teased as Aida felt her stomach being evaded by thousands of butterflies. “Would it help if I motivated you somehow?”
Aida looked down at him, finding herself both annoyed and turned on with his cheeky smirk. She could sense that he had an idea on his mind, and frankly, she was slightly scared. “Go on, vice-captain…” Aida urged, placing both of her hands on her waist.
“That ball—,”
“—Pine cone, you mean?”
Héctor made a silly face at her, and once again, her stomach made a flip. 
“That pine cone,” he corrected himself, “if you manage to get it past me, I am buying you dinner after this. There’s a great vegan place down the road, and I’ve been peckish for a while now.”
Aida blushed, imagining them sitting at the table together, candle burning in  middle, and his hand slowly touching hers— she stopped herself, shaking her head lightly.
You need to stop watching Hallmark movies.
“And if I don’t?” Aida asked, composing herself.
“I haven’t thought about it,” he spoke as he got up, dusting his hands against his trousers before giving her a look under his eyebrows. “Come on, unicorn. Have faith in yourself because I do.”
Not only did she lost the challenge, but she has also managed to fall on her arse and stain her relatively new coat with the wet mud. Despite giving her best, Aida knew that with her two left legs and balance or rather lack of it, she wasn’t going to win this one, no matter how much he tried to make it easy for her.
“Well, that was embarrassing,” she grinned at him like a Cheshire cat, brushing her coat with her hands as he took off his hat for a second, running his fingers through his locks before putting it back in the place.
Héctor stifled a laugh before hitting the unlucky pine cone with a real force, making it fly and land along the bushes, few meters away. “It wasn’t that bad,” he grinned, and Aida rolled her eyes at him. “I’ve seen worse.”
“Who? My granny?” she joked as Héctor took a step closer, only to pull her hat over her eyes, making her gasp and swat his hand away. “I was actually looking forward to that dinner,” Aida added with a sigh.
“It can still happen, y’know?”
“That’s because you’re peckish, innit?” Aida teased back, blushing lightly as Héctor smirked at her.  
Slowly, they made their way down the long stretch of park, towards the exit as Aida tried to come up with something to say. She knew that she had no need to keep talking, but she enjoyed the silly banter with him; it was relaxing her.
Aida looked around the park.
The dusk had already set – the layer of fog forming slowly, and despite the gloominess of the winter, it looked beautiful. She stuck her hands in her pockets as she observed the nature surrounding them.
“I was wondering…” Aida started softly after a while – a thought that has been bouncing around her mind, tickled her curiosity.
“Hmm?” Héctor hummed as Aida glanced up at him – her heart making a dip into her stomach.
Hot. Ridiculously hot.
“Why did you want to meet up after the match?” she asked, making a detour around a small pool of mud in front of her. “And most importantly, how did you get my number?”
Héctor laughed lightly, glancing at her and Aida quickly looked away. “Blimey, are you always this curious?”
“Sometimes,” she teased, but on the inside she was becoming a nervous wreck. Héctor stopped for a second; Aida did the same, feeling of anticipation growing inside of her as she waited for his answer. “Come on, Hec,” she added softly, using his nickname for the first time.
He took a step closer – his face shadowed by something else other than his boyish demeanour; something that Aida couldn’t put her finger on what it was.
“Let’s say that I suddenly got curious about magical creatures,” he finally answered – the corner of his lips moving upwards as he took a step back away, starting to walk again. “Also, you still owe me a sign language tutorial. Don’t think I forgot about that.”
It was Aida’s turn to giggle as she caught up with him. “Hate to say this, but not many birds would appreciate that kind of flirting, Héctor.”
“What about you? Would you appreciate it?” he asked nonchalantly and Aida’s breath hitched in her throat.
How can he say something like that and keep his cool?
For what seemed like ages, Aida tried to make herself breathe again. The only thing she was able to do as she tried to gain back her composure was to open and close her mouth like a fish. It certainly didn’t help that Héctor kept his eyes trained on her, smirking mischievously.
He was more than pleased with himself.
“I… I’m, ugh – idiot,” she groaned, burying her face in her hands.
Héctor chuckled, tugging at her coat sleeve, making her look up at him. “My God, you are unbelievable, but in a good way.”
Aida blushed a further shade of red as she looked at him, wishing she wasn’t because a certain type of tension was growing between them and it made her heartbeat accelerate.
“It’s all your fault,” she blurted out, quickly realising that she actually voiced her thoughts instead of keeping them inside her head. Burned with the realisation that she humiliated herself once again, she took a step back.
“Guilty as charged,” he grinned at her playfully, and all Aida wanted to do was to find a rock and hide underneath it for a while. “Y’know, I wasn’t joking with what I said about the dinner,” Héctor started, switching the subject casually as Aida managed to gain some of her confidence back – her cheeks cooling down ever so slightly, “but you still need to keep the end of your bargain.”
“And here I thought you forgot about it, silly me,” she joked back, trying to sound cool, but on the inside she was feeling the nervousness growing yet again. “What do I have to do?” Aida asked, pretending that she was ready for whatever he had in his mind.
“Kiss me,” Héctor responded nonchalantly as if he was asking her about the time or as if he was wondering if it was raining outside.
Aida swallowed – her eyes going wide for a second as her mind shut itself. She was desperately trying to find the goddamn switch, but it was in vain.
She was not ready for this.
“Fine,” she whispered, nervously sticking her hands in the pockets of her coat. “A kiss,” she repeated and Héctor nodded, looking at her with a small smile dancing on his lips as he waited. She nodded as well, more as an encouragement to herself before taking a step towards him. 
Without wasting a moment, she tiptoed ever so slightly, giving him a peck on the cheek - softness of his skin surprising her for a second. Not pleased with the execution, but glad that she didn’t humiliate herself once again, she smiled, taking a step back and in the direction of the exit gates that were in front of them.
Before she knew what was happening, Héctor’s hand pulled at her arm, and Aida only blinked fast couple of times when she found herself facing him once again. He was gently pulling her closer towards him - one of his eyebrows rising slightly as he locked his eyes with hers. Aida waited for that cocky grin of his to appear on his face, but it didn’t; not this time.
She only saw moments like this in the movies and TV shows, and more than often she wondered if they existed in real life or if they were just a product of creative freedom. Whatever the case was, Aida wasn’t sure what was she supposed to feel because instead of the romantic anticipation she imagined when watching those, all she felt was a turmoil of butterflies in her stomach and a slight wave of panic rising inside of her.
Aida blushed a deep shade of red as Héctor’s arm sneaked around her waist, underneath her open coat, and for a second, she thought that her heart had stopped beating.
“For someone who knows the sign language, you really are very bad at reading them.”
“You didn’t specify— it’s not the same,” she breathed out shakily as Héctor’s other hand went up to her cheek where it settled perfectly against her jawline as he drew her in closer. The rings he wore felt cool against her burning skin as he watched her – eyes searching for a silent encouragement in hers.  “Héctor,” Aida mumbled, heat rising inside of her, “whatever you’re about to do, can you just do it?”
She didn’t expect him to laugh, yet he did – throwing his head back for a second before looking back at her, and just when she was thinking that he was only teasing her, he leaned down, capturing her lips in proper kiss. The moment it happened, her eyelids fluttered close and she felt a tingle ran down her spine – her legs suddenly becoming weak. Quickly, she pulled her hands out of her pockets, sneaking them around his neck for support. 
Maybe that was exactly what he was waiting for because Aida could feel him deepen the kiss, pulling her even closer.
There were moments, many of them, if she was going to be honest, when she wondered how it would feel to have his lips against hers, and now that she finally had the chance, Aida didn’t want to stop, and it scared her. Getting on her tiptoes, she brought herself closer, wanting him to know that she wanted the kiss; that she needed him to kiss her, and just as she started to relax into him, the kiss became just a gentle brush of his full lips against hers.
Much to her dismay, Héctor pulled away, and she suddenly became childishly shy, looking bashfully down at their shoes.
Do I say something now?
Is it wrong that I want to snog him again?
You just kissed Héctor, Aida.
“Much better,” Héctor smirked, giving his bottom lip a small bite as Aida glanced up at him, wondering what was going through his mind. Did he feel the same tingles as she did? Does he want to kiss her again as much as she wants to kiss him? 
“Uhm—,” Aida trailed off, nervously looking away – her arms nervously swaying as Héctor took a step back while running his hand along his jaw. Aida felt a shiver of cold run through her, suddenly missing the the warmth of his hand against her face; his arm around her waist. 
“Hungry?” he suddenly asked, sticking his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
Aida didn’t say anything, but nodded confusedly, closing her eyes for a second as they started walking towards the exit gate – a small but timid smile appearing on her lips.
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bubbashawn · 4 years
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author: Here’s my first completed request!! Also this is day 7 or 8 of me posting in a row so I’m patting myself on the back. Hope y’all like it and yes it mentions the “pr” stunt w/ Camila so don’t attack me
synopsis: You overhear something you should’ve known all along. But why does Shawn care? He’s the one who threw 5 years away. Throw in a New Year’s Eve Party and everything is bound to go haywire.
warning: requested by anon. Forgive me I swore lol but really it falls in my brand so 2k of angst to fluff :)
“Baby, I love you.”
“Yeah well maybe you should’ve thought about that before Miami!”
“It’s all a PR stunt, Y/N. I don’t get it! Why is this such a big deal to you? That all means shit to me! You know that!”
“Because you didn’t tell me, Shawn,” your eyes started watering but you ignored them, “because I had to explain to my family why your tongue was down some other girls throat and I didn’t know how to because you didn’t tell me!”
Shawn knew a fake relationship would go haywire, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to love you right if he was pretending to love some other girl. Shawn knew what would happen and yet here he was. Standing, begging, in front of you to stay with him because he didn’t think he could ever lose you.
“Honey, you know I love you.”
“Saying I love you isn’t going to fucking fix anything!”
It was true. He loved you so much that he didn’t consider that you’d end things, not when you were so in love with each other. His stupid ego was causing havoc while you cried in his kitchen with your key resting on his counter.
You loved him too much. This hurt too much.
You had that key since he first bought his condo, he remembered the two of you moving him out of his family home. You also used to have a key for there. The two of you had met back in Pickering before Handwritten, before Vine even and your relationship had guided the two of you through your rising fame. You were the one constant in his life, his love for you the only thing keeping him grounded through it all.
“I’m done. I won’t be made a fool and the paparazzi probably will be here soon, so I’m just going to leave.”
“Bye Shawn, have a nice life.”
You felt arms shift around your waist and your eyes snapped open. It was just a dream. Except it wasn’t because it wasn’t Shawn’s arms wrapped around you or his cologne covered pillow your head rested on. It was your boyfriend’s.
Not Shawn’s.
Collin must have noticed you shift in his bed because his crystal eyes were staring down at you. He had the sharpest blue eyes you had ever seen, a stark contrast to the familiar hazel.
Collin Bradford had been perfect.
He was what any girl like you could dream of. He wasn’t famous which was foremost the best because you didn’t have to deal with a rivalry about who’s better. He understood your strange hours and never complained about the red carpets or photographers. He was happy to let you take the spotlight. ENews was obsessed with him, not that you blamed them, Collin was by far the most attractive man you had been with since Shawn.
Collin Bradford had been perfect, until he wasn’t.
Once he got comfortable in the relationship he started letting all the new attention get to his head. He became flirty and arrogant. He was the golden boy of Hollywood and he always claimed to love you, so you let him stay in your life. When the cheating scandal happened you let him back in. And the 2 after that. Funny how you let him make you seem like a fool when you’d broken Shawn’s heart for the same reason.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry. What time is it?”
“Almost 6. Do you need to get up?”
“Mmm,” you hummed in agreement, “I’ve got that interview with Spanish Vogue in three hours.”
Carol, your stylist, would kill you if you weren’t sitting in front of her within the next hour. You rose to your feet ignoring the ache that Shawn always massaged out of your back.
“Want an espresso?”
“No, don’t bother,” you smiled back at him, “let at least one of you enjoy a morning in bed.”
“Want to get me one?”
“Sure thing.”
“You’re the best Baby,” his face was hidden in his phone before you could say another word. That was his way of saying he’s done with this conversation.
You walked out of the bedroom and hurried to make your boyfriend his drink before scurrying back to place it by his head. He didn’t acknowledge you.
“We have Hailey Bieber’s New Year’s Eve Party tonight. You still want to come?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there.”
You were out the door by 6:10, accustomed to the tight schedule. It was two and a half hours when you noticed a 6’2” frame with curly hair towering over you. You didn’t dare look up until you saw his swallow tattoo emitting an unwanted gasp from your throat. Carol looked at you weirdly but your eyes were trained on pointed Chelsea boots that were hesitantly shuffling towards your seated figure.
“Y/N,” he sounded the same, honey smooth like the rest of him, “Y/N?”
Your gaze lifted from the ground where he stood, up his body and past the undone buttons of his shirt until you stopped on the hazel eyes from your distant memories.
“Wow, Hi,” he was staring, “it’s been what, 2 years?”
“Just about. 2 years at the end of next month.”
Shawn didn’t pay attention to the nervous quake in your voice and if he did he didn’t make any moves to soothe your mind. He just remained mere feet away and looking down at you.
You hated that you could see the love behind his irises. He had put you through so much even after you left. Shawn hadn’t broken up with Camila for another 8 months after yours. That’s why you didn’t run back to him.
“Wha-what’re you doing here?”
“Oh, um I have an interview about my new work.”
“I heard about that. Congratulations by the way.”
He was still staring and watched you shift off the chair to stand before him. Shawn wasn’t paying mind to how close you two actually were until the air between you was mixing. You took his breath away, literally.
“Are you still with that asshole, Charles?”
“Charles? You mean Collin?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Then yes, yes I am.”
“Why? Didn’t he cheat on you?”
“Keeping tabs on me?”
He was growing frustrated with your stubbornness.
