#lord osen
ask-misun-and-oc · 28 days
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Okay, i've explain it to Kanetsugu-san about this 'thick and big guy', Goke Kanemitsu. So... as what i read, he used to belong to Hideyoshi which later given to Naoe Kanetsugu. As Kanetsugu passed away, Osen-sama (Kanetsugu's wife) gave this sword to Uesugi Fams (i haven't read which one the Uesugi but of course not lord Kenshin himself because he passed away before Hideyoshi even Nobunaga).
Surprisingly, when i have a tour with government during Saniwa training, Goke is so big! The blade has 80 cm long (even it said that it's actually 90 cm before getting polished). And well, as i have a Regiment Battle in winter season last year, HE IS REALLY BIG AND MUSCLED and cuddly of course. I wonder how many food that he ate at once. And what happen if he... hugs me tightly? Will i get breathless or squished?
Luckily he is such a kind man. Full of love. Maybe it refers to Kanetsugu's loyality toward Uesugi Fams. So... Kanetsugu is the most beloved Uesugi's vassal.
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missmoondalorian · 10 months
Chapter Eleven - Decisions
You blinked at him, almost absentmindedly. As if you didn't understand the common tongue suddenly. Those words, that thought, were abstract to you. It has always been just you and Sisni. Always. And you were prepared, and expectant, for that to be forever. 
He waited to see if you would respond, and when you didn't, he continued.
"We... I... would never let anything happen to you, or Sisni. Tavros has become very fond of her, and the crew already thinks of you two as family. They would care for her as if she was their own. I didn't bring this up before because I didn't want to overwhelm you, but, Tavros and I already spoke about this at length. We decided that if you were to join me, Tavros would say here, as Sisni's caretaker and new Lord of the Lone Islands. We also had the thought of asking Trugdig to stay and watch over the inn, but per your request, I have not brought any of this up to him."
Once again, you were stunned. The idea of anyone else caring for her would never have crossed your mind. You would have sooner asked if she could have come with you than entrust her to someone else. But, truthfully, if you thought about it, if you were to trust anyone else with her well being, you suppose it would be Tavros. He has really taken to caring for her as an uncle would in the past several months...
"Say something?" Caspian urged gently.
"I... I don't know what to say." 
"Just say what you're thinking. Please." He added.
You huffed, "I'm thinking too much. You couldn't keep up."
He chuckled. "Let me try?"
"I suppose...it's not a horrible proposition."
"Alright... That's a better response than last time." He laughed.
"I just...I'm not sure I'm the right person for this. Even if Sisni wasn't in the picture, which is hard enough to imagine, I'm not a politician. I'm not a leader. Hell, I don't even like interacting with others."
"But you still do it, very well. Like it or not, you're good at it. You aren't a trained politician, but that's not who we need. You are genuine, and kind. Ask any of my men, people immediately feel comfortable around you. I can personally vouch for that...to a fault..." he looked down and chuckled. 
"But why me? Why not Mr.Osen? He already knows how to sail, and he knows the villagers..."
"He was an option. We all spoke about it together. Osen included. But even he thought you would be a better match than he. Plus..." he blushed slightly, "If we are speaking our minds here..." and looked back up at you, "It would taste a lie to say I wouldn't want you to accompany me for selfish reasons."
You met his gaze. "Oh?"
"I... feel a connection with you... and unless I'm mistaken, you feel it too. I don't quite understand it, or know what to do with it... but I know I don't want to part with you. You make me feel in a way I never have before...and it feels...good."
You stayed silent, hoping he would continue. 
"Am I making a fool of myself here?" He asked silently.
You decided to spare him. "No. You aren't the only one..."
"No?" He looked back up at you.
You shook your head. 
"You're right." You finally said, and averted your eyes.
"I am afraid."
"Of listening to my deeper desires. Of admitting I have had thoughts of leaving this place. Of the feelings you ignite in me..."
"Should we be afraid of them?" he asked in almost a whisper.
"You shouldn't. You're the King. You can do and say as you please without real consequence. You could command me on this voyage with you and I would have to obey. My desires don't matter... between the two of us I would be the one who comes out a fool if I acted on them..."
He sat back, and you saw a flicker of darkness cross over his eyes. "You think my actions don't have consequences?" He stood up, and began to pace.
"You're right, I am the King, and as such everyone looks to my example. They look to me to always do right by the rules of the state. I do not get to act on my desires or whims. If I do, every decision I make is scrutinized by my court, my subjects...everyone. Do you not think I would love to act on impulse when the urge strikes? Damned be what is 'proper' or 'appropriate?' Why do you think I didn't kiss you yesterday?"
Your skin felt as if it was on fire. "I thought..."
"What?" He demanded. 
"That you didn't want to... that I was imagining things...that I was corrupting your honor."
"Pffft" he shook his head and placed his hands on his hips."Are you joking? Look at you."
He took two large strides and crossed the room back to you. He moved the chair aggressively, and knelt at your feet. 
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I noticed you as soon as you emerged from the crowd that day I returned to this island. And if that wasn't enough you are intelligent, compassionate, funny, and so SO strong. If I threw proper expectations to the wind I would have begun courting you the moment we met..."
His eyes were sharp, and penetrating. They had darkened to near black, you couldn't look away if you wanted to. He stared into yours for what seemed like minutes...then he blinked a few times, and the darkness receded, returning them to their usual soft dark brown. You saw him exhale, and his shoulders dropped slightly. 
He turned his gaze to the floor and cracked a smile. "There now...between the two of us, I have made myself the fool."
He stood up. "Now you don't have to be afraid."
"I'm not so sure about that."
"What, do I need to make more a fool of myself?"
"It couldn't hurt..." You looked up at him, trying to hide a smile.
He chuckled. "You see? Funny."
He sighed deeply, and sat back on the chair he had so viciously pushed out of the way, and ran his hand through his hair. "So."
"So?" You responded.
"What can I do to ease your mind? How can I make this decision easier for you?"
"You kind of already did."
"Kind of? Tell me what else concerns you. Let me help."
"Ok." You sat up straight and faced him. "IF I were to agree to accompany you, and that's a big 'if", I would need to be guaranteed Sisni's safety and happiness."
"Without compromise." He confirmed.
"And, this inn is to be run the way it always has been. The way my parents intended. No big changes."
"As if they were still making the decisions." He agreed.
"And I don't want to be gone for years. As quick a trip as possible."
"Whatever is within my power."
"I don't know anything about sailing..."
He laughed. "You don't have to."
"I'm not cooking for the whole crew."
"I would never dream of it."
You paused...
"Is that it?" He joked. "Would you like that all in writing with my royal seal?"
"Very funny." 
He stood and moved the chair closer to you, then sat back down, and placed his hand on your knee.
"I will be by your side at all times. I would give my life to protect you, sacrifice any comfort to make you feel safe. Anything you need, you will have it. And Sisni as well. The castle is close to finished, and once she and Tavros move in, she will want for nothing. You have my word."
"Ok." You conceded. 
"Ok? Meaning?"
"I'll do it. I'll go to Calormen with you."
He lit up, and pulled you into an embrace. One of his hands on your lower back, the other around the back of your head. You felt your body heat up again. You felt his back under your palms. His defined muscles flexed under his shirt as he held you tight. Your hands moved down his back involuntarily, feeling every curve, every dip. You felt him shiver, and slowly pull away. 
"Thank you." He whispered in your ear, "brave girl."
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JAG ska va först…nej JAG ska va…! Nu trängs de om platsen igen. Men lägg av..! JAG börjar och sen får du
Va? Säger vem? Säger hon och försöker hålla i skidorna och hjälmen sitter på sniskan. Varför kan inte jag *försöka hålla i allt* börja osen kommer du efter?
Haha nänä så funkar det inte. JAG börjar, sen får du
Jeeeeeaaaagbörjarosenfådu säger hon och driver med honom. Han ser rött och börjar koka lite lätt.
NU är det såhär att JAG börjar o därmed basta!
Hon driver med honom igen och gör miner som ska se ut som honom...han ser.
Han suckar. Vi KAN inte gå samtidigt, vi får inte plats då. Kolla hur mycket packning du har och sen har jag allt det här. Hur ska vi komma igenom dörren har du tänkt?
Hon ser hur trångt det är och det är knappt så en kommer in med all jäkla packning de har med sig. Det är tungt och svettigt att bära och bökigt. De måste bestämma sig snabbt.
Jag vill mest inte gå sist, säger hon litet.
Nä, ok, det vill väl inte jag heller men nån måste ju gå först.
Varför ska det va du då?
Jamen kolla här, den här packningen behöver in först. Sen kan vi ta din packning.
Nu känns det som att hennes packning är mindre värd.
Fine, gå med din fina packning först du, säger hon ledset. Det är ju klart att du med din fina packning ska gå först. Jag har ju bara det här liksom.
Nu suckar han ännu mer och börjar ställa av sina grejer.
Ok om jag tar din den där och så kan du ta min den då?
Hennes purkna min blir lite mindre purken.
De byter grejer och packar om. Det är ett himla tjorv. Sen ska de gå ut ur dörren samtidigt. Det är ett himla pusslande.
Ajajaj..! ta bort racket, det klämmer in i min mage!
Jag når inte..!
Jamen ta bort kastrullen och flaxa med din högra arm, så kanske jag kan ta den i farten..!
TJONG! Aaaaaj!
Vad hände?
Du smällde till mig med cyklopet RAKT i ögat!
Va? Du la väl det i ryggsäcken?
Ja men sen fick det inte plats så då hängde jag det bredvid kastrullen så att jag kunde få plats med mina badtofflor.
De svettas. De är fulla av prylar och står precis i dörröppningen. De tittar på varandra.
Hade inte du packat som en paket getter så hade vi inte varit här.
Nä för DUUUU packar ju så JÄVLA mycket bättre…! Vad är det här liksom? En slangbella? Vad ska vi med en slangbella till?
Det kan va bra att ha när..
Och det här…? Din farmors hemmastickade kofta? Du har ju ALDRIG använt den! Du sa ju att du blev galen på att den kliade så att du vägrade ta på dig den…!
JA men vi kanske behöver den för att göra upp brasa nån gång.
Vi HAR ju massa tändstickor med oss redan..!
JA men jag tycker OM farmors kofta..!
Ja men den tar ju upp halva ryggsäcken..! Det är ju därför jag får ha kastrullerna här..!
De där kastrullerna är skruttiga…
Det är skruttiga kastruller..
Ska vi börja med DET nu? Vi kom väl överens om att det var de bästa vi hittade ..?
Det FANNS….bättre
NEJ vi ska inte ha dedär fula med Rambotryck
De såg för jävliga ut! Plus att de fick bara handdiskas och du hatar ju att diska..!
Nu purknar han till.
Hon tittar i taket som i oh lord ge mig styrka. Svetten droppar ner på ryggen och det är lite smått ohållbart.
De kommer inte igenom.
Kan inte jag bara gå först och sen kommer du efter?
HA! Ja den va bra.
Det bästa är ju om JAG börjar gå och SEN kommer du.
Hon ger en isande blick och pekar finger under vanten.
Sen sitter de där. Fulla med packning av allt möjligt de dragit med sig. En tejpad trädgårdsslang, en gammal motor som inte fungerar som tydligen kan ”va bra att ha”, nallen från när de va sju och…listan är lång.
Det går tydligen inte heller att någon gör sig av med lite packning, för det vill de inte. Så då sitter de och anklagar varandra. Kanske mognar de tillräckligt och inser att de kan gå en i taget eller så kommer de sitta där än, likt Ferdinand under korkeken. 
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cptablovegood · 6 years
Hot take: Lord Osen is also queer. He knew the rumours about Dannyl and his relationship with Tayend were true and encouraged him to ‘cherish and enjoy’ their ‘friendship’. He also gave Dannyl the perfect excuse to leave Kyralia and live in Elyne permanently where his gayness wouldn’t be used against him.
This only a week after Lorlen died. Lorlen who he was obviously in love with. If this isn’t queers supporting queers idk what is.
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wyvernscales · 3 years
Flemeth? Andraste? Mythal?
Are they all the same?
(Not my best work here but I refuse to work on it any more)
Flemeth is said to have been born in 3:00 Towers in Highever, among the Alamarri. The Alamarri (specifically the Clayne tribe) are the humans who lived in present day Fereldan and were united by King Calenhad in the Exalted Age. Morrigan claims that she was married to a bard named Osen and Lord Conobar had killed him to win Flemeth over. When she learned of this, she swore vengeance upon him. This is where she meets the spirit of Mythal and bonds with her, fleeing to the Korcari Wilds after his death. Morrigan says that she is neither human nor abomination, and that there is no word to accurately describe what she is.
Andraste was also of the Alamarri. She is said to be born in Denerim in -203 Ancient but the accounts differ. This is also the year that the First Blight ended. Her sister Halliserre died under mysterious circumstances while Andraste watched and after this, she began to go into trance states and report the sound of voices and bells she would later interpret to be from the Maker. Andraste would later go on to claim that her mother had been conspiring with the Old Gods and caused the death of her sister. After she was captured and enslaved by the Tevinter Imperium, she led the first Exalted March against them. Miraculously, they crossed the Waking Sea and pushed the Imperium back all the way to the Valerian Fields and planned a siege of Minrathous itself. Her husband Maferath betrayed her and conspired with the Imperium to have her captured and killed out of jealousy, and she burned at the stake for it.
It is critical to remember that none of this is firsthand information. It is impossible to know the complete truth from it, but we can still compare what we have. There is a 500 year gap between birth years. That is significant enough of a gap for me to say that they are probably not the same person. But what of Mythal? It is hard to say. It is true that the part of Mythal that dwells in Flemeth may have also found Andraste. Their motivations of vengeance are certainly similar. This is particularly interesting considering the fact that Flemeth passes it down to her daughters, and Andraste and her daughters only had other daughters. Could it be possible that Flemeth is a descendant of Andraste who passes the soul down? Perhaps, but I don’t think so. Flemeth’s story of how she came upon Mythal would have to be entirely false. And while Flemeth would lie for her own gain, the fact that she felt the need to correct the legend about her feels important. Though I definitely see the parallels between Flemeth and Andraste’s stories.
So I don’t think Andraste had the piece of Mythal. Flemeth says that Mythal came to her when she was furious and seeking vengeance. However Andraste was said to hear the strange whispers and go into trancelike states after the event with Halliserre, not before she declared vengeance upon the Imperium. She could have sworn vengeance against her sister I suppose, but summoning an Elven God to rain hellfire upon your sister is... unlikely no matter the disagreement. Flemeth doesn’t really explain the experience of being processed by Mythal, but it does seem like it gives her a great deal of knowledge on the Elves and their history. Andraste doesn’t seem to have any Elven knowledge, though the Chantry would have removed any reference to it. Also, Andraste attributes these whispers to the Maker, who is referred to as He as well as being a creator God. Two things that Mythal is not. (I don’t think the Chantry would misgender their whole ass God and there is no church sanctioned homophobia in Thedas)
I agree that these two are similar though. Both givers of prophecy and visions. Both cryptic and strange. But that doesn’t mean they are the same people. They could be the same type of being however. Morrigan says that Flemeth is not exactly an abomination, but there is not word to describe her. Certainly, we know that Flemeth isn’t the only one with the soul of a deity. Kieran can have one too. Which is interesting, considering the fact that Andraste was born the year the First Blight ended. I think that Andraste is a similar being as Flemeth, but I’m not convinced they’re both Mythal.
Note: DAO has a habit of confusing the Avaar and the Alamarri and has conflicting statements on the Clayne. It can be really hard to tell which is which when reading through the codex entries. Technically the Avaar were a part of the Alamarri, but they became a separate group in the Frostback Mountains in around -1300 Ancient
Codex Entry: Flemeth
Codex Entry: Andraste: Bride of the Maker
Codex Entry: The History of the Chantry: Chapter 2+3
Dragon Age: the World of Thedas vol.1
Codex Entry: The Children of Andraste
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Una leggenda narra che molto tempo fa un nobile di nome Bann Conobar prese in moglie una giovane donna che possedeva un talento segreto per le arti magiche: Flemeth di Altura Perenne. E per un certo periodo vissero le proprie vite felici insieme, fino all'arrivo di un bardo di nome Osen, un poeta, il quale catturò il cuore della donna con i suoi versi.
I due amanti fuggirono e chiesero aiuto e asilo alle tribù Chasind, così che li nascondessero nelle Selve Korkari dalla furia di Conobar. Finché un giorno arrivò la notizia che Lord Conobar era in fin di vita e che il suo ultimo desiderio era quello di poter guardare di nuovo il volto della sua amata moglie prima di morire.
I due tornarono ad Altura Perenne, solo per rendersi conto troppo tardi che gli avevano teso una trappola. Conobar uccise Osen e Flemeth venne imprigionata nella torre più alta del castello. Afflitta dal dolore e furiosa per la morte del suo amore, Flemeth pronunciò un incantesimo per invocare un spirito che l'aiutasse a vendicarsi su suo marito. Ottenne vendetta, e non solo quello.
Lo spirito prese possesso di lei, trasformando Flemeth in un abominio, una creatura dissennata che fece strage di Conobar e dei suoi uomini. Ed infine tornó nelle Selve.
Per centinaia di anni, Flemeth rapì uomini dai Chasind per generare mostruose figlie, spaventose donne che terrorizzavano a morte gli uomini. Queste streghe guidarono un'armata di Chasind dalle Selve per attaccare le tribù Alamarri ma vennero sconfitte dall'eroe Cormac, e messe al rogo.
Ma ancora oggi, gli abitanti delle Selve raccontano che nelle loro paludi vivono Flemeth e le sue figlie, le quali rapiscono tutti gli uomini che troppo gli si avvicinano.
Beh, questo è ciò che dice la leggenda, ma Morrigan narra tutta un'altra storia, raccontatale proprio da sua madre: Flemeth era la moglie di Osen. Lord Conobar s'innamorò di lei e questi andò da Osen per proporgli un patto: ricchezza e potere in cambio di sua moglie. Il bardo accettò l'accordo, spinto in realtà da Flemeth a farlo. Ma, Lord Conobar aveva fatto un patto che non poteva rispettare, perché quei soldi promessi al bardo non li aveva. Ma era troppo geloso e ossessionato dalla donna e non riuscendo a rinunciarvi uccise Osen. Flemeth venne a sapere della morte del suo amato dagli spiriti, e piena di rabbia giurò vendetta. Richiamò gli spiriti per uccidere Lord Conobar, e poi si rifugiò nelle Selve Korkari. Gli alleati di Lord Conobar la inseguirono ma furono sopraffatti poiché nelle Selve Flemeth trovò un demone che, a quanto si dice, la rese potente abbastanza da riuscire a difendersi.
Morrigan afferma che le leggende sull'eroe Cormac sono false e che non ci fu mai un'invasione. E, stando sempre a sua madre, i Chasind non radunarono alcun un esercito sotto il controllo di Flemeth e che né si scontrò mai con Cormac.
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hakuogakuen · 4 years
Hakuouki SSL: Chapter 2 (Heisuke)
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Hello, I’m sorry for the wait! As stated in my previous post, a lot has changed behind the scenes of this translation since I last posted. While I have gained proof readers, I have decided to post my raw translations here for now. Additionally, due to various format complications, I have stopped using honorifics towards the end of this section. Here is Heisuke’s chapter 2. Translation begins under the cut!
(scene change: sky)
Chizuru: Time passed in the blink of an eye: one semester was already over, and it was already August. 
In other words……
It was time for what everyone had been waiting for: Summer vacation! 
The cicadas sang their song enthusiastically. And then, one day when summer was at its peak-----
(phone vibrates: receive “Kazama 1” and “Ryuunosuke 4” 
A friend invited me to go shopping, and I was visiting the square in front of the station. 
“....but by the look of things, I wonder if I came a little too early?” 
I looked around the area, but I didn’t see the figure of my friend in the place we agreed to meet. 
I only saw the flickering heat haze rising up from the asphalt. 
“I wonder what I should do…?” 
I muttered that while I tried to take out my cell phone. Just then: 
???: “Hey, wait, you young lady. If you’re free, why don’t you go to a cafe with me?” 
Chizuru: “Eh…?” 
A voice suddenly echoed, and I felt a tap on my shoulder. 
(Shiranui appears) 
Shiranui: “......just kidding. I thought I had seen your face somewhere, but it really is you, huh?” 
Chizuru: “S-Shiranui-senpai!?” 
Shiranui: “What are you doing here? I know you mistook me for a pick-up artist, but that's not a good way to greet someone, is it?” 
Chizuru: “A….A pick-up artist, you say…..” 
When I was called out to a moment ago, I was startled, but……
Relieved that it was someone I knew, I let out a small breath. 
Chizuru: “I’m here waiting to meet a friend. Why are you alone, Shiranui-senpai?” 
Shiranui: “I’m buying clothes for a little while. When I’m with Kazama, I can’t move around freely……” 
“Amagiri’s fashion sense is too much, so I definitely can’t consult him. That’s why being by myself is the most comfortable.” 
Chizuru: “It seems like each of the three of you each have different taste in clothing, huh?” 
Shiranui: “I guess. I like leather and silver accessories, but those guys don’t get it at all.” 
Chizuru: As Shiranui-senpai gave an exaggerated shrug, I found myself smiling unintentionally. 
…...now that I think about it, this may be the first time I’ve talked with Shiranui-senpai one-on-one. 
As he casually spoke to and listened to me, Shiranui-senpai casually looked at his watch. 
Shiranui: “....oops. Come to think of it, you were waiting for your friend, right?” 
Chizuru: “Ah, yes…”
[I think they will come soon.] Or  [I still have a bit of time.]
Chizuru: “Timewise, they should be coming soon, but……”
As I answered him, I checked my cell phone again. At that moment: 
???: “Hey, you pick-up artist guy! Why don’t you get away from my friend?” 
Chizuru: A sharp voice echoed around the plaza. 
(footsteps: Sen and Kosuzu appear!) 
Chizuru: “Ah! You two….!” 
Shiranui: “Huh? Pick-up artist? …….you couldn’t mean me, right?” 
Kosuzu: “Well, who else would she mean?” 
Sen: “Your clothes and aura are both so gaudy. No matter how you look at it, you’re a skirt-chaser!” 
Chizuru: “W-wait a minute, both of you…..!”
The people I was waiting to meet-- Osen-chan and Kosuzu-chan, cut into the conversation and defended my back. (pretty sure this is a colloquialism…. I think it means something like “had my back” or “jumped to my defence”) 
While those two watched him carefully, Shiranui-senpai grinned and looked like he was having fun as he turned to look at me. 
Shiranui: “....yeah. It looks like that from the outside, huh?” 
Chizuru: “Um, Osen-chan, Kosuzu-chan, he’s not really a pick-up artist----” 
Shiranui: “-----And if I am a pick-up artist, what are you going to do? Should I take all three of you on a date all at once?” 
Chizuru: “Ehh!?”
Shiranui-senpai wore an expression that completely overflowed with his teasing intentions, and he threw out the one phrase that would disrupt the situation even more. 
But because he said such a thing, Osen-chan and Kosuzu-chan couldn’t remain silent either……
Sen: “Rejection-sama. From here on, us three girls plan to have a fun time together.”
(The kanji for what Sen calls Shiranui is oiniku-- which means “sorry, but….”--- combined with the prefix o- (meaning great or honorable) and the honorific -sama (which is used to refer to those who are revered). If i had to guess-- and I do, I’m the translator-- I would say Sen is calling him “The Honorable Lord of Romantic Rejections,” or something along those lines!) 
Shiranui: “Oh Oh, very scary. I get it, so don’t glare at me like that.” 
“Well then, I guess this nuisance better hurry up and leave. See you later, have as much fun as possible.” 
Chizuru: While lightly waving his hand and laughing, Shiranui-senpai left just after saying that. 
Kosuzu: “Are you alright, Chizuru-chan?” 
Sen: “Because you’re so nice, I don’t think you spoke bluntly enough……” 
“With that kind of person, don’t you think you need to clearly refuse and reject him?” 
Kosuzu: “If you show sweetness to that kind of guy, soon he’ll take advantage of your kindness.” 
Chizuru: “.......um…….” 
Anyway, for the time being I had to explain to these two that that person was an acquaintance of mine, and not a pick-up artist…….
I opened  my mouth while letting out a sigh, but it took a long time to get those two to accept my explanation…….
Sen: “Even so, it's been a long time! I’m so glad to see you~!” 
Kosuzu: “Osen-chan and I  both have extra-curricular activities: that being so we still tried to make plans to meet, but…..” (Kosuzu is speaking in the Kansai dialect, which she also used in her original appearance in Reimeiroku. I have some serious problems both reading her dialogue and listening to her speak, so I’m afraid that her dialogue will partially be an approximation. Sorry! 人(_ _*) ) 
Chizuru: “It's also thanks to summer vacation.” 
Sen: “Yeah. Now that it's the long-awaited summer vacation, I want to meet up as close to every day as possible, not just today!” 
Chizuru: “E-every day!?” 
Kosuzu: “If you had just come to Shimabara Girl’s Academy with us in the first place, we could have seen each other every day.” 
Chizuru: This girl is Suzuka Sen. She is my friend, and a second-year student at Shimabara Girl’s Academy, which is next to Hakuo Academy. 
I call her ‘Osen-chan.’ She is about one year older than me, is reliable, and she really seems to care about me…….
Even though she is the daughter of a big/important house, she is not the least bit pretentious. I think she is a lovely person. 
