#looking at this and going 'wow i really only one (1) influence huh'
erstwhilesparrow · 1 year
okay. been thinking about double life mecha AUs because there's some really good pacific rim AUs out there that make me want to chew on drywall. let's. attempt putting thoughts to words:
not really thinking about pacific rim specifically on account of I Haven't Finished That Movie. the drift thing sounds cool, i am generally willing to trust that it can be / is an interesting analogue for soulbonds. people should tell me if this is true / false.
also thinking about the way friends at the table tends to talk about mechs. Mechs Are About Bodies. what bodies do we think are beautiful / terrifying / grotesque. what do we think of as a human body. how do we talk about bodies and machines and where are the [blurred lines / overlaps / divergences]. this can be interesting when considered next to double life on account of [minecraft bodies are weird]? the only way to really interact with them is. distantly or violently. you can throw someone a thing but you can't put that thing in their hand directly. you can punch someone but you can't hold them. you can stand in front of someone but that doesn't necessarily stop them from moving past / through you. i don't have more of a thing here but this could be Interesting To Play With.
thinking about neon genesis evangelion's thing where their mechs are explicitly an attempt to copy a technology / being that they didn't quite understand that was capable of destroying the world. connected to this, thinking about minecraft as a game whose history clearly contains Something Happening. the ruins and the ancient cities and so much of it overgrown and wrecked. i like the idea of their mechs being something they copied the shape of but not the purpose. like, these things used to be used for games and now they are for war?
("sparrow are you implying the existence of mech sports" yeah have you ever seen friends at the table's bonus episode where they play Sports Are Just Numerology and invent mech sports. it's good and important and There's Precedent. you're lucky i didn't try to bring Mech Fishing into this.)
related to the point about games, opening sentence that struck me and never went anywhere: "It works just like the old games: three strikes and you're out." (about martyn trying to save grian, trying to save ren, trying to save cleo, and then failing or being rejected at each turn and giving up and killing scott. the realization that grian didn't want / need to be saved from scar in 3rd life. the dying right after ren did trying to kill desert duo in that season's finale, and also i hear whispers about helping ren out with a fire in his base in last life? thinking cleo needs to be convinced / saved from scott in double life and being told no, cleo suggested this and wanted it. hell, even as its own thing separate from mechs, this is not completely nothing.)
considering a scene where cleo, fed up with whatever nonsense martyn's doing, asks what he's even trying to accomplish, and martyn answers, "I'm going to get us out of here." which. implies some things. i haven't bothered fleshing out those things.
mech names. shoutout to Thunderbirds_and_Lightning for Slingshot Eden and Flower Delta. shoutout to friends at the table for Belgard and Stray Dog and a million other incredible names that i'm forgetting. wouldn't it be fun to have names that refer to each part of the pair. Mawseed:Brachiate. Calotrope:Diffusion. wouldn't it be fun to put them next to each other ostensibly joined but still visibly separated by something. consider the ways this can be like soulmates.
okay 100% this one is a porn premise but thinking about that post that's like "mech pilots aren't horny because of the joy of meeting your equal in battle or whatever, they're horny because the mechs have direct connections to their nervous systems and inextricably link violence / destruction to being pumped full of dopamine / oxytocin" and martyn getting fucked up while still connected to the mech and later showing up on cleo's doorstep talking about how his brain's gotten scrambled and asking them to hurt him because it's the only thing that feels good anymore and they're the only one who gets it. (alternatively, asking to have someone to hurt. alternatively alternatively, neither of them quite actually wants to be the one getting hurt but also they are the only ones who understand each other about this so they suck it up and deal and remind themselves they'll get their turn later.)
actually. direct nervous system connection to the mech is Also something that would be fun and interesting to play with just in full generality. i don't have more here but like. You Can Make This Upsetting (tone: having fun :] ). (Mechs Are About Bodies: what bodies count as bodies? what's a fair punching bag and what needs careful maintenance and how might a war adjust those priorities? -- thinking also about that one ttrpg that has a move specifically called Meat Is Cheap; Save The Metal.)
also thinking about that post about. mech pilots should be more visibly changed by their connections to their mechs? like. can't keep down food that isn't This One Specific Nutrient Paste. visibly haggard and also drippy from spending so much time in the cockpit filled with the fluid that lets them interface with the mech. clearly moving in ways and with the force necessitated by a giant body of metal, even when not in that giant metal body. cleo and martyn using each other as mirrors, tracking the other's deterioration (comparing it against their own?) and feeling some type of way about it? could do miserable (delightful) sickfic about this.
related to above: (1) cleo and martyn as mirrors of each other ("we're both survivors"). (2) that thing about not having mirrors causing you to kind of forgetting you're a person (and this also, is about mechs, because when you make a world with mechs it is probably good to ask: 'are mechs people?' AND 'are the people put inside mechs considered people?' thank you austin walker for your list of mech questions.).
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Sweet Surrender Part 1
Welcome to the Paper Hearts sequel I've been banging on about for a while. This picks up literal hours after the first one ends so...yeah. Read that first.
I'll be using the tag list from Paper Hearts for this, but due to the purge I do have FIVE slots open.
This is mature. The second chapter is their first time, so just a heads up. Also it has extended to 4 chapters and might end up being five. I tried so hard to stop that. I honestly did. But alas! I had even given myself permission to make the chapters as long as they needed to be, and STILL it added an extra chapter.
Summary: After the events in Paper Hearts, Eddie and Steve navigate their first date, their first time, Eddie's friends, Steve's ex, and prom! It's a lot, but they'll make it through.
Steve only had mere hours to come up with the perfect Valentine’s day plans. But he knew what to do.
He bought flowers. Not roses. But white daisies. Beautiful and simple. He showered and merely changed into a long sleeved shirt and his nicest jeans he had. He told Eddie not too worry about getting dressed up. He had different plans.
After checking in with his kids to make sure he it all correct, he went to pick Eddie up from his trailer.
Wayne answered the door and he blinked at the sight of Steve Harrington at his door again, this time with flowers.
“Got lost again?” he teased, opening the door wide enough to let the young man in.
Steve grinned in response. “Not this time, no.”
“So I’m guessing the flowers aren’t for me then,” he said, indicating that Steve should sit on the sofa.
“No, sir.”
Wayne smirked. “Uh huh. And where are you going that you have to leave so early?”
“Bloomington,” Steve said, cheerfully.
Eddie came out of the bathroom fluffing his curls. “What’s in Bloomington?”
“It’s a surprise,” he replied, standing back up. “These are for you.”
Eddie’s expression softened. “Stevie, you didn’t have to do that.”
“I believe a request was made for the full Harrington charm,” he said with a smile.
Eddie took the flowers. “I don’t think we have anything to put these in.”
Steve’s smile turned into a grin.
“All I need is a pair of scissors and a tall glass.”
Wayne got out the glass while Eddie got the scissors. Steve held up the flowers to the glass and then with two mighty snips, the flowers were much shorter. He put them in the glass and filled it with water from the kitchen sink.
“There you go,” he said handing the glass to Eddie.
Wayne chuckled. “I’ll admit I was little worried about the flowers, but I guess I wasn’t banking on you being so resourceful.”
Steve blushed and ducked his head.
Eddie decided to save his boyfriend from the embarrassment and said, “You ready to go?”
Steve brightened. “Sure thing.”
Eddie grabbed his leather jacket and they made their way to the car.
“You really aren’t going to tell me where we’re going?” he asked as Steve held the door open for him.
“Nope!” Steve replied cheerfully and then hurried to get over to his side of the car.
On the way down, Steve and Eddie talked about music and what influenced those choices.
“You don’t like pop?” Eddie asked. “I thought that was a prerequisite of being king of the social ladder.”
Steve shook his head. “And if what Max says is true, Billy Hargrove is a metal fan, so... no.”
Eddie tilted his head to the side and regarded Steve for a moment. “She that red-headed girl I see him with sometimes?”
“That’s the one,” Steve said nodding his head. “She’s his step-sister, but she hates his racist, homophobic, abusive ass.”
Eddie grimaced. “Is she going to be okay?”
“She’s got a lot of people looking out for her,” Steve said with a nod. “It’s hard sometimes, but we make it work.”
“Argh,” Eddie scoffed. “I can’t believe Hargrove is a metal fan. That’s a disservice to the genre, sweetheart.”
Steve chuckled and shook his head. “That’s what Dustin said.”
“Wait your pocket nerd is a metalhead, too?” Eddie asked, his eyes going wide. “How the hell did you fall in with this kid?”
“Oh, entirely by accident,” he huffed, “I assure you.”
They arrived in Bloomington and Steve deftly navigated the town as if he was born in it. Eddie watched him in fascination as the other boy took what was clearly a well known path.
“I had to ask several times to make sure they were talking about the right shop,” Steve said pulling up to a two story building. “Because my dad used to take me here all the time when I was a kid to get baseball cards, but apparently in the ten years since I was last here, they’ve expanded quite a bit.”
Eddie stepped half out of the car onto the pavement, standing up. “Holy shit, Stevie.”
Steve chuckled and got out of the car. He leaned on the roof of his car, with his arms folded between him and the cold metal. He smiled fondly. He knew this was a great idea.
“Azathoth’s Emporium?” Eddie asked in awe. “Holy shit, Steve. This is like the Holy Grail of game shops in Indiana.”
Eddie looked over at him and leaned on the roof top as well. “You are off to a banging head start there, darlin’.”
Steve slapped the roof and said with a grin, “Just wait until you see what’s inside.”
Eddie scrambled to get out of the car and close the door behind him. He caught up to Steve and leaned into his space. “I could kiss you right now.”
“Count how many times you want to do that,” Steve whispered back, “and tell me the number so I kiss you that many times when I drop you off at home.”
A feral grin spread out over Eddie face. “You might regret that.”
Steve tucked a hair behind Eddie’s ear and murmured, “I think I can safely promise that I won’t.”
“Full Harrington charm, huh?”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. “Right in one, babe.”
Eddie stayed close to Steve as they entered the shop. All around them were games and figures and posters and dice and cards and comics and everything thing that Eddie could have ever dreamed.
“Come on,” Steve said softly, grabbing his elbow to steer him toward the stairs. “What you want is on the top level.”
Eddie looked around in awe. “Maybe just a little...” he waved at the first floor with a quivering lip.
Steve swung round to look him in the eye. “I’m saving that for the grand finale, I just want to show you something first.”
Eddie brightened up immediately and dutifully followed Steve up the stairs. It was a light wood stairs with black iron wrought banisters. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from anything. Steve looked back and chuckled.
Then Steve started looking down each aisle searching for the particular part of the store but he needn’t have bothered. Toward the back was a large red dragon looking like it was bending the shelve it was standing on.
Eddie stopped in his tracks. “Stevie...there’s a dragon over there.”
“Yup!” Steve chirped happily. “And we’re going over there to meet him.”
Eddie hurried to catch up to Steve as he motioned for him to move faster.
There were figures, books, dice, DM screens, character sheets, and just about everything Eddie could every dream of for D&D right there in front of him.
“Stevie...” he whimpered. “I didn’t know there could be something like this here.”
Steve looked around and then gave Eddie’s hand a squeeze. “Come on. I’ve got money to burn and a boyfriend to spoil.”
Eddie’s head turned slowly to face Steve and when he saw he was serious, his face transformed into the most besotted grin. He skipped over to the display and began hopping around, looking at everything.
Steve just watched with a smitten expression on his face, please that his idea panned out. Eddie ended up picking a DM screen, a pad of character sheets, two figures and a red and black speckled dice that reminded him of his guitar at home.
“Ready to go see what else this place has to offer?” Steve asked as Eddie loped over to him.
Eddie nodded.
He picked up a couple of comics he had been dying to read, a book or three, and an action figure of Superman.
Steve got a couple of baseball cards.
As they walked out to the car, Eddie complained. “I don’t think it’s fair that you only got two cards when I got all these.” He held up his bags to show his point.
Steve laughed. “Eds...those cards are rare. They weren’t cheap. I assure you that I got the equivalent of what’s in those bags.”
Eddie eye him suspiciously. “Are you sure?”
Steve put their stuff in the trunk and they drove off back to Hawkins.
“What’s next?” Eddie asked with a grin. “Not that this wasn’t amazing. I just have a feeling you were just getting started.”
“Dinner.” Steve glanced over at him and smile at the deep blush on his cheeks.
“I’m not exactly dressed for something fancy,” he muttered, picking at the hole in the knee of his jeans.
“Fantastic!” Steve said, happily tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. “There was no way I was getting somewhere expensive this late into planning. Their reservations would have been full on months ago. I’ll take you somewhere fancy, make no mistake, besides I wanted to do something fun. Sitting for three hours in stuffy clothes being judged by the staff and other patrons for looking at the menu for too long is NOT fun.”
Eddie looked up at him for a moment and the ducked his head again, this time blushing with pleasure instead of shame.
“We’re going to Benny’s!” he announced proudly.
Eddie’s eyes darted up and at Steve for a moment. “Wait, really?”
Steve hummed his agreement. “It won’t be as busy by the time we get there and we can share a shake afterwards.”
Eddie lifted his head and shimmied haughtily. “And what makes you think we have the same taste in milkshakes, Stevie?”
“I was hoping you’d want to share the triple chocolate brownie shake with me,” he replied with a half shrug.
Eddie’s eyes nearly fell out of his head. “Um...statement retracted, we obviously have the same tastes in milkshake.”
“I hoped so.”
They got Benny’s and had a wonderful meal and by the time it was time to share their milkshake they were the only ones left in the place.
They sat next to each other and playfully fought over every bite, chasing each other’s spoons and smearing it on each other’s faces.
Benny and the waitress just shook their heads and left them alone. Finally they said goodbye and Steve walked Eddie to the car to open the door for him.
“I’d normally take out to the quarry to do some star gazing before taking you home,” Steve murmured as he held open the door. “But there are a couple of problems with that.”
“We’d freeze our asses off?” Eddie guessed. “And considering how delightful yours is, it would be a damn shame to lose it.”
Steve chuckled and went around to the other side of the car, allowing Eddie to close his own door. “And there’s school tomorrow. So how about this, if you aren’t busy tomorrow, I’ll take you star gazing then. I’ll bring lots of blankets and thermos of hot chocolate if that’ll sweeten the deal.”
Eddie pretended to think about it, tapping his finger to his lips. “Sounds amazing, sweetheart!”
Steve grinned and took him home. He followed Eddie inside, a little pleased that Wayne wasn’t home at that moment.
“So, rockstar,” Steve cooed, pulling Eddie close to him after they had shucked off their coats, “How many kisses do you get?”
Eddie held up his hand that he had been using to to keep tally marks. “Looks like ten.”
Steve grinned and cupped Eddie’s cheek and placed a gentle kiss to his lips. “That’s one.”
Eddie took a deep, shuddering breath and let it out slow. Then Steve kissed him again. This one a little deeper.
“Fuck, Stevie,” he muttered after the fourth kiss. “You really are good at this, aren’t you?”
Steve hummed his agreement before diving in for kiss number five.
By the tenth kiss, they were making out, standing in the middle of Eddie’s trailer, bodies pressed together like pieces of a puzzle.
“Shit,” Steve breathed, pulling away only far enough to press their foreheads together. “If we don’t stop now, I won’t be able to keep my hands off you. And we still have school tomorrow.”
Eddie chuckled. “So what you’re saying is that after our little star gazing trip to the quarry tomorrow, we’ll be coming back here for sex?”
Steve’s head shot up and he looked Eddie in the eyes. “And you’d want that with me?”
“Sure would,” he whispered. “It’s hard enough stopping right now, but make no mistake, I want it all with you.”
Steve gulped and then nodded. “Yeah, me too, Eds. Me too.”
“Go on then,” Eddie whispered. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
Steve smiled and then said his goodbyes. He walked out to his car and leaned on the steering wheel, looking up at the lit windows of the trailer park. The first time he’d come here was because he had been stupid. Running without direction or purpose. But he couldn’t deny that it had probably brought him here. Staring up at his boyfriend’s home and staring dreamy-eyed up at it like some love sick fool.
He shook his head fondly and started the engine. “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington, but at least you’re someone’s idiot.”
He pulled away and drove home. When he got into the kitchen there was a message on the answering machine.
“Steven,” his mother said sharply. “I understand it’s Valentine’s Day but you should be home by now.” There was a gruff voice in the background and then his mother’s voice rang out on the tape. “Your father has just informed me that it’s barely 6pm in Hawkins. So when you get this, just be aware we are extending our stay. You father met some Japanese business men that he’d going to be trying to get a deal on their microchips. We won’t be home for at least another week. We’ll be transferring $500 to your account to make you get enough to eat. Be home soon. Kisses.”
Steve let out a long sigh. As much as he hated having his parents gone, this was a blessing. He had almost cleared out his allowance for the month on his little Valentine’s trip with Eddie. Not that that was a problem. Quite the opposite, but still that extra money would really help him out.
He really couldn’t wait until tomorrow now. He didn’t have to worry about his parents asking questions on where he’d been.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @spectrum-spectre
2- @slv-333 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson
3- @messrs-weasley @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv
4- @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @dam28lh
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @fullpoetrybread
7- @disrespectedgoatman @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @moonshadows-13
8- @skyewaytohell @swimmingbirdrunningrock @croatoan-like-its-hot @lolawonsstuff @lololol-1234
9- @dotdot-wierdlife @ravenfrog @dauntlessdiva @thelittleclare @steddieyourself
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nosquiito · 5 months
Hello! I’m happy that people liked my previous post! It made me really happy to see that people liked it!
And I’m this post I wanted to thank you for that, because unbeknownst to everyone….
And it features you beloved Mr puzzles, of course, but also the smg4 crew and a bunch of other original characters made by ME!!!!
Here’s chapter 1 for your enjoyment, if you like it, please leave a wonderful ⭐️⭐️FIVE⭐️STARS⭐️⭐️
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1) -KZZZT-
2) (Mr. Puzzles awakens)
3)Mr. Puzzles: hmmm…
4)Mr. Puzzles: oof! Where am I?
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5) Mr. Puzzles: eugh… I really don’t want to deal with this right now *snap* -KZZZT-
6) Mr. Puzzles: huh…? *snap* -KZZZT-
7) Mr. Puzzles:What happened to my POWER?! My INFLUENCE?! My- My-
8) Mr. Puzzles: MY CLOTHES?!
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9) Mr. Puzzles: OH, I see what’s going on, this is one of the ways those BRATS thought of to humiliate me after my defeat!!
10) Mr. Puzzles: Augh! This is so INFURIATING
11) Mr. Puzzles: Grr. I can’t prance around without pants. I’ll just sit here and think of a pla-
12) ???: NA-NA-NA!
12) Mr. Puzzles: OH SH!T
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13) ???: nanana~ dodedo~
14.a) Mr. Puzzles: (who is that? A hiker? Does that mean I’m in some kind of forest? They’re the only person I’ve seen for a while, should I ask them for help?)
14.b) Mr. Puzzles: (They look really naive, maybe they wouldn’t mind helping me out.)
15) Mr. Puzzles: Psst! Hey!
15) ???: Hm?
16) Mr. Puzzles: Okay, so, I need your help. I got beat up pretty bad and I just woke up here with no idea where I am. And with only the few clothes on my back, so, would you mind helping a fella down on his luck?
(begging a stranger for help, how far have I fallen…)
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17.a) ???: …
17.a) Mr. Puzzles: …
17.b) ???: Ok! I’ll help you out!
17.b) Mr. Puzzles: Thank you kindly!
18) ???: C’mon, get over here
18) Mr. Puzzles: WAIT! When I said I had few clothes, I meant it. I can’t walk around in the open like this!
19.a) Oh! Ok!
19.b) good thing I brought an extra set of clothes huh?
20) Wow! My gear looks great on you!
