#love and power tour dallas
hlseydaily · 1 year
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June 28, 2022 | Halsey performing at the Love and Power Tour Dallas!
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diceriadelluntore · 6 months
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Storia Di Musica #320 - Arcade Fire, Funeral, 2004
La caratteristica comune dei dischi di Aprile è arrivata per caso, e mi ha fatto scoprire delle cose bellissime che non conoscevo. Sono per questo molto felice di presentarvi le mie scelte ma stavolta la caratteristica comune la tengo segreta per questo primo appuntamento, si capirà in seguito e vi invito anzi, per giocare insieme, a ipotizzare quale sia. Inizio raccontandovi di una band, e un disco, che hanno davvero segnato la storia della musica indipendente internazionale, facendo il successo di una formazione di rock canadese che nel corso degli anni ha continuato a stupire. Il nucleo originale del gruppo prende vita a Boston, dove si conoscono Win Butler e Josh Deu, che formano gli Arcade Fire. Passano poche settimane e si trasferiscono nel paese natio, precisamente a Montreal, dove fanno i primi concerti in piccole location, a feste private e persino nelle gallerie d'arte. A Montreal Win Butler incontra Régine Chassagne, che prima diventerà cantante e poi futura sua sposa, per un motivo che sta scritto nel libretto del disco di oggi:"il caldo costrinse i due a sposarsi". Registrano le prime canzoni con questa formazione: Chassagne-Butler, Josh Deu, il bassista Mules Broscoe, il chitarrista Dane Mills e a Brendan Reed alla batteria. Il primo EP esce a nome Arcade Fire nel 2002, ma fu l’inizio di un rinnovamento traumatico della formazione: Broscoe si chiama fuori dalla band, Mills abbandona nel modo più spettacolare, lasciando nel bel mezzo di un concerto alla Casa del Popolo di Montréal. In sostituzione dei due ex-membri subentrano il fratello di Win, William Butler, e Tim Kingsbury, e con questa formazione pubblicano un secondo EP, Us Kids Now. Prima della fine del primo anno di promozione, la band ottiene un contratto con l'etichetta indipendente Merge Records, che in quegli anni e in quelli a venire sfornerà gioielli musicali in serie, con la quale continua tuttora a pubblicare album. Entra in formazione Howard Bilerman alla batteria.
Nel 2004 la quasi sconosciuta formazione canadese dà alle stampe un album, Funeral (che si intitola così perchè durante la registrazione morirono parenti dei componenti della band) che nel giro di poche settimane fa gridare al miracolo. Gli Arcade Fire diventano la band più ammirata dai critici, che inseriscono Funeral nei primi posti delle classifiche non solo del 2004 ma del decennio, degli ultimi 25 anni, di sempre. Nasce una band di culto. Il loro suono è barocco, gioioso, ricco di sfumature con una sezione di archi dolente e armoniosa, la doppia voce Butler \ Chassange ad alternarsi, facendo un album che per meriti loro, per momento storico e per magia complessiva sembra perfetto. Il gruppo ha ben in mente da cosa partire: ci sono echi Bowie nella stupenda Rebellion (Lies) (che in Italia è famosa come sigla di Otto E Mezzo, il programma de La7 di Lilli Gruber), la linea di basso e il suono alla The Edge della chitarra, i New Order in tutta la serie di Neighborhood in 4 parti, denominate Tunnels, Laika, come la cagnetta che andò nello spazio, Power Out e 7 Kettles. Crown Of Love è magnifica e finisce in stile epico, Wake Up che è spectoresca nell’arrangiamento e nel finale stile U2 (Bono diventerà un grande ammiratore, e apriranno molti concerti del Vertigo Tour del 2005 della band irlandese, e la parte iniziale di Wake Up fu usata come intro a City Of Blinding Lights); Haiti, che è placida e sofisticata, mostra le loro qualità nelle ballate. Une Année Sans Lumière cambia il cantato dall’inglese al francese, ed è davvero ballabile e dolcissima. In The Backseat con la voce della Chassagne che sembra alzarsi all’infinito rispetto alla musica, è un crescendo emozionale da ricordare, con intermezzo di archi. Nonostante le evidenti ispirazioni tutto l’album è una continua sorpresa eccitante, tra le pieghe degli arrangiamenti, tra i piccoli assoli di strumenti inusuali (farfisa, xilofono, gli archi, un corno francese), tra la voce sincopata e trascinante di Butler e quella morbida e vellutata della Chassagne. Funeral fa rimanere basiti per come tutto l’insieme funzioni in armonia e con un gusto che manca a tante band di oggi.
Il disco vende già molto bene, ma è con Neon Bible (2007) che il successo diventerà internazionale: un disco più sofisticato, e anche più arrabbiato e teso, ammirato per canzoni come Keep The Car Running, No Cars Go e la splendida e dolente My Body Is A Cage, che verrà ripresa da Peter Gabriel in Scratch My Back del 2010, versione che fa da colonna sonora ad una delle puntate più intese della serie Tv culto House M.D. La triade iniziale trova il culmine con The Suburbs, del 2010, che debutta in vetta alla classifica di Billboard e vince il premio Grammy per il miglior disco dell’anno, primo lavoro di una casa discografica indipendente ad ottenerlo. Dello stesso disco, fu fatto una sorta di video documentario diretto da Spike Jones che verrà presentato a numerosi festival cinematografici internazionali: la band collaborerà alla colonna sonora del film Lei (Her) scritto e diretto da Spike Jonze che vede Joaquin Phoenix come protagonista, e alcuni dei brani per il film troveranno posto in Reflektor, altro disco grandioso, del 2013. Se non ho capito male, ritorneranno presto anche in Italia per dei concerti questa estate, sarebbe l’occasione migliore per scoprire una band dalle caratteristiche uniche e dalla musica speciale, che è stata protagonista influente e simpatica della musica degli ultimi 20 anni in maniera anche inaspettata.
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pushing500 · 10 months
The Grand Eureka Colony Tour!
It's here at last! The Grand Finale Colony tour! Woo! I'm very proud of this colony, I hope you like it too.
For a sample, let's begin with a shot of the whole of Eureka:
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Ta-dah! Isn't it gorgeous? It's a very big colony, so once again I'm going to put the rest of it under the cut so it won't clog up people's dashboards with my screenshots and rambling.
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Starting on the left, we've got our first animal pens. The large pen is home to a variety of animals, listed as follows:
Laser, Dominator, Tryst, Clementine, Quintin, Nikita, Safari, Excalibur and Ragdoll the alpacas
Devotion and Mozart the neutrolopes (like boomalopes but for neutroamine, from the 'ReGrowth: Core' mod)
Verona the Cyrenian hind (from the 'Alpha Mythology' mod)
Samson the teratogenic originator (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
Teacup, Hayley, Portia, Nadine, Aiko, Fraiser, Salty, Chaplin and Smarmer the horses
Also sleeping in the large pen's barn but not confined by the fences is:
Calvin, Honcho, Whoopie, Zombie, and Paprika the nightling cubs (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
Kiki the murkling (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
Bryanna and Marauder the red pandas (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded' mod)
Tommy Brock the badger, one of only two animals in the colony who does not have a randomized name (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded' mod)
Elegance the baby razorjack (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
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The small pen is where we keep our ducks. They are named Olivia, Pepe, Shrimp, Dynamo, Zack, Tipsy, Augusta, and Adele. They're very useful for eggs, and we cycle through the duck population every few quadrums so we have fresh meat to make kibble (don't tell the ducks that, though).
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Speaking of meat, next to the pens are our abattoir/kibble-making freezer, our nutrient paste dispenser, and the prison. Prisoners (and suspected-mime Eva) are put on a strict nutrient-paste-only diet, so the proximity helps.
You can also see three of our twelve chemfuel-powered generators and a teeny-tiny secret patch of smokeleaf that we're growing to keep hippie-drug-cultist Gracie happy. Below that are some decorative chemfuel barrels and our sewage treatment plant.
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Next there's the hot tub room with its adjoining facilities, famous for its romantic pink lighting and for being the place where Wookshys proposed to Albina back when I didn't like him.
Also pictured is the children's bedroom, with high-tech illuminated beds, dresser, and end tables so they don't need to worry about being scared of the dark.
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Moving on, we have the classroom that has seen so many of my colonists pass on their knowledge to the children in a variety of sweet and amusing interactions. Next to the classroom is the obligatory schoolyard vegetable patch, which provides most of the vegetarian component for the kibble made in the abattoir next to it.
Don't mind Jesse and his square, by the way. I was already drafting this post before a lovely anonymous ask helped me fix the Curse of Jesse's Box (I love you, anon)
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Here is the ship we have worked so painstakingly to construct, pictured alongside the tomb for cuterpillar Bernie, a patch of opuntia (prickly-pear) cacti from when Albina was testing one of her psycasts, and the thrumbo barn where Pharaoh, Brandi, Big Dipper, Caramel, Bellboy, Ray, Belladonna, Dollie, Apollo, and Dallas sleep at night.
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The Ancient Danger has been transformed into a delightful hybrid space, as it is one part laboratory for mechanitor Fafo to muck about in, one part rec room with a billiards table, a dartboard, and even a television set, and one part drug operation because it is where we grow our psychoid plants ready for when Hussar Henry is old enough to need them (along with some mint and uranium root for funsies).
