#look at yato teasing yukine
apparently-artless · 10 months
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NORAGAMI S01E10 - Yato & Yukine
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superpixie42 · 1 year
Pixie Reads Noragami::
Volume 3 is two firsts.
1. It's the first time the anime makes a major change from the manga and 2. It's the first time the anime does something..not better but more impactful than the manga.
1. I didn't know that the Rabo plot arc wasn't part of the manga, but it makes a lot of sense. The anime needed a cleaner, dramatic end point after Yukine's ablution but shorter/more direct than the Bishamon arc. We got so many peeks and teases about Yato's past (and told much earlier exactly why Bishamon wants him dead) so playing off that and building a minor villain makes sense. I do, however, love that since we don't have to go full villain in our view of Nora/The Stray in the manga that we can see Hiyori's hesitation to go along with everyone's immediate hatred of her. She's more confused, which is fair since the audience is still standing knee deep in the grey that is Yato. Hiyori's compassion for the kitten, and her acknowledgement that strays probably didn't ask to be that way, shows us a lot of Hiyori 's character very succinctly. I also loved seeing her not-drown Yato to help with his blight xD
2. Simply by having the benefit of being animated holy cats does the anime Ablution hit harder than in the book. Seeing those horrible phantom eyeballs spinning round really is just a whole other level from static print. I am really glad they animated that so true to the book but one knit picky difference : I personally think Yato looks way more tired in the original than the anime, but that could be because I personally was so focused on it since I knew it was coming.
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Adorable (definitely not a) perv vs
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Absolutely exhausted
Seeing him so beat down earlier does increase the tension leading up the ablution, so the anime may have done themselves a slight disservice there. Still, amazing sequence in both versions.
After this I have omnibus editions so I may do 3 in 1 posts, maybe not, we shall see.
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thedeliverygod · 11 months
Repostober: Day 17
A more recent fic from last year, where everything just seems to go wrong for Hiyori...
Excuse Me, Um... I Love You
“Hiyori, we weren’t expecting—oh wow, you’re completely soaked!”
Yukine’s raised voice caught Yato’s ears from the living room and he quickly scrambled to the entrance of the house.
Her school uniform and hair were plastered to her skin and her umbrella hung at her side. With a forced smile, she explained, “This typhoon was kind of unexpected and my umbrella broke after it got turned inside out…”
“Hiyorin, oh no!” Kofuku joined the group at the doorway, pushing past Yukine and Yato as she cried out and grabbed the other girl’s wrist, “Come in, come in! Hurry up and take a bath before you catch a cold!”
“Thank you.” Hiyori gave a real smile this time as she slipped off her shoes and put her broken umbrella in the holder before she let Kofuku pull her into the house.
As the two girls passed by him, Kofuku shouted, “Yato-chan, get Hiyorin some of your clothes so she has something dry to wear!”
He moved towards the stairs without a second thought until he faintly heard Yukine ask, “Why don’t you give her some of your clothes, Kofuku-san?”
“Becaaaaaaause.” Her voice answered mischievously.
Yato shook his head and ignored the slight flush on his cheeks, muttering to himself, “Wearing her clothes would probably jinx Hiyori anyway.”
He grabbed a pair of plaid pajama pants and one of his Capypa graphic t-shirts before freezing in place. ‘What about…’ His blush doubled before he remembered the bra and underwear set he had purchased for her shortly after their trip to Capypa Land. As much as he inwardly cringed at how inappropriate he acted towards her before, he couldn’t help but think the gift sure was coming in handy right now.
He dragged his feet as he made his way downstairs and cleared his throat as he entered the laundry room connected to the bathroom, “H-Hiyori? I bought you some clothes… I’m leaving them right by the door.”
After a moment her voice answered back, just as flustered, “Um… Okay. Thanks, Yato.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll, uh… Be in the living room…” He trailed off awkwardly as he quickly made his way back into the hallway while he inhaled deeply. Yukine watched him with a seemingly pitying look as he sat down at the table, looking up to question the other god in a grumble, “Kofuku, why would you do that?”
 “Oh, don’t act like you aren’t thrilled by the idea of Hiyorin wearing your clothes, Yato-chan.” She looked back with a grin and Yato sunk lower onto the table.
“So that’s what you forced him into.” Daikoku sighed heavily as he entered the room, shaking his head as he leaned against the doorway, “Are you sure your mischief won’t cause any problems for Hiyori-chan?”
Kofuku puffed her cheeks out in response, “It’s just clothes, what could happen?”
“If you say so.” Daikoku shrugged before nodding back towards the kitchen, “I’ve got to finish dinner, so behave yourself.”
The pink haired god gave a high-pitched huff as he left the room but didn’t say anything else in response. Her lips turning back into a smug smile, she teased, “You know, if you just gave the clothes to me, I would have given them to Hiyorin. You didn’t have to take them to the bathroom yourself.”
“…I just left them at the door, it’s fine.” Yato turned his head and tried his best to ignore her.
“Well, since Hiyori’s here, I’m gonna go upstairs and grab some of my homework.” Yukine slipped out from underneath the table, “Be right back.”
“Okay.” He answered, his eyes following the young boy to the doorway. Taking a breath, he turned back to the other god, “Look, Kofuku… I get what you’re trying to do. And I appreciate the thought, really. But we really shouldn’t bother Hiyori with stuff like that, okay?” He gave a forced smile, “She’s got her own life to live, you know. I’m fine just to be a part of it at all.”
Kofuku frowned deeply, reaching out, “But Yato-chan—”
“I’m a god of fortune now, so I’ve got to look out for her properly.” He pointed a finger towards her, “No more teasing for my sake.”
“For your sake.” Kofuku repeated and sounded somewhat sarcastic.
Just as Yato was going to ask what she meant, Yukine reappeared and asked, “What’s with the serious tone? What are you talking about now?”
“Adult stuff.” Yato answered automatically.
Narrowing his eyes, Yukine retorted back, “Considering I’m permanently stuck at fourteen, you have to consider me an adult eventually.”
“Today’s not that day.” The god shook his head before reaching over to ruffle Yukine’s hair as the boy sat down, “Besides, you’ll always be my kid.”
He dramatically rolled his eyes in response but gave a small smile as he started to look down at his books.
Kofuku giggled, “You’re such a good boy, Yukki.” Standing up, she motioned towards the kitchen, “I’m going to go see if Daikoku needs any help.”
‘I’m not sure if he wants it even if he does need it.’ Yato thought to himself, but nodded, “Alright.”
“But really, is everything okay?” Yukine peered up from his homework.
Yato shook his head and smiled, “I just told her to not mess with Hiyori, that’s all. I think she’s been through enough today. I mean, you saw her when she came in; she looked like a drowned rat.”
His shoulders jerked upward in surprise and he immediately felt regret wash over him as he turned around, “H-Hiyori…! I was just—I meant—”
“It’s fine, I was a mess when I got here.” She admitted with a begrudging pout, making her way over to the table. She dried her hair with a towel one more time before letting it drape around her neck. Glancing at Yato briefly, she looked down at her clothes and flushed as she tugged at the hem, “Thanks for these.”
“Y-yeah, I mean, it’s the least I could do.” He nodded sheepishly.
The younger boy raised his eyebrows at both of them for a moment before changing the subject, “Hey, Hiyori. Since you’re here, would you go over this problem with me?” He moved his finger over a certain section of the page, taking a breath to clarify, “Only if you feel up to it, of course.”
“Oh, of course, Yukine-kun!” Her eyes lit up and she eagerly leaned over towards Yukine’s textbook, “Let’s see…”
Yato finally let his shoulders relax, watching the other two get absorbed in schoolwork. Satisfied with the return of routine and normalcy, he reached into his pocket for his phone and scrolled through Twitter to keep himself occupied while his friends worked.
After a short while, Kofuku waltzed back into the living room with an armful of drinks, dribbling liquid as she went. “Dinner’s ready! But first,” She put glasses of a dark red liquid in front of Yukine and Hiyori, “Some juice for you two.” At another seat she put down a glass of what he assumed was the same juice, “For me and Daikoku.” Lastly, she put another down in front of Yato, “And for you, Yato-chan.”
“Thanks.” He gave a forced smile, seeing Yukine already hurriedly wiping up the mess she had made, “Why juice though?”
“It’s summer, why not?” She shrugged before taking a seat and taking a sip of her own glass.
After he’d put his books in a safe location away from the table, Yukine heaved a sigh before sitting down and taking a sip out of his glass. He hummed, acknowledging, “It is refreshing.”
Yato took his own sip and nodded, looking to Hiyori who seemed to make a strange face at the taste for a moment but quickly smiled along with everyone else.
Daikoku stumbled in with a large serving tray full of different dishes, carefully lowering it down to the table, “Dinner’s served!”
“Thanks for the meal!” Everyone in the group answered loudly before the sound of clinking plates and tableware filled the room.
The group idly chatted as they ate but Kofuku soon pointed out, “Are you alright, Hiyorin? You’re being pretty quiet.”
Hiyori blinked slowly before giving a delayed smile that seemed a bit overly enthusiastic, “I’m fine, Kofuku-san. Thank you.”
Kofuku parted her lips to speak again but Yato interrupted, “Are you sure you’re not feeling sick? You seem… off.”
As Hiyori turned towards him, her eyes narrowed as she smiled even wider, “I feel a little funny, but I think I’m just… I’m just really happy.”
“Happy?” Yukine repeated, now giving her a look of concern as well.
She nodded, “Just being here with all of you.” With that, her focus went back to her food.
Yukine looked to Yato who merely shrugged.
A few minutes later, Hiyori started to wobble a bit.
Scrunching his eyebrows in confusion, Yato asked, “Are you sleepy, Hiyori?”
“A little.” She admitted before she toppled over completely, ending up partially in Yato’s lap but also caught by one of his arms. Her eyes widened in surprise before she fell into a fit of quiet giggles as she looked up at him asking, “Did it hurt?”
He ignored everyone else’s eyes on him and tried to ignore the burning of his cheeks as he answered, “No, it’s okay. I’m worried about you, though.”
“No, no, that’s not what I meant.”  She pouted before her voice lowered again and she asked, “Did it hurt…when you fell from heaven?”
Yato’s mouth hung open in surprise though it turned into a grimace as Kofuku and Daikoku simultaneously burst into laughter.
Tears brimming her eyes as she laughed nonstop, Kofuku realized out loud, “Oh my god, Hiyorin must have gotten my drink on accident. She’s drunk!”
After he had gotten Hiyori sitting back up right and she had happily returned to her food as if nothing had happened, Yato firmly planted his forehead on the table as he hid his face. “Kofuku…”
“…I’ll go make Hiyori some coffee.” He heard Yukine call out, adding as he stood up, “And I’ll pour this one out.”
“I think it’s best if Hiyori-chan stays the night here.” Daikoku commented quietly.
Yato’s head flew back up, “What?”
He nodded to the girl, frowning, “It’s not like we can send her home like this…”
Hiyori drowsily clacked plates together before giving a delayed reaction, “Oops!”
As Yato heaved a sigh, Kofuku let out a squeal of delight, “Yay, Hiyorin’s sleeping over!”
“You. You need to call her parents and tell her you’re a friend from school and that she got sick from being out in the rain. Got it?” He snatched Hiyori’s phone from the floor and shoved it into Kofuku’s hands.
She put on a big pout, “Why me?”
“First of all, it’s your fault Hiyori’s drunk. Second of all, I don’t think her parents would appreciate a male voice being the one to tell them she’s staying at their house.” He explained in a deadpan tone.
“Oooooh. You’re right.” She nodded in acknowledgement before she slipped out of the room to make the phone call.
Yukine walked back into the room with a steaming mug, setting it carefully in front of Hiyori. “Okay, here you go, Hiyori. This will make you act normal again.”
She sniffed the steam wafting out of the drink and made a face before turning away, “I don’t like coffee, it’s really bitter.”
Yukine’s mouth parted, unsure of what to do. After a moment he put on an exaggerated frown and stammered, “Oh, but it’s Yato’s recipe. He made it himself and—”
Without another word, Hiyori had begun sipping on it. Though she made a face again as she swallowed, she flashed a smile to the god across the table as she put the mug back down, “I-it’s great!”
“…Yukine, why?” Yato asked after managing to swallow a bite of his food, though his appetite was quickly dwindling.
“I had to get her to drink it somehow.” He muttered back, sounding disgusted at the situation.
Noting that she was continuing to take small gulps of it, Yato sighed in defeat and admitted, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Everything’s all set for Hiyorin to stay the night!” Kofuku reappeared a moment later, passing the phone back to Yato, “Hiyorin’s mom was awfully worried but don’t worry, I won her over.” She finished with a wink and a giggle.
With a small shake of his head, he answered, “Yeah, okay. Thanks.” Pushing his plate forward a bit, Yato stood up and apologized, “Sorry, I’m not up to eating much more. I think I’ll go upstairs and lay out the futons so Hiyori can get some sleep.”
“I’ll forgive you this once for not eating your food.” Daikoku grumbled from the end of the table, “I’ll wrap it up so you can eat it later.”
“Thanks.” Yato flashed a small smile before looking to his hafuri, “Yukine, look after her while I’m upstairs.”
“Will do.” He sat back down.
Finally alone as he made his way up the stairs, Yato wondered to himself, ‘What’s with Hiyori’s sudden interest in me?’ As he closed the door to their attic turned bedroom, he put a hand on his hip, ‘I guess… a crush maybe? But I wonder why all of a sudden…’
Shaking his head, he moved to the closet to pull out the futons. ‘Doesn’t matter anyway. Not like I’m going to do anything about it.’ As he laid out the futons, he considered the sleeping arrangements and gave a small laugh to himself as he remembered Yukine’s brief interest in Hiyori. ‘I don’t think that’s a problem anymore, but her sleeping on the other side of me is probably best so she isn’t bothered by Yukine’s lamp.’
Making a face, he also acknowledged, ‘Hiyori’s not used to alcohol at all either so I should probably get some sort of bucket or something in case she feels sick later…’
As he ran downstairs to the bathroom, he heard Hiyori’s voice mixed among the others and gave a small smile to himself. ‘Good, it seems like she’s doing better.’ Once he had their room set up to his liking and had changed into similar pajamas to the ones he lent out, he made his way back to the living room.
Yukine was watching with a soft smile as Kofuku brushed through Hiyori’s hair with a thick pink brush.
Her eyes were closed in relaxation as Kofuku smoothed out her hair but she also had a small smile on her face.
“I know it’s early, but… ready for bed?” Yato leaned into his elbow against the doorframe.
Hiyori opened her eyes and looked up at him questioningly before giving a hum, “I am a bit sleepy…”
“Let Yukine get changed and then we’ll go upstairs too.” He nodded and the younger boy got up from the table and walked past him.
Kofuku continued to brush lovingly through Hiyori’s hair, singing a nonsensical tune as Daikoku finished cleaning up the table.
“I’m all done.” Yato heard Yukine’s voice at the foot of the stairs and turned around, “Do you think you’ll need help with getting Hiyori up the stairs?”
He looked back at her before turning back to Yukine, “I think she’ll be okay.”
Yukine shrugged in defeat before retreating, “Okay, see you in a minute.”
Turning around, Yato waved, “You ready?”
Kofuku held down the brush at her side before hugging Hiyori, “Night night, Hiyorin! I’ll see you in the morning!”
“Goodnight.” She answered with a small laugh and hugged her back. Rounding the table, Hiyori tripped over the small height difference between the tatami flooring and the wooden flooring.
Yato quickly reached out to catch her by her forearm. Lifting her up, he grasped her hand and smiled, “Here, I’ll help.”
“Thanks, guess I’m more sleepy than I thought.” She gave another giggle.
After carefully leading her up the stairs, Yato led her to the futon closest to the door. “I figured this would be the best spot for you in case you feel sick. There’s also a bucket if you feel like you can’t make it downstairs.”
“Why would I feel sick? I feel fiiiine.” She laid down on the futon and stretched out her legs and arms.
“For now.” Yato mumbled under his breath.
“So I guess she’s still out of it.” Yukine commented from his own futon, a click ringing out through the room as he pulled the string on his lamp.
Yato took a breath and answered, “Yeah, a little.” He pulled the switch by the door before crawling into his own futon. “Alright, goodnight, you two.”
“Goodnight Yato and Yukine-kun.” Hiyori answered cheerfully as she buried herself under the blanket.
“Goodnight.” Yato heard Yukine answer softly, his view blocked by the small table he used to dim the effects of Yukine’s lamp.
After a minute or two of only breathing sounds, Yato heard Hiyori call his name in an exaggerated whisper, “Yato, can I ask you a favor?”
He turned over towards her, “What is it?”
“Can you brush my hair like Kofuku-san was doing? It felt really nice.”
Yato’s lips parted in surprise, “I-I’m sure it did but you really should go to sleep, Hiyori.”
“That’s what I mean,” She answered with a slight pout, “I think it’ll help me fall asleep.” She took a breath before suggesting, “You can just use your fingers.”
Inwardly debating with himself, he gave in and reached out a hand to run it through her hair, “Like this?”
She hummed happily and shut her eyes, “Yes.”
“Okay.” He whispered back, continuing the motion until he himself drifted off.
He woke up later to a tickling feeling at his hand. He reflexively tucked it into his chest and made a small groan.
“Sorry, did I wake you up?” He heard Hiyori whisper.
Slowly blinking his eyes open, he answered, “Kind of. But it’s okay. What’s up?”
“I woke up a little bit ago and I remembered everything that happened at dinner and I couldn’t fall back asleep so I…” She looked like she was debating hiding her face, sinking into the pillow, “I want to apologize…”
“Not your fault, Hiyori. It’s Kofuku’s fault alcohol ended up in your drink.” He gave her a sympathetic look.
“She didn’t do it on purpose. Plus it’s not like she forced me to… say what I said.” Hiyori flipped onto her stomach and completely hid her face with a groan.
Despite the warmth growing on his cheeks, Yato joked, “I know pick up lines aren’t really your style, so… I didn’t read too much into it.” He heard Hiyori make a noise in response before he noticed a small and messily made charm bracelet around her wrist, “What’s that you’re wearing? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.”  
Hiyori peeked her head up to look at her arm. “Oh,” She gave a smile, “Kofuku-san made this for me! I just wore it for the first time today.”
His face immediately soured, “Well that explains your streak of bad luck… You should probably take it off.”
“But she made it with good intentions, as a friendship bracelet.” She grasped her wrist protectively with her other arm.
“I know that, Hiyori. It’s just her nature, it happens…” He gave a sigh before suggesting in a soft tone, “Look, just take it off for tonight and tomorrow we’ll purify it, okay? Then it should be fine.”
First giving a hesitant look, she gave in and delicately slipped the bracelet over her hand and pushed it across the floor and away from the top of the futon. “Okay.”
“I don’t know how long the effects might take to wear off, but since you’re just up here sleeping, hopefully it should be fine.” He pulled up the blanket and began to settle back into the futon.
“Right.” Hiyori sank back down into her pillow.
“Something else wrong?” Yato questioned quietly, “You still seem…I dunno, tense.”
She let out somewhat of a groan and answered, “Yeah, I just don’t know if I want to get into it or not. But I sort of already opened that can of worms earlier…”
He raised an eyebrow, “What? I don’t get it.”
