#after all those years of trying to be the prefect student the perfect girl to set myself up for good things in life
firefly-fez · 2 years
hank and john i love u, ur doing amazing sweetie but do u have any idea how hard it is to sound professional and respectable when im emailing charities about the p4a. i am trying so hard to make this sound like a lucrative promitional opportunity and then i have to say ‘worldsuck’ with a straight face. like its a great term and it captures the impossible persistent reality of suffering and injustice like no other but. buddy. it dont exactly have a professional flair. i am trying to establish myself as a humanitarian advocate and honestly nerdfighteria is, like, a genuinely good foundation for that kind of advocacy and volunteerism but it’s a little like i am trying to build on an admittedly very sturdy steel frame that also happens to have a million little smiley face stickers all over it. like. this isn’t technically impeding me but i am concerned im going to raise some eyebrows.
#look maybe theres a lesson in this for me to be honest#after all those years of trying to be the prefect student the perfect girl to set myself up for good things in life#the thing that actually helped me get a leg up in the direction i truly wanted to go#was not in fact the hoity toity private school culture obsessed with reputation and prestige#but a couple of heartfelt and earnest nerds with known to cover their faves in sharpie#it makes sense doesnt it?#i was a sponsor to a girl in poverty and we were penpals and great friends#and i promised myself a long time ago whatever i make of my education would be to benefit kids like her#i want to make good on that promise but i have no idea how#so for a while there i bought into the idea that i should be impressive and successful and have resources and opportunities and good grades#and be their perfect student and all but eventually#eventually i fell from grace by becoming a little more like my friend than my prestige obsessed culture is comfortable with#and i realised i had turned myself into a perfect piece of propaganda for them to wave around as an example of why you should give em money#but at my least successful i was more has more understanding more nuance and more insight into the trials of my friend and ppl like her#i should have realised it would have me branded as a class traitor that i would never learn it from the School of Prestige#i wanted to be a student and you wanted me to be impressive#you cant exploit my intellect for your propaganda anymore i will not use it for you#i will not paint over curiosity or compassion or enthusiasm any more#i am free of you / i will take all the riches you gave me / and betray you by making no profit#but give freely and generously to those you kept out of your golden gates#you thought they werent good enough for you but there is wealth that you will never know in their hearts that you cannot see#because you only think of wealth as someting you can possess#there are riches in this world beyond your pocket; false prophet#i know now that i have sold too much of myself to you#i know now that if i continue in my plight to be good enough i am drawing a line between myself and the disadvantaged#dishonour them to exhalt myself and feed them the lie that human worth is earnt won and proven by feats purposefully impossible for most#my people love to brag about being the ‘land of opportunity’ but leave out the years they spent stealing; cheating; killing; plundering#that made ‘opportunity’ impossible everywhere else#now they have the gall to applaud themselves for success and lie about winning fair and square#gaslighting to forget all the world’s history and they almost had me fooled
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rose-pearls · 2 years
The Deal - Part 2
Summary: the plan is set into motion but somethings could hinder the plan.
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James knew one thing the moment he went on the Hogwarts express, this year Lily was going to be his. He wasn’t sure how but somehow, he would try to find a way to convince her, he doesn’t know how it came to involve you.
The two of you had a few classes together through the years but he hadn’t really paid attention to you. He also knew you because of his parents and the long evenings spend at balls with other children. The two of you sometimes played together but you had always been a quiet child once you were with your parents, nearly a perfect girl. The years went by, and his parents stopped going to these balls with the rise of you-know-who.
Now he was seeing her for the first time again, she had lost that baby fat and had those sparkling eyes that had always been wide with curiosity when they played as children.  She had a doubtful but determined look in her eyes and he couldn’t help but smile at her furrowed eyebrows. 
“So, how are we doing this?”, he asks, slightly excited at the prospect of maybe having found the perfect way to get Lily to be his.
“Let’s not talk about it here and not right now I have a prefect meeting.”, James groans and the girl in front of him rolls her eyes. 
“Alright, but five minutes Potter.”, James grins and brings her into an empty compartment that seems to have been left by students to join some of their friends.
“We can’t just start dating out of nowhere, that would seem strange.”, she says and James nods quickly, she is right they need to do it the right way if they want it to work.
“Well, you told me to come with you when we were with Remus and Lily so we could start with that. Say that we talked and rekindled our friendship from when we were children.”, he says with a large grin, and she looks at him with calculating eyes.
“That could work, we just need to keep seeing each other at Hogwarts and after a month or so we pretend to go on a date and launch the operation.”, she exclaims like she has found the solution to a problem and James can’t help but nod excitedly.
“We could sit next to each other in a class, what classes are you taking?”, he asks, and she starts to think.
“Charms, Transfiguration, Defense against the dark arts and Care of Magical Creatures.”, she lists off and James nods.
“I have most of those to, we just need to see if we have one of them together and then sit next to each other to make it work better.”, they both nod at his words and start to think a bit more.
“We’ll work out the details later for the moment we just need to make the others think that we are getting closer and then start the plan.”, she says and James nods quickly trying to think of how he will try and make this work, deep down he knows he will need the help of the Marauders.
“Let’s get this show on the road sugar plum.”, she shoots him a glare and James can’t help the cheeky smile that appears.
“Never call me that again, Jamie bear.”, James snorts at her words and she quickly starts laughing to, the two of them giggling like idiots before a knock can be heard on the door.
“Are you ready to go to the meeting or are you to busy flirting with Potter?”, Snape asks while saying his name with disgust. She looks at the Slytherin prefect before looking back at him and giving him a small smile.
“See you later James.”, he smiles back and sits back down as she leaves the compartment, feeling weird at hearing her call him by his name after all those years.
“Prongs! There you are, we have been searching everywhere!”, Sirius says while taking his arm and leading him back to their compartment while chatting away about his altercation with Bellatrix.
He tries to listen to Sirius, but he can’t help but think back to their plan and how they were going to do it. He was going to have to convince your parents and you would have to convince all of Hogwarts that the two of you are together, this was going to be a challenge. 
“You did what?!”, Remus says rather loudly and a couple of first years turn to look at them while Sirius is trying not to fall from laughing after he told them about your plan.
“We made a deal, we fake date each other until after Christmas to make Lily jealous and so that her parents leave her alone.”, James says slightly annoyed to have to repeat himself.
“That is just crazy Prongs, so many things could go wrong.”, Remus says, and James prepares himself for a lecture from the prefect.
“I want to be there when she introduces you to her parents, they are going to go mad. A Gryffindor and a Potter.”, Sirius starts laughing again and James glares at his best friend before throwing a pillow at his face.
“Will you shut it.”, Sirius snorts and slowly stops laughing but a few giggles still leave his lips.
“As I was saying a lot of things could go wrong.”, Remus says seriously and James sighs before looking at his friends.
“I know, but we will be careful alright. Just let me try this and then if it doesn’t work at least, I know I did everything I could to try and get Lily.”, he says softly and a silence follows his words, even Sirius seems to have sobered up at his words.
“What do you mean?”, Peter asks quietly and James sighs, rubbing his eyes.
“I mean that I tried everything to prove to her that I’m not just a jerk or a selfish asshole, but she still seems set in her ideas. So, I try this and if it doesn’t work well then that is it.”, he whispers and before he knows it a pair of arms take him into Sirius’s arms.
“She doesn’t know what she is missing Jamie.”, he whispers and James hugs him back just as strongly before feeling the other two marauders join the embrace.
“We’ll help you, were in this together.”, he hears Remus whisper and the other nod their heads at his words.
“One for all.”, he whispers with a smile.
“All for one.”, the others whisper back, and James can’t help but feel better at their words.
“Well, well, well if it isn’t my favorite bunch of Hufflepuff’s!”, Sirius exclaims loudly in the corridor, and everyone turns around to see what is happening. Christie groans as she sees them, but Susan and you laugh at their arrival. 
“Can’t we have one moment of peace?”, Christie whispers under her breath and Sirius laughs.
“Now where is the fun in that?!”, he says before starting to talk with them about a rumor that he heard running around.
James takes the opportunity to sit next to you in the alcove that is right in front of the door of the class and smiles down at you.
“So how was the first night back?”, he asks quietly, and you smile at him before sighing happily.
“Like coming home.”, James can relate to that feeling, he loves his parents with all his heart, but Hogwarts was just, home.
“What about you?”, you ask and James sighs dramatically.
“We started planning our future pranks and I’m trying to find a new Quidditch tactic.”, he says mysteriously while you look at him with curious eyes.
“Hopefully these pranks don’t involve Hufflepuff.”, you say with a teasing smile and James laughs softly.
“That is secret information unfortunately, can’t tell you.”, you nod seriously, and James can’t help but smile.
“Not even as your future girlfriend?”, you whisper back mischievously and James laughs at your words.
“In that case, maybe I can tell you.”, the two of them laugh for a bit and James feels at ease for once.
“So, tell me about that quidditch tactic.”, you say, and James can’t help but look at you surprised.
“You want to hear about that?”, he can’t help but blurt out.
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s something you like, right?”, you say like it’s the most logical thing in the world and James can’t help but think of how you would be a perfect girlfriend if he wasn’t so deeply in love with Lily.
He shakes the thoughts out of his head and starts telling you about the tactic, answering your questions and before they know it McGonagall is opening the door to get into class.
“Lily was watching you the whole time.”, Sirius whispers as they enter the classroom with a cheeky grin and James can’t help but smile, his plan is working, and it isn’t even the whole plan.
“You will receive places for the rest of the year, don’t expect to be next to your friends you will be next to someone of another house.”, most of the class groans but James smiles at the professor’s words.
“Sirius Black and Susan Collin.”, Sirius shrugs his shoulders and goes to the desk, but James sees a light blush on Susan’s cheeks at the professor’s words and he tells himself to ask you later.
“James Potter and Y/N Y/L/N.”, he smiles at her words and goes to the desk, finding you there with a small smile.
“Hello there partner.”, he says happily and enjoys the sight of your smile.
“Lily Evans and Amos Diggory.”, James can’t help but look back towards the front of the class at the professor’s words.
“James is everything alright?”, he hears you whisper, and James shakes his head a bit.
“What is it.”, he doesn’t know how to answer your question, he just feels jealous and scared at the sight of Lily’s partner.
“Amos has feelings for Lily, he will probably try to get with her.”, he hears Sirius whisper, and he tries to look back towards you as you start talking with Sirius about the situation while Susan is talking to someone else. But he can’t stop looking at Amos flirting with Lily and feeling like he is losing her already.
“Hey, we are going to get her with you. Remember the plan.”, he hears you whisper, and he suddenly wakes up from his stupor to look at you with worried eyes.
“You think it’s going to work?”, he asks in a small voice while trying to ignore your worried eyes.
“There is only one way to know.”, you say and James nods at your words before looking back towards Lily feeling determined.
“Let’s do this.”
Thank you for the love on this story and hopefully you like it! If you have some ideas for it you can always tell me :))
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usernoneexistent · 6 months
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Once Rowan has recovered and heads into the new year, Juniper and Rowan discuss what their next moves are and who could possibly help them.
Warnings: one use of bad language
A week passed, and Rowan mostly recovered, albeit with the occasional chill. Still, by Madam Pomfrey's standards, she was healthy, which was good enough for Juniper, and the blue tinge on her skin had faded entirely. During that time, Juniper brought chocolate frogs, star charts, books, and the missed assignments to occupy Rowan's mind. Juniper shared her concerns that they might have a traitor in the midst who tried to sabotage her. They immediately ruled out Badeea because she would have no motive and was often seen painting in her own world, whereas Tulip was tricky. Depending on the offer, her alliance could change on a dime, while their other dormmate, Skye, could have framed Juniper. Still, she isn't that sneaky, nor would she ally with a Slytherin to get back at Juniper. She could do that all perfectly on her own.
However, Rowan pointed out that a Prefect could have just as easily snuck in and avoided suspicion. Prefects check in on the younger students all the time. With that, they were bad to square one, but something in her was nagging that it wasn't perfect.
Rowan is slightly tired by Juniper's hovering. She appreciated it, but it can be a lot, too, from Juniper.
Juniper knew how to take care of people, and that's for sure. Looking after her mum had been her job since she was six.
"I just want tae make sure that you're okay."
"I know but I also feel so useless." Rowan lamented.
Juniper sat beside her, resting her head on Rowan's shoulder. "You're not useless at all, Rowan. You saved me; remember that, at least."
Rowan smiled, but she didn't seem entirely convinced. "We'll see."
Winter was approaching faster than Juniper could anticipate. The dreaded Christmas holidays were going to be spent with her father, whom she was not pleased to see. She wrote lots of letters to Rowan and Ben. Basem was away on holiday with his family in France, so she was alone, and to add on everything else, she caught a cold. Juniper wondered if it was the rain or a build-up of stress causing her blocked nose and itchy throat.
She recovered with the help of mint teas and caught up on lost sleep. Juniper returned tired but ready to continue her quest for that cursed vault.
Dumbledore's welcome-back speech again reminded students to stay safe and report any strange activities. There was an unsettling feeling in the air. Did something happen over the break? Did Merula get to the vault while she and Rowan were gone?
"Do you think he's onto tae us?" She whispered, trying hard to hold in that cough.
Rowan leaned, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, and whispered, "I don't think so, or at the very least, I hope not."
Juniper caught the stares of another intruder in their conversation. Dark eyes matching Juniper's darted away, and red hair swished as Tulip moved her head away from Juniper and Rowan.
Juniper's hunch was correct. Dammit, Tulip is too much of a wildcard to understand her intention. The self-made chaos followed that girl. Juniper could never recall if she hung out with anyone or if Tulip even had friends. The only thing that assured Juniper was that if Tulip pointed fingers at her for the Slytherin attack, she would implicate herself.
In the common room at their corner, Rowan and Juniper just chatted. It was the furthest away from everybody; they had claimed it since the first year. It was nice having their own space. She found her fellow Ravenclaws less hostile, but they ignored Juniper. Those points of redemption really helped her image.
"Do you want to return to the cursed vault?" Juniper inquired, wondering if she might need to continue independently. She didn't like to ask Ben again, nor did Juniper want Penny injured under her care.
"Hmm. I don't think so," Rowan noticed Juniper's face dropping. "Or, at the very least, I don't think I'm ready now."
Juniper rested her face onto her hands. Her face was stiff from overthinking. "I don't think I can ask Ben or Penny to help but even if I took one of them, I don't know if they want to or if that's even enough to fight that door."
Rowan crept up and bared a broad, thin smile. She had something handy up her sleeve.
"Luckily, you have a friend who makes multiple lists on everything. I've spend countless hours alone in my room making lists of the most powerful students at Hogwarts based on various factors."
"What's your recommendation?" Juniper perked up.
"Ben is an obvious answer, but we both know he might not want to get involved again. Merula, we can forget about it. Both were no-brainers, and she felt her heart sink, but Rowan came to the rescue. "There is someone more powerful than you, Ben and Merula, who could maybe help."
"Bill Weasley."
Juniper's eyebrows furrowed in as she searched through her brain. Of course, she knew of the Weasleys, and there was a Charlie Weasley in her year. Maybe a brother or cousin?
"I ken the name but I don't ken the person."
"You've never heard of Bill Weasley?! He's one of the most popular boys in school! He's one of the most powerful wizards in his year!" A creeping pink colour filled her cheeks as she rambled on about him. "He's sure to be a prefect and head boy, and everyone says he's one of the bravest students at Hogwarts!"
"Sounds like you fancy him," Juniper teased her, taking the opportunity there.
"I, ah...I don't..." Rowan mumbled, her face flushed to a bright scarlet. "I think he's cool that's all."
"Aye, okay," the girl said, shaking her head with a cheeky grin in disbelief. "And how will we get him to help with the cursed vaults?"
"Well wouldn't the sound of adventure be appealing for anyone brave ?"
"Maybe a gift too?"
"Oh, you could get him this book by Patricia Rakepick. She's a world-renowned curse-breaker and current head of cursebreakers at Gringotts Bank." Rowan rambled on a little more, but Juniper didn't mind. She's amazed at how much Rowan knew. She is the walking embodiment of the lexicon. "It's in line with Bill's interests."
Juniper teasefully nudged. "I take it you have been watching him for a while."
"You're enjoying this far too much aren't you?"
"You know me too well," Juniper quipped. Even Rowan had to chortle. It felt nice to laugh. It had felt like forever since she had been able to laugh about some normality.
Juniper found out more from Rowan. She explained Bill's training schedule, so Juniper selected a weekend as the professors slowly started to cascade down homework and assignments. It was the freest time she could get. She thought the first year was terrible, but the second year was worse.
If there was any proof, Snape would double their workload. Juniper thought she might have some sanctuary because of Merula's lies. Still, Merula's mood soured more due to the detention given by Professor Snape.
According to Rowan, Bill occupied the training grounds to practise his duelling. Juniper avoided the weekend training in the first year due to the senior students taking claims. She had Ben or alternative dummies to practise with.
A tall and lanky boy was whipping about his wand. His shoulder-length red hair swung with his movements. All spells targeted the dummy perfectly. Juniper was impressed that he could even do it verbal less; she wasn't at that stage yet.
"Um...Bill Weasley?"
Bill Weasley stopped what he was doing and turned his attention towards the second year before him. His eyes patiently waited for her.
"Did you get my owl?"
"Yes, what can I do for you, Juniper Moss?"
Juniper tried not to look surprised; she shouldn't have to be. Her name was well known throughout Hogwarts, but it was still shocking to have someone immediately know her. Juniper felt it robbed the joy of getting to know someone on a fresh slate.
"I can tell you're wondering how I know you, aren't you?" He laughed, flashing a bright white brick wall with a smile. "Your brother was the talk of the Weasleys household when the Daily Prophet printed his search for the cursed vaults. Rumour mill is that you're following in his footsteps."
Jacob's shadow struck again. Juniper didn't want that to bog her down. Instead, she realised the gift. She held out the book in hand.
"I brought you a gift...It's a book about a witch named Patricia Rakepick. Rowan says she's one of the world's most famous curse-breakers." Juniper trailed off. She searched for any reaction on the older Gryffindor's face.
A broad smile formed. "Thanks, Juniper. You didn't have to do that. I want to help anyway I can with the cursed vaults."
"You really sure about that?" Juniper still had to ask despite him already agreeing to help her out. "You could get hurt?"
"I'm aware, but I want to become a curse-breaker," Bill said with determination. "And if I want to be the best curse-breaker, I need to have experience."
"Sounds like a cool aspiration."
"I think you would make a great curse-breaker, too with your experience with the cursed vaults."
"Well, I don't know what I want to do yet after Hogwarts." Juniper shrugged. Her plan after Hogwarts was just to get a good-paying job; besides, she had other matters to worry about. "Also, any advice on improving my spellcasting?" The Ravenclaw queried.
"I would focus on your charms, transfiguration, and DADA classes. Always practise your spells there first before practising outside. Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall can help you practise safely." Bill pondered more, his hand resting on his chin. Okay, maybe not DADA. That was bad advice. The Professor is terrible."
"Tell me about it; he's constantly disappearing. It's like he does nae want to teach." She rolled her eyes. She quickly fixed her scarf, pulling it up to her chin to keep warm.
Bill chuckled, "I think we both can agree on that. How does Saturday at noon sound for training?"
"With you?"
"Of course, who else? After all, you came to me for help and this is me helping." Bill proudly said.
"Sounds like a plan, Bill."
"So how was meeting Bill like? Learned any cool spells? Was he cool? Did you guys discuss the weather?" Rowan immediately showered Juniper with questions to satisfy her unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
"Aye, he's cool, Rowan." Juniper smiled. "He agreed to help me but first we're going to practise our duelling every Saturday until I'm as good as him."
"I'm so jealous. Did he ask about me?" Rowan looked eager like a cruppy.
"I don't think he knows who you are..." Juniper trailed off. She had mentioned her friend's name in passing, but that's it.
"But if you want me to, I could mention you more." Juniper threw out the suggestion, eager at the idea of helping Rowan. Rowan looked almost as keen on her idea.
