#looked for it on tumblr but couldn't find it so reposting here
vilestviolist · 1 year
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Frank C. Papé illustration from James Branc Cabell’s The Silver Stallion
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So apparently the version of the "Isn't It Bromantic" interview that gets passed around isn't the full thing
So after seeing a tumblr post I can't find, about two and half hours of intensive internet digging, and one purchase from a sketchy second-hand site later (full story under the cut, I promise it's interesting, but also long), I got the physical magazine and scanned it
So here you go: the full "Isn't It Bromantic?" TV guide interview with Robert Sean Leonard and Hugh Laurie
Feel free to repost wherever you want- I want people to be able to find the full thing
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SO, as for how I found it:
I saw this tumblr post forever ago that I can't find anymore because tumblr is just Like That with a cropped screenshot of an interview with Hugh Laurie and Robert Sean Leonard. In the interview, they're asked about the "bromance" between their two characters. Leonard makes an annoyed comment about how "everyone [is] obsessed with homosexuality", followed by the interview apologizing and Laurie immediately jumping in with, "No, no, let's talk about it. Wilson and House have an unusual relationship so you have to explore…" and the screenshot cuts off there. Cue funny comment from the OP about the interaction, roll credits.
Except, as these things tend to do, it ended up becoming a bit of a brain worm, and I wanted to find it again. But I couldn't find the tumblr post. I looked absolutely everywhere, and in the process of looking everywhere, I found what I thought was the original interview- a blog post with the full quote from the actor. I didn't think too much about it, I figured it was just a short quote given to a popular blog in 2008. There's a magazine cover above it, but I don't think too much about it, because I'm focusing on the quotes in the article instead of the rest of it.
So I send screenshots to a couple friends to make jokes, and it probably should have died there.
However, late at night I end up thinking about that interview again, because of course I did. I start to think about how it's weirdly formatted for, what I assumed at first reading, was just an entertainment news blog reaching out for comment and getting a response. So I pull up the screenshots of the article (because weirdly enough, the old-ass blog only loads on mobile) and look at it again.
This is when I realize that this isn't an original piece from a blog interviewing these two after reaching out for comment. This is a blog post quoting and commenting on a full interview from a magazine, which I had originally thought had just been the inspiration for the piece.
So naturally, I go looking for the magazine.
Luckily, the name of the magazine is displayed on the cover, and so is the title of its main piece. This should be easy to find, right?
This is an interview in a physical magazine. From 2008. October 13th, 2008, to be exact.
I know this exact date because searching the article title and magazine name leads me to an archive on the TV Guide website.
Of covers.
And nothing but covers.
I spend like forty-five minutes searching everywhere I can think of on the web. Internet Archive, the TV Guide website, any search result that comes up when I search any combination of the words "House" "Interview" "Bromantic" "Bromance" "TV Guide" "Archive" etc. Over and over, all that's coming up are that original blog post and the cover from the official gallery.
The only things I could find online were:
The cover and date of the issue on the TV Guide website
The original blog post that was screenshotted in the original tumblr post
Another blog post that had a much shorter version of the quote, references something Leonard says from later in the article, and makes a comment on the nature of his reaction to the term "bromance"
An entry on Leonard's IMDB page's "interview" list mentioning it in title only
5. A single listing for the issue on what seemed to be a second-hand site that looked like it hadn't had its UI updated since the mid 2000's, with a listing with no date or additional information besides what issue it is.
This is the only listing anywhere. I checked every other second-hand site I could think of, and then some that only came up through google searches. There's not a single listing for that issue on any of them. There were plenty of listings of TV guide magazines, including one that seemed promising because it included issues from that year, but it was missing all of October.
It seemed like the only listing for this issue on the entire internet was this one copy on this one obscure website. For all I know, this was listed in 2008 and abandoned, and just never got marked inactive. It could also be a complete scam.
A few quick google searches show that that website seemed to be legit, albeit a bit loose on quality control (which makes sense, this website seemed like the kind of thing you'd have to use the Way Back Machine to access). It also had an option to pay via PayPal, which meant I could file a chargeback if need be.
It was $11.50 when you include shipping.
So at about half past midnight, I bought the listing.
Naturally, about an hour later, I manage to actually find a scan of the interview. I had to follow a link in the comments of a post on FanPop, taking me to an old wordpress blog, and I'm sitting in front of the damn interview at last.
But something doesn't make sense. Why would their cover story only be two pages of text that aren't even full pages, and why would it cut off so strangely? There was no concluding sentence or paragraph, even though it started with a fairly long lead-in. It also led right up to the edge of the page, which felt like there should be more to it. There were more images in the interview than text, and the fact that there are so many of them and they clearly did a whole photoshoot indicated that they had them on hand for a while. The silly string one, for instance, I imagine probably had to require a couple takes, which means cleaning off Wilson's hair and face, adjusting makeup, etc. for it. Meanwhile, the conversation itself seems like it could have taken ten minutes total. I could have been totally wrong and that was where the article ended, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there might be more.
So I hold tight. A couple days pass with no update, and then the PayPal purchase gets updated with a tracking number. Promising, but it could still be a scam. Whether or not I get the actual magazine becomes a source of anxiety for the next week.
Until today, when I get told it was delivered. And when I opened the envelope it was sent in: there it was.
When I tell you I was happy stimming in my bedroom just holding the damn issue in my own hands... And then opening it and finding out that I was right, there was a missing page... I was elated. I still am, just typing this.
So I spent half an hour getting my scanner to work, and I give you the above issues.
Like I said above, feel free to repost however and wherever you want. I want all this to mean something.
In the meantime, I have two more House-themed TV Guide magazines coming to try and get articles from.
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**Using gateway tapes for void state*
Many people (especially Tumblr, I see y'all) are really interested in the void state. Me too honestly but here's the information that I got about the void state through the gateway tapes.
**By One-lawfulness**
“Glad to see others here who also use the gateway tapes. I'm starting to believe we'll 1 you can shift with them but more so F15 is essentially the void state. It seems they are described the same way.”
“ body asleep/ mind awake is indeed F10. However the void state from what I read is when your pure awareness. You don't feel the body, you can't see, hear, touch, etc. There is no body at all your simply awareness. There's a post I believe in one of the shifting groups where someone linked and reposted a Twitter post where someone went into detail on what is and isn't the void state. All I know is the void state while it shouldn't be hard to reach isn't as simple as some think. But it makes sense since it seems shifting, manifesting, etc is all instant from it.
This should link to the post
Well they say the focus levels are different for everyone but there are some general guidelines to it. Some where someone linked a page with a brief description of each focus level and when you read F15 I think or maybe 12 it's described as a void.
But if your looking for manifesting it seems some say you can do that in F10, 12, and 15 but I assume it's easier the higher you go.
(It's F15)
If I find the page with the focus level description I'll link it also
Found it
Personal experience
what's recommended is once you get there the first thing is to manifest being able to enter it easily. Then from there do as you wish. That could work. I assume using it along with LOA is a great combo to help get into the void state the first time. When I was first trying the void state before using the gateway tapes I was in F10 essentially and couldn't fully go into it.
I stayed with F10 for a while but realized I was holding myself back because F10 wasn't hard to enter and I was saying I needed to master it first.
**By Beautiful_V**
F10 is SATS. SATS is the mind awake body asleep, you repeat a scene to mnaifest but that isn’t SATS it’s the state you do that hence state akin to sleep. You can manifest all the time using it! Instead of affirmations (lullaby method) I visualize until I fall asleep in this state. The trick is you can’t be too tired or too awake. Or even better just do it during a nap never takes me more than 3 days.
**Beautiful_v manifesting method**
“My routine”
-Do Wim Hof breathing technique
-Have theta waves immediately playing afterwards
-Count to whatever gets me to floaty feeling at first it was 500, now it’s 200/300 when you lose count just go back to the nearest 100th so you don’t fall asleep
-when I get the floaty feeling it means I’m about to fall asleep so affirm or visualize desired results.
-fall asleep in the wish fulfilled there will be no time for you to doubt because you’ll be too tired
-do this for 3-5 days it works in less depends on your beliefs but I always say 3 days because that’s what I read from Neville so I adopted that mindset !