“Believe it or not, I still love you, Y/N. And I hate seeing you get hurt, especially by some guy who doesn’t deserve you!”
“And who deserves me? You? Shawn, the whole reason I was in this relationship to start was to get you out of my head,” your eyes were tearing up just like that night years ago, “because believe it or not, you hurt me first.”
Carol, bless her soul, gave an apologetic smile towards Shawn for interrupting your conversation and began walking you towards your interview.
“Honey, you okay?”
You nodded your head trying to piece your mind together before some poor interviewer talked to you.
“It was hard not to listen in,” she smiled softly, “but if you want my thoughts, I think he was telling the truth.”
You looked into her eyes searching for answers that you already knew.
“He loves you, Y/N, and I think you love him too.”
With one final look to make sure her observations got through to you, Carol opened the door and guided you towards your manager.
The interview went fine and before you know it, it was over. You spaced out one too many times, you were sure, but it was over and done with. A photo shoot followed so you would have a cover image on Spanish Vogue and before you knew it the sun was setting.
After a long day filled with too many people and the run-in with Shawn, the last thing on your mind was New Years. You had honestly forgotten about it until you got a slew of texts all talking about the plans for the evening. Everyone was going to show up around 10 and the night would progress from there.
You, however, wouldn’t leave the Vogue building until 11:20.
“Your dress is in the car so you’ll have to change in the back which is why I made sure the car would have a partition. And Collin can help you, okay?”
Collin would not be helping if you had a say in anything.
“Thank you, Carol, enjoy the holiday!”
“You too.”
You slipped into the Bentley waiting by the glass doors ignoring the flashes of cameras. And quickly pulled your dress from the door before turning to your boyfriend expectantly.
“Go up to the passenger seat.”
“It’s not like I haven’t seen you strip before,” he chuckled, eyeing the silky minidress in your hand, “is that even a full dress? Like I’m actually going to let you walk out of here in that.”
“Go to the fucking front and you haven’t had a worthy opinion about anything in the last 8 months because you cheated on me so get out.”
He glared at you but didn’t have any excuse. What could he say to you? Sorry? Collin hopped out ignoring the questions and the shouts about his scandals and sat in the front next to your driver. He glowered even more, if that’s possible, when the divider screen went up.
The party was in full blast by the time you had arrived. With only ten minutes until midnight everyone was bustling to reach their lover or any stranger with a decent pair of lips. Everyone was drunk, and if not absolutely hammered then tipsy. Not one person was standing without leaning on something for support.
“Collin, I’m ge-”
Your boyfriend who was minutes ago standing behind you was now leaning against the kitchen counter between some pretty girl’s thighs. His lips sipping from her solo cup before latching on her neck. Shocker.
Shawn was surely the only person aware of his surroundings and though no one else paid mind to you slipping into the party looking absolutely gorgeous except him. No one noticed the asshole behind you sneaking off to fuck some model. No one noticed your unsurprised yet hurt expression.
No one noticed except him.
He’d be lying to say he hadn’t been watching the front door since he arrived, looking for your familiar face. He was elated when you walked through the door because despite the fact that every time you two spoke it resulted in a fight, he still missed you. Had Shawn been a man with any common sense he would’ve shut down the whole pr relationship concept before it even became a possibility. But he hadn’t and then he lost the most important person in his life.
He made his way through the crowd offering friendly greetings to the drunk party goers before he was standing feet away from you again.
This time however your eyes didn’t shy away like they had earlier that day. No, they watched his gaze flicker across your entire being drinking you in.
“Hi,” your voice was breathless.
“Hey,” his hands found your waist.
“Are you drunk?”
“No,” he smiled before repeating your question back at you, already knowing the answer.
“Are you drunk?”
Shawn’s lips were pressed against your own and he tasted the same as when he was 16. It was like his eyes, pure honey, just so undeniably sweet. You wondered how you didn’t wander back to him like an addict during your 2 years of deprivation.
“Happy New Years, Baby.”
His mouth latched to yours again not wanting to pull apart longer than he had to.
“We still,” you whimpered when your lips separated again as he looked down at you, “we still have to talk about this. About us.”
“As long as there is an us, I’ll talk to you forever. And you have to break things off with that asshole.”
“Mmhmm,” you hummed against his lips.
“You’re my honey. You’re my sweet, sweet honey.”
“You sure you aren’t drunk?”
“Not drunk,” he couldn’t help but smile against your lips, “just happy. Really fucking happy.”
permanent tag list: @wholesomemendes @fallinallincurls @ashwarren32 @mendesficsxbombay @haute-shawn @turtoix @prncsnee @http-isabela
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zaddywilk · 5 years
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Florian Munteanu x black!reader
Word count- 3,357 (whoops, I may have gone a little overboard)
A/N- This is the first smut I’ve written in a very long time. Please be gentle 🥺
Warnings- 18+ Smuttttt, overstimulation, teasing (is that even a warning?), fingering, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex (don’t be a fool, wrap your tool).
Florian. Fucking. Munteanu.
Your boyfriend has no reason to be looking that damn good right now.
A slew of dirty thoughts ran through your mind as you continue to look at him while he got dressed. Thinking about how bad you wanted to stay in and not even go to the dinner you planned with your friends. No matter how good your manz looks, you know can’t break a promise.
You got out of bed and slipped on your new Savage X Fenty lingerie set and Fashion Nova black velvet dress you got the other day. You knew this dress would be perfect solely because Flo loves him some damn velvet.
Once you were done putting on your makeup, heels, and fixing your curls, your boyfriend was now the one staring at you in admiration and a smidge of lust. Hazel eyes a little darker as he came up behind you to pepper soft kisses on your neck while he wrapped his arms around you.
“You look absolutely delicious, Prinţesă.” He said nuzzled in your neck as he gripped you tighter, eyes boring into yours.
Even in heels your boyfriend still towered over you like the giant he is. You sighed softly and closed your eyes as he went over that one spot he knew you loved so much, “Oh yeah? Are you hungry, baby?” You reply as you turn around and hook your arms around his neck, nails playing with the short hair he’d been growing out. The look in his eyes says it all. You guys might not make it to dinner after all. But you had another idea in mind.
“Then we better get going! Can’t keep them waiting. Plus, I haven’t even all day and I’m starving.” You said nonchalantly while you turned around to grab your purse as if you didn’t just get this man on brick mode in 2 seconds. Flo just looks at you in disbelief for a moment, mouth slightly agape but silently follows you to the car.
Ever the gentleman he is, he opens the passenger door for you, slapping your ass as you get into the car. You started thinking about your action plan for the night. Since Flo was usually the one to tease you while you were out and about, hand on your thigh, whispering in your ear, you figured it was time for a little role reversal. Connecting your phone to the car’s Bluetooth, you pull up your ‘Stripper Songs 💃🏽’ playlist, put your hand on Flo’s knee and settle in as Florian drives away.
Dance for you by Beyoncé came up on shuffle and you initiated your game plan. Singing along to the song you made sure to look directly at Florian as the lyrics tumbled off your tongue with ease. Grinding and rolling lightly in the seat as you not so subtly moved your hand up further his thigh. Florian’s eyes switch between the road and your movements. As he approached a red light you unbuckled your seatbelt and got next to his ear as you lowly sang along to the song.
Loving you is really all that's on my mind
And I can't help but to think about it day and night
I wanna make that body rock, sit back and watch
Tonight I wanna dance for youuuu
You made sure to drag out the ‘you’ while you ran your hand over your boyfriend’s hardening length as you slipped back into your seat. Flo was silent. Still flicking his eyes between you and the road as the light changed, jaw clenching and he gripped the steering wheel tighter. You smirked to yourself. This is going to be a fun night.
You guys finally pulled up to the restaurant your best friend Denise texted you the address to. Seems kinda boujee on the outside but you excitedly unbuckled your seatbelt nonetheless. Florian was right behind you, hand almost covering the entirety of your ass as you both stepped inside. The ambiance was classy, but not too serious. You scanned the room to find your friends and finally landed on the sight of Denise once you see her bright red bob. You pulled Flo over to your friends as Denise got up from the table to greet you guys.
You and Denise have been friends for years, meeting once you moved to LA to pursue your acting career, D was one of the only few people to be truly nice to you, eventually having you meet Michael and through Michael you met Flo. You gave a hug to both of your friends as you sat in the chair Florian had pulled out for you. You placed your hand on his leg again and you guys chatted for a bit, looking over the menu when the waiter came over and asked if you’d like some drinks to start off. Florian and Michael being the designated drivers, decided to opt for water while you and Denise settled on some Rosé and then you ordered your food.
Once your food got to the table your group conversation expectedly split off into two different conversations. One between the guys and one between the girls. While the guys were talking about their acting plans after Creed II, you had slid your hand a little further up Florian’s thigh. He jumped a little and stuttered in conversation because you had kept your hand in one place for so long, he had basically forgotten about it.
“Yo man, are you good?” Michael asked, seemingly confused.
“Oh yeah, just caught a little chill.” Florian responds, gripping your hand under the table. You stifle your laughter at his response as Denise continues her story about how she almost unknowingly auditioned for a porn film.
“So I got dressed up, went to this “audition”, saw the casting couch and felt a weird sense of déjà vu.”
“Hol up, D. How you know about the casting couch?” Michael asked.
Denise groaned, “Women can watch porn too, Jordan.”
As they continued their conversation about whether or not women watch porn, you continued going higher and higher on Flo’s thigh until you reached his length. He was hard.
Very hard.
Upon this realization you whispered in Flo’s ear, “Sometimes when you’re away and busy with interviews, I look at porn with guys that look like you,” you started as you palm him. “Tall, bearded, and muscular, although not as big and thick as you are. I get so wet just thinking about what you’d do to me if you had walked in on me playing with YOUR pussy. My fingers and toys don’t even compare to the real thing. I love it when you have me pinned down to the bed with your strong arms. I love how your beard feels in between my thighs. I love when you talk dirty to me in Romanian, not even using your voice but spelling out the words on my clit with your tongue. I could swear I died and went to Heaven.” You whisper.
“Eu iubesc mai ales când mă tratezi ca pe o doamnă în public, apoi mă futi ca o pornstar când ajungem acasă. Știu exact de ce te numesc Big Nasty.” That sent shivers up Florian’s spine. He knew you’d been practicing Romanian but he didn’t expect you to be so filthy so soon. He decided that that was the final straw. He takes out his wallet and throws his black card on the table as he takes your hand and stands up to leave.
“Woah woah Flo, you’re leaving? You’re not even done with your food.” Michael exclaimed unbelievably. A guy as big as Florian never leaves a plate with food on it.
“I have more pressing matters to attend to. Ask for boxes if you can and bring that and my card back to me tomorrow.” Flo said hurriedly, trying to conceal his straining dick as you gathered your purse and quickly said goodbye to D. And just like that, you were out the door.
“Damn, I wonder what’s gotten into him.”
“Negro are you dumb? It’s not what gotten into him but what’s about to get into Y/N,” Denise said, not even trying to hold back her laughter. “Oh well, homegirls gonna get dicked down and we get a free meal. I think this is a win win situation.”
Florian rushes back home, taking every opportunity he can to go as fast as possible. Normally, you’d be dreading the impending night you’d have for teasing Flo like that in front of your friends but right now you don’t care. Maybe it was the wine or the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack playing but you were extremely excited.
You got home not so surprisingly fast but surprisingly without a ticket. You rushed inside with Florian hot on your heels. Giggling as you made your way up the stairs, Florian catching up to you as he softly pushes you on the bed you open your legs a little wider to make room for him. “So Prinţesă, you think it’s funny to tease me like that while we’re with our friends? You’ve been a very bad girl since before we left. But instead of punishing you, you’re lucky I feel very giving. And plus, we missed out on dessert, so I’m still hungry.” Florian spoke lowly.
He pulled you down to the edge of the bed by your ankles and lifted up your dress. Even through your panties, he could tell that you were soaking wet. “You look absolutely mouth watering, Dragă.” He quickly said before ripping your lingerie. Your brand fucking new lingerie. You had half a mind to cuss his ass out but all thoughts went out the window as he put his mouth on you. A brief face of upset turned into a face displaying absolute pleasure. You quickly brought one hand to the back of his head as the other was brought up to your chest, slipping inside your dress to play with your nipples as Florian continued to work his wonderful mouth on you.
“F-Fuckkk Flo! More, please.” You moaned loudly. “Mai Mult? Orice pentru tine, prințesă.” Florian replied as he got his fingers wet with your juices. He slowly entered you, wasting no time going directly to your g-spot. You arched your back as you released a string of curses mixed with his name. His eyes never left you. He thought you looked absolutely gorgeous right now. Your chest heaving, your head tilted back, eyes screwed shut, mouth open letting cute little sounds out along with your wondrous moans while grinding your pussy on his face. All this had him rutting into the sheets because seeing you get off got him off.
He added another finger and you could swear you were done for. Between the magic words he was whispering on your clit, the humming, the insane sharp shooting accuracy this man had with your g-spot, and the consistent eye contact, it would be any second now. “Vă pot spune cât de aproape sunteți, iubirea mea. Ți-ar plăcea cum? Faceți o mizerie pe mea fața și degetele, prințesă. Știu că asta vrei tu, dragă.” Florian said sweetly as he went back to work. You didn’t understand half of that sentence but it was enough to push you over the edge. Your legs shook as your hips buck wildly against your boyfriend as he kept licking and sucking up all you had to offer him but removing his fingers.
You shuddered as he continued. Head moving side to side as his tongue’s assault on your clit never let up, causing you to start to cum yet again. “Don’t-fuck, don’t stop! Oh God! Flo! I’m- I’m about to-.” a squeal escaped you as you clenched on nothing. Your second orgasm had you almost seeing stars. After cleaning you up again, he removed his lips from your clit and kissed up your body, removing the dress and bra you still had on. He looked at you hungrily for a moment before he attacked your lips as he palmed one of your breasts and tweaked your nipple. Removing his lips from yours, he focuses on littering your neck and collarbones with kisses and bites as his hand returns to back down to your clit, still sensitive from your powerful previous orgasms. You try to warn him about this but he ignores your unsuccessful attempt to get him to stop, instead, he goes faster. This orgasm coming a lot faster than the other due to your increased sensitivity but it was just as powerful. Leaving you a shaking panting mess beneath your boyfriend.