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21) ???: he he he though… I think my clothes might be a biiit small on you. ha ha ha
22) ???: anyways… wanna head out? My car is a short walk from here
22) Mr. Puzzles: yes please! This place was starting to freak me out…
23) ???: C’mon, it’s somewhere over here
23) Mr. Puzzles: Okay
24) ???: Hey, I don’t think I ever got your name?
24) Mr. Puzzles: …I’m Mr. Puzzles
24) ???: that’s a nice name, mine’s Chispa
24) Mr. Puzzles: nice to meet you Chispa
24) Chispa: Likewise, Puzzles
Thanks for reading!
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makangerous · 3 months
Ayumu Rank 1 (Fortune Confidant)
(note: the protagonist uses the name Emi Yukimura. I will eventually release a Twine version of the confidants with custom name selection and multiple selectable dialogue options.)
(This is the building the “Ghost of Shinjuku” is said to haunt… Should I open the shutter?)
[rattle rattle]
Waahh! What's that noise? Is someone there?! Go away!
Morgana: Some ghost he is, huh? He sounds pretty scared of us! Wait, is that him hiding at the top of the stairway?
That energy surrounding you… Actually, don't go anywhere! I need to talk to you!
A small, long-haired teenage boy comes bounding down the stairs.
I'm sure you don't know me. But I used to see you at the Shibuya station all the time. Your aura's unique. It's like it's yelling while everyone else's is whispering. I wonder, do you ever hear distorted voices when you're in the station? Or do parts of the wall look strange for a split second?
Yes. Things that seem far away, or jumbled. The stuff I've noticed feels like it's in some other dimension.
Sorry to ask you such a weird question. You must have come here for a reason, so I shouldn't be bothering you with my own concerns. What's up?
>Can you see the future?
…It's complicated. It used to be that I could only warn people, but now I might be able to influence what ultimately happens.
That's not a satisfying answer, is it? Well, let me make it up to you by giving you something good to find at home. Let's see, from these cards, the one that reminds me the most of you is…
The strange boy shuffles through a deck of tarot cards.
This one! The Fool. Since that's not a very nice thing to call you, I'll call this card the Trickster instead. Anyway, the Trickster, having met the boy who sees between dimensions, rode the train home with much on her mind. When she entered her bedroom, right as she was about to fall asleep after a long day, she found a delicious sweet atop her pillow… And a special treat for her cat, as well. Let it be fate!
The Trickster card glows for a split second as he holds it up.
There. I hope that's something you'll like. Tell me if it works, okay? I have some stuff I need to do now, but I should be here later. Bye now!
He ascends the stairs as rapidly as he came down them.
Morgana: He sure is strange. That's not how tarot readings usually work, is it? Oh, he didn't even give you his name. Still, I wonder… Can we head back to your room soon?
You go to your room.
Morgana: Is there something on your pillow? Let's check it out!
(There's a pink box on the pillow. …! It's an entire castella cake!)
Morgana: Hey, where's my treat? Whoa, a whole bag of dried anchovies?! This is fantastic! Look, there's a note on top of the blanket.
Hey Emi. There were some great buy one get one free deals at the supermarket today. They announced the sale the moment I walked inside! Talk about luck. I saved a bunch of money, so I figured I'd get some extra stuff for you and Morgana. No need to repay me. Just work hard at school. -Sojiro
Morgana: The Ghost of Shinjuku really did change our luck! He talked about noticing another dimension. Maybe he can tap into Mementos! Let's find him another night and ask him about it.
You return to where you first found the Ghost of Shinjuku.
[rattle rattle]
Oh, is that you, Trickster? Come on up.
Up the stairs, you find an abandoned store, mostly empty except for a few piles of random junk scattered across the shelves, and a sleeping bag and some food in a corner.
Sorry it's messy. This is the only place I can call home right now. More importantly, what happened after I made that prediction?
>I got a whole cake!
Really? I was picturing cake while I was holding that card. Was it a castella cake?
(I told him what I found in my room…)
Wow, I didn't know I could do so much with my abilities now. I owe you an explanation. Starting with my name, since I spaced on introducing myself last time. I'm Ayumu Hoshino. What's your name? …Emi? I like it. It suits you.
Anyway, long story short, I've always been aware of that other dimension I mentioned before. Every time a person passes by me, I can hear voices from this other place whispering about them. I can see auras, too. I used to barely understand any of it, but I learned how to focus in on individuals. I could listen in on their true thoughts and see how twisted their hearts were. But I could only do it at the Shibuya station.
Then someone dropped these tarot cards outside this building. When I touch them, I can hear the voices loud and clear wherever I'm at. And they seem to hear me, too. I can make requests and they'll grant them, if they feel like it. I've only tried small stuff so far. Maybe if someone like you was willing to help me test things out and discover more about the other world… No, you probably don't want to help the homeless guy rambling nonsense…
>I'll help!
You will? That's so nice of you! Thanks!
As a reward, I'll convince the voices to do other cool things for you. Oh, and I can give you predictions at other times, too. I'll have to charge a bit for those, though. If I can't buy food, I won't have energy to do anything, after all. Does that sound like a good deal?
Nice. I like your enthusiasm. Let's do this!
I am thou, thou art I…Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Fortune Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power…
I have a phone, so do you mind if we trade numbers? I'll text you if I think of any tests. You should probably head home soon so you don't get hassled by a ton of hosts on your way back. Stay safe!
Your phone rings in front of Leblanc.
Is this Emi Yukimura? It's Ayumu Hoshino. I'm calling to make sure I have the correct number. And also to make sure you made it back to your place without any trouble.
>Thanks for looking out for me.
You're welcome. I try to look out for others as much as I can. That way, no one has to end up in a bad situation like mine.
Well, I can sleep easier knowing you're alright. We might have just met, and you seem pretty capable, but things tend to go wrong when you never expect them to. Feel free to send me a message if anything comes up, okay? Bye now.
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inazumaeveryday · 2 years
Day 11
At home
Kidou: Good morning, mar.
Today’s the match between Biyuutei and Ooedo… But I’ll leave the scouting to Sakuma this time.
I kept dragging you to all sorts of places the last few days… We should focus on school for today. I don’t want you to fall behind.
mar: (So we’re going to study all day…)
Option 1
mar: Then you can tutor me, Yuuto-kun!
Kidou: Be serious. I don’t have that much free time.
Option 2
mar: I’m doing just fine, you know!
Kidou: You are? That’s a relief, then. I don’t really have time to help you.
Kidou: I have to attend another important party for the Kidou Zaibatsu tonight, so I’ve got a lot to do. I’d rather focus on my own studies for now.
That said, it's true that explaining something to someone can help you memorize it better…
Well, it all depends on the situation, I suppose.
Kidou: I’m hungry for something salty this morning…
I wonder if it’s because of all the chocolate I ate last night…?
Kidou’s room
Kidou: mar, you were supposed to be ready five minutes ago already…
Hurry up. I’m already ready to leave.
In the car
Kidou: I’ll check if there were any updates to Biyuutei and Ooedo’s data…
Hmm… Nothing particularly important.
Morning practice
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Sakuma: Leave the information collection to us today. We’ll bring you all the data you need on Biyuutei and Ooedo!
Jimon: I know they’re both B-rank teams, but is there anything in particular you want us to pay attention to?
Kidou: Not really, I didn’t see anything new that was worth looking into…
Sorry, this might honestly just be a waste of your time… But you never know. I’m counting on you.
At school
Class (math)
Kidou: Equations only get more beautiful as they gain in complexity.
If I didn’t already have soccer, I might’ve been drawn to math.
Students: Hey, you know the snake we were going to use in science class? I heard it escaped…
What? For real!?
And they haven’t found it yet…
Kidou: A snake escaped…?
mar, how do you feel about snakes?
Option 1
mar: I don’t want anything to do with them! No way, no way, nooo wayyy!!
Kidou: Right…?
Option 2
mar: I don’t mind them!
Kidou: Oh, I see…
Kidou: If it’s a snake we were going to use in class, then I don’t think it’s dangerous…
Students: Kidou-sama, watch out! Behind you!!
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Kidou: !?
Kidou: I never expected the escaped snake to sneak in there…
I’m relieved it was found, but I hope they’ll keep a closer eye on it now…
Kidou: I’m focusing on school today, so I’m going to study during our breaks.
mar, you should do the same.
Class (Japanese)
Kidou: We’re learning how to write haiku today…
Hmm… I’m trying to write one about soccer somehow, but it’s more difficult than I thought.
Genda: Hey, Kidou… Oh, oops. You’re in full-on study mode today, huh. Sorry to interrupt.
Kidou: Yeah, I’ve been a little too focused on soccer lately… What’s going on?
Genda: Oh, I just wanted to talk about the training menu… But it can wait until later, don’t worry.
Kidou: Alright, thanks.
Class (social studies)
Kidou: History doesn’t make much sense when you only remember the big, famous events.
You have to understand what caused these events to happen, and what kind of effect they had on the rest of history as well.
Sakiyama: Kidou-san, mar-san, working hard, as alw…
Ah…! Kidou-san’s studying… Wow, he’s got this super intense “don’t talk to me” aura about him…
Kidou-san’s ability to focus in any situation is really impressive…!
Kidou: …………
Class (science)
Kidou: The spin of the ball during a free kick is due to the rotation of the ball and its speed…
It’s also influenced by air flow and pressure.
Kidou: On days when our morning practice is particularly hard, I feel like I’m starving by the time lunch break comes…
I feel just as hungry now after studying so much all morning.
Lunch break
Kidou: Yeah, I really don’t feel like studying right after eating, after all.
My brain needs some time to rest too…
Class (English)
Kidou: We’re watching a movie without subtitles today.
Hehe. This is a part where we’re supposed to laugh.
Kidou: We’re taking a break right in the middle of the movie… All I can think about is what happens next.
What about you, mar? Who do you think did it?
Class (English)
Kidou: mar, do you watch foreign movies dubbed or in the original language, with subtitles?
I personally just check the subtitles when I don’t understand something.
Kidou: Oh, it’s already time for our last class of the day. Time really does fly when you’re focused…
Hm? I missed a call from Sakuma…
Oh, he sent me a text too.
Hmm… Looks like Biyuutei won.
Class (art)
Kidou: Red is the name given to the general color, but different tones of red can look pretty drastically different.
My cape is obviously red, but can you guess the name of that exact tone of red?
Club activities
Kidou: Our opponent in the semi-finals has been decided. We’ll play against Biyuutei.
Sakuma: After watching their match, I’d say they’re pretty good, overall.
I could tell they’re all individually skilled, but…
I did notice some of them tended to make flashy plays without paying much attention to the rest of the team, and their formation was a mess.
Jimon: Yeah, and they kept fighting among themselves in the middle of the match.
Talk about a shameful sight. It killed the mood for everyone there.
Kidou: Their playmaker is doing a really poor job of leading his team.
Genda: Guess Biyuutei’s no match for us either.
Kidou: Doesn’t look like it, yeah.
Alright, everyone! Let’s start practicing!
In the car
Kidou: When it comes to soccer, I have absolutely no problem facing even the strongest opponents, but…
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Kidou: Tonight’s party will be full of very important guests of the Kidou Zaibatsu, so I’m a little nervous.
At home
Kidou: Alright, I’d better go take a bath and get ready now…
In the bath
Kidou: I’ll have to look over and organize the new data when I get back from the party…
Kidou’s room
Kidou: A lot of the guests at tonight’s party are foreigners, so we’ll mostly be speaking English.
Of course, we also have to provide multilingual support so everything goes smoothly...
It’s a little stressful, but there’ll be interpreters so I should be fine…
Sorry I can’t take you today either. I’m counting on you to watch the house while I’m away.
Option 1
mar: I hope you’ll get to eat more delicious food!
Kidou: I don’t think I will. I’m going to be doing more talking than eating tonight.
Option 2
mar: I can’t wait to see what souvenirs you’ll bring back!
Kidou: …You want me to buy you something?
Kidou: Oh, right… Dad said a lot of female guests were attending this time.
It’s good manners overseas to compliment the guests at a party, but when complimenting a woman, you shouldn’t call her cute. It’s more flattering to say she’s beautiful.
2 hours later
Kidou: mar, I’m back. Here, I brought you a bottle of wine.
I got it at the party, but you can bring it home as a souvenir of your stay here.
I hear it’s quite good. You can look forward to drinking it once you’re of age.
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Kidou: …What’s wrong? You’re not looking very happy about it…
Oh, by the way, Domon sent me an interesting report earlier.
The legendary Inazuma Eleven apparently kept their special training secret thanks to a place called Inabikari Training Center…
He said Raimon just had that place renovated, and they’ve started training there to create new special moves.
Option 1
mar: The legendary Inazuma Eleven, huh… I wonder what kind of team it was?
Kidou: I’ve heard it was a team with superhuman strength and that they’d never lost a match.
They also created a lot of powerful moves.
And apparently, Endou is the grandson of their coach, Endou Daisuke.
Option 2
mar: I wonder what kind of training they’re doing this time?
Kidou: I honestly have no idea. He told me so much about it, but it all sounds so outlandish that I can’t picture what it’s like at all.
They’ve got a giant roulette wheel instead of running machines, climbing walls that move, a ball throwing machine that looks like a missile launcher…
It looks like Domon had a really hard time there. He wouldn’t stop complaining about it.
Raimon have their match against Mikage Sennou tomorrow…
I’m looking forward to seeing the results of that training at the Inabikari Center.
Kidou: Oh, right… I still have to watch Biyuutei’s match.
Hmm… It’s just like Sakuma and Jimon said…
Kidou: Alright, time to sleep.
Goodnight, mar.
At night…
Kidou: …………
…Inabikari…training center…
8 notes · View notes
Spirit Animals: Broken Ground (Reread pt. 10)
Chapter 1
This is a great intro chapter. Very mysterious and attention-grabbing.
“But the gesture made Stead uncomfortable - his loyalty to their leader was absolute, unflinching - so he’d opted for Stead” (3). In The Book of Shane it’s mentioned that Stead was the first person that Shane brought into the Redcloaks, right? But other than that, he had no reason to be that loyal . . . 
So they just creepily watch Tasha for a length of time . . . okay, then.
Chapter 2
“ . . . if he didn’t focus, the nightmares could slip so easily out of his dreams and into the darkened tunnels around them” (7). Is Conor scared of the dark? Or just another panic attack?
“He felt like they were going in circles. Spirals” (8). Okay, first of all, they did a great job of tying Conor’s fear of regressing to Conor’s fear of the Wyrm without ever saying either. Also, circles could represent cycles, which was kind of the theme of The Evertree. So connection to that, too???
“Kovo and Meilin each let out a skeptical sound . . . then shot dark looks at each other” (9). I forgot how funny Meilin and Kovo’s relationship was in this book. It’s so funny.
“ . . . Conor wondered if her insistence was because she didn’t think Xanthe really knew where they were going, or if Meilin simply didn’t like relying on anyone else for help. Probably both” (9). Yeah, sounds about right. Also, Meilin did learn to rely on the team in the first arc, right?
Wow, they really were quite animalistic in Sadre with the whole leave-kids-to-fend-for-themselves thing, huh?
“It was the parasite working its way through his body” (12). How can the parasite make him physically weak? Doesn’t the Wyrm whisper strength into its slaves? Doesn’t it make them stronger?
“Takoda brought his hands together and whistled into them . . . ” (14). Takoda and Xanthe’s relationship in this book is so good???
Wow, Kovo is jealous again. It’s kind of funny . . . but also extremely toxic.
“Weakling, said the crimson gaze. Straggler” (15). Kind of wondering why Kovo didn’t just let Conor fall. He knows Conor is (almost) infected, right?
“And then . . . he saw the stars” (16). This writing style is so neat. Like normally authors would say “he thought he saw the stars” because Conor was wrong. But here, they just said “he saw the stars”, which I think is such a neat touch.
“The cyrix wasn’t many things. It was one” (17). Then why’s it called a cyrix nest, instead of just a cyrix?
“ . . . but the monster was everywhere!” (18). This exclamation point does not fit here . . . it’s so odd.
Chapter 3
“And the even scarier question, Why? . . . ” (22). Yeah, Zerif’s doing this because the Wyrm is influencing him, right? But the Wyrm is just a power-hungry monster. It doesn’t have any reason???
What happened to Anda??? Did they send him back to his tribe?
Oh, he’s still with them??? Don’t they send him back to his tribe?
“They . . . had to deliver Anda to Greenhaven, even without his spirit animal, Tellun” (25). Oh, so they are still taking him.
“ . . . but to lose Uraza entirely?” (25). Foreshadowing.
“‘What’s the point?’ whispered Anda, so softly she almost didn’t hear” (25). He’s depressed. So that’s the feeling of losing your spirit animal. Just crushing depression.
“If the elk had been in its passive state, would it have been safe?” (26). Probably. But now that it gets brought up, wondering what would happen if the human partner is killed while the animal is in its passive state. Would it die, too? Or would it reappear alive?
“Even though Abeke knew the only thing Rollan really cared about finding there was Meilin” (27). Indeed.
Wait, so where’s Anda now??? He isn’t here? It’s just Rollan and Abeke . . . where did they leave him???
Oh wait, they did bring him . . . oh wow, he’s really just dead inside.
“‘Why on Erdas not?’” (31). HA.
“‘I’m all about redemption . . . ’” (31). Genuinely forgot how Rollan reacts to the Shane-is-the-Redcloak news.
“‘I’ve never seen anything like it,’ added Abeke. ‘Not from Meilin, or my people or even Zerif . . . ’” (33). I like how she listed Meilin as her first comparison.
“‘He came asking for the Keeper . . . ’” (33). We still haven’t met this mysterious Keeper, who apparently gathered five talismans in the original series, and apparently is on another mission now.
“‘As soon as he’s strong enough, we’ll return him to Amaya and help him find his tribe’” (34). What??? Just like that??? That’s so stupid. This is exactly why the Greencloaks are losing allies.
Chapter 4
“He . . . spit over the edge of the battlements” (36). Imagine if that was the same one Conor had sleep walked all over in The Evertree.
Rollan would rather go to Artica than Stetriol . . . the same Artica where they all almost froze and/or starved to death?
Stetriol is also apparently referred to as “the land at the edge of the world”.
“In fact, every encounter Rollan had had with Stetriol and its people had been unpleasant” (37). He’s only had one encounter with Stetriol???
“‘Stetriol is now a post, occupied by Greencloaks’” (37). Wow. That’s . . . interesting.
“Not that he’d say that to her face. She’d probably just tease him if he did. Or maybe she wouldn’t” (37). Ah yes, the central question: to tease or not to tease?
“Meilin the warrior. Abeke the tracker. Conor the loyal leader. What did that make him?” (38). This is the second time that three of the four have been listed out like this. The first was in Hunted by Meilin. I just thought that was interesting. Also, doesn’t that mean that Rollan is the jester?
“‘Besides, abandoning Stetriol is what got the Greencloaks into trouble last time’” (40). Indeed, and I like how this series has morally gray bad and good characters. At least the original series did . . . 
“ . . . he’d dreamed of fresh air and freedom, and life aboard a ship afforded both” (41). Privateer Rollan? Maybe?
“Her sleeves were rolled up, revealing a parrot tattoo . . . ” (42). Isn’t she Niloan? Are there parrots in Nilo?
“He’d never met married Greencloaks before. Now he could see why” (43). Why? It’s probably common to meet someone while training . . . right? Also the woman is Niloan and the man is Euran . . . Conor and Abeke parallels?
Wow, Olvan is old.
Chapter 5
“It was even, featureless, save for the slits through which he saw and breathed and spoke” (46). Why? Why no crocodile???
“ . . . it was a testament to the force of the blow, that it even broke the skin . . . ” (47). Right, because he has crocodile-skin, right?
“A message was bound to its leg with a single piece of dark red cloth” (47). Wait, at Greenhaven, Olvan had piles of messages and some of them were tied with red cloth. Were the Redcloaks anonymously messaging the Greencloaks?
