#look I like when the scary awful monster character is Soft for one (1) person. I have a Type ok
madamemiz · 2 years
If praise is the way to fluster Sun, what gets to moon?
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brionysea · 10 months
i love when sibling characters are fucked up from the same event but in opposite ways
#will and johnathan byers 
this is fascinating can you please elaborate on this? i have so many questions rn lol
primarily thinking about their familial situation. their dad sucks and joyce rightfully kicked him out. lonnie gets brought up around jonathan ALL THE TIME, he NEVER shuts up about him, while will honestly seems to have completely forgotten that man even exists. lonnie doesn't live rent free in will's head at all. and that, of course, is because joyce and jonathan both protected will from lonnie in a way that never happened for jonathan. you can see the differing effects in how jonathan and will react to bob trying to fill the "mister mom" role in season 2; will thinks bob seems cool (said in a "idk, he's fine but i don't really care" kinda way) while jon is beyond wary and seems to be waiting for the other shoe to drop. jonathan's acceptance of hopper in the accidental parent role (to an extent) (hop is still an authority figure bossing teenagers around so jonathan has to not listen to him at certain points) (which is exactly what the wheelers do with their actual parents) is also interesting in contrast.
will's thing of being, like. constantly annoyed at everyone trying to take care of him (except mike, it's okay when mike does it) is framed as mostly a ptsd thing from the upside down but it's ALSO kind of his entire life? jonathan got parentified by age [15/16/???/how old was he in season 1?/charlie heaton was like 30 so i won't believe it anyway but whatever] and was working part time and raising will instead of just being his big brother because joyce as a single mother with mental health issues and their current financial situation couldn't really do it on her own. everyone looks after will. all the time.
the only will-lonnie connections are made through other characters eg. joyce saying lonnie used to call will queer, jonathan talking about will's disappearance in indianapolis, hopper's distrust of lonnie, and the audience being able to deduce from jonathan's story about the rabbit and will's ability to use a gun that something similar happened between will and lonnie. it's more distant because it isn't really associated with lonnie in will's mind - he seems kind of over it in comparison to jonathan - but it's mildly fascinating that will's stuff revolves around this idea of being gentle. lonnie challenging that nature and trying to change who will is as a person out of his own personal biases is of course awful, but even if will doesn't seem to care or consciously think about lonnie as a person anymore, that criticism of his character must have stuck with him to some extent, if only to double down on who he is (in essence, the "soft doesn't mean weak" trope)
will didn't even shoot the big scary monster that was chasing him! he could have, but he didn't, because that's not who he is! he is not what his father tried to make him! meanwhile jonathan went the opposite direction and changed his whole self in response to lonnie's disruption on their lives, making himself a doormat for other people's wants and needs because he's seen where conflict goes and he doesn't want any more of that, thank you very much
with will, there's this overall idea that because of the way he is he's more fragile and delicate and needs to be taken care of more and. it's not BAD that jonathan wants to take care of his little brother! especially with everything that's happened. but you can see how it would drive will nuts, and it's really not good for jonathan to put himself aside like that either. it's going to be so good for all of them when will finally speaks up (which he already did a little bit in the season 2 halloween episode) and tells jonathan it's okay to live his own life
i guess you could say that jonathan tried to fill the paternal role for will instead of the sibling one which is why will's issues are more to do with jonathan than lonnie?
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stragglewort · 4 years
Uncommon OC Questions! For Ardolf: 1, 2, 14, 18, 33, 38, 45, 50 For Martin: 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 21, 36, 49 And 25, 41 and 43 for both! \(^▽^)/
Whoa, that’s a lot. You always know exactly how to pander to me. I’ll do my best! These are probably going to be some pretty long answers, though. 
First up, Ardolf:
1.) A little-known talent of your OC?
Hm, for Ardolf? It would probably be his ability to work with children. Like, if he had been in a modern setting, he probably would’ve gone into family medicine or pediatrician work. Though he’s not a terribly charismatic person, he is pretty soft and fatherly and has high-key adopted nearly every child we’ve come across in the D&D campaign I use him as a character in. 
Otherwise? Whistling. He’s really good at whistling.
2.) What trait does your OC like best about themself? (Eyes, guitar skills, random bird facts, etc)
He’s extremely proud of his practical doctoring skills. Though he’s learned healing magic and divination now that he’s gotten older and wiser, he grew up in the Greymouth Clan – a house of human doctors and surgeons that almost specifically worked with hands-on medicine. Give him some bandages, some leaves, and a bit of elbow grease and he can patch you just as well as any spell! (Though maybe it’ll take a bit longer. He really just wants to be as helpful as possible, even after he can’t cast anything).
14.) Happy birthday! What kind of present would your OC want?
Anything from the heart! It could be a song, a poem, a letter, or even a neat looking rock. He hasn’t celebrated his own birthday for years and just the gesture of someone remembering would probably make him tear up. Had he been a bit younger, freshly baked sweet or herb bread would’ve been his jam! That’s only changed in the recent years because, you know, lycanthropy makes eating that sort of thing real difficult.
18.) Something that makes your OC laugh without fail? Carved pumpkins, gourds, and really anything that has a face when it probably shouldn’t.
Like, a goofy face? A scary one? A half-baked monstrosity that could barely count as a Jack-O-Lantern? Doesn’t matter, it’ll get him every time.
33.) A song that reminds you of your OC?
There’s too many to choose! Probably Kind Folk – instrumental by Kenny Wheeler and Brian Dickinson, Secunda by Jeremy Soule (from the Skyrim soundtrack), or The Bygone Days from Porco Rosso. Kind of just dependent on the scene!
38.) Random thunderstorm! How does your OC react?
He’d probably around and watch it go by. The thunder gets a little uncomfortably loud, considering his hearing is all lycanthropic, but something about rain and a nice mist reminds him of home at the times when he’s farthest away.
45.) What kind of self-esteem does your OC have?
A very poor one!
Though he does try to keep his chin-up, as he’ll say, the first word that would pop in his head to describe himself would be something like ‘monster’ or ‘creature’. Though his lycanthropy is something he wasn’t born with, and he’s spent a good portion of his life fighting against it, he’s begrudgingly settled on the idea that it’s a part of him he cannot control. And that tends to be a bit of a bummer sometimes! Though he tries to, he has a very difficult time separating the wants of the curse with his own – and though he’ll say he and the beast are two different beings (and ultimately, he’s right) he worries, deep down, if that might not truly be the case.
50. What is your OC’s happy place?
On the top of a mountain somewhere – close to his family – close to his friends – watching the clouds of morning mist roll across the peaks. Mostly anywhere safe, warm, and together with people he cares about.  
On to Martin!
3.) Is your OC good at keeping secrets?
Hahaha, no. 
He certainly tries! But if he gets off on a nervous tangent (which is about 60%-85% of his dialogue) he has a tendency to overshare. Quiiite a bit.
4.) Your OC’s worst habit?
He cannot keep quiet. Half of the time he’s speaking, he’s usually not even sure what he’s saying! But boy will he say it. And he’ll say it in staggering, stuttering bulk. See above.
10.) Would your OC prefer to live in the city, the suburbs, or the country?
He has no idea. The suburbs?
A close-knit community, nice, quiet, everyone-knows-everyone and that means everyone knows who he is and maybe they’ll use that to catch him off guard. 
The city? 
So many people that he’d be faceless, could be safe! But also very, very unsafe. Notoriously unsafe. Wait, doesn’t he live in a city? If something happened would authorities even have time to help him? What if there’s so many people that they gang up on him? Hold on.
The country?
That’s isolated, safe, lovely – but what if it’s so isolated that if something bad happened no one would hear him calling! What if his neighbors were strange and odd, then what would happen? He’d be stuck with them! And the land prices!
If he’d have the choice, he’d probably live in a Minecraft house. On peaceful.
15.) Something that grosses your OC out?
Ironically, considering he’s a vampire spawn, blood! He’s super, extremely squeamish and cannot stand the stuff.
20. An obscure/ridiculous fear your OC has?
Honestly if you talked it up right, you could convince this poor man to fear anything. I cannot pinpoint just one. (Though high-key, reality television. He knows it’s usually fake, but what if it wasn’t? What if someday he’s just trying to watch TV or go grocery shopping and all of a sudden a camera crew shows up Truman Show style? Horrifying.)
21.) Does your OC have any type of disability, whether it be mental, physical, etc?
Mhm. Overarchingly he suffers pretty majorly from Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (something that I plan to cover/work with pretty majorly in the stories) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (something he had been working with since before the whole vampirism thing). After the vampiric attack/turning, he also has some unnamed disorders he’s working with (I, as the author, have applied them as symptoms of his pseudo-vampirism, and didn’t want to apply real-world diagnosis to avoid some really poor misguided diagnostic attempts!) such as a whole lotta’ paranoia and general poor-coping with being a half-undead. He also has some pretty major ticks (specifically an eye twitch he, for the life of him, cannot get to stop).
36.) Your OC’s favorite fashion era? (20’s, 70’s, etc)
I’d say 90s grunge. But that’s kind of a stretch, and probably more of an excuse to not futz with his hair and wear clothes three times his size. 
49.) Your OC’s most prized possession?
:・゚☆✧ The friendship he creates with the other Ghoul Parade protagonists :・゚☆✧
In his apartment (which, mind you, is extremely cluttered and it the apartment equivalent of that Pepe Silvia picture) he has a small battery powered waterfall set up on what used to be his kitchen counter. It has a frog at the top that spits water into small pots that then pour into each other, and if he presses a button it’ll turn on some very soft LED lights. That. That is one of his most prized possessions.
29.) Someone does something awful in front of your OC. How do they handle it?
That depends on what sort of awful we’re talking about. He instinctively wants to help – to really help – and will go as far as putting himself into a hypothetical (or literal, who knows!) line of fire if someone’s really in danger. Though smaller things, in more everyday situations, he usually finds himself freezing up.
And now, for both!
41. Does your OC like/make puns?
Yes. Absolutely. Without a doubt.  
43. Your OC wakes up with a coin super glued to their forehead. How do they react?
Ardolf would probably spend the whole morning trying to pry it off, before either succeeding or just giving up and asking one of his friends to help. To which they’d probably have no better luck. He wouldn’t be angry with whoever did it! More just kind of flustered until ultimately laughing it off. 
And Martin probably wouldn’t notice for some time (he doesn’t really keep any mirrors in his house. He can very-well see himself in them, but something about the connection they have to vampire lore makes him uneasy) and wouldn’t notice until someone pointed out. He’d then drop everything and take hours trying to figure out how someone got into his house to put a coin on his head. Why they did it. What kind of coin it was. If it was really, actually a coin. All to probably learn that he somehow did it himself in some freak minor mishap. Yes, that’s absolutely what he would do. 
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darksaphire2002 · 5 years
👅: top 5 kinks/turn ons 🍀: do you have good luck, bad luck, no luck at all, or do you make your own 🛍: favorite store(s) [online//physical] 🧸: your main/favorite toy growing up, why 🚬: bad habit you want to break 🎮: the greatest time you had playing a video game 👹: 6 things someone would put in a pentagram to summon you 😱: biggest fears
Oh my... okay, here we go lol!
1) My kinks lol. This is both a fun one, and a scary one to admit because y'all are gonna get a glimpse of just how freaky ya girl Saph really is, so here we go:
• Blindfolds
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Blindfolds are probably my #1 kink. There's more excitement in the mystery of what comes next than there is in the anticipation of expecting something you're familiar with.
Please, only do this with people you TRUST.
• Fire play
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I enjoy being set on fire. Lol I know it sounds crazy for people who have never heard of the idea, so lemme break it down for you. You coat the area you wish to set fire to in 100% alcohol and ignite it. The fire will only burn the alcohol and not your skin.
This of course can go very wrong very quickly, so DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES try this at home by yourself. If you're curious, go to your local dungeon (trust me, they're around) and set up a tasting session with someone who is familiar and practiced with this particular kink. It doesn't hurt and it feels amazing!
• Monster kink
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I mean...this one is self explanatory. Ninja turtles, sentient slime monsters, lizard men, vampires I love all monsters, but I draw the monster fucking line at zombies and mindless killing machines.
