#look kiddo everyone gets bored and has an existential crisis about it!
zombified-queer · 1 year
Listening to Hotelpod 2.7 is very enlightening about what the Hotel is.
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Sanders Swap AU
So, I’ve heard tale of a new AU circulating in this fandom. Basically, it’s an AU where the Sides swap jobs and powers with the other sides.
Here’s my take on who’d get what (this isn’t even a theory, just what I hope happens)
First off, it’s the same characters with the canon-verse history. However, Thomas decides that if they all swapped jobs and powers for a day, they might understand each other more and stop arguing 24/7
This may have been Emile Picani’s idea. I’ll figure it out (the sides need to go to Emile’s therapy sessions).
Janus is Morality
-And he’s having fun with it
-”Why pursuing a false sense of morality is more detrimental than taking a singular self-care day: A 256 Slide Presentation”
-He only starts not liking it when he realizes how much responsibility Pat is really under
-He doesn’t know the answers to everything! He can’t deal with all of these emotions! HE ISN’T READY TO BE A FATHER
-It’s really easy to forget that Patton’s job is also dealing with all of Thomas’s emotions. Patton has practice at repressing everything, but it’s all hitting Jan like a truck
-There will be angst.
-Also now he has to kind of take care of all the light sides, including Virgil. So, more angst!
-Reactions Of The Other Sides
Roman: How Dare You Stand Where He Stood
Virgil: Nope. Nopity nope. NOPE.
Logan: It probably isn’t the mature, logical thing to do to laugh at Janus struggling with the FamILY. But he technically isn’t Logic at the moment, and it is kind of funny.
Of course, when Janus starts really struggling, that all stops.
Remus: Jan has to pretend to be the boring one! This is fun to watch!
Patton: He knows what it must be like for Janus at the moment. Trying to help him.
Patton is Dark Creativity
-Patton’s going through a crisis of conscience at the moment, so turning him into a dark side has Angst Potential
-He’s determined to fail at his job. Unfortunately, he’s quite good at the religious guilt part of Remus’s job.
-I think he’d like conjuring stuff though
-He’d try to conjure kittens, but since Remus’s powers work the way they do he’d conjure the ugliest sphinx cats you’ve ever seen in your life
-But Patton’s allergies are better around hairless cats! So he keeps the cats even after the drama is over and learns to love them
-He has no idea what to do with a morning-star or deodorant. Deodorant tastes like deodorant to him, and he doesn’t get why Remus eats it.
-Is this entire AU an excuse to have Dark Creativity be the one to say, “Language!”? Maybe so.
-Reactions Of The Other Sides: 
Roman + Virgil: They already have complicated feelings about both him and the dark sides. This is just a calzone of weird.
Logan: Not that much has changed, in his opinion.
Remus: The guy who thinks babies come from fucking STORKS is him?? NO.
Janus: So many thoughts and none of them intelligible. More like a long, drawn out scream.
Remus is Logic
-However much of a shitshow you think it’s going to be....it’s worse
-He goes full mad scientist. He eats his glasses. He knows the science of so many things he was curious about.
-He can justify anything with “It’s for science!”
“Why did you release goats into the living room?” “FOR SCIENCE!”
“Why did you draw all of these dorks on the ceiling??” “FOR SCIENCE!”
-Remus is Logic now, baby. And the world will burn.
-Reactions Of The Other Sides: 
Roman: Logan’s cool! Remus most definitely isn’t! He has no right to wear that tie.
Virgil: Terrified? He shouldn’t be in charge of anything!
Logan: Please. Could someone please get him to stop. THAT IS NOT PROPER LAB SAFETY-
Patton: Welp. That’s disturbing. Time to pretend this isn’t happening.
Janus: Entertained beyond belief. 
Logan is Anxiety
-Existential dread o’clock! Ever considered the true size of the universe when compared to you? Logan is the feeling of terror you get when you look at the sky and realize just how little it cares about you.
-Logan is a better Anxiety than Anxiety, because instead of being emo he’s informed (and potentially emo, since the concept of an emo Logan is quite a concept)
-And people listen to him more. He doesn’t even use the demon voice option. People just pay attention to him when he’s like this. God, no wonder Virgil acts the way he does!
-No but emo Logan consider it
-Him having to go back to being Logic after this would certainly do things to his character arc
-He still can never get into Evanescence, though.
-Reactions Of The Other Sides: 
Virgil: Why is he better at his job than the actual Anxiety? Is he even important to Thomas?
Remus: Likes Logan’s new aesthetic very much
Patton: Is happy that Logan seems happy, but knows that they’ll have to change back eventually. Worrying about all of his kiddos, honestly.
Janus: Was the first one to be hit with the Existential Dread. Freaks out.
Roman: Thank the gods that he isn’t the only one who doesn’t want to go back
Virgil is Creativity
-He hates everything about this.
-The imagination is confusing, Thomas’s hopes and dreams are worryingly fragile, and he is constantly suppressing the urge to sing Disney songs.
