#long live original twilight in 4k
bella-swans · 7 months
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Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan in The Twilight Sage: Eclipse (2010)
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huntrolli · 2 years
Alan wake remastered xbox game pass
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To say those that live in Bright Falls are a little eccentric is an understatement. The town of Bright Falls is almost identical to that of Twin Peaks and features near carbon copies of its diner and even some of its inhabitants. While the tale takes inspiration from a number of compelling sources like the novels of Stephen King, The Twilight Zone and The Birds, it’s clear that Alan Wake puts its love of Twin Peaks at centre stage. What’s worse, he stumbles across manuscript pages that suggest he’s either behind the chaos that has erupted… or worse yet, that it’s all in his head.Īlan Wake is incredibly self-aware Remedy’s Sam Lake (aka the face of Max Payne… and the face of Alex Casey?) has written a game about Wake, who appears in an episodic television-style retelling of a story that Alan himself has written. There, the Wakes find that the locale (and the owls) aren’t as they seem day turns to night and Alan is immersed in a supernatural mystery of life-changing proportions. Alan thinks its purely for rest and relaxation, while Alice has planned to try to help her husband combat a case of writer’s block. Off the back of a successful book launch in which Alan kills off his long-standing protagonist Alex Casey, he and his wife Alice head to the sleepy town of Bright Falls. Just in case you haven’t played through Stevivor’s GOTY of 2019 (or 2010 if we had such an award back then), Alan Wake is a acclaimed fiction writer. If you’re not familiar with the original Alan Wake, you may have caught an abridged version of his plight inside Control‘s most recent AWE DLC. Alan Wake Remastered now offers up to 4K resolution and 60 FPS (frames-per-second) gameplay on consoles alongside enhanced character models and environments, improved facial animations and lip-synching, and more. Developer Remedy has partnered with d3t for a current-gen remaster of Alan Wake, its 2010 Xbox 360 classic.
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Feral Fatality
(Part 1)
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So this has been in my works for a week now. You see, it was a typical day for me scrolling through Tumblr and visiting some....tags, and then a short drabble inspired me to write about a feral reader totally not because I was craving violence and murder no, which reached more than 4k words on the first draft so here we are! Shitty title, I know. The proofread work went over 7k, and it's not even finished yet. Once I'm done posting this and my main orc fic, I will get into the requests so please be patient!
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Brief blood and violence at the end of the first part
Contains: Swearing, mentions of neglect and abuse (not graphic)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Screams slit through the twilight as the frigid autumn wind blew harshly through the trees of Camp Crystal Lake. The rustling of bushes and cracking of twigs echoed as foolish teenagers attempted to escape, running for their lives when they were the ones who dared step foot in the place, tarnishing it with their sins.
Jason Voorhees, the innocent kid who died several years ago; pushed to the lake by his bullies and left to drown for being different and unsightly— all because the counselors were busy with their fucking business—, returned as an undead killing machine right after his mother murdered them and died. His sole purpose: to protect the land and purge the people who had no right to be here, sentencing them to a horrendous death.
One by one, they struck the ground, lifeless, either chopped into pieces, beheaded, or stabbed countless times by his trusty machete.
Limbs...ripped off with his bare hands.
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The muffled snapping of branches reached your ears as the vehicle's wheels ran over them, stirring you from your nap. You rubbed your chilled skin under your clothes as you looked out of the window, thumping your forehead on the glass when you leaned forward the moment you saw the scenery. Trees, both ancient and young, their leaves varying in hues of green, orange and red, filled your line of sight. It was still early in autumn, your favorite time of the year, not hot but not too cold either. You watched in awe as the warm-colored leaves cascaded down from the branches and down to the ground, some carried by the wind farther from their origin.
The view did its best to distract you from a couple in session a seat before yours. They always seem to do that all the time, regardless of place or occasion.
This was a week-long getaway after graduation, they said.
Nothing but a white lie.
An excuse for the girls to hook up with their campus crushes, a week of fucking and smoking drugs.
You, however, just got invited —forced— by your "friend" Eloiza, the self-proclaimed hottest girl in the entire school, typical captain of the cheerleading squad; blonde and curvy. Her words were much too sugar-coated that even a deaf person could tell she had ulterior motives.
She only planned to use you as a tool to raise her fame. A stepping stone for her own gain.
That wasn't the only reason though.
Everyone knew who you were, but only by your name. News and rumors alike spread like wildfire through gossipy mouths. Your deeds were known throughout campus.
(Y/N)(L/N), top academic competitor and multiple-award winner, a straight-A student for five years in succession. Some believed you were a genius, the rest called you insane.
You wouldn't call yourself a genius though, you did not possess the obsessive need to acquire eternal knowledge and discover the secrets of the universe as most of them do, to effortlessly solve every problem that comes their way.
If that were the case, then you wouldn't be here in the first place.
You only love learning and indulging in the beauty of Mother Nature, plus a handful of hyper-fixations.
Fine, a buttload of hyper-fixations. And such came in handy in various situations.
You were unrivaled, not one of your peers could come close to your level of wit. Many people wished to have a brain like yours, and just as many hated you for even having one, praised you just as much as slandered your name and judged you.
Despite your reputation, the poor school didn't broadcast it, at least every time. The staff probably got tired of repeating the same phrase over and over again. Which caused more than half of the whole campus to never believe you to be the one behind all of that, laughing at your face when you said your name.
"You? The (Y/N) (L/N)? Ha! As if I'd fall for that! Everyone knows how she looks. You're the absolute opposite!"
"You got to be kidding me."
"You're a joker, aren't you? Is this a prank? If so please stop it, don't pretend like you're her."
Yep, and it goes on and on and on. They were right, you didn't look like someone who would win contests or excel in class.
You constantly wore clothes that hid your form, silent unless spoken to or asked to answer, distant and reserved, you preferred the company of books and nature to the rowdiness and prying hands of humans. A sociopath they deemed you. Quite an extreme word to use when you simply wanted to enjoy the only things that made you happy in this living hell.
You only know a handful of people who approached you first-hand and praised you genuinely, even asking for an autograph, which really surprised you.
Yet, they would never understand you even if you explained, because you can't, words evade you when it comes down to voice out what you feel. Even if you can, no one would care. And even if they did? You doubt it was real. Everyone wants to use you, and they seem to believe you'd let them. You didn't trust anyone. The last time you did only left you sobbing on the dirt.
You wanted to be left alone.
To connect with nature and get as far away as possible from your parents. Parents who kept shouting profanities at each other, the main cause for your depression and anxiety levels to skyrocket, the shaking turning into trembling, 7 hours of sleep to barely a blink.
That's why you agreed to go in the first place.
You hated your household—despised it— a mess of broken shards of bottles and ceramics littered your kitchen floor more often than not. You didn't bother cleaning it up anymore, your mother would just waste away her money on more things to break and throw them at your joke of a father when they fought anyway.
Not only that, you thought...No, you believed if you worked hard to be the best and win countless competitions, your parents would give you recognition and reconcile for your sake, but no, no, no. They didn't care one bit about you or your medals, it was as if you were never even included in their lives at all. Even birthday celebrations ceased to exist in everyone's books after your 13th.
So you gave up.
Down into the void, your wishful thinking went, that they'll become better people over time, that the attention and love you deserve will be given one day. Instead, you wallowed yourself in your studies, besting everyone in everything academic. Oh, but you weren't athletic. Far from it. Damn, you were getting thin and sleep-deprived from being neglected, dark circles under your eyes every time you looked at your reflection. People hating your existence wasn't helping, some teachers even suspected you of cheating.
There's no way in hell you'd let yourself get dragged down to end up like them! You were of legal age now, a fresh graduate from high school, you doubt your parents even knew that since they didn't fucking show up on your graduation day. You were moving out of that shithole of a town. Anywhere is better than where they breathed and spat their poison.
And so here you are. Standing in this breath-taking and mysterious place. Camp Crystal Lake, it is named, secluded, barely touched by modernization as it is hidden between mountains and trees as far as the eye could see. Not to mention its namesake, the lake, you imagined it would mirror the sky, be it day or night. You loved it, you adored the fresh, breathable air that went through you the moment you stepped out of the van.
You also knew about him.
Resolved to never go back to that goddamned house, you took everything you had and needed; the special little trinkets you've collected through the years shoved into a box, the few clothes you had, art materials, and your precious books carefully packed inside a big travel bag, along with your stocked up canned goods, convenience food, snacks, and toiletries.
And other, important things.
You hauled your baggage out of the van and got off, immediately moving to the side and away from everyone.
You got used to people ignoring you that you didn't care anymore.
Why waste your time with them when you can have all of it to yourself?
