#love biome next balance
Found! Love Biome Best Probiotic Supplement For Autoimmune Disorders
What is the best probiotic for autoimmune diseases? Good news! Found Love Biome products as solution and as best probiotic supplement for autoimmune disorders.
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Autoimmune disorders are a collection of ailments in which the immune system of the body incorrectly assaults and damages its own tissues and organs.
The immune system is unable to distinguish between external invaders such as viruses and bacteria and the body's own cells in certain illnesses, resulting in an immunological reaction targeting healthy cells, tissues, and organs.
Rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease are all examples of autoimmune illnesses. These disorders, which can produce a variety of symptoms such as inflammation, discomfort, and tissue damage, are difficult to cure.
The Significance of Gut Health in Autoimmune Illnesses
Gut health is critical for general health and well-being, and it is especially important for persons who suffer from autoimmune diseases.
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The gut microbiome, or the group of bacteria that live in the digestive tract, is crucial in maintaining immune system balance and limiting autoimmune responses.
Gut dysbiosis, or an imbalance in the gut microbiota, has been related to the development and progression of autoimmune illnesses.
Proper gut health can aid in immune system regulation, inflammation reduction, and the integrity of the gut barrier, which serves as a physical and immunological barrier against hazardous substances.
This is significant because a leaky gut, or a weakened barrier, can let toxic substances into the bloodstream and trigger an immunological reaction.
As a result, promoting gut health with a well-balanced diet, probiotics, and prebiotics can help manage autoimmune illnesses and alleviate associated symptoms.
However, before beginning any new food or supplement program, it is critical to contact with a healthcare expert.
Probiotics and Autoimmune Disorders
Probiotics can aid with autoimmune illnesses in a variety of ways, including:
1. Gut microbiota influence: Probiotics can help to create a healthy balance of gut microbiota, which in turn helps control the immune system and minimize the risk of autoimmune responses.
2. Immune response modulation: Probiotics can modify the immune response by encouraging the development of regulatory T cells, which aid in the control of immune system overactivity.
3. Inflammation reduction: Probiotics contain anti-inflammatory qualities that can aid in the reduction of chronic inflammation in the gut, which is a typical feature of autoimmune illnesses.
4. Gut barrier integrity: Probiotics can aid in the preservation of the gut barrier, which serves as a physical and immunological barrier against hazardous substances.
A leaky gut, or a weakened barrier, can let dangerous substances into the bloodstream and cause an autoimmune reaction.
Probiotics are not a cure for autoimmune disorders, and their efficiency varies depending on the individual, the type of autoimmune disorder, and the exact probiotic strain employed.
As a result, before beginning a probiotic supplement regimen, it is critical to consult with a healthcare expert.
Considerations When Choosing a Probiotic Supplement
When selecting a probiotic supplement, keep the following considerations in mind:
1. Probiotic Strains: Because different strains of probiotics have varying health advantages, it is critical to select a supplement that has the proper strains for your unique needs.
Certain strains have been demonstrated to be more beneficial for various illnesses such as IBS and autoimmune disorders.
2. Dosage: The right amount of probiotics to take depends on the individual, their health level, and the illness being treated.
It is critical to follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage or seek the advice of a healthcare professional.
3. Quality and Purity: Probiotic supplement quality and purity might vary substantially between brands.
As a result, it is critical to select a reputed brand that adheres to proper production methods and uses high-quality ingredients.
4. Form: Probiotics come in a variety of formats, including capsules, powders, and liquids, and the optimum form for you will depend on your personal preferences as well as the individual probiotic strains utilized.
5. Third-Party Testing: Third-party testing can give independent verification of the quality, purity, and potency of probiotic supplements, thus selecting a product that has completed third-party testing is recommended.
Autoimmune Disorder Probiotic Supplements
If you are looking for the perfect Probiotic Supplement For Autoimmune Disorders, we have the perfect answer.
The Love Biome USA Daily 3 System is the Best Probiotics Supplements that will assist you in achieving good health and treating autoimmune problems.
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Good health begins with addressing the micro-environment within the digestive system.
It is known as your gut microbiota. We wish to familiarize you with this system. It is literally the center of our bodies' good health.
The goal is to create an optimal microbiome within the gut. This biotic ecosystem must be active, with healthy bacteria introduced and fed, and harmful bacteria denied food and eventually purged.
Our ingredients are ethically and naturally obtained. Each ingredient and formula bears our personal seal of approval.
All of the fantastic components found in Love Biome Drinks, plus a unique blend of global ingredients.
Love Biome Products are designed to be as basic and pure as possible while yet being effective. Nourish and balance the gut microbiome with Biome Juice:
• Use a professionally prepared probiotic blend to introduce friendly microorganisms. This combination acts as reinforcements to assist improve the intestinal ecology.
• Provide prebiotics, or beneficial bacteria diet. Prebiotics promote the growth and flourishing of beneficial bacteria in the stomach.
• Assist the body's natural detoxification process, allowing it to rid itself of harmful pollutants.
PhytoPower is The Best Probiotic Supplement for Autoimmune Disorders
PhytoPower is an incredible combo of probiotics, prebiotics, whole foods, and digestive enzymes that work together to develop and cultivate the ideal gut microbial habitat.
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PhytoPower's proprietary enzyme combination aids in the breakdown and digestion of fat, protein, dairy, plant fiber, and other nutrients.
PhytoPower's outstanding ingredient list includes whole meals and probiotics complexes such as:
Acidophilus Lactobacillus
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
Lactobacillus Casei
Bifidobacterium Bifidum
Breve Bifidobacterium
Sporogens Lactobacillus
Plantarum Lactobacillus
And digestive enzymes such as:
• Amylase
• Protease
• Cellulase
• Lactase
• Lipase
These will aid in the creation of the ideal microbiome environment in your stomach. This will aid in the maintenance of certain systems and functions:
Digestion, immune system, nutrient absorption, detoxification, energy and stamina, circulation, and skin health are all affected.
Next Liquid Supplement is the best probiotic supplement for autoimmune disorders.
Over 25 years ago, superfruit juices and mixes transformed the nutrition market. Love Biome Products has heralded a new era in liquid supplements.  We just call our creation Next.
• Botanical sources of the future
• Technology of the future
• A future vision of how important elements can collaborate
Polyphenols are important for intestinal health.
microbiome health, and have been associated with:
• Lower blood sugar levels
• Better heart health
• Improved brain function
• Less inflammation in the body
Polyphenols that have not been digested are absorbed by gut flora, providing a rich source of prebiotic material.
Next Balance is a strong blend of globally sourced botanical components high in polyphenols and phytonutrients designed to support a balanced and healthy gut microbiota.
Next Detox uses ingredients obtained from around the world to help clear away oxidative chemicals, toxins, and waste, kicking off an overall detoxification in the skin, blood, liver, and stomach.
Love Biome Daily 3 System: 3 Products Every Day
Is there anything you can do every day to improve your appearance, feeling, and performance? Yes. Love Biome's straightforward and comprehensive Daily 3 System includes:
• Next Detox and Next Balance are two liquid supplements. Simply pour and enjoy.
• PhytoPower: A nutrient-dense powder that readily dissolves in water or in your favorite smoothie.
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Begin your journey to better health with Love Biome Products' Daily 3 System! Here is where you can find the best probiotic supplement for autoimmune disorders.
Purchase the Most Effective Probiotic Supplement for Autoimmune Disorders. Get Discount Love Biome Daily 3 System
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scribbling-dragon · 1 year
for the fic requests: i’ve personally been kind of craving a grian & jimmy siblings fic that isn’t all like the “wholesome” or overprotectiveness that i see a lot in the tag, sibling relationships can be pretty nasty but still have that underlying affection or familarity to each other because of shared life experiences etc,, i think a dynamic like that (especially in any of the life series with the added stress of being in a death game, you can choose whatever setting tho because i think those two are just Inherently Fucked Up) would be cool to read about if you’re up for it
are you really siblings if you don't try and kill each other on the regular?
“Nah, most he’d do is scam you out everything valuable you own.”
“And leave me for dead.” He finishes.
“Well, I never said anything about you not dying to something stupid, just that Scar wouldn't kill you.”
“Wow,” he mutters, “what care and concern from my dearest older brother, truly, I have never felt more loved in my life.”
(ao3 link)
(2,080 words)
(reblogs are also appreciated <3)
The sand shifts beneath his feet as he steps onto it. The grains immediately worm their way into his shoes, through some strange impossibility that should mean that sand shouldn’t currently be in his shoes. There’s no way for sand to be in his shoes, yet he can find the grains itching at his feet almost immediately- within seconds of stepping foot onto the first patch of sand.
He grumbles under his breath, stepping further and further into the desert, squinting his eyes against the offensive sun that does its best to blind him the moment he looks up. The sand continues to sink around his feet, grains worming their way into his shoes and sticking to his feet.
It’s Grian’s stupid fault for choosing to live in such a hostile environment- seriously, there were so many better places for him to pick to live in and yet he chooses a desert? The man’s supposed to be smart, or something, and yet he chooses the biome that is potentially the most hostile to beings living in it (other than, maybe, an ocean. Choosing to live in the middle of the ocean is also a pretty stupid idea, but he’s also pretty sure Grian’s done that too). Maybe the man isn't so deserving of the clever title everyone gives him; maybe he’s just an idiot.
He glances up again, taking his chances with being blinded by the sun to see how much further he has to go. Monopoly Mountain still looms on the horizon, a seemingly insurmountable distance away. It feels as though he’s hardly made any progress with his journey across the desert, and the constantly shifting sand beneath his feet does nothing but add to the nightmarish trek.
He begins to curse Grian out beneath his breath.
“Now that’s just plain hurtful.” He startles, twisting to face the new arrival.
Grian’s perching on a nearby cactus, hand lightly resting on the top of it for balance. His talons curl around one of the arms of the cacti. It doesn't look at all comfortable, and Jimmy hopes he’s picking cacti spines out of his feet for the next week.
“You chose to live in a stupid place.” He complains. “Seriously? What’s wrong with a- a nice forest? Somewhere that’s not this hot or difficult to walk through!” He kicks at some of the sand, which only succeeds in shifting it slightly and adding to the slowly growing desert in the base of his boots.
“It’s for exactly that reason we chose to live here, Tim.” Grian cocks his head to the side. “Don't exactly want everyone wandering on past our base, especially not with so many red lives running around.”
“Hardly anyone’s going to be running past your base with Scar there.” He scoffs. He’s almost tempted to kick at the sand again, but that’d do nothing but make him more annoyed at the existence of a desert. He pledges to himself, then, that he shall never set foot in another desert unless it is with the sole purpose of eradicating every grain of sand from within it. Can't be a desert without any sand, can it?
“Or me.” Grian grins. “More than a few people are wary about me after that enchanting table trap.”
“You give yourself far too much credit.” He laughs. “I was the one that set that trap off- it didn't even work. Everyone overestimates how far you plan ahead.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he responds. This desert really is far too hot, he can feel the grains of sand beginning to collect between his feathers. Something which is going to be a pain to get out once he’s returned home and is safely away from this hellspawn of a biome. “You don't plan ahead at all.”
“Don't I?” Grian tries to sound surprised, raising his eyebrows in an exaggerated manner. It’s done with the sole intent of irritating him. And it works. Irritatingly. Grian just knows how to get under his skin, managing the feat with nothing more than a few expressions and carefully spoken words.
“No,” he can feel his feathers begin to fluff up a little, “you don't. Have you even thought about how this is going to end? About how all of this is going to end? Because I know you haven't, you never think that far ahead, never beyond the next trap or prank you're planning on pulling, hm? What happens when your contract with Scar runs out? What happens if he’s the one to kill you? What happens if you're the one to kill him?”
“It won't come to that.” Grian frowns at him, wings twitching. The hints at his annoyance are subtle. Everything about him is subtle, subtle up until the point where it is not, and you're left wondering where all of the sudden annoyance came from. “It won't.”
“But it might.” He shrugs. “What happens if you and Scar beat each other to death, hm?”
“The same thing that will happen if you and Scott beat each other to death, Tim,” Grian looks at him. “You die, and you move on. Game over, you go home.”
