#long mogai post UWU
brightside-brigade · 2 years
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Hey hey hey! Welcome to my blog! Why are you here ●w●
You can call me Jack. He/him They/Them Nya/Nyas
Transmasc + xeno hoarder
Twenty one years old bodily
Otherkin and Fictonkin
Arospec, Omnisexual, and Poly
Autism, anxiety disorder, depression
Sys host
Always looking for friends!
Archangel/demon Hybrid
Chaos deity
Cheshire cat (species)
Plagas (infected Leon style)
fictive of:
Dr Bright (scp foundation) ☆ /I denounce my lowly "creator,". See you in hell you sick fuck!/
My fandoms:
SCP, FNaF, BATIM/BATDR, Poppy Playtime, RE, Pokemon, Silent Hill, Dead Space, ect
Favorite song artists:
Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Prince Whatever, ect (I have more favorite songs than favorite song artists, weh)
This blog is:
Pro lgbtqia+
Pro MOGAI, Xenogenders/pronouns, ect
Pro MSPEC identities
Anti harassment of ANYONE (but if you're shitty on a positivity post, you've enabled pvp uwu. This also doesn't apply to people engaging in behavior harmful to minors or vulnerable individuals. Or if you're a terf or radfem and I'm bored. )
Anti Pro contact harmful paras (the big three, ect)
Anti DDLG in agere spaces (you do you, but in places meant for it!)
Pro enjoyment of media
Pro block and move on
Pro problematic aesthetics and such for coping or whatever you may.
Pro any type of body mod so long as it's not fatal
Dni :
Terf, swerf, radfem, gendercrit, transphobe, ect
Transmed, truscum
Militant discourse (no I don't care what side)
Harass others for ANYTHING (minus if they're bad people like groomers and shit)
pro contact harmful paras (the big three, ect)
DDLG, CGLR, sexualize age regression
Post irl nsfw (personal discomfort, more power to you though!)
Believe in "narc abuse" or any kind of abuse related to personality disorders.
Shaw stans/you're going to call me by his name.(piss off) (rewrite users are on thin ice due to me getting very bad anxiety upon seeing them, which I am working through)
You're going to involve me in shipcourse or anything (it's dumb and I'd rather touch grass.)
__/¯¯¯¯/ /_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_
|_[ [__ | |_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,/
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coquillagean · 4 years
GENDIES PT. 1/1 (54 gendies)
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Biscottaregender: a gender that feels slightly baked, small, warm, and toasty to the user. From Italian “biscottare” meaning “to bake”
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Coctagender: a gender that feels cooked, large, and expansive with dozens of other small baking-oriented genders incorporated into this one gender. Related to Biscottaregender. From Latin “coctus, cocta, coctum” meaning “cooked”
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Cuoceregender: a gender that feels related to Coctagender and Biscottaregender. These genders are considered in a group together, but they all have different components. Cuoceregender is a small, warm, and cozy gender that is completely revolved around cooking, baking, and cottagecore. From Italian “cuocere” meaning “to bake, cook”
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Cottogender: a gender that feels calming, related to baking, and overall small and sweet. It is a part of the group that Cuoceregender, Biscottaregender, and Coctagender is in. From Italian “cotto” meaning “cooked”
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Crudusgender: a masculine gender that feels raw, bloody, and hellish. From Latin “crudus, cruda, crudum” meaning “raw, bloody”
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Crudumgender: a nonbinary/agender gender that feels raw, bloody, and hellish. From Latin “crudus, cruda, crudum” meaning “raw, bloody.” A part of the Crudusgender system.
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Crudagender: a feminine gender that feels raw, bloody, and hellish. From Latin “crudus, cruda, crudum” meaning “raw, bloody.” A part of the Crudusgender system.
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Incinerogender: a gender that feels like it is constantly being reduced due to a “fire” in the overall identity. From Latin “incinero” meaning “I incinerate”
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Incineratagender: a gender that feels like it has been burned to ashes. From Latin “incineratus, incinerata, incineratum” meaning “burned to ashes.” Related to Incinerogender.