There are also six more chemfuel generators, an infinite chemreactor, and the legendary monument that Fafo carved depicting her then-fiance now-husband Kaz, which is used as a meditation for all colonists with the artistic focus type.
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This is the pool room, which comes with an arcade machine, longwave radio, and roulette table. Next to it are the last three chemfuel generators.
Underneath, there are two barrack rooms. The one on the left is home to Gracie, Emerald, Grump, Hot Minute, and Sam the razorjack. The barracks on the right is currently only home to Jesse and Kelorul, along with Beau the razorjack. There's also a bathroom close by for easy access.
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The devil sheep pen is home to many adorable little red devilstrand-producing sheep from the 'Alpha Animals' mod. Sixteen of them to be exact! Their names are Blossom, Petit, Persephone, Tank, Clarence, Crockett, Stellar, Dudette, Violator (my favourite), Honed, Soldier, Heather, Seargent, Fabian, Adonis, and Cassandra. Ingrid the red panda also sleeps in the devil sheep pen for some reason.
To the right you can see a neat little dining area with some sculptures and an industrial radio for recreation, and below that is the temple used by followers of Wendy, Laurie, and Jesse's ideology. There's also a horseshoes pin, for anybody who feels like some low-tech recreation.
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Then there are the boomalope pens, made out of granite instead of wood to avoid any potential fire mishaps. They contain the main providers of the chemfuel we use to power our twelve chemfuel generators. The top pen contains our two male boomalopes, Hunter and Dude, and the bottom pen has the three females, Margarita, Missile, and Liability.
I am of the opinion that "Missile" and "Liability" are the best randomly generated names a boomalope could ever have.
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Here is our Wedding Chapel/music room, a lovely little space that the couples of Eureka like to frequent in order to enjoy some musical romance with one another (demonstrated here by Kaz playing the drums for his lovely wife).
Outside we also have a little barbecue and dining area for those few colonists who aren't vegetarian, and in the top left corner, you can see the band node that Fafo is tuned to so that she can hopefully get more mechs in the future!
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This is Eureka's clothing closet (and where we keep the caravan bedrolls too). That long rectangle building in the bottom left is a "monument" we built for the Empire, which is now a fireproof chemfuel storeroom, and also where we brew chemshine to sell to traders (and to satiate Eva's chemical interest trait).
Fafo made both of those monuments, but only one of them (the pyramid) is of legendary quality. The other is only excellent quality, and depicts "a politician playing blackjack with a thousand hooligans".
Some of the planting zones are here, too, including our blueberry field and apiary, one of our chickpea patches, some rice, some cotton, and some sugarcane.
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Some more planting zones (rice, chickpeas, potatoes, onions, more rice and chickpeas, even more chickpeas, gold fern, allspice, plasteel bulbs), along with our only wind turbine and the first solar panel we ever built.
The bedroom at the top right is Albina and Wookshys' room, they share it with Rogan the rottweiler (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded' mod). The bedroom below that is Kaz and Fafo's room, which they share with Kaz's bonded razorjack Roxy (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod). The bedroom in the middle is where Hazrov and Candlelight sleep, along with Reaper the razorjack and Anatoly the Tasmanian devil (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded - Endangered' mod).
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Four more bedrooms here:
Top left is Wendy and Tamarind's room, shared with Stabber the razorjack (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
Top right is Kawoo and Andrei's room, shared with Frisbee the pulmonoscorpius (from the 'Megafauna' mod). Outside their bedroom are also three cheese presses, where we... ~drumroll please~... make cheese!!
Bottom left is Vu and Laurie's room
Bottom right is Baz and Zonovo's room, which they share with Jellybean the razorjack.
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Moving on, we can see the temple of The Wavian Path (Wookshys' sub-cult), with the tomb we built for Wendy and Pearl underneath it. Pearl is still buried there, alongside Fafo's nephew Pinovo because Wendy was resurrected.
Across from the tomb is the landing pad for shuttles and such, along with our ground-penetrating scanner and long-range mineral scanner. In the top left corner, you can also see our main workshops, which contain our smelter, smithy, machining table, fabrication bench, and animal bionics tables. The room with the fabrication bench is also where Buccanneer the drebbbd (from the 'Ebbbs' mod) sleeps.
Outside the workshops are our weapons shelves.
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I'm glad I eventually decided to like Wookshys, look how content he is hanging out here on his little fishing bridge. He's close by a lovely picnic table, some bathrooms, an obelisk, and some plantations of almond trees and water chestnuts. He's having a grand time. This site is so pretty, it's one of my favourite places in the whole colony.
There's also a bathing zone on the other side of the bridge, but I... Uh... I wouldn't swim there for a while. The recent raids might have polluted the water a bit.
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Here's our natural meditation area, home to our beloved Anima tree, three Gauranlen trees, and a little jade nature shrine.
Connie is connected to one of the Gauranlen trees, and she has two berrymaker dryads named Herbert and Mortimer. They're very sweet, and I love them both.
Jesse is connected to another Gauranlen tree and currently has a medicinemaker dryad named Wiseguy. A big help to the colony and an all-around cute little guy.
The last Gauranlen tree is connected to colony leader Albina, and she has a funky little acidic spitter dryad from the 'Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads' mod. His name is Rolland, and I adore him. He's so snakey and fun. I should try to draw him someday.
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Here's our freezer, our kibble shelves with Colonist-Gracie's secret smokeleaf-joint-rolling crafting spot hidden between them, one of the bathrooms, the water pumping/treatment facilities for said bathroom, and our single mortar with the shelf that has shells for it.
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This is the majestic temple for The Path of Animism, the one true ideology for The Animist Alliance. We don't do a whole lot in here, but it's nice to look at. Below the temple is the storeroom for things that don't have to be in the freezer, which is mostly wood and silver at the moment.
We also have the crematorium and some of our fruit trees (four lemon trees, two avocado trees, a blood orange tree, and an apple tree). In the weird divet in the wall of the crematorium is an animal sleeping spot for our geriatric salamander Orion, from the 'Alpha Mythology' mod.
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Here we have the obelisk marking our crash-landing site, next to our patch of peas and our outdoor dining area. In the top left corner is Debby and Eva's bedroom, which they share with Polly and Limbo the nightlings (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod).
Beneath that room is the room Brennan used to share with Debby, but now sleeps in alone since the divorce. There are sleeping spots in there for Cinnamon and Moonstruck, Brennan's steel and rock constructs, but I don't think they actually sleep, so the spots aren't used. Behind her room is the stonecutting bench.
In the middle, above the pea patch, is Barghest's room. He's ascetic and doesn't care for fancy things, so it's just him, his bed, and a sleeping spot for Flicker the razorjack (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod). Sleeping along the outside of Barghest's room are:
Hood, Elias, and Huck the red pandas (from 'Vanilla Animals Expanded')
Sinbad the thrumebbb (from the 'Ebbbs' mod)
Witch the cave bear (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded - Caves' mod)
Echo the short-faced bear (from the 'Megafauna' mod)
Asset the ankylosaurus (from the 'Biomes! Prehistoric' mod)
And then on the right side, we've got the kitchen/dining room, alongside the art and tailoring benches.
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Eureka has a very well-equipped hospital, with plenty of high-tech medical facilities and a sterile drugs lab which has been put to use making lots of medicine to tend injuries and go-juice for when Henry is old enough to be dependant on it.
The research lab is where Brennan spends most of her time, and often one of the kids will hang out in there with her, radiotalking to get their learning desire up.
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You'll never be short a bathroom in Eureka, there are plenty to choose from, and most of them are quite nice (in my humble opinion). There's also a lovely hot spring surrounded by manicured lawn, should you choose to relax that way. It is situated quite close to our rock/bone pile, but I can't be bothered rearranging it, so it remains an eyesore, I'm afraid.
There are also some transport pods that are used for the occasional trip out-of-colony or to dispose of toxic wastepacks until we finish researching the wastepack atomizer.
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If hot springs aren't to your taste, you could always relax in the saunas! They're found right beside the bedroom that Irwin and Connie share with Bartholomew the ripper hound (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod) and Energizer the angora rabbit (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded - Royal Animals' mod), who is the only animal aside from Tommy Brock the badger to not have a randomized name.
Next to Irwin and Connie's room is a small table and two more animal sleeping spots, one for Chianti the boombat (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded' mod) and Bernardo the dimorphodon (from the 'Biomes! Prehistoric' mod).
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Eureka has plenty of guest rooms for hosting friends and family from other factions, mostly our allies from The Android Alliance. We don't charge for staying here, as the bounties of The Animist Alliance should be free of charge for everyone to enjoy!
In the top right, you can also see most of the water treatment facilities attached to the prison bathrooms and the hot tub room.
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Finally, we have some more solar panels and our cocoa tree plantation, surrounded by coral coconut trees grown by another of Albina's psycasts gone awry.
And that concludes the endgame colony tour! I hope you like Eureka as much as I do. It's been a lot of fun playing with the City Builders meme, as I usually go for the "massive superstructure" instead of "quaint village", so it was a nice change of pace. I also think the end result is a very homey feeling community, so that's nice.