“Yes F10 is considered the void state”
Background: he has his own YouTube channel and is currently on wave 3 tape 6! He's personally like a mentor to me because I ask him about stuff. This is what he personally told me.
He's experience
**My opinion**
Everyone is right in this discussion. Gateway tapes are based on personal experience. **No matter what, you need enter F10 for anything. Shifting, astral projection, void state. F10 void state or not. To achieve anything you need to achieve F10!**
**What do you recommend?**
You want to go into a void state? Then finish gateway tapes for F10 (gateway 1). Then do F12, after MASTERING everything. Go to manifest tape and affirm that you can go to void state instantly or whatever affirmation you want. Simple as that
(All credit to them, I did remove some digits from the username. Please do not contact them! I don't want to have a bunch of people flooding their Dms. If you have questions about it. Ask me and I will message them personally if it's that's okay. THANK YOU!)
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rapunzelbro · 7 months
Comforting Velvette as her S/O.
So tumblr broke, this request was vanished from my profile. So to the anon who requested I’m so sorry I hope you find this The prompts were “I don’t want to be alone right now” and another I forgot. Enjoy!
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Masterlist Taglist
It would take forever to establish a relationship with Velvette let's be honest here.
She doesn't want anyone to see her in a vulnerable state, she doesn't want anyone thinking she is weak and needed a partner
That was until she met you, something about you was just different to her.
You were soft spoken, minded your own business but wouldn't stay quiet when someone said something that set you off.
Like to piss you off? Man you'd set whoever pissed you off, straight and they wouldn't speak, or argue with you again.
And your designs were amazing decent.
Velvette rarely had to make any changes when it came to your sketches
And your stitch work? Fucking flawless compared to the others. Who just were you?
She would try to stalk you on social media to find out you had no account, or one she could find, with a little help from Vox she did eventually find it.
It was a completely anonymous account, with a rather decent following Like probably 10k?
Impressive but not compared to Velvette
Your account was hiding your identity by a random username that had no mention of you in the slightest, and no posts that involved photos of you. Just sketches, sheet music photos, and the occasional video of someone singing, which she assumed was you.
But what amused her more than anything, was seeing multiple sketches of her on your page.
You captured her beautifully, didn't make her look bad in any sort of way, it was so simple, but yet so beautiful.
Velvette definitely sereenshotted the sketeh
She never would have thought you admired her outside the work place. Let alone be a fucking singer too? What couldn't you do?
She'd call you into her office the next day and you'd be so fucking anxious that you fucked up somehow as you knocked on the door
"Yeah yeah come in"
You'd take a deep breath calming your nerves down before you went inside, closing the door behind you as you walked to her desk, she was still looking down at her phone
"You wanted to see me Miss?"
The second she heard your voice she looked up from her phone, placing it down and grabbing a piece of paper from the inside of her desk before placing it down
“Would you care to explain this?"
Your cheeks instantly flared red in embarrassment as you realized just what it was
The sketches of her that you drew
"I..I'm so sorry I promise it won't happen again I just well I-“
"Oh quit your yapping I'm not mad you idiot"
She instantly shuts you down slight irritation on her face, while confusion struck yours as you remained silent
"I'm promoting you to head designer, don't fuck this up. Shoo get back to it"
What the fuck? No literally, what the fuck?
You left as soon as she shooed you away, you were beyond confused as to why she did what she did, but you'd never question her.
Months after the promotion you and Velvette would become closer, considering how the two of you now worked closer together since you directly reported to her now.
Velvette wasn't as harsh as she usually was to you, she listened to your suggestions and took your thoughts seriously.
Velvette would ask you to go to a fashion show with her Saying it was to get another eye on the new trends, but you and her both indirectly knew it was her asking you in a date, which you obvious said yes.
After that point you were would date in private If anyone were to question you two?
They'd be instantly fired on spot or killed. She didn't need anyone peaking into her personal life
Would introduce you to the other Vee's later on
"She is mine don't try and start no fucking deals with her, shes off the market"
If she didn't say that Valentino would have snatched your ass for himself. And man did he want to. Fucking creep
You two often watched tv together in her room in private, or you would sketch her, she absolutely loved that she was your muse. She would always have sketch books and the highest quality of materials.
You stayed with her during the exterminations that happened for your protection too, she wouldn't let you not stay with her if you were killed she'd fucking lose her mind
It's been almost a year since the two of you have been together privately, with the exception of Vox and Val
You'd be working late at the office sewing a new design when you'd get a text from her
"Y/n doll. Can come back to our room whatever you're doing can wait"
"Be there in five"
Oh and you moved in with her. Per her request of course.
You finish up what you were doing before heading back, knocking on the door to your shared room
When you don’t hear a response you grow concerned, as you open the door.
You see Velvette on the bed on your shared bed on her side. She quickly sits up hearing the door open
"Vox I told you to fuck off! Wait Y/n"
Her hard glare softens, she can tell she was crying
"Velv.. are you okay? What happened?"
You quickly made your way over to her
"I don't want to be alone right now, doll"
She simply says before you instantly hug her.
Her returning the hug as you two just sit there, her quietly sobbing as you gently run your fingers through her soft curls, humming gently to her, trying to comfort her the best you can
You two are like that before she pulls away, keeping a hand in yours as you wipe the tears that remained trying your best to not smear her makeup anymore than it already was.
After a while she finally talks about what was causing her pain.
She might not be open to a lot of people
But damn do you help her a lot.
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bethanysmiled · 2 months
hi! i make moodboards here on tumblr and found your art on pinterest (which i can send u the link to if you want to get it down). after finding your blog i saw your policy on using your art, and wanted to get your permission before doing so. your art is so cool, and I love the way ur style and the themes u portray come together in it ^^ have a good day!
(i couldn't find the original post on your blog, but it looks like a traditional painting of ur oc fortune! i can send it 2 u..)
Hello! Thanks for asking, but I’d prefer my art not be reposted or used for aesthetic purposes etc. My art is very personal to me and a lot of it represents coping with trauma, memories and emotions and so on, so I feel uncomfortable with it being used in something like a mood board.
You are incredibly kind and I appreciate you asking and also I’m so happy you like my art! That means a lot 💕! / w \
also, I’m not sure if I can have it removed from Pinterest but link me if you can! Thank you!
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acewritesfics · 11 months
Lost Love | Tommy Shelby
Request: No.
Warnings: Mentions of death, murder, going off to war, grief, guilt. Angst. Italics - Flashbacks.
Word count: 665
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"She died two months ago, Tommy," the words echo in his ears as he stands in front of a grave belonging to someone very special to him. "A drunk had been brought into the emergency room. He stabbed her twice, one of which punctured an artery. She died from blood loss before they could get her to the operating theatre." 
Y/N's mother had informed him of the death of her daughter, his first and only love, when he went to visit her two hours ago. In that moment his heart had shattered even more than it was from the war. 
With his head bowed and blue eyes tightly closed trying to stop the tears from forming, he relives the memory of the last time he'd seen and spoken to her in person. 
"Thomas Shelby, don't you ever forget about me," Y/N tells the young man who she loves more than anyone else. She is proud but heartbroken to see him in his uniform, ready to fight for his country. There had been no way for her to stop him from enlisting, his pride and the thought of being labelled a coward if he didn't go weighed heavily on him as well as his eagerness for a fight, a lot of that having to do with how they were raised.  She feared for his safety and his life. Standing on the platform of the train station, saying her goodbyes to him, she gets a sinking feeling that this would be the last time she sees him in person. 
"I'll never forget you, Y/N," he promises her. "After all, you're the one I intend to spend the rest of my life with." 
He takes her left hand in his hand and kisses her on the fingers, right where her engagement ring sits. They were supposed to marry in six months, but then the war was announced, and they couldn't find anybody to marry them in the short time they had left together before he departed for France. All the men who had lovers seemed to be getting married before leaving. 
"I promise, the first thing we'll do when I get back is to get married. Nothing would make me happier than to call you my wife." 
Y/N smiles fondly at her fiancée before delicately kissing him. "Just promise me you'll come home." 
"I promise," he whispers before slamming his lips to hers, pulling her tight against him, savouring every inch of her, also sensing that this was the last time they'll be this close. He eventually steps back and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you, Y/N." 
"And I love you, Tommy," she says sadly as she kisses him one last time, tasting their salty tears mixed together before he boards the train. 