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Alghegender: a gender that feels small, aquatic, related to seaweed, summer, and plants. It is also slightly fluid, and feels slightly feminine. From Italian “alga, alghe” meaning “seaweed” (this gender is in the plural).
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Paisgender: a gender that feels peaceful, placid, calming, but full of love. It is a quiet, softly fluid gender that has little to it other than it is never too fluid nor flux. From Middle French “pais” meaning “peace.”
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Raccenderegender: a gender that feels like it had once went out, and went from being a gender to an aporagender/agender-aligned identity. It has been relighted and now is a somewhat fluid gender that is related to fire, the Sun, and weather. From Italian “raccendere” meaning “to relight, rekindle”
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Seccaregender: a gender that feels like it has “dried up” into being a skeleton of what the gender was before. This can be interpreted many different ways, it is up to the user. From Italian “seccare” meaning “to dry, dry up”
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Asciugaregender: a gender similar to Seccaregender in that it is dried up, but still has at least some kind of life or fluidity into it. From Italian “asciugare” meaning “to dry up, mop up, etc”
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Asciuttogender: a gender that is simply dry. It is related to deserts, summer, and sand dunes. From Italian “asciutto” meaning “dry”
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Spaziogender: a gender that feels so spread out and thin that it cannot be determined by a human mind, and is ineffable to the point that it is nearly useless. From Italian "spazio" meaning "space"
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Hodeitsugender: a gender that feels vague, cloudy, small, related to clouds, summer, and stormy days. From Basque “hodeitsu” meaning “cloudy”
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Stremefluid: a fluid gender that flows like a small stream. it is related to the seasons, streams, water, and rivers. From Middle English “strem, streme” meaning “stream”
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Ryverefluid: a fluid gender that flows like a river, it is powerful, related to summer, rivers, and water. From Middle English “ryvere” meaning “river.”
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Hyysfluid: a frosty fluid gender that feels connected to ice, water, and winter. From Middle English “is, hyys” meaning “ice”
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Hagolfluid: a fluid gender that feels cold, wet, and flows between small, water-aligned genders. It is connected to hail, summer, and winter. From Middle English (early Middle) “hayle, hagol” meaning “hail”
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Vlodefluid: a fluid gender that floods the identity with new, water-aligned genders that causes the gender to become more and more revolved around water. From Middle English “flod, vlode” meaning “flood.”
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Drygegender: a gender that feels like it is becoming dry and withering slowly. From Middle English or Old English “drye, dryge” meaning “dry”
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Botymfluid: a fluid gender that feels that it has no bottom, and that there are hundreds of millions of genders not discovered deep inside the identity. From Middle English “botym” meaning “bottom of something”
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Brynkegender: a gender that feels connected to both the land and the sea, and has a huge variety of feelings and connections. These range from a warm gender related to tropical summers and the sunshine to a cold gender that is frosted and cold like the ocean in winter. It is up to the user what they would like to use this gender for, I personally use it for the first definition, hence the flag. From Middle English “brynke,” an alternative to “brinke” meaning “ The coastline or shoreline; the place where land meets sea.”
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Drynchefluid: a fluid gender that feels submerged or taken in by the ocean. it is fluid between ocean, animal, and sky genders. it is also connected to summer, rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans. from Middle English "drynche," a variation of "drenchen" meaning "to submerge, to put underwater"
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Lampic: a gender related to Lamphead OR a term for a system with a Lamphead alter.
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Sirenic: a gender related to Sirenhead OR a term for a system with a Sirenhead alter.