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stylecouncil · 2 months
if you could arrange a music festival, where would it be, who would play and what would the theme be?
my backyard. but if not my backyard then idk a field near my backyard. the theme would be “morgan (at this particular moment in time)” and the artists would be an inxs intro at their wembley peak but playing my favorite selections. then we take it down a bit for hunky dory era bowie (there will be more bowie later). into the smiths right before their break up with the conclusion being johnny marr’s evaporation and morrissey transforming into 1992 live in dallas morrissey or maladjusted tour morrissey spending on how I feel that day and we get a recreation of a famous stage storming. this then cuts into a sam’s town era killers preforming sam’s town and hot fuss selections and then what’s that? a selections from desired effect interlude. oh now its suddenly modern brandon flowers and he’s performing pressure machine front to back just for me. and then? the entirety of the killers at glastonbury 2019. including the pet shop boys interlude but this time extended to include other parts of their catalogue of my choosing. end scene. oh wait they’re coming back out. who’s with them? we transition into dustland with springsteen. springsteen slowly de-ages through the years and we go through my favorite points of his catalogue. courtney love comes out and throws a shoe at my head and I thank her. surprise tyler the creator frank ocean reunion. the 1975 interlude (I have to). robbie williams and madonna both walk onto the stage. what happens next? who knows. bowie is back. what’s this? its young americans bowie slowly transition into station to station think white duke bowie. oh and now it’s heroes era bowie with the little brown mullet performing selections from his entire catalogue. enter marc bolan for a few selections and some bowie duetting. and who’s that? lou reed is here to perform my personal selections from his catalogue and duet with bowie on satellite of love. what’s that? oh it’s paul weller. is it jam or style council paul weller? who knows but he’s playing all my favorites. pete doherty acoustic interlude. followed by a the format reunion live at the mayan theatre themed. dog man star suede/ the holy bible manic street preachers section. enter the kinks. 1969-1971 kinks specifically. now we transition to the noel gallagher portion of the evening. (paul weller also pops back out to play on a few) maybe we even get oasis at the heights of its powers. again it depends on how I feel that day. I think I would want the year 2000 oasis on their come down actually. we end everything on don’t look back in anger.
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madamlaydebug · 7 months
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Erykah Badu Posing for her High School Senior Picture in 1989.
The Photo at the very bottom was also Taken in 1989.
Erica Abi Wright (born February 26, 1971), known professionally as Erykah Badu, is an American singer and songwriter. Influenced by R&B, soul, and hip hop, Badu rose to prominence in the late 1990s when her debut album Baduizm (1997), placed her at the forefront of the neo soul movement, earning her the nickname "Queen of Neo Soul" by music critics.
Erykah Badu was born in Dallas, Texas. Badu had her first taste of show business at the age of four, singing and dancing at the Dallas Theater Center and The Black Academy of Arts and Letters (TBAAL) under the guidance of her godmother, Gwen Hargrove, and uncle TBAAL founder Curtis King. By the age of 14, Badu was freestyling for a local radio station alongside such talent as Roy Hargrove. In her youth, she had decided to change the spelling of her first name from Erica to Erykah, as she believed her original name was a "slave name". The term "kah" signifies the inner self. She adopted the surname "Badu" because it is her favorite jazz scat sound; also, among the Akan people in Ghana, it is the term for the 10th-born child.
After graduating from Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Badu went on to study theater at Grambling State University, a historically black university. She left the university in 1993 before graduating, to focus more fully on music. During this time, Badu took several minimum-wage jobs to support herself. She taught drama and dance to children at the South Dallas Cultural Center. Working and touring with her cousin, Robert "Free" Bradford, she recorded a 19-song demo, Country Cousins, which attracted the attention of Kedar Massenburg. He set Badu up to record a duet with D'Angelo, "Your Precious Love", and eventually signed her to a record deal with Universal Records.
Badu's career began after she opened a show for D'Angelo in 1994 in Fort Worth, leading to record label executive Kedar Massenburg signing her to Kedar Entertainment. Her first album, Baduizm, was released in February 1997. It spawned four singles: "On & On", "Appletree", "Next Lifetime" and "Otherside of the Game". The album was certified triple Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Her first live album, Live, was released in November 1997 and was certified double Platinum by the RIAA.
Her second studio album, Mama's Gun, was released in 2000. It spawned three singles: "Bag Lady", which became her first top 10 single on the Billboard Hot 100 peaking at #6, "Didn't Cha Know?" and "Cleva". The album was certified Platinum by the RIAA. Badu's third album, Worldwide Underground, was released in 2003. It generated three singles: "Love of My Life (An Ode to Hip-Hop)", "Danger" and "Back in the Day (Puff)" with 'Love' becoming her second song to reach the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at #9. The album was certified Gold by the RIAA. Badu's fourth album, New Amerykah Part One, was released in 2008. It spawned two singles: "Honey" and "Soldier". New Amerykah Part Two was released in 2010 and fared well both critically and commercially. It contained the album's lead single "Window Seat", which led to controversy.
Badu's voice has been compared to jazz singer Billie Holiday. Early in her career, Badu was recognizable for her eccentric style, which often included wearing very large and colorful headwraps. She was a core member of the Soulquarians.
As an actress, she has played a number of supporting roles in movies including Blues Brothers 2000, The Cider House Rules and House of D. She also has appeared in the documentaries Before the Music Dies and The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975.
▪In 1997, Badu received twenty nominations and won three, Favorite Female Solo Single for "On & On", Favorite Female Solo Album for Baduizm and Best R&B/Soul or Rap Song of the Year for "On & On" at the Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards.
▪In 1998, Badu received fourteen nominations and won eight, including Favorite R&B/Soul or Rap New Artist at the American Music Awards; Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for "On & On" and Best R&B Album for Baduizm at the Grammy Awards; Outstanding New Artist and Outstanding Female Artist at the NAACP Image Awards; Favorite Female Soul/R&B Single for "On & On", Favorite Female Soul/R&B Album for Baduizm and Favorite New R&B/Soul or Rap New Artist for "On & On" at the Soul Train Music Awards.
▪In 2000, Badu received two nominations and won one, Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group at the Grammy Awards.
▪In 2003, Badu received twelve nominations and won two, including Video of the Year for "Love of My Life (An Ode to Hip-Hop)" at the BET Awards and Best Urban/Alternative Performance for "Love of My Life (An Ode to Hip-Hop)" at the Grammy Awards.
▪In 2008, Badu received eleven nominations and won two, including Best Director for "Honey" at the BET Awards and Best Direction in a Video for "Honey" at the MTV Video Music Awards. Overall, Badu has won 16 awards from 59 nominations.
▪In 2023, Rolling Stone ranked Badu at number 115 on its list of the 200 Greatest Singers of All Time.
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all-risejd · 1 year
After Shine Part 1 (Damian Priest x OC) (Eventual The Judgment Day x OC)
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June 16, 2018 - Dallas, Texas
She’d been back from Japan maybe five days, and was riding the uplifting high of being close enough to California she swore she could smell her momma's cooking. Tonight was going to be amazing, she could feel it in her bones, she wasn’t exactly sure why Cage had sent her on the road with his talent, when a group of them decided to work Ring of Honor, but she’d spent the last year touring with some of the most irritating bastards she’d ever met (she sort of loved it though). The move to New York almost two summers ago, alone and in the big city, had been disarming. She swore looking back she’d spent most of the first two months crying herself to sleep.
Danny Cage had been a friend of her fathers, sort of, and he’d ‘taken her in’ out of respect for how famous her dad really was. He hadn’t actually known what to do with an almost eighteen-year old girl who wasn’t at all interested in the limelight of the ring. It’s how she became an Influencer, she supposed, they traveled constantly, so she started a blog, and back then she could make little short stories with some of Cage’s younger talent. There was one man, Martinez, that she tended to stick close to. He was large and big, and just this side of dangerous, but he’d saved her ass more than once in Japan - she’d never forget the night he punched some handsy Englishman for copping a feel of her, when she’d come to collect them from a bar. 
The thing about Martinez was he didn’t want her around, not really. But she was always underfoot. She wanted him to win, he had the power and the drive, and fuck the charisma once he got stared in the ring - he was damn hard not to look at. The thing was, he was mean. And more often than not she suffered for her attempts at helping him, but there were days (sometimes even two in a row) where he would talk with her in Spanish about his home, about his familia, about who he wanted to be, and in turn she told him stories of her familia, of being adopted by a huge Latino family, and how lucky she was. Then there were rushed mornings, where she was tossing women (sometimes multiple) out of his hotel room, and running around doing last minute checks to see if he had anything, before corralling the still intoxicated, angry bull of a man toward the taxi.
“Hey, kid, you're dad’s on the phone!” Cage shouted, and motioned to his cell phone - her’s was dead.
“Thanks, Mr. Cage.” She hurried to him, around the pool, side stepping the large man in question who was drinking before ten in the morning, stretched out over a lounger, he shot her a smile, which made her blush. “Papi?” She said into the phone, a grin pulling at her face as the familiar noise of home sounded behind her.
“Hola, Danika, we are going to come tonight to the matches, Dominik wants to see you.” She smiled warmly, Cage was just going to love hosting the Mysterio familia. “How was Japan?” She launched into telling him all about the customs and their version of wrestling, and how she’d met Chris Jericho, and boy was he protective of her, she talked about the fashion and all the gifts she’d brought back for them, but mostly she asked about her younger sister Lainey, who Dominik had been visiting with while she’d been out of the country (six months in Japan was longer than she’d anticipated). 
