#look if a human baby can know and recognize their parents' voices before birth and you add Force Weirdness to that
bl00dst41ned · 1 year
*.·:·.✦ my little secret (jude bellingham ‘series’ pt.4) ✦.·:·.*
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pairing: jude bellingham x female oc (Mariah)
summary: in which it’s time for Jude to learn a bit more about babies
author's note: part 4’s finally out, sorry i'm late. not proofread at ALL !! also i have a Jude imagine sometimes next week (and I loveeee it). taglist: @everlyjay, @barcagirly, @alwaysclassyeagle @urmotheris, @fashphotolife
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word count: 848
The door opened in front of Jude, who was met with Mariah.
“Hey, come in” She gave him a small smile, stepping to the side to let him in.
Jude slowly walked in her apartment. He was instantly hit with the warm and familial atmosphere of her home.
“Tami’s in her room, you can come”
They had decided to spend the evening together with their daughter.
He followed behind her to the nursery. Tamara sat in her swing seat, calm as ever
“Hey baby, look who’s there” Mariah cooed to her daughter with a smile.
The baby looked where her mother was pointing and noticed Jude, a smile appearing on her face.
Mariah handed Tami to her dad. She placed her upright on his shoulder, putting his right hand behind her neck. She went to open the blinds, the room’s decoration revealed by the daylight.
The light blue color reminded Jude how much she despised pink for baby girls and promised to do a blue one just to piss people off.
“You did a good job with the room” He broke the silence.
“Thank you” She briefly responded before leaving the room, Jude and Tami at her trail.
They exchanged these few words before going back to silent. A comfortable one.
“How did your parents react to the news?”
Mariah had not seen or talk to them since the break up. They might hate her, or even think she’s lying for money.
“My mom slapped the bloody hell out of me, asked me to apologise and they ordered me to be there for you and Tamara”
She chuckled a bit, recognizing his mom’s personality. Nevertheless, she was glad they weren’t mad at her.
She sat at the table while watching Jude handle the little baby carefully and get more comfortable. He sat on the couch and laid her on his stomach.
His hand caressed her face, pulling back each time she tried to put it in her mouth. He listened to her whines everytime she didn’t get what she wanted.
“Stop being bratty, you ate already”
Mariah and Jude chuckled at her antics.
“Um, Mariah” Jude called hesitantly. “What’s her exact date of birth ?”
Asking this question embarrassed him more than anything. How could he take care of a child he knew nothing about.
“September 23rd, at 2:17AM”
Jude could only respond a small ‘oh’ while printing the information in his head.
“Wait ?! she was born on Jobe’s birthday?”
Mariah nodded with a smile since she had waited for him to catch on that detail.
“He’ll be buzzing when he’ll hear that”
He made a mental note to text his brother about it focusing back on the little human on his chest. The young woman could sense how it affected him not knowing anything about his daughter, not even her birthday.
“ She weighted 2,9 kg and measured 48cm. She’s pretty calm but can get bratty as you can see. She’s really social and loves to see other people….Oh and she loves Frank Ocean’s voice to sleep” She emphasized her last sentence, ranting things he needed to know.
Jude listened to each word, glad he didn’t have to feel embarrassed to ask about her.
His thoughts were interrupted by an unusual smell, his nose instantly scrunching.
“Oop- looks like baby need to be changed”
Jude was ready to hand Tamara to Mariah but was instantly stopped.
“How do you want to learn if you don’t practice”
They headed to the bathroom, Jude gently laying Tamara on the changing table. Mariah got a basket with the products while he opened her used diaper. He stepped back, disgusted by the sight.
“Stop being childish and clean her up” Mariah laughed off giving him baby wipes.
Jude slowly complied himself under Mariah’s instructions. With a little help, he managed to change her. He put her back in his arms, and they both left to the living room.
“I see you’re getting comfortable” Mariah smiled at them rubbing their daughter’s hair as they sat next to each other.
They watched her eyelids getting heavier. They could tell Tami tried to fight sleep, her eyes popping open every once in a while. But she could not resist to her mother’s caresses on her face, soon dozing off.
“Is that some type of cheat code ?” Jude remembered seeing Mariah do the same thing on her IG story.
“It works when I do it at least”
They fell in a comfortable silence, only sound being little baby whimpers. Jude felt like he had found his place. He had a beautiful little girl to take care. He found balance and was slowly growing back a friendly bond with Mariah. Everything he did wrong was turning right.
Mariah also felt like this. Not telling him about Tamara was her biggest mistake and she regretted it daily. But the solution came by itself and she had the opportunity to right her wrongs. Despite failing their relationship, she knew they could succeed in being a family. He gave her his word.
“Thank you for keeping your promise”
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and scene !! this is the end of this little series. hope you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it.
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radioactivepeasant · 4 years
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
(Part 2 of yesterday's snippet!)
Something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong. 
Luke had been so sure of himself when he'd entered the chamber. He knew what he had to do, and he knew there was always a chance that he would die in the attempt. But his friends -- no, his family -- were trapped in this facility, and Luke would not let them die.
Yoda didn't understand. He claimed to have watched over Luke all his life. He criticized Luke for looking to the future and not the present. 
If the present is so important, Master, if you can see so far, why didn't you see that Leia's been tortured by Vader before? How can you be willing to let her fall into his hands again?
No. Luke would never let that happen. His friend was more important than his training: he would never choose to let someone die for his own benefit. 
That's not the kind of Jedi I'm going to be.
And so he had chosen to fight.
But there was a problem. 
Darth Vader had chosen not to fight.
The man's presence filled the room like smoke, billowing and curling around them both as though it could cut off every escape route. Maybe it could. Luke was not foolish enough to believe that Vader was vulnerable, just because he refused to draw his sword. The Force was with him, after all. Corrupted, used for selfish purposes, but nevertheless a powerful ally. 
But Vader did not attack.
Again and again he admonished Luke for his aggression. A hint of scolding. A hint of fond exasperation. As if he were a teacher correcting a favored pupil. 
Or a fa-
Luke cut off the thoughts in fury. His enemy was underestimating him. Patronizing the would-be Jedi, so sure of his own superiority. 
This was not a Darth Vader he had seen before. Where was the cold pragmatism? The apathy towards others? Clearly it had been in play when he had harmed Han and Leia and Chewie. 
"I have no specific grievance against those you keep company with."
And that was worse. Infinitely worse. Everything he had done to his friends -- to Leia! -- and he didn't even have any particular issues with them?! If he could torture someone he didn't hate, what would he do to someone he did have a grudge against?
What will he do to me?
Now he walked down the stairs, ignoring Luke's lightsaber, speaking calmly as though he could pretend he hadn't just used sentient beings as bait to draw him here. It didn't work like that! He couldn't just make Luke drop his guard with honeyed words. Every child raised on Tatooine knew the danger of those who spoke sweetly and held a transmitter behind their backs. Luke wasn't going to fall for it and he wasn't shy about saying so.
"The jakreb learns to listen before he runs," his enemy quoted suddenly. He sounded amused.
That was an old saying on Tatooine. A proverb to teach children to watch carefully for signs of danger before making a move. There should have been no reason for Vader to know it.
None whatsoever.
I don't like this. Something is wrong.
Something plucked at his memories. A tickle at the back of his mind, like a spider crawling across his skin. Nothing concrete, but a nameless, formless, something. 
"The dragon who moves too soon is a dragon who starves," Luke shot back, a little rashly.
Another old proverb. Less about wariness and caution and more about patience. 
I know what you're doing, old man. You're the dragon. I'm the jakreb. So which one of us is going to move first?
But Vader kept walking. After all this, after the horrible things he'd done just to get Luke here, he was just...just leaving?! But that didn't make any sense!
“You want me to drop my guard, so you can kill me. Just like you did to Ben!” he accused.
He turned his blade to a more horizontal guard and stepped up to the high ground. 
If Vader was trying to lure him in close enough to run him through, he was going to be disappointed. 
“Luke.” Vader shook his head and continued to descend the staircase. Again his voice was sickeningly compassionate. “Obi-wan allowed himself to be killed. What his motives could have been, I do not know. He told himself and everyone around him such pretty lies that I am no longer certain that even he knew what his motivations were. But I assure you that whatever he did, he did so deliberately.”
The bottom seemed to drop out of Luke's stomach. There was so much anger hiding in those words. Maybe Vader didn't have a vendetta against Luke's friends, but it was very clear that he'd hated Obi-wan. But why?
Ben said that Vader betrayed and murdered his father. He said nothing about Vader betraying him. And he'd given no hint that there might be particularly bad blood between them. Did he just think it wasn't Luke's business?
But Luke knew that Vader was right about one thing: Ben had chosen to die at that particular moment. “To give us time to escape," he said defiantly. Lightsaber at the ready, he cautiously began to descend the stairs after Vader. "So we could destroy your Death Star! Worked out pretty well, Vader.”
Vader glanced back over his shoulder at Luke, then stepped off the edge of the platform. 
What the kriff?!
He was leaving! Why? Was this room a trap? Would he activate one of those machines as soon as he was out?
Oh no way. Not a chance. You don't get to walk away from me, Sithspawn.
Luke scrambled to the edge of the platform in time to see Vader stepping into one of the maintenance tunnels.
“That is a topic for speculation, I believe," the rumbling voice echoed back. Luke definitely caught some sarcasm in his tone. "But for all the times your “Ben” betrayed me, it is fitting that in his final moments he unwittingly revealed you to me. Returning what he stole all those years ago.”
The reverberating breaths faded out, and Luke stood at the edge of the platform. He tried to piece together what he'd just heard logically.
Had Ben stolen something from Vader? If the Sith wanted it, it was probably a good thing Obi-wan had taken it. Whatever it was. Maybe a weapon?
Luke's heart sank as he looked down at the brilliant blue glow of his saber. 
Vader killed his father. He might have felt that Anakin's lightsaber rightfully belonged to him.
What do I do?! This is my lightsaber! My inheritance. It's all I have of my father and I will not let him take that away.
Luke's emotions twisted around each other, bending back over themselves in a discordant jangle of mismatched rhythms as he tried to understand what was happening. The grip of the saber was slick in his hands. 
No, no, I can do this.
I'm scared 
I can do this!
He was being torn in two different directions. Every fiber of his being begged him to flee. To not walk into what could very well be a trap. But at the same time, something down that tunnel was calling him. Like a cord wrapped around his heart, steadily pulling him to an unknown destination, he felt the whispers more than he heard them.
I'm scared. 
It's alright to be scared. I'm here.
They weren't words so much as sensations. Faintly brushing against his memory like a butterfly's wing, the whispers seemed to promise that everything would be alright, he just couldn't look back. 
Frightened, but determined, Luke clipped his saber to his belt and eased over the edge of the platform. 
It's okay. I can do this. 
I can win.
Just don't look back. 
The instant Luke stepped into the tunnel, the lights snapped on. He had a feeling that he was walking into a trap. But then, the place he had just left felt like a trap, too. 
Kriff kriff kriff.
Stupid jakreb hopped right into the snare.
There was a control room at the end of the tunnel. 
There was a Sith Lord at the end of the tunnel.
Luke had his lightsaber out almost before he had time to think. 
A grate slid shut over the tunnel mouth behind him, cutting off his retreat.
At least he could see in this room.
"Put down your weapon, young one," Vader said again. He did not even turn away from the holographic map to face Luke. 
"Not. Happening." Luke bared his teeth and forced himself to take two steps forward. "You have to answer for what you did, Vader. To my friends, and the galaxy, and the Jedi...and my father."
Quite suddenly, Vader's shoulders fell. He leaned against the projector as if he were bone-weary. 
"Child, I have done nothing to your father."
He still did not turn.
"He is a contemptible, pitiable wretch, too quick to give his loyalty to those who do not deserve it. But he is a powerful wretch. Powerful enough to conceal your existence from the emperor for the last three years."
Luke stumbled back. His father's lightsaber hung by his side uselessly.
Present tense.
Darth Vader was speaking about his father in the present tense.
Anakin Skywalker. 
Present tense.
"You...you're lying."
No please, please don't be lying-
I can't…
Don't toy with me you sleemo
Don't you dare use my father's memory as a ploy-
At last, Vader turned to face him. "I have done what I can, Luke," he said simply. "But now we are out of time."
"I have done what I can"
Something cold and clammy slithered in Luke's gut. It knotted in coils around his spine to sink its teeth into his heart. Against his will, tears sprang to his eyes.
He knew Darth Vader was evil, but this was a cruelty he had not expected. The carefully laid trap, baited with words, and the insinuations eased between sentences, struck deeper than any lightsaber's blow. He played on the memory of Luke's father -- of his loneliness, his lifelong yearning for his father -- and twisted it. Perverted it into an attempt at manipulation so blatant it could hardly be believed.
Did he believe it was an attempt at manipulation?
What if it was worse? What if Vader actually believed what he seemed to be implying? Pointing out how illogical it was could quickly become dangerous. But Luke was past the point of caring.
"You...you aren't half the man my father was!" he hissed. 
Something bitter and almost amused dripped from the Sith to puddle around Luke's fear.
"An ironic statement."
"You don't know me!" Luke continued gamely on as if he had not been interrupted. "You think you're the first person to play mind games with my memories? Huh? Kriff you!"
He swung the blade up in a ready position. 
Darth Vader tilted his head to one side, considering.
"This is not going to go the way you think."
The spiders were back, creeping across his brain. Luke blinked and shook his head to clear it. Losing his focus here would be fatal.
"Don't fight it."
Vader raised a hand towards him, almost reaching out. 
"You have been running for a long time. It is alright to rest, now."
Was the Sith doing something to his mind?!
But Ben said mind tricks only worked on the weak-willed! And Yoda was always complaining about how stubborn he was!
"Get out of my head!" Luke shouted. Don't panic, don't panic-
"It is not me." 
Oh, gentleness did not sound right coming out of that voice.
"You have forgotten who you are, and yet from our first encounter your memories have tried to reestablish themselves. Stop fighting them, Luke. Let them flow."
Luke stopped pretending he wasn't afraid. He was terrified. He was alone in an isolated place, too far away to call for help, and trapped with a deadly enemy who meant to prey upon his very sense of self. 
His hands were shaking too badly to hold up his father's blade. This was so stupid, he was so stupid, he never should have come here! He had to get out, there had to be a way out!
Luke scanned the room frantically for an exit. He backed away from Vader and edged towards what looked like a corridor. 
Luke stumbled over a bundle of cables on the floor and nearly fell. He managed a graceful recovery despite his terror and kept moving.
"Stay away from me!"
Vader did not. He began to move at last, slow and purposeful and relentless. 
The Force moved around them like a frigid tide, pulling machinery from the walls to land behind Luke. He was cutting off his escape. The trap had been sprung.
"Stop running, Luke."
"Leave me alone!"
He was pleading now.
All sense of bravado, of dignity, had fled.
Obi-wan was right. I'm not ready. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die-
If Leia lives, it's worth it
But I don't-
I don't want to die
And then at last, he could go no further. His calves caught on some discarded hunk of metal, and toppled him. Sharp, broken pieces dug into his back as he landed. The pain felt distant, like something that was happening to someone else. Luke's increasing disorientation muffled everything but his fear.
This was the end. Luke, on the ground at Darth Vader's feet. If the encounter didn't end in immediate death, his interrogation was likely imminent. 
But Vader 
He kneeled down beside Luke and rested his gloved hand on Luke's cheek. Luke was very sure that his heart was going to stop.
Oh. He's going to snap my neck. At least it'll be quick.
"Enough, child." A deep bass growl vibrated through the words. He sounded as though he was finally angry. "I am not going to kill you!"
Before Luke had time to process that, he added, "I am trying to save you."
Save me?! From what?!
Luke swung out with one arm, trying to push the dark lord away. Vader caught his wrist easily and squeezed it. 
"You know me." Each syllable dripped with an unexpected urgency. "Search your feelings: you will know it to be true. Remember, Luke. You must remember."
"No!" Luke tried in vain to pull away. "S-stop!"
He was pulled, gently, but firmly, up into a sitting position. 
He was pulled, less gently, by the thread around his soul. It reached out, straining for something it had once known. A sense of something missing. 
A sense that was being answered in kind.
And he felt something. Something he had felt before. 
Or rather 
Luke knew the answer to the question his soul was asking. 
He didn't want to know. 
He didn't want to face it. 
No, no please-! 
"You have forgotten what you once knew," Vader murmured. "You have forgotten me. And I- I believed you had died."
Seething shadows coiled around them both. 
"The Emperor will suffer no Skywalker to be free. If he is not entirely beneath the emperor's thumb, then he must die. If you lived, his hold on me was jeopardized. Luke, he told me you were dead. But here you are, alive again!"
Vader was referring to himself as Skywalker. 
The Force resonated. A great bell seemed to have tolled, and with each reverberation the jagged pieces were forced together. 
Darkness and Light.
Hunter and quarry. 
Lost and found. 
Father and son.
Luke could not see through his tears. He didn't need to. He could feel. 
The Force was no longer a counterpoint around them. It was a harmony. And that was the hardest truth of all.
Shhh, you are safe. I'm here, I'm here.
The same soundless lullaby that had soothed his childhood nightmares. The thing he had forgotten.
His father's voice. 
I know you. 
"Oh." Darth Vader lifted him free of the machinery as easily as if he were still a little child. 
He pulled Luke into his arms. Luke did not have the strength to resist.
“There you are.”
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Omg can I request a scenario with Levi in season 4? So you know how he's supposed to keep watch over Zeke in the forest? One of the Yeagerists finds out their location and lies to Levi that his wife is giving birth so Levi rushes back to town and leaves the other soldiers in charge of keeping an eye on Zeke. And by the time Levi meets up with his wife, she's very confused as to why he came in such a rush. I've read the manga so I also want to add onto what happens next but idk if you write manga spoilers so 😭 anywho the explosion doesn't end up happening tho! :D
ofccc!!! i hope you like it!! <3 sorry if i wrote to much fluff it just came :’) i took some manga spoilers so read under your own risk under the spoiler line!!
a/n: i didn't took the canon manga words or events!
❁ levi x female!reader
❁ some bad talking against zeke :’), pregnancy and death.
Zeke opened another wine bottle and drank, being cautious with the book he has been reading. Levi looks at him, his face totally unexpressive but his eyes look at Zeke with disgust. They have been days in that place, sleeping in tents, near the Forest of Giant Trees. He’s in charge of Zeke, with some of his closest soldiers, who are now drinking some wine in reward for their hard work, even when Levi told them to have some water instead.
“Come on, Captain. We also want to have fun...”
He couldn’t stop his soldiers, they deserved it. He looks to the campfire in font of him, the flames reflected in his grey eyes. He thought about his family, the one he’s about to have. You’re pregnant with his baby, the baby you two wanted for a long time. Armin told him he estimates less than a week for you to give birth.
And he’s trapped in this forest with a fucking bastard. He looks at Zeke. He seems strangely calm, as he wasn’t being watched by humanity’s most strong soldier ever. The one that cut his arms and legs more than once, and was about to kill him at least another two. But he didn’t learn about it, and keeps trying to get killed.
“Levi, you look too serious. Do you want some wine?”
“Drink it yourself and hopefully you’ll choke to death.”
“That’s not very sweet for a married man, Ackerman.” Levi raises an eyebrow, taking his blade out and cleaning it slowly. Zeke looked at the blade, shimmering in the light. He took his eyes to the book once again. Some fast steps were heard. Levi took out his blades and, with a look to his soldiers, they all stood in their positions. A little girl, with the Corps jacket, searched the Captain with her eyes. He looked at her.
“Captain Ackerman, I have news from the District!”
He looked at his soldiers, one of them behind her, in case she tried to hurt the Captain. Levi’s gaze told them to be alert around her. Zeke looked at the girl from behind his book.
“Talk, then.”
“It’s your wife... She’s having complications with the birth. She’s about to have the child, but the possibilities of them both surviving are minimum.”
Levi’s eyes reflected true terror while he was listening to her. He looked back to the bearded man. He keeps reading, while drinking. He looks then to his loyal subordinate.
“You should go, Captain. We’ll have an eye on this man.”
Levi nods. He looks at the girl closely, analyzing her. He talks before taking his horse.
“Keep one eye in this girl too. She seems like a liar.” Right after that, he rode his horse, going as fast as he could. During all the way, he though how you were. How the baby is. If you two are okay. If he's late to save one of you. 
He obligated himself to fix his attention on the way and keeps going, He arrived to the city at almost night. He searched his home, the one the army gave him after getting married, to avoid the Captain and his wife living with them. He opened the door with his hands shaking, and almost run to the living room. He smelled rice. Then, the sound of a knife. He also took out his blades. You both encountered in the corner of the kitchen, your hand holding tightly the knife and his holding the blades. Both of you looked at each other with surprise, before you let go the knife and run towards him. His hands found your waist.
“Levi...” you whisper. You have missed him a lot all this time. He hugged you, his eyes full of tears. He’s trying to relax his breath, but you notice. “Why did you come so fast? Weren’t you watching Zeke?” 
He nods, his hand caressing quietly your belly. 
“It’s the baby okay?” you nod, confused. “And you?”
“Of course, I’m fine. Why?” he sighs before hugging you again. His head buried on you hair, your belly against his worked abdominal. 
“I thought I was late to save you. I thought I lost you and our baby.”
“No, no. Armin came half an hour ago. He told me I’m really healthy and the baby is in a good position to give birth to. We’re both totally fine, but we were missing you.” You pout. His lips found your neck. 
“I also missed you.” His hands cover your belly, and he receives a little kick. You laugh,
“It has been kicking for a while now. It’s the Ackerman gene.” Levi lets out a little laugh. He also knows he has to go back to the camp, to keep watching over Zeke and interrogate the girl who is she and for who does she work. But his soldiers are there, just a minute more. He gets on his knees, near to your baby bump. His hands keep being warm against your covered skin.
“Daddy missed you a lot this days, hm? But we’ll be all together really fast, baby. Don’t make mommy feel bad, yes?”
“I can’t see you as the strongest and fiercer soldier alive if you talk to my belly like that.” He lets out a little laugh, but his brain made “click”. That girl was a Yeagerist. For sure. This was all a trick to make Levi come here and leave his post.
“You have to leave this house. Fast. And don’t go out for a while. They have an eye on you.”
“Were I’m I supposed to sleep then?” You ask, lost and confused. He takes a couple clothes from your wardrobe and put a brown cape on you, covering your head and your bump. “Should I stay with my parents?” you ask. He shakes his head while he keeps searching things you might need. Also, some baby’s clothes, because he’s sure you’re about to give birth.
“No, that’s too obvious.” Levi’s brain was working faster than ever. You need to be in a comfort place, so sleeping in the barricade it’s out. Then, you should be with someone who knows how to help you giving birth. A place where a pregnant woman won’t be found and hurt.
“Historia.” he whispers. “Can you walk fast?”
“Of course.” he took your hand and guided you. You talked to Historia a couple times. You know she’s also pregnant, and protected by some guards. He guides you fast. When you’re in a campsite house, near the town but kinda hidden, he knocks. 
“Were you talking about Queen Historia?” you ask in a whisper. He nods. A soldier opens, without recognizing Levi. His head totally covered by his cape.
“Sorry, this is restricted area. It’s an orphanage...”
“We know that.” Levi takes his cape out of his head. The soldier stands straight and puts his hand in his heart as a salute. You two do the same.
“Tell Historia she’s my wife. They have been rounding around our house, so I hope the Queen can give a favor back and let my wife sleep here until we’re safe.”
The soldier ran up the stairs, to talk to the Queen. He came back faster.”
“The Queen accepts. She’ll be in the best care and, if she gives birth, she’ll be in the hands of the real matrons. Don’t wprry about her, Captain Levi.” He nods before looking at you again. The soldier lefts to give you privacy.
“Be careful. Talk to them if you feel bad or if you need something. And, please, don’t make efforts. The baby it’s near and...”
“Got it, Levi. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. You should be careful, I don’t want you to get hurt, or worst...”
“I’ll be okay.” he answers. “Just looking to a barbed man. I’ll be back faster than you think.” He takes you again between his arms. You bury your head on his chest, hugging him stronger. 
“I don’t want you to go.” you say in a whisper. He pats your head before giving you a kiss.
“I’ll be right back.” he says. You enter the orphanage with his little smile promising you you’ll be together soon.
-------------------s p o i l e r s  a h e a d -----------------------
Then, he runs back to the camp. Things seem quiet there. Levi hears his soldier’s voices, followed by a scream.
And then the click of a thunder.
All the soldiers he had there were now titans. From different sizes and type, but they had the face of his comrades. And a blonde-haired bastard was running in front.
“This fucking bastard...”
He was surrounded by his now-titans comrades. He had no exit, just killing them. When will this nightmare end? He saw his friends getting killed, he killed friends. He's tired of this macabre game.
“I’m sorry, guys. I’m so sorry...” he thought, before starting to move his blades against his friends’ necks. He saw his faces, his families, every time their blood got into his uniform.
His teary eyes weren’t an obstacle when he kept fighting. He saw Zeke, in the hands of a titan, covered by other two. He killed the first one silently.
Zeke searched him, founding nothing, looking surprised.
He killed the next one. There was just the one carrying Zeke left
“You thought I was not going to be able to kill my comrades? That’s dirty play.” Zeke looked at the man with fear in his eyes before turning into the beast titan. Levi smirked.
“Pathetic.” Zeke says. Levi's blades are covered in blood. "I'm going to kill you."
Zeke took the head of the titan carrying him. He looked around for Levi. A near movement caught his attention, making him throw a smashed titan head to a branch. Levi cut branches to distract Zeke, right before covering his neck with thunder spears.
"Did you think that converting my subordinates into titans will stop me? that i wouldn't kill them? You don't know how many comrades I killed."
Zeke's neck exploded, making is titan fall. Levi went back to the flor and searched Zeke between all that blood and flesh. He was charred.
"I'm not going to kill you... yet."
Levi took Zeke by the head and dragged him.
"I'm so sick of you, barbed bastard."
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streetlight11 · 3 years
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Summary: He sends his daughter to a daycare centre during the day when he's busy working. He loves his daughter so much but is unable to give her full attention. However, the little girl understands. Just so happens, the little girl has grown really fond of one of her daycare teachers and she loves to tell her father about her. What happens when he meets his daughter's daycare teacher one day out of pure curiosity only to fall for her later?
Theme: Family, stranger(?) to lovers
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: IdolParent!Taehyung x DaycareTeacher!Reader
Word count: 4.4k
A/n: Hi, hello. I just get so soft when I see my favourite kpop boys interact with kids and I know Taehyung loves kids so I thought of writing this. Let me know if there’s any mistakes! Other than that, enjoy reading! :)
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“Okay guys, you can take a break. We’ll resume in 15 minutes.” Their choreographer said as the 7 boys let out tired groans and sighs before collapsing to the ground. Taehyung took a few heavy breaths before making his way to the bags where he took his phone out to make a video call. 
A few seconds later, a familiar high pitched voice ringed through his phone speaker as the little girl stepped in front of the front camera where her grandma was holding up the phone.
“Hi my flower! How are you? Have you eaten?”
“Yes dada! Grandma made chicken soup today!” Just then, the rest of the boys came rushing to Taehyung’s side as they were all taking turns to say hello to the little girl.
“Ahh! Lily ahhh! Hello!” The boys said while the little girl giggled excitedly before waving to the camera.
“Omg so cute.” Namjoon commented, only for him and Hoseok to wriggle at how cute Lily was being.
Lily was Taehyung’s daughter. Yes, he and his ex-girlfriend was still young at the time when she accidentally conceived the little girl. However, Taehyung’s ex left the baby for Taehyung’s care, completely abandoning them. Taehyung of course didn’t have the heart to throw the baby away so he ended up taking care of her.
He got the help of his family to look after the kid while he was preparing to debut. At the time, nobody knew about this except for his family. It was after he debuted that his members and his CEO and soon after, the company staff members along with his manager found out about the child.
However, Taehyung wasn’t kicked out from the team. In fact, he was given the chance to continue his career but that would mean less time to spend with his daughter. Taehyung wanted to work hard and be successful in the future for himself and his family, that includes his daughter.
Hence, the reason why he stayed with the team.
It has been 9 years since her birth and now that Bangtan was doing quite well, Taehyung was able to support his family and his daughter.
“Dada! Dada!” She called, making the boys squeal at her cuteness.
“Yes my flower?”
“I’m going back to school tomorrow! I can’t wait to meet Miss Pretty!”
“Do you really call her that?”
“And she’s fine with it?”
“Miss Pretty is very nice! She’s not like the other teachers.” Taehyung laughed, staring at his daughter with such loving eyes. But soon, his happy little time had to come to an end since practice was about to resume.
“Sweetheart, Dada has to go now okay? Say bye to your uncles.”
“Bye bye uncles! Bye bye Dada!”