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Obtenebrogender: a gender that feels darken, gloomy, uncomfortable, and cold. It is infinite, but still never fully discovered what lies inside of it. From Latin “obtenebro” meaning “I darken”
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Offuscaregender: a gender that feels darkened, quiet, and infinite. Related to Obtenebrogender. From Italian “offuscare” meaning “to darken”
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Annebbiaregender: a gender that feels cloudy, uncomfortable, and nebulous. It is almost ineffable, but still has some use to it other than that. From Italian “annebbiare” meaning “to cloud” 
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Otttenebraregender: a gender that feels dark, hellish, and small. From Italian “ottenebrare” meaning “to darken” (again)
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Tepefaciogender: a gender that warms up, becomes fiery, and is as hot as the Sun, stars, and the seven hells combined. From Latin "tepefacio" meaning "I warm up"
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Teporgender: a gender that feels gentle, warm, and loving. it is related to small candles, warm weather, and summer. From Latin and English “tepor” meaning “gentle warmth”
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Tepidagender: a gender that feels tepid, lukewarm, and related to autumn days, falling leaves, and pumpkins, as well as campfires, fireplaces, and hot coals. From Latin “tepidus, tepida, tepidum” meaning “tepid”
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Tepescogender: a gender that grows warm, is related to summer, spring, and fire. It is a slightly masculine gender, which is different than others. From Latin “tepesco” meaning “I grow warm”
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Intepeogender: a gender that is lukewarm, it grows slightly warmer under certain circumstances, but eventually cools off and becomes essentially unknown. From Latin “intepeo” meaning “I am lukewarm or tepid”
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Tepeogender: a gender that feels warm, tepid, or even lukewarm. It is large, fiery, and loving. It can also be slightly fluid, but is also flux. From Latin “tepeo” meaning “I am warm, lukewarm, or tepid”
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Epeltasunfluid: a fluid gender that feels fluid like warmth, is related to summer, autumn, and fireplaces. It is also connected to forests, evergreens, and mountains. From Basque “epeltasun” meaning “warmth”
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Berotasunfluid: a fluid heat-aligned gender that feels connected to summer, fire, furnaces, and flames. From Basque “berotasun” meaning “heat”
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Lainotsufluid: a gender that feels misty, fluid like water, and slightly masculine, but most nonbinary. From Basque “lainotsu” meaning “misty”
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Zerugender: a gender that feels expansive, infinite, and almost impossible to see all at one time. it is connected to the sky, summer, rain, winter, and clouds. From Basque “zeru” meaning “sky.”
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Kolorefluid: a fluid gender that is connected to all colors and is fluid based on what color is most prominent at the moment. From Basque “kolore” meaning “color”
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Eurigender: a gender that feels rainy, small, and cozy. It is related to rainy days, storms, and summer afternoons. From Basque “euri” meaning “rainy”
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Euritsugender: a gender that feels rainy, large, and calming. It is related to rainy afternoons, summer, and winter. From Basque “euritsu” meaning “rainy.”
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Eguzkigender: a gender that feels sunny, large, connected to the sun, summer, and tropical environments. From Basque “eguzki” meaning “sun”
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Elurgender: a snowy, frosty gender that feels connected to snow, winter, forests, and frosted mornings. From Basque “elur” meaning “snow”
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Selvaggiogender: a gender that seems to be more wild than other genders, and can simply disappear into a wilderness of other genders. From Italian “selvaggio” meaning “wild, savage”
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Posebangender: a gender that feels alienated, special, and weird. It is connected to outer space, exoplanets, and aliens. From Serbo-Croatian “poseban” meaning “special, particular”
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Barranigender: a gender that feels foreign, alien, and unknown. From Maltese “barrani” meaning “foreign”
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Gharibgender: a gender that feels alien, weird, strange, foreign, or odd. It is connected to aliens, summer, and the planet Saturn. From Maltese “gharib” meaning “strange”
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Rhyfeddgender: a gender that feels weird, odd, and out of kilter. It is connected to the genders above, and is synonymous with each other. From Welsh “rhyfedd” meaning “strange, odd”
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Endeleasfluid: a fluid gender that is endless, ineffable, astounding, and wild. From Old English “endeleas” meaning “endless”
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Txikigender: a gender that feels small, tiny, related to candy, candles, and sweetness. From Basque “txiki” meaning “small”
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zack-the-emo-boy · 2 years
Hello, idiots of the internet. I am here to talk about politics and also educate losers.
Name: Zack or Aaron
Pronouns: He/They.
My Political Stances:
-Pro-choice [but I wouldn't get an abortion for myself.]
