#look I just need more soft and sweet and awkwardly figuring things out Kim in my life okay
the-cookie-of-doom · 10 months
currently plagued with thoughts of BabyGayPanic!Kim doing some research re: all the smut. Because liking Chay is swiftly turning into liking Chay, and wondering what other things he might like. After burying himself in 4 different VPNs and a burner phone, and checking his security three times before finally locking himself up in his recording booth (later considers maybe he could have done this in his room? In bed? That would be more normal, right? Except the room is Soundproofed and Safe and he's so embarrassed he forgets to get horny about it)
He's not a stranger to porn, okay? He's watched it before. Infrequently, because he's spent too much of his life on camera not to be a very harsh critic, and it all rings very false for him. (He does like amateur videos when he bothers, though. The angles are never good, and the sound/lighting are usually worse, but it's real at least)
This is different, though. Because it's all men, and it's for research, and it's something he might actually do? someday? hopefully? with Chay?
And nope, he can't do this, absolutely not. exits right out of that tab before the dicks even come out because his brain just turns itself off.
next time he sees Chay, though... Kim can't stop thinking about kissing him, and touching him, and wanting him, more than he's ever wanted anyone else before. He's kissed women, sure, mostly for the sake of music videos, had a couple dates. But none of those times made him feel half of what he does just thinking about kissing Chay, and it's kind of overwhelming.
It's really overwhelming. So much so that he just. Does it. In the studio. Because Chay is telling him he likes Kim and it's so cute and sweet and Kim's heart is hammering in his chest, and he's been starting at Chay's mouth nonstop whenever they're together, but pretending like he wasn't, but Chay has to know, and now he's confessing, and Kim's heard a lot of confessions before but never like this, and. yeah. it's a lot. So Kim has to kiss him about it. Except he's terrified about what will happen to him if he actually kisses Chay, so he kisses his cheek instead, for the sake of his own sanity. (Chay doesn't return it. Kim really wishes he would, but the hug he gets is good, too, pressing Chay's whole body against his own, soft and warm and it makes Kim feel soft and warm and wow, can they stay like this forever, maybe? Obviously not, but maybe?)
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adonis-koo · 4 years
ghostin him
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Summary: Life is nothing more than dull colors for you, your world shattered and laying in the shards of what once was rather than focusing on what is. That is until you meet Kim Namjoon, who is immediately taken by you without realizing you’re a girl with a whole lot of baggage, through tears and many sleepless nights you’re faced with a choice of hanging on with bleeding hands, or accepting what is, and letting go.
‘What did you do?’
‘I ruined everything. I kissed her and she looked at me like I was a ghost.’
Pairing: Namjoon/Reader, Taehyung/reader
Word Count: 26k
Genre: hurt and comfort, angst with a happy ending, whew this one is gonna hurt y’all, bakery!AU, one sided pining, unrequited feelings, some more angst, Jungkook just really loves his Noona, Namjoon is a mess, but so is MC,
Warning: this fic deals with major character death, mourning and suicidal thoughts, please read with caution!
Note: whew, I’m not gonna lie guys this is a pretty heavy fic! I poured a lot of sad feelings into this as just a way to vent out my sadness! I’d also like to mention I am fine lmao! I often get bouts of sadness and all of it went into this so I hope you enjoy! Last but not least a big big big thank you to @tiny-onecx​​ for beta reading this when it was a giant mess and helping me turn it into the bittersweet story it is today! <3
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“Baby, come on, wake up,” His deep, dulcet voice quietly called out, a whine escaping you as you flopped onto your stomach, your face buried. Large hands grabbing your waist as his fingertips dragged against the open skin, “C’mon, you missed your alarm clock.” You felt his nose rub against your neck, hair tickling your skin and his body was so warm. 
Rolling over you groaned as you glanced at the man who laid beside you, Taehyung’s smile lit up like the sun as he let his fingers gently brush over the skin of your face, “Morning.” 
Adoration filled your whole chest, butterflies swarming in your stomach with giddy happiness you couldn’t ever adequately describe as a shy smile tugged on your lips, “Morning.” His fingers dragging down to your lips, thumbing the soft subtle lower lip. His forehead pressing against yours as he smiled once more, “Come on baby, let’s get up.” 
“Get up.” 
“Y/n, you’re gonna be late for work, what the hell!?” 
Your eyes cracked open as you groaned, your roommate Jimin was already dressed and had probably already eaten breakfast as he sighed, frowning at your somewhat confused figure as your head snapped to the other side of the bed. It was like a sucker punch in the gut, seeing the other side of the bed empty. Tears already threatened to spill, the butterflies in your stomach were gone, his deep voice along with it as you realized Taehyung, the man you had woken up with was just a cruel dream, “I’ll be up in a minute.” You muttered, covering your face with your pillow as you choked back a crack in your voice. 
You could feel Jimin’s presence stay in the room at the sound of your muffled sob, refusing to show your face from your pillow as you curled up away from him. You didn’t want to talk about it, he knew it, but it still hurt to watch you. Even after a year it was like time had stopped, would it ever heal? Your door quietly shut after a minute as you pressed your face into your pillow to quiet your sobs, hugging it close and praying maybe if you tried hard enough you’d fall back asleep where you’d be with Taehyung again. 
It didn’t matter how much sleep you got, your body was permanently lethargic and tired, getting out of bed every day was always a difficult task. Tears stained your face as you grabbed your phone, sniffling as you muttered, “Shit.” You dropped your phone into your lap as you pressed your hands to your face. You were late. Again. Your boss had been understanding the first six months, but now? Not so much. 
You got up, hurriedly wiping your face as you sniffled once more, fumbling with your clothes as you changed. Tying up your hair as you grabbed your phone before hurrying out the door, Jimin long gone for work so at the very least he wasn’t going to nag you for being late. It didn’t matter what you did, you tried everything, a new hobby, crafts, drawing, baking, nothing worked. Nothing filled the void in you. You could find Taehyung in everything you did, always. 
Straightening yourself out you opened the door to the cafe you worked in. The only thing that made you feel better was working, filling your life with nothing but endless busy work to keep your thoughts off of him. It worked until you got off shift and rinse repeat. That was all your life had become now. 
It used to be filled with vivid hues and rose colored glasses with Taehyung, he found beauty in everything and he showered you in all of it, he taught you optimism and love in a way you never thought you could feel it. You had gotten so used to his presence you didn’t even realize how much you radiate happiness when he was with you. Now your life is a bleak endless void; work, cry, sleep. 
It’s all the energy you had to do anymore, what was the point in doing anything else? You’d never get to experience life in the beautiful eyes of Taehyung again. You sucked a sharp breath of air in as a voice called out, “Hey! There you are Noona.” Like a blessing from above your coworker called out with a big bunny-like smile. 
“Thank’s Jungkook.” He hadn’t even said anything but you couldn’t help but give a weak smile in compensation for him not ratting you out to your boss who luckily wasn’t in today. He knew what happened, but he rarely ever brings it up, perhaps sensing you were still grieving and would prefer to keep your mind off it. 
But you knew you couldn’t fool anyone, your smile always seemed sadder these days, Jungkook more than anyone could sense it. Rounding the counter you set your bag down as he asked softly, “Are you good?” That was all he ever asked, an open invitation that if you ever wanted to talk about it he’d be more than happy to listen. Many people in your life were like this, bless all of them. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You mumbled, refusing to look at him as you dug through your things, pretending as if you were looking for something when you genuinely couldn’t look at him, few words could cause you to burst into a faucet of tears and you refused to cry at work. 
If you turned around to look up at Jungkook’s stupid, soft, doe like eyes that were always so understanding you’d surely start crying. You didn’t have to look at your coworker to know he was frowning but said no more, just like always. 
You didn’t mean to push all of your friends away, but you simply needed time alone, by yourself to get through this. If ever. Some days you couldn’t help but wonder if you’d ever get over it, if you’d ever love someone the way you loved Taehyung again. Pulling the apron on you pushed all of your sad thoughts to the back of your head and got to work. 
Work was your happy place, as happy as it could be at least. You could pretend, just for a little while. That everything was okay, “Hey, where did the flour go?” Yoongi came out of the back complaining as he glared at Jungkook, “You closed last night.” His eyes narrowed into daggers at the younger boy who impishly smiled in response, 
“Hyung it’s where it always is, didn’t you check the top shelf? It should be there.” Jungkook insisted as he followed Yoongi to the back who was grumbling, said-baker not liking his ingredients misplaced. You felt a small smile tug on your lips as you watched them bicker as the door to the back shut. 
Turning away you walked up to the register where a customer had been scanning over the menu before ordering. Fixing coffee, getting a croissant, it was quaint work but something about it made you feel happy. Reminded you of simpler times. 
The bell against the door rang as you popped up from your crouched position, setting the plate and coffee on the counter as you called out the customer's name before going back up to the register, carefully watching the man whose eyes met with yours suddenly smack right into a table. 
You winced a little as he grunted in pain, rubbing his thigh that hit the hard edge of the table, his face looking oddly red as he rubbed his neck, unable to hold your stare for a even a short period of time as he awkwardly coughed, frantically looking over the menu, “Uh, you can take your time sir.” You raised an eyebrow as you glanced away, why was he making this feel so awkward? 
“O-okay, thank you.” He offered a sincere yet somewhat odd smile, your eyes immediately flickering to the pretty dimples that poked into his cheeks before he quickly looked back up at the menu as you turned around to wipe down the counters that had gotten crumbs all over it. Presumably from Jungkook eating yesterday's leftover pastries that didn’t sell. 
Casually you glanced at the stranger, sure you had a few new people every day but generally the cafe only had regulars come in or people that stopped in a few times a week. It was a trendy little place and was close to the city’s college campus making it a hot spot for friends to study at. 
“You don’t look like you’ve been here before.” You commented causing him to jump, his eyes flicking to your figure before immediately back to the menu. 
“I uh- Probably because I haven’t,” He gave an awkward smile as he closed his eyes, without even fully realizing it you felt your lips tug into a tiny smile as he began to relax a little at your observation, “My friend constantly talks about how amazing the pastries here are so I figured I’d come by and try them, just the smell is making my mouth water.” 
Letting your arms rest against the counter you hummed, “You should try the coco cream cupcakes if you like chocolate oh! Or the sugar glazed puff pastries if you want something light and low on the sweetness.” Sugar glazed pastries were your favorite, Yoongi would always let you take leftovers home if they didn’t all sell that day. You always loved sharing them with-
“Alright! I’ll have two of the sugar glazed pastries then! Oh, can I get an americano to go with it?” He asked, seemingly confident in your choice of sweets or maybe just a little overwhelmed at how much was crammed onto the small menu. 
To be fair Yoongi was always whipping out new recipes and they always tasted delicious, he eventually had to keep some limited edition due to the limited space on the menu and sometimes he’d put up seasonal sweets as well. Your favorite was never pumpkin spice but nutmeg and cider cinnamon rolls, it tasted like october. October would be coming around again soon, it was hard to believe it would be a year soon…
“Of course.” You coughed out, hands fumbling somewhat as you tried to keep your mind from sinking into a place where it would not return if you let it, “Name?” 
“U-uh what?” He asked, looking somewhat sheepish and caught off guard as you glanced up from the register, tilting your head at the sight of his flushed face and eyes that kept jumping between you and the menu over ahead as if to appear like he wasn’t staring at you.
“For the order…” You replied somewhat hesitantly, a frown on your face as he suddenly laughed, looking mildly relieved as he rubbed the back of his neck. Still refusing to meet your gaze as if he seemed a little embarrassed.
“O-oh right. Namjoon.” He offered a weak smile as you wrote it down on his cup. Ringing him up you gave him his receipt before working on his americano. Jungkook just then opened the door to the back, the front of his black shirt completely covered in flour and his face looked as if he just sucked on a lemon. 
“...Do I wanna ask?” You frowned though you felt your lips threatening to tug into a smile at his exasperated expression, turning to face the register as he mumbled something about accidentally putting the flour in the pantry. Setting the sugar glazed pastry neatly on a plate before placing the plate and drink on the counter calling Namjoon’s name who appeared to be typing very passionately on his phone before glancing up. 
“Thank you- ah…” He paused for a moment, his eyes dropping to your shirt before he smiled brightly at you, “Y/n.” Your name tag was a little crooked today, making it stick out from your clothes in an annoying way but you couldn’t be bothered to adjust it. 
You gave a small nod as you turned around, glancing at Jungkook who seemed to watch both you and the man- Namjoon like a hawk as you asked, “What?” 
“Nothing.” He shrugged but it definitely did not look like nothing, before you could interrogate the younger boy he was already taking a customer's order. Sighing, you shook your head before you began working on the next order. 
The day went by quickly as always, the only thing that stuck out was when Namjoon left, waving at you before accidentally smacking against a chair that had been left unpushed by a table, causing him to stumble. You weren’t sure why but something just seemed….
“He likes you.” 
Your head whipped back over to Jungkook who was finished the last of cleaning before taking off as if his shift ended an hour earlier than yours. You couldn’t help but scoff as you rolled your eyes. 
“I’m being serious Noona!” Jungkook frowned, waving his hand to the door where Namjoon had long since left, “He kept smiling like an idiot while glancing over at you working.” You crossed your arms as you tilted your head.
“You were watching him eat?” You raised a brow, Jungkook’s face flushing somewhat as he glanced away, mumbling a no despite knowing for a fact he definitely was, “He’s just a customer Jungkook.” You dismissed him making a cute pout tug on his lips. You...you couldn’t even think about someone liking you. 
It wasn’t possible. Not right now at least. Jungkook sighed, his lips still tugged into a pout and those dumb doe eyes of his always getting the better of you as you scowled looking away, he was so stubborn when he wanted to be, “You might not be ready to move on Noona but that doesn’t mean other people can see that.” 
Your jaw clenched and your eyes glared against the counter, refusing to look at him as he sighed, “Bye Noona, see you friday.” You mumbled a goodbye as you sighed, closing your eyes as you rubbed your forehead. Just keep breathing. 
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“Awh don’t cry baby,” Your cheeks squished and lips peppered against your face as you sniffled, trying your best not to cry at the sad scene in the movie but failing as a small whimper escaped your lips, “You’re so cute.” 
You shoved him causing laughter to erupt from his lips as you scowled while sniffling, “Tae shut up!” He gave you a playful nip on the neck as he hauled you into his lap, pressing little kisses against your head as he wrapped his arms around you. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll always be here to wipe those tears away.��� He thumbed a tear against your cheek before his hands suddenly grabbed at your waist, a squeal leaving your lips as he ruthlessly tickled you, giggles escaping you as he pushed you down against the bed, “There’s that pretty smile.” He cooed, that playful boxy grin of his on his face as you squirmed beneath him, tears pricking in your eyes at how hard you were laughing. 
Now your eyes were blurring out of sadness, funny how you took those moments for granted when you still had him. Your fingers traced the image of his face on your phone, it was a dumb selfie you had took one morning together when you were half asleep. 
What you’d give to be with him again, have him beside you in bed telling you to get off your phone while whining to hold you. You could almost picture him beside you, his hair in a multitude of colors but your favorite was always that stupid blueberry dye he had insisted was indigo. 
His hands would be cupping your face, your hand gently grabbing your cheek as you closed your eyes. He’d always thumb your bottom lip before letting his pads delicately trace up your cheekbone. Opening your eyes the bed was still empty, the hand on your face was not his, but your own. 
Tears began to pool in your eyes as you rolled onto your back, closing your eyes as you felt a wet tear roll down. Sniffling as you sat up, you couldn’t be here alone tonight. Not surrounded by everything, wearing his old hoodie he’d always give you when you were cold, surrounded by memories of what could have been. What was supposed to be. 
Fumbling you stood up, ignoring all the pictures framed of your smiling figure hugging the love of your life. Covering your mouth to keep yourself from sobbing, Jimin would have to be up early tomorrow and you didn’t want him to feel obligated to deal with you. Putting on your shoes you sniffled as you wiped your cheeks. 
How late was it? Two in the morning? Maybe even three, you could never truly sleep anymore, not when you weren’t in his arms, not when every moment you breathed the ache filled you. Your feet took you to the only place opened this late; the convenient store. During nights when you didn’t have to work the next day Taehyung loved taking you here when you had a stressful day. 
Always rambling about how nothing could cheer you up like a nice hot bowl of ramen. You couldn’t help but smile at the irony as the tears dripped down your cheeks. Wiping them as you entered the store. The cashier looked bored, headphones in and reading a magazine not even acknowledging your presence as you walked to where the ramen was held. 
What you didn’t expect to do was ram into what felt like a brick, “Ah!” You stumbled as the man quickly grabbed you by the arms to keep you steady, taking a moment to steady yourself you glanced up only to feel your lips part, “Namjoon?” 
“Y/n?” Namjoon hurriedly let you go, looking at you in somewhat disbelief as you flusteredly rubbed your eyes, realizing they were still wet with tears, “Are...are you okay?” He asked somewhat hesitantly as you turned away from him, tears flooding your eyes as your shoulders bobbed. 
“Y-yeah.” You sniffled, trying to keep your breathing under control, “I’m okay.” You forced it out as you covered your mouth. Rubbing your eyes once more as you hesitantly took a peep at him, his expression said it all. Truthfully, anyone who had seen you like this always gave you that same expression. Pity. His brows pressed together and lips parted but frowning slightly, “I’m fine!” You forced a smile as another tear trickled down your face, turning away from him again you let out a soft sob as you closed your eyes. 
“...Maybe we should get some ramen and sit down?” Namjoon offered while rubbing his neck, “I’m assuming that’s why you’re here?”
Glancing down at your cup of steaming warm ramen you sniffled, refusing to look up at the somewhat skittish man who seemed genuinely worried for you. 
‘Come on baby, eat up, it’ll make you feel better’
Tears already blurred your eyes again as you closed them, letting out a soft sob, lips trembling as you chopsticks shook, slurping on your noodles as you suppressed your cries. The warm broth making you realize how hungry you were as you swallowed. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Namjoon offered, his expression sad, unsure of how to help you or even if he could, but it seemed he wasn’t leaving anytime soon as he began eating his own noodles. 
You stayed silent as tears dripped down your face, clenching your cup with a death grasp as you forced the noodles into your mouth, closing your eyes as you savored them. Unable to even speak as you shook your head. You couldn’t talk about it...it was too soon. Even coming up on a year and it was still too soon. 
You felt pathetic living like this, you were crying in front of a stranger while eating cup noodles at a gas station at three in the morning. Where would you be if Taehyung was still here? At home, asleep in his arms. Closing your eyes you let the tears slide down your face as you surrendered to the hurt you had been drowning in the moment your life was turned upside down.
For the first time, you were grateful to have company, even if you didn’t speak a word to Namjoon he made one sided conversation, rambling about how he had stayed up too late studying for an exam and how he was hungry but didn’t have anything at his dorm. 
“I’ve been trying to keep my Bonsai tree alive but...gardening is kind of hard to learn,” Namjoon continued rambling on, confessing as he looked a little embarrassed, awkwardly leaning his seat as he mustered a weak smile while looking down at his cup. 
His voice was...soothing to listen to admittedly. Namjoon was oddly poetic in the most unexpected way, he told you he loved philosophy and going to the art museum in his free time. He seemed to be able to find anything to talk about even if you weren’t receptive, but oddly enough he didn’t seem bothered by it. 
You were curled up, your knees against your chest and hood burying your face as you listened to him intently, your eyes undoubtedly bloodshot but you had stopped crying a good ten minutes ago, sniffling as he sighed, “But from what I’ve read basically if it doesn’t vibe with the dirt it just dies.” 
The snort that escape you made his eyes shoot up to look at you, a giggle breaking out on your lips as you stared at your noodles which had become lukewarm, sniffling a little as a tiny smile tugged on your lips, shaking your head as you mumbled, “That’s not exactly how gardening works. You wanna make sure the soil is good quality and damp, dry soil kills plants fast when they transfer pots, you also need to make sure the roots aren’t overgrown when you transfer it to a bigger pot.” 
“Oh? I didn’t take you for a plant expert.” Namjoon quipped playfully, that pretty dimpled smile on his lips, obviously happy to get a not just a smile but also a laugh from you. 
You glanced at him for a moment, your lips quirking a little as you raised a brow, shaking your head as you smiled back at your cup again, “I consider myself a bit of dirt viber.” You couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped you as Namjoon joined in. After a moment you paused as you exhaled softly, your smile eventually melting off your face as you meekly glanced at your cup. 
“I should get home...work in the morning.” You mumbled as you glanced at your phone, it was already 3:30 in the morning and you needed to be up by seven...the latest if you didn’t want to be late again. 
Namjoon nodded understandingly, giving you one last smile when you left. Once again alone, yet for the first time in what felt like a long time, your mind lingered on those pretty dimples. 
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“You look tired Noona.” You glared at Jungkook who was sucking on a lollipop, giving you a bratty smile as he tried to ruffle your hair only to earn a slap in return, a pout forming on his lip, “Did you think about what I asked?” 
Bless the little brats heart, Jungkook was genuinely trying to get you out there again but you had become a shell. You didn’t want to go to parties, you didn’t want to go to the park, you didn’t even want to get groceries anymore. You just wanted to lay in bed for a very long time. 
“I’m not interested in going out Jungkook.” You glanced at him tiredly, truthfully you had a good excuse, you were running on three hours of sleep and caffeine could only carry you so far for eight hours, rubbing your eyes you sighed as he whined with a groan. 
“You always say that!” Jungkook pouted, much to your surprise Yoongi had shown himself out from his cave as he pushed the door open, a fresh platter of sugar glazed pastries on rack as Jungkook huffed, “Just this once, please?” 
“Jungkook,” Yoongi warned as he glanced at the younger boy, taking a glance at you as he frowned, setting down the platter he picked up a pastry as he handed it to you. 
Glancing down at the fresh baked soft flaky treat you sighed, “Is this what’s my life come too?” Both boys glanced at you as you stared at the pastry, “Pity pastries and being dragged to parties?” 
You shoved the sweet treat into your mouth as you chomped down on the soft doughy material, the sweet crisp sugar glaze was crunchy against the soft warm dough of the pastry. “Well hey, if you don’t appreciate my pastries...” Yoongi tried to snatch the half eaten treat from you but you hurriedly shoved it into your mouth as you glared him down. 
The door suddenly jingled, catching all of your attention only to see the bright smile of only the most genuine and sweet person you had ever met, much to your surprise a more bashful person was being dragged behind him, “Hey Y/n! Kook, Yoongi!” Hoseok waved happily as he bounced up to the counter, Namjoon rubbing his neck as he gave you a somewhat sheepish smile before hurriedly looking at the menu. 
“Lemme get a caramel macchiato with a carrot cake bomb and...oh! Are those fresh sugar glazed pastries…!” Hoseok’s eyes practically sparkled as Yoongi cleared his throat, ears looking somewhat pink. 
“Fresh out of the oven…” He mumbled causing Jungkook to snort- as if he was any better around guys or girls for that matter. You found it all amusing as you already began working on the macchiato. 
“And Namjoon?” You turned to glance at him as he perked at the sound of his name, he glanced up at the menu as he hummed. 
“Could I try the mystic mountain tea? It sounds really good…Oh, with a chocolate stuffed croissant.” Namjoon answered as Jungkook rang them up, Hoseok’s attention was solely on Yoongi and you could tell he was excited by the way his voice became all fluttery. Yoongi rarely ever left the back room where all the baking was done. 
“It is,” Your back was turned from Namjoon as you spoke, “It’s made with mint, pine needles and chamomile but we use cane sugar with it to give it a nice sweet flavor. It’s one of my favorites.” You smiled as you turned to face him, setting down the macchiato as you grabbed another cup. Namjoon’s smile seemed automatic, his somewhat slouched figure before straightening and it seemed as if he didn’t even realize it. 
“Oh so you like gardening and tea?” He playfully quipped, rolling your eyes you turned to face the brewer again as you felt a smile tug on your lips, “You seem like a woman of many weird talents.” 
Pouring the hot water into the cup you set it down as you glanced over your shoulder, “Says the one that’s struggling to keep his Bonsai tree alive.” 
“Hey!” Namjoon’s brows pressed together and his dimples popped out making you laugh, “It’s not my fault it’s petty and sensitive to literally everything.” You waved a dismissive hand as you walked to the door to the back, intending to get the jar of tea leaves that somehow made their way back there, “Keep telling yourself that.”
Your figure disappeared as Jungkook tilted his head, a mischievous smile on his lips as he hummed, glancing between the door and Namjoon’s lopsided smile as he commented, “You know, that’s the first I think I’ve seen her smile in the past two months.” 
Namjoon glanced at him as he frowned, “What...do you mean?” He asked carefully, his thoughts going back to last night, your eyes bloodshot and tears staining your cheeks, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious. But a part of him was worried at the way you seemed so melancholy. He could see it in your eyes with every interaction he had. They always seemed so sad. Namjoon was happy, grateful even though he had gotten a few glimpses at what your smile looked like happy, bright, beautiful even… 
Jungkook shrugged, not answering as you reappeared, opening the door with tea leave jar in hand as you scooped the leaves up into a metal steeper, “Alright this should be done in a few minutes.” Jungkook had meanwhile set out their pastries but it seemed like Hoseok had Yoongi trapped, his ears were pink and he looked ready to crawl back into his little hole once more. 
“So you’re coming tonight, right Yoongi?” Hoseok flashed a bright charming smile at the brooding male who shifted away from him, “It’ll be a lot of fun, Jungkook is going.” To which Jungkook enthusiastically nodded. 
“...I need to go check on my pastry puffs.” Yoongi mumbled, his cheeks bright pink as he hurried back into the kitchen as you snorted, an amused smile tugging on your lips as the doors rocked back and forth. 
Hoseok’s lips tugging into a pout as he sighed, “Do you think he hates me?” He shoved the pastry into his mouth as he glanced at his plate depressively. 
“Uh no, he’s just a panicked gay,” Jungkook clacked his tongue, “I wouldn’t take it personal. If I can’t get miss broody here to go I’ll make sure he does.” Jungkook wrapped an arm around you as you glared at him, making a cheeky smile tug on his lips. 
“You won’t go Y/n?” Hoseok shot you puppy eyes as you sighed. Hoseok was a regular at the cafe and chummy with just about everyone, if he was a sim character you just knew for a fact he’d be a friend to the world trait to a T. 
He had been coming here for the past month straight which made you wonder if Hoseok was the one who recommended Namjoon come here. 
You shook your head, offering a weak, tired smile as you shrugged, “Not my cup of tea. Speaking of.” You whirled around, pulling the steeper out of the cup before dropping in three sugar cubes before popping on the lid, “Here you go.” You handed it over to Namjoon who looked excited to try, something subtle yet innocent in his expression as he poked his straw through and gave it a sip. 
“You were right! No wonder it’s your favorite, it’s delicious.” Namjoon complimented, something about his sincere tone of voice, or maybe it was those stupid dimples of his. Whatever it was your lips tugged into a smile and yet, you felt...bashful? Lowering your gaze a little as you rubbed the back of your neck. 
“You should try the lavender dream next time if you really like tea, it’s another good one.” You offered meekly, suddenly feeling a little timid under his gaze as you fumbled with your apron. A sudden well of feelings dowsing you. Insecurity, guilt, shame. Why did you feel so bashful in front of Namjoon...how could you when...When Taehyung…
It felt like a stab in your heart as you inhaled sharply, “I-I should go check stock real quick for pastries.” You mumbled, leaving all three boys dumbfound. Entering the back you grabbed your head as you felt your hands tremble. 
How could you betray Taehyung like this?
You shouldn’t feel this way.
You don’t deserve to.
Taehyung would’ve never done this to you.
How could you do this to him?
Your heart was beating frantically as your hands trembled as tears began to trickle down your face, “Hey, hey, hey.” Yoongi’s voice felt far away as your breathing became quick, thoughts racing and your hands shaking. 
How dare you ever think about replacing Taehyung. 
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“Yoongi said you had a panic attack.”
You felt like a child being scolded, wrapped in three different blankets and four pillows surrounding you while you sat on the couch in front of Jimin who frowned in disappointment. Of course he was disappointed. 
“It wasn’t that bad…” You mumbled, glancing down as you tugged the blanket around you further making Jimin sigh, sitting down next to you as he pulled you close.
“Why do you always lie?” He asked quietly as you curled against him, letting your head rest against his shoulder, the kdrama you both had been watching long forgotten. When you woke up you were home, comfortable and warm. And for a half a second, you thought maybe it was Taehyung who you were laying against. Much to your heartache it was Jimin when you opened your eyes.
You had been expecting this conversation for the past hour, and lo and behold, here you were, “It’s easier.” You mumbled, eyes beginning to blur as you scoffed a bitter smile, “I’m so pathetic, I can’t even face my own feelings. It’s just easier to keep it to myself.” 
Jimin’s grip tightened around you and even though you couldn't see him you knew he was frowning, “But that isn’t healthy Y/n, you know it just as well as I do. I worry about you, everyone does. You aren’t a burden to anyone. It hurts watching you go through this alone when we all want is to help.” 
And here it was the tears dripping down your cheeks as you shook your head, a weak sob escaping your lips as you mumbled, “If I talk about it, that means I have to accept he’s gone.” You choked out, “And I can’t do that Jimin. I can’t.” You sobbed as you glanced up at him, tears streaming down your face as you pleaded, “I can’t.” Almost a whole year and you were still in denial just as much as you were when you first got the phone call. 
You were still just as devastated as you sobbed into his shoulder, his arms wrapped tight around you as he stroked your hair. It seemed like everyone had moved on by now. Taehyung was just a name in the past. A ghost you couldn’t let go of. Jimin was the bridge between you both, he was the reason you had met Taehyung at all, this man was like a brother to him. But even the pain for him had lessened with time. 
“I miss him too Y/n. I do. But you’re going to have to let him go,” You rapidly shook your head, your breath becoming uneven as sobs escaped you, tears staining his shirt as he murmured gently, “Taehyung wouldn’t want you to be like this.” Tears couldn’t stop pouring from your eyes, you knew he was right. But you couldn’t let him go, not yet. Just a little longer. Just a little longer. 
Taehyung was a ghost and you were desperately clinging to every remnant you had left of him. This man was the love of your life, your soulmate, you needed him. You needed him. How were you supposed to move on with your life when you had to live with the knowledge of what could’ve been. Your body violently trembled as you drown yourself in tears next to Jimin who was always so strong. 
The only time you ever saw him lose it was when you bursted into the hallway in the hospital, his eyes were bloodshot and all it took was one exchanged look before a dam was released in his eyes. Maybe he had numbed himself to the pain, it was difficult to tell. Jimin let his nose bury into your hair as he inhaled softly, tenderly stroking your hair in the same way Taehyung always would in these moments. 
‘Baby, hey…Shhh…Come on don’t cry. What’s going on?” You shook your head rapidly as you tugged away from Taehyung’s grip, his hands keeping you in place and his face twisted into worry before he cupped your cheeks, “Sweetheart.” He pressed his forehead against yours. 
“i-I-It’s stupid…” You whimpered as you closed your eyes, shaking your head as he pressed a kiss against your nose encouragingly, sucking in a harsh breath you sobbed out, “I-I overheard your conversation with Hyuna.” 
Taehyung immediately frowned as he sighed softly, his thumbs soothingly rubbing your cheeks as he mumbled, “Baby don’t listen to her. She’s just a jealous old ex.” 
“She’s right.” You laughed bitterly as you refused to look at him, “I don’t deserve to be with somebody like you-”
“Hey.” Taehyung’s voice was stern, his hands making you look at him as he pressed his forehead back against yours as he mumbled, “Don’t you ever say that about yourself, okay? I love you Y/n, you’re my girl okay? I would never take anyone else over you.” You closed your eyes as your lips trembled, his lips soothingly pressing against yours as his thumbs stroked your cheekbones. 
It was a gentle kiss, your favorite as you complied, chasing his lips as he tried to pull back, making him chuckle against your mouth as he pressed multiple little kisses on your lips before breaking away making you whine with a sniffle, “Come on baby, let’s go get you some noodles, I’m sure it’ll make you feel better.” He gave you a warm smile as he brushed your tears away. 
Smiling you giggled a little as you wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him tight as you mumbled, “What would I ever do without you?”
“Crash and burn probably.” Taehyung joked with that adorable boxy smile of his as you smacked his arm, leaning on your tiptoes as you puckered your lips. Tutting he leaned down pressing one more chaste kiss on your lips.
Crash and burn, you wanted to laugh, he wasn’t wrong. He never was. 
Jimin had eventually gotten you to calm down, a cup of hot chocolate in your hands and your legs over his lap, still curled close, but enough away to keep your grip on your warm drink, “How has work been, hm?” Jimin asked, brushing a few strands of hair out of your face as you sighed. 
Shrugging a little you sipped the sweet liquid as you mumbled, “Same as always. Met one of Hoseok’s friends recently, he seems...interesting.” You rubbed your forehead, trying not to think about what happened earlier that day. 
“Oh? Well it’s good you’re making new friends. Maybe he’ll be good for you.” Jimin smiled, patting your head as you tried to swat it, “Friends always come into your life when you need them the most.” 
You didn’t comment on that, choosing to drink your hot chocolate as you glanced at the TV. Maybe he was right, maybe he was wrong. You didn’t know, but you needed to be careful around Namjoon. If anything you knew that as sure as day.
You kept mainly in your thoughts the rest of the evening but Jimin kept you company the whole time, stroking your hair calmly while watching kdramas together. For the first time, you fell asleep easier tonight then you had in the last eight months.
You sharply inhaled as you clenched your fists, you were going to do this…! You could do this. You glanced up at the art museum in determination before stepping up the stone stairs towards the entrance doors. It was crowded today and usually you liked shying away from large crowds. But he never cared, always tugging you along with encouragement and laughter, somehow, he always made it so much fun.
Today a Degas exhibit was in town, the one Taehyung had been so excited about seeing, you still vividly remembered his bouncing figure as he shoved the flyer in your face. Your hands trembled as you opened the door. You wanted to see it today, for him. Clutching the Polaroid camera in hand tightly as your fingers traced against its smooth surface. He loved using this damn thing every chance he got.
He’d take at least a dozen photos of all the art pieces, even going as far as to shove the camera in your hands to pose in that dumb artsy way he always did. You felt the distinct smile tug on your lips imaging that brown burette on his head and those dark raven locks. Boxy smile reflecting back at you as he grabbed your hand tugging you along while spouting off random knowledge about whatever you were looking at. 
You paused for a second, looking beside you as you felt a well in your throat at the sight of the crowd instead of your someone beside you. Closing your eyes you swallowed thickly as you forced yourself to breathe, trying to compose yourself.
With determination you walked up to the counter, purchasing a ticket to the exhibit before making your way down the massive lobby, artwork displayed on either sides of the walls and your shoes echoing against the smooth glossy floor. The exhibit was packed as expected but you stopped at each painting, letting your eyes draw over the dreamy muted yet colorful painting. 
The Dancer On Pointe was the one Taehyung was looking forward to the most. Ignoring the ‘No Pictures’ sign you lifted up the polaroid camera, clicking it as the photo began to develop. Giving the photo a wave you smiled as you glanced at it. This was perfect. 
Putting the camera and photo into your bag you made your way through the exhibit.
You looked at every painting intensively, hoping maybe the lense of your old lover would bless your vision and you’d be able to see it in the way he once showed you every single time. But to no avail, paintings were just paint, colors were just pigment. The magic was no longer there. Sighing you turned away from the paintings displayed beautifully, intending to leave before you smacked into someone, “Ah!” 
“Oh I’m sorry!” The voice which had become all too familiar grabbed ahold of you to steady you as you glanced up to meet the eyes of Kim Namjoon, round specs  between you and his gaze as he pushed them up against his nose, lips parting before twisting into a brilliant smile, “Y/n! Sorry I didn’t see you there!” 
“O-oh...Hey.” You stepped away from him awkwardly, your gaze lowering as you tugged on a strand of hair, your heart beating faster but you could hardly tell if it was from anxiety or something else. You had been…you didn’t want to say you had been avoiding Namjoon but, he made you feel weird. In a way you weren’t sure you liked and you couldn’t even fully describe it. 
“I didn’t know you liked going to the art museum! It’s nice seeing you here, I’ve missed you at work-” Namjoon suddenly coughed, immediately glancing away as he fumbled, “Not-uh- not miss, miss you but...you know…” He looked awkward and his eyes widened as he refused to look at you as if you’d turn him to stone if he did. 
You snorted, unable to keep the smile off your face as you replied lowly, “No I get it, just bad timing,” Or you purposely scrambled into the back leaving Jungkook on his own everytime you caught sight of Namjoon opening the cafe door, “But uh, I’m...not actually a fan of going here.” You shrugged as you glanced down at your feet. 
“Oh?” He tilted his head in curiosity, “Then...can I ask why you’re here? Or did you just wanna bump into me?” There was something...light -playful- in Namjoon’s voice as he flashed those dimples at you. 
You kept your expression reserved this time making his smile dim a little as you glanced back at the painting, “I just came...for someone who couldn’t…” Your expression casted more gloomy this time as you wrapped your arms around yourself, looking back at Namjoon who seemed somewhat confused at your cryptic words, “I’ve never been a big art person.” You offered a weak smile. 
“Well,” Namjoon hummed, giving you a small smile in return, “I hope that someone was able to enjoy your visit for them.” Your heart clenched as you glanced at his shoes, timberlands that blurred in your vision as you gave a bittersweet smile. 
“Yeah…” You nodded as you glanced up at Namjoon, a frown immediately on his face at your glassy eyes and sad smile as you nodded, “He did.” You hadn’t even said his name and yet sadness had swept through your whole body like an ache you’d never cure. The longing you had for your soulmate who was gone, who you’d never wake up beside, who would never hold your hand again, who’s smile you’d never see as he pointed out all of his favorite paintings. 
But Taehyung would be proud of you, wouldn’t he? Perhaps, if there was an afterlife, he would be an angel that was smiling while looking down upon you. 
“Y/n…” You felt your lurch in your throat, as if it felt physically difficult to speak as Namjoon called your name softly, tufts of warm brown hair falling against his eyebrows as he asked with sincerity, “Do you wanna get lunch together? I know a great artisan cafe nearby.” 
It was silent between you both for what felt like an eternity in nothing but a short second as you glanced back at the painting, and for a brief moment your eyes caught onto a sight of raven shaggy hair and an oversized brown cardigan. It looked all too familiar and your heart fluttered for just a brief moment until he turned around, not the face of your lover, but a stranger who embraced his girlfriend with a laugh. 
Sighing, you turned to face Namjoon as you offered a weak smile, “No thank you, I actually have somewhere I’m supposed to be.” You couldn’t bear to look at him any longer, rather you chose to step aside and brush past him, feeling a melancholy gaze against your back but you refused to turn around. 
Not when your heart ached and you felt so tired. 
Stopping by the quaint little flowershop you had picked out a small bouquet of tiger lilies, his favorite, he used to love decorating the apartment to the brim with them, walking out of the shop you took a shaky breath of the cool air. 
The evening sky was brilliant, Taehyung often remarked it was like God personally painted the sky every evening, always different from the previous day but just as beautiful in it’s own right. Your feet felt heavy on the pavement as you sighed, stopping at the arched gateway, glancing to your right where the sunset was shielded by the silhouettes of willow tree’s that gently swayed in a slow dance with the wind. 
Stepping through you weave your way around the grassy corridors of walkways before you were near the middle of the cemetery, pausing in front of the gravestone where wilted flowers laid and dirt from the lawn mower had sputtered up against. 
Kneeling down you gently wiped off the stone as your fingers gently traced the name of your lover, “I went to the art museum today,” Your eyes were already blurry as you smiled endearingly at Taehyung’s name printed on the stone, setting down the blossom of tiger lilies as you crossed your legs, “To go see that Degas exhibit we had made plans to see last Autumn. Ha…” You let out a short laugh as tears trickled down your face, “Do you remember when we got the catalogue in the mail? You knocked over your mug of coffee and it stained over half the pages,” You tried to keep your voice steady as a sob escaped you, rubbing your eyes as you gave a broken laugh, “You freaked out about it  because it was hard to make out the dates but I told you to calm down and looked up the dates on the website.” 
You wiped your face with your arms as you opened your bag up, grabbing the polaroid as more tears immediately dripped down your cheeks, “Here! Don’t you like it?” You asked as you set down the photo with the flowers, smiling despite the tears that welled in your eyes, “I know it’s your favorite, you wouldn’t stop gushing about it when you first saw the exhibit advertisement.” 
It was quiet for a moment as you lowered your gaze, a whimper escaping you at the expected silence, tears dripping down your chin and splattering onto your hand as you sobbed, “Please come back.” 
Your breath was trembling and desperate as you grabbed the gravestone, pressing your forehead against it as you tried to vividly imagine it was your lovers warm skin as your tears dampened the stone, “Please come back to me Taehyung. Don’t leave me alone. Please.” 
Alone, you cried in the cemetery where your lover would permanently stay asleep.
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“Just think about it Noona!” Jungkook whined as he grabbed your arm making you sigh as you turned to face him, “It’s a camping trip! We’ll be in nature, maybe you’ll feel better! I get worried about you sometimes.” 
That wasn’t fair! 
You crossed your arms as you sighed again, looking away from him as you felt guilty, not wanting to worry anyone but, you just needed time to yourself. You didn’t know when it would go away, if ever, but you just wanted to be by yourself. Alone were you could mourn in peace, where your heart could ache and tears could fill your eyes with zero shame. 
Everyday that you spent ever since had become more and more painful. The ache became that much harder to deal, “Jungkook...you know I don’t like camping…” You mumbled as you turned away from him, rearranging some of the tea canisters to look busy. 
“But you love gardening!” Jungkook whined again, fluttering beside you with those sweet doe eyes of his that always seemed to get you. 
“There’ll be a log cabin,” Yoongi added as he appeared from the kitchen, setting down a fresh platter of bakery goods, “So it really isn’t camping, unless you’re gonna be Jungkook and set up a tent anyways.”
Jungkook flailed his hands as he glared at his elder, “What’s the point in calling it a camping trip if we aren’t going to camp?” Always the stubborn and hardheaded person he was, Jungkook insisted on his words as he crossed his arms with that pouty expression of his. 
“Nobody called it a camping trip except you.” Yoongi turned to face him deadpan, Jungkook’s lips parted several times before defeatingly closing them as Yoongi snorted, “Yeah, exactly. Anyways, you should go. Shop is going to be closed anyways since Bang is going out of town to visit his parents. Unless you really wanna sulk in your apartment all week…” He shrugged as you sharply inhaled. 
“I’ll think about it…” Jungkook immediately jumped, wrapping his arms around you as he smushed you against him making you squirm, “Thank you Noona! You’ll camp with me right?” He bounced in excitement as you pushed him away from you. Jungkook always had a lack of boundaries especially when he got excited. 
“No.” You replied promptly as you turned around making him cross his arms with a humph, “Be happy I’m at least considering, you ungrateful brat.” To which Jungkook smiled cheekily. Sighing you leaned against the counter top with a hum. Maybe this would be good for you. You knew if Taehyung was here he’d be thrilled to go, immediately begging you to go with him and even saying he refused to go without you. You could never deprive him of something he loved and enjoyed. 
Maybe...just maybe…
The doors just as always at twelve thirty rang as you all glanced up to see the embodiment of the sun wave and his moon beside him who was always more reserved, “Hey! You guys are going on the trip up to the cabin right?” Hoseok bounced up to the register as he set his hands up on it and leaned forward. 
“Yes and we’re camping!” Jungkook wrapped an arm around your neck, squeezing it causing you to gag as you jammed your elbow into his stomach causing him to grunt before whining. 
“No we are not!” You whipped around as you glared at him, your lips tugging into a pout of your own as you glared at the younger boy who stubbornly crossed his arms once more. 
“Oh you’re going Y/n?” Hoseok clapped his hands in excitement as you glanced at the two men, instinctively lowering your gaze a little when you felt Namjoon’s eyes on you. They seemed sadder than normal. 
Which wasn’t normal at all. Namjoon was- he always smiled, so why didn’t he today when your eyes met his? 
“I might,” You admitted reluctantly, “I need to think it over.” Was he still thinking about your rejection at the art museum? Or your cryptic and weird words? Did he assume you were just a sad freak. A part of you desperately wondered why you didn’t see those sweet dimples today. 
“Well don’t take too long,” Hoseok winked playfully as he grinned brightly, “We’re leaving Friday and we sure could use the company. Right Namjoon?” He elbowed the quiet man a little causing him to jolt before harshly glaring at Hoseok who seemed like a little boy who had a secret he was dying to tell. 
Namjoon glanced back at you as he mustered a weak smile, but you could see in his eyes they weren’t glowing like they were before, “Of course we’d like you to come. But don’t feel pressured.” You nodded as you glanced back at the counter top. Unable to bear his gaze anymore. Trying not to overthink why he seemed so melancholy today. 
Or perhaps he was always like this and your head had just played tricks on you? No...No you could remember Namjoon’s smile as clear as day, it was bright and lovely, his eyes glowed not like the sun- not burning and harsh- but like the moon, soft and almost nostalgic as if he lived every moment of his life with gratitude and peace. 
So what happened? The only thing you could recall was what had previously happened. But surely he wasn’t upset about that? After all, he shouldn’t want to deal with a heartbroken girl who only knew how to cry. 
Unless....No…”Well I better go get more chocolate bombs for the holder.” You mumbled as you turned around, pushing the door to the back open as you shoved your thoughts to the back of your head. You wouldn’t let your mind go there.
You couldn’t help but feel like this was a mistake, no matter how crisp and fresh the air was, the lake view was gorgeous and reflection off the water made it look like diamonds trickled against its surface. The car ride was over four hours and you were grateful to be on your feet with all the greenery. 
You were definitely tired, not used to being around people so long outside of work after the past year. Feeling semi lethargic you let out a yawn as you rubbed your eyes, “Aren’t you excited Noona?” Jungkook curled his fists, his nose scrunched up like a bunny as he grinned like a child, “I told you it would be pretty here!”
You were tired, definitely, but you mustered a smile, a small one as you replied, “Yeah...it is.” You glanced back out over the lake before fixing your bag over your shoulder. Like Jungkook said, this would be good for you...hopefully...The cabin was fairly big and everyone, even you helped pitched in the rent for it for the next two days. Jimin was excited for you, telling you to try and enjoy yourself and if all else failed he’d come and pick you up. 
You would certainly try your best to not let that happen though, of course Jimin would be willing to drive eight hours for you on a work day. Everyone was still outside, you could hear shouts and laughter, water splashing as you stepped inside the cabin. 
It was warm and cozy, buried in neutrals and warm colors, blankets piled on the couch that sat in front of the fireplace. Walking around you examined each room before smiling a little, choosing the one that had a lake view, Taehyung would certainly love it. Pulling the polaroid camera out of your bag you lifted it up before taking a photo of the window. You’d make sure to bring it to show him when you came back home. 
“I didn’t take you for polaroids.” 
You jumped as your gaze snapped to the person who seemed to become all too familiar with you the past month now. Pulling the photograph out of the dispenser you gave it a little wave as silence sat between you both, “I’m not.” You mumbled as you carefully set the camera back in your bag, your thumbs edging the sharp stiff ends of the photo. 
“Y/n,” You didn’t look up at him despite his voice sounding soft, feet gently padding against the floor and he was surely right behind you now, Namjoon’s voice soft, maybe even a little sad as he murmured, “Why do you always seem so sad when I ask?”
Letting your fingers trace against the photocard you let a small melancholy smile tug on your lips, “Because,” Your eyes blurred a little and your throat felt tight as you mumbled, “These things I do, going to art museums, taking polaroids, I do them because,” You turned to face Namjoon as a tear slid down your cheek, “He loved it. Even if I never did. I do it for him..” 
Namjoon’s expression had hardened a little, he seemed lost, maybe even angry, maybe he was tired of constantly seeing tears in your eyes, he bowed his head a little, eyes seeming somewhat broody as he muttered, “I see…I’ll leave you to it, I guess…” 
You weren’t sure why your heart clenched at the way his face seemed so forlorn, broody as he turned on his heels. Your throat squeezing and his name never reached your lips like you instinctively wanted too. 
You thought that, maybe when he left you’d feel better, more at peace. But that broody expression haunted you as you sat up in the window seal loft, letting your knee’s curl against your chest as a dull ache came from your heart. 
This ache was different, it wasn’t like the one you had anytime you thought of your soulmate. This was...different. New. Like something was wilted but still had a chance. Your chest felt heavy and your mind was telling you to go after Namjoon, to get him to smile and clear up whatever misunderstanding there was. You didn’t understand either, truthfully, what did you say to make him look like that? 
You had opened yourself up and told him a little and he...he acted gloomy, as if life was sucked from his body. You didn’t understand but...but you’d like too...Watching everyone splash and muffled screams from the window you let your head press against the glass as you sighed. Closing your eyes, even in the crowdest places you always felt so lonely. 
 It was a full moon out tonight, glossy and incandescent to anything you had ever seen. Oftentimes when you felt lonely Taehyung used to always tell you, ‘Just look at the moon whenever you feel lonely. Someone at that exact moment is looking at it as well. You’re never truly alone’
It always made you feel better, even now. Someone was probably looking at this same moon as you right now and you couldn’t help but wonder. What were they thinking? Was there a reason they were admiring such a beautiful sight as the sky? Carefully you slipped on your shoes, curling the cardigan around your body as you opened the main door of the cabin before walking outside. 
