#lose weight dublin
bellaxgiornata · 10 months
What would you get our traumatized Irish Catholic boys for Christmas? And what about our traumatized Italian Catholic and cocky Vampire?
Ahh Soulie I love this question so much but OMG I had to THINK for this one!! Mostly for Owen and Henry because we don't learn too much personal stuff about Henry (plus he's a centuries old vampire so like...what the hell would you gift him?). And I think I'm only just starting season three of Boardwalk Empire so what I thought of for Owen is more of a funny gift. I'd probably have a better answer once I've seen more of him in the show if I'm being honest. But anyway, for those who're curious on my gifting ideas and thought process for Matt Murdock, Michael Kinsella, Frank Castle, Owen Sleater, and Henry (whatever his last name is 😆), I'm putting everything below the cut cause y'all know I'm longwinded 😅
Also feel free to join in on ideas in the comments because I'd love to hear what other gift ideas y'all would have!
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Gifting something to Matt Murdock seems like...an impossible task to me. Whenever I write fics, I honestly hate coming up with ideas for a character to gift him something 🤣 Why? Because this man doesn't remotely scream materialistic. I mean he barely makes any money at his law firm and is all too happy to be paid in bananas. And his only hobby is illegal and probably going to get him killed. So what the hell do you get Matt?
Personally, I'd gift him some sort of spa day or a long ass massage. He'd certainly need to be forced to take the time for himself and use it, but you know that man's battered and worn body would welcome a nice, long massage. Then maybe treat him to a nice dinner at a great restaurant because I always worry this man isn't eating enough.
Bonus gift: I'd give him a weighted blanket, too. I feel like it would help relax him on the nights he doesn't go out beating criminals.
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Okay, this one came far too easily to me for Frank Castle. I'd gift him a rescue dog. Why? THIS MAN NEEDS A DOG OKAY. Frank and a dog just go together in my mind.
I also think Frank would thrive and heal a little from the unconditional love of a furry friend. And he could certainly use the company from a canine companion. I just know a dog would bring a smile to this man's face and bring out that softer, non-murder-y side that we all know is there inside of him. And honestly, I worry about how incredibly alone Frank feels after losing his family. So a dog would be perfect.
Bonus gift: Possibly some new books to read because I imagine this man doesn't enjoy much television in his downtime.
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This one also came far too easily to me. I'd gift Michael Kinsella with a little vacation literally fucking anywhere calming and peaceful outside of Dublin. He desperately needs to get away from the stress of his family's business and just his crazy, shitty family in general. They're obviously not good for his health and I think he could seriously use the break. I'd also get him some less depressing books so his ass stops just reading Steinbeck and starts reading something else. You need some new books, Mikey.
Bonus gift: I'd surprise him by having his daughter Anna come along on the vacation. After eight years in prison, those two could really use some bonding time without Mikey's meddling family.
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This is where things started to get tougher for me. Like I said, I'm barely in season three of Boardwalk so I feel like I don't know much about Owen personally. He hasn't had that much screen time besides some killing, scheming, and sex. So this gift idea was a bit more on the entertaining/funny side. I think further into the series I could come up with something far better.
I'd gift Owen an expensive bottle of Irish whiskey and lots of condoms. I mean, it certainly seems like he'd use both of them. The man is...definitely a flirt who has every intention of following through on his flirting 👀
Bonus gift: I don't know, me? Do I count? You can have me for Christmas, Owen.
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Okay so Henry is the toughest one for me to answer this for. I mean he's a vampire and he's a few hundred years old and the movie doesn't give that much background or personal information on him. So what would I gift him for Christmas?
Considering he's a few centuries old, I doubt he's materialistic (certainly doesn't seem that way). I doubt he'd like a vacation because I mean...he's probably well traveled. We know he's got some morals since he doesn't feed on humans because he used to be one. So I imagine this vampire would enjoy literature and maybe art--things that connect him to the human side he lost. Though I assume he probably already owns and has read all the classic novels, so maybe I'd gift him something that's current that might resonate with him that he hasn't read yet.
Bonus gift: Maybe an engraved lighter? The vampire does seem to enjoy smoking. Or maybe something handmade and sentimental.
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2demondogs · 8 days
I'm about to yap because Molly's whole deal is very Gothic literature coded... guys it's my first Tumblr yap for this fandom are you excited??
Anywho young bright-eyed bushy-tailed high class girl leaves her comfortable home for a land far away only to find that adventures are things reserved for heroes for a reason. That uprooting yourself and all your earthly comforts is not something one can do without pain, loss, heartbreak, and dirt. That it takes a lot more hard work than she is used to.
Unlike most Gothic protagonists, she doesn't persevere in the face of a crumpled America, and she doesn't give in to the evil, either. She remains unchanged. She's screaming right back at the yellow wallpaper. She doesn't grow, but she's isn't passive -- Molly doesn't want change, or growth, she wants a different version of the comfort and luxury she had in Dublin.
But the world is chafing against her. She's upset and she can't accept that the world cannot be owned, bought, changed -- that the world does those things to the people in it, instead, and that all the authority, wealth, and the importance she had at home abandoned her. Things were good, Dutch was in love with her, people liked her -- until they saw that she was never going to change, some kind of girl anachronism living years in the past while they struggled into the future.
Dead weight.
Molly had never been dead weight before. She hadn't been weight at all, people loved a visit from Molly, to be graced by her presence the way Dutch had insisted he was graced by her those years ago.
Although, it's questionable if Dutch ever really loved Molly, and since her world revolves around the only other person who also refuses to change as the world does -- we gotta talk about him too.
Grief is love and love is easy to misplace - she could've been the cork for the hole Annabelle left in his heart, until the blood swelled it up and suddenly it only hurt more to have her there. It is no problem she is so young, because Annabelle was about her age, too; of course, Dutch was the same age back then. Maybe she even looked like her.
Because it is ironic that Dutch would love someone of the upper class that he hates so much. And I think that, at one time, even if it wasn't truly love, Dutch felt very attached to Molly in some ways, or else he would've cast her out of the gang. He's a killer, why would he give a fuck about discarding her?
All that civilization bred right into her, and made worse by the size of her dad's pockets - awful! Unless, of course, he can practice seizing wealth and all that is refined by seizing her... some dehumanizing microcosm, one that calls for Molly to be shoved into a box and then broken down into something she is not and rebuilt by his hand like some kind of god. And when he can't mold her into what he wants, can't bring her up the way he forced Arthur and John to be outlaws like he ultimately chose to become-- that's when he loses interest.
She's no longer beautiful, sweet, innocent, some fill for a void: she was just a reminder of a failure, and Dutch doesn't like to fail at things. He'd rather beat the dead horse until the ground falls in around its carcass.
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hannahssimblr · 9 months
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I shift my weight from one foot to the other. The afternoon sun beats down against the back of my neck and I blink and drag my forearm across my face as a bead of sweat migrates from my eyebrow into my eye. With a loud pop, Shane drives the tennis ball towards me with his powerful right arm and it dives sharply to the ground in front of me. I spin it back with ease and send it screaming towards the baseline, past him and out of reach.
