#lourdes did it
justplainwhump · 4 months
Under the hands of rogue WRU handlers - and her best friend - Angel falls apart.
Written with @wildfaewhump, and part of the very fun (for us) AU where rogue handles Fin and Piers make themselves at home in Angel's house to teach the runaways their place. Lourdes and Fin are their characters. This complements this piece from Lourdes' pov, written by Vic; the AU is kicked of by this and this piece.
Cw BBU, recapture scenario, (re)conditioning, dubcon, referenced past and implied future noncon, past beating, dissociation home invasion, pet whump. Whumper POV in the beginning (whumpee POV later).
"Alright, Piers. I’ll bite." His boss has been rummaging through Freckles' freezer. When he turns around to face Piers, there's a bag of frozen edamame in his hand, pressed firmly to his bloody chin. 
Piers smirks. Fin looks like an idiot. Getting himself punched by that pet, as she was almost getting away - there’s not much more humiliating for a seasoned handler like him.
Fin grimaces. "Ten bucks says Freckles is just as much of a bitch when your Doe-eyes is done with her. She almost broke my skull with that fucking bolt cutter. She would've pulled through, if we hadn't fucked that dumb stubborn strength right out of her." 
Shrugging, Piers reaches for his beer and takes a swig. "She looked hot doing it though. And you got all your punches in in return. Trust me. Her body is worn down. Some... softer persuasion now, and her mind will follow suit."
"Bitch was about to sacrifice herself for Doe-Eyes."
"And Doe-Eyes is about to sacrifice her to us." Piers grins, remembering the little talk with his own pet before. Oh, they were devoted. They wanted to be a good pet - and they wanted Freckles to be a good pet with an adorable, naive despair. As if it'd do any of them any good. "Who's suited better to wipe out all the idiot beliefs she clings to, than the sweet little pet she claims to love?" He points at the dossiers on the pets' training they've gotten from the WRU servers. "All she needs to be is hardwired in her stupid head already. Let Doe-Eyes push her buttons, and Freckles will be as good as a factory reset."
Fin clicks his tongue. "And just how are they going to do this?"
"Sharing a bath." Piers points upstairs. "Freckles is pretty much out of it, but Doe-Eyes is pulling all the stops. It's fucking hot. You might want to go watch, I'll hold the fort. My gift to you."
Fin scoffs. "It needs to be a lot more than a sexy bath to earn you those ten bucks. I want my pet sweet, stupid and docile; and if she ever gets her hands on a fucking bolt cutter again I want her dumb little brain to know that the only way she's going to use it is to fuck herself with it, while I watch."
"Mhhh." Piers just smiles, as he raises his beer. "Bet."
"Please," Angel whimpers in the bathtub, as Lourdes’ expert fingers wander between her legs. Her friend’s touch is soft on her torn body. Gentle. Loving. 
They don’t hear her. They just go on. Kissing her. Touching her. Soothing, promising, arguing. 
She’s loved them, she thinks. They’ve loved her, too, differently. 
Do they, still? 
Does she, still?
Does it matter?
"It doesn’t matter," Lourdes whispers, as their fingers circle her clit. "You can keep making it hard, and keep hating it, and it's still going to happen. Why not let it be good? You know it could be so good."
Angel lets her head sink back against the side of the bathtub. There’s a bath cushion mounted there, softening the edge. She’s bought it, for them both, after they moved in, when they established their tradition of bath day, entire evenings spend in the warm bathroom and each other’s company, talking, drinking, listening.
Bath days are over.
It was an interlude.
Lourdes’ lips are on hers, tender and unrelenting. Their fingers slip into her, just as their tongue slips into her mouth.
Why not let it be good?
It’s up to her. 
She can make it good. She knows. She’s been made to be good. Just as they have.
She just has to let go. Of the past, of the pain, of the lie she’s lived. Let go of Angel Harris. Let go. 
Just be good.
Angel lets go.
The pet kisses back. 
She still kisses back, when the face in front of her is pulled away, pressed down, replaced by someone else, a man, a handler with a deep gash on his chin and a cruel smile. The pet - 238, Freckles, Angel, it doesn't really matter, as long as she's being good, as long as she's feeling good - doesn’t even flinch.