Grassing brushing softly against your feet and crickets cooed with the rustle of trees and cool air, it was a little humid out but not hot enough to make you want to shed your cozy layer. Walking down the path you glanced up at the sky were the stars speckled across the deep midnight blue horizon. 
You paused on your walk when you noticed a little wooden bridge, it wasn’t the cute sight itself but the person who stood on it, “Namjoon?” You called out softly to the man who was leaning over the railing, observing the moon that sat in the painted sky. He jolted before whipping around as you approached slowly. 
“Y/n…?” He seemed surprised, of course he was, it was only two in the morning after all. You were supposed to be the only one out here right here, trying to clear your head, let go of what your heart didn’t want too. 
Wrapping your arms around yourself you stepped onto the bridge as you murmured softly, “May I join you?” It was hard making out his facial expressions in the moonlight, but you thought maybe you saw hesitation on his face for a brief moment. 
“Of course,” Even in the dark you could spot those pretty dimples, leaning back against the railing he hummed, “You’re always a pleasant company to have.” For some reason, his words took you off guard. They seemed...sincere, yet, distant perhaps? They seemed odd given the last time you had spoken. 
You let your arms rest against the railing beside him, crickets sounding and the water gently lapped, even in the dark though the moonlight reflected against the water making it sparkle with assorted gems. It was quiet between you both yet the pressure in your chest swelled, the sudden need to apologize for earlier today. You weren’t sure why it felt imperative to do so. Or as if it was even necessary. 
“I’m sorry if I said something wrong earlier-” “I’m sorry about what I said earlier-” 
It seemed you were not the only one to have an apology on your mind. Both you and Namjoon had bursted at the same time before pausing, tripping over one anothers words before you stopped altogether. Glancing at him briefly before you both began to laugh softly. 
“I’m sorry- uh you can go first!” You squeaked, glancing away from him as you looked back out over the water, letting your body lean against the old wooden grooves that scraped lightly against your skin. 
Namjoon was silent for a moment before he replied, somewhat quiet, maybe even shy? “Well…” He drawled, “I just...wanted to apologize about earlier. My words were unnecessary and I shouldn’t have asked you such a personal question. You have every right to feel the way you do and it wasn’t my place to ask something like that.” 
It was silent for another moment before you let your eyes flit to Namjoon’s figure, you could make out the silhouette of his face which seemed almost forlorn, in deep thought as he looked out over the moon, “Oh…” You mumbled, as you glanced back at your hands, fingers tracing the dry harsh groove of the wooden railing, “Well...I just wanted to say I’m sorry for…” You paused for a moment, what were you apologising for? “...being me I guess.” 
You didn’t mean for it to sound depressing, but you supposed it was the truth, you felt like you had become nothing but a shell of a person since what had happened. Like you had become closed off, difficult to get to know, moody, temperamental. It was no wonder Namjoon was so fed up with your constant switch in behavior, “I know I’m...me...but...thank you for tolerating it. It’s nice having someone outside of my friends to talk to.” 
“Don’t apologize for that.” Your gaze jumped to Namjoon, a little startled at how stern his voice was, you couldn’t necessarily see him but you could feel his sharp, judgmental gaze on your figure, “I’m sure you have your reasons. And truthfully, like I said. I just… had clouded judgment,” Namjoon murmured cryptically, “I let my emotions get in the way when I talked to you earlier today. I’m more than happy to be your friend Y/n! You aren’t a burden or something I’m just tolerating, I talk to you because I like you.” 
You felt better but....something still felt withered inside you...you mustered a smile as you shrugged, “I guess so...I know I’m not always responsive sometimes...but...if we’re okay then let’s not talk about what happened anymore! What are you doing out here so late?” You didn’t want to dwell on what happened, it made you feel icky and gross inside even after clearing things up with Namjoon, you still didn’t understand why it wouldn’t go away. 
Namjoon laughed a little as he shrugged, “To think, I’ve always been a bit of a moon child honestly. Looking up at the sky always helps me clear my head. I should be asking you what you’re doing out this late.”
You rubbed the back of your neck bashfully as you shrugged, “I couldn’t sleep tonight, I like going out on walks, get out of my room, my head.” You glanced down at the rippling water, a frown on your face as you held in a sigh. Truthfully, you couldn’t sleep because Namjoon’s expression kept playing in your head. The way he seemed so distant and cold earlier, it bothered you to no end yet you didn’t understand why.
So you came out here to look at the moon in the open, feel the warm air on your skin and maybe you’d find whatever you were looking for. It seemed, what you had been looking for was Namjoon, and of course there he was, on this bridge. You didn’t know what this meant or what to take away from it. But you were happy you found him regardless.
“I can understand that,” Namjoon chuckled softly, his expression soft as he glanced up at the night sky, gaze still somewhat muted compared to before but...it still seemed sad, maybe the kind of sad where you just accept a situation for what it was, “Well, at least the moon brought us together.” 
His gaze met yours as you mirrored his smile, a little bashful as you rubbed your cheek, looking out over the rippling water as you mumbled, “I guess it did…” Letting your chin rest against your arms as you stretched out your back. There was something… oddly comforting about Namjoon’s presence? You weren’t sure, but you liked it…
You really liked it.
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“Have you ever considered that Plato was just on drugs the whole time he was writing?” You slurped on your noodles as you glanced up to meet Namjoon’s exasperated expression making you smile as you snorted. 
“Drugs. Who the fuck thinks about the mind and body being seperated in like 11 AD?” You snorted again as Namjoon groaned, sinking into his seat. He had been trying to talk about his latest readings to you and you had been...not making fun of it! Just...making the conversation interesting, “No seriously, didn’t they burn women back then for just knowing how to read? It just seems so...primitive for philosophy to be introduced so early in time with all things considering back then….”
Namjoon rubbed his face as he sighed, unable to resist the smile that tugged on his lips as he clacked his tongue, “Alright fair enough, what do you suggest we talk about then if you refuse to talk philosophy.” 
You puckered your lips, holding your chopsticks animately as you replied, “We could talk about how corrupt the patriarchy was throughout time and how men used religion as a way to justify the oppression of women and slavery?” 
You snorted at the way Namjoon, for the first time in your friendship seemed speechless, perhaps impressed, or simply just stunned before he sighed with a shrug, “Alright fine, but first of all some women actually did have some say in different cultures. But it had a lot more to do with classism then gender. Take a look at the Spartans as examples.” 
You held up a finger as you replied, “Except the only reason women received burials was because they gave birth to Spartans? I mean A for effort I guess,” You rolled your eyes, “But that doesn’t change the fact that women were only honored for giving birth to men, still seems like a convoluted way of saying women weren’t worth even burials unless they were of some use to men.” 
Namjoon hummed as he rubbed his chin, “Fair point, really I think because-” 
“Well look who it is!”
Both you and Namjoon jumped at the sound of a chipper loud voice, your lips twisted into a mild frown at the sight of Jungkook and Hoseok’s shit eating grins, without invitation immediately plopping down in the booth, Jungkook sitting beside you and Hoseok mirroring him, “So what are you two doing on this fine day?” 
There was something in Jungkook’s tone that made you shift awkwardly, why did he sound like you both were up to something when you weren’t, rubbing the back of your neck you mumbled, somewhat reluctantly, “Well we were just having lunch…?” 
“Oh, you mean like-” Hoseok suddenly grunted in pain, Namjoon harshly elbowing him as he cut his eyes at his best friend. You glanced between the both of them, it seemed like they were having a conversation by only facial expressions before Namjoon spoke up, “We were just talking about the oppression of women through history. Thoughts?” 
Both Hoseok and Jungkook wrinkled their noses, never ones to get involved in these kinds of discussions no matter how true they may be. Rather than talk about that, it seemed they had come over to, what? Stir the pot?
“Nah,” Jungkook attempted to wrap an arm around your neck as you shoved him away, a grin on his face as he hummed, “I just haven’t seen Noona getting out as of late, it’s good to see you both together.” Now you were feeling weird. Rubbing the back of your neck you looked away from all of them, well aware of your expression becoming flatter by the moment. 
Namjoon was beginning to look apprehensive as well as he coughed, “Uh, well, we were just eating…?” He seemed somewhat sheepish and even if it was unsaid you could tell he was trying to make it clear this wasn’t a date...Right? You had paused mentally for a moment, but...this did kind of seem like a date…
No, friends could hang out! You nodded to yourself silently, Namjoon was a friend and you needed friends, and in order to make friends you had to hang out! And even so, it wasn’t like Namjoon was interested in you and...you...you....a lump in your throat formed as you pucker your lips on your cup. No you weren’t gonna go there. 
“Right…!” Hoseok gave a bright yet odd smile as him and Jungkook shared a laugh, as if they knew something you didn’t, “Well, we’ll just ah...let you two get back to it.” He winked as Jungkook wiggled a brow at you before they both got up. 
You felt confusion wash over you as you watched them both walk away, frowning a little as you sank back in your seat, “That was weird.” Were the first words that tumbled out of your lips. On one hand you wanted to ask why they were acting like that but...wasn’t it obvious…? 
Namjoon offered a weak smile as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah…” His reply was hardly a murmur though as he looked down at his pork bulgogi looking not nearly as hungry as he proclaimed he was twenty minutes ago. 
The rest of your lunch had become...stale...no matter how hard you or Namjoon tried the air of what had happened with Hoseok and Jungkook lingered and continued to pester the back of your head. What were they trying to insinuate? That it was a date? Because it wasn’t…! You weren’t…! You could feel frustration tug inside your subconscious but you didn’t understand why. 
Namjoon and you were currently walking on the sidewalk, namely back to your apartment which just so happened to be on the same path as one of Namjoon’s acqtuance’s house where he had promised he would help them study. The weather was nice today, the wind was blowing a cool breeze and the sun was warm on your skin. On harder days you often tried to sunbathe, to soak in it’s rays and feel it’s warmth. You had read somewhere that if you soaked up enough warmth that it would manifest into positivity.
Or maybe that was just something you made up to make yourself feel better? On dimmer days you like grounding yourself in your five senses, even if they seemed dull and void. Today was not a bad day though. Not for the weather and neither for you. In fact, it was perfect. The air was fresh and you could smell the lavender bushes on the sidewalk that had been planted waft with each blow of breeze. 
“I’m really sorry for what happened.” You opened your eyes as you paused, looking at Namjoon who walked beside you, his cheeks looked a little red and he wouldn’t meet your gaze as you tilted your head, unsure of what there was to be sorry for. His gaze flicked to yours, seeing your confusion before immediately following up, “About Hoseok and Jungkook...ah…” He gave a somewhat weak smile as he looked away, hesitation in his eyes, “It feels like they made things weird…”
“No..!” You immediately shook your head, not wanting to make him feel worse by admitting they really did make you feel odd, but you were positive that was your own self projection, after all you had that tendency with Namjoon since you first met… “It’s fine, you don’t need to apologize.” You offered a soft smile as you began to walk again, Namjoon following along said to you as you continued, “It was weird yeah, but, I mean we’re still friends so…” Pausing in front of the entrance of your apartment complex you shrugged as you smiled, “Don’t worry about it! They’re just being dumb. Anyways, i’ll see you later.” 
You offered one last smile before heading into your apartment, Namjoon deflating somewhat as he sighed, watching you walk away once again as he rubbed the back of his neck, kicking a small pebble that had surfaced from the pebble surface of the resident sign, “Yeah...friends…” 
Namjoon decided to not linger on your words, the more he thought about it the more it stung and he didn’t want to act like a kicked puppy, you didn’t owe him anything other then your friendship he just...He sighed as he began walking to his friends home, surely he’d give good advice. After all, Seokjin was highly popular with women. 
After arriving at his apartment Namjoon hadn’t intended on letting out as much as he did, but it was admittedly nice to unload all of his feelings without feeling obligated to hold back, if he told his best friend he knew Hoseok would only make things worse despite having good intentions. 
“So,” Seokjin plopped the sucker into his mouth, leaning back on the bed as his eyes glazed over the textbook, “You what…? Wanna bang her? What’s the deal?” 
“No!” Namjoon immediately objected before groaning as he sank back in his seat, unsure of how to explain, “I don’t just want to sleep with her…” He muttered, “I just...want to get to know her. But it feels like there's this…” He waved his hand around, “Invisible wall, like she doesn’t want me to get to know her. I don’t think I’ve ever done anything to make her like this though…” He paused a moment, evaluating all of his past actions. Namjoon was positive he was a nice guy, you owed him nothing but, he had hoped maybe at least his behavior would explain why you were like this yet...He genuinely couldn’t think of anything. 
Well except maybe back last month at the cabin when he had gotten cold, the memory made him wince but...you had been even worse before then...So what was it…? Namjoon felt helpless as he glanced at his elder who shrugged loosely, pulling the sucker from his mouth as he replied, “Maybe it’s just her Namjoon. Regardless she doesn’t sound interested so you shouldn’t get your hopes up.” 
Namjoon paused, could it just be you…? He never actually thought about it before, always assuming he was the problem. Not that you were the problem but, “I just wish things weren’t so easy to become awkward between us.” He sighed as he flipped the page of his book. 
Seokjin eyed him curiously as he hummed, “Well what do you mean? Awkward how?” Seokjin didn’t consider himself a playboy like many would dub him but he had definitely gotten around enough to at least get an idea of how women worked emotionally, when to pursue and when to back off. 
Namjoon shrugged as he replied, “It’s just...weird...I can tell she starts overthinking and questioning. Like it’s difficult for her to even go out for just lunch with me. Awkward like, just the idea of being on a date with me makes her wanna bail...that kind of awkward…” He slumped in his seat, “Am I really that unlikeable?” 
Seokjin snorted, curving a brow at his friend who looked rather pathetic at the moment, “I think,” Tapping his lip Seokjin hummed, “She has some stuff she’s sorting out, and it’s not you. It’s just her, I’m sure if you asked her that, she’d say the same. If you haven’t been an ass to her in any way shape or form, it sounds like she’s just working through some stuff. Sucks but hey, you won’t know if you don’t ask…” 
Namjoon groaned, he knew Seokjin was right, if he’d just got the balls and asked you he was positive you’d give him an answer...well- doubt filled his mind, “I think her last boyfriend left her, or...maybe he hurt her? I don’t know.”
This perked Seokjin’s attention, straightening a little as he curved a brow, “Oh?” 
Rubbing his neck he shrugged as he weakly replied, “Yeah, she mentions some guy sometimes, whenever I ask about the things she does which she doesn’t enjoy. Like that polaroid she carries around, or she sometimes goes out to museums. I don’t know.” Jealousy oozed despite Namjoon knowing he had no right to feel jealous. 
Just the idea of someone hurting you deeply upset and angered him though, especially if it was to the point of you closing your heart to anyone else, Seokjin pressed his lips together, “Huh...that is kind of weird. Well…” Seokjin rose a brow as he emphasised his words while glaring Namjoon down, “Guess you’ll never know if you don’t ask.” Namjoon could only muster a groan. Asking you had to be the worst idea ever. 
“Come on! Noona it’ll be a fun way for you to get out!” You sighed in exasperation, looking away from Jungkook’s big puppy eyes that were just begging you to go with him, it was already hard enough to get yourself out of bed by noon today just to meet up with him for lunch let alone going to a party tonight. 
“Jungkook,” You pressed your lips together, trying to look at him only for him to whine as he shifted in his seat, the food court in the mall was packed today with life and energy, you had promised Jungkook you’d help him shop for more dressy clothes today as he was...attempting to pursue someone. Whoever that may be as he was too shy to say, “You know I’m not into parties…” 
“Just this once!” Jungkook begged as he laced his fingers together, sitting up in his seat with his lips jutted into a pitiful pout, “I’ll stay with you the whole time Noona! I think it’ll be fun! And if it isn’t we can go home the moment you say and- and I’ll buy you some kimbap and we can watch a movie of your choice!” 
He drove a hard bargain, you sighed as you sunk into your seat, crossing your arms in thought, you supposed...there couldn’t be any harm in going…? You pressed your lips together as you closed your eyes briefly, just thinking about this made you exhausted but you knew Jimin would be ecstatic if you had went out tonight, he had been encouraging you to get out more and….”Okay let’s say, I went to this party...who would be there?” 
Jungkook’s lips parted in excitement as you cut him off, “That I know.” 
His lips immediately snapped shut once more, as his eyes dropped to the table somewhat sheepishly, “Look, Noona...Think of it like this, it’s a great opportunity to meet new people! Hoseok and Namjoon will be there! You know them! And they know people you could meet too! I’ll be there for what it’s worse…” He gave a bright bunny smile as you looked away from him, “Hey! Don’t give me that look!” He cried out with another pout on his face. 
Taehyung and you both never enjoyed parties, he was a social butterfly sure but he always said he hated the taste of alcohol and besides, what was the point in going out when he could just stay in with you. It felt like a bitter prick against your heart at the bitter reminder. Right, you were gonna stay in tonight, maybe cry in the shower, wear that set of pajamas that used to match with his while watching a stupid romcom he loved. 
“Woah, woah, woah! Hey Y/n.” 
You closed your eyes as you put your hands on your face trying to cover the tears that rolled down your cheeks, “Sorry.” You sniffed as you felt both shame and embarrassment coil inside your body, all this time and you can hardly even think about him without crying still. It’s no wonder Jungkook probably doesn’t want to hang out with you. 
“Noona!” Jungkook cried out, “You have nothing to apologize for, look,” He fumbled somewhat frantically as he gathered up the trash of your left over food, “You don’t have to go, it was just a suggestion! I don’t want you to be sad though so let’s go over to the Gap and I want your opinion on these two shirts okay?” 
You sniffled as you rubbed your watery eyes, a snort escaping you as you replied, “The Gap has ugly clothing Jungkook.” To which he gasped in offense as you stood up with him. 
“First of all don’t judge until you see, second of all you have horrible taste Noona, no offense.” You rolled your eyes despite the tiny smile tugging on your lips as you wrapped your arms around yourself. Maybe, Jungkook was right, and after all…he said he’d take you home if you weren’t having fun...
This was an awful idea. There was no backing out of this idea once you expressed your interest to Jungkook and he dragged you from store to store because this outing was no longer about him as it was finding something new for you to wear, he had even insisted on paying for it himself. 
Jungkook was no longer in sight nor on your mind as he had been talking to Hoseok last you had seen him, who was cheerifully talking to him despite the shy look on his face. Of course he had gotten your permission, not wanting to leave you by yourself, just as he promised he wouldn’t. For as much of annoying brat as he was, he was also truly a sweetheart.
“Are you okay?” Your concern however, wasn’t on Jungkook right now given you were no longer downstairs as you paused and turned towards Namjoon who looked like he was having a mid life crisis despite being twenty four and at a frat party- but you supposed being younger than twenty one at something like this could cause that.
Namjoon’s eyes darted at the closed door and his mouth felt dry, opting to nod instead as you sat down on the bed. Truthfully you had made the pack to just stick to Jungkook tonight and let him do the talking but  it was by chance you bumped into Namjoon here who had also been dragged to this party by his friend- Seokjin who was apparently a frat brother at this fraternity.
It was loud and the whole place reeked of weed, whoever wasn’t locked in a haze was definitely drunk and it had been over all unpleasant. 
The one saving grace you had found was Namjoon, it was too loud downstairs and with Jungkook off with Hoseok you kept getting interrupted by other people asking for him. Finally asking if Namjoon would like to go upstairs where it would be more quiet. 
And here you were, “It’s nice up here.” You glanced around the semi clean room, “At least it smells like Axe.” Which wasn’t much better than marijuana but you’d take it.
Namjoon snorted as he plopped down on the bed, a humored smile on his lips as he replied, “Yeah it just smells like a middle school boys locker room.” He laid back against the bed as he stretched out, closing his eyes as he soaked in the atmosphere, today felt...different...he wasn’t sure how but, he liked it. 
You seemed happy today, or at least you looked happy. And you were smiling more at work. Namjoon really liked your smile, “Hey,” He hummed as he opened his eyes and glanced at your upright figure, “Why did you come tonight? I thought you didn’t like parties?” 
You gave a somewhat sheepish laugh as you shrugged, running a hand through your hair as you replied, “Ah well…” You seemed a little flustered as you glanced away from him- not wanting to admit that Jungkook had nearly cried from begging you to come because he really wanted you to at least try it just once, all in the name of getting yourself back out there, but the one leading motivate that he continuously brought up, was Namjoon, “Jungkook wanted someone to come with him. He gets worried about me occasionally.” You rolled your eyes briefly despite the small smile on your face, “Says he doesn’t want me to become a hermit.”
Namjoon’s expression softened a little, that was something else he never quite understood, were your friends just that caring…? It seemed a bit unnormal the way they always eyed you with concern despite you brushing them off, “It just shows he cares.” Namjoon offered a smile as you sighed, flopping down onto your back next to him as you glanced up at the ceiling. 
“I know,” You admitted as your smile slowly formed into a frown, your gaze hardened at the dirty ceiling as your brows pinched together, “I just…” You inhaled sharply, sounding somewhat frustrated as you sighed, “I just wish they’d treat me normal sometimes...you know? It’s nice knowing everyone supports me but…” You felt a bitter smile curl on your lips, “I can always see the pity, like I’m just a kicked puppy that needs a little love…They all mean well but…” 
“I can understand why you’d feel frustrated,” Namjoon spoke up, rolling over to face you, sincerity in his eyes as he spoke, “I wouldn’t want to be treated like that either. It’s hard being in a room full of people who all look at you like you’re broken when you aren’t.”
His words hit deeper then you wanted to admit, your throat suddenly feeling restricted as you glowered at the ceiling trying to blink back tears. Perhaps it was the realization that people do look at you like you're broken. Maybe you were, afterall, you weren’t the same anymore. You could barely hold a smile on your face anymore. 
You suffered long nights full of dreams of torment and tears in your waking hour to numbness and wondering why life was even worth living. You had debated on the fall from your window and you had even wondered about the knives in the kitchen drawers. You felt your lips twitch into a bitter smile as you laughed, feeling tears drip down as you replied, “I’d think the same if I were them. I don’t even blame them.” 
Namjoon sat up as he frowned, looking resentful at your words as you wiped your face, “Hey.” You sniffed a little as you sat up, wiping your tears on your sleeve, “You aren’t broken, people shouldn’t be so quick to judge.” 
“You’re just saying that because you're nice.” You scoffed as you glanced down at the bed, your eyes glaring despite the blur, you fought with yourself at night on why Namjoon was even friends with you, surely he just thought you needed help. Needed friends. Why did it hurt to think of it like that? It’s what you wanted, right? 
You squeaked in surprise at Namjoon’s large hands suddenly cupping your face, forcing you to look him in the eyes as you were taken back on how intense his stare was, anger evident on his face as his jaw clenched, “Don’t assume that. You aren’t broken and I don’t look at you like you need to be fixed okay?” His expression softened a little as he watched your eyes begin to blur again, your shoulders shaking as sniffled, trying your damnedest to not cry as you gritted your teeth. 
Defeatedly you closed your eyes as you let your tears fall, why couldn’t you stop crying? Why was everything so confusing and why did it all have to hurt? Namjoon let his thumb rub across your cheekbone, wiping away the tears that dripped down as you closed your eyes, “I don’t care what’s happened okay? I just want to help you be happy again.”
“I don’t deserve it,” You spat out as you choked on your tears, unable to even look at him, you felt so useless, worthless, all of the life left your body with Taehyung when he- your breath escaped you, catching yourself as you nearly choked on the influx of tears. It didn’t matter anymore, nothing mattered anymore. He was gone and he wasn’t coming back. 
Namjoon could feel his heart crumble with every tear that dropped down your face, his thumbs soothingly wiping every drop away, “Yes you do. Please, don’t say that about yourself.” Namjoon felt like a faucet and he couldn’t stop the overflow of emotions, unable to keep it to himself any longer when you were so obviously in pain. When you hated yourself for reasons unknown to him, “You will always be worth it to me, okay?” He pressed his forehead against yours, his smile pained as you squeezed your eyes tightly shut, “There will never be a day I don’t think that?” He said breathlessly, his eyes dulled and pained at your sobs, “Don’t cry love.” He spoke softly, closing his eyes, letting the warmth of your skin seep against his as he rubbed his thumbs over your cheeks. 
“I don’t know how. I-I’m sorry....” You mumbled as you sharply sniffled, trying to calm yourself down as your heart ached. You thought for sure you had gotten better, but it became apparent you were just trying to block Taehyung out, and you couldn’t do that. He didn’t deserve it. Taehyung absolutely did not deserve to be blocked out of your memory or forgotten. 
“Shhh.” Namjoon hummed soothingly, his nose rubbing against yours, his fingers tracing down your jawline, “You don’t have anything to apologize for.” Your lips trembled at the feeling of his warm breath against your skin, you could feel the hesitation from him, just a ghost of brush from his lips as you sniffled before he fully pressed his lips against yours. 
The kiss was wet, not in a very pleasant way, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks as his lips began to tenderly stroke against yours, his hands so warm against your face as you sobbed against his mouth, parting your lips at the feeling of his soft lips that felt so right against yours. It was like intimacy and warmth you craved. 
The kiss which was gentle quickly turned more heated, your body immediately crawling closer to his as your lips parted for him, his tongue immediately pushing past to enter your mouth as dominance was immediately one, a soft moan escaped you as long fingers trailed down your face to your neck. Your body was lighting up at the memory of those long fingers wrapped around your throat, the heat of his body against yours. 
All the sleepless nights you spent together moaning in passion. Taehyung’s hands trailed down your waist, squeezing tight making you whimper as you crawled into his lap, seeking the comfort only he could bring as you let his tongue lap and force yours into submission in a sloppy wet kiss. 
The knock on the door immediately made you jolt, opening your eyes only to let out a yelp. This was not Taehyung- but Namjoon. You frantically fell out of his lap, all too aware of your shocked expression and tear stained face as you wiped your mouth...You just...kissed Namjoon...The twist of betrayal in your heart wouldn’t stop stabbing as the door opened. 
Namjoon’s lips had parted, looking somewhat frantic to apologize and explain himself when he saw how devastated your expression was, “Oh- uh sorry.” Seokjin looked somewhat sheepish to see the both of you, a girl peeping behind his shoulder looking somewhat embarrassed herself, “Were we um…?” 
“No!” You sharply replied, getting off the bed as you felt your hands violently tremble. You just...you just kissed...you imagined...you thought…“You didn’t.” You rushed past the both of them as you the music pounded into your head and it was like the lights became blurred but not from tears anymore. All of your senses were on overload as your mind sneered at you, you just kissed someone who wasn’t Taehyung, as if he didn’t exist, it didn’t matter whether or not you thought it was him. It wasn’t. It wasn’t Taehyung, how were you ever supposed to forgive yourself? 
“Y/n! Y/n!” 
You didn’t stop until you were suddenly yanked back, “Y/n please,” Namjoon looked at you pleading, “I’m sorry, I overstepped my boundaries and I shouldn’t-” 
“I don’t like you Namjoon.” Your heart was frantically beating out of your chest as tears began to blur in your eyes, shaking your head as you pulled from his grip, “This- it wouldn’t work. Don’t waste your time.” Your voice was ice cold despite the tears dripping down your face as you glared at him, the hurt in his eyes was unmistakable as you turned around. 
Your body in shock as you closed your eyes, letting the tears slide down your cheeks. Walking downstairs you bumped into the person you were just looking for. Jungkook had first smiled upon seeing you before his expression immediately became worried, “What happened?” He was by your side instantly. 
Sobbing you covered your ears, the music and lights too much as guilt ate you alive, “I wanna go home Jungkook.” You felt like a child as you wrapped your arms around yourself, Jungkook immediately wrapping an arm around you as he guided you out of the house. 
How could you ever function after this…? 
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“Y/n please, we’re worried.” Jimin kneeled down in front of you as your body trembled, burying further into your blanket curled up on the couch as you shook your head. You couldn’t even speak about what happened without feeling the violent urge to throw up. 
How could you ever do that to Taehyung? What would he think? Closing your eyes you sobbed once more as you heard Jimin demand, “What happened? What do you mean she came downstairs crying?” 
Jungkook sat beside you and had refused to leave your house despite it being three in the morning, concern washed on his expression as he replied, “I don’t know! She and Namjoon went upstairs for a while and then she came back down crying and asked to come home. She wouldn’t talk the whole way home.” 
Just the sound of his name sickened you, your fists curling against the blanket. You couldn’t be angry at him, after all, you had enjoyed it. You craved it. You were the one who was disgusting. Jimin rested his hands on the couch as he looked at you with a frown, “Y/n…” His heart broke at the sight of your crumpled figure buried in blankets, “Did he take advantage of you? What happened?” 
“I imagined him…” You sobbed as you whispered, lips trembling at just the mental imagine in your head, looking up at them with tears welling as you confessed, “I kissed him and all I could see was Taehyung.” You buried back into the blankets as you sobbed, tears staining the warm cotton as you closed your eyes, “I miss him so fucking much. It hurts, it hurts to even breathe knowing he's dead. What’s the point in even being alive if he isn’t here with me? I’d do anything to be with him again. I can’t fucking do this anymore.” 
You curled up as you squeezed your eyes shut, confessing every single thought that had built in your head, “I can’t…!” You couldn’t even register who was hugging you or who was saying what anymore, it was all a blur.
You weren’t even sure when you fell asleep. 
Waking up your head was groggy and you groaned, when did you get in bed and... why was Jungkook here? Jungkook was curled up next to you, his breath in a soft rhythm as you sat up, rubbing your head as you began to recall the night before, your suddenly squeezing as you swallowed back the shame and guilt. 
You should’ve kept it to yourself- you were never supposed to say anything you said last night…”Hey…” You coiled away from Jungkook’s soft voice, deeper than normal as he had obviously just woke up, if he didn’t think you were a kicked puppy before he definitely does now, “Hey…:” His voice was considerably softer as he sat up, a frown on his lips as he spoke, “You don’t need to feel ashamed for last night Noona...it’s good to get that stuff out…” 
Pressing your hands against your face you felt absolutely mortified as you remembered in vivid detail what happened at the party, “I kissed Namjoon,” You whispered under your breath, “And all I could see was him.” You swallowed the thick knot that squeezed in your throat as you felt Jungkook comfortingly press his hand on your shoulder. 
“It’s a process Noona,” Jungkook felt his lips quiver a little, not liking seeing you in such despair, you often hid it well but overtones always lingered, it hurt seeing you like this, “Don’t be so hard on yourself.” A soft knock on the door sounded through the room before it opened, Jimin poking his head in as his eyes turned sad at the way your body curled into itself. 
“How are you feeling?” Jimin sat on the edge of the bed as you snorted. 
“Like crap.” 
You could hear them both chuckle and you even felt your lips tug into a smile briefly before they quivered back into a frown, “God, I’m sorry guys…” You felt awful, you ruined both of their nights and probably their sleep, just to listen to you cry. 
They both were immediately objecting as you inhaled slowly, sinking into yourself as Jimin sighed as well, his gaze soft as he pressed his lips together, silence taking over the room before he slowly spoke, “Y/n...I don’t want you to take this the wrong way but...I think maybe, we should get you help…” You parted your lips, wanting to object but he continued, “You need help. Y/n,” His lips quivered a little, “I lost my best friend,” His eyes looked glossy as he forced a smile, “I can’t lose you too. Please, at least for a week, for me.” 
You lowered your gaze as you rubbed your face, maybe it would be for the best, you were beginning to see things that weren’t there, Taehyung was everywhere you looked, you could never escape the ghost of him no matter how hard you tried, “I…” You glanced at the sheets in resignation as you sighed, “Okay…” You mumbled, “I’ll give it a try.” 
Only because you didn’t want them to worry over you. 
Namjoon couldn’t say for sure what had happened, but he knew, deep down, he had fucked up. Running a hand through his hair he groaned as he paused at the shop in front of him. He knew seeing you now was a bad idea, you’d probably go to the back room and you wouldn’t want to talk to him. 
But he just…! He just needed to know why. Why couldn’t he be with you? He never meant to fall in love with you, but he loved your smile you rarely showed, or the way you’d give witty comments to every subject he’d try to be serious about. And for once, he loved being not serious. With you. Did he go too fast? Should he have waited? 
Namjoon almost didn’t want to go inside, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to handle the rejection, sometimes, it doesn’t matter how long you wait, some people are just not interested. But he was so sure you were, your eyes always seemed so bright and lit up when you laughed together, or how it would soften and you’d listen intently to his worries. He just needed to know…! 
Determined he opened the door to the shop where his lips immediately quirked into a frown. Jungkook had just finished serving a customer when their eyes met, a frown also on his lips as he looked away, “Jungkook…! Where is she?” Namjoon must have looked pathetic, his eyes pleading as he hurried to the counter where Jungkook shied away from him, straightening out some of the coffee canisters as he turned his back to Namjoon, “Hyung….I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He mumbled, somewhat meekly as he figidied. 
Namjoon pressed his hands against the counter as his gaze hardened, “Is she not here?” Of course you weren’t here, he should’ve known you’d take the day off to avoid him. If the need to speak to you wasn’t imperative before it certainly was now, “Jungkook please, I just need to know.” 
Jungkook pressed his lips together as he turned around, frowning as his big doe eyes searched his elder, unsure if you’d appreciate him spilling what had been going on. And truthfully it wasn’t his place either, Jungkook sighed as he spoke reluctantly, “It’s not you Hyung, it’s her...She knows that better than anyone. I won’t say anything because It’s not my story to tell...I’ll talk to her about it and if she says it’s okay I’ll let you know where she is. Okay?” 
Namjoon could feel his lips tremble a little before lowering his head in defeat, Jungkook’s expression was serious and if this was the best he could get then he’d just have to take it, Namjoon felt pathetic and desperate but he just needed to see you. To at least know you were okay. Your expression wasn’t just shocked at the party...you looked devastated. He didn’t understand and he wanted to, he needed to so badly. 
“Thanks Jungkook.” He muttered with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head, his phone vibrated in his pocket for the fifth time, Seokjin had been blowing up his phone the whole morning, apologies and questions had been spammed and he supposed, he’d stop by the frat house and sulk. 
Jungkook offered an apologetic smile as Namjoon sighed, trudging out the door in defeat as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, the frat house was a short walk from the cafe and he had spent the majority of the time trying to gather his thoughts into something comprehensible for his friend to dissect. 
“You could’ve at least sent me a text!” Seokjin scolded as he opened his bedroom door letting Namjoon walk in, the bitter reminder of the same bed he had sat on not too long ago and let his emotions get the better of him. He couldn’t help himself though, he couldn’t stand watching you cry much less sob, and he had seen you in that state so many times. He just wanted to help, he wanted to make you feel better. 
Seokjin frowned as he paused from his scolding at the way Namjoon dejected collapsed on his bed, walking over he searched the man’s empty expression as he sighed, “What did you do?” 
“I ruined everything.” Namjoon sulked as he pressed his hands to his face, “I kissed her and she looked at me like I was a ghost. I asked Jungkook where she was but he won’t say anything.” 
Seokjin hummed as he sat on the edge of the bed next to his friend, “Maybe she just needs time to sort out her feelings. I talked about it before but it’s pretty apparent now that she obviously has a lot going on, Namjoon.” 
Namjoon knew that had to be the case, otherwise you’d already be apologizing when you didn’t even need too, right? You’d be trying to fix whatever that was last night, and hey, he’d rather have you as a friend then not at all. He loved talking to you, hearing your thoughts on life and the way you perceived the world. 
When you first began talking, your world seemed dim, as if you filtered the world in only shades of grey. But the more you spoke and the longer things went on, the more Namjoon noticed you opened up, color began to flood into your world again in soft tones and smiles. He adored it. 
“I just wish she’d let me help her.” Namjoon mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, “I hate seeing her cry, and I hate seeing her push me away, and it would be one thing if she didn’t like me, but you want to know the worst part Seokjin?” 
Hurt quivered in his veins as he sat up, glaring down at the ground as he felt a bitter smile twist on his lips, “I can tell she does, why else would she want to talk to me after everything that’s happened? So why won’t she let herself just…! It’s so frustarting!” 
Seokjin sighed, unable to help but feel a little bad for him, it was obvious somewhere down the line friendship and something more had become blurred, “I know man,” Seokjin consoled, “Just give it time. She’ll come around when she’s ready.
Three weeks. 
That’s how long Namjoon had spent sulking, lectures he once listened to eagerly had become background noise, flavors seemed less vibrant and nothing was the same without you. By the sixteenth day mark he had almost given up, feeling despondent, he had stopped by the shop a few times only for Jungkook to shake his head in apology. 
That was until today. Namjoon’s eyebrows shot up and his heartbeat felt like it was going to burst out of his chest, “Ah...well, we can go after I get off shift, if that’s okay?” Jungkook offered a small smile, happy to see his Hyung looking a little more upbeat then he had before. It was truly a sad sight not only seeing Namjoon but you look like kicked puppies the past few weeks. 
“Yes! Yeah that’ll work…! Jungkook, thank you so much, you- you have no idea how much this means to me…!” Namjoon fumbled over his words, his smile bright and lit up, excited to see you again even if it was to just apologize over and over again. 
Jungkook smiled a little as he shrugged, “I haven’t done anything, Noona is doing a lot better and she asked when I visited yesterday if you could come.”
Namjoon nodded taking in his information before pausing….visited? As in, at her house? He didn’t quite understand but regardless he was glad to hear you didn’t hate him, or at the very least you still wanted to talk to him. Namjoon would take almost anything you handed him now. Some may find it sad but he was desperate, for closure at least.
Sitting down on your bed you hummed, letting your fingers drag against the pages of the book you had been reading during quiet time for the past two weeks, Jimin and Jungkook visited you nearly every day for visitor hour but when you got the chance you’d try to read, like now. 
Perhaps you were just trying to calm your nerves, you had asked Jungkook yesterday if you could see Namjoon...the past month had been...long...filled with tears and exhausting nights. You hated group therapy and the nurses constantly battled you when it came to any sort of physical activities. But as the weeks went on you reluctantly began to open up more, particularly during your singular therapy sessions, which helped the most. 
‘Tell me Y/n, you said earlier that Taehyung was the most and loving man you ever met,’ you nodded at her words as she spoke, ‘And you have also said that you can’t allow yourself to fall in love because you’d of your fear of forgetting him.’
You looked at your lap as you didn’t comment, unable too, it felt good...to be able to just spill everything to someone who was listening objectively, your therapist wasn’t looking at you like a kicked puppy, her eyes weren’t dripping with pity, she simply was listening, ‘Yeah…’ you mumbled as you folded your hands together. 
“Have you ever considered that, if Taehyung is truly as lovely as you describe him to be, that he’d genuinely want you to move on? That he would always want you to be happy? If he’s as kind as you say. Acceptance is never easy Y/n, especially when you’re grieving the love of your life.” 
You hung your head as you felt your eyes water, a sniffle escaping you as she pushes the tissue box over to you as she gave a gentle smile, “But Taehyung would want you to be happy. I want us to target why you feel this guilt every time you try to open up to Namjoon,” She clicked her pen, “You’ve said in the past, you feel guilty because you feel as though Taehyung is judging you, but in reality Y/n, the only person who is judging you, is yourself. The only person who is stopping you from receiving this love, is you.” 
Grabbing a tissue you wiped your eyes as you sniffled while shaking your head, unable to speak no matter how much you wanted too as she continued, “These things you’re talking about are symptoms of depression, the guilt you feel is your superego saying you don’t deserve to be loved because you would be betraying someone who is no longer here. This doesn’t make your feelings invalid, but,” She clacked her tongue, “I’d like us to work together to rein in the superego and get back to the root of your consciousness. On your own time, I’d like you to have Namjoon pay a visit and talk with him, but in the moments of doubt, when you’re mind is telling you to pull away or that you don’t deserve something, I want you to consciously and actively tell yourself that it’s okay to love again. It’s okay to move on, it’s okay to let someone else in’
‘What if I’m not ready to face him?” You sniffled, somewhat horrified at the idea of seeing Namjoon again, how could you ever face him after something so embarrassing? 
‘You’ll never fully be ready to face someone Y/n,” She replied, ‘But the first step to letting go, in your case, is telling yourself, that it’s okay to be loved again. It’s okay that you’re exploring love again. The only way to accept your feelings and your loss is by moving on. Let yourself open up to Namjoon, tell him the reason your like this and it will make you feel a lot better.’
You weren’t sure if you were ready to see Namjoon but...you felt guilty, guilty for lashing out at him when he didn’t deserve anything and...your fist curled as you inhaled sharply ‘it’s okay to love again’ that’s what your therapist told you and told you to repeat to yourself anytime you were flooded with any feelings of guilt. 
Leaning against the wall your fingers dragged along the line of words, trying to read but your mind wouldn’t focus. Jungkook would be here soon with Namjoon, your roommate, a young eighteen year old girl was out in the dining area with her boyfriend right now. She had been emitted by her parents due to her depression but she told you the only time she felt excitement was at six o’clock every day, knowing he’d be here. 
Love really could heal, couldn’t it? 
The knock on your door made you jump, the nurse Kang Min Soo opened the door, she was the one who shuffled you from activity to activity during the day, offering a small smile she said, “You have visitors Y/n.” Straightened a little you nodded as she opened the door, your heart beating wildly in your chest as your eyes first met with Jungkook who offered a gentle smile, the taller figure of Namjoon behind him, eyes curiously searching his surroundings before meeting yours. 
Unable to hold his gaze you dropped it to your book, closing it as you set it on the bed, “Hey guys…” You mumbled, feeling a little shy as you shifted a little. 
“I know you wanted to talk,” Jungkook hummed, looking a little brighter today then he had within the past weeks, “So I’ll give you both a few minutes. Jimin should be here in about fifteen minutes.” You nodded, murmuring a thank you as he nodded, offering a smile to the both of you before he exited, shutting the door. 
It was quiet for a few seconds as you curled your knees into your chest, “...I’m really sorry…” You mumbled, feeling somewhat pathetic at being unable to even meet his gaze, Namjoon was still quiet and you weren’t sure if that was a good sign or not, “...I know I haven’t been the most transparent…” 
The bed shifted a little as you glanced up meekly to see Namjoon sit down a good distance from you, looking a little careful in his expression before he suddenly blurted out, “There’s another guy...isn’t there?” He looked sullied all of a sudden, casting his expression on the ground, “You don’t have to tell me. It’s obvious you’re in love with someone else.” 
“He’s dead.” 
Namjoon’s gaze up shot so fast he could hardly process your words, his lips parting as he searched your broken expression, eyes watering as you laughed a little, a smile tugging on your lips as you continued, “Namjoon- I loved him, so much.” You glanced up at him sincerely as the tears trickled down your cheeks, the smile looked so bright yet so sad as you sniffed, “He was my soulmate.” 
Closing your eyes you rubbed them as the wet substance stained your skin, “I’ll never forget that night. It was so stupid. Taehyung- he- he had worked overtime that day and got off shift late. Kept texting me saying how excited he was to get home and eat what I had made.” Your soft gaze became a fiery glare as you mumbled, “But by eleven he wasn’t home...and I waited...and waited...and then I began to get worried. It wasn’t until 11:30 that I got a call.” 
Squeezing your eyes shut you forced a laugh, “It was an accident, a stupid fucking accident. Neither made it. The car pulled out too soon without enough time for him to stop, the car ended up flipped and they rushed him to the hospital, by the time I got there they had to rush him into surgery.” 
It was quiet for a moment as tears streamed down your face, covering your sob with your mouth as you shook your head, “Three hours and I never even got to say goodbye. Jimin was against the wall in tears and I don’t even remember what the doctor told me. Just saw a glance of his body in the hospital bed before the door shut…. Sometimes I still wonder, if I had just told him to not worry about the extra hours, if he’d still be here. He would’ve listened, he’d do anything to make me happy…” Pressing your hands against your eyes you bit your lip to keep down the sob as you muttered, “But it doesn’t matter now, he’s gone…” Wiping your tears away you took a shaky breath, “I’ve been in denial, not wanting to accept reality for what it is. That he’s gone...that he’s...dead...that he isn’t coming back. When I kissed you,” You felt new tears already welling in your eyes as you lowered your head in shame, “You made me feel better, and I loved that feeling so much. But all I could imagine was him. It’s not your fault...you don’t deserve to be dragged along because of me.” 
“Hey…” You covered your face as you felt arms wrap around you pulling you into a hug, you couldn’t help but crave the warmth of Namjoon, his steady heartbeat of still being alive, did it make you a sinner to crave his touch? “I...I’m so sorry Y/n, I had no idea...that was what you were going through.” He squeezed his arms around you as you curled against him, too weak to try and fight what you wanted so badly, “But I’m not going to leave you just because of this.”
Covering your eyes you tried to stifle your sob, guilt eating away at you at the idea of leading Namjoon on, he deserved to be loved by someone who could give him their all. 
You couldn’t. 
“Don’t cry,” Namjoon’s lips coiled endearingly, those dimples poking out as he tenderly stroked a hand through your hair soothingly, “We’ll get through this, and we can go as slow as you want. But I’m not going to leave you. Not now, not ever. Okay?” 
He leaned down, pressing a kiss against your forehead as you closed your eyes, tears trickling down your face as you tried your best to push the toxic thoughts that invaded your mind away. Taehyung would want this, wouldn’t he? Right? Remembering what your therapist said you repeated the words mentally, it was okay to be loved again. It was okay to move on.
“Are you sure you really wanna try this?” You sniffed, rubbing the tears from your eyes as you looked up at him, lips quivering as you tried to smile, your mouth faltering as you choked out, “I’m a girl with a whole lot of baggage Namjoon.” 
Namjoon let his hands cup your cheeks, his thumbs pushing away the tears as he gave you a soft reassuring smile, “We’ll get past this, okay? You’ll always be worth the wait.” He closed his eyes as he pressed his forehead against yours. You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, closing your eyes as you felt the small smile tug on your lips. 
Maybe...maybe you could get past this.
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You had spent another two weeks at the mental institute before you had felt good enough to sign yourself out and try to pick up your life where you left off, the past month had been...interesting to say the least. Namjoon, much like Jungkook and Jimin, visited you every day. 
Some days were good...others were not so much...But if you learned anything in therapy was to take things a step at a time. Your therapist thought it was wonderful that you had developed feelings for Namjoon, even if it didn’t feel that way. But she had encouraged you saying that it was a sign your heart was ready to move on and heal. 
“I’m so glad you’re back Noona!”
Right now however, you were trying to push Jungkook’s large figure away from you, damn why does this kid have to be so strong? Jungkook was practically like a little boy, running around in excitement when he saw you were put back on your work schedule and has since hugged you for three minutes straight when you walked in, “Jungkook we saw each other Friday.” You complained. 
“Yeah but…! You were in ugly scrubs yesterday and your hair was really greasy,” Jungkook gave you a sheepish grin as you glared at him before pushing him away as he whined, “Besides! It’s your first day back at work!” He clapped his hands, “And you look a lot better! Not as tired anymore, did you sleep well?” 
You sighed as you finished tying your apron, unable to stop the small smile tugging on your lips, Jungkook used to be a lot more reserved in what questions he asked, but having since visited you every day it seems those barriers have long past melted, “Yes, I’ve been sleeping a lot better, but it’s probably because of the medicine I’ve been prescribed to help.” Your smile felt a little weak, but regardless, at least you were sleeping. 
And truthfully, you did feel somewhat, renewed. Like you were no longer strapped to a heavy weight and sinking to the bottom of the ocean. You weren’t sure how to describe it, but you felt lighter these days. Of course you wouldn’t deny how much your being still ached for the man you once loved. You still saw Taehyung in the colors that painted the walls, in the sea you always drove past on your way to work.
But everything seemed so far away now, as if the life you had with Taehyung was just a fuzzy dream. Sometimes late at night you wondered if it was real at all. Yesterday had been painful no doubt, when you arrived home the first thing you did was throw away all of Taehyung’s old clothes you had been keeping. Even his old favorite shirt you always wore to bed. Just the memory almost made your eyes well with tears but you contained yourself. 
Clothes were just clothes, and they wouldn’t make Taehyung come back, would they? 
“Well at least the medicine is helping Noona, sleep is sleep you can’t be picky.” Jungkook was buzzing in happiness before his eyes darted to the girl who was standing at the cash register ready to order, flitting over he began to take her order as you peered from behind. Snorting at the way she flirtatiously smiled and Jungkook fumbled, ears going red as he looked away and rang up her order.
You couldn’t help but smile as you began working on her flat white, “She likes you.” You stated as Jungkook leaned against the counter, crossing his arms as you began to laugh, watching the way his cheeks lit up like little tomatoes. 
“So!? I’m not interested in her.” He mumbled defensively as you clacked your tongue, shaking your head as you set her coffee down at the end of the counter. Of course cupid only liked playing in your love life. As if the universe heard your thoughts the doorbell chimed as your gaze shot up. Two all too familiar figures walked in, well the other bounced in excitement, “Hey guys! It’s good to see you back Y/n! How have you been?” Hoseok practically flew to the counter in excitement. Given his words you doubt he knew what you had been up too but you appreciated the sentiment regardless, offering a small smile as you shrugged, “Just needed a break to clear my head. I’m doing good. Word is you finally bagged someone.” 
Hoseok’s lips parted before he prominently closed them, his cheeks looking red before the door to the back suddenly opened, Yoongi looking around before Hoseok flailed a little, “What!? W-who told you that…?” You looked between them as you raised your brows, unable to keep the smile off your face. 
