#look at sun's lil face :c
whipped-cheese · 7 months
"They're both as different as Night and Day"
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* c o u g h*
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Had to do it to em-
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bunny584 · 5 months
A/N: Sweet, innocent, puppy-eyed boy who is no better than the frat boys you detest 🤭 (this is for anon who requested a lil crazy special grade sorcerer doing ungodly things!! Shoko feat The Boys ™️ is up next, then I SWEAR I’m done and back to AO3)
C/W: Aged up characters, College AU. Masturbation. Mature, 18+
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“YUUTA?! Are you kidding me?”
You stop time.
Heads turn in his direction. But Yuuta doesn’t register any it because of your smile.
The 1000-kilowatt smile that the locker room rumors about. The smile that stops traffic. The one that obliterates his train of thought.
365 days since he’s seen it in person.
And suddently the year in Morocco for his University degree feels frivolous.
Yuuta places two bottles of disgustingly expensive champagne (courtesy of Satoru Gojo) in between the half filled red solo cups.
He’s doing his best to keep his eyes above your delicate, sharp collarbones.
He’s doing his best not to follow the Barbie pink hair string around your neck.
The Barbie pink string connected to the triangular bikini that is defying the laws of gravity, Mother Nature, AND physics to keep your busty, perky chest supported.
Not to mention the sheer netted tissue thin excuse for a cover up. Draped around the curve of your hips. It warms him hotter than the Moroccan sun.
You wire yourself through the crowded sorority house kitchen. And Yuuta gnaws on his inner cheeks. The predatory stares from from the frat drones scattered about ignites a guttural flame.
But he’ll deal with that later.
Because Aphrodite is barreling toward him and he is not worthy.
“I can’t believe you made it!” You launch yourself into him.
“I wouldn’t miss it. Happy 21st birthday, gorgeous.”
One of his arms is more than sufficient enough to wrap around your baby doll frame. Other hand in his pocket, while he easily lifts and spins you around twice.
Airy giggles spill from your lips. So clearly surprised by how strong he has grown. He’s bulkier. More toned. Hell of a lot more confident too.
Is he showing of a little? Of course he is.
“You’re here. You’re really here.” You stare up at him with stars in your eyes. Still in utter disbelief.
Your tiny, warm hands cup his face. Yuuta subconsciously melts into them. You always did strum his body like a harp.
“Yuuta, you must be so tired. Your bedroom eyes are even more…bedroom-y.” You tease.
Yuuta laughs to choke down a groan. He doesn’t need a mirror to know he’s stained mulberry right now.
Because why would you mention a bedroom while you are wearing a bikini he could snap with his eyes?
“Hey, be nice! You know there’s no amount of caffeine that can fix the bags.” Good, fucking save.
He swallows thickly and averts his gaze. If he keeps looking at you, he’d drown. Like how he drowned freshman, sophomore and junior year.
A continent, couple oceans and a sea away from you couldn’t keep him afloat.
A palpable silence drapes over the two of you. There’s so much he wants to say.
“Who’s is the hot guy birthday girl is talking to?”
“Okkotsu, I think.”
“No WAY. If she doesn’t fuck him i—“
“OKAY!!!” You exclaim loudly, prompting giggles from your sorority sisters behind you.
Your cheeks are now matching his. You both burst into incredulous laughter, letting some of the pressure out of the proverbial valve.
“Give me a tour, birthday girl.” Yuuta grazes his fingers over your bare shoulders because he can’t not touch you.
Your hand magnets to his wrist and you both beeline up the stairs. He knows, you know, -you both know- you are heading straight to your bedroom.
Yuuta’s heart is throbbing so hard his whole rib cage is vibrating. Cotton lines every corner of his mouth and he’s suddenly forgotten how to swallow.
Forgotten how to breathe apparently too, because he chokes on air when you pull him to the front of your room door.
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” you muse playfully.
And now his cock is at full staff. The measly silver zipper is definitely not strong enough for this.
“I-Im sorry?” Yuuta gurgles through the saliva pooled in his mouth like a hungry puppy.
“It’s a pool party, silly. C’mon, you can use my bathroom to change.”
Yuuta makes the mistake of letting his eyes drop down the dip of your pretty spine. Tracing all the way down to your matching bikini bottom. That’s a thong. Lining between your perfect, plump ass.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
He follows behind you, nails digging into his dark jeans.
“Bathroom’s through the closet, be quick.” You flash him another pristine grin and…and..
..what is his name again…?
Yuuta returns your smile with a lopsided one of his own. The walk to the bathroom is 13 miles long. There’s no way. No way he’s going to be able to hide his unreasonable, rock hard length through his weightless swim trunks.
He halts. Suddenly enchanted by your hanging clothes. Like a Venus fly trap. You’re everywhere.
Your clothes. Your delicious scent. Your jewelry. Your shoes.
Yuuta is in the eye of your vortex.
A long, silky sleeve tickles his cheek. So soft. Electric currents surge through every engorged vessel in his cock. He takes in a long drag of the faint cherry vanilla notes etched into your clothes.
An addict. A hopeless, pathetic addict in a field of his vices.
His fingers earthquake against his buckle. Clumsily stepping out of his jeans.
Just a quick touch. It’ll help him relax. Just really fast, you won’t know.
Yuuta whips around to bury himself in your silk shirt. Heart thundering in his ears. Fingers tickling the hem of his trunks. Shaft fully tented from nothing.
“Yuuta? Did you get lost in there?” Your dulcet voice knock Yuuta’s lust-drunk thoughts loose.
“Ha-N-no! I’m c-coming!”
Yuuta shakily unbuttons his white linen shirt, exposing his lean but chisled core. His cock is diamond hard. Any slight movement and his blunt, leaky tip will peek over the hem.
He strategically folds his pants over the indecent bulge. He just has to count backwards from 500 then he’ll soften and leave the jeans behind.
“Come out!! I won’t bite!” You coax again.
The second Yuuta re-emerges from your closet, he digs the heel of his palm into his crotch. Trying to will his erection down by sheer force because counting just won’t do.
You’re sitting on the edge of your bed, leaning against your palms flat on the duvet.
Your bikini has grown smaller.
It has to have.
Because the way your supple tits spill around the cruel joke that is that top fucks his brain to mush.
Soft curvy lines of your breasts. Feminine pretty lines of your tummy. The swell of your thighs just begging for Yuuta’s lips, his hands…his dick. He could drop to his knees and worship at your alter this second.
“Oh my god!” You giggle again, waving him over to the bed.
“You’re so, big, now.” Your hand lingers on his tensed bicep, currently losing the war against his cock angrily thrashing around in his pants.
“Am I?” Yuuta asks stupidly. Long sentences are off the table.
“Mmhm,” he watches your eyes lazily drink in his face. He must be an embarrassing shade of violet at this point.
Your hand makes its way into his hair and Yuuta just couldn’t choke down the “ohh,” that bubbles out of him.
“God, I’ve missed you, Yuuta.” Your face is so soft. So earnest.
And Yuuta is there with you, he swears he is. It’s just, you’re speaking directly to his cock right now and all the blood has drained from his head to his head.
“I mi-missed you. More.” He manages to grunt out, precum pooling on his thigh.
Hold it together. Fucking hold it together.
You turn your body and scoot closer to him. The peaks and valley of your cleavage, tantalizing him into a mindless fool who can only think about fucking his fist.
“Guys here suck. But not you. You’ve always been amazing,” you murmur, circling feather light shapes against Yuuta’s scalp.
He shudders under your touch. Biting his cheeks so his jaw doesn’t hang open. Drool already threatening to leak from his lips.
“So kind and sweet.” Your eyes drop to his lips at the same that your hand falls to his tensed abs.
And Yuuta is caught in your quick sand. His limbs loosen. Hand on his crotch melts away. Allowing his member to spring upward with all the blood he has in his body. The sudden movement causes his jeans to slide to the floor.
His ears and cheeks burn at his indecency. But he can’t move. He is at your complete mercy. His cock rhythmically pumping out his precum now.
“I..” Yuuta croaks, but in one dizzying motion you dive your lips onto his.
He snaps.
Yuuta’s left hand flies to his neglected, weapy shaft. The friction through his thin trunks evoke a deep moan into your mouth. His other hand grips the back of your head, pressing you forward onto his tongue. He didn’t ask for entry into your lips like he normally would. It’s too dire. He’s too needy.
His hand pumps his length while his tongue maps every corner of your warm mouth. You let out soft, high pitched sighs. Which nearly bring him to finish instantly.
“Oh, Yuuta.” You moan his name. And Yuuta’s hips rut harder into his hands.
He’s hoping, praying you’re too distracted by the bruising kiss to notice the pitiful way he’s bucking his hips. Humping his hand. He’s no better than the guys you were talking about. No better.
“OH BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!!” Shrill voices from just outside your door rip you two a mile apart.
Yuuta scrambles to his feet, his arm unsuccessfully covering his crotch. You are panting, thumb stroking your bottom lip. Both of you still brimming with your electric chemistry.
“Enough birthday sex!!! Time for TEQUILA!” Your sorority sisters babble and laugh, about 2 seconds away from opening the door.
You grip the handle. Face and body flushed warm rose.
“I-I-uh I have to-“
“Ye—yeah of course, I’ll meet you, down. I’ll meet you down there.”
Both of your voices nervously collide. Looking everywhere but each other’s eyes. You flutter out in haste. Leaving Yuuta in the middle of your room rock hard and a pre cum covered mess.
Like leaving a fiend with an array of illicit substances.
Yuuta turns on his heel and disappears into your closet. He’s not thinking. Logical thought has long ceased to exist. All he can think about is how much his balls ache for you. How drunk he is off your touch. Your taste. Your smell.
His eyes laser down to a crumpled pair of lace panties just a few paces away from your hamper.
Yuuta’s gaze could burn it through the floor.
Stop, Yuuta. Don’t you dare.
He scolds himself. Even though his hands do the opposite. He drops to his knees and pulls his heavy cock free from its barrier. The other hand toying with your worn panties.
He’s filthy. A dirty, nasty scumbag.
Yuuta tugs his cock, aggressively. Jaw hanging open. Short desperate huffs of air escaping his lips.
No, don’t. Stop. “Nnhhgh s-top…fuck..n-no.” His jagged thoughts and jagged words intertwine. Squelching noises from his arousal pierce through his groans.
Yuuta brings your panties to his nose, and nearly blacks out. Your scent. So fucking delicious. So perfect.
He needs to taste.
His groans become garbled when he stuffs your panties into his mouth. Every single nerve ending in his body ruptures.
Yuuta pumps his cock with both hands. Feverish. Sloppy thrusts of his hips colliding with his white knuckled fists. The world around him dampens. Blurs.
Your spit-drenched underwear rolls out of his mouth onto his sensitive tip. Ropes, and ropes and ropes of his cum fill your soft négligée.
Yuuta hangs his head back, leaning against his calves. His dick still twitching through his nirvana.
After a few moments, the fog slowly lifts from his mind. His vision returns. Yuuta wipes the remnants of his arousal off his cock with your panties. Before tucking them into his pocket.
Unable to look himself in the eye, he quickly rinses his hands, intending to rejoin your party at once.
But, when his hand connects with the cold knob, a voice in the back of his mind pipes up.
Take another one.
And in a trance-like state, Yuuta rushes back to your closet hamper to find another pair of your panties.
A pretty, delicate red number catches his eyes and he stuffs it into a free pocket before scurrying out of your room.
He’s no better than them.
He’s worse.
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shidouryusm · 7 months
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✿༝༚༝༚ Satoru: 1 You: 0 ✿༝༚༝༚
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content -> fluffy fluff, banters, teasing and touching, making out, mentions of hickey at the end, implied sexual innuendo at the end.
w/c- 1.6k
a/n -> Happy birthday to my blue eyed goober, I love this lil shit till infinity. @pastelle-rabbit to answer your ask more thoroughly hehehehe. And to every Gojo fucker, hope y'all enjoy this once again extremely self indulgent piece with me and let's celebrate our pookie's birthday. Gojover? hell nah what's that
dividers by @/cafekitsune
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“Babyyy, I’m hereee. Stop looking at your phone”, you hear Satoru’s whines muffled in your sweater. Your arms wrap around his neck as you hold the phone above his head, which in fact you were using to post for his birthday.
“Just a min, ‘toru.” you murmur softly, using one of your hands to thread through his cloud like hair. Your nails gently graze his scalp, starting from his undercut, as they smoothe over the prickly skin, reaching to the tufts of white candy floss that sits atop, repeating the circling motion again and again. Satoru hums satisfyingly at the feeling of your hands combing through them, comfortable enough to shut up momentarily and nuzzling himself further into your chest. You smile at his clinginess, dipping down to press a light peck on the top of his head. 
Your nostrils fills with the sweet scent of shampoo, the fragnance carrying undertones of candy and molten marshmallow. You wonder where he even gets these and how much do they cost? 
His hands envelopes your back as you half lay on the couch with him plopping himself right on top of you, his tall frame settles between your legs while his head nests snugly on your chest. You tangle one of your leg around the back of his shin. A mess of limbs under the thin blanket that covers both your lower bodies. 
Outside, the sun shlyly peeks from the greyish clouds that wrings out sudden downpours every now and then, forcing both of you to coop up inside the house. 
Not that Satoru was complaining at all, until now, when you shifted your attention from your grown ass boyfriend to your phone. He scoffs mockingly at you, still immersed deep in your phone. What even is there in that godforsaken phone? His blue eyes maliciously eyes that rectangular device. He lays on your chest, silently devising plans on having you all to himself, till the cogs of his brain click.
He shifts, raising himself slightly under the pretext of  “just getting comfortable” so that his face now nestles the crook of your neck. Warm breaths tickles the skin under your ear to which you squirm a little, 
“Toru-” you warn. From your peripheral vision you see him curled up over you, pulling the warmth of your body towards him. His face painted with an expression of serenity as if the only thing in his mind is to be bask in your silent embrace. 