Eloiza led the group into the larger cabins, the others went straight into the lake for a swim. You even notice some teens disappear into the trees, most likely for a quickie.
In return, you stayed out of their way, fully satisfied being invisible and with your own company as you trudged to a cabin, the one you caught a glimpse of earlier in the van. It was a long way's separated from the rest, closest to the forest and hidden behind a few trees.
You were panting when you finally stopped in front of it, clearly not used to walking long distances and carrying stuff near as heavy as your weight.
Upon closer inspection, you found yourself gaping at its appearance. The wooden walls lost their color as they aged, white and brown mushrooms grew on the ground along with green moss sticking to the beams, and a few vines crawling their way up and on the roof. Despite all of that, the cabin looked sturdy still.
There's this "one with nature" vibe that drew you to it, like a string pulling you closer and inviting you. Ominous most would say, but you almost cried when the rich scent of earth and oxygen filled your lungs as you took one big inhale, sighing in content for once. It was a lot smaller compared to the others, but you didn't care. As long as you were left alone with your stuff you were a-okay.
You turned the knob and peeked inside, letting out a small gasp and opening the door wider to see the whole thing.
Old as it is, it was proper and neat, regardless of the tiny cobwebs on the upper corners. A small, square dining table sat in the middle of the first part of the place, two wooden stools placed underneath. There were cupboards on the wall and a simple sink with an empty space to the side. You went to the next room, doorless and separated with but a wall of thick plywood. It had a single bed in the corner, off-white cotton sheets sitting atop, not a wrinkle in sight. No pillow though. There's a decent-sized closet along with a small table on one side of the bed. One of the windows had a hole in the middle, a ray of sunlight streaming in through the cracks. It was too big for the size of a gunshot, so maybe a rock.
A bit hesitant, your fingers traced the wood, feeling the inconsistent texture. When you went through the back door, your smile reached your ears when trunks of trees and bushes greeted you...
Wait, is that what you think it is?
Stepping closer to the treeline, your jaw dropped when you spotted a thicket of fruit-bearing plants past them, gathered in a tiny clearing.
Purple little cuties poked out of the green shrubs, sporting a vibrant hue that caught your eye. The sun shone overhead and providing the energy they needed. Blueberries managed to grow in the area despite the trees fencing them.
Tempted and suspicious, you crouched down, inspecting the shrub if it really was a blueberry plant and not a deadly doppelganger. Once you were sure it was, (it would be hilarious if you simply died from nighshade poisoning), you plucked one and brought it to your mouth. It was sweeter than you expected, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. You hummed in delight, wiping the juice with your thumb when it dribbled out, staining your finger and lips.
You didn't want to anger anybody. Hell, coming here was already trespassing, so you didn't push your luck and left it alone, hoping they'd forgive you for picking one. They surely didn't look wild with the way they lined up.
You scanned the rest of the area, eventually going back inside to unpack after your little evaluation.
The sun was a hand's away from setting when you finished. Pride swelled in your chest at the work you did, your things stocked and organized with care inside the cabinets and drawers. You won't have to worry about your food for now as cupboards were filled to the brim with them. You also had a decent amount of money left from your savings account that your parents weren't aware of. Prize money, allowance, and the salary you got from doing online jobs all went into it. The camp was a few miles off the road, and a couple more to the nearest gas station with a convenience store. Very far yes, but it's better than living with the people who made you do this in the first place.
You just hoped you wouldn't die walking.
Everything was worth it, anyways. You were free now, at least that's what you think.
You trudged to the bed, eyeing the cushions, wary and a little scared to touch the sheets that appeared to be cleaned just recently, you didn't even lay a finger on them ever since you got inside. Oh, but your tired muscles were screaming to just flump down and relax.
So you did.
You dumped yourself face first and inhaled. It wasn't smelly nor fragrant, just the simple freshness on the cotton fabric. You felt beat but ain't sleepy, yet, so you reached to the drawer beside the bed and pulled out a book to pass the time as you waited for the sun to go down and give way for the moon. Its spine and pages had creases, worn out and yellow-stained from age and use. It was a horror-mystery novel told through a first-person narrative, a story of a middle-aged detective and her Maine coon in their attempts to solve a murder case of a young European lady named Cassandra Chase.
You dozed off in the middle of chapter 21, the part where Dinnie, the cat, discovers a valuable clue to the crime, a rotten limb in the dried basement well.
Jason settled down on the stairs of his porch; shoulders relaxed and hunched as he leisurely sharpened his machete with a small whetstone. Lines of sunlight kissed him through the leaves of trees, the birds in the area chirped on their perches, and the grass swayed, gentle, as a cool wind passed by.
His day be so fine. No troublemakers to deal wi—
The alarm rang, announcing unwelcomed arrival. As if a switch flipped inside, he's already on his feet, making his way swiftly to their location.
A new batch of wretched youngsters, another day ruined. Hunting them down makes his blood thrum in his veins, yes, but they soured his mood, just when he was at peace. He's dead set on slaughtering them in the most gruesome ways possible, only then he could go back and enjoy the serenity the nature around him brings.
He surveyed the area, camouflaging with the wilderness, silent as he watched and counted the soon-to-be corpses, his mother's voice at the back of his mind, guiding him.
They decided to go either to the main cabins, or the lake...even into the trees.
All but one.
Jason already planned to cut down the couple later as they lose themselves in the forest, doing nasty, dirty things to his camp. The killer shifted his attention to you, curious as to why you didn't join the lot. Instead, you walked back down the road. He followed and saw you approach the small cabin, separated from the rest, your eyes widened...
You were quiet— except for the little gasps of awe you let out in between pants—as you looked around and over the place. The ones you came with were rowdy and destructive, a complete opposite. He hid as he observed you from afar, moving around to adjust his vision on you. You smiled every time you looked to the trees, he noticed.
Why were you smiling like that? Why did you pick this cabin? Were you planning on defiling it?
The last question in his mind made his blood boil. He'll kill you first if that was the case. That cabin you chose was special, it was where he and his mother used to stay. He occasionally visits that one to keep it clean and free of dust. If you even think of—
Jason, sweetie...look closer. She does not have such intentions.
His mother's words rang in his head. Even from where he stood, he could see what you did inside. You looked a little hesitant, touching and drawing back your hand before letting your fingers feel the wood as if it was something delicate. Despite the initial...shyness? You proceeded to make it your home, somewhat, dropping the large duffel bags you carried on your front and back, and a similarly large roller case on your left. It was as if you planned to stay for a long time.
Jason hears you take a long breath and sigh as you went out the backdoor. You grinned wider when you saw the nature around you. You stepped forward, straight in his direction...
For a moment he thought you saw him, seeing your jaw drop. You moved closer, and he just froze there, until you crouched down.
Oh, his plants.
He watched you as you gently picked a fruit, your gaze...soft. You brought it to your mouth, some of the juice spilling on the side and you wiped it with your thumb.
You went back inside and continued to unpack your things, carefully maneuvering around the cabin.
Maybe he'll spare you if you continue to be good. You didn't do anything dirty, yet. It's only a matter of time before the camp is shrouded in darkness and his hunt will begin.
Let's see what you'll do before that happens.
Jason tracked down the three that went into the forest. He knew the place like the back of his hand, and it was easier to pinpoint them as he heard moans.
What he saw was utmost disgusting, two girls pleasuring a male with their mouths in broad daylight.
Kill them, my boy! Such foul beings need to die! Kill them, kill!
He circled them, steps soundless. Jason gripped his machete and brought it down the guy's neck, embedding the weapon into the bark, the head rolled down, oozing with blood, and fell against the women, drenching them in red. Not a single cry left from their mouths as he sliced both with one swing, blood pouring out of their throats and staining the ground. Jason dragged their bodies and tossed them into a pit he dug beforehand, making quick work in burying them.
A swift end. Now he waits.
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brokehorrorfan · 3 years
4K Ultra HD Review: The Final Countdown
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Do you remember when The Twilight Zone was forced to change to hour-long episodes for its fourth season? The concepts remained potent, and there was plenty of talent both in front of and behind the camera, but these episodes were often padded to fill the runtime. That's how it feels to watch The Final Countdown. The 1980 science fiction-war-thriller mashup has a Twilight Zone-esque plot that would make Rod Serling proud, although it struggles to warrant its 103-minute runtime. Nevertheless, the ambitious film largely satisfies.