“Bye Lily!” The boys said in unison before Taehyung blew her a kiss and she did the same. After he hung up the call, Yoongi spoke up.
“Who’s Miss Pretty?”
Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders indicating he doesn’t know.
“I only know she’s one of the daycare centre teachers where I send Lily to everyday but I’ve never met her before.”
“Lily seemed to really like this ‘Miss Pretty’ a lot.” Namjoon commented.
“She likes everyone.” Taehyung said before going back to the middle of the room.
“No she doesn’t. She told you she doesn’t like some of our female staff members, remember?” Namjoon said, causing the rest of them to laugh.
“Maybe because they didn’t really know how to handle her.”
“Hyung, she told me Shiyeon and Jaemi noona scared her.” Jungkook said, causing Taehyung to sigh.
“I guess it doesn’t matter.” Taehyung confessed.
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A few days passed by, as usual, Taehyung couldn’t pick Lily up from school due to his late working hours so his manager went to pick her up at 630 in the evening. It was 10 minutes past 6 and some of the kids had gone home with their parents.
Lily was just sitting in one of the small tables, playing with a board game alone when (Y/N), one of the daycare centre teachers, who was also ‘Miss Pretty’ as what Lily likes to call her, came up to the little girl only to join her at her seat.
“Hi Lily.” (Y/N) said with a soft smile on her face.
“Hello Miss Pretty!” Lily said as she got out of her seat and went to wrap her arms around (Y/N)’s hips. (Y/N) giggled. Hugging the little girl back before they went to take a seat. They chatted for the next few minutes while they waited for her guardian to arrive.
“Lily, can I ask you something?”
“The man who picks you up everyday, is that your uncle?”
“Nope! He’s my Dada’s manager. Dada is a singer!”
“Oh? Really? Who is he?”
“He is in a group!”
(Y/N) stared at the little girl in awe as the girl began to hum to a song that she recognized. She knew it all too well. It was Run.
“You mean, Bangtan?”
“Yes! Hehe. Do you know my uncles and Dada?”
(Y/N) didn’t want the girl to be afraid or feel like she was going to expose her to the fans that she was a child to one of the members so she shook her head. Just then, the little girl told her to turn on a song by BTS on youtube because she wanted to show (Y/N) who her dad was. (Y/N) did just that, only to click on the most recent comeback they had a few months back with the song title ‘Black Swan’.
The video played but Lily never stopped it, just enjoying the music together with (Y/N) but then she suddenly clicked pause when one of the members got a close up shot and she immediately smiled while eagerly pointing to the screen.
“Dada! That’s him!”
With that, (Y/N) took a good look, only to realize that it was Taehyung. Who happens to also be her favourite member. (Y/N) wasn’t disappointed that he has a child. Instead, she was happy that he never gave up and continued to persevere for his daughter.
“This is your dad?”
“Yeap! He is awesome isn’t he?” The little girl giggled.
“Yeah. He is.” (Y/N) replied with a smile when a familiar voice calls out to Lily from the class door.
“Uncle Sejinie!” Lily said as the man smiled to both (Y/N) and Lily.
(Y/N) returned the gesture, walking Lily to him. Once they were at the door, Lily went ahead to put on her shoe when the man said to the little girl.
“Lily ah, your father wants me to bring you to the company building. He wants to see you.” With that, she began to jump up and down excitedly while holding onto (Y/N)’s hands. The man glanced at their locked hands and frowned.
“But your teacher won’t be coming with us.”
Lily pouted sadly only to ask why, her voice laced with sadness. (Y/N) looked at the man and he was visibly feeling bad but she completely understood why.
“Lily, sweetheart, listen to me okay? I have no special connections with your dad so I can’t go in there. But you’ll still see me here everyday? Right?” (Y/N) tried to talk some sense into the little girl as Lily began to tear.
“B-But, I want you to meet Dada…”
“Next time okay sweetie?” (Y/N) said, only for Lily to nod. She gave (Y/N) a warm hug before waving goodbye to her.
The two of them soon left the centre while (Y/N) quickly packed her things and went to tidy the class a little before heading home. After she locked the centre, she slowly walked towards her car. She got in and soon drove off. But her mind drifted back to earlier.
“Is Taehyung a single dad then? Where is Lily’s mother? I feel so bad that she grew up without a mother figure…” These questions floated in her head as she drove back to her apartment.
But this didn’t make her look down on him. He was still human and humans make mistakes. No doubt, even though she found him to be the most charming and cutest member of Bangtan, she just couldn’t help but wonder just how adorable he would be with his daughter. She would probably melt if she saw how he is with Lily. 
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That same evening, Taehyung’s manager and Lily soon arrived at the Bighit building as his manager led her up to the 9th floor of the building.
He showed her which room they were in, only for her to run while the man held her bag for her. Lily reached for the door handle with a little jump. She pulled the door handle down and soon pushed the door open. The guys were just scattered around the room, practicing for the upcoming comeback in a few months.
“Dada!” Lily’s voice echoed in the room. She ran to Taehyung in a heartbeat. His face immediately lit up upon seeing his daughter, easily scooping her off the ground.
“My flower! Omg you’re here!” Taehyung said as he kissed her on her soft cheeks and also on her tiny lips, making the girl giggle.
The rest of them began to huddle around the parent and child as they took turns to greet the little girl. They ended up being distracted by her for a while but she listened to her father when he told her to wait quietly at the couch until he ended practice and she did exactly that.
She even fell asleep with Taehyung’s phone in her small hands while waiting for him. Taehyung took her to his dorm as she slept over there for the night since it was a weekend the next day and the guys were having two days off.
During the weekend, Lily couldn’t stop talking about (Y/N) even though she still calls her ‘Miss Pretty’ when talking to her dad about her.
Taehyung has been hearing all these nice stories of this teacher of Lily so he figured, maybe it was time to meet the person who has been taking very good care of his daughter when he’s busy working everyday and night. It was a Wednesday evening and Lily was just talking to (Y/N) at one of the tables as usual while waiting for her guardian to pick her up.
Just when she was about to tickle Lily for stealing her markers, a deep raspy voice spoke up from the entrance. A sense of familiarity to the voice lingers in her ear for a little too long.
(Y/N) glanced over to the door, only to see a young man standing there with a white mask over his nose and mouth but his eyes were too familiar for her not to recognize.
“Lily ah, Dada’s here.”
That’s when Taehyung finally locks eyes with (Y/N), only then he realizes how true his daughter described her to be. She was a lot cuter than he imagined with the genuine smile on her face as she joked around with his daughter.
With that being said, Lily gasped, running straight to Taehyung. (Y/N) watched as he scooped the little girl up swiftly, nuzzling his face in her small neck. (Y/N) giggled softly at the cute interaction between a father and a daughter. Once she was standing in front of the idol, she suddenly felt nervous and shy, in which he seemed to notice.
“Hi, you must be Lily’s dad. You can call me (Y/N), I’m Lily’s class teacher.” (Y/N) said, holding her hand out. Only for him to smile behind the mask. Taehyung took her hand in his and shook it gently before he introduced himself.
“Hi (Y/N), I’m Taehyung. Thanks for taking such good care of my little flower.” He said, only for him to feel a slight electric shock when their skins made contact for a little too long. They both pulled away sharply but then apologized. Just then, Lily spoke up.
“Yay! Does that mean Miss Pretty can see Dada more now?”
With that, (Y/N) choked on her own saliva while Taehyung’s eyes grew wide in shock.
“Oh Dada, come on! I like Miss Pretty. Don’t you?” Her question came to them by surprise when he locked eyes with (Y/N) for a while but then a small smile appeared on his lips.
“I do, baby. Now enough of chatting. Let’s go. We wouldn’t want to hold Miss Pretty back from her rest now do we?” Taehyung said while Lily shook her head. However, (Y/N) was flustered when he used the nickname Lily gave her instead of her name. Taehyung flashed her a shy smile as he soon asked if she had a ride home. When she told him she drove there, he nodded.
“Alright then. Drive safely. Thank you again for everything you’ve done for Lily.”
“It’s my pleasure, Taehyung. Goodnight, and I’ll see you tomorrow pretty flower.” (Y/N) said. Tapping Lily’s nose, making the girl giggle. Only for the little girl to bury her face in Taehyung’s neck.
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The next day, (Y/N) didn’t expect to see Taehyung again in the evening as he took his time to fetch Lily from the daycare centre although he was in the middle of practice. Slowly, this became a routine for him to come pick Lily up from school. At first his member’s were confused as to why he was suddenly eager to fetch his daughter almost everyday. But after a while, they knew exactly why. 
Taehyung wanted to see (Y/N).
This went on for a few weeks with the both of them already exchanged numbers and he would sometimes video call her during lunch just so he could talk to Lily, and maybe (Y/N) too. The members have spoken to (Y/N) a few times before and some of them have even met her in person. All of them seemed to like her as a person.
However, it was Taehyung’s birthday today and the boys had to work. Taehyung apologized to (Y/N) through text saying that he probably couldn’t come and fetch Lily due to his busy schedule but she told him it was fine.
Little did he know, the boys had planned something to surprise the single father.
(Y/N) and Lily went to go get a small cake for Taehyung before heading to the company building. Once they managed to get in with the help of their manager, he brought them to the level where they were at.
(Y/N) prepared the cake and candles as she hid outside the practice room door while Lily hid on the opposite side of (Y/N). She texted Yoongi to get Taehyung out of the room and soon, when the door opened with a clueless Taehyung stepping out to leave, Lily and (Y/N) came out front to surprise him. The poor male jumped back in shock as he clutched to his chest.
Everyone began to sing for him the happy birthday song as they gathered around the door. A smile crept onto his face but he was still confused to see them there.
“Happy Birthday Dada!” Lily said after they finished singing for him while Taehyung glanced back and forth between the adult and the kid.
“Happy Birthday Taehyung.” (Y/N) wished as she held the cake in front of him.
“Make a wish.” She said, only for Taehyung to listen.
He closed his eyes and soon made a wish in his head before blowing the candles out. Everyone cheered before re-entering the room to celebrate briefly. They were all having bite after bite of the cake, only for Jungkook to whisper to Hoseok quietly while (Y/N) was talking to Seokjin and Yoongi.
“Wah hyung, she’s really pretty. She’d make such a cute couple with V hyung.”
“I agree. Plus, she’s already won Lily’s heart. It makes her one step closer to being Lily’s mother figure.” Hoseok said, seeing her giggle at Seokjin’s comment about her having to be stuck with Taehyung of all people. Their break time was about to end when (Y/N) spoke up, catching the attention of everyone else.
“I’m really thankful I got to be here and celebrate your birthday. Who would’ve thought I would be sitting here with a famous artist group huh?” They laughed at her words, telling her that they were happy she could feel even the slightest bit comfortable being with them as a normal person and not as an idol with a fan.
Just then, she took this chance to continue.
“Even so, I shouldn’t be here for too long. I don’t want people to get the wrong information.” This caused the boys to look at her in shock while some frowned.
“What do you mean? You’re leaving already?” Taehyung asks suddenly from beside her as she locks eyes with him. She found it hard to answer him so he continued.
“Stay… please.” His words were soft and almost as if he meant every bit of it without any hesitance in it.
“I know you’re worried about our fans and the media, but I promise you’ll be safe.” His words brought so much comfort to her but for some reason, she was still afraid. So for the first time, Taehyung reached down to place a hand on top of her own that was resting in her lap while he gently caressed it with his thumb.
“Please stay (Y/N).” The room fell silent, the boys glancing back and forth between the two expectantly.
She didn’t feel right to reject him with how gentle he was being so she decided to give in.
With that being said, the members smiled in victory as they soon cleaned up the place before going back to practice. As promised, (Y/N) stayed longer while the boys practiced their upcoming song. (Y/N) was just sitting with Lily at the couch, entertaining the little girl by watching a cartoon with her. Halfway through the cartoon, Lily began to yawn as (Y/N) turned to her in concern.
“Are you sleepy?” She asked, her voice slightly louder so she could hear past the music playing in the room.
Lily nodded as she turned to (Y/N) with her arms out. It was out instinct that (Y/N) immediately got up and rested her hands on Lily’s underarms before lifting her up. She puts Lily on her waist as the little girl wraps her arms around (Y/N)’s shoulders. Lily pressed her cheek on top of (Y/N)’s shoulder with (Y/N) supporting the girl by resting her arms under the girl’s thighs.
The boys were still focused on dancing when Taehyung noticed (Y/N) carrying Lily through the reflection.
She was swaying from side to side, gently patting Lily’s back to lull her to sleep. Since it was pretty noisy in the room, (Y/N) decided to bring Lily outside so that the little girl could sleep in peace. All the while, Taehyung watched as (Y/N) carried Lily out of the room quietly without interrupting the boys.
A few of the members noticed this too but they weren’t as focused as Taehyung. Almost an hour later, they decided to call it a day as they began to take a short rest while packing their stuff.
“They’re not back yet?” Taehyung asked when he realized (Y/N) and Lily weren’t in the room. The boys shook their heads, only for Taehyung to leave the practice room in search of his two precious gems. Only to find (Y/N) standing at the very end of the hallway, softly humming to a song.
Taehyung lightly jogged towards her as she turned around upon hearing his footsteps.
“We’re done with practice. Did you drive here?” He asked.
“Mhm.” The room fell silent for a bit before he spoke up.
“I really mean what I said earlier.” She looked at him in slight confusion before he explained himself.
“You don’t have to worry about anyone. I promise you’ll be safe. I’ll keep you safe.”
With that, she smiled as she reached up to cup his face, making him lean into her touch. 
Both of them have yet to confess their honest feelings for each other but it was pretty obvious that they liked each other. However, because of his profession, it would be slightly hard for him to actually be open about being in a relationship with someone even though he wants to be in one with her.
But that didn’t stop them from being honest and true to one another while nobody else was looking. With that, Taehyung gently wraps his fingers around her wrist as he caresses her hand softly before he speaks up.
“I know this is a little much to ask, but is it okay if you let Lily stay at your place tonight, I have a busy schedule all day tomorrow and I can't put her at the daycare since it’s a weekend. My parents are out of town at the moment too.”
“Yeah sure. No problem Taehyung.” She said with a genuine smile.
“Thank you so much (Y/N). I’ll come pick her up after my schedule is over.”
“No worries Taehyung. Just give me a call before you come okay?”
“Okay.” With that, the 9 of them soon left the building as she took Lily with her. 
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A few weeks passed and both (Y/N) and Taehyung have been showing more and more intimacy but without any PDA. Whenever the boys were at their dorm, they would often ask when Taehyung would ask her out or make it official but it seems like he has too many things on his mind. But they didn’t rush him into things so that was good. Today however, was a little different.
(Y/N) got a text from Hoseok asking her to come to the company building saying that Taehyung injured himself during the practice and nobody was around to take care of Lily. With that being said, she quickly rushed over to the company. Once she arrived, she went to find the room. 
The minute she pushed the door open, she was met with a very cute setting where there was a foldable table with a laptop, a picnic basket on top of the pretty blanket covers. She got confused as she stared at it for a second, only for someone to cover her eyes from behind. She gasped as she jumped back, crashing into a firm chest.
“What are yo-”
“Shh, it’s just me.” Taehyung’s voice resonated in her ear as she couldn’t help but giggle.
He guided her inside not before closing the door and lock it. After they were inside, she turned to him and faked a hurt expression.
“Hoseok told me you got injured. Why would you guys lie about that? I was so worried for you!” She said as he chuckled, finding her super adorable. Taehyung took her hand and led her to the layout where the picnic blanket was laid. They soon took a seat before he then spoke up.
“I know this isn’t a perfect first date, but I knew you’d feel uncomfortable if we were out in public because you know, with all the public eye and media…” With that, she looked at him. A tint of pink crept onto her cheeks.
“A d-date?”
“Oh, yeah, forgot to properly ask you out. Unless you don’t want this to be a date, I’m totally fine with it! You don’t have to-”
“It’s okay… I- I want this to be a date.” She confessed, making him smile as they soon continued with their indoor picnic date. Where they watched a movie in the dark while they cuddled on the blanket. Halfway through, she was feeling slightly cold since she only wore a crop top and jeans. Taehyung gave her his jacket but she was still cold so he offered to keep her warm.
She got flustered at first but then she decided to just go with it due to coldness.
Hence the reason why she was now snuggled in between his legs, her back resting against his chest while he had his arms around her body.
She slowly got distracted by him drawing lazy patterns onto her waist. Her head was just below his chin so if she tilted her head up to look at him, their faces wouldn’t be too far from each other. Just then, she gently rests her cold hands on top of his forearms, making him look down. That’s when she decided to be brave and look up.
Taehyung stared at her with a gentle smile on his face, glancing down to his lips. Her heart was beating so fast against her chest, she could almost feel as though he could hear it. Taehyung slowly leaned down, testing the waters to see if she would pull away.
When she didn’t move, that’s when he finally pressed his soft lips on hers. She closed her eyes in bliss as she reached up to cup his face. Taehyung pulled away with a soft sound before kissing her again. He was getting drunk in her lips when she turned her body slightly so that she wasn’t lying in an awkward position. Taehyung kissed her passionately before pulling away for the second time.
They left their faces so close to each other to let their lips graze against one another.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else to be the mother figure of my daughter.” Taehyung whispered as he locked eyes with her again. She smiled as she sneaked a kiss before she spoke up.
“I love that girl with all my heart, and you too.” Taehyung chuckled shyly as he kissed her again, the movie long forgotten by now.
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White Lies (Pt. 16 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
<- Previous part (15)
Next part (17)->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
Dr. Williams and two other nurses are the only ones here besides Keanu. You've been in agonizing pain for over an hour now, but it's finally time.
“You're completely dilated now.” Dr. Williams says from her place in between your legs. “You just have to push, alright? Can you do it?”
“No.” You cry, many tears staining your cheeks, hair attached to your face because of the sweat. The pain is too great, and you're conflicted by Keanu's presence. And you just can't. “I can't. I want a cesarian.” Pleading, you rest your back against the bed, hands covering your face.
“We can't perform a cesarian now.” Dr. Williams says. “(Y/N), you're ready. Your baby is coming and I get it that you're scared, but you're almost there. Just push.”
“I can't. I can't.” Voicing breaking, you feel as the sobs shake your body.
“(Y/N).” Keanu's voice reaches you, ripping through the chaos. Your eyes find him, standing away. But soon enough he comes closer, taking your hand. “You can do this, sweetheart. I know you can.”
Nodding, you close your eyes tight and push, biting back a groan as it feels like all strength is leaving your body. You can't faint now... You have no idea what would happen if you pass out.
“Good, (Y/N). Again.” Dr. Williams says, and so you do it.
“I can't.” Shoulders shaking, you squeeze Keanu's hand.
“I can see the head. A big push and it's over, (Y/N), c'mon.”
“One more,” Keanu repeats, moving to seat on the bed next to you. Nothing else matters now, and everything that happened is forgotten. You need him, so you just move, the best you can, your back against his chest as his free hand comes to grab your thigh, keeping your legs spread. “One more push and you'll meet Liam, sweetheart, you can do it.”
His voice brings you a new strength, and you turn your face to look at him, a hand finding its way to his face, pulling him closer so you can kiss him. Then, with your eyes still closed, you hold on to his biceps and push, with whatever strength still left inside you. You're almost giving up when a cry fills the hospital room, the pain surrenders, and Dr. Williams stands up straight, holding a tiny little human in her arms.
“Here he is.” She says, smiling. “I'll clean him up and I'll hand him over to you, alright?”
Still catching your breath, you nod, lying back down, colliding on Keanu's chest. The doctors do their stuff as you try to calm down after all this effort. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you never thought it would be this hard. “I can leave if you want.” He says, letting go of your thigh. There will be a bruise there, but you don't mind.
“No.” You're quick to answer, voice a little harsh. Part of you doesn't want to need him, to love him this much, but you do. The heart wants what it wants. It loves who it loves. “Stay to meet the baby.”
It takes a few minutes until Dr. Williams brings Liam to you. He's wrapped around a pale blue blanket since Keanu remembered to bring your bag when he went to pick you up at the hotel. And he's absolutely beautiful, so light you barely feel him in your arms.
“Hi, baby.” You whisper, barely hearing your own voice. Slowly, you touch his forehead with your fingers, softly, as if he's made of glass. You can't control the tears rolling down, but they're from joy this time. You can't believe you're finally seeing him, face to face, after carrying him inside you for so long. He moves his mouth a little, and slowly, he opens his eyes, curiously looking around before blinking a few times. “It's mommy, little one. And...” The words get caught in your throat, your heart sinking a little. “...And daddy...” You push out because Dr. Williams said babies can recognize the parents' voice from the moment they're born, and the father's voice belongs to Keanu, and you know how much it hurts to miss this man, you don't want Liam to feel the same pain. Turning your head to look at Keanu, you're surprised to find teary eyes focused on the baby. “D-do you want to talk to him?”
He nods, glancing at you. He does love this child, that's not up to discussion. “Hi there, little one.” He starts, voice a little clouded. “It's so good to finally meet you.” Liam seems to find you with his eyes, and they move from Keanu and back at you.
“Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves.” Dr. Williams says, and the way she addresses you makes you move uncomfortably. “I must take the baby now. Run a few exams to be sure he's one hundred percent fine. Then we'll bring him back so you can feed him”
“Alright...” You don't want to let him go yet, but you knew about these exams. “Keanu, can you... Just keep an eye on him?” You ask in a low voice before Dr. Williams comes to take Liam from your arms.
“Sure.” Keanu slowly gets up, and you feel a little abandoned. But you shouldn't. You shouldn't have him this close, and you definitely shouldn't have kissed him.
But you can't take those things back. And you're not sure if you would if there was a chance.
You spend two days in the hospital, with Dr. Williams teaching you everything you'll need to know. But you've been taking classes, and reading many things about how to take care of your baby, so you think you can do it. Well, at least the theory. Laura comes to visit, and so does Lucia. Keanu doesn't leave except to shower and have dinner. Other than that, he's always around.
But the day comes when you can leave, so you bathe, dress up and wait for the nurse to bring Liam. You were trying not to think too much about it, but eventually, you have to. As you thank and watch the nurse leaving, you see as Keanu comes in, always a little embarrassed, avoiding your stare, head low. You haven't spoken much. Actually, you haven't said anything to him since the birth. You did thought he'd leave after that, but surprisingly, he stayed.
Holding Liam on one arm, very, very carefully, you try to pick up your bag. “Let me.” Keanu quickly says, making you stop your motion, eyes following him around as he takes the bag himself. “I can drive you wherever you'll be staying.” The words come out heavy as if they're piercing through his throat. “Or a cab, if–”
“No.” Cutting him short, you shake your head. There isn't anywhere else. The hotel is out of question, as is Lucia. And you don't want to crowd Laura's apartment with a loud, crying baby. And the house is ready to receive Liam, so, for now, there's no other place. “For Liam's sake, I believe it would be better if we stayed at your place. If that's not a problem for you, of course.” It takes a lot of effort not to call his place ‘home’. Because that's what that place is.
“Of course not.” He seems perplexed, furrowing his eyebrows a little before gesturing at the door. “Let's go.”
“Let's go.” You mutter, setting in motion.
• • •
Liam proved that knowing the theory doesn't mean you'll nail the real thing. At first, you find it strange that he sleeps too much, even though you read that newborn babies sleep for like seventeen hours a day, only to wake up when they're hungry. And that happens every two to three hours, which means you barely have any sleep. But you're completely focused on him, jumping to your feet whenever you hear that low-pitched cry.
You also start with the postpartum exercises, which was already planned, with a personal trainer that comes three times a week, so your body will go back to normal. You dropped many pounds very quickly. These things aren't that important, not now at least, that everything got real and you're still trying to deal with the web of lies you were caught into, but the routine gives you something else to think about.
The diet is carefully followed too, but that's all Keanu. You don't really see him, since you confined yourself to the guest room, where Liam is also sleeping in his crib, but the meals are always ready. He doesn't even give you the chance to cook something. When you go downstairs to eat, there's something ready for you.
The first month goes by slowly, and you're starting to get the hang of things. Since Liam spends most of the day in the bedroom with you, you asked Keanu to take him for his daily morning walks around the neighborhood. You agree with Laura, you can't and won't pull Liam away from him.
Sometime around Liam's second month, you're checking your face in the mirror. You look terribly tired, and you feel even worse. But the exhaustion is worth it, and you get a reminder every time you see or hear Liam. Taking a step back, you take a look at your body. You did recover from the baby weight pretty quickly since sometimes you have nothing to do but to keep repeating the exercises. You barely remember how you looked before.
Despite being a little early, you decide to call it a night, curling up in bed. You did miss sleeping on your stomach, but you spent so much time sleeping on your side that you just feel a lot more comfortable like this. You're having some kind of dream, about a peaceful beach when you're awakened by a gentle shake on your shoulder. Breathing deeply, you slowly float back into consciousness, raising your head and finding Keanu seated on the bed with a teary Liam on his arms.
“What happened?” You ask, already pushing yourself into a sitting position.
“Liam was crying. You didn't hear it so I came and changed him. But I think he's hungry.” Keanu says in a low voice, and you take Liam from his arms.
“I'm sorry he woke you up. I... I'm just tired.” You're surprised you fell in such a deep sleep you didn't hear Liam. “Thanks, though.” Sliding the strap from your tank top down your shoulder, you open the bra, freeing your breast which is easily found by Liam. It takes a while until you get reminded of Keanu's presence, your senses overcome by the need to feed your baby. So you give him a look, and you find his eyes locked on his hands cupped together on his lap.
“You don't have to thank me. I'm here if you need me.”
“Why did you do this, Keanu?” You didn't want to talk about it, but there's a freaking elephant in the room and you can't take it anymore. And you need to hear it from him because you're not sure where you're going from now. You're living one day after the other, but still, you feel lost. Clueless. “Why did you lie to me like that?”
“They told me you could lose the baby.” He begins, sad eyes finding yours. “Depending on how you'd take the news about the memory loss, Daniel's death, and the pregnancy. Dr. Wright said you were too hurt already, and your body wouldn't be able to deal with the stress.”
“Then it wasn't your idea.”
Silently, he shakes his head no. “I knew it wasn't fair to you. You needed Daniel, not me, a complete stranger, but if anything happened to you or the baby because I didn't agree with that crazy idea I'd never forgive myself.”
You're about to say something when Liam makes a little noise, and you look down at him. “Slowly, baby, slowly.” You whisper, caressing his cheek before speaking to Keanu again. “Why did you... Why did you...”
“Because I was in love with you by then.” He answers, knowing exactly what you're talking about. “I didn't want to. I mean, I did, I just... I knew I should have stopped, but I couldn't. I loved you so much. I love you so much and I–”
“I felt so violated. I thought I was making love with my husband, not with a stranger.” The words are harsh, but they're true. And the truth must be spoken.
“I'm so sorry, (Y/N). And I completely understand if you hate me.”
“I hate that I love you.” Muttering, you focus on the baby in your arms because you can't bring yourself to stare at Keanu anymore. “But I do. And it sucks because I feel that everything you told me was a lie. The first ‘I love you’ certainly was.”
He takes a deep breath, and you feel his eyes burning on you. “The first was, but all the other times...” Keanu moves closer, and you raise your eyes to meet his. “I love you. And I hate myself for everything I did, but I did it for you. And for Liam. I was terrified that you'd leave after knowing the truth, that you'd never want to look at me again but I rather have you hating me than seeing you or the baby in danger.”
“Ke, I...” You don't know what to say, and you curse yourself for calling him that.
“The only thing I need to know, if you have any affection for me, even if it's as small as a speck of dust... Please... Is there any chance we could... Somehow make this–”
“I don't know.” Cutting him off, you feel a tear rolling down, so you look away. The hurt in his voice breaks your heart, and you want to hug him, kiss him. “I don't know. I-I'm here, and I don't know what to do next... I have feelings for you but I'm still heartbroken. I don't know when I'll be able to... Look at you as I did before. You're not my husband, and I'm not Mrs. Reeves.”
“And Liam is not my son, I know that.” With a heavy sigh, he gets up, making his way to the door.
But you won't let him go, not until he hears it. Not until he hears the truth. Now, more than ever, the truth is a sacred thing, and you will speak it, it doesn't matter how you feel about it. The truth is above that. “You may not be his biological father, but I'll let you be his father.” You raise your voice just a little for him to stop, but not enough to bother Liam. “He grew up inside me listening to your voice, feeling your presence, if that's even possible, and influenced by all the love I have for you. And I won't take that away from Liam, I know he loves you.” It's pretty clear that the baby knows Keanu. He feels good when held by him, and when for some reason the morning walks can't happen, Liam cries his heart out, only to be put to rest if Keanu takes a fake walk with him through the house. “If you love him... It doesn't matter what will be of us, I want you to be around Liam.”