-Believe in the existence of transandrophobia[Mostly perpetrated by cisgender women]
-Pro-transgender medical care[Obviously, why would I be against things for myself?]
-Pro-MOGAI[Just as long as they have some sort of dysphoria, doesn't need to be constant though.]
-Proship/Anti-harassment[I don't ship that much problematic things or like that much, but harassing is another story.]
-Anti-TERF. [No, that does not mean I'm anti-women, I just don't like transphobic assholes who try to convert transgender people. My sincerest apologies.]
-Paracritical[Sure, they can cope with it some way but it's different when they actively try to act on it. Especially the big three.]
-Anti-transid[Most of them use it as an "uwu cute disability" or something so I don't even want to interact with them]
That's all I remember for now. Now please realize my posts are based on a mix of fact and emotion.
-Sincerely, an emo boy.
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xqueerneurosisx · 2 years
Okay so, the last one got way too long, so I’m gonna try to redo it and hopefully keep it more precise this time. Opinion post go!
Respectability Politics are bullshit! All inclusivity(within safety/good faith reason) all the time!
Flag Discourse is fucking ridiculous. Stripes in a line are not fucking “___ phobic.” Let people in good faith be creative and stop being boring lmao. uwu Remaking the flag doesn’t hold anyone accountable for shit.
Pro: self dx, kink, exploring dark concepts you don’t condone irl through the safety of fiction, MOGAI, Endogenic plurality, Yaoi, Fujoshi, Yandere
If you are a minor, then I’m not gonna argue~ uwu the topics of kink or erotic fiction(see yaoi) with you. Get the hell out of online NSFW spaces. And stay out.
MAP/PEAR/whatever else you call it: go the fuck away. Same with Zoos/Necros and the like. Really didn’t think this one needed to be announced, but some events on this blog have shown me otherwise. Blech.
Terfs/Tehms, Exclus, Transmeds, battle crusade bis, Sysmeds, and the like: shut the fuck up already. You were wrong from the beginning. You’re still wrong now. And stop gaslighting people, while you’re at it.
Special interests/Hyperfixations/Obsessions/etc are not your moral tokens. They are symptoms of disorders that people cannot “just stop talking about it uwu.” Leave my disabled siblings the fuck alone. Having these symptoms doesn’t equate to behaving shitty!!
“Straight Passing,” is Terf bullshit. Miss me with that Terf bullshit.
It doesn’t matter how many blog posts you make, Narcissistic Abuse is actually considered a recognized strategy in the clinical field. Which means you’re just gaslighting people if you tell them “it’s not real.” Don’t fucking do that. Focus on spreading new proposals for terms, like Complex Abuse, instead.
You’re not some fucking hero of justice for harassing/stalking/doxxing/sui. baiting/threatening people online. You’re just a pathetic lowlife.
I believe in respecting DNIs as boundaries, but at the same time, if you’re not even going to try to use the block button, then I have no sympathy for you.
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germtimes · 3 years
TW: transphobic behaviour, harassment, creepy allocishet woman, also long post
I went to work last night for the first time in over a year, and my least favourite person was there.
She’s the type of girl that people who aren’t on Tumblr think everyone on Tumblr is like. She’s a legit irl “uwu all trans boys are soft, uwu gay boys are so cute”.
When first meeting me, she asked if I was trans, very loudly in a room of mostly men. I said yeah, she said “are you gay?” right after (yknow how allocishet white women are, all trans boys MUST be gay 🙄 /sarcasm) which I said kinda to. She thought it was cute…
After that, she flat out asked me what my birth name was. I had known her for no more than 5 minutes at this point. I was very blunt and told her I would never tell her something like that.
The next shift after that she walked up and said “I think I know your dead name now” which terrified me. She was talking about my email, which again isn’t my dead name and just a name I used to go by. I told her, and she legit seemed disappointed.
Last night, my first shift in a while, she walked up to me and said “you know your name is not right on the schedule, yeah?” (It’s an old name I used to go by, but not my dead name.) again I said it was just an old name, not a dead name.