“And everyone else forgets this even happened in the first place.” He says, shoulders sagging. “Everyone goes home, none the wiser. As though they never disappeared in the first place, because it’s so easy for you to do that.”
“You make it sound like I enjoy that.”
Jimmy sighs. “I know you don't. But you don't think about these things. How are you meant to stop yourself from getting hurt if you don't think about it?”
“Isn't that what you're here for?” Grian asks. He hops down from the cacti, stretching his wings out as he lands. The wingspan is far larger than he normally has, tawny brown feathers so different from the usual bright reds and yellows of his wings.
His own are the same as they've always been. Unchanging. The bright yellow remains unaffected by whatever magic forces Grian to adapt- he’s not sure what he’d prefer; the unchanging warning of his own wings, or being forced to adapt with each different server, changing as he moves between them. 
“And here I thought you actually appreciated my company.”
“Of course not,” Grian scoffs. “Now, what was it you needed? Unless you just felt like complaining at me.”
“Uh,” why was he in the desert in the first place? He hadn't done anything remarkable that day, certainly nothing that he would have decided to trudge out here to inform their allies of- “Oh! Scott wants more sand, says our supplies are running low.”
“And he sent you to do it for him?”
“He’s doing enchants,” he says. “You know I can't do those very well.”
“Oh I am aware.” Grian laughs. “Your attempts are still as messy as when you were ten, I take it?”
He grumbles in response, which only prompts Grian to laugh more even though it isn't really that funny.
“Sand?” He prompts, when he realises Grian’s just going to keep laughing at him. At this rate, he’s going to pass out from a lack of oxygen, or the heat getting to him, before Jimmy can even secure the goods and been on his merry way back to his distinctly not sand-filled home.
“Yeah, yeah, c’mon,” Grian beckons him to follow, and he does, falling into step behind him. Grian moves with ease across the landscape, somehow managing not to sink into the sand as deeply as he does. Maybe it’s something to do with not wearing boots, though he’s certainly not about to risk burning his feet to test it- he’d rather Grian doesn't laugh at him anymore. “I don't see why you couldn't just dig up some of the edges, why come all this way to find me?”
“I'm not about to die because Scar found me digging up part of the desert.”
“He wouldn't kill you for it,” Grian sighs.
“Uh, yes he would. Have you met the man?”
“Nah, most he’d do is scam you out everything valuable you own.”
“And leave me for dead.” He finishes.
“Well, I never said anything about you not dying to something stupid, just that Scar wouldn't kill you.”
“Wow,” he mutters, “what care and concern from my dearest older brother, truly, I have never felt more loved in my life.”
“Oh, knock it off,” Grian nudges him far harder than necessary, pushing him into a small pile of sand that flies up as he kicks it, getting in his eyes and his mouth. He spits the sand out, feeling the grains catch in his teeth as he grimaces.
He stumbles after Grian, just to shove him back, watching him stumble slightly, teetering a little to the side. Grian shoves him back, as though Jimmy’s own shove wasn't revenge already.
He jabs an elbow into Grian’s ribs in return, digging into the spot he knows is especially sensitive after Grian cracked three ribs while attempting to fly for the first time. Grian shouts, loud and wordless, which is all the warning he gets before Grian leaps at him, shoving him down into the sand.
“Grian!” He cries. He can feel sand nestling amongst his hair, digging into his feathers. “Hey, hey!” He shoves at Grian, attempting to dislodge the avian. It doesn't work, and they simply end up rolling around.
Grian kicks at him, talons scratching down his trousers, no doubt ripping his jeans- something he’s going to have to explain to Scott later, no doubt. He kicks right back, shoving at Grian’s face as he goes to bite him, shoving him away until he’s at a safe enough distance that he won't - literally - go for the jugular.
Grian licks his hand.
He pulls it back with a shout of disgust, kicking at Grian hard enough to dislodge him, scrambling to his feet before Grian can lunge at him.
“What was that for!” He yells, hopping back a step when Grian still looks tempted to lunge for him.
“You jabbed me!” Grian yells back, gesturing wildly with his arms. His wings flap too, stirring up the sand and stinging at his eyes.
“And you tried to bite me!” He doesn't shriek- he doesn't. Grian is a known liar, so even if he does go around snitching on him, not that he shrieked in the first place, no one’s going to believe him. “How many times have I told you not to go for the throat!”
“How many times have I told you not to elbow me!” Grian shrieks back at him. “I wouldn't have to bite you if you didn't elbow me!”
“You shoved me first.” He crosses his arms. His wings twitch behind him, feathers ruffling as he tries to dislodge as much of the sand as he can.
“And? It’s my desert.”
“It’s not your desert.”
“Uh, yeah it is?” Grian tips his head to the side. “I live in it. It’s my desert.”
“Whatever,” he throws his hands up, turning around. “I give up! Keep your stupid sand!”
“What are you gonna tell Scott?” Grian yells after him. He ignores him, stalking across the sand, gritting his teeth every time it slips beneath his feet.
When he does arrive back at their base, Scott is still enchanting, nose deep in one of the books and glasses perched precariously on the edge of his nose as he leans forward to read it, quill and ink set aside for the moment.
He looks up as Jimmy enters, eyes widening in surprise at the state of him.
“What happened to you? You look like you had a fight with a bucket of sand and lost.”
“Ah,” Scott nods his head along sagely. “That certainly explains why you've come back dripping sand, yet seemingly lacking in it.”
“It just wasn't working out,” he waves Scott off. “I'm going for a lie down.”
“Alright,” he nods, watching his husband go. One of his trouser legs was torn, as though it had been ripped to shreds by a wild animal, or a particularly vicious bush. He has a feeling it was neither of those, though. He supposes he must give Grian credit where credit’s due, though he’s not sure what the man gets out of beating his brother up.
It simply makes him all the more glad to be a single child; he can't imagine the hassle of having a brother that seems hellbent on killing you at every turn.
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tacetnix · 5 months
The New Year (OOC)
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>// What was 2023? In retrospect, in hindsight, it's a year of frustrations. It's a year of being kicked to the curb and being hung out to dry, and at the same time it's a year that's been... reconfirming?
I started the year learning that my IT team was being deleted. That we had two weeks before we were going to be moving to the BioMed project. Up until May, I was doing thankless, menial work scraping medical-grade stickers with a razor, and applying new, shittier labels instead. They wanted us to do more and more, and somehow nothing we did was good enough.
Come my birthday, we were put on extended leave, given one or two days' worth of work with weeks of nothing in-between... and come the end of May, we're told that we were retroactively let go.
I can't express how much I have to thank the friends who helped me get through those few months of rough waters as I tried to scramble and find something new for work.
It just sucks that the only job that took me was working at an industrial paint facility, right next to unrepentant felons who got fired left, right and center for HR violations, sex-on-the-job, and threatened violence against their coworkers. Working in 100°F (~37.78°C) internal temperatures next to a 400°F furnace? Not great. Their attendance policy was draconian, and if I missed four days (even with doctor's notes), I'd be terminated on the spot. I was there for over a month, and thankfully I managed to get some interview for other IT work in the meantime. I was able to leave on good terms with the company, and started work again in another hospital.
Which has been a delight (to be back in the field) with its stresses (being verbally abused by a boss and pushed by higher ups to achieve impossible metrics). Overall, super happy to be back!! It's not perfect, but it's helped me realize I do actually want to stay in this field.
Sometime along the year though, I fell out of love with the main hyperfixation I'd been carrying since 2019: Lancer RPG. I came to realize that the community, the developers, the people they trust to champion it... will never live up to the promises that the game set out for. That at its core, it's a fundamentally flawed game that no amount of hacking or patching will fix. And for a huge amount of the year... that left me in a rut.
And that.. brings me to now.
This is a massive laundry list of shit that's gone wrong this year. But I'm happy. My wife is doing better than she ever has, I was prescribed adderall and it's helped me get things done reliably. It's the first year that I've spent since college that visiting my parents went well, and no (real) fights or personal slights happened... and we actually spent Christmas with them for the first time since... 2018, I think?
I'm devving my own game now, I've learned a ton more programming, and I'm self-teaching myself some app development! All the while I've been hungrily consuming new interests, and feel pretty positive about how everything can go from here!
The pros... don't outweigh the cons, but I'm choosing to look for the future with a smile on my face. I have my ideas of where I'd like to be, and for anything awry with my work... my work-life balance is better than it was when I drove a school bus.
I'm hoping that I'll be able to write more with you all in the coming months... and I also hope that come March, I'll still have a job that I'm working, so I'm not going nuts with stress again!
Sorry to just splurge all over the dash; if you've read this far, I hope you're doing well! Let me know what piece of wisdom you picked up in 2023! Mine is: "Be adamant that you aren't going to do overtime. Never give them an inch, because they'll drag you for a mile."
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Do any members of the 2p Allies or the 2p Axis enjoy reading? What are their favorite genres? If they don’t read for leisure but their darling did, would they try and start to read more?
Also, I love 💙 your blog!
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Thanks to both of you guys. I'm glad you enjoy my blog and I went ahead and did both groups.
France – He is an avid reader. It’s no secret that he sets time aside during the week to just read. He prefers French classics and horror stories. Though he is open to other genres when he is looking for a change of view and style.
His darling’s love for the book just encourages him to read more. Its one of the ways they bond. Its especially cute when they spend a lazy afternoon cuddled up with the same book.
Canada – Matt likes to read occasionally due to it being very low on his priority list. He would rather be out hunting, hiking, maybe even fishing.
On the cold, winter days where he does have that free time, he’ll open a good book and read books about various wildlife and biomes mostly. When Matt grows weary of reality, he changes it up with a good sci-fi or fantasy. He sometimes enjoys the fictional ecosystems that some of the authors come up with more than the actual plots.
If his darling was big on books, then he would ask them to read aloud. This would give Matt the ability to join his darling in her hobby while being able to relax after a long night of work. Other times, Matt would okay an audio book as they travel, so at least part of them time they would share a common title.
England – Fantasy stories that carry the same tone as The Lord of the Ring or The Chronicles of Narnia are the ones Oliver enjoys reading. Usually, they are what he reads while flying, if he’s waiting for someone, or before a meeting starts when there is nothing else to do.
When he’s looking for inspiration, Oliver will gloss through various cookbooks, some older and others newer. He marks them up and will cross reference them while building new recipes.
If his darling read, then he may ask them about their latest obsession. Indulging them as they proceed to spoil the whole series for him. He wouldn’t really read more due to her love, just seeing her happiness, and being the only one she talks to about her books is enough for him.
Russia – Viktor enjoys history books and war stories. He doesn’t read them often, instead focusing on his work and keeping his home in balance. During periods of grounding or days off does he allow himself to indulge. Sadly, for him, those are few and very far between.
If he darling were a bookworm, then he would ask them for suggestions. Taking them and compiling a long list of books to read, even if they are outside his favorite genre. Occasionally this will lead to a discussion about the genres and their tropes.
America – He doesn’t enjoy reading, finding it to be boring no matter the genre. He would watch a movie, work on his bike, or snuggle with his doll. If Allen had to pick, then he would pick adventure or apocalyptic.
A lover of books wouldn’t change anything. He would still love his doll and occasionally indulge her buy buying her the next book in the series or taking her to the movie version when it comes out. He thinks the rants over the changes between the book and movie are too cute.
China – Jin’s not a big reader either; living for centuries he finds it hard to keep engaged with since he’s read so many similar stories already. If you were to press, and I do mean really press him for an answer, Jin would say a pharmaceutical book. This is only because he references them often while working. It also confuses everyone which amuses him.
If his darling was reader, then Jin would nod his head absent mindedly as Qin explains the plot. He would make a comment here or there to show that he was listening, but it would never go deeper than a shallow puddle.
Spain – Armando’s is usually too busy to read. He’s working on his farm or torturing some kind of slime ball and when he’s done with that there is no more energy for reading. If he was to pick a genre it would be horror. The books help give him new ideas to torture someone with.
If his darling read, he would ask them about what the villains were doing or what was causing the heroes to suffer. Whatever it is, Armando will laugh and depending on the severity may use it on his own victims.