"I'm sorry, love," Tommy whispers as he opens his eyes, looking down at Y/N's headstone. "I'm so fucking sorry. I should have been here for you, given you everything I promised. I would have made so much money that you would not have needed to work. Maybe you'd still be here if that happened instead.  You deserve more than this." 
He holds the engagement ring he gave her between his fingers. "I kept my word and returned to you. Now it's your turn to assure me that you'll be there to greet me when my time is up." 
Tommy kneels to create a small hole in the ground. He kisses the ring, and then places it inside the hole before covering it up. Standing back up, he looks at her headstone again . "I'll never forget you, Y/N. I love you. That will never end." 
He turns and walks out of the graveyard. As he stands next to his car and raises his head to the sky, he feels a tender kiss land on his cheek. It was Y/N assuring him that she would honor her promise. That one day, when his turn comes, she'll be there waiting for him. 
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caapsiizzereads · 1 year
Freedom felt like summеr then on the coast
Jamie Tartt x f!reader
Summary: just summertime fluff, you and Jamie having the time of your lives in Brazil and falling in love along the way
Words: 2,9k
Warnings: language, as usual
A/n: sorry to everyone who already saw this post yesterday, but tumblr was really testing my patience and i accidentally deleted it😀😀 so i’m reposting it now and if it glitches again i’m deleting my whole account🥰
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Sunset on the coast is always a great view, even more so if you’re watching it from a boat smoothly gliding through the ocean. You can feel the tiny sprinkles of water landing on your skin, the ocean breeze blowing through your hair, and Jamie’s fingertips lightly moving on your thigh as he’s comfortably leaning against your side. Despite having spent the day just hiking around the island and relaxing on the beach, you both feel a bit tired, so an hour-long boat ride is actually a good opportunity to rest before you have to drive back to Rio for another hour.
You get off the boat and walk back to the shore. Jamie’s hair is a mess, wavy from all the humidity (he says it’s annoying, but you actually find it adorable) and tangled from the wind. You run your hand through it, trying to somewhat fix it, and he smiles softly at you.
You’re walking towards your car, and Jamie puts his hand out palm up.
“Oh, come on!”
“You’ve had four caipirinhas!”
“And I’m good.” You’ve driven in worse states…
“You drove here, only fair if I drive back. Just to be safe.” Jamie is still holding his hand up, now looking at you expectantly.
“Fine.” You roll your eyes, but put the car keys in his open hand. “But I’m still picking the music.”
“What happened to ‘driver picks the music’?” Jamie asks teasingly, even though he really has no intention to argue with you on that.
“It changed to (Y/n) picks the music anyway.”
You are waiting for your drink by the bar, mouthing the words of the song and your body slightly moving to the rhythm. The bartender passes you your drink, and you happily pick it up and start making your way through the dancing crowd back to Jamie. Jamie is vaguely aware that someone is trying to pull him into a dance, but he can’t take his eyes off you. You have a carefree smile on your face, your body keeps gracefully moving with the song, and you’re clearly enjoying yourself. Another girl sways in your way, and you take her hand, making her spin as you smile breezily at each other. It reminds him of the first time he saw you two days ago.
Jamie can’t believe he’s only known you for two days. He’s not much of a believer in love at first sight, but what he felt for you that night is definitely real. Desire? Infatuation? Awe? Whatever it was, it’s only been growing stronger.
The moment you hinted that you wanted to take Jamie home with you that night, he felt like he won a fucking lottery. He wasn’t oblivious to all the eyes that were on you that night, and so weren't you. Yet you still chose him. And not even in his wildest dreams could he imagine where that would lead him.
You’ve never heard an accent like this before, so you ask him where he’s from. Jamie tells you that he’s from Manchester, England, and he’s in Rio to shoot a commercial for Nike.
“Are you like a model or something?” you laugh.
“A football player.”
“Ooo, are you good?” you looked at him, intrigued.
“Fucking great,” he declares proudly.
“Good. Imagine if I slept with a shitty football player… That would be embarrassing.”
The following day was supposed to be Jamie’s last in Brazil, but he just couldn't get the idea off his mind. So after the shoot was over, he told Keeley that he was going to stay there for a few more days. She was there in the bar with him the previous night, so it didn’t take much for her to figure out what that dreamy look on Jamie’s face was all about. She gave him a cheeky smile and wished him a good time.
And two days later, here he is, having the best fucking time as you make his way back to him, give him a kiss, and pull him into a dance with you.
“So what do you do?”
“I’m an engineer.”
“So you, like, build machines and stuff?”
“Almost,” you chuckle. “I build bridges. Well, not by myself. I’m more of, like, an architect but for bridges.”
“That’s cool. Bridges are cool.” Now that he thinks about it, Jamie realizes that he has no idea how those things are actually built.
“Women in STEM,” you mouth theatrically.
Back at your Airbnb bedroom, you both are lying on your sides, your head on the pillows and Jamie’s head on your thigh, facing each other.
“What do you wanna do tomorrow?” you ask.
“I don’t know. Whatever you want.”
“We’ve been doing what I want for two days, tomorrow we’re going to do what you want,” you insist. “Come on, surely there’s something.”
Jamie hasn’t really thought about it. You’re good at navigating your way around and you know what you want, and Jamie has been happy to just follow your lead.
On your first full day together you wanted to go to the Tijuca National Park because you wanted to see the waterfalls. You were definitely right about that because the nature here is absolutely spectacular. Then you spent the rest of the day just wandering around the city and then watched the sunset from the Sugarloaf Mountain because that view was absolutely insane.
“Yep, looks good,” you decide after a quick look. You stole Jamie’s sunglasses earlier today, and you have no intention of giving them back until the end of your trip. They look better on you anyway. And these plasticky green ones seem like a totally good replacement. “Or…” you switch the glasses on Jamie’s face to a pair with a yellow frame. “Do you like these better? They have pink ones too,” you grin at him.
“Okay, I’ll get it if you get…” Jamie’s eyes stop on arguably the ugliest t-shirt in the store, “this.”
You know what he’s trying to do here, but you’re not letting him win that easily. You pick the t-shirt a couple of sizes bigger than yours, roll up the sleeves, and tie the bottom in a knot. “So, how do I look?”
Jamie’s mouth falls open. He doesn’t know whether he’s impressed or disappointed because you are still annoyingly attractive. “You could pull off a potato sack.”
“Bet.” You take your phone and start scrolling through your camera roll. In a minute, you turn your phone showing Jamie the picture. It’s from a few years ago, when you went to a Halloween party dressed as Marylin Monroe in her iconic potato sack look.
“Fuck me.” You were, in fact, rocking a potato sack.
“Already did,” you wink at him.
Today, you went to Ilha Grande. It was quite a long way, but it was totally worth it: the island had this very calm and relaxing atmosphere, the locals were very friendly, the beach was great, and the food was as good as always. It was a nice break from the busy Rio.
Jamie thinks about where he wants to go. There’s one thing that immediately comes to mind.
“Maracanã Stadium. We don’t have to go to a match, can just walk around. You know it’s one of the largest stadiums in the world?” Jamie gets visibly excited.
“There are matches?” You thought he said it was off-season.
“Yes. The Brazilian League has a different schedule, they are playing now. But we don’t have to go.”
“No, let’s go! If you want to. And if you don’t mind explaining what the fuck is going on to me.” You’re not much of a football fan, but the excited look on Jamie’s face is totally worth it.
Perk of a huge stadium: you can get tickets to the upcoming match literally the night before.
“How did you get into football? Like, did you always know that it’s something you wanna do professionally?”
Maybe it’s the knowing that in a few days he will probably never see you again, maybe it’s the fucked out state of his brain, maybe it’s just you and that thing about you that makes it feel safe to talk about things, but there, in the security of your dark bedroom, Jamie finds himself telling you the full history behind him and football. He tells you about his father and the impact he made, about his failures and regrets, about his accomplishments and dreams.
You don’t speak up much, just letting Jamie talk and use your hand as a fidget toy, and when he’s finished, the room goes quiet.
You squeeze his fingers, which are laced with yours. “Are you happy?”
He thinks on it for a moment. “Yeah.”
“You’ll be alright, then.” You smile at him, and it makes him feel so warm and content on the inside that he has no choice but to believe you.
