#lorenzo the strongman
nuclearbyproduct · 4 months
Okay so here are some heights because I am still feeling so bananas about the Carnival.
The Ringleader: 6'1
Patches: 5'0
Emoria: 5'5
Pickles: 5'11
Grumpy: 5'8
Chuckles: 6'0
Happy: 5'4
Peony: 5'3
Cinnamon: 5'4
Lorenzo: 6'1
Franco: 5'10
Wurt: 5'10
Doc: 5'11
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nevalizona · 6 months
Lorenzo the Strongman also gets his own tent since he's a top billed performer. His tent is decorated just enough. He has his workout things and a couple of his hobbies. He keeps his tent neat and orderly. He enjoys having his own space. Back in the day, he used to share a tent with Bernie the Mime. Bernie was a fine tentmate! He just didn't talk much. Lorenzo likes being around people, but he likes being able to let his guard down even more.
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lemonhemlock · 3 months
Sansa says to Tyrion: “You’re afraid of her.” And Tyrion replies: “Every good ruler needs to inspire a bit of fear.”
Is that true? Should every good ruler do that?
Should Sansa be afraid of her and was her behavior towards Daenerys smart?
I feel like it was, Sansa's stance against kneeling to Daenerys was not just about defiance; it was a strategic move reflecting her commitment to Northern independence and sovereignty. Sansa's refusal to kneel to Daenerys wasn't about provoking her for the sake of it. It was a calculated decision to assert Northern autonomy and ensure that any alliance with Daenerys was on equal terms. Kneeling would have symbolized submission, potentially compromising the North's ability to negotiate from a position of strength. Sansa understood the risks but believed that standing firm was crucial for preserving Northern identity and security.
What an interesting question! Unfortunately, I was taught only one seminar class on Machiavelli during my one History of the Middle Ages course,* so I'll not insist on the discourse on whether he was writing satire, was being deceitful, opportunistic (my teaching assistant at the time certainly thought he was!) or was genuinely writing a <mirror for princes> in the hopes of Italian unification as he may have seen tyrants as an effective political typology who could achieve that goal. Others more well-read than me can comment much more in-depth on this topic.
*I know this is the Renaissance, it was an expansive course, alright. :)
The question should at least begin with a discussion around Machiavelli IMO because he is very obviously the most famous source for the quote and the majority of the population familiar with this quandary have most likely heard it in association with him. But it's very telling that the idea of being feared is the one D&D latched on to, no? This reminds me of that Twitter meme of red flag books you see in men's houses after going on a couple of dates and the list contained titles like The Prince, American Psycho, Atlas Shrugged, How to Win Friends and Influence People etc.
Even so, even if you take the text at face value, that's not exactly what the man says, is it? He is pondering several options. In fact, let me whip out my copy of The Prince I bought way back in the cretaceous period for Year 1.
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Even if you believe he is being genuine here and not just sucking up to (or trying to placate) Lorenzo di Medici, he is saying that love & fear > fear > fear and hatred. So, whatever you do, make sure you are not hated. And what is a sure-fire way to getting hated? Taking people's stuff! "Above all, a man must refrain from seizing the property of others, because a man is quicker to forget the death of his father than the loss of his patrimony"! And how does Dany answer Sansa's question of "what do dragons eat"? What does she say? "Whatever they like." Does whatever they like perchance include the assets of the Northerners, like cattle and sheep? Hmmm.....
In any case, Machiavelli was an ardent Republican, so why is he giving advice to princes? There is a contradiction that lies at the heart of this question and in how fandom perceives some elements of ASOIAF as well. Authoritarian rulers and tyrants can be very effective. It doesn't mean we should accept or normalize authoritarian rule. These two things are not in contradiction. Machiavelli doesn't have to believe, in his heart of hearts, that tyrants are preferable; he can simply write about how to make them efficient. And, again, I'm leaving the conversation about his true intentions to others who have genuinely studied the issue, because it is still under debate.
How I'm redirecting this back to ASOIAF is by pointing out that a lot of critiques of Westerosi rulers are hesitant to characterize any kind of imperious or strongman ruler as efficient, even when the text doesn't point to any material issue that might undermine their rule. Tywin Lannister and Walder Frey are examples of this. To my knowledge, there is no real contestation of their rule by their bannermen or smallfolk and they are not exactly the warmest individuals. Yes, they die, because they are the playthings of the author and he is killing them to make a thematic point. Not because they were overthrown by their underlings or in a peasant revolt. Tywin is killed by his own son in an act of personal revenge that has nothing to do with politics. Walder Frey is killed similarly by Arya in the show (in the books he is still alive). But, that doesn't mean that, in the real world, rulers like Stalin don't exist and are not successful and always pay for their crimes.