"You can tell Bill Weasley to send me an owl if he ever wants a study partner," Rowan suggested, shrugging awkwardly. "Or just someone to hang out with."
"I'll be sure to tell him that. Maybe you'd could even join one Saturday? That way you meet him in person."
But her friend shook her head shyly in refusal.
"I don't think I'm that ready to meet him." Though the intense stare from Rowan was rare. "But can you promise me that you'll tell him that we can be study partners."
Juniper laughed; there was nothing she wouldn't do for her best and first friend.
"I promise."
The weeks passed quickly as Juniper found herself occupied by quidditch practice after lessons and weekends spent with Bill Weasley. Her skills improved as she honed into this new routine, yet her motivation waned. She would tell herself that she was a Tern. Tenacious. Nevertheless, she felt pressured by all the different responsibilities and the nagging voice in the back of her head about the faux Slytherin attack.
In her Quidditch, Skye gave many valuable pointers in return for Juniper aiding—more like writing—her charms homework. However, Roan Smith often grunted about helping the green players. Juniper and Andre decided to teach each other and gather information from Murphey McNully, who had unlimited information on Quidditch.
"Earth to Juniper," Skye waved.
"Yeah, I'm listening," Juniper pretended that she did.
"I'm seriously doubting that," she raised an eyebrow. "You've been distracted lately, and we need everyone prepared for the match against Slytherin."
That worried her: Slytherin would retaliate because of the accusations. People still whispered about the November incident, which would be all her fault if that did happen.
"Don't worry. I am taking it seriously. Look at the long way I've come." Juniper mustered a feeble smile though the training was evident. Her arms grew dense as once-nonexistent muscles formed. She even managed to lift a stack of heavy textbooks without relying on Charlie or Andre.
"Well, you're less likely to land on your arse, that's for sure," Skye said, which garnered a frown that quickly turned to a chuckle from Juniper.
"I don't think I'm that bad," Juniper said, to which Skye raised an eyebrow.
"Also, I have been doing my own investigation. I'm following several of the Slytherin players, especially Erika Rath to see if I can catch them cheating."
A lump formed in Juniper's throat. Deep down, she knew she had to finally say something or else Skye could do something drastic, which could lead to an actual dispute as if there wasn't enough animosity.
Skye hesitated, "I won't expect you to help but I don't mind having extra help. If you can make sure not to have conflicting schedules."
Juniper quickly turned down the offer. "No, I'm too busy."
"Alright, your loss then," Skye said as she went to put her broom away.
Juniper should be happy that she has gained Skye's trust, but she really needs to put a stop to this. Let the truth come out, but Juniper knew Skye would not react well. Understandably so because Juniper had deceived her, but her lips were ready to slip out everything.
Considering all her options, she turned to the one person who could possibly help. Juniper went to the pitch; she walked up to where Orion was meditating on the field.
"Hey, Orion," Juniper sounded unsure.
"Greetings Juniper, I sense that you are not coming for a social visit." Orion greeted her with an all-knowing yet amiable smile.
"Aye, I need to discuss something important with you," Juniper cracks her knuckles. "I did something, and I'm not sure how to undo it if you know how."
"This is regarding what has been weighing on your mind," Orion responded. Not even the slight breeze could shake him. Juniper nodded as Orion continued, "I have noticed that you have been slightly off balance even after you and Skye have found peace."
"I guess you could say that," Juniper acknowledged. It must have weighed heavily if her captain could see the scales of a guilty conscious tipped heavily to one side. "I am a numpty; I did something incredibly idiotic -and reckless-" she quickly added. Orion's gaze fixated on her as he attentively listened. "I was the one behind the Slytherin attack. But I had never intended to create discord between the houses. I just needed a distraction for another matter, and I thought it was the perfect plan. Well at least I thought so at the moment. I can see now how incredibly stupid it was of me."
Orion paused; Juniper could see him pondering behind his eyes. His calm smile remained. "First, I want to applaud you for taking the initiative to admit a transgression. It is difficult to acknowledge a fault that many others would not admit."
"I'll understand if you want to kick me off the team," the reserved player mumbled.
Orion shook his head. "You possess an untapped potential, but I fear you tend to stand in your own way. Naturally, you will have to make amends for the people who are hurt because of your actions. How you handle it is up to you, and the first step is to redeem yourself."
Juniper, ashamed, had to nod in agreement. She knew Skye would be very hurt, as would the Slytherin quidditch team, who had been unjustly criticised because of her.
"What the hell, Juniper!" She looked down at the source of the loud voice. Skye was standing below them, with steam blowing out of her ears. "That better not be true!"
"I know who I need to apologise and explain to first, and thanks, Orion," Juniper braced herself before going down. The captain nodded sympathetically and let her go. She took a deep breath in before facing Skye, "It's true I was behind the Slytherin attack, but it was not-"
"You lied to me! How many more lies have you told, huh?" Skye accused. "And to use foil a quidditch match on top of that, too! Quidditch may be a joke to you, but it isn't to me! I can't believe this!"
Juniper wasn't sure what to say. Any action she takes will make it worse, but not doing anything will also make it seem to Skye that she doesn't care when she actually does. Maybe she doesn't take Quidditch as seriously as Skye or Andre, but she still finds it necessary and has grown fond of the sport.
"All I can say is I'm sorry. The only thing I wanted you to know was nae to undermine or deceive you initially," Juniper gulped, fighting back her undeserving tears. I lied because I was scared you would react and lose you as a friend."
Her words don't have any effect on Skye's demeanour.
"If you were truly a friend, then you would nae have done it in the first place," her icy gaze turned to Orion, yelling at him for allowing her to stay.
Juniper knew when she overstayed her welcome. She got changed and knew her next steps were to explain to the Slytherin team. She put her face into her hands, trying to not weep over her actions. The consequences would come sooner; maybe it was best that it was now.
She quickly wiped away her tears. She couldn't let anyone see her like this. Nor does she deserve to cry over her own stupidity. Instead, she left before having to continue to witness Skye's wrath.
After hiding out, Juniper went to practise with Bill to ensure she looked okay. Saturdays have become her busiest days. She needed Rowan to remind her of all the assignments and second-year exams they needed to revise.
Her aim was sloppy during practice, which Bill immediately picked up on. She didn't want to repeat the whole story, so he seemingly understood that something was bothering the young witch and tried to direct her focus on something else.
"I hope you're up for proper duelling." His red eyebrows raised in concern, though his tone was light. "I'll go easy, no worries."
"Then you're making it too easy." Juniper dryly chuckled. She had already had too many trips to the hospital wing and probably couldn't handle it anymore.
"You sure? We can continue practising with dummies." Bill suggested, but the girl was adamant that she would see this through.
"No, I can duel with you."
"I know that you're no stranger to duelling after that fight between you and Merula."
The fight from last year, Juniper, was over Merula's hunger for power and quest to stop the Ravenclaw. She knew she took things too far when she used the banishing spell, but an eye for an eye sometimes was necessary.
"I hope I wasn't too bad." Juniper joked.
"Oh, I didn't see it but my little brother, Charlie told me. He's a second year like you."
"Aye, I think I know him. He's pals with Ben Copper." Juniper mentioned. She had heard about Charlie in passing, and they shared a few classes but had yet to interact with one another. "What'd he tell you?"
"That you were a brilliant dueller. Especially the way you knocked down Merula." Though the smile faded. "A little harsh but I get it. You were saving your friend."
"Not my finest hour but I couldn't just let her continue and terrorise Hogwarts."
"Agreed and it seemed to have work for the most part." A crooked grin formed.
"But just made her attitude worse."
"Oh, absolutely," Bill agreed. "Let's get this duel underway then."
Juniper pulled her wand from her pocket. "Ready to go."
"Alright, on the mark of one." Bill counted down, "Three, two, one."
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"Protego!" Bill immediately countered her spell. There goes disarming him with laughter.
"Tarantallegra!" Bill cut off Juniper. Her instinct was to dodge. She knew the dancing feet spell as it was recently covered in charms. However, she had another ace.
"Reducio!" she charmed herself. Juniper almost laughed in surprise at Bill's widening eyes before a surprised grin followed.
Insect Juniper now had the advantage of being hidden out of sight in the tall wet grass. She hadn't expected the droplets to easily drench her. She sprinted, got behind Bill, and caught him off guard. Bill had a watchful eye speculating her position.
"Engergio," Juniper muttered, pointing the wand to herself. Bill swiftly turned on his heels the moment she grew. "Nice try, Expelliarmus!"
The wand flew forcefully out of her hand. Juniper tried to rush to grab her wand but tripped over her shoes and fell face flat into the grass. Her hat fell off.
"Blimey, you alright?"
Juniper groaned in pain. Bill rushed over and helped her.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything?"
"No, but thanks, Bill. It was just a fall. Nothing serious."
Internally, she was relieved because she didn't want to go to the hospital wing. Still, simultaneously, she didn't like to remain seriously hurt.
"I think it's safe to say, you're not a novice." Bill chuckled; his blue eyes were bright. "You could give me a run for my money."
"I don't think I'm that good."
"You give yourself less credit than you actually deserve."
"Yeah really. Wanna have another go?"
"Aye definitely."
They resumed their duel, Juniper trying to produce the less powerful spells, which made them more refined and focused. It helped to distract her and clear her thoughts. Maybe she could even start using them nonverbally.
They continued dodging, ducking, and casting until they collapsed on the frosty grounds—so much for not overdoing it.
"I'd say we've did some great progress."
"Yeah, I would say so too."
The sound of the heavy breathing was somewhat amusing. Bill couldn't help but laugh at their hopeless state.
"We're going to break into the ice vault surely."
"Ice you say?"
"Well I was doing some thinking when you said it and I figured a good spell for you to study is the fire making charm, incendio."
"Who would have thought that a fire spell is great against ice." Juniper said in a joking manner. Bill rolled his eyes playfully at her sarcasm. "But that's good to know. I can study with Rowan, she'll have it somewhere within her six editions of charms textbook."
"Six editions?"
"Oh, for history, she has fifteen editions and a photographic memory." Juniper used the opportunity to praise her friend as she had promised.
"Sounds like someone who would be a great study partner."
"Rowan would nae having a study partner, you could always owl her." Juniper figured it best not to add the other statement about following around.
"Thanks, I might take her up on that."
Juniper felt she was finally getting somewhere. There was a stride in her steps and a noticeable shift in her energy. Her mind was clearer, and she managed better with her school work, Quidditch and duelling practice. Though nothing good lasts forever.
Previous chapter: chapter 16
Next chapter: chapter 18
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limerental · 3 years
Witcher Femslash February hosted by @witcherladiesamirite
day two - Transformation
Yennefer/Triss - A freshly-transformed Yennefer spends the night with Triss after her Ascension.
content warning for underage (Triss 17/Yennefer 18). Triss is a year below Yennefer in school.
A noise rouses Triss from sleep, and she lies still in the darkness of her room, trying to place it.
Usually if she's woken at this hour, it's to one or two of her girls trying to sneak out of the dorms and go off to do who knows what. Smoke some herb they pilfered from their botany lessons or meet a Ban Ard boy for a snog. With summer recess only a few days away, she doesn't quite understand the urge to risk punishment sneaking off.
She sighs. 
Triss would much rather stay beneath the warmth of her enveloping blankets, but she takes her job as an Aretuza prefect, keeping a watchful eye on the younger girls, very seriously. The others her age have their own apartments elsewhere on Thanned Island or in neighboring Gors Velen, but Triss still sleeps in the dorms, feeling older and older by the day.
She sighs again. 
Given the past evening's Ascension banquet, Triss will technically be among the oldest students at Aretuza by morning, the class above her gone off to prepare for their assignments in the real world. Younger students were not invited to intend the initiation into the Brotherhood or banquet afterward. Her girls had tittered and gossiped all week about it. Assignments and transformations and at last, the banquet dancing and dining with royalty well into the night.
The idea of it fills Triss with dread instead of excitement. Both for the reminder of her own approaching graduation only a brief year from now, and for a pang of longing over what she will lose tonight.
Has already lost. 
There are new noises in the hallway, and Triss flings back her blankets to sit up in bed, ready to catch the roaming girl. She is sorry for the likely harshness of the impending scolding, her nerves far too frayed for patience.
Before she can rise from bed, her door creaks open, and a strange woman steps through. Triss squeaks and only resists shouting in alarm when the woman whispers in a familiar voice, holding out her hands.
"Triss! Triss, it's me!"
"Yenna?" asks Triss, as the woman steps into a stream of moonlight. The older girl has slipped into her rooms past curfew more times than Triss can count, but this is different. She looks nothing like Yenna at all. The strange woman is eerily beautiful and humming with chaos, wearing a dark evening gown that hugs her perfect figure, her hair falling in waves across her shoulders. She is barefoot, her heels dangling from her hand. 
Her eyes are violet, washed paler in the moonlight. It really is Yenna, though her features and body are entirely alien. She no longer walks with a limp, hunched by the twist of her spine, and her jawline is smooth, even her hair softer in its texture.
"Do you like it?" the woman asks, turning this way and that, the dress swishing against her ankles. 
"I thought you wanted--" She stalls, unsure how to ask with the appropriate sensitivity. When she and Yennefer had spoken about transformations, she had always been sure of herself. She wanted power and not beauty. Enough of a change to ease the pain of her twisted spine but not so much that she was smoothed into a perfect, boring beauty. Let those who doubted her or mocked her or abused her look at her and never forget who she had become in spite of them.
"Did something happen?"
Yenna snorts a laugh, just the same laugh as she has always had, disarming and strange now that her body is so different. 
"Only the usual," says Yenna as she steps close enough to snug an arm around Triss' waist, dropping her heels to the floor.
More disarming still, she sways forward, revealing her tipsiness, and draws Triss in for a kiss. Triss forgets to kiss back for a moment, the shape of Yenna's mouth so unfamiliar. The taste of her is the same. Sweet and warm. The way the kiss pools low in her belly is the same. They have been doing this for years now, fooling around, nothing serious, and it never fails to make Triss feel like burning up every time.
Even so changed, this is the same. Yenna still does not know how much these moments mean to Triss, how much they ache.
Triss has yet to tell her of the depth of her feeling. She thinks maybe she won't ever tell her. Yenna has so many grand plans and ideas for her future, and Triss is only an afterthought, a footnote.
"Typical Aretuza bullshit. I nearly was assigned to Nilfgaard. Nilfgaard! Can you fucking imagine?"
"Oh Yenna, I thought--"
"Aedirn was a sure thing? It was. Until it wasn't."
"So wait, you--" 
"I didn't lie down and accept it, obviously. I made King Virufel see me. I made all of them see me."
Yenna kisses her again. She always has made these things that perplex and worry Triss seem so easy, kissing and touching and apparently, swaying kings in her favor. It was Yenna who first taught her how to kiss and how to do other, more adult things in this very dorm as a sheltered first year. Triss has never grown tired of it but never stopped being nervous, never known how to make the first move. Yenna always knows just what to do, and Triss feels desperately lost, giving to the sway of her demands.
The kiss is heated and insistent, as most kisses with Yenna are. But now, Triss can feel a rising sting of fresh chaos alongside the other girl's elation. 
"You should have seen it," says Yennefer, grinning against Triss' mouth. Even her smile feels different. They are of a height now, Triss so used to ducking slightly to kiss her that she cannot quite adjust to the new angle. "The looks on their faces when I walked into that banquet hall. I was stunning. I was the most beautiful thing any of them had ever seen."
You already were, Triss thinks and does not say. You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
The burn of tears catches her off guard as grief wells up in her chest. 
"Oh, I'm happy for you, Yenna," she says, kissing a smooth cheek. The skin is hot beneath her lips. "You're going to be wonderful." 
"I know," says Yenna, laughing as she pushes Triss back against her narrow bed with clear intention. Triss wonders why she's here of all places, why she has chosen her bed to celebrate in. Triss is not Yenna's only lover or even her most frequent. She's maybe the most uncomplicated, the least needy or demanding. Triss takes whatever she can get of Yenna and gives her all that she can. "After tonight, none of them will ever forget me. They'll remember this night for ages."
I will remember you for ages. I will never forget, thinks Triss. In the dark as Yenna straddles her thighs to cradle her body in a sensual press of their hips together, she can pretend that nothing has changed. Yenna is still as she was, crooked and beautiful and stubborn and proud, and she is not leaving Triss behind. 
She can pretend they can have a hundred more quiet, intimate moments like this. It is not the last. Never meaning anything and yet meaning everything in the world.
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An anonymous lover (part 6)
Summary : Y/N sees Sirius Black running away after a particularly rough letter from his mother. She wants to cheer him up and decide to send him a letter, anymously, she knows how much he hates her house.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, not proof read, panick attack
Word count : 2k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - You're here - Part 7
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
Y/N didn’t go to class, she felt like shit, completly like shit. She was in her bed, rolled in her blanket, looking at nothing, the argument with Sirius playing in her head over and over again. Tears would have rolled down if she hadn’t cried all of them already.
She simply couldn’t believe it, a part of her wished so hard that was all a nightmare. But she knew it wasn’t, she had let her guard down and had been stabbed a million time by the very person she had trust enough to tell all of her being.
She hated how much this impacted her, she should be used to it by now, shouldn’t she ? It wasn’t like student from other house hasn’t already told her all those things ; “monters”,”abomination”,”shame”... It wasn’t rare for slytherin for being bullied just for bieng slytherin, most of them have built up walls to protect themselves.
She even got comment from other slytherin, the bad one, those who gave a bad name to this house, on how she doesn’t deserve to be here, that the Hat had made a mistake, because surely there was no way “a dumb”, “snoflake”, “less than nothing” had ended up in the house of the greatest wizard of the magic world !
All their insults started to spin in her head, she had tried so hard to not let them get to her but Sirius’ comments just validated them. They were right, she was a shame, to her house, to this school, probably to her family and friends too, why would anyone wants to be with her anyway ?
She started to feel herself suffocating in her duvet, so she took her blanket off. Her hands were trambling, hearts pounding faster than an hyppogryff at full speed, she could barely breath and started to panick even more. It wasn’t the fisrt that happened to her, so she tried to remember Madam Pomfrey’s advices.
She closed her eyes and focused on her breath, trying to gain control back, it took many tries, but after minutes who felt like hours, she was able to breathe properly. She sighed in relief, and for a few minutes, just looked at the floor, debating with herself of what to do and letting her time to recover from what just happened.
She tapped her thigh vigourously and stood up, she wasn’t going to let a heartbreak lead her life ! She was going to take a nice shower and get into comfortable clothes and get out of her room !
After cleaning herself up, she still didn’t feel like going to class, fearing of a new break down, so got dress, she took some school supplies and went to the slytherin common room, it was dark, with tall walls and big windows to have a look in the Black lake. Mermaids came sometimes, communications was a bit hard but it was kind of fun to bound with these creatures, she loved watching them swin, it was mesmerising.
She sat down on a window seat, were cushion had been placed and as well as a tray for those who –just like her- wanted to study. This would give her the possibility of being productive despise not going to class, and avoid thinking of Sirius for a while –she did let her potion books and notes in her bedroom just to be safe-
After a few hours, she was proud of herself for all the work she had done, all her homeworks were done, and she even took the time to do studies in advance, she had not think of Sirius that much, and was now looking at the lake, some mermaids were playing together a bit further, it was hide to see since the water of the lake wasn’t clear but if you focused enough, you could see it.
But she was took out of her observation when she felt a tap on shoulder, when she looked it was Collins, the prefect who guide her back to the common room last night. She was so overwhelmed yesterday, she hadn’t took the time to look at him, she hadn’t realised he was a fellow slytherin. She didn’t care much of her house structure if she was honest, she had no idea of who was headboy or girl, prefect or member of the quidditch team.
She took a good look at him, he was tall with blond curly hair and dark eyes, quite cute actually. But then it hit her, was she in trouble for skipping class ? Shit, had she missed McGonagall detention ? So she just at him, waiting to be reprimand or something, but it didn’t happen, he just looked at her and then away, oppenning and closing his mouth, trying to say something.