Chapter 6
“Still, Meilin clung to that comfort and resisted the urge to scream” (50). Claustrophobia . . . how do the Sadreans deal with it?
“Kovo and Meilin rolled their eyes at the same time, then caught each other and glared” (50). This image is too funny.
“Kovo growled and wrapped his arms protectively around Takoda” (51). I wonder if Kovo truly cares about Takoda, or if the spirit animal bond forces a level of protectiveness instinctively.
“‘But until then, he stays with us.’ . . . ‘Even if that means you won’t’” (52). Kind of wonder what Kovo’s thinking about all this. Did he know about Conor’s infection?
Oh yeah . . . both Meilin and Conor get controlled against their wishes.
The color scheme of the underground world is so cool . . . the greens and pinks and yellows and muted purples and bright blues on a dark background . . . just seems so glowy.
Kind of lowkey want to see a snarle or a gallor. This is perfect foreshadowing.
It’s funny that the reason Meilin went with Conor was to slow the parasite with Jhi’s healing, but never does that at all in the first book. She barely even lets Jhi out of passive.
Meilin saw the Wyrm trapped in the Evertree’s roots in her dream, so can the Wyrm communicate through dreams, too?
“Jhi made a small sound and rocked slightly, and if Meilin didn’t know better, she’d think the panda was being smug” (60). I bet Jhi is guilt-tripping Kovo. Yeah, get his ass.
“With Jhi’s help, and a few hours of sleep, at least his fever was down again” (61). He had a fever???
Chapter 7
Oh ho ho, here comes my favorite Abeke-Rollan moment in . . . the entire series (first and second). 
“‘Don’t say that,’ warned Abeke . . . ‘You’ll jinx us’” (64). That’s funny, though. That she seriously believes in that.
“Abeke glared at Rollan. ‘Tenavo!’ she repeated . . . ” (66). I imagine her throwing her arms out dramatically.
“ . . . and obviously waiting for him to say something” (66). Abeke is really guilt-tripping Rollan for a storm, lol.
“Abeke glanced up, the ghost of humor in her eyes” (67). OH MY GOD, BEST PART COMING.
“‘We normally use flowers, but these will have to do.’ She plucked a few colorful herbs and stuck them in Rollan’s wet hair. ‘Now you get up, and hold out your arms and bounce up and down on your toes five times, then move your hips on a circle, all while saying, ‘Forgive me, Great Tenavo. I am a foolish boy’” (68). *sounds of laughing* *sounds of wheezing* *sounds of crying* *sounds of slapping the floor* *sounds of heart stopping*
“‘Someone must have challenged the sea.’ . . . ‘Arrogant thing, the sea,’ continued Arac . . . ‘Can’t help but rise to a challenge.’ . . . ‘Gotta be careful what you say around it.’ ‘It was my fault, okay?!’ announced Rollan. ‘I did it!’ ‘The other Greencloaks shot him a variety of looks, some amused, others annoyed, all damp” (69). Arac literally guilt-tripping Rollan without even realizing it is the funniest thing . . . 
“‘They don’t want to erase the past, Rollan. They just want to move on . . . ’” (71). Indeed.
“‘The storm,’ he said. ‘It’s over’” (72). HA.
Chapter 8
“Just then the ship rocked heavily, as if hit sideways by a massive wave” (75). Does Zerif have infected creatures in the water?
“‘We’ll have to unfasten the harnesses from the whale’s end.’ Abeke was already swinging a leg over the side . . . ” (76). Like Meilin and Kalani!
Okay nevermind, it was Nisha, and she literally swims under the whales . . . 
“How long would she last?” (81). Conor lasted pretty long, even before Jhi came, and the parasite went into his wrist, as well.
Chapter 9
“ . . . Xanthe didn’t want it in her eyes, said it was too “red bright,” whatever that meant . . . ” (83). Maybe it looks red to Xanthe?
“[A language] as old as the world itself” (84). Does the Wyrm speak a language???
“ . . . the root - all the roots - were moving” (85). The roots are from the Evertree, right? Is it moving to keep the Wyrm in its roots?
“She was already plunging into the tunnel on the left, and the group had no choice but to follow her into the dark” (86). She’s probably picking the tunnel with less dangers, right???
“And if that meant Meilin needed to follow instead of lead, then all right . . . Xanthe may be the one who gets us to the Wyrm in one piece, but once we’re there, I’ll be the one to defeat it” (87). That’s so contradictory . . . wow.
“The creature spun on its assailant, and the two went down in a shuffling mess of limbs” (90). They don’t care about their own kind? Doesn’t the Wyrm whisper to them that it needs more soldiers?
Okay, I was right . . . Xanthe did pick the tunnel with less dangers . . . which is dangerous all on its own. Fun.
Chapter 10
“The sounds of the fight had rung out through the ship, most of the words lost . . . ” (93). They fought so loudly the entire crew could hear . . . ? Okay . . . 
“ . . . she was losing the fight. Slowly, yes, but faster than Conor” (93). Why’s that? What determines the speed of the parasite? Conor should’ve been fully infected soon without Jhi, right?
“But there was no malice in the people’s faces that she could see. No distrust. Only curiosity, and here and there, even a smile of delight” (95). Yeah, in The Evertree isn’t it mentioned that the Conquerors kept the Stetriolans in a state of fear? So, they would be happy that they’re defeated, right?
“Everywhere she looked, the kingdom was flowering” (97). Feliandor wanted to grow plants in Stetriol and failed. Is this symbolism for how Stetriol is flourishing without any Devourers?
“ . . . men and women . . . planting row upon row of trees” (99). I thought Stetriol had unfit soil for trees?
“Shane himself stood at Drina’s shoulder, his painted blue eyes looking down at Abeke” (99). Canon Shane eye color?
“The giver of Nectar, so long withheld from Stetriol” (102). Did Ninani live in Stetriol as a Great Beast? Kind of makes for an interesting dynamic . . . 
“As if they were waiting for their young king to come home” (105). Foreshadowing?
“Where Shane’s had so often drawn into a smile . . . the boy’s mouth was a stern line, his eyeshawkish and sharp” (105). Shane was said to have cold features after his betrayal, though?
“It was becoming even rarer to have a spirit animal . . . ” (106). Why, though?
“ . . . Barnabas had the audacity to swat a small paw at the leopard’s face. It was roughly the size of her nostril” (106). Don’t spirit animals always arrive as adults? So that means Barnabas is just a small cat . . . also this image is so cute.
“ . . . a layer of ivy covering the remains of a cage . . . ” (107). If I remember correctly, that’s the same one that Shane imprisoned Zerif in, right?
“ . . . the silvery wood of his featureless mask” (108). I wonder if Shane saw Abeke see the cage that (sort of) started the war that made them become friends (and enemies).
“He was covered head to toe, every inch hidden from view except the faintest glint of pale eyes, and in them, recognition” (108). I forgot Shane’s eye color changes to ~crocodile~ yellow.
Chapter 11
“But when it was obvious that Meilin had hurt Takoda’s feelings, the ape signed a word that she didn’t know” (110). Oh, I love this next part. So funny. But oof, I feel bad for Takoda. He was just trying to lighten the mood.
Kovo using “cranky” as Meilin’s name . . . so funny.
Aww, Kovo calls Takoda “little friend” instead of shoving him. How sweet.
“‘What does that mean?’ asked Conor when Takoda didn’t translate. ‘Cursed,’ whispered the boy at last” (112). Genuinely read that as “cured” the first time . . . 
Still don’t understand the music . . . how???
“ . . . but she did not like spiders” (115). They should’ve talked about Drina’s death a little here at least, in my opinion.
“Their music is meant to guard the way against evil” (115). How??? 
The way the web influences the music is such a cool concept . . . just wish it were explained better.
“ . . . then immediately took it back, remembering a lecture Abeke had given her once about inviting bad luck” (119). Wow, when was this, and how did it happen without Rollan being there?
Meilin slips but doesn't fall . . . and Conor helps her up, in a pretty emotional sense. Somehow I remember her slipping and falling and then Conor helping her back up literally.
Chapter 12
Wow, Abeke can feel the weather coming???
“‘There’s never been a Greencloak from Stetriol’” (126). For realsies??? Not even after the war???
“The longer it took for a storm to break, the worse it would usually be” (127). Symbolism for this book? Things are going well . . . meaning when bad things strike, it’ll be even worse.
“ . . . looking not like Greencloaks, but ordinary kids” (127). But people can still see their green cloaks, right?
Aww, Rollan helping the homeless kid!
Kind of wondering whether Ninani coming to Stetriol means they’ll change their symbol from a serpent to a swan.
Chapter 13
“ . . . like he knew every crack in the ground, every twist and turn, every way to disappear” (135). Yeah, I get that Shane lived in Stetriol, but he was a prince, right? When did he come out and have time to explore the marketplace? Maybe this was after he became a Redcloak . . . 
Why didn’t Rollan use Essix’s vision to tail the stranger instead of climbing up to the roof? Would’ve been faster . . . riskier, but faster.
Oh, okay, he does look through Essix’s eyes . . . from the rooftops.
“‘We seek to protect the future from the past’” (139). Shane is so dramatic.
“This is how his mind came back to him, in drops of rain” (141). Wow, the storm lowkey helped them.
Oof, Zerif’s here.
Chapter 14
How thick exactly are these web strands? And how stable?
“Briggan snarled back, an alpha trying to subdue a member of his pack . . . ” (145). The alpha theory has actually been disproven. But the image is funny.
This fire plan is gonna burn the web somehow . . . 
The bonding pain is actually giving us a good approximation of how the two storylines line up.
“ . . . the wolf sprinted away across the silver web, looking less like a Great Beat and more like a spooked dog” (149). Briggan??? Ran across the web??? Oh god . . . for real??? I don’t remember this.
“The wolf’s return hit him in a wave of energy and relief. Briggan’s wild strength surged through Conor . . . ” (150). Can’t you only use your animal’s power during the active state?
Wait, so Takoda, Meilin, Conor, and Kovo fall over the edge??? I thought it was Xanthe that fell?
Chapter 15
Okay, so they fall . . . right into the Sulfur Sea. Wow. 
So, I guess Xanthe didn’t come after them? That’s pretty strange . . . 
Chapter 16
The parasites need time to reach the forehead, right? How did this all happen so fast? If the parasite is lodged in, say, the leg, it would need more time to get up, wouldn’t it?
“The infected wore an array of colors, but the clothes meant nothing to them now” (159). I’m wondering if the infected can tell other infected apart from everyone else, not by looking at the spiral on the forehead, but just with blind instinct.
“‘Aim for the heart or the head,’ . . . ‘Nothing else will stop them!’” (160). What about the throat? Also, do injuries not affect the infected at all?
They refer to this guy as “a lanky teen” then a paragraph later he’s “the lanky man” (162). Hm.
“‘Worthy! Stead! Shadow!’” (167). Worthy’s here? What happened to the Keeper?
“‘We are the Redcloaks’” (168). The Greencloaks should sue them for copyright infringement. 
Why are Nisha and Arac still on the ship? Didn’t they come aboard to Stetriol?
For some reason, I remember the fight with Nisha and Arac to be much earlier in the book and also much longer.
Chapter 17
“He spent the long hours of the stormy night trying to decide how he would recount Stetriol . . . ” (172). I kind of want Rollan and Meilin to journey to Stetriol together after this.
“ . . . then where was he?” (173). There are several battles during the first series that Zerif isn’t in, though?
“It wasn’t an ordinary raven. It was Wikerus” (175). Why did Essix attack Wikerus??? Didn’t she recognize him?
“Or had Lenori borrowed the raven to send word?” (175) But Lenori is in Nilo, and Aidana is in Amaya???
Chapter 18
“No, these whispers were like those of a king to his trusted knight” (178). This reminds me of that scene where the person that freed Gerathon saw how she controlled the wombats into helping her and convinced himself that his loyalty to her wasn’t the same. Parallels? Especially if that person was Zerif (though I don’t think it was).
“Zerif had learned in his many years . . . ” (180). How old is this guy?
The italicizing of hands every single time is getting weird. It was good the first time, but every single time??? Really???
“ . . . said Zerif to the thing beneath the world” (186). Something something, the fact that Zerif has climbed to the second story and is talking to something far beneath the ground is symbolism for the distance between them and foreshadowing of the Wyrm’s betrayal, something something. 
Final thoughts and rating:
This book was a character-building/relationship-building book for sure. There were a lot of silly moments between characters as we got to understand them better. Especially for the under-the-ground plotline, you see less plot and more character building. I think the Redcloaks were built up quite nicely and the chapters from their perspectives really make the reader wonder what their motive is, whether they were truly on the heroes’ side. I liked the less perfect side of the Greencloaks being shown: how they turned Anda away as soon as he lost Tellun. Meilin’s relationship to Kovo was completely and totally hilarious, which I enjoyed. The moment between Rollan and Abeke was very funny, as well. 
Meilin felt a little strange in this chapter, not gonna lie. She kept going back and forth between two extremes and it was incredibly inconsistent. The parasite lore is strangely inconsistent. At first, its established that the parasite will only work when it gets to the forehead, so if it’s farther, it’ll take the victim longer. But then we learn that some people succumb slower or faster??? Why’s that??? It makes no sense. I also didn’t like the underground plotline in general. I think for this entire arc, having the team split up was a terrible idea, because then we only experience two dynamics out of the six total ones. But besides that, the underground plotline was incredibly boring compared to the topside one. It’s mostly walking and talking, and while I don’t mind some character bonding and building, the entire plotline appeared to rely mostly on that. And Takoda and Xanthe, while good characters, still felt empty to me. 
Rating: 8/10
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thejellybeanboys · 2 years
“Hey y’all, have you competed in any gaming tournaments? If not, is that something you’d like to do in the future?”
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Luis: “Well you are looking at the number one champion of Fair City in all gaming tournaments.”
Codey: “...does that really count? I mean this city isn't really famous for that stuff or even gives away cash prizes. It's all exposure and not even the good kind.”
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Leroy: “True lol, I'm pretty sure most know you as the heavy breathing red hoodie kid.”
Luis: “Ugh you have a point, all the "tournaments" we have here are mostly just unofficial little competitions. I think the only ones that count is the competitive fighting game nights the college kids do... But it's so boring. I'm too good, I just win all the time.”
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Wil-Liam: “(fake gasp) C'mon what about me bro? I defeated you plenty of times before.”
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Luis: “THAT DOESN'T COUNT. You're too new to the scene and I'm pretty sure you cheat--so I'm not counting you as a worthy opponent.”
Wil-Liam: “But chu called me your rival once dude.”
Luis: “O-oh yeah I did...... HOWEVER, THAT'S IRRELEVANT NOW.”
Wil-Liam: “Damn, so I'm guessing no 1 on 1 Wordgirl fighters Z later at your place?”
Luis: “Erm...No, W-We're still doing that.” (Cheeks flush)
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Wil-Liam: “Cool.”
Jeremy: “Yeah I've noticed the lack of tournies here too. I mean Luis isn't it just tempting to go compete outside of here?”
Luis: “I don't know. My family is weary of going outside places we aren't in control of--I mean places we don't have connections to. If I ever want to travel somewhere I have to bring along the family,,, which is a nope. I'm pretty sure they would only agree for me competing outside of here if I'm on a team then they'll actually fund traveling.”
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Otty: “Oh well that solves it then. All of us can just form your gaming competition team.”
Hoagie & Jeremy : “Yeah!”
Luis: “Woah woah no we can't? Full offense but some of you are not good at competitive games or even know how to be cool in public. We can't just form a team and say we're good.”
Codey: “Why not? And ironic for you calling us socially awkward.”
Mason: “We might not all play good but that doesnt matter if you yourself can easily sweep people.”
Wil-Liam: “Yeah, If you're fam just thinks you got a team then they can fund it and boom we can have fun in the outside this city and all you have to do is carry us.”
Luis: “Hmm…….I am already good at carrying this group...um sure maybe one day we'll like form a gaming team if we're all hoping to make it as influencers together too.”
Leroy: “Nice.”
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Luis: “Heh, know that I'm thinking about it more, it actually kinda sounds fun. UM NOT SAYING THAT HANGING OUT WITH YOU GUYS IS FUN ALL THE TIME OR WHATEVER--”
Wil-Liam: “You're so cute when your in denial.”
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Luis: “Huh? What was that?”
Wil-Liam: “Just called you cute bro. What can't take a compliment?”
Codey: (“Wow, alright he's just coming out swinging”)
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Luis: “Uh....”
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safyresky · 2 years
Frostmas Year Three: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
oh my god this is the I'M TELLING MOM AND DAD chapter! I did not realize this until I decided "Man, you know what'd be a great distraction from work? A Frostms BTS!" and I am DELIGHTED to dig into this one, and HOPEFULLY resist the urge to throw it back in the doc manager and rewrite it.
Before I yell ONWARDS a quick note: I can't for the life of me figure out how tf to do levelled bulleted lists with the new post editor. I managed to conjure them the other day but when I previewed the post, it was just a bulleted list. So we'll have a bit of a new format for these next Frostms BTS posts! :)
Alrighty. ONWARDS
Jacquie's Intro
"This strange tingling feeling deep within my core…" that's magibean for ROSEHAVEN MAGIC SUSSING HER OUT :)
"are we really starting with PAIN Dani?" yes, shut up and enjoy the angst 😘
"spoilers, you know!" I am still marathoning Doctor Who at this point. We've reached River territory, 100% :)
SO YEAH, Meet the Frosts never happened in Frostmas, so now we're seeing WHY Mother Nature visiting was so important and laid the groundwork for reunions in Crystal Springs!
I guess Y3 is kinda like, the upside-down version of Meet the Frosts, lmao.
Scene 1 &2: I'M TELLING
We're one scene in and I'm already itching to go back and adjust the third person perspective so you can still clearly hear Jacqueline
initially when I started Frostmas, I was going to switch between first person and third omnipresent
but then i was like, wow, jacqueline's really fun to write as (she's a whole lot of me tbh, just with an amped up chaos meter and a shittier filter than I have)
so when you read through frostmas now, in recent chapters, if she's not there she's still narrating--this chapter desperately needs a touch up to reflect that 😅
"Grinning, Jack got an idea. A terrible, awful idea" yes this is a Grinch reference, 100% :)
"Bernard considered all of Jack's recent "brilliant" ideas: the preordered parts (ended in catastrophic toy malfunctions with several elves sustaining crazy injuries in overnight at the Elfirmiry), ordering things online (secret of Santa was apparently not a thing for Jack), and not to mention the theme music thing. They had all ended in disaster" not me dropping more hints about how this whole shebang goes :o
my GOD i need to tidy this year up. ANYWAY.
Scene 3: the twins answer the door
ha, not yet
but gosh, the TWINS, who do NOT know Jack, answering the door like "the fuck?"
we're off to a great start, huh, Jack? >:)
originally the anti-concious thing was supposed top be Pyros's cursed influence, LITERALLY PMAN, but I'm not so sure it's Pyros HIMSELF now. I think it's just like, the effect of his curse--doing everything in it's power to keep the sprite extra-frozen
my god i'm diabolical.
maybe the real villain was the writer the entire time :o
Goddess of the Springs bless Blaise. The man's patience knows no bounds. He sees his estranged son at the door, his eldest daughter ready to throw down, and his two youngest absolutely unaffected and he's like "we should talk this out I think". Love him for it.
I do love this tho bc I only recently realized that Blaise's core is HOPE. Man's so full of hope, it's no WONDER that when Jack pops in in this wonky illegal timeline, his first instinct is "okay let's chat and explain things and see if maybe we can make this work" and also "holy fuck where's my wife at this is a LOT" (not pictured)
Blaise's tell, 9/10 times, is his hair. He plays poker extinguished, as a fun fact :)
ANYWAY, enter Winter!