She raised her head slightly from the pillow and even in the dark he could tell her face was a dark shade of red, “T-there’s a reason why I… hit on you…”
“I get it.” Yato held out his hand to stop her but also covered his face with the other, “You don’t have to say it. Nothing will be weird, I promise. And remember, Yukine got over his crush on you pretty quickly so… maybe it’ll be the same.” He finished in a mutter.
After a moment of silence, he heard Hiyori’s voice in a somewhat teary whisper, “Ah… so you don’t… I mean, of course you don’t… You couldn’t.” She gave a small, sarcastic laugh to herself.
Yato dropped both of his hands to the floor and scooted closer to her, halfway out of his futon, “Hiyori, what’s wrong?”
“It’s fine, I’ll be fine.” She forced a smile but tears started freely flowing out of her eyes.
“Hiyori.” Yato reached out to cup her cheek, “Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”
She gave a small shake of her head and laughed again through her tears, “I thought it was obvious by now. I’m in love with you, stupid.” She reached up to wipe at her eyes, “But it doesn’t matter.”
“Love?” He repeated, awe-struck as his hand lingered in mid-air.
“Mm.” She hummed an affirmative, closing her eyes as she continued to cry.
Yato stared at her as he tried to form words, “Since… when?”
“I don’t really know.” She answered honestly and wiped at her eyes again before looking at him, “It just sort of… hit me one day. That I have, for a while.”
Without another word, Yato reached out and crushed her against him as tightly as he could. “It’s the same for me.” He whispered against her hair, “I just… I didn’t want to lose you.”
She returned the embrace as much as she was able to, “It was the same for me. But at the same time I felt like I was going to burst by holding it in for so long.” She gave a small laugh, “So, as embarrassing as it was, today’s mishap was kind of a relief…”
Yato relished in her warmth for a moment more before pulling away, a forced smile on his face, “But even as happy as this makes me… You deserve someone better than me, Hiyori. A normal human, someone more stable…”
She stared back with wide eyes for a moment before they narrowed in anger, “I think I know who I deserve and who I want. And it’s you. So please, stop that.” Hiyori closed the distance between them again, her lips softly meeting his.
Despite her words, he answered her affection carefully and with hesitation. His voice hoarse, he whispered, “Are you sure?”
“More than anything.” She answered immediately, giving him another peck at the corner of his mouth.
Ignoring the tears stinging at the corner of his eyes, Yato cupped the side of her head and tilted her face so that their lips met again.
“Hey, Yukine. Breakfast is ready.” Yato nudged the futon with his foot, his voice loud, “What’s wrong with you? You usually never sleep in this late.”
Yukine rolled over to face him and gave him a glare, “I’m tired because I was woken up in the middle of the night…”
He gave him a blank stare in return until the realization clicked and he started to turn a shade of pink, “Oh. So…um, how much did you hear?”
“Enough.” Yukine groaned and shut his eyes, “I know you were trying to be quiet but, it was kind of hard to not hear once Hiyori started crying…” He sat up and rubbed his face with the back of his hand before giving a yawn, “I thought I was going to have to intervene, but thankfully you got it all worked out so I just stayed quiet.”
“But aren’t you happy for us, even if you did lose a little sleep?” Yato gave a wink and a grin.
Yukine rolled his eyes, “Sure, whatever. Congrats, I guess.” He stood up and stretched out his arms, hiding his small smile, “So what’s for breakfast?”
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
Request by anon: Omg you do write for him! In that case could I ask for a scenario where Yato and the reader are just cuddling and one thing leads to another and they end up having some passionate love making so then they just keep with the cuddling skin against skin? 👀🔥
It's been a really long time since I've written anything for Yato, but I'll say I forgot how much I loved to write for him. I hope you like it bby. 👏♥
Movies & Chill || {NSFW} Yato x fem!Reader
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Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, 18+ content, dirty talk, offensive language (swearing)
Word Count: 1.3k
The first thing that the two of you always did when Yukine was gone was a movie marathon. It was so rare that Yato got to pick what movie he wanted to watch when Yukine and yourself usually always sided together. As he popped the movie in the DVD player and ran back to the bed he wore a large smile, larger than you had seen in a long time.
Yato jumped onto the bed, shaking you and the bowl of popcorn that he had expressed the importance of having. He grabbed the remote and the bowl of popcorn and began to eat, watching the previews with excitement that you would have guessed had been from a child.
As the movie started you glanced over at him, wanting to settle yourself in the spot on his shoulder, but noticing that the bowl of popcorn was in your way. When he reached for the remote you took your moment, gripping the bowl of popcorn quickly and moving it to the nightstand. As he moved his hand to reach into it and felt your body glued to him instead, he was a little shocked. “I… Y/n, where’d the popcorn go?”
Your face went from a grin to narrowed eyes as you playfully whined at him. “Forget the popcorn, just let me cuddle with you, please?”
Yato softened when he saw the pleading look on your face. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in. “Yea, yea. I’ll forget it for now, but only because I want to curl up with you.”
You curled into him more, getting as close to him as you could before looking back up at him. “Yato…”
You were met with a teasing shush as the movie played, his eyes full of love as he looked down at you. “What’s the matter, angel?”
Instead of answering him, you pushed your lips out, wrapping your hand around his head. Your lips touched his and you had half expected him to push away, wanting to watch the movie and not fool around. In your shock, Yato was more intrigued by your kiss than you had expected. His lips danced with your own, his tongue pushing for entrance as he found his body moving.
You felt his hands move to your body as he slowly turned, his body hovering over your own as his hands pinned you down. “This is why you wanted to cuddle with me, isn’t it?” He teased as he placed small kisses down your cheek to your chin. “You know that cuddling with me always ends in sex, princess.”
You felt his hands sliding between your legs as he slowly pushed his way into your shorts. It had never been a secret that Yato had been good with his hands, though they were rough and calloused from his years of fighting, they were exceptional once they made their way through your shorts. You whined as his fingers slowly rubbed against your folds, finding their way to your core with ease. He stroked your walls slowly and spoke softly. “Come on darling, was this what you were waiting for?”
You whined, not able to make sentences as he quickened his pace. Your hands moved to his body, gripping tightly as your hips began to grind against his fingers. He chuckled as he watched your needy figure. “Baby girl, did you need me this badly?” He pulled his fingers away, the sensation of pleasure leaving you as you cried out. “Let me give you something that’s going to satisfy you just a little more than those will.” He gripped the waistband of your shorts and pulled them down your legs with ease, tossing them to the side as he pulled his shirt over his head. You quickly pulled your own shirt, tossing it where he had just discarded his.
The sound of his belt coming undone filled the room as the ache in your loins grew more and more. You needed him, you had never wanted him this badly before. Maybe it was the fact that Yato had been more dominating than he ever had been before. Usually, he was a laydown and let you take over type of guy, rarely ever caring if you were in charge or not. Yato quickly kicked his pants and boxers off his legs, letting them fall off the end of the bed.
Hi took his length in his hands and pumped, watching you already squirming underneath him, anticipating his entrance. Yato lined himself up with your core and slowly pushed into you, just barely letting himself in, before pulling back out again. He was playing with you, loving the look on your face as you tried desperately to grab him and pull him further. Your voice was high-pitched and needy as he pushed into you again. “P-please, Yato.”
Yato smiled at you, pushing further into you, filling your walls with his girth. Your sounds were like music to his ears as he kept his pace slow, only speeding up the more that your nails dug into his back. “Now, now, keep yourself calm, angel. Wouldn’t want to end this too quickly, now would we?”
You pulled his body as close to you as you could, his cock hitting every wall that it possibly could. Yato’s grunts filled the room as they mixed with the blissful moans that escaped your mouth.
Yato whispered to you as his pace quickened. “I’m so close darling, not much longer now.”
You placed your hands on his face and pressed your lips to his. His hips were now moving as quickly as he could get them, chasing his high with reckless abandon.
You could feel the coil in your abdomen about to snap as his cock bottomed out inside your core, the heat in your stomach growing more and more. “F-fuck, Yato.”
His words were soft and low as he brought you to your release. “Come for me, angel. Go ahead, suffocate my cock.”
That was all it took. Your walls convulsed around him, and his face contorted at the feeling of it. Your quivering cunt clenched around his length as he rode out his high, emptying himself out inside your tight walls. Yato placed a soft kiss on your forehead and rolled back over onto his side of the bed.
You caught your breath as you looked back over at him, glancing at the tv a second later. “I think we might have missed the beginning of that?”
Yato laughed in amusement at your comment, rolling toward you as he wrapped you in his arms. The feeling of his soft skin against your own made a shiver run down your spine. You couldn’t remember the last time that the two of you had been this close. “I’d say we did.” He reached for the remote and restarted the movie, tucking you into his arms. Yato ran a hand through your hair and pressed his chin against your head. “Maybe this time we just cuddle and actually watch the movie?”
You smiled at him and nodded in agreement. “I’d love to. I just want to be with you Yato, that’s all I ever want.”
The movie began again, the first few minutes had been the only thing that you had remembered from before. Sitting in Yato’s arms had felt safe, like nothing was going to ever harm you. You wrapped an arm around the back of you, playing with the end of his hair as he cooed at your touch. His voice almost jumped you, you had thought he was too enveloped in the movie to say anything. “I love you.”
You grinned like an idiot, knowing that he would have known that you were without even being told or seeing it. He took a deep breath and leaned farther into you. “I love you, too, Y/n.”
Taglist: @monic00l @strangeinternetwasteland @rowley-with-ackerman @kyu-pine @barrysimpparker @saudade-mayari @nikiniki743 @mykuronekome @gudaworks
©2021 bakubabes-hatake, please do not repost/modify without my permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission
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eriace · 3 years
S n o w / / Yukine
Reader: Female Genre: Fluff Character: Yukine // Noragami Requested: No
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" Who the fuck just threw a snowball... " (y/n) uttered while peeking at the window.
" My bad...I thought it has a window or something like that. "
" Yukine? " (y/n) confusingly muttered.
" Yukineeee "
Yukine just suddenly threw the snowball on (y/n)'s face because of the familiar voice that was heard.
" I-I'm sorry...it was just an annoying voice that was heard. " Yukine said to an apologetic to an angry face.
" Hey, isn't that to mean to tell to your master? " Yato suddenly appeared throwing his arm in Yukine's shoulder.
" Please remove your filthy sweaty hands away from me. " Yukine said removing Yato's hand that only made Yato freeze and can't believe what he just said.
" You guys were just here, it took forever to find you guys. " Hiyori suddenly appeared making them bickering with each other. (y/n) sighed and was about to pull away from the window but Yato called for her.
" (y/n)! You'll be coming with us, even if you want or don't want it or else I'll tell them your secret. " Yato exclaimed.
(y/n) stopped at her place and thought for a while.
" Huh? Which secret? " (y/n) blurted. A mischievous smirk was plastered on Yato's face.
" Ohhh~ you wanted me to tell it here right now? " Yato teased.
(y/n) thought for a while again.
' Which secret? '
' Is it when I steal some money from Hiyori's purse? '
' Or maybe I steal some food at Kofuku's house? '
" Okay, I'll tell it now... (y/n) likes- "
" WAIT I'M HERE NOW, I THOUGHT YOU MEAN ANOTHER KIND OF SECRET NOT THAT ONE. " (y/n) suddenly appeared, her hair was messy because of her hurry. She was already wearing a duffle coat with a scarf.
" Great, now let's get goi- "
" Wait what secret? " Hiyori asked.
" Yeah, what secret? " Yukine asked.
" Look what have you done Yato... you made them so fucking curious. " (y/n) said while glaring at Yato ang gave him a smack on the head. Yato gave her a teasing smile and jiggled his eyebrows.
" No turning back though. (y/n) likes- "
" Kabe-don! " (y/n) exclaimed covering Yato's mouth.
" Kabe-don? " Hiyori asked.
" Yeah yeah. " (y/n) said, removing her hand on Yato's mouth, wishing to end the conversation in there.
" What's that though? " Hiyori asked curiously.
" I think it's like this... " Yukine said while slamming his hands on the wall near (y/n), which made (y/n) blush. Yukine looked at Hiyori and shrugged his shoulders.
" Something like that, I guess? " Yukine muttered slightly embarrassed.
" Aw, Yukine is embarrassed. " Yato said.
" And (y/n) is embarrassed because (y/n) likes kabe-don and Yukine- "
(y/n) threw a big snowball to Yato with all of her force, embarrassed while smirking a little.
Yato fell on the ground with a more dramatic fall.
" Now my secret is out, you may die now. " (y/n) said trying her best not to stutter and stepped into Yato's back while Hiyori was trying to stop (y/n).
Meanwhile, Yukine was in there standing while a blushing mess and Yato's loud shouts of torture were heard all over the area.
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© eriace ;; don’t repost my works.
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skadventuretime · 3 years
Golden Hour
Here is my piece for the @noragamibigbang! My artist partner @shinkimiope had such a lovely idea and art to match, so naturally I had to get all sentimental on it. I hope you enjoy!
A midi alarm rang out from a phone on the coffee table. It was perched so delicately on the corner, crowded out as it was by large textbooks and notebook viscera, that it was just a few rings from falling off the table altogether.
Hiyori burst from the bathroom with a toothbrush in one hand and her falling towel in the other. Flecks of toothpaste dotted her lips and her hair was only partly brushed, the half that wasn’t dripping water onto her living room floor. She stuck the toothbrush in her mouth to use that hand to catch her phone as it wobbled off the coffee table.
How is it three already? She turned a frantic eye to the microwave clock as if hoping it would give her a better time, but unfortunately, she was still going to be late.
Helping that study group last night was a bad idea.
Groaning, she hurried to a cabinet placed against the wall in her living room. It was more of a covered shelf, really, made of mismatched driftwood that's been carefully sanded and polished with something that made it glimmer like sunlight on the sea. On the sole high shelf was a shrine, just as carefully made, just as lovingly looked after. Not a speck of dust touched any part of it.
[Read the rest on AO3 or below the cut]
Hiyori clapped her hands together and focused on the shrine's god. Yato, I'm going to be late. Feel free to start setting up without me!
A faint breeze stirred her towel, as if a door had been left open and a summer wind had blown in.
I hear you loud and clear, Yato's voice answered distantly. His scent washed over her, wild and ancient and warm, and she could sense he was smiling through their temporary connection. I can carry things if you've brought too much. 
Hiyori exhales around her toothbrush. That’s okay, I’ll be fine. I just lost track of time.
You don’t need to get dressed up on my account.
Yato’s mental voice was teasing, gentle, but it still raised a blush to her face that made her glad he wasn’t there in person. It’s nothing like that, school work just kept me up. See you in twenty?
The wind brushed the back of her neck. See you then.
His presence faded away and so did the breeze. The air around the shrine seemed charged and clean, the space sanctified in the short time of their conversation. It was a testament to how much Yato's power as a god of fortune had grown and how many more people believed in him. She ran her finger over the familiar corner of the shrine one more time before stepping away to finish getting dressed. 
She put her hair up in a towel and returned her toothbrush to her bathroom cup before going to the closet. There, she grabbed a simple blouse and skirt and put them on. She added a pair of earrings gifted from Yukine, a bracelet from Daikoku (because he didn’t trust Kofuku to gift her something that wouldn’t cause misfortune), and a purse from Bishamon that was too practical to have been selected without Kazuma’s input. They all glittered in a vague, dreamlike way that anything loved by the gods does, at least to Hiyori’s half-ayakashi eyes. They were holy, and by extension, so was she.
“Late, late, late,” she muttered, scooping up the bento boxes she’d made the night before and heading out the door.
The sun felt great upon her skin for the approximately three seconds she was able to feel it before Yato slammed a floppy, wide brimmed hat over her head. "Yato," Hiyori spluttered, raising the brim of the hat so she could see again. "What are you doing?"
"You'll get sunburnt if you don't wear sun protection," he fretted, gesturing to a large parasol set up to shade a blanket laid out on the ground next to Suzuha's tree. "Come on, I'll unpack everything when we get there."
Hiyori hid a smile as she took the hat off. After all this time, Yato still liked to fuss over her. She set her basket down on the blanket and took a moment to listen to the wind sighing through the trees. She never knew Suzuha personally, but she liked to think she knew him a little by the way Yukine would smile when he talked about him, or through the way Yukine took such good care of plants in his stead. Hiyori turned to bring Yato into her thoughts when she caught him staring at her, causing the bottom to drop out of her stomach. Even now, his eyes could make her wonder if this is what it was like to be worshipped.
He spoke first. "Do you want anything to drink?" He pointed to a cooler beaded with condensation. "There's also tea, for later."
"I'm set for now." At his drooping shoulders, she amended, "Fine, I’ll have some tea."
He perked up immediately. "I have it steeping in Tamagahara, I'll be right back!" He blinked out of sight and back within the span of a breath. "Easier to keep hot there," he explained as he gently laid the tray on the blanket.
Fragrant green tea steamed in the cool air. Yato set out small, round mugs and poured her a cup. It was a delicate porcelain, something that sparkled with that same otherworldliness as her other gifts from gods.
Their fingers brushed as he passed it to her, and her heart stuttered. Yato didn’t seem to notice.
“So what’s new with you, Hiyori?” His eyes shone with excitement and curiosity, but there was something else there, too, an over-brightness like when you stub your toe and don’t want your friends to know how much something so small really hurt you. 
She took a small sip of tea to gather her thoughts. The last time she’d seen Yato in person was a little over a year and a half ago, although she’d spoken to him more frequently than that. When he’d first talked to her through the shrine, Hiyori had nearly punched a hole in the wall out of surprise, but it did allow them to speak every now and then. 
“I already told you about the apartment,” she began, grimacing at the memory of how long it took to convince her family and friends she’d be fine living without a roommate. 
“Yeah, it looks great!”
She froze. “You haven’t been in it yet.”
He looked a little abashed. “Well, you see, when we talk through the shrine, I can sort of, you know.” He waved his hand in a nervous flutter. “See through you, a little. Not actual sight, but more like impressions.” He closed his eyes, and his voice got quieter like he was recalling a special memory. “You get good sunlight there, and the air is clean, and you feel safe, right?”
Hiyori took a larger and no less scalding sip of tea. So that divine presence she felt every time she prayed was really..?
“Right, okay, yes. It’s a lovely apartment, Ame helped me move in and Yukine came to set up the furniture.” She smiled at the memory, at how stubbornly Yukine had insisted he could figure out the instructions on his own and how he tried to hide his excitement when she gave him a cheering chibi sticker for his trouble. 
“And school’s been going well?” 
“As well as it could be. If it isn’t exams I’m studying for, it’s practicals, and I’ve been up late most nights to make time for it all.” 
Yato raised a hand as though he wanted to touch her face and then thought better of it. “You have dark circles under your eyes.”
“Staying top of the class won’t happen by getting enough sleep,” Hiyori replied, mostly in jest.
Yato caught her smile and leaned a little closer, close enough that the smell of him wrapped around her like a familiar jacket. “You know what might help? Praying to me for good grades.” His eyes were sparkling with mischief.
“You haven’t told me you’re trying to put Tenjin out of work,” Hiyori laughed. 
“Oh yes, I’m cornering his market now.” Yato stood up and did something to his tracksuit to make it flourish like a cape. “Soon even Ebisu will be having to contend with my horde of worshippers.” 