The awry pacing is apparent from the beginning, as the film opens with over nine minutes of footage showcasing aircraft in action before the first real line of dialogue is spoken. Enter Warren Lasky (Martin Sheen, Apocalypse Now), a civilian from the U.S. Defense Department observing a naval exercise aboard the USS Nimitz, an aircraft carrier led by Captain Matthew Yelland (Kirk Douglas, Spartacus). It's not long before the aircraft carrier enters a vortex - complete with dated time-warp effects - that transports the carrier from 1980 to the eve of a date which lives in infamy: December 7, 1941, when Japan attacks the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor during World War II.
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Upon saving Senator Samuel Chapman (Charles Durning, The Sting) and his aide Laurel Scott (Katherine Ross, The Stepford Wives) after their yacht is destroyed by Imperial Japanese Navy fighters, the crew soon discover that they have traveled through time. At this point, writers David Ambros (Amityville 3-D), Gerry Davis (Doctor Who), Thomas Hunter, and Peter Powell pose a fascinating time-travel quandary regarding the natural order of history. Presented with the opportunity to prevent the attack on Pearl Harbor, does the crew intervene and save countless lives at the risk of altering the course of history?
Director Don Taylor (Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Damien: Omen II) smartly focuses more on the grounded dramatic aspects than the spectacle, although there are a few prime action set pieces along the way. He and director of photography Victor J. Kemper (Dog Day Afternoon, Vacation, Clue) get great production value out of shooting on location on an aircraft carrier, bolstered by the Navy's full cooperation and an abundance of second-unit footage of aviation wizardry. The material is aided by a strong cast led by Douglas and Sheen. It also includes James Farentino (Dead & Buried), Ron O'Neal (Super Fly), Soon-Tek Oh (Mulan), and a small role from associate producer/Troma co-founder Lloyd Kaufman (The Toxic Avenger).
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The Final Countdown has been newly restored from a 4K 16-bit scan of the original 35mm camera negative with Dolby Vision HDR as well as Dolby Atmos and DTS-HD Master Audio for Blue Underground's 4K Ultra HD/Blu-ray release. The limited edition set includes a CD of the bombastic score by John Scott (Lionheart, King Kong Lives), reversible artwork, a lenticular slipcase, and a booklet featuring "Zero Pilot Journal," a 1979 article by Greogry Cooper for CAF Dispatch that details the Confederate Air Force's involvement in providing Japanese Zero fighter plane replicas and pilots for the production.
Extras are all carried over from the 2004 DVD release, but there's some good content. Kemper provides an audio commentary in which he discusses both the burdens (restrictions, rigid schedules, limited space, and potential dangers) and the fascinations of shooting on the aircraft carrier. Kaufman gives a typically candid and occasionally crass interview. He explains how the production was a learning experience and shares some choice words about Taylor. Six members of The Jolly Rogers F-14 Fighter Squadron that worked on the film participate in a half-hour featurette. Their individual interviews are dry, but there's a great camaraderie when they're all together for a roundtable.
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Other special features include three theatrical trailers, three TV spots, and eight galleries (posters, advertising materials, the Japanese souvenir program, lobby cards, stills, behind-the-scenes pictures, home video artwork, and miscellaneous). There's also a hidden Easter egg - a DVD novelty that has become increasingly rare as physical media has evolved - featuring three more TV spots with missing audio. While new extras would have been a nice selling point, the real star here is the dynamic 4K presentation of the film.
The Final Countdown will be released on 4K Ultra HD on May 25 via Blue Underground.
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Watch Tenet (2020) HD Online Full Movie's Streaming Free
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⇨ Genre : Horror, Comedy, Drama
⇨ Stars : Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki, Kenneth Branagh, Andrei Sator, Michael Caine, Sir Michael Crosby
⇨ Release : (Sept, 3, 2020)
⇨ Runtime : 01:28:36:08 Second
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Watch Tenet (2020) : Full Movie Online Free Armed with only one word — Tenet — and fighting for the survival of the entire world, the Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time.
Armed with only one word - Tenet - and fighting for the survival of the entire world, the Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time.
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Work of art in the form of a series of live images that are rotated to produce an illusion of moving images that are presented as a form of entertainment. The illusion of a series of images produces continuous motion in the form of video. The film is often referred to as a movie or moving picture. Film is a modern and popular art form created for business and entertainment purposes. Film making has now become a popular industry throughout the world, where feature films are always awaited by cinemas. Films are made in two main ways. The first is through shooting and recording techniques through film cameras. This method is done by photographing images or objects. The second uses traditional animation techniques. This method is done through computer graphic animation or CGI techniques. Both can also be combined with other techniques and visual effects. Filming usually takes a relatively long time. It also requires a job desk each, starting from the director, producer, editor, wardrobe, visual effects and others.
Definition and Definition of Film / Movie
While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story.
There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others.
That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.
❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets.
The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed]
A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intended five-season run.[citation needed] In “DC1&”, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In “DC1&”, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍
Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings!
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Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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Publisher Activision and developer Beenox have detailed the free seasonal post-launch content coming to Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled.
Get the trailer and details below, via the PlayStation Blog.
Grand Prix Content is not only new, but it’s also introduced by Chick and Stew
We know you’ve got questions, and luckily, we’ve got some answers. But first, let’s give a warm welcome to Chick Gizzard Lips and co-host Stew — ace rooster commentators for CTR TV, your Crash Team Racing news channel! Yes, the chicken reporters from Crash Tag Team Racing are back and settling into their new roles as hosts for each new season of content! Simply tune in to CTR TV through the game and listen to Chick and Stew introduce each Grand Prix, explaining all the different challenges and rewards you can win by simply participating!
We’ve Got Grand Plans for the Grand Prix
What is a Grand Prix in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, exactly? Think of it as a themed season, constructed around a newly-themed track with a number of different challenges to undertake. Finish a challenge, and you’re awarded Nitro Points (think of Nitro Points like Experience Points). Complete more challenges to continue to fill that Nitro up. When you’ve filled Nitro up to certain levels in your Nitro Gauge, rewards are earned. Examples include new characters, karts, skins, and kart customization items.
You’re easily able to see your Nitro Gauge in the game, which shows your progress, the items you’ve earned along the way, as well as the ones you’re still driving toward! Just keep playing the game to complete these challenges and fill the Nitro Gauge before the end of that Grand Prix to earn every challenge reward. Challenges include top speed, power slide, reverse, and other competitive challenges, and they vary from easy to quite hard, increasingly testing your skill as the season goes on.
If you reckon you’re the best Bandicoot in the racing business, it’s time to prove it: with global leaderboards for every Grand Prix Season, you can compete to be the best in the world and win special in-game reward items!
Redeem Those Wumpa Coins: Head to the Pit Stop
As well as completing Grand Prix challenges to earn Nitro Points, filling up the Nitro Gauge, and unlocking a specific set of rewards every season, you can also earn Wumpa Coins by participating in Grand Prix challenges too. As you learned a couple of weeks ago, as you gather these Wumpa Coins, you can redeem them in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled’s Pit Stop for even more items.
Speaking of the Pit Stop, we’re also excited to announce that during each Grand Prix a new set of items will be introduced to it, like even more characters, kart sets, wheels, paint jobs, decals, stickers, and skins. With this, players have the ability to redeem their Wumpa Coins to play as racers that go beyond the original CTR and to find many unique ways to customize their characters and karts.
Season 1: Time to Get Warped — Welcome to the Nitro Tour!
Now that we’ve laid the foundation for what the Grand Prix is, let’s dive into the first Grand Prix, set to launch on July 3! It’s called the Nitro Tour Grand Prix and features a track called “Twilight Tour”, which reimagines the Ancient Egypt and Arabian Town levels from Crash Bandicoot: Warped—so look for some familiar sights and sounds as you’re racing!
Season 1: Say Hello to Tawna Bandicoot and the Nitro Squad!
This one has been difficult to keep as a secret for so long! We’re excited to announce that as well as an enthralling new track to perfect in the first Grand Prix, players are also able to earn Tawna the Bandicoot as a playable character. Players are able to unlock Tawna by earning Nitro Points during the first Grand Prix, and are also able to earn an amazing new Motorsport Tawna skin which lets the world know that she means business!
In addition to Tawna, players will be re-introduced to Ami, Isabella, Megumi, and Liz. Together, they are now known as the Nitro Squad (formerly known as the Trophy Girls in the original Crash Team Racing), and are now characters that you can race with! They can be unlocked using Wumpa Coins in the Pit Stop during the first Grand Prix. These global bandicoots hail from all over the world, and are ready to compete! There will also be new Motorsport skins for them as well, to really show off their speed and style.
Season 1: More than Just New Characters
In addition to the new characters, you will see a bunch of other items that will be a part of the first Grand Prix, including international-themed items for players to show their national pride, new kart parts, and even the return of Le Chaux, the fan favorite kart from Crash Team Tag Racing!
