#love and death: a study in censorship
ufonaut · 1 year
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The aggressive content of comic books is so conspicuous that most observers fail to notice that this aggression is rigidly channelized, that the willingness of any reader to accept a fantasy escape from his frustrations presupposes a willingness to achieve less than total and actual escape. Like all other forms of dreaming, literature operates under a censorship. And this censorship -- in both its legal and internalized expression -- does not allow any direct, total attack on the frustration that elicits the dream. It offers a choice.
- Love and Death: A Study in Censorship (1949), Gershon Legman
Five years before Fredric Wertham’s infamous Seduction of the Innocent essay and the subsequent spark of anti-comic sentiment that nearly killed the industry along with the introduction of the Comics Code Authority and the Senate Subcommittee Hearing into Juvenile Delinquency, Gershon Legman had explored similarly sentiments in Love and Death: A Study in Censorship (1949).
The belief that the violence of pre-code comics was harmful to children and the approach of the ‘Superman model’ as inherently fascist explored in Legman’s work would form much of the basis for Wertham’s later criticism and the crusade against comics. Interestingly enough, Gershon Legman is widely believe to have been gay himself.
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renthony · 8 months
OFMD has officially been cancelled, and I am once again thinking about all the people in the world who nitpick diverse media to hell and back when it isn't 100% perfect, as if having nothing at all would be preferable.
I'm so fucking tired of good, earnest, diverse media getting held to ridiculous standards by both networks AND fans, and then getting cancelled.
It was supposed to be three seasons. David Jenkins fucking said it was supposed to be three seasons. And then the network dragged its ass on renewing for season 2, and now...no season 3.
FUCK this shit. I'm so tired of media by and for marginalized artists getting fucked over. I'm tired of marginalized people fighting for scraps and then getting the rug whipped out from under us.
Yeah, OFMD isn't the only thing out there. There are other things to go enjoy, for the moment. But the fact that it's the shows that are queer and multicultural that keep getting cancelled is pretty fucking transparent, and I've seen quite a lot of concern from people in the industry about the direction we're headed. The outlook is concerning. It's more important now than ever to support marginalized artists, whether they're making indie art or trying to get something made by a mainstream studio.
Our Flag Means Death. Warrior Nun. One Day At A Time. Willow. Dead End: Paranormal Park. First Kill. Q-Force. The Owl House. Steven Universe. A League of Their Own. Vampire Academy. I could go on, but I don't need to, because there are entire lists that have been curated by news sites: Gay Times, Out, Autostraddle, Pride, Movieweb, Collider.
There's a reason I spend so much time and energy studying things like the Hays Code and the history of censorship. This shit comes in waves, and the only way marginalized artists survive it is through community support, mutual aid, and being really goddamn loud.
So be loud. Make art. Support your fellow artists and the artists you love. We need each other if we're going to weather the storm.
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I’m rereading OOTP right now and I find that scene between Severus and Sirius in the kitchen to be highly relevant in the context of Severus as a feminine-coded character (and Sirius as a representation of toxic masculinity). Sirius is very outwardly aggressive in this scene in a conventionally masculine way, while Severus weaponizes his sarcasm and wit in a way that could be thought of as a more “feminine” form of defence. While Harry describes Sirius’s voice as getting progressively louder and angrier, he describes Severus’s voice as “soft” in contrast (as he usually does, which is also interesting in the context of Severus as a feminine man/GNC character). Sirius gets up and tries to intimidate Severus physically, and Severus grips his wand inside his pocket in a way that reminded me of a victim of domestic violence preparing to defend herself against her abuser.
I’m not sure how much of this was intentional considering how rigid JKR’s views on gender have unfortunately turned out to be, but I can’t help but read Severus as a feminine character, especially since he’s meant to act as a stand in for Lily in the same way as Sirius acts as a stand in for James. It’s very easy to read Sev as gender non conforming and/or LGBTQ, although given JKR’s own views it’s doubtful she meant for us to read him that way (but fuck her, she’s a massive transphobe, the characters are ours now, we can do what we like with them).
Note to self, start checking your inbox regularly. These changes to Tumblr are killing me because the notifications when I get messages or asks are hit-or-miss at best.
Anyways, this is such a great observation! I'm only just learning about coding and that that is even the term for it from reading about it from other Snape bloggers like @idealistic-realism00, @raptured-night, and @professormcguire since I only took the required English courses both my undergraduate years and beyond that my major was in sociology.
So, I'm not really any kind of expert but I do have a lot of personal experience from being biracial and queer myself just with learning to read between the lines and find representation for myself where I can and I think that is the case for a lot of people from less represented, marginalized backgrounds. We have a certain instinct for these things so even without any kind of formal study we sort of know the "codes" (for better or worse depending on what the author's intent is and if it's a negative dog-whistle or something more positive to get around censorships of the time) if that makes any kind of sense.
For me, I always saw Sirius and Snape as two sides of a coin. There were some very obvious parallels and contrasts between them and this really goes to that in a lot of ways for me. Both Sirius and Snape are two men who made pivotal choices in their youths that very much define them and have led to a great deal of internalized guilt and impacted their behaviors as adults. Both Sirius and Snape find themselves confined to their childhood homes at different points, Sirius at Grimmauld Place with Kreacher and Snape at Spinner's End with Peter Pettigrew (both Kreacher and Peter are characters that also are known for betraying Harry and costing him someone he loves at different points and making a turn around in regards to Harry because of kindness or mercy he showed to them).
Where Sirius made the choice to make Peter the Secret Keeper with only James, Lily, and Peter knowing and it ultimately led to the death of the Potters and him being sentenced to twelve years in Azkaban, Snape also unwittingly delivered part of the fated prophecy that led to Voldemort targeting the Potters. Most interesting for me is that Snape's friendship with Lily and Sirius's friendship with James could be read as either platonic or a case of unrequited romantic feelings. There is the observation in SWM made by Harry that while Sirius was clearly a looker who attracted the attention of girls, his attention was fully on James and not on those admiring glances. So, when looking at Sirius's relationship with James through a comparative lens to Snape's with Lily they could be platonic friends or both Sirius and Snape could have had romantic feelings for their best friends while, ironically enough, Sirius had to watch James fall for and succeed in winning over Lily just as Snape had to do the same.
In the case of Snape and Sirius there is also a degree of regression and arrested development stemming from trauma (and both men at different points make the clear mistake of seeing Harry as a stand-in for James as a result of said trauma). Where Sirius spent twelve years in Azkaban able to hold onto his sanity against the Dementors in part because he knew he was innocent and the truth of what happened was a deeply unhappy thing for him, Snape spent decades in Dumbledore's service at Hogwarts (a place with its own unhappy associations for him having found it was not a refuge from life at Spinner's End with Tobias as he had hoped but another place where he would be bullied relentlessly, overlooked by his Head of House and housemates for being a poor half-blood with no status, subject to institutional failures resulting from yet more adult authority figures in his life not protecting him, groomed by Voldemort's followers and responsible for alienating his closest friend as a result) teaching children when clearly he does not have the temperament and, courtesy of his role as a spy, concealing his own truths and intentionally not allowing people to know the best of him. In a sense, both men had a negative public image that ran counter to the full truth about them and both of them died without being able to see those misconceptions vindicated (Sirius died still presumed by the Ministry and general public to have been the traitor who turned his friends over to Voldemort and murdered innocent people and Snape died knowing he had delivered information to Harry that would lead to his death and unsure of the outcome of the war with everyone thinking him a coward and murderer).
There's just, a LOT of parallels there between the two when you start to unpack them as characters. Even the fact that they both came from domestic dysfunction and unhappy home lives. It makes their mutual antagonism all the more of a tragedy because if not for Sirius's prejudice (which is arguably more understandable given his family and their long tradition of being sorted into Slytherin) against Slytherins and antagonism of young Snape on the train and the years of bullying and bad blood that followed, these two men had the most potential to understand each other. Alas, they do not, but it is their likenesses that makes their differences in how they clash all the more interesting because, as you noted, there are stark differences there. Sirius is all overt masculine energy; hot-headed and physically imposing while Snape is more strained, the ice to his fire.
Most striking to me was always the difference in how little respect Sirius showed to Snape's body while he was unconscious (further demonstrating how little Sirius has changed from the teenage boy who once stood with James and exposed Snape to laughing schoolmates) versus how Snape conjured a stretcher while still under the impression he was the one responsible for betraying the Potters (and the death of Lily). In that way, we get to see how Snape has developed as a person away from his past choices and learned from them. He may still regress, as he does quite plainly when forced to return to the Shrieking Shack and is confronted by Sirius and Remus there, but he isn't quite in the full state of arrested development as Sirius (but given his circumstances in Azkaban that isn't entirely surprising either; there is a tragedy to Sirius's character for all that there is as much of a darkness as there was in Snape during his time as a Death Eater and the fact so many Marauder apologists who double as "Snaters" refuse to acknowledge that outside of romanticizing the angst of it all while vilifying Snape is quite possibly an even greater tragedy, imo) which is why Sirius's death came in part due to his inability to move beyond his past and find it within himself to treat Kreacher with a modicum of understanding or empathy (in addition to his desire to be part of the action again and recapture his lost youth when it was him and James in the Order together) while Snape's death came only after he had to reconcile with the fact his original raison d'être for becoming a spy (to protect Harry for Lily as penance) ran counter to what was needed to defeat Voldemort for good and he still chose to stay the course instead of pursue his own agenda and act on his own self-interests.
