joi-in-the-tardis · 5 years
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Another round of @dwfandomcardexchange​ cards! My thanks to @ginnysweasleys​, @acreasy1​, @lots-o-huggindoctor​, and @badxwolfxrising​
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lastbluetardis · 5 years
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@lots-o-huggindoctor replied to your post “I’m currently dying of the plague ������ I have to edit the next chapter...”
Rest and get better! The update can wait!
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@tinyconfusion replied to your post “I’m currently dying of the plague ������ I have to edit the next chapter...”
feel better
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@lovethytennant replied to your post “I’m currently dying of the plague ������ I have to edit the next chapter...”
Going through the same thing right now, sending you all the strength! Feel better soon ��
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@itsthespidersman replied to your post “I’m currently dying of the plague ������ I have to edit the next chapter...”
Oh no I hope you feel better soon!!!!
Thanks y’all <3 I’m pretty sure I’ve coughed up my left lung, and my right one is on it’s way. I’m dyyyying.
(i’m also super dramatic lmao)
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lostinfic · 5 years
📻 Fave song currently & 🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of & 🌼 Fave flower
Fave song: Pressure by Milk & Bone is a whole summer mood and very Hardy/Hannah (tbh I mostly listen to podcasts and ASMR stuff these days)
Junk food: Brownies, I just ate one now and I know I will regret it, also Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked.
Fave flower: tulips, I think, because they announce spring. I’ve been buying so many plants lately, and I’m partial to my crispy fern and haworthia, but they don’t flower.
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thedeliriumtennants · 6 years
lots-o-huggindoctor replied to your post “Which one of y'all freaks put up a non-sexual clip of David on...”
It also has 1.8K views...
A solid 129 of those are mine. 
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Holiday baking and 308 words!
Hi!  Thanks so much.  13 and Rose, and a full team tardis :)
(Sorry for the delay, I needed some of the cookies I baked yesterday for inspiration!)
“So, what are we going to do with all these [cookies]?” Grace asked.  “We’ll have hundreds bythe time we’re done.”
Rose merely shrugged, and [The Doctor], a veritable whirlwind, shot her aglare as she spun by to deposit her mix in front of Yaz.
“Dunno.  We coulddonate them, sell them, eat them?  Thebaking’s the fun part, right gang?  Fam?”
“Babe.”  Rose laughed softly, hopping down from the counterto deposit her batch in front of Ryan.  “You’vegotta stop with the slang.”
“Why?  Don’t I soundcool?  Isn’t that what people say intheir normal decade?”  The Doctor drooped,making Rose’s heart pick up speed at the adorable sight.  Earnest to a fault and covered in flour, coatlong since discarded, the picture she made had Rose feeling like she’d kicked apuppy.
“Of course you do, love,” she soothed, pattingher back on her way back to her own mixer. “Hey, I’ve an idea – why don’t we go visit old friends, pass out somecookies?”
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tenscupcake · 6 years
scotbren replied to your post “i know i’m hardly ever on here anymore, and i haven’t decided whether...”
Completely understand if you want to separate the two, but if you do decide to let on, I'll buy it. Talk to @caedmonfaith​ - she recently went down the published novel route.
lots-o-huggindoctor replied to your post “i know i’m hardly ever on here anymore, and i haven’t decided whether...”
If you do decide to share with your audience here I will definitely be reading your original work, but if you choose to keep it separate I totally get wanting to do that! And no matter what, I wish you all the luck!
thanks for the responses guys! definitely illustrating my point that it’d be lovely to get some willing readers for the book here 😊❤️
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perfectlyrose · 6 years
For the name aesthetics: Annie
a bright patchwork of colors, summer sunsets, windswept hair, hiding from the world under the covers, juice dripping down your chin after biting into a peach, earl grey tea on a rainy morning, the feel of a feather brushing against your skin, sunlight filtered through green leaves, loud laughter and pink bubblegum, the feeling of always reaching for something, soda pop carbonation hitting the back of your throat, a bright smile with a twinkle of mischief, skirts that twirl just so, winding roads and a good companion to drive down them with
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skyler10fic · 6 years
@emkaywho replied to your photo “I needed this today. One year. 15 pounds lost, which I know isn’t that...”
Good for you! That's an amazing accomplishment!!
@blueboxesandtrafficcones replied to your photo “I needed this today. One year. 15 pounds lost, which I know isn’t that...”
@lostinfictoo replied to your photo “I needed this today. One year. 15 pounds lost, which I know isn’t that...”
@joi-in-the-tardis replied to your photo “I needed this today. One year. 15 pounds lost, which I know isn’t that...”
Yaaaaay!! ^_^
@fleurdeneuf replied to your photo “I needed this today. One year. 15 pounds lost, which I know isn’t that...”
@lots-o-huggindoctor replied to your photo “I needed this today. One year. 15 pounds lost, which I know isn’t that...”
This is awesome news!!! Congratulations! And do celebrate each and everyone of those lbs because I too know how hard it can be to just lose one!
Thanks, everyone! 
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joi-in-the-tardis · 5 years
No pressure to answer at all, but I just saw that delicious looking cappuccino cheesecake you reblogged, and I know you are a baker, so I was wondering if you had any recommendations on good fairly easy cheesecake recipes, or really any baked goods. I am not a baker (other than the occasional batch of chocolate cookies), but thought I might try to make something for my parents when I visit them in a few weeks. Thanks!
I hope you haven’t thought I forgot or ignored you!  I got your message right before vacation and haven’t had a chance to answer until now.
Cheesecake is kind of like puff pastry: it’s one of those things that I really, really want to try, but I haven’t gotten to it yet.  Admittedly, I’m a bit intimidated by it!  I know a few people who swear by the classic Philadelphia Cream Cheese Cheesecake Recipe, ie the one that’s on the cream cheese package.  I would think that, like most recipes, once you get the basics of the recipe down pat you can spruce it up with added ingredients like fruit or chocolate.