I would thus advance the proposition that GRRM does think that tyrants might be effective, but not that they should be endorsed and definitely the endgame of the series will not involve another tyrant on the throne, because he has power over these characters and he can eliminate whomever he wants from the narrative if he doesn't believe they fit the profile for the type of ruler he is looking for.
Ping-pong-ing back to the show, the question is ultimately a misunderstanding of the themes by D&D. They conflate being effective with being a "good" ruler. And it is important to define that efficiency in the first place! Machiavelli talks a lot about how to maintain your seat as a prince once you've got it. And the discussion on love vs fear happens in the context of how to prevent oneself from acquiring the ire of the population / one's subalterns and prevent being ousted. But would that truly be the trait GRRM is looking for in his ideal model of a king? A good king being one who efficiently held onto the crown? What about policy? What exactly is Dany's policy for Westeros? She has none in the show. In the books she has none as well, but at least she hasn't reached Westeros there yet, so there may be time for her to formulate something.
Regardless, the population shouldn't be afraid of its rulers, who serve for them. The only reason one should feel fear in relation to one's rulers is because they are judicious applicators of the law and would mete punishment accordingly if one has committed a crime. This is very much an idealistic manifestation of the relationship between the two, but it is not an entirely new concept. Even in the context of the divine right of kings,* there existed paternalistic notions of benevolence (noblesse oblige being one such manifestation), the idea that the upper classes have social responsibilities to care and protect the vulnerable and those less fortunate. So the idea of the elites being indebted in a way (or more like having a duty towards) the populace has always permeated political thinking. Of course, in the case of unjust rulers, philosophers like Thomas Aquinas also condoned tyrannicide (legally permitted in Ancient Greece, too). So, I would so as far as to say that there is basis enough to argue that a "good" ruler is one who cares for their people and doesn't abuse them or incite negative associations such as fear - and that it's probably what GRRM also has in mind when writing these godforsaken books.
*although I suppose I should mention that the idea that God granted monarchs authority to rule predates the coinage of that term, which is essentially absolutist in phrasing, because we are LARP-ing medieval times here and that predates the absolutist monarchy, contrary to what viral posts will have you believe (no, I will never shut up about this).
As for the second part of your question, yes, I would say that in the context of the show, Sansa refusing to kneel to Dany would be consistent with the goal D&D gave her, namely Northern independence. So it wasn't about antagonizing Daenerys the person or playing mind games, it was about achieving her political objective and implementing her own policies, as Sansa was one of the only characters shown to care about the logistics of survival, ensuring the needs of her population and caring for them as best as she could. Had she failed, Daenerys would have kept asking for her armies and money in order to fight in her world domination tour - a loss of resources that Sansa wanted to prevent.
Please bear in mind, though, that a lot of this is coloured by the weird decision to have Cersei be the final villain to defeat, whereas it's much more likely that in the books the battle against the wights is going to be the final, major battle. It's likely that the dynamics in the books will be different - not saying that Dany and Sansa are going to be bffs, but Jon, for instance, could have a much greater political involvement, one would hope, instead of being reduced to moodily repeating 3 lines. Also, Dany's public perception might very well change if she, IDK, murders her alleged nephew Aegon VI or engages in other endearing brouhaha.
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motionmisfit-blog · 4 years
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Do nor fear me, for I am not your ENEMY. Protect me for I am your BROTHER. . I'm hurting like many of you are out there and I pray that we can come together and change this corrupt system we live in. I cry for my brothers and sisters George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Lorenzo Dean, Eric Reason, Christopher McCorvey, Christopher Whitefeild and so many more. May God be with you 🙏 . . . #blacklivesmatter #motionmisfit #blackandwhite #art #policebrutality #rip #prayer #procreate #strongman #explore #wisdom #peace #unity #love #brother #GeorgeFloyd #instaartoftheday #instagramartist #artist https://www.instagram.com/p/CAzYnySJVF_/?igshid=y5srf67033yl
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dwestfieldblog · 5 years
More guerilla ontology (or as much as I can manage in a few pages)...Utopiate! Meanwhile, right here...the snakes of Orion continue their battle with the wolves of Sirius...Indeed do a multiple of conspiracies contend in the night. And in broad bare faced daylight too. Am I kidding? How seriously should you take a comedian? In Arabic, the words poet, prophet and madman are all interchangeable. I am none of these things. Hello. Being, distracted by 'reality'...Anyway...'Shepherdess no temptation that Poussin Teniers hold the key peace 681 by the cross and this horse of God I complete this daemon guardian at noon blue apples.' Ok?