“We are actually going to bring her with us tonight.” Danika’s heart soared damn near out of her chest. “And Cage has agreed, you need a vacation, so while we have custody of Delainey and are waiting to figure out what’s going to happen with your mom, you're coming home tonight.” She couldn’t help but grin even wider, after they talked a bit more, and she got off the phone, she wandered back to the pool, settling onto the lounge next to Martinez.
“¿Qué te tiene tan feliz, pequeña?”
She shot Martinez a look, she knew he knew English, probably more than he let on, she responded in kind, “Mi familia is coming to the show tonight, and I’m going home for a while afterward.” The man lowered his sunglasses to look her over, he shot her a toothy grin, it both unsettled her and made her want to vibrate out of her skin, “I might even miss you.” She admitted, after a long moment. 
May 21, 2020
Danika Wesson moved through her bedroom technically cleaning up, she’d finished her weekly list of projects from AEW’s Talent Development and had set up social media accounts for several new talents under him as well as worked with them to do their first videos and pictures. She herself had spent the day doing an unboxing of new Mysterio gear for YouTube. She had to have the whole bedroom cleaned and in top shape for the weekend because she was getting a weekend visit with Lainey. Now, with a pregnancy test clutched in her hand she was pulling all the laundry into her arms and headed for the bathroom she shared with Dom and Aalyah. Her room was still covered in more Mysterio merchandise than she would like, but she’d get over it. 
Living with the Mysterio’s had been… an adjustment in her youth. Now she was just the third kid in the second floor of the house who did laundry because it was Dom’s job to clean the bathroom and Aalyah’s job to vacuum their floor. “Dominik!” She called over her shoulder, Aalyah was mercifully in her bedroom ignoring them. Dominik appeared in his doorway, basketball shorts and a comfortable looking gray short sleeve shirt. “Help?” She gave him a curious look, he glanced at the maybe seven articles of clothing she was holding with a raised eyebrow. “I need your help, Dominik, in the bathroom.”
“Oh.” She watched as his eyes widened a bit, a mischievous smile on his face like he thought they were going to mess around (they were not doing anything remotely sexy with either Aalyah or Angie in the house, she had rules), then he was following behind her. She let him open the door, in their teen years they had spent a lot of time being fussed at for being in the bathroom together, and with old habits dying hard, Dominik immediately locked the door behind him as she tossed the laundry into her purple hamper. “So no period then.” He cocked his head to the side, looking down at Danika, who hadn’t really thought much about their height difference until recently. 
She cut her eyes at him, “Wow, Captain Obvious. Glad to see you have made it to the party.” She rolled her eyes, and stepped closer to him, “Do you really think I would risk moms wrath by sharing the bathroom with you otherwise.” She pinched his chest, above his left nipple, another holdover from their youth when they pushed boundaries of friendship often too far. Or at least Angie, their shared mother, had thought they were pushing boundaries back then, relatively speaking things had been pretty tame. Sharing food, Dominik reading to her while she was taking a bubble bath, tickling and shoving at each other, once they handcuffed themselves to each other, and there was a whole summer they spent reenacting scenes from Jackass.
Dominik snickered, “You could have just agreed. A nice yeah Dominik you're right I didn’t have my period this month would have been fine.” He had morphed his voice into something resembling a girl but it sounded more hilarious than accurate. 
“I don’t sound like that.” She huffed but grinned at him nonetheless, “And it’s been two months.”
“Well that’s a bit more serious than I thought.” He moved to sit on the sink, another thing Angie would have their asses for, sinks and counters were not made for butts. “Are you sure it’s not what happened when we were younger?” His voice was a bit worried now, “You went like five months without a period then had like… cyst or something.” Bless his heart, he was trying. 
She gave him an appraising look, “I mean I guess it could be but Dr. Keyes removed my right ovary and all that jazz.” She shrugged. “I have a test, figure we might as well do this now.” She brandished the test at him only for him to yank it out of her hand, he immediately tore into the box and started reading the instructions. Never let it be said Dominik didn’t love to know everything. “You gonna share with the class?” She pointed at the directions. 
“You just pee on the stick.” He shoved it back at her, “Once you do that, we just wait two minutes.”
She took the pregnancy test and narrowed her eyes at him. “I know we fucked multiple times but I dunno if I want you to hear me pee…” There was a bit of desperation edging into her voice. 
Dominik laughed, hard. “I can pee in the tub while you pee on the stick. We can pee together.”
“I hate you.” She snickered, “By all means pee in the tub, heathen.” She waited for Dominik to climb off the sink and slowly walk around her to head for the tub, he wrenched the shower open just as she pushed her yoga pants and underwear down. “How do you even…” She trailed off as she figured out how to hold the stick and not pee on her hand. Settling down over the toilet, pointedly facing away from Dom and the tub, she cleared her throat, “Together or whatever.”
It was weird. She was so relieved to drop the test in the sink and clean herself off, she closed tre toilet and sat on it, before pulling the test back into her hands, and folding her hands around it, protecting it from view, while Dom moved back to sit on the sink, his shorts back in place. “Two minutes.” He set the timer as he kicked his legs out looking like a much younger boy than the 23 year old man he was. 
“Two minutes.” She agreed, “So did you talk to Megan? Are you two gonna patch things up?”
“Negative ghost rider.” Dominik offered as he looked up toward the ceiling, “She uh, well she didn’t like me being on the road and she hated our friendship. Like how am I supposed to explain that my parents adopted you but you aren’t my sister when Aalyah introduces you as our sister to everyone.”
“Tough break, boo.” She offered almost sweetly. Megan and Dom had been on and off since they were in tenth grade. Danika was honestly happy to see her gone, not because she wanted to be Dominik’s girlfriend but because Megan had a tendency to make Dominik’s life hell. In fact Danika had only just managed to talk him out of marrying the monster the previous Christmas. 
“You get all your work done?” Dominik asked not so subtly to change the subject.
She let him have it, “You mean the unboxing for Rey and the stuff for AEW? Yeah. I got it finished.” She let out a long sigh, “I think Cody has more talent he wants me to fly out and meet.” She admitted, “So I can finish setting up the accounts and can finish getting everyone started on their socials, plus Cody wants me to do a series of soundbites for him.”
Dominik hummed, “You should have finished going to school for filmography.”
“Shoulda, woulda, coulda.” She hummed, impatiently, “How much longer?”
“Like a whole ‘nother minute.” Dominik turned his attention back to her, “Do you want kids?”
“That’s an odd question, considering we are sort of on a knife blade here.” Danika huffed, “I mean, yeah, I like the idea of kids, I don’t want kids that… I don’t want kids with someone who I’m not sure is going to be around, I don’t want a repeat of my childhood.”
Dominik was silent after that, contemplating what she had said, she would bet. He had wanted to be a dad since literally the third grade. His phone alarm went off, announcing they could look at the test, Danika didn’t move, her whole body was frozen, it felt like moving was impossible. Dominik, thankfully, grabbed the test from her folded hands. “Oh.” He whispered, before he climbed off the counter, and knelt in front of her, “Danika, am I someone who you think is always going to be around?”
She jerked the test out of his grasp and looked down, two pink lines. “Oh.” She let out a little giggle, “Well, Dominik, I think I made another one of your dreams come true.”
Dominik was silent again, “We don’t have to do this.” He cupped her face, “I want you to be happy too, we both know I’ve wanted kids since I was like seven, but…” He trailed off, “If you aren’t ready for this, then I’m not ready for this.” He assured her.
Before she could answer there was a harsh pounding on the door, “I have to pee!” Aalyah shouted.
“GO DOWNSTAIRS!” Dominik and Danika both screamed back at her.
“Dios, she gets older but does she get any more mature?” Danika hissed, but leaned into Dominik’s hands, “I want to have children with you, I’ll give you all the babies you want, I know we aren’t in love like that, but I do love you, unconditionally and forever. I know you won’t-”
“MOM!” Aalyah shouted, followed by, “MAMI!” 
“Dios.” Dominik grabbed the test and shoved it into his basketball shorts pocket, he hauled Danika to her feet, unlocked the bathroom door, and yanked it open to glare down at Aalyah, “Being the bratty little sister should end at eighteen.” He snapped, “We are both over eighteen, and can be in the bathroom alone or together if we wa-”
Angie had climbed to the second floor, and was looking between the three of them, “¿Qué son todos los gritos?”
“They were in the bathroom together, again, with the door locked.” Aalyah looked positively excited to say it aloud, Danika rolled her eyes violently from where she was hiding behind Dominik.
“Mom,” Dominik sighed, “I was helping Danika with something, yes it was in the bathroom, yes the door was locked, her belly ring got messed up, she lost the ball and we had to change it.” He offered unamused. “Now, if you could just move-'' He made to push around Aalyah, who pushed back, the jostling dislodged the pregnancy test which he hadn’t put into his pocket properly. 
Danika wanted to scream, she reached for the test at the same time Aalyah did, the younger girl snatching it out of her grasp, “OH MY GOD, YOU'RE PREGNANT!”
“Can we stop screaming?” Danika snapped, she grabbed the test and pulled it back.
