#look maybe theres a lesson in this for me to be honest
firefly-fez · 2 years
hank and john i love u, ur doing amazing sweetie but do u have any idea how hard it is to sound professional and respectable when im emailing charities about the p4a. i am trying so hard to make this sound like a lucrative promitional opportunity and then i have to say ‘worldsuck’ with a straight face. like its a great term and it captures the impossible persistent reality of suffering and injustice like no other but. buddy. it dont exactly have a professional flair. i am trying to establish myself as a humanitarian advocate and honestly nerdfighteria is, like, a genuinely good foundation for that kind of advocacy and volunteerism but it’s a little like i am trying to build on an admittedly very sturdy steel frame that also happens to have a million little smiley face stickers all over it. like. this isn’t technically impeding me but i am concerned im going to raise some eyebrows.
#look maybe theres a lesson in this for me to be honest#after all those years of trying to be the prefect student the perfect girl to set myself up for good things in life#the thing that actually helped me get a leg up in the direction i truly wanted to go#was not in fact the hoity toity private school culture obsessed with reputation and prestige#but a couple of heartfelt and earnest nerds with known to cover their faves in sharpie#it makes sense doesnt it?#i was a sponsor to a girl in poverty and we were penpals and great friends#and i promised myself a long time ago whatever i make of my education would be to benefit kids like her#i want to make good on that promise but i have no idea how#so for a while there i bought into the idea that i should be impressive and successful and have resources and opportunities and good grades#and be their perfect student and all but eventually#eventually i fell from grace by becoming a little more like my friend than my prestige obsessed culture is comfortable with#and i realised i had turned myself into a perfect piece of propaganda for them to wave around as an example of why you should give em money#but at my least successful i was more has more understanding more nuance and more insight into the trials of my friend and ppl like her#i should have realised it would have me branded as a class traitor that i would never learn it from the School of Prestige#i wanted to be a student and you wanted me to be impressive#you cant exploit my intellect for your propaganda anymore i will not use it for you#i will not paint over curiosity or compassion or enthusiasm any more#i am free of you / i will take all the riches you gave me / and betray you by making no profit#but give freely and generously to those you kept out of your golden gates#you thought they werent good enough for you but there is wealth that you will never know in their hearts that you cannot see#because you only think of wealth as someting you can possess#there are riches in this world beyond your pocket; false prophet#i know now that i have sold too much of myself to you#i know now that if i continue in my plight to be good enough i am drawing a line between myself and the disadvantaged#dishonour them to exhalt myself and feed them the lie that human worth is earnt won and proven by feats purposefully impossible for most#my people love to brag about being the ‘land of opportunity’ but leave out the years they spent stealing; cheating; killing; plundering#that made ‘opportunity’ impossible everywhere else#now they have the gall to applaud themselves for success and lie about winning fair and square#gaslighting to forget all the world’s history and they almost had me fooled
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chanbig · 5 months
Also for the character ask game: Chan (I gotta do both) and let’s pick- 7, 8, 12, and 17.🥰
thank you for asking me about him @fawndlyvenus!!! 💗 sorry it took so long ahh
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I like that we all seem to agree that he is a definite badass, very competent, but also steady and calm and loyal. I think, handled differently, he could come across as much more boring or a heartless drill sergeant, which wouldn't be as compelling! I also like the back stories that people give him—how he might have gotten involved in the mafia and why, what his upbringing was like, if he has any family outside of the mafia, etc. There's a lot to kind of fit together that might make him who he is, so I love to see people's different ideas of that! I also like that so many people saw Chan give Big the full body scan and adjust his tie in one ep and were like YEAH lets do this they'd be 🔥 hot🔥 together (and they were right) 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
To be honest I enjoy a lot of interpretations of his character because we get so little in the text! Personally, I don't enjoy reading things where he is especially sadistic or just torturing another character for no reason—ultimately, I think of him as very pragmatic, so going out of his way to be cruel (with no endgame) doesn't fit with that interpretation.
16. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
me suddenly forgetting everything i have ever said about chan ummmm well a fun one that I have is that he is actually very good at chess (he grew up playing), but pretended to be a novice when Korn asked him to play. I think this would be far enough along in his employment that he knows how perceptive and manipulative Korn is, and he wants Korn to underestimate him. He also uses Korn's lessons as a way of better understanding how Korn thinks. A little power game between him and Korn 😎 Theres a moment in the show where Chan smiles behind his hand when he and Korn are playing... i like to think he is smiling to himself at the strategy Korn uses.
He has to make sure to lose, though, so he doesn't give himself away. 🫣
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
me living up to my username when i can't think of another chan ship aghh ummm hmmm OKAY i think changun would be very interesting to explore.
If they were in a romantic relationship, it would be significantly before the show's timeline. I'm thinking almost as a comfort situation after everything that happened with Nampheung (although Chan wouldn't know all the details until much later). It would make more sense that a younger Chan, who is perhaps not yet as in control of his feelings and has less of a grasp on the internal politics of the family, might be drawn in by Gun's charisma. Gun would see a hot guard who is willing to cross the major/minor family line and they would fall into a semi-casual relationship that maybe Chan sees as more serious, up until Gun announces his upcoming marriage. Maybe Gun thought they could continue their relationship even after marriage—but Chan won't see him again, and gives him the implacable bodyguard face whenever Gun visits the main compound. The experience would snap Chan back into his role on the major family side, and remind him to keep tighter control over his actions. Gun would be furious that Chan ended up choosing the major family and seems to be totally unaffected by Gun's presence now.
And then when they meet at their final encounter, Chan will say, "Don't make this a big deal. For me." and Gun will look murderous/smug as he lifts the gun, finally able to take out his anger at this long-buried hurt AND THAT LINE WILL FINALLY MAKE SENSE!
Character Ask Game - ask me!
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asters-tempo · 20 hours
have you forgotten the lessons i taught you
have you forgotten to turn of your heart this is not you
i see you changing form how ive designed you
have you forgotten your purpose
let mw remind you
goddess of wisdom
master of war
my life has one mission
create the greatist warrior
i had a challenge a test of skill
a magic boar only the best could kill
one day a boy came for the thrill
a boy whos mind rivaled the boars own will
lets go
maybe one day he'll follow me
and we'll tmr
then they'll see
i know he'll make a greater tmr
cause he is a warrior of the mind
maybe one day ill reach him
and we can build his skills as i teach him
if theres a problem hell have the answer
he is a warrior of the mind
show yourself
i know your watching me
show yourself
i can see you
how can you see through my spell
haha i was lying and you fell for my bluff
well done enlighten me whats your name
you first and maybe ill do the same
nice try but two can play this game
nah dont be modest
i know your a goddess
so lets be honest
you are athena
baddass in the arena
unmatched witty and queen of
the best strategies we've seen
if your looking for a mentor
ill make sure your times well-spent
sounds like a plan goddess and man bestest of friends
we'll see where it ends
maybe one day they'll follow mr
and we'll a greater tmr
the they'll see ik we'll change the world
cause we are the warriors of the mind
maybe one day we'll reach them and we can build theyre skills as we teach them
if theyres a problem we'll have the answer
we are the warriors of the mind
i still intend to make sure you dont falll behind
dont forget that your a warrior of a bery special kind
you are a warrior of a very special kind
dont disappoint me
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rietveldbrothers · 2 years
the problem w/ SAB s2
i finished the season about 30 minutes ago, so here are some thoughts
Heavy Heavy Heavy Spoilers under the Cut for all 8 episodes of Shadow and Bone season 2 as well as TGT, SOC and KOS duology. 
I’ll be honest. I think if I take my feelings on the source material out of the question, I really enjoyed the season. I know my friend and my sister who haven’t read the books really liked it. So theres that for one. I’ve said a handful of times that I dont mind if they change plot points as long as the bones stay true, and that remains true, the problem is, that they DID change the bones. for TGT:
To be honest, I was really alright with pretty much all of the changes up until the aftermath of the darkling/the folds defeat. Look. I know a lot of people want Alina to keep her powers at the end of TGT, its one of the most common complaints I see, and to be completely transparent, I too thought that when I first read the book when I was much younger than I am now. But I KNOW and I think you do too deep down, that she has to in order for the book to say what it is meaning to say. The entire lesson of the grisha trilogy is that power corrupts. Is that if you go against the laws of nature, if you push the boundaries of what is natural, of that power, that there will be consequences. And we see that to a point in the show right, we see that the darkling faces consequences for his use of merzost, and we see right at the end that Alina’s power has been corrupted presumably by her own use of merzost to bring Mal back. But this doesn’t quite work right. Because the whole point, is that Alina gave up her power knowingly, that she chose it because even though she loved her power, she loved Mal more. And she RECOGNIZED the path that pursing that power was leading her down, and she didn’t want that. So she accepted the consequences willingly, and took Mal and they led a happy peaceful life. so her a) not losing her power, b) sending mal away to be sturmhond (we’ll get there in a minute) and c) staying with Nikolai, just totally goes against what the story Bardugo was trying to tell was.
So WHY did they make these changes? I think so they could have more seasons. So that they could do KOS and include Alina (and Mal). By replacing David(rip)’s role in the triumvirate with Alina, they allow her to be present in the KOS plot. So I suspect (or maybe I just deeply hope) we will see Alina lose her power and fake her death (with Mal) within the area of the plot that should have been held by David. But again, this doesn’t really work right? Because David, being the one to work w/ Nikolai on his inventions is directly impacting the plot, and David’s death, after he and Genya are married, has a different impact both on her and on the audience. and on ZOYA, whos whole Garden scene is much less meaningful if the death she’s just endured is a fake one (presumably in this case Alina). Now I realize they’re probably goign totally off book now, but Nikolai and David’s inventions were integral to that plot, and Zoya’s garden is a big big big part of the BONES of the KOS duology. So… what now. I dont know.
Mal going off to work as Sturmhond just feels lazy in a way. They needed to keep Alina active in the plot for future seasons, and couldn’t rationalize him staying if he wasn’t with her (which is BS but I digress) and it also gives them an easy way to connect the two sides of the story by having Inej on the ship with him.
Which brings me to the THE CROWS
I went into it not expecting much from the crows storyline. I really didn’t. And until the very last moments I was starting to think that they weren’t going to do the jurda parem/ice court saga at all. But they clearly are. So. Here are my overall thoughts:
Not sure what the hells,they’re going to do since they used most of the plot points from CK in this. I mean, the whole takedown of Pekka, and the plague, and even a knock off slat fight and a knock off kanej bathroom scene. I mean really, the two best scenes in the entire GRISHAVERSE and they ruin them like that??? uhg. AND INEJ LEFT!!! Like the ice court heist requires her… and the OG jesper is a fabrikator reveal is so good, and now we have established relationship wesper? and I just dont know how any of that is gonna make any sense at all, and it just seems like they took all the best parts of SOC/CK and just… ruined them. Which, whatever, like I said, I didn’t have super high hopes, but its just they’ve now worked their way through most of the character arcs (particularly for Kaz and Inej) for the crows during that duology so like what now, ya know? I dunno.
Also pretty disappointing to see Inej without her own ship. But, I digress. I thought the whole shadow killing sword side plot was a bit contrived, and unncessary, could have spent that time building up Tamadia better, or dropping more hints about Zoyalai. Or… about a million and one other things.
I thought that by far the best part of the season was Nikolai. He was, far more than anyone else, the most true to his book character and character arc. I thought Paddy did an excellent job. He was the highlight for me 100%.