'....Or was the final secret simply and bluntly, that there really is an interstellar ESP channel, to which you can tune in by meta programming your nervous system?'  (RAW) Anyone heard any new transmissions from UMMO recently? 
Been listening to several long lectures from the Psychedelic Salon podcasts  with Lorenzo, only found it two weeks ago on Archive.org. Endless fascination via Dr Terrance ('I'm somewhat immune to paranoia, so those of you who aren't...gaze in wonder') McKenna, the Beats, Leary, Hakim Bey and of course Robert Anton Wilson, jewels of human/cosmic wisdom/humour. A nice idea recommending more scientists, doctors and architects etc take mushrooms. (micro dosing in Silicon Valley had significantly positive results in problem solving.) Of course research into this was closed down as soon as drug companies got wind of it and ran to the various governments they help fund in return for brutal legislation against this.  
How many of us are 'criminals' simply because the donors to those who lead us do not want their programmes interrupted by anything they cannot control and pay for laws to be passed? Millions. Oil barons, weapons manufacturers, drug companies, fundamentalist religions all hindering our evolving in the name of greed for money and power. Obvious to say. Give 'em all mushrooms, deepen their perception, widen their truth, change their minds and open their hearts? (Pause for sardonic grin.) Those who feel powerless get used to being treated like cattle. And those used to getting their own way at the expense of others enjoy it and will continue.
And speaking of stasis and decay...America stepping heavily on its own dick again in Alabama with their abortion law, don't matter none if the foetus is caused by rape and/or incest...for it is surely against the will of God even though HE (arf) gave us free will. Bullburgers to that. The one who carries it, gives birth to it and is (in the majority of cases from the year dot) feeds and raises it, has The Right. Not God, man or the 'law'. Equal rights? Some men have never been equal to women. Some of us may have bigger muscles and better logic fnord but that is only enough for a certain type of survival. Life, liberty and the glorious pursuit of our penis...'Man is a fool, and woman, for tolerating him, is a damn fool'.Mark Twain wrote that. Bill Hicks had it right years ago...put all the unwanted babies on the steps of the courthouse and let the judges who pass such foul laws raise them. As one of the placards of the women outside the State House in (Sweet Home) Alabama read: 'Senators' mistresses and daughters will always have their abortion choice rights'.
Reminds me of an old song by Consolidated...'If you don't want a Nazi in your house, don't let one, don't know a fundamentalist till you've met one, if you memorized your civil rights, don't forget one, if you don't want an abortion, DON'T GET ONE! ...Do you think women want to kill their own babies...if you've got your own twisted baggage then maybe...'
The USA is 9.6 Million km squared with 328 million people, China has 17 million km squared and 1.4 billion people. Soon to be implanted with chips from Huawei, hi hi hi... 'A tyrant does not make his tyranny possible. It is made possible by the people and not otherwise'. Jack Parsons. On the desolate anniversary of Tienanmen Square today, it doesn't look as if the tyranny there is going to vanish for another few decades...and in America either/or maybe...
More religious news...The recent (ish) new law in Brunei where homosexuality was to be punishable by stoning to death has now been rescinded in the face of a small worldwide outcry. Ordained in the Koran, another holy book dictated by god to a chosen human, so no need at all to worry about being misinterpreted and getting lost in translation eh? A clear and perfect relay of information where an Infinite Being commands that no man may cuddle another man on pain of execution. Murder being acceptable when Big Daddy says so. The eternal and (non corporeal) Punishing Father figure. Ufff and a charming photo of a priest with a couple of young boys beside him burning Harry Potter books in Poland because apparently JK Rowling is working for Satan. No matter that the morals in her books are based on good triumphing over evil thanks to self sacrifice, friendships and the desire to save the world from badness. It has WITCHES and WIZARDS in it and magic and alchemy. No matter that Christ learned much of his healing and wisdom from John the Essene who also practised such things. Burning books...how quaint. Only fundamentalists, nazis and the scientific community (when faced with Wilhelm Reich's life work) do this. Well I only liked Snape anyway. And...fairy tales are now banned from many schools in Spain. More Roman Catholic common sense in action.  