Romano – Fabrizio loves a good fashion log; he reads them often. Seeing the latest pieces of fashion can not only give him ideas of new looks but also push him to be bolder in his designs. The only other type of book he would read is romantic dramas. He likes how the stakes are so high and the potential of will they, won’t they? These he reads when he doesn’t feel like sewing.
His darling could inspire him to read more. Usually as a way to become closer to his lover, but his genre choice will never change. He will spend his time chatting about drama his characters are going through while asking his love which characters they ship.
Japan – This man is an avid reader, spending many hours of his free time bouncing between horror and manga. His face wouldn’t change as the stories progress, but Kurai would be fully invested; even ignoring those around him to read instead.
If his lover read, nothing much would change. Kurai would spend just as much time still reading. This time though, his Sakura would be with him. Reading along side him in the glow of the setting sun.
Germany – Lazy is as lazy does, and this extends to reading. Luther may listen to an audio book if someone else were to play it for him. His favorite genre to listen to is mystery. He feels smart when he figures out how it happened before the characters. Often loudly explaining how it was done, interrupting the story for the heck of it.
Sadly enough, Luther would live to tease his darling. Often interrupting and hiding the books to take his attention for himself. Even if she got annoyed with him, Luther would chuckle as he scoops her into his arms. Stating that she owes him a nap.
Italy – Luciano likes to read for ideas. Often turning to horror books and drama to find new ways to mess with people. If you throw in the occasional psychology book; then you have created Luciano’s library. He is a mild reader, usually reading when he is traveling or needing a break from all the paperwork and screens.
A reader in his life would be nice. Luciano would expect that they would use the books to entertain themselves while he is off doing work. Just don’t expect the same thing when is around though, should the books take too much attention from him, then they’ll burn.
Prussia – This war-torn soul enjoys reading his Bible. He reads it daily, but he also enjoys reading books about war and politics. It doesn’t matter if they are fictional and full of fantasy, if those two topics are included, they interest him. Wil, since he is ‘retired’, has a lot more free time and will use his books to fill the silence. At least until Luther barges into his home demanding his help.
Wil’s darling would be spoiled by a small library full of books. Some dating over hundreds of years old. The two will often speak of their current books, comparing them, finding symbolism that its kinda cute. He even shares things from his bible that stood out to him. Asking for Maus’ thoughts on the verse as well.
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salemoleander · 2 years
VERY interested in creator commentary for the 3rd life webweave (seriously one of the coolest things ive seen made in this fandom, its gorgeously edited AND very funny AND the quotes themselves are all knock-your-socks off material. That Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Line Holy Shit)
Okay so first off THANK YOU that's super kind! It's nerve-wracking posting graphic design that is reconstituted from other sources, bc I've seen it perceived as a 'lazy' or unskilled format, so this is really really encouraging to hear.
I am not a concise person, which is why this has taken so long! I realized as I was initially responding that I was trying to dive into three separate topics:
The actual process I follow, my tips + tricks on making web weaves
Analysis of my 3rd Life web weave
My philosophy towards web weaves and collage as an art form
Only one of those is the question you actually asked, so #2 is what I'll be talking about in this post! However, I am working on a video overview of the other topics, because I think they're worth exploring - I will obviously post that on this blog once it's done.
To avoid jumpscaring anyone with a wall of text, I've thrown my commentary under a readmore.
The one takeaway I'll mention before we dive in is if anyone has a character/narrative web weave request, please hit me up! I have so many I'm working on, having a next topic suggestion is super helpful to narrow things down.
General Creation Comments
I am At All Times collecting images, so it's only a matter of time until I make a webweave for a group/ concept/ person:
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(My phone storage is Certainly being utilized. Also I will never be free of making these.)
It just so happened that my Third Life folder filled up fastest/ felt like it was in a good balance to work with, so that's what I started with!
I try to use a mix of text and images, and both serious and funny stuff. Even at its most serious the Life Series is also funny, and it's important to reflect that!
That said, if you compare the jokes I've picked in this piece vs the void falling web weave, you'll notice the jokes on this one trend sharper. The 'How to Detect Misery' and 'How to Tell if it's Over' memes (both from @thatsbelievable, who is a GREAT source of web weave content) are morbidly funny. Surviving horrific circumstances, preparing to suffer, unimaginable violence, eroticism and death, covered in blood - all of the jokes are violent.
As I go, I weed out posts that don't fit, or (mostly) prune text posts out. Too much text ruins the flow, and I LOVE words so I tend to have too much writing and not enough art.
3rd life had only a few things that didn't make the cut, bc I was fairly judicious as I added to that folder, but these were scrapped:
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As I added the posts I knew I wanted and split them between panels, I naturally started seeing a 'flow' from early game biomes/bases and the more tender pairings, into violence + devotion, and then ending in.. something. I wasn't sure what I wanted the end to be yet.
I ran out of posts, and knew I needed Wayyy more images to offset the text, so I went looking through the Smithsonian's excellent collection of CC0-licensed art!
That's where I found the Perfect Image - that last picture of the red angel laid low. I knew immediately that it needed to be most of the final scene, with very little obscuring or distracting from it.
Okay, diving into specific panel analysis!
Panel One
It's the beginning, so everything is still fairly light - lots of brown and green tones.
The summary (imo) is that every faction in 3rd Life is in different stories!
Grian and Scar are playing cowboys, an old Western style narrative where they're beholden to each other, out to get the Bad Guys (even if objectively they're the ones being violent little instigators).
Flower Husbands are a greek fucking tragedy, Jimmy's sudden loss and Scott in mourning, trying to cause as much destruction as possible before the gods knock him down too.
Dogwarts are a middle English story of fealty and homosocial bonds and dying for honor.
And the Crastle is like. Shakespeare or Arthur Miller or Stoppard. They are in a theater, they are playing with all of the narratives. Too aware of the trajectory they're on, and entirely unable to stop it.
The images on the first page are the four primary pairings in 3rd Life - top left, in the background of the 'How to Detect Misery' meme, is the desert. The sudden punchline of that meme felt like a good starting point - a creeper-blast of a joke.
The pair to the right represent Scott and Jimmy. I liked the Impressionist and classic myth-inspired stylization. Also, the toga blended near-seamlessly into the desert hill so it looked almost like a wing, implying a tie to angels as well as foreshadowing Jimmy's death AND Scott's partnership with Grian/Scar.
Up in the top right-hand corner is a little Crastle, and the pair embracing on the right side of the page are Bdubs and Cleo. The red hair fit, but it was the old-fashioned clothing and sense of finality that I really liked.
On the left is Dogwarts - Ren and Martyn. I wanted an image that had a very different style, as they were opposed to desert duo + everyone else. I felt the sketchy ink stood out and elicited ideas of worn vellum paper. It felt like a sketch you'd discover sitting in a chest of a long-worn-down enchanting room.
There's a forest and a mostly-occluded castle in the background art on page one, also meant to represent Dogwarts. That forest bleeds into the next page, where the violence really begins.
Panel Two
We've started with a forest, but it's darker than the last one, and wilder.
Bursts of red stand out violently on the page.
'Fallen Angel' is a classic for emotionally fraught blorboposting! There are many, Many Mountain Goats songs that fit, but the way a-doctor-not-a-fangirl paired this line with this painting was striking to me. In particular, I like how 'getting revenge' was something that drove most of 3rd Life, even though Red Lives (come unhinged) were meant to be the driving force of violence. They weren't supposed to have bonds, they weren't supposed to have allies! But it's the bonds that drove the violence.
The 'I heart eroticism and death' cut-out plopped onto the collage was intended to feel like a kind of cheesy tourist stamp - 'I killed my friends in horrible death games and all I got was this lousy t-shirt' vibes.
The 'First off' comment feels like the illogical thought proces all of the doomed players (so, all of the players) were following - "if I just do well enough at murder, this will all be over."
The 'moments of grace' image is probably my most indulgent addition. I wanted a softer, quiet nod to the good parts, to the fun and the joy in between the violence. In particular, the dawn breaking on waves reminded me of the short span Grian and Scar spent tensely placing TNT under sand in the desert. I imagine silent cooperation and the sussuration of sand on sand, and quiet for just a few minutes.
'It's better to know how to let others unmask you and to endure the rule of the game' means: if you are too good, if you survive long enough, you will end up alone. This is about Bdubs and Cleo - kings of roleplay, of being a little overeager and dying for it and getting a mercifully quick ending. It is also about the cactus ring.
Panel Three
The centerpiece of this page is 'G-d's Idea', the beautiful abstract painting of a blood-soaked angel. It makes me insane every time I see it. Grim reaper in mourning kinda guy
I wanted to do something to tie more directly to the end, but didn't want to pull a disembodied-face-in-90s-grad-photo approach to add Scar. So I found a drawing that looked like the Monopoly Mountain build, and carefully added it onto one wing. I really really like this as an addition, it is probably my favorite combination in this post.
The Anne Carson quote is obvs in Minecraft font - I also split up the lines, so that the left and right side loosely create their own sentences/ideas. "There is a theory that watching other people is good for you" and "Unbearable stories may cleanse you of your darkness." I wish I had been more careful with the contrast on 'yourself all', but oh well, we can just call it being difficult to read an experiential facet of the poem.
"Do you want to go down to the pits of yourself all alone?" is a good fucking line, and manages to mirror both the commentary on us the viewers AND the experience of the creators AND the experience of the characters. We get to experience violence vicariously, the creators get to experience it with friends + in safety, and the characters (or character, I should say, just Grian left by the time you're reading this) are experiencing that low point totally alone.
Aside from the obvious fit, the Rosencrantz + Guildenstern lines stand in as a conversation between the viewers and the characters. The appraising description of kiling and dying beautifully makes way for a mournful interruption that no, fuck that, this isn't a game for us (with some obvious irony there).
Finally, I needed it to end funny; the whole thing is already more serious than it probably should've been. I like this joke because it's short, and it implies the aftermath in a comedic way. Picturing everyone spawning back into Hermitcraft, covered in blood, upset, but mostly with a profoundly awkward sense of 'well I fucked that one up. That got a bit more homoerotic than intended, and now every other shopping trip I have to make awkward eye contact with the person I mcMurdered."
Again, thank you so much for your ask and kind words! I'm looking forward to making a general guide video on web weaves one of these days :D
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kozykricket · 3 months
some more minecraft thoughts (unorganized AF wow)
yknow, i think a lot of people kinda forget like... how daunting game or.. really any media creation can be, with Scope in general, and generally making something requires some things to be cut, in order to like, say... focus on the main plot of a movie, instead of getting caught up on trying to do Everything Good. to focus on the strengths and do them Great... instead of opening up more cans of worms now you apply that to minecraft, where its whole strength is that there IS so much to do, its strength IS that it has like, everything... and really its no wonder they... have some difficulties developing it sometimes
well, yknow, ironically they have to cut things, but thats because they want to do everything Great instead of just Okay, but they also at the same time want to... do everything, which will ultimately take quite a while. to do everything that they could do...
in a game like minecraft, the backlog is endless, and figuring out what to prioritize is definitely a MASSIVE factor for like... well, lets take fireflies. of course they wanted to do fireflies, and to update more biomes to be more pretty. you see how joyous the devs sounded talking about that stuff?? of course they want it just as much as we do. but ... to open up a can of worms that is a whole mob that they want to do justice (even a mob as "simple" as fireflies) is to uh, put a bit much on their plate, considering they were already working on a lot of their backlog and had opened a massive can of worms with the ancient cities... and then you also factor in the Marketing and Stuff that wants them to get the update out ideally for around the summer and... to move on to the next update and... agh i guess what im tryna say is like, people seem to sometimes act like gamedevs cut things because they ... dont want to bother working. but its almost always priorities and scope. Of course mojang wants minecraft to be the best it can be, to have so many lovely wonderful things.
im sure if they never got any more ideas or suggestions for the game, they'd still have enough ideas to last until like, 1.80 if not higher.
so i imagine its quite tough for them, too, to have to say no to certain things because it... isnt relevant to open up certain cans of worms.