His eyes are intense, full of sadness, confusion, and things you can't understand. “I do. I love this baby and I love you.”
“Then will you let us stay? Until... I don't know. Until somehow we figure this out. Because even if I move out, I won't be far.” You're trying not to cry, at least not in front of him. You don't know what will happen next, or when, but you're happy to know you'll be here today, and tomorrow, and the day after. Then... You'll see.
“(Y/N), you can stay here for as long as you want. This is... Your house too, even though you don't feel like it anymore.”
Nodding, you look down at Liam again, who already stopped sucking and has fallen asleep again. “He's out.”
“Do you want me to put him back in his crib?” He reluctantly offers. Keanu is back at the very beginning of this. Distant, trying not to make you feel uncomfortable.
“Yes, please.” Slowly, you pull him off your breast, quickly covering yourself before giving him to Keanu. You watch as the mountain of a man delicately puts Liam down, fixing the blankets around him before walking away.
“Good night, beautiful.” He says, immediately stopping by the door and looking at you. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you–”
“Good night, Ke.” You mutter, turning on your side and closing your eyes shut again.
@multific @inumorph @aestheticallywinchester @bvbwestfall @liviiii98 @allie1804-fan @gian-giannina @playboygeniusphilanthropist @partypoison00 @mariafetamina @fortheloveoffanfic @trin303
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Hello!! I saw that your request is open
May I request an Erwin x Fem! Reader were they had a daughter and Erwin would be really protective over her daughter and being soft on his daughter and spending much time with her
Lots of fluff please, Thank you!!!
aw! this request is so cute 🥺, i feel like Erwin would be the perfect dad. i decided to make his daughter a bit younger, like about 4 or 5. if you need this changed let me know! i hope you enjoy 🖤. i also decided to do this a bit different, so let me know if it needs changes!
Erwin x Fem!Reader: Our Princess
Warnings: None
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(Y/N) and Erwin were in his room. It had been a long day, and the two wanted to relax in his room. Erwin was working all day, even with the titans being eradicated, and humanity being free the man was still busy.
Their life was perfect, he married (Y/N) after everything happened. He didn't want to waste any moment. Before they were married though, he got quite the surprise one day.
(Y/N) was a cadet when they met, she was in her 20's, and he was the Commander. It started off as friends, but eventually it turned into flirting, and then one night (Y/N) confessed her feelings. They had a pretty low relationship, some days he was scared he'd die, or even (Y/N) but with the hell they've been through, neither were harmed.
Then one day he got a shock. (Y/N) came to him after being sick, and admitted she was pregnant. With his position, she didn't know if she wanted to keep it, but Erwin insisted that she should keep it. To her surprise, he was extremely supportive of the baby.
She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Angelice Faith Smith. When Erwin held his baby for the first time, he was overcome with emotion, she looked just like him. She had his eyes, and her mother's (h/c) hair.
Years passed, and the girl grew up within a blink of an eye. Erwin wasn't extremely close to his baby when she was growing, due to his position and the war he had to fight, he didn't have a lot of time. He did make it up to (Y/N) by spending time with her, and doing a lot of extra things.
When one day someone tried to harm his daughter, Erwin turned into someone (Y/N) couldn't even recognize. Ever since then, he became very protective of Angelice, like any dad would.
(Y/N) lied on her lover's chest as Erwin ran his hand through her hair. "Did you have a busy day?" she asked.
Erwin nodded. "I did my love, but the days are getting easier" he said and kissed the top of her head.
"Angelice tired me out, all she did was ask where you were" she said and giggled a bit.
Erwin smiled at the thought of his daughter. "She's definitely a daddy's girl, I told you" he said and chuckled.
(Y/N) looked up and rolled her eyes. "No way! She definitely is a mommy's girl, we spend so much time together" she said.
Erwin and (Y/N) were at a war trying to see if Angelice was a daddy or mommy's girl. Of course, both argued about it jokingly, and neither would win. Erwin believed she was a daddy's girl, because whenever he is away, she asks for him.
"You should take her out tomorrow, give mommy some time for herself" (Y/N) said and looked up at him.
He nodded. "I can do that for you" he replied and smiled a bit.
"Sounds great!" she said and turned off the light to their room.
The next day, Erwin awoke to Angelice trying to wake him.
"Daddy" she whispered and shook his arm trying to wake him.
He thought it was (Y/N), but her voice isn't soft like that. He opened his eyes to see his daughter standing there.
"What's up sweetheart?" he asked and looked over at her.
"Mommy said to wake you up, she's going to leave soon" she replied and looked around their room.
Erwin sat up and looked at the clock. It was 9:30 already!? He forgot what it felt like to sleep in that late, even during the week.
"Alright, let's go find mommy" he said and lifted up Angelice.
He went into the kitchen and saw (Y/N) sitting at the table. "Good morning handsome" she said and walked over to give him a kiss.
He placed Angelice on the floor. "Good morning beautiful" he replied and smiled.
"I have to run errands, and then I'm going to catch up with Hanji. Could you watch over Angelice for me?" she asked and nodded.
Erwin looked at his wife. "Yes of course, go on babe. I got her" he replied and smiled.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Great! Thank you so much babe" she said and smiled.
He looked down towards Angelice who was playing on the floor. "Want to say goodbye to mommy?" he asked.
The (h/c) haired girl looked over at her mother. "Bye mommy! I'll miss you" she said and gave her a wave.
(Y/N) smiled and waved at her daughter. "Be good for daddy, okay?" she replied and looked at Erwin.
The little girl smiled. "I will!" she said and continued playing with her toys.
(Y/N) left the house, leaving Erwin and Angelice alone together. He had a few things planned for them to do together, and he was excited to spend time with his daughter.
"So Angelice, have you ate?" Erwin asked as he looked down at her.
She nodded. "No, mommy was in a hurry" she replied.
He scooped her up. "Well why don't we make some pancakes?" he said and smiled at her.
The little girl's face lit up. "Yay! Yes!" she replied.
Erwin carried her over to the kitchen and sat her down in her chair. "I'm going to make them, okay? Don't run off" he said and walked over to the stove.
He looked around for the ingredients. (Y/N) usually did all the cooking since she hadn't been working very much.
"Daddy!" Angelice called from the table.
Erwin looked towards his daughter. "Yes sweetheart?" he asked and nodded.
She was holding onto her doll. "Can we play after pancakes?" she asked.
He laughed a bit. "Yes we can sweetheart, what do you have in mind?" he asked and continued grabbing things to make breakfast.
She thought for a moment. "We should play dollies!" she replied and grinned widely.
Erwin never played with dolls as a kid, he was most interested in books, and his smarts. He wanted to give his daughter skills she could use once she got older. He didn't mind though, he wanted to play with her, and make her satisfied.
He began to make the pancakes for the two of them, he made a few extra for (Y/N) just incase she wanted some later.
"Angelice! Pancakes are almost ready!" he called and looked around for her.
She was in the living room. She wanted to play, even though Erwin told her to stay in her spot at the table.
She came into the kitchen. "Yay! Pancakes!" she yelled happily as she got into her chair.
Erwin couldn't help but smile, his daughter was growing up so fast. Pretty soon she'd be thirteen, and going through puberty. He wasn't ready for the hormone days just yet.
"Here you go sweetheart, be careful though, it is a bit hot" he said and placed two pancakes onto her plate.
Angelice looked at the plate with big eyes. She loved pancakes, and she always scarfed them down whenever her parents made them. Erwin cut them up for her, and she started to eat them.
"Slow down Angelice, they aren't going to disappear" he said and laughed a bit.
They both ate, and Erwin put the dishes in the sink. "Daddy! Can we play now?" she asked and looked at him with pleading eyes.
He laughed. "Sure why not?" he replied and walked into the living room.
Angelice was one spoiled little girl. (Y/N) hated to admit it, but she did anything for her. Of course, she would have limits on certain things, but Angelice had so many toys. Erwin lost count on how many she had. Even as a kid he didn't have this many.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) and Hanji were catching up at the cafe. "So how is Erwin doing with Angelice?" Hanji asked and nodded at her friend.
She sighed. "I couldn't ask for a better man to raise her. He's the perfect dad being honest, and I'm proud of the way he stepped up" she replied and looked at her coffee.
The brunette nodded. "He was so mesmerized when she was first born. I remember how excited he was" Hanji said and smiled.
(Y/N) laughed a bit. "I remember too, it felt like yesterday" she said.
"(Y/N)!" the girl turned and saw her doctor standing in the cafe.
She smiled and stood up. "Oh my gosh! Dr.Martin! It's good to see you" she said and gave him a hug.
"I was actually going to stop by your house. I have your physical" he said and took out some papers.
(Y/N) looked at them and smiled. "Thank you" she said.
He nodded. "We need to chat about a few things though" he replied.
She wasn't sure what he meant, but she decided to listen to what he had to say.
Back at the house, Erwin and Angelice were laying on the couch. They had played a game of tag, and she was totally tired out. She was napping on top of him, and he didn't want to move and wake her up.
The sight was adorable. Erwin really was the perfect dad.
He heard the door open, and saw (Y/N) with a few bags in her hand. "Hey" she said and closed the door.
Erwin smiled and stood up with Angelice in his arms. "Hey, she's pretty tired out" he said and laughed a bit.
She smiled and lokked at him. "We need to talk, I ran into Dr.Martin at the cafe" she said and crossed her arms.
Erwin decided to put Angelice in her room. He came back and sat next to (Y/N). "What's up?" he asked.
She smiled and showed him the paper. "I'm expecting!" she replied excitedly.
Erwin was shocked and excited at the same time. Another baby was on the way.
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hatake-no-sharingan · 4 years
Time travel AU (Part 2: Minato’s promise)
AU Summary: The world is falling apart, and the Sage of the Six Paths sends Naruto back in time to find his parents and collect the thing that will help him and Sasuke save the shinobi.
Link to part 1: HERE
Part 2 Summary: Naruto tells his parents why he’s come back in time, and asks them to help him save the world. Y/N notices there’s something off with everything that’s going on, but Minato steps up to keep his family safe.
Characters in part 2: Y/N (as Naruto’s mom/ Minato’s wife), Minato and Naruto
Warnings: None
A/N: This is for @itsao-mine, my amazing reader. I’m so sorry to keep you waiting, beautiful. Hopefully you’ll like reading it as much as I’ve loved writing it. I hope everyone else enjoys it too <3 Thank you for being so supportive of my writing.
Minato’s promise
Minato’s mouth dropped wide open. For a moment Y/N thought she imagined the whole thing, but she wiped her eyes and both Naruto and her husband were still in front of her. Minato’s initial shock had transformed into his signature smile.
The resemblance between the boy and him was uncanny. They had the same yellow hair and expressive blue eyes, as well as his easygoing manner. At the same time, he spoke in the same distracted but cheerful way Y/N did. He had the same expressions as her. There was no denying this was their child. But how was it possible?
As if reading his wife’s mind, Minato spoke.
“Naruto, this is very weird so you’d better have one hell of a good explanation on how the same baby she’s carrying is also sitting here all grown up, being a full fledged shinobi.”
Naruto’s stomach made a noise, revealing his hunger.
“We can talk about it over dinner, you both need food to restore yourselves, and so do I, remember I’m still eating for two.”
Y/N served three generous bowls of ramen and had her two ninjas take a seat at the table.
“Wow mom, you really do know how to cook. This is so tasty, maaan I love it. Did you know ramen is my favorite food? Have I mentioned it yet?”
“Well it’s also my favorite food. Don’t I cook it for you often? In the future I mean.”
“Ummm, not really” he laughs nervously “anyway, let me tell you what’s going on. It’s kinda messy really, and a hard story to tell, but I’ll try my best”
Naruto does try his best to summarize everything without getting much into detail, and his parents seem to catch on a bit. Naruto is surprised that they actually believe every word he says and seem keen on helping him, which is a relief, really, because he’d be lost without their support.
“So you’re telling us that in the future, 17 years from now, an evil princess who mysteriously fell from space ages ago comes back to life so she can plant a tree which enslaves all of humanity and feeds on their chakra and the only way to stop it is if you and Sasuke Uchiha, who just so happens to be the cute baby I saw a week ago in my friend Mikoto’s arms, seal her. For that you need to collect a special type of chakra from the Kyuubi because it’s exactly released at the time of your birth and a scroll from the Uchiha Clan which Sasuke is trying to find at this same time, and that’s why the Sage of the Six Paths gave Sasuke the power for one trip in time with his, what did you say it was called?” Says Y/N.
“Right, rinnesharingan. So did I understand correctly?”
“Yes you have it all right. So will you let me attend my own birth so we can save everyone?”
“If it’s for the sake of the world I will, right, yondaime?”
“Of course, my love” says her husband.
“Thanks mom, you’re truly the best”
“Come here, let me hold you for a bit, you must be exhausted”
Naruto moves close to his mother, and she embraces him in a tender way he’s never felt before. She strokes his forehead and tries to reassure him that she and his father will help him through it all, but a deep fear settles in her heart.
After spending a few moments like this, and noticing her son is exhausted, she prepares the guest bedroom for him and carefully tucks him into bed.
Once Naruto has fallen asleep, Y/N settles in her couch with a cup of tea in her hands.
“Minato, I’m scared”
He sits on the couch next to her and starts massaging her tired shoulders. His hands are a balm on her fearful soul.
“It’s okay, I’m here for you. I’ll protect you three.”
“I’m worried, for the baby, and for Naruto. I know they’re the same person, but still I worry for them both.”
“I know honey, but think about it this way, if Naruto from the future showed up here, that means the baby will be alright” his warm voice tranquilizes her.
“Still, there’s something off with all this. I mean I do believe him, he’s our son, and I’m oddly happy to have met him. To know that this baby will become such a strong willed shinobi. He’s everything I’ve dreamed our son would be, but this feels weird. He didn’t know who I was. And he makes comments that make me think he hasn’t spent much time with us, Minato”
He knows. He noticed it too, but he didn’t want to say anything about it either.
“Hey, it’s alright.” He planted a kiss on her bare neck “Maybe he didn’t recognize you because you look different in the future. We’ll age, princess. As much as we hate to admit it.” He chuckles kindly, trying to brush off his own concern.
“Yeah I guess. He’s a distracted kid too. Guess whom he got that from?”
Minato laughs gently and encircles his wife’s waist so his hands reach her tummy.
“I’ll take care of my beautiful family. There’s nothing more precious than you. It’s a promise” They fall asleep on the couch, tangled in a loving embrace. Y/N knows her husband’s word is sacred, so she knows she’ll be okay, but there’s a part of her that still feels uneasy.
The next day they avoid talking about the topic, and instead, Naruto decides to enjoy the feeling of having his family together until his birth comes up. He helps Y/N do even the most basic tasks, and takes care of her protectively. Minato, Y/N and Naruto fall into a nice, familiar routine for the rest of the week, and Naruto even goes with Minato a couple times to the Hokage office and helps him sort through the day’s work.  Time flies by, and he wishes he could stay here longer, but before he knows it, the day before his birth arrives.
He’s alone with his dad in his office, they’re settling everything so they can return to their house where Y/N is waiting for them with a delicious dinner.
“Hey dad, can I talk to you before we go home? There’s something you need to know. I, uh, well I haven’t had the heart to say it in front of mom, but there’s a reason I didn’t recognize her when I came here.”
“We’re going to die, aren’t we?”
Naruto’s stomach shrinks as he wishes he had another answer to that question.
“I’ve had the feeling, that something might go wrong. That’s why I’ve had Kakashi follow Y/N, taking care of her. The sandaime and I planned the birth, so she’ll be surrounded by security, but I guess there’s no way to avoid it right? I’m just very sorry we don’t get to watch you grow up. Y/N has been very excited since she found out, having a child has lifted her spirits so much.” There’s a deep sadness in his eyes, but he brushes it away, replacing it with a soft chuckle. “But, hey, let’s worry about death later. Now tell me, did you grow up happy? Were your needs covered? Did you have love surrounding you?”
Naruto was taken aback by his dad’s inquiry, he hadn’t expected that he’d care more about his wellbeing than the news he’d just given him. Warmth spread through his chest and a thought crossed his mind I couldn’t have asked for a better family.
“Yeah, you could say my life has been nice, dad. You and mom have nothing to worry about.” His cheeks felt a bit hot “I eat well and I have many friends.”
“Tell me about it kid, I want to hear everything. It seems this may be one of our few chances.” Minato reached out and ruffled his son’s hair.
“Well, where should I start? Oh! I know, this will make you happy. Kakashi is my Sensei. We’ve been on many adventures together. He’s the captain of my team. I’m there with my two best friends, Sakura and Sasuke. Well, things with Sasuke have been rough, and that’s maybe another topic, but he’s the first person who deeply, truly understood me, and I’ve never given up on him. I never will.”
On the way home, Naruto keeps telling him stories about how he grew up, and Minato enjoys every single one of them. When they get there, he acts as if nothing had happened, and Naruto knows, he’s trying to find a way to protect Y/N.
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A Sister Like You
Inspired by this post in which Elsa her 8yo self and Anna is her 18yo Frozen 1 age at the same time, AND @themountainsays ‘s tags about how it could make an interesting bastard!Anna au.
Special shout out to @like-redhead-probably and @daughterofhel for your encouragement! And pssst @jabs-wocks this one is much cuter and fluffier, I promise <3
Edit: Ao3 and FF.net
The king and queen had a terribly kept secret: their firstborn was a bastard.
It was a terribly kept secret because, well, everyone loved her.
Anna of Arendelle was too much like sunshine on a cloudy day for people to hate her. The cooks loved her because she wasn’t a picky eater like her father, and the maids loved her because she always helped mend the sheets she ripped during her playtime. The gardeners and stablemen loved Anna because she talked to the ducklings and horses and goats, and even the flowers weren’t ignored. The people loved her because she was a bright child who walked among the crowds in the market and bought pastries from the local baker with a smile full of missing baby teeth. Anna danced with the town’s children during the festivals and chased after ships until the end of the dock as they set sail.
And perhaps most importantly, her parents loved her - one of blood and one of adoptive heart. They promised to care for the little red-headed baby as their own, regardless of what people said. 
Truly, Anna was a light in the dark, even as a toddler, a fire in the midst of winter during her childhood years, and that warmth only soared to bonfire heat with the birth of the first true princess, her little sister, Elsa.
Anna’s love for Elsa was similarly earned in the way it was passed to her: instantly, freely, and without hesitation.
Elsa was born in the midst of a terrible winter storm that ended as soon as Anna was let into the birthing room. The king was right behind her, kissing his wife’s head sweetly as they peered down at their second daughter. The question was asked if Anna wanted to hold her little sister and Anna nodded furiously, already getting a leg up on the bed. They laid Elsa in her arms and Anna's eyes filled with wonder at the tiny bundle. She sat completely frozen, not wanting to move or change her position lest she disturb Elsa. The babe fussed and grabbed Anna’s small finger in an even smaller fist. Everyone in the room fawned over the action.
“She’ll be queen, right?” The king and queen exchanged a glance, hesitant. Anna had not seemed put out by the fact that she would never officially rule, but she was only ten, and they weren’t sure if that would always be the case.
The king cleared his throat. “Yes, darling. She will.”
Anna looked back down at her baby sister. Looked at her like she was her whole world. Elsa hiccupped a little and Anna smiled her blinding smile.
“I can’t wait,” she said, wiggling her trapped finger back and forth so Elsa turned towards the motion. “She’s gonna be great! And I’m gonna help her!”
The mood shifted instantly and everyone relaxed, rejoicing. Elsa’s forehead wrinkled at all the noise and she began to wail until Anna soothed her, shushing all the adults with a serious tone. They did, but not without some laughter.
And then Elsa sneezed.
Frost dusted Anna’s twin braids and bangs. She blinked. Everyone stared in complete shock. A small snowflake fell delicately from nowhere to land on the tip of Anna’s nose. In her arms, Elsa made little noises of satisfaction and nestled herself further into Anna’s hands before falling asleep.
“I take it back,” Anna whispered excitedly while the room found their tongues. “She’s going to be the best!”
In the middle of the night, Anna crept through the darkened hallways of Arendelle castle, easing the door of her parents’ room open. She lifted, with some effort, the door from the bottom with her toe so it wouldn’t squeak and give her away. She closed it just the same, sidling over to the crib along the far wall. Voices came from the opposite side of the room, in the connected bathroom.
They were arguing. Again.
She couldn’t remember them arguing when she was little, but Anna wasn’t sure that was because they hadn’t, or because they’d not had a reason to.
Because now they were always arguing about Elsa.
Anna dragged the stepstool up to the side of the crib. Elsa was deeply asleep, mumbling vague syllables as Anna rocked her bed gently with her knee. Half a year had passed and Elsa kept getting bigger everyday. Her hair was growing out, her cheeks were soft and pudgy (“Just like yours!” The staff would often remind Anna), and she had started to laugh and laugh and laugh at all of Anna’s antics. Anna was utterly enchanted by her, her little sister was genuine magic.
And of course, Elsa was literally magic, too.
Raised voices rebounded around the walls as the king and queen found new ground to battle over. Anna saw Elsa’s lower lip wobble and put her hand down into the crib so Elsa could hold it. With her other hand she touched the bandages around her head.
“It’s okay,” Anna murmured, “I know it was an accident.”
They’d been playing Peek-a-Boo.
Anna had surprised Elsa for the hundredth time with a joyful, “Here I am!”, only this time Elsa had placed her hand on Anna’s temple as she giggled and there was a flash of white. The next thing Anna knew she was on horseback, jostled back and forth in the king’s lap. They rode hard, to a clearing she didn’t recognize. Creatures rolled out of the mist and popped open, revealing themselves to be trolls. Anna would have been excited under normal circumstances, but the looks on the king and queen’s faces, and the fact that Elsa was crying her tiny lungs out, had her clamping down on any questions.
The adults talked, human and troll alike, but Anna was having a hard time paying attention. Elsa was so far away, upset, and she couldn’t reach her. Her body felt stiff and cold, especially her head. She couldn’t stop shivering. One of the trolls saw her reach out from the king’s arms and told everyone that Anna was awake.
The old troll informed her gravely that her life was in danger, that Elsa’s power would only continue to grow. He showed her images with his magic: a figure in blue turning water to ice, then being pounced upon by figures in red. They were beautiful, and frightening, making Anna’s heart pound sluggishly in her chest. The queen and king said the troll could do whatever he needed to save Anna’s life and protect Elsa from such a fate. The troll approached Anna, with more magic shining in his rocky palm, and said that everything would be fine, that it was just her head and not her heart. He chuckled humorously.
“Much better to lose a few memories than your life.”
Anna refused.
The adults sputtered.
“Will I remember Elsa?”
“Yes, of course but-”
“Will I remember her magic?”
“The magic is what did the damage, and to remove it I would remove-”
“Then no.”
And she wouldn’t hear it any other way, even as her body grew colder and the vision on her right fractured and split. A frozen headache pulsed at her temple, spreading rapidly across her skull. Still, Anna sought out the sound of Elsa’s voice, even though others were getting in the way. She couldn’t tell who was who. Some of them wanted the troll to do it anyway, that Anna was just a child, only ten, and didn’t know better. Some wanted Anna’s wishes to be respected, that perhaps there was another way. Even more worried about the future, the kingdom, what it might mean to have a queen with powers… or a bastard without memories of them.
What were the consequences of hiding Elsa’s powers from the public? What were the repercussions of making the same mistake over and over, if Anna was literally unable to remember the danger?
So many questions, so many voices.
All of them wanted her to live.
Anna took air into small lungs embedded with ice shards, speaking softly but clearly even as fatigue stole over her.
“Elsa’s powers are a part of her. Forgetting them means I’m forgetting part of Elsa. I don’t want that. How can I help her if I don’t know her?”
When Anna next awoke she was in her room back at the castle, wrapped solidly in blankets. Summer sunlight filtered through the curtains, bright and cheerful. She thought perhaps it had all been a dream, and she’d been allowed a rare day to sleep in.
In fact here was Gerda, thankfully with breakfast, walking through the door. Anna sat up to make space and shot her a cheerful, “Good morning!”
Gerda dropped everything she was carrying in one huge clatter and rushed to Anna’s side, burying her in a deep hug.
“Oh, my little Princess!” She always called Anna that, even though she wasn’t really. “We thought we were going to lose you!”
Anna went to protest but spied her reflection in the mirror over Gerda’s shoulder. Her hair was it’s usual post-slumber mess, but this time instead of it being held away from her face by sheer luck, it was by bandages.
Gerda set about getting her dressed and fed and ready for the day. She did Anna’s hair last of all, delicately peeling away the strips of cloth. It hurt a little, but not too bad. Anna wasn’t sure what she expected to see as the source of the pain, but that wasn’t it.
“Did I get some of the powdered sugar in my hair?” She asked.
Gerda looked sad, gazing at Anna through her reflection. “No my dear, that’s…” She paused, deliberating. Anna touched the white streak at her temple, following it back where it disappeared behind her ear.
“I don’t know all the details,” Gerda finally continued, “but I’m told you were very brave.”
Anna watched Gerda comb the white streak into her braid and remembered.
And to her everlasting relief… she remembered everything.
Anna and Elsa grew up, little by little, leap by leap. Space was cleared out in Anna’s room for Elsa’s bed and things, but by that time they were already inseparable. From the moment Elsa could walk she followed Anna everywhere. Laughter was common, and anyone in the castle who caught an earful of it drifting and caterwauling through the halls always gave a smile. Unless it was followed by the sound of something breaking, then it was usually a kickstart to a sprint.
As Anna edged into her teenage years things got… a little silly. Now at ages fifteen and five, the girls could get into all kinds of mischief. Nothing terrible of course, mostly playing knights in the hallways with the armor and freezing their tutor’s inkwell after a particularly difficult day of study. But then of course, there was the time Elsa made sleeping versions of them to fool people into thinking they were tucked away for the night, only to get caught sneaking into the fjord waters for a late night swim. Or the time Anna pretended Elsa was sick and was only taking requests through the door - requests that included chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, hot chocolate (in summer), chocolate mousse…
The future that the king and queen feared never came to pass; Elsa’s powers indeed grew as she did, but they were tempered with the practice that came along with frequent use, namely entertaining herself and her older sister. Anna never got tired of watching Elsa, “Do the magic,” and Elsa never got tired showing her.
Anna’s sunny disposition never wavered even when others thought it might, when, despite their closeness, familial bonds, and education, Anna’s status as an out of wedlock child started to become more frequently pronounced. If anything, Elsa took more offense to her sister being addressed as, “Lady Anna,” while she got “Princess Elsa”, than Anna ever did.
“But you are a princess!” Elsa protested one night. They were both in their respective beds, across from each other, flat on their backs as they watched the hues of the Northern Lights waver over their ceiling.
“I’m technically half adopted,” Anna clarified.
“What does that mean?”
“It means one of our parents isn’t my flesh and blood parent, even though I call them Mama and Papa just like you do.”
“That’s so weird,” and Anna could hear Elsa’s frown from her side of the room. “Which one?”
Anna shrugged. “I dunno. It’s not like I haven’t wondered, but it just, never seemed to matter enough to ask.”
“I could ask.”
“No, sweetheart, you don’t have to.”
“But I wanna know!”
Anna sighed. She watched the lights dance a moment before saying, “I don’t.”
“Oh…” Elsa went quiet. “Can I ask why?”
“Sure you can.”
A few seconds passed before Elsa huffed irritably and Anna grinned in the dark. “Why don't you want to know?”
“I want to be mysterious,” Anna teased.
“What? If you get to be queen, then I want to be the spooky, strange older sibling!”
She expected a laugh but was met with silence.
“...Did you wanna be queen?”
Anna opened her mouth to reply how she always did, but stopped. This was her sister, not some dignitary in a hushed tone or some drink toting duchess at a dinner party. She deserved a real answer.
“No,” Anna said finally, “not really anyway. Even when I was little I didn’t dream of holding Papa’s scepter or wearing Mama’s crown. I felt like that was their thing, and you had your thing! And I was… am, happy just being me.”
“Is that because you really never thought about it, or because someone told you it would never be yours?”
Anna’s brows knit together and she sat up quickly. “Hey,” she smirked, “who said you could be a five-year-old philosopher?”
“Sorry!” Elsa sat up too, her arms hugging her bed sheet covered legs. “I just think you’d be really good at it!”
“Good at it?” Elsa nodded, the Lights roaming through her hair. “What makes you say that?”
“Well…,” Elsa began rolling her hands in a circular motion. A small ball of twinkling snow appeared between her hands, rotating gently. She did this whenever she was thinking. “You’re smart and patient and kind. You’re always explaining things to me, and telling me stories. You help me when I’m mad at my homework or miss a stitch while sewing. You’re always thinking of new games to play, you read me books and take me out into the town for a day of fun! And you always save some of your peas from dinner for the ducks in the pond. You claim it’s because you hate vegetables but really it’s because you know it’s their favorite snack.