And this girl is Suzuka Kosuzu. She is a freshman at Shimabara Girl’s Academy, and I always call her ‘Kosuzu-chan.’
Due to various circumstances, she lives with Osen-chan’s family. I guess she is Osen-chan’s sister-in-law. 
With her looks and her wonderful, straight-forward personality, I want to learn to be like her…. That’s what I thought. 
Sen: “Right? I invited you to “come with us” so many times, and yet!” 
“In the end, you entered Hakuo Academy, which is riddled with men…..!” 
Kosuzu: “Well, since you chose your own path, the course you take can be helped, but……” 
“Anyway, for today-- since we don’t usually get the chance to meet-- why don’t we socialize a lot?” 
Chizuru: “Yeah. Lets have as much fun as possible!” 
I nodded in agreement, and the two of them smiled happily. 
Sen: “Then, first up is shopping!” 
Chizuru: With Osen-chan beginning to walk first, we headed as a group down the street. 
(scene change: sky) 
We three girls looked around the various stores, focusing on clothing. 
I decided on my own clothes rapidly. However,  Osen-chan and Kosuzu-chan……
Somehow, I ended up getting caught up in the incredible momentum of events, and I tried on set after set of clothing. 
That being the case, it was a little bit rough, but…..
Even so, this time spent in the company of other girls was fun and different from usual.
(scene change: shopping district) 
Kosuzu: “All the stores just have autumn things. Even though it's still the height of summer…..” 
Sen: “At any rate, isn’t it good for summer items to be cheaper? Look, things like this are 30% off!” 
Chizuru: Both Osen-chan and Kosuzu-chan bought a bunch of clothing, seeming very satisfied. They laughed with matching friendly grins. 
As for me, after trying on item after item, I was a little tired……
Kosuzu: “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it's already noon. If you’re hungry, why don’t we take a break?” 
Chizuru: “That’s true. I wonder if we should sit down and take a short break…..” 
Sen: “Then, here is…” 
(scene change: restaurant) 
Chizuru: My favorite fast food place was packed with students taking shelter from the heat. 
We finished placing our orders, and each of us took our respective trays and immediately hurried to our seats. 
As I bit into my hamburger, we engaged in easy small talk.
What type of shoes would match the dress I bought earlier? 
At Shimabara Girl’s Academy, had there been a ball game tournament? 
But, soon enough…….
Sen: “Summer is the season of equal love, right?” 
Chizuru: I noticed that Sen’s attack was apparently aimed at me---
Because her intensely curious eyes brightened as she stared at me. 
Sen: “Hey hey, Chizuru-chan.  Since spring, you’ve only been with men at Hakuo Academy, but……” 
“Do you have someone you like?” 
Chizuru: “!?” 
At the question that was asked too suddenly, I almost spat out my orange juice.
Kosuzu: “That reaction…. Could it be that you got a boyfriend?” 
Chizuru: “!!?”
Sen: “Eh!? You really do have one!?” 
Chizuru:  While I was busy choking on my juice, the conversation was progressing rapidly without me…..!
Sen: “If you really do have one, you absolutely have to introduce me. I’ll inspect/check him for you!” 
Kosuzu: “Me too, me too. If someone weird is with Chizuru-chan, leave him to me!” 
Chizuru: “T-that’s okay! Because there is no such person!”  
Sen: “But, it's your precious summer vacation. Don’t you long for the feeling of a ‘summer date?’” 
Chizuru: “.....that is, um…….” 
I felt some longing when I heard the phrase itself, but….
Kosuzu: “If so, let’s go look at swimsuits later, and then everyone can go to the pool during summer vacation.” 
Sen: “Ah, good idea! If there are any good men there, it could be an opportunity to get one, right?” 
Chizuru: “E-eeh…..!?” 
The conversation progressed steadily without me. Meanwhile, I was only confused, but….
The grin of enjoyment that Sen-chan had been wearing since earlier only intensified. 
Sen: “You know, I want Chizuru-chan to daringly wear a bikini…..” 
Chizuru: “I-I can’t wear many things with that kind of skin exposure!” 
My goodness…..!
As I flushed bright red and refused, this time it was Kosuzu-chan’s turn to open her mouth from next to me. 
Kosuzu: “Osenen-san, I’m against it. I think a one piece would suit Chizuru-chan best.” 
Chizuru: “I-I wonder…..?” 
I really don’t know myself if it would suit me or not, but….
I really thought I was grateful for the suggestion of an inoffensive/safe design. 
Kosuzu: “The feeling you get while boldly exposing your back rewards you with feeling more like a beautiful lady----” 
Chizuru: “Wait, please wait.”
Kosuzu: “After all, it's still a no? I think it's necessary to be adventurous sometimes, though……” 
Chizuru: “It's still too early for me to go on such an adventure!”
Sen: “Hehe…… Well, that being as it may, why don’t we still go shopping for swimsuits?” 
Kosuzu: “Everyone wants to go to the pool, right? Since it's our precious summer vacation.” 
Chizuru: “..............” 
I got the feeling that their smiling faces hid an  impending crisis, but I firmly and intentionally pushed that feeling aside. 
“For me, I want to properly select my swimsuit myself!” 
Sen: “..............” 
Kosuzu: “.............” 
Chizuru: Upon hearing my assertion, for some reason the two of them smiled meaningfully. 
I’m very uneasy…..
(scene change: sky) 
After that, we left the store and went shopping for swimsuits, but…..
How do I put this? The only designs that were recommended to suit me were something that your older, adult sister would wear. (I don’t really get this… maybe the designs were very revealing?) 
Ultimately-- as I declared in advance-- I chose my swimsuit myself, but……
…..it was really hard……
(scene change: station square)
Kosuzu: “Today was really fun, huh? Thanks for agreeing to hang out, Chizuru-chan.” 
“Now that we’ve bought some cute swimsuits, we definitely have to go to the pool, too.” 
Sen: “Ah! Good, now hurry up and say ‘how about next Sunday’?” 
Chizuru: “Hehe…..sure. Sunday is fine.” 
Sen: “Thank goodness! Then, see you next Sunday, ok?” 
(Sen and Kosuzu leave) 
Chizuru: Since I was the only one who lived in a different direction, I bid the two of them farewell there. 
I knew I had been manipulated, but I was really looking forward to playing with those two again. 
(scene change: Yukimura residence) 
Chizuru: The next day-----
“I’m heading out~!” 
As I left the doorway, I called out and looked over my shoulder as a force of habit, although there was no one else in the house. 
Outside was suitable for summer vacation: it was almost too hot, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. 
“First, to return the book that I finished reading, and then:”
“Ah, that’s right. And next, I wonder if I should do my homework…..” 
The place I am headed to is the school library, which is open even during summer vacation. 
(black screen) 
As I donned the school uniform that I hadn’t worn in a long time, the fabric made me feel itchy as I headed toward the school…..
(scene change: school front) 
The moment that I passed through the school gate, I could hear an energetic, cheerful voice from somewhere. 
I thought it was probably the shouts of encouragement from students participating in a club activity. 
“That reminds me, did Heisuke-kun say that he and the others also had club activities during summer vacation….?” 
Before summer vacation began, I remember Heisuke-kun telling me that I should ‘come and show my face and see him, if I was free’. 
I felt like I wanted to see Heisuke-kun and the others while they were doing their best at Kendo, but…..
If I visited all of a sudden today, I wonder if I would become a nuisance….? 
[Go straight to the library] Or [Try and stop at the Kendo Hall]
Chizuru: Since I was specifically called, after all, I want to take a peek at the state of the kendo club.
If it seems like I’m becoming a nuisance, I’ll return home soon. 
(scene change: outside the kendo dojo) 
As I walked down the passage, the figure of a person I recognized came into view from the direction of the kendo dojo. 
“Good afternoon, Hijikata-sensei.” 
(Hijikata appears)
Hijikata: “Yukimura…..? You, what are you doing in a place like this?”
Chizuru: Seeming hot, the teacher was  pulling on and flapping the collar of his shirt to allow air inside. He opened his eyes wide in surprise. 
“I thought I would come today and study in the library, but…..” 
“Before that, I was hoping to take a quick look at the condition of the kendo club, as well.”
“.....By the way, Hijikata-sensei, are you on your way back from coaching the kendo club?” 
Hijikata: “Yeah, I just changed shifts with Kondou-san.” 
“If something were to happen during the kendo club and a teacher wasn’t there to supervise and take responsibility, various annoying things would happen.” 
Chizuru: The advisor of the kendo club is Principal Kondou-sensei, but…..
When Kondou-sensei is absent, Hijikata-sensei often acts as the coach. 
I heard that Harada-sensei and Nagakura-sensei also hold a dan rank in kendo…..(the upper six skill levels in kendo) 
Because there are so many coaches,  everyone agrees on the strength of the Hakuo Academy kendo club. 
Hijikata: “Well, if you’re going then prepare yourself. The air in the dojo is heavy with humidity. If you draw out your observation, you’ll collapse in a heap.” 
Chizuru: Shrugging his shoulders, Hijikata-sensei began to walk off, but----
I called out to his back to stop him. 
“......Hijikata-sensei, where are you going?” 
Hijikata: “The cafeteria. It's about time for Gen-san to prepare lunch for those guys.” 
“Even though it's a break, he intentionally keeps the cafeteria open. No one goes to help him.” 
Chizuru: “Ah…. Well then, please allow me to help as well.” 
I said that and offered/raised my hand, but Hijikata-sensei shook his head slightly. 
Hijikata: “I’m grateful for that feeling, but…..” 
“When it comes to the club/staff members, the amount of food is not terrible. But also, it takes a lot of manual labor and time.”
Chizuru: When I was told that, I thought for a little…..
[After all, I will help!] Or [I’m sorry I can’t be of use to you.]
My shoulders slumped at Hijikata-sensei’s words.  
Chizuru: “I’m sorry I can’t be of use to you…..” 
If its physical labor, the truth is I can’t be of much help. 
If I unreasonably say I’ll help, far from helping, if I don’t drop it I’ll just get in the way. 
Hijikata: “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like I’m your manager or something.” 
“Besides, if you want to see it, come later. It's almost time for lunch break to begin.” 
Chizuru: I silently saw off Hijikata-sensei’s back as he said such a curt thing and departed. 
I let out a sigh, and----- 
(cat meows) 
At the sudden cry of a cat, I looked around my environment for the figure of the animal. 
Thereupon, a nearby thicket shook, and the shape of a black cat appeared. 
I wonder if this cat is used to people? When I gently reached my hand out to it, the cat nuzzled against my body. 
I stroked its back, and its eyes narrowed happily…
(cat meows) 
Unfortunately, before too long the black cat lost interest, and it ran away from me. 
And then, it turned back to look at me, seeming to invite me to it. 
“This is….”
Do you mean “follow me”? 
[Chase after it] Or [Leave it alone]
Chizuru: I don’t understand the language of cats, plus…..
As HIjikata-sensei had communicated to me, the kendo club will soon enter their lunch break. 
“If that’s the case, I have to hurry to get there before then.” 
Parting from the cat who was running off somewhere, I hurried to the kendo dojo----
(scene change: kendo dojo) 
By the time I could see the kendo dojo, I could clearly hear a vigorous, loud voice. 
(sound of a bamboo sword swinging, Kondou appears)
Kondou: “Alright, we’re done!” 
Chizuru: The kendo hall, air heavy with enthusiasm, shook with a voice more tense/proud than any other. (the character for enthusiasm is also the character for ‘hot air’, so it's unclear which of these the kendo hall is filled with…. Perhaps it's a pun, and it's both?) 
(further sound of bamboo swords)
Kondou: “Your movements are dull. I know you’re tired, but summon all your strength and put forth your best effort!” 
“It’s too early to rest! It’s a weakness of the mind/heart to decide you’re already at your limit!” 
Chizuru: Kendo club members struck at Kondou-sensei from all sides. 
(sound of bamboo swords clashing) 
Sensei easily deflected the approaching members with the point of his bamboo sword. 
They were such simple movements, but still members of the kendo club were scattered, falling over across the dojo floor. 
Kondou: “Souji, your flanks are too soft!” (he’s not guarding his sides well, in a way that is naive/inadequate) 
Okita: “Yes sir!” 
Chizuru: “Wow….” 
I inadvertently let my voice leak out, because---
Because up until now, I hadn’t seen Okita-senpai wear such a serious face.
While keeping his movement to a minimum, Okita-senpai aimed with certainty for the plastron of the other club members, stopping just before hitting them. (plastron is the guard worn in kendo) 
I got the feeling that his movements somehow resembled those of Kondou-sensei. 
Heisuke: “URYAAAAA!!” 
Chizuru: When I looked in the direction of the lively voice, I saw Heisuke-kun just about to strike one of the other club members. 
He was dripping with sweat from the intense training, but he wore a happy-looking expression. 
I had heard rumors that the toughest club activity at Hakuo Academy was the kendo club, but…..
It’s really amazing…..
I couldn’t speak, my breath taken away as I stared at the practice session in front of me. 
(screen wipe: time has passed)
Heisuke: “Huh, Chizuru….!?” 
Chizuru: Eventually, when the instructional voice ceased to speak, Heisuke-kun noticed me and stared in amazement.
Heisuke: “You came to watch!” 
Chizuru: He broke out into a happy expression, and quickly ran up to me. 
Kondou: “Hmm…. It’s just about the right time, isn’t it?” 
Chizuru: When Kondou-sensei checked the clock for confirmation, he looked around at the club members and then called out to them. 
Kondou: “Well then, let us have our lunch break!” 
“After lunch, put on your protective equipment: it will be time for a full-effort practice session! Make sure to not neglect the maintenance of your personal bamboo sword!” 
Club members: “Yes, sir!” 
Chizuru: The club members straightened their spines and replied vigorously. But, in the moment afterwards---
Everyone’s mood seemed to relax, and the dojo was engulfed in the tumult of loud chatter and laughter. 
Kondou: “It’s been a while, Yukimura-kun.” 
Chizuru: Kondou-sensei smiled cheerfully , and his eyes narrowed as though he was seeing something radiant. 
Kondou: “There is a saying that young men can change a lot, even in three short days, and I want to say that…. But wow.” (proverb in japanese, very difficult to translate….) 
“Girls can also change a lot. During summer vacation, you seem like you’ve become more lady-like and more beautiful!” 
Chizuru: “!? S-such a thing--” 
Seeing me panic, Okita-senpai made a stifled laugh from the back of his throat and smiled. 
Okita: “Kondou-san, don’t you think it’s bad for a teacher to seduce a student?” 
Kondou: “T-that’s a misunderstanding. I was only stating my honest impression. I didn’t have any ulterior motives.” 
Okita: “But, it was a misleading thing to say. If Hijikata-san heard you say that, he would be furious.” 
Kondou: “I-I guess….” 
Chizuru: Kondou-sensei made a flustered face, and tried to change the topic of conversation by trying to arouse Heisuke-kun’s interest. 
Kondou: “B-by the way, was Yukimura-kun called here today by Toudou-kun?” 
Heisuke: “I told her to come see me if she had time during summer vacation.”
Kondou:  “Is that so? I wonder if it would be good to restart practice one more time then….” 
Heisuke: “Eh?” 
Kondou: “She just came here, right? Then, we should show her an especially manly training scene…” 
Chizuru: Generated by Kondou-sensei’s words, and indescribable feeling of tension engulfed the training hall. 
Okita: “If that’s what Kondou-san intends to do, then I don’t mind. I’m not hungry anyhow.” 
Chizuru: “N-no! it’s fine!” 
I would feel incredibly guilty if they restarted such harsh practice just for my sake. 
Before Kondou-sensei could respond to Okita-senpai, I rushed to open my mouth. 
“I’ve actually been observing for a while now!” 
“It’s hard to describe, but….. It was a really amazing practice session.” 
When I voiced my honest feelings, Kondou-sensei puffed out his chest proudly. 
Kondou: “My students have a lot of talent. Day after day, without losing their passion, they work their hardest.” 
Heisuke: “Now if Chizuru became our manager, everything would be amazing….” 
Chizuru: “Manager?” 
Kondou: “Ah, that’s a good idea! We don’t have a manager in our kendo club…” 
Club Member A: “I want a manager.” 
Club Member B: “If it was Yukimura, that would be incredible!” 
Chizuru: The club members around me all agreed and nodded to one another. 
It was an option I had never thought about, and I unintentionally faltered. 
Okita-senpai alone was not smiling, and he spoke in a dispassionate tone. 
Okita: “Knock it off.” 
Chizuru: When I received everyone’s hopeful gazes and Okita-senpai’s words, I……
[I’ll think about it……]  Or [Please let me think about it.]
Chizuru: “I’ll think about it….” 
I thought that this was something I could do, not only for myself but for everyone else, so I offered to do it, but…..
Heisuke: “Yes! From tomorrow, it looks like club activities will get more and more fun!” 
Kondou: “Indeed. As long as you accept, then we’ll begin the club entrance procedure immediately---” 
Chizuru: “Eh, N-no, I haven’t decided yet---” 
I intended to think about it from now on----
Before I could say that, the club members flooded toward me. 
Club Member A: “I’m a third year, so if there’s anything you don’t understand-- anything at all-- ask me!” 
Club Member B: “More importantly, let’s exchange emails, since we’re practically friends already…….!” 
Heisuke: “W-what’s this all of a sudden, guys…..!?” 
Okita: “This is why I spoke up before……” 
Chizuru: As Heisuke-kun rushed to defend me, Okita-senpai shot him an exasperated side-long glance. 
Okita: “In the first place, Chizuru-chan shouldn’t be something like the manager to the kendo club---”
“It’s like releasing a lamb into a cage full of hungry lions. Of course things turned out like this.” 
Kondou: “That’s true, this is……” 
Chizuru: Seeing the state of the kendo club members as they vied with one another to crowd around me, Kondou-sensei’s brows scrunched in what seemed like distress. 
And then, as my back began to tremble in the beginnings of panic, Heisuke-kun raised his voice. 
Heisuke: “You guys are swarming! Can’t you see that Chizuru is scared!?” 
Club Member A: “Shut up! I don’t understand how someone like Heisuke can have such a cute childhood friend!” 
Chizuru: Listening to the jeers and cries flying back and forth, Kondou-sensei sighed. 
Kondou: “The way things are going, it seems like a pointless argument/rivalry will be born….” 
Heisuke: “Chizuru joining is not alright! Absolutely not alriiiiight!!” 
Chizuru: Heisuke-kun’s yell reverberated throughout the kendo hall. 
After that, the talk of me joining the club was returned back to a blank slate. 
(scene change: sky) 
After that, I was invited by  Kondou-sensei to eat lunch with the kendo club. 
During the meal, Heisuke-kun thoroughly discouraged the members who wanted to strike a conversation with me from doing so. 
I thought it was ok to converse normally, but……
Maybe because everyone was strangely excited, he seemed very worried. 
So that I wouldn’t have to move, he was overly helpful with one thing or another. On one hand, I felt guilty….
But on the other hand, I was a little bit happy. 
After lunch, I headed to the library, and started to unravel my homework.
(scene change: upstairs hallway) 
(phone rings: receive Heisuke 3) 
Chizuru: (After I finished studying and left the library, it was already sunset.
The library had been cool, so I guess coming to school during summer vacation is not a bad thing…..
(scene change: school front) 
(cell phone rings) 
As I left the school behind and approached the school gate, my cell phone rang. 
It was an email from Osen-chan. 
From: Osen-chan
Sub: Looking forward to the pool!
It was hot again today, right~! I want to hurry and jump into a pool!
I briefly stopped walking, and replied that I was looking forward to Sunday. 
When I checked my phone again, I suddenly felt a presence behind me.
Is it possible---
(Okita appears)
When I fearfully turned around, Okita-senpai was there, peering at me. 
Okita: “It hasn’t been a while, Chizuru-chan.” 
Chizuru: “Y-yes……”
Okita: “Are you going home after this? Be careful.” 
Chizuru: Looking at senpai’s uniform-clad figure, the first thing that came out of my mouth was: 
“Y-yes….. Thank you very much.” 
Okita-senpai grinned, and waved lightly as he saw me off.
(scene change: street) 
Ultimately, we parted and I returned home without any problems, but…..
I felt anxious about my senior’s smile. 
(scene change: Chizuru’s bedroom) 
After that. 
By the time I arrived home and took care of my chores, the sun had set completely. 
“I guess it’s about time I got started on dinner…..” 
What should I do tonight? 
To decide tonight’s menu from what ingredients I had, I imagined the contents of the refrigerator---
(scene change: Souji  scene, street at night) 
At that time, Okita Souji, who had returned to club activities----
Okita: “Getting a head start by yourself isn’t bad, but….”
While playing around on the smartphone in his hand, the corners of his mouth lifted in enjoyment. 
Okita: “This seems interesting, it would be a shame to overlook it.” 
“.....all right, it’s done.” 
(sound of a message being sent) 
When he finished preparing the contents of the messages for the recipient, he sent the emails one after another. 
“If this makes things even more interesting, that will be good….” 
(phone chimes)
(scene change: night sky)
‘This sunday, Chizuru-chan is going to the pool. Let’s follow her.’
Heisuke: “Chizuru is going to the pool!? I have no choice but to go…..!” 
(phone chimes)
‘This sunday, Chizuru-chan is going to the pool. I’m going with her, too.’ 
Kaoru: “Okita is going to!? For such a guy to be allowed to see Chizuru’s swimsuit….!” 
(phone chimes) 
‘This sunday, Chizuru-chan is going to the pool.’ 
Kazama: “What is the meaning of this….! Why does Okita have such information…….!” 
(phone chimes) 
‘This sunday, everyone is going to the pool. How about you, Sensei?’
Nagakura: “Ah. The pool, huh? Sounds good, it's been way too hot lately!” 
(phone chimes) 
‘This sunday, we’re all going to the pool, so won’t you guide/lead us?’
Harada: “Being high school students, they wouldn’t need a chaperone, right…..? Well, it's fine, though.” 
(phone chimes)
‘This Sunday, Chizuru-chan and everyone else are going to the pool. Hijikata-san is coming too.’
Saitou: “I’m worried about the disruption of discipline, and if HIjikata-sensei is also coming…..” 
(phone chimes) 
‘This Sunday at the pool, an interesting incident is planned to occur.’
Sannan: “Fine, then. If I have heard that it will be interesting, I can’t help but go.” 
(phone chimes) 
‘This Sunday at the pool, I plan to cause an incident. Feel free to go ahead and stop it if you want to.’
Hijikata: “Hah!? What kind of mess is that punk Souji planning to make…!”
(phone chimes) 
‘If you want to prevent Hijikata-san’s death from overworking, you should come to the pool this Sunday.’
Yamazaki: “The pool….? However, if ‘death from overworking’ is mentioned, I can’t ignore it…..”
(phone chimes) 
‘This sunday, a duel at the pool.’
Ibuki: “Huh? What’s this….? Some sort of letter of challenge…..?” 
(back to Chizuru’s perspective)
(scene change: sky)   (personal note: beginning of sheet 122) 
And then, a few days later. 
Today is the day we promised to go out and have fun on. The eagerly-awaited Sunday! 
(phone rings: receive Okita 1) 
I arranged to meet with Osen-chan and Kosuzu-chan at the pool…..
I came early, changed into my swimsuit, and arrived at the pool side. 
(scene change: pool-- honestly more like a water park!) 
“Osen-chan and Kosuzu-chan….. It looks like they’re not here yet.” 
When I looked around superficially, I saw many guests enjoying the pool as they pleased. 
But, everyone around me was in swimwear…..
The figures with their arms and legs completely exposed, somehow it made me uneasy. 
As I thought that---
???: “----Ah. So you were here, huh?” 
???(2): “Even though it’s the long-awaited pool visit, why are you wearing such a face?” 
Chizuru: As voices called out from behind me, I looked over my shoulder in that direction. 
(Sen and Kosuzu appear, wearing swimsuits. They look very cute, but you still can’t date them. ( ̄︿ ̄)) 
Sen: “Today, let’s keep playing and playing with all our strength until we can’t play anymore!” 
Kosuzu: “Since we specifically bought swimsuits, we should at least wear them as much as possible.” 
Chizuru: Osen-chan was all smiles, and Kosuzu-chan was wearing a mischievous-looking smile as well. 
“Wow… The two of you are so cute……!” 
Sen: “Thank you. But, I don’t think I’m as cute as Chizuru-chan.” 
Chizuru: “Eh? T-that’s not true….” 
Kosuzu: “It’s not a lie or flattery. That look really suits you.” 
Chizuru: “......thanks.” 
Maybe the two of them really did think so, but….
Even if that’s true, it was incredibly embarrassing. 
Sen: “...but, it really is a shame. A bolder one would have been better, after all.” 
Chizuru: “That’s impossible! Absolutely impossible!” 
As I was vigorously shaking my head, suddenly a voice lept in from somewhere. 
???: “I swear. Exposing my wife’s soft, fair skin to the eyes of the public more than is absolutely necessary…. It truly is an unforgivable violence/reckless act.” 
???(2): “From the bottom of my heart, I don’t care about your situation, but….” 
???(2): “Because even my younger sister was led astray, doesn’t this need to be stopped?” 
Chizuru: I turned my face towards the voices, and there----
(Kazama and Kaoru appear. Kaoru looks fine, Kazama is wearing leopard-pattern swim trunks.) 
“Kazama-senpai and Kaoru….!?” 
“Why are you here? Did the two of you come to play?” 