and that is, i believe, why you see them adding wolf variants now. it is strategic to finally yoink them out of the backlog (because surprise, the backlog is far more than just mob vote losers) because the armadillo makes them relevant. im not a huge fan of loosely connecting features like... armadillos to wolves. its kinda weird. but it does mean that that one mob winning gives them an opportunity to also add wolf variants and have that be... efficient in that it isnt opening up a brand new can of worms -- the can of worms of Wolves was already starting to open when they added wolf armor. is this to say wolves are done? of course not. nothing in minecraft is ever Done. and thats another reason its so hard to prioritize things. they want to add new things, and they want to improve old things. its a tough balance since... so many communities want DIFFERENT things out of the game
so it can end up seeming like they really dont add much... because. think of it like a pizza. someone bakes a really nice mixed pizza for a party, yet you... only get one or two slices that you really like. thats a shame. but that doesnt mean they didnt put a tonna work into baking it. the other pieces are being enjoyed by other people. people who, quite frankly, dont care about your slices.
i guess this post is kind of all over the place, but this is all to say... priorities and strategic development, as laaame as it may be to admit, is ultimately what mojang is going for, for both longevity and for quality. not to say theyre perfect. i wish they did armadillos a bit differently, and i wish we didnt have to wait for wolves to come up in relevance via a Shiny New Feature for them to be subtly tweaked... same as signs coming into relevance when they add hanging signs, so they add editing sign text as a feature.
i think ill... rewrite this post. its more of just a bunch of thoughts that arent super cohesive since theres just so many of them. ironic considering a big part of this posts sentiment is that for creation of many things, you should probably focus on the already good parts, instead of stretching it to do Everything Ever.
its. its just a lot of topics that i think are interesting.
respect to mojang for all the work they do. even if i dont agree with some of their implementations
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pierceabdi50 · 1 year
10 Awesome Minecraft Seeds For Xbox One
I'm here to try and find some of the best seeds for Minecraft on Xbox One so that us console players don't feel quite at all. I came across some odd seeds, incredible survival seeds, and just about every kind of seed an eager Minecraft player could possibly want. Here are a few of the top seeds available for the Xbox One version of the game!
Spawn close to a beach full of biomes and islands
Seed: -289973135
This seed is awash in tiny islands that are ideal to build your dream mansions or even idols for your favorite cereal-mascots. You can also build statues of Great Aunt Bertha in the mountainsides. This seed is an excellent option for anyone who wants to create amazing spaces and explore the world.
In addition to the building materials, the main beach has an abundant population of sheep, horses and pigs that can aid you in creating your own petting zoo on the island. This is why people love this game.
3 water temples as well as a village and a seed
Seed: 1152285461
Just at the spawn, there are two water temples and another one is located elsewhere on the map. The seed also has its own bonafide mesa biome and the village. All in all a cool seed, definitely worth checking out.
Location of Water Temples -
- X -263 Z 359 - X 137, Z 233 - X -250, Z 246
Excellent seed for success in farming
Seed Reaper
If you're looking for ways to boost your Gamerscore, then Minecraft isn't such an unsuitable game; it's got a lot of simple achievements that even children can easily obtain.
This seed is rich in resources that achievement hunters are willing to sacrifice their unborn child for. It has three villages, two blacksmiths and an army stronghold that is close to the spawn. This seed is perfect for farming Gamerscore, or just looking for a good seed.
All biomes, mushroom islands, and more can be seeded
Seed: Duke Leto II
This seed contains every biome that is in the game, and offers some stunning scenery. It has amazing huge snow biomes, mushroom islands, and a bunch of other cool stuff to find and explore.
If you are looking for an average seed with no any real gimmicks or tricks, then give this seed a shot.
You can plant seeds with any structure or biome in the game
Seed: -2878103199665976685
Are you tired of sifting through endless lists of poorly written Minecraft seed lists just to have a good Minecraft session? Look no further as this seed contains everything you could ever require in the Minecraft world.
This seed has every biome, every kind of dungeon and structure known to the Minecraft world; all it's missing are the white gates of heaven However, who knows that the next patch may come with the biblical skin pack.
Spawn near a lot of diamonds
Seed: -2009079104
If becoming a ruthless diamond warlord in Africa isn't your style but you've have a love for shiny stones, then you may be interested in checking this seed out. There are three diamond mines that are super close to the spawn point so you can go back to building your base and terrorizing that herd of pigs that you keep in the basement. Who thought that Minecraft was only for kids?
Here's the coordinates for the delicious diamonds:
- - X 133, 17, Z 254; X 156, Z 268; X 156, Z 268; X Z 76, Y 15 Z 52
Find a great survival island area to plant seeds
Seed: -9089409167323528152
Imagine yourself as Tom Hanks in this adventure for castaway! This seed comes with an island that works well for survival mode. This amazing seed allows you to create your own Wilson and make your own dentistry.
All biomes and 9 villages close to the spawning area are available for seed
Seed: 7022332759775054181
This seed is a true paradise for a Minecraft seed; every single biome and a total of nine villages are within 2,000 distance of the spawn point. The world is awash with everything a growing Minecraft player needs, whether you are an individual survivor who fights against the elements or are a builder of amazing things. If you want fair and balanced, don't bother with Fox News, this Minecraft seed is where it's at.
The wolf was spotted near five villages and two desert temples
Seed: -9065479248748140566
Have you ever wanted to play Indiana Jones? To be the cruel master of a peaceful community of people? Iqbalir This Minecraft seed will make your crazy fantasies come to life!
This seed will spawn you near five villages and two temples in the desert.
Seed with snow and jungle biomes right next to each other
Seed: -126880078651571709
This one is something of an anomaly; it features a jungle biome surrounded by snow biomes. Although I don't know what Minecraft gods were thinking when they came up with this seed, it is hard to doubt their intentions.
This seed also has a bunch of awesome animals spawns and some cave-dwelling villagers to hang out with and play games with. This is what you are supposed to do when they have friends you know?
These are the top Minecraft seeds for Xbox One. What other seeds have you found that you think should be added this list? Let us know in the comments section below and make sure to look over our Minecraft seeds list specially curated by our writers!
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10 Awesome Minecraft Seeds For Xbox One
I'm here to try and find some of the best seeds for Minecraft on Xbox One so that us console gamers don't feel at all. I found some weird seeds, amazing survival seeds, and almost every seed an eager Minecraft player could possibly want. Here are a few of the most popular seeds available for the Xbox One version of the game!
Spawn close to a beach full of biomes and islands
Seed: -289973135
This seed is full of tiny islands that are perfect for the construction of your dream mansions and idols to your favorite cereal mascots, or statues of your great aunt Bertha that extend into the mountainsides. The abundance of resources and space for building make this seed a great choice for anyone looking for somewhere awesome to build and explore.
In addition to the building resources The main beach is also home to an abundance of sheep, horses and pigs to aid you in creating your own petting zoo island. This is why people enjoy this game.
3 water temples, a village and seed
Seed: 1152285461
Right at the spawn there are two water temples, with another one elsewhere in the map. This seed also has its own mesa biome as well as the village. This is a cool seed that is worth a look.
Location of Water Temples:
- X -263, Z -359 - X 137, Z 233 - X -250, Z 246
Amazing advances in seed farming
Seed Reaper
Minecraft is a great game for boosting your Gamerscore. It is a game with many simple achievements that even kids younger than 5 years old can accomplish.
This seed is full of resources that achievement hunters are willing to sacrifice their unborn child for. It has three villages, two blacksmiths and an imposing stronghold near the birthplace. This seed is great for farming Gamerscore, or just looking for a great seed.
Seed with all biomes mushroom islands and much more. MC NAME
Seed: Duke Leto II
This seed has every biome that is in the game, and is filled with amazing scenery. It is home to amazing lava flows, huge snow biomes and mushroom islands. There's also plenty of cool things to see.
This seed is a good option if you're seeking a balanced seed without gimmicks.
You can plant seeds with any structure or biome in the game
Seed: -2878103199665976685
Are you tired of looking through endless lists of badly written Minecraft seedlists in order to have a good Minecraft experience? Look no further because this seed has everything you could possibly want in the Minecraft world.
This seed contains every biome, every kind of dungeon, and each structure that is known to the Minecraft world. All it's missing are the pearly white gates of heaven However, who knows the next patch might include an authentic skin pack.
Spawn near a lot of diamonds
Seed: -2009079104
This seed might be a good option for you if you don't want to become a brutal diamond warlord in Africa but have a love for shining stones. There are three diamond mines that are close to the spawn point to allow you to get back to building your base and frightening the pigs you keep in the basement. Who thought that Minecraft was only for kids?
Here's the coordinates for the delicious diamonds:
- X 139, Y 17, Z 254 - X 156, Y 14, Z 268 Z 268 15, Z 52
Seed with an awesome survival island
Seed: -9089409167323528152
Be your own Tom Hanks in this adventure for castaway! This seed comes with an island which works well in survival mode. Craft your own Wilson and do your own dental work using this amazing seed. Go check it out!
All biomes and 9 villages close to the time of spawning are available to seed.
Seed: 7022332759775054181
This seed is a true paradise for a Minecraft seed. Every single biome and nine villages are within 2,000 meters from the spawning point. This is the place to find everything that a growing Minecraft player could ever need regardless of whether you're a single survivor man who battles the elements or a creator of amazing things. If you want fair and balanced news, ditch Fox News, this Minecraft seed is for you.
Infested in close proximity to five villages and two desert temples
Seed: -9065479248748140566
Have you ever dreamed of playing Indiana Jones and wanted to be the cruel master of a peaceful village of villager? This Minecraft seed will make your bizarre fantasies come true!
This seed will produce near two temples and five villages in the desert.
You can plant seeds in snow and jungle biomes in close proximity to each other.
Seed: -126880078651571709
This one is an unusuality. It is a forest biome that is bordered by an icebiome. I'm not sure what the Minecraft gods were thinking when they thought of dreaming this idea but who are we to challenge their methods?
The seed also creates an abundance of incredible animals and cave-dwelling villages that you can hang out with and play games with. This is what you are supposed to do when they have friends you know?
These are the best Minecraft seeds for Xbox One. What other seeds have found that should be added to this list? Let us know in the comments section below and make sure to look over our Minecraft seed list hand-picked for you by our writers!
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Which Probiotic is Best for Autism? Love Biome USA Best Probiotic Supplement For Autism
Which probiotic is best for autism? At this article we learn does Love Biome USA include as solustion best probiotic supplement for autism.
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Autism is a neurological condition that affects speech and behavior. According to research, gut health and the microbiome may have a role in autism development.
Probiotics may benefit gut health and alleviate autistic symptoms. However, probiotics should not be utilized as a sole treatment for autism, and additional research is needed to properly understand the association between the microbiome and autism.
Consider the following variables when selecting a probiotic supplement for autism:
Strains: It has been demonstrated that different probiotic strains have varied impacts on gut health and behavior.
2. CFU Count: The term "colony-forming units" (CFU) refers to the quantity of live bacteria in a probiotic supplement. Choose a probiotic supplement that contains at least 1 billion CFU per dose.
3. Quality Control: assure that the probiotic supplement you purchase is made in a facility that adheres to high quality control standards to assure the product's purity and efficacy.
4. Third-Party Testing: Look for a probiotic supplement that has been third-party tested to guarantee the strains and CFU count are correct.
5. Price: Probiotic supplements might vary in price, however keep in mind that the most costly product is not always the best.
While probiotics may assist support gut health and reduce autism symptoms, they should not be utilized as the only treatment for autism.
It's usually a good idea to consult with a doctor before beginning a new supplement regimen, especially for children with autism.
Best Probiotic Supplement For Autism
We have the greatest solution if you're looking for the greatest Probiotic Supplement For Autism. Love Biome USA Daily 3 System are the best probiotic supplements for good health.
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The first step toward optimal health is to take care of the microenvironment that exists within the digestive system. It's referred to as your gut microbiome. We'd like to introduce you to this system. It literally functions as the central nervous system of our bodies.
Our goal is to optimize the gut microbiome. In this biotic environment, healthy bacteria must be introduced and fed, while unhealthy bacteria must be denied food and eventually removed.
We use foods that are organic and ethically sourced. Each component and formula has received our personal approval.