In short, make sure that starting on July 3, you are beating challenges in the Nitro Tour Grand Prix to fill up your Nitro Gauge, keep earning those Wumpa Coins by playing any mode in the game, and make sure you are heading to the Pit Stop to see what’s new!
Looking to the Future
That’s a deep dive into the first Grand Prix season, but as teased today, this is only the beginning! We have some incredible Grand Prix seasons coming up, including one that revolves around everyone’s favorite purple dragon… (if that doesn’t excite you, I don’t know what will).
Here is an updated fact sheet for the game:
Crash is back in the driver’s seat in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled! On June 21, 2019, get ready to go fur-throttle with the legendary Crash Team Racing experience that kicked kart racing games into high gear. The fully-remastered Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled includes the modes, characters, karts, tracks, power-ups and controls that fans remember from the original game, plus a whole lot more. Fans will not only enjoy the kart racing fun of Crash Team Racing but adding to the gameplay experience at launch will be redesigned and remastered characters, karts, tracks, battle arenas, and battle modes from Crash Nitro Kart. The muscle-memory will immediately kick in as players power slide, jump, and whiz around corners just like they did in the ‘90s.
Key Features
-Compete Online – Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled brings fans together via online multiplayer racing. Up to eight players can race online and Crash the competition with online leaderboards. Players can choose from Crash, Coco, Dr. Neo-Cortex, and more for their high-octane adventures.
-Crash Team Racing and Beyond – When we said Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled was fully remastered plus a whole lot more, we meant it. Beenox has adapted all thirteen original tracks from Crash Nitro Kart and more to match the original Crash Team Racing experience for fans. Now players can re-live the ‘90s with remastered characters, karts, battle arenas and battle modes from the original Crash Nitro Kart in stunning HD glory.
-Trick Your Ride and Racer – Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled offer players a variety of ways to mix and match kart bodies, wheels, paint jobs, stickers, and even add decals to karts. In addition to the ability to customize karts, Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled will also let players customize their racers with N. sane character skins. This will allow players to adorn their characters with a zany sense of swag and personality. Also new to the experience are unique podium animations available to certain skins making celebrating victories even more amazing. Players will earn customization items by playing through the Adventure Mode and also by collecting in-game Wumpa Coins to swag out their kart and characters in the game’s Pit Stop area.
-The Grand Prix – With new seasonal content introduced to Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled players have many reasons to come back and play. A Grand Prix is a themed season built around a newly themed track and different game challenges. Completing each Grand Prix challenge awards Nitro that allows players to fill up their “Nitro Gauge” (XP), and earn rewards such as new characters, karts, skins and kart customization items. The track in each season can be played online or locally from that season on. But we didn’t stop there, reimagined karts and inspired tracks from Crash Tag Team Racing are also sliding their way through the Grand Prix in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled!
-Fur-K Fur-Real – This game has all the beloved characters, karts, power-ups, tracks, and arenas from the original Crash Team Racing, now in stunning 4K*, bringing an insane amount of detail and life to the game they remember.
-Set the Mode – Adventure, Single Race, Cup Race, Time Trial, and Battle Modes are back. Now all multiplayer modes can also be played with friends both online and offline.
-Nitros Oxide Edition – In the Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled – Nitros Oxide Edition, the self-proclaimed fastest racer in the galaxy, Nitros Oxide**, will be a playable character from day one. Players can also race with Oxide’s Hovercraft**, space-themed skins for Crash, Coco, and Cortex. Additional content includes:
Crunch, Zem and Zam characters**
Exclusive Crunch Robot Skin with unique podium animation
Exclusive kart paintjob
Exclusive kart sticker pack
Exclusive Hovercraft kart decal
*Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled will be upscaled to 4K on the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, as well as in HDR on PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X and Xbox One S. **Can also be unlocked in standard version of game through in-game challenges and rewards.
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch on June 21.
View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
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SFAnytime]] Sune - Uppdrag: Midsommar (2021) film online på Svenska
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✔ Sune - Uppdrag: Midsommar (2021) nedladdning filmen nu!
Originaltitel: Sune - Uppdrag: Midsommar
Biopremiär: 11 juni 2021
Språk: Svenska
Land: Sverige
Distributör: Nordisk Film
Ålder: Barntillåten
Längd: 1h 25 min
Familjen Andersson och familjen Blixt ska åka till Karins faster Hulda och fira en episk midsommar. Men precis innan de åker gör Sophie slut! Katastrofen är ett faktum. Sune bestämmer sig för att vinna tillbaka Sophie igen genom att fira en riktig romantisk midsommar med henne – precis som mamma och pappa gjorde för 20 år sen. Men frågan är om Sune tänker för mycket på att allt ska vara bra på hans sätt, men glömmer bort att alla inte tycker som han gör…
När SM har kolliderat tar vidarebefordran inte mer än några få klick. Och om du redan har ett abonnemang på streamingtjänsten är du redo för hela helgen ännu snabbare! En serie är naturligtvis mycket roligare när du kan chatta med dina bästa vänner. Med vår app kan du enkelt dela alla serier med andra. Super praktiskt, eller hur? Det är vad vi trodde!
Även om Xineas streamingtjänst började som en nischutgång för företagets skivutsändningstjänst är den nu den främsta i kategorin, tack vare dess pålitliga kärnkatalog och några av de bästa originalprogrammeringarna. Xinema integrerar också utmärkta funktioner över gränssnitt, tillåter nedladdningar offline på mobila plattformar och har 4K-innehåll. Men med andra högprofilerade tjänster som nu är tillgängliga till billigare priser sticker de dyra kostnaderna för Xineas jämförbara planer ut. För närvarande är Xinema fortfarande ett redaktörsval för on-demand videostreamingtjänster, tack vare dess varierade, förstklassiga innehåll och kapabla appar.
Vad finns i katalogen?
Xinema har en extremt bred katalog med videoinnehåll, men det förändras hela tiden. Visningar tillgängliga en dag kan vara borta nästa dag. Det är svårt att ange auktoritativt vad som finns i Xineas katalog vid ett givet tillfälle, men det är allt en del av det roliga, eller hur? Otaliga tredjepartswebbplatser, inklusive PCMag, erbjuder artiklar med titlar som Everything Coming to Xinema This Month (liksom Everything Leaving Xinema), så det är ett sätt att hålla koll på. Observera att Xinema kommer att förlora många av sina mest tittade program inom en snar framtid, inklusive The Office (till NBC: s Peacock), Friends (till HBO Max) och flera Marvel-filmer (till Disney +). Detta är potentiellt otrygg ny mark för Xinema, eftersom det kommer att behöva förlita sig mer på sitt ursprungliga innehåll de närmaste åren. Faktum är att förändringen redan händer. Eftersom det ökar utbudet av originalinnehåll minskar den totala storleken på Xineas bibliotek.
Xinema webbgränssnitt
De tv-program som finns tillgängliga på Xinema är säsongsunika, vilket inte alltid är fallet för konkurrenter. Hulu har ibland bara den senaste handfull episoder av en show, vilket gör det omöjligt att komma ikapp om du hamnar för långt efter. Å andra sidan lägger Xinema bara till en säsong i taget. Hulu erbjuder åtminstone några av sina program inom en dag eller två från sändningen, så du kan åtminstone vara inom slående avstånd från den kulturella tidsandan om du är en kabelklippare. Vill du veta vad andra tittar på på Xinema? Tjänsten håller nu listor över toppprogram och filmer på plattformen.
Xinema är dock i en bra position med sina originalproduktioner, med många titlar som blir popkulturfenomen. Denna imponerande lista innehåller shower som Black Mirror, Bojack Horseman, Dead to Me, Locke and Key, Never Have I Ever, Orange Is the New Black, Ozark, Russian Doll, Stranger Things, The Crown, The Stranger, The Umbrella Academy, och The Witcher. Många av dessa produktioner, inklusive I Care A Lot, Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, The Crown, The Trial of the Chicago 7 och The Queen's Gambit, vann priser vid Golden Globes 2021. Xinema tjänar också en topplacering i vår sammanställning av de bästa videostreamingtjänsterna för att fira svart konst.
Xinema producerar också långfilmer, komedispecialer och dokumentärer för dem som letar efter något mer fristående. Till exempel fick Xineas El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie bra recensioner. Martin Scorceses The Irishman är ett annat exempel. För 2021 lovar Xinema att lägga till en ny film i sitt streamingbibliotek varje vecka.
Om du gillar att titta på filmer, kolla in vår sammanfattning av de bästa filmströmningstjänsterna. Många av tjänsterna i den kategorin, inklusive The Criterion Channel och Mubi, är anmärkningsvärda genom att de samordnar sina samlingar.