An image of Yato in the middle of a swarming crowd of adoring businessmen was enough to make her snort the sip of tea she was sipping right out of her nose, which of course set Yato off, and before she knew it she was wheezing into her empty cup, eyes streaming and hand dripping from the tea that had splashed out. 
“All right, so I’m not the best with school or studies,” Yato said when he finally caught his breath. “I have learned something over the last few years, though.”
“How to help stubborn humans relax.”
Hiyori rolled her eyes. “Does it involve a trip to Capypa Land? Because as much fun as it is to watch you whimper over Capypas, I really need to—“
“No Capypa Land this time,” Yato cut in hastily. “Even though it would be a happypa trip for the whole family,” he muttered. “Yukine made ice cream and demanded that I share some with you. I also have a patented relaxation technique that will have you feeling better in no time!”
“Is that so,” Hiyori said, a smile melting over her lips. “Do I get a refund if it’s not to my liking?”
Yato had begun rummaging through a small cooler during this exchange and looked up to say, grinning, “I’ve never had an unsatisfied customer.”
It was all so easy, the banter, the laughter, the aching muscles in her face. No matter how often Hiyori got to see Yato, each visit felt like coming home.
“So what flavor did Yukine make?” she asked, peering over Yato’s shoulder as he opened up a few containers.
“Salted dark chocolate with optional caramel drizzle.” He put two scoops into a bowl and held up the caramel. “Would you like some?”
“Please,” Hiyori said, delighted. “I didn’t know Yukine took up cooking now, too!”
Yato smiled fondly. “One of Bishamon’s shinki offered to teach him after he was skulking around the kitchens one day. Picked up on it pretty fast, too.” He placed a spoon in the bowl and handed it to her, then put a few scoops in a bowl for himself with a judicious ladle of caramel sauce.
“Ready?” he asked Hiyori, holding up a spoonful of ice cream doused in sauce.
“Ready.” Her own spoon was carefully loaded with just a touch of caramel so she could enjoy the ice cream’s original flavor.
Yato touched their spoons together in a toast before taking his bite, and Hiyori paused to watch his reaction. It had been so long since she had gotten to experience anything new with him; part of her ached to witness every moment.
“It’s good?” she asked, watching his lips curve up around the spoon.
“That kid really goes all the way when he learns something new,” Yato said appreciatively. “Who knew tree care would turn into fixing electronics and now cooking.”
“He applies himself well.”
“You helped him get started,” Yato said around another mouthful of ice cream. “He still talks about how great it was when you tutored him.”
Hiyori hummed. “It was great to teach him. He’s a wonderful soul, he just needed a place to focus his mind.”
Yato popped a spoonful of pure caramel into his mouth. “That reminds me, how was that other wonderful soul of yours doing?”
Hiyori stiffened. “We haven’t seen each other in months. He was so...so...distasteful!” 
A dangerous gleam appeared in Yato’s eyes. “How distasteful?”
“Ami just needs to stop setting me up with people she meets at house parties,” Hiyori said. “She means well, but doesn’t have the best taste in men.”
“You’re very lucky I’m here, then, with my patented relaxation technique,” Yato said, putting down his empty bowl and scooting closer. 
“Relaxation technique?” she repeated, eyes narrowed. “Wasn’t the ice cream the relaxation?”
“Just sit back and relax! Tell me more about what happened with the worthless scum.” He knelt behind her and swept her hair off her shoulder. Goosebumps peppered her skin where he brushed it.
“So, you were saying?” he prompted, hands resting on her shoulders. The weight of them was reassuring.
“It was nothing,” she began, breath catching when he began to knead the muscles around her neck. “He brought me to a dive bar and tried to make me do shots with him, and then when it was pouring rain when I finally convinced him to leave, he told me to run with him five blocks so the rideshare would be cheaper.”
Yato’s hands paused. “Any chance I can get his name?”
“Yato, no,” Hiyori chided as he continued her massage. “You’ve been so good about not terrorizing people who’ve been minor inconveniences to me, I’d hate to see you ruin your record.” She was distracted; he was working away knots she hadn’t known she’d had. Maybe she really should look into moving her study sessions earlier so she’d stop falling asleep on her desk...
“It sounds like this one would be worth it,” he muttered, digging into her shoulders a little too roughly. 
“What about you? How has it been, being a god of fortune?” Hiyori asked after a few minutes of letting him drain the tension from her neck and shoulders.
His hands slipped away. “It’s been different,” he said, standing up and offering her a hand. “I think I’ve been so used to being on my own that being part of a group is strange.”
“Have there been problems with your neighbors again?” Hiyori asked. The last she’d heard, there had been a minor incident involving Takemikazuchi and an entire square kilometer of Tamagahara that had been leveled in his anger.
Yato started walking towards the cherry blossom tree. “No, I think that was his way of welcoming me. I thought that once I got what I wanted, everything would feel right.”
“And it doesn’t?” It had been so long since Yato opened up to her like this, showed up on a windowsill late at night and talked about what was on his mind. A warm feeling crept through her chest.
“No,” he said plainly, passing the wide trunk that showed the marks of Yukine’s care over the years. “Something is missing.”
She joined him under the boughs and inhaled. Fresh, clean, something a little like hope.
“I thought having more worshippers would make me happy,” he began, fingers trailing through some low hanging blossoms. “And they do, but it’s not what I thought it’d be.” 
“It’s lonelier than I imagined. Busier too; you have no idea how many people want to see me just to talk or vent. I always thought— well.” 
Yato paused by a string of cherry blossoms, running his fingers through the petals as if they were a lover’s hair. “I always thought it’d be like having more people like you around. People who understood me.” He pinched off a strand and held it close to his chest, hesitant, before offering it to her. “But deep down I knew you were one-of-a-kind.”
Hiyori marveled at the soft translucence of the petals in his hand, the faint otherworldly shine they seemed to have in his divine presence. It was like an ayakashi miasma in reverse, a bubble of light and goodness, and she watched it travel up her arm and float her hair up on an invisible wind when she accepted the flowers.
“How long have you had this effect?” Hiyori said, turning her hand from side to side and admiring the richer colors and heady scent.
“Effect?” Yato murmured, eyes on the blossoms in her hand.
“The way everything sort of glows around you.”
He blinked at this and looked at the ground. “It’s sort of complicated.”
This sharpened her interest. “Complicated how? Did you have to perform some ritual? Does it only happen to gods with hafuri? Is it because you’re more popular these days?”
Yato’s face had sunk lower and lower into his scarf as she spoke. He mumbled something into it, still not looking at her.
Since Hiyori was well-versed in his moods, she simply crouched so that she was directly in his field of view. “Come again?”
“It’s because you’re my most devout believer,” he said, a light blush coloring his cheeks. “It’s like the opposite of a miasma. It can only happen when extreme faith persists.” He finally meets her eyes. “It means our ties are strong.”
Hiyori glimpsed an arc of woven sunlight twisting like infinity around them at his words, like something seen from the corner of your eyes.
“It’s my greatest treasure,” he confessed.
The world spun taffy thick. “So even though others believe in you now, I’m somehow..?”
“None of them are even close to this,” he said. “The shrine in your apartment is more home to me than any of the ones built in major cities.”
It was a lot to take in. Hiyori was used to being the backbone in her friendships, used to providing a solid, trustworthy space in which others could gain their footing. But being exalted to a god?
“I still think about what would’ve happened if I’d listened to Tenjin,” Yato continued, brushing a hand through the ties’ afterimage. “I am who I am because you’ve helped me become it. If our ties had been cut…” His hand fell to his side. “I might not be here right now, or I’d be some monster doing Father’s bidding.”
“I wouldn’t have made it out of plenty of situations without you, either,” Hiyori said slowly. “Isn’t that the nature of knowing someone? Being changed by them?”
Yato thought about this for a moment, the wind soft and gentle as it ruffled his hair. “Ever since I was small, Father had always told me that I was always in the right, always the one in control. That I could do whatever I wanted and others would adjust. I think it was supposed to make me feel powerful, but I didn’t want power. I wanted to belong.” Something like surrender was in his eyes when he said, “You were the first person to make me feel like I belonged in a very long time.”
It was too much. All of her pent up feelings — the fear, the hope, the confusion — from her high school days welled up at once, shattered from the amber in which she’d crystallized it once Yato defeated father and brought Yukine home.
“I’m glad,” she finally said when she was sure her voice wouldn’t shake. “Because you do belong, you and Yukine and Kofuku and Daikoku and —“
“With you?” Yato’s voice was so quiet it was like he hadn’t meant to say that aloud.
“Of course with me,” Hiyori said, feeling brave. “The same way I belong with you. That’s how this works. We’re already tied, right? Let’s just be tied. For however long that lasts.”
“For however long that lasts,” Yato murmured. It sounded like a vow.
The afternoon sun had taken on that tired golden edge that meant it was closer to sunset than noon. Hiyori’s heart was still beating a little too fast, her mind dizzy with implications that felt too raw to look at now.
“Thank you for coming today,” Yato said at last. “I missed you.”
“Now that I know I have the most important shrine in my apartment, I’m sure we can figure out ways to talk more,” Hiyori said, and was rewarded with another blush.
“May I take you home? There are a lot of leftovers to carry and Kofuku threatened to murder me if I came back with any.”
Hiyori laughed and started back towards their blanket. “Of course.”
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rachi-roo · 3 years
Heyhey could you maybe write some yukine headcannons? ty!
Ugh, that adorable baby boy? 😒 OF COURSE I WILL!!! Thank you so much! 😄💕
Noragami: Yukine Tickle Headcanons!
Yukine, my sweet, adorable little ray of pure, blessed sunshine. My gorgeous, handsome little sunflower boi. Beautiful angel baby. I don't have a point to this, just expressing my love for this absolute sugar-coated cinnamon roll! 💚💚💚💚
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Is Yukine ticklish? Very. Does he enjoy being tickled? 100%. Does everyone around him take advantage of this to see that beautiful smile and pure laughter? Absolutely.
Yukine is such a sweet kid, he genuinely enjoys being tickled, but gets very easily flustered so he won't be asking for it directly. There's signs and hints that he gives to let you know he wants to play.
Sitting in your lap unannounced. Putting his feet in your lap. Staring at you with a bright, and very noticeable, tinge on his peach cheeks until you notice and he's forced to look away, already giggling before you even move closer.
He won't run, unless it's Yato who's on the prowl. Nope, he'll just sit, giggling anxiously and playing with the strings on his hat, or covering his face with his coat hood, as he let's his ler move him into the tickling position of their choice. Though Yunikes favourite is being layed across your legs so his tummy is all stretched. Make sure you give him a pillow for his head so he doesn't hurt himself.
His most sensitive tickle spots are his chin and neck. Then his underarms, tummy and feet. And then everywhere in between, but those are the spots that get him howling.
His laughter is just 😭👌 Words can't describe how beautiful it is. He's a growing boy and will always be plagued by voice cracks, but these really show whilst he's being tickled. High pitched, boyish squeaking broken up by deep inhales and a voice crack or ten.
He's a wriggler too. Twisting and turning here and there, constantly debating on weather or not he should be covering his face, grabbing your hands or protecting himself. Decisions, decisions.
He doesn't mind rough or soft tickles, just remember he is only a boy and will get tired faster with rough tickles. And if you bruise him, the writer of this post will personally pay you a visit when you sleep. And I won't be there to tickle you. 👊😇
Anyway! Aftercare is very important for this baby. Get him water, a snack (his favourite of course), make sure you wipe his face down with a cold cloth. A nose boop and head pats are mandatory. And lots of cuddles. Odds are he'll fall asleep in your arms, he loves the physical contact and warmth, they make him feel safe. And no, you are not permitted to move if he falls asleep on you. XD
(bonus gif cus look 🥺💕)
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As we all know, Yukine is only a kid. Kids get bored. And how does Yukine entertain himself? Well, by tickling his friends of course. Rip Yato, fallen victim to this on many occasions.
He's not at all sneaky about it, he'll just pick a target and go for it. There's very rarely a chance for the victim to run. Though those close to him can see it coming, they choose to let him anyway. I mean, wouldn't you?
Yukine tickling is just as cute as anything else he does. He has yet to perfect his technique so his tickles are just random at the moment. Lots of poking here and there, experimenting with which movements works best in which spots.
He teases without realising sometimes, but when he does it on purpose 😭👌 Baby boy.
'Hmmm, not much of a reaction here... What about this? Oh! Wow! That's a good method!'
'Which tickles more, finger tips, or knuckles?'
'Yato! Did you hear that snort? Does that mean I'm doing good?'
'Wow you're so ticklish!'
He'll often laugh with you. Kneeling over your waist, but not putting any weight on you because he doesn't want you feeling uncomfortable. (and he doesn't want to sting Yato with any possible thoughts that could pop up).
Once you say stop, he stops. And he will always ask if you're okay, fetching you a drink and giving you a big hug. He might as a few questions about how he did, wanting a kind of tickle review so he knows where to improve.
Honestly, I just love this boy so much. He's my son. I would do anything for this boy. 100/10 Lee and a 100/10 Ler. He's brilliant, amazing. You're doing great sweetie! 😭📸
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60% Lee - 40% Ler
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oneofyatosfollowers · 3 years
Happy Yato Day!
Fanfic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13936397/1/The-Stray-Cowboy
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33158902
It was ironic that a little dusty down in the middle of nowhere would bear the name “Heaven,” especially since it’s been declining since her grandmother’s time. The town was built around a large natural spring that has been shrinking ever so slightly each year while the buildings only grew taller. Hiyori strolled down main street, her heels kicking up loose dirt which dusted the frills of her pink dress. Her father, the only doctor in town, had let her go for the day, giving her a break from replacing her run-away brother at the clinic. So, after visiting her friend, Ami, at the fabric store, and Yama out with the horses, Hiyori made her way to the saloon.
The building was two stories and housed a bar, a small stage, and tables with different games other cowboys could gamble on. Since this town held so much water and resources, it was a common place for vagabonds of all types to stop in and rest. The Inn was right next door, owned by the bar owner’s husband, it’s front often tied with horses. Hiyori’s eyes scanned the beasts for a familiar black mare with a short mane but was disappointed when she saw none. She entered The Lucky Lady, the batwing doors swinging behind her, eyes adjusting as she ignored the cat-calls.
“Hiyori!” The bartender called like they haven’t seen each other in years. The Lucky Lady, a spunky night-time-dancer named Kofuku, waved her friend over with a dirty cloth.
“Good afternoon, Kofuku,” Hiyori gave a short curtsy before taking a seat at the bar, “where’s Daikoku and Yukine?” She asked as her eyes scanned the bar, finally adjusted to the darker space.
“They’re tending to some of the horses behind the Inn. Yuki’s getting good at changing shoes you know,” Kofuku mused as she wiped down the bar, “although they’re not really who you’re looking for are they?” The comment shocked Hiyori out of her scanning. The teasing glimmer in the young woman’s eyes sparking a fire across Hiyori’s cheeks.
“Well! He did say he was coming back today and he’s supposed to be handling my job!” Hiyori sputtered. She crossed her arms with a huff and looked towards the door, waiting for the black silhouette of a certain hitman-turned-messenger-and-bounty-hunter. Unbeknownst to her parents, Hiyori had hired the man to find her missing brother. It felt off to put a secret bounty on her own brother, giving it to an enigma of a man recommended to her by Kofuku and Daikoku, but he’d stopped sending her letters almost a year ago and it had her worried.
“If there’s someone you want found, dead or alive, he’s your man,” The Inn owner had growled, “just don’t get too close.” The gruff man scoffed when his bubbly wife waved off his warning. Of course Hiyori was the strong, intelligent daughter of a doctor, who practiced cattle roping with her brother. She didn’t judge just based on one reputation, Hiyori had to see for herself. Especially with the reputation that particular cowboy had. No, if it weren’t for Yukine then Hiyori would have never hired him.
“Yukine!” Hiyori called when the boy in question walked in from the back. The young teen pulled off a black cutter that was too big for him, and revealed a puff of blonde hair. His hazel eyes popped up and he smiled at the sight of her.
“Hiyori!” He greeted, giving Daikoku the hammer and nails before heading to the bar. Yukine was one of the few people in this town Hiyori didn’t know since birth. Now, she didn’t know the whole story- the boy in question refusing to tell- but she did know the place he came from was not a very kind one. That, for one reason or another, the cowboy she hired to track her brother was the same one that saved Yukine from that place as a toddler. They traveled together since then, Yukine being dropped off at Kofuku’s place so the man could go on more dangerous jobs. Just like now. It was during those times, Hiyori had gotten to know the boy. Even early on, when Yukine would throw tantrums at being left behind or run away from strangers.
“He’s still not here yet?” Yukine sighed as he took a seat next to Hiyori. The boy gave a curtsey scan around the saloon, knowing the man’s figure too well to miss it.
“Sorry Yuki, he said more towards the sun down,” Kofuku reminded them of the last letter the messenger pigeon brought them. The blonde, becoming more and more like a teenager each day, scoffed and crossed his arms.
“Yeah, well, he better get here before Sheriff Bishamon gets back from her trip to the city. Otherwise he’ll just get chased out again.” Yukine soured at the thought, ready to hit the open road again. Hiyori knew a bit about how he felt. She’s felt the need to leave this dusty place, to hop on a horse and ride off into the sunset with nothing but your wit and a couple bullets at your side. But she could never do that to her parents, not like her brother did. Instead she lived through the stories Yukine brought back with him, after the cowboy in black strolled into Heaven like he owned it.
“How long is the sheriff gone for?” Hiyori asked. If the sheriff caught the man sneaking into town there would be a shotoff on sight.
“Oh who knows. I asked Uncle Ebi to keep her there for as long as possible so,” Kofuku shrugged, “I’m sure he’ll buy you two enough time to catch up.” The pink haired woman winked causing the two younger patrons to sputter with disgust.
“Don’t be gross! Hiyori could do so much better than that dusty rattlesnake!” Yukine hissed, insulting the one man he deemed as blood family. Still, the statement jolted something within Hiyori. A boxed up secret that’s been locked up tight since the man in question last rode out of town.
“Hey yeah! Our little Miss Hiyori still has a courtship with that gun dealer from the city,” Daikoku suddenly walked behind the bar, giving his wife a kiss on the head.
“Ukk! You mean Kouto? Hiyori, don’t tell me you’re still seeing that as-donkey,” Yukine quickly muffled his cursing, remembering he wasn’t out on the open road with a not-so-great role model. Daikoku raised a brow at the kid, muttering out a mental note to have a word with the kid’s kidnapper.
“I am not ‘seeing him,’ it is a one-sided courtship at best! One that I do not plan on pursuing,” Hiyori stood suddenly, face red enough to pass as sunburn, “so if you’ll excuse me. I’ll be back after dinner to see if-.” The young woman stopped short, half way from the bar to the door, when she realized the saloon had gone silent. Someone was approaching the planked doors, the sun casting a shadow across a smirk that could steal a golden fiddle from the devil. The room fell into hushed whispers as he pushed open the door and approached Hiyori with careless saunter. The various weapons and coins hidden among his long black coat clinked as his brown boots thudded against the squeaky floor. Since his hat was left in the care of a blonde boy, there was nothing obscuring his sharp gaze from meeting hers. The white ascot around his neck covered his grin to the others in the room, helping keep up with his dark and bloody reputation. If only they knew how sweet he really was.