The stadium is really fucking impressive and really fucking huge, and Jamie looks like a child in a candy store. He supplies you with an endless amount of trivia about the exhibits at the Stadium and the 2014 World Cup, which apparently had its final here. Your contribution to this conversation is that Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez wrote the theme song for it.
After the match, you go to the local Aquarium, which, according to Jamie and confirmed by Wikipedia, is the biggest in South America, but in reality, it ends up being pretty mediocre. Really makes you crave some seafood for dinner, though. This is a little bit barbaric, but at least you’re in it together.
You’re walking down the streets of Rio de Janeiro. They are filled with music, partying crowds, and friendly smiles – a carefree atmosphere all around you. Tomorrow is your last day here, and then you will go your separate ways.
Never in his life has Jamie felt this way. It’s like being in the spotlight of your attention is addicting. You are a lot, but he can never get enough of you. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to just pack up his stuff and move one with his life now. He pushes the thought out of his mind. That's for him to worry about later. Right now, the air is warm, and your hand is in his, and life is fucking mint.
“So where are you going next?” Jamie asks while mindlessly tracing invisible patterns on your skin.
You pick up your phone and show Jamie a digital drawing of a bridge. “Budapest.”
“You're gonna build this?” Jamie’s eyes go wide.
“That’s the plan.”
“This is fucking insane.” He looks at you in fascination. “Do you have pictures of the other ones you did?”
You show Jamie the pictures of the three other bridges that you’ve worked on. In between, there’s a photo of you on a construction site, wearing a shirt, a skirt, and a hard hat. Jamie giggles when he sees it and takes your phone in his hands.
“What are you doing?”
“Sending it to myself,” he grins, pressing the AirDrop button. He accepts it on his phone and looks at it thoughtfully for a moment. “I can’t imagine you doing all of this. Not ‘cause I think you can’t or anything, just, like, you being all serious and wearing pencil skirts.”
You laugh. “Okay, first of all, pencil skirts are not required, but I look fucking hot in them. And second, you’d be so disappointed. Daily life me is so lame. I’m a terrible workaholic. My ideal night off is just staying at home with food, wine, and TV, alone. I thought about getting a dog, but I’ve killed every plant I’ve ever bought. I don’t even have hobbies, I just either work or do fucking nothing,” you chuckle.
Jamie looks at you dreamily. “I would’ve loved to get to know the lame you.”
A part of you wants to indulge this scenario, but you quickly push it away, not letting the moment sit for too long. “Okay, I showed you mine, now show me yours,” you smile eagerly.
Jamie opens a picture of the team, telling you a little bit about everyone. He tells you about his rocky history with Roy, about Sam and how you would totally love him because everyone does, about Isaac and his barbering skills that Jamie is still yet to use, some funny stories about the players and coaches. Your conversation only quiets when the sun starts to rise and you slowly doze off to sleep.
“C’mere.” You stand by the edge of the bed where Jamie is sitting, and he tilts his head to look up at you with a pleased smile as you start applying spf to his face like you’ve been doing it every morning. Jamie always wears his spf, but he just likes it better when you do it for him.
“I was thinking…”
“I don’t like this already.”
“Oi!” he pokes at your thigh, and you grin teasingly at him. “I was thinking…” he starts again. “Maybe we could, like, exchange numbers? Instagrams?”
“Jamie.” You stop him. You’ve mentioned once briefly that it’s not your first vacation fling, and you don’t do the whole exchanging contact information thing. He knows this.
The wistful look in Jamie’s eyes doesn’t help at all. “But I like this. Don’t you?” He affectionately runs the back of his hand along your leg.
“Oh, I fucking love this. But the expiration date is exactly what makes it so good. We don’t have anything to worry about, we don’t owe each other anything. We just have a really good time, and then we go back to our lives.”
Maybe Jamie doesn’t want to just go back to his life, but he knows that arguing here is useless and it’s better to just enjoy your last day here together.
You go to the Botanical Garden and have lunch at Parque Lage, beautiful sceneries. The night, as usual, ends with getting drunk at the bar and then going back home and having some mindblowing sex.
“Does it always feel like this?” He doesn’t need to explain, you exactly what he means. This is an answer in itself.
“No.” You can give him that much.
You get up and get ready together. Your flights are only a couple of hours apart, so it makes sense for you to just go to the airport together. There’s some heaviness in the air between you that hasn’t been there before.
You arrive at the airport, go through all the regular procedures, and settle in the waiting area.
The boarding for your flight is announced, and when most of the crowd disappears, you get up. Jamie stands up too.
“It was really nice to meet you, Jamie Tartt,” you smile tenderly at him.
“Yeah, you too.” He envelopes you in a tight hug.
“Come on, London boy, keep your head up.” You kiss him on the corner of his lips before you turn around and walk away through your gate.
Jamie smiles to himself. You were still wearing his sunglasses on the top of your head.
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It’s been six weeks since Jamie was back in London. He would say that everything has gone back to normal and he doesn’t miss you at all, but that would be one big dirty lie. Because the truth is that not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about you. He looks at the pictures that he made of you a bit too often, he checks every new person who follows him on Instagram, hoping to see your name, he keeps the sunglasses that you jokingly bought for him in his drawer. Everyone on the team has heard about you at this point. He even googled that fucking bridge in Budapest, how pathetic is that.
Today is Richmond's first match of the season. It’s a home match against Leeds United, so it shouldn’t be that hard. The team is in great spirits, and everyone is feeling very optimistic about the match.
They were right because they win the match with a final score of 3-0. Great start to the new season.
Jamie’s talking with Sam on his way from the Stadium, when Sam interrupts him and nods ahead with a mischievous smile. Jamie turns to look, and he’s met with a familiar face looking back at him. He knows he’s staring, but he just can’t believe his eyes.
“So you didn’t lie, huh,” you smile smugly at him. “You are pretty good.”
“You’re here,” he mutters, mostly to convince himself that it’s real.
“I accidentally stole your sunglasses. Thought you’d want them back.”
Suddenly, Jamie recalls a news headline he saw not so long ago. “They are making a new bridge in West London.”
“We are.”
You burst into laughter when you got the offer a day before you were supposed to sign the Budapest contract. You don't usually believe in stuff like fate, but if that’s not it, then what is?
“You’re here,” Jamie repeats excitedly now. He closes the distance between you and pulls you into a hug, slightly lifting you from the ground. When he puts you back down, he still keeps his hands on you, like he’s afraid you’ll disappear again if he lets go.
“It’s a big bridge. Gonna take a while.”
“Good,” he breathes, pressing his forehead against yours. “Hope it fucking takes forever.”
A/N: the alternative title for this fic was ‘I just wanna burn this bridge to see if you’ll come right back to me’, but we’re sticking with Taylor themed titles for now
A/N 2: reader’s job is a reference to Jamie’s line from s2 if you haven’t figured by now… and there are two(?) Taylor Swift references in this fic too
A/N 3: yes, i totally did an excessive research on Rio’s landmarks for this
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lunaroserites · 5 months
Art and Ice - Ground Rules
Pairing: Eventual Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Characters: Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, Bucky, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, a lot of the avengers cast is mentioned.
Summery: Bucky and Doodle spend some quality time together.
This might a 2 or 3 parter (it's gonna be more because cannot help myself). College AU, our boy Bucky is on the hockey team, and reader is an art major (because I love that trope and couldn't help myself)
Warnings: Not beta'd! All mistakes are my own. Friends fluff, swearing, mentions of college students being college students. Bit of friendly harmless flirting between friends. Bucky is a playboy. Flirting. Mentions of not eating or drinking for a hours (ADHD Brain)
Word Court: 2859
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! ❤️
Please do not repost, translate or otherwise copy my work elsewhere, without my express permission, thank you! Lunaroserites on tumblr and ao3
Catch up here: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 ❤️
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You didn’t see Barnes the next day, which wasn’t surprising, it was Friday night after a win so celebration extended into the start of the weekend. Saturday was much the same, you toiled away in the art room in front of a large sketch pad trying to get something together while your canvas dried. 
You also had a small piece you were working on for a gallery wall you were doing for a local gallery that was happening once the semester ended. So your plate was full and adding the insistent nagging from your brain to find Barnes, your patience was wearing thin. 