Love Biome products have all of the great elements contained in them thanks to a unique collection of ingredients acquired from all over the world.
Love Biome Products are designed to be as basic and pure as possible while yet being effective. Nourish and balance the gut bacteria with Biome Juice:
Use a professionally prepared probiotic blend to introduce friendly microorganisms. This combination acts as reinforcements to assist improve the intestinal ecology.
Provide prebiotics, or beneficial bacteria diet. Prebiotics promote the growth and flourishing of beneficial bacteria in the stomach.
Assist the body's natural detoxification process, allowing it to rid itself of harmful pollutants.
PhytoPower's, one of Love Biome products, has outstanding ingredient list includes whole meals and probiotics complexes such as:
Acidophilus Lactobacillus
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus is a kind of bacteria.
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus is a kind of bacteria.
Lactobacillus Casei is a kind of bacteria.
Bifidobacterium Bifidum is a kind of Bifidobacterium.
Breve Bifidobacterium
Sporogens Lactobacillus
Plantarum Lactobacillus
And digestive enzymes such as:
These will aid in the creation of the ideal microbiome environment in your stomach. This will aid in the maintenance of the following systems and functions: digestive system, immunological system, nutritional absorption, detoxification, energy and stamina, circulation, and skin health.
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Polyphenols that included in Love Biome Next Balance and Next Detox are important for intestinal health.
Polyphenols that have not been digested are absorbed by gut flora, providing a rich source of prebiotic material.
Love Biome Next Balance is a strong blend of globally sourced botanical components high in polyphenols and phytonutrients designed to support a balanced and healthy gut microbiota.
Love Biome Next Detox uses ingredients obtained from around the world to help clear away oxidative chemicals, toxins, and waste, kicking off an overall detoxification in the skin, blood, liver, and stomach.
Love Biome USA Products Daily 3 System
Is there anything you can do every day to improve your appearance, feeling, and performance? Yes. Love Biome's straightforward and comprehensive Daily 3 System includes:
Next Detox and Next Balance are two liquid supplements. Simply pour and enjoy.
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Begin your pet's journey to better health with Love Biome Products' Daily 3 System!
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lovebiomeusa · 1 year
Love Biome
Love Biome Juice Creating An Ideal Microbiome Within The Gut. Grab The Products Now And See What Our Products Can Do For You!
Your body contains trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The microbiome is the name given to all of them.
Some bacteria are linked to disease, while others are necessary for the health of your immune system, heart, weight, and a number of other body systems.
The term “microorganism” also refers to tiny living things like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes.
These microorganisms number in the trillions, and the majority of them are found in your stomach and on your skin. In fact, your body contains more bacterial cells than human cells.
Compared to the about 30 trillion human cells in your body, there are approximately 40 trillion bacterial cells. You become more bacterial and less human as a result.
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etirabys · 2 years
Frequently, when I go off social media, I do some of the things I hoped to do more of by quitting social media, and I also re-start playing Tetris. But I only play this one variant of Tetris Battle that on Facebook was popular among my high school classmates in 2011, and is no longer available online.
Clearing a row in Tetris Battle is rewards you in one of two ways: by inserting a gray row at the bottom of your opponent's stack of blocks, or by clearing a gray row that your opponent sent you. If your stack is so elevated by the gray stuff that the incoming piece collides with your blocks before ever coming fully onscreen, your opponent wins a "KO", and your gray rows reset to zero. The game ends when someone lands 3 KOs on their opponent, or when 2 minutes elapse, in which case the winner is the person who has more KOs. If the players have the same KO count, the person with the higher rows-cleared score wins.
Here's the thing – combos increases your rows-cleared score (and amount of gray you fling at your opponent), topping out at sending four grays for each row cleared. So the correct technique of Tetris Battle is to stack your blocks as high as you can, as fast as you can, leaving a gradually narrowing funnel on one side – and then nail your opponent with as many combos as possible, ideally when their stack is high and undepleted. I hit a 10 combo in this video, which is about as good as I can do. (And those 10 won me 30 
If you want to win fast, you nail them hard at the beginning. If you want to build a high score, you balance {stacking combos, not KO'ing your opponent into too-early defeat, and not being KO'ed repeatedly by your opponent while your stack is unprepared}. (Unprepared means 'too short' and not 'too tall', because a good tall stack can be burned quickly for fuel to disperse the gray your opponent sent you.)
And then there's the art of sending pieces into the funnel – calculating on the fly how each falling block should be arranged so that the next piece has a way to clear. After a decade, I don't consciously think about it – I see the colors of the next 3 blocks out of my foveal vision and my brain automatically hands me an opinion about how the current one should fall. These opinions are not great, but they feel eerily good. The intention-chain dances just out of conscious reach. Pure instinct. It's why I build the funnel on the right, so that the upcoming sequence is closer to the center of my vision.
2P Tetris Battle. ruined me for normal Tetris. I tried especially hard to get into normal Tetris in 2019 or so, when host website was shut down. Hated it. This year, several days into social media break, I hunted about in desperation and found Notris Foes, which is an offline clone where I can play against AIs. That's okay – I was mostly playing against AIs to begin with. (Although I hope enough were human, or based on real human data, that my informal research finding that males preferred the more adversarial 2P over 6P Battle Tetris than females did is not wasted/invalid.)
And... yeah. Here I am, trying to beat my social media addiction, then trying to beat my Tetris addiction (I get into states where I'm miserable and tired but I can’t stop playing) that springs up in the absence of beefier attention-predators... I play this game that I’ve played more than any other game, and I feel so damn good at it. My excellence feels futile, and lonely, and liberating. I feel a bit like one of the last surviving animals in a dying ecosystem – childless, wheeling supreme above a bare and lovely biome.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
Foolish x GN!Reader
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━"Hard Workers"
━Tw: None
━Song: "Oh No!" By MARINA And The Diamonds
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Foolish wiped at the salty sweat that dripped into his emerald green eyes due to the deserts sweltering heat. The unwelcome feeling pricked and stung his iris's', but the demigod didn't falter in his movements. Instead he shook his head of shimmering gold hair in an effort to get rid of the results of his labor.
From below the rickety wooden platform Foolish was currently standing on was his longtime friend; which just so happened to be you in all your half-human half-coral glory. So if he accidently lost balance or disrupted the rhythm of work you two had going on, there was a possibility you could get hurt.
After all, being stuck in a desert biome in the middle of no-where building a giant statue for a literal god (that also happened to be sort of Foolish's brother-) was already taxing enough.
"You all good down there buddy!?" Foolish took off a second from placing blocks next to each other to lean over the side of the tall structure he was standing on and talk to you. From what he could see, your head tilted up as you cupped your hands around your mouth to yell back numerous reassurances for what must be the third time this hour. The man relied with a simple thumbs up with his golden skin and a toothy smile that flashed his pearly shark-like teeth.
Standing back up and dusting his hands off with a swipe, he turned on his heel to continue building. Blocks next to blocks, colors aligned with colors, and a whole lot more.
But as long as you were here to do it with him, Foolish didn't mind.
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Foolish is one of my main comfort streamers for reasons even I don't know. I just love him so much for some reason. Especially his laugh :D
Go sub to him on twitch please! He needs more recognition
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
A Dedicated and Domesticated Pig-Technoblade
This is a Technoblade x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! For the sake of this story, we’re going to say that once new L’manberg was built and Tubbo became president no other war happened. They rebuilt and the nation was happy and prosperous. 
This is the fourth and probably final part of the Dedicated Series! I honestly cannot believe how much you guys love this series! Thank you guys so much for all of your support! As I said, this is probably the final part because I don’t really know how this could go even further, but who knows. Maybe one of you will have a killer idea that I can’t turn down. But I just wanted to say thank you all again so so much for the overwhelming support that you guys continue to give me. I love you all so much… Anyway on with the story. 
Part One. Part Two. Part Three. 
Masterlist here
Everything comes full circle when Y/N and their family travel to L’Manberg for the annual festival. 
I let out a groan as the sunlight that peered through our window hit my closed eyes, arousing me from my slumber. I knew I should have sprung for those blackout curtains when I had the chance. I huffed and rolled over, my hand searching the other side of the bed for the lump that was my husband. My brow furrowed when no such lump was found, instead a cool spot laid where my husband usually rests. “Babe?” I croaked out, my eyes peeling open to confirm my thoughts. I slowly sat up and pushed the blankets off of me, looking around the room and still not seeing him there. I closely listened for a moment, thinking that maybe he had decided to take an early morning shower, no such sound. 
Stretching my arms up, I swung my legs out of the blankets and onto the floor before standing up, my back cracking ever so slightly at the stretch. I slowly made my way out of the bedroom and throughout the house. I was about to check in the other room, when noise from the kitchen captured my attention. 
Walking into the kitchen, I found the most adorable domestic sight I’ve seen in a while. There, in front of the stove, stood Technoblade with our 4 year old daughter Philippa on his hip. “You want to flip this pancake together?” I heard Techno muttered softly, his head turning to look at her. Her curly pink hair bobbed up and down as she agreed. “Okay. Grab here on my hand and we’ll flip on three.” Her tiny hand reached out and wrapped around Techno’s much larger one. “You ready? One, two, three!” Techno cheered before flipping the pancake. The breakfast food splatted down onto the pan causing Techno to let out a ‘whoo’ before leaning over and pressing a sweet kiss to our daughter’s forehead. “You did so well baby! You should help me make breakfast more often, I think you’re a better cook than your Baba,” He announced, throwing me under the bus. It was then I decided to make my presence known, 
“You burn the potatoes one time,” I teased, causing Techno to slightly jump and turn around allowing me to see my beautiful family’s faces. “Baba!” Philippa cheered, reaching out and making grabby hands to me. I grinned and moved forward, taking our daughter from my husband’s arms. “Hey baby, sleep well?” I asked, pressing a kiss to her forehead before leaning up and kissing my husband. She matched my grin and nodded her head. “Yeah. I had a good dream and I went into your room to tell you about it. Daddy was already awake so he said we could make you breakfast while I told him my dream.” Pip rambled out, reaching out to play with my messy hair. I hummed and looked over to my pink headed husband for confirmation, “Is that so?” 
Techno wasn’t looking at me, rather his pancake pan, but the smile on his face confirmed Philippa’s story. “Yeah, we were going to bring you breakfast in bed but you decided to get out of bed,” he teased, bumping his hip against mine. I simply rolled my eyes and bumped his hip back, “I got cold without you beside me. So in a way it’s kind of your fault,” I teased back, poking at his hip with the hand that wasn’t holding Pip. Techno only smiled and shook his head. 
“You want to go sit at the table? This is the last pancake and I figured I can serve you and Pip at the table if you won’t let me serve you in bed.” My cheeks flushed at his sweetness. Even after all these years, he still knows how to make me shy. I gave Techno’s cheek a quick kiss before moving to the table. I set Philippa down in her normal seat before moving to my own. It didn’t take Techno too long to walk over to the table, balancing three plates in his arms. He set my plate down in front of me first before placing one in front of Pip and then in front of his own seat. Philippa wasted no time, she immediately began eating her breakfast, her small colorful fork shoving the pancake into her mouth.
 Before he sat down, Techno leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. Once he pulled back, I sighed in contentment, “Thank you,” I stated with a grin before turning to my own plate. Techno chuckled as he sat next to me, “for the food or the kiss?” “Both.” 
“What are we doing today Baba?” Philippa asked, her face somehow covered in sticky syrup. “Today’s L’Manberg’s Autumn Festival, remember sweetheart? We’re going to Papa Phil’s house and then we’re going to go to the festival,” I reminded her gently, reaching over and gently wiping the syrup from her cheeks. Philippa gasped in excitement as her eyes lit up at the reminder, “We’re going to see Papa Phil?” She questioned. I chuckled at her excitement, “Yes baby. And we’ll also see Uncle Will, Uncle Tommy, Uncle Tubbo. We’ll see everyone.” “Papa Phil!” She cheered aloud, completely ignoring my addition. But I couldn’t blame her. Those two have been obsessed with each other since they met. After all, we named her for him. Techno chuckle caused my attention to shift. His eyes met mine as we smiled at each other, “Papa Phil!” He cheered causing me to giggle. “Papa Phil!” 