In short, Sirius's death was partly due to the fact he couldn't move beyond the past. While Snape's death came as a result of the fact he had grown enough as a character to set aside his past motivations and see things through because he had become someone who conjured stretchers even for hated enemies and risked his life to save all those who he could save (including Sirius and Remus).
Thanks for the ask and I'm so sorry it took so long to respond but it gave me even more to think about. The masculine vs. feminine coding just adds an extra element to Snape and Sirius's dynamic when it was already interesting to me and I've always had a lot of thoughts about how those two were written with so many parallels and points of contrast. Love this ask!
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delicate-pointofview · 3 months
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Hello guys, welcome to my blog!
I will try to talk a little about myself in this pinned post, so if you could read it, I would appreciate the effort!
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Here are some warnings before I dive into my life and other stuff:
I am a proship, anti fiction censorship and very kink positive. This blog will have mature and sensitive content. If you are an anti, a minor, or simply can’t handle sensitive topics, please, just block me. Don’t come here trying to fight or manipulate me into feeling bad for liking the things I like, because I don’t care about your opinion. I am a grown woman with a strong sense of self, I don’t fall for nasty tricks.
About Me
My nickname is Ari. I am a POC, cis woman, 29 years old, currently studying an IT course, but having an artist soul.
I’m a sex-positive bi-assex and also a diagnosed bipolar and auDHD.
My favorite color is pink, but don’t have a favorite animal. I love all of them, all animals are cinnamon buns in my opinion, but I have one dog and 5 cats!
I have an introverted, peaceful personality. I’m a Taurus, INFP 4w5, and I like to identify myself as a platypus or a tardigrade.
I like to write, watch TV shows and animes, read, play Animal Crossing, Spiritfarer, The Sims or any cozy game that has almost no fight, talk with my few friends and play RPG.
I’m also a ballerina. In 2023 I taught ballet for all ages and this certainly was my dream job! Classical ballet is one of my longest hyperfocus, I remember being crazy about it since my childhood!
I intend to graduate at a physical therapy college at some point in my life, to work with dancers rehabilitation.
Blog Contents:
This Tumblr will be dedicated to post writting related contents. Here I’ll share my stories, as well as post drafts, musics, moodboards, etc, all of them related to my works. Writer related memes will appear around here as well!
My Other Socials
🐰 AO3: Arikt
🛁 Pinterest: Arikt5
*️⃣Twitter: _arikt5_
Well, I am into a lot of fandoms, but this blog will cover only the ones I write fics about. They are:
🍵 Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)
🥐 Death Note
🍡 Yuri on Ice
🌻Good Omens
🧁Bright Young Things
🌈 Changeling the Lost - RPG
🧸 World of Darkness - RPG
Ships I’m into:
Again, here I’ll only address the ships I write about:
🎀 Sebaciel (Black Butler)
🛼 Claude/Alois (Black Butler)
🩰 Otayuri (Yuri on Ice)
💕 Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens)
🍓 Ginger/Miles (Bright Young Things)
🎪OCs/Preexistent Character (Kuroshitsuji, Death Note)
Currently I am only writing fanfics, but I have some original works, some of them inspired by the Role-Playing Games I have participated through all those years. In this session will be the links to all of my wroks.
(I’ll eventually translate all my stories to english and post them on AO3. But rn, I have only one published)
The Ice King and the Golden Boy (Kuroshitsuji Sebaciel Ballet AU)
Your Soul is Mine (yet to be translated - Kuroshitsuji AU with OC)
A Brand New Chance (yet to be translated - Death Note AU with OC)
Morning. - Depressed ramblings of my Death Note OC Lucy Cecile Chinatsu;
Venus Fly Trap - My Changeling RPG Character Naru Hime talks about her impressions about herself and her interactions with other people;
Night-Blooming Rendezvous - Sebaciel short fiction for Sebaciel Spring Spree 2024. A bittersweet story about a love so strong it physically hurts.
Thank you all who read this post till here! I hope we can be good friends! If you have a writing suggestion to me, wether it is about headcanon ideas for fanfiction or just a tip, you can write an ask or send me a message! I will be glad to talk to you!
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Zack Beauchamp at Vox:
I met Raqib Naik, a journalist who had fled his native India, at a coffee shop in suburban Maryland. We sat at the same metal table where he once discussed the prospect of his assassination with FBI agents.
Naik is a Muslim from Jammu and Kashmir, India’s only Muslim-majority state. In August 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi revoked the state’s longstanding self-determination rights and temporarily imposed martial law. Indian officials arbitrarily detained thousands of Kashmiris, including many journalists. Through it all, Naik did his best to convey the reality in Kashmir to the outside world — a firsthand account of what was really going on in what’s often termed “the world’s largest democracy.” On August 15, 10 days after the crackdown in Kashmir began, Naik received the first of three visits from Indian military intelligence officers who interrogated him about his reporting. The harassment forced him underground; he eventually fled to the United States in the summer of 2020. But Modi wouldn’t let him go that easily. In September 2020, an Indian military official sent Naik a message saying “i have invited your father for a cup of tea.” In November 2020, a second intelligence officer said he too had contacted Naik’s father, vowing that he and Naik would “meet in person” even though Naik had moved to America. While traveling in another country in June 2022, Naik received an anonymous text message saying “you are being tracked and will be prosecuted.” He flew back to the US as quickly as possible.  [...]
India’s plot against America
I have spent the past several months investigating stories like Naik’s: critics of India who say the Indian government has reached across the Pacific Ocean to harass them on American soil. 
Interviews with political figures, experts, and activists revealed a sustained campaign where Narendra Modi’s government threatens American citizens and permanent residents who dare speak out on the declining state of the country’s democracy. This campaign has not been described publicly until now because many people in the community  — even prominent ones — are too afraid to talk about it. (The Indian government did not respond to repeated and detailed requests for comment.)  India’s efforts include a handful of high-profile incidents, most notably an assassination plot against American and Canadian activists. But more commonly, India engages in subtle forms of harassment that fly under the public radar. An American charity leader who spoke out on Indian human rights violations saw his Indian employees arrested en masse. An American journalist who worked on a documentary about India was put on a travel blacklist and deported. An American historian who studies 17th-century India received so many death threats that she could no longer speak without security. Even a member of Congress — and vocal critic of the Modi regime — said she was concerned about being banned from visiting her Indian parents.
And while Russian involvement in the 2016 election swayed few votes, there’s good reason to believe India’s campaign is working as intended — muting stateside criticism of India’s autocratic turn under Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
An American academic warned me that they couldn’t speak openly about India out of concern for family. An American think tank expert described numerous examples of censorship and self-censorship at prominent US institutions. These two sources, and many others, would only share their personal stories with me anonymously. All were concerned about the consequences for their careers, their loved ones, or even themselves — and they weren’t alone. “Indian Americans who are against the BJP, or oppose the BJP, have been intimidated and as a result routinely engage in self-censorship. I have heard them say as much to me,” says John Sifton, the Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “There are prominent Indian American intellectuals, writers, [and] celebrities who simply will not speak out against Modi because they are afraid that by doing so they will subject themselves to a torrent of online abuse and even death threats.” As a result, one of the most important developments of our time — Modi pushing the world’s largest democracy toward an authoritarian future — is receiving far less scrutiny in the United States than it should, especially at a time when Modi is running for a historic third term. 
India’s willingness to go after critics outside its borders — a practice political scientists call “transnational repression” — is a symptom of this democratic decline. Most sources told me that Indian harassment of Americans began in earnest after Modi took office in 2014, with most reported incidents happening in the past several years (when the prime minister became more aggressively authoritarian at home). Modi, a member of a prominent Hindu supremacist group since he was 8 years old, seems to believe he can act on the world stage in the same way he behaves at home. Despite the brazenness of India’s campaign — attacking Americans at home in a way that only the world’s worst authoritarian governments would dare — the Biden administration is putting little pressure on Modi to change his ways. Judging New Delhi too important in the fight against China, the US government has adopted its own unstated policy of avoiding fights with India over human rights and democracy. [...]
Modi’s “new India”
India was founded in 1947 as a secular democracy, with formal equality of all citizens enshrined in its constitution. But even before then, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) had begun laying the groundwork for an alternative Hindu nationalist state. Narendra Modi has been a part of this fight since 1958, when he first got involved in his town’s RSS branch.
The RSS’s ideology, called Hindutva, holds that India must be a state principally for Hindus. It treats non-Hindus, especially Muslims, as foreign imports at best and invading forces at worst. The BJP is the RSS’s political wing, and it has worked extensively to bring the Indian state in line with Hindutva principles.  Making this dream into reality has been the purpose of Modi’s political career. Since becoming prime minister, he’s proven remarkably adept at it. The revocation of Kashmir’s autonomous status, and the subsequent crackdown that swept up Raqib Naik, is just one of many Hindutva victories during his tenure.  His government recently inaugurated a major new Hindu temple in the city of Ayodhya, on the site of a mosque that was torn down by an RSS-aligned mob in 1992. It passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, a law that, among other things, set up discriminatory immigration rules for Muslims. In states across the country, local BJP governments have passed laws restricting interfaith marriage between Hindus and Muslims.