She's still good.
Good pets don't remember.
They don't, they shouldn't remember being in this very same room, being a person, being assaulted by that same man in their own bathroom. Good pets don’t remember the dread, the struggle, the resistance.
Good pets don't care about anything but their owner's pleasure. Good pets don't care about other pets. Good pets don't have friends, who they need to worry about, drowning or hurting or dying. Friends are for people. Pets only have owners.
Handler Fin is the centre of her world, and he's kissing her, he's making her feel good, and she's kissing him back, with desperate passion.
Her hips shift as she spreads her legs wider for the attention of the other pet, a tool in her owner's hand, she doesn't know how to worry. She knows how to fuck and to kiss and to be good.
The other pet, the one kept under water, the one she doesn't worry about, is keeping their mouth over her clit, gently sucking at it.
"Good girl" he whispers in her ear. "But Freckles may only come if she persuades me that she wants it. Tell me how badly Freckles needs this."
Underwater, the other pet twitches, the handler’s hand pressing keeps them down. 
The pet kisses him like she's she one drowning, desperate, needy, letting the warmth in her lower body simmer, wait, hold back for him. "Sir," she whispers, voice husky, just as she's learned. "I... I want this, I need this, but... I need you more. I... My pleasure is yours, Sir, please, allow me be good, let me finish, please." 
Let the pet finish, please, let them go, let me stop caring, please, let me be good. 
His free hand rests on her throat, squeezes lightly, almost loving. "Freckles has forgotten that I and me are no longer terms for her," he says mildly. "Freckles is not being very good. Why should a bad pet be allowed any pleasure?" 
Under the surface, a hand digs into her thigh painfully. 
The pet closes her eyes. She doesn't care. Please. 
That's what pets are for.
That’s what the one under the water is for. The one whose mouth has lost its former expertise, whose tongue is just twitching desperately. Who still sends ripples of pleasure through her body, because she's made for pleasure, for giving and receiving, always, whenever.
That's what she's for. Her. Freckles. 
"Freckles," she breathes. "Freckles is sorry, Freckles' learned other words for herself in training. Freckles mind is slow, because she's so confused, she has to learn so much, but... But she... She'll be better, she... Freckles is yours, Sir."
"Yes, Freckles is slow," he says. He tilts her head back against the tub, pulls her body by the neck until her back arches. "But Freckles will learn eventually. She has the rest of her life to learn." 
She feels him shove the other pet’s head firmly against her cunt. "Come, Freckles," he commands. 
The sound of his voice almost tips her over the edge almost as much as the pet's mouth, desperately sucking at her clit. 
Waves of pleasure wash over her, make her forget the ache lingering deep in her body, as she lets her back arch even further, gives him everything she has to offer. 
She's his. She knows. She's always been.
Her owner hauls the other pet out of the water by their hair, choking and fighting for breath, but Freckles has only eyes for him, and the affection she sees in his eyes. She is still trembling in the afterglow of her orgasm, the smile on her face all perfect, natural instinct. 
"Good girl, Freckles," he praises. "Freckles is beautiful when she comes for me."  
There's blood on her owner's chin, still. He's been hurt, by someone who didn't understand. Her fr-, Lou-, the other pet, they had always known. 
It's stupid to fight. Pets are meant to lose. Made to lose. But if they accept that, if they do lose in just the right way, if they do what pets do and they are pretty and desirable and fuckable, they can be rewarded still. And she wants to. She wants to be good and loved, and safe, she wants his hands on her like just now, not like - not like on the previous her. The before. The bad pet.
He reaches into the water, lifting her out with ease. It's a short shock, when he lets go of his hold. She finds footing, but the muscles in her legs aren't prepared, are too weak to hold her upright.  Her legs give in, and she yelps, as she collapses on the tiles at his feet, almost forgotten aches flaring up again all over her, echoes of him, her resistance, his anger. "I'm sorry," she whispers, gaze cast down in instant submission, "Sir, Freckles is so sorry, she's... You've had to punish her, and she's still hurting, still learning. It’s her fault."