“But as much as you teach,” Elsa continued, the snowball spinning and sparking, “you also listen. You know everybody in the whole castle’s birthday. A sailor told you that he always missed the baker’s lun epleterte when he was out at sea, and now the baker always has extra when he sees that ship come home. Kai mentioned once that his favorite flowers hadn’t bloomed yet in the garden so you staked out the hedge for weeks. The moment they bloomed you ran to go find him, a few flowers already in your hands. You’re very-,” Elsa paused, her hands stopping too. Her lips twitched in annoyance. “I don’t know the word. But you know people and you care about them, and I think that would make you a great queen.”
The little snowball shrunk and disappeared, returning the room to the flickering patterns of pinks, blues, and greens of the Lights. Anna propped her head and elbow up on her thigh. “Hmm, I suppose you’re right. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m not really interested, and even if I were, I still couldn’t.”
Elsa waved her hand dismissively. “When I’m queen I’ll just make you queen too.”
Anna scoffed, though not without humor. “That’s not how it works.”
“Says who? I’ll be queen! Who’s gonna say no?” Elsa barreled on, not waiting for Anna’s response. “It’ll be perfect: I’ll be Queen, you’ll be Royal-Big-Sister-Queen, and then you and I can both do whatever we want! We’ll be perfect together!”
“‘Royal-Big-Sister-Queen’? That’s not a thing.”
“It will be,” Elsa replied confidently. Anna exhaled heavily, a smile on her lips. Elsa noticed her lack of enthusiasm. “Okay, I’ll work on a better title but…, I just don’t want people thinking that you’re not part of my family.”
Anna’s eyes softened. “C’mere you.”
Elsa kicked off her covers, grabbed the stuffed penguin Anna had made for her fourth birthday, and ran on bare feet to Anna’s bedside. She lifted her arms and Anna picked her up, nestling her close. “It will never matter what other people say about me, because I know that the family that chose me, and that I choose right back everyday, loves me very much, and just wants me to be happy.”
Anna ran her pinkie softly down the bridge of Elsa’s nose. Her little sister blinked drowsily when Anna did it again. “What do you think about that?” She asked quietly.
“I think… you’re my best friend-older sister,” Elsa said softly as sleep dragged at her, “who tries to put her cold feet on my back when we sleep together, always forgetting that I can’t feel the cold.”
Anna chuckled low in her chest. “And I think you are my sweet-but-silly little sister,” she replied, tweaking Elsa’s nose which made her giggle, “who is always stealing the blankets despite claiming she’s never cold, leaving me to freeze to death.”
Elsa cuddled closer to Anna, yawning fiercely. “I promise I’ll share them tonight. Pre-Queen’s honor.”
Anna put a hand to her chest. “That’s a big promise, your Almost-Majesty. How do you know you’ll keep it?”
Elsa already had her eyes closed and her head on Anna’s pillow. “Because I love you.”
Anna smiled warmly. She scooched lower and drew the covers up over her shoulder, planting a kiss on Elsa’s forehead as she got settled.
“I love you too. And I still will, even when I wake up tomorrow and all the covers are on your side of the bed.”
Elsa never did come up with a better title for Anna’s rise to royalty. Not that she didn’t have time; to most people three years is quite the span, but for children and young adults it may well have been the blink of an eye. And it certainly felt like no time at all when Kai knocked on their door, parchment in hand and tears in his eyes, to deliver the news that their parents had died at sea.
Anna was eighteen, and Elsa, heir to the throne, only eight.
The funeral was delayed until proper mourning attire could be fashioned for such young women. The headstones were grand but simple. After the rain and the prayers, Anna and Elsa walked back to their room, silent. Anna worked on autopilot: helping Elsa disrobe, comb out her hair, put her in sleepwear. Until she felt the ghost of a memory, not long past, of her hugging the queen and king around the waist, expressing her wish to see them soon. The last time she’d ever touched them.
She heard Elsa sniffle beneath her hand, and caught sight of their reflection in the mirror. Tears dripped out of red-rimmed eyes as Elsa’s hard fought composure (already so heavy for a child) fell apart at Anna’s momentary lapse in normality. Then they were holding each other close, fingers digging into clothing and faces pressed close together.
They slept in the same bed for months.
But during that time an uncomfortable question arose. One that, out of respect for tradition, should have waited, but realistically speaking, couldn’t.
Who was in charge now?
Obviously no one expected an eight-year-old to be officially running a country, especially since her Coronation Day was over a decade away. And while Elsa had already Ascended to ruling status, legally she wasn’t making the rules, and it couldn’t be advisors forever. Especially not after the period of mourning, which at max placed Elsa at twelve. She would be involved in ongoing diplomatic and national matters of course, as she would have been anyway, though now to a larger degree, but the fact of the matter was that Elsa was a child.
She still had a bedtime.
And it couldn’t be Anna… could it? She had the training, the disposition. Even if she’d never desired it personally, could she be persuaded to step up, even if it was, in the end, invisibly? The advisors knew that generally speaking, the people of Arendelle would not turn their backs on Anna being their ruler in Elsa’s place, but politically, they felt the pressure of putting the correct outward face on their country.
Anna walked past two advisors, picking holes in the same arguments she’d heard for weeks, and closed her ears to it all. If they --the crown, the staff, the castle-- needed her help, she’d do it in a heartbeat, but right now, she was more concerned with the remaining family she had left.
Namely, finding her before her upcoming royal duties.
They were starting slow. A few of the old guardsmen had retired, and today was their replacement’s first day on the job. Elsa, as queen, was supposed to formally greet them and thank them for their service. Fairly straightforward, all things considered, but Anna had seemingly lost track of Elsa after breakfast and between a few meetings of her own, and now was looking for her little sister.
Well, she was pretending to look. Anna knew exactly where to find her sister, but she gathered that, with all the fuss over dress and ceremony, Elsa may want just a few extra seconds to be alone, not being touched by people’s hands or her hair pulled by combs or set in tight braids and buns along her head.
But they couldn’t delay forever. Anna tapped a special rhythm on the door to their room, hearing a muted, “Come in!” from the other side.
As she entered, Anna’s breath caught in her throat.
Elsa was dressed like, well…
She looked just like Mama.
“Gerda says if I keep my steps high, I won’t trip on my cape,” Elsa said, spinning to show off the purple floor length cape. “But I can’t walk normally if I do that, I look like a puffed up frog!”
A little tiara nestled in her snow-blonde hair bounced light around the room as Elsa shifted. A fleck caught in Anna’s eye and she blinked harshly, bringing her back to the moment.
“Good thing you only have to walk a few feet,” Anna agreed, closing the door behind her and striding up to her sister. “You’ll be the best dressed frog in the room.”
Elsa folded her arms and scowled, looking very queenly indeed. “I’m surprised you’re the one saying that, considering what you’re wearing today,” and she gestured up and down at her sister.
It was true, Anna was wearing a dress that was almost entirely green from top to bottom, excluding the bodice which was black. The pleats of her skirt were alternating shades of green, the only spots of color otherwise being the rosemaling against the black silk on her chest and abdomen. Anna looked down then back up, and grinned. “I guess you’re right. You’ll have to teach me how to walk then. Does it look something like this?”
She marched dramatically in place, all high knees and right angled elbows, a look of comic determination on her face. To her delight, and relief, Elsa burst into giggles. She held her two gloved hands up in front of her mouth.
That was the Elsa she knew.
“You’re going to embarrass me, Anna,” Elsa laughed.
“Lucky for me, that’s the older sibling’s job.” Anna put her hands on her hips. “Ready to go?”
Elsa’s smile dropped, looking down at her outfit. “I look like I am.”
Anna crouched down to be level with Elsa. “You certainly do,” she said softly. “You look beautiful. But I asked if you were ready.” Elsa didn’t meet her eye, instead fidgeting with her hands and wringing the soft blue leather of her gloves.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be,” Elsa confessed, downcast.
Anna acknowledged that with a little hum. “Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not for a long time. But I think that’s okay too, it just means you’re still willing to learn. And you know, you’re not alone. You’ve got Kai and Gerda and all the staff, you’ve got the tutors and experts and all the other adults that know what to do. And, you know,” Anna shrugged, “you’ve got me, too. So I’m pretty sure it won’t be a complete disaster.”
Elsa looked up. “Really?”
“Positive,” Anna winked. She pinched her pointer finger and thumb close together. “Just a little one.”
Elsa laughed again and shoved Anna’s hand away. “Okay, okay, I’m ready. Let’s go.”
“After you,” Anna said grandly, opening the door wide for Elsa with a sweeping bow. Elsa shook her head, then squared her shoulders and tilted her chin back, adopting the posture she’d learned over many lessons of how to walk like a queen. Anna sheltered the little spark of pride inside her heart, and the flicker of sadness that came along with it.
They started to make their way down the long hall, Anna a step behind to Elsa’s right, as was expected. As they neared the halfway point, Elsa’s pace slowed, and Anna noticed immediately.
She tapped Elsa on the shoulder and gently took her hand.
Elsa glanced ahead and behind furtively. “I… shouldn’t.”
“I know but, you don’t have to be ‘Queen-queen’ until we turn that corner, so…” Anna ran her thumb across the back of Elsa’s gloved hand, “You can keep holding my hand until then.”
Elsa squeezed back. “And after that? Where will you be?”
Anna beamed.
“Right next to you. And after that? Wherever you need me to be.”
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madpanda75 · 4 years
“Taking Chances Part 7: All in the Family”
I’m back with the latest chapter where Rafael spends a Sunday with the Carisi family. So sorry it took me so long to get this out. Thank you so much for your patience and thanks for all of your sweet comments. Stay tuned for the next part ❤️
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The clang of the bells of St. Thomas pierced through the Staten Island spring air, their melodic rings beckoning churchgoers for Mass. Rafael watched people dressed in their Sunday best walk through the red double doors of the stone cathedral as you drove the car into the church parking lot.
Turning off the ignition, you looked towards Rafael and gave him an expectant smile. “Ok, you ready?”
A sigh below past his lips. “Ready.”
“Are ya’ nervous?” you teased with a playful nudge to his shoulder.
“Me? Nervous?” Rafael scoffed. “Please, I do not get nervous,” he lied when in reality, he was a bundle of nerves. In his nearly twenty years as an ADA, Rafael had faced down cold-blooded murderers and rapists in the courtroom and yet he had never been more nervous than he was at that moment.
Ever since the unfortunate encounter in his office, he had been unable to shake Sonny’s voice from his head, a terrifying thought under any circumstance. What if your family shared his sentiments about the two of you dating? He could envision it now—a large Italian family shooting daggers at him as he walked arm in arm with you. It would be like re-enacting a scene from The Godfather.
You arched a brow at him, not falling for his cool facade. “Everything will be fine,” you reassured him. “Anyways, it's not my family you should be worried about. You should be more worried about bursting into flames when you step into the church.” You leaned towards him and whispered in his ear, “Especially after what we did last night.”
“How could I forget,” he purred. The image of you tied up and blindfolded to the bed, writhing in ecstasy as he licked whipped cream off your nipples was forever seared into his brain. He cupped your face and captured your lips with his, tracing the seam of your mouth with his tongue. You softly moaned and tilted your head, deepening the kiss when a tap on your driver side window caused you both to jump and split apart.
There was your older sister, Gina, standing outside your car with a smirk firmly planted on her face. “You might wanna watch where ya’ suck face, lil’ sis. Father Betino just walked past. See ya’ inside,” she said with a wink and headed towards the church.
You rolled your eyes and stepped out of the car with Rafael. “So which sister is that again?” he asked.
“That’s Gina. She just got engaged for the 11th time to a Wall Street broker. She claims this time it’s for real that he’s ‘the one’,” you explained, using air quotes before winding your arm around his as you walked up the stone steps. “Teresa, my other sister, strictly dates men who make six figures and above. I swear she considers Forbes to be her own personal dating ad. Ya’ already know Bella and Tommy, and of course there’s Sonny. Any questions?”
“Gina, Teresa, Bella, Tommy, and Sonny,” he softly repeated, trying to retain the information you had just thrown at him. “I think I got it.”
He opened the door, stepping inside after you to find your family waiting in the vestibule, their loud conversations echoing against the walls. Several children, who Rafael assumed to be your nieces and nephews, ran around the giant holy water font, laughing and squealing in delight. The door closed behind you with a deafening thud and the family chatter came to a halt, their attention now turned towards you and Rafael.
“Hi everyone.” You smiled and waved, being preoccupied with Rafael and work it had been ages since you had seen everyone. Your family swarmed you, sweeping you up in hugs and kisses. Spotting Rafael awkwardly standing off to the side, you reached out and grabbed his hand, leading him to your parents. “Ma, Pops, this is Rafael Barba.”
“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Carisi. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” he said and extended his hand to your mother.
“Please, call me, Julia,” your mom replied and shooed his hand away, pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Rafael. We’ve heard so much about you.”
You tapped her on the back.“Ok, Ma. Please do not crush my boyfriend to death,” you joked.
When she let go, Rafael noticed how much you looked like your mother—the same warm eyes, same brilliant smile, same delicate nose. He briefly imagined what you would look like when you grew older and his heart fluttered at the thought of standing by your side in the years to come, surrounded by children and grandchildren.
Unfortunately that thought was quickly dashed when he noticed your father. Dominick Carisi, Sr. stood with his arms crossed, tilting his head as he inspected Rafael with a slight frown. It was the same look that Sonny had whenever he was eyeing a potential suspect. A look Rafael recognized all too well. Standing his ground under your father’s steely stare, he held out his hand.
After a pregnant pause, your father finally shook his hand. “You can call me, Mr. Carisi.” He wrapped a protective arm around you. “So, you’re the one my little patatina has been dating.”
“Pops,” you said in a warning tone.
“Oh Dom, relax.” Your mom waved him off, turning her attention back to your boyfriend. “So are you Catholic, Rafael?
“Ma, please,” you whined and gave Rafael an apologetic look.
“It’s ok, Y/N.” Rafael smiled. He knew all too well what it was like to have a prying parent. “I was raised Catholic. I used to go to St. Rita’s with my mother in the Bronx.”
“How nice. Maybe she can join us sometime,” Julia said.
“Ok, Ma. Why don’t you and Pops go grab our pew before the Marchese clan steals it from us again.” You gently lead your parents into the church. “We’ll see you in there.”
Your sisters walked past you both, greeting Rafael on their way inside to join your parents. Teresa gave you a subtle thumbs up and mouthed, “He’s hot,” before she ran to catch up with Bella and Tommy.
You stayed in the vestibule with Rafael, knowing he would need a minute or two to recover after meeting your family. “See that wasn’t so bad.”
Rafael let out a long breath. It was only 10:15 and he felt as if he had just ran a marathon. “They’re great,” he replied. “Hey, what does patatina mean?”
“My little potato,” you mumbled, your cheeks turning bright pink. “Apparently, I resembled a lumpy spud at birth.”
He laughed and took your hand, leading you into the church when Sonny burst in. “Sorry I’m late. I couldn’t find a parkin’ spot,” he said a little out of breath. Giving you a big hug, he then turned and noticed Rafael. His face instantly fell as soon as he locked eyes with the ADA. “Barba.”
“Carisi.” Rafael gave a curt nod of acknowledgement.
Your eyes darted between the two men like you were witnessing a tennis match. “You know this may seem like a crazy idea, but while you’re out of work, why don’t you call each other by your first name?”
“Fine,” Sonny conceded and opened the door to the church as the choir began to sing. “After you, Rafael.
Rafael shook his head. “Oh no. After you, Sonny.”
Sonny feigned sincerity and placed his hand over his heart. “Oh no, I insist.”
“No, I insist,” Rafael retorted.
By this point, Mass would be over and Rafael and Sonny would still be arguing about who goes first. “Hey Abbott and Costello, how about I go first.” You walked between the two men and grabbed Rafael by the arm. “What am I gonna do with you two?” you whispered, leading him down the aisle to the front pew where your family was sitting.
Rafael was a lapsed Catholic. He hadn’t stepped foot inside a church since the SVU squad arrested Monsignor Mulregan for an underage sex trafficking ring. The lack of humanity he had witnessed over the years combined with his turbulent childhood had made his relationship with faith complicated.
But on this particular morning with you by his side, all the cynicism and doubt he had towards a higher being seemed to wash away. Rafael focused on the words being spoken. The words forever etched into every Catholic’s memory; no matter how long it’s been since they attended Mass. The same words he would speak every Sunday as a child sitting next to his abuelita. Stealing a glance at you, he softly smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, feeling completely at peace.
After the service, everyone caravanned over to the Carisi home for lunch. Hearing stories of your childhood and working with Sonny over the years had made Rafael curious about your parents’ home. As you parked in front of 193 Sycamore Avenue, he was pleasantly surprised to find a red brick Victorian home with a front porch and bay windows. It was like a Norman Rockwell painting come to life. There was even a white picket fence.
As you walked up the steps with Rafael, hand in hand, you overheard your sisters talking and kids screaming, creating a cacophony at a dangerously high decibel. “Ok. Easy part is over. Now we have to go to lunch.” You let out a long breath. “Brace yourself, Barba.”
Before you could pull your key out, Teresa beat you to the punch and flung open the door. “Come on in, baby sis and Mr. ADA.” She winked at Rafael and took his coat, placing it in the entryway closet. “Hey, uh...Mr. ADA?”
Rafael blushed. “You can call me Rafael.”
“Ok, Rafael.” Teresa furrowed her brow as she took in his state of dress. “I couldn’t help but notice your Tom Ford designer suit. Tell me how much does an ADA have to make in order to afford that type of fashion?”
You glared at your sister, stepping between her and Rafael, who was still stunned at the intrusive question. “Mind your own beeswax, Teresa Emilia Carisi.”
“Break it up, ladies. Don’t make me get the hose,” your mom warned, popping her head out from the kitchen before turning to Rafael. “Make yourself at home.”
“Do you need any help?” he asked, finally finding his voice.
“Absolutely not. You’re our guest.” She smiled and went back to work.
“Come on, Rafi. Let’s get out of here before Teresa asks for your pin number.” Teresa stuck her tongue out as you led him into the living room.
Your father came bounding down the stairs with a newspaper in hand. He observed how you giggled and wrapped your arms around Rafael. Just as he was about to step into the living room and tell the older man to watch where he put his paws on his angel of a daughter, Mrs. Carisi called him. “Dom, I need your help!”
“Coming, honey,” Dom grumbled and gave Rafael a stern look. “Behave yourself in here. Remember to leave room for the Holy Spirit.”
You rolled your eyes as soon as your father left. “I’m sorry about my family. I know they can be a little much.” Taking his hand, you traced a prominent vein, following its path up to his wrist. It’s not that you were ashamed of your family. It’s just that you knew how they could be. Overprotective. Nosy. Overbearing. There was a reason why you had only brought one other boyfriend home, apart from Rafael.
“It’s fine, hermosa,” he reassured you before wandering around the living room, taking in the fireplace, the cozy furniture, walls filled with family photos, and a large sign that read “La Dolce Vita.” There were also enough statues of saints and the Virgin Mary that Rafael was sure that Mr. and Mrs. Carisi could start their own church.
Rafael spied a picture of you as an enthusiastic twelve year old with braces and butterfly clips in your hair. “That was taken at a Backstreet Boys concert,” you said with a sheepish grin.
A smirk tugged at his lips, noticing a family photo hanging over the mantle. A large picture that appeared to have been taken at JCPenney during the height of Olan Mills. You were a happy chubby baby being held by your mom surrounded by your siblings and father. “Huh, you really did look like a potato when you were little.”
“Jerk.” You playfully smacked him on the shoulder. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“Sure, what do you have?”
“Well we have water.” Winding your arms around his neck, you tugged him down for a slow tantalizing kiss. “Wine?” You kissed him once more. “An assortment of products made by the Coca Cola Company?” With a flirty giggle, you captured his lips again, fingering the hair on the nape of his neck.
He pulled away and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Water will be fine.”
“Coming right up.” You teasingly nipped his bottom lip and went into the kitchen.
Rafael sat on the floral printed couch and looked over at the picture of you at the Backstreet Boys concert perched on the end table. The longer he stared at that photo of you as a tween, the more apparent the age difference between you became. While you were fangirling over boy bands, he had already been working as a lawyer, making grown men cry on the witness stand.
He turned away from the photo only to find all of your nieces and nephews, some of which had suspicious sticky-like substances on their hands and faces, standing in the living room, staring at him like a pack of meerkats.
Rafael audibly gulped but tried to play it cool, remembering that children could smell fear.
A young boy, who looked about 8, with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes spoke first. “Are you Aunt Y/N’s friend?”
“Uh, yes I am,” he replied.
One of your nieces giggled. “Are you her boyfriend?”
“What’s a boyfriend?” asked another little girl with pigtails, who couldn’t have been more than four.
“That’s when a boy is friends with a girl but they kiss a lot,” explained the sandy blonde haired boy. From there it was an interrogation that would’ve put the FBI to shame with each of the kids asking him question after question.
“Do you kiss Aunt Y/N?”
“Are you gonna marry Aunt Y/N?”
“Are you gonna have kids?”
“Can I be in the wedding?!”
“Me too! Me too!”
“I wanna be a flower girl!”
“No me first! I wanna be the flower girl!”
“I can talk to dogs!”
Rafael’s head was spinning. He couldn’t get a word in edgewise over the kids and that dog comment left him completely stunned. Thankfully you and your father came in right before Rafael was sure the children were about to re-enact a scene from Lord of the Flies.
“Woah, what’s going on here?” You gave Rafael a sympathetic smile and handed over his glass of water while balancing a drooling baby on your hip. “Hey kids, why don’t we give Auntie Y/N’s friend a break. Uncle Sonny’s in the backyard and he has chocolate!”
“Chocolate!” The kids screamed and ran out of the room to go maul their uncle.
Rafael looked at you as if you had just offered him a seat on the last lifeboat during the sinking of the Titanic. You were about to sit down when you made a face and sniffed the air. Hoisting the baby in your arms up, you took a whiff of his diaper. “Phew, little man. Your diapers smell worse than the bathroom after your Uncle Sonny uses it.” The baby laughed in response. “I’ll be right back, Rafi. Bella, I’m going to change your offspring,” you shouted, heading up the stairs.
Dom Sr. placed a crudités platter on the coffee table and sat down in his usual chair in the corner of the living room. “So, I understand you work with Sonny.”
“Yes, sir,” Rafael said, reaching for a carrot stick.
“You know, Sonny was a big fan of yours. That is until you started dating Y/N.” He crossed his arms and fixed Rafael with an icy blue stare.
Rafael returned his gaze, refusing to back down. “This isn’t just a fling, Mr. Carisi. Y/N is very special to me. She’s my world.”
The older man was slightly stunned by Rafael’s admission. Before he could come up with a response, Sonny stumbled into the living room with a squealing little girl clinging to his leg. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was a mess. The man looked as if he was coming back from fighting a war and he was on the losing side.
“Ok, Y/N. You win,” Sonny said, completely out of breath. “Go play with Nonni for a little bit. Uncle Sonny needs a break.” He set his niece down and ruffled her hair as he left to go help his sisters set the table.
The little girl ran up to Rafael and gave him a bright smile, climbing up on the couch next to him. “Hi, I’m Y/N.”
“Your name is Y/N too?” Rafael asked.
She nodded her head enthusiastically causing her pigtails to bounce up and down. “Yep. Mommy named me after my favo-wite aunt! What’s your name?”
“I’m your aunt’s friend, Mr. Barba.”
“Mista Bawba.” Little Y/N tested the name on her tongue.
Rafael bit his cheek to keep from laughing at the precocious child. “You can call me Rafi if you like.”
“Ok, Wafi!” She hopped off the couch and ran out of the room, returning in a matter of seconds with a book that was almost as big as she was. “Can you wead?”
Rafael chuckled a bit. “I think I can manage.” Y/N climbed back on the couch and made herself comfortable on his lap, ready for him to start. Glancing up, he saw Dom Sr. with a pleasantly surprised look on his face. He gestured for Rafael to go ahead. Clearing his throat, Rafael cracked open the book and began to read the story.
You came bounding down the stairs with a freshly changed baby only to stop in your tracks when you came upon a sight that made your heart flutter, soar, and anything else that might require a trip to the cardiologist. There in the living room was your boyfriend with your little niece sitting on his lap, making her giggle as he did funny voices while reading her “The Day the Crayons Quit.” The book you had gotten her this past Christmas.
Sensing your presence, he stopped mid-sentence and caught you staring at him. “Don’t stop now. This is the good part.” You immediately plopped down on the couch next to him and little Y/N. His expression softened and he paused, committing this moment to memory: you sitting by his side with a baby nestled in your arms. Locking eyes, you simultaneously knew that this was what you both wanted—a family. It never felt right with anyone else. But having a family with Rafael, there was no other way to describe it other than perfect. And he felt the exact same way.
“How cute is that?” Gina cooed.
Teresa set the placemats down on the dining room table and went over to her sister. “I know. I think my ovaries just exploded.”
Bella nodded as she laid out the silverware. “Ma needs to get a mop cause I’m a puddle right now.”
Sonny walked in from the kitchen with an armful of plates, furrowing his brow when he saw his three sisters practically drooling. “What’s goin’ on in here?”
“Oh nothin’. Just watching the sexy Cuban man in the living room entertaining our children,” Bella said.
Sonny followed his sister’s gaze to find you and Rafael, surrounded by all of your nieces and nephews playing Candy Land, even your father had joined the game. “Rafael? Please,” he scoffed. “If you find uptight tiny men with overly coiffed hair attractive.”
Gina made a face. “What’s with you?”
“Yeah,” Bella chimed in, taking the plates from her brother and placing them on the table. “I thought you worshipped the ground this guy walks on.”
Sonny snorted. “That was before I caught them on Nonna’s table.”
“Oh yeah, Y/N told me about how ya’ cock blocked her.” Gina smirked and nudged her brother. “Sounds like our lil’ sis is getting satisfied.”
“I wonder if he has a brother,” Teresa mused.
Sonny groaned and plopped down on the dining room chair. “Not you guys too. Anyways, don’t start planning Y/N’s bachelorette party just yet. After tonight, I predict this relationship will start to fizzle out pretty fast.” He stood up and finished setting the table.
“Sonny, what did ya’ do?” Teresa put her hands on her hips and gave her brother a warning glare.
“Why are ya’ pointin’ the finger at me. I’m just sayin’ don’t expect those two to work out. There may be someone else out there for Y/N.” Sonny shrugged and grabbed a piece of garlic bread, taking a bite. “Someone more appropriate. Someone who’s not about to enter their twilight years,” he muttered.
All three of his sisters swooped in and surrounded him. There was no place to escape. He was trapped. Teresa narrowed her eyes. Gina smacked the bread out his hand.
“You better not fuck this up for her. I mean it. She’s happy.” Bella punched him in the shoulder.
“What’s going on in here?” Julia arched her brow, setting a large platter of ragu tagliatelle on the table.
“Nothing,” all of the Carisi children simultaneously said with innocent smiles plastered on their faces.
Knowing her children, Mrs. Carisi was not buying their act. “Uh-huh. Last time you said ‘nothing’. I caught you all fingerpainting the living room walls with chocolate syrup. Whatever you’re doing, stop. It’s time to eat.”
“More parmigiana, Rafael?” Julia asked with a warm smile as the ADA devoured his food.
“Yes, please.” Rafael happily accepted the platter and took his second serving. “Everything is delicious.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” she replied. Mrs. Carisi had outdone herself. The dining room table was laden with various pastas, lasagna, mussels in a simmering broth, and bread. With each bite, Rafael could feel his stomach expand and yet he couldn’t stop himself from eating. By the end of the night, he was sure one of his buttons would pop.
Taking a sip of his wine, he noticed a painting of what looked to be a street market in Italy on the wall. Vibrant colors depicted vendors selling fruits, vegetables, and various wares on a cobblestone alley. Rafael lost himself in the artwork for a moment. He could practically hear the Italian women barter and bicker over the best price for tomatoes. “That’s a beautiful painting.” He turned to you. “Let me guess. One of yours?”
“Actually that was painted by my grandmother. It’s a market in Naples. My great-grandfather used to sell fish there every week and Nonna Carisi would go with him. She would paint to pass the time,” you remarked.
“You never told me that before,” Rafael said with a smirk.
“Nonna Carisi was an amazing painter,” Julia added. “She used to babysit Y/N. I would come home from work and find them both painting their next masterpieces.”
“Guess it runs in the family then.” Rafael gave you a sly wink.
Mr. Carisi softly chuckled. “I remember when I came home from the hospital after having my heart attack and Y/N announced at dinner one night that she decided to quit the MBA program at NYU so that she can devote her life to art. I swear, I almost had another heart attack right here at this table.”