*Little Time Skip*
“Come on Tech! We’re going to be late!” I called into the house from the front door. “We’re coming! We’re coming!” Techno called from somewhere in the house causing me to giggle and roll my eyes. People always assume that it’s me that causes our family to be late, but it’s almost always Techno and Philippa. 
After a few more minutes of waiting, Techno finally appeared with a bundled up Philippa on his hip. Once Techno and I got married and we started thinking about starting a family, we discussed the idea of building a new home. The one we had was very nice, but it was in the middle of a tundra with all of our family thousands of blocks away in L’Manberg. So we moved a lot closer to the country, but still far enough away to have our privacy. We found a cute snowy biome that was perfect. It had that comforting feel of the snow that Techno so desired in his ‘retirement’ but it wasn’t as cold as the tundra and of course, wasn’t as far. So we still had to bundle up everytime we left, but we didn’t have to stay in those clothes long. 
The three of us walked out to our stables to get on our horses, Carl Jr. and Wendy. Techno helped me mount my horse before handing me Philippa and getting on his own. I made sure Pip was safe and secure in front of me before gathering my reins and getting Wendy to begin walking. 
It only took about 20 minutes before we could see L’Manberg. We quickly made our way to Philza’s house, bringing Carl Jr. and Wendy to the open back yard to let them roam freely while we were here. Techno jumped off of Carl, walking over and taking Pip before helping me down as well. Techno let Philippa down and when he stood back up, I reached up and gave him a sweet ‘thank you’ kiss. 
As soon as her legs touched the ground, Pip bolted for the back door entrance of her grandfather’s house. “Papa Phil! Papa Phil!” She cried as her little legs carried her to the house. Techno and I followed behind her as she grew nearer. “What is all this commotion out here?” Philza called teasingly as he swung the door open. “Papa Phil!” Philippa practically screamed, attaching herself to his calves as her arms wrapped around them tightly. “Woah!! Philippa! My sweet girl! It’s so good to see you!” He called, prying the little girl from his leg, raising her up in his arms before wrapping her in a tight hug.
I could feel my heart melting at the interaction happening in front of us. Philza was so happy when we announced Philippa, he was even more happy when we announced her name. That was the most tears I have ever seen Philza cry. He didn’t even cry that much at Techno and I’s wedding, and that day was full of crying. He’s the best grandfather to her. He adores her and she adores him. They’re the absolute cutest. 
“Hey kids!” Philza finally greeted us after giving his full attention to his granddaughter. “Hey dadza,” we chimed in response. I carefully hugged Philza, careful not to crush Philippa before moving aside to let Techno do the same. The four of us moved further into the house, to the living room to be exact. “Are you excited for the festival today?” Philza questioned the little girl that remained in his arms. Philippa’s curls bounced once more as she nodded excitedly, “Yep, I get to see you Papa Phil!” She cheered. The smile on Phil’s face widened as he threw his head back and laughed, “Yes you do sweetheart, but you also get to see your Uncles and you get to play games and eat fun foods,” Philza explained, trying to get a different answer from her. Philippa nodded once more, “Yes. and I get to see you!” She cheered once more. I could tell the comment really made Philza’s heart warm. Small tears pricked in the corner of his eyes at well as her sweetness. “And I get to see you Pip!” 
*Time Skip*
The four of us left Phil’s house to go to the festival at noon. The streets were decorated with brightly colored ribbons and many booths were set up with games, food, and merch type things. The sight really reminded me of the first L’Manberg festival that happened six years ago, the one where Techno asked me to be his partner.
We arrived at the main area to be greeted by everyone, and I mean everyone. Immediately Philippa was picked up from beside Philza and tossed in the air by her eldest uncle, Wilbur. “There’s my most adorable niece,” He cheered over her squeals and giggles. Due to Wilbur’s actions, all of the attention was on us. Instantly, we were swarmed by our friends, giving us, well mostly me, hugs and grins. Philippa was passed around from uncle to uncle to aunt, everyone cooing over just how much she’d grown since the last time we’d been here. 
“You think we’ll get her back anytime soon?” Techno asked, his arm snaking around my waist, pulling me close to his side. I let out a laugh as I let my own arm wrap around him as well. “With this lot? Heck no.” Techno chuckled at my response but nodded, “Yeah, didn’t think so.” 
Once we finally got our daughter back, we made our way to the game booths. First up, the dunk tank. It was the same dunk tank from 6 years ago, but it was still in great shape. Tubbo was first, he got dunked a few times. I mean who wouldn’t want to dunk their president? Following him was Tommy, Niki, Quackity, and many more. “Techno, you want in on this?” Someone called from beside the dunk tank. I turned to Techno with a bright grin and nudged his shoulder, “Yeah Techno, you want in on that?” Techno playfully glared at me at the teasing tone. Before he could respond though, Philippa spoke up, “Daddy going in the dunk tank? YAY!” Techno was never able to deny his daughter. He let out a sigh before handing me Pip and making his way to the tank. “You two are evil,” Philza chimed from beside me, grabbing one of Pip’s tiny hands and waving it back and forth. I shrugged and chuckled, “Maybe. But it’s pretty funny either way.” 
Techno begrudgingly climbed into the dunk tank, glaring at me when he sat on the seat. I simply gave him a sweet smile and a wave. Everyone eagerly lined up to try and dunk my pink headed husband now that they weren’t terrified of him like they were many years ago. Unfortunately, everyone missed, literally not a single one hit, not even the one I threw after I set Pip down. I turned around in disappointment to find Phil leaning down and whispering something in Pip’s ear. Her little eyes were wide with excitement as she grinned and nodded at whatever her grandfather was telling her. 
Once Philza stood back up, Philippa ran to the dunk tank. I was about to run after me, when Philza’s hand on my shoulder stopped me from moving. “Trust me. Just watch,” Philza whispered behind me. Philippa stopped beside the dunk tank, next to the button that would sink her father. “Hello Daddy!” Philippa exclaimed, waving frantically at Techno who was still sitting in the tank. “Hello Pip… What are you doing?” He asked, an eyebrow raised toward his daughter. “Dunking you!” She cheered before she reached up and pressed her small hand into the button causing the seat to collapse under my husband and dunk him into the cold water below him. 
Philippa let out an excited squeal as her father was submerged and she ran back to Phil and I was a bright grin on her lips. “I did it Papa! I did what you told me!” Phil let out a loud laugh and picked up his granddaughter and pressed a big kiss to her cheek, “Yes you did. You did so well sweetheart.” Philippa giggled and cuddled herself closer to Phil. I reached over and ran my hand through her hair and kissed her cheek as well, “Baba is very proud of you lovely,” I announced causing her to giggle once more. “Is that so?” The monotone voice of my husband called from behind me. I whipped around and found a soaking wet Techno, his wet pink hair hanging in his face. I grinned as I scanned him up and down before meeting his eyes, “Yeah, it is,” I claimed, crossing my arms across my chest. 
We stared at each other in silence for a moment before Techno’s face broke out in a grin as he took a small step forward, “You know what I have to do now babe.” The memory of what happened the last time this happened flashed into my mind. Oh god. I took a small step backwards toward Phil and Pip, “Hey now, you really don’t have to do this Techno,” I stated nervously. The grin on his lips curled even bigger, “Oh but I do,” Techno announced. 
Before I even had time to think, Techno launched himself forward and wrapped his dripping wet arms around me, burying his soaked face into my neck causing me to get wet as well. “Technoooo!” I whined out, trying to push him off of me, but he didn’t budge. “Y/NNNNN” He mocked, squeezing his arms tighter around my waist. I let out a sigh before giving into the hug and wrapping my arms around him. “You’re lucky I love you,” I grumbled into his shoulder. Techno chuckled, “I know.” 
We played games and ate junk food until the sun went down. Philippa was having a great time at the festival. Everyone had a soft spot for her and let her win every game she wanted to play. She got to eat all the sweets that she wanted. We never let her eat like this at home but because it was a special occasion, Techno and I agreed to let ourselves…. pig out for once… Pun sort of intended. 
Soon it was dark and we all gathered together in the L’Manberg square. The air buzzed with excitement as we all waited with anticipation at what was to come. Techno and I stood side by side, with him holding Philippa up between us, one of my arms resting on her lower back the other wrapped around Techno’s waist. “Beloved Citizens and Friends of L’Manberg,” Tubbo called from the podium, drawing all of our attention to him, “I’d like to take this time to thank you all for gathering here for our 6th annual L’Manberg festival. We hope you’ve had a wonderful time. Here’s to more prosperous years to come. Let the show begin!” He finished, throwing his hands in the air.
Immediately fireworks flew up into the sky behind him and exploded into a beautiful array of shimmering colors. Philippa’s hands moved to cover her ears at the loud noise, but her eyes remained trained on the sky. We all watched in amazement as the fireworks exploded in the sky. I felt Techno’s arm pull me in closer to his side and his head tilt down to kiss the side of my head. I pulled my eyes from the sky and turned to look at him. A soft smile was planted on his face when our eyes met. 
“Do you remember our first date?” He asked quietly as to not draw attention to us. I smiled and gave a small nod, “Of course. How could I forget, especially since it was six years ago today,” I teased giving him a small wink. Techno chuckled, “That’s true. Just, watching these fireworks really have me thinking about one of the best days of my life.” Blood rushed to my cheeks at his sweet words. “You’re too sweet. I think you���ve gone soft,” I teased my husband, knowing full well he had. Techno’s eyes left mine and slowly wandered and settled on Philippa that was still staring in wonder up in the sky. 
“Yeah. I have. I’ve been shown love. I have two, three counting Phil, who love me unconditionally. This morning I was woken up by this sweet little girl who has my hair and your eyes. Before I met you, I would have never thought that days like this… No, a life like this would be possible. I was feared and hated before I met you, and you didn’t show any ounce of fear or hate… Well, maybe dislike because I got yoke all over you… That’s besides the point. 
“The point is, if someone had told me seven years ago that one day I would be here, standing in an open field watching fireworks with my spouse and my daughter, I would have laughed in their face and then killed them without hesitation. I mean, you saw how I chased Wilbur around when he even brought it up when we first met. You’ve changed my life, Y/N. You’ve given me everything I’ve never thought possible. You’ve given me a real family of my own. People that I can take care of, protect, and be dedicated to until the day I die. But also people that I’m willing to drop everything to cook a meal for or clean the house for… You’ve made me a dedicated and domesticated pig. And I will be that, until my last breath.” 
Nothing could stop the tears that had begun to flow down my cheeks. Techno’s beautiful speech had made me cry. That jerk. “You’re my everything Tech. You’ve given more that I could have ever hoped for in this life. I am so completely and utterly dedicated to you. All those years ago when I saw your name pop up on my right arm, I would have never in a million years guessed that this is where the two of us would end up. Together, side by side, with a beautiful daughter between us. Thank you, for everything.” 
Our lips met in a passionate kiss. Everything felt so right in the world. The two of us, standing here in the spot of our first date, on the anniversary of our first date, with our daughter in our arms who’s currently enthralled in the firework show happening above. It was so right. 
“Ewwww!” Philippa squealed, causing us to break apart, “Baba and Dada kissing!!” She squealed once more, making a face of disgust. Techno and I exchanged a quick glance. “Oh yeah, you think kisses are gross?” I teased, leaning me head forward toward her just a little bit. She frantically nodded, looking between both of us. “Well then you definitely won’t like this!” Techno called. The two of us immediately dove our faces into Philippa’s and began pressing short little peck’s all over her face and her neck making the ‘Mwah!’ sound as loud as we could. Pip began to giggle and squeal loudly as we kissed her. I could tell we had gathered the eyes of the crowd because I could hear people cooing as we loved up our daughter. 
“Still think kisses are gross?” I questioned once we pulled our faces away from Pip’s. She quickly shook her head, before puckering her lips and giving each of our cheeks kisses. “Spread kisses?” She asked, pointing to her Papa Phil who stood just a few feet away from us. I glanced at Techno who just shrugged at me before leading us over to his father. 