-The only thing he likes is the sword. The sword is awesome.
-Conjuring feels weird, like sticking your hand in a magician’s hat full of scorpions to do a trick. But he manages to conjure the darkest eye-shadow known to man, so there’s that.
-He wants out of this little experiment ASAP. He may not be the villain any more, but that doesn’t mean he was born to play hero.
Reactions Of The Other Sides:
Roman: Why is he so bad at this?? Thomas is going to need a creativity!
Logan: Worried that he’ll accidentally destroy all of Thomas’s hopes and dreams.
Remus: He prefers this to his insufferable brother, so
Patton: Swords are sharp DON’T STAB PEOPLE
Janus: He could have conjured a million dollars and given it all to his former best friend, but no. He went for the eye-shadow.
Roman is Deceit
-At first, he loathes it with every fiber of his being. Now he can’t even pretend to be a hero?
-But lying is just good storytelling, and he hasn’t been able to spin words like this in ages
-Plus, he gets to sing villain songs for once
-And he does love the shape-shifting. For once, he doesn’t have to be Roman Sanders, and it’s the best thing in the world
-After a while, he hasn’t looked like himself in the mirror for days. It’s much easier to tell you’re not the evil twin when you don’t resemble him at all.
-He isn’t going back.
-Reactions Of The Others: 
Virgil: Oblivious to the danger at hand, but would scream if he knew because he can’t be creativity forever.
Logan: Conflicted as heck. He knows that they both have to go back to their old jobs, but it’s harder to say it with conviction when Roman is encouraging him to stay.
Remus: Ugh. His brother is the one who gets Jan’s job? Typical.
Patton: Roman doesn’t seem okay. Why is everyone in his family not okay
Janus: AfraidTM
Just my thoughts!
Now I have 39 fics to write
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I had gone home that day just completely in a gloom. To start it off, Blake and I had been dating for a couple months now. We met in physics, becoming partners at first, then we started to become friends. Then Blake went to me saying they had a crush on me, and ended up beginning an adorable relationship. Both of us were quite inseparable, and since I had never been in a relationship before, it was nice being with someone just as naïve as myself. That was until it came time that Blake’s mom being apart of the U.S Coast Guard had to move to the West Coast. Not wanting to do a long distance relationship, we both mutually discussed it would just be better to break up. That was today. Once I got home, I went straight to my room with my headphones in even though no music was playing. Ending up not wanting to do anything, I closed my door and just flopped face down on my bed. I didn’t want to cry, didn’t want to listen to music, didn’t want to watch TV, or do homework. I just didn’t want to leave the bed.
Throughout the hours that I just stayed in there, I only moved once so I can breath, and ended up flipping over onto my back. Looking up, thinking about the situation and whether I did the right thing, I also heard in the background the muffled noises of my family’s actions. Peter had earlier knocked on my door, but it was responded with a slow ‘go away’. Peter didn’t push on it after, so I was just left with my thoughts for the next couple of hours. That was at least until I heard another knock now.
“I said go away, Peter.” I said responding to the knock calmly.
“Actually I’m sure I’m not a teenage dork listening onto this conversation as we speak.” I heard my dad say, followed by a quick little nudge, most likely from Peter after what our dad said. Tony’s banter and usually hilarious remarks against serious and boring situations would make me laugh, but all I could do is slightly turn my head to the door.
“I’m not a dork.”
“………….ehh.” Tony said, but I could tell just by the way he said it he was most likely smiling. I turned my head back to the ceiling at that point. After about 20 seconds give it or take, I heard the door open and close. Then I heard footsteps go to the edge of the bed before the whole bed shook as Dad had flopped right on to it, laying next to me.
“Something wrong, kiddo?” Dad asked, looking at me now.
“…*sighs through nose*” Was all I responded with.
“Peter said something about a certain something. Said you ditched the group meeting at school today. Now don’t ever quote me on this because I do not want this on my record, but any reason you didn’t go to mathletes today?” Only action that came from me was my involuntary blinking and breathing. “Is this what’s gonna happen? Just sighs and ceiling gazing today? Because I don’t know if you noticed but Steve is almost home from Whole-Paycheck, meaning he’s pulling up his sleeves for this one. Not that he never does, I mean that quiche last week is still haunting my drea-.” Dad had began to ramble, making me slowly, but noticeably turn my head towards him with a blank stare, wondering what the point of where his conversation was steering off to. He noticed before he could finish his last word.
“Ok. Sorry, moving on.” He said looking right at me trying to read what’s going on. “Unless all you want to do is just stay in here all day.” He said, trying to see if I would react. After not moving, Dad said, “Ok, we can do that.” He finished saying, looking back up at the ceiling with me following. I couldn’t really care much if he stayed, after all this was his way of just trying to care for me so it didn’t seem fair if I all of a sudden got mad at him. We kept looking at the ceiling. Dad stayed quite the entire time he just laid there. He would fidget around, and keep looking around, but he never spoke. First a minute went by like this, then 2, then 4, then 5, and at that point I was getting the idea. He was there ready if I needed to talk. And that made me sad, because I realized I did want to talk.