She is literally LOOKING for my dead name she is so creepy and gross, I don’t like working near her. I feel like a zoo animal around her. She also said I looked “really different” after a year, but literally the only thing that changed is my hair (which is longer and blonde). So idk, I feel creeped out and uncomfortable.
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DNI transcript below the cut
[ Start I.D. - Do not interact if you are : anti-non traumagenic, anti-mogai, LGBTQIA+ phobe, truscum/transmed, DDLG/CGL, anti-age regression, naz!, islamophobe, antisemitic, nationalist, (no) MAP/PED0, still think queer is a slur, bootlicker, anti-kin, anti-choice, pro-ed, anti-BLM, racist, k!nk/NSFW blog, radfem, tradwife, exclusionists, terf/swerf, ableist, anti-self diagnosis, anti-mspec lesbians, “gender critical”, nonbinary skeptics, anti-pronoun nonconformity, apologists for the above. End I.D ]
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🌻 About/BYF 🌻 (warning, very lengthy, lots of emojis and obnoxious colors bc i’m just like that™️)
Hi, my name’s Gabriella but I prefer Gabe. Welcome to my discourse blog where I discuss LGBT matters. For some reason it didn’t occur to me that I needed this the minute I made this account so here we are. Here’s my opinions before you follow me. Oh, and everyone is allowed to interact ‘cause this is discourse, just not MAPs or their supporters. I’m reasonably very uncomfortable with their presence and my discourse is about specific matters not relating to them (read: this is mostly lgbt discourse and y’all ain’t LGBT and never will be. stay mad about it you ain’t hurting me 🤷🏾‍♀️). The most attention they have here are posts warning people about them. Everyone else, interact freely as long as you be respectful. 💖
- I am a transmed. I strongly believe you need any level of gender dysphoria to transition. Not self hatred, just that disconnection from your brain sex and your body.👩🏾‍⚕️
- I am an ace exclusionist. The acronym ends at ‘T’. Aces are valid and deserve love and support, but cishet ones just aren’t LGBT. 🖤💜🖤💜
- I am strongly against MOGAI. They don’t actually support or help confused kids who suspect they may be trans or attracted to the same gender, just confuses them further and turns them into miserable people (speaking from experience, not even gonna lie). 👎🏾
- Queer is a slur. Always has been, always will be. Respect the fact that not all of us are comfortable with reclaiming it and me and you will be cool. It’s LGBT, not LGBTQ or any variation of that.🙃
- Aces, especially cishet ones have no business reclaiming words like queer, d*ke, f*g, and other slurs. Those aren’t for y’all to reclaim. End of discussion.🤫🤫🤫
- Pansexuality is just for when people want to be sneaky with their biphobia and transphobia. They aren’t more inclusive than bi people, just pretentious at best. If anything, they annoy me more than demisexuals with their obnoxiousness and that’s saying something. 👀 ☕️
- The he/him lesbians on Tumblr (aka folk doing that just to be doing it and not bc they’re closeted or any other legit reason) aren’t valid and actually give me headaches. Long story short words have meanings and I’m sure we all have access to a dictionary! OwO📕 Better open it up!
- I’m willing to believe the existence of legitimate dysphoric nonbinary people. I’m skeptical of nb in the sense in that I think it could be real, it’s just rarer than what Tumblr makes it out to be! 💜🖤💛
- Some brutal honesty? This website infantilizes LGBT members. We need for some of you to accept the fact that not all of us perfect and none of us are your “pwecious delicate sinnamon rolls can do no wrong uwu”. 😇
- I’m pro shipping or whatever you call team ship whatever the fuck you want, but I’m not personally into those kind of ships so just tag the disturbing shit so we won’t have to see it alright? 💔
- Suicide baiting and witch hunts are W R O N G and this shouldn’t be an argument considering how old most of us are. That’s just fact. ☕️
- Radfems/TERFs/any other brand of feminism like those are disgusting and make the entire feminist movement look bad‼️‼️ 👎🏾
Stim blogs, mental health resource blogs, and trans resource blogs have absolutely no business in discourse. Anyone should be able interact with them. Don’t give a shit about people in your community only when they completely agree with you.