My specialties include muffins and bagels.  Bagels don’t have to be difficult, but they are time consuming.  Each batch takes about 2-2.5 hours from start to finish.  Muffins, though... Muffins are quick, easy, and simple to make impressive.  Especially with this handy-dandy recipe:
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The really nice thing about this is that you pick out the ingredients you have.  There are options!  If you’re out of one thing, there’s probably something else to substitute.  It’s also good for learning what the different ingredients actually do (what’s a binder, what’s a rising agent, etc).  I’m not entirely sure where I found this, tbh, but I love it so much!  It is a vegan recipe, but I’m sure if you wanted to use non-vegan ingredients you could just sub those in where appropriate.  I’m not vegan anymore but most of my baking still is out of habit and due to a somewhat sensitive tummy.  From this recipe I’ve made: peanut butter/chocolate, lime/coconut, spiced, pumpkin, s’mores, triple chocolate, almond/poppy, lemon, and cranberry/orange muffins.  Muffins are a really good carrier of lots of flavors.
Something else that I highly recommend is this chocolate cake.  It’s a big crowd-pleaser for me.  I have made it as-is, but I’ve also doubled the recipe and put peanut butter or mint butter cream between the layers.
Hope something here helps!  I have a lot of recipes, but some of them are complicated and challenging (they don’t always come out right even for me!).  Hope you make something delicious for your parents and, if you like, come back and tell me about it. :)
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ofstormsandwolves · 6 years
lots-o-huggindoctor replied to your post “WHY ARENT MORE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT ONE DAY AT A TIME??? ������ i’ve...”
IT IS SOOOOOOOO GOOD. I had to slow down my watching of Season 2 because I don't want it to be over.
skyler10fic replied to your post “WHY ARENT MORE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT ONE DAY AT A TIME??? ������ i’ve...”
IT'S SO GOOD!!! oh man and the new season they are shooting right now looks just as amazing. So many guest stars!
greatspacedustbin replied to your post “WHY ARENT MORE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT ONE DAY AT A TIME??? ������ i’ve...”
BECAUSE IT'S TOO GOOD TO BE SUMMARISED IN WORDS. That said.. It also made me emotional more times than I'd like to admit ;)
I am answering these on a little break between seasons 1 and 2... I’m in love with it! I think I’ve cried at every episode so far! Please tell me there’s a huge fandom for this show because I need all the gifsets possible!
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lastbluetardis · 5 years
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@lots-o-huggindoctor replied to your post “You are going to write another Chemical Potential story? Oh my, do you...”
This is great news!! <3
Yay! Glad you think so :D
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lostinfic · 6 years
Okay I am back with another head canon question, mainly because I love hearing your thoughts and because I have a lot of feelings on the subject. For Rose and Tentoo what are your thoughts on them having a piece of the TARDIS coral? Do you think that outtake is canon? And along with that what is your own head canon regarding them and the coral?
You’re too sweet!
I don’t have a lot of headcanons regarding Tentoo, I’m happy to just internalize everyone else’s meta haha. But that outtake has always been canon to me, I think RTD himself said so. TBH it makes the ending of Journey’s End more acceptable? Because they will still be able to travel together and do what they use to do, but with that openness of feelings and vulnerability, they couldn’t have before. And it would ease Tentoo’s “transition”, something to hold on to and hope.
I think their new Tardis’ design and personality so to speak, would be influenced equally by Rose/Bad Wolf and the part-human Doctor. As such, they would start their new adventure on equal footing.
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lauraxxtennant · 7 years
lots-o-huggindoctor replied to your post: david tennant saying the doctor never got over...
Is there video of the pannel available?!??
i’m watching it on vk.com here, but you can’t really see him so you might want to wait for a better quality video to surface (they’re bound to find more vids, the vk lot are great like that). but in this one the audio is at least really good :)
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dwficfinder · 7 years
Hi! I am looking for a Tentoo/Rose story. It was one that took place right after Journey's End and Rose actually already has a boyfriend in Pete's World. If memory serves me right it was a one-shot or fairly short chapter story. And it was I think on AO3, but might have been Teaspoon. The scene I have in my head is the Doctor meeting the boyfriend at Rose's apartment. She didn't have a chance to tell him before they got there. But my memory might be making that up...
We were unable to find this. Is anyone familiar with it?
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So...  Oops
Needless to say, I sort of checked out of the @dwfandomcardexchange​ this year.  I did my first round of cards, carried them around for two weeks, then never did another blessed thing with it.
So, first, thanks to (in no particular order):
@creativebec​, @serindipitysays, @thedoctorofsteel​, @lots-o-huggindoctor​, @ladydiomede, @melusine0811​, @shadowtiel​, @parallelunivrses​, @lastbluetardis​, @joi-in-the-tardis​, @shinycupcakebaker​, @magewriter​, @skyler10fic​, @acreasy1​, @notthatmelody​, @zoebelle9, @9hiddenshallows​, @benty67​, & @badxwolfxrising​
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Second, if you did not receive a card from me - I apologize.  I meant to, but... it just didn’t happen :(  [#thanksexecutivedysfunction/procrastination/me]
Anyway, 1 solid month after Christmas, erm, happy holidays?
*slinks back to my den*
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perfectlyrose · 6 years
@lots-o-huggindoctor replied to your post “on a related note, does anyone have a request for something they’d...”
I have had the thought that I want to see Jackie using her healing powers... Also, does Jackie know that the Doctor knows?
oooh, i hadn’t thought about writing one with Jackie! that could be interesting!
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