#lore dumping
saiscribbles · 1 month
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This time on Dragon Age 2 we're going to the Deep Roads. This section of the game will probably be the entire stream so buckle in for a wild ride tonight at 6pm EST.
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gorosam · 10 months
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The autism was autisming so hard, wrote whole ass lore for how GLaDOS would work and how the cores would work as humanoid robots/androids. gl to anyone that can read my handwriting
zoomed in variations of it under the cut for those that wanna actually read it!! (it doesn't have a certain order to it, its just random stuff that i thought of at the time of either drawing or writing it)
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btw it just started off with me drawing GLaDOS
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mysticarts · 4 months
Demon Hui Ying! (+ fun facts!)
yall remember how I said that Hui Ying is technically a Celestial demon due to her being part Celestial and part demon??
Yeah well, Hui Ying got more demon traits in her full form than her Celestial parts, so imma show yall Hui Ying's demon design! (Note: outfit is still a WIP)
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Anyway, here's some fun facts about the Butterfly demons (none of this is actually accurate to chinese mythos, I just thought butterflies would fit into the concept of Hui Ying's charater) as well as Hui Ying's form
Most butterfly demons are highly respected, even by mortals due to Butterflies symbolizing purity and love in China (The butterfly symbolizing is true, atleast according to google)
2. Hui Ying's wings are specially based off of Swallowtail Butterflies! Mostly because many of them have beautiful blue shades to them, and blue is Hui Ying's signature color
3. Butterfly demons are born with their wings under their skin, however when they become old enough, they do a ritual so the Butterfly demon can have a pain free sprouting of wings.
4. Hui Ying, still to this day, never fully went through a 'sprouting of wings' yet. Well, season 1-2 Hui Ying anyway.
5. Most butterfly demons powers are stored in their wings. If not in their wings fully, it's in a part of their body where they get their power from. Like how Hui Ying uses her own soul to create her lightning, the rest of the extra lightning Hui Ying gets stored in her wings.
6. Due to the Celestial realm' judgemental nature, Hui Ying learned Glamour by Tai so she wouldn't be discriminated just in case any demon traits show up.
7. Butterfly demons, funny enough, have very strong durability in their wings. This is mostly because the more you use your power from your wings, the more durable they'll become.
8. Butterfly demons usually show dominace or be intimidating by enlarging their wings so they can be taken seriously. However, this can happen if one is extremely flustered
9. All powerful butterfly demons have tattoos on them. Some are very simple, some are very extravagant. They usually appear when they hit puberty. This is how Hui Ying and Tai got their sun and moon tattoos.
Anyway, feel free to ask Hui Ying or any of my other ocs questions!
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hellspawntale-rebooted · 10 months
Hellspawntale Rebooted: Side Stories:
What makes A Snorkelpoff?
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i-am-thornqueen · 6 months
Hi that response to my silly trans werewolf question was not what I was expecting but it was GREAT. I love hearing more lore about the thing I love. And the mental image of Adrien getting his ears piercing and crying like a cat getting their nails trimmed. Thank u
Your question wasn't silly at all! It was interesting and it gave me the opportunity to lore-dump on unsuspecting people, so it's a win all around.
Poor Adrien, really. The guy can get punched through a wall as Chat Noir or brawl himself bloody as a werecat, but mewls like a little kitten when getting a piercing. He actually yowls like a cat when getting tattooed, which annoys the artist deeply and she is compensated handsomely for putting up with the noise. Marinette's sympathy will usually run out in the first hour and Nino has to hold Adrien's hand the rest of the time because that's what best bros do.
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sileniadream · 9 months
In between
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A low humming coming from the main room was enough for him to know she was there. It had been a few weeks now, and every night he would come and listen without a word. Lyreis was reading the many books left by the other Scions to help her understand some core concept of the world and the aether, things that seemed to be completely unknown to the conjurer. He wondered if she knew that she was making those music notes while reading alone. If she knew someone could hear it even when so low. And that he was there, everytime, charmed by such diligence that reminded him of his younger years in Sharlayan.
-Are you going to take a seat or do you prefer the cold of the stone against your back ?
The low humming had stopped without Thancred taking note of it, too lost in his mind as he was. Startled by her words, he chuckled and rised, stretching his back.
-I should, shouldn’t I? It’s true that the stone is quite chilly, but it is a welcoming chill for those who want to stay awake.
-Maybe you should do something else, if you want to stay awake. Like reading. But maybe you’ve already read everything here.