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“Nice,” Jen says lazily. She’s sitting on the ground on the sidelines with Joe and they are sharing the single cigarette that they managed to bum off a boat club patron trying to enjoy a smoke with his lunch. “Gotta be quicker, Shane.”
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He ignores her and bounces the ball a few times in preparation for his next serve. He tosses the fuzzy sphere into the sky and slams it over the net. I whack it back with my left hand. Easy. Shane is strong but I am fast, agile, quick like a whip. He’ll never beat me at tennis. We hit back and forth a few times before I spin the ball right at his feet and he swings. And misses. And flings his racket onto the astroturf. 
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“Done,” He proclaims, “It’s too hot, I’m pure sweaty now.”
He was never good in the heat, he’s always bathed in sweat, his t-shirt soaked, his hair wet with it, but not me. I have Chihuahuan Desert blood in me, raised in that withering heat, of dry earth, cacti and oleander, diamondback rattlesnakes and paleozoic rock, the dryland doesn’t give a shit about anybody. 
Ireland in July is just fine for me. 
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I sling my racket over my shoulder and saunter toward the net, “C’mon, Shane, is that all you’ve got?”
He grunts, “get one of the lads to play against you.”
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“Not us,” Jen pipes up, “At least not me.”
Joe shakes his head, “Not me either, you’re a sore winner.”
I scoff, “A sore winner? C’mon, you’re all just afraid to lose.”
“Not afraid, it’s just boring when there’s like, a 100% chance that it’s going to happen, look,” Jen sucks the last of the cigarette and flicks it away, “We know you love winning and you think you’re so great and all that-”
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I’ve stopped listening, Clóda has just come out of the lounge with a tray of tea.
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“Hey,” I jog over as she serves a table by the court.
She glances shyly at me, “Hey.”
“How are you?”
“I’m good, oops-” her trembling hands spill a drop of milk from the little white ceramic jug she is putting onto the table. She apologises to the customers and mops the spot quickly with a cloth while I rock back and forth on my heels. She straightens up and walks me to the edge of the terrace, and though she is trying to look serious I know I have amused her, “You know, I’m working.
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“That’s okay, I don’t mind.” I bend to kiss her. 
“You’re cheeky,” She giggles and pushes me away, “Come back when I’m off.”
“Yeah? When is that?”
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“Four, but you’ll be picking up your sister from the kids club then.”
“Not today, my mom is back from Dublin. I’m all yours.”
“Oh, well, that’s good.”
“Will you go somewhere with me?”
“Somewhere nice.”
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“Very specific,” she rolls her eyes and turns around nervously to where her dad is now standing at the patio door and staring me down with what I’m sure he thinks is an intimidating look on his face. I grin at him and throw him a big sarcastic thumbs up. 
“For a walk,” I clarify, “If your dad is okay with that. Maybe he’ll request a chaperone.”
“My dad is not okay with that, but I’m not planning on telling him about it.”
I shrug, “Okay.”
“Alright then.”
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“What are you doing standing here talking to me, huh? Don’t you have work to do?”
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She laughs to herself as she walks away from me.
“Lazy,” I call after her. “I think I’ll write in and complain to management.”
She gives me the finger. 
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When I turn back around to my friends they look suitably unimpressed, but they’re just jealous. “You sure about that rematch, Shane?”
His jaw is set as he whips three tennis balls out of his pockets and whacks them directly at me at the speed of bullets before I have time to respond. Every one of them bounces directly off my innocent body. 
“Ow!” I protest, “What’s gotten into you? Calm down, jesus!”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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astra-galaxie · 5 months
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Patty Harrigan
Biographical information
Full Name: Pádraigín Ó hArgáin
Alias(es): Patty Harrigan
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Deceased
Age: 26 (season 4)
Birth: 1864
Race: Human
Cause of Death: Stabbed to death
Nationality: Irish
Origin: Dublin, Ireland
Concordia, USA
Dublin, Ireland (formerly)
Profession(s): Maid
Height: 5'3"
Age: 26 (season 4)
Weight: 126lbs
Eyes: green
Blood: AB-
Patty was a young Irish immigrant in her mid-twenties with fair skin and green eyes. She kept her strawberry-blonde hair pulled into a bun with strands framing her face, and she had a white maid's cap. She wore a maid's uniform consisting of a modest black dress with puffy shoulders, brown shoes and white gloves.
Patty was the victim in Slash and Burn. She was an Irish immigrant who moved to Concordia a few years before the current time. She was employed as a maid for Oscar Trefusis and worked alongside the butler Colin James. Trefusis had confiscated her identification paperwork, preventing the woman from quitting and forcing her to be his slave. He paid almost nothing for her work and would order her to do the most horrible tasks, even if they were not usually her job.
While in Concordia, she became friends with Mary Patrick, a fellow Irish immigrant. While Patty didn't have much free time, when she did, she enjoyed spending it with Mary at the market. The older woman had a cart where she sold products from her farm, and sometimes, Patty helped her. When she could afford it, Patty would buy fresh homemade bread from Mary, who made some of the best soda bread in Concordia.
Patty also assists Mary in bringing her cousin Harriet and Daisy the cow to the city by lending her friend money, with the promise that Harriet would pay her back after her arrival. Patty planned to help the young girl find work, hopefully in a better place than where she worked. She didn't want to see another immigrant's dreams of a better life in America get crushed like hers had because of Trefusis. Harriet was so happy to be living in Concordia, and Patty didn't want to see the young woman lose the light in her eyes.
Leading up to her murder, she was involved in a brief relationship with Aidan Moran, but the relationship ended as quickly as it began. Patty found the sailor to be shallow and stupid. She considered him far from a gentleman and broke up with him after just one date. Of course, Aidan didn't take the rejection well, but Patty escaped before he could seriously hurt her.
During the fire in New Haven, Patty was murdered by her coworker Colin. She walked in on the butler attempting to steal from their employer and swore she would report Colin to Trefusis. Colin, fearing going back to jail, chased Patty into the burning streets of New Haven and stabbed her to death. And while he may have killed her to prevent going back to jail, in the end, Colin was arrested and sent to the very place he never wanted to be in again.
Story Information
First appeared: Slash and Burn
She replaced Harriet Patrick as the victim in Slash and Burn
Her name is based on Harriet Patrick's. Her first name, Pádraigín, is Gaelic for Patricia (Patrick), while her surname, Ó hArgáin when Anglicized, becomes Harrigan, which the beginning sounds like Harry (Harriet)
She Anglicized her name as she was told it would make it easier for her to get a job
She was friends with Mary Patrick
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad) Murders of The Past (Ao3/Wattpad)
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'“You’re an Irishman, are ya?” Cillian Murphy says, his features visibly softening, as I begin talking over Zoom. “Thank god.”
Two truisms about Cillian Murphy that are often repeated online: He hates doing interviews, but he loves Ireland. If he must talk to the press – which, being the lead of Christopher Nolan's mammoth blockbuster Oppenheimer, he absolutely must – the least I can do is give him a chance to talk about our shared homeland. So, with this introduction, we're off to a good start.