“Hmmm? What did I do?” faux innocent laced his words. You roll your eyes, one of your head still tangled between his locks. He waits for a while, letting you fall into a fake sense of security before  his hands that were wrapped around your lower back start their journey to explore the expanse of your back. His touch is soft, leaving an electrifying sensation through your thin sweater. Almost ticklish and tantalising. One of his hands reach below, long fingers playing with the hem of your sweater, daring to slip underneath it. 
You try your best to not give into whatever mischief his brain has cooked up. Even though, you know, you should have given him the attention, considering it’s his birthday. 
But, since he had to be a menace, two can play the game, right? 
Your attention has now fully shifted to your phone, the cat reel that was playing became ten times more interesting to watch. You even decided to up a notch, removing your hand from his hair to grab the phone with both hands. 
“So, this is how it’s gonna be?” you hear him challengingly mutter, the removal of your hands acting as a declaration of silent war between you two. You dared not to look at him, although you were certain that his face is curled up in his trademarked smirk, plotting to win. 
But if he’s Gojo Satoru, you are Gojo Satoru’s girlfriend. No way in hell you are backing out from this little game you both started literally out of nowhere. 
“Gonna be what, ‘Toru? What did I do?,” you parrot his words back at him, feigning innocence while still peering at your phone. Your jaw muscle twitches, a smile threatening to break out. 
Satoru quirks an eyebrow, amused by your witty banter. One of the many things that made him fall head over heels for you – your ability to match his energy at any given moment.
 Little challenges sparking up between you guys often, keeping the ultimate fire of passion alive. 
“Well, if you say so then,” Satoru breathes, his hands now fully getting into work, as they roam around your body. his other hand trails down to your hips, studying the way his palm bumps over the dips and curves. 
The hand that was fiddling with the hem has slipped inside, resting over the waistline of your sweatpants. You feel your heart race as his blunt nails scrape over your skin ghostily, hooking one finger under to pull the elastic. He snickers against your skin before releasing the fabric, letting it snap against your skin. 
You let out a small gasp at his ministrations. From the corner of your eyes you can make out this insufferable prick grinning at you, still resting his face on your neck. 
“Low blow, ‘toru.” you narrow your eyes, determined to still not make any eye contact as you whisper under your breath, which apparently he caught on. 
You hear him hum, “hmmmm? should have known before removing your hand, baby,” his satirical voice vibrates through as you scoff.
“Should have kept your hands to yourself in the first place.” 
“Shouldn’t have ignored me in the first place. Y’know it’s impossible for me to not touch you, why demand such a thing?” with that, he lets his fingertips place fluttering touches all over your skin, without the obstruction of your sweater. You hiss, trying to squirm away from his cold fingertips but this sturdy, 6 foot giant had you locked under his hold, causing you to fail horribly.
“You’re cold! Get your hands off me.” you grumble. Satoru pretends to not hear anything, continuing to draw random lines with his fingers all over your lower back and sides. At times, fully planting his palm on your back, the frigidness making you gasp and falter. 
“More the reason for me to touch you. You’re hot, baby.” he quips, to which you fall silent. How does he have the answer to everything you say? 
“I’m not gonna leave my phone nor will I react now. You’re gonna lose the challenge”, you huff to which he shrugs his shoulder,
“Nah, I’d win.” Satoru says coolly, resuming his exploration with his hands.
You fall back to your phone, finding it difficult to concentrate on whatever is playing on the phone with the way Satoru’s hands glides over your skin. The pads of his fingers skim through your stomach. Even though they are cold, the lingering touch leaves wamr blaze in its wake. Your heart races sporadically as you anticipate where his hands might move next. 
Although, your face says otherwise, making the most sour expression possible as you stare daggers into your phone. Satoru has always noticed every minuscule details and changes in your body, so this definitely didn’t go under his radar. 
He decides it’s time to dial it up a bit. Afterall, he’s the birthday boy.
With his left hand which was already underneath your sweater, he continued tracing over your skin, while his right hand snaked up to the neckline of your sweater right where his face is currently planted to tug it down, exposing more of your skin in front of him. The veil of cold from the weather outside causes goosebumps to flesh out in your skin, catching Satoru’s eyes as he admires them with his piercing gaze before his mouth puckers in a “o”, cool air slid over your skin from his mouth. 
“T-toru, stop it.” your resolves crumbles like your voice. 
“Are you denying the birthday boy, baby? Don’t hurt me like that.” He whispers against your skin, a mocking bent in his tone as he feigns sadness. You debate whether to succumb to his touches or strangle him.
You breathe through your mouth, attempting to gain composure which you are notoriously failing to do. Satoru’s lips presses against your skin, his lips etched with a grin as he places countless pecks throughout the crevice of your neck and shoulder.
“So fucking pretty, still can’t believe you’re like all mine. Why were you ignoring me, baby. Need you always so fucking much.” Satoru’s gravelly voice vibrates through your skin, the tingles straight shooting down your spine. His hand has now gripped your side like a vice, fingers indenting deep into the skin.
 He groans against your shoulder as he press a kiss there, finding his way back to your neck again, millions of kisses littering your skin. He reaches under your ear, his teeth nipping lightly at the lobe.
Meanwhile, his hands push your body up, towards him, grinding his lower body against yours.
A soft whimper dares to escape your lips before you suppress it. Hands turning a little wobbly, and you hate how heat courses through your veins as Satoru turns your whole being into a mushy puddle against himself.
“Give up, darling.” Satoru whispers in your ear, before his mouth catches hold of your skin. His teeth scrapes the skin, sucking it fervently, while his back pushes you flush against him, letting you feel all the ridges and contour of his skin. His heart rhymes with your, palpitating with galloping beats. A soft whine escapes Satoru's throat at this steamy turn of events.
This had to be the last straw that broke the camel’s back as your phone slides from your hand, falling somewhere on the floor. Your head tips back and a breathy moan ricochets the room as Satoru duly runs his tongue over the hickey that prickled a little.  
You hear Satoru’s simpering resonating around the room as he pulls you up, now seated on the couch with you straddling his lap
“See, told you I’d win.” his hand caresses the newly formed mark that will definitely take a concealer or turtleneck to hide.
“You prick. Fuck you. You did that on purpose.” 
“Tell me where it says I can’t do that.” he muses, shutting you up once again. Your lips jut in a pout as you stare at him. 
His eyes are so blue, glossing with the reflection of the rain pouring outside. His forehead veiled with your most favourite part of his body – those fluffy tufts of hair and his lips curl into a toothy smile. The eyes brimming with love and admiration for you.
Even as he weaseled his way out with an upper hand, you don't feel any of it. Rather, you drink in the way he looks so haphazard. So messy. So homely.
Your hands reach to cup his face, feeling the physicality of his beauty before you lean down to press a kiss.
“The least I can do for you birthday is to let you win, I guess. Happy Birthday, sexy.” you murmur against his lips, taking them between your own.
 He returns the kiss with the same vigour, his hands are now out of the sweater, holding your back for support, whilst pulling you close to him. 
The flavour of your strawberry balm etches itself in Satoru’s mind and he never wishes to stop from relishing the taste of your soft lips. A calm havoc wreck his insides as he thanks whatever lies above for granting him the biggest gift of his life – you.
You break apart from him, his eyes deepening their shade of blue and his face carrying a lingering expression of passion. His chest heaves from deep breaths as you stare at him with confusion. He motions his eyes downwards, making you realise what’s the issue.
“Mind helping me out?” 
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a/n -> God I'd commit felonies to experience this especially with a 6'feet, white haired, blue eyed, freakishly handsome and annoying blockhead.
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julsvu · 3 months
leo valdez bf headcanons :)
📒: toothrotting fluff, some swearing
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idk but he definitely asked you out in bunker 9. or while you both were riding festus !! like i could see leo planning it all out, making a flower bouquet out of metal and shi, and then he'll invite you to ride festus with him while watching the sunset AHHH
is the most touchy mf ever. this guy cuddles with you 24/7 whenever he isn't at the bunker.
loves loves LOVES taking selfies of you and him together. you both have a lot of polaroid pictures together.
def lets you use him as a heater, or a warm blanket- especially in the winter season.
he ADORES spooning. he prefers being the little spoon :)
i kind of can't see him as someone that does a lot of PDA?? but the way he acts around you shows that he's really attracted to you, to the point PDA isn't needed for someone to know that you guys are together
plays with your hands c: and he'll let you play with his, too.
ure the one that could actually stop him from overworking himself most of the time 😭😭🙏🙏 i see leo as the most whipped boyfriend everr
u guys usually have simple little dates every week, like going to a convenience store together, eating in an animal café, and so on.
he still competes w u 😭 bro he's the type of guy to say, "last one is a rotten egg!" whenever you guys are walking up a hill - he lets you win most of the time because he likes seeing the smile on your face
like if ure trying on a new look he'd be like :OOOO that's my partner right there!!
he's also supportive of your hobbies!! if you're artistic, he lets you make designs of his inventions :)
whenever you visit bunker 9, he comes up to you and gives you a lil hug or a cheek kiss (he smells like oil every time 😭🙏)
u guys def faked a proposal for free cake from a restaurant once, he had the idea- and he was SO SO INTO IT. got on BOTH of his knees, the declaration of his love for u was def longer than the declaration of independence 😭😭 AND THEN HE PULLED OUT HIS FAKE TEARS WHEN YOU SAID YES
is the type to create a little trinket for you c: he gave you a pendant once, and it had the most intricate ahh details, and to think he just did that naturally?? no sketching for the first draft or anything???
++ he sends you cheesy pick up lines whenever he gets the chance, prob gets it off pinterest or twitter 😭
in conclusion, he's the most whipped guy ever, and dating him is like dating a human embodiment of the sun
one time he farted during an argument and he said "that's what i think of you" bcs he had no other comeback
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put on other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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rivatar · 3 months
Neteyam who?
(Pt. 2 to Good Luck Finding Better)
Based off this request!
Pairing: Dilf Jake Sully x fem omatikaya reader
Warnings: HEAVY SMUTTT, darkish Jake?(rougher than the previous part), p in v, oral, spitting in face, dom Jake, creampie, a lil face smacking, lots of dirty talk, think that’s it but lmk if I missed anything
W/c: 2.8k
A/n: hey y’all, sorry this took longer than I wanted it to but schools been kicking my ass. I hope you all and the anon who requested this enjoys!! Dilf Jake is my guilty pleasure 😈😈
As the sun rose the next day, you slowly blinked your eyes open. You immediately felt soreness in your muscles, especially in a particular region between your legs. Then the realization dawned on you and you remember what happened last night. You wondered if it was a dream or if it really happened. You gasped as you noticed the cum seeping out of your hole onto the bed and decided that was enough evidence to confirm you weren’t dreaming.
You stayed alone in your hut for 2 hours, refusing to go into the village and overthinking last nights’ events. What were you gonna say to Jake now? Or Neteyam? Nothing would ever be the same! You fucked your Olo’eyktan, a whole married man! And he was your best friends dad, to make matters worse. You felt shame and wished you knew what to do.
By now you were hungry and it was well past breakfast time. You had to leave sometime, you couldn’t just stay in here forever. So you begrudgingly got yourself ready and tried to clean the mess between your legs. You were fearful everyone would be able to smell exactly who left their seed in you. So you tried to cover it up by dabbing your strongest smelling oil that you had on your inner thigh. It would have to work.
Just as you were about to walk out of the door and face your fears, a familiar face appears. And speak of the devil, it’s Jake.
He was smiling mischievously down at you, and you just looked up at him angrily and crossed your arms.
“Get out of here.” You demand sharply.
“Excuse me?” He scrunches his eyebrows in confusion and tilts his head to the side, scanning you over with his intense gaze. Part of you wants to cower but you kept going.
“Last night was a mistake,” you explained, “I was in a vulnerable state and you knew it.” You said as you poked his chest hard with your pointer finger. “And now I’ve probably lost my best friend because of you.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Jake holds his hands up to stop you. “If I remember correctly, that skxawng rejected you and I came to make you feel better. To which you had seemed to thoroughly enjoy,” he cockily smirked and you blushed, looking away with a pout. “Why are you mad at me and not my son?”
“Because he means more to me than you do! You’ve ruined everything!” You yell at him without thinking.
He suddenly grabs your neck with one hand and brings you closer to his face. Your breath caught in your throat and you struggled to balance on your tippy toes.
“Watch your tone, girl. Don’t forget I’m still your leader” he lowly speaks, his hot breath was fanning over your face and causing your thighs to clench together.
“Fuck you.” you manage to spit out.
He lowly chuckles and seems to be amused. “You already did that, honey.”
You bare your teeth at him, it made you so angry he was taking this so lightly and nearly mocking you like this was some kind of joke.
“Let me the fuck go!” You choke out harshly, still barely touching the ground with your tip toes to hold you up, both your hands gripping his arm to help hold you up so you wouldn’t actually choke.
His smile grows bigger. He seemed to like having so much power over you.
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” he faked like he was actually thinking, “I think you look so pretty like this.” You fought and wiggled as much as you could, but it was to no avail. “You’re a feisty one, ain’t ya? I never knew that about you.” He muses.
Then something came over you as you decided you’d heard enough of him, and with no thought you spit in his face.
You surprised yourself more than you surprised him it seemed like. Your jaw drops at what you just did and he just blinks once. Most of it landed on his mouth and to your absolute horror he licks it up and groans in appreciation.
“Mmm you taste so good, baby.” He tenderly smiles and you look at him in disbelief. The bass in his voice and his vulgar display lights something inside of you.
He gathers the rest of your spit off his face on two fingers and puts it to your mouth, beckoning you to open and pushing his fingers inside.
“Suck.” He demands, still holding your neck with his other hand but he sets you lower so you’re back on your heels now at least.