She decided to end his suffering and spoke, “Yes ?” He hesitate a bit more before looking finally at her. “Are you.. Are you okay ?” This took Y/N by surprise, she wasn’t expecting him to worry about her, when he guided her back, he hadn’t said a word and clearly looked uneasy, she thought he would do anything to avoid her.
“Hum, well, yeah, thanks for asking.” An akward silence set between the two for a few seconds, Y/N decided to put her stuff away since she wasn’t going to study again.  “Do you need anything else ?” Collins jumped, surprised to hear her after the seconds of silence. “No.. I mean YES ! I … well..” he clearly didn’t know what to say, that’s adorable though Y/N. She motion him to sit down in front of her.
He did so and sighed, before slamming his hand on face, “Sorry, this is akward, I don’t know what to say”, Y/N laughed a bit “I can see that !” she teased. He became all the shade of red. “What about some presentation first ? I’m Y/N Y/L/N” she reached out her hand.
He smiled and shook her hand. “Benjamin Collins, but please, call me Ben” She nodded. “So, Ben, what else did you have to tell me ? “
He looked down at his hand, playing with his thumbs, “I.. I don’t know. After what happenned last night I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and when I didn’t see you at mealtime, I got a bit worried”. Y/N openned her mouth, it was her turn to not know what to say, that was just so sweet, she didn’t expect it from a stranger. But then her stomach gurgled and it was his turned to laugh. “I ‘m taking that into you didn’t eat yet ? Come with me, we’ll found you something”
And that’s how both of them went to the kitchen, the house elves were nice to make her a little something, and they talked for a few hours. Y/N learned he was a year older than her he was a muggleborn, he had a little sister he was really closed to, she didn’t turn out to be a witch too which made him quite sad but he was proud of her anyway. She spend such a good time with him, it’s actually him who had to remind her of her detention.
To not be late she had to run to her dorm to quickly change, not sure McGonagall would have liked seeing her in a casual outfit, and then she had to run to the classroom, whe she arrived just in time. There, she saw Sirius, who snapped his head at her when she got in clearly waiting for her. But before their eyes could meet, she turned her head and sat down as far as possible from him. It is only now she realised she hadn’t thought of him at all while she was with Benjamin.
He was about to say something but to Y/N’s relief, Professor McGonagall got in, “Perfect, I see you are both here, for your detention you are going to organise all of the books of this class in alphabetical order, without magic, of course” Y/N widen her eyes, there were a lot of books here, it was going to take forever.
Both her and Sirius got up and started to work, Y/N always stepped away the closer Sirius got to her. He eyed her every now and then but she ignore him completly, after a few minutes he looked to see if McGonagall was paying attention to them and when he saw she was busy, he spoke low to Y/N.
“Y/N ?” she ignored him, “Y/N ? Can we talk ?” she still ignore him, “Y/N, please”, she blessed him with a hard look and spoke irritated, “What”
Sirius felt himself getting smaller at her look, he did deserve that. “I’m sorry” she rolled her eyes and kept her work. “I really I’m Y/N, I-.. You didn’t deserve any of the words I said to you, I didn’t believe any of them I-” as he was speaking, she walked away, not giving a glare.
“I know, I know, you’re mad-” she was about to talk but he kept going, wanting to have the chance to finish first “-and I deserve your anger, but I want to make it up to you”
She finally talk, “It’s far too late for sorry, the harm is done, there is nothing you can do”
“There’ got to be something I can do ! Please Y/N”
“You want to make it up to me ? Organise those books so we can be out as soon as possible and stop talking to me”
Sirius frowned, and sighed “I will find a way Y/N, be sure of that” “Get to work, Black”. He grimaced when he heard her uses his last name, he will take a lot more than a simple apology to earn her forgivness, but he was going to make every effort, she was worth all of it. He will take down the moon and give it to her if that would make her talked to him again.
Once they stopped talking it took an hour and a half in total to finish it, Sirius did his best to be as efficient as possible, if she wanted to be out as quickly aas possible, she will. Once they had finish, she quickly excuse herself from Professor McGonagall and walked away.
Sirius sighed, putting his face in his hand. McGonagall walked to him and pat his shoulder, “Good luck Mister Black, you are going to need it”, he thanked her and went to his dorm.
He decided to analyse every letter she has send him, searching for all the things that could make her forgive him, making a list, putting on plans, with the help of the marauders. He had a pretty clear idea, it would take a couple of days to put in place, he hoped so hard it would work.
It was now time for dinner, he went with his friends, once at the table he search for Y/N at the slytherin table, his eye widen when he saw her sitting next to a boy he recognise to be the one who took her back to her common room yesterday. He felt his blood boil in his veign, she was smiling and laughing out loud. Wow, that laugh, he loved it, but he shouted dark glare at the boy, he wanted to be the one to make her laugh.
“Stop tarring” said Remus suddenly, making his friend jumped, “you don’t get to be jalous” Sirius groaned and let his head fall on the table with a hard thud, turning a few heads. “I know, I still don’t like it”
“She moved on fast” noted Peter. James shrugged a bit, “She’s a slytherin” he put his hands in the air when Sirius shot him an angry look, “Wha’ I mean is tha’ they are proud, she wasn’t goin’ to let herself down fo’ you”
Sirius sighed, he guessed that was a good thing ? He didn’t want her to be hurt because of him, but he felt bad for wanting her to care about him more than she does. He put that thought away, he didn’t get to wish for that when he was the one who pushed her away in the first place.
He looked at the two of them once more, clenching his fists, he had to make it up to you, and fast, or else he will lose you forever.
@blackpinkdolan  @jentaculargums @bruxa0007 @deathkat657  @bleh-bleh-blehs @whiskeypowder @edithsvoice @weasleybeb @auggie2000 @the-mess-in-my-head @theincredibledeadlyviper
I will be on vacation for two weeks with my family, I will probably not be able to update the serie for a while.
Thanks all of you for your support, your like, reblog and nice message, it really warm my heart and motivate me to keep going <3 Love you, have an amazing day
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secretsandwriting · 3 years
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It was Soulmate week. Once a year the students 5th year and up would spend the week taking 3 additional classesfor the sole sake of finding their soulmate. Every year had different classes so you never took the same one twice.
If they found your soulmate, or at least someone who was close enough to seem like it, then they would send for them and hey had the option to meet you and follow you around throughout the day they could go into the dorm rooms too and if its not your soulmate then you went through hell for nothing.
It was annoying to say the least. The students had little say in it and being followed around for any sort of time got annnoying fast. Not that you would know. You hadn’t found yours yet and while it was disappointing it was almost better then being followed around.
You know the saying 3rd times the charm? Well in this case its more of, 3rd times the loss. This was your third year and 3rd time going through it and it happened.
In the first extra class you had this week with Professor Snape. You had to make a potion. It had a base recipe and then you were supposed to add whatever you had the “need” to add. Extra ingredients that on normal cases the school wouldn’t allow students to use and even things that weren’t normally put in potions were there. After the potions were finished you would tell Snape what you had put in it and if someone had already done it, the book would magically go to the page and the persons name would glow, if they weren’t there he would write it out.
You followed directions, and put in what you felt like needed to be in it. Snape came to look at your final product before he went to write down what you used, meaning you needed to him and if you did it right, he might award house points. Snape seemed to have a slight tender side for Hufflepuff’s especially if they listened.
“I used a single f/f, wolfsbane, a single red rose, an earring, a piece of yarn, and a cursed .” After listing your ingredients the book magically flipped through and stopped where a name was glowing.
Snape groaned before leaving to write down the name to give to Dumbledore, therefore sealing your fate. So not only would you have your normal classes, the soulmate classes, and your duty as head girl, but now you would have your soulmate following you around.
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At breakfast there was an extra table set up for those who had been called. It was the one time they could be near their soulmate. Before the week had started Dumbledore had told you and Jacob (the Head boy) that everyday you would have to explain the rules to the new soulmates that had come right after breakfast and before class. Meaning today, you would be talking to your soulmate and you had an even shorter time to eat your breakfasts this week. Thankfully the house elves tended to like Hufflepuffs and Jacob was polite to them so they would let him in too, and sometimes they would sneak you food in the middle of the day.
Right before you could finish your food, one of the younger Slytherins was at your side to tell you that the prefects were calling him a mudblood.
“Sorry we’re late, we had a few things we needed to deal with.” Jacob annonced as the two of you walked into the room. “I’m Jacob Griffin and this is Y/n L/n. Before we go over the rules lets make sure everyones here.” After a quick roll call, it was time to begin.
“Thats all. Any questions.” Four hands and 5 minutes until class starts. “You sir.” Jacob picked on one of the men.
After answering all the questions you had five minutes to get to class as long as nothing needed tending to beforehand. Setting a fast pace you headed to your first class of the day, trying to ignore the male following you. It was going to be a long week.
You managed to politely avoid any interaction with him until the soulmate classes where you were required to work with him.
“Hello, I’m Bill Weasley.” A Weasley, Bill Weasley. You knew about him. He had been a perfect and a head boy. You also knew four of his younger brothers. This was going to be an experience.
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The week had gone faster then you thought it would and now it was time to say goodbye, you didn’t want to. It had been nice and you didn’t want it to end quite yet.
“If only I had another week here.” Bill sighed before turning fully to you.
“The Hogsmeade trip is coming up, you could always come for that if you have free time.” The amount you had just travled from your comfort zone was astronomical but Bill had become the highlight of the past week.
“I can’t think of any plan-” the train whistled signaling the passengers. “I hope you don’t mind…” Bill gently pulled you close and gently kissed you. Before losing your confidence, you pulled him to you for another.
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Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x Reader II Chapter 17 of 27: Magical
Summary:  Pretending to be in a relationship with Draco Malfoy to get back at your ex might have not been the smartest idea you ever had. Especially during your last year of Hogwarts where you should be focusing on exams and your future plans. However, you were just pretending. There was no way in hell you could actually catch feelings for someone like Malfoy. … Right?
A/N: A few announcements - I took some time off these past two weeks because uni started again and I needed a little time to sort stuff out. Because of that I will from now on post one chapter per week. If sometimes I have time for two, then great, but one chapter per week is my goal for now. I hope that’s okay! Also you lovely people keep sending me song suggestions for this story (I wanna cry everytime you do that) and I compiled a little playlist. You can find it here if you don’t have spotify! I love you all so much! For now - enjoy the chapter! Words: 3.4k Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader, post war Warnings: ... making out, I guess?
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“Draco …”, you sighed softly when his lips wandered down your neck. “We’ll be late …”
“Hmm,” the tone vibrated against your skin and his hot breath caused a shiver to run down your spine.
“We should really go,” you whispered.
“In a minute,” he replied, his eyes closed as his lips searched for yours. They met and his hands found your hips, pressing his body up against yours. You gasped but the sound was drowned by him. The kiss became faster, his tongue slipping into your mouth. Your head was spinning and you felt light-headed as if you were high up on the clouds and not in an empty classroom in the dungeons of Hogwarts. The Slytherin seemed to have that effect on you and you already knew that the moment he pulled away, your body would be trembling, aching for more for him.
Draco’s fingers tugged at the hem of your shirt, pulling it out of your skirt until you felt his hands on your bare skin. This was the moment where your eyes fluttered open and you turned your head to the side, breaking the kiss. Turning back, he looked at you confused and out of breath. His usually perfect hair was messy, his lips red and puffy. The green and silver tie around hung loosely around his neck and the first buttons of his shirt were already opened, barely covering up the red lines of a hickey you’d given him.
You had done it to tease him, knowing how much he despised marks or blemishes on his body but it had only ended with him, pulling you in here and pressing you up against the cold stone wall. “Seems like I need to teach you a lesson,” he had grumbled, his eyes suddenly black as the night and your melted right then and there, trembling with excitement.
Now, he stared at you with a hunger in his eyes that made it clear to you, he wasn’t ready to leave yet. You, however, didn’t want to miss the announcement the Headmistress so mysteriously wanted to give tonight at supper.
“We only have around five or ten minutes to get there,” you repeated yourself. “Let’s go!”
He rolled his eyes and leaned forward, his forehead resting against yours. “Why do you want to go so badly?”, he asked. “The others can tell us later –”
“But I want to hear it. It sounded important.”
“Speaking from experience, most things our headmasters or headmistresses announce is less important than they think.”
You chuckled. “That’s your opinion. I’m also hungry.”
“Yeah, me too,” he replied and tilted his head again. Before he could press his lips against yours, he was stopped by your finger on his mouth.
You chuckled. “Draco.”
“Ugh,” he sighed dramatically and let go of you. “Fine…”
“Stop whining,” you laughed and reached down to grab the robe that he had pulled down your shoulders just minutes earlier. He only smirked at you.
The last two weeks were a blurr. You were drawn to one another, addicted, starving for each other. Lighting struck in your hearts with every whisper, every kiss, every touch. He never left your mind, all your thoughts circled around him. Around being close to him. Being with him. It was ridiculous how much your body longed to feel him against yours. He made you feel things you didn’t know existed. In conclusion, it wasn’t possible to describe the time with him adequately. Magical was a word the muggles would probably use.
Sometimes, in the quiet moments, when you watched him work in the library or nod off in the Room of Requirements, a thought entered your mind. It crept up like a monster behind his prey, careful and silent but just as dangerous: This isn’t friendship.
You shut it out but it kept coming back. Waking you in the middle of the night, distracting you when you studied, made you forget your homework. Until now, you were successful in ignoring it. However, along with the thought came the fear that it wouldn’t leave you.
Headmistress McGonagall was in the middle of her speech when the two of you arrived. You glared at Draco, silently saying “I told you so” before you sat down next to Ginny. She grinned at you and wiggled her eyebrows, guessing where you had come from. You rolled your eyes.
“… Winter Dance.”
You looked up abruptly when McGonagall said those words. She made a pause as if she wanted to see the reactions of her students. They started to murmur and giggle, excitement filled the room like a buzz. She stopped it with a wave of her hand.
“The last time, Hogwarts has hosted such an event was during the Triwizard Tournament”, McGonagall continued. “It feels like a long time ago. This particular school year ended in tragedy when we lost our dear student and friend, Cedric Diggory.” Another pause. “We experienced the Dance however as something beautiful that brought us and you closer together. This is why we, the staff and our Prefects,” she turned to smile at the mentioned people, “decided to make the Winter Dance a yearly tradition. In February of each year, we will come together to celebrate and dance.”
When she ended, the Hall erupted into clapping and cheers. Ginny nudged you excitedly, already making plans for you to go to Hogsmeade to shop for a dress during the next weekend.
“The Winter Dance will be held in two weeks,” the Headmistress announced. “I expect you to wear formal, appropriate attire. Other than that –”, a smile showed on her face, “– I expect you to have fun.”
With that, she snapped her fingers and food appeared on the long tables. The Hall was filled with noise in seconds. You felt the excitement in the air and when Draco winked at you from across the Slytherin table and you couldn’t suppress the smile, you understood the other students.
A ball.
A real ball. With dresses and music and delicious food and everyone having fun. Everyone being normal. Just like the Yule Ball. It seemed so long ago yet you remembered every detail of the night. Getting ready with Ginny, nervously waiting for your date, clumsily dancing and trying not to step on his feet. To be fair, you had gotten much better since then. When your father found out that you tripped twice during the night, he spent the also summer between your third and fourth year teaching you how to dance. The memory gave you a feeling of warmth. Oh, how happy and simple your life once was.
“I suppose you’re going with Malfoy?”, Ginny interrupted your thoughts.
You didn’t answer her question. “I suppose you’re going with Harry?”
She frowned. “Of course, we’re dating.”
You looked at her with a raised eyebrow. It clicked in her brain and Ginny nodded slowly. “Right yes, I keep thinking this all just a feverish dream and you’re not really with him.”
“Stop being rude, Ginny,” Hermione chimed in before taking a sip from her drink.
“She can handle it,” the Weasley girl replied and grinned at you.
You chuckled. “Thank you, Hermione,” you said nonetheless. “However, let’s focus on the more important things here.”
Both of the girls looked at you with question marks in their eyes.
“We need to get to Hogsmeade before Parkinson and the whole bunch can buy the good dresses.”
One week later …
Draco flinched.
You stopped and looked up at him. He was on his back, shirtless, the covers pulled up just to hips, one arm behind his head, the other one straight next to his body. Although his eyes were closed, you noticed the way he clenched his jaw.
It was quiet in the Room of Requirements. Right now, it had changed to a small room with only a large bed in front of a window from which you were able to see the Black Lake and the stunning Scottish landscape behind it.
“Does it hurt?”, you whispered.
“Yes,” he replied. “No, I … I can’t describe it.” He let out a deep breath.
“Hmm,” you hummed and your eyes trailed back over his toned chest down to his left arm. The eyes of the snake in his black tattoo seemed to be staring back at you. In your mind, you were curious to see how it looked when it was moving.
“Do you think it should hurt?”, you asked then.
Draco opened his eyes. They found you right away. “I have a therapist for that, you know.”
You smiled cheekily at him.
He turned on his side, using his left arm to prop himself up. Right in that moment, the first rays of the sun hit the window. The light made his skin shimmer golden and it took your breath away for a second. People disagreed on so many things about Draco Malfoy but you were convinced there was one thing, everyone – even a blind person – had to admit: he was drop dead gorgeous.
“You’re beautiful,” he mumbled. His expression was serious, not even the hint of a smile. “I can say that, right? As a friend?”
The sudden tone that changed from earnest to teasing, made you snort. “It’s possible to find people attractive without having feelings for them. You’re not blind, are you?”
He chuckled and shook his head. “I’m definitely not.” After a moment of silence, he then asked: “Have you found a dress yet?”
“Going today before breakfast.”
“Before?”, he raised an eyebrow. That meant you had to leave soon.
You nodded. “We want to get there before Parkinson and the rest.”
“I feel like Weasley and Pansy have quite different price ranges, so she doesn’t have to worry,” Draco remarked.
“But Parkinson and I don’t,” you replied and tried your best not to roll your eyes at his comment.
“True,” he shrugged. “I’d love to buy a dress.”
The statement took you by surprise. You blinked. Draco smiled sadly. It took you an embarrassing long time to understand. From what money. “One day,” you said softly. “Times will change for your family. I’m sure of it.”
There was an awkward moment of silence in which Draco just looked at you, an unreadable expression on his face. Then he shifted and so did the blanket on his hips, you noticed. When he saw how your eyes wandered down his body, he smirked. “When do you have to leave?”
“Thirty minutes.”
“I can work with that.”
You were the first customers of the day. The store was still closed when Hermione, Ginny and you arrived.
“See, it’s not even open yet. There was no reason for you to be mad at me!”, you exclaimed when you stood in front of the door and saw the ‘Closed’-sign.
“You were twenty minutes late!”, Hermione snapped. Her cheeks were red. You didn’t know if the running or the anger caused it but you were not sure if you wanted to.
“Yeah, well, I was busy …,” you mumbled. “Doing things …”
“Do those things have Malfoy as their last name?”, Ginny asked.
You cleared your throat. “Maybe?”
There was a brief moment of silence in which your friends just looked at you. Then, suddenly, both of them started laughing.
“Just the thought …”, Ginny shivered.
“People like Malfoy don’t have sex, it’s just, no, my mind doesn’t know what to do with this information,” Hermione shook her head.
You snorted at their reactions. It was freezing cold out here and so you began to rock back and forth on your heels. “They do,” you said to Hermione. “Believe me, they do.”
“Is he any good though?”, Ginny wanted to know. “Or is he into some weird kinky Slytherin –”
Luckily, she was cut off when the door opened and a small, old lady looked at you. “Are you here for the Winter Dance?”
In all your time at Hogwarts, you had never stepped foot into this shop. For the Yule Ball, your parents had sent you a dress so you really never had a reason to come here.
You were surprised though by the sheer abundance of dresses and suits pressed into the small store. Every color you could think of, tulle and lace and velvet and satin – you and your friends were speechless when you walked in.