• Violet wands (electro stimulation)
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Violet wands are a lot a fun and a great starter kink to satisfy even the freakiest of sensual adventurers. They have interchangeable glass heads of various shapes that send out controlled jolts of electricity across your skin. Some heads use more electricity than others, so it can go from a soft tingle, to a jolt of pain very quickly. So it's important to start slow. But it's fun.
• Pumps
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This was a hard one to pick, and let me tell you, it's not for the feint of heart. Pumps can be used on male and female genitalia and can be taken to both extreme and soft measures.
The purpose of a pump is to draw the blood to the area of choice, making it much MUCH more sensitive than usual. The area will swell up and, in prolonged use (not recomended,) will engorge.
I don't usually take it quite that far, but you get the point lol.
2) Do I have good luck, bad luck, no luck at all, or do I make my own...
I suppose it has to do with the scenario really. For example,
• Say I'm playing a game of blackjack at the casino: That can be either good, or bad luck.
• Say I wanna date Tom Hiddleston: Absolutely no luck whatsoever.
• Say I'm being attacked by a man in an alley and there happens to be a baseball bat in my hand: I'll make my own damn luck and start swingin.
It's all about perspective. >;)
3) Favorite stores!
Okay, I love shopping. I have tons of favorite stores, but I'll try to narrow it down for you:
• ebay!
This is more for fun, but if you're looking for a laugh, check out their miscellaneous section.
• Amazon.
Amazon is my go-to for the majority of my shopping. If I can't find it in person, I'll find it for a quarter of the price here.
• Ross
I'm a fluffy girl, so my fashion stores are limited, but if you're looking for a good deal, Ross is the place to go. Nearly all of my streetwear clothes come from Ross.
• Rosegal
Rosegal is an almost identical site to Rose wholesale, the site I was originally gonna post, but they are closing down. Lots of good bargains here for women and curvy girls.
• Ranch 99 Market
Okay, so this is actually a grocerie store, BUT I LOVE IT. It's an Asian food market that carries everything from rice cake to fresh fish to durian fruit (gross!) They have everything you could ever want by way of exotic nummies. If you can find one in your area, check it out!
4) Favorite toy growing up?
Hmm....that's a hard one to remember because I grew out of toys at a very early age, but if i had to pick one....I'd have to say it was this round stuffed goose that my mom got me when I was very young.
It was eggplant shaped, white, fuzzy, and had no wings. Only two flat stuffed feet and a big orange bill. The backside of the animal was stuffed with fluff and plastic beans so it made that beanie baby sound when you hugged it. When I was a baby (4-5ish) I would chew on its bill for comfort until there was a bald patch on the fabric lol.
Her name was Jemima.
5) Bad habit I want to break
Okay so I'm not sure this is so much a bad habit as it is a part of my autism, but I have a tendency to talk a lot about certain subjects that I'm momentarily interested in and it can be off-putting for people.
I like to learn about everything in my spare time, so if a topic I'm knowledgeable about comes up in conversation, I tend to get a bit chatty. Not everybody minds this, but I sometimes make people uncomfortable and I hate that about myself.
6) The greatest time I had playing a video game?
Alright, so I'm not really much of a gamer. I have a PS4 and a SN emulator on my computer, but I don't really play a lot of games. I'm more of an "outdoor with a book" kind of person.
But I absolutely LOVE Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and Yoshi's island. I got into those when I was younger, that probably why lol. A lot of the newer games don't really pique my interest as I have a difficult time sitting I front of a screen for so long.
But I will tell you a story about the time my friend made me play Until Dawn (fuckin scary ass game holy shit.) It was a scene where you (the player character) had to break into the family cabin and let the other members of your party in from the outside.
Okay, so no scary shit is happening yeah? We're exploring the cabin, trying to find a way to let the other characters in, and for some god awful reason, I decide to look under the sink in the downstairs bathroom.
A fucking wolverine jumps out from under the sink and scares the shit out of all of us.
IT WASN'T EVEN A SCARY PART! I screamed so hard and chucked the remote at my friends head for making me play. She laughed at me.
7) Six things someone would put in a pentagram to summon me?
Hahahaha okay this is a fun one:
• 2 litre bottle of Pepsi
• 1 green Bad dragon dildo
• A copy of Out of the Shadows
• A booklet of memes
• Lobster w/garlic butter sauce
• A box of daifuku mochi (peach mochi can be used as a substitute)
8) My biggest fear.
I have three. Spiders, heights, and losing my mom. I won't elaborate on them as they're pretty self explanatory. But yeah. Heights make me pee.
That was a fun one!! LOL I hope I answered all your questions well enough ^_^
Thanks for the ask!
Btw, @ravn-87 you're next lol
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woppy42 · 5 years
Mothers, be good to your daughters (Chapter 2)
Fanfic: She-Ra (2018) Rating: G Characters: Catra, Angella, Adora, Shadow Weaver (sort of) Category: Angst, family, mother-daughter relationship
Summary: Shadow Weaver is gone. Catra doesn’t quite know how she feels about it. (Post-redemption Catra). (alternate summary: sad cat daughter needs a mother, and angella is conveniently available) Chapter 2: Adora finds out about Shadow Weaver’s death.
(Chapter 1)
A small sound, like a rustling and a light scrape against stone woke Adora with a start, and she shot upright as her fingers closed on the hilt of the dagger underneath her pillow. She relaxed when her bleary eyes made out the shape of the figure now seated on the ledge of her balcony, one leg pulled up near her chest and the other swinging lazily.
Catra glanced down to the dagger in Adora’s hand, eyebrow arched as a smirk formed on her lips. “Hey, Adora.”
Adora dropped the dagger with a fond but exasperated sigh.
“You do know I have a door, right?”
“Aw, but I get so nostalgic when you threaten to stab me.”
Adora flopped backward, one arm flung over her eyes. “Catraaa. It’s too early for this.”
A soft sound as Catra jumped down the from the balcony. “You’re getting soft,” she teased. “The morning moon's been up for half an hour.”
Adora groan-mumbled something about the moon not having to train with five bull-hybrids for six hours yesterday, appreciating the slight chuckle that brought from Catra. That was good. Something had sounded a little… off in Catra’s tone today. The bed dipped slightly as she sat down.
“You’re back late from your patrol,” Adora observed. “What’d you do, find a good tree to nap in and oversleep?”
There was a silence, and Adora propped herself up on her elbows, nudging Catra with her foot through the blanket. “What, no witty comeback?” At this closer distance, Adora finally noticed the slight redness around Catra’s eyes, the exhausted slump of her shoulders. All humor dropped and she immediately sat up straighter, reaching a hand toward Catra’s shoulder. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah. No, I--” there was a breathy, humorless laugh followed by a shaky inhale.
“Shadow Weaver’s dead.” (read on AO3)
Oh. Okay.
Adora braced herself for a rush of emotions, unsure what was to come--relief? Happiness? Anger? Guilt?--and waited. And waited.
And felt…nothing.
She shook her head, pulling her feet out from under the blankets and sliding next to where Catra sat on the bed. She could worry about her malfunctioning emotions later.
“Are you okay? I know how horrible she was to you, but… I know she meant something to you, too.”
Catra scoffed, turning her head away. “Don’t you act all perceptive on me now. I know how stupid you are.”
“You literally told me, you idiot,” Adora replied, gently returning the playful jibe. It was true. Part of the long, slow journey toward their reconciliation had involved conversations that stretched long into the small hours of the morning, the kind of communication that had been so desperately needed and sorely lacking for such a long time. Some of the things Adora learned made her shake with anger or nearly drown in guilt, but Catra was there, telling her it was over now, they were kids, she didn’t blame her anymore.
Adora took in the dark circles under Catra’s eyes, the slight puffiness around them.
“Really, are you okay?” she insisted. Catra heaved a long-suffering sigh.
“Yeah, I think so.” She flopped backward onto the blankets, eyes closed. “Or I will be.”
Adora opened her mouth to speak, but Catra’s eyes darted to hers in a warning gaze. Not now. Please.
Adora shut her mouth and obliged.
“What about you?” Catra asked a moment later, still horizontal. “You’re probably the only person she came close to really caring about.” Most of the bitterness had faded from the words, but a hint of it still lingered. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” The words came quickly, and Catra’s eyes narrowed in response. “Yeah,” Adora repeated, more slowly. “I think… I stopped caring about what she thought when I realized how much she manipulated me. And then after I realized what she had done to you for all those years, it was hard to feel anything toward her except hate.” She looked at Catra. “I think I’m okay. Really.”
Catra raised an eyebrow, but didn’t reply.
“Okay,” she said, a moment later, reluctantly pulling herself up off the bed.
“Come on. We’ve got a meeting to go to.”
Angella folded her hands and rested them on the table, mentally reviewing the meeting’s agenda--and its newest, most significant addendum. The last attendees of the meeting filtered in, Catra and Adora among them. She gave the pair an appraising glance. Adora seemed… fine. Normal. Either the news hadn’t affected her as deeply as it had Catra, or her ability to hide her emotions had vastly improved. Catra’s gaze slid sharply to the side as she felt Angella’s eyes on her--of course she did--and Angella gave her a small nod and a gentle smile. Catra started slightly, eyes darting away, before returning the small smile with a somewhat flustered expression.
Angella’s heart ached. This girl was so painfully unfamiliar with even the slightest signs of affection.
She cleared her throat, silencing the pre-meeting murmur of conversation. “Be seated, please. The council is called to order.”
The meeting itself was largely uneventful, aside from the news of Shadow Weaver’s demise. Angella glanced around the table, trying to observe the reaction of the two girls without making her gaze too obvious. Catra’s tail twitched behind her at the words, her head facing forward but her eyes on the girl seated at her side. Adora, for her part, appeared to have no reaction at all--her gaze fixed resolutely at some point on the battle map spread across the table. A muscle in her jaw tensed, but that was all.
Adora remained mostly silent for the remainder of the meeting, apparently lost in thought, the crease between her brows slowly deepening.
Angella tried to make her way toward the girls after the meeting adjourned, but it seemed that every individual in the room had a “critical matter” that needed her “immediate input” this morning. In reality, most of the matters could have-- should have--been handled by her subordinates. She was in the middle of informing yet another person of this when she noticed the two girls finally standing from their seats to leave the meeting room. Catra jumped suddenly, hair fluffing slightly as she clasped an arm around her middle and Adora looked to her in surprise--and then laughed, grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the room while saying something about breakfast.
Angella suppressed a smile at their antics. This might not be an easy time, but at least they had each other.
A short while later, Angella rounded a corner on her way to the kitchens and was surprised to find Adora standing alone before the mural of the first princess alliance.
“Adora,” she greeted, surprise coloring her tone. “I thought you would be in the kitchens with Catra?”
Adora gave a small smile of greeting, then returned her gaze up to the mural. “I told her I’d catch up.” There was a strange tenseness to her shoulders, and her hand flexed like she was making a conscious effort not to ball it into a fist.
Somehow, Angella knew that this frustration was not directed toward her.
Angella nodded, looking up to the mural as well. The likeness of her husband towered above her. The face was blank, stylized, but she always felt a familiar warmth from it. Like he was there, smiling down at her. It was no wonder she often found her way here while wandering the castle halls at night.
“She tried to use him, too,” Adora said quietly, staring up at Micah’s likeness. “Shadow Weaver.”
Angella inhaled, exhaled. “Yes.”
“Just like she tried to use me. Us,” Adora amended.
Angella nodded sadly. Adora sighed, sliding down the wall opposite the mural to sit on the floor. Her head was down, now, knees to her chest, shoulders curled forward. Angella quietly sat next to her.
“I should hate her,” Adora said with quiet fervor. “I do hate her. Ever since I realized how she really treated Catra when we were growing up, how she manipulated both of us her entire life--I’ve spent spent so long hating her. But now...” she paused, her voice trailing off into something frustrated, angry, broken. “Now all I can remember are the good things, or the things I thought were good. And instead of hating her, I hate myself.” Adora’s hand tightened into a fist at her side, then slammed into the ground so hard that Angella wasn’t sure if she was more afraid of Adora’s hand breaking or the stone. Her fist stayed there, clenched, trembling. “I know she never really cared. I know all she wanted was to use me. But when I remember her teaching me how to read, how to tie my boots, telling me stories--” she huffed a brief, wet laugh--”even if they were scary enough to keep me up all night--I... I forget.” Her fist trembled again, muscles in her forearm straining as though she was trying to drive it through the stone floor. “I shouldn’t forget.”