- I very much support recovery from mental health. Please love yourselves. Anti-recovery is seriously dangerous! 💖
- Self-diagnosing is horrible and you should leave that kind of thing to a professional.👨🏾‍⚕️
- Already mentioned them but I can’t make this clearer!! I don’t support MAPs!!!🖕🏾Go away!! Bye! Go anywhere else but this website full of children!! Therapy!! Counselling!! Definitely prison if you don’t want those other two things and want your depravity to be normalized!! 👮🏾‍♀️👮🏾‍♂️ Also interact all you want, but like nine times out of ten I’m ignoring you.
Alright that’s all my opinionated ass has for now. Stay tuned, there’s probably more to add on ‘Cause Tumblr’s just like that ™️ and is at a constant state of trying to screw with people.
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maxgilardi · 6 years
About & BYF
Early-mid-20s white trans lesbian jew. started HRT fall 2017, it’s fucking wild.
some personal blogging, otherwise mostly aesthetic/art/Looks/etc. and gay/trans stuff (here’s a list of tags I use for ease of navigation)
occasionally Discourse, but it’s a personal blog and not A Discourse Blog, except when I have thoughts or feelings about things to do with discourse. but this isn’t a blog centered on delivering correct political lines on anything and everything. so, communist but not on main? that being said, the following is going to be discoursey, and long:
Please do not call me queer (unless you’re also going to call me a faggot) or refer to me as “a femme”, “trans fem”, “transfeminine”, “feminine-aligned”, or “fem of center” (unless you’re going out of your way to misgender me.) Feminine and Masculine are not genders or categories/clusters/alignments of genders. Woman, Trans Woman, Lesbian, and Gay are all great. thank you!!
Please do not follow if you’re any of these:
cishet and also a man (cis aro-ace men, cis het-aro men, and cis ace-heteromantic men, this means you too). Though, to clarify, if you’re AMAB and only attracted to women and questioning whether you’re actually cis/het/male or actually a trans woman, you can still follow for as long as you’re questioning!
a minor (under the age of 18) who doesn’t filter the #NSFW tag
TERF or “Gender Critical”
pro-USA, pro-Imperialist
Clinton, Obama, or Bernie fandom
BDSM stan / uncritical advocate
DD/lg or CG/l (read: pedophile roleplay) (FUCK OFF)
thinks fetishes and kinks are immune to critique Because Sex Positivity
thinks kinksters are Oppressed
Hentai fandom
Anime That Infantilizes Women And Sexualizes Young Girls fandom
Thinks that opposition to Israel’s existence, or being vocal about zionism / Palestinian genocide / etc. is Inherently Suspect
Thinks that Only Palestinians And Jewish Voices Should Talk About Israel
Thinks that Jewish People Can’t Be White, i.e. All Jews Are People Of Color Just By Virtue Of Being Jewish
pedophile or “MAP”
split attraction model advocate
thinks cishet aces or cishet aros are in any way LGBT
Monosexual Privilege Discourser
won’t stop referring to LGBT people collectively as Queer People
Truscum / Transmedicalist / TrueTrans™
Refers to trans women you don’t like as “Troons” or “Male-Socialized” or “Futa Porn Brained” or other (even if Internalized) transmisogynist shit
Rationalist / LessWrong readership / Slate Star Codex readership
Jacobin readership
support imperialist-backed regime change in DPRK or Venezuela
Believe anti-communist propaganda like Black Book Of Communism shit, Muh Millions Dead etc.
Think “real communism has never been tried!! :)” is in any way accurate, a compelling argument, or a useful way of building on the last century of revolutionary practice
one of those nerds who talks about “toxic monogamy culture”
thinks it’s okay for grown adults to ship children and/or incest and/or abusive relationships: complains seriously about “antis”
Rocky Horror Picture Show fandom, i.e. You’re Okay With Celebrating Rape And Transmisogyny Because ~It’s Our History UwU~
You follow or are followed by Billnihilism [1] [2] [3], Butchcommunist [1] [4] [5] [6], LocalHorrorLesbian/MascPriv [1] [7], or Marxferatu/Fursonar/VladTheUnfollower [8] [9]
I hate to have a list like this, but :/ If you’re not any of the above, I hope you’re having a wonderful day 💖
(I mean, if you’re a minor who doesn’t filter that tag, I still hope you’re having a wonderful day, but still please do not follow me, sorry!!)