You didn’t know why you listened to him, but you did. Maybe it was his authority, or maybe because you felt yourself heating up and loosing your resolve.
Once you sucked your own spit off his fingers he pulled them out. He was making intense eye contact with you to the point you couldn’t force yourself to look away, almost like you were hypnotized.
“Good, now swallow.” You did as you were told with no hesitation. It was like your body answered to him before your mind could tell you not to.
You stuck out your tongue to show your empty mouth. “Good fucking girl,” he said while lightly smacking your cheek a few times.
“You still wanna go talk to Neteyam?” He asks, feigning innocence and mocking you.
You shook your head no, the desperation in your eyes from him getting you riled up was obvious to him but he liked teasing you.
“Good. Get on your knees” he demands roughly.
You were a little surprised at his straightforwardness but you obeyed and sank down to your knees before him.
He gracefully unties his loincloth and his full erect cock springs up right in front of your face. You didn’t get to see it this close up last night but now you’re noticing how pretty it is. Long and girthy, sprinkled with tiny bioluminescent freckles all the way up to the dark purplish tip.
“Open up for me, pretty” he rasps while rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip.
Once again you do as your told, your body fully submitting to him. You stick your tongue out and he places his dick on it, tapping it a few times. You lick and swirl your tongue around his tip as he lets out a pleased sigh while his body relaxes. You close your lips around him and he places his hands on your head to tug you closer and take more of him.
“Think I need to fuck this pretty mouth, how’s that sound?” You moan in response and he pushes your head hard, making you take almost his entire length and you gag.
He chuckles while you choke on him. “Yeah, this bratty mouth just needed to be stuffed with some cock, that’s all” He groans and tosses his head back while feeling your tight throat sucking him in.
You were already a mess, spit running down your face and neck, and tears welled up in your eyes. He picked up his pace and now held your head in place as he thrusted himself into your mouth. You couldn’t do anything but just take it. You focused on breathing through your nose and relaxing your throat, trying not to gag.
“Oh fuck-“ he whimpered and bit his lip trying to suppress his moans. “Shit that’s good. You’re doing so fucking good for me,” he praised as he felt himself coming near.
Your nails were digging into his smooth thighs and your throat was stinging at this point but you honestly couldn’t get enough of him. Your lower belly was warm and had butterflies.
“Gonna cum in your throat and you’re gonna swallow it all, okay?” He panted.
You felt his body stiffen and his cock twitch before you felt the warm ropes of cum spilling in your mouth. It felt warm and smooth like honey and you greedily took it all.
He pulled out of your mouth once he finished and smiled proudly at you.
“Good girl, that’s what a good slut does. You learn so quick,” he said while grabbing your face and placing a sloppy smooch on your lips.
He graciously grabbed a small towel to wipe your tear stained face and the sticky drool off your body. You smiled deliriously up at him.
“Don’t worry baby girl, I haven’t forgotten about you,” he grins. “Bet that lil pussy feels so neglected right now, huh?”
You nod your head and could hardly wait any longer.
“Nuh uh, need to hear you say it. What do you need?” He asks while petting your hair as you were still on your knees.
“Need you! Need you and your cock, please” you outright begged like he wanted.
“Please what?”
“Please.. sir?”
“Mhmm. Atta girl,” Jake praised.
He crouched down to your level and started crawling to tower over you. Your eyes were glued on his lips and he seemed to understand since he connected your lips in a heated kiss. He felt warm and tasted sweet and earthy.
He guided you to lay all the way down and you felt his rough hands start exploring, first just on your arms but then he couldn’t help himself from touching your tits.
Slipping under your top he kneaded one of your breasts, still holding himself over you with his other hand. He slightly moaned into your kiss at the contact and then pinched your nipple, making you break the kiss.
“Mmm” you hummed and threw your head back in pleasure.
“Yeah? Is that it?”
You bit your lip trying not to sound too desperate but still shook your head yes, begging him with your eyes. He took that as more than enough permission to keep doing it how you liked. He shifted to balance on his knees and his other hand wasted no time by going to knead your other breast that was left out.
“So, so perfect,” he whispered admirably.
Then with no warning he ripped your top off, beads flying everywhere. Normally you would’ve been upset about the damage of your precious clothing but right now you couldn’t care less.
“This needs to go too,” he said while yanking off your loincloth. It kinda hurt, but again, you weren’t in your right mind at the moment. And he was clearly getting impatient.
“Fuck” he breathed while eyeing your form. “Pretty. So fucking pretty” he rubbed your leg gently, quite contradictory to his former display of roughness.
Deciding to take the lead now, you opened your legs up for him. You were propped up on your elbows so this position was picture-perfect, and Jake did indeed wish he had a camera for your pornographic pose.
He was practically salivating over you but he wasn’t gonna let you get the upper hand. Snapping out of it, he looks at you devilishly like he was gonna devour you whole. You notice his cock is already fully hard again. Fuck, he’s good you admitted in your head.
Your pussy was a mess, your juices coating your lips and running down your ass.
“Jake, please” you begged.
He stopped ogling you and practically pounced onto you. He stole your lips in a hungry kiss and God, you loved the way he tasted too. You fought for dominance with your clashing of tongues but of course he wins with his larger mouth. He was shoving his tongue far into your mouth trying to get everything he could take from you. And you let him.
You whimpered as your heart rates increased and the thrill was like no other. Yeah, you loved Neteyam as your best friend but Eywa, his dad made you feel like you were flying.
All that could be heard was heavy breathing because neither of you wanted to stop. Then you felt his five-fingered hand slide down to rub your inner thigh and you thought you could almost cum right then. It was dizzying and made your body feel fuzzy.
He finally stopped teasing around the area and touched you where you wanted him the most. You both gasped at the contact.
“Damn,” he breathed while coating his fingers in your slick, “Needy little thing”
He pushed his middle finger in your sopping cunt and it slid in easily. You moaned and looked at him.
He started finger fucking you and gained a rhythm, then slid in another digit to add to the stretch.
You closed your eyes shut and were making so many little sounds that he loved. He also loved the sight of you squirming in pleasure.
“Watch it” he gruffed
You obeyed his request and turned your eyes to the sinful scene. He had you spread wide open and was pistoning his two big fingers into you like there was no tomorrow, hitting all your sweet spots so perfectly. It was so good you were struggling to get any sounds out as your mouth stayed open in a silent scream.
You felt your impending orgasm coming quickly. He seemed to have picked up on this as he started rubbing your clit in circles, making your climax rip through you.
“JAKEEE” you screamed and arched your back as it wracked through your entire body, toes curling and grabbing his dreads for support.
“Fuck yes. Fuckkkk yes!” he praised as he kept pumping you with one hand and lightly spanking your clit with the other, prolonging your orgasm.
You slowly came down from it, panting and a bit dizzy. Your eyes looked heavy.
“Don’t fall asleep on me, I ain’t done with you yet, babe” he said while manhandling you to flip you over on all fours. You could barely hold yourself up on your arms as you felt tired so you slumped down on your face, ass up in the air.
“Now ain’t this a pretty sight,” Jake chuckled from behind you. You felt his tip prodding at your entrance that was still soaked from your arousal and orgasm.
With no warning he slammed himself inside.
“OH!!” You shot up, the intrusion catching you off guard.
“Had to get you awake somehow,” he laughed. “Now take this cock until I cum in your little pussy”
Before you could say anything he slid all the way out and slammed back in. Your eyes were almost popping out of your head at the fullness. He had to be in your stomach, you thought to yourself.
He grabbed onto your ass cheeks for leverage to pull you back onto him, setting a brutal pace. The skin slapping could probably be heard from the village.
“You feel so good.. such a good slut for me”
You clenched around him at his degrading comment.
“Oh yeah? You like being a lil whore? That’s all you are, hm?” he growled clenching his teeth, already lost in the feeling of your pussy wrapped around him.
You moaned and whimpered below him, taking every inch of his dick.
“Bet you’d probably like Neteyam to see you getting fucked again” he taunted and you once again squeezed him tight as confirmation to his statement, “Yeah, I know,” he laughed, “it’s funny, ‘cause you try to act all innocent for everyone else. If only they could see you now”
You were hearing every word but truly didn’t care. Not right now, not when his dick was blissfully pounding your cervix and you feel another orgasm rolling in.
“Pleaseee” you whined.
“Please, what? One cock not enough for you?” he teased and smacked your ass.
“It is! Just please don’t stop!”
He sped up and thrusted harder into you.
“You gonna cum? Yeah you better cum for me,” he panted, feeling himself approaching his own high.
And just like that the coil in your lower tummy snapped. You cried out in ecstasy and he ate every bit of it up, boosting his ego.
“That’s it, baby” he cooed.
Then he felt his rip through him. “Gonna fill you up- fuck!” He whimpered “you won’t ever be able to get my smell off of you,” he promised while riding his out, his groans and little whimpers between words.
“This pussy is mine,” He made sure to milk out every last drop of his seed inside your pussy. He wanted to own you and mark you as his, so no other men could have you. He slipped his dick out carefully, making sure to not overstimulate you.
You were both fucked out beyond belief so you laid limp and he grabbed another towel to clean you up first, and then himself.
You smiled weakly at him and he smiled smugly in return. “So you gonna take back what you said earlier about wanting me to leave or do you like my company now?” he teased.
You rolled your eyes and scooted back against him where you were laying down. “Shut up” you yawned.
Taglist: @neteyamssyulang @professional-yapper @bambithewriter @nonamevenus @jakesullyfatjuicypeen
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maddipoof · 1 year
I love love love your writing and i was wondering if you could write something about jj x reader and reader is very easily exciteable ( like scatterbrain adhd) and talks alot and slowly Kie gets more and more irritated with reader and then she finally snaps and screams how reader is so annoying? And the boys are gobsmacked and JJ especially. I promise i dont have anything personal against Kie i love her but i dont think she would like me very much lmao😭😭
Thank you sm🤭🫶
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Thank you so much my baby starfish, you're so sweet to me <3
This started really strong, then I got a lil lost in the sauce, so here you have 3.6k of JJ x Reader. I hope you like it 💖💖💖 r loves dinosaurs
CWs: Swearing, yelling, Kiara being mean, John B's dad is alive because I just can't hurt that poor boy but he's only mentioned once
JJ liked getting her alone. Every chance he could, getting them away from their respective friend groups, with their prying eyes and loud opinions. It was his favorite place to be, alone, with her. They’d been together for a solid while, getting together right before spring break. The pogues wondered where he’d been the whole week, after too many unanswered texts blowing up the group chat he gave in…and told them he was holed up at home, hotboxing his bedroom for the foreseeable future. Not that it was entirely a lie, it just wasn’t entirely true either. 
He introduced her to the rest of them at the beginning of the summer, a little reluctantly since they’d planned a date but forgot to actually plan anything. So with no other option, since JJ had no food in his house and y/n’s a/c broke, they went to the Wreck. 
Unfortunately for JJ, Kiara was working and Pope and John B had just gotten back from helping Mr. Hayward with something or another. JJ entirely forgot both of these things and only just remembered as he saw the Twinkie in the parking lot. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“What?” She pulled his helmet off of her head but didn’t get off the bike yet. 
“All my friends are here.”
“That’s a bad thing? I’ve met them all before.” She had; she helped John B pass his last Spanish test and was in a study group with Pope for their Civics class. Kiara knew her from Biology, she’d stay after every class to talk with their teacher about everything but what they just discussed in class.
“Yeah, but they’ve never met you as my…” he trailed off and she slid herself under his arm, putting herself in front of him, tossing her legs over his and leaning back on the handlebar between his arms.
“You can say girlfriend.” He fixed her helmet hair in a lame attempt to distract her from his shy smile. She scrunched her nose at the tickle of his calloused fingertips against her skin. “Oh right, you can’t say it without blushing.”
“Hell yeah I can.” He kept his hands on her cheeks and moved both of their heads in opposite directions to keep the sun out of her eyes.
“Say it then, Pretty,” she put her face real close to his with his hands stuck to her cheeks, nudging his nose once so he’d look up and she could kiss right under his jaw. She leaned back just slightly and held his forearms. “Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend,” one kiss to her forehead, “girlfriend,” another to her nose, “firlgriend,” a final one to her lips. Not quite a kiss since she was smiling so hard at his mistake. 
“You made me mess up, that was not my fault.”
“How did I make you mess up?”
“By being so damn cute.” He started kissing all over her face, her neck, her collarbones. 
“That’s what got you?”
“You always get me.”
“You trying to put the moves on me, Maybank?” She pulled him back up from her neck by a tug to his hair.
“Depends, is it working, l/n?”
“Are you trying to distract me so we can go somewhere else knowing full well that there is nowhere else?”
He let his head fall back against her clavicle with a long, exaggerated groan. “So it’s not working?”
“No, sorry,” she tilted her head to the side with faux sympathy, he thought she looked like a puppy. “Please? I’m starving.” He braced his hands behind himself so he could lean back and give her room to swing her leg over. He followed it with his eyes with no shame, to which she could only scoff a laugh.
When he finally regained his composure, “Can’t have my firlgriend starving, now could I darlin’?”
“I’m sending you back. I don’t even remember where I got you but I’d like a refresher on the return policy.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha. You’re really hilarious. I swear, you should take it on the road or somethin.” He said in a single tone. They started walking into the restaurant and he still held out his hand to her. 
She laid her head on his shoulder just before they made it to the door. “But you love me?” 
“Fuck yeah I love you.” He turned to kiss her head but it was more his cheek to her head and a kiss to the air above it. She loved it just the same.
“Good, I love you too.” She kissed his shoulder and was glad the heat permitted such skin to show, no sleeves in the way of her boy’s skin. 
“Alright, come on.” He almost dragged her into the restaurant but it was more of a rush to get himself in there.