Angella reached for her hand, slowly, gently pulling it up from the floor. Adora’s muscles resisted, then gave way. One at a time, she gently unfurled Adora’s fingers from their tight fist, revealing deep indentations from her fingernails that almost broke the skin of her palm. Adora barely flinched when Angella’s thumb passed over her knuckles, which were already starting to deepen in color from angry red to bruised purple. She gently folded Adora’s hand between her own.
“You’ll love many people in your life, Adora,” she said, quietly. “Not all of them will deserve that love, but that doesn’t make you a fool for giving it.”
Tears fell from Adora’s eyes, hot with guilt, anger, and grief.
“How could I ever love someone who was such a monster?” Her voice was wet and shaking. “I should… If I did, I would be just as bad as… as her.”
Angella’s heart broke for what felt like the hundredth time that day. “Loving someone will never make you a monster,” she said with gentle firmness. “She doesn’t define you. She never has, and she never will. You are so much more than her, now.” She brought up a hand to Adora’s hair, then stopped short and wrapped it around her shoulders instead. “You both are.”
Tears fell faster from Adora’s eyes, and then she turned her face into Angella’s shoulder, wrapping her arms around her in a surprisingly strong embrace.
“Shh,” Angella said quietly, gently returning the embrace and rubbing a comforting hand up and down Adora’s arm. “It’s all right.” She closed her eyes to keep her own tears at bay. “It’s all right.”
When Adora returned to her room some time later, the first thing she saw was Catra standing on her balcony, drumming her fingers on the low wall. She stopped as soon as she saw Adora.
“ There you are!” Catra exclaimed. “Geez, I thought you got kidnapped or something. There’s probably still some food in the kitchen, if you want it. No bacon, though. Someone ate all of it. Definitely not me.”
Adora laughed on her way over, and it was only a little unsteady. “Whatever you say, bacon-breath.”
“Wow. Rude.” Catra gave her an intent once-over despite her joking tone, her concerned gaze lingering on Adora’s face. Adora glanced away self-consciously and wiped at her nose with her sleeve before joining Catra to leaning on the balcony wall.
There was a silence as they both stared across the water. Adora felt Catra’s eyes glancing in her direction.
“You okay?” Catra asked, softly.
Adora gave a shaky sigh. “Yeah.” Catra narrowed her eyes, but Adora continued. “I ended up talking to Angella. I didn’t mean to, it just… kind of happened.”
“Huh.” There was a pause, and Catra’s mouth opened and closed as if she was trying to decide whether to speak. “I talked to her last night,” she said, eventually. “It… helped.”
Adora glanced up in surprise. “You did? Good. That’s… good. I’m glad.”
Catra’s tail swished self-consciously.
“She’s weirdly kind of good at this stuff, huh,” Adora said.
“Yeah. She’s... not too bad. For a queen.”
Adora smiled, leaning in to nudge Catra’s shoulder with her own. “You like her.”
Catra flushed. “No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do.” Adora continued as Catra opened her mouth to protest. “It’s okay, I like her, too.” Catra looked away. “Glimmer’s pretty lucky.”
“Yeah,” Catra admitted. “I guess we got pretty lucky too, in the end.”
“Yeah.” Adora leaned close enough to press shoulder against Catra’s, enjoying the feeling of warmth filtering through the sleeve of her shirt.  “Yeah, we did.”
“I’m sorry, you know,” Adora said quietly, voice thick with emotion. “For how she treated you. I should have seen it so much earlier.”
Catra’s tail flicked. “Yeah, I know,” she said. “You’ve only apologized about a hundred times since I joined the Rebellion.”
“Still. I’m sorry.”
“Forget it, Adora. It’s not your fault you’re dumb.” The corner of Catra’s mouth was curled in a teasing smirk.
“Hey!” Adora objected, despite feeling a mischievous smile of her own spread across her face. She shoved Catra, who stumbled a half step away.
“It’s part of your charm,” Catra teased, rapidly regaining her balance. “Good-natured, strong, and stupid. Kind of like a cart horse.”
“I will push you off this balcony.”
Catra laughed at the empty threat, resuming her former place leaning on the balcony wall with her shoulder brushing Adora’s. They stared across the woods, silent, watching the bright midday light filter through the clouds and glitter like gemstones on the surface of the water that stretched between the castle and the trees beyond.
“I mean it, though.” Adora said quietly. “The apology,” she scrambled to clarify, “not that I would push you off the balcony.”
Catra scoffed lightly. “I know.”
Silence for another moment. Catra’s tail brushed against Adora’s leg in an unconscious sign of affection. “I forgave you a long time ago.”
There was silence again. Catra gave a long sigh.
“She really was a piece of shit, you know?”
“Yeah. But she was our piece of shit.” Adora sighed. “It’s hard to get past that.”
Catra didn’t respond, just swallowed and continued staring forward. Adora lifted her arm, wrapping it around Catra’s shoulders.
“But we will.” She tightened her arm around Catra’s shoulders. “Together.”
“Yeah,” Catra said, finally letting herself relax into Adora’s half-embrace and looping an arm around her waist. “Together.”
This was kind of an accidental chapter--I wasn’t sure if I was going to write it, but a comment convinced me. Glad I did! I wanted to get it out in time for Mother’s Day, but didn’t quiite make it, lol.
Thanks for reading! If you liked it, I’ll love you forever if you drop me a kudos or a comment on AO3!
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krat395 · 5 years
Spooky Scary Funny Bone Ticklers (Chapter 2)
Ok; now that we've all met MK's mother, it's finally time to meet MK's little sis, who, by the way, could very well be a character that appears in the game! ;)  Undertale(c) Toby Fox.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 2: MK’s Little Sis! :D
 Gracie: Hello, brother *said Gracie in her usual monotone and somewhat soft-spoken voice*
 MK: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *screamed MK frighteningly as he frantically leaped into Gaster’s arms*
 Gracie! MK’s younger sister, Gracie is the gray lizard girl that scared MK just now! And by how quickly her usual stoic frown turned into a cynical grin, she seems pretty proud of herself for doing so. ;)
 Upon witnessing MK leap into Gaster’s arms, everyone in the living room watching the cute and funny scene laughed spontaneously and heartily at the same time. Gracie has a rather consistent habit of startling and/or scaring practically everyone simply by just showing up in places unexpectedly. Almost as if she has the ability to teleport. And poor MK is the one she frightens more than anyone and his reactions to being jump scared by his younger sister herself are beyond hilarious.
 MK: Sis, come on, that’s like the umpteenth time you’ve scared me like that this month!
 Asriel: Hahaha! It’s funny when she does that to someone else!
Frisk: Hahaha! I know, right?
 Sans and Papyrus: And we got it all on tape! *exclaimed Sans and Papyrus in unison as they held up their smartphones, special smartphones that respond incredibly well to skinless fingers* ;)
 Undyne: Fuhuhuhuhuhu! Yes! Nice work, Skeledorks! Fuhuhuhuhu!
 Alphys: Pfffffffft!! Hahahahahahahaha!! *snort* Skeledorks! Hahahahahaha!! *snort* Good one, babe!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!! *snort* Hahahahahahahahaha!!
 Undyne: Fuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
 MK: Aw man; seriously, you guys?
 Sans: Hehe. I’m afraid so, kiddo.
 Gracie: Don’t take it personally, brother. That’s just one of my ways of showing you how much I like you. You know that. *stated Gracie in a surprisingly heartwarming tone of voice, causing everyone to think, “Awwwwwwwwww! So cute!” to themselves upon hearing her*
 MK: Yeah, I do, sis. I do.  
 Papyrus: …Oh my god, where are my manners? Hello there, Girl MK; a pleasure to see you as always.
 Gracie: Ha, ha. Well, if it isn’t the younger son of Dr. WD Gaster himself. …Hi, Papyrus.
 Gaster: Haha! Girl MK. Papyrus, that’s not her name. Her name is Gracie, remember? Or, if you prefer, you can call her GONER KID… or, GK, for short. ;)
 MK’s soon to be 10-year-old sister, Gracie, is… GONER KID aka GK!!! She is a gray lizard monster that has a strong resemblance to MK and even though she is technically not a Goth, she sure as hell qualifies as one due to her cynical attitude, her rather gloomy view of life, and her interest in all things that are both dark and spooky. Like MK and the Dreemurr kids, GK is enrolled in Toriel’s elementary school but unlike MK who is in fifth grade and the Dreemurr kids who are in sixth grade, GK is in fourth grade; and family friends, Patricia (Patty) and Kyle (Patience and Kindness respectively) are in fourth grade with her. And just as MK did with Bradley (Brad), Isabella (Izzy), and Justin (Bravery, Integrity, and Justice respectively) and just as the Dreemurr kids did with Perry (Perseverance), GK worked on many school projects with Patty and Kyle both in and outside of school and she is just amazing friends with them overall. GK is also someone whom Papyrus refers to as “Girl MK.” But no one can really blame Papyrus for doing that though since GK is THE splitting image of her cheerful and energetic older brother from her head all the way down to her six clawed toes. Really, the only differences between her and MK are their skin colors, their clothing colors, their clothing (MK wears a striped shirt with brown pants while GK wears a checkered mini dress with dark gray leggings), the number of spikes as well as the location of the spikes on their heads (GK has 2 spikes on the left side of her head and 2 birthmarks on the back of her head), their eyes (GK’s pupils and irises are barely visible), and their heights (MK is slightly taller than GK). It should also be noted that unlike MK, GK was not built a pair of robotic arms, meaning that she still lacks arms entirely.
 Papyrus: Oh yes, that’s right. Silly me! Nyeh heh heh!
 MK: Heeheeheeheehee!! Yes, and she’s so adooooorable too! …And squishy! …Squishy face! *teased MK as he squished his sister’s cheeks, which made both Frisk and Chara giggle since they do the same thing to Asriel from time to time*
 GK: Please stop doing that, brother. *requested GK with an annoyed expression, prompting MK to move his robotic hands away from her cheeks.
 MK: Uh-oh, looks like someone needs a tickle. *teased MK as he wiggled his robotic fingers right next to GK*
 GK: Tickle me and you die!!! *yelled GK jokingly (hopefully) as she tail-whipped MK’s robotic hands*
 MK: Ok, ok, I’m sorry, sis! I won’t tickle you! I was just kidding! Honest! *MK shouted frighteningly as he hurriedly backed away from his scary younger sister, which made the Dreemurr kids, Undyne, and Lydia all laugh in response*
 GK actually does like being tickled by her brother. She just doesn’t like being tickled by him when others are watching, that’s all. And unknown to both her and MK, she’s like Undyne in that regard.
 Lydia: Hahahahahahaha!! Oh, you kids. Hahahahahaha!!
 MK: …I’ll just tickle Mom instead! *shouted MK with an evil grin on his face*
 Lydia: Hahahahahaha!! ………Wait, what did you just say, honey puff? *Lydia asked nervously*
 Seconds later, MK ran excitedly towards his mother. Then, without warning, he playfully pinned her against the floor on her back. Then he kneeled over her. And then he began tickling her like crazy, scribbling his robotic fingers teasingly all over her knees and thighs, wiggling his clawed toes whimsically all along her sides, and gliding the tip of his tail ever so slightly all along her stomach with every passing second. Like MK, Lydia is quite ticklish herself. And with no arms, she’s practically powerless to stop MK from attacking a few of her weak points with his fingers, toes, and tail, much like MK was back when he didn’t have robotic arms. ;)
 Lydia may be wearing one of her many maxi dresses right now. But that dress, along with several of her other dresses, is made of silk, meaning that it does very little to reduce the feelings of her son’s fingers, toes, and tail on her sensitive sides, stomach, thighs, and knees. ;)
 Undyne: (OH MY GOD! Now MK’s tickling his mom?!!! …Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, that’s soooo adoooorable too!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, oh man, when will all of this cuteness end?!!! I don’t know how much more of it I can take!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!)
 Undyne can tell that Lydia doesn’t entirely mind being tickled by MK in such “evil” ways. Therefore, Undyne is NOT upset with MK for pinning her down and tickling her in front of several of their friends. Not one bit. After all, Undyne clearly wouldn’t be on the verge of having another cuteness attack if that were the case. ;)
 Asriel: Hehehehe. Hey, MK, mind if I join you? *asked Asriel with an “evil” grin on his face*
 MK: Haha! Not at all, Az! Go right ahead!