Be wary of following if you’re any of these:
an anarchist. Basically, if you reblog my posts to bother me about my being A Tankie or Authoritarian or Statist, or to post cold war era propaganda about communist movements, I will block you.
a Demsoc. same as for anarchists
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d-rownindesigner · 6 years
tagging system
to find this post, look for #scummy moe’s tagging
long boi = long post, usually over 4 or 5 responses or so? idk
anecdote = posts related to my own experiences, anecdotal posts
vent = anecdotal posts containing potentially triggering content
kill all terfs = any terf related posts. i’ve been using this one for a while.
kill all tucutes = any tucute related posts
kill all maps = any map related posts
kill all inclusionists = any ace discourse related posts
enby facts = disproving nonbinary identities/third genders
brain sex = proving brain sex/dysphoria/transsexualism
mogai hell = any mogai related posts/mogai discourse/dumb mogai identities
politikz = any political-related posts
positivity = because even i can be positive/reblog positivity sometimes
my face owo = selfies or pictures of me [don’t post them often but fuck]
transition = transition updates like haircuts or t selfies when i get on it [which will hopefully be not too far away]
trigger warnings
all my trigger warnings start with a ‘+’ symbol
+ r slur = retard
+ t slur = tranny
+ f slur = faggot
+ n slur = nigger
+ d slur = dyke
+ suicide mention = if suicide is talked about in the post
+ self harm mention = if self harm is talked about in the post
+ ed mention = if eating disorders are talked about in the post
+ rape mention = if rape is talked about in the post
+ pedophilia mention = if pedophilia/cp is talked about in the post [includes map-related shit]
+ may cause offense uwu = posts that i don’t think are offensive but other people might because i’m tired of being called an arse for being ‘offensive’
+ may cause unfunny offense uwu = same as above, but for jokes/non-serious posts. if you interact with these posts trying to start a serious debate i will only respond with replies that are equally as ridiculous as the original post
i don’t like trigger warnings but i understand why they are necessary for some people - so to make my blog a bit more accessible i’ve added them. everything else is just a way for me to organise everything a bit better. in terms of the slur triggers i have only added ones that i/others use most frequently. i would not have tagged ‘retard’ personally but hey i get so much abuse for using it that i may as well.
if you’re new here, check this out for a bit about me and what i believe. a couple of things have changed - i am now a lot more skeptical of pansexuality than i was when i first made this blog - but overall most of it is the same.
if you think i should add anything else tell me and i’ll reblog the post with additions.
[my main blog is now called @sludge-666 because i have always been sludge666 on everything but some bastard took it on this fucking site >:( ]
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kincringeemporium · 7 years
*evil snickering*
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oh boy. we have not just a bendy, but a dabbing bendy in front of yet another bullshit mogai flag. 
even just this picture is a fucking gold mine of ‘what the fuck is wrong with you’. 
-”davis”, definitely a masculine name - but then “trans girl” 
-xe and it pronouns. no thanks. 
-wait. trans girl. he pronouns? where the fuck is the truth? 
-clearly “alicesexual kathromantic” is a joke. but let’s see what else we can find...
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-you are not a trans girl if you are okay with he/him and it pronouns. kill me. 
-usually i don’t comment on nb lesbian/nb girl labels, because i’m not really informed enough to do that and i leave it for delta, but... if you are agender... that’s it. you’re genderless. you can’t be genderless and have a gender at the same time. 
-i wonder how many of those illnesses you actually have 
-what the fuck!? if you’re okay with he pronouns, then why can’t people call you “masculine words”? 
-why is it so goddamn hard for people to use they/them? unless you’re dyslexic or an english learner, what’s so hard about it? 
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-how in the actual fuck is this not discourse?? 