“There’s just … so much,” Hermione stammered.
“Yes, dear,” the old lady nodded eagerly. “When we heard about the Winter Dance, we made as many dresses as we could in the short time.”
“They’re all so beautiful,” you said.
“Thank you! They are the best quality in all of Scotland!”, she replied shortly. “How about you take a seat and I will present you with some options that I’d think would look stunning on you pretty girls.”
And with that, she hurried off. Your friends looked at one another before going over to the small couch on the other end of the store. It was located in front of the dressing rooms and a huge mirror.
Hermione was first. She had a pretty clear vision of what she wanted to wear and the old lady picked out the perfect dress right on the first try. It was a gorgeous red ballgown with a sweetheart-neckline. She looked like a goddess.
“Ron will faint,” you remarked and she giggled.
Ginny was next. For her, it was more difficult. She tried on six dresses, in colors from bright pink to black. In the end, she settled for a yellow dress. It clashed with her red-hair in the best way possible and you wondered how it was possible for any guy not to fall in love with her. She was excited when she saw herself in the mirror, turning and twirling in front of it – but her joy was ended abruptly when the old lady mentioned the price.
“I told you my price range,” Ginny said distraught.
“I’m sorry, dear,” she sighed. “But what you wanted … it wasn’t possible.”
“Then why didn’t you say something?”
Hermione looked over at you and you understood immediately. “We’ll pay for it,” you chimed in.
Ginny turned to you and shook her head violently. “No, absolutely not.” You had expected that reaction. She was just as proud as the rest of the family.
“It’s fine, Ginny,” Hermione smiled at her.
“No, it’s not!”
“It’s an early birthday gift?”, you tried to offer.
“Okay, how about that,” you began, “we only pay the difference. And we’ll split it in half so it’s not too bad.”
Ginny hesitated.
“Just promise us to get us free tickets for your Quidditch games once you’re famous,” Hermione added.
Finally, she smiled. Very hesitantly but she did. “Fine then.”
You were next. Not sure what you’d like, you told the lady to just bring any dresses she’d like to see on you. In this moment, you wished for your mother to be here. No matter how difficult of a person she was, she had an immaculate sense of style. She would have walked in here and picked the right dress immediately.
However, the old lady seemed to have the same gift. When you saw yourself in that first dress, you swallowed heavily. You hardly recognized the woman in the mirror.
“Oh it’s gorgeous,” Hermione commented. “That’s the one, no question.”
Ginny nodded in agreement.
It was a dark blue dress, flowing down, hugging and accentuating all the right parts of your body. There were little gemstones woven in the fabric of the skirt, making it sparkle with every movement of yours. It must cost a fortune. Luckily, your father still felt guilty for what happened last Christmas and told you to not look on the price tag and to simply send him the bill.
“His favourite colour is green.”
You were so stunned by the dress that you didn’t notice how the door opened and someone stepped in. You looked up, only to see the judging faces of your three Slytherin best friends: Astoria Greengrass, accompanied by her sister and Parkinson.
Astoria stared at you and didn’t even try to hide the fact that she despised seeing you here. “His favourite colour,” she repeated herself. “It’s green.”
Oh, so she wanted to pick a fight.
You frowned, not sure what to say at first.
“Oh, fuck off, Greengrass,” Ginny shot at her, coming to your rescue.
“Wow, a Weasel? In here? You sure you can aff–”
Before she finished her sentence and Ginny got a chance to physically fight her, you raised your voice: “It’s not.”
Astoria focused her attention back on you. Confused, you noticed how her sister – Daphne – rolled her eyes and stepped away, clearly not interested in this petty drama. Parkinson stayed and watched the two of you curiously.
“Excuse me?”, Astoria said.
“His favourite colour isn’t green,” you explained with a soft voice. “It’s this one actually. Blue.”
She blinked.
“And some small piece of advice,” you continued, “wear what you’re comfortable with not what you think men like Draco want.”
In the corner of your eye, you saw Hermione looking down on her feet. The corners of her mouth twitched. Ginny on the other hand didn’t hide the wide grin on her face.
If looks could kill, you’d be dead by now. “Luckily with my body I’m comfortable in everything,” she said coldly.
You smiled. “Okay then. Good for you.”
Two weeks later …
“If you don’t want me looking like a house-elf, I have to leave now to get ready!”, you giggled.
Draco ignored you and lowered his head to kiss you again. He was heavy against your body as he pinned you down and when your lips met, a sigh escaped you. He replied by only deepening the kiss – his tongue twined with yours and your fingers tangled in his hair. Draco groaned when you pulled at it and suddenly he changed positions, yanking you up and pulling you in his lap.
You gasped when you felt him, growing more excited already, and pressed yourself against him, biting down on his lip. Dracos hands tightened on your hips and he moved down to where the skirt from your uniform was already riding up. When you felt his touch against your skin, you broke the kiss.
“What?”, he asked, his eyes dark and hungry.
“I have to go now,” you repeated yourself.
He groaned and let his head fall against the back of the couch. You smirked. “And you need to get ready as well.”
“You’re a tease,” he mumbled and you laughed. “Why don’t we just skip the Dance?”, Draco then asked.
You shook your head. “Because I’ve been looking forward to this for two weeks now.”
“But we’d have so much fun,” Draco tried to argue. You felt his fingers drawing circles on your upper thigh and shivered. His eyes lit up at the reaction. “The castle will be empty. Can you imagine all the rooms we could do it in? How about the Slytherin common –”
You quickly put a finger on his lips to stop him from talking. “I want to go dance though, Draco.” You lowered your voice: “Besides, don’t you want to see me in my dress?”
“Mhh,” he hummed. “I do. You could only wear it for me?”
You chuckled again and leaned forward to give him a quick kiss.
“So that’s a no?”, he asked when you pulled back.
“No.” You shook your head.
Draco sighed dramatically. “Fine then.”
You smiled at him and kissed him another time, a little longer this time, a little more teasing. “It’ll be fun,” you whispered against his lips. “See you later.” He groaned defeatedly when you got up from his lap.
You reached for your bag and cloak and after a little wave of your hand, you walked towards the door. “Oh and Draco?”, you remembered something. “I’m never gonna do it in the Slytherin common room with you.”
You knew he was smirking without turning around.
“You say that now but wait until –”
The door fell shut before you heard the end of his sentence. ***
A/N: I hope you liked it! <3
CHAPTER 18 Choose Me Instead Masterlist HP Masterlist Tag List:   @writerdee1701, @youareinllve, @sjmahoney, @detroitobsessed, @takura-rin, @jadam268, @wynterwind,  @renaissance-confiance, @harpoon999, @doitforthevine67​, @rinasrights​, @flowerpowerpixie​, @gold-flowing​, @starkssnarks​, @bookcornerkins​, @harpersmariano​, @markedsweetly​, @iraniq​, @pointlesscoconut​, @hvrcruxes​, @pillowjj​, @idkatee​,    @magicwithaknife​, @graystherapy​, @scoote-rankle​, @nxstalgicnxbxdy​, @sunsetsofanemoia​,  @tommy-holland​, @lordfxxker​, @streetfighterrichie​, @awaken-the-sirens​, @destiels-assbutt13​, @pockitparks​, @just-addicted-to-bangtan​, @cuddlykoala101​, @zpandaqueen​,  @natsiboo​, @jjjmaybank​, @justmesadgirl​, @books-and-tings​, @slytherinprincedracom​, @katiaw2​, @saintkore​, @nctnight​, @lifestragedy​, @obxmxybxnk​, @spideydobik​ , @ladylizzieofdarbyshire​, @aspiring-ginger​, @dracomalfoyswifey​, @jpow345​, @realistic-breadstick​,  @abbs-is-tired​, @alwaysbeanunknownfan​, @niallsarmveinstho​, @is-this-a-febreze-commercial​, @acciowilltolive​, , @sexytholland​, @faangirl101​, @donttellany1iusetumbler​, @mendesmuffinsss​, @lilxnvm​, @kill-the-teen-memories​, @darkusangelus​, @itsbebeyyy​, @hesaidimcrazy​, @jenniweaslee​, @hpxpjo​, @brisbubble​, @xomaymay​, @shitnstuffillregret​, @serialkillme​, @angel-tears15​, @panicattheeverywherekid​, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything​,  @nobleking​, @tashii-blr​, @ddaeing​, @randogirlo-fando-main​, @sadgirlnumber92899​, @captivateing​, @bitchyegirl​, @smiithys​, @ninipoo1​, @intheawks​,  @nothanksnyla​, @calpal-4ever​, @dracosathenaeum​, @belsandthings​, , @kiwi-sloan​, @xdmx​, @lexi-ravenclawdracomalfoy​, @kvyenxay​, @live-awkward​, @babebenhardy​, @bitchysweets-blog​, @cravingmusic​, @frau-moon​, @ohissandhalasta​,  @broken-but-beautiful-cassie​, @lil-black-heart​,  @vminenthusiastt​, @dracos-sluts​, @ohbabycal​, @saucysuazo​, @fuzzzwald​, @matsuno-nadeshiko​, @amber-arsenault​ ,  @loveableasshole​,  @spideycures​, @echpr​, @shiningstar-byulxx​,  @twinklebug2282​, @bloodiedroses​, @klthmef​, @ostorian​ ,  @bi-chai-tea​, @maddieisnotok​, @amandaluvssupernatural​, @makeoutwithstiles​,    @i-am-addicted-to-tea​, @tenclouds​, @lovingdracomalfoy​, @lannaax​, @dr-bitch-bby​,  @fallinallinmendes​, @suckerforparker​, @runninglownad​, @piercinghorizons​, @dosicas​, @yanaaaaaaa​, @desertdwellerwitch, @bittersweetthoughts–ofinsanity, @akzer300500​, @bbeautyybbx, @hoseokslily​, @dracofeltonmalfoy​, @emilianamason​, @tothemoonwithclifford​, @gcldreinhart​ ,  @angelofthorr​, @k-k0129​, @musicalmuffindog1410​, @andydre4m​, @mxl-foyrecs​, @seeinorange​, @vlgsqd​ , @justmimithings​, @allthevoicesinmyhead​, @pipppaaaaalouisee​, @yessirrz​, @2think2twice2 @spencerreidisbootiful, @find-a-little-faith, @thatguppienamedbae, @mimi15aguayo, @emmamarie7708, @dontpanicitsdan If you want to be added to my tag list, let me know!
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tendertokyo · 4 years
My take on NCT at Hogwarts
what is it with me and being active on this god forsaken app all of a sudden... anyways, i know that we've thrown jk rowling in the garbage but listen i can't just throw away my whole childhood for one stupid rich white cis woman. also i have no idea what's going on with the neos but when do i ever? alright here we go
taeil: he's giving me frustrated hufflepuff, like he really wished to be in gryffindoor but it didn't work out. think he'd be a halfblood and have a pet toad. likes to visit hagrid for tea sometimes. simps over some bad bitch in slytherin, really thinks she's into him too, everyone tells him she's way out of his league. broke his wand twice already trying to open a can of sardines
taeyong: also strong hufflepuff energy. he's the keeper and captain of their quidditch team and a prefect too, picked purely cause he's good with kids. walks around without his scarf in the cold winter because he wrapped it around ten's neck one morning and nagged on him for not taking care of his health properly, never got the scarf back and doesn't mind. i feel like snape would intimidate the crap out of him, like he would not be able to stay calm during his classes rip. he'd be adored by all the other teachers though, especially flitwick who believes he's really gifted in charms
johnny: a gryffindoor pureblood and keeper and captain of the quidditch team. always the one who tries to talk things out with mcgonnagall when they pull some stupid shit and get caught, never successful. has the marauders map and likes to throw underground raves in hidden rooms and tunnels. buddies with peeves and the house elves. buddies with everyone actually. and regardless of liking him like that or not, every girl in school has fantasized of fucking him in the quidditch locker room showers ooooop-
yuta: omg the heartbreaker of the school. a halfblood slytherin prefect and beater. snape's favourite student, like he gets whatever he wants from that man without trying. everyone is lowkey into him cause of his hot and mysterious vibe and there are so many rumours about his sex life circulating around, but no one actually knows if he's seeing someone. people also speculate he's a metamorphmagus but no lol he just dies his hair a lot. has a pet cat who's mean to everyone except him and mark. likes to explore the forbidden forest cause he's a weirdo
doyoung: a ravenclaw pureblood who hates quidditch, only shows up for taeyong's matches and nags him afterwards if hufflepuff loses. he's the headboy and happily uses his title to threaten haechan. hates divination with a passion and idolizes mcgonnagal, as he should. knows everyone's bussiness in the whole damn castle, never starts drama but almost always ends it. used to tutor some younger students but they quickly realised he's a mini mcgonnagall and zoomed straight outta there. snape lowkey wishes he was in slytherin but don't tell anyone
kun: gryffindoor headboy, probably the calmest person in that entire house and the only one who can kinda control the chaos. if yangyang or hendery annoy him too much he'll give them the wrong password on purpose, mcgonnagal has this unspoken respect for him for that reason. feels really bad for the house elves and wants to help them as much as he can. known as the dad or daddy of gryffindoor, depending on who you ask hehehehe
ten: the artsiest ravenclaw but fucking terrible at riddles, so he's always stuck at the door unless someone let's him inside lmao. is super into divination but purely for the aesthetic. never wears his uniform properly, always wears taeyong's scarf and lots of witchy jewelry. started a dance club in the room of requirement, loves hogwarts halloween with his whole heart. set a classroom on fire once and managed to sneak away undetected. always hooks up with someone at johnny's parties
jaehyun: the fucking fratboy of gryffindoor. he's a halfblood and a chaser on the quidditch team. left so many girls on read oh my god. sneaks alcohol and weed into school, coorganizes parties with johnny, yuta and mark. people think he's this hot bad boy or some shit, lol no bitch he's a dumbass don't waste your energy on a doofus like him, have you heard his laugh he sounds like a 45 year old man. mcgonnagall doesn't trust him at all, always looks at him with shifty eyes. the fat lady flirts with him everytime he approaches the commonroom door
winwin: on the snobby pureblood side of slytherin, like he gives off really judgy vibes. is in ten's dance club, there's a rumor going around that he's an animagus 'cause he moves gracefully like a cat or smth, but he isn't he's just really talented. spends most of his time in the owlery petting birds. the bloody baron freaks him out, most of the ghosts do. tried to be a big brother figure to renjun and chenle but they bullied his ass like crazy so he dropped them like hot potatoes
jungwoo: the most confident gryffindoor y'all. he's a muggleborn and a chaser. has the cutest pet owl, is really into care of magical creatures. snape hates him because he's too "sunny" of a person. wild at parties but looks fine in the morning somehow. the biggest flirt you'll ever meet and has so many bitches wrapped around his little finger lol, there's a rumor going around that he's real beast in bed. awesome at dueling, uses his cute airhead shtick to apsolutely destroy people. can you tell i love his pisces ass?
lucas: a hufflepuff halfblood and beater. wannabe fuckboy but can't because he cares too much lol, those muscles are made of feelings dawg. hits on every girl he sees and is almost always successful 'cause we're weak for cute and sweet himbos. is the biggest show off on the quidditch field and has his own fan club. really into care for magical creatures, like literally wants to befriend every single one of them, hagrid has to pull his ass away from them before he gets hurt rip
mark: a gryffindoor prodigy, a muggleborn and a chaser. the most stressed prefect you've ever seen. mcgonnagall has a soft spot for him and everyone knows it. snape dislikes him but respects him because he's fucking brilliant at potions. a lot of people like him and are into him but he doesn't know how to respond to them lol socially awkward king. plans parties with johnny yuta jaehyun and ten, is always roped into the dreamies schemes against his will. no one can fucking tell if him and haechan are on good terms cause they're at each other's throats all the time, but slobber all over each other like crazy when they get drunk
xiaojun: the most emotional ravenclaw. a halfblood and a prefect. he dated a girl for a long time and she broke his heart, moped about it in the prefect's bathroom for ages. lowkey believes she cheated on him with yuta but isn't sure, is extra weary around him though. says he's done with love but then simps over a new girl every two weeks smh. no one understands how he's such good friends with hendery and yangyang, like the combination of the two of them is a recipe for disaster. whenever they rope him into their bullshit, he always manages to drop their asses in the perfect time and doesn't get caught. many portaits are jealous of him 'cause he has better bone structure then them lol
hendery: the best definition of a gryffindoor. comes from a rich pureblood family, is a beater on the quidditch team. he's the life of the party, man. out of all the students he hates, he is the one snape hates the MOST and he's so proud of that. a really fast runner so he never ends up in detention 'cause it's just too hard to catch him. buddies with the ghosts and hagrid. tries really hard to impress girls, it only works half of the time when he's not being too intense
yangyang: also a gryffindoor pureblood, tried out for the chaser position but didn't make it, is still bitter about it. has a really fucked up owl that always messes up his letters. constantly in detention, like he's cleaned that entire castle by himself 43 times already. also in ten's dance club, also really good at dueling when he actually tries. really into muggle culture, explores it in his free time and shows everyone cool, new music he found all the time. gives kun daily headaches cause he's way too energetic in the morning
shotaro: imma say he's a hufflepuff but don't quote me on that cause i don't know him that well. he seems like he'd have lots of friends though and would be in ten's dance club
sungchan: don't know him well either so i'll just say gryffindoor??
renjun: i'm torn between ravenclaw and slytherin, gonna go with slytherin for him. he's a halfblood and a prefect, also uses his title to threaten haechan. loves defence against the dark arts anď herbology, might become a healer someday. gets tricked by the moving staircases all the fucking time, ends up at madam pomfrey's way more than he likes to admit. likes the slytherin aesthetic but can't stand the evil stereotypes. most people think him and chenle are brothers, wants to strangle chenle when he plays into it. once told the bloody baron to fuck off, no one dares get on his bad side since that day
jeno: pureblood hufflepuff prefect and a chaser. he's the cute, athletic guy everyone has a crush on. is on snape's good side 'cause he likes cleaning up his brewing station after finishing the task the lession is about. is the best flyer in the entire school and has the best chance of getting scouted in the future, everyone knows it but if you mention it to him he blushes like crazy. i feel like he's been in many fwb situations but they all ended well because he's a gentleman
haechan: a slytherin through and through. halfblood and seeker on the quidditch team. thought he was gonna be prefect and was hella pissed he wasn't chosen, i mean hello you're a snake who would want to give a snake authority goddamn it. also always complains during quidditch matches, calls everything a foul just 'cause he wants to win. puts up this persona of the mischevious slytherin boy but it falls flat on it's ass because he's peeves's favourite target
jaemin: a muggleborn hufflepuff, because of that reason he's sworn to himself he'll take care of jisung like a mother. a chaser on the quidditch team. such a sweetheart my gosh, like that dude is always so happy, unless he hasn't drunk his 6 cups of coffee. speaking of, mcgonnagall and pomfrey worry for his health like crazy but won't admit it. excells at care for magical creatures and charms, horrible at ancient runes like he didn't think there'd be so much math involved. girls are also crazy into him but he's such an introvert, the thought of someone wanting to be around him so much scares him. still flirts with everything that breathes lol
chenle: a slytherin and a pureblood, from one of those rich old families. because of that people expect him to be a lil brat, turns out to be the coolest guy you'll ever meet. he's friends with everyone regardless of house, a chaser on the quidditch team, known as the one who scores the most points in a game. he's great at defence against the dark arts and transfiguration, is thinking about becoming an auror 'cause that dude fears nothing i'm telling you. was made a prefect instead of haechan, rubs it in his face like crazy, but ultimately just let's people get away with stupid shit like "haha nice one, respect". memorized all the secret passageways of the castle in his head, helps johnny, mark, ten and jaehyun with their parties. pisses off filch like no other, was in detention all the time with yangyang until they realised how terrible it is when the two of them are in close contact lol so he gets let off the hook all the time. also fucking flirts with everything that breathes, the biggest fucking tease like you never know what he means smh
jisung: jaemin's muggleborn hufflepuff son, though most people are surprised he isn't in gryffindoor 'cause god the reckless shit that boy pulls... always late to breakfast with his uniforn all messy. people think he's very innocent but like his bestfriend is chenle, so how pure could he be. he's a seeker on the quidditch team, goes extra hard during hufflepuff-slytherin matches 'cause he wants to knock haechan off his high horse. blushes like crazy whenever he sees a cute girl which only gives chenle more reason to tease him 'cause he's a lil bitch like that. is the star of ten's dance club but has tripped and fallen down multiple flights of stairs, this kid's a walking paradox
to conclude:
gryffindoor: johnny, kun, jaehyun, jungwoo, mark, hendery, yangyang, sungchan
hufflepuff: taeil, taeyong, lucas, jeno, jaemin, shotaro, jisung
ravenclaw: doyoung, ten, xiaojun
slytherin: yuta, winwin, renjun, haechan, chenle
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Five times the Marauders came out to Mcgonogall and the one time she had to drag it out of them and the one time she had to tell them to...