No matter how you look at it, the two of them have awful chemistry, so I really don’t think they would arrange to go to the pool together, but…..
When I blinked at them, sure enough, the two of them turned their faces away, wearing unpleasant-looking expressions. 
Kazama: “We happened to meet by coincidence. To imply that I would take any sort of action along with such a child, it is completely unspeakable.” 
Kaoru: “I agree with that, and that alone. That’s why you should leave for somewhere else.” 
“Don’t you think I don’t want any annoying outsiders intruding on our harmonious sibling time?”
Kazama: “Idiot. The one who should go somewhere else is you, not me.” 
“It is only natural that a wife should be near her husband. Otherwise, won’t men with the wrong idea come and crowd around?” 
???: “‘Men with the wrong idea,’ huh? Have you tried looking in a mirror and saying that?”
???(2): “You don’t have a wife in the first place.” 
Chizuru: “!”
The voices that interrupted the situation were familiar ones, after all.  
(Okita, Saitou, and Heisuke appear) 
“Okita-senpai, Saitou-senpai…..! And even Heisuke-kun….!” 
Why are the three of them here, too?
While I was still shocked at the unexpected encounter, Heisuke-kun smiled brightly. 
Heisuke: “Chizuru, you look amazing in that swimsuit!” 
In contrast, Saitou-senpai seemed a little bit bashful, and he opened his mouth reservedly. 
Saitou: “If I were to say my personal opinion, I think the level of exposure is more than is necessary.” 
“You are sufficient without changing.” 
Chizuru: “Thank you…….?” 
Okita: “Still, this is an amazing coincidence. To meet in such a place.” 
Chizuru: “Y-yes…..” 
Okita: “Maybe, this is what they call fate.” 
Kaoru: “Hmph. It’s quite artificial for fate.” 
Kazama: “Don’t get the wrong idea, Okita….. The one who is bound together with my wife by the red thread of fate is no one other than myself.” 
Saitou: “Don’t you  think that  Souji is not the only one who can be accused of being mistaken….?”  
(translation needs a second opinion) 
Chizuru: Because Kazama-senpai and the others kept interrupting one another, they began to glare at each other once again. 
Myself and the two other girls didn’t know what to do, and for a little while we were at a loss for words. 
Sen: “Um…. What kind of situation is this?”
Chizuru: “It’s not like everyone could gather like this, one after another, by sheer coincidence…..” 
Heisuke: “It’s an amazing coincidence, yeah….” 
Saitou: “...that is right. I am surprised.” (he is lying, poorly)
Chizuru: I glanced  around in wonderment at the strange situation, but Heisuke-kun and Saitou-senpai both blushed and averted their eyes. 
Heisuke: “W-well, don’t worry about that! Since we all went to the trouble of coming here, let’s go swimming!” 
Saitou: “I suppose. After all, this wave pool-- no, this rapids/waterfall pool-- is difficult to cast aside. (the kanji here means both waterfall and rapids, with ‘rapids’ being an anachronism…. I feel like rapids are more comparable to ‘waves,’ and I feel like Saitou is inclined toward anachronisms.)
Kazama: “Hmph. For you bastards, the kiddie pool would be much more suitable.” 
Kaoru: “I think it would suit you even more, considering your mental age.”
Chizuru: Are they on good terms or bad terms….?
While each speaking on their own disparate topics, everyone walked towards the pool. 
To those of us still standing around in a daze at the sudden situation, Okita-senpai gave a cheerful smile. 
Okita: “Here, Chizuru-chan, let’s go. You two over there, too.” 
Chizuru: “Eh, ah, y-yes…..” 
“Osen-chan, Kosuzu-chan, is this ok….?” 
Kosuzu: “Hah….. In truth, I wanted to play peacefully with Chizuru-chan, though.” 
Sen: “Well, we can’t just tell them to go somewhere else, so there’s nothing we can do but play along.” 
“Let’s pull ourselves together, and play as much as we can!” 
(screen wipe: time has passed) 
Chizuru: Because it was summer vacation, the pool was overflowing with people. 
In addition to people here with their families, there were a lot of people who looked to be students like us. 
Everyone was full of a boisterous energy, jumping and frolicaling in the water, seemingly able to forget the heat. 
Kazama: “Still, what is with this crowd of filth? Don’t they have any reservations at all?”
Chizuru: “Please stop saying things like that…..” 
Saitou: “Indeed. You are an annoyance to people, and should reflect on your actions a little.” 
Chizuru: As far as the eye could see, various things were packed together in the pool facilities. 
There was a diving board into the wave pool, a rest area pool-side, and even a bar, and…..
In the competitive pool, there were a number of 25-meter lanes. 
Saitou: “Yukimura. Is there some place you want to go?” 
Chizuru: “Hm, let’s see….” 
I was puzzling over this, and many other things.
And, at that time: 
Heisuke-kun’s eyes began to sparkle.
Heisuke: “There’s a water slide! Let’s all slide down from the top!” 
Kaoru: “A water slide…..?” 
Kazama: “How foolish. You expect me to associate myself with something so childish?” 
Okita: “Yeah, yeah. Well, leaving behind the group that can’t read the situation, I’m going.”
Chizuru: While saying such a thing, for some reason Okita-senpai was smiling with his whole face. 
“Um, Okita-senpai. Why are you smiling like that….?” 
Kaoru: “You’re planning something after all, aren’t you?” 
Okita: “Not at all. I wasn’t even thinking about shoving Heisuke from behind when he slides at all.”
Heisuke: “Wait….Souji, you seriously need to stop! Definitely!” 
Okita: “I got it, I got it.” 
While saying that, Okita-senpai pushed Heisuke-kun’s back strongly to usher him away. 
Saitou: “Heisuke…. I will gather your remains.” 
Kosuzu: “If everyone is going, should we wait for them all to go down the slide?” 
Chizuru: “I suppose. You two, be careful!” 
While Heisuke-kun and Okita-senpai were climbing the stairs,
Those of us who remained below decided just after to dive right into the pool. 
Sen: “Ah~! It feels so good! Chizuru-chan, hurry, hurry!” 
Chizuru: “Y-yeah!”
Kaoru: “Wait. Before you just jump in, you need to warm up properly…..” 
Kazama: “My wife, come here. I will grant you a lecture on swimming.” 
Kaoru: “What do you mean, lecture? Don’t touch my little sister……!” 
Chizuru: Kaoru and Kazama-senpai were once again making jabs, glaring at one another abrasively. 
While I was looking down in a panic, Saitou-senpai grabbed my wrist and pulled.
Saitou: “It’s fine, leave it alone. Let’s go, Yukimura.” 
Chizuru: “Y-yes!” 
(scene change: pool interior) 
Decisively jumping into the pool, my whole body was enveloped in a pleasant, cool sensation. 
While I was floating lightly in the water, it almost felt like I was drifting through the sky…..
Before too long, a voice echoed from the top of the water slide.
(scene change: water slide)
Heisuke: “Alright then, Souji! I’m going on ahead---” 
“Uwa, idiot, stop, stop you idiot! Don’t push me! Don’t---” 
Sen: “....That sure was flashy~.....” 
Chizuru: “A-are you ok, Heisuke-kun!?” 
Heisuke: “S….somehow…..” 
Kazama: “Bastard…..! To throw water on me, it looks like you are prepared to die!” 
Heisuke: “I didn’t know about that! It’s your bad for standing around spacing out, right!?” 
Chizuru: Kazama-senpai, who was completely drenched, was pursuing Heisuke-kun with a furious expression on his face. 
Kazama-senpai and Heisuke-kun chased one another into the water. 
Okita-senpai, who had slid down successfully, was grinning while watching the figures. 
Okita: “Fufu….. Photo op. Getting the waterproof feature was the right choice.” 
Chizuru: “Don’t say such a thing, and please stop!” 
Okita: “.........”
 (CG get!°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°)
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Chizuru: Okita-senpai looked bothered, and he gave up. Meanwhile, I looked around my surroundings. 
“......if it’s Saitou-senpai, he should be able to stop this……” 
Hopefully, I cast my gaze around for him. 
But, what I saw was….
Saitou: “......zzz…..” 
Chizuru: A pool float had been taken out before I could notice, and sleeping peacefully on top of it was the figure of Saitou-senpai. 
Kosuzu: “I-it looks like he’s sleeping, huh….?” 
Kaoru: “Suddenly, I’m completely annoyed….. Should I flip that float over and capsize it…?” 
Chizuru: “Don’t say such scary things, Kaoru!” 
In that manner, everyone began playing, and soon the time had flown by….
“Well then, I’ll get out for a little bit. I’m going to look around at the other pools.” 
(beginning of Nagakura’s scene) 
Chizuru: As one would expect, I was worn out from playing, and so I took a break, got out of the water, and took a walk along the pool side. 
“I wonder what caused that situation before, but….” (presumably she’s wondering why everyone coincidentally showed up at the pool) 
Realistically, it was a horrible thing at first. 
Kaoru and Kazama-senpai were angry, Heisuke-kun was complaining; Okita-senpai kept agitating things and Saitou-senpai would stop him. 
At first, the atmosphere had been like that, but now things had calmed down considerably. 
Everyone cut loose just when it counted, and it became like they were having fun with friends. (Alt: Everyone went over the top at a critical moment, and it became like they were having fun with friends.) 
But, the moment I zoned out---
(screen flashes)
Chizuru: “Kya!?” 
As I was walking along the side of the diving pool, a sudden spray of water caused me to draw back. 
Covered in water from head to toe, I hurriedly looked around in a panic, and heard a voice echoing from somewhere. 
???: “*Cough*---!That was bad, I narrowly missed landing outside the water.”
???(2): “What did you do, Shinpachi? That was too much force/momentum.” 
Chizuru: “Eh…..”
Those voices are…..
(Harada and Nagakura  appear…. Just guys being dudes.) 
“H-Harada-sensei, Nagakura-sensei!?” 
Nagakura: “Yo, Yukimura-kun! Today is the best kind of day for the pool!” 
Harada: “You really did come too, huh? Just as according to the information.” 
Chizuru: “According to the information…..?”
Harada-sensei-- who was wearing a wry smile-- and Nagakura-sensei-- whose eyes sparkled happily--were no exception to the rule, and were both wearing swimsuits. 
Tilting my head, I opened my mouth. 
“Did you teachers come here because you also wanted to swim….!?” 
Harada: “Yeah. Not just us, either: others came too, right?” 
Chizuru: “Eh!?” 
Harada: “Here, look over there.” 
Chizuru: When I turned my eyes as I was told, I saw two people getting up from their lounge chairs in an annoyed-looking manner. 
(Hijikata and Sannan appear)
Hijikata: “.........” 
Sannan: “Good afternoon, Yukimura-kun. What a coincidence it is to meet here.” 
Chizuru: “!!!” 
I was too shocked, and my voice wouldn’t come out. 
“S-Sannan-sensei, and……. ……..Hijikata-sensei…..?” 
Hijikata: “.....who else does it look like?” 
Chizuru: Seeing that irritated face, there was no mistaking that this was the genuine Hijikata-sensei. 
Even setting aside Harada-sensei and Nagakura-sensei, the fact that these other two are also here, something is definitely strange/suspicious….!
Sannan: “Since it appears that the other students have also come, it seems like you’ve been able to have an especially lively day.” 
“Don’t you think so as well, Hijikata-sensei?” 
Hijikata: “......I don’t think so. I don’t want to think about it.” 
Sannan: “Hah…...good grief. Now that you’ve come, there's nothing more to do about it. Things will be simpler if you stop being so defiant.” 
Hijikata: “........” 
Chizuru: I was far too tongue-tied to say anything, but…..
The main factor in my confusion was not this alone. 
???: “Certainly, this is….. I agree that this conversation points to the ‘death-from-overwork’ crisis I heard about…….” 
???(2): “I don’t like this…… No matter what happens, I’m not going near those guys.” 
“Yamazaki-senpai, I’m going to leave things to you from here on out. Because I’m already going to go home.” 
???: “I’ll be in trouble if you leave it all up to me! You don’t mean to say, I’ll have to shoulder the burden of this trial in its entirety…..!” (TL: translation is a little shaky, it’s something like “shouldering this burdensome trial without it being cut”, so I took that to mean without the burden being divided amongst anyone else.) 
Nagakura: “Hey! You two over there!” 
??? & ???(2): “!” 
Harada: “Why are you sneaking around? Hurry up and come here!” 
Chizuru: Harada-sensei seemed to have noticed something, and made a large gesture with his hand to beckon forth something from its hiding place. (hiding place can also be from the shade, from the bushes, etc: just somewhere out of view) 
The figures that revealed themselves after a hesitant pause were once again faces that I knew. 
(Ibuki and Yamazaki appear)
Yamazaki: “...........” 
Ibuki: “.............” 
Chizuru: “Yamazaki-senpai and Ibuki-kun…..?” 
For some reason, the two of them had extremely complicated expressions on their faces. 
I was dumfounded, and I couldn’t say anything--- I could only stare at the two of them. 
Yamazaki: “Um, before you get the wrong idea, let me just say that we are…..victims, so to speak.”
Ibuki: “Yeah, more precisely,  I really didn’t feel like coming here in the slightest….”
Chizuru: “..........?”
What in the world is going on? 
I only planned to come to meet at the pool with Osen-chan and Kosuzu-chan, but….. 
People kept ‘coincidentally’ coming. Heisuke-kun, Okita-senpai, Saitou-senpai and the others showed up, and we ended up playing together….
And it’s not only that. People who should absolutely not be here, like Harada-sensei and HIjikata-sensei, kept appearing. 
…..after all, something is strange. 
I thought that and tried to open my mouth, but a party was approaching from the distance. 
Heisuke: “Oh, there she is! Heey, Chizuru!” 
Saitou: “So you were in a place like this. When you did not return, everyone was worried--”
Hijikata: “......Saitou, so you came too.” 
Saitou: “.....my sincerest apologies.” 
Kazama: “Tch. So another troublesome group is here.” 
Chizuru: The group of seniors looked at Hijikata-sensei’s group of teachers at a loss for words. 
After both parties stood in silence for a while, Heisuke-kun was the first to open his mouth. 
Heisuke: “E-Even you teachers are here, what a strange coincidence--” 
Harada: “It’s not a coincidence. Souji sent those emails, right?” 
Sannan: “Indeed. He said that Yukimura-kun was going to the pool, and to come as well.” 
Chizuru: “Eh!?” 
Myself, Osen-chan, and Kosuzu-chan cast around an accusatory gaze. 
However, Okita-senpai didn’t look even a little bit ashamed, and was smiling. 
Okita: “At this kind of event, it’s more interesting the more people there are.” 
Chizuru: “But, don’t tell me you emailed even the teachers……” 
Hijikata-sensei in particular looked as though his irritation had already reached its zenith, and his gaze was incredibly severe. 
Even though we were at the poolside in the summer, I felt that it was as if the  air had gone cold. 
Even so, when it came to Okita-senpai……..
Okita: “Hijikata-san, that’s an incredibly scary face you have there. Obviously it contrasts  too much with this situation.” 
“Since you specifically came to the pool, you should make a more fun-filled face---” 
Hijikata: “Shut up! Shit, I knew you were this kind of guy, and yet…..!” 
Saitou: “It wasn’t just us, Hijikata-sensei was also tricked…….” 
Yamazaki: “Okita-kun! Your behavior really is completely intolerable, after all!” 
Even though he was being criticized from all sides, Okita-senpai evasively did not respond. 
Chizuru: “For the time being, what should I do about this chaos….?” 
As I tried to escape the uproar, I turned my gaze towards Osen-chan and Kosuzu-chan…..
Kosuzu: “......!” 
For some reason, Kosuzu-chan was staring fixedly at Ibuki-kun. 
Sen: “......Kosuzu?” 
Chizuru: “By any chance, do you know Ibuki-kun?”
Seeming to notice the gaze upon him, Ibuki-kun began to approach. 
Upon seeing his face-- which had an odd expression-- Kosuzu-chan let out a small breath. 
Kosuzu: “It’s not like it’s a big deal, but……”
“When I dropped my commuter pass before, he returned it to me.” 
Ibuki: “......Aha! I thought I had seen your face somewhere before, but you’re the girl from that one time, right?”
Kosuzu: “Thank you for that time. Thanks to you, I was able to make my way home.” 
Ibuki: “Not really. It was just a commuter pass, so all I did was return it immediately.” 
“I’m not proud of it, but if it had been cash, I definitely would have been more conflicted!” 
Harada: “You really aren’t proud, huh….” 
Chizuru: Before I could notice, Harada-sensei had arrived, wearing a wry smile. 
Kosuzu-chan looked at Ibuki-kun after he made such a straight-forward declaration, and she smiled, too. 
Kosuzu: “How do I say this? You’re so…….straight-forward……” 
(screen wipe: time has passed.) 
Then, by the time Ibuki-kun and Kosuzu-chan’s conversation had reached a stopping point, the situation around us had completely changed. 
Chizuru: “Hmm……?” 
I felt the gaze of the other murmuring customers, and I turned over my shoulder to look--
 (CG get!°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°)
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Before I had noticed, an intense stand-off had formed, and what’s more, the tension seemed to have reached a critical point. 
Kaoru: “Those guys with their ulterior motives on full display, why don’t you stay away from my cute younger sister?” 
“The person a younger sister should spend time with is her older brother: me! Isn’t that obvious?” 
Kazama: “What do you think you're saying? At the time I came here, the one with the clear ulterior motive was you all.” 
“In spite of the teachers coming here, Hijikata has been particularly unhelpful.” 
Hijikata: “Shut it! You know, unlike you I didn’t want to come here!” 
Heisuke: “I mean, the one who clearly has an ulterior motive is Kazama-senpai, right?” 
“I just wanted to see Chizuru in a swimsuit, but I don’t think that’s something weird……” 
Saitou: “True, I don’t think such an overt feeling qualifies as an ulterior motive, but……”
“Isn’t that actually some sort of problem?”  
Yamazaki: “In the first place, the cause of this whole situation is Okita-kun!” 
“If he had not broadcasted such emails, then everyone wouldn’t be feeling this way……” 
Okita: “Eh? Even if you try to pin the blame on me, everyone else joined in and is equally guilty, right?” 
Ibuki: “Wrong! At least, it’s wrong in my case! If I had noticed what was going on, I wouldn’t have gotten dragged into this!” 
Harada: “Haah…. Well then, it’s exactly as Souji says: it's necessary for 1 or 2 people to lead the way.” 
“This hasn’t been bad for a Elementary School field trip so far. Don’t you think so, Shinpachi?” 
Nagakura: “Oh! According to this directory, there’s a water slide, isn’t there?!” 
Harada: “......I shouldn’t have bothered to ask……”
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Chizuru: With only this many people, it’s not as if things had reached a level where they were out of control. 
Glancing at the disturbance, without thinking I unintentionally held my head in my hands. 
“Is this situation…...my fault……?”
Sen: “Setting aside what’s happening internally, from the outside it looks like a group of handsome men have noisily assembled, which is why we’re drawing attention.” 
Kosuzu: “But, this will be annoying for the other customers……” 
Chizuru: “What should I do……” 
I knew I had to do something quickly, and I began to hold my head more and more tightly.--
Sannan-sensei clapped his hands twice. 
Sannan: “Alright, everyone. Why don’t we leave this argument here?” 
“To cause such a ruckus without reflecting on your circumstances,  and to cause an inconvenience for the other guests, is incredibly disgraceful behavior for a man.” 
“Don’t you think so as well, Yukimura-kun?” 
Chizuru: “Eh…...ah, yes……” 
Hijikata: “Hmph……”
Kazama: “Tch……”
When I exchanged looks with Sannan-sensei and nodded, everyone fell silent all at once. 
Sannan: “However, I want to say that from here on out everyone should play together peacefully, but that doesn’t seem very  possible……” 
“That being the case, let us play a game in order to deepen our friendship.” 
HIjikata: “A game……?” 
Harada: “What, we should all play something like beach volleyball?” 
Sannan: No, no; since we specifically came to the pool, there are more appropriate things to do.” 
Heisuke: “......don’t tell me you mean ‘SSS’!?”
Saitou: “Do you know what he means, Heisuke?”
Heisuke: “It’s this park’s special feature! It was just released this summer, and it’s a super popular attraction!” 
“The name of it is Summer・Survival ・Shooting: ‘SSS’ for short!”
Nagakura: “Oh, I’ve also heard of that!”
“It’s a survival game where you fight using water guns, working together as pairs!”
Sannan: “Indeed. It is our precious summer vacation. Moreover, since we came to the pool, it would be an enjoyable thing to win.” 
“Rather than continue this futile argument in this manner, don’t you think it would be more fun and fruitful to settle this with a game?” 
Heisuke: “I agree! I agree completely!” 
Chizuru: “It sounds like an interesting game.”
I smiled and nodded back to Heisuke-kun, who had an enthusiastic smile on his face.
Harada: “Well, if you consider the future, I think it’s better to decide with an easy to understand, black-and-white competition.” 
Okita: “It sounds interesting in many different ways, and it would be good to try and play.” 
Chizuru: The four people who expressed their support were smiling, but……
There were those who had looks of bewilderment on their faces, as if to say ‘Why would you play such a game?’......
And there were also those with looks of blatant disgust on their faces……
However, Sannan-sensei was composed, and smiled broadly and fully. 
Sannan: “By the way, I will present the pair who comes in first with a prize.”
Kazama: “How foolish. If you think you can entice me with such a thing--”
Sannan: “The prize is a pair coupon for the poolside bar.” 
“With such a thing, don’t you think one could spend some rich time alone with the companion they like best……?”
At that moment, the faces of Kazama-senpai and the others clearly changed in color.
Kazama: “......Very well. I will accept this challenge.” 
Kaoru: “......of all the underhanded……” 
Sannan: “Well then, won’t you participate?”
Kaoru: “.......fine. Even though I know it’s a trap, I will come along.”
Chizuru: Kaoru looked incredibly annoyed, but declared this clearly nonetheless. 
Saitou: “Um, I think a break at the poolside bar after moving your body is logical.”
“Sannan-sensei’s plan is superb. …...however, the pair ticket is not in any way my goal.” 
Sannan: “Thank you very much, Saitou-kun.”
Chizuru: Saitou-senpai blushed for some reason, and Sannan-sensei smiled as he responded to him.
In contrast, Ibuki-kun was making a face as though he were troubled and thinking. 
Ibuki: “Even if you mention a “companion”, i don’t really have--”
Sannan: “Ibuki-kun. A coupon means you can fill your stomach with things you like: it means you can eat.”
Ibuki: “-----”
Yamazaki: “Ibuki…… Suddenly, the look in your eyes has changed……?”
Sannan: “Yamazaki-kun.”
Yamazaki: “......N-no. I’m sick, so I’ll just watch……”
Sannan: “Ah, that won’t do at all. Then, I happened to bring some medicine with me, so--”
Yamazaki: “I suddenly feel better, so I will participate normally!”
Sannan: “Is that so? What a shame.”
And then, the still-smiling Sannan-sensei turned his line of sight toward Hijikata-sensei. 
HIjikata-sensei had a sour, discontent look on his face, and didn’t look as though he had any desire to participate. 
HIjikata: “I’m not joining. If I fight in the same ring as these guys, I’ll just look like an idiot……”
Sannan: “Hm, even though we went through the trouble of finding a peaceful solution……”
“It seems that HIjikata-sensei still  insists on childishly spreading discord? I see……”
HIjikata: “.......ugh…...”
“......in this case, I really have to hand it to you, Sannan-san……!”
Sannan: “Thank you very much.”
In this way, it was decided how everyone’s match would take place--
Heisuke: “By the way, who are you going to team up with, Chizuru?”
At that question, in an instant the area was enveloped in a feeling of tension. 
For some reason, everyone exchanged glances with one another, and it was as if sparks flew at the intensity of it. 
Sannan: “Hey, everyone. Please do not resume fighting before the game even begins.”
“Because it is her pair, wouldn’t allowing her to decide be the most fair?” 
At Sannan-sensei’s words, everyone’s gazes converged on me in the span of a single breath. 
Chizuru: “U-um……”
(route divergence begins: heisuke’s route) 
After all, at a time like this--.
Heisuke: “Chizuru, let’s go together!”
Chizuru: “Yeah!”
Heisuke-kun called out to me with a smile, and I answered immediately. 
This sort of natural relationship where we act together felt comfortable. 
Heisuke: “We definitely have to win! I want to have a victory feast with you at the pool bar!”
Chizuru: "Yeah. Let's do our best!"
We were smiling as we headed to the game corner and grabbed some water guns--.
(minigame time! While not as bad as the quiz from chapter 1, I still had problems with this one... My advice is to stick close to the barrier on your side and use your partner as a decoy: when the other team runs out of water, pop out and shoot! Target with right bumper and shoot with O. Text below is based on a minigame victory.) 
Heisuke: "--Duck! Chizuru!"
Chizuru: "Yes!"
Heisuke: “Nice, it's over!"
Chizuru: Heisuke's water gun shot fire.....no, I mean, shot water, and at the same time the signal for the end of the match echoed around us.
We foiled our opponents in the finals, and we exchanged both high-fives and giant smiles.
Heisuke: "We did it! This is our victory!”
Chizuru: "Yeah, thanks to Heisuke taking the lead, it was very easy to fight!"
Since we've had this kind of relationship since we were little, I think we are an excellent combination. 
Our strategy was for Heisuke to act as a decoy while I shot, or the other way around.
Smiling the same smile he always had, Heisuke puffed out his chest and held the ticket up high.