Sudan and Libya raging again, encouraged by the Kremlin (but to be fair to them, they had plenty of useful lessons from watching the CIA at work in the seventies and eighties) Destabilisation is always a good way of creating power vacuums and making sure your chosen puppet ascends to the throne made of the skulls and gold of enemies. Kim Wrong Un took the slow train to meet Baldhead...the Pilsbury cheese dough boy now fat enough to feed an entire North Korean family living on donkeys and grass. Almost funny but mostly truly Disgusting. 43 percent of the populace (according to this years UN report) are suffering from malnutrition...600 escapees have given gave evidence. Tie him down to a feasting table...
Still amuses me (although with gathering darkness) that in seeking to regain 'control' of their own countries, so many are following the populists with their bigoted and fascist ideas, oblivious that the leaders of such parties are mostly being funded via the Kremlin. Speaking of which, nice to see the always decent and rational libertarian Steve Bannon assisting Le Pen in France. How many in Britain think that the Russian government is doing a good job? Are they thinking at all, or just looking forward to the chlorine washed chicken, hormone injected beef and genetically modified maize soon to pollute our green and pleasant fracked land from America? Yum yum yum, yab yab yab...
To be born British, is to win first prize in the lottery of life'. Cecil Rhodes. If blonde Boris wins, I will be VERY tempted not to get a new UK passport, I pray heartily that the the British people are truly not so mindwreckingly stupid to choose such a proven liar and self serving bullshit merchant. Inexcusable if they do as the USA.
The president speaks with a reptile tongue, trump behaving exactly as a chimpanzee alpha as shown on anthropological tv and in Reicheian psychology...loudest voice blaming other skin types for disease and crime etc. You are a foul stain sir, a smear on on the windows of perception. However, a Hansard Society survey was published by The Times...it seems that more than half of Britons now want to be led by a political 'strongman' who is 'willing to break the rules'. I have been writing and saying for the last thirty years that the political situation in the UK has been piece by piece, organised to influence the people to vote into office what I always called a British Stalin. Because everyone (most) are now SO deeply enraged with useless 'public servants', it would be a highly logical step and a simple way to democratically elect such a person. I expect either the next or next next prime minister to be the One. And then we can only hope that a V for Vendetta type scenario plays out before too many are rounded up and vanished. 
Worth inserting a longish salient quote from Robert Anton Wilson’s book Everything is Under Control; ‘...Dr (Willheim) Reich vastly offended many people by his sociological theory, which holds that fascism is just an exaggerated form of of the basic structure of sex-negative socities and has existed under other names in every civilization based on sexual repression. In this theory, the character and muscular armor of the average citizen -  a submissive and frightened attitude anchored in body reflexes- causes the average person to want a strong authority figure above them. Tyranny, in this model, is not created by tyrants alone but by neurotic masses who want tyrants. This quite possibly maybe explains much about the mentality of various countries and who they have (and continue to chose) chosen as their leaders.
Extinction Rebellion...sun shields in space? Forests of artificial trees to vacuum the Co2? hmmm...Biodiversity, a million species dying and unlikely to be saved, links in the chain being removed one by one thousand. Hard to be an optimist in the face of humanity knowingly getting to this point, having been told and shown over and over again. Dammed liberal atheist scientists spreading facts and proof just to get funding for their pet global warming projects eh? Take a look at all those who are against cutting carbon emissions, reducing arms and speak in favour of fracking, drilling for oil, deeper landfills (out of sight out of mind) genetically modified food etc and see whether there is common theme in their linguistics and behaviour patterns. Short term gain at the expense of the future and an almost evil approach to humanity. As if they have read The Power of Now and taken all the wrong inferences from it. Optimism takes will power, use it or lose it says the hyper manic 'realist', constantly looking for the next possible negative, reductio ad absurdum...
Loving diversity and collages (and goulash) I firmly believe in mixing the races and religions, (wherever and whenever and if ever they choose to intermarry... blend them all. Humanity will not become one homogeneous lump but a mass group of those evolved beyond the manipulations based on such, recognising the old hippy truth of one world and multi dimensions. The new wave or particle, depending what instrument of sense you use to perceive the phase transition. 'A society grows great when old men plant trees, whose shade they know they shall never sit in'..... 'If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?' Rumi
False users/sock puppets on facebook and twitter, ranting robots turned lose with a tap of a finger and blackmail swindles...One recent email to me in Chinese had two words in English, one of which was 'Bitcoin'. Translated, it read that the writer had my passwords and would release my browser history to all in my address book unless several thousand bitcoins were sent to an account. A month later a further email in bad English from a presumed female told me she had filmed our last sexual encounter years ago and all the depraved things we did...this too would be made public unless...Well good luck to you darling, porn comedies are always worth watching. Just as research of course. Ho was the Chinese god of laughter...