“That’s it, Dragă mea. You’re being so good for me. But I know you have a couple more in you by the way you were acting tonight.” Florian cooed softly in your ear as your panting lessened. Your eyes were heavy and your body was weak already. You were already ready to tap out, but mama ain’t raised no bitch so you try to keep up with your boyfriend’s evil intentions. He stood up to take off his pants and shirt and gently massaged your legs as he laid down on the bed, ushering you on top of his length. This man made you cum so hard just using his mouth and fingers you had almost forgot he had brought dick with him too.
He helped you raise up slightly as he pushed the tip into you, hissing at your tightness and extreme wetness. You fell forward a little on his chest as he entered you. Filling you up deliciously, it was almost unbearable. He helped guide you up and down his dick because he knew you couldn’t do it by yourself. His tip brushing over your g-spot over and over had you moaning his name repeatedly like it was the only word you knew. “That’s right baby, fuck, you feel so good for me. So fucking wet and tight for Daddy. I feel you squeezing my dick, are you close again baby?.” He asked as he kept bringing you down on his dick, harder and faster each time than the one before. At this point you couldn’t even properly speak because of the pleasure that was enveloping you so you just nodded and continued trying your best to ride him. He apparently didn’t like that because he slapped your ass and held your hips tight and he fucked up into you. You started moaning louder and louder, trying to string together a somewhat coherent sentence.
“D-Daddyyyy. I’m so close. I’m gonna cum-mm. Can I please cum? Please?” You begged, hips rotating as Florian continues to pound into you. “Go ahead, Prințesa. Cum on this dick, you’re doing so well for me.” Florian praises as he brings you back down on his length one last time, bringing your body close to his as you ride out the aftershocks your fourth orgasm.
He laid you down on the bed, a sweaty, shaking mess. But he still wasn’t done with you. “Flo baby, I, I don’t know how much more I can take.” You panted, trying to see if you can just go with four for the night.
“Uh-uh, Dragă, I know you have one more in you. I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
Florian kissed your lips softly as he entered you slowly, making sure to be cautious of your very heightened sensitivity. Slow, deep thrusts that made your toes curl with every stroke he delivered as he placed kisses all over your exposed chest. Soft moans exchanged between the both of you as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You guys made love often but this felt completely different. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it but you felt completely wrapped in blanket of love and protection. Your hands on his face, legs around his waist, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. It gave you a new feeling. It made you feel warm, loved, and cherished. You loved this feeling.
Not only that, you could feel your orgasm approaching again. You moan rather loudly as you warn your boyfriend. You feel him twitch inside you and know that he’s close as well. He starts rubbing your clit as you rack your brain trying to piece together the last few words you know in Romanian that you know will send you both over the edge. You look deep into his eyes as your nails rake down his back.
“Sunt pe cale să cum. Te rog să mă completezi. Te iubesc. Am nevoie de tine. Vă rog. Vino cu mine.”
And with that utterance, Florian spills into you. The feeling of his warmth inside you coupled with him rubbing your clit was enough to push you over the edge one last time. Breathing heavily, you both let out a happy, euphoric sigh as you came down from your respective highs.
After a minute or two Florian moved off of you to grab a wet washcloth to clean you up, making sure to be careful. He also grabbed your makeup wipes and bonnet to help you get ready for bed because he knew you definitely wouldn’t be able to walk to the bathroom and do it yourself.
Once you were both cleaned up, he laid back beside you, stroking your arm as you started to drift into a peaceful slumber. Before dozing off you mumbled something he almost couldn’t make out, but once he did he gave a light chuckle in response.
“Remind me to tease you like that again If that’s what’s gonna happen.”
And just like that, you both were out like a light.
You woke up to your phone going off. 2 missed phone calls from Michael, a missed FaceTime call and 3 missed messages from Denise. You started to read the messages when another call from Denise started to come through.
“Girl we’ve been callin yo ass for the past 10 minutes.”
“Sorry, I just woke up.” You look behind you to your sleeping boyfriend, the gentle giant, still snoozing peacefully.
“Damn bitch it’s 12:30, y’all left at 10. He really put it down on you last night, huh? Details later. We’re outside with your stuff, come get it.”
“Okay, I’ll be down in a min.” You hung up and drug yourself out of bed and almost fell to the floor with the first step you took. Your legs were like complete Jell-O. “D has no idea how right she was.” You chuckled to yourself. You put on an oversized t-shirt and a pair of Flo’s gym shorts as you make your way to the door.
You finally made it down the stairs and to the door to be greeted by your two friends. You stood and talked for a couple minutes before you started to feel your legs buckle again. Before Denise has the chance to comment about your sexual conquest, you grab the boxes of food, Florian’s card, and told her you talk to her later. Quickly closing the door and hearing her laughter from the other side you make your way to the couch.
“Was that Michael and Denise?” You heard Florian ask as he can down the stairs clad in some black sweatpants. How can he manage to look so fine just waking up? You question internally.
“Yeah, dropping off our stuff.” You say as you give him the food to put away with a good morning peck.
You start to relax in the sofa until you hear Florian in the kitchen.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” He yelled, causing you to jump a little.
“What? What is it baby?” You asked, concern in your voice.
“This damn bill is $200! Looks like D and Michael got another entree to take home and dessert after we left.”
You didn’t even try to hold back your laughter because that sounds exactly like something they’d do. As you watched him head back upstairs to call and tell off Michael, you turned on the T.V. and pulled out your phone to Google ‘Wheelchair stores near me’ because you know you’ll need one for the rest of the day.
Prinţesă- Princess
Eu iubesc mai ales când mă tratezi ca pe o doamnă în public, apoi mă futi ca o pornstar când ajungem acasă. Știu exact de ce te numesc Big Nasty- I especially love when you treat me like a lady in public, then fuck me as a pornstar when we get home. I know exactly why you're called Big Nasty.
Dragă- Darling
Mai Mult? Orice pentru tine, prințesă- More? Anything for you, princess
Vă pot spune cât de aproape sunteți, iubirea mea. Ți-ar plăcea cum? Faceți o mizerie pe mea fața și degetele, prințesă. Știu că asta vrei tu, dragă- I can tell you how close you are, my love. Would you like that? Make a mess on my face and fingers, princess. I know that's what you want, darling.
Sunt pe cale să cum. Te rog să mă completezi. Te iubesc. Am nevoie de tine. Vă rog. Vino cu mine- I'm about to cum. Please fill me up. I love you. I need you. Please. Come with me.
@bluestarego @lotusss-flowerbomb @savvy-ivvory @amelatonin @melanated-writersblock @blackvscogirl @atyourbestyouareluv @blowmymbackout @melinda-january @munteanhore @melaninmarvel @honeychicana @tgigoldie
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The Night Before IX
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Chapter: 9/15
Rating: T
Summary: Ringo hangs around after the club closes and meets a stranger.
Tags: Smut, Slow Burn
Pairing: George Harrison/Ringo Starr (Background McLennon)
AO3 link here / Fic masterlist here
Ringo was quickly getting used to the sight of George in his clothes, sitting on his sofa in a tattered Fleetwood Mac shirt and some loose black joggers. He was relieved when George wanted to stay up for a while rather than crashing straight into bed, because then it would only be a matter of time before they had to part ways once more. Two cups of tea were made, both drank gladly and mostly in silence. The alcohol circling in their body wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, but Ringo couldn't deny that being sober right now wouldn't have been the worst thing.
"What are you gonna do about your clothes?" Ringo asked, warming his hands on the mug.
George shrugged "I dunno, I guess I'll have to try and get them back tomorrow. That'll be a fun conversation."
Ringo chuckled "Well I can give you a lift tomorrow, if you like. In the car mind, not on my back."
"If you're insisting, that'd be great." George smiled at him, his cheeks still a little red from the cold and tipsiness.
"I am." Ringo replied, settling into the sofa.
Whenever silence would eventually arrive, Ringo no longer found himself becoming uncomfortable, he could sit with George saying nothing without worrying about what to say next. The hum of the lights and the distant sound of the city outside were calming, only making him feel safer in his own space.
"You know what I'd kill for right now?" George asked, twisting his body around so that he could face Ringo directly.
"What?" Ringo asked after a pause, assuming George would continue speaking.
"A spliff." George answered, taking a large sip from his mug then putting it down onto the table that was still littered with empty alcohol bottles.
"Oh, well..." Ringo began "I could roll one right now."
George's face lit up immediately, Ringo found himself replicating the smile "Really?"
"Sure." Ringo answered with a small laugh, putting his own mug down "Might be a little rough, I don't usually do it when I'm drunk."
Ringo got up from the sofa and disappeared into his bedroom, fishing around in his bedside table for the small bag he kept all the necessities in. He never smoked as much as he used to, but every so often himself, Paul and John would get high and watch ridiculous movies together, so he always made sure to keep his wares stocked up. It was definitely one way to get rid of a hangover, but it was rare that Ringo was conscious enough to even remember he had weed, let alone roll it, after a long night out. Returning into the room, George's smile hadn't wavered as he watched Ringo clear some space on the table.
"You take such good care of me, don't you Ringo?" George asked with a grin, stretching himself along the sofa so that his clothed feet brushed against Ringo's thigh lightly.
"Can't say that I don't try." Ringo spoke a little quieter, focusing on the task at hand.
"Is that gonna be a problem?" George asked, pointing to the smoke alarm on the ceiling.
Ringo didn't reply for a while, only looking up after he'd finishing rolling "Oh, that, don't worry it doesn't work."
"Shouldn't you get it fixed? What if there's a fire?" George sounded only slightly concerned.
"But then I couldn't smoke inside." Ringo retorted, his words a little mumbled as he began lighting it.
Ringo leaned back into the sofa, exhaling deeply as he watched the smoke circle into the air. He could already feel his head clearing a little, the pain of the drunken headache being replaced by the fuzz of the high. Offering it over to George, he crawled closer to Ringo and took the spliff carefully in his hand. It was hard to keep his eyes off George, watching his fingers and lips, his eyes twinkling with a secret thought. A grin spread across George's face as he smoked, taking his last drag he turned Ringo's face to his own and pressed a soft kiss onto his lips, exhaling the smoke into his mouth. Ringo leant into the kiss, inhaling the smoke as best he could. George pulled away with a smug grin, passing the spliff over to Ringo then stretching himself out into his lap. It was another level of intimacy Ringo felt honoured to experience, his hand instinctively moving to George's head to play with his hair.
"Any chance you wanna get some food?" George asked, his eyes fluttered shut.
Ringo carelessly tapped the ash onto the arm of the sofa, ideally he'd find an ashtray discarded somewhere but he wasn't about to risk George moving from this position.
"There's a cheap place we usually order from." Ringo paused to exhale, passing it along once more "If you like greasy chicken."
George accepted it gladly, his eyes already showing the signs "This is the part where I tell you I'm vegetarian."
"Oh... Well they've got chips." Ringo laughed, watching George longingly.
George fought back a cough "Are they good chips, though? I'm trusting you here, Ringo."
"They're pretty good." Ringo couldn't stop smiling, his mind beginning to swirl "If you don't like them just don't pay me back, sound fair?"
"Sounds fair." George nodded his head "You can have the joy of finishing that off."
Ringo accepted the shrunken spliff carefully, enjoying the way his fingers brushed with George as they delicately tried to pass it between one another. Yet another surprise to bring the night to a satisfying close, it seemed that every time he was with George something unpredicted was going to crop up, but every time it was a blessing. George seemed to read Ringo's mind, grabbing his discarded phone and passing it up to him before he even needed to ask. Ringo smiled down at him, from this angle he looked purely stunning, he only hoped George's perspective was half as flattering.
Operating his phone was a little more difficult than usual, having to pull it away from his face like an elderly person without their reading glasses. He'd ordered so many times from this takeaway that they'd started giving him freebies, perhaps that was a sign that he was smoking too much but he'd happily reap the benefits tonight. Selecting his own signature order: a chicken burger, chips and a coke, he then passed the phone to George who was evidently struggling just as much as Ringo had been. Ringo flicked the now finished spliff onto the table, dreading the clean up he'd have to do in the morning. George passed the phone back with a smile, relaxing further into Ringo's lap as he let out a happy sigh. Ringo ordered the food and chucked his phone to the other end of the sofa, welcoming the intoxicating feeling.
"You wanna watch something while we eat?" Ringo asked, his fingers buried deep in George's dark hair.
George made an affirming noise "Like what?"
"I've got quite the selection of boxsets, I must admit." Ringo found himself speaking softly "If you wanna have a look."
George grunted "In a minute... I'm pretty comfy right now."
They remained like this for a while, George's breathing gradually slowing as Ringo loosely played with his hair. Ringo knew this was only a mixture of the alcohol and the weed making them act like this, so unafraid of being intimate and vulnerable with one another, but he cherished it all the same. Several minutes had passed before Ringo had realised that George had actually fallen asleep, creating an array of potential problems, but he would hold them all off for now and let George rest. It gave Ringo time to examine his face a little closer without running the risk of being caught staring: he noticed the light hints of hair between George's eyebrows which appeared to be shaven but had started to regrow, the length of his eyelashes, the beginnings of stubble on his upper lip and the way his ears protruded out from his head. All these little details just furthering the love he had for George's face, the true beauty of it.
Unfortunately it couldn't last forever, and eventually Ringo had to gently rock George back into consciousness, it wouldn't be long before the food arrived.
"George..." Ringo spoke softly "You've gotta wake up."