I was always like, hmm, maybe she wouldn't have fainted, and I've lost count of how many times I've been like "oh no. fainting isn't what would happen. can people faint bc of shock? (googles fainting) (reads up on shocks) OKAY I SUPPOSE IT WORKS.
it was a combo of humour but also a devastating blow, or it was SUPPOSED to be, bc you'd be like "wholly shit. she FAINTED? good lord, upside down meet the frosts inDEED"
Wow holy SHIT this is so short?
this chapter, that is
nothing else big was planned for this year, though, admittedly. Jack tries to reunite with the family, fails!
at least, I don't THINK anything else was planned
but Everything up to the first half of Y6 was lost in 2016 when my computer took a steep dive about. 3ish feet off of a counter top and onto the stone floor bc I tripped on the cord while grabbing the phone
ANYWAY yeah, short chapter! but now's the fun part.
If the twins was the first strike, then Blaise being a bit cold perhaps would be the second strike--leaving Winter, who is now across from Jack at the head of the table
(something something symbolism for head of house and power and such)
leaving Winter as strike three >:)
Blaise trying to reign in Jacqueline for this entire discussion is giving him greys as we read, tbh
Jacqueline: I'll spare you the long winded details, reader
Jacqueline, two years later: Here are all the long winded details, get fucked I am processing Trauma
Dani, IRL looking at the staunch difference in word count between the first half and the second half: what hell have I wrought
Jack: I've been reflecting and such!
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Writing Winter's no was so cathartic.
She is a very scary lady and we don't really see it bc she's also a Mom, and very warm and about being together and such
But she is VERY scary. Her season, her EVERYTHING can be TERRIFYING.
And to have that be turned on Jack, especially after the DoD and how she played the mediator then?
I almost flubbed up, let me tell you guys. I almost froze Jacqueline right here on the spot and then went wait, wait hold up. This is too early, let me double check my notes
do I remember what they said? no!
but the jist (gist??) of it was that this is where she gets the idea, but doesn't do it
now, older and wiser than 2015 Dani, I can tell you with certainty that this is most definitely where it starts happening. I mean, how could it not? She's tired, she's frustrated, she's been in this shitty timeline for tHREE YEARS and nobody else seems to be like 'well this seems wrong and bad'. Her brother is back but not at all like she had ever HOPED he'd be, and he's being an ASS and she's really, REALLY angry and what sprite wouldn't, when face with all of that, freeze their lil hearts?
Jacqueline, apparently, and this is b/c, SEMI SPOILER ALERT FOR Y11, Winter staves it off
Winter coming up and supporting Jacqueline, even that simple little act of saying "i love you" and hugging her, staves off (but doesn't stop) her eminent freeze.
Anyway. If your friends and loved ones are having a rough time, a little love goes a long way is all we here at SafyreSky industries have to say
Even if it is through the allegorical concept of sprites freezing (hardening) their hearts :3
Anyway, got ahead of myself bc of this flub lmao, which is obvious when you actually read the last bit KNOWING I beefed it haha
Jacqueline being like "This was only strike one" is Dani being like "SHIT I FUCKED UP AND NEED TO RESET, AH!"
But it's safe enough to say from this point on, Jacqueline's starting to freeze :o
oh and also
"Jacqueline Frost never cries" is BULLSHIT. She cries, alright. She just pretends she doesn't so she can keep up her "cool" appearance/reputation :)
but she does cry!
you heard it here folks, crying is cool 😎
Anyway. This was a FUN ONE to distract me from work! And quick! I'm going to have to tidy up Y3 at some point, it's slightly off. but it still holds up alright :)
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kampfkuchen85 · 2 years
We are enemies, right? - Part 3
Characters: Sanzu Haruchiyo, Haitani Rindo, reader
Note: english isn't my first language, so there could be mistakes. It's just a fanfic, don't take it too serious.
Warnings: none
Part 1 - previous - Part 3 - next
It's been a week since you became a part of Bonten involuntarily, not even a regular member of the gang, more like the pet of Sanzu, just here for his entertainment. Mikey didn't allow him to go on missions with you yet and you thanked Mikey for that action. It was your only free time. While he was in the headquarters or had additionally free time, he was driving you crazy. 
It was a lot different when you were in rival gangs, you thought he was cool, a funny guy, but now that you have to deal with him, it's stressful. You had never imagined that he could be such a clingy guy.
You sneaked slowly in one of the meeting rooms, closing the door as silent as possible behind you.
“Huh? What's that supposed to be?”
You winced at the sudden voice of Rindo, who looked up from his laptop when he heard the sound of the doorknob.
“Schhh….”, you laid your finger over your lips. “You haven't seen me here.”
You rushed to the corner of the room, kneeling down behind a big plant and covering yourself with the curtain. It would have been the perfect hiding spot….if you had the size of a small child, but it was better than nothing.
Rindo was sitting on the couch with a confused look, not even realizing your strange behavior when Sanzu suddenly rushed into the room.
“Yes?” Rindo answered emotionlessly.
“Have I said ‘dumbass bitch’ or why are you answering?”, he looked at him with a deadpan gaze and a raised middle finger. “Have you seen her? I've searched the whole building, but I can't find her.”
“Do I look like I care where that brat is? Maybe she's with Takeomi. Those two are getting closer and closer since she's here…..if you ask me”. 
It was Rindos favorite sideline to make his comrade jealous and insecure with such comments and Sanzu was his favorite victim for those.
“No one´s asking you, fucker!”
Sanzu was gone as quick as he came in, closing the door behind him loudly.
Rindo waited a moment till he spoke to you again. 
“I think you can come out of your stupid hiding spot. He's probably on his way to Takeomi now. I question Sanzus intelligence from time to time more. How couldn´t he see you there?”
You crawled out of the uncomfortable corner, breathing out a deep sigh.
“It’s not stupid, if it works. I´m glad that he’s dumb.”
You took a seat beneath Rindo on the couch.
“Thanks for not telling him. I owe you one.”
“Noted!” His attention was already back on the screen of the laptop. “Is it so bad?”
“It's worse!”, you groaned in annoyance. “You know him already, don´t you? Then you can imagine how it's going. He's so irritating, he always wants to touch me, not in a sexual way, but one of his hands is always on my body. My head, my neck, my thigh, my hip, it doesn't matter. I really feel like a pet.”
A short moment of silence filled the room.
“On the other hand….he's really caring. He was so soft, so careful when he patched me up the other day - you remember the day when you gave me a pretty laceration on my head? - but sometimes it's too much. When the day comes when we´re standing together in one room and he isn't touching me for five minutes, I´ll make three crosses in my calendar.”
He chuckled to your surprise, while his eyes were still fixated on the screen in front of him.
“You should be glad that he wasn't on drugs since you are here. Sanzu on drugs is the real devil. You don't want to find out. Believe me.”
You hummed in response. “Does that mean that I'm a good influence?”
“Kind of.”
“Wow. That makes me a little bit proud of myself”, you grinned. 
Rindos view was still fixed on the screen. “It's just a phase.” 
“Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden and so talkative?”, you looked at him from the side, earning a shrug of his shoulders from him.
“Maybe I'm on drugs now….or drunk?”
“No, you're not. That would look different and moreover…..I never heard you laugh before…or chuckle. You’re always so serious. When was the last time you laughed?”
Thanks to that comment, you had his attention.
“What's that supposed to mean? You shouldn't believe everything that Sanzu tells you about me. I’m a very humorous person.”
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Did you hear that correctly? Rindo? A humorous person?
“Sanzu didn't tell me anything. He thinks you are not worth talking about. Saying it with his words ‘Rindo sucks’.”
You heard a click of his tongue. He was pissed, but that’s only natural when you hear someone say things like that about you, but he was used to Sanzus stupid comments. 
“....and to be honest, I thought that too. Turned out that I was wrong, I guess. So you are that guy that needs more time to open up to someone, huh?”
“Shut up! Don't assume anything”, he grumbled.
“Oh, Rinnie!”, using that nickname on purpose. “You are such a cutie. Playing the strong guy, but having a soft spot, hm?”
You gave him a quick peck on the cheek, patting his head while you jumped up and made your way out of the meeting room, not wanting to see his feedback to your action.
“See you later, Rinnie!”
“You are both so fucking annoying”, he responded, but the door was already closed.
He sighed, before he focused back on his laptop, massaging the back of his nose with two fingers.
“She's like a second Sanzu…..but a little bit more pleasant….but still…”
Taglist: @mor-pheus @crown5
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midnightsunnyday · 4 years
Holiday dinner with the family (Black MC)
Summary: MC invites the brothers to meet their family for holiday dinner. As the day progresses, shenanigans ensue.
A/N: wrote this back during the holidays and is heavily influenced off my own familial experiences, yet exaggerated for fictional purposes. Either way, I hope you enjoy. 
Warnings: some curse language, mentions to sexual situations.
1:00 PM
Lucifer: alright, we're here. For the record, I think this is a horrible idea.
Belphegor: you've already stated the record 30 times before getting here.
Lucifer: and just like the 90 times before getting here, let's go over the rules again, shall we? 
*everyone groans*
Lucifer: say them.
Everyone except MC: no using our powers, no mentioning we're demons, no mentioning we attend RAD, no mentioning we're the literal envoys of the seven biblical sins, no mentioning our actual ages, no mentioning our real names, no mentioning the Devildom, no stealing, no maiming, no sodomy, no hypnotism, no blasphemy, no betting souls, and no eating MCs family.
Lucifer: good.
Asmodeus: I'm so excited! I can't wait to show your family how wonderful I am.
MC: just make sure that's the only thing you show them.
Asmodeus: I promise I'll be a good demon. Well, as good as a demon can be.
Satan: again, I get why we had to change our names, but do they have to be so ridiculous?
Beelzebub: I like my fake human name. It’s cool.
Satan: well, I don’t. Mine makes me sound like an old man.
Mammon: um, guys? Levi's having a panic attack.
Leviathan: *hyperventilates into a sandwich bag*
Beelzebub: Levi, I know you're nervous, but you're breathing on my sandwich.
Leviathan: I can't do this, OK? Just let me sit in the car.
MC: Levi, you'll be fine.
Leviathan: Levi will not be fine. I can see them from the window. Why does your family have so many people? No way they'll want to meet--
MC: --what did I tell you about the self-deprecation?
Leviathan: but I--
MC: --listen, remember that anime we watched together: I'm a Demon Who Fell in Love With a Human and Now I Have to Meet Their Family but Little Do They Know I Have Horrible Social Anxiety?
Satan: these titles...are oddly specific.
Leviathan: oh yeah. In the end the whole family went to Hell for the wedding and was super accepting.
MC: the point is they were nervous too, but they worked through it together just like we all are. And do you know why?
Leviathan: why?
MC: because I love you, Levi, to hell and back.
Leviathan: *blushes* Alright, I'll do it. If it's for you, I'll fight all the forces of Heaven themselves!
MC: it's dinner Levi, not Armageddon, but I love the confidence.
Lucifer: good then. Now, let's get this over with. Diavolo help us all.
1:15 PM
MC: which one of you gave my parents a $2000 bottle of wine? 
Mammon: $2000? I thought we agreed to give them gifts under $50?
Belphegor: that's right. Who’s the show off?
Lucifer: isn't it obvious? And please, they need to know that I'm the provider in this relationship.
Mammon: and what does that make the rest of us?
Lucifer: a pain in my ass.
1:35 PM
MC: great. Now my mom won't stop bragging about "my baby's boyfriend."
Asmodeus: which one?
MC: very funny. And I'm talking about “Mr. Tall, Dark, and Bougie” himself. Though I don't recall mentioning you were my partner, Lucifer.
Lucifer: why mention the obvious, love?
Mammon: don't make me gag.
2:25 PM
Satan: I don’t think your uncle cares for me much.
MC: why is that?
Satan: well, for one, he keeps referring to me as “white boy.”
MC: oh, no.
Satan: I know, right? Tell me, do I really look that pale? Granted the *whispers* Devildom doesn’t have much sun, but still. Do you think a tan would be beneficial?
MC: Satan?
Satan: yes?
MC: I love you.
3:40 PM
Lucifer: one of the smaller humans asked me if they could "hold a 20."
MC: yes, I saw. In which you gave them twenty $100 bills.
Lucifer: yes, to hold. Is that not correct?
3:53 PM
Mammon: MC why won't you let me near the spades table? I could be making a killing right now!
MC: because lives are at stake.
Mammon: wow that hurts, MC. Do you really think I'd hurt your family?
MC: no, I think my family would hurt you.
4:13 PM
Leviathan: MC. MC. EMERGENCY. All your cousins kept asking if I had games on my phone, and I was like, "Duh, of course I do." Now they've taken my phone and won't give it back!
MC: *rises from their chair and walks off*
*the sound of screaming children is heard in the distance*
MC: there you go.
Leviathan: thanks, M…ew, why is it so sticky?
5:05 PM
Asmodeus: now I know I said I’d be a “good demon,” but your aunt --
MC: --is married.
Asmodeus: oooh, so she’s a two for one deal, then?
MC: go sit in the car.
Asmodeus: but--
5:48 PM
Satan: MC, I don't appreciate your family insulting my intelligence.
MC: what are you talking about?
Satan: every time a song comes on, they keep asking, "what I know about it?" It's infuriating.
MC: we really need to have a talk about colloquialisms.
6:07 PM
Leviathan: I think Beel just killed MC’s dad.
Lucifer: WHAT?
MC: my dad isn’t dead, Levi, just winded.
Beelzebub: we were playing football.
Lucifer: out of all the games to play and you choose football?
Beelzebub: I said no, but they really wanted me on their team and well…I was having so much fun, that I forgot my own strength and threw the ball a bit too hard. I’m so sorry, MC.
MC: *pats his head* it’s OK Beel. Though it was hard explaining why you were capable of sending a man flying several feet through the air. On the plus side, no one wants to challenge you to anymore games.  
Beelzebub: that’s...probably for the best.
7:00 PM
MC: Belphie where did you go? I haven’t seen you for several hours. *sniffs his clothes* and why do you smell like that?  
Belphegor: your house was way too noisy, so me and your cousins...went for a walk.
MC: for a walk, huh?
Belphegor: *shoves a handful of Doritos into his mouth* yep.
MC: …
Belphegor: …
MC: you’re high aren’t you?
Belphegor: I will neither confirm nor deny it.
7:35 PM
Lucifer: are…are we praying?
MC: oh yeah, sorry. We always pray over the food before we eat. Don’t worry, it won’t take long
*three minutes pass*
Mammon: is it over yet?
Lucifer: *whispers* Beel, calm yourself.
Beelzebub: *shirt wet with drool* I’m trying!
*five minutes pass*
“And father god, we humbly ask that you protect everyone at this table from Satan and all his machinations, both physical and spiritual. May no evils prosper against them.”
Lucifer: yes, Lord.
Satan: *glares *
Lucifer: what? I was simply agreeing with said affirmation.
7:42 PM
“In Jesus name we pray, Amen.”
Everyone: Amen.
Beelzebub: finally. We can eat.
Belphegor: an eight minute long prayer? Even Jesus would tune out.
Satan: they rebuked me so much during that I think I felt my skin burn a little.
MC: Beel, save some for everyone else, please.
7:55 PM
“I see you have a lot of men around you these days, MC.”
MC: they’re my friends.  
“Funny that you have all these friends, yet not one of them is your husband.”
MC: *sips drink* I’m sure you would know a lot about having no husbands, considering you’re going through your third divorce.
Mammon: *chokes on his food *
Asmodeus: I love this family.
8:05 PM
“So what did you all say you do again?”
Lucifer: Student affairs
Mammon: Entrepreneur
Leviathan: Digital media
Satan: English Literature Professor
Asmodeus: Image consultant
Beelzebub: Personal trainer
Belphegor: Mortician
MC: …
Belphegor: *smiles*
8:55 PM
Belphegor: wait, we’re praying again? But we’re leaving.
Lucifer: at this point we’re so blessed we could qualify for sainthood.
Mammon: hang in there, bro.
Satan: I think I feel a few blisters forming.
11:35 PM
Lucifer: well, that could have gone worse.
MC: see? Everything worked out.
Lucifer: other than a few mishaps, this evening turned out to be quite pleasant.
Asmodeus: right? I had so much fun with your family, MC.
Beelzebub: I think soul food is my favorite kind of food.
Satan: do you think we made a good impression?
MC: I’ve gotten nothing but notifications since we left. Everyone wants to know when I plan to bring back… *sighs* “my rich boyfriend and his brothers.”
Mammon: I resent that first part.
Lucifer: the part where I’m rich or the part where I’m their boyfriend?
Mammon: BOTH.
MC: you guys know you’re all my family, right? So just know you’re in this for the long haul. No backing out.
Lucifer: *smiles* as if we ever planned to.
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mde1011 · 3 years
when i got into the dsmp i started a note and wrote down any quotes or moments i thought were funny, and im bored at 3 am so enjoy some of them
how is being arrested real? just walk away!!!”
⁃ “once an american always an american. go...go protests masks...or something”
⁃ “...yEAH BUT DID YOU HAVE WAP” “what’s...whats wap?” “...WORSHIP AND PRAYER”
⁃ “i’m naked” “...no you’re not” “i can be...”
⁃ “uhhhh i’m in a high stress situation....i deal with these poorly”
⁃ “i should go first i’m naked”
⁃ “what are you going to do?” “i...have no idea i think i’m gonna start out by punching a tree”
⁃ “tOmmy...did i just hear you say shit ass looking mofo?”
⁃ “i aM gOinG to gEt nAkeD to iNtiMidAtE HiM”
- “...i want freedom !” “you want BALLS.”
⁃ “...down the line. yeah that’s where we discover the art of cannibalism” “oh it’s an art?” “it’s an art”
⁃ “oh there’s some logs here. wonder what they’re saying to me. uh huh. uh huh. oh yeah that’s very racist” “tommy you gotta burn those logs.” “burn ‘em before they spread their racism to other logs”
⁃ “are you pooing?” “*whisper* i’m charging up-““ “he’s ejaculating on the tent.” “he’s WHAT?”
⁃ “he’s sPEEDING. LOOK HOW FAST HES GOING” “i’ve taken so many drugs. someone tell badboyhalo”
⁃ “we should make a pact. and that pact is, uh, we make a book...and in that book...we declare that saying ‘muffin’ is a, is a slur”
⁃ “i was thinking what if one day your bladder just,,,,stopped working.....AGGGFFFFF i was tHINKING ABOUT THAT THE OTHER DAY IVE GOT TO PREPARE IVE GOT YO PREPARE thisiswhydiapersaintthatbad”
⁃ <sapnap> i think i was ordered to um
<tommyinnit> boobed
<sapnap> kill you
<tommyinnit> boobs
<sapnap> if this happens
<tommyinnit> think about boobs man
<sapnap> tsk tsk tommy
<tommyinnit> iM DISGRUNTLED
⁃ “why is this deadman so good at making drugs”
⁃ “i just learnt that a girl hero is called a heroine and it freaked me out”
⁃ “memento memento me-“ “that’s actually the worst word i know so you can’t keep saying that” “oh, really.....? have you ever heard the term ‘racist’?”
⁃ “the person who invented the phrase ‘be yourself’ hadn’t met you!”
⁃ “you seem like the type of guy whose dad would throw him overboard as a joke but he would just drown”
⁃ “shout out to dream for twerking!”
⁃ “let’s talk......let’s talk about sex” “wonderful. what do you think about sex, lazarbeam?” “i ain’t saying SHIT in front of a sixteen year old”
⁃ “what the- i think i’m seeing things” “....tommy i told you not to drink the sea water” “well i DID drink the sea water because it TOLD ME TO”
⁃ “it’s like the movie when that guy gets stranded on an island and has sex with a coconut” “whAT?? dream- dream, you vastly misinterpreted this” “it one hundred percent does”
⁃ “oh mastICATE.....isn’t that when a fish turns inside out?”