Heisuke: "Hehe, let me show you a good time that was worth all that effort!"
Chizuru: "Hehe......"
Heisuke: “Then, let's hurry up and eat anything we like at that bar over there!"
Chizuru: "Ah, but everyone else is--"
Everyone who had lost the game were looking over at us with gloomy expressions.
Everyone was absolutely drenched: it was like a scene out of a horror movie.
Heisuke: "It's fine. This is the result of the match we won fair-and-square."
"Before they take their anger out on us, why don't we hurry and go?"
Chizuru: "Y-yeah......"
I was led by the hand by Heisuke, and we escaped in the direction of the poolside bar.
And then, once we took our seats, we quickly began looking at the menu.
Heisuke: "What should we do, Chizuru? Is there something you want to eat?"
Chizuru: "Hmm...... After all, in a place like this, a summer-y thing would be best."
Heisuke: "You're right. Especially because it's free, we should get the #1 most expensive thing--."
Chizuru: In the middle of saying this, Heisuke's words suddenly stopped.
His eyes seemed to catch on one line of the menu, and his face lit up.
Heisuke: "This!"
Chizuru: "Eh?"
Heisuke: "I think this is good!"
Chizuru: "But, is it really ok......?"
Heisuke: "It's absolutely ok! Excuse me, can we get this please?”
Chizuru: Before I could interject any further, Heisuke quickly placed an order.
And then, a few minutes later.
The thing that arrived at our table was......
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Heisuke: "Tahdah! Demon-sized Frappe Bomber!!"
Chizuru: The thing Heisuke had ordered looked as though it was meant for several people to eat: an enormous shaved ice.
"Can we really finish such a thing......?"
Heisuke: "I said it was fine! Frappes are basically all ice, so it will all melt in your stomach anyway." 
Chizuru: "I-it certainly will melt--"
Still, that doesn't change the fact that my stomach will get bloated......
Heisuke: "And besides, when I eat shaved ice I never feel like my stomach is full."
Chizuru: "That's......"
"Isn't that because you've always eaten normally-sized shaved ice before......?"
Heisuke: "........."
"I-it's fine, let's hurry up and eat!"
Chizuru: "Yeah......"
With my heart pounding, we both reached out with our spoons at the same time-
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Heisuke and Chizuru: "--So good!"
Chizuru: Once again, today Mr. Sun was shining down powerfully and the midsummer day heat was surrounding us--
In addition, both our bodies and minds had been overheated by the game earlier, so such a cool treat was really comforting. 
Because of these reasons, we became absorbed in eating the frappe.
Heisuke: "This is so, so good......!"
Chizuru: However, the pace that Heisuke was eating at was still too fast.
As though he were very surprised, something strange happened to his body suddenly.
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Heisuke: "Ugh!?"
Chizuru: Heisuke abruptly groaned, and he froze in place.
"W-what happened? Are you alright......?"
Heisuke: "I-I'm completely fine......"
Chizuru: Heisuke put up a tough front, and began to eat the frappe more slowly than before. 
He was obviously forcing himself, and I......
[Did you get a brain freeze?] Or [Does your stomach hurt……?]
Chizuru: "If you eat that quickly, you're going to get a brain freeze......"
Heisuke: "B-but......"
Chizuru: At my warning, Heisuke became flustered.
Heisuke: "If we're too slow, it'll melt, right? That would be such a waste."
Chizuru: "It's fine if we don't rush. If we let it melt a little, it might be easier to eat......" 
"Before anything else, this is a victory feast with me and Heisuke. It would be more of a waste to end  it quickly.”
Heisuke: "........that's right, huh? Yeah." 
Chizuru: Heisuke looked at me and smiled, and stopped moving his hand. 
Heisuke looked shy, and nodded to me with a small laugh.
Heisuke: "Since we finally get to eat together, it really would be a waste not to have fun together for as long as possible."
Chizuru: "Yeah!" 
We couldn't help but smile when we looked at each other.
We started slowly and thoroughly enjoying the frappe. 
"There was something similar before. It was on another hot summer day." 
Heisuke: "Yeah, we tried to make a giant ice cube in the freezer, but we forgot to add in the other ingredients."
Chizuru: "Yeah, that! And then in repentance, the next year I made a bunch of little ice cubes, but they melted before they could become shaved ice......"
While laughing and chatting idly, the shaved ice seemed especially delicious.
On top of all those we had stacked up so far, a new page was added to our summer memories. 
The time I spent together with Heisuke, it was really, truly fun--. 
Heisuke: "Haah...... in the end, we really couldn't eat all of it. The last part melted......" 
Chizuru: "But, it was super fun."
Heisuke: "I think so too!"
Chizuru: I was smiling, and, sure enough, when I looked at Heisuke he looked happy, too.
Heisuke: "Then, it's about time we joined up with everyone else again." 
Chizuru: "Yes!"
And then, we left behind the harmonious atmosphere at the poolside bar--.
(scene change: sky)
And then, after joining up with everyone else--.
In order to fully enjoy the time we had left, everyone had begun to move apart.
Saitou and Mr. Harada were competing for the best time in the competitive pool. 
Heisuke and Mr. Nagakura tried to challenge the water slide 10 times in a row, and by the end they were unsteady on their feet......
In retaliation for losing at SSS, Kaoru pretended that his hand had slipped at the poolside, pushing in Yamazaki. 
Okita took a photo of the scene. Mr. Sannan chided him......
Mr. Hijikata and Kazama were competing for the highest dive on the diving boards, taking it too seriously. 
In these various ways, I thought that everyone had a fun time.
But, as the sun set, the end of that fun time was drawing nearer......
Somewhat reluctantly, we all left the water park behind.
Hijikata: "Geez. Because of Souji, I had a completely miserable experience today......" 
Okita: "Even though you enjoyed yourself plenty, you still say things like that. That's not very honest of you." 
Saitou: "Although it's true that it was rather enjoyable, I think it was anxiety-inducing as well."
Heisuke: "Right? Today, people kept showing up and causing problems one after another." 
Nagakura: "It looks like Mr. Hijikata really had a rough time...... I can't help but feel sympathetic......"
Harada: "Shinpachi. You're also part of the cause."
Kaoru: "I swear...... What do both the teachers and students of Hakuo Academy think they're doing?"
Kazama: “With this, the fact that there are no decent people at Hakuo Academy beyond myself and my wife has been thrown into stark relief."
Sannan: "Now now, please have more humility. There are no other problem children quite like you."
Ibuki: "The person who suddenly sent an unclear email and lured this many people here is enough of a problem child by himself."
Yamazaki: "......If you shift your perspective, I think it can be said that he is a talented man who knows how to use his network of contacts."
Sen: "Either way is fine, but what I don't think is fine is interrupting and intruding upon a girls' promise without permission......"
Kosuzu: "It's just as Osenen says. Thanks to you, I'm extremely worn out......"
Chizuru: "But......"
"It was kind of fun." 
It was a really rough day, but thanks to that I think I was able to make a wonderful memory of summer vacation.
In this way, everyone talked and laughed together as we headed home......
This may be a precious page in my book of memories--.
Well, that’s it for Ch2!  I have all the common route choices done already, so hopefully the subsequent routes will go a bit faster..... I’ll post the emails that go with this chapter soon, and begin work on Ch3!
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Año 2025. El mundo mágico está conmocionado. De las tres grandes escuelas mágicas europeas, dos de ellas han dejado de ser seguras: El nórdico Instituto Mágico Durmstrang y la gala Academia de Magia Beauxbatons. Un viejo mal dormido en las profundidades de estas academias ha despertado: Dos criaturas poderosas y ancianas, aún más antiguas que el basilisco de Hogwarts, se han liberado y han causado estragos entre los estudiantes y el profesorado de las dos prestigiosas instituciones educativas. Los Ministerios de la Magia de Noruega y Francia, países donde se encuentran las escuelas están luchando porque la población mágica no sucumba a la desesperación y han puesto en cuarentena los edificios donde las bestias aún residen. Minerva McGonagall, la directora del Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería ha hecho una propuesta a los directores de las otras escuelas que es imposible de rechazar dadas las circunstancias: los invitó a pasar en el castillo británico el tiempo que sea necesario hasta que la situación en sus respectivas academias se normalice. Si bien Minerva hizo esto por bondad, también tenía sus propios motivos egoístas, entre ellos que en Beauxbatons estudiaba una sobrina nieta suya y en Durmstrang tenía a un sobrino nieto, ambos supervivientes de los ataques de los monstruos. De ésta manera, el castillo de Hogwarts ahora no solo alberga a los estudiantes de ésta escuela, sino a los de Beauxbatons y Durmstrang, y aquellos nuevos magos y brujas cuyas familias deseen que, en un futuro, vayan a estas instituciones, deben asistir al castillo británico. Una vez la situación se normalice (si es que lo hace) los nuevos seleccionados volverán junto con los viejos estudiantes a los respectivos países de las academias. ¿Pero... porqué? ¿Porqué atacaron estas bestias? ¿Qué fue lo que las despertó de su largo sueño de hace siglos? Mucho se ha especulado y pensado, sin embargo, prácticamente nadie ha dado con el clavo... Durmstrang fue atacado por uno de los casi extinguidos Dragones Nidhogg, criatura de leyenda, dueño de un privilegiado intelecto, gran fuerza y enorme poder que sobrepasa al de cualquier otro dragón despertado por el mismo lord Voldemort. Si. Lord Voldemort ha regresado y ha planificado un ataque sobre el Instituto. Lo hizo como la antesala de una Tercera Guerra Mágica, ésta vez de nivel mundial, no solo limitada a Gran Bretaña. ¿Cómo pudo suceder esto? ¿Cómo pudo volver el Señor Tenebroso? Bellatrix Lestrange no murió en la batalla de Hogwarts, aunque estuvo cerca de ello. Quedó profundamente inconsciente por el ataque de Molly Weasley y como todos la dieron por muerta y fueron a celebrar, cuando regresó a la consciencia no había nadie que la vigilase. Pero como su Señor si estaba muerto y la mayoría de los Mortífagos también, o habían huido, la mujer se marchó sigilosamente del castillo, sin que nadie lo notara. Durante muchos años, Bellatrix estuvo lamentando la pérdida de su señor, e investigando si había alguna forma de retornarlo a la vida. Se mudó junto a la familia Malfoy, la cual la mantuvo oculta en su mansión para que el mundo pensase que había muerto. Luego de décadas enteras de investigación, la Mortífaga, ya anciana, dio con la manera de revivir a su señor, pero no podría hacerlo sola... Reunió a tres personas más: Draco Malfoy, su sobrino y ex-mortífago como ella, Pansy Parkinson, eterna enamorada de Draco y de ideología fuertemente purista, y Euphylus Somerset, un afamado historiador de la Magia, muy rico, mago muy poderoso y talentoso y que también compartía los ideales de los Mortífagos aunque lo ocultase a la sociedad. Euphylus fue el que reconoció el modo en que Bellatrix quería revivir al Señor Tenebroso y confirmó que era una alternativa viable y fue uno de los que principalmente se puso manos a la obra con el asunto. El método de resurrección consistía en la formación de Pilares Mágicos. Los Pilares capturaban la esencia de una persona que había quedado dispersada por los lugares de mayor significancia que había pisado y, a través de un ritual de magia oscura y usando parte de la misma esencia de los invocadores, podían devolverlo a la vida. Luego de algunas visitas a lugares como Borgin y Burkes, el Bosque Prohibido, la Cabaña Gaunt, el antiguo Orfanato, la Cueva en la Costa y otros lugares significativos para el Señor Tenebroso. Los cuatro pilares estuvieron preparados: Un Anillo para Euphylus, un par de Aros en el caso de Pansy, un Collar para Bellatrix y un Reloj Plateado para Draco. Ya con los Pilares, los cuatro hicieron el ritual y lord Voldemort volvió a la vida. Bellatrix casi muere en el proceso debido a su avanzada edad y que tuvo que poner parte de su fuerza vital. Pero cuando el Señor Tenebroso volvió, sus seguidores fueron recompensados: A Bella se le devolvió su juventud (aparentando la misma edad que tenía en la época de la batalla de Hogwarts) y su salud. A Draco se le perdonó la traición de los Malfoy y el Señor Tenebroso renunció a cualquier pretensión de venganza contra la familia, si bien no confió en él y le arrebató su Pilar al instante. A Pansy se le recompensó con antiguos conocimientos de Artes Oscuras que potenciaron enormemente sus poderes mágicos. Pero Euphylus... Euphylus no fue considerado leal servidor del Señor, Voldemort lo calificó como simple herramienta de Bellatrix y lo derrotó en un duelo fácilmente. La mujer le quitó su pilar y lo conservó. A pesar de que los ojos de Somerset y espías han intentado dar con el paradero de Bellatrix y del Anillo los dos parecieron desaparecer totalmente de vista... Y Somerset perdió su Pilar sin saber si está en posesión de la bruja o de alguien más. Humillado y derrotado, Euphylus huyó de allí, jurando venganza contra los Mortífagos, y lleno de desprecio por ellos, fundó la organización Yeux Rouges. Una "secta" purista mágica que combate tanto contra los Mortífagos como contra los Aurores y la Orden del Fénix de Harry Potter, aunque sus ideales puristas no se muestran tan obvios como los de los Mortífagos sino que Somerset atrae a sus reclutas mediante engaños y promesas de un mundo mejor para todos. El Yeux Rouges atacó Beauxbatons, liberando a una cocatriz enorme que dormía en las profundidades del palacio, mediante antigua magia oculta hace mucho tiempo ya. La cocatriz es un feroz monstruo con cabeza y patas de gallo, un cuerpo reptiliano y alas de dragón. Su mirada puede petrificar para siempre, y sin posibilidad de regreso a aquellos que osen verla a los ojos. Somerset consideró el ataque a Beauxbatons como el "inicio de una nueva era" para comenzar a revelar a su organización como verdadero movimiento digno de temer. Pero cuando se enteró del ataque en Durmstrang quedó perplejo, él no había ordenado tal ataque, pero no pasó mucho tiempo hasta que se dio cuenta de que solo lord Voldemort podría haber ordenado algo así, lo mismo sucedió en el caso del Señor Tenebroso con el ataque a la Academia francesa. Ambos sospecharon quien fue el perpetrador de cada ataque y comenzaron a prepararse para una guerra... Los dos tienen ases bajo la manga que no dudarán en usar si la situación se complica. La sociedad mágica inglesa, ignorante de todo esto, continúa con su vida, a pesar de que un aura de preocupación envuelve todo debido a los ataques en la Europa continental y a la llegada de los estudiantes extranjeros... El Ministerio de la Magia intenta no alarmar a la sociedad, ya que el Departamento de Aurores dirigido por Harry Potter y Ronald Weasley intenta dilucidar y encontrar pistas sobre los ataques, así como diversas actividades destructivas de organizaciones puristas y, en su corazón temen que el Señor Tenebroso haya regresado, aunque no desean plantear esta posibilidad... El mundo mágico se encuentra al borde de una guerra sin precedentes..
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amoura-eternia · 4 years
Chizuru reminisces. A oneshot about a possible Sen route. Senchi.
I smiled as I kneeled in front of the small shrine I had built for the Shinsengumi. It wasn’t much but each and every one of them had been very, very important to me I had to give them something. I missed them.
I looked up as I heard someone come up beside me. A smile spread across my face when I saw who it was. “Osen-chan.” I was very happy with Osen-chan living in Yase Village. There was a time when I never thought I would be living amongst demons, I had always seen myself as human after all, it had been strange at first. Demons lived in such a different way to humans.
The road to get where I was now was a long, painful one but I would not trade what I had now for the world. Living with my love in peace was the greatest bliss in the world. 
“Chizuru-chan, would you like to stay in Yase village now?” Osen-chan had extended this offer to me before but I had... well, I didn’t refuse but I didn’t accept either. At the time I had told her I wasn’t ready to make such a decision yet, she had told me that the option would always be open to me if I decided I wanted to stay in Yase in the future.
“Osen-chan I… have some things I want to do first. I want to find my father and I would also like to say goodbye to the Shinsengumi.” I wanted to stay with her but I also wanted to talk to my Father, I had a lot of things to ask him. The Shinsengumi were my friends, I wanted to see them at least one more time, and besides I had to tell them about Inoue-san. 
She nodded. “Ah I see then I will take you to Osaka Castle, the Shinsengumi should still be there.”  Sen stood up followed by Kimigiku-san, who was no doubt going to accompany us.
“Thank you.” 
“As you know, we too, are searching for your Father. If you would really like to help then I will not stop you.” Osen-chan had told me as we began walking out of Osen-chan’s home in Yase village to make our way over to the Shinsengumi in Osaka Castle.
“Hijikata-san, everyone. I… would like to leave the Shinsengumi.” I took a deep breath and told them this after they had expressed their relief I was alright and had informed of everything that had happened. Apparently Yamazaki-san had been gravely wounded in battle and the supreme commander Lord Yoshinobu had departed for Edo, the Shinsengumi would be following soon. 
Silence fell over the room. “I see. Yukimura, you’ve been a big help. Be safe.” 
I smiled. “Thank you. I… I’ll miss you all.” 
It was in that moment, it hit me. I’d probably never see them again. Tears gathered in my eyes. “We’ll miss you too, Chizuru.” 
That didn’t turn out to be the case, I had reunited with several of the Shinsengumi over the course of my journey with Osen-chan to find my Father. They fought impossible odds and went on strongly. I was proud of them. Proud to be able to say “I knew the Shinsengumi, they were very dear to me. Each and every one of them was a great warrior and a wonderful man.” 
…Only a few of them survived. Saito-san, Nagakura-san, Souma-kun, Shimada-san, they were the only survivors. 
Inoue-san had died protecting me during the battle of Toba-Fushimi and Yamazaki-san died from his injuries on the way to Edo. Kondou-san had been executed, beheaded and then put on display at Itabashi. Okita-san had eventually succumbed to his Tuberculosis. Harada-san had been killed in action during a battle with the Shogi Company in Ueno. Heisuke and Sanan had died too, we weren’t quite as sure how. Nomura-kun died in the battle of Miyako Bay. Hijikata-san had died in the battle that pretty much ended it all, the Battle of Hakodate. 
I had lost both my Father and my brother too. My Father had raised me, he had been kind and I loved him very much but he had committed great sins and he was hurting many. My brother I hadn’t even known I had until Kaoru himself told me, I hadn’t gotten a chance to get to know my brother. Kaoru had done a lot of bad things, he wanted to see me suffer but at the same time he was my brother and he had suffered a great deal. I hoped he was at peace now with our family in the afterlife.
“Chizuru, I am your brother.” Osen-chan and I made our way to my old home in Edo hoping to find a clue as to my Father’s whereabouts, we hadn’t actually expected to find much, or anything really, of note but much to our surprise who did we find there but the man himself, accompanied by a familiar looking man. Kaoru Nagumo was standing in front of us, no longer wearing female clothes, apparently he had been a man all this time, a man who also happened to be my…
“Yes, Chizuru. If our appearances aren’t enough proof, you need only look at our swords.” With that Kaoru pulled the sword at his waist out of its sheath. It looked just like mine. “See my Daitsuren is the partner to your Shotsuren, these swords were passed down through our family for generations and eventually they made their way to us.” 
“Father, is that true?” Unwilling to believe him, I turned to my Father. After all, I had never once been informed of a brother. 
“It is. This is your brother, Chizuru. You were separated years ago.”  
“Why… Why did you never tell me this before?” Why had he never told me anything before? Father had been keeping so much from me. 
“You had forgotten. I just didn’t want to trigger that trauma.” I had no way of telling if this was really the case but something about Father’s tone at that moment sounded so sincere. 
My father and brother were long gone now having easily escaped from us after they had shared their disinterest in stopping what they were doing. I guess this meant they weren’t going to be reasoned with.
“Chizuru-chan, you understand what must happen, don’t you?” Osen-chan asked me, her words went straight to the point, probably because she knew nothing she could have said would soften the blow for me. Her tone however was comforting, as was the hand she rested on my shoulder. 
I took a deep breath. If they couldn’t be reasoned with then they must die. They must be stopped, they simply couldn’t be allowed to continue what they were doing. So many would be turned into monsters, so many more would lose their lives. “Yes. I understand.”  This was what had to be done. 
“You don't have to come with me if you don’t want to. Okiku and I will take care of it.” 
While I appreciated her sentiment, I shook my head. “No. I’ll come too.” I couldn’t let Osen-chan and Kimigiku-san do all the work, I wasn’t sure what I could really do to help but I had to do something. “Father and Kaoru are my family, members of my clan, I have to see this through to the end. They are my responsibility.”
Osen-chan smiled. “I thought you’d say that. That is very admirable of you and very strong.” 
That night I dreamt, or remembered I should say, of the Yukimura clan’s destruction. 
It took us a while to track down Father and Kaoru, we finally found them holed up in Shirakawa Castle along with a massive army of Furies. How many have suffered to create this army? How many have been killed to uphold it? 
While attempting to fight our way through the Fury army we were separated from Kimigiku-san, it was only Osen-chan and I now. The Furies were relentless, there were so many and I could tell Osen-chan was getting tired. 
“So you did come, Chizuru.” Finally we had found them, Father and Kaoru stood in front of us, there were no Furies here, at least as far as I could tell. 
I took a breath and opened my mouth. I had to tell Father and Kaoru what I had remembered, I may not be able to get through to them but at the very least I wanted them to know… “I remembered… about what happened to the Yukimura Clan.” 
“I see. I wish you didn’t have to remember such awful events.” Father gazed at me sympathetically, giving me a comforting smile.
“Does that mean you understand now Chizuru?” Kaoru had perked up, his voice sounded hopeful, happy even. 
“...I do.” Kaoru smiled. I spoke again before he could. “Which is why I implore you more than ever, please stop.” 
Kaoru’s smile dropped and his eyes widened. “What?” His voice was shaking, though what was causing it, I had no way to tell for sure. Was it anger or sadness or both? 
“Father, Brother. Do you two really want others to suffer as we have? There is… There is a part of me that does want revenge, I won’t deny that, but the bigger part of me just wants all of this suffering to stop. I just want to live in peace!” 
They were silent and, for a moment, it seemed like they were contemplating it. Any hope I had gained was quickly lost when my Father spoke. “Unfortunately, the peace you want simply won’t come, not without our plan.” 
“You are going to create peace by making everyone suffer? What is a world of peace created on corpses and suffering?” Osen-chan narrowed her eyes at  them and pulled out her sword , ready to attack them at a moment’s notice. “Kodo Yukimura, Kaoru Nagumo you have committed many sins but as you are Chizuru’s family I will extend this offer once more. Stop this and I will consider letting you off lightly.”
“Naive. You’re both so naive!” Kaoru exclaimed and pounced forward, sword drawn, heading straight for me. “Chizuru, why won’t you join us?!”
“Oh no you don’t.” I heard Kimigiku-san a mere second before I saw her, she intercepted Kaoru’s strike and drove him backwards. “I am your opponent, I shall not let you through.” 
“Then, Kodo Yukimura, that leaves me as your opponent. Prepare yourself.” In the next moment Osen-chan flew forward, Father quickly intercepted her with a well aimed scalpel. 
Osen-chan gave a cry of pain. “Osen-chan!” I called out, concerned. Of course I knew, as a demon, Osen-chan would heal quickly but even so she was still in pain. 
“I’m alri-huh?” Osen-chan trailed off, her eyes darting towards her wound. She had pulled the scalpel out but she wasn’t healing!
Father laughed madly at our expressions of confusion. “Surprised? That scalpel was coated with a certain poison. A poison that stops even a demon’s healing powers from working correctly.” 
“Urk.” Osen-chan gave a moan of pain as her hand instinctively moved to cover up the wound, I gasped. Was she going to be okay? Osen-chan seemed to know what I had been thinking as she turned to me for a second and gave me a reassuring smile. “It’s alright, it is going to take more than that to take me down.” 
With those words Osen-chan charged forward again but Father simply dodged her attack and threw more scalpels, all of which hit their mark. I had no doubt each and every one of them was coated in the poison Father had mentioned. This was bad, this was really bad. Osen-chan was already exhausted, those injuries and the poison could not have been helping. She’d said she’d be fine but was that true? I looked over at Kimigiku-san still engaged in battle with Kaoru, she seemed to be taking care of herself just fine but it didn’t seem like she was going to be finished fast enough to help Osen-chan.
...Which meant… I took a deep breath and unsheathed my kodachi. Two things had to be done, stopping my Father and saving the woman I loved. I lunged forward and…
“Ackh.” My Father groaned in pain as my kodachi cut through his flesh into his side. “Chizuru…?” He questioned, shock evident on his face.
“I’m sorry.” That was all I could muster as tears raced down my cheeks. “I’m sorry.” I uttered again as I heard the sound of another sword cutting through flesh and another cry of pain from my Father. I pulled my sword out and fell to my knees as my Father dropped to the ground, no longer able to support his own weight. Vaguely, I noticed Osen-chan had stabbed him through the heart, taking my attack as an opportunity to do so. Osen-chan had finished him off but I had given her the opening. I heard Kimigiku-san come up to us, I guess that must mean she'd defeated my brother. I knew this had to be done but… 
Osen-chan pulled me into her chest and ran a hand through my hair. “It’s over, Chizuru-chan. Let it all out, you can cry now.” 
"Osen-chan, I-I…" Unable to say anymore, I sobbed. Morning the loss of the Father who had raised me, loved and the brother who I never got to grow up with. What would have happened, I wondered, if the Yukimura Clan had never been massacred. 