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irrigos · 1 year
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@juggle-monkey i didnt make any posts about it, just mentioned it in the answer to an ask, where i said it got the dubious honor of being the worst dating sim i ever played
tbh its not like. THAT bad. i thought the art looked nice and the dungeon crawl mechanics were pretty fun. but i was not into ANY of the love interests (i am simply not that into skinny people, and none of them had interesting enough personalities for me to look past the fact that i wasnt immediately attracted to any of them) (i think they added a big guy in an update or maybe dlc, but he wasn't in the game when i played it)
i also didnt enjoy the story, but i was very shocked to finish the game a few days after release, go on twitter to see how other people felt about it, and see them be very mad because they thought the game had too MUCH plot.
(i dont really consider this a spoiler because theres literally a content warning about it at the start of the game, but if you wanted to go into the game knowing absolutely nothing... well idk why you asked for my opinion then!!) the main plot of the game is your player character goes on a date with a guy and then he stalks you. there was a good chunk of Disc Horse about this, because some of the players hadnt known it was coming, and were pretty upset that they were being stalked when they just wanted cozy low stakes dungeon crawls with hotties. there were even people telling this characters voice actor that taking this role reflected badly on him, that he would be comfortable even PRETENDING to be this guy. obviously this was very silly, and none of this was how i felt about the game. to be honest, i just thought it was really boring and kinda dumb! the bad guy is so comically bad from the first moment you meet him that i instantly knew he was the villain, hes literally the only character you cant flirt with (iirc you cant even really be nice to him) so the fact that it turns out he's evil is sooo obvious. and then everyone you know is 1000% on your side and agree hes a creep and he sucks. (which is... not usually how it goes, from my observation!!) and then at the end the villain literally says he needs to go to therapy. i just thought it was sooooo uninteresting and simplistic, like it was a children's cartoon meant to teach the youth important lessons about boundaries.
also the first romance route i did, the guy told me we weren't dating and he just wanted to keep it casual, and i was like "cool sure" and then later he dumped me for falling too in love with him. which was funny because i really felt nothing for him. was fully just using him bc his weapon was fun
anyway i know lots of people did like the game, and i had fun when i was actually playing it. i guess the takeaway here is that, if none of the love interests seem like they would appeal to you, they won't, and if you're wondering if the game will surprise you, it wont do that either
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iloknalem · 1 year
The church bell rang again today
As it always has, the church in front of my apartment rings its bells every Sunday, without fail, at 9.45 am, for 5-7 minutes. Just the perfect duration to make a half boiled egg.
The church. It used to be so overcrowded, they built another church around one kilometre apart at the end of the 19th century. Nowadays, both of them doesn't even do weekly mass anymore. Seems like people would fall out of love for religion after the reality of 2 devastating wars hits in. I cant imagine the hopelessness those people felt, when the rock they stood on was unceremoniously swept away from under their feet.
But this is not a lesson about hopelessness. What caught me pondering was the guy ringing the bell. The church also rings at different hours of any other day, just a short ring, around 30 seconds.
I assume the guy must just be someone appointed by the catholic organisation, or whatever they call it, to maybe do the upkeep of the church and whatnot. Just another cog in the going-down-in-popularity-machine called catholicism. An honest man in the system, just doing his job, a symbolic job of what used to be the cornerstone of peoples life, nowadays only done for formalities. A function, stripped of its significance— shortly said, its useless
Nobody comes anymore to the church, the bell is just a noise polution at this point. The Germans are pretty stingy about noise on Sundays, and yet here they are, ringing their old bells again,
and now i wonder, how does he feel about his job. I used to be someone who thinks that everything needs to have its own purposes, its destiny, its contribution to the society. This job looked pretty useless to me, it lacks any real meaning nor purpose. I thought, if i was the man tasked to ring the bells, i wouldn't be happy with what i do— i wouldn't be content with my life.
The closest comparison might be the legend of Sisyphus. After 2 times eluding his fate to die, he was punished to roll a boulder to the top of the hill, and watch it rolls back down, endlessly. A completely, useless, destiny i must say. And yet here we are, in life, facing the same reality in one way or another.
Some of us maybe are said to have been lucky, to have found "find the meaning of the universe", to maybe work in their dream job, have a dream family, fulfill their destiny for the world.
And yet, i think those kinds of wishful thinking, the "expectations" of a perfect life and their understanding of it, potrayed in social media, in our society, is just a naive way to give purpose in this funny game we play called life. Its just religion 2.0, its there to give comfort, to justify that everything we do have its own meaning in the grand scheme of things, or to simply give that push to wake up in the morning and do our day-to-day duties. A sense of hope, the light at the end of the tunnel, whatever you want to call it. A normalized addiction.
At this point, you might think i would go all nihilistic to say that life is meaningless, and therefore theres no point in justifiying the meaning of what we do. I dont think its like that.
I do think theres a reason on why things are. Reasons, for why stars shine, why water flows, and why the world revolves. Yet, our understanding, or in this case our lack of understanding, underlines the puniness of human nature, how small and insignificant we are. These humbling factors, we need to acknowledge them first to understand, to realize our inability to parse the meaning of life.
Theres still a lot of things that we still dont know, a lot of things we need to sit on, discuss about, and figure out together something other than "42". This, gap, between our teeny tiny minds and the meaning itself, some people call it the absurd— the absurdity of life. Theres still a long way to go, and i dont think were gonna get the answer in our lifetime, at least not mine. Until i die, i wouldnt get the answer of why my coffee spilled this morning, or why i needed to get through a lot of hardships, too much so that it seems comical, that i think someone is voodooing me. I mean, i know why i spilled my coffee, thats because i tripped on my table, but i will never know the reasoning behind it, in the grand scheme of things.
To try to find the meaning of everything is to embark on an endless journey that often leads to more confusion than clarity, It is futile. It's more liberating to accept that some things might remain enigmatic, allowing us to appreciate life's mysteries without being weighed down by the relentless pursuit of meaning.
There are a lot of solutions for this "problem" we have, which is our nature to seek reasoning, and the overbearing non definitive meaning of life. Some seek to find their own meaning for themselves, some threw all reasons and morals out of the window. Some find comfort in accepting their insignificance and prefer to not live at all. None of them are wrong i must say.
For me, I think that I must try to confront the absurd, to not give in to the situations and conditions we are given, as we are free to do what we want, to be where we want to be, as long as you want to challenge life itself. This part, im still figuring out on what to say about it, its still a journey for me.
One must imagine that sisyphus is happy, that he's content with what he does fully knowing that what hes doing is absurd, for the struggle itself is enough to fill one man's heart. One must not question the reason, and just embrace the happy things in life, the lofty goals we make, the stupid obstacles we find, the sorrows we endure, to laugh, to learn, to love, and therefore to live. Life is absurd, and thats okay.
And therefore i conclude that the bell guy has a chance, and might have found happiness too in doing what he does. I hope he does.
To not be a slave of destiny is the way to live, and thats how i want my attitude on life to be. Its going to be my own adventure on challenging the absurd, and im going to define how it will be as much as i can. Obstacles are going to come and go, and theres no deeper meaning in it other than to learn from it and to embrace it —to embrace the absurd.
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r4in-nsfw · 2 years
can you do a smut fic with karl where afab!reader is teasing him when he’s on vc with dteam + punz + foolish and he decides to fuck her on his desk while all the boys are watching? can it involve choking and praise please? i suck at asks sorry :/
of course holy shit this is hot tho
warnings: Choking, praise, nicknames (pretty girl, doll, good girl, love), unprotected sex.
To be totally honest, you kinda hated when Karl spent time with his friends, well thats not entirely true, you loved seeing the smile on Karls face when you guys hung out with them. they were your friends too after all, so of course you didn't actually hate when he talked to them. but it was the ignoring you all day part that bugged you. on certain days, Karl would barely look at you, spend all day cooped up in his room, playing games, streaming or just on call with his friends. you'd always try to get his attention, asking if he wanted to watch a movie with you, bringing him lunch, which really either earned you a No thanks or Maybe later which just angered you more. it was one of those days, and at this point, you were getting fed up, he had been doing this all week. and tonight was the night you'd crack. it was pretty late, you had just finished cooking dinner, which Karl unsurprisingly didn't attend. you sighed, finishing up the dishes and planning what you were gonna do next. you knocked on Karls door, entering when you heard the come in. you walked in, taking in him on a call with Dream, Sapnap, George, Punz, And Foolish. 'Oh hey y/n!' Sapnap smiled warmly, letting you know Karls cam was on. making you smile back instantly. out of all the boys, you got along with Sapnap the best. He just had this open personality that you just felt like you could tell him anything, he was like your other safe space when Karl was busy. Suddenly you had an idea, a way to make Karl pay attention to you, make him go crazy. 'hey guys, don't mind me, just missing Karl' you said, in the sweetest voice you could muster. you pulled up a chair, settling down next to Karl. 'you look lovely tonight y/n, whats the special occasion' George giggled, making the boys all smile. to be fair 'well, I had prepared dinner for Me an Karl, i had cooked steak and i had set up a movie for us to watch too, but it seems Karl was too busy for that.' you smirked, looking down at your little get up, nothing to fancy, just a little sundress you had bought recently. you could feel all of their eyes burning onto you, letting you know ur little plan was working. 'yeah no Karl's been a bit busy, y'know, editing videos he didn't even make, doing streams he isn't streaming, being a bit to busy to hang out with me, but its fine, i get it, he needs his guy time' you looked at him, giving him a sly smirk. you saw him grit his teeth, swallowing once before he looked back at the boys on the screen. 'oh shit, that sucks im sorry y/n, seems like Karl isn't being a good boyfriend now is he?' Punz laughed, making you shake your head and smile. 'no no, he is, he just forgets even has a girlfriend' you smile at the screen. 'damn this is awkward. Karl why don't u teach her a lesson for embarrassing you in front of your friends' Dream joked, not at all expecting the next thing Karl said. 'maybe I will. stand up' Karl said, not breaking eye contact with you. you stopped dead in your tracks, standing up quickly. 'theres a good girl' Karl coed, bending you over his desk. your face flushed pink, humiliated that the boys were watching this 'wait your actually gonna punish her? bet' Foolish chuckled, watching the screen very intently. Karl pulled up your dress. exposing your bare ass. 'not wearing underwear are we pretty girl?' Karl chuckled, rubbing your ass gently before going to your clit. you whined shaking your head as Karl's fingers went to work, rubbing slow circles on your sensitive bud. 'aww y/n you look so pretty like this, love' George coed, making you blush heavily. All the boys giving you their attention was heaven. Karls fingers swiped up your juices before swiftly pushing a finger in, working it in and out of you quickly, you bit your lip, holding back a moan. 'oh cmon darling, we wanna hear your pretty noises' sap coed, making you let out a small whine. Karl pulled down his pants and boxers, giving himself a few pumps before lining himself up with you and sliding in.