“Awh, gay is okay guys. You don’t have to be shy.” You could hear Jungkook trying to cover his snort as he turned away to grab the convenient tray of pastries from Yoongi who suddenly looked perturbed and embarrassed, his ears were red as he mumbled something before quickly pushing back into the back room. Hoseok puckering his lips before he caved, a bright smile on his lips as he leaned over, “Hey…you mind if I go back there?” You snorted as you waved your hand. 
“Knock yourself out. Just don’t cum all over the stove.” “Y/n!” “Sorry!” 
You laughed as Hoseok sped around the counter and bolted into the backroom as you shook your head. At least some things changed for the better over the month you had been gone. Shaking your head you hummed, “Someone looks like they’re in a good mood.” His words made your lips tug into a smile as you turned to face Namjoon who had been passively watching the whole situation unfold.
“You don’t know how long I’ve watched them pine for one another,” You replied, looking down as you wiped down the counter to try and keep your gaze from meeting his, it was weird, this warm burning sensation that tickled your insides, it almost felt like butterflies, “It’s nice to see them finally admit it. So are you just here to watch the gays or are you gonna order something?” You looked up, a weird half smile quirked on your lips and you probably looked stupid. 
Namjoon leaned down against the counter as he shrugged, a smile on his lips and those pretty dimples on display, “What should I get?” 
These feelings, constantly repeating to yourself that they were okay, it was all so new. It was hard not to get flustered at his innocent words as you turned to look at the menu before shrugging, “Well you like tea, what about Tropic Blossom? It’s main notes are orange blossom and hibiscus so it’s naturally sweet unless you want stevia in it?” You turned back to face him only to awkwardly look away, feeling your face begin to burn at the way he was looking at you. 
It wasn’t provocative or anything sensual, but his eyes were lit up in a warm glow and his lips were constantly curved upwards in a smile, “Sure, with a chocolate scone too! Hey do you think you could convince Yoongi to make blueberry scones?” 
You rang up Namjoon as you snorted, curving a brow with an amused look before replying, “You could’ve got one back in spring if you had just come with Hoseok earlier. He doesn’t take requests though so no.” 
“Not even for me? Come on, you could convince him.” Namjoon leaned in a little, his lips quirking into a smirk as he hummed, “Just once.” You turned away from him as you tried to ignore the way your face burned. Jungkook had a shit eating grin on his face as he minded his own business, or at least he pretended to as he began making the Tropic Blossom. 
“Just once Noona?” He couldn’t help himself as he gave you patronizing puppy eyes as you glared at him before he snickered, you shoved his shoulder though he hardly budged as you huffed. 
“I will, in the spring.” You clacked your tongue as you tried to control the smile that tugged on your lips as you leaned down as you pulled out the scone, placing it on the plate as you set up the napkin, “Until then you’re just gonna have to live with chocolate.” You stood up, looking up at his figure as you felt a smile tug on your lips once more as you handed him his plate.
“Can I take you somewhere tonight?” 
Your eyebrows shot up at his abrupt words, Jungkook set his tea down as he immediately spoke for you, “She’d love to- Ow!” You jammed your elbow into his rib as he squeaked, suddenly looking at you with sullied eyes like a kicked puppy as he trailed back to the register where a small line had formed.
Take you somewhere…? Like a date…? You weren’t sure if that’s what he meant but...you felt a little at war with yourself, you knew you should be excited but, “Only if you want to,” Namjoon could immediately sense the shift in your demeanor, offering a small smile, “Remember what I said? We can take this at your pace.” 
Well...he was right, you could always head home early if things took an odd turn or...the guilt had faded but you couldn’t help but feel like you were doing something wrong, mustering a smile you nodded, “It’s fine! I get off work at seven though…” 
“Perfect! It’s nothing special,” Namjoon’s smile brightened as he held his cup up, “I’ll see you after work then…” He tipped his drink to you as he gave it a sip, the doors to the backroom suddenly swinging up as you whirled around. 
“What did I say Hoseok?” You couldn’t help the amusement you felt at the sight of Hoseok’s ruffled hair and the suspicious bruises on his neck that were absolutely hickies, he sent you a semi embarrassed and unappreciative look as he replied, “Just get my sugar glaze pastry…”
You couldn’t stop the shit eating grin on your face as you and Jungkook exchanged looks before ringing him up, “And a cumin shot to go?” His glare was worth the joke. 
The rest of the day had come and gone, some hours slow and others fast, Jungkook and you would often go bug Yoongi when things were slow- well it was mainly Jungkook, but you were glad to be back. Things almost seemed...normal? 
Was this what life was really like before....you felt a small lump in your throat form. Before Taehyung? The ache in your heart was still there, but it was no longer the force that would always cause you to topple. Maybe this was the worst part of it all. 
The fact that the once beautiful life you had with Taehyung was over now. You felt a smile tug on your lips and your eyes gloss a little, but for the first time, it wasn’t out of sadness. But happiness, that at the very least, you had Taehyung in your life for as long as you did. Some things just weren’t meant to be. In this lifetime at least. 
Taking a deep breath you pulled yourself from your thoughts as you finished cleaning the counters, Jungkook had already finished taking out all the old pastries and Yoongi had finished cleaning up the back, “You ready to go Noona?” Jungkook called out as he untied his apron. 
“Yeah, gimme a second.” You called back as you tossed your rag into the sink, walking over to the coat rack as you untied your own apron. You glanced out the shop door to see a familiar figure standing out front waiting as you looked back down, suddenly feeling semi embarrassed. 
Jungkook and Yoongi were exchanging glances and you could tell on both of their faces they thought this was both endearing and hilarious, all it took was one glare from you to keep them both from spouting any kind of bullshit. 
Wrapping your jacket around yourself you snuggled up against the warm fabric that fought against the cold air as you walked outside, offering a meek smile to Namjoon who’s eyes lit up at the sight of you, “Hey…” You murmured, trying to calm your heart rate that spiked rapidly for no reason. 
Keeping his hands inside his coat pocket Namjoon greeted you with a brighter smile, “Hey, are you ready to go?” You gave a small nod as you began walking beside him. The sun setting and the air was getting colder at night these days, soon autumn would be here and color would flourish in all the trees. 
Warily, you couldn’t help but feel a small part of yourself that was…looking forward to autumn. It was always a welcomed time of year for you, when cinnamon was strong in the air and you could bake anything with apples in it. Bundling up next to a small campfire and the only time you could wear flannel without feeling self conscious. 
“Where are we going?” You asked softly as you glanced up at Namjoon who peered down at you with a small playful smile, as if he wasn’t going to answer, but he thought it was cute you’d ask regardless. 
“Somewhere.” Namjoon’s smile became bigger as he watched the pout quirk on your lips as you hummed, looking back out at the darkening sky, “It’s nothing special, just something I like doing when I have the next day off.” You tilted your head in curiosity as to where he was taking you. 
You only felt more confused when you stood at the gates of the park, turning to look at Namjoon as you felt a smile curl on your lips, unsure of what to make of this, “Not even a hint?” 
“Well,” Namjoon drawled, pressing his lips together briefly in thought before smiling once more, “We’ll be sitting down. I can’t say anything without giving it away.” 
Sitting down? There was a playground here, would you be sitting on the swings? You hadn’t done that in a long time, but much to your surprise Namjoon walked right past only for your eyes to set on a blanket that looked to already be spread out and a...telescope? Namjoon sat down as he gestured at you with a laugh, “What’s with that expression?” 
“Nothing!” You hurriedly replied, sitting down on the other side of the blanket, “I just…” You looked around before looking up at the sky, lips parting a little only to notice the dark sky blanketed with bright stars, “Didn’t expect this…” You murmured as your eyes darted from star to star, it was a clear night, perfect for stargazing, how long had it been since you even looked up? 
Had you truly forgotten the stars existed before this moment? 
Namjoon’s expression was warm as he gestured you over, “They look even better up close, you can see Pisces from here.” Leaning down you peeped through the lense as Namjoon guided the telescope as you let out a little gasp, “Oh! I think I see it!” You zoomed the lense out a little bit as you pressed your lips together, “Wait, I don’t think that’s it.” 
You had never been good with astronomy but...something about Namjoon laughing softly as you straightened up, something about the way he passionately pointed to each constellation, the way the deep midnight sky melted between the flicks of white that all seemed so...alive…
You really liked this.
You must’ve spent the whole night, looking at the stars laying down, talking about whatever came to mind, you couldn’t take your eyes off the sky for hardly a second. It truly was beautiful. 
“Hey, Y/n.” You hummed as Namjoon spoke up softly, “Do mind, if I ask...about him…” You stiffened a little, your dreamy gaze snapping to Namjoon, more awake now then you had been all evening. 
As if noticing the semi spooked expression Namjoon quickly added, “Only if you’re up to it...I’m sure it isn’t easy to talk about it...But I just…” He seemed a little self conscious as his eyes flickered back to the sky, “I just wanted to know about him, what he was like, what did you do together.” 
You felt a weak smile tug on your lips before closing your eyes, the night sky was no longer in your vision, but it was the warmth of your old home, the apartment you shared with Taehyung, his face which you hadn’t seen in so long was so clear, “He was…” You trailed off for a second before you felt your eyes water as a smile tugged on your lips, “Childish,” You laughed, memories of his pouty expression whenever you reprimanded him, “Playful definitely…” You sniffed as you wiped your eyes, the way he’d smirk and grab you by the waist, murmuring less than appropriate things in your ear, “God he was…” Opening your eyes you laughed again while shaking your head, “Everything I could’ve ever wanted. He made me see colors that don’t exist, noise became music, clouds weren’t just particles anymore,” Tears trickled down your face as you smiled, looking up at the stars, “He told me they were god’s canvas that he painted on every day. Taehyung, he saw beauty in everything.”
You paused as your smile slowly faded, closing your eyes as the pain washed over you, the dull ache in your heart returned as you rubbed your eyes of the tears you had shed, “It’s just…” You felt pathetic, still crying, still missing what once was, “Hard to believe it’s all over, y’know?” 
You felt fingers tug at your hair before gently combing through as you covered your mouth, trying to stifle down the sobs that bubbled in your throat, “He sounds like a one of a kind.” Namjoon offered a small smile as you turned to face him, rubbing the warm tears from your face as you felt a smile tug on your lips. 
“He was terrible! He’d start singing trot off tune and he always made such a fucking mess in the kitchen without cleaning it up!” Memories flashed by in your mind, flour all over the floor and Taehyung's voice low and raspy as he’d cough while trying to sing, the large boxy smile he’d give when you’d wake up to breakfast already made, “And he always left his clothes all over the floor because he never did laundry because he knew i’d do it for him if he waited long enough.” 
“Oh? And how bad were the road trips?” Namjoon’s lips were tugged in a soft smile, laying on his side to look at you as his fingers tangled against your roots. 
“Don’t even get me started,” You both laughed as continued, “Jazz was always a must and it was so boring to listen to for five hours straight and he always bought too many snacks! We went camping one time and...god!” You let out a breathy laugh, “Never again, we forgot to bring bug repellent in the middle of the most humid time of the year and apparently there was like this- retreat? For nudists at the campgrounds at the time and they kept coming over asking if we wanted to take LSD with them and it ended up raining the whole time!” 
Namjoon was snorting out a laugh, humored as he asked, “What did you guys do? I don’t think I can imagine my camping neighbors as nudists.” 
“We had rented out this shitty old camper van so we could keep all of our supplies in the back but, after a long day of being miserable and arguing half the time we packed up and intended on leaving,” You closed your eyes as your fingers traced against the soft blanket, “But when we were driving back we ended up taking a wrong turn and found a cliff side camping spot that was just gorgeous. So we ended up clearing out the back of the van and setting up a ton of blankets and pillows and we enjoyed the view.” 
You could still feel the hard car floorboard against your body with just a few blankets for comfort, curled up against Taehyung with his arms wrapped around you looked out over the valley, that awful weekend ended up being one of your favorite memories, “We turned off our phones, worked through our problems, shared laughs and ate those stupid hostess powdered donuts, and he said it. That first I love you.” 
Tears dripped down your face as you forced yourself to pause, you hated doing this to Namjoon, who obviously held back saying those same words, why was he even doing this to himself? He couldn’t have actually wanted to hear about him. You could see the way his heart always crumbled with every tear you cried, “I miss him so much. I’m sorry.” You whispered in overwhelm, memories you had forgotten resurfacing and you pressed your hands into your face. 
“Shhh,” You were pulled against Namjoon, his arms comfortingly wrapped around you as he held you close, “It’s okay to miss him.” 
“I’m gonna hurt the roots if I just rip it out!” 
You curved a brow as you snorted, Namjoon looked utterly distressed as he attempted to repot his newest set of flowers, mums in shades of deep burnt orange and burgundy, perfect for autumn, “The roots are overgrown!” You argued, “We’re gonna have to cut them down to put less stress on the plants for the love of god just listen to me!” 
You pushed the powdered donut into your mouth before sitting down with him on the wooden picnic table, “Who’s the expert here?” 
“You.” Namjoon unenthusiastically hmphed as he rolled his eyes, but curiously peered down at your hands that pushed down through the soil, carefully extracting the small square of mums as you swallowed the large clump of donut, “Alright we gotta clip these before you can repot them, it’ll promote more growth and they won’t die as quick.” 
“It just seems…” Namjoon watched warily as you clipped the roots with zero hesitation, “...Counter intuitive. Isn’t this like ripping out their lungs?” 
You snorted again, turning to look at him as you pouted animatedly, “Awh you think plants feel? I mean if you wanna get that graphic it’s more like...shaving their lungs…” You watched Namjoon’s nose crinkle in dismay as you laughed, “Seriously though, they won’t get as much nourishment from the soil if you just keep this big ass clump. Root pruning is kind of essential when you’re repotting store bought plants.” 
“Alright but if my flowers die-” 
“Which they won't.” You handed him the pruners as you gave him a cheeky smile, “Well go on, they won’t trim themselves.” You grabbed the bag of mini donuts before plopping another into your mouth, as you inhaled sharply. It was such a beautiful day out, the sun was shining and clouds big and fluffy. 
It was the perfect day to be outside, which is why you were sitting on the picnic table that was one of many sitting outside behind your apartment building. Things with Namjoon have been...good...they’ve been great. It’s been nearly a month of consistently seeing one another, hanging out. 
The pain is still there but, it’s gradually faded with time, you still go see your therapist once a week to talk over things in hopes of not pouring too much out onto Namjoon who was always so patient and kind. You frequented the park at night with him to stargaze and planting and taking care of any greenery had become a thing with you both.
You weren’t sure what it was but, being able to be open and honest about your past relationship with Taehyung, being able to talk about your adventures together, the things you loved and annoyed you about him. Somehow having Namjoon earnestly listen to it all brought you closer to him. You felt safe with him, like he’d wipe your every tear away. 
You really didn’t deserve him. 
Your fists curled in frustration having not caught the words in your mind. Your therapist had been really getting on you as of late to try and redirect your thoughts to more positive affirmations anytime you mentally said you didn’t deserve him. Like...you deserved to have his kindness in your life. 
You could even step into the art museum now without much fear, only because Namjoon loved art and he often contemplated his love of philosophy alongside it. You really were thankful for him. But you couldn’t help but notice something lingering…something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
“So I was thinking.” Namjoon hummed, his eyes purposely looking down at the soil that crumbled beneath his fingers as he pruned the roots carefully, “Why not attend that gala tonight? For Modernism?” 
You tilted your head as you shoved another donut in your mouth, “Gala?” Your voice was muffled as you chewed before swallowing, “I thought you said it was stupid because they should’ve chosen to represent Baroque?” He had done things like this in the past before, it would be one thing if you were an art person and he was doing it for you, but you weren’t. 
 Namjoon looked a little apprehensive as he shrugged, gaining your attention more as his eyes stayed on the mums, “Well...I know you both used to like doing...you know, things like that…” He mumbled, making your mouth fall open. Oh...oh no…! You were afraid of something like this happening. 
“Namjoon,” Your lips tugged into a pout, your voice gaining his attention as he peeked up a little, obviously embarrassed when he shouldn’t be, grabbing the plant from him tenderly you set it into the pot before grabbing his soil covered hands, his eyes anywhere but yours, “Those were things me and him liked to do Namjoon…” 
“I- I just…” Namjoon fumbled a little, “I know you miss doing those things so…” 
Your expression twisted sadly, had you said too much to him about Taehyung? You didn’t want Namjoon to feel insecure about your relationship...not that you were together but...things were obviously headed in that direction, weren’t they?
“I don’t miss doing those things Namjoon, I miss it because it was with him,” You watched the way he frowned, his shoulder’s slumping as he stared down at the table, “And you aren’t him. And I don’t want you to be him,” His gaze suddenly shot up to your expression that hardened, “Namjoon I don’t want to live in the past trying to make old memories new again when we already have something. I wanna create new memories that are just as happy,” You felt a little shy as you looked away, “With you, and with the things we like to do together. So don’t worry about it, let’s just stick with a plans to go to the park tonight, besides didn’t you say a meteor shower was happening,” 
You were casual in your words, trying to play off your heartfelt confession on not wanting him to compare himself to your old lover, that wasn’t the kind of relationship you wanted and it wouldn't be Namjoon if he did things the way Taehyung did. They were two very different men with similar hobbies but for vastly different reasons, but you’d always love them both. 
“Draconids, but it’ll be a boring show. They say there’s only five meteors an hour” Namjoon smiled, his chin resting against his arm as he gave you a dopey smile making you laugh as you shook your head. His fingers playing with yours as you replied, “I’d rather be there then at a stuffy art gala.” 
“Noona! Hyung! Oh did we interrupt?” 
You clacked your tongue in annoyance as your hand, still intertwined with Namjoon’s dropped to table to see both Jungkook and Jimin waving, “No you didn’t, asshole!” You added as you yelled back, watching both Jimin and Jungkook belt out with laughter as a smile tugged on your lips. 
It was originally planned as just a lunch outside but you and Namjoon had made more plans on top of that. 
Jimin waved the bag of takeout he had gotten for everyone as they both sat down, grabbing the towel that was laid out Namjoon wiped his hands along yours as he groaned, “Ah I’m starving, why did it take you guys so long?” 
“No reason,” Jungkook hummed, sounding oddly...content…? Your furrowed your brows as you looked between them both, Jimin’s eyes immediately shooting down to the bag of food as he coughed loudly, “Here’s your kebabs you wanted.” 
You ignored whatever subtext was lingering in the air at the sight of you lamb kebabs, hands immediately sticking out with a smile, “Thank you!” When was the last time you had enjoyed food like this? 
You could feel the warm rays of sunshine on your face and the cool breeze that passed over your body occasionally, was this what it was like to feel again? It was hard to keep Namjoon’s bright gaze that looked more and more like love these days, the way he’d just stare at you with that small smile and those dimples of his. You supposed, these days, maybe you really could fall in love with someone else. 
And after all...that’s what Taehyung would want, wouldn’t it? Something continuously held you back though and...suddenly everything became so clear, you knew exactly what you needed to do. And you knew you didn’t need to do it alone. Watching Jungkook and Jimin bid their farewell after lunch your throat became dry as your heartbeat became faster. 
“Namjoon,” You asked before you convinced yourself maybe this wasn’t as good of an idea as you thought it was. 
He hummed, turning to face you, that bright smile on his lips again as he listened endearingly, somehow making it harder to speak and had the sun always been this hot? “...Would you mind going with me...to visit him?” 
Namjoon’s pupils widened a little and his lips parted as if not expecting those words, he sincerely took a moment to ponder them and you appreciated more then if had unwillingly said yes, after a moment he gave you another reassuring smile as he grabbed your hands, “Of course Y/n.” You felt relieved as you gave a small smile in return, you knew exactly what you needed to do. 
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It wasn’t until the evening that you went to the flower shop, grabbing a small bouquet of tiger lilies before walking towards the cemetery, Namjoon doing a double take when you shyly grabbed his hand. Touches were innocent still, hand holding still new and it was admittedly welcomed. 
The sunset was vivid today and it seemed just like yesterday you had rejected Namjoon’s offer for lunch in turn to come here, had that really been three months ago? You looked up at his figure that was looking ahead as a smile tugged on your lips. 
The cemetery looked as it always did, serene, carefully walking in the passage ways and making sure to not step onto any graves you paused at the willow tree. Your heart still squeezed as you glanced down. 
Kim Taehyung 
1995 - 2018
‘For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream’
Sitting down you pulled out the rag you had packed, gently wiping off his gravestone as your eyes waters, a soft smile tugging on your lips as your fingers traced against the engraved name, “Oh there’s so many things I wish I could tell you Tae.” You murmured softly, closing your eyes as the tears slid down, the smile still on your face as you sat back, placing the flowers down as an arm comfortingly wrapped around you. 
Sniffing you wiped your eyes as you leaned against Namjoon, your head resting against his shoulder as you closed your eyes, “I’ve struggled for so long to let you go. To let myself be okay with letting you go.” You could imagine Taehyung’s face, his dark locks of hair covering his eyebrows and his soft smile, hands cupping your cheeks, “And I’ll always love you. But I know you wouldn’t want me to go on the way I had been…So I’ve come here to say goodbye I suppose.” 
There was an ache in your jaw and your heart throbbed with that familiar dull ache, Namjoon’s head laying on top of yours as he pressed a kiss against your hair, “You’ll always be with me, and I’ll always cherish the time I had with you. But it’s time that I let myself be happy again. I know you understand. So thank you for...everything. And leading me to the person I belong with now.”
You squeezed your eyes shut as the tears trickled down your cheeks, pressing into Namjoon’s shoulder, even despite your tears you felt, at peace? As if this was meant to be, accepting things for what they were, and that no, you weren’t completely over Taehyung, but this was a good start to letting him go fully. 
Namjoon wrapped his arms around you as you sniffled, scooting against him as you curled up against the warmth he radiated, “I promise I’ll take care of her,” He spoke softly, a gentle smile on his lips as he looked down at your curled up figure, knowing this couldn’t be easy for you to do, “I know we never met, but thank you for making her happy. And I’ll continue to do the same.” He pressed another kiss against your head as he rested his head a top of yours once more. 
Sniffles escaped you as the wind blew through the trees, a soft rustle being the only noise outside your tears as the willow tree swayed in contentment. And if you really wanted to reach, maybe this was Taehyung’s spirit giving his blessing.
For the first time, leaving the cemetery was like a breath of relief, it was as if you had learned to walk on your own for the first time in a very long time. The sun had already set and hand in hand with Namjoon you both walked to the park where you set out the blanket as the moon rose. 
“Thanks by the way,” You turned to face Namjoon in confusion as he offered a small shy smile, “For taking me to visit him today. I know it wasn’t easy to do.” Your heart felt like it was doing little backflips as you crawled out to snuggle up against him, for the first time, craving his touch against you. 
“Of course, but I’m ready to focus on us.” You still felt a little shy yourself but you wanted more than anything to get to know Namjoon, he knew everything there was to know about you by now in terms of your past relationship. There was an unquenchable inferno inside you that wanted to know everything you could about this man. 
Laying down curled up against him Namjoon let his fingers tenderly run against your hair as he whispered, “I’m okay with that.” Your heart for the first time felt content, warm and fuzzy, all the hurt and all the tears you had spent crying felt like just a distant memory in the arms of your lover now. 
Your eyes felt lost in the inky blue sky above the were speckles with stars that gleamed brightly, and there it was the first meteor that passed making you squeak in excitement, Namjoon smiled as he looked down at your expression that seemed so excited at the flashes of light that streaked across the sky. 
Glancing at the sky Namjoon was surprised at the next few meteors that passed, and a few more before they came in dozens and dozens and soon the whole sky was lit up in light and the stars the seemed so muted before looked like gems that danced across the sky, light blues mixed with deepers shades of indigo and the streaks of white painted across the sky as he whispered, “This only happens once every few hundred years, where hundreds appear in the sky.” 
Namjoon couldn’t look at the rare sight in the sky though, not when he could look at your eyes that reflected the whole sky in them, all the stars that surfed in your gaze and your lips open in awe at the sight and for the first time in his life, he understood what that saying meant. 
‘For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream’
Namjoon would never leave your side for a single second, he pledged to himself, you’d both get through this together and you’d build a strong relationship. And he’d cherish you just as much as Kim Taehyung did, he’d devote his whole life to you if needed.” 
“Namjoon,” Your eyes looked dreamy while you turned to face him, he seemed distant as he stared at you as you gave a bashful smile, for the first time able to say what you always felt, “I love you.” 
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bao | myg | 2
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Min Yoongi is always late to start work. He’s late in starting a lot of things. Like telling you he loves you.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; mentions of parental injury/surgery; SO MUCH fluff; non-idol!AU; (slightly more) jealous deliveryboy!Yoongi x hardworking chef!reader ft. bao fiend, next-door neighbor, model!Taehyung who can’t cook to save his life lol
"What's wrong?" Kim Taehyung asked as he bit into his bao. He asked for an extra sweet bun for his manager today. "Is it your dad?" he added, concern laced on his voice. 
"No, not really. He has a checkup tomorrow." You gnawed on your lip as he excitedly chomped into his saucy beef bun. "Hopefully he's recovering well." You rubbed your forehead. Day by day, you could see Yoongi’s black eye healing, but you couldn’t help but worry about him. He had promised not to punch anyone heedlessly, but you doubted he meant it. "Don't get injured, Taehyung."
Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Why would I get injured?"
"I don't know, but don't. I don't need any more stress," you chuckled dryly, not really amused but unsure exactly how you were feeling. 
Taehyung tilted his head. 
"Are you lonely?"
You raised your head. "Huh?"
"Have you seen your parents in person?"
You blinked. "Well, no. I have to prep, clean, and do errands on my off day. But I video call them often."
Taehyung shrugged. "You used to work at the counter and talk to people all day. Now you're only in the kitchen and the only human beings you see consistently are the delivery guy and I, right? They're all short interactions too." His brown eyes softened, almost parental. "It must be lonely."
You exhaled, feeling the invisible weight of the days’ past. "Maybe..."
Taehyung smiled. "Tell you what. I got a short day this week, so I'll stop by and help out. Just for fun!" He grinned wider now as you paled a bit at the thought. "You don't even have to pay me. I can do stuff!"
"Like what?" you laughed. "You can't cook, Taehyung."
He paused, realizing that was true. "I can clean!"
"You want to clean all day?"
"... I can eat!"
"Min Yoongi, Kim Taehyung."
Taehyung stuck his flour-covered hand out. "Hello! It's nice to meet you."
Yoongi blinked at his hand and gave him a small nod instead. Taehyung seemed to realize it was dirty and wiped his hands on a spare towel before eagerly grabbing Yoongi's hand and shaking it furiously. "I heard you're really dependable, hyung!"
Yoongi raised an eyebrow as his entire body shook with the force of Taehyung's handshake. He turned to your chuckling form rolling dough out into a circle. 
"That's the biggest lie you've ever told."
You smiled as you filled the dough circle with spicy pork. "Not true. You are dependable. Dependably late every morning."
You failed to notice Yoongi's apologetic frown, but Taehyung didn't. The younger man tilted his head, observing Yoongi’s dark eyes watching your hands. You pinched the bun into a neat twist before setting it on the tray.
"Taehyung, that's not a circle," you chided playfully, pointing to the, well, blob on Taehyung's side of the counter. 
Taehyung let go of Yoongi's hand. "I tried!" he whined childishly. "It's hard..."
Yoongi washed his hands clean as you wiped your hands on your apron. "Let me make lunch real quick while there's a break in orders and you two are here." You bumped into Yoongi as you headed to the sink, his wet hands colliding with your chest. 
"Ack, sorry, sorry," Yoongi mumbled, sounding flustered, but you laughed, brushing the water off.
"And that's why I wear my dad's jacket," you mused, referring to the white chef's coat you wore under the apron and over your clothes. 
You washed your hands at the sink, staring at the wide sleeves, remembering the call from earlier. Your father was recovering, but it would still be some time before he could work again and maybe not to his full capacity. Your father had protested, saying he felt fine. He was never one to complain about pain, but you knew he must have been hurting for years. If only he had gotten it checked out sooner. You sighed inwardly, but there was nothing you could do about it now. At the moment, you had to feed the two overgrown kids in your kitchen. 
"Wow, hyung, you're good!"
You turned around to see Yoongi rolling Taehyung's dough into a circle, tongue resting on the side of his lips, getting a bit of flour onto his leather sleeves. 
You walked up behind him to see. Taehyung's dough was heavily over-kneaded, so the circle wasn't great but it was still a circle all the same. You smiled as Yoongi backed up, holding the wooden rolling pin awkwardly. 
"My brother's a chef," he mumbled. "And I've... seen you do it hundreds of times."
You picked up the dough circle and placed it in your palm, cradling it in your hand as you filled it with spicy pork. 
"Is it really spicy?" Taehyung asked worriedly.
You shook your head. "No, you should be fine. I remember you don't like your food too spicy." You pinched the top, twisting it prettily as you held it out to them. Taehyung looked it with sparkly eyes while Yoongi seemed embarrassed, eyes shifting awkwardly from the bun to the counter.
"It took three people to make this," you said with a laugh. “Hopefully it tastes good.”
You cut it in half evenly a few hours later, almost closing time. You held out one half to Taehyung and one half to Yoongi, whose cheeks were flushed from running around outside. He had worked hard all day, and you even had clients calling, complimenting on his speed and efficiency. Taehyung, well, Taehyung had been great company, although not particularly useful. A fun change from your usual lonesome day. 
Steam rose from the meat and white dough, soft and pliable.
The bun warmed your hands and their faces warmed your heart.
“What about you?” Taehyung said, taking one of the halves from you.
You grinned. “Nah, I’ll pass. I don’t want to get poisoned.”
Taehyung narrowed his eyes. “Hey! You made the dough. All I did was roll it into a circle.”
“Actually, I rolled it into a circle,” Yoongi pointed out.
Taehyung fluffed his cheeks. “I rolled it into an almost circle.”
You recalled the shape of the blob with a scrutinous and amused frown. “Yeah, I don’t know about that.”
“It’s good.”
You turned your head to see Yoongi chewing. The half-bun was still in your fingers, a bite taken out of it. Had he… eaten it from your hand? You stared at him, but he wasn’t looking at you. His long fingers reached out and gripped the half, fingertips brushing against yours. He was still chewing, nodding thoughtfully.
“Not too spicy either.”
Your hand was still in the air. You quickly put it down and turned your attention to Taehyung, who took a huge bite.
“Ah! Hot!”
You laughed, fanning the space around his mouth. “Of course, it is. I just steamed it.”
Taehyung’s jaw wiggled as he tried to blow the steam off his tongue, panicked noises coming from his throat as you grabbed a water bottle and opened it for him so he could cool it off with a gulp of cool liquid.
“Ah, what am I going to do with you, Taehyung…”
You counted out Yoongi’s pay from the day’s total, calculating quickly. This was the easiest part of the day for you. Math came to you naturally. Cooking was much harder, at least when it came to cooking even half as good as your father.
“Do you like Taehyung?”
You had sent Taehyung home with bags full of buns to give to his parents. He had left with a skip in his step and a huge boxy grin, thanking you repeatedly and almost dropping everything. You had to yell at him to be careful at least three times.
“Of course, Taehyung’s my friend,” you chuckled. “He can be a bit all over the place though.”
“I meant in a more than friends kind of way.”
You stopped and looked up from you calculator. Yoongi was leaning over the counter, one arm perched on it, black leather jacket open and revealing his black-and-white patterned dress shirt. You noticed the first couple buttons were undone. Silver chains hung around his neck, decorating his collarbones. His long fingers tapped on the wood, silver rings glinting against his pale skin.
“Taehyung?” You shrugged. “Not really. Never thought of him that way.”
Yoongi gave you a long, discerning look. His dark brown eyes searched yours, hooded by his black bangs. It was making you uncomfortable. Suddenly, you could feel the flecks of flour on your cheeks, the scent of oil and cooked meat hanging from your clothes and hair. You went back to the calculations, busying yourself with bookkeeping.
This silence was weird. Usually, Yoongi was wordlessly waiting for you to finish so he could leave, but for some reason today it felt bizarre. You furrowed your brow as you recorded the day’s sales and Yoongi’s pay, subtracting it from the total.
“That’s good, because I like you in a more than friends kind of way.”
You placed Yoongi’s pay in an envelope and held it out to him. “Here you go. I added a little bonus for helping me babysit Taehyung today.”
Your gaze locked with Yoongi’s.
Then his words really hit you.
You blinked at him and his completely neutral expression. He wasn’t taking the envelope. Instead, he tilted his head, stare penetrating through your soul. Your heartbeat was suddenly in your ears. It felt like your face was right next to the stove, flushed from the fire.
“W… what?”
Yoongi nodded as if this was the expected result. “I figured I should tell you before Taehyung attempts to run off with you.”
You blinked rapidly, the heat increasing on your face. “W… what are you talking about?” you nervously laughed, placing the envelope in the counter and sliding it to him. You shook your head, trying to dissipate the heat. “You’ve gone too far with your jokes.”
Yoongi placed a hand on the envelope.
Then he lifted himself up and over the counter, launching his entire body over it.
You started, pinning yourself back into the wall, eyes widening as his black, thick-soled boots hit the tile floor. He was wearing black jeans again, the ones with a rip on the right knee. He lifted his head, making eye contact with you once again.
“It’s not a joke.”
He looked over to the recordkeeping book and closed it for you. Took the wad of cash that was the day’s sales and tied it in a rubber band, the same way you did it every night. Placed your pen where you placed it every night, next to the pen cup and not actually in it. You watched him, somewhat fascinated that he remembered all these details despite you never thinking about your habits as you did them, either in mid-conversation with him or simply worn out from the day.
Yoongi placed the cash on the recordkeeping book and turned back to face you.
“I’m serious.”
You remembered the moments that you brushed off so easily before. Yoongi’s body hitting yours when you grabbed his cap, the way he felt pushed up against you, breath on your neck. His fingertips touching yours, making you flinch involuntarily. Him eating from your hand earlier that day. The weird silence just now when he asked you if you liked Taehyung.
Your eyes shifted uneasily.
“Well… what I supposed to say?” you asked quietly.
For a long moment, Yoongi didn’t respond. Then he smiled, the smile not quite reaching his eyes.
He turned around.
But before he could walk off, before Yoongi could leave and come back in the morning, late as usual, you grabbed his leather jacket and yanked him back, spinning him back around. His lips parted, startled at your sudden movement, and you pressed your lips to his. His eyes widened.
So did yours.
The scent of leather and pine hit your nose. His lips felt soft. He tasted a little like the spicy pork you fed him earlier. It was a nearly a week after the black eye incident and it was barely noticeable anymore, with only small hints of bruising on his pale skin. He healed fast. You quickly drew back and grabbed the envelope, shoving it at him and pushing past, stunned that you did such a thing, hurriedly running to the kitchen. Or would have, if Yoongi’s arm didn’t block your exit, making you jerk back and hit him in the chest.
Now both your hands were on his black and white dress shirt, holding his pay against him.
You couldn’t look Yoongi in in the face. It was too awkward. You just stared at his neck, at the glittering silver necklaces.
“I have eyes, you know.”
You swallowed, grabbing his hand and placing it on the envelope. His fingers wrapped around yours. His other hand came up, tracing the buttons of his dress shirt. You flinched, jerking your head up as your free hand covered the one on his button placket. His silver rings felt cool against your hot palm.
“What are you doing?”
Yoongi cocked his head. You never realized how raspy and sexy his voice was until now. ‘Well, you didn’t want to look at my face, so I figured I would give you something else to look at.”
Your eyes darted from his hand to his face, flabbergasted.
“Don’t… play around,” you muttered, frowning.
Yoongi leaned down.
“I’m not.”
And now he kissed you, closing his eyes and pressing his lips against yours, sweetly but firmly, inhaling. You tried to break away, words tumbling from your lips.
“I’ve been working all day; I reek of grease,” you sputtered, but Yoongi grabbed your head and kissed you again, pressing your body against his, dusting flour onto the black leather, your body shuddering at the closeness, falling into his arms. Lips so soft they felt like pillows, not something you expected from lazy, late Yoongi.
“You smell nice,” he chuckled against your lips. “I love food. I especially love all the food you make.”
He kissed you between his words, light, feathery kisses that made you breathless.
“I should have told you every day,” Yoongi murmured. “Thank you for always packing everything so well and making my job so easy. Thank you for always making food for me and giving me the extras. Thank you for not firing me.”
You laughed a little against his lips. “You would have been fired a long time ago if you worked anywhere else.”
He kissed your forehead, a long, delicate one, far too beautiful to not be romantic. You felt your heartbeat slow to a crawl.
“I don’t want to work anywhere else,” he mumbled, so low you could barely hear him even though you were this close. “I want to stay by your side forever.”
What was this? Your hands tensed under his and he tightened his grip around your fingers.
“A little sudden for simply getting free food from your job,” you teased.
Yoongi lifted his face from your forehead, removing your hands from his chest. He turned them around, palms up, pressing his thumbs into them. Smiled down at you.
“It’s not free,” he said softly. “These hands work hard every day.”
Yoongi looked deep into your eyes.
“I never think the food you give me is free, because I see how much effort it takes to make them as delicious as they are.”
Your vision felt a little blurry for some reason.
“You should bring some to your parents. Your father would be proud of you.”
And for some reason, those words meant more to you than anything in the world.
“Is this vegetarian?” Yoongi asked curiously as he chewed.
He frowned a little. “I don’t like vegetables.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What are you, five?”
His eyes narrowed. “I was going to say, but I like this.”
You felt your ears burn. “Oh.”
Yoongi smirked, leaning over to kiss you, smelling like leather, silver rings glimmering in the kitchen lights.
3. smut.
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outro-tearist · 3 years
paws of paradise - chapter 3 {bangtan ot7 x reader}
hi!!!!!!!! it's been a little longer than i thought to update this, but here it is! it's also summer so updates hopefully will be more frequent as i dont have school to worry about!
as per usual, i'd appreciate comments, thoughts, suggests, anons, anything! have a great day!
chap 1 chap 2 chap 3
That was what (Y/N) was doing, and had been doing for the past- How long had it been? The coldness that crept up onto Jimin had only happened yesterday, but the guilt overwhelmed her the more that she had thought about it. It felt like the incident had happened days ago when all she could think about was the crestfallen look Jimin had given her before he raced out of her shop.
It wasn’t his fault that he looked at Taehyung like he hung the stars in the sky. He was a gorgeous man, not to mention the genuine kindness he had shown any person he came across. It was hard to admit, but she had been very obviously jealous. Not only did that embarrass her, but it also made her feel worse for thinking those awful things about a dog owner just wanting to get his precious baby’s hair cut.
She decided to close the shop for today, officially saying she “needed more supplies”, but privately she knew she would not be able to focus.
Oh my god, Yoongi definitely saw her acting like a fool too! The blood that had flooded her cheeks seemed to swirl restlessly even more, just begging to be noticed and called out. He luckily hadn’t mentioned anything, probably to spare the shame she would feel in the moment.
Poor Jimin… He hadn’t done anything.... (Y/N) was being selfish and she recognized it as soon as they made eye contact. His appearance had startled her.
“Jimin! Hey..” (Y/N) started nervously as she saw the man enter through the back door like he usually did. He seemed shocked that he had been found so quickly, but awkwardly smiled back at his coworker.
“Oh. Yeah, hey.” Jimin said shortly. His curt tone had honestly hurt (Y/N) a little bit, but she took in a small breath and persevered.
‘It’s your fault he’s being distant,’ a horrible voice whispered in the back of her head. ‘He deserves more than you, someone better… someone more like Taehyung.’ It whispered again.
“I am so sorry about yesterday… I didn’t mean to dismiss you like that, I just- well, I got some bad news?” her last sentence sounded more like a question than an excuse, but Jimin had obviously softened after hearing her jittery voice.
“(Y/N), it’s not a problem. It did hurt my feelings, but I’m glad you’re telling me this now. I wish you would’ve told me earlier, but I won’t force you to tell me anything you don’t want to,” his smooth voice had felt like honey to her ears, slowly melting all her fears and anxieties that she had about not being forgiven.
Unfortunately, they quickly appeared again when rethinking her shitty excuse.
How was she supposed to explain that the “bad news” she had received was watching the man in front of her look so happy with someone else? It was an awful excuse and Jimin might be worried about her. (Y/N) would have to tell Jimin more about it later, she figured. All she had cared about at this point was just to get on speaking terms with her crush-- no. Her coworker.
“Thank you so much. Seriously. I don’t know what I would do without you, Jiminie.” (Y/N) tried to express her sincerity, but she was never the best with words anyways. It was all that she could muster up even with her head clogged with the image of Taehyung and Jimin practically glowing as they stared at each other.
Still, Jimin could seemingly read into her soul, knowing that she was as genuine as she could be through her words. She could not take her eyes off his kind eyes and perfectly shaped eyebrows and structured face and plump lips and...
“You know I’d do anything to help you, honey. All you need to do is to say the words.”
Pulse quickening and face warming, (Y/N) knocked herself out of her trance once the word “honey” had left Jimin’s lips. Maybe this little work crush was turning out to be a little bigger than she thought…
She giggled like an airhead in response, and if Jimin had seen the bright flush that had spread across her face and neck, he didn’t show any signs other than a slight smirk.
“This is kinda sudden, but um… Can I hug you?” (Y/N) shyly asked. If Jimin’s excited face said anything, the warm hug that had enveloped her completely confirmed everything she thought she saw.
He gently cradled her head in one hand as his other arm pulled her into his surprisingly built chest from the shoulders. He smelled of vanilla and another gentle sweet scent that (Y/N) couldn't put her finger on. It didn’t matter now. What did matter, though, was the feeling of Jimin’s head digging into the top of her head and how he deeply inhaled. Letting out a content hum, (Y/N) wrapped both her arms around his waist and snuggled into the crook of his neck.
“Out of curiosity… where did you have to go yesterday?” (Y/N) asked into Jimin’s neck. He shivered for a split second, before responding:
“Oh, Taehyung asked me if I wanted to spend the day together. That’s why I popped in yesterday, he told me we could meet up in the shop then grab some food or someth- is everything okay?” Jimin’s perplexed and concerned voice inquired above her.
As soon as he said Taehyung, (Y/N) froze up. He skipped work, where he would be with her and the cute dogs and be getting paid, just to see Taehyung.
‘It doesn’t mean that much,’ she tries to reassure herself. ‘He’s just wanting to see possibly the most gorgeous man you have ever seen in your life. It means nothing.’
‘Liar. He doesn’t want to hang out with you.’ The mean voice in her head spat back.
“(Y/N)?” Jimin tried to pull away and bent down to see her face. “Was it something I said?”
“NO! I mean, no. I’m just. Glad you got to get out for the day. How was it?” (Y/N) forced herself to smile and look back into Jimin’s furrowed eyebrows.
“I guess it was good, but I was still pretty worried about you. Are you sure you’re okay…?” Jimin tried again, but (Y/N) shook her head defiantly.
“Yes, I’m sure I’m good right now. Give me the juicy deets about you and Tae yesterday!” (Y/N) once again forced herself into the supportive best friend role. Jimin deserves a great person to be with him, and if that person is Kim Taehyung before it’s her, she will help her coworker in any way she could.
(Why did it hurt so much when she referred to Jimin as her coworker?)
A blush formed its way across his cheeks as he thought about the patience his TaeTae showed him after he was swamped with thoughts of (Y/N) and if she was ok.
“It was really nice… he’s a great guy and I really like being with him. He just- he gets me in ways I feel like nobody else does, y’know?” Jimin softly admits as he finds a seat next to one of the grooming stations.
(Y/N) feels faint. She basically crumbles onto the ground right in front of Jimin. She looks up at him expectantly, waiting for more information that would completely destroy her heart.
‘That was you. You were the person who got me as nobody else has.’ She thought somberly, wishing she could voice out her feelings to Jimin. ‘Was I not enough?’
“He’s so patient and understanding and… I could talk about him all day,” Jimin sighs dreamily as he rests his beautiful cheek into his palm, “It might be a little soon, but I think he might be my soulmate.”
(Y/N) physically recoiled. This was the slap in her face that she had been expecting, but him voicing his feelings was like a horrible moment of finality. She tried to play her flinch off as getting dog hair off her clothes, and Jimin hadn’t even thought twice about it.
Fuck. That cut way too deep, way more than she had prepared for. She keeps her head low so Jimin can’t try to make any eye contact.
“I’m really happy for you Jiminie.” (Y/N) says dully, but with some sincerity. “You seem to be so much happier when he’s around. You deserve this.”
Jimin’s adorable teeth flashed at her as a full smile graced his already perfect face. “You really think so? Wait, is it that obvious?!”
“You look at each other like you’re meant to be. You two must be soulmates!” (Y/N) grits out despite the tears wanting to well. “You have to tell him and let me know what happens!!”
“I’m gonna call him and see if he wants to hang out again tonight! You’re the best, honey, I love you!” he shouts as he runs out of the back.
She can’t even manage a response as she walks to the back door, shuts it, and locks it.
(Y/N) can’t see straight. She can’t think straight either, as she whips out her cell phone and dials the first contact she sees on her phone. She hadn’t even meant to call anyone, truly, but it was too late to stop her sluggish mind from pressing onto a name.
“Hello?” Min Yoongi answers the phone. A response doesn’t come, except for a loud sniffle and another sob. “(Y/N)-ssi? What’s wrong?”
The dog groomer barely knows this man, how he even got into her contacts was beyond her, but all she wanted was somebody next to her.
“Can you- can- come here please? The shop?” (Y/N) barely got the words out of her sore throat but Yoongi seems to understand them.
“I- Ok, I’ll be there in about 10 minutes. Do you want to stay on the line with me?” he asks the sobbing girl gently. His soft voice was soothing and nice, but it didn’t matter much.
She couldn’t respond. Her head was filled with three words. Three words that meant so much that hurt so much just because of the context.
I love you.
Taunting and repeating in her head for seemingly hours, until the front door jingled. She saw Yoongi burst into the store quickly and that was the last thing she saw before she closed her puffy and swollen eyes.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Teach Me
Vocal Professor!Solar x Vocal Student!Female Reader
Word Count: 4088
Contents: general unprofessionalism not that you’re complaining, teasing, dom mamamoo, ma’am kink, oral (reader receiving), rough breast play, tribbing, squirting
Terminology: Studio: A thing music students do where you get together with similar instruments and you perform a piece and get feedback on it from you peers and professors. Jury: Final playing test of the year (unless you do a recital), performed fro your music professors and usually a large part of your mark fro your music lessons (it was always at least 50% for me) Aria: A long accompanied song for a solo voice, often from an opera
Notes: This is fun and indulgent for me so I hope at least someone out there likes it too. I expanded the timestamp I did the other day so a lot of what I wrote for that is embedded and expanded here. Also the first fic I’ve done for a girl group which I’m super excited about. I’m so glad I can get back into writing I’ve been missing it so so much thank you all for being patient with me.
Based off these pictures | Expanded from this timestamp | Prologue
You tugged awkwardly at the hem of your sweater, sheet music in hand as you made you way to the end of the hall.
To Dr. Kim’s office.
You could still turn around. How bad could your mark really be? Even if this was your most interesting and technical piece. And you were even more unsure about the other songs. Deep down, you knew this was the best option. Dr. Kim knew what she was talking about and you had heard her sing, she could make you feel so many things with her voice.
And not just because of your silly, schoolgirl crush on her.
You just hoped she didn’t notice it. She could help you with the song and give you some tips for getting into the right mood with it and then send you on your way. Maybe you would even be less nervous and awkward around her after spending some time with her one on one.
“Dr. Kim?” Your voice was steadier than you expected it to be as you stepped into the office.
Dr. Kim looked up at you and smiled. “Come on in, just close the door.”
Something about that made you even more flustered but you did as she said, closing the door and making your way to one of the chairs across from her seat at her desk. You sat awkwardly, too aware of her eyes on you and the heat rising in your skin, praying you didn’t do anything stupid.
“How can I help you?” she asked, setting aside her notes.
“I’m- I’ve been having trouble…” She looked at you curiously. “W-With a song. It’s not- It doesn’t sound right.”
“Do you have it with you?” if she noticed your nervousness she wasn’t letting on. You passed her the sheet music and dropped your gaze. It wasn’t uncommon for operas to cover risque topics so an aria about sex wasn’t a surpirse to you when it landed on your music stand, your very kind and somewhat eccentric vocal professor telling you to sing with the passion only lust can fuel.
And you ultimately failing at that.
You knew what it could sound like but for some reason, when the lyrics left your lips they just sounded so… bland. So vanilla. So sweet and safe and that was not at all what this aria was meant to sound like. You knew what every word meant and where the emphasis should be and yet when you sang it it just sounded a bit hollow.
“You’ve analyzed the lyrics,” she hummed. “I wish all my students did that.”
You shifted awkwardly and mumbled out a “thank you” for the compliment, still not quite daring to look at her face and see her reaction to the silly girl with a silly crush asking her for help with a song about sex.
“What do you need help with?”
“I-I- It’s not, um, passionate enough- w-when I sing it…”
Dr. Kim stood up. “Well let me hear it. I assume you came up here warmed up?”
She wasn’t wrong. You figured she would have you sing and help you work on it but you were still far more flustered than you should have been. She’d heard you sing before but in studio, in front of everyone, not when it was just the two of you in her office. It seemed so much more intimate.
Or maybe you were just reading into it way too much.