You sighed, having heard this story countless times before. “Life is short, Pops. I would rather spend my time doing what I love and pursuing my dreams than being bored and miserable reviewing portfolio investments and marketing strategies, slaving away for the almighty dollar. Besides, aren’t you always saying that all you want in life is for your patatina to be happy?”
Mr. Carisi nodded and softly smiled. “Yes, I did and I’m proud of you and what you’ve accomplished.”
“I think Y/N is an incredible artist,” Rafael said. “When we first met, it was her passion for art that really struck me. Her paintings are absolutely captivating. She’s one of the most talented people I know.” He took hold of your hand under the table, running his thumb across your knuckles. Your sisters gave each other a knowing look, wiggling their eyebrows while your brother rolled his eyes. You blushed at his compliment and took a sip of your wine, never letting go of his hand.
“So, when do you two plan on tying the knot?” Gina asked.
You whipped your head around. “Gina?!”
Your sister feigned innocence. “What? I was just askin’. And anyways, time’s a wastin’, lil sis.” She held up her hand and showed off her 3.5 carat pear shaped yellow diamond engagement ring. “Tick Tock.”
Your mom’s eyes lit up. “You know, Nonna Carisi’s wedding dress is in the attic. We can head up there after lunch and try it on.”
“Just as long as you have the wedding in the fall,” Bella said and rubbed her belly. “It’ll give me time to lose the rest of the baby weight.”
Teresa shook her head. “No way. She should have a summer wedding. I bet my firm can book the Plaza for August.” She immediately took out her phone and started to shoot off a text to her assistant.
As your sisters argued over your wedding date, your mom continued, “Of course, we’d have to alter the dress. Nonna Carisi was a little hippy. God bless her.”
You turned beet red. The last time you were this mortified was when you were 16 and got busted making out in the movie theater by your parents. “Can we please stop this crazy conversation and come back from whatever insane alternate reality you ladies are living in and just enjoy our meal. Not another word about the Plaza, wedding dresses, or anything about my or Rafael’s future for the rest of the evening. Thank you.”
Everyone around the table was quiet and focused on their food until Rafael cut through the silence. “Just as long as our kids don’t look like a sack of potatoes, I’m good.”
Rafael’s surprise joke caused you to choke on your wine. He patted your back as you coughed and sputtered. Surprisingly, your father snorted a laugh. As the day progressed, he began to grow fond of Rafael. The laughter became infectious and soon everyone joined in. Well, everyone except for Sonny.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Sonny shot right up with a smug smile on his face. “I’ll get it.”
Your mom and dad eyed each other curiously from across the table. “Were you expecting someone? Dom asked his wife. Julia shook her head no.
You dropped your fork with a clang, instantly recognizing the voice of the person Sonny was greeting at the door. “Hey everyone! Look who’s here!” Sonny announced as he led Theo into the dining room.
All the color drained from your face, you looked as if you had seen a ghost. The shock of seeing your ex quickly began to wear off and was replaced with rage. White hot, explosive rage. As your blood began to boil, you silently debated who to kill first—your brother or ex-fiance.
@glimmerglittergirl​ @southern-magnolia​ @sweetcannolicarisi​ @delia26​ @obfuscateyummy​ @sass-and-suspenders​ @eclecticminded​ @thatesqcrush​ @katmstanton​ @amirightcounsellor​ @beltzboys2015-blog​ @letty-o​ @sonnysdoll​ @lyssa1385​ @sweetsummertime99​ @burningsorr0ws​ @gibbs274​ @izzythefanfreak​ @babypink224221​ @livxrafa​ @esparza-army​ @obsessionprofessional​ @ottosuricato​ @melsquared79​ @dreila03​ @frenchiefoxy​ @tropes-and-tales​ @thecraziestcrayon​ @goodluckfindingone​ @scarlettsoldier​ @youreverycolor​ @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii​ @imjustreallynosy​ @graniairish​ @ashley-chi​ @lolacolaempath @cocomel0613​ @imagine-all-the-imagines​ @mysterioustrashadventures​ @that-girl-named-alex​ @scapricciatello​ @mrsrafaelbarba​
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thecleverdame · 4 years
Gods of Twilight - 22
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Alpha!Werewolf!Sam x Human!Reader
Master List (posting schedule is there as well)
Summary: You marry Sam, The King of Lebanon, as part of an alliance between two lands. You soon discover that nothing is as it appears and that your husband is hiding a secret that may end your relationship before it can begin.
Warnings: smut, dub-con, canon-level violence, domestic discipline, spanking.  This chapter does contain some non-con elements.
Beta:  @ilikaicalie​
*This story is complete. All 27 chapters are available on Patreon. To get access to this and many other stories, subscribe for a pledge of 2.50 per month. CLICK HERE
You’re not sure where you are. You think you’re awake, blinking several times but there’s nothing except all-consuming darkness. 
“H-Hello?” you call out, throat on fire. You’ve never been this thirsty in all your life. There’s a haze of confusion, the heat of your own body, the sensation of blood boiling in your veins, but the air around you is frigid. 
Are you dead? Where is Sam?
Fear blooms in your chest as you pat along the floor, feeling for any sign of your surroundings. There’s cold stone under your palms. You feel further along, trying to find a wall only to realize there are bindings around your wrists. You panic, pulling both arms toward your body as a heavy chain rattles cold and heavy over your legs. 
“Help me!” You shout, curling into a ball, trembling in fear. “Is anyone there? I need help!”
A thousand thoughts collide at once. Have you been kidnapped? Are you dead? Where is your husband? All you want is Sam to appear and explain what’s happening. 
“Sam!” you call out. “I’m here!” 
For a long time, you sit there and cry, the panic coming in surges, bringing with it sweat and heat and desperation. You pull at your bonds, tugging and thrashing until you think you’ll break your arm. There’s a warm wet trickle sliding down your right arm and you know it’s blood, the cuff around your wrist has sliced through the skin and if you keep fighting the chains you’re afraid of doing irreparable damage. 
During the worst of it you writhe and scream, sure that you’re in the pits of hell, locked away, alone and chained for all eternity. At some point, you wear yourself out like an exhausted toddler after a fit and fall asleep on the ground in a cold sweat. 
When you wake the second time, you’re prepared for your surroundings. But you also feel different. There’s an ache in your stomach as if you’ve eaten something that doesn’t agree with you and surely you have a fever. 
Somewhere in the distance, there’s the dripping of water falling. Looking toward the sound you focus in and see a faint flickering in the distance, the only sign of life so far. The discomfort in your stomach spreads upward, bringing with it nausea and sense of...longing? No, that’s not it but it’s a strange need sparking to life. 
The sound of the water grows louder. The longer you stare into the distance the more you realize you can see a far off glow of a torch. Your wrists are sore from trying to escape but you suddenly feel strong. There’s no explaining it, but a determination sets in and you’re sure that you can free yourself. 
“Pull yourself together,” you whisper. You stand, slapping your cheeks to focus on the task at hand and then you push forward with every last vestige of strength within you. The metal holds and for a moment you think your wrist will snap, but instead, the cuffs crack. First, one, then the next, leaving you breathlessly victorious in the dark. 
Carefully you move in the dark, mindful of not tripping. But as you walk you discover that you can in fact see. It’s muted, but you can discern the outline of the stone that covers the floor and the doorway near the end of the room. 
There’s a long, winding hall in both directions with half-burnt torches lighting each direction. You look both ways, unsure of where to go, but fear guides you to move. Right seems like as good a choice as any.
After walking for what seems like a lifetime, you come upon another Y. One of the halls is lit, the other ominously dark, ready to swallow you up. Closing your eyes you send up a prayer and follow the flames. The tunnel curls away into infinite nothingness.You shudder, feeling your brain starting to go hazy, searching for a way out. Should you go back?  
Eventually, the tunnel opens up into a tall room and you’re met with the sight of an enormous statue. You recognize it as a larger version of the same statue in the Great Hall. This is King John, and to his right is a stone carving of Queen Mary. 
Sam’s parents. You’re in the catacombs of your own castle. 
What could this mean? The implications are endless, but at least you haven’t been kidnapped. You’re thankful for that. 
A few fears whirl to life in the back of your brain. What’s happened to your husband? However you ended up here, Sam would certainly never allow you to be chained up in the bowels of the castle. The longer you walk, the more certain you are that he’s fallen victim to some cruel fate. You pray he’s alive, tears swelling up and dripping down your cheeks. 
There’s a faint memory and then the realization that the last thing you recall is pregnancy. You were round as a house and excited to spend the afternoon walking in the countryside with Sam. 
You pat your flat stomach, sighing heavily in confusion. Nothing makes sense, up is down. The very universe seems to have turned on its head. A sudden, spine curling pain rips through your stomach, sending you to your knees as you moan in agony. Something is wrong. You’re dying, you’re sure of it. 
Taking a moment to recover, you manage to get back on your feet and keep moving. Scrambling up two sets of spiral stairs you find yourself in one of the lower passages of the castle. While you never spent time in the catacombs themselves, you explored these areas when you first came here. Spent dusk till dawn tiptoeing around and memorizing each nook and cranny. 
There’s a window ahead, but no light shining in. It must be night time. 
You walk on, careful to remain as quiet as possible. The circumstances in which you awoke are bizarre and you suspect that there are villains afoot. 
You can hear voices, a distant conversation between two guards discussing the bosom of a servant girl. It’s strange, you’re sure they’re far away, but you can still make out every word. Slipping down a narrow back passage you move stealthily around the outside wall of the castle, only to have it spit you out into the Great Hall. 
Peeking around the corner you check to ensure that no one is lurking. It must be the wee hours of the morning and the castle should be asleep. 
You’re met with a welcome sight. Dean. You’ve never been happier to see him, at least he’s a familiar face. 
“Dean!” you hiss, walking toward him. 
He turns, eyes bulging at the sight of you. It seems to take a moment for him to realize it’s you, hands falling from his hips, mouth gaping open. 
“What are you doing?” he rasps, taking a careful step in your direction. “You freed yourself?” His eyes dart to your bloody wrists and tattered nightdress. 
“Someone took me prisoner! Chained me up in the catacombs!” You sputter, fresh tears pooling in your eyes. “They left me to die down there. And my baby, do you know what happened to my baby?”
“Oh, no,” his face falls, eyes fluttering closed as his fists clench. 
“Where is Sam?” You inch closer. “Is he alright? I have to let him know I’m alive.”
“He knows,” Dean explains gently, holding out a hand like a trainer working with a wild horse.  “He put you down there himself...for protection.” 
“What?” You choke, your body going cold. Of course Dean would take joy in pitting you against your husband. “What are these lies?”
“You need to remain calm,” he whispers, swallowing hard. “Why don’t I send a guard to find Sam and we’ll call a maid to clean you up.”
You look down your skirts, covered in mud and grime. You can only speculate what the rest of you must look like. 
“Wait,” your mind is racing. “You said Sam put me down there? He chained me?”
“There is so much you don’t understand right now. He only did what he thought was best. Let me have someone find him, he can explain-”
“No,” you panic. 
Is it possible your husband has turned on you? What is it that you’re not remembering?
“Talk to him, he can explain-”
“Where is my son? Did I give birth?” you whisper, the swell of emotion aching in your chest. “Did he die?”
Dean blinks, eyes wrinkling as he nods.
“You have a daughter and she’s in perfect health.” 
A daughter. You were so sure the child was a boy and yet his words ring true somewhere deep inside. 
“Will you take me to her?” You move closer, reaching out to your brother-in-law. “I want to see her. She must need me.”
“She’s fine,” Dean counters. “You’ll see her soon, I’m sure.” 
“Please,” you implore. “Please, I know you hate me but you have to tell me what’s happening-”
You’re interrupted as pain shoots through you stomach. It’s similar to your monthly bleed but magnified a thousand times. As the spasm passes you break out in a sweat, glancing at the roaring fire. 
You stare at Dean thinking a thought so foreign, so treacherous, that you can scarcely believe it’s yours.  But you can’t deny that you find him...attractive. There’s a pull, a lust that creeps out of the recesses of your mind, popping up out of its hiding place. 
And you swear, although you know it cannot be, that you can smell him. Tipping your head from one side to the other you examine his face. He’s frozen, watching you have a life altering realization as you breathe in deep, taking his scent into your lungs. 
Your heart speeds up, chest rising and falling faster as you slide closer. 
“What is wrong with me?” Squeezing your eyes shut, you pull Sam’s face to the forefront of your brain. 
Sam. Your husband. The father of your child...and yet Dean is right here and he doesn’t seem to be bothered by the idea of you eyeing him like a choice cut of meat. 
“We shouldn’t be near one another.” He gulps but doesn’t move away. 
“I feel,” you swallow, a trickle of sweat rolling down your temple. “I think I have a fever.”
That has to be it, you’re sick. It’s the only explanation for these adulterous urges. 
“You’re in heat,” he breathes in through his nose, pupils widening. “Or close enough.”
“What?” you murmur, not really listening. “I am rather hot.” 
“You don’t-” he goes silent when you glide closer. 
You arch upward, eyes fluttering closed at the heat of his skin and the scent of him surrounding you, wrapping around and crawling inside where you’re vibrating with need. You reach up, sliding a hand over his chest and he grabs your wrist. 
“Why?” you ask.
“You’re married to my brother.” 
“I…” the thought gets lost somewhere in the lust induced haze. “I know I should stop but I want to be close to you.”
He’s looking down at you as his tongue darts out over his lower lip. His head dips down, your mouths a moment shy of connecting. 
“Take your hands off her.” 
Sam’s voice is a low growl. You pull back from Dean to find your husband standing in the middle of the room. Both of his hands balled into fists at his sides and his eyes narrowed, focused on the two of you. 
“Brother,” Dean swipes a hand over his face as he turns away. 
“Sam,” you heart swells, then shatters at the sight of him. He’s furious, and he should be. He just caught his wife in the arms of his brother. “I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I’m so sorry. I can’t think. I’m overcome with this...fever.”
Dean retreats further away from you and the pain rips through your abdomen. You cry out, falling to your knees, howling and clutching your stomach. 
“She’s in heat.” Dean says that word again and it dawns on you what he means. But it can’t be. You’re human. 
“Please make it stop,” the pain grows stronger, and you drop onto your side, lying on the floor and writhing desperately. “What’s happened to me?”
“Stay away.” Sam thrusts a finger toward Dean. “You’ve done enough damage.” 
“I did what needed to be done,” Dean spits back. 
“And you would have again if I hadn’t come upon you. You would have fucked her in the name of salvation.”
“Watch yourself!” Dean steps toward Sam but you draw their attention, letting out a blood curdling scream. 
“Am I dying?” you cry, looking up at your husband. 
“No,” he whispers, his face morphing from anger to something softer. Kneeling down he scoops you up in his arms. “I’ll take care of you.”
While it’s not quite the same as being near to Dean, Sam holding you, pressed up against his body, quells the cramping. You claw at his shoulder, bury your face in his chest. 
“I don't understand,” you whisper, tears sliding down your face. 
“I know.” Sam walks away from Dean. “Let me make you feel better, then I’ll explain everything.” 
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
Can You Sit By My Side? (Wen Junhui)
Hi! I hope everyone’s okay! Please remember to help support the black community during these times and help them use their voices! Our requests are still open, but please be sure to read the conditions before requesting! (if you have no money, click here to stream this! The longer you go, the more it’ll donate!) This will be the last non requested fic I write! Lastly, happy birthday Jun!!!
Inspo: Can You Sit By My Side
Word count: 7616
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Pregnancy stage: third trimester
You grunted with the effort of taking the plates down from its spot. Sure, now they chose to disappear when each of them have stuck to your side in hopes you’d ask for help. “See? You’re already making things hard for me.” You placed your hand over your tummy and sure enough, the princess kicked in response and you laughed. “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” She moved around again, loving the sound of your voice. “Why don’t you move when you hear your uncles? Guys! She’s moving.” 
It never ceased to surprise you that Jihoon was usually the first to arrive, despite swearing that he didn’t even like kids. “Is my favorite niece up from her nap already?” He frowned when he saw that she wasn’t moving. “Oh come on, are you really doing this right now?”
You took his hand and guided to where her feet currently were, placing pressure on it, and when she kicked, he jumped up in response. “I can’t tell if she likes you or just likes making your life hard. But at least she knows who you are. I can never get her to move for Mingyu.”
“That’s because no one likes Mingyu...or Seungkwan for that matter.”
“I wanna feel her kick next!” Jeonghan came into the kitchen, almost knocking the plates from your hand. “She never does it for me unless I’m singing and that’s not fair.”
You rolled your eyes but you knew he had a point. Your unborn child already had good taste in voices but she was a devious one, mostly moving around when she heard anyone singing, and it had to be a raw performance. None of that studio version mumbo jumbo. “Is the pizza here yet? I’m starving.”
“Almost and Jun is also on his way back from the Mexican place with that torta you wanted.” he shook his head. “I’ll never understand a woman’s cravings.”
“You’re just mad because you ended up with the morning sickness. And so did Seungcheol….Chan too.”
“The cravings are weird,” Joshua piped in, coming in with the jar of peanut butter in his hands. “I can’t stop eating this and I’m breaking out so bad. You better name her after me once you give birth, or at least buy me some good facial products.” He asked to touch your stomach with his eyes and you nodded, shooting Jeonghan a small smirk when you felt her kick. “Aww, princess, you’re gonna be the most beautiful of all.”
Mingyu showed up next, water still dripping from hair from being in the pool, but still drying up, and he seemed to be the only one who noticed you still needed to bring the stuff outside. He wordlessly took the plates from your hand and grabbed some plastic bags that were on the table and headed back out. He liked to think he got the worst end of the stick with his hormones being out of whack and being a little more emotional about things. He was the only one who cried when you  announced your pregnancy and when he found out you were having a girl. But that also meant he took it a little personally when she kicked him once and then never again. 
“Mingyu, you're my favorite!” You yelled out to him and she moved around, possibly in agreement. “You’re the biggest little shit I know, do you know that?” Once you ushered everyone outside, you found the rest of the boys, either diving into the pool to stay cool or setting up the table. You noticed that Jun had come home and was playing the piano like no one was around. (Oh Jun, the one thing he wanted was a piano in the backyard when you bought the house and you didn’t know why, but you weren’t complaining.) 
The tune was more than familiar and you weren’t the only one who recognized it because little Wen Meihui started moving like crazy, so you sighed, going to sit next to your husband as he played it happily. You made a face at Jihoon sampling everything that had been laid out on the table and shook your head. (Jihoon had shown the first sign of your pregnancy but no one had given it a second thought at the time, since he was a self-proclaimed foodie, but then when Hao started showing the same symptoms, you had grown a little suspicious.)
Jun didn’t stop playing even as you sat down, but he looked up and smiled at you but even then you knew he wasn’t singing it just for you. He picked up the habit of toying with the instrument when he realized he was gonna be a father, but out of nervousness. And once the little princess had grown into a baby who could hear, she started moving around every time Junhui sat down at the keys. Her favorite seemed to be “Can You Sit By My Side?” and from there, he easily became the favorite parent, which Jun would so rub it in your face in the future. And he fell in love with knowing she recognized him by his voice, often telling her about his day and putting his hands over your belly as he built his connection with her.
When he wasn’t terrified of becoming a parent, that is. With Wonwoo’s (another one with cravings...and spicy foods at that) help, they found beginner books on how to become a good father and how to be patient with you. He and Jihoon turned his home office into a nursery, complete with a Winnie the Pooh theme and baby proofed the place. Seungcheol provided the labor and drove you to your appointments and the boys just turned your house (and their dorms) upside down with clothes and toys and baby food and everything she may have needed.
You rested your head on Junhui’s shoulder, closing your eyes and breathing deeply, trying not to wince from the parade currently happening inside of you. You smiled nonetheless, overjoyed at the reception and Junhui slowly came to a stop, still in his own little paradise.
“Can I protect you by your side?” he whispered, placing a soft kiss to your nose and touching your stomach tenderly with both hands before he pressed another kiss there.
Newborn days:
“Jun, come on I need to feed her before I make dinner.”
“But I haven’t held Meihui in forever,” he pouted, cradling her close to his chest. “What if I have to go on tour tomorrow and can’t see her until the end of the year?” He wedged his finger between one of her hands, cooing gently.
“Jun, paternity leave is the reason why you won’t be seeing your band mates for a while. Come on you big baby.”
“Baobei, didn’t you pump? I can feed her.” He looked up at you, looking very unsure and very nervous. “Can I just hold her for a few more minutes? I-I don’t wanna let her go yet.” 
You kissed his unkempt hair, a little jealous that even though he’s been running on the same hours of sleep as you have, he looked like he was in much better shape. “Okay.”
“Can you sit by my side for a little while? I feel like I haven’t been close to you.”
“Okay.” You complied, snuggling close to his arm, hearing him recite the lyrics only loud enough for her to hear. You adjusted the little hat on Meihui’s head so she wouldn’t be cold.
“Can you believe we made someone this beautiful?” It was his turn to kiss your unbrushed hair. “What do you think she’s gonna be like?” Meihui made a small whimpering noise and Jun shushed her gently, rocking her in small motions, feeling a little smug that he was able to calm her down.
“It’s still too early to tell, but if she’s anything like you, we may have our work cut out for us.”
“But if she’s anything like you, we may have to call in our reinforcements.” He stayed quiet for a moment, then spoke again. “Did you really mean it when you said you wanted her to learn Korean?”
“Yes. Wouldn’t it be kinda fucked up to not to give your friends the chance to love her too?”
“I mean, they can always learn Chinese...it’s not that hard.” Another kiss to Meihui. “Our princess is gonna be the smartest human in the world...and the kindest.” This time the kiss was directed at you. “Thank you for giving me the best gift ever.”
You thought back to the dang piano (not the one outside but the one at Pledis...the one that still resided in Universe Factory), the reason you had gotten pregnant in the first place, and every moment that came after until right now. You would’ve done it all over again….just not anytime soon. 
“You know I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you. You know that right?”
“Wen Junhui...you told me that on our third date, when you proposed and every time it seemed like a good idea. Trust me, I know.” 
He cleared his throat. “Baobei, you know you’re the queen of my universe and I would steal all the stars in the sky for you, but I’m talking to Mei.”
Of course he was.
Six months old: 
“Alright my little princess, today it’s just you and me. Do you like that?” As if she understood him, Meihui smiled at him, squealing at the idea. “Yay!” he clapped his hands, and she mimicked his movements. “I knew you would.” 
After changing her diaper, he brought her downstairs, along with the swing she’d be in while he made breakfast. It wasn’t everyday he had a father/daughter day but after begging Soonyoung’s fiancee to take you out looking for a wedding dress, you agreed to it and asked Junhui if he would like to spend a day with her. (He was a little curious to see how that future would turn out. They’d both met the American tourist years back when she had been leaving the hair salon to keep her red hair intact.) 
So far, it’s been perfect. Like himself, Meihui was a late riser so he didn’t need to worry about losing much sleep, so he managed to make the bed he heard her making noise so naturally it was time to start the day. He sighed to himself, forgetting that she needed to eat too, so he placed the swing on the side of one of the walls and brought out the high chair instead. “Okay what sounds good for breakfast? I think pancakes for me, but how about you?” 
He placed her on the chair and handed her a spoon which she banged on the table to her heart’s content while he rummaged the cabinets for something for her. “I found some apple juice!” He shook one of the bottles eagerly. “Yes or no?” He poured it into one of her bottles and she picked it up after some difficulty. (A proud parent moment right there.) “Now food! It’s too early for chicken, I think you finished the peas last night...aha! Rice cereal so you can have breakfast with me!”
She drank her juice while he made his pancakes and poured himself a cup of coffee and talked to her as if she was more grown. “Now for the best part,” he rubbed his hands together while he  picked up the remote, “what to watch! I’m thinking Mickey Mouse. You?” She didn't give him an expression, so he tried again. “I would say PJ Masks but they scared you last time. Winnie the Pooh?”
“I thought so.” He mixed her cereal together and tapped her shoulder. “Can I sit by your side?”
He stared at her while she made more of a mess than actually eating her food, but he was endeared nonetheless. Her eyes, he noted, came out more like yours, but she had inherited his hair, both in color and type, and the freckle above her lip had become more prominent. She was perfect just the way she was.
Ten months old:
Jun would’ve given anything to have been able to bring you both on tour, but he knew there would have been so many new adjustments that would’ve been made and he wasn’t too keen on the idea of people laying eyes on his princess just yet. He shared whatever he could, but it was a big step to actually bring her into the public eye. Add him most likely not going up onstage just to spend time with her into the mix and the results wouldn’t be good. Plus he was a little jealous of the vocalists who could coax her into their arms. (If they wanted a child, they could go and do it themselves, thank you.) Every moment he would call you, they would all bunch around his laptop and fight for her attention. (Seungkwan and Seokmin had the upper hand here.) But it was finally over.
You had waited pretty patiently at the Incheon Airport, even with a fussy infant who missed her father. You had managed to get her to go down for a nap while you passed the time reading articles on soothing her sore gums. (Teething...probably the worst thing about having a baby.) And then when she woke up, it took everything in you to get her stop crying. She didn’t stop when you took her out of the carrier and bounced her, nor when you pointed at random things to distract her. The diaper wasn’t an issue….and she wasn’t gassy. You could hear the annoyed travelers whispering and giving you dirty looks, but you ignored them. You finally pulled out your phone and went to the gallery….a last resort for things like this.
A daddy’s girl through and through, Mei immediately stopped her wailing at seeing Junhui on the screen, on that piano playing her favorite song. You could almost swear that he had written it just for her even now, because it always calmed her down and Jun had taken it upon himself to record himself and send it to you for emergencies and it had come in handy multiple times already. Meihui clapped once (the newest thing she learned how to do) and reached for the phone and ultimately putting it in her mouth.
“Princess, we don’t eat that. I need that for things.” Which resulted in mindless babble. “You know, the insurance doesn’t cover baby drool, so if you mess it up, I have to buy a new one, right?” She looked up at you and gave you a gummy smile, unfazed. “If something happens to this, we’re stuck here.” She pulled the phone out of her mouth long enough to squeal at Jun and then squirm in your arms. Your mother-in-law had been quick to confirm that Jun couldn’t stay still and was always making noise….so yep, another point for Junhui. “Okay, fine if it keeps you happy.” You were happy that she had been born in the early fall because she could enjoy the nice clothes right now. 
A few arrivals later, the boys emerged, looking jet lagged but still scoping their surroundings and when they found you, they raced towards you (your child), in hopes of getting there first. Mingyu beat everyone, taking the child out of your arms before you could even say hi. “There’s the most beautiful girl in the world!” He pulled a lollipop out of his pocket and after taking the wrapper off, gave it to her. A lot of them, while waiting their turn, enveloped you in a hug and caught you up with the latest tour stories. Junhui finally showed up, helping a hobbling Minghao.
Once he got the younger boy into a seat, he ran to you, throwing every emotion he felt into the hug, and not minding the PDA he displayed showering you with kisses, one for every time he missed you and one for every time he woke up without you on the other side of the bed. “Hi,” he finally said.
“Hi,” you breathed, not wanting to let him go yet. “I love you.”
“I love you.” He kept you in his arms a little longer until he remembered he had a daughter that he missed dearly. He pulled away, but kept one arm firmly around you, just in case he still felt like he was dreaming. He looked around, finally finding his precious baby in Mingyu’s arms. Meihui had apparently found it funny to be licking her lollipop and then sticking it on Mingyu’s face and repeating the process whenever the lollipop would start unsticking. 
“Your hair is as quiet as the dark night…” he began quietly, “making me think of you from night ‘til dawn.” As predicted she looked around for the familiar voice as Junhui continued the tune of his song, not making any more obvious movements he was around her. He bonked his head on yours slowly, enjoying Mingyu spinning around in circles every time she almost spotted him. “If you listen to this song word by word,” he took baby steps towards her, making sure he still had a hold on you, “line by line, can you sit by my side?” Mei finally seemed to outsmart Mingyu, but she managed to turn her head before he could spin and her eyes landed on Jun.
And she cried for him, reaching for him.
One year old:
“Junhui, is all this necessary?” You swatted the balloons out of your face, shaking your head at his decorations. Your backyard had turned into a jungle of colors and different shapes and you had to keep yourself calm from the way you noticed an inflatable water slide hovering dangerously close to the swimming pool and you just hoped that none of your husband’s best friends would be dumb enough to use it as a makeshift waterslide.
“Oh its absolutely necessary Baobei,” he argued, keeping a firm grip around Mei hands while she walked. (She had learned to stand not too long ago and once she learned to walk on her own, it’d be game over.) “She only turns one once!” 
“I know, but couldn’t we have taken her to the park or the aquarium or something? It doesn’t need to be a big thing for her.”
“Ah-mah,” Mei called out to you. “Ah-mah.”
“Wow, that’s my big girl,” you cooed. “You’re almost there.” It took so much of your energy to squat but you managed. “Come here.”