The hyur moved her hand to show the piles of books on the table, neatly arranged by her after every finished reading. He walked to her table and took a wooden chair to sit backwardly, his arms resting on the backrest, his chin on them, looking at her.
-I might not have read everything here, but a lot I did in my time studying.
-I see. Tis true you have more knowledge than I, regarding such matters.
-And you spend too much time with Urianger for your own good it seems.
He smiled wryly when she furrowed her brow a bit. Lyreis tilted her head a bit, then looked at him.
-My way of talking might seem a bit... Strange, as it differs a bit from when we met, but… It doesn’t seem out of place for me.
-Hmm ? Maybe something about your past then ? You might have been from a wealthy family, or some scholar upbringing like our elezen friend ?
-Maybe. I find myself wondering things I didn’t really care about lately. Not much, but still… I think the most puzzling thing is that I don’t understand why I didn’t care, nor why I do now. It doesn’t make sense, does it ?
Slowly raising her head to watch the ceiling, she felt a bit uneasy. Something was trying to make her stop concerning herself with these matters. In her mind, there was a soft wave, a distant echo of a voice. Something…
-You shouldn’t worry too much. I suppose it’s just your amnesia acting up. You know ? Your memory will come back when you’re ready. They say no amnesia is eternal, or something like that. And, who knows, maybe we’d be able to have our fine dinner and talk all day about what you like or dislike, your hobbies, everything !
-I thought we had to not talk about this anymore.
He moved his hand, agonising when reminded about that meeting day, but unable to stop talking.
-I know I know but I mean it, I want to learn more about you. Only if you want though.
That question, once more. It shouldn’t take it by surprise, not after all the time she asked this after someone said something natural for them. And yet, he was once more left without an easy answer to give. Why, indeed, would he want to learn more about Lyreis ? What was so interesting about this woman ? Outside of the fact she was a complete enigma and some kind of god-sent savior for Minfilia, that he was a bit scared about her possible implications with the Ascians and how he couldn’t find any information about her no matter how hard he searched, or that she had caught his eyes when wandering in Ul’dah. What ? He shake his head and offered one of his usual smiles.
-Why not, darling ? And after all, aren’t you now part of the Scions like everyone here ? It’s only natural to want to learn about your comrades.
-To make it easier for tactical purposes, I suppose ?
-Yes to make it- no ! Friendships ! I’m talking about friendships, not like a pawn on a chessboard !
Thancred was sighing loudly now. This woman would drive him crazy. How could she not even understand the simple act of friendship ? But then again, she was a lone one in a city full of people. Lyreis put her chin in her hands, looking puzzly at the hyur that was close to pulling his own hair in despair.
-Friendship, then. Why not…
-Would you even understand that concept ?
He didn’t mean to say it out loud, but being this late in the night, his tongue would move before his head could make him think.
-I’m sorry I didn’t mean-
-You did. And I understand.
Her eyes drooped a bit, watching the table while lost in thoughts. Did he hurt her with these words ? He rarely talked about how she felt so alien to them outside of Minfilia’s office when Lyreis wasn’t there, not out of spite but seeking an answer, anything to understand her.
-Thancred, you shouldn’t act like this right now. I know I’m not normal. I’ve come to terms with it while interacting with all of you. I don’t know a single thing about anything, only a name that doesn’t feel completely right. Of course you would wonder if I could understand a simple concept. The truth is, I don’t. Yet. But I feel that maybe, one day, I’ll be able to.
A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips, not long enough for him to be sure he just didn’t hallucinate it from the lack of sleep.
-If… If I can help you understand, if I am able to unlock those memories of yours… I will gladly do it.
Lyreis close the book she was reading and pushed it next to the pile, then turned her gaze to Thancred that was searching for her eyes. She knew she could trust this vow, somehow, but he wasn’t the one who would find the cure to her curse.
-Who knows, Thancred.
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ladyartistsartworks · 9 months
Do your supa strikas OC's have any lore or background in the show ?
They do have lore and flaws, and i would love happily share them!
Emily is a student who is studying fine arts and become a fashion designer, she has played soccer before with Shakes and friends when she was a kid.
She do love fashion and soccer because she thinks its fun for her.
