lanyuan · 3 years
For the ask thing, 10 with the junior quartet
to cut and style my hair OH DEAR
1) lan sizhui. not because he'd be the best in every aspect, but first and foremost i'd like someone who'll be calm whilst holding scissors. surviving would be a plus.
2) lan jingyi! doesn't seem as though he'd do a good job but i think he'd be conscious of what you ask for and put in one hundred percent effort
3) jin ling - the only reason he's not last is that his hair accessories are in my top 10 of all time. it's unlikely he does it himself and the outcome will certainly be terrible but he'd be interesting to spend time with
4) ouyang zizhen .... sorry king. i know you'd want to do it more than the rest. but imo he's got by far the worst hairdo in the whole live-action and overall terrible taste so i really can't trust him
give me characters to rank in a Situation
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crushpdf · 3 years
What do you know about The Untamed?
SCREAM i knew this sounded familiar but i was like "literally nothing. i know literally nothing about the untamed." and turns out! it's in my blacklist! slfjlskdfjsdl which explains why i'd recognize the name but zero of the plot lskfjlksjflksljs
thinking back to before i must have blacklisted it, i feel like someone came back from the dead at some point? i'm sorry, i'm 0 for 3, literally coming up with nothing 😂
send me an ask about a fandom i know nothing about and i will summarize it as best i can
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bayrut · 3 years
I'm so happy my tags made your day, that's one of the best things you could say to me, so you also made my day 🥺🖤
ahhh wait you're so sweet!!! i hope you have a nice day tomorrow too!! 💕💖💖💕💕💖💕💖
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yilinglaozuhot · 3 years
For the ask game: 12, 56 and 58
12 is answered here
56. Who Would You Take On A Night Hunt? Gonna pull a Jin Ling and say Fairy. 
58. What Would You Place In Your Secret Chamber Behind The Mirror? It would be just like a regular bedroom where I can relax. Maybe put on some fairy lights, buy a beanie bag and a Nintendo Switch and just chill, far away from the world.
The Untamed/MDZS ask game
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🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼 Thank you for breaking my heart with your writing every single time, and I will never shut up about how much I love your jazz age au, i will make art for it someday istg
Thank you ❤️. I’m so happy I can break your heart repeatedly 😆.
I have written a few more pages on the jazz age/prohibition/1929 AU over the last few days. Still going very slow though! I would love to see you make some art for it some day! Please let me know if you do!
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krity · 3 years
OH NO I'm so sorry to hear about your cat, I'm sending you a big virtual hug 🖤
thank you 💕
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fxandchill · 4 years
Hey, how's Lily doing? I remember I read a post you made about she being sick, and I forgot to ask if she's better now
OH MY GOSH thank you for asking! I was bad with updating because she’s had so many vet visits these past two months and I had to give all my friends and family updates I forgot to write anything here, but she is doing great!! This might be long because I’m just gonna put the full story for anyone who doesn’t know, my cat has been going through a lot. This is like, the short version too opps. 
So late May/early June she had bad anemia and our regular vet couldn’t treat it so we took her to a specialist and they tried giving her a blood transfusion (her red blood cell count was so low and she was completely lethargic it was scary) but her blood was having a reaction to the donor’s and it wasn’t going to work. They told us her immune system was shutting down, they found a lump in her pancreas, and she was diagnosed with this rare thing called EPI. 
They gave her fluids and put her on several different medicines, the lump was luckily just an abscess so she had antibiotics for it, she’s diabetic so she’s on insulin but she’s also on steroids for the anemia which might effect her insulin but she has an appointment Aug 18th to check (they might have to up her dose of insulin but only while she’s on the steroids), she had to take appetite stimulants and pain meds because she wouldn’t eat but she’s eating now like she used to so she’s not on those two anymore, she has this powder we have to mix into her food for her EPI, and once a week she gets b12 vitamin as a shot. When she goes into the vet we gave her this medicine to calm her but now she’s used to going so we stopped. She has had several appointments over the past two months checking on her and running a bunch of tests and basically her problems were the abscess, EPI, anemia, and diabetes. We found no cancer so THANK CAT GOD. Now that we know what she has and the cause of it and she’s on medicines, she started feeling better. Now she goes in just for check ups and its all been good news.
A month ago, like mid July, she went in for a check up and her pancreas lump was gone thanks to the antibiotics but we kept her on them just in case it was too small to see. She got another check up last week and they are sure it’s gone and gave the okay to stop giving her antibiotics! And they did a blood test on her and a couple days after her appointment the test results say her anemia is much better so they want to lower the dose of her steroids slowly over time until she doesn’t need them anymore!! I think because she’s feeling better her immune system isn’t freaking the freak out anymore...idk only time will tell..
She will never be “fully cured” theres no cure for diabetes and EPI (she’s had diabetes for a year and the specialist told me it might have been caused by the EPI so she might have had that too this whole time and the other vet just didn’t know because it’s so rare) but she’s getting her treatments and her check ups and she’s acting more and more normal every day. The only thing she hates now is the steroids because we have to wrap her up in a blanket and give it to her in her mouth with a syringe but I think she’s going to be off that soon. 