TRIGGER WARNING: Internalized Homophobia
ONE: Sirius - (Asexual) Gay
Sirius storms into Mcgonogall’s office in third year, bruises on his body and fire in his eyes. He plunks himself down across from her and declares, “I’m gay, I hate sex, and I want to spend the rest of my life in love with Remus John Lupin.”
Mcgonogall, who had been reading up to this point, slowly closes her book as she raises her eyebrow.
“Is that so?” She asks, and Sirius nods once, sharply.
“I love him,” he says. “And he loves me. And I’m gonna marry him.”
Mcgonogall hums, opening her book back up and leaning back in her chair.
“Werewolves can’t get married, Mr. Potter,” she says, and Sirius glares.
“I will marry him,” he says, and Mcgonogall sighs.
“There is no doubt in my mind you will, Mr. Potter,” she drawls. “I merely mean you may have to do so illegally. However, if your recent trips to the school library regarding only books on the process of becoming an Animagus are anything to go by, I daresay that will not be much of an obstacle for you.”
Sirius shrugs, dropping his chin down onto his arms. “Guess not. Whatcha readin’?”
Mcgonogall sighs.
TWO: Severus - Asexual (Queer)
Severus starts hanging out in Mcgonogall’s office in most of his free time. She knows him well enough by now, it being fifth year and all, but she worries about his severe lack of friends. Barring Lily, he doesn’t hang out with anyone.
He’s draped across her desk on his back, legs and head hanging over either side and holding up a book as he reads, when she asks him how he’s doing. He shrugs.
She digs a bit deeper - “I notice you only seem to spend time with Miss Evans. Aren’t you lonely?” Severus shrugs again.
“She’s the love of my life. I’m good.”
Mcgonogall sighs. She doesn’t ask any more questions, but after a few moments have passed, Severus speaks up.
“I really am fine, Professor,” he says, sending her a small smile. “I’m best friends with the girl of my dreams, I know the fact that I’m ace as fuck and queer isn’t gonna change that, and I know who I am. I’m fantastic.”
Mcgonogall rakes her eyes over his body, taking in his loose posture and defiant eyes and the skirt he wears nearly every day, and she shrugs.
“If you’re sure,” she says, and Severus lets out a small laugh.
“I’m sure,” he says softly. “It’s just one of those things, you know? A fact of life. James Potter is a prat, Sirius Potter and Remus Lupin are in love, and Severus Snape is fine.”
He trails off. “Just fine.”
Mcgonogall smiles at him. Severus grins back.
“Being normal is boring,” he quips, and it’s that moment that Mcgonogall starts to question his feud with the Marauders, because honestly they could all be incredible friends if they just got past their stubborn pride.
THREE: Peter - Bisexual
In fifth year he develops a huge crush on the new transfer student Maxwell Needles, who came from Beauxbatons and is now a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts. They TA at the library and Peter loves them, and, naturally, panics to Mcgonogall one day about it.
He’s sitting there, bouncing in a chair and fidgeting, when she blurts, “Just ask them out.”
Peter’s head snaps up, his wide shocked eyes fixing on her.
“What?” He whispers, and Mcgonogall sighs, shaking her head.
“Ask them out. Everything you’ve told me says you’ve got a solid chance.”
Peter flushes bright red, looking down at his hands and shaking his head.
“No, no. I… they’re so cool, Professor. They have magenta hair and they wear leather and spikes all the time and they just… they’re loud and rebellious and so, so out of my league.”
(In her head, Mcgonogall facepalms.)
“Oh please,” Mcgonogall says, waving her hand in dismissal. “You’re a Marauder. Besides, leagues are nonexistent. But if you really feel so badly, here’s the test they took last week.”
She hands him a paper, with Max’s name signed at the top. There are hearts doodled all over it with the initials P + M and the name Pettigrew-Needles? Needles-Pettigrew? Maxwell Pettigrew? Peter Needles? written all over it. Peter pinkens, but smiles, and hands it back to her, shaking just a bit less.
“Thank you, Professor,” he mumbles, a grin slowly taking over his face, and Mcgonogall waves his words away.
“Nonsense,” she says, smiling. “Anything to help my favorite bisexual rat.”
Peter groans. Mcgonogall grins.
“Now go. Ask them out.”
Peter blushes, but nods.
“Yes, Professor,” he mumbles, and skitters off as she looks down triumphantly at the test, scrawling quickly next to the O on it, Congratulations on your new Marauder boyfriend. Come to me for therapy when you need it :)
(Max beams brighter than the sun when Mcgonogall passes it back.)
FOUR: Lily - (Polyamorous) Trans FTM
Lily is completing some Prefect duties (read: paperwork) in Mcgonogall’s office in sixth year when she suddenly heaves roughly and stands up, shoving her way out of the room. Mcgonogall follows her, concerned, and finds her emerging from one of the uniform closets in pants.
She raises her eyebrow at the sight, to which Lily sighs and waves her hand.
“Do you have scissors and a big sweater I could borrow? Oh, and some paint?”
Mcgonogall purses her lips, but finds Lily the things she needs. Lily shrugs the sweater over her shoulders, drags her pink, blue, and white fingers all down her cheeks, and lifts the scissors to her hair. Mcgonogall’s mouth forms a perfect ‘o’ as she steps forward with an outstretched hand, her eyes wide as she watches Lily shear off nearly all her hair.
“Miss Evans,” she hisses, snatching the scissors back. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Lily glares at her, running her fingers through her newly shorn hair and tugging down the hem of her sweater.
“Making myself Mr. Evans,” he spits, and stomps out of the room with his hands clenched into fists by his sides.
(Mcgonogall gifts him the scissors the next day, with the nonchalant explanation, “For whenever you need to cut your hair again, of course. Mr. Evans.”
Lily beams.)
FIVE: Remus - (Asexual) Panromantic
Mcgonogall has never met anyone who hates themself as fiercely as Remus Lupin does.
In sixth year, he starts to shrink further and further into himself, even distancing himself from Sirius. And then, one day, he slams his way into Mcgonogall’s classroom three hours after curfew and collapses into the chair in front of her desk, waiting for her to join him from her rooms.
“Mr. Lupin?” She asks. “What ever could possess you to -”
He thrusts his hand out, showing her a silver ring engraved with a black pawprint. Her mouth shuts like a vice. They sit there for a few moments in complete and utter silence until finally Remus mutters, “He wants to marry me.”
Mcgonogall purses her lips.
“I can see that,” she says, knotting her fingers together in front of her. Remus stares down at his hands in shock.
“He wants to marry me,” he says again, in marvel. “I’ve been pulling away from him because I’m a sexless werewolf who will end up whoring himself out on the streets after graduation because no person would ever reasonably hire me and I’ll probably off myself before I’m thirty and I’ve been pushing him away for three weeks trying to prepare myself for when he inevitably breaks my heart and instead he wants to marry me.”
Mcgonogall is readying to break down the mountains of bullshit that just sprang from her favorite student’s mouth when Remus looks up at her through teary eyes and whispers, “How do I take it back?”
Mcgonogall raises her eyebrow.
“Now why would you do that?” She asks, choosing her words carefully. “You were born to stand by Sirius Potter’s side, there was never any doubt in that at all.”
Remus shrugs.
“He deserves better than a piece of shit like me,” he mumbles. “My life has been a death sentence since I was five. I don’t want to drag him down with me.”
Mcgonogall feels her heart break in her chest. She doesn’t show it.
“Mr. Lupin,” she says, quietly. “I am quite certain he intends to lift you up. But if I may speak frankly, my dear - and I will whether you like it or not - that boy loves you more than I thought it was possible to love another human being. And Sirius Potter may be many things, but he is not an idiot - I am quite certain that he knew what being with you would entail long before he ever acted on his feelings for you, and I do believe that if you are truly to live such a life, not a day will go by he is not by your side living the same.”
Remus flushes. He fiddles with his ring, then shrugs.
“Thanks, I guess,” he mumbles, and stands to leave, never looking back at her. Mcgonogall simply nods.
“Oh, and Mr. Lupin?” She calls as he slips through the door. He freezes. She smiles.
“While your heart has the capacity to love all others, I’m not sure it will ever recognize a face other than Sirius Potter Lupin’s.”
As Remus flees, she catches just the last glimpse of his neck above his robes - scarred as ever, and flaming red.
ONE: Regulus - (Nonbinary Male) (Asexual) Queer
Mcgonogall comes back after rounds one night in seventh year (his sixth) to find Regulus Black asleep at one of the desks in her classroom. She shakes him awake, bending down to ask if he’s okay, and Regulus breaks into tears, burying his face in his hands.
“I’m queer,” he warbles. “I’m a piece of gay shit just like my brother and I don’t know what to do.”
Mcgonogall places a gentle hand on his back.
“That’s okay, Regulus,” she says, but he only shakes his head more violently.
“It’s not okay,” he rasps. “It’s not okay. I can’t be like that, Sirius is like that and look what happened to him -”
Mcgonogall opens her mouth to answer but Regulus just keeps babbling, trying to tear himself away.
“I can’t. I can’t. I can’t I can’t I can’t. You don’t understand, Miss, I can’t -”
“Regulus Lupin,” Mcgonogall snaps, grasping his wrists. He freezes, going pliant in her hands at the name, and she stares deep into his eyes as she speaks.
“You are queer, and that is okay. Your brother is a kind, wonderful person who loves you more than life itself and is already making plans with his fiance to take you in once he’s of age. I may not understand everything, but I understand enough to know you can love whoever you want to.”
Regulus calms. He deflates, turning to putty in her hands, and she gathers him close, hugging him until Sirius, Remus, and James come looking for him.
ONE: James - (Polyamorous) Bisexual
While James Potter may be one of Mcgonogall’s favorite students, he is also the one she most often wants to murder.
In the last week of seventh year, he gets up on the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall during breakfast and shouts, “I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!”
Naturally, everyone looks up at him, including Mcgonogall, whose hand is already on her wand. James pulls Severus and Lily up on the table with him, snogs Lily filthily and dips Severus into a kiss as Lily laughs, and then straightens back up and screams, “I’M SO FUCKING BISEXUAL!”
Sirius, obviously, decides the best course of action is to then scream, “I THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING EVANS!”
James turns bright red, Severus starts sputtering, Lily guffaws loudly and Mcgonogall gives all of them detention for the rest of their lives, though she has a particularly hard time getting James off the table:
“Get off the table please, you can’t be up there - DiD yOU jUSt cALL mE HOmoPhoBIC JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER COME BACK HERE SO I CAN FUCKING STRANGLE YOU -”
(Ah, Dumbledore thinks. Good times.)
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infinitelycynical · 3 years
a fond memory (and nothing more) [percy x penelope]
This is basically self-indulgent angst! The idea came to me last night quite randomly and I knew I just had to write it down. Well, here it is. I won’t be uploading to AO3 or anything, just onto here. 
He didn’t love her.
She was lovely, with the voice of an angel and the smile of a thousand suns. Amongst the crowds of people that she wandered through every day; she was the centrepiece. Never without elegance, she was widely adored by those who knew her. Her laugh was bright and carefree, absent of any contrived intentions.
Still, she wasn’t enough.
Her hair was a golden-blonde, sun-kissed and inherited from her paternal grandmother. Baby blue eyes expressed every feeling, every thought. They brightened and dimmed, widened and narrowed by the very second. Her skin was perhaps made of porcelain, perhaps sculpted out of glass. They all wanted to be with her or to be her, in ways that remained unspoken yet were crystal clear. Everyone worshipped her.
Everyone except for him.
She was amongst the highest in her year when it came to grades and intelligence. She had acquired all of the leadership roles one could during their time at Hogwarts. Prefect, head girl. Though despite this, she was as humble as she was impressive. Professors, students, distant family members, they were all enamoured with her.
He couldn’t bring himself to try.
Many had attempted to win her heart for themselves, whether that may have been with roses or with badly written poetry. Most never saw the light of day. She would laugh sweetly with her hand over her mouth before dismissing them in her mind as nothing more than an endearing thought.
He was the one to succeed, though he now wished he hadn’t won the lottery.
She was perfect. He was perfect. They were meant to be a match struck by Cupid himself. They were supposed to be sickening yet enviable. Together, they were meant to be perfect. Little did they know, they never had a chance. Because Percy Weasley did not love Penelope Clearwater and never again would he feel that way towards her.
He believed that perhaps he had once been in love with her. Had once been absolutely infatuated, the same way many before him had. Wished to present her with a handmade flower crown woven by daisy chains or perform cute charms he learned from a well-used textbook to make her giggle. Felt the urge to slow time when she entered the premises or halt it all together.
Or perhaps, he never had. Perhaps, he had possessed what most his age had held at one point, a crush. Short-lived, scarcely remembered. Much like a flame created by a match. It could only last so long until there was no wood left to burn and no flame left to give light.
It had all fallen apart after a few months of dating. Snogging in abandoned classrooms was no longer exhilarating, it was merely a way to murder time. Speaking to her no longer had his heart pounding like a sprinter’s feet on a running track. She wasn’t super-human anymore. She wasn’t perfect. She was herself. Which was lovely and all well, but she didn’t fit for him. She wasn’t his missing piece, she wasn’t the answers to his burning questions, she wasn’t the other side of the seesaw.
And she never would be.
Penelope deserved better than him. She deserved someone who desired her madly; yet treated her the same way one treated a fellow human. She deserved to be served breakfast in bed from time to time with food handmade with a seasoning of love.  She deserved someone who could hold her in their arms and say with entire confidence that she was their entire universe. She deserved to have that electric spark every time she kissed them, the way that couples did in love stories.
She needed everything he couldn’t give her. Percy felt for her the way one would feel for a fond memory. It brought pleasant thoughts and warmth, though nothing more. A fond memory is one that is content in a past that had its strings cut. When he saw her, he didn’t see an entire lifetime flash by his eyes with her in it. She was a lovely friend, a person he’d like to have in his life. Though, she would never be a lover of his, not in his future.
Percy felt cruel for thinking such things, even if Penelope couldn’t read his mind from many kilometres away. Why couldn’t he just love her the way he was supposed to? Why? And however would he cut the strings?
It was Christmastime, one filled with snow, red and green. However, Percy wasn’t one for the merriness, not today, not this week, not this year. For that holiday, he was to stay at Hogwarts, one last holiday before entering the real world and abandoning all he had ever known once again.
How could he possibly tell her? She loved him, he couldn’t see what reasons she would have to feel that way, but she did, nonetheless. Out of all of the people in those stone walls, it was she who should have perfection, and he who didn’t deserve it. She wanted him, out of everyone who had obsessed over her, she lusted for him.
Percy sat at his desk, fumbling with his quill. His head lay in his other hand, miserably faced to the wall. Despite wearing many stifling layers, all he felt was cold. A frozen, long, existential dread. Would he miss her when she was gone? Would his regrets pile too high for him to reach? How could one end a relationship with words formed by ink?
Dearest Penelope,
I write this letter to you in great guilt and in great sorrow, longing to be moving my hand in any other way but this. I will warn you of what is below: it won’t be cheery.
I’ll state my intentions clearly, in hope there is no room left for any questioning.
We need to break up.
It isn’t you; I promise it isn’t, how could it ever be you? You are perfect, Penelope, in every way. You’re kind, generous, angelic, you have everything one could want in a romantic interest. Not to mention you’re absolutely beautiful, and everyone knows it. I would get so many stares whenever I walked with you. Half of those were watching you and the other half were jealous of me. I hope you are aware of just how lovely you are because you need to be. If you aren’t, let this serve as a reminder.
It wasn’t you; it was me. You deserve someone who will treasure you, who will see dating you as their purpose in life. You give everything to everyone, Penelope. And you deserve everything. However, I cannot give you everything. I will never be able to see you as my entire world, you will only be a mere part of it. I no longer have feelings for you. I wish I did, and I wish everything was normal, but it isn’t, and it never will be.
I hope we can still be friends.
He tied the letter to his owl Hermes and opened the window for him to fly out of. The owl hesitated, waiting with a steely stare. He was scanning Percy, attempting to gauge his mood. Percy dismissively waved him away, in a way assuring him that he would be just fine. Hermes spread his wings and glided into the chilled air. The window remained open, as it was quickly abandoned by both owl and owner.
Compared to all the others she could have loved, he was nothing. Insanely intelligent, yes, but not much more than that. She possessed that and so much more, and he hoped she would find someone who possessed just as much. Out of all the ones to break her heart, he was the hammer in the end. Everyone broke somehow, in different ways from different circumstances.
Percy never imagined that he would be the one to cause her grief. Her muffled cries into tear-stained pillows her going to be his fault. Sympathetic glances from her close friends were going to have his name marred into them icily as the cause.
The window was closed, and Penelope manifested into the fond memory Percy had long wished for her to be.  
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seungmvnnie · 4 years
Ravenclaw!Renjun x Slytherin!Reader 
word count; 2.7k words (longest one yet, my bias really do be showing)
warnings; *very* suggestive kissing, female reader, bullet point au, unlike the other fics in this series, this one is pretty much entirely based on the build up to the relationship and has little about the characters together, enemies to lovers au. also i researched year 7 DADA content for this to make it realistic so never say i dont put effort into my writing ahahaha
Huang Renjun had been your enemy the second you had stepped foot into your first class at Hogwarts
It was only natural; you both came to school, bright eyed and ready, with the expectation and aspiration to be top of the class
you had read through and memorized all the books on the provided reading list before you had even boarded the train - everyone thought you were made to be a ravenclaw which is why it was a bit of a shock when you were sorted into Slytherin, but you supposed it was your ambition
you had planned to become the youngest minister of magic there had ever been since you were 4
which meant going to Hogwarts, achieving the highest grades and being top of your year, becoming prefect, head girl and going on to work in the ministry and work your way up
little did you know, Renjun also had big plans
to ruin your perfect record
the very first lesson you had with him; you hadn’t even noticed the quiet ravenclaw who sat behind you
that was until the Professor asked a question and he had stated the answer so confidently, you almost flinched
you had answered the first few, which was why his voice interrupting was so shocking
you hadn’t even gotten the opportunity to open your mouth
you knew the answer of course, you just weren’t as quick as he was
which is why the next time your Professor asked a question, you made sure to get there first
it continued like that the whole lesson, a vicious back and forth game of who could answer first
you enjoyed some healthy competition and all, but it was like he was purposely trying to annoy you
the final straw was when you turned around in your seat at the end of the class to glare at him and he had that stupid smug smile on his face that you learnt to despise over the next few years
ever since then, everything was a competition to you two
and everyone at Hogwarts knew it
house cup points
you name it, you’ve had an argument over it
neither of you even played quidditch but you would still argue with him about how Slytherin was better
you even once partook in a particularly heated game of wizard chess that ended with a flipped chess board and a few choice words being shouted at each other
there were many people that Renjun didn’t like but you were the only one that could make him flip a wizard chess board in rage (Although, if you asked him he would say you were the one who threw it)
wizard chess was banned after that
everyone hated you for it
this competition was helpful to an extent; you were top of the class in most classes, except the very, very few in which Renjun had beaten you
your days were spent in the library, cramming as much as you could, the desire to beat Renjun outweighing your need for sleep or basic human needs
needless to say he was the exact same but you both made sure to sit as far away from each other as humanely possible in the library
you could honestly say the best day of your life was when you realized that you had made prefect and he didn’t 
that got held over him for a good two years
then again, Renjun could also say that he beat you in your O.W.Ls, so it evened out 
when you started dating Han Jisung in 6th year, who was another Ravenclaw, you had him reporting back Renjun’s grades in the classes you weren’t in with him
you both competed for who had the least amount of detentions given - you had 2, which were both caused by the few times your competition had turned physical and you had shot a few jinxes at him, and Renjun had 5, two from his incident with you and the other 3, a result of his unfortunate friends 
which meant both of you had pretty much squeaky-clean records
you attributed your near perfect grades and having the best record in your year as the main reason why, the summer before seventh year, a neat little green pin with, ‘head girl,’ had arrived in the mail
of course, you were happy that your parents were proud of you, but you felt a vindictive joy knowing that you had something new to hold over Huang Renjun
That was until, you showed up on the first day to the first prefect meeting on the Hogwarts express and were met with the one and only Huang Renjun, the pin on his chest sat bright blue with ‘Head Boy,’ proudly etched into the metal
according to the pale look on his face, he hadn’t expected you to be Head Girl either
Professor Lee, the Headmaster, seemed to recognize his mistake almost immediately, considering he had two teenagers debating each other in his office before the school year had even started
“You can hardly expect me to work with him-”
“Of course, you can’t expect us to work together, I actually know what I’m doing-”
“Know what you’re doing? You weren’t even a prefect you poser-”
“You’re right I wasn’t, but I’m still smarter than you!”
the Headmaster had silenced you both with a wave of his hand, before you could retaliate with the fact that you’re beating him at potions, what does he mean, smarter than you?
