#look what youve done
tw1nkee28 · 2 months
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Now look what you've done, now he's soggy AND upset >:(
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yourlordeclipse · 4 days
Okay but
But like
What if
Sun kissed Eclipse goodnight
I just
The thought came to my mind
Now it won't go away
The Lord clutches at His chest, He can feel the watery buildup at the corners of His eyes. Crying in front of His servant would be pathetic, pitiful, He’d look like a weak idiot. But, fuck, He didn’t take into account that the modifications He’d made to His star would take such getting used to. Trying to use power from it to try and adjust only made it worse, He would just have to wait it out.
What wasn’t helping the fact was that Sun had insisted on doing his damndest to make the Lord feel comfortable. Bedridden. It’s the most ridiculous thing that He could have agreed to, and yet His servant had managed to convince Him to lay down, if only for a little while.
Are you- Are you sure there is nothing else I can do, my Lord?
He almost wishes He’d made Sun more rebellious, at least then He wouldn’t be in this humiliating situation with such a sweet sounding bot. The Lord’s eyes roll to the ceiling as He vents out a longsuffering sigh.
No, Sun. Stop sounding so worried, this will pass soon.
Didn’t you say you would be extra attentive to the library while I’m resting? Or were you just lying to make me relax? You know I don't appreciate lies, Sun.
The servant’s panic is satisfying to see even as another burning pulse in His chest as Him grunting. These flames will take some getting used to but they do look pretty cool.
N-No! No! O- Of course not, my Lord! My… My apologies. I will… go do so now.
The mood shifts as Sun stands from his place at the bedside, hands clutched at his chest. He stares uncomfortably as he watches his Lord’s distressed state. Eclipse is supposed to be the god of this world so seeing Him like this has the servant all over the place. He has become very in tune with the Lord’s moods over the years. Maybe he could… it wouldn’t hurt to…
Eye contact is made for but a brief moment as Sun leans over the one who could destroy him with merely a thought. He avoids the new fire that has only made his god look all the more impressive. It’s hot, almost too hot, but he pays it no mind as his lips press to the Lord’s brow. He barely makes contact but it’s enough for both of them, too much maybe even.
Sun murmurs well wishes as he steps away.
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dickpuncher420 · 6 months
every now and then i remember the days of the hockey butt sokka spam and it makes me laugh
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itsyourstarboy · 4 months
Do you ever just get so overstimulated that you feel like you’re going to transform into a neurodivergent werewolf because you feel so ecstatic when seeing the scrunkly in the fandom you love?
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*gives microphone*
🎤😳 uh-
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xoxo-ovola · 9 months
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@mxlfoydraco i just want you to know that i'm working on a jegulus fic for the age gap fest and it was originally supposed to be a minor-hinny fic because i thought that harry dating his best friend's sister would be funny, but i kept hearing your voice in my head going "harry is obsessed with draco malfoy" and i kept accidentally writing that so congrats, it's a drarry fic now lmao
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justasimplesinner · 2 years
Can I Eddie, and just being nice to Eddie, please
honey don't be nice to him he will come back
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akkurai-zandervos · 1 year
I have been reborn anew @narutos-sloppy-pussy thank you for the new profile picture and lovely art, i love you you truly amazing artist and friendo!!!!!!! 🧡
To everyone else, hiiiiiii!!! <3 have a lovely morning, day, afternoon, evening, night!!!
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life-of-kalos · 1 year
Rio/Aki to Leo: For some people tonight, I've had to involve a lot of guess-work in their true form, but I have no issues in wondering who you are. How does it feel to be true to yourself, your grace?--The most confident and radiant person in this gala?
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Leo peered down at the smaller woman, confusion on his face for a moment. He glanced around to make sure she was talking to him. A loud boom of a laugh filled the air and you could see his ego grow 3 inches.
"You are quite right my little subject!" His tone and demeaner that of a haughty noble. "You have found yourself in the presence of the almighty Sun himself! I applaud your confidence in approaching one such as myself!"
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From behind Aki, a deep sigh could be heard. "Please don't fill his head with nonsense. It's already full enough with hot air." The Giratina grabbed Leo by the arm and drug him away before he got too caught up in the praise. "Let's go."
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"HEY- Wait!" He tried to protest to no avail. "Ah- MY SUBJECT! LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT AN AUTOGRAPH OR-" His voice was cut off as the two of them turned the corner out of the room.
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toadundercoldstone · 1 year
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong 2:
Hannibal Bites Back.
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soriastrider · 2 years
i have to do three classes' worth of homework and study for a quiz but i just wanna finish coloring these dumb boys in heels lmao
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delicatevalentine · 2 years
major drawback » claude & hilda
In collaboration with the kitchen staff, the archery professors have come up with a fun game. Each ring of the target corresponds with a piece of cutlery. Outer ring = Knife, Inner ring = Fork, Bullseye = spoon. Each student gets 3 arrows and whatever they hit is the cutlery they get to eat dinner with that night. Will they get all three or a strange mix or none? Either way the chefs hope they enjoy a hearty meal of soup, pasta with pesto & sausages, chocolate pecan pie and ice cream. [Grants Bow +1]
“That was exhausting,” Hilda complained to her House Leader as they headed towards the Dining Hall. Claude had orchestrated a gruelling training session, refusing to acknowledge her various excuses, and she was ready for a well-deserved meal and a long nap, in that order. “You’re lucky I’m still willing to eat with you after what you just put us through. I hope dinner tonight is at least—” 
She stopped abruptly as they arrived, noticing that the chaotic din of the hall was far beyond its usual levels of commotion today. 
By the main entrance, the front tables had been cleared to make way for a row of targets. As she stood there, momentarily bewildered by this development, a group of students approached an available target. One by one, they drew back their bowstrings and unleashed each of their three missiles. Even more confusingly, one was lamenting at what she’d supposed would be a good score: three bullseyes. 
Finally, she noticed the two details that allowed her to put two and two together: the kitchen staff, taking stock of scoring and handing out cutlery accordingly, and the text printed around the circumference of each ring, boasting the utensils they rewarded you with. 
Hilda stomped her foot in an – at worst, childish, and at best, endearing – expression of frustration. “They’re putting work into mealtimes now?!” 
With a desperate look at Claude and a bat of her eyelashes, she pleaded, “You’ll shoot my arrows for me, right?” 
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varsovie · 2 years
Stop recommending cool pirating sites on tiktok you stupid cunts
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jettheband · 3 months
Nic Cester wrote “Are you gonna be my girl” and “Look what you’ve done” in 1996 when he was seventeen years old. it debut in 2003 on the Get Born album.
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nofuckingbody · 11 months
oh bad blood remix how does it feel being the best song right now
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komalrishh · 1 year
would you keep doing that forever? please
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