“Hiyori,” his drawl was rough from breathing in nothing but hot desert dirt but she found his dust-smudged cheeks just as endearing. His blue eyes and smile didn’t waver from her, even as the men closest to him raised their hackles and fixed him with narrowed eyes. The cowboy stopped directly in front of her, much too close for an upper class employer and some hired vagabond. But despite the towns and names he’s buried six feet under, Hiyori met his eyes with a straight back and a confident smile.
“It’s nice to see you again, Yato.”
“A pleasure, Hiyori,” he chuckled. The two shared a moment for less than a second before a barstool behind Hiyori squeaked with movement.
“Finally! About time you got here!” Yukine said. Regardless, the kid was off his stool and across the floor in an instant, arms crossed and hat off, waiting for Yato to ruffle his hair. Which Yato did. Until he pulled the kid into a large hug, encasing the small boy in his leather coat with a happy laugh.
“There he is! My baby Yukine! Have you gotten smaller? Or bigger? Definitely bigger, look at those arms! Turnin into a big strong man now! Gone for a season and look at you! Did you keep my hat nice and safe like always?” Yato gushed.
“Blegh! You smell like horse shit and sweat! You disgusting loser! Get off me!” Yukine hollered, squirming out of Yato’s hold and shoving the man’s hat back in his arms. Yatolet the boy go, satisfied that the bar’s paterons went back to their drinking and card games. Hiyori could understand, having a cute child by his side made Yato look a little less like the hitman he once was. The boy stomped back to the bar, Yato smiling after him.
“Ya heading out?” Yato asked, placing his hat back at home on his head.
“Um nope! No,” Hiyori said. Yato’s smirk quirked back on and he nodded his head to the bar, pouting when Hiyori declined his offered arm.
“Oh Yatty! We missed you!” Kofukue leaned over the bar, her corset popping a string, as she pulled him into a hug.
“Hey Kofuku! Glad to be back,” Yato squeezed her, “thanks for watching the kid again.”
“Yeah, well, the kid’s welcome here anytime. You, on the other hand, got a long tab to pay.” Daikoku grumbled by the taps.
“It’d be easier if you just let me go with you,” Yukine said, haughtily. The kid watched the man that saved him take a heavy seat on the bar, removing his iconic twin shotguns from his shoulders and laying them on the wood. Hiyori took a seat on the other side of Yato, eyeing the long, silver double barrel guns. Her gaze tracing tiny flowers engraved on the metal. She knew without looking that the wooden butt of the guns had the names “Sekki” and “Setsu” carved into them when he was Yukine’s age. Of course, Daikoku’s rule about weapons on the bar went ignored as Yato gave Yukine a side eye from over his pint.
“Death Valley is called ‘the underworld’ for a reason, kiddo. It’s too risky for a youngin.” Yato said.
“I’m not a youngin! I’m fourteen!” Yukine spun on the stool, “and you were even younger when you started out.”
“Not by choice, Yukine.”
“Okay but I’m choosing to.” Yukine’s eyes narrowed even more when Yato just scoffed and took a large swig of cheap beer.
“Come on, Yato! You said it yourself, I’m turnin’ into a man now. I’ve been traveling with you for nearly a decade! I know how to shoot and lasso and care for horses and where to look for gold and know when it’s gonna rain! You taught me all of that and you always say when I’m older you would keep me with you all the time! On all your jobs, so why?” Yukine almost pleaded, frustrated. Hiyori bit her lip and looked from Yukine to Yato.
“Because I thought this one was going to be particularly dangerous. You know I don’t want you seeing that,” Yato finally said, setting his glass down with a clink, “besides, I was just going to poke around and gather information. If there was anything solid I’d come get you.”
“Is that right?” Yukine asked, unconvinced.
“‘Course. It’s not like you missed anything big. I just went around, did the normal askin, followed a couple hollow rumors, then came back. You would have been bored anyway. Why? You think I would lie about it?”
“Do I think you would? Yes. Cause you lie to make me feel better. You do it all the time.” There was a beat that no one commented on. Hiyori couldn’t bring herself to see Yato’s reaction to that attack on a very recent wound.
“Well that clearly isn't the case this time is it?” Yato said, then sighed and softened his tone, “there really was nothing Yukine but I just wanted to be sure. There’s no law in the underworld and I don’t want you anywhere near that place.” The man finally turned and fully faced the boy he claimed as his own. Yukine regarded Yato for a couple moments longer, just as water started to rise over his hazel irises. Suddenly and harshly, Yukine got off his seat.
“If you don’t trust me to have your back and you don’t want me around just say so. Stop coming back already.” Snarled Yukine. He left the saloon and Hiyori knew he would be heading to the Inn where one of the rooms was permanently his and Yato’s. Beside her, Yato chugged the rest of his beer then slammed it back on the counter with a sigh. Daikoku chided him and took it, wiping it clean with disdain.
“Don’t worry, Yatty. He’s at that age. Yuki didn’t mean it, he just missed you and rather go on your adventures than stay here,” Kofuku offered.
“That’s what he doesn’t get. They’re not adventures,” Yato scratched his neck, “I’m out of bullets.” The implication silenced the young women.
“Still, the boy’s right about one thing, he’s growin up. Can’t tell him what to do forever,” Daikoku eventually butted in, placing a new mug of beer in front of Yato.
“Watch me,” Yato pouted. That got a small giggle out of Hiyori which might have quirked the tip of Yato’s lip just a little. Kofuku and Daikoku hummed and shared a look. Eventually, Yato downed the rest of his drink before getting up.
“Hiiro is out back. Needs a bath,” Yato said.
“Pay for your beer.” Daikoku answered.
“Put it on my tab,” Yato knocked on the bar.
“Like hell-”
“Okie dokie, Yatty! See you at dinner!” Kofuku waved. Yato pointed at her with a finger gun, clicking as his thumb mimicked the hammer. He grabbed both gunstraps and lazily swung the weapons over one shoulder. Taking two steps, Yato looked over his shoulder, one blue eye meeting hers from under his hat.
“You comin?” Yato tilted his head. Despite the looks their friends gave her, a large smile grew on Hiyori’s face and she happily hopped off the stool.
“Yeah!” She followed the cowboy in grungy clothes out the bar and into the Inn. Since it was still late afternoon, the place was just about empty. The wooden rooms and wool sheets too hot on a summer day. Hiyori took a deep breath, feeling free from the stares of others in town with nothing to do but spread rumors. Still, she was very aware of the man standing behind her, always a bit too close, and she turned to face him. Hiyori would have to wait until later tonight to hear his tales. Yato was too good at telling stories and always insisted on drawing to go with it. Once Yukine finishes reading and goes to bed, Yato and the rest of the town congregate at The Lucky Lady for drinking, dancing, and music. It was then that Hiyori- and sometimes her teasing friends- would get Yato to herself.
“How are the folks?” Yato broke the silence.
“They’re okay. Since the water’s been going, my father’s been trying to find ways to give strong medicine that uses less water.”
“What a coincidence,” Yato hummed, “every lead I tried to follow on your brother ended up being about the water crisis.”
“You think he’s following the drought?” Hiyori asked, urgently.
“Couldn’t say. He’s never struck me as the heroic type, to go galavanting off and save the world; but it is suspicious. Unfortunately, once I got deep in the drought debacle his name would vanish,” Yato shrugged, “it’s all anyone’s talkin about.” At some point Yato’s shoulders slumped and Hiyori sighed. This was the fifth time Yato came back with dead ends. It wasn’t his fault. Not only was he right- in that her brother was known to ride by the seat of his pants- but the job required him to stay away for long periods of time. Tracking someone like that kept him away from Yukine and other people who missed him. Still, disappointment hung her head.
“I’m so sorry, Hiyori. I promise I’m going to keep looking.” Yato put a hand on her shoulder and Hiyori took it in both of hers.
“What about Yukine?”
“I don’t know. I’m gonna to take him this time around but- I just don’t know where this leads. And you know how he is. You’ve seen him loiter around the school house in the past. I just don’t think it’s good for him to be growin up on the run.” Yato mumbled. He twinded their fingers together and the box inside her jolted again, but settled when he did nothing more.
“Daikoku’s right, you know, every day it becomes more and more his decision.” Hiyori offered him a small smile. He blinked at her before the cocky smile Yato was known for grew across his lips. He brought their hands up and pressed a light kiss to the back of her glove.
“I’ve missed you, darlin’,” he said. The box inside her was getting harder to keep closed, memories of his previous visits flashing across Hiyori’s eyes. Really, she wondered if Daikoku knew she failed to heed his warning. It was no wonder people caught her staring at that horizon and sighing with longing.
“Yato,” Hiyori tried, pulling her hand slightly but not letting go. A look of hurt flashed across Yato’s face- so familiar to her own when she watched him leave and come back with new scars- and Hiyori almost wanted to hit him. But instead his eyes quickly darkened and he squeezed her hand.
“Don’t tell me you’re not a filly anymore? That gun smith with the cheap products gotcha or are your parents makin you drag your rope?”
“None of that!” Hiyori huffed. She took her hand back and turned around, arms crossed.
“Not that it has anything to do with anything! Since I hired you to find my brother while-”
“While you stay here and take his place and care for the family business and not go off with Kouto because that would be leaving ‘em behind,” Yato repeated, “come off it, Hiyori. Your parents are adults and you have your own life. Just admit you want to have your own adventure.”
“And where do you suppose I go? Just to wander around by myself? Or were you planning on taking me and not Yukine?” Hiyori whirled on him, tired of this do-si-do of a conversation.
“It’s too dangerous with me,” Yato said through grit teeth, hat tilted to cover his knitted brows.
“So what then? You’ll drop us off in random towns while you go back and forth?” Hiyori threw out without much of a bite. There was a moment of Yato staring at the floor and Hiyori rolled her eyes. Of course the fool of a man would think that was a good idea. She stepped back in front of him and reached under his hat to pinch his cheek.
“Ow!” Yato flinched away. He rubbed his cheek like some little kid who got a light smack and Hiyori snorted. How did she once fear him? His pout was back but not for long, blue eyes softening at her laughter.
“I just want you to be happy. You only get one life you know,” Yato said, hand dropping from his cheek.
“And I’ll decide what I want to do with it. Just like Yukine.” Hiyori’s reminder quieted the cowboy down.
“I just don’t want to drag him into another one of my mistakes. He deserves better.” Yato said. Hiyori frowned, reminded of Yukine’s earlier comment.
“He doesn’t blame you.” She offered. About ten years ago, when Yato traveled with a group of bandits who’s name struck fear into the hearts of all who heard it, they rode into Yukine’s place of birth. Hiyori had met Yukine, seeing Yato in passing now and again, she came to understand Yukine’s memory of that night was hazy at best. That was until a year ago, Yato first took off to find Hiyori’s brother, and the boy’s memories resurfaced. He confronted Yato, learning the fate of his birth town.
���I know he doesn’t blame me but you saw how he was. How he gets when I pull the trigger. I worry he’ll grow to resent me.” Yato sighed, “you know, I remember that night like it was yesterday. I was young and he was so tiny, the town was burnin down all around us, his loved ones were bloody behind ‘im. Just as I turned Hiiro around to run, he ran after me with his little arms up. I scooped Yukine up without thinkin and took off in the opposite direction of the group.
“I don’t know how but Hiiro and I managed to run for an entire night and I didn’t put him down for one second. It wasn’t until Hiiro finally bucked us off that I realized he hadn’t moved. I- haha- I actually thought he was dead and I had been carryin’ ‘round a corpse. But when I looked down, his head buried in my chest, he peaked up at me with big doe eyes. No tears, no fear. We passed out right there in the dirt. I thought he’d be okay but he didn’t speak at all. I was gonna drop him off at the next town but I just-. He wouldn’t talk- barely looked at me- but was stuck to my side like he was made of molasse or somethin’.” Yato was staring off into the distance, not realizing he was still talking. Hiyori watched and listened quietly, as she often did. Something must have happened in the underworld and she wanted to let him cope. Twelve people was twelve too many for a kind man like him.
“The little bastard grew on me. Starin at me while I babbled, sleepin on my tummy, clutchin my coat and tuggin to sit up front. Honestly, when I stretched, he stretched, I pissed, he pissed, I cleaned my guns, he’d use a stick, when I held onto the reins, he’d grabbed ‘em too,” Yato sighed again, voice wavering, “But he was so nervous around me, jumpy. Always looked at me to make sure he could move even an inch- wouldn’t even eat until I told him to. He deserved better. I figured Kofuku and Daikoku would want him to raise as their own. When I got here and I thought he was comfortable enough, I mounted to get ready to go but he came running out crying. Sobbing even. His arms up at me. That was- that was the first time I heard him speak. He said ‘don’t leave!’ And I just couldn’t. Sure I stayed for a year or so but I couldn’t keep out of work that long. And he used to be okay- happy even- when I’d give ‘im my ascot or hat to keep safe till I came back.” Yato’s eyes were covered but his lip trembled before he bit it, trying to control his breathing.
Yukine’s recent confrontation about that day- the accusations and disappointment Yukine regretted saying- scratched every wound of guilt Yato felt. It was hard to smile for a child that looked up to you while you blamed yourself for his circumstances. It was even harder to keep leaving. They did make up, as they always did, but it had been a painful experience that Yato still hasn’t forgiven himself for; no matter how much Yukine reassured him.
“Yukine remembers everything and still choose you. He looks up to you, Yato, and loves you just as much. Yukine’s not going to suddenly regret everything and leave,” Hiyori put a hand on his chest, “and neither will I.”
“I don’t know about the ‘look up to’ part but uh,” Yato swallowed thickly around a wobbling smile.
“It’s true, I can tell,” Hiyori leaned in to whisper, “you know he calls you his dad when he talks about you.”
“He does not!” Yato gasped.
“We promised not to say anything.”
“Uh-huh,” Yato looked down quickly then back, “and what do you call me when I’m gone.”
“Saddle Bum,” Hiyori stated.
“Yeah,” Yato sighed, “you got me there.” He huffed out a laugh which only got stronger the more they looked at each other.
“We should probably get Yukine,” Hiyori suggested.
“You’re right,” Yato said, “as usual. Bested again by Miss Iki. Just can’t argue with you, the lush oasis saving me from my weary travels.” They made their way up the stairs and down the hall of bedrooms.
“That’s right, you can’t. So stop trying.” Hiyor playfully huffed.
“Yes ma’am,” Yato swooned. Turns out Yukine wasn’t in their room and instead was around the back of the saloon to tend to Hiiro. By the time the two moseyed around the two buildings, Yukine had washed down the horse- the mare really loved water- and was cleaning her hooves. Hiiro was a short, exceedingly loyal, black horse who hated when her mane got too long and had the most fickle personality even with people she liked. Her ears twitched as her rider walked towards them, shifting back and forth, as Yukine leaned against her hindquarters and scrapped at her back hoof.
“You were right, you really do have the hang of that,” Yato whistled. Running his hand along her clean hair. She snapped at Yato but nickered when Hiyori patted her pink nose.
“She doesn't like it when you do it,” Yukine shot after a couple beats.
“Of course she does,” Yato said, skirting around the horse. Hiyori chose to stay by Hiiro’s front, watching Yukine give Yato a quick glare over his shoulder.
“So, when are you leaving?” Yukine growled. Hiyori tried not to suck in air too loudly as Yato’s wide eyes flickered to hers then back.
“N-not for a while. Gotta go over the clues and make a more solid plan,” Yato’s boot kicked the dirt, “I’m gonna need your help with that. Like always,” he tried. Yukine was not impressed, hardly sparing Yato a scoff.
“Why bother? It’s clear you don’t trust me to watch your back.” The blonde muttered. Finally, Yato’s hands fell out of his pockets and his attitude grew into something more serious.
“What gave you that idea?” Yato followed the kid around to the other hoof, brows knitted. This time, Yato was ignored and the cowboy tapped the kid with his boot.
“Yato,” Hiyori warned under her breath.
“Hey,” Yato tapped Yukine’s side again, “would I have given you twin pistols if I didn’t trust you with them behind my back?” The tip of his boot nudged one of the revolvers at Yukine’s hip, silver twins just like Yato’s, named “Blessed” and “Burial.” That got the teen to look up at Yato, frown still in place.
“No,” Yukine mumbled.
“And you know why? Cause you only give-”
“Cause you only give weapons to those who have your back and disarm those who don’t, I know,” Yukine parroted.
“I need to get more phrases,” Yato muttered as he scratched his head.
“But giving weapons is not the same! I want to be with you! I want to do all the same things you do, by your side! I mean I’m supposed to be your-!” Yukine bit his lip and quickly refocused on Hiiro’s hoove. Yato’s eye brows rose to his hat for a moment before a grim expression took root.
“I killed twelve people in the last four months,” Yato stated. There was a beat of silence as the wind pushed a tumbleweed across the ground. Yukine tried to hide the shock- the horror- that shot across his face, but Yato caught every inch of it.
“So what?” Yukine spat weakly, “you act like I’ve never seen someone die.”
“I don’t want you to see anymore.”
“Well that isn’t your choice is it? Or do you not want me to be like you that badly? I was there too, you know.” Yukine finally snapped, whipping around to glare at Yato. There were tears in his eyes, boiling with frustration, but no one commented on it. Yato couldn’t think of anything to say and Hiyori clenched Hiiro’s reins. The mare was getting restless with her rider’s change in attitude.
“I know you were there and I’m sorry,” Yato confessed, “I’m not anyone you should strive to be. You don’t have to be anything for me, you don’t owe me nutin.” He kicked at the ground again and Hiyori wanted to roll her eyes. Honestly, such a fool of a man.
“I know that,” Yukine muttered too, now just as embarrassed, “I’m not trying to owe you. I just think-” the boy’s face rose in temperature and neither man could look at each other or address their feelings. Eventually Yato let out a huge sigh mixed with a groan.
“Well, everyone’s telling me what a man you are now and that I gotta let you make your own decisions. Can’t keep you caged forever or that won’t protect you in the long run,” Yato finally relented.
“So I can come? With you?” Yukine sprang to his feet, “and you’ll stop dropping me off here? I can be with you for every job?” Fists balled Yukine stood on the tips of his matching boots to stare wide eyed at Yato. The man blinked again, something fragile crossing his eyes before he smiled.
“Suppose so. Unless you want to come back, which you can any time,” Yato said.
“Yes!” Yukine suddenly remembered he was supposed to be an adult and straightened out, “and you promise this time? No tricks? No lies? No gimmicks?” He pointed up at Yato who finally snorted out a laugh.
“Nothin of the sort, o partner o’ mine,” Yato held up a hand, “honest.”
“Both hands,” Yukine narrowed his eyes. With a scoff Yato held up both hands like he was at gunpoint.
“I swear it,” Yato vowed, “on my only son.”  Finally the dam broke and Yukine went back to his beaming smile.
“Yes!” Yukine pulled at his own ascot, “I won’t let you down! I promise!” The boy crouched to gather his materials only for Yato to crouch with him.