'you like this huh? letting the boys watch as i fuck your pretty little hole yeah? such a pretty girl, doing such a good job for us' Karl said, starting to thrust into you slowly. 'such a pretty girl y/n' you heard Punz grunt, there were pauses in his words, making you wonder if the boys were touching themselves, no doubt they were. Karl's hand reach for the back of your neck, wrapping his hand around the tender flesh of your skin, making your eyes flutter and a moan fall from your lips. Karl's hips began snapping against you faster now, making your mouth fall open, loud moans and pleads fell from you. Karl always knew exactly how to drive you mad, knew all your weaknesses. and he always knew how to use it against you. he knew his and the boys words would absolutely ruin you 'Doing so good, taking my cock so well darling' Karl coed, hand wrapping tighter now, making your breath hitch. 'so pretty on display for us doll' Dream moaned out, watching as you turned into a fucked out mess from Karls cock. 'f-fffuck please Karl- m'gonna cum' you whined, 'sorry boys, only i get to see this pretty girl cum' Karl stopped his thrusts for a second making you cry out. feeling you inch closer and closer to your orgasm each second. 'thats it doll, cum for me' Karls hand moved from your throat. gripping your hips as his thrusts started to get more desperate. all you could hear was skin slapping, moans and whines coming from all the boys, watching you in this state drove them mad. you moaned loudly, cumming around Karls cock, trying to clench around him to help him cum too. he groaned loudly, burying his cum inside you. your head dropped, your cheek pressed against the table as you fell into a state of pure bliss. everyone else was drowned out, probably because Karl had already left the call, but also because all that mattered right now was you and Karl. he picked you up, carrying you to your guy's bed, grabbing a wet washcloth and wiping you off. 'my pretty girl, did so well for me doll' you smiled dopeily, falling asleep in the arms of the man you loved
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chaotic-imagines · 3 years
How do you think maxxor or chaor would react if a human was able to defeat intress or takinom is close quarters combate. No battle gear or mugic.
only hands and legs and human fighting styles.
Okay so this question seems kinda weird cause I feel like were missing the fact that Intresss and Takinom would have a lot to say. Like, homie, they’re the ones losing the fight! So I’m gonna do four perspectives instead of two.
(Y/N) A human defeated me/my second in command! What the fuck?
Assuming this wouldn’t be a battle or anything, Intress and you (human) would probably be sparing. Maybe You’d made comment about how a Creature and a Human could go head to head without powers, maybe it was mild curosity. Point being, someone said to put your money where your mouth is, and set up a match.
Of course, Intress only goes slightly easy on you at first. You’re a human! But seeing as you’re able to keep up and land some actually jabs, she starts to match your intensity with her own. Pretty soon, you both manage to get into a groove, even getting worn down, but neith surrendering.
She’s stronger, but you manage to capture her arm as she aims a throw and send her out of bounds. She catches herself from getting slammed to the ground, Cat like reflexes, but she’s impressed none the less.
Totally asks you on how you did certin technics, and would even show you some Perim fighting styles. Enemies come in all shapes and sizes here, not everything works as it would on her.
Same boat, he was more curious then anything. If he was being honest, he knows Intress is better at hand to hand then he is. So when the match began he took a break from his training to see the results.
In all honesty, he was a little surprised at how some human techiques seemed to work well. Most Players he saw running around only ported out, with the exception of Tom and his group.
Reguardless he’s even more surprised that you pull through the winner, but it’s all in good fun and Intress seems to already swaping tips and tricks with you. Later on, he might try to spare with her, trying to implement some moves he saw you pulled. The Overworld lord was mildly impressed!
It’s a little different for the Underworlders. Maybe you found yourselves at a disagreement. Maybe you said something a little to boldly and crudely to Takinom. Reguardless, you find yourself dragged out of Chaors throne room to the castle court yard.
Takinom’s very much in the mind of teaching you a lesson? But after you managed to talk her down feom powers into a one on one fight, she’s intrigued. Seeing what a human could actually be capiable of? Well, sure, it’d give her a better understanding of what players like you and Kaz were really able to do.
Of course, she tries to make quick work of you, but you’re actually quicker then she thinks. In a matter of moments you actually manage to push her out of the sparring parameters, but the fight doesn’t stop. Soon, you’re both rushing through the courtyard, trading blows as various other Underworlders watch in excitment and anticipation. Finally, however, you manage to land a blow that does require her to use her wings to keep herself from falling.
Of course she’s miffed, but theres also a spark of pride that you, a simple human, could keep up with a top teir Underworlder general. You are quickly roped into weekly sparring matches and Takinom makes you her little project, learning from you as you do her.
You think you’re gonna get through the castle and not have Chaor see you two sparing?! Bull. He’s actively checking in every now and then while dealing with boring ruler shit. Stuck in the war room twlking about an Overworlder raid? Oh hey look their’s you and Takinom outside the tent. Having to walk to the dungeons to deal with some punks? Oh wow they’re still going at it.
Theres even a few times he yells at Takinom to finish you off, but it’s almost clear that he doesn’t mean it.
He is surprised that, since he misses the ending, he has to hear from Takinom how you bested her.
Next time your in the castle, he offers a quick spar, no witnesses. Obviously he doesn’t go easy on you, and your pinned. But he does comment that he had to see if you’d be worthy to take on as a general. You’re not…yet.
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sickassastrology · 3 years
Who’s crushin on ya!? 😏🥰😍 This is a general pick a pile reading for the collective and your person. It may not resonate for all, so just take what sticks. Feel free to pick just one pile or take a look at them all. but please....be honest with your story. remember that timing is fluid and free will is something we all have. This could have already happened, your going through it, or will happen. Follow your heart always. -E 🌻💙
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PILE 1 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
So pile 1 your person is STUCK on you. This is someone from your past crushin on you. They just cant seem to get you out of their head-its literally making them sick. It’s like they have tried everything to distract themselves. But at the end of the day they are just worried sick, and have to speak whats on their mind. I see two 8s here so that number could be important to you or the connection. This person will be reaching out to you. this person lost you. You walked away from them and continued on with your life. And now that you left them, they are in a state of grief that you aren’t with them anymore. Ohhhhh, I see why you did....they were low vibes, huh? Had additions and didn’t want to come out of them either. Just stuck to their ball and chain. You gave A LOT to this connection. so much so that you were getting drained. I’m seeing a heart monitor, so it was like you were pumping love to this person on life support. And they were taking it. And it helped them, but they didn’t give it back because they didn’t have it. So-you had to leave. im getting that you had NOTHING left. Like even if you tried or wanted to give or have more for this person. they sucked you dry. And this hurt you. I am getting a betrayal energy from this person. They are stalking you too. If you moved on, they are looking at the new person around too. i heard the song “what we could have been“ by H.E.R. I see a guy driving around in his car at night listening to music smoking. So this person is dead in their feelings about you. They are reminiscing a lot about you. Don’t move too fast pile 1 because they are coming back. This person has done some work on themselves while they have been away too. They have been listening to spirit more. You were a divine light to them. you were placed in this persons path to help them with their addictions, help them be a better person. But nope they wanted to stay in the low vibes. like I always say, “and empress will never stay where she isn’t wanted. She will leave-BUT she will always be wanted back. She will always be needed. And this person, pile 1 needs you. i just heard I can’t live without you. So look out because they are coming around the mountain. Good luck. 😉
PILE 2 🧿🧿🧿
Hi pile 2. Right off....this person wants to come back to you. But right now is a bad time. This person had a third party in the past and because of it, you cut them off. I don’t get the sense that this was a super long relationship. More of the beginning stages of developing into one. But this person was playing the field still. And you were having none of it. Youve been through enough. So you told them like it was, and if they try to come back again. You’ll tell them....again!! 😂 because you stood your ground, they view you as somebody different. I get that this person is used to getting over on people. But not with you so when you turned them away and cut them off. It forced them to make decision. and now their other options, I’m getting multiple people involved. They are done with them now. They have chosen you, and they are looking to come back. But boy oh boy they do have a ways to get there. This person could be at distance from you. I’m getting across water or state so they may travel to get there to you. but they have got to come correct because you are not playing! I get the sense of your not coming off of your throne-you just won’t do it. This group is no nonsense I mean honestly. 😩 your ready. You know your worth, and you are worthy of something good. You will not settle, nooooo not this time. Because youve already been through this. your heart can’t be played with anymore. This person is sad without you. They thought the other options would be better than you. Like oh “ill just go in my back pocket and choose from these”. But none were like you, so because of that....they feel STUPID. they feel so dumb, so sad that when they do come back. they won’t be able to even get a word in because you won’t hear them out. The “others“ are still coming for your person. Talk to them, be with them. But your person is just like no, I dont Want to be bothered, I want my bae back. But hey.....you may or may not be there when they decide to come. like they call you and if you answer then okay but if not, oh well. 😂 this person regrets what they've done. So dumb, so silly. To think....the other options were going to fulfill them. But they were sadly mistaken. pity boy, pity gal. 🥲 this person had options out the buttttt. They were playa playa from the Himalayas. this Person tried to play you, get over on you. And you found out. And said no not me, you WILL NOT do this to me. And they never had anyone do that to them. pile 2 I’m seeing you already know what it feels like to be not considered in a high regard. and You won’t do it again! Like if they want the others...go BYE! and now this person is feeling like they sabotaged this with you. They were living their ego. Somebody who has multiple options like that needs their ego to be fed. Like if the main person they want doesn’t work out or something happens they have backups. They can just go to someone else. Now this person feels like they aren’t enough for YOU! They now lack confidence, they are the jealous ones. They self-sabotaged. So yeah this person will come back with time, but your address may have changed by that time. *I just want to say I’m very proud of this group. A lot of lessons and growth!* best of luck! 😁
PILE 3 🌸🌸🌸
alrighty pile 3, welcome! So this read will be more intuitive. Ironically enough, this group pulled three cards. So let’s get into it!.....*moment of silence because the energy is rather intense here*. I heard the song “baby come back” by player. I’m feeling this group has moved on from their person tbh. Like it’s just too little, too late for this person. This was somebody you walked away from. There was A LOTTT of love here. but also secrets and fears in this connection. With this person, your energy is coming up as “how could you do this to me-ME. Not in an egotistical way, but because you trusted and loved this person. And they loved you too. So when they did whatever they did to hurt or betray you, it was like how could you. 😩 I’m feeling like you weren’t even mad about it, more disappointed than anything. So after, you started just doing your own thing. Not really concerned with anything or anyone else. Just working on yourself. A reinvention. I’m seeing healthy eating or changing the color of your hair. Wearing sexy clothes (just for yourself) everything you started to do was about self love. And just when you started to move on or found someone new.....HERE THEY COME. like oh wait for me! i gotta be honest with y’all. I don’t feel like this person really cheated on you. I’m getting that maybe you thought they were doing you wrong but they weren’t. or a really bad agruement took place and something was said or done that was very distasteful and you felt betrayed by it. But I’m not getting strong cheating energy. You really thought it was something and it wasn’t and this person tried to explain and it went from there. (Downhill that is) there is so much sadness here. You really though this was going to work out and it didn’t. There has been some time that has passed here. This person didn’t know how to come back. no idea on what to say or do about the situation. But they daydream about it 24/7. They think about being intimate again and how it was like with you (if y’all were). this person wants to play something romantic. I’m seeing a dinner with candles a few drinks. Trying to take it back to the good times. But it took too long for this person. and now this person sees you with someone new And they can’t help but wonder...what if I would have gotten back in time. What if things would have worked out? This person does want to come back without a doubt! But will they? I’m not too sure, because it looks like you have someone else now. *PLOT TWIST*!!!! Pile 3 let me ask you this, do you love this new person like your old flame? I think NOT. You like this new person and everything, but your heart is with the person you broke up with. The new person is diggin you and likes you a lot. But there’s something thats just not hittin the same anymore. And your old person didn’t forget about you either. *i pulled extra cards for this group because I’m really feeling like this just may come back together. I’m getting that vibe heavy. For the outcome. I don’t see y’all coming back together ASAP because theres a decision that needs to be made and you don’t want to choose .your just kinda there. This connection right here is a divine pair. With the lovers and emperor here. But there’s still work that needs to be done by both parties and a conclusion by you. So you will be separated until then. I’m telling y’all...if you choose this person. Do not be surprised if this person gives you a ring. This person may right music or be into the arts. They may give you a gift that comes from their heart. a song. I heard melody. they could play an instrument or that was something you two had In common. The thought you of keeps this person sane while you aren’t with them. The thought of being with you again keeps them together. Like when they a bad day or something. Because you aren’t there physically, them daydreaming keeps them motivated. Pile 3, intuitively I gotta say it. I know y’all gotta make a decision and everything but this is going to work out. Idk when because time is fluid but it’s going to come back together. I’m telling y’all
now. its Going to take patience but in time it will. This connection is strong, y’all love each other too much. This person loves you. And they want to restore this! Like I said, this new person...your not fooling me! Yeah you like them, but that heart of yours didnt go anywhere. I’m going to say for this pile, your going to have to make the first moves because they feel like your done with them. They feel like there’s nothing they can do or say to get you back. WOW, you all have to let me know how this plays out because it will work out! I almost want to cry. can I get an invite to the wedding with a +1 please!?