 And so he did! After being given the ok to join in, Asriel sat on Lydia’s legs, trapping her tail in the process, and began tickling the soles of her feet; gliding his furry fingers ever so slightly along every inch of them with each passing second. (The center of her soles, the spaces in between her toes, and the bases of her toes are her weak points!) :D
 Well, looks like Lydia’s got herself into quite the pickle here. With her tail and feet trapped and no arms, she has no way of defending herself from the boys’ tickle attacks! …Or does she? ;)
 Sans: Hehehehe. Hey, Lydia; need a HAND? *asked Sans jokingly while holding up his left hand and without any intention of offending Lydia due to her lack of arms and hands*
 Mere seconds later, Lydia’s eyes turned light blue and then, with her full concentration, she summoned A PAIR OF MAGICAL ARMS, light blue arms that she can manipulate the sizes of at will!!! :O And with them, she grabbed both MK and Asriel and lifted them directly off of her. Then after that, she pinned them down against the floor with those magical arms of hers and kept them pinned down until she was ready to let them go.
 MK: *frightened gasp* Oh no! How did you manage to… *another frightened gasp* Oh god, don’t tickle us back, Mom! We’re sorry! We’re really, really sorry!! *shouted MK worriedly*
 Under normal circumstances, Lydia has an incredibly hard time summoning her magical arms while being tickled. But today however, she actually managed to summon them and provide herself an opportunity to tickle MK and Asriel back. But, to the two monster boys’ surprise (and relief), she didn’t tickle them back at all, actually. Instead, she let them off with a warning. Awwwww! Such a nice lady! :D
 Lydia: (Oh, those two boys; tickling me like that in front of all our friends! Hmph! …Ehehehehe. Ah well, at least now I don’t feel so guilty about setting them up for some tickles from Mettaton next Tuesday after school. Mettaton wants to tickle MK and Azzy so much; and after helping Sans scare the bejesus out of him yesterday morning, it was the least I could do for him.) *thought Lydia to herself with an evil grin on her face*
 Ohhhhhhhhh! Lydia’s going to have Mettaton tickle MK and Asriel next Tuesday after school! Perhaps that’s why she didn’t tickle them back with her magical arms at all. ;)
 MK: Ehehehehe. Sorry, Mom. I should know by now that it’s your job to embarrass me; and not the other way around.
 Lydia: Oh, it’s ok, honey puff. All is forgiven. Really, all is forgiven. *said Lydia with a heartwarming smile as she made her magical arms disappear* (6 words: Tickles from Mettaton next Tuesday, boys!) *thought Lydia to herself with an evil grin once again*
 Chara: Aw man! Lydia, you can’t be serious! *said Chara disappointedly* After all that, you’re forgiving them just like that?!
 Lydia: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Yes, my dear, yes I am! (Again; tickles from Mettaton next Tuesday, boys!)
 Chara: Ehehehehehe. Well then, looks like I’m gonna have to punish them for you! *exclaimed Chara as she pushed MK over onto his back* Or, at least the one that started it anyway! *exclaimed Chara as she wrapped her left arm around MK’s ankles and began tickling his scaly feet with her right hand fingers* Heeheeheeheeheehee!!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!! Nope!! Heeheeheeheehee!! Tickle, tickle, tickle, Silly Puffy Fluffykins!! *teased Frisk as she continued tickling Asriel’s feet with her stick; gliding the stick ever so slightly all along his sensitive soles, wiggling it all willy-nilly in between his sensitive toes; gently poking his soles and toes with it, etc. etc.* Coochie coochie coo!!
 Undyne: (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH MY GOD!!!!! AZZY BLEATS LIKE AN ACTUAL BABY GOAT!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH; CAN’T, HANDLE, ANY, MORE, CUTENESS! MUST, LEAVE, NOW!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!) Oh my god, babe, if anyone asks; I’m grabbing more of your paintings from our bedroom! *Undyne said to Alphys while blushing heavily, quietly enough so only Alphys could hear her* Eeeeeee; gaaaaah; let me know when all of this cuteness is over, ok?
 Alphys: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Ok, Undyne. Sure.
 With that said; Undyne ran upstairs to her bedroom with blazing speed to squee into one her pillows once again and then stayed in her bedroom until all of the tickles were over and done with.
 1 minute later…
 Sans: Hehehe. Ok, girls, that’s enough.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!! Ok, Sans.
 Seconds later, Frisk stopped tickling Asriel’s feet. But Chara on the other hand continued tickling MK’s feet.
 Chara: .........
 Sans: Um, Chara, you can stop tickling MK now, kiddo.
 Chara: ………
 Sans: Chara, stop tickling MK, please. *Sans asked Chara politely*
 Chara: ………
 Sans: Chara… no more tickling. He’s learned his lesson. *claimed Sans with a slightly annoyed tone in his voice as he moved Chara away from MK with his gravity manipulation powers aka telekinesis*
 Chara: Hey! Wooooaaaaaah! *Chara shouted worriedly upon being lifted up into the air by Sans*
 Seconds later, Sans gently placed Chara back on the floor.
 Chara: Ugh. Sans, did you have to? *asked Chara disappointedly*
 Sans: Yep. …Because it’s breakfast time, kiddo! *shouted Sans excitedly, which surprised everyone in the room due to how chill he normally is* MK and GK’s old man made all of us some of his famous breakfast sandwiches this morning.
 Chara: *excited gasp* With his secret family recipe sauce? *asked Chara excitedly*
 Sans: Hehe, of course. Rocco never makes his breakfast sandwiches without it. Hehehe.
 Chara: Hehe! Nice! ...By the way, where is Rocco? How come he’s not here?
 Lydia: Oh, that’s because he’s currently at home resting, my dear. After filling in at a restaurant out of town for an entire week, he’s awfully tired. (But somehow not tired enough to babysit Rex and make breakfast sandwiches for all of you.)
 Chara: Oh, ok. :)
 Like Toriel and Kyle (Kindess), MK’s father, Rocco, is a very proficient chef. But unlike Toriel however, being a chef is what Rocco does for a living. And last night, in celebration of Undyne’s return from her vacation, he insisted on baking his famous breakfast sandwiches for everyone the following morning. Rocco also happens to be another cooking instructor (the other one being Toriel) that gave Papyrus a few private cooking lessons to help the wacky skeleton himself become a better chef. Since Papyrus is such close friends with MK, it should come to no surprise that Papyrus wound up befriending MK’s parents, as well as GK, in addition to MK.
 Later… after everyone ate their breakfast sandwiches… and after a few more friendly conversations…
 Sans: Hehe. Well, kiddos, I think it’s about time we going, don’t you think?
 Asriel: Oh, yes, definitely!
 Frisk: Lead the way, Sans.
 Lydia: Haha! Ok, see you later. MK, GK, you kids have fun today, all right?
 GK: Yes, mother.
 MK: We will, Mom! *responded MK as he hugged his mother and Alphys goodbye*
 Alphys: See you around, “little bro.” *said Alphys with a heartwarming smile*
 MK: Same to you, “big sis.”
 Moments later, all five kids and the three skeletons left the house and went into the front yard, leaving Lydia alone with Undyne and Alphys so she can catch up with the two girls a bit longer before going back home to her husband and baby boy.
 In the front yard,
 MK: Have fun today, sis.
 GK: *sigh* I’ll try to, brother. *sigh* I REALLY hope this time alone with Gaster goes better than I think it’s going to. *said GK while shaking nervously, very nervously*
 MK: Hey, hey, it’s ok, sis. This is a big step for you, I get that. But just know that if today doesn’t go the way you’d like it to go; well, you can always count on me to cheer you up at the end of the day. Just remember, your big brother’s got your back.
 GK: Thanks, MK. *sigh* I know I don’t say it a lot, but, I really do love you. *said GK while smiling*
 MK: I know you do, sis. And always remember to believe me when I say that the feeling is definitely mutual.
 Moments later, GK, touched by what she was told a few seconds ago, proceeded to hug MK by wrapping her tail around his waist since she doesn’t have arms. Then immediately after that, MK hugged her back with both of his robotic arms and his tail; and all the while he hugged her, he continued reassuring her that her day with Gaster will go just fine. Also, unknown to the two reptilian children, Undyne saw and heard them interacting with each other while she was grabbing some beverages inside the house for herself, Alphys, and Lydia. The way MK and GK interacted with each other brought a tear to Undyne’s eye and seeing MK’s loving and caring nature towards his sister helped prove to Undyne even more that MK can be trusted again after the whole under-the-bed tickle torture incident back in April.
 Undyne: *sniffles* Oh, MK, you are such a sweetheart. *sniffles again* You’ve been doing one hell of awesome job earning back my trust after what you did to me back in April; and as long as you continue being the kind, loving, caring, friendly, funny, silly, and adooooorable sweetheart that you truly are; well, you can GUARAN-ASS-TEE that there will be an anime convention ticket in your pocket by the time June rolls around.
 One minute later…
 GK: Ok Gaster, I’m ready. *claimed GK as she stopped hugging MK*
 Gaster: Hehehehehe. I’m very pleased to hear to that, young lady. Here, I’ll help you into my car.
 A few seconds later, Gaster held the back door on the passenger side of his car open for GK and then as soon as the young lizard girl herself positioned herself comfortably in the seat, he fastened her seat belt for her. GK could have easily done all of these things with her mouth, feet, and tail. Gaster was just being polite, that’s all. And GK appreciated it very much too.
 Gaster: And there we are. All strapped in and ready to go.
 GK: Thanks, Gaster.
 Gaster: Hehehe. No problem.
 Frisk, Chara, and Asriel: Bye, GK.
 MK: Yeah; bye, sis!
 GK: Goodbye, everyone.
 Gaster: *gently shuts GK’s car door* Well, this has been fun and all, but it’s finally time for me to get going. GK and I have a big day ahead of us and I don’t want to keep her waiting any longer than I have to. So, see you soon, everyone.
 Sans: Oh yeah, we should get going too. Bye, Dad.
 Papyrus: Yes, see you soon, Dad.
 Asriel: Bye, Gaster. Oh, and if we don’t see you before then, see you next Saturday.
 Frisk and Chara: Heeheeheeheehee!! Heck yeah! And we absolutely can’t wait to see that new room of yours! *said the two 12-year-old girls in sync*
 Next Saturday, Gaster will be watching Frisk, Chara, Asriel and MK at his house in the woods. And when the four kids go to Gaster’s house next Saturday, they will get to spend time with their favorite skeleton “uncle” in this huge room in his secret basement (only Gaster’s family and very close friends know about his secret basement and the basement itself isn’t super deep underground like the practically empty Kingdom of Monsters is) that he’s been working on for several months now. And regardless of whether or not things go well with GK today, GK will not be joining them since she made plans to spend next Saturday with Patty, Kyle, and Perry (GK is close friends with Perry since he’s Patty’s older brother) a long time in advance.
 Gaster: Hahaha! I like your enthusiasm, young princesses. Thanks. And, MK, it was so heartwarming seeing you interact with your sister like that. She’s so lucky to have a loving and caring big brother such as yourself. And, as I said earlier, I’ll do my absolute best to make this day unforgettable for her.
 MK: And again, I have absolutely no doubts about that Gaster. Now, go on have a good time together, ok?
 Gaster: Hehehehe. We will, MK. *chuckled Gaster as he rubbed MK’s head*
 As soon as Gaster said his final goodbyes to everyone in the front yard, he finally got into his car and then took off with GK, leaving Sans and Papyrus alone with MK and the Dreemurr kids in the process.
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
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This week the spotlight is on Anna ( @writeradamanteve )! Click the read more link below to get to know our member!
Spotlight by Mila, @jughead-jones | Graphic by Katie, @betty-cooper
Anna | @writeradamanteve
Name: Anna 
Age: 40
Location: New Jersey
Any other languages aside from English people can contact you in?: Filipino.
Favourite Riverdale characters and ships?: Aside from Betty and Jughead, I do love the awfulness of Cheryl Blossom and spitfire that is season 1 Veronica.
Cheryl Blossom is unapologetically terrible, and in real life, I would absolutely HATE her, but there’s something to be said about a woman who just goes all in. I get that hardness in her, and I like it that she admires others for it, too. That Toni brings out her soft side is a plus, but I would prefer that she stays true to her character outside of her romantic relationship. 