⁃ “what are some bad words YOU know, clay?” “i don’t-“ “what about ‘terrorist’?”
⁃ “my mind has to be on the same frequency as jesus when he walked on water”
⁃ “you wanna know why i was late?” “no i really do-“ “i was having a MASSIVE poo. really just a HUGE poo”
⁃ “i love america. mmmmm patriotism
⁃ “please stop taking the cock”
⁃ “two four six eight who do we appreciate? not the government let’s gooooooo”
⁃ “yeahhhhh bitch i stab- i don’t stab women-“ “woooooooah tommy you stab women?” “heyyyy sapnap”
⁃ “do you know what happens whne you reach the top of the ladder? there’s only one place to go.” “.....side to side😨” “down.” “...i really thought you were gonna say side to side🥺”
⁃ “one last time.” “just like in hamilton😓”
⁃ “you don’t know how many times i’ve mistaken trees for hot women”
⁃ “ i don’t feel better i just destroyed penis”
⁃ “i’ve never seen a snail with bad morals”
⁃ “awwwwwwww😢 i’m doin’ drugs🤧 just like the good ol’ days😓” “.....define the ‘good old days’” “back when i did drugs”
⁃ “have you ever fought a baby? i have and it was trivially easy to defeat, phil.”
⁃ “the only other i egg i know about was the one i learnt about in school....not allowed to say which one....”
⁃ “did you know one of my new years resolutions is to be more like 2010 justin bieber?”
⁃ “apparently cats don’t lay eggs”
⁃ “thinking about trees- if i saw a tree with a beard mmmmmm...holy shit id hit it”
⁃ “we’re in hell dude. science doesn’t matter here”
⁃ “i cant die i cant die i’m GOD”
⁃ “hey pig your letter is the same as pussy, hmm?”
⁃ “are we cool are we COOL guys? CRYSTAL COOL like CRYSTAL METH”
⁃ “he- he’s crying because - because i killed his mother isn’t that right? mother dearest mother deadest mother gonest”
⁃ “bro ive been drinking since i was six and let me tell you...it’s not good to be drinking that young. led to some poor life decisions when i was 8” “what did you do” “i cant say” “...who did you hurt” “....only myself”
⁃ “je suis” “ay i know what that mean you prick” “what does it mean” “it means you’re racist dickhead”
⁃ “i’d never poo in the presence of a women- which is why i’m scared to get a girlfriend i think i’d just explode”
⁃ “biff tannen is one of my idols”
⁃ “black widow died and i thought ‘wow it should’ve been the man’ because he’s a man”
⁃ “there’s a character called captain america and i think he’s stupid”
⁃ “sam....what’s the longest you’ve ever wiped your arse? for me it’s 48 minutes”
⁃ “why are you standing in the shitter?” “....that’s a SINK” “uhhh welllll” “hAVE YOU SHAT IN THE SINK?????”
⁃ “you’re like a living ghost” “...i think that’s called a human, tubbo”
⁃ “maybe i accidentally kill ranboo and we just never see him again *laughs* ay? and then i go ‘april foooools!!!’ and then i kill their child. i kill him”
⁃ “you built a penis” “it’s a PENIS OF SAFETY”
⁃ “i saw the penis of safety and i pressed mouse button four my friend”
⁃ “the penis on the other side of the river is larger” “ive heard that before....”
⁃ “you’ve turned the penis into a wall” “a wall of safety is better than a penis of safety” “i think the penis was better”
⁃ “if you wanna make a penis i know where we can make a penis and i know how big we can make it”
⁃ “i don’t conceptualize death but i think i just saw it!”
⁃ “yeah i- yeah i know i’m- my first impression on eret was making him read a shrek fan fiction so- i’m not one for first impressions”
⁃ “i-i’m scared for him- i’m scared OF him. yknow the first thing he did when he saw me was imMEDIATELY strip down then jump off then immediately die?”
⁃ “where are you?” “getting stabbed, one second”
⁃ “you’ve seen the joker?” “yea-“ “i resonate a lot with that man” “...oH. oh. that’s- that’s not-“
⁃ “he bURNT DOWN MY HOUSE” “out of LOVE”
⁃ “ohhhh my god stop making me play with the neighbor kid” “o-okay if you don’t go play with him i’m kicking you out of the house-“ “wHAT THE FUCK???”
⁃ “there’s a STRIP CLUB” “oh yeah for wood!” “are you into strippers?” “i mean all it does is make the wood look different so....yeah it doesn’t really do much”
⁃ “no no we have categories, we have the poo-saster- you might have to take a shower after-“ “no, no i’m gonna stop you right there”
⁃ “as i was saying you can have a 1-to-3 wiper, that’s an A-tier poo, my friend”
⁃ “i want you to eat your sock”
⁃ “you know i’m a child- i’m a minor” “sO AM I DICKHEAD”
⁃ “everyone is calling you dresus” “yeah i am”
⁃ “ayyyy ayyyy los DROGAS LOS DROGAS” “no no big q- she’s thirteen- how does this happen with every 13 year old girl you meet?”
⁃ “my poo has muscles like i do”
⁃ “i cant hear the words among us without crying they’ll say there are aliens among us and in the back youll just hear me *choking noises*”
⁃ “tubbo...tubbo is like...tubbo is like mary” “.....did you just call me the Virgin Mary?”
⁃ “i’m just saying, have you ever seen me and jesus in the same room?”
⁃ “do you smoke sam” “all the time”
⁃ “i thought you were talking about the- the speeeeed drug”
⁃ “have you ever sold drugs to kids sam?” “......no”
⁃ “we can’t let the girlboss rule because she will gatekeepe my feelings” “that would not be good”
⁃ “you have obviously taken part in scientology-“ “i have not-“ “you’ve donated to tom cruises cult shit”
⁃ “....am i worse than david dobrik?” “are- are we worse than david dobrik?” “oh- oh god”
⁃ “he has broke one of the rules of the hit best seller ‘the bible’- this kind of looks like a cock”
⁃ “well i’ve moved now, KING”
⁃ “what is an angsty teen and am i one? because when i USED to hang out with my friends they use the word angst a lot”
⁃ “yeah yeah yeah i bench”
⁃ “sam i think i’m angsty i think i’m an angsty tik tok teen looking for a community to help me out”
⁃ “i don’t think you’ve followed the train of logic all the way-“ “there’s a TRAIN INVOLVED????????”
⁃ “i’m like the orange fucker from that animated rom com”
⁃ “i’m under the influence of big cock”
⁃ “it’s meeee big cock man”
⁃ “i cant look away” “sam please use your twitter alt for this” “he’s horny on maaaainnnnn” “and what’s wrong with that?” “.......”
⁃ “i’m gonna call you ‘cockity’ big cock” “sHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP-“
⁃ “at least this guy doesn’t have a cock-“ “itS NOT A COCK” “horny on main jesus-“
⁃ “is that a cock” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
⁃ “.....i wanna see the inside of it again do a split”
⁃ “okay sam-“ “tommy that guy wants your cock-“ “no- no he doesn’t sam”
⁃ “sam, sam and i need you to hear this....dont. act. up.” “i don’t act up-“ “you were acting up-“ “i-“ “you were caught in 8k.” “but- but we both agree it’s not a tie-“
⁃ “please don’t tell me to kill cockity i am overwhelmed”
⁃ “why is there an anus in my tie?”
⁃ “what are the legal implications of this?” “...i mean besides hell you’re good”
⁃ “whatre the legal implications?” “i mean usually that’s a no-no but today, today it’s fine” “yeahhh lets go murder his family”
⁃ “i’d be an antivax landlord”
⁃ “jesus never does drugs” “well- well you turned water into wine king and wine is alcohol”
⁃ “can you put on pants i can’t- i cant stop looking at it- sorry tommy i know you said-“ “yeah sam i know you tried-“
⁃ “you know i fuck with satan”
⁃ “i’m sorry jesus lucifer is just such a good man-“ “oh you- hold me BACK FROM THIS FUCKER HOLD ME BACK ILL SEND HIM TO HELL YOU LIKE HELL-“
⁃ “are you jesus or just a man who grew a beard and put on a suit?”
⁃ “even the guy with his cock out is telling you to stop-“ “oh jesus, and i mean jesus-“ “shUT THE FUCK UP MAN”
⁃ “the best best way to slander him is to stop his offspring; we need to kick him the balls.....no? not a good....? alright us four each take a ball-“
⁃ “......why did jesus give him four scrotums man🙁🙁”
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illumiru · 3 years
hi cami!! based on literally everything because you have good taste I was wondering if u had any fic recs?? I am in like a good fic desert and if u have any good reads would love to read them! thank u!!
Thanks!! I have to be honest that I don't read a lot of dc fics lately bc a lot of what's posted on AO3 doesn't appeal to me tbh. But I do have some favorites that live rent-free in my head. I hope you enjoy!
baby, it's a sign of the times by danishsweethearts
Dick Grayson has a pretty bad day, but hey, he's coping.
let your love grow tall by danishsweethearts
In a move endearingly predictable and highly amusing, Dick Grayson buys a bunch of plants and proceeds to pack bond with all of them.
cold was the night and hard was the ground by danishsweethearts
Laundromats are save points.
i've been longing for silence by danishsweethearts
The Titans are Dick's family. Damian is also Dick's family. Cue the collision.
un haeng il chi by danishsweethearts
un haeng il chi (언행일치) | yán xíng yī zhì (言行一致) idiom 1. word and actions coincide; to live up to one's word 2. to match words with deeds 3. practice what you preach
The Cassandra Wayne guide to truth-telling, manifestation and prosperity.
big d stands for big (demon)or by danishsweethearts
The one where Titans Tower is haunted, and Dick Grayson, Boy Wonder, original Robin, one and only Nightwing, esteemed leader, part-time exorcist, un-haunts it.
young volcanoes by dottie_wan_kenobi
You should join the Justice League, Dick says when he’s ten years old and hopeful. No, Bruce says. You should join the Justice League, Dick says when he’s fourteen and realistic. No, Bruce says. I’m going to join the Justice League, Dick says when he’s seventeen and furious. No, Bruce says. No, you are not.
Dick is nineteen now. And he’s not joining the Justice League—he’s joining the Titans.
the last of the real ones by dottie_wan_kenobi
Gar is like a blessing. He doesn’t seem to notice the shiny parts of Vic, not until it really counts—when there’s wires sticking out, something shoved through Vic like it was nothing, when he’s in danger. And even then, he treats them like any other part of the body, like a wound is a wound and it doesn’t matter that it’s not flesh, but technology.
When he asks, Gar tells him about Cliff Steele, and shrugs like it’s nothing. “I’m just used to robot guys, I guess,” he says, flippant like he’s not the first person Vic has met who didn’t recoil at the sight of him.
Vic manages a laugh, his eye—his real eye, his human eye—stinging.
if you just call me by BeatriceEagle
“Dick.” She squeezed his shoulder. “Dick, look at me.”
Slowly, as if he were pushing against a terrible force, he lifted his head.
“I have known you since I was thirteen years old, and I have known you in a dozen other lifetimes, so I need you to believe me when I say that there is nothing you could do that would make me stop loving you.”
Dick held her gaze. He looked like he was searching for something in her eyes, so Donna held still and hoped he found it.
“Did you really know me in other lives?” he asked.
Dick and Donna, after the action, through the years.
once upon a time... by Mayarene Rose (DickRoy)
The announcement is the talk of the kingdom. Men on horses, coming from the capital itself, shout it to every corner of the land to make sure everyone hears.
There will be a three-day festival held in honor of the crown prince’s name day!
So of course, no one can shut up about it and everyone’s making plans to make their way to the capital, one way or another.
Gotham, after all, isn’t known for its decadence. Celebrations from the capital are few and far in between. But, it’s also well known that the king absolutely dotes on his children. The has the makings of being the biggest feast anyone has seen in their lifetime.
“Huh,” Roy says. He’s in a farming village when he hears, about five days ride from the capital if he had a horse, which he does not.
Or the one where Roy is a knight errant, Dick is the crown prince, and there is a three-day celebration.
Dr. Wilson, Will I Ever Play the Violin Again? by HoodEx (DickJoey)
1 Missed Call 1:12 PM TUES 9 MAY Frank Hardy
A fond smile spreads over his face. He remembers Dick writing that as his own contact name in Joey's communicator the first time he and Joey exchanged numbers. Joey knows it's an action influenced by paranoia rather than something meant as an inside joke between friends, but he likes to think of it as a mixture of both.
"Who are you mooning over?"
Lissa crosses her arms over her chest and cuts across the room to get closer to him. Joey tries not to instinctually jerk his communicator closer to his chest as she peers down at it with a curious glint in her eye.
"Frank Hardy," Joey spells out with his fingers. "He's a friend of mine."
Her brow furrows. "Frank? Have I met him?"
Joey shakes his head.
"What do you think he was calling for?"
Hopefully not to tell me that the world is on its way to ending, Joey thinks, worrying at his lip.
"Not sure," Joey signs. His thumb hovers over the call-back button. "I guess I'm about to find out."
Red Letter Day by silverwhittlingknife
Dick Grayson, stressed pseudo-parent to a preteen assassin, tries to solve the case of Damian’s Mysterious Wednesday.
He never expected it to help him fix his relationship with Tim, too.
(... Though only after everything fell apart first.)
Eventual fix-it for Dick & Tim’s Red Robin fight, but other rocky relationships - Dick & Jason, Tim & Damian, Damian & Bruce, Dick & Bruce - wow, this family is dysfunctional - might improve too. Eventually. They just have to, y’know, work through All of Their Issues first. XD
Two of Six by silverwhittlingknife
There’s nothing special about this kid, no reason to remember him. But Dick remembers. Because of the photo.
Dick and Tim’s pre-nu52 relationship, from the beginning all the way to the end.
or: how Dick acquired a stalker, attempted to make him go away, and failed so badly that he acquired a brother instead.
(So far: missing scenes from childhood, Lonely Place of Dying, Knightfall, and Knightsend. Current arc: Prodigal.)
In the Palm of Your Hand by lapsedpacifist
Dick was forced into becoming a host for an entity of unknown strength, unknown motive, and unknown reach. The only thing he did know? It needed him alive.
Neurodegenerative series by lapsedpacifist
The general premise: Bruce has completely forgotten about Dick, and Dick only. Now tension is high between them and the rest of the family as they attempt to resolve the memory problem -- while drawing battlelines and realising that Dick had always been much more than a brother to them all.
the primacy of personal conscience by birdsofthesoul
"WHAT MAKES IAGO EVIL? some people ask. I never ask."
— Joan Didion, Play It as It Lays
Or: Dick, his family, and the moral morass of a wishing well.
This is all I could think of at the moment! I'll add more once I read the ones I encountered while I made this list. Enjoy!!
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jumukus · 3 years
A3! Translation: Tasuku Takato’s SSR [Straddle a Noble Steed] - Alpha Horseback Archery
Tasuku, Muku, Citron and Izumi joined a horseback archery trial thanks to the tickets Citron received from the neighborhood association.
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Citron: Listen up, guys! I've got something good from the neighborhood association.
Izumi: Something good?
Muku: What is it, Citron-sama?
Citron: Book at this, everybody!
Itaru: You mean, "Look at this"?
Citron: Ta-dah! Four tickets to the horseback archery trial!
Izumi: Horseback archery!? You mean, the one where you ride a horse and shoot a bow?
Banri: Never knew there's a trial for that.
Citron: I'll be going on next weekend. Raise your hand if you can join!
Muku: Can I tag along? I want to try horseback archery!
Citron: I knew you'd say that, Muku! It's decided, then~.
Muku: Thank you! I hope I can hit the target with style.
Izumi: I'm sure you can, Muku-kun. You're good at horseback riding, after all.
Muku: Ehehe. I had fun riding a horse back then!
Itaru: I'll pass. I can already tell I'm going to fall from the horse.
Citron: I knew you'd say that, Itaru! It's decided, then~.
Itaru: How about you, Banri? I have a feeling you'll be good at it.
Banri: Haha, yeah, I probably can do it if I try but I have plans next weekend.
Citron: Oh, that's too bad! I wanted to see you doing horseback archery~.
Muku: Same here! Since I'm sure you will look cool doing that, I want to see it!
Izumi: There's nothing we can do since he has plans on that day. Such a shame, though, indeed.
Itaru: Not you all going, "Oh, that's too bad," when Banri could not join but said nothing when it was me. LOL.
Citron: How about you, Director?
Izumi: Huh? Me? I don't have any plans on that day…
Citron: You should join us, then! We have three people with this!
Izumi: What? I'm not really confident I can do it…
*door opens*
Tasuku: I'm home. What are you talking about?
Citron: Oh! To think you're back at this time, this must be good riddance!
Itaru: You mean, "God's guidance"?
Citron: Tasuku! Join us in horseback archery next weekend!
Tasuku: Horseback archery? I don't understand what you're talking about...
Banri: Citron got tickets to a horseback archery trial from the neighborhood association.
Muku: Since he has four tickets, including Citron-sama, Director-san and I will be joining…
Citron: The last ticket belongs to you, Tasuku!
Tasuku: Well, I don't mind. I don't have plans on that day, anyway. You'll be going too, right, Director?
Izumi: Looks like it…
Citron: In that case, the four of us will be going! I'm looking forward to it!
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Citron: It's finally the day of the horseback archery trial! I'm so exited!
Muku: Me too!
Tasuku: I've already checked in at the reception. Go change your clothes at the building over there and gather here again.
Izumi: Women's dressing room is over there so let's meet up here again once we're done changing!
Tasuku: Okay.
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Izumi: Wow! You all look good in that attire!
Tasuku: Do you think so? Well, that's great to hear…
The person in charge seemed to be having a hard time putting these clothes on me.
Izumi: You're tall, after all, Tasuku-san.
Citron: Oh, horseback archery attire is so cool! This is so exciting!
Muku: You also look great in that attire, Director!
Izumi: Thanks. I'm a lil bit nervous since I'm not really used to wearing traditional clothes.
Muku: Because Tasuku-san wore traditional clothes several times for plays before, you're somehow giving off this dignified vibes in that!
Citron: You look really, really confident!
Tasuku: Thanks. This time I'm wearing a Hakama, though. It's different from the ones I wore in "Die by the Sword" and "Hotel Compass".
It's a little bit hard to move around in this, but it's not like I can do something about it.
Person in charge: Everyone, we are going to start the trial now so please gather here.
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Teacher: We are going to start with a horseback riding lesson. Get used to the horse you're riding today while trekking.
Izumi: Put your left foot here…okay.
Muku: What a calm and good kid. There, there.
Citron: I want to run fast! It reminds me of the long ride I took with Pochi back home!
Tasuku: You have a great posture, Citron. It makes sense since you're used to riding a horse.
Muku: The same goes for you, Tasuku-san! You look like a real samurai.
Izumi: I couldn't agree more. It's more impactful since you're wearing traditional attire now.
Teacher: Everyone in this group is talented. Are you all already used to riding horses?
Especially you. That's very impressive of you to sit up straight like that.
Tasuku: Are you referring to me?
Citron: Look at you, Tasuku! The teacher is praising you.
Muku: That's to be expected. Tasuku-san's posture is already good from the start. I think it also has something to do with your strong muscles.
Tasuku: I guess my years of experience on the stage has influenced me in some way. It has become a habit to straighten myself up.
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Person in charge: Next, we're going to practice shooting a bow on the ground. This session will be split in two parts with lunch break in between.
Izumi: Whoa…! I never knew bows are quite heavy…!
Tasuku: It's pretty big in size, too. It's taller than me.
Muku: I heard Japanese-style bow is larger than the western-style one, and it can make your arrows fly farther.
Citron: It'll be hard to shoot while riding a horse!
Tasuku: Oh. I hit it.