Angie was talking in spanish far to fast for her to keep up with, but she caught the jist of it - Angie was bemoaning the fact that she’d let Rey talk her into adopting a street kid from the wrong side of San Diego, with a dash of the shame that Danika would bring to their name (although she largely used the Wesson last name publically, legally she had been adopted by the Mysterios, making her legal last name Gutiérrez). 
Dominik glared at Aalyah then looked directly at his mom, “Detener. Danika está embarazada de mi hijo.”
Angie looked for a moment like she’d been slapped, “You're child?” She clutched at her heart, “What?”
Dominik and Danika shared a look, with Danika shrugging her shoulders, Dominik had opened this can of worms so he could close it. “When Megan and I broke up I was heartbroken, Danika and I might have drank that bottle of tequila we told you we didn’t drink.” Her eyes widened, “And we uh, well…” He looked at Danika for support, she instead sent Jefe a text message, Rey would be home within the next few minutes, and she could tell this was going to be a fight the level of a Latino telenovela if the man didn’t come sooth his wife, quickly. “Look, before that we’d never had sex, and we’ve sort of messed around since then, but-”
“Eres hermano y hermana.” Angie looked close to tears.
“Legally, yes.” Danika agreed, “Biologically, no. We’ve tried to explain this to you multiple times. We don’t see each other as siblings, yes both of us look at Aalyah like our little sister, but Mom, we are best friends.”
Angie shook her head, “Tendrás que casarte ahora.” 
The front door opened and closed, downstairs, the alarm system pinged to let them know. “We are not getting married.” Dominik countered, irritated. “It’s not happening, we aren’t in love.” Dominik snapped, his voice going hard, “We are never going to get married.”
“Hey, now, we have an agreement about your fortieth birthday.” Danika wiggled her eyebrows at him, “If you haven’t gotten married by the time you're forty and I’m thirty-eight we will get married.”
Rey snickered as he joined them, “I remember this agreement, you two signed it in crayons.” 
Dominik looked between his father and Danika, “Ok, well, we aren’t getting married right now.”
“Why would you get married, mi hijo?” Rey looked perplexed.
Seriously, it was a wonder to Danika that they didn’t have a WWE themed reality television show. 
Aalyah chose that moment to cackle, “Because Dominik got her pregnant.”
There was a long stretch of Rey’s eyes darting between Dominik and Danika, with Angie sniffling to herself, and Aalyah pitched forward in a way that suggested she wished she had popcorn. Finally Rey cleared his throat, “What are we doing about this?”
“We hadn’t decided yet.” Dominik cleared his throat, “We were talking about our options and what we wanted to do when Aalyah started being her usual bratty self, and caused this whole argument.” Dominik explained, exasperated. 
Rey hummed, “Danika, cariño, what do you want to do?” 
“Jefe, I would like Dominik and I to talk about it privately, once we have a decision we will let you all know.” She cast her glance to Aalyah, “That’s my shirt, asshole, give it back.” 
“You’ll be too fat to wear it.” Aalyah sang as she walked back to her room.
“I thought you had to go to the bathroom!” Dominik snapped after her.
Aalyah cackled, “I never had to pee, I just heard you two talking in the bathroom and knew the door would be locked.” 
“Oh, you little-” Danika made to give chase, but Dominik caught her around her middle.
“Not so fast,” He tutted, “You're carrying my child, and I don’t want the little bean to inherit whatever ridiculous gene it is that makes you and Aalyah act like children all the time.”
“That’s rich.” Rey huffed, “You usually start their little fights.” Rey looked pointedly at Dominik, then at Angie, “We will support their choice, mi esposa, let them make it.” He took her arm and started to steer her down the stairs, “I will say, if you are going to give us grandchildren, at least let us do something Catholic for their birth.” With that Rey headed them down the stairs.
Danika growled under her breath, “Come on.” She tugged him back into the bathroom, and locked the door. She reclaimed her seat on the toilet, and motioned for him to kneel before her again, “Alright, take two.” 
He snickered, “Danika Wesson Gutiérrez, my best friend, my soulmate, my hero, and my ride or die, would you do me the honor of having my baby?”
She burst out laughing, unable to hold it in, she laughed until she felt the tears start on her cheeks, “If you ever propose to anyone let me write the script for you, boo.” She giggled, “Alright, let’s do this, we’ve always been good together, you are my knight in shining armor, I mean you did ride across San Diego to the scary part of town to rescue me, and you punched that guy in ninth grade who told me I couldn’t be a Gutiérrez because I wasn’t Mexican, and you-” 
He cut her off with a chaste kiss, just a press of their lips together, “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” She nodded her head, their noses bumping, “Dominik, I’d be no one without you, I’ve always wanted to have kids, and if I were going to accidentally get pregnant, I am so glad it’s with you. Cause come hell or high water, as Uncle Adam says, we are always going to have each other's backs.” She nuzzled his nose, “Now aren’t you meant to be packing for SmackDown?”
He rolled his eyes, but stood, ruffling her red hair as he went. The both spilled back out of the bathroom, pushing at each other and laughing, until Dominik veered off into his room, no doubt to actually pack up for his and Rey’s upcoming flight. She headed back to her room, and gazed around the piles of Mysterio merchandise. Her life with the Mysterio’s might be a rollercoaster, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. She ran her hand over her flat stomach, mostly to reassure herself that there was a little baby growing in there. 
Dominik had promised her adventures, when he came to rescue her on his bike when they were eleven and thirteen (with Dominik being the older one), and he’d yet to disappoint. 
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halseyroom · 2 years
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love and power tour, dallas.
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antaniashanae · 2 months
A Night in the Music City: MonoNeon Quilted Stereo Tour
July 30, 2024
Exit/In -Nashville
I traveled to Nashville, TN on July 30th as my initial plans to see Lianne La Havas in D.C. fell through. Why must ticket re-sellers be so greedy? I watched $85 tickets be flipped to nearly $400 overnight. I suppose, the demand to see her in the US was substantial- I get it. As an avid concertgoer, this didn’t change the fact that I still needed (good) music and entertainment.
Once Lianne was ruled out, I checked to see what other artists were touring: Missy Elliot, Chaka Khan, Jhene Aiko to name a few. The algorithm on Instagram would show MonoNeon’s Quilted Stereo Tour announcement. With little hesitation, I checked out dates and locations and settled on Nashville. This was a bit spontaneous as I have not been to Nashville as a legal drinking adult. I booked a flight out of Dallas, packed my neon green, and was on my way!
MonoNeon, Grammy award winning, super-bassist. He is one of the last to play alongside Prince, and posses an unusual skill of playing the bass with his left hand, upside down on the right-handed instrument. This makes for a unique sound that is only expected from him. His musical style is not only erratic, but genius.
The Memphis native is consistently providing listeners with new  music. He has released another album titled, “Quilted Stereo” which features the “innovator of funk,” GEORGE CLINTON. The album also includes a feature from the beautiful and legendary soul singer, MAVIS STAPLES.  
A nice, sunny day turned dark and rainy as soon as the concert was scheduled to start at 8p, at the Exit/In located at 2208 Elliston Pl, Nashville, TN 37203. From the moment I walked into the venue, the atmosphere was electric, filled with concert attendees wearing specks of neon clothing, anticipation and sounds of a past time. I must admit, I was eager to see who his audience consisted of. At the end of the day, we were all in alignment to groove!
Abruptly hitting the stage around 9p, a nameless band and Mononeon take their places. He is wearing a multi-neon-colored, quilted face mask and ski goggles. The building goes up with roaring yells and claps as the band opened with “Hot Cheetos.” And the transitions were consistent.
Although none of my favorite songs were performed, the energy and creativity MonoNeon brought to the stage were undeniable. His ability to create a vibrant atmosphere kept the audience engaged, but we were all wanting more—
With a consistent flow of songs, the vibe felt more like a jam session than a traditional concert. I needed a Red Bull to power through the remainder of the set. The highlight of the night was undoubtedly when MonoNeon performed, “Women, Water, & Weed.” This performance was more of a crescendo, while exposing more of his vocal abilities—which I love. The energy of the room was palpable, and the crowd was completely captivated by his unique sound and stage presence. His talent on the bass guitar is simply unmatched—
Overall, it was a night of musical exploration and unexpected delights. If MonoNeon is ever in your city, be sure to check him out!
Remaining Tour Dates:
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thelensofyashunews · 3 months
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Today, multi-platinum selling superstar G-Eazy releases his 7th studio album, Freak Show.  The album marks an explosive return for the artist as his first full-length project in nearly three years and ushers him into a brand-new musical era as a creative.
Freak Show sees G-Eazy return with abundance, following a three-year hiatus to creatively refresh and process the devastating loss of his mother. The album spans the many musical sensibilities of his artistry, leaning into his roots with “Lady Killers III,” a reimagined version of his viral hit “Lady Killers II,” and a softer vulnerability in songs such as “Love You Forever,” in which he opens up regarding his grief of losing a parent. In “Love You Forever,” he shares “some days I try to ignore it/some days I’m not strong enough for it/I knew I’d have to write this/knew it’d be hard to record it/without breaking down in the moment.” The album title track “Freak Show” features hitmaker MC, French Montana and encapsulates the sound so many have grown to love G on. 