The Instagram suicide of the unhappy Malaysian teenage girl who asked in an on-line poll whether she should kill herself or not. 70percent of her followers said 'Do it' and are now facing arrest. Since day one of me first looking at the internet and the comments on twitter, youtube et al, it was immediately apparent just how many web users are dumb/souldead and have nothing to offer of any goodness. On all the online places where I exist in a twilight world, the comments are disabled. I make no money from my music or writing, I do it because I wish to and enjoy it...and already know I am an idiot without being told. (I I I...yuck, have to get back to E Prime and remove I and Is, life seems to deepen with freedom and happiness when this method is   (damn) applied.) I wish a safe journey with love to the girl for next time, never listen to those who are heartless. Vampires all.
Meanwhile...inside the epic of Gilgamesh and still swinging like an ape from the Golden Bough, the mind observing the mind, the heart feeling the heart, walking the May time streets dizzy with waves of empathy, going home to re-balance...from philosophy in the bedroom, to the universe next door, my flat with traces of lavender, cinnamon and patchooli with a hint of vanilla, coffee and yesterday night's marijuana smoke. A day of preparing and next morning early up the hill alone to the sunlit portal, half and half crossover, transmit and receive. Time dissolved the time dissolved, all in a dilation of an hour arf. Dionysus, Aphrodite and Apollo, walking hand in hand through the apocalypse...laughing with intent...'The uncanny...is just the right hemisphere's way of violently capturing our attention'. RAW.
I was given Oak, Holly and Hornbeam in a rescue remedy by a wise woman in a wooden room. A month after this cure for creeping horror, she gave me a bottle of good Irish Whiskey for my birthday, which (in spite of my liver and pancreas) was too beautiful to resist. Steadily drank it over the next three days of resurrection along with some high grade weed. In spite of how a lot of my writing may come across,  I hadn't smoked grass/dope since late 1994, yes really. Now I find I can multi task with total focus on all, listening to two hour lectures while listening to instrumental music, reading from a Kindle and writing at the same time. This works for about 150 minutes and then I need to go and lie down to dream,:-)
Information gathering speed until it becomes energy. Lost among the octaves.... inverted comas, images flash and then dissolve, they melt to universal. Nothing exists until it is perceived. The 'universe' didn't explode as such, but came through. Black holes inverted until gravity/pressure built up waves of energy and gave birth through the hole. All 'Illumination' ideas come from genetic/subatomic memory and the babys' memory of being born into the light. The process is repeated endlessly in infinite multidimensional loops. A chain of eternal creation and evolution. Easy eh?:-) And don't forget, a journey of a million aeons begins with but a single trip...
'Opinions result from perceptions and perceptions reinforce opinions which then further control perceptions, in a repeating loop that logic can never penetrate.' Stasis and decay result unless a little shock of the new is introduced one way or the other to 'startle the brain enough to reframe its experiences. Be aware of the God. If you are timid enough to stop with what is natural, Nature will elude your grasp forever' de sade. Who defines what is natural? Any old perverted psychopath with a quill pen? Take it easy or give it hard...
Our universe consists of 'non simultaneously apprehended events', which we process, interactively. This means we need to update our data often, in order to survive and evolve. The problem comes with those who just close down, especially dogmatic fundamentalists, when they believe they have found 'the truth'... The conspiracy of counter evolution stems from them. Keep updating your data...all the way back to the cosmic giggle )+(
0 notes
whittlebaggett8 · 5 years
Who Will Win the Philippines’ Midterm Elections?
The opposition wants a miracle, but the Philippine midterm marketing campaign also factors to complications ahead for Duterte.
By Mark R. Thompson for The Diplomat
April 29, 2019
The most latest polls for the coming May possibly 13 midterm elections in the Philippines job all 8 opposition senatorial candidates landing outdoors the “magic 12” circle of those elected to the Philippine Senate. (In an electoral quirk, Philippine senators are elected nationally.) That even the most substantial-profile opposition candidate Manuel “Mar” Roxas, an influential cupboard formal in the prior administration of Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino who was the runner up to Rodrigo Duterte in the 2016 presidential elections, would seem a long shot to win reveals how badly the opposition has fared in the campaign therefore far.