Vox exposes India’s siccing of Americans critical of its authoritarian turn under PM Narendra Modi.
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shadowmaat · 9 months
IS it free speech? At what cost?
The substack bullshit is only the latest in a long line of companies choosing profit over people. As has become familiar, they cite the excuse of "free speech" as the reason why they won't deplatform (or demonetize) Nazis.
Where I'm having trouble is how "free speech" fits into things like this. First of all, censorship is done by a government, not a privately owned company. I also have issues with using "free speech" to excuse a multitude of crimes. Hate speech hurts. Doesn't matter if it contains "specific threats" or not, the words and the attitudes behind it are meant to cause harm and they do. Is speech of that type really free when it comes at the cost of the safety of others?
Hate groups, death cults, and other extremists are taking full advantage of the First Amendment and it seems like a lot of corporations are letting them get away with it by using the broadest possible definition of part of that Amendment.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Substack, Twitter, Meta, etc. are not part of Congress. They are not establishing national laws. They are supposed to be upholding a code of conduct for the people who choose to use their platform; a code that every user must agree to before they can post.
The problem is that they're not really doing that. Or at least they're being very selective of what bits they consider an actionable violation and what bits are just "free speech."
Calling on people to rise up and kill a CEO or political figure would almost certainly be ruled a violation, but calling on people to rise up and exterminate an entire group, well, I guess that isn't specific enough.
If someone hasn't published a study yet about how corporate "morality" is tied directly to their profit margins, I hope one get published soon because we all know that's what this is about: money. Violent extremists bring in a whole lot of dividends, so the CEOs aren't going to ban them. Gotta think of the shareholders, right?
I understand that it isn't always a black-and-white situation, and I know those kind of moral judgement calls can be tricky at times, but sometimes it's very obvious who's in the wrong. Pretending that banning one hate group will "set a bad precedent" and be used to try and ban other, benign groups is bullshit. Even if there IS a chance that someone would try to use that to try and get, like, the National Puppyhuggers Club banned, so what? It's the company's decision. So unless the Puppyhuggers are going around advocating for cat lovers to be put to death or sent to conversion camps so they can learn to love puppies instead, I don't think it's going to be an issue.
I also know there's an issue of "how do you define hate speech?" but again, even if something like that can be weaponized it doesn't mean you should just... not do anything.
I'm tired of people getting away with abhorrent behavior in the name of "free speech." Or deliberately spreading misinformation because "free speech." I know morals are anathema in the corporate world, but FFS people, grow a spine.
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
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writer muses + publications: Claude di Montoya (1816-1910) long post under cut. consider reading on blog instead.
Initially wrote absolutely repugnant stage plays and operettas for their friend Armand's theater, each one rebuffed for their lack of quality. That was in the 1830s.
By the 1850s, Claude was publishing parables and parallels about their own life with a marked rise in quality. Certain plays have survived into the modern era, regarded as Re-Unification era classics in their native Italy. They also put their memoirs to paper, and enterprising historians have published both their private correspondences as well as biographies.
Of their works, ten are extant and still either studied or performed to this day. However, private correspondence from the Marquis implies that there are at least a handful of post-1870 plays that existed and were subsequently lost. The general consensus among historians and fans are that Claude's writings were condemned and these last five works subsequently lost in the face of the second World War, or that the Church censured the missing works shortly after Claude's demise.
The Violin: A Fantasy of the French Stage (1847): A more down to earth theatrical adaption of the recollections of their companion/lover Armand about the events of the 18th century theater scene. It is about the violinist Nicolas and his mastery of the eponymous instrument, which was the source of his genius and his sorrows. A tragedy in several parts, renowned for its 'Seraphim' monologue before the protagonists true downfall.
Ali and Vasiliki (1849): A play concerning the love affair between Claude's in-laws, meant to be a more realistic approach to the infamous Pasha and his Christian wife. each act presents a different period in their life together, culminating in the death of Ali and enslavement of Vasiliki. Was not well-received at the time due to presenting a more fair and balanced portrayal of the despot in question, but has since been re-examined as a fine enough piece of historical drama written by someone with actual facts ad a tie to the narrative itself. Written on the occasion of their ten year anniversary to Haydee.
The War of Hearts (1850): A historical dramedy that is gay as all Hell. Focuses on the budding dynamic between the Ottoman spy Esra and the Venetian concubine Amanda during the Ottoman-Venetian Wars. Perhaps the bawdiest Claude has ever been. It drips with sapphic tension and cuckoldry of fumbling older men who have no business with young ladies. The protagonists are thinly veiled pastiches of Claude and Armand but as cis women. Considered outrageous at the time but has entered Actually Pretty Funny reception in the modern era and coming out of a spate of censorship to great acclaim with the queer community.
Zlata: A Slavic Romance (1854): A romance in the classical adventuring sense of the era. The story of a dashing soldier and his love for a girl back home who endures comedic tribulation and shifting fortunes in his absence. Finale involves the eponymous lady love, now a robber queen, testing the fidelity of her now wealthy lover, a test which he of course passes so there are happy endings all around. Initially a biting satire of the wheel of fortune that was endemic to Claude's society, it's largely lost this satirical element and been played as a straight adventure. Has been adapted for film.
The Artist (1855): Written on the death of Queen Adelaide, this is a scathing condemnation the gall of King Victor Emmanuel to immediately raise his mistress to power. The problem Claude has is clearly not that Rosa have been given such power, but that the King was two-timing his wife and the affair in question began when Rosa was only a teenager and the King nearly thirty. Maybe it's also a 'fuck you' to their bestie/lover's Maker. It's a blur. Claude basically wrote 'as killing the wolf protects the farm, predators should not be mistaken for human, so hunt them freely, daughters of Italy.' Yes, they still had to work with Victor Emmanuel after this, and yes, it was awkward.
Citizen Robespierre (1858): Written on the occasion of his 100th birthday, Claude basically spends pages upon pages making Maximilien Robespierre out to be a poor meow meow and unsung hero of liberty. It's nothing but a plea for the audience to hear Claude out about how wonderful the man was. Haydee walks in at midnight and finds them sobbing at their writing desk because they're trying to play defense attorney to a dead Revolutionary several generations after the fact. Only really known about among the FreRev fandom crowds.
General Dumas (1862): Written on the occasion of his 100th birthday, Claude basically spends pages upon pages making Thomas-Alexandre Dumas out to be the utter chad he was in life. It's nothing but unadulterated fanboy'ing on the part of Claude. They black out and wake up with an entire play written about just how cool this man was. For some reason (racism/attempts to obscure Dumas' prestige) has been largely forgotten among their works.
At the Evening's Show (1868): Written for the 30th anniversary of their insufferable friendship with Armand. A meta satire about the Vampires of Paris getting ready for a show where they pretend to be humans pretending to be vampires. Several layers deep irony and some pretty heavy slapstick that was written in the hopes of killing Santino in an on-set accident. The thing was written specifically to stress out/pigeonhole the troupe in question. It's only remembered in the modern leg of their mainverse because it proves that the Théâtre des Vampires was real and woven into the narrative of the allegedly fictional bestseller Int*rview With a Vampire.
Love of the Damned (1869): Claude taking potshots at the Catholic Church in the calm before Rome's fall. An eerily predictive approach to the corruptions and abuses of the Church that was the final nail in the coffin of the Church's goodwill towards them. Modern historians attribute a lot of the vitriol found within to their growing up as the neglected child of a lustful priest. Modern audiences are often unsettled by how much of their accusations against Rome still hold true.
The Memoirs of Claude di Montoya, Marquis of Cea: Being the Reflections of a Venerable Revolutionary at the Birth of a New Century (1900): Claude's memoirs, tastefully sanitized by the Italian regime. Basically plays a rousing game of chicken about their own identity and sexuality that was pushing it in the 20th century and is widely regarded as the closest they could come to being 'out' by modern historians.
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Day 9, Oct. 30th:  
Vampires / 'Til Death Do Us Part / Siblings
“Matthew! Matthew! Where are you? Come on stop hiding, it can't be that bad. It's been a whole month bro!"
Alfred, the younger brother of newly augmented soldier Matthew yelled while searching through his eldest brother's seemingly empty house. Unnaturally quiet and still it was, even though Matthew may have not been the most talkative person ever, he had always kept in contact with his family. Whether that was him, his father or any other of his innumerable siblings he was always in contact. Especially after something had happened
Yet it had been a month since he had been chosen by the government to become part of a new starting force of special soldiers, The Augments, they were to be stronger than regular people, even stronger than the soldiers, and tended to be more morally ambiguous than regular soldiers. Well at least that was what Alfred gathered from his research but who knows how accurate the information was, especially knowing the harsh censorship laws. But above all, he was scared that his kind, caring older brother had received any unpleasant side effects, Matthew had always been far too proficient at hiding his own misery, his early years as part of the form working class had led to him downplaying his own injury, especially from his so-called father, a somewhat wealthy government man, who had been laden with children from a multitude of classes and birthing levels, mainly just to experiment with the mixing of classes that hadn't interacted in decades, and it seemed to work just fine.