She placed your music on the stand and you moved closer, knowing your body had far too much tension. Her hands hovered over your shoulders and a light “May I?” passed her lips to which you nodded in agreement far too quickly. You missed the grin that tugged at her lips at that as she placed her hands on your shoulders, coaxing you to relax and sliding them down your back a bit to fix your posture. 
“Relax,” her voice was too soft, you thought, or maybe you were thinking too much. “Otherwise it’s not going to sound any better.”
You took a few deep breaths, relaxing your body and getting yourself into a position to sing before nodding and focusing on the sheet music as she moved to the piano to give you your first note and chord.
The first few words fell from your lips, feeling as if they were falling limply to the floor. Maybe you were still too tense, or maybe you just didn’t know how to sound lustful and passionate, but the words were right, the notes were correct, your breath was well placed and the phrases were sound.
And it still sounded hollow, still empty and boring.
“Okay,” Dr. Kim’s voice cut you off and you let your notes die away as you looked at her nervously. “You’re not feeling the lyrics at all.” She stated.
“I know what they mean,” you mumbled. “I know how they’re supposed to sound…”
“It’s not about how they're supposed to sound,” she said. You threw her a curious look and she continued. “Listening to other performances is useful yes, but if you base your performance directly off of the ones you’ve seen it’s going to lack feeling and meaning.”
You felt yourself wilting, that was definitely a large part of what you’d been doing. But you weren’t sure how to do this any other way. Nothing worked when you tried to just… be passionate.
“So, I- How do I…?” your voice drifted off as Dr. Kim rested back against her desk.
“Surely something makes you excited.”
You felt heat rush through you as her words sank in. You held your mouth shut, not trusting anything that might come out of it as you toyed with the hem of your shirt and she regarded you, looking over your body.
No, looking over your posture. Surely just your posture.
“Whatever it is,” she hummed, too smoothly. “Harness that. Just knowing what the words mean isn’t enough to move people with your voice. You need to feel them.”
You nodded, hoping you didn’t look too awkward as you turned back to your sheet music. She watched as you took a deep breath and let it out slowly before giving you your starting note and moving closer to you.
It wasn’t amazing, but it was better. Something much more potent was stirring inside you as you sang, something painting the words a certain colour. There was a feeling swirling in the tone as it left your lips and it was a step in the right direction.
Dr. Kim shifted, moving closer to you and you heard your lungs suck in a wayward breath where they weren’t meant to. She moved close to you, looking at the music over your shoulder. Her hand landed gently on your stomach, guiding your breathing, and doing nothing to help the heat that was rushing between your legs.
Your voice shifted more, sounding much more like you had wanted it to sound in the first place. You heard Dr. Kim hum slightly, her other hand landing on your back and coaxing your shoulders to relax from where they had started to tense up. She was so close to you now and your head was nearly spinning as your need began to grow from such simple contact. She didn’t cut you off this time, letting you sing until you came to the end of the section, a small instrumental break now filling the room with silence as you waited for her verdict, feeling dizzy.
“Now that was better,” her voice was smoother and deeper than it had been, you were sure of it.
“I-It’s- uh-” you could barely form words as she moved to stand next to you. You found yourself taking a few steps back and sitting in the chair to calm the beating of your heart and praying she hadn’t noticed how warm you were being so close, that she didn’t put two and two together as to what had made your singing that much better.
Dr. Kim moved in front of you, something in her gaze. Something far less professional, you were sure of it.
Or maybe you were still reeling from the contact.
“That was a step in the right direction,” she hummed. “But I think you can do a little better than that.”
Your eyes flicked up to meet her, heart beating out of your chest at the thought of doing that again, of singing with her hands on your body, so tantalizing close to where you wanted them. That might make you too dizzy. That might make your silly crush far too obvious, particularly when you were already reading too far into her actions, her voice.
“I-I’ll work on it,” you stumbled out as she leaned down slightly.
“What I said must have piqued something, must have brought some image to mind.” You resisted the urge to let your eyes dip to look at her fingers, far more lewd images starting to fill your mind. “But you’re not letting yourself really feel the emotions. You’re holding back.”
“I-I- How sh-should-” you clamped your mouth shut before your shaky voice could betray you further.
Her eyebrow quirked and a smirk tugged at her lips. “You have the technical skill, but you need to learn to marry that with your emotion, and to be more in touch with them.”
“Teach me?”
You didn’t expect the words to sound so flirtatious, nearly edging on desperate, nor for your voice to come out so breathy. Dr. Kim leaned down, her hands resting on the arms of the chair and her smirk growing.
“Teach you to be in touch with your emotions?” she asked. You swallowed thickly, sure she was toying with you now. “Is that what you’re asking?”
“I-I- you do it s-so well w-when you sing,” your voice was a mess as you forced out your thoughts.
Her eyes trailed over your body slowly, more heat rushing through you and your thighs pressing together as subtly as possible.
“Then you need to be aware of them,” she brought a finger to your chin, bringing your gaze to meet her eye and grinning at the way your breath hitched. “So tell me, what are you feeling right now?”
“H-Heat,” you didn’t think about the word before it left your lips. It was a little strangled and it drew a chuckle from her lips.
“I could have guessed it was something like that,” she purred. “But I think you can find a better name for it.”
Your heart skipped a beat and your hips shifted as your hands gripped the arms of the chair. Expectation and anticipation hung in the air as you toyed with the word behind your lips, unsure if you wanted to admit it, but feeling as if she was drawing it out of you.
You wanted, at once, to squeeze your eyes shut and to watch her reactions, but you followed through with the latter. There was no surprise on her face, instead her expression growing more smug at your admission.
“I’m glad you could name it,” she teased. “But are you really in tune with it?” Your breath hitched as she leaned in, her hand slipping off the arm of the chair and down to your lap, gently pressing between your legs as her lips brushed against your ear. “Or are you holding back with that as well?”
A whimper passed your lips but you let your legs part for her hand, feeling her smirk against you before her lips began to press kisses to the hollow beneath your ear. Her hand moved under your skirt easily and her skilled fingers began rubbing slow circles, finding your clit within seconds.
“Such a good girl,” she cooed, drawing more whimpers from your lips. “And already so wet for me.”
“Y-Yes ma’am,” you didn’t mean for the words to leave your lips but they had long stopped listening to you, letting your thoughts spill out too easily.
“I like the sound of that,” her voice was like velvet and it made you dizzy as you took in the sensations, the way she touched your body.
You rolled your hips against her hand, sparks of pleasure igniting inside you from her touch. Your head rested back against the chair as she left open mouthed kisses against your neck, finding the most sensitive spots as her lips moved their way lower.
Her free hand found the hem of your shirt and began to tug it up and you let her pull it off you, all too eager to be rid of it and feel her lips on your hot skin. She began to kiss down your body, heavy, panting breaths already leaving your lips as she moved closer to the tops of your breasts, barely taking in how her fingers had slipped up to your hips and where pulling your panties off your body.
You arched towards her as her lips sucked a dark mark into the top of your breast. Her hands slipped up your thighs and to your hips, pushing your legs apart as she pressed closer to you. She teased you, mouthing at you through your bra but not taking it off and smirking at how you whined and pressed towards her before moving her lips lower.
Only as her lips reached the waist of your skirt did your breath start to hitch. You looked down at her, excited and nervous all at once as her hands gently pulled your hips forward to the edge of the chair.
“Remember,” she hummed. “You have to relax and let yourself feel.”
“Yes ma’am,” you replied, nearly breathless.
“Good girl,” she smirked, pushing your skirt up and tucking it into the waistband.
You let out a shaky breath, your moan nearly hiding within, as she dragged her tongue through your folds. The warm, wonderful sensation sent pleasure rushing through you and curling into your core. You let your body relax back against the chair as you started to move your hips slowly, following the ministrations of her tongue.
Dr. Kim drew her tongue through your folds slowly, starting at your entrance, teasing you by dipping inside, before flattening and dragging up over your clit. Each movement drew increasingly louder moans from your lips. Her movements built the feeling inside of you, lust and arousal mixing with pleasure and curling in your core.
You peeked down at her and it only served to make you moan and buck your hips against her face. Her gaze was trained up on you, taking in your reactions and her eyes were brimming with lust. Her tongue moved slowly, taking her time in making you come undone but the fire in her gaze told you she had something in mind beyond just making you cum.
The thoughts swirling in your head only mixed with her gaze and her steady motions and louder moans started to pour from your lips as you ground against her. She held your hips more firmly, moving a little faster but still not too fast, enjoying how you squirmed and whined for her and seeing the desperation rise in you.
“Please,” you moaned, hips bucking up as she sucked your clit harshly between her lips.
Dr. Kim hummed in response, the vibrations rocking through your core and drawing yet another moan from your lips, along with a curse as your thighs started to tremble.
“F-F- please, please,” you panted, moving your hips as much as her grip would allow as she started to drag her tongue over your clit again, much faster than before. The coil in your core curled tighter and tighter as she brought you closer and closer to your edge, finding just the way to move her tongue to have you shaking.
The “pleases” falling from your lips became like a chant or mantra as she brought you closer to your high. Your hands gripped at the arms of the chair and your back arched off as your hips ground against her face. You felt your legs shaking as they started to press in around her head as she sucked your clit between her lips again.
She moaned, drawing her tongue over your sensitive bud. Moans and gasps fell from your lips as your release crashed over you. Your hips bucked against her face as you rode out your orgasm, pleasure coursing through your body and making every inch of you shake.
Her lips dipped lower, catching your release on her tongue and moaning at your taste as she played with your sensitive core. Your moans turned to whimpers as your body shook and ragged breaths left your lips as she stood in front of you, lips glistening with your release.
You reached out to her and gripped the front of her vest, pulling her closer with all your strength. It was the only moment in which you surprised her, catching the mix of surprise and amusement on her face before she crashed against you. Your lips found hers and the slight chuckle she had let out died quickly as you kissed her feverishly, shaky hands tugging at and pulling at her buttons.
She let you undo the buttons, shrugging off her vest and only breaking her kiss with you to pull off her shirt. She rested on her knees on the edge of the chair as your hands gripped at her body, desperately pulling her close to you, the taste of yourself on her lips making your head spin and easily building your need again.
She moaned, much more earnestly, much more heatedly, as she slipped her tongue past your lips. You let her into your mouth easily, moaning and mewling desperately at the feeling as she explored your mouth and her tongue found your own, her kisses deep, keeping your body shaking longer as you finally settled from your high. Your unsteady hands found the zipper on her skirt and undid it, slipping it down her hips.
She slipped back off the chair, pulling you with her and not breaking the kiss. Her hands slid around your back and you moaned into her mouth as she undid your bra and it fell to the floor. Her hands slid down to grab at your ass, grinning into your kiss as you whined at the contact and pressed against her. Her fingers found the zipper and undid it, letting it fall as well. She pulled you towards the desk before reaching back to push off the books on the edge of it.
You gasped as she pushed you down onto the desk. Heat rose to the surface of your skin as you took in her heated gaze, chest rising and falling in heavy breaths and suddenly so aware of how she looked at you, taking in your bare form, legs slightly spread and her eyes landing on your core. You squirmed and whined and she smirked at you, leaning down and smoothing her hands over your thighs.
“You look so pretty like this,” she hummed. “And you’re so good for me. Do you want a little more?”
You nodded, a shy grin tugging at your lips. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Good girl,” she smirked.
You kept your eyes on her as she stepped back and hooked her fingers into the waist of her panties. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth as she slid them down her body slowly, teasing you with her gaze as she did so. She took her time stepping out of them and moved towards you before her hands found your thighs again.
You let out a pitiful whine, arousal and anticipation rushing through you as she spread your legs, pushing one down to rest on the desk and setting your other foot on the desk, your leg up in the air. You watched her, utterly desperate and transfixed as she moved onto the desk, letting her hands trail over your thighs before moving to straddle your core.
She threw you a lust filled grin as she lowered herself against you, wrapping her arms around your upright leg to stabilize herself. A content hum left her lips as she ground her core against your subtly but it was nothing to the desperate moan that left your lips as you grabbed at her thigh for purchase.
“Are you sensitive?” she teased, grinding down harder.
“Mhm,” you whimpered as sparks ignited within you again.
“Can you still be a good girl for me?” she cooed.
“Yes ma’am,” it came out as a gasp as she picked up the pace with her hips, grinding down against you hard and fast.
“Perfect,” her voice was breathier as she spoke and beautiful quiet moans followed off her lips as she moved.
The pleasure was unmatched. Your previous sensitivity only heightened everything, her moans hitting your ears, the scent of sex that filled the room, her grip on your thigh and her wet core grinding against yours, creating the most lewd sounds imaginable. It all made your head spin and your eyes started to slip shut as the bliss took over your body.
You felt one of her hands leave your thigh and her fingertips trailed up your stomach, to your chest, the sweet feeling contrasting the roughness of her hips. But the sweetness was short lived as she pinched one of your nipples between her fingers and tugged roughly.
You gasped, eyes flying open and gripping her more strongly, letting out pitiful moans as she played roughly with your sensitive nipple, her hips keeping their quick pace and your growing arousal only making the both of you wetter.
“Keep your eyes open,” her voice was a little rougher, more demanding, and it had you clenching and bucking up against her.
She grinned. “You like it when I’m rough with you, don’t you?”
“Y-Yes ma’am,” the words were a quiet gasp as you struggled to keep your eyes open, the coil in your core tightening more and more every second.
“Good girl,” she dragged her nails over your chest, watching the way you arched up and moaned for her from the sensation. Her fingers kept coming back to your nipples, tugging and rolling them roughly and quickly and grinning at the way your hips buck up as you ground against her as best you could.
Pleasure built higher within you, tightening and bringing you closer and closer to your edge and it had you grabbing at her even more tightly, whimpering and moaning as she moved. You squeezed her thigh in a silent plea to go a little faster, only for her to slow slightly, her lips pulling into a smirk.
“Do you want to cum again?”
“Please,” you moaned.
“You can do better than that,” she said, tugging roughly at one of your nipples again.
“P-Please ma’am, please make me c-cum. I n-need to cum so badly, y-you fuck me so well it feels so good p-please I-I’m so close.”
“Good girl,” she hummed low, her hips picking up and grinding down into your even harder than before, riding the motions of your hips as you bucked and rolled up against her. She pinched and tugged your nipples roughly, the nails of her other hand digging into your thigh, her low moans finally throwing you over your edge.
You cried out, bucking up as your orgasm crashed over you like a wave. Every inch of your body shook as pleasure overtook you and she kept moving against your sensitive clit. She let out a much louder moan as she came, a warm liquid gushing over your core and her thighs shaking slightly.
You panted as you came down from your high. She moved closer, shifting so she could lay on top of you and pressing a kiss to your lips, leaving a thigh between your legs if only to tease you and grind on you subtly in the aftershocks of your orgasms.
“Such a good girl,” she cooed, caressing your face and smiling at you. “You made me squirt.”
You whimpered in response, weakly pulling her closer and kissing her. She chuckled against your lips, kissing you back gently until you broke the kiss to catch your breath. She sat up just enough to gaze down at your body.
“Now I’m excited to hear you sing,” she hummed, bringing her fingertip under your chin. “I hope to hear the song sound a little better. If not though, you’ll be back for more lessons?”
“Yes ma’am.”
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softjeon · 4 years
Falling for you | Pt. 3
• Pairing: Jimin x Namjoon • Genre: fluff, nsfw-content | Rating: Mature | Christmas!AU / Curse!AU • Words: 12k | AO3 • Disclaimer: mentioning of blood, accidents, alcohol
written with @cassiavioletblue​
↳  Everyone told him that love was the highest aim, that it was what completes you and made you happy…but he was never lucky like that. It just took a piece of him and left scars on his heart every time. He was done with that. He had given up on love a long time ago so he should stick to it or else not only he would be affected.
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It was a beautiful winter evening; a crisp cold breeze blew around him when he hurried into the massive building again, shaking himself as if he could get rid of the cold like that. With a smile, and a nod towards the doorman, Jungkook went up to Namjoon’s apartment. In his head, he went through their ‘to-do-list’ again, making sure he wouldn’t forget a thing.
“Merry Christmas!” He yelled happily, when the metal doors opened, and he walked in with an even bigger smile. “Or almost Christmas!”
Namjoon just looked up briefly, not really bothered by Jungkook's vocal proclamation of his love for Christmas because he was used to it. “What’s up with you, you don’t even have your reindeer antlers on yet.” He commented dryly - which was not something he had made up. Jungkook did actually own a pair of small, velveteen, light brown antlers that were fixed on a small headband that was decorated further with bits and pieces of dried wintery flowers and moss. 
The headband easily vanished under his fluffy hair and so it looked as if the antlers and flowers were sprouting from his head. He’s head business partners who didn’t know Jungkook do a double take on him and then carefully ask if he was a hired actor in some winter play.
“I knew you liked that one!” Jungkook laughed happily, as he joined Namjoon at the kitchen table. “I should get you a pair as well. You’d look so cute in it.” Placing a few folders in front of Namjoon, he leaned his chin on his hand, blinking at his boss dreamily. “Reaaaally cute.” He cooed, before adding a little more seriously. “Those are the ideas from your team for the summer designs.” They were always two steps ahead of the others and while it was Christmas they were already planning their summer releases, the decorations for the stores or the color schemes. Namjoon was a perfectionist.
When Namjoon took the folders without even looking at them, but kept doodling on his tablet, Jungkook leaned in a little more. “What are you drawing?”
“Nothing!” Namjoon flipped the tablet shut so quickly he hit himself on the hand with it. Initially he had started a design for a new couch, but his mind had used ‘couch’ as cue to wander into different territory… like how Jimin had fallen asleep in his arms completely and how he had wished he could stay like this all night but had to get up because of the driver and the fact that he just couldn’t stay there without having been invited by Jimin before. So, he had moved carefully to the side, inch by inch until he could place Jimin down softly and then had walked into the bathroom on his tiptoes to get rid of the waste and get a soft, damp towel to clean Jimin up. Jimin was apparently a heavy sleeper because he hadn’t even woken up, just sighed comfortably and curled a little tighter on the couch. Namjoon had placed the blanket that they had been laying on in the beginning but had fallen down somewhen over Jimin’s body, amazed by the fact that he could wrap Jimin up in it completely. The younger had looked so soft and tiny curled up there on the couch that Namjoon had leaned down and stolen one last, sweet kiss.
Then he had left the apartment with heated cheeks….
Somehow his hand had started to transfer those memories onto the screen, and he had started to draw a person onto the sketch of his couch - luckily not detailed enough for it to be recognized as Jimin.
Jungkook leaned back, confusion written all over his face when Namjoon reacted like that. The other always shared ideas with him. When Namjoon got up, he hurried after him, a million and one questions on his mind. And he couldn’t wait to squeeze the answers out of his boss or snatch his tablet away. There was definitely not ‘nothing’.
Jimin took a deep breath but no matter how many times he did, his heart didn’t seem to calm down. He had spent twenty minutes worrying and wrecking his mind whether he had a fever dream or if it really happened – but the bruises around his hips (and his shin, from where he had slipped) showed the truth.
He had slept with Kim Namjoon.
The Kim Namjoon.
His boss.
Hayoung’s Boss.
A curse slipped from him when he pushed down the button of the elevator. He still had a job to do and even though it was only a couple more days, Jimin was really worried. Couldn’t he just stick with the invitation for the Christmas party? Or spending Christmas together? Why didn’t he just marry him right away? Jimin groaned, hating his thoughts for spiraling so fast, making him even more nervous.
What if this was just a onetime thing for Namjoon? No big deal, where he just moved on? Jimin bit his lip. The ring of the elevator sound signaling that he was on his level. When he walked in, he could hear faint noises coming from Namjoon’s office and Jimin’s heart skipped a beat. Quickly, he turned around, putting his own belongings aside to get out the cleaning supplies.
“Oh, I need your signature for the check.” Jungkook’s voice startled Jimin effectively and he hit his head on the cupboard lightly, when the younger one came out of the office, followed by Namjoon. Neither hadn’t seen him yet. “It’s for the Christmas party. I booked a karaoke machine and ordered all kinds of Christmas shaped cookies. You should really come this year. It will be even better than last year!”
“I actually might...” Namjoon murmured, trying to ease himself into it and hoping that Jungkook wouldn’t yell at him in surprise right away. He was focused on holding Jungkook clipboard with the check while singing and walking at the same time that he only saw Jimin when they were pretty close. He froze up. He hadn’t expected to have Jungkook by his side when he’d see Jimin again. Should he pretend that nothing happened so that Jimin and he had the option to talk later in peace? Did Jimin even want to talk about it?
Jungkook, always quick to pick up on mood changes of his boss eyed him warily. What was even more suspicious though was that Jimin behaved strangely as well. “Is... everything okay?”
Jimin was all ears, when Jungkook made it sound as if Namjoon hadn’t been at the Christmas party the years before, remembering their conversation in the elevator. He was still rubbing the back of his head, when they both stared at each other, a little too long for it to seem normal.
“H-hi,” He finally managed to say. “I’m cleaning the floors!” Jimin was about to smack himself hard for that stupid statement, when all of them knew he was there to clean. His cheeks were red and hot, and he quickly turned around to fill up the bucket with water, glad for some distraction.
“Yeah...that’s...kind of obvious?” Jungkook looked back to his boss who seemed still securely rooted to the floor and back to Jimin who was blushing brightly. “Oh! Uhm, boss, I’m really sorry but I just remembered that I forgot something on the second floor. I’ll catch up with you later?” He patted Namjoon on the back, hoping it would encourage him to do something other than standing around silently and then he hurried back to the elevator. It was really difficult to fight the instinct to look over his shoulder to see what they were doing or to hide in the next office to listen in on them.
“So, is this your first year or…” Jimin filled the water up with some soap to clean. “The Christmas party…” His voice was quiet, a little unsure as he turned around to look at Namjoon – only for a few seconds before he averted his gaze again. Taking the filled bucket, he placed it on the kitchen floor, glad that there was his job that he still needed to do and kept him busy.
The Christmas party. That’s what Jimin was curious about. Namjoon wasn’t quite sure if he felt disappointed or relieved that they weren’t talking about what had happened between them. “It’s not the first year, no, Jungkook organizes them every year.” He answered vaguely, leaving his part in it deliberately out of it.
“You said that” Jimin leaned his head aside, “I just wondered if you were going for the first time this year. He made it sound like that and…” He looked down, shrugging his shoulders, “And it made me curious if you want to go for a different reason this year.”
“It’s... yeah, I kind of... I haven’t been there before. Thought I’d let my people have a fun night without their boss, but... Jungkook’s been asking me to come so often now I figured I should attend at least once.” He carefully straightened his tie because lying made him nervous and he needed to do something with his hands.
“Oh,” Jimin had expected a different answer. Something to do with him and Jimin gave him a quick smile before they were back to staring at each other like before. There was the kitchen counter between them, enough space to not feel closed in but Jimin felt it, nonetheless. His heart was racing. “D-do you want to…like talk about what happened?” He awkwardly held onto the stick of the mop.
Namjoon swallowed hard and his heart stumbled as it skipped a beat. “Only if you want to talk about it. I mean... I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, we can... talk here or in my office or we can just...” He didn’t want to pretend it never happened because it did and he was so glad that it happened he would deal with ten times the awkwardness just to be able to remember the taste of Jimin’s lips and the feel of the younger’s skin against his. “Whatever you need...” He finished quietly, careful that no one who wasn’t supposed to hear them could accidentally overhear what they were saying.
Jimin breathed out, putting the cleaning supplies aside, as he stepped a little closer to Namjoon. He looked up at him with a shy smile. “I liked it,” It rolled quickly over his tongue, making his cheeks blush even more. “D-did you like it?” Jimin pushed a string of hair out of his face and behind his ear. “It’s only a few more days until Christmas and...when Hayoung is back...I know we talked about Christmas and the party, but....I’m not sure if it was just us joking because of the situation or because…” Jimin didn’t dare to ask if there was more, if Namjoon felt the tingling feeling inside his stomach too and if he wanted to explore what else there was. He really wanted to know, the curiosity making his heart flutter.
“So, you’d still want to cook for me on Christmas?” If Jimin’s would have been sex then he had no reason to still try and get to know him. A comfortable warmth spread through him at the thought of not being alone on Christmas and even better, spending it with someone who’s company he’d immensely enjoyed so far. “Yes, I liked it a lot. I’d like to repeat it some time. After dinner maybe.” And in a bedroom, staying the night, cuddling... there was so much he suddenly wanted.
“For you?” Jimin raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he pouted his lips. “I thought I’d be cooking with you.” He blushed at Namjoon’s words. It sounded like a date and a lot more than two people just spending time together. And he couldn’t wait to do so.
“Oh, well.. then I have to warn you, I’m not used to people standing in my kitchen while I’m there, I might accidentally run into you.” Or pour something over Jimin’s shirt so that he would have to undress. “Do you have a special menu that you like to make on Christmas? Then I’ll make sure to get all the ingredients.” At the moment his refrigerator was pretty empty.
“I’ll think of something tasty,” Jimin winked, soothing over Namjoon’s arm fleetingly before turning back around to get his supplies. He still had a lot to clean.
Downstairs, Yoongi walked in the office complex with confidence, not even answering the security who asked for his name or who he was there for. His gaze fell onto the numbers appearing on the board over the elevator and he smiled. When the metal doors opened, Yoongi didn’t step aside but walked in without looking up, bumping right into someone.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Jungkook immediately apologized out of reflex even though the other had run straight into him without looking. When he finally did Jungkook was sure he had never seen him at the company before. He would have definitely remembered a face like that, soft and pale but with eyes so dark and burning they reminded him of coals after a bonfire when the glimmering heat still lingered. He shook himself out of his daydreams, a little confused as to why he had lost his focus. “May I help you? This is Kim design. I don’t think you’ve got an appointment here.” He would know because he would have put it into Namjoon’s schedule.
“Oh, you may…” Yoongi’s eyes changed from surprise to a pleasant expression. The young man he had bumped into was the prettiest human he’d ever seen. And his voice sounded like honey, the sweetest tone he ever heard. “Oh, I sure have an appointment.” He smiled pointing at Jungkook’s book that seemed to be a calendar. When the younger lifted it, still adamant on not knowing about an appointment, he tapped the cover twice, leaning in just a little. “Are you trying to tell me Mr. Kim forgot our appointment and isn’t here? I’m pretty sure we have an appointment. Why don’t you look?”
Jungkook swallowed down his remark that there was no way he had an appointment because otherwise he would know - but he had learned pretty early on that smiling and doing what Namjoon’s business partners wanted was the better decision if he didn’t want a grown man in a suit yelling at him. Not that the other was wearing a suit...
He carefully eyed the man’s clothes, something dark and shimmering hidden under his coat that looked pretty interesting. Too bad he would have to send the other away in a moment. As requested he opened his calendar with a smile, opening the page for today and pointing at the space for right now. “As you see there’s..” His voice faltered. There was an entry. In black ink. For right this moment. Jungkook stared at it in total disbelief. He could have sworn that the space had been empty five minutes ago and he also knew that he had never ever heard the name Min Yoongi before. But apparently he must have because it was written in his own handwriting. “I’m… I’m... so sorry Mister Min, I didn’t... I must have confused the dates...” He stuttered, still staring onto the page as if he couldn’t trust his own eyes.
“I know, I know it’s pretty late for an appointment but I’m a busy man.” Yoongi grinned, pushing down a button, then another one before pressing almost every single one of them – because he wasn’t quite sure which floor his office was and also he loved peeking.
He hooked his arm under Jungkook’s almost gasping out loud, when he felt the muscles strain against the suit, but he could restrain himself from groping the younger more. “You can call me, Yoongi or love. Babe is fine, too. Whatever you prefer.” He winked at the startled Jungkook, nudging him slightly. “Relax. If you keep me company until Namjoon arrives I’m sure I’ll have a great time, Jungkook.”
Jungkook tensed up right away. Yoongi wouldn’t be the first businessman to try and flirt with him like that but he could always count on Namjoon to make sure that people who overstepped the line would not stay with the company. “I’d like to keep it professional, Mr. Min as I’m sure Mr. Kim would prefer.” He furrowed his brows when he realized that Yoongi knew his name without him mentioning it. He must have told the other when they had spoken about his appointment? It made him feel crazy that he really couldn't remember it at all!
Yoongi furrowed his brows, giving Jungkook a little more distance. “Oh, no…I’m not really a business partner like that.” He chuckled softly, reaching into the pocket inside his jacket. “I’m more of a… consultant. I help Namjoon with decisions on his business or his life. Whatever he needs me for.” He was happy with his quick lie, taking out what seemed to be a simple stack of cards. “You really don’t have to be professional with me or have to be afraid.” When the doors opened again and they arrived at the office, Yoongi began to shuffle his cards delicately. “Tell me Jungkook, do you believe in magic?” He turned around with a warm smile, walking a few steps backwards.
Jungkook definitely knew one thing: Yoongi was…special. He had never heard of Namjoon asking someone for advice about his business and he was pretty sure Namjoon would never let someone mess with his personal life and yet there Yoongi was, talking about Namjoon as if he knew him inside and out, joking around and playing with cards. “I.-. I like the thought of it being true..-” he confessed before he could stop himself. Somehow the words poured out of him without his permission so he quickly added. “I can distinguish between dreams and reality of course!”
Yoongi hummed, drumming his fingers on his cards. “That’s good.” He walked ahead as if he knew right where he needed to be, just taking the route down to the biggest office he could find before walking in and letting his instincts lead him. There was a conference table right beside Namjoon’s office desk, so Yoongi took a seat, motioning for Jungkook to follow him. “You can call him, if you want…” His eyes were piercing right through the youngers and yet, they were warm and inviting, placing the cards out in front of them.
Jungkook hesitated, drawn in by the beautiful cards. He had placed them front down on the table as if he were ready to pick one, like a fortune teller ready to tell him his future. “What do you need them for if I may ask?” The backside of the cards was decorated with intricate symbols, some highlighted in a shimmering golden color.
“I need them to answer your questions.” Yoongi leaned his head aside, liking how the younger was intrigued, finally following him, and sitting down at the other end. “Or usually Namjoons, but he isn’t here right now.” He sighed deeply, letting his fingertips hover over the cards. “Do you want to try?”
“You help Namjoon make choices by using your cards?” Now he was hooked. “He never told me any of that! How long do you two know each other?” He leaned forward reaching out but then withdrawing his hand. He had heard that touching the cards just for fun before actually asking a question would mess them up. “I’d really like to... but I don’t have any questions at the moment. At least none that the cards can answer.”
“I help in many ways.” He winked, before Jungkook hesitation made him raise an eyebrow. Leaning his chin on his hands, he locked his eyes with the younger. “Tell me your questions if you’re comfortable with them. Maybe I can answer them anyways.” Yoongi didn’t even mind that Jungkook had completely forgotten to call Namjoon, yet. He enjoyed their encounter way too much.
Jungkook chuckled, “I can but I don’t think you can answer them. I’d like to know if the Christmas party will work out and everyone will have a nice time. I would like to know if Kim design will have a great year again next year and if Namjoon will finally be able to take a bit more time for himself instead of working all the time. I’d like to see him smile more often...” Did he really tell all that to a man he had just met for the first time? His cheeks blushed as he kept his eyes trained down on the cards.
“You really care about him, hm. He really is lucky to have you because he needs more people like you.” Yoongi began to mindlessly push the cards around, sorting them differently, putting a few back into the stack of cards. “I can ensure you; your Christmas party will be amazing. I heard Namjoon talking about it. He really wants to come this year, I think. Do you feel like he’s changing?”
“I do. And I really hope he does.” Jungkook cocked his head, “Not really changing, no, but there is something different about him. I think he might have finally found something else to put his heart onto and instead of being completely consumed by his work he starts to see past it. There are so many more reasons to get up in the morning than just because your work schedule tells you to. I feel like he’s finally starting to get a glimpse of that.”
“You are right,” Yoongi nodded, adding the reason ‘Jeon Jungkook’ as another one on his own list, because that man was the sweetest, kindest person he’d ever talked to. He could feel the warmth and passion radiate from him, the positivity that was surrounding him. He wanted nothing but to make all the people around him happy and Yoongi could feel it resonating within him. But there was something else that made him worried.
“You said he found something…you’re not really talking about a hobby, right?” He didn’t really look at Jungkook, as he turned around three of them. There was a wheel of fortune, but it was reversed, and it was making Yoongi bite his lip, while his eyes flickered to the next card. All of them seemed to be upside down; the second card was showing a hermit and the last one was the chariot. “Oh…”
“What is it?” Jungkook leaned over to get a better look at what Yoongi had picked. To him all the cards looked really pretty but he knew that they could all have different meanings, a pretty picture didn’t necessarily mean a good thing and the other way round.
“I’m not sure what they are referring to exactly…it’s not clear, but this one…” He pointed at the wheel of fortune. “Turned upside down like this, it means someone is losing control. And this one, the hermit, it kind of stands for isolation and loneliness. While the chariot emphasizes the lack of control again. It seems as if Namjoon is quite directionless. Or he will be.” He took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, mumbling something about him telling Namjoon so as he shook his head.
Jungkook shook his head in denial, getting out of his chair. “It’s not fair to read Namjoon’s cards when he isn’t even there and I’m sure the reading would be way better if he was present. Or there was a mistake. Namjoon is fine. I’ll… I’ll get him for you now. Sorry for stalling.” With that he went out the door to call Namjoon - and explain to him why he had an appointment that late that he hadn’t told him about before.
Yoongi looked after the younger, sighing softly as a smile stole it’s way on his lips. He turned around another card, the smile turning brighter when it showed the symbol of the sun. Flipping the card back around, he pushed it towards where Jungkook sat before and began to collect the rest.
Carrying the laundry, Jimin crossed the living room again, when his eyes flickered over to Namjoon who was deeply immersed in his work at the kitchen table. When their eyes met, he accidentally stumbled over the end of a rug, giggling the embarrassment away before vanishing into the laundry room.
Just when he was gone the telephone rang and Namjoon picked it up automatically. On the other side of the line was Jungkook, explaining very sheepishly that there had been a mishap and he had forgotten to tell him about the appointment his consultant had made. Namjoon was quiet for a moment. “My what?” There was absolutely no one that deserved that title. He had consultants when he tried working with different materials or when he was trying a new marketing strategy but right now there was no one like that who he needed to meet up with.
“Your consultant? Or...or friend I think. Yoongi?” Jungkook sounded small, the mistake still nagging him and Namjoon’s bewildered reaction aiding further to make him contrite.
“Yoongi… he’s at the company? With an appointment? Right now? And you... you talked to him?” He felt like he had ants running all over his skin. This was the third time Yoongi showed up when normally he only came by like once a month at most. Had he told anything to Jungkook? About the start of the company? “Okay, you can.. you can get off early tonight. I’ll be there in a second.” As much as he hated the thought of leaving Yoongi alone at the company he figured that the other could walk to wherever he wanted anyways with his magic and he rather kept Jungkook away from him. Who knew what kind of deal Yoongi would try to make with the younger.
Opening up the dishwasher, Jimin began to sort the clothes, quietly humming a song to himself. He was lightly dancing, singing a little louder. Leaning back down, he got out another shirt, when Namjoon’s sudden enthusiasm to get up and to his office startled him effectively and he shot up, hitting the back of his head on the edge of the cupboard. He yelped in pain, blinking his eyes because for a moment he saw nothing but a few spots dancing around in front of him.
“Jimin?” Namjoon froze at the younger’s outcry of pain. “Are you alright?” When he didn't get an answer right away he immediately went into the laundry room where he saw Jimin rub the back of his head. “Did you hit your head? I have to get back to the office, but I can get you some ice first. Please don’t hurt yourself again while I’m gone, can you do that?” He teased him a little.
Jimin hummed in response, the pain too evident on the back of his head. “I’ll try not to.” He wondered why Namjoon had to run to the office out of a sudden again but promised that he wouldn’t hurt himself anymore. He was almost done with cleaning anyways, although he had hoped to stall his time a little at the end with Namjoon.
Only when Jimin was taken care of did Namjoon call himself a car. On the ride he was fidgety, trying to calm himself down and not rack his brain about why Yoongi was there, what he might want and what he could possibly do to make him comply.
Yoongi was bored out of his mind, staring at the wall as he swirled around in Namjoon’s chair. He had tried out every single one in his office but this one turned the smoothest.
That's how Namjoon found him.
He was a little out of breath because he had walked as fast as he could to get there (without actually running because running would mean he was desperate and Yoongi might see him with his… third eye or something) “Are you having fun? I hope you didn’t make Jungkook ask me here just because you wanted a new chair.”
“Oh, there you are!” Yoongi came to a halt, motioning for Namjoon to take a seat as if it was his office and not the other way around. “We had an appointment, right? It said so in his calendar. That’s why I’m here…” Leaning over the desk, he let his gaze wander around. “I really like what you made out of our deal, Namjoon. Are you happy with it?”
“You can’t fool me, Yoongi. And please don’t mess with Jungkook again, the poor boy will double check every appointment now and blame himself for it when we both know that it wasn’t his fault he had no idea of that ‘magical appointment’. If you want to talk to me you can just call me.” He took a breath, trying to find a hook in Yoongi’s statement but there was none. “Yes, thank you, I’m happy. Why, do you want to terminate our contract?” He had often wondered how or when it would end - and what would be the consequences. It wasn’t like he was being lazy and letting Yoongi do all the work in his company so even without magical help he should be fine... right?
“Where would be the fun in that?” Yoongi pursed his lips, getting up to look at the designs that were hanging on the pinboard of Namjoon’s office. “I just wondered…you really made a lot of what I gave you. You build an entire empire and dare I say, I couldn’t be any prouder.” Yoongi turned around waving Namjoon off, “Oh no, please. I’m fine. I don’t need to terminate anything. I’m just feeling sentimental this Christmas.” The witch sighed deeply, taking out the three cards he had picked earlier and giving them to Namjoon. “They were turned upside down. I like you, Namjoon and sometimes I worry…if this is really what you wanted.” He patted the other’s shoulder, passing by him.
Namjoon took the cards. There were pictures on it, and he knew that they were probably tarot cards but other than that he had no idea what they were supposed to mean. He only realized that Yoongi wasn’t just walking around in the room than out when there was silence. He turned and Yoongi was nowhere to be seen.
“Wh…wait! What does that mean? What do you want? Did you just call me here to give me those cards? Am I supposed to do something with them? I’m not magic!”
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A/N: Happy third Advent! We hope you enjoy this little story until now :) 
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
do you do reactions? 🥺 i was wondering if you could do a reaction of the boys when you’re a whole “stay 6 feet away” person bc of corona and when they try to kiss you, you like push them away and place a ruler between you and them? LMAOAOA ITS SO WEIRD BUT I JUST THOUGHT ABOUT THIS 😔 okay thank you love, stay safe and hope you’re doing well!
LMAO i never thought about doing them but i can def try! don’t come for me if they’re stupid or bad aha <3
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❥ kim hongjoong
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you didn’t think you’d have any problems with hongjoong since it had taken you a good few days to convince him to see you in the first place. “we’ll wear our masks and stay six feet apart,” you told him, “you weren’t even sick so i don’t know why you think you’re gonna give it to me.”
but the boy couldn’t help but worry, knowing he’s around a lot more people than you and traveled quite a bit during this outbreak. and if he got you sick, he’d never forgive himself. but he also wouldn’t forgive himself if he hurt your feelings by not coming, hence why you two were currently standing outside your home a few feet apart.
“see,” you told him, eyebrows raising playfully as a smirk crosses your face. “it’s fine!”
and it was fine, he sees that now, so when he walked forward with a determined look in his eye, he had fully expected you to accept his kiss and allow your mouths to crash just a little.
but then your eyes widen and you pull your mask up, holding your hands out right in front of you to push him away. “hongjoong!”
“what, it’s fine you said! so why can’t we kiss?”
❥ park seonghwa
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you were happy that you and seonghwa had been on the same page about social distancing and what not, the both of you seeing the importance in protecting yourselves and taking all the proper precautions. 
which is why you were incredibly surprised that when you went to visit seonghwa, he had gone right up to you and tried to kiss you.
“hwa, what are you doing?” you asked him, backing away from him ever so slightly. “i don’t have my mask on.”
“well yeah, it’d be kind of hard to kiss you if you did.” 
and you never thought you’d have the strength to actually pull away from him as your lips were about to touch, taking the ruler from your back pocket and smacking him lightly in the stomach.
“where the-where did you get that?”
you place the ruler between you both before eyeballing the rest of the distance. “i knew i would need extra protection. we can’t do that!” 
“y/n….” he said, his tone low and commanding like every other time you give him trouble. and usually it works, falling victim straight away to his deep voice and soft, narrowed eyes. but this is different, you try to convince yourself, this is way more serious and you can’t give in. 
“seonghwa, we can’t,” you whine again.
a sigh leaves his mouth before he reluctantly agrees, your lips quirking up into a smile as your face brightens; you think this is the first time you’ve ever called the shots with your boyfriend. 
your bright smile makes him groan, mumbling that you shouldn’t look that pretty and happy about being able to kiss. 
❥ jeong yunho
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he was always a sweet, understanding boy in every sense of the word. even when you guys were at your separate homes, he made sure be in constant contact with you whether it be through text, facetime, or calling, because he knew you were slightly anxious about getting sick and being quarantined.
however, when you finally did agree for you guys to hang out, he came rushing over with his mask and gloves up to his elbows causing you to giggle in the doorway. 
“is this okay?” he asked, “i was- i was gonna get a suit too but-“
your giggle turned into loud laughs, shaking your head as you insisted a suit would’ve been too much. so maybe that’s what made him think it was okay to break the six feet apart rule and lean down for a kiss. 
but then you gasped and covered your mouth with your dry, raw hands. 
“yunho!” you whined. 
“what?” he pouted, “i’m not sick, baby, i promise.”
but then the blank stare you gave him made him sigh, the pout on his lips making you frown as well; it’s not like you didn’t wanna kiss him, of course you did, but you were just too scared. 
and once you told him that, he ended up settling for you blowing him a kiss, insisting you do it for the remainder of your time together that day. 
❥ kang yeosang
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yeosang couldn’t help but burst out laughing when he saw you come out of your car. it wasn’t because the mask somehow managed to look cute on you or the fact that your hands were covered in the smallest size gloves he’d ever seen. 
it was because the last thing he expected was for you to be wielding a ruler. 
“y/n, what the fuck is that?”
“six feet apart!” you sang melodically, spacing out approximately six feet “and if you try to break that, it works as a weapon too.”
he brought his fingers to the bridge of his nose, squeezing it as he looks over you. he had known you were freaked out about everything and he understood the gloves and mask. but now you had brought something with the sole purpose of beating him when he very much so was gonna try to sneak in a kiss.
“so you’re saying one, tiny, quick kiss is off the table?”
“absolutely!” you squeal, “are you nuts!”
“but y/n, what about just…”
any and every ridiculous rationalization the boy came up with, you shot down with ease. no matter how many times he groaned and whined to you, even after he resorted to trying to be cute, you were able to resist. 
but he also never tried to come towards you on his own, so you suppose the ruler had done its job.
❥ choi san
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if you had thought he was whiney and needy before this, you were sadly mistaken. because even with the constant contact and video calls, he would still softly mumble how much he missed seeing you. 
“i miss you, too,” you said, your pout matching his. “maybe…you can over tomorrow. we can hang out and go for a walk or something.”
and that proved very hard for the boy. because he kept reaching out for your hand on the sidewalk, kept trying to pull you into him and kiss you despite the mask covering your face.
“san,” you whined, looking at him apologetically before putting a few feet between you. “i want too, please don’t think i don’t,” you tell him. 
because you don’t want to hurt his feelings or make him feel like you’re using this as an excuse not to touch him.  but you’re scared and cautious and doing it honestly more for his sake than yours. 
“i can’t wait for this to be over,” he sighs, his eyes going from your lips to your hand to your eyes. 
and you think if you hold his hand, your arms awkwardly stretched out to put some distance between you, that won’t too dangerous. 
❥ song mingi
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the first thing you see stepping out your car is mingi’s tall, lanky frame waving at you. and it’s within those two-seconds, you realize not kissing him is gonna be some of the hardest shit you’ve ever had to do. 
because it’s not like he’s making it any easier.
any time you take one step back, he takes one step closer. he gives you a wide, cute smile and says he just wants to hug and kiss you for less than a minute.
“that’s a long time, mingi,” you told him. but he only shrugs his shoulder, promising you over and over again everything will be fine. but you’re standing your ground, covering your eyes when he tries everything in the book: cute, seductive, whiney, pouting. 
and usually his duality is able to pay off, one of the tactics having you melt right into his hand and do anything he wants. so he’s surprised when nothing seems to be working, almost getting the idea to use his size against you and drag you into his arms. 
and you see the exact moment that thought crosses his mind, reaching in your bag and wiping out the ruler you knew you were gonna need for this annoyingly handsome man. 
❥ jung wooyoung
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“what is that even gonna do? that’s only a foot.”
“okay, so picture five more of those and stand over there.”
“babe….” he whined, looking you over in your mask and gloves while holding a ruler pointed threateningly toward him; this had been going on since he arrived 20 minutes ago.
“wooyoung, i’m serious! go!” you flail the piece of rubber in his face, the boy half-tempted to take it out of your hand and throw it in the street.
he knew you were anxious and scared and taking extra precautions to not get sick. but he hadn’t left his home in weeks either and has been taking the same amount of precautions: so, really, what was one kiss gonna do?
“so i can’t come in the house?” he whined, taking a few steps back so you can at least put the ruler down. “you’re the one who asked me to come over!”
“because i wanted to see you,” you tell him, pout behind your mask. “i didn’t say anything about kissing.”
“i figured that was a given,” he mumbled, the scoff leaving your mouth causing him to chuckle. he looks you over once more, standing there with a mask on your face while his hangs below his mouth. 
“if i’m six feet away, will you at least take off your mask?” he bargains, “i wanna see your face.”
and the sneaky fuck he is, the second you take it off he attempts to charge towards you; so, naturally, you throw the ruler at him and smile triumphantly when it hits him right in the chest.
❥ choi jongho
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you figured given his age that the boy wouldn’t really be taking this seriously, maybe even make fun of you for being so cautious with your mask and gloves and strict schedule of not leaving the house. 
but he was extremely understanding, even learned from you and only asked to hang out when you told him you were sick of being in the house and wanted to start going on walks. 
the first few were great, six-feet apart as you walked through the streets talking and laughing about how you both had watched every single show on netflix. but then they more you laughed and had fun and the more he saw you smile, the more he wanted to touch you. 
he missed hugging you and feeling your lips against his and smiling into the kiss when you poked at his side teasingly. he also knew it was a risk to try it, just looking at you with a longing expression before leaning in ever so slightly. 
 and you’d almost forgotten about everything until you remembered this is not allowed and you jumped away from him.
“hey! that wasn’t fair!” you whined. he only smirked at you knowingly, a small frown on his face before he covers his mouth with his mask. 
“it was just gonna be for a second,” he mumbled, smiling when you break the six-feet apart rule to smack him in the arm playfully. 
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Are You Lost?
dewey finn x reader 
hey guys! here I have a little request from the amazing @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ !! it’s basically the reader has had a rough week and takes her sweet golden retriever out on a walk and meets dewey along the way! this is a sweet little request and i loved writing it so much - i freaking love doggos and Dewey. what more can you ask for? I hope you enjoy! lotsa love x
warnings: angst, fluff
words: 1600
and this unreal aesthetic was also made by the wonderful @thewolfisapartofmysoul​
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“Come here buddy” you called over your golden retriever, Gus, to get his leash on. He sat down and licked your face as you sorted him out, to which you thanked him by giving him a quick pet and a cuddle. You stuck your hat on your head and zipped up your fleece as you headed out, stuffing one of Gus’ tennis balls in your pocket along with a few treats. It was autumn heading to winter so you had to stay warm.
The world had truly been against you the past few weeks and all you wanted to do was escape for a while. This morning you decided to get your life back together. You figured a long walk with your best friend was the best way to do achieve this. You could let Gus off his leash, let him chase the ball and just get lost in your own little world for some time.
Heading out towards the woods, you could see your breath in the air every time you exhaled. A gentle reminder of just how nippy it was. Gus didn’t care. His fur was warm enough for him and he loved the cold, embracing it with every step of his paws. It was mid afternoon so there was plenty of sunlight to be had.
Autumn walks were always the best. It was quiet, no one really tended to be around the woods. This meant you and Gus could just enjoy one another’ company. Autumn was also the best because of the beautiful colours and leaves. You loved the way they would crunch under every foot step, each one making you forget about your troubles. Gus loved it when you would pick up a big pile of leaves and gently throw them over him. He would snort happily and bound forward towards the leaves, leaving you giggling at him.
As soon as it was quiet, and you couldn’t see anyone around, you let Gus off his leash. He was well trained and you trusted one another. He wouldn’t run off. As soon as you unhooked him from the leash he bounced more ahead of you, wanting you to throw the ball for him. He barks lowly as you throw the ball. As his breed would suggest, he retrieves the ball and brings it back to you, tail wagging a mile a minute, his body swaying from side to side happily. “who’s my good boy” you would praise him and pat his head, taking the ball from his mouth and throwing it again.
You must have been walking for around an hour and a half before you decided that maybe it was time to head back. Your cheeks were all red from the cold and your fingers felt like they might go numb. You had managed to chill yourself out pretty much and felt ready to tackle the world again going home. “right Gussy boy, I think maybe it’s time we head-“ suddenly there was a small rustle from the bush further up. Gus’s head darted round and his ears perked up significantly. His tongue stopped panting. Shit.