Even today, I didn't know the answer to that question. I probably never would, the Yukimura had been massacred and there was no telling what could have happened if it wasn't. After all, there was no way to tell what would happen in our future nevermind a future that… Wasn't going to exist. 
"Chizuru-chan?" I looked over at Osen-chan who gave me a smile. 
Osen-chan pecked me on the cheek. "I am going to bed, are you coming? Or would you like to stay a little longer?" 
I shook my head. "I'm coming." 
I was really happy with Osen-chan, if none of this had ever happened then I probably wouldn't be with her right now and all the memories I'd made with her likely wouldn't have happened either. I would be lying if I said there was nothing I wish could have been different but my time with Osen-chan  was something I wouldn't change for the world. 
"Osen-chan, I love you." 
"I love you too."
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houkagokappa · 5 years
Yasaka, Kuji and Jinnai are references to Sanbiki ga Kiru!
Kazuki, Tooi and Enta got their last names from the three main characters of the tv-series Sanbiki ga Kiru! ( 三匹が斬る!, Three for the Kill!)
Here’s what wikipedia has to say about it:
The title characters are three men who wander throughout Japan in the late Edo period. In each episode they encounter antagonists, and in the final tachimawari (fight scene) kill them. The characters traveled sometimes together, sometimes separately. When they arrived in a town they might settle in the same lodging, but sometimes take up with rival factions. In the end, they work together to overcome evil.
For the first five series, these characters were the same.
Yasaka Heishirō, nicknamed "Tono-sama" ("Lord") is a refined, disciplined rōnin played by Hideki Takahashi. The other characters occasionally speculate that he is a second son of a daimyō but his identity is never revealed. He is the informal leader of the group. Yasaka uses the Onoha Ittō-ryū style of sword fighting. He appears in the first six series; at the beginning of the seventh series he is written out of the script by traveling to America.
Kuji Shinnosuke, or "Sengoku," is also a ronin, or a spy for the Tokugawa shogunate, or a commoner, as suits the episode. His nickname refers to his wish to work as a samurai with a stipend of a thousand koku. A native of the Satsuma Domain, Kuji practices the Jigen-ryū sword fighting style. He appears in the first five series and returns in the seventh. Kōji Yakusho played the role of Kuji.
Tsubakuro Jinnai is the third member of the group. Nicknamed "Tako" ("octopus"), he describes himself as a descendant of the Kōganinja and fights with a variety of weapons. Round-faced rakugo comic Koasa Shunpūtei portrayed Jinnai in all seven series.
The title of the series specifies three people, so a replacement was necessary for Kuji and Yasaka in the final two series. Kira Ukon (Masahiko Kondō, a descendant of Kira Yoshinaka, filled in first for Kuji, then for Yasaka. A debt-collector, he received the nickname "senryō," "a thousand gold pieces," in imitation of Kuji's nickname. During sword fights, he always found an opportunity to ask his opponent his style.
In most series, there was also a woman who accompanied the three. The first was Okei, portrayed by Kaoru Sugita. Next came Osen (Minako Fujishiro); then Ochō (Yōko Nagayama). They were followed by Okaru (Wakako Shimazaki) and finally Oryō (Machi Katsuragi).
I’m curious to see if there’ll be any parallels between the series. It’ll be hard for me to tell though since I haven’t watched Sanbiki ga Kiru! So far we have the number 3, the episodic fights and the boys not really being friends (yet) but working together anyway, as well as some possible character traits?
I’ve also been thinking about the Edo time period for a long time now and how a lot of the stuff I look up for Sarazanmai references it. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’d be brought up in the anime somehow. 
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naijagospel · 3 years
[VIDEO & AUDIO] "Arise, Shine" - Osene Ighodaro
[VIDEO & AUDIO] “Arise, Shine” – Osene Ighodaro
United States-based renowned music minister, Osene Ighodaro releases a new single “Arise, Shine”, from her project – “The Glory Album”. The song is prophetic for this day and age we are living in. The Spirit of God is saying to the church as seen in Isaiah 60, “Arise, Shine, your light has come, and the glory of The Lord has risen upon you”. Amid the darkness around and gross darkness upon the…
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Arise, Shine - Osene Ighodaro (Official Video)
Arise, Shine – Osene Ighodaro (Official Video)
United States based Gospel music minister, Osene Ighodaro drops a brand new single titled “Arise, Shine”, from her project “The Glory Album”. The song is prophetic for this day and age we are living in. The Spirit of God is saying to the church as seen in Isaiah 60, “Arise Shine, your light has come, and the glory of The Lord is risen upon you”. Amid the darkness around and gross darkness upon…
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JAG ska va först…nej JAG ska va…! Nu trängs de om platsen igen. Men lägg av..! JAG börjar och sen får du..!
Va? Säger vem?? Säger hon och försöker hålla i skidorna och hjälmen sitter på sniskan. Varför kan inte jag *försöka hålla i allt* börja osen kommer du efter?
Haha nänä så funkar det inte. JAG börjar, sen får du gå.
Jeeeeeaaaagbörjarosenfådu säger hon och driver med honom. Han ser rött och börjar koka lite lätt.
NU är det såhär att JAG börjar o därmed basta!
Hon driver med honom igen och gör miner som ska se ut som honom...han ser.
Han suckar. Vi KAN inte gå samtidigt, vi får inte plats då. Kolla hur mycket packning du har och sen har jag allt det här. Hur ska vi komma igenom dörren har du tänkt?
Hon ser hur trångt det är och det är knappt så en kommer in med all jäkla packning de har med sig. Det är tungt och svettigt att bära och bökigt. De måste bestämma sig snabbt.
Jag vill mest inte gå sist, säger hon litet.
Nä, ok, det vill väl inte jag heller men nån måste ju gå först.
Varför ska det va du då?
Jamen kolla här, den här packningen behöver in först. Sen kan vi ta din packning.
Nu känns det som att hennes packning är mindre värd.
Fine, gå med din fina packning först du, säger hon ledset. Det är ju klart att du med din fina packning ska gå först. Jag har ju bara det här liksom.
Nu suckar han ännu mer och börjar ställa av sina grejer.
Ok om jag tar din den där och så kan du ta min den då?
Hennes purkna min blir lite mindre purken.
De byter grejer och packar om. Det är ett himla tjorv. Sen ska de gå ut ur dörren samtidigt. Det är ett himla pusslande men de försöker.
Ajajaj..! ta bort racket, det klämmer in i min mage!
Jag når inte..!
Jamen ta bort kastrullen och flaxa med din högra arm, så kanske jag kan ta den i farten..!
TJONG! Aaaaaj!
Vad hände?
Du smällde till mig med cyklopet RAKT i ögat!
Va? Du la väl det i ryggsäcken?
Ja men sen fick det inte plats så då hängde jag det bredvid kastrullen så att jag kunde få plats med mina badtofflor...!
De svettas. De är fulla av prylar och står precis i dörröppningen. De tittar på varandra.
Hade inte du packat som en paket getter så hade vi inte varit här.
Nä för DUUUU packar ju så JÄVLA mycket bättre…! Vad är det här liksom? En slangbella?? Vad ska vi med en slangbella till?
Det kan va bra att ha när..
Och det här…? Din farmors hemmastickade kofta? Du har ju ALDRIG använt den! Du sa ju att du blev galen på att den kliade så att du vägrade ta på dig den…!
JA men vi kanske behöver den för att göra upp brasa nån gång.
Vi HAR ju massa tändstickor med oss redan..!
JA men jag tycker OM farmors kofta..!
Ja men den tar ju upp halva ryggsäcken..! Det är ju därför jag får ha kastrullerna här..!
De där kastrullerna är skruttiga…
Det är skruttiga kastruller..
Ska vi börja med DET nu? Vi kom väl överens om att det var de bästa vi hittade ..?
Det FANNS….bättre
NEJ vi ska inte ha dedär fula med Rambotryck
De såg för jävliga ut! Plus att de fick bara handdiskas och du hatar ju att diska..!
Nu purknar han till.
Hon tittar i taket som i oh lord ge mig styrka. Svetten droppar ner på ryggen och det är lite smått ohållbart.
De kommer inte igenom.
Kan inte jag bara gå först och sen kommer du efter?
HA! Ja den va bra.
Det bästa är ju om JAG börjar gå och SEN kommer du.
Hon ger en isande blick och pekar finger under vanten.
Allt börjar sakta ned och till sist så inser de. De börjar backa tillbaka.
Sen sitter de där. Fulla med packning av allt möjligt de dragit med sig. En tejpad trädgårdsslang, en gammal motor som inte fungerar som tydligen kan ”va bra att ha”, nallen från när de va sju och…listan är lång.
Det går tydligen inte heller att någon gör sig av med lite packning, för det vill de inte. Så då sitter de och anklagar varandra. Kanske mognar de tillräckligt och inser att de kan gå en i taget någon gång eller så kommer de sitta där än, likt Ferdinand under korkeken.
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jegerthings · 3 years
Høstsamling med Team Lord&Lady 15.10-17.10.2020.
Høstsamling med Team Lord&Lady 15.10-17.10.2020.
Da blir det samling 15 – 17.10.2021 på Grøtbekklia i Sør Osen. Jeg kommer tilbake med mer informasjon, men det er fint om alle som skal være med får meldt seg på i facebook-arrangementet 🙂
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happymeishappylife · 4 years
Big Finish Audio Adventure Review: Beneath the Viscoid
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After twelve fun adventures with the Doctor, I love the fact that Big Finish now allows you to travel and have adventures with our other favorite Time Lord, The Master. Plus what a treat to see Derek Jacobi in action as the Master and not Professor Yana and find out just what the Master was doing during the Time War. This is the first of four serials in the Only the Good Collection, and the title eludes that perhaps things don’t work out for the Master since he’s not happy to be the good guy.
But he certainly likes pretending to be his best friend! (Teehee). I loved that we get introduced to the Master’s arrival on Gardezza by him pretending to be the Doctor in order to get the trust of Nius, Osen, and Glortz. The downside though is the entire time, you’re waiting for the moment he switches and the real reason he’s there. Turns out, that sticky relationship the Master has with the Daleks is in full force as they are the ones who brought him here in an effort to locate his TARDIS. And to find it beneath the ocean, which the Daleks cannot locate via radar/sensors, he has to hypnotize Glortz and have him betray his status as one of the best soldiers to not only locate the Master’s TARDIS, but allow the Master to contact the Daleks.
Once located, the Master of course then tries to plot a way to get to his TARDIS without the Daleks, but is caught up in the curious case of Osen who is the lead scientist trying to use the temporal energy leaking from his TARDIS as a weapon to use in the War. Intrigued, the Master agrees to help, knowing that instead of helping thousands of people, this really helps himself. And while Glortz triumphantly overcomes the Master’s hypnotisms, and informs Nuis that the Master is not the Doctor, it’s too late as the Daleks are busting into the underwater base. The Master narrowly escapes, but with the Daleks hot on his trail.
I really enjoyed the mannerisms that Derek Jacobi uses in his master. Because he has the Delgado/Ansley “Obey me” voice and command down well, but he has that pathological liar of Sims which of course is who comes next, but he does also carry his Professor Yana mannerisms of explanations and care (or pretend to care) which makes his Chameleon Arch ‘human’ persona so realistic too. I’m looking forward to see where the Master goes in the Time War and if he ever shakes the Daleks, but this was a good start.
Overall Rating: 10/10
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kamenowriting · 7 years
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Change chapter 15
Fandom: Hakuouki ~Sweet School Life~ Summary: When Yukimura Chizuru was taking an enrollment of Hakuou Academy, she discovers that it’s an all-boys high school! So she pretends herself as a boy, though her secret can’t kept it longer. And what’s worst, a certain President of Student Council had interested in her despite she hasn’t told her real identity yet. Characters: [Kazama Chikage, Yukimura Chizuru,] [Amagiri Kyuuju & Senhime] Pairings: KazaChi, harem!Chizuru(Saitou/Hijikata/Souji/Heisuke/Yamazaki) & AmaSen Genres: Romance, school life Rated: T rated Words: 19, 423 Link: Byaichi126fic, Fanfiction.net Warnings: Grammar error, AU, OOC-ness, typos
A/N:  Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! I’m so sorry for the late-ish updating..! I wasn’t expecting to be writing this long.. probably I’ve been a little distracting of my real life. OTL
More babbling should be in FF.net
Special thank you to a very amazing person whom kindly sharing us all Hakuouki SSL sprites rips. I’ve been waiting for these for like almost 5+ YEARS or so?!! The Background however, are not made by me nor originally from Hakuouki. Most of it I found if google images obviously.
I apologized there’s no Kazama/KazaChi scene thingy since I can’t find a suitable background for those two OTL
"By the way, Amagiri," Kazama began. "When I mentioned you about girl, who are you thinking about?"
Turning around to meet the other man's ocean-blue eyes, searching of whatever the person the red-headed man think of a moment ago.
"You have a very strange smile on your face when you were having a deep thought." Kazama narrowed his eyes. "Do you by any chance meet someone in coincidently?"
"That is…" Amagiri mumbled, not knowing what to say. "Rest to be assured, Kazama-sama," Amagiri began, averted his eyes by lowering his head down. "for whoever woman or girl I thought of a moment ago doesn't have to do with you or Yukimura-dono."
"Oh…? You're sharp." Kazama commented. "Well, whatever. If your words are honest, then I suppose I shouldn't have to worry about."
“Sexual harassment..? Oh no, of course I’m not intending to do that.”
“Then what is?”
“I saw her looking a little down. I was expecting she was a bit cold or something. So I gave her a medicine as my Christmas gift to make sure she’s fine. It would be a little troublesome if a guest falls a sick in a Christmas Eve such as this.” Sannan explained, smiling like a Cheshire cat.
“Whether she’s sick or not, touching her without permission is still known as sexual harassment.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“Your Christmas gift.” Kazama stated clearly.
“I… I don’t have a Christmas present for you.. I-I’m sorry Kazama-senpai.”
“Oh, I think you’re already have by now.”
As she blinked in confused of his words, the President’s face starting to move closer to hers, and, oh she knows what does those words meant about.
Feelings her cheeks burnt up in red from embarrassingly, she pushed his face away to stop him from whatever he’s trying to scheme of.
“Wait, wait, wait..! This is..! It’s too soon!” She exclaimed in panic, her ears began to flush as well.
He can’t do that in here…!
"I suggest that we must return to your manor in haste." Amagiri break Sen's thought of his and Kimigiku's relationship, her eyes lift up into the ocean-blue ones. "Wouldn't want Miss Kimigiku worry of you more."
"Oh.. of course!," with that, Sen hopped on her heels while walking next to the red-headed man a little closer.
She wondered.. would she ever gets an answer about whatever kinds of feeling she had for this man…?
Chapter 15
Ever since meeting the red-headed man that day, flashback starting to occur in her dream. There, the little Suzuka watched her friend and Kosuzu played along with the other kids. Knowing that there are boys at the playground, Sen eventually refused to play along with them; rather watching the others having fun without her.
Envy of how fun they're all had, Sen lets her sigh released from her lips.
If it wasn't for that man, she wouldn't…
"Don't you wanna play with them?"
A male voice around possible 14 years spoke to her as he stood next to Sen but not close to her personal space.
"There are boys over there. I hate them."
"Why? I do not remember they have done something terrible to you,"
"Of course they haven't…" she paused. "…yet. Sooner or later, they might pick a fight after this."
With that, the teenager nodded and murmured.
"..I suppose, there's a chance."
Glaring on the other male, Sen began to speak.
"What are you doing here anyway? You didn't come here to talk to me right?"
"In truth, not really. I've come here just to make sure my lord won't do something crazily."
"Oh, pretty sure he already did by now."
Sen said with an uninterested tone on her lips, as she rolled her eyes on elsewhere.
"However, when I saw you sitting here, I just thought you need someone accompany."
"Oh yeah, maybe I do, thank you very much." Sen replied sarcastically.
"I apologized if my presence nuisance to you." The teenager said apologetically. "If you want me to leave, then, I'll leave."
Upon of leaving the Suzuka alone, Sen sighed and replied lowly.
"Your presence is not nuisance or anything." With that, the other person looked at her in a hidden perplexed. "I have my own reasons why I'm being this way toward you and other boys. I won't tell you any further as it doesn't has to do with you."
At that, Sen was expecting that the teenager boy would eventually take a leave after all, but instead…
"Then, if you don't mind, I'll stay here with you until evening then."
"Sure, sure. Only one circumstance though," Sen grabbed a stick and drew a line on the ground about a few millimeter away from hers and the other person. "Don't you dare step into this line, got it?"
With that, the teenager boy gave a soft chuckled as a reply. It wasn't in insult or sarcastic however. Instead, it was more as… amusing.
"As you wish, Miss Sen."
With that, the two watched the other kids having fun at the playground.
Before her flashback began to end, Sen took a time to glance on the other person's amazing red hair.
It was the most beautiful hair color she had ever seen.
…And she would never forget it no matter how many years would come.
As the dream starting to fade away, the older Suzuka began to flutter her eyes opened, took a gaze on the ceiling above her.
A man with an amazing red hair.
It has the same color as the man yesterday.
To think, her past starting to replay back in her at a time like this. …Not that she bothered or something. It's almost as if the dream wanted to know that the man in her past was the most important person in her life. The dream wanted to make sure that there are many male she can trusted of, beside Kazama and Shiranui(?). Although it's hard to say what she sees of the tan-skinned man, but she does finds Shiranui a bit nuisance as he had a similar vibe of being a bad boy or delinquent, in which, Sen did not hesitated distrust him.
Speaking of the red-headed man,
It's complicated to say what kind of feeling she'd felt for him. He's not annoying like Kazama. He's not even a playboy like Shiranui. Despite he had a same age between Kazama and Shiranui, yet, almost everything about him is more like 20 years old or so…? She didn't know.. she can't tell.. but for sure… little by little, she'd starting to open up a little because of his gentle and kindness toward her. The chains that been tied up in her heart slowly starting to loosen up.
She wondered.. is it a good idea to give a chance to open up that red-headed man? What if, he's been playing on her to take a chance to hurt her? …Well, for an older man with a gentle smile, there's a higher doubt that he would break her apart.
Even so…
"Osen-neesan!" Kosuzu's voice brings her back to reality. "Breakfast had prepared!"
As soon as her thought about that man started to disappear because of her sister's cheerful chirp, Sen gave the most beautiful smile on her face, hopped off from her bed as she readying herself to go to school.
Beside she's getting exciting for school, there are another thing she's exciting more;
Serizawa Christmas Party.
To think, she getting invited to someone else's party, and not to mention it, from the red-headed man of course.
Knowing that he'll be her partner to accompany her all the way to Serizawa Christmas Party, he might've wearing a very gorgeous black tuxedo with a blue rose that attached on his right pocket.
She has to admit it though, his hair really needs to fix by at least cut it off reached to his neck or something, combed in neat as well to make sure men and women see him in respectful and polite.
But, of course. She doubted that he would listen her opinion.
Serizawa Christmas Party, huh? Sen thought to herself as she eyed on her highschool uniform in her drawer.
Once she finally grabbed her clothes, her smile began wider than ever.
Let's meet again, Mr. Red-Headed Man.
Meanwhile with Kazama,
after he'd accompanied his beautiful and graceful girlfriend all the way to Hakuou Academy by walking, the couple has to part away at the gate as he needs to finish his paperwork as soon as possible by today. It's disappointed to him however that he didn't get to spend a pleasant times with her as it almost about Christmas after all.
Chizuru's reply, however, that she didn't mind if she wouldn't get accompanied with the President a little longer since she needs to get some things in her locker after all. She highly doubted that the President is going to be amused having around with… commoner friends such as Heisuke and Souji. The part of commoner word is not from Chizuru's lips of course. It's belonged to none other than the richest, yet arrogant President. Who would it be beside him? The brunette would never call her friends that way.
Before parting away, Kazama replied with his famous smirk on his face and giving Chizuru a goodbye kiss(on cheek), which, as usual, the young brunette's face was flushing in red from embarrassment. She's still far from innocent to receive a kiss on the lips. He would be a very patient as he wanted to until she's getting used to kissing on her cheeks.
Every parts of his-soon-to-be-wife often amused him. Knowing that she's not like any other rich girl, she's quite innocent, kind, and often cares and worries of her friends surrounding her than herself. then again, that must be an effect after losing her parent in a very young age. Then again, the President actually prefers this kind of girl he's seeking for.
"Now then, what kind of special Christmas gift should I give her?" Kazama said, scheming onto something, while putting his fingers on his chin. "Since she had a feeling for me after all, this would take an opportunity to give her engagement ring when her graduation has finally come." The President nodded in proudly as he had some more plans that's related to his girlfriend and… trouble.
"But where's the fun would be then?" Kazama smirked at that but soon starting to fade away as he realized giving an engagement ring is a bit too much. ..Well, since Christmas Eve is around the corner, the President has to give her the most perfect Christmas present to make sure Chizuru could only sees him and him only. Not anyone else.
As the President was having a deep thought, he realized he wasn't alone in the office.
Eyeing on a familiar broad shoulders of the red-headed man, Kazama began to break the silent toward the other man.
"So, Amagiri," Kazama began, waiting for his personal servant eyed on him. "In your opinions about girls, what's the best gift would she likes the most?"
"Opinions about girls?" Amagiri blinked. "I assume, you must've referred to Yukimura-dono, yes?"
With that, Amagiri starting to have a deep thought for a moment, putting his fingers on his chin. It took a short moment then he finally answer.
"How about flowers?" The red-headed man started. "Maybe some cute things like plushie, and cushions? Girls also like sweet things like ice cream." As he stopped right there, his memory replay back how much he admired the older Suzuka loves sweet things truly, especially parfait.
"It look like you're enjoying sweet things."
"Well yeah. Of course most women likes sweet things. No other female could ever dislikes sweet stuff… unless they're into strange taste."
Amagiri gave the warmest smile on his face as he repeated those moments over and over without feeling bored. Meeting the older Suzuka was like Kami's approving their unexpected fate.
As the President observed the red-headed man very carefully, he noticed for a moment that something's not right about the other man. It wasn't in a bad way. It was more like… very unlike of the red-headed man. Amagiri, the most polite(definitely not Kazama's word) and gentle(and so this) person, gave the gentlest smile on his face right in front of him. Very much unlike him at all. If Shiranui had already seen that, he must've called the ambulance by now.
Well, for whatever it is, it must've related to girls and women since Kazama does talk about Chizuru for a moment. For whoever girl or woman Amagiri thinking of, the President was hoping that it's not his girlfriend knowing that every part of her is belonged to his and his only.
And yes, Kazama Chikage can be quite possessive when it comes to partner or lover.
He's not the kind of person who could share his property to anyone else, especially not to the commoner.
"Flowers? Cushions and plushies? Don't be ridiculous." Kazama spoke confidently. "As if my soon-to-be-wife would like such a cheap gift as that especially when Christmas party is coming."
"That's just my opinion about girls, Kazama-sama. After all, you did tells me my thoughts about girls' gift."
"I guess you're right.." Kazama murmured, in which leaves silent moment formed in the office then.
Until a few seconds or so, Amagiri break the silent.
"Well… what about sweet things? I'm sure that Yukimura-dono would be very glad to have a taste of strawberry parfait." Especially if it's in homemade by you, Amagiri thought at the last part. But he highly doubted that Kazama would made a parfait on his own, knowing that the President had never come to kitchen since he described that place a bit oily, and hot, in which, doesn't suit a rich son to visit such a place like that.
"I would give a gift that could cherish that thing until eternity. Food can't stand last forever." Kazama complaint stubbornly, putting his hand on his chin as his thought filled with the brunette girl, whom wearing such a beautiful, lovely wedding gown. He wondered what kind of reaction would Chizuru made if the President ever gives her a wedding gown…? Then again, he highly doubted that she likes that idea..
I did suggested you some plushies and cushions. Amagiri thought deeply, but decided to slide that part away as no one could ever fought back of the President's argument. …Unless, possible the older Suzuka… "Then… how about something that made by yourself? Beginning from scratch?"
"From scratch?"
Amagiri nodded. "Since flowers can't stand last forever, you can always give her a cloth-made flowers by yourself."
"Now's that complicated."
"Complicated, but worthy."
Kazama groaned in reply as he took a deep thought then.
Several minutes then, Kazama finally had a decision whatever he thought of the red-headed man's recommends for his lover's Christmas gift.
"Almost your opinions for my wife's gift doesn't suits her so well." He sighed. "As I expected, asking you your thought about girls' gift doesn't help me at all."
Amagiri didn't say any word, but groan because how stubborn the blonde-haired man can be.
As the President stood up from his place to leave his office, he stopped in mid-walking then.
"By the way, Amagiri," Kazama began.
"When I mentioned you about girl, who are you thinking about?"
Turning around to meet the other man's ocean-blue eyes, searching of whatever the person the red-headed man think of a moment ago.
"You have a very strange smile on your face when you were having a deep thought." Kazama narrowed his eyes. "Do you by any chance meet someone in coincidently?"
"That is…" Amagiri mumbled, not knowing what to say. It's quite rare of the President to wanting to know of someone else's personal business beside the Yukimura girl. Despite being self-important and arrogant President, Kazama does capable on observing other people…
"Rest to be assured, Kazama-sama," Amagiri began, averted his eyes by lowering his head down. "for whoever woman or girl I thought of a moment ago doesn't have to do with you or Yukimura-dono."