“Papa Phil!” Pip cheered, reaching out of our arms toward her grandfather. “Well hey there Pip! Did you enjoy the show?” He asked, accepting her into his arms. “Mhm!! Now kisses!” Before Phil could respond, Pip had begun placing tiny kisses all over the side of Phil’s face. “Spread kisses!” She exclaimed once she was done. “Thank you Pip, I appreciate that. Do you want to go spread kisses to your aunts and uncles?” Philippa’s pink hair bobbed up and down and so Philza walked away from the two of us to the next unsuspecting target. 
As I watched, I felt Techno lean down and press a sweet kiss to the side of my head. “We did good huh?” My eyes left my daughter’s figure as I turned to look at him with a wide grin. “Yeah, we did my domesticated pig.” My eyes left his and found Philippa now in Wilbur’s arms, planting kisses all over his face. “We really did.” 
There you go! I really really hope you enjoyed. I absolutely loved writing this piece and just this whole series in general. It’s like my little baby and I really really hope you guys love it even just half as much as I do. Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me! Please remember to like, reply, or even reblog if you did enjoy.
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
So I started talking about it on Reddit and I think it deserves it's own post so here's my Manhunt Hunter post.
Basically I think this group of hunters really cover most if not all areas of the Manhunt and the only improvement would for the next hunter to be a Speedbridger to keep up with Dream on his nether escapes, bonus if they're also a strong fighter. Because if you pair that with Sapnap then Dream's got no chance of escaping unless he straight up just pays Callahan to /tp him.
You have Sapnap who's main thing is being the heavy hitter and the one who can keep up with Dream the most. Like Dream is very good at loosing the hunters by traversing various biomes however Sapnap is great at keeping up and keeping the adrenaline going. However I think Sapnap's weakness is that he will tunnel vision Dream and in turn end up in a 1v1 which ends up setting the hunters back because Sapnap has to re-gear up if and when he dies. However it does make for a great clip and epic fight.
Next you have George who is very good at reading Dream which is a great advantage for the hunters however it's easily countered by Dream just not talking. George is also very good at being a support player with a bow however George's weakness is that he panics a lot and announces that he's on low health which obviously puts a target on his back.
You than have Bad who is the adaptable hunter. He tends to struggle with keeping up although he has massively improved however he makes up for it with his insane supportive role and his ability to adapt to a situation. Biggest example being whenever Dream towers Bad instinctively follows where he is to cover up and possible pools of water whilst also still collecting materials Vs Sapnap and George who until recently try to tower up after Dream. An underrated Bad skill is him trolling Dream and causing chaos. However I do think the best thing for Bad to improve on is his blabber mouth because the amount of times he's said something and in turn given Dream an idea is hilariously embarrassing for the Hunters.
Then we have Ant who in my opinion is the perfect counterpart for Sapnap. Sapnap is very head on and will just attack Dream where as Ant takes a more defensive role and sticks more to assessing the situation and giving the necessary call outs to help the other Hunters. Ant is also the perfect material man like he will get ahead of Dream by collecting food and gear whilst the others keep the pressure on Dream and in turn dying isn't as much of a setback as it used to be. I feel like Ants weakness is his fighting skills, he's not a bad fighter but imo is maybe the weakest of the hunters in terms of PvP.
Finally we have Mechanic man Sam. He knows all the tricks and traps that Dream is making and knows ways of countering them which is imo the final thing that was needed for the Hunters and Sam fits it perfectly. Similar to Bad, Sam isn't the best at terrain travel but he makes up for it with his extensive Redstone and Ender Dragon knowledge.
So it's like Sapnap and Ant combined is a perfect balance when it comes to actually fighting Dream with Ant being the callout and defense to Sapnap's attack.
Then George and Sam are a perfect mix when it comes to Dream's traps and plans because you have George who can tell if Dream's up to something then you have Sam who knows how to combat most of the tricks that Dream does.
Finally we have the glue of the group with is Bad since in my opinion he's the leader of the Hunters because he's the one keeping Sapnap and George in check as well as making sure Ant and Sam keep up and he's very good at general leadership like telling Sapnap to stop chasing and to rejoin the group as well as knowing how to direct a fallen member back to the rest of the group. He's also the best mood booster and I love his cute trophy's that he builds in the extra scenes.
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dragonthewriter · 3 years
Six Months Later
Six Months. That’s how long it had been. Of course, that wasn’t how long it was supposed to take, Beast Boy had original said he was going to be gone “A month, month and a half at most. Just need to get in tune with my animal nature.” As puberty began to hit him, and rather late, he was starting to show signs of his animal sides taking more control, and even he had to admit it was making him a liability. So he headed off, taking his part of the T-ship. 
Raven had kept in contact with him. All the Titans did, but Raven was the only one who did everyday. A trend noticed by everyone excluding the empath herself. Their nighttime chats had often run so long, Raven would wake up to her communicator still out and still on. The first few times, Raven would apologize the next time they spoke, only for Beast Boy to tell it was fine. He wasn’t about to tell her how cute it was to hear her yawn and snore softly.
He started by heading to Africa, where he was raised. He had stayed with the tribe his parents had befriended, and who had taken him after his parents died and before the Doom Patrol showed up. He would tell her stories of going on hunts with the other men in the tribe. Even with his vegan sensibilities, he understood it was their way of life, and could respect that they took great care in only hunting for what they needed. It was around this time, she noticed his voice cracking a bit.
After two weeks there, he moved on, traveling to every biome on the planet he could reach. The arctic, deep in the amazon rainforest, the arid desert. He would regale Raven with what forms he learned, what unique things he gleaned from his time in their shapes. As it felt he had crossed off every location on his list, he told he was planning on coming home. “Just a week with the Doom Patrol, and I’ll be back in Jump City.”
But things kept coming up. At the six week mark, Mento fell sick, and he wanted to be there until his adoptive father felt better. The disease took longer to overcome than expected, and in that time, the Brotherhood had made a move in France. With Mento still down, Beast Boy joined the Patrol in their mission. Most of their time was just playing recon, Beast Boy and Negative Man doing the work of trying to track down their enemy. 
When he wasn’t flying over the city, he was keeping in touch, talking when he could, texting when he couldn’t. After two weeks, Raven awoke to one last message. “Found Base, Going dark. I’ll message you.” The three days before she heard anything felt like the longest in her life.
Then she got his call. At first, she didn’t recognize his voice, puberty definitely coming hard for the changeling. His voice has already gotten past the random breaking and was deeper. She heard him tell about how the Brotherhood were all back in prison but she wasn’t listening, focusing less on what he was saying and how he was saying it. His regular scrawny form did not match the voice he now spoke with. 
A week after returning from France, Mento was given the all clear, and Beast Boy was sent to return home… Until the Titans East had a problem and needed back up. Since Midway City was closer to Steel City, Beast Boy made the journey. 
A group of rather B-list villains had made trouble for the East team, and an extra Titan was enough to begin balancing the scales in their favor. Raven and Beast Boy’s nightly chats remained, now the empath hearing how he had stopped Johnny Rancid by himself, and other exploits she had to wonder how much he was embellishing. 
A message she did get from Bumblebee gave Raven pause. ‘Are you dating Beast Boy?’ followed by ‘Does he have a girlfriend or is he fair game?’ Raven ended up assuming Bumblebee just wanted a rebound after her and Cyborg broke up due to distance, and her only other choices were a civilian, which always had problems, one of the twins, who were way too young, and Speedy and Aqualad, who were comfortably in a relationship with each other. 
Raven did begin to suspect something though, when Kitten used her one phone call after Titans East arrested her to ask Raven if ‘it was open season on the green guy, or do I have to fight another one of you titans for the privilege?’
Once all villains were in prison, and Titans East released Beast Boy from their service, he was finally on his way home.
Until a storm hit his ship and he crashed just outside of Gotham. A quick phone call to his mentor, and Robin secured a place for Beast Boy to crash at Wayne manor, and the use of the Batcave to repair the T ship. Of course with the watchful eyes of Alfred using schematics from Cyborg to make sure he did everything properly. 
Just a day shy of the six month mark, his ship was airborne and headed back to Jump. Raven decided to use the couple of hours of flight time to mediate before their reunion, figuring six months apart had lower her defenses to Beast Boy’s abrasive personality. On the phone was one thing, but in person was a whole different thing. 
On her way, Robin stopped her, and said Alfred wanted to forward a message to her. “Tell Miss Raven that Master Garfield was quite eager to discuss her at length, and is quite fond of her. Also, if she enjoys tea as much as he says she does, I would love to have her try my own, as it would be nice to have a hero who actually appreciates it come by for a cup or two at some point.” Being the two more emotional stunted titans, neither truly grasped the message, focusing more on the tea portion.
“Really,” Cyborg asked. “No more vegan?”
“No, i’m still preferring to stick to that diet, but there were times I didn’t have the luxury. When in rome and all that.”
“So you don’t want to join us at the next Bbq and…
“Friend Raven!”
Raven barely noticed Starfire call out her name. She had entered the common room to greet Beast Boy, but stopped when she saw him in-between Cyborg and Starfire. Half a year ago, he barely came up to Cybrog’s waist, but now he was just about as tall as Starfire. His body was much more filled out, as well. While he wouldn’t been at Superman level of muscle, he was far past the almost stick figure he had been when leaving. 
And then there was the hair…
It was long, coming down past his jawline on the side of his face, the rest gathered into a ponytail behind his head. With the way his head had been turned, she couldn’t see his face, but when Starfire called out her name, he turned to her.
His eyes sparkled when he saw her. There were still that familiar shade of green, but something in them shined, and Raven noticed his pupils were more cat like. 
Even his face was different. Baby fat cheeks had become chiseled features, and his snaggletooth fang had found a home inside his mouth. But when he smiled at the sight of her, she could see the fangs were only sharper and longer.
And framing either side of his face was that hair. Raven was already back on it, unable to get past seeing it like that. 
“Come over, and say hi to the new Beast Boy,” Cyborg said, patting him on the back. Raven floated over to them, as Cyborg continued. “Notice anything different?”
Raven was never one for being at a loss for words. Even when she answered with silence, it was always clear to the listener, that it was planned. Yet here she was, unable to speak for a moment. 
“You hair,” she muttered out, making Beast Boy blush.
“Wow, I’m like a foot and 3/4 taller and you notice my hair first?” He brought a hand up to his head. “Yeah I never had a chance to get it cut, but first thing in the morning…”
“Don’t!” Raven said too quickly for even her own obliviousness to overcome. Everyone was now staring at her, Beast Boy’s transformation forgotten for her reaction to it. “I mean, you shouldn’t. It looks nice like that.”
It seemed to make Beast Boy relax, but Cyborg and Starfire just gave her a look.
“Well, if you think it looks good, I’ll keep it,” he said, giving her another warm smile that made Raven feel a bit weak in the knees. She could hear the words relay to her by the Batman’s butler. ‘Quite fond of her.’ Raven saw his eyes sparkle once more. 
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shyrose57 · 3 years
2nd part than.
8: (This ones longgggg) Their rooms all have the same beige (like brown mushroom color) walls and floors. As their not allowed to change that. But Watson has some bookshelves in his room along with a old adventurer cape that goes in front of his body and hangs to his ankles (Item-Ya Adventurer Cape is a perfect example. Idk the actual name for the kind of cape it is), some display cases featuring his strongest bows and arrows, along with a sword and axe, along with pictures of the group toghere and pictures from his travels on the walls, he has a single lone desk that is only used when designing new bows or arrows. Ran also has bookshelves, but his is bigger and takes up a whole wall, he also as a winter cape with fur on its shoulders hung up (he lived in a snow biome for a little while and made the cape himself), along with a single weapon case that features a lone damaged neitherite sword, he also has chests stacked along a wall filled with random stuff that he sometimes gives as gifts or uses to throw at people. Jackie has a few paintings and posters in his room, along with the only carpet in any bedroom (that he totally didnt steal from Grievous), a panting easel, he has a single display case in his room that displays the sword Porkius gave him for winning, theres also pictures of the group toghere and a small chest next to his bed filled with things that belongs to someone in the group. Grievous has a small bookshelf (one book is a naming book Watson jokingly gave him), a chest filled to the brim with blankets and pillows (cause for him comfort is a necessity), he also has a desk that he tends to fall asleep at when doing literally anything on it. Everyone also has a good sized wardrobe somewhere in their room that is filled with different outfits and w statue stands with either iron armour or empty. There is also a four-way-bunkbed in the living room/area, they typically use it when someone is having or had a very bad day and needs comfort, or when Jackie's separation anxiety is bad and needs to sleep with everyone nearby. 