George's face screwed up, his eyes still closed, letting out a groan before he seemed to awaken fully. It was a sight Ringo only hoped he'd be able to witness time and time again, even if that wasn't the case he could at least enjoy it for now.
"Shit." George laughed "How long was I asleep for?"
"Not long." Ringo smiled down at him "But we don't wanna miss our food now, do we?"
George reluctantly sat up, rolling his neck slowly and tensing his shoulders. He looked rather sheepish, undoubtedly a little embarrassed that he'd let his guard down so willingly. Ringo similarly stretched out his arms, he hadn't been sitting in the most comfortable position but he was willing to sacrifice his own comfort to guarantee George's.
"Where are these boxsets you were going on about, then?" George asked, getting up from the sofa.
Ringo remained seated and pointed towards the cabinet besides his television "Just in there. Pick whatever you want."
George squatted down, opening the door and perusing through Ringo's possessions. In this day and age it wasn't too common to have so many material copies, but there was something about physically owning the discs that Ringo loved, something he felt could never be replaced even with the accessibility and inconvenience of streaming services. George hummed to himself as he looked through the titles on offer, then reached forward and pulled out one of Ringo's many Simpsons series; he held it up to Ringo for approval who nodded eagerly.
"What a fantastic choice." Ringo teased as George busied himself with the DVD player.
Ringo reached for his phone, realising the food was only a few minutes away. He also noticed a few texts from John but they didn't appear to be anything urgent, no doubt he'd give him a call sometime in the morning anyway. For now he was going to enjoy George's company while it still lasted. George returned to the sofa, remote in hand, relaxing as though it were his own living room.
"Without running the risk of overstaying my welcome," George began "Do you have a blanket or anything? I'm getting kinda chilly."
Ringo laughed "I might have to start charging for all these services, you know. I'm not a bed and breakfast." Though he got up in search for a blanket all the same.
He found one folded up in one of the corners of his still relatively messy room, bringing it out to George and spreading it out across the sofa. George appreciated the gesture, smiling up at Ringo as he found the comfiest position possible. Ringo glanced at his phone then headed towards the door.
"Just gonna grab the food." He announced, grabbing his keys and hopping down the steps towards the entrance.
He wished the deliveryman a good night, only hoping he didn't notice what a state of intoxication he was currently in, then hurried back to the haven that his flat was rapidly turning into. George had his head rested on the arm of the sofa, Ringo wouldn't be surprised if he fell asleep once again, but he perked up a little when he saw the bag in Ringo's hand.
Ringo dished out the food, grabbing some ketchup from his kitchen and further crowding the coffee table with it. George accepted the chips with a smile and tucked into them ravenously, pressing play on the remote and beginning the all-too-familiar theme song. Ringo kicked off his shoes, curling his legs up onto the sofa under the warmth of the blanket while he tucked into his burger.
"Thanks for all this, Ringo." George spoke softly, looking directly at the screen and avoiding all eye-contact "You really are something else."
"Well I wouldn't do this for just about anyone, you know." Ringo replied, his eyes drifting over to George.
"How lucky I am." George said somewhat sarcastically, laughing before he filled his mouth with chips once more.
Ringo felt the exact same way.
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cass-y0inks · 5 years
“First Man”
Ok before we start this little fic was inspired by the song, “First Man” by Camila Cabello. It reminds me of the time on relationship that Dick would have with Marinette growing up. You can choose who she ends up with I probably won’t focus on that you may leave it in the comments, your choice (Y/C)Also I decided that I’m going to make Kori Marinette’s mother figure. Btw I’m sorry that the other part is taking very long but I will try to finish it and post it sometime this week, hopefully. Anyway Enjoy! (Warning long post)
Yes I’m gonna stay with him tonight, I’ll see you in the morning, no of course, he won’t drink and drive. Can you say bye to mom for me?
“Papa I’ll be fine, it’s just for one night. You know I won’t be able to make it in time, there’s to much traffic.” Marinette really loved her papa, she really did but sometimes he would let his anxiety get to him.
“I know my little Angel, just please be very careful. Oh and Y/C, bring her back in the morning unharmed. Capiche?” Her papa really did love his nicknames for everyone, especially her’s. She was his little angel no matter what, even if he did steal the name from her uncle Damian.
Y/C looked over to her phone and gave him a small smile, “Yes sir, understood. We’ll see you in the morning”
“Keep your eyes on the road Prince Charming. Good night Sunshine, sleep well” her papa sended her a small kiss after he said that.
“Good night papa, sleep well to. And tell mama good night for me too. Love you” she hung up after she returned his small kiss.
Oh, you’ll like him, he’s really kind and funny like you sometimes. And I found someone I really like, maybe for the first time.
Marinette was fixing her papa’s tie for the third time it just never stayed put. She was beyond nervous, her whole family was meeting him today, her mama, her great grandpa, her grandpa, and all her uncles and aunties! It’s not that they embarrassed her, it’s just that she really likes Y/C and her family could get a little... out of hand.
Dick noticed the doubt in her eyes when he looked away from the mirror to look at her. He sighed, he knew what that felt like of course. He gently pulled her into a hug and thought of a way to distract her. “Hey.... wh-why don’t you tell me more about him”
He saw how her eyes lit up almost instantly, “Papa you’ll like him, he’s confident, kind, and funny” she looked down at her feet remembering all the jokes he would make when they would hang out. “Almost as funny as you, who knows? Maybe even funnier papa.”
“Excuse me? Funnier that me! No no no, impossible” that he would never allow.
“Fine not as funny or funnier than you” she sighed out. “Thank you sunshine” he said back with his arms crossed on his chest.
“Just way more stylish.” With that she left him with his mouth wide open.
That nigh went great, he wasn’t intimidated at all by her family, and it didn’t change anything.
No, I don’t need a jacket, it’s not that cold outside. And you worry, I get it but he’s waiting outside
“Mari come on, I don’t want you catching a cold!” Dick was trying to get her in a fuzzy-warm light toned jacket before her movie date with Y/C.
“Papa it’s the middle of July, I won’t need I jacket” sometimes her papa would try different ways to stall her even for just a couple of seconds. “Papa I know you worry but he’s been out there for almost 3 minutes. Look if anything happens I’ll call you, ok? Tell mama I love her to, goodbye.”
Giving her one last hug he said, “goodbye, I love ya to sunlight”
I swear on my heart that he’s a good man. I know you’ll stay up late just waiting for me, you held me so tight now someone else can. But you were the first man that really loved me.
“Papa I promise he’s the sweetest guy I have ever met. He cares, loves and protects me. Like you.” Marinette finally had some free time with her parents. Her mama, papa, and herself were at a a restaurant having a peaceful dinner. The restaurant were she and Y/C had there first date, that brought back memories.
Her mama, Kori, was the one to talk sense into him. “Dick you knew that she would eventually grow up and find someone she liked, just like you and me.” Kori saw how he still had a small pout on his lips looking down at his food.” She smiled. “Remember when you first asked me out on a date. We held hands, laughed together, took pictures. Remember what we felt. We felt special and loved, that’s how they feel. Loved.”
Kori saw how he didn’t really move much, she looked over to her daughter and gave her a small smile and nodded her head pointing at Dick. She got the message and took her papa’s and mama’s hands and held them together. She took a few moments to form her words. “Papa, you’ know how you would hold me and mama on our worst days. How it felt like home, like safety... that’s what I feel with him. You worry about me when I’m with him and sometimes loose sleep but I swear that he means well.” Her papa finally looked up at her with teary eyes.
She stood up from he seat and hugged him. “Papa no matter how much I’m with him or he says he loves me please remember, You were the first man that really loved me.”
Now you’re driving to the airport, not just me you pick up anymore. I’ve got eight days off coming up, and I can only come home for four.
“Papa! Over here!” Marinette rushed over to him, following closely behind was Y/C smiling at him. Dick opened his arms and almost fell back when Mari crashed into him. How ge missed hugging her, memorizes coming back. This wasn’t the first time he picked her up from the airport but, it was the first time she came back with someone else.
“It’s good to see you again sir.” Y/C slowly stood out his hand in front of him. Dick eyed him before carefully taking his hand into his and lightly shaking it.
“You to son.” Marinette stared at her papa in shock, ‘son?’ That was in improvement. Last time she checked he was still skeptical about him. Maybe Alfred or mama finally knocked some sense into him.
Yeah I just met his family. They’re just like you and mom. He makes me really happy, I think he might be the one.
To say the least Marinette was, anxious? She really couldn’t explain what she felt. Today she was finally going to meet his parents. Her long time boyfriend’s parents. She could only remember one time she was this nervous. It was when he was going to met her family.
Different scenarios ran through her head, a variety of ‘what if’s’. It felt like the world was spinning in circles. A familiar ring caught off her thoughts, her phone. She took out her phone from her pocket and read the name on the screen. ‘Papa’. Before answering she took a few deep breath’s trying to calm herself down.
“H-hi pa-papa. H-ho-w ar-are y-you.” Damit. Her papa on the other side of the line clearly noticed the stutter in her voice.
“Mari what happened? Are you ok? Do you need help?” She noticed panic in his tone.
This time she took multiple slow breaths and told him what was bothering her. After what seemed like an hour, she calmed down. Venting always helped her out. She was still nervous but she had at least calmed down a bit. She looked down at her phone to check the time. ‘4:52’ he’d be here any minute. “Papa I have to go, but thank you for calling me. I really needed to talk”
“Anytime sunshine. I love you” he sent her a kiss through the other line.
“Love you to dad”
The dinner night with his parents when great. She had a lot of fun throughout the night. His parents almost reminded her of her parents. They were fun, energetic and loving. She had to thank her papa Ofer helping her calm down.
Now you’re on the driveway faking a smile. You wish you could tell him he doesn’t deserve me. So I had to stop the car and turn around to tell you, you were the first man that really loved me.
She was going back to Paris after a few week’s back In Gotham. Audrey Bourgeois wouldn’t be waiting for her all day. She and Y/C had previously convinced her to let her stay a few more day in Gotham, Audrey’s patience was already running out. Everything was in the car by now, all they had to do was say goodbye.
One by one she said good bye to her family all that was left was her papa. Step by step she made her way up to him until she was right in front of him, he wasted no time in pulling her into a tight hug. Once they broke apart she heard a sniff, her papa was crying. And so was she.
“I love you papa/Marinette” they told each other at the same time. Giving him a sad smile she made her away to the car where Y/C was waiting for her in the passenger seat. Buckling up she started the car and drove away. After a couple of feet she looked at the rear view mirror and saw her papa shedding multiple tears from his eyes waving goodbye at her. Before she could process what she was doing she pulled over and got off the car.
Her papa saw her running towards him, and he planned to meet her at the middle. Once she was close enough she jumped into his arms. He caught her and spinned her around. He carefully put her down after a while but didn’t let her go. She felt a few tears running down her face. She got closer to his ear and quietly whispered, “You were the first man that really loved me” she took a short pause before continuing. “I love you papa, thank you”
And before they open up the door,I say I’ve never seen you cry before. You say “you’ve never looked so beautiful before. You know you’ll always be my little girl.”
Today was the day, she was getting married. She would have never imagined every little detail like this, it was a dream come true for her. She had designed her own dress. It was long with loose sleeves and instead of traditional white it was a very pale pink and a floral like pattern. He papa was in a black suit and a tie that matched her dress. She was nervous of course but having her papa next to her helped her a lot. It was a few more minutes before her uncle’s opened up the doors.
She felt a tear landing on her hand. She looked up and saw her papa wiping his eyes. A smile making its way across her face. She raised her hand and placed it on his cheek. Her papa let out a teary laugh. “Papa I’ve never seen you cry so much before.” It was true. He wouldn’t really cry so much, but this was like it almost looked like a small waterfall leaving his eyes.
He let out another quiet laugh, “It feels like just yesterday you were learning you first steps. Now your walking down the aisle, you look gorgeous Mari.” Wiping away his tears he told her, “ You know you’ll always be my little girl.” Seconds before the doors opens he placed a light feathered kiss on her forehead. Time to go.
You’re looking at me, while walking down the aisle with tears in your eyes. Maybe he deserved me, you don’t even know how much it means to me now
This was it, just a few more steps and she’d be at the altar. Y/C was looking straight at her with the biggest smile he ever had. Her papa still had tears in his eyes, as did the rest of her family. Even the baby of the family had to grow up eventually.
Dick didn’t think this day would come, he imagined it yes but for it to actually be here was unreal. He couldn’t control his tears from flowing down his eyes. They wouldn’t be stoping anytime soon. Maybe he did deserve his daughter. Maybe this was a good day. Looking back down at her he saw she was looking at the altar, specially at Y/C. This day was big for her, he knew that. This was her day. Of this was special for her, it was special for him.
They finally reached the altar.
You were the first man that really loved me, that really loved me.
It was the end of the night, everything went perfect. If she had to be honest, she was tired. Yet that didn’t stop her from going out to the balcony where her papa was. She quietly leaned against the railing like he was. They stood in silence for a moment. Her papa broke the silence first.
“Well you did it, you grew up. When will you stop?” He turned to her and let out a chuckle. She giggled a bit and gave him a light hug.
She pulled away shortly, “Papa even if I still grow, I will always be there with you. You are the reason why I’m who I am, why I’m here today and always.” She stoped and looked down for a second then quickly looked back up at him. “You are the first man that loved me.”
Kori stepped onto the with hot chocolate. “Would you like some Mar-” The sight in front of her caught her off. Dick and her daughter were sleeping on a chaise. Her head tucked under his head.
You really loved me
That’s the end. Sorry if I missed someone in the tag list. I hope you all liked it. Goodbye.