Matthew from the agricultural sector, Jack from fuel, Elanor from policing, and Alfred himself was a part of the more elite science-based sector, and all his studies had led him to figure out that something was wrong, he hadn't spent so long analysing his siblings for him to not.
Their father, being in a position of relative power tried to stop his oldest son from being experimented on. He may have not been the kindest or most loving person, but as a part of the government it would be the death of him if he was, but he would fight tooth and nail for them, even if they weren't technically his own.
The thing was, was that he had done just that, and Arthur had to be taken by the secret police, only  Elanor pulling some strings got him out within a week, and even that much time had rendered such a proud man into a blubbering mess
At that moment he didn't understand why on earth his father would be so scared, after all this was a tried and tested medical procedure, everyone had said so, including his professors and the books.
As it turns out, this was a rather experimental procedure, and Matthew was one of the first test subjects chosen, due to his physical attributes as well as his mental ones, the government had all of this in their database and Matthew was an ideal candidate. He was tall and strong, to begin with, and he already knew how to use many types of sharp objects, as well as being quite physically capable yet he was mild-mannered and passive to a fault.
They hoped that augmenting what they thought were simpler people would lessen the risk of them becoming violent and deranged.
Alfred checked all the doors of the house to see if his brother was in any of them and grew increasingly apprehensive as each search turned up empty, the food and produce he had in his fridge had started to rot increasing his concerns to an alarming level, Matthew would never let this happen.
He called out his name one last time "MATTHEW!" this time with a lot more urgency and a twinge of fear that he tried his hardest to hide.
When no response came Alfred was just about ready to leg it out of the house screaming, or at the very least wanting to bring back up, when he heard a doorknob, from the basement no less.
He had watched enough horror movies to know that that was most likely not a good thing, but it had not been the first time that one of his family members had gotten themselves locked into one of their own rooms and not been able to come out, therefore he approached the door and opened it after locating the key.
The first thing that hit him was the stench, the putrid smell of human excrement coupled with the metallic scent of dried blood and other foul smells he couldn't place, a single step over the threshold and onto the stairway, still slick with...something, yielded nothing, so he descended apprehensively into the warm, sticky darkness.
When his foot finally made contact with the cold cement floor, the resulting tap echoed through the basement for a moment too long.
Out came his brother.
Or what was left of him.
The blue-eyed man ran for his life, away from his seemingly possessed brother.
He had conveniently forgotten how Matthew, now being an Augment, was much stronger and faster than him and overpowered him with no great difficulty, even in this form, he looked frail, his eyes and cheeks sunken into his face, paler than ever from the length of time spent in complete darkness.
Matthew seemed to be breathing with great difficulty as his chest forcibly rose up and down, his long blond hair matted with some thick dark brown substance that looked alarmingly like blood and his normally calm dark blue eyes seemingly glowed with such a vigorous intensity that they looked purple, pupils just a speck of black, and a smile that showed too many teeth
He had an axe, and was wielding it dangerously, if Jack had done that Matthew would have smacked him upside the head, and slowly mutilated his brother, some limb at a time, humming all the while. Cutting off the tips of fingers first, quickly and cleanly slicing it off till the bone was visible, then he moved on to the hand, dismembering it efficiently. The legs were next, slicing partially through his femur the first time, and completely through on the second swing, the screams were so pretty, he wanted more of them.
More and more he was dismembered, clean slices giving way to pulsating flesh, bleeding out on the filthy floor, now slick with Alfred's numerous bodily fluids, not stopping screaming all the while, screaming, screaming, screaming until he could scarcely take in another breath.
In his last few moments of consciousness, he saw hazy flashes of blood smeared all over the walls and ground, a carcass in the corner of some poor animal and another axe, still bloodied and driven deep inside, he saw the smiling face of his sweet, sweet brother standing over him, and then nothing.
The final thing he heard was something only a man possessed could sing
"Hush little baby don't you cry, or I'll stab you in the eye,
Watch as you drown in tears of blood,
Then I will eat your flesh it'll taste so good,
Then maybe I'll try to die
After all the world doesn't need me, right?"
He finished off his brother's life with a swift blow to the ribs, hearing them crack and seeing the blood spurt out of the injury, the heart stopped beating almost immediately, and seeing those cold, dead eyes of his brother just tickled him pink, giggling like a small child he dug through the carcass of his beloved younger brother, one that kept him constantly on his toes; for better or for the worse, who always kept him company despite being so different from him, and found his heart.
The life-giving organ.
Raw and still warm with blood desperately trying to pump through.
Placing the heart neatly to the side of the mangled body of his brother, almost unidentifiable now, he mumbled, still giggling all the while "Father always said that fate would never separate us."
And plunged the knife in his own heart.
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vasiliquemort · 2 years
out of curiosity tho where are the nipples 🤣??
Hello!<ззззз I am so delighted it is up to your heart - and it's so nice to see you again! o/////o
Aye, um.. Yes, there is a bunch of reasons, I think? >/////< Both stylistical, thematical and censorship-wise bounded, too?
This concept art of Takhisis works specifically in those purely genderless and everlasting nature - in reforged story she strived away from Chaaret, and is bounded closely to the figurative god of Death (could be Cybele in this setting but not really). Therefore, in contrast to Archon (who is personification of Chaaret and therefore canonically genderfluid and can have all parts of gender personification - partially or all at once, and in theme is bounded to conceptions and phylosophy of eroticism) Takhisis is personification of no less chtone, yet cold and lifeless and desireless element of earth, a sleeping keeper of what is past and gone.
So the central of design for me was to create something ultimately genderless from one side yet has resemblance of a mother in their past life (there is even an alternative face version was included), and the uncanny valley and horror element is so tasteful and I adored the idea to try something alike to it? o/////o It was also a part of my anatomy studies and of studies linked to horror genre to gain more expressive, sensual and disturbing tone of presentation, so an idea of physical nonconformity and unnatural expression is, uh, beau<ззз
And also I was worried that meiker.io shall not pass this game, and I also wasn't sure if I'd feel comfortable in expressing Takhisis in such way in my own art, too o/////o Meikers cannot contain nudity even if it's brief - I had one review rejected previously cause miniatures of female body was nude (completely flat tones in all details and none of them could imply intimate areas, and yet). So while Takhisis is flat and unexistent in all places and untimately neutral in this personification I still felt that it was needed to add loincloth for meiker specifically, even if there is nothing to cover in general, but bare chest was a specific stylistical element for some of the possible designs so it was important to red tears to include them without compromising the art itself o//////o
Something like that<зз
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stagbled · 1 year
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#STAGBLED     :         the    BLACK HERETIC,        general kirigan,        the    starless saint.     make me your villain.   an    independent,        private,     head-canon   based,   low   activity     &      mutuals        only      ❛❛     ALEKSANDER MOROZOVA, AKA THE DARKLING       ❜❜    of    shadow & bone:        a    study    in    dark versus light,        loneliness,    power & the temptation in the dark,  martyr & sacrifice,        redemption,      koschei the deathless,        and    the byronic hero.    18+    and triggering themes.      affiliated with stagflood.     dissected   by   syl.  BLOG IS A WIP. CARRD COMING SOON. INTEREST TRACKER.
other requestable muses include: will graham from nbc's hannibal, bunny corcoran from the secret history, glenn rhee from twd & more below.
rules (carrd tba) 01. just don't be a dick. if you don't like the nuance of a villain that showcases both morally grey actions plus the exploration of humanity within that, then don't follow! this goes without saying but muse does not equate mun. the darkling is a villain and all his relationships will be affected by that. his beliefs and trauma do not justify his actions - he is interesting because he thinks they do.
02. low activity. mutuals only. plot-heavy. duplicate friendly. multi and oc friendly as well. canon-divergent.
03. i will explore the ship darklina - including all the abusive and toxic elements that shroud it. it's important to the darkling and an interesting relationship to explore, as alina is his foil and obsession. i do not expect anyone to reciprocate shipping or desire it - just that i am simply open to exploration of a complicated relationship, wherever it may go. otherwise, chemistry is the must for anything. will tag '/darklina' and '/nsfw' in any posts that contain it. i am open to shipping with other charactres/ocs/the like as long as there is something there worth exploring.
04. that being said: dark topics will be explored. i do not support the idea of censorship of any form of art. however, i do ask that you tag anything that has to do heavily with grooming/csa/domestic abuse. if something i write needs a tag, just hop in my ims. i'm pretty easy to talk to and willing to accommodate those that ask.
05. still getting through the books so please be patient with me! that being said, alot of what i write will be headcanon, canon-divergent, and influenced by personal interpretation. some influences that will incorporate will be general gothic tropes of the byronic hero and being enticed by the dark. the tale of koschei the deathless may also be present and a reoccurring motif.