SHE has a thing for Shakes, but girlie pushing her feelings away because she's afraid what will happen when the media find out. she will wait or move on until Shakes will have his opinion about it. (I let you choose an ending for them lol)
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I'm too lazy and no motivation to draw 😭
But i will do my best to share about my ocs
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far-side-skies · 2 years
@malarkay replied to your post “unhinged character bingo cyclonis or ravess”:
Also very curious about the bad luck curse…
​Ooh boy. The fun part >:D
So for context: I headcanon that most curses in Atmos need to be stored inside crystals or a vessel capable of storing crystal energy. This lead to the detail that if you break the crystal vessel, you break the curse. Curse magic is a dangerous art that's difficult to master. It's very easy for a novice curse carver's attempts to backfire.
Part of my plot for a 'Season 3' Far Side fic that I still need to write, Cyclonis decides to delve into the art of curses, and for one of her first attempts she tries to put a petty bad luck curse on some random Far Sider.
It backfires. Onto her. Now she's the one cursed with bad luck.
Cue a string of misfortunes as she tries to carry on across the Far Side and escape the Storm Hawks, but as she's repeatedly robbed, attacked by animals, nearly eaten by giants, they start to catch up with her. By the time they do the shaking wet rat energy has completely overtaken the Hot Topic Edge.
This all culminates in the Hawks catching up to her, her trying to run, and promptly running face-first into a tree and getting knocked out cold.
The curse wears off eventually but until then she's not having a fun time.
And that's the story of Cyclonis's Horrible, Terrible, No-Good time. I put her through so much shit on the Far Side, I almost feel bad for her.
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🤥💥🎂☕️🕷️🌏🪤🔪 for any OC you want to gush about! <3
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Rosemary never lies, she is just always honest. Sometimes too honest, and that ends up with her hurting people this way.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Definitely anger, and also sadness a lot of the times, which again ends up with her using anger to deal with that. It’s not her slayest aspect.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Rosemary’s birthday is on the 30th of May. She hates celebrating it doe, she thinks it’s a dumb thing to celebrate being closer to death.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
Hot, specially hot black coffee.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Her biggest fear is pushing everyone away that much she becomes lonely, she never shows it doe. Also this butch is afraid of spiders 😭😭😭
🌏 EARTH - will they give up the world for someone they love? is this decision easy for them?
Rosemary absolutely would without a doubt, she pretends she hates everyone but is a softy inside.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
As I explained previously she cares a lot about her friends and family. She would do anything for them. <333
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
Rosemary lives with her sick grandma (she never met her dad and her mom is an addict, so it has always been the both of them). Sometimes she feels at blame for the sickness and well being of her grandma, even doe she has no control over that and she is always away from home working day and night at Sooners for them to be able to survive. She won’t show it but she blames herself a lot for everything <33
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agave · 1 month
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as a root vegetable, parsnip naturally desires to return to the earth 🌏🥕
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sodapunked · 2 months
I don't know where to put this but I'm going to share some lore with you guys because I'm taking a break from drawing for a bit (of course i have another drawing in the works I'm cooking up) :/
Okay, so for those who don't know, Mangkhut (the character that's from my first ever post on tumblr, just scroll down) and Kong-Rey (the purple man who I have as a profile picture) are cousins, in fact, the both of them have many, many cousins, and all of them are part of the Ronanio family, which is known for being one of the biggest families in the Thayan Empire.
Kong-Rey on the other hand is the emperor of Thayas, the third emperor of the Ronanio dynasty (the Ronanio dynasty consists of Cimarron, Malakas, and Kong-Rey). If there's one thing you should know about the family, it's that they're known to have great taste for fashion (regardless if it's intentional or not) and huge appetite for food.
Most if not all of the civilians who inhabit Thayas are robots, so good luck trying to find a living, breathing VFox, because the chance of finding a VFox (which isn't a robot) is a 1 in a million chance. But that doesn't mean that VFoxes aren't welcome to visit or live there, as VFoxes are equally respected like robots are.
In Thayas, the chance of spotting twins, triplets or more are somewhat common (but aren't common at the same time) as they're a sign of good luck/fortune in Thayan culture.
I'll make more lore posts soon, just not now, so have this and enjoy,
If you have any questions, I'll answer them (use the ask about oc/lore stuff)
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duckbong2001 · 8 months
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Every scar has a story, so of course there's one behind his blinded eye.
When one is as romantic as Kitty21, there's bound to be lots of flirting opportunities. Of course, you win some and you lose some, some ladies aren't interested and that's fine by him, he just wishes they didn't brutally smack him in response sometimes.
One particularly strong lioness clawed his eye so bad as a young king, he is completely blind on that side, and wears the scar with pride.