Kiara was at the hostess stand and smiled when she saw him, the corner of her lip twitched twice when he saw who he was with, once at the hand he was holding and again at the girl it was attached to. Yet she still recovered quickly and kept up the perfect customer service act. “Hey Kie, how’s today been? Yeah? You know what I’d love, is if you could uh, get us a table at the back, kinda quickly?”
“What’s the rush, Jay?” She gathered two menus and started guiding them back.
“Don’t worry about it. Just-please?”
“M-hmm.” She sat them at a dimly lit table in the back corner and JJ helped y/n up into the continuous booth with the circular table. She thanked him with a smile and he slid in next to her, resting a hand on her thigh, warm skin under his rough touch.
“Thank you,” y/n smiled brightly at Kiara and picked up her menu. Kiara gave JJ a look that she couldn’t see with the menu in front of his face What are you doing? He returned it with a grave look, Let me have my last 10 minutes with her to myself in peace.
“Martha will be right over with your waters.”
JJ nodded and Kiara got the hint finally. 
John B and Pope came out of the kitchen with their little trays of free food. “We heard JJ’s bike pull up. He here?” Pope tossed a thumb over his shoulder to the dining area. 
“Yeah, actually-” they started walking away to go find him but she pulled them back by their shirt collars. “But, I think he’s on a date.”
“A date?” John B asked.
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound like him. You sure we’re talking about the same guy?” Pope held up a hand to approximately JJ’s height. “Yea tall, perpetually sweaty, doesn’t own a single sleeve in his whole wardrobe, different day different girl, JJ?”
“That’s the one. He’s in the back…Waaaaiit, wait wait. Don’t go yet, let them at least get their waters first.”
“Who’s he with?”
“Do we know her?”
“I don’t know if you do. I had biology with her. Y/n? L/n?”
Both of their jaws went slack. John B nearly dropped his fries. “Her?”
“You’re kidding.”
“Like she’d ever go for him, she’s too…” John B shook his hand thinking the words would come to him.
“Nice, kind, morally upright?” Pope offered.
“No. When has she ever been annoying?”
“In bio, she’d always stay after and talk to Dr. Dyer about literally everything besides biology.”
“Kie, I hate to break it to you,” John B put a hand on her shoulder, “I really do. But I don’t see what any of that has to do with you.”
“Because she’s just so…ugh excited. All the time.”
“As if JJ isn’t exactly the same.”
“They’re in the back you said?”
“Yeah, in the corner. Wait- I didn’t tell you that!” But they already had all the information they needed and were half way over there already.
JJ saw them wave as they approached then put his head on the table with a groan. They saw her try to coax him up with a hand scratching over his back and some nice words they couldn’t hear. And then they saw everything they needed to when she raised her other hand to wave and JJ’s bracelet was on her wrist. Oh, John B’s face said to Pope’s, This is serious.
But that didn’t stop them. “Hey guys, funny running into you two here.” John B announced, extra loudly just for JJ’s sake since his head was still down. He and Pope slid into the round booth on the other side of y/n. She pushed JJ up by the shoulder but his chin was still to his chest.
“Wow, must have really worn him out.” Pope said, followed by a stolen one of John B’s fries.
“Looks like it. You gonna make it hotshot?” 
He looked up sharply to flick his hair out of his face. She pushed it back and while they were so focused on each other the other two boys gave each other looks Oh shit, this is real serious.
“I’ll make it.” He let out a long and exasperated groan. “Pope, John B, this is my firlgriend.” Completely an honest mistake but he was just happy it made her laugh. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t-”
“No, I know you didn’t.” He squeezed her thigh and continued.
“This is my girlfriend.” Oh, real real serious. 
“Took you long enough,” referring to how many tries it took him to get it right, not hiding their relationship. She actually didn’t mind it, she liked having him all to herself. “Good boy,” she pushed herself up to kiss his cheek and he leaned into it. She stayed looking up at him with a smile and the boys were waiting for him to look disgusted, grossed out, something, anything he’d usually do with girls that got too affectionate; but it never came. He was looking at her the same way he looks at a great swell of a wave, like she was an adventure, something he wanted to take on and knew he could. They saw it in his eyes and then, this kid blushed. This girl made JJ Maybank blush, hard.
“So what have you guys been up to?” JJ pulled her closer with an arm around her waist and she leaned back into him so she could face the boys. 
They talked about so many things and she was so animated and genuinely interested in what they had to say. She liked hearing about Pope’s dreams and aspirations, asking him so many questions about his scholarship and what kind of career he wants. John B told her about the theories he and his dad have come up with about the shipwreck and the treasure. She was so easy to talk to and never bored. How could anyone be bored when the conversations moved so fast. Every time Kiara walked by it was something new. Mr. Hayward’s business, Pope’s scholarship, what he wants to do after high school, John B’s Spanish final, who says ‘bon voyage’ the French or the Spanish, how different languages happened, Pangea, Panthalassa, what a fun word trapezoid is, how much the geometry teacher sucked, their favorite classes, the clubs she and Pope are in with both of them getting all excited about the ones they shared. 
“You should come to the chateau sometime,” John B suggested and she looked up at JJ over her shoulder, a silent what do you think?
“Yeah, it’d be fun,” all three of them picked up on his hesitancy. 
“Yeah?” He nodded surely in response. “You just tell me when.”
JJ loved getting her alone. Every minute with just her was heaven to him.
Unfortunately for both of them, he was under house arrest in purgatory. 
Pope and John B loved having her around. Kiara didn’t get the hype. “Kie, listen, it’s like having a puppy that can talk.” John B had had a few beers that were way higher percentages than he thought. 
“Don’t call my girlfriend a puppy, man.”
“Sor-*hiccup* sorry, but am I wrong? Pope, am I wrong?”
“Not really, like if she was a puppy her tail would always be waggin and shit and if she saw a leaf move she’d be like,” He turned around really fast and JJ thought he heard his neck crack.
“I still don’t get why that means she has to be over here all the time?”
“Do you have some sort of problem with her, Kie?” JJ asked, failing at holding the defensive tone off.
“No, I just mean why is she always around?”
“Because she’s my girlfriend, I like having her around and so do they. So kindly do me a favor and get the stick out of your ass. Hmm?” 
“Fine,” she put her hands up in surrender then leaned back in her seat, letting them all get back on with their evening.
By the end of the summer y/n was thoroughly convinced Kiara hated her. She’d hardly look at her and she’d never add anything to their conversations besides some snarky remark about how close it seems she and JJ have gotten. But she was never out right mean, y/n thought she was just reading into it too hard. 
They were back at the chateau, having some drinks to celebrate….something. Y/n couldn’t quite remember what. She was in JJ’s lap and he was talking to John B about cars or hydroponics, something. She didn’t know entirely but she was nodding along all the same. She was staring at his face, tracing his jaw with her eyes. She didn’t even notice she was doing it until he turned because of her finger tracing the curve then down his neck. He smiled at her, all soft and gentle and pretty. “What’re you up to, kid?”
She smiled back at him just the same lazy adorable way that she does when he catches her spacing out. “I’m older than you.”
“Barely, and that doesn’t answer my question.”
“You have a mole.” She put her finger back on it. “Right there. Since when?”
“Forever, probably.” He took her hand so carefully and held it in their laps instead, both of them twisting their fingers around the other’s like a kelp forest, slipping and sliding back and forth through the spaces between them.
“Forever? Really? I never noticed.”
“Ha- You never notice a lot of things.” Kiara mumbled loud enough for Big John to hear her inside. 
JJ’s fingers stilled, y/n just squeezed them tighter. Her smile fell for a second but she picked it right back up, looser, no teeth, not reaching her eyes or making the lines in her cheeks it usually does. “What do you mean?” JJ was going to cry with how small and innocently she said it.
“You said I don’t notice anything, what do you mean?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” Kiara scratched her neck then took a strand of hair  to twist around her finger and check for split ends,
“I notice a lot of things,” she slipped off of JJ’s lap and into the seat next to him but let him keep their thighs pressed together. 
“I’m sure you do. Just like the note John B left to keep the door closed! Just like how Pope tells you over and over what his favorite color is! And when JJ obviously looks uncomfortable to anyone with eyes! You notice all that?! Of course you don’t, you’re so wrapped up in yourself you don’t know anything about anyone around you. All you ever do is talk about yourself, it’s sickening.”
“Ok,” she sniffed shallowly but JJ could still hear the shakiness in it, feel her leg bouncing against his. She can do this herself, JJ thought hopefully. She took a deep breath, “Seems like  we know what we all think of me now.” She started picking up the empty cups and cans within her arms reach. “John B, ‘s it ok if I ask your dad to take me home?”
“Uh, yea-”
“Hey, I’ll take you home.” JJ put a hand on her arm when she stood. She would only look at his hand, not his face. 
“No, it’s ok.” He could hardly hear her, something that rarely happened since she’d gotten comfortable with all of them. Well, almost all of them. He stood up, close enough that her arm was flush to his chest. She still didn’t look at him, only facing John B, pulling his cold glare from Kiara to her taught pout and watery eyes that broke his heart. “If he’s busy I can walk.”
“You’re not walking,” JJ tried to get her to look at him. She almost did but then Kiara started again.
“Maybe she should. Learn to do something for herself for once instead of getting someone else to do it for her, like she does every time.”
JJ pulled her to his chest and John B stepped in front of them. “Kie, I think you should go, man.”
“Right, like you guys haven’t been ditching me since JJ started bringing his new bitch around!” She flinched at the word and JJ pulled her closer. “Just make Kiara leave, right?! Not like I’ve been your best friend for years before she came around.”
“You wanna go?” JJ whispered into her ear. She didn’t trust herself to speak, she didn’t want to speak, so a nod would have to suffice. “Go wait inside.”
“Jay, no,” she weakly argued.
“I’ll be right out, please baby, just let me,” he left the end of his sentence hanging and let Pope guide her inside with a nod of gratitude.
John B was still trying to calm Kiara down, but JJ wasn’t into pleasantries. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? Ever since you’ve started bringing her here you’ve been so distant, you’re so wrapped up in each other, it’s like you’re in your own little bubble and you never pay any attention to us anymore.”
“Could you stop speaking for me and Pope, Kie? Really. It’s enough,” John B sat back down while JJ and Kiara were getting in each other’s faces. 
“So you don’t find her so fucking grating you can’t even hear yourself think?”
John B pulled JJ back, just a bit further from her, “No-”
“No one thinks that! You think that because you’re so possessive over us for no reason! Kie, I’m happy with her, I love her. I love you guys too but not if you’re gonna be a fuckin psycho about it.”
“All I mean is-”
“All you mean is that you’re jealous, and you need to get the fuck over it.”
She scoffed at that, “I am not jealous, I’m not jealous. Why would you even say that?”
“Why would you say any of the shit you’ve said to her? Hmm? You can’t fuckin share. And I’m not asking you to.”
A strange look of relief flashed over her features, but was greatly short lived. 
“I’m telling you.”
“JJ, I-”
“I’m telling you, if you can’t figure out how to act like a normal fucking person then I’m not comin around.”
“I’m the normal one, she’s- she’s-”
Both boys looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to come up with a real negative about the kindest girl they’ve probably ever met, albeit the most distracted one.
JJ hummed when she couldn’t come up with anything. “Jombee, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“10:30 still?”
“You know I’m not up by then.” They did their handshake and JJ went inside while John B made Kiara sit back down and talk to him. Pope and y/n were leaned back against the counter, he had an arm over her shoulders and was finally able to calm her breathing. “Hey,” JJ came closer, slowly, so he didn’t startle them. “Hey, you feelin ok? Still wanna go?”
“Yeah,” she sniffed hard, “Yeah. You ok?”
“I will be when we get home.”
“Where’s home?”
“Wherever you want it to be.”
They rode back to her house on his bike. He carried her through the house, just to make her laugh, since she’d been so quiet. 
He threw her onto the bed then went through the shelves of DVDs, looking for the ones he was sure she’d like. “Not the Little Mermaid,” he pushed that one back in line.
“What? Why not the Little Mermaid?”
“Because she doesn’t talk, I want you to talk.”
“I don’t wanna talk, you do enough of that for the both of us.” He laughed a little at her attempt of a joke, but it was short lived once he realized what she really meant. 
“But I like your voice, I like what you have to say.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“About what?”
“About whatever you want.” She silently asked him for something more to go off of. “Here, tell me about this.” He handed her her weighted dinosaur and laid it on her chest.
“What about it?”
“Stop asking questions, start talking. Tell me why you like the squish feeling.”
“What do I get out of it?” He raised an eyebrow at another question but relented anyway.
“I’ll squish you.”
He nodded once, then thought if he looked at her smile any longer he’d melt, so he went to set the movie up.
“Your body is basically like, covered with touch receptors, and when they’re stimulated by, in this case squish, they release oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, all those. And those are all the happy hormones, the love hormones, aaannnd you love me but you’d love me more if you came over and squished me.”
He hit play then brought a blanket so he could lay down and she could curl into his side. “You love me more than your dinosaur?”
“Is that even a question?”
“Uh, yes?”
“Of course I love you more than dinosaurs,” she nudged herself up to kiss his jaw that she could reach. “Dinosaurs can’t squish me, Silly, they’re extinct.”
(thank you so much for reading, please please please let me know if you want a part 2 and support your creators!!! ok??? (maybe not me, i kinda suck and only realized i never copied the last line over like 4 months later) But comments are like the most wonderful thing to me so if there’s any parts you particularly enjoyed just let me know <3<3<3)
“Of course I love you more than dinosaurs,” she nudged herself up to kiss his jaw that she could reach. “Dinosaurs can’t squish me, Silly, they’re extinct.”