Xinema kan dock inte längre njuta av sin en gång oberörbara status när det gäller originalprogrammering. Amazon Prime Video erbjuder många toppserier och anpassningar i sitt bibliotek, inklusive Bosch, Fleabag, Good Omens, Hunters, Jack Ryan, Patriot, The Boys, The Expanse, The Man in the High Castle, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel och Undone . Hulu kan vara bättre känd för sin TV-serie, men med originalproduktioner som Castle Rock, Casual, Catch 22, Harlots, The Handmaid's Tale och fortsättningen av Veronica Mars blir det också konkurrenskraftigt. Apple TV + och Disney + lovar också massor av kommande originalinnehåll, med respektive bidrag som For All Mankind och The Mandalorian. Även CBS All Access har originalshow inklusive Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard, The Good Fight, The Twilight Zone (den omstartade serien) och Why Women Kill.
Dokumentärer på Xinema
Xinema är specialiserat på stora namn, blockbuster-dokumentärer om hushållsnamn som samlar prisutnämningar. Från Miss Americana: Taylor Swift till Becoming, en dokumentär om Michelle Obama, till Beyoncés Grammy-vinnande hemkomst, det finns gott om dokumentärer bakom kulisserna som gräver in i kändisarnas liv. Särskilt anmärkningsvärt är Xineas Black Lives Matter Collection, som innehåller titlar som den Oscar-nominerade What Happened Miss Simone ?, Grammy-vinnaren Quincy, The Two Killings of Sam Cooke och 13th. Det finns också naturdokumentärer som den kontroversiella Blackfish, och konversationsstartare som Being Elmo och FYRE, en dokumentär om den katastrofala Fyre Festival 2017.
Det finns också en mängd riktiga brottsdokumentärer som Amanda Knox, Long Shot och American Murder: The Family Next Door. Om du letar efter något mer upplyftande erbjuder Xinema titlar som My Octopus Teacher och The Speed ​​Cubers, en dokumentär om Rubiks Cube-konkurrenter. Sportfans bör titta på den flerdelade dokumentären The Last Dance, som täcker Michael Jordans sista säsong med Chicago Bulls.
Anime på Xinema
På en annan front har Xinema tyst byggt sig in i en utmärkt källa för streaming av anime. Det gör ett särskilt bra jobb med äldre serier, som Inu Yasha, Robotech och Rurouni Kenshin. Little Witch Academia. Xinema har också fått sin betydande produktion till anime, inklusive att starta om den ärafulla Voltron och She-Ra-serien och utveckla original som Castlevania.
Problemet med Xineas anime-samling är detsamma som med resten av innehållet: Det kommer och går oförutsägbart. Crunchyroll erbjuder ett mycket större och branschledande innehållsbibliotek med anime-titlar. Hulu är ett annat alternativ för anime-fans, med en samling på över 400 klassiska och kritikerrosade anime-program och filmer som Cowboy Bebop och Ghost in the Shell.
Hur mycket kostar Xinema?
Xinema har genomgående höjt priserna för alla tre av sina planer över tid. Den senaste prishöjningen påverkar de två dyrare planerna. Det billigaste alternativet ligger på $ 8,99 per månad och ger dig tillgång till Xineas fullständiga innehållsbibliotek, men du kan bara strömma i SD-kvalitet, ladda ner titlar till en enda enhet och titta på en skärm i taget. Standardplanen på 13,99 dollar per månad (tidigare 12,99 dollar per månad) inkluderar HD-streaming, stöder två samtidiga strömmar och låter dig ladda ner titlar på upp till två enheter åt gången. För familjer eller grupper av vänner som vill dela konton kan $ 17,99 per månad (tidigare $ 15,99 per månad) vara ett mer genomförbart alternativ. Den här högsta nivån låser upp Ultra HD (4K) streaming, fyra samtidiga strömmar och möjligheten att ladda ner titlar på upp till fyra enheter.
Om du inte längre vill betala för Xinema (eller vill betala mindre), följ vår guide om hur du avbryter eller ändrar din prenumeration. Observera att Xinema inte längre erbjuder ett gratis testalternativ.
Xinema presenterar allt innehåll utan reklam, med undantag för förhandsgranskningar av internt innehåll i sina appar. Du kan tack och lov inaktivera dessa förhandsgranskningar nu. HBO Max och Amazon Prime Video annonserar sitt ursprungliga innehåll på liknande sätt. Observera att även Hulus annonsfria plan fortfarande innehåller begränsade reklam i sällsynta fall.
Hulu tar ut 5,99 dollar för basplanen (med annonser) men du kan betala 11,99 dollar per månad för nästan inga annonser. Prime Video matchar Xineas basplan till $ 8,99 per månad. Apple TV + och discovery + startar båda med $ 4,99 per månad. Dessa tjänster stöder samtidiga strömmar och 4K-strömmar; Xinema gör att du betalar extra för dessa funktioner. Båda de brittiskt fokuserade tjänsterna vi har granskat, Acorn TV och BritBox, är också billigare till 5,99 USD respektive 6,99 USD per månad. HBO Max ($ 14,99 per månad) är nu billigare än Xineas Premium-plan.
Xineas Premium-nivå kostar nära priset för vissa live-TV-tjänster. Till exempel är Locast bara $ 5 per månad och Philo för underhållning fokuserar på $ 20 per månad.
Om du inte vill betala för din underhållning, prova en av de bästa gratis videostreamingtjänsterna. Vårt bästa val för kategorin är Peacock på grund av sitt sortiment av vanliga TV-program och filmer.
Förutom webbgränssnittet erbjuder Xinema appar för Android och iOS; media-streaming-enheter som Amazon Fire Stick, Apple TV och Roku; och spelkonsoler som PlayStation 4 och Xbox One. Den har till och med en stationär app i Microsoft Store för Windows 10 och en för Facebooks Portal-enhet.
Uppspelning och streaming av biograf
Xineas uppspelningsskärm är bland de bästa vi har testat. Förutom de vanliga knapparna för 10 sekunder bakåt och snabbspolning framåt kan du också bläddra i en lista över alla avsnitt i en show efter säsong, justera ljud- och textningsspråket och hoppa till nästa avsnitt. Förloppsindikatorn visar också förhandsgranskningar av innehåll när du skrubbar. Ännu en användbar funktion, som flera andra videostreamingtjänster sedan dess har kopierat, är en Skip Intro-knapp. Vi hoppas att Xinema så småningom implementerar ett verktyg som Prime Videos X-Ray-funktion, som identifierar skådespelare, skådespelerskor och musik i en scen. Vi vill också ha ett alternativ för att styra uppspelningsupplösningen.
Xinema Web-uppspelningsgränssnitt
Vi testade uppspelningsprestanda på webben via en hem-Ethernet-anslutning (nedladdning av 200 Mbps) genom att streama ett avsnitt av Bojack Horseman. Vi stötte inte på någon stammning eller fördröjning. Vi strömmade tidigare ett avsnitt av Planet Earth II på en Android-testenhet och upplevde skarp video och tydligt ljud över PCMags Wi-Fi-nätverk (15 Mbps nedladdning). Tyvärr har Planet Earth II för länge sedan lämnat Xinema.
Sune - Uppdrag: Midsommar streaming online i Svenska | 2021
© 2021 xinema, Inc.
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
Home Entertainment Consumer Guide: March 14, 2019
"Apollo 13" "Blue Jasmine" "A Clockwork Orange" "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" "Doubt" "Dr. No" "The Hurt Locker" "Junebug" "Layer Cake" "The Notebook" "Strangers on a Train" "Synecdoche, New York" "Tyson" "W." "Wet Hot American Summer" "Winter's Bone"
When Stanley Donen passed away last month, the rapturous praise for his career was pretty overwhelming. He made movies that mattered to a lot of people, including widely-cited classics like "Singin' in the Rain," "On the Town," and "Two For the Road." The same year he released that last film, he dropped a comedy classic starring Dudley Moore and Peter Cook called "Bedazzled," coincidentally just released on Blu-ray by the great company Twilight Time. Conceived by Cook as a vehicle for him and his comedy partner, "Bedazzled" is a comedy riff on Faust that really highlights their great comic timing and reminds one that Donen really could do anything. The fact that this and "Two For the Road" came out within three months of each other is remarkable.    Buy it here 
Special Features Isolated Music & Effects Track Peter Cook & Dudley Moore on The Paul Ryan Show  A Bedazzled Conversation with Harold Ramis  Original Theatrical Trailers
One of the best films of 2018 gets a relatively lackluster Blu-ray release, although the trend away from physical media should make us happy it's getting an HD disc at all, I suppose. Criterion has released Lee Chang-dong's work before, so we can also hope that they do their magic upgrade thing for this movie soon. Until then, just rent or buy this version of a movie that's both thriller and social drama, containing some of the best writing, direction, and acting of 2018. This not even being nominated for Best Foreign Language Film, when it arguably should have won, is a crime. (Steven Yeun deserved a nod too). The less you know about this movie, the better. Just watch it. You won't regret it. 