Season 1 Veronica Lodge was a champion of women. I loved that about her. I may not have bought the whole “Betty is my best friend” assertion, but I did like that she was doing it to make amends for her past. S1!Veronica wanted to do better and she looked at Betty and thought Betty was a good person to hang out with to further that. Veronica as a person is methodical. Deliberate. And those are characteristics that can be both good and bad. I like it that Veronica can go both ways. I also mean that in a very gay way. No amount of her sleeping with Archie will convince me that her character can’t be bi. I can’t even say I hate her in season 2. She seemed a little lost there, but she was deciding between her family and her principles. For a while she thought that both could coexist, but when she realized in the end that it couldn’t, she broke away. That’s badass. 
As for Betty and Jughead, I have at least 500K worth of words in fanfic that expresses the many ways I love them. But to be clear: 
I love Betty for being so steadfast in her beliefs. She may have her insecurities when it comes to how she looks and what her mother may think of her, but when it comes injustice and friends endangering themselves for sex, she isn’t going to let anyone prevent her from doing the right thing. She is a go-getter, from saving Pop’s to saving her relationship (especially when Jughead was pulling away from her). She is a master at wielding household items — a skill, we learned, she got from Alice, who’s clearly handy with a lamp. She’s kinky, and she can be scary stone cold — forcing Cheryl to testify the truth with blackmail, watching Jughead punch Chic in the face without flinching, drowning a man to get him to confess to his sins (although ask me some other time about the morality and racial undertones of that, as that is an entirely different conversation). But she also deeply values her relationships. She cares for her loved ones so much, friend or family. That makes her so strong.
Let me tell you the many Jugheads I love: Soft!Jughead, Smughead Jones, Curious Jones, Snowflake!Jughead, ProudBF!Juggie, and even HaplessSerpent!Jughead. I like him best when he’s writing and when he’s making literary references in regular conversation. I love how sarcastic he could be and how his transition from loner weird kid in Riverdale High to popular serpent prince in Southside High tugs at my heartstrings and makes me mad, too. Like Betty, he cares fiercely for the people he loves. His need to belong becomes real to him, after he tried to deny it for so long. As much as we all have our issues with Season 2 Jughead, it added certain dimensions to Jughead that I love to write about in fanfic.
Favourite moments from S1 & S2?: I think I loved most of season 1, but the moments that stood out to me most were these: When Betty was dancing happily in her Cheerleading uniform, when Betty and Jughead were searching Jason’s room and got caught, when Jughead and Betty went to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy together, when Betty rushed to SSH to save Jughead only to find him laughing at the lunch tables with his newfound friends, when Veronica stood up for Betty at the tryouts, when Veronica showed Cheryl compassion, when the girls all banded together to make Chuck suffer the consequences of his misogyny (again, I have words for this, but mostly — why only him? His wasn’t the only name on that playbook), when Cheryl calls people names, when Jughead protected Betty from her vandalized locker, and of course, when Jughead climbed Betty’s bedroom window.  While I can’t get enough of Jughead throwing Betty against the kitchen counter, I have to admit I still loved those other scenes a whole lot more. That said, I will still hope for what I mention in question #7.
Season 2 — ah, my goodness. I don’t need to explain how S2 broke my heart in so many good and bad ways. While there were some golden moments, I think most of us are in agreement that there were so many things that could’ve been done better. However, I STILL do have favorite scenes in this Hell Season: Jughead running the gauntlet was amazing, Betty working on Reggie’s car, the entire street race sequence, every time Betty uses a household object to save people (a shovel, a rolling pin, a poker), Jughead and Betty disposing of the car--from her house to the swamp, that entire episode of “The Wicked and the Divine”, Cheryl and Toni finding one another, and the hunger strike scenes.
What are your hopes for S3?:
Bughead summer sex montage. 
MOAR Bughead Detective Agency. 
A slammin’ Riverdale Parents Flashback episode. 
Joaquin stays and Kevin gets better with love and BDE.  
Kevin and Josie becoming step-siblings.
Reggie and Sweetpea being half-brothers.
Veronica being the Speakeasy Queen.
Cheryl stirring trouble (even if I know I’ll hate her for it).
Archie getting a clue.
Other fandoms you’re into?: My thing is that I don’t usually fan hard on more than one thing. My past fandoms were Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Anime (many of them at once), Cowboy Bebop, X-Files, Star Trek Voyager, and Firefly. At present, I love Star Wars (all of them — eh, except maybe for Episodes 1, 2, and 3), Wonder Woman, and all the Marvel movies.  
What are some of your favourite movies/TV?: Classics: Galaxy Quest, Tropic Thunder, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Forest Gump, The Matrix, Constantine, Clueless, The Breakfast Club, Transformers: The Animated Movie, Snatch, Firefly, Veronica Mars, Supernatural (Seasons 1 - 5), X-Files; 
Most Recent: Pacific Rim, Black Panther, Wonder Woman, Rogue One, Ready Player One, Anne with an E, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Anthony Bourdaine’s old and new series. 
Favourite books?: There are so many, fam, but here are the ones that first come to mind:
Harry Potter 1 - 6 (yeah, sorry, not a huge fan of the 7th)
Emma by Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
All of Louisa May Alcott’s books
All of Sharon Shinn
All of L.M. Montgomery
Anne Marston’s Rune Blade Trilogy
Barb and J.C. Hendee’s Noble Dead Saga
The Infernal Devices Trilogy (Cassandra Clare)
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
All of Zilpha Keatley Snyder books
All of Paula Danziger books
Juliet Naked by Nick Hornby
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
The Unlikely Disciple by Kevin Roose
The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi
The Terror by Dan Simmons
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Misery by Stephen King
Favourite bands/musicians?: I shall date myself, thanks:
Guns & Roses
Nikki Minaj
Cardi B
Imagine Dragons
One Republic
The Killers
Lily Allen
Amy Winehouse
If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?: Harry Potter, no doubt. I would like to live in a world that relies on magic. I would like to go to a magical school like Hogwarts. I would love to fight in a resistance to overthrow an evil sorcerer. Plus, I would really, really love to meet Hermione.
Favourite food?:
Ramen (the real stuff, not the dried instant ones)
Banh Mi
Bun bo Hue
Filipino Food — particularly Adobo
Mangos and strawberries
Favourite season?: Summer.
Favourite plant?: This is an odd question to me as I don’t have a favorite plant. They are just there and sometimes they give me grief when I have to tend to the outside of my house because they’ve gotten unruly on some level (like — Fall, why do you have to discard your leaves all over my grounds?)
Favourite scent?: Baby’s breath, food, and freshly changed bed sheets.
Favourite colour?: Victorian pink.
Favourite animal?: Cats and Owls (I am definitely a witch by heart).
Are you a night owl, an early bird, or a vampire?: I sleep late and wake up early. I am an old person who can go on 5 hours of sleep.
Place you want to visit?: Portugal or Prague is next on my list.
Do you have pets? If you do, tell us a little about them: I have two pets. Pootie is a cat. He is a gray tuxedo. He loves me best, but he also hangs around my eldest child a lot. Every once in a while, he bothers my husband. Bob is a hermit crab. Bob bores the hell out of me and I am equal parts terrified that I will find him dead in his cage and tired that I am still taking care of him. His previous companions, Larry and Curly, have perished. When I found them dead, I screamed. Hermit crabs are creepy as fuck when they leave their shells, like I can’t stand them that way. I don’t know why I am stuck taking care of Bob, but he’s here, he is under my care, and God help me, he’s a stubborn bastard.
Tell us a little about yourself?: 
For work, I’m a web producer/web developer, and I maintain about 20 sites for my company.  
I used to work in publishing.
I went to law school and quit.
I eventually married my high school sweetheart and now we have 3 children.
I was always attracted to women, too, but growing up, I was too afraid to come out as bi. It still intimidates me, coming out to new people now. Most times, I just let them draw their own conclusions.
Fun or weird fact about you?: There’s nothing weird about me that you don’t already know. Fun fact: I kickbox in the nearby UFC gym, and one time, I was practicing with Tai pads with a dude who kicked me in the leg by accident — he just “grazed” me, really. I TRIED VERY HARD to pretend that I was alright. That night, my leg was swollen, and three months later, I saw that same dude fighting in the octagon on TV.
Asks for fanfic authors:
How long have you been writing?: 20 years.
Which is your favourite of the fics you’ve written?: That is impossible to answer. Truly. So I’m going to close my eyes over a list of my stories and where my finger lands, that’s my fave. It’s Drive.
Favourite fic/chapter/plot-point/character you’ve ever written?: This is even harder. 
Polly’s character arc in Wicked. I really love how I fleshed her out in that story
The development of Kevin and Jughead’s friendship in Harvest to Home
Jughead’s relationship with Archie and Jellybean in Drive.
Betty’s story arc in Drive.
The twists and turns of Wicked.
The rich ambience of Harvest to Home.
Betty and Cheryl’s friendship in Harvest to Home.
The text conversation in Drive.
Sweet Pea’s background character in Drive.
Cheryl’s character in Wicked.
The car chase scene in Drive.
The hotel scene in Cowboy Jones.
The Peitho kitchen scene in Cowboy Jones.
Which was the hardest to write, and why?: Wicked was hard to write. I had set out to write this story with the twists and turns in mind, and those twists were interlaced. I had to set stuff up all throughout the beginning and middle so that the end would make sense. It was also harder because of Season 2. The background of those episodes in contrast with what I had in mind tended to make me nervous about reader expectations. Like when Hal was suddenly the Black Hood on Riverdale, it felt odd to not make him so terrible in Wicked. 
One of the hardest chapters I had to write was a chapter written in Cheryl’s POV. Delving into her psyche was a difficult switch to turn on and at some point, I was doubting whether I can do it, but I did it and there it was. And I don’t regret it at all.
How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? (examples: Do you draw inspiration from real life? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?) Do you have an process to your writing?: Inspiration is different every time. 
For Harvest to Home, I wanted to write a fic about a very domestic Betty who made beautiful things. While I was writing that fic, I was deeply into the show Fixer Upper because we had just moved into our own new home. I was absolutely inspired by the designs I saw on TV and our need to decorate our home. I wanted Betty to be so good at it that she wrote a blog about home making. I had a lot of inspiration for that as well, since in the publishing company I used to work for, I worked with a lot of chefs and homemakers who published books. 
For Drive, I was inspired by images of Mechanic!Betty at the start of Season 2. I think I may have seen a couple of fics inspired by the movie Baby Driver, where Jughead drove the getaway cars, and honestly, I got a little mad that Betty was never the driver. So I wrote the damn thing, and suddenly, Jughead was drag racing in Season 2. I wrote that fic with a lot of alternative music in the background. I usually started my chapters with the lyrics of those songs that inspired me.
For Wicked, I started writing it for Halloween and it basically grew too large of an idea to make it to Halloween of that year. I was also hesitant about how the fandom would receive a fic where Betty was a witch. Then there came that article about how Alice was possibly a Spellman. WELL THEN. 
Cowboy Jones was absolutely inspired by the Camp Bughead prompts. I figured since I hadn’t been driven out of the fandom by torches and pitchforks because of Wicked, I’d try for some sci-fi, a genre I really love. I aimed to misbehave with Cowboy Jones, so I told myself that this was going to be my smuttiest work yet. I had also put out an X-Files inspired bughead short called The Truth is Here for that same prompt. 
I answered the question about my writing process here and some more about character development here. 
Idea that you always wanted to write?: Kitchen Confidential type story, where Jughead is an asshole chef who is determined to make his restaurant succeed. Betty becomes his sous chef and shows him a thing or two about cooking and about life.
Favourite character to write?: Betty and Jughead, no doubt.
Best comment/review you’ve ever received?: Well, there are so many commenters who have been so fantastic, but my favorite comments come from those who want to have a discussion with me, mostly because I like to reply to all commenters to express my gratitude and it’s easier to reply when I can pick up a conversation.
Best and worst parts of being a writer?: Best part is finishing a chapter and posting it. Worst part is getting flamed. I have been fortunate enough to have a welcoming group of readers here, but I’ve had my share of flames in other fandoms. I always try to dig deep for something constructive in them — there always is something that can be so useful to my writing, but man, those are TOUGH to handle sometimes.