You threw the paint brush at the sink, it sailed in a smooth arche before clattering in the paint covered sink. You ran your hands over your face and groaned as you leaned forward, elbows planted in the table. Your mind is running amuck and making you lose patience. 
“Doodle,” the new brush you were holding snapped in your tense grip as you looked up, startled. Barnes was standing at the door holding a bag that smelled delicious and your stomach growled. You may have forgotten to take a break and eat. 
“Barnes,” you said, your tone tense. His eyebrow quirked up as he walked in and placed the bag down a few feet away. 
“Are you okay,” your hand kinda hurt from snapping the brush a moment ago, and your head was killing you with a raging headache. Which might be because you haven’t eaten in a while or because you were thirsty. You took a deep breath and nodded. 
“Yeah, just a little stressed,” you answered. The smell of the food in the bag makes your mouth water and your stomach twist in an uncomfortable way. “What can I do for you?” 
“You weren’t at practice all weekend. Nat said you were hauled up in the art room,” he said nonchalantly, you just stared at him. “And I figured I would stop by and check on my favourite girl,” he said confidently, and you rolled your eyes in response. Your stomach decided that moment was the best time to make its presence known and grumbled loudly. Your cheeks immediately darkened in embarrassment. 
“And she said you most likely didn’t eat,” the look on his face caught you off guard, he had a look of genuine concern etched on his features. “She knows you well,” he mused, his tongue poked between his teeth as he winked at you. You leaned back against your chair and extended your hand and gestured to the chair across from you, prompting him to sit. He took a seat across from you and smiled. “I hope you like burgers,” he said as he pulled the bag over. 
“I don’t mind them, are they from Gus’s?” You asked, he nodded. 
“I wasn’t sure what you drank so I got water,” he added, pulling a couple water bottles out of his gym bag. You smiled and chuckled a little at how thoughtful he was being. 
“Waters fine,” you accepted the bottle and cracked it open and drank half it one go. He eyed you suspiciously and you gulped down hard. “I get lost in what I’m doing and sometimes forget to eat or drink,” you mumbled under his intense gaze. 
“That’s not healthy,” he muttered, pulling out a burger and handing it to you. You accepted and opened it up, taking a bite and biting back the moan you almost let out. 
“I know, but when I’m in the zone. I just don’t realise how much time passes,” you said softly, he nodded and you two ate the food in a comfortable silence. 
“Thank you,” you said as you threw out the garbage and sat back down. 
“No problem, can’t let ya starve,” he chuckled and rubbed his chin in his hand. “What’s ya working on?” He asked and looked at the few pieces shattered behind you and a shadow box a few feet away from you. 
“Uh, a project for an art exhibit once schools out,” you answered. 
“Mind if I work on some homework? It’s quieter here than my house,” you raised an eyebrow at him, that was unexpected. “What?” he asked. 
“Nothing, don’t mind me,” you said as you looked down to work on the piece for the shadow box. Your eyes drifted up every now and then as you observed him working on what looked to be some kind of science homework. 
His eyes wandered over your frame every now and then as he took in your look of complete concentration as you worked with a small piece of clay. He couldn’t help but appreciate the dedication you had toward your craft. 
“What are you working on?” You asked after some time. 
“Science homework,” he gave you a cheeky smile. You gave him a deadpan expression. “It’s space stuff,” he answered. 
“What about space stuff?” You asked, genuine curiosity laced your tone. 
“I’m learning about stars,” he tilted the book he was reading, it was open to a diagram of a star. 
“Oh neat!” You took a closer look at the diagrams and then looked back at him. He was rubbing his neck with a sheepish look on his face. “I did a project a couple years ago on Saturn,” you pulled your phone out and showed him a picture. 
“Wow, you did a fantastic job,” he took your phone for a moment to get a closer look at it. “Wait, that looks familiar,” he looked up at you again. “That looks like the one in the observatory.”
“That’s because it is,” you chuckled. His eyes widened a little and his smile broadened. 
“I made out with a girl right next to it,” he chuckled and your smile dropped and you busied yourself with another piece of clay. 
“That’s great,” you forced out through the firm line your mouth was now set in. 
“Why do you do that?” He asked suddenly, noticing your immediate change in demeanour. You looked up and your eyes narrowed at him. 
“Do what?” 
“That? Get all closed off when I say something you don’t like,” he asked. 
“Because I really didn’t need to know you made out with a girl next to my art piece,” you stated. “I was told if I have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” 
“I’m not a child, I can handle criticism,” he defended. 
“That’s not the point. Have you ever once sat down and just chatted with a girl without the expectation of sex afterwards?” You asked, your tone very genuine. He sat back in his chair and looked anywhere but your face. 
“No. Not in a long time,” his answer caught you guard. You were expecting some snide comment or a lie. When you looked at his face, he looked completely sincere. You took a deep breath knowing the answer to the question you were about to ask. 
“Is that why you’re here now?” You didn’t recognize the voice that asked the question. It was soft and meek, nothing like your usual cadence. He didn’t answer right away, and based on the look on his face he didn’t really know what to say or how to answer. 
“Honestly,” he took a deep breath and looked at his hands. “Probably. Maybe. I don’t know. At first definitely. The first time I spoke to you it was. But I don’t know,” his rambling gave away how honest he was being. “I still want to,” he paused, “to still sleep with you. I also want to hang out with you. And get to know you.” 
You couldn’t help the slight upturn of your lip as you released a long inhale, “thank you for being honest.” 
“I might be a prick. But at least I’m an honest one,” he tried to joke. His smile dropped when you didn’t laugh. “So where does that leave us now?” 
“I don’t know Barnes. I don’t want to sleep with you. But I don’t want you to take that as a challenge to get me to sleep with you. If you truly want to be friends, and we get to know one another with no ulterior motives, then we can do that,” you didn’t want to sugar coat it. You also didn’t have the balls to admit you had a tiny crush on him because that would go straight to his dick and this conversation would be pointless. 
“Well to start you could start calling me Bucky, Barnes is so detached,” he gave you a small smile. 
“Well that was the point,” you chuckled. “But okay, Bucky.” His smile grew larger and he pumped his fist in the air. 
“I’m still calling you Doodle though,” he said, his tone serious as he stared at you. 
“That’s fine, I guess,” you chuckled while rolling your eyes at him. 
“So how much of my piece is finished?” He asked, you couldn’t help but laugh and pointed over your shoulder to the large canvas behind you. “That’s empty.” 
“I know. I have to get some practice sketches  done first before I paint on the big canvas,” you decided to not mention the two you ruined.
“Can I see the practice sketches?” He asked hopefully. 
“Sure,” you relented and passed the sketch pad over and watched him look at it. 
“How do you do that?” He asked, passing it back a moment later. 
“Draw?” You raised an eyebrow at him. He nodded. “I just do, it takes a lot of practice and effort. I could ask the same of you, how do you skate so effortlessly?” 
He smiled for a moment before answering, “I guess it’s the same. I just get on the ice and go. The moment I lace my skates up and I hit the ice everything else just fades away, it’s just me, my stick and the puck.” 
“For me, I pick up the pen, or brush and just start somewhere and get lost in it. It’s me, the brush and the canvas,” you finished. 
“Hey,” he was serious now, that caught your attention fully as you looked at him, “I wanted to apologise for what I said the other day…”
“Bucky,” you reached out and placed your smaller hand on his gently as you cut him off, “stop, it’s okay. We both said things that weren’t very nice. For what it’s worth.” You looked into his eyes sincerely, “I’m sorry too. It’s behind us now.” 
He smiled and nodded, “okay Doodle.” 
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That conversation was the catalyst to your developing and lively friendship with Bucky, when the team wasn’t travelling for the away games over the next week he would sit in the art room and do his homework while you worked on the art projects you had due. 
It was Thursday night, Bucky was just getting to the art studio after practice when he saw you hunched over your sketch pad, your hands in your hair and you were sniffling. He entered and quickly threw his gym bag down and came around the table and crouched down next to you. He placed his hand on your forearm, trying not to startle you too much. You jumped anyway since you didn’t hear him come in, you were too wrapped up in your own thoughts to notice anything else.
“Doodle,” he said softly. “Everything okay?” You shook your head and slumped into his chest, that caught him off guard, he quickly wrapped his arms around you and hugged you back as you cried into his chest. As quickly as you collapsed into him you pulled back and shook your head. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out and placed your head in your hands. Bucky was a little stunned at how quickly your demeanour changed. 