Last week, G released his newest single off the project, “Anxiety,” an upbeat track in which he addresses the ups and downs of his mental state. “Some days I’m high/Throw my pain away/Just to get by/It’s easier that way,” he confesses in the song’s chorus, going on to detail some of his most personal demons and the voice he battles in his own head. “Anxiety” serves as a poignant moment of self-reflection and honesty for G, giving fans a glimpse into his inner world.
In May, G-Eazy surprised fans with “Lady Killers III,” a brand-new version of his explosive viral hit, breathing new life into the much-loved track that has been taking the internet by storm in recent months. The original “Lady Killers Remix” experienced a major surge in viral popularity, rising to #2 on the Billboard TikTok chart, #4 on the Shazam U.S. Chart and #7 on the Shazam Global Chart. The song has broken into the Top 100 of Spotify’s Global Daily Streaming Chart and has led to record-setting engagement and total views on Tiktok after it was posted on his account. 
Earlier this Spring, G-Eazy released his brand-new single “Femme Fatale” featuring two-time GRAMMY nominated and multiplatinum artist Coi Leray and rap sensation Kaliii. Released via RCA Records, “Femme Fatale” is the first new music from the artist in over a year. Highlighting G-Eazy’s expansive musical influences, the track features a classic sample from legendary Caribbean reggae funk group 20th Century Steel Band song “Heaven and Hell Is On Earth.”  The single arrived alongside an artistically styled lyric video that introduces fans to a new creative era for G-Eazy. SPIN said the song was  “easily on track to be one of the year’s most-played summer jams, with feminist power lyrics marbled into a signature Bay Area-style, womp-filled, with a hyphy-sounding beat.”
G-Eazy has also announced his “Freak Show” world tour across North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.Kicking off in Berkeley, CA on October 24th, the 41-date tour will stop in major markets across North America including Los Angeles, New York City, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and more. The tour’s international leg will begin in Europe in 2025, including stops in Germany, France, Ireland and the UK before continuing on to dates in Australia and New Zealand. 
Presale tickets and VIP Package sales will begin Wednesday, June 12th at 10:00AM local time with tickets for general onsale starting Friday, June 14th at 10:00AM local time. For more information and to sign up for early access to US presale tickets, visit https://g-eazy.com/pages/tour.
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gxbtx · 4 months
Teezo Touchdown Captivates with his First Solo Show in Austin
On May 31st, I embarked a 225 mile journey to a familiar venue, Emo’s. Despite having an early flight the next day back in Dallas, there was one reason I just had to make the drive; Teezo Touchdown was about to headline his first ever “Spend the Night Tour” in Austin.
Months prior I had attended Circus Maximus performed by Travis Scott. While Scott’s performance was impressive and definitely one to remember, Teezo Touchdown’s opening stood out to me as a true demonstration of what a promising upcoming performer looked like in the flesh. Teezo made it clear he was committed to become the very best he could be for his live performances. My first time seeing Teezo made me feel like I was witnessing history; He was becoming more comfortable with performing for a crowd and energizing them to enjoy the show, that of which I needed to follow up on.
While Teezo may not be mainstream yet, he brings a unique quality that serves as the key to what it takes to be mainstream. Teezo Touchdown creates a sentiment that being unapologetically yourself even in the face of discrimination reaps fulfilling rewards through consistency. Sitting at 32, Teezo felt at points in his career that he would become too old to succeed with his music, represented by the song “Impossible.” However, Teezo never gave up on working on himself, which eventually led him into the opportunities of working with the likes of Tyler, Chance the Rapper, and Travis Scott. Touchdown’s genre is hard to pinpoint as he is consistently creating unheard fusions of genres, flows, and sounds. With that being said, his jabs to show the world who he truly is has clearly paid off in his upbringing, just taking a little more time than we typically expect.
Although Teezo has been in the industry for a few years now, Teezo has a unique way of posing himself up to be the next big thing. At the concert, he reminds the crowd that even if you weren’t there since day one, your day one could begin that night. Teezo’s feeling of novelty has allowed him to reach a sweet spot in his career, as the audience he curates at “smaller” venues (as compared to stadium tours) is passionately excited to see something completely fresh. Walking us through his story starting in his small town of Beaumont, Tx, Teezo’s performance felt like seeing colors for the first time. Touchdown has this very apparent determination to reciprocate all the love and support he receives by giving the people a show that represents pure creativity; Thus, this show gave us one of the most excited and diverse audiences who maintained the energy throughout the very end of the show; all while wrapping up by 10:45 (an under appreciated trait to live shows!)
His love for Austin added to this sentiment, as the phrase “Keep Austin Weird” was something that spoke to him throughout his time growing up in Texas. I want to say at this point, Teezo has given me (twice) an unforgettable performance that has given me a glimpse into what Austin stood for decades ago, long before the sudden influx of population seemingly saturated the culture. I couldn’t help but compare this performance to what I imagine seeing Michael Jackson live felt like, as his truly captivating aesthetic and energy brought what felt like magic to all of us. I commend Teezo for reinforcing the values I am actively pursuing throughout my early career, that of which creativity, personality, gratitude, and connectedness reigns rule, ultimately illustrating the power of love through music.
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texasobserver · 9 months
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“The Texas Observer’s 2023 Must-Read Lone Star Books” by Senior Editor Lise Olsen, with help from Susan Post of Austin's Bookwoman:
Despite a disturbing rise in book bans, Texas is, against all odds, becoming more and more of a literary hub with authors winning accolades, indie bookstores popping up from Galveston Island to El Paso, and ban-busting librarians and other book-lovers throwing festivals. So as you ponder gifts this holiday season or consider what to read by the fire or by the pool (who can say in December?), pick some Lone Star lit. 
Here’s a list of #MustRead 2023 books by Texans or about Texas compiled by the Observer staff with help from Susan Post of Austin’s independent Bookwoman. (Several talented Texans also made best book lists in Slate magazine, The New Yorker, and NPR’s Books We Love.)
We Were Once a Family: A Story of Love, Death, and Child Removal in America by Dallas journalist Roxanna Asgarian (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) is a dramatic takedown of the Texas foster care and family court system. It’s both a compelling narrative and an investigative tour de force.
The People’s Hospital: Hope and Peril in American Medicine (Simon & Schuster) by Ricardo Nuila, a Houston physician and author, is an eye-opening and surprisingly optimistic read. Nuila delves deeply into what’s wrong with modern medicine by painting rich portraits of the patients he’s treated (and befriended) while working at Harris County’s Ben Taub Hospital, which offers free or low-cost—yet high-quality—care against all odds. Each of them had been forced into impossible positions and suffered additional trauma from obstacles and gaps in insurance, corporate medicine, and Big Pharma.
Waco: David Koresh, the Branch Davidians and a Legacy of Rage (Simon & Schuster) by Fort Worth journalist Jeff Guinn is one of two books that mark the 30th anniversary of the standoff between the Branch Davidians and federal agents that ended with 86 deaths. (The other is Waco Rising by Kevin Cook.) Both authors recount how the 1993 tragedy shaped other extremist leaders in America—and still influences separatist movements today.
Quantum Criminals: Ramblers, Wild Gamblers and Other Sole Survivors from the Songs of Steely Dan (University of Texas Press) by Alex Pappademas and Joan LeMay has been described as the quintessential Steely Dan book. As part of the project, LeMay, a native Houstonian, created 109 whimsical portraits of characters that sprang from the musicians’ lyrics and legends. In a review, fellow artist Melissa Messer wrote: “Looking at Joan’s oeuvre makes me feel tipsy, or like I’ve drunk Wonka’s Fizzy Lifting Drink and I’m swimming through the air after her, searching for the same vision.”
Black Cameleon: Memory, Womanhood and Myth(Macmillan) by Debra D.E.E.P. Mouton, the former Houston poet Laureate, shares lyrical memories of her own life mixed with ample asides on Black culture and family lore. Her storylines sink deeply into a dream world, and yet readers emerge without forgetting her deeper messages.
Leg: The Story of a Limb and a Boy Who Grew from It (Abrams Books) by Greg Marshall of Austin has been described as “a hilarious and poignant memoir grappling with family, disability, and coming of age in two closets—as a gay man and as a man living with cerebral palsy.” NPR’s Scott Simon, who interviewed Marshall, described the memoir as “intimate, and I mean that in all ways—insightful and often laugh-out-loud funny.”
Up Home: One Girl’s Journey (Penguin Random House) by Ruth J. Simmonsis a powerful memoir from the Grapeland native who became the president of Brown University and thus, the first Black president of an Ivy League institution. Simmons begins by sharing stories about her parents, who were sharecroppers, and about her life as one of 12 children growing up in a tiny Texas town during the Jim Crow era. For her, the classroom became “a place of brilliant light unlike any our homes afforded.” (Simmons’s other academic credentials include being the former president of Smith College; president of Prairie View A&M University, Texas’s oldest HBCU; and the former vice provost of Princeton.)
Novels and Short Stories
An Autobiography of Skin(Penguin Random House) by Lakiesha Carr weaves together three powerful narratives all featuring Black women from Texas. Carr, a journalist originally from East Texas, plumbs the depths of each character’s struggles, sharing tales of gambling, lost love, abuse, and the power of women to overcome. 