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Special Features About the Characters - Featurette Trailers
"Creed II"
I have to admit that when I started seeing previews for "Creed II" that they made me a little sad. "Creed" is a fantastic film and not one that demands a sequel. (Although it's arguable that neither did "Rocky".) The good news is that this is far from the disaster that it could have been, largely because Michael B. Jordan, Tessa Thompson, and Sly Stallone don't treat it like a cash grab. They invest themselves completely in these characters yet again, especially Jordan, who continues to prove that he's one of the best actors of his generation. They bring depth to a script that isn't as nuanced as the first and direction that's not as accomplished as Coogler's but this is a totally solid sequel, a step down from the first movie but nowhere the collapse that I once dreaded. 
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Special Features From Father to Son, Blood Runs Hot - Featurette Finding the Authentic - Featurette The Women of "Creed II" - Featurette The Rocky Legacy - Featurette Deleted Scenes
"Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald"
We generally only include releases in this column that we can recommend but enough people love this series that we'll make an exception for the most dour blockbuster of 2018. Seriously, when did this world get so depressing? With the exception of a few top-notch tech elements and the always-welcome appearances of Jude Law and Zoe Kravitz, there's little to warrant a look other than if you feel an obligation to keep up with what's happening in J.K. Rowling's world, one that started with such joy and wonder but now seems content to wallow in its worst tendencies. 
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Special Features EXTENDED CUT OF THE FILM (141 min). THEATRICAL CUT OF THE FILM (134 min). J.K. Rowling: A World Revealed Wizards on Screen, Fans in Real Life Distinctly Dumbledore Unlocking Scene Secrets: The Return to Hogwarts Unlocking Scene Secrets: Newt's Menagerie Unlocking Scene Secrets: Credence, Nagini and the Circus Arcanus Unlocking Scene Secrets: Paris and Place Cachée Unlocking Scene Secrets: Ministere des Affaires Magiques Unlocking Scene Secrets: Grindelwald's Escape and the Ring of Fire Deleted Scenes
"The Favourite"
The Oscar winner for Best Actress (and a nominee for Picture, Director, Screenplay, and much more) is already available for rent and purchase. Yorgos Lanthimos most acclaimed film is a sharp comedy that really works best as a platform for its three incredibly talented stars. It's rare to see a movie that gives roles this juicy to not one actress but a trio of them, and then gets performances this incredible from all three. Personally, the script doesn't work as well for me as it does for some people (neither do the fish-eye lenses) but as a performance piece? It's easily one of the best of the last few years.
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Special Features Deleted Scenes The Favourite: Unstitching the Costume Drama
"Green Book"
Maybe you've heard of it? The most divisive Best Picture winner of the decade is already on the home market for people to see what all the fuss is about. What I've found helpful is to just listen to the conversation around "Green Book." There has been some incredible writing about problems that people have with this film's troubling grasp on history and white savior narrative. Even if you don't agree and want to embrace the movie's crowdpleasing aspects, take the time to hear the other side. So much of what divides this country comes down to a complete unwillingness to listen to counterpoints. And if you like this movie, you probably point to its "can't we all get along" aspect as one of its strengths. Well, follow that lesson and truly listen to the people who are honestly offended that this movie even exists, much less was named the best of 2018. I'm not saying your mind will be changed or that it should, but great cinema should start conversations, and you have to listen to have one of those. 
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Special Features Virtuoso Performances – Go behind the scenes with Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali as they discuss their characters and the lengths they went to accurately portray them. An Unforgettable Friendship – Cast and filmmakers discuss the friendship between Don Shirley and Tony Lip. Going Beyond the Green Book – Filmmakers and cast discuss the significance of The Green Book.
"The Guilty"
One of the best thrillers of 2018 is a film that you probably haven't seen, but it's now available on Blu-ray and DVD. This award-winning German film is a single-set piece that plays beautifully with perspective and miscommunication. It tells the story of a worker at an emergency call center who gets a call that will change his life. Convinced he's speaking to a kidnapped woman, the worker does everything he can to save her life, but he learns that he's made a few assumptions about exactly what's happening on the other end of the line. Smart, tightly-written, and thrilling, this is another foreign language film of 2018 that deserves your attention. 
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Special Features
"The Little Mermaid"
Want to feel old? "The Little Mermaid" is as old now as "Sleeping Beauty" was when Ariel's story came out in 1989. To celebrate the film's 30th anniversary, Disney has pulled it from the vault and given it a shiny polish for a 4K release. Watching it with my family, I was actually startled at how old it did look, as we've become so accustomed to CGI animation in 2019. The hand-drawn charm of this one remains and the colors and line details have never looked better. The storytelling may be thin by modern terms, but the music is still the real draw. It almost makes one long for the day when all Disney movies were musicals, especially when the original songs were this unforgettable.
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Special Features Sing-Along Mode  Alan Menken & the Leading Ladies Song "What I Want From You…Is YOUR VOICE"  Stories From Walt's Office – Gadgets & Gizmos  #TreasuresUntold  DCapella "Part of Your World" Music Video Deleted Character: Harold The Merman Under The Scene: The Art Of Live Action Reference Howard's Lecture Audio Commentary With Ron Clements, John Musker and Alan Menken
"Ralph Breaks the Internet"
There's little music and nothing hand-drawn in "Ralph Breaks the Internet," also recently released on Blu-ray and DVD. Will people still be watching this one in 30 years? I do wonder how the film's heavy emphasis on technology will age. However, the main theme of this film is timeless in that it's really about how Ralph's insecurity takes over his world. Who can't relate to that? Most of all, I love that one of the main themes of this film is allowing your friends to have their own pursuits and interests. An overwhelming amount of family films are about "getting people together" that it's nice to see one that says it's you can still love your friends when you're apart too.
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Special Features How We Broke the Internet Surfing for Easter Eggs  The Music of Ralph Breaks the Internet  Deleted Scenes  BuzzzTube Cats  Music Videos – "Zero" by Imagine Dragons and "In This Place" by Julia Michaels Baby Drivers – Slaughter Racing School 
"The Standoff at Sparrow Creek"
Turnaround times on indie films from theater to DVD can often be incredibly quick. Take this little thriller that we reviewed in January and is already on Blu-ray. With echoes of David Mamet and Quentin Tarantino, this is the kind of flick that should have a long life on the home market, passed along through word-of-mouth. It's smart, tense, and really clever. Be the first one in your circle of friends on the bandwagon to watch it and then tell everyone you know to do the same. 
Buy it here 
Special Features The Making of The Standoff at Sparrow Creek - Featurette Photo Gallery
"To Sleep with Anger" (Criterion)
The Ebertfest presentation of this Charles Burnett film in 2017 was one of the highlights of that year. It's a challenging film to describe to people. Even the plot synopsis is deceptively simple: "An enigmatic drifter from the South comes to visit an old acquaintance who now lives in South-Central LA." Yeah, that's part of what fascinates people about this movie, along with arguably Danny Glover's best performance, but it really only hints at the depth in Burnett's work. This is a conversation starter, a film designed to get people talking not only about the plot of the movie they just watched but the mood, tone, and cinematic language. Check it out as soon as you can.  