It's about 10 days before Oppenheimer drops, but Murphy and the big A-bomb movie – along with Greta Gerwig's Barbie – already seem to be taking up the majority of the internet's consciousness. In the film, he plays J Robert Oppenheimer, the man credited with leading the creation of the atomic bomb during World War Two. Though he has starred in a handful of Christopher Nolan blockbusters already, this is his first as a proper leading man. So, the scrutiny is greater than ever. He is wearing it well. “I'm not a huge fan of talking about myself,” he says, “but I fully believe in this movie, and I love promoting it. So I'm very comfortable with all of that.”
GQ: How often do you get people calling you “Sillian”?
Cillian Murphy: Less and less now actually. But it doesn't bother me. Then I very pedantically explain to them that there's no ‘K’ in the Irish language and it gets really boring.
You used to live in London, but moved to Dublin in 2015. I heard you said your kids were getting English accents so you took them home.
Yeah. That was a joke. [Laughs].
Well, people have really run with it. Do you need to personally relate to characters, and could you do so with Oppenheimer?
Well, first of all, it's imperative not to judge the character. Because then you've lost as a performer. You have to try and understand [them]. You have to be like a kind of emotional detective. But your job primarily is to define the truth in the character to try and portray them in a truthful way.
Emily Blunt said recently that during filming you didn't go for cast dinners because your ‘brain was too full’. Robert Downey Jr. said that at times it felt like you were ‘icing’ him. How much did playing Oppenheimer affect you?
It was a big part, and there were big, big questions that were grappling with, these huge ethical, moral questions. And Chris had written the script in the first person. So I knew that a lot of the weight was on my shoulders, even though we have this incredible ensemble. There was a responsibility that I felt about playing the part. That's just the way I work. I get very consumed by the work, and I don't really have time for hanging out. And in this movie, I was [regularly] skipping dinner, you know, so I wasn't great craic to hang out with. But that's just the way it was. It's just the nature of the work.
You’re not method, though, right?
Well, here's the thing, right? Method is like a euphemism. We all have a method to get to the final result. And whatever that method is, it's personal and unique to each actor. It's become sort of confused, I think, with the Stanislavski approach. But every actor has their own individual method.
Yeah. But you’re not what people generally view to be method, staying in character the whole time?
Inevitably, if you play a character for a long time, and I was researching him for six months, then shooting it for however long that was.. And you're playing them 18 hours a day every day. By osmosis, you're exchanging atoms, You become consumed or immersed [by it], that's just the way it is.
You mentioned skipping meals. What was the weirdest food day that you had while you were losing all that weight?
Oh, man. I just want to be very careful on this. This was for work, and we structured it pretty well. Inevitably, you do start getting competitive with yourself and all that, but it was for a purpose. He was a very, very slight guy. And he was very self-conscious about that. And it gave him this very unique, particular kind of iconic silhouette. And when you're that weight, it affects the way clothes hang on you, it affects the way you walk, it obviously changes the shape of your face and all that. So that was very useful for the character. But I really don't want to make a big deal about ‘oh, Cillian lost all this weight’.
Taking this lead role on has brought a lot of attention. I've read recent interviews you've done that it's not necessarily your favourite thing. Do you at times feel like the pressure of being the leading man, especially in a movie on this scale is a lot to deal with?
Yeah, but to clarify the thing about interviews, I love talking about the movie, I love talking about music and books and art. I'm not a huge fan of talking about myself. And I don't, and I don't think anyone really is, but I fully believe in this movie, and I love promoting it. So I'm very comfortable with all of that. And in terms of, you know, how it changes your life or anything like that, or changes how people perceive you that that hasn't changed for me, you know, my life has been exactly the same as it always was.
The Oppenheimer script is very dense. How much does that impact how you go about shooting it?
You have to be completely prepared. I knew the script more or less before we went into work, which isn't so not something I've ever done before. Only in theatre, because there was so much text, and it was quite dense. I wanted to not be worried about the text when I went on the floor. But then, a lot of the scenes I have with Downey, it was quite loose and quite improvisational. I mean, acting with him was was was was just extraordinary. He's just electrifying, the most available engaged, present, unpredictably brilliant actor I've ever worked with.
The film ends on a close-up shot of you, taking in the weight of what the preceding 3 hours have meant for the future of mankind. What are you thinking in that moment when you’re shooting it, knowing you’ve got the weight of the movie on your shoulders?
You can't let it get into your head. You've just got to think about the truth of the scene. For example, when we were shooting the Trinity test, all of us actors and Chris and all the crew, were aware of the weight of that sequence, and what it meant, but you can't let it control you, you know. And I think I've learned that over the years, you know, when you get on the floor, and you get on, you just forget about that stuff. You have to train your mind to not let it affect your performance.
Were you there for the actual explosion that was created?
I was there for components of it. There are different sort of sections of it. I was there for some of it. With Chris, everything is done for real. I've never done a green screen scene with Chris and I never will, I imagine. So what it does is it puts the performer into the atmosphere, or the environment as close as possible to what the character is feeling. You know, and I've, I've been out in boats with Chris on the sea and up in mountains in the snow. It just elevates your performance.
There has been a lot of chatter about the sex scene in this movie, and a wider chat about whether sex scenes are necessary in film at all. Where do you fall on that?
I think they were vital in this in this movie. I think the relationship that he has with Jean Tatlock is one of the most crucial emotional parts of the film. I think if they're key to the story then they're worthwhile. Listen, no one likes doing them, they're the most awkward possible part of our job. But sometimes you have to get on with it.
With a bit of distance between yourself and Oppenheimer, are you able to judge him just a little bit?
I'm really not going to give you an opinion on that. I really strongly believe that the film should ask the questions of the audience. And I don't want to prejudice anybody's point of view, when they go into the movie theatre, about what how they feel and Oppenheimer. What I will say, is that Oppenheimer – Chris called him the most important man that ever lived, whatever you think about that. That's up to you. But we are living in a world that was changed by Oppenheimer. We're living in a nuclear age because of what Oppenheimer did.
You and Christopher Nolan have discussed how you nearly got the role of Batman. Is there a part of you that thinks that it was maybe for the best that you didn’t?
Yes, I think it was for the best because we got Christian Bale's performance, which is a stunning interpretation of that role. I never considered myself as the right physical specimen for Batman. To me, it was always going to be Christian Bale.
Tom Hardy didn’t make it into this Nolan film. Do you have plans to work together again?
He's one of the best actors in the business. And we've developed this great trust and shorthand and there's a nice kind of chemistry, I think, between the two of us. I'd love to work with him again. Maybe there'll be a Peaky Blinders film. Maybe we'll get to do it there. I'm not sure.
What’s the latest on the Peaky Blinders film?
I have no update for you, man. I'm waiting to hear, but it's a tricky time with all these strikes and everything going on. I’ve always said that if there's more story to tell, I'd be there.'