Holler, Child (Penguin Random House), a new short story collection from Latoya Watkins, was long-listed for the National Book Award. Her eleven tales press “at the bruises of guilt, love, and circumstance,” as the cover description promises, and introduce West Texas-inspired characters irrevocably shaped by place.
The Nursery (Pantheon Books) by Szilvia Molnar—a surprisingly honest, anatomically accurate (and unsettling) novel about new motherhood—begins: “I used to be a translator and now I am a milk bar.” It’s a riveting and original debut by Molnar, who is originally from Budapest, was raised in Sweden, and now lives in Austin.
Two legendary Austin writers weighed in with new novels on our tall stack of Texas goodreads: The Madstone (Little, Brown and Company) by Elizabeth Crook, the 2023 Texas Writer Award winner, and Mr. Texas, a fictional send-up of Texas politics by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Lawrence Wright. 
Bookwoman’s Susan Post, who contributed titles to our list, also recommends filling your holiday shelves with poetry by and about Texans:
Dream Apartment (Copper Canyon Press) by Lisa Olstein; 
Low (Gray Wolf Press) by Nick Flynn; 
Freedom House by KB Brookins (published by Dallas’ Deep Vellum Bookstore & Publishing Co.) 
Pastures of the Empty Page: Fellow Writers on the Life and Legacy of Larry McMurtry (University of Texas Press) edited by George Getchow, contains essays from a who’s who list of Texas writers about Larry McMurtry’s influence on Texas culture and their lives. It includes an array of reflections on history and the writing process as well as anecdotes about McMurtry’s off-beat and innovative life. 
To Name the Bigger Lie (Simon & Schuster) by Sarah Viren, an ex-Texan who now teaches creative writing at Arizona State University, (excerpted in Lithub) includes reflections on Viren’s experiences (and misadventures) as an “out” academic and writer in states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona. As she dryly notes, “Critiques of the personal essay, and by extension memoir, are often gendered—not to mention classist and racist and homophobic.” 
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hlseydaily · 2 years
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June 28, 2022 | Halsey performing at the Love and Power Tour Dallas!
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daggerzine · 7 months
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Laetitia Sadier- Rooting For Love (Drag City)
The album begins with “Who + What,” an eerie, moody keyboard-driven melody that builds with layers and layers of instruments and vocals. “I need to I want to I have to; Need to expand, want to expand; Embrace my Goddess; Escape the fortress; The walls are falling down, cultures are communing; Muses are converging; On the verge.” Track 2, ”Proteiformunite,” is the first of many French songs on this album. This time the bass gets the spotlight. Laetitia’s soft vocals take the listener away to another world. And then the band kicks in with a full-out jam! Next up, “Une Autre Attente," is another French track. Eerie keyboards and robotic piano are highlighted here, but the beautiful vocals truly add to this one. Check out the video:
Track 4, “The Dash,” is a soft, gentle, jazzy number complete with “Ba dee dup, Ba dee dup” Bossa Nova vocals. “Through the center; The discreet shine of your darkness; Eyes of children the heart of another; Things we fear are false; A current life; The place inside; Into the night slowly; Swells vitality.” Next, “Don’t Forget You’re Mine” has a stripped-down beginning, but eventually the music soars and swells with beats and strings. “Hey, don't scream with rage it’s vain. I’m not impressed, just exasperated again. A good slap is what you need; a good slap is what you want; take that take that, get up get up babe.” Track 6, “Panser L’inacceptable,” is another beauty of a song. It has a tropical feel to it. Love the horns here. Here’s the video:
Track 7, “The Inner Smile,” is possibly my favorite track with shifting flutes and a major jam near the end. It’s the most upbeat song on the album. “Smile at all parts of your being. Smile at the parts you’re aware of and those you’re not. Smile, smile and thank your whole body.” Next up, “La Nageuse Nue,” is a French-titled song with English lyrics this time. Laetitia gets deep with her poetry. “The dissolution beliefs; The singular world; Volunteers the ego. Social body, For a cleansing and healing, Experience. Which may turn the personality inside and out; Discloses the gold hidden within the heart.” Track 9,“ New Moon,” develops into a hypnotic blast of ambient sound. It actually came out way back in 2021. It’s one of those songs you just don’t want to end. A beautiful video directed by Laetitia and Tanya Small captures the song here:
   The album closes with “Cloud 6,” a repetitive outer space choral vocal exercise complete with blasting horns. “You have a power I haven't got. I have a power you don’t have. We need all the power we can get. Our psyches, well-being, brutalised, The world renounces its liberty because it is in fear. Because it is in fear, because it is in fear.” More deep thoughts from Laetitia as we would expect. Another great one from Stereolab’s Laetitia Sadier from start to finish.  Make sure to check the tour schedule beginning in March to see if she’ll be hitting your part of the world. ERIC EGGLESON
Sat. March 2- San Francisco CA @ The Chapel
Mon. March 4- Portland OR @ Polaris Hall
Tue. March 5- Seattle WA @ Barboza
Wed. March 6- Vancouver BC @ Fox Cabaret
Fri. March 8- Salt Lake City UT @ Kilby Court
Sat. March 9- Denver CO @ Lost Lake
Mon. March 11- Minneapolis MN @ Turf Club
Tue. March 12- Chicago IL @ Empty Bottle
Wed. March 13- Detroit MI @ Third Man
Fri. March 15- Toronto ON @ Garrison
Sat. March 16- Montreal QC @ Bar Le Ritz
Wed. March 20- Brooklyn NY @ National Sawdust
Thu. March 21- Boston MA @ Arts at the Armory
Fri. March 22- Philadelphia PA @ Johnny Brenda's
Sat. March 23- Washington DC @ Songbyrd
Mon. March 25- Atlanta GA @ EARL
Tue. March 26- Nashville TN @ Blue Room
Thu. March 28- Houston TX @ White Oak Music Hall Upstairs
Fri. March 29- Dallas TX @ Club Dada
Sat. March 30- Austin TX @ Parish
Tue. April 2- Phoenix AZ @ Rebel Lounge
Wed. April 3- Pioneertown CA @ Pappy & Harriets
Thu. April 4- Los Angeles CA @ Zebulon
Fri. April 5- Big Sur CA @ Fernwood Tavern
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(Photo credit: Marie Merlet)
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half-doomed · 10 months
2, 3, 4, 9!!
2. Best concert you’ve ever been to
Waterparks and idkhow at the entertainment tour OR hellvetica dallas. So much for tourdust is also up there, along with the mania tour because honestly seeing fob for the first time was great and i will never get over hearing lake effect kid and disloyal order live for the first time.
Tourdust because it's the healing tour and it's been SO fun. I'm trying to go to as many shows as possible on this next leg of the tour. And the entertainment tour because like. Obviously. I left that concert immediately wanting to go back. If I'd had the resources/money/time to follow that tour to houston i absolutely would have.
Hellvetica dallas but really all 3 shows we went to on that tour because following a band around the state like that was on my bucketlist and we made so many friends there and had so much fun. And we met the guys in idkhow and joywave, which I feel like i've talked extensively about hellvetica on this blog so yea
3. Worst concert you’ve ever been to
I went with my younger sibling to see a band they're into, and I really didnt vibe with their music. ): I'm glad they had a fun time but I had to step outside at one point because i was just not vibing with their set
4. Best opening band
Nobody likes the opening band 🎶
I've been to a few shows for the opening band so I'll interpret this as best opening act that I got into because they opened for somebody. I got into de'wayne that way, the maine, stand atlantic, superet, sophie powers, daisy grenade, and destroy boys. My favorite of those has gotta be de'wayne or the maine. But to be fair, i already listened to the maine, just not as much. De'wayne is such an amazing performer and I wish he was appreciated more because I wanna see him headlining. Also special shoutout to superet too, I'd love to see them again
9. Dream line-up
Idkhow/bad suns/dbmk It's a weird mix but if any combo of these bands toured together i would die
Send me some concert asks!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 11 months
For the if they were canon ask game: 🎬 + Genesis Welton, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨💙✨
Always happy to answer asks about my babe Genesis! Thanks a bunch, Alexandra!! <3
The really good thing about the original series, I think, is that it really sort of just drops us into the Star Trek universe and tells us to play catch-up with learning about the world and the characters. So I think Gen's introduction would just be a shot of her in the medical bay, filling out some forms on their holopad and trading banter with Bones, before Jim comes in needing something.
Despite how closed off she is as a person, Gen is actually very shippable. Obviously a good portion of the fandom would ship them, Kirk, and Spock, but there would also be people shipping her with solely one or the other, as well as those who ship them with Uhura and Sulu. (There would also, of course, be those few wayward souls who would write fics about her and Bones, but those people are weird and we do not speak of them.)
In addition to being a total badass, they'd be the first explicit representation of genderqueer people in media ever, as well as her relationship with Kirk and Spock being the first explicit representation of polyamorous relationships in media, and I think that would give hope to a lot of people.
I honestly feel like most of the hate around them would just be from hateful people - those who didn't want to see any queer representation or those who didn't want to see a female-presenting character being strong and powerful (though I will say anyone like that just shouldn't watch any Star Trek media at all). I also feel like a lot of people wouldn't like how distant and cold she can be at times, even after their past has been explained and the audience can understand why she is the way they are.