“It's okay,” he stood and took his usual seat across from you. “Wanna talk about it?” You let out an exaggerated sigh and sniffled loudly. 
“My art professor is a bitch,” you groaned. “And I have a bunch more projects due and she’s just awful. If I didn’t need this course to graduate I would have dropped it.” You pressed your cheek against the table and closed your eyes. 
“What did she do?” Bucky asked.
“After class she decided to tell me she doesn’t know why I bother trying, and that the school was foolish to offer, a no talent, wannabe one of the only full ride scholarships offered for the arts,” you were crying again. You had spent years honing your craft, and fought tooth and nail for the scholarship that allowed you to attend school here. 
“She’s probably just jealous,” you laughed at that, Nat had said the same thing when you texted her earlier about what happened. 
“I have an appointment with the head of the department tomorrow afternoon. This isn’t the first time she’s been awful to me,” you didn’t see his fist clench and the momentary anger flash across his face as you said that. 
“I wouldn’t listen to her Doodle,” Bucky reached across the table and patted your arm gently. “Your art is awesome, and you’re incredibly talented,” he finished. You smiled against the table and lifted your head up to send him a thankful look.
“Thanks Bucky, that means a lot,” you sighed and whipped your eyes with the back of your hand and rolled your shoulders. “I got some stuff done on your portrait,” you said, your voice still a little coarse, but you felt a lot better. His face lit and his full attention was on the covered canvas behind you. You stood and pulled the cover off and showed him, you had some of the out lining done, the positioning and scale perfect. You felt very proud of it so far. 
“Holy shit Doodle,” Bucky stood and got closer to admire the outlining. “You know, once this is done, you should get them to let you display it in the sports annex,” he had a smug tone as he said this. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. 
“Maybe if you bat your eyelashes at the department head, and ask him really nicely, he’ll let me,” you bumped your hip into his and smirked up at him. He smiled down at you and the softness in his eye made your heart skip a beat, you quickly cleared your throat and moved from him to grab a pencil. 
“I’m going to work my homework, and stay out of your way,” Bucky said softly as he moved from your side to sit down again. You smiled looking down at your feet before you started to do some more outlining. 
His eyes would shift from his homework every so often and they would rove over your body. He knew he didn’t have a shot in hell at getting you to agree to sleeping with him, you made that clear and he was really trying to make sure he kept that at the forefront of his mind when he was around you because he really did want to be friends with you.
But those leggings you wore hugged the curve of your ass so perfectly it was making it difficult. He felt his mouth dry out a little as he watched you rock from side to side as you drew on the canvas, and he involuntarily let a low whistle when you stretched up and exposed some of the soft skin of your back. 
You immediately turned and looked at him with a raised brow and squinted at him, full judgement. “Barnes,” you were warning him, he raised his hands up in surrender. 
“Not my fault you look amazing, it's a crime,” he defended himself with a cocky tone. You couldn’t stop the blush that crawled up your neck and on to your cheeks. 
“You’re insufferable,” you groaned, turning your back to him again, the blush still strong on your cheeks. He laughed loudly, before going back to his homework. You couldn’t keep the little smile off your face, you knew he used that line on countless girls, and it was probably a line he used often to get in their pants, but damn he was such a smooth talker, and he said all the right things in the right tones. You hated that you longed for his compliments. 
It was quiet for a while longer, just the sounds of pencils on paper and canvas filling the air.   
“Hey Doodle,” you hummed in response, not wanting to look away. “There is a final game just before playoffs, it's here, do you think you’ll come?” 
“I thought Nat said you guys were done with the home games now,” you still didn’t look at him, trying to make sure your scale was correct. 
“This one isn’t a regular season game, but I think you’ll really enjoy it,” he was being incredibly cryptic about whatever it is. You turned now, and raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Then what is it?” You asked as you eyed him. 
“Surprise, but I promise you’ll love it,” he sounded so earnest that you couldn’t help but believe him. 
“Okay,” I chuckled. “I’ll go,” you relented, trying to hide your genuine excitement. 
Taglist: @vicmc624, @calwitch, @learisa, @aaqua-tofana
Feel free to send me a message if you have a request or would like more, or would like to be added to the tag list ❤️
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pjisskullourful · 1 year
humbly requesting audio recommendations b/c my favourite performer just deleted their entire works 😭
no cos same! three of my favs deleted all their stuff this past month& im so disappointed/lost without their lovely voices
i apologise if there are any reposts of things i've already recommended, they're clearly worth recommending twice🤷‍♀️
ya gotta go to @soundsofpleasure! tumblr wants you to think that its gone but its not, its amazing, everything is so well organised. it will always have a special place in my heart cos its where my journey with audio erotica began
from here i am weak for...
this italian boy (he is my absolute fucking favourite, i've told yall how much i love his work& look out you're gonna hear it again!): one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen
this italian couple: one, two, three
the rest are finds from reddit, specifically r/gonewildaudio(check it out, its a LOT of fun over there)
quick before they get back
you're not going to work because your boyfriend said so (intense! immersive! starts off hella romantic then gets smutty as helllllllll)
wearing out your good girl pussy (southern accent!)
THE TIMMERZ: fulfilling your fantasy + if you just asked + cum bunny
dad to daddy part 1 & 2 (part 1 includes no sex)
daddy trap (german accent! cute& nasty!)
you couldn't wait princess (masturbation encouragement)
[FEM-DADDY!! f4f] switching roles (this is inspiring)
one of my favs, i love keeping up to date with his work. the quality is always outstanding. he goes allout, really gives somuch to enjoy in each audio. british accent, follow along friendly💦
your bf slowly stretches you
making a mess on daddy's cock (TRIPLE climax! sleep aid)
bunny bounces on her bf
getting filled up
bodybuilder rearranges your insides (i should not have to elaborate why this is here🙈🙈)
😍 this boy with the russian accent makes me melt
our first house
love you no matter your size (tw: ed references)
nightmares be gone
gentleman's guide to bondage (LITERAL PERFECTION! run dont walk to listen to this)
finish your lines
german accent: [m] kitten gets a new collar
spanish accent: [m] i love that you want me to breed you
irish accent: [f] come with me
spanish accent: [m] overstim (he goes bilingual 🫠🫠)
british accent: [f] strapless fuck (goddam those moans)
swedish accent: [m] spanking spa
[msub] dont pay your rent with pussy (as slipped my way by jace👍)
[msub] silver tongue
[fsub] the best medicine
[fsub] unraveling
as always, if you hoes find good shit you've gotta return the favour& share it with me
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tartrat · 2 months
Proving to myself that i can do digital art (Ft. Kapyy, again)
I'm posting this on tumblr first so if you see this pop on twitter that would be me reposting there. Wanted to practice art properly and take my time with it after finishing my a levels. Kapyy will forever be my test subject. also more general thoughts below the art
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I started this whilst i was in Greece on a family holiday. I used myself as the pose reference and used a custom water colour brush i made and the turpentine brush to blend on procreate. I finished this on the flight back home from Greece with my mum sitting next to me and she thinks that he looks like me. All i can say on that is that i am a tall ginger guy and that's sorta where the similarities end. I think that the lighting looks awkward on the clothes. I couldn't think of what to have him sit on so he's sort of floating in the void. Background was made by just blurring the colours, making a new black layer and erasing with the procreate nebula brush
I actually really like how this one came out. The speed paint is 10 minutes long though.
I'm not too sure why i made him sad. I sorta headcanon that he bottles up a lot of things and masks his true emotions. This headcanon basically implies that he is putting up an act in I'm good (Blue) - Extreme Version. In this headcanon i think that he would eventually find peace so there would be a happy ending.
I've been thinking about him a lot recently. You can sort of create stories for the coaches that can contradict what's shown in game. Like when i was trying to sleep the other night i was like, what if Kapyy is the twin brother of Talia Sway and he was kidnapped at birth, and the giddy on up coach is their mother. Doesn't make sense but its fun to think about how they would interact. Also if i was in charge, everything has changed could work for a map for this headcanon but make it about family (this would also imply kapyy is ed sheeran so don't think about that). Talia is the next coach i want to do art of and i will probably be basing it off of better than revenge.