Tag list (closed):@virgil-is-a-cutie @caffeinetheory @theatreandcomicfreak @thepeacetea @abrx2002 @fertileleaf @tog84 @kawaiigiantjudgefish @captainartsypants @witchsblackfox @myazel @echpr @drarryismylife101 @dorkus-minimus @dast218 @tired-butterfly @jeminiikrystal @iglowinggemma28 @lilyellowink @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @aestheticandpoetic @daminett4life @weird-pale-blonde-person @tbehartoo @onelargemcbitch @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @crytallized @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @princess-of-fangirls @winter-gardenflower @jardimazul @littleredrobinhoodlum @oodle-n @isabellemasen @luleck @akalovelymaybe @hauntedfreakdeputyhero @finallyaniguana @smolplantmum @if-you-give-a-chat-a-cookie @mystery-5-5 @thesunanditsangel @vixen-uchiha @minightrose @melicmusicmagic @crazylittlemunchkin @queenmj10 @my-name-is-michell @draco-kasai @blackrosee3 @elmokingkong @sassydepression @dragonflyswing @bigpicklebananatree @thetinymoonflower
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kingluvsyou · 4 years
He was doubting himself. Was this even the right building? Would they even like his work? God, what if someone gave him issues because he hated mess. His grip on the leather steering wheel tightened though it made no difference with the fabric enclosing his slender hands. While resting his head on the steering wheel, he left out a quiet sigh that quickly devolved into a noise of frustration. He sat up,
"You're a grown man, Tomo. You can do this. Are you really going to let the possibility of mess affect you?"
He knew talking to himself was weird but it didn't matter. At last, he got out of the speckless car with his bag in one hand and phone in the other.
He tried to tune out any excessive noise, only hearing his own footsteps until the increasingly loud clicks of heels could be heard from behind him. Tomo slowed down, intending to turn around but the small woman ran passed him. A faint saint of roses intruded his nose. He quickly recognised her as his next door neighbour. She slowed down and swung open the glass door quickly but was polite enough to keep it open for the tall Japanese man behind her. He said nothing, sure that if he did, it wouldn't be acknowledged. However, he did get to hear the tail end of the receptionist greeting the young woman.
Was all that he heard. So that was her name? It suited her though. It seemed that she hadn't gotten a car yet, instead walking to make up for the difference though this time she had been sprinting - showing through her clothes and hair being ruffled. It was his turn to talk to the receptionist,
Damn it. He stuttered. Clearing his throat, he tried again,
"Hello, I'm Tomo Suzuki. I was hired here recently, is there somewhere Im supposed to be specifically?"
All he got in return was a blank stare from the woman in front of him. Pressing his lips together briefly, almost ready to speak once more but he was interrupted by her finally speaking.
"Ah.. New hire from Japan?"
She asked then nodded, seemingly answering her own question. Even if she sounded bored, he took no offence. Silence fell between the pair before she said something.
"Third floor. Door with the director on the name plate, should have your boss inside."
The loud clacks of her lengthy nails hitting the keyboard started up. Her unenthusiastic tone suited to bleak reception area. There wasn't much too it, a desk for her to work at, a couple couches that looked rather uncomfortable and firm.
He took a step back then stopped, staring at the double doors leading to the staircase then at the elevator. Which was cleaner? Elevators or stairs? Checking the stairs first resulted in the man scrunching up his nose. There were more overflowing rubbish bins that made him visibly cringe. The smell unsettled him too. Elevator it was, it seemed.
It was definitely smaller than he had expected but at least it he didn't have to slouch so much to avoid hitting the top of his head. Tomo fiddled with the hem of his silk glove again, repeating a small mantra for himself.
"Things are okay. I am okay. I have gloves. Things are okay. I am okay. I have gloves."
He muttered under his breath up until he heard the last ding, indicating that he arrived at the third floor. He stopped fiddling with the glove and let his hand drop to his side. Tomo fixed up his posture as he got out of the elevator, hoping that he hadn't just embarrassed himself by ending on the wrong floor. Despite it taking a while due to his constant hesitance, it didn't take him long to knock on the wooden door.
By the second knock, the door swung open. Tomo was met with a large black man, slightly shorter than he is with long locs tied back. He looked like the epitome of kindness despite his face being aged by stress. Tomo couldn't figure out his age but it's not like he was going to ask regardless. That would've been rude of him especially if he was his boss.
The room was somewhat cramped but fit in two mahogany desks, a midsized bookshelf and various drawers seemingly filled with various physical files. One desk was littered with flower themed stationery. The other desk was quite plain, not much taking up the space aside from the black stationary and a couple small family photos. Sitting at the flower desk was Duckie.
'Hm. Coincidence'
He thought to himself then turned his attention back to the man in front of him.
The black man first said. His voice was deep and sounded friendly too. It made him relax slightly but it wasn't visible.
"You're Mr Suzuki, yes? I remember your interview"
He held out his calloused hand for Tomo to shake. Hesitance filled him again but he shook his hand anyway. He was wearing gloves, it should be fine, right? The man had a firm grip, opposing his gentle smile. Lucio! That was his name. It was buried deep in his mind, seemingly buried underneath the piles of things he stressed over. The name on the plate helped too, with the mans first and last name.
"This is Ti-"
Lucio was cut off by the intense stare coming from Duckie.
"Duckie. My apologies"
"I've been here for as long as you have, Luci, and you still can't ge-"
It was her turn to be cut off but it was cut off by her short squeak as her head fell towards.
"-Get it right"
She continued. Her head tilted to the side as she got back to what she was doing.
"As I was saying, this is Duckie. We'll both be your boss but she won't always be in this room. It's temporary until the person she is replacing is completely gone"
Lucio explained. A noise of disgust came from Duckie,
"Replacing sounds mean. I didn't do it intentionally"
"T- Duckie. You gave him flowers as an apology"
She rolled her eyes. It wasn't one of her tics and Lucio could tell.
"Don't roll your eyes at me. We may be at the same level but I am still older than you"
Lucio scolded. He headed out with Tomo, taking him to his new desk. Lucio went through what he had to do to get set up properly, going on about training videos that he could access and where he could go for help.
The walk to his desk wasn't long but the tall duo manage to lengthen it with Lucio taking the time to explain things. The desk was bare aside from the basics; a computer with a keyboard, pot of pencils and a company notebook.
"Have fun!"
Lucio said and patted his back. Tomo suppressed expressing his cringe from the touch to try not offend his new boss. He could hear the man retreating to his office. After briefly staring at his other coworkers, he spent a couple minutes to sanitise his area then pushed the notebook into one of the equally bare drawers underneath his desk to collect dust. The minutes he spent lightly cleaning garnered a couple stares from his colleagues.
Work wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Aside from his constant rearrangement of his desk, wanting to keep it speckless like he tried to keep everything else. Throughout the hours up until his lunch hour, he hadn't been bothered by anyone and he hadn't bothered others. Tomo was fully prepared to skip out on eating at lunch to avoid the massive crowd but that plan fell through when he heard the familiar sound of the Duckie's boots come towards him. He stared at her, saying nothing.
"You're my neighbour, aren't you? I remember seeing you three this morning, with your girls. They're both cute"
Duckie started out, earning a quiet thanks from him. Her hand hit the side of her hip then her collarbone.
"Well, want to have lunch with me? It'll be fun to be friends with a neighbour!"
The blonde offered.
'Miki did say I needed friends... hopefully this is a good start'
He thought then nodded in response. Tomo got out of his seat, easily towering over the girl.
"Dios mio, eres alto"
She stared up at him in surprise. They hadn't gotten so close to each other to really understand the difference between them. The midsized woman turned on her heel and headed towards the cafeteria, making sure he was coming with. Tomo had to slow down repeatedly after overtaking the woman.
The cafeteria was crowded, definitely more than he could handle. He should've brought his mask with him. His body tensed up at the thought of being so close to so many people at once, especially since they were all strangers.
"I'll pay! What would you like?"
She chirped before walking confidently into the crowd. He opened up his mouth to say something but she was gone as soon as her sentence finished. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he mustered up the courage to head into the mass to get her. He gingerly took small steps which eventually lead to the woman who was happily chatting away with a coworker like she hadn't essentially ditched him. It really didn't take her long to be spotted with her fruity blouse and black blindfold that matched her high waisted black pants and boots. Even if it wasn't his intention, he had intimidated the coworker into cutting their conversation short and leaving.
"There you are! Why didn't you come with me?"
She spun around to face the Japanese man.
"I.. don't like crowds"
He admitted with a mild blush dusting his cheeks. It was almost unnoticeable, enough that she didn't mention it. Confusion etched itself onto her face before it turned into recognition.
"Oh! Are you a germaphobe?"
She asked, earning a shrug from him. Tomo changed the subject and picked out some food for himself. He didn't want to pick too much i. case it turned out to be expensive.
"Wait over by the entrance. I'll meet you there"
She directed after counting her money in Spanish. Tomo felt relieved that he could finally escape from the lines. Too many people for him. 10 minutes later, Duckie joined him and handed the food over. She took the lead again to find a quiet spot for them to eat at. The pair ended up by a wooden bench with various flower beds along the bath. There was the occasional passer by that neither acknowledged.
"Is this place okay?"
He simply nodded.
"A man of few words, hm? That's fine!"
Tomo let her talk. It was easier than doing it himself. While he was eating, he mostly listened to her talk about flowers. It was rather interesting even if he wasn't going to use the information. Maybe his kids will like the facts?
Duckie was frequently interrupted by her squeaks or the sound of her hand hitting parts of her body. He was certainly curious but he couldn't tell what to ask in case it was too rude. Thankfully, she noticed the blatant staring.
"Is it about what I'm doing?"
"Yes. Are you sick?"
"I'm not sick.. probably. It's just tics but no proper diagnosis. To be honest, I'm afraid of going in case I get immediately dismissed by the specialist."
"What are tics?"
She started, trying to figure out how to explain it.
"Chronic, involuntary movements or noises. I think that's part of the definition. I've had it since I was 14 so many years of this"
She shrugged and threw her rubbish away.
Lunch wasn't long but it was enough for Duckie to consider him a friend. Tomo didn't often contribute to the conversation but he did listen.
"Thanks for staying with me!"
She happily exclaimed, followed up by a squeak.
"We should hang out outside of work! There's a cafe I like going to, it's not too crowded during the morning and afternoon"
He stared at her in return as she got up, heading off to wherever she was needed. Duckie seemed to speed walk wherever she wanted to go. Tomo didn't rush, not like he needed to anyway with his long legs. He threw away his trash in the emptiest bin he could find to avoid touching anything he deemed gross.
He was a little late when he got back to his desk. A minute or two at most. He wasn't as tense as he was this morning but there seemed to be no change in how he carried himself.
It was inching closer to the end of his daughters' school and the start of an after school club each joined. They were used to doing after school activities and they wanted to keep it up but Tomo let them choose the club this time. Kyoko chose for them, picking the ones that gave them the best option to be out of the house the longest. It meant nothing since Tomo had to pick them up to come home to an empty home and missing cash.
Once he checked the time, he stood up - fast enough for the chair to roll back a metre or two. He apologised and moved the chair back then collected his things. He notified his bosses anyway, even if he had talked about it during the online interview. He was more than thankful that the job was flexible with his timings.
The drive over to the school wasn't too far and he managed to arrive on time. Tomo decided on parking further away to avoid any crowd. His kids were understanding enough to not question him about it yet. He joined the group of parents, talking in between themselves as they waited for their kids to come out. Aoi came first since her club was shorter.
"Hi daddy! My teacher is really nice! I like the club. I think I made a friend too!'
She started to talk, lightly tugging on his pant leg. It usually meant that she wanted a piggy back. Tomo crouched down and let her climb up while holding onto her bag in his hand. Aoi continued to talk about her day while they waited for Miki to come. The next club was let out, his other daughter in the crowd of children. She was quiet and held out her hand, wanting it to be held. His concern wasn't too obvious though it did start to grow when she stood close by with her grip on his hand tightening. Miki usually wasn't that affectionate in public while Aoi was the complete opposite. Aoi's talking filled up the silence on the walk back to the car. It was nice to hear her happy chatter instead of silence from her.
He carefully placed them down and made sure they were both buckled up before he was starting to drive home.
"Do either of you have homework to do?"
A 'No' came from the both of them.
"Mmm, wanna help daddy cook tonight?"
Another no.
"Can we play hair dresser?"
Miki meekly asked. Tomo thought for a moment then nodded. He was going to move any sharp objects further from them so neither child decided to give him a physical haircut. Despite his hatred of messes, it was common to see him putting up with it for the sake of having fun with his kids.
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iamknicole · 4 years
Bloodline Family Series
Don knew that his wife planned on staying the night at her girls home so ge planned to visit her. He parked beside his wife's car and made his way into the house, closing and locking the door behind him. He passed by the empty front desk knowing that the young girl that works it was at dinner with the rest of the girls. The halls were empty because every girl that stayed in the home always ate their meals.
Reaching the dining hall and stood in the wide doorway for a moment smiling. There were over 100 girls sitting and eating, if his wife had it her way Don knew that there would be 200 more. When his wife started her home, it was in a much smaller home than this building and she only had about 20 girls. Then two years later the number tripled and continued to do so.
A few of the girls called out to him and waved. "Hey, Mr. Don."
"Hey, girls. What's for dinner tonight?" He asked smiling.
"Chicken, rice, green beans and biscuits. Brownies for dessert."
Don smiled and thanked them as he strolled into the dining hall. He looked around as he walked through until he heard his wife's voice coming from the kitchen. Slipping into the kitchen unnoticed, he snuck up behind his wife and poked her side.
Pearl jumped and turned to face him, hitting him when she saw that it was him. "I swear you need a bell, Don," she laughed.
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Don laughed and kissed her.
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"You've been saying that for almost 50 years and I have yet to recieve said bell."
"What are you doing here? I thought you were playing poker tonight."
"Well I was but then I realized that I'd rather have dinner with my favorite lady. So how bout it?'
Pearl laughed softly to herself and went to fix their plates. Once they were fixed, Don took the plates while Pearl fixed them each a glass of tea. The two of them left the kitchen then left the dining hall for her office after she told the girls where she would be.
