#look at her GOOO!!!!!!!!
groenendaze · 26 days
what a superb frisbee dog
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opikiquu · 9 months
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sherrymagic · 2 months
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"You don't need to wait until you're old enough to go into a pub. All you need to do is bribe them." Film Rachanun as PUNK PLOY in Episodes 1-2 PLOY'S YEARBOOK (2024)
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rena-yume · 5 months
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Gently holds her and gives her headpats
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enden-k · 8 months
paimon, blade surfer
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ovcii-doodles · 7 months
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you can't sit with them // new armor, new name
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loafbud · 1 year
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pridepoisoned · 6 months
[I've been meaning to do this for a while and I have it on the brain right now, so why not? With the information below, I'm hoping to open new doors for interaction while also clarifying some of Eris's motives and the core influences behind the character. She deserves a deep dive. 😊]
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Pokemon Platinum is my favorite main series game, I love my supporting characters, and I wanted to try a villain, which is why I initially picked up roleplaying JUPITER around 2017 in a closed Tumblr group. However, the experience left me feeling bitter--the Cyrus player at the time was very possessive, and Jupiter and I couldn't escape his shadow (or the community's view that Jupiter was a mere Galactic lackey, victim of the 10,000th spacesuit joke.)
ERIS EVANS was born from the ashes of that blog when I went indie in 2020, inspired by the questions: what would a post-Galactic Jupiter do, fully independent and freed from Cyrus's influence? What if she was 'worse'? and what would today's unethical sciences, corrupt politics, and greedy corporate behaviors look like within the Pokemon world?
Four main themes inform Eris's portrayal: (excess) hunger/greed, masks, poison, and resilience/survival.
More than anything, Eris Evans has an insatiable appetite for knowledge, willing to cross almost any unethical lines to satisfy her rampant curiosity. This hunger has been present all her life--from when she was gazing at the distant stars, entranced by Cyrus's fantastical vision for a new world, searching for her father, and even more so now. (Her hunger for knowledge is all-consuming and spills in every direction. If you have something cool, she'll want to figure out how it works. Take it apart. Tinker and probe.)
Importantly, Eris does not want to usurp any existing leaders or organizations...
The spotlight is stifling, and she is most at home working away in the background shadows. Above all, power, influence and control are things Eris craves because they allow her the time/resources to experiment as she pleases. While she's currently under Devon's employ right now, Eris will happily work with/under anybody who can provide her with freedom, resources, and a lofty goal to work towards.
With this being said, Eris's appetite is designed to lead her into trouble. She's woven an intricate web thus far (which I am pumped about), flitting back and forth between various conflicting organizations--a day will come when her multilayered façade all comes crashing down.
So, how does Eris manage to survive under the spotlight, juggling all her connections? She's an expert mask-wearer, ultimate deceiver, interchanging her personality to best fit the mood and get what she wants. She can't help herself. With her disarming looks and unmatched charisma, Eris excels in the world of big business, concealing her darker side underneath. A total wolf in sheep's clothing.
I made Eris a poison-developing expert because it fits in with her curiosity and the idea of soft power, an advisor whispering shadily into a leader's ear. Poison corrodes, corrupts, and is often used in deception, which makes it Eris's perfect symbol of choice. She uses poison in many forms--ranging from the sadistic physicality of her 'enforcer' Seviper, Anje to the gentle suggestion of her mind-warping Kirlia, Felisa. Eris and poison are all about damage over time, infecting and collapsing bigger foes from the inside...
All of this being said, Eris's endgame is unclear right now, even to her. Galactic gave her an ambition to sink her claws into, and Devon is currently satisfying her with full access to Pokemon bioenergy development, but she's always on the lookout for the next big step, always working, worrying about her legacy. Survival.
She helped leash Dialga and Palkia atop the Spear Pillar, spat at them. Soon after, Cyrus disappeared, just like her father had aboard the Sea Mauville all those years ago. That fateful encounter (and abandonment) helped her realize that time and influence are fleeting. In order to thrive in this new, post-Galactic life, she must fill the void with as much knowledge as possible, as many answers as possible. Rules are restraints. Above all, she must survive, no matter how terrifying/twisted she may become. Mortality hangs over her head like a hungry serpent, always demanding tribute.
Always demanding more.
ERIS is the second (not first) largest dwarf planet in the solar system, maintaining Galactic's cute planetary roots. Eris is also the goddess of discontent and discord (not that Discord.) EVANS was chosen because I wanted an unassuming last name for her to blend in to society following her expulsion from Sinnoh. Also, alliteration always goes hard.
I chose DEVON as Eris's landing spot because they are very similar. Smiling exteriors, shady interiors. I view Devon as the consummate too big to fail company of the Pokemon world, doing whatever it can to maintain PR and get ahead of the competition. (Once again, Eris is looking out for herself and isn't beholden to Devon, though the corp does spoil her...)
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ragnar0c · 3 months
What if I finished editing my eo4 fic chapters... Then I'd have like 3 works. It'd be awesome.
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bugfail · 6 months
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I can't tell if she got better or worse
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likeshipsonthesea · 1 year
death and taxes (the ship)
spoilers for 6x15 bc the auditor (debbie) had a ring and honestly natalia’s way out of buck’s league, here you go
Debbie closes the door behind her and immediately slumps back against it. She lets her bag, jacket, and keys fall to the ground in a cacophony of thumps and follows it up with a truly impressive sigh.