06. i reject the ending given to aleksander. while i am fine with his death (though, consider that null here) i do not follow the events of him being resurrected at all unless redeveloped via plotting. i will instead be following a canon-divergent path to be fleshed out soon. though the general idea is that aleksander lives and chooses to do so, facing his loneliness, wherever that leads him.
mun: hi, i'm syl! i'm a twenty-six year old literature and classics (greek focus) major. i adore tragedies, gothic horror and fantasy. i collect moth taxidermy and i love morbid things.
this is a tentative list of muses that will also make occasional appearance on this blog. feel free to request any of them: allison argent from teen wolf. adrian ivashkov from vampire academy. *bunny corcoran from the secret history. daemon targaryen from house of dragon/asoiaf. dorian gray from the picture of dorian gray. *glenn rhee from the walking dead. hannibal lecter from nbc's hannibal. jem carstairs from the infernal devices. love quinn from you. *maggie greene from the walking dead. patroclus from mythology + a song of achilles. *theon greyjoy from game of thrones. *will graham from nbc's hannibal. * = high muse. verses to come for aleksander: tlou, modern, canon divergences, twd, asoiaf, shadowhunters, vampire.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Top 20 writers who have had a significant impact on literature and continue to be widely read and celebrated:
1. William Shakespeare - English playwright and poet whose works, such as "Hamlet," "Macbeth," and "Romeo and Juliet," are considered some of the greatest works of literature in the English language.
2. Homer - Ancient Greek poet who authored epic poems "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey," which continue to be studied and adapted today.
3. Jane Austen - English novelist whose works, including "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility," are known for their witty social commentary and exploration of gender roles.
4. Leo Tolstoy - Russian author whose novels, including "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina," are considered masterpieces of realist fiction and explore themes of love, war, and human nature.
5. Fyodor Dostoevsky - Russian author whose works, including "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov," explore themes of morality, guilt, and redemption.
6. Charles Dickens - English author whose works, including "Oliver Twist" and "Great Expectations," often exposed the harsh realities of Victorian society and championed social justice.
7. Miguel de Cervantes - Spanish author whose novel "Don Quixote" is considered one of the greatest works of fiction ever written and is widely regarded as the first modern novel.
8. Virginia Woolf - English author and feminist whose works, including "Mrs. Dalloway" and "To the Lighthouse," experimented with narrative structure and explored themes of gender, identity, and mental illness.
9. Toni Morrison - American novelist and essayist whose works, including "Beloved" and "The Bluest Eye," explore themes of race, identity, and history. Morrison was the first Black woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
10. Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Colombian author whose works, including "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera," pioneered the literary genre of magical realism and explored themes of love, family, and politics.
11. James Joyce - Irish author whose works, including "Ulysses" and "Finnegan's Wake," are known for their experimental narrative techniques and exploration of themes of identity, sexuality, and Irish history.
12. Ernest Hemingway - American author whose works, including "The Sun Also Rises" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls," are known for their spare, direct prose style and exploration of themes of war, masculinity, and existentialism.
13. Franz Kafka - Czech author whose works, including "The Metamorphosis" and "The Trial," often explore themes of alienation, bureaucracy, and the absurdity of modern life.
14. Emily Dickinson - American poet whose works, including "Because I could not stop for Death" and "I heard a Fly buzz - when I died," are known for their innovative use of language and exploration of themes of death, nature, and spirituality.
15. William Faulkner - American author whose works, including "The Sound and the Fury" and "As I Lay Dying," often experiment with narrative structure and explore themes of race, history, and the American South.
16. Samuel Beckett - Irish author whose works, including "Waiting for Godot" and "Endgame," are known for their absurdist themes and exploration of the human condition.
17. Herman Melville - American author whose novel "Moby-Dick" is considered one of the greatest works of American literature and explores themes of obsession, morality, and the nature of evil.
18. Vladimir Nabokov - Russian-American author whose works, including "Lolita" and "Pale Fire," often experiment with narrative structure and explore themes of sexuality, identity, and memory.
19. George Orwell - English author whose works, including "1984" and "Animal Farm," are known for their political and social commentary and exploration of themes of totalitarianism, propaganda, and censorship.
20. Dante Alighieri - Italian poet whose epic poem "The Divine Comedy" is considered one of the greatest works of Western literature and explores themes of love, sin, and redemption.
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ufonaut · 11 months
Do you really believe alan was intended to be gay all along?
yes, i genuinely sincerely believe alan scott was always intended to be gay. yes, since his creation in 1940. i promise i'm not joking.
see, i don't think mart nodell went out there with the intention of specifically making a gay homosexual character but it's always been plain to see that he never intended to have any women in alan's life, that's pretty clear in every interview he's ever given. i think bill finger (who notably does not get co-creator credit as alan arrived effectively fully formed by the time mr finger got involved) attempted to bring a degree of normalcy with irene miller's existence but whatever the intention behind irene, it quickly got shot down between mart and editor shelly mayer.
by the time alfred bester became alan's primary writer (and it was bester that wrote the vast majority of 1940s alan stories and invested time & care into a consistent characterisation and legitimately stunningly well-written stories), any pretence of such normalcy was abandoned -- irene miller vanished into thin air, alan explicitly & angrily rejected any women with any interest in him, and he & doiby moved in together. considering some of bester's major works like the demolished man, who he?, and golem 100 all feature gaycoding or explicitly gay characters (in the case of the latter two), nobody can even argue that writers back then weren't 'aware' of gay people (you don't know how often i've heard that one). in fact, it's around this time that alan & doiby's relationship was also called into question in gershon legman's love & death: a study in censorship (precursor to wertham's seduction of the innocent), and gershon himself was a gay man.
john broome, who took on writing duties after alfred bester, not only kept the now-established status quo of alan's dislike of women but he kept it all the way into the silver age -- all of alan's appearances in green lantern 1960 have him as a confirmed bachelor still living with doiby (a fact which gbc employees are aware of, they call doiby their president's 'man friday' in gl 1960 #40! how crazy is that!). subsequently, paul levitz & gerry conway in the all-star comics 1976 revival also have alan as a confirmed bachelor in so many words.
so, yes, i think the entirety of alan's original canon very obviously has him as canonically gay until roy thomas' retcons in infinity inc 1984.
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paineperdu · 1 year
May 28th - Freud and Merleau-Ponty
today, this weekend, this past little while, I am reading Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception and Sigmund Freud’s Three Case Studies. in the latter, where progress is faster, i have finished the case of the rat man, archetypal and unnervingly relatable obsessional neurotic. in obsession, memory persists but affect is severed and displaced, and the return of the negative affect, fear of which is spurred by the retention of the infantile belief in the omnipotence of one’s thoughts, occurs precisely in those places where the defense mechanisms have arisen. the wish for the death of the lover, the father, the competitor in love, &c. inserts itself unconsciously as a distraction in the prayers for their preservation, as we might be disturbed writing a letter, and we are forced in our uncertainty to repeat the procedure - unless the affect breaks through, is articulated. “May God not protect her.” Doubt spreads across the neurotic’s mental life, and the defensive gestures regress to infantile autoeroticism. obsession is a condition of misrecognition, disconnection, and regression. through articulation, the misrecognition can be put right, the affect reconnected to the memory, the patient freed from regression and repetition. (this point, incidentally, is why i do not agree with Sedgwick’s assessment of Freudian readings - Freud without the cure is not Freud at all.) His final note, made long after the fact in 1923, 14 years after the case’s original publication: “The patient’s mental health was restored to him by the analysis which I have reported upon in these pages. Like so many other young men of value and promise, he perished in the great war.”
i am on to the case of the ‘psychotic Dr. Schreber’, whose analysis is made at a distance and by virtue of his autobiography. Freud attempts to reconstruct the ‘theologico-psychological system’ that would lead Schreber to believe that himself and all of humanity would be redeemed on condition of his miraculous transformation into a woman. God as an infinite bundle of nerves, who, having only intercoursed with the dead, does not understand the living - “And thereupon comes the question, ‘Why don’t you sh--?’” - Freud insists on the reproduction of, but disavows, Schreber’s censorship of profanity - “to which this brilliant repartee is made on my behalf: ‘Because I’m so stupid or something.’” God is incapable, by his nature, of learning, and so torments those to whom he is connected (by the attractive force of the overexcitation of nerves) with repeated demands of this absurd nature. and so on. but we really see here Freud’s attentiveness, his unwillingness to dismiss the delusion outright, his recognition of Schreber not just as someone possessing excellent faculties and an absurd delusion but excellent faculties within that delusion itself.