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ghost-hosts · 2 years
Corbin Astrophel
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General Information
First name: Corbin 
Middle name(s): Astrophel
Surname: Obitus
Age: 35+
Date of birth: 10/31
Race: Spirit
Gender: indifferent/nonbinary
Sexuality: queer
Current residence: HK Manor, Peach, Louisiana
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Upper Class
Traits of Voice
Accent (if any): Irish
Language spoken: English
Other languages known: Gaelic, some Latin
Style of speaking: poised most of the time, depends on situation
Volume of voice: average
Physical Appearence
Faceclaim: Andy Biersack
Height: 6'2
Weight: 140 lb
Eye colour: Blue
Skin colour: pale
Shape of face: angular
Distinguishing features: eyes, cheekbones
Build of body: skinny but muscular
Hair colour: usually either white, black or lavender
Hair style: longer, to his cheekbones
Complexion: clear
Posture: decent if not over confident usually
Tattoos: several along his arms and on either side of his neck and down his ribs
Piercings: lip piercings, with several ear piercings and two eye brow piercings on the left side 
Typical clothing: suits during the night, otherwise wears pastel lavender and black, usually pastel goth when not working
Is seen by others as: intimidating, bold, confident, mysterious, carefree
Likes: the manor, morbid things, bones, the mausoleum under the willow tree behind the manor, farther away from the rest
Dislikes: drugs, abusers, pain, touch
Education: high school
Fears: demons, hallucinations, being held onto
Personal goals: To help others heal
General attitude: welcoming, patient, kind
Religious values: pagan
General intelligence: high
General sociability: low to moderate
Illnesses (if any):
drug addiction
mild hallucinations
Allergies (if any):
Sleeping habits: horrible. Looks like he hasn’t slept in centuries
Energy level: moderate
Eating habits: used to struggle with eating
Memory: shockingly good
Any unhealthy habits: vaping, workaholic
Birth country: Ireland
Hometown: Dublin
Childhood: Really well, even if his mother struggled immensely
Teen years: tumultuous, his bio dad coming back into his life got him into drugs
Adult years: after losing his crush and four others, he ran away to Louisianna
Past places of residence: Ireland, LA
History of family: comes from a long line of witches, grandfather is Death
Parents: Valdis Kemp-Obitus(mother), Vincent Renner(father), Annaline Kemp(great grandmother), Mortem Obitus(grandfather),
Siblings: none
Any enemies (and why): none
Children: none
Friends: Church/Rowan, Zera
Best friend(s): Ace (hiddcnself)
Important friends/relatives (explain):
Love interest (if there is one):
Peaceful or violent: depends on the situation
Weapon (if applicable): cane
Style of fighting: dirty street fighting
Occupation: Ghost Host
Current home: Hannigan-Kemp Manor
Favourite types of food: sugar
Favourite types of drink: cherry soda
Hobbies/past times: cooking and baking, exploring the house
Guilty pleasures: drawing and listening to stupid podcasts
Pet peeves: loudness, interruptions
Pets: Church(???)
Talents: Singing, art, really good at lying
Favourite colours: lavender and black
Favourite type of music: punk, metal and classical
Corbin grew up in Ireland, with a mom who worked as a Dominatrix at a sex club. He grew up in the club, knowing the business and learned about safe sex, and what wasn’t okay, which was beneficial when they moved to LA when his dad finally decided to be in his life. It was hard the transition from Ireland to LA, and he got pulled into the wrong crowd pretty quickly. His dad wasn’t in his life for long though. 
His mother inherited HK Manor when he was seventeen from his great grandmother. A few years later, while on a particularly bad trip, he watched his crush and four of his friends summoned demons while high. He held onto his crush trying to keep him from going to hell. Corbin had to watch as he unknowingly sped up his crush’s life. He watched and felt his crush’s life be drained from him, as his skin wrinkled and greyed and his eyes faded, turning to bone and to dust. 
After the event he fled to Louisianna, and put his entire heart and soul into restoring the manor. Though when he turned twenty-five his body started failing him and he kept it quiet until he was visited by Mortem who offered him the job of ghost host when he was ready, once he had his affairs in order.
He believes he is dead now, but his body is in stasis tied to the house, fed by his uncle every few weeks through his own life force.
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universalhairclinic · 1 month
Is It Hair Shedding or Hair Loss? Stop Worrying, Get Answers from Dublin Trichologists
You’ve likely encountered hairs on your brush or clothes and wondered if what you’re seeing is normal or a sign of a more significant problem. The line between hair shedding and hair loss can seem as fine as a strand of hair, but there’s important information that can clarify this common point of concern.
Read on to learn about their key differences from Dublin trichologists. We’ll also learn about tips on prevention and treatment from trusted Dublin trichologists.
Is It Hair Shedding or Hair Loss? What’s the Difference?
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Hair shedding is often confused with hair loss, but they are not the same issue. The difference between hair shedding and hair loss can be subtle yet significant. But knowing this distinction is the first step towards maintaining a healthy mane.
Hair shedding refers to the natural and ongoing process where hair falls out and is replaced by new growth. In case you didn’t know, hair growth goes through a natural cycle which includes shedding. Each day, it’s perfectly common to lose 50 to 100 hairs as part of this process.
Hair loss, in contrast to shedding, may present as not only losing hair but also experiencing a failure in regrowth. Since hair is not growing back, hair loss leads to thinning or bald patches.
What Causes Hair Shedding and Hair Loss?
While hair fall is a normal process, certain factors can cause temporary increases in shedding. These include:
Stress: Physical or emotional stress can push more hair follicles into the telogen phase, leading to temporary shedding. Once the stressor subsides, hair growth typically returns to normal.
Illness: Fevers, certain medications, and illnesses like thyroid disorders can disrupt the hair growth cycle and cause temporary shedding.
Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those experienced during pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or starting/stopping birth control pills, can trigger temporary shedding.
Dietary Deficiencies: Deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, or other essential nutrients can impact hair growth and contribute to shedding.
Hairstyles and Hair Care Practices: Tight hairstyles like braids or ponytails can cause hair breakage, which can be mistaken for shedding. Harsh chemical treatments or excessive heat styling can also damage hair and lead to breakage.
Hair loss, however, can be caused by a variety of underlying medical conditions. Some examples include:
Alopecia Areata: An autoimmune disease that causes patchy hair loss.
Androgenetic Alopecia (Male/Female Pattern Baldness): A hereditary condition that causes gradual hair loss in a predictable pattern. This is one of the leading causes of hair loss in both men and women.
Telogen Effluvium: A type of hair loss that occurs several months after a stressful event, illness, or significant weight loss.
Scalp Infections: Fungal or bacterial infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in the affected area.
If the idea of hair loss concerns you, it’s important to understand which one you might be experiencing. Luckily, trichologists in Dublin are specialists you can turn to, ready to demystify the subject and guide you towards the best care for your locks.
The Fine Line: When Does Hair Shedding Become Hair Loss?
How can you tell if your hair shedding is a cause for concern? Here are some warning signs that might indicate hair loss:
Excessive hair loss: Losing significantly large amounts of hair every day over an extended period is a sign of hair loss.
Receding Hairline: In men, a receding hairline at the temples is a common sign of male pattern baldness. In women, hair loss may occur along the part line or in a widening pattern at the crown.