Pearl said grace over their food them passed him his fork. For as long as they'd been together, Pearl always held onto his utensils until she said grace because he would eat instead of waiting.
"Summer called me today," Don told her with a smile. "She told me a few things and I finally know things that you don't. So ha."
Pearl laughed, "You do not. She tells me everything first."
Don ate some of his food still smiling. "Did you know that she found out that she's graduating? That she got confirmation."
"She told you first," Pearl gasped putting down her fork.
"Told you. And that's not it. She's narrowed down her choices for medical school."
"Oh no sir. You must've bribed her, she always tells me everything first."
Don shook his head a proud smile on his face.
"Nope, no bribing needed. You not answering the phone pushed you out of the way."
"She should've called the work phone," Pearl pouted, "Next you're gonna tell me she has a boyfriend."
"Wouldn't you like to know?" He teased eating his food, purposely avoiding looking at her.
"Nah uhn" Pearl laughed, "You're playing with me. She does not and she would not tell you first."
"I'm not. Some boy named Algero or Algebra or something like that." He said waving his hand dismissively. "He's one of Ardian's friends and apparently he's soooo cute."
Pearl laughed at him mimicking Summer's voice.
"What? See, I have to call her cause she got some explaining to do."
They continued to talk and laugh as they are their dinner. Don stayed as long as he could before the girls went to bed. No matter how much he wanted to stay with Pearl, he knew her rules no males were allowed to stay overnight not even him.
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bowsie22 · 4 years
Chuyao Collection 10
Summary: The war with the English starts and Bai Youning returns to Shanghai alone. Where is Lu Yao? And who’s this person going around killing the English?
Salim walked into Chusheng’s office, throwing another folder onto his desk. Groaning, Chusheng picked it up, flicking through it.
“Another dead Englishman?”
“Yep, throat slit, badly beaten with some defensive wounds.”
“And let me guess? Bite marks and scratch marks on his back, signs of recent sexual activity?”
“Just like some of the others.”
In the five months since Lu Yao had left Shanghai, fifteen Englishmen had been found dead in the street, clubs and brothels of the city. Eight killed with a blade, seven shot to death. Each man had defensive wounds with signs of a fight and nine showed signs of recent sexual activity. The police had no leads and no clues. The gangs were just as clueless, if not a bit thankful.
And Chusheng had no idea what to do. Salim wasn’t wrong when he said they may have depended on Lu Yao a bit too much. Closing the folder, he ran his hands through his hair.
“Ok, here’s what we do.”
Before he could finish his sentence, a shout from outside his office interrupted him. He stared at Salim, wide eyed. The other man shook his head.
“No, no. It can’t be her! Please say it’s not her.”
“Go clean up the evidence room. Take as many officers as you need for help. I’ll deal with her.”
Her being Bai Youning apparently.
“Youning. This is a surprise. I though you’d still be on your honeymoon. Why are you back in Shanghai?”
Youning turned to her adopted brother, smirk on her face.
“I’m here to report my husband missing Chusheng. And I demand that you find him!”
After Youning’s declaration, Chusheng bundled her into the car, driving to her father’s. He was very confused. Last he had heard, they were in Germany, enjoying married life. Was that where Lu Yao had disappeared? But then why come back to Shanghai to declare him missing? None of this made sense.
“Chusheng? Chu-ge!”
Snapped out of his thoughts by Youning’s shout, Chusheng apologised, accepting the wine from Bai Qili.
“Youning, why did you come all the way back here to declare Lu Yao missing?”
Youning looked at him like he was stupid. Chusheng couldn’t say that he missed that.
“Because he’s here. I mean where else would he run except back to his precious inspector’s arms?”
How was he supposed to respond to that? Looking to Bai Qili, he was glad to see the disapproving glare sent his daughter’s way.
“Your husband is not here Youning. It would have been reported to me and Chusheng if he was.”
Youning laughed, wondering why they were lying to her. Realising that no one else was laughing, she trailed off.
“You’re serious? He’s not here? You’re not protecting him or hiding him away?”
Her father shrugged. Swearing, Youning threw her teacup onto the ground.
“Damnit! Then what am I supposed to do? I can’t go back to Germany, all the connections there were Lu Yao’s. I have no job, no home, nothing! What do I do?”
“You stay here. In this house.”
“A prison?”
Bai Qili slammed his hand on the table, having had enough of the young woman.
“For protection! We are at war you silly girl. And event though someone is killing the English, they’re still killing my men! I won’t put you at risk.”
“But daddy, I want to go back to my job.”
“No, it’s too dangerous. And frankly, you weren’t that great a writer. Do you know how much money you cost me making sure you didn’t get fired or sued? No, you’ll stay here with a guard at all times. To keep you safe. Chusheng, thank you for returning my daughter to me. Go home, get some rest. It’s been a tough few weeks.”
Chusheng wanted it known that he walked away from Youning screaming at her father, not ran away. Damnit, she was going to complicate things being back, wasn’t she? And where was Lu Yao? He drove home, thoughts of his younger friend running through his mind. Where was he? Was he safe? Was he alive? He opened his front door, trying to shake those thoughts out of his head. He needed to keep a clear head, there was too much going on for him to be distracted.
He froze as an unfamiliar scent hit his nose. No, wait, he did recognise that scent. That was Lu Yao’s hotpot. Chusheng unholstered his gun, slowly making his way to the kitchen. He strode into the kitchen, gun up. Lu Yao turned away from the pot on the stove, grinning at his friend.
“Chusheng, you’re just in time. Set the table, would you?”
In a daze, Chusheng did everything Lu Yao asked. He supposed that wasn’t too different from normal, was it? They sat down to eat and Chusheng finally shook himself out of his daze.
“Lu Yao? What the fuck? Where have you been? Why are you here? How did you get here?”
“Chusheng, relax. I’ll tell you after we eat. You’ve lost weight, you clearly haven’t been eating properly.”
He never could say no to those pleading eyes. Taking his first bite, it was difficult to hold back his moan. God, he had missed Lu Yao’s cooking. He finished eating his serving and then a second and a third serving. Lu Yao watched the entire time, a fond smile on his face. Eventually, he was finished, pushing his plate away. It was quickly scooped up by Lu Yao who headed to the kitchen.
“Nope. Come back here and tell me what the hell is going on. How long have you been back?”
Lu Yao smirked, sipping from his glass.
“When was the first Englishman killed?”
“You’ve been here for 3 months? Why didn’t you come to me?”
“Chusheng, what do you know about the Red Room?”
Chusheng scoffed. Really, Lu Yao was going to start this now?
“It’s a legend, a myth, a fairy tale.”
Again, the puppy eyes. And again, Chusheng gave in.
“Parents hand their children over to the government to be trained as state assassins. But it’s bullshit. What kind of parent would do that?”
“I was eight.”
The laughter froze in his throat, Chusheng staring at the younger man, horrified.
“Lu Yao, what?”
Lu Yao man smiled sadly, gaze fixed on his hands which rested on the table.
“When my father handed me over to the Red Room. I was eight years old. I spent ten years learning hand to hand combat, weapons and seduction. Then they sent me off to England to train and do some work.”
“All the murders over the past few weeks, they’ve been you.”
“The government doesn’t want a gang war starting. I was given a choice, them or you.”
“And you chose them.”
Lu Yao reached out to hold Chusheng’s hand, a small smile on his face.
“I will always choose you. Chusheng I could never hurt you.”
“You married Youning.”
Flinching, Lu Yao drew away, curling into himself.
“Shit Lu Yao, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
“Yes, you did.”
“Maybe, but I didn’t mean to hurt you. You know how important you are to me Lu Yao. You know how I much I love you. That’s why it hurt so much when you married her.”
“I’m not married to her. I signed a fake name, but she never noticed. I could never marry her Chusheng, not when I was so in love with you. But I knew I couldn’t do my job when I stood at your side. I couldn’t bring you back into that world of violence and murder. Not when you’ve worked so hard to escape it.”
“So, you left. And now you’re back. Because your work is finished?”
“No, but I missed you too much. I couldn’t stay away. Not when I saw how tired you look.”
“I haven’t been sleeping well. Wait, you’ve been watching me?”
Lu Yao blushed. It was stupidly attractive on his pale skin.
“I’ve been keeping an eye on you since I got back. I wanted to make sure you were ok.”
Chusheng nodded, moving to hold Lu Yao’s hand again.
“So, you’re here now. Killing people for the state. Are you here to stay?”
“If you’ll have me.”
“Lu Yao, I’d never turn you away, you know that.”
They smiled at each other, both men happy for the first time in six months. Chusheng started to laugh as he realised something.
“Oh God, you have to tell Youning that you’re not married!”
A/N For some reason, Lu Yao fighting in the same style as Black Widow will not leave my head. So now it’s in yours!
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starscheme · 5 years
With All My Heart
Chapter Ten: Found, but Lost
Hours had gone by and still no sign of Garnet. The sun had long since set, forcing the Off Colors and the Crystal Gems to search by flashlight. Pearl and Amethyst joined the search, unable to sit at home any longer. Most of the gems had jumped from place to place by warp pad, each one marking off areas they had already searched. Amethyst made sure to stay with Pearl as they rushed around. None of the Gems worried about a late night, they were frantic over Padparadscha’s late prediction. It was a good thing they didn’t need sleep or food. It made for a good search party.
“You find anything, Rhodonite?” Asked Lars, walking through some large leaves to meet her at the warp pad.
“Not a trace. This is hopeless…we’re never going to find her…” Rhodonite moaned sadly, hugging herself with all four arms and nearly blinding Lars with her flashlight in the process.
Lars covered his eyes and sighed, stepping onto the warp pad so that the Gem could take them back to beach city. “…I haven’t heard anything from Steven or Pearl either,” he replied, taking his phone from his pocket to check if they had called once again. I heard he ran off to look for Spinel too. If anyone can find her, he’d have the best luck. Those two were always together…”
Once the beam of light had brought them back home, they were faced with Fluorite, the large fusion that was kept at home in case Spinel happened to come back. “Anything,” asked Lars.
Fluorite shook her head slowly, disheartening Lars and Rhodonite. The two sighed miserably and Lars took out a map from his pocket to mark off the area they just searched. “…you should get some rest,” Rhodonite began in concern, “it’s almost dawn. Don’t you need a little sleep?”
Lars offered the gem a tired smile. “I don’t need as much as I used to. Don’t worry, I can keep going. Let’s at least search one more area.”
As Lars and the others kept on trudging on, Steven had been searching all night long and found absolutely nothing. No one besides the off colors had seen Spinel when she left and there was still no word from Garnet. Checking his phone again, he could see that it had already died. The half gem had run all over the city calling her name, going anywhere he could think of that they shared a memory.
"We were always together..." Steven muttered, doing his best to hold back tears. A lack of sleep didn't help his emotional state, but he couldn't possibly rest while Spinel was out there alone. Especially after hearing Padparadscha's foreboding prediction. He took only a moment to stop running and catch his breath and was ready to set out again until a familiar voice called out his name.
 "Steven, there you are!" Connie exclaimed, hanging her head out of the passenger seat while her father drove. Stopping on the side of the road so Connie could get out, she rushed over to Steven and hugged him tight. "Pearl told me what happened to Spinel. I'm so sorry, Steven!"
Honestly, Steven was relieved and welcomed the hug from his friend. No matter how confusing everything has been, the one constant was that Connie was one of his best friends. Nothing would change that. "...I'm still looking for her.”
"Lars and the others are still looking too, don't worry, Steven, we'll find her."
"Thanks Connie, I'm gonna try a couple more—"
"—-you should rest for a while Steven. You don't look well, Connie insisted. "You've been up all night. Some sleep will help a lot."
"I can't sleep until I find her. I won't be able to. The whole reason she slipped away was because I fell asleep in the first place! She fell asleep in my arms and now she's gone..." declared Steven, wiping the oncoming tears from his eyes.
Connie couldn't help but be curious about what he said when he mentioned holding Spinel in his arms, but she had to put that aside for now. Spinels safety came first. "The rest of us will keep looking and Pearl knows Spinel really well. I'm sure we can do this. Now please Steven...you HAVE to get some sleep. Without it, you'll be of no use. Besides, Spinel wouldn't want you to—"
"Stop." Steven insisted bitterly. The way she made it sound like Spinel was already gone, he didn't like it.
Connie could see that the lack of sleep and worry had worn Steven down. She was about to suggest he rest once again until her phone began to ring. "It's Lars," Connie announces hopefully. Maybe his search party had better luck. Answering the phone at once, Connie listened as Lars spoke and suddenly a wide grin spread across her face. "Steven, Lars found Spinel! He's back at your house right now!"
Steven suddenly felt his legs give way and he dropped to his knees with a tired laugh. "Is she okay? Did he say anything about her Gem?"
"No, he just said he found her Gem. She must have been poofed by something. Come on, we'll give you a ride back home!" She exclaimed as she helped Steven to his feet.
Inside the car now, Steven waited anxiously to get back home. Sure she had been poofed, but as long as she was in one piece, everything was going to be okay.
Once they reached his home, Connie and Steven thanked her dad, rushing from the car to go and see Spinel. However, instead of being greeted with happy, relieved faces, Pearl, Amethyst, and Rutile stood in front of the house, as if waiting for Steven there with distraught over their faces.
"Why are you guys out here? Where's Spinel?" Steven asked at once as he ran over. It seemed like they were there to block him from going inside.
 "Ah, Steven..." Pearl began, looking a bit shaky herself. Trying her best not to burst into tears again. "Something has...happened to Spinel. Before you go inside, you should know—"
So something was wrong. Without waiting to hear another word, Steven leapt over the gems that blocked his way and landed onto the top of the stairs, rushing inside.
"I said, I don't want a hug!" Lars shouted, pushing Spinels extended arms off of his waist. He and Rhodonite stood in the middle of the living room with Spinel, but not the Spinel Steven remembered.