Do you have any advice to offer?: Few things:
Don’t let fear rule your life. Embrace that fear and get to know it. Find out what makes it frightening, then overcome it. 
Practice. That is the only thing that will make you better at anything. 
Learn from failure. It’s a bitch of a teacher but it’s the best lesson you’ll ever have.
Find work that you love. It always pays.
This is the eleventh installment of Bughead Family’s Member Spotlight series. Each week, a member’s url is selected through a randomizer and they will be featured in a spotlight post. In order to participate, please join the Bughead Discord (more information found here). Thank you.
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years
7th Comedy Monologue
“Hey my Cheese bags I’m back from my adventure in 1985”
“No joke if you look it up
the timeframe of days for each month this year
are the exact same as they were in 1985”
So all this “80s revival stuff” with Duran Duran and Depeche Mode touring, Petshop Boys releasing a new album, a new generation falling in love with Queen and She-Ra while the world is being messed up by a tyrannical iron lady and a talking tangerine makes a bit of sense doesn’t it?”
Even though I was born in the 2000s I’ve always loved most of the media from that decade, the gothic and upbeat synthesizer music,the cheaply made but entertaining cartoons,the video games,the basic but stylish fashion,the musicals and John Hughes films,the mix of music genres in the charts,Goth,Synth,Punk,2 Tone,Post-Punk,New Wave,Glam Metal,Alternative,Shoegaze,Hip Hop,Electronica
I was watching Saved by the Bell  before Netflix even existed
Then again a lot of the shows from then were also being revived back in my day
Dal Winton was presenting game shows, Pingu replaced the scary walrus monsters with rap music, I watched or had VHS tapes of the Muppet show, Noddy, Postman Pat and Scooby Doo.
Scooby-Doo! Now that’s a show that never gets old because it never changes, anyone regardless of what generation they’re from would be able to tell you
“Oh Yeah, I remember Scooby Doo”
When you think about it Scooby Doo is quite philosophical
we are all just a gang going on our own adventures
that and the first few live-action movies are modern masterpieces
I was just browsing Twitter or Tumblr or literally anywhere on the internet only to see that screencaps were taken from the live action Scooby Doo interviews had turned into memes
Well,I was auditioning for the role of Velma, I could sense from the way Matthew Lillard just fully encompassed the role of Shaggy, it felt like he was Shaggy, he was our saviour as he felt his spiritual energy increase, that’s when I knew we were working with a legend
Something like that although Matthew isn’t too fond of the memes himself specifically the ones where his spiritual connections are described more like demon possession rituals
“Being Shaggy has led me down a path of death and destruction. I’ve killed many mortals in hope of replicating 1% of Shaggy’s being, by the end of filming I hope to become one with him”
In which Matthew responded with
*deadpan voice*
This is wrong
I mean I might also have inspirations where I feel like I can philosophically connect with them, in their performing style and personality but that’s where I draw the line
Personality?  That’s a tricky subject
You could say some people have consistent personalities
People said Freddie Mercury and David Bowie were party animals who were incredible on stage with their charisma, creativity and charm but other sources have said they were relaxed, laid back people who were shy when being interviewed.
That could just be the contrast between their onstage and offstage personas but not all of us have that, even if we are all  just actors in a play, hoping each day goes the right way
Some of us are punk, even if we don’t explicitly say that we are, or have the stereotypical style associated with it,a lot of us just try to be ourselves,some of us can enjoy reality shows and horror movies at the same time,some of us can enjoy One Direction and Gorillaz,some of us can love fashion but also love memes, Theatre, and 1980s aesthetics
I’d say I’m the same but sometimes my personality is all over the place
I can go from being cheerful, relaxed and happy to being dazed and clumsy or cynical or entranced and hyper-fixated to Pessimistic and Cold to Quiet and Timid to Mellow and Loud   what personality traits you associate with me, however, is up to your own conclusion
call me any internet subculture stereotype and I’d be able to tell you about how I either, unfortunately, was the stereotype or I hung around people who were those stereotypes
if you said I was someone who watched Cbbc and citv you’d be right
if you said I was a classic rock enthusiast years ago and now you’d be right
if you said I used to be a cringy anime enthusiast  you’d be right
if you said I was one of those theatre kids who watched Disney sitcoms you’d be right
if you said I was one of those meme posters who referenced movies like Shrek and bee movie you’d be right
Another thing punks did was and sometimes still do was creating fanzines, magazines related to their favourite band or tv show or their own opinions on what’s going in the world, nowadays you could say social media has replaced that, but publications like the Daily Mirror, The Sun and TMZ still have a presence on there,I’d say fanzines should have a revival.
The BAFTA’s also happened recently and I wasn’t impressed, then again when are awards shows anything other than beauty pageants for films anyway?
Some films deserved their awards, but some films barely got a mention, Paddington 2 wasn’t included in there or in any of the other film awards this year and Stan and Ollie got nothing…
A darn shame because that film was so well made, it felt authentic, while Stan and Ollie also have a bit of a universal following, there are still some people who probably don’t know who they are!
Before Walliams and Lucas, Before the Two Ronnies, Before Richie and Eddie
There was…Laurel and Hardy
Two moustached blokes, who in the 20s and 50s would just try to delight audiences the best way they could, through slapstick and laughter, without them, most of the world’s double acts wouldn’t exist and even Spongebob wouldn’t exist
Yep, you heard me right, all those misadventures Spongebob and Patrick would have, they were loosely based on the adventures of Laurel and Hardy, except instead of it being about a tall British man and a fat American it was about an anthropomorphic sponge and a dumb but caring starfish.
Speaking of Spongebob, there was some sad news involving Spongebob not too long ago
The creator of Spongebob, Stephen Hillenburg…had passed away from ALS
I know, it’s awful,stupid motor neuron diseases and stupid Adam Levine too,for those who don’t know there was an episode of Spongebob called Band Geeks where they ended the episode with the cast playing a song called Sweet Victory over a Superbowl type of event, for the actual super bowl Spongebob fans around the world petitioned for that song to be played in tribute for Stephen,however we got Adam Levine singing a different song instead….what a letdown
If it wasn’t for SpongeBob I and some of the rest of the new generation, wouldn’t know half the old music or old films we know now.
To let down millions of fans like that makes me sick
Honestly, I was a bit sick a few weeks ago, I’ve been sick before and hospitalized twice but this particular moment of sickness was odd
It was like any other night, I was trying to get some sleep and lucid dream, but then it happened, the shivers, the shakes the trembling aches,
Out of nowhere, I felt like an ice-cube stuck in a microwave, It was too cold but it was too warm, I eventually got to sleep but when I got up the next morning I felt sick again, sorry for disclosing those details but it was like the exorcist…
Usually, when I’m sick watching documentaries, Kitchen Nightmares or 90s films weirdly cheers me up
Speaking of films, Rocketman the Elton John movie is out and it actually looks good
It’s being directed by the guy who was the replacement director for Bo Rhap and if it ends up being brilliant I won’t be surprised, the trailer gave off Velvet Goldmine vibes, the style of composed cinematography and I’m sounding like Film Twitter, Isle of Dogs was a good film…oh wait it wasn’t acknowledged much by the award shows either.
Another amazing film I recently watched was Rocky Horror…I know I’ve mentioned it before but that was when I only knew the sequel and some of the soundtrack,
It was amazing, it was brilliant, it was fantastic, it was out of this world,
ah! Rocky Horror was splendid
I definitely now understand why it’s still going strong to this day
It’s that hybrid of rock and roll, optimistic nihilism and soft aesthetics
That just works for me, another thing I’ve remembered was that Richard O’ Brien played the dad in Phineas and Ferb, well that explains that part of me liked that cartoon for the music and some of the characters but other characters did my head in like that Isabel character
“Hey, Phineas what ya dooing?”
“How about you let me finish my invention and you mind your own business”
Oof that’s too harsh…but considering aspects of the marvel Phineas and Ferb crossover were surprisingly a bit sexist at times outdated for the show that is usually quite progressive in its representation and characters…it’s probably accurate
Another person who hasn’t changed but is also often harsh, Piers Morgan, a little tweety bird told me he had a mysterious illness, good riddance I’d say, he’s the new Noel Edmonds, the presenter who used to be ok but now is unbearable…because he never shuts up
Thankfully though he’s “taking a break” from GMB that will rest our eardrums
Russell Brand has also been in the tabloids again, even though he’s more focused on his Buddhist spiritual recovery enlightening, looking back he wasn’t as bad as people described him, yeah at times he was a bit too over the top,but he was and is quite an ok bloke, but I’d say temporarily banning tickling is a bit of a stretch,
when you think about the number of people who disrespect our literal and figurative personal space on a daily basis, it kinda makes a bit of sense,
whether your sensory sensitive or not, I’m sure you hate it, when people are too touchy at times
although years ago I would’ve been a bit of an ignorant hypocrite about that
Hating it when crowds of kids would chase me like how the paparazzi chase their next gossip target, yet often annoyingly running up to people to talk to or entertain them.
I really need to learn to enjoy loneliness more because I get some of my best ideas when alone, but emotionally I feel a lot better when around others, a bit of an Ambivert really,
I’m sorry I can be a bit all over the place, I’m trying to make my energy more manageable
as that lucid dreaming thing has been misused at times,
I shouldn’t let myself be controlled…
by anyone or anything..no overthinking, no overworking,
treat the world as your stage, start your first act, motivated and ready, take your recharging interval breaks and then move on for your second act
fancy that me an ex-drama student making that metaphor when my current course  involves digitally drawing art, editing audio and sitting at a computer for most of the day
But then again just because someone shows good charisma that doesn’t always mean their a good person.
Ted Bundy, one of America's most notorious serial killers used charisma and charm in his court cases, and with the amount of fangirls giving him fanmail it was like the Beatles fandom but for people with Stockholm syndrome,and now with Netflix’s documentary and Troy from High School Musical in an upcoming film about him, that seems to be repeating itself…
*Alien voice* Ted Bundy the 1960s called they want your fangirls back!
One show I know you probably haven’t heard of is The Boondocks, a south park esque cartoon with an anime esque art style, referencing the social commentary of African American culture and media, celebrating some aspects while critiquing others, through the lenses of a socialist boy named Huey Freeman, his rapper wannabe brother Riley and their activist grandad Robert.
This show was quite revolutionary,it referenced the issue of each episode quite well, even though it only lasted 4 seasons, however, because the show is quite American, apart from the animation which is done in Korea,The Boondocks is not well known in the UK, which is a shame because it is a really good show that still holds up…however, it does fall under one mousetrap that most other adult cartoons fall into….
Because of the references to violence,innuendo and other dark subject matter sometimes referenced in a satirically humorous way,some audiences  would just watch the show because it’s offensive thinking that the show was made just to be offensive..instead of what the show was actually made for..which was to give social commentary on the issues relevant to African American communities in America.
I had watched this show years ago, it only just came back on my radar, because the creator Aaron McGruder, who based the show off his webcomic of the same name, had recently made a new issue.
There’s a difference between being satirical and being offensive
Your either making fun of something bad that a system or people are doing to make people aware of how stupid and sad the world can be at times,subjectively making fun of a stereotype, or your an arse who thinks they’re a comedian when they waste their time on social media, thinking they’re amazing and funny when they’re holding up the line at Mcdonald’s and the only people laughing at their jokes are gammon and people who found Bernard Manning funny
“Oh Wait”
I know sometimes I have unpopular opinions such as how my views of someone dip depending on their views of Kanye West
and sometimes I can be a bit snarky, and I hate and love stuff in equal amounts, but we need a bit of that don’t we, if we bottle it all up we explode like volcanos, but if we overshare too much, we crash like out of control cars
It’s all about moderation, salt is a tasty condiment but eat too much of it and your arteries will get clogged,
A few days back it was the day Mark Ashton passed away, for those who don’t know,he was an LGBT activist in the 80s,he volunteered with organizations such as the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,he and the other activists helped to support the miners during the miner strike, creating the LGSM Alliance,Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners,there was a film made about them too, called Pride,but what some people don’t know is that….Mark Ashton was Northern Irish…he was one of us..he was the Marsha P Johnson of our time..if we were a bit like Mark Ashton this country would be a slightly more accepting place, why don’t we give love!