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thomasthetankengine · 3 years
MGAU - Rosie’s Element
Characters: Rosie, Daisy, Nia, Mavis, Rebecca, Emily, Thomas (Minor), Henry (Mention), Sir Topham Hatt (Mention)
take some LORE! theres more to the magical girl squad than just weapons :0000 
Rosie and Daisy were sitting together in Daisy’s garden, watching the frogs hop past and the stream babble along and the leaves sway in the breeze. Everything was a magnificent green; flowers offered splashes of color and illuminated the bright landscape. 
“Something you get with being a magical girl,” said Daisy, “is powers.”
“What kind of powers?” asked Rosie.
“Oh, y’know, powers.” Daisy laughed at her lack of explanation. “But for real, you find your element and that element enhances your physical abilities. Ever wonder how Emily can do all those flips and jumps without breaking a sweat?”
Rosie nodded. 
“Her element is Wind. Air’s manipulated to give her boosts when moving.” Daisy plucked a flower from a nearby bush, cradling it in her hands. “Mine is Life. It’s honestly the only reason this garden isn’t dead yet.”
Rosie laughed too, leaning over to look at the flower. “What can you do with your element? Besides, well, gardening.” 
“Good question, mon amie.” Daisy poked Rosie’s nose playfully as she spoke. “And the answer is, you never know. Magic manifests itself in mysterious, fickle, uncontrollable ways.”
“What does that even mean?” Rosie asked. 
“Well...hm…” Daisy thought for a moment as she began to think her answer through. “Magic decides what it wants, when it wants, and how it wants. It’s just hard to control and will act on its own.” 
“Oh.” Rosie was quiet for a few moments. “That sounds difficult.” 
“Oui, it’s frustrating at first, but you get used to it. You adapt.” Daisy removed the petal from the flower, and another one grew in its place only seconds after. “You just have to think how your magic thinks.”
“...magic thinks?” 
“For lack of better words,” said Daisy. “It chooses what it wants to do, rather than you. I’m not sure why, but Nia said she’s been studying it.” She paused, then gave Rosie another boop on the nose with a smile. “Something tells me you haven’t figured out what your element is.”
Rosie smiled back at her. “How so?”
“You’d know at least some of this, then.”
“Alright, alright, you got me,” Rosie said with a laugh. “How do I figure out my element though?”
Daisy put her hand to her chin in thought. “I found out mine through meditation. Why don’t we try that?” 
Rosie nodded and crossed her legs and shut her eyes. Five minutes passed. Then ten. Twenty. Twenty-five. Thirty. Rosie concentrated long and hard on finding her element--or, her element finding her--but didn’t have much luck.
“I don’t think this is working,” Rosie said, finally.
Daisy shrugged. “Why don’t you ask Nia then? She’s been researching magic.”
Rosie nodded and stood up. She bid farewell to her friend and went on her way to find Nia. 
“Yeah, and then she told me to ask you, since you’ve been looking into magic,” said Rosie to Nia. Nia was hard at work repainting her engine, while Rosie sat upon the loosely constructed fence. “So...what is your element?”
“Fire,” Nia answered. She kept her focus on her work, choosing not to demonstrate her power. 
“I thought you had Wind too. Since, like, you and Emily both were good at all those acrobatics,” said Rosie.
Nia perked up. She loved explaining this aspect of her ability. “Well, it all begins with how hot air is less dense than cold air, causing it to rise. I heat the air to give me a boost! Well, my magic does, hehe.”
“Makes sense, makes sense.” Rosie nodded. She did not understand at all. “So...you and magic are separate, yes? How does that work?”
“Think of magic like...a dog. It’s its own being, y’know? But you can teach dogs tricks, like how you can teach magic to help you,” Nia explained. 
“Oh, that sounds easy!” Rosie smiled. 
“Mhm, it’s pretty quick to get the hang of. Our powers are granted by Lady, so, y’know, they like to do good things.” Nia turned around. Her overalls were stained with orange paint, but she didn’t mind. “What’s your element, then?”
“I’m...not sure, actually.” Rosie rubbed the back of her head. “That meditation session with Daisy didn’t really tell me anything, hehe.” 
Nia put her hands on her hips and thought for a moment. “Maybe you were forcing it. Magic is fickle.” 
“So, how would you recommend I find my element?” Rosie asked. 
“I found my element while working. I was having trouble getting my engine’s fire started, and boom, there it was,” said Nia. “So, maybe you’ll find yours when working on the railway. After all, Lady is a goddess of the railroad…”
“You’re right,” Rosie said, and she bid her friend farewell in order to get ready for her next shift and continued on her quest to discover her element and master her magic. 
The next day, Rosie worked long and hard on the railway. She shunted trucks and passenger cars. She brought empty trucks to the Ffarquhar Quarry, where she stopped to have a chat with Mavis while she had spare time. 
“Element?” Mavis raised an eyebrow as she took a sip of her cola. “Yeah, that came pretty easy to me, I guess. But I wasn’t working when it happened, nah.” 
“So...how did you find it?” Rosie asked. 
Mavis hummed to herself as she thought. “Well, I was arguing with my brother, and uh, well, the ground started shaking. Guess I got so pissed my magic took note.” 
Rosie blinked. 
“Yeah, it was weird.” Mavis then laughed. “I had to lie and say Sodor is on a faultline so that’s why it happened.”
Rosie laughed too, but she wasn’t quite sure why it was funny. “If I get really mad, maybe I’ll find my element,” she said.
Mavis shrugged. “Try me. Get pissed.” 
Rosie scrunched up her fists and face and thought very angry thoughts. She thought about the magical beasts threatening life on Sodor. She thought about Ska and how her physical form was taken from her. She thought about how Sir Topham Hatt was a capitalist. Her thoughts were very angry. 
Mavis laughed. “Sorry, sorry, you look like you’re taking a shit.”
Rosie stopped and laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Mavis was right. 
“Hm, maybe you should try asking Rebecca,” Mavis suggested. “She found her element in the middle of a fight with my dad.” 
“Yeah! Big guy came home telling me how cool it looked,” Mavis said.
And once their break was over, Rosie entered the driver’s cab of her engine and went on the search for Rebecca. 
Rosie met with Rebecca at the end of the work day back at Tidmouth Sheds. The sun was setting over the sheds, reflecting off the murky brown pond water nearby. 
“Roro!” Rebecca smiled and greeted Rosie with a hug. “Do you need something?”
Rebecca hugged too tight, causing Rosie to let out a quiet squeak. Nonetheless, she hugged back. “I’m trying to find my element, and Mavis said you might be able to help.”
“Oh, really?” Rebecca let go and tilted her head to the side. “I don’t think I’ll be of much help with this.”
“C’mon, every little bit helps!” Rosie took Rebecca by the shoulders and playfully shook her back and forth. 
“Alright, alright-!” Rebecca put her hands over Rosie’s to stop her from continuing to shake her. 
Rosie stopped and listened to Rebecca’s story. 
“Alright, so I was in a fight with Dayton, yeah?” Rebecca leaned back against the wall of the sheds. “By the beach. And he retreated into the water since, oh, let’s be honest, Daisy would’ve killed me if I got my dress wet.”
“Hehe, she would’ve.”
Rebecca kept speaking. “That was when my magic kicked in. The sea split, and Dayton was so in shock I could just walk up and whack him!” 
“It was that easy?” Rosie asked.
Rebecca nodded.
“Can we try?” Rosie added. 
“I think I’ll kick your ass,” said Rebecca, “But I don’t mind a spar.”
That was when Thomas, their coworker, walked by. “A spar?” he asked. 
“I’ve been taking fencing lessons,” Rebecca lied. “I was going to show Roro a thing or two about the basics.”
“Woah! That sounds sick!” Thomas said. “Can I watch too?”
Rebecca could only laugh and nod, though she really didn’t know much about fencing. She only knew the swordplay Nia had shown her, and she hadn’t practiced that at all. Nonetheless, she tried her best, and her best was enough to convince Thomas that she knew how to fence.
The sun then set over Tidmouth Sheds, and Rosie and Rebecca each returned to their own home to rest the night and begin tomorrow’s day. 
On her way to work the next morning, Rosie stopped to chat with Emily. Emily lived down the lane, in a neat little apartment, and over tea they spoke. Emily brewed better tea than Henry, Rosie noted. Both brewed bitter teas, but Henry’s always had a salty taste. 
“So you’re looking for your element,” Emily said with a sip of her tea. No sugar, no milk, just pure black. “I think I was the first to find mine.” 
“And how did you find it?” Rosie asked.
“Hmm…” Emily paused for a moment in thought. “I sneezed. Silly, I know, but that was when I first noticed it showed up.” 
“That’s weird. So, it was just random?”
“Yeah, pretty much. Sneezed, then accidentally made a small tornado,” Emily explained. “If you’re looking for your magic, I suggest you take it slowly. You can’t really force it.” 
“I know…” Rosie sighed. “It’s just, it all sounds so cool, y’know? Nia’s fire, your wind, Rebecca’s water, Daisy’s life, Mavis’ earth...I just am pumped to see what I wound up with.”
“And you’ll find out soon, don’t you worry. It’ll come with time,” said Emily. She gave Rosie a pat on the shoulder. 
“Waiting is boring.” 
Emily laughed. “I’m sure it is. Why don’t we go cause some confusion and delay to take your mind off of it?”
Rosie could only laugh too, and she nodded. 
That day at work, Rosie shunted slower than usual and mixed up the order of Henry’s passenger cars and trucks. Henry and Emily thought it was very funny, but Sir Topham Hatt was cross. However, Rosie was in the union, so there was nothing Sir Topham Hatt could do about her minor mixups on the rails. 
That evening, Rosie curled up in her bed after turning off the room light. She had enjoyed the past few days. She got a joke fencing lesson from Rebecca, had a meditation session with Daisy, learned about magic and elements with Nia, shared drinks and jokes with Mavis, and had fun causing confusion and delay with Emily. She didn’t know her element, but she was happy. 
She turned over in bed to turn on the lamp on her bedstand. Perhaps she’d finish reading that book Henry loaned her that night. However, just before her hand hit the switch, the lamp turned on. 
This was her magic. Electricity. With an excited grin, she picked up the book and began to read, illuminated not by the work of a power station but her own power. 
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heyjude19-writing · 4 years
Same anon as before: I also cannot thank you enough for incorporating the following on your story
1)Hermiones feminism, strength and stubbornness and not letting Draco off easily. Alot of writers do this they think they dont but they do. Not you. The way you sent us on a journey of redemption with him was just spectacular and so honest and true. Alot of writers make the (maybe not, maybe is on purpose) mistake that Draco says a sorry or two and then Hermione just kinda molds herself to fit with him. She loses alot of what makes her Hermione in these fanfics. But you captured it so perfectly. You tailored (redeemed) Draco to fit Hermiones kindness, love and strength and not the opposite.
3)no Ron hate no Astoria hate. Thank you.