Sweeping the race would be great news for the Duterte administration as the Senate has become a vital battleground. It has hence significantly stood in the way of his proposed transform to a federal procedure by means of a new constitution and opposition senators have led substantial profile investigations into the president and his household.
Assuming the polls show prescient, the 50 % of the 24-human being Philippine Senate elected this 12 months will be dominated by Duterte loyalists (his shut and formerly lower-profile aide Bong Go, whom one particular critic has dismissed as “Caligula’s horse,” and his previous police chief Ronald dela Rosa, acknowledged as “bato” or the rock who introduced the bloody “war on drugs”) and politician allies as nicely as a number of significant-profile independents (this sort of as frontrunner Grace Poe, an additional 2016 presidential candidate).
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This probably suggests the very last institutional bastion of the opposition will have fallen as Duterte has, as previous presidents, very easily seized handle of the lessen dwelling via pork barrel distribution-pushed defections. The Supreme Courtroom has come to be extra pliant by means of new appointments as high court justices attain retirement age — Duterte appointees will account for 12 of the higher court’s 15 justices by the conclusion of 2019. In May 2018, professional-Duterte judges taken off Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, who experienced been critical of the administration, via a controversial judicial maneuver.
Duterte allies are also predicted to dominate races for the 238 congressional seats elected by district and the countless numbers of neighborhood government races also taking location in the midterms.
Duterte has engaged in common verbal excesses during the campaign – cursing a staunch critic of his drug war Bishop Pablo Virgilio David as a “son of bitch” and taunting Package Tatad, a retired politician and essential columnist, about his manhood. Presently in 2017 opposition Senator Leila de Lima was jailed on dubious drug prices (which just lately led to a bipartisan rebuke from the U.S. Senate) just following she led investigations into Duterte’s human legal rights abuses. An additional major opposition senator, Antonio Trillanes, has confronted sudden legal travails. Essential voices in the push have been less than stress as Duterte has threatened not to renew the franchise of a main Tv set community while Maria Ressa, the editor of the important online newspaper Rappler, has been arrested various periods on a number of offenses. Recently, the administration claimed there was an oust-Duterte “matrix” that provided top human rights legal professionals, journalists, oppositionists, and left activists. An opposition leader denounced that claim as a diversionary tactic meant to unfold fear for the duration of the election marketing campaign, and warned it could “cripple democracy.”
But pro-Duterte candidates have not relied only on intimidation. The trouble has also been that the difficulties the opposition Otso Diretso (immediate 8) senatorial candidates have elevated for the duration of the campaign – human legal rights abuses, subservience to China, and the foibles of various professional-administration candidates who have formerly been jailed on plunder costs or have been proved to be dishonest – have evidently not swayed voters. Duterte’s view poll rankings are the maximum of any write-up-Marcos president at this stage of his expression of business office. Opposition candidates Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino IV, Jose Manuel “Chel” Diokno, and Lorenzo “Erin” Tañada III are the nephew, son, and grandson, respectively, of primary anti-Marcos activists who have drawn parallels concerning the growing authoritarianism beneath Duterte and Marcos’ martial legislation rule. But this has been of minor assistance at a time when nostalgia for the fallen dictator is strong (with Duterte providing Marcos a “heroes burial” early in his expression).
Also, with limited monetary resources and handful of area political supporters, the opposition slate, by now only contesting 8 of a possible 12 seats, has held reasonably few campaign rallies and has been ready to purchase only confined political marketing. This has intended that the opposition is not only disadvantaged in phrases of what political scientist Julio Teehankee phone calls the “ground war” (area political machinery) but also in phrases of the “air war” (Television and radio), as effectively as the ever more significant “net war” (use of social media). This has provided the opposition tiny possibility to get their political information across. As Otso Diretso’s campaign supervisor Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan has admitted, the opposition requirements a “miracle” to do properly in the senatorial races.
However seeking back again around the final a few a long time to the dictatorship of Ferdinand E. Marcos that finished in 1986 — and even right before that to the democratic time period following Philippine independence in 1946 — this midterm electoral gain for an incumbent president is not strange. Besides in a handful of scenarios of ordinarily prolonged-serving presidents who had turn out to be significantly unpopular, the incumbent get together or electoral alliance has gained a the vast majority of senatorial seats in the midterms, typically by a lopsided margin. In the most recent midterms held in 2013, the senatorial candidates of then-President Aquino, who was also extremely well known at the time, gained 9 of the 12 seats in opposition to only a quasi-opposition composed of the camp of his then-Vice President Jejomar Binay.