“Hmm?” Dad hummed looking back at me right away.
“How…” I began to say, but couldn’t come up with the words yet. After all, I don’t know if he even ever had a situation where they both agreed to calling it off.
“How did I become the guy in the relationship that burnt everything gourmet?” He said, making me smile a bit since it means this whole time he was probably, no, most definitely thinking about Pops cooking still. Then I ended up turning my face a bit solemn as I asked:
“How did you deal with a break-up.” I asked, looking at his eyes after I asked. In it, I could see all of the sudden realization hit him like he flew into a brick wall, which did happen once and I just so happened to have been watching the surveillance cams at that moment. He looked up for a little bit trying to think about what he would say now.
“I’m guessing you broke up with Bl….” Dad said, not trying to say Blake’s name.
“Blake’s mom is moving posts. Leaving the upcoming month. We talked about it, and we both didn’t want to do long distance. So we just…stopped it.” I finally explained out loud. I am in fact sad about it, but I don’t feel like crying. After thinking about it, I think it’s because I more of just don’t know what to do now, I don’t know what even to feel. Like I just…don’t know. At the moment.
It was Dad’s turn to start sighing and huffing as he thought about it.
“Well, yes I have in fact dealt with break ups before. Mostly ones where I broke up with the other. Sometimes then I was gloomy. Although there was this one girl, when I was in elementary, that accepted my Valentines day card and broke up with me a week later. That didn’t really hurt me as much, but I was still sad. I think that happens with all of these situations. No matter who broke up with who. It’s not so different from having a friend leave or move.” Dad said. I think he was trying to search for something in his brain to help with my situation. Then his eyes lit up slightly as he thought of something and turned to look at me.
“Remember that friend of yours, Bethany Williams, the one who also moved away? To London?” I recounted the memories of Betty and nodded “You were devastated, ended up going home and crying for hours. You went to school the whole week looking so depressed, honestly it broke mine and Steve’s heart. Usually someone so bright about the situations they were handed looked like they were having their first ever existential crisis. I mean we did what we could to cheer you up because we wanted you to be happy, but it seemed different than simple fears and monsters under the bed.” Dad said. I had shifted my whole body to my side now so I can look at him better as he talked. I had never even thought about it. How much I had missed her and what I was going to miss from her at the time. And how Dad and Pops would stay up with me every night till I fell asleep. “Slowly though, you started to really smile again. You started talking about her less and less, until there was weeks before you didn’t even think about her being gone. Then it was no time at all, you stopped worrying about it.” Tony said, trying to analyze that, hoping it would help.
Dad sat up, turning towards me. “Y/N, look. I’m not going to say that you’re gonna be fine right after today. It depends on how you deal with it to make you feel better. Now that you’re becoming an adult, I understand that a simple lullaby isn’t gonna cure all the boo-boos like before. So if you want to go ahead and stay in here and think, then that’s ok. Okay?” Dad said rubbing my arm, comforting me.
“Okay.” I simply responded, giving a thankful smile. He simply chuckled and got up to leave.
“Call you when dinner’s ready.” Dad said one last thing before leaving, closing the door behind him.
After he left,  feeling a burst of some energy, I sat up and looked at the door. After what he told me, all I could think about was how do make myself feel better. How did I before make myself feel better. It became blatantly clear once he left, because once I was alone again, I started to feel sad again. ‘Maybe that’s it.’ I thought to myself. With that realization, I slid off the bed and took a step outside. Both Dad and Pops were in the kitchen.
“Hi Pops.” I said walking up to them, seating myself on the bar stool in front of the counter connected to the stove.
“Hi Y/N.” Pops said. I looked at one of the counters to see opened up groceries. Dad looked between Pops and me once, before grabbing an apple, and sitting on the seat next to me. Pops gave us a smile before turning around and taking a few steps towards the cupboards took look for something. I didn’t look over at Dad, but call it intuition, but I can tell he knew why I came out here. Especially since he had just told me to do what I needed to feel better, and then I all of a sudden come out to hang out with my fathers. I didn’t want to be alone right now. Dad put his arm around my shoulder to give a side hug which I leaned into, also signaling to me he did know. Before letting go, he went ahead and patted my shoulder before putting his arm on the counter.
“So what are you doing?” I tried to ask to escape the uncomfortable silence that started to slightly grow. With that, I ended up spending the rest of the night just in the kitchen and living room till I went to bed, hoping to wake up tomorrow strengthened enough to wake up early to my homework. I was not going to fail that Calculus test.
Alright guys! Here’s a long one for you. Since I am at the moment coming up with the prompts, it takes longer. But at least I made this long hopefully enough to keep things holding. I think in this, Tony understands that his kid has these ways of dealing with problems, and is just trying to help how he thinks he would wanted to be helped. Sorry if he seems a bit out of character, just know I tried!
Otherwise, have a goodnight everyone!
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