4) Narcissa is still a snob. I always thought that for a woman her age it would be almost impossible to change such deep rooted values. She would make an effort albeit very small and quite late but you incorporated that very honestly.
5) Everything was expected of characters the way you wrote. So many fanfics have given me trauma because out of the blue Draco is madly in live and willing to change everything for Hermione. Not this one. I expected your Draco to grow and I expected him to do whatever he did. By that I mean that the changes on Dracos character were so subtle and slow that everything he did in the story felt in character and exactly like something he would do. That being said It was of course a delight to read through the story nonetheless
6) im in love with your Ginny. Genuinely laughed at my phone like a moron more than I could count on her scenes. I could read a whole 30+ chapters just on the interactions between Ginny and Malfoy alone. Deadass he needed a crass little sister and im so glad you gave him one
And many more. But I just want to conclude and say that with almost every fanfic I read theres a small fear that goes with the ‘Next Chapter’ click because that next chapter might contain an unsavoury/ooc scene (to my opinion ofc). My faith in you after the fifth chapter didnt falter but just kept growing and growing. You freed me of that anxiety and It was just so lovely going on this story that you wrote and shared.
Wish you all the best!
Dear same anon,
You are too freaking kind. Also I love lists.
It was important to me for this story in particular, that the reader (and by extension, Hermione) sees Draco put in the work. And I wanted them to earn each other because I've always felt Hermione would thrive in a relationship built on mutual support/intellectual stimulation. But he has to prove he's capable of that first. It's a dynamic I look for as a fic reader myself, so hit me up for recs, if you want.
I have a lot of love for Ron, even if I don't ship him with Hermione. And Astoria was fun to craft as well, since she's such a blank slate.
Narcissa fascinates me because her canon actions can be interpreted so many ways. One constant for her characterization for me would be her love for her son, but whether that love can help her overcome her ingrained prejudices is always interesting to explore.
Lol, it's fine to call Draco's change slow, this is a very long story and he's a very emotionally repressed thing that missed some key life lessons in vulnerability and healthy coping mechanisms. I'm glad his character felt true to you!
Thank you for your Ginny appreciation! I wanted to give that girl's sass its due. We only got such brief glimpses in the books.
Thank you once more anon, your lovely asks were a joy to read ❤❤❤
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ice-emperor-zane · 4 years
*inhales* Yellow cyan violet black gray claret penny ash jade pecan wine cherry ginger rust honey frost coconut fulvous mauve erin
Sorry not sorry I’m a curious simp
Oki, wow, this is a lot, aight lets do this lmao :)
Yellow: Name of an artist you think is underappreciated
oh god idk, hmm, @bigeloo? Idk im in a ninjago discord with them and sometimes they send their art there and its really cool
Cyan: Are you Religious? Spiritual?
I was raised Catholic but im now Agnostic (meaning I don’t know if theres a God or any Gods and im not gonna pretend to know)
Violet: Are you a part of the Lgbt+ community?
Yup :) Im nonbinary, im asexual, and i might be panromantic, or demiromamtic, im not sure, still questioning on that part tbh
Black: Would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan?
Im currently vegetarian, tho I dont care if yall eat meat or whatever, im lucky to be in a situation where I can be vegetarian and I completely understand that some ppl can’t or just don’t want to, besides, theres way bigger problems on this earth right now than wether people eat meat or not. I doubt i’ll ever go vegan, because cheese and chocolate is very tasty, but maybe someday when the vegan substitutes for those things improve, then maybe I might :)
Gray: How many Languages Do you speak? Do you want to learn more?
Mostly English, and very minimal French and Spanish from school. I’ve tried to learn Japanese before too from like duolingo, so i know a little bit of that, and I made myself memorise how to say ‘sorry, I don’t speak much of [insert language], do you speak English?’ in a few languages for if I ever end up traveling there before learning to speak the language. But im only really like fluent in English lol
Claret: Do you play an instrument? do you want to learn to play any?
I did piano lessons for about a year until quarantine and I’ve learnt a few songs from those youtube tutorials, but other than that I dont know any. It would be cool to do singing lessons, because unfortunately I am a little bit of a theatre kid and would love to randomly start singing ‘Michael in the bathroom’ from Be More Chill
Penny: Icecream or cake?
Both are poggers, probably icecream, but oh my fsm, my Mom makes the best cakes ever, she could do it professionally, they are so nice, yall have no idea
Ash: Can you do your own makeup?
Yeah, i love doing makeup, i once tried to have a makeup instagram account, it didnt go too well (i quit after about a month) but i still love doing it as a hobby :) (im actually trying to do makeup less at the moment though, it was making me a little bit dysphoric, but as an occasional thing, like being a drag queen, its great!)
Jade: Ever written fanfiction?
Yeah, mostly just one shots and little drabbles though, and I haven’t in a while, might start doing stuff again soon, maybe, idk
Pecan: Shuffle your playlist, what’s the first song that comes up
It was this: https://youtu.be/DGTDcZxs0ww (“Sub Urban- Cradles (slowed)”)
Wine: do you have a ‘type’?
Kinda debatable,, most/all the people I’ve dated have had similar vibes, but wether I actually liked any of them is a different question 😳😳😳
Cherry: youtubers you enjoy watching
Maybe Jessie Paege? Or Pm Seymour? To be honest, most of my youtube recommendations are somehow tiktok compilations, because my tiktok fyp has always been really weird so instead of actually using tiktok on the app i use it via youtube
Ginger: any sideblogs?
yeah and im embarrassed of them, yall will never know 😳
wait theres one yall can know about, i have the url “Wohira” but I’ve never like posted anything there
Rust: form of art you enjoy doing?
As well as makeup which i mentioned before, theres also digital art, which i do the most often :)
Honey: your thoughts on magic? Does it exist?
I think it’d be very cool if it did, and i hope it does? Like ive never seen magic stuff ofc, and i have my doubts that its real, but it sounds fun so like idk, maybe it is? I’d like to believe it is?
Frost: a -core you enjoy
Looking at the aesthetics wiki, i think maybe mostly bloomcore?
Coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about
Psychology, its all really interesting and i wish they taught it at my school, because where I am you have to take it as an option that only starts in 11th grade (currently in 9th grade)
Fulvous: another name you think would suit you?
Buddy im still trying to find one, im currently going by Rae and that seems nice maybe? but oh my god ive used like 20 names before now and not a single one of them seemed right lmao
Mauve: any unpopular oppinions?
I probably have a few, but i can’t think of them off the top of my head, and im not really looking for discourse,, so,,, no?
Erin: What Was/Is your best school subject
Ive already answered this one, i’ll copy/paste it? Oki so
Maybe maths? Or art? Tho honestly, none of my grades are consistent and I can go from an A to an Ungraded and back again in a heartbeat 😎 (and not even an F, an ungraded, like they litterally cant grade it its so bad lmao 🤩✨) I think it depends more on what teacher i have for the lesson and how tired I am on the day of any tests more than subject itself? If that makes sense lol
And its done! Heck yeah! :)
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liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 2)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part two] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
It’s been three days since the last time you saw Yuu. Gosh, even saying his name to yourself gave you goosebumps. You two have been texting non stop and honestly, it felt so refreshing. You were a pretty bad texter but he knew how to keep the conversation going. 
One of his favorite things to do was play 21 questions with you. He wasn’t like those fuckboys who would use this opportunity to ask you if you were a virgin or what your favorite position was. Yuu was different. He came up with the craziest scenarios and judged you on the way you answered. One time he asked you how you would escape a 300 lb lion that just broke out of the zoo you were visiting. You honestly had no idea how to respond but eventually you replied, 
“I’d make sure to run with a crowd and ‘accidentally’ trip a slow runner so that the lion could get distracted and probably (most likely) attack them. This would buy me some time to get the hell out there.”
This response caught Noya off guard but he loved the way you thought. You continued to come up with barbaric schemes to survive all the scenarios he would throw at you. He kept you guessing and that was what you liked so much about him. He was wild and so were you.
You were getting a little impatient over your next date so you took a deep breath and eventually asked him.
Y/N: Heeey, Yuu. I was wondering when you’d like to go out again. I’d really like to go out with you again.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey cutie! I’ve been wanting to see you again but I haven’t had any days off from work lately.. (; ・`д・´) IM DYING!! I just wanna see yoouuuuu
Y: Aw man.. :( That sucks. When do you think you’ll get your next day off?
N: idk tbh but hopefully it’s soon!!
Y: no worries, just let me know.
N: will do!!
Well, that was that. Now you wondered what you should do to pass the time. You were bored again and needed something to do. “Oh wait. I should check the app. I haven’t checked since I messaged Yuu on there. Maybe I have more matches.”
You opened up the app and you had 10 notifications. You had gotten some likes on the selfie you posted and several people viewed your profile. You checked who looked at your profile, and it was mostly ugly, older, men. “Gross,” you thought to yourself. Besides this, you noticed some new messages. 
You opened up the first message. 
“Hey sexy! Wanna come see me play? Click my link https://…..”
“Damn bots. So annoying.” You deleted the message. Next message:
“I mean like yeah, but you could’ve been less forward in your message. What a turn off..” You had one last notification left. Maybe it wouldn’t be a let down.
“Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? 'Cause you are F-I-Ne.”
To be honest, this pick up line did make you giggle a little. You checked out the profile of the mysterious stranger who sent it and you were surprised that it was a bulked up biker. And damn, was he hot as hell. 
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His hair stood up in an organized, weird bed head kind of way. It made him look like a rooster. Rather than smile in his photos, he smirked. And his eyes looked like he could undress you solely with his gaze. He looked like your typical bad boy, but that didn’t make sense. Why would he use a chemistry pick up line?
This made you become even more interested, so you replied back with another cheesy pick up line.
Y/N: I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.
Kuroo Tetsuro: Hey, kitten. I thought you’d never reply. You had me waiting.
Y: umm??? calling me kitten already?
K: What’s wrong? Are you flustered already? We haven’t even met up yet.
Y: woah there cowboy! hold your horses
K: I’m not a cowboy, but I’ll gladly have you ride me instead.
Y: skskskks i cant even-
K: Sorry. Too much?
K: Alright. Let me start over. Ahh, a fellow chemist, I presume?
Y: yeaaah, kind of. I have a love/hate relationship with chemistry.
K: Is that so? Maybe I can help with that.
Y: oh really? how so?
K: I am a chemistry major after all. I go to Sendai. Do you go to school?
Y: uhhh i’m going to start there in the fall. I still haven’t decided what to major in, just yet.
K: Maybe you’ll end up being a chemistry major like me and I can give you private one on one lessons? 
Y: I highly doubt that, but nice try. 
K: Have you gotten a tour of the campus yet? Or are you waiting for freshman orientation?
Y: nah, I haven’t seen all of it yet. 
K: Would you like to?
Y: um sure! When are you free for my private tour? (:
K: How about tomorrow in the morning? Maybe around 9am? I can pick you up too if you’d like.
Y: Sounds good and no thanks. I’m not riding on that motorcycle! Looks scary :(
K: Don’t worry, kitten. I’ll drive safely and make sure nothing happens to you.
Y: there you go again.
K: Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. No, but really. I don’t mind picking you up. Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?
Y: nope
K: Then, let’s change that. Send me your address tomorrow morning. And get some rest.
Y: alrighty it’s a plan then!
K: No. It’s a date.
Y: sksksk omg
After that conversation, all you could think about was how the hell did you get into this mess? Motorcycles are dangerous, yet this rooster convinced you so easily to take a ride with him.. 
It was an understatement to say that you were nervous for tomorrow.
You set an alarm for 7 am the next day and went to bed.
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Your alarm woke you up and you immediately remembered why you were awake so early. You rushed into the shower and once you were out, you spent 30 minutes deciding on what to wear. You opted for some black, ripped skinny jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. 