“No. Ah-pah.” She struggled to stay in place even when Junhui directed her movements towards you. “No. Ah-pah,” she whimpered.
“She has spoken,” he said smugly. 
“You know, I’m offended right now, but when she’s a moody teenager, I won’t be.” You stood up, walked over to him, pressed a kiss to his cheek and went inside. “The pizza’s almost ready, father of the year.”
“Is there a Chicago style one for Seokmin? I swear he goes on his honeymoon with his wife and spends the entire time in Chicago and now he’s actually thinking of moving there just because she’s from the Midwest.”
“Wen Junhui, do you know you’re whipped for your bandmates?” Yes, you made a special one just for him, because you knew it’d be breaking some kind of promise. “That was the last one that went in.” You squinted at the toddler. “Tell me you’re not gonna give me a hard time today. Your father may be past the wild bachelor parties, but he still knows how to throw them. Should I be surprised if you get a chocolate fountain for this?”
His mouth dropped open. “Did you get the bank statement already?”
You exhaled, unsure why you were even surprised. “Did you get a petting zoo too?”
“I’m thinking of waiting for her fourth birthday, don’t you think...I’ll have you know that I couldn’t find one available for today.”
“Wen Junhui….”
“Wen Y/N, I want you to know that I would’ve done so much for you, but you would’ve yelled at me. I actually had to wait to get a ring on your finger just so I can do this for her.”
“Jun, we got married ages before I was pregnant.”
“Yeah, but now I have an excuse to go all out.” He let go of Mei’s hands and carried her, so he could use his hand to entwine them with one of yours. “Don’t worry my love, I just want her to have the best day of her life. I will try to tone it down from now on.” He rubbed his thumb on your knuckles.
“Next time, just tell me you wanna plan something so elaborate so I can tell you no. We’re the only ones who have a kid right now so it wasn’t necessary.” 
“Oh no, the water slide is for us, and the fountain is for you, because you wanted one.” He placed a kiss on your temple. “How much longer until DK’s pizza is ready.”
“It’ll be awhile. Why?”
“Can you sit by my side, so we can enjoy this little family time for a bit? After all, a year ago, you gave me one of the best things in life.” He guided you to the gazebo to enjoy the warm sun and maybe a little bit of alcohol to relax the tension in your muscles. Junhui sat Mei on his lap and she fell back on him, her eyes closing. “I guess she might be taking a nap.” he wrapped his arm around you and brought you close to him. “So it’s just you and me.” He puckered his lips to kiss you.
“HEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.” Someone yelled from the front yard.
“And whoever decided to show up early.” You stood up, pulled him with you and gave him a quick peck. “Alright dad of the year. Entertain our guests.”
Two years old
“It’s here!” Jun screamed coming in as his way of greeting one night.
You looked up at him, trying not to look afraid. The Halloween season brought out the scariest movies and even though you had grown up, it was still foolish of you to binge watch something. “What’d you get now?” You placed your hand over your heart, the racing had gone down slightly but not enough.
“It’s a surprise.” He dropped a kiss on your forehead and headed straight for the kitchen. “How was work?”
“Day off, remember?” You picked up the book that had fallen on your lap when he burst in. “Shh, I just put Meihui down for bed. I think she might be getting over a fever. She didn’t eat much tonight.”
“You know she doesn’t like carrots, right?”
You weren’t sure if the irony was humorous or horrible but you didn’t say anything. “I know; I made her soup. The chicken is for you.” You heard the footsteps going upstairs. “Hey get down here. If you wake her up, you’re putting her back to sleep.” That and you didn’t wanna be alone. “Junhui!” You shook your head. He acted as if he wasn’t going to have an entire morning with her the next day.
“Baobei,” he popped up next to you, and while you did fall off the couch in surprise (and fear), it took everything in you not to scream. “Have you-I’m sorry!”
“Help me up.” That did it; no more scary movies unless you had someone with you. “What’d you need?” It was funny but you still shot him a small glare which still took him a while to compose himself.
“Have you made any plans for Halloween?” He asked sitting next to you.
“No...why?” You hoped he didn’t rope you into something that required you to leave the house.
“Chan is having a party to celebrate his new promotion and he said we should go!”
“Can I think about it?”
“But I’ve already got the costumes,” he pouted. “Please! We’re gonna look so cute together.” 
“You mean, you and Mei are gonna look cute.”
“All three of us!” He heard slight coughing and he turned around to see the love of his life looking dazed and tired, holding the stuffed penguin Cheol had given her. “Hi Princess! Why are you up so late?”
“M-my throat,” she whimpered. “I sit...your side?”
“Okay Princess. Look, do you wanna see your Halloween costume?” He patted his lap and picked her up so she could rest comfortably.
“Scary?” she asked.
“No. It’s cute, like you.” He pressed a kiss to her to her head and then tapped your nose. “Baobei, do you have the scissors? Can you grab them please? And the box in our room? Father duties, you see.”
You shook your head but if it meant he got to take care of her, you would’ve fixed the broken window in the attic. Going into the closet scared you a little at the moment but you weren’t so afraid anymore. But you may have run back downstairs just in case something was waiting for you if you let your guard down. (That’s how it always happened in the movies.) 
Junhui was stroking Mei’s hair when you got back and showing pictures of who knows what and he met your gaze with the biggest grin you’ve only whenever he was plotting something. “Which one are you opening first?”
“The one on the couch. I think you’re gonna like it.” He kissed Mei’s cheek, not minding that she was close to falling back asleep, but he could feel that she wasn’t as warm as before.
“Pajamas? You’re making a big deal out of her costume when it’s just sleepwear?”
“Open mine next! It’ll make more sense.” You ignored his oddly gleeful expression and he made a noise when you pulled out his. “Get it Baobei? Because he saves her even though he scared her!”
Well it definitely explained why he wanted to perfect Meihui’s pigtails and that meant that the box by his feet was yours, and you could only hope he wasn’t a little shit about it. “What am I?”
“Besides my beautiful wife, my everlasting soulmate, and the mother of all my kids?” He waggled his eyebrows at you. “You’re just gonna have to open it yourself.” He kicked it over to you, and it concerned you at how light it was.
You glided the scissors overs over the tape and when you saw the green inflatable, you let out a deep gust of air, not sure whether to be annoyed or amused. “Are you fucking kidding me?” You smacked his shoulder. “Wen Junhui, I hate you.” And then you started cracking up because he was a dumb genius.
“We look good though. I’ve even been showing Meihui how to be Boo.”
“Okay but why do I have to be Mike Wazowski and you get to be Sully?”
“I mean, you could’ve been Randall because she’s scared of you.”
“Wen Junui!” You shook your head, loving the effect of feeling drunk on life he currently gave you. “Why are you so salty?”
Three years old
“Grandma!” Meihui jumped out of Jun’s arms and ran to her legs, squealing in delight.
“How’s my favorite princess?” She bent to her level and whispered something in her ear and stepped aside, Meihui calling out to her grandpa. She cradled Jun’s face and placed a kiss to his cheek and did the same to you. “How was Disney?”
“Exhausting. I think we’re happy to be here with you guys,” he admitted, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “I have never seen anyone get so excited over Cinderella the way she did.” 
“I haven’t been to Disneyland in years!” you exclaimed in the midst of finding your present for the in laws. “And she’s my favorite princess! You’re just jealous because I couldn’t marry Prince Charming.” You pulled out a snow globe to add to her ever growing collection. “For you.”
“Thank you, my child. Come in. I just started making tea. Are you hungry? There might be rice in the fridge.”
“See, Baobei? We didn’t stop along the way so my mom would’ve been able to feed us and now I have to tell her no.” He glanced apologetically at her. “You have such a thoughtless daughter in law, Mom. I’m sorry.”
“Why do you still give the poor girl such a hard time?” she scolded him.
“Mom, he’s just jealous because I’m your favorite.” You removed your shoes. “Thank you for letting us spend the night. It’s gonna be a long flight back to Korea and I appreciate it. Is there anything  I can help you with since your son will pass out in about five minutes?”
“I’m tired,” he pouted. “Let me go say hi to dad first and then I can tell him how you’re both so mean to me.”
“How do you put up with him?” she shook her head.
“A box of apple juice and crackers.” And no, you weren’t kidding. The older Meihui got, the younger Jun seemed to feel. He now deemed chocolate milk too sweet but if Mei was drinking it, so was he; he liked his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut into triangles just like her. “But, if he’s happy I’m happy.” 
“You guys always look happier every time I see you.” She poured two cups of tea and placed them on the table, motioning for you to sit down. “I knew you were a keeper from the moment I met you. But you know that. Tell me, how is everything? Everyone?’
You dove into the events in your life back home, stemming from Vernon finally settling down with someone and dropping hints about Wonwoo’s new book coming out soon to you quitting your job and so you could spend more time with Mei who was feeling jealous now that Jeonghan had become a father to twins and had to get used to sharing the spotlight. Jun and his dad entered the room to grab drinks and Mei skipped behind them chatting their ears off about the fireworks and asking her grandpa to carry her.  Anyone that Junhui loved more than life was her favorite person in the world, and who better than that than the man who stepped in and raised Junhui as his own?
“It’s funny...Mei looks so much like you but she acts so much like Jun. It’s a funny thing.”
“Jun spends so much time with her. He takes her to work every Wednesday and Saturday, and on his days off he takes her, I don’t know where. And to think he was scared of being a father.” The nights he’d be pacing and religiously finding all the parenting sites to help him. It all seemed like a long time ago, especially when he liked to hog her now. You placed your hands over your mother in law’s. “You have the most incredible son; I hope you know that.”
She squeezed your hands. “He has the most incredible wife.”
The late afternoon progressed into dusk, with everyone eating dinner in the backyard to enjoy the breeze and the dusk brought drinks and dessert to the night until Mei was too tired to stay up, falling asleep on Junhui and you bringing out your sweater to keep her warm. Everyone called it quits a little after midnight after a card game since the day would bring traveling back home. 
“Don’t be strangers,” your father in law warned you while you waited for your flight to be called. “I want to see you all in our home more often.”
“Can I stay with them Mommy?” Meihui asked, tugging on your hand. “Please?”
“You can but then we won’t have time to pick you up.” You knelt to her level, wiping her face clean, getting rid of all the stickiness from the orange juice. “And we’ll miss you a lot.” You let go of her hand. “Now, go say ‘bye and tell them thank you.”
The tears in her eyes as she said her goodbyes hurt you more than it should’ve, but you weren’t gonna tell her you planned to spend her next birthday and Christmas with them or that they’d be visiting you in a few weeks for Jun’s birthday. It hurt you too though, but you couldn’t say anything. They waited until you cleared airport security for them to leave and even then you cried. But at least, you could go home, unpack and resume your everyday-ish life. But first the boarding.
“Baobei, window or aisle?” Jun asked you and you shrugged. “Princess, do you want to sit in the middle?”
“I don’t know.” 
“Are you scared?” He picked her up, and let you take the window seat. He felt the need to give you a kiss on your cheek which flustered you. “Because I am. And I need someone to hold my hand. Can you sit by my side?”
She nodded at that. “Okay. Daddy? Can you sing that song?”
Four years old
“Hey you.” Jun removed his glasses, annoyed at how the prescription made him dizzy. He really was getting old now. He loved the days when you slept in and then left for the day with one of the boys’ wives. It meant he could be somewhat productive and he tried but he had pulled a muscle trying to remember one of his martial arts moves. He currently was on the couch, an ice pack on his knee. “What’s up? Can you sit by my side?” He picked up little Mei who looked confused.
“Daddy, Uncle Joshua called Mommy a bad word the other day.”
“He did? Do you want me to beat him up?” He was surprised to say the least. He had always been kind to you, especially when his marriage fell through the cracks and he needed a shoulder to lean on when the divorce had been finalized.
“No, can you tell him not to call her that though? It’s mean.”
“What’d he call her?”
“Y/N. I’ve never heard anyone call her that.”
He almost snickered but the look on her face told him not to do it. “ Princess, what do you think your mommy’s name is?”
“Baobei. You always call her that.”
Okay, now he saw the misunderstanding. “Her name is Y/N but I call her Baobei.”
“We’ve been together for a long time, and I don’t like calling her Y/N.”
“Why? Is it ugly?”
He almost lost his shit there; he really did. “No. It’s just something I call her, even before you were born...and before we got married. I like calling her that.”
“Well, it’s like me calling you princess. Your name is Meihui.”
“Because I told your mom if she didn’t give us matching names, I’d be sad.”
Her eyes widened at the realization, her mouth forming into an ‘o’, and forgetting she was so confused. “I’m like you Daddy!” She wrapped her arms around him and then pulled back. “Wait a minute. You and Mommy were together before I came here?”
“That’s right.” 
“You didn’t want me a long time ago?”
Oh no. He wasn’t about to have this conversation with her. She was too young to know how she came into this world. He was gonna let you have this when she was older and he wasn’t around. Ah shit….if she was into boys, that’d be a hard thing to explain. No, he wasn’t thinking about the sex talk and how he’d have to explain it. “Of course we wanted you! We just couldn’t find you. We looked at all the doctor’s places and then one day, we did and we took you home.”
She nodded slowly. “Why?”
Five years old
“Are you ready for your first day of school, Princess?” Junhui bent to her level and adjusted the collar around her neck, keeping himself busy so he wouldn’t cry at leaving her behind.
She shook her head. “I don’t know nobody. I wanna go home.”
“We can pick you up after school, Mei, and it won’t be for a long day.” You looked around for a clock, relieved that it was an analog clock so you could explain it to her. You pointed at it. “When the hands are all the way up, you can come home and we’ll be out here waiting.”
“You don’t love me anymore?”
You never did understand how kids always thought that you leaving them alone for a couple hours meant you didn’t love them anymore. But that was also partially her fault. No one told her to run to the toy section when you were getting groceries and she had lost you. Of course, Junhui looked just as offended when you recounted the story. “Of course we do. We just want you to learn. The smarter you are, the more you-” you trailed off, not sure how to finish it. She already knew her colors and could count to 10...in the three languages she knew. 
And eventually, if she wanted to, she could learn more. She needed Chinese to speak with her dad, Korean with her uncles and English because Joshua and Seungkwan insisted she’d get more opportunities in the long run. But you didn’t wanna burn her out and lose any interest she had in learning them. But right now, a private school away from the spotlight and media would do in helping her concentrate. 
“Daddy, can you sit by my side? I’m scared.”
“I wish I could, Princess, but you have to stay here and I need to talk to your uncle Jihoon about something. I’ll be here after school though, okay? And then we can go see some of your uncles, okay?”
“Can we see Uncle Hao? I miss him.”
“Only if you promise you can do this like a big girl.”
“I promise.”
Six years old
You looked suspiciously at the father and daughter, both covered in mud and blocking the door to go outside. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing!” they said simultaneously and beamed at you. They looked at each other, some sort of conversation between them, then back at you.
“How was work, Baobei?” He spoke first, wrapping his hand around your arm in an attempt to distract you . “Did you like it?”
“It was fine. What did you two do today?” When you had gotten home from your first job back in a couple of years, it had been strangely silent, the house in perfect shape. These days, Jun was scrubbing crayon off of the wall, or removing a carpet stain. But today, they rushed indoors dirty from head to toe and you had half a mind to tell them they’d be washing and drying off outside.
“We had ice cream!” Meihui spoke. After I did my homework, daddy said I did a good job and we went out!”
“Mm-hmm, and why are you dirty?’ You heard a thump at the door and then muffled barking. You turned to Junhui who had his hands up in surrender. “I can explain Baobei.” He opened the door slowly and in trodded a Shiba Inu as dirty as the culprits. It took one look at you and growled slightly.
“Wen Jun...hui,” you pinched your nose, at a loss for words. Even after so many years with him, he had always managed to surprise you. “Why?”
“We didn’t mean to. Honest. We really were just getting ice cream and then this little guy followed us outta nowhere. He looked like a stray and nobody was calling out for him, and Mei asked if we could keep him.”
“So you told her yes.” Naturally. He really didn’t know how to put his foot down when it came to her. 
“Baobei, look at her. She did that thing with her eyes that you do when you want something. Can you blame me?” 
No, you couldn’t but you weren’t telling him that. You knew the exact expression he was talking about because you used it one too many times on him and still use it. Then again, Junhui really couldn’t tell you no. You’ve tried that too. You really had queen of his heart titled somewhere. “Yes. It’s not that hard, watch. Mei, go get in the shower and get ready for dinner. And stay away from the chocolate chip cookies. They’re for dessert.”
“Just one Mom?” As expected, she gazed up at you. Those cookies you had realized, were her biggest weakness and would make every excuse possible to get her hands on one. “I promise I’ll eat my food.”
“No.” She turned her attention to the other person who wouldn’t deny her anything, but you beat her to it. “Don’t think about it child. He’s with me on this. And he’s also in trouble for the dog. So, upstairs, now.”
“Daddy, can you sit by my side at dinner tonight? And play that song before bedtime?” She batted her eyelashes. “I miss it.”
Yes, Princess. Shower first and then dinner. I heard it’s your favorite tonight.”
“Mom-om, there aren’t any monsters in there, right?”
“No, I had your Uncle Hoshi come and scare them away.” Children. She was somehow convinced Soonyoung was the loudest person alive and therefore, the only one who could get rid of monsters, the boogeyman and anyone who made her so much as flinch. “Please go shower.” once she was out of sight, you faced him smugly. “See? Not that hard.”
“But Baobei, I don’t wanna see her sad.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Wen Junhui,” you sighed, stepping forward and after debating the risk of getting muddy, you kissed him a couple of times, and shivered at the coldness.
“Why do you say that?” he asked between kisses.
“Meihui wanted a cat, but you know I have a weakness for these pups.” Said pup had somehow fallen asleep in the family drama and would be out a little longer. “Go shower too. I’m not letting you into our bed like that.” Or maybe you could stay a little while like this. You missed moments like this when you could forget you were a parent and you felt no responsibilities other than to mold yourself to your husband’s form.
Or not.
Age seven
“Are you gonna tell me, or do we have to play a guessing game?”Junhui peered over his banana split to gaze at the daughter who had been anything but smiley lately. Between his voice actor role and once again fretting the duties of a second time dad, he hadn’t time to do much else besides tuck her in at night and read a bedtime story or two. 
“I miss Cla-i-fonia,” she sighed. “Uncle Joshua took me to the beach and the movies and a lot of places with his new lady friend.” She mushed the Neapolitan together until it became an ugly color.
“Guessing game it is...are you sad you’re getting a little brother?” She looked at him grudgingly but nodded. “Why?”
“What if you love him more than me?” She sniffled, surprised at herself. “You didn’t even ask me if I wanted a brother. You just told me we were getting one.”
“Okay Princess, can you sit by my side for a moment please?” She reluctantly slid off from her spot in the booth and sat next to him. He cupped both of Mei’s cheeks with his hands. “You are my one and only, okay? You were here first, and no one’s gonna take that from you. I’m still deciding what I’m gonna call him, but you...you’re always gonna be my princess.”
“Okay Daddy.”
“Now what’s the other thing bothering you? You still don’t look too happy.”
“Are you gonna be mad?”
“At you? I don’t think so. Is it bad?”
“Well, no, but I think I might hurt Mom’s feelings.”
“Is this about your brother?”
“No. Me.” She took a deep breath and exhaled. “How come I don’t have eyes like yours? My eyes look big and circle-y like Mom’s and uncle Vernon’s. They aren’t like yours or my uncles or the kids at my school.”
“Has someone been making fun of you?”
She shook her head. “No, but when you were making me at the hospital...why didn’t you give me your eyes? Why Mom’s?”
Oh he hated genetics...and how this conversation could end. He had to think carefully because seven year olds played with toys and threw tantrums over not getting a candy bar. They didn’t ask questions like this. At least not this seriously. “I wish I could say that they ran out of my eyes when that happened, but I told Mom that I wanted her eyes for you because they’re the most beautiful ones I’ve seen. And they are my favorite.”
“Is that why you love me so much?”
Junhui cut off a piece of banana and fed it to Mei. “I love you because Mom and I made someone who turned out to be everything we wanted and more. It was scary not being a dad at first, but now, I can’t remember why we went so long without you.”
She nodded. “Okay, but Daddy, don’t give my brother your eyes. Or sing him my favorite song.”
“That song is just for you, and only you.” But also you. Meihui didn’t have to know it was why she was conceived, but that could be the family secret. “Are you feeling better now?”
“A lot. Can we go home now?” She finally smiled, revealing a couple of her missing teeth. She wrapped her arms around him. “I love you.”
“I love you.” He waited until Meihui let go and grabbed her hand. “Your hair is as quiet as the dark night…”
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
Direwolf!Chan (Hyrbid AU!Chan)
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
Author's Note: Finally got around to writing some of the personal stuff I wanted to write for this blog! I don’t have any requests as of my wrtiting this on Dec. 2, 2019 so feel free to request right now! Also note that I obviously don’t know anything about Chan’s siblings or his family so I had to make a lot of stuff up for the headcanon, this doesn’t reflect their actual personalities cause idk them. ALSO PLEASE TAKE NOTE:  these are so long that I’m going to make a separate headcanon for all of the members that’s about dating hybrid SKZ, so we’re not going over that right now, this is just about them as general hybrids. It’s gonna be a big polyship thing tho cause other wise i’d have like 9 different versions of the reader)
Trigger Warning: mentions of death, depression, self-hatred, insomnia, and themes of mental illness 
Genre: fluff, with bits of angst 
Word-Count: 3.3K+ 
You are in: the Amalgam Star System 
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Chan is pretty rare in a multitude of ways
for one he’s a wolf hybrid
wolf hybrids are very rare and hard to get right
the pups usually come out with lots of birth defects and rarely make it past two weeks
and not only is he a wolf, he’s a DIREWOLF
Direwolves are like the superhuman monster version of wolves, the same in looks but generally 3X the size with incredible strength and speed
They are also considered feral, dangerous, savage beasts
In all countries except 6, it is illegal to breed direwolves. Direwolves and Direwolf shifters are to be killed on sight or brought to the government for testing/genital neutralization surgery.
Because of these restrictions, any direwolf or direwolf shifter you find is likely to be a wildling
That’s what Chan is
Chan was born deep in the woods to a human father and a direwolf mother. Both cared for and doted on their son extensively. Whenever food was low, they gave it to Chan. Whenever it was cold, they’d cuddle up to their son to protect him from the elements
Then they gave had a daughter named Hannah and a son named Lucas.
Their parents were surprised to see that Chan, instead of having the normal jealousy an only child gets when they have to share their attention with new siblings, actually grew quite protective over his brother and sister
That was when they knew Chan was an alpha. Being an alpha direwolf means that if Chan were to ever get caught by the government, he would not receive a quick death or be allowed to live as human — after an invasive neutering.
No, he would be kept in captivity all his life in a government facility, subjected to torturous experiments.
They knew that protecting their children was more important then than ever.
From a young age, Chan’s mother taught Chan to hunt. While Chan’s father taught them survival skills like recognizing poisonous plants, starting fires, tracking, trapping, cleaning wounds, and properly cooking things, their mother taught them how to fight, how to use weapons, how to shift and fight in their wolf form, and how to fight as a group to maximize protection.
Their family lived in hiding but they were all happy.
Each of the kids had different talents. Chan was extremely good at hunting animals, defending the house, and protecting his family, as well as cooking anything anyone brought home. Surprisingly, he was also pretty good at taming animals, in his human form at least.
Hannah was adept at identifying poisonous things, gathering roots and berries, and setting traps. Lucas was good at medicine, growing things, starting fires.
So the kids made the household pretty damn efficient.
Fast forward to when Chan’s thirteen and that’s when things take a turn for the worse
Chan saw footprints in the earth, footprints that were obviously from a large person with a heavy stride and big hunting boots.
The whole family was on high alert for a week. The knew a hunter had probably spotted them and ratted them out.
Chan, Hannah, and their mother could have ran, they could shift into their wolf forms and survive on rabbits and other things.
But his father was a human and Lucas hadn’t really learned how to control his shift yet. They wouldn’t survive that kind of life in hiding and if they left them at the house, they’d be killed for harboring direwolf shifters.
So, as they expected, the government showed up at their house days later.
It was...bad
Chan’s dad went down and his mom told him to take his siblings and run, leave his parents behind so he could protect Lucas and Hannah.
And reluctantly, he did just that
They didn’t last long
Chan tried his best, he really did, but Hannah and Lucas didn’t really stand a chance
They were younger than him, their wolf forms less developed, Hannah didn’t have the stamina he did and Lucas barely had a wolf form at all
Chan barely escaped with his life
He was....distraught to say the least
He felt that it was all his fault, he was supposed to protect their family and now they were all dead and he was still alive
Alpha shifters are known to be the defenders, which was why his family counted on him so much for that. He felt that he failed as an Alpha, as a son, and as an older brother and he’d never forgive himself for that
Now cut to you
Your parents were hybrids rights activists
They acquired Woojin when he was a baby from a circus after his mother died from maltreatments from the circus
They fostered Woojin for a bit before he was adopted by your mother’s friend
Then, later on, they had you
You and Woojin grew up side by side as best friends
And when you were thirteen, a year after Chan’s family was slaughtered, Woojin burst into your parent's house looking frantic and terrified and carrying Chan on his back
Chan was in pretty bad shape, dark circles under his eyes, underfed, giant claw marks and bruises on him
Your parents were pretty distraught, they couldn’t think of who could have done this to a person, much less a kid that young.
You all cleaned his wounds and took care of him.
Woojin looked extremely apprehensive the entire time
When you all finished with Chan, Woojin grabbed your mother’s arm and said, “Don’t tell anyone about him. No one can know. And never be in a room alone with him.”
And before anyone could ask questions, he left
Woojin didn’t ever get too close to Chan, never visited him when he was unconscious, and got very upset whenever you or your parents went in a room alone with him to take care of him
But he still wouldn’t say what was making him so apprehensive of Chan
“It’s not my business to tell.”
But you didn’t pay Woojin any attention skjsksj
You grew very attached to Chan
It took two weeks of intensive care from you and your family for him to wake up
During those two weeks, you all obviously didn’t know Chan’s name, and you called him Angel Boy because you thought he was very pretty
You’d always make sure his IV drip was proper, check on him all the time, sit with him, and read him stories and talk to him and shit
Chan won’t admit it until years later, but your voice really helped him during that time, sometimes he can still remember it
That year he spent alone and on the run, terrified, paranoid, wallowing in loneliness, depression, self-hatred, and survivor’s guilt really took its toll on him so to hear someone being so kind and caring for him helped him wake up a lot quicker
Even though Chan was exposed to lots of love and happiness in his childhood, it only took that one day for him to realize that the world hates him for what he is and the few humans he met in that year by himself only served to reinforce that
He didn’t think anyone would ever care about him again :(
When Chan wakes up, Woojin absolutely refuses to even go down the hallway he’s in
You and your family are ecstatic but a bit worried because Chan doesn’t really do anything once he wakes up
He doesn’t ask who you are or why he’s there, doesn’t ask if you’re going to hurt him, he really seems like he doesn’t care
You thought that that would make Woojin ease up on him, but if anything that seemed to make him distrust Chan more
Direwolves had even more enhanced senses than other hybrids so it wasn’t hard for Chan to hear you and Woojin’s frequent arguments about him
Woojin kept saying that Chan was dangerous, he wouldn’t say why, but he seemed to be fairly certain that Chan would eviscerate you and your family in your sleep or something
You argued that you’d been alone with Chan plenty of times and he’d never shown a tendency toward violence for anything, much less people
Chan didn’t want to be a burden and he certainly didn’t want to cause a rift between you and your best friend
So one night he tried to leave your house
He didn’t really have a plan, he was in an unfamiliar place and the last thing he wanted was to be caught by the government
But you’d been so nice to him and he really liked you and he was terrified to ruin your life the way he thinks he ruined his family’s
He was so emotionally upheaved that night that even though he had amazing senses, he didn’t hear you get out of bed
You were going in the kitchen for a midnight snack when you saw him about to go out of the front door
You ran up behind him and hugged him around the middle before you knew what you were doing
Chan froze, surprised to say the least
“Please don’t go. You don’t have anywhere to go and I don’t want you to get hurt. Please stay.”