Gus all of a sudden raced forward towards, what had now been revealed as, a rabbit. He was fast. “Gus… GUS!” you tried to call him but he was not stopping. You ran after him as fast you could but you were losing sight of him. FUCK! This was the last thing you needed right now. “Gus Stop-“ you were cut off as you stumbled and fell over one of the tree roots on the forest floor. “ouch..”. you got up slowly, wiping the green and dirt off of your fleece and jeans and tried to catch your breath. “shit.. where did you go Gus?”. He was nowhere to be seen.
Your heart started to race with anxiety. These forests where huge. He could be anywhere with his speed. It’s fine, it’s fine I’ll find him – calm down. You mentally told yourself as you started to shout “GUS?!?! Gu-us…”.
* * * * * * *
Dewey was sick of Patty. She was always yelling at him. She made him feel like he was worth nothing, as if he didn’t matter. So he found himself out a thoughtful walk through the woods, as he normally did on these kind of occasions. He loved autumn, with all of its beautiful colours and the cold air. He could stick on his hat and scarf and get cosy to brace the cold. It made him feel better when he was out in the fresh air and had time to himself to think over everything. He was trying his best these days, with his after school club for the kids and his new band. She was just a stuck up bitch who couldn’t get over what had happened at Horace green. I mean Ned had mentioned to him not long ago about how he was thinking about breaking up with her. Dewey really hoped he would follow through on that because he was just sick of..
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he suddenly noticed a little white dot bouncing towards him. He squinted his eyes to focus on what was coming towards him, his face screwed up in confusion. It didn’t take long for him to realise that it was a doggo. He began to smile as it got closer. “hey buddy..” he started but the golden retriever jumped up on Dewey and knocked him over, starting to leave kisses all over his face, wagging its tail frantically.
Dewey laughed and began to pet the dog “where did you come from dude?”. He found the dogs collar, looking for the name tag “Gus?” he questioned to which Gus barked happily. “well we better find your owner bub don’t want you getting lost” he worried as he picked himself up from the shrubberies.
Gus done circles around Dewey’s feet then bounced forward ahead of him, turning round and wagging his tail frantically at him. Dewey began walking in the direction of where Gus came from. “c’mon boy, c’mon” he teased him. “let’s go boy”. Gus followed Dewey through the woods, staying close to him.
After a minute or so Dewey began to hear someone shouting. As he continued walking the voice got louder and eventually he could hear you shouting “Gus!!”. He began to speed up, heading towards the shouting as Gus stayed close to him, apparently oblivious to your calling.
You were only a couple hundred yards away, worried sick about Gus. It had been fifteen minutes and he still hadn’t appeared. This wasn’t like him, where the hell could he be. If he was lost you would never forgive yourself. He was your best friend. As if the week couldn’t get any worse..
You stopped in your tracks when you heard a bark. “Gus?... GUS!”. You called out, speed walking towards the noise. God you hoped he was ok. What if he was hurt?
You got dragged from your thoughts when you noticed someone walking towards you. You squinted your eyes, confused until you seen Gus walking along beside him, looking up at the guy happily. “Gus!” you called out and almost ran towards him in relief. Gus’ ears perked up and he looked at you, jumping up on you when you got closer.
You looked up at the guy, while bending down to pet your sweet boy, “hey thank you so much for finding by dog” you exclaimed. Dewey was taken away. You were so pretty. The way the cold had made your cheeks pink was adorable, and your eyes were sparkling (obvs from crying about losing Gus but he didn’t know that). “uh yeah no bother, he actually kinda found me” he laughed.
You put Gus’ lead back on and stood back up. “I was so worried I’d lost him honestly. I’ve had the worst couple of weeks and that really would have broke me” you admitted. Dewey furrowed his eyebrows in concern. “aw I’m really sorry to hear that is everything ok?”. You looked up at him. He was kinda cute. His little hat and scarf was adorable and he had a sweet face. “I mean..”
You were stopped by suddenly being thrusted towards Dewey, both of you falling to the shrubberies. Gus had walked round the back of both yours and Dewey’s legs and you fell into one another. You both laughed on the forest floor at the antics, before capturing one another’s eyes. He smiled a sweet, giggly smile and you returned, before realising you were basically lying on top of him. You blushed and got up. “ugh sorry about that” you laughed awkwardly.
Dewey got up and brushed himself off “don’t worry about it” he laughed. “He’s really an awesome dog” Dewey said, bending down to pat him. Gus fussed over him and licked his face, making you giggle. “yeah he’s a sweet boy” you also bent down to clap Gus.
You smiled down at Gus, giving his ear a scratch, as Dewey looked at you, adoringly. He was nervous, but when else was he going to get the chance of bumping into a beautiful girl in the forest? “hey, uh, you don’t fancy going to grab some coffee or something do you?” he braved.
You  looked up at the stranger. His pink cheeks and soft eyes. I mean, why not? You’d had a shitty week, maybe this could be the tuning point. Coffee with a cute boy from the forest? Hell yeah. You smiled sweetly “yeah that sounds good….” You left hanging, he picked up “Dewey! Sorry, my names Dewey” he laughed.
“well hey Dewey, I’m y/n” you grinned, and he returned. Gus stretched up and left kisses on Dewey’s face which made you both giggle. He got up “c’mon, I know this great place on fifth that allows dogs. AND they do pupaccino’s for this happy guy too”. You liked how he included Gus, and didn’t just expect you to take him home.
“that sounds good to me Dewey”.
tags: @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ @large-unit​ @little-miss-shy-goth​ @paxenera​ @heknowshisherbs​ @missihart23​ @geminiacally​ @go-commander-kim​ @gegehaddock​ @baby-beej​ @sadpuppetshows​
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Meeting and Dating Matthew
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(Not my gif || I couldn’t help myself)(Requested by @therealbitchshady )
(I’m so sorry for the incredibly long wait!! Hope you enjoy!)
- You met Matthew when the both of you were six years old. You became instant friends and continued to stay that way for years all the way up until the end of middle school/start of high school.
- For a while he was hung up on Kimberly but then one day he just started to notice you. It was like he was seeing you for the first time in years. You weren’t just y/n his best friend since childhood, you were actually really pretty and had a great personality… and since when did you have boobs?
- The moment he sees you in that new light he just can’t seem to turn the light off again. He’s been thrown into this loop and he feels completely out of place.
- This is all combining with him losing interest for Kim as he gets to know her as a person not just a pretty face so his entire life is being turned upside down piece by piece.
- Now everytime you hang out he ends up looking at you like you have two heads as he tries to figure out how the hell to abort his growing feelings for you.
- You notice a change in him and the way he acts around you but don’t really think much about it. Like sure he’s a bit more nervous and awkward around you but you sort of just assume it’s a puberty thing or something.
- Meanwhile he’s dying on the inside trying to act natural everytime you touch or tease him like you’ve always done.
- It’s normal for him to walk beside you when you’re with each other but now he trails behind you like a lost puppy debating if what he wants to say is the right thing to say. His heart nearly stops whenever you turn to talk to him about because ‘oh my god you’re so pretty’ and he doesn’t want to make a fool of himself since now he’s gotta worry about you finding him attractive.
- A ton of times he’s about to nervously confess his feelings but then you turn around and say something and completely throw him off.
- You know those scenes where the character is doing something while the other persons back is turned and then the person turns back around and the character just nervously smiles at them hoping they didn’t see anything as the person strikes up a conversation. (That’s you and him constantly)
- At some point he’s definitely purposefully hurt himself during a soccer game or practice just so you would help him bandage himself. He doesn’t even mind you teasing him and calling him a wimp, it’s all worth feeling you touch him.
- Laughing your head off when you find out he’s pretending to be a girl and afterwards tutoring him in all things teenage girl.
- Listen, I’m convinced you lended him a bra to help with the allusion and he just stared at it for an hour after you left his house. When you gave it to him he was absolutely speechless but it was like the heavens had opened up and swallowed him whole.
- He confesses to you after one of his games; he just takes off running from the field and doesn’t stop until he’s all the way at your house, still in full uniform with the wig. He knocks on your door and waits anxiously for you to answer; once you do, he barges in, tears off the wig and pulls you into a kiss.
- You sort of just stand there in awe before he pulls away and stutters out something along the lines of “me like you.”. You probably laugh at him but quickly pull him into another kiss before he thinks you’re rejecting him.
- Once you pull away he’s practically speechless until he manages to mutter out a “how about we go see a movie sometime” making you laugh again. But you do agree to the movie and in no time the two of you are officially dating.
- Soft kisses.
- You call him your “little ladybug” (usually jokingly), he pretends that he absolutely hates it but he kind of loves it.
- He uses it both sarcastically and genuinely depending on the moment. (I feel like he probably either started using it because of an mtv interview or because his mom calls him sweetheart and it just became his default pet name)
- He doesn’t really show a ton of affection/pda because he’s at that age where it’s still a little weird to him and he wants to seem cool. But if you come over and hug him or hold his hand he loses his mind and turns into a shy, red faced little goof.
- He goes to Julie for advice every now and again even though he’s nearly always confused by what she tries to tell him.
“Hey mom? How am I supposed to let y/n be as independent and strong as a young woman who just left home against all odds to make her dreams come true in the big city?”
- He daydreams about you constantly which is kind of sweet even if all of them are hormonal teenage smut fests.
- Really likes your legs but can’t exactly explain why. If you wear a skirt or shorts around him his eyes are going to be trained on them .
“They’re just all... nice… and soft.”
- He stares at your ass constantly; there will never be a day that goes by that you do not feel his eyes on your ass at least once. Chances are he’ll end up “accidentally” touching you too.
- That being said, he cannot for the life of him muster up the courage to innocently compliment you even though what he wants to say is swimming through his head. He might see you and instantly think “wow her hair looks really nice today” but god forbid he tries to say that.
- Could spot you in room in 0.02 seconds. He will always know where you are in a crowd or notice if you’re there or not there.
- He’s a surprisingly creative person. Doesn’t matter whether he’s helping you and fixing your problems or coming up with date ideas, you can be sure he’ll come up with something interesting.
- Milkshake/ice cream dates.
- Helping him study so he can stay on his sports teams without any problems.
- Watching him play soccer and attending all his games and practices.
- He always has this adorable smile on his face when he sees you in the bleachers and the minute the games over he goes to hug you. Even if you’ve attended every game he’s ever had he’s still surprised to see you there.
- He really wants to teach you how to play soccer(that is if you don’t already know how) so be prepared to face his puppy dog eyes if you attempt to refuse.
- He copies Chester when he isn’t sure what to do, like Chester gets his mom flowers all the time so Matthew goes and buys you some flowers.
- Sometimes he just randomly picks you up to prove that he can and “show off”. Like he’ll pick you up then flex at you with a goofy wink, while you giggle at him.
- He tries to convince you to go skinny dipping with him at least once.
- Don’t even think about going near him with makeup, having to wear a wig for months was enough “girlish nonsense” for him no matter how much you insist ‘eyeliner would look good on him’.
- He’ll let you braid his hair if you’re lucky but anything other than that gives him flashbacks to the ladybugs (even though he’ll admit it wasn’t the worst experience of his life).
“You know you were really pretty as a girl.”
“Damn right I was.”
- Anytime he thinks he’s annoyed you or you pretend to be mad at him he just repeatedly tell you he loves you until you smile.
“I love you. I love you. I looove youuu.”
- Accidentally calls you dude and ends up awkwardly correcting himself and apologizing even though you always say you don’t have a problem with it.
- He knows that you’ve seen him and his room as a complete mess before you were dating but everytime you’re supposed to hang out he goes on a mad man cleaning spree and makes everything look all prim and proper.
- His moms always kind of amused when you coming over makes him clean better than her yelling at him all week.
- He loves doing just about anything with you. Just hanging around the house? Great! Running errands? Lovely! Going to the arcade? Perfect. As long as it’s with you he’s happy.
- Watching tv with him. The instant you join him on the couch he wraps both his arms around you and pulls you into his side.
- He doesn’t really get jealous since he knows from experience how you act around other guys. It really just depends on if he knows how the guy feels about you or not.
- Like before you were together he could easily hear about all the boys who may or may not have had a crush on you and he still holds it to them even if they don’t have a crush on you anymore. They don’t know that he knows but he’ll be petty towards them.
- Making faces behind their back or just acting passive aggressive when they joke around with you or him. You definitely have to stifle your laughter sometimes.
- Fast food dates. You guys go to the movies like every week and after you’re done watching the two of you go out to lunch and get burgers.
- Stealing his shirts to sleep in.
- You never really fight, there’s never a reason to. The both of you were friends before you got together so you already knew what you were getting yourselves into. You had a lot of time to learn what the other person likes and doesn’t like so you can pretty much avoid most fights.
- Helping him deal with his temper and making sure he doesn’t sabotage himself during games.
- Slapping a hand over his mouth before he curses at someone or something.
- Talking with him about his feelings (and his father) whenever he needs to get something off his chest.
- His mother loves you; she thinks you’re a good influence on him (she chooses to ignore the whole helping him disguise himself as a girl alongside Chester thing).
- Chester appreciates you helping him with the whole “being a teenage girl” thing so you’re okay in his book. But whose he kidding, the whole family loves you.
- He may complain heavily and adamantly refuse when you first ask him but he’d honestly do just about anything for you.
- He has a really good heart and set of morals deep down even if they aren’t completely obvious all the time. He knows right and wrong and he’ll apologize/acknowledge if he’s wrong even if it means messing up his ego.
- He’s honestly such a supportive boyfriend even if he acts like a little bastard man.
- He’s an absolute cheerleader; literally anything you do is rewarded with applause.
- If you want a pep talk he’s your man, be prepared to feel motivated or at least feel a lot better.
“Well take it from me, you’re absolutely amazing and even if you weren’t I’d still love you just the same.”
- He imagines your wedding like two times a day so you can rest assured he isn’t ditching you anytime soon.
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Anon Request: Jealous Bangtan-you’re giving too much attention to someone you work with, and not enough attention to the boys. 
Tags: bangtan, BTS, bangtan boys, my work, anon request, my asks, my requests, husband AU, boyfriend AU, fluff, angst, jealous, fanfiction, bts drabble, seokjin x you, hoseok x you, yoongi x you, namjoon x you, jimin x you, taehyung x you, jungkook x you, BTS x you, reactions
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Title: Jealousy is on the Rise
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You pushed open the door to your apartment, your arms full of books and blueprints, your briefcase hooked over one forearm, your heels clacking on the tile floor as you called out, “Hey babe! Sorry I’m so late!” 
“Jagi! Finally!” You heard your husband call from the kitchen, as he poked his head around the corner, eyeing the armful of work you carried as you dumped the heavy load on the kitchen counter, letting out a sigh of relief as you lost all the weight. 
Stepping around the counter to kiss him on the cheek, you offered him a smile as you sniffed the air and said, “Something smells good. What are you cooking?” 
He grinned at you and put an arm around your waist, pulling you against his side as he walked you to the dining room, motioning to the table that held several bowls of steaming Ramen and other dishes. “I made dinner for you. I figured you’d be hungry after such a long day at work.” 
“Oh.” You grimaced slightly at his words, The gesture was so sweet, but you had totally forgotten to mention to him before coming home that you had already eaten at the office. 
‘What?” He must have noticed the hint of disappointment in your tone, because he paused from dishing up bowls of Ramen, his gaze scrutinizing your face, his hand held over the pot, frozen. 
“Um.” You hesitated, giving him a slightly regretful half smile as you went on. “Since we were at work so late, working on the new city center project, Paul and I just ordered and split some takeout.” 
He stared at you, the corners of his mouth turning down slightly, but then he forced a fake smile back onto his face and said, “Oh. Okay.” He picked up the bowl he had dished for you, and walking past you into the kitchen, set the whole thing in the sink, steaming food and all. 
Uh oh. He was mad. 
“Babe?” You stepped up behind him, as he started to furiously scrub dishes, not saying anything to your curious query. “I’m sorry I forgot to tell you.” 
“It’s fine.” His words were nonchalant, but his underlying tone said otherwise, as he continued to scrub plates so hard you thought they would break. “I just didn’t know Paul and you were having dinner together. That’s all.” 
Surprised at his sharp statement, something clicked in your head, and you felt a slight smile draw across your face, as you wrapped your arms around his waist, saying in amusement, “Babe. Are you jealous?” 
“What? No, that’s ridiculous.” He glanced over his shoulder at you, trying to hid his expressions, but his eyes told all. 
You grinned at him, poking him in the side as you exclaimed, “Seokjin, you are! You’re jealous. Of who? Paul?” Giggling at this sudden revelation, he tried to shove you away as you continued to tease him, “Babe, come on. Have you seen Paul? He’s got nothing on you. You’re worldwide handsome!” 
“Shut up.” He dried his hands on a dishtowel, scowling and blatantly ignoring you, as he moved to the stove to gather up the pots and pans there. “It’s not funny, (Y/N).” 
Sobering yourself, hiding your smile behind your hand as you watched him stomp around the kitchen like a petulant child, you said seriously, “You’re right. I’m sorry, babe.” Leaning against the counter, still watching him, you added, “I really am sorry.” 
You saw his broad shoulders heave in a sigh, his back toward you as he continued to do the dishes, and then he grumbled out, “It’s fine. Thanks for apologizing.” 
“Besides.” Your fingers reached up to unbutton the top button of your work blouse, as you continued to stare at him, biting your lip seductively as you said huskily, “No matter who I eat dinner with, babe, you’re always the only one who gets dessert.” 
He sighed again, turned to face you, his hands wet and dripping with soap, as he said grumpily, “Jagi, I’m really not hungry....” His words trailed off as he saw you unbuttoning your shirt, revealing a flash of the lacy bra beneath. 
You arched your eyebrow at him seductively, as his eyes widened in understanding. “Different kind of dessert, babe.” You murmured out, crossing the kitchen and taking his wet hand in yours, pulling him after you toward the bedroom. 
Glancing over your shoulder as he willingly followed you, you asked, amusement once again back in your tone, “So are you done with your little hissy jealousy fit?” 
“No.” He growled out, his arms going around your waist, as he pushed your toward your bedroom, His warm breath against your ear made you shiver as he muttered, “But I can pick it up again later. There’s more important things than Paul that need my attention right now.” 
Laughing, you allowed him to push you before him into your bedroom, the door closing behind you with a soft click, and the jealousy was forgotten. 
At least for the moment. 
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“Yoongs!” You called out for your boyfriend, as you pushed open the door to his studio, your backpack slung over your shoulder. 
He glanced up from his computer, his face lit up by the screen, at your call, and asked, “What’s up, jagi?” 
Crossing the room, you rested your hands on his shoulders, leaning over to plant a kiss on his cheek as he turned back to his work. Glancing over the music on the screen, you absentmindedly said, your chin now resting comfortably on his head, “I just came to say goodbye. I have to go into work for a bit.” 
Your words caught his attention. He glanced up at you, his brow furrowed in annoyance as he said, “But it’s Saturday.” 
You sighed, your sudden expiration ruffling his hair, and then whined out, “I know. But they called some important meeting last minute. It’s mandatory that everyone attend.” You motioned to the computer screen before you and then added, “Besides, you’re gonna be working this afternoon anyway. I’ll be done this evening, and then we can do something together.” 
He turned his focus back to his work, his long fingers tapping across the keys of the keyboard, and there was silence for a moment, before he asked quietly, catching you off guard, “Is Jens going to be there?” 
You laughed awkwardly, still a little surprised by the odd question, and straightened, tugging at your backpack straps as you said carefully, “I mean, he is my boss. And since he’s the one who called the mandatory meeting, I would hope so.” 
His dark eyes, merely slits in his face as he studied the music intently before him, flickered with an emotion you didn’t recognize, and then he said, his tone suddenly cool, “You hope so? Are you looking forward to seeing him, (Y/N)?” 
Surprised at how quickly his tone had gone cold at the mention of my boss, you put your hands on your hips, suddenly feeling defensive as you addressed the back of his head, your own tone slightly sharp as you snapped back, “It’s just an expression, Yoongi. What’s your problem?” 
“My problem?” He finally turned to look at you, spinning around in his computer chair so suddenly that you took a step back in surprise, his dark eyes hooded by his bangs falling over his porcelain forehead and into his eyes as he steepled his fingers before his lips, glaring at you. “My problem?” He repeated again, pointing one long, slender finger at you in accusation. “I don’t have a problem. Unless you consider the fact that my girlfriend seems to spend more time with her boss than me, her boyfriend, and that she clearly prefers his company over mine.” 
Your mouth dropped open at his absurd and angry statement. “What the hell are you talking about?” You choked out, confusion flitting across your features, quickly replaced by anger as he continued to pin you under his heated gaze. 
“I’m talking about the fact that your boss, Jens, seems to require your company more and more lately. And that you’re always ready to run to his beck and call.” He hissed out between clenched teeth, standing from his chair and taking a step toward you, his work long forgotten in the face of our argument. 
An argument that had come out of the blue, with no context. 
“What....You...” You sputtered out, seeing red, so angry now that your words weren’t even forming coherent sentences. You gathered your thoughts, taking in a deep breath, and then started again, your face flushed as you said hotly, “That’s called a job, Yoongi. We can’t all be like you and work our own hours and be our own boss.” You waved your hand around you at the studio, as you said, your volume raising with emotion, “Some of us actually have to work normal jobs, where we, heaven forbid, DO WHAT OUR BOSS TELLS US TO DO.” 
“Oh, okay, so that’s what this is?” He spat out, closing the distance between you, your faces inches from one another, the space between you filled with heated and rage filled breaths. His voice dropped as he said, rage fueling his words, “Just a regular employee boss relationship? Don’t give me that shit, (Y/N). Don’t lie to my face. At least be respectable and tell me the damn truth.” 
Your mouth dropped open for the second time in so many minutes, and you drew in a deep breath, calming yourself as you stepped back from your boyfriend, his face suddenly blank, his fists clenched at his sides. You shook your head, feeling tears start to gather in your eyes, and not wanting to cry in front of him, you managed to get out, your voice soft, hurt, unbelieving, as you addressed him, “You’re an ass, Min Yoongi.” 
Pulling your backpack close against your shoulders, you left the Genius Lab behind, your boyfriend standing there, watching you go, in silence. 
And he didn’t call you back. 
The next day, you were at work, sitting, alone, in the break room, stirring your salad around with a fork, but not eating anything, your mind elsewhere. 
You hadn’t heard anything from Yoongi again last night after your fight, and after a restless night of sleep, you had gotten up and ready for work, determined not to reach out to him first. 
He owed you an apology. 
“Hey (Y/N).” Your coworker sat down beside you, glancing over at the TV as she pulled out her prepacked lunch, pausing as she lifted a bite to her mouth before saying, “Hey, isn’t your boyfriend some famous rapper?” 
“Yeah, what of it?” You grumbled out, still messing with your salad, not in the mood to be having small talk, especially about Yoongi. 
“Isn’t that him?” 
You glanced up at her question, following her gaze to the TV, where one of the boys concerts was being shown. Shit, you’d totally forgotten they had a performance today. 
However, what drew your eye, and your coworker’s gaze, was Yoongi, standing in the middle of the stage a microphone in his hand, as he looked into the cameras, his words apologetic as he addressed the crowd, “If my girlfriend is listening to this, I just want her to know. I’m a huge dick. She was right. And I’m apologizing. Publicly. In front of all these people. Which she knows I hate.” He offered a sad smile to the camera and then pointed through the TV with the mic as he said, “Forgive me, jagi?” 
You realized a dumb smile had been growing across your face as he talked, and when the camera panned away to someone else, you stood up from the table, surprising your coworker with your sudden movement and not even bothering to put away your food as you grabbed your coat and called over your shoulder, “Hey, can you cover for me? I have to go.” 
“But Jens...” Your coworker called out, her tone nervous. 
“Stuff him.” You said, giving her a grin as you rushed out of the room, work forgotten, as you headed to the concert venue, intending to show Yoongi just how willing to forgive him you really were. 
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The sound of your phone alert made you roll over onto your side, away from the warm presence of your boyfriend, as you reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the cell phone, squinting slightly to bring the bright screen into view. 
Hoseok let out a groan as you took your body away from him, and he followed you, his bare chest warm against your back as he rolled over too, pressing himself against you, burying his face in your neck as he grumbled out, “Who is it?” 
Reading through the message, you typed out a response, pausing at his question as you replied back, slightly distracted, “Siyun from work.” 
“Ugh.” He let out another groan, pulling back from you slightly, just enough to look at the screen of your phone, as he watched you type out your response,  before saying, his tone slightly bitter, “It’s always Siyun.” 
You laughed slightly at his obvious annoyance, not looking at him as you finished writing your return message, before saying, “Well, yeah. We work in the same department, Hobi.” 
You were just about to hit send on the message, when suddenly, your phone was plucked from your hand by Hoseok’s long fingers, and before you could react, he had tossed the cell phone casually, but with hidden force, across the room. It bounced off the far wall and onto the floor with a solid smack, where it laid, face down. 
“Jung Hoseok!” You shrieked out, sitting up in the bed quickly and turning to glare at him, your mouth slightly open at his sudden and unexpected display of petulance. “What if you just broke my phone?” 
He shrugged, obviously not bothered by your heated stare, and then said casually, his tone slightly amused, a slight smile flickering across his full lips, “Baby. Please. I’m hella rich. I can buy you ten new phones if you want.” 
“Don’t baby me.” You huffed out, throwing the covers off of your legs, getting ready to leave the bed to retrieve your sadly abused cell phone, but before you could make the move, you felt his arms go around your waist, pulling you back against him. Letting out an irritated sigh, you glanced over your shoulder at him and snapped, “Don’t try to play cute with me. That’s not going to get you out of this.” 
“Okay, okay.” He muttered, his face buried in the bare skin of your back, his breaths tickling your spine. “I’m sorry for throwing your phone. It’s just Siyun annoys the hell out of me.” 
You paused, considering his words, and a sly smile crept across your face as you turned in his arms, leaning over his prone form, your arms on either side of his head as you met his slightly guarded gaze. “Are you jealous, Hobi?” You grinned at him as he shot you a mocking glare, his mouth pulled down in his customary triangular frown. You gasped at his expression, playfully, exaggeratedly, and then reached up a hand to push his dark hair back off his forehead as you said, “You are! The Jung Hoseok is JEALOUS.” 
“Baby, I’m going to need you to shut your mouth. Now please.” He grumbled out, avoiding your amused gaze, as he fidgeted uncomfortably beneath you.
“Baby.” You put a finger under his chin, making him look at you, as you gave him a soft smile, and then said softly, “Siyun is just a coworker. Nothing more.” You leaned over to press a kiss to his lips, the feel of his skin against your own warm and familiar, and then you pulled back slightly to murmur, “Besides, how could he compare to the literal sunshine that I have in my life every day?” 
He rolled his eyes at you and then said sheepishly, “Okay, okay. I believe you.” 
“Good.” You grinned at him, and then leaned over to put your lips to his ear, as you whispered seductively, “If you ever need a reminder, just remember who’s name I was saying over and over again last night.” You blew against his ear, making him shiver slightly, and you felt your lips curl into a smile against his skin as you chanted under your breath, “Jung Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. Jung Hoseok.” 
“Okay, okay!” He shoved you off of him and changed positions with you, straddling you on the bed, his hair falling over his brow and into his eyes, his gaze liquid and warm as he grinned at you, filling your chest with sunshine, before he said, “I get the point. Now.” His grin changed to something more sly, a glint in his dark eyes, as he purred out, “About saying my name.” 
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Coming out of the bedroom, your hair still damp from your shower, you entered the living room and threw yourself down on the sofa, letting out a long, tired sigh as you snuggled into the soft cushions of the couch, moving to rest your head in your boyfriend’s lap. He shifted underneath you to get more comfortable, glancing down at you for a brief moment to offer you a smile, as he paused in scrolling through his phone. “Hey, jagi. Feel better?” 
“Yes.” You sighed out, closing your eyes as he used one hand to run his fingers through your slightly wet hair, going back to his phone as you said, “Work was exhausting today. Although!” You opened your eyes as you continued excitedly, “There’s this super new nice intern in the office. His name is Mark and he seriously was so sweet to me today! He noticed that I was stressed over the new reports, and he brought me coffee on my break, even offering to help me with my extra paperwork.” 
You noticed that Joon’s hand had paused in its movements through your hair, and though his gaze was still focused on his phone, his brow was furrowed slightly at your words. Ignoring the weird change in your boyfriend’s behavior, you said, slightly teasing, “Hey, wait a minute. Why aren’t you that nice and overly attentive to me?” 
He sighed, glancing over at you before he said, his gaze once again back on his Twitter, “Number one, he’s only being that nice to you because he wants to get in your pants.” Your mouth dropped open at his blunt statement, but before you could protest he continued. “Number two, I am nice to you. But I’m not overly attentive like Mark because I can already get in your pants whenever I please.” 
Sitting up, your mouth still hanging open, you sputtered out, “Okay, first off, ew.” He glanced over at you, shrugging slightly as you finally closed your mouth and became indignant, folding your arms over your chest as you said defensively, “And secondly, he doesn’t want to get in my pants. He’s just being nice. He’s a friend.” You pointed a stern finger at your boyfriend, as he quirked one eyebrow at you, a slightly amused smile slipping across his lips as your words grew heated. “Contrary to your belief, Kim Namjoon, males and females can be just friends without wanting to have sex with one another.” 
When he was sure you were done, the silence stretching between you, he dropped his phone to his lap and, offering you a slightly knowing look, said confidently, “Okay then. Let’s make a bet.” 
“Fine. But prepare to lose.” You scoffed out, glaring at him. 
“50,000 won says that he’s trying to sleep with you.” He held up his wallet, having dug it out from his back pocket, and I wanted to wipe his triumphant grin off his smug face as he followed up with, “I’m not stupid, Jagi. I’m a man. I know how we think. You should just trust me on this.” 
“Over my cold dead body.” You stuck your tongue out at him and stalked out of the room, as he shrugged once again and went back to scrolling through his phone. 
The next evening, when you unlocked the door to the apartment and came into the living room, Joon was waiting, sitting on the couch, a triumphant look washing over his features as he saw you. Watching you set your work bag down on the counter and kick off the high heels that were starting to kill your feet, he draped one arm over the back of the couch casually and said innocently, “So, how was Mark today?” 
“Don’t you have better things to do?” You muttered out under you breath, as you opened the fridge and grabbed a cold drink, popping it open and taking a swig. 
“What was that?” He asked sweetly, standing from the couch and rounding the counter to stand beside you, watching you carefully, a knowing smile flashing across his lips, his dimples flashing in his cheeks. 
“I said.” You set the drink down, suddenly refired up remembering your conversation from the night before, as you offered him a forced smile, determined he would not win this. “Things with Mark were great. He bought me lunch and helped me finish my paperwork for that big presentation I have coming up.” 
The smile dropped from his face, and you felt triumph surge through your chest at his serious expression, as he said, his voice flat, collected, “Oh. That’s good.” 
Turning away from you, he opened the fridge and grabbed a drink as well, popping it open and taking a long drink, not looking at you, his face still fallen. 
The successful feeling in your chest disappeared as soon as it had come, as you watched his disappointed expression and movements, a sudden shift in the air between you. “Joon.” You sighed out, letting go of the competition, as you set your drink down again and crossed the kitchen to stand before him, wrapping your arms around his waist as you looked up at him. “Are you okay?”
He shook his head slightly, trying to give you a slight smile, as he said, “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s stupid.” He took another drink and then crushed the can in his hand, tossing it into the garbage behind you as he said, “I just feel weird that Mark gets to spend so much time with you.” 
You laughed, the sound relieved, and then reached up to cup his cheek as you said, slightly amused, “Is that it? Babe. That’s called jealousy.” He opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off, saying, “Besides, I’ve decided that Mark and I can’t be friends. We just have too many different interests. It would never work out.” 
He stared at you, his gaze scanning your face, and then a bright smile broke through his lips, as a knowing look came over his eyes and he said, his tone smug, “He wanted to get in your pants, didn’t he?” 
“Oh hell yes.” You laughed, digging into your pocket for the money for the bet, as you waved it in front of Joon’s face. “You were right. I’m sorry.” 
He grinned at you, before setting the money on the counter and pulling you close to him, his lips meeting yours briefly, as he said quietly, “That’s okay. I have a better idea of payment.” 
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“Shut up!” 
You laughed at something Jackson had said, taking another sip of your coffee as he grinned at you, nodding vigorously as he said, “It’s all true. It really happened.” 
You chuckled again, shaking your head at his story. “I cannot believe that.” 
You both laughed again, drinking your coffee in silence for several seconds, before your conversation was interrupted by the sound of the intercom system. The tinny voice of a nurse came over the speakers. “Dr. Park, please come to the front reception area.” 
“Oh!” You glanced over your shoulder, to where the front desk was just in view, barely around the corner, and then turned back to Jackson, saying apologetically, “Just a second. I’ll only be a minute.” 
He nodded in understanding, as you picked up your coffee, your heels clicking on the tile floors as you walked down the corridor to the other desk. Securing your stethoscope around your neck, and patting the pocket of your lab coat to make sure you had your pen and notepad, you came around the slight corner and stopped, a grin spreading across your face at the sight of your husband. He was leaned against the desk, his legs clad in ripped black jeans, his sweater tight around his toned upper body, his sunglasses covering his eyes, his silver hair falling carefully across his forehead. 
When he caught sight of you, he straightened, letting out a low whistle, playfully lowering his sunglasses, his slow gaze perusing you as you approached, as he said, “There’s the hottest doctor in the hospital.” 
Laughing, you slapped his arm with your free hand, as he pushed his sunglasses up on top of his head, grinning at you, his full lips pulled back over perfectly white teeth. “Stop it, babe. You’re embarrassing me.” 
He held up a cup of coffee in his hand, as he winked at you and then said, “It’s true. Hey, I brought you coffee.” His eyes ran down your arm, to the already half finished coffee in your hand, and his face grew serious as he said coolly, “But, I see you already have some.” 
“Oh, yeah.” You held up the cup to him apologetically, motioning over your shoulder down the hallway to where Jackson still stood at the other nurse’s desk. “I’m sorry, babe. Jackson and I were on the same shift today, and he knew I had a difficult patient earlier, so he brought me some coffee on our break.” 
“Oh.” The word was flat, factual, as Jimin glanced over your shoulder and down the hallway to Jackson, his eyes piercing and dark and unreadable. Jakson, who must have noticed the stare, awkwardly waved a hand at the two of us, before looking down and fiddling with his coffee under the continued scrutiny. 
“Babe.” You said, your tone slightly warning, the look on your husband’s face familiar, petty, passive aggressive. “Don’t.” 
He looked back over to you, offering you a slight smile as he said, “What? I just want to talk to the male nurse. Jackson, was it?” He put a hand on your shoulder as he passed you, his stride determined as he walked down the hallway toward Jackson. 
“Babe, please, no.” You hurried after him, your coffee, both of them, forgotten on the other desk in your desire to stop Jimin. You grasped his arm, trying to stop him, but he was a machine, only focused on the man before him who was quickly approaching. 
Before you knew it, you had reached the desk, and you were left, watching, mouthing ‘I’m sorry’ from behind Jimin as he offered a forced smile to your coworker, saying, “Hi, Jackson is it?” 
The man glanced over at you, and then his eyes shifted to Jimin, who was incredibly intimidating, despite his shorter stature, and he offered him a smile as he said, his voice slightly nervous, “Um, yeah. And you must be Park Jimin? Dr. Park’s husband? I’ve heard a lot about you....” 
“Yeah, let’s cut the small talk.” Your husband’s features went serious as he leaned against the desk next to the nurse, his eyes fiery, as he said, “Listen. I only have so many breaks during the day. And as you seem to know, so does my wife.” His full lips pressed into a straight, patronizing smile as he continued, his beautifully melodic voice cool, “So, I’d like to request that you don’t bring her coffee again. Because you see, that’s sort of my job, and I quite enjoy it. So if you could back off, that’d be great.” 
Jackson’s surprised gaze flashed to you, over the shoulder of Jimin, your cheeks red, completely mortified, before he glanced back the man in front of him, and said, his hands up slightly as he backed away, “Yeah, no problem man. See you later.” 
He rushed off, and you came around to take his place in front of Jimin, your hands on your hips as you regarded the man before you. “Okay, first off, he didn’t deserve that. Not in the slightest.” You stared at him for a moment, as he rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to defend himself. “No. I’m not done.” You cut him off, your tone still reprimanding, but you couldn’t stop the slight smile from crossing your face as you said quietly, “Secondly, I know I shouldn’t, but I find your petty passive aggressiveness extremely hot. So.” You raised an eyebrow at him, taking his hand in his as you checked the time on your watch. “I still have ten minutes left on my break. And I hear the new doctors’ lounge has a bed. Care to check it out with me?” 
He grinned at you, his full lips pink against his tanned skin, before he said, “I would enjoy nothing more.” 
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“He’s doing great with the other dogs today!” You said, watching Yeontan fondly from across the park, where you were sitting on a bench, your hand twined with Tae’s. 
“Yeah, well, he’s the smartest one here.” Your husband said, his tone filled with pride, as he watched the small fluffy dog yap and run around happily with the other dogs filling the dog park. 
“You’re so soft.” You laughed out and leaned over to kiss his cheek, his attention still on the dog. 
“Oh!’ You looked down as a large, black dog suddenly shoved its nose into your lap, its tongue lolling and its eyes bright as it looked up at you. Recognizing the dog, you exclaimed, starting to scratch it enthusiastically behind the ears, “Oh, hello Rolo! You scared me.” You glanced up, looking around the dog park as you mused, “Is your dad here then?” 
“Hmm?” Tae hummed out, watching Yeontan still, his attention only half on what you were saying. 
“Oh, nothing.” You stood from the bench, having caught sight of the man you were looking for. Putting a hand on Tae’s shoulder to get his attention, you said, “That’s one of my regular patients. I’m gonna go say hi and then I’ll be back okay?” 
He nodded, and you didn’t know if he had fully heard you, as you said, “Come on Rolo!” The black dog, trotting at your heels, followed you across the dog park and to his owner. When you approached, you called out in a friendly tone, “Hey, Juyin! It’s good to see you!” 
The man looked up as you called his name, and a grin spread across his face as you approached, his hand waving at you as he said, “Hey, doc. Good to see you! How you been?” 
You laughed, crouching down beside him to give Rolo more pets as you looked up at him, saying in amusement, “Well, you know. About the same since I saw you two days ago.” 
He crouched down beside you, fondling the big dogs ears before he said, slight worry crossing his face, “Yeah, I know we just came in. But Rolo’s breathing has sounded a bit funny to me since then. So I think I’ll make another appointment for Monday.” 
You smiled, nodding, knowing that it was likely nothing, like usual, but willing to indulge him. “Yeah, okay, sounds great.” 
Standing up, you offered him another smile, and Rolo one last pat, before you said, gesturing over your shoulder to where Tae was still sitting, “I’d better get back. But it was nice seeing you! See you both Monday.” 
You started to walk away, waving over your shoulder as Juyin called out after you, “See you then, doc!” 
Sitting back down beside Tae on the bench with a sigh, you pushed some strands of hair out of your eyes as you searched the park, located Yeontan, before saying, “How’s he doing?” 
“Oh, he’s fine.” Tae glanced over at you as you put your arm around his shoulders, before he said, “Who was that?” 
You looked over at him, offering him a slight smile as you said, “Oh, one of my patients. You know how I told you about that guy that always brings his dog in for appointments, but there’s never anything wrong with him?” He nodded your head in the direction of Juyin. “That’s him.” You laughed, caught up in your explanation, not noticing the look of annoyance that had come across your husband’s features. “He’s basically a hypochondriac, but he pushes it off on his poor dog.” 
“Or, he comes to the office so often because he wants to see a certain pretty vet.” Tae mumbled out under his breath, not looking at you. 
‘What?” You said, surprise filling your voice, as you shifted on the bench to stare at him. “Are you serious?” 
“I dunno.” He shrugged, as Yeontan ran over to him, depositing a stick at his feet. Pausing to reach down and throw the stick for the dog, he continued. “It just seemed like you guys were pretty friendly.” 
“Tae.” You suppressed a smile, as you reached out for his chin, forcing him to look at you as you said seriously, “I’m his dog’s vet. It’s necessary for me to be friendly with patients.” You let your grin slip through. “But you and I both know that you’re the only human I actually like. And that’s never going to change.” 
He watched you for a moment, gauging your sincerity, and then his boxy grin broke through his features, as he chuckled and took your hand, saying, “Yeah, dogs are better than people.” 
“Damn straight.” You said, as you retrieved Yeontan’s stick and threw it once again. 
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You sat in the empty stadium, your feet kicked up onto the chair in front of you, a notepad held in your lap and a pen poised in your hand. 
On stage, your boyfriend was running through his solo number, working out the final kinks in the choreography, finishing sound check, readying himself for the show later that evening. He had asked you to watch and take notes on anything that didn’t look right from the audience’s perspective. 
So here you were, dutifully note taking, silently admiring his dedication and power on stage, not to mention had good his hot body looked in that suit, his sweaty hair falling into his eyes, perspiration glinting on his tan skin in a way that made you lose your breath. 
“Oh, hey!” 
You glanced up, a voice breaking through your concentration, though you had to admit, in that moment you had been concentrating more on controlling yourself, and less on your boyfriend’s performance. Slightly flustered, caught off guard, red crept across your cheeks as you said, “Oh, hi.” 
The young man, a grin spread across his features, sat down in the empty seat beside you and glanced over at the stage, where Jungkook had grown still, listening to some feedback through his earpiece from the directors. “He’s really amazing, huh?” He said, awe in his tone as he stared at your boyfriend. 
“Um, yeah.” You said, glancing back down at your notes, wondering who this kid was and why he was here. 
“Oh, sorry!” As if he had heard your thoughts, he stuck out a hand, saying pleasantly, “I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Soowin. One of the new trainees. The producer suggested it might be beneficial for me to watch someone as great as Jungkook-hyung practice.” 
You glanced over at him again, his features overly enthusiastic, and then took his hand after a brief moment of hesitation, saying, “I’m (Y/N).” 
He nodded, shaking your hand vigoursly, as he said, “Oh, I know. You’re Jungkook-hyung’s girlfriend. I’ve seen you around BigHIt. You’re pretty.” He grinned at you, and you felt the blush come back at his innocent praise. 
“Thank you?” You said, slightly caught off guard by the fact that you liked how friendly this kid was. 
“Also. Are you around the studio so much because of Jungkook? Or do you work there too?” He continued, glancing over at your boyfriend again as he ran through the routinue once more. 
“Oh, no.” You laughed slightly, waving a hand at him. “I’m not just there because of Jungkook. I work at BigHit.” You grinned at the look of surprise on his face. “I”m actually one of the dance instructors.” You pointed your pen at the moves Jungkook as running through on stage, leaning over to whisper conspiratorially to him, “I actually blocked this entire number if you can believe it.” 
“No way!” His eyes got big, and he leaned closer to you, gripping your arm in tight fingers as he said, eyes sparkling with excitement, “Would you be able to block one of my numbers some day?” 
I laughed again. His innocence and excitement were contagious. “I dunno. Maybe. I’ll try my best, okay?” 
He nodded again, opening his mouth to say something else, but before he could, your conversation was interrupted by Jungkook’s voice, loud as it came over his mic, “Hey, (Y/N). Can I see you for a minute backstage?” 
You glanced over at him, his hands on his hips, his dark eyes flashing beneath his sweat drenched bangs, and nodded, standing up before you said to Soowin, “It was nice chatting. I’ll see you around.” 
Hurrying to follow after Jungkook, who had already went off stage, you found him in the dark area behind the curtains, one of the staff fixing his mic pack, another messing with his hair. He regarded you with dark eyes, his lips pulled into a frown, as he said testily, “You’re supposed to be taking notes. Not talking with some trainee.” 
Your mouth dropped open at his sharp words, and you felt anger build in your chest as you snapped back, “I did take notes. See?” You held up the notepad, filled with writing for him to see, and then slammed it down on the makeup table as you hissed out, “But maybe I should add another one. ‘Jungkook is an ass.’” 
The staff had left, leaving the two of you alone at this point, as he took a step toward you, his eyes flashing, running an agitated hand through his just styled hair, as he growled out, “You guys seemed awfully friendly. Why don’t you go to his performance instead?” 
“Holy shit, Kook. This is ridiculous.” You threw your hands up in the air, exasperated at his attitude and this fight. This was stupid. “You know I love you. Only you. That’s why I’m spending my Saturday here, with you, taking dumb notes, when I could be in bed!” You locked stares with him, both of your gazes hard, as you said, “You are such a jackass.” 
He regarded you, silently, his lips still pursed into a thin line, and then suddenly, catching you off guard, he closed the distance between you, his lips on yours, hot, needy, rough. His teeth nipped your bottom lip, as he pressed you back against the table behind you, scattering makeup product on the floor, as his tongue slipped between your parted lips, making you let out a moan as he caressed the inside of your mouth. 
And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over,
He pulled back from you, both of your gasping for breath, his hands still on either side of your body, caging you in, and as you licked your lips, still in shock at his actions, he murmured out, his voice low, intense, his eyes molten on yours, “You’re mine. Get it?” 
You nodded, and he released you, stepping back and smoothing his hair, as you said, slightly breathlessly, “You’re still an ass. And I’ll talk to whoever I want. But.” You swallowed, hard, the feel of his lips on your still imprinted on your brain. “I’m yours, Jeon Jungkook. Always and forever.” 
He grinned at you then, tapping his temple with his index finger, as he said playfully, “Good. Now, get back to taking notes.” 
Grumbling under your breath, you picked up the notepad again, following him back on stage, a slight smile slipping across your lips before you could stop it. 
367 notes · View notes
letspurpletogether · 6 years
Teasing (m)
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→ Pairings: Jungkook x Reader
→ Word count: 3.6k
→ Summary: The one where your study partner is just too cute you can’t resist teasing him.
↳ Warnings: pwp, (like zero plot istg...) explicit sexual themes, fingering, some dry-humping, unprotected sex, inexperienced partner, sub!jungkook, noona kink, some fluff if you squint. I didn’t proofread this so I apologize for any spelling mistakes.
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“Are you cold?”, Jungkook asks you after he sees you shudder again.
“I’m good”, you wave a hand in dismissal, you eyes glued to the laptop’s screen where the word document with your group’s assignment is opened, almost done. You’re freezing, actually, but there’s nothing to do about it considering you’re already wearing one of his fluffiest hoodies over your shirt. “Let’s just wrap this up real quick. We still need a better conclusion”.
Normally there is nothing in this world that can drag you away from your bed on a Sunday winter’s afternoon, but this assignment is worth 70 percent of your final grade and if you want to keep your scholarship you can’t afford less than a 4,5 for this essay. It was Jungkook’s idea to meet at his dorm, but he forgot to mention the heating system at his dorm was a little broken.
While you are sitting at the small blue couch right in front of his single bed, the laptop over your legs and a knitted blanket Jungkook had lying around his room threw over your shoulders, your partner sits down on the floor, legs crossed. Books and notes scattered around him and on his unmade bed, a bottle of banana milk half finished in his hand. He looks a lot younger than he is in his oversized black hoodie and the sleepy expression on his face as he sips from the red straw.
“We could finish it tomorrow, noona”, he suggests. But you are quickly shake your head in dismissal. 
“We have to turn this in tomorrow. There is no time”
Jungkooks whines.
“We don’t have class with professor Kim until after lunch, noona. We have time”.
“If you want to sleep be my guest. I’ll see myself out when this is done”, you retort and hear him scoff.
“I’m not going to sleep with you in my room still working!”, he pouts. You can’t help a small chuckle leaving your lips at the sight of him with his pink-tinted cheeks. “Come on, noona... We’ve been over the essay half a dozen times already, it’s good. A single conclusion paragraph is good enough”.
You sigh and close the laptop. He has a point, but your perfectionist ass is always in search for the extra bit. Maybe you can try to polish it up by yourself tomorrow at first hour before leaving for your first class and give the poor boy a break. He’s never been one for academic writing, Jungkook always did better with the arts. He was quite good, even got some of his sketches published on one of the campus magazines.
“Fine...”, you stretch your arm to grab the laptop’s case and then proceed to secure it inside. “If you are that tired I guess I can leave”
“That’s not- !”, he looks down, a hand comes to his face in a poor attempt to hide his obvious blush from you “I didn’t mean it like that... You- you can stay...”. He whispers that last bit, but you still catch it.
“Stay?”, you smirk and look at him with amusement. Jungkook refuses to meet your eyes, he’s so cute when he’s embarrassed like that. “Stay where? Should I sleep in your bed then?”
He shoots his head up, like a deer caught in headlights. His doe eyes stare at you as if they couldn’t believe what you just said. His face’s gone completely red by now.
“I-“, he captures the red straw between his lips to avoid your question but ends up chocking up before he can swallow. 
He puts it aside, coughing a couple times to get his breathing back to normal. Then he gives you a sheepish look.
“If noona wants to sleep here I can take the floor”, you can’t help but chuckle at his suggestion. Messing with him is always easy. He’s too shy, too cute sometimes that it’s hard to resist teasing him a little longer. But alas, you take pity on him and laugh it off.
“I’m just joking, relax”, you tell him and stand up from the couch to gather your things.