“Okay. If you can’t work together, that’s fine. However, I expect one of you to make the mature, adult decision to step down from your position, not push the other one to resign.”
You looked at each other
there was no way either of you were going to do that
He stared at you both for a moment, before sitting down calmly at his desk
“I chose you both because of your maturity, exam results and impressive behavior these past 6 years. I would appreciate if you both put aside this feud and worked together for your student body.”
You stared at your hands, refusing to look at Renjun as shame gnawed at your chest
“Now, back to your dormitories.”
And so you were stuck with him
you thought that perhaps, Professor Lee’s words of wisdom would create a newfound maturity
but no, he was the exact same annoying little shit he was before
just this time, he had authority
As Head Boy and Head Girl, you were required to do prefect duty late at night together
which essentially meant you both had to walk around Hogwarts late at night on a Friday and Saturday and make sure no one was out of bed and wandering the castle when they shouldn’t be
you spent those nights in an awkward silence
you wished you could split up but you had to walk around together for, ‘safety reasons’
realistically you thought that schools were meant to be safe to walk around late at night by yourself but Hogwarts is just built different
as head boy and head girl you were given the most hectic two days of the week as well, which meant you had broken up more parties than you were comfortable to admit
you had even caught your boyfriend at a few parties, but you discreetly avoided giving him detentions
he couldn’t say anything though, he had let off Donghyuck and his girlfriend when you had found them making out
speaking of which
the amount of times you had caught a half-dressed couple attached to each other was just kind of gross
the amount of time you spent with Renjun was starting to defrost you both a little
not a lot though; just simple things like how you would ask him how he found the potions homework
sometimes it would spark an argument, but you could now have a conversation without some sort of spiteful remark
you kind of had to; otherwise you were just left in silence
your time spent together was usually uneventful
 until the weekend of valentine’s day
that Saturday was valentine’s day and the day of a hogsmeade trip
Jisung had asked you to go, but you had an important Herbology exam on Monday, not to mention you had to be alert for prefect duty so you couldn’t be running around Hogsmeade
he had seemed annoyed, but he had always known how much your future meant to you
it seemed Renjun had thought the same because the only people in the library, or it seemed the entire castle was the two of you
prefect duty that night was the least awkward it had ever been
he had even said something that had made you laugh
however the lack of awkward tension between the two of you counterbalanced with the awkwardness of having to check every single broom cupboard you happened across as, as you had expected, many people had been affected by valentine’s day
what you hadn’t expected though, was to spot your boyfriend leaving the Gryffindor common room, hair disheveled and his t-shirt on inside out
“Jisung? What are you doing out of bed at this time?”
He looked like a deer caught in the headlights 
“Sorry, the Gryffindors were throwing another party again. You know what they’re like,” he laughed awkwardly
your eyes flickered down to the red and purple bruises which littered his neck
“I didn’t put those there. You were cheating on me, weren’t you?” You asked so matter-of-factly, that Renjun was somewhat taken aback
you were using the voice you used to answer the teacher or argue with him
you didn’t seem emotional at all
Jisung looked like he wanted to pretend, but his face fell into a tired, yet annoyed look
“Can you blame me?”
You blinked at him
“Your whole life is dedicated to another person, (Y/N).” Jisung gestured to where Renjun stood
“No it’s not! Don’t be so ridiculous.” You had scoffed
“You didn’t go out with me today because you wanted to beat him in a test and be awake to spend time with him.”
“That’s not true!”
“You didn’t spend time with me on my birthday because you couldn’t miss a prefect meeting or Huang would hold it over you. You made me spy on him, and he tried to get me to spy on you too. Ever since dating you my life has just been this whirlwind of Huang. You do realize everyone in school thinks you’re in love with each other!”
He was shouting at this point
You looked at him, unable to argue with him this time, but the coldness in your eyes refused to budge.
“That doesn’t give you the excuse to cheat. I’m breaking up with you.”
He rolled his eyes
“Fine. At least now you can fuck Huang to your hearts content, considering the whole school is already betting on it.”
Before you even had time to react, Renjun had shot across the hallway, raising his fist and, with a sickening crunch, broke his nose
You grabbed his arm, pulling him back before he could do anymore damage
“Go to the hospital wing, Jisung.” You instructed
He glared at the two of you before swinging on his heel and leaving
you and Renjun didn’t look at each other for the rest of the night
or the next few weeks after that
Jisung had told everyone what had happened
he kind of had to, the bruising around his eyes gave away the events of the previous night
the whole school were watching you and Renjun intently, now that they knew how he had punched Jisung for you, thinking that this was finally it
you were finally going to get together
but you didn’t interact at all
not even to correct each other in class
the truth was, both of you were deliberating your feelings for each other
Jisung was right
you had told yourself that everything you did was for your career path, but why then did you have such a hyper fixation on Renjun?
you did well in life without your on-going rivalry with the Ravenclaw
was it just petty stubbornness? or was Jisung right in thinking that it was because of some other reason?
You found yourself staring at him in some of your classes
he was good looking, there was no denying that
but did you like him like that?
Renjun had been having the same internal battle 
why did he suddenly find it in himself to punch Jisung in the face?
that was incredibly unlike him
just the way he had spoken about you and to you had made him so angry
the year flew in, and soon it was June and you still hadn’t spoken to each other
It wasn’t until your very last day doing prefect duty that the silence was broken by you
“How’d you think you do on your exams?”
he looked at you, shocked. You hadn’t spoken to him in 5 months.
“Uh- good. I go stuck on familial curses on the Defense paper, but I think I did okay in the end.”
“Oh, I wrote that the spell needs to be tied to the bloodline as opposed to the surname.”
“I thought it was that you had to tie it to the surname, because it doesn’t count as a blood curse?”
“No, because if the caster doesn’t understand familial relationships it doesn’t work, any first year could understand that.”
He went quiet for a moment before mumbling,
“I’m going to cast a goddamn familial curse on you in a moment.”
“Why are we like this?” you asked, stopping your walk to pause for a moment in the middle of the hallway
He stopped too, but he refused to look at you
“You started it...” He grumbled, staring down at his feet.
You rolled your eyes
“Why did you punch Jisung?” You asked blatantly
His head shot up in surprise
“Why did you have Jisung spying on me?” He challenged back, taking a step forward
“Why did you have Jisung spying on me?” you repeated
you both fell silent, and only then you realized how close you had gotten
you didn’t miss the way his eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment
“If you’re going to kiss me, kiss me. Don’t pussy out now.” you uttered, your words sharp and cutting
“Oh, shut up.” He replied, rolling his eyes
“Make me.” You challenged
Grabbing your waist, he pulled you to his body, colliding your lips with his violently
you let out a muffled sound of surprise, not expecting him to follow through, but upon feeling the smile which had grown on his face at your shock, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you
you couldn’t let him win, not after the past how many years of sexual tension
your lips competed in mess of sloppy kisses, his hands moving down from your waist to your hips, pushing you against the wall in the hallway as yours moved to the back of his head, grabbing a fistful of his hair, using the way he gasped at the feeling to deepen the kiss, sliding your tongue into his mouth
you let out a shameful groan at the feeling of his body pressing against yours and almost whined when he pulled away
your lack of contact didn’t last long, as he attached his mouth to your neck, biting down sinfully
you threw your head back against the cool stone wall which felt deliciously cold against the the heat of Renjun to allow easier access to him as he continued to suck marks into your skin until-
You practically threw Renjun off of you, ignoring how erotic the sight of his mussed hair and swollen lips were
in front of you stood the two hufflepuff prefects, Zhong Chenle and a girl who’s name you could never remember, staring at you
the girl seemed shocked, but Chenle simply had raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk on his face
you had forgotten him and Renjun were friends
“You do know I’m going to have to give you both detention for making out in the hallway. By your rules.” 
Renjun rolled his eyes
“New rule. We’re the exception.”
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Harry Potter FRED AU (It could not be named anyhow else and you’ll soon know why)
Please bear with me I swear I’ll make the lenght worth it
I also promise this one AIN’T SAD
Few days ago I was taking a nap and when I woke up my half-conscious brain thought about the name Albus Severus again because it’s a terrible name whether he is named after anyone or not. And I thought ‘did Ginny even get any say in it or what the hell’.
I really think that Harry should name their first child (he did) James Sirius, which is fine, Ginny would name their second son and together they would name their little girl (which I think they did).
But then I thought ‘what would she name him?’ Obviously my first thought was Fred, but I was like ‘nah, that one is for George’s kid... unless’
Here comes my AU, imagine it with me:
It is the first 1st of April after the battle, it isn’t very happy for someone’s birthday, then Percy gets an idea. He cannot forget how the last thing he said to Fred made him smile and he refuses to do anything on his birthday that would not achieve the same goal. So he looks at George and proposes this... what if every one of the siblings named at least one of their child Fred or any equivalent of that, if for nothing else than at least for the chaos it will create at Hogwarts. Everyone is silent for so long Percy just wants to take it back and obliviate everyone, but then Fleur stands up to it and gets really passionate about it and then it slowly dawns on everyone and they love it. It is the first time in all those months that George gives them a non-forced smile. Everyone is super into it. Mrs. Weasley is crying because a) she is happy because her boy is smiling again b) she knows she will be super embarrassed if she ever has to talk to McGonagall after she finds out about this and c) she thought Percy was better than this. Nevertheless if it makes George smile again, she won’t be too harsh about it.
It goes something like this (I’m kind of ignoring the cannon children, but whatever):
- Bill and Fleur name their firstborn daughter Frédérique. She had some mean kids try to laugh at her for it because they thought it’s stupid. She shut their mouths pretty quickly.
- Charlie doesn’t have kids. But he did discover a new breed of dragon, which main trait is that it isn’t violent at all, it’s just really mischievious and will mess up with everyone and everything. Charlie names the breed Island Trickster, for both the experts and amateurs the nickname Fred catches on pretty quickly even though majority of people doesn’t know why.
- Percy’s first child is also a girl but he refuses to let anything stop him from naming his child Fred, because a) it was his idea and b) he’ll be damned if anything keeps him from making this prank, that he created in honour of his brother, work. She gets the name Frederica. She hates it and demands her family calling her by her second name. They do and none of them mind, but before she departs for Hogwarts her parents take her aside and explain why they named her this way. Her prankster blood kicks in and from the moment she steps on the train she introduces herself as Frederica, Fred for short.
- George’s first kids are twins, boy and girl. There is no hesitation - their names are immediately Fred and Freda. When they have the second child, there is a mild discussion, but eventually his name is Fredrick. Proud of their legacy, at school neither will respond to anything but Fred. They become Fred & Fred and Fred.
- Ron, who through Hermione discovered Queen, decides to name their son Freddie. Hermione doesn’t see a reason to protest, she loves it.
- Ginny lets Harry name their first son. First, she likes the name James Sirius. Second, whatever happens that child will have prank as their blood type, so there is really no need to add onto that. Third, she is naming their second child and it will be a version of Fred. Harry does not protest at all, because a) he already has his son named after his father and godfather and b) he refuses to stand in the way of this prank. Also Ginny, being the undercover little shit she is, names their son Fred George... everyone keeps calling him Fred and George. They both also talk about naming their daughter Lily Luna Freda or something and they do, it’s just not that public so she can do with that potential whatever she wants.
It also happens that the whole former gryffindor quidditch team joins in on this (including Lee Jordan, who is considered part of the team) as well as bunch of other friends.
Mrs. Weasley is still a little sceptical but she can’t deny that her boy would be proud. Her job also gets a little easier, because now she just automatically makes her grandchildren sweaters with F. Sometimes she makes more of those that she should but the kids love it (cue later).
Meanwhile in heaven James, Sirius and Remus are both really excited and really jealous. Fred is waiting for the chaos to take reign.
As for Hogwarts, most of the professors are losing it sometimes with entertainment (they mostly enjoy it when someone else is in pain because of this and they love to watch it), sometimes with annoyance, sometimes with both and sometimes actually losing it about to break down and cry (especially when some of their colleagues would just watch and smile). Alltogether in all the houses there is about twenty Fred Weasleys (boys, girls, first names, second names) and the Potters (James Sirius, Fred George and Lily Luna) plus the other Freds - all of them there for two or three years, which basically translates into destruction of the highest level.
There are family gatherings frequently at the Burrow, where they all just sit around the table writing letters to their kids and all of them writing one howler.
The howler arrives to a random person, usually a friend of one of the Weasley/Potter kids and the whole Great hall hears, “FRED! WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME?!”
All the Fred’s look at each other, because they all did something they shouldn’t (which their parents don’t know, but the kids don’t know they don’t know). No one also knows which Fred it is meant for. No one knows if they are being scolded or messed with.
Very rarely the howler would yell, “FRED WEASLEY”, and in the fat pause after that, every single person in the room can hear, Fred George Potter say “oh, thank Merlin’s nightgown.”
Sometimes the howler would shout, “FRED. I AM SO DISSAPPOINTED IN YOU. YOU WERE NOT GIVEN THIS NAME TO KEEP PEACE AND TRANQUILITY AT THE SCHOOL!” Molly Weasley may or may not scold her children and children-in-law for this one. (Obviously if the kids weren’t into pranking their parents would never force them or out them like this, but since they are all openly on board this happens way too often for the professors’ liking.
Then there is christmas time. Most of the kids leave for home... most of them except for the Weasley/Potters and some of the other Freds, whose parents are friends with the Weasleys. The sweaters come and... every signle one has a F on it. None of the kids protest. They wear it proudly. There are attempts at making fun of them. It doesn’t work.
James walks around announcing to everyone repeatedly and very loudly that his name is Fames Firius Fotter. In the meantime, as long as Lily is wearing her sweater, she refuses to react to anything but Fily or Funa and that includes the teachers.
Everyone tries to resist, everyone breaks down eventually.
McGonagall wants to look stern, but she is loving it.
There is a relatively new professor trying to complain to the colleague sitting next to him. Neville Longbottom, who names his children Frank Fred, Alice Fredricka and Augusta Freda, nods sympathetically while sipping his tea. “I know,” he says. “Imagine if one of them named their kid something like Prank. We would call them a normal name now.”
That is the moment Minerva McGonagall loses it and actually chuckles. Every single one of the kids writes a letter to their parents about that one.
All hell loses all the breaks on April Fools. McGonagall wanted to go easy on punishing the pranks for several reasons and one of them is that it is the twins birthday. It takes one April Fools when the kids take it relatively easy for them to figure out the punichments are quite mild. The next year they go Wild and  McGonagall understands that her nostalgia is a dangerous thing. She stops it then and there, because she knows it won’t stop them, it might just stop some people from getting hurt.
Sometimes Peeves won’t have the mood to come up with something himself so he just goes with calling everyone Fred. Some teachers take from it, figuring that if they don’t remember someone’s name it must be because they decided they will deduce it later, which translates to “the name is Fred”.
Years later when the children leave Hogwarts there is formed a new quidditch team. The name is “Flying Freds”. They are all married and stuff, so their last names are all different, but all of them share the name Fred, which only increases the children named Fred, because who wouldn’t name their child after their favourite quidditch team, amiright?
People in both the wizarding and muggle world are astonished as to Why is there suddenly such a popularity to the name, while in the afterlife Fred won’t stop saying shit like “The students have surpassed the teachers.” and the Marauders are both upset they didn’t manage something like that, but also impressed and really loving it.
McGonagall once talks about it with George and he says it was Percy’s idea. Percy, always perfect prefect Percy, blushes as McGonagall looks at him and says: “All those years I was worried you aren’t an actually Weasley and you’ve just been hiding all that potential, hm.”
It is that moment they understand she might have always been strict, but she loved those little and big pranks simply because they were creative and smart and she was always so proud of the Marauders and the twins for it.
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No more secrets
(This is set in 6th year, no voldemort being back business)
Sunlight filtered through the dormitory windows onto your sleeping form. You had asked your older brother to teach you a charm to bewitch your windows to reflect the weather outside, growing tired for the green murk courtesy of the black lake. You fluttered your eyes, blinking the sleep from them and rolled over to check the small clock at your bedside. Despite it being the weekend your body still woke you up at 7 am like clockwork, causing you to groan in frustration and smack your bedsheets
“Some of us are trying to fall back to sleep, you know” Daphne grumbled from her bed, beside you.
“Seize the day miss Greengrass” you replied, deciding you might as well get out of bed and follow your own advice.
You kicked your sheets off and made your bed before gathering your things and heading to the prefects bathroom for a shower. You returned to the dormitory with clean hair that smelt of your apple shampoo dressed in some comfy muggle clothes you purchased. Despite their shortcomings, muggles really knew how to dress comfortably. You had stumbled across Piccadilly Circus while trying to get to Diagon Alley during the Christmas break in your fourth year while on your own. In one of the shops you had seen joggers folded on a display and just had to purchase them, they were warm and soft, perfect for cold days.
“My, my what would your pure blood ancestors say if they saw you dressed like a muggle” Daphne teased from her bed.
“Someone has to be the family disappointment don’t they” You replied, putting your clothes in the laundry basket.
“I highly doubt you’re the family disappointment, Y/N, you’re top of the class in basically everything, you’re the first prefect in your family too!” Lily said. She was easily the most positive witch in Slytherin house and hated to see you bring yourself down like that
“Well, Granger is all those things and she’s a mudblood, our parents don’t care about academics as much as you’d think they do” Pansy interjected
“Pansy, no one asked you. As I recall this was a conversation between Daphne, Lily and myself” you snapped, knowing she was attempting to remind Lily of her half-blood status.
Pansy scoffed and rolled her eyes, over the last few weeks she had really been struggling to hide her dislike for you. It didn’t bother you, Pansy was a bitch to put it quite plainly. You wondered how someone could be so venomous and be content with their life.
You began to gather your things to head to the library after breakfast. 6th year meant you and your classmates were inundated with homework from all your classes. You hoped you could get ahead of your work so you could keep Sunday free.
“It’s literally Saturday, why are you voluntarily doing work?” Daphne asked, her head barely visible from under her duvet cocoon.
“If I didn’t, who would you run to at 11pm on Sunday evening because you forgot to write your charms essay?”