Also heres the quick sketch (Thumbnail sketch?) i did to get what i wanted this piece to look like. You can also see the water colour brush i made when it isn't blended by the turpentine brush.
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I'm sorry if i typed a lot.
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onlymingyus · 2 years
Mingyu with his tongue technology and woozi w/ his finger technology you are in for a treat 💅🏼
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cw; kim mingyu x lee jihoon (woozi) x afab reader - smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, hair pulling, dom!jihoon, sub!mingyu
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Jihoon smirks at you, the sounds of your moans filling his and Mingyu's ears driving them both to different ends. Three of Jihoon's fingers were buried deep inside your pussy. The wet sounds of squelching filled the room causing your face to heat up in embarrassment but neither of the men seemed to feel the same way.
"You are so fucking wet, are you gonna cum for us? Do you think you deserve to cum on my fingers? Hmm?"
Jihoon was almost cruel with how he spoke to you while his thumb pressed against your clit rubbing a tight circle around the bud. His fingers curled towards the top of your body finding that spongy spot without much effort.
Mingyu's mouth was watering, small pouty whines falling from his lips as he edged closer with every single one of your moans. He had been on his knees between your thighs since Jihoon had started fingering you. He was being such a patient, good boy but his patience was wearing thin.
He could see your arousal dripping from around Jihoon's fingers and he wanted to lick you clean. He wanted to suck on your folds and your clit. He wanted to fuck you with his tongue and make you cum around it.
Running his hands along your thighs, Mingyu whines once more causing Jihoon to look at him shaking his head in annoyance.
"Ah, really? Why are you pouting?"
"Wanna taste her. She's dripping and you've had all of her attention."
Jihoon couldn't really argue with that. Mingyu had been patient up to that point. Scoffing, Jihoon rolls his eyes feeling your pussy tighten around his fingers only for him to pull them from you making you whine almost as loudly as Mingyu.
"Both of you are so fucking needy."
You watch as Jihoon grips the top of Mingyu's head pulling his face between your legs. He gets no resistance but instead earns himself a deep groan from Mingyu and a high-pitched moan from you as Mingyu's mouth instantly latches on to your core.
"You like that so much, don't you? Having his slutty tongue buried in your needy little pussy?"
The fingers that were once inside of you run around your lips until you take them into your mouth sucking them clean causing Jihoon to almost growl out of desire.
"Of course you do. Mingyu, make her cum and I'll let you fuck her first. I'm feeling generous."
tag list; @bangchanbabygirlx @just-here-to-read-01 @niktwazny303 @strawberri-uyu @yeritheloml @noraehey @hoohoohope @synthetickitsune @pandorashbox @enhacolor @guavagyu @httpswonwoosglasses @gyuhanniescarat @yoonguurt @xoxodino @sakurasangcl @fantasy2wonderland @woozis-wife @sunnyteume @multi-kpop-fanfics @noseblowersanonymous @whyokoa @baldi-2 @misssugarlips @raevyng @dkakapizzaboy @noniestars @diving1ntoyou @valentxi @onlyseokmins @jeanjacketjesus @emmmui @woo8hao @xxtingz @dejavernon @whereisgyu @yourfavoritefreakyhan @hyucksrealm @otterpopchan @xuxibelle @foxdaisy @smileysuh @vern0nsworld @yeosayang @jwnghyuns @tigermoonbiss
please note that I am doing my best to tag all of you who have filled out the tag list form but tumblr won’t let me tag some of you. I think that is because either you have tags turned off or possibly a blank tumblr page. consider reblogging some of the fics you like from me or other writers. ♥
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butterflywannabefree · 3 months
Moodboards for @camhues
So, I've been getting a bit bored with my life lately and decided I needed to do something to get busy. My art skills are killing me and I'm trying to practice but I gave up for a while. Then I'm scrolling through Tumblr and admiring everyone's amazing OC's and I wish I could draw like them and some of them are underrated more than should be so...Why not just celebrate them ?! I can't for my own life draw anything good but what I can do is find good aesthetic choices and I love making moodboards and such for characters. So that's what I'm doing for OC's of people who need more attention ! Today we are starting with the beautiful and talented @camhues. If you don't know them, she is a artist of Tumblr mostly known for her LMK OC's and does a lot of doodles with them. And she makes only women and OH MY GOD, THESE ARE THE MOST GORGEOUS WOMEN IN MY LIFE AHH- Enough, I need to get on. She has a lot and I did one for all of them ! (Sheesh-) Or at least the ones I know. So Here's the Moodboards for them and a quick summary of what I think of them.
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First off, Mama Jun. Her main OC from what I know and sort of a mother figure to MK and a reincarnation like Pigsy and Tang. Um, she's so gorgeous. I want that braid and the simplistic design works in her favor because there is something so simple and charming about her when I look at her. Also, her Mama-Son bond with MK is adorable-
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Then there is Daiyu who from what I know is a Plant-Controller Demoness...or something ? Oh, and she's shipped with Red Son and their name is RedJade. Not as simplistic as Jun but it works in her favor here because she could step on me and I wouldn't be offended. Just let me smell the roses you grow, Daiyu !
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Next here is Ling who is a Jade Maiden and is probably one of my current favorites. One of the simpler designs which I love and the lore behind her is also something I wanna find out. Her aesthetic was something I struggled with but it worked out. And as for who she is dating, it is unclear as Cam said she could be with one of three characters. Azure, Wukong or Macaque- I think she and Azure would be really cute-
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Here we have Miss Suyin, secretary to the Spider Queen and Resident Mommy according to those who repost her- That's why I added that 'Mommy, sorry-' picture, I couldn't skip the joke. This woman is one of the many reasons I like women with glasses and she's a spider and her 4 eyes look cool-
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Another one of my favorites, Baozhu. A Monkey Painter who is someone who I really wanna exist in real life so I can touch her fur and hair because it looks so fluffy ! I mean, look at this girlie ! She's FLOOFY ! I wanna touch the floof ! <333
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And now we have domineering Lady in Ao Jiang who from that name I believe is somehow related to Ao Lie ? And is part of Mei's family ? I don't know that much yet but yeah, I love this one. Also, the little jewels hanging from her horns ? *Chef's kiss*
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Space Lady Polaris who is giving me stars in my eyes for how cute she looks alone. She looks like someone who would be waiting in my dreams so I could just talk to her. I don't wanna burden her with my troubles though-
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Brave Knight of the Falling Stars Asterius who I think might be related to Polaris in some way. They are both Space related in a way. I wonder if there is a connection ? But I love how she looks. She seems like a tomboy and I love tomboy characters :)
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Lychee, Oh Lychee, how I tried to do justice for you ! But your aesthetic was something I couldn't nail down much. But at least I added real Lychee's for your sake and put some baking and wrestling into it. Please don't hit me...Or you can. You're gorgeous as you are friking intimidating. For a wrestler and a baker anyway.
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Meihua who is honestly one of the most wholesome characters I have seen in a while. She gives me hopeless romantic vibes which I tried to add in here. The flowers for his florist work as well and mainly pink for this one because it matches her hair. Younger me would've loved her while current me thinks she's a lovable character who needs protection.
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This woman, however, doesn't need protection as she can use her heels to murder her way through the crowd. Xin Yan, everyone. An evil woman who is gorgeous and she knows it. I heard she was a dancer and singer and the owner of a nightclub so that inspired this a lot. Xin Yan looks like she could kill me with a stare...and I would thank her for it.
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Zhenzhu who I don't know much about but damn I really wanna give her a hug because she looks so sad in this picture. She's a handmaiden from what I know for the Empress of Heaven. HOW IS SHE A HANDMAIDEN WITH THE LOOKS OF A GODDESS ??
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Chenguang is the ancestor of Jun who once went on the Journey to the West disguised as a man. Her aesthetic was hard to nail down but I eventually went for one that has themes of independence, journeys and outdoor backgrounds.
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Ehuang who I thought was another version of Wyldfyre from Ninjago: Dragons Rising. If I didn't know she couldn't control fire, I would've thought fire would be her entire thing. That's why I added boiling water. Along with potions and lots of red.