Merleau-Ponty reads slowly for me - high-density, in a much more intense way than freud. He too, in this chapter ‘The Spatiality of One’s Own Body and Motility’ is dealing with case-studies, in particular a patient who can complete intentional motions, such as his work in leatherworking, and that of grabbing, for instance, his own nose, but cannot point to a specific location on his body, or precisely identify a touched location, or even differentiate the two points of a compass placed on his body without being allowed to move the compass, to lift in succession the different points. Merleau-Ponty is discussing the privileged status of teleological motions and the constitution of the body-matrix, but not in terms of something the patient might lack - “Illness [...] is a complete form of existence” - the operation here is one of substitution, displacement (as in psychoanalysis). the patient is confined as regards his body as potentiality - he is only able to engage with actuality, with concrete activity. The critique of association theory is brought up again by the demonstration of the difficulty of discerning objects by stringing together their actual, immediate characteristics, rather than engaging with them in the potentiality of their other sides - the patient has to count in his conscious mind the right angles of the dice because his capacity for body as potentiality - that the dice could be turned, rather than needing to be turned - is inhibited. recall the first chapter of part one, and we see the building up of an argument about attention, potentiality, and potential attention, potential alteration of perspective.
they share an ethos of attentiveness, a search for the nature of the ‘normal’ within the exaggerated signs of the ‘pathological’ - seeing those two words together i am worried i will try again to read canguilhem.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Hans Hirschmüller and Irm Hermann in The Merchant of Four Seasons (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1972) Cast: Hans Hirschmüller, Irm Hermann, Hanna Schygulla, Klaus Löwitsch, Karl Scheydt, Andrea Schober, Gusti Kreissl, Ingrid Caven, Kurt Raab, Heidi Simon.  Screenplay: Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Cinematography: Dietrich Lohmann. Production design: Kurt Raab Schlubby little (much is made of how much shorter he is than his wife) Hans Epp (Hans Hirschmüller) joined the Foreign Legion after washing out of the Munich police force for receiving a blowjob from a prostitute he had arrested, and now sells fruit from a pushcart he trundles through the courtyards of apartment houses. He is the object of scorn from his family because he never found a white-collar job, unlike his upwardly mobile brother-in-law and his intellectual sister Anna (Hanna Schygulla). His wife, Irmgard  (Irm Hermann), assists him in the fruit-selling business, working from a street stall, but it's clear that their marriage is troubled -- she spies on him at work, counting the minutes that he takes to deliver a bagful of pears to the woman he once proposed to. (She turned him down.) Even his mother (Gusti Kreissl) doesn't love him: When he returns from the Foreign Legion and tells her that the friend who enlisted with him was killed, she retorts, "The good die young, but you come back." When he suffers a heart attack, Irmgard cheats on him while he's in the hospital, and then later lets him hire the man she slept with to take over the heavy-lifting part of the job. Despite all that's stacked against him, Hans manages to make a go as a merchant, but just as his family begins to praise him instead of dumping on him, he sinks into a deep depression and winds up drinking himself to death. If this all sounds terribly heavy-handed, it's lifted out of the suds in precisely the way Douglas Sirk made his films rise about their soap-operatic plots with sharp-eyed direction, flashes of wit, and sly social comment. The comparison to Sirk is an obvious one: Rainer Werner Fassbinder's breakthrough film was inspired by his study of the Hollywood master, whom he deliberately set out to imitate and, I think, managed to excel, if only because he wasn't handicapped by the money-making concerns and censorship of American film. There are some delicious performances, not only from Hirschmüller as the sad-sack Hans and Hermann as his sly helpmeet, but also from Schygulla as the somewhat sympathetic Anna. And the film ends with one of the most chilling exchanges in any Fassbinder film, as Irmgard and Harry (Klaus Löwitsch), Hans's old Legionnaire buddy who has gone to work for him, drive away from the funeral and she proposes a business-like marriage to him. His terse reply, "Okay," perfectly sums up the emotionless, mercantile tone that pervades the film.
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firealder2005 · 2 years
AMOW: Winter Wumperland 2022 Day. 12 Forced to Perform~Animal Attack~Forced Transformation
Featuring............COUSIN BONDING TIME!!! 
What cousins, you ask? Why, it’s Luke Skywalker, Ryoo Naberrie, & Pooja Naberrie all on a mission to an old Sith planet to look for a base.
Easy peasy right? WRONG!
This is going to be a multichap since I realized I’m just having way too much fun writing the cousins and I was already 5 pages in before they even stepped foot on plant lol.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43545942/chapters/109486980
Ryoo Naberrie, when she was younger, had dreamed of being an artist, or a historian. She had loved creating art and learning about it - and over time, had formed the desire to preserve as much of it as possible.
Maybe back when she was a small child, it wouldn’t have been such a hard job. After all, Naboo was famous for its love of art, beauty, and charm.
However, everything changed with the formation of the Empire, and their accompanying censorships.
It cracked down on any and all information about the Jedi Naboo held. Confiscated parts of their history involving revolts, unfair taxation, and even locked up the majority of information on Ryoo’s own aunt - the kind, beautiful, passionate Padme Amidala.
That had been the final straw for Ryoo Naberrie.
So she called one of her aunt’s old handmaidens, Sabe, and she was able to get her in contact with Leia Organa, Senator of Alderaan - a longtime ally of Naboo.
The two of them had worked out a way to allow Ryoo to get the Rebellion inside information in the Imperial network that they had hidden - and that had required Ryoo learning how to hack, code, and cover her tracks in the holonet.
She had to say, she rather enjoyed the work.
Plus, she got to dig around in the censored part of the holonet. Even if she couldn’t bring all that she had learned into the open (yet), it was still an exhilarating learning experience.
Until she got caught.
Thankfully, Ryoo’s defection hadn’t been detected until after the Imperial Senate had been dissolved, so Pooja, her sister, hadn’t suffered any backlash from the uppity upper class of the Empire.
But unfortunately, Ryoo’s attempted arrest and bounty had put a target on her whole family’s backs, and Pooja had been forced to go on the run with her while their mother, father, and grandparents were all put under house arrest.
It had been just her and Pooja, until Leia, now a wanted Rebel, extended a formal invitation to join the Rebellion - physically.
And, well, they had nothing else going for them at the moment.
Plus, it would be nice to be able to take a shot at the Empire.
And she could provide the Rebellion propaganda team with the many secret Imperial gossip she had found…
And that’s how Ryoo found herself where she was now. On a mission with Pooja, and Luke Skywalker, Death Star pilot, Jedi-in-training, former commander of Rogue (now Red) Squadron.
And son of Uncle Anakin.
When Ryoo had first heard of Luke, she had immediately gotten whiplash. And then anger set in.
The less said about what she did afterwards, the better. Not her finest moment, to say the least.
But Ryoo also knew Luke as the son of her aunt.
Of Padme.
He was her cousin, and he probably didn’t know, but she had no clue on how to break it to him.
It was maddening, really.
“High Command wants us to check out this planet,” Luke said, pointing to the holoprojection of a system. “It’s in the Korriban system, so we’ll have to be careful with our hyperspace jumps, but there should be an easy route right here,” he minimized the system projection and zoomed out further, before motioning between their current position near Bothawui and a planet Ryoo had never heard of - Athiss.
“Athiss is a hard planet to get to,” Luke explained as Ryoo closely studied the star map. “Hyperspace lanes have been unpredictable in the Korriban system for some time, and there’s only one way to get to Athiss.” he brought the hyperspace lanes up onto the star map. “We’ll need to jump to Korriban, then Ziost, and then we’ll have a straight-shot for Athiss.”
“Recalculating along the way, I’m guessing right?” Pooja added. Luke nodded, a light smile on his face.
“Right, after every jump we’ll have to recalculate. High Command doesn’t want to take any risks,”
“Any more than usual,” Ryoo shrugged.
“And recalculating our path after each jump should maximize our chances of not being pulled off-course.”
“Sounds good,” Pooja said, nudging her older sister’s shoulder playfully.
“When do we leave?” Ryoo asked.
Luke turned the holoprojector off, that smile still on his face. “30 minutes.”
A few evasion of Imperial forces and a tight escape from a bounty hunter later found Luke and his companions emerging from hyperspace above the dark red planet of Korriban.
Instantly, Luke tightened his grip on the ship’s controls, shuddering a bit at the dark, malevolent forces coming from the planet. He felt so much anger, hatred, even tendrils of fear…
And whatever was down there could sense him.
Jedi…something hissed in his mind, almost making him jump. 
“You good Luke?” one of his companions, Ryoo, asked. He recalled she was the older sister between her and Pooja, and had come from Naboo after Ryoo herself had been found out as an Rebel spy.
“Yeah,” he called back as Ryoo entered the cockpit. “I’m good. Just got a nasty feeling from that planet.” he nodded towards the red clouds storming across Korriban’s skies.
“Well, good news,” Ryoo grinned. “We will not have to go there.”
Luke snorted. “Don’t jinx it for me.”
Laughing, Ryoo plopped down into the co-pilot's seat as Luke began their recalculations to the planet Ziost.
“You know, I’ve done a little research on our way here,” Ryoo began conversationally.
“Yeah?” Luke replied, fiddling with the hyperspace controls. “I’ve heard you’ve got quite the talent for it.”
“Thank you,” Ryoo spun the chair around to face him, hands on her Rebellion-issued pants. “Good to know my reputation proceeds me!” Luke shot her a smile as the recalculatiosn started.
“Korriban, also known as Morraband, was apparently homeworld to the Sith,” Ryoo explained as their ship powered up its hyperdrive and shot into hyperspace. “Lots of creepy artifacts and - allegedly - some spirits of ancient Sith still reside there.”
Luke grimaced. “That doesn’t make me want to go there.”
Ryoo punched him in the shoulder after he let go of the controls. “Wasn’t trying to convince you,” she said. “I think we’re in a system that used to belong to the Sith,” she explained at Luke’s questioning look. “And Athiss is in it.”