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More out of canon lore dumping but specifically about Niko and Rizu here
I don’t know how to segway into this.
Niko Facts
Eyes: After the solstice run, and Niko finally returned home, they discovered that their eyes permanently glow. The same is also true when they cry, with their tears being a yellow color. This is likely due to it holding the sun so close to their eyes, which led to them absorbing heavy quantities of yellow phosphor. This has also improved their vision significantly, especially during the night hours.
School: Around the time Niko hit 13, their mom decided that it would be a good idea for Niko to attend a school in a somewhat faraway city. I did say around the time of starting this that they lived with its aunt, but I’m retconning that. This school is effectively a boarding school. So Niko lives in a dorm, and for the most part is free to do as they please, when not attending school. It was also discovered that Niko is a pretty bright student, and they were boosted into a somewhat accelerated course of study, and are allowed to choose more classes than others. One of these, to probably very few people’s surprise, was a coding course.
Possible trauma things: it’s highly likely that Niko has some form of ptsd, or just some severe reactions to anything that reminds them of some of the more traumatic moments within the simulation. I don’t know all that much about ptsd, so I’m going to look into it more so I can portray it more accurately. The things that can induce a response include black outs, computer glitches, especially when coding, and occasionally, something square shaped.
Personal identity: this is where some of my headcanons really shine. Personally, I think Niko was born afab. This could be me projecting a bit, but I digress. When they were younger, they decided they liked they/them more than she/her. Now, at this age, they have added it/it’s/itself to the pronouns they enjoy. They also identify as either demi-romantic asexual, or simply aroace. That’s one I’m working out still.
Rizu Facts
Hand deformity: Rizu was born with a slight hand deformity, thought it doesn’t cause her much trouble now, as she’s been living with it her whole life. She was born with three fingers and her thumb on each hand. Her fingers also lack nails, and instead are pointed on the end, with much tougher skin, and probably slightly stronger bones on the ends. This has never caused her trouble while learning how to play the many instruments she now does play.
Musical talents: Rizu from a young age realized she very much enjoys playing and writing songs. So she picked up a guitar, and learned how to play it, and play it well. Now, several years later, she can play not only guitar, but piano, and she’s currently learning drums, violin, and flute. She also still writes songs, and sometimes will work with others in the musical tract she’s enrolled in.
School: Rizu is attending the same school as Niko, in the same grade. She’s enrolled in a special music tract within the school though, so she takes different classes than them. They also live in the dorms, ironically, in the same one as Niko. That’s how they got to be such good friends.
Family: as any good comedic relief character usually has, she has a somewhat depressing background. Her father left when she was maybe 4, and her mother remarried to, at the time, a very pleasant woman. Sadly, a few years later, she found out her father had passed, though the reasons were unknown. And not only even a full year later, her mother passed as well. The woman who is her step mother displayed her true colors. She wasn’t necessarily abusive in any way, but she neglected Rizu to such an extent that for a long time, Rizu was severely malnourished. After her situation was found out, she was taken from that home, and later on enrolled at the school she now attends. She now lives there full time, and is technically the legally adopted child of one of the professors, specifically of one within the science tract. Identity: Rizu identifies as female, using she/her. However she does on occasion use they/them. She also identifies as a lesbian, and Niko finds one of the greatest pass times is in fact watching her attempt to flirt with women. She’s very bad at it.
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sileniadream · 9 months
Burning light of a new dawn
Waiting outside the office, Lyreis was against the wall, wondering what they would ask of her. After learning of the purpose of the Scions, she understood her power could help defeat an important threat, Primals, creatures summoned by beastribes in retaliation for how they were treated by humankind. Those Primals eated aether like it was nothing, menacing the world to collapse, and were so powerful they couldn’t be taken down by anyone. The Echo, or maybe the Benediction of Light as Master E-Sumi-Yan told her, could protect her from one of their assets : subjugation. Her mind would still be hers, rendering her capable of fighting the Primals. All those information were facts she knew right, without understanding how.
Inside the office, Minfilia was stumbling a bit. Thancred by her side, he looked at her, an air of worry on his face.
-What did you see, Minfilia ?
Papalymo was watching her reactions, while Yda was waiting close to the door, in case someone would come too close while their leader was using her own Echo. Urianger was waiting for her answer, interested in what she would have seen.