"Oh…? You're sharp." Kazama commented. "Well, whatever. If your words are honest, then I suppose I shouldn't have to worry about."
When no words the red-headed man intended to speak, the President had finally left the office, leaving Amagiri alone in a quiet Student Council room.
Upon of arriving in the locker room, the young brunette met her childhood friend.
"Good morning, Heisuke-kun."
"Hm? Oh, Chizuru!" Heisuke gave a very wide grin upon of seeing his friend here. "Morning. It's rare to see you here."
"Ah.. well, I forgot to get my things before my homeroom teacher coming."
The younger boy replied with a nod while there's still a wide smile on his face. It was as if his childhood friend was his smile.
Glancing around themselves, the brunette noticed something.. well most likely, someone is missing here.
"Um.. where's Okita-senpai?"
As the brunette started to bring up a subject about the prankster senior, Heisuke's cheerful smile had disappeared, replacing to a groan/mumble.
"Obviously that Souji still mad about the terrible news about Christmas party." Heisuke began. That damn Souji.. although he told me to call him a senpai, he's still like a brat.. Heisuke finds himself pouting, in which, brings his childhood friend tilted her head in confused as he realized she could see through all over her face.
Not wanting to worry of his childhood friend, Heisuke gave a very wide grin once again.
"B-But don't worry! I'm sure that we can find a way to cheer him up." Heisuke said, hoping being optimistic could make everything's better.
"I hope so…" she murmured softly, hoping that she could at least see his sadistic smirk every once in a while.
Meanwhile in the Hijikata's office
Souji pushed the raven-haired man against the wall harder. There was a hidden anger and frustrating behind on those emerald orbs of Souji's. Although it's normal to see Souji to have despise Hijikata so badly, but never would have thought to see the prankster student finally snapped before. Guess celebrating a Christmas party with Kondou, especially with other students must've been meaning to Souji huh?
"Why didn't you try and stop Serizawa about this? You've known that that Serizawa bastard is scheming onto something, right?! So why can't you stop him?!"
Hijikata didn't spoke a word yet, but replying a quiet groan, tried to find a better word to make the prankster student felt better. But not a single thing came out in his mind. Rather than speaking back, the raven-haired man narrowed his eyes deeper as he lets Souji blaming him only, not Serizawa.
"Go on. Say something." Souji said with a growl. "Why didn't you try and stop Serizawa?!"
Before Hijikata finally speaks, the gentle Principal protected the raven.
"That's enough, Souji.." Kondou whispered gently as if he was speaking to a crying child. "It's my fault after all for planning a Christmas party at a time like this."
Souji faced to Kondou back, but his cold and hatred eyes toward Hijikata melted away when he saw a sad and guilty expression on Kondou's face. One of a thing he couldn't stand on is seeing the Principal look sad and disappointing.
"Rest to be assured that it's not your fault, Kondou-san." Souji said. "We've been done this every year in Hakuou Academy. Why would that Serizawa bastard starts a party in a time like this?"
With that, Kondou didn't spoke anything, not knowing what to say toward the emerald-orbs man.
"You do realized that blaming me wouldn't help anything else, especially bringing Kondou-san's party back." Hijikata finally spoke, as he get tired of Souji's childish side. As Souji continued giving a death-glared on him, Hijikata continued, "if you want it so badly, how about you're celebrating Christmas Eve in Kondou-san's place? That would end this problem."
After a long dark glare between teacher and student, it took more than minutes Souji finally ungripped his hold from Hijikata's.
"It would've been better if everyone in school here celebrating Christmas with Kondou-san…" Souji mumbled like a child.
As the prankster's presence was no longer in the raven's office room, Hijikata felt an urged to massage his forehead somehow. Damn.. ever since that Serizawa bastard visiting this year, things have gotten drivin' him crazy somehow. First, Itou coming back to school. After that, Serizawa cancelling Kondou's Christmas party. And now, that damn brat Souji blames on him for not letting the other students celebrate Christmas Party with Kondou.
It wouldn't get any worse right..?
Actually, no. He rather not say it out loud, knowing it would've been much worse than this.
"Say, Toshi…" Kondou began, bringing Hijikata back to reality. "Sorry about this."
"No need." The raven replied simply. "I've gotten used to getting blamed by Souji. He's better than that Serizawa bastard though."
With that, both men started to remain quiet without any word until the Principal intended to enlighten his friend mood by taking a subject about Souji.
"So.. speaking about Souji," Kondou began. "do you remember how we met him?"
"We…? Whoah, there, Kondou-san. Don't you remember?" Hijikata said, lit up his cigarette after he opened the window wider. "Didn't you actually found Souji first?"
"Was.. was I?" Kondou said innocently. "I-I guess so… ahaha..!"
Hijikata finds himself curled his lips upward upon of seeing Kondou's gentle smile. It's unfortunate for Souji that he didn't managed to see the Principal's smile after he left just now. Then again, talking a subject about him would've been embarrassed to Souji in the end.
"So you found Souji in the Shieikan dojo, right?"
"Ahh… that's right." Kondou nodded. "Somehow, I couldn't bring myself to kick him from dojo since he's looks like a poor puppy that needs a shelter so badly."
"It would've been better if you kick him off." Hijikata said sarcastically.
As the raven continued smoking to release his frustration, Kondou gave a melancholy smile as he remembered how he met little Souji back then. It's almost as if he was adopting a new son somehow.
When school has finally over, it was almost about time for the young brunette to take a leave then. As the sky starting to turn red-orange colored, the Sun is almost about to reach at the end of horizon by now. Upon of walking to the school gate, she could've sworn she heard a commotion at the field.
Curiously, the young brunette took a peek on the field and met two familiar men were fighting like a cat and a mouse.
"I told you before, she will come with me for the Serizawa party!"
"Don't be ridiculous." He spat in disgustedly. "Someone like you is not worthy to be her company. As her generous boyfriend, not to mention it; the most handsome one, she would gladly comes with someone like me rather than a commoner like you." The President began to give the most prideful smirk on his gorgeous face.
At those words, Heisuke felt an urged to twitch his left eye in annoyance because of that bastard's self-important attitude.
"J-Just because you two are lovers, that doesn't mean you can take an advantage of being her boyfriend and all!" Heisuke began to yap like a puppy(in Kazama's perspective)
"Ho… and what about you?" Kazama said confidently. "Always barking this and barking that how she's your childhood. Don't you ever get tired of using the same line?"
"That's because she is my childhood friend!"
As the argument goes on and on, it took several moments then they finally aware of the young brunette's presence. Both male students eyed on her at the same time as if she was some kind of food or reward to them, in which, brings the brunette jumped in surprised at the strange feeling of getting a deep glared struck into her chest.
"Chizuru!" Heisuke exclaimed first. "Perfect timing!"
"G-Good evening, Heisuke—" her words soon had been cut off as the other boy started to grab her both shoulders, making sure her eyes gazed into his(and definitely not to Kazama's)
"Tell me, Chizuru," Heisuke said. "who would you prefer of to come to Serizawa party? You're going to choose me, right?"
"S-Serizawa party?" Chizuru blinked in confused at that part.
"Yea!" The younger boy nodded. "After all, you need someone to come with you since letting a lonely woman walk to Serizawa mansion can be quite dangerous." He spoke in a soft and gentle tone, still gripping his small hands on his childhood friend's shoulder tighter than ever, but not in pain.
"…Oi, Toudou boy," Kazama growled in possessively. "Get your filthy hands off from my Princess. Only I can touch her," Chizuru couldn't helped but to flush in red upon of hearing the President called her 'princess'. And not to mention it, his possessive side. As his lover, he must've cherished her truly.
At that, Heisuke gritted his teeth, feeling an urged to give another yap but soon stopped by his childhood friend.
"U-Um… about that, Heisuke-kun," Chizuru said, raised her both hands, gesturing the younger boy to stop whatever he's intending to do.
"..I can't go with you."
Despite her words were pretty soft like a breeze, and yet to Heisuke, it's almost like a thunder jolt struck into him until he was nothing but a black ash. When the rejection appeared right in front of his face, the younger boy couldn't helped but to shot his eyes open, staring at her in disbelief and flabbergasted.
Although it's right for her to refuse him knowing she is going out with Kazama, Heisuke couldn't helped but finds his heart clenched in pain somehow.
With that, there's a proud smug on the President's face.
"See? Haven't I told you?" Kazama said. "Of course, she would not coming with you in Serizawa party. After all, she does have—"
Before Kazama could finish his sentence, Chizuru interrupted him as well, in which, give the most guilty smile on her face.
"I-I'm sorry Kazama-senpai, but, I can't be with you in Serizawa Christmas Party."
With that, the President didn't say anything, his usual smug started to disappear and continued on gazing on her, as if he was gesturing the brunette to explain of whatever reason she has to refuse him.
In which, Chizuru gladly tells them;
"Well…my father, Kodou," she started, " he'll be back when Christmas coming. I would like to celebrate a Christmas with my father for this year since it's been a long time since I last see him."
"Y-Your dad is coming…?" Heisuke murmured.
"That's right." She nodded. "I know it'll be much better celebrating in Serizawa Christmas Party. But, I'd really wanted to spend the Christmas night with my father this year. It would be very appreciate it if you understand my feeling. ..Please!" With that, Chizuru gave the most polite bow the male students had ever seen. But of course, it's actually important for her to celebrate a Christmas party with her father this time as it's been a while since she last seen his face. For once, she wanted to spend a greatest Christmas night with him like a family.
He and Kaoru are the only members of family she had ever have…
It took a moment then, the silent moment had finally break from Heisuke's voice.
"W-Well, if it's about your dad, then I guess I should invite someone else then." Heisuke mumbled, and there was a tinged of sadness behind on his orbs, in which, finds the brunette difficult to figure out of whatever expression he actually used just now.
At that, Heisuke turned on his heels then, leaving the President and the brunette all alone. As silent moments began to form between them once again, Chizuru gazed on the gorgeous President, hoping she could hear his permission for her to have a great celebration with Kodou. Rather than giving a word he'll expressed of, Kazama took a gazed on her deeper as well. It's almost looks like he wanted to say something. But not a single word could form on his lips.
Instead, he shook his head and turning on his heels to leave at the field.
The brunette couldn't helped but to blink in confused. Well, she was hoping that she could get to hear his approving in words. …The President must have better things to do than spending her..
Chizuru shook her head at that part, slapping her soft cheeks in multiple as while scolding herself to leave those thoughts out of her mind.
And so, Christmas Eve has finally come.
Chizuru had finally decorated her house for Christmas all by herself without helping anyone, not even Kaoru. She just thought to proof her older twin brother she can be quite useful no matter how much naïve she can be, especially around Kazama and Souji.
"There," the brunette said happily, as she finally put a golden star for the finishing touch on the top of the Christmas with a stool.
It looked beautiful…, she thought, finding herself closing her eyes as she remembered her past in every Christmas Eve. For the past years, she's usually celebrating the Christmas Eve with her father. Knowing that Kaoru living with Nagumo residents, it's impossible for him to celebrate with her and Kodou without knowing their address.
Now's that everyone's here, this should be one of a greatest Christmas Eve she had ever experienced with family…!
Not so long after this, Chizuru finally returned back to reality as the sound of phone began to ring. Turning on her heels quickly, she started to answer the phone and coincidencely, it was none other than her father..!
"Father!" The brunette called him in excited.
It's been a while since she last heard his voice now. But somehow, she could felt the tone that her father using a moment was a bit… sorrow.
It's almost as if he couldn't save his patient that almost dying and he needs someone to be there with him or at least hear his daughter's sweet voiced. Though, she knew that her father was not the best nor a professional doctor. So having an experienced by watching a patient died right in front must've hurt her father truly knowing that almost all patients were like his children…
Trying to enlighten the mood, the brunette tried her best to cheer her father up;
"S-So, how's everything? You're coming right, Father? There are a lot of things I want to talk about once you're coming. Kaoru might be surprised once he meet you as he hasn't seen you for a long time. And.. and—" aaaah! Honestly, there are so many things she wanted to tell her Father. Especially how's her school life lately.
And most of all—
about Kazama.
She wondered what his reaction would be if he finds out that she's dating with a generous President, who ended up becoming a lover? The thought of that finds her heart fluttering in happiness somehow.
"Chi-Chizuru.." Kodou whispered quietly as if he didn't want to scare his adoptive daughter or something. "There's something I need to tell you."
"Yes..? What is it?"
As the brunette waited of whatever of her father trying to say
this broke her heart completely.
At the Suzuka Manor.
Ding Dong!
"Coming~!" Kosuzu chirped, hopped from the couch and opened the door to see whoever it was. Upon of wondering to know whoever it was, her eyes shot open in shock to see an unfamiliar, tall man right in front of the Suzuka manor.
She couldn't helped but to frightened a little to see how tall he is as if he was a bear, while the bun-haired styled Suzuka, is a frightened, little, small Chihuahua who could do nothing except shaking in fear.
Trying to hide her fear away from her eyes, she tried herself to be brave a moment.
"Um… h-hi. Is there anything business you have here?"
The red-headed man greeted with a polite nod in which, little by little, Kosuzu finds herself a little comfortable around him as she realized that he wasn't really that scary despite he was quite tall than anyone in a member of Suzuka.
"Good evening. I've come here to accompany Lady Sen for Serizawa Christmas Party."
"Serizawa Christmas Party..?" Kosuzu blinked for a moment. "…Oh! Right, Osen-neechan had told me that she decided to go to someone else's party. I'll go and get her. Please, have a sit for a moment." The bun-haired girl said, gesturing the guest to sit on the couch.
"Excuse me, then." Amagiri said, entered the Suzuka Manor, and took a sit on the couch.
As the red-headed man waited for Sen's coming, a familiar, female voiced spoke to him.
"Well, if it isn't Amagiri. It's been a while."
Raising his eyes into the woman figure, she has a same smile as ever.
"It's a pleasure to see you again, Miss Kimigiku. I see that you're well today."
"Yes, and so are you." Kimigiku said, putting a tray of cup and kettle on the table. "How's Kazama has been?"
"Stubborn and troublesome, as ever." Amagiri said with a sigh as he took a sip of tea that Kimigiku recently poured for him. "But.. he's gotten a bit mature somehow." Probably thanks to Yukimura-dono.
Kimigiku replied with a soft giggle.
"So, how's Lady Sen?"
"Well, well, well. I'm impressed you're still remembered her. I was expecting you were no longer remembering her since either of you rarely seeing each other a lot." She spoke with a little amazed.
"I'm a bit surprised as well." Amagiri said, eyed on a cup of his tea for a moment and spoke once more, "Though.. of course, I don't think I couldn't forget of her since the first time I found her sitting on the porch." His usual calm and gentle smile started to disappear as he remembered how lonely she was whenever she watched the other female friends play without her. Despite she has gotten used to have a feeling of loneliness, yet, it's still very wrong for her to be alone this way.
A warmth, and gentle hand starting to grip on the red-headed's big hand, eyed on Kimigiku's hand, there was a melancholy smile on her face.
"I'm really happy to see her getting along with a man like you. ..I hope, you and Sen will continue becoming a good friend." Kimigiku said, her hand still laid on Amagiri's one.
Returning to grip hers as well, there was a promising and determined behind of his ocean-blue orbs one.
"I will do whatever I can whenever she needs me."
They both exchanged each other with smile and chuckled.
When their hands started to part away, either of them started any of conversation this time. Amagiri took a sip of his tea until the other woman gave a chirped of 'oh!'. Eyeing on the long, raven-haired woman, Oukiku began to stand up from the couch.
"I remembered that there's something amusing that you would love to see it. I'll be right back."
With that, Kimigiky leaves the red-headed man in the living room then, bringing a silent moment formed around Amagiri.
Enjoyed the taste of Earl Grey tea, Amagiri eyed on the staircase, wondering what the older Suzuka do right now.
"…What taking so long, I wonder?"
In Suzuka room,
The atmosphere around Sen's room was quite peaceful, where she gets all excited to go to Serizawa Christmas party, couldn't decided which dress should she wear. There are many gowns that suitable to her, but of course, she usually prefers of a one-piece dress with many white ribbons.. does that clothes look a bit childish to her…?
However, after she finished wearing accessories and one-piece dress for a short moment, things has gotten a little tense the moment her mother, the heir of Suzuka clan came back from the meeting and started to talk to her of a same subject that related to be an arrangement meeting for the older Suzuka.
"Like I told you, mom," Sen said with a sigh of exhaustion. "I need some times to think."
"And when will this some times, Sen? We've been talked about this since you've entered Shimabara. Shouldn't it be about time for you to accept the arrangement marriage by now?"
"I know, I know.. but I'm not ready yet, somehow."
"Sen," her mother began. "I know this is hard for you. I know this is hard since that man left us. But please, for the sake of our clan, you should focus on your goal as the-soon-to-be-next-heir-Suzuka clan by now."
With that, Sen didn't spoke anything, in which, her mother continued once more.
"Even if there's no man that you're interested in, how about Kazama? You and that man had known each other since you two were very little right? And your relationship have gotten really quite close since you've met him several months ago from what I've heard from Kosuzu."
As this conversation would eventually turned complicated as ever, before Sen could speaks a word, her heroine came at the right time.
"Um.. I'm sorry for intruding.." Kosuzu said timidly after she knocked the door to Sen's room.
Two women eyed on the bun-haired girl as they let her spoke again.
"Osen-neesan, he's here."
Upon of hearing a word of 'he' next to her ear, her exhaustion of speaking with her mother about the arrangement marriage disappeared.
It must be him..!
"He?" Sen's mother raised her eyes in perplexed. "What is she—"
"I'm sorry mom," Sen interrupted her, taking her coat on the bed. "I'm going out with a… friend. We can talk about this later."
Calling that man a friend would be impossible as she didn't got his name yet. But of course, Sen would be gladly to call that man as a friend rather than stranger.
Before her mother could speak, Sen dashed away down to the stairs together with her bun-haired sister to meet the red-headed man.
Has he waited for her that long…?
"Do you remember this?"
As Amagiri took a peek of the album that the long, raven-haired woman intended to show while awaits the older Suzuka's arriving, Amagiri replied with a gentle smile then.
"Yes, I remember this so well." The red-headed man spoke, with a soft laugh on his lips. He doesn't usually laughed but knowing that Kimigiku had known him quite well, she knew what kinds of thing the other man finds amusing, and showing the older Suzuka and Kazama childhood event is one of an amusing one.
"It's unfortunate you didn't get a chance to meet Lady Sen in properly." Kimigiku said with a sigh.
"It's alright. I would rather not wanting her to find out whoever am I for a moment."
"You're starting to be a little secretive when it comes to Sen."
"I have my own reason as to why I am being secretive toward her." Amagiri spoke in a little hesitant one.
"Then I won't forcing you to tell me this. However, I hope whatever you're trying to do will not leads to the worst." Kimigiku used a very rare serious tone, giving her friend a small warning. There are times, the red-headed man can be quite unlikeable reckless.
Amagiri replied with a nod, as if he known whatever he's doing right now is right.
"Rest to be assured, I will tell her the truth of me… soon."
"And when is this soon?" Kimigiku said, closing the album book as they decided to forget whatever subject they had about Sen's/Kazama's childhood album.
"Who knows.." He said. "Maybe after her graduation."
"You knew that she would soon finds out about you later."
"..I know."
Before the raven-haired woman could say some more, the tense of atmosphere between then had disappeared as Kosuzu comes to them on the spiral stair.
"Mr. Amagiri, she's here." The bun-haired Suzuka announced the red-headed man in a rather timid one, probably she doesn't usually talk with boys or men quite often exceptional for Ibuki, of course.
Standing up from the couch then, Amagiri awaits of the older Suzuka's arriving. When the other man gazed the older Suzuka whos walking down on the spiral stairs slow, yet elegant one, he can't helped but widening his eyes open in astounding one.
Although the Christmas party wouldn't be as formal as Kazama or Suzuka famly, yet, Sen looks quite gorgeous in a white, one-piece dress with several beautiful ribbons right there and there. Not to mention it, although she's not a fond of accessories, but the way how she tied her hair in a bun-haired styled with a sakura petals hairpin, it actually suits her so well.
To think, such a beautiful figure could actually still exist here…
It took a moment then Amagiri finally returned back to reality as he heard a similar soft giggled on Sen's lips, as if the red-headed man had never seen her looks feminine and all.
…Well, in almost all men's perspective of course, they would've gapped like a fish to see the older Suzuka looks beautiful in a formal dress.
"Now then, should we go?" Sen's voice brings Amagiri back to reality once again, in which, the red-headed man replied with a polite bow and turned on their heels to leave the manor together.
"Try not to be late." Kimigiku reminded them. "Make sure to come home around 11 o'clock."
"Yes, yes.." Sen said, waved her hand off. "What are you, my second mom?"
Kimigiku could only gave a soft chuckled and averted her eyes on the blue-ocean ones.
"I entrust her safety to you, Amagiri."
The red-headed man reply with a nod and polite bow, as if he known his job.
"Of course."
As Sen eyed on them from Kimigiku to Amagiri, then from Amagiri to Kimigiku, she couldn't helped but to raise her eyebrow in puzzled and curious.
They seemed to be quite close..
Is there any connections between those two? It almost felt like she'd missed something..
Shaking her head to leave those wild thoughts out of her head then, Sen enwrapped her warm coat around her body before they left the manor.
As Kimigiku watched the couple leaves the Suzuka manor from the door, there was a glimpse of intriguing about them behind on her amethyst orbs.
It's quite rare to see the older Suzuka walking close to Amagiri's. Their spaces were even closer than Kazama's.
She couldn't helped but to curl her red lips in upward at the sight of watching the older Suzuka walked with other man besides the blonde-haired man.
Now this is interesting.
As they had walked about a few metres away from the Suzuka manor, Sen couldn't helped but feeling slightly nervous.
Although it's pretty normal for the couple to have walking close together. Sen, on the other hand, feels a greatest urged to feel ancious. However, this kind of anxious wasn't in terrible one or how she experienced some random men touch or grab her without permission. It was more like in opposite one.
But she couldn't described what kind of anxious or this nervousness feeling she felt right now. Is it happiness? Joy? Grateful? Or more than that? She had to admit, it's the first time she has ever going out with a partner and all.
And not to mention it with Amagiri of all the people.
In every Christmas Eve, Sen always spent most of her Christmas days in Suzuka manor as the Suzuka often held a Christmas party. Most guests that's been invited were usually from rich families. But the one's that organized the Christmas party of Suzuka family usually her mother.
Only the heir of Suzuka family would be allow to organize the party in Suzuka manor. There are actually many events they're actually held, but most of them could only be invite of wealthy family or receiving a very high title and all.
Her mother wouldn't even inviting Chizuru no matter how much desperate Sen had tried to.
Just thinking about her family, especially her mother kinda ruins her mood of her exciting for Serizawa party. Shooki her head slightly, she decided to move those subjects away from her mind, and thinks of a certain red-headed man even more.
Took a closer peek of the other man, she couldn't helped but finds the man looks quite fascinating in a black tuxedo with a red flower attacked on his right-chested pocket. Beside that, his scarlet hair looks quite neat. …Probably he wanted to give a very nice vibe around him when they're finally arrived in the party later.
"That's looks good on you."
Sen ended her words leave out from her lips in loud. And yet, she had no reason to feel shy about it.
"Excuse me?" Amagiri blinked in a slight on confuse.
Avoiding answering the question, Sen replied with a shook on her head and turned on her heels without hearing anymore words from the red-headed man.
"It's nothing. We should get going to the party by now."
With that, all Amagiri could by now is leave this mysterious unanswerable question, following after Sen, whom very excitedly about the party.
The brunette sighed in depressingly upon of hearing terrible news from her father.
"There's a snow storming in the airport. So it's impossible to make it to Kyoto. I know.. I promised myself that we will celebrate a Christmas Eve together, but.. it can't be helped Chizuru…"
She wanted so much to cry..
After all she's been waiting for him..
She was getting all excited to celebrate a Christmas with family..
So much for her happiness she hoped for, huh…?
Trying to hide her sadness away from her father, she replied normally though she could felt a warm tears began to fall down on her cheeks.
"Ah.. so that's how it is… It's fine, Father. In fact, the founder of my school invited me to attend his party. So I might go there instead."
Actually, that was a lied. Well, it's true that Serizawa did invited all students of Hakuou to come to his manor for the Christmas Party. But, she doesn't have any power or energy to come to any party after hearing her father couldn't make it to Kyoto.
After all, it's actually the first time she couldn't celebrate a Christmas Eve with Kodou before. Even if she called her brother to come over, he might thought of her a nuisance or something..
She sighed and buried her face with the palm of her hands in depressed and sorrow.
What should she do now…?
Meanwhile with Amagiri and Sen;
The couple had finally arrived in the Serizawa Christmas party. Upon of entering the found of Hakuou manor, Sen felt an urged to gap like a fish from amazed.
"Whoah.. I didn't know there are many guests here." The older Suzuka said in flabbergasted as she eyed on every guest in Serizawa's manor. There are several of guests Sen familiar of as most guests in here are from rich and wealthy families. So this Serizawa person must be a very rich man huh?
Eyeing on a few women with a beautiful dress and expensive accessories, Sen couldn't helped but feeling down on herself as she realized her accessories weren't as many as noble women are, despite the older Suzuka would be a-soon-to-be-heir-of-Suzuka family in the future then…
A sudden, familiar male voiced then began to speak;
"Whichever dresses you wear, accessories or without accessories, your beauty still would no match with them, Miss Sen." Eyeing on the red-headed companion next to him, Sen realized that he must've noticed her sadness in her eyes when she took a glanced to the other women and herself.