But the Philippine senatorial race has been as opposed to a “royal rumble” in professional wrestling with all-from-all. Though the opposition has struggled, the Duterte administration has a surplus of candidates. This has led to a totally free-for-all that will also leave a selection of professional-Duterte candidates outside the winning circle. This might well open up upcoming political fissures, as traditionally candidates who have not felt nicely dealt with have turned to the opposition, escalating its ranks as new presidential elections loom.
Philippine presidents have also had a extremely bad keep track of history in securing the election of a selected successor, with the very last illustration remaining Fidel V. Ramos, Corazon “Cory” C. Aquino’s decided on successor, who squeaked to a contested victory in the 1992 presidential elections with considerably less than a quarter of the votes. The nationwide debut of presidential daughter Sara Duterte-Carpio, whom several Filipinos consider to be a most loved to be successful him in the 2022 elections, has been far from flawless. Although campaigning tricky for her Hugpong Pagbabago, an alliance of regional barons that has overshadowed the de facto ruling bash her father is linked with, she has created several missteps, like an uncomfortable legalistic defense of the dishonesty of Imee Marcos, daughter of the previous dictator, who falsely claimed to have to have a diploma from Princeton and a Philippine university.
The predicted electoral tsunami will probably empower Duterte to even further consolidate his intolerant populist rule. Duterte has transgressed even the restricted constraints on his electricity in a “hyper-presidentialist” method such as the Philippines’. The failure of successive put up-Marcos administrations to produce solid establishments and to appreciably lessen poverty designed a political possibility for Duterte’s increase. “Dutertismo” has consisted of the difficult-speaking president decrying a corrupt elite accused of coddling drug sellers, which has mobilized mass assist, specifically by social media, which the Duterte administration has assiduously cultivated. It has even supplied federal government positions to top “trolls,” with Fb just lately deactivating many bogus accounts, which includes quite a few managed by Duterte’s social media manager. Whilst Duterte has carried out minor to lower poverty (a spike in inflation last 12 months damage the inadequate and “jobless” growth has worsened under his administration), his strongman leadership type has successfully deflected notice from the “death of development” in the Philippines.
Still most current Philippine presidencies have normally started with a bang but finished with a whimper. Aquino’s promise of “a straight path” towards truthful governing administration hit a lifeless close right after a major pork barrel scandal, amid other people. With the Supreme Court ordering the release of law enforcement documents about the hundreds of drug killings under Duterte (with first stories exhibiting a suspiciously uniform template of individuals killed “fighting back” right before becoming shot) and an ongoing investigation by the International Felony Court docket despite Philippine withdrawal from the body less than Duterte, the bloody war on medication seems most likely to be an challenge that arrives back to haunt him. A new investigation of Duterte’s growing prosperity by a revered media outlet has prompted repeated outbursts by a president who evidently dropped his awesome even though accusations that his son Paolo has been included in drug smuggling continue on to surface. China’s aggressive moves in the South China Sea (with Chinese paramilitary fishing vessels a short while ago swarming all around the Philippine-occupied Thitu island), anxieties about a credit card debt lure with Chinese funding of infrastructure assignments, and increasing problems about an inflow of 150,000 or extra Chinese workers, specially in the country’s on the net gaming sector, are also opportunity political landmines.
The Duterte administration’s very likely victory in the coming midterm elections may well still confirm a Pyrrhic just one.
Mark R. Thompson is professor of politics and director of the Southeast Asia Investigation Centre, Metropolis University of Hong Kong. He is at the moment doing the job on a e-book about the Philippine presidency co-authored with Julio Teehankee.
The post Who Will Win the Philippines’ Midterm Elections? appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/04/29/who-will-win-the-philippines-midterm-elections/
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​Yesterday was the first ever Peak District Highland Games which were held at Matlock Farm Park and we were invited down to join in the fun.
The day got off to a rocky start when we ended up running late followed by two toilet stops that didn’t come with quite enough notice when you’re on a motorway. Nevertheless we eventually made it to our final destination, Matlock Farm Park.
The combination of fantastic weather and the Highland Games meant that by the time we arrived the car park and overflow car park were full. Plus there were still plenty of people arriving which meant additional parking had to be sourced. Luckily we were directed to an empty spot just inside the gates.
Having never visited before we didn’t know what to expect so we were all eager to get inside and explore the park. On this visit there was the added bonus of the Highland Games hosted by Man Beast Events.