Bryce Dallas Howard is pretty awesome, so I can definitely see her getting along with the cast! She and William Shatner would definitely be good friends, and she would definitely be besties with George Takei.
Probably a scene of her and Kirk talking about their Starfleet days and just exchanging back-and-forth; it would be good for seeing how a prospective actor's chemistry with William Shatner would be, and for seeing how well they could deliver Gen's snappy dialogue.
Probably William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and DeForest Kelley. I can definitely picture them all together in interviews and cons, laughing and sharing filming stories.
I can definitely picture Bryce spoiling a couple things purely by accident (😅). Nothing too major, though!
I mean, the story of Star Trek is never going to be fully over, I don't think, but I can definitely see Bryce being happy with Gen's ending from the original series and movies. They end it retired from Starfleet, married to the men she loves, and at peace for once in their life - what better ending than that could you ask for?
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send me 🎬 + an oc!!
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rachel-archer · 2 years
Curious II
Alright, working title: After Shine, I haven’t started the post to AO3 yet, but I thought I’d give you guys a little bit more since I’m not sure about posting it yet...
June 16, 2018 - Dallas, Texas
She’d been back from Japan maybe five days, and was riding the uplifting high of being close enough to California she swore she could smell her momma's cooking. Tonight was going to be amazing, she could feel it in her bones, she wasn’t exactly sure why Cage had sent her on the road with his talent, when a group of them decided to work Ring of Honor, but she’d spent the last year touring with some of the most irritating bastards she’d ever met (she sort of loved it though). The move to New York almost two summers ago, alone and in the big city, had been disarming. She swore looking back she’d spent most of the first two months crying herself to sleep.
Danny Cage had been a friend of her fathers, sort of, and he’d ‘taken her in’ out of respect for how famous her dad really was. He hadn’t actually known what to do with an almost eighteen-year old girl who wasn’t at all interested in the limelight of the ring. It’s how she became an Influencer, she supposed, they traveled constantly, so she started a blog, and back then she could make little short stories with some of Cage’s younger talent. There was one man, Martinez, that she tended to stick close to. He was large and big, and just this side of dangerous, but he’d saved her ass more than once in Japan - she’d never forget the night he punched some handsy Englishman for copping a feel of her, when she’d come to collect them from a bar. 
The thing about Martinez was he didn’t want her around, not really. But she was always underfoot. She wanted him to win, he had the power and the drive, and fuck the charisma once he got stared in the ring - he was damn hard not to look at. The thing was, he was mean. And more often than not she suffered for her attempts at helping him, but there were days (sometimes even two in a row) where he would talk with her in Spanish about his home, about his familia, about who he wanted to be, and in turn she told him stories of her familia, of being adopted by a huge Latino family, and how lucky she was. Then there were rushed mornings, where she was tossing women (sometimes multiple) out of his hotel room, and running around doing last minute checks to see if he had anything, before corralling the still intoxicated, angry bull of a man toward the taxi.
“Hey, kid, you're dad’s on the phone!” Cage shouted, and motioned to his cell phone - her’s was dead.
“Thanks, Mr. Cage.” She hurried to him, around the pool, side stepping the large man in question who was drinking before ten in the morning, stretched out over a lounger, he shot her a smile, which made her blush. “Papi?” She said into the phone, a grin pulling at her face as the familiar noise of home sounded behind her.
“Hola, Danika, we are going to come tonight to the matches, Dominik wants to see you.” She smiled warmly, Cage was just going to love hosting the Mysterio familia. “How was Japan?” She launched into telling him all about the customs and their version of wrestling, and how she’d met Chris Jericho, and boy was he protective of her, she talked about the fashion and all the gifts she’d brought back for them, but mostly she asked about her younger sister Lainey, who Dominik had been visiting with while she’d been out of the country (six months in Japan was longer than she’d anticipated). 
“We are actually going to bring her with us tonight.” Danika’s heart soared damn near out of her chest. “And Cage has agreed, you need a vacation, so while we have custody of Delainey and are waiting to figure out what’s going to happen with your mom, you're coming home tonight.” She couldn’t help but grin even wider, after they talked a bit more, and she got off the phone, she wandered back to the pool, settling onto the lounge next to Martinez.
“¿Qué te tiene tan feliz, pequeña?”
She shot Martinez a look, she knew he knew English, probably more than he let on, she responded in kind, “Mi familia is coming to the show tonight, and I’m going home for a while afterward.” The man lowered his sunglasses to look her over, he shot her a toothy grin, it both unsettled her and made her want to vibrate out of her skin, “I might even miss you.” She admitted, after a long moment. 
Summer Slam in 2020 might have been the proverbial start to Dominik Mysterio’s career in the WWE, but it had also been the end of his semi-normal private life. His high school sweetheart had left him shortly after because his time on the road was ‘too much’ too hard for her, and for a brief stint he’d fallen into sleeping with his best friend, Danika. He and Danika shared a set of twins, named Delarosa Analucia Raquel (they call her Rosa) and Domenico Andrés Felipe (they call him Nico), but they’d kept that largely underwraps for his career. For the first time in months Danika was at a show tonight, with both almost eighteen month olds (wearing noise canceling earphones) in her arms. He picked her out easily in the crowd, from the backroom when the camera spanned the crowd a second and third time, the babies were rocking little Mysterio onesies, with his and Rey’s logo on the chest, if they were facing forward, she was standing with Aalyah and his mom. 
Angie hadn’t been so understanding about him and Danika’s questionable relationship, Danika was almost two years younger than him, and she was probably a little less understanding now, considering Danika was pregnant again. Not that Dominik minded, he liked being a dad. Danika had skipped two grades and the pair had met in middle school, she’d supported him and his dreams from the moment they met, never once had she questioned who his real father was, nor had she asked him about Rey’s legendary matches. She was one of the few people who saw him for him. Angie had been livid, when the twins were born, that Danika and Dominik refused to get married. On the flip of that, his mother was not foaming at the mouth for Aalyah and Buddy Matthews (known as Buddy Murphy or just Murphy), there was an age gap, and they’d had a rollercoaster relationship since they got together in 2020 (although their relationship had started as kayfabe). They’d broken up for a couple of months over the summer, and Buddy had been linked to Rhea Ripley, briefly before he and Aalyah reconciled. 
Tonight - well, it was rumored to be the start of legitimate hell for him. It’s the fourth of July, they had barely made it through one of the biggest pay per views of the year - Money in the Bank, and he was already on edge because he hated that they dropped the titles after only sixty some days as champions, it was a little irritating, but as far as creative cared to explain, it was the beginning of a massive storyline for him. He caught the sweet smile of Danika on the big screen. He loved his best friend, and positively adored her. She might be the only person who openly accepted Aalyah’s odd relationship with Murphy, although he was pretty sure she’d told him off for leading Rhea on (or something along those lines). Danika wasn’t interested in the WWE or their storylines, or participating, Angie had warned her that sometimes there wasn’t an option.
Last year, he could remember taking the twins to see fireworks in whatever town they were in on the road. Danika is lucky that she can travel with them year round, she’s a tiktoker and an influencer. She’s been beyond careful of sharing too much about the twins with the world - instead she had made it a going mystery. Tonight the twins were at their first real WWE show (Danika had come most of her pregnancy, and had shown up for events a few times after that when Angie or Aalyah could watch the twins). He wasn’t looking forward to facing Judgement Day tonight. He still was a bit confused about how he and Rey had become targets for the Judgement Day, but he chalked it up to the fact that his dad and Edge (Uncle Adam) were such close legends. 
“You ok, Dom?” Rey asked from where they were watching the matches in the backroom - Austin Theory had just interrupted Bobby Lashley, and honestly Dominik sort of wanted to see them wail on each other. He gazed at his dad, watched as Rey looked around the room, obviously checking for anyone who might be bilingual before he switched languages, “Tu madre tiene buenas intenciones cuando se trata de Danika, sabes que los ama a ambos. Tal vez deberías pensar en lo que significa tener otro hijo.”
“I know she means well, and we have thought about it, right now neither of us are even remotely interested in casarse solo para apoyar la tradición.” He looked around to make sure no one had heard him, “And a third isn’t going to break the bank account, currently she makes more money than me.” Dominik murmured unbothered, he wasn’t going to marry Danika just because tradition strongly suggested it, he wasn’t going to marry her just because his mom wanted him to. Sure, there was probably honor in doing that, but Danika was more than vocal on the fact that she wanted to marry for love not obligation. Dominik watched as his father seemed to think that over, “Mamá no está exigiendo que Aalyah y Buddy se casen.” 
“That is different, I think your mom still expects him to dip.” Rey hummed, as Austin started yelling about something in the ring, his right and youth or something. Dominik pulled his phone free of his shorts pocket, he tended to wear shorts and a t-shirt over his ring gear until they were ready to go out. “What are you doing?”
“Checking on Danika.” He offered, slowly, because Damian and Finn had entered the room flanked by Rhea who wasn’t medically cleared to be back, and had arrived with street clothes on - she looked adorable in the skinny jeans and oversized black t-shirt. With no cameras on the trio they looked over friendly with one another, joking and laughing. He caught Rhea’s gaze, the woman sent him a wink, he snickered a little bit to himself. They had to hurry out of the room for an interview, so Dominik pushed his phone away, and scurried out of his over shorts.
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