“I know you won’t, you’re my kid after all,” Yato took off his hat and put it on Yukine’s head, smushing it down with a laugh, “and I’m mighty proud of ya.” The two boys shared a laugh and Hiyori finally turned and gave them their space.
“But chu-know, we gotta get you your own hat. The tips of my ears are all crusty,” Yato gripped.
“Just get a different hat!”
“It’s my hat!”
“Then don’t leave for so long!”
“I don’t understand why you can’t just get your own hat.”
“I had one! Before you made me drop it in the river!”
“Oh I made you, yeah okay, and who made you that hat in the first place?”
“Well you should-” Yukine continued to argue, back with his old spunk. Hopefully they would get to spend some time together before she watched the two of them leave this place behind. That painful tug in her chest was getting harder to ignore.
Until a gunshot sounded across the desert and embedded itself in the dirt. Hiiro reared into the air, letting out a cry of alarm as Yato and Yukine readied their arms. Hiyori immediately ran to the back of the buildings and hid behind a small pile of crates. While shoot outs didn’t happen as often as they did in other towns, they were enough for her to know what to do. A tall figure stepped gracefully off of a blonde, raggedy stallion, high heel boots crusting the dirt beneath. Another couple figures in matching law uniforms dismounted but didn’t ready their weapons. Instead they eyed the standoff with wariness and annoyance. Hiyori sighed and stepped out from her hiding spot but stayed several feet away. Bent at Yato’s side, Yukine stood but kept one gun pointed, sharing a nod to the deputy sheriff across the way, who did the same. Meanwhile, Yato’s smile shifted to a dangerous grin which was replied with a snarl.
“Skank.” Yato greeted Sheriff Bishamon.
“Vermin.” The blonde growled in return. Deputy Kazuma tried to calm her, reminding her that Yato’s previous transgressions have been pardoned and he has yet to cause another. But his pleas went unheard. The two took slow steps forward, guns steadily aimed right between the eyes.
“You got nerve showin’ your face in my town,” Bishamon said.
“Why’s that? Don’t tell me it’s not big enough?” Yato joked. This didn’t go over well, the woman took a shot in front of Yato’s feet. The man yelled some sort of curse as he stumbled back, pushing Yukine behind him despite the kid’s protests. Yato’s gun remained pointed, trained by experience. Though the cowboy was clearly at a disadvantage, the sheriff having two bands of bullets criss-crossing over her chest.
“Come on, I’m just here for some good drinks, a fun time at Kofuku’s,” Yato said, “besides, shouldn’t you be on vacation? Aren’t you back a little early?” The man took another step. Hiyori’s fists tightened as she saw the hand signals Yato was giving Yukine from behind his back.
“That deviersion you had Miss Kofuku do? To have me run to her uncle while you tried to sneak around in my town? Not a chance.” Her eyes hardened but Deputy Kazuma already had a hand on her gun. It wasn’t until Yato’s eyes slid to meet Hiyori’s- the question clear in his expression- that the box from deep within shook and burst open. The confirmation she gave was with the tiniest of nods and their eye contact was over just as fast as it started. In an instant the situation changed; Yukine had mounted Hiiro who rose to her hindlegs with a loud cry and soon Yato was up too, shooting at the law’s horses to scare them. While Bishamon was distracted, Yato took the reins from Yukine and drove Hiiro towards the young lady.
“Wha-? What are you doing? You idiot!” Yukine was already turned around, guns pointed behind them, watching Yato’s back. The kid went ignored, Yato had his eyes trained on Hiyori’s, intense stare eclipsing his grin.
“Come on!” Yato held out his hand. Hiyori moved without another thought, grabbing his hand and letting herself be yanked on the thundering black stead. Her body fell roughly across the blackened cowboy.
“Wait!” Hiyori cried as they dashed around the corner and down the main road, “what about our-? My things?” Her concerns were covered by wisps of her hair and Hiyori had to brush them aside to see Yato throw his head back and laugh.
“Relax! We’re just taking a stroll until the armadillo-woman cools off,” Yato looked down at her and winked, “we haven’t danced at Kofuku’s yet right?”
“Gross! Stop being such a creepy old man! You’re lucky Daikoku even lets you back into that bar!” Yukine yelled at them. Yato’s laughter was contagious and soon it spread to Hiyori, the young woman clinging to the cowboy as he took her on an adventure.
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years
A Bad Regalia {Yato and Yukine}
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A/N: Another one where another ask came in after prompts, so I’m assuming it’s a modification. I’m ashamed to say I still haven’t started seasn 2 of Noragami, but I love it so much so I’ll hopefully get to watching it soon! also every time I typed Yato’s name my computer autocorrected it to Yahoo, and that made me laugh. Anyways, hope you enjoy this one!
Summary: Yukine is being a rude and stubborn Regalia, and Yato’s had just about enough.
Word Count: 1.2k (under the cut)
“Oi, what was that back there?!” Yato yelled, letting go of his sword as it transformed back into a small boy.
He crossed his arms, sticking his tongue out at Yato as he turned his back.
“Yukine!” Yato exclaimed, completely exasperated.
“What?! We got the phantom, right? What’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is that your blade was completely dull! You know how much work that phantom was?”
Yukine pouted, slouching his shoulders as he tapped his foot irritatedly. “It’s your fault for being a stupid, no good god! I was supposed to be hanging out with Hiyori right now but noooo I have to deal with your gross, sweaty hands all over me!” 
Yato’s eye twitched. Did this brat seriously have that much nerve? Oh, he had a lot coming for him.
Yato got a sudden painful chill on his spine and he yelped, grabbing his neck before yelling at Yukine again.
“Hey, stop it with the dirty thoughts, you puny little pervert! I already told you that hurts!”
Yukine flushed bright red and threw his arms to the side, yelling back at Yato.
“I wasn’t thinking of anything dirty!”
“Oh, so you’re a perv and a liar, huh?!”
“Shut up!”
Yato crossed his arms, walking over to Yukine and dropping his fist on his head.
“Ow!” Yukine whined, grabbing the spot on his head when Yato pulled his hand back.
“You’re one of the worst Regalia I’ve ever had… I think I need to teach you a lesson.”
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?” Yukine said smugly, grinning as he put a hand on his hip.
“I’m gonna… uhm… I’m gonna… get you,” Yato fumbled. He had never really done anything like punishing a Regalia before, he wasn’t really sure what to do. Yukine smirked as he turned around, walking away from Yato.
“Yeah sure, you’re gonna ‘get me’. Whatever, I’m gonna go hang out with Hiyori now,” Yukine waved nonchalantly at Yato as he started to walk off, hands behind his head.
“Where do you think you’re going? Wait!”
Yato reached out to grab Yukine’s shoulder in hopes of stopping him, but as Yukine continued to walk, Yato’s hand ended up on his side, grabbing it as Yukine yelped, jumping away from him as his hands shot to cover his side.
Yato blinked a few times as he stared at the blushing Yukine.
“You’re calling me a pervert? Don’t grab people like that!” Yukine exclaimed, turning again and walking away, faster this time.
A devious smirk crawled up Yato’s face as he realized why exactly Yukine had reacted like that, and he quickly chased after him. 
Yukine heard running footsteps behind him and turned to see Yato sprinting towards him, yelling his name. He squeaked, quickly running away from him as fast as his legs would take him. 
However, Yato was quicker, and he easily caught up with Yukine, grabbing him by his shirt collar as he yelped, falling on his butt as Yato grabbed his hands quickly, pinning them underneath his shin.
“Wh-What are you doing?! This is harassment!” Yukine yelled. “Help!”
Yato chuckled mischievously, raising his hands above Yukine as he wiggled his fingers. Yukine looked up at him in fear as he realized what was coming.
“No!” He whimpered, struggling in Yato’s grasp, both his arms above his head, leaving him completely helpless.
“This is what you get for being a bad Regalia!” Yato exclaimed, digging his wiggling fingers into Yukine’s ribs, making him arch his back as he shrieked.
“Y-Yatohohohoho! Nohohoho!” Yukine squealed, squirming around desperately. It tickled so bad! He didn’t have his arms to protect himself, and he was more exposed than anyone would ever want to be when they’re being tickled.
Yato smirked, continuing to dance along Yukine’s ribs as he rocked back and forth, completely helpless to Yato’s cruel tickling.
“Does that tickle, Yukine? This is what happens if you disobey your god!” Yato teased, poking between each rib, making Yukine squeak adorably with each poke.
“EEYah! N-NOhohohoho! I-I’ll be goohoohoohood! I promiseeee! GAHa! Not thehehehehere!”
Yato scribbled his fingers in the hollow of Yukine’s underarms, making him arch his back and tug on his arms desperately as his face went pink with embarrassment at the shrill sounds he was making.
“It’s not a matter of being good now, it’s a matter of getting what you deserve for being bad in the first place,” Yato stated simply, though it was just an excuse to keep tickling Yukine. The kid could use a good laugh, regardless of whether or not he was bad.
“Hey hey, should I tell Hiyori you’re ticklish? That’d be hilarious!” Yato laughed, wincing when he felt a sudden pain in his neck. “Did you just have another dirty thought?!”
“NOHOHoHoho!” Yukine lied, face now bright red from embarrassment and from laughing. Yato clicked his tongue, scratching up Yukine’s upper arm before digging right back in the hollow of his underarm, making him shriek and kick his legs around.
“You just added another ten minutes for that,” Yato joked, though the joke didn’t register with Yukine as he shrieked again.
“T-Tehehehehehen minutes??” He cried out, kicking his legs as he whined. “I cahahahahahan’t last that long! I-I’ll dihihihihieeee!”
Yato clicked his tongue again. “You can’t die twice, Yukine.”
Yato spidered his fingers down Yukine’s ribs again, now landing at his sides which he gave a firm squeeze as Yukine squealed, rocking from side to side in an attempt to shake off Yato’s tickly fingers.
“Stohohohohohop! GYAhahahaha! Plehehehease, Yatoooo!” Yukine whimpered, cackling loudly.
“Not until you’ve learned your lesson,” Yato said simply, scribbling his fingers along Yukine’s tummy as he screamed, kicking his legs out as he arched his back.
“NAHAHAHahahaHA! A-Anywhere but thehehehEHEHERE!” He screamed with hysterical laughter, squirming from side to side as he threw his head back, trying again to pull his arms back down.
“Heh, looks like you’re pretty ticklish here, huh?” Yato teased, poking Yukine’s tummy repeatedly as he giggled with each poke. “Is this a giggle button?”
Yukine blushed at the teasing. Between that and the tickling he was seriously about to lose his mind.
“I-I’ve lehehehehearned my lesson! Plehehehease, stohoHOHOP!” Yukine begged, tears now trickling down his bright red face as his laughter went from absolutely hysterical to silent.
Yato figured that Yukine had definitely learned his lesson at this point and pulled his hands off of the poor Yukine, letting him breathe.
He released his arms as well, Yukine instantly jumping up and covering his body, taking a few steps away from Yato as he breathed heavily, a few giggles still escaping his lips as he glared at him.
“Never do that again,” he said, scowling as Yato chuckled.
“Depends on how you act as my Regalia… If you behave I won’t have to do it again,” Yato said, shrugging his shoulders. Yukine’s scowl faded and he turned around in a huff.
“Whatever. I’m gonna hang out with Hiyori now,”
“No dirty thoughts!” Yato yelled at him as Yukine ran off, still hugging himself in case of Yato coming after him again. Yato chuckled to himself, putting his hands behind his head as he walked off. Maybe Yukine wasn’t a bad Regalia…
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bishamcns · 4 years
The Way You Said, "I Love You":  as we huddled together while a storm raged outside.
because yato really needs to hear it
    It was a particularly stormy night, both in terms of weather and ayakashi. The power had gone out due to the strong winds and rain. The group was lucky that they had already eaten dinner and that Daikoku had finished heating water for tea not too long before the storm picked up. Everyone had gathered in one room, under the kotatsu, to help keep Yukine's mind off of the dark.
    Hiyori pulled out school work for both her and Yukine to work on. Despite there being little light, she figured it would keep him preoccupied. Kofuku and Daikoku sat directly across from them while Yato sprawled himself across the floor. Yato claimed that he didn't need the kotatsu to keep warm since he had his 'trusty booze' to do that for him. They filled their hours with light-hearted stories and teasing Yato.
    The clock had reached 9:45, the wind and rain had let up quite a bit, and Yato had noticed a few yawns slip from Hiyori and Yukine's mouths every now and then. He could tell Hiyori would push herself to stay awake for however long Yukine would, so he sat up and spoke, "It's getting late, Yukine, enough with the studying. Why don't you go to sleep now?"
    "I can't fall asleep around you. You'll probably draw something crude on my forehead," he snapped back before letting out yet another yawn, which he quickly tried to cover up. Hiyori reached to close her textbook as she yawned again, too.
    "Stop fighting your sleep. It'd be best to rest anyway, so that you can stop thinking about the dark."
    Yukine grumbled under his breath about not being a scared little kid, but obliged. He followed Hiyori's actions and shut his own textbook. Daikoku stood up, saying something about how he and Kofuku would be heading off into their own room and told Yukine to call if he needed anything. "Okay," he said as he slid himself further underneath the kotatsu.
    "Goodnight, Yukki," Kofuku said before adding, "Hiyorin. Yato-chan."
    "Goodnight," the trio sleepily chimed together. Yato finally moved himself under the kotatsu and made himself comfortable, about ready to pass out.
    "I should get going, too," Hiyori said, stuffing her books into her bag.
    "Actually, I'd like it if you stayed," Yukine admitted. "I'm still feeling a bit nervous."
    "Oh, okay. No worries. I'll stay as long as you need," Hiyori smiled. She adjusted herself to sit more comfortably as she waited for Yukine to fall asleep. Even though the storm was still going, Hiyori felt content as she watched the two sleepy boys who grew to feel like her own family. She was happy that she gave Yukine comfort just by being around. When she believed that enough time had passed for both of them to be asleep, she leaned over and kissed their foreheads, whispering, "I love you."
    "Shh... I'm sleeping," Yato mumbled, rolling over, not quite registering what Hiyori just said.
    She panicked a little, as she had hoped neither of them would hear her. He's drunk and half asleep; he won't remember, she thought. Surely he won't... if he did realize what I had said, he'd have shot up, wide awake, and been obnoxious about it. Hiyori tossed and turned for a little while longer, eventually falling asleep herself.
    The wind was merely a breeze, the rain had slowed to a drizzle, the power had turned back on, and Hiyori was back in her own home, in her body.  With her arms stretched above her head, she closed her eyes and let out a yawn. Although she only had her eyes closed for a split second, that seemed to be enough time for Yato to appear from seemingly nowhere. She had to hold herself back from screaming and getting the attention of her whole family.
    "Yato, what are you doing here? And this early?" she asked in a voice only slightly louder than a whisper.
    "Wanted to make sure you made it back okay..." he said, trailing off. He stood there, fidgeting with his hands a bit longer.
    "You could've texted, y'know."
Yato hid his face behind his scarf before quickly mumbling, "Do you really love me?"
    She climbed out of her bed, getting closer to Yato to better hear him―although she already had an idea, she wanted to be sure. "Excuse me?" she asked, hoping she had heard him wrong and that he didn't remember what she had told him and Yukine.
    "Us," he corrected himself. "Do you really love us? Me and Yukine?"
    Hiyori's face turned bright red. "I thought you were asleep."
    "But do you?" Yato asked, trying again.
    "You two are like family now," Hiyori said. Her hands moved to hide her face. She was embarrassed, especially since she had gone out of her way to kiss their foreheads and if Yato remembered what she had said, then he must've remembered that as well. "Of course I do."
    "I love you, too." His face was buried in his scarf again, but she heard him fine that time. It almost sounded like he was on the verge of crying, so Hiyori removed her hands from her face and looked right at him.
    "Yato, are you okay? What's wrong?" she worried, hands reaching towards him to wipe away the tears threatening to fall.
    "It's just," he paused, "The only family I had before was Father and Nora... and they never truly felt like family."
    More tears began to fall and Hiyori gave up on trying to wipe them away. Instead, she just held him. She let him cry into her shoulder awhile longer before pulling away to give him a saddened smile.
    "Oh, and although he'd probably never admit it, I can tell the little brat loves you, too," Yato half-chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.
    "That's why I waited until he was asleep to say it." They both laughed.
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yatorihell · 4 years
In The Darkness Chapter 71 - Disarm and Dispatch
Noragami x Harry Potter AU
Words: 4,131
Summary: On a dark and stormy night, Yato learns the truth of his mission and the horcruxes.
Also available on Yatorihell AO3
The N.E.W.T exams were finally, finally over.
Yato let out a breath of relief. It was quickly followed by a pang of sadness. He wouldn’t be back, but Hiyori and Yukine would; he told himself this at the beginning of the year, but now they were in the last few weeks of term. At least he knew they would be safe from Nora now that she was leaving too. They would never have to see her again.
He could focus on finding the horcruxes; he may even be able to come back to Hogwarts to visit and update Professor Tenjin on his findings. It was a small hope he would cling to in his solitude at Yukine’s house. He would find and destroy the horcruxes, defeat the Sorcerer, and find the strength to go home to Grimmauld Place.
Yato left the Great Hall after his final exam, not wanting to think about the day he would get his results back. He saw Nora pass by him, head hung low and curtained by her black hair as she disappeared back into the bowels of the castle, back to Slytherin’s dorms. Whilst he hadn’t seen anything unusual in the Room of Requirement, he could only assume that it was hidden away.
Hiyori and Yukine were waiting for him in the courtyard, sunning themselves in their summer school uniforms on the grass and chatting listlessly. They sprung to life as soon as Yato was standing over them.
“How did it go?” Hiyori asked.
Yato pulled a face. All his confidence had been zapped with every passing exam. “As good as it could’ve been.”
“I’m sure you did great,” Hiyori said optimistically.
Yato pulled on his tie, thankful for the cool breeze rather than the stuffy hall where he’d been for the past two hours. The three of them sat down on the grass, enjoying the sunshine that cast tall shadows from the castle turrets and towers.
“What are you going to do next year while we’re at school?” Hiyori asked. She tucked her legs under her, hand on her lap whilst the other picked at stray daisies.
“Get a job?” Yukine suggested.
Yato huffed in response. He hadn’t the faintest idea what to do. He’d need to get ‘Outstanding’ on all of his N.E.W.T.s to have a shot at being an Auror, but even then they may do a background check and see his relations to Father, and therefore the Sorcerer.
“You could work in Honeydukes and give us free sweets,” Yukine continued. “Or the Three Broomsticks.”
A wry smile pulled at Hiyori’s lips at the suggestion, though Yato seemed deflated to think about finally growing up.
“Maybe he could persuade Professor Tenjin to hire him to help Kuraha look after the magical creatures they use in class. Then you wouldn’t have to leave Hogwarts.”
Yato spared Hiyori a glance but looked away quickly when he saw the teasing smile on her face. In his last days at Hogwarts, he didn’t know what to do about his feelings for Hiyori. After the trip to the Room of Requirement, he couldn’t tell if she did like him, or if she was teasing him the way he always teased her.
One thing for sure, it wasn’t a friendship he wanted to ruin with one-sided feelings. For now, he would hold his tongue.
Yato fell asleep quickly that night, the late nights and early mornings finally catching up to him as he nuzzled into his pillow and sighed in his sleep.