You hear him chocke out a forced laugh and turn your face to check his facial expresion. A hand rubs his neck, and there’s that tiny head tilt he does whenever he’s nervous. He notices your eyes on him so he immediately stands up and offers his help.
It’s when you are ready to leave that you remember that you are still wearing his hoodie. A last chance to push his buttons and watch his cute face contort in embarrassment. 
“Oh, hold on...”, you hand him your bag. “Let me give this back to you before I steal it”
You step back to grab the hem of the hoodie and pull it over your head. 
“You don’t-” The motion drags your shirt along a little, leaving your mid drift exposed to Jungkook’s eyes. 
He knows he shouldn’t be staring at you again, but God! You’re so hot sometimes it drives him insane. And the worst part is that he knows you don’t see him as anything more than a kid. It’s not like you’ve rejected him or something, despite your constant teasing and flirting, he is convinced his not your type. He’s seen it: mature and elegant, with their life all figured out. Very much like that Seokjin dude you dated a few months back. Jungkook knows he’s the opposite and he doesn’t have the balls to ask you out anyway.
The last thing he wants is to make things weird between the two of you. If you stopped talking to him, then he’d be devastated. 
You take off the oversized hoodie, and Jungkook notices something odd about the way your boobs bounce softly when you fix your shirt. And is with a racing heart that he realizes you are not wearing a bra.
All this time? Does that mean you walked in here like that? 
”...W-Why aren't you wearing a bra?! , he doesn’t think before he speaks. “This is a boys only floor, noona!”
You look at him a little baffled at his outburst.
Why does he sound so scandalized? You are in your pajamas anyway, a long T-shirt and some joggers. Why would you use a bra when all you want is to be comfortable? 
You smirk and raise one eyebrow.
”And why are you looking at my boobs, Jungkookie?”, you coo.
”I'm not! Well- I am but it's not...” he's completely flustered now, stumbling on his words. He covers his eyes with his palm and lets out an anguish whine. ”They’re just there!”
You chuckle and lean closer to his form. Just enough so you can whisper into his ear. ”Your such a little perv, Kookie... Fooling girls with that innocent act of yours when you are like this... tsk, tsk, tsk”.
“Oh my God! That’s not-”, he takes a deep breath and shies away from you.  “Noona, don’t say those things...”
He plops down on his bed, now covering his embarrassed face with both hands. He blushes even harder, that even down the neck of his shirt you see that he’s completely flushed.
You can tell your little act affected his blood flow in more than one way also, by the way he bring one hand to his pocket to fix his pants. It only makes you want to push him even more, but you don’t know how much he’s going to take before he kicks you out of his room.
So instead, you sit next to him and try to calm him down.
“I’m sorry, you’re just too easy to tease, baby”, you half-joke, a hand goes to pat his broad back. A soft whimper comes out of his lips at your casual use of the term of endearment and you chuckle, delighted “I won’t do it again”
Jungkook takes a deep sigh and lowers his hand from his face.
“You’re so mean sometimes, noona”, he says and looks up to meet your eyes for a brief moment before looking away.
You give him more reassuring pats on his back. 
“Sorry, let me make it up to you. Would you like that?”.
“What would you like me to do, hm?”, you ask.
It’s actually an innocent question. You are thinking about buying him some of those lamb skewers he loves, or getting him a new sketchpad, maybe a coffee. But when eyes meet and you find yourself enraptured by the way his pupils visible dilate, obscuring the warm brown from his eyes.
He licks his lips, your eyes follow his tongue’s movements and your are suddenly aware of how close you two actually are.
He smells warm, like a sunny day. All the heat that irradiates from his honey skin you can feel it through your palm. You lick your lips and lean closer, your hand tracing figures of eight on his back. He shudders, but doesn’t draw back. On the contrary, he moves a little closer to your until the outside of his his knee touch yours.
The shift in the mood is obvious the next time he speaks. 
“Noona...”, his voice is a husky whisper.
“Yes, Kookie?”
“Can I...”, his eyes linger for a moment on your lips, as his pink tongue prods out of him mouth to moisture his own. He’s so cute and he has no clue to what that little tongue of his does to you. “c-can I kiss you?”.
Kiss you? Did innocent Kookie really just asked if he could kiss you?
Oh, my...
He doesn’t even know what he’s getting himself into.
Your hand moves from his back to his cheek and you run your fingertips over his soft skin. You cup his cheek and like a puppy he closes his eyes, keening into your touch. So compliant, so cute, you think to yourself.
You don’t answer him. Instead, your body moves forward and you press your lips to his as your other hand comes to cup his other cheek. Jungkook’s breath hitches in his mouth when your lips meet, but he soon melts into you. 
His lips are soft as they start to move awkwardly to match your rhythm.
You bite his lower lip, earning a gasp from him. That’s when you take the chance to prod your tongue past his lips. He tastes sweet like banana milk.
And he moans into your kiss. 
You want nothing more than to ruin him, to hear him moan and beg for his release. But maybe not just yet... you don’t know if he’s ready, if he had any kind of experience. He’s a handsome guy, you know there are half dozen girls in your semester that are after him. But he doesn’t pay attention to them, it’s like he is not interested at all. That makes you wonder if he could be a virgin still...
However, it’s the hand that’s creeping up your shirt and grabs a breast without hesitation that makes you realize he is not. He kneads and pinches one nipple between his fingers making you moan on his lips.
Before he can make you moan again, your hands land on Jungkook’s shoulders and you push him back onto the mattress. He gasps as you move to straddle him, pinning his wrists to the mattress.
Jungkook looks at you with heavy lidded eyes, his lips red a swollen from your kisses. His breath hitches in his throat when you lower yourself on his lap and grind against his growing bulge.
You lean down to press a short kiss against his jaw and pull back to watch his worked up expression.
“What now?” You ask with a playful smile.
“Did you just want to kiss me, Kookie?”, you tease him further. He swallows hard.
“No?” You coo. “What else do you want to do, hm?”
“I want- I want to...”, he can’t seem to find the words, so you have to do it for him.
“Do you want to touch me again, baby?”. A needy groan leave a his throat.
“Where?”, he’s blushing out of control, and bites his nether lip so hard for a moment you think he might draw blood. You release one of his wrists and run a hand down his chest.  “Use your words or noona is going to get her things and leave”
“No! Please... don’t leave... don’t-“
“Then answer me”, you hand slips under his hoodie and shirt, to find his warm skin, rippling with lean muscle. You can’t wait to strip him and cover his skin with love bites. “Where do you want to touch me, baby boy?”
“I- I want to touch your tits, suck at them...”, he admits with closed eyes. You busy yourself with trailing kisses down his neck.
“What else?”
“I want to touch your legs... “, his free hand moves to your thighs. “And your ass...”
“Is that all?”
“N-no, I... I want to touch...”, he opens his eyes, now clouded with lust and need. “I want to touch your pussy... I- I want to fuck you, noona”.
And the cute bunny surprises you again for a second time tonight. He’s bolder than you thought he’d be. 
“You want to fuck me?”, You feign surprise to rile him up a bit more. “Such a dirty boy, baby”
He bites into his own lips and lets out a shaky breath. 
“Noona, please...” he grips the fabric of your joggers, and the hand that’s still trapped in your hold tightens into a fist.  “I’m so into you.. I- I really really like you, y/n. Let me... please let me have you...”, his cute and desperate confession has a streak of arousal shooting through your body, right to your core.
You smirk.
“Then take me”.
He nods and raises his head to capture your lips in his again. You free his wrist and he wastes no time grabbing a handful of your ass, prompting you to grind down against him. God you are so wet, you are sure it’s already begin to leak down your pants. You slide up and down over his clothed length with ease, his hard cock providing you delicious friction.
It’s with great difficulty that you manage to break from his kiss to get rid of his yellow hoodie along with his shirt in one tug. His skin is beautiful: lithe muscle in such a sweet honey color and you can’t help yourself. You want to taste him, and so you lean forward and leave a wet kiss between his pecs, and go down from there. He sighs. You quickly make your way to his left nipple and trap his hardened bud between your lips, while you hand finds the other one and tugs at it. 
Jungkook cries out, you note he’s very sensitive and wonder how well would he do with the toys you have stored back home. You keep kissing, pulling, bitting twisting to elicit more of those beautiful sounds. 
You are no longer bothered with the cold as you keep grinding down on him.
“Ahh... that- that feels good...”, he manages to speak between chocked cries, and tangles his fingers into your hair. “Noona... please...”
You pull back to discard your own shirt and wink at him when you toss it aside. Jungkook lowers his gaze to your exposed breast and licks his lips in anticipation. It doesn’t take too long before you are both naked, hands all over each other. Jungkook is sucking at your nipple whilst he other is being taken care of by his hand. Your hand wraps around his throbbing length, pumping it just enough to make him shudder.
He wraps his arms around your waist and rolls you over the mattress, so that he can feel your body flushed against his. One hand traces the curve of your hips, tracing a beeline towards your core, while he used the other for support.
He uses two fingers to separate your lips, moving them up and down to coat them in your slick. You pull the hairs at his nape when he decided to slip two of them inside your heat at the same time. He moves them in and out, squelching  sounds filling the room along with your own labored breaths.
“Do you like that, noona?”
“Yes, baby... it’s feels amazing. Keep going”, you move your hips in circles trying to follow the rhythm of his hand. He makes you arch your back every time the heel of his hand brushes against your engorged clit.
He adds a third finger.
You are so ready for him, a gush of slick cover his hand and trails down between your butt cheeks. The coil of pleasure begins to tighten at the pit of your stomach with each thrust of his fingers. You need to have his dick now, or you might lose your mind.
“Jungkook...”, you call for him, but he’s too busy working you up over the edge that he doesn’t hear you. His fingers curve inside you, brushing against your most sensitive spot. He curls them again, every time white sparks of pleasure shoot through your body. His lips busy sucking a hickey on your neck. “Ahh... fuck-“
You grab him by the wrist. He raises his head to look at you.
“You need to lay back, now”, you say, out of breath. He grins, his bunny teeth showing making him look too adorable considering what he’s being doing. He nods eagerly and retreats his fingers from your pussy with a wet sound.
He positions himself on the bed, back against the mattress and you crawl up his body again. 
The swollen and red head of his cock already oozing precum when you grab him to pump him a few times, before guiding his cock to your soaking entrance. However, the head just nudges past your lips when he stops you with a panicked expression.
“Wait, wait, wait!”
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
He takes a deep breath, as you sinking back to your heels. Jungkook sits straight and you examine his face, hoping to read whatever it is that made him change his mind. The red in his cheeks intensifies as he makes a poorly attempt to hide it.
“I- I don’t have condoms...”, he sounds defeated, and you can’t help but chuckle, reaching for his face to brush the fringe from his eyes. “And I’m not sure if I- if I can pull out on time”.
“I’m on the pill, Kook...”, he nods absentmindedly like doesn’t fully understand what you just said. You throw your arms around his shoulders and press your lips to the corner of his mouth. 
Jungkook lets out a pleased sigh. 
“Does- does that mean we can still do it?”, he asks and you align your faces together. 
“Do you want to?”
He nods.
“I am, I haven’t- I mean... “ he mouths something you can’t quite understand. “I’m tested, I’m clean”
“I’m clean too”, you caress his chest and shoulders with a soft smile. You lower a hand between your bodies and circle his length. Jungkook closes his eyes and sighs his pretty face relaxing in pleasure. “Do you trust me?”
“I do”, he breathes.
You tilt your hips upwards, supporting your weight on your knees and guide his cock to your opening. The head nudges at your entrance, glistening with your mixed lubricant, and your hands come to hold his shoulders as you begin to sheath him inside of you. 
You caress his chest, leaving a small peck on his lips before pushing him back on the bed. The stretch feels so good already and he’s not even fully in yet. Jungkook’s hands come to gently fondle with your breasts as you sink down completely with one thrust.
“Fuck... noona...”, Jungkook gasps as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
His thick veiny cock stretches you open, and you start moving. You keep slow pace at first, enamores with the soft sounds spilling from Jungkook’s lips as he moves his hips to meet yours. But a particular hard thrust has you clenching around him and he moans loud. 
“Ahhh, shit... faster, noona... please”.
His fingers dig into the skin of your hips and he thrust up again.
He doesn’t need to ask you twice as you start to bounce up and down his cock, grinding your click against his pelvic bone every chance you get. A slapping sound every time your ass meets the seat of his lap. The bed creaks loud under the movements of your lovemaking, sure the room next door has to be empty or you would’ve heard complains by now.
Jungkook moans your name over and over, the bright flush on his sweat-covered skin tells you he’s probably close already.
“Are you going to cum for me, Kookie?”, You clench your muscles around him again, and he cries out. His breathy moans are the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard, and as you keep grinding onto him you can feel your own pleasure start to peak. But you don’t want to come yet, you want to see his pretty face when he comes firsts.
“¡Ngh...! I- Ahh...”, he swallows hard, taking a deep breath. His hands leave soft touches on your hips and move down your thighs.  “I’m really close, noona... if you keep doing that I’m-“, you clench again and his eyes go blank with pleasure. “¡F-fuck...!”
“Do you want to come inside, baby?”, you push back his fringe that’s already drenched in sweat and keep up a steady rhythm. Jungkook nods fervently in response, unable to speak properly and you lean down to kiss him. You tongue plays with his, and you suck on his lower lip before whispering to his ear. “Fill me up then, baby”.
That seems to be enough to throw him over the edge.
“Noona, fuck, fuck, fuck...¡Agh! ¡Ahhh-!” he chants, holding onto your hips with both hands to keep you still as he starts thrusting up again until his release hits him. 
The coil of pleasure down your abdomen that grew even tighter watching Jungkook come undone is about to snap. The way his cock pulses between your walls sending shivers down your spine. A high pitched moan leaves Jungkook’s mouth, his eyes shut, eyebrows furrowed and his mouth hangs open. Warm stripes of semen coat your inner walls as he keeps bucking his hips to yours, and you start moving again, to help him riding out his orgasm and chasing your own.
You bite your lip when Jungkook’s thumb finds your clit. Using his own release as lubricant that’s now leaking out of you, he circles the sensitive bud before applying direct pressure with the pad of his finger. You’re almost there, almost... “Ah... Jungkookie... Like that, just like that”, Your moans join his breathy whines as he begins to feel the pain of overstimulation.
“Noona, please... ‘s too much- Ngh!”. His voice sounds ten times sexier when he begs, whining and crying for you to come all over his sensitive cock. That’s what finally makes you reach your high. White sparks of pleasure flash before your eyes as your orgasm washes over you. 
You moan your lover’s name and your nails rack down his chest. 
“Shit, shit... Ahh... Ngh...”
You roll your hips, riding out your orgasm until you come down completely. Jungkook is trembling under your touch. Tired and spent, he winces when you slide off his member and let yourself fall next to him in the narrow bed.
For a moment there’s only silence and the sound of your labored breaths.
You bring a hand to your forehead to wipe the cold sweat off your skin. You are suddenly aware of the room’s temperature again and a shiver runs down your spine. Jungkook notices and rolls over to wraps your in his arms before pulling the blanket over your bodies. The warmth of his body pressing against your back makes you feel so contented, more than you’d dare to admit out loud. 
“That was...”, he sighs and his nose nuzzles against the crook of your neck. “I’mma ask professor Kim to give us more assignments like this”
You chuckle and turn your face around to give him a peck on the lips. He grins like a little boy.
“You are too cute for your own good”
“Only for you, noona”
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2019 © letspurpletogether.
4K notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 4 years
Undone, Chapter 29 (Bitney) - Stephanie/Veronica
A/N: Well, we’re almost at the end! This is the penultimate chapter, and I promise to post the last one soon! Here’s a link to the previous chapters. Thank you so much to @opalescent-cheetah and @artificialpuddle for beta-reading.
Chapter Summary: Courtney whisks Bianca away for a weekend of rest and relaxation. When they return to LA, they’re met with an unwelcome surprise.  
TW: Emotional abuse, PTSD, stalking, serious car accident
Bianca is eerily quiet during their drive up the coast. Courtney wants to ask her questions, but she doesn’t dare. Instead, she keeps her eyes on the road, occasionally reaching over to place a hand on Bianca’s, just as a small gesture to remind her that she’s not alone.
They arrive at the beautiful house just as the sun is setting. Bianca goes straight to the bedroom to lie down while Courtney discreetly cancels their dinner reservations and brews a few cups of herbal tea. She brings them into the bedroom on a tray, setting it on the night table. She wants to lie down, take Bianca into her arms, but she’s not sure if that’s the right thing to do at the moment. Instead, she stands a bit awkwardly, checking out the views from the bedroom window, watching the ocean waves in the distance.
Bianca sits up, wordlessly reaching for her, pulling her onto the bed. It takes her a minute to get comfortable, pushing aside the covers and curling up against Courtney’s body. Finally, as Courtney’s hand drifts lovingly through her hair, she seems to relax, a deep sigh leaving her.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles into Courtney’s shoulder.
“Sorry for what?” Courtney asks, pressing her cheek to the top of Bianca’s head.
"For..." Bianca pauses, biting her lip, shame etched into the crease between her brows. "I’m sure this isn’t how you pictured a weekend away together.”
“The whole point of the weekend is to give you a chance to relax. I don’t have any expectations.”
“Really?” Bianca asks skeptically.
“Then why do you have a Trader Joe’s bag full of sex toys?”
Shit. Courtney winces a little, saying, “You saw that?”
“Yeah, I thought it would be snacks,” Bianca admits with a dry laugh.
“I’m sorry. I just thought maybe...we should have options.” Courtney feels a bit guilty. She tried to plan for anything Bianca might be in the mood for, not realizing that it would seem insensitive.  
“I do like...options.”
“Yeah, I know you do,” Courtney giggles with a relieved sigh. She breathes in, inhaling the sweet scent of Bianca’s hair, arms tight around her. “So, you were looking for snacks. Does that mean you’re hungry? Wanna order some food?”
“No. I just want you.” Bianca buries her face into Courtney’s neck, shifting against her.
Courtney holds her closer. These moments, when she can enjoy the quiet closeness, these are the times when she feels the luckiest. It’s been a rough road for them to get to this place, but Courtney wouldn’t trade any of it for the world.
A gasp from Bianca causes her to open her eyes.
“What is it? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just...I think...I think I felt her move for the first time…” Bianca’s blue eyes are wide with wonder, hands on her abdomen.
“Omigod, really? Can I feel?” Courtney squeals.
“Yeah...I guess I could be wrong. It didn’t feel like much.” Bianca’s brow furrows, lifting her top so that Courtney can place warm hands on her little bump.
“What did it feel like?”
“Kind of...fluttery? I don’t know…I’m probably being a dumbass.”
Courtney’s thumbs stroke Bianca’s belly, and she leans in.
“Hi, Naomi Watts Del Rio,” Courtney coos, making Bianca laugh. “Are you awake? Wanna come say hi?”
She waits for a few moments, looking up at Bianca questioningly.
“Are you feeling anything?”
“No,” Bianca sighs, a bit disappointed. “I probably just imagined it. Maybe it was just my stomach growling or—”
She stops, brow furrowed.
“—Did you feel that?”
“Are you sure? Because it was definitely something…” Bianca’s hands join Courtney’s. “Talk to her some more.”
Courtney nods, moving her face even closer to Bianca’s belly.
“Listen, Naomi, you should really know—”
“Right there!”
“I felt it!” Courtney exclaims. “Omigod, that’s so cool.”
“Yeah. It’s really cool,” Bianca says, feeling a bit like it’s the understatement of the year. “Keep talking…”
“I want you to know how excited we are to meet you, Naomi... I’ve even learned how to use a drill to build your bed.”
“You probably should have known that already,” Bianca says.
“Shh, we’re talking,” Courtney teases, continuing. “Now, we understand that your brain is not quite developed, and honestly probably won’t be fully cooked until you’re about 25 years old, so I want you to know that if you have any questions, about anything, feel free to ask.”
A light chuckle escapes from Bianca’s mouth. 25 years. Good lord.
“We’ll do our best to provide answers. Although, we really can’t promise that we know everything. There’s a lot we’re still learning, too.”
“Tell me about it,” Bianca mutters, more to herself than to Courtney. It isn’t until Courtney’s eyes lift to meet hers, the happy expression immediately melting into one of concern, that Bianca realizes she’s crying again. “Shit, sorry.”
She wipes her face aggressively with the back of her sleeve, sniffling.
“What’s going on, B?”
“I just...sometimes I forget. That this is forever. That I’m never really getting away from him.”
Courtney takes both of her hands, presses soft kisses against the back of her wrists.
“I feel so guilty, like...I should just be happy, all the time. And usually I am, but…” Bianca’s breath hitches. “Why can’t I be more grateful?”
“You’re scared,” Courtney tells her. She wishes more than anything that she could make it better. “There’s a lot of things we don’t know yet. I think anyone would be scared.”
Bianca nods.
“And I’m sure most mothers have things they’re scared about. Maybe all mothers. So try to give yourself a break,” Courtney says. She reaches up to brush some hair from Bianca’s face. “We’re gonna figure it out.”
Bianca sighs deeply.
“I think I actually am pretty hungry. Let’s order dinner.”
“Okay.” Courtney squeezes her hands one more time before reaching for her phone.  
Things feel brighter when Bianca wakes up on Saturday—enough that Courtney convinces her to go into town that afternoon, check out the sights, do some window shopping. They’re wandering around a park when it slips out that she’s been so terrified to tell anyone about the pregnancy before Jared knew that she hasn’t even told her mom yet.
“What?!” Courtney exclaims, scandalized, then confesses, “Even my mum knows. And Shea, but that was an accident when I got drunk. And Sasha, because...well, Shea told her. But they knew not to say anything!”
“Not good at keeping secrets, are you?” Bianca asks, shaking her head.
“Well, I mean, I’m...no, I guess not. I’m sorry. I was excited.” Courtney bites her lip. “Oops?”
It’s hard to be mad at that, so Bianca just shrugs, strolling over to a shady bench and sitting down.
“Do you think we should call my mom?”
It’s exactly, exactly what Bianca needs. To hear the thrilled excitement in her mother’s voice, how enthusiastically she lists all of the things that she has to send them, asks question after question about her health, if she’s getting enough sleep, have they thought about names, does she need anything? It’s a reminder that no matter what happens with Jared, her baby will be surrounded by love, not just from them, but from a huge extended family. That this isn’t all on her and Courtney’s shoulders. That even though she feels alone sometimes, she’s very much not.
After chatting and crying and laughing with her mother for nearly 45 minutes, Bianca finally hangs up, exhausted and full of love.
“Who’s next?!” Courtney asks, clapping her hands. “Vanessa? Latrice? Kim? Adore?”  
Bianca shakes her head.
“Well, Vanessa already kind of knows. I guess me staying sober at a wedding was too big of a clue.”
“It’s a little suspicious,” Courtney laughs.
“But...can we make the rest of the calls tomorrow? Right now I just wanna...enjoy the sun.”
“Whatever you want, babe.”
They spend the rest of the day downtown, strolling around an art museum, doing some shopping. Bianca even finds herself excited about going back to the house and getting dolled up for the fancy Italian restaurant Courtney booked for them.
She’s glad that they came, and not just because the dress-up night includes Courtney in red lipstick and a smokey eye, looking sinfully sexy as she sits across from her in the candlelight. Also because it feels normal, this date night. It feels like what their lives should be, all the time. The two of them laughing and chatting. Courtney’s sorry attempt to eat her food left-handed because she doesn’t want to unlace her fingers from Bianca’s. And of course, the food is unbelievable. So good that Courtney picks up her dessert plate and starts to lick it.
“What are you doing?!” Bianca hisses.
“It’s good,” Courtney defends herself.  
“Yes, I know that, but we’re not animals.”
“Licking a plate is a sign of respect for the chef,” Courtney says, eyes glittering with laughter.
“Where?!” demands Bianca.
“In my house,” Courtney says.
“Okay...then maybe you should only lick plates in your own house. Where people can’t see you. Because this is...very embarrassing.”
Courtney puts down her plate and sighs in mock seriousness, saying, “Bianca...if you can’t support my platelicking lifestyle, then we have a real problem.”
“I’ll order you another dessert.”
“You’re really missing the point,” Courtney giggles. “And since when do you have a problem with me licking things?”
“Fine. Be weird. Lick away,” Bianca says. She takes a sip of her tea and does nothing to stop Courtney from leaning over the table and licking her cheek, instead just laughing joyfully and shaking her head.
On Sunday, Bianca’s eyes flutter open to the sound of Courtney’s quiet footsteps. She sits up, realizing that Courtney’s already been out for a run, and is now heading towards the bathroom with her sneakers in her hand.
“Hey,” Bianca says, voice still hoarse with sleep, and Courtney looks up at her guiltily.
“Hey. Sorry for waking you.” She places her sneakers on the floor, smiling softly when Bianca reaches out her arms, beckoning her over.
“I’m all gross, don’t you want me to shower first?” Courtney asks, walking over to the bed.
“No.” Bianca takes her hand and pulls her in close, whispering, “I like you sweaty.”
Courtney slides her arms around Bianca’s shoulders.
“Is that so?”
“Uh huh.” Bianca’s fingers are already up under her shorts, slipping in through the side of her panties. She lowers her head to lick the salty sweat from her neck.
It’s strange. When Jared would return from the gym, she always recoiled if he touched her before getting into the shower. She told herself that it was because it was gross and dirty and anyone would feel that way. But now, as she buries her nose into Courtney’s damp hair, inhaling her scent like it’s a drug, she has to admit that there’s an astronomical difference.
Bianca’s thumb grazes Courtney’s clit, making her whimper pitifully. She’s sticky and wet and absolute perfection. Her other hand is teasing, nails lightly scratching her back, raking along her spine.
“We need to cut your nails again,” Courtney says.
“Oh yeah?” Bianca moves her hand lower, nails moving in gentle circles over her ass before digging into the tender flesh.
“Oh god,” Courtney breathes. “Maybe not.”
Bianca bites softly on her earlobe before ordering in a low voice, “Take off your top.”
Courtney obeys instantly, pulling it off and flinging it aside. She’s fully gone; eyes dilated, dripping wet. Bianca pulls her slick fingers away and holds them out like an offering.
Courtney’s mouth falls open and Bianca pushes her fingers gently inside. She sucks on them ardently, so utterly shameless that Bianca thinks she might come just from watching. Her heart races as she withdraws her fingers, pulling Courtney into a passionate kiss, licking into her mouth. She can taste her, that salty sweetness that makes Bianca dizzy with lust.
She works her fingers back in between Courtney’s thighs, ghosting over her clit—once, twice, three times—watching her gasp and plead for more, arching into her hand. Her head is lolling back, and Bianca nibbles along her jaw.
“Look at me.”
Courtney’s head turns toward her slowly, hips now rutting faster against Bianca’s fingers.
“Please, B…”
“Please what?”
“Fuck me. Please fuck me, I need-” Courtney inhales sharply as two fingers push inside her hot, wet pussy. She moans brokenly.
“I love the beautiful sounds you make,” Bianca tells her, curling her fingers, thumb still dancing over her clit.
“I love...I love…”
“What do you love, angel?”
Courtney’s moaning is getting higher and louder as Bianca strokes her from the inside.
“Tell me.”
But Courtney’s now too lost in her own ecstasy for words. Instead, it’s just unintelligible moans as she arches up, fisting the sheets, face tilted towards Bianca. She’s rapidly unraveling, spasms rocking her body, over and over.
Bianca’s mouth hovers over hers, swallowing up her gorgeous moans.
“Had enough, baby?”
Courtney shakes her head, and Bianca smiles, sucking gently on her bottom lip, thumb pressing against her swollen clit. She keeps going until Courtney can’t take it anymore, tears collected in her eyes, sweat beading on her brow.
“B...oh, god.”
Bianca eases her fingers out slowly and sucks them into her mouth as Courtney collapses against her chest, panting. She presses a kiss against her sweaty temple, rocking her.
“Fuck…” Courtney exhales. “I was...not expecting that.”
“No?” Bianca flutters her lashes innocently, dimples deep.
Courtney smiles up at her, shaking her head.
“You’re full of surprises. I never would have expected for you to be so into the...the mess of it all.”
She offers a lopsided grin and says, “But your mess is beautiful. Delicious. So-”
She’s cut off as Courtney’s lips press against hers again, hot tongue slipping into her mouth. She can feel things shifting, feel her spine begin to tingle as Courtney pushes her onto her back, slips a hand under her top to pinch her nipple. She arches up with a gasp.
“Hey,” she pants against Courtney’s mouth, “What do you say we just...stay in bed all day? How does that sound?”  
“Sold!” Courtney replies, pulling a sheet over them.
All things considered, it’s a pretty good day. They do in fact stay in bed for hours, fucking lazily and dozing on and off, bodies tangled together, finally getting around to ordering some food around 3, and then wandering downstairs to enjoy the swimming pool and lounge in the warm sun until it begins to set. Bianca manages a few more phone calls about the baby. Vanessa has broken the news to her other sisters already (unsurprising), but Latrice is shocked and thrilled, squealing into her ear with joy. No one brings up the Jared factor, and Bianca is grateful for that.
Once the autumn air turns chilly, she and Courtney head back inside, climbing under the covers to experiment with that Trader Joe’s bag of toys, until Bianca’s voice is hoarse and raspy from moaning, body so spent that she can barely move.
As a bonus, it keeps Bianca’s mind occupied and her hands busy during the day, and allows her a few hours of sound, restful sleep.
Bianca is on pins and needles on Monday, waiting for Asia’s message about the restraining order. She finally gets the call a little after eleven, telling her that everything’s been taken care of and that it’s safe to come back.
“Make sure to tell me if he contacts you in any way, because we can use that to make the restraining order permanent,” she explains.
They get on the road right away; Courtney knows that Bianca is anxious to see the dogs, and to get a bunch of errands done before they have to go back to work on Tuesday. They manage to only stop once for gas in Van Nuys.
Bianca’s just coming out from the restroom when her phone starts to ring. She sees the caller ID and feels the chill all throughout her body. It’s a new number, but she knows who it is anyway. And then she sees the rest of the notifications: over 10 new text messages, from the same number.
When the voicemail message pops up, she presses her phone on the hood of the car, face down, closing her eyes.
“I don’t want to listen. I don’t want to look.”
“You don’t have to,” says Courtney. “You can just forward everything to Asia.”
“How?” Bianca says, voice breaking. She’s starting to feel so small and useless again.
“Come here, baby.” Courtney takes the phone gently and shows her how to forward the message.
Bianca feels like a moron. It’s ridiculously simple. If she wasn’t shaking so hard, she would have figured it out herself. Courtney also goes to her text messages, takes a couple of screenshots, and includes them as well. She doesn’t make Bianca read them, but the look on her face tells Bianca all she needs to know.
“He’s mad, isn’t he? About the restraining order. The baby, I-”
“Yeah. He’s mad.” Courtney doesn’t hand her phone back, instead placing it into the cup holder, where Bianca doesn’t have to see it, but it begins to buzz again almost immediately.
Bianca whimpers pitifully at the sound, that helpless feeling returning, and Courtney takes a deep breath.
“Okay, listen. He’s clearly not following the restraining order. What do you say we stop home to grab a few things, and then find a hotel to stay in for the week? I’m sure Sasha won’t mind keeping the dogs for a few more days.”
It’s a practical plan. Bianca is grateful that at least one of them still has their wits about them. She nods, agreeing.
“Okay.” Courtney leans across the center console and brushes a light kiss against Bianca’s cheek.
They get back on the road, thankful that at least they’re gonna be home well before rush hour. But when they finally turn onto their street, Bianca lets out a gasp.
“Are you okay?” asks Courtney, concern creasing her brow.
“Don’t park!” Bianca says, dialing the phone anxiously. “Keep driving!”
Courtney gets a sick feeling, confirmed when a shiny charcoal-colored SUV pulls out. She doesn’t even have to look closely at the face in the rearview mirror to know who it is.
“Are you calling the cops?” Courtney asks.
“No, I thought I should call Asia,” Bianca says, phone to her ear. “Oh shit.”
“Maybe...maybe you should call 911 instead?” Courtney suggests. She’s trying valiantly to stay calm, even with Jared right on her tail. Her mind races, thinking for a safe place to pull over. Maybe if she just drives for a bit, he’ll give up.
“Hi, is she in? This is Bianca, and we--Jared is following us. We’re in the car, he was waiting in front of our house, I...Okay...Yeah, it’s on...Yeah, I will.”
Bianca hangs up, her breathing shallow.
“What did she say?”
“I talked to her office. They said…” Bianca takes a sharp breath, trying to calm herself, as Courtney turns from Ocean Ave onto the PCH. 
Maybe the long stretch of highway will discourage him. After all, as much as he clearly wants to confront Bianca, he has to know that a high-speed chase isn’t going to help him at all. Courtney prays that he’s at least partially being fueled by self-preservation instead of blind rage--at this point, it seems like their best hope for getting away.
“They said to call 911, and that they’re tracking our location with this app they installed on my phone, so if-” Bianca lets out a sob.
All Courtney wants is to stop the fucking car and hug her, promise that everything will be okay. But she doesn’t have that luxury right now, so she settles for a hand on Bianca’s thigh when they pull up to the next light. An excruciatingly long one. Jared is honking his horn at them, trying to intimidate her into pulling over, getting out.
Turn green, turn green, turn green.
Bianca dials 911, glancing back anxiously at him before forcing herself to face forward.
“Fuck...I’m on hold.”
“Okay...it’s okay.” Being on hold right now is infuriating, but Courtney knows that she has to stay calm. The light finally changes. “Don’t worry, they’ll answer.”
She grips the wheel with both hands, trying to glance back at Jared at little as possible, telling herself lies to keep calm. She’s just driving. Just driving straight ahead. It’s a road trip. No big deal.
The whole thing is a nightmare that won’t let up--Jared is right on her tail, his steely eyes boring into her soul every time she so much as glances back. Bianca is growing more and more hysterical as she waits for the operator to answer, begging Courtney to drive faster, but really begging her to keep them safe, something that Courtney isn’t capable of at the moment. The crushing failure of things spiraling out of control makes Courtney feel trapped and terrified, like they’ve already lost.
She tries to keep her own emotions in check, but finds herself wavering between panic and dissociation. The only thing keeping her from a full-blown meltdown are the hypnotic lines in the road, the weak promise of something less terrible if she just keeps going.
She barely even registers when Bianca finally gets on the line with the 911 operator, her words nearly incomprehensible as she tries to frantically explain their situation. Where they are, why they haven’t pulled over yet.
Anyone thinking straight would have pulled over.
Anyone with half a brain would have seen it coming.
Bianca’s voice is hoarse and shrill at the same time, reaching a fever pitch as she screams for Courtney to go faster. And then Courtney makes the fatal mistake of checking the mirror. For one hideous second, her eyes lock with Jared’s.
He smiles.
And then she hits a blind curve too fast, has to cut the wheel hard to the right to avoid an oncoming truck, then hard to the left so they don’t crash right into the cliffside.
That’s when she loses control, the car skidding over the wrong side of the road, right for the guardrail.
There are a few moments of slow motion before they crash through the guardrail, and all Courtney can see is the deep, dark blue of the Pacific Ocean.
And she thinks to herself, ‘What a shame. What a shame to die like this.’
And then everything goes black.
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A Taste of Honey [M]︳01
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Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
AU: Greek Mythology (mini-series - 1st installment)
Genre: Romance/smut
Rating: NSFW
Warning: Dirty talk, fingering, oral sex (fem. receiving), multiple orgasms, virginreader, public sex, unprotected sex (put a sock on it people!), creampie
Words: 10500+ 
Notes: It’s all done! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL. You requested a smut for your birthday, and I deliver~! I hope you all enjoy the story, I can totally see this becoming a mini-series for all of the members. Let me know what you guys think! Thank you for all the support and don’t forget to leave a like, comment, or reblog <3
EDIT: So I decided to make this into a mini-series for all of the members! You guys said you’d be interested, so lets do it! Story order: A Taste of Honey (Jung Hoseok), Teach Me (Kim Namjoon), Flutter (Kim Seokjin).
Masterlist  ︳ Prologue
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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The Greek Goddess, Aphrodite, wanted nothing more than her favourite honey-nymph to experience the power of love. So after pulling a few strings, the Goddess promises Demi-God, Jung Hoseok, an offer he can’t refuse; “Sweeter than sweet.” he purred into your ear, your cheeks flushed watching the way he licked his fingers with delight, “Oh little bumblebee, you’re going to be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of my life.”
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A Taste of Honey ︳Final
           Cheeks flushed, jaw to the ground, and eyes as wide as a deer – to say that you were out of place would be an understatement and a half.
           The twinkling stars and moon didn’t stand a chance against the illuminating torches that were scattered throughout the clearing. Women and men dancing to live music, a few animals watched from the trees – seemingly entertained at how drunk Gods can be from the renowned wines Dionysus provided to his guests.
          Your hands tightly gripped the white peplo you wore, palms sweaty as you watched everyone intermingle and intoxicated – all things that you never participated in. Parties such as these were a foreign concept to you. A small puff escaped, taking in your surroundings keenly – so this was how Dionysus’s parties were?
          What in the world have you walked yourself into?
          You huffed once more, unsure where to go, so instead, you awkwardly stayed in the same spot that you’ve been in for the past hour.
           “Indulge love, the wine is free!”
          Your eyes widen, turning on your heel after hearing a high pitch voice shriek from behind you, bumping into your figure. The lady’s cheeks were glowing, drunk as she wore luscious furs – a Maenad, one of Dionysus’s followers.
          She held her cup of wine to her lips, stealing a sip before raising her perfectly arched brows towards you, “Well, the wine is over there. Don’t tell me you expect me to fetch it for you too now?”
           A crimson blush flooded your cheeks, not uttering a word as you shook your head, and with that, she bolted, back to the circle of people who were twirling to the tune of the string instruments. Seriously, why in the world did you agree to come to this festivity?
          And it was a graceful laugh that ostensibly carried throughout the crowds that made you remember – ahh, the Goddess Aphrodite.
          She leaned against the God Dionysus, her hands light-heartedly resting against his chest as she giggled to whatever words he spoke. Her presence alone could make any place or thing that much more beautiful, and tonight was no exception.
           Aphrodite knew you were too much of a prune to come to these events and instead told you of all the fun she had in the mornings when you gave her a face mask with the honey you gathered. So when she asked you to join her at this party, something she rarely asks – how could you say no?
          The way she held your hands, coaxing you into agreeing and coming along. You even let her dress you, wearing makeup and gems that a mere mortal would dream off.
           You pulled your gaze away from them, eyes settling on the Maenads pouring wine into the glasses of the greedy. This was one of the few nights you went to such a party, might as well have fun, right?
          With a heavy breath, you skipped forward, dancing bodies bumping into you, laughing maniacally. Your eyes frantically searched for a glass, or at least something remotely close to the shape of a cup, to get some wine. But it proved fruitless.
          Between the noise, the music, and people, you struggled to catch the attention of the maidens serving. The curse of being a honey-nymph! You were petite, a fragile thing compared to these other people, and although it was helpful with the bees, in situations like these – it worked against you.
          A small pout formed on your lips, curious to taste the liquid. Maybe if you just throw yourself into the crowd?
           “Here – have mine.”
          Your eyes widen as a hand ran up your back. Their breath tickling your neck as they pushed a glass of wine into your grasp. The abrupt action and delicate touch stealing your breath, goosebumps rising upon your skin.
          Their fingers trailed down your spine, brushing themselves against you, feeling the fine furs and silks they wore. The white-yellowish liquid swished in the cup, your hands quivering from the sudden amorous gesture. Whoever was behind you was immense, their broad chest seemingly devouring your frame as your flickering shadow was lost with theirs.
          “What you waiting for? The wine isn’t going to drink itself.” They droned, chest vibrating against your back, and despite not seeing their face, you could hear the cheeky smile that adorned their face.
           With a swift turn of your heel, you turned around, desperate to see the person who offered you their glass. “Oh, t-thank you-” Your words faded, lips dry as you faced your saviour.
          They were tall, that was for sure. But more importantly, he was drop-dead gorgeous.
           A sauve smile painted his face, showing off his pearly whites. A smile so bright it was like he stole the sun itself. Your cheeks flushed; he was handsome. So strikingly attractive he took your breath for the second time this night - was he a God?
          His eyes were a dusky brown, and while people often overlooked dark coloured eyes, you couldn’t ignore his. Like melted hazelnut, his gaze lured you in. He brushed some loose strands of his black hair from his face. The whole time his smile never wavered, instead, it deepened, adorable dimples embellishing his face as he looked down at you.
          “Well? Do you need help drinking it?” He chuckled, entranced with the way you stared at him so honestly. Your head shook feverishly, embarrassment consuming you.
          Never, in your whole lifetime, have you been left flabbergasted by a man.
          It was odd, the way your heart raced, hands sweaty from his presence. A whole range of emotions buzzing within you. There was just something about him that got your pulse racing. Was this the feeling Aphrodite often spoke about – attraction?
          “S-sorry, um, t-thank you.” You muttered, still flustered by his appearance.
          He ran his tongue along his lips, wetting them as he tilted his head. You, entirely ignorant to the way he studied your figure up and down – lewd thoughts running wild.
          “Well?” he started, eyebrows raised as he nudged his chin towards your hands. You smiled enthusiastically, just as keen to take a sip of the liquid as he seemed to watch you indulge. Cautiously, you brought the glass to your lips, feeling the chilled liquid touch your tongue, flavours bursting with each drop.
          It was like a work of art; citrus flavours teeming from left-right and center.
          Was wine always this delicious? Was this what you’ve been missing your whole life? As you swallow, the cold fluid going down your throat, you could taste the lingering essences of orange blossom, and was that…some spice as well?
          It was his chortle that brought you back to reality, laughing at your facial expressions, “You’re acting like you’ve never tasted wine before! ”
           “I haven’t…” you shyly muttered, brushing the curtain of hair behind your ear. “Never!?” he shouted, eyes bulging as he stumbled back a bit. He was eccentric, gestures overdramatic, but it caused you to giggle, nodding your head as you stole another sip, “This is my first time.”
           His hands fell over his chest, smiling radiantly towards you. A faint, shiny glow caught your attention, noticing the extravagant rings that adorned his hands. Almost every slender finger of his bore some form of gold, but more importantly - he had the most beautiful hands you’d ever seen.
          Not a single imperfection as your eyes lingered along his hands and down his arms, veins slightly bulging.
           “Well, I’m glad I could be your first.” He snickered, clicking his tongue as you stole, yet another, sip from your cup. A faint buzz started in your head, as if your bees were swarming, a rush you’ve never experienced before.
          You titled your head to the side, oblivious to his comment as you openly pouted, realizing the glass was empty. “You want more already?” He mused, watching the way you studied the hollow glass.
           “I do, but I want more of this. It’s delicious!” you cheered, louder than you had intended. Is this what wine does to you? Make you bolder? But the way his eyes lit up at your words as if you were complimenting him rather than the wine.
           “You like it? Really?” He inquired, stepping closer to you with interest. Without hesitation, you mimicked his gesture, tempted to get closer as well. He was fascinating, his gestures, his voice. “I do, I could drink this all day. It’s a taste I don’t think I could ever forget…” You hummed, speaking softer now and blushing a tad, you were blurting everything that came to your mind. The wine is really taking over.
          “Assyrtiko.” He said softly.
          “Assyrtiko?” You repeated, puzzled.
           “It’s the grape used to make this wine – famous for its citrus flavours, mostly lemon.” He finished, quickly taking the glass from your hands. His soft skin brushed against yours, his fingers lingering a second longer than needed. You could feel your blush radiate down to your body, unsure if it was the wine or just him.
           He let the glass dangle from his fingers, a Maenad grabbed it from him without a second glance.
          Who was this man?
          The fancy furs, the gold and gems he wore – was he a man of status? A God? But his easy-going personality didn’t make him seem like a God, he was far too friendly, so pleasant to be with. You found yourself staring at him intently, trying to figure out who he was, you didn’t even know his name.
          You came to this party expecting to be out of place, standing along the sidelines as you watched people indulge in ecstasy. But now, you weren’t too sure. You didn’t feel like the shy honey-nymph you were, you felt bolder, happier, and maybe that was due to the glass of wine you practically chugged in a heartbeat.
           His eyes moulted over, breathing coarsely as his hand lasciviously grazed your cheek, “Do you want to dance?”
          “I-I don’t know how to…” you slurred, hypnotized by his eyes. They were breathtaking, seemingly reaching your soul with every breath.
           He grinned, “Don’t worry…follow my lead.”
          A cheeky gasp escaped you as he pulled at your hands towards the music - so fast you didn’t get a second chance to think. Your feet struggled to keep up to his quick pace, feet feeling light as you tried your hardest not to stumble. But your anxious gasps soon turned into giggles of excitement, this man was something else.
          He had this energy to him - exhilarating.
           Your eyes studied his back, shoulders broad, his muscles easily visible underneath his robes and furs. How it would feel to be embraced by him, underneath him…So entranced by him, you were oblivious to the looks you received by the people around you – looks of bewilderment and curiosity. Just as you caught yourself shamelessly staring at him, again, he stopped.
           He turned on his heel, pulling his hands onto your waist as he pressed you against him. His dark green robes starkly contrasted against your white ones, but you couldn’t peel your eyes away from his. They were electrifying, he looked so pleased, laughing as you found yourself moving pathetically to the music.
          “I really don’t know how to dance.” You groaned.
           But he shook his head, smiling as he guided your steps with a firm grasp on your hips, “You’re overthinking, just enjoy the music, listen to the beats…” He mumbled, pulling you close to him once again. ‘Listen to the beats…easier said than done’ you thought as you awkwardly danced side by side.
           You stared at your feet, mind buzzing as you tried to understand what in the world you were supposed to be doing. Oh for Zeus’s sakes, your feet didn’t seem to listen at all, refusing to move at a steady beat. And it wasn’t long till you heard the man who had you wrapped around their finger wincing slightly.
           Your cheeks flushed, realizing that you accidentally stepped on his foot amidst your so call dancing. And while you would definitely say you were tipsy, you weren’t intoxicated enough to brush off the look of shame on your face. The way his lips turned upside down slightly, eyes closed as he hissed under his breath.
          “I-I’m sorry, you know, I should probably just get going-” you blurted, seeing a look of pain flash across his eyes. What were you thinking? Drinking, dancing - things you’ve never done before, let alone with a man! You were way over your head, you were just a honey-nymph at the end of the day, you don’t belong here one bit.
          You pulled away, desperate to hide away in a hive and cry to your bees out of frustration, but before you could, his grip tighten, pressing you firmly against him as his hand gently cupped your face, “I promise I’ll teach you, one broken foot at a time.” He laughed, playfully tapping your nose. Your mouth dropped, rosy at his words, “You’re not mad?”
          “Why would I be mad, to be fair, you did warn me.” You couldn’t help but let a smile sneak up. He was such a sun; illuminating, hopeful. I’ve never met a man such as him before.
          “Don’t give up hope just yet, I see a little spark in you.” He teased, his hands guiding your hips once again. His smile was comforting, your body relaxing, and you got a bit bolder, letting your body press against him as your head laid on his chest. Your face on his furs, warm to the touch and soft.
          But you could also smell him – citrus.
          It was like the wine you drank earlier, but oddly enough, it suited him. His natural tangerine and lemony scent, seemingly representing his energetic personality - a burst of energy. Maybe a follower of Apollo? It would explain his radiance…
          This time, you got what he meant – listen to the beats. The way the musicians strung at their instruments, the way the people moved their bodies to the music. Hands waving, feet moving, “See – and you already lost all hope.”
          You laughed at his words, realizing that you were in fact dancing, although terrible, it was still dancing. His hands travelled around your hips, drawing you closer and trailing down your spine, resting along your lower back. His head leaned into your neck as you moved, feeling his warm breath; teasing you.
          He was so close, so close you could feel his heartbeat through his furs, your fingers brushing against his skin that his robes failed to cover. “You know, I’ve never seen you before…” He muttered, lips brushing against your ear.
           “This is my first time coming to a festivity of the God Dionysus…” You answered. There was no point in lying, it was obvious you were a naïve bee. What person attends a party of Dionysus multiple times and say they never drank wine?
           He pulled away slowly, eyes studying your features with curiosity, searching for an answer, “I can’t say I’m surprised…I would remember seeing someone like you…”
           “You attend these often?”                                
           His mouth parted, closing just as fast before he broke into a smirk, “You can say that…Dionysus and I are close. Extremely close – like blood.” You raised a brow at his words, trying to catch on, but the wine from early seemed to still have a grasp over you, your brain unable to decipher his words.
           “What about you? What brought you here, you’re for sure no follower of Dionysus.” He mused. The tone of the music changed, slower this time. You reduced your pace, matching his instantly and gave he gave you an approving smile. “I’m a honey-nymph…”
           “A follower of Demeter? Now, I wasn’t expecting that. Demeter isn’t exactly a party-type of gal.” He blurted truthfully, and you giggled, “No, I’m not a follower of Demeter.”
          His brows pinched together, speechless, and your laughter grew more, watching the way he struggled to comprehend your words. “So you’re a honey-nymph, who isn’t a follower of Demeter, did you just happen to waltz into this party or something?” He asked, inquisitiveness laced with his words.