Patchy Bald Spots: Circular or patchy bald spots are a hallmark of alopecia areata.
Scalp Irritation or Scaling: Itching, burning, or redness of the scalp can accompany some types of hair loss.
Sudden or Unexpected Hair Loss: Hair loss that occurs rapidly after an illness, significant weight change, or intense stress could be telogen effluvium.
The timing and pattern of hair loss can also be clues to the underlying cause. For example, sudden hair loss all over the scalp might point towards a different cause than a receding hairline that develops gradually over time.
Simply put, a certain amount of hair shedding is considered normal. When you notice a few strands on your hairbrush or in the shower, it’s usually not a cause for alarm. The problem arises when you start to notice substantially more hair coming out, especially if it leaves bald patches or you can visibly see your scalp more than before.
How Dublin Trichologists Can Help With Your Hair Fall Problems
If you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s wise to seek professional help from a trichologist. Trichology is the scientific study of the hair and scalp. Trichologists are trained to diagnose hair loss conditions and recommend appropriate treatment options.
Unlike a self-diagnosis based on Internet searches, trichologists are trained to go beyond the basics. During a consultation, they will delve into your medical history, family background of hair loss, and current medications.
Additionally, Dublin trichologists don’t stop at conversation. They utilise advanced tools for a deeper analysis. For example, at the Universal Hair & Scalp Clinic, they use Trichoscan (microscopic hair & scalp digital camera technology) for magnified views of your hair follicles and scalp. In some cases, blood tests or scalp biopsies might be recommended for a deeper analysis.
The comprehensive diagnostic approach helps them determine whether you’re experiencing normal hair shedding or a more serious case of hair loss.
It is worth mentioning that trichologists do more than diagnose excessive hair shedding. They can partner with you to create a personalised treatment plan targeting the root cause of your hair loss, not just the symptoms. This plan might combine medications, laser therapy, and adjustments to your hair care routine and diet.
Additionally, throughout the hair loss treatment process, these specialists offer ongoing support, monitor progress, and adjust the plan as needed. With their expertise and your commitment, you can achieve healthy hair growth and regain confidence.
How to Treat and Prevent Excessive Hair Fall
Hair loss or excessive shedding can feel like a never-ending battle. But with the right strategies and understanding, it’s a fight you can win. By incorporating daily hair care tips, making lifestyle adjustments, and choosing the right treatment options, you can make significant strides toward healthier, fuller hair. Here’s how to arm yourself in the fight against hair loss.
Daily Hair Care Tips
Prevention is your first line of defense. A few daily adjustments can significantly reduce unnecessary shedding:
Gentle Handling: Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on the hair at the roots (like tight ponytails, braids, or buns) which can cause traction alopecia. Opt for loose, comfortable styles instead.
Proper Washing: Use a sulfate-free shampoo to cleanse your scalp and hair gently. Over-washing can strip your scalp of essential oils, leading to dryness and potential hair loss.
Conditioning: Apply conditioner to the lengths and ends of your hair, avoiding the scalp to prevent build-up that can clog follicles.
Low Heat: Minimize the use of heat styling tools which can weaken hair strands, leading to breakage and loss. If you must use them, apply a heat protectant spray beforehand.
Lifestyle Changes for Healthier Hair
Your hair reflects your overall health, so it’s crucial to nurture your body from the inside out:
Balanced Diet: Incorporate a diet rich in protein, vitamins (especially A, C, D, E), minerals (like iron and zinc), and omega-3 fatty acids to support hair growth.
Stay Hydrated: Dehydration directly impacts your hair growth, making drinking plenty of water throughout the day essential.
Stress Management: High stress can trigger hair shedding. Adopt stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, or regular exercise.
Adequate Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to allow your body to repair and regenerate, including your hair follicles.
Over-the-Counter vs. Professional Hair Growth Treatments
While there are numerous over-the-counter (OTC) products promising hair loss solutions, understanding when to consider professional treatment is key:
OTC Treatments: Products containing minoxidil are FDA-approved for hair loss treatment and can be effective for some individuals. Natural supplements and vitamins for hair growth can also be beneficial but do your research and consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
Professional Treatments: For persistent or severe hair loss, professional treatments under the guidance of a dermatologist or trichologist can offer targeted and effective solutions. These may include Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, laser therapy, or prescription medications specifically formulated for hair regrowth.
Ultimately, through a proactive approach encompassing daily hair care, lifestyle adjustments, and the judicious use of treatments, it’s entirely possible to combat hair loss and excessive shedding. Remember, the key to winning any battle lies in understanding the challenge and deploying the right strategies—hair loss is no different.
In conclusion, the difference between hair shedding and hair loss is crucial for maintaining and nurturing a healthy head of hair. While shedding is a part of the natural hair growth cycle, hair loss could signal underlying health issues needing professional attention.
If you’re worried about persistent hair shedding or loss, it’s best not to self-diagnose. Consult with a trichologist in Dublin instead. With their expert guidance and advanced diagnostic approaches, they can help you differentiate these conditions and address your specific needs.
Armed with the right information and professional support, you can take proactive steps to prevent unnecessary hair loss and maintain your hair’s health. The journey to understanding and treating hair conditions may seem daunting, but it’s a comforting thought that expert help is just an appointment away.
Still unsure if you’re experiencing normal hair shedding or something more? Don’t wait any longer! Dublin trichologists can provide expert advice and personalised hair loss solutions to get your hair health back on track. Call us today on +353 (0)1 679 3618 to schedule a consultation and take control before your condition worsens!
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newstyledriveways · 2 months
7 Signs You Need Professional Tarmac Driveway Dublin Repair Services
Maintaining the integrity and appearance of your tarmac driveway is key to preserving the curb appeal and value of your property in Dublin. While tarmac is known for its durability and longevity, it still requires ongoing attention and occasional repair to stay in prime condition.
Often, property owners overlook minor issues due to a lack of awareness. Left unchecked, these minor issues can worsen, leading to costly repairs and potential safety hazards. Avoid being in this situation! Read this guide to learn about the telltale signs that you already need to get professional tarmac driveway Dublin repair services. Also, find out the numerous benefits of hiring driveway experts and how you can find reputable repair services in Dublin.
When to Call Experts to Repair Your Tarmac Driveway in Dublin
When it comes to driveway maintenance, staying vigilant is crucial. By identifying problems early on, you not only ensure that your driveway remains functional and safe but also avoid the costly investment of a complete overhaul. Let’s explore the specific indicators that suggest it’s time to call in professional tarmac driveway repair services.
Visible Cracks and Potholes
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Cracking and pothole formation are hard-to-miss signs that your driveway is crying for help. These imperfections are often the result of environmental stressors such as temperature fluctuations, which cause the tarmac to expand and contract, leading to cracks. If left unattended, these cracks can deepen, allowing water to seep in and exacerbate the damage, particularly during freeze and thaw cycles. Potholes, aside from being a tripping hazard, can cause damage to vehicles and need to be addressed promptly. Professionals in the field can fill and seal these crevices with precision, using high-quality materials that prevent the reappearance of the same issues in the near future.