You wanted him to stay
The next thing you knew Chan burst into tears
He cried for a loooongg time
You both just sat on the sofa with him sobbing in your arms and holding you like you would disappear
Chan got better after that
He still didn’t talk, but he got out of bed now. He did chores around the house and helped with your homework
yes his father actually taught him school things lmao
i go to school boi
your parents were amazed at the change in him
Chan didn’t really smile that much or have a lot of facial expressions at all
And if you ever passed by his room at night, you’d probably hear him crying
Plus sleep didn’t come easily at all to him, his case of insomnia was quite severe
But baby steps
Even though Chan didn’t walk, you and your family certainly talked to him
You always included him in the conversation and you could tell he was listening
Woojin still didn’t want to be around Chan
Chan would stay out of whatever room Woojin was in. He knew that Woojin was aware of what he was and that he was terrified of him, so he gave him space
Whenever Chan would stray too close to Woojin, he would freeze and stop talking, the hair on the back of his neck raised, and he wouldn’t relax until Chan got farther away from him
You had no clue why he was acting like this
Woojin was a grizzly bear hybrid, damn near an apex predator, and he acted like a mouse whenever he saw Chan
A year passed, you’re now 14 and Chan’s 15, and one night, Chan was sitting in the kitchen unable to sleep
That night, sleep happened to be eluding you as well so you decided to join him
That night was the first time you ever heard Chan talk
And it was about his family
He told you every single thing he ever knew about his parents and his siblings. About the way they were raised and how funny Hannah was and how much he liked looking at the stars with his mom
When your parents came down for work, Chan was still talking
They didn’t go to work that day and you didn’t go to school
You all sat with Chan and listen to him talk about his life
He didn’t mention anything about what he was, that was a bit too much for him
And he didn’t mention anything about what happened to his family, but judging from how much he loved them and the fact that they weren’t with him now, you all knew something terrible happened to them
That conversation was exactly what Chan needed
It felt so good to talk about his family, to tell someone about them
And even though that didn’t take away his survivor’s guilt at all, he felt a lot better
And he was talking now, he didn’t cry as much, and he slept more :)
He was slowly, very slowly, going through some kind of recovery
Chan is very thankful to you and your family for saving him
And even to Woojin, because even though he thinks Woojin hates him, he knows that Woojin was the one who saved him and brought him there in the first place
Because of this Chan grew quite overprotective of all of you
He always cooked, made you healthy but still somehow delicious food, helped where he could with your homework, did chores, made you and your parents packed lunches with cute notes in them, even throwing extra snacks in yours and telling you to give it to Woojin who would always blush when you gave them to him
Even though he’d been so cold at the beginning, he was so loving and thoughtful, and sweet that even Woojin was finding it hard to be scared around him anymore
He still didn’t let Chan too close and he was still observably wary of him, but they could at least be in the same room and carry a conversation now
wow, we stan character development
Chan eventually enrolls in school with you and Woojin
Your parents are some chaotic good, law-breaking ass activists, and managed to secure some fake records and papers and stuff for Chan
You, looking at the very convincing documents: “Uh, how did you guys get this?”
One of your parents says, “Email” while the other simultaneously says, “Triangle” and then they both start glaring at each other
The other kids at school are kind of scared of Chan at first tbh
In multiple videos of SKZ, some of the members say other trainees were scared of him and he didn’t talk to people and I find that so hard to believe but yet at the same time.....i can totally see it
He has an expressionless face and just stalks around the halls in his all-black but at the same time he’s intimidatingly gorgeous, not to mention he glares at anyone that he thinks is mistreating you and Woojin and he’s serious af about his schoolwork
But he’s also really sweet and kind and helps people with homework, helps people talk to their crushes, and beats up bullies
He becomes pretty popular very quickly
He joins the swim team and is a fucking beast, bringing home medal after medal
He gets high grades in AP classes and tutors a bunch of people and all the teacher’s love him and he’d kind of surprised because wow he’s happy and life is going good
Woojin is already pretty popular cause he’s hot af and has blessed the school choir with his godly voice
And you’re best friends with him and now also best friends with the hot new swim team captain and everyone’s like WHAT IS THEIR SECRET
You have a shit ton of girls constantly coming @ u asking how to confess to Woojin and you’re like??? as if i have a fucking clue cause i like them too bitch tf
But THATS FOR ANOTHER HEADCANON (these are so long that I’m going to make a separate headcanon for all of the members that’s about dating hybrid SKZ, so we’re not going over that right now, this is just about them as general hybrids)
Another year goes past, you’re 15 and Chan’s 16 and Woojin is pretty comfy with Chan by this point
This is also when you and Woojin are just now learning of Chan’s birthday
“I don’t know, I guess I just forgot.”
Unfortunately, his bday has already passed but you, Woojin, your parents, and Chan’s parents all decide to throw him a bday party anyway
So Chan gets home after swim practice one day, and he’s v pouty and salty about the fact that you and Woojin didn’t wait for him to walk him home
But then he walks in and sees all the party decorations and food and cake and you’re all standing there smiling at him, all so loving and caring that he can’t stop himself
“I’m a direwolf hybrid”
For a few seconds, Chan doesn’t even process what he’s said
It’s silent immediately
You and Woojin’s parents have their jaws dropped and you’re confused as hell
Woojin just looks really really sad
And Chan doesn’t know what do to
He loves all of you, you’re like his family. He already lost one, he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to take losing another one
He doesn’t want you to be afraid of him, doesn’t want you to turn him in, or kick him out
But he doesn’t want to leave you either
He knows that your parents and Woojin’s are hybrid rights activists and instilled those values into you and Woojin but he feels that that’s different
Chan doesn’t have a cute little tail or ears on his head. And, unlike most hybrids, he can full-on change into the animal he’s mixed with. He’s more like a werewolf, an ancient monster, than a hybrid like Woojin
And Chan doesn’t know what else to do so he runs
He sprints out of the door at a speed that you’ve never seen before
And even though you’d previously thought direwolves and their subsequent hybrids were just a fairy tale monster to scare kids, you instantly believe him
You also don’t give two single shits
Because you love Chan, you care about him and he’s your best friend. You know how good of a person he is and yeah, you’ve heard about how dangerous direwolves are but you trust Chan and you know he would never hurt you
You all go out and look for him but you know it’s pretty much a lost cause. The city is big and Chan was raised to be able to hide and survive if you wanted, you guys don’t have a chance of finding him if he doesn’t want you to
You just have to trust that he’ll come back
You guys don’t see a trace of Chan for two days
During this time, Woojin reveals that this was something he knew from the moment he saved Chan. He could smell it in his scent, very similar to a wolf hybrid’s but with a trace of something else a lot more powerful. It was the reason he was so terrified and mistrusting of him
He feels really guilty about how he treated Chan at first, feeling like it was his fault that Chan was convinced you’d all hate him now
Because he knows Chan’s aware that he knew and he thinks he’s the one that scared him so much about revealing that
Even though you’re, admittedly, a little miffed at him, you understand and you can see how much he’s beating himself about it now
You both especially start freaking out when you connect the dots and realize that that's what must have happened to Chan’s family. They were hunted and he blames himself
When Chan finally comes back, he’s surprised to get tackled in hugs, you’re all crying and talking about how worried you were about him and how you thought you’d never see him again
And he sees that you all still love him and this doesn’t really change anything
Chan didn’t think he missed his wolf form that much until you all take a trip out to the woods one day and he can finally shift again
he’s entirely too massive to be going into his wolf form in the house
and you and Woojin are just amused as shit watching this absolutely massive apex predator frolicking around in the grass, chasing you all and nipping at your heels, laying around with his tongue hanging out of his mouth
And you two are like wow we would really die for this thing
But it’s ok cause Chan would die for yall too 
The Amalgam Star System 
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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hadestownmodern · 4 years
First Doctor’s Appointment
I screamed about our new icon for about three hours on Facetime the other night, so it’s only fair that it comes with its own soft fic. Someone asked what happened at the first doctor’s appointment? This is it. 
              Eurydice looks up at the tall building, nothing special compared to the hundreds of other skyscrapers surrounding it. She opens the crinkled paper in her hand, folded and unfolded, shoved in her pocket with mitten-clad hands. With shaking hands she reads the address over again, comparing it to the one embossed on the window-they’re in the right place. Whether Eurydice is ready to address this, it’s happening now.
              From beside her Orpheus wraps his arm around her waist, kisses her forehead as they stand waiting outside. They’re half an hour early but the air is bitter, winter turning the skies grey and the atmosphere sharp. He tugs his own scarf off and wraps it around her neck, lingering with his hands on her shoulders. Eurydice, hidden beneath one of his knit beanies and an oversized coat, looks more her age than any day he’s seen her. The wall he’d seen and broken-the maturity of raising herself, of guarding her emotions-has shaken and left cracks in the unease of her stance, the pause of her feet outside of the building. The fear reaches to her eyes, a dark that matches the sharp grey, the downturn of the post-holiday season, the reality of what’s about to happen.
              “It’ll be okay,” he says, partially to himself. He’s frightened, too; they’re young, both still in school, working and trying to keep themselves afloat. Everything is new here, although neither feels the newness of the relationship in its entirety. In the frigid winter air, with Orpheus keeping the bridge of his nose against Eurydice’s forehead, the stillness is exactly what they need.
              It’s Eurydice who initiates movement-pulls back from Orpheus only slightly, just enough to wrap both of her arms around his. Looking down he can see the pull of her breath, deep and slow, before it lets its soft billowing warmth into the air. It’s not much, but it’s enough; Orpheus follows as she nods and makes way to the building, following Persephone’s carefully written instruction to the front desk. Her name comes out in a confidence riddled with a well-hidden waver in her voice, just enough for Orpheus to take note of.
              It isn’t until they’re directed to a tiny room down two separate hallways-until the nurse leaves them to wait for the doctor-that Eurydice’s exterior truly begins to crack. She sits with her feet kicking the side of the bed, arms folded neatly in her lap. There’s a wall of pamphlets, titles about birth control and thinking about your options that have her looking away. Eurydice doesn’t want an option; what she wants is to feel less fear.
              The absence of control is strong in this moment; it plays games within her head, brings her forcefully back to moments where she’d had none at all-the loss of her mother, the men that had tried again and again to tell her that she was useless. Their voices ring in her mind, the pictures of herself as a child; unsteady, unsure, unsupported. There is a split second where she sees that-paints a horrid picture of her future, alone with this baby and back in the ramshackle apartment with its sketchy neighborhood and barely-lockable door. The mere possibility of this walking nightmare sends a numb sort of tingling through her head, where it rests in the mask of her face and multiplies, trickles down through arms and legs she can no longer move. The room is silent-her head begins to spin with the weight on her chest, pushing down hard with its own insecurities.
              You shouldn’t be here. You’re irresponsible. You’re bringing a child into this world and you barely raised yourself. You can’t do it. You don’t deserve this.
              Orpheus’s hand finds hers just in time, settles itself in her lap atop her own. Wordlessly, he stands beside her for a moment-just long enough to gauge the change in her mannerisms, the way her eyes shift from glazed to upset and back again.
              “What can I do?” His voice is soft and tender, attempting to break through. It takes a moment to formulate a response, words tumbling with the thoughts that try and linger, the thoughts she’s trying to push away-to push Orpheus away, too. He stays beside her, keeps his hand on hers. He is patient; understanding. Eurydice looks up at him, pats the space next to her on the examination bed. Eurydice rests her head on his shoulder when he sits, shifts closer to him and keeps his hand tightly wrapped between hers.
              “I’m excited,” she’s breathless, in a way. Apologetic. She looks up at Orpheus through eyes that tear through him, exhaustion and fear and nerves all bundled around the love she radiates toward him, the love she tries so hard to push past everything else. “I’m sorry, I just. I am excited. I want you to know that.”
              “It’s okay. It’s okay to be scared. I’m scared too.” A wave of relief washes over her, and she keeps herself tucked close to him as she brings her attention to the wall of pamphlets again. Something about Orpheus, who’d exceeded every one of her expectations of men, who’d told her he’d loved her too soon, asked her to marry him too soon…something about the most optimistic person she knows showing his own fears brings an unexpected comfort to Eurydice.
              Making the decision to keep this baby hadn’t been easy; how simple it would have been, back before Orpheus, to let go. She hadn’t wanted to be a mother, hadn’t envisioned herself as the type to have maternal instinct, to be strong enough to raise a child after raising herself. When she’d read the test-when she’d cried, thought about her future and her schooling and everything she had worked toward, she felt defeated. She thought she’d known the answer. And then things changed; holding the test she thought of Orpheus, who liked to find her between classes and kiss her forehead, bring her food so she remembered to eat within her busy schedule. She’d thought of disappointing him, but also of the possibility that things just might work out. She thought of Orpheus with Junie, all the adoration in the universe settled into his eyes, his instinct far more present than her own. Eurydice thought of him with their own baby, that just maybe he’d find excitement in it all-that he’d look at their baby the same way. The optimist and the girl who’d been beaten down most of her life; it had made her laugh. Then, he’d been excited. He’d wrapped her in his arms, asked her time and time again if she was serious; not in a way of anger, or disappointment, but of joy. And when he’d told her they’d find a way-that everything would be okay-it was hard to disagree. It still is.
              The doctor comes in and Orpheus finds his own seat, keeping hold of one of Eurydice’s hands as he talks her through the basics, reminding her of her options. All she can do is nod, understanding. A part of Orpheus thinks that maybe, right there, she’ll change her mind. They’re young-she’s anxious. But she smiles at him anyway, a shaky turn of her lips, before asking if they can see their baby.
              There isn’t much to see yet; the doctor points to the screen, explaining exactly what the grainy blur of blacks and whites and greys is attempting to show. Neither cares that the picture is unclear-that they’ll laugh later over where their baby’s head might be. In the moment, there is only a stunned sort of silence in the air between them as they stare at the monitor. Eurydice feels the squeeze of Orpheus’s larger hand within her own as the gentle thrumming, rhythmic and wave-like, fills the room with the sound Eurydice had only ever heard on television or in movies.
              “There’s your baby,” The words wash over Eurydice as a true call to reality-to the fact that this is very real, tangible. She’d recognized the differences within her own body, but hadn’t really felt the distinctive, instant connection that she’d read about on parenting blogs while fueled with her own anxiety. Looking at the tiny little bean shape on the monitor, she wishes she could hold on to this feeling forever. Her heart melts, a gentle squeeze, pulling her toward what had been before nothing more than an alien sort of feeling. And maybe it still feels that way, when she attempts to connect the picture on the screen to what’s happening inside of her own body. But Orpheus kisses her head, wraps an arm around her and begins asking the doctor questions from a paper list, questions they’d written together the night before to help quell her own doubts.
              They walk from the lobby of the office in a peaceful sort of silence; Orpheus with his hand around her waist, Eurydice clutching the print-outs of their baby’s first pictures in hands that refuse to let them go. It’s difficult to believe that this isn’t all just a dream-that she’s made it out of her hell-bound childhood, that the man by her side is someone that’s excited and happy, who loves her in such a soft and tender way and without condition. The pictures keep her grounded, tether her to the present moment and to the future that will come.
              “This is crazy,” she laughs to herself. They’ve stopped in the lobby of the building, Eurydice staring back down at the grainy pictures in awestruck wonder. “This is insane.”
              Orpheus lets his gaze truly examine her for the first time, at first deciphering her words as those of negativity; doubt or disappointment or a sudden change of heart. The smile that he captures instead-the widening of her big doe eyes, the shimmering of welled-up emotion…looking at Eurydice is like looking through his own soul and finding everything he’d ever wanted, everything he didn’t know he needed wrapped up in one beautiful, intelligent, wonderous human being.  He can hardly believe that she’s real, that she said yes to the instant, very strong pull of his emotions-that she wears her tiny little engagement ring with pride, holds his arm and presses herself close to him whenever she can. He can hardly believe that any of this is real, and so he gives himself proof;
              “What are you doing?” She asks as he holds his phone in the air, the rolling numbers of a recording counting up in the corner of their faces.
              “It’s for us, I just…I want to remember. You said you don’t have any home videos, and not a lot of pictures, so…” He turns to the camera, Eurydice laughing as he attempts to adjust the frame to fit them both. Then, his lips turn in a tender sort of smile, his voice soft and low.
              “We just got out of the doctor’s office after seeing you for the first time…you’re just a picture now, and to be honest we can’t even really tell exactly what’s going on in it. But it’s still beautiful, and amazing, and…”
              “Crazy.” Eurydice cuts in, her joy and anticipation coming through in the airy tone of her voice. Orpheus warms at the feeling of her body leaned against his, her head on his chest and her laughter reverberating against him. “It’s crazy, and it makes me feel all kinds of things all at the same time. But the important thing is that we love you, baby. We may not seem like we’re ready for all of this but we’ll get there, I promise.”
              “We love you,” Orpheus turns his head to kiss Eurydice, presses his lips against her forehead and listens to the sound of her giggling-the release of all of her anxiety, all of her doubt. Still at his side, she holds the treasured pictures up to the camera, an uncontrollable smile lifting her flushed cheeks and keeping them there.
              “We can’t wait to meet you.”
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themarchblessing · 4 years
Special Addition: Blu Moon
Gripping the stair railing I debated internally on whether or not I should hold onto my dress so I don’t fall or the hands of my children. Not wanting to end up in the hospital sooner than expected I pulled up my dress and moved the kids in front of me. I followed Izaiah and Elle down the stairs being so cautious to take my time. Once the three of us reached the ground level I resumed my place next to the kids, leading them outside. Elle has been on one all day long and I have yet to find out why. I’m thinking she’s starting to get anxious about Corey’s return. With him being away on business, making time for myself with two young children has been just about impossible.
I watched and huffed out of frustration as Elle let go of her brother’s hand, clinging to my arm.
“Hold his hand Ellena, right now.” I ordered. She followed my advice walking in between myself and Izaiah with a frown on her face. “Fix your face girl.” I huffed again, not wanting to come off bitchy but this baby is pressing into my lower back.
“Mama, I’m so hungry.” Elle complained. “When is daddy coming back? Tomorrow, yes?” She quizzed me. The happy tone in her voice mimicked the expression on her face as she mentioned her father.
“Yes, daddy will be home tomorrow morning.” I sighed. Izaiah distracted Elle with conversation followed by a round of eye spy. With his assistance on calming Ellena down we made it to my car. “Come here Elle..” Scooping her up off the ground I situated her in her car seat. “Zay, hand me that bag please.” Pointing to the small pouch below Izaiah’s feet I held my hand out for him to place it in my possession. 
“Es eso para papa?” He smirked. 
I nodded and laughed alongside him. “Si, para tu padre.” Corey is constantly finding new hiding places in my car and the house for his guns. Finding his weapons in various locations never fails to make my eyes roll to the back of my head.
“Mom, what is that? Me das?” Ellena questioned with the utmost curiosity.
Shaking my head promptly I adjusted her seatbelt and stood up straight. “No missy you cannot hold this. This is not a toy.” Closing the back door I hobbled to the driver side of the car, halting as I opened the door. Repeatedly I counted my breaths, slowly making an advance to get behind the wheel.
Once I got the engine going I made a phone call, praying that Corey will answer. I spoke to him briefly and then turned my phone over to Ellena so she could hear her dad’s voice. They talked most of the ride home. I had to tell her three times to let Izaiah get some time on the phone as well. Whatever Corey said to our daughter worked magic on her attitude and behavior. That is until she became hungry again. 
“Mommy! Tengo hambre! Quiero rellenos y sopa de lentejas. Mommy!” She hollered in the midst of giggling. 
Throwing my head back on the couch I rubbed my palm over my belly, listening to Corey cackle in my ear. 
“My sweet baby. She misses me.” Corey continues to chuckle. 
“Please, please tell me you’re coming home in the morning for sure. I’m close to shutting down and I don’t know how much more I can take. She’s been up and down all day. Real high and real low.” Gripping my shirt I scrunched the fabric under my breasts, exposing all of my stomach. 
“Yes ma’am. First thing.” He confirmed.
“Best news I’ve heard all day. She’s literally driving me insane. Are you sure you’ll be back when you said? What if your flight is delayed and you’re not here before the shower starts? You’re supposed to be here before everyone else to help me get the kids ready.” The slightest inkling that Corey will be late for this baby shower is starting to stress me out. 
We’ve been planning this for months and I will have a meltdown if guests arrive before Corey. 
“I thought we agreed on you not over exaggerating? Hm?” 
“Si, pero this is different. I’m anxious, Corey. Just don’t forget to get up on time.” 
“Estare allí mi amor. Get some rest after you eat and don’t be a bruja to my little girl.” He chuckled deeply. 
Scoffing at his choice of word I hung up the phone and stood up from the couch. Pulling my shirt down over my stomach I went looking for my kids. “Ellena?” I called out to her. My phone rang but instead of answering I gave it to Elle. 
She glanced at the screen and her eyes lit up. Without hesitation she answered the incoming FaceTime with a huge smile on her face. 
“Hi daddy, what are you doing? Where is your shirt?” Being naturally inquisitive runs in this family. My mom loves to make fun of how many questions Elle and Izaiah ask when they don’t know or are unsure of something. 
“If it isn't my favorite girl in all the land. I just took a shower that’s why I don’t have a shirt on. How are you doing, my love?” 
Seeing them talk switched my mood just that quick. I became hungry all of a sudden, Izaiah started to complain about food as well so I got started on Elena’s request. I hope that Corey has more magical words to say to her so that I can get through this final night without him minus the headache. 
———- ———
*The following afternoon* 
“I told you I would be back in time. I think I deserve an apology for you thinking I’d be late.” 
A sultry voice that matches my husband spooked me even though I saw him from the corner of my eye. Only because I have minimal steps left until my makeup is done, I freed my hands to greet my man. With my arms wrapped around him we embraced one another and exchanged affection. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have doubted you. How was your flight?” Pulling back I took a good look at him head to toe realizing he got work done. “Your entire leg? I thought you said after the baby is here you’d start getting tattooed again. You just couldn’t wait huh?” I teased. 
Corey shook his head, showcased his new ink job, wowing me to the core. “You like it? Six hours in the chair for this one.” 
“Of course I like it but you left a space here..that looks funny..” I pointed out. I’m far too pregnant to be bending or kneeling so Corey helped out by sitting on the edge of the bed and propping his leg up. Examining closely I recognized his leg piece is all related to his life and the timeline of it. “Is that the scan of my heart that I got done when I found out I was pregnant?” 
“Yes ma’am. I wanted a piece of you and the kids on my body forever. Once the baby is here I’ll be able to figure out what to get for him or her. That’s what the empty space is for.” Corey began explaining to me the meaning behind each of his new tattoos just as Izaiah walked into the room. Elle was dragging behind with her dress stained, her shoes unbuckled and her hair all over the place.
Throwing my hands up I sped to the bathroom to finish getting ready. In silence Corey took Elle down to her room to get her cleaned up for the second time. 
Ellena had to be put down for a nap before the baby shower began. Corey was definitely on Elle duty in order to get her into a ready to sleep mood. However, I had no choice but to step in and let my little girl get a sample of what she’s forgotten all about to help really knock her out. Breast milk. My sweet nena used to fall into a deep sleep after being fed. It didn’t matter where we were. As long as she had her milk, she got more than the proper amount of rest that young children need. I was so anxious that even the little bit of milk she had would revert her to the past. She proved me wrong. She’s forgotten all about my breast milk. 
Coming out of the bathroom, I bumped into my uncle who I’ve been waiting for to arrive for hours now. My heart rate sped up and drastically slowed the longer we exchanged looks. 
“My Sabrina, you look beautiful as always.” He smiled at me gently. 
Outstretching my arms I walked toward him. Hugging the closest human being to my father aside from my mother is bringing forth so many emotions. I miss my dad more than ever right now. 
“You smell just like him. I’m really happy that you made it.” Backing up to look him in the eye I rubbed my eyes dry. “I’m sorry, I said I wouldn’t cry but I can’t help it.” 
“You should not be apologizing for missing your father, Lori. You know that he's with you always. How are you feeling? How’s pregnancy?” He asked. 
 Breathing softly I nodded and continued to weep. “It’s so wonderful. I’m exhausted but thrilled to find out what we’re having. Was your flight alright?” He and I went back and forth with questions until the main event came upon us. 
I went to join Corey behind the box wrapped in a pearl color wrapping paper. The sun is shining, the flowers in our yard are in full bloom and the energy around me is washing away my anxiety about the minutes to come. 
“It’s been a long time coming. Are you sure you’re ready? You can always change your mind.” Corey cupped the nape of my neck easily, opening that door of option two for me. 
I took a slow, controlled breath and denied his invitation. “I really want to know. It’s better for us both and I’m ready. At first I was fine with waiting but I’m ready now.” 
We both carried on with conversation until my uncle, our parents and Ravyn started the countdown. The moment Corey and I have been holding out for is finally here since the day we were able to find out the sex of this baby. It was Corey’s idea to wait until the birth but I’m dying to know the gender! The count down from ten to one was fast. I heard the numbers in slow motion but the second he and I cut the gigantic metallic ribbon off of the box, bluebirds flew in the air. They swarmed over us followed by blush pink glitter and rose petals. 
Again, someone included an element to remind me of my dad. Bluebirds were his favorite of the bird species. He had four as pets before I came along and two after I was born. Rather than getting emotional with tears, I felt my cheeks and jaws beginning to hurt from all the smiling. We’re having another little girl. Corey gets another princess to spoil until we’re no longer here and I can’t express with words how happy I am right now. 
“Damn, I’m in shock. We’re having another baby girl.” I heard Corey speak. We simultaneously turned to look at each and that’s when I began to cry. I embraced him just as he embraced me. Together we exchanged our feelings on the conclusive evidence that we’re having one more girl. “I’ve been saying for months how I just knew we’d have another one of you. I knew it and to think I began doubting my own instincts. Thank you for making me a father, Lori.” His lips against my head filled me with butterflies and good thoughts on what’s to come. 
——— ——-
“Happy Father’s Day, my love.” I haven’t stopped smiling since the moment we found out the sex of this baby. The rest of the party was great. Our friends and family had so much love to share and blessings to wish over us. Izaiah was really happy to have family around that we haven’t seen lately to celebrate this day with us. Seeing him and Ellena interact with their aunts, uncles, and cousins was heartwarming for both Corey and myself. 
“No, thank you. A million times over do I mean that. I wouldn’t be a father if it weren’t for me switching old boy’s sperm with mine. What was his name again?” He joked. 
“It’s sad that you’re making jokes but it’s hilarious that you genuinely forgot. It’s not like it matters anyhow.” Putting the top back on the lotion he began unraveling the braid in my hair. 
He drew circles on my scalp with the pads of his fingers. The act drew up sounds of relief and brought my shoulders back to level position. Suddenly Corey stood up and walked around the room, analyzing. 
“Que paso?” I spoke up. 
“Nothing, I’m just in awe. I really don’t think you understand how different our lives are thanks to my idiocy some time ago. Aside from the fact that I was drunk, I was a little jealous of who you were initially starting a family with.” Corey held out his hand to help me stand. 
“This is news to me.” I’m stunned at his confession. 
He led the way to the nursery, which is far from finished, and turned the lights up. 
“I couldn’t possibly imagine not being there, the night of your thirtieth birthday and intercepting your initial plans and ending up here.” Toying with the decor and finally sitting in the plush rocking chair, he invited me into his lap. In silence we mirrored each other’s actions. 
“You still like the name Leija?” I asked him, tenderly caressing the nape of his warm neck. 
He turned to me and graced my question with a genuine smile of acceptance. “More so now then when you brought it up to begin with. I’m not going through with that procedure but I do agree that three is enough for me. If that’s okay with you.” His addition of the last remark tickled me pink. 
“That’s okay baby. Three is good and now we’ll have our five. Between Ellena and Zay, I think we’re set for life.” I laughed. Peering down at my beyond visible belly I ran my free hand all over it. “And this angelita is the cherry on top. I have a gut feeling that she’ll just like Ellena. Full of life, sass, character and much more.” 
Corey agreed, drawing me in closer to lay against me. “I love you Sabrina, always and forever.” 
Corey and I have reached the ultimate peak in our lives. We have the house, nuestra familia, our success and peace of mind. I can’t wait to see what joy and excitement our new baby girl will bring us.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Tower: Unexpected - 5
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The Tower: Unexpected An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist Previous //
Pairing:  Avengers x ofc, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2364
Warnings:   Angsty stuff, the boys are mostly still being asshats, pregnancy stuff.
Synopsis: A little over 2 years after moving into the Avengers Tower, Elly finds herself pregnant against the odds.  While some are excited, others are terrified, and pregnancy that none expected to happen causes rifts through the group and threatens to end the relationship.  
Author’s Note:  Written with my muse @fanficwriter013
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Chapter 5: The Most Fertile Person in the World
It was only a few days later that the OBGyn that Tony had arranged was set up in the Tower and I had my first appointment.  Her name was Doctor Schroeder and apparently she was the best in the city and Tony was paying so that by the time of the babies due date, I would be her only patient.
“Mister Stark gave me a rundown on what's happened.  So we might start by getting your birth control out.  But first.  Do you have any questions?”  She said as Steve, Wanda, Natasha and I all sat in her exam room.  I was sitting in one of those hospital gowns and nothing else.  I still hadn’t seen the others.  Steve had said Sam had gone to see his family.  Natasha assured me Clint was reading because he needed to get his head around the idea he was going to be a parent.  Hulk was still around which meant Bruce was not.  Bucky was still isolating as was Tony.  Except where Steve saw Bucky every day, no one had seen Tony at all.