Steven stood frozen in the doorway, staring wide eyed at the Spinel Pearl had shown him in a hologram earlier. Her hair was tied into buns that took the shape of hearts, the black lines that ran down her cheeks were gone, her eyes had changed color, and the biggest change of all? Her heart Gem was right side up. Still, even with all these changes, Steven was just relieved to see that she was okay. She must have really changed her appearance after reforming.
"Spinel!" Steven called out happily as he ran over to her, taking her hands in his. "I was so worried about you!"
"Worried?" Spinel repeated. Even her tone of voice was different now. "Why would anyone worry about me when I have my best with me?" She giggled happily.
Steven looked into her eyes, growing a bit more concerned. She really didn't sound like herself. "O-okay. Well...I'm just glad you're home. We can talk about what happened later if you want..."
"Eh, sorry mister, but I don't live here," Spinel answered with a smile, "where my best friend goes, I go!" She announced happily, slipping her hands from Stevens grip and backing up to stand beside Lars, putting her arm around him.
Lars looked terribly uncomfortable and shrugged his shoulders as he looked to Steven for help. "She's been like this since she reformed," he explained, pushing her hand from his shoulder. "She said she's my new best friend..."
"That's what I was trying to explain to you, Steven," Pearl chimes in as she entered the house, holding what appeared to be the small rod that Steven recognized as Spinels Scythe. "Spinel...seems to have poofed herself with this."
Steven was still confused. "So?"
"Steven...Spinel is like me. She didn't originally have a weapon since we weren't built for battle like Ruby or Amethyst. ...Since the rebellion began, Spinel has been using something called a rejuvenator that had been reprogrammed from its original purpose. Which was to...reset a Gem back to when it was new. She must have had another rejuvenator since she kept backups in case hers broke...from her appearance, she clearly used it on herself. Which means she doesn't remember...anything. All of her previous memories are gone now..."
Steven felt like he was living in a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. What on earth was she talking about? There's no way that Spinel would just forget like that. Not after everything. "Spinel?" Steven began, turning to her once again, slightly irritated when he saw her clinging to Lars' arm.
"You don't...remember anything? You don't remember me?"
"Sure don't, am I supposed to?" She answered with a shake of her head, the smile never leaving her face.
"...she must have wanted to be like she was before. ...to fix everything..." Pearl choked out.
"You mean to fix what YOU said she should!" Steven insisted, clenching his fists at his side and glaring down at the floor. He couldn't help but blame Pearl. He didn't want to hurt her, but the words just kept pouring out before he could stop them. "You said she was wrong and so she FIXED herself! I told you that she was fine! Why couldn't you just—"
"Hey, hey, Steven, Calm down!" Lars pleaded anxiously. "This isn't going to help."
"That's right," Spinel added happily, "let's turn our frowns upside down and play a game!"
Steven glanced up at Spinel, feeling a sharp pain in his chest when he saw her face. "...I—I...what am I supposed to do?"
"...I'm sure this isn't permanent," One of the Rutile twins began as they entered his the others, walking over to Lars and brushing Spinels hand from his shoulder.
"Lots of gems got rejuvenated on home world. The ones that started to get their memories back tried to run...but were eventually shattered."
"Started to get their memories back?" Pearl and Steven repeated together.
"So that means there's a chance her memories are still in there somewhere?!" Pearl asked hopefully. Since she had been beside Pink her whole time on Home world, she had never seen anyone rejuvenated. The diamonds would merely shatter or break a gem that stepped out of line.
"I should think so..." the left twin replied, "but we don't really know how it works."
Steven was still a little lost, but ever optimistic, he tried to spin this in his head. Spinel didn't remember him now, but she could remember him eventually. So this wasn’t the worst thing that could happen. At least she wasn’t actually broken or shattered. Still, just how long would that take though and how was he supposed to remind her? "O-okay. So we just...need to remind Spinel who she is. Then...she'll be back to normal and everything will be fine."
"Yeah, okay, but in the meantime, what are we gonna do about this?" Lars asked as Spinel coiled her arms around him gently and pressed her cheek cheerfully against his as she giggled.
"Well first, stop touching her." Steven answered irately, finding it difficult to not simply forcefully separate the two.
"Dude, are you serious?! I can't even move my arms!" Lars replied. "Hey uh, Spinel? Can you...let go?"
Spinels happy expression didn't change, but she released Lars without protest. "Anything for my best friend."
"Why is she doing that? Why is she suddenly so attached to Lars?" Steven demanded, finding that he was most unsettled with this outcome.
"She must have reformed around Lars. He was the one that found her after all. When a Spinel first forms, the first person they see is...who they think they were made for. She must think Lars was her intended...owner, if you will."
"Well tell her he's not!" Steven insisted, not sure what to do about it. Though he has happy that Spinel could get her memories back and he was glad to have her home unharmed, he was not happy at all that she was so close to Lars.
"I'm afraid until she gets her memory back...Lars is her...new best friend." Pearl answered sadly. This really did seem like all her fault and she felt so ashamed of herself.
"Well, we'll just leave Spinel here with all of you. I'm sure you can make her remember in no time." The right rutile twin said with a smile before turning for the door.
Lars offered them all a nervous smile before he headed for the door as well, only to be stopped when he felt Spinel grab his hand in an attempt to come with him.
"Huh? Oh, no, Spinel, you stay here." Lars said with a forced smile.
"What are you talking about? I can't leave my best friend all alone," she replied cheerfully.
Pearl sighed sadly, "Lars I...know it's an inconvenience, but would you mind letting Spinel stay close to you until we help her to remember? ...Spinels like to be with their best friends and I don't want to stress her too much while she's like this."
"Whoa, wait a minute," Steven interjected. "She's not gonna live him."
"I just wanna go lay down..." groaned Lars, regretting his decision to help them find her now.
"Lay down? That sounds like a fun game! Let's go play it together!" Spinel exclaimed.
"NOPE!" Steven at once, immediately uncomfortable with the image of Spinel lying in bed with Lars. "That ain't happening!"
Pearl scanned her brain, trying to think of someway to fix this. Steven was already so upset with her.
"Oh, um, Spinel..." Pearl began with a soft, forcefully cheerful voice.
"Perhaps you and Lars would like to have a slumber party here tonight?"
"What?!" Lars demanded as his voice got a little higher.
"Oooooh, what's that? Is it fun?" Spinel asked, bouncing lightly in place.
"So much fun," pearl replied. Spinel may have lost her memories, but Pearl still knew how to handle her. After all, it was her job to do so when they first met. "You will get to stay here with Lars and all of other friends."
Spinel clapped her hands excitedly, "yaaaay! That sounds great! What do you think, Lars?" Asked Spinel as she hugged his arm.
Lars and Steven both looked down at her hands as they held onto Lars' arm.
"I don't like this," stated the two boys with a frown.
A/N: So here’s the thing, a jealous Steven is my life fuel.
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Hide Myself || Damien x Dark!Reader
And the next part of the series drops! @crowley-is-a-danger-noodle 's idea for the series as a whole, though this installment, ADWM based, is mainly my ideas, though kudos to the dfa for ideas as well ;)
I guess I could start a taglist for this?
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Y/N arrived at the restaurant, wearing the smartest (and darkest) clothes they had. They were going on a...date. A date with someone that they'd rather have dead, and the date was the perfect opportunity to do what Y/N had wanted to do for so, so long.
They climbed out of the taxi, and walked inside, head held high, hoping that Mark would fall for the façade. Mark had known that Y/N was around but he had no idea who they actually were. He was convinced that they had no recollection of the events.
He had no idea.
Y/N sat in front of the man, and he, almost immediately, went on a tangent about he'd been looking forward to the date. He mentioned he'd gotten a rose too, but that ended up being tossed over his shoulder. Y/N sent it to the void.
"Wait. You look so familiar...have we met?" Mark asked, and Y/N cocked an eyebrow at him, mildly bemused by the fact he was trying to play stupid. "Must be destiny-OH!" He stopped himself as food was placed down, and he instantly picked it up too...sniff it? Oh, okay. It seemed he'd only gotten weirder.
"I can't wait to get to know you." He smiled at Y/N, and then he frowned ever so slightly. "But it feels like I might've-" He was cut off once again by food being placed down, and he immediately began to waft air into his face, sniffing it once again. Y/N blinked, a little confused. What on Earth?
"It feels like I might've known you for a long time." He finished, and Y/N leant back in their seat, and hummed in response.
"That's because you have." Y/N mumbled under their breath, and Mark tilted his head, puzzled, wondering what Y/N had said, but he brushed it off.
"Either way, I can't wait to see what this date has in store." Mark continued, unaware of the Chef coming up behind him. He threw something down into the table, and took hold of Mark's shoulder, before scowling at the two.
"So who's gonna pay for this?" He asked, and Mark faltered, panicking, which Y/N took great joy in. He began to pat himself down, mumbling, looking for his wallet, and while Y/N would've liked to see what the Chef had in store for him, it would ruin the plan.
Y/N whipped out a credit card, and the Chef immediately cheered up, putting the knife- where had that come from? He put the knife down, and took the card, smiling, and laughing softly.
Mark thanked him, before letting out a breath he'd been holding in. "Right, I've got more of this date to shoe you, I've got this awesome play for us too see. It's going to be incredible." He told Y/N , and they nodded. "Come with me." He said, leading Y/N outside.
"Hey, come on! We're gonna be late for the play!" He opened the car door for Y/N and they got in, but only mere seconds later, the doors were being opened by the assistants again. They greeted Mark and Y/N perhaps too enthusiastically, but Mark clearly didn't mind as he got out of the car.
"It is so unbelievably good. I cannot wait for this...oh, and I just wanted to say, thanks so much for coming out with me. I mean, you're beautiful, you're handsome- Bonjour!" Mark's mini speech was interrupted by an assistant once again, and he grumbled as they passed him. "Oh! Uh! Snacks! I know we just ate but if you wanted a snake for the play...anyway. Ooh! Popcorn!" Mark continued to the entrance, jumping slightly whenever someone said bonjour.
"Oh! This is perfect! We've got two plays to choose from! Do we see the romance, Love Too Soon, or the horror, The Dark Mark?" Mark gestured to the two, then grinned when Y/N chose the Horror film. "Oh, good choice! I've never actually seen this play before, I don't even know who made it so...could be a fun adventure! Let's give it a try." He opened the door, walking in.
Y/N sighed, walking past him before he could start talking again, and they sat down. This was it. Mark sat next to Y/N looking forwards, and Y/N took the chance, teleporting away to the void, and they began pulling Mark in with them.
"Do you realise how hard it was for me to sit and listen to you? I've wanted to end your little games ever since that goddamn manor." Y/N growled, a copy screaming behind them. Mark stared at Y/N, perhaps realising what he'd gotten himself into. But he said nothing, knowing that Y/N's anger wasn't to be trifled with.
"Did Damien ever tell you? Did he ever tell you how this date was going to go? Did he ever tell you how I hated you?" Y/N stepped closer, before sighing, and rolling their neck. If Mark had looked closely, he would've seen a bone come out of place, only for a split second, giving away how damaged Y/N's body was. Oh, if only he could see. If only he could see the bullet wound, which had never ever really healed up. If only he could see what was really wrong.
"Y/N, I never meant for you to ge-"
"But I did." Y/N interrupted, voice eerily calm. "I did get hurt. I got killed, Mark. I got shot. I got shot in the chest, and I broke my neck falling from that damned balcony. Yet, here I am." Y/N sneered at Mark, form glitching out wildly.
"Y/N, friend, I'm sorry." Mark tried, though he should've known it was useless.
"Don't call me friend! We were never friends. We were never just friends. The only reason I ever did anything with you was because you looked like him. I never liked you. And we were never friends." Y/N snapped, and Mark flinched back, as if he were scared that Y/N might reach out and break him. He knew they could. They already were.
"Don't try to apologize, either." Y/N harshly added. "You ruined everything for me. No amount of words could fix that. Nothing from you could fix anything. I had everything planned out. I was- I was going to get that job, I was finally going to talk to Damien, and then your stupid party happened. Don't give me that story about how it wasn't supposed to go that way."
Y/N cracked their neck, and the void began to creak. "There's two versions of me. One version has forgotten everything that ever happened...and then there's this version of me. The version that's fuelled by anger, and hate. Hate for you. Take your pick."
The void disappeared and they were suddenly in the parking lot, and a gun was in Mark's hands. He looked up to see two of Y/N, both looking exactly the same. Damien had appeared from somewhere, stood at the side of one of the Y/N's, and he was looking at Mark, tense. He glanced at one of the Y/N's nervously, and Mark bared his teeth slightly as he raised the gun, aiming at the Y/N that Damien stood by.
He didn't see the panic settle over the Y/N until it was too late, and they crumpled, the other disappearing. "Well done, Mark." Y/N spat, Damien falling to his knees beside Y/N. "You chose the right one. Go away. Go do whatever shit you do now. But keep an eye out, you never know who's lurking around the corner." Y/N growled, staggering to their feet, and taking Damien's hand, and then they both disappeared, into shadows.
Mark was left stunned, but alive. Y/N was left injured, but sneering.
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rainy-autumn-day · 5 years
Dreaming A Horror Story By Samatha Evergreen
Rated PG13. 3K word count
Anything can be a dream until it isn’t….Right?
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Anything can be a dream until it isn’t.  
Lilith awoke with a pounding headache that made her want to go back to sleep to get away from the pain, but the world seemed to have another plan as the sun from the curtains hit her eyes with its full brightness.
   She let out a long breath of annoyance and covered her head with a pillow but knew there was nothing she could do. Today was, of course, a workday meaning, she needed to get up and just like everyone else go to work at her retail job until the clock hit seven and she was allowed to leave, go back home, eat a depressing meal of fast food and go back to sleep and start it all over again until the weekend.
   She threw the pillow back down and swung her legs over the side of the bed and got up.