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k-atsukibakugou · 6 months
w/c: 1.2k tw: second year bakugou x reader, uh a touch self-inserty, i need to be a comforting presence or ill cry; unedited i just had some brainworms, spoilers a lil for the manga, blood mentions, kinda mutual pining-y
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picking at the small plant beside your bed, you plucked another dead leaf off its stem, a small, light yellow one beneath it ready to unfurl and take its place. with a small frown, you think of how the plant was abandoned at the end of your first year, stuck unwatered in the dorms, the small pot the last on anyone's mind after the year you'd all gone through.
you stroked through the leaves once more, all of them begging to be hydrated. glancing at the time, 2:30 flashed back at you, your first night back already becoming your second morning.
sighing, you give up on trying to quiet your thoughts for tonight, accepting the plant's plea to be watered, taking your bottle with you, tiptoeing out of your room towards the common area, looking nearly like a zombie with your arms ahead of you in the dark, guiding your way in the dark.
you were nearing the sink, about three feet from it when you connected with another body, solid and stationary even at your crash into them, a grunt and an arm coming up to catch you before you slipped backward the only evidence you hadn't run into a wall.
"the fuck are you doin'?" even in the dark, dead of the night you'd recognise bakugou's voice, thick and gruff but somewhat hushed in the kitchen. adjusting to the lowlight, you finally could make out his silhouette, the spike of his hair, the square shape of his fist still hooked around your arm keeping you steady. with your hand to your beating heart, you breathed out a laugh, the spike of adrenaline waking you up more than you already had been.
"i could ask you the same, aren't you usually sleeping like a baby by 8?" you teased, wiggling out of his loose hold to lean against the counter, your new angle lighting his face in the cool moonlight. the red scars looked black in the pale light, your sure the one at his chest is worse, despite that, all you can focus on is his bitten fingernails, red, jagged, cuticles peeling away from the skin; the darkness around his eyes looking like bruising, looking only darker when his hair fell over his eyes. ever perceptive, his scarlet irises scanned your face, too, finding the same dark circles as his own around your eyes, your fingertips anxiously picking at a hangnail, his eyes almost soft when they meet yours again.
"can't sleep?" your tone softens, both of you like a mirror for the other, exhausted but determined. determined for your second year not to end like the first. to be normal 17 year olds, normal second years, as close to normal as you could get at u.a.
you almost don't catch his nod, if it could even be called that, mostly just katsuki tensing his jaw and jutting his chin out, "you?"
its the quietest you've ever heard him, you try not to stare too wide-eyed at him, nodding in response, awkwardly gesturing to your water bottle, "i'm watering my plants."
you glance back down to the bottle in your arms, worrying about your plant feeling useless standing here with him, the boy who died, the boy who survived while you fretted over rotting leaves.
you study him in silence, setting the water bottle down gently, the silence broken by the soft clanking of the metal against the counter; you desperately wanted to tear through the silence with comfort, advice, something to help your stubborn classmate. instead of anything of substance, your voice cuts through the silence to whisper, "i have a little playlist for when i can't get to sleep."
"i don't need fuckin' lullabies." i need something that'll work.
you knew all that was unsaid, he needed something to help him rest, to keep the dreams away, the memories of the war, the memory of how he died, to sleep and see nothing instead of blood.
katsuki glares with the heat of the sun hearing you click your tongue at him, his lips curling in an ugly snarl that didn't match his sleep deprived eyes, "it's not lullabies, idiot."
your teasing is soft, a gentle hand reaching for his wrist, fingertips brushing over his warm skin before you whispered again, "it's soothing, to have something fill the silence...helps me think less, i can show you?"
again, he hardly nods, the defeat in his eyes foreign to you, his insomnia wearing him down long before your second year started, working himself to exhaustion no longer working, warm showers keeping him up instead of soothing his skin, even evening stretches ending with him just as drained as he was when he first woke back up. what harm could your lullabies do?
you don't take his hand, looping your fingers around his wrist instead, the intimacy of guiding him by his hand somehow where you drew the line instead of the heart to heart in the pitch dark kitchen, dropping your grip only when your dorm door quietly latched behind him.
under the warm wash of your lamp, katsuki looked even worse, his face different than when you met him, more grown up, determination still lighting up his eyes, even as they flashed around your room weakly, his eyelids dragging with every blink. as if on autopilot, he sits in the centre of your bed, his fingers fiddling with the sheets, smoothing over the creases from where you laid before, pausing to rest where they were warmest from you.
the soft sounds were already playing from your phone, a gentle rain tapping against your balcony window only adding to the ambience, you smile inwardly at the imagery of katsuki like this, stiff at a sleepover, frowning even in his sleep.
"this shit really gets you to sleep? doesn't sound like anything" his bleary eyes find you again, his voice gravelly with sleep even as he scoffed. you laugh softly again, airy in your room, it catches katsuki's attention, too tired to think of acting indifferent to the spike in his heart rate hearing your joy.
"you normally sleep sitting up?" you ignore his grumbling, sliding into the bed beside him, both of you sitting atop the covers, the sheets crinkling and creasing underneath your bodies, again the line of intimacy blurred; under the blankets far too close for this, even as you tug him to follow you when you lie your head onto the pillow.
still, he lies beside you, on his side, only an inch of space between your faces, your knees nearly knocking as he got comfortable, a slow sigh escaping him. katsuki's eyes stayed trained on your face, his body fighting the exhaustion just to watch you, your lamp washing you in a glow that he'd gladly lose sleep just to admire.
"better?" katsuki thinks your voice is softer than a mouse's, although not as soft as your touch at his hairline, his eyelids drooping at your barely-there touch, a hum in his throat all he was capable of anymore, the intense tired he felt catching up to him here with you. you kept your fingers in his hair, gently scratching at his scalp when he sighed again.
you stare at him as you plant tender touches over his head, his neck, down to his shoulders until his breathing evens, not another word shared between you, not a single word needed as you slipped into your own slumber beside him.
for once plagued only by memories of your giggle instead of threats and villains.
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© all works belong to @k-atsukibakugou, @gwen0m, and dlirious on archive of our own, do not plagiarise, translate, repost or recommend my work on other platforms or translate my works, i do not give permission for my works to be bound and sold. 18+ minors and ageless blogs do not interact.
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ffsg0jo · 2 months
I loved your Ramadan works with the JJK characters. It's so nice to see another muslimah who writes for JJK :)). I am not sure if you are still actively posting, but would you consider writing a piece with the cast's reaction to the hijab and abaya? JazakAllah!
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jjk characters with a muslim/hijabi reader [gojo edition]
gojo x reader [platonic or romantic it's open to interpretation]
w/c: 955 words
a/n: i got so carried away writing gojo's i realised if i added more characters, it'd be an incredibly long post. so i took them out and i'm gonna post them over the next couple weeks <33 so far i have megumi, nanami, itadori and nobara lmk if you want anymore characters :)) also guys pls feel free to send requests/suggestions :))
also anon you're the sweetest person every thank you so so much you've single handedly given me motivation to keep writing and ive got more works coming out. i hope you're having an amazing day inshaAllah bestie 💗
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Gojo definitely thinks you’re doing a cosplay of some sort. It’s not uncommon in certain parts of Tokyo, so it’s safe to assume so most of the time. Even he’s been mistaken for Kakashi cosplays a lot of the time, with his black get-up and blindfold.
But then he sees you wearing different colour hijabs and abayas, and sometimes even a cute lil jilbabs and it confuses him. Suddenly, the thought occurs to him that maybe you’re not in a 24/7 cosplay, like him, and actually just dress covered head to toe.
As soon as he reaches that epiphany you best believe he pesters you and badgers you for answers. “y/n are you cold? is that why you’re always dressed like that?”
At first, you think it’s funny to give him nonsensical answers because he keeps saying stupid things, but you realise he's being deadly serious. plus, he gets increasingly bothersome, so you eventually get annoyed from all his questioning and just tell him about how you’re a Muslim and observe hijab.
He actually takes it quite seriously and apologises for lowkey making fun of your shitty cosplay in his head. He’s ignorant, not prejudiced, so he defo takes it back and, for once, takes accountability and apologises for his actions. He’s personally not a believer, but he respects it.
Once, you complained about how expensive abayas were becoming and how you just wished someone would just buy you a whole wardrobe of them to all the students, and he happened to overhear.
Literally days later he’s at your door with multiple bags full of abayas and hijabs and all sorts of modest clothing. You’re completely shick shack shook and don’t know what to say. You defo cry and try to hide it with your headscarf.
He barges into your room (after making sure you’re fully covered, he's learnt from that mistake) and spends the next 5 or so hours showcasing each item and telling you where in the world he got it from, the materials and everything.
He has really good taste in colours and styles and knows what would look good on you. You’re literally set for life. Absolutely refuses to let you pay him back. Every single time you mention money, he shuts you down and changes the topic entirely.
In summer he’s shocked you look relatively calm and okay. He’s literally boiling his bum off with a tank top (I’m laughing at imagining Gojo in a white tank top like an immigrant dad lmaoo) and you’re looking as fresh as daisies with everything covered. He asks how you're not melting and you’re waffling to him about airflow and how it’s actually quite breezy, and you’re not wearing anything underneath, so it’s fine, and he stops breathing and short circuits.
He looks at you with his eyes wide, and his sun reddened face goes a shade darker. "You’re not wearing anything underneath?" He takes it the completely wrong way, and you realise what it sounds like, and you’re both a bumbling mess.
It's the first time anyone’s ever seen Gojo that flustered.
Also some quickfire headcanons:
He genuinely thought you slept and showered with your hijab on, so he burst into your room one day and you screamed and he immediately warped somewhere else when he saw you wearing pyjamas (he didn’t see anything above your clothed knees, he panicked and left so quickly plus he was scared to look).
Gets you cute little clips to put on your hijab. He thinks they’re pretty.
Is absolutely devasted you can’t have mochi and some other desserts because they have pork gelatine in them and he always tries to find vegan alternatives.
Purposefully steps on your abaya/dress when it's flowing and he's behind you to annoy you.
Has extra pins pinned onto his uniform for you just in case you need them.
This is a secret he’ll take to his grave, but he actually tried to make you one of his favourite desserts you couldn’t eat (he threatened the bakery for the recipe), but it went so disastrously wrong he gave up and didnt want to face the embarrassment.
I’m talking melted plastic in the oven, small kitchen fire, eyebrows singed, and potential carbon monoxide poisoning bad.
You wore this specific shade of light blue once with a cream khimar, and for some reason, he was absolutely obsessed with that outfit. It wasn't until Nobara pointed out that your outfit matched Gojo's colour scheme did he finally realise why <33
The abaya sizing really confused him and he was so baffled as to what the numbers meant. Wdym size 52 what does that even measure 😭😭
He was faffing about for 2 hours before he realised he could've just googled it, and he felt absolutely stupid about it.
Whenever he sees a bit of your hair accidentally peeking out he covers his eyes and screams at you to "cover yourself woman goddammit". He's so dramatic honestly.
Thinks it’s hilarious seeing you run in your abaya. He thinks its the funniest thing in the world.
Once (he's lying defo more than once) he was zoned out while watching you and his heart started beating faster when he realised how beautiful you are with your long dress blowing in the breeze and your hijab lightly fluttering. You looked ethereal. He didn't know what to think, and he pushed his feelings back down. Deep deep down.
He doesn't need unnecessary feelings complicating things, but for some reason, his heart still yearns for you.
He also makes terrorist jokes about you to you. I will not explain that one, but he 100% does.
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work in any way, shape, or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Maneater. (Captain Price and Gaz x Reader.)
!CW! NSFW, Smut, rough sex, price and Gaz having their way with reader ☺️, double penetration, unprotected sex, (sorry if I missed any.)
This was an ask, you can find it here.
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You were a mechanic on the base task force 141 spent most of their time on. You worked on the Humvee’s specifically but you were trained in combat. Backup when they needed it. Having the massive garage and everything you needed to work on the vehicles was amazing, this was a massive base and it was pretty quiet usually. Just 141 and a few others at a time on it. It was only you and one other mechanic at a time but you had opposite shifts.
You were sitting up front at a desk, a computer sat atop of it. For ordering parts and other stuff. Any info you may need. “Hey Y/N.” Captain Price gathers your attention and you look up at him. You were wearing jeans and a t-shirt at first, but the summer sun beat down onto you, so you shed the t-shirt at some point. Only a tiny tank top covered you. Exposing your cleavage to anyone that dared to look. Sweat and gear oil covered you. Made your skin glisten. “Captain.” You smiled. You’d taken the cap off of your water, and both Captain Price and Gaz watch you swallow down the gulps of water, a few droplets landing on your chest before gliding down your warm skin between your breasts. “Eyes are up here boys.” You smirk. Crossing your arms. Captain Price chuckles, shaking his head. “Need to check up on the Humvee. We go out on a mission in a few days.” You nod your head. “Should be done in a couple days. One day if you work for it.” You flash them a flirty smile and Gaz laughs this time. “We’ll check back tomorrow, have a good night Y/N.”
Captain Price spins around. Gaz follows alongside him, chuckling. “Quite the lil minx ah?” Gaz laughs. “Yeah, a temptress if I do say so myself. She’s always done that to me, even before 141.” Price laughs. “Me too. But if you notice she doesn’t do it with anyone else.” Gaz furrows his brows. “Must have a thing for you and I, Garrick.” Price nudges him. Gaz laughs.
“Maybe, guess we’ll have to see.” He laughs.