At 8am on the dot, your phone’s notification bell went off. It was Kuroo.
“What’s your address, baby?”
You sent him the details and continued getting ready. You put on some light makeup and brushed your hair. You checked the time, and it was already 8:55 am. Then, your phone went off again.
“I’m outside.”
Your heart almost beat out of your chest. You grabbed your purse and put on some chapstick. You know, just in case..
You locked up your apartment and walked down the stairs. You were greeted by the biggest shit eating grin on the sexiest man you’d ever seen. You never went for the bad boys but college is a time for experimenting. 
“Hey, Y/N. You ready to ride? I brought an extra helmet for you.”
“Hi, Kuroo. And yeah, I guess,” your voice shook as you replied. You were really nervous but you tried to hide it.
“Don’t worry, baby. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll keep you safe.”
His words made you melt and you had just met him. The way he cooed at you and looked your way made you blush. You felt your cheeks get hotter by the second.
“Alright. Hop on and hold on to my waist. Hold on tight or else you’re gonna fly away when I take off. Okay?”
“..okay..” you managed to mutter. You were shaking but you put on the helmet he gave you and lifted up your leg to sit on the metal machine. You slowly hugged Kuroo from behind and held on as tight as you could. Your head was smashed right up against his large, broad back.
“Ready?” he asked.
“..yeah,” you squeaked.
Before you finished saying this, he had taken off like the devil was chasing him. If this was his meaning of safe driving, you didn’t want to find out his meaning of reckless driving.
The ride to Sendai University only took about 5 minutes, when realistically it would take 20 minutes by bus. You arrived and Kuroo teased, “are you going to let go, kitty?”
You hadn’t realized you were still gripping onto him for dear life. You released him from your hold and your hands still tingled from the amount of force you applied to his shirt. “Sorry!”
“No worries. Hey, look! I brought you here alive. Aren’t you glad?” he cackled. 
His laugh sounded like a dying hyena but it did sound a little cute at the same time. “Yeah. Thank goodness. Your driving is insane, dude.”
He showed you all over campus, from the administrative buildings to the gymnasium, to the fields. Sendai was a pretty big campus, and it made you glad that you had a personal guide to show you all the different buildings. 
After your little tour was over, he asked, “wanna grab a bite to eat? I’ll be a gentleman and pay for you too.”
Of course, you couldn’t say no to food. Much less, FREE FOOD! You nodded and got ready to ride the devil’s machinery again.
He took you to a nearby sushi bar. “Order whatever you’d like, princess. Today, I want to spoil you rotten.”
You melted at his words and also at the variety of rolls on the menu. You didn’t ask him if he really meant that you could order anything. You just kind of went for it. You ordered everything from shrimp tempura, to octopus, to eel. Sushi was your favorite and being told that you could order everything was a dream come true.
“Damn, girl! I had no idea you had such a huge appetite!  I didn’t know you’d take me seriously on my offer. You’re gonna run my pockets dry.”
You blushed and looked away. “Sorry, Kuroo. I really couldn’t help myself. I love sushi so much.”
“I’m just teasing you, baby. You deserve to be treated like this everyday.”
You had no idea how to respond so you just kept stuffing your face with sushi.
After you finally had your fill, it was time to go home. It was getting late. Kuroo took you home and you were definitely more relaxed this time on the bike. 
“I hope you had a great time today, kitty. And I hope I met your standards.”
“Yes, I did! Thank you so much, Kuroo! This was honestly so much fun. Thanks for everything.”
“Of course. Nothing but the best for you. I just need one little favor from you, baby.”
“Oh? What is it?”
“Can I get a kiss from your soft lips? I know you want to. I saw the way you kept staring at me, today.”
“Oh.. uhh.. Y-yea-yeah. Sure, of course.. Yeah,” you stammered. 
You looked at him with soft, shy eyes and before you knew it, he leaned in quickly and kissed you on the lips. Your eyes were wide open in surprise but as he deepened the kiss, your eyes slowly shut.
The kiss felt like electricity coursing through your body. You didn’t know what it was, but this man definitely already had you wrapped around his long, slender finger. 
As soon as you realized his hold on you, he backed off, and left you wanting more. He was such a tease.
“I can’t just let you have everything today, kitten. I need you wanting more.”
You didn’t know what to respond so you looked down at the ground shyly. 
“I’ll message you later, y/n. Don’t make me wait too long, again.”
You waved and muttered, “Thank you, Kuroo.”
He revved up his bike and was gone in seconds.
You remained in a daze as you walked back up to your apartment. Once you got inside, you plopped down on your couch and released a long sigh. “Who knew that college was going to be so exciting..”
[link to kuroo pic i found]
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chick-from-nz · 4 years
Paper, Scissors, Rank (Ch: 5)
CHARACTER/PAIRING: Modern!Carrillo x Army!OC (eventually) 
WARNINGS: maybe some swearing, military slang, more military talk,  spelling and grammatical errors. Flippy floppy points of view and tenses. Could be very OOC/AU for some. Carrillo may not be narcos accurate as this is an AU. Some OC x OC 
AUTHORS NOTE: bit of backstory in this chapter, warning if you don't like blood, theres some but its not overly descriptive. Other than that, bit of Carrillo, bit of OC. bit of everything really. shorter chapter
TAG LIST(OPEN): @girlpornparadise @1zashreena1 @xxidontwikeitxx @nicke0115 @allalngthewtchtower @lettherebrelight
Greyson stayed slumped against the wall longer than necessary, hopelessly trying to bring her heart rate back to normal after the frankly, overwhelmingly hot, interaction with the Colonel. Yes she was ecstatic that she had been chosen for his team, but she wasn’t really able to process that information after the mess he had left her in. She was panting like a dog in heat, unbearably turned on, and sticky in places she hadn’t been in a very long time. Whatever he had just done to her, she wanted more of it. Lots more of it. He had opened a gateway into all things filthy and it frustrated her to no end.
Pushing herself into the upright position was no easy feat, but she knew she needed to work out her frustration even more after that interaction with the Colonel.  No, she thought, maybe from now on I should call him Carrillo, since he is now my boss and all. The thrill of that settled low in her stomach and had her heart jumping at the thought. Grunting she pushed herself towards the gym with haste, before she could follow the mounting temptation to follow the Colo--- Carrillo, down the hallway to finish what he started. 
Glancing around the gym she made note of the equipment. A few boxing bags, a couple of dumb bells, a bench press and other various things she could not name. Not the best of gyms but it would do. Stripping out of her long sleeve camo shirt she was left in her army issue green t-shirt, a shirt that was usually reserved for occasions such as this. She made the hasty decision to shuck off her boots and socks leaving her barefoot, before rolling her pants legs up a few inches to rest a rough inch below her knee. A much more practical workout attire. 
Forgoing the weights as they weren’t her style, Greyson focused on the bags hanging in the middle of the room. Now this is where she would have fun. Coming from a generational military family had meant that her father had wanted her ‘fighting fit’ as soon as she was able to walk. By the time she was five years old she had been enrolled in martial arts and kids cadets. By age twelve she had won three championships in the sport and taken home the drill trophy at the cadet school. She couldn’t have made her father prouder, until the moment she won nationals for kickboxing, taking home the trophy and quite substantial prize money. That was the moment she knew she wanted to fight for a living, not as a pro kickboxer but as a soldier like her father was, she was only fifteen at the time. 
At age seventeen she enlisted in the army, only to be denied on medical grounds and put on a two year stand down. From then on out, her father didn’t pay her any notice, always stealing himself away from the ‘disappointment’ of the family and being deployed for months at a time on purpose. Being the only child, and being denied access into the only service her family thought fit to serve in, made her feel like a useless waste of space. 
Even while feeling like the worlds biggest disappointment she still pushed herself to her limits, training seven days a week for up to four hours a day, trying oh so desperately to make her father proud of her. At nineteen she didn’t want to become a regular soldier, she wanted to become an officer, but that would require her to wait another two years to be the minimum age to enlist. So she waited, kept training hard. She took shooting lessons at the local range, would do weighted pack runs three times a week and spend hours out in the bush at night teaching herself survival techniques. All the things she could hope would help her when she finally made the cut. 
When she enlisted again at twenty-one, they denied her on the grounds that ‘she didn’t have enough life experience’, so this time, instead of letting it get to her, she doubled down on the training. And finally, when she reapplied again at twenty two years of age, she was accepted and began her first day of training a mere week after her twenty third birthday. Yet, she was still one of the youngest of the cadets she enlisted with, the eldest, Cadet Monroe, being thirty two years of age. It baffled her why someone would join as a cadet at that age when she knew the LT. Colonel, and possibly the Colonel himself, was younger than the cadet. 
Pushing those thought from her mind Greyson began her workout, spending a small amount of time to warm up, before jumping straight into combination drills on the bag that she had learnt many years ago. She was able to switch off at this point, the years of doing the same routines over and over had drilled this into her muscle memory. She was all fluid motion and hard calculated strikes at her age. Briefly her thoughts return to the situation that had occurred mere minutes ago in the hallway. The way the Colonel’s body had been so tightly pushed against her had her breathing increasing, far from being exhausted  she threw more weight into her strikes. 
Damn that handsome bastard of an officer for working me up like this. This is the kind of shit that shouldn’t be getting to me anymore! , and with one last frustrated huff Greyson threw her hardest punch yet, yelping from the force of landing on the bag. She pulled her hand towards her chest to examine it. From the look of it, there was no damage done other than a few bruises covering her knuckles, not an unusual feeling for the cadet. She just wish she had been quick enough to land a hit of that smug face that was now haunting her thoughts more so than ever. 
Carrillo had finally made it to his intended destination, Lt. Colonel Sinclair's’ office. There was small doubt in his mind that the man residing within the office had been playing upon His cadets’ emotions during the course of her training. He wasn’t a stupid man by any means, he had put two and two together after witnessing the moment that occurred between himself and Greyson at the training yards. The smug smirk the Lt. had sported while walking past him that   day had planted a seed of disrespect towards the man. 
Carrillo didn't bother to knock on the man's door before barging in, he was in fact the senior officer in this situation so the LT. could suck it up. 
Sinclair stood up in a hell of a rush, not really sure as to who would be bursting into his office at this time of day, he had half expected to see Cadet Greyson standing there waiting to apologize and finally accept his attention, instead he was greeted with the stone faced Colonel from Columbia.  “Ah Sir, good to see you again, I gather that your time on the base has been productive, congrats on forming your team. Now, what can I help you with, Sir ?”
“It has been brought to my attention that you were not forthcoming about the information regarding the cadet that I have selected, rather you lied to the cadets while claiming you had not yet been informed yourself, is this true Lieutenant?”  
“I... uh... what Sir. I don’t know where you got that bullshit from but that is not the case, I held Greyson behind to give her the good news but she stormed off before I could tell her” The lieutenant cleared his throat to cover his mounting embarrassment at the situation before him. He definitely wasn’t above lying to cover his tracks and throw the Colonel in front of him off the scent of his essentially illegal advances at the cadet mentioned. He was greeted with a raised eyebrow and a knowing look on the Columbians face.
“I think it's safe to say you can cut the shit, Sinclair. I know all about your advances toward Cadet Greyson. I fail to see why you would lie about it considering the rumors' brewing in the Cadets barracks tonight. That and might I mention the encounter I witnessed between you and Greyson just a few days ago. There was nothing professional about that!” 