No matter what the situation it is between them, the red-headed man always had a clever words to cheer the older Suzuka up. It was like he's a knight who willing to do everything to make the princess smile and happy from sadness or despair.
With that, Sen replied back with her confident smile on her face.
"Well, thank you very much for your cheesy compliment, Mr. Gentleman." She playfully gave a soft punched on his muscular arm. If a feminine girl ever hit the red-headed man's arm, her fragile hand/fist would've broke like a glass by now. Thankfully the older Suzuka has born to be a little tomboy-ish, willing to hitting or kicking someone ass especially weakling men that ever insult her friends, Kosuzu or women.
"We've been together for such a long time that I almost forgot to introduce myself."
"Ah, that's right..!" Sen said foolishly. It was stupid and very rude of her to not have know the red-headed man's name after all he done something generous-ish to the older Suzuka. Just what made her forget to ask his name anyway…? Could spending a time with him forget her pride to despise men? ..Or maybe she has a habit of forgetting to introduce herself and vice versa?
Started with a very polite bow, the red-headed man begin.
"My name—"
"Sen, is that you?!"
A familiar female voice exclaimed in shocked.
Searching whoever it is, Sen flashed her eyes into a very familiar woman. She has a long, straight, dark blue hair. Her skin color is a fair one, and she was born to have an auburn orbs.
"Cornelia-chan! I didn't know you were here!" Sen chirped happily, forgetting of the red-headed man's introducing as she walked straight to her
Both women embraced very tightly in a friendly way. The older Suzuka hold the blunette's hand as if she didn't want to let it go.
"It's been a while. How have you been?"
"Fine, thank you." Cornelia nodded politely. "What about you?"
"Fine, as well. Although there are times that I'm a little worried of Chizuru-chan's idea of going to school that filled with many men," Sen sighed exhaustedly, in which, the blunette replied with a soft giggle.
"You're a worrywart as ever. Just respects her choice. I'm sure she never regrets on choosing an all-boys high school."
"Even so…" Sen stopped in mid-sentence then, feeling herself to pout like a child in which, giving her friend replying another giggle.
As soon as he realized the older Suzuka was having a great conversation with her friend, it'll be better to take a leave as he would rather let the girls have some conversation without his presence:
"I'll go and get some drinks for you, Sen."
Sen nodded. "Sure."
Bowing in politely for the last time, the red-headed man began to leave.
"Who's that man?"
The blunette changed the subject upon of seeing a very large man such as him for the very first time.
"Oh, him?" Sen pointed his broad-back with her thumb. "He's someone I know."
"Well that's rare of you to have a male friend." Almost all Sen's friends knew that Sen hates men the most. Not even a single man Sen has ever calls him a friend. Upon of hearing the older Suzuka said she 'knew' rather than she 'annoys', the blunette couldn't helped but feels in need to show a very perplexed expression on her face.
"Well.. I just thought to try to befriends another man besides Kazama," Sen half-lie. In truth, their meeting was a bit awkward and weird. …Not that she hates his presence or something. The more she gets to know of him better, the more she realized that there's a kind and gentle vibe around the red-headed man.
"Now's that was an unexpected," Cornelia said with a soft laughed. "I was hoping that you would choose a handsome or good-looking men over a weird and unattractive men."
"Well…" Sen said with an awkward laughter.
Did she just said unattractive..?!
… Well, actually in truth, the red-headed man can be quite strange for the first time she met, so yeah, the older Suzuka probably agreed the part of that man being a little weird. But unattractive?! How can she be so blind about that red-headed man's intrigued figure?
True that by the looks of it he was about 30 years old or so. But having his presence next to her, Cornelia should've known that she would be safe around him knowing that his tall figure helped them to frightened away some men who intended to hurt her.
Trying not to show her rage in front of her friend, Sen decided to slide it away. "Ah, that's right." Sen said, clapping her hand in a one time, as if she's trying to forget of whatever Cornelia referred of to the red-headed man. "How's things in your marriage arrangement? Did it turned out great?"
"Eh..? Oh, yes. It turned out good so far." The blunette replied. "At first, I thought it was actually a bad idea to have a marriage arrangement without knowing my future groom. But it's great to see my groom was actually kind and willing to marry me for the sake of our family."
"That's great." Sen said with a hidden of envy. "I'm happy for that. Don't forget to invite me for your wedding day" As the older Suzuka winked her left eye in playful, her friend replied with a flushed in embarrassment on her soft cheeks.
"What about you?"
"Don't you think it's about time for you to have a marriage arrangement meeting with the Kazama? I haven't heard any news about you two."
"A-Ah… about that.." Sen murmured awkwardly. "I—postponed the marriage arrangement meeting."
"Again?" Cornelia said in surprised. "You were postponing the meeting again?"
"I-I've got a lot of things to do that's all," Sen tried to find a reason to keep this conversation from tense.
"You've known Kazama for such a long time. And yet, you're still not gonna accept on marrying him when graduate coming? You do realized that at this rate, you will eventually dishonor your family."
"I know, I know." Sen said with a sigh. God, it's almost looks like she was having a tense conversation with her strict mother by now..
As things had gotten awkward as ever, Sen intended to take a leave. At this rate, she might've received another lecture from her friend that relating to arrangement marriage again.
"W-Well, I better get going then." Sen said. "Pretty sure that he is waiting for me by now. B-Bye!"
Ignoring the blunette called her name, Sen turned on her heels as she's searching for the mysterious red-headed man. Geez.. where is he? Sen thought frustratedly. She would've expecting he would get her some drinks pretty quick. She didn't know that it took longer than ever. Giving up herself, she sighed exhaustedly as the older Suzuka stood at the corner of the hall room while the other guests having a great fun in the Christmas party.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Serizawa residence." Serizawa began to speak. Sen, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have aware of hearing his voice as she's been bothered something. "It is my honor to have spending this holy night with all of you. Merry Christmas."
Ignoring the entire cheerful and joyous atmosphere around in Serizawa's manor, Sen's thought filled with nothing except about her mother and Cornelia's words of the marriage arrangement. Although she had longed knew that she eventually has to marry a certain man from rich family, but marrying a stranger feels a little uncomfortable somehow. There is a higher chance that some men had a dark plan they've been schemed on once she married some random stranger. What if, her fate would leads her like her mother's as well? What if, that man would leaves her just the way that bastard leaves her mother? The thought of it brings Sen feeling confused what she's gonna do…
..What should I do, Chizuru-chan?
It would've been better if her fate leads similar as her best friend, where neither she needs to worry of marrying a rich family or commoner one.
"Well, well, well. Good evening, beautiful maiden."
An unfamiliar male voice brings Sen back to reality, in which, she lifted her honey-brown orbs into the four-eyed man. Compared to other guests, he didn't wear anything formal or a black tuxedo like the red-headed. Instead, he was some kind of… doctor, sort of?
"Uh.. g-good evening," Sen greeted back quietly, not knowing where's this man coming nor why he approaching her.
Upon of waiting any reply from the other man, almost like more than minutes then, the four-eyed man answered with the creepiest smile she had ever seen. Much creepier than the two drunkard she approached a few days ago.
It's almost as if that man in front of her is not a human.
"You look a little down when Serizawa-san is giving a speech. Do you by any chance feeling a cold? Or maybe a fever?"
Although his voice was soft and gentle like a wind, but she could felt something crawling on her body just hearing that kind of tone from him. Not to mention it, that creepy fuckin smile…!
"I-I'm fine. Thank you." Sen said, bowed in a very politely. It best to avoid from this man. She had a feeling that if she had stayed with him longer.. something terrible might gonna happened to her…!
"Why are you trying to run away?" The other man said in a faking-worriedly. "I was trying to help you."
Help in your ass…! "Th-thank you for your hospitality. But I've gotta go now—"
Before she could get away from him, strong hand began to grip on her small wrist, brings her body stopped right there in paralyzed. Eyes filled with frightened, lifting her orbs into the other man once again, there was a very wide smile like a red, crescent moon. His glasses were glowing very brightly like a flash.
Feeling an uncomfortable touch from the four-eyed man's hand, her body was shaking like a leaf. Eyes falls down on the floor as she felt tears were about to burst by now.
She can't do this.
She can't do this in here.
Not in front of guests and Serizawa.
However, no matter how many times she forced herself to move, the four-eyed man's hand was like a poison, injecting a strange drug deep into her body until he finally able to control her like puppet.
This is bad...!
This is bad…!
What should she do—
"I've just thought to give every guest here my Christmas gift. To make sure everyone is full of health in the future." The other man said, with his usual creepy smile.
Sen did not reply anything nor ask him what kind of gift is he trying to give.
Widening his lips on his face, he dug his other free hand inside his pocket, searching for something. And once he finally found it, he revealed his gift to her; a medicine bottle that contain red liquid like a blood.
"This is my Christmas gift for a beautiful maiden such as you." The other man said. "Ah… rest to be assured that, it's not a poison. It's a very useful medicine. I hope you'll accept it." Putting a bottle medicine on Sen's other hand, without her own will, her hand gripped back, gesturing she'd accepted his Christmas gift.
Feeling a little delighted how the young maiden accepted his gift rather than refused it, he widen his smile again and again.
"Since I have a lot of free time. How about we—"
A man named Sannan had no time to finish his sentence as a certain man interrupted his conversation with the older Suzuka. Recognizing a male voiced, her eyes laid into the red-headed one. Slowly, the longer she took a gazed on his gentle and calm orbs, some dark spell that the four-eyed man casted has been lift off from her body little by little.
"Oya… Amagiri-kun." Sannan called him. "It is surprised to see you here."
Amagiri..? Is that the red-headed man's name?
"I was about to say the same thing, Sannan." Amagiri spoke.
Eyed on the older Suzuka, he could see how frightened she is as if she was a little girl lost in a deep, dark street where no one can finds her whereabouts anymore. Narrowed his eyes deeper, this would be the second times he had seen this kind of side from her. To think, leaving her alone was a terrible idea. He shouldn't have leaves her when she had a conversation with the other woman just now…
Soon, his eyes gazed back into the nurse teacher. He felt himself in need to grip his hands into a fist by now.
"Sannan-san, I don't remember Serizawa-dono letting you give a sexual harassment on one of guest here before. Explain to me what do you think you're doing."
"Sexual harassment..? Oh no, of course I'm not intending to do that."
"Then what is?" There was a cold growled under his throat. It's the first time the older Suzuka has ever seen the red-headed man looked anger before. But what made him so angry that he has to use a threatening tone on the four-eyed man?
Could it be…
..he was worried of her?
"I saw her looking a little down. I was expecting she was a bit cold or something. So I gave her a medicine as my Christmas gift to make sure she's fine. It would be a little troublesome if a guest falls a sick in a Christmas Eve such as this." Sannan explained, smiling like a Cheshire cat.
"Whether she's sick or not, touching her without permission is still known as sexual harassment." Amagiri continued. In which, brings two man gazed on each other longer than ever. …Until Sannan replied with a small snorted, gesturing he's finally give up.
"I suppose you're right." Ungrip his hold from Sen's hand, his eyes gazed into the frightened honey-brown orbs ones. "I apologized for gripping your hand all of a sudden. I hope you like my Christmas gift. And… merry Christmas too."
With that, Sannan finally takes a leave, leaving the couple all alone. Amagiri replied with a groan. To think, Serizawa invited him in the manor as well. He wasn't expected that before.
Eyeing back into the older Suzuka, there was a blank expression on her face; he had a feeling that Sannan's touches must've frightening her greatly. He felt so bad that he had an urged to hold her hand, ensure that she'll be fine. He will always right next to her from now on. But then again, if he lets his hand touched hers, it would've been more horrifying. The best choice he has to do for now is standing next to her until she's feeling comfortable.
And the drinks that Amagiri was suppose to bring had been left forgotten.
Ding Dong
A door bell starting to ring in her house.
Leaving from the kitchen, Chizuru couldn't helped but to raise her eyebrow in perplexed for receiving an unexpected guest in Christmas party. She doubted that whoever appeared in her house would be Kodou knowing that he had just giving a bad news how he won't be able to make it to Kyoto.
Since Kodou and Kaoru are out of the option in her head, who could it be…?
As whoever it is ringing the bell for a few times, it took a while then Chizuru turned on her heels to reach to the door and opened it.
Eyes gazed into a familiar crimson orbs, Chizuru couldn't helped but to gap like a fish to meet Kazama in Christmas Eve.
"K-Kazama-senpai..?" She murmured in disbelief.
It's not a dream… is it?
"That took a while to open the door," Kazama said, passed over the brunette as she looked at the President in full of perplexed. Too speechless to see him, the other man entered her house as if he owns the place and put a bouquet of flower on the coffee table near him(in the end, he ended up following Amagiri's advise).
"A-ah..! W-wait, Kazama-senpai!" Chizuru called him in which, stopped him from mid-walking, eyeing on her from his back. "Wh-What are you doing here..?!"
"Why, you say…?" Kazama said, raising his eyebrow puzzled this time. "Obviously to celebrate a Christmas party together with your father."
"E-Ehhh…?!" At that, Chizuru's eyes widen open in a saucer one, "Wh-what about the Serizawa Christmas Party?"
"Oh.. that?" Kazama began, eyed on elsewhere. "Choosing between Serizawa Party and yours; of course, I would rather choosing you knowing that this would be a great opportunity for our relationship getting deeper and better," as he spoke that, when the President winked his eye in attractive way, she was pretty sure that she just saw a very small star form next to his eye… or maybe she's just having a hallucination for a moment. "beside that, I would gladly meeting your father eye-to-eye so that he could gave a blessing of our fateful destined."
When the President mentioned of her father, she couldn't helped but sorrow starting to form on her face, eyes looking down on the floor as she could felt tears starting to form.
"So, where's your dad?" Kazama questioned, taking a look around on his-soon-to-be-wife's house, couldn't felt any presence of another person beside the brunette.
"Um…" Chizuru murmured, eyes still laid down on the floor. "He's… not here.."
Raising his eyebrow in reply, Kazama moved closer to the brunette's personal space, but not too close. Waiting her explanation very patiently, his lover managed to answer very clearly without being too much emotional;
"Th-there's a snow storming at the airport where my father works in the overseas. Knowing that the weather is terrible, it's impossible for my father to make it to Kyoto then. So…" With that, Chizuru finds herself in need to cry.
Several moments had passed between them, the brunette was expecting that the President would come closer to her, giving her an embraced, and lets her tears fall down on his shoulder.
But instead…
A deep chuckle formed from Kazama's gorgeous lips.
"And by meaning that," her head began to lift up as she could felt a callous finger on her chin, her brown orbs and the crimson ones began to stare into each other. "this would mean just the two of us celebrating a Christmas Eve together, yes?"
As she realized whatever he's scheming of, she slapped his hand away and pouted in anger.
"Th-this is serious Kazama-senpai! It's the first time I had ever celebrating a Christmas Eve without my father! So—"
"So, falling into depressing or grief wouldn't help your father coming here in a split second." Kazama cut off the brunette's words, in which, leaves her looked at him in a little frustrated. "You should be grateful that you have someone to spend a Christmas even without your father or that damn Nagumo boy. …Beside that," using his thumb to wipe her-soon-dried-tears on her cheek. "seeing you in tears doesn't seem to suit you so well. Why don't you appreciate it, and enjoy this night for once."
She couldn't helped but finds her tears starting to form on her cheeks even more and more. Her tears was falling wasn't because of angry this time. It was more like happiness. Grateful. She was so grateful that she wasn't alone this time. She was so grateful that she wouldn't celebrate the Christmas alone.
Even if her father won't comes.
Kazama's here.
He's there for her.
And this is probably enough to avoid from celebrating the Christmas alone.
"I'm sorry, Kazama-senpai…" Chizuru murmured quietly, letting his warm hand caressed on her cheek tenderly. "…And thank you."
Hearing a familiar satisfied chuckle from the President, Chizuru ended up buried her face on Kazama's broad-chested, leaving them stood there in silent for like forever.
Several moments had passed between them, Amagiri had been sat next on the grand seat together with the older Suzuka.. but, not so close as he knew she needs some space to get some air.
Another more minutes then, somebody needs to break the atmosphere between them now.
"Who.. was that?" Sen finally questioned, thankfully, that creepy man's warmth touches on her hand suddenly cool down slowly.
"That's.. Sannan-sensei. My nurse doctor." Amagiri replied with a little hesitated.
"Your nurse doctor? In school?" Sen said, feeling a little perplexed. She never expected the red-headed man had a very strange, and not to mention it, the creepiest teacher in his school. ..Which, reminds her of Chizuru's suppose-all-boys high school. She often gives Sen and Kosuzu some weird stories of her experienced in her school life.
It's kinda a bit coincidence.. is it?
"I apologized for whatever that man did to you. I shouldn't have leaves you since the beginning."
"No, no, it's fine.." Sen murmured, caressed her other hand gently where the four-eyed man grabbed her. "A-As long you're there, I don't care what happened in the past. It's over."
She could see how guilty the red-headed man is.
Auf… she has to do something.
She needs to stop this awkward atmosphere or else, she might leave him again…
Acting proud, and strong in front of Amagiri, Sen covered her lips on a palm of her hand as she gave a bark of laughter like a selfish rich woman who she can do anything with just money only.
"Honestly, what's with that depressing face you made, Amagiri?"
Amagiri blinked. He didn't know which part he was blinking of. Either Sen's frightened side disappeared so soon or the way how she calls him was the most pleasant voice he had ever heard from her.
"Come on. That isn't like you." Raising her left eyebrow in jokingly, poking her finger on his broad-chested in every word. "Where's the Mr. Gentleman that I used to know, anyway? Did you let your head hit on the boulder or something?" At that, she gave another laughter as she fought back the thought of the four-eyed man's touches in her head.
"Sen…" the red-headed man murmured her name, not knowing what to say anymore as he watched her smile and laughing at the same time. It's hurt him a little to see how she pretended to be herself, especially in front of him. She must've worried of him as well..
"Honestly.." Sen began, as she turned on her heels to take a short walk around the manor, in which, the red-headed man followed her back. "..ever since meeting you a lot of strange happened to me. First, I've got attracted by men even more, then, they were dared touching me no matter how struggle I fought back on them. I... I had never experienced such as this since he'd disappeared."
With that, sadness started to form on his blue orbs then. Every word she spoke just now is like he is the causes of bad luck. Wouldn't it be better for the two of them can never see each other anymore and—
"But, I'm not saying in bad ways of course." Sen continued, as if she could read the red-headed man's thought. "True, it was quite terrifying getting closer with other men and all. But, it's actually great way to overcome my fear of men."
"Fear of men…?" Androphobia…? ..No. or maybe it's possible she suffered of haphephobia.
"Yup." Sen said, walking all the way to the garden then. "I'll be the next heir clan for Suzuka, after all. So it's about time for me to start overcome this fear even if it's looks cheap to you."
This is the first time Sen has ever talked about her fear toward anyone.
To Amagiri, most of all.
Despite this kind of conversation should've been suitable toward Chizuru or Kosuzu, but her words almost as if it's been sealed off when it comes to them. It's almost as if they were not the right person to know the truth behind of her hatred for men.
But Amagiri..
How could she be able to speak about her own fear toward to the red-headed man?
Was it actually a good idea to speak this subject toward him?
She didn't know..
But she wanted the red-headed man understands about her so well.
"I don't think it's cheap or something." Amagiri broke the older Suzuka's thought, in which, brings her eyes laid into the ocean-blue orbs. Upon of staring deep into the red-headed's gentle orbs one, she finds herself a little ease somehow, in which, brings the older Suzuka curled her lips upward for a moment, but soon faded in sadness. Eyeing on a beautiful garden, she murmured with a very soft tone of hers:
"Shouldn't you disliking me?"
"Pardon?" Amagiri questioned.
"Shouldn't you disliking me for my hatred for men? Don't you think you should be?"
Silent moment passed between them at the beautiful scenery, night garden. It takes some times then Amagiri spoke.
"Hatred… is such a strong word to use especially from you, Lady Sen." The red-headed man gazed on the white roses in admiringly one, moving closer, in which, the older Suzuka followed him as well. "I don't think it's hatred that you've felt for toward men all this time, Sen. It's something different. Maybe.. anger. Or maybe.. frustrated at the same time? You might possible be angry and frustrated at the same time instead to whoever this man had done to you and your family."
At that, Sen couldn't helped but to shot her eyes open like a saucer in horror.
Hold on.. she had—
She had never telling this to anyone.
Not even to Kosuzu—
So how did this man—
"How did.. how did you know about—my family?" Sen questioned in disbelief. This kind of dark secret had never revealed to anyone. Not even to Kazama. So how did, of all person that figures the dark past of Suzuka family, why Amagiri?
"Miss Kimigiku told everything to me." Amagiri explained honestly. "Although she's not a member of Suzuka family nor related in your blood, yet, she knew fully well about your family."
Ahh.. of course.
She learnt from her mother that Kimigiku has been served for Suzuka family since she was a young teenage as her family owe a big debt for the Suzuka family, in which, she has to become Sen's personal servant after she was born. Kimigiku's debt soon finally paid once the older Suzuka has finally become the heir of Suzuka family and marries any man she chose of.
Amagiri held his hand up, gesturing he knew what she intended to say, in which, the red-headed man replied with a shaking his head slightly.
"Rest to be assured, Miss Kimigiku didn't tell me whoever this person you actually despise of."
With that answer, Sen gave a relief sigh, though she couldn't helped but to pout in annoyingly. "That damn Oukiku shouldn't have told everything's about my family to you.." Sen said with a sigh,
As Amagiri replied with a quiet chuckled, his smile started to fade away as he decided to tells her something she should've known about.. this person she despise of truly.
".. Although you may won't forgive this person that had ruining your family, but you knew fully well, whoever this is— would've been felt guilty as well to have destroy your life by accident to be honest."
"How did you know about this." At those words, Sen's usual kind and gentle smile started to disappear, and changed into aggressive mode;
"You don't know anything about that bastard! He had done horribly to my mother..! To my family..! How can you not blaming that old man's done…! How can you sided on him over me?!"
She didn't know why but it's her very first time to have raise her voice to the red-headed man. Although she once telling herself that she couldn't brings herself to raise her voice or being aggressive toward Amagiri. But somehow, it made her really furious to see the other man siding on that bastard than her.
She was expecting the red-headed man would choose her but—oh, she's definitely wrong.
Ever since Sen raised her voice for the first time toward the red-heaed man, Amagiri's expression didn't change into shock or perplexed. It's almost as if he'd known he eventually getting mad by the older Suzuka.
"…How did you know this.. man hurt your family terribly?"
"My mom.." Sen said a little hesitantly while sniffling softly as she finally realized that she was about to cry just raising her voice toward men. "She told me how that man abandoned us all even though everything's what my mother's done was for the good sake of our family. She sacrifice herself to choose him and what he eventually do is running away and vanished without a word. I hate it!"
The red-headed man didn't spoke anything, as he watched the older Suzuka released her own sadness right in front of him. It must have been tough for her to hide this kind of pain about her 'hatred' toward this man from her sister and the Yukimura girl.
That man abandoned her since she was in kindergarten after all.
Speaking this subject quite sadden the older Suzuka truly.
Intending to cheer Sen up, Amagiri took a glanced on the beautiful garden then, finally caught an interesting flower that suits Sen's character truly. He hoped that Serizawa lets anyone, especially Amagiri to pluck one of flower in the garden. Plucking a white daisy in gently, not wanting to let their petals fall down fragilely, Amagiri returned back to Sen whom, staring at him in a little perplexed as to why did he brought a flower all of a sudden.
Slowly, and hesitantly, Amagiri brushed down the older Suzuka's frame right hair to give her a permission to give a light touch. When Sen feeling a little comfortable about his touch, he began to slip a white daisy that he plucked on her earlobe. At that, Amagiri gave a soft sigh on his lips as he finds it suits her with a white flower on her hair.
"My deepest apologized to speak this conversation when I've known you will feel a little uncomfortable about it." Amagiri said with his apologetically bow, being polite as ever. ..Not that Sen's grown tired or something.
"It's fine.. Sen murmured. "After all, I did spoke this kinds of conversation first, not you. I wasn't really expected it could leads to relating to my family and all."
Curling his lips in warmth one, he nodded slightly.
"I guess so."
As their eyes drawn each other and forgetting of the reality for once, the older Suzuka couldn't helped but to grown a little attached toward the red-headed man little by little. She'd always likes this kinds of side from Amagiri; kind, and gentle. Never would've thought she could ended up on opening her heart to a male friend whom they're just met for less than a week.
As they've been staring into the other's eyes in amazingly, a sound of clock bell began to bring them back to reality, which, leads their eyes to the big, old clock in the hall room of Serizawa manor.
It's already 11 pm.
Although the older Suzuka wanted so much to spend more times with the red-headed man, but she knew that returning home very late could bring getting a lecture by her strict mother.
"So it's finally 11 o'clock." Amagiri murmured quietly. "I guess times really does move quite fast between us."
"That's what I said for the first time we met remember?" Sen said with a smirk, in which, the other man replied with another warmth and gentle smile. As she took a very closer look behind of Amagiri's ocean blue orbs, the older Suzuka could've sworn she'd just saw there's a tinge of disappointment and sadness behind on it.