He knew that he should have been looking for the horcruxes, but when the locket and the ring plagued every dream, he knew it would be pointless until he could go back to Grimmauld Place and look at them. Hopefully, that would once and for all put a stop to the reoccurrence.
It was barely midnight when Yato felt something hard scratch against his hand. He batted it away with a mumble, but a small squeak came from somewhere by his head and Yato bolted upright. He looked down, and as his eyes adjusted, he could see a robust mouse-shaped piece of parchment looking up at him. It looked at him for a second before its pointed nose nudged against Yato’s fingers again.
Yato plucked the mouse between his fingers and smoothed out the folds until the mouse disintegrated into a piece of parchment. Yato felt for his wand on the bedside table, knocking a few miscellaneous items to the ground.
“Lumos,” Yato whispered, ducking beneath the sheets so he wouldn’t wake anyone up. His eyes burned in the sudden brightness, having to squint to make out the words in front of him.
Astronomy Tower. Prof. Tenjin.
Yato hesitated. Is this another trick from Nora?
He dimmed his wand and dropped the sheet to his lap. He looked to the door, seeing the gaping cracks between the slats of wood at the bottom where the mouse must’ve squeezed through. He could hear no one outside nor see a shadow, but something told him that it was Professor Tenjin summoning him.
Yato’s mind raced as he pulled on his tracksuit and stuffed his feet into his shoes. He tucked the note in his pocket and kept his wand in hand as he quietly left the sanctuary of Slytherin’s dorms.
Yato slipped through the hallways like a shadow. He could hear a distant rumble of a storm rolling in over the highlands and across the Great Lake, promising summer rain to clear the air. Yato made his way through the Transfiguration Corridor that surrounded the courtyard. He glanced up to the starry sky that framed the Astronomy Tower and its small turrets, obscured by the first storm clouds that were forming overhead.
The staircase winded up, and Yato remembered that this was the tallest tower in Hogwarts, offering a perfect view of the sky for those who could make the climb. It felt like hours by the time Yato reached the top, stepping into the darkened room.
The floor softly clanged with his footsteps. Below the metal grate flooring he could see shadows and shapes of old telescopes that had been left to collect dust. He stepped up to the raised wood dais that made for a stage that students would sit on and learn about the stars. The centre of the room, half beneath the floor, was an astronomical sphere that reflected the moonlight that shone in through the large circular opening in the tower.
Yato started as he realised the shape of a man was hidden in the shadows, overlooking the lake like a phantom waiting for a loved one to return from sea.
“Professor?” Yato said.
A wave of relief washed through him when the figure turned, revealing it was the headmaster. It wasn’t a trick.
“Thank you for coming so quickly,” Professor Tenjin’s voice was gravelly. It took Yato by surprise.
“Professor, has something happened? Has-.”
A multitude of questions passed Yato’s mind. Why did he bring him here? Had something happened to the Order? Had a horcrux been found? They were all silenced by the headmaster.
“Yato,” Professor Tenjin said. There was a pause of silence as Yato stared at him. The moonlight bathed his profile in iridescent light that highlighted his greying hair and tired eyes.
“My time here is nearly over, therefore it is time to tell you the truth.”
Professor Tenjin paused and pulled out a chain from under his black robes. In the glint of the moonlight, Yato could tell it was the locket.
Professor Tenjin crossed the room, still holding it in the palm of his hand for Yato to see. “The locket in your vision – the one here – is not a horcrux. The real horcrux is in Grimmauld Place, along with the ring.”
Ring? Yato thought. His heart hammered. The signet ring in Grimmauld Place in the sapphire goblet. Right next to the locket, the other horcrux. Under his nose all this time.
“The ring is…?” Yato started, but Professor Tenjin shook his head.
“An empty vessel. Destroyed by the Sorcerer’s lover, Izanami. They attended Hogwarts together and he bewitched her with a love potion. When she broke free all those years later, she destroyed the horcrux and herself.”
The empty feeling that swallowed Yato down in his visions made sense now; he felt the Sorcerer’s pain and hollowness of having part of his soul destroyed by someone he loved. Yato looked from the locket to Professor Tenjin, anger brewing in his chest. He’d told him that the locket was nothing, a lie that the Sorcerer used to send him off the trail. He clenched his fists.
All this time he’d known where the horcrux was, and they lied.
“Why did you lie? How is the real horcrux in Grimmauld Place? Why didn’t we destroy it the moment it was found?!” Yato’s voice grew sharper as he threw the questions, but Professor Tenjin didn’t scold him. He dropped the locket so it hung around his neck.
“Sakura learned where the locket was hidden during her time in Azkaban; Deatheaters on the brink of madness will tell any secret, including the existence of the horcruxes,” Professor Tenjin explained.
He crossed over to the opening, hands tucked behind his back, and voice a tone about a whisper.
“Once she escaped and found you, she began looking for them. The first being the locket containing part of the Sorcerer’s soul.”
Yato’s head reeled at the mention of Sakura. She knew? She had been looking for them for three years? She had never mentioned them, hidden them away like heirlooms in dusty goblets when they were the most important objects in the world.
“We knew we would have to keep the horcruxes safe until they could be destroyed. Grimmauld Place is safer than any vault in our world, and so the Order of the Phoenix was reborn: to protect you and the horcruxes,” Professor Tenjin continued.
Yato’s mouth dried, not that he had anything to say to these revelations.
“Once Sakura found the locket, a fake was made and given to me. Then, when the locket was discovered missing, we spread the rumour that I possessed the horcrux, to protect Sakura and the Order until she could destroy it.”
Professor Tenjin turned, and Yato could see a storm brewing in his dark eyes. “For this reason, the Sorcerer intends to kill me.”
Yato felt his chest tighten. It was all too much. All the secrets that had been kept from him: the ulterior motive of the Order of the Phoenix that was only revealed once Sakura died, the reason Nora was trying to kill the headmaster, the location of a horcrux he knew about all this time.
“Why didn’t she tell me?” Yato croaked. “When she brought me to the Order? Why didn’t she say anything?”
Professor Tenjin’s eyes softened. He turned and took half a step away from the window towards Yato.
“She didn’t want to put you in harm’s way until you were ready. But her death came too soon for her to destroy the locket, and it was left to me to tell you the truth-.”
“What truth?” Yato spat. “The only truth I have now is that I can’t trust you, or Madame Kofuku, or anyone else in the Order!”
“Sakura knew the risk she was taking, as did I,” Professor Tenjin warned. “She wouldn’t have you expose yourself to the Sorcerer’s mind games, but you are our only hope of finding the horcruxes before the war comes. We have tried to prepare you for the trials to come.”
Yato took a step back. “So, you decided the moment Sakura died to use me in your game of chess? Because she wouldn’t let you fuck with my head?”
The guilt was evident in Professor Tenjin’s silence. Yato scoffed.
“Well, I guess you were right about me being able to find horcruxes – not that you wanted to tell me where they were in the first place.”
Professor Tenjin sighed wearily. “We’d hoped that you would be able to trace them all, but it seems your…grief… for Sakura clouded your mind, making you only focus on the ones that were closest to her.”
Yato felt his blood boil. It wasn’t his fault that the visions reoccurred. Had they thought to tell him the truth in the first place, maybe they would know what and where the other horcruxes were. But in the next moment, Yato found out there was more that was kept from him.
“Why are you telling me this now?” Yato folded his arms over his chest and glared at the Professor.
Professor Tenjin glanced at Yato before looking down over the ledge of the Astronomy Tower. “Because tonight is the night I will die.”
Yato tensed, but he relaxed almost immediately. There was no danger here in Hogwarts. Nora’s assassination attempts proved useless. Professor Tenjin could handle Nora even if she came at him with the Sword of Gryffindor.
“If you’re talking about all the curses and poisons that have missed their mark, I can tell you it was Nora. She’s the one who sent the necklace, the wine -,” Yato said dryly as he recalled each failed attempt.
“I know.”
Yato stopped short. “What?”
“I know it was her. Your Father, the Sorcerer, they believe I have the locket, and they want it back before it is destroyed. I believe it was Nora’s mission to kill me and retrieve what was taken.”
Yato blinked. He knew.
A crash came from behind the wooden door, followed by muffled shouting. Yato whirled around, eyes locked on the door. He opened his mouth to speak, but he didn’t have the chance.
“They’re here.”
Professor Tenjin drew his wand and in one fell swoop the floor disappeared beneath Yato. He yelped at the short fall, the flagstones jarring his body with a painful thump. He looked up and saw that the wooden floorboards had fixed themselves overhead.
Yato scrambled to his feet, ignoring the pain in his side, and began hobbling his way over to the ladder that was concealed by a trapdoor. He cursed under his breath. Tenjin knew. He knew that it was her that had nearly killed him and Hiyori, but he did nothing about it.
Yato pulled himself up and pushed against the door, but it was jammed shut. Through the holes in the metal grating he could see Professor Tenjin stood by the window, eyes adverted away from him.
Yato opened his mouth to call out to him, to curse him for trapping him for no reason, when the door slammed open.
Yato sucked in a breath as the spell hit Professor Tenjin. His wand arced through the air and clattered to the side of the room. Yato’s breath hitched as he saw the curtain of short black hair that hid their face, but he knew all too well who was in front of him.
“Good evening, Nora,” Professor Tenjin said.
Yato’s mouth fell open, but he shut it quickly to muffle his breathing, listening intently. There was not a hint of panic on the headmaster's face despite becoming unarmed and being aimed at by the one who had tried to kill him.
Nora stepped forward. Her head moved from side to side, checking to make sure they were alone.
“I take it you are not alone tonight,” Professor Tenjin asked.
Nora was quiet for a moment as if still judging if they were truly alone before she spoke. “No, I’m not.”
There was silence, but far below them in the spiral staircase came the sounds of scuffling and shouting. Deatheaters had infiltrated Hogwarts. Yato silently drew his wand.
“I take it you’re here tonight to kill me once and for all?”
“That’s right.”
Professor Tenjin shook his head imperceptibly. “You are not a killer, Nora.”
“How do you know?” Nora said a bit too quickly. Her grip tightened on her wand. “You don’t know what I’m capable of. What I’ve done-,”
“Oh, I know what you have done; you poisoned your brother, you cursed a classmate. I know you have been trying to kill me.”
Silence hung in the air as Professor Tenjin made his revelation. Yato couldn’t see Nora’s face, but he imagined her expression showed a mixture of shock and confusion.
Far below the grunts grew louder, echoing off the tower walls. Professor Tenjin cocked his head.
“I must say, while your attempts to kill me were feeble, I must know how you brought Deatheaters into this school.”
There was a beat of silence before Nora found her voice.
“Vanishing cabinet,” Nora said. Yato note there was a tremor in her voice as she flexed her hand by her side. “In the Room of Requirement.”
Professor Tenjin hummed, closed his eyes, and titled his head back. “Clever… a pair, I assume?”
“The other is in Borgin and Burkes.” Nora nudged her head to the side. “They make a passage.”
“And so the Deatheaters were able to use it to infiltrate Hogwarts.”
The battle outside seemed to be moving closer with every thump, pop, and bang. Long drags of silence passed between them, as they listened to both sides fight.
Yato imagined the teachers who awoke to find Deatheaters in the school, fighting for their lives as they advanced on the headmaster’s life. His heart hammered as he realised Professor Tenjin knew that they would attack tonight, and rather than escaping, he had brought the Order to fight. Yato wondered if they would make it in time, or if he was really about to watch the headmaster die.
“Perhaps you should finish the job,” Professor Tenjin said.
Yato felt his heart lurch to his throat, startled that he was egging Nora on.
“You must have realised tonight that there are more members of the Order of the Phoenix here tonight than you expected, but you can see we are alone up here.”
Nora’s knuckles whitened on her wand.
“You don’t need help to do this. I am unarmed.” Professor Tenjin spread his arms slightly.
Stop talking, Yato begged silently. It was as if he wanted Nora to do it.
Professor Tenjin’s eyes softened. He spoke quietly. “I see. You don’t want to do this.”
Professor Tenjin stepped towards Nora, but the refocusing of her wand stopped him after a step. The fight was only a floor beneath them now, but the sounds of cries and curses were dwindling, now impossible to tell how many there were or who had won.
“You do not have to do this, Nora.”
Nora’s face was sickly pale in the dying moonlight, dappled by shifting clouds that rumbled with the first sounds of thunder. “I have to. He’ll kill me.”
“I can help you.”
“You can’t. Nobody can. He said – Father said to do it, or he’ll kill me. I don’t have a choice.” Nora’s voice cracked.
Yato could hear the tear in her throat as she fought against her better judgment, to do what Father told her.
“We can hide you,” Professor Tenjin persisted. He took another step forward and this time Nora didn’t stop him. “The Order will protect you. No harm has been done and none will come if you join us. You are not a killer.”
Nora stared at Professor Tenjin, and for an agonising moment, Yato thought she’d drop her wand and surrender.
The door burst open.
Yato flinched and lost his footing on the ladder, but his footsteps were obscured by five sets of footsteps thundering overhead. He pressed himself to the wall, heart thumping.
“Why is he still alive?” A high-pitched voice hissed. Yato shrunk away from the metal grating as someone passed directly overhead. He knew that voice all too well.
“Oshi, my dear successor,” Professor Tenjin said calmly.
“Where is it?” Oshi snapped at Nora, ignoring the headmasters greeting.
Yato crept forward and looked up through the grating. He could see Nora and Oshi, and four other figures robed in black.
Nora didn’t answer, but the clang of footsteps on metal turned to wood. There was a snap and Yato could see one of the Deatheaters had ripped the locket from Professor Tenjin’s neck. The bait had been taken.
“You’ve had enough time. Kill him.” A voice came from the one who held the locket, deeply familiar and nauseating.
He turned his back on Professor Tenjin and stood beside Nora. Now, Yato could see his face clear as day – Kugaha, donned in Deatheaters garb, his hair matted in thick dreadlocks.
“Do it now!” Oshi screeched.
Nora’s wand faltered over Professor Tenjin’s heart.
Yato wanted to call out, to burst through the floor and fight, but the headmaster was sure to lock him away where he couldn’t be seen or be hurt. Below he could hear the first stirrings of reinforcements making their way up the tower, but he knew they would not make it in time.
Professor Tenjin’s eyes flickered to the floor, almost making eye contact with him.
Time slowed.
Kugaha let out a low growl and pushed Nora out of the way. He drew his wand and aimed.
“Avada Kedavra!”
A bolt of green light shot from the end of his wand and blasted Professor Tenjin square in the chest. Yato’s scream never passed his lips. The air had been ripped out of his lungs as he watched Professor Tenjin, suspended for a moment beneath the roaring storm, fall and disappear from sight.
The Dark Mark hung over the Astronomy Tower for the rest of the night, a reminder that Deatheaters had come to Hogwarts and killed the headmaster. The message was clear:
Hogwarts was no longer safe.
Professor Tenjin’s death and funeral were widely covered by the newspapers. The Daily Prophet’s newspapers hailed him a hero – a veteran who fought against all evil. Everyone seemed to have forgotten that the Daily Prophet constantly dragged his name through the mud until his death.
All lessons were cancelled, the final O.W.L.s exams postponed. Professor Tsuyu talked about closing the school early, although more than half of the students had already been dragged home by anxious parents. The grief of losing the headmaster and the uncertainty of Hogwarts’ future became a cloud over them darker than any mark.
In the end, Hogwarts shut its doors for the year after Professor Tenjin was laid to rest.
The Hogwarts Express rolled out of Hogsmeade, the carriages eerily silent.
Yato, Yukine and Hiyori took a carriage for themselves. They could tell that things had changed now.
Though Madame Kofuku had survived – along with the other teachers who had heard the battle and come to fight – the Order was in tatters. Most of those who had fought in the First Wizarding War were now dead, leaving a gaping hole in the Sorcerer’s resistance.
Whilst Yato knew that Sakura never wanted him to put himself in harm’s way and that he was used by the Order to try and find the horcruxes, he knew he was the last line of defence now. If the horcruxes weren’t found – and quickly – the Sorcerer would have the world on its knees, wizard and muggle alike.
The silence dragged on endlessly and was only broken when they passed the first of the loughs outside of Hogwarts.
“What will we do, Yato?” Hiyori said softly.
Yato looked at her after a second. Her gaze was focused out of the window, waiting for an answer. Yato’s eyes slid to Yukine who was sat next to her, finding him looking at him intently.
“I’ve got to destroy the rest of the horcruxes,” Yato said. “It’s what he wanted me to do – what I have to do – to stop the Sorcerer.”
There was a long silence.
“We’re coming too,” Hiyori said. She lifted her head from the window and looked at Yato. Her face was drawn with days of grief and anxiety. He wondered if she had even slept properly since that night.
Yato shook his head. “No, you’re not.”
“We aren’t any safer at Hogwarts now, even if they have every Auror crawling over the place,” Yukine said. He folded his arm over his chest. “We’re going with you.”
“No –,” Yato said. He hadn’t counted on this. He would leave and find the horcruxes. He would destroy them one by one. Then he would kill the Sorcerer once he was mortal. Hiyori and Yukine were not part of this equation.
“We aren’t going to leave you,” Hiyori repeated.
Yato stared hard at Hiyori, willing her to back down, but if anything, it strengthened her resolve. He looked at Yukine and found the same stubborn look on his face.
“Never,” Yukine said. “We do this together, or not at all.”
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simply-red-queen · 4 years
I’m seeing a few people hating on Yukine, particularly in manga websites. I wish people remembered that Yukine doesn’t have the information that we, the readers, have. We know why Yato left without a word, but Yukine doesn’t (also, let’s face it, Yato handled this in the worst possible way).
So, let’s try to see how things look from Yukine’s point of view, shall we? Your god fights heaven and wins, but the gods of heaven decide to punish him for it, so they lock you in a box, which causes you to start having flashes of your life as a human, which in turn causes your name to start cracking. You don’t really understand those flashes, but they make you curious. You also probably have PTSD, not that anybody acknowledges that. 
Eventually, you are released and your god throws you a birthday party that involves a really silly but heartfelt song about how much he loves you and how he’ll always call your name. You are incredibly moved by it until the shinki you despise most of all and who has tried to mess with your head in the past, shows up, tells you she loves you and kisses you against your will. Instead of recognizing it as harassment (which it was) and supporting you, your god and those around you tease you about having a crush and make you go through another ablution. And then your god just disappears without a word. For the second time. You try to stay calm and convince yourself that he’s coming back, but then the same shinki who harassed you comes to you saying that all her masters have released her and that she has nowhere else to go. She also starts talking about your previous life, and those flashes you had before start coming back stronger than ever.  You don’t want to trust her, but she has been right before, specifically when she warned you about a shinki you considered your mentor betraying you. 
In the meantime, the human girl who became one of your best friends also disappeared. So you go to the other gods and ask them about the lives shinki had before they are named. Inexplicably, they panic and leave. So you’re on your own now. 