Luke’s mouth opened slightly as he slowly turned his chair around to face her. “So we should be very careful,” he slowly concluded.
Ryoo nodded. “Exactly.”
Luke leaned back in his seat and sighed. “Why are my missions never normal?” he grumbled slightly. Ryoo gave a cheeky grin.
“Maybe because of the Force?”
“If the Force is the problem, then I’d like to file a complaint.” Luke let his own grin form.
“I bet it’ll say to give it to the complaint department,” Ryoo continued, her grin widening as she pointed to the mini trash compactor.
“Ha, ha, ha,” Luke dryly replied. “Very funny.”
That was when Pooja poked her head in. “My “Ryoo is being impertinent” senses were tingling,” she reported, fixing her sister with a look. “What’s going on here?”
Ryoo gave an exaggerated eye roll to Luke, making him smile even more. “Oh, nothing baby sister,” she teased. “Just discussing what the Force would say about Luke’s complaints.”
Pooja shook her head with a sigh, but a smile was on her face. “Well, don’t get too into it, okay?” she said. “You never know if the Force may take it the wrong way!”
“I’ll be sure to put a word in.” Luke offered with a deadpan stare.
“For or against me?��� Ryoo asked.
Luke cracked a grin. “Against.”
Ryoo gasped, slapping her hand to her chest. “Treachery!” she dramatically exclaimed. “Betrayal!”
“It’ll serve you right!” Pooja teased, coming to sit down on one of the spare passenger seats. “Think the Force could handle her?” she asked Luke, who shrugged.
“Don’t know, maybe it’ll immediately drop her back on us.” he responded. He laughed as Ryoo shoved his shoulder and did the same to her sister.
“Oh, shut it you two!” the older of the group grinned. “Or I may lock you in a storage closet when we get back!”
“You’ll have to deal with Leia’s wrath then,” Luke innocently said.
“Damn!” Ryoo threw her hands into the air. “There’s no winning with you!”
Luke simply threw his head back and laughed.
Pooja couldn’t believe it.
She had actually managed to find her cousin! Luke Skywalker!
And not only that, but she’s on a mission with both him and her sister!
The only thing that would make it better is if…if the rest of their family was with them.
Her heart twisted at the thought of her parents and beloved grandparents on the scrutiny of the Empire. She hoped they were okay, and would do what they needed to in order to survive.
Even if it meant denouncing Pooja and Ryoo.
She would want them to suffer because of their true allegiance.
“So, Luke, what vibes did you get from Ziost?”
“Death. Betrayal. Darkness.”
“Ooookay. Yeah we’re not going there either.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
Pooja smiled at the banter Ryoo had easily entered with their cousin. Luke was fun to talk to - funny, kind, and clever.
It reminded her of Uncle Ani.
“You know Luke,” Pooja butted into the conversation, flinging her arms around the headrest of Luke’s seat. “Would you be interested in any help with Jedi artifact finding? Ryoo would be an excellent help.”
Luke looked mildly surprised, like he hadn’t thought about actively finding Jedi artifacts.
Ryoo raised an eyebrow, but looked pleased at the idea.
“Eventually,” Luke said. “I think I would, and if she’s interested…” he raised his own brow in Ryoo’s direction, and she instantly nodded her agreement.
“It’s a plan!” Pooja’s sister announced as they came out of hyperspace.
“Welcome to Athiss,” Luke said as they came to hover over the planet. Looking out the viewport, Pooja saw the brown and blue landscape flecked with parts of dark green. White clouds curled throughout the planet’s sky.
“Vibe check?” Ryoo leaned over and staged-whispered to Luke. Pooja gave her a chiding look. Honestly, it felt like Pooja was the older sister sometimes!
Luke was frowning. “There is life down there all right,” he said as they began their descent into the clouds. “It doesn’t seem to be as darkness-heavy as Korriban or Ziost, but I’m still getting a bad feeling about it.”
“Great,” Pooja sighed. “Who’s ready?”
“Not me.” Ryoo and Luke replied together.
“Neither am I,” Pooja agreed. “But here goes nothing.”
Their ship came in for a landing, Luke being very careful not to clip the sides on any of the vast mountain ranges.
“It’s curious,” Ryoo said as the ship powered down. “This isn’t anything like I had expected from a Sith world. It’s very…habitable. Not creepy.”
They all stared out of the viewport.
“I think that is exactly what makes it so creepy.” Pooja heard Luke murmur to himself.
He was right.
There was something off about Athiss.
Very off.
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rosethornewrites · 2 years
1/10-1/24 NR, E, & M reading
Moving after this so may be a gap.
Not Rated:
Deliver Us, by b00mgh
When Wei Wuxian gives himself up before Wen Ning and Wen Qing get the chance, everyone who loved him steps in to protect the people he gave his life for.
Don't worry, they bring him back B)
rulebreaker, by straelamo
Wei Wuxian returns to Cloud Recesses, and the world is set right.
in this close hand, by twigofwillow (2nd in a series)
Just a very cozy rainy day in the greenhouse
Birthday Cakes and Bunnies, by Hauntcats
A-Yuan wants to do something special for his a-Die's birthday. Who better to help than Bunny-gege.
lightning in a bottle, by bigbabyjeno
“You don’t see me,” the man hisses, creeping down the corridor with his back pressed to the wall, arms spread like he’s some sort of secret agent on a top secret spy mission.
Lan Zhan watches him for a moment, trying to decide if he’s worth any concern. The man is currently crab-walking behind a row of potted ficus, though, so Lan Zhan is reasonably sure he doesn’t need to alert security about this one.
[Or; Lan Zhan is photographing a wedding when he catches someone trying to sneak in. The man claims to be the bride's brother and begs Lan Zhan to make him his assistant for the evening so he can watch his sister get married. Lan Zhan reluctantly agrees and gets a lot more than he bargained for.]
At the End of the Road, by trickybonmot
It is the stupidest, most transparently terrible idea. Wei Ying’s hand is fisted shut on the fabric of his t-shirt, twisting it up far enough to reveal a glimpse of golden-brown skin. This is the worst idea. Lan Wangji is going to say no.
“How do you imagine that would work?” he says instead.
Wei Ying gives a little half-shrug. “I guess I would jack off,” he says. “And you could, like, spot me.”
The Nines of Winter, by ArcadianMaggie
When Wei Ying misses his flight home from college for winter break, Jiang Cheng arranges a ride home—with Lan Zhan, whom Wei Ying hasn't spoken to in over two years. When the weather takes a turn for the worse, they are forced to stop for the night. Luckily, Lan Xichen's house is en route and they are able to wait out the storm. There's weather (frightful) and a fire (delightful), two rabbits and a puppy, plus Lan Zhan's emergency preparedness kit.
Snow-Covered Jingshi, by squishh
He hadn’t even realized he’d moved until he felt soft silks beneath his palm and plush lips against his own. The pull of those eyes had made him sway forward, drawn in like a spell. His hand was on Lan Wangji’s thigh, his weight pressing his hand down as he leaned against firm muscle. The heat of Lan Wangji’s lips made him feel like he was burning.
Nothing could have ever felt this good. It felt safe, and it felt dangerous. He was in danger of never wanting to do anything else but kiss this man.
What I imagine should have roughly happened when LWJ and WWX were in the Jingshi in episode 43 if the censorship laws weren't whack and WWX weren't so oblivious to his own emotions lol
Get it right (this time), by AmiraAlzilu (30 chapters)
Death would be a fate too kind for Wei Wuxian. He should pay for every sin he committed.
At least that’s the only explanation he has for this impossible situation. After falling from the cliff he woke up in his 15 year old body, just before his months of study at Cloud Recesses.
So, thinking it was for the best, he decides to disappear when he was supposed to be searching for their lost invitation.
Little does he know someone else came back in time with him.
Reset, by SuperiorJello (11 chapters)
What if things went horribly wrong at the end of episode 50, and Wei Wuxian sent himself and Lan Wangji back in time to Cloud Recesses to save them?
Follows mostly CQL/The Untamed canon, but I have also read translations of the novel and seen some of the donghua, so some of that is in there too.
This fic is part of a series!
Part one only takes place in Gusu, detailing wwx and lwj's arrival in the past and the immediate repercussions thereof. It is now complete.
Part two will continue the story as our characters head to Yunmeng Jiang and forward.
Too Much To Bear, by madwriter223 (10 chapters)
Coming back to life and being immediately thrust into a quest to discover the origins of the demonic arm that had murdered nealy an entire clan overnight was not something Wei Wuxian ever thought he'd have to deal with, but it was fine. He had Lan Wangji and together they were unstoppable.
However he had no clue how to deal with discovering Nie Huaisang was apparently a wreck on the verge of collapse at any given moment. How in the world had this happened?
this is filed under 'nervous wreck nhs' in my fic folder for a reason
if i had the strength, by agloeian (6 chapters)
Jiang Cheng seethes, gripping the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know how to help you,” he admits, “so I’m sending you to the people that do.”
It nearly slips out then, the truth of the matter. Wei Wuxian opens his mouth to snap back ‘There’s no helping me, not now!’ but the words stick in his throat. Shijie is crying and Jiang Cheng is defiant and Lan Zhan is staring at him so earnestly that Wei Wuxian simply doesn’t know how to tell them all that he’s living on borrowed time.