“Look, Sir” The Lt. Colonel spat, making his way around his desk to make himself look bigger, “Frankly it's none of your damn business which cadets I chose to associate with or not. Greyson can make up her own mind about what and WHO, she wants. And let's face it, they graduate in a little over a week now. The cadets are fair game to the rest of the corps now” The borderline insubordination coupled with the hungry grin cemented exactly what the Lt. Colonel was trying to obtain. The realization had Colonel Carrillo’s stomach turning at the thought. If he was this open and honest about his intentions then HIS cadet was in a very rocky situation. 
Clearing his throat and taking a rather large step toward the lower ranked officer before him, the Colonel fought off the need to punch the smug man in the face. But there was no point in doing that, lest he chase off the Cadet from his team, he still was unsure of her exact feelings for the man currently before him. He tilted his head back to stare down his nose at the perverse man before him.  Crowding just ever so close to the man to make him uncomfortable.
“I suggest you stay the fuck away from that recruit, Lieutenant. She is part of MY  team which now makes her, MY  responsibility and henceforth, MY cadet. Keep your filthy hands off her or I'll have you charged for unwanted advances, then it will be goodbye senior rank and back to junior officer you go. Understood?” The Colonel declared, fully expecting the man before him to back down, except defeat and allow him to carry on with his evening. The exact opposite occurred.
“I think there is something you just don’t quite get, Sir” the Lt. Colonel scoffed, “That girl out there, that stupid young cadet, will believe anything that is fed to her. How do you think I got her wrapped around my finger in the first place” He laughed off the end of his sentence, pushing at the Colonels’ shoulders in order to get past him to sit back down behind his desk.  “As far as I'm concerned, you don’t have a single claim on that cadet until she accepts your proposal to join your team..” he trailed off before delivering the most sarcastic “SIR!” he could muster. Shoulder shaking as he chuckled away to himself. 
Greyson had pushed herself to the point of over exertion. Working out at a hundred percent capacity would do that to a person, even if she was used to endurance training. Combining the work out with her mental and previous physical exertion had been enough for her to drop to the mats after a solid hour of hammering the training bag. Her knuckles of her left hand were thoroughly bruised but the knuckles of her right hand were a bit more worse for wear. A deep gash had formed over the knuckle of her index finger, the bloody pouring steadily from the gash, the rest of her knuckles on that hand were marked with much smaller gashes, a minimal amount of blood coming from the cuts. It looked like she’d killed someone. 
Cradling her hand to her chest she made her way to the bathroom adjacent to the gym. She turned the tap on, waiting for the water to run clear before thrusting her hands under it to clean off the blood, barely flinching at the sting that came from cleaning out the gash. The sink turned a faded crimson from the amount of blood being washed from her hands. She felt numb, unbearingly so, it seemed the week had finally caught up with her, she felt as though she could curl up in a ball right now  and wake up a week later. So lost in her own thoughts and mesmerized by the blood flowing from her hands and into the sink, she failed to notice the presence behind her until it was too late.  One minute the cadet is watching her blood flow down the sink, the next her vision is fading to black. 
Carrillo was fuming, muscles taught, hands curled tight  and ready to release upon the man before him. His jaw was clenched so tight he could hear his teeth grinding together. He took a step towards the man with the full intent of knocking his flat onto the floor, black out cold. And he would have too, if it wasn’t for the frantic knocking followed closely by Cadet Calliope all but throwing himself into the room. 
“Sir, come quick, it's Greyson” Calliope exclaimed. There was a frantic tone in his voice that snapped both men out of their grudge match. 
Carrillo spun to give the young man his full attention, before nodding at the recruit, “Lead the way Cadet” . They followed the cadet through the twists and turns of the hallways leading towards the medics bay. Upon seeing both officers the nurses rushed them through to her room. And there, laying almost deathly still, was Cadet Greyson. Gash above her eyebrow being stitched together as Carrillo watched on from the door. She looked nothing like the strong cadet he had seen perform all week. She looked fragile, too fragile. Not wanting to watch any further he pushed past Sinclair who was standing directly behind him, mouth agape, hands shaking and look like he might collapse himself.
Carrillo grabbed Calliope by the arm, pulling him down the hallway and into a spare room. He rounded on the cadet, finger pointed and eyes ablaze, as he hissed,  “Explain to me exactly what you know Cadet, and don’t you dare leave anything out” 
Cadet Calliope gulped, mouth suddenly dry. Well here goes nothing,  he thought
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
I’m Gonna Make This Place Your Home (Part 3)
Bakugo x Reader
Words: 2896
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One night, a year or so ago Bakugo had gotten a little tipsy and decided it would be a great idea to take all of the batteries out of the smoke alarms. That way he wouldn't have to deal with them every time he thew a fit and his hands sparked up. So he was really surprised when he woke up one morning to one of them blaring. Kirishima must have replaced them.... damnit shitty hair. He groaned as he rolled out of bed, “What the fuck is going on?” 
He was absolutely exhausted. You had another nightmare last night and just like the last time you accidentally pulled him into it. He handn’t been able to sleep after that and he couldn't go to your room because then you would know he had seen it. He knew it wasn't his fault but it still felt like an invasion of your privacy. 
He strolled out of his bedroom in nothing but a pair of sweatpants and made his was to the source of his growing headache. He walked into the kitchen and there you were. You looked extremely confused and alarmed as smoke billowed from the toaster. You pulled the plug from the wall and huffed at the ruined toast. “Shit...”
He couldn’t help it. He started laughing harder than he had in years. 
You spun around, giving him a good look at the pancake mix in your hair, “OH! Bakugo I’m so sorry! I was trying to make you breakfast... but its definitely not as easy as you make it look...” You plopped down in one of the chairs and it wasnt until now that he realized you weren't wearing any pants. Just his oversized hoodie. He couldnt judge though he wasnt exactly wearing a shirt. A fact you were acutely aware of as you desperately tried to avoid staring at his perfect abs. 
You huffed again, “I ruined everything....”
He smirked, “Nah, theres nothing here that cant be fixed... well maybe not the toast. Thats a lost cause.” He held his hand out to you, “Ready for your first cooking lesson?”
He proceeded to flit around the kitchen like a true professional but he never took over. Instead he would just tell you what you needed to do. He wanted to make sure you were actually learning. He knew he couldnt take care of you forever. There were things you missed out on growing up and he was going to make sure you became a functioning adult. 
You guys sat at the table with the banquet of food around you. You beamed as you took your first bite, “This is actually good!”
He scoffed, “Excuse me? I helped you, of course it’s good...” 
You giggled, “Thanks for that by the way. I know it must be frustrating to teach a grown ass woman how to do basic things...”
“Okay first of all dont ever think that. Its not your fault you didnt get to learn this stuff. And second.... that is the second time you’ve used a curse word today. What gives? Am I rubbing off on you? You’ve only been here a week.” He wagged his eyebrows. 
You gave his shoulder a quick swat, “Maybe I swear like a sailor but I've been playing nice. You dont know me.”
He narrowed his eyes a bit, “You’re right. I dont. But I’d like to...” He bit into a piece of bacon and groaned, “I do know one thing though, you make some good ass bacon.”
He spent the rest of the day teaching you every day tasks from doing laundry to how to use the internet. You paid close attention and would periodically stop him to write something down so you wouldn’t forget.  He was currently showing you how to log in to Netflix when an idea hit him, “Oi! Do you know how to ride a bike?”  
You gave him a weird look, “I used to have one with training wheels when I was little but my mom never taught me how to ride one without them. I had wanted my dad to teach me but he died when I was little.” 
He sucked in a breath. He still hadn't told you about your mom. Did you know what she did to you? Did you know your mom sold you to the highest bidder? And your dad? He had no idea he had died.... was there anything about your childhood that was happy?  “I’m sorry to heat about your dad.” 
You just shrugged, “I was really little. My mom always said I was his little mini me. Said I looked just like him and had the heart to match. He was a really nice guy....” You expression grew sad, “Sometimes when I was younger after I had been taken by the villains... if I was having a really bad day I would pretend he was still alive. Because he never would have let them take me.” A single tear slid down your cheek but you caught it, “Look at me getting all emotional. No need to cry over something I cant change right?”
He took your hand in his and gave it the softest squeeze, “I’d say you’re entitled to a few tears. Given what you’ve been through, I don't know how you get out of bed some mornings.” Especially after the nightmares he’d witnessed first hand.
You sniffed back your tears as you returned a quick squeeze to his hand, “Easy. I have you.” 
He didnt know what to say. To the rest of the world he was Ground Zero, the temperamental, cocky hero. But you see so much more. You bring out the best in him and whether he likes it or not he's changing because of it. “Oi. Put some fucking pants on. You're going to learn how to ride a bike!” 
“....Do you even have a bike?”
No, he didnt. But Kirishima did. “You just worry about yourself, and let me figure out the bike situation. Alright?”
You scurried off to your room to change and get ready for the day. You pulled on a pair of leggings and a clean shirt. It may have been Bakugos but at this point you didnt think he’d mind. You threw your hair up in a ponytail and gave yourself a quick look in the mirror. You really needed a haircut. Even in a ponytail it was well down your back. There was a pair of scissors in the kitchen, maybe you could just cut it yourself. 
Thats how you ended up in the bathroom hair in one hand, scissors in the other. Right as you were about to make your first cut, someone cleared their throat behind you. “Oi! Crazy pants! Put the scissors down before you fuck your hair up. All I said was put on some pants not go full on Mulan...” He sighed, “There’s someone here I want you to meet. He can be pretty annoying but I promise he’s not that ba-”
“Hey who are you calling annoying you grump old man.” Kirishima looked at the scissors in you hand, “Oh cool. Giving yourself a haircut? I did that once when I was seven. Wasn't a good look. But I’m sure yours will look much better.” 
Bakugo was rubbing his temples in frustration, “Y/n this this is shitty hair, shitty hair this is y/n.” 
You gave him a soft giggle, “The fact that he calls you shitty hair makes me think I shouldn't listen to you.” You put the scissors down, “I do want to cut it though. It’s a pain in the ass.”
Bakugo scoffed, “You’re the pain in the ass, dont try and blame it on your hair. Although you do shed worse than any dog I’ve ever known. Your hair is all over the apartment.... Come here.” He turned you towards the mirror, “Alright look straight ahead and dont fucking move... how short do you want it?” 
You motioned to the tops of your shoulders, “Like around here maybe. I dont know what do you think shitty hair?” 
Kirishima chuckled, “You can call me Kirishima.” He shrugged, “I dont know anything about  hair.”
Bakugo huffed, “Yeah clearly, hence the name shitty hair.” He looked at you through the mirror, “I would go just a little longer.... like maybe here.” He motioned to a bit below you shoulder. His hand was rather close to your breasts and it made both of you blush. “I’ll see if I can get you an appointment somewhere soon. Until then what if I just braid it to get it out of the way?”
Your blush deepened, “Yeah that would be nice.” 
His fingers felt so good carding though your hair. You closed your eyes and had to fight back the urge to hum. You needed to pull it together. Bakugo was nice enough to let you into his life and has gone above and beyond to make sure you’re well taken care of and comfortable. You didn't need to fuck that up by having feelings for him. 
Your eyes jolted open when he cleared his throat behind you, “Uh...I’m done now.” Your eyed met his through the mirror and noticed his cheeks were almost as red as yours, “Ready to learn how to ride a bike?”
Kirishima caught Bakugo as you guys were leaving the apartment letting you go on ahead, “Dude? When the fuck did you learn how to braid hair? Who are you and what have you done with Bakugo?” 
Bakugo pulled his arm away from him, “Shut the fuck up and I swear if you tell anyone about it I’ll end you!” Bakugo hadn't been completely honest with his best friend about who you were or why you were living with him. He knew you were the girl from his dreams but he didnt know you had been a prisoner or that there was a small possibility you were being hunted. 