The only thing left to do is go find your god. When you do find him, not only did he take the mentor who betrayed you as his shinki, he’s also trying to kill his father. The thing is, he told you that his father was his lifeline. But if he’s trying to kill said father, he must be lying to you. And if he lied about that, he must have lied about other things too. You’re so upset that you actually manage to draw a line against him and you get so obsessed with finding your name that you blight him to the point of passing out. So you go out and start misbehaving, not caring that you’re hurting your god, because why should you? He abandoned you and lied to you, why should you care about him? When you’re practically an ayakashi, your god’s father comes to you and offers to show you the thing you want the most: your family. But you have to let him name you. And at this point, why not? What have you got to lose? So you let him. And he actually keeps his promise and takes you to your family home. But your family is not as idyllic as you thought. Your father was abusive and your mother left with your sister. So you go back to the one person who is still there for you: your god’s father. He’s not such a bad guy after all. That’s one more thing your god lied to you about, huh? And you start calling him Father too.
So, bottom line: Yato handled this in the worst possible way and screwed up big time. Yukine simply reacted. He does not deserve the hate he has been getting.
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thedeliverygod · 2 years
Noragami Big Bang 2022
It is time my friends to post my contribution to the @noragamibigbang!!! My partner @yimicreatesx adorable art can be found here! 
Excuse Me, Um... I Love You
Summary:  Today was just not Hiyori's day. When chaos ensues, Yato tries his best to be a god of fortune. But when you live in a house with Kofuku, that's easier said than done.
“Hiyori, we weren’t expecting—oh wow, you’re completely soaked!”
Yukine’s raised voice caught Yato’s ears from the living room and he quickly scrambled to the entrance of the house.
Her school uniform and hair were plastered to her skin and her umbrella hung at her side. With a forced smile, she explained, “This typhoon was kind of unexpected and my umbrella broke after it got turned inside out…”
“Hiyorin, oh no!” Kofuku joined the group at the doorway, pushing past Yukine and Yato as she cried out and grabbed the other girl’s wrist, “Come in, come in! Hurry up and take a bath before you catch a cold!”
“Thank you.” Hiyori gave a real smile this time as she slipped off her shoes and put her broken umbrella in the holder before she let Kofuku pull her into the house.
As the two girls passed by him, Kofuku shouted, “Yato-chan, get Hiyorin some of your clothes so she has something dry to wear!”
He moved towards the stairs without a second thought until he faintly heard Yukine ask, “Why don’t you give her some of your clothes, Kofuku-san?”
“Becaaaaaaause.” Her voice answered mischievously.
Yato shook his head and ignored the slight flush on his cheeks, muttering to himself, “Wearing her clothes would probably jinx Hiyori anyway.”
He grabbed a pair of plaid pajama pants and one of his Capypa graphic t-shirts before freezing in place. ‘What about…’ His blush doubled before he remembered the bra and underwear set he had purchased for her shortly after their trip to Capypa Land. As much as he inwardly cringed at how inappropriate he acted towards her before, he couldn’t help but think the gift sure was coming in handy right now.
He dragged his feet as he made his way downstairs and cleared his throat as he entered the laundry room connected to the bathroom, “H-Hiyori? I bought you some clothes… I’m leaving them right by the door.”
After a moment her voice answered back, just as flustered, “Um… Okay. Thanks, Yato.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll, uh… Be in the living room…” He trailed off awkwardly as he quickly made his way back into the hallway while he inhaled deeply. Yukine watched him with a seemingly pitying look as he sat down at the table, looking up to question the other god in a grumble, “Kofuku, why would you do that?”
“Oh, don’t act like you aren’t thrilled by the idea of Hiyorin wearing your clothes, Yato-chan.” She looked back with a grin and Yato sunk lower onto the table.
“So that’s what you forced him into.” Daikoku sighed heavily as he entered the room, shaking his head as he leaned against the doorway, “Are you sure your mischief won’t cause any problems for Hiyori-chan?”
Kofuku puffed her cheeks out in response, “It’s just clothes, what could happen?”
“If you say so.” Daikoku shrugged before nodding back towards the kitchen, “I’ve got to finish dinner, so behave yourself.”
The pink haired god gave a high-pitched huff as he left the room but didn’t say anything else in response. Her lips turning back into a smug smile, she teased, “You know, if you just gave the clothes to me, I would have given them to Hiyorin. You didn’t have to take them to the bathroom yourself.”
“…I just left them at the door, it’s fine.” Yato turned his head and tried his best to ignore her.
“Well, since Hiyori’s here, I’m gonna go upstairs and grab some of my homework.” Yukine slipped out from underneath the table, “Be right back.”
“Okay.” He answered, his eyes following the young boy to the doorway. Taking a breath, he turned back to the other god, “Look, Kofuku… I get what you’re trying to do. And I appreciate the thought, really. But we really shouldn’t bother Hiyori with stuff like that, okay?” He gave a forced smile, “She’s got her own life to live, you know. I’m fine just to be a part of it at all.”
Kofuku frowned deeply, reaching out, “But Yato-chan—”
“I’m a god of fortune now, so I’ve got to look out for her properly.” He pointed a finger towards her, “No more teasing for my sake.”
“For your sake.” Kofuku repeated and sounded somewhat sarcastic.
Just as Yato was going to ask what she meant, Yukine reappeared and asked, “What’s with the serious tone? What are you talking about now?”
“Adult stuff.” Yato answered automatically.
Narrowing his eyes, Yukine retorted back, “Considering I’m permanently stuck at fourteen, you have to consider me an adult eventually.”
“Today’s not that day.” The god shook his head before reaching over to ruffle Yukine’s hair as the boy sat down, “Besides, you’ll always be my kid.”
He dramatically rolled his eyes in response but gave a small smile as he started to look down at his books.
Kofuku giggled, “You’re such a good boy, Yukki.” Standing up, she motioned towards the kitchen, “I’m going to go see if Daikoku needs any help.”
‘I’m not sure if he wants it even if he does need it.’ Yato thought to himself, but nodded, “Alright.”
“But really, is everything okay?” Yukine peered up from his homework.
Yato shook his head and smiled, “I just told her to not mess with Hiyori, that’s all. I think she’s been through enough today. I mean, you saw her when she came in; she looked like a drowned rat.”
His shoulders jerked upward in surprise and he immediately felt regret wash over him as he turned around, “H-Hiyori…! I was just—I meant—”
“It’s fine, I was a mess when I got here.” She admitted with a begrudging pout, making her way over to the table. She dried her hair with a towel one more time before letting it drape around her neck. Glancing at Yato briefly, she looked down at her clothes and flushed as she tugged at the hem, “Thanks for these.”
“Y-yeah, I mean, it’s the least I could do.” He nodded sheepishly.
The younger boy raised his eyebrows at both of them for a moment before changing the subject, “Hey, Hiyori. Since you’re here, would you go over this problem with me?” He moved his finger over a certain section of the page, taking a breath to clarify, “Only if you feel up to it, of course.”
“Oh, of course, Yukine-kun!” Her eyes lit up and she eagerly leaned over towards Yukine’s textbook, “Let’s see…”
Yato finally let his shoulders relax, watching the other two get absorbed in schoolwork. Satisfied with the return of routine and normalcy, he reached into his pocket for his phone and scrolled through Twitter to keep himself occupied while his friends worked.
After a short while, Kofuku waltzed back into the living room with an armful of drinks, dribbling liquid as she went. “Dinner’s ready! But first,” She put glasses of a dark red liquid in front of Yukine and Hiyori, “Some juice for you two.” At another seat she put down a glass of what he assumed was the same juice, “For me and Daikoku.” Lastly, she put another down in front of Yato, “And for you, Yato-chan.”
“Thanks.” He gave a forced smile, seeing Yukine already hurriedly wiping up the mess she had made, “Why juice though?”
“It’s summer, why not?” She shrugged before taking a seat and taking a sip of her own glass.
After he’d put his books in a safe location away from the table, Yukine heaved a sigh before sitting down and taking a sip out of his glass. He hummed, acknowledging, “It is refreshing.”
Yato took his own sip and nodded, looking to Hiyori who seemed to make a strange face at the taste for a moment but quickly smiled along with everyone else.
Daikoku stumbled in with a large serving tray full of different dishes, carefully lowering it down to the table, “Dinner’s served!”
“Thanks for the meal!” Everyone in the group answered loudly before the sound of clinking plates and tableware filled the room.
The group idly chatted as they ate but Kofuku soon pointed out, “Are you alright, Hiyorin? You’re being pretty quiet.”
Hiyori blinked slowly before giving a delayed smile that seemed a bit overly enthusiastic, “I’m fine, Kofuku-san. Thank you.”
Kofuku parted her lips to speak again but Yato interrupted, “Are you sure you’re not feeling sick? You seem… off.”
As Hiyori turned towards him, her eyes narrowed as she smiled even wider, “I feel a little funny, but I think I’m just… I’m just really happy.”
“Happy?” Yukine repeated, now giving her a look of concern as well.
She nodded, “Just being here with all of you.” With that, her focus went back to her food.
Yukine looked to Yato who merely shrugged.
A few minutes later, Hiyori started to wobble a bit.
Scrunching his eyebrows in confusion, Yato asked, “Are you sleepy, Hiyori?”
“A little.” She admitted before she toppled over completely, ending up partially in Yato’s lap but also caught by one of his arms. Her eyes widened in surprise before she fell into a fit of quiet giggles as she looked up at him asking, “Did it hurt?”
He ignored everyone else’s eyes on him and tried to ignore the burning of his cheeks as he answered, “No, it’s okay. I’m worried about you, though.”
“No, no, that’s not what I meant.”  She pouted before her voice lowered again and she asked, “Did it hurt…when you fell from heaven?”
Yato’s mouth hung open in surprise though it turned into a grimace as Kofuku and Daikoku simultaneously burst into laughter.
Tears brimming her eyes as she laughed nonstop, Kofuku realized out loud, “Oh my god, Hiyorin must have gotten my drink on accident. She’s drunk!”
After he had gotten Hiyori sitting back up right and she had happily returned to her food as if nothing had happened, Yato firmly planted his forehead on the table as he hid his face. “Kofuku…”
“…I’ll go make Hiyori some coffee.” He heard Yukine call out, adding as he stood up, “And I’ll pour this one out.”
“I think it’s best if Hiyori-chan stays the night here.” Daikoku commented quietly.
Yato’s head flew back up, “What?”
He nodded to the girl, frowning, “It’s not like we can send her home like this…”
Hiyori drowsily clacked plates together before giving a delayed reaction, “Oops!”
As Yato heaved a sigh, Kofuku let out a squeal of delight, “Yay, Hiyorin’s sleeping over!”
“You. You need to call her parents and tell her you’re a friend from school and that she got sick from being out in the rain. Got it?” He snatched Hiyori’s phone from the floor and shoved it into Kofuku’s hands.
She put on a big pout, “Why me?”
“First of all, it’s your fault Hiyori’s drunk. Second of all, I don’t think her parents would appreciate a male voice being the one to tell them she’s staying at their house.” He explained in a deadpan tone.
“Oooooh. You’re right.” She nodded in acknowledgement before she slipped out of the room to make the phone call.
Yukine walked back into the room with a steaming mug, setting it carefully in front of Hiyori. “Okay, here you go, Hiyori. This will make you act normal again.”
She sniffed the steam wafting out of the drink and made a face before turning away, “I don’t like coffee, it’s really bitter.”
Yukine’s mouth parted, unsure of what to do. After a moment he put on an exaggerated frown and stammered, “Oh, but it’s Yato’s recipe. He made it himself and—”
Without another word, Hiyori had begun sipping on it. Though she made a face again as she swallowed, she flashed a smile to the god across the table as she put the mug back down, “I-it’s great!”
“…Yukine, why?” Yato asked after managing to swallow a bite of his food, though his appetite was quickly dwindling.
“I had to get her to drink it somehow.” He muttered back, sounding disgusted at the situation.
Noting that she was continuing to take small gulps of it, Yato sighed in defeat and admitted, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Everything’s all set for Hiyorin to stay the night!” Kofuku reappeared a moment later, passing the phone back to Yato, “Hiyorin’s mom was awfully worried but don’t worry, I won her over.” She finished with a wink and a giggle.
With a small shake of his head, he answered, “Yeah, okay. Thanks.” Pushing his plate forward a bit, Yato stood up and apologized, “Sorry, I’m not up to eating much more. I think I’ll go upstairs and lay out the futons so Hiyori can get some sleep.”
“I’ll forgive you this once for not eating your food.” Daikoku grumbled from the end of the table, “I’ll wrap it up so you can eat it later.”
“Thanks.” Yato flashed a small smile before looking to his hafuri, “Yukine, look after her while I’m upstairs.”
“Will do.” He sat back down.
Finally alone as he made his way up the stairs, Yato wondered to himself, ‘What’s with Hiyori’s sudden interest in me?’ As he closed the door to their attic turned bedroom, he put a hand on his hip, ‘I guess… a crush maybe? But I wonder why all of a sudden…’
Shaking his head, he moved to the closet to pull out the futons. ‘Doesn’t matter anyway. Not like I’m going to do anything about it.’ As he laid out the futons, he considered the sleeping arrangements and gave a small laugh to himself as he remembered Yukine’s brief interest in Hiyori. ‘I don’t think that’s a problem anymore, but her sleeping on the other side of me is probably best so she isn’t bothered by Yukine’s lamp.’
Making a face, he also acknowledged, ‘Hiyori’s not used to alcohol at all either so I should probably get some sort of bucket or something in case she feels sick later…’
As he ran downstairs to the bathroom, he heard Hiyori’s voice mixed among the others and gave a small smile to himself. ‘Good, it seems like she’s doing better.’ Once he had their room set up to his liking and had changed into similar pajamas to the ones he lent out, he made his way back to the living room.
Yukine was watching with a soft smile as Kofuku brushed through Hiyori’s hair with a thick pink brush.
Her eyes were closed in relaxation as Kofuku smoothed out her hair but she also had a small smile on her face.
“I know it’s early, but… ready for bed?” Yato leaned into his elbow against the doorframe.
Hiyori opened her eyes and looked up at him questioningly before giving a hum, “I am a bit sleepy…”
“Let Yukine get changed and then we’ll go upstairs too.” He nodded and the younger boy got up from the table and walked past him.
Kofuku continued to brush lovingly through Hiyori’s hair, singing a nonsensical tune as Daikoku finished cleaning up the table.
“I’m all done.” Yato heard Yukine’s voice at the foot of the stairs and turned around, “Do you think you’ll need help with getting Hiyori up the stairs?”
He looked back at her before turning back to Yukine, “I think she’ll be okay.”
Yukine shrugged in defeat before retreating, “Okay, see you in a minute.”
Turning around, Yato waved, “You ready?”
Kofuku held down the brush at her side before hugging Hiyori, “Night night, Hiyorin! I’ll see you in the morning!”
“Goodnight.” She answered with a small laugh and hugged her back. Rounding the table, Hiyori tripped over the small height difference between the tatami flooring and the wooden flooring.
Yato quickly reached out to catch her by her forearm. Lifting her up, he grasped her hand and smiled, “Here, I’ll help.”
“Thanks, guess I’m more sleepy than I thought.” She gave another giggle.
After carefully leading her up the stairs, Yato led her to the futon closest to the door. “I figured this would be the best spot for you in case you feel sick. There’s also a bucket if you feel like you can’t make it downstairs.”
“Why would I feel sick? I feel fiiiine.” She laid down on the futon and stretched out her legs and arms.
“For now.” Yato mumbled under his breath.
“So I guess she’s still out of it.” Yukine commented from his own futon, a click ringing out through the room as he pulled the string on his lamp.
Yato took a breath and answered, “Yeah, a little.” He pulled the switch by the door before crawling into his own futon. “Alright, goodnight, you two.”
“Goodnight Yato and Yukine-kun.” Hiyori answered cheerfully as she buried herself under the blanket.
“Goodnight.” Yato heard Yukine answer softly, his view blocked by the small table he used to dim the effects of Yukine’s lamp.
After a minute or two of only breathing sounds, Yato heard Hiyori call his name in an exaggerated whisper, “Yato, can I ask you a favor?”
He turned over towards her, “What is it?”
“Can you brush my hair like Kofuku-san was doing? It felt really nice.”
Yato’s lips parted in surprise, “I-I’m sure it did but you really should go to sleep, Hiyori.”
“That’s what I mean,” She answered with a slight pout, “I think it’ll help me fall asleep.” She took a breath before suggesting, “You can just use your fingers.”
Inwardly debating with himself, he gave in and reached out a hand to run it through her hair, “Like this?”
She hummed happily and shut her eyes, “Yes.”
“Okay.” He whispered back, continuing the motion until he himself drifted off.
He woke up later to a tickling feeling at his hand. He reflexively tucked it into his chest and made a small groan.
“Sorry, did I wake you up?” He heard Hiyori whisper.
Slowly blinking his eyes open, he answered, “Kind of. But it’s okay. What’s up?”
“I woke up a little bit ago and I remembered everything that happened at dinner and I couldn’t fall back asleep so I…” She looked like she was debating hiding her face, sinking into the pillow, “I want to apologize…”
“Not your fault, Hiyori. It’s Kofuku’s fault alcohol ended up in your drink.” He gave her a sympathetic look.
“She didn’t do it on purpose. Plus it’s not like she forced me to… say what I said.” Hiyori flipped onto her stomach and completely hid her face with a groan.
Despite the warmth growing on his cheeks, Yato joked, “I know pick up lines aren’t really your style, so… I didn’t read too much into it.” He heard Hiyori make a noise in response before he noticed a small and messily made charm bracelet around her wrist, “What’s that you’re wearing? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.”  
Hiyori peeked her head up to look at her arm. “Oh,” She gave a smile, “Kofuku-san made this for me! I just wore it for the first time today.”
His face immediately soured, “Well that explains your streak of bad luck… You should probably take it off.”
“But she made it with good intentions, as a friendship bracelet.” She grasped her wrist protectively with her other arm.
“I know that, Hiyori. It’s just her nature, it happens…” He gave a sigh before suggesting in a soft tone, “Look, just take it off for tonight and tomorrow we’ll purify it, okay? Then it should be fine.”
First giving a hesitant look, she gave in and delicately slipped the bracelet over her hand and pushed it across the floor and away from the top of the futon. “Okay.”
“I don’t know how long the effects might take to wear off, but since you’re just up here sleeping, hopefully it should be fine.” He pulled up the blanket and began to settle back into the futon.
“Right.” Hiyori sank back down into her pillow.
“Something else wrong?” Yato questioned quietly, “You still seem…I dunno, tense.”
She let out somewhat of a groan and answered, “Yeah, I just don’t know if I want to get into it or not. But I sort of already opened that can of worms earlier…”
He raised an eyebrow, “What? I don’t get it.”
She raised her head slightly from the pillow and even in the dark he could tell her face was a dark shade of red, “T-there’s a reason why I… hit on you…”
“I get it.” Yato held out his hand to stop her but also covered his face with the other, “You don’t have to say it. Nothing will be weird, I promise. And remember, Yukine got over his crush on you pretty quickly so… maybe it’ll be the same.” He finished in a mutter.
After a moment of silence, he heard Hiyori’s voice in a somewhat teary whisper, “Ah… so you don’t… I mean, of course you don’t… You couldn’t.” She gave a small, sarcastic laugh to herself.
Yato dropped both of his hands to the floor and scooted closer to her, halfway out of his futon, “Hiyori, what’s wrong?”
“It’s fine, I’ll be fine.” She forced a smile but tears started freely flowing out of her eyes.