“You are a true friend Y/N Y/L/N”
“Hey, Y/N,” Pansy hollered
You looked at Pansy and waited for her to speak
“If you see Draco at breakfast, you mind telling him I’ll be a bit late?”
“I don’t think he’ll care Pans” Daphne replied for you
“Oh but he will, we’re going to the library to do out potions work together”
You were about to frown but stopped yourself, Draco had promised you that the two of you would write your 3 feet of parchment together. Lily caught your eye knowing how you felt about the platinum blond.
“Sure thing Parkinson” You said, with a sickly sweet smile.
You turned on your heel and went down the stairs into the Slytherin common room, despite it being only 8.30 on a Saturday morning, the common room was densely populated with slytherin students of all ages. A small group of second years were sitting on the floor playing gobstones in your path. They looked up and paled, scrambling to move out of your way.
“Scaring second years now are we Y/L/N” The voice of your friend Blaise Zabini asked.
“Me? Of course not, Zabini, I’ll leave that to you and your friends” you replied waking out of the portrait hole
“It hurts me that you think so lowly of us” He feigned hurt as he began to walk alongside you
“I apologise for hurting your feelings”
“What would your father have to say, hearing you apologise to a half blood”
“Here’s me thinking you knew me better, you already know I don’t care for the purity of blood”
“Where are you headed to after breakfast”
“The library, I’ve got a ton of homework to do”
“Have you heard about the party the 7th years are planning?”
“Nope, not that I’m interested anyway”
“This is coming from the girl who managed to get half the quidditch team drunk off fire whiskey the last time we had a party”
“What can I say, academia looks better on me”
“I can’t say I disagree with that. You should still come, bring your friends along too, it’s been a while since we all got together.”
“I’ll see if Daphne and Lily want to come along.”
The two of you had reached the door of the Great Hall
“There you are Zabini, we’ve been waiting for ages” Draco yelled from across the room
You and Blaise walked to your normal spot on the Slytherin table. He took a seat and you stood behind the bench.
“By the way, Malfoy, Parkinson said she’ll be late. Have to do the potions essay you promised you’d do with me a bit later”
“Y/N I-”
You rolled your eyes and opted to grab some sliced of toast wrapped in some tissue and go straight to the library rather than listen to whatever excuse Draco had planned to spew out.
You settled yourself near the fireplace pulling your textbooks out and laying them around you. You managed to write your charms essay, aswell as your Defence Against the Dark Arts essay and some reading for Transfiguration. You looked up at the big clock in the library and noticed it was past two, your stomach rumbled, clearly upset at the measly breakfast of 2 slices of buttered toast and some water. You gathered all your books again and stuffed them back into your bag and headed to the kitchens. The house elves were well aware of what you preferred to eat for lunch and handed it to you wrapped in a gingham handkerchief, you settled yourself by the window eating your lunch enjoying the view over the grounds.
You looked up to see the face of your academic rival.
“Do you mind if I take a seat?”
You shook your head and she sat down next to you.
“I was wondering if you could help me”
“Wow the great Hermione Granger needs help? From me?”
“I- nevermind it was silly of me” She got up feeling flustered and began to walk away
“Lighten up, Granger, it was a joke”
“What would you do if you liked someone, but they had a girlfriend and probably don’t like you back?”
“You’ve finally admitted you like Weasley huh” You patted the window sill next to you, prompting her to sit down
“What? No! Ron-“
“You do know Lavender has been slipping him love potions right?”
“But that’s against the rules! She could get expelled for that”
“She doesn’t care Hermione, if I were you I’d slip a bezoar down Weasley’s throat and see what happens after that”
“How do you know? That she’s been making him drink love potions?”
“I saw her buying some in hogsmeade”
“Well thank you for your help” 
“Can I ask why you thought I’d be the best person to come to for this advice?”
“Well to be quite frank, I don’t know myself. All my other friends are Ron’s friends too, I didn’t want them telling him anything. And we’ll you’ve been the kindest to me, and I would like to think despite everything you respect me. So thank you for your help” With that she got up and began to walk away
“Hey by the way, Granger, he’d be an idiot to turn you down”
Hermione flashed you a true genuine smile before returning to the Gryffindor common room.
You finished the remnants of your lunch and headed back to the dormitory. Daphne and Lily hadn’t left their spots on their beds.
“Who’s up for a party tonight?” You asked the both of them, a wide grin across your face.
After some further information from some 7th year girls, you, Daphne and Lily found yourselves standing outside the room of requirement at 9pm. Despite being a small, debaucherous get-together, in true Slytherin fashion the three of you were still impeccably dressed. You wore a thin silver satin blouse with a plunging neckline, a blouse he bought for you over the summer, along with some fitted black paper bag trousers and a pair of Chanel flats.
The door opened to reveal a room that looked exactly like the Slytherin common room only the table in front of the fire was covered in alcohol and snacks. Blaise, Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were sat in a small group off to the side. Draco’s head snapped up when he heard the door open and he looked as though his breath catched in his throat. You knew he was trying not to stare but it was like he couldn’t move his eyes off you. You’d be lying if you said this wasn’t the effect you wanted to have. Daphne ran off to a 6th year boy that she had been flirting with and you and Lily headed over to your friends.
“You made it!” Blaise exaclaimed getting up to hug you.
You saw dracos knuckles whiten even more as he gripped his butterbeer. You hugged Blaise back, after all, it was Draco who wanted to keep the two of you a secret. Blaise hugged Lily too and the two of you sat down. You made a point to sit directly opposite Draco, forcing Blaise to sit on the arm of the sofa with his arm resting on its back. A butterbeer had been forced into your hand which you sipped every once in a while whilst making conversation with your friends. You had noticed Pansy almost sticking to Draco’s side. She’d laugh overly loud at any small thing he said, even if it wasn’t funny, and failed to get Draco to dance with her numerous times.
After a while the 7th years announced the commencement of a drinking game. They placed an empty bottle on the floor and spun it, if it landed on you, you had to choose a truth or a dare, if you didnt want to do the option you selected, youd have to take a double shot of firewhiskey. You chose to sit it out, standing on the outside of the circle only a few steps away from Draco, who coincidentally also decided to sit out.
“I like the blouse” He commented, taking a swig of his butterbeer
“Thank you, it was a gift” You replied, folding your arms together to accentuate your cleavage. 
“Would have preferred you wearing it with just the two of us. Goyle won’t stop staring at you.”
“Well if you offered to take me to a nicer place than a broom cupboard or the empty classroom on the fourth floor, then maybe I’d wear it”
“I was told you were talking to Granger today”
“And? Am I not allowed to speak to people?”
“Not that filthy mudblood”
“Does it really hurt your feelings that bad that she’s smarter than you despite being muggle born that the ONLY thing you can comment on is her blood status?”
“I don’t want you to be seen talking to her again”
“Newsflash, you can’t tell me what to do. I’m not Parkinson, I won’t obey you like some lost dog.” And with that you moved further away from him leaning on a column in the corner of the room. 
So far people had only chosen to spill truths, some choosing to take shots instead of their truths. Daphne and her little boyfriend had been dared to enjoy 7 minutes in heaven, made possible by a random broom cupboard supplied by the room of requirement, it had been more than seven minutes and you were sure you’d get a detailed play by play back in the dorms. The empty bottle of fire whiskey landed on Charlie, he joined hogwarts in 5th year after being in America for the last few years.
“Truth or dare Charles?” Blaise asked, rubbing his hands together
“Who do you think is the most beautiful girl in this room?”
“Oh that’s easy, Y/N”
The whole group turned to look at you. You could see from the corner of your eye that Draco had tensed up. He himself slowly turned his head to look at you
“I have to admit, Charlie, you have great taste. You’ll go far in this world” You said, smiling.
“I’ll go as far as you want me to”
This caused the whole group to laugh and return to their game. You checked the clock and saw that it was getting close to 1am. You tapped Lily’s shoulder and she got up.
“Leaving already girls?” Blaise asked from his spot infront of the fire
“It’s getting late, parties aren’t Y/N’s scene anymore anyway” Lily replied smoothing out her skirt
“I’ll walk you back to the dormitory, I’m rather bored here myself” Draco offered, finally getting free of Pansy
“No need, Lily and I are big girls, we can get ourselves back without Filch finding us.” You replied cooly
“I insist”
“No no, Draco. Stay, enjoy the festivities”
You and Lily snuck out of the room of requirement and returned to the dorms undetected.
“What was going on with you and Draco?” She asked while the two of you were getting ready for bed
“It sounded like the two of you were having a tense conversation”
“You know how Draco can be, always trying to one up everyone”
“Did you hear about Pansy and Draco?” She asked once she was comfy in her bed.
“No” you put your hair brush back in the drawer and got under your own covers
“I heard from Marietta in the year above that Parkinson was bragging about how her and Draco went on a date today. Apparently he took her to the black lake for a picnic”
“Well good for them, I hope they’re happy”
“I know you like him but maybe now she’ll stop being such a raging bitch”
“Maybe, goodnight Lily”
“Goodnight Y/N”
You weren’t crazy, you knew Draco wasn’t stupid enough to even attempt to cheat on you. Your family was just as affluent and your father was just as influential as Lucius for him to know that a cheating scandal between two of the oldest pure blood lines would not turn out well for him. Yet it did nothing to stop the anger bubbling up inside you.
You and Draco began to get closer during your 5th year. You two studied together often and you both were prefects, made to patrol the corridors at night. It was inevitable for the two of you to strike up a bond. You didnt expect your bond to become so strong that an owl would end up dropping a letter on your bed one rainy summer afternoon, with a letter from Draco enclosed about how bored he was over the holiday. The two of you sent letters back and forth, he even floo’d into your bedroom when your parents were out. On the first hogsmeade trip of the year, he asked you to join him and he asked you to be his girlfriend. However, he wanted to keep your relationship a secret. He knew that people would talk and both of your parents would find out, it would lead to talks for the future, something he was not ready for. You saw where he was coming from and agreed, you just didn’t think it would end up like this. In the beginning he tried, he really did, he’d leave cute notes in your bag, he’d hold your hand under the table, save you a seat at dinner, even sneak you into his dormitory, but a few weeks ago, it all suddenly seemed to stop. But you were sick of it. You deserved to be treated better than you were being treated right now.
You awoke on Sunday feeling slightly less angry than you did when you went to sleep. Sunday’s were the day you and Draco would lock yourselves in an old empty classroom on the fourth floor and finally get to be yourselves. You went down to breakfast and sat in your usual seat, waiting for him to make his way down. You were half way through a bowl of cereal when you noticed him walk in with his boys, and Pansy. You dropped your spoon into your bowl causing milk to splash everywhere
“Merlin’s beard Y/N!” Daphne yelled, scooching to the side
You and Lily grabbed some napkins to clean up the small spillage.
“I’ve suddenly lost my appetite” You deadpanned
You got up and walked past draco, purposely bumping his shoulder on your way out. It hurt you more than it hurt him but you still had a point to make.
“Jeez Y/L/N, watch where youre-” Pansy Scoffed
“Oh fuck off pansy” 
You ignored him and carried on walking out of the hall. You heard his footsteps behind you and he managed to catch up to you, grabbing you by the wrist.
“What is the matter with you?” He demanded
“Me? What’s the matter with you?”
“Nothings wrong with me you’re the one acting crazy”
“Firstly, I don’t like your tone. If you’re going to shout at me I refuse to listen to another word.”
“I’m sorry but I don’t understand what the issue is”
“My issue is YOU”
You ended up raising your voice to a volume too loud for Draco’s liking and he pulled you into a nearby storage cupboard.
“This is my problem draco, being forced to hide everything. Arguing in a fucking broom cupboard for fucks sake.” You sighed
“Y/N, you know how-“
“No, I am tired, Draco, sick and tired of hiding, of keeping secrets, of not being able to come and collapse next to you when I’m upset”
“You can still do that,”
“No I can’t, you always surrounded by one of your posse members. If it’s not Crabbe or Goyle then it’s fucking Parkinson. Did you know she’s going round telling everyone you took her to the black lake for a picnic?”
“She said what? I didn’t even see her yesterday, Blaise and I went to the quidditch pitch after breakfast.” He had a face of visible disgust on his face at the thought of people thinking him and Pansy were a thing.
“Well yeah now the whole school thinks you’re going out with Parkinson and you’re not going to say anything to stop those rumours”
“You know why, princess”
“Yeah you don’t want to think about the future. But if thinking about a future with me really scares you so much Draco, why are you still with me? Surely if you just kept yourself single, you’d have no future to worry about and no girlfriend breathing down your neck”
“You know that’s not what I mean”
“Then what do you mean? Because -” you cut him off, you were starting to get annoyed and he could sense it
“If you stopped interrupting me, I’d be able to explain my thoughts” He said calmly, placing both his hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at him in the eye.
“Speak then”
“Yes I don’t want to think about my future. I don’t want to think about what ministry career I’ll be forced into to keep up my family’s reputation, who I’ll be forced to call my friend for the sake of appearances, what I need to name my first born child. I don’t want to think about all the skeletons in the Malfoy family wardrobe that I’ve yet to discover. This, me and you, it’s so innocent, so pure. You get me, you see me for more than my family name. And I want to protect this. I don’t want our parents getting involved and tainting what we have.”
“It’s the only way we-”
“Interrupt me once more and I’ll hex you.” 
You closed your mouth and decided to listen for just a short while more.
“However, if the key to your happiness, and the future of our relationship, is for everyone, including our parents, to find out about us. Then I will walk straight into that hall and stand on the table and announce it to the whole school.”
“You really mean that?”
He nodded
“So if your father sent you an owl tomorrow that says we have to get married in the summer...” you linked your wrists together behind his neck, swaying slightly as you looked up at him
“I’ll marry you. I would sacrifice my own life if it meant I could see you smile.”
“Bit dramatic there, Malfoy” you laughed
“You taught me well, Y/L/N”
“I’d rather you didn’t embarrass the both of us by getting up on the table. You can hold my hand though.”
“Anything for the Slytherin princess.”
You smiled and gave him a quick kiss before getting out of the broom closet. Draco took your hand and held it firmly in his as you both walked into the great hall.
He started to think out loud about his breakfast but you watched for the reactions of your peers as you made your way to your table, no one was really shocked, most of them looked up and smiled excitedly before chattering to their friends, you walked past the gryffindor table and heard the words ‘bet’ and ‘owe’ get thrown about. Once you got to your friends Draco waited for you to sit down, right next to Pansy, before sitting on your other side with his arm around your waist.
“Y/L/N and Malfoy? I never saw that one coming” Blaise laughed, the sarcasm evident in his voice.
“Well get used to it, Zabini, cause you’ll be seeing it a whole lot more” You responded, moving closer into Draco’s lap.
Long gone were the days of hiding, as well as the days of Pansy Parkinson thinking she could steal your man. 
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
October Writing Challenge 2021 - Day 5
Zadie Taylor-Allen belongs to my wonderful bestie @the-al-chemist, Farid Sikander (in mention) belongs to @carewyncromwell
Dedicated to the wine club @kc-and-oc @the-al-chemist @whatwouldvalerydo You know why🌻🌻🌻
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It was common knowledge that time moved slower when one wasn’t enjoying themselves, but Reva Amari had never felt the truth of it more ardently than on this sunny winter afternoon. It had snowed the night before, and the grounds of Hogwarts were covered in a thick layer of perfectly white, powdery snow.
Reva could hear the screams and laughter from the other students enjoying themselves in the wintery wonderland through the high windows of the dusty library. She thought wistfully about her new snowboard waiting for her in her dormitory; how much fun would it be to pile up some of the snow and just whisk down the makeshift mound on it. She would even settle for throwing snowballs at the Slytherin Quidditch team; she wasn’t picky at all, as long as it got her out of this lifeless, boring library.
“Reva, concentrate,” the voice of her friend and honourary older sister Danielle broke her out of her musings. “You need to pass this test with flying colours if you don’t want to get taken off the Quidditch team.”
“I know,” Reva sighed deeply. “Give me some credit for trying.”
“I don’t see you trying that hard,” her brother Dylan jumped in. He didn’t even bother raising his eyes from his book about Potions, but he didn’t need to; he knew Reva was rolling her eyes at him without looking.
“It’s not my fault History of Magic is the most boring subject in existence,” Reva complained. “I don’t even know how you manage to stay awake during class.”
“I don’t,” Dylan said flatly, “I get Dana’s notes from the year before.”
Reva opened her mouth to protest but shut it again when she saw the withering glare of the librarian directed her way. “What are you lecturing me about then,” she hissed with a lowered voice, “you’re no better than me.”
“The best notes don’t help if you don’t put the work in to memorise them,” Dana said leniently. “You can have them as well, but that alone won’t do you no good.”
“I need someone to make this more interesting. Right now, this nonsense is drier than the desert,” Reva complained. “Maybe I could ask Farid for help?”
Dylan did look up from his book at her words. “You’re going to do no such thing,” he said with a surprising sharpness in his voice.
Reva smirked at having successfully gotten under her brother’s skin; served him just right. She wanted to tell him so, but was cut short when an enchanted piece of parchment fluttered into her view and landed before her on her textbook.
Curious, Reva picked it up and unfolded it; she recognised the handwriting of her best friend Zadie immediately. The note contained only two words:
Code Sunflower
Next to her, Dana leaned over to take a look; she frowned. “Code Sunflower? What’s that supposed to mean?”
Reva didn’t reply; she was busy stuffing her things into her bag as fast as she could. She was halfway up from her seat when Dana got hold of her arm. “We’re not done here. I’m your prefect and your friend, and I promised to make sure you’ll pass that test,” she said sternly.
“I know, I’ll do it tomorrow, promise,” Reva said hurriedly and gently freed her arm from Dana’s hand. “But this is kind of an emergency.”
Before either Dana or Dylan could say anything else, Reva snatched up her bag and quickly left the library. She made a short detour to the Gryffindor Tower to drop off her things and retrieve some others from her dormitory before she made her way up to the Astronomy Tower. It was one of Zadie’s favourite places and if she was troubled, chances were good she would be there.
As it turned out, Reva had been right. She found her best friend leaned against the wooden railing running around the platform that circled the highest tower of the castle. She was bundled up in a thick coat and her blue-and-bronze Ravenclaw scarf to counter the sharp winds up here. Reva stuffed her own crimson-and-gold scarf deeper into her jacket and buried her hands in her pockets as she stood next to Zadie.
“You were quick,” Zadie said with a small smile.
“It’s Code Sunflower,” Reva replied, “you don’t make someone wait when it’s Code Sunflower.”
“I suppose so,” Zadie sighed and fell silent. A troubled expression crossed her face and Reva waited for her to continue. When she didn’t, Reva nudged her gently into the side.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” she asked gently.
Zadie looked out over the snowy grounds and extended her hand. A lone snowflake floated down from the grey sky and landed on her palm. Both girls watched as it slowly melted and left only a tiny puddle of water behind.
“I had Potions earlier,” Zadie said eventually.
“The worst,” Reva said immediately, but fell silent when Zadie gave her a look. “Sorry, go on.”
“You know I’m no good at Potions,” she sighed, “but I was really trying today. But I still messed up. I added the shrivelfig before the valerian sprigs, and all the wrong amounts, too. I don’t know how it happened, my head was somewhere else. My potion started expanding and flowed over the cauldron and the workbench and literally everywhere. It was a disaster.”
“Oh no,” Reva said sympathetically, “that can happen to the best of us, though.”
“I know,” Zadie said passionately, “but that’s not what the professor seemed to think. He was so mad at me. ‘I’m clearly teaching the worse Taylor-Allen girl’ were his words to be exact.”
Zadie sniffed ever so slightly and a wave of righteous anger flooded Reva. How did that old bugger dare talk to Zadie like that? Only because her grades weren’t as perfect as those of her older sister, it didn’t mean Zadie was stupid, or untalented, or anything else but a fantastic witch.
“Screw him,” Reva said fiercely, “he has no idea what he’s talking about. So what, you don’t have a straight O in Potions like Phoebe does. Neither do I. Neither do Dylan or Dana or Victoire. The only person I know who did is Dana’s mum, if I think about it. But that doesn’t mean we don’t know what we’re doing, or makes us stupid or anything like that. Don’t you dare think this even for a second or I’ll give you an earful. You’re brilliant, and talented and great, just in a different way than Phoebe.”