The following night, you’re underneath the Humvee. Usually it’d be up on a lift but since you were alone, you didn’t want to risk trying to get it up onto it alone. It was grounds for a catastrophe and you liked being alive. You jump when you see feet walking passed the Humvee. When you turn your head to get a better look, there’s nothing there. Chalking it up to your imagination, you bite down on the flashlight in your mouth harder. A few minutes after, you hear the large garage door rattling to a loud shut. You groan out, sliding out from under the Humvee and standing up. “Hello?” You ask. You peek out of some of the glass on the door, not seeing anyone. “Busy?” You gasp, whipping around. You see Gaz sitting at the desk. “Jesus fuck Gaz. What the hell.” You laugh. Placing a hand over your heart. “Just came to check on the Humvee.” He laughs, standing up from the chair. “I was just finishing it up, until I was rudely interrupted.” You laugh, taking a couple steps forward. He moves closer to you. “Yeah, I’m sure you don’t mind taking a break. Just for a little?” He smiles, unzipping his vest. Your eyes widen and you swallow hard. “I.. I don’t know about that. Could get us into a lot of trouble with Ca-“ hands gliding over your hips from behind you cut you off, making you jump. Your body goes rigid. You take in a sharp breath, lips parting. His chest presses into your back. He brings his face forward, right next to your ear. “Get into trouble with who, darling?” He let’s out a deep chuckle, hand gliding up onto your lower stomach, inching lower. A whimper leaves your lips as he dips his hand into your oil covered jeans.
Gaz moves over to the Humvee. It’s empty now, enough space for the three of you to fit inside. It’d usually be full of equipment and munitions but since it’s being worked on, it’s your lucky day. “Inside sweetheart.” Captain Price guides you the open door. You climb inside, Gaz is already almost fully naked. So he distracts you until your Captain is ready too. “Such a little tease, aren’t you?” You bite your lip nervously as Gaz unbuttons your jeans. Pulling them down your legs. He sees your panties, moaning out. “Fuck.. so pretty.” He groans. He toys with your clit through them, earning a moan from you as you lay back, propping yourself up onto your elbows. “I- oh my g-“ you swallow down a cry, tipping your head back. “Kyle.” He smirks. “And John.” Your Captain finishes for him. Kyle grasps the hem of your panties, dragging them down your legs and throwing them to the side. Both of them moan when they get a good look at your pussy. They’re both deprived, ready to devour you. “Fuck.. such a pretty pussy.” Kyle toys with your folds as John moves himself up, he’s naked now. Kyle pulls his boxers down, pumping his cock. He lowers himself between your legs and John pulls you back into his chest. Pulling your tank top down and cupping your breasts with his hands. Your lips part as Kyle starts lapping at your entrance with his tongue. “Oh f-fuck!” You cry out, hips bucking up. John nips at your neck, leaving love bites and kisses along the skin. You’ve barely started and you’re already feeling overwhelmed. John pinches at your nipples, rolling them between his fingers until you’re squirming. “Think she’s ready, Gaz.” John smirks. Kyle sits up, wiping your glistening arousal from his face. “Hands and knees sweetheart.” Kyle smiles, helping you move. Ones you’re facing John, you realize what’s about to happen. You can feel Kyle lining up with your entrance and when a moan is about to leave your lips, John fills your mouth with his cock. You swirl your tongue over the tip and he moans out. When Kyle parts your folds with his cock, filling you up, you freeze. Moaning around John’s cock. He tilts his head back. “Fuck.. so good baby. M’gonna fuck that pretty little throat.” He grasps hold of your hair, beginning to rock his hips into your mouth. Kyle lines his thrusts up to be the same as John’s. Both of them thrusting in at the same time and pulling back. You’re turning into a mess at the hands of the both of them, crying out and choking as you’re being used. “Fuck.. she’s fuckin tight.” Kyle groans out. He’s got a tight grip on your hips as he fucks into you. You relax your throat, trying to pace yourself. John relaxes, letting you work on him. Bobbing your head up and down, swallow down around him. He groans out when you do, eyes widening. “So good- so fucking good.” He pants. He tries not to thrust into you too hard, not wanting to make you gag.
“Deep breathes sweetheart.” John laughs, mockingly. “Don’t want you quitting so soon.” He smirks. You draw back, rolling your eyes. “Mnot a quitter.” You swallow him back down, sucking hard around his cock. He groans out. “No, you’re a little slut.” He laughs. “Spin around sweetheart.” Kyle slaps his hand into your ass, making you jump. You do as they ask, spinning around. You look up at Kyle. That sweet innocent look in your eyes as he pushes his cock past your lips. John slides his cock into your soaking pussy, biting his lip when he feels just how tight you are. You moan around Kyle. Feeling John spread your ass, spitting in the valley. “Gonna part you open get you ready for me.” He smiles. He circles your hole, rocking his hips into yours as he slips his finger into you. Your eyes widen and you gasp around Kyle’s cock. He laughs. “You like that?” He grips your hair. Smiling down at you. John fucks you until he thinks you’re ready to take him, looking up at Kyle. “I think she’s ready, Gaz.” He smiles. He pulls you back off of him. “You ready sweetheart?” Kyle smiles, pushing you back slightly. “What?” You ask, confused. You sit up, John wrapping his arms around your stomach and pulling you into him. His cock pressing at your ass. You breathe hard as he start to sink down into you. Your mouth falls open as he stretches you open, making sure to keep you wet so that he doesn’t hurt you. When he bottoms out, a strangled cry leaves your lips. “Cmon, your turn.” He looks at Kyle and your eyes widen. “W-what?” You breathe, eyes widening as he moves closer. “What, you’ve never had two cocks at once before?” Kyle smirks. “N-no.” You pant. “It’s okay. It’s gonna feel real nice sweethearts”
Kyle lines himself up with your pussy, and slowly starts to slide into you. You cry out when he bottoms out. “Oh fuck!” You cry out again, a mewl leaving your lips as they both start to move. “Oh my god, I’m so fucking full-“ a gasp leaves. Your lips. John pulls you into his chest, wrapping an arm around you and circling a couple fingers over your clit. Kyle takes it as a sign, lowering his head to toy with your nipples. One in his mouth, fingertips stimulating the other. Every part of your body that could give you pleasure is being stimulated. You’re so full of both of them, crying out each time they thrust up into you. “Fuck- it’s so much-“ tears stream down your face. John chuckles. “Awe.. baby. You’re not crying are you? We’re just trying to make you feel real good.” His demeaning has you crying even harder. You cry out, tilting your head back into your Captain. Instead of belittling you anymore, he comforts you. Letting you rest your head in the crook of his neck as Kyle attacks your breasts. “Such a good girl for us baby. Doing so so good.” Your high is building fast, pathetically fast. “I-I’m going to-“ your eyes roll back. A moan leaves your lips, and that knot unravels in your lower stomach, tightening down around the both of them, drawing gasps from the both of them. “Jesus fuck-“ Kyle gasps. “So fucking tight.” He groans.
You’re crying because of the overstimulation but it feels so good, you don’t want to stop them. You love that they’re both using you like this. Your captain has a tight grip on your hips as he hammers his cock into your ass, Kyle fucking his cock deep into your pussy. It doesn’t take long for another high to start building. Body growing hotter by the minute. This time you toy with your own breasts, pinching your nipples and moaning out. “There you go baby. Relax into us.” Kyle smirks. You lower a hand to toy with your own sensitive bundle of nerves. “Look at me.” Kyle lifts your chin to look at him. “You like this Hm?” You nod your head, biting your lip. Your holes are getting abused, and it feels so good. “Yes. Yes!” You moan. Kyle smiles. “How about a keepsake, between the three of us?” He smirks, lifting up a black iPhone. It’s his phone. “You okay with that sweetheart?” You groan. “Yeah, just don’t stop fucking me.” You lick your lips. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” You take his phone from him, opening up the camera and move it to the side. Getting the perfect view. Kyle’s stomach is pressed against your own, your left hand wedged between the both of you to rub your clit. You can’t see it too well, but his cock is disappearing inside of you. John’s stomach is pressed against your back, hips hammering into you. You have a clear view of his cock thrusting right into your ass. You stop recording after around a minute. “Fuck- I’m gonna cum again.” You groan.
“Me too.” Kyle moans out. “Ugh- don’t fucking stop- please.” You gasp out. Rubbing fast circles against your clit. “Fuck!” You cry out. Reaching your second high. Feeling you tighten so much around him sends Kyle right into his orgasm and he pulls out just as he finishes, coating your stomach in his filth. “Fuck- fuck.” He groans. Teeth gritted as he stops jerking his cock. Your Captain has a death grip on your hips and you lean forward a little bit. “So close.. so fucking close.” He’s pounding your ass, tears filling your eyes as you choke out a sob. “That’s it sweet girl.” He smiles. “Cry for me.” He chuckles. “Mmm.. I’m gonna cum.” He moans. “Ugh!” He groans, gripping the fat of your hips with his hands, holding you as he finishes, by far the best orgasm of his life so far. He doesn’t pull out, finishing right in your ass. You collapse onto your arms, your face buried into the floor of the Humvee. You’re breathing hard, gasping out when John pulls himself out of you. You sit up, leaning up against the side. All three of you spend the next few minutes calming down. It’s silent aside from pants coming from the three of you. Gaz’s laugh breaks the silence. “Fuck. This is crazy.” He chuckles. Your cheeks redden. “Yeah it is.”
“Don’t regret anything though.” John shrugs. Over the next few minutes, you get redressed. Getting cleaned up and you’re sitting at the desk when they both return to the front. “See you around, sweetheart.” John’s hand connecting with your ass has you jumping forward, a gasp leaning your lips. “Uh.. I’ll have the Humvee ready by morning.” You mumble. “No worries sweetheart.” Kyle smiles, sending you a wink as they begin to walk away. When they disappear, you sit down, still in shock by what’s just happened to you. After a few minutes, you feel your phone vibrate, sliding it from your pocket and opening it. You see a message from Gaz, and it’s an attachment. Your face turns beat red when the video pops up. “Jesus Christ.” You mumble, shaking your head as you stand up to continue working on the Humvee.
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hansolmates · 10 months
[teaser] fly to my room
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banner made by @eerieedits
summary; with a super huge crush on the super student jeon jungkook, you can't help but feel inferior with your subpar abilities when he's the literal hercules on campus. however, with a potential group of super villain students on the loose, you might have to tamp down your feelings to save your school pairing; superhero!jungkook x superhero support!reader (f) genre/warnings; sky high!au, university!au, mha!au, self deprecation lol, hero elitism, sidekicks can get bullied :(, strong man!jk, jk is a lil cocky and flirty, one lil sexy thing BUT that's it >:D w/c; preview is 561 a/n; no words just AAAAA
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“Hey, watch out!” 
A metal discus is being blown through the wind, the cause being Jungkook who’s training on the hero’s side of the stadium. You can only stare wide-eyed, focusing on Jungkook’s arms, still poised mid-air from the throw. The discus is shiny and looks like it’s barely moving from the amount of speed Jungkook has curved onto it, but you close your eyes and push your hands out towards the hurling force. 
You feel the heavy hunk pass through your void, a wink in time that has you feeling dizzy as you try to refocus the exit portal. The speed is what gets you, and has you immediately sweating from your forehead as you force the object to rip back into the current dimension, the discus landing right at Jungkook’s feet. 
“That—was great!” Namjoon teleports right in your face, mouth huge with praise. He is grabbing your shoulders, shaking you frantically in his excitement. “Wow, did you see how fast that thing was going? Maybe it was a fight or flight response—obviously, Jungkook would’ve cut your neck open—” 
“Great visual, Namjoon—” 
“But you teleported it! Aren’t you proud?” 
There’s no time to be proud when Jungkook is bounding across the field to meet you in the sidekick section. It causes all the other Superhero Supports to stop a fraction in their training, wondering how this conversation will go. Namjoon continues to stick by you however, knowing how absolutely abysmal you are in the presence of the famed hero. Having talked to Jungkook once or twice in class, Namjoon begrudgingly understands what’s so charming about the guy. 
You’re too focused on the gilded appearance Jungkook brings to the stadium. His blond hair gleams in the sun, and the lightweight metal that protects his arms wraps around his muscles like liquid gold. He’s absolutely blinding. 
“We meet again,” Jungkook grins, “are you okay?” 
“I-I’m sorry?” you fight the urge to wince when Namjoon pinches your waist. 
“You’re a teleporter, right? Your reaction time was insane!” Jungkook is smiling at you, prattling off your stats with a fervor you fail to understand. “Maybe they can bump you up to Hero-Class next exam, I’m sure you’re not far from the cutoff.” 
“No, actually. I’m just trying to stay afloat,” you force a shaky laugh, running a hand through your hair, “thanks though.” 
“I’ll put in a good word to Professor Luna,” Jungkook winks, turning away to return to his training session. 
“Jungkook’s right,” Namjoon squeezes your body again, trying to keep you in this dimension. “Your reaction time was insane. Can you imagine the power you’ll have when you finally gain control? Let’s go to the shooting range right now, test it out!” 
“Oh my god, he talked to me,” you whisper to yourself, replaying the conversation over and over in your head. Namjoon is but a spirit in your vision. 
“I mean, he had to. Like I said, he almost decapitated you,” he waves a hand in front of your face, “c’mon, stop thinking about Jungkook!”
“You're asking for the impossible, Joonie,” you frown, picking up your backpack. 
You take one step at a time, still feeling numb from the interaction. Namjoon insists that you should ride off this high, and train a little more. The only high you’re focusing on is the beating of your heart, and Jungkook’s gleaming grin. 
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whipped-cheese · 3 months
Grrrgrgr it has been a wip for decades-
My fish babies!! Aaaa :D
Aaaaaaaaand Sulien!! :]
[click for quality]
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Fish Duty au
EEEEEEEE!!! *Confetti!!*
Ramblings of a madman underneath-
-So, originally- just going to make sun- since I drew him in the little comic I made a while back, but then I decided , why not make a moon too
you know-
no sun is complete without their Moon /silly
So rambling rambling rambling time, info dumping mmm
Wanted to distinct them with their own names-
Esmeray! (or just Ray) -(Sun)
Sulien! (or just sully/sul) -(Moon)
Esmeray means dark moon and Sulien means sun born c:
Sometimes I'll forget so if a say sun and moon at some point it translates to Ray or Sul-
-So the same logic as last time applies,
the lighter size of their face and body is damaged/very sensitive, so the eye that's on the lighter side of their face is very very foggy so essentially, they're blind on that side of the face, soooo half blind. Often causing them to bump into fish or other random things in their enclosure sometimes.