Fading and Discoloration
While your tarmac driveway might start as a rich, dark canvas, over time, the relentless beating of the sun’s ultraviolet rays can lead to noticeable fading and discoloration. This not only affects the overall aesthetics of your driveway but may also be indicative of surface weakening, which could precede further structural problems. Applying a sealant can protect your driveway from UV rays, slow the fading process, and extend the lifespan of the tarmac. Repair professionals are adept at carrying out this process efficiently, ensuring your driveway regains and retains its pristine look.
Drainage Issues
Proper drainage is a fundamental consideration for any driveway. When you notice water pooling on the surface of your tarmac, it’s a sign that your drainage is inadequate. This can stem from uneven surfaces or a lack of proper gradient. Continuous water accumulation can soften the tarmac, leading to breakdown and, ultimately, the formation of potholes. Professional contractors can address these issues by resurfacing the affected area or implementing additional drainage solutions to redirect the water, fortifying your driveway against the risk of water damage.
Loose Stones and Tarmac Breakdown
As your driveway ages, you may find loose stones or areas where the tarmac seems to be crumbling. This is often due to the binder within the tarmac losing its adhesive properties, which can be aggravated by heavy vehicular traffic or the use of harsh chemicals, like de-icers. Repair services can remove the affected layer and apply a new one, ensuring the structural stability of your driveway and reinstating its smooth surface.
Warping and Uneven Surfaces
Have you observed areas on your driveway that seem uneven or warped? Heavily weighted vehicles or even natural ground movement beneath the driveway can lead to these irregularities over time. Left unrectified, a warped driveway can lead to difficulties in maneuvering vehicles and water pooling, which in itself presents yet another set of problems. Through the skilled actions of leveling and applying a new tarmac layer, professional repairers can address these issues, restoring a level and functional driveway.
Edging Deterioration
The edging of your driveway plays a vital role in maintaining the structural integrity of your tarmac. If you notice crumbling or damaged edges, it’s time to seek professional repairs. Not only does this deterioration diminish the driveway’s strength and appearance, but it can also lead to encroachment of grass and weeds, which can exacerbate the damage by dislodging the tarmac. Repair specialists have the expertise to reconstruct the edges and secure your driveway against future erosion.
Increased Maintenance Efforts
If you find yourself patching up your driveway more frequently than before, it’s a strong indication that a professional evaluation is required. Regular maintenance is to be expected, but when the need for repairs becomes incessant, it suggests underlying issues that only professional servicing can resolve. This, in turn, may reduce the repetitive short-term fixes and thereby any associated long-term costs.
Benefits of Hiring Professional Tarmac Driveway Dublin Repair Services
Acknowledging the problems with your tarmac driveway is the first step. The next is understanding why you should entrust its repair to professionals.
Expert Assessments
Determining the extent of driveway damage isn’t always straightforward. Professionals in tarmac repair are not only trained to detect all levels of damage, from superficial to deep structural issues, but they are also equipped to devise the best action plan. This prevents you from underestimating or overestimating the required repairs, ensuring a comprehensive solution is implemented.
Quality Materials and Equipment
One of the primary benefits of hiring professional services is their access to high-quality materials and the latest equipment. This ensures the repairs are performed to a higher standard, which is not often achievable with DIY methods. From proper grade tarmac to industry-specific tools, professionals have everything at their disposal to deliver a driveway that will endure the tests of time and weather.
Efficient Procedures
Time is a valuable commodity, and professional repair teams understand this. They have the proficiency to complete repairs swiftly and efficiently, minimizing disruption to your daily routine. Their streamlined procedures have been honed over many projects, cutting down the time your driveway is under repair compared to attempting a DIY fix.
Longevity and Durability
When you invest in professional repair services, you’re not just paying for an immediate fix; you’re investing in the durability and longevity of your driveway. Skilled practitioners don’t just address the superficial issues; they enhance the structural integrity of the driveway, which can significantly extend its lifespan.
Value for Money
While the upfront cost of professional repair services may seem high compared to DIY, the long-term savings are notable. By addressing all issues thoroughly and using quality materials, the frequency of required repairs drops, saving you money in the long run.
Guarantees and Assurance
Lastly, reputable repair services often offer warranties for their work, giving you peace of mind. This assurance means that should anything go astray post-repair, you have a safety net, which is seldom the case when you manage repairs independently.
Where to Get Tarmac Driveway Dublin Repair Services
Now that you’re aware of the signs and benefits of obtaining professional services, the question is where to find these professionals. Here are some steps to get you started in securing the expertise within Dublin.
Local Expertise
Looking locally is beneficial. Dublin-based contractors, like New Style Driveways, are familiar with the climate and typical driveway issues in the area. This local insight can be invaluable in providing tailored solutions. Moreover, supporting local businesses often means more personalized service and quicker response times.
Criteria for Choosing a Service
When selecting a tarmac driveway repair service, prioritize their experience, reputation, and the quality of materials they use. Opt for a contractor with a solid track record and who is accredited by reputable industry associations to ensure adherence to high standards of quality and safety. Additionally, the company should offer warranties on both workmanship and materials, which signals reliability and confidence in their services. The ability to provide clear communication and transparency about costs and timelines further underscores their dependability as a service provider.
Arranging an Assessment
Once you’ve identified potential service providers, it’s time to arrange assessments. Professionals should be willing to inspect your driveway and provide a detailed quotation. By comparing various professionals, you can gauge who offers the best value for services that meet your requirements.
Remember, when it comes to tarmac driveway repairs, choosing the right contractor is vital. While lower-cost providers may be tempting, they may use inferior materials or lack the proper experience and expertise to deliver long-lasting repairs. This can lead to a cycle of repeat repairs and ultimately cost you more money in the long run.
In conclusion, your driveway is an extension of your home—the first impression for visitors. As such, it deserves the same care and attention to detail that you would invest in your home’s interior. This includes recognising signs of wear and tear in your driveway. Keep in mind, early detection is key to preventing minor tarmac driveway issues from escalating into major problems.
When it comes to tarmac issues, getting professional repair services is the smart choice. They will not only identify and fix the current problems but also ensure the repairs are completed to the highest standards, using top-quality materials. This translates to a longer lifespan for your driveway, saving you money on future repairs and replacements.
Are you ready to give your driveway the care it deserves? Get expert tarmac driveway repair services tailored to meet your needs! Call us today on 01485158 for a consultation and discover why countless Dublin homeowners who trust us to keep their driveways in perfect condition.
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tsukisnapey · 4 months
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Nodus Tollens Chapter 31: The Great Britannian Empire: 10
Lucius and Hermione took a rare opportunity to enjoy a day out in Dublin before returning to Britain. After the intense negotiations and the weight of their responsibilities, they both needed a break. The crisp Irish air and the city's vibrant energy offered a welcome respite.
They started their day with a visit to the National Botanic Gardens, where they strolled hand in hand among the blooming flowers and lush greenery. The tranquility of the gardens provided a serene backdrop for their conversation, the stress of the previous days slowly melting away.