"It’s alright." He smiles and strokes her head. "Freckles can crawl, if she can't stand." The affection in his touch makes the pet feel warm, in a way she hasn't felt warm for a long time. She nods, grateful for his guidance. Pets should always be grateful.
"Yes, Sir."
She can crawl, she can be on her knees, or on all fours, like a good pet. 
"Dry yourself first," he commands, settling himself on the side of the bathtub.  
She smiles at him, as she gets on her knees and lifts the towel to dry herself, careful and sensual, making sure the movements of the towel emphasizes every part of her body. She knows he likes her breasts, she's seen him leer at them so often, and thus she starts there, working through the pain when the towel runs over welts and bruises. 
She knows he likes her pain, too. She’s known before, she knows now, as he palms himself lazily through his pants, watching her.
By her side, she knows the other pet is drying themself as well. She doesn’t look over. She doesn't care about them, because it would only hurt them. Which doesn't make sense, because not wanting them to get hurt is caring, and she does not care. She bites her lips. It's okay to not understand. Pets are stupid. And she's nothing more than a pet. 
"Let's go to your room," her owner orders. "Get you ready."
She tries to push herself up to her feet once again. Her legs still can't make it. And he's leaving, steps out on the corridor expecting her to follow. She lets herself sink down on all fours and crawls after him, fighting through the burning sting of the soft carpet on her chafed knees.
 "Gonna find you something cute and fuckable to wear, sweetheart."
Sweetheart. The pet name soothes her pain, and she lets the warmth of her own affection for him wash over the strange feeling of wrongness. This is not his house, but she is his - and so it's natural for him to move around like he's a ruler, and for her to follow. 
He stops in front of the bedrooms, as if waiting for her to show him which door to open, and she glances at the one he's looking for, crawls into the room when he opens it.
The bedroom is large, all oriented towards the big windows, decorated with soft colours and light wood. The pet remembers being happy about this room, about it catching the vibes of the sky on a spring day. A bouquet of fresh flowers stands on a desk in the corner, next to a computer and headphones and a half finished glass of water. The bed isn't made, the blue duvet crumpled next to a stripped off set of clothes. The person who lived here has just left to take a shower.
The pet knows she won't come back.
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indiangp · 3 months
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ENEA BASTIANINI // Sachsenring, 2021
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theamazingannie · 1 year
Oh I fucking hated that Manifest ending it made absolutely no sense. Rant and spoilers under cut.
Why in hell would they go back to 2013 and undo everything that happened over the last 11 years??? Sure the passengers are forever changed, but what about Olive’s journey? Jared and Drea? All of the other nonpassengers who grew and learned and became something better because of this story? And why them? Zeke survived his death date and he didn’t go back (at least, not until he died the second time). Zeke got to have cool powers and it kinda sucks cuz he was the only one we know who survived his death date so he’s the only one we got to see be affected by it. It would’ve been cool to see what the passengers could do and also how the rest of the world would have reacted. The world HATED the 828ers and instead of getting some resolution with them finding out that the 828ers saved the world, they just all never actually experienced it?
Also, wasn’t something that was a hidden gift in the whole thing that Saanvi’s research had time to develop during those 5 1/2 years? If they go back, then Cal would still be sick and without the research this time. That undos all of that and the connection that that made between Saanvi and the Stones and how fate connected them in so many ways. And they specifically said that they needed time to finish her research and start the trials. He would’ve been dead if he waited. That was a specific point.
Because of the time pause, Olive is now significantly younger than TJ, which the show addresses by making him look at her sadly and then sets him up with Violet. Not only did they steal Olive’s story and growth, they also just completely ruined their relationship that I loved. Plus, they never really gave them a satisfying ending pre-apocalypse. All they did was have Olive say she wanted to fix things so they could have a future together, only for that to now be impossible (unless they meet again in like 10 years when it’s a less weird age gap). This is kind of a smaller reason, but it still bugs me cuz they had such potential to be a great ship and were constantly pushed under a rug, especially there at the end.