Ran loves reading and sometimes gets mad when someone intrupts his reading. Watson loves designing new bows and arrows and just designing weapons in general (Grievous does too and helps him sometimes). Jackie likes to paint and has a interest in adventuring one day. They are well known but only in Subbin and surrounding cities. Though word does travel about them at times which can bring people to Subbin. They have 2 titles actually! First is used in typical matches, while the second is used in more formal or serious matches (like those for general). Ran: The Enderman, Partikel Tari (Dancing Particles, referencing how when he fights when serious its like he's dancing as he teleports around the field). Watson: The Archer, Multi (Referencing how he has more experience than anyone in the use of all kinds of weapons and can quickly adjust to situations). Grievous: Multi-Named, Unpredictable (referring to how he is by far the most unpredictable person in serious battles). Jackie: The Child, Diremehake (Underestimated, referring to how he gets underestimated a lot during any battle). They get recognized quite often and get called their stage names, when they dont want to deal with people recognizing them they often either yell at them to go away or just run away. 
9: They do all of the above! It depends on the match up (Jackie and Watson stay out of eachothers way mostly, Ran and Grievous make it one on one, and Ran and Jackie take them out quick). Oh the first time Ran threw Jackie was hailours. You could hear Watson screaming from the stands in fear and Jackie just head-butted the guy in the stomach. Then when Jackie recovered he just yelled for Ran to throw him again, and once again you could hear Watson screaming no and threats at them from the stands. Ran agreed and threw Jackie at the last person, who he just bear hugged as he hit and held them down. Then after the battle Watson smacked the two and chastised them.
10: At first he drops stuff and trips over his feet on a regular basis. But after about 3 weeks he fully regains his balance, and is able to finally walk without tripping at the start. While the attempts at bonding do work to get Ranbob and Cletus closer the two never get as close as the rest. Neither can really name what's stopping them from getting closer though. For the first week people need to constantly remind Ranbob to do all of those things. As he thinks the constant hunger, thirst, and tiredness is all normal when its not and their trying to get him to understand that. And while he eventually starts to do it himself, theres still some nights where he doesnt eat or drink or sleep. They just leave the two in the house, but later they do start to expand the house a bit to fit the new addition. He does not get his own place up, he just gives up after some time. He doesn't fall asleep out there to often thankfully, but since the house keeps falling on him he does get cuts and bruises quite often. He gets stuck in a rain storm only 2 times which isn't bad, but he does get semi-bad burns from them sadly that Benjamin has to sit him down for and have Charles distract him for long enough to wrap his wounds properly. And it only took Benjamin like 4 weeks before he finally got fed up and forced him inside and had him stay with them. He has dealt with a storm before when he was young! But it was when he was about 12 so its been a long while. 
11: He spends all of his free time glaring at them. And for the first few days whenever he sees someone from his group hanging around his brothers, he'll go over and pick em up and just carry them away. The fishermen worry for a bit that Ran may hurt them, but Watson assured them that Ran knows the two groups like eachother and wouldn't hurt them incase that could hurt his families feelings. 
12: Ranbob is extremely happy about potentially getting new members of his family! And eagerly tries to talk with them. But Ran is far less happy and actively avoids them (and drags his family away at times).
13: At the start they have no idea where their going. But when Grievous brings up about Rans damaged sword they decide to find a nether portal so they can find whats needed to repair his sword! And Watson decides on the way he can show them all the different biomes in the world, which Jackie is extremely excited for. 
14: If the fishermen get separated from Ranbob for too long he actively goes and searches for them. And refuses to stop until he finds them. When upset Ran loves to pick up members of his Haunting, though he doesnt do them often as he knows his Haunting doesn't like it when he does it to often. He and Ranbob also pick up blocks though as it's a comfort action and soothes them. Cuddles piles do happen! They happen more for Ranbob to comfort him after a nightmare or just a bad day, or when he basically relapses and wants to go back to Dream. But cuddle piles are more rare in Rans group, as cuddle piles only happen when anyone is doing really badly mentally or physically and just need comfort, or when they all just need some comfort. But their much more sentimental and have more meaning than Ranbobs groups. 
15: Oh definitely. I forget if I included it when I first introduced my Au. But soon after Ran escaped Mizu, he was hunted for his pearl and respawn ability. Though he killed the people hunting him. Every year he was out of Mizu and every year before he entered Subbin he was hunted by multiple groups. He's become legend just for avoiding so many groups and killing a vast majority of them. He's known as the "Green Eyed Enderman." and is a top goal amongst hunters. There are some times Ran got jumped in Subbin for being a hybrid but he quickly defeated them. 
Karl has played his role in this! Though maybe I could make it so he comes in later on during a really difficult part between the  brothers, and helps out. Using his own experiences in the SMP and seeing what ruined relationships like brothers does to someone and others, to make sure their relationship doesn't stay so broken and hurt so many people. Maybe at the end I'll have them go back and face Dream so Ranbob (and even Ran slightly, with how Dreams presence affected him) can finally be completely free. As of rn no one has a pet. But that question made me really want to give someone a raven and idk who. I want to have bits of the other Tales in it! Im not quite sure how yet but I want this to be a mostly Tales ONLY au (no main SMP stuff unless needed or necessary) as the Tales don't have enough love. He does write down the experience he had with the Dream Experience and writes down very important things, but other than that he leaves it behind. 
Im really happy to hear that you like my au. I love world and story building a lot and can't control how much I write sometimes, again im sorry this is so long and I'll do my best to not make anything this long ever again. Sorry if this bothered you
8: Sounds pretty interesting, overall. Was Watson-as his cape suggest-perhaps an adventurer? And he designs his own bows and arrows? Very cool. What kind of things does he come up with?  Ran also sounds like he’s traveled a bit. He knows how to sew? Has he ever made anything for anyone else? Where did he get his sword? Jackie’s got a carpet? Very nice, he deserves it. And a painting easel? How good is he at painting? Or is it more of something he’s just trying? Grievous sounds like he could build a very good pillow fort, and honestly, good for him. How often do they camp out in the bunk bed room? 
Ran not liking being interrupted is understandable. Does he ever read to anyone, or is it more some alone time for him? Grievous and Watson must design some terrifying weapons. Where is Jackie looking at adventuring to? Anywhere specific, or just around? And what language(s) is Ran and Jackie’s secondary titles in? Latin? 
9: Very smart of them, means it’ll be harder to pick up a pattern. And hearing about Ran tossing Jackie-I’m laughing. I’m not going to lie, kind of assumed it was planned pre-match, but hearing that they just decided to throw him? Watson’s reaction? Just...hilarious. Was Jackie even prepared for it, or did Ran just toss them without warning? Honestly, it kind of sounds like people might come to the Pit for the comedy just as much for the fighting. If this was the kind of thing that went down, I’d probably come to watch.
10: Oh no, Ranbob! At least he’s getting better. So Cletus and Ranbob never quite click, huh? Well, that’s alright. Sometimes people just don’t. Doesn’t mean they don’t care about each other! Ranbob thinking it’s normal, oh god. Does he ever say something along those lines, or get confused why the others are so worried about it? If so, how do the fishermen react to that question, and how does Ranbob react to the answer. As for the house, well. He can say he tried if nothing else-and hey, funny story to share with the gladiators later on. It’s good that he wasn’t caught in too many storms, less that he was caught in some at all. I’m sure that was a big help in convincing Benjamin to finally just put his foot down, which, honestly good for him. You go, Benjamin!
11: Ran, bud, chill. I like how you said his free time though-my first thought was that he immediately finished a book and went over to glare at them. Probably not true, but a hilarious mental image. Very glad Watson has reassured the fishermen-how did Ranbob react to that worry of theirs?
12: Ran’s actions are pretty understandable, but still a bit sad. How does Ranbob feel about them? Is he resigned? Determined? Upset?
13: Adventure! Into possibly dangerous places! How fun! Can’t wait to see where it goes. What do they see? What’s the first stop? How long are they heading off?
14: He won’t stop? Like, potentially will work himself into the ground won’t stop? Ran just picks up his members like blocks. And, oh boy. Ranbob wanting to go back to Dream? That’s just. Oof. Very much oof. How do the fishermen deal with that, and how do they feel about it?
15: Ran sounds like he’s had a less than enjoyable time out there. Do these hunters ever go after them once they leave Subbin? Do they target Ranbob? I mean, he’s another Endermen hybrid, and one who definitely isn’t as skilled as Ran, or as used to them. He’d be a much easier target.
So Karl’s gonna come in towards the end. Nice. Ran was also affected by Dream? How so? Obviously less than his brother, but did he ever notice? Did Ranbob? Sounds like it’d be a good final showdown, over all.
As for that pet raven, may I offer some suggestions? You could give one to Jackie and Grievous, so it can help them cause havoc, or maybe one to Benjamin, so it can help him keep an eye on his dorks. Maybe even Cletus, to help snag things, and mess with people, or Isaac, maybe to help find things. Even Watson, or one of the brothers, to help keep watch over their groups. Really, you could give any of these guys a raven. Depending on said bird’s personality, it could fit anywhere. Just depends on what you want to do with it.
I completely agree with you, we need more Tales AUs. Ranbob and Ran did come from what was basically a city of historians, perhaps you could use that to tie in the other Tales? Or even have them across the old ruins of areas on their adventure. Even chunk in more time travel, via Karl or otherwise, if you want to toss in more characters.
Ranbob pretty much starts over then. Good for him. How does Ran feel about that? Actually, who was Ran’s idol, and his general life on Mizu, before the Dream incident?
Other questions:
One thing I’d like to know is how the groups react to each other’s experiences and general life styles. Like for one, Ranbob and the fishermen generally seem more physically affectionate with each other, while Ran and the gladiators seem fairly less so, but no less close. 
For another, the fishermen probably still remind Ranbob to eat or sleep, which would probably seem a bit confusing for the gladiators. How much do they know about both sides? Obviously enough for them to want to help get the brothers back together, but like.
How much do the gladiators believe Ranbob’s side. Are they wary, or skeptical, or do they believe it completely, and if so, why? 
How long was Ran left running, evading hunters, and how has that affected him? How many times do both brothers say something concerning, and how do they react to what the other says?
You’ve said Ranbob occasionally relapses and wants to return to Dream. Does this happen on the trip? And if so, how do the gladiators react to such a thing-depending on how much they know about the whole thing, I can imagine mixed reactions. How does Ran react?
How do both groups react to the new endermen hybrids? They seem to have dealt with different instincts before now, so seeing Ranbob trail the fishermen and Ran just pick up the gladiators must be a bit strange. 
What can Ranbob keep down? Not only was Dream in control, and not particularly careful with his body, but supplies were probably also somewhat limited when he did eat. So how has that affected him? 
Are there any nicknames within in the groups? How do the gladiators react to the schedule change, considering they had set times for so much before? How do the fishermen react to the new areas? What habits are/become shared, and what habits are restricted to one group.
In general, just...how the fishermen and the gladiators differ in lifestyles, basically. 
For another, in one of the earlier post, you mentioned both Isaac and Cletus wanted to return to Mizu. Isaac kind of gives me a historian vibe himself, or some sort of archaeologists. Just a kind of person who wants to learn about history-perhaps something to do with the fact that he was played by Karl, and the whole time traveler thing. 
But anyway, what exactly did those two want to do down there? Explore, learn, steal?
And how would you say everyone’s personalities are like? Will you be introducing anymore characters, Tales or otherwise. It’d be interesting to see a Pit version of Tommy, or Puffy, or such.
How does Ran react when he finally accepts the truth, and what exactly pushes him to that? 
Hope this isn’t too many questions. I’m pretty invested, not gonna lie.
And seriously, I don’t mind the length. Long or short, I’m really just happy to hear more about your AU, and I look forward to more.
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