-It’s blurry… Chaotic, even. I saw her on a ship, and a tempest wreaking havoc. She nearly drowned but was saved by the Mother Crystal, and she awoke on the shore, near the Black Shroud. It seems I can’t go farther… 
-It strange, there wasn’t anything about a shipwreck in this part of Eorzea…
Thancred stretched his back, walking around the desk to watch the door, where Lyreis left just a few minutes ago. Crossing his arms, he frowned.
-Maybe she wasn’t in Eorzea to begin with. It wouldn’t be new that many boats finished in a shipwreck while going to the East. Isn’t there some kind of cemetery along the way ? Anyway, we didn’t learn much about our new friend.
The lalafell put his hand close to his chin, thinking hard, while Yda just shrugged.
-That means we can trust her right ? If there’s nothing wrong in that vision.
-You’re right, Yda. I think we can trust Lyreis. I didn’t feel anything bad, only the warmth of Hydaelyn. If she was chosen, we don’t have to question that choice.
The smile Minfilia made was the final point of this discussion, and Urianger walked to the door, but before leaving he said : 
-There is nothing wrong in learning more about our allies, no matter how we get this information. You shouldn’t feel any guilt, Minfilia.
Surprised at first, she scoffed at him while he left without another word. He saw right through her, as usual. The other smiled, shrugged playfully, and left too, leaving only Thancred and her in the office.
-So, is it safe to go seek out the Amal’jaa with her ?
-I think so. She will prove helpful if you have to fight Ifrit. But watch over her. She feels… I won’t say too trusting but…
-She’d follow anyone who’d ask and fall into a trap, that’s what you mean.
-It pains me to judge her like this… Thancred, I don’t know what the Mother Crystal did to her, but it felt wrong. She’s but a blank page. Did something happened that forced Her to-
-Don’t question it, yet. You told us to believe in Hydaelyn’s choice, right ? Her reasons aren’t ours to judge. If things get sour, then we could always blame Her for hiding important information, but until then…
Minfilia nodded slowly. He was right, but she wondered if Lyreis hadn’t just been created by the Mother Crystal herself. Was she nothing but an avatar of the planet? She looked at Thancred, who bore a confident smile, and left it at it, asking him to go join Lyreis for their new mission. He nodded and said goodbye, leaving the office behind. Once the door closed, Minfilia turned to the framed broken staff behind her.
-Master Louisoix, I hope this will turn out for the best…
Outside, Lyreis watched as every member of the Scions got by, sparing a few words with her. She didn’t answer much but nodded each time. Then Thancred came to her, all smiles, and stopped a bit too close.
-Well, my lady, it seems we’ll be working together much sooner than I expected ! But, before we do, may I ask that we.. never speak about our first meeting again?
-...You mean in the Quicksand. If it’s what you want, then.
-Let’s say it wasn’t my best introduction. Anyway !
He stepped back a bit, stretching his hand to her.
-It’s nice to meet you, Lyreis. I hope we will do a great job together.
-It’s.. nice meeting you.
She took his hand and shook it wondering what this man was doing. Was it a game maybe? She didn’t know, but shrugged it off quickly.
-Then, let me explain what we’ll be doing. Signs of Amal’jaa’s activity have been sighted near Camp Drybones, with the possibility of summoning their Primal, Ifrit. We’ll be investigating the area, asking around about anything strange or new happening. Do you think you’ll be ok?
-Asking questions. Getting information. I can do that. I suppose there’ll be fighting too.
-That, we’ll see once we’re there. And if there’s signs of summoning. Since night is coming soon, you should stay here to rest. I’ll go first to Drybone and check out how it’s going on there. It’ll be easier to blend in and make a plan.
Lyreis didn’t question the ways of the rogue, as it seems he knew what he was doing. She waved slightly when he left, and turned to what seemed to be the main room. She was stopped by Y’shtola, who made a small sign to her and she walked to her.
-A word, before you join him. Or maybe a warning.
-I’ll go tomorrow, it seems. But I’m listening.
-Thancred is known to be a great charmer, as his job is to collect information, by any means available. Don’t fall for his honeyed words and you should be alright. He is a good fighter and reliable in lots of ways, but I thought you should at least know that and don’t fall for his little tricks.
-I don’t understand your point, to be honest.
The miqo’te scoffed at her, then crossed her arms. Was it overconfidence their new ally showed?
-I suppose you’ll be alright then. Better safe than sorry though.
-Should I thank you..?
Taken aback by her innocent question, Y’shtola blinked once, twice, then looked at Lyreis again. Yes, the hyur wasn’t being sarcastic, but genuine.