Kirishima raised his hands up in defense, “I’m just saying man you seem awfully invested in this girl. I mean she’s wearing your shirt! She’s obviously pretty and from what I can tell she seems nice and all but come on man you haven't been to work in over a week... The director says you either come in tomorrow or you’re fired....”
Bakugo growled, “As if he would actually have the balls to fire Ground Zero.” He took a few steps before stopping and running a hand through his hair, “Tell him I’ll be there tomorrow... I just need to tell y/n.”
Kirishima put his hand on his shoulder, “She’s a big girl Bakugo. I’m sure she’ll be fine without you for a few hours. Whats the worst that could happen?” 
Bakugo groaned, “I really wish you hand asked that. It’s like you’re trying to jinx us.”
When they got outside you were already sitting on the bike, rolling it back and forth looking like an excited child, “What took you guys so long?! Come on!” 
Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, “So Y/n... how in the world did you make it this far in life without knowing how to ride a bike?” 
Before Bakugo could intercept the question you were shrugging it off, “Guess you could say I grew up sheltered. Now are we doing this or not?” 
A few minutes later Bakugo was behind you holding your waist and walking slowly as you got used to peddling the bike. 
He leaned in and whispered in your ear, “Let me know when you're ready for me to let go.” The combination of his strong hands on your waist and his warm breath on your neck... it was giving you goosebumps. 
You felt a chill run down your spine, “Bakugo dont you dare fucking let go. I thought this was going to be a lot easier!” 
He chuckled, “Don’t be stupid you’re doing fine! I won't let go until you’re ready.” 
You took a deep breath, “Okay I can do this.... It’s not a big deal. Children do this.... Bakugo I think I’m ready...”
“Well good because I already let go.” 
Your head swiveled back and forth incredulous that you had not noticed that he had let go. It was a terrible idea because as soon as you weren't one hundred percent focused on peddling you started to tilt. 
“Shit! Y/n!” Bakugo threw himself between you and the pavement just in time to catch you. “Watch it will yeah?” You landed on top of him your nose dangerously close to his.You could hear your heart pounding. You were close enough to smell his signature caramel sent and it made your mouth water. He brushed a hair out of your face. “Are you okay? You’re looking at me funny....” 
You blinked rapidly trying to wake yourself up from whatever daydream you were starting to have. “Yeah I’m fine... thanks.” 
He shrugged, “It was my fault for letting go. I won't do that again.” 
Your heart picked up the pace at his words. He obviously meant he wouldn't let go while you were riding the bike, but you desperately wished he meant something else. But he was Ground Zero. He was an attractive, successful Pro hero. You were probably nothing more than a wounded animal to him. He deserved someone with less baggage. 
You pushed yourself off of him, no longer in the mood to ride a bike. “I know this is silly... but I kind of want to go get coffee.” His caramel sent was still invading your senses and it made you crave your favorite beverage. You had tried different drinks through trail and error before you found what you liked and you named it the cinnamon roll latte. It was a vanilla latte with two pumps of caramel and cinnamon instead of sugar. It smelled just like someone you knew and it was absolutely delicious. 
Kirishima walked over and helped you two get up and picked up the bike, “Coffee sounds good. I have an overnight shift coming up tonight and I’m already dreading it.”
Bakugo dusted off his pants and nodded, “Yeah coffee sounds nice. Same place as usual?” 
You smiled, “Of course!” 
You guys had been back to the same coffee house over and over again and the bitchy barista always had something to say but you kept insisting to Bakugo it wasnt worth getting her in trouble.  
You practically skipped through the door into the coffee house and right up to the empty counter. The barista gave you a bored look, “Let me guess, the usual?”
You nodded, “Yup! Him as well. He wants to try it!” You pointed at Bakugo behind you who was already taking out his wallet to pay. You needed to try and find a job soon. You couldn't mooch off of him forever. You saw a sign next to the register that said they were hiring. You knew if you brought it up Bakugo would insist it wasn't necessary, so you would just come back tomorrow when he went to work. You refused to be a burden on anyone. 
The barista who's name you had found out was Tasha rolled her eyes, “I see you finally found some clothes of your own. 
Bakugo put his arm around your shoulders, “Actually the shirts mine but it looks way better on her doesn't it?” He winked at you before retiring his attention to Tasha who’s mouth was hanging open. Bakugo narrowed his eyes at her, “I said doesn't it?” 
She handed back his credit card with a quick nod, “Yes. I’m sorry it looks great on you.” 
When you had found a booth to sit at you turned to him and slapped his shoulder, “Bakugo you have got to stop bullying the barista!” 
His eyes about popped out of their sockets, “Are you kidding me?! She's the one who always has to say some shit about you every other time we come here!” 
You sighed, “So? Let her be the source of her own misery. You dont need to stoop to her level. You’re better than that.” 
He huffed and fiddled with the napkin dispenser on the table, “Yeah whatever you say....” 
Kirishima looked back and forth between the two of you, “What..... the actual fuck? She just scolded you and you’re.... you’re okay with it?” 
Bakugo shrugged, “She’s right... there’s no point in bickering with people who aren't worth it.” 
You smiled as you leaned up and kissed his cheek. It was a bold move, but it was something you had wanted to do for a while now. 
He gave you an incredulous look and narrowed his eyes, “What the fuck was that for.” 
Tasha cleared her throat behind him, “Here’s the coffees you guys ordered. Have a great day.” 
Bakugo waited for her to be out of earshot before he belted out a laugh, “Oi! Here you are acting all high and mighty talking about being the bigger person and then you go and try to make the barista jealous? You're sneaky.” 
He took a sip of his coffee while you just giggled. He didnt need to know that you had no idea Tasha had been standing there. He didnt need to know that you had kissed his cheek because you wanted to. You looked up and mer Kirishima’s eyes. He smirked at you, “Well aren't you two just adorable?” 
Taglist : @carolinawindsay​ @fukyouthink​ @targaryens-blog​
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Who the fuck is this bitch?!
Read that again. 
The answer is complex, not simple, which is what complex means you dumb fuck ( beep language kiddo). Ok, lets try that again...
Bad Bitch Who Meditates, a 23 year old singer with dreams bigger than the world itself, which is both a good and a bad thing, we will get to the importance of duality later. Either way she´s been struck by lightning and pushed into a corner loads of times in an industry where you have to fight to be heard and seen through the smallest of cracks. And yes I might also speak about myself in third person a lot, simply because I'm practicing being the main character from all perspectives, telling my story but also making everyday feel like an adventurous movie ( therefore the narrator vibes help).
Complaining, complaning, victim mindset bla bla bla you might think, im not gonna bore you, you know that things can be quite shit and you’ve probably heard about the `struggling artist” and all of that before. 
 Lets spread some more negativity shall we ey? 
Maybe not that either, im just welcoming you in to my brain and my stream of consciousness on the journey of becoming or remaining? we shall see.
Im not gonna be here being all fairy lights and glitter in my eyes either, I am tho some days, but lately I’ve been bad, not a bitch cause I would never, slightly a bitch towards myself and I haven’t really done my meditation, its like the second I put down ” bad bitch who meditates, thats my slogan” in a song, I was like, cool its in a tune now so I’ve done the work I can relax. 
Nope, it doesn’t stop. 
Consistency in self care, healthy habits and your mental diet, the way you speak to yourself, it doesn’t stop. And its fkn annoying sometimes, especially when your chemical imbalance is so imbalanced that you don’t wanna get out of bed. Ive probably dealed with anxiety and depression since my debut on X-factor, oh yeah shit sorry, I have a name too, Im Awa and I won X-factor Sweden at 15 years old, completely changed my life like a marriage, for better or for worse. In that marriage I found myself, lost myself and now im kind of finding myself again...
Ok this is the part below where you get to knoooow me or something...
 I guess why I wanted to start blogging again is A) I need to hold myself accountable to remain consistent with my glow up, cause I can proudly say I’ve really done some amazing progress and inner work B) I need to continue doing that and find my healthy balance and not put too much pressure on myself, ya get me? C) maybe help take away the stigma regarding mental health, and I wanna focus on the solutions, thats my whole new life concept 10 % problems, 90 % solutions, like if we are discussing something thats the ratio. Cause how can we ever see a solution if we go slow dancing w the problem for ages? 
 I know it can feel fkn amazing and cozy, like when you’ve been in bed w someone thats clearly not good for your heartstrings but you stay there anyway because for right now it feels all warm and fuzzy. 
Oh silly girl, I mean forgiveness, forgiving other people and forgiving myself that is def something we are going to have to discuss as well, its one of the things I’ve tried to commit to this year. Ive come to the conclusion that its harder forgiving yourself after being too nice, theres only so much space on the scale for resentment, but you go to bed with you all the time and you beat yourself up on why you allowed that to happen? (Did that make any sense??) 
Again, another lesson, feedback that we can grow from. Mind management, one of my fav terms, mind over matter. Damn sure that can feel extremely provocative said in the wrong situation. Im gonna be honest on here, ill make an oath or whatever its called ( oh yeah im also Swedish so we will have communication problems here and there, but whatever, I call that acceptance) ill be honest, personal but not private cause I need to protect my energy. 
I would declare myself a self care queen but babe writing this, I just had a massive argument w my friend, that made me sad ( oh im a cry baby too, thats even the title of my EP lol), I hate conflict but im really trying so hard to stand up for myself and understand that my feelings are valid too and that uncomfortable situations are growing pains for our souls. I had my first panic attack in ages because this year is just shit and things that I’ve worked on for so long just crumbled down in front of me and I just felt like I was again taking two steps forward and one step back but at least we are moving. 
Im not all sad, I’ve rightfully so have had a few bad 72 hours I would say, I don’t like this time of the year that much.  But I know why, because I've been slacking w my routines, the ones we´ve carefully selected through trial and error inna real life and w my therapist ( she's real too but you get what im sayin) , it's ok not to be ok either but we have to put some kind of time limit on it so we don't sink into that deep hole again, i don't wanna go back there and I know what keeps me with my head above water and sometimes even frkn flying. We wanna stay consistent w the flying, that feels good, that's a goal now ok? Cause I used to fall into that trap of the deep hole until the pain of the known got far greater than the fear of the unknown. 
Im happy we are here today, because as I said 10/90, nothing last forever, good or bad, which is comforting. Things will get better and we hold so much more power in our minds and souls than we realize that ultimately will mirror how we experience life. So im going to be on here, at least once a week, my therapist tells me not to set up crazy goals that I know I might not do because then it will make me feel shit etc so once a week feels reasonable.
 Im open to suggestions about what we can chat about, ill share my 10/90, I want my clever friends to maybe drop a quote or blog here and there, Im good on camera, like vlogs or some shit. I probably wont bring you around all the time cause I don’t have the technological brain cells for that to be very honest with you. Maybe ill just come up with cute formats to the camera, thats a word you are going to hear a lot, ”format”, I have a concierge business w my friend Amy on the side of my music career called ” Pure Intuition”, basically we create events, formats and campaigns for brands and make them come true with the right profile etc and we create FORMATS, but if you missed it or if I was unclear Im a super cool singer signed to Columbia UK which was my childhood dream, so we are going to make Columbia our BITCH in 2021 hihi <3 <3. I studied economic entrepreneurship in college and im very business savvy, I love creating formats lol. Im slowly but surely building my fempire. What else, boys, I like boys, men, cute ” god spent some extra time on you”- looking boys, I mean men. I guess we will touch on that in the most anonymous manner, maybe ill just share some past flings cause you know, they’re in the past, passé. So yeah who the fuck is this bitch? you will find out alongside me, myself and I
get ready for the ride
love and light,
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