          You kittenishly shrugged your shoulders, teasing him as he had done to you, “Who knows, maybe I did, maybe I didn’t…”
           “So you wanna play like that, huh?” He roused, his face snuggling into your neck as his hands dropped. You could feel them, no longer on your lower back but along the curvature of your ass. You flushed, gripping onto his robes, feeling his touch.
           He was intoxicating – making you feel drunk, awakening a new side of you, a side that you didn’t even know you had which speaks plenty - given that you spent most of your time with the Goddess of love and sex herself.
          “Oh, little bumblebee.” He cooed into your ear, a soft moan escaping you hearing the nickname he gave you. His voice, it was like he was singing, taunting to himself as one of his hands easily grasped your chin. He tilted your face upwards, licking his lips with delight as he studied you, trying not to devour you right then and there.
           “What’s your name?” You gasped out, your lips just barely touching his. Your fingers dug into his shoulders, pushing yourself against him, seeking more. He chuckled, watching how eager you were for him, his thumb brushing your bottom lip with temptation, “Hoseok.”
           Your brows furrowed together – Hoseok.
          A name that seemingly jolted a sense of familiarity. Why does it sound familiar? Like you’ve heard that name before. The wine made your mind fuzzy, that and being in his presence, “Do I…do I know you?” You muttered innocently.
           Hoseok grinned, “You’re far too good for this world my little bumblebee. How did someone as innocent as you last this long?” You flushed, his face leaning close to yours, your eyes fluttering shut as you felt his warm breath along your lips, a taste. You just wanted a taste-
           “Oh my precious honey-nymph, where do you hide?”
           You jolted, pulling away from Hoseok’s grasp in a flash. He staggered backwards at your actions, Aphrodite.
          “I-I’m sorry, I have to go.” You blurted, but you felt your heart squeeze seeing Hoseok’s face. He looked sad, a faint frown on his face as he studied you carefully, “Did I do something wrong?”
           “N-No! I’m sorry, I have to go, she’s looking for me-”
           “My love, where are you?” You heard Aphrodite sing once again.
          You frowned, looking at Hoseok with regret. His warm eyes looked distressed, already missing the warmth of his fingers against your skin.
          “It was nice meeting you Hoseok, and thanks for the wine, it was marvellous.”
          “Your name-” he shouted, but it fell upon deaf ears as you already bolted through the dancing bodies. He let out a sigh, watching the way you beelined. You were fascinating, “Little bumblebee…” He muttered under his breath. He needed a drink – actually, make that two.
          Your eyes scanned frantically for Aphrodite, hearing her soft cries through the crowds. Your hands anxiously gripped your robes, eyes bouncing from person to person to spot the gorgeous Goddess herself.
          And after searching for a few more seconds, your eyes finally settled on her.
          She sat on Dionysus’s lap, her hands entangled with his curls as she giggled. Her cheeks were rosy, evidently a bit tipsy as you as Dionysus held a wine glass in his hand. He took a sip from the cup coolly, although his wine was different, a scarlet red – wonder what type of wine that was?
           As if Aphrodite could feel your gaze upon her, her head tilted towards you, a bright smile shining all the way to you, “Ah, my precious follower, come here!” She hummed, her finger curling and motioning you towards her. You huffed, letting go of the fabric that you bundled up in your hands, feeling the eyes of Dionysus upon you.
          It was strange, for the past few days, Aphrodite and Dionysus were oddly…close.
           You were well aware of his and hers pleasurable rendezvous’ – Aphrodite’s husband ignorant of such, but it was more than just that.
          Dionysus would often engage in conversations, well beyond the normal realm of ‘small talk’ with you. It was as if he searching for something, or trying to figure something out…
           Aphrodite’s hands caressed your face, a happy smile painting her face as she gazed over you like a proud mother, “Doesn’t she look absolutely stunning tonight?” Aphrodite purred pleasantly, nudging Dionysus friskily. You blushed once again, trying desperately to look away as Dionysus agreed and took a sip of his wine. “Ahh, nothing compared to your beauty, Goddess.” You murmured, looking down humbly.
          You didn’t have to look up to know she was already rolling her eyes, your hair slipping through her fingers as she hummed once again, “Since you’re all dolled up, this would be a superb opportunity to meet Dionysus’s sons!” Your eyes widen, sharply looking upwards, because everyone has heard of the infamous bunch.
          The Divine Gods of Grapes.
          They were Demi-Gods, children of Dionysus, but over the years, they proved their strength and power, ultimately gaining status as Gods themselves. Seven Gods – each one representing a particular grape that produces wine. Each grape complimenting their unique personalities.
           Dionysus smiled, chuckling as he raised his wine glass, swirling the red liquid with ease, “You’re right my Goddess – they happen to all be here tonight. What a happy coincidence.”
           “My little one meeting your children, it’s like a date!” Aphrodite giggled, her hands falling against Dionysus’s chest once again. Your eyes widen, piecing the puzzle pieces together – Aphrodite planned this, all of this.
          She was trying to set you up with one of Dionysus’s sons!
          Your cheeks flushed, realizing that when Aphrodite told you that she would make sure you found love, she wasn’t joking.
          You – with a God?
          Sure, they were technically Demi-Gods, but the thought of a mere honey-nymph, an utterly innocent and chaste one at that, being with God?
          You could feel your head buzzing already. But while most would be honoured to be paired up with men of such high status, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander back to one particular man.
           His chocolate eyes, those cute dimples, you found yourself smiling sweetly to yourself – Hoseok. You had just met him, but there was something about him, something utterly addictive about him. He was so happy, cheery, and you felt a blush appearing on your cheeks, remembering the nickname he gave you; little bumblebee.
           Aphrodite gentle caressed your cheek once again, catching your attention and realizing the situation you were in. She was going to introduce you to Dionysus’s sons, she expects you to find the love of your life with one of them. You pushed Hoseok to the side, no point dreaming of a future with a man whom you just met, a man who only offered you wine and a dance. But the first man to ever do so…
           You could hear some commotion behind you, a few men and women gushing.
          “Ah, here they are – my boys!” Dionysus boomed, shouting at what you could only assume were the infamous group of men. You bounced from side to side, palming your legs as you prepared to meet the notorious bunch.
          Knowing that his sons were here made sense. Even someone like you could tell there was an abundance of people at this festival, and it also explained the array of different coloured wines that were being passed along. I wonder what son produced that flavourful wine you drank?
          “Father, Goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite.” A man spoke from behind you. You felt your body tense, hesitantly moving to the side as you turned on your heel.
          Six men stood together, proud and tall as they bowed in acknowledgement to Aphrodite. She giggled, clapping happily, “It’s been far too long my lovelies, working hard at the vineyards I suppose? The wine is utterly heavenly.”
          They all smiled, nodding at her words. They were handsome, each single one of them, each having their own charm. You felt Aphrodite run her hand along your hair, “Let me introduce to you young men my dearest…” She droned. Your cheeks flushed, having all their eyes on you.
          They didn’t seem as intense or petrifying until you felt their eyes on you. Each one studied you up and down as if you were a gift. But in retrospect, you were. Finally, the man in the center of the bunch cleared his throat, seemingly sensing your uneasiness, “Pleasure to meet you, I am the God of Agiorgitiko – Namjoon.”
          It clicked. Grapes.
          They were naming the grapes they were in control of.
          You smiled and nodded your head in acknowledgement. “These are my brothers-” he started, gesturing to the men standing with him. The man to his right smiled radiantly, stepping forward and bowing, “I am the God of Roditis, Seokjin.”
          His voice wasn’t as rough or coarse as Namjoon’s, and same with his appearance. Seokjin held a rather classic beauty, timeless, a man of status. He wrapped his arms around the man beside him, “This here is my youngest brother, Jungkook – the God of Athiri.”
          Jungkook was nervous, not nearly as bold, or at least as outgoing, as the other bunch. A faint blush tainted his cheeks, shyly nodding his head towards you. You couldn’t help but smile, you could sympathize with him – being so deathly timid yourself, although the wine in your system did seem to cure that for the time being.
           “Hi, my name is Jimin! I’m the God of Moscofilero.” Blurted a voice.
          It was light and feminine, almost as if they were singing. Your eyes travelled back to Namjoon, noticing that this Jimin character was standing on the other side of him. His lips were pouty, eyes nearly closed as he shot you the biggest eye smile you’ve seen. His smile was contagious, noticing that you were no longer tightly gripping your robes in your hands as you giggled back at him.
          They weren’t as intimidating as you thought, and not as formal or ‘prime and proper’ as the Gods usually were. But more importantly, …if they were all Gods of particular grapes – Assyrtiko.
          That was the grape Hoseok told you, the vine to that delicious wine you had. Would it be silly to pick your date solely on the taste of wine? But you found your tongue running along the edges of your mouth, trying to pick up the faint traces of the flavour.
          You wanted something else, something more…
          A taste of those lips - Hoseok’s lips.
          “Yoongi - God of Malagousia.” A deep voice spoke.
          Yoongi brought you out of your thoughts once again, although his greeting was short and sweet. His eyes seemed unamused, looking elsewhere. He didn’t look particularly bored with you per se, more like he was just tired of being at this party altogether. The last person chuckled at Yoongi’s expression, wearing peculiar furs over him, “Taehyung, I’m the God of Xinomavro.”
          Your eyes flickered between them; one, two, three, four, five, six…six?
          “Ah, what gentlemen! What do you think, my dear? Anyone pick your fancy?” Aphrodite hummed into your ear as she brushed your hair. You would’ve blushed at her words, making you pick a man so upfront like this, but you couldn’t because you were too busy focusing on something else. “God Dionysus.” You spoke, a slight waver in your voice.
          Right away, he raised a brow, seemingly intrigued that you called him out, “Yes child?”
          “You have seven sons….but, I only met six.”
          “Six isn’t enough for you?” Yoongi grumbled, crossing his arms with exasperation as Namjoon shot him a glare. You blushed, realizing how your comment may have sounded, as Aphrodite brushed your cheeks, “We thought we would introduce to you your best matches…”
          You gazed at the six men, sure – they were handsome, but what made them the best matches for you? You looked at Aphrodite with confusion written on your face, “I wanted someone who would compliment your shy persona,  someone who would cater to your delicate being.” Aphrodite soothed, already knowing what you were thinking.
          Was the other brother rough, a brunt of some sort? You pouted as you looked over them, they all looked kind, and you understood what she meant by ‘compliment your shy persona.’ They didn’t seem necessarily gaudy or tremendously sociable – especially that Yoongi and Jungkook character. For the most part, they appeared relatively timid like yourself. Shy.
          “You seem unsatisfied child.”
          Your eyes widen, rapidly looking at Dionysus with terror, “N-not at all! I’m just, uh, picking.” You stuttered. But Dionysus didn’t seem offended, as you thought he was, but somewhat interested. “If you wish…I may call upon my last son for you to decide, it only seems fair to make a proper decision.”
          “But we agreed to these six…” Aphrodite mumbled under her breath, so she did plan this with Dionysus! Before Dionysus could say anything more, Jimin spun, waving his arms frantically at someone, “Over here! Father wishes to see you!”
          “Me? What did I do now?”
          Your ears perked up at the voice, moving forward without a second thought.
          “Nothing bad – promise!” Jimin cheerfully bantered back. You heard an airy laugh, and you could feel your heart swell. No – it can’t be.
          “Father, you requested me?” The man spoke, wrapping his arms around Jimin with a charming smile.
          But Dionysus didn’t have a chance to speak.
          Your finger rose, pointing at the seventh brother, “Hoseok…?”
          Hoseok’s head turned at the sound of your voice, his mouth wide open, “Bumblebee?”. A blush erupted on your cheeks, flustered by your nickname.
          Hoseok was a Demi-God, no – a God.
          The son of Dionysus.
          He was dropping hints to you all night, but you were so caught up with his beauty, his charm, you didn’t clue in one bit. That’s why his name sounded familiar, that’s why he wore such extravagant robes, that’s why the Maenads beckoned at his call.
          “Hoseok. The God of Assyrtiko…” You muttered under your breath.
          Hoseok was the mastermind behind that rich, acidic wine. That’s why he was so happy when you told him you loved it. Without hesitance, you looked at Aphrodite and Dionysus, hands to your chest, “I made my decision. I know who I want.”
          “Amuse me, child.” Dionysus beamed, leaning forward, eager to hear your words.
          “Hoseok. I choose him.”
          Your head was buzzing, and you knew that in the morning to come, you would soon come to regret your outright passion for Hoseok. But right now you let his wine work it’s magic, your voice stern as you pointed at Hoseok without hesitance.
          Aphrodite and Dionysus didn’t pick Hoseok, not because he was rude or rough, but because he was the exact opposite of you.
          You were shy, the wallflower at parties such as these, while he was the sun, always shining the brightest.
          He was loud, eccentric, while you were quiet, naturally tame.
          But it was because of this, you felt drawn to him. This night alone, you did things you haven’t done in your whole lifetime – he made you feel alive. And that’s what you wanted, someone who pushed you outside of your comfort zone.
          If you chose any of the other brothers, you knew they would treat you right, Aphrodite wouldn’t let them touch a single hair on your head, but you didn’t want to feel safe – you wanted exciting.
          The grin on Hoseok’s face as he stepped forward, your blush only intensifying as his eyes etched into your skin, “Oh little bumblebee…” He purred, the tips of his long fingers tilting your chin upwards, “You won’t regret this. Not one bit.”
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          A busy bee – precisely what you were, pun intended.
          You sat on your knees, humming softly as you overlooked the sprouting blossoms on the cherry trees, adorning the fields. The gentle breezes made the grass brush against the skin of your legs, you nose bursting with the calming aromas of fresh flowers – all tale-tell signs that spring is officially here.
          A content sigh escaped you as you continued humming away, the sound of your bees buzzing away above you. With spring in full swing, you had your work cut out for you. Making sure the bees were pollinating and producing enough honey to last the upcoming winter.
          But while you sang softly, guiding a combination of Honey and Bumble bees from flower to flower, your mind was elsewhere…
          A rosy tinge painted your cheeks as memories flooded your mind, a few bees stopping their work to flutter around you, curious as to why your voice has changed from a pleasant high pitch tune – to a low, sultry one.
          Your tongue ran along the inside of your mouth once more, a pitiful attempt to taste that wine – his wine.
          It has been a bit over a week since that fateful night. And while you hoped that time would ease your nerves and hopefully make you forget how bold you were that night, Aphrodite didn’t let you off that easily.
          She giggled like a child when she saw you, raising her eyebrows and poking your cheeks teasingly as you applied her morning mask, ‘I’ve never seen you so…lustful my little one’ she would purr into your ear. You let out a sharp groan, just remembering the mischievous remarks Aphrodite said to you.
          But despite outright claiming Hoseok as yours that night, you haven’t seen him since. Nor, did you see Aphrodite with Dionysus.
          It was strange, how insistent Aphrodite and Dionysus were that you pick any of the brothers besides Hoseok, but now that you chose him, Aphrodite couldn’t seem happier. As if she wanted you to pick him all along…
          Your eyes fluttered upwards, gazing at the bees, realizing that none of them were working. Instead, they flew around you, playing with one another, “H-hey, get back to work, sillies!”
          Right away, they faced you, buzzing softly as they swiftly brushed against your skin and back to the pink and white blossoms on the trees. A soft smile painted your face, you loved your bees, every single one of them like children. You felt a soft touch on your hand, looking down to see a single bee resting contently on your palm, “Hey, you too buddy…” You giggled softly.
          The bee fluttered its wings, and you swore the bee puckered before flying away. So much attitude!
          Just as the bee started to fly away, you noticed their buzzing got intense – furious.
          You felt yourself starting to panic, the bees pulling away from the blossoms and instantly flew around you, seemingly all facing one direction, “What’s wrong…?” You cried, watching the way some of the bees wagged their stingers.
          They felt threatened.
          The sudden shuffling of shrubberies caught your attention, up ahead the bushes moving slightly. Someone was in the underbrush, and the bees were petrified. You pushed yourself off the ground, gripping your white robes as you walked forward, the bees swarming around you protectively. Who in the world is in the bushes?
          Black hair bobbed, green robes-
          “Hoseok!?” You shouted.
          A head poked out, his face bearing the sweetest smile you’ve ever seen. The way the sun bounced off his skin, his skin glowing radiantly. It’s him, it’s really him.
          But before you could even blink, your bees freaked out - mistaking your beating heart for fear rather than utter bliss.
          They swarmed forward, and the quirky smile on Hoseok’s face soon shifted to that of fear. You ran ahead, waving your hands frantically, “Don’t worry, he’s a friend – a friend!” you anxiously shouted.
          The bees movements stopped, and you knew they were gazing at Hoseok, and you – suspiciously.
          You outstretched your hands, a few bees prudently brushing themselves along your fingers, “He’s a friend…he’s good…I promise…” You muttered softly, trying your best to comfort them. Their buzzing relaxed, their wings no longer flapping powerfully, as a few of them flew back to the blossoms - still keeping a wary eye on Hoseok.
          A soft sigh of relief escaped your lips, before turning on your heel and pouting, “What in the world were you doing? They could have murdered you!” You cried, hands on your hips as you scolded Hoseok. The very fact that he was a God slipped past your mind as he scratched his head and pushed his way through the bushes.
          You couldn’t help but giggle, because as worried as you were, you were spellbound. Now in the day time, the sun shining directly on him, you could see him in all his glory.
          What a fool you were, he literally screamed God. The way he walked towards you, a bounce in his step, but more importantly, he held something in his arm, a bottle?
          “W-what are you doing here, Hoseok?” You muttered softly, shyness consuming you as you crossed your arms and tried to look at him in the eyes. But the way he grinned, licking his pink lips caused you to flush and divert your eyes. He was intense.
          “I was going for a nice afternoon stroll.” He hummed, standing right in front of you. A few petals from the cherry trees fell on his head, a flower crown. You let your arms drop, pressing your hands against your thighs as you anxiously gripped the material, you were nervous. So damn nervous.
          Your eyes studied him, the way his dark green robes did little to cover him, showcasing his muscles as he chuckled at your rattled appearance. His shoulders were just as broad as you remembered them being. As your eyes scanned him, you noticed the bottle once again – wine.
          “Do you always walk around with wine in your hand?” This time you saw his cheeks flush, slightly rosy as he looked down at the bottle, “You never know when you bump into a certain honey-nymph who just happens to like Assyrtiko white wine.”
          You laughed, shaking your head as you brushed your hair behind your ears. He was something else, something else entirely.
          “I don’t think I’m allowed to drink on the job Hoseok.”
          “Who says the wine is for you?” Hoseok grinned, raising his shoulders mischievously. You placed your hands on your hips, smiling towards him – what a tease.
          “You’re right, my wrong-doing for assuming. Actually, now that you’re here, I wanted to ask about your brother Jungkook…” You hummed. The way Hoseok’s eyes narrowed, stepping forward with a coy grin, “Be careful my little bumblebee, you don’t know who you’re messing with.” His hand reached forward, caressing your cheek while his thumb brushed against your lips.
          His touch. You melted instantly, the way his long fingers easily slid across your wet lips, stealing your breath just like the very first time you met him. “Hoseok…” You gasped, not realizing that you stepped forward, bumping into the bottle he held in his arms.
          The way you acted that night, the way you crumbled under his touches, the need to kiss him, it wasn’t the wine. Because right now, utterly sober, you felt your skin tingling, eager to wrap your fingers into his raven hair and kiss him. He leaned forward, eyes heavy as his hand ran down your neck, grasping the back of your head keenly, “Why did you pick me?” He huffed.
          You blushed, watching the way he struggled to breathe, his fingers pulling on your hair, forcing you to look upwards. “I don’t know. It just-it just felt right.” You gasped out, taken off guard by his roughness. “You could have picked any of my brothers, but you picked me.” He gulped, pressing his forehead against yours.
          You let your hands rest against his chest, he was right – you picked him.
          But…did he want you?
          “I picked you because you make me feel alive. But if you don’t want me, that’s fine. J-just tell me now, and I can talk with Aphrodite. I’ll just pick one of your brothers-”
          The sound of the bottle hitting the lush grass, Hoseok’s hand gripping your chin, pulling you towards him in one tug. A sudden warmness upon your lips, a taste of wine.
          Your eyes shut closed, he was kissing you.
          You threw your arms around his neck, drawing him closer as you moaned in his mouth, he tastes like wine. Citrus flavours bursting as he growled, his hold on your hair and chin not wavering a bit. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, biting and causing you to whine underneath his grasp.
          He groaned at your sound, pulling away as your eyes fluttered open. Your knees felt weak, your breath uneven as your head buzzed. This was all you wanted, his lips against your own, but now that you got a taste, you wanted more. So much more. Your head spun as if you were drunk, “Honey.”
          You titled your head to the side, struggling to breathe as your fingers dug into his hair, what? “A taste of honey.” He groaned, eyes half-lidded. The way he grunted, his lips nibbling yours made you press your thighs together, a growing itch as you felt yourself getting wetter by the second. The way you squeezed your legs shut didn’t go unnoticed, Hoseok grinning madly as he jolted your head back, exposing your neck.
          “Why haven’t I meet you sooner my precious bumblebee?” He sighed before spoiling your neck. You whimpered, your hands gripping onto him for dear life. He didn’t bother trying to be tender, nipping and sucking your neck and collarbones enthusiastically, “G-grapes.” You gasped, his tongue dragging along the neckline of your robe.
          He stopped his movement, giving you a chance to open your eyes. His hair was messy, eyes blown out as his hands gripped you hungrily. “Grapes - they don’t need bees. They reproduce themselves without the help of bees.”
          “Well good thing I’m not a bloody grape because the need to reproduce with you is driving me insane.”
          You bit your lip to muffle your cry, Hoseok biting your neck once again as his hands moved down to your waist, just barely skimming your chest, “May I, my sweet little bumblebee?” He muttered, his kisses pushing the thin fabric down, almost exposing your breasts fully for him. You coloured, anxiously huffing – torn, “I-I-”
          Right away, Hoseok pulled hearing your hesitance, his touch dropping as he looked up at you, eyes soft, “I won’t force you if you don’t want to.”
          “I want you too, it’s just that…” Hoseok raised a brow, confusion written all over his face as he watched you squirm under his grasp. You wanted him to touch you so badly, take you right here out in the open, “What’s wrong, my little bumblebee, tell me.” He cooed, placing tender kisses down your chest, his fingers starting to once again run over your upper body, ghosting your skin through the fabric.
          Your eyes widen, back arched, gasping delightfully as his touches, “I-I’m untouched.” You whined, cheeks red as you blurted out the cause of your conflicting emotions. But the look on Hoseok’s face, the smirk as he licked his lips leisurely, “Oh my little bumblebee, how can a follower of Aphrodite be untouched? Ignorant to greatest pleasures of man and God?” He buzzed.
          Your eyes tightly shut, his hands firmly groping you through your robes, his thumb and index fingers teasing your hardening nubs through the fabric. Your knees buckled, falling against his body as you quivered.
          The answer was simple - because you never found a man worth your damn time until now.
          “Show me.” You whined as you clung onto him, not realizing that the cries you were hearing were your own, so desperate to be touched. Hoseok groaned, his lips brushing against your ear, “You want me to show you what?” he pestered, his hands cupping your breasts as you press your thighs against each other, your wetness starting leak down your legs - frantic for a release.
          “S-show me the greatest pleasures of man and God.”
          “Right here, out in this open field?” He taunted, his voice hitched as he listened at the way you whimpered, “Yes~!”
          His hands dropped to your waist, lifting you in a single movement. Your legs wrapped around his waist, feeling something hard throb against your heat. “You’re mine, your body, your soul – everything. You’re all mine.”
          You were pushed against a tree, cherry blossoms showering your figures as he hungrily ate your lips. You sighed once more into his kiss, seeking out some sort of relief as you bucked into him. The way his bulge rubbed against you, breath escaping as a jolt of pleasure ran up your spine. Hoseok groaned, eyes rolling back as he rutted.
          “Touch me, please, I-I can’t wait-” You begged.
          Tears threatened to pool over as you helplessly ground against him, the new sensations consuming you. Hoseok chuckled, clicking his tongue as he ran his fingers down your chest. Those long slender fingers, how much you wanted to feel them against your skin, doing things you have only dreamed the moment you met him. “Where do you want me to touch you, bumblebee?”
          With his hips firmly planting you against the tree, his hands were free to roam your body. Your nails dug into the tree bark, panting heavily as he slowly pulled at your dress. “Do you want me to touch you here?” he snickered.
          Before you could speak, he tugged the remaining half of your dress down, the sound of fabric tearing echoing into the field. But you didn’t have a chance to lament, his hands greedily fondling your breasts and kneading them.
          Your mouth hung open shamefully, trembling at the way he ran his tongue down your chest and sucked your nipples with a loud ‘pop.’
          “Hoseok~.” You moaned breathlessly, stars flooding your vision. You bucked against him once more, feeling the way his member twitched, just as aroused as you. “Oh, you want more bumblebee? So greedy.”
          His kittenish licks along your breasts, taking his sweet time as he watched over you with desire. You felt one of his hands move down your clothed stomach, bunching up the remaining fabric into a fist, lifting the dress further up your legs before exposing you.
          His breathing hitched, seeing the growing wet spot against his robes, biting his lips. You were fully exposed, and the sudden realization hit you hard as you anxiously covered your blushing face, “Look at the mess you made, you’re drenched.” His other hand quickly gripped your wrists, pinning them above your head, forcing you to show your rosy face.
          The way he licked his lips, his fingers running up your thighs, slowly inching his way closer to your core. “D-don’t tease, please.” You whined, springing your hips, trying urgently to feel his fingers against you. Hoseok growled, his fingers just barely skimming your heat, inducing another painful moan from you, “Please~.”
          Your hips jerked forward, feeling his fingertips running along your slit. The sound of your slick so clear. Your eyes rolled back, head hitting the tree as you moaned, his fingers spreading you wide for him. The way he easily slid up and down your cunt made you want to hide in embarrassment - but the pleasure convinced you otherwise.
          Your hips bucked again, causing his fingers to hit that particular bundle of nerves. A sharp exhale escaped you, wanting desperately to claw at his back. But the grip on your wrists above your head was unrelenting. His fingers lubed as he rubbed and pinched your clit with ease. “Is this what you want from me bumblebee?” He groaned, watching the way you helplessly arched against his hand.
          “Y-yes, oh- Hoseok, God- yes!” Hoseok beamed, watching the way you struggled to keep your eyes open, a knot in your stomach building as you humped his fingers urgently. “That’s right, I’m a God, the only God that can make you feel this good, right?”
          You nodded your head frantically, the pleasure building, the way he rubbed your clit effortlessly between his fingers. Pinching tighter and rolling the bud faster as you cried.
          The pressure built, unable to handle it anymore as your legs twitched. Hoseok smirked, feeling the way your thighs tried to hug his hand, hips bucking non-stop, “Are you gonna cum for me, bumblebee?”
          You were at a loss of words, merely nodding your head, “Say my name, who is going to make you cum like this? Just from their fingers?”
          “Hoseok!” You gasped.
          He clicked his tongue, “Not loud enough bumblebee, scream it.”
          “Cum for me love.”
          You lost it.
          Your legs shook as your back arched against the tree. Mind blank as you convulsed under his grasp, rubbing you harshly as you rode out your high. You couldn’t think - tears prickling from your eyes as you experienced your first ever orgasm with another person. His touch lightened hearing you whimper, your face and chest red.
          Your eyes fluttered open, Hoseok smirking madly at you, like a cat that got the cream. His fingers ran between you slit, scooping your cum with ease. His eyes never left yours, bringing his fingers to his lips before sighing sensually. “Sweeter than sweet.” he purred into your ear, your cheeks flushed watching the way he licked his fingers with delight, “Oh little bumblebee, you’re going to be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of my life.”
          “Good. And I expect you to give me a glass of wine with every meal.” You muttered back. Hoseok laughed, cupping your face before kissing your lips, “Honey and wine, a mix I never thought of…” He groaned, lazily kissing you as his grip on your wrists loosened.
          Your hands wrapped around his neck, dragging him closer to you, your breasts pressed against him as you tasted a bit of yourself in his mouth. He was right, you did taste like honey.
          “Hoseok…” You muttered into the kiss, he pulled away, only to fall into your neck as you ground against him, “I want you inside me.” You felt your cheeks heat up at your words, but you meant it. The way you clenched, the need to be filled. He lifted his head, “Undress me then.”
          Your legs dropped from his waist, without a hesitation untying the sash around his waist and tugging at the furs that adored him. Like a God, he stood still, watching the way you unclothed him like a mad animal. Your hand ran over his clothed manhood, causing him to hiss as you rubbed teasingly through the fabric, “Hurry up bumblebee, I waited a damn week for this, I refuse to wait any longer.”
          A week, he wanted you as much as you desired him that night.
          You tugged at the last knot, his robes falling gracefully onto the grass, exposing him fully. Your cheeks flushed, unable to rip your gaze away from him and his manhood. His member standing tall, head oozing with pre-cum as he pushed you up against the tree. You wanted to touch it, feel the way the veins pulsed under your gaze, but his voice stopped you, “Turn around, I need to stretch you.”
          His hand gripped your hip, spinning you around, so your ass stuck out with your hands grabbing the tree for balance. You were leaned over, legs spread wide for him and fully exposed. You were panting, emotions of eagerness and fear coursing through your veins as his hands ran along your ass cheeks.
          His fingers agonizingly trailed down your ass, before brushing against your cunt once again, a sharp gasp escaping you. So distracted by his touch, you didn’t realize that he was on his knees, directly across from your womanhood. You felt his hot breath, jumping slightly at the sensation, “Sorry, but I can’t help myself.” He purred before you felt his wet muscle against you.
          Your nails dug into the bark, moaning loudly as you felt his tongue parting your lips, lapping every drop that dripped out of you, “So sweet…” he groaned to himself, his tongue flicking against your clit. Your back arched to his face, oblivious to the fact that his fingers were already teasing your entrance.
          He pushed lightly, your pussy eating up his fingers with ease and sucking him in. The way his fingers moved in and out with ease, had you moaning, a pressure building up again from the new feeling. “How does it feel bumblebee? It doesn’t hurt, right?” He whispered between licks, his tone a bit gentle. But the speed of his fingers increased, as he saw the way your eyes shut closed and how you pushed yourself back against his every thrust.
          It felt so good, feeling those deliciously long fingers of his inside you. His fingers curled, searching for something. And that’s when you felt it, a sharp jolt of pleasure. Your legs stiffen, crying his name out as you blacked out for a second, “R-right there.” You moaned. Hoseok’s tongue never stopped moving against your clit, letting you fuck yourself on his fingers.
          You felt the pressure in your gut building as he slipped a third finger inside you, hitting that one spot over and over again. The stretch his fingers caused was quickly dismissed as the pleasure was knee-jerkingly intense. Your cries grew louder, as Hoseok groans caused his mouth to vibrate against you. His teeth grazed your bud, legs quivering as you struggled to stay up, “H-Hoseok, I’m gonna-”
          He pulled away.
          You clenched nothingness as you whimpered. You were so close, so damn close. You made a movement to straighten up, ready to tear him to pieces, but his hand firmly pressed on your back, holding you down.
          You could feel it, the head of his dick rubbing along your slit, lubing himself with your wetness. You looked over your shoulder, head thrown back, and eyes shut as he rubbed himself against you. His lips were covered with your own cum, not bothering at all to wipe it, and the sight alone almost made you cum right then and there.
          “I’m going to enter you, it’s going to hurt for a bit, okay?” He muttered, his hands running up and down your back to soothe you. “If it hurts too much tell me, I’ll stop. Just don’t let your bees hurt me.” Your brows furrowed together, my bees?
          The laugh that erupted from Hoseok the moment you realized what he meant. You were outside, and you could still hear your bees buzzing around, not even working just playing amongst themselves while you eagerly await Hoseok to enter you. You blushed, nodding your head, “The last thing I need is to be stung while making love to you.”
          “I promi-hmpph!”
          Without warning, you felt him push at your entrance, a strangled moan escaping as you felt the head of his dick inside.
          You felt everything.
          You felt the way his member pulsed inside of you, inch by inch pushing himself inside. The low erotic growl that Hoseok let out, hissing as he slid himself gradually. You never felt so stretched, a slight stinging feeling as you pushed himself against you. It wasn’t painful as much as it was uncomfortable, “You’re so tight.” He groaned, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips, struggling not to thrust into you and seek out his high.
          You moaned, pushing yourself against him, adjusting to his size. His grip harden, gasping as you pushed yourself against him. He was inside - all the way in.
          He leaned over your back, placing soft kisses along your back and up your neck, “May I?” He hummed, teasingly pulling himself back, “Yes.” You moaned, and that was all it took.
          He slammed his hips back into you, stuffing your hand into your mouth to muffle your cries.
          Hoseok snickered, hurriedly grabbing your hands with a swift motion and pulling them behind your back, “I want to hear you bumblebee, loud and clear.” He huffed, slamming himself inside you. You felt your mind go blank, as he hit that sweet spot inside of you once again as he had done with his fingers.
          You clenched around him as he lunged ruthlessly, causing him to whine slightly, “You’re so tight, it feels so good.” He groaned into your ear, nipping at your neck as you cried.
          It didn’t take long for your denied orgasm to bubble up again, gasping and crying out desperately for him to go faster, harder.
          And he listened, to every single whine.
          The sound of skin slapping against skin quickly overpowered the buzzing of the bees around you, your eyes shut closed as you felt an explosion building in your stomach. Hoseok groaned lowly, feeling you tighten around him, releasing your hands to grab your hips, “You going to cum already for me, bumblebee?” He hissed, breathing sharply as his chest heaved against your back.
          Not a single word escaped you, only endless cries and moans as you nodded your head, grasping onto the tree for dear life as he rammed himself inside you. “J-just wait bumblebee, I’m so close.” He huffed.
          His thrusts were erratic, no longer controlled as he sought out his high. You whimpered, the tension building so much, ready to pop any second, needing that extra push. Your knees buckle underneath you, “I-I can’t wait.” You gasped out, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to hold back. Flashing colours flickered despite your closed eyes, overwhelmed with the pleasure.
          Hoseok panted above you, one hand leaving your hip before sneaking back to your slit, looking for that magical spot. “Cum with me bumblebee.” He grunted, his fingers rubbed your clit, letting it roll between his fingers as he pounded you. You shuddered, tears falling as you let your climax overtake you.
          You could feel Hoseok shudder, weak thrusts as you felt warm spurts of his cum inside of you. His dick twitching as he let out the most animalistic groan you’ve ever heard. You were at a loss of words, your hands falling along the tree as Hoseok panted into your ear.
          You just had sex for the first time, and it was with a God.
          “Are you okay?” Hoseok huffed, struggling to catch his breath.
          “I-I can’t feel my legs…” you whimpered out, before collapsing onto the earth. Hoseok hissed, wrapping his arms around you before you dropped, a groan escaping you both as he accidentally thrust himself inside of you and a jolt of pleasure coursed through both of your bodies, “Please, I can’t do another round.” You muttered, struggling to keep your eyes open.
          You could hear Hoseok laugh from above you, slowly pulling himself out, leaving you empty as his cum dripped down your legs. You wouldn’t dare say it, but you already missed the feeling of him inside you. He raised you upwards, snuggling you to his chest, “I made a mess of you.” He grinned, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
          A blush filled your cheeks, realizing what you just did. “Sit down, I’ll cover you.” He muttered, leaning you up against the tree as he gathered his robes and furs. You let your legs lay against the grass, hearing the faint buzzing of your bees up in the air.
          A sudden warmth embraced you, noticing he loosely put on his robe and wrapped your body with the expensive furs he wore. He crouched in front of you, running his hands along your face with the broadest smile, “You don’t know how badly I wanted to do that.”
          You giggled softly, exhaustion consuming you as you let your head rest against the tree, “So…I’m going to assume it’s a yes?” You shyly muttered, crossing your arms with the furs he enveloped you in. Hoseok raised a brow, tilting his head to the side as he observed you tenderly, “What do you mean bumblebee.”
          “That you want me…that I picked the right brother.” Hoseok laughed, running his hands through your hair gleefully, “I swear, Aphrodite and Dionysus already knew. I think they knew we were meant to be, they just introduced you to my brothers to upset me.”
          You opened your mouth but quickly shut it.
          He was right.
          Aphrodite was the Goddess of love. She’s the first one to tell you who we are all destined to be with. So why bother introducing you to all of Dionysus’s sons if you were going to end up with Hoseok in the end? Unless…
          “She wanted to make me realize…” you giggled breathlessly to yourself, before looking up at him, “She wanted me to see my options, just to show me how perfect we are…” Hoseok shook his head, grinning before reaching behind him. He pulled out the wine bottle from earlier, the bottle he dropped onto the ground in the heat of the moment, “Well…I brought this bottle for us to drink, have a little date. Clearly, that didn’t happen.”
          You smiled, reaching forward and grabbing the bottle from his grasp, “An after-sex wine celebration? In honour of my first time?” You proposed. You tugged on the cork, hearing a bit of air escape, “To the taste of wine~.” You teased.
          Hoseok smiled, “To the taste of honey.”
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          Aphrodite giggled, playfully slapping Dionysus’s arms as she squealed with delight, “I won, I knew it!”
          Dionysus huffed, shaking his head as he watched Hoseok push you up against the tree, your moans drifting with the wind, “I really thought he would’ve last two weeks….” He grumbled. Aphrodite rolled her eyes, tugging on Dionysus’ arm as they walked off. They didn’t need to stay and watch to know what was going to happen, your moans spoke plenty.
          “I knew it, you saw the way they were at the party. They almost kissed!”
          “How I wish to be young again…” Dionysus sighed, but Aphrodite just bumped her hip to him, “I can’t reverse time…but I do know something that can make you happy, feel young.” She purred, her fingers running up his arms, letting her nails trail along his skin. Dionysus smirked, looking down at the sexy vixen on his arm.
          The ultimate temptation of all man and God – love and sex.
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
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The 18-hour meet cute
Plot: You miss your connecting flight in Singapore and are left to wait 18-hours for the next one. With only one hotel-room left, you’re asked to share it with a complete stranger.
Characters: Kim Seokjin, Y/N
Genre: Fluff, I don’t know how to define it, but there are definitely no warnings here. Safe read for everyone!
Word count: 5700
A/N: So @seokjinnieismine asked if I could write something with Jin, based on this headline 
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and it immediately made me think of this video from LADbible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYCETjh4eMc I have not been able to think about anything else since! It was supposed to be way shorter than this, but I got carried away. Enjoy! 
My masterlist can be found here
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 “I’m sorry, what now?”, you asked the lady behind the counter in disbelief. Surely there must have been some translation error, because this couldn’t be true.
“There is only one hotel room left, Mrs. Y/L/N,” she repeated apologetically. “I’m terribly sorry, but because of the weather, several flights have been cancelled or postponed. There is nothing, I can do.”
Turning around to face to man to your right, you couldn’t help the disbelieving laugh slip your lips. He sheepishly shrugged his shoulders with a shy smile, before turning to the hotel manager again.
“And there is no other room? Only the one with the double bed?”
“That’s correct, sir,” the manager confirmed. “Again, I am terribly sorry. I can offer you some vouchers and free passes for you to use in the airport while you wait?” With a smile, she held out a collection of entry tickets and vouchers.  
“There is no need for that,” the man spoke at the same time as you reached out for the tickets, making you turn to him with a sour look. He simply sent you a sweet smile back before turning to the manager again. “Thank you, but there is really no need.”
“I don’t know, what kind of riches you’re swimming in,” you huffed out in annoyance, before snatching the papers from the hotel manager. “But I can’t afford 18 hours here without the vouchers.”
Simple shaking his head at you, he busied himself getting checked in, handing over his passport.
“Alright, Mrs. Y/l/n, Mr. Kim. Here is your key. I hope you can make the most of your stay here, despite the circumstances.”
Sending her a reassuring smile, you thanked her for all her help. After all, she wasn’t to blame for this entire mess.
The walk to the room was quiet and awkward. How the hell, were you supposed to sleep in the same bed as a complete stranger? What if he was a rapist? Or a pervert? Or what if he didn’t shower and smelled really bad? Oh god, what if he snored? Sneaking a look at him out the corner of your eye, you found him focused on finding the right room. He was quite handsome, you supposed. Soft features, sweet eyes, plump lips. And he was tall and well built. But he was still a stranger, you reminded yourself. And no matter how handsome he was, you still felt uneasy having to sleep in the same room as him.
“Ah, here we are,” he exclaimed, reaching the room and unlocking it with the keycard, which you had only been given one of. Hotel-rules or something.
Walking in behind him and hearing the door close, the room was plunged into a deafening silence, both of you standing still in the middle of the room, eyes locked on the bed in the middle of the room.
“Well,” he coughed awkwardly to break the silence. “You can take the bed. I’ll just sleep on the floor.” Depositing his stuff on a chair in the corner of the room, he went to strip the bed of one of the duvets, only to leave the bed naked with the two pillows. Of course, it had to be a king size duvet as well.
Looking up at you with a confused and apologetic look, you couldn’t help but snort out a loud laugh.
“My god, this is like the plot to the worst romance movie ever made,” you groaned with an eye roll. “As long as you keep your hands to yourself, we can share the bed, yeah?”
“As long as you’re comfortable with it?” His eyes were unsure, searching yours for a clue about your thoughts on the entire thing.
You simply shrugged your shoulders and went to find your sketch book from your backpack along with your wallet. To be honest, you weren’t picky about this stuff, but boundaries had to be set.
“I still haven’t gotten your name,” he asked hesitantly, making you laugh.
“You’re right. I’m Y/N,” you answered with an amused tone. It hadn’t even crossed your mind to ask for his name.
“My name is Jin. Despite the circumstances, it’s really nice to meet you.” His eyes were twinkling and for the first time, he looked amused by the situation as well, making you feel more relaxed.
“Yeah, this really is a mess,” you laughed, making him chuckle as well. “What do we do about the keycard?”
Picking up the card off the table, Jin inspected it for a few seconds, before handing it over to you with a smug smile.
“You take it. I trust you to make wise decisions,” he laughed. “You can do whatever you want. I can make myself busy for a few hours. Maybe we could do dinner together though?”
Though the question was hesitant, his eyes seemed eager for you to accept his proposal.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing,” you giggled, making his eyes light up. “I mean, 18 hours is long time to spend together without actually getting to know each other.” He simply nodded at your words with a soft grin, leaving it to you to pick a time to meet up.
“Well, how about we meet in front of the hotel at” – you checked the time on your watch – “7?”
“Sure, sounds good.”
That being settled, you made your awkward departure, which involved a half wave as you almost walked into the door, that you struggled to open because of all the locks, before you finally made your way to the hallway.
“You’re such a clutz,” you mumbled to yourself, as you rested your head on the wall opposite the door for a few seconds to digest the entire situation. Taking deep breaths, you mentally worked through what was going to happen. It was 3pm now. So you could walk around for a few hours, maybe draw a bit. Then dinner with Jin at 7pm. Just thinking about it made you huff out a laugh, at how absurd it all was. That would maybe take like an hour. Two if you had a lot to talk about. That would make it 9pm, and still leave 12 hours. What the hell were you supposed to do for 12 hours? Shaking your head to clear the overthinking from your mind, you pushed yourself off the wall and opened your eyes, being met with Jins curious eyes peering back at you.
“Are you okay?”, he asked, concern present in his voice.
Shit, how hadn’t you heard the door? How long had he been standing there?
“Yeah, no worries.” You pushed out a strained laugh. “I’m just a bit tired. I’m gonna go now.”
Cursing at yourself mentally, you threw him a quick smile, before taking off in what could only be called a sprint to get away from him.  
Wandering around the airport, you were in awe at how big it was, and how much it had to offer. There were playgrounds, labyrinths, every food choice you could think off, art pieces, outdoor terraces, gardens and even an outdoor pool. After having walked around a bit, you stumbled across a sign pointing to a sunflower garden. Curiosity taking over, you followed the signs and sure enough, there - in the middle of an airport – a sunflower garden with a small pathway between the flowers to walk on and small benches to rest on. Almost squealing in joy, you started looking through the garden for the prettiest flower to sketch. Finally finding the perfect one, you made yourself comfortable on a bench and placed your notepad on your knees. Putting pen to paper, the rustling and bustling of the airport disappeared around you as the flower took shape on your sketchbook.
When you pulled back from your second drawing a few hours later to inspect it from a distance, you smiled happily at your work.
“That’s beautiful.”
Looking up to the source of the voice, you were met with Jins impressed smile.
“I didn’t know, you were an artist?”
“And I didn’t know, you needed two coffees?”, you retorted with a laugh, gesturing to the two to-go cups in his hands.
“Well, you can never have too many coffees,” he winked, as he handed you one. “No, I bought one for you. Didn’t know what you liked, so I just bought an americano, but I have milk and sugar with me.” He pulled out the packets from his pocket, and you accepted one of the small milk containers.
“So you were just walking around the airport with two coffees looking for me?”, you teased, as you took the first sip of the coffee.
“Ehm.” He rubbed the back of his neck blushingly. “Actually, I walked past you about 10 minutes ago, but you didn’t see me, so I went to buy us a coffee to have an icebreaker,” he admitted with a nervous laugh.
“I think, we’re way past icebreakers, Jin.”
As your laugh resounded in the garden, he visibly relaxed. After seeing you look so distressed in the hallway, he had felt awful, thinking that you felt that uncomfortable about sharing a room with him. So he had spent the last two hours looking everywhere for you. He had almost given up, when he caught sight of your figure on the bench in the garden. Seeing you sketching, he had stayed put for a few minutes, just observing how your brows furrowed in concentration as your hands transported the beautifully vibrant flowers to the page in front of you. Finally deciding to walk up and talk to you, he was nervous, which he was very well aware of was stupid, but nevertheless he chose to buy the coffees as a conversation starter.
“Yeah, you might be right,” he chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee before looking down on your drawing again. “But that really is beautiful.”
You sent him an appreciative smile, looking down on your page again to hide your blushing cheeks.
“Thank you, but I’m not really an artist. It’s just a hobby.”
“Oh, you’re an artist all right,” he stated, brushing off your comment and making you roll your eyes in return.
“I’m really not. I picked it up when I was in rough part of my life, and it helped me through some tough times,” you shrugged, almost regretting that you revealed that to a complete stranger. Oh well, after tomorrow you would never see him again.
“Ah, the troubled soul of an artist,” he mused dramatically with a teasing smile, causing you to give him light shove as you laughed.
“What about you? What do you do?”
“Nothing interesting,” he answered, trying to dodge the question. “I work for a big corporation, but honestly I’m not even sure, what it is we do.”
As you laughed at his response, he felt himself grow more comfortable and confident with you.
“And they make us wear these stiff suits, which are quite honestly so uncomfortable,” he whined, squirming in his seat, delighting in drawing yet another laugh from you.
“Wait. I think, I have a solution for that!”, you exclaimed, reaching into your bag for the vouchers you got at the hotel. “Look!”
You handed him a voucher which would give you 30% off in a selected list of clothing stores at the airport. Looking up at you with quirked eyebrow, you simply beamed proudly at him.
When he walked out of the store an hour later, it was with you following suit, clutching your stomach in laughter, tears springing from your eyes.
“What?”, Jin asked, as he turned around to face you with a sassy pop of his hip. “I look fucking fabulous, and you know it.” Running his hands through his hair, he gave a catwalk worthy display of his new outfit, which was galaxies away from his stuffy suit. Neon green shoes with red laces, skintight black jeans, and an oversized pink hoodie with a giant panda head on the front.
“You’re definitely gonna catch a few eyes, that’s for sure,” you giggled, wiping tears from your eyes.
Eating dinner at one of the restaurants took you close to three hours, as you spent most of the time making up stories about the people surrounding you, leaving both of you close to tears in laughter.
“Aw,” you pouted at him. “We’ve waited so long to eat, that our pizzas have gotten cold.”
“Now, that won’t do!”, he giggled, waving over the waiter. “We would like a new pizza, my good man. And another bottle of wine, please.”
“Jin! We can’t afford that!”, you scolded him, although it didn’t have much effect with your alcohol rosy cheeks and drunken giggle.
“Speak for yourself, love,” he grinned shamelessly, making you blush at the nickname. “I’m loaded.”
“Oh, we’re getting cocky now, are we?”, you laughed at his demeanor. “Well, in that case I would like a cosmopolitan as well,” you told the waiter, when he put down the new wine bottle.
“A cosmopolitan?”, Jin smirked with a quirked eyebrow. “How cliché.”
“I’ve always wanted to try one,” you shrugged with a giggle, making Jin laugh as well.
“And where else would be better to try it, than here in the Changi airport, stuck with a complete stranger?”
Working through the drinks, you talked about this and that, never venturing into personal subjects. It seemed like a mutual agreement, that personal stuff was off the table. Instead you talked about which countries you had visited, which books you had read recently, which movies you liked and a lot of joking about each other as the stereotypical artist and the rich businessman, who had to share a bed in an airport hotel. The clichés were all over the place.
“The only thing, that would make it more stereotypical would be if I was married as well, and then we ended up falling in love after one night together,” Jin laughed, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“What do you mean ‘married as well’?”
Jin cocked his head at your expression, the drunken giggle slowly fading from his face.
“Well, you checked in as Mrs. Y/L/N. Not Miss,” he clarified, making you snort out a laugh.
“Yeah, but I’m not married,” you gasped between laughs. “I just wasn’t sure what to think of you, and men tend to respect women more, if they’re married. I’m very much single,” you stated with a sly smile at his confused expression.