Hermione stopped to admire a particularly beautiful rose bush, its deep, velvety red petals. "It's so peaceful here," she said, inhaling the sweet fragrance.
Lucius nodded, his gaze softening as he watched her. "It is. Sometimes, I forget how important it is to take a moment and appreciate the simple things."
They continued their walk, finding a quiet bench to sit and rest. Hermione leaned back, closing her eyes and soaking in the sunshine. Lucius watched her, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Hermione," he began, his voice severe yet gentle, "there's something I need to ask you."
She opened her eyes, turning to look at him. "What is it, Lucius?"
He hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Do you… do you genuinely love me? Or is your love born out of fear and the circumstances that forced us together? Losing your friends, your everything. You had no choice but to tolerate me for your survival."
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surelifehealth · 5 months
Does Broccoli Help You Lose Weight? The Secret Revealed
Beginning a weight loss journey can sometimes feel like navigating a labyrinth of dietary decisions, but could the solution be found in a humble, green vegetable? This blog investigates the potential of broccoli in weight management, exploring the truths behind the query ‘Does Broccoli Help You Lose Weight?’ and examining how this nutrient-dense vegetable can transform your approach to health and wellness.  Sure Life Health Address: 81 Johnstown Ave, Glenageary, Dublin, A96 V4X9, Ireland Phone: 01 284 4427 #surelifehealth.ie #surelifehealthwhere we continuously unravel the mysteries of healthy living and nutrition.   Read the full article
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southsidegym · 11 months
What is more important: Losing Weight and Losing Fat?
If we lose weight, we must also lose fat, right? No, not always. Although there is a connection between weight reduction and fat loss—when we lose fat, we frequently also lose weight—the two concepts have very distinct meanings for our bodies and our health.
A drop in total body weight, including weight from muscles, fat, and retained water, is referred to as weight loss. However, fat loss is the targeted removal of fat from the body. 
In general, you should focus on decreasing fat if you want to reduce weight in the healthiest way possible for your body. Maintaining a low body fat percentage not only makes it easier to get back into your old jeans, but also lowers your risk of developing diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.
But how can you reduce fat while losing weight?
Increasing your muscle mass is the best strategy to guarantee maximal fat reduction. You’re more likely to burn fat while trying to lose weight if you promote and maintain muscle building. Southside Gym is here to assist you as the best gym in Dublin:
Gain strength with protein
It should go without saying that protein is essential for preserving our general health. When it comes to fat loss, a diet high in protein and nutrients will support muscle growth and repair and, when combined with physical activity and a calorie deficit, will motivate the body to burn fat. 
Aim for strength
Exercise is essential for any type of weight loss, but it is even more crucial for fat loss. Adding strength-enhancing resistance training to your regimen will make your muscles work hard. Focus on compound movements (such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, and push-pulls) to get the best results.
When strength training, strive for increasing overload to help with your fat loss goals. This implies that you gradually increase the weights you’re using as you get stronger in order to avoid stalling your progress and keep your body guessing.
And if the scales begin to somewhat stick, don’t give up. Strength training will change your body’s composition by increasing muscle and decreasing fat, which will significantly reduce your waistline, but not always on the scales every week. Find the best gym in Dublin and get started losing weight right away.
Limit your calorie intake.
Of course, everyone is aware that a calorie deficit forms the cornerstone of weight loss, and shedding fat is no exception. Make sure you are keeping track of your calories and limiting your intake of processed and high-calorie meals. It is simple for a high-protein diet to become high in calories as well.
Observe your body.
It’s crucial to pay attention to your body when cutting calories or incorporating new exercises into your programme. Remember that food is fuel and should only be restricted to produce a minor calorie deficit. Know when to push and when to draw back. Above all, fat loss should focus on maintaining your health and strength.
Make healthy fats a part of your diet.
The provision of energy is one of the most crucial roles that fats play in the diet as they are a key macronutrient. Fats aid in controlling weight loss and are crucial to the body’s structure and functionality.
Get Enough Sleep
Lack of sleep frequently results in an imbalance of the hormone ghrelin, which encourages fullness, making it more difficult for the body to lose weight. 
Is it possible to reduce fat without gaining weight?
Yes. While it is likely that you will lose some weight, concentrating on adding muscle while trying to reduce weight can cause the scales to slightly stall. Even if you reach a plateau, you will most likely become slimmer and more toned.
The battle against fat must now begin.
It can be challenging to concentrate only on fat reduction when trying to lose weight, but you can be certain that it is possible by making a few minor changes to your food and exercise programme. Don your running shoes and head over to Southside Gym, the best gym in Dublin, to get the help you need to lose weight.
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notabipolarbear · 1 year
Partner is over from Cardiff. We've been to a few places, including the butterfly house. My mood has been okay minus having severe irritability and anger, that's my only issue at the moment. I get so angry over nothing. Literally nothing 🤷‍♀️ it makes no sense. I've started noom to lose weight, and after a week, I'm down 2 pounds. Good so far. I'm hoping this will give me motivation to move more and get fitter. I'm a little more energetic lately but still feel a little sleepy but I think that's just when I'm sitting doing nothing, really. When I'm moving I'm ok. Looking forward to tomorrow but not at the same time lol going to dublin for the day and train is at 10:30am so have to be out about 8:30am to be safe I'd say? Get the bus at 9 maybe.. I'm an over planner lol and panic about being late 😅 it'll be fine!
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munaeem · 1 year
People with obesity should use a weight loss drug (Semaglutide), medical experts
Dublin: Medical experts say that young people must use a medicine to lose weight, which has proved to be very effective in reducing obesity after research. Speaking at the European Congress on Obesity in Dublin, researchers said that a weight-loss injection Semaglutide could help young people lose weight. In the new clinical trials, obese young people were given a dose of the Semaglutide type…
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Maximizing Your Fitness Potential: The Benefits of One-on-One Personal Training
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When it comes to achieving your fitness goals, having the right support can make all the difference. Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, working with a personal trainer can provide the guidance and motivation you need to reach your goals. Here are just a few of the benefits of one-on-one personal training and how it can help you maximize your fitness potential. Learn more by visiting this link best personal trainer dublin
Customized Workouts
One of the biggest benefits of working with a personal trainer is that you'll receive a customized workout plan that is tailored specifically to your goals and needs. Whether you're an experienced athlete or a beginner, your trainer will take into account your fitness level, body type, and personal preferences to create a workout plan that is right for you. This not only ensures that you're making the most of your time in the gym, but it also helps you avoid injury and ensures that you're on track to reach your goals.
Expert Guidance
Another major benefit of working with a personal trainer is that you'll have access to the expertise of a seasoned fitness professional. Whether you're struggling with a particular exercise, need advice on nutrition, or simply need some motivation to stay on track, your trainer will be there to help. They'll also be able to make adjustments to your workout plan as needed, based on your progress and any changes in your goals or lifestyle.
Increased Motivation
Working with a personal trainer can also help increase your motivation and accountability. Having someone to hold you accountable for sticking to your workout plan and making healthy choices can be a huge motivator, especially when it's someone who is invested in your success. Plus, the positive reinforcement and support you receive from your trainer can help you stay motivated and on track even when you're feeling discouraged.