I really appreciate everyone who is keeping Lily in their thoughts she loves you all she told me to tell you “meow” for her 
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carryonmylovelies · 4 years
Hey babes, for the ask thing, 14, 31 and 49
14. Favorite mug you own
i am SO glad you asked. its a purple octopus mug with a matching coaster that says 'lets get kraken'. one of my best friends got it for me for my birthday 🐙💜
31. What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to?
i had to think on this one but there's this really pretty studded silver jacket i have that i stole from my another one of my best friends and then she forgot i had it and moved away to college so i kept it mwahahaha. i only wore it once and ive always wanted to wear it again
49. What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did?
i wish i had a picture of the time king princess asked my 6'1 bearded heterosexual father why he was at her concert but unfortunately i was filled with too much rage that she had spoken to him and not me to take a picture
thanks so much for the ask omg ily!! 💖💕✨
quarantine asks hehe ask me smthn
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aliceslices · 5 years
This is super random, but I loooove your blog aesthetic (the mobile version, haven't check how it looks in a computer) the way your banner, profile pic and main color match
omg this is literally the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me <3 i literally just used a color palette photo extractor to figure out the perfect colors that matched my header lmao 
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mdzs-rabbithole · 2 years
Tagging from @oddishblossom because I forgot to do the last thing she tagged me in! Lucy, I see a lot of artists I know on your list, but not those specific songs, I’ll have to check them out later!
I placed my liked songs on Spotify on shuffle. My top genres are Dark, EDM, Pop, and Dance House. I have almost 300 liked songs, so this is a bizarre cross-section of my taste because I never put this playlist on shuffle.
Rules: put your repeat playlist on shuffle and add the first 10 songs here!
1. Lovefool by twocolors
2. I could be your goddess by CASHFORGOLD
3. Talk About by Rain Radio and DJ Craig Gorman
4. Sweetheart (Dance yourself clean remix) by Rebecca Black
5. Ooh Aah by Púr Múdd
6. Umbrella by why mona
7. Moonlight Densetsu- Remix by Patrick Moon Bird
8. Your Love (Déjà Vu) by Glass Animals
9. Clouds by GESS
10. Raindrops by Sash!, Stunt, and Kindervater
I’ll tag a few people, but it’s very much optional, and if you want to do it and I didn’t tag you, still feel free to tag me! @lotoliria @sittingoverheredreaming @unforth @sharpieshepie
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tenacious-minds · 3 years
Tumblr media
Miss missing you by @if-he-catches-me-ill ( @lotoliria )
Gif light inspired by @wizardnem
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biwenqing · 3 years
I don't know if it had to be the 4 but I could only think of two, lol, so:
- Legend of Fei or The Sleuth of Ming Dinasty
- Wang Zhi or Lan Wangji
one or two is perfect and oh these are really hard ones!!! really good ones but also i am just sitting here trying to decide UMMM
I think The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty because as much as I adore LOF, TSOMD is better written with a more cohesive plot. Also, the found family in TSOMD and food as love lives rent-free in my brain forever... I just really love Sleuth so so much!!
And I think what is really giving me pause between Wang Zhi and Lan Wangji is in each of their stories, they each have some of my absolute favorite character development and character arcs. So if I put aside characterization and just look at how they are written (and acted), I don't think I could choose! Maybe I'll with who would I hang out with and that would be Lan Wangji... just sitting quietly doing some reading.
make me choose!
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crushpdf · 3 years
Put your hands on my body just like you think you know me
-peer pressure, james bay
put a “∞” in my ask box and I’ll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up
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Love is a Dangerous Thing by Lotolirio
Adorable! LZ, that love-sick fool, is a cutie 🥰
He knows this is a cliche, the type of thing only people in movies do. That knowledge does nothing to prevent him from continuing though. 
He has written his and Wei Ying’s name several times on the back of his notebooks. Sometimes, when he is thinking, he even doodles hearts and their initials on the edges of the page he is currently working on. He always makes sure to remove the pages afterwards because sometimes Wei YIng borrows his notes and he doesn’t want him to find out. 
His brother likes to tease him with what he calls “A-Zhan’s Wei Ying Radar”, because he is able to easily find Wei Ying in a room, or basically everywhere. He likes to counter argue that Wei Ying is a very loud person, so it would be impossible for him not to notice him, but in reality, he is aware he’s always looking out for a glimpse of him wherever they go. 
He can’t help it, he can never get enough of Wei Ying’s face. 
T, 5500
His brother hums in acknowledgment. He then starts the car and drives in silence for long enough that he truly believes that is the only thing he is going to say on the matter.
“Our insurance does not cover Wei Ying related accidents A-Zhan, be more careful when walking outside”
* * * * *
Lan Wangji is a danger to himself and to others whenever Wei Ying is around. In his defense, he is very very gay and Wei Ying is beautiful and distracting, what can he do?
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wei--wuxian · 2 years
tagged by @a-song-without-words thankyou!! 💖💖💖
three ships: mdzs -- wangxian obviously, and xuanli in the au where they both get to live and be happy. lotr -- lately I've been really thinking about post-rotk gigolas and all their adventures 🥺 also honourable mention to the multishipping mess of my adventures in silm fandom 😌
first ship: oh this is embarrassing. saw this question and was like "hmm how could I possibly remember that" and then immediately experienced a vivid flashback to the long-term daydream self-insert lotr fanfic I had going on when I was 12. so. myself and lindir.
last song: born to be yours (imagine dragons). it's a bop for commuting to a job you love ok
last film: I have no sense of time so it was either venom 2 or whenever mine and my partner's latest lotr marathon was 😌
currently reading: the english translation of mdzs!! plus a gay anthology called proud by a collection of queer authors
currently watching: orange is the new black plus a truly awful dating show called love is blind lmao
currently consuming: about to get up and have some more of the date and orange flapjacks I made yesterday right after I finish writing this post 😋
currently craving: the aforementioned date and orange flapjacks, obviously. plus like idk, an apartment that isn't mouldy and freezing? that would be quite nice
tagging @rabbitcrimes @lotoliria @a-very-gay-spider @lil-pocket @layzeal @shire-snail but no pressure of course!!
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jianqzai · 2 years
You know what? I am finally going to share my twitter account, because I’m more active there lately (not atm tho because uni :/). Please keep in mind it’s a very nsfw Account, I might post problematic stuff, so follow at your own risk @/lotoliria
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