Izumi: No way. You already hit the mark!?
Tasuku: You can say it's luck, I guess.
Citron: That's still great, though!
Muku: You're so talented, Tasuku-san! I have to do my best too!
Citron: Me too! I won't lose to you~.
Izumi: (Hehe. They seem to be having fun. I have to do my best to hit the mark as well!)
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Tasuku: It's finally time. I hope we can do well, just like how we did during practice.
Citron: Tasuku, you also got praised for your archery skill, right!
Muku: While we didn't actually ride the horse during practice, you were still impressive for being able to hit the mark most of the time!
Izumi: Not only hitting the target, but quickly fitting the arrow to the bow is also difficult.
Teacher: We are going to move on to the actual horseback archery now. Try to aim for the mark over there. No need to rush.
Tasuku: No need to rush… Like this?
Muku: Y-You hit it!
Izumi: You hit it again!
Citron: Oh, would you look at that! He hit the center spots!
Teacher: It's so rare for participants to be able to do that. I don't usually let beginners do this, but… can you try running?
Tasuku: Is it really okay?
Teacher: Yes. I have a feeling you can do it.
Tasuku: I'll give it a try, then.
Muku: Whoa…! Running through with a horse while shooting an arrow… It feels like we're in a real battle!
Citron: This is true horseback archery!
Izumi: Do your best, Tasuku-san!
Tasuku: Thanks.
Teacher: It's a hit! Well done!
Participant A: Who is that man? He's so amazing!
Participant B: He's so good!
Participant C: So hot…!
Tasuku: ...phew.
Izumi: Great job, Tasuku-san!
CHOICE 1: That was flawless
Izumi: You hit the mark flawlessly despite running so fast like that.
Tasuku: It's actually quite the opposite. I did worse than I expected.
I could have run faster, and I could have done a better job at fixing the arrow to the bow.
Izumi: Really!? It was perfect in my eyes.
Tasuku: For me, I can't say I have shown the result of my practice enough.
Izumi: (He's really stoic…!)
CHOICE 2: It was as if I traveled back to the past.
Izumi: Seeing you shooting a bow in that attire made me feel like I traveled back to the past.
Tasuku: In that case, I might have done a better job at that if we were doing an etude set in Kamakura.
Like, let's say, while I'm on the run after kidnapping you, the daughter of the Lord… I will shoot my bow at the pursuers.
Izumi: That's a great plot!
Tasuku: ...On second thought, seeing you in that getup, I think it's more fitting to have you as a tomboy princess who ran away with me.
Izumi: A tomboy princess… But I'll go all out if it's for etude!
Tasuku: Haha. How reliable of you.
Muku: You were totally impressive, Tasuku-san!
Citron: I made the right choice inviting you here!
Tasuku: I had fun joining this trial as well. Thank you.
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Muku: Today was so fun!
Tasuku: I would never try doing horseback archery if I didn't have an opportunity like this. I learned a lot.
Citron: I should offer my gratitude to the neighborhood association after this!
Izumi: Have you seen the photo we took in this attire? It came out great. See?
Muku: You're right! I want to show it to the others in the dorm.
Tasuku: Then, let's get go--.
Teacher: Hey, wait up!
Tasuku: Yes?
Teacher: Thank goodness. You're still here. I actually have a request for you.
Tasuku: What is it?
Teacher: Do you… want to try aiming for the top in horseback archery!?
Troupe Members: Come again!?
Teacher: I'm sure you can be Japan's top horseback archery athlete! Please join my team.
Tasuku: I don't think I can do that. I'm an actor.
Teacher: In that case, can you at least join the next tournament…!?
Tasuku: Even if you say that…
Teacher: Oh, right! There's an annual event called "Horseback Archery Festival".
If it's alright with you, can you take part as a guest at that event?
Tasuku: Well, I don't mind appearing as a guest…
Teacher: Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to your appearance.
Izumi: (Being invited as a guest despite being an amateur… Tasuku-san, you're way too awesome…)
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anxiousstark · 4 years
S1 06 | Co-Captain
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 2091
Warnings: Mentions drugs, child abuse, swearing (always).
A/N: I’m sorry but this is a filler chapter, an IMPORTANT one. Y/N’s past start coming back, her mom’s story is quite significant, and the mention of his dad. NEXT WEEK WE FINISH SEASON 1! THINGS START GETTING FCKING INTERESTING!
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Scott had told us last night what happened to him. Peter and Derek had gone to the changing rooms, searching for him. Peter had shown him what happened to the Hale family. It was a truly sad story. Stiles told him what happened in the hospital, including what I did. But he hadn't told him that while Peter was showing him his past, I was shaking in Stiles's bedroom while he searched what creature I could be.
"What's up?" Stiles stopped the jeep next to Jackson and his car. He was accompanied by Chris Argent, someone who looked like an asshole. He was.
"Is everything okay?"
"Hey, Scott. Your friend, here, was having car trouble. We're just taking a look." He replied with a smile on his face. His blue eyes weren't warm, they were cold, transmitting uneasiness.
"There's a shop right down the street. I'm sure they have a tow truck." Scott pointed down the street. I just silently sat on the back of the jeep, observing Chris.
"Yeah. You want a ride?" Scott opened the door while Chris turned his face to look at Jackson. "Hey, come on, Jackson. You're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself." Jackson started walking towards us, and Scott came out of the car to let him in.
"Hey, boys." He turned the engine of the car on, it was working. "Told you I knew a few things about cars." Then, he went back to his car, driving away.
"What, are you following me, now?" Stiles got out of the car while I decided to stay inside, rolling the window down so I could hear them better.
"Yes, you stupid freaking idiot. You almost gave away everything, right there." Scott started screaming. Seems like his 'anger issues' were still there.
"What are you talking about?"
"He thinks you're the second beta."
"He thinks you're me!" Scott grunted, punching Stiles's jeep. Uh oh, he touched his baby.
"Dude, my jeep."
Scott ignored his best friend and continued speaking his mind to Jackson. "I can hear your heart beating from a mile away, literally! Now he thinks that there's something wrong, and now I have to keep an eye on you so he doesn't kill you too!"
He turned to the jeep again, to hit it. But Stiles stopped him. "Okay, how about we step away from Stiles's Jeep?"
"This is your problem, not mine, okay? I didn't say anything, which means you're the one that's gonna get me killed. Okay, this is your fault." Jackson couldn't control his temper, pushing Scott against the jeep, making it tumble a little. I decided to go out, standing next to the owner of the said jeep.
"Can we stop hitting my jeep?" Scott pushed Jackson away from him. "Yo, all right, yo, guys, stop. All right?"
"When they come after you, I won't be able to protect you." His gaze landed on his best friend. "I can't protect anyone."
"Why are you looking at me?" I put my hand on his back, rubbing it to help him calm down. He had concluded that Scott couldn't protect him if he didn't have the power.
"You know, now you have to do it. Get me what I want, and I will be fine protecting myself."
"No, you won't! Just trust me. All it does is make things worse." His eyes were desperate, but Jackson didn't seem to care. "Yeah, I can run really fast now. Except half the time, I'm running away from people trying to kill me! And I can hear things like - like my girlfriend telling people that she doesn't trust me anymore right before breaking up with me. I'm not lying to you! It ruins your life."
"It ruined your life." He smiled wickedly. "You had all the power in the world, and you didn't know what to do with it. You know what it's actually like? It's like you turned 16, and someone bought you a Porsche when they should have started you out with a nice little Honda. Me? I drive a Porsche." He turned around, determined to go back to his so-loved car.
"You aren't a werewolf." I decided to speak for the first time that day. Jackson stopped on his track. "You are something. I don't know what, but you are something." I choked, it was Stiles's turn to rub my back. I wasn't human anymore, and I hadn't had enough time to sit down and talk about it with someone. "And I am too." I stepped in front of the other two boys. "You were there that night." I simpered. "Do you remember that day at school? You asked me if my wound was hurting, you told me you felt different, that you weren't the same Jackson anymore." He turned around to look at me, jaw clenched. "I told you that all that was because you were a teenager. The changes a teenager goes through, you know?"
"Are you done?" He interrupted. "Don't wanna be here anymore."
"I lied." His attention was back on me again. "I lied, Jackson. I could smell you. And you smelled like the dead." He got into the car, driving away.
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Stiles grabbed the milk from the fridge, deciding to take it with himself to his room, until he saw his dad sitting on a table, documents all over it. "Whatcha doing?"
"Anything I can help with?"
"You know, if you poured me an ounce of whiskey, that would be awfully nice." He didn't have to think it twice, grabbing a glass and the bottle of whiskey.
"Any leads?" Stiles was going to grab a document when his father slapped his hand away. "Wait. Before we get into that topic. Did you know that Melissa was going to bring Y/N?" He bit his lower lip.
Sheriff Stilinski nodded, drinking his alcohol. "An old workmate had that case. The case of Y/N McCall." Stiles waited for his father to go on. "As you know, Scott grew up without his father but seems like that man wasn't in her life neither. She only saw him a couple of times for what I know." He wrote down some information about Derek Hale. "Her mother was a disaster. My friend carried that case. He freed her from jail one time."
"Jail?" Stiles drank milk again.
"Drugs. An entire criminal record related to drugs; driving under the influence, getting into fights while high..." He coughed. "Then," Noah Stilisnki gazed at his son for the first time that night, ignoring the paper works that were on top of the table. "Child abuse." Stiles dropped the bottle, thankfully it was empty. "Y/N went to court with bruises a couple of times, nothing more than that. But still, abuse."
"Didn't they took her away? What are social services for? Didn't they protect her?" His eyebrows furrowed while he glanced at his dad, who was now looking at the documents on the table.
"They called Y/N's father to court, hoping he would take responsibility for his daughter like any father would do." Stiles's mouth was agape. "But he didn't. The judge decided that the environment wasn't the best one for a child. But, still gave an opportunity to her with the condition of going to rehab."
"Did she?" The teen asked, immersed in the story.
"No, she left Y/N on the front door of one of her friends, who was also into drugs in the past. However, that friend was clean."
"She said her mother died."
"She did." Noah stared at his son. "In jail. She died in jail. She...uhm, ended her life." Stiles was shocked. He had to talk to Scott. She wasn't there to make Scott mad, she was there because she had nobody.
"Why did she end up in jail?"
Noah shook his head. "She was on drugs, and...Uhm, she murdered someone. Then, she took her own life in jail."
Stiles could feel his heart beating loudly. He couldn't imagine how she felt.
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Someone knocked on the door, and I came out of my room to see Melissa all dressed up. "Hey." She grinned at me, eyes shining with happiness. "You look beautiful." I offered her a grin, she thanked me, looking back at Scott.
"Scott! Get the door. Scott! For the love of God, please! Hey. What are you doing? Aren't you gonna invite him in?" She was like a teenager on her first date. Not surprised if we remember that she once was married to the man who put his dick on the woman that I should call mom.
I walked down the stairs when I heard Scott talking to her mom's date. He must feel strange, but I was curious to know who he was.
"I'm ready, I'm ready. Sorry again." It was Peter. Peter Hale.
"Yes? Sweetheart?" She was grabbing Peter's arm. I could tell she wanted to go out with him, and have a delightful night. But we all knew why Peter Hale was here. It wasn't because he had fallen in love with Melissa, or because he wanted to get to know her better. It was because of Scott and me.
"Have a good time." The door closed in our faces. "Don't say it."
I did anyway. "Are you going to let your mom go on a date with that demented psychopath?"
"Look, he told me that if I said something-" He sighed. "And what do I tell her? That her son is a teen werewolf, and that dude is-" He had difficulties breathing. "And Allison is upstairs-"
"Scott." I interrupted. "Calm down, okay?" I bit my lower lip, trying to think of something. "Give me your phone." He was confused.
"C'mon!" When he handed me his phone, I called the only person who could help me. "Stiles? Hi! Uhm, I need your help."
I explained the situation to Stiles while we followed Melissa and Peter. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
I grunted. "I wish I was." I tried to get comfortable in the passenger seat. "Here they are." I glanced at him. "What do we do now?"
"We hit."
Both of us got out of the car. Melissa's face becoming red when she saw Stiles. "Oh, are you kidding me? Stiles!" Her gaze fell on me next. "Y/N?"
"Mrs. McCall?" Great acting, Stiles. "Wow, this is - this is just crazy. What a coincidence, huh?" He looked at me for a second. "I mean - I do not know what happened. You guys just came out of nowhere."
"Came out of nowhere! We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles."
"How crazy is that? I mean, we should probably call the cops, you know, do like an accident report thing." I nodded my head while grabbing Melissa's hand. Please, please.
"I don't think that's necessary." Peter interrupted, looking around.
"Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little whiplash." He touched his neck.
"Whiplash? You hit us!"
"I don't know - there's something definitely wrong with my neck." Melissa started screaming at him, and Peter went far from us, he was probably communicating with Scott, who had followed us.
I went closer to Peter, hearing him talk about Jackson. "Don't get close to her." He turned around. smirking at me. "Be a man." I glared at him. "Melissa has nothing to do with all this. Be a man, go for the ones who have something to do with this."
He grinned. "What are you going to do, sweetheart?"
"I was not the one held against a wall with a hand on my neck, choking to death." I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to look intimidating.
"You don't even know how you did it." He came closer to me. "But I know-how. Don't you want to know? Don't you want to know what you are?" He tried to brush my cheek, but I slapped his hand away. "You, my dear, are very powerful. More than you think. Maybe even more than Scott. When you learn what you are and what you can do, you will be a great weapon."
"I'm a person, not a weapon."
"Aw, sweetheart." He pouted. "You aren't a person anymore, and you know it." He whispered the next thing, but of course, Scott was listening to him. "You could be stronger with me. Be part of my pack."
"She already has a pack." I hear Scott's voice in my head. How did he do that? "She is part of my pack."
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felassan · 3 years
Thoughts on Dark Fortress #1
(This post is under a cut due to spoilers.)
NB, my thoughts on the first pages that came out in the preview are collected here [spoilers at link], so I won’t repeat myself.
Okay here we go :D I’ve posted up my fav panels but always want a space where I can burble at length.. (I’m late in posting this bc recently for the last few days I’ve been obsessing over politics in my country as it’s the run-up to election time.. I haven’t read anyone elses’ thoughts on it either so I could be behind on prevailing speculation or whats known or something) The preview pages ended at the panel when Aaron says “Vaea is right”, so that’s where I’m beginning.
I can’t put my finger on why but I really like the “don’t tell me I’ve had too much to drink” panel showing a Tevinter street. It’s a neat blend of “Tevinter is advanced relative to much of the rest of known Thedas, but also ominous, but also a place where people live and go about their lives, and also not going too heavy on the cyberpunk angle”. I dig the composition ‘leading’ the eye up the street and the consistency with the recently-seen DA4 materials that have red lighting in Tevinter buildings, similar building shapes etc. ig I’m pretty obsessed with the idea of the DA4 PC & party walking up streets like these.
I wonder how Aaron felt witnessing Tractus’ drunken scenes in the pub :(
Tractus’ attitude towards the barman here shows the influence and power Magisters wield in Tevinter, and the fear of them common among the mundane populace
digging the Tevinter-y motifs & design of the bartop, bar shelving etc. it feels like thought went into it
I’d watch a spinoff show or read a story where Marius and Ser Aaron have to team up in order to achieve something
Vaea is so badass and agile! I appreciate that the shot of her up high was tasteful and didn’t like, weirdly contort her body, have a weird leering angle or emphasize things in that way comic art often does for women at moments like these
so in Tevinter, lamps give off red light (seen in the bar scene). are the windowpanes themselves also red?
good thinking Vaea grabbing the staff. great sense of snappiness and motion in this panel. her landing reminds me of squirrels doing the superhero pose landing actually :) 
tfw you and a dog burst out of a wardrobe
Tractus recognizing Fenris, it seems - did they encounter each other when Tractus was young, or does he just know of him (distinctive markings and all that)? if the former, I have a feeling we might get a flashback scene to that time in a future issue
cutting to look at Francesca when Tractus talks about Fenris murdering his father is GENIUS. look at the sadness on her face here; “you murdered your father” is exactly what she’s been telling herself and struggling with all this time
nice to see staff-less magic in action
Tractus seems to have drawn power from the red orb set in his staff. he reaches out to it and it responds by glowing and the staff moving, but he wasn’t doing a Jedi ‘use my Jedi powers to make my thrown lightsaber [staff] return to my hand’, as you might expect, he was instead charging up and drawing magical energy/power from it [the orb], as seen by the red light in his hand in the next panel. this reinforces my earlier wonderings that the red orb is notable and that there’s some connection between it and his red eyes. later in the panel when he’s trying to cast on the floor his eyes seem lit up (altho it could just be lighting & dramatic effect)
I wonder if Fenris thinks of Anders and Justice when Tractus says “justice”. There was once a mage in Fenris’ life who was really focused on justice..
the combat scenes are beautifully drawn, thought out and colored
Fenris’ lines here are really metal, badass and impactful. I could hear Gideon Emery’s voice in my head as I read these bits - the word choice of “hounded” helps with that I think, it immediately recalls Fenris talking with anger about how Hadriana denied his meals and hounded his sleep. they nail how Fenris speaks, the pattern and words he tends to use, etc
PHASING POWERS in action!! this is very cool to see, this ability of his didn’t get touched on much at all in DA2 outside of combat or a few scenes
I enjoy the contrast between the red and blue glows
Fenris is understandably merciless 
“Perhaps if you had it carved into you” feels like foreshadowing for the ‘red wraith’
:( the reminder that the very thing Fenris struggles with feelings of hate and fear towards is carved into his skin for the rest of time and always will be
Vaea is brave to step in, standing up for what she believes is right and also re-centering focus on the critical mission at hand
;___; Autumn helping keep Tractus on the ground. she is such a good girl. she Help
“You’re lucky the mabari is here” - having Fenris in a dark light here relative to the rest of the panel is nicely symbolic
oh shit!! some plot advancement in terms of the ongoing story of the wider world. The Antaam have now reached Neromenian!! the invasion is progressing further and further into Tevinter. how far will it have come by the time of DA4? will there be an active war front not far from Minrathous? I appreciate the comics from this team a lot, here and there they push forward the ‘story of Thedas’ not just the story of the comic’s focus. also, I like that the Qunari soldiers here aren’t clones of one another but all look different. different hairstyles, sizes/bodies, clothes
love how our group work together, everyone has a strength and a role to play, the teamwork, the delegation, they’re like a DA basegame party or a D&D party
the way Fenris’ hand and arm glow in this sequence has been drawn/colored is smart - calling to mind the image of blue veins running through someone’s arm or below the skin on the backs of their hands
Fenris has surely picked up Fereldan sayings from Hawke.. stop .. my heart ;__;
the Fenris/Autumn exchange
this is so intense.. why do I get the feeling that Fenris has used this sort of torture technique before in his hunting and extermination of Danarius’ adult children campaign and/or his hunting of slavers as the BW with Shirallas campaign. it feels like he has done this sort of thing before in the time post-Kirkwall. I like that they didn’t hold back with a bit of gore here and there in this issue (phasing a hand and then solidifying it inside someone’s body, the Qunari attack portion in the street etc), while at the same time not being excessive with it.
this miniseries so far has good pacing, things moving along nicely and not being too slow or meandering
it’s smart having Tractus’ explanation of how to get in stay off-screen to the reader while we follow Francesca calling the alarm. It means we get to find out as we watch them infiltrate
omg those puncture wounds from his talons
when Fenris is about to kill Tractus after he tells him what he wanted to know, I’m strongly reminded of how he promised to let Hadriana go then killed her anyway, regardless of player choice. he has his ruthless streak and it feels like a callback. and before, when he was standing over Tractus when he was on the floor, echoes that scene in A Bitter Pill when he stands over Hadriana on the ground, who also reached for her staff
Tractus pale with bloodloss and fear
lmao @ Fran and Autumn’s faces when they walk in on this scene
Fenris listening to Vaea is nicely consistent with his character too imo - there are times in DA2 when Hawke can be like “Fenris no don’t do the Thing” and he doesn’t do the Thing
I have missed the way Fenris’ nose bridge crinkles when he’s angry
I wonder what the consequences of leaving Tractus alive will be. [tv announcer voice] FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DARK FORTRESS
so the ritual will only take minutes to complete huh 👀
wow Neromenian has truly fallen, reeducation of the people of Tevinter continues as in Three Trees to Midnight in TN
explaining that they are speaking in Qunlat is a nice immersive touch and shows attention to detail of the lore of the world
bobbly-shoulders Qunari, Legolas hair Qunari, septum piercing Qunari, bobbly-brow Qunari, undercut Qunari. I wonder if the shoulder and brow protrusions are aspects we’ll see in the Qunaris’ latest design in DA4?
poor Tractus can’t catch a break lol. it has Not been Tractus’ day
Karasten: an infantry field commander
bit of Tevinter lampshading, lil fourth wall break with “This land and its obsession with magic. There is always a forbidden ritual with them” hhhhhh
Ringwraith on a horse moment at the end there
strong ending, can’t wait for next month weww.. 👀
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mlqctranslations · 4 years
Lucien 贪恋 SP Date
Reposted from my instagram account, @mlqc_translations!