Improved Technique
Another important aspect of working with a personal trainer is that they can help you improve your technique. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced gym-goer, there's always room for improvement when it comes to your form and technique. With the guidance of a personal trainer, you'll be able to refine your movements and ensure that you're getting the most out of each exercise, which can lead to better results and a reduced risk of injury.
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Convenience and Flexibility
Finally, working with a personal trainer provides a level of convenience and flexibility that you simply can't get from other forms of fitness training. Whether you prefer to workout in the morning, evening, or weekends, your trainer will be able to accommodate your schedule and create a workout plan that fits your lifestyle. Plus, with one-on-one training, you'll have the entire gym to yourself, without having to worry about crowds or waiting for equipment.
In conclusion, one-on-one personal training is an excellent option for anyone looking to maximize their fitness potential. With customized workout plans, expert guidance, increased motivation, improved technique, and the convenience and flexibility of working with a personal trainer, you'll be on your way to reaching your goals and achieving your best self in no time. So why wait? Invest in your fitness today and start reaping the benefits of one-on-one personal training!
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mygayirishdiary · 2 years
Dear Diary
I will never forget that moment when the nurse told me I was HIV Positive…
I was living my normal happy 36 year old life in Dublin, happily married, good friends, good job and just about to go on a trip to Mexico with my husband for a month to meet his family, I was so excited. Life was good. I had fought so hard in my life to get from were I was scrubbing floors in Wicklow to a good paid office job living in Dublin City Center and happy married, things were not perfect but, things were going good for me.
As I was just about to go on a trip to Mexico with my husband, with just 10 days to go, I was packing my bags and starting to get everything organized and over those next few days I started to notice stinging pains in my lower legs and back pains, major loss of appetite, diarrhea, headaches, fever and sweats so I started taking antibiotics i had, I just thought it was a bad flu and I would be fine in a few days.
3 days later I had not improved, my symptoms had gotten far worse and then one night, I started heaving, vomiting uncontrollably and violently, I couldn't stop, and the stinging in my legs had gotten to a stage that I needed my husband to lean on to walk to the toliet even, and one night I needed help from my husband to get a shower so he walked me into the bathroom and while undressing me that night we noticed my body was covered in little red spots, my brain started screaming to me that this is not natural, and I decided I needed to go to the hospital immediatly.
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The hospital took me in and did a few of their usual tests on patients, and found something "not right" , as they said, and then put me in an infectious disease ward!! Holy Shit!!!!!!! Whats wrong with me?....
After days of covid masks, covid tests, needles, blood tests, scans, poo and pee samples, std tests and the worst and most horrible experience of my life- spinal fluid being took, as I lay in the hospital bed waiting for results in isolation, and i was getting better with the right medication, i was starting to feel better. The rash on my body was fading, the leg pains were getting better the headaches had stopped , the weight loss did concern me a bit ( I lost a lot of weight in a few days), but I put it down to being sick and being a fussy eater and trying to lose weight and eat healthier, i lost weight, i didnt care, that i was happy enough with, but apart from that I assumed the doctors would be letting me go home soon, and with hopes I could still go to Mexico.
In this time of waiting for results in the isolation ward, I received a phone call that my father went into hospital and had sadly passed away, this was obviously heart breaking, my father had just died, and how helpless I was, and guilty that I couldn’t be there, and then as well my vacation was getting closer, and how much money we spent on it, I decided my husband should go on his own and finally visit his family in Mexico without me, it was important for him to go, he hadnt seen his family in 3 years. It hurt me so bad having to miss out on my first very expensive trip out of Ireland (I'd never been on holiday before) , I was so disappointed I couldn't go, but I felt I was in the safest place in hospital and my symptoms were starting to clear up, my father had just passed away, I wasn’t going to be much fun on holiday, and it did cost a lot of money and plus the fact I was in isolation, he couldn’t even visit me to say goodbye, so I sent him packing to Mexico with a kiss through a glass door.
The next morning it was a cold winter morning outside but the sun was shining through my window giving a real orange winter morning glow in the hospital room, the nurses were doing their rounds, I was trying to get another hour or 2 of sleep before my fathers funeral started later that day, which I would have to watch online from my hospital room, so I wanted to bury my head in the pillow and cry or sleep or whatever until then, I felt like shit. Then my doctor came in and asked if she could talk to me, so I sat up and woke myself up, sun streams in my eyes blinding me, and I could tell how she was holding herself, in very sympathetic body language towards me and how kind she was to me, this was not a good sign for me, and it was making me anxious and it made me brace myself for bad news.
“I am sorry to tell you, but we did some tests and we did find something, and I have to sadly inform you that you are HIV positive”......... , the doctor did continue to talk about what was probably important information that I should have been listening to, but I heard nothing else after those first words. I was in shock, stunned, it still leaves me speechless 3 weeks later. I had no words.
So there I was in an isolation hospital bed, with my husband on a plane to Mexico, I have just been told I am HIV positive and then I had to watch my fathers funeral online on my phone, it's difficult to describe this feeling I had in that moment, pure torment, guilt, loss, hurt, regret, stupidity, anger, helplessness all rolled into one confusing ball, I wasn't sure what I was feeling, just that it hurt so bad.
I know being HIV is ok in this age, I am going to be ok, my husband is HIV undetectable (which I knew he was HIV undetectable before we got married, completely unrelated to my story) so I know I can live a healthy life by taking this little tablet once a day for the rest of my life, so I know I will be ok, but mentally I am not there yet, not even close to feeling ok, part of me is still speechless.
Obviously, the first thing you think of is the who, the how… I am a happy married man, who had a threesome, that's it. Me and my husband don’t sleep around or have gangbangs or do anything that wild, actually we are pretty traditional couple, we work, we pay bills, go out to dinner dates, a normal life (sometimes a boring life) , but to keep the spark alive, maybe once or twice a year we would invite a random guy over, someone to share our bed with us and do something exciting and try something different, to get our hearts racing and bout 4 months ago, what was not a trashy sleazy night, but a classy night, dinner, dancing and back to our hotel, and we invited a guy over. There was champagne and jokes and good conversation and music, a night when I made a stupid mistake when I was feeling kinky brave and decided this guy clearly looks after himself and he was so hot and I let him cum in me in the heat of the moment, and now that moment I will regret for the rest of my life…at least I think it was this guy, well it’s the only time it can be…But like the doctor said to me “the who, how and where.. doesn’t matter, what matters now is moving forward with your life and this new reality”
3 weeks after that, which brings me up to present day, my husband is still in Mexico (but back in a few days), I had no work as I should have been in sunny Mexico, so all I have done in the last 3 weeks since I got the news of being HIV positive is distance myself from people and have laid in bed and cried and smoked pot, ate junk food and masturbated ever since
My therapist says that I should write my story and my feelings out because that was a lot of pain I had to deal with, so that’s what this is, how I adjust back to this new reality of fitting back into a world where I am not the same person…
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