She saw the small smile forming on Zadie’s face and Reva continued. “I very much doubt Phoebe would have been able to block my throws as annoyingly well as you did in our last housematch. That really hurt my pride, you know.”
Zadie threw her head back and laughed, the sound ringing clear into the winter sky. “You’d have transported her right through the hoop. If she had managed to stay on her broom in the first place.”
Reva grinned. “That’s my girl talking.”
She reached into her pocket and produced a small, silver flask she offered to her friend. Zadie raised an eyebrow sceptically. “Do I want to know where you got that from?”
“A gift from my godmother,” Reva laughed, “she sent it over the other day.”
“You know that’s probably 100 % forbidden,” Zadie grinned as she took the flask from Reva and took a small swig.
“I have a reputation to uphold after all,” Reva smirked and took a sip herself. The coffee liqueur burned delightfully and was much milder than she had anticipated. She immediately felt a little warmer.
“Speaking of which,” Reva said slowly, while she furtively pushed the snow on the railing in front of her together, “try blocking this.”
She quickly gathered up the snowball she’d formed and threw it at Zadie. Before Zadie could even react, it had hit her square in the face and Reva couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s dumbfounded expression.
“You didn’t do that for nothing,” Zadie exclaimed before gathering her own load of snow from the ground and throwing it after Reva, who just so managed to duck away from it.
The sky was already darkening when they made their way down from the Astronomy Tower, drenched, shivering and with their faces feeling like they were on fire.
Reva’s cheeks were still flushed from both the cold and the coffee liqueur when she dropped into her seat next to Dana and Dylan in the Great Hall for dinner. Dana looked her up and down with an amused expression, taking in her dishevelled state.
“Is your emergency solved?”
“You could say so, yes,” Reva smiled and helped herself to some deliciously warm soup. She shuddered when she warmed her hands over the steaming bowl.
“Wonderful, just in time to study with me after dinner,” Dana continued. She laughed when Reva pulled a face. “Sorry kiddo, I’m not letting you off the hook so easily. And there won’t be another cryptic message getting you out of this one.”
Dana’s expression turned curious. “What was it about anyway?”
Reva blew against her spoon and winced when she burned her tongue. “It was a message from Zadie.”
“Naturally,” Dylan muttered from the other side of the table, but Reva and Dana both paid him no mind.
“Code Sunflower is when you’re feeling troubled because someone said something stupid and you need to vent,” Reva explained before trying her soup a second time. It warmed her even better than the liqueur had.
Dana blinked at her in surprise. “Why sunflowers, though? They are lovely.”
Reva dipped her head back and laughed at the memory of how they had come up with that code in the first place.
“Trust me,” she giggled, “you don’t want to know.”
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Finally, the Reader has a little more space ✨
Hope you enjoy,
Abigail 🐍
Warnings: swearing.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Not As Planned
Tom Riddle x Reader
The infamous Dark Lord begins to orchestrate his oh so dreaded return, but while trying to achieve a new, critical pawn's loyalty to him and his cause, things go not as planned.
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4 - Absence
Getting her next day's lessons ready did no use to Y/n. The extra classes provided by her Family during the summer break still vividly played in her mind, and they had covered most of the year's schedule, reason why she had found herself sighing, interest killed by the reading on the potion they were to brew the day after.
Y/n had kept on reading though, just to make sure the words her grandfather had so gently engraved in her head a few months prior were still bleeding in her skull.
Well, they were.
But that was okay, it was perfect, actually.
An Addams could not afford the liberty to start a school year unprepared.
They had to be the best.
She had to be the best.
You had to be the best.
Not only that, you had to be the best of the best.
Hence why in the current time you were answering questions like there was no tomorrow. You'd always end up being almost the only one to participate in the lesson, professors had nothing against it (I mean, maybe Professor McGonagall did, but you still managed to get most of her questions) and your classmates gladly let you take control of the situation.
Well, almost everyone, actually.
There still was him.
Lazarus thatfuckingbitch Malfoy.
He just had to be an asshole and find every single possible way to get on your nerves, sometimes it felt like he simply enjoyed giving you a hard time. Did he want to die that badly? Weren't the Malfoys just cowards naturally inclined to submit to the strongest bidder?
<Yes, Mr Malfoy?>
To hell with him.
<The Venomous Tentacula is a deadly, sentient magical plant. It presents itself as green or brown in color, with spikes, teeth and mobile vines ready to grab any living prey they get the chance to.>
You would have liked to say you had no idea why he was looking at you like that while giving the right answer to Professor Sprout, head of the Hufflepuff House and your Herbology teacher, but you actually knew too well that kind of staring.
He was challenging you.
He was looking for a weak spot, a grain of uncertainty, maybe even fear for a possible defeat.
He had no idea who he was trying to mess with.
You smiled, as if encouraging his little, pathetic show, and apparently he gladly reciprocated the gesture with as much fake kindness as yours.
<The Venomous Tentacula diet consists essentially in Chizpurfles, Doxies and humans. Its juices are pois->
Professor Sprout had granted the students the permission to swear only during that particular class. She had looked kind of excited while explaining them the plant they were to study that day was a very dangerous one, and honestly, after having the said study's subject in front of you, you had understood why. The greenhouse back at your home was actually guarded by Venomous Tentaculas, hence why you were particularly fond of those "little" monsters.
But now all you could hear were screams from Hufflepuffs and muffled snickering coming from your fellow Slytherins, all you could see a very panicked teacher trying to keep her cool and an unidentified student (probably a Slytherin) being tossed around by a green, spiky, excited vine.
High pitched voices kept bouncing loudly in your skull, picking at your brain like little annoying bites, the chaos was driving you out of your mind.
You had always preferred silence.
In a matter of seconds, everything was quiet once again. As if someone had casted a Full Body-Bind Curse on the entire class, the students were now frozen in their steps, some still gaping, others with their eyes shut so tight they threatened to pop into their skull.
Even the teacher was standing still, shock draining the color out of her gentle face.
Malfoy, though, stood there, unmoved, as motionless as a statue, but finally with something you were dying to see hide behind his placid eyes.
<Oh, oh Merlin! G great job Miss Addams, brilliant thinking! Ten, no, twenty points to Slytherin!>
At this point in time, while the trembling Slytherin boy was being accompanied to the Hospital Wing by Professor Sprout, a receded vine lied lifeless in front of the tall, young man you just morally slapped right across his stupid face.
You won.
And everyone knew.
<Did you see his face? I would pay to watch that scene once again!>
<Yeah, hahahaha, stupid Malfoy! He has no idea what he got himself into! Right Y/n?>
<You're so talented, bloody hell! I couldn't cast a spell that fast for my own life!>
<Yeah Y/n, you're just too good!>
<One galleon you could defeat Dumbledore himself!>
There they were.
Your silky voice rang in the almost empty Slytherin Common Room, making the little group that had gathered around you vanish like smoke in air.
Maybe that was the reason why the Malfoy brat intrigued you to that extent.
He was a challenge, not an easy bet.
The dark-haired Slytherin had stormed out the Greenhouse like a hurricane a couple of hours ago and you hadn't heard from him since then. Next class was canceled due to the teacher's "personal reasons", so the Slytherin and Ravenclaw students were left to themselves with a lot of free time. The clever ones retreated to the Library, to catch up whit the massive amount of work the professors had kindly drowned you all with, the stupid ones were out, bathing in the little sun October was blessing Hogwarts' grounds with. So, moral of the story, you were bored to death. Having reviewed today's lessons yesterday and Malfoy nowhere to be seen, you were left with nothing to do but read. Again. The same books you had already finished at home.
You shut the book close and sighed. It wouldn't work.
As soon as you stood up, you heard other students coming down from their dormitories, so you quickly turned to the Common Room's exit and made your way into the school's busy corridors. You had always been the silent type, the solitary one, and from a certain point of view, you had to. From a young age, your family had taught you to mistrust every person you were to get to know in your life, but honestly speaking it didn't bother you keeping a distance from others. Once alone, you could let your mind wander and go to a different place, far away from Hogwarts, from what you called home. You'd always wondered if a place like that was real, if somewhere in the world you would ever have the chance to allow yourself to relax a little bit, let your guard down and maybe laugh genuinely to the twins stupid pranks.
<Thinking about us, were you, gorgeous?>
Speaking of the devil.
<I'm always thinking about you, guys. What do you have for me today?>
As always, they each grabbed you by one of your arms and gently dragged you in a quiet place, unnoticed by curious eyes.
<Rumors say the first task has something to do with dragons>
Fred started, as excited as always.
<They'll probably end up protecting something that the participants will have to retrieve. Wicked, right?>
George finished, with a big grin on his face.
There was something special about them, you just couldn't let the thought of the two happy behavior out of your mind. You could say that interacting with them was your secret, little guilty pleasure, but no one had to know, right?
Their laughs and silliness were just contagious.
<Thank you guys, as always>
<Anything for you, Smalls!>
As the twins answered in unison, you shook your head smiling. A tiny, minuscule but luckily restrained part of yourself wanted to keep the money, just a little more, just to talk to them for a bit, but your Addams self immediately handed the brothers their two galleons with the simplest and most polite smile you had. Next thing you know they're hugging you before sprinting away full speed, as if scared you'd curse them, but giggling cheerfully, as their usual, jolly selves.
What a strange duo.
Your favorite one, though.
Carried by your feet, you headed to the Black Lake without a second thought. Knowing the path by heart meant you had to pay no attention to wherever you were going, therefore you could focus on the newly acquired information. Dragons, mh? Interesting.
Who in the Wizarding World had the magnificent idea of letting seventeen years old students deal with freaking dragons?
Guess your father was right about the Ministry being just an overrated, overly-powerful and overly-paid coven of incompetent clowns.
"What a huge waste of time"
The voice in your head sounded uninterested and almost soulless in your ears, a most accurate reflection of what was repeatedly going on in that beautiful mind of yours. Words echoed undefined in your brain, racing around like brooms gone mad. Nonetheless, they melted in a clear whisper, almost comforting your craved loneliness.
E/c eyes quickly glanced around, immediately spotting the still missing presence of the pale brat, now outstandingly deafening in an eerie, heavy way. Not once you had graced someone witch such attention, and even if in that case it was justified and most certainly not a good thing, it unnerved your usually calm self finding your mind wondering where the heck he was or what the bloody hell he was doing.
Was it something you could do better? Was it a place you knew better?
Whatever was going on between you two, though, did have a name.
It was a game.
The prize? Power.
<Come on, tell her!>
<No, you tell her!>
<It was your idea, not mine!>
First years. Sometimes you forgot you were a prefect, and moments like that made sure to rimind you of your duties. Your thoughts faded into an impending headache and you could do nothing but discreetly massage your temple with one hand, while patiently waiting for the three kids to take some courage and grow the guts to call you.
After ten more, long minutes of arguing, finally the little blonde girl in the middle stepped forward and grabbed you by your robe.
<M miss Addams!>
You gently swirled around, letting your uniform slide in a delicate way out of the little creature's hand.
<Yes, my dear?>
<I, uh->
<Peeves stole our books!>
<Yes, he did! We have Potions next, Snape will eat us alive!>
<Please help us!>
You could almost laugh at the expression the little slytherin girl had on her cute bronze face. Her amber eyes were trying to strangle the two boys with way too explicit effort, and her perfectly tamed hair bounced on her warm cheeks whenever she shook her head from side to side, disappointed in her friends' childish behavior.
Ah, younglings.
<Did you see where he went?>
<Yes miss, that way>
Your eyes followed her thin hand, which was now pointing to the stairs.
<Very well, wait here, I'll be back in a minute>
Not wasting any more time, you turned on your heels and reached the first floor in less than it should have taken. When Peeves locked eyes with you, his ever present grin contorted into pure horror, and in a moment of overwhelming panic he sprinted forward, even faster than usual. You had to follow the poltergeist to the second floor, chasing him through the corridors like a wolf after his bleeding prey.
He knew far too well that if you were to raise your voice, he would've been doomed.
Well, shit.
<Miss Addams! Oh dear me, wh- >
<The books, Peeves.>
<Books? Peeves doesn't know wh- >
Oh, how you despised his stupid voice.
You straightened yourself and placed your hands behind your back. Taking a frighteningly stern aura, you rose your chin high, as if silently judging the being in front of you and already sentencing your prey's imminent end.
<As much as I would love to take my time and teach you your place, Peeves, I'm afraid there's not enough time for the lesson I have in mind. Now, I suggest you return the stolen books in this exact moment before I lose my cool again.>
Memories from the girl's first year flashed before the ghost's disembodied eyes and fear took over him, leading his jester self to drop the books to the ground and fly away as fast as his lifeless body could.
The three text books moved from the cold stone floor and neatly stacked themselves under your eyes' will, just to float up middle air and reach your arms, where they gently let their weight go and settled down.
While turning around, your brain managed to register someone's silhouette slide into the girl's bathroom and given your position, you were morally obligated to check, after all classes were just about to start.
And you would've fulfilled your role, if it weren't for the figure now standing in front of you, a black cloak blocking your vision.
<Professor Snape.>
If it was possible, the corridors fell even more silent, and the man a few feet away from you, right beside the bathroom entrance, brought back to your mind the main reason you were spacing out in the middle of the hall. You locked eyes with the teacher for a never ending minute, a wordless exchange that ended up in the two of you parting your ways in complete silence.
After returning the books to the now little bundles of joy, you got back to your journey towards the Black Lake, brain still stuck in the second floor's corridor, on the semblance of a person entering the girls bathrooms.
First of all, Professor Snape had seemed to not notice anyone in there. He was standing right in front of the door but not once he looked that way, so whoever entered didn't want to be seen.
Addams shouldn't put their nose into others businesses.
But that definitely smelled like something suspicious.
Very suspicious.
Especially because the glimpse of a shadow you had taken was the one of a guy.
You had finally reached the lake without even realizing it. Sitting under what you had adopted as your own tree, you mindlessly took you Charms text book out of your robes. Your eyes, though, were full of the scene that kept on tormenting your restless mind and millions of questions started blossoming in your head. You began to make assumptions and plans to solve the question as soon as possible, to let your brain go of the itching sensation the odd coincidence had layed on it. Your eyes lost focus, and as the world around you melted into blurred colors, you fell in your little world, only to be suddenly brought back by a familiar, wheezy voice, almost an inaudible hiss.
<My dear...>
Your hand automatically shut the book it was holding closed, your mind now empty and focused only on the voice's source.
<Lord Voldemort, I was waiting for you>
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Guessing Games | f.w.
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Masterlist here
Request: Could you do a Fred Weasley imagine where he wants to trick the reader into thinking she doesn’t know who’s who. So him and George switch places and the reader notices but doesn’t say anything as payback she kisses Georges cheek and hugs him a lot. To get Fred jealous and it works. Cute ending.
Word count: 1023
A/N: of course, anon! This reminded me of the game that the Hitachiin twins used to play with the guests in OHSHC so this is probably going to be heavily based on that concept. also, for those requesting, I am probably going to take a break from the Weasley twins for a bit, I don’t want to get too burnt out!
Fred and George stood on a platform in the Gryffindor common room, looking completely identical. It was the first week of school, and all of the first years were still very, very gullible. None of them knew of the twins’ reputation. A majority of the first year girls stood in the crowd, their eyes shining brightly. After a long week of lessons, most wanted to relax, hiding up in their rooms or glaring at the racket the Weasley twins were making.
“Come one and all! Step right up!” They called out in unison. “One galleon to play!” 
Until they could get their supplies shipped in from home, the twins were left to hedge their bets on gambling with the younger years. Filch was watching the mail anyways, and the trips to Hogsmeade wouldn’t start for another few weeks. They had to make do with what they could. Lee Jordan stood next to them, calling out students in the crowd to bring them up. 
You stepped through the portrait hole, looking for your boyfriend. As usual, he was the center of attention, next to George and Lee Jordan. You rolled your eyes and headed to your usual armchair, close to the corner they often inhabited when causing trouble in the common room. In a few months, they’d be standing on this same platform again, showing off their newest inventions (namely, the Puking Pastilles that they’d been attempting to perfect the past summer).
They never made much money through a show like this, but they didn’t necessarily do it for the money. Even if they never made a cent, they’d still be content with entertaining themselves and others with their pranks. 
“Ah, you!” You heard Lee Jordan bring up a small first year, a boy who puffed up his chest. “Alright, the game’s simple. Tell me, who is Fred and who is George?” 
You glanced over at the small stage they’d set up. Honestly, you were surprised none of the Prefects had caught them yet.
“This is a scam, isn’t it? Muggle thieves do it all the time.” The boy said, and you stifled a laugh. There were always a few audience members like that, who asked to be picked in the hopes of humiliating the twins. But the two redheads only smiled. 
“It’s only a scam if you believe it to be.” Fred said. He was always the one to speak first, ever the daring one.
“And anyways-” George started. 
“It’s only a galleon.” They finished in unison, outstretching their hands. The first year begrudgingly put the gold coin into their hands. 
“D’you have your final guess?” Lee Jordan asked. Both of the twins sported identical, innocent smiles. You snorted at their expressions. Nothing about them was innocent at this point. 
The boy guessed, and even though his answer was wrong, the twins still nodded, giving the galleon back and sending him on his way. They did this with the next few students, surprisingly kind. You raised an eyebrow, standing up and walking over. What on earth were they doing now? 
Lee spotted you as you walked toward them. He grinned widely. “Hey, look everyone! It’s (Y/N), Fred’s girlfriend!” He waved his arm so vigorously that it looked like it could fly out of its socket at any moment. The crowd of first-years looked at you, mostly in jealousy. “Come on, (Y/N), let’s play a round of Who’s Who.” Lee Jordan said, pulling you toward the stage. 
As you got closer, Fred whispered in George’s ear, “Pretend to be me, she won’t be able to tell the difference.” He grinned at his twin with a wicked smile. George only nodded. 
“On your own head, mate.” 
“Alright, (Y/N), you don’t need a payment as a special guest, but can you tell me which one of these two strapping young men is your boyfriend?” Lee Jordan said. You nearly laughed at Lee’s antics before pretending to think hard about it. You looked at them closely.
You knew what the right answer was, despite George acting like he was Fred and Fred acting like he was George. Even though their mannerisms were nearly identical, you knew who was who. You always knew. 
At this point, it was more of a gut feeling, because it went beyond appearances. In the beginning, you figured out the slight differences in their face shape, and built up the list of differences from there. They had tried to trick you on several occasions, but had yet to do so successfully. This became especially difficult after you started dating Fred. 
You pointed to George. “That’s Fred.” You turned to your boyfriend, pointing to him. “And that’s George.” 
“Boys? Your final answer?” 
The twins nodded. “She’s right.” 
“Correct as always!” Lee Jordan announced, and the crowd clapped loudly. “I’d expect as much, you’d be crazy to not recognize your bloke.” 
“Sorry, it’s only payback for trying to trick me.” You mumbled into George’s ear before kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly. Next to the two of you, Fred was still smiling, albeit less brightly now. 
You walked back to your seat, looking around the rest of the common room. Most students were in small groups, sitting on the ground or in one of the many seats the common room offered. 
When the prefects finally came over to shut their operation down, Fred pulled you aside, pulling you into a rough kiss. “Y’know, for a second there I really thought you couldn’t tell the difference.” He grumbled, nipping at your earlobe. 
You laughed, shrugging your shoulders up as he kissed down your neck. “It’s only payback. You did try to trick me after all. I thought you knew by now that it isn’t possible to trick me when it comes to you.” 
His lips met yours again, but this time his movements were slower and gentler. “So it’s even then.” 
“Try that again and I’ll do a lot worse.” You snickered as he glared at you. 
“No promises.” His glare turned into a grin, and he winked at you. You only laughed, smacking his chest half-heartedly.
“Yeah, I figured as much.”
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