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And last of the OC'S, Chyou ! Who I really don't know much about except for the fact she is an Egret Celestial. So she's graceful as the bird itself and as beautiful as it as well. She is really lovely and the flowers in her hair are a nice touch <3 And that's all the OC's belonging to @camhues ! Or at least the ones I know. If I missed anything, I apologize and I'll make one for them on another day. But for now, have this. These were so much fun to make ! :)
Also, Cam, if you are looking at this, this is for you:
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This moodboard is for you ! Don't take this the wrong way but you give me Chaotic Academia vibes- That's not an insult ! I'm sorry, your art is lovely and should be viewed by everyone ! Maybe I'll do this again but I don't know yet. I have to find time to do so. For now, have these gorgeous women ! And guys, please go and take a look as Cam's stuff. They are a very talented artist with a unique style and just a lot of women who you will grow to love ! For now, I'm Vee and I'll see you later when I can :D
All these beautiful characters belong to @camhues (Do not steal from her)
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ladyxskywalker · 24 days
will 'ironhead' miller (triple frontier) x f!reader/ofc
safe, loved, & protected - that's all you both ever wanted to feel ... or feeling safe in each other's arms after a long time of being apart
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I'm reposting some things back to tumblr, old links are prob broken, or I can't find anything, either way - hope you enjoy 💌 xo
He touched her face.
Then she touched his .
A slow glide in the dark of night that felt soothing as they laid in bed; curious, and most importantly together again.
He looked at her like he loved her with all his heart.
Then, she looked at him as though for a second she couldn't believe it.
But he wanted her to - deeply, so they kept caressing and smiling until the tips of their noses began to brush the other's.
Then, their lips; padding forward in their careful in between - testing things, tiredly .
In her mind, she thought, “I'd wanted this forever. I even wished for it. I cried when I was at my lowest.”
He kept kissing her, the flat of a strong palm, cradling her back, bringing her further to him, as if sensing this.
She felt him sigh; his breath, soft and warm. Wordlessly hinting at being relieved to have found her.
A weightlessness for both of them; turning away from sadness. Their entwined bodies, following the lead of every unexplained emotion…
And so she kept reaching for it; selfish in the best, and most loving of ways. Leaning her head onto the curve of his shoulder where he had welcomed her there; happily .
In the joyful silence, with their hands joined together, both of them thought, “I like this sort of thing; right here ”.
And then rest became them, because it was finally okay to close their eyes and sleep .
Drifting along better than they ever could when they were apart.
... ❤️
thanks so much for reading 🌼 I wrote this a while ago, based on real life happy memories & moments with my other half. you can imagine this with anyone you like. the possibilities are endless. 💫
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noridoorman · 1 year
Seriously, there's a reblogging function of this goddamn app/website, use it. And if the artist is not on Tumblr, at least try to credit them by saying their name and on what platform you can find them and ask for premission to repost their art here!
"But I can't find them!" Yes you can, look for either the watermark on their artwork or use a reverse image search. If you still couldn't find them then you can post the artwork here BUT with a caption that reads something like "Hey, I really wanna know who the artist is but can't find them"
Reposting/Stealing art has become such a big problem here, it's so annoying and makes me angry
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“Who found Vassa,” Nesta said with that same flat tone. As if she somehow already knew.
Closer, those human ships sailed. So many—so, so many, bearing a variety of different flags that I could just start to make out, thanks to my Fae sight.
“He calls himself the Prince of Merchants,” Drakon said. “Apparently, he discovered the human queens were traitors months ago, and has been gathering an independent human army to face Hybern ever since. He managed to find Queen Vassa—and together they rallied this army.” Drakon shrugged. “He told me that he’s got three daughters who live here. And that he failed them for many years. But he would not fail them this time.”
The ships at the front of the human armada became clear, along with the gold lettering on their sides.
“He named his three personal ships after them,” Drakon said with a smile.
And there, sailing at the front … I beheld the names of those ships.
The Feyre.
The Elain.
And leading the charge against Hybern, flying over the waves, unyielding and without an ounce of fear …
The Nesta.
With my father … our father at the helm.
—Ch. 71 of A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
Artist: @/hmmr.art on Instagram / @hmmr-art-blog
Commissioned by me. Follow the artist on Instagram! Reposts only permitted with proper credit to the artist (and obviously no editing the art in any way please and thank you).
I am rousing my Tumblr account from a much needed slumber to share my first ever art commission. Every time I read this part of ACOWAR, I cry. It's hard to explain what this moment means to me in the narrative, and specifically in Nesta's story. I have had this moment in mind for a commissioned artwork for years, but had yet to encounter an artist whose style and lens felt like the right fit for what I knew I wanted to the piece to be.
When I discovered Haley's ACOTAR art, I was so dang excited to encounter a fandom artist who draws and paints the Archeron sisters with such love and care. See this piece that blew me away when I first saw it—it was the first time I ever saw something to do with their dad, and the sisters' complicated relationship with him, in an artwork.
When I shared my vision for this piece, Haley was all in to make it a reality for me, and I couldn't be more happy with how this came out. Nesta's face and eyes. The light on the water. The color palette. The way Cassian is looking at her. The ships. The details of both figures.
Thank you, Haley, for your patience and desire to make this exactly as I envisioned it!
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nyahctrl · 10 months
𝜗𝜚 Satoru with a s/o who likes to get stoned
authors note: last thursday when i had ‘an experience’ i do not want to romanticize. i thought about how gojo would react to his s/o being high (because he doesn’t use any mind altering substances) so here i am ft. the notes from my phone i tried to use (i barely formed words) / tumblr doesn’t let me posts blogs with pics so excuse the lack of aesthetics
cw: drug use (mari🍃nna), insecure reader, nickname use princess
"Yeah, princess?"
"Do you think it's weird how you have a girlfriend who likes to get high?"
— Let's be honest, he's probably used to being around high people because of Geto and Shoko (you can't tell me they don't stone occasionally)
— Satoru overall perception is that you're cute when you're high, because you never talk this much about your feelings with him, especially your feelings for him
— For when you're hyperactive, he probably gonna have a lot of fun, hearing you bubbling and trying to get 194829 things done but not doing shit right. Trust, it's documented in his camera roll.
— If you're rather chill and relaxed he totally enjoys cuddling with you and just watching you looking in the distance or taking 3 minutes to finish one thought. He is totally curious about what you think but wouldn't push it. (especially if you get high to destress from something)
— At the occasion of you having a bad trip he's totally there for you and those are the times he especially doesn't condone you consuming things, when they make you feel like this. But also in general if you would ask him, he would probably be anti-substances for you. Satoru understands the double blade of it, but as for something like mariXXnna, he would rather tease you out of it than having a real intervention. (No confrontation babe)
— He also wouldn't 'initiate' anything sexual or even go for it when you're beyond normal comprehension
— He loves hearing you talk about the most nonsense things. You wanna explain him your personal playlist? Why you sorted those songs that way? What each song personally means to you, which is just crazy specific. He is all ears.
— Your personal sandwich maker for your cravings, doing insane combos to impress you and asking for your opinion, being absolutely honored when you praise him like he created one of the seven world wonders (it's just a sandwich but he knows you eat everything up in that state)
— Now that I think about it, Satoru is probably the most quiet when you're high and babbling because he feels like he can hear you without any barriers of shame, that could stop you from expressing your true thoughts (and he will use anything you told him later to tease you and then he won't shut up, trust)
"- like isn't it useless, am i not crazy for taking it and you're judging me like what if you find me weird and you're normal and i'm weird and you see me as usless and stop loving me-" he finds it cute how you're so worried about all of that when he couldn't care less unless it's harming you in any way.
— (I have no idea if it's just me) but when you tend to be overly insecure about your feelings/expressing your anxious feelings, he will not stop reassuring you. Especially when you ask him 18 times if he knows you love him and that your love is sincere etc.He does take your insecurities as a validation of your love for him though.
"Oh my god, do i act like a drunk person? So i may sound like that. WTF i'm so insecure I have to stop. I'm sorry. I love you. Now I'm being quiet. You won't hear me talking. Omg am I more serious when I'm not high. Am I a drunk person?"
— His personal fave moments are when you start to explain for 15 minutes how much you love him and you start to go in so much detail that it's getting ridiculous. He would while all of that hug you from behind and look at you with the most soft look in his face just nodding and chuckling because you make it for real sound ridiculously.
no reposts on other platforms
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