-Well.. It would depend if you’d think my advice to be helpful or not. Being thankful depends on how you feel about what is said to you.
-I see. Then I thank you for your warning. But I’m not sure it was needed, I don’t find his words “honeyed”.
Lyreis made the movements with her hands while speaking, making Y’shtola smile playfully. Innocent. That was the right word to describe her. It could be interesting to make that woman grow within the Scions, to teach her about the world and life…
-Well then, if you have to leave tomorrow, you can spare a few minutes of your time with us, right? I’d love to learn a bit more about you, and you can be introduced to the other Scions.
-As you wish.
The morning after, Lyreis walked to the entrance of the shelter, ready to go join Thancred. Tataru was startled when she walked by, watching her leave in disbelief as she just didn’t care about her surroundings. Starting from Vespers Bay, Lyreis walked her way to Camp Drybone, where she went once when looking around. She remembered there was a cemetery there and a little chapel, but that was pretty much all. Also that it was always heavy raining, making the name of the place a bit strange. Walking down the path, she saw Thancred already there, talking to some people around, already starting his investigation. She walked to the Aetheryte in the middle of the camp. Last time she did not harmonise with it, but she remembered how Miounne told her to always do it in a new place. Stretching her hand, she let her aether flow for a moment, then dropped her arm and looked around. There were a lot of poor looking men, seeking work or being desperate and refusing to speak with newcomers. Thancred left the man he was talking to and came to her, waving slightly.
-You’re finally here. I was scared you’d lost your way to the Camp.
-I came here, once. I remembered the road.
-Alright. Then let me tell you what I learned then.
Explaining the situation, Lyreis learned about people disappearing lately. Only a few at a time, but all poor unemployed refugees that no one would seek out. Trying to get some more information, they got into the small tavern and found themselves in front of the merchant she fought yesterday in Ul’dah. How small was Thanalan for them to find Ungust? 
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And of course, she had to get into a trap. Thancred felt awful he didn’t follow her at that time, and had now to run to get the militia to act quickly. Seeing that she didn’t get back from the Golden Bazaar, he should have acted sooner, but thinking she could handle it easily he didn’t seek out. Now he was blaming himself for his shortseeing. But before being able to reach her, he had to get inside the Amalj’aa camp. Luckily for him, the security was low, and with the help of the Immortals, they could cut in, just in time to see Lyreis having taken down Ifrit. Thancred caught a glimpse of a crystal, fiery red, before acting quickly to protect the hyur from an Amalj’aa with a swift attack.
-Are you ok ? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have left you alone !
-I’m alright. But others weren’t so lucky.
-Maybe not everyone has been subjugated… At least we can question those two.
The Immortals had freed some of the prisoners, and within them were Ungust, the merchant, and a traitor within the Flames.
-I’m really sorry, I didn’t think your first mission would be so difficult.
-It doesn’t matter, really.
-Maybe for you but- well, we’ll have to talk about this later, we better get out of here before more comes here ! This way !
He started running, Lyreis on his tracks, to get out of the camp. They went back to Drybone, where Lyreis gave a quick report of what happened, without much details since she herself had been knocked down at one point. Thancred told her to keep some part for the Scions anyway. Once it was done, they both took the road to return to the Waking Sands, where Minfilia would hear about the situation.
-Is there something wrong, Thancred ?
-Ah.. Sorry I’m not in the right mood to hold a conversation right now.
-You are troubled, why ?
-It’s not much, really… I mean, I should have been by your side. It was your first mission and I let you down, you had to fight alone.
-You would have been a hindrance.
-You have your way with words, it’s incredible, ahah…
-I mean it. You’re not protected from subjugation, right ? I couldn’t help the prisoners, what would have I been able to do about you ? Fighting an ally and a Primal would have been harder. Hence why I said “hindrance”.
Lyreis explained factly the situation, and even though she was right, it didn’t feel like it for Thancred. He knew that he would blame himself even before Minfilia about the whole fiasco. His inability to help here, even if he wasn’t responsible for not having the Echo, would weigh on him.
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mooneggtarts · 19 days
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Mike will tellthe kid once he's a little older, or once Mike has the mental capacity to explain it
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juiceboxjiffy · 9 months
How the fuck do sentient animals* rule two courts..
*note: satyrs aren't actually animals, they just look like various like. Deer, antelope, goats, and sheep. Deer- winter, antelope- summer, goats- spring, sheep- fall.
I think they're one of the only fae out there that change so drastically between courts. It's kinda cool, if you think about it.
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