Debbie closes her eyes. “I’m home,” she calls back. She listens to the soft steps of socked feet against the hardwood floors, inhales the alluring scent of fresh coffee, and opens her eyes to see her beautiful amazing wonderful wife standing there in a pair of Debbie’s shorts, holding a mug with a Death Becomes Her quote on the side of it.
“Bad day?” Natalia quirks her lips in a perfect half-smile.
Debbie grunts. Natalia holds the cup out in invitation. Debbie steps out of her heels as she moves forward, hands outstretched and reaching. Natalia, because she’s beautiful amazing wonderful and kind, allows Debbie to gulp down two large, scalding sips before corralling her toward the couch. Debbie manages another wayward sip as Natalia bullies her into putting her legs in Nat’s lap.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Nat asks as she begins doing something lovely to Debbie’s left calf.
Debbie grunts once again, this time muffled by her fourth sip of coffee.
“Talking about it makes you feel better.”
The doubtful sound Debbie makes in response goes through both her fifth and sixth sips, but no longer because with that Debbie finishes her coffee and has nowhere else to go. Too bad it didn’t really scald her mouth, otherwise she would have a valid reason not to talk about her terrible day at work.
“Come on, we’ll start easy. Tell me the best thing that happened today.”
“I just finished it,” Debbie says, staring forlornly at the Now, a warning script at the bottom of her empty mug. Natalia digs meanly into her calf until Debbie grunts and tries to flail out of her grip.
“Tell me the funniest thing then.”
Debbie sighs, pushing the mug onto the coffee table and turning to pout up at her wife’s encouraging face. “This straight couple was called in because they didn’t coordinate their taxes before filing.”
“Huh? How do you mess that up?”
“Straight people don’t talk, apparently, I don’t know. They both put their kid down as a dependent and both filed as head of household. Then they confessed all their tax sins like I was their priest or something.”
“You’d make a hot priest,” Natalia says, which unfortunately pulls a smile from Debbie’s lips. Damn it, if Nat wasn’t so damn cute when she looks all triumphant like that Debbie would be annoyed.
“Maybe I should become a priest. No tax season.”
"You’d get bored of all the pageantry before your first sermon.”
Debbie inclines her head. Nat’s probably right. “What about a bartender? They’re kind of like priests.”
“Whatever makes you happy,” Natalia says, switching to the right calf. “Anything but a firefighter.”
Debbie lifts her eyebrows. “Your date with the dead dude not got well?”
“It wasn’t a date,” Natalia says, like she’s said every time Debbie’s called it that.
“Did he know that?”
“I hope so.” Natalia gets to a tight spot and Debbie winces. Pausing her sentence for a moment, Natalia bends down to press her lips softly against the spot before continuing. “He talked about his post-death coma dream the whole time, so if he thinks that’s what a date is, I worry about his chances.”
Debbie smiles and reaches out to twirl a strand of Nat’s hair around her finger. “Did you have fun at least?”
“Totally. It’s weird to meet someone with the knowledge that isn’t, like, about to die, yaknow?” Natalia leans her head into Debbie’s hand so Debbie can play with the baby hairs at the base of her neck. “He felt like a kindred spirit. He knows how precious every moment is, the beauty of our mortality. I don’t know. It felt--good. Like a book club when everyone actually read the book.”
“You’re never going to let Sandra live that down, are you?”
“We had a whole month, who shows up without having read a single chapter?” Debbie massages the base of Natalia’s skull. Nat’s shoulders lift and fall with a deep breath. “But anyway. It was nice. And the coma dream stuff was a cool insight into how our brains work when we’ve experienced death. I bet it has something to do with how our bodies flood with...”
Debbie is a horrible wife because she tunes out all the sciencey stuff Natalia adores to just take in her wife’s joy as she talks about her favorite thing in the world. The flush to her cheeks, the brightness of her eyes, the flyaway hairs stuck to her forehead. Tax season always burns Debbie out, but the thing that gets her through the long days is the thought of her wife at home with a hot cup of coffee and her masterful massages.
Debbie will admit that she enjoys a good bit of certainty. Her job is about making things add up. She likes knowing that everything’s accounted for, everything fits, everything’s certain. She likes knowing what she’s coming home to every night, her wife and coffee and some cuddling on the couch.
Some people might find it boring, but Debbie likes knowing what her life will look like. Maybe they’ll move, maybe she’ll become a priest or a bartender or anything but a firefighter, maybe they’ll decide they want kids or a dog or that ferret Natalia’s been gunning for. But Debbie knows, through it all, she’ll have Natalia and her everlasting joy for life, borne of the certainty of its ending.
Maybe it’s more faith than certainty. But what’s life without a bit of faith?
Nothing but death and taxes.
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justaboot · 9 months
@hueberryshortcake my gf and I are trying to get into wheel of time again, and we’re watching the second episode for the like third time and we can’t remember any of their names but because of your post we’re calling that one guy Young Scrooge. That’s his name. Young Scrooge just threw up a bat and I want his sexy coat.
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magioffire · 9 months
Shes beauty, shes grace, She's miss united snates,,,
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joyridingmp3 · 1 year
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tee hee
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dune-spoon · 7 months
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I was bored and decided to fully finish my last post lmao
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thewhizzyhead · 2 years
anyways in honor of today's darlentina scene galore, the filipino word and gay chant for today is PAMAMANHIKAN! PAMAMANHIKAN! PAMAMANHIKAN!
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