-okay, okay. addicts deserve rights. addicts deserve help. they are people with an illness. but adding “even if they aren’t working to recover” screams of anti-recovery, pro-self-dx, and the like. 
-”kill ‘em all”? uh? how about we do not advocate for killing people? (i am in no way saying that child abusers deserve to live free or to be forgiven no matter what. in my opinion, they deserve to live a life of regret for what they’ve done. but moving on.) 
-jeez. a few times, i had to check and make sure i wasn’t actually screenshotting the alice blog again. 
-as i said before: prostitution is dangerous. it’s dirty. from a moral standpoint, it’s gross. people in that situation need help to get out. 
-terfs are transmisogynists and disgusting: yeah! 
-truscum are transphobes: unyeah! 
-pronouns are fucking gendered, you absolute crusty fucking dickhole 
-i have never heard of doe/stag, but seems to me that the point was to create an alternative to butch/femme that, you know... pan and bi women can use. so why are you shitting on it? 
-and this isn’t even all of their “beliefs” page...
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-pretty sure sapphic includes feminine nb people, not completely neutral nb people... but whatever, i guess? 
-”nor are you oppressed for them”. okay. no matter what i think of these identities, i’m sick of people implying that the way gays & lesbians are oppressed is the only way to be oppressed. there are different fucking forms of oppression, you titbag. 
-what the fuck is syscourse 
-list of things in here with which i agree: coping mechanisms aren’t automatically healthy, the neurodiverse community on here is shit, and endogenic systems are bullshit. 
-you ruined it with “self dx is good uwu” 
-now i wonder how many of your illnesses are self dxed 
this post is so goddamn long that i’ll break it into two parts. jfc. i mean... it’s honestly kind of amazing when people have so much terrible shit on their blogs that i have to make multiple-part posts on them. 
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fakeosphere · 6 years
god i had a whole post and i accidentally scrapped it oh well in short: imma make a discord for ppl who are in disagreeance with how the post "mogai" community is becoming what they are trying to avoid: a social group who accepts anything even if it might be self harm or be harmful to others (he/him lesbians and trans men in women's spaces for example). i don't think that this kind of logic is going to abolish gender or be helpful in the long run in any way and it may just be harmful. if you love being gender exclusionary this will be good for you (no cis, no he/him lesbians No Mascs not even the soft uwu desu ones, no hetaces). gender disinterested and weird are welcome
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Can you make one of your patented Long Posts ™ about the pee yourself thing I can't get a handle on it and I love reading everything you post On this website!
i’ll try, but i’m not sure there’s enough content here to generate actual Long-ness. basically one of those joke animal blogs said “pee yourself” or “pee your pants” or something in response to a rude message, and it caught on because it’s harmless and silly while still being effective as an insult (maybe “insult” isn’t quite the right term, but you get what i mean.) it’s about making a joke of the person it’s directed at, rather than expressing hostility toward them. 
of course, people don’t like being mocked, and will often respond to being subject to mockery by trying to frame whoever is mocking them as morally in the wrong for doing so- this tactic is especially common in certain segments of tumblr, especially the “telling me my post was stupid is ableist uwu” parts of tumblr.
of course, “pee yourself” is by it’s very nature such a silly and harmless insult that trying to frame it as somehow morally wrong presents quite a challenge! which is why they had to make up a bullshit “pee yourself is secret suicide code” narrative in order to do it. 
as far as i know, “pee yourself” isn’t primarily used by “exclusionists”, it’s just that the “telling me my post was stupid is ableist uwu” side of tumblr overlaps substantially with hardline ace-inclusionist/mogai tumblr, so of course when that side of tumblr cooked up the phony “pee yourself is coded suicide-baiting” narrative, they inevitably framed “exlusionists” as the narratives boogeymen. 
woo, i squeezed more content out of this than i thought i could!  nice.
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lesbitchka · 7 years
There was this one post long ago during peak Mogai that was like "shoutout to people who's romantic and sexual orrientations don't 'match up'!" Referring to like heterosexual h*moromantics and such. Basically "your internalized homophobia is VALID uwu!!" Jfc there's no such thing as a "heteromantic h*mosexual"
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