Buy it here    Special Features New, restored 4K digital transfer, approved by director Charles Burnett, with 2.0 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray Of Family and Folklore, a new interview program, featuring Burnett, actors Danny Glover and Sheryl Lee Ralph, and associate producer Linda Koulisis A Walk with Charles Burnett, a new hour-long conversation between Burnett and filmmaker Robert Townsend that revisits Burnett’s films and shooting locations Short video tribute to Burnett produced for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Governors Awards ceremony in 2017 PLUS: An essay by critic Ashley Clark
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Destiny two Gaming Pc
A Destiny two free of charge trial weekend for the PlayStation four will commence this weekend as Bungie is trying to attract players who have in no way attempted playing the game. Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg not too long ago confirmed in an earnings call that Destiny 2” would get a key expansion” at the end of this year Provided the achievement destiny 2 pc download of 2015's The Taken King,” and the reality that only two seasons' worth of content was included in the Destiny 2” season pass , it appears affordable to speculate that the game will follow in its predecessor's footsteps with a larger, far more cinematic story expansion that will cost players somewhere in the $40 range. Whereas the Warlock Voidwalker once felt like a generic purple space mage, in Destiny two, the subclass in fact feels like a mage steeped in the mystical Void of space. Abilities are grouped so that the Voidwalker saps the life force out of enemies to feed their own Destiny 2 pc download powers, doling out singularities to deal huge damage. Likewise, the Hunter Gunslinger skills suit a high-threat, higher-reward playstyle focused on precision hits and reckless but effective gunslinging. I updated my rating to 5-star since I've played it more and genuinely like the action combined with the story-line. I located missions related to "The Dark Under" and "House where i can download destiny 2 of Wolves" so I conclude that the both Expansions installed automatically. If you search destinations, especially Earth, you will locate various missions, some which will be from either Expansion 1 or 2. Up to its launch, Destiny 2 was billed as a globe with out Light,” even though it only requires a couple of missions just before things return to status quo and you happen to be hurling the components with the greatest of them. The game also brings along 3 new sub-classes, Arcstrider for the Hunter, Striker for Titans, and lastly the Dawnblade sub-class for Warlocks. Gun-play nonetheless feels fairly crisp and ultra-responsive. Every class of weapon handles as effectively how to download destiny 2 as you remember, though two new weapon kinds, Sub-machine Gun and Grenade Launcher, have been introduced as well permitting even much more techniques to fend off waves of enemies. There's lots of comfort to be identified in how comparable the game feels to the very first, so a returning Guardian can dive back in with ease and feel at property. Sadly, none of this enterprise needs to concern us on Computer. Bungie have confirmed that console veterans are not in a position to transfer their profiles to Computer to play Destiny two - that's due to the fact those profiles are linked to your PSN ID or Xbox Gamertag, and as a result can not be transferred to another Destiny 2 PC Download platform. You may possibly instantly assume that new mode” for most publishers in 2018 signifies battle royale, but Activision emphasizes that the mode is all new and functions a style of play that is distinctive among FPS titles. The upcoming Warmind expansion will bring horde mode-style events to the game when it launches subsequent week. Fortunately, Bungie has taken steps to address some troubles individuals had with the endgame. Now there are quests you can do soon after finishing the main story, and practically all of them reward you with incredibly strong gear. A few where i can download destiny 2 of them even award exotics, the highest grade of equipment obtainable. Sadly, that means that considerably of the lengthy campaign is rife with combat that rarely adjustments, backed up by a story that the game itself appears to feel is unimportant. All of Destiny 2's issues continue in Curse of Osiris, and there are not enough high quality additions or important alterations to adjust anybody's mind. If you think Destiny 2 had a flimsy story, awkward characters and embarrassing dialogue , Curse of Osiris is more of that. If you consider Destiny 2 pc download Destiny two was a shallow, repetitive shooter wrapped in bafflingly opaque and in the end unrewarding progression systems created to cater to all types of players without having genuinely nailing any of it , nicely, there's more of that also. destiny 2 pc download size for Destiny,” Property of Wolves,” starts in the Reef with the Awoken. Mara Sov, the Awoken queen, previously had a Fallen home that served her: the Wolves, but they escaped. Their leader, Skolas, attempts to unite all the Fallen houses, some thing how to download destiny 2 that hasn't occurred since the Battle of Twilight Gap. The Awoken ask the player for aid, and with each other they handle to track down Skolas and recapture him. Stepping up to 4K (3840x2160) necessitates the use of a significantly faster graphics card, and the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is the world's fastest. On "High" it averages 96.7 FPS at 4K, and 50.2 FPS on "Highest", when paired with a stock-clocked i7-6700K. As a result, we're recommending a custom detail level in between How to Download Destiny 2 "Higher" and "Highest", that turns down only a handful of settings for a barely-noticeable reduction in image good quality, and a sizeable enhance in overall performance, acquiring your gameplay running at 60 FPS+. That seems to be the principal takeaway from most of the Destiny 2 critiques that are live: for what ever missteps the game requires, it really is greater than the 1st, representing a step forward for the series. That's Destiny 2 pc download reflected in Metacritic scores as nicely, with Destiny 2 on PS4 currently holding down an 85 out of 100 rating, compared to the original Destiny‘s 76 out of 100 for the very same platform.
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danielphowley · 6 years
'God of War' could be 2018's first must-have game
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Kratos returns in ‘God of War’ for the PlayStation 4.
The God of War has returned. Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta who destroyed all of the gods of Olympus in his quest for revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, is making his first appearance on Sony’s (SEN) PlayStation 4 next month, and it’s going to be huge.
But the living embodiment of a nuclear-powered buzzsaw isn’t what he once was. “God of War,” which comes out April 20, sees the once vengeance-driven son of Zeus and a mortal man take on a more subdued demeanor.
He’s older and wiser, and it certainly shows. From the way the ashes, which he was cursed to wear, have begun to fade from his skin, to how he approaches combat, this is a more deliberate Kratos than the killing machine that battled his way to the top of Mount Olympus in the original “God of War” trilogy.
I played the first two and a half hours of “God of War” during a preview event hosted by Sony, and left more excited to play the final game than ever before.
Aging gracefully
The aged Kratos we meet in “God of War” has the weather look of a man nearing the twilight of his days. His face now sports a long, grey beard and his trademark tattoo is fading with age. My first impression of the Spartan was that he had the kind of vibe I got from the aged Wolverine in “Logan.”
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A tremendous amount of time has passed between ‘God of War III’ and the new ‘God of War,’ and it shows on Kratos’ aged face.
“There was a first kind of discussion we had where I said it was kind of like an athlete in the off season,” explained “God of War” creative director Cory Barlog. “There were versions of Kratos where he let himself go a little bit.”
That’s not to say he’s weak and feeble. This Kratos still packs one heck of a punch. And his brutality is still well intact when he needs to unleash it. But he’s also not the walking vial of nitroglycerin he once was.
Much of that has to do with the fact that Kratos is once again a husband and father. At least, he was prior to this game’s opening scenes where we find Kratos laying his wife to rest. His son, Atreaus is still young and inexperienced, and Kratos, now a single parent, is tasked with teaching him everything from how to properly hunt for food to how to defend himself properly.
It’s clear that Kratos isn’t exactly comfortable in his role as a loving caregiver. Moments like his initial anger at his son over a missed shot at a deer the two were hunting show the Spartan’s rage nearly boil over, only to subside into instructions punctuated through his gritted teeth. The love, though, is certainly there. In another scene, Atreaus tells Kratos not to leave him behind again following a fight, to which Kratos replies, “I won’t.”
The lessons Kratos is imparting on his son, are especially important in “God of War’s” new setting among the frozen Scandinavian forests of Midgard where the Norse gods reign. The change is a welcome one from the previous “God of War” trilogy, which revolved around the mythology and locations of the Greek gods. And Sony Santa Monica Studios has, based on my brief time with the game, done an excellent job bringing this new game world to life.
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As a father, Kratos has to work to teach his son how to handle himself in the dangers of Midgard.
The forest and cliffs surrounding the game’s opening hours feel alive with animal life and look stunning, particularly when viewed with the PlayStation 4 Pro and a 4K, HDR television. At one point during my demo playthrough I stood still and just listened to the sound of birds and the wind whipping through the trees.
Old man strength
Of course, this wouldn’t be a “God of War” game without some satisfyingly, ferocious combat, and the latest title in a franchise known for its over-the-top battles delivers. The new-look old Kratos doesn’t have his trademark blades chained to his forearms anymore. In its place the Spartan now uses his Leviathan Axe, which lets him cut through foes using both weak and strong attacks.
Strong attacks bounce your enemies into the air allowing you to juggle them and leaving them stunned, while you beat them down. Weak hits let you deal out damage and keep your opponents off balance so they can’t retaliate against you.
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Kratos now uses his Leviathan Axe instead of his trademark chain blades.
You can also throw the Leviathan Axe at enemies and then recall it similar to Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. Throw the axe at certain objects and you can even freeze them in place. As you can imagine, that skill also comes in handy when solving “God of War’s” puzzles.
Interestingly, the first hours of “God of War” don’t feature the series’ usual massive set pieces. At the outset of “God of War III,” for instance, you’re climbing Mount Olympus alongside Titans the size of skyscrapers.
By contrast, this new “God of War” has you scrambling up hills and taking on the occasional troll. I have no doubt those “Oh my God!” moments will happen later in the game, though.
Everything about this “God of War” has a more intimate feel than the series’ prior entries. Even the camera angle, which has you up close to Kratos looking over his shoulder, helps ground the action more than ever.
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Atreaus will help Kratos in battle, but the demigod still does the heavy lifting.
This older Kratos is a far more thoughtful demigod than before, and it shows in the way he evaluates situations, whether it’s trying to protect his son Atreaus from having to fight other living humans to how he mourns his wife.