  She went into the bathroom and turned the water on for the shower, the steam fogging up the mirror. Lilith wiped it away and looked at herself, her eyes were ringed with deep dark purple bags, her hair stringy.
   For a moment she just stood there looking at herself before a flash of red caught her attention. She looked behind herself but saw nothing. Shaking her head she let out a high laugh as she ran a hand through her hair, god she really needed her coffee.
   She got into the shower and let the warm water wash that image of her own imagination from her mind’s eye.
    She let her eyes close as she turned the water off and stepped out knowing she had stayed in far too long then she should have.
    Lilith raced through the rest of her morning routine drinking a full 12-ounce cup of coffee in one go as she grabbed her bag and ran out of her apartment door and turned towards the hall and walked right into a guy.
   She was knocked back a step but thankfully regained her balance and looked up to see a man, but instead of saying sorry he simply kept walking like he hadn’t almost just sent her flying across the hall.
    “Asshole!” Lilith shouted after him as he kept going not even bothering to look at her. Instead, he looked at the flickering light that had just started.
   "Really?“ Lilith said rolling her eyes as he shook his head and kept walking, she didn’t have the time to go after him and tell him off like she so wish she could have.
    She stepped outside and found the world gray and rainy and she had to blink, it had just been pretty sunny when she had woken up but now it was a deep gray that meant only one thing, a storm.
   A sharp breeze hit her then and snapped her back to reality from where she had been staring at the sky, god of she didn’t need the money she would just hop back in bed this day seemed to weird already but what could she do?
   She made a run for her car that sat a little ways off from the building and luckily made it in with being only lightly misted.
   Thankfully it was only a ten-minute drive to work meaning even if she was late, it wasn’t that bad and luckily even with rain it was a pretty smooth drive and she made it just as the clock hit 7: 30 and clocked in.
  Haha, Kelly wouldn’t be able to bitch at her now.
  Lilith walked over to her register ready to help the ever-growing line of customers, all ready to check out.
   "Sorry for the wait,” Lilith said looking up at them with a smile, they seemed not to see it of course as they simply glared right through her. “Okay…..” Lilith said under her breath as she punched in her employ code to unlock the register but an error message popped up.
“What the hell?” Lilith said hitting the backspace and retyped it in but again the message popped up.
   "I-I’m sorry,“ Lilith said looking up at awaiting customers, "I don’t know what’s going on with this regist-” her words were cut off suddenly by a familiar too cheerful voice.
   Lilith turned and saw Kelly walking over to them.
 Lilith watched her type in her code and it unlocked with a ding.
   "Kelly what’s going on with my code? Why isn’t it working?“ Lilith asked looking from the register to Kelly but she said nothing as she started to ring up the first person.
   "Kelly?” Lilith said waving her hand in front of the other women’s sees but she didn’t even react to it. “So what? I’m fired? Lilith asked thinking that was the only reason her code wasn’t working anymore and Kelly wasn’t responding to her given she had always hated conflict.
   "Come on Kelly we’re both big girls you can just tell me if I’m fired I won’t be mad.”
  Well, she would since she just wasted gas to get here but she wouldn’t take it out on Kelly.
   But she only went on scanning thing after thing making small talk with the customers and it was starting to freak her out.
    Lilith reached out a hand to grab Kelly and make her look at her but her hand simply went through her like a light in the mist.
   Kelly’s shiver was her only reaction and Lilith stumbled back her eyes going wide and her heart pounding in her ears. “What the hell!” she said out loud looking down at her hand with fear.
   For a moment she just looked at her own hand, it seemed perfectly fine to her.
   Lilith let out a shuttering breath as she went around the counter and reached out once again to touch an old lady but was stopped by a voice.
   "What are you doing?“
Lilith looked down to see a little girl, no more than five or six standing next to her looking up at her with bright green eyes, her red raincoat bright even in the light.
   "You can see me?” Lilith asked on the verge of a panic attack now, her breath wheezing out of her lungs.
  The little girl tipped her head to one side with a sweet smile. “Of course I can silly, you can see me after all.”
   "Why are you the only one?“ Lilith asked.
"Why do you believe I would know?” The little girl asked right back.
   "This isn’t happening,“ Lilith said turning away from her and rubbed at her head which gave a painful ache.
  She closed her eyes as she talked to herself under her breath, "This isn’t happening, this isn’t real. I’m still in bed asleep right now and I’m going to wake up any minute  now and I’m going to laugh about this as I drink my coffee and get to work late.”  Kelly bitch at her and she would take it happily.
     "What are you talking about?“ The little girl asked tugging on the hem of her t-shirt.
   Lilith opened her eyes and looked down at her. "What is happening?” Lilith asked, her voice shaking.
   The little girl just looked at her with innocent eyes and after a moment of it she pulled away from the girl and started for the front doors. She weaved through the crowd, not caring if she knocked into someone because they didn’t even take notice.
   Lilith pulled out her keys as she stepped outside not giving two craps about the rain now. It was the least of her problems.
   "Where are you going!?“ she heard the little girl call after her.
  "Home!” Lilith shouted back clicking the unlock button and opened the car’s door before getting in and closed it after herself.
   Lilith struggled with her keys a moment before jamming the key into the slot and started the engine.
   She looked behind herself to pull out but ended up letting out a scream instead.
   "Why are you screaming?“ the same little girl from the store asked from where she sat in the back.
  "How the hell did you get in my car!” Lilith asked.
  The girl just looked at her as if she had just asked why it was raining instead of it being sunny.
   "Because I want to go with you, your the only one who talks to me.“
   Lilith just stared at her for a second but shook her head, she didn’t have time to deal with this.
  "Whatever,” Lilith said and pulled out of the parking lot and turned on to the street.
   "Why are you going back to your apartment?“ the little girl asked.
   "I’m not,” Lilith answered, “I’m going to see my family. My mom lives fifteenth minutes away. She’ll know what to do, she always does.”
   "Why do you think she’ll see you when no one else can?“ the little girl asked.
    Lilith swallowed, her body going cold at the idea that no one would see her, hear her. But no. Her mom would know what to do. She would help her.
  "She will… she’ll fix this,” Lilith said as her head gave a painful ache again.
   The girl said nothing and the car filled with silence and stayed that way for a good few minutes before Lilith finally had to fill it. “What’s your name?
    "Az,” the little girl said as she watched out the window as the rain kept falling.
   "Does that mean something?“ Lilith asked as she turned into her mom’s driveway.
"It may.”
   "What?“ Lilith asked as she grabbed her bag and opened her door before getting out.
   "You’ll find out soon,” the little girl said as Lilith turned around and jumped as she found the girl standing behind her.
   Lilith made a face at her vague answer but as she looked up it disappeared from her thoughts as she saw the front door of her mom’s house standing wide open.
   "What the…?“ Lilith said sidestepping the girl and started running up the drive, but she slowed as she reached the door.
    The rain had gotten harder, turning the world misty in the sheets of rain that hit them, but Lilith didn’t feel it as she stepped through the same white door she had grown up with and stopped in her tracks as she looked across the living room.
   There were people standing around that she hadn’t seen in years, Aunt May, Uncle Dave who she hadn’t seen since she was six. Rylee Ross and Steven Norm from high school. June and Jason the twins she used to babysit when she was fourteen and hadn’t seen in over thirteen years.
    The mood seemed dim and heavy even in the fully lit room, everyone was wearing black and gray clothes and Lilith felt her heart drop. Was her mom hurt? Now that Lilith thought about it she couldn’t remember the last time she had called and spoke to her …or even seen her.
   Lilith felt her stomach drop to her knees as she walked further into the room and stopped next to her Aunt. "Where’s mama?” Lilith asked her voice breaking.
  Her Aunt said nothing and only looked through her, the older woman’s eyes pained before she turned away and looked up at her Uncle Dave. “We really must get going, there’s nothing more for us to do here for them.”
   Lilith stepped aside for them and watched as they started for the front door pulling out umbrellas and popped them open and Lilith followed after them.
   "Why do you want to see where they’re going?“
At this point, Lilith wasn’t surprised when she heard Az behind her.
  "Because I just need to,” Lilith said not sure she really wanted too but it was like something was pulling her.
  She stepped back outside with her family and friends and stopped dead as they started for the line of cars parked on the sidewalk.
     "What the hell!“ Lilith said out loud and of course, no one even looked her way as she stared at the spot where her car had been parked that now lay empty.
   "Well, you could always join your friends, there seems to be a seat left.”
   With every part of her body cold Lilith looked back and saw that yes, there was a seat left next to her old high school crush Steven Norm.
  She closed her eyes a moment as she let out a shaking breath before she turned and made it in right as the door was closing.  
  She looked up and saw Az standing in front of the door as it closed slowly.
   "What are you going to do?“ Lilith asked.
 "I’ll see you there,” Az said.
     Lilith looked her at until the door shut and the car started to pull away and before they turned the corner she looked back and saw that Az was gone.
    The ride was quiet, almost cold with the mood. The only sound in the car was the rain hitting the car and as she looked out the window she wondered where they were going.
   She watched the clock tick away watching the gray sky, her heart pounding in her ears. Could it have something to do with her mom? The sinking feeling told her it wasn’t good.
  Finally, they pulled into the place she had prayed it wasn’t. The kindly cemetery.
  “No,” Lilith breathed as everyone started to get out “No, this isn’t happening.”
   She got out slowly and swallowed the fear down as she followed after Uncle Dave.
   They walked through the maze of gravestones weaving around them as if they were trying to find the center of the maze that she felt held something she didn’t want to find.
  Lilith felt her heartbeat pick up as she looked up to see a row of chairs sitting in front of an open casket. People milled around the line of white folded out chairs, they were all dressed in black. The feeling of grief heavy in the rainy wet air. “Oh God,” Lilith breathed as she got closer and saw faces she knew. New and old friends, more family she hadn’t seen in years.
  Her body felt cold as she looked around panicked, where was her mother!
  “Who are you looking for?”
Lilith froze for a moment before she turned and found Az smiling up at her.
 "How did you get here?“ Lilith asked anger lacing her words, "How did you get here?! What are you?!”
    The girl only kept smiling up at her before her eyes drifted away to look at something behind her. “Is that the woman you were looking for?”
   Lilith turned around and felt her heart lift, her mother stood in the front row of the chairs looking lost as she stared blankly at the gray sky her eyes almost empty.
   "Mom!“ Lilith said breathlessly as she ran over to her, and stopped. She reached out a hand but stopped herself, scared of what would happen.
  "Mom look at me.”
  For a moment her mom looked up at her and Lilith felt hope go through her body before her mom looked back down and walked right through her like a ghost.
   Lilith stood there a moment feeling as if she had just been cut in half, her head once again giving a painful throb something wet started to ran down the side of her head but it was nothing to the pain that went through her chest, her heart.
   "That’s not what you wanted was it?“
Lilith stood there a moment hugging herself as her whole body went numb as she looked down her head killing her now as she turned on the girl.
   "What are you?!”  Lilith hissed.
The girl tipped her head to the side, a wicked smile across her face. “That looks like that hurts,” the girl said before looking towards the casket.
   Lilith shook her head, a freezing feeling running through her now as she let the fear that she had been keeping down ran free. “No.”
  “Go on,” the girl said, “Don’t you want to know why everyone is here? I’m sure you already have an idea.”
   "Go to hell,“ Lilith said shouting Az down.
The girl said nothing only looked away and towards the casket, the rain getting heavier. The mist turned to droplets that sounded all around her, hitting the grass and gravestones.
   Lilith turned to look at the black box as her family and friends went to stand under the covering over the chairs.
  "Go on now.”
Lilith swallowed as she took a step towards the casket, her head pounding harder and harder as she got closer. The rain seemed to pass through her, her feet didn’t seem to make a sound as she got closer and closer. She stumbled over her feet as her world started to blur either from the rain or the tears that had started to fall.
   She reached the casket after want felt like hours and looked down as the rain dripped off the seer silk blackness, but she didn’t see her reflection. She sucked in a breath as she looked at the stone that lay in front of her.
   Her stomach fell as she saw her name
Lilith Allison
Lilith felt the air from her lungs leave her and her legs gave out. She fell to the damp grass. “What happened?” Lilith asked her head killing her now.
   "I’m sorry,“ Az said moving to stand next to her.
   Lilith looked up, but found the girl gone.
Lilith looked around herself her eyes wide and found she was alone. "Hello!” Lilith called out as she pushed herself up from the ground turning around. The world was empty.
  Suddenly thunder boomed from somewhere above her. Lilith looked up and saw a flash of light before everything when dark.
Lilith opened her eyes with a start as she sat up and looked around herself to find she was back in her bedroom.
  Lilith let out a breath, the dream still rattling around in her head. She jumped up and ran out of her room and through the living room and opened her door to the hallway. She sucked in a breath and ran down it wanting to see the world outside until she ran into something that knocked her off balance and she had to catch herself on the wall to not fall on her face.
   "Sorry about that,“ a man said, he reached out a hand to help her but she could only look at him with wide eyes.
  "You can see me?” Lilith breathed as she held onto the wall.
      The guy only rolled his eyes, “I said I was sorry what more do you want?”
   Lilith only looked at him as he went around her and continued down the hall.
   As he disappeared Lilith looked back to the front door. The frosted glass showed sunlight, not the rainy day in her nightmare.
   Lilith walked over to the door and pushed it open and breathed in the clean air. She stepped down on to the sidewalk. After that nightmare, she would call Kelly and tell her she wasn’t coming in she would go and see her mother. Hell, she would just stay home and watch t.v..
     "There you are.“
Lilith froze. That voice, the small airy voice. No, no, no, no, no. It couldn’t be.
  Lilith turned around slowly and found a little girl wearing a red jacket, her blonde hair up in a ponytail just like in her dream……wasn’t it a dream. Just a bad dream.  
      Az smiled up at her as Lilith slowly started to back away.
  "I thought you were going to get away from me for a second there.”
By @samantha-evergreen
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