Matlock Farm Park Regular Attractions
Once inside our first stop was for a pony ride which has an additional charge of £2.50. After a lap around the paddock it was time to move on to the ferret racing, which the kids loved.  There was also sheep racing too.
We found time to stop off and watch The Amazing Lorenzo in the marquee. This allowed us to have some respite from the glorious sunny weather while we watched his entertaining magic show.
The small animals were another hit with the kids. Although we didn’t get the handle the animals we did get to see the rabbits and ferrets as well as the birds outside. We also saw some llamas, emus and alpacas.
Unfortunately because of the event and our delayed arrival, we didn’t actually get time to see all of the animals or the adventure playgrounds. That will be top of our list on our next visit.
We opted to take a picnic with us for this visit which worked our for the best as the food venues were really busy. However the food I saw from the cafe looked lovely. We did stop off for a couple of hotdogs and a burger for tea before we left once the queues had died down, which were basic but nice.
Highland Games
In between the regular attractions at the park we stopped off to watch the events taking place as part of the Peak District Highland Games. The kids also attempted the strongman assault course that had been set up.
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We had a fantastic time cheering on the competitors in the various games. However, the highlight of the day for me was definitely the stone carrying event. One or two of the contestants decided to raise the bar by carrying the stone back again after reaching the end, which resulted in it being a competition about distance rather than time.
In addition to this there was a tractor pull and caber tossing. Both events had the guys showing sheer determination and impressive strength.
Our Thoughts
On the day of our visit the farm was extremely busy. After chatting with the staff we found out that they had nearly double the number of people attend than usual.
However the attention to things like emptying the bins and keeping the toilets clean was still there. It was nice to see smaller details not being overlooked despite over 1000 visitors. It really made a big difference.
My only criticism would be that it was difficult to navigate around the park. The map/leaflet wasn’t easy to read/navigate.  Additional signage around the park and on the enclosures would make big difference.
With a few small improvements, especially when hosting an event, Matlock Farm Park could be an amazing day out for everyone.
We had an amazing day and will definitely be back for another visit. I will also be keeping my eye out for next year’s Highland Games.
Hopefully they will be back at Matlock Farm Park and I can get the date in the diary.
Highland Games at Matlock Farm Park ​Yesterday was the first ever Peak District Highland Games which were held at Matlock Farm Park…
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nevalizona · 6 months
Ahhhhh thinking about Lorenzo the Strongman and tearing my hair out bc I adore him sooooo!!!! A sweetheart that's as tall as he is wide. He's such a big softy but especially so when it comes to Peony😭😭😭😭
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nevalizona · 1 year
Franco The Fantastic
-He is the resident magician. He does cool tricks, and some people swear they think he's actually magical. He will never say, but there's a dark nature to him that turns a lot of people off from getting to know him long term. He's weird and somewhat erratic. He is somewhat enthralled by Peony, as she is his muse. They have a complicated relationship.
Peony the Assistant
-Peony is a part-time assistant to Franco The Fantastic and a part-time burlesque performer. She admires Franco but also struggles with his obvious attachment to her. She can't tell you how she feels about Pickles if you were to ask her. Somedays she misses him others she despises him and his desperate attempts to get them back together. She is currently having a fling with Lorenzo the Strongman. She's not sure it's going to turn into anything more, but she’s having fun. She realizes some people do not have high opinions of her, given that she floats from one lover to the next, but she doesn't mind too much, she's just trying to find a genuine connection with someone who doesn't just want her for her body.
Lorenzo the Strongman
-He is the strongest man around. He comes from a long line of Strongmen and is proud to keep the tradition going on. Lorenzo is a sweetheart but often has to act as the muscle of the carnival given his strength. He doesn't like to be aggressive in anyway, he doesn't even like the idea of hurting a fly. He has liked Peony for as long as he has known her. He's not even remotely frightened by Pickles but would prefer to avoid conflict as much as possible.
Bernadette the Bearded Lady
-She is a tough broad. She's had to grow a bit of a thicker skin because of the amount of facial hair she grows. She won't let anyone say anything to her or anyone else for that matter. She often has to keep Grumpy in line because he can be a bit mean, but she doesn't mind. She desperately wishes that she could work up enough courage to leave the carnival. She feels she's ready to move on and start living a normal life. She's not sure the Ringleader or Grumpy will ever let her leave, though.
Fi and Fo Acrobats
-These twins are practically joint at the hip. You will never see one without the other. They also came from a family of acrobats, and sometimes their mother and father partake in the circus, but overall, it's just them, and they feel like they have massive shoes they need to fill.
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