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Chapter 1
The inside of the traditionally styled room was warm and dry.
I changed into a yukata and sat down on the tatami, taking a deep breath as I tapped the news notification on my phone-- "The announcement of the Kelawo award list has been postponed. Can the genius scientist Lucien Xu become the youngest winner in history?" The large bolded words on the news notification were dark and obvious. ......Postponed? I paused, surprised, and then immediately tapped on the notification to find out more. "...Today, the most renowned award of the scientific realm--the Kelawo Life Science Award, is about to release their winners list. This caught many people's attention both nationally and internationally." "Scientist Professor Lucien Xu's innovative work in the neuroscience department has convinced many to clamour for his nomination." "However, according to the information disclosed, the requirements for this year has changed, and there may be strong competitors in the mix." "The Kelawo Award Committee has also recently announced that, since the opinions of the judges were divided, the release of award list will be delayed until this afternoon today..." I swiped through the news article, wrinkling my brow more and more as I scrolled down. I was so focused on my phone that I didn't notice someone walking towards me. ??: Why are you still looking at the news?
Lucien spoke as he covered my bare legs with a blanket, his gaze sweeping over the screen of my phone. Lucien: You said you invited me to go on this vacation so I could relax and forget about my work... Lucien: But you've been staring at your phone this whole time. He paused, and he looked slightly dejected and sad. Lucien: Does the Professor Lucien in the news appeal more to you than the one in real life? I was momentarily dumbfounded, and then quickly turned off my phone. MC: Of course not! I just...coincidentally came across this news article. I accidentally tapped on it. MC: And...I was mostly looking at the weather report anyways. I widened my eyes in an attempt to seem more convincing. MC: Look, it's snowing so much today. The Innkeeper even suggested that we try the hot springs another time... MC: But according to the weather report, it might stop snowing later. So we might still be able to try it out today! Lucien was silent for a second, and then let out a soft chuckle, nodding his head. Lucien: Mn, it looks like I misunderstood. I didn't think you'd be so thoughtful and considerate. MC: Of course I have to be! It's rare that we both have time off. I was looking forwards to this vacation a lot. It was the truth. In the past few days, Lucien and I were both so busy that we didn't even have time to share a meal together. That's why I chose a hot springs resort. I wanted to stay with Lucien in a room together, relaxing and spending our time with each other peacefully. I raised my head and took Lucien's hand. MC: You've been so busy with your research these past few weeks. You haven't been resting well. MC: Leave the traveling planning and arrangements to me. Your only job is to relax and enjoy the vacation. Lucien: Alright. The corners of his mouth turned up in a faint smile. The sunlight streaming through the window landed on him, coating his body in a soft glow. Lucien: Then...I'll leave it all to you? MC: Yep! Leave it to me. I glanced at the time on my phone, and an idea popped into my head. I raised my head and spoke to Lucien. MC: Since the luggage has all been unpacked and put away, you can go change now! Lucien nodded and walked towards the door. I took this opportunity to pick up my phone secretly, planning to finish reading the news article I just closed. Lucien: Oh, and one more thing. MC: W-What is it? I didn't expect Lucien to turn around and scrambled to hide the phone behind my back. Lucien's gaze flicked back and forth between the phone and my face. He seemed to have something to say, but he just gave a soft chuckle. Lucien: Nothing much, I just wanted to tell you...
Lucien: I'm also looking forwards to this vacation with you a lot.
Chapter 2
While Lucien was changing, I quietly sneaked out, waiting by the door. As expected, an attendant came walking in my direction, holding a rectangular wooden box in her hands. Attendant: Miss, the hotel owner's wife asked me to bring this to you. Attendant: As for the other package you ordered...we express our apologies. Since the product has to be made fresh, we tried to send a driver to pick it up just now, but it's snowing too heavily for them to get down the mountain. MC: That's okay. Thank you for your hard work. Please give my thanks to the owner's wife. I took the box from her and returned to the room, my heart overwhelmed with a flurry of complicated emotions. This is the gift I prepared before we even set off for the resort. I had originally planned to surprise Lucien with it when the Kelawo award results are announced. I was not expecting the award requirements to change. The Kelawo Award announcements were postponed, and my carefully devised plan was disrupted. I stared at the box in my hands, and the thought of a result that I've never expected before appeared in my mind. What if...... My heart sank. Now, I wasn't even sure if this celebration could happen at all... Lucien: What are you thinking about? I turned towards the direction of his voice, and then froze. Lucien was wearing a dark-coloured yukata. The loose collar of the clothing exposed his chest and collarbones. He leaned against the doorframe, looking more casual and relaxed compared to his normal state. His gaze found the wooden box in my hands, and I could see a hint of curiosity in his expression. Lucien: What's that? MC: Um, this...... I searched my mind for a proper explanation. Just then, his phone rang and our conversation was interrupted. Lucien looked at the glowing screen of his phone and wrinkled his brow slightly. After a brief pause, he answered the call. Lucien: Hello? Lucien: ......Yes. His tone was light, but his expression grew serious. The news article from before flashed through my head, and I couldn't help feeling a bit anxious. Lucien: My apologies, I'm on vacation right now. I'm afraid I don't have time for that. Lucien: I look forward to working with you next time. His voice was calm and soft, and he immediately hung up after that sentence. I was caught off guard by the swift action. I looked at him quizzically. Before I could say anything else, Lucien spoke up. Lucien: It's from HuanQiu News. I widened my eyes. HuanQiu News is a well-known weekly magazine in China that mainly reports international issues and major events. It has great influence and fame. MC: And they want to work with you? Lucien: Yeah, they want to interview me. MC: Wow, really? That's great! I felt relieved when I heard that it wasn't the bad news I was expecting, and set the box down on the table beside me. MC: It's such an influential magazine. If you accept their invitation, you can let more people know about your research results. Lucien looked at me, surprised, and then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. Lucien: Why do you want more people to know? MC: Because......I think...for most people, your research results are just a string of boring, meaningless scientific terms. MC: But I know, you put a lot of work and effort into it. MC: Even if you have the title of "Genius Scientist," your determination and perseverance is no less than anyone else. The memories of the time I spent beside him flashed through my head as I spoke. Because of some small data error, he would have to put the papers of his experiment report--that he spent months working on--into the shredder one by one; He would be unable to hide his joy if he got the desired results for his experiment, even suggesting--somewhat childishly--that we go for a movie to celebrate the occasion. I smiled at Lucien and spoke to him in a lighthearted, playful tone. MC: So, I want you to be rewarded for your efforts...that's probably my only wish. My only selfish wish. Lucien stared at me quietly, and a soft, gentle emotion seemed to slowly melt in his eyes. After a while, he gave a quiet laugh and smiled in resignation. Lucien: Dummy. He reached out and gathered me into his arms. Lucien: I declined their invitation. MC: Huh? Why? Lucien didn't answer, and instead, gave a soft chuckle. Lucien: Do you want to know what my selfish wish is? Lucien: You always joke that my time and energy is endless and never used up, but that's not true. They have their limits, too. Lucien: It's just that, I need to save them up and use it all on the person who's most important to me. He paused, gently rubbing the top of my head with his chin. Lucien: This is our vacation. I want to spend it with you, and you alone. I could feel his familiar body temperature on my skin. It felt as if his warmth was slowly seeping into my heart. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around Lucien, wanting to be closer to him and wishing the moment could last longer. MC: Yeah, me too. My gaze landed on the wooden box on the table. I closed my eyes and came to a decision.
MC: Lucien, the belt of your yukata seems to be a little loose. I noticed that the strip of fabric at his waist wasn't tight enough, and subconsciously reached out to help him fix it. MC: Hmm...this doesn't seem to work either...... MC: I'll just help you redo the knot! I untied Lucien's belt, planning to redo it for him. Lucien: It looks like you're very experienced with this. I heard the faint trace of a smile in his voice. I raised my head and met his gaze. Only then did I realize how close and intimate we were. MC: I-I'm not really experienced. It's just that I learned a bit from the attendant when she helped me put my yukata on. MC: Plus, the way girls wear yukata is more complicated than the way guys do. So, tying your belt...it's not very hard for me. I lowered my head, trying to hide my blushing cheeks. Lucien: I see. He nodded and then spread out his arms, allowing me to retie the belt. I tried to concentrate on the task at hand, but the breathing at my neck made it hard to focus. The atmosphere was filled with an indescribable feeling. I pressed my lips together, and when I was about to say something, Lucien spoke. Lucien: I didn't notice before now, but there's a few sentences written on that hanging painting over there. MC: Eh? I raised my head and followed his gaze to the wall behind me. A traditionally styled painting was hanging there. Bright red leaves floated down and landed on the clear spring water. They looked like the flames of a raging fire, dyeing the water around it red with warmth and passion. I hadn't paid much attention to it when I first entered the room. Now that I looked at it carefully, I realized that there really were words written there. I was about to examine the sentences, but Lucien beat me to it and read them out loud. Lucien: "The matters of the gods, never concern the humans." Lucien: "The maple dyes the river red, the flowing waters run deep..."
(I’ll leave the original sentence here, since this is a poem and I might have made some translation errors: 悠悠神代事, 黯黯不曾闻, ���染龙田川, 潺潺流水深)
MC: I think I've seen these phrases before... MC: Is it from that really famous love song? I turned to look at Lucien quizzically, and he nodded. Lucien: Well, it's definitely filled with lots of emotion. Lucien: I think it's probably here to set the mood for Valentine's Day. That's why the wife of the owner put it here. Lucien: And if you look at the writing...it seems it was added not too long ago. I studied the painting again after Lucien's comment. MC: I didn't expect the owner of this hotel to be so considerate and attentive. It looks like a normal painting if you don't examine it carefully... MC: There was a hidden meaning all along... I tried to feel the emotions hidden in the lines and strokes of the painting. This piece of art, originally just used as a normal hanging painting, now had depth and concealed meaning thanks to the added sentences. My attention was all on the painting when I heard a voice by my ear. Lucien: It looks quite beautiful... Lucien: But, aren't you forgetting something? His gaze landed on the belt in my hands. I realized I still didn't finish tying Lucien's yukata. The fabric was draped loosely over his body. The low neckline fell even lower, and more of his chest was exposed. My face grew even warmer. MC: ...I'll finish it now! I tried to ignore my quickening heartbeat and finished tying Lucien's belt. When I was done, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. I raised my hand to try and fix the low neckline of the yukata, but to my surprise, I discovered that it was just designed that way. MC: Was, was this neckline always so low?
My voice was quiet. Lucien looked down at his yukata, and then a smile of understanding spread across his face. Lucien: Yes, that's how it was when I first put it on. Lucien: I'm pretty sure all men's yukatas here are in this style. MC: That's strange, I think I remember seeing a different type of yukata on the official website... MC: Unless...this is also part of "setting the mood" for Valentine's Day? In order to cover up my flustered feelings, I spoke in a joking tone. Lucien gave a soft laugh, going along with my jokes. Lucien: Yeah, that's possible. He blinked and seemed to think of something. He bent down, leaning close to my ear, and spoke to me in a soft voice. Lucien: I think... Lucien: This counts as setting the mood as well.
Chapter 3
Lucien and I sat opposite to each other on the tatami. He took the sake out of the wooden box and uncorked the bottle, pouring its contents into two cups. Lucien: So this is why you were talking with the owner's wife today... Lucien: Is there a reason for this sudden surprise gift? I answered him calmly, trying to hide my nervousness and anxiety. MC: It's not really sudden, just part of the series of things I planned for this trip... MC: Just think of it as a reward for your past months of hard work! I tried to steer the conversation away from this topic and pointed at the sake cup, gesturing at him invitingly. MC: Apparently, this kind of sake is very popular here. I was afraid that it would be all sold out by the time we arrived, so I ordered it half a month in advance! Lucien's eyes filled with the faint trace of a smile. Lucien: I guess I'd better taste it, then. You worked so hard for it. He lifted the cup to his lips and took a sip. MC: How is it? Lucien: It has a slightly sweet flavour...quite delicious. MC: That's good! Drinking wine in winter can warm you up. The memories of Lucien drinking wine flashed through my head, and I couldn't help adding to my sentence. MC: ...and its alcohol content isn't very high, so you don't need to worry about getting drunk. He raised an eyebrow. Lucien: It seems like I'm being underestimated. He poured some more sake into the cup, and then sipped at it unhurriedly. Lucien: I've had sake before. I didn't get drunk. MC: I think you've mentioned it to me over the phone before... I felt even more curious after he brought the incident up again. My impression is that he almost never drinks alcohol, but instead, loves tea. MC: Why did you try sake that time? Lucien: Mm...let me think. He set down the cup, propping his head up on one hand, and lifted his gaze to stare at the leaves in the yard behind me. Lucien: It was back when I was still a student. We were celebrating because we won a contest with our project. MC: Huh? Lucien: Didn't expect that, right? His gaze met mine for a split second, and then he continued speaking. Lucien: I had worked with my classmates on a very challenging scientific research project. We finally got our ideal results after a year and a half. He sighed, seeming to remember the scenes of the past. Lucien: They were absolutely overjoyed...dragged me to the tavern to celebrate...... He spoke with resignation, but I could see the corners of his mouth turn up in a small smile. I've almost never seen him celebrate his own achievements. The thought I had suppressed earlier was appearing in my mind again-- I want to stay beside him, celebrate with him, and witness the moment his hard work blossoms and he's rewarded for his efforts. A tangled mess of emotions spread across my chest: anticipation, anxiety, and even a hint of worry... Lucien: You're zoning out again. A light tap landed on my forehead, and I came back to my senses, smiling apologetically at Lucien. He narrowed his eyes, staring at me silently, and then spoke. Lucien: Oh, I remember a game we played back then... MC: A game? Lucien: Here, I'll show you. I watched with interest as Lucien took an empty cup and placed it upside-down on the table. Lucien: It's pretty simple. We take turns, you can either choose to tap the cup with your fingers, or take the cup away. Lucien: If the cup is taken away, the other person has to knock on the table with their knuckles. Touching the cup or tapping the table both count as losing. MC: This game seems to rely heavily on reflexes... Lucien smiled at my slightly confused state. Lucien: Yes, but it isn't very hard. You'll get the hang of it after a round or two. Do you want to give it a try? MC: Sure! I nodded eagerly. A streak of emotion flashed through Lucien's eyes, and a smile appeared on his lips.
MC: ...... MC: That's impossible! I took another sip of sake in frustration. Apparently, the "It isn't very hard" of this game is only directed at Lucien. Aside from having great reflexes, he always seemed to know my thoughts, and predicted my movements ahead of time... MC: It's like you can read my mind... Lucien just smiled in response to my complaint. Lucien: Or maybe it's because I know you so well. Lucien: That's why it's not hard to figure out what you're going to do next. He didn't seem to notice how his words made me flustered and embarrassed. I muttered under my breath. MC: That's not fair... Lucien: Why don't you try putting all of your attention on me as well?
MC: Huh? Lucien tilted his head, supporting his face with one hand. He studied my face curiously. Lucien: Maybe this strategy will be more effective. My heartbeat sped up uncontrollably. For a split second, I couldn't tell if he was teasing me, or being completely serious. I still decided to give it a try. I was losing right now, but this method would give me a chance to turn things around. I have nothing to lose, anyways. We soon started a new round. I followed Lucien's advice and stared at him intently, trying to find loopholes and weak points in his gestures. Lucien was smiling the entire time. He seemed to be in a good mood. It was now my turn to tap the cup. I noticed Lucien wrinkle his brow, and I suddenly decided to change tactics. I grabbed the cup and took it away. MC: ...! Lucien: I lost. He looked at our hands, both touching the top of the cup, and sighed. Lucien: It looks like...I was too careless. Lucien: I shouldn't have told you about that strategy. He looked a little sad and regretful. Lucien took the sake and downed it in one go. MC: Does it really work that well? I was a little surprised by the sudden victory. I wasn't sure if it was just luck or not, but I still grinned and felt excited at finally winning against this flawless person. The game went surprisingly smoothly for me after that. I didn't think I would ever experience such a day, where I was always winning against Lucien. The smile on my face grew wider and wider. It stayed that way until Lucien had to drink another cup of sake as punishment. Looking at his reddish ears and smiling lips, I suddenly realized something. I stopped smiling immediately and walked up to Lucien, looking at him sternly. MC: I nearly fell for your tricks again! His gaze flickered, and he reached out for me. Lucien: What's wrong? He looked at me, blinking innocently. Lucien: Why do you look so angry? Did I do something wrong? I couldn't help but laugh somewhat angrily. He already knew the answer...but he was asking anyways. I squeezed his hand. MC: You're letting me win on purpose, right? Lucien didn't respond, but hooked his fingers around mine, wrapping his palm around my hand. Lucien: Who said I let you win on purpose? Lucien: I'm losing to you willingly. He reached out and brushed his finger against my nose, a smile appearing on his lips once more. Lucien: I can finally see your genuine smile. MC: Eh? Lucien: You've looked worried ever since this morning. Lucien: I had originally thought that I shouldn't pressure you into telling me and wait for you to talk to me yourself, but on second thought, it's not good for you to bear this on your own. Lucien: I'm guessing...the thing that's bothering you... is something concerning me? He looked lost in thought for a second. Lucien: Is it that article from the morning? The determined look in his eyes and his behaviour just now made me suddenly understand. MC: So you wanted to play this game so I could relax more? MC: I should have known...I can't hide anything from you. He laughed and wrapped my hand into his palm, speaking in a teasing tone. Lucien: Tell me, how did the Professor Xu on the article trouble you? I laughed, amused by his words. Since my inner thoughts have already been exposed, I decided to just be honest with him. MC: Well...actually, this bottle of sake was originally a gift for you to celebrate your victory. I didn't expect the list to be postponed... MC: I still want to celebrate with you, but if......the results aren't good, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. MC: ...So, I didn't say anything. I sighed with relief, feeling more at ease after admitting everything to Lucien. MC: But now I think...it's more important to cherish the time we have together. I picked up my phone and turned it off without hesitation, trying to show Lucien my determination. MC: I won't get distracted anymore! The light in Lucien's eyes flickered and, he too, turned his phone off. He wrapped an arm around my waist, and lifted his head. Lucien: Then it's a promise. From now on, don't let anything disturb out time together. Lucien: ...not even humans. I couldn't hold in my laughter when Lucien made another addition to his sentence. MC: ...But it's still my fault for getting distracted before. Now, we can make up for lost time. Lucien: Oh? What do you have in mind? I glanced at the courtyard and raised my eyebrows at Lucien. MC: Didn't you notice? The snow outside is getting smaller. He looked puzzled for a second, but then understood what I was implying. The corners of his mouth turned up in a smile. The heavy snow storm outside had turned into light, soft snowflakes-- Drifting into the steaming hot springs, and melting away silently.