So he doesn’t.
At the behest of his siblings, Wei Wuxian is sent to Gusu to recover from the strain of the Sunshot Campaign.
If only he knew how to do that.
The Yu Temper, by madwriter223 (2 chapters)
How the confrontation between Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian in episodes 27/28 could have gone if Jiang Cheng had let loose the temper he'd inherited from his mother?
Jiang Cheng goes apeshit on the morons he's surrounded by and fixes (nearly) everything
A pissed off Jiang Cheng adopts everybody, because fuck you, Wei Wuxian!
Not Rated:
Rise of the Peacock, by JustAWanderingBabbit
Killed at Qiongqi Pass, Jin Zixuan wakes to find himself in an old and familiar scenario; the day he and Wei Wuxian fought in Gusu Lan. The day his betrothal to Jiang Yanli came to an end.
Unsure whether or not he's dreaming, Jin Zixuan decides to seize the chance and change the future. But for that he'll need help from his bastard brother, Meng Yao.
you can have the best of me, baby, by stiltonbasket
Twelve hours after Jiang Cheng and the others escape from Mount Muxi, Wei Wuxian risks wading into the lake and discovers that the underwater passage to the stream in the maple wood has been blocked behind the tortoise’s body.
“It’s sleeping right beside the opening,” he whispers, when he and Lan Zhan are safe in a tunnel of rock too narrow for the Xuanwu’s neck and head. “Judging by the current in the water, that passage was the only way out.”
Trapped in the Xuanwu's cave with no means of escape, Lan Wangji suggests a surprising course of action to strengthen himself and Wei Wuxian for battle: dual cultivation.
The session proves successful, but despite their best efforts, Wei Wuxian's golden core yields unexpected consequences for them both.
unfated; unscripted, by homeybee
Lan Zhan finds Wei Ying on tinder, the first time. He isn't someone Lan Zhan knows, or he would have swiped left. It is his smile that draws him in initially, causes him to swipe right when ordinarily he would have closed his phone again, put on his pajamas, and tried properly to sleep. It is, after all, past his bedtime.
Half an hour later finds Lan Zhan, undeniably not in his pajamas, driving down the highway to the next tiny town over.
A series of 'first' meetings.
Discarded, by teawater
Children in Cloud Recesses are succubming to a dark curse. There's one person who may be able to help.
Time Unwinds in a Kaleidoscope of Red, by vamprav
Wei Wuxian falls through time and hits the ground in the Burial Mounds. After taking stock of his situation he decides that things will be different this time, even if it kills him, starting with that disastrous reunion with his brother and future husband.
Heart of the Beast, by WaitForTheSnitch
“Wei Ying?” Nie Mingjue prompted him gently. “Where are your parents?”
“They went on a night hunt,” Wei Ying said, a bit evasively.
“Your parents are cultivators?” Da-ge asked in surprise. “Did they leave you here while they hunted? When did they go on their night hunt?”
“Four summers ago,” Wei Ying said a bit uncomfortable.
“Four summers ago,” Nie Mingjue repeated. “What are your parents’ names?”
“My mama is Cangse Sanren and my baba is Wei Changze,” Wei Ying told him, and recognition registered in Nie Mingjue’s eyes.
“Wei Ying,” Nie Mingjue said, sounding a bit regretful, “Your parents aren’t coming back.”
Or, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang run into Wei Ying while in Yiling and decide to bring him home. And it changes everything.
We met again but in a different time, by akumanomiyu
Jiang FengMian never found Wei WuXian after he lost his parents, so he spent his life on the street, alone.
He didn't have a clan to protect him and teach him how to become a true cultivator, but he still managed to grow up a strong and righteous man.
People hated him or feared him for the demonic tricks he had to learn to survive. His life wasn't easy but he lived it as he wanted.
Until one day, a good action made him discover an evil plot against the cultivator world and cross path with the Lan clan...
you'll find my heart on the mountainside, by lulu_kitty
After parting ways with Lan Wangji on the mountain path, Wei Wuxian takes some time to consider what it is that he wants with this new second chance at life.
The answer finds him coming back to Lan Wangji, his zhiji, but after they reunite and set forth to embark on their new life together, an unexpected surprise awaits them on their journey home.
Or, a post-canon CQL/Untamed getting together story: accidental baby acquisition addition.
The Communication Effect, by draechaeli
If only there was more communication, or the right kind then everything would be all right. Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi might be bad when it comes to talking to each other about the important things, but they are still leagues better then the older generation that use communication like swords: concealing, revealing, and striking as they please for their own gain. From apologies, to misunderstandings, to sieges, to rumours and gossip, to cold wars, to lies, to civil wars, Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi navigate the world together once their brothers make sure they’re engaged before the classes at Cloud Recesses are finished.
This fic is finished at 186k in 37 chapters + 3 extras
most barren peak and bleakest winter, by WhatTheOwlHears
He drank. Set the cup down. “I understand Wei Ying would not choose to behave that way ordinarily.”
Well that was certainly true, but it felt like a lie anyway. “Haha, yeah.” Wei Wuxian put his elbow on the table so he could put his face in his hand. “Definitely would not normally make attempts on the virtue of my dear dear friend Hanguang-jun.”
can't find a way home, by KouriArashi
After giving away his golden core and being thrown into the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian takes his revenge on the Wen sect without crossing paths with the Sunshot Campaign.
With no trace of him found, his loved ones have no choice but to believe he died in the Burial Mounds, and go into mourning.
But then strange things start to happen around Yunmeng ... and in Lanling, Jin Guangshan has only begun to take advantage of the power vacuum left behind by the war.
Second Summer, by Anonymous
“So, this is awkward,” says Wei Ying, with a little laugh. It sounds fake. “But I think you have mistaken me for someone else.”
A year after the mysterious death of the Jin heir, Lan Wangji runs across the secret, long-lost, amnesiac love of his life while on a night-hunt.
Tragedy That Befall Upon Us, by xoxoholic
"Hey! What's this?" Jin Ling yelled, pointing at the glowing, black and red orb. Jiang Wanyin marched over to Jin Ling, but the young Jin sect leader had already touched the orb.
"Jin Ling!" Jiang Wanyin yelled in anger. If his golden core was not sealed, then Zidian would be cackling furiously.
"..Oops?" Jin Ling sheepishly smiled as he hid behind his friends. Lan Jingyi laughed at Jin Lings predicament while Lan Sizhui sighed. Ouyang Zizhen laughed with Lan Jingyi in amusement before he was hit in the back of his head by his father.
Hound's Tongue Tied Up, by Stepdavii
“I’ve figured out a way to keep us safe. Forever,” Wei Wuxian replies, still writing out all that he can think of that would possibly help.
“Oh? And whats that?” Wen Qing asks blankly.
“I’m going to make the world forget we exist.”
In which Wei Wuxian figures the best way to keep everyone safe and make everyones life better, he should make it so that his and Wen Remnants existence become forgotten. He just doesn't realize how much an impact doing so would be.
Dreams of Paradise, by Hauntcats
This on begins during the siege of the Burial Mound. Wei Ying is trying to destroy or nullify the tiger seal before anyone else can get it. The results don’t work out quite how he thought they would. His essence is trapped in between time where he witnesses different scenes of the lives of those he cares about. (The 13? 16? Years when he was dead.)
Then he wakes up in a place he didn't expect.
Once again, not Jiang friendly. If you don't like that, please, don't read.
Seeking Solace, by DragonHeart (Taer01), Taer01
Months after the Siege of Burial Mounds against the Yiling Patriarch, the cultivation world gets a rude awakening.
We're Alone Now, by Forever_Marie
"Did you hear, did you hear? Hanguang-jun deserted his clan"
Lan Zhan deserts the Lan Clan in favor of protecting Wei Wuxian and warns him of the pending Siege. They all run for the hills and everything is quiet for a decade until one day Xichen wanders upon him in a market in Yiling.
Impossible Remains, by Jengabears
Jiang Cheng wakes slowly to the feeling of spiritual energy swimming through his veins. Not just swimming. Singing. Flooding. He was filled with it. He didn't know if it was because he had been without any for so long or if Baoshan Sanren had chosen to make him stronger, but he had never felt so powerful in his life. It was glorious. It was everything. He felt alive again. Whole. Better than whole. He had to thank her. He had to scream his joy across the mountain. He was so infinitely grateful.
He ripped off his blindfold, turned to look around him, praises and gratitude resting on the tip of his tongue. Yet what his eyes rested on was a face he never expected to see. His joy and gratitude instantly snuffed into ashes in his mouth. His eyes widened in horror at the sight which greeted him. He wished he could take everything back. Every thought which had passed through his mind since he'd woken.
How could this happen?
Wei Wuxian dies in the core transfer.
Summer Snow, by Forever_Marie
Jiang Cheng dies after Lotus Pier falls and the Jiang are no more. This leaves Wei Ying without family and a home, now and for after the war, forever shattered. He joins the Lan clan (at Wangji's insistence) to fight in the Sunshot campaign as Lan Wangji tries to fill in the cracks left behind.
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