-Usually you only see ONE at a time, but NEVER BOTH.
Often leading visitors to assume that there is only one clownfish in the enclosure that transforms or something when it's night, but really, when it's daytime Esmeray is out y'knoww, entertaining, doing tricks, swimming around while Sulien sleeps and when it's night time, Esmeray sleeps and then Sulien is entertaining, or just glowing around, looking pretty.
You never see them both out at the same time, rarely.
Really unless it's something important or it's something special.
Sometimes they'll both cuddle together in their little cove..🥺 on their sea anemone bed
usually in the late evenings 4-5pm before Sulien gets to go out and roam for the night.
(ray can't fall asleep comfortably, without being close to his brother [happening since they were young] so sulien snuggles with ray until ray falls asleep)
-as I said before- later on down the line, when y/n begins working at a janitor at the exotic fish aquarium, our lil fishy frens kinda gets the memo after a while and starts to draw on a little area of sand that's infront of the glass to communicate and y/n started fogging the glass and writing on it to communicate, Ray (sun) doesn't understand words so they both do little drawings instead.
No one really knows where he learnt it from- but Sulien (moon) knows a bit of English, only a few simple words (hello,bye, mad, you, me, us, angry, food, help, feel,etc.) he also uses the sand.
Performance wise, esmeray does lil heart water bubbles, (or really just any shape, kinda like how clowns do balloon animals and other items) it's something he usually does for visitors, kids mostly. He'll wave, bow, press his face against the glass to be funny, do silly faces that makes the kids laugh, even some regulars that really want to become marine biologist, etc. that often visit the aquarium on weekends that he's very very fond of. He does loads of shows and tricks for people when they walk up to his case, very very active lil fella
the clown fish must perform!! :]
Sulien on the other hand, usually comes out when it's night time, so it's quite rare to see him considering he's mostly active during practically closing time- up until opening hours.
When people do have the rare chance of seeing him at the front of one side of their enclosure, he's not really that active in terms of show BUT he will put on a very pretty light show.
It's absolutely mesmerizing.
Those who get to stay and finish watching it atleast-
The guards are pretty avid on getting everyone out of the aquarium at the designated time.
He also sings sometimes, which is extremely extremely rare-
Guards working there for years have probably only ever heard it twice-
I'll be drawing (mostly sketches) more of them for a little<3
Also- before, I'd prefer posting stuff about my other au 'A Bad Teaser au /lust au' somewhere separate because it's slightly,eeeehhh just a touch suggestive- BUT
I'm gonna redraw and start posting stuff about it here.
Sooner or later (very soon- like I have loads of drawings of them but no where to put it, and I wanna share my suggestive whore men /pos /silly )
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fairlyang · 5 months
Thighs 🕷️
miguel being a thighs enthusiast
w/c: 771
tags: 18+ smut. just a lil ramble, fluffy, thigh kisses, but also smutty, m being somewhat of an exhibitionist, thigh fucking, overall just some thighs appreciation 🫶🏼
Miguel would love to lay between your thighs, he'd lay there laying his head against your crotch while he looked up at the ceiling, when watching a movie, or even when taking a nap
He'd wrap his arms under them then lightly squeeze your inner thigh letting out a happy sigh
He make any excuse under the sun to just lay there comfortably
"They look lonely!" He exclaimed with a pout when you shook your head no but then rolled your eyes and sighed as he immediately went down to lay on them
He'd love to leave kisses all over them
When he'd take you out on fancy dinner dates, (which was often) he'd always convince you to wear dresses that fit you perfectly but more specifically ones that showed your thighs off, whether it be a slit, or mini bodycon dresses he always wanted to see them
Instead of sitting across from you he would sit next to you, he loved the way your dress would rile up and reveal more of your thighs and they looked so perfect when you were sitting
He would leave his hand on your thigh, rubbing circles on your skin
"Te ves tan bonita." He whispered and you just smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek (you look so pretty)
Then gently squeezing while having normal conversation with you, knowing he was making you nervous, he always did
On some dates he'd only squeeze your thighs teasingly, other times he'd take it a step further and trail his fingers higher up to your inner thigh
You'd tell him to stop but knew deep down you really didn't mind, he knew this and would continue even when the waiter would come by
“I want everyone to see what's mine." He whispered in your ear as you felt your whole face heat up
You purposely would wear short skirts or short shorts just for him
One time he went home to find you laying on the couch in some short shorts and immediately went down to lay on them, squeezing and kissing them softly
"So perfect for me angelita." He said between kisses (little angel)
He would leave lovebites on them before eating you out, he loved marking you but there was something about leaving them on your pretty thighs that really got him going
When he'd realize his old marks were fading he would go down and leave some soon as he realizes
You weren't surprised when he randomly had the brilliant idea of wanting to stick his cock between your thighs, the idea instantly turned you on which made him very excited
After quickly taking off your clothes and his own he spread his legs wide and you back yourself up against him, lowering your body to hover over him, not facing him
You opened up your thighs a bit and he slid his cock between your thighs as it lightly grazed against your pussy
You squeeze your thighs earning a moan from both of you as you slowly grinded yourself against him, you felt your wetness swirling around as his cock was rubbing against your folds and inner thighs
He had a firm grip on your hips helping you move while letting out moans as you started moving your body faster making him groan, his grip on you tightening
You bite your lip and kept going, his cock softly rubbing against your slickness as it was now getting on your thighs
His hands went down to squeeze your thighs as you were moving faster, you felt his cock twitch between you so you slowed down your pace wanting to have him enjoy this for as long as possible
He let out a desperate moan and squeezed your thighs some more when you start to move your hips faster
You feel him twitch again but this time you don't stop and go faster than before and squeeze your thighs some more when you start to move your hips faster
You feel him twitch again but this time you don't stop and go faster than before and squeeze your thighs a bit more as you rubbed yourself against every inch of his pulsing cock
Amor asi- tan cercas-" he moaned out so you kept your pace letting out some moans yourself which made him groan (love just like that- so close-)
He let out bundles of moans and you stopped your movements letting him cum all over your thighs
When you heard his panting calm down you sat down on his lap and kissed him gently which made him grin and happily kiss you back
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blue-jisungs · 11 months
a/n. i’m so pissed bc the pic at genius didn’t have the lil description as all the other ones… sigh… ignore it…
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living with taehyun was never boring. sure, sometimes you were alone for longer amounts of time when he was on tours or at practice until late night but even despite that, it wasn’t dull. thanks to his personality, you were always entertained.
well, you didn’t have midnight conversations because your boyfriend a) slept like a rock b) denied to waste his beauty sleep c) you didn’t want him to miss on his well deserved sleep because of you. but your equivalent of midnight talks were just… philosophical conversations while during mundane tasks. that’s why he hit you with the iconic “would you still love me if i was a worm?” during cooking, a whole debate whether mint chocolate is actually good while you deep cleaning your room or once during ironing you almost burned your clothes because you were so invested in listening how taehyun explained the whole ridiculous aspects of earth being possibly flat.
today, on a friday night you put the dirty laundry in a basket while taehyun was scribbling something in a text book.
“tynnie, do you want to go to the laundry room near by? the one that’s open whole night, self…” you started and were met with an unexpected slam of closing book.
“of course” he hummed, standing up
“that’s great, you’ll carry this one and i’ll carry the lighter one” you sent him a toothy grin. taehyun just scoffed, placing a quick peck on your nose.
you quickly grabbed one of your boyfriend’s hoodies and pulled it over before heading out.
the air was fresh and breezy, a scent of summer night hitting your nose. the sun has already set, more and more stars starting to blink on the navy sky. even though the street was empty, you could hear the pleasant buzz of people far away. after all, seoul never sleeps.
“y/n, i never told you this…” taehyun started suddenly, causing you to bring you back to reality. you looked at him curious, his brows abbot furrowed “i met you after i had a rough time in my life, i had given up hope. and you… you reminded me how things can be good again”
you pushed the door open to the laundry room. expectantly, it was empty. soft, quiet music played in the room, lightened by a warmish light. you looked at taehyun, unsure what to say. you didn’t know about all of this that he just said.
“i… hyun…” you mumbled, his features softening. a tender smile adorned his face, dimples showing.
“you don’t have to say anything, what happened – happened. i was in a haze and things became clear again, thanks to you” he hummed, putting the basket with laundry on top of one of the machines.
you started sorting them, his presence making the activity more comforting.
“got me feelin' alright when the feeling's all gone, got me feelin' uptight every moment you're gone” he blurted out, helping you out “it’s a hell of a ride lovin’ you, i’ll admit but in a good way. it’s good, adventurous, never dull and full of love”
taehyun focused on the laundry, wording out his thoughts in such a deep thought that he failed to notice how you started shaking.
“i love being an idol, i really do but all this… pretending, hiding secrets, holding back. and then you pick me up, now i don't have to play pretend and i am human once again” taehyun continued, hands automatically throwing the dark clothes into one maschine and the bright ones into the other.
you sniffled quietly and he snapped back, boba eyes widening when he noticed your teary eyes.
“oh, y/n” his eyes softened, dropping what he was doing. his arms pulled you closer, hand going to the back of your head. you started sniffling, clutching his t-shirt “why are you crying?”
you scoffed and nuzzled your head into his chest.
“because of you, dumbass. you can’t say such heartwarming stuff out of a sudden” you let out a chuckle, pulling away. taehyun’s hands moved to cup your hands gently, thumbs wiping your pearly tears.
“why not? it’s the truth, it’s on my mind. i want you to know this. for expamle when i open my eyes, hope to see your face… or the feeling that if i’m with you, i’ll never die” he said, shaking his head when he noticed your eyes tearing up again “stop crying!”
“then stop giving me reasons to do so!” you laughed, scoffing.
“sorry… will you forgive me if i kiss you?” taehyun hummed, tilting his head with a boyish smile.
“maybe. let me turn on the laundry first though” you poked his chest and wriggled out of his grip.
quickly adding the necessary laundry detergents, you put on the maschine.
you turned around to face taehyun again but he had other plans.
with one swift move he grabbed you by your waist and put on the top of the maschine, next to the empty basket. you let out a yelp of surprise, causing him to giggle.
then he stood between your legs, calloused hands cupping your face. taehyun shortened the distance between you two, planning to kiss you when the soft in the background suddenly changed to their cover of “fairy of shampoo”.
his eyes widened in surprise and you took advantage of that, pulling him closer by his shirt and crashing your lips on his. he hummed into the kiss, letting you take the lead.
you pulled away slightly, lips resting against his but not pressing onto them.
“you’re really my fairy of shampoo, huh?” he grunted upon the song’s chorus playing. you scoffed, the air tickling his skin.
“i love you so much” you whispered, heart thumping in your chest.
“i guess i love you too” he murmured and this time, he initiated the kiss.
the buzz of washing machine, their song in the background and pleasant smell of fresh laundry made taehyun realise something.
that he wants to put on the suit and the tie. that he wants to see you in a wedding dress, with a golden ring adorning your finger.
txt masterlist | event masterlist
taglist.  @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @cinnamoroxie ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang
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cheesesoda · 1 year
The Sun & The Moon
michael afton x daytime worker!reader
a/n: i’m back in my fnaf phase (dw im still in my re phase as well) and i wanna write for pookie bear (michael afton)
also no one dies au (or at least i don’t talk about it) cuz i just need him to have a somewhat normal life
(pre-scooped michael 🫶)
genre: fluff (shocker)
summary: michael has a lil crush on the daytime worker.
he had been on edge all night. clanking metal, circus baby’s voice, the animatronics disappearing randomly, it was a rough night (as always).
all of a sudden, he saw something move on the cameras. it moved much quicker and more fluid than the animatronics. due to the shitty lighting, he couldn’t see much except a black silhouette of the figure. it was also significantly smaller than the robots. heart racing in fear, michael froze on the spot. suddenly, he heard thumps in the vent leading to the camera room. the thumping got closer and his heart pounded harder than ever.
suddenly, a figure emerged from the vent and michael shone his flashing directly in its eyes. “ow!” the figure yelped at the sudden bright light. he took a good look at it. or should he say her? stood before him, a girl with h/l h/c hair and s/c skin. ‘shit, she’s pretty,’ he thought to himself. “sorry to bother you, i forgot my work shirt in here.” she smiled nervously, looking around the room. “uh- oh- yeah, it’s no bother, don’t worry about it!” he stammers, knowing damn well he has a blush on his face.
when she found her shirt, she faced him again. “thanks, you must be the night shift worker?” she asks. “y-yeah, i’m michael.” he introduces himself. “y/n. nice to meet you, michael! im a daytime worker so i probably won’t see you around, but...” she trails off. “but?” he asks. “never mind! well, see ya, michael!” she smiles warmly. and with that, she scampers back into the vent. once she’s gone, he sighs. “damn…” he mutters.
a/n: should i make a part 2? (sorry this is so short, i just wanna see how it’s received!)
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eds6ngel · 11 months
Hey sweetie!
you can do an eddie x reader where they get into an argument first thing in the morning and eddie sulks until class is over, even when you try to apologize but at the end of class you see eddie has gum in his hair, probably some idiot put it there, happy ending please!! 💗
hi darling! this is such a cute ask and i would love to do this for you! i hope you enjoy <3
warnings: fem!reader. established relationship. lil bit of angst and hurt. fluff. swearing. j*son c*rver mention. happy ending!! [1.6k].
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You decided to spend the night at Eddie’s, the two of you cuddling together as the morning sun shone through his blinds.
You groaned as the brightness interrupted you from your slumber, Eddie still fast asleep, drooling onto his pillow, making you laugh every time it happened.