Has he wanted to spend times together with her a little longer as well…?
"We might as well bringing you home by now, Sen." The red-headed man said. "They're probably been waiting for your return."
She replied with a nod then, not knowing what to say, and leave the manor together next to the red-headed man.
Without aware of herself, Sen has starting to enjoy being close to the other man little by little.
"Here," Kazama said, giving his lovely lover a medium present box with an elegant red ribbon on the top of it.
Chizuru blinked in confused at the sudden of receiving a gift.
She wasn't expecting to receive a present from the President. After all, he's been a bit quiet and obedient ever since he finds the young brunette couldn't able to go to the Serizawa Christmas Party. Could it possibly be this is what he's been a in deep thought for a few past days ago?
"Umm… what's this, Kazama-senpai?" Chizuru questioned dumbfoundedly.
"My Christmas present, obviously." Kazama replied with a smirk, while putting his knuckles under his cheek as he watched the young brunette being innocent and cute as ever. "Try take a look."
Blinked in confusedly once more, it took a moment then Chizuru has finally decided to open a Christmas box from the President. As she untied the ribbon very carefully, her eyes widen opened in shocked.
Inside the Christmas box gift is a two pair of mittens made from wool. It fits her hands perfectly. The brunette could also felt a little soft and fluffly as she put it on them.
She wasn't expected to have receive such an amazing gift from the President before. At first, she was expecting that her boyfriend would bought her an expensive necklace or accessories from overseas or something.
—But mittens.
She didn't know why but she felt so happy somehow. Although it sadden her a little when her father couldn't able to make it here, but receiving a Christmas present from her lover somehow brings her sadness vanished away.
"They're beautiful, Kazama-senpai. Where did you bought this?" Chizuru said, putting her hands on her cheeks, feeling a pleasant warmth on her face.
"I made it."
"Ahh… so that's how it is. You made—"
As she understood his answer very clearly, the young brunette jolted right there in surprised. It was almost as if the thunder was striking right through her from the window.
"Y-Y-You made it.. Kazama-senpai…?!" Chizuru couldn't helped felt an urged to exclaim.
"What? Don't believe me?" Kazama said with the most proud tone on his lips.
"W-Well…" she mumbled softly, loss in words. Of course, she couldn't believe this. How come, the most arrogant and self-important President such as Kazama Chikage could know a technique of making a handicraft…?!
"Take a look."
As her boyfriend's voice brings her back to reality, Chizuru raised her face to gaze on the President, and soon, her almond-brown orbs began to wide in horror as she saw some light injured from the President's gorgeous hands.
Has he.. has he really made this glove for her?
Is this the reason why he's been quiet for a moment?
"You're.. doing this for me?" The brunette whispered softly, kinda feels a little guilty.
"As long as it could make you happy, I'm willing to do it for you even if it's difficult for me."
Once Kazama finished, Chizuru grabbed his injured hand to take a closer look, caressing it in tender and gentle one as if she didn't want to hurt him worst.
"You shouldn't do this for me, especially since it's complicated for you.." she spoke guiltily.
"Complicated, but worthy."
The President copied the red-headed lines.
After Chizuru had aid him by bandaging his hand up with the help of the first aid kit, Kazama stared at her interestingly as she put the ointment and the cloth in the metal box.
"Now, I'm waiting."
Kazama break the silent moment, in which, brings Chizuru tilted her head in confused.
"Waiting for what?"
"Your Christmas gift." Kazama stated clearly.
With those words, her eyes averted on elsewhere as she replied in a little hesitant. "I… I don't have a Christmas present for you.. I-I'm sorry Kazama-senpai." She couldn't helped but feeling so bad to herself to have forgotten to buy something special for the President despite being his lover.
"Oh, I think you're already have by now."
As she blinked in confused of his words, the President's face starting to move closer to hers, and, oh she knows what does those words meant about.
Feelings her cheeks burnt up in red from embarrassingly, she pushed his face away to stop him from whatever he's trying to scheme of.
"Wait, wait, wait..! This is..! It's too soon!" She exclaimed in panic, her ears began to flush as well.
He can't do that in here…!
Showing a little frustrating and annoying behind on those crimson orbs of Kazama's, the President grabbed Chizuru's wrists so that he could tilted his head closer to hers easier. The closer the gap between them, the deep the scarlet the young brunette's cheeks are.
"If we can't do it here then when? You do realized almost everyone keep us both apart." The President growled under his breathed in threateningly. He could understand the Yukimura girl can be quite stubborn one. But he never thought that she could be this stubborn.
"Th-that is…" Chizuru murmured softly, not knowing what to say as she tries to find a word to answer him.
Oh, of course she's known that. It took several days then, the brunette noticed how almost everyone disagrees of their relationship. Whenever Kazama tried to kiss, or hug her in school, one of her friend would often pretended to bump into them and starts the usual conversation, and the next thing they knew, they pulled her arm and telling the President that they had some urgent to do with the brunette. She could understand how much caring they are for her, but being a little— no, too much over-protective is kinda getting on her nerve somehow.
If the only there's a way to stop being an over-protective family toward her.
As she was in a deep thought, she hadn't realized until now that there was a soft and warm feeling on her lips. The next thing she knew that she realized that the President had plunged his lips on hers while she was distracting herself from thinking about the others in school.
Slightly stunned from receiving another sudden kiss from Kazama, the brunette wanted so much to parted their lips away but knowing that her strength was no match to the President, it was impossible for her to break a free from him. In which, in the end, she eventually given up on herself, as she enjoys their kisses.
Knowing that they don't usually kissing a lot, Chizuru was pretty much suck on this kinds of stuff. She couldn't helped but feeling a little envy of Kazama's skillful kisses. If they had been kissing quite a lot, would she be as capable as the President's then…?
Feeling a little out of breathed, the brunette put her palm of hands on Kazama's broad chested, gesturing him that she needed some air in which is, Kazama gladly parted their lips her. Watching his beautiful soon-to-be-wife in admiringly, he finds her beautiful even when she was trying to catch some breathe desperately.
When she had enough air to breathe, Kazama began to pin her down on the couch, which brings their eyes gazed into nothing except each other. The perplexed look on her face was amusing the President truly.
He wanted so much to kiss her more and deeper, but he decided to keep the best part later.
Kissing his lover's forehead, cheek, ear and nose, he noticed Chizuru's cheeks began to flush in red once more. He replied with a soft chuckle on his lips. Of course, those kinds of chuckle wasn't meant in sarcasm or sadistic actually. Once he had satisfy kissing her face, Kazama began to move closer to her ear to give a seductive whisper, in which, brings the young brunette flushed in embarrassingly, just as the President predicted of.
"It's too bad you didn't hang a mistletoe in your house. …But if you had it.." a smirk formed into his lips, the President purred at that part, "I wouldn't have stop kissing you by now."
With that, Chizuru couldn't helped, felt an urged to flush in red once again.
"St-stop joking around like that!" The young brunette exclaimed in a slight of embarrassing at the thought of getting devoured by the President's lips.
"What do you mean by that?" Kazama spoke in a serious tone, narrowed his eyes slightly deeper from her words. "Of course, I'm not joking around when it comes to our relationship."
When the brunette didn't know what to speak anymore, the President continued once again;
"Do you actually think I would make a fun of your feeling toward me?"
"Of-Of course not!" Chizuru exclaimed at that. Wasn't expected to hear those lines from the President.
Guess there are times Kazama really known so well about falling in love and all.
"Then, you should be grateful that I'm doing this for you and you only," with that, Kazama's Oni President-ish mode started to disappear, return back to his usual flirty lover mode, giving a chaste kiss on Chizuru's soft cheek.
Ahhh... she couldn't understand about this man at all.
"Somehow.. I'm still not getting used to it on this kinds of thing…" The younger brunette whispered in flustered, hoping that her voice didn't reach to the President's ears. But since their space were pretty quite close, it's obviously that Kazama heard it very well, especially by the looks on his face, there was a wide smirk in which, she had a greatest urged to push the President away from her, turning on her heels to reach to her room and locked it until Christmas Eve finally over.
"Then, how about we should practice from now on?"
Kazama suggested with a very wide and dark smirk on his face. Of course, the part of 'dark' wasn't actually in malicious one.
As she heard those words from her lover, she knew so well that by meaning practice, it must've been more than just a kiss..! …Oh wait, or maybe she was being a little exaggerated.
Too exaggerated.
"W-Wait, what do you mean by that?!" She stuttered in flustered, feeling her cheeks starting to burn up once more from embarrassment.
"Obviously that, I've decided to further our relationship into deeper as soon as possible," Kazama explained clearly. "Although I would like to take our relationship grows slowly, but knowing that your friends and teachers were being too over-protective. So I think it's about time to show them off to know how much you only want me."
"W-Well, they cared for me. So it's normal that there are some people thinking about me."
"Yeah… 9 people being too over-protective like a parent." He muttered under his breathed at that. "Don't you think that they made some kind of plan to part us away?"
"They may be over-protective toward me, they may care for me like a family, they may not approve our relationship, but they would never do such a thing to part us away like this."
Kazama replied with a hum. "Sounds a bit suspicious to me."
"Talk about yourself…" Chizuru mumbled under her breathed, thankfully, this time the President didn't heard it.
After they've been spending times together in Chizuru's house, she was expecting he would eventually gave his usual goodbye kiss to her and leaves the house to make sure she would have a pleasant sleep for this night.
However, it didn't happened… yet.
"Close your eyes."
"Just close your eyes and trust me. There's something I want to show you"
Tilted her head in a slight of confusion. Knowing that asking more questions would brings a lot of riddles, Chizuru eventually closed her eyes just as the President demanded, waiting for whatever her lover trying to show her.
A moment then, Chizuru could felt a warm hand grabbing hers in gently one and took her to the staircase. The President has been remained quiet since he asked her to close her eyes.
Whatever he's trying to show her must be a surprised one.
Soon, as they finally arrived outside, possibly at the night of balcony, Kazama began to stop walking then.
Is this the place?
She gets a feeling that she's still in her house.
What is he trying to show her?
She couldn't helped but her curiosity is drivin' her crazy now.
"Alright," Kazama finally broke the silent. "now you can open your eyes."
With that, slowly, Chizuru fluttered her eyes opened slowly to prepare of whatever coming then. Her eyes soon lit up in joyous and happiness as she finally knows what her lover trying to show her.
The couple were in the balcony of her father's room. As she took a closer look outside the balcony, the scenery of night city about a few metres away from here looked beautiful with all those various colorful lights here and there. She could even see a big, Christmas tree that lit it up brighter than any lights at the town square. Some couple were enjoying themselves together in the city as well. It has such a great view to watch the city truly.
"It's beautiful, Senpai," Chizuru said with a full of admiringly one.
"I would be expecting you like it as well." Kazama said proudly.
Eyeing to her lover, she raised her eyebrow in curious. "How did you know this place has a great view to watch the city?"
At that question, Chizuru couldn't tell whether it's a good idea to ask or terrible one, but by looking at the other man's mischievous smirk, pretty sure she just ask a very terrible question one.
"Do you remember what happened between us when the car passed us outside your house?"
Just speaking a day when she confessed her feeling for the President kinda flushed her cheeks in embarrassing somehow.
"Y-Yeah.. why?"
"Well," Kazama began. "After I took a bath, I take an opportunity to get to know of yourself by secretly looked around the house, including several rooms." With that, he replied with another smug on his face. "As I went into your father's room, I've realized that the balcony there had such a great view to watch the city here. So I've just thought that it would be great for you to watch it later whenever you're alone and all."
"W-Wait—! Y-You went all over the rooms?!" Chizuru exclaimed in disbelief, finding her cheeks flushed in red at the thought of the President went into her room as well.
Wh-wha.. what if he thought her room looks childish and all?!
But wait, how can he tells which her father's room and hers?
As he could see through her all over it very clearly, Kazama gave a soft chuckle as he finds quite amusing of her side truly.
Damn, no matter whatever she do, the brunette girl would never fails to amuse him.
"Rest to be assured, my love," Kazama began. "I never enter your room yet, as I understand of woman's personal life. I wouldn't barging your room whatever I like unless we're both officially famuly in the future." He smirked at that part.
"A-Ahhh… o-officially family'..?" Chizuru murmured those words in embarrassingly, finding her cheeks burnt up deeper.
Smirking wider, Kazama continued once more to see his lover flushed in red even deeper.
"Ahh well.. even if we're officially family, I highly doubt that you'll be living here anymore."
At those riddles-like words, Chizuru raised her eyebrow in perplexed.
Wh-what does he mean..?
Before Chizuru could say more, Kazama continued then;
"Rather than staying here," the President tilted his head closer to Chizuru's ear to give a soft purred, "you will eventually live in my manor as my wife, the queen heir of Kazama famuly."
"W-Wife..?!" and Queen?! She squeaked at that word. She couldn't tell whether she was supposed to be embarrassed or happy for this. But of course, she's actually feeling too embarrassed about this as speaking about their future is too soon for her. "St-stop speaking something embarrass, senpai.." As she said that, she covered her face with her palm of hands as she realized her ears were joining to flush in red as well.
"Embarrassing? What are you talking about?" Kazama raised his eyebrow in perplexed. "Of course everything I said is the truth; you're belongs to me and me only, our destiny can never change no matter how many times you're try to escape it." He gave a smug at that, watching the poor girl feeling flustered at their 'future' fate.
Too embarrassed to speak a word, Chizuru could only reply with a groan then.
The other man replied with a chuckle, he gripped her chin with his fingers closer to take a good look on his lover, his smirk never faded away from his face.
At that, Kazama moved closer to give another chaste kiss on her lips then.
They stayed right there while feeling fascinating watching down on the beautiful, night, scenery city. Until around midnight then, Kazama bids her farewell before he went into his black limo car.
As soon as Chizuru changed herself into her yellow pajamas with cute brown pattern bears, she laid herself on the soft bed, letting herself having such a sweet dreams.
Although she wanted so much to celebrate a Christmas Eve with her adoptive father and Kaoru together for this year, but she never expected that celebrating with Kazama—her lover, could be fun and enjoyable actually.
But still...
"Embarrassing? What are you talking about?"
"Of course everything I said is the truth; you're belongs to me and me only, our destiny can never change no matter how many times you're try to escape it."
At those words she found herself blushed in happiness. Burying her face on her pillow from embarrassment, she soon falls asleep once she had finally calmed down then..
As the Christmas party in Serizawa's place had finally over, it was almost about time for the red-headed man escorted the young lady to her manor. Silent moment formed between on them, neither of the couple started any conversation. They pretty much enjoyed this peaceful and harmony quiet atmosphere.
While walking all the way to the Suzuka's manor, a soft, and white snow started to fall down on Kyoto.
"Look, it's snowing!" Sen chirped happily as she gazed on the beautiful snowy sky to watch snowflakes fall more.
Amagiri joined as well by raising his head, feeling himself to smile upon of seeing the first snowflakes fall with someone for the first time. As the red-headed watched the older Suzuka danced in beautifully and gracefully one like a gorgeous princess, he lets his lips formed a very small smile when Sen showed one of her cute and childish side by sticking out her tongue to have a taste of snow.
"It looked like you're having some fun." Amagiri began.
"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I? After all, it's the first time I've got inviting in a Christmas party like this." She replied happily. And not to mention it, I managed to get away from my mom just so I could avoid talking about arrangement marriage and stuff like that. Sen mumbled very quietly, hoping the other man didn't hear every single of her mutter.
As the older Suzuka continuedly enjoying watched the beautiful snowy scenery at the Kyoto, Sen noticed that the red-headed man had remained quiet for a moment now. There was a tint of guilty on his face.
Moved forward to the other man, Sen tilted her head in wonder, and taking a closer look on his face, hoping she could see whatever problem he had in mind behind on those ocean-blue orbs of Amagiri's.
"Something bothering you?"
"N-No." the red-headed man replied in a little hesitantly, moved his eyes on elsewhere except the honey-brown orbs one.
"That doesn't look to be fine at all." Sen spoke once more, not wanting to slide it that way. There's a chance that she might able to help his problem.
As the older Suzuka continuedly on staring at the other man for like eternity, it took a while then Amagiri has finally given up on himself, telling her whatever that's been in his head over and over. With a little hesitation, the red-headed man spoke in a very soft tone one like a whisper:
"…I'm sorry."
"For what?" Sen blinked in confused, tilting her head slightly in adorable.
"For.. leaving you alone in Serizawa's Party a moment ago."
"Again with that?" Sen couldn't helped but finds herself rolled her eyes. It's not in annoyance one, however. Though she could understand how much guilty he must has to have not coming to her sooner. After all, he did made a promise toward her personal servant that he would make sure the older Suzuka was definitely saved.
Honestly though, Sen couldn't helped but feeling a little curious as to what kind of relationship both, Amagiri and Kimigiku had. By the looks of it, they seem to have deepen their bonds before the older Suzuka met him first.
Or maybe even before she's in kindergarten.
Whenever she took a glanced of Amagiri's amazing ocean-blue orbs, there was a hidden of honest and maybe a little joyous as well to have see her personal servant once again.
It's not that their relationship is bothering her or something. Sometimes, the older Suzuka had always has a feeling of loneliness being next to the red-headed man whenever the raven-haired woman's presence exist between them.
It was almost as if the special person that could only fill his heart could only belongs Kimigiku and Kimigiku only—
Whoah, whoah, whoah.. hold the fuckin minutes. Since when Sen could ever envy of this kinds of feeling to someone, and not to mention it, her own personal assistant.
It's not that she was jealous of her or something right?
…Somehow, she couldn't helped but finds herself a bit familiar with her best friend, whom quite jealous to a certain woman, when she thought her feeling for whoever that man is one-sided.
Why should I jealous for Kimigiku? Amagiri?, Sen thought deeper as she took a glanced on the red-headed man whom looked at her in such a clueless expression on his face.
No.. no.. it couldn't be. She shook her head slightly. They've just friends several days ago. Nothing's special, nothing's more. Sure, he's great to be spends time with. But this kind of relationship is nothing but sort of a princess and a knight.
Amagiri, whom, takes a real great role of a protective knight—not over-protective. Just protective is enough. A knight, whom swore himself to the king, the queen, and the lovely princess to protect her at all cost even if it has to sacrifice his own life.
For Sen, a princess from far, far, far away land. In truth, being a wealthy daughter is tough. Very, very tough. Some commoner had always thought being a daughter of rich people has an easy life. But no.
They were absolutely wrong.
Being a rich people is tough.
For she, must marry some random rich man for the sake of their family.
Having an arrangement marriage is terrible one.
As there's no such thing as love between them.
She wanted so much to marry with someone she had a feeling of love, such as to marry Amagiri—
Why did his name slip off from her thought?!
..it's not that she hates it or not..
It's just so..
—so complicated to describe of.
She likes Amagiri, that's what her thought.
She likes Amagiri as a friend.. is it…?
She couldn't tell.
At first, she was expecting she was definitely won't falls in love with someone.
And obviously, not to Kazama, as she always sees him as a brother only.
But Amagiri—
He's so—complicated to describe of.
"I suggest that we must return to your manor in haste." Amagiri break Sen's thought of his and Kimigiku's relationship, her eyes lift up into the ocean-blue ones. "Wouldn't want Miss Kimigiku worry of you more."
"Oh.. of course!," with that, Sen hopped on her heels while walking next to the red-headed man a little closer.
She wondered.. would she ever gets an answer about whatever kinds of feeling she had for this man…?
As they finally arrived at the Suzuka manor, Sen stopped right in front of the door and bowed in a very polite manner toward the red-headed man.
"Thank you for inviting me to the party. Really, it's a bit awkward, but I'm having a lot of fun spending times with you," Sen said with a proud grin.
"I am very glad you're enjoying it."
With that, they both could do nothing except smiled each other. Honestly though, somehow, they never get tired of smiling, chuckling and giggling to each other. It was almost as if their presence always makes them feel comfortable.
"Now then, I should take my leave, Lady Sen." Amagiri said with a bow. "Merry Christmas."
Upon of watching the red-headed man's broad back moved further and further, Sen couldn't helped but finds her world starting to turn grey upon of watching the other man's existent vanished in her life.
Would she ever sees him again?
When the red-headed man's name had been called from the older Suzuka in a hidden of desperate and a little grief, Amagiri stopped from mid-walking while took an eyed on Sen whom looks a bit anxious and worried, similar how men tried to touch her.
Why would she being this way…?
Sen, however, did not speak a word nor reply the red-headed man. Instead, he stood right there, while looking down on the ground. She was too frightened to see him disappeared in her life again.
She was so grateful to him. Very grateful to him. Everything's what he's done had always cherished her truly. The way how he continued to support her like a knight who vow himself to protect his princess, even if it means to risk his own life.
He was the very first person to have needs someone helps her.
She hated to admit, but she obviously dislikes being a damsel in distress especially when it's her job to protect other women, especially Kosuzu and Chizuru from getting a sexual harassment by men. Despite how she was suppose to get angry for being pathetic and useless when Amagiri saved her from the other random men, though, she couldn't helped, rather than getting angry, it was more like she was… happy.
She couldn't described it very well. But for sure, whenever the other man saved her, it was almost as if her life was important to him. He couldn't live without her happiness and smile no matter. The older Suzuka could see right through his face very well; she noticed how sadden he looked whenever she vanished her smile away from her face.
He… must've cherished her as well, huh?
Lifting her face up upon of hearing the other man called her. The next thing she knew, Sen could felt a very soft and warmth feeling on her forehead. It was the same feeling when she was getting a tight embraced by her personal servant. Reassuring her that it's fine to cry. It's alright to cry on other's shoulder.
It took moments to have Sen realized that this soft and warmth feeling she felt on her forehead was none other than Amagiri's lips.
His lips were soft and gentle.
Sooner or later then, the older Suzuka's heart was starting to pump up really quickly. She knew so well that this isn't anxious or fear she usually felt this time. It was different. Such an unfamiliar feeling she had experienced of in her life. A tinged of soft scarlet color were flushed on her both cheeks and ears at the same time. Although the weather here was suppose to be cold, Sen could felt her face were starting to burn up as if she was about to have a fever by now.
When seconds passed between them then, Amagiri finally moved his face away from Sen's forehead. He gave a very soft sigh of relief, slightly glad to see the older Suzuka was giving him a permission to come closer to their personal space.
As the older Suzuka had been stood there for more than 3 seconds, Amagiri had a feeling that he must be the second man(the first would be Kazama, obviously) to get this close to the older Suzuka since by looking on her expression, she's been stood there without a word, and stared at him in a blank face as if she finally realized Amagiri has been a ghost all this time.
Of course, that kind of reaction weren't mean in bad one. Probably this is the first time Sen has ever getting received an affection of friendship from other man(beside Kazama—oh wait, he didn't think Kazama has ever shown any affection toward Sen.. except maybe concern?).
"Well then," Amagiri finally break the silent moment between them. "I must leave for now." Giving his usual polite bow before the-soon-to-be-heir-of Suzuka, "Once again, merry Christmas, and have a pleasant night."
As the other man had finally leaves his presence at the manor of Suzuka, Sen, on the other hand, still stood there like a statue. Without realizing it, her hand moved to her forehead to give a soft caressed on it where the other man gave a chaste kiss.
Never would she have had ever imagined to have received a kiss from other man, not to mention it, Amagiri of all the men…!
Doki, doki
Soon, something insides her chest suddenly made such a strange loud sound. It took a moment then Sen realized that her heart was pumping even louder than ever. She knew whose fault this is to have made her feel this way.
Wha—just what did that guy done to her..?!
Peeking outside the window, Kimigiku couldn't helped but feeling a little worry toward the older Suzuka.
It's getting late.
Where is she..?
It's weird how despite she and Sen doesn't have any relation blood, yet she's the only one that worry of Sen the most before Kosuzu and Kazama.
As she took a peek another window once more, she finally saw her outside from the Suzuka manor.
Ah.. there she is.
Narrowed her eyes deeper, there's something's weird going on to Sen.
What's happened to her..?
The next thing she knew, Kimigiku realized she wasn't alone actually.
There was Amagiri.
He stood there right in front of the older Suzuka. There was a very soft smile that Kimigiku rarely seen from the red-headed man. Although it's normal to see the other man was showing a very polite manner, even toward stranger. But this… that smile was the rarest one Kimigiku had ever seen before.
Could it be that smile was meant for the older Suzuka.
As Kimigiku watched whatever going happened between them rather than going outside and thanking the red-headed man for accompanied the older Suzuka, almost like a minute then, Amagiri patted Sen's head like a child, the next thing after then, his face leaned closer to Suzuka's forehead.
At first, Kimigiku had an urged to turn on her heels in a flashing light as if whatever Amagiri did just now was actually a taboo. But something stopped her however that, rather than going outside, there's still a smile on Amagiri's face. Kimigiku had a feeling that whatever the red-headed man did just now it had already been given a permission from Sen.
As soon as Amagiri finally turned on his heels to take a leave, Kimigiku began to take a glanced on Sen's face from the window. Gazing on her very closely then, she soon, finally saw the older Suzuka's expression clearly.
Instead of anxious and horrifying that Sen used to show whenever stranger men come closer to her, the older Suzuka's face was flushing in a deep of ripe tomato color on her cheeks and ears. Her eyes were filled with wondered and a little confused.
By the looking on that kind of expression, it looked like Sen has finally accepted on someone than just Kazama.
She finally accepted Amagiri in oblivious.
So that's how it is.
Kimigiku finds her lips curl upward in approved.
He's the man we've been looking for.
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