Let’s move on, plant more flowers in our garden..I know I sound like a hippie but it’s true, our Celtic Summerland is being used as a cesspool for Nuclear Waste
Oi! use your own bins, not the place we’re living in, pick up your rubbish and clean up your own mess…
The 80s were telling us something with all those protect and survive adverts, yes some of us were prepared as the older generation made us alert, others couldn’t recognize that a lot of innocent people were getting hurt.
When we say we want a 1980s comeback we want the music, clothes, games and  films,
but Nope
while we have some of that the 1980s revival we get is the one that involves Nuclear Danger and the ghost of Margaret Thatcher
All these TV and Film revivals, some are cool others are just unnecessary  Do we really need a Snow White sequel? No, we don’t but we did get one even if it was unofficial
Back in 2007 a French animation company made a sequel to Snow White which was also a bit like Shrek in how it satirised the fairy tale tropes, how Prince Charming feels like he is objectified while he ends up doing the same thing to the female characters, quite a tosser but that’s the point of the parody to point out the flaws with fairy tale logic, and to put the likes of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella in more realistic scenarios.
…it’s strange, weird but brilliant too
The English dub had quite a few familiar faces doing the character voices
Stephen Fry as the narrator, Morwenna Banks, Simon Greenall and another British actor
Rik someone...
Ah! I remember his name now, he was in many successful sitcoms in the 80s and 90s,he was a legend, he knew how to keep people laughing, whether they were children, adults, teenagers,
in television, theatre, film or music
quite an eclectic range of talent
I’m a new fan, I might adore his work, but I had just learnt his name 2 years ago, whereas, with other fans, they have created their own work, such as Charlie Brooker and Simon Pegg… some were able to meet him…lucky...
Some encounters were quite interesting, I had heard someone’s nan got to meet him in the 90s but she got his name wrong so she ended up saying
“‘oh hello can I have your autograph please Mr mayo?’
Well that happened, she probably still got that autograph,...
And somewhere up there, Rik Mayall is thinking of us, he, Stephen Hillenburg and David Bowie are probably chatting away
Let’s make the lord of misrule proud
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yeet-bangtan · 7 years
Reset Part. 2
Tumblr media
genre: angsty and fluffy (this particular part will be more fluffy but the angst is coming so be ready 
length: 4.9k
description:  There is only one thing in this world that you fear– death. You will do anything to cheat death, and that is why you reset. Cheating death comes with a price, and with every reset you change your personality. Namjoon has been there through several of your resets, but you just keep changing.
intro part 1 
It's been three days since my encounter with Rap Mon. I was hoping he would send me a text, a voicemail, or something, but he hasn't sent anything. I never feel fear, but now I do. Who is Rap Mon to make me afraid? I'm suddenly scared of rejection if I text him first. I'm scared he will think of me as thirsty or desperate, and I just can't stand the thought of it. I can't do that; I just can't!
I feel so frustrated at myself. My new personality is so overwhelmingly weak, but I know that I'm not actually weak, I'm just reserved. Rash boldness does not equal strength, and even I know that. I look at my phone and am tempted to hurl it halfway across the room, but I don't. Instead, I go into the kitchen and try to drown my anger in rice. I will say that as much as I dislike my new personality, it is nice that it will settle for simple foods like rice instead of the expensive and extravagant types of meats that my other personalities craved. My cravings are no longer bizarre or bank-breaking foods, they are simple things like vegetables or bread.
I grab a bowl of rice from the kitchen and sit on my couch. I stare at my phone again as much as I don't want to, but I can't bring myself to look away from it. I have not been able to stop thinking about Rap Mon and all the fun things we did in our short time together. The funny thing is, even though I am obsessed with him, it's not because I love him or want to date him, I just want to be with him. It's so strange and I don't understand it, but I have a need to be next to him. That need is one of the strongest things I've felt since I began resetting, and I feel the fear settle in my stomach.
I try to ignore how I feel by watching dramas, but it's not enough to distract me. The characters don't draw me in, and I have no sympathy for their hopeless love. Their whole relationship seems like a void. Relationships have always seemed like a void to me. I've never wanted one. I don't want one now. The main actress is crying uncontrollably, trying to find a way to satisfy everyone, and I feel dislike towards her. How could she try for something so clearly unattainable? Why would she aim for something that wouldn't benefit her anyway? Why was she so dependent on the needs and feelings of others? I can't keep watching this show.
I turn my television off in the hopes that I will find some other way to waste time. I don't want to remember all the things I used to do, but when you are alone and with nothing better to do, memories are all you have. A distinct memory of my second reset was the color change. My first reset was a neon yellow that faded into gold, but my second reset was a gold that faded into an even darker gold. Almost like a butterscotch color. It was disorienting but quickly forgotten. Until I reset a third time, then it darkened to a dijon color. It was scary how it kept darkening with each reset, but I couldn't continue to dwell on that. What else can I think of?
I want to remember something happy. There aren't many happy things that happened over the course of my resets, and I don't remember anything before I started to reset. Well, besides the fact that I drank a lot of coffee. One happy memory I had was when I had to start taking medication for nightmares. My nightmares were so horrid and vivid, that I would lose so much sleep that my doctors told me I could even die from it. When I first started to take my meds, I had terrible mood swings. Most of the time, I felt horrible and depressed. There was a little girl who lived next door to me at the time, and she saw that I needed meds and that I wasn't doing well. One day, I opened the container where I stored my meds and there were gummies in it. I was confused at first, then I knew it must have been the little girl next door. I caught up with her before she went to school that day and asked her if she was the one who put gummies in my meds container, and she said yes. I asked her why, and her response was one I will never forget. "Gummies make me happy, so I was thinking that maybe if I gave you gummies, you would be happy too!"
I smile as I remember the little girl. She was one of the sweetest most innocent people I ever knew. I wish I could be more like her. I wish the whole world could be more like her. She saw things in people that not even the best therapist or psychologist could see in them. Maybe it's because your mind is open to everything when you are a child. I wouldn't know. I don't remember being a child.
The girl was also an artist. Not just a child artist that could draw decently, but she could create actual masterpieces. I didn't know how a frail girl of ten could paint unlike anyone I had ever seen. She painted me something not long before I had to reset again. She painted me as a little girl. I wasn't sad or experiencing my normal mood swings; I was happy. I was smiling and even dancing. I looked carefree in that painting. I still have it. I hung it in my living room so that I would remember what might have been. If nothing else, it was a beautiful painting. No one would have believed me if I told them a little girl had painted it.
I look at the painting now. It's so beautiful how the water actually looks like it's bubbling happily. It's amazing how I look genuinely happy. I wasn't intoxicated or on meds, but I was happy. To this day I don't know how she captured the emotion of joy so well on a canvas. All I know is that she was a miracle. Perhaps she was an angel, perhaps not. I reach out and touch the painting. The emotions feel so real, that perhaps I could touch it and feel happy. I caress the soft fabric of the canvas and wish I could feel like I did in the painting.
I go back into the kitchen hoping I could drown my feelings in soju, but when I open the fridge, there isn't any. Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't drink as much as I did in the past, but what else can I do? I grab my coat and walk out the door. I have one goal in mind and one goal only. Get my soju, and get out. That's all I need and all I really want.  On my way to the convenience store, it's quite cold, and I forgot how much I hate cold weather. Frigid winds attack me from multiple angles, and it is a relief to close the door inside the warm convenience store. I take a deep breath, wrap my scarf around the bottom half of my face, and make a beeline straight for the fridge. The green bottles look alluring from their shelf in the fridge, and I grab as many as my hands can reach. I was about to head straight for the register until I notice a girl with strange proportions having trouble balancing a basket full of beer bottles. She is probably the tallest girl I have ever seen. Well, in Korea at least. Honestly, she looks so pathetic trying to struggle with her basket, that I decide to help her.
"Watch out, or you'll bump into something. Wouldn't want all your drinks ruined, would you?"
"Thank God you're here, Yeona-ssi!" That voice is not feminine. At all. Then it clicks.
"Rap Mon-ssi?!"
"Shh! Right now I'm Kim Army."
"Kim Army? Why are you dressed as a girl? What is going on? Are you secretly a drag queen?"
"Well," he started scratching the back of his head. "My boss thought it would be a good idea to promote us better if we did a skit. Guess who got the lead female role?"
I try to hold in my laughter, but there is no use. I laugh so hard that I almost lose grip on my soju bottles. Rap Mon is laughing with me to my surprise. There are tears slipping down my cheeks and my side hurts, but I'm still laughing. It's almost as if I'm releasing all the emptiness I've felt since the last time we met. I will need to ask him why he hasn't sent me anything. I wipe away my last tear and sigh up at Rap Mon. "I can't believe you of all people have to play a lead female role."
"Honestly, me either! I thought they would make Jimin-ah do it since he's the most feminine out of the seven of us."
"Jimin? There are seven of you?"
"Oh, well, guess I might as well tell you. I'm in a boy group. There are seven members, and I'm the leader."
"Ahhh, so Rap Monster is a stage name?"
"Yeah. My underground name was Rancho Randa." I burst out laughing again. "Hey, what's so bad about that?"
"Rancho Randa?" I say between laughs. "Listen, Rap Monster is kinda cool, but Rancho Randa is just awful!"
"Yeah, I guess I see what you mean. Well, I gotta bring the boys our drinks. See you around?"
"Well, I mean if you would ever text me, then maybe."
"Oh, right!" He smiles again. "Man, I keep meaning to text you, but I'm really busy getting ready for a comeback. My company is very strict about phone time, and I'm too tired to talk to anyone other than my mom when we finish practice. Sorry, I'll try and remember."
Now I feel bad. I didn't know he was an idol. I'm not dumb enough to think that idols can do whatever they want. Everything they do and say is monitored, and that must be the case for Rap Mon. I don't want to leave him though. Surely there is a way to stay with him without interrupting his schedule.
"It's okay, but, um, do you mind if I walk to the studio with you?"
He looks surprised, but then he smiles. "Yeah, yeah that's fine."
"How far is it from here?"
"Not far. Maybe a mile or two?"
"Did you walk here?"
"Uh, no. I took the bus actually."
"Oh! I'm sorry," I feel slightly disappointed. "It's okay, go take the bus."
"No, it's fine. I haven't talked to you in awhile, so I wanna walk with you."
"It's only been three days."
"It feels like it's been longer than that. Seriously, though, I want to walk. If you're down, then so am I. You still want to, right? This whole outfit isn't going to scare you off?"
I laugh. "No, Kim Army-ssi. I want to walk with you."
We leave the store with our drinks in hand. It feels nice to be with him again. I forgot how warm and full I feel with him around. Rap Mon is the strangest person I've ever known, but I need him. That's for sure.
"So what do you want to talk about, huh?"
"What kind of skit is Kim Army doing?"
"Ahh, she is getting her album from her favorite band BTS."
"What is this album by BTS called?"
"That album by BTS is called Wings."
"I see. Who is Kim Army's favorite member of BTS?"
"Kim Army's favorite member of BTS is V, who is otherwise known as Kim Taehyung."
"Does Kim Army like a particular BTS member named Rap Monster by chance?"
"She appreciates his rap."
"Kim Army must not know him very well."
"Kim Army thinks he's a good leader, but he's her least favorite member."
"Kim Army better catch these hands." He burst out laughing. "Well, I don't care what Kim Army thinks, Rap Monster is my favorite BTS member."
"That's only because you haven't met the other BTS members."
"Is that a challenge, Rap Mon-ssi?"
"Call me oppa."
"Okay, oppa, but you didn't answer my question."
"Yes, Yeona-yah; it is a challenge."
"Challenge accepted. I will already tell you that you will lose. Guaranteed."
"I will hold you to that."
"Fine by me."
We walk down a few streets in comfortable silence. It feels odd not needing to speak in order to keep the atmosphere pleasant. Neither of us feels the need to keep talking. However, I am not about to waste an opportunity to ask him about the important things in life. The most important things in life being the most random question I can think of.
"What is your favorite number?"
"Favorite number?" He looks mightily confused. "I don't know. Do you have one?"
"Four. I don't really know why, but I've always loved the number four. Now I have another important question. Our friendship relies on this so don't screw up."
"So should I answer honestly or correctly?"
"Who is your favorite Kakao talk character?"
"Ryan." He said without hesitation.
"Okay, I can accept you into my circle of friends."