And what are they supposed to do now? This is a problem in a lot of time travel/day repeating stories where someone changes seemingly overnight with no explanation except instead of just one person, it’s almost 200. 200 people who know things about the next 11 years, who have been changed beyond recognition, who are now going to change so much stuff in the future that didn’t need to be changed. Yeah, they’re all better people now and will work to do good (allegedly) yadda yadda. What about all the passengers who fell in love with nonpassengers that they now may never meet? Or, like TJ and Olive, can’t be together because of the time jump. Yeah Mick found Zeke and now they can be happily ever after, but what about the nonpassengers who were changed in the years between and now aren’t the same person that the passenger fell in love with? So many of us are shaped by our experiences. What happened to all the other passengers, to their stories? What if the person that they fall in love with’s life is altered because of the choices another passenger makes? What if they move to another state, fall in love with someone else, die??? Another issue tule travel causes is that even the smallest action can domino into something completely different, even just one person let alone TWO HUNDRED. I know that this is probably not something most people think about and they just pay attention to Grace and Zeke being alive and all the happy moments, but it’s not that simple for me and it BUGS ME when writers don’t consider this.
Lastly, on a similar note, how is this any different than it ending with “it was all a dream”??? Like nothing actually changes, none of their callings are set in stone and they’ll have to remember every single thing they did during those 5 1/2 years, things that won’t happen until YEARS later. Ugh I just so hated the way they ended things and it sucks cuz I love this show a lot.
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princemick · 9 months
seb chose ronaldo over leo tho 💔
....why is he horrible
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terrainofheartfelt · 4 months
i just learned what a "libs of tiktok" is and read an article about it and it ruined my entire morning.
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hungriestheidi · 4 months
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🫶🏻 for u straight out the williams card generator
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
okay last thing. maybe. but its so fucking wild how much the direction of the sequel trilogy was dictated by like. the studio catering to the whims of the most vocal and obnoxious sect of the fanbase. like people thought tfa was too similar to previous films and just nostalgia-bait or whatever so disney/lucasfilm brought in a new guy to do the next one. and then those same people hated THAT one even more and missed the nostalgia-bait so they tried to bring on a NEW guy but then they booted that guy and just went back to the first guy!!!! like idk if jj abrams having a plan at the beginning of the trilogy wouldve solved this because maybe they still wouldve scrapped it but im just like. this is not how you make movies. like goddamn people hated the prequels but they still let george lucas make them!!
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sch-nn · 2 years
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“wow!” - ross stripling
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zackcollins · 2 years
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Pumped Up Pineapples || NYY vs TOR || 06/19/22 || For: @byebyebichette​
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everythingroyalty · 1 year
how do you tell all marys nieces and nephews apart 😆
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delicatefalice · 2 years
sobbing my eyes out
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deans-asscot · 2 years
God I just knew some ppl would have a field day with that clip of Soldier Boy walking down the streets of NYC. Like plz get a new joke. Ya'll actively choose to ignore signs of insistent, consistent, and persistent growth and instead choose to shove ppl (that u barely even know) into the boxes of their past mistakes. Couldn't be me
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
What would you do if Spitfire came back to you now that you seem on the same side of things?
"Are we now? That's news to me. We haven't had words recently. Interesting to know, if you're to be believed. Well, if there is something we can both gain, I am willing to work together with her to that end. But that is all."
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jamesvowles · 3 months
hi anon, i've already seen this and given the greenlight already to keep it up in the replies here. unfortunately i dont agree with the responses on the tweet but i nor the user are not responsible for other people's ways of thinking
anyways in return i give you
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milflewis · 4 months
9 & 15!
ask me about cinema
9. The most aesthetically pleasing movie you’ve ever watched?
ok i could go on for years. the spiderverse movies (don’t make me pick one i cannot) and song of the sea are phenomenal animations, banshees of inisherin and max max: fury road have some of the best landscape scenes i have ever seen, the use of colour in moonlight is stunningggg and some of the most satisfactory fight choreography i have seen is from hero. i also got to say that do revenge and rye lane are so fucking crunchy and satisfying to watch
15. A film everyone loves but you hate?
i feel like it might be cheating to say the notebook? the lego movie. i hate it. (not the batman one that is a masterpiece) oh and back to the future. i cannot tell u how much i wanted to like these movies but i physically can’t
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gaytobymeres · 7 months
i dont want to meet any 'celebrity'/actor/artist whose work i enjoy however i would love to talk to shaun evans about photography
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