After having our meal, Lucien and I walked on the stone pathway in the courtyard. The sound of tricking water reached our ears. MC: It looks like the weather report was accurate. The snow is much smaller and lighter than before.
Lucien: Yes, but are you still drunk? We could come back later. MC: Don't worry, I'm totally awake and sober. MC: Plus, I already did my research. According to the internet, the best time to take a soak in the springs is two hours after a meal! Lucien opened his mouth to say something, but then suddenly stopped in his tracks. He stared at the hot springs in front of us, and a streak of shock and surprise flashed through his eyes. I followed his gaze to the outdoor springs, and my eyes widened. MC: This is... To my utter surprise, I realized that this private hot spring didn't have any sort of barrier separating the two sides!
Chapter 4
MC: That's strange...I clearly remember that the pictures on the website had the hot springs separated with wooden boards... I stared at the water, feeling my ear tips turn red. I couldn't help feeling nervous at the thought of two people in the same pool... Just as I was about to say something to break the awkward silence, Lucien spoke up. Lucien: ...I'll just go back to the room. Lucien: I'll come back once you've finished. MC: Huh? I raised my head. Lucien's expression was still calm and gentle, but his eyes avoided mine. Could it be...... ...I'm not the only one who's nervous? Looking at the steaming hot spring, I swallowed and steeled myself. MC: I mean, we've already changed into new clothes and everything...let's just do it together.
Lucien and I sat across from each other in the hot spring. The clear, rippling water came up to our chests. Lucien: Do you think the water temperature is too hot? I raised my head, and my gaze slid disobediently from his bare chest to his collarbones, his Adam's apple, and then his lips...I didn't dare look up any further. MC: No, it's perfect. I shook my head and tried to suppress my rapid heartbeats. I lowered myself a bit more, submerging my shoulders in the warm water, and couldn't help giving a soft sigh. Snowflakes landed on my face, making my skin feel cool and icy, but melted soon after due to the hot air and my warm body. Lucien's hand swept over the surface of the water, making the water splash. He closed his eyes, tilting his head up, and leaned against the rock wall. Lucien: I remember the last time we took a soak in a hot spring. It was snowing...like today. MC: Yeah, I remember that too. My heart warmed as I remembered the last time I celebrated Lucien's birthday. MC: It feels like all of my happy memories about snowy days are spent with you. He slowly opened his eyes. Droplets of water clung to his eyelashes, and the shape of his lips looked attractive and alluring. Lucien: To me, it's not just snowy days. The sound of flowing water overlapped with his voice, reaching my ears through the misty air. The distant memories in my mind seemed to be lit up little by little under Lucien's gentle gaze. My throat felt a little dry after being stared at for so long. My gaze landed on the tray, and I looked over at the wagashi and cups of hot tea. I picked up a cup and took a sip. It wasn't alcohol or sake, but I somehow still felt slightly drunk. I patted my slightly hot face and tried to stretch my body a bit. My foot accidentally touched Lucien's leg. Lucien: ...... MC: ...... My heart skipped a beat and my breathing quickened. The water of the hot spring seemed to make every part of my body more sensitive. I looked up at Lucien. His gaze flickered, and then he looked away. Lucien picked up the other cup on the tray. Lucien: ...The aroma of tea is very strong. MC: Yeah... MC: T-This kind of opportunity is rare, why don't we replace alcohol with tea and give a toast? I bit my tongue in embarrassment as soon as the words were out of my mouth. The hand Lucien was using to hold the cup seemed to shake. He studied my red cheeks for a second, and then couldn't hold in his laughter.
Lucien: Yes, that's a good suggestion, but...... Lucien: Toasts are usually for celebrating. What are we celebrating right now? I was at a loss for words. While I racked my brain for things to say, a thought flashed through my mind. MC: To celebrate- Lucien: I'm going to be very disappointed if you say something like "to celebrate your prizewinning ahead of time" again. MC: Uhm... This man definitely has mind-reading skills! I looked at Lucien's smiling eyes through the white mist, and then couldn't help smiling as well. The snow floated down from the skies, the clear water rippled, but nothing could compare to his shining eyes. Everything in front of me suddenly felt unreal, like a dream. An amazing man was right in front of my eyes, sharing tea and the wonderful snowy view with me. I could see my figure reflect clearly in Lucien's eyes. I suddenly realized that...to me, this moment with him surpasses everything. I instantly spoke without thinking. MC: Then, let's celebrate the moment we share right now. Underneath the water's surface, our touching skin lightly rubbed against each other. The distinct touch made me feel like there were electric currents coursing through my body, the sensation causing ripples in my heart. I no longer avoided his eyes like before, but looked at Lucien quietly. His Adam's apple moved slightly. The pale, warm mist made his dark eyes twinkle with the lights reflecting off the water. I suddenly had the feeling that Lucien could somehow see past the hazy mist and stare straight into my heart. After a while, he gave a soft laugh. Lucien: Only the moment now? MC: What? Lucien didn't answer, but instead, got up and leaned towards me. His chest, originally submerged in the hot spring, was exposed above the water. The temperature of the hot spring made his skin slightly red. The water rippled and splashed, the droplets falling back towards the spring. Slightly nervous, I touched the ground with my foot. I was a little unstable due to the buoyancy of the water, but Lucien grabbed my waist with one hand just in time. I lifted my head, bewildered, and stared at the defined line of Lucien's jaw, my fingertips digging into the tight and strong muscles of his shoulders. His hand slipped over my back and he held me even tighter in his arms. I subconsciously put one hand at his shoulder and pressed the other against his chest. MC: Lucien...... The soft waves of the water lapped against our bodies. Lucien bent down, and his lips moved close to my ears. His voice was slightly hoarse. Lucien: What I want to say is, not only should we celebrate this moment, but also... Lucien: Every single second we have together. A light touch landed on my earlobe, and it felt as if tendrils of fire were lit up there, one by one. The cups collided with a clear, crisp sound. Lucien drank a mouthful of tea, held my chin, and leaned down. I watched his face come closer and closer. I had no time to think, all I could do was close my eyes...... And...experience the numb sensation on my lips and taste the fragrant sweet tea in my mouth.
There was the sound of splashing water as Lucien got up and walked out of the pool. Lucien: Our clothes were left out and now they're wet from the snow. I'll go back to get new clothes. MC: Wait, I'll go with you. I stood up and tried to follow him. Lucien stood frozen in place, and his gaze wavered slightly when he looked at me. I followed his eyes and looked down. The wet towel clung to my body, clearly outlining my figure. Water dripped down from the soaked fabric. A cool breeze blew past, and I suddenly noticed something. I quickly sat back in the hot spring. MC: I-It's so cold... Lucien laughed softly and nodded. Lucien: Yeah, it would be cold for you if you go back like this. Lucien: So, can you wait for me here? I touched my slightly hot face, and nodded at him, smiling. MC: Okay!
When Lucien returned, I was eating the wagashi in the tray. He laughed when he saw me. (Wagashi are traditional Japanese sweets that are typically enjoyed with a cup of green tea. In Chinese, they're called 和果子.)
Lucien: Are you hungry? MC: A little bit. Look, these desserts are all so detailed and beautiful. I pushed the platter towards him. He crouched down and examined them carefully. Lucien: Yeah, you're right. Lucien: I once heard a really skilled pastry chef say that wagashi desserts can express and reflect anything, whether it's from nature or human emotion. MC: Really? I put my arm on the stone edge surrounding the hot spring and started studying the wagashi in the tray curiously. MC: These are made for Valentine's Day. I wonder if they're special in any way. Lucien: I think they are. He leaned down and examined the desserts along with me. Lucien: Maybe...we can use our imagination to take a guess? He smiled and picked up one of the sweets. The shape and design was fairly simple compared to the others. It was round like a small steamed bun, and there was a circular yellow label stamped in the centre. Lucien: I'm sure they made the label yellow for a reason. He looked at it for a while and then handed it to me. Lucien: Can you think of anything? MC: Um...yellow circle...... MC: Like a full moon? I looked up at Lucien. The corners of his mouth turned up, hinting at me to continue on. I stared at the seemingly plain and ordinary wagashi, and suddenly realized something. MC: The moon is a very important symbol of love and can be used to express many different emotions... MC: So, it seems that this wagashi really fits the theme of Valentine's Day. Lucien: Do you want to taste it? I leaned over and bit into the wagashi in his hand. The sweetness melted in my mouth. I was pleasantly surprised to see the red filling underneath the white outside layer. MC: It's red bean paste...! A flash of surprise crossed Lucien's eyes, and after a while, he nodded thoughtfully. Lucien: To choose red filling for the inside... Lucien: That's probably because the person who created it wanted to express the sincere emotions between lovers. MC: So wagashi can really express human emotion... I looked at the emotion-filled dessert, and a warm, gentle feeling grew in my heart. I spoke to Lucien without thinking. MC: You try it too! I remembered something as soon as the words left my mouth, and quickly changed my words. MC: Oh, you don't really like sweets...then I'll take it! I reached out to take the wagashi away from him, but Lucien moved his hand away and out of my reach. MC: Huh? He gave a light laugh at my puzzled look. Lucien: I don't really like sweet things, that's true. Lucien: But...a dessert with such beautiful meaning...I still want to give it a try. MC: But...... Lucien's face appeared in front of mine before I even finished speaking. He put his hand behind my head and leaned down. In the blink of an eye, I felt a sudden warmth on my lips. His hot breath fell on my face, making my skin feel both itchy and numb, dispelling the coolness in the air. The snow on the edge of the pool melted into water and fell into the spring, causing little splashes where they land. After a long time, Lucien finally let go of the hand behind my head and looked at me, a faint smile tugging at his lips. Lucien: Mm, it's sweeter than I imagined.
Chapter 5
After taking a soak in the pool, Lucien and I walked back to the room. We both froze when the door was pushed open. A gaudy “prize cake” was sitting on the table.
The word "AWARD" was written in large block letters using red chocolate, and right underneath it, was a sentence written in black chocolate-- "The Best Scientist Award". Lucien raised an eyebrow, glancing lazily towards me. I coughed awkwardly. MC: Cough cough...would you believe me if I said the attendant sent this to the wrong room? The door was pushed open again, and the attendant came in with two sets of cutlery. Attendant: You're back, Miss. Did you enjoy the hot springs? Attendant: This is the special cake you ordered. The driver was able to get down the mountain to get it since the snow's smaller now. Please enjoy. The attendant gave me a meaningful look, as if saying "I won't disturb you any longer", and then bowed and walked out. After a short silence, a soft chuckle came from behind me. MC: ......Okay, I'll admit it. I prepared this for you...a present to celebrate your victory in winning the award. MC: I think there's more of a celebratory atmosphere if we eat cake. MC: Well...I know the appearance of the cake is sort of...weird and exaggerated, but it probably tastes okay... Lucien nodded, laughing softly. Lucien: Yes, I think this cake will be delicious. And...... Lucien: Now, I'm convinced that you really do care a lot about this topic. He paused, and then took out his phone, turning it on. Lucien: Since you want to know so badly...let's find out together. MC: ......What? Lucien: Didn't you want to know the results? I remember it said in the article you read this morning...it was going to be delayed until the afternoon. Lucien: It should be the right time now. MC: But...! I watched his unhurried movements, my eyes wide. I seemed to be more nervous than he was. Lucien: If I don't let you know now, you'd be worried over it for the entire day. Right after he finished speaking, his phone buzzed continuously for a few minutes, and endless messages flooded the screen. My heartbeat sped up as I stared as his vibrating phone. Lucien also seems somewhat surprised by the amount of notifications. Lucien: ...A Ming, sent fifteen text messages and called me six times. He wrinkled his brow. Lucien: It looks like he didn't take what I said about "focus on the key points" to heart. MC: I'm currently also questioning your ability to "focus on key points"! Finally, his phone calmed down. Lucien lightly tapped the screen, his face expressionless and emotionless. I looked at him with mixed feelings of anticipation and anxiousness. After a few minutes of silence, Lucien suddenly leaned towards me, burying his head in my shoulder, and let out a soft sigh. Lucien: ...... My heart stopped. MC: I-It's okay...... My mind was blank, and I was stumbling over my words. MC: Maybe it's because they changed the requirements for this year, they need to consider other elements, and...... MC: This is their loss! You're so talented and smart, they're going to regret it for sure! Lucien: ...Really? MC: Yes!! I replied instantly and was about to continue on when my ears caught a low laugh. I suddenly realized that something wasn't right. MC: ......You're tricking me again! I immediately straightened up, trying to escape his embrace. He caught my wrist, laughing, and pulled me into his arms again. Lucien: I didn't trick anyone...it's kind of unfair for you to say that. Lucien: I don't think I actually said anything about the results yet? I bit my lip, pouting slightly as I looked at the triumphant smile in his eyes. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I dove into the blankets on the bed and pretended to be angry. Even though the news of Lucien's success made me smile from ear to ear, I tried to control my expression and spoke in an upset voice. MC: I was so nervous, yet you still tricked me! MC: I had prepared a third gift for you, aside from the cake and the sake...but now I'm going to reconsider if I should give it to you or not! His low laughter immediately stopped, as if someone had pressed the pause button. I secretly giggled to myself and counted down silently. 3, 2, 1...as expected, I felt a pair of hands hug me from behind when I counted the last number. Lucien: I'm sorry. You were so cute...I couldn't help teasing you. Lucien: So, can you tell me what the last gift is? Lucien waited, and when I didn't respond, he started coughing. Lucien: Cough cough... Lucien: I think I caught a cold from staying outside for so long... I listened to Lucien's coughing. At first, I was startled, but then couldn't hold in my laughter. I didn't think he'd resort to such childish tactics. Lucien also started laughing when he heard my laughter. The hands around my waist tightened, and his voice was more serious when he opened his mouth. Lucien: MC. Lucien: Actually, I don't really care about this award that much. My heart skipped a beat. It was the first time I heard him say something like that. Lucien: Because, everything that I wanted to have......I got it when the research results were announced...maybe even earlier than that. Lucien: Any praise from the outside world, to me, is nothing but icing on the cake. He paused, as if suddenly remembering something, and then started laughing softly. Lucien: But, everything that you've done for me today...I'm very happy about it. Lucien: Whether it's the gifts you gave me, or the sincere words you spoke...all of that made me feel how important I am to you. Lucien rubbed his chin over my forehead through the blanket. Lucien: The only one who would feel happy, nervous, or even sad for me from the bottom of their heart... Lucien: It's probably only this silly girl in front of me. His soft, gentle words fell over my heart, splashing up waves of emotion. Lucien: I think...the reason I keep teasing you is because I want to see more of the reactions and feelings...that you only display for me. Lucien: I guess I'm also a "collector", of some sort-- Lucien: It doesn't matter what form of MC...I want to have them all. Lucien: Will you forgive me now? His tone was filled with tenderness and gentleness. I still didn't respond, but instead, answered with my actions-- I threw off the blankets, and kissed Lucien's cheek as he froze in shock. My fingers swept over the strands of his hair, stopping on his face, and  I held on to him tightly, pulling him towards me. The sound of heavy breathing filled the room. As if in a trance, I kissed him over and over, and then pressed my lips against his ear. MC: I'm not angry, you're the silly one here... My lips made their way down the edge of his ear. He gave a sharp intake of breath, and I stopped my kisses and instead, rubbed gently against his ear. After a long time, my eyes met Lucien's, and I finally realized how bold and embarrassing my actions were. I tried to pull away from him. But Lucien didn't allow me to hide. The hand on my waist tightened, and he pressed his forehead against my forehead, his dark eyes staring deep into mine. Lucien: Is this the third gift? Our breaths mingled, both of us breathing hard. I shook my head. MC: ...It's a promise. I tried to calm my breathing, and slowly said the words that had been fermenting in my heart. MC: I was planning to wait until the results were out...no matter if you won or not, I would still say this to you-- MC: In the future, I'm going to stay beside you and spend every memorable moment with you. MC: ...Do you still remember the crystallized flower you gave me? MC: My thoughts are the same as yours. Every single second we spend together is precious and special for me. I don't have a gift as beautiful and romantic as the one you gave me, so I can only express my feelings in words... MC: But this truly is my most genuine and sincere thought. The evening air swept past. Behind Lucien, the flaming red maple leaves fluttered down from the sky. I suddenly had the feeling that Lucien and I were closer than ever. He lowered his gaze, staring at me for a second, and then let out a soft laugh. Lucien: Your romantic sentences have improved a lot since the last time. My face felt hot when I met the mischievous look in his eyes. MC: I was only speaking from the heart! Lucien: Yeah, I know. Lucien: I don't think your words are plain. In fact, I believe the opposite...your words are of great significance and importance to me. Lucien: But, even if I receive such a wonderful vow, there's still one thing... Lucien: Aren't you giving me an empty promise? MC: !... I... I was at a loss for words. Lucien smiled, his gaze traveling down to slightly open lips, emotion wavering in his dark eyes. Lucien: Sometimes...actions speak louder than words. He lifted his arm, brushing his thumb against my lips. Lucien: The sincerity in your promise...maybe I'll understand it better if you express it in a different way. His voice was low, and he lifted his gaze to look at me, lights shimmering in his eyes. Lucien: Are you willing to give it a try? My face turned red, and my thoughts were a mess. The next second, Lucien grabbed my wrist and pressed me to the tatami. MC: Uhf...! His soft tongue pried my teeth open little by little, rubbing against the inside of my mouth gently and delicately, as if trying to rub away all the heat and lingering feelings. I tasted the faint, pleasant flavour of tea in his mouth. It somehow tasted like wine with an incredibly high alcohol content...I felt slightly drunk. He lifted my chin with one hand. Lucien's eyes were half-closed, and he loosened his grip on my hand. His fingers gently caressed the skin of my wrist, slowly and tenderly, making my body gradually relax. The temperature around us rose quickly, and I instinctively threw my arms around his neck, responding to his actions with another kiss. He let go of me just when I started feeling a little dizzy. His familiar soft laugh sounded by my ears. When he saw I was slightly weak from his actions, Lucien held on to my waist and let me sit on his lap. One of my hands were pressed against his sturdy chest, and the other was weakly grasping his already messy and disheveled clothes. MC: Lucien...... I lowered my head and stared into his eyes. I could see some sort of suppressed emotion in his dark eyes, and I leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to his chin. Lucien: ...... The light reflected in Lucien's eyes seemed to flicker, and then suddenly darkened. The hand Lucien was using to stroke my hair suddenly moved, giving me no time to react, and he pulled me towards him, kissing me once more. Unlike the gentle, tender kiss from before...this one was filled with overwhelming passion and a slight hint of greed. The tingling sensation from my mouth seemed to course through my body like an electrical current. Lucien's warm palm made its way down my back, making me shiver. My senses and emotions were all occupied by him. I could feel the kiss gradually deepen. I felt a slight pain at my collarbone, and I cried out. I could feel a warm, moist touch appear over that area. A layer of fine sweat appeared on our touching skin, and with it, came an intimate, sticky feeling. I ran a hand through the sweat-drenched strands of Lucien's hair and lowered my head to look down at him. His eyes were closed, and his face was slightly red with the colour of maple leaves. I didn't know where to put my eyes, and my face turned hot again. As if feeling my nervousness, the corners of Lucien's mouth turned up slightly. He lifted a hand and covered my eyes. Lucien: Close your eyes. His voice was commanding, but also extremely gentle and tender. I slowly closed my eyes and surrendered myself to him. The last image remaining on my eyes was Lucien's dark, unfathomable eyes... ...And a brilliant red.
- End -
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