“What are the odds of this happening?”  Steve asked as Wanda gave my hand a squeeze.
“The birth control Doctor Cooper was on was 99% percent effective.  They say for every 1000 women on it one gets pregnant every three years.  On top of the fact that you men were all on a birth control developed by doctor Banner?  Now I have no idea how effective it was because there was a lack of clinical trials but I would say you have a 1 in 2000 chance of this happening really.  That baby apparently really really wanted to exist.”  Doctor Schroeder explained.  I didn’t know if I felt better or worse hearing that.  Like if it was the most unlucky thing to happen or maybe I was really lucky.
“And it’s healthy?”  Steve asked.
“We’ll need to take a look, but birth control like Doctor Coopers just stops ovulation, it happened anyway.  I looked at the kind you are on, and it's similar but with sperm production.”  She answered.  “Basically you have the guys that are the absolute strongest competitors coming together.  It won’t have affected their health.”
The problem was that wasn’t the only thing we had to worry about.  I looked at Steve and took a breath.  “What - Do you know what will happen if it's - if Steve or Bucky or Bruce are the parent?”  I asked.
She sighed.  “That I can't tell you.  We will monitor things carefully.  As you know we can narrow it down if you want, so we know if we have anything extra to be concerned about.”
“I'm here,”  Steve said.  “You can take a sample - a small sample - for comparisons.”
“I thought you didn't want to know?”  I said.
“If there is an issue with health, for the sake of your sanity.  We should do it.” He said rubbing my leg.  “But I do not want to know. That baby will be all of ours, no matter the parentage.”
“Okay.  Well, how about this, I'll work out if the baby is genetically either yours, Sergeant Barnes, or Doctor Banner's when he returns, and then I'll know if there's something to keep an eye on, but I won't pass that along unless I have to?”  She suggested.
Steve gave a curt nod.  “I agree to these terms.”
“Alright.  If there’s nothing else for the moment we’ll start by taking the birth control out.  Then I’ll take some blood samples and then we can take a look.  See who we’re dealing with in there.”  She said.
“I’m good if you are,”  Nat said to me.  I got up on the examination chair and Wanda sat beside me holding my arm as Doctor Schroeder took blood samples, gave me a local anesthetic and took out the implant before sewing it up with paper stitches and putting gauze over it.
She then took a few vials of blood from Steve and explained that the earliest she could do paternity was eight weeks and that she would make a plan for that based on how far along I was now.
“Okay,”  She said after she’d cleaned everything away and brought the ultrasound machine closer.  “Are we ready to see the baby?”  We all nodded in agreement.  “Elly, I need you to lie back and spread your legs.”  She said adjusting the chair back and lying a blanket over me.  Wanda took my hand as Doctor Schroeder prepared the probe.  “This is going to be a little uncomfortable.”  She said and inserted the probe.  I winced.  For such a tiny thing, it pinched, that’s for sure.  She shifted it around inside me at weird angles that were far from pleasant feeling.  Wanda seemed to send a calming energy into me, though, and I felt her tell me she was right there, clear as if she said it out loud.
“You’re doing great, Elly.  I know this isn’t fun.  But look, can you see this funny little peanut shape.  That’s your baby.”  She said.
I looked up at the screen and saw what looked like two large black spaces in a sea of white static.  To the bottom of each was a small kidney bean shaped thing with a little fluttering spot right in the middle of it.  I felt the sudden urge to cry and I wasn’t even sure what I was looking at.  “But there’s two,”  I said.
“That’s because there are two of them.  Can you see the flutter?”  She said circling the spots in the middle of the kidney beans.  “That’s their heartbeats.  You are actually having twins.”
“Twins?”  Wanda asked, her voice slightly shaky.  I knew this was big for her, being a twin herself and losing her brother.  “We're having twins?”
“You are,”  She said moving the probe around a little.  “It looks like they are fraternal too which has just blown your odds through the roof to astronomical levels.  It also makes the paternity a little more complicated.”
I stared blankly at the screen.  How could this be happening?  I had to be the most fertile person in the world.  If the other’s freaked out the way they had been about one, they were going to completely cut and run with two.
“Did you just say, that they could have two different dads?”  Natasha asked, looking up at the screen.
“It’s certainly possible.  It really depends on what happened here that made two different birth controls ineffective.  Did one of you just forget to take it around the time her cycle rejected hers?  Or do we have a case of two different lucky swimmers from two different people?”  She said as she started taking measurements.  “We’ll definitely have to keep a close eye on them until we figure this out.  If you have one supersoldier and one baseline human their development rates could be drastically different or the super could steal the nutrients from the other.  That isn’t uncommon with twins.”
“So, this is going to make things more difficult?”  Steve asked.   He looked a little like a deer in headlights.  I recognized that look of guilt on his face. I could only imagine that he thought one of them was his and it was going to cause issues.
“Twins never make it easier.”  She said jokingly.  “We will work this out though.  I promise.  If the blood tests aren’t conclusive there are other options.  We’ll monitor things closely either way.”
“Twins…”  Wanda said, her hand going to my stomach.
Doctor Schroeder did a few more measurements and looked at me.   “I would put them at seven weeks.  Does that sound right?”
I nodded, of course, they were.  “Right when Thor was here.”
She shook her head and let out a laugh.  “So potential demigods too.  You’re really making me earn my money here.”  She said.  “Would you like to hear their heartbeats?”
“Yes, we do,”  Natasha said before any of the rest of us had a chance.
She flicked a switch and the room is filled with a loud swoosh swoosh sound.  All four of our faces lit up at the sound.  There was something about hearing it that made it very real and not just this abstract ‘scary thing’.  “That’s their hearts.  Going right in the zone we want them.  They look very healthy.”
“We're gonna have twins, El,”  Wanda said squeezing my hand.
“I know.  Maybe it will be a boy and a girl like you and Pietro.”  I said.
I didn’t think Wanda’s smile could get any bigger but it did right then.  “Maybe.”
Doctor Schroeder moved the probe around a little more before removing it.  “We’re done.  Did you want a print out of the babies?”
“Yes.  A couple please.”  I say thinking about how the Hulk would want one.
Doctor Schroeder pushed a button on the machine and it began to whir as it printed out the pictures.   “Keep that wound clean.  I’ll need to take more blood in a couple of weeks for the DNA, and then we’ll have another appointment in say, 4 weeks to see how they’re developing.  I’ll need to see Sgt Barnes for a blood test.  I know Doctor Banner isn’t exactly here with us right now do you think the Hulk will let me take blood?”
“I think it'd be best if you let me try and do that,”  Natasha said.
“Thank you.  Given that Thor is a potential biological parent here if there is any way you can get a blood sample from him too.  Otherwise, if it's not one of the three of you, I'll need to test everyone to rule him out.”  She said as I began to dress in my regular clothes.
“We'll take care of it,”  Nat assured her.
“Elly, here is a list of things you should be taking and avoiding.  Plus some birthing options.”  She said holding up a packet and giving it to Wanda.  “Are there any other questions?”  Wanda looked back at me and shook her head.  “Well, it was nice to see you.  I'm on call now, so if you need me for anything don't hesitate.”
I finished getting dressed and the four of us headed back out to the elevator.  “Are you hungry, El?”  Wanda asked.
“Yeah, a little,”  I said not fully paying attention.  “Twins…”
“I’ll make you something.”  She said.
“Thanks.  I guess… I guess I have more news to give people.”  I said.
“I'm going to go get that sample from Hulk,”  Natasha said.  “You gonna be okay?”
“Yeah.  I will be.  You should take one of the pictures to him,”  I said tearing off one of the ultrasound pictures and giving it to her.  “He wanted to see, so it might help keep him calm.  Tell him it's twins and he can come talk to them after if he wants.”
“Okay,”  Nat said taking it.  “I'll do that.”
“Thank you, Tasha.  Thanks for coming with me.”
She kissed my cheek as the elevator stopped on Bruce’s floor.  “Of course, honey.  I'm going to talk to Clint too. And then I'll be back up.”
She got off and the doors closed as we traveled up to the common floor.  Almost as soon as the doors closed, I felt an overwhelming urge to cry.  It had been bad enough telling everyone that it was one.  Now I had to do it again and tell them there was going to be two.  I turned to Steve and fell against him hiding my face in his chest.  He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair  “It’s okay, El.  I’ve got you.”  He said, in his deep rich voice.
“Thank you.  I can't believe it's twins.  I feel like Loki is messing with us or something.”  I said through a shaky voice.  Only barely keeping the tears in.
“Well, we can ask Thor.”  He said gently.
“Yeah.  I guess so.  Can Loki do that?  Just mess with our birth control?”
He shrugged.  “I don’t know, sweetheart.”
The elevator stopped and I pulled away from him taking out the paperwork from the packet to distract myself with as Wanda went to the kitchen.  “There are a few things to get,”  I said sitting down.
“I can handle that if you like.”  He said.
I shrugged.  “I’ll just add them to FRIDAY’s list.  It can come in the next delivery.”
“Okay.  That should work.”  He said sitting down beside me.
I ran my hands over my stomach and looked down at it.  “There are two people in there,”  I said.  “I have 3 times as many skeletons as most people.”
He shook his head and stifled a laugh.  “You’re such a dork.”  His hand went to my stomach and he linked his fingers with mine.  “They’re going to be very loved and well cared for.  You don’t have to worry.”
“Yeah.  I’m gonna get really huge.”
“Is there a point to that, El?”  He asked.
“Just ... I don't know.  What if...  And then after…”
He kissed my temple.  “Use your words, sweetheart.”
“What if no one wants to be with me after this?”
“Oh, sweetheart.”
The tears came then.  Fat drops running down my cheeks.  “Well?  I mean even taking out the fact I'm going to be massive, I apparently am the most fertile person in the planet.”
“Elly,”  He said pulling me into his arms.  “We're gonna deal with this. You've got us.  Forever.”
“What if I'm not good at this?  I didn't exactly have very good role models.”
“Neither did I,”  He said.  “Come on, honey.  You need to just let yourself process this.  I know it hasn’t exactly gone smoothly, but this is good news.”
“What are we going to tell the others?”  I asked.  “How am I going to tell them if they won’t even come near me?”
“They will.  They love you, honey.  Everyone loves you.  They don’t mean to be hurting you like this.”  He assured me.  “When they’re ready to hear you can tell them.”
“How will I even know they’re ready?”  I asked.
He kissed the top of my head.  “They’ll come to you. Don’t worry.”
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7deadlycinderellas · 5 years
The Maiden of the Sea 3/5
AO3 link
Carrying the twins is actually easier than Arya ever expected.
Sure, she has to adjust to her size, but that was doable. Renly had owned a great many clothes that Arya can pick through to find ones that will accommodate her expanding gut, though most of them are awfully gaudy.
She’s trying on and tying a tunic of black silk embroidered with leaves and vines one morning. Most of these garments are just sitting around, gathering moths. She should really find someone who can take them apart and sew them into more serviceable garments. She cringes and tosses the silk tunic aside, trading it for a slightly less garish one of green wool edged in gold.  Gendry peeks up from the bed and tells her,
“You should just wear that as a dress.”
Arya stares at him bewildered. The tunic is quite long, nearly to her knees, and blessedly loose around her middle, but still.
“And just go around with my naked legs sticking out like a heron?”
“I like your legs, and I don’t get to see them enough.”
Arya rolls her eyes, and pulls out the hose that were hanging with the tunic. She cringes, realizing that they’re the two piece kind that are supposed to be held together with a codpiece.
“I didn’t know men still wore these.”
Gendry glances over at them.
“Can’t imagine they were ever popular up North, too cold. My uncle was apparently very much into keeping up with fashion though.”
Arya tosses them aside.
“Can’t do those, I’m not giving everyone at the training yard a free show.”
Afterwards, she finds a pair of lambskin breeches that slide on easily and tie very low on her waist. She’ll have to roll them up though, and she’s sure she looks ridiculous.
“You could just have something made for you, it would probably end up being much more comfortable” Gendry interjects.
Arya sits on the end of the bed to pull on her boots, which takes far longer than it used to.
“I know. I just hate the idea of all that work going into making things I’m only going to wear while I’m still enormous.”
In fact, Maester Elric had seemed mildly concerned about her size at first. And then, after interrogating her on her recent eating habits, told her he suspected that she was carrying twins.
Twins, as if the possibility of one child wasn’t daunting enough.
“It’s strange,” Arya had admitted once, “I love children, I always have. I rejected the idea of being someone’s broodmare, but I always thought I’d be the fun auntie for Jon and Sansa’s children. I thought Sansa’s especially would need it.”
She makes a face, thinking back to what she knew of other highborn children. Some she had met seemed to hardly spend any time with their parents at all. While Joffrey had cried to his mother over everything, she didn’t think she recalled King Robert spending any time at all with any of his children.
“I don’t want a wet nurse,” she tells Gendry when she’s seven moons along. “I don’t want to get used to the idea of foisting my children off on someone else, especially for something so...personal.”
Gendry glances up from his papers. They’re going through the ledgers together. They’ve taken to doing that with most of their duties. This was something that normally fell to the Lady of the keep. Arya accompanies him in petitions, and they both manage the servants. Helping each other out aside, it means that if Gendry retreats into his grouchy, sullen self at an offhand comment, or if Arya’s temper got the best of her when someone questions her ability, one could take the reins and let the other go hide and lick their wounds.
And on the rare occasion someone riled both of them up, they were a force to be reckoned with. Ours is the fury indeed.
“If you’re sure,” Gendry tells her, “I mean, I never heard of any woman in Flea Bottom having one, and they get on well enough.”
“Merope tells me there’s a girl in the kitchens, Mollie, whose due a moon before me. I’ll talk to her, just in case of emergency...but I think we can do this.”
It will be a challenge. Aside from the official duties of her title, Arya has taken on much of the role of the Master-at-arms.
The previous one had been killed during Stannis’s siege years ago, and much of the job had been taken on by the captain of the guard, who seemed more than glad for the occasional relief. A couple of the guards had objected to taking direction from a woman. A raised eyebrow and a question if they had heard of the exploits of Arya Stark, bringer of the dawn, had mostly pushed those down.
And for those who didn’t, a firm rap from her quarterstaff had changed plenty. She really doesn’t use the staff enough.
She keeps with the actual sparring as long as her body allows her to. And once she can’t, she still walks the training yard, observing, offering advice.
Even the physical symptoms don’t bother her as much as she thought. The heartburn’s pretty bad, but nothing like Merope had warned. Having to visit the privy constantly is a pain, but she’s in a proper castle now, where that’s never far away. And Maester Elric’s teas keep the worst of the intestinal symptoms at bay.
Sometimes she worries that she’s become numb to physical discomfort. That she’s become so used to it that she won’t recognize if she’s truly hurt.
Somehow, the one that bothers her most is the swelling of her feet, especially when she gets large enough she can’t do anything about it herself.
Gendry insists that he doesn’t mind rubbing her feet before bed.
“I’ve told you, I like making you feel good.”
Arya pouts.
“That’s the same excuse you used the other night when you let me hump your leg while you were still asleep because you were too tired to do anything else, and I can’t reach my own cunt anymore.”
Arya had been right that her pregnancy had made her libido go into overdrive. She hadn’t thought it was possible for her to want him anymore than she already did, but she had apparently been wrong. And while Gendry had enjoyed the change greatly, sometime this life they had built just took too much out of him.
Arya keens when Gendry digs his thumbs into her arches.
“I don’t like being dependent on other people,” she admits, “I spent too long not trusting anyone but myself, and now I’m going to have two tiny humans completely dependent on me. I don’t even know what to name them.”
Gendry blinks like it’s the first time the thought had occurred to him.
“Shit,” is his reaction, “And we have to pick two instead of one.”
He thinks for a few moments, and then wrinkles his nose.
“If either one’s a boy, we’re not naming him Robert.”
“Agreed,” Arya’s silent for a bit, before continuing. “I used to think I would name my firstborn after my father. I can’t. I don’t want to name them after any of my loved ones who have died. You see the way some of the older people here look at us…”
“Like we’re them reincarnated,” Gendry says bitterly. He hates being compared to Robert, just as Arya is uncomfortable being compared to an aunt she never met.
“I don’t want my children’s lives cast in the shadows of ghosts.”
They won’t be. Even names aside, the people of Storm’s End didn’t know them as children, they won’t build their children up on the expectations of the memories of parents.
Gendry drops her feet, and pulls her into his arms. He kisses her slowly but thoroughly, caressing her cheek with his thumb. His other hand finds the waistband of her breeches.
“Is this a bad time to admit I’m so hard I could cut diamonds?”
Arya laughs,
“At least you’re awake this time. “
He pats her on the arse.
“Roll over,” he tells her, voice deep and husky. She does as told.
She feels him pulls her breeches down as she unties and struggles to pull her tunic over her head. She expects to feel him enter her, instead her back goes cold and a few seconds his hand pushes her thigh up and his tongue probes at her from behind.
“Gotta make sure you’re wet,” he whispers lustily, before returning to his licks. Arya sighs and groans, and grasps at the sheets, pushing back against his face. He drives her closer, so close, before pulling his mouth away.
“You’re mean,” she says petulantly. His kisses one arsecheek in apology. He then returns to his previous position, wrapping one arm over hers and pushes in with one firm stroke.
This is pretty much the last position they can do this in. Arya’s sore breasts quickly made her not want to be on top anymore, the shaking making it worse. Then her abdomen began to hang loosely and it made her so uncomfortable that she no longer enjoyed being on her hands and knees. Eventually, Gendry wouldn’t even get on top of her for fear of hurting the babes. Fucking her husband had become nearly as difficult as finding a comfortable position to sleep in.
As she grinds back on his cock to match his every thrust, his hand groping for her nub blindly, she muses that at least it’s a good one to save for last.
She grunts and cries out when she comes. Gendry leans over and softly bites her shoulder as he thrusts hard and spills inside her.
“Can’t wait til I can see your face when you do that again.”
Arya’s still in a daze, but opens one eye.
“I could drag over the looking glass.”
She’s not got quite a moon left when Davos and Marya arrive for a visit.
Arya is delighted when Davos presents them with his gift to the babes, a carved wooden cradle.
The gifts have started coming slowly. Most of the houses were waiting until the actual birth to send their congratulations, fearing stillbirth or childbed fever. Arya understands, but hates the ideas that want to take root in her mind of what could happen.
Selwyn Tarth had sent a young foal, now in the castle stables. He had sent a note saying,
“If you’re child is anything like mine, this may be the only plaything they need for many years. And if, Gods forbid, the worst comes to pass, I’m sure the lady of the house could find it in her heart to make a place for the beast.”
One day out of the blue, Daron and Tim had presented her with a thing made out of fishnets, that they insisted was a baby carrier.
“Since they think you’re having two, there’s a spot to stick one on your back too,” Daron had insisted, lifting the net over her head and showing her.
She will definitely be testing that with melons before putting a child in it.
The cradle is beautiful, made of dark wood, and still rocks smoothly, though it’s clearly been used for many years.
“I’m no craftsman, my lady, but I’ve always been good with my hands, and this served our sons quite well.”
She barely has time to ask if it will fit two when Davos asks where Gendry’s ran off to instead of greeting guests.
“The forge most likely. That’s where he goes when he’s upset or someone pisses him off or he just needs to lose himself. He’s been in there a lot lately because he’s scared but doesn’t want to talk about it. He doesn’t like being bothered when he does, but I don’t think he’ll mind if it’s you.”
Davos has barely left when Marya begins fussing over her,
“I can’t believe you’re still up and moving around as close as you are. With Dale I was in bed nearly an entire moon before.”
Arya flushes red. Maester Elric’s been giving her hell for not wanting to go on bed rest, but she doesn’t feel like she needs to stop. Slow down maybe, but not stop.
“Oh you know, another day. One day it’s achy joints, the next my tits are leaking.”
“If you want comfort, the first one is the hardest.”
“I can’t even think of any others right now.”
Marya holds onto her shoulders, fondly. Like a mother. Arya suddenly feels tears prick at her eyes and wonders what her own mother would think of what she has become.
“I brought you some blankets and baby clothes as well,” she studies Arya before continuing. “You tell me Gendry’s frightened. Are you?”
Frightened? Arya thinks. She knows fear, she’s stared it in the face. She knows fear, intimately.
“Not really. Nervous? Maybe, anxious? Without a doubt.”
She reaches down and runs her hands over her stomach so she can feel the kicks. It’s been a chore keeping other people’s hands away. These are for her alone.
“Mostly? I really want to meet them.”
Marya pulls her in to kiss her on the head.
“I think you’ll do just fine then. I’m glad Gendry has someone like you. Davos used to write to me that he was scared the boy would never adjust to his new status. He  would bristle at the tiniest of insults and sulk at the smallest mistake he made. He needs someone like you.”
Arya feels a smile quirk at the corners of her mouth.
“We’re good for each other,” she says, “We each want to beat up the other’s insecurities.”
Davos and Marya leave in a few days, saying they were called to King’s Landing before they could return home. After they bid their farewells, Arya tells Gendry,
“Bran wrote me a letter. He says he wants to give Dragonstone to House Seaworth. They both know the land, Davos has more than proved himself worthy and they already have multiple heirs.”
“I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more,” Gendry muses, “I’d have probably cocked this whole lord thing up if Davos hadn’t been here to help me.”
He’s helped them both, Arya thinks.
A few weeks later, she gathers a handful of Renly’s old clothes to take to Mollie. Her son, Tris, had been born three weeks before. The girl had nearly panicked when she’d gone into labor and realized that it would be some time until she could go back to the kitchen. Arya had promised to find work for her that she could do sitting down.
“I’ve tried to take a bunch of these seams out, so we can use the fabric to make children’s clothes in a bunch of different sizes. I don’t know if they’re boys or girls yet, so you can make dresses or trousers if you like. If they’re girls, I’ll let them pick whichever ones they like,” Arya tells her in a whisper.
She leans over the basket and gently taps Tris’s nose, softly. She knows better than to a wake a moon-old baby.
“You should make him some too, there’s some really nice leather among that all.”
“Milady,” Mollie says, touching the fabrics, “These are far too fine for a child of mine.”
She had realized quickly upon talking to the other woman, that Mollie had no one and her child would be a Storm. She could have told her that some of Arya’s favorite boys had been born bastards, and that the only part of them that should be cursed was the men who left them. But she knew it likely wouldn’t make a difference, and she hoped that this might prove to her that Mollie’s son would be treated no differently by the Lord and Lady of this house.
“They’re far too fine to be sitting in a wardrobe attracting moths too. Neither me nor Lord Baratheon are going to be wearing anything like this. I’m sure Renly wouldn’t want them to go to waste, and I’m too shit with a needle and thread. If I were in your position, my children would probably be running around naked until they could sew their own.”
She fingers the golden lace stitched onto the edges of a red velvet doublet.
“Feel free to tear off any of this frippery though. They’re going to be worn by children after all.”
Mollie finally accepts, and when Arya stands, she feels a cramp and stumbles a bit.
“You okay milady? Mollie asks, looking after her.”
“I’m fine,” she tells her. “If anyone asks, I’m heading to the Godswood.”
She’s been spending more and more time out here as of late, when she needed to get away and collect her thoughts. It was her place, the way Gendry’s was the castle forge. When her skin began to feel stretched and heavy, she would come out here, strip and go for a swim.
This is what she does today, pleased that even though it’s a bit cold, the sky is still only gray and not pouring, yet anyway. She feels another cramp, and winces, before feeling the water take her weight and lets herself relax and try to let it out.
The cramps keep coming and going, and Arya is annoyed;. They’re like the ones that came with her moons blood, but are much sharper. When she starts to go wrinkly, another one hits her.
She dresses and gets up to leave, and another hits, this one stronger, so much so that she stumbles.
Alright, maybe she SHOULD go see Maester Elric before supper.
The maester of Storm’s End is younger than any Arya’s met previously, his formerly golden hair only streaked with gray, worn tied back at his neck. He’s also a bit more sharp tongued than she’s used to, but she prefers that.
When she tells him about the cramps, he places a hand on her stomach, and asks.
“Is the pain constant? Any bleeding?”
“No,” Arya replies, “It comes and goes, but they’ve been happening more-”
Another one hits, and she grimaces and draws herself in. That was the worst one yet. She almost forgot she had legs for a minute.
Elric sighs and rubs his forehead.
“I would ask if you were paying attention to the dates I gave you, but you clearly haven’t.”
Arya sputters.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“When was the last cramp before that?”
Arya thinks.
“Twenty minutes or so ago, after I left the Godswood?”
“My lady,” he tells her, measured. “You’re in labor.”
“Oh,” she says weakly, Elric takes her arm and begins to lead her out of his workshop and towards the Lord’s chambers, “That makes sense. Can someone please fetch my husband?”
Arya’s heard a lot about childbirth, from women of all stations, along with perfunctory lessons from her septa growing up. Part of her feels like she’s prepared, but also knows she’s completely not.
The contractions begun coming more frequently, by the time Gendry turns up. Arya hurts in ways that she’s not sure she even knew she could. Gendry holds her hand, even as she tells him some extremely unkind things.
She groans and pants and cries out, but won’t scream. She’s been stabbed, had run through the streets bleeding and jumped into a canal and tried to swim. She had pulled out stitches multiple times. This may be an entirely different kind of hurt, but it’s going to end in something beautiful, so it’s not worth screaming over. This harbour will not submit to the storm.
After a seeming lifetime, Elric announces that he can see a head, and a minute later, Arya hears a cry.
Elric cleans off the babe, wraps her in a blanket and hands her to Arya. She’s beaming and her heart sings, even as she hears Elric go “that’s one down.”
The second comes a few minutes later, with one strong push ending in a sharper pain. Elric cleans and hands Arya that one as well.
He’s clamping and cutting the cords when he feels the need to say,
“I’d watch out for that one, she tore you on the way out. It’s not bad though, barely a nick, it won’t even need a stitch.”
Arya’s cuddling the both of them, marveling at the tiny noses and ears and their little tufts of black hair, so she only vaguely notes Gendry going pale as a ghost and going “That can happen?” There’s so many things going on downstairs, she’s not sure she would even notice a big tear.
Then he says something about “afterbirth”, and Arya chooses not to think too much about what that means. She’s only got eyes for the girls in her arms, and ignores the odd, squishy feeling that follows, Elric’s hands massaging her abdomen, and whatever it is he’s throwing in the washbasin with the soiled towels and he’s talking about burying.
Gendry’s climbed onto the bed beside her, when Arya’s pulled down the neck of her tunic and Elric’s showing her how to get the babies to latch. It’s a bizarre feeling, but the two of them seem to know what to do, so it’s not bad. Elric nods, and tells them he’ll check in on them all again in a bit.
He pats Arya on the shoulder.
“For all the knowledge they guard at the Citadel, they cannot make life. Only women can do that. I think this is my favorite part of the job.”
And then he leaves them be.
Arya’s exhausted, so when the children stop suckling and yawn, she gives in to Gendry’s grabby hands and lets him take one.
“Have you thought anymore about names? Because I have nothing.”
Arya looks down at the little dark haired creature in her arms.
“My grandmother was Lyarra...how about Lyra?”
Gendry nods,
“That’s a good one. But we need one more.”
Arya bites her lip in thought.
“What about Lysa?” She pronounces it with a long ‘i’, “leesa’.
Gendry makes a face.
“Didn’t you have a mad aunt named Lysa?”
“I didn’t know her. I only have Sansa to go on that she was mad. And besides, her name was pronounced “Lie-sa”. I was thinking like Lys, the free city.”
Lyra’s already back asleep on Arya, but Lysa’s wiggling her little arms at her father above her. Arya’s reaches out to tap her nose.
“I always wanted to see Lys, I wanted to see all the free cities. I loved Braavos, loved the sea and the canals. Loved the smell and the fresh seafood and the boats and all the different people going about their lives in such a bustling place. It was like what King’s Landing could have been, if it didn’t stink so much.”
She pauses a bit, the darkness getting back into her eyes.
“Though I loved Braavos a lot more before I learned a blind girl could get beaten regularly in the streets and no one would do a single thing. I should have known better than to expect that people were better anywhere else.”
Gendry leans over to kiss her on the forehead, to help her chase the darkness away.
“Lyra and Lysa work for me.”
Arya eyes her still awake daughter. Her eyes aren’t quite as blue as her father’s, there are flecks of gray in them, like her own. Storm eyes, Arya thinks to herself.
“We could go see Lys someday,” Gendry tells her, “I’ve never seen any of Essos. Someday, we could go. All of us maybe even.”
Arya smiles as she feels her exhaustion threaten to take her. Maybe they would.
Gendry and Maester Elric both have to practically yell the next day when she wakes and tries to get out of bed immediately.
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