He takes an overdramatic sigh of relief and puts his hand to his chest. "I was so scared I would have to take the rest of this walk to BigHit alone."
"Is that your company's name?"
"Yeah. We aren't big, but we get along with each other really well. It's a good company. You'd like it."
"I'm sure I would. I have one more super important question. What is your dream job?"
"My dream job? Honestly, I'm already doing it. I want to be a rapper and a composer/songwriter. That's been what I've wanted since high school. I might not be getting a lot of recognition or even money from this, but I'm happy. Stressed, maybe. Tired, yeah, but at the end of the day, I'm proud of where I am."
"What is one of your favorite parts about being a rapper?"
"I love the rush of adrenaline I get when I'm on stage. It feels so unlike anything else I've ever felt. It almost makes me feel whole. Do you know what that feels like?"
"I didn't use to, but I think I'm starting to understand now."
"Now I have a question for you. What makes you feel whole?"
"Me? Um, not much."
"I don't believe you. There's something."
"Well..." I don't know what to say. "Art, I guess."
"Do you make art?"
"No, but I like looking at it. It's probably the only time I feel real emotions."
"One of the members in my group really likes art, too. He's not bad at drawing, but painting is another story. His name is V in case you were wondering."
"Otherwise known as Kim Taehyung?"
"Yeah, that's the one. He also is into jazz music and the saxophone. He says he would be a saxophone player if he didn't work out as an idol."
"How well does he play?"
"Honestly, not that great, but don't tell him I said that."
"My lips are sealed."
"Here's another question. What is something people find easy that you find difficult?"
"Honestly, just being a functioning member of society."
"I mean nobody is really that good at being a functional member of society. There isn't really a perfect example of how to live a perfectly functional life. We all have problems with just functioning."
"That actually makes me feel a lot better. Thanks, oppa."
"Oh, the building is right across the street."
Not to my surprise, it is not a big building. It isn't fancy, or modern-looking, or anything most music studios have, but it feels homely. It feels comfortable and welcoming. It feels like Rap Mon. This shouldn't be surprising at all, but it is.
"Well, I guess now that we're here I should head back home, yeah?" I say.
"Then how are you going to meet the members?"
"Am I even allowed in the building?"
"Probably not."
"Then why did you suggest that I was?"
"I never said you were allowed, but I never said that wouldn't stop me."
"How would that even work, oppa?"
"I have connections that may or may not be helpful in this particular situation."
"So you are seriously going to sneak me into your studio to meet your band members?"
"Well, I mean, it would be a great way to get my mind off the fact that I am about to film myself in a wig and a school girl's outfit."
"I can't believe you're serious."
"I want to find out who wins our little challenge. If you don't want to then you don't have to. I won't make you do anything."
It doesn't matter if I'm breaking the law or not. At this point, I would do just about anything to spend time with Rap Mon. "Of course I want to. You're on, oppa!"
He tells me to stay outside for a little bit, but he promises he will be back out before long to tell me how it is going to work. Honestly, I feel excited. I don't do much to satisfy my thrill factor since I thought I didn't have one, but the thought of sneaking into Rap Mon's studio is exciting. Who would have thought my third reset would have a thing for danger too.
"Okay, so I'm going to bring you with me to bring in the drinks, and then after that, you can meet the boys. I don't think anyone will remember you and kick you out. If need be, pretend to be a makeup artist. Can you do that?"
"Yep. Makeup isn't that hard."
"Okay. Grab the drinks. We are about to head in."
I grab as many of the beer cans as I can. I can only take a couple in addition to my soju bottles. I follow Rap Mon closely in case anyone should recognize that I do not work here and call me out on it. That would not be fun as my third reset does not enjoy confrontation. We head up a flight of stairs into a small room with a lot of camera and lighting equipment. Over in the corner are vanity stands with makeup. The makeup looks like it's from good brands even if the company is not rich. That at least is good.
There are only a couple boys in the room that look like they could be in Rap Mon's group. One of the boys is in a white jumper with black stripes down the side. Next to him, is a boy in a dog costume. The boy is sprawled out on the couch smiling mischievously up at the boy in the jumper. Sitting at the vanity is a tall, broad-shouldered boy wearing some strange banana shaped hat that covers his whole head. What is this skit even about?
"Hey, boys, I brought the drinks."
"Which ones did you bring?" Asked the boy in the dog costume.
"Get over here and see for yourself, Jimin-ah."
The boys get up and walk over the where Rap Mon is, and at first, don't pay me any attention. Rap Mon calls for the rest of the boys while I just kind of stand there awkwardly. Three more boys come in from a door on the left wall. There's a tall boy dressed in a business outfit and glasses. Next to him is a boy in nerdy attire.  Coming in behind them is a boy also dressed as a girl.  He, unlike Rap Mon, isn't dressed as a schoolgirl, but as an older woman. Perhaps he is playing Kim Army's mom?
"I don't think I've seen you before. Are you new?" Said the boy with the banana hat.
"She's with me, hyung." Rap Mon interjects.
"Ahh, is this the girl from the coffee shop?"
"Yeah, yeah that's me. I didn't think you would know about that." I say, slightly confused.
"Oh, it was easy. Namjoon-ah is terrible around girls and you are the only one he's mentioned that he didn't scare away."
"So your name is Namjoon?"
"You haven't even told her your name?" The boy dressed as a lady questions.
"I mean, I was going to."
"We are very sorry about Namjoon-ah's behavior." Continues the boy with the banana hat. "My name is Jin," he said as he blew a violent kiss in my general direction.
"Yeah, he does that a lot. Hyung is the oldest member, and the most immature." Rap Mon explains.
"Excuse you! I am very mature! You're the one who didn't give her your name!"
"The one in the dog suit is Jimin." Rap Mon ignores Jin. "He is our mochi." Jimin gives me a shy smile and a v sign. I barely know him, but mochi is an appropriate nickname.
"I'm J-hope! I'm your hope! I'm your angel!" Exclaims the other boy in female attire.
"Well, he introduced himself, but this is Hoseok. He is our main dancer and probably the most hyperactive out of the seven." Rap Mon explains. "Taehyung-ah, how about you introduce yourself next?"
"My name is V." He boy in the nerdy attire says while making a v sign. "I'm a singer and a saxophone player."
"I remember. Oppa told me on the way here. Kim Army is a big fan."
"Hyung," interjects the tall one in the glasses. He looks nervous and is blushing. "Can I go, um, do something?"
"Yeona-yah, this is Jungkook. He is our golden maknae, and there is nothing he cannot do. Except talk to girls. He can't do that."
I want to see just how scared of girls he is. I take a step forward while he is pleading Rap Mon with his eyes to get away. He looks back to find me much closer than I was previously. The look in his eyes show sheer terror. This is possibly the best decision I've made today. I start laughing as I back away. "Hello, Jungkook-ssi."
"He also is deathly afraid of being called oppa."
"Only when older women do it!" He hotly interjects.
"In other words he's deathly afraid of being called oppa." Rap Mon concludes
Jungkook was about to cut in, but Rap Mon moves on before he gets a chance. "In the jumpsuit over there is Suga. He is a rapper and the other main composer among the members."
"You never told me who the first main composer among the members is." I tell him before he can move on.
"Oh, right." He covers his face with his hands, which just makes him cuter.
"Namjoon-ah is the other main composer." Suga butts in while Rap Mon wallows in embarrassment. "That should be everyone. Unless you count Bang PD Nim." He finishes for Rap Mon.
"Why didn't anyone tell me you were coming today?" J-hope asks.
"It was a last minute decision. Oppa challenged me when we met in the convenience store earlier today."
"Yah! That's no way to treat a lady!" Jin scolds Rap Mon.
"Sorry, hyung." He mumbles.
"What did he challenge you with?" V asks me.
"He said that I was going to like the other members more than I like him. I told him that he was wrong and guaranteed a loss."
"Namjoon-ah shouldn't be making challenges. He loses every time." Suga comments.
"Not every time." Rap Mon replies. "What about that time I challenged Jin-hyung to a bowling match and won?"
"That was a one time thing! You were lucky, you brat!" Jin exclaims with a very dramatic shake of his head.
"Yes, but do you remember that one time you challenged Bang PD Nim to see who could drink more soju?" Suga continues.
"Don't remind me." Rap Mon covers his face in his hands again. The rest of the boys start laughing.
"Don't leave me out of the loop!" I whine.
"It was just something embarrassing I did when I first came of age. Nothing interesting."
"He got so drunk after the third shot, he..." V tries to relay the story to me much to Rap Mon's embarrassment, but the story was cut off by an older male calling for the boys' attention.
"That's Bang PD!" Rap Mon whisper shouts.
"Is she supposed to be here?" Jimin whispers.
"Uh... no?"
"Hyung! Why would you bring her here if she isn't supposed to be here!"
"I don't know! It sounded like a good idea at the time."
"Well what are we supposed to do about her now?"
"Quick! Hide her under the vanity!" V whisper shouts at the three of us.
The voice is getting louder, so I rush under the vanity thankful that the staff has been absent this whole time. Right when the boys turn around and face away from the vanity, I hear the staff enter the room. The boys try not to draw attention to my hiding spot, but I can tell some are doing better than others. From my place under the vanity, I see one of the makeup artists lead one of the members to the vanity where I am currently hiding. That's probably not good.
"Jungkook-ah! Why did you mess up your eye makeup again?" She asks him. "This is the second time today I've had to fix it."
"I'm sorry, noona."
"Now where did I put my eyeshadow brush?"
The eyeshadow brush is on the floor underneath the vanity. The brush is actually right next to me. I don't even think before I grab it. She puts her hand under the vanity, and without even thinking, I hand her the brush. It wasn't until after I gave it to her that I realize I just made a mistake.
"Thank you!" She says before fixing Jungkook's makeup. She didn't even think twice about why a person would be under the vanity. She just fixes his makeup because that is her job.
I let out a silent sigh of relief since she doesn't look under the vanity. Jungkook tries to awkwardly talk to his makeup artist so that she doesn't start thinking about how she got her brush, but she doesn't really want him to talk at the moment. She finishes with him then moves a couple brushes and powders off the vanity to travel around with and pat the other member's faces with.
While the staff is busy getting all the camera and makeup stuff ready, Rap Mon excuses himself for a moment. He walks over to my vanity, and at first I think it's a staff member, but he whisper yells at me that I need to run. He grabs my hand from under the vanity and drags me out of the room. He doesn't stop dragging me until we reach outside the studio. Once we are outside, we both start laughing. His shoulders shake as he laughs, and I crumble in a heap on the sidewalk.
"That was the scariest moment of my life. I can't believe you would put me through that!" I say in mock anger.
"I'm sorry, Yeona-yah. So, did I win?"
"How would I know? I barely know any of them. Heck, I don't even remember all of their names! You haven't won yet, oppa!"
"So I have to keep the challenge going until you can meet us again?"
"Yes. You are still going to lose though!"
"Doubt it. Kim Army never loses a challenge."
"Well Rap Monster does."
We start laughing again until there is a staff member running our of the building looking for Rap Mon. Rap Mon tells him he will be there straight away.
"You'll text me, right?" I ask.
"Of course I will! This challenge isn't over, and I fully intend to win this time."
"Good luck with that!" I call as he waves quickly before disappearing inside the studio building again.
It was funny how today had such a complete switch. Before I saw Rap Mon, who now I know his real name is Namjoon, my day had been depressing. After I saw him, my day became fun and interesting. Why do I feel so comfortable around him? Ordinarily, my personality would not have agreed to do anything so risky, but I was able to ignore that to be with him. What is going on? Whatever is going on, I don't want it to stop. I want to keep coming to him, and I want to feel comfortable every time I see him.
I take the bus back home. It is a short ride. I almost wish it were longer. On the way out of the bus, I realize I left my soju bottles in the studio. It's too late to retrieve them now. I sigh as I walk to street towards my apartment. It isn't until I reach my door that I realize my phone is vibrating. I take it out of my pocket and see that I have two texts from Namjoon.
Hey, Yeona-yah! It's Rap Monster!
The boys asked about you as soon as I came back. We are going to need to have a winner soon
We will have a winner soon, I think. Not a single one of those boys makes me feel the same way Namjoon does. I'm ready.
A/N This was way longer than my other chapter. Whoops. Anyway, general stuff an author says. Feedback. All that other fun stuff
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