“That’s…” he trailed off with furrowed eyebrows and a slight pout to his lips, making you contain a giggle. “I don’t know what to say,” he stated with a drunken chuckle. “But I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to tell me now.”
“Well, you did pay for dinner and wore that god-awful sweater just to make me laugh,” you winked at him, laughing in triumph, when you saw his cheeks turn pink. “Ha! I knew it!”
Unable to do anything but smile fondly at your celebration of revealing his secret, he settled for shrugging his shoulders with a laugh.
When the waiter came to tell you that they were closing in a few minutes, you looked at each other across the table, before breaking out in laughter again.
“What now?”, you asked him with twinkling eyes, definitely not ready to go to bed yet.
“Well, I have an idea,” he laughed, pulling out his wallet to pay for dinner, waving off your complaints. “Come on!”, he exclaimed, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the restaurant.
Proudly pointing towards the room filled with arcade games, he grinned at you with sparkling eyes. You couldn’t help but laugh for the 1000th time that night. How that well dressed businessman ended up being the biggest kid by heart was mystery to you, but you definitely weren’t complaining.
You spent the next hour running around, besting each other in the different games, until you were thrown out by the security for being drunk around the kids using the machines. As you tried to apologize to the guard, Jin dragged out of the arcade hall and into the movie theater right next to it. Throwing an arm over your shoulders, he steered you towards the popcorn and soda machines.
“Aren’t we supposed to pay for this?”, you giggled in a whisper, when he simply started pouring soda into cups, and handing them to you.
“Where did your sense of adventure go, miss artist?”, he winked at you, as he filled a box with popcorns, before pushing you in front of him into the movie theater, giving a nod to the man at the entrance and slipping him a bill without you noticing.
“I can’t believe, we just did that,” you giggled with excited eyes, oblivious to the fact, that you actually hadn’t done anything wrong.
“You’re a criminal now, love,” Jin smirked, pulling you down into the seat next to him. “Better stick with me, so I can bail you out, when you get arrested.”
Mock laughing at his words, you threw a handful of popcorn at him, making him widen his eyes in surprise and whine about how you were ruining his hoodie with the butter.
Stumbling into your room a few hours later, both of you giggling like teenagers, Jin put down the beers and snacks he had bought on the bed.
“If we’re doing a sleepover, I need to wear my pajamas,” he shrieked loudly, making you shush him a bit with a giggle. “I need to be comfortable!”
“Then change into your pajamas,” you giggled. “You don’t need to tell the entire hotel, Jin.”
Shrugging off his hoodie, he walked to his bag to get his pajamas out. Stumbling a bit in his tipsy state, he started laughing at himself as he struggled to find what he was looking for. Finally, he pulled out a pink striped pajama, making you fall over in giggles on the bed.
“You really do like pink,” you laughed with tears in your eyes.
“Well, excuse you,” he huffed in feigned annoyance. “It is a great color and it really makes my eyes pop.”
Walking into the bathroom to change, he left you alone on the bed. Blinking a few times to clear your vision, you suddenly realized that you were way more drunk, that you had thought. Stumbling towards your own bag, you remembered that you didn’t have anything to sleep in with you. All you had was a pair of shorts, a dress and an extra pair of underwear. Shimmying out of your pants, you quickly put on the shorts, before looking around the room for something to wear on your chest, eyes falling on Jins hoodie. He wouldn’t mind that, would he? In your buzzed state, you decided to just do it, quickly discarding your shirt, and pulling the hoodie over your head and moving back to the bed, grabbing a beer on the way.
“What do you…” Jin started, when he walked back out in the pink pajamas, trailing off when he saw you wearing his sweatshirt. “What are you wearing?”
“Your hoodie,” you answered with a soft smile, holding up one of your sweater paws. “I hope you don’t mind, but I don’t have anything else to sleep in.”
You were practically drowning in fabric, and it made you look so much smaller than you were. Combined with your bare legs and rosy cheeks, you looked like a cuddle dream to Jin, making him blush a bit at how domesticated his thoughts were.
“No, it’s fine,” he chuckled. “You look cute.”
Handing him a beer, you patted the space next to you to get him to join you on the bed.
It only took you 10 minutes to start singing along to songs blasting from your phone’s really lousy speaker. As you failed to hit a specifically high note, Jin snorted out a laugh at your attempt.
“I really hope, you’re not a singer,” he teased with sparkling eyes, making you shrug your shoulders. “Oh, come on! Just tell me, please. Do you work with art in any way?”
“Can’t tell you,” you giggled, touching your nose with your index finger. “Spoilers,” you added in a sing song voice.
Two beers later, you were both very much both drunk and sleepy. Having opted for a more comfortable position, Jin was now lying in bed with his head in your lap, and your hands combing through the strands, while your phone played some music in background.
“You know, when I heard, that I had to wait 18 hours for the next plane, this was not, what I imagined happening,” he chuckled sleepily, humming at the feeling of your hands in his hair.
“Yeah, me neither,” you hummed. “I thought, I would have to stay away from you and awkwardly stay awake, so you wouldn’t try anything with me while I was sleeping,” you laughed, making Jin huff in annoyance.
“Excuse me, but I am proper gentleman. I would never try anything against your will,” he stated, crossing his arms to underline his point, which only looked ridiculous with his pink pajamas and overall soft look.
Rolling your eyes at his words, you ruffled his hair with a laugh.
“I know that now.”
Smiling confidently at your answer, he closed his eyes and let out a satisfied sigh.
“Can I ask you a personal question?” Your hands kept combing his hair, despite him tensing up at your question.
“Hmm. Sure, but I might not answer it,” he answered, popping a piece of chocolate into his mouth.
“Does your father own the company, you work at?”, you asked softly. You didn’t want him to think you were judging him, but there had been several hints to his position in the company, and his blatant annoyance and indifference at the company made it seem like, he wasn’t there by choice.
Letting out a deep sigh, Jin looked up at you from his position in your lap.
“Is it really that obvious?”, he asked you with pleading eyes, begging you to disagree with him.
“Not obvious, no,” you smiled with a head shake, seeing him relax at your answer. “But you don’t seem like you enjoy working there?”
He huffed out a sarcastic laugh.
“I know,” he groaned, hiding his face behind his hands. “It’s the only cliché worse than this whole mess. The boss’ son doesn’t want any part of the company.”
“What do you want to do?”
“I want to get into politics,” he stated, confidence evident in his voice as he sat up from his position. “I have seen how much the bigger companies can get away with and how fucked up some of it is, and I want to change that.”
“Then why don’t you? And don’t tell me it’s because of your father,” you warned, seeing him already opening his mouth to retort. “Give me one thing that’s holding you back, that isn’t your father.”
Seeing him struggle to find an answer, you walked over to get the both of you a new beer from the fridge. Jin accepted the beer wordlessly, still lost in thought at your question.
“I can’t,” he stated, as he turned to your reclined position with a shocked face 10 minutes later. “There is no other reason.” Taking another swig of beer, he stared out into room in realization. “He is the sole reason I’m not doing it.”
Seeing his frightened features at the realization, you realized you had to soften the blow a bit.
“Look, I’m not saying, that means you have to change anything. But maybe give it some thought. All I can say, is that’s it’s a lot more freeing living your own life, instead of someone else’s,” you shrugged, as you leaned back against the headboard.
“Whose life were you living?”, he asked you hesitantly, feeling like he was allowed at least one personal question, since you had opened his bag of personal baggage.
“My grandmas,” you stated, voice having gone completely flat. “She was denied a long education because of marriage and was really pushing me to do one. So I did.”
“And nothing,” you sighed. “I finished my degree, got a job I was miserable with, worked there for two years before quitting. My grandma doesn’t speak to me anymore. Says I’m wasting opportunities she was never given.”
Not really knowing what to say, Jin opted for opening his arms to give you a hug. Your first instinct was to move away, but come to think of it, a hug would be nice, and he probably needed on as well.
Shuffling into his arms, you felt them wrap around you, enclosing you in a warm pink embrace. For a few minutes you were both silent, before you started giggling.
“What?”, he smiled softly against your hair.
“Your hoodie smells like butter,” you laughed, making him swat your arm.
“I told you it would stain,” he pouted, before erupting in a chuckle as well.
“Can I ask you something?”, you whispered against his chest, feeling his heartbeat awfully close.
“You don’t have to ask me that every time,” he chuckled. “What is it?”
“Do you want to have sex tonight?”
Your tone wasn’t flirty or insinuating. You might as well have been asking about the time of day or the weather. But the question still made Jin a bit flustered.
“Eh. Ah. I don’t know.” He cursed himself for stammering before he continued. “I wouldn’t mind it, but it’s not something that has to happen,” he ended hesitantly, unsure about what kind of answer you were looking for.
Your lack of explanation left Jin confused and very unsure about, what would happen next, as he tried to keep his hold on you relaxed and calm. But he couldn’t help his curiosity.
“Do you?”
“Not really,” you hummed, snuggling closer in his embrace. “But you are really nice to cuddle with, so I wouldn’t mind some cuddling.”
“I can do that,” he chuckled at your soft state, seeing you mold yourself to fit his body, and he tried his best to make sure you were comfortable.
“It’s not because you’re not pretty,” you mumbled drowsily. “Because you are fucking beautiful. But I like this memory as it is – playful, honest, happy.”
He laughed silently at your honest sleepy words, as he pulled the duvet over the both of you.
“I know, what you mean. There is no need to add sexy to that list,” he hummed, as he placed a featherlight kiss to your hair.
Turning off the lights, Jin pulled you closer to him and drifted off to sleep with the sound of your laugh reverberating in his head.
The next morning things were a tad awkward. The alcohol had worn off, and despite the comfortableness you both had felt towards each other it was hard to shed that feeling of being strangers. It hadn’t even been 24 hours since you had met.
Getting ready to leave the hotel, you worked around each other to get ready, taking turns in the shower, packing up your stuff and finally leaving the room. As you checked out, you assured the hotel manager that it had been a nice stay, and that you had made the best of it. Which was true, although not the extent that she was insinuation with a wink to you, after giving Jin a hungry look. Feeling a bit annoyed on his behalf, you quickly dragged him out of the reception with a final goodbye to the woman.
“We still have an hour, before they start boarding,” Jin smiled at you, unaware of what had happened at the reception desk. “Do you wanna do breakfast somewhere?”
“I’m really not much of a morning person, but if you’re okay with sitting with me in silence, while I drink my coffee, then sure,” you answered curtly, adding a short smile to make up for your tone.
“Sure, let’s get you some coffee.” Seemingly not affected by your tone, he started walking towards one of the cafés of the airport, all the while humming a song. Like some grumpy shadow, you trailed behind him, trying not to snap at the people bumping into you. Easily finding you a table, Jin asked you to wait there while he got the food and coffee. To tired to even question how he would figure out what to get you, you sat down at the table and stared out at the people passing by the café.
“Here is your coffee,” Jin said handing you the cup. “And here is some food.”
As he placed the chocolate croissant at the table in front of you, your face split into the first genuine smile of the day and you sent him what could only be described as heart eyes, making him chuckle.
“Yeah, I thought this would cheer you up.”
Settling himself across from you, he dug into his yoghurt as he watched you gobble down the croissant with a blissful smile on your face. When you took the first sip of your coffee, you realized that he had remembered that you liked it with milk, making you blush a bit at his consideration. Sending him a thankful smile, he just winked at you.
“Thank you. Not just for the food, but for everything,” you told him, as you were standing in line for boarding. You were not seated together, and you didn’t know if you would see him again. “I had a really good time.”
Smiling at your words, he pulled you into a side hug.
“Me too, but you don’t have to say goodbye yet. I was planning on giving you a proper goodbye hug, when we land in Seoul.”
Enjoying the comforting feeling of his embrace, you closed your eyes for second taking in the smell of his cologne, before the line started moving again.
“I would like that,” you smiled at him, before stepping forward to have your boarding pass scanned.
“Just in case I miss you in Seoul,” Jin stammered, as he joined you in the queue leading into the aircraft. “Could I have your number?”
“I don’t know, Jin,” you spoke hesitantly. “Maybe it’s best to just keep this memory as it is?”
You were hoping he would see it the same way, but the disappointment in his eyes told you differently, making you winch.
“Maybe you’re right. But I haven’t met anyone in a long time, that I was this comfortable with,” he told you in a sincere voice. “I would love to stay in touch with you, in any form you feel like would work.”
He gave you a soft smile, making your stomach flip in response, and as you tried to convince yourself that letting it stay as a memory would be for the best, he leaned down to press a soft kiss to your cheek, before giving you a soft push down the aisle of the plane, where the queue had long moved on from the two of you. Still in a daze by his words and his kiss, you didn’t even realize, that he had reached his seat and sat down, before you turned around to speak to him, only to find an older woman in his place.
“If you’re looking for the handsome gentleman, he sat down in row 12,” she told you with a sweet voice. “I checked for you.”
Stammering out a thank you, you blushingly made your way to your own seat and burrowed yourself against the window and quickly popping in your in-ears. You only had 6 hours to figure out, what you were gonna do.
Searching through the crowd at the baggage carousel, Jin suddenly realized, that he actually didn’t know if you had any baggage to pick up. Despite his height advantage, he still hadn’t been able to find you in the crowd. The minutes ticked by, and the crowd thinned out, but still there was no sign of you. His own luggage had been circling the conveyor belt several times by now, as if assisting him in his search for you. When it had had its second solo round, Jin let out a deep sigh, admitting defeat as he walked to pick up it up. Walking through customs and passport checks, he tried seeing it as a good thing. Now the memory would be able stand on its own, almost like a magical fairytale of a time long lost. It was a nice ending, he nodded to himself. Although he wouldn’t have minded being part of your epilogue.
Shuffling through the arrival’s hall, he felt someone tap him on the shoulder, making him turn around and meet your soft features, which were spread in a soft smile.
“Here, I thought you might want this,” you spoke softly, handing him a folded piece of paper.
Accepting it, he just looked at you with a dumbfounded look, which only intensified when you stretched up to place a soft kiss on his lips, before turning around and walking away with a soft wave.
Still completely dumbfounded by your actions, it took him a few seconds to realized what happened, and when it did, he hurriedly placed the paper in his pocket, before running after you, only stopping when he reached the taxis. Once again, he found himself searching for you without any luck. You were already gone. Letting out an annoyed huff at your actions, he cursed himself for not running after you immediately. Pacing the pavement, he mused over what to do, when one of the taxis honked at him. Realizing you had left him with no possible actions, he let out a defeated sigh, as he got in the cab and told the driver his address.
Leaning back in the leather seat, he reached into his pocket for the piece of paper, you had given him. As he opened it, he was met with the drawing he had seen you make of one of the sunflowers. Smiling softy at memory of how he found you sketching, his eyes traced the pencil strokes on the paper. As he turned it over, he found a phone-number scribbled down in the corner and your handwriting underneath.
I would love to keep in contact. In any way you want. - Your airport artist
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minstrophywife · 5 years
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⇢Pairing: Namjoon x Scientist!Reader ⇢Genre: Romance, Sci-fi!AU    ↳[fluff] [smut] [baby bit of angst] ⇢Word Count: 5,280 ⇢Warnings: Sappy romantic imagery, some really soft sex, nothing outrageous (Namjoon is really sweet okay): missionary, fingering, hand-job, creampie, no protection (please practice safe sex!).
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⇢Summary: You only meet in dreams, and it’s always on the beach. And maybe the both of you don’t want to wake up at all.
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⇢A/N: Hello guys! I had a sudden idea after talking to the lovely @monospromise about her dreams. So here you go. It’s your dreams come true (ish). It’s a bit shorter than my other stuff, but I hope you enjoy! I really liked writing this one.
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The sun feels hot against your skin, and you can see it dance across your closed eyelids. A breeze passes by, and you smell the salt from the ocean tickle your nose. 
You already feel your heart at peace, and you fight the temptation not to move at all.
When you do finally open your eyes, you are met with paradise- the sky is a brilliant blue, palm trees sway above you, the leaves shivering from the wind.
Not a bad thing to wake up to, you think, smiling softly. 
You sit up, and you are laying on the grass- but a large beach stretches in front of you, the green of the water splashes onto the white sand. 
It almost looks like snow, with how with the beach is, and you walk towards it, mesmerized. You have encountered such a beautiful place before.
But as you take a few steps forward, you notice another sleepy figure in the grass under his own tree. His legs are sprawled outwards, hands resting on his belly. You step closer, curious. 
You notice how soft snores escape from full lips, and you can’t help the small giggle that escapes your lips. He wakes up with a stir, and you’ve been caught staring at his sleeping form. He rubs his eyes with his hands.
“Just how loud was I snoring?” He asks sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment as he sits up.
His actions make you want to tease him. “Loud enough to walk over to you.” 
“Perfect then.” He says looking up at you, and his flirty response has you blinking back in shock.
You see his dimples in response, and you can’t help but think that you want to always make him smile- just to see those dimples again.
“Kim Namjoon.” he says, outstretched hand towards you. 
“Y/N.” You say taking his hand in yours. 
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You see him again today, but he isn’t sleeping. This time Kim Namjoon is reading a book, and you peek over at the front, trying to discover the title. He looks content, shaded by a palm tree. You contemplate whether or not you should bother his reading.
Instead you take a seat as quietly as possible next to him, not trying to be rude, but happy to see a familiar face again. He hums in response, and the two of you sit in comfortable silence. 
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The two of you are walking together down the beach, side by side. You hunt for seashells, already the bucket filled with an array of swirling pinks and browns. You haven’t known Namjoon very long, but you can see his childlike personality appear when searching for the most interesting of shapes and colors.
“What are we going to do with the shells, when we are done?” You ask, as you find a particularly pretty pink cockle shell. You place it gingerly into the bucket that is currently wedged in the sand, between you and Namjoon.
“That’t the beauty of it- it’s about searching for things that automatically make them special. So we can do whatever we want!” He says, and your heart beats just a little faster.
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The hammock is large, large enough for the two of you to climb in together. You fidget nervously as you walk closer to it, Namjoon excitedly describing the book that he just finished to you. You aren’t really paying attention though.
“After you.” He says, helping you into the hammock. You hold onto his shoulders for balance while you shift into a comfortable position to let him on as well.
He tumbles awkwardly into the netting, and you laugh, not assisting him at all. He grumbles at your lack of help, a blush riding high on his cheekbones.
It takes him some time before he can talk about his book again, especially over your giggles.
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“Namjoon?” You ask, the both of you enjoying the cool of the ocean water from the heat of the summer sun.
“Yes?” He says, turning to you, and you see dimples again, and your question gets lost- the sparkling of the surface of the water as well as his hair, wet from when you splashed at him playfully.
You just return the smile instead, until he dunks your head underwater in revenge.
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“Ah, hello!” He’s waiting for you again, this time he’s sitting in the sand, his bare toes are kissed by the waves, white bubbles creating a contour around his feet. As you approach closer, you see his signature dimples emerge. You can’t help but feel the corners of your mouth begin to lift in response. When you stand beside him, you hover, glancing at the sea that spreads before you, and you release a deep breath.
Every time you meet with Namjoon, your heart feels full and heavy, but there is a question that weighs down your tongue. You wonder when you can ask him.
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Today feels different- clouds cover the sun, a hazy glow settling on the beach. Namjoon is waiting for you per the usual, but this time he seems distracted as you approach- so much so that you scare him when you put a hand down on his shoulder. 
He turns to you and smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Hello Y/N, nice to see you as always.” Your eyebrow lifts in a silent question.
“What would you like to do today?” You ask, hoping to ease whatever is on his mind. Namjoon stands, and he naturally takes your hand in his. 
“Let’s just go for a walk today.” He says and you try to focus on why he sounds so distant today, rather than on your entwined fingers. You wonder if he meant to do that. He’s not letting go though.
You walk silently for a while, footprints follow behind you in the sand. 
“I know it’s all a dream you know.” He says abruptly, not looking you in the eye. 
You pause mid stride, eyes widening.
“Well, a simulated dream anyways.” He mumbles, mostly to himself. 
You turn towards him.
“Wait, how long have you known?” This wasn’t supposed to happen. Isn’t supposed to happen.
“Ah, I’ve known for a while. I remember reading articles in the Scientific Journals before during my lunch breaks. They mentioned trying a new way to re-stimulate the brain, to encourage the person to finally wake up from their coma. In layman’s terms anyways.” He digs his heel in the sand. He still hasn’t turned to face you yet.
You knew he was smart, and even more so after your meany sessions with Kim Namjoon. You try to search for his eyes, but he’s looking away towards the horizon, a wistful stare.
 “How long was it until you noticed?” You ask. There isn’t much point on hiding it from him.
“I noticed on the third day- you always find me, but I realized that I never remember much before or after you leave. I’m just always on the beach.”
You aren’t sure what to say. But he’s staring at you, waiting.
“I’m sorry you found out.” You manage to finally say. “The patient is not supposed to know, or to ever know. Most patients don’t remember any of the sessions they wake up.” 
That seems to make his eyes widen, and he turns to you with a worried expression.
“Then I’ll enjoy what I have, while I have it. I’m happy to have you.” 
The hand that squeezes yours is shaking.
You squeeze it back.
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Your eyes flutter open, and you peel the helmet off your head. A cold sweat has appeared on your body. The glass of the pod is still closed in front of you, but you hear Hoseok’s muffled curse and then its sliding open.
You take deep breaths.
“Are you alright?” Hoseok asks, worry knitting his brows together. “Both you and Kim Namjoon had a heightened heart rate this session.”
You swallow thickly, nodding. You know you need to tell Hoseok the truth, that the sessions could now be completely screwed up, since…
 He knows.  
But- you realize, that this could be an interesting part of Kim Namjoon’s recovery, as well as a further subject to study for later sessions. 
Or it’s because you don’t want to stop seeing him.
“I’m fine- Don’t worry. We just were talking about some sensitive things.” You say, turning toward your colleague and best friend. He doesn’t look convinced, but he lets it slide. For now.
You exit the pod now, walking towards your laptop to distract yourself with creating the log for this session.
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As the sun begins to settle down the horizon, your eyes begin to flutter- you are stubbornly fighting the pull of sleep. But you are drowsy, and your cheek nestled against his chest causes you to slowly rise and fall with each intake of breath. You count his heart beat, and find your own heart aligning with his. You vaguely feel a soothing hand that rubs small circles on your hip, matching the slow tempo of your combined hearts.
badump badump badump
Your eyes shut. 
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You aren’t allowed to enjoy the feeling of relaxation- too soon you hear the familiar whirring of the supercomputer fans, along with the consistent beep beep beep of the heart rate monitors, and the clicking of keyboard keys. 
You refuse to open your eyes. Perhaps it means you can just stay- wrapped in his arms, falling asleep to the lullaby of his heart. 
“It’ll be just a moment!” 
Hoseok’s words have never felt more poignantly accurate, and you sure as hell won’t tell him. 
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His regular appointments are going well, each time you visit Namjoon has managed to conjure something else in his headspace to do together. You recognize it as signs of progress,  that he’s finally wanting to wake up. 
You want him to wake up. You do. But the smallest, quietest part of you hidden away says that you don’t want him to forget you. But you shove that thought deep and far away, in the darkest part of your heart.
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It’s been about a month or so, and one particular morning you hear a soft knock on the door of your office. 
Hoseok gives you a minute before popping his head in.
“It’s the Kim family. They wanted to finally meet you.” 
You nod. You knew this was bound to happen sooner or later. Rising from your desk, you follow after Hoseok to see a very tired looking Mr. and Mrs. Kim. They are huddled together on the couch, and their shoulders are scrunched up. 
 At the sound of your entrance, both of their worn faces look up, and a soft, hopeful smiles replace their sombre faces.
“Ah, so you’re the doctor helping our Namjoon?” 
You nod, reaching over to shake their hands politely. They both grapple for some sort of comfort- you know its because you are the only source who can talk to their son. You aren’t always the best with these types of meetings, but your heart feels softer for them- they have a good son, and you ignore your quickening pulse as you remember the gentle act of him tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Thank you for taking a part of this, I know that we are still in the early development parts of experimentation for this type of recovery and therapy.” You say, sitting down next to Hoseok in the opposite chair from the sofa.
They shake their heads. “We will do anything for Joonie. Anything to see him smile again.”
You want to go over and hug them at the sound of their desperation.
You don’t want to give them hope, and you can’t disclose your sessions because of doctor patient confidentiality, but you do want to reassure them- if anything to ease their anxiety just a little bit.
“You have a good son. You raised him well.” You say, smiling softly. 
Mr. Kim shifts on the sofa, to sit proudly, while Mrs. Kim returns your smile. 
“We know his body has physically healed, all that’s remaining is for him to wake up. We refuse to lose hope.” Mr. Kim says, and you see determination flash across his eyes. You can tell he trusts you inexplicably, and it weighs on your shoulders as you straighten in your chair. 
“We just want him to wake up from his lovely dreams, and return to us so we can create new lovely memories.” Mrs. Kim wipes away some tears that are threatening to fall.
He really has some loving parents, and you feel the need to return their happiness. You steel yourself.
“I promise to bring him back home to you.”
No matter how long it takes.
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Today you laying looking at the sky, not even caring about the sand in your hair. 
Large puffy clouds float lazily by. You laugh when he says one looks like a lion. It’s a nostalgic game to play, as you two begin associating clouds into more and more outrageous shapes. 
One looks like Icarus flying too close to the sun, and it wrenches you a bit from your fantasy. He says it looks like an angel.
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“Why don’t you wake up?” You ask bluntly during one session, staring unflinchingly.
He turns to you from his crab hunting, wiping his hands on his shorts. 
“And leave paradise?” He says teasingly, his lips quirking up into a playful grin. 
“I’m serious.” You frown, flicking some washed up seaweed in his direction. 
A raised eyebrow. 
“Why are you asking now?” 
You hesitate, unsure if it’s a good idea to talk to him about your meeting with his family, and the real world. He’s waiting patiently, arms crossed, gaze steady. You’re not getting out of this one now. 
“You don’t think I’m trying?” He says, a frustrated sigh leaving his lips. “I finally was getting somewhere in life, feeling accomplished. Then the accident happened and everything stopped. You don’t think I’m not full of desire to continue?” 
You stay silent, not ready to break his revealing of emotions. 
“I don’t want to be angry. I’m trying not to be upset at what happened.” 
It’s the first time you’ve heard bitterness in Namjoon’s usually calm voice. 
“I’ll ask you the same. Why won’t I wake up? You’re the doctor.” He spits, clearly frustrated and upset. He’s not even looking at you now. 
You’ve hit a nerve, and you realize how much his words have hurt you in turn. You stand angrily. 
It’s your first fight, and the first time you’ve left a session early. 
You press the small button on your bracelet, signaling for Hoseok to pull you awake. 
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You decide it’s time to be more professional. You decide to not plug back into his dreamscape until you can give him some answers. 
His question hurt, but it was the truth. You have the power in this situation- you get to wake up but he does not. He’s stuck in his own head. 
He must be suffocating. 
And you took advantage of it, swept up in your own emotions and feelings toward Namjoon. 
You feel so selfish. 
You chastised yourself for being so unprofessional, wallowing a bit. Instead of trying to help Namjoon, here you are letting yourself being pampered by him, caught up in a dream and the notion of paradise.
Hoseok could feel your frustration, instead he just dutifully listened to all your requests, consistently sliding a steaming cup of coffee on your desk every few hours.
You really don’t deserve his kindness.
But now you are just determined- determined to help Namjoon escape and finally wake up. 
You’ve been pouring over Kim Namjoon’s brain activity over the past few months, comparing the patterns of when you plugged in versus his neutral state. 
You furrow your eyebrows, checking your data and are unhappy with the results. In general, you can tell his brain activity is acting normal, and honestly should be allowing for him to wake up. And yet each time you unplug from him, the brain activity goes back to a neutral state.
Tonight is another night of frustration. After a week of analysis, you really hate to reach your conclusion, because it seems like a cop out. Everything just seems psychosomatic. 
He really is lost in his own head- something is keeping him back and you aren’t exactly sure what it quite is yet.
With newfound determination, you realize you need to plug back in, and actually talk to him. 
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The next day, at work, you pull Hoseok aside the minute he walks in.
“I think after taking the last week to analyze my sessions with Kim Namjoon, I still can’t produce any conclusions as to why he won’t wake up.” 
He sits in thought for a moment, processing your comment.
“After my own study as well, I think we both can conclude its psychosomatic.” 
You both wince at the word.
You needed to hear it from Hoseok.
“I think we both know you need to talk to Kim Namjoon again.” He clears his throat, and dares to look you in the eye. “I don’t know what happened between the two of you to cause you to avoid him, but as your colleague, and most importantly, as your friend, you can’t keep avoiding the inevitable.”
You gulp. You can always count on Jung Hoseok to get straight to the point.
“Especially for Namjoon’s sake.” 
He’s right.
“Especially for Namjoon’s sake.” You repeat, your voice small.
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You lay into the pod again, and this time Hoseok helps hook the helmet securely, as a form of settling your anxiety. You nod in silent thanks.
The glass doors of the pod slide shut, and you close your eyes. You faintly hear Hoseok’s words of “good luck” before you smell the sea breeze.
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When you open your eyes this time, your vision is filled with stars. It’s your first dreamscape with Namjoon that occurs at night.
While it’s nighttime, its still warm, and you pause for a moment, awed by such a spectacle of beauty. 
It’s as if someone has thrown confetti in the air, and the pieces have hung suspended. 
The amount of stars make you think that Namjoon is trying to impress you. Maybe. 
You walk forward towards the beach, head pointed to the sky as you stop to sit again while you wait for him. You dig your toes into the sand.
In an instant, he’s there. 
There is a long stretch of silence- perhaps you both don’t know what to say after your fight. Silent apologies hang heavy in the air. 
“Thank you.” You say, eyes not leaving the stars, stars he made for you.
You hear a heavy exhale, and he shifts - a hand finds your own.
“I told myself I would make it up to you- that I had to. For me being an asshole to the one person who makes me not alone.” 
“We both were wrong.” 
His hand tightens further on your own. 
“I am your doctor, and you my patient. I got caught up in my growing attachment to you, and instead of focusing on helping you, instead I was selfish and was focusing on me.”
You continue quickly, wanting to get your point across before Namjoon can interject.
“Maybe instead of creating dates and a paradise for me…” you whisper, and you fight a blush forming at your bold words, “… you should figure out what you need first.” You press your free hand against his heart.
There is a long pause, and you can feel the beating of his heart against his chest.
badump badump badump
Namjoon takes this moment to reach across, grabbing your cheek to pull your attention away from your hand over his heart. 
“Did it ever cross your mind…” he says, eyes searching yours, thumb dragging softly across your cheek, “…that you are what makes me want to be able to wake up and see you every day? Every moment?”
You break your eye contact, gaze shifting down shyly. You look at your entwined fingers in the sand. 
Namjoon is not deterred. 
“That when I close my eyes and open them again I can be with you? That when I pursue my life to the fullest it can be by your side?”
Tears spill and fall from your eyes, you hadn’t noticed it before. His thumb wipes along the tracks.
And then his lips are on yours and he’s kissing you.
Soft, but desperate. 
And you kiss back, with the same fervor, and your hand tightens on fabric of his tee, bunching it between your fingers. 
Your lip is being pulled between his teeth, and then you flick your tongue out to meet his mouth and then tongues twist together, sloppy and needy.
You are vaguely aware of him shifting- he’s pushing you down, your hair in the sand. You open your eyes at your world shifting, and he pulls away.
Your vision is filled with him, the stars, and your breath catches in your throat.
“That when I touch you, it’s not a dream- your skin beneath my fingers, your shuddering breath, your body under mine.” His voice is rumbling, broken from your kisses.
He’s waiting patiently for your response, a warm hand teasing under the hem of your shirt.
“I want you too.” You whisper, more tears threatening to fall.
And soon enough his shirt is removed, and so is yours, and he’s flush against your body, his lips brushing against your eyelids, your nose, you’re cheeks. 
He moves to your neck, and you feel yourself becoming lost in him. His tongue worships your skin, especially the spot where you let out a soft moan. 
As he’s languidly kissing your neck, his hand traces the softness of your sides, traveling upwards to cup your breast, fingers brushing your nipple in teasing touches. 
You don’t want him to stop, the way he’s loving you, but you bring shaky hands to his hair, weaving it amongst the soft strands, hopefully your feelings can be translated to him.
He releases the skin of your neck from between his teeth, the skin already beginning to darken in shade.
“That when you look in the mirror later, you can remember me.”
A soft moan releases from your lips.
He moves down your body, memorizing the planes of your body with his mouth, his tongue, your hands never leaving his hair. 
He reaches the swell of your breast, and suckles lightly on your nipple, his full lips pillows against you. The warm and wet sensation causes you to grip tighter at his hair.
You feel his lips quirk upwards in a smile. 
The attention on your breast means you aren’t paying attention to hands, playing with the waistband of your pants, until you feel a fumbling with the zipper. His fingers struggle to accomplish the job, while he’s mouthing your chest.
You laugh breathlessly.
When you lift your hips to assist him, he ignores your teasing- merely peels the fabric down your legs when the zipper is finally loose, fingers dragging down your legs. You kick the offending material away when when it pools around your ankles.
And Namjoon looks at you, only you- and his fingers trace along your folds, the fabric of your panties wet because of him, only him.
You so desperately want to him to push- it would be so simple for the fabric to be moved out of the way. But you know that the both of you are taking time, time in each other. 
You pull his head back towards yours, lips seeking contact- their partner has been missing already too long. 
The kisses this time are softer, no tongue, just soft pecks of adoration. And when his fingers apply more pressure, your hands finally leave from his hair to make their way towards his shorts- the simple drawstring undone quickly- and your own fingers tease along his hipbone until they dip lower still towards his cock, straining against his briefs. 
When your fingers wrap securely around his shaft and move, your panties are finally removed and his fingers plunge into your folds. He groans against your lips, you tighten around him further in response. 
You match his rhythm, and he matches yours, with each stroke of his cock he pushes into you, and you both are becoming undone. 
His thumb brushes against your clit, and you moan deeply and at that point your patience lasts no longer.
He settles further between your legs, the head of his cock replacing his fingers against your clit, before he finally enters you.
He moves in slowly, savoring the way you suck him in, your hands grapple for his shoulders, trying to pull him in further. And when his body is flush against yours, he pauses to look at your blush, your hair sticking to the sides of your face, and your eyes that screwed shut in pleasure.
And then he moves- slow, deep. But the pace is not enough, and he’s not going deep enough because you want to be lost in him.
You lift your legs to hook around him bringing him closer to you. And then he understands.
And your moans intertwine with his, and as he keeps going, deeper and harder still, you know you’re close, even though you don’t want this moment to end.
But it does, like all dreams do.
And when you do, you cry out, your orgasm too much to process- but you open your eyes because you want to see the look of pleasure on his face, you aren’t sure when you’ll see it next. His eyebrows are knit together, his sweat making his neck and forehead sheen and sparkle from the moonlight. And then he’s coming in you, and you are him and he is you.
badump badump badump
And when you both catch your breath, eyes refocusing onto his face-
“I can only see stars.” You say.
“I can only see stars.” He parrots back.
And your heart is full. 
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When you return to the office the next day, you already feel anxiety creeping up your spine. 
You should feel nervous to see him again, especially after your last intimate encounter, but instead all you feel is nausea. 
You settle into the pod and you feel suffocated for the first time.
Because when you open your eyes, it’s as if you hadn’t opened your eyes at all. There is nothing. You don’t know how long you stare into nothing.
Hoseok rips you back into the pod, removing the helmet as quickly as you can.
You are breathing heavily, and you feel cold- so cold.
Hoseok won’t look into your eyes, he’s nervously gripping a clipboard with paperwork behind his back.
Your stomach drops to your chest, and all you can hear is your heart thudding in your ears.
His dreams are gone.
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It’s week two and you still can’t see the beach. You fruitlessly connect to the machine, and at this point the other scientists don’t hold you back. You can still feel the pity that fills their eyes, and instead of feeling sad, you just feel frustrated. Why does it feel like everyone else has given up? Even Hoseok doesn’t flash a determined smile back at you now, he simply grips your shoulder as if to try to ground you before stepping away to begin the program. You close your eyes, and when you open them back up-
It’s unbearably silent, an empty void.
You feel so alone. 
You wonder if he is experiencing it too- lost in a sea of black. 
Does he feel as alone as you? 
Hoseok is kind- he leaves you to your thoughts for at least an hour, before he returns you back into the hospital. 
There are no tears to shed anymore, just a dull ache.
“Anything?” Hoseok asks gently, out of routine and comfort, rather than out of curiosity. He helps, unplugging you from the helmet and wires, holding a hand out as you step out of the pod. “Nope, no change.” You accept his hand, and walk towards the computers to log the same entry you have entered for the past two weeks.
You can see him want to ask a question, as his eyebrows draw together for a brief moment, but he just nods, stepping outside to leave you alone.
You know what question is on the tip of his tongue, but you both know the answer to it.
As long as it needs to be.
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Today you Namjoon after you have met with your other patients, your schedule is much busier because of the increased funding towards your department. 
Amongst your patients, You’ve seen countless scenes, most in a comfortable home, a warm fireplace, or a large library full of books. Some were outside, a beautiful forest of green, hills of snow, a grassy park, an endless garden of roses - in front of you. You were even on a distant planet once.
You have never seen another beach though.
The success rate is increasing steadily per day, more and more patients finally waking up. It makes you determined, after each success, to see happy family and loved ones shedding tears of happiness to finally reunite with those who have been asleep for so long.
You want to give Namjoon’s family and friends just the same result.
This time, you do not connect to the machine- you knew how tired Hoseok was after today- a total of seven patients- so you sent him home early.
“Are you sure?” He quirks his head towards you, wincing when his neck cracks in response to the movement.
“We’ve both had a long day Hoseok, go home and get some rest. I can visit him on my own today.” You even hang up your lab coat in the locker, just for good measure- to try and convince him that it’s okay.
He’s still hesitating, fiddling with his keycard around his neck. 
You turn, flashing him a reassuring smile. He finally sighs, pulling on his own lab coat to hang. 
“I promise I’ll make up for it tomorrow.” He looks at you apologetically.
Shaking your head, he just gives your shoulder a squeeze, a wordless form of continued support.
“Until tomorrow.”  
You walk down the sterile white hallway, until your reach his room, his name still pinned to the side of the door. 
Kim Namjoon.
You slide the door open, and immediately grab the not so comfortable chair that sits to the right of the entrance. 
You take a familiar seat next to him, or as close as you can get, as he’s in his temperature and air controlled unit. 
beep beep beep
The heart rate monitor reminds you he’s still here, still fighting to return. So you have to stay strong for him too.
beep beep beep
You curl up in your seat, muscles relaxing after the long day at work.
“Hello again.” You say into the air, a little louder than necessary. You hope your words find his ears, especially behind the protective barrier surrounding him.
beep beep beep
You don’t say anything afterwards, you sit, just relaxing in his presence. You fight the weight in your eyelids, the heaviness of your drooping head.
You don’t notice the twitch of his fingertips.
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It feels surreal to be at the beach again. 
The sky and sea merge into one, an endless expanse of blue that reminds you just how small you are in comparison. But then you feel his hand grasp yours, and suddenly you realize you don’t ever have to face it alone.
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© minstrophywife.
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400 notes · View notes
yoongi-sugaglider · 5 years
Starry Nights and Hot Cocoa Delights
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Based off of this request.
An artist struggling with the opening of his new art gallery seeks the solace of his favorite cafe in order to relieve a little but of stress.
Artist Taehyung x cafe owner Reader
Warnings: Fluffy fluff, lots of soft Tae blushing. More fluff...also fluff.
Word count : 2175
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It never failed. When the chaos of everyday life got to be too much and he couldn’t find the peace he so desperately craved, he would come here.
A quiet coffee shop far removed from the busy main streets of Seoul and so infrequently visited that he always knew he’d be able to pick any seat in the place that he so desired.
Despite this he would make his way to the same table each time, a solitary seat by the window overlooking the street beyond. Though there wasn’t ever much to see besides the pigeons strutting their stuff as they looked for tasty morsels to snack on and the occasional cat looking to chase off said scavengers, he still preferred it.
 It granted him the sunlight and peace he craved, along with an open view of his favorite regular employee.
A soft jingle echoed through the shop as he made his entrance, a pencil case covered in the Van Gogh painting Starry Night Over the Rhone and his trusty sketchbook in hand.
A soft voice drew his attention to the register, the cheery smile that greeted him lifting his spirits almost instantly as he moved to take his place at the counter.
“Hello Mr. Kim. The usual today I take it?” Her soft eyed smile melted the ball of anxiety that’d sat at his core since he’d signed the lease that would allow him to finally open his own art gallery.
He nodded, wiping a finger at the bags that’d formed beneath his eyes from one too many sleepless nights.
“Yes please. And a blueberry scone to go with it if you would?” His low vocal tone sounded far gruffer to his own ears than he would have liked and so he shuffled hastily to his seat, hoping that she wouldn’t notice the bedraggled state he’d fallen into over the last few weeks.
After settling in at the window, he finally allowed himself the chance to observe his surroundings, noting that the slight change in decoration they’d applied didn’t take away from the homey feeling he’d grown to love and almost crave.
A few small paintings hung on the walls, surrounded by knicknacks situated on small wooden shelves painted a light white that seemed to have been sponged on to simulate clouds that contrasted well with the soft blue paint of the walls. The effect did leaps and bounds to open up the space, along with pastel yellow tables covered in various floral print table clothes and seated with matching tall backed chairs.
Taehyung hummed, leafing through his sketchbook to find a blank page among the chaos as he shifted the flower shaped salt and pepper shakers aside and placed his pencil case down. Pausing for a moment he glanced over to the cafe’s counter, noting with a smile the way the young woman attending it danced along to the music playing in a whispered murmur in the background. He watched her hips sway back and forth as she handed a drink to another customer with a to go order, only just realizing that the place was slightly more crowded than normal.
It seemed that every other table had one or another customer sat at it, enjoying their drinks while reading from their phones or participating in conversation with their fellow table mate. He thought it odd, though it didn’t seem to bother him nearly as much as he thought it would considering this had been his quiet respite in the chaos of city life.
Turning back to the blank page he sighed, taking out a pencil and tucking the tip between the moistened creases of his lips as he leaned back in his chair to stare blankly out of the window.
“One triple chocolate hot chocolate with nutella whipped cream and a blueberry scone.” The rasp of her voice drew him from his revelry and he turned his gaze from the pigeons fluttering across the sidewalk to meet the warmth of her eyes.
“Ah, yeah sorry.” He blushed, scratching the back of his neck as he pushed the sketchbook off to the side to make way for his order.
“It’s alright. I’m used to it from you Mr.Kim” She giggled, the sound brushing against his ears and sending a warmth through him that glowed forth in the apples of his cheeks.
After placing the large mug and plate on the table she slid into the seat across from him, catching him fully off guard as she untied her apron and hung it on the chair behind her.
“Um…” His blush only served to brighten as he glanced down at his plate, hoping to hide the hopeful glisten in his eyes.
“Ah, sorry, I hope this is okay? We’ve been so busy today and I haven’t had lunch. I’m honestly starving and I figured...well” Her voice trailed off and he dared glance up at her, only just realizing she’d had a plate of her own adorned with what looked to be the most delicious sandwich he’d ever seen in his life.
“It’s alright, I mean I don’t mind...it’s just well…” The ding of the bell hanging over the door interrupted him and he waved to the door before tucking his hands in his lap to hide the trembling of his fingers.
“Oh? The customers.” She giggled, the sound sending the fire in his cheeks running towards the tips of his ears and threatening to smother him.
“Well, thankfully I’ve got Seokjin covering me from the kitchen. If he weren’t here I swear I’d die from hunger most days.” She smiled, though it seemed to turn more shy the longer he stared at his plate.
“If...if you’re uncomfortable I can lea…”
“No!” He jolted at the volume of his voice, reaching out as if to stop her. “I mean, it’s alright. I don’t mind, really.”
Her laugh of relief calmed him and he chuckled in return, trying to cover the butterflies fluttering in the pit of his stomach by taking a drink from the whipped cream covered chocolate delight she’d served him.
The whipped cream itself was a rich chocolate and hazelnut flavor, melting on his tongue instantly and serving to chase away some of the exhaustion he’d been feeling. He sighed, closing his eyes and inhaling the aroma with a quiet hum of appreciation.
A gentle chuckle tore him from his revery and he blinked owlishly at the woman across from him, realizing with a jolt that his appreciation of the drink she’d made for him had caused her presence to be erased from his mind, if only for a moment.
“Oh, sorry. It’s just…” He scratched at the delicate patch of skin just beneath his ear as his cheeks burned. “Your hot cocoas are the best in the city and with all the stress I’ve been under I guess I really needed it…”
Her smile brightened as she watched him stutter over his words. “You know, we were supposed to take that item off the menu once spring arrived. The only reason why I keep the ingredients in stock is for you Mr. Kim.”
His eyes widened at her statement and he swallowed thickly before setting his mug delicately back in its saucer. “R...really? I mean, if it’s going to get you in trouble I would hate for you too have to…”
“Aish, I doubt the owner is going to mind. She’s pretty chill. And besides, you’ve basically become a regular. I would hate to lose you to somebody else’s hot chocolate.” She continued to smile as she picked up her sandwich, giving out a hum of appreciation as she took her first bite.
A companionable silence settled over them as they began to eat, each lost in their own little world as they stared at separate points beyond the glass of the window beside them. The silent murmur of conversation in the cafe served as a soothing backdrop, setting Taehyung at ease and allowing him to pick up the pencil with a confidence he hadn’t had in a long while and begin sketching mindlessly as he watched the birds beyond the window play.
“So, you’re an artist?” The melodic whisper floated to his ears, gaining his attention as he turned to his table mate.
“Mmm, I am. Though, I’ve been second guessing my career lately. Who knew opening up your own gallery would be so taxing?” He chuckled, brushing a crumb from the paper of his sketchbook as he watched her chocolate brown eyes search his face.
“Your own gallery huh? That does seem like quite the undertaking. It’s a wonder you’ve been coming in here looking so stressed lately.” She crumpled up the napkin that’d been wrapped around her sandwich, folding her arms before her on the table and watching as his fingers glided elegantly over the stark white paper.
“Yeah? Sorry about that...I mean I didn’t mean to.. Ah...aish!” He could feel that blush creeping up again as he reached up and brushed the hair away from his eyes.
“No no it’s alright.” Her giggle served to increase his blush as he laughed along awkwardly with her. “It’s just something I do. Noticing things about my regulars. Especially the cute ones.”
“The..c...you think I’m cute?” He practically choked on the words. Mentally he groaned at himself, knowing for a fact he was making a fool of himself and yet seeming wholly unable to prevent the drivel that continued to spew forth from some deep dark teenager with a first crush depth within himself.
She nodded, the faintest hint of a blush spreading to her own cheeks. It took everything in him not to coo at how adorable she looked in the rosy color.
“So uh...t...tell me about your gallery? What’s got you so bothered about it?” She tilted her head at the faint sigh that heaved forth from deep within him.
“Where do I even start?” He muttered to himself as he turned back to stare out the window.
“How’s about starting at the beginning, work your way through it. Maybe talking to someone who’s not in the middle of the drama will help. Heck if anything it’ll be good to get the worst of it off your chest.”
And so he did, spending the next almost half hour unloading on the sweet barista that sat across from him.
And he’d have gone on if it weren’t for the elder man that came sauntering up to their table, looking very much on the verge of being put out to pasture with the amount of stress he seemed to be under.
“Hey boss...we uh...we got a problem with Wednesday’s delivery and they’re not taking please as an answer.” He huffed, shoving his round rimmed glasses up his nose as he nodded to Taehyung in acknowledgment. “Think we need your particular brand of bargaining Ms. Ln.”
“Wait...L/n? As in L/n’s Bakery and boutique?” Taehyung stuttered, shock coursing through him as he realized he’d been talking to his favorite cafe’s owner this entire time.
“Ah, yeah that would be me.” She giggled, pushing away from the table and making to stand. “And as acting owner of this grand establishment, I think it’s about time I get back to work.”
Her smile served to brighten the blush that’d seemed to have made a permanent home on his cheeks in her presence.
“If you’ll excuse me Mr. Kim, it has been an absolute pleasure speaking with you. And don’t forget, give that contractor hell if you need to but don’t let them take you for your money.”
And in a flourish she vanished, disappearing into the kitchen area of the cafe before Taehyung could even think to bid her goodbye. He huffed out a chuckle, eyes finally glancing down to the sketchbook he’d been busy with this whole time.
An almost exact image of the woman he’d found himself infatuated with stared back at him, a singular beauty captured on paper in carbon smears from his pencil.
She was a beauty worth being the muse of any master artist. And he just so happened to have the pleasure of finally sitting down to a conversation with her.
By the time she returned from the back room Taehyung was gone, along with a good portion of the lunch rush customers, leaving the main dining area for her to clean up in preparation for the end of her shift.
By the time she’d made her way over to the table she’d shared with the attractive artist her arms were sore and her fingers smelled of dishwater. But that didn’t seem to matter as she picked up the intricate drawing that perfectly captured her smiling face.
A thrill rushed through her at the image, and a gasp left her lips as she spotted the message written in sprawling script at the bottom.
Xxx-xxx-xxxx call me sometime, maybe I can treat you to dinner as thanks for your excellent advice. Signed Kim Taehyung.
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