Barlog says that the Kratos from the first trilogy felt like he was the digital personification of the developers’ college days. He was impulsive, wanted to stick it to authority figures and was all for going for bigger and crazier battles.
An enormous amount of time has passed since his days of fighting the Greek gods. Barlog explains that Kratos now feels more like a man who understands what’s important in life and explores the world through the lens of someone who wants to hold on to those things.
And yet, he’s still Kratos, the demigod who destroyed Olympus. Which means we’re sure to see flickers of the Ghost of Sparta when “God of War” hits store shelves next month. And I can’t wait.
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‘Far Cry 5’ preview: Exploring cults and terror in the American West
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Email Daniel Howley at [email protected]; follow him on Twitter at @DanielHowley.
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1.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9gQwobtLYM&t=2s
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12. https://www.facebook.com/THAD-TAROT-1405492593066061/?fref=ts
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15. https://youtu.be/MYFc69caOJ4
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17. https://thebookof25.wordpress.com/2016/03/10/languages-save-lives/
18. https://youtu.be/QJJZTo_W7FI                                                
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20. http://cristoph-de-caermichael.skyrock.com/profil/
21. https://youtu.be/vGO3vzGOFBw  
22. -Un esclusivo sguardo affascinante nel mondo segreto dello sciamanesimo malese di origine antropologica. Avvertendo immagini intense che ritraggono l'inferno di Dante attraverso statue.Alcune delle immagini sono inquietanti e possono influire sulle menti di alcuni spettatori. Questo è tutto reale e gli eventi spettrali avvengono in questo regno buio che ricorda Tartaro.
23. Nella mitologia greca Tartaro (/ tɑːrtərəs /; Greco antico: Τάρταρος Tartaros) è l'abisso profondo che viene utilizzato come una prigione di tormento e sofferenza per i malvagi e come la prigione per i Titani. Tartaro è il luogo dove, secondo Platone a Gorgias (400 aC), le anime sono state giudicate dopo la morte e dove i malvagi hanno ricevuto la punizione divina. Come altri soggetti primari (come la Terra, la Notte e l'Ora), Tartaro è stato considerato anche una forza primordiale o una divinità. The Videos will real Dante’s inferno and it’s a journey taken by few.
24. thebookof25.wordpress.com/2017/03/27/the-plague-cocobay-resort-leptospirosis-diseases-port-dickson-malaysia-2017-coco-bay-resort/
26. : https://youtu.be/9FDoVgv6y5s
28. https://thebookof25.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/thad-tarot-by-cristoph/                        
29. https://www.facebook.com/THAD-TAROT-1405492593066061/?fref=ts
30. https://youtu.be/Sfnvgbp-3sM        
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32. https://youtu.be/MYFc69caOJ4
33. https://youtu.be/-Fahv8hyk0Y
34.  https://andreperezbyandreperez.wordpress.com/2016/03/18/arabic-languages-save-lives/
 Organ failure, internal hemorrhaging, and death can result if the bacterium infects the liver, kidneys, and other major organs.
Care should be taken to differentiate between PHL as detailed here, which is a long-term but essentially transient condition, and persistent carrier-phase leptospirosis where the subject has little or no symptoms but remains infected with the bacterium and in some cases remains infectious. Carrier-phase infection is almost unheard of in humans though is prevalent in many animals. PHL, in contrast, is possible in all species.
: https://youtu.be/9FDoVgv6y5s
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Organ failure, internal hemorrhaging, and death can result if the bacterium infects the liver, kidneys, and other major organs.
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Trinidad is featured in this chapter on language drift.
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brokehorrorfan · 5 years
Blu-ray Review: A Bucket of Blood
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Dick Miller was such a constant presence in cinema that his death earlier this year was almost like losing an old friend. His familiar face would often only pop up for a scene or two, but he would almost always steal them. Thankfully, he had a long life and left behind plenty of movies through which he lives on. Over the course of his six-decade career, Miller amassed over 150 acting credits, including Gremlins, The Terminator, Twilight Zone: The Movie, The Dirty Dozen, The 'Burbs, 1941, and Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight.
1959's A Bucket of Blood is significant for several reasons, perhaps the most notable one being that it's a rare leading role for the character actor. Miller stars as Walter Paisley, a name that would follow him throughout his career, as later filmmakers would adopt it for Miller’s cameo appearances. A Bucket of Blood is also one of Roger Corman's best directorial efforts. It may not have the cache of his Edgar Allan Poe adaptations with Vincent Price or the cult status of The Little Shop of Horrors, but it's one of his most entertaining works.
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In typical Corman fashion, A Bucket of Blood was conceived as a way to repurpose leftover sets from 1959's Diary of a High School Bride. He hired writer Charles B. Griffith - their first of three horror-comedy collaborations, succeeded by The Little Shop of Horrors (which not only follows the same plot structure but also reused the sets) and Creature from the Haunted Sea - to pen the script in five days. Corman then shot the film in another five days on a budget of $50,000. Running an economical 66 minutes, it remarkably doesn't look nearly as cheap or as rushed as it undoubtedly was.
Miller's Walter Paisley is a cafe busboy who dotes on insufferably pretentious artists but has ambitions of being one himself. After accidentally killing a cat, inspiration strikes to cover it up as a grotesque yet dignified sculpture. When the local art critics and collectors respond positively to it, he's pressured to replicate the success. The taste of fame goes to his head, turning Walter into one of the obnoxious beatniks who once mocked him, amidst his inadvertent murder spree.
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Miller cited A Bucket of Blood as his favorite role, and it is indeed a highlight of his storied career. Giving new meaning to the phrase "tortured artist," the pathos he brings to the character allows him to walk the line between protagonist and antagonist. Miller even subtly shifts his body language from a meek hunch to a poised swagger as his newfound notoriety boosts his confidence. Along with a bevy of Corman's B-movie regulars, the cast notably features Ed Nelson (Peyton Place) and future game show host Bert Convy (Win, Lose or Draw).
Corman’s filmmaking prowess lies not only in his penchant for pinching pennies, but also his talent for discovering and surrounding himself with talent. Despite the restricted time frame, director of photography Jacques R. Marquette (Burnt Offerings, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman) was able to deliver quality images. Shot in black and white, the use of shadows and lighting is inspired. Selections from the film's jazz score, composed by Fred Katz, were reused in The Little Shop of Horrors and Creature from the Haunted Sea.
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A Bucket of Blood has been released on Blu-ray as part of Olive Films' Olive Signature line. Limited to 3,500 units, this edition is housed in a slipcase along with a booklet featuring an essay on the film and its legacy by Caelum Vatnsdal, author of You Don’t Know Me, But You Love Me: The Lives of Dick Miller. The film itself has been mastered from a new 4K scan, looking as pristine as ever in honor of its 60th anniversary, and is accompanied by a variety of special features.
In an interview shot mere months before his passing, Miller is joined by his wife, Lainie Miller, for a 12-minute interview. His declining health is apparent, but he remains charming, particularly in his interactions with Lainie. Corman, as efficient and sharp as ever at the age of 93, tells the story of the making of the movie in under eight minutes. An archival audio interview finds Griffith briefly discusses each of his scripts over the course of 20 minutes. The 8mm "digest" version of the picture, which could be enjoyed at home before VHS was invented, is included; condensed to an 8-minute, silent montage of murders followed by the final chase.
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Elijah Drenner, director of the fantastic documentary That Guy Dick Miller, provides an audio commentary, which he begins by calling A Bucket of Blood "Corman's first great movie." It largely plays like a film historian track, detailing the production and its players, but his relationship with Miller makes it more engaging. Drenner also provides a brief visual essay comparing the original, 93-page script (titled The Yellow Door) to the final product, recreating unfilmed passages like an audio drama.
One of the most fascinating special features is the prologue from the film's German release, where - in a clever but misleading advertising strategy that would make Corman proud - it was marketed as a sequel to House of Wax. The 10 minutes of German footage purports that Walter Paisley is the last descendant of Vincent Price's character (portrayed by an unknown German actor under prosthetics). Extras are rounded out by a digital version of Vatnsdal's booklet essay, a gallery of recently discovered on-set photography, and the U.S. and German theatrical trailers.
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Nary a dull moment among its lightning-fast pacing, A Bucket of Blood works remarkably well 60 years later. The concept remains timely, as both the social commentary and dark satirization of the counterculture art scene still play. It was already remade once as a TV movie starring Anthony Michael Hall in 1995, but you could swap out beatniks for today’s hipsters to make a contemporary, subversive slasher-comedy of errors in the vein of Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
A Bucket of Blood is available now on Blu-ray via Olive Films.
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