You stroke his hair, moving the tangled mess away from his face, noticing the time on the alarm clock on his bedside table.
“Baby,” you whisper, “It’s time to get up.”
You feel his arm tighten around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he mumbles, “Five more minutes.”
“The last time you said that, we ended up being half an hour late to class,” you remind him.
“So, be thirty minutes late. I’d rather spend time with my girl,” he says, his eyes remaining closed.
“I’d rather spend time with you too baby, but I’d also like to graduate.”
He opens one eye and smirks at you, quickly leaping up and hovering over you, pinning you down and placing kisses all over your face.
“Eddie!” you giggle, “We need to get up!”
“I am,” he replies, “Just giving you a morning kiss, that’s all.”
He captures your top lip in his, the pair of you sharing a loving kiss as you cup both of his cheeks. As you part, you whisper, “Good morning.”
“G’morning, angel,” he replies, giving you one final kiss as he gets up, stretching and walking over to his dresser.
You do the same, leaving his bedroom and turning to your left, entering the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Eddie is shuffling through his drawers, frantically looking for his Hellfire t-shirt, a staple for his campaign tonight.
“Uh, babe?” he yells to you, you shouting back, “Yeah?”
“Do you know where my Hellfire t-shirt is?”
“Shit,” you mumble to yourself, spitting out the toothpaste in your mouth and washing off your toothbrush. You decided last night to give the Munsons a hand with their laundry, setting up a load to be cleaned overnight.
Opening up the lid, you sift through the clothes, coming across the white t-shirt with black rimming, the infamous logo plastered in the centre. The t-shirt had to be dried naturally, putting it in the dryer risking the print peeling off.
The t-shirt was not wearable. It was soaked through.
“Um… I do, but we may have a problem,” you reply, cringing to yourself as Eddie appears in the doorway, you holding up the soaked t-shirt.
He huffs, you knowing how important it was that he had his t-shirt for campaign night, “Baby, you literally had one job!”
“I know, and I’m sorry!” you apologise, yelling back at him, the start of an argument brewing, “I just thought I was being helpful by doing yours and Wayne’s laundry. I didn’t even think to check what was in the overgrowing pile.”
“Yeah,” he scoffs, “Well, maybe you should’ve.”
A saddened look expresses itself on your face, Eddie seemingly ignoring it as he powers back to his dresser, looking for another shirt to wear. “The boys are gonna be so annoyed at me. I can already hear Dustin’s voice in my head, like ‘Dude, where the hell is your shirt?’ and then I have to explain how my girlfriend lumped it in with the pile of dirty clothes that she randomly decided to wash at 12am on a Thursday night.”
You try to reason with him, “Baby, I said I’m sorry. Next time, I’ll make sure to check through the clothes with you, make sure there’s nothing there that you desperately need.”
“Well, it’s too late now, isn’t it sweetheart?” he sarcastically replies back, throwing a Black Sabbath t-shirt over his head in replacement and pushing past you out of his room.
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If there’s one thing about Eddie, it’s that the tiniest little thing that went wrong during his day would throw him off for the remainder of it. So, him not having the correct shirt for his campaign meant he was giving you mumbles and grumbles for answers, or just ignoring you completely.
You were currently in second period History, Eddie sat to your right on his own individual desk as he frustratedly stabbed his pencil repeatedly through his notebook. You tried your best to concentrate on Mrs. Click’s voice rambling on about the Second World War, but you just couldn’t focus in, the mistake you made eating you up alive.
You had an idea on how to make up for your mistake, but with Eddie’s silent treatment, you realise that your plan may not come to fruition.
You see Jason Carver spit out his gum from behind you, rolling it up into a ball and throwing it at Eddie, the sticky food tangling itself into Eddie’s curly hair. Jason and his friends begin to laugh, Eddie not even noticing the action as you sigh in your seat. Why did they have to target him so much? Why couldn’t they simply mind their own business?
As you hear the bell ring, Eddie slams his notebook shut, being one of the first ones to exit the room, you quickly packing your things away to run after your boyfriend.
“Eddie, wait!” you yell, making him turn around and a sigh escape his mouth. “I’m not here to annoy you baby, it’s just…” you pause, “Turn around for me.”
He follows your request, his back now facing you as you lean up on your tiptoes, grabbing the piece of gum which had attached itself to his brown curls, and pulling it out in chunks with your fingers.
Eddie couldn’t help but sigh at the feeling of your hands in his hair, even if he had no idea what you were doing. No matter what kind of argument you two had ever gotten in, your touch always brought him back to reality. How could he stay mad at such a sweet girl like you?
You grab his shoulder, guiding him to turn back around as you show him the ball of food in your fingers, “Gum.”
“Jason?” he asks, to which you nod, “Fuckin’ prick.”
You sigh in agreement, pursing your lips as a strong silence fills the air between you two. You twiddle with your thumbs as Eddie watches his feet scuff along the floor. However, it’s like you both felt the tension as you began to speak at the same time.
“Y/N, I—”
“Eddie, I just—”
You both chuckle as you direct to him, “You go first, honey.”
Even after a fight, you would still call him pet names. It’s a reminder to him that you didn’t see him in a different light, something that grounds him, especially since losing you is one of his biggest fears.
“I was gonna say I’m sorry,” he begins, “I totally overreacted. It’s just a shirt and not having it for one session isn’t going to ruin the whole thing. I just let my emotions get the better of me… and I’m sorry for that.”
You smile as you cups his cheeks, “It’s not just a shirt to you baby, it’s a reminder of the club you built, of your favourite hobby, of how talented you are to create and lead these campaigns. You don’t need to belittle yourself just to make me forgive you easier. I would never hold something as small as this against you, I hope you know that.”
He nods as he places a tender kiss on your forehead, you continuing by telling him your plan, “As I said, I will check with you beforehand next time. But… I do think I have a way I can make up for this.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
You look into his eyes, “Later on, I’ll take the bus home. When I get home, I’ll drive over to yours and retrieve a very meaningful t-shirt to you that I may or may not have left out to dry so I could give it to you before the campaign starts. How does that sound?”
He shakes his head, “My love, I already said it’s okay. You don’t need to do that just for me—”
You cut him off, “But, I want to do that for you. Seeing you happy is my favourite thing in the world and if that means going out of my way to pick up your Hellfire t-shirt, then by all means I will do that for you. Also,” you add, “I wasn’t really asking, I’m doing it regardless.”
He chuckles, “You’re stubborn, you know that?” You raise your eyebrows and smirk at him, “And I love that about you.” You giggle as your lips connect, the pair of you not caring who is around in the school hallways, they could cope.
“Thank you,” he lowly speaks, “What would I ever do without you?”
“Wear a week-old, smelly Hellfire t-shirt to school?” you laugh.
He nods, “Yeah, probably. I used to do that before I met you,” he admits. “I say lunch is calling us, what do you think, sweetheart?”
You squint your eyes at him and smile, wrapping an arm around his waist, his going over your shoulder, “I say some watery mashed potatoes and dry chicken is the pick me up I need.”
You both laugh as you walk down the halls of Hawkins High and to the cafeteria, Eddie walking over to his seat at Hellfire’s lunch table as you stand in the queue for the disgusting cafeteria food, Eddie blowing a kiss to you from his seat which you pretend to catch and press to your cheek.
And by 4pm that afternoon, Eddie was throwing on his Hellfire t-shirt in the boys bathroom, the pair of you sharing a few too many kisses before Eddie went and attended his campaign, perfectly in the mood to be the ideal Dungeon Master.
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thank you so much for reading and i hope you enjoyed this!! <3
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shidouryusm · 6 months
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Ghost town of youth - Suguru x reader
w/c -> 1.2k
contents -> bittersweet, angst, lots of metaphor and sea references, ig that's all
a/n -> idk man I just had a random wave of sadness about suguru and my tears wrote it. If y'all like it please support me via reblogs and comments :) also first time wrote geto idk whether I did a good job or not but I do love the lil sea metaphors here teehee. not proofread
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The air brushes past you, little beads of salt sticking to your face and the skin of your lips. The sand below dips your heels deep into their abyss while the pull of the saltwater sweeps the particles back and forth in that white bed of grains. You feel the briney air kiss the strands of your hair as each of the thread dances to the unheard song of the dusk. 
The sound of waves are muted, almost too quiet to hear as they break against your ankles, resembling foams of soaps clinging to your feet submerged right where the shore begins. The ambience was scenic; the scent of the sea alluring to bask in, but there laid something that amplified the beauty of this nature more. 
Before you, was a sight that could only be called righteous – unadulterated and wholesome. Pure and tranquil. Far from any darkness that looms out there. 
The girls were silhouetted by the dying sun, their little figures prancing around the darkening sea, their pigtails dances along the motion. And behind them, you see him – arms outstretched, chasing the girls as they squeal and run and run further away from him. Their laughter doubles in pitch and happiness as he makes some kind of gurgling sound, imitating a monster. 
The chuckles of the two girls mixes with the breeze, creating a song even more melodious to tune into. Your lips curl into a comforting smile as their giggles mends your heart a little more than the day before. 
Suguru has left his monk attire at home, rather donning himself in a blue hawaiian shirt. He sends a glance across your way, eyes crinkled shut and a smile that translates to save me from this. You smile back, daring yourself to not show the inner turmoil creeping up on your face while you admire them from afar. 
It has been four years ever since Mimiko-Nanako stepped into your life and even though the aftermath of their entrance has been ugly, their simple presence and smiles were like bandaids on the scarred wounds. Like anchors holding both of your boats in an unrestrained sea.
But as much as they are a blessing, a hidden, fragmented part of your heart dares to speak out – wishing Suguru had never accepted that mission. That way he wouldn’t have to see their helpless faces smushed against each other, looking up at him in horror, with their little bodies trembling. Maybe that would have saved Suguru from the apocalypse he set into motion himself. 
Maybe today under the setting embers of the sun, you would be laughing with Satoru, Shoko and Nanami. 
Maybe then, Suguru wouldn’t have to creep up to you, farway in Sendai during your mission, offering you a portal to a completely different life– a life facing against the very people you once called home. 
You were ordered for immediate report on the sight of this man but seeing him in flesh had left your body to stand where it was. Eyes drinking him from head to toe. 
Was it your body that responded or the thrumming heart of yours that was branded by his name forever? You never questioned it. You never felt the need to because from that day onwards, Mimiko-Nanako had found another parent and jujutsu world lost another one. 
You missed Satoru. His obnoxious laughter, his lame but unnecessary sunglass collections that he possessed. Was he still this haughty or the loss of his dearests had left him in a loophole. Forced him to take responsibilty and raise a generation of strongest sorceres? You missed Shoko and the stench of the cigarettes she pulled out at the most random places, attracting glares of surprise and offence. Does she still smoke just like Iori drinks in secrecy? Heck you even missed Mei’s random bets with alarming amounts of yen and Nanami’s exasperated sighs. You missed everything. You missed everyone. 
And most of it all, you missed your Suguru. You missed the way his eyes used to twinkle at your random dates across Shinjuku. You missed his smile before he executed on planning devious pranks on you, with Satoru, only to later coax you with sweet words, kisses and hugs. 
You missed the genuinity of his smile. A smile that was robbed by the world. A smile robbed from you. You failed to protect him in your heart and now he has crumbled to pieces, along with the walls of your heart that promised his security. 
Slammed himself into a realm of extreme ideology that you still can’t bring yourself to accept. You don’t speak about it. Your blind acceptance was a testament of your loyalty to him. Your love that continued to grow only, swallowing you like a boa constrictor. You know his path is wrong. It is bloody and it’s killing every last bit of light in him, along with you. You clutch your chest as if holding your heart physically could help it from shattering apart.
You haven’t used jujutsu technique ever since that day. Suguru has accepted it. Upon enduring the death of his closed ones, your death would make him lose every resolve that is holding him by the thread to not go on a rampage. 
But how much of this can you tolerate? How many sleepless nights would it take on your end to finally stand on the line Suguru started his journey?
Your closed eyes didn’t sense his presence near you until large frame of his hands cages you in his hold, his mild scent wafting in your nose along with the oceany smell. 
“Anything on your mind?” his soft voice reaches your ear and the knife in your heart twists a little bit more. His head rests against your shoulder, little tufts your hair tickling your skin and suddenly you are teleported to the blue youthful days. Summer beach dates and hidden makeout sessions.
Only if you could have been saved.
You shake your head, leaning more into his touch while both of you watch your girls play, like a family promised of happiness. His embrace was the embodiment of chalk and cheese– with the warmth that served like a blanket in the chilly air yet the bloody coldness feeling like hugging a teddy bear fashioned with shards of glass. He holds you a little bit tighter, and you wonder whether he knows the dirty game of predicament your heart plays on you everyday. 
He probably does. your silent sobs never goes unheard in his ears. his heart aches for you but he knows where your love lies. Where your heart lies.  Anchored right against him. the only thing he can wait for is to let it rust. To let you strengthen yourself on your own in this doomed world. Even without your gallantry, your abandonment from jujutsu, he is assured about your support. Your love for Mimiko-Nanako and for him is what he may fight and die for. 
You watch Suguru drag his feet against the wet sand, absentmindedly trailing a path that you followed suit, your feet behind him on the white trail. He chuckles at your doing while you chime in, both of you indulging in a silly act of your own while your bodies flush against each other. Minds racing with thoughts but reaching one common destination - each other.
The sunset is beautiful and you wish time stalled here, you wished for the water to be this calm and you wished this little bubble of family remained as it is – playing in the ebbing waves under the twilight sky painted in the lightest pink. You know you haven’t caught up to him. Still following him just like the trails of the sand you both created. Maybe you never will. But moments like these where your heart aches for him and you are sent into the ghostown of his past, you can snuck in the happiness you had felt in the long lost youth. 
Who knows? Maybe Suguru will too.
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