“Hiyori.” Yato reached out to cup her cheek, “Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”
She gave a small shake of her head and laughed again through her tears, “I thought it was obvious by now. I’m in love with you, stupid.” She reached up to wipe at her eyes, “But it doesn’t matter.”
“Love?” He repeated, awe-struck as his hand lingered in mid-air.
“Mm.” She hummed an affirmative, closing her eyes as she continued to cry.
Yato stared at her as he tried to form words, “Since… when?”
“I don’t really know.” She answered honestly and wiped at her eyes again before looking at him, “It just sort of… hit me one day. That I have, for a while.”
Without another word, Yato reached out and crushed her against him as tightly as he could. “It’s the same for me.” He whispered against her hair, “I just… I didn’t want to lose you.”
She returned the embrace as much as she was able to, “It was the same for me. But at the same time I felt like I was going to burst by holding it in for so long.” She gave a small laugh, “So, as embarrassing as it was, today’s mishap was kind of a relief…”
Yato relished in her warmth for a moment more before pulling away, a forced smile on his face, “But even as happy as this makes me… You deserve someone better than me, Hiyori. A normal human, someone more stable…”
She stared back with wide eyes for a moment before they narrowed in anger, “I think I know who I deserve and who I want. And it’s you. So please, stop that.” Hiyori closed the distance between them again, her lips softly meeting his.
Despite her words, he answered her affection carefully and with hesitation. His voice hoarse, he whispered, “Are you sure?”
“More than anything.” She answered immediately, giving him another peck at the corner of his mouth.
Ignoring the tears stinging at the corner of his eyes, Yato cupped the side of her head and tilted her face so that their lips met again.
“Hey, Yukine. Breakfast is ready.” Yato nudged the futon with his foot, his voice loud, “What’s wrong with you? You usually never sleep in this late.”
Yukine rolled over to face him and gave him a glare, “I’m tired because I was woken up in the middle of the night…”
He gave him a blank stare in return until the realization clicked and he started to turn a shade of pink, “Oh. So…um, how much did you hear?”
“Enough.” Yukine groaned and shut his eyes, “I know you were trying to be quiet but, it was kind of hard to not hear once Hiyori started crying…” He sat up and rubbed his face with the back of his hand before giving a yawn, “I thought I was going to have to intervene, but thankfully you got it all worked out so I just stayed quiet.”
“But aren’t you happy for us, even if you did lose a little sleep?” Yato gave a wink and a grin.
Yukine rolled his eyes, “Sure, whatever. Congrats, I guess.” He stood up and stretched out his arms, hiding his small smile, “So what’s for breakfast?”
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Noragami high school AU (kinda)
I’m surprised I haven’t seen any fics like this, and if there is and I’ve missed it please please tell me!
But basically Yato and Yukine are still from the far shore but Yato just misses Hiyori so much he just goes to her school and for more worshipers
Hiyori had no idea that he would do this. Possess her? Sure. But actually attend her school as a normal s student?? Didn’t even cross her mind
But the funny part is with Yato and Yukine cause like they’re still from the far shore so no one remembers them. I think Yato would be able to pull it off. Like he’s walk in the school wearing a uniform he “found” Yukine behind him with a red face. And we know that if you make yourself know you can be seen and if you see the mortal for a continued amount of time they see and remember you (we saw this with kofu’s boy toy).
So like maybe Yato made it seem like the school just lost they’re paperwork. The school is like no? We’ve never seen you before? So they set up a parent teacher conference or smt to straighten it out. This part, it’s either Yato in a fake mustache with kofu as his “wife”, or it’s just Tenjin because he may not seem it but that guy is dramatic and Yato is somehow able to convince him. The point is the meeting goes along the lines of
“ first you completely neglect my sons when they first arrive (because Yato and Yukine are so gonna pose as family members (Yato made him), then you say we didn’t even enroll because you lost the papers?! This is completely irresponsible for a school and you’ll be hearing from my lawyers!”
Or something like that (I imagine it more with tenjin because he’s fancy and I think they’re actually take him seriously unlike Yato with a bad fake beard).
But like at school they just get a lot of friends and are happy. Yukine no one really remembers except like the few kids he hangs out with. Yato on the other hand, now he makes a name for himself. He would be totally selling himself to get friends. And at first it works cause well he’s 1) pretty cute 2) mysterious upperclassman 3) actually really talented??? Like Super athletic, can paint, can do “magic” tricks and probably tons of other stuff
I imagine the first few days for him he’s just having a great time, he’s getting more worshipers then he ever has. He probably shows off his test scores and people are like “wow Yato you’re so cool, I wish I was smart like you”. So he starts tutoring people but he just does the work for them and this leads them to him being kind of bullied? Like a gang says that they’re his friend but just make him do their homework and buy snacks for them?? Like he’s being bullied. Yato has no idea. Even Yukine knows. And with that Yatos fame goes down the Drain.
But like imagine where Yato knows Hiyori’s friends! I can’t remember they’re names but I like them! They’re such nerds and dorks you cannot tell me they don’t get along. And can you imagine the teasing? “Oh so this is the guy you’ve been ditching us for” “didn’t know you liked guys like that” “what would your mother say” 😈... I just want them to be friends...
Also note that they are still being forgotten. You know that friend that says hi to you on the street but you don’t remember their name and you just feel bad for asking cause they obviously know you so you just nod along until you remember. Yeah that’s them.
In this AU there is no angst. Only school drama. Yato wants to be prom king (I don’t think Japan does that). Yukine has friends. And Hiyori is dying because 1) her friends can finally meet Yato 2) second hand embarrassment 3) Yato looks kinda good in the school uniform
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too-many-headcanons · 4 years
Yato, Yukine, and Hiyori’s reactions to their SO turning into a cat
Because why not
Well. He had weirder.
Like legit his first reaction is "Huh. okay."
... Unless he's currently in an emotional mood, in which case he freaks out more than you probably do
He'll probably try to turn you back into a human, but he also really likes you as a cat, so he's not in a big hurry
Having you nap on him, carrying you around, all that is just?? A lot of fun tbh??
I mean he'd also do those things when you're in human form, but it's easier with a cat
There will be So. Many. Pictures. of cat-you and cat-you with Yato and cat-you doing things and...
That said, if you're very upset by it, Yato will of course also hurry up in trying to find a way to turn you back
He'll absolutely tease you about it afterwards. Like, wave a cat toy near you to play with you
(He gets really excited if you indulge him an swat at the toy)
Super worried for a while, until she's sure you're okay, just uh. Cat shaped.
She spends a lot of time running from God to God trying to find SOME way to turn you back
Definitely gets Yato to help
You are pretty cute as a cat, yes, but she kinda really wants you back to normal
If you want to, you can convince her to like, enjoy the situation for a bit, but only for a couple minutes in the evening when she can't really do much else
Might sneak one or two pics of you in cat form, but not many
He is Shocked for a moment because, wtf??
Catches himself pretty quickly though
Very confused. Like. Why on earth are you a cat??
He'll try asking Yato and Kazuma for help, and if that fails, he'll go to other gods/regalia
Very earnest about finding a way to turn you back, even if he thinks you look adorable
(Not that he'd admit that)
He'll still like, pet and cuddle you, and if you're up for it he'd have the time of his life playing with you in cat form, but his focus is turning you back
While he doesn't, Yato ends up with a ton of pics of Yukine cuddling cat!you
Won't mention it much afterwards, but will when you least expect it. Like, say, if the topic is Kuraha, he'll ask your opinion because you have the best insights into cats
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katana-no-neko · 5 years
Ahhh I've been working on this for a while now. College kept me busy, haha.
Thank you for reading!
**EDIT** I should note that I haven’t seen the anime in a while, nor have I read the manga, so take with that what you will
Hiyori didn't know how to react as she looked at the stick in her hand.
She was pregnant. With Yato's child.
On one hand, she was happy, of course. In her early twenties and being with Yato for just over a year now, Hiyori had had dreams about getting married, raising a family, and spending her life with the one she loved.
Of course, she thought those things had been mostly impossible due to, well, her being human and Yato being a god. Yato didn't exist as far as the government was concerned, so marriage wasn't exactly possible. Legal marriage, anyway. They knew they didn't have forever together, since she was eventually going to age and grow old and pass away while Yato would remain the same. She couldn't even really introduce him to her friends and family because every time she did, they'd forget about Yato the moment he left.
Not that they'd exactly announced their relationship. Yukine knew and they were pretty sure Kofuku and Daikoku had figured it out, but there was a taboo just with Hiyori being friendly with the far shore at all, let alone if it was discovered she was in a relationship with a god. And now pregnant with his baby.
Which brought her to the other hand. How was this even possible? She didn't even think that gods could get other gods pregnant, let alone humans!
"Kofuku..." Hiyori nervously started, staring straight down at her tea. It was the perfect time to ask. Yato and Yukine had been out on a job since early this morning and Daikoku just left for groceries, so they were the only ones home. "I was just..."
"Hm? Something wrong, 'Yori?"
"I... Is it..." Hiyori choked on her breath. "Is it possible for a god to get a human pregnant?" she asked in a loud whisper, as if worried someone would overhear.
Kofuku looked stunned for a second before a smug grin spread across her face. She sat down next to Hiyori, laying an arm against the girl's shoulders. "It's totally possible! Not exactly common, I'm sure you realize, but it's happened!"
Hiyori felt a wave of anxiousness flood her, but the flutter in her heart was happy and excited.
"Why~?" Kofuku continued, with a bit of singsong to her voice. "Is there perhaps something you should be telling your beeeest god frieeend~? Is my little 'Yori growing up? Thinking she might have to worry about protection?"
"I-" Hiyori was blushing bright red. "I'm thinking I should've worried about it before..." she quietly admitted.
The grin slipped from Kofuku's face and her eyes widened. "You mean..."
Hiyori nodded.
"You're pregnant?"
Hiyori laid her head on the table, hiding her face.
She nodded against the table. "He doesn't know yet." Hiyori mumbled.
"Well then why were you asking me if it was possible?" Kofuku laughed. "Obviously it is!"
"The test could've been a fluke! I dunno! But I'm kinda freaking out!" Hiyori shouted, still blushing.
"What? What do you mean 'why'!? I'm pregnant with a god's child! A god that no one knows exists and no one knows I'm even dating! It's not like Yato and I can really get married and raise a family together! And what will he think? Does he even wanna be a dad? What about Yukine, and Kazuma, and everyone else!? What about my family and human friends?"
Kofuku took Hiyori's hand. "I think you're worrying too much, Hiyori."
The god put a finger to Hiyori's lips. "Listen, do you love Yato?" Hiyori nodded. "Does Yato love you?" she nodded again, tears forming in her eyes. "Are you happy?" Without hesitation, Hiyori nodded once more. "Then you don't need to freak out about the rest. You've made it through plenty, I think you can handle motherhood," she added with a chuckle.
"Thank you..." Hiyori mumbled.
"Yeah, you should be thanking me!" Kofuku laughed, "I helped you even after you hid your relationship from me!"
"Well! We-" Hiyori groaned. "It's not like I can tell my parents! They'll forget about Yato the moment he leaves, although they certainly won't forget about me being pregnant with no husband in sight..."
"I think you're forgetting how the far shore thing works. If you keep bringing him over and keep mentioning Yato around them, they'll at least keep remembering that you have a boyfriend."
"Okay, okay, but Yato also didn't want Daikoku to-" Hiyori groaned and put her face in her hands. "Oh no, he's going to kill him."
Kofuku giggled, "Yup!"
Hiyori just groaned again.
"Do you know how far along you are?" Kofuku asked.
"No, I haven't gone to the doctor at all yet. I only just found out yesterday."
Kofuku nodded her understanding. She closed her eyes as if in thought before suddenly grinning and grabbing Hiyori in a bear hug. "Oh I'm so happy for you, 'Yori!" she squealed. "I'm so excited to see all the tiny Yatos and Hiyoris running around!"
Hiyori laughed awkwardly. "Hold on, hold on, it's only the one!"
"So far," Kofuku teased.
Before Hiyori could respond, the ringing of her cellphone interrupted them.
"Hiyoooriiii!" Yato's voice called through the phone before he suddenly popped by her side with Yukine next to him. "Heyyy! Made more money this morning!" he told her excitedly, holding his wine bottle and shaking it, the coins inside clinking.
When Hiyori didn't respond, he cocked his head in confusion. She just stared at him, not knowing what to say. It was the first time she'd seen him since learning about the baby.
Kofuku just looked between them, giggling and squealing happily.
"Hey- Hello, Yato. Yukine," Hiyori struggled out.
"What's wrong, Hiyori?" Yato asked. "Why are you and Kofuku being so weird? Well, I guess that's kinda normal for Kofuku, but-"
"YOU'REHAVINGABABY!" Kofuku suddenly shouted, bounding up and hugging Yato in her excitement.
Yato was just confused, not understanding a word of what she'd said, but Yukine was able to decipher her yelling.
"You WHAT!?" the regalia burst out, looking like he was about to clobber Yato.
"What!? What'd I do!? Hiyoriiii do you know what they're talking about?"
Hiyori still couldn't seem to speak, so she just stared down at her hands, sitting neatly in her lap, as her face flushed a bright red.
"YOU'VE REALLY DONE IT NOW, YATO!" Yukine continued to shout.
"Hey! What's with all the yelling!?" Daikoku steamed as he arrived to the home, his arms full of groceries.
"YATO GOT HIYORI PREGNANT!" Both Yukine and Kofuku shouted, with frustration and glee, respectively.
"I WHAT!?"
Yato looked to the still-blushing and silent Hiyori with wide-eyes and a slacked jaw, an expression she'd only seen on him twice before; when she gave him his shrine, and the first time she admitted she loved him.
But it was only for a moment before he had to run from Yukine and Daikoku's rage.
Not too long later, when everyone had calmed down, Daikoku ushered them to sit down at the table. Yato and Hiyori still hadn't spoken to each other, and the former was currently sulking about the whacks he'd been given.
Daikoku groaned and rubbed his palm on his face. "So you two are..."
Hiyori nodded, "Dating," she squeaked out. Yato was still silent, and now laid his head on the table. She could feel his gaze on her, though.
"It's not like we didn't guess as much, Daikii," Kofuku giggled, cuddling up to her regalia.
Daikoku nodded shortly, eyes still closed in thought.
"Well, I'm happy for you," he told Hiyori.
The girl gaped. "What? You're not... Mad?"
"No, I'm not mad! Why would I be mad!?
"Then what was all the hitting for!?" Yato shouted.
Daikoku just took a drink of tea, ignoring the god.
"I'm not mad, Hiyori. It's wonderful you're having a baby. I mean, you could've chosen the father a bit better, but you'll be a great mother."
Yato mumbled something under his breath and laid on the table again, but surprised the group by not having an outburst at Daikoku's tease.
"But you're really going to have a baby!?" Yukine asked excitedly.
"What, you're suddenly all happy now, too?" Yato grumbled at him with a glare.
"I'm happy for Hiyori. Mad at you for being such an irresponsible god."
"Hey, I didn't know this was possible!"
"That's what makes you irresponsible!"
"Enough yelling! Yato, how have you been a god for this many years and not known it was possible? Yukine, it's not like you probably knew, either," Daikoku retorted, trying to break up their spat.
"Well if I was gonna... do it with someone, I would try to find out whether or not I could get them pregnant!" Yukine shouted.
"It's not like we planned to... do it... It just kinda happened one night! We weren't thinking!"
"Yato!" Hiyori whined, flushing brightly again as he talked about their love life.
"ENOUGH! NO YELLING IN MY HOUSE!" Daikoku yelled as he slammed his hands on the table.
The rest of the afternoon, drifting into evening, was spent lying around in Kofuku's living room. After the group had calmed down, Hiyori found Yato latching himself to her.
"I love you, Hiyoriii," he told her, a grin on his face, his arms wrapped around her from behind, and his nose snuggling against her shoulder. "I love you sooo much."
"I love you, too," Hiyori squeaked out, cheeks red as she glanced at the other people in the room, not used to their relationship being out in the open.
He moved a hand to her stomach and rubbed it lovingly. "And I love you, toooo~"
Hiyori relaxed as he kissed her cheek and smiled warmly.
"I'm gonna make the same promise I made your mother," he said, still addressing Hiyori's stomach. "I'm gonna make you the happiest kid in the world."
Hiyori grinned and moved her hand to hold his, still resting on her stomach.
She blushed brightly again as Kofuku let out an "awww" and reminded Hiyori that they weren't alone.
Yato, shameless as he was, just took Hiyori's cheek and turned her towards him so he could kiss her properly.
"Hey, just because everyone knows, doesn't mean we need to see you being all lovey-dovey!" Yukine told them, but chuckling despite his words.
"Speak for yourself!" Kofuku giggled. I've been waiting for this to happen for too long!" Hiyori watched Daikoku pat his lady's shoulder as a means of telling her to calm down a bit, but the corner of his lips was definitely ticked up, smiling as he saw two of his closest friends so happy together.
Yato just stuck his tongue out at them before taking her hand and pulling her upstairs to he and Yukine's room.
He was quick to lay on her lap, leaving lazy kisses on Hiyori's stomach through her shirt. He then wrapped his arms around his girlfriend again and snuggled into her.
Hiyori smiled adoringly at him and started running her fingers through his hair. After a minute or so of comfortable silence, though, Yato let out a sniffle and Hiyori looked down in surprise. He sniffed again before turning his face out of her shirt and giving her a watery grin, a single year running down his cheek.
"You're so-" he started, holding her cheek. "You give me so much, Hiyori. Sometimes I wonder which of us is really the divine one."
"I think you're giving me too much credit," she chuckled.
Yato shook his head. "You became my first follower, you helped me find Yukine, you gave me a shrine, and love, and now-" he choked on his words. "Now a baby!"
"You gave me a family, too, Yato."
"You could've had a family without meeting me," he mumbled.
"But I want a family with you, not anyone else," she reminded him with a smile. "And I don't just mean the baby. Yukine, Kofuku, Daikoku, and especially you... You're all family. I can't imagine what I'd be like without you guys," she told him before kissing him softly, the god quickly responding.
"I love you, Hiyori," he mumbled against her lips before pecking her nose.
Hiyori giggled, "I love you, too, Yato. Very much." She took his lips again.
"Ew, gross!" Yukine teased, leaning on the frame of the open door. "Get a room!"
"I'm in my room!" Yato growled, irritated at the regalia and tossing a pillow at him.
"It's my room, too," Yukine reminded him with a smirk. "And I had a long day, all the work I did, so I'm going to sleep!"
Yato glared at the boy, who responded with a stuck-out tongue to match what the god had done earlier.
"Whatever," Yato finally responded, waving flippantly. "We have other things to do, anyway!" Neither Yukine nor Hiyori got another word in before Yato was dragging his girlfriend downstairs and out the door.
Yato tossed a grin to her as he slowed his quick pace so she could walk comfortably. "Let's go out to eat to celebrate!" he suggested. "And then we'll start figuring out what we gotta do for the baby!"
How could she have been worried? She had so much good fortune in her life, and having a child with the one she loved only added to it.
Fortune, huh? Kōun... I like that. Hiyori grinned.
Things could only get better from here, she decided, smiling widely as she walked with Yato, hand-in-hand.
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